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Erris eye issue 44

Date post: 23-Jul-2016
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Erris Eye the FREE magazine for the Erris and Belmullet area in Co Mayo
Ná habair ach beagán, ach abair go maith é! August 2015 Issue 44 View online www.erriseye.com FREE Ann Nallen, Erris Heartbeat Defibrillator Group with storage containers for defib units. Photo compliments of Brían MacSuibhne.
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Ná habai r ach beagán , ach abai r go m ai th é!August 2015 Issue 44

View onl ine www.erriseye.com


Ann Nallen, Erris Heartbeat Defibril lator Group with storage containers for def ib units. Photo compliments of Brían MacSuibhne.

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Keep an Eye on Erris

Erris Eye Team

Editor's NoteKilm ore Our Lady of Lourdes church Aughleam ; Sunday 9.45am /weekdays 10.00amSt. Joseph's Church Bingham stown ; Sunday 11.00am /weekdays 10.00amSt. Brendan's Church Tir r ane; Saturday Vigi l 6.30pm /weekdays 10.00amChurch of the H oly Fam ily Carne; Sunday 12.00noon/weekdays 10.00amOur Lady of Dolours church Shanahee; Saturday Vigi l 8.00pm . Par ish Office 097 82350. Fr John Loftus 097 82350. Fr Kevin H egar ty 097 81011

Belm ul let Church of the Sacred H ear t, Belm ul let Sunday 10.30am , M onday 8.00pm , Tuesday to Fr iday 9.30am , Saturday Vigi l 8.00pm Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Glencast le Sunday 12.00 noon, W ednesday and Saturday 10.15am Fr. M ichael Rei l ly P.P. 097-81426 or 086-0847179 Par ish Office, Chapel Street, Belm ul let, Co. M ayo 097-20777 e-m ai l belm ul letpar ish@gm ai l .com

Ki lcom m on Aughoose Sunday M ass 12noonInver Saturday Vigi l 8pmCornboy Sunday M ass 10.30amCar rowtigue Saturday Vigi l 6.30pmPar ish off ice Aughoose 097 87701. Fr Joseph H ogan 086 734860.k i lcom m onpar ish@eir com .net

Bal lycroy Sunday 11am Saturday 8pm In isbiggle Island 2pm Saturday weather perm itt ing, r equested by fam i l i les (every 2 ? 3 weeks) Fr. Chr is Ginnel ly, Parochial H ouse 098 49134 Ki l tane Geesala & Doohom a al ternates Sunday 11am & Saturday 7pm W inter, 8pm Sum m er Bangor 12.15pm Sunday

Call &

Collectyour order

097 82889

Erris Mass TimesDear Er r is Eye Readers,Fái l te, welcom e to the August issue of the Er r is Eye. Our cover photo th is m onth is of Ann Nal len who m any of you wi l l know fr om the com m unity work she does with in Er r is. Read m ore below. I f you have a photo that you would l ike to see in the Er r is Eye please send i t to us at the Square, Belm ul let or to in fo@er r iseye.com . W e have had fantast ic feedback fr om our f i r st issue of The Cast lebar Eye m agazine. I f you would l ike to adver t ise in the Cast lebar Eye please get in touch. The aim of the Er r is Eye is to br ing together al l th ings local . The Er r is Eye is a platform for com m unity groups to use, a way to prom ote your act ivi t ies and to publ icise your events.  I t 's fr ee for any com m unity group, char i t ies, schools, spor ts clubs to use so please add us to your m ai l ing l ist . The m agazine is proving popular wi th businesses in and around the Er r is area, wi th m any adver t iser s indicat ing good resul ts fr om ads. Your suppor t of the Er r is Eye is great ly appreciated.  There is m uch to r ead about in the August Er r is Eye. Thank you to al l who sent ar t icles and photos. W e are now work ing on the local Er r is Director y for 2016. I f you would l ike your num ber included - r esident ial or business, please get in touch. To adver t ise in the dir ector y you can contact us on the detai ls below. Rem em ber to keep sending your notes and photos, com m ents and recom m endations for the Er r is Eye to in fo@er r iseye.com . Deadl ine for each issue is the 15th of the m onth, for distr ibut ion one week later.  Check out the on l ine version at www.er r iseye.com .    W e work fr om T&T on the Square, Belm ul let, 086 0651704.  Slán go fói l l .

Front Cover Recently purchased 12 heated external boxes which will contain a defibril lator accessible by anyone. It is important that the boxes are heated as inside the unit there is a battery which needs optimum temperature to last for 5 years. Recently a defib was placed into a local townland in Erris and lasted only 1 year. This is due to temperature of the storage of the defib. The boxes have a particular uniform colour and shape designed to be easily spotted in a cardiac emergency. Defib can be used by anyone and a minimum of 6 people will be trained in Erris as Cardiac First Responders (CFR).Pictured Ann Nallen who worked hard to secure the funding to purchase these boxes for storage of the defib units. Photo compliments of Brían MacSuibhne.

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Keep an Eye on Community

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Professional Cookery Course: QQI Level 5 in Gaelcholáiste Chomáin, Rossport Enrolment is now open for the 2015-2016 PLC course ?Professional Cookery QQI Level 5? at Gaelcholáiste Chomáin, Rossport. The course takes place in Gaelcholáiste Chomáin, Rossport with practical elements of the course carried out in ?Gateway Leisure Centre? Belmullet where students will practice their craft in a professional kitchen. Work experience is provided by other food & beverage businesses in Mayo. There are many modules covered, including:? Practical Cookery taught by an Experienced Teaching Chef. ? Work Experience in a commercial Kitchen. ? Culinary Techniques, International Cuisines, Menu Planning and Applied Nutrit ion. ? Meal Service, Food Science & Technology, Computer Skills & Communications. ?The graduates also hold a certif icate in Safe food for l ife: EHOA Certif ied. On completion, graduates have a range of opportunities open to them in the Culinary & Hospitality industry. Other options include pathways to Diploma and Degree courses in Third Level Institutes around the country. No previous catering experience is necessary. The course is a full t ime PLC course, taught through the medium of English and runs for the full academic year September to May. Transport will be available from Belmullet. For further information or to obtain an application form please see the contact details below. Depending on your circumstances participants can continue to receive their Social Welfare entit lements and in some cases Back to Education Allowance. Maintenance grant assistance is also available through SUSI. Places are limited to twelve students. Due to the small numbers of places, early registration is advisable. Places will be on a f irst come f irst served basis. Telephone (083) 8407128 or email [email protected] to book a place.

(Picture from L to R) Enda Brogan Managing Director of Frank Brogan Ltd., Seán Ó Coisteallbha, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Colette Deane, Course Co-ordinator, Rebecca Gaughan, Ali Elhammali, Teaching Chef, Geraldine Ruddy, Sean Gill, Ciarán O'Malley Principal, Gaelcholaiste Chomáin, Rossport.

