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ESCRI - Milestone 5 - General Project Report Final Rev 2 or ness of e taken present make respect ......

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ES Ene Sou An Eme MI Dece Pha SC rgy Sto th Aust erging Renew ILEST mber 20 ase 1 CRI orage f o tralia wables “Mea T ON 15 Gen I-SA or Com asure” projec NE 5 neral A mercia ct with the A Proje l Renew Australian Re ct Re wable I enewable Ene port ntegra ergy Agency tion



An Eme




SCrgy Sto

th Aust

erging Renew


mber 20

ase 1 –

CRIorage fo


wables “Mea



– Gen

I-SAor Com

asure” projec

NE 5neral



ct with the A


l Renew

Australian Re

ct Re

wable I

enewable Ene



ergy Agency



This ReServiceAustrali14 Augissued ARENA


The Auand reqtargetinenergy,possibleand othReport has bee

a. b.

c. d.

The Audetailedthe Info

This Reas reprea full recomm

The Auof any other thusefulnReport achieve



eport has bes Pty Ltd (ian Renewa

gust 2014 bin accordan

A and the Au

g, reproducd by ARENA

uthors have quirements ng the deve, and have e given the

her third paris valid only

en prepared

In accordanWith the asEnergy MaOn the basIn reliance review wasthe Authors

uthors have d verificationormation.

eport must esentative oand comp


uthors accepuse or purhan ARENAess of the Ithat any a


r, this Repoes of obtaintion with an

s recommeake indepen any decisio

een prepar“WP”) and able Energybetween AGnce with theuthors.

ction or distA) is not pe

used all reof the Emeelopment otaken all r

e data and rties (“Infory for the cod:

nce with thessistance ofrket Operat

sis of the Infon the Inf

s carried ous.

not conducn of the Info

only be reaof the gene

prehensive about the P

pt no liabilitported reliaA in accordInformation

assumed co

ort does nning legal ony investmeend that alndent investon regardin

ed collaborElectraNet

y Agency (“GL and ARe Agreemen

tribution of rmitted.

easonable eerging Reneof emergingreasonable informationmation”) an

onditions rep

e instructionf AGL, EN, tor personnformation; aormation asut, without f

cted, and wormation an

ad in its entral findings assessmen


ty or responance upon tdance with contained

onditions co

ot addressr financial i

ent in or funl parties stigations regg the Projec

ratively by At Pty Ltd (“

“ARENA”) pRENA (“Agrnt and is pro

this Report

endeavoursewables Prog technolog

steps to en provided bnd the scopported here

ns of ARENWorleyPar

el; and s being cofurther inve

were not reqnd the Autho

tirety and eof the Rep

nt of the

nsibility whathis Reportthe Agree

in this Reponcerning t

s and canninformation nding of theseek indepgarding thect.

AGL EnergyEN”), (colle

pursuant to eement”). Tovided in a

t by any pa

s to inform togram (“Prgies and consure that by AGL, ENpe of servicein and as o

A; rsons, Oakl

mplete, trueestigation o

quired by Aors have no

xcerpts fromort. The Reviability o

atsoever ort or any pament or thort. The Authe subject

not be relieor advice i

e Project or endent fina

e matters co

y Ltd (“AGLectively “thethe FundingThis Reporform appro

arty other th

themselvesroject”), a poncepts relthe Report

N, ARENA, es under th

of the date i

ey Greenw

e and correr inquiry be

ARENA to cot verified th

m the Repoeport is not iof the Proj

r howsoevert of this Re accuracy

uthors do nomatter of

ed upon orn respect oany part of

ancial and ontained in t

L”), Worleye Authors”)g Agreemert is subjectoved and ag


s of the parprogram of lated to rent is as accuits represe

he Agreemessued. This

wood, the Au

ect at the teing undert

conduct an he complete

ort cannot bintended toject nor to

er arising in Report by any, completeot representhe Report

r extracted of any interef the Projeclegal adv

this Report

Parsons , for the nt dated t to and greed by

A (or as

rameters ARENA newable urate as entatives ent. This s Report


time the aken by

audit or eness of

be taken present

o make

respect ny party

eness or t by this t will be

for the est or in ct. The

vice and , prior to

The Auof this presentthis Repparty w






1 Mb

2 F

thors reserReport if thtly availableport. It is Aho was pro




Submitted to ARENA

Minor edits req y ARENA incl


rve the righthey considee (for whate

ARENA’s resvided with t




P. Ebert

P Ebert

P Ebert

P Ebert

t, but are noer it prudenever reasonsponsibility the prior ver





H. K




ot obliged, nt to do so n) becomingto provide rsion.








to update, in light of ag known toa copy of a




B. Benne

B Bennet

B Bennet

B Bennet

review and any additio the Authorny revised v







amend all nal informars after theversion to a


P. Knisp

P Knispe

P Knispe

P Knispe

aspects ation not e date of any third













of Conte



2.1 CON

2.2 BAS

2.3 NOM


3.1 SOU


4.1 PRE

4.2 BUS


5.1 REG

5.1.1 Reg5.1.2 Inad5.1.3 Reg

5.2 SITE

5.2.1 Site 5.2.2 Site 5.2.3 Ben

5.3 COM

5.3.1 Intro5.3.2 App5.3.3 Key5.3.4 Rec

5.4 STAT

5.5 SPE

5.5.1 Math5.5.2 ESD5.5.3 Req5.5.4 Res5.5.5 DecCase Asses


6.1 OVE

6.2 SUM

6.3 SUM

6.4 FINA














gulatory landsdvertent regugulatory deve

E SELECTION . selection cri assessmen

nefit quantific


oduction ......proach ..........y Findings ....commendatio



hematical MD Specificatioquest for Infosults of RFI Pcisions Followssment .........

S CASE .....








CEPT ............





TONES ..........



VERVIEW ........scape for ESulatory barrieelopments im

....................riteria ............t and shortlis

cation and fin

AMEWORK .................................................................

ons ...............



odelling .......on ................rmation (RFI

Process ........wing RFI Pro....................





L ..................





ORT .............

EXT .............

T ...................





....................SDs ..............ers ................mpacting on E


....................sting ............nal site selec







EMENT ...................................................I) Process .......................

ocess – Dem....................



















....................ESDs ...........



....................tion ..............











....................onstration Pl....................



ON ..............
































....................lant Configur....................



































...................ration for Bu...................







................. 1




................. 1

................... 2

................. 2

................... 2

................... 2

................. 3



















................... siness ...................

................. 5





.. 8











30 31 31 32

32 32 33 34

36 36 36 36 36


38 39 41 42 43















6.5 ESD

6.6 ESD6.6.1 EPC6.6.2 Curr

6.7 PRO

6.7.1 Mar6.7.2 Rev6.7.3 Valu6.7.4 Anc

6.8 PRO

6.9 PRO

6.10 KEY

6.11 PRO

6.12 KEY

6.12.1 Com6.12.2 Red6.12.3 Cap6.12.4 Cap6.12.5 Incr6.12.6 Tech


7.1 THE

7.2 EST

7.3 PRO









D PROPOSAL CC contract ....rency exposu


rket Trading Rvenue from Mue of expectecillary service






mplexity of islduction in volpacity withdrapacity withdrareased penethnology forw





CES ..........

CES ...........








....................ure ...............

UES ...............Revenue .....

MLF benefit ..ed unserved es revenue ...



METRICS ........

IVITIES ..........


land mode olatility ...........awals from thawals do not tration of ren

ward curve ....









Y OF MILES..................



S .................

STS .......................................................



....................energy .......







operation ..........................he market ....t occur .........newable gene....................

ASE 2 .........

NCE ..............







STONE 3 R..................
















ASE .............................................................................................eration .............................



TS .................

SE 2 .............





REPORT – E..................































ENERGY ST..................





























T ................

CTION ......

TORAGE ..................























................. 7




................. 7

................. 8

................. 8

................. 8

............... 10

............... 10

............... 11


56 57 57

58 58 63 63 64





67 68 68 68 69 69 69














Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Milestone 3

Milestone 3

RES ............

1 - Regulato

2 - Site Sele

3 - State of

3 - Commer

3 - RFI Spec


ory Framew

ection Rev 0

the Art Tec

rcial Framew

cification –


work Rev 0 (

0 (Final)

ch Review R

work REP (

Energy Sto



Rev 0 (Final)


orage Devic



e Rev 2 (F



............... 1114























Power C











Charge Rat









Direct C

Energy Australi









Net Pre


Public a

Power C

ting The ES

The Req



Wattle P

ting Current

an Energy

an Energy

an Energy

an Renewa

ing Renewa

essed Air En


Storage fa

Storage De



ncy Control

Rate of Re

m State of C

al Electricity

al Electricity

sent Value

al Loss Fact

and Busines


D charge/d

quest for In

sory Contro

ission Netw

Point Wind


Market Com

Market Ope


able Energy

ables Progr

nergy Stora

for Comme


on used in t

Ancillary S


Charge (of t

y Market

y Market Ma


ss Exchang


ischarge ra

nformation p

ol and Data

work Service




y Agency



ercial Ren

the Busines


the ESD)



ate under no

process for t


e Provider

ewable Int

ss Case ana

Company L

ormal opera

the ESCRI-


tegration –

alysis of Se


ating conditi

-SA Project

– South

ction 6



The Auknown athe Projof a nosystem ancillarystorageaddition

The Pro

This ReoverviewequipmAgreemto AREoperatiowith the

This Rethe:

The Resensitiv

The Phproject,the actuwork, w


No partfound. Afencing precludregulatoAustrali(AEMOESDs arecently


ustralian Reas the Ener

oject) under on-hydro E

specificallyy and netw

e adds valunal services

oject was un

eport has bw of the invent supplie

ment with ARENA with cons or confe provisions

eport is a c

RegulatorySiting of suEnergy stofunction; aCommerci

eport then svities.

hase 1 busi with Phasual ESD as

which can be

atory Revie

ticular regulA number of regulate the operaory review ian Energy

O), who are are treatedy published


enewable Ergy Storagetheir Emer

Energy Story designed

work servicee to renew

s to improve

ndertaken b

been prepavestigationsers as partRENA. It iscommerciallidential cos

s of the Fun

complete de

y environmeuch an asseorage technd the procal framewo

sets out a

ness case e 2 being t

sset. Phasee summaris


atory impedof potentiated networation of a lincluded dMarket Coaware of th. The maby the AEM


nergy Agene for Renewrging Renewrage Device

to leverages. A key owable energe its busines

by AGL, Ele

ared by thes and findingt of the K

s a version oly sensitive

st estimatesding Agree

escription o

ent in whichet nology use

curement ofrk under wh

business c

work was athe plannine 2 is to be sed briefly a

diment to thl unintenderk businessarge-scale

discussions mmission (Ahese constrajor ProjectMC.

Y and PR

ncy (ARENAwable Integrwables Proge (ESD) w

ge value froobjective ofgy, with thess case.

ectraNet and

e Consortiugs of Phase

Knowledge of the Phase informatios from suppment with A

of the work

h such an as

ed in termsf the assethich the ass

case in term

always integ, building, considered

as follows:

he ownershed constrainses, which ESD with with the A

AEMC), anraints and at outcomes


A) has partration Southgram. The

within the Som the enef the Projec ESD targe

d WorleyPa

m for the e 1 for deveSharing ob

se 1 Final Bon around liers deleted


carried out

sset would

s of the sta

set would be

ms of ESD

ended to be operation

d based on

ip or operatnts do exis

may undeboth markeAustralian Ed the Austr

are likely to in this res


t funded Phh Australia P

Project is eSouth Austrergy marketct is to demeting that o

arsons as a

sole purposelopers, the bligations uusiness CaAGL and

d or normal

t to date wh



e owned an


e the first pand testingthe outcom

tion of an Et particularler certain et and netwEnergy Regralian Energ

review thespect agree


hase 1 of aProject (ESexamining ralian transt and throu

monstrate thoutcome as


se of provi general puunder the ase Report p

ElectraNet’lised in acc

hich has ex

art globally

nd outputs t

al return, ri

part of a twog the applicmes of the P

ESD asset hly around townership

work benefitgulator (AEgy Market Oese in termse with thos

Page | 8


a project CRI-SA, the role

smission ugh both hat such

well as


iding an ublic and Funding provided ’s asset ordance


and its


sks and

o phase cation of Phase 1

as been the ring-

models ts. This ER), the Operator s of how se most

An initiaMilestoof this R


An extelocationtask incapabilservices

The sitiwas mato geneestablisbenefitsEyre Peprocess




(due const


(to inc

Based Peninsuprovideand is sESD Si


A reviewto asseincludeddevelopAustraliinitial mcompar

al report onne 1 of the Report. A co


ensive sitinns to install volving nuity significas that might

ing work ceade on costerator co-loshed which s. Three loceninsula, ths are shown


erated Energ

work Support

to reliability traints)

work Support

crease Mark

on these ula, located

ed to ARENAsummarisedting Report

ology State

w was undeess potentiad considerapment and ia. This inf

modelling wre potential

the regulatfunding agropy of this R

ng study wan ESD witmerous ite

antly impact be provide

entred on alt, practicalitcation (partresulted in

cations withhe Yorke Pen in the Tab

y Value

ket Benefit)

consideratiod at DalrymA as the prd in Section is annexed

e of the Art

ertaken of aal candidateation of theoperation aformation a

work used sites.

tory work wreement, anRegulatory

was undertathin the Sou

erations, pated on the ed.

ll (88) of Ely and reventicularly winn a scoringh the higheseninsula andble below.

Benefit cla1. Ma

reve2. Ma

3. Net4. Loc5. Exp

6. Hey7. Mu8. Loc9. Grid10. Anc11. Avo


ons, a preple. An initiimary deliven 5.2 and ud to this Rep

t Review

a broad rane technologe technical and what pralso includeto define t

was providednd has beenReview Re

aken whichuth Australiaarticularly a best locat

ectraNet’s nue groundnd farms). g and weigst potential d the River

ass rket Trading enue as welrginal Loss F

twork Augmecalised Frequpected Unse

ywood Intercrraylink Intercal Generatod Support Cocillary Servicoided Wind Frvice (FCAS)

eferred site ial report coerable unde

updated in Aport.

nge of non-ies and supcapabilities

rojects had ed public dothe function

d to ARENAn summarisport is anne

h involved an networkas the costion for suc

transmissiods, although

A two parhting procewere identland. The b

Revenue (Ml as Cap tradFactor (MLF)

entation Capuency Supporved Energy

connector Corconnector Cor Constraint ost Reductio

ces Support (Farm Freque) obligation

was identovering thiser MilestoneAppendix B

hydro energppliers for ts of each tbeen prog

omain cost nal algorith

A as the prised and updexed to this

the assess. This provt of the E

ch an asse

on substatioh consideratt screening

ess based ified as thebenefits use

Market time sding revenue) Impact

ital Deferral ort

(USE) reduc

onstraint RedConstraint Re

Reduction n (System Freqncy and Con

tified on ths siting worke 2 of the F of this Rep

gy storage the Project.technology,ressed bothinformation

m for the

mary delivedated in Sec


sment of pved to be a cESD and teet and the

ons, and a dtion was als

g methodoloon estimat

e primary foed in the sc

shifting tradine)


duction eduction

quency Suppntrol Ancillary

he Southernrk and proceunding Agrport. A cop

technology. This asse the experh in and oun that was ESD, and

Page | 9

erable of ction 5.1

potential complex echnical network

decision so given ogy was ed ESD cus; the creening


port) y

n Yorke ess was reement, y of this

y options essment ience in utside of used in to help

A stateFundingReport.


VariousESD foto own be. As framewframew

This prTransmEach wnumber

Eventuapotentiatrading revenueWPWF

A commof the Fthis Com

-of-the-art rg Agreeme A copy of t

ercial Fram

s commercillowing a prsuch an aswith much

works are pwork for the a

rocess consmission Netwwere analysr of alternat

ally for the al Phase 2

componene item flowsto the Watt

mercial framFunding Agrmmercial F

report was ent and hasthe Techno


al frameworocess whicsset, and thof the Phas

possible, aasset was t

sidered thrework Systemed in termsive models

business cproject inv

nt leased ts are showtle Point Wi

mework reporeement anramework R

provided tos been sumlogy State o

orks were inch establishhen what thse 1 work thlthough thethe primary

ee primary m Provider,s of key frainvolving o

ase analysivolving owno AGL. Tn in green –nd Farm.

ort was prod has beenReport is an

o ARENA ammarised of the Art R

nvestigatedhed the potehe basic elehis was a hie general objective.

ownership, a third pa

amework tether interes

is a commenership of tThis is sho– note that

vided to ARn summarisennexed to th

as a deliverin Section

Review is an

d for the owential role oements of tighly iterativprinciple o

p models –arty providerms and th

sts were als

ercial framethe asset bown diagram

MLF refers

RENA as a ed in Sectiohis report.

able under 5.4 and Anex to this

wnership anof the ESD, the resultingve process of optimisin

an “energyr and a come particularo assessed

ework modeby ElectraNmmatically s to Margin

deliverableon 5.3 of this


Milestone Appendix CReport.

nd operatiowho wouldg frameworas several

ng the com

y trading” embination or issues arid.

el was chosNet with the

below, whnal Loss Fac

e under Miles Report. A

Page | 10

3 of the C of this

n of the be best

rk would different


entity, a of these. sing. A

sen for a e market here the ctor and

estone 3 A copy of


A mathtechnolalgorithdifferenassessmstoragePhase 1

This movariety ESD Sp

The resReport.ARENA


A Requreal infinvolvinthe-art submissproject.

Seven 20-200 of 20 yoperatiothere w

In generange ois immcompanincludinstorageResponexpecti

Followinpositivetake adreplaceused ul

The proin Sectito ARESection

ing and Fu

hematical mogies and ms, with th

nt technical ment utilise

e market inf1 work.

odel was pof market


sults of app A complie



uest for Infoformation ong firstly an

review andsions being

potential MWh, so a

years was on, being n

was evidence

eral the leveof prices an

mature. Arnies, not enng Lithium-ie; hydrogenndents alsong cost red

ng modelline, with sevedvantage of ements. A dtimately as

ocurement ion 5.5.3 an

ENA under n 5.5.2 of th

unctional S

model was capabilities

he output oconfigurati

ed informatioformation o

particularly algorithms to be resolv

lying this med version

ormation pron ESD tec

approach td knowledgg submitted

configuratioas to allow

sought agnetwork, mae that a sig

el of submind approachrguably thenergy storagon, Sodiumn generatioo provided uctions of a

ng of each ral variation

f future lowedecision wathe basis fo

process, thnd Section 5Milestone is Report. A


produced s to be asof the modions could on from the

obtained thr

useful for to be usedved. This t

mathematicaof this ma

ocess was chnology cato forty two

ge of the cowith eight o

ons of ESprice compainst a sp

arket and isnificant netw

ssions washes taken. Te best subge vendors,

m-Sulphur aon and stoinformation

about 50% w

submissionns tried in teer costs, anas made toor the detai

e bidders a5.5.4 of this3 of the Fu

A copy of th


which allosessed in el being a be compar

e public domrough the p

quantifyingd and comphen informe

al model andathematical

undertakenapability an internationonsortium of these ulti

SD were sparison betwpecification slanding mowork benefi

s considereThe percepbmissions , with subm

and Advancorage; andn on cost within five y

n it was fouerms of sitinnd ESD cono choose thled busines

and their evs Report. Tunding Agre Functiona

wed the wparallel alobasic Net

red in an emain but waprocuremen

market vapared and ed the Proc

d are summmodel is

n to the enend pricing. nal entities imembers, imately sho

sought, ranween energ

that includode. Islandit might acc

ed good, altption resultinwere from

missions acrced Lead Ac a numbetrajectories


und that nong and marnfiguration ie best perf

ss case.

valuation anThe Functionreement, bual Specifica

wide range ong with diPresent V

equivalent bas ultimatelynt process

alue, as it athe essentiurement pro

marised in Sis available

ergy storagA formal

identified thresulting inrtlisted for a

nging fromy storage sded three ding capabcrue with su

though therng is that th

Power Cross a rangcid batterier of differeinto the f

o project coket algorithincluding vaforming var

nd scoring rnal Specificut is also dtion is anne


of optionsifferent ope

Value index basis. Initiy used withundertaken

allowed forial function


Section 5.5.e on reque

ge market tprocess wa

hrough the sn seventeena potential

m 10-20 Msizes. A deprimary mility was soch.

re was a vehe storage

Conversion e of storag

es; molten sent flow bfuture with

ould be mam, project tariations onriation and t

results are cation was pdescribed bexed to this

Page | 11

s across erational

so that ially this h energy n for the

r a wide s of the

1 of this est from

o obtain as used state-of-n formal Phase 2

MW and esign life odes of

ought as

ery wide industry System

e media salt heat atteries. several

de NPV timing to n battery this was

detailed provided briefly in report.


A detaiDalrympenergy charactthe bas

The ass

An asstargeted

The ESgiven b30 June

To be contribudisappoquantifiThis is d

ess Case

led businesple substatgeneration

teristics to lsis of the bu

set was def

Market tradA lowering Expected Uand downsFrequency

et with a ted. A range

SD asset wbelow, basee 2016.
















commerciaution from ointing resued may madiscussed w

ss case waion on the n (Wattle Peverage vasiness case

fined to leve

ding essentiof the Marg

Unserved Etream load Control An

en year opof project s

was found toed on a po


rket trading

venue from

pected unse

cillary servi

Total reven



Total cost o

e-tax NPV (A

x effect

st-tax NPV

oposed ARE

sidual fundi

plied IRR (%

ally viable,ARENA or

ult, the futuake such anwithin the R

as undertakYorke PenPoint Windalue from sue as this sh

erage reven

ially throughginal Loss Fnergy – undcan island, cillary Serv

erational lifsensitivities

o be signifiost-tax nom

g revenue

MLF benefi

erved energy

ces revenue

nue from ES

of ESD


ENA grant

ng shortfall


this projer other funre price cun asset a co

Report and is

ken for a 1insula, cho

d Farm) anuch ESD siowed the b

nue across f

h time shiftiFactor at theder conting with the ES


fe starting were also i

icantly NPVminal disco


y revenue

e (FCAS)



ect would nding sourcrves and pommercial s the basis

0 MW, 20 sen as it hnd appearszing. A Litest overall

four primary

ng trading ae Wattle Poency conditSD expecte


V negative, unt rate of

($ 00

require ances (in NPVpotential forproposition of the Phas

MWh ESD as significa

s to have hium-Ion bametrics.

y revenue s

and market int Wind Fations the Dad to cover t

l operationsd.

with the kef 7.5% and

NPV 00 real FY16














n approximV terms). r additional within the

se 2 Project


D asset siteant local ren

the most attery was

streams, be

high eventarm alrymple suthe islanded

s in mid-20

ey financiad valuation
















mately 63%While thisrevenue y

next 5 to 1t recommen

Page | 12

d at the newable suitable used as



ubstation d load

017 was

l results date of

capital s was a et to be 0 years. ndation.


South Asystem of syncprimaryemerginfurther Electricand Eleevaluat

There iassets optimisservicestechnolunknow

There igloballyaround system of this is

ESD asand theand ban

The Ca

Battery includinintermit

Therefoapplicatthan in generat

Given tdemonsand pofundingenergy

The Phsumma

ing Genera

Australia haworldwide.

chronous coy SA-Victorng system srenewable

city Market cectraNet aring possible

s, howeverand the ESing such sts – put siogy and ev

wn at grid sc

s a sense y it is clear

a potentiaof the futu

s likely ove

ssets are coere is a neenked.

ase for ESC

storage isng at the trttent large-s

ore, there istion of transSouth Aus

tion relative

he poor Phstratrion pro

otentially fro to leveragsector from

ase 2 concarised as:

Progressionominal rat

o Stato Sta

ation Mix

as one of th Given recoal and garian intercosecurity andeployme

could face re investigae solutions,

r, very limiteSCRI-SA Porage, as wmply, there

ven the bascale and uti

of urgencythat battery

al wave of re, while our the next fi

omplicated, ed to gain re

CRI Phase 2

s expected ransmissionscale renew

s an urgensmission levstralia, whice to demand

ase 1 businoject wouldom other sge the ESCm the funds

ept, based

n of an ESting of 10 - 2

tutory approkeholder m

he highest cent generats generatio

onnector tod market chnt. At somsuch issues

ating these of which en

ed practicaPhase 1 wowell as a gee is a lot sic planninglity standard

around thiy storage isstorage de

ur systems ve years.

offer more eal world e


to play an n level whe

wable genera

t need to dvel battery sch has word.

ness case red require adtakeholders

CRI-SA objegranted.

on the proje

SD demons20 MW and

ovals for theanagement

renewable tion dispatc

on in the So manage hallenges tme point ins. Currentl

challengesnergy stora

al experiencork has demeneral immato learn a

g, procuremd.

is and conss seen as a evices that and stakeh

services toexperience s

important ere it can sation.

develop reastorage. Thrld leading

esults, movdditional fus, with the ectives – b

ect develop

stration prod 10 - 20, in

e constructit of the proje

penetrationch experienState, and a

increasinghat will neen the futury the Austrs for Southge is poten

ce with the monstrated aturity in thbout the a

ment and op

sidering thekey renewwill be req

holders are

markets thso that proj

role in thesupport the

al world exhere is no belevels of in

ving forwardnding suppfocus to m

basically ge

ped in the P

oject at the cluding:

on of the asect;

n levels of ace, announan increasin

market ved to be ade every paralian Energh Australia tially one.

applicationboth a lev

he providersapplication perational is

e deploymeable enablequired to mnot prepare

an simple tects can be

e power syse integration

perience inetter place tntermittent w

d to implemeport, most lmaximise tht the most

Phase 1 bus




any interconcements ofng reliance

volatility, thdressed to

art of the gy Market Owhich will

n of grid-scavel of comps of equipmof energy

ssues are r

ent of ESD er. This urgmanage theed – and th

time shiftinge both cham

stem of then of high l

n Australia to demonstwind and s

ent a Phaselikely from he impact for the ren

siness case

e substation

Page | 13

onnected f closure e on the ere are support

National Operator

lead to

ale ESD plexity in ment and

storage relatively

devices gency is e power e timing

g trading mpioned

e future, evels of

with the trate this solar PV

e 2 ESD ARENA of such newable

, can be

n with a

Given tbusines

The Coalso seformal A


The Coresults includin

o Proshodowmod

o Theo A fo

comThe develo

o Marleas

o A reben

o Suplossthe and

o Freq

The develo

o Theo The

syno The

in thloca

o Sta

he poor busss case sho

Scaling dobenefits Revisiting texperienceExploring awith potent

onsortium iseking suppARENA Exp

edge Shari

onsortium haof the proje

ng: PresentatioPresentatioPresentatioPresentatioPresentatioPresentatio

curement oortlisted RFIwn, includindels, and coe productionormal busin

mmercial opopment and

rket tradingse arrangemeduction in

nefit of whicpply of exps of supply, Wattle Poin

d in parallel quency Con

opment of a

e evolution oe demonstrachronous g

e ability to phis instanceal rooftop PVkeholders’ v

siness caseortfall includ

own the siz

the benefitsd in South A

alternative cial ESD sup

s seeking toort from othpression of


as as part oect and the

on at the Enon at the Auon to ARENon to the ARon to AEMCon to Energy

of equipmen Responde

ng the inveonfirmation n of legal coness case erations daimplementa

g (energy ament; n Marginal h would accected unseinvolving th

nt Wind Farsupply the ntrol Ancilla

testing and

of the functiation of theeneration in

provide targee the specifV generatiovisibility of t

e in Phase 1ing:

ze of the E

s of the ESAustralia commercialppliers

o reduce thher stakehoInterest for

of its Knowcase for Ph

nergy Storagustralian EnA and Gove

RENA AdvisC/ AER, Novy Storage A

nt and servents aimed estigation of the most

ommercial indecision to

ate of mid-2ation of a fu

and capacit

Loss Factocrue to AGLerved energhe islandingrm which wload; and

ary Services

d Knowledg

ional algorite role of en South Auseted value sfic interactio

on; and the asset in

1 the Conso

ESD to red

SD in light o

l framework

he businessolders beforr a Phase 2

wledge Sharhase 2 to a

ge World Foergy Storagernment Stasory Panel, vember 201Australia 20

vices througat driving thof alternatt effective anstruments o proceed w017. unctional alg

ty) underta

or for the WL; gy to the log of the ene

would remai

s to the mar

e Sharing p

thms to maxnergy storastralia; services toon with the

n terms of its

ortium is inv

uce costs

of the highe

ks to reduc

s case shore considerdemonstra

ring commitrange of st

orum, Melbge Conferenakeholders,November 5 15 Confere

gh further nhe capital aive delivery

asset configbetween pawith the pr

gorithm for

ken by AG

Wattle Poin

ocal Dalrymergy storagen in service


program wh

ximise overage in rega

renewable e Wattle Po

s function a

vestigating w

while still c

er market v

ce costs, in

rtfall to lessing whethetion project

tments prestakeholders

ourne, Sepnce, Sydney, November2015

nce, Novem


negotiation and operatiry and opeuration; arties; and roject with

the ESD ta

GL under a

nt Wind Fa

mple load fe device aloe at reduced

hich allows f

rall storage ards to the

energy genoint Wind Fa

and evolutio

ways to red

capturing s

volaltility no

cluding neg

s than 50%r to proceet.

sented the Ps in differen

ptember 201y, June 201r 2015

mber 2015

Page | 14

with the ng price erational

a target


an asset

arm, the

following ong with d output


value; lack of

neration, arm and


duce the


w being


% and is d with a

Phase 1 t forums

15 15

The prethe chaThe ESapplicatof reneSA Gov

The Coexperieto imple


esentations anging electSCRI-SA prtion that wo

ewable enevernment.

onsortium hence with thement a Pha

on to AEMOon to the Vicon to the So

have genetricity indusroject has bould supporrgy. This in

has receivehe applicatioase 2 demo

O, Novembectorian Govouth Austral

erally been stry environbeen widelyrt the operancudes stat

ed general on of a tranonstration p

er 2015 vernment, Nlian Govern

well receivment and h

y quoted anation of the tements in

support fonsmission leproject.

November 20ment, Dece

ved as timehave genernd referred

future powpublication

or the impoevel ESD in

015 ember 2015

ly, informatrated considto as an e

wer system ns by the A

ortance of n South Aus



tive and relderable disc

example of and the int


gaining reastralia and

Page | 15

evant in cussion. an ESD egration MO and

al world pushing


The Enproject businesSouth Aby the consort

The Pro

The Pro

To helpwhich im


This dothe Fun


nergy Stora(the Proje

ss case for Australian re

Australiantium (the Co

AGL Energeneration ElectraNet(TNSP) in SWorleyParSydney wh

oject is struc

Phase 1 –(ESD) in ARENA’s EPhase 2 –“Project” u

oject has a

demonstraNEM test that smarkets if prove thatoutput andresolve thincluding t

p meet thesmpact the E

the regulatsiting of suthe commestate of thethe resultiSouth Austhe commsensitivitie


ocument is tnding Agree


age for Comect) was inuse of medegion of then Renewabonsortium) c

rgy Ltd - aand retail, w

t - ElectraNSouth Austrrsons - Wo provides

ctured as tw

– investigatiSouth Aus

Emerging R– procuring, under AREN

number of k

ate that ene

such a faccombined wt the technod a functionahe commerhe identifica

se objectiveESD busine

tory environuch a deviceercial framee art and exng function

stralian contercial busin


t and Purp

the Generaement betwe


mmercial Rnitiated in Sium size (5-

e National Eble Energy consisting o

an S&P/ASwho has beNet is the ralia orleyParsonservices to

wo phases:

ing the busstralia, whiRenewables

delivering aNA’s ERP, d

key objectiv

ergy storage

ility can hawith a netwoology involval sense rcial framewation and re

es, the Phasss case, in

nment undee and what ework that thxperience innal specificatext ness case

pose of thi

l Project Reeen ARENA


Renewable September -30 MWpk) n

Electricity My Agency (of:

SX 50 listeeen operatin

principal T

ns is an Sthe energy

siness case ch has be

s Program (and testing depending o

ves, includin

e increases

ave a comork and/or sved can m

work on wemoval of a

se 1 work hparticular:

er which an value streahe ESD wonternationalation and p

for ESD de

is Report

eport, a keyA and AGL.

Integration 2014 and

non-hydro eMarket (NEM


d energy cng in AustraTransmissio

S&P/ASX 1y and resour

for deployieen progre(ERP) the ESD as

on Phase 1

ng to:

the value o

mercial rolsystem anceet utility s

which such ny current r

has been in

ESD wouldams can be uld be operly in non-hyprocuremen


y deliverabl

South Ausd has beenenergy stora

M). The Prohas been

company calia for over on Network

00 listed crces sector

ng an Enerssed as a

sset, possiboutcomes

of renewabl

e within Aillary servicstandards b

assets woregulatory b


be owned captured

rated withinydro energynt of such a

and the as

e for Milest


stralia (ESCn investigaage sited woject, in par


covering ex175 years

k Service P

company b

rgy Storagea “Measure

bly progress

e energy w

Australian ece value both in a q

ould be debarriers

g a range o

and operat

n y storage syan ESD wi

ssociated ri

tone 5 acco

Page | 16

CRI-SA) ting the

within the t funded n by a



based in

e Device e” under

sed as a

within the


uality of


of issues


ystems ithin the

sks and

ording to

The purenewa

Summawell as as the wthose e

This ReSection


Since ttechnola decison the rscale p

A basicof Desivarious remaine

rpose of thable energy

state-of-theengineeringessential ecommercia

aries of the specific upwork has p

earlier repor

eport shouldn 8, and refe

Basic ES

the start ofogy would

sion made brelatively smumped hyd

c descriptionign docume issues of ed largely u

the ability site (the Sany requirsystems oconversionconnectionvoltage of works” eleany requirisolation/oa Supervimachine inrequired Pdata sourcfor the benan earthingconnectionany requirprotection stations, ean operatoa maintenaany roadsequipment

his Report ienabler wit

e-art globallg, regulatorlements of t

al framework

previous Mpdates to eaprogressed. rts.

d be read ierred to in th

SD Conce

f the Projecbe considebefore the Fmall energyro unecono

n of the highent [1]. Wdeploying


to store andite) within Sred convertor any othn to/from elen(s) to the S

33 kV to pctrical suppred switcheperation/intsory Contrnterface at

PABX and/oces or contrnefit of the og system inn to municipred safety sor fire-fightxhaust fans

or office andance storag/civil workst at the Site

is to providthin the NEM

y y and sitingthe businesk that could

ilestone reparlier Milesto

This will c

n conjunctihe text.


ct, the Conred althougFunding Agstorage qu


h level concWith time, th

an ESD bconsisting

d release eSouth Austraters, accumher device ectrical eneSouth Austprovide botply es or electteraction witol and DatSite and c

or data conol signals aowner and wcluding ligh

pal water sesystem to cting systems, emergencd staff amenge and any s required t

de an overvM, including

g issues thass case andd be used

ports are incone report dconsolidate

ion with a n

nsortium hagh it specificgreement wuantum targ

cept for thehe details obecame cleof:

electrical enalia

mulators, gerequired f

ergy tralian electth electrical

trical protecth the netwota Acquisitconnection nnection), aas part of thwithin accephtning proteervices comply with , emergenccy egress pnities required woto give acce

view of the g the:

at need to bed sensitivitie

cluded for rdeliverables unresolved

number of r

as been necally exclud

was signed weted, which

ESD was pof this Basearer. Howe

ergy, locate

enerators, tfor the saf

trical transml storage in

ction equipork tion (SCADto various nd which ce control stptable stand


relevant sacy personnepoints and b

orkshop facess to and

role of En

e addressedes, and

reference ws that have d issues for


eutral to whed large scwith ARENAh was expec

produced veis of Desigever, the b

ed at a secu

anks, safetfe storage

mission netwnputs/output

ment to al

DA) system external pa

can also intrategy, anddards while

afety standael wash-dowbreathing ap

cility allow insta


nergy Stora


within the Re only becomr example

noted and

hat energy cale pumpeA. This wacted to mak

ery early ingn changedbasic ESD

ure area at

ty release (of energy

work at a mts, and a “u

llow safe e

with a huarties (throuteract with

d operate the unmanned

ards such awn facilities,pparatus

allation of t

Page | 17

ge as a

eport, as me clear noted in

listed in

storage d hydro, s based

ke large-

a Basis d as the concept

a single

(energy) y and/or

minimum used on


uman to ugh any external e facility


as a fire first aid

the ESD

The acmechangases, to be ehydroelenergy

The Bawithin tAustralimanualwould Standar

The initleverag

It was ato deveand tecin Austr

In the inand tradlegally oto invesbusinestype in


There istoragedescrip

1 TypicAustrCons

any securiany envirospillage co

ctual energnical kineticor a combilectrical eneectric desig(water head

asis of Desihe environmian Standarly, dependbe designerds that app

tial functionaed three po

the time-sAustralia the provisServices (anetwork sesystem

anticipated telop a positchnically. Aralia previou

nitial conceded, whereoperated wstigate andss case for the NEM.


s a wide rae technologtion of that

cally called ralian Energsortium

ty fencing aonmental prontainment

y storage c energy, cnation of thergy. It wagn, meanind) or releas

gn also notmental and rds; would hing on opeed to operply in South

al concept wotential serv

shifting1 of

sion of marand others)ervices – i

that it wouldive busines

As far as theusly for any

ept, it was ue it would siithin the NE answer tha potential

clature Us

ange of nomy. For theused throug

energy “arbgy Rules (A

and/or secuotection eqand/or vola

form was chemical enhese, althouas noted in ng it will nosing energy

ted that theoperationa

have the aberator requrate in acc

h Australia.

was for the vices or valu

energy ge

rket ancilla) defined witn this case

d be necessss case ande Consortiu

y grid-scale

uncertain wited, what sEM regulatohese questioPhase 2 pro

ed in Rep

menclature e purposes ghout the P

bitrage”, but AER) the te

rity equipmuipment inc

atile materia

not specifinergy and/ough the primthe Basis o

ot be storinthrough a w

e ESD woual conditionsbility to opeirements acordance w

ESD to stoue streams,

enerated b

ary servicesthin the ma

e, providing

sary to captd that this mum is awareenergy stor

ho would osize it wouldory framewoons, and to

roject that w


used throuof this Rep


as this termerm “time-sh

ent cluding bunl containme

ied and coor potential mary input aof Design thng energy iwater driven

ld be desigs of the Siterate autonond/or modewith any a

ore and rele, namely:

by AGL’s w

s, such as rket rules

g value to u

ture multiplemight provee, these charage device

own the assd be and eork. Phase o use that

would build a

ughout the lport, Appen

m also has hifting” has

ds, emissioent/storage

ould be in energy su

and outputshat the ESDn the form n turbine.

ned to withe and accoromously, see of operatpplicable H

ase energy

wind farm


users of th

e value stree difficult legallenges hae connected

set, how it wven if such1 of the proinformationan ESD ass

literature inndix A (9) p

a separate been used


on capture m

the form ch as com

s of the projD would be of water p

hstand and rding to all

emi-automattion requireHealth and

y in a manne

portfolio in

y Control A

he SA trans

eams such agally, comm

ave not beed to the NEM

would be coh an asset coject set ou

n as the baset as the fi

n regards toprovides a

meaning wd by the ES

Page | 18


of heat, pressed ject was

e of non-potential

operate relevant tically or ed, and; d Safety

er which

n South



as these mercially n tested


ontrolled could be ut in part asis of a rst of its

o energy general

within the SCRI-SA


The intelargely the emeon tradialso drlinking f

At leastwind faand lowtechnolregulatovarious investmbut the

As reneelectriccharact“synchrtechnoldependrenewa

Wind apenetrainvolvedterms odifferensmaller electrica

For a tunits wsuch retraditionhas bee


For exabetter mimpactsunless the incuclosure


egration of driven by Gergence of itional electiving renewfrom being

t in the shorm and roofwest risk oogy pricesory, market bioenergy

ments in hydexact deplo

ewable eneity has beteristics of ronous” genogies. Wh

ding on opeable resourc

nd PV are ation into eld, for theseof power rant inertial cr facilities, wal topology

raditional eith large roenewable enal interconen relatively

er, as penen becomesg electricityrds, but eqnces that dal systems

ample, the amatched tos (and possa system loumbent gen, which can


renewable Governmencomplementricity sectorwable energreliant on p

ort term a laf-top photovoptions. In fall furthe and financ

y projects, dro-electric oyment traje

rgy generaten generathermal a

neration capile bioenergerations an

ce input whi

consideredectrical sys

e generatorsamp rates,

characteristiwhich in theand are lar

electricity sytating inerti

energy can nnected eley straightfor

etration of rs more comy systems toqually impodrive electricfrom such c

ability for dio the genesibly lead toad is increaneration fleen have a pro


energy intot climate ch

ntary technor business mgy investme

policy and ris

arge share ovoltaic (PV)time this

er, as socice environm

solar-thermfacilities anectory and m

tion grows, ted in Ausnd gas tupacity, this gy can provnd heat stoch, while it

d as intermistems increas also have transient cs and rese case of rrgely not co

ystem desigia, and smagenerally

ctricity systrward as a c

renewablesplex. This o remain st

ortant are ccity sector cchange.

screte loadration sourto a lower asing, polic

et, eventuallofound impa


o Australia’hange policologies andmodels, givent. As a sing on its o

of this incre) technologymay chang

ial-license-tments adjustmal technond even othmix will dep

there are testralia for orbine technis not necevide similarorage, bothcan be pred

ittent generase. Interme different cresponses,

sponses torooftop PV ntrollable in

gned arounaller, fasterbe well actems to absconsequenc

s increases complexity

table and schanges inchange. Th

control thrrce, which cost and m

cy to drive mly leading toact on syste


’s electricitycy. More r customer cing rise to dconsequen

own comme

easing reney, which proge as our to-operate t. Hence, llogies, urber newer te

pend on ma

echnical issover 100 ynologies, inessarily the r capacity ah wind anddicted, cann

rators and mittency thocharacterist, the ability system faappear hig

n any forma

nd larger, cr response ccommodatsorb intermce.

and traditioy is a resultecure withi

n the markhere are bo

ough smartcan soften

more dynammore renewo changes iem operatio

y supply harecently thechoice is alsdisruption ance, renewaercial terms

ewable geneovide argua

electricity issues playarger utility

ban PV witechnologiesny issues.

sues to manyears and n that theycase for th

and solar-thd PV outpunot be contr

bring new cough is onlyics to tradity to supplyaults. Theyhly distribul way.

centralised tbalancing ued. World

mittent renew

onal generat of the techn acceptabets, loads,

oth positives

t devices al the renew

mic retail owable genera

n their operns.


as been ince lowering oso putting pnd change able energ


eration will ably the low

systems ry out and

y scale PV pth storage,

s are also p

nage. Whilehas many

y can suphe other renhermal to aut are dictrolled.

challenges y one of thetional geney reactive y are also

uted through

thermal geunits, the imdwide the awable ener

ation is rethnical abilit

ble quality opolicy and

s and nega

lows the loawable intermoptions). Hation will imration, or ev

Page | 19

creasing, of costs, pressure which is y is de-

be from west cost respond,

as the projects, further robable,

e hydro-y of the ply firm newable n extent tated by

as their e issues ration in support, usually

hout the

neration mpact of ability of gy input

ired this ty of the

of supply d social tives for

ad to be mittency

However, mpact on ven their

In Ausstraightboth thecomplexAustrali


South Ato demaenergy and eleregion gAustraliintercongeneratpenetra

stralia, thetforward, alte market anxity where ia being the

South A

Australia haand. Of thegeneration

ectrical loadgeneration ia was onnnected systed for the

ation approa

Figure 3‐1

e growth though on tnd regulatedalternative

e region of t


as world leae NEM regfrom wind . Figure 3-– essentia

n average stem. The

State are aching 40%

1 – Historical w

of renewahe NEM thed business solutions mhe NEM mo


ding levels ions, Southand solar a-1 shows thlly the windclose to 3general trenshown in.

wind generation

able energere have beside. Some

may be neeost likely to

of intermitteh Australia has a percenhe wind ened penetratio35%, whicnds across Figure 3-2

penetration in

gy into meen implicate issues are

eded as renexperience

ent wind anhas the higtage of both

ergy contribon – which ch is high

generation, which ind

n selected NEM

arkets hastions and che beginning

newables ine this first.

nd solar PV hest penetrh installed gution as a pat the endby world

sources indicates aver

regions to end


s been rhanges reqg to reach ancrease, wit

generationration of rengeneration cpercentage of 2014 fostandards

n terms of erage PV a

d 2014, [2].

Page | 20

relatively uired on

a level of th South

n relative newable capacity of NEM

or South for an

lectricity nd wind

South Ain 4 hourate ovforecasto insta


2 Whileindus

Figure 3‐2

Australia alsuseholds no

ver the last st for residell small ene

e 3‐3 – Forecast

e not explicitstrials

2 – Historical e

so has the how having 18 months

ntial and coergy storage

t future residen

tly defined in

lectricity gener

highest takegeneration s of over 1ommercial2

e systems, [

tial and comme“Integrated

n [5], “comm

ration in South

e-up of urbafrom PV on

10 MW perrooftop PV [5].

ercial PV installPV and Storage

mercial” is int

Australia, by fu

an rooftop Pn their roofsr month, [4systems, in

led capacity fore Systems”. Fro

erpreted as

el type, to end

PV systemss, with an a]. Figure 3-ncluding tho

r South Australiom [5].



2014, [3].

s in Australiaaverage ins-3 shows aose which a

ia. Here IPSS re

not conside

Page | 21

a, with 1 stallation a recent are likely

efers to

red large

It is woEnergy demandrooftop minimuAustralirooftops

As reposystem 2014, 1penetra

South Ageneratplannedindicatequantumand 500

Figure 3

orth putting Market Op

d of 790 MWPV. AEMOm demandian system s.

orted in [7]demand w

109% of syations of gre

Australia is tion. Figurd projects we a potentiam, with AEM0 MW of PV

3‐4 – South Aus

this uptakeperator (AEW comprisiO concludedds would b

load would

, wind contwith significaystem demaeater than 7

still attractire 3-1 showwhich have al wind farmMO and EleV on-line by

stralian generaproposals an

e of renewaEMO) report

ng 1,235 Md that, basee completed at times

tribution is ant overall aand was s

75% occurre

ng significaws the exisbeen flagg

m portfolio ectraNet, [7]


tion capacity atd retirements,

able generated a meas

MW of user ed on curreely met by be covered

already oftaverage peupplied by ed on sever

ant developsting State

ged to be dof around ], predicting

t August 2015, [9]. Note this d

ation in perssured Southdemand ofnt trends, brooftop PV

d by solar

ten exceedienetrations.

wind in Soral days in 2

ment interegeneration

eveloped athree times

g in 2014 an

showing currendoes not includ

spective. Inh Australianffset by 445by 2023-24 V, meaninggeneration

ing 100% o At 4:15am

outh Austra2014.

est for moren portfolio ond commiss the curren additional

nt portfolio by tde rooftop PV.


n [6], the Aun system m5 MW of essystem ope

g the entire on, mostly

of South Aum on 28 Sealia, while

e renewableof 4,753 M

ssioned. Font wind gel 1,000 MW

technology and

Page | 22

ustralian minimum sentially erational e South y, urban

ustralian ptember average

e energy MW, and orecasts neration

W of wind

d known

Figure have anState. retiremestationscapacityMW ‘A”being w

The remin termcertain in theormean insome rpricing.

Such geboth AEthe StacircumsState-wthe timefrequenvoltage services

South AFigure link. plannedconstratermina

In [7], potentiaand/or complenon-crebetter ucircums

Since [7has beeenergy South Ain the m[8], whic

3 AC is A

3-4 also indn impact onThis is the

ent around s at Port Ay in early 2” station in

withdrawn fr

moval of sums of energ

generation ry this shouncreased venewable o

eneration cEMO and Eate, [7]. stances wh

wide outagee – this is bncy control control. Ws at the leve

Australia is 3-5, being It should b

d to be inaints will stilal stations.

with low oal scenariosgenerator te disconne

edible contiunderstandistances to e

7] was written confirmeplant deve

Australia at most recentch indicates

Alternating C

dicates a vn the abilitye recent re

the end ofAugusta, the2016 and T

2017 whicrom the syst

ch generatigy pricing w

technologiuld resolve volatility in toptions, alth

change alsolectraNet inThis studyere zero o to occur, dbecause syand contrib

Wind and sels required

connected the twin cir

be noted thcreased byl exist at tim

r zero syncs involving shedding,

ection of thngency, theng the role

ensure that

en, the retired making lopment. Atimes when

t update to s that this s

Current; HVD

ery importay for furthemoval of thf March 20e planned

Torrens Islach, in total, tem.

on has a nwhich, as tes and relato give the

the market hough this

o impacts onn 2014 study indicates r very low depending oynchronousbute significsolar PV pld.

to Victoria rcuit AC3 cohat the Heyy 190 MWmes in the t

chronous gthe Heywoor even a

he Heywoode study recof rooftop system sec

rement of sthis situati

lso, there hn there is athe Electricituation is li

DC is High Vo

ant shift in ter renewablehe 240 MW16 of the 5mothballing

and plans towill result

umber of imthe market ated networe best outco

which coulwould dep

n the dynamied this in re

that therelevels of s

on the confgenerators

cantly to maant cannot

through twonnection vywood Inter

W in 2016 transmissio

generation ood intercona state-widd interconncommendePV and the

curity can be

significant syion more chave been aa credible ricity Statemeikely to dete

oltage Direct

the South Ae energy g

W Playford 546 MW Nog of 239 Mo mothball in 1505 MW

mpacts incluresponds,

rk investmeome for conld favour faend on a r

mics of the elation to ree may be ynchronousfiguration ans provide neaintaining sy

currently p

wo high voltvia Heywoorconnector‘sto that sh

on network b

on-line thennector thae power oector whiled a range

e inertia in se maintaine

ynchronouscentral to tha number osk of separent of Oppoeriorate unle

t Current

Australian peneration dB, and ann

orthern, botMW of Peliits conventW of synch

uding potencan chang

nt decisionsnsumers, it ast respondrange of fac

South Austenewable en

the potens generationd portfolio early all of ystem fault provide suc

tage intercood, and the s nominal town in thebetween Pa

Study shot may lead

outage. We in operatio

of prudentspinning wined.

s generationhe issue ofof high FCAration from ortunities puess new sol


portfolio whdevelopmennouncementh coal firedcan Point’s

tional gas-fihronous ge

ntial market ge and pres. While ut could for eding gas plactors includ

tralian systenergy integntial under n are on-linof plant ruthe system

t levels andch system a

onnectors sMurraylink

transfer cape Figure, hara and Sou

owed a nud to significaWhile prese

on is consit actions, innd turbines

n in South Af further ren

AS pricing ethe NEM, aublished bylutions eme

Page | 23

ich may nt in the nt of the d power s CCGT ired 480 neration

impacts eference ltimately example ant over ding gas

em, and ration in

certain ne for a nning at

m inertia, d system ancillary

shown in k HVDC3 pacity is however uth East

mber of ant load ntly the dered a ncluding

s in such

Australia newable

events in as noted y AEMO, erge.

While temergecontingprovidegenerat

This matied in pthe reneissues wthe basinto the

he exact pe may be mency risk. E

e a range otion time-sh

ay mean thpart to the ewable enewill also em

sic technicae future acro

ath is unclearket basedEnergy storof additionahifting, whic

hat the futuintroduction

ergy generamerge there

l issues remoss these re

ear and thed incentivesrage may beal services h in combin

re of more n into that mation portfoli. While themain, meanegions.

ere are a rs to providee capable othat simila

nation may m

renewablemarket of enio expands

ere are signning that en

range of poe system seof providing arly supportmake a com

e energy genergy storain other regificant differergy storag

otential soluecurity servi

such servict renewable

mmercial ca

eneration inage. Extrapgions it is prences betw

ge may have


utions, one ices to allevces – and me energy, s

ase attractiv

n South Auspolating forwpossible thaween NEM e a very bro

Page | 24

thing to viate the may also such as


stralia is ward, as at similar regions, oad role

Figure 3‐5 –– South Australian transmissio

on and generatiion system. Image constructe


ed from [10].

Page | 25



The ESundertadefinedshows significa

These ccollectivneededcommethe tecdevice. busines

As ESboundathere wpumpedwhat is streamsprocess



SCRI-SA woaken largely in the AREthese core

ant interacti

Figure 4‐

core elemeve knowled

d addressinercial and rehnical and These iss

ss case cou

CRI-SA invaries, and inwere few pd hydro opeclear from

s is a new s for a busin


s Mileston

ork was divy in paralleENA Fundine elements ion between

‐1 – Consortium

nts were idge of Cons

ng in the coegulatory ensocial env

sues combinuld be obtain

volved a nnvolved tecrecedents terates alreathe work unconcept w

ness case, f



vided into cel, but repng Agreeme

and the rn them.

m structure sho

entified dursortium memontext of thnvironment ironment thned to set tned.

number of chnologies to follow. ady on the ndertaken iswith complefor example


ore “work bported chroent. The Coresponsible

owing the core w

ring the prembers and he Australiathat the as

hat would lathe procure

f new conconly just eWhile eneNEM and ss that grid-s

ex paths. Te.


breakdown nologically onsortium sparties alt

work elements

-proposal sperception

an electricisset would bargely dictament pathw

cepts whicmerging in rgy storage

some batterscale storagThere is no

structure” eaccording

structure, shthough in p

and responsibl

stage to ARof the like

ty sector. be operatedate the phyway so that

ch crossed commercia

e is not nery systems ge leveragino straightfo


elements thto the Mil

hown in Figpractice the

le parties.

ENA, basedely ESD iss

This includ within, as

ysical naturekey metrics

traditionaal settings gew to Austrhave been

ng multiple orward optim

Page | 26

hat were lestones

gure 4-1, ere was

d on the ues that ded the

s well as e of the s for the

l sector globally, ralia, as trialled, revenue misation

A resulvarious requiredinto accthis wothe Apsumma




Site S


MilestEnergthe Ar

Reque– Invit

Energ– Spe

The woand primSectionPhase 2

The appPlease method

lt of this, n stages of d draft repocount the firk are presependices.

arised in Tab

RI-SA Outpu

tone 1 Repatory Review

tone 2 Repor


tone 3 Repmercial Fram

tone 3 Repgy Storage Srt Report

est for Infortation

gy Storage ecification

ork presentemary object

n 6. Once 2 project co

proach andrefer to

dologies, an

not fully apf the core orts to be dndings fromented in Se The key ble 4-1 belo

t De

port – w

A ran

rt – A sitithean

port – ework

A rtheund

port – State of

An curthePha


Theto sa sPhaand


A resproscoproexp

Table 4‐1 – F

ed in Sectiotive of the Ethat Busine

ould be mad

methodolothe other

d other ESC

preciated aelement weveloped fo

m subsequeection 5, witreports an



review of theESD asset

description ng, the meth

e short-list of ESD at thes

review of thee ESD includder which the

investigationrrently in useeir potential ase 2

e invitation tsupply informshort-list for ase 2, and fod services fo

high level spondents toocess were ope of work, ocurement anpected siting

Formal delivera

on 5 provideESCRI-SA ess Case ade and this

ogy adoptedr MilestoneCRI-SA inte

at the comwork were sor each Mileent reports.th a summa

nd outputs

e regulatory

of the issuhodology usef final sites, ase sites

e potential coing ownershe asset woul

n of the enee internationa

for use for

to the energymation that w

potential enor the purpos

or the Phase

specificatioo the Reque

quoting agafunctionality

nd delivery c and environ

ables developed

es the backPhase 1 w

and its sensis described

d to preparee reports erim outputs

mencemenstrongly iteestone, whi The maiary of the ware refere


ues consideed in the sitiand the pote

ommercial frip and commd be operate

rgy storage ally and in Ar the ESCR

y storage vewould be usengagement inses of costin1 Business C

on for theest for Informainst, in tery, engineerincontracting enmental cond

d during the ES

kground of tork, the bu

sitivities wed in Section

e the businefor their

s, as conso

t of the prrative or inich were then findings a

work undertaenced in S

nt in regards

ered aroundng selectionntial value of

ramework formercial termsed

technologiesAustralia, andRI-SA project

endor marketd to producen ESCRI-SAg equipmentCase

ESD thatmation (RFI)rms of ESDg standards


CRI‐SA work.

the main thsiness casere understo

n 6.

ess case is srespective lidated in T


roject was nterdependen updatedand concluaken behin

Section 8, a

ReferencSection 8

s [11

d , f


r s [13

s d t


t e A t


t )

D , ,


heme of thise, which is ood, the ca


Table 4-1.

Page | 27

that the ent and

d to take sions of d this in and are

ce in 8







s Report given in se for a

d below. es and


A primalarge-scbegan asset minfluencissues outcomcase wo

One of can becapabilto own capabiloptimisathis com

The sitassessethese sscreeniThis ressubstatthe rem

The rev

Howevestoragetechnoltechnolthis infoInforma

The Cocommethe asshow suframewcommeof provvalue of


ary objectivecale ESD aduring the must first ced who coare inter-rees of core ork.

the key lea. There isity and costthe resultinities, and soation procemplexity.

te selectioned all 88 osites down ng in whichsulted in a ion (Yorke

maining itera

venue analy

responsive (i.e. 5 minuable to opeable to stoself-discha

er, being coe equipmenogies consogies still s

ormation spation during

ommercial ercial framewset would buch econom

work drivingercial structuiding a netwf which cou

ss Case A

e of the ESasset. The

Milestone be feasible

ould own theelated, the elements to

arnings froms very signt which influng project. olving this iss, which a

n report, [1of ElectraNeto some 1

h possible rshortlist coPeninsula)

ative selectio

ysis sugges

enough ute dispatcherate indepere significarge

ommerciallyt which is idered in thsubject to fpecifically so

the Milesto

Frameworkwork for the

be operatedmic benefit g the commure as one wwork suppo

uld be captu


SCRI-SA studevelopme1 Regulatoe within the asset and

Consortiumo ensure a

m the ESCRnificant inteuences whe

Energy stonterplay as

aims to find

12], the suet’s transm6 substatiorevenue stromprising Pand Monason process

ted that the

to be di periods)

endently of tnt quantitie

y focused, relatively m

he researchuture cost ought in theone 3 period

k report, pe ESD includ. It conside

could be dmercial benwhere the Tort function ured by a ma

udy was to ent of this reory Review he existing d so forth thm continuan efficient o

RI-SA Phaserplay betwere the best orage techns a result tathe most ef

ubject of tmission subsons, whichreams werePort Lincolnsh substatioinvolving te

e technology


the grid infres of energy

the ESCRImature and h and develoimproveme

e procuremed.

part of Miluding owneered the podistributed nefit. The TNSP ownsas well as

arket partic

undertake aequired a hwork, [11],regulatory

hrough the ally had to outcome wa

e 1 work isween service

site for thenologies cankes significffective com

he Milestostations uswere then

e identified, n substationon (Riverlanechnology a

y should be

on the

requently –y for severa

I-SA Projec“off the sh

opment domnts (estimaent process

estone 3,rship and c

otential souand descrianalysis id

s and operas serving ancipant under

a business ighly iterativ as the op

y environmestudy elemiterate ba

as presente

how compe value, fuasset is an

n have verycant effort. mmercial res

ne 2 subming generasubjected characteris

n (Eyre Pennd) which pand function



that is, islanal hours or

ct specificalhelf” and somain. It didated forward, undertake

[13], reviecommercial rces of ecobed the kedentified thates the ESn energy trr agreed co


case analyve approac

peration of sent and th

ments. As aack and aded for the b

plex these itunction, tecnd even whoy different teThe businesult, must d

mission to l criteria toto a seconsed and quninsula), Daprovided a fn.


nd electricar days with

lly targetedo it did notd, however,d cost curven as a Req

ewed the pterms unde

onomic beney elementshe most pr

SD with the rading functmmercial te

Page | 28

ysis for a ch which such an his then all of the djust the business

terations chnology o is best echnical

ess case deal with

ARENA o screen nd stage uantified. alrymple focus for


ally minimal

d energy include

include ves) with quest for

potential er which nefit and s of the romising purpose tion, the erms.

The Tetechnolenergy cost estogetheestimatresultin

From thESCRI-neutral life of 2matchebetwee(+/- 25%

The en(RFI) prand resestabliscapabilAppendfurther full tend

The NPNPV refacility aof the o

Further (less co(Wattle of the Srenewaparticulwind peimprovesuch a

Given tcapacityowner.

The promodellioperatioConsor

chnology Rogy has its relationshi

stimates froer with the es to be cg calculated

his work the-SA projectbasis for a

20 years) ones that typicn technolog

% capex an

ngagement rocess throsulted in 17shed usingity and co

dix E). Shoproof-of-co

der process

PV analysisemained negat the lower

order of 10 y

r work on thostly), its EPoint) and

SA grid in able generaar, were alsenetration ied understasituation is

the preliminy of the ES AGL was n

oject busineng with eons and mrtium’s own

Review, also own inhereps, depth oom public revenue strcalculated fd NPVs all w

e various bat. Howeven ESD (pown a turnkeycal of electgies using ad opex cos

with the mugh a form

7 responsesg technologommercial auld Phase 2ncept discu


s was updagative in alr end of theyears.

he site seleExpected U

its networkthat Yorke

ation. Theseso seen to increases aanding of thvaluable.

nary CommeSD and thenominated a

ess case westimates omaintenanceproject dev

o part of Milent characteof dischargedomain soream estimfor each ofwere negat

attery/fuel cer, it was dewer rating 5y Engineer rical plant da cost, benet estimation

marketplace al RFI Invitas from intergy suitabilacceptability2 proceed, ussions, lea

ated with tel cases. Th

e cost range

ction identinserved Enk characteri

Peninsula e last two align with t

and less efe contributi

ercial Framabove site

as the energ

was based of engineee (O&M)

velopment e

lestone 3, [eristics (e.ge, number ources and

mates allowef the ESD tive.

ell technoloecided to g5 to 10 MWProcure andelivery inefit and riskn accuracy)

was undeation, [15],rnational suity, maturiy selectionit is expecte

ading possib

echnical andhis outcomee to be ope

fied Dalrymnergy revenistics - in farelies on a

points and the renewafficient powon (e.g. fre

mework findie selection, gy retailer.

on historicaering, procucosts infor


14], recogng. responseof cycles e

d internal ced prelimin


ogies seemego to the m

Wpk, energy nd Construc

Australia. k analysis bcould be u

ertaken usinand RFI Pe

uppliers. A ty, whole-o

n criteria (red that thesbly to a red

d financial e caused thrated as a

mple as the nue benefitact, this sitea single fee

the focus able energywer stations

quency con

ngs (MilestElectraNet

al unservedurement armed from

ised that ea time, capa

etc.) and prcost databaary Net Pretechnologi

ed to providmarket placrating 20 to

ct (EPC) coFollowing

based on vendertaken.

ng a Requeerformance

shortlist ofof-life costrefer to evse companiduced short

vendor supe Project todemonstrat

preferred s, its proxim can be seeeder and hon a demoobjectives

retire in Sntrol) that an

tone 3), thet was nomin

d energy annd constru

the RFI


ach energy acity range, rovided preases. Thesesent Valueies and sit

de the best ce on a teco 200 MWhontract basisthis, a com

endor suppl

est for InfoSpecificati

f 8 compant, project valuation mes will be in

tlist to proce

pplied data o focus on tion plant w

site, given imity to a wien as a mic

has significaonstration pof the proj

South Austrn ESD can

e selected tenated as th

nalysis anduction (EPprocess; a

Page | 29

storage power /

eliminary se costs e (NPV) es. The

fit to the chnology , project s, which

mparison ied data

ormation on, [16],

nies was delivery

matrix in nvited to eed to a

but the an ESD

with a life

its scale nd farm crocosm ant local plant, in ject. As ralia, an make in

echnical he asset

d market PC) and and the


This sepreviouprocuredeliveraReportsnature othe bus

The prdiscuss


The Micomprescale e

Since thcommeconsideAEMC’sfurther summawith reg


ection provisly to ARE

ement and ables to ARs, there werof the work

siness case

revious wosed in turn b

Regulatory Site SelectCommerciaState of theSpecificatio


ilestone 1 ehensively cnergy stora

Generator and whetheMarket vs nwhether it generation Use of sysconnected transmissioAncillary separticipate suggested amounts ofTNSP ringtransmissiorevenue of

he report wercial frameeration of ths project to context an

ary builds ogards to the


des a sumENA in Mile

technologRENA are lisre a numbe– this resoof Section

rk undertabelow:

Overview; ion; al Framewoe Art Reviewon and Proc

ory Overv

Regulatorycovered all tage device (

registrationer the outpunon-market

receives behind a co

stem chargto a distri

on system, uervices – th

in frequenthat the maf intermitteng fencing –on assets athe project

was written, ework and he regulatoinvestigate

nd confirman the Miles

e regulatory


mary and estones 1-3gy selectiosted in Tabler of remainlution is und6.

ken is sum

rk; w; and curement.


y Overview the areas o(ESD) in the

n – for an Eut is schedut – in the camoney fromonnection pes – for Ebution netwuse of systehe technicalncy controarket for freqnt generatio– TNSPs are used bdoes not ex

the consorsite choic

ry framewoe the impactation of thstone 1 Reg



update of t3 under theon work thle 4-1). In p

ning uncleardertaken he


report, [11of regulatione NEM. For

ESD, registuled with AEase of ESDm the poopoint. SDs, use o

work. If an em chargesl nature of l and blacquency conn, which reare allowe

by others foxceed five p

rtium has hace for theork. Meetint of storagee key regugulatory Ovk for ESDs.


the key woe Project’s hat has oparticular, ar areas to bere in terms

into the fo

1], was wrn relevant tor example:

tration categEMO. s this refers

ol or is no

of system cESD is cl

s would not ESDs sugg

ck start anntrol is likelypresents an

ed to enteor market oper cent of

ad the oppo ESD, wh

ngs with AEe devices onulatory con

verview repo


ork undertakFunding Ag

occurred sias noted in e resolved

s of the fina

ollowing se

itten in Noo the implem

gories will

s to its staton-market a

charges maassed as aapply.

gests they wncillary servy to increasen opportunitr into partopportunitietheir annua

ortunity to fhich has aER and AEMn the NEM nsiderationsort to highli



ken and prAgreement,

ince. (Theprevious Mdue to the l ESD case

ections, wh

ovember 20mentation o

depend on

tus with AEand simply

ay be appla generato

would be elrvices. AEMe in areas wty for ESDstnerships wes, as longal revenues.

further consallowed forMO, as wehave also p

s for ESDsight the key

Page | 30

resented and the formal

Milestone iterative

e used in

hich are

014 and f a large

its size

MO and y offsets

icable if or in the

ligible to MO has with high . whereby g as the .

sider the r further ll as the provided s. This y issues


After mof the vESDs. existing


Discusscharge inadverallow focustomchargesseeminand insgeneralunfavou

Transmand couuse anguidelinrevenuemay prconside

While trteam, itbusinesbeing afencing busines

The AEexpect fencing by the integrat


eeting with view that thIn other wo

g rules and f

AEMO conffor pumpedloss factor

AEMO saidload, whichcharges, if charges as


sions with tuse of sys

rtent barrieror DUOS ers. On ts. As ESDgly localise

stallations. Al applicabiurable.

mission Netwuld be proh

n ESD for nes allow me for the TNrohibit largeered by the

ransmissiont would alssses. It willable to utilis provisions


ER has signthat such a arrangemeAEMC in

tion of energ

ory landsca

regulatory hey are likeords, they aframeworks

firmed that d hydro storapplication

d it would bh means thtransmissio both a cus

ent regulat

the AER histem chargrs being plato be chathe transmDs only cured or small cAs ESDs ality of NE

work Servichibitive in sinetwork m

mixed use NSP involveer sizes orConsortium

n business so be worth be importa

se ESDs to do not lock

nalled a reva review is ents. Seve

early Decgy storage

ape for ESD

bodies suchely to take re unlikely t

s can be use

it understanrage would for ESDs is

be very likehat ESDs won connectetomer and a

tory barrier

ighlighted tges (DUOSaced on ESrged to geission netwrrently havecharges can

are likely toEM regulat

e Provider tuations wh

managementonly when

ed. This is ur more widem is mixed u

ring fencinghwhile consant to strikereduce ove

k out invest

view of the likely to learal of these

cember 201into the NE


h as the AEa non-discto introduceed. Importa

nds that thebe applicab

s likely to de

ly to categowould not bed, but coua generator


that rules pS) would neSDs on the enerators owork, only e a very mn impact on

o be classetions, DUO

(TNSP) ringhere TNSPst and mark revenue w

unlikely to pe spread u

use to maxim

g is pertinesidering thee the right

erall asset etment that w

distributionad to correse are discus15 in term

EM, [17].

