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ERSAF audiovisual heritage of historical land use data for EXPO 2015

Date post: 11-Aug-2015
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ERSAF'S AUDIOVISUAL HERITAGE OF HISTORICAL LAND USE DATA FOR EXPO 2015 Marco Cicala ([email protected]) Franco Guzzetti ([email protected]) Marco Stevan ([email protected]) Paolo Viskanic ([email protected])
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EXPO  2015

Marco  Cicala    (marco.cicala@r3-­gis.com)Franco  Guzzetti ([email protected])Marco  Stevan    (marco.stevan@r3-­gis.com)Paolo  Viskanic (paolo.viskanic@r3-­gis.com)

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● The  client

● The  request

● The  challenge

● Our  solution

● The  technology

● Your  questions

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The  client


1. Support  the  Government  of  the  Regione Lombardia in  achieving  it‘s  

strategic    development  objectives

2. Offer  technical  services  in  the  field  of  agriculture  and  forestry  to  the  

public  and  private  sector


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The  request● Multimedia  web  application  on  the  transformation  of  the  territory  of  

Lombardy  in  the  past  60  years

● Focus  on  topics  of  EXPO  2015

● Valorisation  of  the  data  and  work  of  ERSAF

● Good  balance  between  user  friendly  user  interface  and  scientific  rigorosity

● Advanced  mapping  capabilities:  navigation  in  time  and  in  space  (3D)

● Use  of  the  ortophotographic images  from  1954  to  today

● Fruibility in  different  languages

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Our  solution

● Web  based  responsive  application

● Compatible  with  smartphones  and  tablets

● Content  management  system  for  text,  multimedia  and  geographic  data

● For  Expo  it  is  accessible  through  a  kiosk

● Multilingual:  Italian,  German,  English,  Chinese,  Russian

● Tag  based  connection  between  contents

● Sharing  of  data  on  social  networks

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LanguagesAll material in the application is stored in aDatabase. Text are stored in 5 languages:Italian, English, German, Chinese, Russian.The user selects the language at the beginningof his journey and all contents are then proposedin the chosen language. Names of Places andtraditional products are not translated. Videosare not translated but under titled in English.

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In addition the user can save all contents ofinterest in a virtual drawer and at the end sendthe content of his drawer to his mail address. Sothe experience doesn’t end

On each page the user can share the contentwith the most common social Networks.

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Touch  Screen  KioskThe application is accessible alsothrough touch-­screen kiosks placed instrategic places in Milano.

During Expo 2015 one kiosk is placedfor a period of time inside theexposition area.

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4  linked topicsFour access points to the archive of ESRAF which highlight differentthematic aspects:

LAND focuses on changes in land use and spatial distribution of

specific products or

PRODUCTS on the typical gastronomic products of Lombardy

STORIES on people and their lives

ITINERARIES on thematic routes and waypoints.

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Web  application

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NavigationLevel  1

Level  2

Level  3

Navigation  through  tag  algorythm.

Traditional  navigation  through  menu

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NavigationStarting from any theme the usercan follow the different routes todiscover the contents or jumpbetween thematic areas followingthe dynamic links between contents.

For each topic the most relatedpages from the same or from theother thematic areas are accessiblethough hyperlinks.

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NavigationAn  algorithm  analyses  the  tags  of  the  content  currently  visualized  by  the  user  and  proposes  links  to  other  similar  or  related  content  in  the  database.This  system  allows  to  add  content  also  at  a  later  stage,  since  it  will  be  embedded  in  the  system  through  dynamically  created  links,  which  don‘t  require  specific  programming.


Link  1Link  2Link  3Link  4...


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Non  linear  navigation:  TAGsEach  content  is  tagged  in  order  to  describe  it.  The  tags  are  of  geographical  type  (place  names  or  polygons),  categories  to  which  the  content  belongs  or  keywords  about  the  content  itself.

Name Salame  Cremona  IGP

GeoTag:Regione  Lombardia,  Emilia  Romagna,  Veneto,  Piemonte

Polygon: Tag  category:  Products

Tag:Pork meat,  consortium,    norcino (pork butcher).....

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Non  linear  navigation:  TAGsName Salame  Cremona  IGP

GeoTag:Regione  Lombardia,  Emilia  Romagna,  Veneto,  Piemonte

Geometry: Tag  category:  Products

Tag:Pork, meat,  consortium,    norcino (pork butcher).....

Name Interview  to  Valeria  Ciglia

GeoTag:Val  Cuvia,  Province  of  Varese

Geometry: Tag  category:  Stories

Tag:Pork  farming,  goat  farming,  milk,  meat,  cheese,  consortium, …

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Non  linear  navigation:  TAGsName Salame  Cremona  IGP

GeoTag:Regione  Lombardia,  Emilia  Romagna,  Veneto,  Piemonte

Geometry: Tag  category:  Products

Tag:Pork, meat,  consortium,    norcino(pork butcher).....

Name Interview  to  Valeria  Ciglia

GeoTag:Val  Cuvia,  Province  of  Varese

Geometry: Tag  category:  Stories

Tag:Pork  farming,  goat  farming,  milk,  meat,  cheese,  consortium, …

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Non  linear  navigation:  TAGs

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Non  linear  navigation:  TAGs

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Traditional  Navigation1.  Level,  initial  page

The user can choose the areaoof interest from which to starthis navigation.One can always return to thislevel by clicking the homebutton.

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2.  Level  -­ choice

Once a theme area ischosen the user can flowthe products or stories ornavigate the map in caseof land or itineraries.

Traditional  Navigation

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Traditional  Navigation3.  Level  -­ details

This level allows to access thedetail information. Part of thescreen is dedicated to links torelated content (through the tagsystem). It is also possible todownload related reports or in thecase of food products relatedrecipes. The linked content will besaved in a virtual drawer, which atthe end of navigation can be sentto the users email address.

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Land  transformationsMaps  can  be  viewed  in  three  ways:• By  navigating  a  user  

friendly  map  interface

• By  viewing  the  information  on  a  digital  terrain  model  in  3D

• If  historic  series  of  data  are  available,  by  navigating  back  in  time.

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Land  transformationsMaps  can  be  viewed  in  three  ways:• By  navigating  a  user  

friendly  map  interface• By  viewing  the  

information  on  a  digital  terrain  model  in  3D

• If  historic  series  of  data  are  available,  by  navigating  back  in  time.

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Land  transformationsMaps  can  be  viewed  in  three  ways:• By  navigating  a  user  

friendly  map  interface• By  viewing  the  

information  on  a  digital  terrain  model  in  3D

• If  historic  series  of  data  are  available,  by  navigating  back  in  time.

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ItinerariesThe  most  interesting  itineraries  were  selected,  which  are  linked  to  other  contents.

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ItinerariesEach  itinerary  contains  a  datasheet  on  each  stop,  with  pictures,  descriptions,  additional  information  to  download  and  links  to  other  related  content.

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Content  ManagementA  content  management  system  allows  to  add  and  describe  content,  assign  it  to  a  specific  category  and  tag  it  for  navigation  in  the  portal. This  applies  to  all  types  of  content:-­ Text-­ Images-­ Videos-­ Maps

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Content  Management



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TechnologyThe  whole  solution  is  based  on  solely  Free  and  Open  Source  Software:• Apache  as  web  server• MapServer to  generate  maps• PostgreSQL/PostGIS as  spatial  database• PHP/MapScript for  custom  rendering• Openlayers 3  as  map  client• Cesium /ol3cesium  library  for  3D  maps• MapProxy to  cache  map  tiles

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