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Keep an Eye on Your Community

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American StreetBelmullet

K E BABSVegeterian

MealsBur ger sH O G I E S



*Order Take Away 097 82797*

Great Deals Available On Facebook@Salmans Speedy Specials

Seirbhisi Curam Chil l Chomáin Teo, Teach Greannaí, Rossport 097 88935Féile Fáil teach Cil l Chomain (Kilcommon Welcoming Festival) takes place on the August Bank Holiday weekend. A festival for all the family, events will run from morning til l night. Music, Outdoor Activit ies, Sports, Currach Racing, Children's Activit ies, Dancing, and much much more.This exciting Festival kicks off on Thursday July 30th, with something for the kids 2pm ? 4 pm..Campa Coder Dojo! (as Gaeilge) Computer programming, websites, apps... For children 7 ? 13 yrs.Thursday Evening (30th) sees the launch of the Seirbhisi Cúram Chill Chomáin Teo/Teach Greannaí information booklet by Minister Michael Ring. Taking place in Teach Greannaí, there will also be refreshments, music by local band No Limits and a great evening of entertainment guaranteed. Fáilte Roimh Cách!Friday, July 31st we welcome you to dance the night away with Gerry Guthrie and his band in Teach Greannaí (beside Cornboy Church). Doors @ 9.00pm.Tickets available. Adm ?15.00

Saturday, August 1st  Portacloy Beach Shore Angling Competit ion. Seaweed & Shore Foraging. Children?s Treasure Hunt. Guided Walking Tour ? Clann Lir Loop. Call us on 097 88935 to register your interest in the above.Sunday, August 2nd - 2:00 pm ? 6:00 pm - Family Fun Day and Currach Racing in Rinroe. Lots of events in this fun afternoon ; Giant Bouncy Castle, Giant Bouncy Slide, Bungee catapult, Sports Games, Irish Dancing,  Tug o?War*, Rásaí na gCurrach* Food Vendors and Pop-up-shops . Admission: Adults ?5 / Children FREE Any vendors and volunteers wishing to be involved, please call the centre on 097 88935. Brought to you by Seirbhisi Curam Chill Chomáin Teo . Opening Times for Teach Greannai Diner (Beside Cornboy Church):Mon ? Fri 9.00?4.00, Sat 10.30 ? 2.30, Sunday 11.30 - 4.00,Diner/Weekend Take-Away 087 3383349 for orders, opening: Fri, Sat, Sun & Bank Holiday Monday 6.30pm - 10.00pmA sincere Thanks to the band, IMPULSE for a fantastic evening of music on Friday evening last, July 10th. Thanks to all who came along and especially to those who travelled a long distance to be here! We look forward to seeing you all again.Tuesdays f rom 2.00 pm we have our usual social get together for activit ies, demonstrations, games and exercise. New visitors always welcome. - Fáilte Roimh Cách!Tuesdays 11.00 - 1.00 Toddlers Play-dates: . This gathering is for those toddlers/wobblers not yet going to naíonra/playschool and up to the age of 4. Activit ies are supervised by the parents/guardians and the children are introduced to new litt le friends while the grown-ups can enjoy a coffee and a chat. Visitors to the area, occasional participants, All welcome. Inquiries by private message on facebook, email [email protected] or by phoning 097 88935. Also f rom 11 - 1.00, we have Tuesday Kids Summer Club (5-12 yrs.) taking place. There will be lots of activit ies ?5 per child per week, includes a snack. Booking is essential Call 097 88935 Seirbhisi Curam Chil l Chomain Teo Meals on Wheels Service 09788935Meals on Wheels service is provided from Monday to Friday in the Kilcommon area. There is no waiting list or pages and pages of forms to f il l and special dietary requirements accommodated. If you have any inquiries or you would like to avail dinner to your door on a full t ime or part t ime basis, please phone Mary on 88935 to discuss.Teach Greannai Birthday Part ies & Family Funct ions: We cater for birthday parties, christenings and all kinds of family get together. If  you are visit ing the area, why not drop in to us. We can arrange packed lunches for walkers and visitors here viewing our beautiful local scenery. Training/meeting rooms available to hire, please phone in 097 88935 or email [email protected]

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Keep an Eye on Festivals

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Erris Chamber in association with Lean Team Strategies has organised the Better Results Seminar as part of our Business after hours events for Chamber members. The seminar will take place in The Talbot hotel on Wednesday the 29th of July at 7;15 pm. Expert speakers on the night will be Paula McNicholas & Eoin Barry from Lean Team Strategies. The Better Results seminar describes the most successful culture shift in corporate history, how it was achieved and what you can do to make it happen in your business. The seminar tells the stories of how the approach was used to solve problems and streamline processes, crushing cycle times, saving millions and radically improving customer service. The seminar is designed for leaders, short and to the point but interactive. In it you will learn insights into creating ownership and accountability at every level in your company; in a way that creates a really good working atmosphere and fosters radically better results.Please confirm your attendance by email asap,If you cannot attend it is also permitted to send nominated staff members on your behalf , Please f ind attached information on our speakers for this event.Venue: The Talbot Hotel Date: 29/7/2015 Time: 7:15pm. Cost: Free to Members / ?25 Non Members. Durat ion: 1hr -15min. Tel: 097 20977 Joint Chairpersons: Mr. Damian Langan 086 3255025 & Mr. Tommy Talbot 086 8036901 [email protected] www.errischamber.com

Ireland?s Best Young Entrepreneur Competit ion is underway once again. The Local Enterprise Off ice Mayo have a 50k prize fund at county level to distribute amongst the three categories of Best Business Idea, Best Start up Business and Best Established Idea and there is a further 100k prize fund at national level. Don?t miss your chance to enter this competit ion.Closing date is the 31st of July. You can enter by visit ing www.ibye.ie or call the Local Enterprise Off ice Mayo on 094 9047555 for more information.

Campai Samhraidh ? starting in Eachléim from 4 ? 8 August between 10am and 3pm. Lots of activit ies on offer for ages 6 - 14. ?35 one child, ?55 - 2 from same family, ?70 - 3 or more from same family. For more information or to book contact 097 85727/ 85728?

?Tá Comharchumann Ionad Deirbhile ag iarraidh taispeántas nó ómós a dhéanamh ar stair Halla Naomh Bhreandáin, An Eachléim. Má tá grianghraif don Halla ag aon duine an mbeidh siad sásta iad a thabhairt isteach ag Rosemarie in Ionad Deirbhile chun digit iú a dhéanamh.

CFID would like to pay tribute to the History of St. Brendan?s Hall, Eachléim. We ask anyone with pictures of the hall to bring them into Ionad Deirbhile and Rosemarie will digit ize them and return your photograph to you. We would love to gather the information re the people in the pictures and all photographs will be given a credit. ?Anyone interested in doing a safe pass course contact 097 85728?

?Comhrá Gaeilge in Aras Inis Gluaire every Tuesday evening, all levels of Gaeilge welcome. Contact Agatha on 087 6482793?