ER, AEMC acriminatory e specific anantly:

e current regble to ESDsepend on th

orise ESDsbe charged

uld be chargr if distributi

pertaining toeed to be distribution

on the distcustomers arginal posn decisions d as gener

OS charges

g fencing gs and a maket tradingwill not exc

prevent instause. The cmise the bu

nt to the cue ring fencbalance be

expenditurewould natur

n ring fencisponding ressed in thes of the r

and AEMO, approach tnd new regu

gistration ans. Howeverhe size of th

s as a gened transmissged distribuon connect

o how distrconsidered network. ribution neare charg

sitive net prto go ahea

rators for ths for gen

uidelines warket partici. Currentlyceed five pallation of surrent busi

usiness case

urrent focuscing guidelinetween mo

e, as well asally take pla

ng arrangeeview of the most receegulatory i


the projectto the reguulations for

nd rules frar, the dual mhe device.

erator rathesion use of ution use ofted.

ribution busd in order t

Currently tetwork, as ed use of resent valu

ad with invehe purposeerators wo

were written ipant wish ty the ring

per cent ofsmall size Einess modee for invest

s of the Connes for dis

onopoly buss ensuring tace by unre

ements ande transmiss

ent report puimplications

Page | 31

t team is lation of ESDs if

amework marginal

r than a system

f system

sinesses to avoid he rules well as system

ue, even estments s of the ould be

in 2002 to jointly fencing

f annual SDs but el being ment.

nsortium tribution

sinesses that ring egulated

TNSPs sion ring ublished s of the


Cost reESDs. contribunetworkmay inctheir loabona fidnet ben

Demanby the Afor choincentiv

AEMO The Sofrequenin the fThere menough


Site selincludedpotentiaintendeNEM crProject recommone fina


The Miland thehigh levnot conHowevein Soutdevelopin finalisB.

4 http:/Conn


eflective net The idea

uted to peak componencrease the vad profile tde long runnefit to distri

d managemAEMC4, whoosing demvise distribu

has a growouth Austrancy control face of gromay be a grh to justify in

Site Sele

lection was d the factoal sites tha

ed novel usereates a nutaking on a

mended thaal site selec

Site sele

lestone 2 ree applicationvel quantificnsider the der, site conth Australiapment and sing the site


ory develop

twork tariffsa behind cak load at nt of their rvalue of ESto avoid pe marginal cbution netw

ment incenthich could smand manation busine

wing interesalian renewancillary se

owing intermrowing opponvestment. 


performed ors that wert were exae of an Eneumber of unan iterative t three shor

ction. This c

ction criter

eport [11] din of these cation of thedeploymentnection cos

a. ESD deptherefore ine selection.


pments imp

s, once impcost reflectpeak demaetail tariff.

SDs in ‘behineak chargescost (LRMCwork reflecte

tive schemeee distributagement ssses to con

st in purchawables inteervices in enmittent genortunity for

as part of re used to

amined andergy Storagncertaintiesform. One ort-listed site

change in sc


iscussed sitcriteria ande benefit clat cost of ansts were conployment conformed Mil

A summary


pacting on

plemented, tive networand times w

Once this nd the metes without n) distributioed in the pri

es for distrition businessolutions ovnsider ESDs

asing ancillaegration pronsuring theeration andESDs to of

Milestone 2select a si

d the rationge Device (s and unknooutcome of es are progrcope was a

te selectiond methodoloasses. It is n ESD whicnsidered atosts were dlestone 4 (ty of the Mile



may have rk tariffs iswill be charcharging fraer’ locationseeding to r

on pricing micing arrang

ibution bussses receivever traditios for deman

ary servicesoject, [7], South Ausd reductionffer this ser

2 of the ESite, what coale behind ESD) to peowns, whichf this iterativressed furthgreed with A

n criteria, sitogy to Soutimportant toch may inflt a high levedeterminedthis report) estone 2 re


an impact s that cusrged a highamework iss, as customreduce actu

methodologygements for

inesses aree an additio

onal asset nd managem

s from non-thighlights

stralian mars in convevice should

CRI-SA ARonstraints w

final shorterform varioh in turn have nature wher rather thARENA.

te screeningth Australiao note that tuence the el in shortlis as input iof the Meaport can be



on the locstomers whher amounts implemenmers seek tual energy y is likely to r the ESD.

e being cononal income

build. Thiment purpos

traditional sthe import

rket stays bentional gend payments

RENA Measwere identift-list selectious functionave resulted

was that Milehan recomm

g and methn sites, incthe Milestofinal site s

sting potentinto busineasure, and ae found in A


Page | 32

cation of ho have t on the ted, this

to flatten use. A see the

nsidered e stream s could ses.

sources. ance of

balanced neration.

be high

sure and fied, the on. The

ns in the d in this estone 2 mending

hodology cluding a ne 2 did

selected. tial sites ss case assisted


A broadcharact

The brodetermiwere nexclusivat this sof sites




(due const


(to inBene



The siteof Soutfrom thSouth AprocessscreeniYorke P

The EyPeninsuline outPeninsuinterconshort-lisdetailed

d range of Steristics as w

Generated Network SuNetwork Su

oad range oined not to

not considevity of benestage. The land high-le


erated Energ

work Support

to reliability traints)

work Support

ncrease Markefit)

able 5‐1 ‐ Bene

Site asse

e assessmeth Australia he assessmAustralia ans introducedng identifie

Peninsula a

yre Peninsula due to ttage conditula, due tonnection costed, one ind analysis.

Site Selectiwell as pote

Energy Valupport (dueupport (to in

of criteria webe relevant

ered. Also, efits and co-

ist of benefevel benefit

y Value


fit classes used

essment an

ent coveredand sites b

ment. The innd resulted d rankings aed that the nd in the R

ula (Port the additiontions. Sites o low cononstraints. Fn each geog

on Criteria ential benef

lue; to reliability

ncrease Ma

ere evaluatt unless ES

detailed a-optimisatiofit classes inquantificati

Benefit cla1. Ma

rev2. Ma

3. Net4. Loc5. Exp

6. Hey7. Mu8. Loc9. Grid10. Anc11. Avo


d for the screen

nd shortlist

d all 88 of Ebelonging tonitial screen

in a shortland weightihighest raniverland.

Lincoln Tenal requirem

in the Rivenection difFrom the agraphic area

was develofits categori

y constraintrket Benefit

ted and redDs become

aspects liken of benefitn Table 5-1ion.

ass rket Trading

venue as welrginal Loss F

twork Augmecalised Frequpected Unse

ywood Intercrraylink Intercal Generatod Support Cocillary Servicoided Wind Frvice (FCAS)

ing, short‐listin


ElectraNet’so generatorning study list of 16 sings of the nked sites

erminal) wament to superland werefficulty andabove it waa, to optimis

oped to capsed as follo

ts); and t).

uced in nume widespreae the potets in the deswere used

Revenue (Mll as Cap tradFactor (MLF)

entation Capuency Supporved Energy

connector Corconnector Cor Constraint ost Reductio

cer Support (SFarm Freque) obligation

ng of sites and h

s transmissirs or SA Poconsideredites. The sSite Selectiwere all loc

as ranked pply load viae ranked ned the poteas concludese the site

pture local sows:

mber after sad in the futuntial interp

sign have nofor the scre

Market time sding revenue) Impact

ital Deferral ort

(USE) reduc

onstraint RedConstraint Re

Reduction n System Freqncy and Con

high‐level benef

on substatower Netwod all connececond stagion Criteria.cated on th

first, highea contractedext, after thntial for reed that threchoice in a


site issues,

some benefure. These

play and/orot been coneening, sho

shifting tradine)


duction eduction

quency Suppntrol Ancillary

fit quantificatio

tions. Sitesorks were ection point

ge of the sc. The seconhe Eyre Pe

er than thed generatiohe Eyre aneduced Muee sites sh more rigor

Page | 33


fits were benefits mutual

nsidered ort-listing


port) y


outside excluded

sites in creening nd stage eninsula,

e Yorke on under d Yorke urraylink hould be rous and

The foll

Pt Lincoend of aavailablto supp

Monashtransmiinterconexport o


The qumost va

At the tbenefitsdeferralform. Gwere nosupportsupportvalue g

DetailedExpectebenefit calculatprobabiconnecarrange

Value fand seltoo smaAustraliSouth AFactor materia

owing sites

Eyre PeninYorke PeniRiverland –

oln and Daa radial 132le in close v

ply the local

h is a hub ssion netwnnector. Thof South Au

Benefit q

antification aluable:

Market Trarevenue); MLF impacNetwork AuExpected ULocal gene

time of the s were aval benefits m

Given the unot consideret (FCAS) tot has been oing forwar

d studies ed Unserveclasses. T

ted by conilistic approtion point o

ement and h

from Energyling power all to mateia. The expAustralia, w(MLF). As

ally inform th

s were chos

sula - Port nsula – Da

– Monash s

alrymple sh2 kV transmvicinity. Thedemand in

near the bworks, Electhese two trustralia’s ren


of the ben

ding Reven

ct (subject tougmentationUnserved Eerator constr

original ARailable on thmay only bencertainty oed further. Ao have a v

included inrd, especial

have indicaed Energy rThe estimatnsidering thoach was uor group ohistorical ou

y Trading isduring perio

erially impacpected revewith a varia

all three he ranking o

sen as being

Lincoln Terlrymple sububstation.

are similar mission netwese renewaisland mod

border betwtraNet’s 132ransmissionnewable en

ion and fina

nefit classes

nue (Market

o optimal ESn Capital Denergy (USEraint reduct

RENA propohe Yorke P available if

of the mine Analysis of very low van the businly in South A

ated that treduction, aed revenuee historicaused to esf connectio

utage data.

s achieved ods of high ct the pool enue due totion factor sites have of the sites.

g the highes

rminal substbstation; and

geographicwork and haable energyde during a

ween South2 kV Rivern networks nergy to the

al site sele

s has ident

t time shiftin

SD sizing);eferral (whe

E) reductiontion.

osal there wPeninsula. Wf the propodevelopme

market infoalue based ness case aAustralia.

two benefitare of signife that couldl behaviour

stimate the on points, t

by buying pool prices price. Theo Energy Tdue to appa very sim

st ranked in

tation; d

c characterave significa

sources dotransmissio

h Australia rland netwo

form a coWestern V


tified the fo

ng trading re

ere relevantn; and

was an expWith the lased Hillsideent proceedrmation hason history

analysis as

t classes, ficantly gread be accrur of power

expected taking acco

power duris. The prope same pooTrading is splication of milar benef

n each area

istics; both ant renewabo not currenon network o

and Victorork and theorridor that ictorian netw

ollowing ben

evenue as w


pectation thtest deman

e mine procding, netwos shown tha

y. However, it is expec

namely Enater potentiaed from Enprices in unserved e

ount of the

ing periods osed ESD ol price appsimilar for a site-spec

fit, Energy



are locateble energy ntly have thoutage.

ria connecte Murraylink

is involvedwork.

nefits as be

well as Cap

at network nd forecastsceeds in subrk deferral at ancillary s, ancillary scted to incr

nergy Tradal value thanergy TradSouth Ausenergy at substation

s of low poois considereplies acrosall locationcific MarginTrading d

Page | 34

d at the sources

he ability

ting two k HVDC d in the

eing the

p trading

deferral s, these bstantial benefits services services rease in

ing and an other ing was tralia. A a given

n supply

ol prices ed to be s South

ns within nal Loss oes not

An ESDconnecoutage,connecdurationtransmi

The hisare sum

The busyet comrespectdemonsTherefodemons

Given tthe purp

A signifMonashDalrymp

Key B



Size o

Size Devic


D can act ation point le, especiallytion pointsn of suppssion supp

storical unplmmarised Ta

No. of un

Max. sing

Total inte

Average d

Average i

Table 5‐2 ‐ H

siness casemmercially t to aspectsstration piloore, this restration pilo

he potentiapose of a de

ficantly largh. A smalleple was sel


maximum d

-up supply av

of the Inverte

of the Ence

nce from Ade

as an alternevel are typ

y for radial . Diesel gely outagesly.

lanned line able 5-2.

planned inte

gle interruptio

rruption dura

duration per

interruption d

Historical unpla

e, documenviable. Ho

s of ESD anot project wport propos

ot plant.

al benefits femonstratio

er ESD willer ESD is pected as th




nergy Stora


Table 5‐3

ative supplypically causconnection

enerators as. In contr

outages fo


on duration


single interru

duration per

anned line outa

ted later in owever, thend grid intewould assisses an ES

rom all threon pilot plan

be requiredpreferred foe preferred




10 -

ge 5


– Criteria used

y during a psed by a trn points. Boare currentrast, Mona

or Port Linco





uption 6

year 6

ages for Port Lin

this report,ere are nuegration thast to bette

SD installat

ee short-listnt, the criter

d to provideor the purp location.


ed unservedEnergy

38 MW


- 20 MW

5 hours

647 km

d to assess dem

power outaransmissionoth Pt Linctly used atsh has m

oln and Da

Pt Lincoln


8.87 hours

61.92 hours

6.98 hours

6.19 Hours

ncoln and Dalry

concludes umerous cht are unknor understanion in Sou

ed sites areria in Table

e the identifpose of a te



8 M


5 -10(Pref

2 h(Pref


onstration pilot

ge. Power n line outagcoln and Dat Pt Lincolultiple sou

lrymple ove





1.6 h


ymple over the

that utility sharacteristicown and furnd the emth Australia

e not signifi5-3 were co

fied potentiaechnology


d unserved ergy



0 MW ferred)

ours ferred)

9 km ferred)

t plant site


interruptionge or a tranalrymple arn to minim

urces of e

er the last 1



8 hours



last 10 years

scale storagcs, especiarther studieerging techa to be bu

icantly diffeonsidered.

al at Pt Lincdemonstrat





10 – 20

5 hour

235 km

Page | 35

ns at the nsformer re radial

mise the lectricity

10 years

ge is not ally with es and a hnology. uilt as a

erent, for

coln and tion and








The Miland fun

The inteframewsheet. Sharing


At a higcomme

To inforfollowin


The Coconsidein this s

Some oconsidethe poteReport


The Cooperateof the Echarge



lestone 3 Rnctional spe

ention of thworks and fu

It is intendg material p


gh level, theercial framew

Identify theIdentify theDefine the

rm the abovng:

Potential soPotential sdistributed?Key elemen

Key Find

onsortium’s eration. Thsection of th

FrameworkFrameworkFrameworkand Framework

other commered less atential comm– Commerc


onsortium hes the ESD ESCRI-SA pand discha

rcial Fram


Report, [12]cifications t

he report wunctional sed that thisroduced un


e purpose work consid

e ESD primae asset ownebasic eleme

ve, the Con

ources of ecsources of?); and nts of the fr


analysis toe four pote

he report:

k 1: Energy k 2: TNSP Ok 3: 3rd Pa

k 4: Mixed N

mercial framttractive optmercial framcial Framew


has determand also m

project. Thearge.


, provided to be consid

was to provipecification

s will be incnder the Fun

of the Milesdered the fo

ary role/s; er; and ents of the f

nsortium ide

conomic bef commerc

amework d

o date hasential comm

Trading – MOwner Operarty Provide

Network and

meworks wetions for themeworks idework [13].

ined that amanages isoe Generato

an outline dered as pa

ide a high ns in a formcluded in thending Agree

stone 3 Reollowing:


entified for

enefit for encial impact

riving the c

s identified mercial fram

Market Benrator – Netwer – Larger

d Market Be

ere considee various stentified is i

a commerciolations of t

or / Retailer

of the propart of the ES

level descrm which coe final repoement.

eport was to

each poten

ergy storagt (i.e. how


four potenework optio

efit Model;work Benefi

Scale Prim

enefit Mode

ered as parakeholdersncluded in

al structurethe equipmwould cont

posed commSCRI SA pro

iption of poould form thort for AREN

o determine

ntial framew

e; w is the


tial operations contem

t Model; marily Netw


rt of this re. A summathe “ESCR

e where theent is approrol the disp


mercial framoject.

otential comhe basis ofNA and Kno

e for each p

work conside


ing framewmplated are

work Benefit

eview althoary of key te

RI-SA - Mile

e TNSP owopriate for P

patching the

Page | 36


mmercial f a term owledge


ered the


works for detailed

t Model;

ugh are erms for estone 3

wns and Phase 2

e ESD to

The suTable 5











The purstorageProject,definitioAppend

ummary of 5-4.

roject Term



SD Location

SD Capacity

spatch Right


arket Particip

ontractual Te

State of

rpose of thee technolog, and to asson. A summdix C.

the recom




pant G


Table 5‐4 ‐ Sum

f the Art R

e state of thgies being sist in early mary of the

mmended k




Site Spec

TNSP aGenerator/R

Generator/Rand TNS

TNSP aGenerator/R


Life of As

mmary Recomm


e art reviewdeveloped modelling wMilestone

key comme




and Retailer

Retailer SP

and Retailer



mended Comm

w, [13], wasand deplo

work undert3 report (E

ercial frame

Ownedthe RA

TNSP the plequipm

Site deto levewhile hdefaulrequire

MinimTNSP require

Capacother r

TNSPto GspecifESD ifor ne

ESD TNSP netwo

Generlease right tESD c

Generregistethe cowith A

Part of

ercial Framewo

to provide oyed globataken in sitinergy Stora

ework term

d by TNSP aAB.

to operate ant and op


etermined byel of network having regart retailer sitinements

um capacity network sup

ements city amendedrevenue stre

P to assign Generator/ fic provisions to operatetwork suppoowned and

to primrk support rator/Retailerpayment to o manage t

charging/discrator/Retailerered Market ounter party EMO

f asset includ

ork – Key Terms

an overviewlly of a typng and funcage System


ms is prese

and included

e and maintperate isolat

y TNSP subj constraints rd to local ng

determined pport

d to improve eams

dispatch rigRetailer w

ns of how te when requirort d operated marily prov

r makes ann TNSP for the dispatchcharging r is tParticipant afor settlem

ded in RAB.


w of variouspe relevantctional spec

ms) can be

Page | 37

ented in

d in

tain ting



hts with the red

by vide

ual the of

the and ent

s energy t to the cification found in

The patpreviouOf parttechnolthe SouMWpk ocompreinvolvin

The ESwhat teonly “noand behlarge qubut the are still the Proj


The ES“utility linternattraditioncomme

In sumStorageLead aBromine

A brief charactpresent

The widover, housed to


For a bfinal funestimatconsortconscioas the fyield the

th by whichsly in Soutticular noteogies and t

uth Australiaoutput, inclession storang chemical

SCRI-SA Prchnologies on-hydro” ehind this is uantities alsize of tho novel aspeject, they w

r storage tely utilised inl storage). rity of thes

encies in su

SCRI-SA Pevel”. Whitionally to snal utility fra

ercial power

mary, the e (PHS), coacid, Lithiume (ZnBr), H

discussionteristics wated.

de ranging owever the

o inform a fir


business canctionality he (+/- 25%tium debateous of the sfast pace oe best resu

the ESCRIh Australia

e was a Sthe basic buan market, [uding largeage, throug and mecha

roject choseare applica

energy storaan assumpready, incluse facilitiesects of wate

were include

echnology nn several so

The primase media foch a config

roject is alile this lattesee large scanchise, wi

r plant deve

energy stoompressed m ion, Sodydrogen fue

n of each as presente

nature of tkey parame

rst level pas

cation and

ase to be whad to be kn% accuracy)ed internallysignificant leof change inlts, starting

I-SA Projecin relation

tudy underusiness cas[18]. That Se pumped gh to smaanical stora

e to focus oable. In defage (essentption that nouding in Au is generaller based sted in the rev

not coveredolar thermal ary reason for storing euration if pr

so about eer terminolocale use ofithin this reloper, utility

rage technAir Energy

dium Sulphuel cells, cap

of the diffeed and des

the review eters of eacss to for any

d Procurem

written the cnown in som), a formay the best evels of inten the induswith a Req

ct evolved into energy

rtaken in 2se for their Study coverhydro, com

aller scale ge.

on the smalfinitions of tially Pumpe

ot only havestralia – anly larger thatorage faciliview.

d was thermprojects, o

for not purselectrical enroducing ele

energy storogy is somef small, disteport the eny or formal m

ologies thay Storage (Cur (NaS), V

pacitors and

erent energscriptions o

necessarilych technoloy given elec


capital cost me detail, aal approachway to ap

erest acrosstry. It wasquest for Info

ncluded constorage as

2011 whichuse to increred a rangempressed atechnologie

ler end of the Project wed Hydro Ste PHS systend, thereforan sought inties and, w

mal energy r chilled wasuing such nergy (in/ouectricity as a

rage at Traewhat vagutributed enenergy storamarket entr

at were purCAES), FlywVanadium d supercapa

gy storage of some ty

y meant thaogy were idectrical stora

of the ESDand for this, h to the m

pproach thes a broad r

s concludedormation (R

nsideration oa renewab

h examinedease renew

e of technoloair facilitieses in the

his market work and aitorage (PHSems been pe, are not pn the Projec

where these

storage, ster (and varwas both t

ut), and thean end prod

ansmission e given tha

ergy storagege asset isant would b

rsued includwheel EnerRedox Bat


technologiypical know

at many deentified andge applicati

D, its deployand to ach

market was e market forange of stad that a stagRFI).


of work undble energy d potential wable energogies in thes and gas

1-30 MWp

and this infims, it is staS)) will be ppursued andparticularly ct. Howevewere appli

such as moriants, incluthe relative e likely endduct.

System levat there aree systems

s of a size be consider

de Pumpedrgy Storagetteries (VRB

es based wn example

etails were the reviewion.

yment pathhieve a clas

undertakeor informatioakeholders,ged proces

Page | 38

dertaken enabler. storage y use in

e 100s of pipeline

pk range

fluences ated that pursued, d built in novel –

er, there cable to

lten salt uding ice

level of d-to-end

vel – or e moves within a either a ing.

d Hydro e (FES), B), Zinc

on their es were

glossed w may be

h and its ss 2 cost n. The on, very , as well ss would

To achithe ESfunding

To deaexpectemathem


A purpinvestignetworkoptimisaa wide commemodelle

Each mconditioby stepmarket (betweeperform

The momarket renewaestimatwhen mearly ruhence fbut not are give

Extensicertain functionactuallyrevenuerevenue

eve this, anD and how requireme

“The specifa manner which allowvendors, thwill be usspecificatiothey were rto the locat

al with the led operatiomatical mod


pose built gation of vark and maration. This array of d

ercial paramed output.

model run sons with theping througincome. T

en 2012 amed to ident

odel could – that is, it

able energyes, showed

maximising un for an arbflywheels, wtime shiftin

en in Table

ve iterationstorage o

nal specificy do. The e stream, be for a com

n ESD Specw it would nts, in partic

fication for which suits

ws a reasohe productioed within

on will be suresolved, brtion chosen

large numbon of the Eel, [19], to t

atical Mode

mathematicrious combket behaviomodel was

ifferent enemeters - F

imulated the ultimate ogh such opeThe modelleand 2014). ify risks ass

calculate et was not sy plant. Ind that only cthe availabbitrary timewhich have ng purposes5-5.

ns of the moptions or cation – in

early analbut even unmercial pro

cification alsbe procurecular:

the energy s the chosenable classon of a mathe Measu

upplied – idroadly appli”

ber of energESD in functest basic p


cal modelinations andour, and p

s written andergy storageigure 5-1 s

e operationutput a Net

eration in timed electricit

In the ulsociated wit

nergy tradispecifically tnitial runs,certain optiole differenti-shifting casshort durat

s, compare

mathematicafunctionalitother wor

ysis indicatnder pure mposition acr

so had to beed. This p

storage syen procurems of price easter schedure’s financdentifying thlicable withi

gy storage ctional formrinciples in

of the Ed permutati

provided a d compiled e types to shows one

n of such at Present V

me across aty market ctimate busth changes

ng value btargeting thbased on

ons were likial in the mse – here ntion outputspoorly. The

al model wty was prerds, the exted that enmarket differoss the ma

e written whrocess also

ystem will bement and cestimation adule. This ccial model. e key enginin Australia,

configuratiom, it was n

terms of va

SD was pons of storameans to in the Mathbe inputted

e of the in

n asset witValue (NPV)a defined maconditions wsiness caseto such ass

ut only conhe time-shift

the State kely to be c

market. Figuno account s which are e metrics us

were underteferable, wxpectation anergy tradinerentials waajor energy

hich could bo had to a

e fully explocontracting and, followicapital estim

A high neering requ, rather than

on options,necessary talue propos

produced wage medium

begin the hematica sod in terms nput screen

th respect t) calculationarket periodwere basede a sensitsumptions.

nsidered theting of geneof the Art

close to or Nure 5-2 for is made of better for r

sed in this e

taken to trywhich wouldaround whang was a sas unlikely storage tec


be used to dlign with A

ored and demethodolo

ing discussmate and slevel perfouirements an specific fu

, and to deto build anition..

which allowm in relation process o

oftware and of operatio

ns and ass

to assumedn. It calculad and accumd on historitivity analys

e differentiaeration outpt Report [1NPV positivexample shnetwork varegulation searly NPV

y and deted help infoat the ESDsignificant pto provide

chnology typ

Page | 39

describe ARENA’s

efined in ogy, and sion with schedule ormance and how functions

efine the d run a

wed the n to both of asset allowed

onal and sociated

d market ated this mulating cal data sis was

al in the put from 14] cost ve, even hows an lue, and

services, analysis

ermine if orm the D would potential enough


It was avarious provideSectionhelp clsensitivenergy






always inte options pu

ed the majon 6, but prioarify what

vity in revestorage typ

5‐1 – Sample s


oject life

scount rate


Table 5‐5 – Me

ended that tut forward brity of eneror to RFI in

functions enue from pes.

creen from ESCstorage o


20 y

10 %


etrics used for t

this modely proponengy trading v

nformation bof the ESDdifferences

CRI‐SA mathemperational valu




ed on maximoss the Souths means thatefit value inc

the purpose of

would be unts as part ovalue estimbeing availaD would b

s functions

matical model, tues. Results can

mising energyh Australia Nthere was n

cluded in the

early technolog

updated anof the RFI p

mates for theable the mobe most be

and opera

his one showinn be viewed im

y trading valuNEM market.

o network analysis.

gy comparisons

d then useprocess. Ule business odel was a eneficial, anational capa

g one used to imediately.




ed to help cltimately thicase, descvery usefu

nd particulabilities of

nput particular

Page | 40

compare s model

cribed in ul tool to arly the various

r energy

Figure 5‐public do


An ESDformal r

After sproponeprocurewith suproject not provdiscuss

‐2 – Example ofomain cost infor

found very sen


D Specificatresponders

The designenvironmendevice and Contractorsbe providedEngineeringcompliancearound elecSpecific teproject schperformancMiscellaneoand Enviro

ome discusents on a lu

ed in Austrach experienrisk onto thvide the low

sed more in

f initial results frmation. Initia

nsitive to assum


tion, [16], wto the RFI

n philosophyntal conditi the grid cos Scope of d, and wherg expectat

e with codesctrical, mecchnical exphedule, conce guaranteous supply nment (HSE

ssion withiump sum E

alia so matcnce were lihe Contractwest cost opSection 6.

from mathematl results were a

mptions and ass

was written process, wi

y – includinions, expec

onnection exWork – def

re the termiions – incs and laws,

chanical andpectations ntractor su

ees, and Opexpectatio

E), risk man

n the ConEPC contracches with thikely to be tor which, iption simply

tical modelling,all close to or Net functions. N

by the Conith the purp

ng basic dected servicxpectationsfining the Cnal points o

cluding exp, and particd civil plant,of supply –

upplied ESDperations anns – includnagement a

nsortium it ct basis. Te culture offavoured. n an emergy as uncerta

, here for a certPV negative in

NPV calculation

nsortium whose of defin

escription ances, the fu

Consortium’on the contrpectations acular local e and the gr– in particuD mathemand Maintenading projectand enginee

was decidThis is typicf supply, an However, ging area sainty is buil

tain energy timearly model runbased on metr

ich was ultning the ass

nd conceptunctional ex

s expectatioract would baround appxpectationsid connectioular, the exatical modeance (O&M)

managemeering deliver

ed to seekcal of how ud means thit also mov

such as enet into any p


me‐shifting casens, although rarics in Table 5‐5

imately proset in relatio

t, siting, desxpectations

ons on whabe plicable stas in South Aon process xpectationsel, warrant) ent, Healthrable contro

k informatioutility technhat only proves the maergy storagpricing. Thi

Page | 41

based on nking was


vided to on to:

sign life, s of the

at would

andards, Australia

around ties and

h, Safety ol

on from nology is ponents

ajority of e, might s will be

The funoperatio




The Spachieveproponewhich cfunctionsolutioncontext electrica

There wwas to applicattrends, terms othat the


The Cocompanspecificand comanagegeneral

nctional desonal modes

Market Traprices are hIslanded Mislanded foNetwork Mconstraints

ecification wed, schedulents in the could, for exns and requns put forwa and operaal plant ope

was much dbe sought

tions at tarthe size ran

of capital ane mathemat


onsortium dnies to appc informationmpare propeable, as it l release wa

scription in s, being:

ading Modehigh, and asMode – whellowing a co

Mode – whe or provide

was not inteed or contrRFI proces

xample, havuirements oard to meet ations of theerating in Au

discussion win the RFI

rget sites fonge specifiend O&M coical model c










for Inform

decided noproach with n requestedposals. Thwas believ

as made. Th

the ESD S

e – where ths a load where the ESDontingency ere dispatchspecific Ne

ended to berolled, and ss to put forve involved of the assetthe risk ex

e NEM, anustralia.

within the CI process. or the ESDed in Table stings, but could be us









ble 5‐6 – Size ra

ation (RFI)

ot to advera RFI Inv

d from prophe decisionved that conhe full list o


he ESD is dhenever pooD supplies event

h as a load etwork value

e overly preas a result

rward innovhybrids of t, and contpectations ad the utility

onsortium aBased on

D installatio5-6 was realso in term

sed to deter









ange of ESD sou

) Process

rtise the Ritation, [15]onents and

n not to adnsiderable nf companie

n targeted a

dispatched ol prices area portion of

or generatoe

scriptive ont was technvative approtechnology

tracting prefand appetity norms an

about what the initial m

on and seequested froms of base mine result









ught in RFI Proc

RFI, but rat], which de the criteriavertise was

noise from ts targeted i

an asset ca

as a generae low f the Netwo

or is made

n how thesenology agnooaches to th. However,ferences, we of the Cod generally

size of enemodelling wking a mea

om proponetechnology

ing NPVs.





ther selecteefined the pa that woulds made to the marketps given in A


apable of th

ator whene

ork which h

to alleviate

e modes weostic. This he functions, certain sta

were mandaonsortium wy high stand

ergy storagework, the pans of esta

ents – particy character

ed a list oprocess timd be used to

make the place was liAppendix D

Page | 42

hree key

ver pool

as been

e system

ere to be allowed

s sought andards, atory for

within the dards of

e system particular ablishing cularly in istics so

of target ming, the o assess process ikely if a .

An initiaprior to as the dor consanswer

Final reIntegratenergy playersindicate

The Coprocessdocumenoted ththe Confurther


A total multi-crdirectly short-listo be at

ProposaAppendis also gtypicallymore etechnol

As expincludinFlow, Vpropose

No smacompanother sproposaexpectanorms. extreme

al approachreceiving th

documentatsortiums. Qrs made kno

esponses wtors (typicastorage de. A signif

ed in Appen

onsortium hs, but the nentation suchat the likelnsortium lefin Section 6

Results o

of 17 proporiteria evalu

linked to tsted status,ttained.

als were tydix D – notegiven in Apy an integraenergy stoogy develo

pected, cheng various Vanadium Fed, includin

Hybrids of characterisA proposalof a compleA proposal

all Compresnies contacstated that als also failations in A This was

ely limited a

h was madehe RFI docution was rel

Questions poown to the f

were receivlly, EPC wr

evice supplyficant numbndix D.

ad always nature of thch a shortlisly path fromft the option6 in relation

of RFI Proc

osals were uation procethe RFI Inv all thresho

ypically of ge the raw fopendix E. Mator (or Porage vendpers also p

mical batteLithium-IonFlow and Rg;

different tystics of each using heatete thermal using hydro

ssed Air Encted stating

the projecled to adeq

Australia – not unexpe

and there is

to each coumentation.eased, so t

osed by profull list – so

ed from a rap offers) y only), andber of parti

intended toe relationshsting was p

m there couln open for to recomm


received froess. The vitation nar

old criteria h

good qualityorm of the oMost propo

ower Conveors, althouroposed co

ery technolo types, So

Redox Flow

ypes of bah when applt storage inisland (steaogen storag

ergy Storagthey were

ct was conquately impparticularly

ected, as thno suite of

ompany see. The full listhat companoponents pri

the process

range of inand energy

d included fies coopera

o shortlist rhip from thproposed fold be a forman alternat

mendations a

om the marprocess us

rrative and had to be pa

y and are inoriginal evaosals involveersion Systeugh a nummplete sup

ogy dominaodium Sulphw types. S

attery energlied to the v molten salam to turbinge

ge (CAES) too busy w

nsidered toress the as

y around ce energy stf standards

eking interesst of proponnies had theior to final ss was run a

ndustry pary storage teinal offers fated or for

espondentsere was un

or a potentiamal tender toive procurearound pric

rket and 8 wsed both thSpecificatio

assed and a

ndicated in luation sheed a mixtureem (PCS)

mber of laply.

ated the suhur, AdvancSome highly

gy storage, various modlt technologne plant)

proposals wwith anotheoo small fossessors oncompliance torage suppin common

st and to adnents was the ability to fosubmission ws a formal t

ticipants inechnology pfrom nationamed relatio

s at the conncertain. Inal Phase 2 o that shortment path. e reduction

were finally hreshold anon. For a an aggrega

relation to et used to ce of compasupplier) wrger indust

ubmissions,ced Lead Ay innovativ

to benefit des of operagy, which in

were receivr commerc

or their tecn their abilitwith stand

plier experie use for suc


dvise of the hen made kform partnewere collatetender wou

cluding tecproviders (tal and interonships, wh

nclusion of n the RFI Inproject, an

tlist alone, a This is dis.

shortlistednd scored proposal t

ated score >

final shortlcompare prnies in part

working withtrials and

, with technAcid, Zinc-B

ve ideas we

from the ation soughnvolved the

ved, with oncial issue, wchnology. ty to meet

dards and ence in Ausch an asset

Page | 43

process known rships ed and ld.

chnology typically, rnational hich are

the RFI nvitation d it was

although scussed

using a criterion to reach >3.5 had

listing in roposals tnership, h one or


nologies Bromine ere also

different ht


ne of the while the

Several delivery delivery

stralia is t.

Feedbawas limstorageResponand a n

The RFconsidetypicallyshows tof the placemEnviron

Of partifor an Ethe assenergy

In hindsto the Responneededadd mothese dsignifica

Considecapabiland lifesought,ResponanalysisSection

ack on the mited. Feede device pundents that number of R

FI also souerably with y varying wthe normaliexpected Eent the Ow

nmental app

cular intereESD which set. Influenstorage pro

sight the abproposed

ndents provd, which alsore storage depending ant impact o

Figure 5‐3

ering also ities – for eetimes – a a number

ndents. Uls, which w

n 6.

RFI specifidback on tht forward cthe exact a


ught timelinthe period

with technolosed scheduEPC timelin

wner would rprovals.

est were thecould meet

ncing interpoviders were

bility to meeprices. F

vided signiso influence

as that alron techno

on costs ac

3 – Normalised

that differexample dend standarr of issuestimately, th

was used b

cation was e ESD func

could meet lgorithms tos sought cla

ne estimated between ogy selectioule taken frone associatrequire a pe

e capital andt the technicretation of e prepared

et SpecificatFor exampficantly mo

ed their oveready installogy characross initial d

RFI results in t

rent energypths of discrd product s combinedhe only wayby the Con

sought asctionality sothe functio

o be deployarification o

es from ReEPC orde

on and the eom proponeted with baeriod of the

d O&M costcal requiremcosts was to offer, wh

tion at yearle, in man

ore energy rall price relled droppecteristics. delivery and

terms of Phase

y storage charge and sizes that

d to make y to filter tnsortium in

part of theought was mnality reque

yed on the don certain te

espondentser placemenenergy storent submissattery techne order of 6

ts proposedments sougalso the gu

hich vary gr

r 20 was onny instance

storage celative to oted in perfor

This differd ongoing o

2 Delivery Sche

technologienumber ofdid not neit difficult

these differn the Busin

e RFI procemostly confoested. It wdevice wereechnical poi

. Those nt and comrage requiresions and isnologies. Pmonths for

d, with the Sht until yeauarantees aeatly betwe

nerous and es to meetcapacity in hers. Othemance, whrence in moperations.

edule, by option

es had diff cycles, rouecessarily mto compar

rences wasness Case


ess, althouorming – thawas noted be yet to be snts.

submitted mmercial oements. Figs broadly in

Prior to EPr Developm

Specificatioar 20, the lifand warraneen Respon

added signt this requyear 1 th

ers chose tohile others rmethodology

n number.

fferent engund trip effimatch the re pricing bs to apply a

analysis g

Page | 44

gh such at is, the by many specified

differed peration gure 5-3 ndicative C order

ment and

n calling fetime of ties that


nificantly uirement han was o simply replaced y had a

ineering ciencies Options

between an NPV given in

Figuressuppliefrom oSpecificcategorbattery individu

Figure anonymfrom anindicatehigher tthe grou

FiguresTable 5assumptechnollocationwere no

All of thanalysisacross longer s

The splarge diprovideprobablperform

All of thnetworkin NPVmarket not uneanalysis

RFI restechnolpotentiacost vasummaprotect althougpublishe

s 5.4 - 5.7rs, must thnly those cation, [16] rised in Secstorage tec

ual technolo

5-4 showsmous batteryny particulae some linethe cost, anup appears

s 5.4 – 5.7 5-6. Also ptions giveogies with b

n of the ESot known.

he Figures s – that isall options storage dep

read of resifference in

er is availaly the emb

mance guara

he results wk value wou

V when asscircumstan

expected ans presented

spondents wogy, whichally addressaried signifiarised typica

commerciah it is noteded in the re

7, which ierefore be submission– so CAPE

ction 6. In thchnologies ogy type.

s all short-ly technolog

ar technologarity with Mnd that ther generally g

demonstratshown for n in Tablebetter servicD at this po

demonstra, no technoand respon

pth, appeari

sults was athe approa

ble and yeryonic natuantees, O&M

were significuld add to tsuming certnces would nd is tested d in Section

were also as was also s the commicantly betwal expectatal informatid that in ge

ecent report

ndicate gecautiously

ns shortlistEX does nohese Figurethemselves

isted resultgy. Generagy, and a g

MWh, meanre is some egreater than

te the variaeach optio

e 5-5. Suchce value ovoint the ana

ate that theology that nses, althoung to have

lso significaach from Reet a large ure of the iM pricing an

cantly NPV he revenuetain networbe a commin detail in 6.

sked to proa criterion

merciality of ween technion across ion the exa

eneral the cprepared b

eneral cost interpreted

ted for theot include des to protecs are not id

ts by CAPlly speakinggreat deal ing that theefficiency inn 1.

ance acrosson is a “bah an analy

ver storage alysis was

ere was noshowed a ugh certainan advanta

ant even aespondents spread of ndustry, wind balance

negative ue side, and rk values, imercial prop

relation to

vide the ex in the suban ESD int

nology andall responsact battery

claimed pricby the CSIR

informatio. Here raw

e scope ofdevelopmenct commercientified, alt

EX againstg the graphof data spr

e more quan scale as t

s technologase case” ysis tends duration, buunknown, a

clear techsignificant batteries a

age for parti

cross the s– for examresults wa

ith still signof plant cos

nder the bainitial resultt is unlikelyposition in ithe recomm

xpectation obmission ato the future Respondeses of cost

y technologce trajectoryRO for the A

on (CAPEXw cost inforf work pront or ownerial informatithough resu

t MWh ands indicate liread. The bntum of enethe d(MWh)

y for OptionNPV analyto prejudic

ut was neceand hence t

hnology preNPV bene

appear to becularly Opti

same technmple, only onas presentenificant varists.

ase case asts showed sy that an Eits own righmended Pha

n costs intossessmentse. While exents, Table s relative ty is not g

y is more agAEMC, [20].


X) from shrmation is povided in trs costs, wion of suppults are gro

d MW grouittle obviousbottom grapergy stored)/d(CAPEX

ns 1, 4 andysis, basedce slightly essary as ththe actual s

eference unefit over thee better opion 7 (Figur

nology, indine NaS tec

ed. This iniation in re

ssumptionssome improESD underht. This resase 2 proje

o the future s and whicxpectations

e 5-7 indicato 2015. Aiven in theggressive t

Page | 45

hortlisted provided the RFI hich are

pliers the uped by

uped by s benefit ph does

d (Q) the ) across

d 7 from on the against

he exact services

nder this e others tions for re 5-7).

cating a chnology ndicates lation to

s. While ovement r current sult was

ect in the

of each ch could s around ates the

Again, to e Table, han that






Table 5‐7


Followinnext stecommerelativefrom enThese t

HowevetechnolAustralirenewaargued securityhappenconnec

This focsmaller installatexpendbattery most ofpilot pla


technology A

technology C

technology D

technology E

7 – Average exp


ng the RFI eps for the

ercial in its ly high cosnergy tradinthings are c

er, there isogy, which ian power

ables relativin Section

y and technn relatively t.

cused the r end of thetion and oiture. Conoption and

f the Respoant could fo






pectation of Reswho spec

ns Followins Case Ass

process theProject intoown right b

st of energyng in Southcanvassed i

s a need is expectedsystem, w

ve to dema3.1, energyical issues quickly to

attention oe Option s

operational sidering co this becam

ondents werreseeably t

ypical claimescale i

No chan

spondents to tecifically provide

ng RFI Prosessment

e Consortiumo Phase 2. based on cuy storage teh Australia n detail in S

to gain locd to play anwhich has nd and they storage isarising fromavoid comp

f the Conscale in Tabaspects o

osts at suchme the focure relativelyrial a numb

ed prospectinstallations




nge envisage


echnology priceed advice on co

ocess – D

m held a wo What wasurrent markechnologiesand throug

Section 6.

cal real won important

world leae decreasings expected m the changpromising t

sortium ontoble 5-6, to

of the ESDh scale, it ws for the bu

y agnostic aer of differe

tive price ofs) relative to


e in future relatst trajectories a


orkshop in ws clear is thaket circumss and the r

gh current n

orld experit role in theading peneg levels of to be one

ging generathe ability o

o a potentigain expe

D conceptwas likely tusiness casabout the acent storage

f battery teco the base p

No cha


ive to 2015 – oare shown

ion Plant

which to coat the ESD

stances, a prevenue thanetwork sup

ence with future opetration levesynchronoof the soluttion mix, anof more ren

al demonsterience with

while limitihat this wose for this Rctual storagtechnologie


chnology (foprice in 2015




nge envisag

Not given

only those short


onsider the pD was unlikeproduct of bat can be opport oppor

applicationeration of thels of inteus generattions to thend this maynewable en

tration planh the procuing un-com

ould favour Report, althge media uses.

Page | 46

or utility 5


tlisted and

tion for

potential ely to be both the obtained rtunities.

n of the he South ermittent ion. As

e system y have to nergy to

nt at the urement, mmercial

a Li-Ion ough as sed, any

In termsnetworkDalrymp132 kVintermitthrougha reasostation made fosupply within tpossible

This thnumberDalrympSection

s of Site, thk there hasple area ha

V line, – wttent renewah the “Heywonable expeis isolated or an ESD ofollowing suhe island, ae.

en led to r of project ple Sub-Sta

n 6.

he Consortius many of tas significan

which can bable genera

wood” SA-Viected unservthrough a coperation. uch a fault,and various

the formal configuratio

ation on th

um eventuahe attributent wind enebe consideration with thctoria intercved energycontingencyTo achieve including p

s Responde

business ons based

he Yorke P

ally selectedes of the SAergy generared analoghe only AC connector. y requiremey event, to we this, the pipotentially ments had ind

case work,on Lithium-


d DalrympleA region ofation within ous to SouconnectionElectraNet nt which ocwhich a reglot plant womaintainingdicated that

, which wa-Ion batteryThis busin

e, a decisionf the NEM. it and is se

uth Australn to the restalso calcula

ccurs when gulated reveould have to some of tht such com

as undertaky technologess case w


n made as t For exam

erviced by lia’s high let of the NEated that ththe Dalrym

enue case co establish ihe wind geplex operat

ken investigy connectework is det

Page | 47

the local mple, the

a single evels of M being

here was ple sub-could be islanded neration tion was

gating a ed to the tailed in


e 5‐4 – Shortlistted capital pricees for RFI Speci(bottom graph

ification scope,h) across all opt

showing CAPEtions submitted

X by MWpk (topd


p graph) and by

Page | 48

y MWh

Figure 55‐5 – CAPEX (topfrom Ta

p) and NPV (boable 5‐6 (5 MW

ttom) for shortWpk, 5 MWh) wit

tlisted options gth NPV calculati

grouped by eneions based on t

ergy storage tecthe metrics in T


chnology – for Table 5‐5

Page | 49


Option 1

Figure 55‐6 ‐ CAPEX (topfrom Tab

p) and NPV (botble 5‐6 (10 MW

ttom) for shortWpk, 40 MWh) w

tlisted options gith NPV calcula

grouped by eneations based on

ergy storage tecthe metrics in


chnology – for OTable 5‐5

Page | 50

Option 4

Figure 55‐7 – CAPEX (topfrom Tab

p) and NPV (bole 5‐6 (10 MWp

ttom) for short

pk, 200 MWh) wtlisted options g

with NPV calculagrouped by eneations based on

ergy storage tecn the metrics in


chnology – for n Table 5‐5

Page | 51

Option 7


In this 20 MWhSouth AProposa

A Lithiucommeinvolve value foSection

The ESoutcomoutlines


During shortlistprepara

The absuccessthe follo





section a dh based onAustralia. Tal”, which fo

um-Ion baseercial result

further proor money. Tn 7.3.

SD Proposae, which pr

s the approa


the site selted for such

ation of the

Market Tra

Marginal Lo

Expected U

Ancillary se

bove benefsful implemowing benef

Energy Traperiods). Wpricing. Thprices are hdirectly to tinstance, wduring low further windrequired instorage is ifact that asbehaviour i

Improvemenetwork coProposal, bPoint - Dalload when dispatch wconsistent


detailed bun Lithium-IoThis configuollows on fr

ed project isbased on

ocurement This is disc

al presenterovides the ach to the c

w of ESD

ection proch an asset business ca

ading Reven

oss Factor

Unserved E

ervices supp

fits are dismentation of


ading (ShifWind generae ESD wouhigh. The bthe operato

wind farms wind condid generatio order to gntroduced s more winn the marke

ent in MLFngestion, abeing sited rymple 132the Wattle

when WPWwith dispa


siness casn storage teuration is rerom the narr

s presentedRFI resultsnegotiation

cussed more

ed here thestarting po



cess variousat Dalrympase:


(MLF) impa

Energy (USE

port (System

scussed in a utility sca

ft energy gation often uld act as

benefits to tor exploitingwould be ations when

on to be cogenerate aprice volatild generatioet will increa

F: Energy snd thereforat Dalrymp

2 kV line. Foe Point WinF is genertch/charge

se is presenechnology ceferred to inrative of Se

d as the ESs. The fina

n to achieve around de

en providesoint for the d

issues that


s benefit clale. The follo


E) reduction

m frequenc

turn belowale battery

generation occurs ovea load whe

this are twog price diffeable to suppool prices

onnected ton income flity will decron is connease.

storage care, capture ple, will enaor this bene

nd Farm (Wrating at lo

price sign

nted on anconnected n this businection 5.5.5.

D Proposall technologe the best etailed proc

s one versdevelopment the Conso

asses were owing bene

n; and

cy support /

w. The Costorage stra

from low ernight, duen prices a

ofold; in the erentials (epply a portios are high, the grid. Wfor a standrease. Howected to the

an modify energy thatable improvefit to accru

WPWF) is gow or zero als under

ESD asseat the Dalryess case se

as it appeagy chosen f

formal concurement sc

ion of an ent of a Phartium is like

consideredefits were qu


onsortium categy at Da

value perioring times are low and

first instancnergy tradion of their thus increa

We note thadalone schewever, counte region, ne

marginal lot would otheved loss facue the ESDgenerating a

output. Ththe market


et of 10 MWymple subsection as th

ars to offer for Phase ntract positcope for Ph

expected Pase 2 propoely to take.

d and subseuantified du

considers talrymple wil

ods to higof low or n

d dispatchece, benefitsng). In the energy to

asing the viaat price voeme, and ateracting thegative pric

oss factorserwise be loctors on the

D has to opeat high outhis will be t trading o

Page | 52

Wpk and station in he “ESD

a better 2 would tion and ase 2 in

Phase 2 sal, and

equently uring the

that the ll deliver

gh value negative ed when s accrue

second the grid ability of latility is as more his is the ce spike

s during ost. The e Wattle erate as tput and broadly




The spe










5 In prcounnot fobene

mode, andgeneration MLF regiongeneration

Expected Ua network eenergy reqenergy lostenergy dispenergy. UlSpecificallyenergy in th

Network ansystem secfrequency Generatorsgenerating services mprovide ancvein, the prtrading func




ergy storag


PC contracto


id connectio


ze (nominal

ted storage

actice this ister-cyclicallyor others. S

efits will often

d therefore often requi

ns. Being abto connect

Unserved Eevent/outag

quired by cut is known apatch durintimately, b

y, the Prophe event tha

ncillary sercurity AEMcontrol (FC

s are generain order to

may be in ccillary servicrovision of action.

ry of ESD

of the ESD

ge technolog




s not straighy to wind farimilarly using

n cause ener

tends not ires a sizeable to modifinto the grid

Energy (USEge. Without ustomers isas expectedg these evattery stora

posal incorpat the 132 k

vices (SystMO purchas

CAS), voltaally relied u

o provide thconflict withces operatinancillary ser


D Proposal a


tforward – dm output mag a storage rgy trading be

to diminisable footprinfy or improvd.

E) reductionenergy sto

s unable tod unservedvents and reage could porates thekV line to Da

tem frequenses serviceage controupon to prohem. Accorh generationg in eitherrvices by th


are summar



To be

To be




10 M

2 hou

detailed analay give enerdevice to re

enefits to be

h the marknt, these sitve the MLF

n in a regionrage capab

o be supplienergy. Baeduce the vincrease t

e benefit ofalrymple is

ncy suppors from ma

ol (VCAS) ovide such ardingly, the on strategy.r charging ohe ESD may


rised in Tab


um Ion batter

e determined

e determined





ysis showedrgy trading beduce system


ket trading tes tend to will ultimate

n that may bility or netwed during tttery technovolume of ehe reliabilitf avoided etripped.

rt / FCAS).arket particiand systemancillary seobjective t A grid co

or dischargey be in conf

ble 6-1.


d at Phase 2

d at Phase 2

d that operatbenefits for sm losses and



benefit5. Abe located

ely allow mo

arise as a work augmethese evenology wouldexpected uty of the nexpected u

To ensureipants, spem restart

ervices but to provide aonnected Ee mode. In aflict with the



ting a storagsome wind fd hence rea

Page | 53

As wind d in poor ore wind

result of entation, nts. This d enable nserved network. nserved

e power ecifically, (SRAS). must be ancillary

ESD can a similar e market

ge device farms but alise MLF







Due to structurbenefic


The Coand bendiscouncapital Accordipresent

The out

pth of disch

wer Charge

yclical efficie

umber of cyc

uivalent use


the multipre given iniaries.


onsortium hnefits assocnted cash fand operatingly, the mt value.

tputs of the

Net PresenEstimated f


e Rating



eful life

Table 6‐1 –

ry of com

le objective Figure 6-

al Model

as developciated with flow model ting costs.

model applie

model inclu

nt value of cfunding sho

Specification of

mercial st

es of this E1, which

ped a financimplementawhich incoProject cas

es a post-tax


costs and beortfall requir


10 M


1000is prdevic

10 ye

f project as use


ESD Propossets out th

cial model tation of the

orporates fosh flows arx nominal d

enefits attribred to make




0–10,000 – toreferable to ce


ed for business

sal we havhe revenue

to quantify e ESD Proporecast revere derived

discount rate

butable to the the ESD P

o preserve tavoid fully

case analysis

e determine streams a

the expecteposal. The fenue streamon a post-e to discoun

he ESD ProProposal via


the battery lidischarging

ed the comand the res

ted economfinancial moms and ass-tax nominant cash flow

oposal able.

Page | 54

fe it the

mmercial spective

mic costs odel is a sociated al basis. ws to net


This seConsorbased oby Woroperatioown pro

The key










ction descrrtium has baon unserverleyParsonsons and maoject develo

y assumptio


Valuation da

WACC post

CPI escalati

Tax rate3

Useful life4

Spot USD/A



Figure 6

oposal As

ribes the indased its ESd energy as; estimateaintenance opment exp

ons used to


tax nomina



n method6,7

Table 6‐2 – Key

6‐1 – Commerc


dicative ProjSD Proposanalysis unds of engin(O&M) infoerience.

evaluate th


project assump

ial structure as


oject Budgetal. The Consdertaken by neering, proormed from

he Proposa






ptions used in b

sumed in busin

t and majorsortium hasElectraNet

ocurement the RFI pr

l are summ



per 1 AUD

business case (s

ness case

r assumptios developedt, market mand constr

rocess; and

arised in Ta



see Notes below


ons upon whd its project

modelling coruction (EP

d The Cons

able 6-2.


30 June 201




10 year


Straight lin


Page | 55

hich The t budget

onducted PC) and sortium’s









Notes on


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Based throughthe mar The Coare indprohibitdecreasis moreaspect Table 6Figure 6










1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Table Table 6

The post-tax cost of capitaCPI escalatioCorporate taxEquivalent of Prevailing spAs the ESD wprime cost. It is expectedof capital exp


on simulahput rangingrket. This w

onsortium hadicative. Bative levels. se based o

e economic is explored

6-3 provides6-2 illustrate

apital cost ele

PC contract1


and acquisitio

Owners costs 




The EPC conIncludes site eLand currentlyDevelopment Contingency h


nominal discl (WACC), pern rate applied

x rate in Austrathe technical

pot FX rate as will in part be

that The Proenditure is de

oposal Ca

tion using g from 400 was calculat

as undertakattery storaHowever, an a declininthan early yin more de

s a summares the capit



Table 6‐3 –

tract, indicativestablishmenty owned by Eapprovals

has been dete

ount rate appr the AER fina as the midpoalia. life of proposeat 1 Septemb

e included in E

posal satisfiespreciated upfr

pital Cost

historical to 1,500 M

ted using th

ken an RFI age is an as the technng trajectoryyears, assu

etail within th

ry of projecttal expendit

– Assumed capit

ve pricing infort costs. lectraNet.

ermined at 10%

plied is equivaal determinatiooint RBA's infla

ed Lithium Ionber 2015. ElectraNet’s R

s the eligibilityront.


data the EMWh per yehe mathema

process anemerging

nology entey which impuming that fhe key proje

t capital costure profile.







tal cost breakd

rmed by RFI,

% given conce

alent to Electon for 2013 – 2ation target of

n technology a

Regulated Ass

y criteria for R

ESD Propoear, dependatical mode

nd equipmetechnology

ers a growthplies that plforeign exchect sensitivi

st breakdow

$ 000  

ommercial inconfidence

Commercial inconfidence

Commercial inconfidence

Commercial inconfidence

Commercial inconfidence

Commercial inconfidence


own used in bu

described in fu

ept stage of pr

raNet’s regula2018, released2.0% to 3.0%

as informed by

set Base it wi

&D tax conce

osal derivesent on the l presented

nt costs proy and costsh phase, cosant construhange remaities further

wn for the E


n Coc

n Coc

n Coc

n Coc

n Coc

n Coc

usiness case.

urther detail b



ated weightedd April 2013.

% in long term.

y RFI process.

ll be deprecia

ession, accord

s an acculevel of vo in Section

ovided in Ts are currsts are exp

uction in lateains constar below.

ESD Propos

% of Total  oject capital 

ommercial in confidence ommercial in confidence ommercial in confidence ommercial in confidence ommercial in confidence ommercial in confidence



Page | 56

d average


ated using

ingly 40%

mulated latility in 5.5.1.

able 6-3 rently at ected to er years nt. This

sal while


The motechnoltypical plant pa

EPC coEPC es

To provinterestscope oeither o

It is notforeign


The ESApproxisubject

At or imcosts wproject.and rem

6 Spot US








EPC con

ost significogy and otsplit observackage (inv

ost estimatestimates are

vide certaint (EOI) procof works wilof the same

ted that the exchange a


SD Proposaimately 90%to foreign e

mmediately bwhich are s This will en

move all fore

SD/AUD rate a






Jun 16 Jul 1

Figure 6‐2


ant elementher equipmved across erters, PCS

es have beee representa

nty around cess will bel be better dmagnitude

capital cosand commo

y exposure

al pricing is% of the suexchange ra

before finansubject to fnable the Ceign exchan

as at 1 Septem

16 Aug 16 Sep

– Capital expen

nt of the cment being

the submisS etc) is 60:

en informedative of exp

project coe run in Phadefined, cosor lower th

t estimates odity prices


s based onupply and inate fluctuati

ncial close, foreign exc

Consortium tnge risk.

mber 2015

p 16 Oct 16 Nov


nditure profile

capital costsupplied an

ssions betw40.

d by the RFpected 2017

osting it is ase 2. It isst estimatesan the cost

are subjecover the de

n the prevanstallation ions.

the Consorchange rateto obtain fix

v 16 Dec 16 Jan

c Cumulative

assumed in bus

ts for the nd installed

ween battery

I process a7 implement

envisaged s expected s will becomts incorpora

ct to variatioelivery and c

ailing spot, cost is den

rtium will ares to be hexed Australia

n 17 Feb 17 M

siness case.

ESD Propod by an EPy package a

nd as such tation cost.

a competithat throug

me more robted within t

n dependinconstruction

i.e. 0.71 Unominated i

range for thedged for tan dollar pr

ar 17 Apr 17 M


osal is the PC contracto

and the ba

are indicat

itive expresgh this procbust and shhe Busines

ng on fluctuan period.

USD to 1.00n USD and

he proportiothe durationricing for the

May 17 Jun 17

Page | 57

battery or. The lance of

tive. The

ssion of cess the hould be ss Case.

ations in

0 AUD6. d will be

ons of its n of the e project

The Coadjusteassumeeconom


The follProposato seve

Each of



The madistinct

The chalgorith

onsortium hd at financ

ed FX ratesmics.


lowing reveal. These reral stakeho

Market trapeak/peak in the ComMLF benefiValue of exin the regioAncillary sespecified in

f these reve

Market T

e and disch

arket tradintrading stra

Market off peachargedis triggattributeincreasCap traprotect instrum$300/Mat $300premiumfrom puand discap inst

harge and dm given in

has assumecial close tos and the cu


enue streamevenue strelders:

ding revenpricing diffemercial Stru

fit associatexpected uns

on ervices rev

n the propos

enue stream

Trading Rev

harge profi

ng revenueategies, as o

time-shiftinak price did when pricered with ed to cyclice in price. M

ading stratethe purcha

ment is consMWh; the op0/MWh. Them is inhereurchasing caspatching dtruments.

discharge pTable 6-4.

ed that theo reflect anurrent forwa

ms have beeeams are u

nues, arisinerentials, wucture

ed with WPWserved ene

venues accrsed Comme

ms are desc



e comprisesoutlined bel

ng trading sfferentials.

ces are low reference

cal efficiencMarket eneregy refers toser from prsidered to bption holder’e provision ently represaps can alsuring spike

profile of th

e amount ony differencard FX rate

en incorporunlikely to a

ng from shwould accrue

WF accrue tergy accrue

rue to AGLercial Struct

cribed in furt

s two distilow.

strategy canUnder theand wouldto a price

cy is, at a rgy trading o trading orice spikes be “in-the-m’s exposureof a cap eentative of

so be replice events. O

he ESD Pr

of funding tces (increase, in order to

rated into thaccrue to a

hifting energe to AGL, a

to AGL, as to various

L Energy, ature

ther detail b

nct revenu

n be broadlye ESD Pro dispatch wthreshold,

minimum, roccurs at p

option derivain the wholemoney” whee to pool pricearns the se

the level oated by beiur analysis

roposal has

to be provise or decreo maintain t

he Businesssingle owne

gy generatas the energ

the operatomarket gen

as the oper


ue streams

y identified oposal, the when prices

such thatrecouped inrice points batives, knowesale markeen the poolce spikes iseller a cap of market vong long in pis premise

s been det


ided by ARease) betwthe Busines

s Case for ter, but may

tion to expgy retailer s

or of the WPnerator part

rator of the

derived fr

as exploitin device w are high. Dt any volumn a commebelow $300wn as capset. Such a fl price rises

s effectivelypremium. T

olatility. Thephysical ge

ed upon the

termined us

Page | 58

RENA is ween the

ss Case

the ESD y accrue

ploit off-specified

PWF ticipants

e device

rom two

ng peak-ould be Dispatch me loss ensurate 0/MWh s, which financial s above

y capped The cap e payoff neration

e sale of

sing the






Each of














1. 2.



charge Po



f the param


arket time-sh

wer Charge

nimum state

okback peri

arging trigg

spatch trigg

cle efficienc

p trading st

n Charge lepth of disch

gh Price trig

n SOC Char

This relates toTo enable thebattery is avaassumed to eDalrymple 13diversity will a


Pool price


ool price > (mefficien

Pool price


Pool p


eters in Tab

hifting tradin


e of charge






evel (Equivharge of 100


rging trigger


o the charge/de cap trading sailable to dispaenable local

32 kV line. Thallow the 15


Market time-

< median of


price < Char

median of looncy) plus Dis


e < MinSOC C


age balance

price > High

Table 6‐4 – Cha

ble 6-4 are



valent to a 0%)5


able 6‐5 – Defin

discharge ratestrategy a minatch during spDalrymple loahe infrequencyMWh reserve


-shifting trad

lookback sa

rging trigger

okback sampspatch trigge

trading stra

Charging trig

< MinSOC

Price trigger


defined in T


nition of param

e under normanimum state ofpike events. Sad to continuecy of both higed for price ev

ding strateg


ple/cycle r




profile used in

Table 6-5.











eters of Table 6

l operating cof charge of 15

Similarly a mine to be supph price eventvents above $



Charge at R

Discharge aR


Maintain bal

Charge at R

Discharge aR


Max depth

business case


nditions. 5 MWh is assunimum state olied in the evts and 132 kV$300 to also b



Power CharRating

at Power ChaRating


lance of MinS

Power CharRating

at Power ChaRating


h of discharg











umed to ensurof charge of 1vent of a failuV line failure be used to pr

Page | 59







re that the 0 MWh is

ure of the and their

rovide the

3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

Spot pr

The alghourly mtrading profile o

From Fwhich iobservebalancestrategy

The ouand as price da

10 MWh reseavailable for tEquivalent to Cycle efficiendetail below. Under a high High price trigIn the event providing the available for t

rice data

gorithm of Tmarket spotstrategy.

of the ESD

Figure 6‐3 – C

igure 6-3, ts represened that oute which is ry.

tcomes aresuch we h

ata, shown

erve assumed he execution 144 historical

ncy relates to

price event pogger is set to $the state of c pool price isthe next spike

Table 6-4 ht prices spaBased on tProposal as

Charge and disc

there is a clntative of thside of spirepresentati

e highly dephave furtherin Table 6-6

for 132 kV linof the market pool price saround trip lo

ower output is$300/MWh repcharge falls bs less than $event.

has been reanning one the algorithsset has be

harge profile of

lear correlahe value inke events ive of the e

pendent onr back-teste6.

ne failure. Accenergy strate

amples. osses attribute

s increased to presentative obelow the Min100, this acc

etrospectiveyear to illus

hm and the een determi

f the ESD Propo

ation in battenherent in tthere are s

energy shift

n price volaed the algo

cordingly, the gy at pool pric

ed to the batt

maximise theof selling $300/nSOC, the baelerates the r

ely applied tstrate the oprice datas

ned, set ou

osal asset based

ery dispatchthe cap trasmaller scaing value a

atility observorithm on a

remaining 5 Mces below $30

ery technolog

revenue unde/MWh cap der

attery is chargrecharge of th

to a historicoperation of set the chat graphically

d on one year o

h and pool ding strate

ale fluctuatiottributed to

ved within tfurther 3 y


MWh of stora00.

gy, described

er spike eventrivatives. ged up to thehe battery so

cal data sef the marketarge and diy in Figure

of market data.

price spikeegy. It can ons in the the market

the sampleyear period

Page | 60

age will be

in further


e MinSOC o that it is

et of half t energy scharge 6-3.

e events, also be storage

t trading

e period, of pool






The totvolatilityvariatiorepresemarket conservforecas


Subseqthe ESDyield. Tis referrcan be of the esignificais suffic

A geneProposafactors estimat(DLFs) in weakwill be s

The los





Based oone yea

ear Cap rev


012 9

013 5

014 1

vg 2


tal market y prevailingn over the

entative of thconditions

vative and st period of


quently, the D Proposal

The differencred to as thfully discha

energy goingant for derivciently high

rator is paidal incorporto derive

es are dercan change

k parts of thsignificantly

ss factors in


clical efficie


t trading re

on the histoar period ha

trading venue

$ 000






able 6‐6 – Exam

trading beng in any give period. Whe volatility in SA an reasonable

10 years.

model take asset (cabce between

he cyclical earged, so ng in 10% ofving a markto offset cyc

d accordingrates realisan energy

rived. Transe substantiahe grid. It y more gene





orical simulave been ad

Volume (MWh) c





mple variation in

nefit fluctuaven year. Th

While the voin any one

increase ine proxy, the

es into accbling lossesn the chargeefficiency. Ao energy isf volume wi

ket trading sclical efficie

g to energy stic, third-pay yield at tsmission Loally when neis noted thaeration intro

into the ES

able 6‐7 – Loss f

ation abovedopted as s

Average cap payoff($/MWh)





n total market

ates year tohe payoff polatility exh

e year timefrn volatility ise historical

count all pos, heat etc.)e going intoA cyclical es lost. A cyll be lost (ty

strategy, as ency losses

actually delarty calculathe regionaoss Factorsew generatat as the Moduced in th

SD Proposa

factors used in

e the averaummarised

Market tradingrevenue

$ 000





revenue over 3

o year as iper MWh itshibited in thrame, it is as likely to m dataset h

tential sour) in order too the asset fficiency of

yclical efficieypically as hdispatch sh


livered to thated transmal node, fros (MLFs) aion is introdLF is alread

his part of th

l are summ



the business ca

age market d in Table 6-






3 successive yea

t is dependself does nhis data seassumed thamaterialise.as been ex

rces of eneo derive theand the ch100% impl

ency of, sayheat). The chould ideall

he node. Acmission anom which and Distribuduced into ady poor it ishe grid.

arised in Ta


energy trad-8.


e )

Avg mtradinpayo







dent on ponot show siget is by noat given the. Accordingxtrapolated

ergy losses e round trip

harge cominies energy y, 90% impcyclical efficly occur wh

ccordingly, tnd distributi

operating ution Loss an area, pars unlikely th

able 6-7.




ding revenu

Page | 61

mkt ng off Wh)





ool price gnificant

o means e current gly, as a for the

through p energy ng out of going in

plies that ciency is en price

the ESD ion loss revenue Factors

rticularly hat there

ues for a





The caagainst maximuprice evbeen dmarket,


Notes: 1. 2.