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Worldwide every month

?50 per year086 065 1704

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Keep an Eye on Erris Services

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Bangor Erris NS Left to right...Fr. Chris Ginnelly, Mrs. Marie Howard, teacher, Fr.James Cribben, Left to right Mia Carey, Conor Ginty, Maria Carey and Megan O Boyle

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Keep an Eye on Your Community

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TEACHING THE NEXT GENERATION TO FARM OUR SEAS During the great famine in Ireland, many people were facing starvation after their potato crops failed; many of these turned to the sea and found a rich source of nutrit ion and protein, which sustained them through those dark years. In early 2015 the population of the planet exceeded 7 bil l ion, leaving many experts to ask the question, how do we feed the planet against this rising population? This question becomes all the more pressing in the light of predictions of future global population trends, with many experts in the f ield, stating that the world population would exceed 9 bil l ion by 2050, and may exceed 11 bill ion by the turn of the century.We are facing into an issue of managing our scarce resources, which includes food, water and energy and managing these resources to feed and sustain the world. The food that traditionally sustained this world was mostly farmed in a traditional manner, on farmland animals were raised for slaughter and vegetables were harvested from the soil. However landmass on this planet only account for 30 percent of the surface of the earth the other 70 percent is the oceans, which have complex eco-systems capable of supporting many species, both animal and plant and these species can be used to help meet future food needs.The oceans the saltwater depositories holds ninety seven percent of the water of the planet, the other three percent is fresh water depositories. However only three percent of the fresh water on this planet is available for human consumption, as ninety seven percent of the fresh water is frozen in glaciers and in the great ice packs in the polar regions of the earth or trapped in ground water. So the world faces a duel problem of not only having limited food resources to feed an increasing population, but also the pressing issues of ensuring that there is an adequate fresh water supply across the globe.

We need to provide food and water to all species on the planet, the key to making this a reality is through education, we need to educate our young, our next generation, so they can carry this important mission forward. To look to the seas, our vast oceans, so we can sustainably util ise the resources within these oceans. With this in mind we propose to run a pilot within the primary and secondary school sector, which will introduce our school children to the world of bio-marine, to the great advantages of sea vegetables and to the many uses of sea plants, which can be util ised across many f ields. Also we will highlight the many benefits of eating marine produce, such as oily f ish, shellf ish and crustaceans, which are packed with those essential fatty acids, which could offer huge health benefits to the next generation.We also intend to educate the student to the use of raw materials, such as the shells from shellf ish, which can be util ised to produce calcium carbonate (limestone), where it can be recycled as a building material in the construction industry, along with other uses. Also we will educate pupils about how the waste materials from the processing of f ish and sea plants can be util ised to the benefit of society, rather than being disposed of in traditional waste disposal venues. This pilot is followed by European agencies involved in education and the bio-marine sciences, which are campaigning to get bio-marine sciences onto the national education curriculums at primary and secondary level across Europe. By running this pilot in Mayo we intend to support a pan-European init iative, by opening education pathways to bio-marine sciences to pupils in the primary and secondary sector; which would open avenues to employment within bio-marine industries. The reality is that we face a problem of feeding the world with an ever-increasing human population, but we should not lose hope, we should turn again to the sea, to that of our greatest natural resource. The sea saved many Irish in past and it will do so again, provided we manage it correctly and farm the sea in a sustainable manner. We as a nation owe it to ourselves and to the next generation to make this a reality. So let us embrace this init iative and open young minds to the world of the bio-marine.

Red Rose Developments

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Err i s EyeCast lebar Eye 086 065 1704

Our Lady's Secondary SchoolSTUDENT OF THE YEAR - MAI MURPHY MEMORIAL CUP: Ronan Murray, (Notts County), Aiden O?Shea, (Mayo), Mary Murray, Ms Moran (Principal), Mr Holmes (Deputy Principal)

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Keep an Eye on Community Services

%12- Err i s Eye


Al l the Latest Err i s Newswww.err i seye.com


Meals-on-Wheels Geesala

Del ivering in the parishes of Kil tane,

Belmul let & Kilmore.Our meals are f reshly prepared daily,

in our premises in Geesala.Al l dietary needs are catered for, should you or someone you know

be interested in receiving meals long term or short term

Please contact 097 86868. We also provide a Community

Laundry Service that is open to al l members of the publ ic

*New del ivery & col lect ion now available*Please cal l 097 86781 for further

Informat ion.

Advert i se your business or service onl ine

086 065 1704 i nfo@err i seye.com

Golf Compet it ion - Fundraiser for the Irish Wheelchair Associat ion Belmul let  

On Saturday 22nd August at Doohoma (Sandy Banks) Gol f  Club

Start ing at  9am   Fee: ?20.00 Children?s Compet it ion also on the day.

Prize-giving Social  wil l take place in Tra Bui (Holmes of  Doohoma) on the 

night f rom 9pm. Music wil l  be provided by Chantel le Padden and Sean Fahy.  

There wil l  be a raf f le and auct ion on the night . Seafood ref reshments served.

Great day and night  guaranteed! For more informat ion please contact  097 81728. 

Fiona Bourke School of Speech & Drama, Belmullet Fiona Bourke School of Speech and Drama has become synonymous with a high standard of speech and drama training and a child centred, encouraging approach. Fiona is a primary school teacher by profession, with post graduate diplomas in Special Educational Needs and Management. Fiona is also a member of the Speech and Drama teachers of Ireland and is an experienced examiner with The Irish Board of Speech And Drama.Our Junior classes ??Litt le Bears Group?(2-4 year old) and ?Litt le Stars Group?(infants) are f il led with speech and language games, confidence building, improvisations, rhymes, puppetry, mime, speech and pronunciation work, dressing up, story-tell ing acting, speaking to an audience and lots more fun f il led activit ies. Middle and senior groups enjoy acting, solo and group drama, improvisations, games, poetry, mime and movement to music, role-play, team work, puppetry, effective communication, and public speaking, Each lesson is tailored to encourage social interaction, communication and development of imagination through drama.. The lively and imaginative approach used in our classes, ensures that students gain confidence in a fun environment.

Enrolment for classes will take place on Thursday 3rd September in Broadhaven Bay Hotel.. (7pm-8pm) Early Booking is Advisable.

Happy 7th birthday to Clodagh Togher from Piper, Binghamstowm on August 11th love from all your family

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Keep an Eye on Business

%13- Err i s Eye




Call David for Details 087 2347424

The app that?s making ?App store? more affordable one day at a time. This app is taking storm right now as it entit les its downloaders a premium app to download every 24 hours for free. Apps can vary from games to other handy apps. The app also counts how much you?re saving by adding up the costs of the apps if you were to buy them. So go on download this app and save yourself a small fortune.

The new competit ive app that will have you testing your music

knowledge. If you think you?re a music fanatic then prove it with ?songpop?. Play against other people online as you

race to see who can name that tune f irst. Play with your favourite genre of music or

pick from a wide range of genres that are available. For each session you win, you?ll unlock bonus content and power-ups. This game will have all ears for hours.


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Keep an Eye on Community

%14- Err i s Eye

Ballina, Co Mayo.

Many of you maybe don't realise that your unislim leader has been on the same weightloss journey as her members. I myself joined in '99 and f ive months later I

had shed two and a half stone and kept it off over 16 years later. I know what it feels like to be overweight! I've been there. Never feel that you can't face me or feel ashamed as I know what you're going through. For many people summer can be a hard time to lose weight. Kids are on holidays, weather is warm and there's more temptation around. This is the time not to give up though! I managed to lose my weight during summer so it can be done. Losing weight is not something you do for 6 months. It 's about making lifestyle habits that you can stick with for l ife! So if you're out there and needing to lose a few pounds but you're thinking

about waiting til September until summer is over then my advice is don't wait. You could be at or at least near target weight by the time September comes. Remember also class continues all throughout summer. Contact Maureen 086. 3132340 for more info. Belmullet Wednesday 6.45pm over Co Op. Crossmolina Thursday 8pm GAA grounds

1/2 punnet Frozen Blueberries, 230ml Skimmed Milk, 1 Frozen Banana, 1 tsp Fresh Ginger, grated,1/2 cup Ice

Put all of the ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth.Serve in a glass and garnish with some fresh blueberries.

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*ORDER TAKE AWAY 097 82797*

Keep an Eye on Community

%15- Err i s Eye

Tel:094 9256421Fax: 094 925 [email protected] Rd, Foxford, Co Mayo.

Foxford Co. Mayo

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Keep an Eye on Erris

The Corncrake and Other Activit ies in ErrisAfter learning - re-learning to be more exact - my cúpla focal in an Irish lesson with Agatha Hurst, ably assisted by her daughter Róise, (who taught us all how to play a new card game as Gaeilge), we were invited to paint the town red by another of the scholars, Rosaleen, in aid of the Tidy Towns effort. Actually, it wasn't the town and the paint wasn't red; my bit was the top rail only of the section of wooden enclosure on Church Road leading into Áras Inis Gluaire where the Irish lessons were conducted. Why, you might well ask. Well, as everything was free - paint, brushes, my time - I could hardly refuse such a generous offer. Feel free to admire our handiwork any time you are passing. Crit icism may be given, in writ ing only, on a very high denomination Euro note to any Tidy Towns Committee member. Of course, if you feel that you could do better .And - I'm glad you asked - the colour was gorm. The corncrake tour? Actually, it all went very well from the start with an excellent fáilte romhat and introduction by Rosemarie Mangan of Erris Beo, all the way to the f inish. Me and Róise, the young card sharp I mentioned previously, heard four of them;- one at the back of Barhauve church and three in Emlybeg South. It was when I heard the three separate birds calling on our last stop, that I knew that they were real thing and not tape recordings. And the Irish lessons? Priceless, were it not for the fact that the cost - including a cupán tae nó caife, was all of ?3.00 for a full hour in such delightful company as those already mentioned plus in alphabetical order, Angela, Joanne, Katherine, and Nicola, some of whom had never learned Irish before, proving that, l ike me, you are never too old, or l ike them, too young (extra brownie points for l iomsa) to learn new skills, or put old ones to new use, l ike painting. And the winner, if you are interested, of Róise's card game was . . . Joanne, ó Ceanada. By Liam De Paor.

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Keep an Eye on Business

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Keep an Eye on Farming

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Sale of Weanlings every Monday, all other stock on Tuesday

Watch our Sale live on www.mayosligomart.ie

Want to watch the sale l ive or buy stock onl ine ? see our website  www.mayosl igomart .ie for details. 

Yard opens at  7.30am ? Sel ler please note - Important that  al l  stock BOOKED is in the yard by  9.30or no guarantee of  booking number.  







The Erris Branch of the Irish Wheelchair Association held their annual BBQ in the Gateway Leisureplex on June 26th 2015. Music was provided on the night by The Duets. A great night was had by all who attended. We would like to extend a sincere thank you to the management and staff of The Gateway Leisure; we would also like to thank all who sponsored food for the event namely ?O Haras Bakery ?Carrs Foods ?Tom Dempsey ?Sheridan?s Butchers ?Surdival Foods ?Reilly?s Butcher Bangor Erris ?John Conroy Fruit and Veg ?Cuffe?s Centra Thanks also to those who donated spot prizes. We would also like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the people of Erris for their continued support.

Erris Care & Repair Service ? Appeal to Volunteers We are extremely busy at this time of year. Can all those who are registered volunteers with us and have Age Action ID Badges in their possession, please contact us to discuss your availability for jobs over the summer months. You will not be expected to carry out any job which would take longer than two hours. Many hands make light work! If you are no longer available to volunteer any of your time for Age Action, please let us know as we need to update our records.We would also welcome new applications from anybody who would like to join our team. You should have a positive, caring attitude, a little spare time on your hands and a willingness to help older people in your community with small tasks around the home and garden. Contact Lorraine, Community Officer at Áras Inis Gluaire on 097 81079 for details.

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Keep an Eye on Education

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Our Lady?s Secondary School, Prize Giving 2015

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Keep an Eye on SportErris Rugby Football Club are delighted to welcome Connacht Rugby to Erris this August. The Connacht

senior squad will be arriving in Belmullet on Sunday 23rd August for a four day stay and in addition to holding pre-season training sessions at our home ground in Drum the Squad will also partake in local activit ies and enjoy the best of Erris hospitality.  We are delighted that our youth players will have the opportunity

to participate and learn from top class rugby players. This event will be a fantastic opportunity for the Erris community to see elite professional rugby players in action and to support our regional team. Details of events and times will be posted to the Club Facebook page in due course. The Squad will be based in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel throughout their stay and this event is only possible thanks to the support and generosity of our sponsors.  Erris RFC will be hosting a Club Dinner to welcome the Squad on Sunday 23rd August in the Broadhaven Bay and a limited number of t ickets for supporters to enjoy an evening with the Squad will be available and if you are interested in attending please contact Sean Barrett on 086 2217049 or John Keane on 086 8172667.  This event a fantastic opportunity not only for our players and sports fans but also for the Erris community to showcase our attractions to a wider audience and show what we have to offer here and we hope that many will join us in welcoming and supporting the Connacht squad during their stay."

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Keep an Eye on Festivals

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Bal lycroy Nat ional Park Film Club We are delighted to announce our next FREE Film to be shown at our new Film Club will be Disney's f ilm Tarzan. The free f ilm will be shown on Saturday 18th in the Visitor Centre at 2.30 PM.All f ilms will be suitable for both children and adults. There is no booking requiredAll children must be accompanied by an adultThe f ilm will be Projected onto a big screen in our education room.

RnaG Dear all, There's a lady presenter on RnaG who occasionally does an interview with a very young girl f rom Donegal - (I think).It doesn't matter, if l ike me, you cannot understand a word being said between the two, as the chemistry between the pair is such that it will t ickle your serotonin receptors.To see what I mean, tune in to An Saol ó Dheas that was broadcast on Monday July 5th, about halfway through the programme; it should brighten up the grumpiest persons day like a supernova.At the very least, it shows that we Irish do not need to spend hours in a pub getting drunk, to experience the ''craic''.The fact that the interviewee knows more and better Italian than I do Irish, only adds to the wonder. Liam De Paor.