The impnote thAccordiwas ado



Cap pr



Cap tra


1. At thethis fo


arket energy

arket energy

arket energy

p trading re the capaci

um of 2 houvents. Theetermined, , as set out






Represents averaEquivalent cap re$/MWh)

Implied level of E

plied volatilhe results ingly for theopted. The




ity capture

ading reven

e date of writingorward market.

y trading dis

y trading cha

y trading rev


evenue comty of the ESurs, it is expe level of vo

having refin Table 6-9

Cap tradrevenu

$ 000





Table 6‐9 –

age option payofevenue assuming

ESD availability to

lity capture varied sig

e Businesse cap trading



g, cap derivativeAccordingly, a

scharge reve

arging costs


e 6‐8 – Market

mponent haSD. Based pected that olatility capference to t9.

ding ue1 0





Level of volatil

ff from exercise eg 10 MW, 100% v

o capture spike p

of 44% is nificantly yCase a vo

g revenue a

Table 6‐10 – Ca

es for calendar liquidity discoun



trading revenu

ave been don a minim

t the ESD wpture impliethe prevaili

Cap price($/MWh)





ity captured by

events (Payoff = Svolatility capture

rice events..

broadly coyear to yeolatility captassumption

ap trading reve

year 2016 are tnt of 20% has b

$ 000 real





ue used in busin

erived basemum storagewould captud by simulang cap pre

Cap r($





y ESD, used in b

Spot ‐ $300/MWhand MLF of 0.87

nsistent witar, dependture of 40%is summar


$ 000

nue assumptio

trading above $een applied, res





ness case

ed on selline capacity oure approximated cap traemiums trad

revenue2 000)





business case 

h) 7 (10 MW x 8,760

th expectatiding on po% for the ESised in Tabl





real FY16


$12/MWh, howesulting in cap pr






ng cap instof 1.5 hoursmately 40%rading revended in the

Implied vocaptur






0hr x 100% x 0.87

ions; howevool price vSD Proposle 6-10.






ever there is lowrice of $10/MWh

Page | 62

h real FY16




ruments s up to a

% of high nue has forward

olatility re3




7 x cap price

ver, it is volatility. al asset






w liquidity in h .

Based oout on i



Cap p



The exithe trancircuit lcombin

The insin the Mtheoretia lessecharge/trading

The est

The MLbenefit farm waESD is






Table 6‐12


The bereferencoutagesidentifie

on the abovn Table 6-1


et Energy Tr

premium rev

ness Case m


isting genernsmission liine, with Sation of the

stallation of MLF. The Mically dispater extent /discharge mode and w

timated ben

LF benefit iswould accras exportinfully charge


MLF uplift

WPWF annu

Value of bun

Value of ML

2 – Estimated b

Value of

enefit attribuce to histos on the 1ed:


ve the total 11.

rading reven


market tradin

e from MLF

ration at WPnk from Da

Snowtown Wese element

load electrMLF benefittch in a couthe outputrules are liwill not can

nefit attribute

s dependenrue if the ESg more thaed.

ual producti

ndled energ

F benefit pe

benefit attributa

expected u

uted to exrical outage132 kV Da

e events oce, each yea

market trad


ng revenue

Table 6‐11 – T

F benefit

PWF typicalrymple bac

Windfarm (Sts results in

ically closet associatedunter cyclicat of SWF,kely to be nibalise any

ed to lost e

t on the opeSD was alw

an 90% of r


gy (including

er annum

able to avoided

unserved e

pected unse rates and

alrymple lin

ccurred 22 ar

ding benefit

Total Market T

ally exceedsck to the neSWF) also a poor MLF

r to WPWFd with instalal manner t has beeconsistent y market tra

nergy avoid

erating regiways able torated capac

g REC)

d lost energy at


served ened duration.

ne has bee

times per

t incorporate


$ 0

$ 0

$ 00

rading Benefit

s the local loearest load connecting

F for WPWF

F is expectelling at batteto the genen quantifiewith the pr

ading benef

ded at WPW

me employo charge whcity which is





$ 000 rea

the Wattle Poi

ergy avoide The last

en reviewe

year totalli

ed in the Bu


00 real FY16

00 real FY16

00 real FY16

oad at Dalrycentre is on

g to the gridF generatio

ed to result ery at Dalryration outpu

ed. It is rice signalsfit.

WF is set ou

ed by the Ehenever thes not possib




al FY16

nt Wind Farm,

d has beeten years

d with the

ng 3.5 hou


usiness Cas





rymple. In anly a 132 kd on this li

on of 0.87.

in a small iymple, whicut of WPWFnoted tha

s under the

ut in Table 6

ESD. The me Wattle Poble at any t






used in busine

en determinof data rel following

urs in dura

Page | 63

se is set





addition, kV single ne. The

ncrease ch would F and to

at these e market


maximum oint wind time the






ess case

ned with lating to insights

ation, on

During “blackecharge supply SectionHowevethe avo

Accordias set o





The vaestimatyielding


Total avoide



Note thproject.parties insteadElectraN


The revreferenc

7 Excludi8 http://ww

Average22 outa3 hoursAverage

these histod-out”. Imin the ESDfrom the tra

n 6.7.1 mayer, this is ex

oided expec

ingly, the aout in Table


Average dem

Outage dura

Avoided exannum


lue of avoided by app

g a total ann


expected ed

of Custome

of avoided e


hat the avo Avoided eimpacted b, it providesNet’s regula


venue attribce to histor

ng large indusww.aemo.com

e duration ages excees e demand d

orical outagmplementatD during reansmission y result in xpected to oted unserve

verage expe 6-13.

mand during

ation per an

xpected un

e 6‐13 – Expecte

ded expectlying AEMO

nual benefit


er Reliability

expected un

6‐14 – Estimat

oided expecexpected unby the ESDs a basis oated asset b

y services r

buted to thrical FCAS

strial customem.au/Electricity

of a singleding 2 hou

during outag

es local deion of the

egular operanetwork isthe ESD

occur for lesed energy.

pected unse

g outage


nserved en

ed unserved en

ed unserveO’s Value ofrom of $36

energy pe


nserved ene

ted total value o

cted unservnserved ene

D. This doen which a pbase Ancilla


he provisionpayment d

rs y/Data/Ancilla

e interruptiours, and on

ges is 2.70

emand at DESD Propoation, woul

s unavailablcharge fallss than 1 pe

erved energ

ergy per

nergy estimate

ed energy aof Custome60,420 per

er annum


of expected un

ved energyergy reflectses not haveportion of thary services

n of ancillaata (AEMO


on was 1.5 nly 2 out o


Dalrymple wosal, includd supply loe. The Capling below ercent of tim

gy avoided





per MWh assu

attributed toer Reliabilitannum, as




$ 000

served energy

y is in effecs the potente a real cashe ESD caps revenue.

ary servicesO8) and netw


hours, withof the 22 o

was unserveding reserviocal Dalrymp trading str

10 MWh fme, with a n

per MWh h





med in busines

o the ESD ty for SA oset out in T


real FY16

real FY16

used in busines

ct a ‘non-catial value ofsh impact opital cost co

s has beenwork events



h only 6 ououtages ex

ed, meaninng about 1

mple demanrategy descfrom time

negligible im

has been es





ss case 

proposal haof $38,090/Table 6-14.


ss case

ash’ benefif the projecton project rould be inc

n estimateds. It must b


Page | 64

ut of the xceeding

g it was 10 MWh nd when cribed in to time.

mpact on






as been /MWh7 ,




it of the t to third revenue; cluded in

d having be noted


that theoccurre

HistoricFCAS ifuture ifSouth Aupside section FCAS r

It is nobattery of Markthe batt

The est





Ancillarexpectefuture d


A contramaintenconstruassume

The est





9 This wdispatche

e requiremeence of netw

cally, the ren South Auf the FCASAustralia asto the Businbelow. In

revenue rate

oted that opstorage. A

ket trading tery is in op

timated anc


CAS revenue


tal ancillary


ry service ed revenue due to the is


actor will benance servction of the

ed to contin

timated ann



ther site ope


will vary from yed.

ents for this work events

evenue thatustralia is aS market iss conventioness Case the absence of $0.70/M

perating in Accordingly,mode. As a

peration dur

cillary servic

e rate

y services re

able 6‐15 – Estim

revenue costream; ho

ssues discu


e engaged tvices agreee ESD reacue until the

nual operati

erating expe

year to year

service vars.

t has beenpproximatere-designe

nal generatand is desc

ce of more rMWh within

Market Tra the ESD Pa consequeing a netwo

ces revenue


mated market a

omprises awever, it isssed in Sec

g Costs

to provide oement (MSAches practiend of the

ng costs for


enses $


depending on

ry from yea

n allocated ly $0.70 pe

ed to addretion is retirecribed furthrobust infor the Busine

ading modeProposal haence, any aork event.

e is set out i

ancillary service

an insignificexpect this

ction 7.

operations aA). The Mical compleuseful life o

r the ESD P


000 real FY

000 real FY

000 real FY

n the number

ar to year a

to generater MWh. Thess the sysed. This aser in the Kermation we ess Case.

e provides s been opti

ancillary ser

in Table 6-1




$ 000 real F

e value assume

cant propos could incre

and maintenMSA wouldetion. The of the ESD.

Proposal are




r of FCAS ev

nd highly d

tion participhis is subjetem securit

spect could ey Risks to have conse

the greatesmised to mrvices can




d in business ca

ortion of thease materi

nance (O&Mcommenc

term of the

e presented




ents and the


ependent u

pants in resect to changty issues a provide sigthe Busineervatively a

st value in maximise the

only be pro





he Proposaially within t

M) services ce as soone O&M ser

d in Table 6


al in confiden

al in confiden

al in confiden

times that th

Page | 65

upon the

spect of ge in the rising in gnificant ss Case

applied a

use for e benefit ovided if





al’s total the near

under a as the rvices is






he ESD is



The Coare calElectraN









The key






(A) To



(B) To


Tax ef



otal opex


onsortium plculated asNet. Table

unding ($m)3

are of capex

Funding contr

Assumes 100%that the utilisatiby ARENA at fi

Funding amou

Based on the$3.9 million wbeing recover

Key Fina

y financial o


t trading rev

nue from ML

cted unserve

ary services

tal revenue


tal cost of E

x NPV (A+B


ax NPV


Table 6‐16 – E

Funding S

roposes to s pre-tax g

6-17 indica



Table 6‐1

ributions from

% pre-tax grant aion is less due nancial close to

unts quoted e

e Expected Uwill be added red through a

ancial Met

outcomes u


LF benefit

ed energy re

s revenue (F

from ESD



A grant


Estimated annu


fund the Erant funds

ates the leve

Total Capex



7 – Expectation


applied to the pato tax circumsta

o reflect any diffe

xclusive of GS

nserved Reveto ElectraNetcommercial le





000 real FY

ual operating co

ESD Proposreceived f

el of funding


ns on level of fu

ElectraNet ass

ayment of capitances the Consferences in the u


enue making t Regulated Aease arrangem

g the Busine


osts used in the

sal as explafrom ARENg required f




unding required

sumed to be c

tal expenditure asortium will seeutilisation of gra

up 43% of thAsset Base wiment with AGL

ess Case a

e business case

ained belowNA, plus cfrom each o


d, by entity

contributed in

associated with k to increase amnt funds.\

he total reventh the remain

L over the life o

re summari




w. Source capital provof those sou




line with S-cu

the Proposal, imount of fundin

nue, it is expender of the caof the project.

ised in Tabl

NPV1 000 real FY











Page | 66


of funds vided by urces.



n the event ng provided

ected that apital cost

le 6-18

















Figure 6

The keycompardenomi

The revderivatithat therenewaand imp


This seoutcom

ual funding

d IRR (%)

Note 1: Net p


6-4 depicts

y sensitivityred to NPVnated in US

venue fromves is the p

e cap tradinable generaprove the vi

Key Ris

ction descre to that se


Table present value bas


s the key pro

y is capital cV of revenuSD, the bus

cap tradinprimary drivng revenue tion enters ability of the

ks to Ach

ibes the priet out in our

6‐18 – Key finaed on post tax no


oject sensit

Figure 6‐4

costs givene of $6.2 m

siness case

g strategy, ver of variat

is highly dthe system

e Business

ieving the

ncipal risksBusiness C

ancial outcomeominal discount r


– Key project s

the capitalmillion. Accis also high

whether thtion in reven

dependent om, this woul

Case econ

e Business

identified tCase, includ

s of the businesrate of 7.5% and


l costs net ocordingly, whly sensitive

hrough longnue within ton market vld serve to


s Case

o achievingding both up

ss case valuation date of

of grant repwith 90% ofe to deterior

g physical ethe businesvolatility. Toincrease th

g a materiallpside and d


f 30 June 2016

present $8.6f the EPC ration in the

exposure oss case. It o the extenhe level of

ly different fdownside ris

Page | 67



6 million contract

e AUD.

r selling is noted t further volatility

financial sks.


The disnetworkReturn detaileddistribunetworkscope aa large detectiothe tota

A seconthe ESDlocal Dcontrollthe isla(providethe RFI

All of ththe requ


A signiflarge inincreas

The deutility scESD Pr


With theexistinghas resPoint, Tbusinesannounmarket trading


stribution nek that stretc

(SWER) fed design fotion network is supplieand estimatflywheel, o

on and assoal ESD insta

nd complexD control, toalrymple deed togethernded systeme a voltage , while also

hese technicuired techn


ficant downncrease in ded penetrat

evelopment cale storageroposal.


e increasedg conventiosulted in theTorrens Islss case hancements. T

and hencestrategy.

xity of islan

etwork supches over 1eeders, wh

or the ESDrk will be aed by the Ete does notr an upgradociated protallation.

xity regardino ensure thaemand is ar so that qum can remaand freque

o working in

cal issues hical reliabilit

on in volati

nside risk isdemand sidtion of resid

of thermal e would als

y withdrawa

d penetrational/baseloae recent annland Poweas been prThe effect

e increases

nd mode op

pplied by th100 km to shich in turnD will be to

ble to be aESD and Wt currently inde in protectection. If re

ng island opat wind farmable to sinkuality of supain stable. ency sourceparallel wit

have to be oty expected


s if a reducde participadential behin

gas turbino serve to r

als from th

n of residenad generationouncemenr Station Aremised upof such cavalue asso


he Dalrympsupply 11 kn supply LVo ensure thappropriatel

Wattle Point nclude any

ction systemequired, this

peration is m supply dok. The ESDpply to the This will reqe), a technith a large e

overcome ad.

ction in volaation and/ornd the mete

ne generatioreduce mar

he market

ntial solar Pon plant arents of capacA, Northernpon a histoapacity wit

ociated with

le connectikV feeders V custome

hat any fauly detected wind farm additional t

ms), that migs has the po

the integratoes not exceD and the W

islanded loquire the abcal requiremnergy contr

and be prov

atility materr less peaker energy st

on, or otherket volatility

PV and utilitye becomingcity withdrawn Power Sorical pool thdrawals i both the m

on point coand 19 kV

ers. An impults on the

and safelyin island m

technology ght be needotential to in

tion of windeed the leveWind Farm oad is maintbility for the ment soughributor, the w

ven before t

ialises. Thisky load, as torage solut

r market py and hence

y scale windg less econwals from t

Station). Thprice sam

ncreases thmarket ener


onsists of aV Single Wiportant par

extremitiesy cleared wmode. The (e.g. instal

ded to facilitncrease the

d farm contrel that the E

would havtained, andESD to for

ht from provwind farm.

the asset c

s may be da consequ


participants e the viabili

d generationomic to ruthe market he analysis

mple prior the volatilityrgy trading

Page | 68

a 33 kV re Earth t of the s of the

when the existing lation of

tate fault e cost of

rols with ESD and ve to be d so that m a grid viders in

an meet

due to a uence of

building ty of the

on in SA, un. This (Pelican

s in this o these y in the and cap


As a cothe eminterconcapacityoccur inreservechangethe mar


Increasthat assthe Proquantifiwhich wconnec


Utility scapital implemeconomon distrIt is envcurve a

The forbusinesstreams


onsequencemergence onnector. Py paymentsn the form e. While thees, this may rket eroding


sed penetratsumed in thoposal. It ied within thwould servted generat


cale batteryexpenditureenting a

mically feasributed storavisaged tha

and improve

recast techss case is s.

y withdrawa

e of recent f energy sossible solus to incentof ancillary e ESD woualso result

g the marke

d penetrat

tion of renehe Businesss noted tha

his analysis,e to improtion.

ogy forwar

y storage ise and limitedistributed ible in its oage solutionat advanceme economic

nology forwpresented

als do not

announcemsecurity issutions to adivise existinservices p

uld be expecin a reduct

et trading rev

ion of rene

ewable genes Case. That a signific, is the implve the eco

rd curve

s an immatued ability to

storage sown right. Hns, this hasments in teviability in t

ward curve in the be


ments of caues in SAddress eneng generato

payments tocted to bention in pricevenue bene

ewable gen

eration wouhis would scant benefilementationonomics of

ure technoloo accuratelstrategy, tHowever, w

s seen the echnology wthe future.

used in thelow Figure

apacity withA, particularergy securitors to rema

o generatorsnefit from sue volatility if efit.


ld introduceerve to impt, which ha

n of distributdevelopme

ogy globallyly quantify he busines

with marketsemergence will result in

his analysise 6-5, assu

hdrawals in rly if there y could resain in the ms for the pruch ancillarygenerators

e additional prove the ecas not beented utility scent of furth

y. At currenall the theoss case is showing aof many teca decline t

s and resultuming no c


SA, this his a fault

sult in a mamarket. Trovision of sry services s continue to

volatility reconomic vian capable ocale batteryher renewa

nt levels of oretical beis not conan increasechnology prtechnology

ting impactchange in

Page | 69

as seen on the

arket for his may spinning revenue o supply

elative to ability of of being storage

able grid

installed nefits of nsidered ed focus roviders. forward

t on the revenue

Figure 6‐

‐5 – Forward prrice curve for coonstruction of tchang

the ESD Proposge in revenue st

al and impact otreams.

on business cas


se. Note this as

Page | 70

ssumes no



Battery includinintermit

The wopotentianumerocapabilfound a

The enmeaninperceptpresumand col

There isto the orecent challengESCRI-an asse

In time for regoperatiowhich cneed fo5.1 and

The mopoor ascommeIn shorcurrentl

Is there

The CoAustralito demoand sol


The Cas

storage isng at the trttent large-s

ork undertaal uses of aous “degreeity and cos

a more com

nergy storagg there is tion of the c

mably as thelaboration a

s certainly pownership o

work by oging if it is-SA work haet within the

this positioulated netwons of ESDcould be puor regulatoryd recently re

ost importans presented

ercial reasonrt, energy sly within So

e then a cas

onsortium bia with the aonstrate thiar PV gene


se for ESD

s expected ransmissionscale renew

aken by than ESD wies of freedst. This coplex path th

ge supply an immat

consortium e long term a better alig

potential in or role of suothers. Whs leveraginas shown t

e NEM.

on may be fwork owne

D assets. Thursued in thy change, s

eported by t

nt outcome d for the En to pursue storage techouth Austral

se to pursue

believes thapplication s than in S

eration relat


D Experien

to play an n level whe

wable genera

e Consortithin the NEdom” in noompounds than anticipa

and deliveturity in apis that venup-side is p

gnment of pa

the ESD coch within thhile capturg market, hat comme

rustrated, ars may behe commerhese circumsomething he AEMC.

in the ESCESD Propos

such an ashnology is ia too small

e the ESCR

ere is an of transmisouth Austraive to dema



important ere it can sation.

ium has exEM and traot only tecthe difficult

ated to reso

ery experienpproach, inndors are vpotentially varties, and

oncept and he current rering full vaancillary s

ercial framew

as the constecome an rcial work dmstances, scanvassed

CRI-SA studsal. Unde

sset, at leastoo expensl.

RI-SA projec

urgent neession level balia, with itsand.


role in thesupport the

xposed theansmission chnology cty in ESD lve the best

nce is alson costing aery keen tovery attractia better pric

no particulegulatory enlue from thervice and works can

traints on nimpedimentid indicate a

so there arein the regu

dy is arouner current mst in South Asive, and th

ct further?

ed to devebattery stors world lead

e power syse integration

e complexitsystem. Ehoice, but definition at project to

o very limitand supplieo be involveve, but equce, is likely.

ar impedimnvironment,he asset c

network vbe develop

on-regulatet to the fua number oe options, bulatory revie

d the businmarket condAustralia at he revenue

lop real wrage. Thereding levels o


stem of then of high l

ty surroundEnergy stora

also functand the conprogress.

ted at utilityer capabilityed with the ually with m.

ment could b, which agrecan be convalue togetped to opera

ed revenue urther delivof alternativbut this hintew work of

ness case, wditions thertransmissio

e streams a

world experie is no bettof intermitte

Page | 71

e future, evels of

ding the age has tionality, nsortium

y scale, y. The project,

ore time

be found ees with nsidered her, the ate such

allowed ery and e routes ts at the Section

which is re is no on level. available

ience in er place ent wind

The argcosts inalso a ndevelopnot undlooked can onl

Much oassociathis issuthis willthis, AEwill basto be bthat marenewaESD minto the

This stucertain examplpotentiacircumsthese ndownsid

Perhapchangeand glohighly dthere is

Figure DepartmSandia scale, gThe Figall flywhgiven inplant. Monly jus

gument cenn the futureneed to streped in Austrderstood, evalien to they be overco

of the narratated with incue appears l result in imEMO and Ese this on knbankable anarket constrables. This ay not be th

e suitability o

udy has alcircumstan

e, the circual currently stances. Hnetwork servdes. Banki

s the most e occurring iobally, and disruptive es no clear in

7-1 showsment of En

National Lgrid connecgure indicatheel energyn the detailMost recentst emerging

ntres on thee, and the eeamline anralia – this Pven on the

e mainstreamome with pr

tive in Sectcreasing renmanageab

mpacts to tElectraNet wnowledge and thereforeructs for deis a clear r

he most pruof an ESD s

so suggestnces, makemstances inexists, but

owever, thevices, as thng such pro

compellingin the energprecedent e

element of tdication of j

s the currennergy, whicLaboratoriescted projectes the stron

y storage – l provided itly, the stron.

e need to genabling imd evolve thProject demvendor sid

m electricityractical expe

ion 3 demonewable pe

ble, but it mathe renewawill seek a lat the time, e proven. ealing with trisk, and awudent resposolution, wo

ted that othe energy stn South Aust this coulde ESD assehe nature ofojects witho

g reason to gy storage aelsewhere. he future ajust how the

nt non-hydch holds ans, [21]. Thts in terms ng early insand then thin [21], is nngest grow

get experiempact storaghe way suchmonstrated t

e – and jusy sector, soerience.

onstrates aenetration, pay not be sble sector lowest costand opinionWithout anthe issues

waiting a beonse. A demould assist.

her revenutorage a mstralia are t

d add very et would haf the contra

out preceden

pursue theand renewa There is l

and potentiae relationsh

ro ESD insn energy she Figure sof GW nam

stallation rathe strong grnearly all mwth rate is in

nce, likely ge could hah projects athat basic mst as the w

o does energ

developing particularly o easy in thacross the t path solutn on the futy referencemay prejud

etter businemonstration

e streams more commthat no transsignificant

ave to haveacts involvent then bec

ESCRI-SAable energylittle doubt al enabler ohip will grow

stallations gstorage proshows the imeplate ratite of electrorowth in the

molten salt sn electro-ch

changes inave on reneare plannedmechanics oind industrygy storage

issue arouin South Au

he future anNEM. In pion from thture. Such e or benchmdice againsess case to

plant, prov

are possibmercial propsmission carevenue to

e high confid would likeomes probl

A Project fury markets bthat storage

of renewablew in time. .

globally acoject databanstallationsng, up unti

o-mechanicrmal energystorage useemical stora


n both revenewables. Td for, procuof such projy two decanow. Thes

und system ustralia. At nd it is possplanning to

he marketplsolutions w

mark, it is st both stora

emerge aroviding early

ble which cposition noapital augmo the ESD fidence in pely include ematic.

rther is the both within Ae is emerge energy in

ccording to ase hosteds by year fil Septembecal storage y storage wed in solar rage, which

Page | 72

nue and There is

ured and ects are des ago

se things

security present

sible that resolve

ace and will need possible age and ound an insights

could, in w. For entation in other

providing punitive

pace of Australia ing as a

nput, but

the US by the

for utility er 2015. – nearly

which, as thermal is really

Figure 7‐

Figure 7‐2

‐1 – Operating

– Operating no

non‐hydro ESD

on‐hydro ESD p

D installations, g

projects by role,

global, from [21

, global, from [2

1], as at Septem

21], as at Septe


mber 2015

ember 2015

Page | 73

Of partfunctionparticulenablindominaare numvalue a

The thirfor. Tdistribucontrol,notion talso shpossible

Energy confirmthe eme

Unlike Atake-upgaining storageone of tthese m

In the ainvestmstorageleverag

The quesuch pothe prim


The bacapital commeSectionpresentare at le

On cosroughlyaggressAustralifuture. meanindifferen

ticular interen of each barly of interg renewabl

ating the promerous, smcross multip

rd thing is thThis coverstion service transport athat such s

hows just he.

storage ths the originergence of t

Australia, op, with moti of experie

e industry. the most ac

motives, [22

absence of sments to kee product be the most

estion thenolicy driversmary concep


asic challenand operat

ercial and fn 6, the revt. While thieast plausib

sts, Respony 50% decsive when ia, by the CThere is alg that with

nt procurem

est is whatby technolorest here; thle energy gojects – notaller projecple roles.

he very bro not just t

es, general and even ctorage is ce

how disrupt

en, by its nnal concept the technolo

other countrves likely t

ence with a The Califo

ctive energy], with the r

such policy eep pace. but providefrom that in

arises hows and how, pt for ESCR

ed Busine

nge to the tional costsfinancial covenue woulis is discouble within th

ndents to threase in ecompared

CSIRO for thso likely to collaboratioent method

t this storagogy coveringhe first beinggeneration. t by project cts being pu

ad nature othe renewasystem stab

customer loertainly emive the tec

nature, has for the ESCogy, albeit a

ries have po include thlikely disru

ornian Indepy storage menewable e

drivers andThis also

s more incnvestment.

w to improvein time, tha

RI-SA Phase

ess Case I

use of enes. Assuminonstruct to d need to

uraging, the he next five

he RFI for nergy storato the mo

he AEMC, gbe significaon and pote

dologies, a b

ge is usedg the sameg that two o The seconsize, but b

ut forward u

of the uses able energybility issues

oad shiftingerging as a

chnology is

significant CRI-SA woat modest s

articular pohe loweringuptive technpendent Sy

markets drivenergy enab

d any currensupports t

centive to

e the businat businesse 2.


ergy storagng a 50% that presemore than consortiumyears, whic

the Projectage prices ost recent generally coant risk builentially riskbetter price

for, and Fe data as Fof the top fivnd is that thby installatiousing batter

that batteryy enabling s such as sp, among ota primary in

with a mu

cross-overrk. Internatscale for now

olicy driversg of integranology andystem Operven by policbling compo

nt roadmapthe case tomaximise t

ness case fos case can


e is to increduction inted in thedouble for

m is of the och can be a

t made it qin the ne

independeosts are expt into pricing sharing, anoutcome is

Figure 7-2 sFigure 7-1. ve uses are he electro-con number. y technolog

y energy stoarea, but

pinning resehers. This

nfluencer ofuch broader

r in value ptional precew.

s which are ation costs

the drivingrator (ISO), y, is quite c

onent the ke

, Australia mo continue the busines

or ESCRI-Simprove. T

rease reven capital pe Businessr a commeopinion thatrgued as fo

quite clear xt five yeant study oected to falg received fnd consider

s likely.


shows the Three thi

e directly invchemical st This mea

gies and lev

orage is bei transmisserve and ra

s then suppf renewabler value pro

proposition edent also s

leading to of renewab

g of a local which opeclear on all ey priority.

must make exploration

ss case –

SA Phase 2This concep

enue and dprice, and as Case anarcial propot such adju


that they ears. Whilen battery cll significantfrom Resporation of po

Page | 74

primary ings are volved in orage is ns there veraging

ng used ion and

amp rate ports the es, but it oposition

and this supports

storage bles, the l energy

erates in three of

prudent n of the

that is,

2 without pt drives

ecrease a similar alysis of sition to


expect a e this is costs in tly in the ondents, otentially

On revedefineddefinitioconsidedefinedcurrent

enue, the C and value

on path alreration. Ho well enouelectricity c

The potentopportunityif the right could moreESD, altholost and theservice.

If the marincrease inappropriate

o At candfarmnot veryfromSouexpby netw

An increappIf thenedisctimegenyield

o A sdevthe therPV andfromoccbe awouwhe

Consortiumed at acceready exist

owever, thergh within c

construct in

tial to augy presents in

opportunitye than doubugh impacte operation

rket penetran the futureely-configure

current leved planned lms in South

applied cony low SA pom South Auuth Australiort transferlimits withiwork.

increased ease in timlication of w

he ESD wergy that wo

charged at es, the discerators. Thd an econom

econd benvelop due to

amount of re may be tand local w

d particularlym Wattle Purrence of able to chauld otherwisen the lo

have consptable levets particulare are othecurrent knowthe NEM, b

ment transn South Ausy emerges le the curres on other rof the asse

ation of re, three added ESD:

els of wind evels of in

h Australia hnstraints to ool prices haustralia is an wind fas across then South A

penetrationmes wherewind generaere to be could otherwi

a time whecharged eneis would incmic benefit

efit may aro an increa

installed roimes when wind farms y at the poi

Point wind high voltage

arge from wse be consocal limita

sidered souels of definarly in thosr potential rwledge, sobut which in

smission castralia, althoand the ES

ent revenuerevenue su

et would nee

enewable editional ben

farm penetnterconnecthave not belimit wind g

ave sometimconstrained

arms reduce Heywood

Australia, o

n of wind fe wind geation constrconfigured ise be consen the interergy wouldcrease the through av

rise throughased penetrooftop solaa combinatproduce loint of connefarm may e levels at

wind energytrained, lateations of

urces that anition, and se requiringrevenue so

ome of whicnclude:

apital upgraough this mSD function projectionsch as expeed careful c

energy in Snefits may b

tration in Sor transfer

een explicitlgeneration mes been od. At such ce their outd interconner by limits

farms in Sneration israints by AEto charge

strained), thrconnector displace eoverall conoided fuel c

h the reducration of roor PV increation of high cal high voection for Wneed to bthese times

y output fromer releasing

wind fa

are known in which sg a regulaurces whichch do not y

ades – at may involve s

ality is provs alone for acted unserv


South Austbe able to

outh Austracapability,

y constrainin these sit

observed attimes, it a

tput. It shoector can be

deeper w

South Austrs constrainEMO or by up at suche stored enwas uncon

energy fromtribution fro


ction of futuoftop solar ases on theoutput fromltages on th

Wattle Pointbe constrains. An ESD am Wattle Pg the storedarm outpu


well enougsome preceated netwoh simply cayet exist w

present, nsignificant pven. In thea strategicaved energy

on around m

tralia contibe provide

alia and for output fro

ned (i.e. AEtuations). Ht times wheappears thaould be noe constrainewithin the V

ralia could ned, either

low markeh times (fronergy could nstrained.

m gas- or com wind far

ure constraPV genera

e Yorke Pem both roofthe 132 kV t wind farmned to redat Dalrympl

Point wind fad energy a

ut have

Page | 75

gh to be edent or rk base

annot be ithin the

no such potential eory this ally sited

may be modes of

nues to d by an

r current om wind MO has

However, n export at some ted that

ed either Victorian

see an by the

t prices. om wind

later be At such oal-fired

rms, and

ints that ation. As eninsula, top solar network . Output uce the le would arm that

at a time passed.

It is simremain potentiafavour o


The sitConsorthat a Plong terSouth Aincreasless effe

The CoPhase right, ainvolve

The Cothe proj

o A thservandservconsuppenwheSouAusfurth

At tfreqlow the 500a thensof thhowSouAus

mply not pospossibilitie

al here thouof such an E


tuation in Srtium met toPhase 2 ESrm future whAustralia aes, meaninective.

onsortium a2 project. nd will neediscussions

onsortium thject develop

Progressionominal rat

o Stato Sta

hird benefit vices in So

d AEMO sivices existsventional g

pplied by exnetration of en as few auth Australiastralia couldher at times

times whenuency contvalue as F275 kV ci kV circuits

hreshold quaure adequahe NEM be

w to value tuth Australiastralian frequ

ssible to qus only. Thugh, and inESD asset.

ed concep

South Austo consider tSCRI-SA prohich does n

are likely tong reliance

lso agrees Irrespective

ed additionas with key p

hough does ped in the P

n at the Dting around

tutory approkeholder m

could be oouth Austragnalling tos. Frequegenerators xisting solawind farms

as four conva. An incred see the nus of renewa

n both circutrol ancillaryCAS sourcercuits betwin Victoria

antity of FCate frequence lost followthis potentiaa would beuency.

antify thesehe Consortin time the

pt for ESC

tralia is evthese chanoject would not involve eo emerge

on traditio

that there se, the Projeal funding sproject stake

have a reaPhase 1 bus

alrymple su10 – 20 MW

ovals for theanagement

obtained thrlia, which r

o the markeency contro

as an ancar PV or ws and solarventional ge

eased penetumber of in-ble generat

uits of the y services (ed elsewhe

ween Tailembetween H

CAS must bcy regulatio

wing the neal benefit, he able to c

e potential bium is of threlatively c


volving quitges, and a still be of benergy storain other S

onal interco

still remainsect will not support andeholders, in

asonably wesiness case

ubstation oW and 10 –

e constructit around the

rough a conrecently haet that an

ol services cillary serv

wind farm ter PV in Souenerators htration of wi-service contion output.

Heywood FCAS) in S

ere in the Nm Bend anHeywood anbe sourced on should text contingehowever, a

contribute to

benefits at he opinion complex iss

ase 2

te quickly. s a conseqbroad beneage in sometates as re

onnector ne

s some waybe a comm

d cost redun particular

ell defined ce, which can

of an ESD – 20 MWh, in

on of the ase project;

ntribution toave shown

opportunityare traditio

ice, and aechnologiesuth Australihave been oind farms onventional g

interconnecSouth AustraEM. In cond South Ead Moorabofrom withinhe intercon

ency. It is n ESD siteo the regul

any level ofthat there ues involve

In late Noquence remfit. Furthere form, as tenewable e

etwork solut

y to go to fumercial proctions – soARENA and

concept for n be summa




o frequencyincreased

ty to providonally suppre not ables. The incia has led tobserved o

or solar PV igenerators d

ctor are in-alia have thntrast, whenast, or one

ool, is out ofn South Ausnnection to currently u

ed anywheration of th

f accuracy,is significa

ed may pla

ovember 2mains of ther, it is hard the issues aenergy pentions may

ully define oposition in omething wd suppliers

Phase 2, barised as:

ation projec

Page | 76

y control volatility de such plied by e to be creasing to times n-line in in South drop still

-service, he same n one of e of the f service stralia to the rest ncertain

re within e South

so they nt value

ay out in

015 the opinion

to see a arising in netration become

the best its own

hich will .

ased on

t with a

In justifProject fundingparticul

Size &

The prexpendThe sizundertaeffectivesmaller effective

The copursue about atechnolprefere


o A cafunc

o Proshodowmod

o Theo A fo


The develoo Sup

lossthe and

o Marleas

o An whic

o Freq

The develo

o Theo The


o Thein thloca

o Sta

fying this cin regards programmar the cons

Project Ty

roject is biture but ste put forwa

aken to dateness of th

r device mayely at the sa

onsortium rethat which

application togies throunces of stak


ase to the Rctions; curement o

ortlisted RFI wn, includingdels, and coe productionormal businemmercial op

opment and pply of expes of supply, Wattle Poin

d in parallel rket trading se arrangemimprovemech would acquency Con

opment of a

e evolution oe demonstrachronous greasing intee ability to phis instanceal rooftop PVkeholders’ v

oncept, the to the pare, the Adva

sortium note


being presetill allow for

ard is at the te and, whhe ESD acry not allow ame time.

emains agndelivers th

than technough a singkeholders.

Regulator fo

of equipmenResponden

g the investonfirmation n of legal coess case deerations da

implementaected unservinvolving th

nt Wind Farsupply the (energy an

ment; nt in Marginccrue to AGntrol Ancilla

testing and

of the functiation of the eneration inrmittent renrovide targe

e the specifiV generatiovisibility of t

e consortiumrticular objeancing Renes the follow

ented at dr the primasmall end oile an evenross the futhe parallel

nostic to whe optimumology. The gle Power

or regulated

nt and servicnts aimed atigation of aof the most

ommercial inecision to p

ate of mid 20

ation of a fuved energyhe islandingrm which woload;

nd capacity)

nal Loss FaGL; and ary Services

d Knowledg

ional algoritrole of enern South Ausnewable eneeted value sic interactioon; and the asset in

m has atteectives of Eewables Pr


demonstratiary objectiveof the assetn smaller sll spectruml services of

which energ business cconsortiumConversio

d revenue fo

ces throughat driving thealternative dt effective anstruments roceed with017.

unctional alg to the loca

g of the eneould remain

) undertaken

actor for the

s to the mar

e Sharing p

thms to maxrgy storagestralia, partergy generaservices to n with the W

n terms of its

mpted to mESCRI-SA, rogramme (

on size toes of the Ets consideresize is pos

m of servicef market an

gy storage case, althomay consid

n System

or the asset

h further nege capital an

delivery andasset config

between pah the project

gorithm for l Dalrymplergy storage

n in service

n by AGL u

Wattle Poin


program wh

ximise overin regards

icularly in reation in the renewable

Wattle Point

s function a

maximise thand the mo

(ARP), for f

o both minESCRI-SA ced in the prossible, this es sought. d network v

technologyugh the proder a hybridinterface,


t’s network

gotiation wind operatingd operationauration; arties; and

ct with a targ

the ESD tae load followe device aloat reduced

nder an ass

nt Wind Far

hich allows f

rall storage to the lack elation to State; energy gent Wind Farm

and evolutio

he benefit fost logical funding sup

nimise theconcept to rocurement will likely As an exa

value to be

y is used oject is read of energy depending

Page | 77

th the g price al


rgeting: wing ng with output




value; of

neration, m and


from the ARENA

pport. In

capital be met. process limit the

ample, a realised

and will lly more storage on the

A locatiminimu

Dalrymprenewaneed exsingle ifarm is impactsincludin

This lonecessa


The Phcore Pr

The Ph


Given tbusines

ion has beem ESD size

ple in manable energy xists for nencoming traparticularly

s at the wng at times w

ocation alsoarily availab

cing Renew

ase 2 projerogramme O

Increase inincrease in providing aImprovemeenergy tecrenewable of plant Reductionremoving sinto systemIncreased technologexperienceprocuremeof such as

ase 2 proje

Addressinintegrating Advancingtechnologassist in gacommercia

A & Other S

he poor busss case sho

Scaling dobenefits Revisiting texperience

en chosen te configurat

y ways is generation

etwork servansmissiony relevant, ind farm, awhen the sy

o allows able at other

wables Pro

ect is expecOutcomes:

n the value the value o

a means of ient in tech

chnologiesenergy pen

in or remosystem consms

skills, capies – by pro

e base withinnt process, asset

ect also align

g barriers renewables

g the commies – in par

aining experal scale stora


siness caseortfall includ

own the siz

the benefitsd in South A

o maximisetion.

a small ven through thvices in the connectionwith the E

and potentiystem island

broad ranlocations.

ogramme O

cted to mee

e delivered of energy prntegrating mnology rea– as energ

netration, an

oval of barrstraints whic

acity and kogressing an Australia as well as

ns with the

to the longs within grid

mercial devrticular the erience with, age deploym

er Contribu

e in Phase 1ing:

ze of the E

s of the ESAustralia

e the demon

rsion of thehe Wattle P form of exn. The inte

ESD impactially maximds.

nge of fun


et the ARP o

by renewaroduced by more renewadiness angy storage isnd therefore

riers to rench may prev

knowledgea real, live eon both thesupplying k


g-term uptads, a priorityvelopment energy stora and dealinment at tran


1 the Conso

ESD to red

SD in light o

nstration va

e entire StaPoint Wind xpected uneraction beting positiv

mising the r

nctionality t

objectives b

able energyrenewables

wable energd commercs likely to bee can be co

newable envent renewa

relevant tonergy stora

e owner andknowledge o

t focus area

ake of reney for the proof renewabage compog with the isnsmission le

ortium is inv

uce costs

of the highe

alue and ass

ate, includinFarm and

served enetween the ely the Marenewable

to be teste

by contribut

y – by provis in a marke

gy into our ecial readinee a key enansidered as

nergy technable energy

o renewablage asset, thd supplier sion the plann

s of:

ewables – inogramme ble energy nent where ssues that aevel

vestigating w

while still c

er market v


set impact f

ng significawhere an

ergy, servicESD and t

arginal Lossenergy ge

ed, which

ting to the f

ding both aet sense, aelectrical syess of reneabler of highs effective b

nologies – y generation

le energy his will growide of the ning and op

n particular

and enable the Projectarise, aroun

ways to red

capturing s

volaltility no

Page | 78

from the

ant local existing ed by a

the wind s Factor neration

are not


an nd by stems ewable her balance

by n input

w the


ing t will nd

duce the


w being

The Coalso seformal A















Exploring awith potent

onsortium iseking suppARENA Exp



“State oAustralia

“South Operato

“Solar P




“Update Market”,

Generatacross aat: Informat

] “South A

] “ESCRI-CommerElectraN

] “ESCRI-CommerElectraN

] “ESCRI-for ComElectraN

alternative cial ESD sup

s seeking toort from othpression of


-SA Basis ber 2014

of the eneran Energy R

Australian r, January 2

V Report Ju

ng Techno Australian

al Electricity Australian

able Integraan Energy M

– Electric AEMO, 26

tor Informaa number o


Australian T

-SA - Milestrcial Rene

Net and Wor

-SA - Milercial Rene

Net and Wor

-SA - Milestmmercial RNet and Wor


o reduce thher stakehoInterest for

of Design,

rgy market Regulator, 1

Fuel and 2015

une 2015”,

ologies InfoEnergy Ma

y ForecastiEnergy Ma

ation in SouMarket Ope

ity Stateme October 20

tion from f sources,



tone 1 Repewable InterleyParsons

stone 2 Rewable InterleyParsons

tone 3 Repenewable rleyParsons

l framework

he businessolders beforr a Phase 2

Energy S

2014 – C19 Decembe


Energy Sup

ormation Paarket Operat

ng Report arket Operat

uth Australrator and E

ent of Opp015

the Austrapublished b/Electricity/P

n Annual P

port – Reguegration, Ss, Novembe

Report – Segration, Ss, January 2

port – CommIntegration,s, June 201

ks to reduc

s case shore considerdemonstra

torage Dev

Chapter 1 –er 2014

gy Report”

pply Associ

aper – Nator, June 20

Overview tor, June 20

ia – Joint AElectraNet, O

portunities –

alian Energby AEMO APlanning/Re

lanning Rep

latory OverSouth Auser 2014

ite SelectioSouth Aus2015

mercial Fra, South Au5

ce costs, in

rtfall to lessing whethetion project

vice”, ESCR

– National

”, Australia

ation of Aus

ational Elec015

– For the 015

AEMO and October 201

– For the

gy Market August 13 2elated-Inform

port”, Electr

rview”, the Etralia, Con

on”, the Etralia, Con

mework”, thustralia, Co


cluding neg

s than 50%r to proceet.



an Energy

stralia, June

ctricity Fore

National E


National E

Operator, 2015, and amation/Gen

raNet, May

Energy Stonsortium o

nergy Stornsortium o

he Energy onsortium o

Page | 79


% and is d with a




e 2015



t Study”,


collated available neration-


orage for of AGL,

rage for of AGL,

Storage of AGL,










] “ESCRI-CommerElectraN

] “ESCRI-CommerElectraN

] “ESCRI-CommerElectraN

] “Integrat2015

] “Energy WorleyP

] “ESCRI-IntegratiAugust 2

] “Future potentiathe CSIR

] “US DeSandia N

] “AdvancCaliforni2014

-SA – Statercial Rene

Net and Wor

-SA – Reqrcial Rene

Net and Wor

-SA – Enercial Rene

Net and Wor

tion of Ene

Storage TParsons and

-SA Mathemon, South A2015

Energy Stl uptake anRO for the A

partment oNational La

cing and Maian Roadma

of the Art iewable InterleyParsons

quest for Iewable InterleyParsons

ergy Storagewable InterleyParsons

ergy Storag

Technologied SKM-MMA

matical ModAustralia, C

torage Trend impacts oAEMC, Sep

of Energy Gboratories,

aximising theap”, the Cal

in Energy Segration, Ss, May 2015

nformation egration, Ss, May 2015

ge Device egration, Ss, May 2015

ge – Regula

es – SouthA, Governm

del”, the EnConsortium

nds – An of electrical ptember 201

Global Eneat: www.en

e Value of Elifornian Ind

Storage – RSouth Aus5

– InvitatioSouth Aus5

SpecificatioSouth Aus5

atory Implic

h Australia ment of Sout

ergy Storagof AGL, El

assessmeenergy stor


ergy Storagnergystorag

Energy Stordependent S

eport”, the tralia, Con

on”, the Etralia, Con

on”, the Etralia, Con

cations”, AE

– Initial Pth Australia

ge for CommectraNet an

nt of the rage on the

ge Databaseexchange

rage TechnSystem Ope


Energy Stonsortium o

nergy Stornsortium o

Energy Stornsortium o

EMC, 3 De

Phase Repa, 2011

mercial Rennd WorleyP

economic e NEM 2015

se”, hosted.org

nology – A erator, Dece

Page | 80

orage for of AGL,

rage for of AGL,

rage for of AGL,


port”, by

newable Parsons,

viability, 5–2035”,

by the




The foll


This pain the sof chargand out


This is in this Rrating o

Depth o

DoD rethe DoD


This is tthe MW


This is discharusually


This is discharservices


This is amountOnly ceheight)


Durabiltimes (1


ndix A G

owing nom

rating (P)

arameter detored energge and disct of the ESD

y rating (sto

the quantityRFI are in M

of the device

of discharg

presents thD of the bat

arge time (D

the maximuWpk and the

trip efficie

the ratio ofrge cycle. is released

nse time (R

the time rging energys and/or ne

scharge (S

the portiont of non-useertain potencould be co

lity (lifetim

ity is typica1 cycle corr


General E

enclature is

etermines thgy conversiocharge. WitD (designate

orage capa

y of availabMWh whiche and the ho

ge (DoD)

e limit of ditery is 0 %,


um power d response t

ency or cyc

f whole sysIt provides

d as heat to


required foy. The spe

etwork servic


of energy e time (i.e. ntial energyonsidered to

e and cycl

ally expressresponds to


s used throu

he constitution chain anhin this RFed Pin and P

acity) (Q)

ble energy ih allows a dours of stor

scharge de while a full

ischarge dutime the sys

cle efficienc

tem electrica measurethe atmosp

or an enereed of respoces.

that was inair leakage

y storage so have zero

ing time or

ed as lifetimone charge


ughout this

ion and sizend is used toI it is statedPout respect

n the storadirect converage it has a

epth (i.e. if aly discharge

uration. It destem.

cy (Eff)

city output e of the losphere.

rgy storageonse may b

nitially storee loses in Csystems (suo self-discha

r cycling ca

me in yearse and one d

ure Used

Report in re

e of the moo representd in MW. Pively), and a

ge system ersion betwavailable.

a battery is ed battery h

epends on t

to the electsses in an

e device tobe importan

d and whicCAES, elecuch as raisarge.

apacity) (D

s or cycling discharge) [

in Repo

egards to th

otor-generatt maximum Power ratingare often dif

after chargween the ma

100 % fullyhas a DoD o

the DoD, th

tricity input energy stor

o be capabt in frequen

h has dissictrochemicaing a solid


capacity in3].



he ESD.

tor or invert(nameplate

gs can be bfferent.

ing. Energyaximum na

y charged, iof 100%).

he storage c

over a charage device

ble of charncy control a

pated over al losses BE

mass to a

n number of

Page | 81

ter used e) power both into

y ratings meplate

t means


arge and e, which

rging or ancillary

a given ES etc.). a certain

f cycling


B1 I

The objbased ooriginal finalised

Screena site fcriteria

A numbsite duconsideexcludin

These sthat pedetailed

B2 S

The crit

The ben

The ben

ndix B S


jective of Mon a wide ra site selectd in this rep

ing criteria for the instawas then d

ber of high-ring the fir

ered to be ng sites from

sites that parformed we

d, and quan

Site Sele

teria that ha

Benefit valuof benefit thLocal site difficulty wisite under c

nefit realisa

Generated Network SuNetwork Su

nefit classe



Milestone 2 ange of faction report rport.

were first dallation of aeveloped to

-level consirst stage o

both potem further co

assed the fiell in the sntitative, ass

ection Cr

ave been de

ue realisatiohat could beand netwoith which anconsideratio

ation criteria

Energy Vaupport (Reliupport (Mar

s for each c

y of Mile

(Site Selecctors includiresulted in

eveloped toan ESD. A o short-list p

iderations wof screeninentially feasonsideration

irst stage scecond scresessment.


eveloped ca

on criteria, we achieved rk characten ESD devion.

a were sub-d

lue; ability); and

rket Benefit)

category ab

stone 2

ction) was tong physicathree sites

o enable a A two-stage potential site

were used g. Sites tsible and vn were capt

creening weeening stag

an be broad

which reflecat the site u

eristics criteice could b

divided into

d ).

bove are bri

Report –

o determinel, commercbeing shor

high-level asite screen


to determinthat passevaluable. tured by this

ere qualitatge were the

dly split into

ct the potenunder consieria, which e connecte

o the followin

efly describ

– Site Sel

e a site for ial and techrt-listed with

assessmentning proces

ne potentiald this screImportantly

s screening

ively scoreden easily id

two catego

ntial value oderation; anassess the

ed to the ex

ng categorie

bed in the se



the proposhnical aspeh the site s

t of the suitass based o

l suitability eening stagy, the reasg step.

d and rankedentified for


of the variound e potential xisting netw


ections that

Page | 82

sed ESD cts. The


ability of on these

of each ge were sons for

ed. Sites r further

us types

ease or work at a

t follow.

B2.1 G

Table Bthe loca




B2.2 N

Table Bat a givcustom



Generated E

B1 shows thation of an E



Ability tparticipate in energtrading

Marginal Limproveme

Table B

Network Su

B2 shows thven site wilers, or assi


Network AugmentatiCapital Deferral

Energy Val

he criteria aESD at a giv



Ability transfer from geto ESD

Ability transfer from Eload

Evidencwind spilling times prices

Loss Factorent

B1 - Criteria

pport (Reli

he criteria tl provide nst in mainta

ion Thermlimitat




and assessven site wil


to energy



to energy

ESD to


ce of farms

wind at of low


r (MLF) Atimhige

associated w


hat have beetwork sup

aining existi

mal tions

ge Control ations (Low ge)

ge Control ations (High ge)

sment keys l improve th


Assessed onwould be inenewable so

wind farms, setwork limit

ransfer of eneESD.

Assessed onwould be incESD to loadsmitations arenergy from th

his has bomparison wppear to spil

Appropriate cmes of highigh demandenerators an

with improve

een used topport of a tyng levels of


If downslimitation, augmentatimes.


If in a locmaintain nacceptablcould dereleasing decrease

If in a locmaintain nacceptablcould deffacilities b

that have he value of

n the magnincurred wheurces of gensolar systemtations are ergy from loc

n the magnicurred whens in the neare likely to he ESD to lo

been observwith other nl wind.

control of theh generationd) could imnd/or local loa

ment of gene

o assess wype that wif reliability i


stream of the ESD

ation by rele

ality where fnetwork voltae levels at

efer the neenergy at higthe net local

ality where fnetwork voltae levels at

fer the needby storing en

been used generated e

tude of eleen transferreration in the

ms) to the Elikely to c

cal renewabl

tude of ele transferringrby area, andconstrain th

ocal loads.

ved at soearby wind

e ESD (e.g., releasing emprove theads.

erated energ

hether the ll improve nto the futu

a known could defe

asing energ

future investage levels abhigh deman

eed for volgh demand tl load).

future investage levels below demandfor addition

ergy at low d


to assess energy.

ectrical lossering energye nearby areESD, and wconstrain thle generation

ectrical losseg energy frod whether n

he free tran

ome locatiofarms that

. storing eneenergy at time MLFs of

gy value

location of supply relia


thermal neer the neey at high de

tment is neebove the min

nd times, theltage suppotimes (i.e. ac

tment is neeelow the maxd times, thenal voltage cdemand time

Page | 83


es that y from ea (e.g. whether e free n to the

es that om the network sfer of

ns by do not

ergy at mes of f local

an ESD ability to

etwork ed for emand

ded to nimum e ESD ort by cting to

ded to ximum e ESD control es (i.e.




B2.3 N

Table Bat a givnetwork









Localised fr

Expected Ureduction


Network Su

B3 shows thven site wik, and there


Heywood constraint r

Murraylink constraint r

Local genreduction

Grid suppor

Ancillary (System fre

Avoided wiControl A(FCAS) obl


requency sup

Unserved En

ble B2 – Crite

pport (Mar

he criteria tll provide n

eby allow low



nerator co

rt cost reduc

services equency supp

nd farm FreAncillary igation

B3 – Criteria


nergy (USE)

eria associate

rket Benefit

hat have benetwork supwer-cost op


onnector MrereHepo

onnector If tneIntobanRe

onstraint A colim

ction If timsu

support port)

If pothgrth

equency Service


a associated


acting to i

An ESD menable losupply locnetwork.

An ESD mwhen islan

ed with relia


een used topport of a peration of t


arket benefieduction of egion, which eywood Inteool price.

the ESD opeetwork to terconnectorbtained fromnd a reductiegional Victo

benefit will onstraints onmitations.

able to promes of islaupport costs

configured ower during e ESD coulrid. This serve main grid i

any wind fae FCAS mbligations. If educe these f

with market


ncrease the

may be able ocal wind facal load whe

may be ablended from th


o assess wtype that w

the electricit

ts may be onetwork cowould facilita

erconnector a

erates to incrsupport flo

r into Regio both the imion in expecorian 220 kV

accrue to n their ope

ovide partial anding from may be incu

to increase times of falld provide fr

vice is most utself.

rms currentlmarket to m

configured financial pay


net local loa

to provide frerms to contn islanded fr

e to supply e rest of the

network sup

hether the will reduce ty market.

obtained if thonstraints in ate higher traand result in

rease the abows acrossnal Victoria,

mpact on Viccted unservenetwork.

generators ieration due

or full suppthe grid,


output powing frequenc

requency suuseful when

y make finameet their f

appropriatelment obligat

ted network s



requency continue operatrom the rest

a small loca network.


location of constraints

he ESD ena the Southansfers acron lower who

ility of Electrs the Mur, benefits mctorian pool ed energy o

if there are to local ne

ply to load fewer gene

wer/decreasecy and vice

upport to thelocated near

ancial paymefrequency cly, the ESD tions.


Page | 84

ntrol to ting to of the

al load

an ESD s on the

bles a h East oss the olesale

raNet’s raylink

may be prices

on the

fewer etwork

during eration

e input versa,

e main r or on

ents to control


B2.4 L

To minand to suitabledevelopacknowElectraN

Existingto be bthere areasonsIsland).and the

Similarlwhich pgeneralexpectainformathat wowould esites co

On the State aPower Ninclude transmisites, athe sublandow

The folphysicarenewa

Local Site a

imise projekeep the b

e land curreper with exwledged thaNet and AG

g SA Poweeyond the s

are some ss potentiall However,

ese are not

y, there arepresent an lly privatelyations and bation, the mould apply equally apponsidered a

SA transmiand the AdeNetworks s275/66 kV,ssion and nd in somebstation. Tners for agr

lowing factal selection able integrat

Only existinAvailability Availability property owAvailability landownersPotential simpact of aStatutory aCultural Heexisting suapproval unAvailability

and Networ

ect developreadth of th

ently ownedxisting land at as incumGL that may

r Network dscope of thsites in they represenno comme

included in

e 30 registeopportunityy owned benefits fromain focus wto an Electly to the winlso act as p

ission netwoelaide Metrohare the sa, 132/33 kVdistribution

e sites locahe extra laricultural ac

ors were taof sites th

tion in Sout

ng ElectraNof suitableof suitable

wned by Eleof suitable

s; takeholders

additional eleapproval reqeritage (devubstation bnder South of medium

rk Characte

ment risks he task mad/easily acq

interests wmbent asset

not be ava

distribution e Project a South Au

nt valuable ent can be p

this Report

red generaty to connecand hencem the imple

was on ElectraNet genend farm con

proxies for th

ork ElectraNopolitan are

ame site andV connection

networks. ted in rural and is eith


aken into chat could bh Australia:

Net substatioe land withine land outsiectraNet; e land for p

s and local ectrical infraquirements velopment a

boundary isAustralia Dvoltage or


such as lanageable, i

quired by eiwould likely owners in

ailable to all

and direct and thereforustralian dis

locations, provided ont.

tors in Soutct an ESD. e will presementation ctraNet ownerator connnnected to the generato

Net owns 8ea. In a nud have sepn and is a le

ElectraNet areas it ha

her manage

consideratiobe feasible :

on sites aren the existinide the exis

purchase ou

communityastructure;such as Deassociated

s exemptedDevelopmen

low voltage

and acquisiit was decidther Electra

y approach South Ausdevelopers

connect cure not includstribution n

(such as n their feasib

th Australia However,

sent a ranof an ESD.

ned sites. Hnection sitethat substator sites in th

8 high voltaumber of suarate land oegacy of fot owns theas generoued by Elec

on in the prfor the en

e consideredng substatiosting substa

utside the e

y concerns

evelopmentwith electr

d from appnt Act and Re bus for con

tion and Stded to limit aNet or AGsiting simil

stralia an as.

stomer siteded in this etwork thatVictor Harbbility or othe

including 1each of thenge of difDue to acc

However, thee, e.g. Daltion. Therefhe vicinity.

age substatiubstations, ownership. rmer verticaland for a

s land ownctraNet or

reliminary anergy stora

d; n boundaryation bound

existing sub

and issues

t Approval, ricity transfoproval such

Regulations)nnection pu


tatutory Ap the site op

GL. Any othlarly, althou

advantage e

es were conprocess. Ht would forbor and Kaerwise at th

6 wind farmese generafferent comcess to site e range of lrymple subfore, the Ele

ions througElectraNet These sitesal integratioall of its sunership surr

leased to

assessmentage for com

y; dary but w

bstation fro

s in regard

Native Vegormation wh as deve) urposes.

Page | 85

pprovals, ptions to her ESD ugh it is exists to

nsidered However, r similar angaroo

his stage

ms, all of ators are mmercial

specific benefits bstation, ectraNet

hout the and SA s mostly on of the ubstation rounding


t for the mmercial

ithin the

om other

s to the

getation, ithin the lopment

B2.5 B

Some bto be cconside

Just onwhich cutility as

The futsignificacentraligrid-conupfront residen


As discbattery from tenrestart a

Howevenetworkgeneratnot bee


The tratimes linterconavoid ngeneratthe netwto netwimprove

Should future yto impro

Benefits No

benefits havconsidered deration are:

those that wthose whicbecomes m

e example can both cossets, includ

ture realisaant amountssed controlnnected sto

protocols tial battery

System R

cussed in thstorage pro

ndering for a large gen

er, should tk in future ting units. A

en considere


ansfer capalimited by nnector flownetwork dyntor. The conwork underwork capacement and h

the installayears, they ove network

ot Consider

ve not beenduring the

would realisch may onmuch more w

topical in thonsume andding larger

ation of sos of storage of wide sporage devic

and standstorage.

Restart Anc

he Regulatooject with aSRAS proverating unit

the installatyears, they

Any future ved as part o

ent Stability

bility acrosstransient n

ws are connamic instantrol systemr such condcity) would has not bee

ation of multmay have

k transient s


n consideredcourse of t

se only a smnly becomewidespread

he literatured provide escale stora

me of these installed aread small/rces. This wdards were

cillary Serv

ory Overviewa maximumvision, if its lt. In essenc

tion of multy may havvalue that cof this site s

y Improvem

s the Southnetwork st

nstrained beability for cem of an ESDditions. How

provide men considere

tiple storagan aggregastability.

d in the sitethis project.

mall benefit e realisabled in the futur

e is the inteelectrical enge.

se benefitsacross the eresidential swould be me in place

vice (SRAS

w report, thm capability

limited capace, at this s

iple storageve an aggrecould be reselection rep


h Australia tability conelow the thertain criticaD may be c

wever, the sminimal ased as part o

e devices oate capacity

e selection . Benefits t

compared te if the pere.

erplay betwenergy, and

s could be electricity nestorage dev

made easiebefore th


he technicalin the rangacity and/orcale such a

e devices oegate capaalised fromport.

to Victoria straints. At

hermal capal outages,configured tsmall size osistance foof this site s

occur acrosy sufficient

process, anhat have be

to other bennetration o

een grid anhow these

achieved etwork, andvices in coner in the fue widespre

parameterge of 5-30 Mr location ma service is v

occur acrosscity sufficie providing s

Heywood it these timacity of thee.g. the lo

to provide dof ESD conor network selection rep

s the SA elto provide m


nd are not ieen exclud

nefit classeof storage

nd electric vmight inter

by coordind may requinjunction wituture if appead installa

rs and locatMW may p

means it is uvery unlikel

s the SA eent to restasuch a serv

nterconnecmes the He interconnoss of a sigdynamic su

nsidered (cotransient


lectricity nemeaningful

Page | 86

ntended ded from

s; and devices

vehicles, ract with

ation of re some th larger propriate ation of

tion of a revent it nable to ly.

lectricity art large vice has

ctor is at Heywood

ector to gnificant

upport to ompared


etwork in support


One of would nprices dwould nprices wpart of t

When Eprices, be addr


Where farm mamay leawind picto othemagnitu


A nearbconnecto stay allowedvoltage

ESDs mwhich mhave bewith thereducin

Once tcapabilcircumsinterconline, the

The potnew wiconside


the base anot impact difference bnot affect gwould be inthis project.