Mind yourself . With the stresses of school and society for teenagers and young adults ever prevalent in today?s world, there is a stigma attached to youth mental heath. Mindspace Mayo is a free and confidential support service for young people?s mental health and wellbeing. Mindspace?s aim is to support young people aged 15-25 who are going through a dif f icult t ime to ensure they get the support they need. The centre in the Market Square, Castlebar provides a welcoming space for young people to call in, get information or have a chat one?to-one with a support worker. If a young person wants support, our staff are there to listen, without making judgements, and to provide supportive guidance. We also provide information and advice to anyone who is worried about a friend or young person in their l ife. If you would like more information on Mindspace Mayo you can visit their website at www.mindspacemayo.ie

Thank you to Inver National School Teachers, Pupils, Parents and the wider Community on making a donation of ?250.00 to Erris HeartBeat Defibrillators from your annual fundraiser. It is much appreciated. Sixth Class Pupils presenting the cheque to Kathleen Mills and Ann Nallen

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Keep an Eye on Activity in Erris

Erris - The Best Place to Go WildYou can come to Erris for a stag or a henFor music, song or lettersFor sport or the light that artists prizeThere?s no wilder or no betterCome for golf, to walk or to fishOr to UISCE at Elly BayYou?ll be back as sure as the corncrake comesTo the Wild Atlantic WayYou will pass where the giant is laid to restIn the glen beside BelmulletNear the spot marked by a slab of stoneWhere ten men slit Danny?s gulletYou can ramble where the wild flowers bloomMidst the gorse and sedge and brackenFrom the National Park at BallycroyTo the Stags of wild BroadhavenThe Stags stand guard around Binn Bhuí headAgainst the wild Atlantic breakersWhere the turnstones and the Greenland geeseCome to spend the clement wintersYou can walk where each rock and cave and fieldIs loved and named and countedAn Chaora Bhán, An Bodach DubhAlt Breac and Cúl Trá ShíleOr stroll around Belmullet townOn the Brian Rua pathAnd marvel at his propheciesAnd the wild things he forecastOr journey along the Erris coastTowards the early fields of CéideVisiting the trail that the sculptors laidTo mark Mayo?s ancient birthdayYou might go the Logha or to Heritage DayOr to Doolough for a spot of gamblin?On that strand where Pegeen fell in loveWith the hapless Christy MahonMaybe you can try the Bangor TrailOr attempt the Cruinnish ChallengeOr the curragh racing on Blacksod BayOr the Pro-Am down at CarneFor wild are the dunes where the golfers searchFor the shots they sent astrayAnd wilder still are the fishermen?s talesOf the ones that got awayWild are the salmon as of Maxwell?s timeOn the Abhainn Mhór waterAs they ?fling themselves hurrying from the seaTo re-ascend their native river?And out on the dunes or at TarmoncarraIf you are truly blessedYou might hear the crex crex creaking callOf our most distinguished guestAnd fierce is the craic in Teach John JoeOr Holmes? or McDonnell?sWhere they talk and joke and sing and danceAnd there?s many an oíche go maidinAnd grand is the fare awaiting youAfter walking, golf or fishingAt The Western Strands or The Talbot barThe Broadhaven or Dishy DishyBut most magical are the InishkeasWhere the wild birds come to nestAs they did when Maxwell long since wrote?The Wild Sports of the West?

We welcome to the Barony of Erris 12 children form Belarus who will stay with voluntary host famill ies for the next 3 weeks for a rest and recuperation holiday. While they are here there are some fundraising occasions where people can meet the children while supporting the organisation. On Sunday night the 2nd of August there will be a social in Lavelles of Corclough. Music by DJ Mick from Westport. On Monday the 3rd [Bank holiday] at 2pm we are holding a fundraising walk of Cross Loop . Adults 10 euro and children 5 euro. On Friday the 7th of August there will be a farewell children's disco in the Haven nightclub from 8-10 pm. Admission 5 euro. Parents are welcome to attend with children. Contact Tisha @086-1735329 for any more information required. 

A humanitarian aid lorry collecting aid for Belarus will collect aid in Belmullet on Saturday the 25th July. The lorry will be at the

industrial estate between 5 and 6pm. adults and children's clothing and shoes in good condition. Bed linen, curtains

household items nappies and toys required. Contact Tisha @ 086-1735329. This will be the last collection for this year.

Here is the poem by Katherine Mangan when she nominated Erris as best place to go wild in 'The Irish Times' competit ion last year.

Erris Indoor Monthly MarketInside Áras Inis Gluaire

Sunday 9th August 12-4pmTea & Coffee Available

Local Crafts and Handmade Products

Face Painting Family Fun Day Locally grown plants & shrub Cost ?20

To reserve your table call Arlene 097 81079.

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Keep an Eye on Education

%23- Err i s Eye

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Keep an Eye on Erris

%24- Err i s Eye


Te l: 0 9 7 8 2 38 8 Ba r r a c k S t r ee t , Be lmulle t

?No charges ?No docum ent fees ?Flexible r epaym ent term s ?Free loan protect ion ?No up-fr ont charges ?No advanced paym ents required ?No penal ty in terest for ear ly sett lem ents

A r e you r ead y f or sch ool? ...

*Terms & Conditions Apply

W e ar e!

Legends of Irish music & song The FUREYS, renowned for their hit songs ?I will love you?, ?When you were sweet 16?, ?The Green f ields of France?, ?The old man?, ?Red rose café?, ?From Clare to here?, ?Her father didn?t

l ike me anyway?, ?Leaving Nancy?, ?Steal away? etc will perform in concert in Áras Inis Gluaire on Friday 14th August @ 8pm Booking Essential as limited seating available! The FUREYS have been entertaining audiences worldwide for 37 years, audiences that have included former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Former Irish President Mary McAleese and the late Pope John Paul while Tony Blair has publicly stated his favourite peace song of all t ime is the FUREYS ?Green Fields of France?. Recently Ireland President Michael D Higgins attended their concert in Dublin?s National Concert Hall. The band was formed in 1978 literally by accident. George, Paul and Davey were playing in Denmark with their own band called the Buskers and Eddie and Finbar, while touring in Germany were involved in a road accident. When George and Paul got news of the accident they immediately travelled to Germany to be with their brothers. They then decided that they should all be playing together and this was the start of the FUREYS. Inevitably changes have occurred over 30 years. Their brother Paul died suddenly in June 2002 and Finbar left the band in December 1996, however George and Eddie have continued to delight audiences on their tours and have just released a new CD ?The times they are a changing? The oldest of the brothers, Eddie Furey left home in 1966 and travelled to Scotland

at the time of the great folk revival where he met and shared accommodation in Edinburgh with then unknown folk singers Billy Connolly, Gerry Rafferty and Alex Campbell, now all famous in their own right. In 1969 with his brother Finbar, he was the special guest for the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem throughout the USA and Canada. In 1971 he moved to mainland Europe where he toured for seven years, building up a huge following particularly in Germany. Dave Stewart from the Eurythmics has credited Eddie with teaching him his f irst chords on guitar when they met up in the North East of England while Dave was stil l a teenager. The FUREYS are responsible for some of the most stirring music ever to capture the public imagination. Their folk based music has received standing ovations in some of the biggest concert halls of the world and they credit their musical ability to their parents, Ted and Nora, who were well known musicians themselves. They encouraged their sons to play music from a very early age and there was live traditional music in their house almost nightly. Their emotive songs stir many emotions? . tears and laughter, sadness and joy. A FUREYS concert is always a night to remember www.thefureys.com.