ESD penetthis will learessed in th

Wind far

a wind farmay be limitead to spilledcks up quic

er benefit cude lower a

Ride thr

by fault on ttion point. Iconnected

d to connec dip.

make use omay assist een disconne Generatorg or elimina

the generaity has the stances, i.ennecting thee generator

tential ride tind farm cered as part

gional effec

assumptionson the who

between NEgeneration nfluenced. T.

tration achied to diminis

he formulatio

rm ramping

m is of subed to a maxd wind resockly leadingclasses, enand has not

rough assi

the networkt is advantato the grid

ct to the gr

of inverter ta wind farmnected. Thir Performanating the us

ator has bepotential t

e. for a faule generatowill be disc

through assonnections t of this proj


s of the Proolesale pric

EM regions.dispatch toTherefore,

eves a leveshing other on of the bu


bstantial sizximum rampources if the to potentia

nergy lost dbeen consi


k can resultageous for d during thisrid, it must

echnology m to ride-ths ESD connce Standase of other c

een commio avoid unlt close to r to the gri

connected w

sistance thaby reduci


oject is thatce of electr In other woo the exteninter-region

el where itbenefits, es

usiness cas

ze comparep rate to lime wind farmal power oudue to ramidered part

t in a dramaboth the sys temporarydemonstra

that can behrough a nentrol mode pard for the incontrol devic

issioned, annecessary the generad. (If the g

when the fa

at could be png or optim

t the scale ricity, e.g. pords, it is ant that the nal effects

t starts to ispecially Pr


ed to the lomit the impam output hatput exceed

mping is coof this proje

atic short-teystem and thy voltage date that it c

e configureetwork faultpotentially rnitial installces.

any additionshut down

ator, on a lienerator isulted line is

provided bymising cap

of such ESpotentially rssumed tharegional whave not b

mpact on rice Arbitrag

ocal networkct on the ne

as to be conding the ramonsidered tect.

erm reductiohe generatoip. Before a

can ride thr

d to providet for which reduces theation of the

nal incremes of the geine which iconnected

s isolated).

y an ESD is ital costs a


SD implemereducing what ESD dep

wholesale ebeen consid

regional whge. This risk

k capabilityetwork. Thisnstrained wmp rate. Coto be an o

on in voltagor for the gea generatorough a sh

e transient it would ot

e cost of coe generator

ental ride enerator in s not the o

d radially vi

s mainly releand has n

Page | 87

entations holesale

ployment lectricity

dered as

holesale k should

y a wind s in turn

when the ompared order of

ge at the enerator r will be ort term

support therwise

omplying , e.g. by

through specific

only line a single

evant for ot been

B3 B

This sean ESDmethod

An oveESD is




Estimatto modevalue fo

As the impactiof the d

The ide

B3.1 E

The estby conssimulatfollowin

Benefit Q

ection coverD. These

dology appli

erview of thgiven below

Determine Identify andthat may re

Determine ensure thabenefits are

tes of the vel the dispaor the assoc

ESD will bng on the o

device is set

entified bene

Time shiftincheap electhe pool priDispatchingnetwork coDispatchingto planned Dispatchingorder to redthey are cloDispatchingDispatching

Energy Trad

timated possidering theion of the

ng reasonab

That the deThat the mrating; and That the de(or, in the c


rs the rangebenefit claed to determ

e methodow:

the various

d evaluate ealize marke

how the vaat double coe left unacc

various maratch of the dciated dispa

be used fooptimum ratt out in the s

efits that co

ng power sctricity as thice is high. g the ESD nstraint. g the ESD aor unplanne

g the ESD duce netwooser to unityg the ESD tg the ESD t

ding Value

ssible revene historical

device disble assumpt

evice is not agnitude of

evice will nocase where

cation Me

e of potentiasses are mine the be

ology adopte

uses that a

various netet benefits

arious markounting of

counted for.

ket benefitsdevice undeatch behavio

r several dtings. The losections be

ould accrue

so that the he fuel sour

as a load o

as a generaed outages contra cyc

ork losses ay. to provide frto provide re

nue that cobehaviour

spatch behtions:

large enougf the charge

ot be dispait is dispatc


ial benefit caligned wi

enefit for ea

ed for dete

an ESD can

twork conn

ket benefitsbenefits do

s were carrer various cror.

different purogic associ


from an ES

ESD effectrce and der

or as a gen

ator in the e to prevent

clically to wand modify

requency coeactive pow

ould be accof power

haviour wa

gh to matere and discha

tched if theched as a lo


classes conith the site

ach class is

ermining an

n be utilized

ection sites

s of an ESoes not occ

ried out usinredible scen

rposes – thated with d

SD are:

tively acts lrives an inc

nerator in o

event of a locurtailment

wind generanetwork M

ontrol ancillwer ancillary

rued from eprices in Ss construc

rially impactarge power

ere is insuffoad, storage

sidered for e selectiondiscussed b

nd assessin

d for.

s on the SA

D interact cur, and al

ng modellinnarios and e

here are coetermining

ike a poweome from s

order to relie

oss of transmt of load. ation and aLFs (margin

ary servicesy services to

energy tradSouth Austrted which

t the pool prr levels is lim

icient availae capacity).


r the deployn criteria, abelow.

ng the value

A transmiss

with each lso that no

ng which atestimated a

ompeting dthe optimu

er station thselling pow

eve a trans

mission sup

associated nal loss fac

s to the neto the netwo

ding was caralia. Specidepended

rice; mited by the

able stored

Page | 88

yment of and the

e of the

sion grid

other to o market

tempted a market

emands m rating

hat uses er when


pply due

loads in ctors) so

twork. ork

alculated fically a on the

e device


In this advantause mathat con

The adoan ESDparamerevenuemarket

The rescurrent

B3.2 M

At locatpossiblePreliminminor cmore co

This is aorder to

For twoRocks awhich aThis loo

In orderof indepthe ESpower s

MLF mwas alshistoricais dispaeffect. (

MLF at

The curto the fthe tranSouth A

By operoutput owind faESD is plant m

mode the age of diffearket swapsnventional b

opted methD could geneters were e stream toconditions.

sult of dispswap price

MLF Modific

tions on thee for the snary investcompared tomplex sim

a complex mo check and

o sites, (Poand Wattle aimed at disoked at max

r to investigpendent comD was dispsource to a

odification so consideal power floatched to m(I.e. the dev


rrent MLF (Mfact that thensmission sAustralian re

rating the Eof Wattle Prm, it is posdispatcheday be nega

ESD acts aring market

s to allow thbase load co

odology wanerate if it w

varied usio various a

atching thees was then

cation Valu

e network wstorage devtigations indo the possulations we

modelling tad cross chec

ort Lincoln aPoint respe

spatching thximising the

gate the effemponents wpatched to baseload u

as a side ered. The reows near eamaximise itsvice is not d


Marginal Loe existing gsystem is deeference no

ESD so thatoint, the loassible to mod in this waated.

as a genert spot pricehe ESD to ponsumers a

as to use hiswas dispatcng a math


e ESD direccompared.


which have vice to havdicated thaible revenu

ere performe

ask and as ck differing

and Dalrymectively conhe ESD in oe effect depe

ect of an ESwas used toconvert a


effect to opesults obtaach locations energy traispatched t

oss Factor) eneration aesigned suode at Para

t it is dispatad at Dalrymodify the M

ay, the reve

rator and aes at differeprovide poware shielded

storical poohed accord

hematical ms, whilst av

ctly onto th

low fault levve an impaat the possue that coued as the si

a result waapproaches

mple) which nnected neaorder to maxending on s

SD on all exo determinegiven wind

peration to mined in the

n. In these sading valueto maximise

at Dalrympat Wattle Poch that Dalsubstation

tched in a cmple and toLF at Dalry

enue genera

a load at dient times. Awer during d from occa

ol prices andding to a premodel to evvoiding ove

e market v

vels relativeact on the ible commeld accrue fiting options

as approachs.

currently harby, a detaximize the Mstorage cap

xisting winde what cost farm outp

maximise ree simulationscenarios ite, and the Me the MLF b

ple is very point typicalllrymple is o.

counter cyco a lesser eymple to a sated by ope

fferent timeA variation periods of hsional very

d evaluate eset algorithvaluate ther fitting the

versus using

e to the sizeMarginal Lercial impafrom energys consolidat

hed in sever

have the wiailed analysMLF at eacacity and E

farms in theor benefit wut from a v

evenue duen studies w was assumMLF benefienefit).

oor for geney exceeds

only weakly

lical manneextent the osmall degreerating the


es in order on this thehigh pool phigh pool p

how much hm. The a

e sensitivitye model to

g market s

e of the devLoss Factoract of this ey trading, ated.

ral different

indfarms Csis was undch connectioESD rating.

e state, the would be acvariable ren

e to energywere basedmed that thefits occur as

eration (~0the local lo

y linked bac

er to the geoutput of Snee. HoweveESD as a

Page | 89

to take me is to

prices so prices.

revenue lgorithm

y of the specific

waps at

vice it is r (MLF). effect is although

ways in

athedral dertaken on point.

method ccrued if newable

y trading d on the e device s a side

.87) due oad, and ck to the

neration nowtown er, if the peaking

In the eduring hit is poson the effect oMW, an

The ESwind faper ann

This is to affecMLF vato mark


This cacapacity+/- 2 MW

So for approxiWattlep

B3.3 N

The opcapacitytimes o(e.g. by

The Nebenefitsnetworkproject

The tota

If the Epotentialimitatioattributaannuali

event that high price sssible for a energy trad

on MLF is snd is estima

SD itself is rm is 0.000


effectively zct the MLF. alues for Waket trading o

us analysis hed contra-y.

an be achiey of 10 MWW.

a 5 MW,mately $10

point will imp

Network Au

peration of y and deferf high local

y the therma

et Present Vs discountek augmentayear compa

al potential

SD can defal annual beon can be mable to the sed cost of

the ESD isspike eventssmall impacding revenusimilar to thated to chan

unable to c005 x reven

zero and woHowever,

attle Point wopportunitie

indicated t-cyclically t

eved for exWh, or if t

10 MWh 0k (which is prove slight


an ESD car network anetwork de

al rating of n

Value (NPVed back to ation deferrared to a de

benefit was

fer the needenefit is eqmost econoESD devicthe avoided

s configureds, and only ct on MLF tue generateat expected

nge the MLF

capture thisue of wattle

ould be theit is also po

whilst still ms and supp

the device to Wattle po

xample, if the device

device, thadditional t

tly from say

n Capital D

an potentialugmentatio

emand, whenetwork pla

) of a projecthe value o

ral is the dieferred proje

s calculated


d for netwouivalent to mically resoe for the ded or deferm

d so that itoperates atto be factored by operd to occur bF at Dalrym

s benefit, be point -> E

e result if weossible to d

maintaining cort load at D

would be aoint, and to

the device has a cap

he ESD wto its respo

y 0.87 to 0.8


l configuredon. The ESDen the localnt).

ct represenof money toifference beect year.

d as followin

ork augmentthe annualiolved by a eferral of ne

ment of augm

t can rapidt a low levered in whilstating the Eby increasinple by 0.00

but the estiquivalent o

e rely only odispatch thecharge in thDalrymple.

able to geno do this w

is dispatcpacity of 20

would get aonse to pool871.

d to provideD can achie network w

nts the aggroday. The etween a p



tation for thised projectnon-netwoetwork augmentation p

ly dischargel (< 5 MW) t having onl

ESD as a png the load005, which

mated benef generating

on the enere ESD at a he device to

nerate $9,9would requir

hed at +/- 0 MWh and

an energy l price peak

e additionaeve this by ould otherw

regate futurepotential m

project’s NP

he foreseeat cost. If therk solution, mentation i



ge (e.g. at 2at all other

ly a minimapeaking plad at Dalrym

is very sma

efit to Wattg an extra 1

rgy trading dlow level to

o allow it to

985 per MWre 9 hrs of

1 MW andd is dispat

trading beks), and the

al effective exporting p

wise be con

re project comaximum bePV in the p

ble future, te identified the annuais equivalen

Page | 90

20 MW) r times – al impact nt. The ple by 5 all.

tle Point 10 MWh

dispatch o impact respond

W if it is storage

d has a tched at

enefit of e MLF of

network power at strained

osts and enefit of roposed

then the network l benefit nt to the


If a lowbenefit conventhe sam


Similar addresssupport

B3.4 L

Many rerely oninterrupand mu

It may bthe gridinstallatinterrup

The valenergy can be (includi

B3.5 E

An ESDconnecoutage,estimatpoints,

These t

For theoutage.demandunserve

The staAEMO’sunless s

e Control L

w voltage liof an ES

tional capame limitation

e Control L

to the situasing high vot device tha

Localised F

enewable gn the availption to grid ust remain o

be possibled is unavations to re

ption as an i

lue of the bthat would quantified

ng RECs) fo

Expected U

D can act ation point le, especiallye the expectaking into a

two types o

1. Pla

2. For

original re. Both transd. The histoed energy.

ate averages Value of stated othe


mitation haD providingcitive reacti



ation for lowoltage limitaat would oth

Frequency S

generation sability of asupply, suc


e to configurailable. Thismain connislanded sy

benefit to thotherwise busing an aor a wind fa

nserved En

as an alternevel are typy for radiacted unservaccount the

f outage we

anned outag

rced outage

port typical sformers anorical load d

Value of CCustomer rwise.

s – Low Vol

as been ideg equivalenive support

s – High Vo

w voltage limations, is theerwise be r


sources suca synchronch sources ce until grid

re an ESD ts may makected, so stem.

he generatobe spilt. It m

assumed enarm, and so

nergy Redu

ative supplypically causl connectioved energy e substation

ere conside

ge (Mainten

e (Fault).

data was und lines werduration cur

Customer ReReliability r


entified at ant voltage device tha


mitations, the annualiserequired to a

ch as wind nising frequof generatisupply is re

to maintain ke it possias to cont

ors was detemost naturanergy valueo forth depe


y during a psed by a tron points.

at a given n arrangeme

red when c

nance); and

used for there assumedrve was the

eliability (VCreview publ

a particular support is

t would oth

he annual bd cost the caddress the

turbines anuency fromon will be uestored.

a frequencble for loctinue to su

ermined asally accruese - say $70 nding on ge

power outaransmissionA probabilconnection

ent and hist

calculating e

e frequencyd to be equan used to e

CR) of $38,ished on 30

connection the annuaerwise be r

enefit an ESconventionae same limit

nd solar phom the grid.

nable to co

cy referenceal wind far

upply local

the value s directly to

per MWh eneration ty

ge. Power n line outaglistic appron point or gtorical outag

expected un

y and duratally likely toestimate the

,090/MWh, 0 Septembe


n point, thealised costrequired to

SD may proal inductive tation.

otovoltaics On occas

ontinue to ge

e when suprms and sload follow

of locally-pthe generaof supplied


interruptionge or a tranoach was group of conge data.

nserved ene

tion of eacho fail at anye average e

in accordaner 2014, w

Page | 91

e annual t of the address

ovide, in reactive

typically sions of enerate,

ply from olar PV wing an

roduced ator, and d energy

ns at the nsformer used to nnection


h type of y level of expected

nce with as used

FactorsESD ataffectedis 50% outage

B3.6 H

An ESDinto Sothe fuelVictoriacould tawould ty

In the obenefit.Intercon

B3.7 M

An ESDnetworkthe BallWemenmost crBallarat

The valthe openetworkVictoriaexpecte

B3.8 L

Non-SclocationLimiter differ frlocal EDbenefit

SCADAthe eneto estim

s that couldt the time od customerscharged at rates for th

Heywood In

D could provuth Australl costs in S

a at those tiake on addypically be

original site Further innector con

Murraylink I

D at Monask. The Weslarat, Bendin Terminal Sritical limitat–Bendigo l

lue of the peration of thk by the ESan 220 kV ed USE, mu

Local Gene

cheduled rens may be (GDL) or a

rom locationDS could taclass does

A and Nationergy spill dumate the ene

Actual geneGDL LimitsEnergy ava

d affect thisof an outages. For quanthe time of e Dalrymple


vide an effeia is constr

South Austrimes. At timditional stocheaper tha

selection rnvestigatio

nstraint redu


h can suppstern Victoriigo, FostervStations. Thations are tine loading

potential behe ESD is thSD via Murr

networks aultiplied by t

rator Cons

newable geconstrainedsimilar con

n to locatioake an adva

not cover e

n Grid Meteue to such lergy spill:

eration (30 s – SCADA ailability fore

s class of be, the actuantification of

an unplanne site were

ctor Constr

ective increarained, a realia, which

mes when eored energyan Victorian

eport this bn has led uction bene

ector Const

port higher tan 220 kV ville, Glenrohis transmisthe Moorablimitation.

nefit providhe total eneraylink at timare constrathe relevant

straint Redu

enerators (ed by the lontrol schemeon. Such geantage by stenergy tradi

ering (NGM)ocal genera

minutes en ecast – SCA

benefits inclal duration f this potentned outage.used to cal

raint Reduc

ase in intercelease of sto

are typicalexport from y producedn generation

benefit was to the cfit is captur

traint Redu

transfers actransmissio

owan, Horshssion netwobool - Balla

ded by the rergy expectmes when ained. Thet VCR.


especially ecal TNSP (e to avoid venerators htoring the uing, nor inte

) data over ator constra

nergy) – NG


lude the amof the outatial benefit, . As a refinelculate this


connector cored energyly more exSouth Aus

by South n at those ti

listed as donclusion ed as part o


cross Murraon network ham, Keranork has limiarat No.1 li

reduction oed to be suboth the Ri

e benefit w

early wind f(ElectraNetvarious netwhave to spiln-utilised e

er-regional c

a three-yeaaints. The fo


mount of enge and the it was assu

ement for thbenefit.

capacity. At y from the pensive tha

stralia is conAustralian mes.

istinct from that this pof energy tra

ylink into thsupplies th

ng, Red Cliffted networkne loading

f expected upplied to thiverland 132

was calcula

farm develo) using a Gwork issuesl energy wnergy to preconstraints.

ar period waollowing info


nergy storee actual VCumed that this report th

t times wheESD would

an the fuel nstrained, tgeneration

the energypotential Hrading bene

he Victorianhe regional ffs, Sheppark capacity, limitation

USE in Viche Victorian2 kV and th

ated as the

opments) atGenerator Ds. The sche

while constraevent the s

as used to eformation w

Page | 92

d in the R of the the ESD he actual

n import d reduce costs in

the ESD n, which

y trading Heywood


n 220 kV loads at rton and and the and the

ctoria by n 220 kV he West e saved

t remote Dispatch me may ained; a pill. This

estimate was used

The enenergy forecascomparthe gen

Once thby the averagethat an be able

B3.9 G

The gripotentia

These t


An ESDlocated providebenefit,

Similar the timeESD wiwas desupport


The beexistingexpectepotentiathe incubasis.

10 Table

nergy spill igeneration

st (claimed) ring the clainerator was

he energy sprevailing

ed over theESD can c

e to capture

Grid Suppo

d support cal benefit ar

Reduction requiremenPotential focomes up f

two potentia

tion in ope

D has the c on the sa

ed by diese the energy

to USE, thee of an unpill be 50% cetermined bt over the la

tion in size

enefit an ESg contracteded to result al benefit isumbent grid

28, p73, Low

is the diffe. The potenenergy av

med energynot constra

spill was estwholesale

e three yeacapture thethe total sp

rt Cost Red

cost reductrises in two

in operationnts from theor the ESD for renewal.

al benefits a

rational co

capability toame netwoel powered y supplied b

e ability to aplanned outacharged on by multiplyiast three yea

e of contrac

SD may prd grid suppin a propor

s heavily ded support p

wer Eyre Pe

rence betwntial energyailability. A y availabilit


timated, theelectricity prs. For quamaximum

pilt energy d


tion benefit forms:

nal costs du grid suppoto reduce th.

are discusse


o reduce thrk that reliegeneration

by an ESD w

access this age. The waverage. Tng the avears with hal

cted grid su

ovide has port, followertional redu

ependent onprovider, th

ninsula Tech

ween the poy availability

scaling facty and the a

e benefit is tprice plus antification potential b

due to size,

class cove

ue to the ESort contract; he size of c

ed in turn b

e operationes on said, and for thwill be value

benefit depworking assuThe value oerage annulf the capac


to be asseed by an asction of the

n the possibhis benefit h

hnical Netwo

otential eney was first ector for eacactual energ

the estimateRECs (assof this poteenefit. Howcapacity or

ers existing

SD displaciand

contracted g


nal cost of d grid supphe purposeed at an ave

pends on thumption usef the reduct

ual numbercity of the E

essed whetssessment e annual fixeble reductiohas to be a

rk Options A

ergy availabestimated bch generatogy output du

ed to be ensume a totaential benefwever, an acr other techn


ng some (o

grid support

contracted port. Typicas of quanti

erage of $30

he energy sted for quantion in annur of dispatcSD.

her it can whether thed fee. Sincon that can assessed o

Analysis Repo


ble and theby scaling dor is determuring the tim

ergy spill mal $70/MWfit, it was actual ESD nical limitat

d grid supp

or all) of the

t when the

grid suppoally grid suifying the a00/MWh10.

tored in thentification is ual operatioches of ge

reduce thehe size reduce the valube negotia

on a case


Page | 93

e actual own the

mined by me while

multiplied h), then

assumed may not ions.

ort. The

e energy


ort if it is pport is


e ESD at that the

onal cost neration

e size of uction is e of this

ated with by case

B3.10 A

The ESassumior low s

The req

HistoricSouth Amarket South A

Analysivery lowanalysis

B3.11 A

Similarlcommeto a sto

AlthougchangeFCAS in

B4 S

This sefollowin

The abo

B4.1 S

The ARdeployispecificNationasuggesarea forgeneratrenewainstallatstorage

Ancillary S

SD is able tng it has a system freq


cally the revAustralia is

is re-desigAustralia as

s of marketw value bass as it is ex

Avoided W

y to the ercial impactorage device

gh the valuee that and mn future.

Site Asse

ection preseng:

Sites that scope; Initial screeSecond-staLocality facConclusion


Sites Exclud

RENA Measng a grid-co

cally designal Electricityts that transr potential stion on the

able generations signif

e itself is dis

Services Su

to supply Fcontrol alguency even

for this serv

venue that approximat

gned to add convention

t informatiosed on histpected to in

Wind Farm F

section abt of this effee from ener

e of FCAS may lead to


ents how po

may have

ening of all tage screenictors for shon for short-lis

ned topics a


sure (this pronnected u

ned to faciliy Market (NEsmission cosites. WindSouth Aus

ation sourceficantly smascussed furt

upport (Sys

Frequency corithm whic


vice vary fro

has been ately $ 0.70 pdress the snal generati

n has showtory. Howevncrease in v

FCAS Oblig

bove, prelimect is minor gy trading.

has historlarge scale


otential site

been suita

transmissiong to determort-listed sitested sites.

are covered

roject) “covetility scale nitate the inEM)”. This sonnection pd farms are tralian marke, the aggall that sucther below.

stem Frequ

control ancich overrides

om year to y

allocated toper MWh. Tsystem secon is retired

wn that systver, FCAS value going


minary invecompared

rically beene ESDs bein

es were scr

able but we

on connectiomine shortlies; and

d in turn bel

ers the devnon-hydro etegration oscope, as w

points or winalso the on

ket, and whregation prch were no

uency Sup

illary servics its norma


o generationThis may chcurity issuesd.

tem frequenhas been iforward, es

estigations to the poss

low, changng economi

reened and

ere exclude

on point siteisted sites;


velopment oenergy storaf intermitte

well as the cnd farms innly primary hile aggregarocess is sot consider


es whenevl operation

n for the prohange in thes that are c

ncy supportncluded in

specially in

indicated ible revenu

ging generac to possibl


ed because

es in South

of a detailedage systemnt renewabcompositionSouth Auslarge scaleated roof-tosignificantly red. Smal


ver it is on to respond

ovision of Fe future if thcurrently a

t (FCAS) tothe busineSouth Aust

that the e that could

ation patterly provide s

d by discus

e they were


d business m in South Able energy n of the constralia are the renewableop PV is a sy complex ll scale dis

Page | 94

line and d to high

FCAS in he FCAS rising in

o have a ess case tralia.

possible d accrue

rns may synthetic

sing the

e out of

case for Australia into the sortium, he focus e energy sizeable and the stributed

Sites oconsidethat ma


The Oaenergy limitatiobetweeMW. TOaklandassist w



B4.2 In

The firseach sit

Site fac

outside of ered. Howevay warrant c

Sites ou

aklands Hill storage on

ons usually n 55 MW a

The above ds Hill wind

with potentia


gh distributing distributio

In the Ademore feasibespecially tThe electriundersea csupply the of limited ustation outpthe installatThe FleuriePV installatA utility scNetworks’ s

nitial Scree

st screeningte:


Does ElectDoes Electexpanding Are the imrelationshipenvironmenIs it possibknown futuAre suitable

South Ausver, for com


utside of So

wind farm n site. The

constrain and 60 MWvalues ind

d farm in redal network is

tion netwo

ion networkon applicatio

laide Metroble. The suthe availabicity supply

cable. SA Pisland in th

use with theput, ESD, retion on Kingeu Peninsultions resultiale ESD msub-transm


g test cons

raNet own straNet own the site?

mpacts on ps, proximityntal consideble to makere plans? e voltage le

stralia and mpleteness,on in future.

outh Austra

in Western installed cgeneration

W, and somedicate that ducing locassues.

ork connect

k connectioons may be

opolitan areitability of ality of spaceto Kangaro

Power Netwe event of

e current neenewable eg Island (alba south of Aing at times

may be an oission netw

sisted of the

spare land wland outsid

neighboursy of the siteerations)? use of exi

evels availab

distribution, a few sites


n Victoria wocapacity of output to etimes sucan ESD m

l generator


ons have nenefit from c

ea distributea utility scalee in the metoo Island is

works operatloss of sup

etwork confinergy and abeit at a largAdelaide has in backfeeoption to a

work where t

e applicatio

within the sde the site,

rs manageae to existing

isting exits

ble for an in

n network s of this typ

ould benefithis wind less than

h as days omay demonconstraints

not been cocloser analy

ed small-scae ESD will dtropolitan as currently tes a small ply from theiguration. Hadditional cger scale).as a very hied into the 6ssist voltagthere is spa

on of the fo

site? or is there

able (e.g. g neighbours

or develop


connectionpe are brief

t more thanfarm is 6763 MW, oof a total finstrate goo

s. In addition

onsidered iysis:

ale storagedepend on area. dependent power stat

e mainland.However, co

ontrols cou

gh penetrat66 kV suppge managece available

ollowing ‘Ye

e a low anti

based on s, and inclu

spare exits



ns have nofly discusse

n most from7 MW, but often in sumre ban dowod benefitsn an ESD m

in this proj

e is expectea variety of

t on a radiation at King. An ESD w

ombining thld potential

tion of rooftply to Victor ment in SAe.

es/No’ indic

icipated diff

known neuding site no

s without im

n of an ESD

Page | 95

ot been ed below

m having network

mmer to wn to 42 s to the may also

ject, the

ed to be f factors,

al 33 kV scote to

would be e power ly mimic

top solar Harbor.

A Power

cators to

ficulty of

eighbour oise and



Value f




Based each s(‘Yes/Njudgempotentia

B4.3 In

Sites thscreeni


Would abso

o aid the

o provide

o provideexisting

on the ansite to deteo’). Similarent was apally provide

nitial Scree

hat passedng stage, a


Angas Cre

Ardrossan W

Back Calling






Cherry Gard

Clare Nor





Happy Val


orbing or inj

e provision o

e network s

e network sg or emergi

wers to eacrmine its orly, based pplied to designificant

ening Resu

d both the as shown in

on Sit















jecting real

of any poten

upport throu

support throng generato

ch of the soverall abilion the ansetermine woverall valu


site test aTable B4.

te factors

















power at th

ntial energy

ugh a poten

ough a potor or netwo

ite factor cty to accoswers to e

whether the ue.

and the va

Value facto

















he site:

y trading ben

ntial reliabili

tential markork constrain

onsideratiommodate a

each of thelocation of

lue test ar

or Listed fo


ity benefit; a

ket benefit nts?

ns, judgema lower-cose value facf an ESD a

e then liste

or the secon



















by address

ment was apst ESD conctor consideat each sit

ed for the

nd screenin

















Page | 96

sing any

pplied to nnection erations, e would


g stage




Kadina Ea





Leigh Creek C

Leigh Creek S















Morphett Vale

Mount Bar

Mount Barker

Mount Gam

Mount Gun

Mount Mil



on Sit
















e East








te factors






























Value facto






























or Listed foor the secon































nd screenin






























Page | 97

g stage







New Osbo

North West B



arafield Garde

Pelican Po

Penola We


Playford A


Port Lincoln Te

Port Pirie

Red Hill T





South Ea

Stony Poi

Tailem Be


Templers W

Torrens Isla


Whyalla Ce

Whyalla Term

on Sit







ens West





















te factors






























Value facto






























or Listed foor the secon































nd screenin






























Page | 98

g stage

The init

B4.4 S

The secscreenitrading screeni

Each ite

Conneclevel anleast dif


The res






tial screenin


Eyre Pe

Mid Nonetwork

Mid Nor

Mid Nor


South E


cond screenng stage. and netwo

ng test.

em within th

ction difficund spare exfficult. The

ual aspects ered importa

sults of seco

on Sit




B4 – Criteria

ng identified


orth (Yorke k)

rth (Meshed

rth (275 kV M



Table B5 –

age Screen

ning test apThe weightork suppor

hese aspect

lty combinexit availabilit

overall wei

of energy ance and s

ond stage s

te factors




a associated

d the 16 site


132 kV netw

Main Grid)

– Sites that m


pplied weightings and st aspects

ts was assig

ed aspects ty. A judgeghting was

trading andscored from

screening is

Value facto




with market

es shown in






132 kV D



work) R









made it throu

hted scoresscores add(reliability/m

gned a judg

such as lanement score

judged to b

d network sm 0 (lowest

given in Ta

or Listed fo


Table B5,


Port Lincoln



Mount Millar


Ardrossan W





Blyth West




North West B

South East

ugh the initial

s to each ofdressed themarket) tha

gement wei

nd availabile of 1 represbe in propor

support werperceived v

able B6.

or the secon




ted network s

across six b





f the sites the ease of ct were ass


ity, site expsented the rtion to the o

re weightedvalue) to 3


nd screenin





broad regio

hat passed connection,sessed in

pandability,most difficuother aspec

d according(highest pe

Page | 99

g stage


the first energy the first

voltage ult, 3 the cts.

to their erceived

Table B6 – Re

esults of second sttage screening.

Page | 10 00

Yorke Pwithout significa


The secEyre Pe

B4.5 S

The topTable B










For the

The EyPeninsuline out

Sites inconnec

From tharea, to

Peninsula sthe poten

antly chang

gh no metrentative site

cond stageeninsula, Yo


p sites withB7.

ank Wit









Eyre and Y

the radial nthe low capthe high imthe losses athe existing

yre Peninsula due to tage conditio

n the Riverltion difficult

he above it o optimise th

sites (Ardrontial connees network

ropolitan se to confirm

screening orke Penins

age Screen

h and witho

h Hillside co

t Lincoln Ter

rymple (York

rossan West

dnarie (Eyre)

unt Millar (Ey

dinna (Eyre)

nash (Riverla

rth West Ben

Table B7

Yorke Penin

nature of thepacity of thepedance ofassociated

g wind farms

ula (Port the additionons.

land were ty and the p

was concluhe site choi

ossan Wesection of Hloading.

ites passedit would ha

identified thsula and in t

ing Results

out the Hil

opper mine

rminal (Eyre)


t (Yorke)



nd (Riverland

7 – Top sites

nsula these

e existing trae existing traf the existinwith the exs / conventi

Lincoln Tenal requirem

ranked nexpotential for

uded that thce in a mor

st and DalrHillside co

d the initiave a relativ

hat the highthe Riverlan


lside coppe




finding can

ansmissionansmission g transmiss

xisting transional gener

erminal) wament to sup

xt, after thereduced M

ree sites shre rigorous a

rymple) wepper mine

al screeninely low rank

hest rankednd.

er mine de

Without Hi

Port Lincoln

Yadnarie (E

Dalrymple (

Mount Milla

Ardrossan W

Wudinna (E

Monash (R

North West

t Hillside cop

n largely be

n networks;networks;

sion networmission netators conne

as ranked pply load via

e Eyre and Murraylink in

hould be chand detailed

re conside because

ng, Para wking when s

d sites were


llside coppe

n Terminal (E



ar (Eyre)

West (Yorke



t Bend (River

pper mine.

explained b

ks; tworks; andected to the

first, highea contracted

Yorke Penterconnecti

hosen, one id analysis.


ered both wthis deve

was includescored.

e all located

are shown

er mine





d ese network

er than thed generatio

ninsula, dueon constrai

in each geo

age | 101

with and lopment

ed as a

d on the

n in the


e Yorke on under

e to low nts.


The foll


B4.6 L


The suPeninsuaccess small cr

Port Lin(33 kV) parcel o

It is enjurisdictfacilitiesEnvironnature.


The subPeninsuaccess with cro

Dalrympinfrastruland to

It is enjurisdictfacilitiesvegetatVegetatvegetatlow but


The subis appr

owing sites

Eyre PeninYorke PeniRiverland –

vity analysisula, Yorke P

Locality Fac

Port Linc

ubstation isula. Port Linfrom Flinde

ropping act

ncoln Termi infrastructuof land to th

nvisaged ttion either s on Electrnmental and


bstation is ula. Stansbfrom St Vin

opping and

ple Substatucture. Electhe north a

nvisaged ttion either s on Electration presention Counction is to bewould requ

Monash Su

bstation is lroximately 2

s were chos

sula - Port nsula – Da

– Monash s

s of the weigPeninsula a

ctors for Sh

oln Termin

located ancoln is apers Highwayivities.

inal Substature. Electrahe north and

hat develoState Deve

raNet land d cultural h

le Substati

located appbury is apprncent Highwgrazing act

tion site hactraNet ownnd south of

hat develoState Deve

aNet land bnt on Electcil and Dee removed uire some d


ocated app240 km fro

sen as being

Lincoln Terlrymple sububstation.

ghting and and in the R


nal Substat

pproximateproximatelyy with land

tion site hasNet owns th

d east of the

opment appelopment Abut outsid

heritage ris


proximatelyroximately 2way with laivities.

as both Elens the landf the substa

opment appelopment Abut outside raNet land

epartment ofor construue diligence

proximately om Adelaid

g the highes

rminal substbstation; and

scoring indRiverland co

d Sites


ely 7 km ny 645 km fruse near th

s both Eleche land whee substation

proval wouAssessmentde the Portsks are rela

y 7 km sout200 km fro

and use nea

ectraNet (13d where it htion (40 Ha

proval wouAssessmentthe Dalrym that will rof Natural uction purpoe assessme

4 km northde by road.

st ranked in

tation; d

icated that tnsistently p

orth-west orom Adelaidhe substatio

ctraNet (132ere it has Hn (10 Ha plu

uld be requt Commisst Lincoln Tatively low

th-west of Som Adelaidear the subst

32 kV) and has HV ass plus).

uld be requt Commiss

mple substatrequire perEnvironme

ose. Culturaent.

of Berri To. The site

n each area

the identifieresented as

of City Porde by road. n consisting

2 kV) and SV asset and


uired from ion or locaerminal sudue to the

Stansbury Te by road. tation consi

SA Powerset and also

uired from ion or location boundarmission froent and Real heritage

ownship in thas good



ed sites on ts being top

rt Lincoln oThe site h

g of rural liv

SA Power Nd also a sub

relevant pal councils bstation boe current la

Township oThe site haisting of rur

r Networks o a large p

relevant pal councils ary. There iom the SAesources irisks are r

the Riverlanaccess fro

age | 102

the Eyre ranked.

on Eyre as good ving with

Networks bstantial

planning for any

oundary. and use

on Yorke as good ral living

(33 kV) parcel of

planning for any

is native A Native f native


nd. Berri om Sturt


Monashthe landvicinity.with Vic

There isESCRI-planninany facvegetatVegetatvegetatlow but

B4.7 C

The quvaluable

The follreceive

Note: Inlisted aconclusof energancillarybeen inforward

It is wothat netforecasproceed

This ESsite selselectio

ay with landes.

h Substatiod where it The Subs

ctoria. The M

s some land-SA. It is eg jurisdictioilities on Eletion presention Counction is to bewould requ


antification e:

Market TraMLF impacNetwork AuExpected ULocal gene

lowing bened limited att

Localised fGrid suppoAvoided wiRide-throug

n the originaas distinct sion that thigy trading by services

ncluded in td, especially

orth noting ttwork deferr

sts, these dds in substa

SCRI-SA Prlections weon is docum

d use near

n site has has HV as

station is alMurraylink C

d available envisaged on either StaectraNet lan

nt on Electcil and Dee removed uire some d

for Short-

of the ben

ding Revenct (subject tougmentationUnserved Eerator constr

efits were fotention duri

requency sort cost redund farm FCgh assistan

al site selecfrom the e

is potential benefit. Alssupport (FCthe busines

y in South A

that at the tral benefits deferral beantial form.

roject had tere further pmented in the

the substat

ElectraNet ssets and dso the conConverter S

within Electhat develoate Developnd but outsiraNet land

epartment ofor construue diligence

Listed Site

efit classes

nue; o optimal ESn Capital Denergy (USEraint reduct

ound to be ong detailed

upport; uction; CAS obligati


ction report energy tradInterconneo, althoughCAS) to hass case an


time of the were availa

enefits may

taken on anprogressed e body of th

tion consist

(132 kV andoes not ownnection poStation is ad

ctraNet subsopment apppment Asseide the Mon that will rof Natural uction purpoe assessme


s identified

SD sizing);eferral (whe

E) reductiontion.

of low value investigatio

on; and

the “Intercoding benef

ector constrah historic mave a very lnalysis as it

original ARable on the y only be a

n iterative f when prep

his report.

ting of crop

nd 66 kV) inwn any addint for the

djacent to th

station site proval wouessment Conash substarequire perEnvironme

ose. Culturaent.

the followin

ere relevantn; and

e in the curon:

onnector coit. Further aint reductiarket informow value, at is expecte

RENA propoYorke Pen

available if

form. The rparing the

pping and a

nfrastructureditional landDC Murray

he Monash

which couldld be requ

ommission oation boundarmission froent and Real heritage

ng benefits


rent regulat

nstraint redinvestigatioon benefit

mation has ancillary seed to increa

osal there winsula. Withf the propo

esult was tbusiness c



e. ElectraNd in the suylink IntercoSubstation.

d be utiliseduired from or local couary. There om the SAesources irisks are r

as being t

tory framew

duction” benon has ledis capturedshown that

ervices suppase in valu

was an exph the latest osed Hillsid

that the shocase. The f

age | 103


et owns ubstation onnector .

d for the relevant

uncils for is native

A Native f native


he most

work and

nefit was d to the d as part t system port has

ue going

pectation demand de mine

ort listed final site


The Mitechnol(CAES)StorageSupercocurrent storage

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cognised thasystem apogies. Figon their typ

ke, 2015).

C1: Compar

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3 Repo

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o, Wang, D

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torage techn

time of thepacitors and

small scale d large scal

Clarke, 2015

ation for a ge can be stased on th

age | 104


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gy storage teation (Luo, W

e is anothethe energy er, & Clarke PHS, largom left coright hand cstems. In B

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Long – termours to mont

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s energy stor


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ES) Lead acid

Li ion





harge and sto

a choice of echnologies2, the largeenergy and

he highly cystems are ems are low

rage technolo

age | 105





storage s (values e volume d power compact typically

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Two moof usef2015):

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age | 106

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Figure C4 ‐ Com

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age | 107

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age | 108


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Table Dfinal poARENAremove



Not sho













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D1 below shosition at thA Milestone ed for this pu






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List of RF

hows the enhe end of th

4 report bublic report

Final ubmission eceived?







s in support other bid(s)

s in support other bid(s)





FI Respo

ntities that whe completut because.

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age | 109

and their d for the ve been



Not sho








GE Storage

GCX Storage


HCB STechno




LG Chem

MitsubiHeavy Industri









Yesof o

Energy e

Energy e

chnics Yesof o

Standby logies

m Yesof o

n s


m Yesof o



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s in support other bid(s)




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Commercial confidence

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age | 110



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Parker Hannafi










Solar Re






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in Yesof o



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Yesof o

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age | 111



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UET Techno











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logies Yesof o




Final ubmission eceived?




s in support other bid(s)

s in support other bid(s)






Energy storage


Commercial confidence

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Commercial confidence

Commercial confidence

Table D1 – List





in e


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of RFI Respond

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age | 112



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CPP Centu




S&C Electr

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Tranter UET

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on 2

on 3

Option 1

Option 2

ption 1

ption 2

ption 3



ics ‐ Option 1

ics‐ Option 2

ics ‐Option 3

ics ‐ Option 4

ics ‐ Option 5

ics ‐ Option 6

‐ Option 1

‐Option 2

‐Option 3

‐ Option 4






Clause Reference

%) 100.0%

MUST meet thres








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Spec cl 2.4 Spe

Threshold 1

sholds and achieve

> 3

> 2

> 1

< 1



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Invite cl 4.1.








Position in Indu

Technical capab

delivery ris

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Indudtry Leader

substantial and

consistent track

record; compani

have successfull

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New entrant;

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worked together


stry & 

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Financial capa

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1.1c Invite 4

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(various) Spec 5

old Thresho



y and 


Value for M

Service relatio

support fut


5.4Invite cl 4.1.6


old 2.0%



Not addresse


ge | 113





6 d, e &




Pagee | 114


Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration

South Australia

An Emerging Renewables “Measure” project with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency

Milestone 1

November 2014

Regulatory overview


This document has been prepared for the sole purpose of documenting the Regulatory

Review milestone 1 deliverable associated with the Energy Storage for Commercial

Renewable Integration project for South Australia by AGL, Electranet and WorleyParsons, as

part of an Emerging Renewables project with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency


It is expected that this document and its contents, including work scope, methodology and

any commercial terms will be treated in accordance with the Funding Agreement between











0 Issued to ARENA

P. Ebert S. Abbleby B. Bennet

Table of Contents

1. Background to regulatory overview and executive summary ................................................ 5

1.1. Background ............................................................................................................................... 5

1.2. Summary overview ................................................................................................................... 5

2. Overarching regulatory framework ............................................................................................ 7

3. The status of energy storage in the Rules ....................................................................................... 8

3.1. Registration considerations ........................................................................................................ 8

3.1.1. Generator registration ............................................................................................................ 8

3.1.2. Market vs Non-market ............................................................................................................ 9

3.1.3. Scheduled vs Semi-Scheduled vs Non-scheduled ................................................................. 10

3.1.4. Exemptions and options not requiring registration .............................................................. 12

3.1.5. Registration decision matrix ................................................................................................. 13

3.2. Connection considerations and technical performance standards .......................................... 15

3.3. Transmission service charges .................................................................................................... 15

3.4. Jurisdictional licensing obligations ............................................................................................ 17

Local licensing obligations differ between jurisdictions. For example: ....................................... 17

4. Ancillary services which the ESD could potentially provide, and provision for accessing

associated revenue ............................................................................................................................... 18

5. The role of the RIT-T in procurement as a prescribed service ...................................................... 23

6. Asset ownership options ............................................................................................................... 25

6.1. General ...................................................................................................................................... 25

6.2. Ownership by network service provider ................................................................................... 25

7. Commercial frameworks under various ownership models ......................................................... 27

8. Summary of issues to be resolved and recommendations ........................................................... 29


APPENDIX 1. Diagrammatic of connection options

APPENDIX 2. Examples of generator classification and exemption categories


AEMC Australian Energy Market Commission

AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator

AER Australian Energy Regulator

ARENA Australian Renewable Energy Agency

ASRR Annual Service Revenue Requirements

ESD Energy Storage Device

FCAS Frequency Control Ancillary Services

NEM National Electricity Market

MLF Marginal Loss Factor

NEB Net Energy Balance

NLAS Network Loading Control

NSCAS Network Support and Control Ancillary Services

SRAS System Restart Ancillary Services

TUOS Transmission Use of System

TOSAS Transient and Oscillatory Stability Ancillary Service

VCAS Voltage Control Ancillary Services

5 | P a g e

1. Background to regulatory overview and executive


1.1. Background

The ESCRI-SA project contemplates the trial of a 1-30 MWpk non-hydro energy storage

device (ESD) within the South Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) Region (the

Project). This Project is being funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency

(ARENA) under the Emerging Renewables – Measures Program.

The ESD may potentially act as both a consumer and producer of electricity (presenting an

energy arbitrage opportunity), a provider of system ancillary services (whether market or

non-market services), and/or a provider of network support services. To aid commerciality,

the Project is attempting to maximise the value of the ESD by potentially accessing each of

these revenue streams in combination.

As part of the Milestone 1 deliverables under the ARENA Funding Agreement, a review of

the regulatory environment under which such an asset could be operated within the NEM is

required, which this Report provides.

1.2. Summary overview

The ESD would be subject to the National Electricity Law and the National Electricity Rules,

which prescribe how the device would operate and interact with the market and the network

to which it is connected. However, within this governing construct, this regulatory review

reveals that there are a number of choices to be made regarding ownership and registration.

Although there are some regulatory prescriptions which are relevant to determination of a

preferred registration and ownership model such as:

potential limitations on the ability of a transmission network operator (TNSP) to

receive revenue from energy sales;

the interaction between generator / customer classification and liability for

transmission use of system charges; and

capability or otherwise for the ESD to respond to dispatch instructions, which in turn

influences whether and how it might participate in the energy and ancillary service

spot markets operated by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO),

this paper demonstrates that the final decision is likely to be influenced as much by the

governing regulatory regime as by:

the selected technological solution and preferred project location;

the materiality of expected returns from each potential revenue stream (energy

arbitrage, network support / deferred spend, ancillary service markets);

the associated costs of participation, registration, connection and use of system

charges; and, critically

identified need.

6 | P a g e

Furthermore, although it might theoretically be possible from a regulatory perspective to

establish the ESD in such a way as to allow it to access revenue from all of energy arbitrage,

ancillary service markets and network support, technical limitations in the ESD are likely to

prevent it undertaking all of these activities concurrently. The priority given to these services

is then likely to be influenced both by where the greatest value lies and any contractual

commitments made.

In light of the wide range of Project structuring options, this is expected to be an iterative

process with a preferred model not likely to be identified until the Project is further

progressed. At this stage, therefore, the regulatory review provides a reasonably high-level

overview commensurate with this degree of uncertainty. The range of regulatory issues for

further investigation or clarification that are identified throughout the report are summarised

in section 8. Additional regulatory ambiguities or obstacles may emerge once the preferred

ownership and operating model, together with the technical characteristics, have been

settled-upon and even when the practical steps for implementation begin.

Milestone 1 requires the following key outputs with respect to the regulatory and commercial

framework (per Sch. 2, Item 2(d) Emerging Renewables Program Funding Agreement):

1. Definition of energy storage within the rules - an overview of the regulatory

environment as it relates to the subject of the Measure (refer sections 2 and 3);

2. The range of ancillary services which the ESD the subject of the Measure could

provide, including the provision for accessing such revenue (refer section 4);

3. The application of the regulatory investment test for network asset investment in

accordance with the requirements of the National Electricity Rules (refer section 5);

4. Asset ownership - who can own the ESD and what, if any, restrictions might apply to

its operations (refer section 6); and

5. The most effective commercial framework for operation amongst identified

stakeholders/commercial entities (refer section 7).

In each case, a summary of relevant considerations and any potential regulatory obstacles

or grey areas are identified.

7 | P a g e

2. Overarching regulatory framework

The NEM operates under a complex legal and regulatory framework established by the

National Electricity Law (the Law) and a suite of subordinate rules and regulations, most

notably the National Electricity Rules (the Rules). The Law is contained in a schedule to the

National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996 and is mirrored in identical State laws of

participating jurisdictions. These jurisdictions – New South Wales, the Australian Capital

Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania – together comprise the


Synopsis of Law and Rules

Law Sets out the national electricity objective.

Makes high-level provision for participation in the market by generators, customers

and network operators.

Establishes the governance framework for the market, including:

- conferring ongoing rule making and market development functions on the

Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC), and enforcement and

economic regulatory functions on the Australian Energy Regulator (AER);


- reserving policy oversight to Ministerial representatives of each

participating Sate and Territory.

Provides for the operation of the market by the Australian Energy Market Operator


Provides a framework for access to distribution and transmission networks by

prospective users.

Prescribes the high-level content of the Rules.

Rules Sets out detailed rules for (amongst others):

- participant registration;

- market operation;

- power system security;

- network connection;

- economic regulation of distribution services and transmission services; and

- metering.

There are also jurisdictional electrical safety and licensing laws that apply.

8 | P a g e

3. The status of energy storage in the Rules

3.1. Registration considerations

Registration is a prerequisite for participation in the NEM. Existing participant categories

include generator, small generation aggregator, customer, network service provider, re-

allocator and trader. Chapter 2 of the Rules contains the registration requirements and

eligibility criteria for each NEM participant category. These are also summarised in AEMO’s

publication ‘Participant categories in the National Electricity Market.’1

‘Energy storage device’ is not currently a category of participant contemplated under the Law

or Rules. This is largely as expected since the Law and Rules focus primarily on the

function or role that a participant is performing, rather than the particular technology

underpinning this performance. Thus, if viewed from a functional perspective, the ESD could

register in the market as a generator and/or a customer, or be subsumed into the operations

of a network operator. Subject to the ring-fencing provisions applying to network service

providers (which are discussed in sections 5 and 6 below), a participant may register in more

than one capacity (Rules, r2.8.1). The closest existing example of an ESD participating in

the NEM is a pumped hydro system – the Snowy Hydro and Hydro Tasmania schemes

being perhaps the most well-known examples of systems which include pumping capability.

3.1.1. Generator registration

Any person who owns, controls, or operates a generating system connected to a

transmission or distribution network must register as a generator, except where they meet

the exemption criteria. Exemptions may apply for certain generating systems under 5 MW,

or under 30 MW with annual exports below 20 GWh. 2

When registering as a Generator with AEMO, a generating unit / generating system must be

classified as either:

- a Scheduled Generator or a Non-scheduled Generator; and either

- a Market Generator or a Non-market Generator.

The general rules of classification are stepped out below with an initial comment on

implications for the ESD, however AEMO has residual discretion to approve a particular

classification on such terms and conditions as it considers appropriate (e.g. for power

system security or other reasons). These classification options are relevant considerations

when determining ESD location, connection and ownership, rather than obstacles to the

deployment of the ESD.

Ultimately how the ESD is registered (or whether it is granted an exemption) will depend on

the technical specifications of the ESD and what the primary revenue stream / function is

intended to be, which will also direct where and how the ESD is connected into the electricity

system. Appendix 1 depicts diagrammatically four of the most likely connection options.

1 AEMO, ‘Participant categories in the National Electricity Market’, available at

http://www.aemo.com.au/About-the-Industry/Registration/Registration-Overview 2 http://www.aemo.com.au/About-the-Industry/Registration/Registration-Overview

9 | P a g e

This section 3.1 concludes with a summary decision matrix for the registration


The table in Appendix 2 provides further high level examples of generator classification and

exemption categories. AEMO also maintains a current list of NEM registrations and


3.1.2. Market vs Non-market

A Market Generator must both sell its entire output into, and purchase its entire energy

consumption from, the NEM gross pool (Rules, r 2.2.4).

Implication for ESD:

If registered as a Market Generator, the ESD would be able to discharge at times of

high pool prices, and to recharge at times of low pool prices. This may be the most

obvious means for realising arbitraged energy value, one of the Measure’s

objectives. However, it should be recognised that this mode of energy arbitrage will

be most valuable in a volatile market environment (characterised by frequent swings

between very high and very low prices). The NEM is currently substantially

oversupplied so that these kind of price events are becoming less frequent. Further,

each participant which enters the market with the purpose of capturing this value will,

by doing so, cause a marginal diminution of background volatility making the value

proposition for the next entrant harder to establish.

Market registration also provides a pathway to accessing the AEMO-operated

markets for ancillary services (discussed in section 4.1 below).

Classification of a connection point as a market load or market generating unit

connection point impacts upon a number of ancillary issues, including:

prudential requirements: as these relate to a market participant’s net position,

and generation will offset market load at the connection point;

participant fees: market generators are generally levied more heavily than

non-market generators;4

ancillary service payments: since Regulating Frequency Control Ancillary

Services (Regulating FCAS) (refer section 4.1 below) is funded solely by

market generators and market loads, in accordance with Causer Pays

principles;5 and

Transmission Use of System Charges (TUOS): these are not generally

payable by market generators and examples exist of market generators

drawing significant standing loads from the transmission network when not

3 http://www.aemo.com.au/About-the-Industry/Registration/Current-Registration-and-Exemption-

lists?sc_camp=F7B215EEDF054086B8696B5CB2A56AA0&ec_as=0E7A32FC32214F28B88EE8F79F016F3D 4 AEMO, Determination and Report – Structure of Participant Fees in the NEM, March 2011, available from

http://www.aemo.com.au/About-AEMO/Corporate-Publications/Energy-Market-Budget-and-Fees/Structure-of-Participant-Fees-in-the-National-Electricity-Market-July-to-June 5 Australian Energy Market Operator, Causer Pays: Procedure for Determining Contribution Factors (Causer

Pays Procedures), document No: 160-0379, 15 December 2013

10 | P a g e

generating which are settled directly from the pool and do not incur prescribed

network charges. TUOS is discussed in greater detail in section 3.3 below.6

A Non-market Generator must, under normal conditions, sell its entire output to the Local

Retailer (requiring the system to be connected within the local area of that Local Retailer) or

another customer at the connection point (requiring the load and generating unit to

effectively be net metered) (r 2.2.5).7

Implication for ESD:

If the owner of the ESD was associated with the Local Retailer, arbitraged energy

value could be realised by the avoided cost of purchasing energy to satisfy its retail

load on market at times of high prices. Where the project proponent is not associated

with the Local Retailer, it would be necessary to negotiate an off-market arrangement

with the Local Retailer to realise this value thereby encountering transaction costs

that do not arise with direct market access.

Alternatively, the ESD could enter an off-market agreement to sell all output directly

to a large customer at the connection point. Depending on the customer’s existing

electricity purchasing arrangements, this may be another avenue for realising

arbitraged energy value. It is also an option which minimises transmission losses on

ESD output.

If the ESD is registered as a Non-market Generator then it would need to make

separate arrangements for the electricity consumed by the facility – either by

registering as a Market Customer in respect of a market load and purchasing all

electricity directly from the NEM, or as a First- or Second-Tier Customer (Rules, r

2.3.1). As a Customer, the ESD will be liable for TUOS charges.

While the ESD would not be able to access the AEMO-run markets for ancillary

services, it would be able to enter bi-lateral arrangements with AEMO or the relevant

network operator for provision of non-market ancillary services (discussed further

below) (Rules, r2.2.6).

3.1.3. Scheduled vs Semi-Scheduled vs Non-scheduled

A Scheduled Generator must operate any scheduled generating unit in accordance with the

co-ordinated central dispatch process operated by AEMO. A generator with an aggregate

nameplate capacity of 30 MW or more is usually classified as scheduled if it has appropriate

equipment to participate in the central dispatch process managed by AEMO. (Rules, r2.2.2)

Implications for ESD:

The ESD seems unlikely to meet the capacity rating for prima facie scheduled

classification. If it did, a further consideration would be its communications / telemetry


6 AEMO registration guide

7 AEMO, NEM Generator Registration Guide, Appendix 4 – AEMO’s Policy on Registration as a Non-Market


11 | P a g e

However the ESD may choose scheduled registration in order to participate in the

ancillary service markets operated by AEMO under central despatch (discussed

further in section 4.1 below).

A generator with a nameplate rating <30 MW is usually classified as non-scheduled


1. the primary purpose for which the relevant generating unit operates is local use; or

2. the physical and technical attributes of the relevant generating unit are such that it is not

practicable for it to participate in central dispatch. (Rules, r 2.2.3)

Implications for ESD:

If the primary purpose of the ESD is local use (i.e. more than 50% of output sold to a

customer at the connection point or the Local Retailer8) then this seems to be the

most logical classification of the ESD and it provides relief from the requirement to

participate in central dispatch.

However, if market access is important for realising the arbitraged energy value of

the ESD, then it would need to attempt non-scheduled classification under the

second limb of the test – namely, that the characteristics of the ESD make it

unsuitable for central dispatch. According to the NEM Generator Registration Guide,

a generator is a good candidate for non-scheduled classification if:

the fuel or energy source for generation is dependent on some other industrial

process not related to electricity production; or

the generating unit is unable to vary output in response to a dispatch

instruction for some technical reason (other than fuel supply constraints).

This would be something to explore with AEMO once the technical and operational

parameters of the ESD are better known.

As a market, non-scheduled generator, the ESD could choose when to access the

market and so optimise energy arbitrage value, and would only rarely be constrained

off. However, it will always be a market price-taker.

While the ESD would not be able to access the AEMO-run markets for ancillary

services, it could potentially enter bi-lateral arrangements with AEMO or the relevant

network operator for provision of non-market ancillary services (discussed further

below) (Rules, r2.2.6).

A generator with a nameplate rating >30 MW will be classified as semi-scheduled where

the output of the generating unit is intermittent. Under the Rules, intermittent is defined as ‘a

generating unit whose output is not readily predictable, including, without limitation, solar

generators, wave turbine generators, wind turbine generators and hydro-generators without

any material storage capability’ (Chpt 10 NER).

Implications for ESD:

8 AEMO, NEM Generator Registration Guide, Appendix 2 – AEMO’s Policy on classification of Generation Units

as on-Scheduled generating Units

12 | P a g e

A wind farm is typically registered as a Semi-scheduled, Market Generator. If the

ESD were installed behind the meter at an existing connected wind farm, it may be

possible to treat it as part of the same generator and leverage the existing

registrations of the wind farm.

Under this arrangement, the ESD could assist to regulate the wind farm’s output and

reduce its required contribution to funding Regulating FCAS, which is allocated

according to ‘causer pays’ principles. However, without firm scheduling capability, it

seems unlikely to itself register as a provider of FCAS.

It also potentially allows the realisation of energy arbitrage value by the wind farm

directing its output to recharging the storage system during times of low market

prices, and discharging the battery during times of high market prices. However this

approach would lock the ESD into semi-scheduled operation which, under constraint

conditions, requires it to compete on price for dispatch (cf non-scheduled


As the capacity of the ESD increases in size and potentially even begins to approach

the installed capacity of the wind farm itself, then there may be a tipping point at

which AEMO would no longer consider the installation ‘intermittent’ and the option to

connect the system in this way and leverage existing registrations may not be

available. This would be a potential issue to explore with AEMO.

3.1.4. Exemptions and options not requiring registration

AEMO has the power to exempt a person from the requirement to register as a Generator,

subject to such conditions as it deems appropriate and where exemption would not be

inconsistent with the National Electricity Objective (Rule r2.2.1).

Generally, generating systems with a nameplate rating <5 MW benefit from a standing

exemption from registration, and a generating unit that has a nameplate rating <30 MW may

under exceptional circumstances also be exempted by AEMO if it exports less than 20 GWh

into the grid in a year or extenuating circumstances apply.9

Implications for ESD:

Persons who own an exempt generating system are not required to pay Participant

Fees and are not scheduled or settled in the market (unless they do so under the

small generator or intermediary exemptions discussed below). Consequently, nor can

they access the market as a provider of FCAS. However the exempt generator could

pursue local off-market sales of its output and provide non-market ancillary services

(e.g. NSCAS) via a bi-lateral agreement with a network service provider.

The small generator exemption and the intermediary exemption, discussed below,

may allow the generator to access the benefits of on-market participation via a third

party without itself going through the registration process.

9 AEMO, NEM Generator Registration Guide, Appendix 6 – Guideline on Exemption from Registration as a

Generator, accessible from http://www.aemo.com.au/About-the-Industry/Registration/How-to-Register/Application-Forms-and-Supporting-Documentation/NEM-Generator

13 | P a g e

Small generator exemption: The Small Generation Aggregator provisions are a

reasonably recent addition to the NER and allow a generating unit that is individually

exempt to be classified by a Market Small Generation Aggregator as a ‘small

generating unit’ (Rules r2.3A). This allows the output of the exempt generating unit to

be settled on market by the Small Generation Aggregator, who may manage the

supply of electricity from one or more small generating units.

Intermediary exemption: AEMO may exempt a person from registration as a

generator where an ‘intermediary’ is instead nominated to be registered in respect of

the generating unit (Rule r2.9.3). The intermediary must then satisfy all relevant

registration requirements and for the purposes of the Rules will be treated as the

owner of the generating unit(s). Where there are multiple parties involved in

ownership, control and operation of the generator, one of them can be appointed as

an intermediary and the others can apply for exemption.10

Depending on the characteristics of the ESD, there are various options under which

registration may not be required. For example:

Locating the ESD within the site of a large customer load (and not connecting it

directly to the network) would enable the sale of output directly to that customer. The

nature of the energy arbitrage value would then depend on that customer’s electricity

purchasing arrangements – e.g. whether they are a directly connected market

customer exposed to the NEM spot price, whether they purchase from a retailer

under a market pass-through pricing arrangement or under peak/off-peak or stepped

pricing arrangements etc. This arrangement may also reduce the TUOS charges

payable by that customer (as it reduces the electricity demand drawn from the

network). It essentially involves the establishment of a simple embedded network.

Locating the ESD within a transmission network service provider’s own substation

compound. Here the ESD would conceptually form part of the transmission system

infrastructure itself, rather than constituting a connection to it. Under this

arrangement, the primary purpose of the installed ESD would likely be the provision

of network support. As discussed in sections 5 and 6 below, the TNSP may be

restricted in the amount of revenue generated from the export of energy from the


3.1.5. Registration decision matrix

The following provides a consolidated decision matrix under which the registration path of an

ESD can be evaluated according to the Rules.


NEM Generator Registration Guide

14 | P a g e


3.2. Connection considerations and technical performance


Connection application procedures are set out in Chapter 5 and 5A of the Rules.

Performance and technical connection standards are contained in the schedules to these

chapters. Schedule 5.2 sets out the conditions for connection of Generators, and schedule

5.3 sets out conditions for connection of Customers.

The connection application process will be influenced by whether the connection of the ESD


a connection of new generating plant (and / or new customer load);

the connection of an embedded generating unit under rule 5.3A (i.e. where the

generating unit is connected directly to a distribution network);

an alteration to an existing connected generating system connected to the

transmission network under rule 5.3.9 (e.g. if battery sited behind the meter at an

existing wind farm site, as per Option C in Appendix 1); or

an alteration to an existing connected load (e.g. if sited within an existing customer

site, as per Option B within Appendix 1).

These will in turn influence the applicable distribution or transmission network loss factor (or

‘marginal loss factor’ (MLF)), the former determined by the distribution network service

provider and the latter by AEMO under rule 3.6.2 by applying the Forward-Looking

Transmission Loss Factors: Calculation Methodology.11 These MLFs apply at a particular

connection point and are used to adjust prices paid and received at each location on the

transmission network to reflect the energy lost in transporting electricity from the Regional

Reference Node (where the Regional Reference Price is set by the NEM clearing engine),12

and thereby influences the arbitraged energy value that might be realised by the ESD.

Since mid-2011, the calculation methodology allows for AEMO to apply dual MLFs to

connection points classified as ‘Pump Storage Schemes’ (i.e. pumped hydro generating

units) and other transmission network connection points where the net energy balance

(NEB) (which considers the ratio of energy generated and consumed at a connection point)

is less than 30%. The inclusion of an ESD in this regime would be something to explore with


3.3. Transmission service charges

Part J, Chapter 6A of the Rules sets out the arrangements for pricing and charging of

prescribed transmission services. These arrangements require the maintenance of pricing

methodology guidelines by the AER and the maintenance of AER approved pricing

methodologies by each Transmission Network Service Provider (TNSP).


AEMO, Forward-Looking Transmission Loss Factors: Calculation Methodology, October 2014, available at http://www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Market-Operations/Loss-Factors-and-Regional-Boundaries/Methodology-for-Calculating-ForwardLooking-Transmission-Loss-Factors 12



ElectraNet’s pricing methodology,13 by way of example, describes the pricing and charging

arrangements for the provision of prescribed transmission services in the South Australian

region by ElectraNet and Murraylink and any other TNSP who provide prescribed

transmission services within the South Australian region. Consistent with the rules these

services include:

Shared transmission services provided to customers directly connected to the

transmission network and connected Network Service Providers (prescribed TUOS


Connection services provided to connect the distribution network to the transmission

network (prescribed exit services);

Grandfathered connection services provided to Generators and customers directly

connected to the transmission network for connections that were in place or

committed to be in place on 9 February 2006 (prescribed entry services and

prescribed exit services); and

Services required under the Rules or in accordance with jurisdictional electricity

legislation that are necessary to ensure the integrity of the transmission network,

including the maintenance of power system security and assisting in the planning of

the power system (prescribed common transmission services).

Under the prevailing arrangements the annual service revenue requirements (ASRR) for

prescribed TUOS services and prescribed common services (for the purposes of this

section, together referred to as TUOS) are allocated to transmission network connection

points of Transmission Customers and network service providers only (Rules, r 6A.23.3(c)

and r 6A.23.3(f))). A transmission customer is defined to be a person who both engages in

the activity of purchasing electricity supplied through a transmission or distribution system to

a connection point and is registered or eligible to be registered by AEMO as a Customer, but

excludes a person who purchases electricity directly from the spot market without Customer

registration (Rules, Chpt 10). As such, these charges do not apply to market generator

connection points which (as detailed in section 3.1.2 above) are required to purchase directly

from the spot market but do not require Customer registration.

In South Australia where a market generator draws house loads from the transmission

network either via its entry point or a connection point in close proximity to its entry point

TUOS is not charged. Where the entry point and a related exit, such as a mine, are widely

geographically separated TUOS is charged to the exit point. This is understood to be

consistent with practice in other NEM regions.

Implications for ESD:

In order to avoid paying TUOS the ESD must not be registered or eligible for

registration as a Customer under Chapter 2 of the Rules. Under the existing regime,

the ESD can achieve this by registering as a market generator. However, where the

ESD is registered off-market or exempt then it would attract these charges. This is a

relevant factor when considering how to connect and register the ESD. It may be

worthwhile pursuing a change to the Rules which would always treat an ESD as


Available at: http://www.electranet.com.au/assets/Uploads/Appendix-AA-Proposed-Pricing-Methodology.pdf


exempt from TUOS, or otherwise seeking clarification of their treatment under the

Rules and AEMO registration procedures, as the ESD will be a net energy consumer

(as are pumped storage units).

3.4. Jurisdictional licensing obligations

Local licensing obligations differ between jurisdictions. For example:

In SA, a generation licence is generally required for generating systems with a name

plate rating >100 kVA.14

In NSW, no generation licence is required.

In VIC, a generation licence is required unless the generator’s output is <30MW and

the total exported output is sold to a licenced retailer (that is, not sold in the NEM

gross pool).15

In QLD, a generation licence is only required for generating systems >30MW.16


Clause 15, Electricity (General) Regulations 2012, made under the Electricity Act 1996 (SA). 15

Order in Council made under section 17 of the Electricity Act 2000 (VIC), 1 May 2002 16

Clause 130, Electricity Regulation 2006 (QLD) made under the Electricity Act 1994 (QLD).


4. Ancillary services which the ESD could potentially provide, and

provision for accessing associated revenue

AEMO is responsible under the Law and Rules for achieving and maintaining power system

security and reliability (s49 Law, r4.1 Rules). ‘Ancillary services’ are acquired from market

participants in order to maintain the key technical characteristics of the power system,

including frequency and voltage.17

There are currently three types of ancillary services employed to manage power system


frequency control ancillary services (FCAS);

system restart ancillary services (SRAS); and

network support and control ancillary service (NSCAS).18

As discussed further below, FCAS is a category of ‘market ancillary service’ acquired by

AEMO as part of the spot market, whereas SRAS and NSCAS are ‘non-market ancillary

services’ acquired under bi-lateral ancillary service agreements entered into between the

service provider and either AEMO (in the case of SRAS) or the TNSP or AEMO (in the case

of NSCAS) (Rules, r 3.11.1).


FCAS seek to maintain the power system frequency within the NEM standards.19

FCAS are market ancillary services acquired by AEMO as part of the spot market, with

prices determined according to the dispatch algorithm (Rules, r 3.11.1) and paid to

generators who provide the service during a particular dispatch interval. This determines an

ancillary service price for each market ancillary service at each regional reference node for

every dispatch interval (Rules, r 3.2.2).

Implication for ESD:

Since FCAS is provided in a dynamic market setting, the value that can be realised

by participating in the market is inevitably impacted by prevailing levels of supply and

demand. To the extent the NEM (or a particular region of the NEM) does not

experience substantial frequency fluctuations and/or has generators running below

capacity that are available to provide the service, then the value to the ESD of

participating in the FCAS markets may be limited. AEMO frequently publishes market

ancillary service payment data which provides an indication of realistic price

expectations under current market conditions:



AEMO, Guide to Ancillary Services in the National Electricity Market, July 2010, accessible at http://www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Market-Operations/Ancillary-Services 18

Ibid. 19

AEMO, Guide to Ancillary Services in the National Electricity Market, July 2010, accessible at http://www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Market-Operations/Ancillary-Services


There are currently 8 categories of FCAS procured by AEMO: fast raise; fast lower; slow

raise; slow lower; regulating raise; regulating lower; delayed raise; and delayed lower (Rules,

r 3.11.2). The regulating raise and regulation lower services are known as Regulating FCAS

and payment for the provision of these services is recovered on a ‘causer pays’ basis.20 The

remainder are known as Contingency FCAS, with payments for contingency raise services

recovered from generators and payments for contingency lower services recovered from

customers, each on a pro rata basis.21 A detailed description of each, including the qualifying

performance parameters and requirements, is set out in the Market Ancillary Service


Implications for ESD:

The Market Ancillary Service Specification should be considered in the technical

design / setting the operating parameters of the ESD if participation in existing FCAS

markets is an important part of the ESD value proposition. If the ESD can meet these

specifications, then FCAS presents a potential revenue stream for the ESD. In

particular, and unlike most other market participants, the ESD may be able to provide

both frequency raise and lower services.

An ‘Ancillary Service Provider’ in respect of an ‘ancillary service generating unit’ may

participate in the spot market (including central dispatch) by making market ancillary service

offers (Rules, r 3.8.7A). Market ancillary service offers will only be included in the central

dispatch process if AEMO is satisfied that adequate communication and/or telemetry is

available to support the issuing of dispatch instructions and the audit of responses (Rules, r


Implications for ESD:

If participation in FCAS markets is an important part of the ESD value proposition,

then the technical parameters of the ESD would need to include capability to respond

to dispatch instructions. The ESD would also need to register as a market generating


AEMO/ElectraNet recently published their report ‘Renewable Energy Integration in South

Australia’ which assessed the secure operation of the power system with a high

concentration of non-synchronous wind and PV generation.23 In the event that SA temporary

separated from the NEM (e.g. due to outage at Heywood Interconnector), ‘under frequency

load shedding’ would be used to arrest the likely fall in frequency. In order to avoid customer

load shedding in these circumstances, AEMO will investigate arrangements to ensure

minimum levels of synchronous generation remain online in SA. This may include

developing new ancillary service markets such as local provision of inertia and frequency



Ibid. 21

Ibid. 22

AEMO, Market Ancillary Service Specification, available at: http://www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Market-Operations/Ancillary-Services/Specifications-and-Standards/Market-Ancillary-Service-Specification 23

AEMO and ElectraNet, Renewable Energy Integration in South Australia: Joint Study, October 2014 available at: http://www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Planning/Integrating-Renewable-Energy


Implications for ESD: The potential for a new category of FCAS – such as localised

provision of inertia and frequency regulation – has been raised in the

AEMO/ElectraNet report and could be pursued by the ESD proponent if it is likely to

be a suitable provider. If this initiative were implemented, then this may provide

another potential revenue stream for the ESD.

4.2. Network Support and Control Ancillary Service (NSCAS)

Network Support and Control Ancillary Services (NSCAS) can be subdivided into three

distinct categories24:

Network Loading Control (NLAS);

Voltage Control (VCAS); and

Transient and Oscillatory Stability Ancillary Service (TOSAS).

NSCAS are ‘non-market ancillary services’ acquired under bi-lateral ancillary service

agreements entered into between the service provider and the TNSP, or AEMO through

competitive tender (Rules, r 3.11.1). There are no specific registration requirements for an

NSCAS provider, although they must be technically capable of reliably providing the

designated service (and satisfy the AER of this) since this is a means of deferring or

avoiding alternative network augmentation options.

NLAS controls the power flow in and out of a transmission network in order to:

maintain power flow in transmission lines within ratings under credible contingent

system conditions; and

maintain or increase capability of the transmission network, allowing increased

loading on transmission network components, with the purpose to maximise the

present value of net economic benefit to all those who produce, consume or transport

electricity in the market.

The NLAS allows an increase in power transfer of a transmission network by ensuring that

the network will operate at a secure operating state.

Implications for ESD:

Design of the ESD control scheme would need to incorporate the ability to reduce

transmission network thermal rating constraints by selecting an appropriate level of

import/export from the ESD, if provision of NLAS is an important part of the ESD

value proposition.

VCAS controls the power flow in and out of a transmission network in order to:

maintain transmission network’s voltages within prescribed limits as well as voltage

stability under credible contingent system conditions; and


AEMO, Network Support and Control Ancillary Service (NSCAS) Description, December 2011, accessible at http://www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Market-Operations/Ancillary-Services


maintain or increase capability of the transmission network, by voltage control and

voltage stability improvement, with the purpose to maximise the present value of net

economic benefit to all those who produce, consume or transport electricity in the


The VCAS controls power flows on the transmission network within prescribed voltage limits

and with proper maintenance of voltage stability.

Implications for ESD: Design of the ESD control scheme would need to incorporate

the ability to improve transmission network voltage levels by selecting an appropriate

level of import/export from the ESD, if provision of VCAS is an important part of the

ESD value proposition.

TOSAS controls the power flow in and out of a transmission network in order to:

maintain transmission network within its transient or oscillatory stability limits; and

maintain or increase capability of the transmission network, by transient or oscillatory

stability improvement, with the purpose of maximising the present value of net

economic benefit to all those who produce, consume or transport electricity in the


The aim of TOSAS is to increase power flows on transmission network through increase the

transient or oscillatory stability limits of the network.

Implications for ESD: Design of the ESD control scheme would need to incorporate

the ability to increase the transient or oscillatory stability limits by selecting an

appropriate level of import/export from the ESD, and be able to implement quick

changes in the level import/export power from the ESD, if provision of TOAS is an

important part of the ESD value proposition.

4.3. System restart ancillary services (SRAS)

SRAS are non-market ancillary services procured by AEMO from generators to mitigate the

impact of a major supply disruption (Rules r3.11.4A). They provide the capability to restart

the power system when there is a loss of power supply in a region.

SRAS is currently procured by AEMO by competitive tender, following an initial expression of

interest process (EOI).25 The amount of SRAS procured is based on the System Restart

Standard determined by the Reliability Panel (Rules r8.8.1). AEMO has flexibility as to the

combination and form of services procured to meet the Standard. The capability of a

generating unit to provide SRAS will be modelled, assessed and tested according to the

SRAS Assessment Guidelines (Rules r3.11.4A).

If successful, a tenderer will enter a contract with AEMO (SRAS Agreement) under which

they agree to provide SRAS in return for payment by AEMO usually comprised of: an

‘availability charge’ for each trading interval during which the SRAS is available; a ‘usage


Refer to SRAS EOI and tender documentation available at: http://www.aemo.com.au/Consultations/National-Electricity-Market/Open/2014-System-Restart-Ancillary-Services-Consultations


charge’ per major supply disruption in respect of which SRAS has been provided; and a

‘testing charge’ payable for each (usually annual) test that is required to be carried out. A pro

forma SRAS Agreement is available on the AEMO website.26

Until recently there has been a 100 MW minimum capacity requirement for an SRAS

provider.27 Now the threshold is expressed in terms of ‘capability to provide an SRAS

service’ which in turn is defined in the NER as being ‘sufficient to restart large generating

units’.28 AEMO will expect prospective tenderers to make their own assessment of their plant

capabilities before determining whether to submit an EOI. AEMO will conduct its own

detailed assessment of each EOI before a prospective provider is invited to tender.29

Implications for ESD:

The technical parameters and location of the battery storage project may prevent it

from tendering for SRAS provision (i.e. if its limited capacity and/or location means it

is unable to restart a large generating unit). Nevertheless, with advancement in

battery storage technology this might be a potential revenue stream for the ESD or

there might be configurations whereby an ESD allows a more traditional generator

(like a gas turbine) to offer up SRAS.

However, an SRAS provider must always reserve sufficient capacity to restart a large

generating unit, then this might limit the opportunity for the ESD to also participate in

other ancillary service and energy markets.

The procurement of SRAS is currently the subject of a rule change consultation process

examining potential amendments to the governance framework for the procurement of

SRAS. Despite the ongoing rule change process, SRAS will be procured by AEMO from

mid-2015 when the existing contracts draw to a close. The contracts commencing in 2015

are expected to have a minimum 3 year term, with two 1 year options.30

Implications for ESD:

This potentially presents a timing obstacle since the next opportunity to tender for the

provision of these services is likely to be after 2018.


http://www.aemo.com.au/Consultations/National-Electricity-Market/Open/2014-System-Restart-Ancillary-Services-Consultations 27

AEMO, SRAS Documents Consultation, Final Report and Determination, September 2014, available at: http://www.aemo.com.au/Consultations/National-Electricity-Market/Open/2014-System-Restart-Ancillary-Services-Consultations 28

Ibid. 29

Ibid. 30

Refer to SRAS EOI and tender documentation available at: http://www.aemo.com.au/Consultations/National-Electricity-Market/Open/2014-System-Restart-Ancillary-Services-Consultations


5. The role of the RIT-T in procurement as a prescribed service

The purpose of the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) is to identify

transmission investments which maximise net economic benefits in the NEM and, where

applicable, meet the relevant jurisdictional or Rule based reliability standards.

The AER has published RIT-T application guidelines for the operation and application of the

RIT-T (AER RIT-T Guidelines). The application guidelines are designed to provide guidance

to businesses applying the RIT-T and enhance transparency and consistency in investment

decision making.

Clause 5.6.5B of the Rules states that the purpose of the RIT-T is to:

… identify the credible option that maximises the present value of net economic

benefit to all those who produce consume and transport electricity in the market (the

preferred option). For the avoidance of doubt, a preferred option may, in the relevant

circumstances, have a negative net economic benefit (that is a net economic cost)

where the identified need is for reliability corrective action.

Clause 5.6.5C of the Rules provides that a TNSP must apply the RIT-T to all proposed

transmission investments unless the investment falls under defined circumstances.

A transmission investment is defined in the Rules as:

Expenditure on assets and services which is undertaken by a transmission network

service provider or any other person to address an identified need in respect of its

transmission network.

The circumstances where a TNSP does not need to apply the RIT-T include among other


the estimated capital cost of the most expensive option to address the identified need

is which is technically and economically feasible is less than $5 million;

the proposed investment relates to maintenance or replacement and is not intended

to augment the transmission network. If the maintenance or replacement results in an

augmentation of the transmission network, the augmentation component is exempt if

the estimated capital cost of the augmentation is less than $5 million;

the proposed investment is designed to address limitations on a distribution network.

The RIT-T explicitly requires the consideration both of credible network and non-network


In the event that a RIT-T leads to a solution which requires a transmission investment by the

TNSP and the investment is undertaken that asset would be added to the TNSP’s regulated

asset base (RAB) and a regulated return on investment provided.

In the event the RIT-T leads to a solution that involves an operational expense only that

expense would be provided for by regulated operating expenditure allowance. In certain

circumstances these costs would be recovered via the network support pass-through

arrangements administered by the AER.


A regulated investment is able to be used for the provision of other services which yield

unregulated income. In order to do this the regulated value of the asset may be apportioned

between regulated and non-regulated consistent with the TNSP’s approved cost allocation

methodology31 (CAM) or the unregulated revenue shared with customers via the AER’s

shared asset guideline32 which sets out “how electricity consumers will share in the benefits

of using assets paid for by electricity consumers to also provide other, unregulated, services

where revenue from such source exceeds 1% of total annual regulated revenue.”

Implications for ESD:

A RIT-T could yield a credible option via an ESD for a network support (deferral) or

NSCAS service either provided by the TNSP or a third party.


ElectraNet’s current CAM: http://www.electranet.com.au/assets/Uploads/costallocationmethodology.pdf 32



6. Asset ownership options

6.1. General

The ESD could conceivably be owned by a third party new to the NEM or an existing

registered participant. Unless the owner is also a registered network service provider, there

are generally no ownership restrictions provided the owner can satisfy the relevant

registration criteria. A registered participant can register in more than one participant

category (Rules, r 2.8.1).

Here the non-network service provider could:

- register as a generator and earn a revenue from energy sales – whether on or off


- seek exemption and sell output off market;

- register as a customer to purchase electricity from a retailer or the spot market;

- participate in ancillary service markets; and/or

- enter into ancillary service agreements with AEMO or the TNSP for the provision of

non-market ancillary services.

6.2. Ownership by network service provider

There are no restrictions on a network service provider owning an ESD to fulfil network

support functions or defer network spend and, subject to RIT-T hurdles, in including this in its

regulated revenue / asset base. However, where revenue is also intended to be earned from

energy sales (on- or off-market) or the offer of ancillary services (other than NSCAS), the

situation is less clear.

The Transmission Ring-Fencing Guidelines, in clause 7.1, provide that a TNSP that supplies

‘ring-fenced services’ (that is, prescribed services) must not carry on a ‘related business’

(defined as generation, distribution and electricity retail activities).33 This restriction extends

to the TNSP as a member of a partnership, joint venture or other unincorporated association.

However there is an exception where it carries on a related business that attracts a total

revenue of less than or equal to 5% of the TNSP’s total annual revenue. Depending on the

quantum or materiality of the ESD’s energy sales or from providing market ancillary services,

this may provide an avenue for the TNSP to earn this revenue without breaching the


In the case of ElectraNet, 5% of total annual revenue would be approximately $15 million per

annum. An ESD which was principally procured to provide a prescribed service in the size

range envisaged is unlikely to exceed net revenue of $15 million per annum from market


If the revenue from the ESD’s energy sales or ancillary service market participation would

exceed this limit, then there is a question to be explored further as to how this revenue is to

be treated if pursued as part of the TNSP’s regulated activities.


ACCC, Statement of Principles for the Regulation of Transmission Revenues: Transmission Ring-Fencing Guidelines, 15 August 2002


In considering TNSP ownership the principles supporting ring fencing should be considered


operating protocols to ensure the ESD in operated to satisfy its prescribed services

obligations; and

options for abstracting the energy sales component from the TNSP either by

contracting out the commercial operation or treating the consumption and generation

of the device as losses as is the case for other network elements.

Implications for ESD:

The treatment of energy sales and costs under TNSP ownership is to be addressed

by further work after the completion of the Measure. This might also consider

whether, if the ESD is located within the TNSP sub-station, it constitutes part of the

transmission infrastructure with energy consumption and production simply treated

as losses / gains of the system.

While it is not obvious that the ring fencing guideline would allow for the TNSP to

establish a separate, ancillary business that is appropriately ring-fenced from the

ring-fenced services the 5% threshold will leave a number of potential opportunities

available. This is another question to be explored further.


7. Commercial frameworks under various ownership models

The preceding sections demonstrate that there are a number of choices to be made

regarding ESD ownership and registration. In theory, an ESD could act in multiple capacities

and realise revenue in each of those capacities. However, there will be some natural

limitations to this, such as:

Where the ESD has contracted to provide NSCAS to a TNSP or SRAS to AEMO,

then it would be prevented from undertaking other activities which would compromise

its ability to meets its contractual commitments. So it could not bid into the spot

market or FCAS markets if that meant it was technically incapable of providing the

contracted NSCAS or SRAS. However, if those agreements only required the ESD

to be available during particular times, then the ESD could conceivably bid into those

markets at other times.

Although the ESD might be registered as both a market generator and an ancillary

service generator, it might technically only be capable of either generating energy or

providing FCAS at a particular time. Accordingly, the ESD would determine at a

particular time whether market conditions were such that it would realise the greatest

revenue from one or other of those markets and adjust its offer schedule accordingly.

There is also the residual query raised in section 6 above regarding the ability of a

TNSP to itself realise value from an ESD that goes beyond network support /

deferred network spend. The limits of TNSP ownership are certainly an area to be

tested further.

As well as technical capability, the ownership and registration decisions will also be

influenced by siting and connection decisions. For example, by siting the ESD in a

particularly stressed or constrained part of the network, then the primary value stream may

overwhelmingly come from avoided network spend / network support, such that a TNSP is

the natural owner and issues around energy arbitrage and access to alternative markets

become moot. Alternatively, the primary purpose may be to smooth a wind farm’s output or

insulate a large customer from retail electricity prices and these factors will largely determine

registration and ownership decisions.

The table which follows provides a summary overview of the interaction between ownership

decisions and revenue options.



8. Summary of issues to be resolved and recommendations

The foregoing discussion raised a number of issues requiring greater clarity or further

investigation in order to fully understand available options for realising all potential value

from the integration of a large scale ESD in the NEM:

Limitations on TNSP ownership: A primary question to be resolved is the extent to

which a TNSP might be permitted to either itself realise the energy value associated

with an ESD that has been installed for the primary purpose of providing network

support or its ability to offer this up to another market participant potentially for a

service payment or similar. Alternatively, would an associated, but ring-fenced, TNSP

business be permitted to carry-on this activity? Where the TNSP is not permitted to

realise this value, then it would be useful to seek clarification from AEMO as to

whether the ESD’s imports and exports are to simply be treated as gains and losses

in the system.

Characterisation as a transmission customer: a market generator is currently

exempt from the requirement to pay TUOS. There might be scope to seek a

treatment or clarification under the Rules that would mean all ESD’s are excluded

from these charges, however they are registered and whether they are a net importer

or exporter of energy.

Suitability of ESD for non-scheduled classification: A generating unit may be

classified by AEMO as non-scheduled where its physical and technical attributes are

such that it is not practicable for it to participate in central dispatch. It should be

explored with AEMO whether it would consider it practicable for an ESD to participate

in central dispatch. This will likely depend on the ESD’s technical characteristics

(including meeting connection requirements under the Rules) and operating


Impact of ESD integration in wind farm system: Where a wind farm is registered

on a semi-scheduled basis, some clarification could be sought from AEMO as to

whether the integration of an ESD would impact the perceived ‘intermittency’ of the

generating unit. This might depend on the technical capabilities and operating

envelope of the ESD itself, as well as the ratio of output sent out from the ESD

versus the installed wind turbines.

Application of a marginal loss factor: We would expect the dual loss factor regime

that applies to pumped hydro schemes to also apply to an ESD, however this should

be clarified with AEMO.

Expansion of ancillary service markets for inertia and frequency regulation: In

regions characterised by a large degree of installed wind energy, there may be a

case for developing a new category of market ancillary service that involves the

provision of inertia and frequency regulation. As the ESD is likely to be a natural

provider of such services, then it would be worthwhile pursing this development


The above should not be considered an exhaustive list since additional regulatory

ambiguities or obstacles may emerge once the preferred ownership and operating model,

together with the technical characteristics, have been settled-upon and even when the

practical steps for implementation begin.


APPENDIX 1. Diagrammatic of connection options



APPENDIX 2. Examples of generator classification and exemption


The table below provides examples of the generator classification and exemption categories.

It is taken from AEMO’s Guide to NEM Generator Classification and Exemption, August

2014 (p7) available from: http://www.aemo.com.au/About-the-Industry/Registration/How-to-



Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration

South Australia

An Emerging Renewables “Measure” project with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency

Milestone 2 January 2015

Site Selection


ESCRI-SA Site Selection Report - Ver 1 - Issue 1.docx Version 1.0 Page 2 of 59


This document has been prepared for the sole purpose of documenting the Site Selection milestone 2 deliverable associated with the Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration project for South Australia by AGL, ElectraNet and WorleyParsons, as part of an Emerging Renewables project with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

It is expected that this document and its contents, including work scope, methodology and any commercial terms will be treated in accordance with the Funding Agreement between ARENA and AGL.

Revision Record

Date Version Description Author Reviewed By Approved By

19/1/2015 0.1 First draft for comment


21/1/2015 0.2 Second draft to Steering Committee


Project Team



Final Draft

Hugo Klingenberg (ElectraNet), Brad Parker (ElectraNet)



Issue 1

Hugo Klingenberg (ElectraNet), Brad Parker (ElectraNet)

Project Team Steering Committee

Bruce Bennett (AGL) Rainer Korte (ElectraNet) Paul Ebert (WorleyParsons)


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1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 9

2. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................... 10

2.1 ISSUES NOT YET CONSIDERED .............................................................................................. 11 2.1.1 Interplay, hierarchy and/or possible mutual exclusivity of some benefit classes ................. 12 2.1.2 Co-optimisation .................................................................................................................. 12 2.1.3 ESD losses ........................................................................................................................ 12

2.2 BENEFITS NOT CONSIDERED ................................................................................................. 12 2.2.1 System Restart Ancillary Service (SRAS) .......................................................................... 12 2.2.2 Transient Stability Improvement ......................................................................................... 13 2.2.3 Frequency Control for South Australia ............................................................................... 13 2.2.4 Inter-regional effects .......................................................................................................... 13 2.2.5 Wind farm ramping ............................................................................................................. 14 2.2.6 Ride through assistance ..................................................................................................... 14

3. SITE SELECTION CRITERIA ............................................................................................ 15

3.1 GENERATED ENERGY VALUE ................................................................................................. 15

3.2 NETWORK SUPPORT (RELIABILITY) ........................................................................................ 16

3.3 NETWORK SUPPORT (MARKET BENEFIT) ................................................................................ 16

3.4 LOCAL SITE AND NETWORK CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................... 17

4. SITE ASSESSMENT APPROACH .................................................................................... 19

4.1 INITIAL SCREENING STUDY APPROACH ................................................................................... 19 4.1.1 Site factors ......................................................................................................................... 19 4.1.2 Value factors ...................................................................................................................... 19

4.2 SECOND-STAGE SCREENING APPROACH ............................................................................... 20

4.3 BENEFIT QUANTIFICATION METHODOLOGY ............................................................................. 20 4.3.1 Price Arbitrage Value ......................................................................................................... 20 4.3.2 MLF Modification Value ...................................................................................................... 21 4.3.3 Network Augmentation Capital Deferral ............................................................................. 21 4.3.4 Localised Frequency Support ............................................................................................. 23 4.3.5 Expected Unserved Energy Reduction ............................................................................... 24 4.3.6 Heywood Interconnector Constraint Reduction .................................................................. 24 4.3.7 Murraylink Interconnector Constraint Reduction ................................................................. 25 4.3.8 Local Generator Constraint Reduction ............................................................................... 25 4.3.9 Grid Support Cost Reduction ............................................................................................. 26 4.3.10 System Frequency Support ................................................................................................ 27 4.3.11 Avoided Wind Farm FCAS Obligation ................................................................................ 27

5. SITE ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................... 28

5.1 SITES EXCLUDED ................................................................................................................. 28 5.1.1 Sites outside of South Australia ......................................................................................... 28 5.1.2 Distribution network connections ........................................................................................ 28

5.2 INITIAL SCREENING ............................................................................................................... 29


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5.3 SECOND-STAGE SCREENING ................................................................................................. 29 5.3.1 Sensitivity Analysis............................................................................................................. 31

5.4 LOCALITY FACTORS FOR SHORT-LISTED SITES ....................................................................... 31 5.4.1 Port Lincoln Terminal Substation ....................................................................................... 31 5.4.2 Dalrymple Substation ......................................................................................................... 31 5.4.3 Monash Substation ............................................................................................................ 31

5.5 ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS AT SHORT-LISTED SITES .............................................................. 32 5.5.1 Potential Value of Available Benefits .................................................................................. 32

5.6 CALCULATION OF AVAILABLE BENEFITS .................................................................................. 33 5.6.1 Price Arbitrage Value ......................................................................................................... 33 5.6.2 Modification of System MLFs ............................................................................................. 35 5.6.3 Network Augmentation Capital Deferral ............................................................................. 40 5.6.4 Localised Frequency Support ............................................................................................. 40 5.6.5 Expected Unserved Energy (USE) reduction ..................................................................... 42 5.6.6 Heywood Interconnector Constraint Reduction .................................................................. 42 5.6.7 Murraylink Interconnector Constraint Reduction ................................................................. 43 5.6.8 Local Generator Constraint Reduction ............................................................................... 44 5.6.9 Grid Support Cost Reduction ............................................................................................. 44 5.6.10 System Frequency Support ................................................................................................ 44 5.6.11 Avoided Wind Farm FCAS Obligation ................................................................................ 45

6. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 46

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 49

APPENDIX A INITIAL SCREENING RESULTS ........................................................................... 50

APPENDIX B SECOND-STAGE SCREENING RESULTS ........................................................... 51

APPENDIX C SHORT-LISTED SITE LOCALITY VIEWS ............................................................. 52

C1 PORT LINCOLN ..................................................................................................................... 52

C2 DALRYMPLE ......................................................................................................................... 53

C3 MONASH .............................................................................................................................. 54



Table 1: Criteria associated with improvement of generated energy value ................................... 15

Table 2: Criteria associated with reliability-related network support .............................................. 16

Table 3: Criteria associated with market benefit-related network support ..................................... 16


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Glossary of Terms

Term Description

AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator

ARENA Australian Renewable Energy Agency

Consortium AGL, ElectraNet and WorleyParsons

DC Direct Current

ESCRI-SA Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration – South Australia

ESD Energy Storage Device

FCAS Frequency Control Ancillary Services

GDL Generator Dispatch Limiter

HV High Voltage

Measure The milestones against which Project progress are assessed by ARENA, as defined in the Emerging Renewables Program Funding Agreement number A00602 between ARENA and AGL

MLF Marginal Loss Factor

MW Mega Watt

MWh Mega Watt Hour

NEB Net Energy Balance

NEM National Electricity Market

NGM National Grid Metering

NPV Net Present Value

Project The Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration – South Australia Project

PV Photovoltaics

REC Renewable Energy Certificate

RET Renewable Energy Target

RIT-T Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SRAS System Restart Ancillary Service

SVC Static VAR Compensator

TNSP Transmission Network Service Provider

USE Unserved Energy

VCR Value of Customer Reliability

WACC Weighted Average Cost Of Capital


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Executive Summary

The Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration – South Australia (ESCRI-SA) project is examining the role of medium to large scale (5-30 MW) non-hydro energy storage in the integration of intermittent renewable energy into the South Australian Region of the National Electricity Market (NEM) (the Project). This Project is examining the value of such storage across three broad areas: the time-shifting of renewable energy generated, the network value to the transmission system as well as the ancillary service value that can be provided to the South Australian system. A business case for the trial of a full scale energy storage system in South Australia will be formulated as one of the project objectives. This Project is being progressed by a consortium consisting of AGL, ElectraNet and WorleyParsons (the Consortium).

This Site Selection Report forms part of Milestone 2 of the ESCRI-SA ARENA Measure and includes the factors that were used to select a site, what constraints were identified, the potential sites that were examined and the rationale behind final short-list selection. The intended novel use of an Energy Storage Device (ESD) to perform various functions in the NEM creates a number of uncertainties and unknowns, which in turn have resulted in this Project taking on an iterative form. One outcome of this iterative nature is that this Milestone 2 recommends that three short-listed sites are progressed further rather than recommending one final site selection. This change in scope has been agreed with ARENA and is discussed in more detail in section 2.

The body of this Report contains three main sections:

Section 3 – Site Selection Criteria;

Section 4 – Site Assessment Approach (Screening and benefit quantification methodology); and

Section 5 – Site Assessment.

Sections 3 and 4 of the Report deal with site selection criteria, site screening and methodology, which can be applied anywhere in the NEM. Section 5 focusses on applying these criteria and methodology to South Australian sites, including a high level quantification of the benefit classes. It is important to note that this Site Selection Report has not considered the deployment cost of an ESD which may influence the final site selected. However, site connection costs have been considered at a high level in shortlisting potential sites in South Australia. ESD deployment costs will be determined as input into business case development and therefore inform Milestone 4 of the Measure, and assist in finalising the site selection. The outcome of the above three report Sections are summarised in turn below.

A broad range of Site Selection Criteria was developed to capture local site issues, network characteristics as well as potential benefits categorised as follows:

Generated Energy Value;

Network Support (due to reliability constraints); and

Network Support (to increase Market Benefit).

The broad range of criteria were evaluated and reduced in number after some benefits were determined not to be relevant unless ESDs become widespread in the future. These benefits were not considered. Also, detailed aspects like the potential interplay and/or mutual exclusivity of benefits and co-optimisation of benefits in the design have not been considered at this stage. The following list of benefit classes were used for the screening, short-listing of sites and high-level benefit quantification:


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Category Benefit class

Generated Energy Value

1. Price Arbitrage Value

2. Marginal Loss Factor (MLF) Impact

Network Support (due to reliability constraints)

3. Network Augmentation Capital Deferral

4. Localised Frequency Support

5. Expected Unserved Energy (USE) reduction

Network Support (to increase Market Benefit)

6. Heywood Interconnector Constraint Reduction

7. Murraylink Interconnector Constraint Reduction

8. Local Generator Constraint Reduction

9. Grid Support Cost Reduction

10. System Frequency Support

11. Avoided Wind Farm Frequency and Control Ancillary Service (FCAS) obligation

The Site Assessment Approach (Section 4) covers the screening approach followed and also documents the proposed approach to quantify the various benefit classes. This section is intended to be as generic as possible to enable the approach to be replicated in other NEM jurisdictions.

The Site Assessment (Section 5) covered all of ElectraNet’s 88 high voltage substations. Sites outside of South Australia and sites belonging to generators or SA Power Networks were excluded from the assessment. The initial screening study considered all connection point sites in South Australia and resulted in a shortlist of 16 sites. The second stage of the screening process introduced rankings and weightings of the Site Selection Criteria. The second stage screening identified that the highest ranked sites were all located on the Eyre Peninsula, Yorke Peninsula and in the Riverland.

The Eyre Peninsula (Port Lincoln Terminal) was ranked first, higher than the Yorke Peninsula due to the additional requirement to supply load via contracted generation under line outage conditions. Sites in the Riverland were ranked next, after the Eyre and Yorke Peninsula, due to low connection difficulty and the potential for reduced Murraylink interconnection constraints. From the above it was concluded that three sites should be short-listed, one in each geographic area, to optimise the site choice in a more rigorous and detailed analysis.

The following sites were chosen as being the highest ranked in each area:

Eyre Peninsula - Port Lincoln Terminal substation;

Yorke Peninsula – Dalrymple substation; and

Riverland – Monash substation.


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The quantification of the benefit classes has identified the following benefits as being the most valuable:

Price Arbitrage;

MLF impact (subject to optimal ESD sizing);

Network Augmentation Capital Deferral (where relevant);

Expected Unserved Energy (USE) reduction;

Interconnector constraint reduction; and

Local generator constraint reduction.

The following benefits were found to be of low value in the current regulatory framework and are unlikely to warrant further detailed investigation:

Localised frequency support;

Grid support cost reduction;

System frequency support;

Avoided wind farm FCAS obligation; and

Ride-through assistance.

It is worth noting that at the time of the original ARENA proposal there was an expectation that network deferral benefits were available on the Yorke Peninsula. With the latest demand forecasts, these deferral benefits may only be available if the proposed Hillside mine proceeds in substantial form.

As mentioned before, this ESCRI-SA Project has taken on an iterative form. The result is that the short listed site selections are a work in progress. More work is required to reduce some of the uncertainties and also to determine the various cost components, e.g. losses in the ESD have not been considered yet. The outputs of this Report will feed into the Basis of Design document which will be used later in the Project.

Final site selection will be performed as part of the business case development and be guided by:

Implications flowing from the technology review;

Footprint of the proposed installation;

Environmental implications;

Cost of the ESD, including connection costs; and

Further refinements of benefits, including the inter-relationship between benefit types and how an ESD could physically be configured to maximise these benefits.


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1. Introduction

The Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration – South Australia (ESCRI-SA) project contemplates the trial of a 5-30 MW non-hydro energy storage device (ESD) within the South Australian Region of the National Electricity Market (NEM) (the Project). This Project is being progressed by a consortium consisting of AGL, ElectraNet and WorleyParsons (the Consortium).

Under the Project, The Energy Storage Device (ESD) may potentially act as a consumer of electricity, a producer of electricity, a provider of system ancillary services, and/or a provider of network support services. This is the first time in Australia that an energy storage asset has been considered which combines all of these potential roles.

Such a novel asset requires careful consideration of its physical siting, which is influenced by a wide range of issues including physical, commercial and technical components. This Site Selection Report covers the process by which such siting was investigated and the findings of that work.

By its nature, the Project is iterative and a final site selection cannot be determined until a range of other work progresses to completion. For example, the siting will be influenced by final technology selection, which in turn itself will be influenced by capital price and ESD functionality, which can only be resolved completely in the final Business Case. As such, this Report does not intend to complete the site selection process but to articulate and quantify the issues, and conclude with a short-list of options to be considered further.

This Project is being funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) under the Emerging Renewables – Measures Program. This Report is an important deliverable under Milestone 2 of the Project Funding Agreement and it was the original intention in that Agreement to progress the siting to conclusion in this Report. However, this has not been possible due to the iterative nature of the process as described above, and ARENA have subsequently approved a short-list of siting options as an acceptable result.

At a later stage in the Project a final site selection will be made. It is anticipated that this final result, and a description of the final process and methodology to determine this, will be included in both the Final Report for ARENA, and Knowledge Sharing material produced under the Funding Agreement.


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2. Scope

The scope of this ARENA funded ESCRI-SA project (Measure) covers the following:

Select a preferred storage technology and develop technical specifications appropriate to the South Australian electricity market;

Analyse deployment costs and benefits, siting options and optimise the delivery model. This includes modelling device operations in the South Australian energy market and determining the form of long-term commercial relationships between consortium members, e.g. for delivering network services;

Examine any regulatory barriers to deployment and establish safety and environmental requirements; and

Share knowledge with relevant parties through a range of forums and reports.

The formal deliverables to ARENA on the above Measure include the following series of Milestone reports:

1. Summary report detailing the regulatory overview, including a synopsis of the relevant regulatory environment and the particular Regulations that apply and a summary of the particular roadblocks identified and the suggested path to resolve these;

2. A summary designating the site selection. The report must include the factors that were used to select the site and what constraints were identified and the potential sites that were examined and the rationale behind final selection;

3. A summary report outlining the commercial framework and functional specification including the basic form of the commercial framework envisaged, the basic terms for that commercial framework and the basic issues identified in the functional specification and how these were resolved;

4. A summary report supporting a proposed business case, including the basic results from the business case analysis and a summary of the Stage 2 Emerging Renewables Project submission; and

5. The Final Report including a summary of the Knowledge Sharing Activities and results as well as a summary of the Measure deliverables and essential results.

This Site Selection Report documents the Site Selection Milestone 2 deliverable associated with the ESCRI-SA project.

Work undertaken during Site Selection and determining Network Value/Constraints included:

Screening of potential sites from a technical, commercial and approvals perspective;

At short-listed sites, system modelling to determine any particular network related functionality required, system impacts (if any) and what network value service the storage could deliver as input to the financial model; and

Reducing the project site to no more than three sites.


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As mentioned in the Introduction, the site selection process has resulted in a short list of potential sites, which is a change from the original scope. This change in scope has been agreed with ARENA with the following changes being implemented between ARENA and AGL as the contracting party.

The Milestone 2 Report is varied by substituting

“A summary designating the site selection. The report must include:

The factors that were used to select the site and what constraints were identified

The potential sites that were examined and the rationale behind final selection.”


“A summary designating the short-list of sites. The report must include:

The factors that were used to select the short-list of no more than three sites and what constraints were identified

The potential sites that were examined and the rationale behind final short-list selection.”

The Milestone 4 Report is varied by substituting

“A summary report supporting a proposed business case, including:

The basic results from the business case analysis

A summary of the Stage 2 Emerging Renewables Project submission.”


“A summary report supporting a proposed business case, including:

The basic results from the business case analysis

The final site selection and the rationale behind the final site selection

A summary of the Stage 2 Emerging Renewables Project submission.”

2.1 Issues Not Yet Considered

The focus of this site selection report is on the screening of potential sites from a technical, commercial and approvals perspective and to narrow down the number of short-listed sites to no more than three sites. The value of various benefit classes may be influenced by the commercial framework, functional specification and business case, all of which are future milestones of this project. The recommendation of a single site will be finalised with the business case when current unknowns have been worked through.

For the purposes of this site selection report the following issues have not been considered yet:


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2.1.1 Interplay, hierarchy and/or possible mutual exclusivity of some benefit classes

The potential interplay, hierarchy and/or possible mutual exclusivity of some benefit classes have not been considered yet, e.g. when an ESD is contracted as a non-network solution, the availability of this support is paramount under specific conditions (typically maximum demand) which would then prevent any other potential service at that time that would not use the ESD in the same way.

2.1.2 Co-optimisation

Some benefit classes will require that the ESD is not fully charged or fully discharged, e.g. to provide frequency raise support or low voltage support relies on an available battery charge to facilitate this support. Reducing the available range between lowest charge and highest charge consequently inhibits the capacity available for price arbitrage.

2.1.3 ESD losses

An ESD generates losses between the storage of energy and subsequent output of energy. These include 'round trip' and “self discharge’ losses, which will be considered in the development of the Project business case.

2.2 Benefits Not Considered

Some benefits have not been considered in this site selection process, and are not intended to be considered during the course of this project. Benefits that have been excluded from consideration are:

those that would realise only a small benefit compared to other benefit classes; and

those which may only become realisable if the penetration of storage devices becomes much more widespread in the future.

Just one example topical in the literature is the interplay between grid and electric vehicles, which can both consume and provide electrical energy, and how these might interact with utility assets, including larger scale storage.

The future realisation of some of these benefits could be achieved by coordination of significant amounts of storage installed across the electricity network, and may require some centralised control of wide spread small/residential storage devices in conjunction with larger grid-connected storage devices. This would be made easier in the future if appropriate upfront protocols and standards were in place before the widespread installation of residential battery storage.

2.2.1 System Restart Ancillary Service (SRAS)

As discussed in the Regulatory Overview report, the technical parameters and location of a battery storage project with a maximum capability in the range of 5-30 MW may prevent it from tendering for SRAS provision, if its limited capacity and/or location means it is unable to restart a large generating unit. In essence, at this scale such a service is very unlikely.


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However, should the installation of multiple storage devices occur across the SA electricity network in future years, they may have an aggregate capacity sufficient to restart large generating units. Any future value that could be realised from providing such a service has not been considered as part of this site selection report.

2.2.2 Transient Stability Improvement

The transfer capability across the South Australia to Victoria Heywood interconnector is at times limited by transient network stability constraints. At these times the Heywood interconnector flows are constrained below the thermal capacity of the interconnector to avoid network dynamic instability for certain critical outages, e.g. the loss of a significant generator. The control system of an ESD may be configured to provide dynamic support to the network under such conditions. However, the small size of ESD considered (compared to network capacity) would provide minimal assistance for network transient stability improvement and has not been considered as part of this site selection report.

Should the installation of multiple storage devices occur across the SA electricity network in future years, they may have an aggregate capacity sufficient to provide meaningful support to improve network transient stability.

2.2.3 Frequency Control for South Australia

Frequency control for an islanded South Australian system following loss of the Heywood Interconnector is typically provided by a number of conventional generators. If a significant penetration of appropriately-configured ESDs was achieved (which could be through any combination of centrally-connected storage devices and small customer-level storage devices), the combined ability of the ESDs could provide stable frequency control following loss of the Heywood Interconnector, with less conventional generation in service than is currently typically required.

This would either reduce market fuel costs (if conventional generators would otherwise be constrained in-service to provide the required frequency stability), or avoid the loss of all supply to South Australian grid-connected customers following loss of the interconnector (if the number of conventional generators if allowed to go below the minimum level required for post-contingency frequency stability).

However, in the present study the size of the ESD being proposed is not capable of supplying this service so this potential value was not considered.

2.2.4 Inter-regional effects

One of the base assumptions of the Project is that the scale of such ESD implementations would not impact on the wholesale price of electricity, e.g. potentially reducing wholesale prices difference between NEM regions. In other words, it is assumed that ESD deployment would not affect generation dispatch to the extent that the regional wholesale electricity prices would be influenced. Therefore, inter-regional effects have not been considered as part of this project.

When ESD penetration achieves a level where it starts to impact on regional wholesale prices, this will lead to diminishing other benefits, especially Price Arbitrage. This risk should be addressed in the formulation of the business case.


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2.2.5 Wind farm ramping

Where a wind farm is of substantial size compared to the local network capability a wind farm may be limited to a maximum ramp rate to limit the impact on the network. This in turn may lead to spilled wind resources if the wind farm output has to be constrained when the wind picks up quickly leading to potential power output exceeding the ramp rate. Compared to other benefit classes, energy lost due to ramping is considered to be an order of magnitude lower and has not been considered part of this project.

2.2.6 Ride through assistance

A nearby fault on the network can result in a dramatic short-term reduction in voltage at the connection point. It is advantageous for both the system and the generator for the generator to stay connected to the grid during this temporary voltage dip. Before a generator will be allowed to connect to the grid, it must demonstrate that it can ride through a short term voltage dip.

ESDs make use of inverter technology that can be configured to provide transient support which may assist a wind farm to ride-through a network fault for which it would otherwise have been disconnected. This ESD control mode potentially reduces the cost of complying with the Generator Performance Standard for the initial installation of the generator, e.g. by reducing or eliminating the use of other control devices.

Once the generator has been commissioned, any additional incremental ride through capability has the potential to avoid unnecessary shut downs of the generator in specific circumstances, i.e. for a fault close to the generator, on a line which is not the only line interconnecting the generator to the grid. (If the generator is connected radially via single line, the generator will be disconnected when the faulted line is isolated).

The potential ride through assistance that could be provided by an ESD is mainly relevant for new wind farm connections by reducing or optimising capital costs and has not been considered as part of this project.


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3. Site Selection Criteria

Screening criteria have been developed to enable a high-level assessment of the suitability of a site for the installation of an ESD. The criteria that have been developed can be broadly split into two types:

Benefit value realisation criteria, which reflect the potential value of the various types of benefit that could be achieved at the site under consideration; and

Local site and network characteristics criteria, which assess the potential ease or difficulty with which an ESD device could be connected to the existing network at a site under consideration.

The benefit realisation criteria have been sub-divided into the following categories:

Generated Energy Value;

Network Support (Reliability); and

Network Support (Market Benefit).

The benefit classes for each category above are briefly described in the sections that follow.

3.1 Generated Energy Value

Table 1 shows the criteria and assessment keys that have been used to assess whether the location of an ESD at a given site will improve the value of generated energy.

Table 1: Criteria associated with improvement of generated energy value

No. Criteria Comment


Ability to participate in energy arbitrage

Ability to transfer energy from generation to ESD

Assessed on the magnitude of electrical losses that would be incurred when transferring energy from renewable sources of generation in the nearby area (e.g. wind farms, solar systems) to the ESD, and whether network limitations are likely to constrain the free transfer of energy from local renewable generation to the ESD.

Ability to transfer energy from ESD to load

Assessed on the magnitude of electrical losses that would be incurred when transferring energy from the ESD to loads in the nearby area, and whether network limitations are likely to constrain the free transfer of energy from the ESD to local loads.

Evidence of wind farms spilling wind at times of low prices

This has been observed at some locations by comparison with other nearby wind farms that do not appear to spill wind.

2 Marginal Loss Factor (MLF) improvement

Appropriate control of the ESD (e.g. storing energy at times of high generation, releasing energy at times of high demand) could improve the MLFs of local generators and/or local loads.


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3.2 Network Support (Reliability)

Table 2 shows the criteria that have been used to assess whether the location of an ESD at a given site will provide network support of a type that will improve supply reliability to customers, or assist in maintaining existing levels of reliability into the future.

Table 2: Criteria associated with reliability-related network support

No. Criteria Comment

3 Network Augmentation Capital Deferral

Thermal limitations

If downstream of a known thermal network limitation, the ESD could defer the need for augmentation by releasing energy at high demand times.

Voltage Control Limitations (Low Voltage)

If in a locality where future investment is needed to maintain network voltage levels above the minimum acceptable levels at high demand times, the ESD could defer the need for voltage support by releasing energy at high demand times (i.e. acting to decrease the net local load).

Voltage Control Limitations (High Voltage)

If in a locality where future investment is needed to maintain network voltage levels below the maximum acceptable levels at low demand times, the ESD could defer the need for additional voltage control facilities by storing energy at low demand times (i.e. acting to increase the net local load).

4 Localised frequency support An ESD may be able to provide frequency control to enable local wind farms to continue operating to supply local load when islanded from the rest of the network.

5 Expected Unserved Energy (USE) reduction

An ESD may be able to supply a small local load when islanded from the rest of the network.

3.3 Network Support (Market Benefit)

Table 3 shows the criteria that have been used to assess whether the location of an ESD at a given site will provide network support of a type that will reduce constraints on the network, and thereby allow lower-cost operation of the electricity market.

Table 3: Criteria associated with market benefit-related network support

No. Criteria Comment

6 Heywood Interconnector constraint reduction

Market benefits may be obtained if the ESD enables a reduction of network constraints in the South East region, which would facilitate higher transfers across the Heywood Interconnector and result in lower wholesale pool price.

7 Murraylink Interconnector constraint reduction

If the ESD operates to increase the ability of ElectraNet’s network to support flows across the Murraylink Interconnector into Regional Victoria, benefits may be obtained from both the impact on Victorian pool prices and a reduction in expected unserved energy on the Regional Victorian 220 kV network.

8 Local generator constraint reduction

A benefit will accrue to generators if there are fewer constraints on their operation due to local network limitations.


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9 Grid support cost reduction If able to provide partial or full supply to load during times of islanding from the grid, fewer generation support costs may be incurred.

10 System frequency support If configured to increase output power/decrease input power during times of falling frequency and vice versa, the ESD could provide frequency support to the main grid. This service is most useful when located near or on the main grid itself.

11 Avoided wind farm Frequency Control Ancillary Service (FCAS) obligation

Many wind farms currently make financial payments to the FCAS market to meet their frequency control obligations. If configured appropriately, the ESD could reduce these financial payment obligations.

3.4 Local Site and Network Characteristics

To minimise project development risks such as land acquisition and Statutory Approvals, and to keep the breadth of the task manageable, it was decided to limit the site options to suitable land currently owned/easily acquired by either ElectraNet or AGL. Any other ESD developer with existing land interests would likely approach siting similarly, although it is acknowledged that as incumbent asset owners in South Australia an advantage exists to ElectraNet and AGL that may not be available to all developers.

Existing SA Power Network distribution and direct connect customer sites were considered to be beyond the scope of the Project and therefore not included in this process. However, there are some sites in the South Australian distribution network that would for similar reasons potentially represent valuable locations, (such as Victor Harbor and Kangaroo Island). However, no comment can be provided on their feasibility or otherwise at this stage and these are not included in this Report.

Similarly, there are 30 registered generators in South Australia including 16 wind farms, all of which present an opportunity to connect an ESD. However, each of these generators are generally privately owned and hence will present a range of different commercial expectations and benefits from the implementation of an ESD. Due to access to site specific information, the main focus was on ElectraNet owned sites. However, the range of benefits that would apply to an ElectraNet generator connection site, e.g. Dalrymple substation, would equally apply to the wind farm connected to that substation. Therefore, the ElectraNet sites considered also act as proxies for the generator sites in the vicinity.

On the SA transmission network ElectraNet owns 88 high voltage substations throughout the State and the Adelaide Metropolitan area. In a number of substations, ElectraNet and SA Power Networks share the same site and have separate land ownership. These sites mostly include 275/66 kV, 132/33 kV connection and is a legacy of former vertical integration of the transmission and distribution networks. ElectraNet owns the land for all of its substation sites, and in some sites located in rural areas it has generous land ownership surrounding the substation. The extra land is either managed by ElectraNet or leased to nearby landowners for agricultural activities.

The following factors were taken into consideration in the preliminary assessment for the physical selection of sites that could be feasible for the energy storage for commercial renewable integration in South Australia:


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Only existing ElectraNet substation sites are considered;

Availability of suitable land within the existing substation boundary;

Availability of suitable land outside the existing substation boundary but within the property owned by ElectraNet;

Availability of suitable land for purchase outside the existing substation from other landowners;

Potential stakeholders and local community concerns and issues in regards to the impact of additional electrical infrastructure;

Statutory approval requirements such as Development Approval, Native Vegetation, Cultural Heritage (development associated with electricity transformation within the existing substation boundary is exempted from approval such as development approval under South Australia Development Act and Regulations)

Availability of medium voltage or low voltage bus for connection purposes.


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4. Site Assessment Approach

A two-stage site screening process was developed for application to existing ElectraNet sites.

The first screening stage focussed on assessing a number of high-level considerations to determine if each site is potentially suitable. Sites that passed this screening stage were considered to be both potentially feasible and valuable. Importantly, the reason for excluding sites from further consideration were captured by this screening step.

The more detailed second screening stage qualitatively scored and ranked sites that passed the first screening stage. Sites that performed well in this screening stage were then easily identified for further detailed, and quantitative, assessment.

4.1 Initial Screening Study Approach

The first screening test consisted of the application of the following ‘Yes/No’ indicators to each site:

4.1.1 Site factors

Does ElectraNet own spare land within the site?

Does ElectraNet own land outside the site, or is there a low anticipated difficulty of expanding the site?

Are the impacts on neighbours manageable (e.g. based on known neighbour relationships, proximity of the site to existing neighbours, and including site noise and environmental considerations)?

Is it possible to make use of existing exits or develop spare exits without impeding known future plans?

Are suitable voltage levels available for an inexpensive connection of an ESD?

4.1.2 Value factors

Would absorbing or injecting real power at the site:

o aid the provision of any potential price arbitrage benefit;

o provide network support through a potential reliability benefit; and/or

o provide network support through a potential market benefit by addressing any existing or emerging generator or network constraints?

Each of the three “value factors” were assessed by considering the aspects described previously in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 respectively.

Based on the answers to each of the site factor considerations, judgement was applied to each site to determine its overall ability to accommodate a lower-cost ESD connection (‘Yes/No’). Similarly, based on the answers to each of the value factor considerations, judgement was applied to determine whether the location of an ESD at each site would potentially provide significant overall value.


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Sites that passed both the site test and the value test are then listed for the second screening stage.

4.2 Second-Stage Screening Approach

The second screening test applied weighted scores to each of the sites that passed the first screening stage. The weightings and scores addressed the ease of connection, price arbitrage and network support aspects (reliability/market) that were assessed in the first screening test.

Each item within these aspects was assigned a judgement weighting.

Connection difficulty combined aspects such as land availability, site expandability, voltage level and spare exit availability. A judgement score of 1 represented the most difficult, 3 the least difficult. The overall weighting was judged to be in proportion to the other aspects.

Individual aspects of price arbitrage and network support were weighted according to their considered importance and scored from 0 (lowest perceived value) to 3 (highest perceived value).

4.3 Benefit Quantification Methodology

This section covers the range of potential benefit classes considered for the deployment of an ESD. These benefit classes are aligned with the site selection criteria listed in section 2.2.

The methodology applied to determine each benefit class is discussed in turn below, with the outcome reported in section 5.5. The description in the body of this report has been kept concise, with any required clarification or details appearing in the Appendices to this report.

4.3.1 Price Arbitrage Value

The estimated possible revenue that could be accrued from Arbitrage (i.e. by buying power during periods of low pool prices and selling power during periods of high pool prices) was calculated by considering the historical behaviour of power prices in South Australia (more detail is provided in section 5.6.1). Specifically a simulation of the device dispatch behaviour was constructed which depended on the following reasonable assumptions:

That the device is not large enough to materially impact the pool price;

That the magnitude of the charge and discharge power levels is limited by the device rating; and

That the device will not be dispatched if there is insufficient available stored energy, (or, in the case where it is dispatched as a load, storage capacity).

Note that this is a relatively simple analysis. It does not, for example, include any of the value that might be accrued in a trading sense by optimising arbitrage across a portfolio of generation – such as potential impacts on AGLs gas turbine fleet through fuel cost issues by time shifting wind farm output – nor does it specifically target renewable


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energy arbitrage. It is anticipated that this analysis will be significantly more complex as the ESCRI business case is confirmed.

4.3.2 MLF Modification Value

At locations on the network which have low fault levels relative to the size of the device it is possible for the storage device to have an impact on the Marginal Loss Factor (MLF). Preliminary investigations indicated that the possible commercial impact of this effect is minor compared to the possible revenue that could accrue from arbitrage, although more complex simulations were performed as the siting options consolidated..

To assess the impact that a storage device has on a local MLF involves complex load flow and dispatch calculations which are detailed in the Appendix D to this Report.

MLF modification as a side effect to operation to maximise revenue due to arbitrage

The results obtained in the simulation studies were based on the historical power flows near each location. It was assumed that the device is dispatched to maximise its arbitrage value, and the MLF benefits occur as a side effect. (I.e. the device is not dispatched to maximise the MLF benefit).

MLF modification assuming storage dispatched to maximise MLF benefits

Simulations were also conducted to investigate the impact on MLF’s at Wattle Point (Dalrymple) and Cathedral Rocks (Port Lincoln) assuming the device is dispatched solely to maximize benefits to local MLF’s.

4.3.3 Network Augmentation Capital Deferral

The operation of an ESD can be configured to provide additional effective network capacity and defer significant network augmentation. The ESD can achieve this by exporting power at times of high local network demand, when the local network would otherwise be constrained (e.g. by the thermal rating of network plant).

South Australia has a very peaky electricity demand profile due to its extreme weather conditions and increasing solar PV penetration - an extreme electricity demand might occur only few hours a year. Where network augmentations are proposed to prevent power interruption for relatively short periods of time in a year, these network augmentations might be able to be deferred with an appropriately configured ESD.

The Net Present Value (NPV) of a project represents the aggregate future project costs and benefits discounted back to the value of money today. The potential maximum benefit of network augmentation deferral is the difference between a project’s NPV in the proposed project year compared to a deferred project year.

The proposed project year, , is the project timing published in ElectraNet’s annual planning report. The deferred project year, , is determined based on the demand forecast from SA Power Network and the capacity of an energy storage device. ElectraNet’s internal cost estimate is used to determine the project cost. A 10% discount rate, , is applied for the NPV calculation in line with common practice within the Australian electricity industry.


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The total potential benefit is then calculated as following:



If the ESD can defer the need for network augmentation for the foreseeable future, then the potential annual benefit is equivalent to the annualised project cost.

If the identified network limitation can be most economically resolved by a non-network solution, the annual benefit attributable to the ESD device for the deferral of network augmentation is equivalent to the annualised cost of the avoided augmentation project.

The actual maximum benefit available is the total potential benefit reduced by any network expenditure that is required to facilitate the required response from the ESD (e.g. telecommunications).

The network augmentation deferral benefit is driven by the demand foreseen at the time of assessment; the actual benefit might change due to updates to demand forecasts.

Currently, no South Australian transmission network augmentation that could be deferred with an ESD has been identified within the foreseeable future. However, there are scenarios where future augmentation may be driven by the connection of a new large customer, or by the expansion of an existing large customer.

Voltage Control Limitations – Low Voltage

ElectraNet has an obligation to maintain the voltage level on transmission network within the range 95% to 105% of the nominal voltage under system normal conditions, and within the range 90% to 110% of the nominal voltage from five seconds after a single credible contingency event.

Depending on the technology, an energy storage device might have the capability to provide voltage support when needed. Conventional reactive support devices such as capacitor banks and static VAR compensators (SVC) are widely used across ElectraNet’s transmission network to address potential low voltage limitations. An energy storage device can be considered as an alternative solution to conventional reactive support devices.

If a low voltage limitation has been identified at a particular connection point, the annual benefit of an ESD providing equivalent voltage support is the annualised cost of the conventional capacitive reactive support device that would otherwise be required to address the same limitation.

The actual maximum benefit available is the total potential benefit reduced by any network expenditure that is required to facilitate the required response from the ESD (e.g. telecommunications).


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Voltage Control Limitations – High Voltage

ElectraNet experiences high voltage limitations under light load conditions frequently in recent years. This is due to lower system minimum demand alone with increasing solar PV installation and wind generation. Reactors (which consume reactive power) are installed across ElectraNet’s network to address high voltage limitation.

An energy storage device acts as a load when it is charging. Depending on the capacity, the energy storage device could manage the high voltage limitation by increasing the net demand at a connection point.

Similar to the situation for low voltage limitations, the annual benefit an ESD may provide, in addressing high voltage limitations, is the annualised cost the conventional inductive reactive support device that would otherwise be required to address the same limitation.

The actual maximum benefit available is the total potential benefit reduced by any network expenditure that is required to facilitate the required response from the ESD (e.g. telecommunications).

4.3.4 Localised Frequency Support

Many renewable generation sources such as wind turbines and solar photovoltaics typically rely on the availability of a synchronising frequency from the grid. On occasions of interruption to grid supply, such sources of generation will be unable to continue to generate, and must remain out-of-service until grid supply is restored.

It may be possible to configure an ESD to maintain a frequency reference when supply from the grid is unavailable. This may make it possible for local wind farms and solar PV installations to remain connected, so as to continue to supply local load following an interruption as an islanded system.

This benefit is realisable at times when the average aggregate generation output (this could be wind, solar and/or other renewables, or combinations of these with other generation types) approximately matches or exceeds the local demand while supply from the grid is unavailable. The ESD could then be configured to make up any difference, to the extent possible until the supply of stored energy is exhausted.

The quantification of the value of this benefit to the wind farm generator is based on a determination of the expected duration for which grid supply is likely to be unavailable in a typical year. This determination can be based on the network configuration and typical outage statistics.

The value of the benefit to the generators is determined as the value of locally-produced energy that would otherwise be spilt. It most naturally accrues directly to the generator, and can be quantified using an assumed energy value - say $70 per MWh of supplied energy (including RECs) for a wind farm, and so forth depending on generation type.

Additional benefits will accrue through the avoidance of local load shedding; those benefits are considered separately, in the following section.


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4.3.5 Expected Unserved Energy Reduction

An ESD can act as an alternative supply during a power outage. Power interruptions at the connection point level are typically caused by a transmission line outage or a transformer outage, especially for radial connection points. A probabilistic approach is used to estimate the expected unserved energy at a given connection point or group of connection points, taking into account the substation arrangement and historical outage data.

These two types of outage are considered when calculating unserved energy:

1. Planned outage (Maintenance); and

2. Forced outage (Fault).

Typical data is used for the frequency and duration of each type of outage.

Both transformers and lines are assumed to be equally likely to fail at any level of demand. The historical load duration curve is then used to estimate the average unserved energy.

Support from the distribution network is also taken into account to estimate a more realistic unserved energy value. In some regions, the distribution network might be able to be switched so that part of the load can be supplied from another connection point following completion of the switching operation.

The unserved energy calculation uses the native demand of a connection point, which is higher than the apparent demand measured at the NGM meter. This is due to solar PV generation embedded in the distribution network. As solar PV does not typically continue to operate during a power outage, the additional energy that is unsupplied by the solar PV systems is included in the calculation of unsupplied native demand.

The state average Value of Customer Reliability (VCR) of $38,090/MWh, in accordance with AEMO’s Value of Customer Reliability review published on 30 September 2014, is used unless stated otherwise.

Factors that could affect this class of benefits include the amount of energy stored in the ESD at the time of an outage, the actual duration of the outage and the actual VCR of the affected customers. For quantification of this potential benefit, it has been assumed that the ESD is 50% charged at the time of an unplanned outage.

4.3.6 Heywood Interconnector Constraint Reduction

The market benefit assessment for the Heywood Interconnector Upgrade RIT-T found the gross benefits of a “firm” 1 MW improvement to the Heywood Interconnector transfer capacity was $1.9 million (total), over the forecast horizon of 40 years.

An ESD could provide an effective increase in interconnector capacity. At times when import into South Australia is constrained, a release of stored energy from the ESD would reduce the fuel costs in South Australia, which are typically more expensive than the fuel costs in Victoria at those times. At times when export from South Australia is constrained, the ESD could take on additional stored energy produced by South Australian generation, which would typically be cheaper than Victorian generation at those times. Compared to a firm increase in transfer capacity, the benefit that could be provided by an ESD per MW of storage will be less than that which would be provided by


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a firm increase to the interconnector transfer capacity, as the benefit will no longer be available once the storage capacity of the ESD has been exhausted.

The effect of the energy-limited nature of the ESD on the benefit value that can be realised can be estimated based on the duration of consecutive constraints, i.e. how frequently did the interconnector bind consecutively for 1 hour, 12 hours, 24 hours etc.

This approach is consistent with the approach used to determine net market benefits through application of the RIT-T. The net benefits, if sufficient, could justify the inclusion of an ESD as part of ElectraNet’s regulated asset base.

4.3.7 Murraylink Interconnector Constraint Reduction

The Western Victorian 220 kV transmission network supplies the regional loads at the Ballarat, Bendigo, Fosterville, Glenrowan, Horsham, Kerang, Red Cliffs, Shepparton and Wemen Terminal Stations. This transmission network has limited network capacity, and the most critical limitations are the Moorabool - Ballarat No.1 line loading limitation and the Ballarat–Bendigo line loading limitation. Murraylink Interconnector is one of four transmission network connections to the Western Victorian 220 kV transmission network.

To support the Western Victorian 220 kV network during high Western Victorian demand conditions, it is advantageous for the Murraylink Interconnector to export power to Victoria from the Riverland 132 kV network. Murraylink’s export capacity is limited by ElectraNet’s Riverland 132 kV network capacity. Load supplied from the Western Victorian 220 kV network was at risk for an average of 15.83 hours per year over 2013 and 2014. The load at risk could be alleviated if higher exports across Murraylink from South Australia to Victoria were possible

An ESD at Monash can support higher transfers across Murraylink into the Victorian 220 kV network. The value of the potential benefit provided by the reduction of expected USE in Victoria by the operation of the ESD is the total energy expected to be supplied to the Victorian 220 kV network by the ESD via Murraylink at times when both the Riverland 132 kV and the West Victorian 220 kV networks are constrained. The benefit is calculated as the saved expected USE, multiplied by the relevant VCR.

4.3.8 Local Generator Constraint Reduction

Non-Scheduled renewable generators (especially early wind farm development) at remote locations may be constrained by the local TNSP (ElectraNet) using a Generator Dispatch Limiter (GDL) or a similar control scheme to avoid various network issues. The scheme may differ from location to location. Such generators have to spill energy while constrained; a local EDS could take an advantage by storing the un-utilised energy to prevent the spill. This benefit class does not cover price arbitrage, nor inter-regional constraints.

SCADA and Nation Grid Metering (NGM) data over a three-year period was used to estimate the energy spill due to such local generator constraints. A GDL or similar control scheme calculates the maximum generation limit based on information such as network configuration, line ratings and weather conditions regularly and sends a signal to the non-scheduled generator; the generator needs then to adjust its output so that it does not exceed this limit. Unfortunately, the exact spilled energy is not recorded. But the following information can be used to estimate the energy spill:


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Actual generation (30 minutes energy) – NGM

GDL Limits – SCADA

Energy availability forecast – SCADA

A generator participating in the electricity market has a NGM which records the actual energy output for each dispatch interval. If the GDL is implemented by the TNSP, the GDL limit is recorded in the SCADA. In addition, a non-scheduled generator may (but is not required to) forecast its energy availability; the TNSP records this information in the SCADA system if available.

A non-scheduled generator has no obligation to provide as much energy as it claims, and such a generator tend to over forecasts its energy availability. Consequently, it is difficult to determine the exact time which a non-schedule is actually constrained. However, it is possible to determine the time which such generator is definitely not constrained.

The energy spill is the difference between the actual energy availability and the actual energy generation. The actual energy availability is first estimated by scaling down the forecast (claimed) energy availability. A scaling factor for each generator is determined by comparing the claimed energy availability and the actual energy output during the time while the generator is definitely not constrained.

Once the energy spill is estimated, the benefit is the estimated energy spill multiplied by the prevailing wholesale electricity price plus RECs (assume say a total $70/MWh), then averaged over the three years.

For quantification of this potential benefit, it has been assumed that an ESD can capture the maximum potential benefit. However, a 10 MW, 50 MWh ESD might not be able to capture the total spilt energy due to size, capacity or other technical limitations.

4.3.9 Grid Support Cost Reduction

The grid support cost reduction benefit class covers existing contracted grid support. The potential benefit arises in two forms:

Reduction in operational costs due to the ESD displacing some (or all) of the energy requirements from the grid support contract; and

Potential for the ESD to reduce the size of contracted grid support when the contract comes up for renewal.

These two potential benefits are discussed in turn below.

Definitely constrained

Maybe Constrained (Unknown)

Definitely not



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Reduction in operational cost

An ESD has the capability to reduce the operational cost of contracted grid support if it is located on the same network that relies on said grid support. Typically grid support is provided by diesel powered generation, and for the purposes of quantifying the available benefit, the energy supplied by an ESD will be valued at an average of $300/MWh1


The value of the reduction in annual operational cost is determined by multiplying the average annual number of dispatches of generation support over the last three years with half the capacity of the ESD. (It is assumed the ESD is also used for other purposes and half the capacity will generally be available should grid support be required.

Similar to USE, the ability to access this benefit depends on the energy stored in the ESD at the time of an unplanned outage. The working assumption used for quantification is that the ESD will be 50% charged on average, but this might vary depending on the selected operational strategy for the ESD.

Reduction in size of contracted grid support

This benefit is limited to where an ESD can reduce the size of contracted grid support when the contract comes up for renewal. Future or additional grid support is assessed as part of the network augmentation capital deferral benefit class.

The benefit an ESD may provide has to be assessed whether it can reduce the size of the contracted grid support, followed by an assessment whether the size reduction is expected to result in a proportional reduction of the annual fixed fee. Since the value of this potential benefit is heavily dependent on the possible reduction that can be negotiated with the incumbent grid support provider, this benefit has not been further assessed for this Report.

4.3.10 System Frequency Support

Preliminary investigations indicated that the possible commercial impact of this effect is minor compared to the possible revenue that could accrue to a storage device from arbitrage. Further detail is provided in section 5.6.10.

4.3.11 Avoided Wind Farm FCAS Obligation

Similarly to the section above, preliminary investigations indicated that the possible commercial impact of this effect is minor compared to the possible revenue that could accrue to a storage device from arbitrage. Further detail is provided in sections 5.6.10 and 5.6.11.

1 Table 28, p73, Lower Eyre Peninsula Technical Network Options Analysis Report


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5. Site Assessment

This chapter presents how potential sites were screened and shortlisted by discussing the following:

Sites that may have been suitable but were excluded because they were out of scope;

Initial screening of all transmission connection point sites in South Australia;

Second-stage screening to determine shortlisted sites;

Locality factors for short-listed sites; and

Potential value of available benefits at short-listed sites.

The above-mentioned topics are covered in turn below.

5.1 Sites Excluded

The ARENA Measure (this project) “covers the development of a detailed business case for deploying a grid-connected utility scale non-hydro energy storage system in South Australia specifically designed to facilitate the integration of intermittent renewable energy into the National Electricity Market (NEM)”. This scope, as well as the composition of the consortium, suggests that transmission connection points or wind farms in South Australia are the focus area for potential sites. Wind farms are also the only primary large scale renewable energy generation on the South Australian market, and while aggregated roof-top PV is a sizeable renewable generation source, the aggregation process is significantly complex and the installations significantly small that such were not considered. Small scale distributed storage itself is discussed further below.

Sites outside of South Australia and distribution network connections have not been considered. However, for completeness, a few sites of this type are briefly discussed below that may warrant consideration in future.