Advantages of a Credit Union Loan

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Keep an Eye on Business

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Keep an Eye on Business

Page 27: Erris eye issue 44

Keep an Eye on BangorBangor Church & School Area Reunion 2016 In late 2014, a group of people decided it would be 'great craic' to hold a Bangor Reunion week. A meeting took place and committee was formed.  Meetings are in Bangor Hall every Monday night at 9.30pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  We are always delighted to see new faces. Chairperson Michael (Micky) Carey, Secretary Edel Sweeney 083 3206526, Treasurer Shona Healy 086 1782797. The aim of the Reunion is to bring a week of nostalgia, fun, craic and ceol to Bangor from July 29th to August 5th 2016.  It is hoped that events will be held locally in Bangor Church, Kiltane GAA Complex, Bangor National School and Bangor Hall.  Like our Facebook page and help us spread the word.  

We are at present fundraising for next year's activit ies. We already had a night in the Talk of the Town and a pub quiz in Henry's Bar.  Both were very successful events.  Our next night of fundraising is in Kitty's (date to be decided) when we will have 'Take Your Pick'.  So, come along and try your luck!

Bangor Church and School area is a large area so please let people know what is happening - communication is the key. We are currently looking for old photos of Bangor vil lage, Bangor people and anything of interest to Bangor people where ever they are.  So, check that box in the attic!  You can email photos to [email protected]. This year, Bangor cemetery mass is on Sunday August 16th at 12.15pm. Following this mass, there will be a cup of tea or coffee in the Kiltane GAA complex in Bangor where the reunion team will provide information and help answer your questions about Bangor Reunion 2016.  See you there!

Bangor Hibs will hold a 20th anniversary function in the Gateway Leisureplex on Friday night July 24th. An exhibit ion of Club Photographs, Newspaper cuttings and other club mementoes will be on display. Bangor Hibs took the f ield for the very f irst t ime at the Killala FC Tournament on the 19th February 1995 going

down 3 nil to Crossmolina.The following Sunday on February 26th 1995 the club secured a f irst ever and indeed famous win against Swinford FC who were a Mayo Premier League team in that same Killala Tournament recording a 4-3 victory. The club entered the Mayo League in 1996 and played their f irst match away to Knock Utd on Easter Monday April 8th 1996 winning 6 2 with Tommie McHugh hitt ing 5 goals.The club went on to claim a number of Underage and Junior t it les in the past two decades.Look out for some photos from the past 20 years on our Facebook page in the coming days and weeks.Tickets for function now on sale price ?20.

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Keep an Eye on What's On

%28- Err i s Eye

Ballycroy National Park Visitor Centre is delighted to announce its schedule of events for the summer of 2015. The Visitor Centre, which is now in it?s 7th year and located in Ballycroy vil lage, is set to be a hive of activity. Open daily from 10am to 5.30pm, we are delighted to offer a varied selection of activit ies which cater for all ages and abilit ies. All events are free of charge (unless otherwise stated), but prior booking may be required for some. Contact us on 098-49888 or e-mail us on [email protected] PLOVER CLUB is a great way to have fun and learn about nature. Part ecology and part Arts and Crafts, they generally last one and a half hours. They are suitable for primary school age children accompanied by an adult. They will take place every Tuesday and Thursday 2.30pm to 4pm during July and August. The clubs are f il led on the day, on a f irst come, f irst served basis. Arrive early to avoid disappointment The July plover clubs are: Bird watching, Amphibians, Moths, Dinosaurs, Meadow Madness, Otters, Meat-Eating Plants and a Butterf ly Picnic. The August plover clubs are: Foxes, Outdoor Art, Coastal Wildlife, Orcas, Scavengers and Decomposers, Mini-Beasts and Make your Own Weather Station.*There is NO PLOVER CLUB on Thursday 16th JulyGUIDED WALKS will take place every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 3.00-4.00 pm on the 1.5km looped 'Tóchar Daithí Bán' Nature Trail at the Visitor Centre. A National Park guide will assist in identifying important plants, animals, and geological features of the National Park. There are countless photographic opportunities here from this charming trail including; a magnif icent 360 degree panoramic view to Achill Island, the Nephin Beg Mountain Range, the Owenduff Bog and the Atlantic Ocean.*There is NO GUIDED WALK on Wednesday 8th July.Saturday July 11th, 18th, 25th & August 1st , 8th , 15th         Film/Documentary Club @ 2.30pmSee website for detailsSPECIAL EVENTSThursday 16th July                                                   Artist Workshop, Dermot McNevinIn association with Féile Iorrais Folk Arts Festival, ErrisArtist Workshop with Dermot McNevin, Artist in Residence in Heinrich Boll Cottage, AchillBooking essential ?8.00 Áras Inis Gluaire 097-81079 (Beginners & Advanced students)Wednesday 22nd July                                   Ranger-Led Hike of Slieve Carr (Dif f icult, Strenuous)Booking EssentialSunday 2nd August                                                   Plant Pressing WorkshopsLearn how to make your own plant press and personalise homemade cards and gif tsMonday 3rd August                                                  Family HikeEasy hike through Letterkeen Woods for all the family. Uneven terrain. Booking EssentialAugust 9th                                         Basket Making WorkshopBooking Essential as numbers limitedSunday 9th August                                      Guided Hike of Nephin Beg (Dif f icult)Booking EssentialSunday 16th August                                                  Beekeeping ? A talk by Henry Horkan, Chairperson of Westport Beekeepers Association2.30-3.30pmSunday 23rd August                                                 A talk on The Historic Buildings of Ballycroy ? A Sense of Time and Place 4.00pmSunday 30th August                                                 A guided walk on The Tradition of Seaweed Harvesting (Meet at Claggan Mountain Boardwalk)3.00 pmMany thanks All the staff at Ballycroy National Park Ballycroy National Park Visitor CentreBallycroy VillageCo. MayoVisitor Centre +353 (0) 98 49888Fax  +353 (0) 98 49879Website: www.ballycroynationalpark.ie

Tips from Irish Water Safety on swimming in pools when holidaying abroad.1. On arrival at a holiday centre, which has a swimming pool, do not allow children to go immediately to the swimming pool until you have checked out the safety arrangements. On many occasions there may not be any lifeguard on duty.2. It is unwise to go for a quick swim after a lengthy car journey.3. Never swim after consuming alcohol or food.4. Obey all the usual safety rules that apply in any properly run pool e. g. no running, no running dives, no horseplay etc.5. Be particularly careful of young children wandering off .6. Check for pool depth markings. There may not be any so you must check the depths yourself if you are a competent swimmer.7. Ensure that you do not dive into shallow water.8. Watch out for children/baby pools that may be next to the main pool without any barrier between them.9. Watch out for sudden drops or changes in the gradient of a pool f loor.10. Check for missing, uneven or slippery tiles surrounding or in the pool.11. Do not swim or do not allow children to swim in a pool with discoloured water.12. Always swim, or surf, in areas patrolled by lifeguards.13. Swim in the designated swimming area when swimming in the sea. Normally, the red and yellow f lags indicate the zoned area for swimming.14. Swim with family or friends - never alone.15. Swim within your depth and parallel to the shore.

2016 edition of the Erris Directory & Diary

is under way. If you would like to advertise or have a

number you would like to include, please

contact us on 086 065 1704


coming soon

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Keep an Eye on Sport

%29- Err i s Eye

Belmullet/Kilmore Community Games This year, we have achieved an incredible 35 Community Games County Medals, from both athletics and gaelic football. On Saturday (20 June), the Gaelic U10 boys secured 16 silver medals, when they lost out to Turlough in the County Final and on

the following day (Sunday 21 June), our athletes secured a further 19 medals. Details of both events below.

Well done to the Gaelic U10 Boys Community Games team who reached the County Final and fought a close battle with Turlough on Saturday (20th June). Unfortunately, the boys came second place in this instance, but should be very proud of themselves in securing Silver County Medals. This team only came together in March this year, and played an excellent f inal. Thanks to John Gaughan who put so much into the guys, the training and the games. Thanks to Tom McAndrew and Ciaran Rabbett on their 'Assistant Manager' duties and also to Eamon McAndrew and Derek McDonnell who also assisted. Thanks to Belmullet GAA for the use of their facil it ies and especially Rosaleen Reilly who was so helpful. Thanks to Tom Gaughan and Noel Walsh for all your help with kit and jerseys. Thanks to all the parents and supporters, who assisted with anything that was asked for. Thanks to Deirdre Cuffe (Cuffe's Centra) who sponsored the 'Pizza Party'.

Back (L/R) James Lavelle, James Quinn, Coilín O Donnell, Jack Hefferon, Kyle Hefferon, Oisín Reilly, Leo Reuland, Eoin Gaughan, Lenny Gilbert. Front (L/R) Christopher Gaughan, Éanna Dixon, John Howard, Seamus Howard, Josh Henderson, Tadhg Quinn, Jason Walsh. (Missing from photo Conor Walsh)

Huge congratulations to all the competitors in the Track & Field Athletics County Finals of the Community Games, held in Claremorris on 21st June. The following 30 athletes represented the Belmullet/Kilmore Community Games club, and all performed excellently at county level, where the standard is very high. Huge achievement for all. Many thanks to all who assisted in any way on the day of our qualifying games in Tallagh on 4th May. Thanks to Kilmore FC for the loan of their equipment. Gratitude to Martin McIntyre and all the others, who gave our athletes 2 sessions of training/advice prior to county games. All 30 participants should be very proud of their performance, without any intensive training or preparation, you have achieved so much. You are all winners!!!! Here's to next year!!

Boys U8 60m Mikie Monaghan

Girls U8 60m Mallaidh Lavelle

Boys U8 80m Ashtin Monaghan (GOLD)

Girls U8 80m Emma Duffy

Boys U10 60m (Hurdles) Éanna Dixon

Girls U10 60m (Hurdles) Annaleigh Nallen

Boys U10 200m Seamus Howard (BRONZE)

Girls U10 200m Jenna Boccuzzi

Boys U10 100m James Lavelle

Girls U10 100m Kia Lavelle (SILVER)

Boys U12 100m Matthew Togher

Girls U12 100m Heidi Monaghan

Boys U12 600m Cilian Reilly

Boys U14 100m Dara Padden

Boys U14 800m Matthew Walsh

Girls U14 800m Kelly Hefferon

Boys U16 100m Stephen Gibbons

Boys U16 1500m Leo Howard (SILVER)

Boys U16 High Jump Anthony Walsh (GOLD)

Mixed U10 RELAY (BRONZE) James Lavelle Seamus HowardKia Lavelle Jenna BocuzziÉanna Dixon Annaleigh Nallen

Boys U12 RELAY Matthew Togher Oliver DeaneCilian Reilly Padraig Meenaghan

Girls U12 RELAY Heidi Monaghan Annie CanningClíona Murray Kirsten Walker

Boys U14 RELAY (BRONZE) Dara Padden Jack CanningMatthew Walsh Eamon Fallon

Mixed U15 RELAY (SILVER) Evan Ivors Padraig CowmanHolly Monaghan Lauren Padden


Margaret and joe Cuffe presenting the Eddie Cuffe memorial cup to Michael Holmes winner of the Belmullet Erris Lions Club two day fund raising golf competing held in Doohoma golf course 2nd place Danny Malone ,3rd Enda Craig, 4th Kevin Conroy, 5th Pat Hayes. Ladies 1st Emer Gilroy 2nd Delia Mc Andrew, 3rd Shellia Tallott 4th Maria Cuffe.

Page 30: Erris eye issue 44

Business Directory

To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@err i seye.com

Prendergast Agricul tural Consul tancy

Advice on al l farming mat tersGLAS & AEOS Appl icat ions

M icheal PrendergastChapel St Belmul let

086 811 9256 [email protected]


Lavel les PharmacyBelmul let 097 81053

Ki l lala 096 32465

Bangor Err i s 097 83911

lavel lespharmacy@gmai l .com


Arts & Entertainment

Aras Ini s Gluai reBelmul let

Exhibi t ions & Entertainment097 81079

www.arasini sgluai re.ie

Home Heating

J&E Hughes Oi lHeat ing oi l , Road & agr i diesel ,

pet rol , lubr icants, tanks

Dai ly Del iver ies

Dennis on 086 264 4600


Cake Specialists

O'Donoghues BakeryCake & bakery Special i sts

Bridge Rd Belmul let097 81082


Cacai Alainnwww.lovelynaturalcakes.com

Wedding Cakes, Novel ty Cakes, Bi r thday Cakes al l made wi th

natural i ngredientsStephanie Fal lon 086 852 8681

Cakes By AngelaCakes for al l Occasions

Personal i sed Cakes086 402 5521

angelageraghty57@hotmai l .comwww.cakesbyangela.ie

Fusion Insulat ion Stop the cold thi s winter

Mayo's Spray Foam ExpertsErr i s based cal l for quotat ion

1890 818838/ 0872416181 www.fusioninsulat ion.com


Er r i s Gr oup Speci al i stsTarmacadam

Driveways, Car Parks, Farm Roads

Block PavingKerbs Suppl ied & LaidNo Job too Big or Smal l

15 Years ExperienceFor Free Quote Cal l

J.P.Caf ferkey & Son097 83028

086 319 4368

Construction & Civil

Print & Embroidery

T&T ClothingPrint & Embroidery Special i sts

The Square Belmul letsales@t tclothing.iewww.t tclothing.ie

086 065 1704


Ardagh Agri ServicesMowing,Tedding, Raking,Bal ing

Agricul tural Machinery

096 72803- 087 626 2727

Crossmol ina Rd, Bal l i na


Mangans Furni ture Carpets, vinyl , wooden f loor ing, bedding, 3 piece sui tes, bedroom