5.1.1 Sites outside of South Australia

The Oaklands Hill wind farm in Western Victoria would benefit more than most from having energy storage on site. The installed capacity of this wind farm is 67 MW, but network limitations usually constrain generation output to less than 63 MW, often in summer to between 55 MW and 60 MW, and sometimes such as days of a total fire ban down to 42 MW. The above values indicate that an ESD may demonstrate good benefits to the Oaklands Hill wind farm in reducing local generator constraints. In addition an ESD may also assist with potential network issues.

5.1.2 Distribution network connections

Although distribution network connections have not been considered in this project, the following distribution applications may benefit from closer analysis:

In the Adelaide Metropolitan area distributed small-scale storage is expected to be more feasible. The suitability of a utility scale ESD will depend on a variety of factors, especially the availability of space in the metropolitan area.


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The electricity supply to Kangaroo Island is currently dependent on a radial 33 kV undersea cable. SA Power Networks operates a small power station at Kingscote to supply the island in the event of loss of supply from the mainland. An ESD would be of limited use with the current network configuration. However, combining the power station output, ESD, renewable energy and additional controls could potentially mimic the installation on King Island (albeit at a larger scale).

The Fleurieu Peninsula south of Adelaide has a very high penetration of rooftop solar PV installations resulting at times in backfeed into the 66 kV supply to Victor Harbor. A utility scale ESD may be an option to assist voltage management in SA Power Networks’ sub-transmission network where there is space available.

5.2 Initial Screening

The initial screening identified the following 16 sites, across six broad regions:

Region Site

Eyre Peninsula Port Lincoln Terminal



Mount Millar

Mid North (Yorke Peninsula 132 kV network) Dalrymple

Ardrossan West


Mid North (Meshed 132 kV network) Robertstown


Mid North (275 kV Main Grid) Belalie

Blyth West



Riverland Monash

North West Bend

South East South East

The table showing the initial assessment of all sites reducing to the above 16 is in Appendix A.

5.3 Second-Stage Screening

Yorke Peninsula sites (Ardrossan West and Dalrymple) were considered both with and without the potential connection of Hillside copper mine because this development significantly changes network loading.

Although no metropolitan sites passed the initial screening, Para was included as a representative site to confirm it would have a relatively low ranking when scored.


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The second stage screening identified that the highest ranked sites were all located on the Eyre Peninsula, Yorke Peninsula and in the Riverland.

The top sites with and without the Hillside copper mine development are shown in the following table.

Rank With Hillside copper mine Without Hillside copper mine

1 Port Lincoln Terminal (Eyre) Port Lincoln Terminal (Eyre)

2 Dalrymple (Yorke) Yadnarie (Eyre)

3 Ardrossan West (Yorke) Dalrymple (Yorke)

4 Yadnarie (Eyre) Mount Millar (Eyre)

5 Mount Millar (Eyre) Ardrossan West (Yorke)

6 Wudinna (Eyre) Wudinna (Eyre)

7 Monash (Riverland) Monash (Riverland)

8 North West Bend (Riverland) North West Bend (Riverland)

For the Eyre and Yorke Peninsula these finding can largely be explained by:

the radial nature of the existing transmission networks;

the low capacity of the existing transmission networks;

the high impedance of the existing transmission networks;

the losses associated with the existing transmission networks; and

the existing wind farms / conventional generators connected to these networks.

The Eyre Peninsula (Port Lincoln Terminal) was ranked first, higher than the Yorke Peninsula due to the additional requirement to supply load via contracted generation under line outage conditions.

Sites in the Riverland were ranked next, after the Eyre and Yorke Peninsula, due to low connection difficulty and the potential for reduced Murraylink interconnection constraints.

From the above it was concluded that three sites should be chosen, one in each geographic area, to optimise the site choice in a more rigorous and detailed analysis.

The following sites were chosen as being the highest ranked in each area:

Eyre Peninsula - Port Lincoln Terminal substation;

Yorke Peninsula – Dalrymple substation; and

Riverland – Monash substation.

The table showing this weighting, scoring and ranking can be found in Appendix B.

Maps which indicate the location of each of the three shortlisted sites, along with aerial views of the three sites, are provided in Appendix C.


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5.3.1 Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis of the weighting and scoring indicated that the identified sites on the Eyre Peninsula, Yorke Peninsula and in the Riverland consistently presented as being top ranked.

5.4 Locality Factors for Short-Listed Sites

5.4.1 Port Lincoln Terminal Substation

The substation is located approximately 7 km north-west of City Port Lincoln on Eyre Peninsula. Port Lincoln is approximately 645 km from Adelaide by road. The site has good access from Flinders Highway with land use near the substation consisting of rural living with small cropping activities.

Port Lincoln Terminal Substation site has both ElectraNet (132 kV) and SA Power Networks (33 kV) infrastructure. ElectraNet owns the land where it has HV asset and also a substantial parcel of land to the north and east of the substation (10 Ha plus).

It is envisaged that development approval would be required from relevant planning jurisdiction either State Development Assessment Commission or local councils for any facilities on ElectraNet land but outside the Port Lincoln Terminal substation boundary. Environmental and cultural heritage risks are relatively low due to the current land use nature.

5.4.2 Dalrymple Substation

The substation is located approximately 7 km south-west of Stansbury Township on Yorke Peninsula. Stansbury is approximately 200 km from Adelaide by road. The site has good access from St Vincent Highway with land use near the substation consisting of rural living with cropping and grazing activities.

Dalrymple Substation site has both ElectraNet (132 kV) and SA Power Networks (33 kV) infrastructure. ElectraNet owns the land where it has HV asset and also a large parcel of land to the north and south of the substation (40 Ha plus).

It is envisaged that development approval would be required from relevant planning jurisdiction either State Development Assessment Commission or local councils for any facilities on ElectraNet land but outside the Dalrymple substation boundary. There is native vegetation present on ElectraNet land that will require permission from the SA Native Vegetation Council and Department of Natural Environment and Resources if native vegetation is to be removed for construction purpose. Cultural heritage risks are relatively low but would require some due diligence assessment.

5.4.3 Monash Substation

The substation is located approximately 4 km north of Berri Township in the Riverland. Berri is approximately 240 km from Adelaide by road. The site has good access from Sturt Highway with land use near the substation consisting of cropping and agricultural industry activities.

Monash Substation site has ElectraNet (132 kV and 66 kV) infrastructure. ElectraNet owns the land where it has HV assets and does not own any additional land in the


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substation vicinity. The Substation is also the connection point for the DC Murraylink Interconnector with Victoria. The Murraylink Converter Station is adjacent to the Monash Substation.

There is some land available within ElectraNet substation site which could be utilised for the ESCRI-SA. It is envisaged that development approval would be required from relevant planning jurisdiction either State Development Assessment Commission or local councils for any facilities on ElectraNet land but outside the Monash substation boundary. There is native vegetation present on ElectraNet land that will require permission from the SA Native Vegetation Council and Department of Natural Environment and Resources if native vegetation is to be removed for construction purpose. Cultural heritage risks are relatively low but would require some due diligence assessment.

5.5 Assessment of Benefits at Short-Listed Sites

5.5.1 Potential Value of Available Benefits

The following table shows a summary of the benefits based on a 10 MW, 50 MWh device at each of the top-ranked sites.


Potential benefit value [$’000 p.a.]

Port Lincoln

Dalrymple Monash

1 Price Arbitrage Value 1 124 963 1 239

2 MLF Impact 32 -89 N/A


Network Augmentation Deferral


Low Voltage

High Voltage

N/A 235 N/A

4 Localised Frequency Support 70 10 N/A

5 Expected Unserved Energy (USE) reduction 283 84 N/A

6 Heywood Interconnector Constraint Reduction 818 818 818

7 Murraylink Interconnector Constraint Reduction N/A N/A 352

8 Local Generator Constraint Reduction 75 121 N/A

9 Grid Support Cost Reduction 16 N/A N/A

10 System Frequency Support 5 5 5

11 Avoided Wind Farm FCAS Obligation 5 5 N/A

TOTAL 2 428 2 152 2 414


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5.6 Calculation of Available Benefits

This section provides a summary of the calculations performed to determine the available benefits at short-listed sites. Given the high-level assumptions made in certain instances and limited data availability for others, these benefit calculations should be treated as indicative at this stage. The calculations for relevant benefit classes progressing to the business case will be refined as the Project progresses.

Where the benefit calculation consisted of more detail, these calculations can be found in the Appendices.

5.6.1 Price Arbitrage Value

The calculated simulations are based on historical market behaviour for the period of October 2013 through to October 2014. Accordingly it should be noted that if the market behaviour changes, the possible revenue that a hypothetical device could generate will also change. A full financial risk assessment should include possible changes in market behaviour, however the point should be noted that creating revenue from arbitrage depends on market price volatility not on the average cost of power.

It was found that significant possible revenue can be obtained if:

the unit is dispatched as a generator whenever the pool price is a threshold above the median price calculated for the previous 24 hour period.2

The unit is dispatched as a load whenever the pool price is below a set threshold of the median price calculated for the previous 24 hour period.

The possible revenue that the simulations indicate could have been obtained for the period of October 2013 to October 2014 period if a device were already installed is tabulated below:

Assumed Ratio of Storage (MWh) to Power (MW) Rating

(hours of Storage)

Simulated Optimum Annual Revenue per MW of device rating

1 $ 5 176 (~ $ 5 k)

2 $12 715 ( ~ $12.7 k)

6 $ 24 925 (~ $ 24.9 k)

10 $ 47 870 ( ~ $ 48 k)

14 $ 63 749 (~ $ 63.7 k)

20 $ 96 536 ( ~ $ 96.5 k)

25 $ 99 386 ( ~ $ 99 k)

35 $ 102 429 ( ~ $ 102 k)

48 $ 115 924 ( ~ $ 116 k)

60 $ 129 161 ( ~$ 129 k)

2 Slightly better results can be obtained if it is assumed that median pool prices can be predicted one day ahead – but this was not considered in the simulation results.


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As can be seen from the Table, the possible revenue that can be obtained is proportional to both the size of the device and the amount of storage capacity. The Table also indicates that if the ratio of storage to rating is higher than 20 the advantages of additional storage capacity are subject to a law of diminishing returns. This appears to be because most of the variation on pool price occurs over a daily (24 hour) cycle. Accordingly having a storage capacity of nearly 24 hours allows the device to be able to take advantage of most arbitrage opportunities. Plotting the simulated incomes on a chart (as shown below) clearly shows this behaviour:

The results are based on a relatively simple dispatch strategy and it may be possible to improve the performance of the smaller storage scenarios using market predictive techniques but the possible enhancement in revenue is not likely to be large.

Depth of discharge considerations

All systems based on electrochemical processes will be sensitive to equipment deterioration due to depth of discharge. This varies according to the type of battery that is used but in principal the life of all battery banks is generally inversely proportional to the depth of discharge each cycle. Fortunately for the dispatch strategy that is considered in the simulations, the depth of discharge is typically relatively small (~ 10 -20 %) for each cycle. When reliable costing information becomes available, the effect of the dispatch strategy on the equipment wear and tear due to cycling will be assessed further to optimise the revenue vs. the operating costs of the device.

The effect of Marginal loss factors on revenue obtained from Arbitrage

To a first approximation the MLF at the connection point of the device will have no impact on the revenue that is accrued due to arbitrage because the revenue depends on the difference between buying and selling prices of electric power. However, a more detailed analysis reveals this is not strictly true, as the following argument shows.

Case 1: MLF = 1

Assume the buy price is $ 15 per MWh

Sell price is $ 50 per MWh

Profit = 1 x 50 – 1 x 15 = $ 35 per MWh.


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Case 2: MLF = 1.1

Buy and sell pool price is the same but now it is multiplied by the MLF of 1.1

Profit for case 2 is 1.1x 50 – 1.1 x 15 = $ 38.50 per MWh = 1.1 x $ 35.

Therefore, the revenue that can be obtained due to arbitrage is multiplied by the loss factor at the connection point. This implies that storage devices are best situated in regions of the grid which have large MLF values which tends to be where the loads are located and sites remote from generation sources.

In the event that the device does not share its network connection point with a significant load or generation source, i.e. the transmission network connection point is such that the net energy balance (NEB) is less than 30%; then the device is likely to be subject to two MLF’s; one to apply when it is dispatched as a generator and one to apply when it is dispatched as a load. Pump storage systems on the NEM already operate under this arrangement.

The effect of two MLF’s is to add an operating cost as the MLF when it operates as a generator is invariably lower than when it is dispatched as a load. In effect the dual MLF system acts in a similar manner to the losses incurred by the device during the charge and discharge cycles with respect to its effect on revenue.

For example case 2 above may be modified as follows when two MLFs are in use:

Case 2A: assuming MLF = 1.09 when the storage device is dispatched as a generator and 1.11 when dispatched as a load

Buy and sell pool price is the same as for case 2 above, but now they are multiplied by the MLF of 1.09 or 1.11

Profit for case 2 becomes 1.09 x 50 – 1.11 x 15 = $ 37.85 per MWh = 1.08 x $ 35.

In general the effective final factor (in this case 1.08) will be less than the factor that would result due to one MLF only.

The expected revenue due to base arbitrage will be the same for all locations within SA, but will be modified by the specific MLF regime that applies where the device is connected.

Different revenues would be calculated for other market regions because they have different regional markets.

Further background is available in Appendix D.

5.6.2 Modification of System MLFs

Modification of MLF as a side effect to Arbitrage

The Figures below summarize the results of these calculations (see Appendix D) for two considered site locations and various device ratings.

For location of a storage device at Port Lincoln substation, the following effect on MLFs is expected:


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Some notes on these figures are provided as follows:

The vertical axis specifies the rating of the device in MW; i.e. the maximum rate at which the proposed device can charge or discharge power at the point of connection.

The horizontal axis indicates the ratio of storage capacity to rating; e.g. if the device is rated to 10 MW (y-axis) and has a storage size ratio of 10, this implies its physical storage is 10 x 10 = 100 MWh. Whereas if the rating is 5 MW and the storage size ratio is 10, this implies a physical storage of 5 x 10 = 50 MWh. This also corresponds to the number of hours of storage capacity (at peak power).

The coloured contours represent the factor by which the MLFs are affected. I.e. to estimate the actual MLF at the connection points use the existing MLF and multiply by the estimated factor.

For a storage device at Port Lincoln, it can be seen that the MLF will generally be modified to increase it from its existing value. However, there are also instances of size and storage capacity where the MLF will be decreased. This can occur because the device is not necessarily dispatched to reduce system losses – it is dispatched to optimise the value from arbitrage.

In 2014/15 the MLF at Cathedral rocks windfarm is 0.8774, the graph above indicates that a 10 MW, 200 MWh (coordinates x = 20, y = 10) storage device could change this to 0.8774 x 1.02 = 0.8949.

For location of a storage device at Dalrymple substation the following figure applies:


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It can be seen that the degree to which the MLF can be affected by a storage device is different depending on the location. This is because the power flows in a given location are different due to local load and generation behaviour.

As a generalisation, if a storage device is dispatched in order to maximise its value due to arbitrage – this will tend to cause it to behave as a generator during periods of high system demand, and as a load during periods of low system demand. This tends to reduce the system losses which mean that MLFs at a given location are modified so they are closer to unity; however, this is by no means definitive, and each case should be analysed separately.

For these particular cases the commercial value of changes to the MLF would accrue to the local generation at Wattle Point and Cathedral rocks.

A simplified calculation indicates that the overall annual benefit would be of the following order of magnitude (the example calculations are based on a 10 MW and 200 MWh, i.e. 20 hour, device rating):

Windfarm Rating

(MW) Assumed wind farm capacity factor

Average hourly rate (incl. RET)

Change in MLF (from figures above)

Annual Benefit/ loss

Cathedral Rocks 66 30% $75/MWh 2% $130 k

Wattle Point 91 30% $75/MWh 1.5 % $269 k

If the storage capacity is reduced, a simplified calculation indicates that the overall annual benefit/loss would be of the following order of magnitude (in this example, calculations are based on a 10 MW and 50 MWh, i.e. 5 hour, device rating):


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Windfarm Rating (MW)

Assumed wind farm capacity factor

Average hourly rate (incl. RET)

Change in MLF (from figures above)

Annual Benefit/loss

Cathedral Rocks 66 30% $75/MWh 0.25% $32 k

Wattle Point 91 30% $75/MWh -0.5 % -$89 k

The overall reduction in system losses would be of benefit to all market participants but cannot be easily captured by a storage project.

Dispatching the device to maximise Modification of system MLFs

The following figure shows the expected change in MLF at Dalrymple assuming the device is always large enough to fully clip the output of Wattle Point wind farm. The figure indicates that the MLFs are modified according to a quadratic relationship with the device size.

The storage requirements of a device dispatched in order to modify MLFs for windfarms depend on the percentage of time the device has enough capacity to fully clip the output of the windfarm when it is operating at high power levels. This is represented in the chart below where 10%, 50%, 80% and 90% quantiles are shown.


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The chart above indicates a law of diminishing returns as additional storage capacity is added. For example – the large increment required to go from 80% coverage to 90% coverage may make the storage installation more cost effective if it is built for a lower storage rating.

A similar analysis was carried out for Cathedral Rocks but in that case the issues were complicated by the existing voltage constraint issues that occur on the 132 kV line between Port Lincoln and Port Augusta. In effect, before any MLF benefits can be realized on this line, the storage device provides benefits in the form of relieving network constraints.

A simplified calculation indicates that the overall annual benefit would be of the following order of magnitude (the example calculations are based on a 10 MW and 110 MWh, i.e. 11 hour, device rating):

Windfarm Rating

(MW) Assumed wind farm capacity factor

Average hourly rate (incl. RET)

Change in MLF (from figures above)

Annual Benefit/ loss

Cathedral Rocks 66 30% $75/MWh 1.8% $234 k

Wattle Point 91 30% $75/MWh 1.8 % $323 k

If the storage capacity is reduced, a simplified calculation indicates that the overall annual benefit/loss would be of the following order of magnitude (in this example, calculations are based on a 10 MW and 50 MWh, i.e. a 5 hour, device rating):





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Windfarm Rating

(MW) Assumed wind farm capacity factor

Average hourly rate (incl. RET)

Change in MLF (from figures above)

Annual Benefit/loss

Cathedral Rocks 66 30% $75/MWh 0.9% $117 k

Wattle Point 91 30% $75/MWh 0.9 % $161 k

To realize these benefits will require significant forgoing of possible arbitrage opportunities.

The overall reduction in system losses would be of benefit to all market participants but cannot be easily captured by a storage project.

Further background is available in Appendix D.

5.6.3 Network Augmentation Capital Deferral

The only site of the final three for which an augmentation deferral benefit may be realisable is Dalrymple, with the assumed future connection of Hillside copper mine.

It has been assumed that the ESD may be able to be configured to provide voltage control at Dalrymple, which it is estimated would reduce Hillside copper mine’s capital costs by about $2 million to $3 million, by reducing the amount of voltage control equipment that would need to be installed by the copper mine proponent.

Based on an assumed capital cost saving to the Hillside copper mine proponent of $2 million, an assumed mine life of 20 years, and a yearly discount rate of 10%, the annualised capital saving can be calculated to be $235,000 per annum.

5.6.4 Localised Frequency Support

Many renewable generation sources such as wind turbines and solar photovoltaics typically rely on the availability of a synchronising frequency from the grid. On occasions of interruption to grid supply, such sources of generation will be unable to continue to generate, and must remain out-of-service until grid supply is restored. It may be possible to configure an ESD to maintain a frequency reference when supply from the grid is unavailable. This may make it possible for local wind farms and solar PV installations to remain connected, so as to continue to supply local load following an interruption as an islanded system.

Port Lincoln

Based on the configuration of the transmission network that supplies Port Lincoln and typical outage rates for 132 kV lines, grid supply to Port Lincoln is expected to be unavailable for an average of 2.28 hours for unplanned outages (over 1.82 events per annum), and 90.6 hours for planned outages each year.

With the additional frequency control that could be provided by an ESD at Port Lincoln, it has been assumed that the Cathedral Rocks wind farm would be able to continue to generate at least up to the value of the Port Lincoln local demand during the total duration of both planned and unplanned outages. Based on 2014 calendar year data, this would amount to about 996 MWh of additional wind generation per annum. At an


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assumed average value of $70 / MWh for wind generation, this yields a value for this benefit of about $283,000 per annum.


Assumed Method

Based on the configuration of the transmission network that supplies Dalrymple and typical outage rates for 132 kV lines, grid supply to Dalrymple is expected to be unavailable for an average of 0.88 hours for unplanned outages and 60.4 hours for planned outages each year. The average demand at Dalrymple during both planned and unplanned outages can be determined to be 166 MWh per year, based on the 2014 calendar year.

For the current system configuration, Wattle Point wind farm is unable to generate during both planned and unplanned outages.

Based on observations from the 2014 calendar year, output from the Wattle Point wind farm equalled or exceeded the local Dalrymple net demand for 84.0% of the time. The value of the additional wind farm generation that could be facilitated by the installation of an ESD at Dalrymple for the provision of frequency control has been calculated as:

Value = $70 / MWh * 166 MWh * 84.0 %

Which yields a value of about $10,000 per annum.

Alternative Method

An alternative way of enabling a wind farm to continue to generate when the transmission network was unavailable would be for the generated wind energy to be stored in the ESD, and released when network availability is later restored. Using this approach, for a 10 MW, 50 MWh ESD that stores wind energy during unplanned outages for an expected average of 0.88 hours per year, the total stored energy would be a maximum of 8.8 MWh. This yields a value for unplanned outages of $616 per year. Due to the short expected duration, assuming that the ESD would on average have only half of its capacity available at the time of an unplanned outage would not limit the energy that could be stored.

For planned outages, it may be able to be assumed that the ESD would be managed such that the full capacity would be available at the commencement of each planned outage. In this case, up to 50 MWh of wind energy could be stored during each planned outage event, for later release. This would yield a maximum value of $3,500 per planned outage event. The value of this alternative method could only exceed the value of the assumed method (above) if more than three planned outage events occurred in a single year.

It should also be noted that for this alternative method, no benefits would be available from the reduction of expected unserved energy at Dalrymple.


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5.6.5 Expected Unserved Energy (USE) reduction

Port Lincoln

Planned outages can be excluded from the calculation of this benefit, as the diesel-fired generation at Port Lincoln is typically engaged to maintain supply to the Port Lincoln demand during planned outages.

The average net demand at the Port Lincoln connection point over the 2014 calendar year was 15.8 MW. Based on 1.82 unplanned outage events per annum with an expected outage duration of 0.5 hours per event, the expected unserved energy at Port Lincoln is 14.5 MWh per annum.

Using the SA average VCR of $38,090 / MWh yields a potential value for this benefit of $69,000 per annum.


Planned outages can be excluded from the calculation of this benefit value, as they are typically taken at times when the local Dalrymple demand can be supplied by the use of distribution network transfers.

The average net demand at the Dalrymple connection point over the 2014 calendar year was 2.7 MW. Based on 0.88 hours of unplanned outages per annum, the expected unserved energy at Dalrymple is 2.4 MWh per annum.

Using the SA average VCR of $38,090 per MWh yields a potential value for this benefit of $9,000 per annum.

5.6.6 Heywood Interconnector Constraint Reduction

The results of a study into the benefit of an ESD compared to a firm increase of interconnector transfer capacity indicate that, with the full capacity of a say 50 MWh ESD available at the commencement of an interconnector constraint event (i.e. full storage at the commencement of an import constraint, or empty storage at the commencement of an export constraint), an ESD would deliver about 55% of the benefits of an interconnector, i.e. $1 million per MW (total benefit over 40 years).

Based on an assumption that a 50 MWh device will on average be half-full at the commencement of an interconnector constraint event, the value of available benefits reduces by a further 20%, to $0.8 million per MW (total benefit over 45 years). This corresponds to an annual benefit of about $81,000 per MW per annum.


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5.6.7 Murraylink Interconnector Constraint Reduction

The support that a 10 MW, 50 MWh ESD at Monash could provide was estimated by running a simulation using the 5-minutes network constraint data collected in 2013 and 2014. The simulation considered the following limitation:

charge and discharge capacity,

battery size,

West Victorian 220 kV network limitation,

the Riverland 132 kV network limitation, and

Murrylink export limitation.

While the benefit appears to be significant, AEMO has also proposed several projects to address the limitations:

Stage 1: install a wind monitoring facility on the Ballarat - Bendigo 220 kV line in 2015-16

Stage 2: install the third Moorabool - Ballarat 220 kV circuit in 2017-18; and

Stage 3: up-rate the Ballarat - Bendigo 220 kV line by 2019-20

Stage 1 and 2 are under development. AEMO estimates expected USE will reduce to 138 MWh in 2017-18, after the stage 2 completion3. The appropriate solution for stage 3 is still under investigation and may further reduce the expected USE. Finally, ElectraNet is currently consulting on projects that are also expected to reduce the occurrence of Murraylink export constraints, which will correspondingly reduce predicted benefits that could accrue to an ESD. More information is required for a detailed calculation of the likely benefits of ESD in this location.

An ESD at Monash could provide the following benefits, based on constraint data collected in 2013 and 2014.

Year Constrained Hours ESD Energy

Delivery [MWh] Benefit

2013 8.25 82.50 $ 3.14 m 2014 23.42 210.00 $ 8.00 m

Average 15.83 146.25 $ 5.57 m

Following the implementation of AEMO and ElectraNet’s planned and proposed network augmentation projects, it is anticipated that the number of constrained hours each year will reduce to something in the order of 1 hour. The average historical value of this potential benefit has therefore been reduced by a factor of 15.83, to determine a rough estimate of the future value of this benefit.

3 Regional Victorian Thermal Capacity Upgrade RIT-T – Stage 3 Published in June 2014


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5.6.8 Local Generator Constraint Reduction

Wattle Point wind farm at Dalrymple and Cathedral Rocks wind farm at Port Lincoln are both non-scheduled generators. The wind farms are estimated to spill about 0.6% to 0.7% of its total energy.

Year Actual Energy

Estimated Spill %

Estimated Energy Spill


Wattle Point

2012 255,996.73 0.76% 1,945.58 136,190.26

2013* 273,411.87 1.36% 3,718.40 260,288.10

2014 250,854.71 0.60% 1,505.13 105,358.98

Average 1,725.35 120,774.62

Cathedral Rocks

2012 176,143.54 0.55% 968.79 67,815.26

2013* 190,724.41 1.82% 3,471.18 242,982.89

2014 177,216.53 0.66% 1,169.63 81,874.04

Average 1,069.21 74,844.65

* Both wind farms had been constrained for network project works in year 2013; this year has therefore been excluded from the calculation of the average.

5.6.9 Grid Support Cost Reduction

Reduction in operational cost

Of the three shortlisted sites, Port Lincoln is the only location where grid support has been contracted. The size of this grid support is able to supply the maximum demand at Port Lincoln, which has exceeded 40 MW.

The Port Lincoln generators have been used 10 times between 2011 and 2014, including 2 planned outages for routine maintenance, 2 planned outages for network project and 6 unplanned outages. It is assumed that the network would require generation support at Port Lincoln 8 times in 3 years. The potential value of a 10 MW ESD (with 4 hours of storage) could provide is estimated at $16.0 k (0.5 x 10 x 4 x 300 x 8/3)

Given the level of grid support required, even a 30 MW ESD could be used, providing a potential benefit of $12.0 k per annum

5.6.10 System Frequency Support

To assess the impact that a storage device has on frequency support involves complex dispatch calculations which are detailed in Appendix D.

Assuming the device is designed to be relatively responsive there is no reason why it could not take part in all of the ancillary services markets (frequency and reactive power) and also be able to partially support the local grid in the event of local outages. Accordingly, whenever the device is connected to the system and operating as a generator or as a load it should also be able to play a part in the ancillary services markets.


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In order to calculate the amount of ancillary support the device can provide, the approach that was taken was to multiply the simulated device output (which is defined by the arbitrage calculations) by the value of the ancillary services market at the time.

The table below summarizes the results of these calculations for various device ratings:

Assumed Ratio of Storage (MWh) to Power

(MW) Rating Simulated FCAS Annual Revenue per MW of

device rating

1 $ 300

3 $ 400

6 $ 800

10 $ 1 300

14 $ 1 500

20 $1 700

The reason for the different revenue amounts for differing amounts of storage is due to the fact that FCAS can only be recovered if the unit is on-line at a specific power level. When storage is limited the device dispatch is more likely to be constrained.

FCAS payments are not subject to modification by Marginal Loss Factors.

FCAS payments are not sensitive to the device location within specific market regions such as South Australia.

5.6.11 Avoided Wind Farm FCAS Obligation

To assess the impact that a storage device has on frequency support for specific generators involves complex dispatch calculations.

The results in this case are expected to be identical to the section above except that the beneficiary would be the owner of the wind farm or other generator who would use the storage device to partially offset losses due to FCAS penalties.


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6. Conclusions

This Site Selection Report is a Milestone 2 deliverable of the ARENA ESCRI-SA Project. Given the iterative nature of this project, this Report should be treated as a work in progress. As uncertainties and project costs are addressed, the benefit quantifications will be refined as part of the Project business case development.

The conclusions of this Report are summarised below under the following headings:

Site Selection;

Site Selection Criteria;

Uncertainties and risks; and

Basis of Design recommendations.

Site Selection

The site assessment covered all of ElectraNet’s 88 high voltage substations. Sites outside of South Australia and sites belonging to generators or SA Power Networks were excluded from the assessment. The initial screening study considered all connection point sites in South Australia and resulted in a shortlist of 16 sites. The second stage of the screening process introduced rankings and weightings of the Site Selection Criteria. The second stage screening identified that the highest ranked sites were all located on the Eyre Peninsula, Yorke Peninsula and in the Riverland.

The Eyre Peninsula (Port Lincoln Terminal) ranks higher than the Yorke Peninsula due to the additional requirement to supply load via contracted generation under line outage conditions. Sites in the Riverland were ranked after the Eyre and Yorke Peninsula due to low connection difficulty and the potential for reduced Murraylink interconnection constraints. From the above it was concluded that three sites should be short-listed, one in each geographic area, to optimise the site choice in a more rigorous and detailed analysis.

In summary, the following sites were therefore chosen as being the highest ranked in each area and are the short-listed choice:

Eyre Peninsula - Port Lincoln Terminal;

Yorke Peninsula – Dalrymple; and

Riverland – Monash.

Site Selection Criteria

A broad range of Site Selection Criteria was developed to capture local site issues, network characteristics as well as the potential benefits. This broad range of criteria was evaluated and some benefits were determined not to be relevant unless ESDs become widespread in the future - these benefits were not considered. Also, detailed aspects like the potential interplay and/or mutual exclusivity of benefits and co-optimisation of benefits in the design have not been considered at this stage. A list of twelve benefit classes was used for the screening, short-listing of sites and high-level benefit quantification resulting in the following outcome.


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The quantification of the benefit classes has identified the following benefits as being the most valuable:

Price Arbitrage4;

MLF impact (subject to optimal ESD sizing);

Network Augmentation Deferral (where relevant);

Expected Unserved Energy (USE) reduction;

Interconnector constraint reduction; and

Local generator constraint reduction.

The following benefits were found to be of low value in the current regulatory framework and are unlikely to warrant further detailed investigation:

Localised frequency support;

Grid support cost reduction;

System frequency support; and

Avoided wind farm FCAS obligation.

Uncertainties and risks

It is important to note that this Site Selection Report has not considered the deployment cost of an ESD. However, site connections costs have been considered at a high level in shortlisting potential sites in South Australia. ESD deployment costs will be determined as input into Project business case development and therefor inform milestone 4 and assist in finalising the site selection.

Also, at the time of the original ARENA proposal there was an expectation that network deferral benefits were available on the Yorke Peninsula. With the latest demand forecasts, these deferral benefits may only be available if the proposed Hillside mine proceeds in substantial form.

As mentioned before, this Project has taken on an iterative form. The result is that the short listed site selections are a work in progress. More work is required to reduce some of the uncertainties and also to determine the various cost components, e.g. Losses in the ESD have not been considered yet, although a 20% loss figure has been assumed in the Arbitrage simulations. The outputs of this Report will feed into the Basis of Design document which will be used later in the Project.

The revenue associated with Arbitrage payments is subject to the volatility of the market, accordingly there is a risk that if the total quantity of storage is increased on the grid that it will lead to a reduction in market volatility and consequent reduction in revenue. On the other hand, as the penetration of renewable generation increases, the volatility of the

4 The revenue that can be realized from Arbitrage is proportional to the MLF at the connection point, accordingly the two remote sites identified in this report (Port Lincoln and Dalrymple) are at a disadvantage when compared to the proposed connection at Monash.


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market would be expected to increase which would be of benefit to the operators of a storage device which is dispatched for arbitrage purposes.

Basis of Design recommendations

The simulation studies have identified some issues that should be considered in the basis of design documentation and the analysis of technologies. Specifically, the dominant revenue stream (in most situations) has been identified to be due to price arbitrage, however this is heavily dependent on how the device is dispatched and what total storage capacity is available to the device.

In order to get the most benefit from Arbitrage the device should be dispatched based on pool prices and this should occur as often as possible. Accordingly the device should be capable of many cycles before replacement of storage components (e.g. batteries, compressors, pipes etc.) becomes necessary. The control system of the device needs to be designed to ensure that it cannot be damaged or lifetime shortened due to inappropriate cycling. This is a particular consideration for battery systems which can be severely constrained by depth of discharge and over charging considerations.

Regardless of whether the device is dispatched for arbitrage purposes or not, it will have a small impact on the MLFs local to where the device is connected. The modelling indicates that this could have a small but significant effect on the revenue base for local generation – in particular for wind farms which only operate at peak load for short durations. To realize these benefits will require a suitably specified control system which will need to be included in the basis of design and eventual functional specification documentation.

The simulation studies have also shown that the storage capacity of the device is a significant driver of the possible revenue that such a device can generate, but that this is interrelated with how the device is interconnected to the system and how the device is controlled. To capture the benefits in practice requires a good understanding of how the device is dispatched and how the device components are affected by the proposed duty. Accordingly the basis of design document should incorporate appropriate requirements in order to obtain the data required to make informed equipment procurement decisions.

As mentioned before, this ESCRI-SA Project has taken on an iterative form. The result is that the short listed site selections are a work in progress. More work is required to reduce some of the uncertainties and also to determine the various cost components, e.g. losses in the ESD have not been considered yet. The outputs of this Report will feed into the Basis of Design document which will be used later in the Project. Final site selection will be performed as part of the business case development and be guided by:

Implications flowing from the technology review;

Footprint of the proposed installation;

Environmental implications;

Cost of the ESD, including connection costs; and

Further refinements of benefits, including the inter-relationship between benefit types and how an ESD could physically be configured to maximise these benefits.

Energy Storage for Commercial Integration South Australia

Appendices January 2015

Version 1.0


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Appendix A Initial Screening Results

The following sites stood out from others as they are physically capable to connect an ESD and indicated market benefits.

Low losses/ constraints generation ‐> storage

Low losses/ constraints storage ‐> 


WFs spilling generation at low price?

Downstream of thermal network limitation

Voltage support 

need ‐ high demand

Voltage control 

need ‐ low demand

Localised island 

frequency support

Radial site USE 

reduction potential

Reduce Heywood constraints

Reduce Murraylink constraints

Reduce local 

generator constraints

Reduce market fuel 


System frequency support

Ardrossan West N N N N N Y Y Y Y (if small) NContingent on 


Y ‐ medium impact

Potential Y N

Slight impact on Waterloo‐Robertstown constraints


Dalrymple N MAYBE Y N/A N Y Y Y Y (if small) NContingent on 


Y ‐ high impact

Potential Y N

Slight impact on Waterloo‐Robertstown constraints


Monash Y MAYBE N N/A Y N Y N Y N N Y Y Y N N Y Y (slight) N Y Y

Mount Millar N Y? N Y? N Y? Y Y (small) Potential N N N

Y (in conjunction with local gens)

Y N N YY (rare 

occasions?)Y Y

North West Bend N N N N N Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y N N Y Y (slight) N Y Y

Port Lincoln Terminal

N N Y N/A Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y (1 hour) N N Y Y Y Y

Robertstown N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y N N N N Y? N Y

Y (subject to actual 

impact on local 

generator constraints)

South East Y N N N/A Y N Y Y Y Y

Y? (reduced once SECS 


N N N N Y N Y? N Y Y

Waterloo Y Y Y N/A N Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N Y Y N Y Y

Wudinna N MAYBE N N N Y Y N Y (small) Potential N N N

Y (in conjunction with local gens)

Y N N YY (rare 

occasions?)Y Y

Yadnarie N MAYBE N N N Y Y Y Y (small) Potential N N N

Y (in conjunction with local gens)

Y N N YY (rare 

occasions?)Y Y


Belalie N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N Potential N Y Y

Blyth West N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N Potential N Y Y

Canowie N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N Potential N Y Y

Mokota N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N Potential N Y Y

Snowtown N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N Potential N Y Y

SA Power Networks LV bus available for connection

Overall Physical Site 


Price arbitrage Network support (reliability) Network support (market)

Shortlist based on benefits?

ElectraNet LV bus available 

for connection?

Substation name

Spare room inside fenced substation boundary? (i.e. no DA needed)

LA Land Aerial Pics

ElectraNet owns land surrounding substation?

Potential difficulty purchasing 



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Appendix B Second-Stage Screening Results

Benefits and weighting are applied to further evaluate each potential site.

Low losses/ constraints 

generation ‐> storage

Low losses/ constraints storage ‐> 


WFs spilling generation at low price?

MLF reduction

Downstream of thermal network limitation

Voltage support need 

‐ high demand

Voltage control need ‐low demand

Localised island 

frequency support

Radial site USE 

reduction potential

Reduce Heywood constraints

Reduce Murraylink constraints

Reduce local generator constraints (incl. ride‐through 


Reduce market fuel costs (e.g. grid support operating costs)

System frequency 

support (incl. avoided FCAS 


5 5 10 5 10 5 5 1 10 5 2 10 5 5

Ardrossan West 2 3 2 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 153 7

Ardrossan West (+Hillside) 2 3 3 0 2 2 3 2 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 193 3

Dalrymple 2 3 2 0 3 0 0 3 2 2 0 1 3 0 1 174 5

Dalrymple (+Hillside) 2 3 3 0 2 2 3 3 2 2 0 1 3 0 1 209 2

Monash 3 0 3 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 142 9

Mount Millar 1 3 2 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 1 1 166 6

North West Bend 3 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 134 10

Port Lincoln Terminal 2 3 3 3 2 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 3 3 1 222 1

Robertstown 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 82 18

South East 1 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 120 11

Waterloo 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 99 13

Wudinna 2 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 151 8

Yadnarie 2 3 2 3 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 1 1 187 4

Para 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 105 12

Snowtown 1 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 77 19

Belalie 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 85 14

Blyth West 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 85 14

Canowie 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 85 14

Mokota 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 85 14

Weighted benefit


Network support (reliability) Network support (market)

3031 27

Substation nameConnection Difficulty


Price arbitrage



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Appendix C Short-Listed Site Locality Views

C1 Port Lincoln


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C2 Dalrymple


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C3 Monash


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Appendix D Energy Arbitrage and MLF Impact Assessment

Working definition of a storage device

►A “working definition” of a storage device in this context is:

It is a Power station which uses Electricity as its Fuel Source

To be commercially viable it has to be able to provide a service which is valued over and above its operating costs which includes the cost of its Fuel (i.e. Power)

It has to be able to compete with other Power stations which do not use Electricity as the fuel source


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Modelling of Arbitrage

► Time shifting Power (arbitrage and Peaking duty)

24�06�Tuesday 26�06�Thursday 28�06�Saturday 30�06�Monday�100
















Typical Dispatch behaviour for arbitrage purposes

different dispatch periods and magnitudes are chosen

based on the amount of capacity available

24�06�Tuesday 26�06�Thursday 28�06�Saturday 30�06�Monday









Typical Dispatch arbitrage Cost and income

based on the amount of capacity available

and the pool price

The revenue stream from arbitrage was modelled by assuming a device would be dispatched as a generator when the price is high, and as a load when the price was low. The income is then obtained by :

revenue = price x dispatch

Limits on dispatch were applied if the storage capacity was exceeded.

The graphs show percentage output/revenue for several different storage rating scenarios.

Modelling of Arbitrage

Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct�100







HistoricalPoolPrices in SA

Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct







Accumulated Estimated Income $ per MW ratingWhen estimating the revenue over a long period of time it can be seen that revenue will increase in steps whenever a high pool price event occurs.

Low rate of revenue occurs if pool price has low volatility

Low average pool prices may still give a reasonable rate of return as long as significant volatility of pool prices occurs.


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Modelling of Arbitrage

02�06�Monday 09�06�Monday 16�06�Monday 23�06�Monday 30�06�Monday













Typical Dispatch behaviour for arbitrage purposes

based on the amount of capacity available

Out[314 ]=

The model assumes that the device will “on average” discharge and charge so as to maintain a long term constant storage.

The allowable variation is determined by the amount of storage available.

I.e. the amount of energy discharged should equal the amount of energy charged ( not including losses)

For a given storage capacity (e.g. 25 MWh) the model assumes the device will usually be close to ½ its storage capacity (so it has room to move in either direction).

Modelling of Arbitrage


The annual revenue that the device can accrue depends on the buy and sell price signals that it uses to decide when to operate as a generator and when to operate as a load.

The graph to the right indicates that the optimum revenue occurs when the buy and sell price thresholds are relatively close to each other ( ~ $ 2 difference).

The revenue will rapidly reduce if the buy price is set too low ( horizontal axis) - whereas if the sell price is set higher ($ 1 - $ 6) the revenue is reduced slightly.

If the sell and buy prices are set too close to each other (~ $1 difference) –the revenue will collapse because the device will charge and discharge without making any profit.


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Modification of MLFs

► Modifying network Marginal loss factors (and reducing losses)

May 12 May 19







Effectof Storageon Powerflows

Red trace withoutstorage

Green trace with storagedevice

MLFs will change when the device is dispatched to maximise arbitrage, because it will also affect power flows on the network.

The changed power flows will affect the losses experienced by the network and hence Marginal Loss factors (MLF).

The graph shows the power flows on the 132kV network from Ardrossan West to Dalrymple. The red line shows the actual historical flows, whereas the green line shows a typical case study which assumed a storage device was installed at Dalrymple.

Modification of MLFs


The degree to which MLFs will be modified depends on both the MW rating and storage rating (MWh) of the device.

The graph presents the degree to which a storage device of a particular rating and capacity would affect the MLF at Dalrymple (or Wattle Point Wind farm) if it is dispatched to maximise revenue due to arbitrage.

The new MLF is calculated by:

MLFnew = MLFold x factor (from graph)


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Modification of MLFs


The degree to which MLFs will be modified depends on both the MW rating and storage rating (MWh) of the device.

This determines how much of an impact the device will have on existing power system flows.

As an example, the MLF for 2014/15 at Cathedral rocks windfarm is 0.8774.

The graph indicates that a 10 MW, 200 MWh (coordinates x = 20, y = 10) storage device would change this to

0.8774 x 1.02 = 0.8949.

The annual benefit to Cathedral Rocks Wind farm would be approximately $ 65 k.


Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration

South Australia

An Emerging Renewables “Measure” project with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency

Milestone 3

June 2015

Energy Storage Systems


State of Art ES (ESCRI Format) - 2015-06-02 clean skin.docx Version A Page 2 of 93


This document has been prepared for the sole purpose of documenting the Site Selction milestone 2 deliverable associated with the Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration project for South Australia by AGL, Electranet and WorleyParsons, as part of an Emerging Renewables project with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

It is expected that this document and its contents, including work scope, methodology and any commercial terms will be treated in accordance with the Funding Agreement between ARENA and AGL.

Revision Record

Date Version Description Author Checked By Approved By

June 2015

A Revised report B.J.Miller, V.Dissanayake, R.Partow

P.Knispel P. Ebert


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1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 19

1.1 CONTEXT FOR THIS REPORT ................................................................................................... 19

1.2 PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT ..................................................................................................... 19

1.3 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................ 21

1.4 A NOTE ON NOMENCLATURE .................................................................................................... 22

2. PUMPED HYDRO STORAGE (PHS) .............................................................................. 25

2.1 CURRENT STATUS .................................................................................................................. 26

2.2 SUMMARY OF MAIN ECONOMIC AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISITCS - PHS ................................... 28 2.2.1 Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 28 2.2.2 Economic Characteristics .................................................................................................... 29

3. FLYWHEEL ENERGY STORAGE (FES) ........................................................................ 30

3.1.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 31

3.1.2 Current Commercial Uses .................................................................................................... 32 3.1.3 Learnings from Commercial Development/Operation .......................................................... 33

3.2 SUMMARY OF MAIN ECONOMIC AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISITCS - FES ................................... 33 3.2.1 Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 33 3.2.2 Economic Characteristics .................................................................................................... 35

4. COMPRESSED AIR ENERGY STORAGE (CAES) ........................................................ 36

4.1 DIABATIC COMPRESSED AIR ENERGY STORAGE (D-CAES) ..................................................... 37

4.1.1 Challenges and Barriers ...................................................................................................... 37 4.1.2 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 37

4.2 ADAVANCED ADIABATIC COMPRESSED AIR ENERGY STORAGE (AA-CAES) .............................. 40 4.2.1 Challenges and Barriers ...................................................................................................... 40

4.2.2 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 40

4.3 ISOTHERMAL COMPRESSED AIR ENERGY STORAGE (I-CAES) .................................................. 40 4.3.1 Challenges and Barriers ...................................................................................................... 40 4.3.2 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 40

4.4 CAES - SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 42

4.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN ECONOMIC AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISITCS - CAES ................................ 43 4.5.1 Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 43 4.5.2 Economic Characteristics .................................................................................................... 44

5. BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE (BES) .......................................................................... 45

5.1 LEAD-ACID BATTERIES ........................................................................................................... 46 5.1.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 46

5.2 LITHIUM-ION (LI-ION) BATTERIES ............................................................................................. 48 5.2.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 48

5.3 SODIUM SULPHUR (NAS) BATTERIES....................................................................................... 51


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5.3.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 51

5.4 EOS SYSTEMS (ZINC) ............................................................................................................ 53 5.4.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 53

5.5 AQUION SYSTEMS (SODIUM AND LITHIUM) ............................................................................... 54 5.5.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 55

5.5.2 Summary of Physical and Technical Characteristics of Aquion systems ............................ 56

5.6 BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE (BES)- SUMMARY ...................................................................... 57 5.6.1 Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 57 5.6.2 Economic Characteristics .................................................................................................... 59

6. FLOW BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE (FBES) ............................................................. 60

6.1 VANADIUM REDOX FLOW BATTERY (VRB) ............................................................................... 61 6.1.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 61

6.2 ZINC BROMINE (ZNBR) FLOW BATTERY .................................................................................. 63 6.2.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 63

6.3 FUEL CELLS ........................................................................................................................... 65

6.4 FLOW BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE (FBES) - SUMMARY .......................................................... 70

6.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN ECONOMIC AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISITCS – (FBES) .............................. 70 6.5.1 Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 70 6.5.2 Economic Characteristics .................................................................................................... 71

7. CAPACITOR AND SUPERCAPACITOR (CAP) ............................................................. 72

7.1.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 74

7.2 SUMMARY OF MAIN ECONOMIC CHARACTERISITCS (CAP) ......................................................... 75

7.2.1 Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 75 7.2.2 Economic Characteristics .................................................................................................... 76

8. SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETIC ENERGY STORAGE (SMES) ................................ 77

8.1.1 Current Status ...................................................................................................................... 78

8.2 SUMMARY OF MAIN ECONOMIC AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISITCS (SMES) ................................ 78 8.2.1 Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 78 8.2.2 Economic Characteristics .................................................................................................... 79

9. OVERALL SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 81

10. ENERGY STORAGE FOR THE ESCRI-SA PROJECT ................................................... 86

10.1 TECHNOLOGIES APPLICABLE TO ESCRI-SA ............................................................................ 86

10.2 CONSTRUCTABILITY & OPERABILITY IN AN AUSTRALIAN CONTEXT ............................................. 87

11. BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 88

APPENDICES............................................................................................................................. 93


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Figure 1: Comparison of power rating and rated energy capacities of various storage technologies ........................................................................................................................ 12

Figure 2: Comparison of energy and power densities of various energy storage technologies ........................................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 3: Comparison of round trip efficiencies of various energy storage technologies ...... 15

Figure 4: Comparison of energy and power capital costs .................................................... 16

Figure 5: Comparison of energy capital costs and annual operation and maintenance costs ........................................................................................................................................... 16

Figure 6: Layout of a typical PHS plant [1] .......................................................................... 25

Figure 7: Yanbaru seawater PHS system in Okinawa, Japan [11] ....................................... 27

Figure 8: Components of a FES system [1] ......................................................................... 30

Figure 9: Components of a low speed flywheel (left) and a high speed flywheel (right) [14] 31

Figure 10: Modular configuration of Beacon Power’s flywheel systems [16] ........................ 32

Figure 11: Schematic diagram of a CAES plant showing the main components [19] ........... 37

Figure 12: Ariel picture of the McIntosh CAES Plant [21] .................................................... 39

Figure 13: Schematic of a BES system [1] .......................................................................... 45

Figure 14: Schematic of Ergon Energy GUSS deployment [31] ........................................... 49

Figure 15: GESS for distribution network support [33] ......................................................... 50

Figure 16: Schematic of a NaS battery cell and its operation [36] ....................................... 51

Figure 17 a) internal features of a “battery 1” unit, b) Stack of 8 “battery 1” units, [63] c) demonstration on how an AHI cell may be combined into grid-scale electric energy storage solutions [64]. ...................................................................................................................... 55

Figure 18: Schematic of flow battery [5] .............................................................................. 60

Figure 19: Schematic of a structure of a VRB [1] ................................................................. 61

Figure 20: Schematic of a ZnBr battery [38] ........................................................................ 63

Figure 21 Schematic of a generic Fuel Cell [41] .................................................................. 65

Figure 22 Top 10 venture capital and private equity investors in fuel cells, by country and company (Cumulative 2000-2013) [44] ............................................................................... 68

Figure 23 graphs showing the growth of Fuel Cells by shipments and Megawatts by application from 2009-2013 [48] .......................................................................................... 69


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Figure 24: Schematic of a capacitor (left) [52] and a supercapacitor system (right) [1] ........ 72

Figure 25: Schematic of a SMES system [5] ....................................................................... 77

Figure 26: Comparison of power rating and rated energy capacities of various storage technologies ........................................................................................................................ 81

Figure 27: Comparison of energy and power densities of various energy storage technologies ........................................................................................................................ 82

Figure 28: Comparison of round trip efficiencies of various energy storage technologies .... 83

Figure 29: Comparison of energy and power capital costs .................................................. 84

Figure 30: Comparison of energy capital costs and annual operation and maintenance costs ........................................................................................................................................... 84

• Figure 31: Comparison of power rating and rated energy capacities of various storage technologies ........................................................................................................... 86


Table 1: Summary of energy storage technologies based on daily self discharge and storage duration ............................................................................................................................... 13

Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages of PHS [1], [5] ...................................................... 26

Table 3: Selected PHS facilities [4] ..................................................................................... 27

Table 4: Physical and technical characteristics of PHS [1] .................................................. 28

Table 5: Environment and health and safety concerns of PHS [5], [10], [12] ....................... 29

Table 6: Economic characteristics of PHS [1] ...................................................................... 29

Table 7: Advantages and disadvantages of FES system [14], [1] ........................................ 31

Table 8: Selected FES facilities [4] ...................................................................................... 33

Table 9: Physical and technical characteristics of FES [1] ................................................... 33

Table 10: Environment and health and safety concerns of FES [5], [12] ............................. 34

Table 11: Economic characteristics of FES [1] .................................................................... 35

Table 12: Specifications of the Huntorf CAES plant [19] ...................................................... 37

Table 13: Comparison of CAES systems [18] ..................................................................... 42

Table 14: Novel CAES technologies [8] .............................................................................. 42


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Table 15: Physical and technical characteristics of PHS [1] ................................................ 43

Table 16: Environment and health and safety concerns of PHS [5], [12] ............................. 44

Table 17: Economic characteristics of CAES [1] ................................................................. 44

Table 18: Advantages and disadvantages of lead-acid batteries [5], [1] .............................. 46

Table 19: Selected lead acid battery energy storage facilities [4] ........................................ 46

Table 20: Advantages and disadvantages of Li-ion batteries [1], [30] .................................. 48

Table 21: Advantages and disadvantages of NaS batteries [1] ........................................... 51

Table 22: Selected NaS battery energy storage facilities [4]................................................ 52

Table 23 Advantages and disadvantages of EOS systems [60] .......................................... 53

Table 24 Advantages and disadvantages of Aquion systems .............................................. 55

Table 25: Physical and technical characteristics of Aquion systems [66] ............................. 56

Table 26: Physical and technical characteristics of various BES technologies [1] ............... 57

Table 27: Environment and health and safety concerns of BES [12] .................................. 59

Table 28: Economic characteristics of BES [1] .................................................................... 59

Table 29: Advantages and disadvantages of VRBs [1], [30] ................................................ 61

Table 30: Selected VRB energy storage facilities [4] ........................................................... 62

Table 31: Advantages and disadvantages of ZnBr flow batteries [1], [30] ............................ 63

Table 32: Selected ZnBr energy storage facilities [4]........................................................... 64

Table 33 Table showing the various types of fuel cells [39], [42] ......................................... 66

Table 34 Advantages and disadvantages of fuel cell technology ......................................... 68

Table 35: Physical and technical characteristics of various FBES technologies [1] ............. 70

Table 36: Environment and health and safety concerns of FBES [12] ................................. 71

Table 37: Economic characteristics of FBES [1] .................................................................. 71

Table 38: Advantages and disadvantages of capacitors and supercapacitors [1] ................ 72

Table 39: Selected manufacturers of supercapacitors [1], [53], [54] .................................... 74

Table 40: Selected supercapacitor storage based projects [4] ............................................ 74

Table 41: Physical and technical characteristics of CAP systems [1] .................................. 75

Table 42: Environment and health and safety concerns of CAP systems [5] ....................... 76


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Table 43: Economic characteristics of CAP systems [1] ...................................................... 76

Table 44: Advantages and disadvantages of SMES [1] ....................................................... 77

Table 45: Selected projects of SMES [1] ............................................................................. 78

Table 46: Physical and technical characteristics of SMES systems [1] ................................ 78

Table 47: Environment and health and safety concerns of SMES systems [5] .................... 79

Table 48: Economic characteristics of SMES systems [1] ................................................... 80

Table 49: Summary of energy storage technologies based on daily self discharge and storage duration .................................................................................................................. 81


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Glossary of Terms

Term Description

AA-CAES Advanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage

AC Alternating Current

BES Battery Energy Storage

BIES Building-Integrated Energy Storage System

CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage

CAP Capacitors and Supercapacitors

CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

DC Direct Current

D-CAES Diabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage

DoD Depth of Discharge

EDLC Electric Double Layer Capacitor

ESCRI-SA Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Intergration – South Australia (the Project)

FES Flywheel Energy Storage

GCAES General Compression Advanced Energy Storage

GESS Grid Energy Storage System

GUSS Grid Utility Support Systems

HTS High Temperature Superconducting

I-CAES Isothermal Compressed Air Energy Storage

KIREIP King Island Renewable Energy Integration Project

KIREX King Island Renewable Energy Expansion

Li-ion Lithium Ion

LTS Low Temperature Superconducting

NaS Sodium Sulphur

NEM National Electricity Market

NiCd Nickel Cadmium

PHS Pumped Hydro Storage

SCE Southern California Edison

SCSC Smart Grid Smart City

SMES Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage

SNS Smarter Network Storage

SWER Single Wire Earth Return


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Term Description

UNSW University of New South Wales

VRB Vanadium Redox Battery

ZBM Zinc Bromide Modules

ZnBr Zinc Bromine


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Physical Units

Physical Quantity Units of Measurements


Apparent Power VA, kVA, MVA Typically expressed in multiple of Volt-Ampere (VA)

Capacitance F F - Farad is an unit of electrical capacitance

Current A Expressed in Amperes

Energy J, Wh, kWh, MWh Although the SI unit of energy is Joules (J) . It is common to use Wh as this can be directly related to meter readings

Energy volume or mass density

Wh/l, Wh/kg Energy volume density (Wh/l) and mass density (Wh/kg)

Power W, kW, MW Typically expressed in multiple units of Watts (SI unit of power - Watt)

Power volume or mass density

W/l, W/kg Power volume density (W/l, mass density W/kg)

Pressure bar Metric unit of pressure (1 bar = 10

5 Pa, Pa is

the SI unit)

Speed rpm rpm - revolutions per minute

Temperature ºC, K ºC - Degrees, K - Kelvin

Time s, h s - seconds, h - hours

Voltage V, kV Typlically expressed in multiples of volts

Volume m3 m3 - cubic meters

Weight or mass kg SI unit


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Executive Summary

This document provides a detailed overview of various energy storage technologies namely

• Pumped hydro energy storage

• Flywheel energy storage

• Compressed air energy storage

• Battery energy storage (lead acid, Lithium ion and Sodium Sulphur)

• Flow battery energy storage (Vanadium Redox, Zinc Bromide and Hydrogen fuel


• Capacitors

• Supercapacitors


The technological progress with current research and development focusses, performance and cost characteristics of the storage technologies are discussed.

It is recognised that a single energy storage technology cannot meet all of the requirements of all power system applications due to the inherent characteristics of the existing storage technologies. Figure 1 illustrates the placements of various energy storage technologies based on their typical power ratings and rated energy capacities [1].

Figure 1: Comparison of power rating and rated energy capacities of various storage technologies

The application of energy storage depends on the typical discharge time of the energy storage system. Typical discharge times at rated power of

• Flywheels, supercapacitors and superconducting magnetic energy storage systems

are in the order of milliseconds through to minutes,

• Above ground small scale compressed air energy storage and battery systems are

up to ~10 hours

• Underground large scale compressed air energy storage and flow batteries/fuel cells

could be longer than 10 hours [1].


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The self discharge rate determines the maximum suitable storage duration for a specific technology. Energy storage technologies with smaller rate of self discharge can be stored for longer. Table 1 summarises the energy storage technologies based on the daily self discharge and suitable storage durations.

Table 1: Summary of energy storage technologies based on daily self discharge and storage duration

Daily Self Discharge Suitable Storage

Duration Energy Storage Technologies

Small Long – term

(hours to months)

Pumped hydro energy storage

Compressed air energy storage

Sodium Sulphur battery

Flow battery systems

Medium (up to 5 %) Medium – term

(minutes to days)

Lead acid battery system

Lithium ion battery system

High Short – term

(minutes to hours)




Superconducting magnetic energy storage

The physical size of the storage device is also an important factor in determining a choice of storage system.

Figure 2 compares the energy and power densities of various technologies (values cited from [1]).

As shown in Figure 2, the large volume consuming technologies (i.e. pumped hyro energy storage, large-scale compressed air energy storage) which have low energy and power densities are near the bottom left corner of the diagram whereas the more compact technologies are at the top right hand corner. The densities of flow battery energy storage systems are typically lower than those of static battery energy storage systems. Amongst the static battery energy storage, densities of lead acid systems are lower than Lithium ion systems.


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Figure 2: Comparison of energy and power densities of various energy storage technologies

The energy losses that an electrical storage device will experience depend on the roundtrip efficiency, which is defined by the power loss experienced when the device is charged and discharged. This figure will generally vary according to the depth of discharge and state of charge used in the cycling.

The roundtrip efficiency ranges of various energy storage technologies are shown in Figure 3 (values cited from [1]). The range of roundtrip efficiencies of flywheel energy storage, supercapacitors and superconducting magnetic energy storage are very high (greater than ~85 %).

In static battery systems, Lithium ion has a higher efficiency reaching up to 97 % in comparison with lead-acid (up to 90 %). The top range of round trip efficiencies is typically higher in static battery systems (lead acid, Lithium ion and Sodium Sulphur) compared to flow battery energy systems (Vanadium Redox battery, Zinc Bromide and Hydrogen fuel cells). Hydrogen fuel cells have relatively low round trip efficiencies which is still a developing technology.

In general, the efficiencies of the technologies have been improved with the progress of research and development efforts (i.e. the round trip efficiency of compressed air energy storage has improved from 42 % (in 1978), ~54 % (in 1991) and 70 % (for project ADELE) [1].


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Figure 3: Comparison of round trip efficiencies of various energy storage technologies

Two more important characteristics of energy storage technologies are lifetime and number of useful cycles. These are summarised as follows [1]:

• Electrical energy storage systems – capacitors, supercapacitors and

superconducting magnetic energy storage systems typically are able to experience a

large number of cycles (> 20,000) before equipment needs to be replaced.

• Mechanical energy storage systems – compressed air energy storage and flywheel

energy storage systems are able to experience about 10,000 charge and discharge

cycles before equipment need to be replaced.

• Chemical energy storage systems – static battery and flow battery energy storage

systems typically need to be replaced after a relatively low number of charge and

discharge cycles due to chemical deterioration with accumulated operating time. The

number of useful cycles of these technologies are typically less than 5000 with the

exception of reported number of cycles for Lithium ion (1000 – 20,000), Vanadium

Redox batteries (12,000 +) and Hydrogen fuel cells (20,000 +). Chemical energy

storage systems are also sensitive to the depth of discharge and to possible

overcharging, either of which can significantly decrease the useful life of the device.

Lifetime and useful number of cycles have an impact on the overall investment cost of the energy storage system. Systems with low lifetime and low useful number of cycles increase the overall costs due to maintenance and replacement of equipment. These influences should be carefully modelled when developing a business case for a storage installation.

Figure 4 and Figure 5 compare the typical energy and power capital costs and energy capital costs and operation & maintenance costs respectively.


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Figure 4: Comparison of energy and power capital costs

Figure 5: Comparison of energy capital costs and annual operation and maintenance costs


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From reference to Figure 4, supercapacitors, flywheel and superconducting magnetic energy storage have relatively high energy costs and low power costs, making these technologies more economical to be used in small scale, high power applications. Pumped hydro storage and large scale compressed air energy storage systems have relatively low energy costs and therefore are most economical in large scale applications.

With regard to capital and operation & maintenance costs, battery and flywheel energy storage technologies typically have relatively low to moderate capital energy costs but high operation and maintenance costs as shown in Figure 5.

Some of the identified concerns relating to environment, health and safety are:

• Emissions from combustion of natural gas in compressed air energy storage, • fires and toxicity of chemicals in static battery and flow battery energy systems, • containment in case of catastrophic failure of equipment in flywheel energy systems

and strong magnetic fields in superconducting magnetic energy storage systems .

For the ESCRI-SA project we require a technology that is:

• responsive enough to be dispatchable on the National Electricity market (i.e. 5 minute dispatch periods)

• in infrequent cases be able to operate independently of the grid.

• able to store significant quantities of energy for several hours or days with minimal self-discharge

This latter requirement effectively rules out capacitor, supercapacitor and superconducting magnetic storage systems. While these systems can charge and discharge large amounts of power, their total energy storage capabilities are severly limited – which makes them ineffective for this application.

Similarly, mechanical flywheels and small scale compressed air systems have similar restrictions on the total energy that they can store and on the length of time that the energy can be stored for. In practice flywheels have been used on islanded systems in order to improve power system inertia and provide a short time backup to allow other emergency power generation to come on line. Flywheels on their own cannot meet the requirements of this application – although they may be useful as part of a more general system.

At the other end of the energy and power spectrum is the pump hydro and large scale compressed air systems. These can store large amounts of energy and are dispatchable in a similar way to existing generation. Pump hydro is already the most commonly used storage technology on the NEM and is the most mature technology. Both of these technologies require favourable landscapes in which to be situated which may not necessarily correspond with the needs of the network. The capital cost of an installation is highly dependant on favourable site conditions being available.

For the ESCRI-SA project – the preference is to consider technologies which can be located at existing wind farms or substations. This makes application of pump hydro and


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large scale compressed air technologies problematic – but at this stage they have not been ruled out.

The various battery/fuel cell technologies seem to provide the best fit to the ESCRI-SA project – and to distinguish between them it is necessary to do a cost,benefit and risk analysis based on vendor supplied data.

In conclusion there are many technical and economical characteristics and health and safety issues to consider when determining a suitable storage system. Overall the key decision making factors for choosing a suitable storage technology will be different depending on the intended applications of storage, the size of the network, location and health and safety concerns.


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1. Introduction

1.1 Context for this Report

This Report forms part of the output from the Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration – South Australia (ESCRI-SA) project (the Project) which is examining the potential to utilise non-hydro energy storage in the 1-30MWpk range within the South Australian National Electricity (NEM) Market Region.

The Project is being progressed by a consortium consisting of AGL, ElectraNet and WorleyParsons, and is part funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to which this Report is a deliverable required for Milestone 3 of their Funding Agreement.

The Project is considering a wide range of technologies and is focused on presenting a business case for such an asset in a commercial context, as well as assessing the impact such a device would have in aiding the development of additional renewable (particularly wind) generation in South Australia. To aid the commerciality, the Project is attempting to maximise the value of such an asset by combining:

1. the arbitrage of renewable energy output into the market

2. the provision of ancillary market services

3. the provision of network services

all potentially supplied by the one asset.

By its nature the Project must consider a wide range of issues including the regulatory setting and rules, the value proposition of the services on offer, how technically such an asset would function and where it would be sited, and the commercial arrangements including capital cost, equipment supply contracts and conditions, revenues and return for the owner, and any necessary contracts for the supply of the service offered to the asset’s customer(s). The Project must also consider barriers to entry and how these might be targeted for relaxation or change.

Being commercially focused, the Project is targeting energy storage equipment which is relatively mature and “off the shelf”, so it is not considering technology considered in the research and development domain. Part of determining what technologies might be applicable then is to investigate energy storage systems in development and deployment elsewhere, and this Report provides the outcomes from that work.

1.2 Purpose of this Report

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of various energy storage technologies being developed and deployed globally of a type relevant to the ESCRI-SA Project.


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The path by which the ESCRI-SA Project evolved included consideration of work undertaken previously in South Australia in relation to energy storage as a renewable energy enabler. Of particular note was a Study undertaken in 2011 which examined potential storage technologies and and the basic business case for their use to increase renewable energy use in the South Australian market (reference “2011, Government of South Australia, “Energy Storage Technologies – South Australia – Initial Phase Report”, by WorleyParsons and SKM-MMA). That Study covered a range of technologies in the 100s of MWpk output, including large pumped hydro, compressed air facilities and gas pipeline compression storage, through to smaller scale technologies in the 1-30MWpk range involving chemical and mechanical storage.

The ESCRI-SA Project chose to focus on the smaller end of this market and this inflluences what technologies are applicable. In definitions of the Project work and aims, it is stated that only “non-hydro” energy storage (essentially Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS)) will be pursued, and behind this is an assumption that not only have PHS systems been pursued and built in large quantities already, including in Australia – and, therefore, are not particularly novel – but the size of those facilities is generally larger than sought in the Project. However, there are still novel aspects of water based storage facilities and, where these were applicable to the Project, they are included in this Report.

Another storage technology not covered was thermal energy storage, such as molten salt currently utilised in several solar thermal projects, or chilled water (and variants, including ice thermal storage). The primary reason for not pusuing such was both the relative level of immaturity of these media for storing electrical energy (in/out), and the likely inefficiencies in such a configuration. Hydrogen storage was not considered due to the immaturity of the technology as a commercial product, and the relatively small size of working examples. However, this does not mean such storage media may not have an increasing role in the future.

The ESCRI-SA Project is also about energy storage at the Transmission System level – or “utility level”. While this latter terminology is somewhat vague given that there are moves internationally to see large scale use of small, distributed energy storage systems within a traditional utility franchise, within this report the energy storage asset is of a size that either a commercial power plant developer, utility or formal market entrant would consider.

In summary, the energy storage technologies presented herein include:

• Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS), • compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), • Flywheel Energy Storage (FES), • Static batteries Lead acid, Lithium ion (LI-Ion), Sodium Sulphur (NaS), • Flow batteries Vanadium Redox Batteries (VRB), Zinc Bromine (ZnBr), Hydrogen fuel

cells, • capacitors and supercapacitors.

This document includes a description of these technologies, a brief exposition of their relative advantages and disadvantages, current status indicating research and development areas, listing of several energy storage technology providers and projects.

A brief discussion on each of the different energy storage technologies based on their characteristics is also presented.


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1.3 Background

Energy storage technologies are becoming of more interest in electrical systems with

deployments at various scales being implemented worldwide and the rate of installations

increasing. This is partly due to the continuing drop in the cost of equipment, but also as

particular drivers have emerged including electric vehicles, the rise of distributed energy

systems, realisation of their value in network ancillary service provision, and increasing

renewable energy use where the technology can be used to enable renewable energy

integration including the arbitrage of energy, lowering impacts on systems or for roles such

as islanded loads).

Such new entrant technologies are often stimulated by policy and in some countries specific

incentives are being introduced to stimulate energy storage deployment in electrical

systems. An example of this is California, which has recently mandated through the

Californian Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for the use of energy storage, essentially to

allow for higher penetration of renewable energy into the State’s grid (reference “Advancing

And Maximising the Value of Energy Storage Technology”, Californian Independent System

Operator, December 2014).

According to Navigant Research's estimates, 362.8 MWpk1 of energy storage projects have

been announced globally in the 2013-2014 period with an almost equal distribution between

North America (103.3pk MW), Asia Pacific (100.5 MWpk), and Western Europe (91.1 MWpk)

[2]. The US Department of Energy Global Energy Storage Database (reference

http://www.energystorageexchange.org/projects/) hosted by the Sandia National

Laboratories, reports that approximately 433 “grid connected” projects across electro-

chemical and electro-mechanical sub-groups currently in operation, representing around

1.9GWpk of storage peak capacity globally.

While the rate of such storage projects are increasing, the majority of energy storage used worldwide on electricity grids is pumped hydro. Sandia reports approximately 150GWpk of operational pumped hydro systems worldwide at an average installed peak capacity of 168MWpk, reflecting both the maturity of that technology and its lower price. This compares to a total peark electrical generation capacity globally of around 5,500GW (reference is US Energy Information Administration at http://www.eia.gov/ ).

Energy storage systems operate by charging their devices by converting energy from one form (mainly electrical energy) to another (mainly chemical or potential energy). This energy is then stored for a period of time and discharged when needed by converting the stored energy back to electrical energy as a supply for electrical power systems.

Energy storage systems can serve various applications in power systems such as meeting peak load demands, transmission and distribution infrastructure investment deferral, arbitrage, frequency regulation, load following, voltage support, and transmission grid black start.

The technologies used in energy storage systems can be classified based on:

• their applications,

• the form of energy stored,

1 Where MWpk is the peak MW that can be delivered under normal operation, often referred to as

nameplate rating, refer to Section Error! Reference source not found.


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• the suitable storage duration etc.

Classification of energy storage technologies based on the form of energy stored is as follows:

• Mechanical (PHS, CAES and FES)

• Chemical and Electrochemical (Batteries, FBES including Hydrogen fuel cells)

• Electrical (capacitors, supercapacitors and Superconducting Magnetic Energy

Storage or SMES)

• Thermal and thermochemical (solar fuels and sensible/latent heat storage)

Section 2 defines the main characteristics of energy storage technologies followed by Sections 3 to 9 where each of the above technologies are discussed in detail including their advantages and disadvantages, current status indicating research and development focuses, listing of several energy storage technology providers and projects and their physical and economical characteristics.

The document concludes with Section 10 which presents an overall discussion on the different energy storage technologies based on their characteristics.

1.4 A note on nomenclature

Energy storage systems are devices that are different to generation equipment and electrical

loads in that they can both produce and consume energy. They also have important

physical attributes, such as limitations on the rates at which energy is delivered/consumed,

and discharge level constraints, which are very important in determining what technology is

appropriate for a given circumstance.

It is very important then to use a consistant nomenclature which is suitable for the entire

suite of energy storage technologies.

All currencies quoted in this report are in (US$) unless stated otherwise, and the following

terms used in this report are defined as follows:

• Power rating

This parameter determines the constitution and size of the motor-generator or

inverter used in the stored energy conversion chain and is often used to represent

maximum power of charge and discharge [3]. Power ratings are typically presented in

the physical units W (joules/s), kW or MW. Where MWpk is used, this signifies the

maximum nameplate rate of energy delivery that the device can normally supply in


• Energy rating (storage capacity)

This is the quantity of available energy in the storage system after charging [3].

Energy ratings are typically presented in Wh, kWh or MWh which allows a direct

conversion between the rating of the device and the hours of storage it has available.


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• Depth of discharge (DoD)

Depth of discharge is the converse term of charge. DoD represents the limit of

discharge depth (i.e. if a battery is 100 % fully charged, it means the DoD of the

battery is 0 %, while a fully discharged battery has a DoD of 100%). The allowable

Depth of discharge may be less than 100 % if the battery cannot be discharged to

zero without damage.

• Discharge time

This is the maximum power discharge duration. It depends on the allowable DoD, the

storage capacity, the MWpk and operational conditions of the system [3].

• Round trip efficiency or cycle efficiency

This is the ratio of whole system electricity output to the electricity input over a

charge and discharge cycle [1]. It provides a measure of the losses in an energy

storage device, which usually is released as heat to the environment.

• Discharge efficiency

This represents the energy transmission ability from the energy storage phase to the

energy discharged phase, which contributes to the overall cycle efficiency achieved


• Response time

This is the time required for an energy storage device to be capable of either

charging or discharging energy when it is initially in a quiescent state or operating in

an opposing charging direction.

• Self-discharge

This is the portion of energy that was initially stored and which is dissipated over a

given amount of non-use time (i.e. air leakage loses in CAES, electrochemical losses

BES etc.) [1], [3]. Only certain potential energy storage systems (such as raising a

solid mass to a certain height) could be considered to have zero self-discharge.

• Power and energy densities

These represent the power and energy accumulated per unit of device mass

(typically presented in W/kg or Wh/kg) or volume (typically presented in W/l or Wh/l)

of the storage unit [3]. These provide a metric for determining the size and the weight

of a storage system.


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• Durability (lifetime and cycling time or cycling capacity)

Durability is typically expressed as lifetime in years or cycling capacity in number of

cycling times (1 cycle corresponds to one charge and one discharge) [3].

• Costs

The capital invested and operational costs (maintenance, energy lost during cycling,

aging) are two important economic factors to consider for the entire life of the system

[3]. The capital cost of energy storage systems can be expressed in power capital

cost ($/kW) or energy capital costs ($/kWh).

In addition to the characteristics described above, operational constraints, operational

flexibility, reliability, health and safety, environmental aspects also need to be considered for

energy storage systems.


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2. Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS)

PHS is by far the most widely implemented large scale electrical energy storage technology.

It has a long history, high technical maturity and large energy capacity [1].

Currently (2014/15) the world has an installed capacity of approximately 142.11 GW across

292 projects that are operational [4].

A PHS system typically consists of two reservoirs located at different elevations, a unit to

pump water to the high elevation reservoir during the off-peak period (that stores the

electricity in the form of hydraulic potential energy) and a turbine to generate electricity when

the water is released to the lower reservoir during the peak demand period (that converts the

potential energy to electricity) [5].

Figure 6 shows a schematic diagram of a typical PHS plant layout.

Figure 6: Layout of a typical PHS plant [1]

Many of the recently proposed pumped storage projects are often classified as “closed loop”

or “open loop” systems, depending on their connection with rivers or other flowing water

bodies [6]. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in the U.S. defines these two

systems as follows:

• Closed-loop pumped storage projects are not continuously connected to a naturally-

flowing water feature.

• Open-loop pumped storage projects are continuously connected to a naturally-

flowing water feature.

Closed loop systems are often preferred because of the fewer environmental impacts

associated with these developments [6].

Table 2 presents the advantages and disadvantages of PHS.


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Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages of PHS [1], [5]

Advantages Disadvantages

• Mature technology

• Long discharge periods (owing to small evaporation and penetration)

• Can accommodate very high power ratings

• Site selection restrictions

• Long construction time

• High capital investment

2.1 Current Status

There are currently at least 341 projects totalling 177,427 MW worldwide that are operational, announced, contracted, under construction or off-line [4]. In Australia, PHS accounts for about 1,490 MW of installed capacity, which are mostly based on large-scale PHS systems (i.e. Wivenhoe Power Station – 500 MW, Kangaroo Valley Pumping and Power Station – 160 MW etc. ) [4], [7].

Innovative research has led to several novel PHS technologies that incorporate designs with different types of turbines (e.g. variable speed), different types of reservoirs (e.g. aquifers, old mine shafts, tanks, the ocean) [8]. Elmhurst Quarry pumped storage project developed by DuPage County, Illinois, U.S. has been proposed to use an abandoned mine and quarry for both reservoirs, with a rating of 50 – 250 MW / 708.5 GWh [9].

The Okinawa Yanbaru PHS system uses the sea as its lower reservoir [9]. The plant utilizes the effective head of 136 m between the upper pond and the sea, and it generates a maximum of 30 MW, using 26 m3 of seawater [10]. The Yanbaru PSH system has been in operation since 1999 [10]. This is the only PHS plant that currently uses seawater whilst several other large-scale storage projects have been proposed to use a similar concept [9].

Although construction of a lower pond is not required, the list below provides several issues facing a seawater PHS system [10].

• Evaluations of measures taken to prevent permeation and pollution by seawater from the upper pond into the ground and/or into ground water.

• Efficiency reduction in power generation and pumping as a result of adhesion of marine organisms to the waterways and the turbine.

• Corrosion of metal materials that come into contact with seawater under high pressure and high flow speed created by the pump-turbine.

• To ensure stable power output through steady intake and discharge of seawater at the outlet against high waves.

• Impacts on plants, animals and other biological systems around the site by the wind's dispersion of seawater from the upper pond.

• Impacts on coral and other marine organisms that live near the outlet.

Figure 7 shows an image of the Yanbaru sea water PHS system in Okinawa, Japan.


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Figure 7: Yanbaru seawater PHS system in Okinawa, Japan [11]

In addition, Archimedes’ screw, Energy Island, in-ground storage pipe with piston and in-reservoir tube with bubbles are examples of several other innovative PSH or PSH-like technologies.

Table 3 presents several other selected small to medium scale (i.e. with power ratings up to 30 MW) PHS facilities.

Table 3: Selected PHS facilities2 [4]

Project Name Rated Power

in kW Status

State /Province


O'Neill Powerplant 25,200 Operational California United States

Flatiron Powerplant 8,500 Operational Colorado United States

Rocky River Pumped Storage Plant 29,000 Operational Connecticut United States

Kubanskaya PSP 15,900 Operational Prikubansky Russia

MAREX (Seawater Open-loop Pumped Hydro Storage)

1,500 Announced Connaght Ireland

Rellswerk Pumped Hydro Project 12,000 Under Construction

Vadans Austria

2 Entries marked in red are noted as unverified in [4]


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2.2 Summary of Main economic and Physical characterisitcs - PHS

2.2.1 Physical Characteristics

Table 4 and Table 5 present the physical and technical characteristics and environmental, health and safety concerns of PHS irrespective of scale of the storage system.

Table 4: Physical and technical characteristics of PHS [1]

Category Technical Characteristic Values

Power and Energy Ratings

Power Rating (MW)




Energy Rating (MWh)


180 Okinawa PHS

Energy and Power Densities

Energy Density (Wh/l) 0.5 – 1.5

1 - 2

Power Density (W/l) 0.5–1.5


Specific Energy (Wh/kg) 0.5 – 1.5

Specific Power (W/kg) -

Response& Discharge Times and Storage Duration

Response Time


Not rapid discharge

Discharge Time (At Power Rating)

1–24 h+

6–10 h

10 h

Daily Self Discharge (%) Very small

Suitable Storage Duration Hours–months



Round Trip Efficiency / Cycle Efficiency (%)





Discharge Efficiency (%) ~87

Lifetime and Cycling Capacities Lifetime (years)




Cycling Capacity (cycles) 10,000–30,000


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Table 5: Environment and health and safety concerns of PHS [5], [10], [12]

Category Concerns


Negative Influence

Destruction of trees and green land for building reservoirs [5]

Impact on sweater and marine organisms in seawater PHS [10]

Health and Safety Conventional PHS is well understood without large uncertainty remaining concerning its safety [12]

2.2.2 Economic Characteristics

A summary of cost data for PHS is presented in Table 6 irrespective of scale of the storage system.

Table 6: Economic characteristics of PHS [1]

Cost Description Cost Value

Power Capital Cost (S/kW) 2,500–4,300 2,000–4,000

Energy Capital Cost ($/kWh) 5–100


Operating and Maintenance Cost 0.004 $/kW h

~3 $/kW/year


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3. Flywheel Energy Storage (FES)

A mass which rotates about an axis is called a flywheel [13]. A FES system consists of a

flywheel (rotor), motor/generator, power conversion/conditioning system (power electronics),

rotor bearings, controllers and containment (vacuum enclosures are used to reduce the

idling losses of the FES system) [14].

Figure 8 provides a schematic of a FES system.

Figure 8: Components of a FES system [1]

The FES system charges by using the electrical supply to accelerate the flywheel, which is coupled to a machine enabling it to store the energy in the form of kinetic energy. The amount of energy stored is dependent on the rotating speed of the flywheel and its inertia [1]. As the stored energy is required the flywheel discharges its kinetic energy. The integrated machine works as a motor during charging and a generator during discharging [14].

There are two basic schemes of FES operation – low speed and high speed flywheels. Low speed flywheels typically use steel as the flywheel material and rotate below 6 000 – 8 000 rpm [14], [1]. These systems are typically used for short-term and medium/high power applications [1]. High speed flywheels use advanced composite materials (i.e. carbon fibre) for the flywheels which can speed up to 10,000 rpm [1]. Applications of this technology are continuously expanding mainly in high power quality and ride-through power service in traction and aerospace industry [1]. Figure 9 shows the components of a low speed and a high speed flywheel.


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Figure 9: Components of a low speed flywheel (left) and a high speed flywheel (right) [14]

Table 7 tabulates the advantages and the disadvantages of FES systems.

Table 7: Advantages and disadvantages of FES system [14], [1]

Advantages Disadvantages

• High cycle efficiency (up to ~ 95% at rated power [1]

• Relatively high power density [1]

• No depth of discharge effects [1]

• Easy maintenance [1]

• Fast response [14]

• High self-discharge (up to ~ 20 % of store capacity per hour) [1]

• Limitation in storing energy for longer periods of time [14]

• Safety concerns in case of rotor failure as in some FES systems the rotor is heavy which may be perilous [14]

3.1.1 Current Status

The current research and development of FES focuses are:

• material of the flywheel for increasing their rotation speed capabilities and power


• high speed electrical machines,

• high carrying capacity of bearings and the flywheel array technology [1].

Recently a new bearing using high temperature superconducting (HTS) materials was introduced which lead to significant reduction in idling losses, supports quicker switching and lower costs but requires liquid nitrogen for cryogenic cooling [15].


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ABB, Active Power, Amber Kinetics, Beacon Power, Temporal Power Ltd and VYCON are some of the vendors that provide the FES technology. Beacon Power’s modular design of their flywheel system is shown in Figure 10. Three-piece, pre-cast concrete flywheel foundations (similar in construction to highway storm drains) are installed in the ground, levelled, and surrounded by crushed stone [16]. Concrete pads are built for the power control module, cooling systems and switchgear. Underground conduit is placed to run power and signal cables between components [16].

Figure 10: Modular configuration of Beacon Power’s flywheel systems [16]

3.1.2 Current Commercial Uses

Due to its high cost and low storage capacity, and high self discharge, this type of technology can be ruled out for the applications considered in this project. However the technology is very useful for applications on islanded grid systems which require high responsiveness, a means of augmenting system inertia and are often provided as a high speed backup in conjunction with battery systems .

In Australia, currently there are two FES projects that are operational – Coral Bay (wind – diesel hybrid system) and Marble Bar (solar – diesel hybrid system) in Western Australia [4]. Both projects include a 1 x 500 kW (18MWs) ABB PowerStoreTM flywheel system that is used for voltage support and frequency regulation [4], [17].

Leinster Nickel Operation PowerStore flywheel is another project that included the flywheel technology, which is now decommissioned [4]. The project included a FES rated at 1 MW (60 s storage at rated power) at the BHP Billition’s Leinster nickel mine in Western Australia [4].

Table 8 lists several FES systems worldwide that have relatively high power ratings.


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Table 8: Selected FES facilities3 [4]

Project Name Rated

Power in kW

Duration at Rated Power HH:MM

Status State

/Province Country

Beacon Power 20 MW Flywheel Frequency Regulation Plant (Stephentown, NY)

20 000 0:15.00 Operational New York United States

Beacon Power 20 MW Flywheel Frequency Regulation Plant (Hazle Township, PA)

20 000 0:15.00 Operational Pennsylvania United States

Clear Creek Flywheel Wind Farm Project

5 000 0:6.00 Under Construction

Ontario Canada

EFDA JET Fusion Flywheel 400 000 0:0.50 Operational Oxfordshire United Kingdom

Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP) Flywheel System

70 000 0:0.05 Operational Prague Czech Republic

Max Planck Institute ASDEX-Upgrade Pulsed Power Supply System

387 000 0:0.12 Operational Bavaria Germany

VYCON Lights-Out Data Center 8 000 0:0.50 Contracted Texas United States

Austin Energy Control Center VYCON Flywheels

4 800 0:0.50 Operational Texas United States

EMC Durham Cloud Data Center VYCON Flywheels

4 000 0:0.40 Operational North Carolina

United States

Net Powersafe Active Power UPS 9 000 0:0.23 Operational Switzerland Switzerland

Pacific Northwest Active Power UPS

11 000 0:0.23 Operational Oregon United States

3.1.3 Learnings from Commercial Development/Operation

Mechanical wear and tear on the flywheel components is understood to be the main factor limiting the longevity of FES installations.

3.2 Summary of Main economic and Physical characterisitcs - FES

3.2.1 Physical Characteristics

Table 9 and Table 10 presents the physical and technical characteristics and environmental, health and safety concerns of FES respectively.

Table 9: Physical and technical characteristics of FES [1]

Category Technical Characteristic Values

Power and Energy Ratings Power Rating (MW)




3 Entries marked in red are noted as unverified in [4]


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Category Technical Characteristic Values

Energy Rating (MWh)



up to 5

Energy and Power Densities

Energy Density (Wh/l) 20–80

Power Density (W/l) 1000–2000


Specific Energy (Wh/kg)




Specific Power (W/kg) 400–1500

Response& Discharge Times and Storage Duration

Response Time <1 cycle (20 ms)


Discharge Time (At Power Rating) Up to 8 s

15 s–15 min

Daily Self Discharge (%) 100

¥ 20% per hour

Suitable Storage Duration Seconds–minutes

short-term(<1 h)


Round Trip Efficiency / Cycle Efficiency (%)


90 & 95

Discharge Efficiency (%) 90 – 93

Lifetime and Cycling Capacities

Lifetime (years)




Cycling Capacity (cycles) 20,000+


Table 10: Environment and health and safety concerns of FES [5], [12]

Category Concerns

Environment Almost no influence on the environment [5]

Health and Safety

Flywheels typically have large rotational masses that in the case of catastrophic radial failure need a robust enclosure to contain the debris [12].

The engineering designs and safety factors in containing flywheels are not currently widely established by the codes, standards and regulations and require further research [12].

Current safety validation testing involves the following [12]:

− Burst testing to probe containment integrity − Loss of vacuum testing − Over-speed testing of systems − Fatigue testing of sample materials


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3.2.2 Economic Characteristics

A summary of cost data for FES is presented in Table 11.

Table 11: Economic characteristics of FES [1]

Cost Description Values

Power Capital Cost (S/kW) 250–350

Energy Capital Cost ($/kWh) 1,000–5,000


Operating and Maintenance Cost ~0.004 $/kW h

~20 $/kW/year


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4. Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)

CAES system is an electromechanical storage which is designed to store high pressure air

during periods of low electricity demand and release air during periods of high demand. It is

the only other commercially available technology, other than PHS4 capable of providing very

large energy storage deliverability (i.e. above 100 MW with a single unit).

4 Pump Hydro Storage


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4.1 Diabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (D-CAES)

In conventional diabatic, meaning to lose heat, the air is cooled and compressed into an

underground cavern, typically 4-8 MPa (charging) during off peak periods [5], [18]. The heat

generated during air compression is released to the atmosphere. During peak periods, the

stored air is drawn from the cavern, heated in a natural gas or diesel fired combustion

chamber and then expanded through a turbine that spins an electrical generator

(discharging) [5], [18] . The components of a CAES are shown in Figure 11.

(1) Compressor train

(2) Motor – generator unit

(3) Gas turbine

(4) Underground compressed air


Figure 11: Schematic diagram of a CAES plant showing the main components [19]

4.1.1 Challenges and Barriers

• Reliance on favourable geography – requirement for an underground cavern

• Dissipation of heat into the atmosphere

• Consumption of fossil fuels

• Generation of pollutants emissions from the combustion process [20]

4.1.2 Current Status

There are two conventional CAES plants currently in operation. The first CAES plant is in

Huntorf Germany commissioned in 1978. The plant runs on a daily cycle with approximately

8 hours of charging and can generate 290 MW for 2 hours. Table 12 tabulates the key data

of the Huntorf plant.

Table 12: Specifications of the Huntorf CAES plant [19]


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Description Specifications


� Turbine operation � Compressor operation

290 MW (≤ 3 hours) 60 MW (≤ 12 hours)

Air flow rates

� Turbine operation � Compressor operation � Air mass flow ration (in/out)

417 kg/s

108 kg/s


Number of air caverns 2

Air cavern volumes (single) Total cavern volume

≈ 140 000 m3

≈ 170 000 m3

≈ 310 000 m3

Cavern location

� Top � Bottom

≈ 650 m

≈ 800 m

Maximum diameter ≈ 60 m

Well spacing 220 m

Cavern pressures

� Minimum permissible � Minimum operational (exceptional) � Minimum operational (regular) � Maximum permissible & operational

1 bar 20 bar 43 bar 70 bar

Maximum pressure reduction rate 15 bar/h

The second CAES plant is in McIntosh, Alabama, USA commissioned in 1991 by Alabama

Electric Coop (now PowerSouth). The storage capacity is over 500 000 m3 with a generating

capacity of 110 MW and up to 26 hours working duration. This system utilises a recuperator

to reuse the heat from the gas turbine which reduces the fuel consumption by ~25% in

comparison with the Huntorf plant [10]. Both Huntorf and McIntosh plants have achieved

availability and starting reliability in excess of 90% and 99% respectively [12]. Figure 10

shows an aerial picture of the McIntosh plant.


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Figure 12: Ariel picture of the McIntosh CAES Plant [21]

There are 2 conventional CAES plants being planned – the Norton Ohio Project (9 x 300

MW) by Haddington Ventures Inc (now FirstEnergy) and PG&E California (300 MW) [18],

[22]. The Norton Ohio Project is on development hold due to poor market conditions and

PG&E is scheduled to issue a RFP in 2015.

Iowa Stored Energy Park, Iowa, USA (270 MW), Seneca, New York, USA (150 MW),

Donbas, Ukraine (1050 MW) and Soyland, Illinois, USA (220 MW) are some of the failed D-

CAES projects primarily due to unfavourable geology and economic infeasibility [18].


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4.2 Adavanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (AA-CAES)

The advanced adiabatic (meaning to conserve heat) CAES plants, includes thermal storage,

that stores the compression heat for later use during expansion which in effect reduces or

eliminates the need for additional fuel inputs [18].

4.2.1 Challenges and Barriers

• Cost-effective thermal energy storage designs to absorb and store energy with

minimal thermal losses at temperatures up to 600 ºC.

• New HP compressor designs will be required to handle high compression

temperatures [18].

4.2.2 Current Status

There is currently one AA-CAES project in planning stage – Project ADELE at Saxony-

Anhalt in Germany - a joint effort between RWE, General Electric, Zueblin, and the German

Aerospace Center [23]. This project is set for commissioning in 2020 [18]. The plant will have

a storage capacity of 360 MWh, electric output of 90 MW and aiming to achieve system

efficiencies of ~70% [20], [1].

4.3 Isothermal Compressed Air Energy Storage (I-CAES)

The isothermal (meaning constant temperature) CAES technology attempts to achieve near

isothermal compression , avoiding external heat exchanger to compress and expand air,

yielding improved efficiencies of ~70%-80% with fuel free operation and less thermal stress

on equipment [18].

4.3.1 Challenges and Barriers

• Improving efficiencies of liquid/air heat transfer at high flow rates

• Developing effective liquid/air separation devices [18].

4.3.2 Current Status

I-CAES technology is now operational on the following pilot scale plants:

• General Compression

In early 2011, General Compression commissioned ARPA-E's first successful

project, a 100 kW multi-stage GCAES™ unit in Watertown, Massachusetts [24].


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The Gaines, Texas Dispatchable Wind Project is a 2.0MW/500 MWh wind

generation project located in West Texas. It is owned and operated by Texas

Dispatachable Wind 1, LLC, a subsidiary of General Compression. The project

consists of a wind turbine, a General Compression Advanced Energy Storage

(GCAES™) system, salt cavern storage, and other electrical & ancillary facilities.

The project has the capability, during periods of low demand, to store portions of

the energy generated by the wind turbine and later, during periods of increased

demand, release the stored energy. Construction of the project began in 2011

and the project was commissioned in late 2012 [DoE database] & [25].

• SustainX

SustainX has constructed a 1.5 MW/1.5 MWh I-CAES system located at

SustainX headquarters in Seabrook, New Hampshire, USA. SustainX’s I-CAES

system captures the heat produced during compression, traps it in water, and

stores the warmed air-water mixture in pipes. When electricity is needed back on

the grid, the process reverses and the air expands, driving a generator. Therefor

fossil fuel is not needed to reheat the air and emissions are not produced. The

system is designed for a 20-year lifetime [26].

• LightSail Energy

LightSail Energy in Berkeley, California, USA has built two prototypes using the I-

CAES technology. Similar to SustanX, LightSail also use specially built

containers addressing the siting issue with modularity, rather than underground

caverns to store compressed air [25], [27].


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4.4 CAES - Summary

Table 13 compares technical characteristics and capital cost data of the above mentioned

three primary CAES thermodynamic technologies. The capital cost values are extracted

from reference and provided in US$/kW (in 2012 terms).

Table 13: Comparison of CAES systems [18]


System efficiency 42 – 54% 65 – 70% 70-80%

Cycle temperature ºC Up to 750 ºC 500 – 600 ºC < 80 ºC

Fuel requirement Natural gas Minimal None

Typical air storage medium Underground Underground, aboveground

Near surface, aboveground

Technical maturity

Capital capacity cost, 2012 US$/kW

$760 – $1 200 $850 – $1 870 $500 at 50 MW+ scale $1 500 – $6 000 at pilot scale

Apart from using liquid extracted salt and hard rock caverns and acquifiers, near surface buried concrete poly or composite pipework, above ground fibre wound tanks and under-water HDPE bags ballasted to the sea floor are other major approaches to CAES [18]. Above ground and near surface storage approaches have been developed by several commercial groups (i.e. SustainX, LightSail Energy) to provide siting flexibility and reduce structural risks. It has been suggested that above-ground storage be limited to 3-5 hours output to provide cost competitiveness with underground storage [18].

Applications of large-scale CAES plants involve load shifting, peak shaving, frequency and voltage control and smoothing outputs of intermittent renewable energy applications. In addition distributed, stand-alone and uninterrupted power supply (UPS) applications of CAES offer an alternative to battery systems. Compressed air battery systems developed by the UK based Flowbattery (previously named Pnu Power) were recently commercialised [18], [1].

In addition to the traditional CAES discussed above, there are several innovative CAES technologies being developed. The list below provides several novel CAES and associated companies [8].

Table 14: Novel CAES technologies [8]

Novel CAES Technology Associated Companies

Adsorption-enhanced CAES Energy Compression

Hydrokinetic Energy Moonburg, LLC

Diabatic (Solar-assisted) CAES Brayton Energy, LLC and Southwest Solar Technologies, Inc.

Liquid Air Energy Storage Air Products and Chemicals, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Inc., and Expansion Energy, LLC.

Transportable CAES EnisEnerGen

Underwater CAES Bright Earth Technologies, Brayton, and Exuadrum


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Novel CAES Technology Associated Companies

Vehicle Compression Darren McKnight of Integrity Applications, Inc

4.5 Summary of Main economic and Physical characterisitcs - CAES

4.5.1 Physical Characteristics

Table 15 and Table 16 presents the physical and technical characteristics and environmental, health and safety concerns of PHS respectively.

Table 15: Physical and technical characteristics of PHS [1]

Category Technical



Large-scale CAES Over-ground Small


Power and Energy Ratings

Power Rating (MW)

Up to 300

110 & 290


0.003 – 3

Potential ~10

Energy Rating (MWh) ~ < 1000

580 & 2860



Energy and Power Densities

Energy Density (Wh/l) 3–6


Higher than large-scale CAES

Power Density (W/l) 0.5–2


Higher than large-scale CAES

Specific Energy (Wh/kg)

30–60 140 at 300 bar

Specific Power (W/kg) – –

Response& Discharge Times and Storage Duration

Response Time Minutes Seconds – minutes

Discharge Time (at power rating)

1–24 h+

8–20 h

30 s–40 min

3 h

Daily Self Discharge (%)


Almost Zero Very small

Suitable Storage Duration




long term


Round Trip Efficiency / Cycle Efficiency (%)





Discharge Efficiency (%)

~70–79 ~75–90

Lifetime and Cycling Capacities

Lifetime (years)






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Category Technical



Large-scale CAES Over-ground Small


Cycling Capacity (cycles)

8000–12,000 Test 30,000 stop


Table 16: Environment and health and safety concerns of PHS [5], [12]

Category Concerns

Environment Negative Influence due to emissions from combustion of natural gas [5].

Health and Safety

Established safety codes address the above-ground CAES pressure vessel concerns (these are well mitigated with pressure relief valves implemented at pressures equal to 40% of the rupture pressure in steel vessels and 20% of the rupture pressure for fibre-wound vessels – as defined by code) [12].

4.5.2 Economic Characteristics

In addition to capital cost data for various CAES systems presented in Table 13, a general summary of cost data including operational costs for CAES extracted from [1] is presented in Table 17.

Table 17: Economic characteristics of CAES [1]

Cost Description Values

Large-scale CAES Over-ground Small CAES

Power Capital Cost (S/kW) 400–800




Energy Capital Cost ($/kWh)




1MVA from £296 k


Operating and Maintenance Cost

0.003 $/kW h 19–25 $/kW/year

Very low


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5. Battery Energy Storage (BES)

BES stores electricity in the form of chemical energy and is one of the most widely used storage technologies in industry and daily life [5], [1]. A conventional BES system consists of number of electrochemical cells connected in series or parallel that produces electricity at a desired voltage from an electrochemical reaction. Each cell consists of an electrolyte which can be in liquid, paste or solid state and two electrodes – an anode and a cathode [5]. A battery is charged by an internal chemical reaction when an external voltage is applied to both electrodes. This is reversible allowing the stored energy to be discharged by generating a flow of electrons through an external circuit.

Figure 13: Schematic of a BES system [1]


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5.1 Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries generally use lead and lead oxide as the electrodes and sulphuric acid as electrolyte. It is one of the most widely used battery technology [1]. Table 18 lists the advantages and disadvantages of lead-acid batteries.

Table 18: Advantages and disadvantages of lead-acid batteries [5], [1]

Advantages Disadvantages

• Fast response times

• Small daily self-discharge rates (<0.3%)

• Relatively high cycle efficiencies (63%-90%)

• Low capital costs (50-600 $/kWh)

• Relatively short cycle life (up to ~2000 cycles)

• Low energy density due to inherent high density of lead (25 – 50 Wh/kg)

• Poor performance at low temperatures (thus require a thermal management system)

5.1.1 Current Status

Power output from lead-acid batteries is non-linear and their lifetime varies significantly depending on the application, discharge rate, and number of deep discharge cycles, which can significantly reduce life.

Currently research and development of lead-acid batteries focuses on innovating materials for performance improvement (improving cycling life and deep discharge capability) and implementing the technology in wind, PV power integration and automotive applications [1].

Several advanced lead-acid batteries that address some of the above mentioned issues are being developed or in the demonstration phase such as Ecoult UltraBatteryTM and Xtreme Power (now Younicos) advanced lead-acid “dry cell” [1].

Currently there are two projects in Australia that utilizes advanced lead-acid battery storage – King Island Renewable Energy Integration Project (KIREIP) and Hampton Wind Park [4]. In both of which the energy storage technology provider is Ecoult. The KIREIP includes a 3MW/1.6 MWh UltraBatteryTM storage system and 1 MW/0.5 MWh (based on 30 minutes at 1 MW) storage system at Hampton Wind Park to smooth the 5 minute ramp rate of the wind farm ( [4], [28], [29]).

Table 19 lists selected several lead-acid energy storage facilities.

Table 19: Selected lead acid battery energy storage facilities5 [4]

Project Name Rated

Power in kW

Duration at Rated Power HH:MM

Status State/Province Country

Kahuku Wind Farm 15 0:15.00 Offline/Under Repair

Hawaii United States

5 Entries marked in red are noted as unverified in [4]


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Project Name Rated

Power in kW

Duration at Rated Power HH:MM

Status State/Province Country

Duke Energy Notrees Wind Storage Demonstration Project

36 0:40.00 Operational Texas United States

Kaheawa Wind Power Project II

10 0:45.00 Operational Hawaii United States

Shiura Wind Park 5 2:20.00 Operational Aomori Japan

STMicroelectronics UBS System

10 0:0.50 Operational Arizona United States

PREPA BESS 1 21 0:40.00 De-Commissioned

Puerto Rico United States

PREPA BESS 2 20 0:40.00 Offline/Under Repair

Puerto Rico United States


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5.2 Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) Batteries

In a Li-ion battery, the cathode is made of a lithium metal oxide (LiCoO2, LiMO2, LiNiO2) and the anode is made of graphite carbon. The electrolyte is made of lithium salts dissolved in organic carbonates [5].

Table 20 lists the advantages and disadvantages of lead-acid batteries.

Table 20: Advantages and disadvantages of Li-ion batteries [1], [30]

Advantages Disadvantages

• Response time in the order of milliseconds

• Relatively high power and energy densities

• High efficiencies

• Cycle depth of discharge (DoD) can affect the battery life

• High production costs (requires an on-board computer to manage its operation)

5.2.1 Current Status

There are three types of Li-ion batteries in commercial use – cobalt, manganese and phosphate [30]. Developers of Li-ion batteries are seeking to lower maintenance and operating costs, deliver high efficiency and ensure that large banks of batteries can be controlled [30]. Some of the current research and development focusses are to increase the battery power capability with the use of nanoscale materials and enhance the battery specific energy by developing advanced electrode materials and electrolyte solutions [1].

In Australia Ergon Energy expects to roll out Grid Utility Support Systems (GUSS) by mid-2015 to reduce network augmentation costs and improve the quality and reliability of electricity supply to rural customers on constrained single wire high voltage distribution voltage lines, known as SWER (Single Wire Earth Return). S&C Electric Company is to provide 20 x 25 kVA/100 kWh GUSS units [31].


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Figure 14: Schematic of Ergon Energy GUSS deployment [31]

In 2012 SP AusNet initiated the Grid Energy Storage System (GESS) trial to explore the potential of using BES to manage network peak demand and defer network upgrades. The GESS trial will be connected to the 22 kV distribution network at Watsonia. The GESS system is a 1 MW/1 MWh battery system and smart inverter system initially supporting the peak load at Watsonia. The rating of the battery is extended with a 1 MW diesel generator. ABB Australia Pty Ltd and Samsung SDI have been awarded the contract to supply the GESS. The project is due to be completed in 2014 followed by a 2 year trial period [32].


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Figure 15: GESS for distribution network support [33]

In November 2014, AES Southland announced that it has been awarded a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement by Southern California Edison (SCE), to provide 100 MW of interconnected battery-based energy storage, a 200 MW flexible power resource. This new capacity can deliver 400 MWh of energy and will be built south of Los Angeles at the Alamitos Power Center in Long Beach, California [4].

Smarter Network Storage (SNS) project, Europe’s largest battery storage project that was launched in December 2014 - a collaboration by S&C Electric, Samsung SDI, UK Power Networks and Younicos. The facility is being installed at Leighton Buzzard Befordshire, UK using a battery cell technology based on Li-ion chemistry (a Lithium-Manganese blend) [34], [35].

Li-ion batteries are also used in Hybrid and full Electric Vehicles that has capacities of 15-20 kWh and 50 kWh respectively [1].

Some of the other technology providers involved in Li-ion batteries are 123 Systems (NEC Energy Solutions), Toshiba, LG Chem Ltd and BYD America to name a few [4].


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5.3 Sodium Sulphur (NaS) Batteries

NaS batteries consist of molten sulphur at the cathode, sodium at the anode. The anode and the cathode are separated by beta alumina membrane ceramic electrolyte (NaO and Al2O3). The electrolyte allows the sodium to pass through it and then combine with sulphur to produce sodium polysulphides [20]. Figure 16 is a schematic diagram of a NaS cell and illustrates its operation.

Figure 16: Schematic of a NaS battery cell and its operation [36]

NaS batteries are maintained a temperature of 300-350 ºC [20]. Table 21 tabulates the advantages and disadvantages of NaS batteries.

Table 21: Advantages and disadvantages of NaS batteries [1]

Advantages Disadvantages

• Relatively high energy densities (150 – 300 W h/l)

• Almost zero daily self-discharge

• Higher rated capacity than other batteries (up to 244.8 MWh)

• High pulse capability

• Uses inexpensive, non-toxic materials (high recyclability ~99%)

• High annual operating costs (80 $/kW/year)

• Extra system is required to ensure its operating temperature

5.3.1 Current Status

Table 22 lists selected NaS storage facilities around the world at different operational stages. Utility-scale NaS batteries are manufactured by only one company, NGK Insulators Limited (Nagoya, Japan) [30].


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The research and development focuses for the NaS battery technology include enhancing the cell performance indices and decreasing/eliminating the high temperature operating constraints [1].

Table 22: Selected NaS battery energy storage facilities6 [4]

Project Name Rated

Power in kW

Duration at Rated Power HH:MM

Status State/Province Country

XCEL MinnWind Wind-to-Battery Project

1 000 7:12.00 Operational Minnesota United States

Long Island Bus BESS 1 000 6:30.00 De-Commissioned

New York United States

NaS Battery Installation at Ibaraki Prefecture

2 000 6:0.00 De-Commissioned

Ibaraki Japan

Sodium Sulfur Battery at Ohito Substation

6 000 8:0.00 De-Commissioned

Shizuoka Japan

PG&E Vaca Battery Energy Storage Pilot Project

2 000 7:0.00 Operational California United States

PG&E Yerba Buena Battery Energy Storage Pilot Project

4 000 7:0.00 Operational California United States

Rokkasho Village Wind Farm

34 000 7:0.00 Operational Aomori Japan

BC Hydro Field Battery Energy Storage

1 000 6:30.00 Operational British Columbia


Reunion Island Pegase Project

1 000 7:12.00 Operational Reunion France

Younicos and Vattenfall Project: Sodium Sulfur

1 000 6:0.00 Operational Berlin Germany

ADWEA NaS BESS 8 000 6:0.00 Operational Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates

Terna SANC Project (1) 12 000 8:0.00 Under Construction

Campania Italy

Terna SANC Project (2) 12 000 8:0.00 Under Construction

Campania Italy

Terna SANC Project (3) 10 800 8:0.00 Under Construction

Campania Italy

6 Entries marked in red are noted as unverified in [4]


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5.4 EOS Systems (Zinc)

Eos Aurora offer a Zinc based technology which is claimed to have significant cost advantages over other battery systems. The Eos Aurora 1000│4000 is marketed as a low-cost DC battery system designed specifically to meet the requirements of the grid-scale energy storage market. The modular design means the Aurora system is scalable and can be configurable.

5.4.1 Current Status

EOS is working with its Genesis Partners to develop a real energy storage solution that maximizes value and reduces cost for both utilities and customers.

Some of the Genesis partners include [60]:

• ConEdison (NYC) • Enel (Europe and Latin America) • GDF Suez • National Grid (North East US and Great Britain) • NRG (US) • PNM (New Mexico)

EOS also works with several manufacturing partners [60]:

• Incodema (New York) • Newcut (New York) • BASF (worldwide – offices in 80 countries)

The company has been quoted to say that they can produce battery systems with the ability to reach costs as low as $160/kWh which would make this technology competitive with any other battery technologies.

No installations are known at the time of writing.

Table 23 Advantages and disadvantages of EOS systems [60]

Advantages Disadvantages

Low Cost/kWh At $160/kWh for the DC system, Eos is cost competitive with existing peakers

The batteries store less energy by weight and volume than lithium-ion batteries do, so they’re not practical for cars or portable electronics

Made from safe materials Yet to be developed to be fully commercial.

Extremely Long Lived Aurora is projected to last 10,000 cycles for a 30- year calendar

High Energy Density Aurora has an energy capacity of 4 MWh housed in four 40ft containers


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5.5 Aquion Systems (Sodium and Lithium)

Aquion’s Aqueous Hybrid Ion (AHI™) battery systems are based on a composite anode comprising blended NASICON-structured NaTi2(PO4)3 and activated carbon implemented in an aqueous electrolyte electrochemical energy storage device [63].

Both Na+ and Li+ cations can participate in the charge storage reactions. Use of this composite anode in concert with a l-MnO2- based cathode results in an energy storage device that is claimed to be low cost, robust, and of sufficient energy density to be implemented in stationary applications [63].

Error! Reference source not found. a) shows there are 4 series-contacted cavities that

house sets of electrodes connected electrically in parallel, while b) shows that the manner in which a multiple “battery 1” units are stacked together [63], and c) demonstrates an AHI cell, which can be combined into grid-scale electric energy storage solutions [64].


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Figure 17 a) internal features of a “battery 1” unit, b) Stack of 8 “battery 1” units, [63] c) demonstration on how an AHI cell may be combined into grid-scale electric energy storage

solutions [64].

The following tableError! Reference source not found. highlights the advantage and disadvantages of Aquion systems.

Table 24 Advantages and disadvantages of Aquion systems

Advantages Disadvantages

Cost about as much as a lead-acid battery—one of the cheapest types of battery available—but will last more than twice as long [62].

The batteries store less energy by weight and volume than lithium-ion batteries do, so they’re not practical for cars or portable electronics [62]

Made from safe materials [62] Yet to be developed to be fully commercial.

Low cost - Made from inexpensive materials [62] [63]

5.5.1 Current Status

Aquion has secured many investors to bring its techonology from the lab to full commercialisation, including [66]:

• Advanced Technology Ventures • Bright Capital • Constellation Technology Ventures • Foundation Capital • Bill Gates • Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers • Prelude Ventures


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• Total Energy Ventures • Yung’s Enterprise

Additionally, Princeton Power Systems and Aquion Energy team up to Construct the world's largest AHI battery system [66].

However, at time of writing – the technology is yet to be fully commercialised.

5.5.2 Summary of Physical and Technical Characteristics of Aquion systems

Error! Reference source not found. presents the physical and technical characteristics of several Aquion systems [66]:

Table 25: Physical and technical characteristics of Aquion systems [66]

S20-008F M100-LS82(M100-L082)

Voltage Range 30 to 59 V 30 to 59 Vdc

Nominal Capacity (at 30°°°°C)*

51 Ah 612 Ah

Nominal Energy (at 30°°°°C)*

2.4 kWh 28.6 kWh

Cycle Life >3,000 cycles >3,000 cycles

Usable Depth of Discharge

100% 100%

Operating Temperature Range

-5 to 40°C -5 to 40°C

Height 935 mm (36.8”) 1,159 mm (45.6”)

Width 330 mm (13.0”) 1,321 mm (52.0”)

Depth 310 mm (12.2”) 1,016 mm (40.0”)

Weight 113 kg (249 lbs) 1,440 kg (3,175 lbs)

In-Line Fusing 15 A (Unfused Model Available) Voltage, Current, temperature



*At 20 hour discharge


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5.6 Battery Energy Storage (BES)- Summary

Static Battery energy storage is one of the most widely used energy storage technology both in industry and daily life. There is a large range of applications of BES due to its inherent characteristics. Renewables capacity firming, voltage support, frequency regulation, arbitrage, transport systems are several applications of BES.

Short lead time (construction can be completed approximately within a year) and flexibility in location are some of the main advantages of BES [1], [5].

The disadvantages of BES are its relatively short cycle life, high maintenance costs and environmental, health and safety impact due to toxicity of chemical materials [1], [5]. In addition many types of batteries cannot be completely discharged as the cycle DoD has a severe impact on their operational life [1].

5.6.1 Physical Characteristics

Table 26 and Table 27 presents the physical and technical characteristics and environmental, health and safety concerns of common commercially available BES technologies respectively.

Table 26: Physical and technical characteristics of various BES technologies [1]

Category Technical



Lead acid Li – ion NaS

Power and Energy Ratings

Power Rating (MW)









Energy Rating (MWh)


More than 0.0005





Energy and Power Densities

Energy Density (Wh/l)








Power Density (W/l) 10–400 1500–10,000 ~140–180

Specific Energy (Wh/kg)









Specific Power (W/kg)










Response & Response Time <1/4 cycle Milliseconds -


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Category Technical



Lead acid Li – ion NaS

Discharge Times and Storage Duration

milliseconds <1/4 cycle

Discharge Time (at power rating)


Up to 10 h


~1–8 h


~1 h

Daily Self Discharge (%)





1 & 5 Almost zero

Suitable Storage Duration


short-to-medium term


short-to-medium term

Long term


Round Trip Efficiency / Cycle Efficiency (%)









Discharge Efficiency (%)

85 85 85

Lifetime and Cycling Capacities

Lifetime (years) 5–15


5– 15





Cycling Capacity (cycles)




up to 20,000





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Table 27: Environment and health and safety concerns of BES [12]

Category Concerns


− Toxicity of gas species evolved from a cell during abuse or when exposed to abnormal environments.

− Toxicity of electrolyte during a cell breach.

− Environmental impact of water runoff used to extinguish a battery fire containing heavy metals.

Health and Safety

− Breaching of NaS battery could result in exposure of molten materials and heat transfer to adjacent cells.

− Evolution of H2 from lead-acid cells or H2 and solvent vapour from Li-ion batteries during overcharge abuse could results in a flammable/combustible gas mixture.

− Thermal runaway in Li-ion cells could transfer heat to adjacent cells and propagate the failure through a battery.

5.6.2 Economic Characteristics

A summary of cost data for BES is presented in Table 28.

Table 28: Economic characteristics of BES [1]

Cost Description


Lead acid Li – ion NaS

Power Capital Cost (S/kW)









Energy Capital Cost ($/kWh)









Operating and Maintenance Cost

~50 $/kW/year – ~80 $/kW/year


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6. Flow Battery Energy Storage (FBES)

A flow battery is a form of a battery in which the electrolyte contains one or more dissolved electro-active species flows through a power cell (or reactor) in which the chemical energy is converted to electricity. Additional electrolyte is stored externally, generally in tanks and usually pumped through the cell (or cells) of the reactor. The reaction is reversible allowing the battery to be charged and discharged. In contrast to the conventional batteries, flow batteries store energy in the electrolyte solutions [5].

Flow batteries can be classified into 3 categories – redox flow batteries and hybrid flow batteries depending on whether all electro-active components can be dissolved in the electrolyte [1]. The third category in which the electrolytes are gases, or direct fuels (e.g. ethanol or other hydrocarbons) is normally referred to as a fuel cell.

A schematic of a typical flow battery is shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Schematic of flow battery [5]


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6.1 Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRB)

The VRB is a type of rechargeable flow battery that employs vanadium ions in different oxidation states (V2+/ V3+ and V4+/V5+) to store chemical potential energy [1], [30]. VRBs exploit the vanadium in four different oxidation states and use this property to make a battery that has just one electro-active element [30]. During charging and discharging, H+ ions are exchanged through the ion selective membrane [1].

Figure 19: Schematic of a structure of a VRB [1]

Table 29 presents the advantages and disadvantages of VRBs.

Table 29: Advantages and disadvantages of VRBs [1], [30]

Advantages Disadvantages

• Long cycle life (10,000 – 16,000+ cycles) [1]

• Quick responses (faster than 0.001 s) [1]

• Relatively high efficiencies [1]

• Can be designed to provide continuous power (discharge duration time 24+ hours) [1]

• Low electrolyte stability and solubility leading to low quality of energy density [1]

• Relatively high operating costs [1]

• System complexity in comparison with the standard BES [30]

6.1.1 Current Status

VRB was pioneered in the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia in the early 1980s [5]. The Australian Pinnacle VRB bought the basic patents in 1998 and licensed them to Sumitomo Electric Industries and VRB Power [5]. Prudent Energy Systems (VRB Power Systems’ assets were acquired by Prudent Energy in 2009). REDT, Uni Energy Technologies, Rongke Power and Gildemeister Energy Solutions are several other energy storage technology providers involved in VRB based energy storage projects [4], [37].


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In Australia, a VRB system was installed in 2003 as part of the King Island Renewable Energy Expansion (KIREX) project [28]. The system was found to be not sufficiently robust and failed after a relatively short life [28]. It was decommissioned as part of the KIREIP project because an investigation into restoring the VRB system concluded that it was not economically viable [28].

Several VRB projects around the world are presented in Table 30.

Table 30: Selected VRB energy storage facilities7 [4]

Project Name Rated Power in kW

Duration at Rated Power HH:MM

Status State

/Province Country

City of Painesville Municipal Power Vanadium Redox Battery Demonstration

1 080 8:0.00 Contracted Ohio United States

Zhangbei National Wind and Solar Energy Storage and Transmission Demonstration Project

2 000 4:0.00 Operational Hebei China

Snohomish PUD - MESA 2 BESS

2 000 2:0.00 Contracted Washington United States

Terna Storage Lab 1, Sardinia (8)

1 000 4:0.00 Announced Sardinia Italy

Tomamae Wind Farm 4 000 1:30.00 Operational Hokkaido Japan

Gigha Wind Farm Battery Project

100 12:0.00 Contracted Scotland United Kingdom

Minami Hayakita Substation Vanadium Redox Flow Battery

15 000 4:0.00 Contracted Hokkaido Japan

Avista UET BESS 1 000 3:12.00 Contracted Washington United States

GuoDian LongYuan Wind Farm VFB

5 000 2:0.00 Operational Liaoning China

7 Entries marked in red are noted as unverified in [4]


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6.2 Zinc Bromine (ZNBR) Flow Battery

ZnBr batteries belong to the hybrid flow batteries category [1]. In a ZnBr battery, 2 aqueous electrolyte solutions contain zinc and bromine elements which are stored in 2 external tanks [1]. During charging and discharging, these electrolyte solutions flow through the cell stack consisting of electrodes with compartments. The reversible electrochemical reactions occur in these electrolytic cells [1].

Figure 20: Schematic of a ZnBr battery [38]

Table 31 lists advantages and disadvantages of ZnBr flow batteries.

Table 31: Advantages and disadvantages of ZnBr flow batteries [1], [30]

Advantages Disadvantages

• Relatively high energy density [30]

• Deep discharge capability (capability of 100% DoD on a daily basis [30]

• High cycle life at deep depths of discharge (more than 2000 cycles at 100 % depth of discharge) [30]

• Estimated long lifetime (10 – 20 years) [1]

• Scalable capacities (10 kWh to >500 kWh systems) [30]

• Material corrosion [1]

• Dendrite formation [1]

• Relatively low cycle efficiencies (around 65 – 75 %) [1]

• Operates in a narrow temperature range [1]

6.2.1 Current Status

ZnBr based utility electrical energy storage applications are in the early stage of demonstration/commercialization [1]. Companies that provide ZnBr storage technology include ZBB Energy Corporation, Premium Power, Primus Power and the firm RedFlow in Australia.


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In Australia, as part of the Smart Grid, Smart City (SCSC) project, 40 RedFlow domestic systems in NewCastle, 20 RedFlow systems in Scone which resulted in a total of 200 kW/400 kWh and 100 kW/200 kWh of storage respectively were trialled for a short period and decommissioned in August 2013 [4].

In conjunction with the CSIRO, a ZBB Experimental Zinc-Bromide Flow Battery (100 kW/500 kWh) and RedFlow’s M90 energy storage system at the University of Queensland (90kW / 240kWh which houses 24 of RedFlow's Zinc Bromide Modules (ZBM) in a 20ft shipping container) are two other ZnBr based storage demonstration projects have been trialled and decommissioned [4]. In addition, RedFlow's M120 building-integrated energy storage system (BIES) has been operational since September 2013 [4]. M120 is rated at 120kW / 288kWh and houses 36 of RedFlow's ZBMs in the basement of the University of Queensland's new Global Change Institute building.

A ZnBr storage system provided by ZBB Energy (25 kW /50 kWh – 2 hours at 25 kW) is under construction at University of Technology in Sydney [4]. Several other ZnBr based projects in various other countries are presented in Table 32.

Table 32: Selected ZnBr energy storage facilities8 [4]

Project Name Rated Power in kW

Duration at Rated Power HH:MM

Status State

/Province Country

MID Primus Power Wind Firming EnergyFarm

28 000 4:0.00 Announced California United States

National Grid Distributed Energy Storage Systems Demonstration, Everette, MA

500 6:0.00 Contracted Massachusetts United States

National Grid Distributed Energy Storage Systems Demonstration, Worcester, MA

500 6:0.00 Contracted Massachusetts United States

Powerco's Redflow Battery Demonstration

3 2:40.00 Operational Taranaki New Zealand

Tetiaroa Brando Resort 1 000 2:0.00 Under Construction

Tahiti French Polynesia

8 Entries marked in red are noted as unverified in [4]


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6.3 Fuel Cells

Fuel cells are very similar (in concept) to flow batteries discussed in the previous sections, except they use hydrogen gas or hydrocarbons as the reacting chemicals instead of chemical solutions. Unless otherwise stated, the following description pertains mainly to hydrogen fuel cells because this technology is easily adapted to storage applications (using O2 and H2 as the energy storage medium).

A typical schematic of a fuel cell is shown below. Between the electrodes the fuel cell contains an electrolyte, which serves to carry electrically charged particles from one electrode to another. The electrolyte plays a key role as it must permit only the appropriate ions to pass between the anode and cathode [39]. Additionally, there is usually also a catalyst which speeds the reactions at the electrodes [39].

Fuel cells require a fuel source and also oxygen or another oxidising agent [39]. The fuel source that is required for use in a fuel cell is typically hydrogen rich (Hydrocarbon fuels; methanol, ethanol, natural gas, petroleum distillates, liquid propane and gasified coal) [40]. Typically oxygen from the air is reacted with the fuel source to form the reaction products which is water in the case of Hydrogen fuel cells. This is a redox process in which electrons are transferred.

Figure 21 Schematic of a generic Fuel Cell [41]

There are different types of fuel cells and their applications as shown in the Table 33 below.


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Table 33 Table showing the various types of fuel cells [39], [42]

Type Electrolyte Efficiency Operating Temperature

Cell Output

Applications Fuel Cell Project Countries [43]


Alkali (AFC)

Solution of potassium hydroxide (chemically, KOH) in water.

70% 150 to 200 degrees C

300 watts (W) to 5 kilowatts (kW)

Military Space

Germany, Greece, UK, Australia, New Zealand

They require pure hydrogen fuel, and platinum electrode catalysts are expensive.

Molten Carbonate (MCFC)

Use high-temperature compounds of salt (like sodium or magnesium) carbonates (chemically, CO3)

60-80% 650 degrees C

output up to 2 megawatts (MW)

Electric utility Large distributed generation

UK, Austria, South Korea, Germany, Japan, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Canada, France, Bavaria, Slovak Republic, Indonesia

The nickel electrode-catalysts are inexpensive compared to the platinum used in other cells. High temperature limits the materials Carbonate ions from the electrolyte get used up in the reactions, making it necessary to inject carbon dioxide to compensate.

Phosphoric Acid (PAFC)

Phosphoric acid 40-80% 150 to 200 degrees C

up to 200 kW

Distributed generation

Switzerland, Japan, Australia, Germany, India, Brazil, France, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Austria, South Korea, China, Italy, Canada, Russia, UK, Finland

Carbon monoxide concentration of about 1.5 percent is tolerated, which broadens the choice of fuels (eg: gasoline, but sulfur must be removed. Platinum electrode-catalysts are needed, and internal parts must be able to withstand the corrosive acid.)


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Type Electrolyte Efficiency Operating Temperature

Cell Output

Applications Fuel Cell Project Countries [43]


Proton Exchange Membrane (PEMFC)

Polymer 40-50% 80 degrees C 50 to 250 kW

Back-up power Portable power Small distributed generation Transportation

Japan, Italy, Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria, UK, China, Canada, Antarctica, South Africa, Greece, Switzerland, Sweden, India, Portugal, Iceland, Spain, Puerto Rico, Greenland, Belgium, Mexico, Indonesia, Venezuela, Finland, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Kuwait

Solid, flexible electrolyte will not leak or crack and these cells operate at a low enough temperature, to be suitable for homes and cars. The fuels must be purified, and platinum catalyst is used on both sides of the membrane, raising costs.

Solid Oxide (SOFC)

Hard, ceramic compound of metal (like calcium or zirconium) oxides (chemically, O2)

60% 1,000 degrees C up to 100 kW

Auxiliary power Electric utility Large distributed generation

Germany, Russia, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Netherlands, UK, Italy, japan, Brazil, France, Sweden, Spain, New Zealand, Norway, Finland, Austria, Belgium

Waste heat can be recycled.

Figure 22 on the next page highlights the cumulative dollar figure from 2000 to 2013 of the top 10 venture capital and private equity investors in fuel cells, by country and company. The top of the list being Credit Suisse from Switzerland with $136.2 million invested, and the US having the highest level of private investment in fuel cells, with $789.9 million invested.


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Figure 22 Top 10 venture capital and private equity investors in fuel cells, by country and company (Cumulative 2000-2013) [44]

Table 34 lists advantages and disadvantages of fuel cells.

Table 34 Advantages and disadvantages of fuel cell technology

Advantages Disadvantages

• An advantage of fuel cells is that they generate electricity with very little pollution. [39].

• They do not become discharged like traditional batteries - they exploit electrolysis reactions in a similar manner to traditional batteries however the reagents are constantly resupplied to the cell [45].

• Fuel cells can be designed to use a variety of fuels.

• Fuelling fuel cells is still a major problem since the production, transportation, distribution and storage of gases like Hydrogen is difficult. [46]

• Fuel cells are in general slightly bigger than comparable batteries or engines (However, the size of the units is decreasing.) and are very expensive as they use expensive materials. [46] [47]

• The technology is not yet fully developed and only a limited range of products is available. [46], [47]


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Figure 23 graphs showing the growth of Fuel Cells by shipments and Megawatts by application from 2009-2013


Future of Fuel Cells

It is anticipated that the global demand for commercial fuel cells will triple by 2017 to $4 billion, and will triple again to $12 billion in 2022, driven by technological advances and efficiencies in manufacturing processes that will see reduction in costs to levels that are competitive in a number of growing applications [49]. Japan and the US will remain by far the largest markets, while China and South Korea is expected to grow the fastest [49].

It is anticipated that the electric power generation will remain the largest market as it is, to date, the most successful fuel cell application. In 2012, the electrical power generation market accounted for 75% of all commercial revenue, and this market is expected to keep growing at a steady pace through to 2022.[49].


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6.4 Flow Battery Energy Storage (FBES) - Summary

In contrast to conventional (static) BES, FBES stores energy in electrolyte solutions usually stored in tanks.

The main operational advantage of FBES is that the power and energy ratings are independent of each other. The power rating is determined by the size of the electrodes and the number of cells in the stack whereas the energy rating (storage capacity) is determined by the concentration and the amount of electrolyte [1]. This decouples the power rating from the energy rating of the device which gives more flexibility to the design of a specific installation.

Another advantage of FBES is it has very small self-discharge because the electrolytes are stored in separate tanks [1].

Disadvantages of FBES include low performance (due to non-uniform pressure drops and the reactant mass transfer limitations), relatively high manufacturing costs and more complicated system requirements compared to conventional BES [1]. For systems which use pumps to circulate the reactants – there is a response time issue in moving from a quiescent to operational status.

6.5 Summary of Main economic and Physical characterisitcs – (FBES)

6.5.1 Physical Characteristics

Table 35 and Table 36 present the physical and technical characteristics and environmental, health and safety concerns of FBES technologies respectively.

Table 35: Physical and technical characteristics of various FBES technologies [1]

Category Technical



VRB ZnBr Hydrogen Fuel


Power and Energy Ratings

Power Rating (MW)



possible 50






Energy Rating (MWh)






0.05 & 0.5


Developing 39

Energy and Power Densities

Energy Density (Wh/l)




~55–65 500–3000

Power Density (W/l) ~ < 2 ~ < 25 500+

Specific Energy (Wh/kg)







Specific Power (W/kg)

166 100





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Category Technical



VRB ZnBr Hydrogen Fuel


Response & Discharge Times and Storage Duration

Response Time <1/4 cycle <1/4cycle Seconds

<1/4 cycle

Discharge Time (at power rating)

Seconds–24 h+

2–12 h

Seconds–10 h+

~10 h Seconds–24 h+

Daily Self Discharge (%)


Very low Small Almost zero

Suitable Storage Duration


Long term


Long term


Long term


Round Trip Efficiency / Cycle Efficiency (%)









Discharge Efficiency (%)

~75–82 ~60–70 59

Lifetime and Cycling Capacities

Lifetime (years) 5–10








Cycling Capacity (cycles)







Table 36: Environment and health and safety concerns of FBES [12]

Category Concerns

Environment Toxicity of electrolyte during a spill in a VRB

Health and Safety

Toxicity of electrolyte during a spill in a VRB

6.5.2 Economic Characteristics

A summary of cost data for FBES is presented in Table 37.

Table 37: Economic characteristics of FBES [1]

Cost Description Values

VRB ZnBr Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Power Capital Cost (S/kW) 600–1500







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Cost Description Values

VRB ZnBr Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Energy Capital Cost ($/kWh) 150–1000





2–15€/kW h

Operating and Maintenance Cost

~70 $/kW/year - 0.0019–0.0153 $/kW

7. Capacitor and Supercapacitor (CAP)

A capacitor is composed of two electrical conductors separated by a thin layer of insulator (dielectric). When charged, energy is stored in the dielectric material in an electrostatic filed [1], [52]. A supercapacitor (also named double-layer capacitors or ultracapacitors) contains two conductor electrodes, an electrolyte and a porous membrane separator. The energy is stored in the form of static charge on the surfaces between the electrolyte and the two conductor electrodes [1]. Figure 24 shows a schematic diagram of a supercapacitor system.

Figure 24: Schematic of a capacitor (left) [52] and a supercapacitor system (right) [1]

Table 38 presents the advantages and disadvantages of capacitors and supercapacitors.

Table 38: Advantages and disadvantages of capacitors and supercapacitors [1]

Technology Advantages Disadvantages

Capacitors • Higher power density (compared to conventional batteries)

• Shorter charging time (compared to conventional batteries)

• Limited capacity

• Relatively low energy density

• High energy dissipation due to high self-discharge losses


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Supercapacitors • Long cycling times (1 x 105 cycles)

• High cycle efficiency (~84 – 97 %)

• High daily self-discharge rate (~5 – 40 %)

• High capital cost (in excess of 6000$/kWh)

The power and energy densities of supercapacitors are between those of traditional capacitors and rechargeable batteries [1].


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7.1.1 Current Status Research and development in supercapacitors has been very active in recent years and recent reviews have focused on the development of materials for chemical capacitive energy storage such as carbon materials and graphene based electrodes [1]. Several manufacturers of supercapacitors and supercapacitor based projects are presented in Table 39 and Table 40 respectively.

Table 39: Selected manufacturers of supercapacitors [1], [53], [54]

Device/Company Name Country Technical Information

Super capacitor, CAP-XX Australia

• Single cell 2.3 – 2.9 V

• Upto ~ 2.4 F

• 23 – 358 K

Gold capacitor, Panasonic Japan • Single cell 2.3 – 5.5 V

• 0.1 – 2000 F

Ultracapacitor/ Bosstcap, Maxwell

U.S. • Single cell 2.2 – 2.7 V

• 1 – 3000 F

Supercapacitor, Siemens Germany • 21 MJ/5.7 Wh

• 2600 F

Supercapacitor, TVA company

U.S. • 200 kW

Electric Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC), NESSCAP

Canada/Korea • 2.3 V & 2.7 V

• 3 – 5000 F

Ultracapacitors (Snap-In, Multi-Pin and iCAP®), Ioxus

U.S. • 2.7 V – 2.85 V

• 100 – 3000 F

Table 40: Selected supercapacitor storage based projects9 [4]

Project Name Rated Power in kW

Duration at Rated Power HH:MM

Status State

/Province Country

LIRR Malverne WESS: Maxwell Technologies

1 000 0:1.00 Operational New York United States

GigaCapacitor Rosh Pinna Test Project (IL)

15 000 10:0.00 Under Construction

Galil Israel

GigaCapacitor Putrajaya Test Project (IL)

15 000 10:0.00 Under Construction

Wilayah Persekutuan


GigaCapacitor Hyperadad Test Project (IL)

15 000 10:0.00 Under Construction

Andhra Pradesh


UC San Diego CPV Firming - Maxwell Technologies 28kW

28 0:5.00 Under California United

9 Entries marked in red are noted as unverified in [4]


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Project Name Rated Power in kW

Duration at Rated Power HH:MM

Status State

/Province Country

Ultracapacitor Construction States

LIRR Malverne WESS: Ioxus 1 000 0:1.00 Operational New York United States

Terna Storage Lab 1, Sardinia (9)

1 000 0:1.00 Announced Sardinia Italy

Terna Storage Lab 2, Sicily (7) 920 0:1.00 Announced Sicily Italy

Woojin/Maxwell Seoul Line 2 - Seocho Station (224)

2 340 0:0.33 Operational Seoul Korea, South

7.2 Summary of Main economic characterisitcs (CAP)

7.2.1 Physical Characteristics Table 41 and Table 42 present the physical and technical characteristics and environmental, health and safety concerns of FBES technologies respectively.