& dining setsBarrack St Belmul let 097 81084

jmancon@hotmai l .com

Accountancy Services

Thomas McHugh & CoChartered & Cert i f ied

AccountantsRegistered Audi tors

Quay St , Belmul let , Co MayoBelmul let 097 81507Bal l i na 096 79780

Fax 097 81744

Cleaning Services


Gerry Rowland Auctioneer & Valuer

Property Valuations - Sales -AuctionsFor all Your Auctioneering Needs

Telephone: Gerry Rowland, AKA The Bumble Bee

086 8459414 or 09670854www.theoptimumgroup.ie

Sharkey & Co AccountantsBookkeeping & Accounts Payrol l

& Vat - Sole Trader Accounts Tax Returns - Farm Accounts Lim ited Com pany Accounts

The Enterprise Centre Main Street Crossmolina Co. Mayo

Tel: (087) 7978643

O'Raghal laigh Agricul tural , Construct ion & Civi l

Engineering * Trial Holes * Infrastructure

Development * Drainage Service * Site Remediation Works * Land

Reclamation * Bulk Earthworks * Raft & Strip Foundations *Site

Services & Setting Out * Septic Tank & Eff luent Treatment Systems * All

Ancillary Site Works

+353 (0)87 1035 227 [email protected]

Visi t Us Onl ine www.err i seye.com

Get your digi tal Version

FREEErris Directory & Diary on sale now

at T&T Clothing, The Square, Belmullet and other outlets.


Jimmy Donoghue HackneyTal lagh Road, Belmul let8 & 14 Seater M ini Bus

086 315 2051Cast lebar, Galway, Sl igo Hospi tal runs

Knock Ai rportI nvoices Avai lable


W W W .ERRISEYE.COMW e get 500 plus reads of our

m agazine on l ine every m onth, r each your custom ers for on ly

? 50 per year 086 065 1704

Fitted Kitchens

SYMPHONY KITCHENSBarcastle Retail Park, Castlebar, Hours Mon - Fri: 09:00 -18:00

Sat: 10:00 - 17:00094 90 26100

www.symphonykitchens.ie [email protected]

We will beat any price on a like for l ike basis

Doocey Metal Recycl ingWe buy & col lect al l t ypes of

scrap metal , sk ips avai lable.

085 129 3864 087 690 5283

097 86805

Seanfhocal Is fearr rith maith ná droch sheasamh. (Better a good run than a bad stand)

Page 31: Erris eye issue 44

To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@err i seye.com

Bourke Carr igg & Lof tus Sol ici tors

Rear of Lavel les PharmacyBelmul let

096 21455/ 086 028 6000 marc@bcl law.ie


Michael G Bohan & Co Sol ici tors

No 6 Church St , Belmul letNo 7 Teel ing St , Bal l i na

096 78000/ 79699emai l bohanlaw@ei rcom.net

Business DirectoryCar Sales & Service

Michael Conroy Motors

New & used car and van sales & service

NCT Prep & Valet ing24hr Recovery Service

085 778 5268

Walshes GarageSales & Servicing of al l makes

Accident & Breakdown Recovery

NCT Prep Body Shop Repai rs24hr Recovery Service

Chapel St reet , Belmul let097 82260 / 087 224 6176

Breaf fy Road Cast lebarCo.Mayo

094 902 3531toghertyres@ei rcom.net




Gi lvarry Sol ici tors & Associates

Employment Law, Li tegt ion Probate, Commercial Law

Uni t 9 Moneen Retai l Park Cast lebar 0949023366

info@gi lvarrysol ici tors.ie


Rory Quinn Jewel lersBridge St , Bal l i na

096 71744Engagement r i ngs

Wedding bands Watches, gi f t s & much more


BelmulletCounty Mayo

Open Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm097 81014 / 086 315 9485

[email protected]


Dr J V Flynn Church Rd, Bangor Erris

097 83486Dr Swanick, Church Road,

Belmullet 097 82434Dr Molloy, Quay Street, Belmullet 097 81156

Dr Hussain, Glenamoy, Ballina 097 87848

WestDoc 1850 365 000

Mayo County Library operates a free service for Children. New Members are always welcome.Opening hours are :Tuesday 12noon til 7pmFriday 11am t il 4pmSaturday 11am t il 4pm (Closed on the Saturday of a Bank holiday weekend)


Take Away

St Vincent de Paul

Confidential Helpline

085 1305390


Beside Tim Quinn?s off ice American Street, Belmullet

096 21122/21424 [email protected]

Wills, Lit igation, Commercial Law,Title to land, Purchases, Sales

& Farm Settlements.


As part of the Music Generation project Belmullet Library will operate a musical instrument

lending service in 2015.There will be a wide range of musical

instruments available. If you are interested in this service please contact Kate on 097 82555 or

[email protected] or call into the library.

IWA Needs Your Support - Become a Friend of IWA!www.iwa.ie/ fundraising/Friends-of-IWA-Draw/ register

Be an Angel, Buy an Angel - Text DONATE to 57802Each text cost ?2 with proceeds to IWA.For more information visit:

www.iwa.ie/ fundraising/angelsIWA receives a minimum of ?1.40 from Vodafone, 02 and Meteor texts. For further information or if you experience any problems please call the Text

Donate helpline 0818 217100.

M&C Financial ServicesI nsurance, Pensions, I nvestments

Special of fers on Li fe Cover & al l your insurance needs

094 902 0677

Financial & Insurance

Chi ldren?s book clubI f your chi ld is a keen reader and

would l ike to join a chi ldren?s book club (age 8 to 11) please contact Kate  in

Belm ul let Librar y on 097 82555 or khealy@m ayococo.ie for m ore detai ls.

Belm ul let Librar y is due to launch a lending system for M usical

instrum ents. This is a fantast ic oppor tun i ty for Chi ldren to have

access to a wide range of new m usical  instrum ents. I f you are in terested in

learn ing to play or teaching m usic please contact  Belm ul let Librar y.  

For m ore detai ls on the M usic Generat ion lending system and a l ist of instrum ents avai lable contact Kate on 097 82555 or khealy@m ayococo.ie

or cal l in to the Librar y.

The weekly Tidy Towns group clean-up will now take place

every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m., meeting at the Bank of

Ireland on the square. Please try and come along! We'll be doing

litter picking and pulling up unwanted weeds, so bring along a spade or hoe if you have one, and

a friend or two! Also Friday evening at 7pm we're

meeting at Belmullet National School to the docks area to do a

'Cleaner Coast' t idy up so if ye can come along and help in any way

that would be great. Keep Belmullet beautiful!

Mayo Window Cleaning Service

Domest ic, Commercial & Indust r ial

086 2220099i [email protected]


St Vincent de PaulConfidential Helpline

085 1305390

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