Table 41: Physical and technical characteristics of CAP systems [1]

Category Technical Characteristic Values

Capacitor Supercapacitor

Power and Energy Ratings

Power Rating (MW) 0–0.05




Energy Rating (MWh) - 0.0005

Energy and Power Densities

Energy Density (Wh/l) 2–10




Power Density (W/l) 100,000+ 100,000+

Specific Energy (Wh/kg) 0.05–5




Specific Power (W/kg) ~100,000




Response& Discharge Times and Storage Duration

Response Time Milliseconds

<1/4 cycle


1/4 cycle

Discharge Time (at power rating) Milliseconds–1 h

Milliseconds–1 h

1 min

10 s

Daily Self Discharge (%)


~50 in about 15 minutes





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Category Technical Characteristic Values

Capacitor Supercapacitor

Suitable Storage Duration Seconds–hours

~5 h


short-term(<1 h)


Round Trip Efficiency / Cycle Efficiency (%)





Discharge Efficiency (%) ~75–90 95

Up to ~98

Lifetime and Cycling Capacities

Lifetime (years) ~5




Cycling Capacity (cycles) 50,000+

5000 (100% DoD)



Table 42: Environment and health and safety concerns of CAP systems [5]

Category Concerns

Environment Small influence on environment due to little amount of remains.

Health and Safety -

7.2.2 Economic Characteristics

A summary of cost data for CAP systems is presented in Table 43.

Table 43: Economic characteristics of CAP systems [1]

Cost Description Values

Capacitor Supercapacitor

Power Capital Cost (S/kW) 200–400 100–300


Energy Capital Cost ($/kWh) 500–1000 300–2000

Operating and Maintenance Cost 13 $/kW/year

<0.05 $/kW h

0.005 $/kW h

~6 $/kW-year

Capacitors have been combined with lead acid batteries in order to improve the overall response of the combined system. However, in isolation they are considered to have too small an energy storage rating to be viable for this application.


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8. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) The SMES system stores electrical energy in the magnetic field generated by the direct current (DC) in the superconducting coil [1]. The coil is maintained in the superconducting state by immersing it in liquid helium contained in a vacuum-insulated cryostat [5]. Typically the conductor is made of niobium-titanium and the coolant is liquid helium at 4.2 K or super fluid helium at 1.8 K [5]. During the discharging phase, the SMES can release the stored electrical energy back to the AC system by a connected power conversion system [1]. A typical SMES system is composed of three main components – a superconducting coil unit, a power conversion system and a cryostat system (refrigeration and vacuum system) [5], [1]. A schematic diagram of a SMES system is shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25: Schematic of a SMES system [5]

Table 44 presents advantages and disadvantages of SMES.

Table 44: Advantages and disadvantages of SMES [1]

Advantages Disadvantages

• Relatively high power density (up to ~4 000 W/L)

• Fast response time (millisecond level)

• Very quick full discharge time (less than 1 min)

• High cycle efficiency (~ 95% - 98 %)

• Long life time (up to ~ 30 years)

• Capability of discharging near to the totality of the stored energy with little degradation after thousands of full cycles

• High capital cost (up to 10,000 $/kWh, 72,000 $/kW)

• High daily self-discharge (10 – 15 %)

• Negative environmental impact due to the strong magnetic field

• Possible loss of energy due to the sensitivity of the coil to small temperature changes


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8.1.1 Current Status The Low Temperature Superconducting (LTS) SMES technology (based on coils working at ~5 K) is more mature and commercially available whereas the High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) SMES technology (based on coils working at ~70 K) is in the development stage [1]. The recent research and development of SMES focus on reducing the costs of superconducting coils and related refrigeration systems and developing HTS coil materials which are less cryogenically sensitive [1]. The earliest SMES installation was in United States with the capacity of 30 MJ. This installation was tested by Bonneville Power to provide a controlled system and frequency regulation on long transmission lines along the west coast [55]. Several other selected SMES projects are provided in Table 45.

Table 45: Selected projects of SMES [1]

Locations/Organizations Technical Data Features/Applications

Proof principle, tested in a grid in Germany

5 KJ, 2 s to max 100 A at 25 K World first significant HTS-SMES, by ASC

Nosoo power station in Japan 10 MW Improve system stability and power quality

Upper Wisconsin by American Transmission

3 MW/0.83 kW h, each 8 MV A Power quality application reactive power support

Bruker EST in Germany 2 MJ High temperature superconductors

Korea Electric Power Corporation, Hyundai

3 MJ, 750 kV A Improving power supply quality for sensitive loads

Chubu Electric Power Co. in Japan

7.3 MJ/5MW and 1 MJ Provide comparison to transient voltage

University of Houston, SuperPower & others

20 kW, up to 2 MJ class UHF-SMES, voltage distribution

8.2 Summary of Main economic and Physical characterisitcs (SMES)

8.2.1 Physical Characteristics

Table 46 and Table 47 present the physical and technical characteristics and environmental, health and safety concerns of SMES respectively.

Table 46: Physical and technical characteristics of SMES systems [1]

Category Technical Characteristic Values

Power and Energy Ratings Power Rating (MW)



Energy Rating (MWh) 0.0008


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Category Technical Characteristic Values



Energy and Power Densities

Energy Density (Wh/l) 0.2–2.5


Power Density (W/l) 1000–4000


Specific Energy (Wh/kg) 0.5–5


Specific Power (W/kg) 500–2000

Response& Discharge Times and Storage Duration

Response Time Milliseconds

<1/4 cycle

Discharge Time (At Power Rating) Milliseconds–8 s

Up to 30 min

Daily Self Discharge (%) 10–15

Suitable Storage Duration Minutes–hours

short-term (<1 h)


Round Trip Efficiency / Cycle Efficiency (%)




Discharge Efficiency (%) 95

Lifetime and Cycling Capacities

Lifetime (years) 20+


Cycling Capacity (cycles) 100,000+


Table 47: Environment and health and safety concerns of SMES systems [5]

Category Concerns

Environment Negative influence on environment due to strong magnetic fields

Health and Safety Not known

8.2.2 Economic Characteristics

A summary of cost data for SMES systems is presented in Table 48.


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Table 48: Economic characteristics of SMES systems [1]

Cost Description Values

Power Capital Cost (S/kW)




Energy Capital Cost ($/kWh) 1000–10,000


Operating and Maintenance Cost 0.001 $/kW h

18.5 $/kW/year

For the envisaged application of electrical energy storage investigated for this project, the SMES has too small an energy storage rating to be of practical use.


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9. Overall Summary

This document provides a detailed overview of various energy storage technologies namely FES, CAES, BES (lead acid, Li-ion and NaS), FBES (VRB, ZnBr and Hydrogen fuel cells), capacitors, supercapacitors and SMES. The technological progress with current research and development focusses, performance and cost characteristics of the storage technologies are discussed.

It is recognised that a single energy storage technology cannot meet the requirements of all power system applications due to the inherent characteristics of the existing storage technologies. Figure 26 illustrates the placements of various energy storage technologies based on their typical power ratings and rated energy capacities [1].

Figure 26: Comparison of power rating and rated energy capacities of various storage technologies

The application of energy storage depends on the typical discharge time of the energy storage system. Typical discharge times at rated power of FES, supercapacitors and SMES are in the order of milliseconds through to minutes, above ground small scale CAES, lead-acid, Li-ion and ZnBr systems are in the order of ~10 hours and underground large scale CAES and fuel cells have pratical storage times which can be made much longer than 10 hours [1].

The self discharge rate determines the maximum suitable storage duration for a specific technology. Energy storage technologies with smaller rate of self discharge can store their energy for longer. Table 49 summarises the energy storage technologies based on the daily self discharge and suitable storage durations.

Table 49: Summary of energy storage technologies based on daily self discharge and storage duration

Daily Self Discharge Suitable Storage Duration Energy Storage Technologies

Small Long – term

(hours to months)





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Daily Self Discharge Suitable Storage Duration Energy Storage Technologies


Medium (up to 5 %) Medium – term

(minutes to days)

Lead acid

Li ion

High Short – term

(minutes to hours)





The physical size of the storage device is another important factor in determining the choice of storage system for a given application.

Figure 27 compares the energy and power densities of various technologies (values cited from [1]). As shown in Figure 27, the large volume consuming technologies (i.e. PHS, large-scale CAES) which have low energy and power densities are near the bottom left corner of the diagram whereas the highly compact technologies are at the top right hand corner. The densities of FBES systems are typically lower than those of BES systems. In BES, densities of lead acid systems are lower than Li-ion systems.

Figure 27: Comparison of energy and power densities of various energy storage technologies

The energy losses that an electrical storage device will experience depend on the roundtrip efficiency, which is defined by the power loss experienced when the device is charged and discharged. This figure will vary according to the depth of discharge and state of charge used in the cycling.

The roundtrip efficiency ranges of energy storage technologies are shown in Figure 28 (values cited from [1]). The range of roundtrip efficiencies of FES, supercapacitors and SMES are relatively high (greater than ~85 %).


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Of the static BES systems, Li-ion has a higher efficiency reaching up to 97 % in comparison with lead-acid (up to 90 %). The top range of round trip efficiencies is typically higher in BES systems (lead acid, Li ion and NaS) compared to FBES (VRB, ZnBr and Hydrogen fuel cells).

Hydrogen fuel cells have a relatively low round trip efficiency which is still being improved.

In general, the efficiencies of all of the technologies have been improved with the progress of research and development efforts (e.g.. the round trip efficiency of CAES has improved from 42 % (in 1978), ~54 % (in 1991) and 70 % (for project ADELE) [1].

Figure 28: Comparison of round trip efficiencies of various energy storage technologies

Two more important characteristics of energy storage technologies are their operational lifetime and number of useful cycles. These are summarised as follows [1]:

• Electrical energy storage systems – capacitors, supercapacitors and SMES typically are

able to experience a large number of cycles (> 20,000) before equipment needs to be


• Mechanical energy storage systems – CAES and FES are able to experience about

10,000 charge and discharge cycles before equipment need to be replaced.

• Chemical energy storage systems – BES and FBES typically need to be replaced after a

relatively low number of charge and discharge cycles due to chemical deterioration with

accumulated operating time. The number of useful cycles of these technologies are

typically less than 5 000 with the exception of reported cycling times of Li ion (1 000 –

20,000), VRB (12,000 +) and Hydrogen fuel cells (20,000 +).

Lifetime and cycling time have an impact on the overall investment cost of the energy storage system. Systems with low lifetime and cycling times increase the overall costs due to maintenance and replacement of equipment. These effects need to be carefully modelled when developing a business case for a storage installation.


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Figure 29 and Figure 30 compare the energy and power capital costs and energy capital costs and operation and maintenance costs respectively.

Figure 29: Comparison of energy and power capital costs

Figure 30: Comparison of energy capital costs and annual operation and maintenance costs


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From reference to Figure 29, supercapacitors, FES and SMES have relatively high energy costs and low power costs, making these technologies more economical to be used in small scale, high power applications. PHS and large scale CAES have relatively low energy costs and therefore most economical in large scale applications.

With regard to capital and operation and maintenance costs, BES and FES technologies typically have relatively low to moderate capital energy costs but high operation and maintenance costs as shown in Figure 30 for lead acid, VRB and NaS technologies.

Emissions from combustion of natural gas in compressed air energy storage, fires and toxicity of chemicals in battery and flow battery energy systems, containment in case of catastrophic failure of equipment in flywheel energy systems and strong magnetic fields in superconducting magnetic energy storage systems are some of the identified concerns relating to environment, health and safety.

In conclusion there are many technical and economical characteristics and health and safety issues to consider when determining a suitable storage system. Overall the key decision making factors for choosing a suitable storage technology will be different depending on the intended applications of storage, the size of the network, location and health and safety concerns.


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10. Energy Storage for the ESCRI-SA Project

10.1 Technologies Applicable to ESCRI-SA

For the ESCRI-SA project we require a technology that is:

• responsive enough to be dispatchable on the National Electricity market (i.e. 5 minute dispatch periods)

• in infrequent cases be able to operate independently of the grid.

• able to store significant quantities of energy for several hours or days with minimal self-discharge

• Figure 31: Comparison of power rating and rated energy capacities of various storage technologies

This latter requirement effectively rules out capacitor, supercapacitor and superconducting magnetic storage systems. While these systems can charge and discharge large amounts of power, their total energy storage capabilities are severly limited – which makes them ineffective for this application.

Similarly, mechanical flywheels and small scale compressed air systems have similar restrictions on the total energy that they can store and on the length of time that the energy can be stored for. In practice flywheels have been used on islanded systems in order to improve power system inertia and provide a short time backup to allow other emergency power generation to come on line. Flywheels on their own cannot meet the requirements of this application – although they may be useful as part of a more general system.

At the other end of the energy and power spectrum is the pump hydro and large scale compressed air systems. These can store large amounts of energy and are dispatchable in a similar way to existing generation. Pump hydro is already the most commonly used storage technology on the NEM and is the most mature technology. Both of these technologies require favourable landscapes in which to be situated which may not necessarily correspond with the


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needs of the network. The capital cost of an installation is highly dependant on favourable site conditions being available.

For the ESCRI-SA project – the preference is to consider technologies which can be located at existing wind farms or substations. This makes application of pump hydro and large scale compressed air technologies problematic – but at this stage they cannot be ruled out.

The various battery/fuel cell technologies seem to provide the best fit to the ESCRI-SA project – and to distinguish between them it is necessary to do a cost,benefit and risk analysis based on vendor supplied data.

10.2 Constructability & Operability in an Australian Context

Other than project cost the main issue to consider in an Australian context is probably environmental risk – in particular the risk of fire if the chosen site location is vulnerable to bush fire hazards. Some battery installations have experienced fires in the past (e.g. Lithium Ion) and a comprehensive fire protection system is required to ensure that the installation is not a hazard to the general locale.

The characterisitics of the installations should comply with all local standards and regulations – but this is a common issue experienced by the industry and should pose no show stopping issues.

For the next stage of the ESRCI-SA project – vendors will be approached to provide information which will be used to evaluate the various technologies further.


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11. Bibliography

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[43] “The online fuel cell information resource,” Fuel Cells 2000, [Online]. Available: http://www.fuelcells.org/db/index.cgim?sess=f2a0c93afe79e8a16b21c4c951325b35&CELL_TYPE=AFC. [Accessed 19 01 15].

[44] “Energy.gov - Office of energy efficiency and renewable energy,” [Online]. Available: http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/11/f19/fcto_2013_market_report.pdf.

[45] “University of Cambridge: Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology – Fuel Cells,” [Online]. Available: http://www.ceb.cam.ac.uk/research/groups/rg-eme/teaching-notes/fuelcells. [Accessed 15 01 15].

[46] “Fuel Cell Steering Committee,” [Online]. Available: http://en.fcc.gov.ir/FuelCell-Goodness.aspx. [Accessed 15 01 15].

[47] “Fuel Cells: Current Status and Future Challenges.,” National Academy of Engineering of the National Academies, [Online]. Available: https://www.nae.edu/Publications/Bridge/Cutting-EdgeResearchinEngineering/FuelCellsCurrentStatusandFutureChallenges.aspx. [Accessed 16 01 15].

[48] “The Fuel Cell Industry Review 2013,” Fuel Cell Today, [Online]. Available: http://www.fuelcelltoday.com/media/1889744/fct_review_2013.pdf. [Accessed 16 01 15].

[49] “World Fuel Cells - Industry Market Research, Market Share, Market Size, Sales, Demand Forecast, Market Leaders, Company Profiles, Industry Trends,” [Online]. Available: http://www.freedoniagroup.com/World-Fuel-Cells.html. [Accessed 20 01 15].

[50] “FUEL CELL INDUSTRY REVIEW 2014,” E4tech - Strategic Thinking in sustainable energy, [Online]. Available: http://www.fuelcells.org/pdfs/TheFuelCellIndustryReview2014.pdf.

[51] “The Future of Fuel Cell Technology,” [Online]. Available: http://duke-energy.com.au/fuel-cell-technology/. [Accessed 20 01 15].

[52] “Capacitor,” [Online]. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitor#. [Accessed 08 January 2015].

[53] NESSCAP, “Ultracapacitor - Powered to Move,” [Online]. Available: http://www.nesscap.com/images/news/Nesscap_201312.pdf. [Accessed 08 January 2015].


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[54] IOXUS, “Our Ultracapacitors,” [Online]. Available: http://www.ioxus.com/ultracapacitors/. [Accessed 08 January 2015].

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Energy Storage for Commercial Integration South Australia


January 2015

Version 0.1


Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration

South Australia

An Emerging Renewables “Measure” project with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency

Commercial Framework

Milestone 3

June 2015


Page 2 of 22


This document has been prepared for the sole purpose of documenting the Commercial Review milestone 3 deliverable associated with the Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration project for South Australia by AGL, ElectraNet and WorleyParsons, as part of an Emerging Renewables project with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

It is expected that this document and its contents, including work scope, methodology and any commercial terms will be treated in accordance with the Funding Agreement between ARENA and AGL.










0 Final release to ARENA

P. Ebert S. Abbleby B. Bennett H



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GLOSSARY OF TERMS .............................................................................................................. 4

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 5

2. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................. 6

3. APPROACH ...................................................................................................................... 7

3.1 PHASE 1 – IDENTIFY PRIMARY ROLE .......................................................................................... 8

3.2 PHASE 2 – SELECT OWNER ....................................................................................................... 9

3.3 PHASE 3 – DEFINE DETAILED TERMS ....................................................................................... 10

4. EXAMPLE COMMERCIAL FRAMEWORKS .................................................................. 11

4.1 FRAMEWORK 1: ENERGY TRADEING – MARKET BENEFIT MODEL ............................................... 11

4.2 FRAMEWORK 2: TNSP OWNER OPERATOR – NETWORK BENEFIT MODEL ................................. 13



4.4 FRAMEWORK 4: MIXED NETWORK AND MARKET BENEFIT MODEL .............................................. 16

4.5 OTHER OPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 18

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................ 19

APPENDIX A FIRST PRINCIPLES ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 20

Table A-1: Map of Potential Economic Benefits to Commercial Benefit .......................................... 20 Table A-2: Mapping Commercial Benefit to Framework Stakeholder .............................................. 21 Table A-3: Mapping Commercial Benefits to Elements of the Framework ...................................... 22


Table 4-1: Summary Commercial Framework – Key Terms ........................................................12

Table 4-2: Summary Commercial Framework – Key Terms ........................................................14

Table 4-3: Summary Commercial Framework – Key Terms ........................................................15

Table 4-4: Summary Commercial Framework – Key Terms ........................................................17


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Glossary of Terms

Term Description

AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator

ARENA Australian Renewable Energy Agency

ESD Energy Storage Device

FCAS Frequency Control Ancillary Services

MLF Marginal Loss Factor

NEM National Electricity Market

USE Unserved Energy


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1. Introduction

The Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration – South Australia (ESCRI-SA) project is examining the role of medium to large scale (5-30 MW) non-hydro energy storage in the integration of intermittent renewable energy into the South Australian Region of the National Electricity Market (NEM) (the Project). This Project is examining the value of such storage across three broad areas: the time-shifting of renewable energy generated, the network value to the transmission system as well as the ancillary service value that can be provided to the South Australian system. A business case for the trial of a full scale energy storage system in South Australia will be formulated as one of the project objectives. This Project is being progressed by a consortium consisting of AGL, ElectraNet and WorleyParsons (the Consortium).

The ESD may potentially act as a consumer and producer of electricity (presenting an energy trading opportunity), a provider of system ancillary services (whether market or non-market services), and/or a provider of network support services. To aid commerciality, the Project is attempting to maximise the value of the ESD by potentially accessing each of these revenue streams in combination.

Consistent with the Milestone 3 deliverables under the ARENA Funding Agreement, this report provides an outline of the proposed commercial frameworks and functional specifications to be considered.

It should be noted that this Project is iterative in nature and therefore a definitive commercial framework will not be resolved completely until the preferred ESD technology, project siting and regulatory status are confirmed as these aspects will potentially influence the preferred framework and functionality.

As such, this report is not intended to confirm the preferred commercial framework and functionality, but rather provide a short-list of options and articulate and quantify potential issues to be considered further.

It is intended that a final high level description of potential commercial frameworks and functional specifications in a form which could form the basis of a term sheet will be included in the final report for ARENA and Knowledge Sharing material produced under the Funding Agreement.


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2. Scope

The scope of the ARENA funded ESCRI-SA project (Measure) covers the following:

• Select a preferred storage technology and develop technical specifications appropriate to the South Australian electricity market;

• Analyse deployment costs and benefits, siting options and optimize the delivery model. This includes modelling device operations in the South Australian energy market and determining the form of long term commercial relationships between consortium members, e.g. for delivering network services;

• Examine any regulatory barriers to deployment and establish safety and environmental requirements; and

• Share knowledge with relevant parties through a range of forums and reports.

The formal deliverables to ARENA on the above Measure include the following series of Milestone reports:

1. Summary report detailing the regulatory overview, including a synopsis of the relevant regulatory environment and the particular Regulations that apply and a summary of the particular roadblocks identified and the suggested path to resolve these;

2. A summary designating the site selection. The report must include the factors that were used to select the site and what constraints were identified and the potential sites that were examined and the rationale behind final selection;

3. A summary report outlining the commercial framework and functional specification including the basic form of the commercial framework envisaged, the basic terms for the commercial framework and the basic issues identified in the functional specification and how these were resolved;

4. A summary report supporting a proposed business case, including the basic results from the business case analysis and a summary of the Stage 2 Emerging Renewables Project submission; and

5. The Final Report including a summary of the Knowledge Sharing Activities and results as well as a summary of the Measure deliverables and essential results.

This Report documents the Commercial Framework and Functional Specification Milestone 3 deliverable associated with the ESCRI-SA project. This report provides an outline of the preferred commercial framework and functional specification envisaged including:

• The basic form of the commercial framework foreseen;

• The basic terms of the preferred commercial framework; and

• The basic issues identified in the functional specification and how these are to be resolved.


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3. Approach

The overarching approach was to develop potential viable alternative commercial frameworks which could be considered based on the findings so far established and presented in Milestone 1 and 2.

Independent energy industry experts Oakley Greenwood were engaged by ElectraNet to assist the Consortium partners in developing viable options for a commercial framework for the ESD. The approach applied by Oakley Greenwood in consultation with the Consortium was developed to meet the objectives for Milestone 3 and is described in detail in this section of the report.

In developing the optimal commercial framework for various potential ESD storage options considered, the Consortium has addressed the options with a view of the key areas of focus of this project. In particular, the Consortium has considered the potential commercial framework outcomes with a view to the requirement for new technologies or the application of new technologies to add to the improved integration and penetration of renewables into electricity networks.

Oakley Greenwood held workshops with ElectraNet initially and then with the wider Consortium to discuss the potential basic forms of the commercial framework foreseen under various operating scenarios.

The approach described below was used to develop four potentially viable commercial frameworks. The example frameworks are described in detail in the following sections of the report.

At a high level, the purpose was to determine for each potential commercial framework considered the following:

• Identify the ESD primary role/s;

• Identify the asset owner; and

• Define the basic elements of the framework.

To inform the above, the Consortium identified for each potential framework considered the following:

• Potential sources of economic benefit for energy storage;

• Potential sources of commercial impact (i.e. how is the economic benefit distributed?); and

• Key elements of the framework driving the commercial benefit.

The following figure summarises the key components of commercial framework design process undertaken:


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Figure 3-1: Design Process – Development ESD Commercial Framework

A first principles analysis was applied in parallel to the design process to the workshop outcomes to assist the Consortium in identifying the optimal commercial framework. The first principles analysis seeks to understand the following:

Figure 3-2: First Principles Analysis

The approach undertaken by the Consortium is described in more detail in the remainder of this section of the report.

3.1 Phase 1 – Identify Primary Role

The Milestone 2 report identified a number of potential sources of economic benefit for ESD being of most value including:

• Energy Trading;

• MLF improvement (subject to optimal ESD sizing);

• Network augmentation capital deferral or network support (where relevant);

• Expected Unserved Energy (USE) reduction;

• Interconnector constraint reduction; and

• Local generator constraint reduction.




Technical Design for Optimal

Economic Benefit



Dispatch Rights

Counter Parties

Develop details to maximisethe commercial benefit

Revise if regulatory provisions compromise commercial provisions which are consistent with

the optimum economic outcome

Overall Economic


Overall Commercial


Allocation of

Commercial Benefit

Elements of Commercial Framework


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The following benefits were found to be of low value in the current regulatory framework and are unlikely to warrant further detailed investigation:

• Localised frequency support;

• Grid support cost reduction;

• System frequency support;

• Avoided wind farm FCAS obligation; and

• Ride-through assistance.

The review conducted by independent expert Oakley Greenwood concurred with the view presented in the Milestone 2 report as to the broad description of identified potential sources of economic benefit. This report is focused on those potential sources of economic benefit recognised as being of most value.

In establishing the primary role/s of the ESD it is important to understand the realisable economic value of services and to be provided and potential commercial impact of the proposed ESD solution.

As noted previously, Oakley Greenwood have identified that a first principles analysis approach should be used to assist in identifying the optimal ESD solution and commercial framework. Once the role/s of the ESD under each model are determined, ideally potential economic benefits of the ESD role/s identified should be mapped to potential commercial impacts. This can assist in identifying the value of the economic benefit and how the commercial benefits would flow under various ESD solutions.

Table 1 in Appendix A maps potential sources of economic benefits identified as in the Milestone 2 Report to the source of the commercial impact. It should be noted that this is an example only and this would need to be applied to the actual ESD purpose/s and specifications once they have been formalised.

The interplay and / or possible mutual exclusivity of some benefit classes’ needs to be understood in each case from the table above. The interplay between potential sources of benefit needs to be considered noting that different economic benefits may be additive, mutually exclusive and subtractive depending on the operational circumstances.

3.2 Phase 2 – Select Owner

Selecting an owner will be largely dependent the identified role/s of the ESD. For example, if the primary role of the ESD is to trade energy, then the ownership is likely to be more appealing to a gen-tailer or generator with core expertise in energy trading enabling the trading benefit to be optimised.

Conversely, where the primary role of the ESD provides largely network benefits, then a TNSP or specialist 3rd party asset manager may be commercially better placed owning the ESD.

As part of the first principles analysis, Table 2 in Appendix A identifies sources of commercial impact and attempts to identify how the commercial benefits, costs and risks are allocated to various stakeholders under various operating scenarios. This can help inform who the logical owner of the ESD would be given the identified purpose/s of the ESD.


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Section 4 of this report illustrates some example ownership structures based on the ESD fulfilling different purposes. Who owns the ESD will in turn define the detailed commercial terms under the framework.

3.3 Phase 3 – Define Detailed Terms

Getting the key elements of the commercial framework right is essential to realising an optimal commercial benefit. The following drivers are considered the key elements of an optimal commercial framework and need to be understood under each scenario considered:

• Site location;

• Asset capacity;

• Asset Flexibility of the ESD to provide various services;

• Dispatch rights; and

• Commercial Transaction specifically;

- Forecast Revenue;

- Forecast Expenses;

- Contract counterparties; and

- Contract duration.

Ownership will drive to a large extent the elements of the framework, but the final framework in turn will still be influenced by the defined role/s of the ESD.

Applying a first principles analysis, Table 3 in Appendix A shows the potential commercial impacts of an ESD and how they may relate to the various elements of the commercial framework identified above.

It should be noted that in the above table, for each identified commercial impact, ownership of dispatch rights is critical. That is, the commercial benefits largely flow to the party which controls the output except in the case where the ESD is owned within the RAB.

As is demonstrated in the following section of this report, this does not necessarily mean that this is the asset owner.


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4. Example Commercial Frameworks

The final commercial framework which maximises the economic benefit cannot be determined until the location, technical design and the proposed ESD is finalised. However, the consortium’s analysis to date has identified four potential operating frameworks for consideration. The four potential commercial framework options contemplated are detailed in this section of the report:

• Framework 1: Energy Trading – Market Benefit Model;

• Framework 2: TNSP Owner Operator – Network Benefit Model;

• Framework 3: 3rd Party Provider – Larger Scale Primarily Network Benefit Model; and

• Framework 4: Mixed Network and Market Benefit Model.

4.1 Framework 1: Energy Tradeing – Market Benefit Model

Key Aspects

Framework one has assumed a generator or gen-tailer owned ESD with the primary purpose of serving an energy trading function. This example framework has a number of key aspects presented below:

• Under this framework the ESD is owned and operated by either a generator or gen-tailer with the primary purpose of the ESD being serving an energy trading function. For the purposes of this example, it is assumed that the existing regulatory arrangements remain in place;

• Site location is not likely to be of particular issue although ideally it would be situated in an area with low network constraint. Under this scenario, potentially the ESD could be installed ‘behind the meter’ at an existing connected wind farm. This has some implications which were described in detail in the Milestone 1 report. Specifically the Milestone 1 Report noted that:

- ‘Behind the meter’ may allow the ESD to assist in regulating a wind farm’s output reducing required funding of regulating FCAS although without firm scheduling capability this is unlikely; and

- If the ESD is considered too large in capacity, that is, reaching the capacity of the wind farm itself, AEMO may no longer consider the installation intermittent and therefore the ESD may not be able to leverage existing wind farm generation registrations.

• Capacity of the ESD will be determined by the generator / gen-tailer and will reflect the required volume which optimises the realisable trading benefit;

• Dispatch rights will be controlled by the generator / gen-tailer as purpose of the ESD will primarily be energy trading function. Potentially under this model there could also be opportunity to provide some ancillary services or network support to the TNSP. This last service would be dependent upon the site location;

• Likely that the generator / gen-tailer will enter agreed term contracts with energy traders and potentially AEMO for ancillary services. There may be the opportunity to enter some sort of network support agreement with the TNSP.

A summary of the key commercial framework terms under this example is presented in the following table:


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Table 4-1: Summary Commercial Framework – Key Terms

Project Terms Structure

Owner 3rd Party (Gen-tailer / generator)

Operator 3rd Party (Gen-tailer / generator)

ESD Location Not site specific

• Determined by gen-tailer / generator. Likely to be a location with a low network constraint.

• Could potentially be installed ‘behind the meter’ at existing connected wind farm which is constrained.

ESD Capacity 3rd Party (Gen-tailer / generator)

• Capacity which optimises energy trading benefit.

ESD Primary Purpose Energy Trading

• High asset flexibility switching from load to generator as primary purpose is energy trading.

Dispatch Rights 3rd Party (Gen-tailer / generator)

Counterparties Energy Traders / AEMO / TNSP

• Contracting energy to traders and AEMO for ancillary services. Potentially selling some network support to TNSP.

Contractual Term Agreed Contractual terms


There are some issues which will need to be considered in developing an effective commercial framework for this proposed operating model. Of particular note is that under the above operating model the ESD will be required to register as a generator. How the ESD is registered will depend upon the technical specifications and the primary revenue stream / function.

The implications of each generator classification are detailed in the Milestone 1 Report. The generator classification rules need to be considered carefully in developing the eventual ESD specifications and commercial framework.

However, as noted previously, a site location ‘behind the meter’ of an existing connected wind farm may enable the ESD to potentially leverage existing wind farm generation registrations.


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4.2 Framework 2: TNSP Owner Operator – Network Benefit Model

Key Aspects

Framework two has assumed a TNSP owned ESD with the primary purpose of providing a network support function. This example framework has a number of key aspects presented below:

• The ESD is owned by the TNSP. As noted in the Milestone 1 report, there are no restrictions on an NSP owning an ESD to fulfil network support functions or defer network expenditure and subject to RIT-T hurdles, include the asset in the NSP’s regulated asset base.

• Site location under this example framework would be determined by the TNSP. The siting of the ESD would likely be in a constrained part of the network and therefore the primary purpose of the ESD would be to provide a network support function. This would mean that the primary economic benefit would be derived by consumers through deferred future network capital expenditure.

• ESD capacity would also be determined by the requirements of the TNSP, that is, the level of energy required to adequately support the network support activity.

• Under this framework the dispatch rights would be controlled by the TNSP. Under this scenario, although not considered in this example, there may be significant energy trading benefits which could be derived by:

- The TNSP trading surplus energy by dispatching energy when the price is high regardless of whether there is a network constraint present to reduce costs to consumers through lower operating costs; or

- The TNSP selling residual dispatch rights to traders with the additional revenue potentially treated as reduced TNSP opex with the benefit flowing through to consumers.

• The example framework would exist for the life of the asset as the ESD would be contained within the TNSP’s RAB. As the ESD is absorbed within the RAB and therefore the contractual term is for the life of the asset, this will potentially make it easier to finance the project.

A summary of the key commercial framework terms under this example is presented in the following table:


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Table 4-2: Summary Commercial Framework – Key Terms

Project Term Structure

Owner TNSP • Owned by TNSP and included

in the RAB.

Operator TNSP

ESD Location Site Specific • Site determined by TNSP

subject to level of network constraints.

ESD Capacity TNSP • Determined by TNSP network

support requirements.

ESD Primary Purpose Network Support • Determined by TNSP as primary

purpose would be to provide network support.

Dispatch Rights TNSP

Counterparties N/A • ESD owned and operated by

TNSP to primarily provide network support

Contractual Term Life of Asset • Life of asset as asset part of



A core issue to resolve with this model will be that, if energy trading benefits are to be realised under this example, there is the issue of the appropriate size of the ESD. If the ESD is designed to deliver trading benefits in excess of the TNSP’s network support requirements, as the Milestone 1 report noted, there is the question as to how revenue and capex associated with trading activities are treated if pursued as part of the TNSP’s regulated activities.

4.3 Framework 3: 3rd Party Provider – Larger Scale Primarily Network Benefit Model

Key Aspects

Framework three assumes a larger scale 3rd party owned and operated ESD with the predominant purpose of providing network support services. This framework has the following key aspects:

• Under this framework a 3rd party owns and operates the ESD;

• The predominant purpose of the ESD is to provide a network support function to the TNSP. The TNSP controls output of the ESD through purchase of dispatch rights from the 3rd party. Costs to the TNSP would be considered network support payments and as such be treated as operating expenditure and passed through to consumers; and

• TNSP would likely enter shorter term contracts than the life of the asset with the 3rd party to provide network support services.


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A summary of the key commercial framework terms under this example is presented in the following table:

Table 4-3: Summary Commercial Framework – Key Terms

Project Term Structure

Owner 3rd Party • TNSP purchases dispatch rights

from a 3rd party.

ESD Location Site Specific • As negotiated with TNSP as

primary purpose is provide network support.

ESD Capacity TNSP

• As negotiated with TNSP. Capacity largely determined by TNSP network support requirements.

ESD Primary Purpose Network Support

• As negotiated with TNSP. Primary purpose will be to provide network support to TNSP.

Dispatch Rights TNSP • Primarily dispatch rights to


Counterparties TNSP

• TNSP primary counterparty for network support. Opportunity for opportunistic energy trading by 3rd party

Contractual Term Short term contracts

• TNSP likely to seek short term contracts.


There are a number of issues which will need to be considered in developing an effective commercial framework for this proposed operating model including:

• The 3rd party would be expected to register as either a scheduled or non-scheduled generator and either as a market load or non-market load generator. There are implications for how the ESD could operate under each classification and how the generator is registered will depend to a large extent upon the capacity and purpose of the installed ESD. The Milestone 1 report sets out the generator registration requirements and potential implications under each classification in detail.

• The assumption that the TNSP will likely enter shorter term contracts with the 3rd party than for the life of the asset could potentially mean that funding the ESD is more difficult. This will particularly be the case if the 3rd party provider cannot generate additional revenues from energy trading activities; and

• It would be important under this operating scenario to develop dispatch rights that balance the access requirements of the TNSP to the energy output whilst ensuring transparency and minimal impact on energy market outcomes.


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4.4 Framework 4: Mixed Network and Market Benefit Model

Key Aspects

Framework four proposes a more mixed purpose commercial framework whereby the ESD is used to provide a network as well as market benefit. From the initial analysis prepared as part of this project, this model potentially represents the most economically and commercially viable option. However, the framework to deliver the commercial benefits is likely to be particularly complex. This framework has the following key aspects:

• Under this framework, the ESD a number of potential owners could be considered including a 3rd party, generator / gen-tailer or TNSP (within the RAB);

• This example provides a mixed network and markets benefits model whereby the ESD has the purpose of providing a network support function the TNSP, but also has an additional purpose of providing a commercial benefit to a third party energy trader;

• Therefore, if the ESD is owned by a TNSP dispatch rights would be sold to an energy trader or conversely, the TNSP would acquire dispatch rights if the ESD is owned by another party. A third party could sell dispatch rights to both an energy trader and TNSP;

• As a core function of the ESD is providing a network support function, the site location is likely to be determined by the constraint identified by the TNSP; and

• Capacity of the ESD will be subject to the off taker requirements, but the device would be expected to be highly flexible to manage trading and network support activities.

A summary of the key commercial framework terms under this example is presented in the following table:


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Table 4-4: Summary Commercial Framework – Key Terms

Project Term Structure

Owner TNSP / 3rd Party /


Operator 3rd Party / Energy


ESD Location Site Specific

• Most likely to be driven by TNSP as network support likely to represent largest economic benefit.

ESD Capacity TNSP • Determined by owner subject to

all off take requirements.

ESD Primary Purpose Network Support /

Energy Trading

• High asset flexibility required as used for energy trading and network support activities.

Dispatch Rights TNSP / Energy


• Complex arrangement inc. specific dispatch requirements for TNSP with off-take agreement with energy trader.

Counterparties Energy Trader • Off take agreement/s with TNSP

and energy trader.

Contractual Term Agreed term

• Network support agreement with TNSP likely to be less than the life of the asset if owned by 3rd party or gen-tailer.

• Other off take agreements likely less than life of the asset.


As mentioned previously, the detailed terms of this commercial framework are likely to be complex. There are a number of issues which will need to be considered in developing an effective framework under this proposed operating model including:

• How are the dispatch rights of the different types of off takers managed in practice?;

• As identified in framework two, there is the issue of the appropriate size of the ESD. If the ESD is designed to deliver trading benefits in excess of the TNSP’s network support requirements, how is revenue and capex associated with trading activities are treated if pursued as part of the TNSP’s regulated activities?;

• How will the TNSP be able to provide a network support function as well as enable an additional energy trading function under the current TNSP Ring Fencing Guidelines? This is described in detail in the Milestone 1 Report and needs to be considered carefully in developing a mixed benefits model; and

• What is the most efficient way to determine the value of each of the dispatch rights? A number of mechanisms could be used. This report looked at some from


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the perspective of the TNSP owning the ESD and dispatch rights and are summarised below:

- TNSP owns the ESD & sells dispatch rights by negotiated agreement to one or more traders. That is, the TNSP establishes a reserve capacity and sells the residual capacity to a trader via negotiation (most likely an annual fee) reflected in reduced opex to TNSP customers;

- The other examples considered are just minor derivations of the above model whereby the TNSP could also sell residual dispatch rights via:

� Tender;

� Auction; or

� Royalty fee.

4.5 Other Options

Some other commercial frameworks were considered as part of this review although are considered less attractive options for the various stakeholders.

A joint venture between TNSP and trader with each contributing capital is considered a less attractive option for both the TNSP and trader as:

• The TNSP holds lower capex; and

• The trader (or other third party would likely need to make a long term capital commitment (i.e. for the life of the asset).

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Commercial Framework


May 2015

Version 1.0


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Appendix A First Principles Analysis

Table A-1: Map of Potential Economic Benefits to Commercial Benefit

Potential Economic Benefit



tial C




l Im



NSP Capex Deferral

NSP Opex Reduction

Generation Capex

Generation Opex Market Ancillary Service

Network Loss Reduction

Reduced NSP RAB

Reduces investment as ESD peak shaves provides immediate (initial) response to outages

Reduced NSP Opex

Reduced maintenance (less tap changing etc.) Greater flexibility

Lower peak flows – marginal impact

Lower/ Fewer Network Constraints

Lower impact of energy market incentive

Requires dispatch rights with NSP. Reduced off-loading to low cost generator

Reduced Ancillary Service Costs

Lower network support capital costs as alternative to network asset investment

Lower operational network support costs as alternative network asset investment

Lower cost source of AS (FCAS, SRAS)

Energy Price Conditional on dispatch rights available to energy trader Reduced peaking capacity, lower cap prices.

Requires dispatch rights to be available to the energy trader:

• Time shift for lower fuel cost (termed energy arbitrage)

• Interconnector loading control

• Reduced risk unit cycling at low load

Improved MLF therefor higher revenue to generators and lower expenses for retailers


Page 21 of 22

Table A-2: Mapping Commercial Benefit to Framework Stakeholder

Allocation of Commercial Cost /Benefit / Risk




of C




l Im


ct /



Regulated NSP Generator 3

rd Party Owner /

TNSP Unregulated

Retailer Consumer

Reduced NSP RAB

Reduces RAB by difference between network and ESD cost

Mark-up on sale of network support to TNSP limited by TNSP ability pay and include in RAB and opex

Regulated NSP ability to pay limited by RIT-T hence mark-up limited. Additional benefits potentially unregulated.

Mark-up on sale of network support to TNSP limited by TNSP ability to pay and include in the RAB

Lower network tariff

Reduced NSP Opex

Greater flexibility – but in the long term benefit passed through

See above

Lower operating cost and / or lower tariff for ESD service

Indifferent Lower network tariff

Lower/ Fewer Network Constraints

Improved incentive payments

May firm intermittent generators. Reduces risk, improves contracting capability

Additional benefits potentially unregulated.

Indifferent Lower network tariff

Reduced Ancillary Services

Indifferent (apart from lower reputational risk)

Competitor for AS market – may take market share

Additional benefits potentially unregulated.

Indifferent to A.S. generally passed through

Lower retail price

Energy Price

Commercially indifferent but increased risk of regulatory risk due to impact of dispatch of ESD controlled by TNSP

May firm intermittent generators. Reduces risk, increases contracting capability

Additional benefits potentially unregulated. Effectively a cap. Also a floor. Benefit linked to market price.

Competitive advantage but indifferent in the long term (benefit passed through)

Lower retail price

Risk Factors

• Energy trading is non-core risk

• Delivery energy market benefits in doubt

• Non-core asset • Technology risk

• Performance risk (early marques)

• Non-core asset

• Technology risk

• Performance and technology risks similar to other ownership options but likely mitigated by specialist entity

• Asset management is non-core

• Performance risk (early marques)

• Technology risk

• N/A


Page 22 of 22

Table A-3: Mapping Commercial Benefits to Elements of the Framework

Elements of Commercial Framework




of C




l Im


Location Asset Capacity Asset Flexibility Dispatch Rights

Reduced NSP RAB

Case specific Impact related to size

5-30 minute to commence discharge (rare conditions may need fast charge)


Reduced NSP Opex

Case specific Moderate impact

Sub 5 minute charge and discharge (e.g. voltage control) But retains some bene fit from 30 minute


Lower / Fewer Network Constraints

Case specific Impact related to size

5 minute to discharge (rare conditions may require charge as well)


Reduced Ancillary Service Costs

Important for some, AS not for others

Impact related to size

Sub 5 minute to discharge and charge


Energy Price Potentially relevant but generally not

Impact related to size

5 minute charge and discharge



Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration

South Australia

An Emerging Renewables “Measure” project with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency


Revision 2, May 2015

Energy Storage Device


This document has been prepared for the sole purpose of documenting the RFI Specification

associated with the Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration project for South

Australia by AGL, ElectraNet and WorleyParsons, as part of an Emerging Renewables project

with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

It is expected that this document and its contents, including work scope, methodology and

any commercial terms will be treated in accordance with the Funding Agreement between


This document is being released to participating equipment suppliers as part of the Request

for Information (RFI) process of the Project.










0 Final


P. Ebert H. Klingenberg B. Bennett P. Knispel

1 Slight changes Section 1


P. Ebert H. Klingenberg B. Bennet P. Knispel

2 Slight changes Section 4.3- Release to Recipient


P. Ebert H. Klingenberg B. Bennet P. Knispel

Table of Contents

1 THE PURPOSE OF THIS RFI SPECIFICATION ____________________________________ 6


2.1 Basic ESD Concept ________________________________________________________ 7

2.2 Candidate Technologies ____________________________________________________ 8

2.3 Project Location and Reference Site __________________________________________ 8

2.4 Design philosophy ________________________________________________________ 9

2.4.1 General ________________________________________________________________________ 9

2.4.2 Design life ______________________________________________________________________ 9

2.4.3 Expected Fundamental ESD Design Parameters _______________________________________ 10

2.4.4 Reference Site Conditions ________________________________________________________ 10

2.4.5 Reference Site Services ___________________________________________________________ 11

2.4.6 Site Security____________________________________________________________________ 12

2.4.7 Fire Protection _________________________________________________________________ 12

2.4.8 Basic Topology _________________________________________________________________ 12

2.4.9 Functional Control & Operation ____________________________________________________ 13

2.4.10 Grid Connection ______________________________________________________________ 15

3 CONTRACTOR SCOPE ____________________________________________________ 16

3.1 Scope of Work __________________________________________________________ 16

3.2 Terminal Points__________________________________________________________ 17

4 ENGINEERING EXPECTATIONS ____________________________________________ 18

4.1 Design Appropriate for Site Conditions & Local Laws ____________________________ 18

4.2 Compliance with Codes, Standards and Australian Norms _______________________ 18

4.2.1 Units _________________________________________________________________________ 18

4.2.2 General Applicable Standards _____________________________________________________ 18

4.2.3 Australian Energy Rules & Transmission Technical Compliance ___________________________ 18

4.3 Electrical Plant __________________________________________________________ 19

4.3.1 Energy storage device ____________________________________________________________ 19

4.3.2 Power Conversion Systems _______________________________________________________ 19

4.3.3 DC/DC Inverters ________________________________________________________________ 20

4.3.4 Step-up Transformers ____________________________________________________________ 20

4.3.5 Network connection _____________________________________________________________ 20

4.4 Mechanical Plant ________________________________________________________ 21

4.5 Civil ___________________________________________________________________ 22

5 IMPORTANT TECHNICAL DETAILS of TENDER ________________________________ 23

5.1 ESD Algorithm & Modelling ________________________________________________ 23

5.2 Project Schedule _________________________________________________________ 23

5.3 Mathematical Model of ESD _______________________________________________ 23

5.4 Performance Guarantees __________________________________________________ 24

5.4.1 Performance ___________________________________________________________________ 24

5.4.2 System Capacity Maintenance _____________________________________________________ 24

5.5 Warranties _____________________________________________________________ 24

5.6 Performance Testing Protocol - Commissioning ________________________________ 24

5.7 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) _________________________________________ 25

6 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLY EXPECTATIONS ___________________________________ 26

6.1 Document Control _______________________________________________________ 26

6.2 Factory Acceptance Tests/Quality Control ____________________________________ 26

6.3 Commissioning __________________________________________________________ 26

6.4 Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) _______________________________________ 27

6.5 Risk Management ________________________________________________________ 27

6.6 Delivery Project Management & Client Consortiums Engineer ____________________ 27

6.7 DATA Submission and Engineering Deliverables _______________________________ 27

7 REGULATIONS, CODES and STANDARDS ____________________________________ 29

7.1 General ________________________________________________________________ 29

7.2 Units of measurement ____________________________________________________ 29

7.3 Particular Australian Standards _____________________________________________ 30

8 REFERENCES __________________________________________________________ 33


Appendix A. South Australian Transmission System & the Preferred ESD Sites

Appendix B. Details of the Reference Site

Appendix C. ESD Specific Nomenclature

Appendix D. Extract of National Electricity Rules Requirements

Appendix E. Envisaged Market Trading Mode Operation


AC Alternating Current

ARENA Australian Renewable Energy Agency

CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage

DC Direct Current

ESCRI-SA Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration – South Australia

ESD Energy Storage Device

GPO General Purpose Outlet

NEM National Electricity Market

NEMMCO National Electricity Market Management Company Limited

MLF Marginal Loss Factor

PABX Public and Business Exchange

PCC Point of Common Coupling

PCS Power Conversion System

RFI The Request for Information process for the ESCRI-SA Project

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

TNSP Transmission Network Service Provider

Page 6


This Request for Information (RFI) Specification forms part of a RFI process being run for

the Energy Storage for Commercial Renewable Integration South Australia (ESCRI-SA)

project, which is examining the role and business case of an Energy Storage Device (ESD)

within the South Australian region of the National Electricity Market (NEM) (the Project).

This Project is being pursued by a consortium of AGL, ElectraNet and WorleyParsons (the

Consortium) in part funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

This RFI Specification is an attachment to, and should be read in conjunction with, the RFI

Invitation document, which provides the context of the RFI, the objectives and initial results

of the Project, and the specific information sought in the RFI process. This RFI process is

being managed by WorleyParsons for the Consortium.

This RFI Specification provides more detailed technical and performance information of the

ESD and its potential delivery phase. It introduces the ESD, the design principles under

which it is being progressed, the likely siting and conditions under which it would operate,

and the expectations around engineering and related delivery methodology to inform

replying organisations (Respondents) of what would be expected from any final selected

Contractor (the Contractor).

This RFI Specification is not intended to be overly prescriptive, therefore allowing

Respondents to innovate and fit their product capability within the Project objectives.

Respondents are explicitly encouraged to put forward solutions that they think may offer

increased value to the Consortium.

However, it is noted that certain standards, functions and requirements of the ESD asset,

and contracting preferences, will be mandatory for solutions put forward to meet the risk

expectations and appetite of the Consortium within the context and operations of the NEM,

and the utility norms and generally high standards of electrical plant operating in Australia.

Page 7



2.1 Basic ESD Concept

The ESD will consist of;

a medium with the ability to store and release electrical energy, located at a secure

area at a single site (the Site) within South Australia

any required converters, accumulators, generators, tanks, safety release (energy)

systems or any other device required for the safe storage of energy and/or

conversion to/from electrical energy

connection(s) to the South Australian electrical transmission network at a minimum

voltage of 33kV to provide both electrical storage inputs/outputs, and a “used on

works” electrical supply

any required switches or electrical protection equipment to allow safe electrical

isolation/operation/interaction with the network

a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system with a human to

machine interface at Site and connection to various external parties (through any

required PABX and/or data connection), and which can also interact with external

data sources or control signals as part of the control strategy, and operate the facility

for the benefit of the owner and within acceptable standards while unmanned

an earthing system including lightning protection

connection to municipal water services

any required safety system to comply with relevant safety standards such as a fire

protection or fire-fighting system, emergency personnel wash-down facilities, first aid

stations, exhaust fans, emergency egress points and breathing apparatus

an operator office and staff amenities

a maintenance storage and any required workshop facility

any roads/civil works required to give access to and allow installation of the ESD

equipment at the Site

any security fencing and/or security equipment

any environmental protection equipment including bunds, emission capture material,

spillage containment and/or volatile material containment/storage

The actual energy storage may be in the form of heat, mechanical kinetic energy, chemical

energy and/or potential energy such as compressed gases, or a combination of these,

although the primary input and outputs at the project battery limits shall be electrical energy.

The ESD will be of non-hydroelectric design, meaning it will not be storing energy in the form

of water potential energy (water head) or releasing energy through a water driven turbine.

The ESD will be designed to withstand and operate within the environmental and operational

conditions of the Site and according to all relevant Australian Standards.

The ESD will have the ability to operate autonomously, semi-automatically or manually,

depending on operator requirements and/or mode of operation required.

Page 8

The ESD will be designed to operate in accordance with any applicable Health and Safety

Standard that apply in South Australia.

2.2 Candidate Technologies

This RFI Specification seeks to define acceptable and commercially available Energy

Storage systems in a variety of configurations which include:

Battery Systems including lead acid, Nickel cadmium or Nickel metal hydride,

Lithium ion, Sodium Sulphur or Sodium Nickle Chloride, Vanadium Redox Flow

Batteries, Zinc Bromine Flow Batteries, Battery/Ultra capacitor hybrid systems

Hydrogen or other Chemical Fuel storage plus generation

Flywheels or small Compressed Air Energy Systems (CAES)

Thermal Energy Storage

This RFI Specification is more attuned to battery systems, as these are the most familiar to

the Consortium. However, the Consortium is interested in other technologies which are in

the market and may offer a better overall solution. Note, however, the RFI Invitation outlines

ultimate selection criteria, which includes criterion around the maturity of technology

including deployment and operational experience so untried or early deployment phase

technologies are unlikely to be viewed favourably.

2.3 Project Location and Reference Site

The Energy Storage Device will be located within South Australia, connected to the South

Australian transmission system, which is shown in Figure A1 in Appendix 1. It will be located

at one single Site.

Currently the exact location for the ESD is unknown and will depend on a range of factors

including the response to this RFI process. However, the ESD siting preferences of the

Consortium are currently at the following three locations;

Location 1 – Eyre Peninsula, Port Lincoln terminal substation

Location 2 – Yorke Peninsula, Dalrymple substation

Location 3 – Riverland, Monash Substation

These three sites are indicated in Figure A of Appendix A, and one of these may be chosen

as the ultimate location for the Phase 2 Project.

For response purposes, Respondents shall assume that the device is located at Location 1

and this will be known as the reference site (the Reference Site), described in more detail in

Appendix B. Respondents shall note in their response any significant additional differences

that might accrue in logistical cost terms between the three Sites noted above.

Page 9

2.4 Design philosophy

2.4.1 General The ESD will be designed to run automatically and unmanned, receiving and responding to

control signals from a variety of inputs on a cascade of hierarchy to consume or provide

electrical energy (& potentially other services, such as voltage control) as required for market

trading, market ancillary services or network services. It will employ an algorithm to

determine and optimise commercial outcomes for the asset owner and service off-takers,

while keeping the ESD within acceptable operational ranges, and will be capable of remote

control should system requirements dictate a change in operational algorithm.

The basic design philosophy of the ESD will include consideration of:

Safe operation within the environment in which it is sited

Compatibility and operability within the ElectraNet Transmission environment

Optimal commercial use of the ESD within the engineering capability of the

technology employed

Any restrictions on the operation of the device due to environment or safety


Compliance with all local and any relevant international Standards

The Consortium has considered a range of services that the ESD could provide and this

analysis indicates that the following are likely the most profitable and form the focus of the

ESD operational algorithm:

Energy trading (including the time shifting of energy through charging and


Marginal Loss Factor (MLF) impact (subject to optimal ESD sizing)

Network augmentation capital deferral (where relevant)

Expected unserved energy reduction

Interconnector constraint reduction (the “Interconnector” here being one of those

between South Australia and Victoria)

Local generator constraint reduction

Other services which are unlikely to bring significant asset revenue but which may be

considered additionally include:

Localised frequency support

Grid support cost reduction

System frequency support

Avoided wind farm FCAS obligation

Ride-through assistance

2.4.2 Design life The design life of the Energy Storage Device will be 20 years. The actual energy storage

medium may have a minimum design life and, if so, will be capable of being easily replaced.

Page 10

2.4.3 Expected Fundamental ESD Design Parameters Table 1 provides the expectations of fundamental ESD design parameters, which are

described and defined in Appendix A.


Power rating (import) Pin 5-10 MW

Power rating (export) Pout 5-10 MW

Energy Rating (storage capacity)

Q 4-20 hrs at Pout

Depth of Discharge DoD Contractor defined

Round trip efficiency Eff Contractor defined

Response time RT Contractor defined

Self-discharge SD Contractor defined

Durability D Contractor defined

Table 1 Expected fundamental ESD Design Parameters – definitions are given in Appendix C

2.4.4 Reference Site Conditions Table 2 provides the Site conditions that shall be assumed for the Reference Site.


Project Location Reference Site

Minimum Dry Bulb Temperature -5 ºC

Maximum Dry Bulb Temperature 55 ºC Peak 48 ºC 1 hour average 37 ºC 24 hour average

Mean number of days above 30 ºC 25 days per year

Mean number of days below 2 ºC 0.3 days per year

Relative Humidity

100% Maximum Up to 55% mean summer Up to 90% mean winter 15% Minimum

Maximum solar radiation 1.1 kW/m2

Pollution As per AS4436 - Level 3

Page 11

Site Maximum Elevation (asl) 100 meters

Site Road Access Within 10 meters of an all-weather public gravel road

Seismic Withstand Criteria

As per AS1170.4: Earth quake design category II AIS switchgear: Importance Level 3 GIS switchgear: Importance Level 4 Hazard Factor 0.14 Annual PoE 1/1000

Maximum Wind Speed 46m/s to AS1170.2

Average yearly rainfall 490 mm per year

Maximum 24 hr Rainfall 110 mm per day

Subsurface Soil Conditions

Topsoil consisting of low to medium plasticity sandy clay 0.2 to 0.3m deep. Low to medium plasticity sandy clay and clayey sands 0.5 to 0.9m deep. Sandy clay underlaid by thin (0.1 to 0.35m thick) calcrete cap, itself underlaid by calcareous silty sand down to 3m. No groundwater at this depth.

Soil electrical resistivity 105.31 Ωm (ground level to 7m deep) 10.56 Ωm (7m to 10m deep) 300 Ωm (below 10m deep)

Surface Conditions Cleared, no trees No known archaeological or historic in situ No known endangered flora and/or fauna

Table 2 Reference Site Conditions

2.4.5 Reference Site Services The Respondent shall assume that the Reference Site has the following services ready for

connection to within the boundary of the Site;

Public telephone system (landline)

Mobile (cellular) phone coverage at 3G

ElectraNet Telecommunication Network, located at the control room of the adjacent

ElectraNet substation. Voice and data services, up to 10Mbps (uplink and downlink),

can be extended to the reference site over multimode fibre. The ElectraNet

telecommunications network operates at a target availability of 99.9% per annum.

Services from the Reference Site can terminate at the adjacent ElectraNet

Substation, or at the System Control Centre, 300 Pirie St, Adelaide

Potable water connection point

All weather road access to the Site

Page 12

2.4.6 Site Security The Site will not be open to the general public.

A purpose built galvanized wire fence with an anti-climb top (such as barbed wire) will

surround the ESD leaving enough room for all construction and operation activities. A

single, secure, lockable gate across the incoming road will form the egress/access point to

the Site.

All Site buildings will be lockable, vandal resistant and have intruder alarming. All locks will

be keyed similar and their distribution controlled.

There will be automatic security floodlighting of the Site, and/or in accordance with any local

ordinance or approval.

There will be no video surveillance of the Site.

2.4.7 Fire Protection The Site will include fire protection buffers extending 5 m around the peripheral fence-line

where vegetation is kept slashed to ground level. The Site will include suitable portable fire

extinguishers placed inside and at strategic outside locations. Such extinguishers will be

capable of meeting the requirements of of the relevant Australian Standard.

The Site may include fire hose reels connected to the local water municipal water supply (if

available) or provisioned from rain-water tanks with electric or petrol driven pumps, if such is

required for the ESD technology deployed.

The ESD components may include fire suppression technology, depending on the ESD

technology deployed. This will be capable of meeting the requirements of the relevant

Australian Standard.

All interior open ground surfaces will be covered in fire proof material, such as crushed rock,

concrete or local gravel.

2.4.8 Basic Topology A basic representation of the ESD topology concept is shown in Figure 1.

The SCADA system will be based on a main controller which will include a computer based

algorithm that uses these control parameters to constantly evaluate incoming market,

generation fleet and network status data to action and optimise operation. This algorithm will

have the ability to run autonomously, semi-autonomously or manually, and include the

following basic SCADA structure:

An industrial Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based Central Processor, which

provides overall plant control and interface to remote sensors or slave control units,

and remote peripherals

Either a backup PLC controller or the ability to default to a safe mode of operation in

the event of main PLC failure

A Battery Management System (BMS) either within the central processor or

specifically part of the Energy Storage Medium

Page 13

A data storage and collation medium to allow storage, retrieval and regular

automatic and manual collated reporting of plant performance (including faults),

operational staff log-in details and system changes.

A human to machine interface, allowing visibility of operational performance

parameters, the scrutiny of logged performance data, the scrutiny and clearing of

fault flags and through suitable password control the adjustment of operational

parameters, peripheral device locations/numbers/setups, and security level control

for operational staff and remote control/visibility units.

Through an appropriate data connection technology, provide connection to remote

control/visibility units, including;


o ElectraNet

o The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

o Operational Contractor(s)

where the amount of visibility and control is governed by the security level of connection.

Figure 1 Basic ESD Topology.

2.4.9 Functional Control & Operation The ESD will be used for the following purposes:

Be automatically dispatched as a generator whenever pool prices are high and be

dispatched as a load whenever pool prices are low (Market Trading Mode)

Be automatically dispatched to supply an isolated system whenever the local system

is isolated from the grid (that is, operated in Islanded Mode)

Be automatically dispatched (as a load or generator) to relieve system constraints

whenever a signal is received from the local supply authority (Network Mode).

Page 14

The ESD will be equipped with an appropriate software algorithm which will be incorporated

within the Central Processor or Battery Management System. The software algorithm used

will be available to the operator for modification if it is deemed that market conditions have

changed to warrant it.

As a minimum the Market Trading Mode shall include:

A filtering algorithm which filters the input 5 minute samples of market pool prices to

an appropriately designed low pass filter (implemented in software)

A threshold setting so that the device is dispatched as a load if the actual pool price

(in the 5 minute dispatch period) is below the output of the low pass filter (-


A threshold setting so that the device is dispatched as a generator if the actual pool

price (in the 5 minute dispatch period) is above the output of the low pass filter output

(plus threshold value).

The device shall be switched off if the actual pool price is between the filtered output

+/- the dead band threshold limits.

In the event that the storage device looks to be at risk of under or over charging, the

device shall also be automatically switched off.

Appendix E contains more information about this Market Trading Mode, particularly around

expected duty cycles.

In the event that the device is isolated from the grid is will enter Islanded Mode, and it will be

dispatched to supply the local load unless the load exceeds the device rating or the device

does not contain sufficient stored energy. In this latter case the device will be switched off or

placed in standby. In order to supply the local load the device has to be capable of load

following and frequency control (providing “the grid”).

If the device receives an external signal to be dispatched as a load or a generator from the

local Network Authority it will enter Network Mode, and this will override all other functions

unless the device is at risk of under or over charging, in this event the device shall be

automatically switched off or placed in standby. Just prior to Network Mode it is possible

that an intermediate or fourth mode of operation may be required if a network contingency

probability increases, such as approaching a peak on a very hot day. In this case the ESD

can have time to prepare itself to remove the risk of it being under or over charged for the

network related duty expected.

It is also possible, in line with the dialogue in Section 2.4.1, that other grid support functions

may be valuable. Respondents should consider whether such other functions are possible

with the technology offered and how these might be included within the modes sought.

Note that respondents may offer a device which is dispatched only in a ternary mode, i.e.:

Generation at full output or

Switched off or

Dispatched as a system load at full output

Consideration will also be given to devices which can operate at all outputs from full charge

to full discharge rating.

Page 15

2.4.10 Grid Connection The Energy Storage Device will connect to the local electricity system at 33 kV according to

the basic Single Line Diagram given in Appendix B, refer specifically Figure B4c.

The device will meet the requirements of the National Electricity Rules (NER) with respect to

Schedule 5, and in particular;

The ESD will be capable of operating at a range of power factors. As a minimum the

device should be able to meet a power factor of 0.93 leading to 0.93 lagging at all

loads or generation operating points.

The ESD will meet the requirements for fault ride through; power quality and

protection systems (refer to Appendix D for specific applicable references from the


Page 16


This Section is to inform Respondents of the basic expectations around Scope of Work for

the purposes of replying to the RFI. This Scope of Work will be termed the Contractor’s

Scope of Work. Any final Contractor’s Scope of Work in a formal tender process may

change, depending on the responses provided and the ultimate timing of the Project.

3.1 Scope of Work

For the purposes of this RFI Specification, the Contractor’s Scope of Work covers the

design, procurement, construction, commissioning, defects liability, performance guarantees,

warranties and 20 years of ongoing maintenance of an ESD comprising but not limited to the


All layouts and arrangements on Site

All energy storage and related operation equipment

All control equipment

All remote monitoring and communications equipment

All power conversion equipment

All electrical equipment up to the Point of Common Coupling (PCC)

All site civil works (including site geotechnical testing, preparation, levelling,

foundations, stormwater treatment and civil works associated with services)

All site service connections including potable water and mobile phone services

All buildings including those for the energy storage, maintenance, spare parts,

operations and personnel amenities

All mathematical models of the ESD required for transmission access studies

All fire-fighting or other safety equipment

All building security equipment and lighting

All transport to Site of any equipment

All consumables involved in commissioning and maintenance

All commissioning tests

All operations and maintenance manuals, as-built drawings and other documents

Perimeter fencing and entrance gate

all in accordance with this RFI Specification.

For the purposes of this RFI Specification, the Contractor’s Scope of Work does not include;

Any Statutory project approvals

Any land acquisition or tenure

Any transmission access studies and/or approvals

Modifications to the existing 33kV primary equipment at the Reference Site to

terminate a 33kV cable from the ESD. This cable termination will be the Point of

Common Coupling (PCC)

Any equipment required to connect to the ElectraNet Telecommunications Network

all of which will be provided by others.

Page 17

3.2 Terminal Points

This section defines the terminal points for the Contractor Scope of Work for the respective

systems indicated below. Physical locations are described below.

The Primary Terminal points for equipment supply include:

The site boundary which is defined as the fenced and gated perimeter of the project

Site upon which the ESD will be constructed

The Point of Common Coupling (PCC), which is the 33kV cable termination

(supplied and installed by the Contractor)connecting to the Reference Site 33kV

circuit breaker owned by ElectraNet

The existing sub-station potable water supply at the Site

The Telstra Landline Network

The Mobile Phone 3G network

The ElectraNet telecommunications network can be extended from the adjacent

ElectraNet Control room to the Energy Storage Control Room.

Battery Limit Terminal Point Condition & Value

Point of Common

Coupling (PCC) to


Voltage 33 kV

Current 33kV Incomer

Protection settings Selected to coordinate with

upstream protection

Data connection




Network EtherNet Point of


Ethernet – 10Mbps for

SCADA (DNP/IP), and any

other data services.

Optical fibre – C37.94 or

direct on fibre, for inter-trip

(if required).

Mobile Phone

Connections 3G Network Telstra NextG

Potable water

supply - existing

substation supply

Substation water main 20mm diameter copper


Table 3 Battery Limits & Terminal Point Conditions

Page 18


This Section is to inform Respondents of the basic expectations around Engineering that

would apply in a more formal tender for the Project. This should be used by Respondents in

forming their response to the RFI in line with the Contractors Scope of Works defined in

Section 3.1. As per the commentary in Section 1 the intention here is not to be overly

prescriptive, to allow the best solution to emerge from Respondents, although certain

aspects of this Section are considered mandatory, denoted by the term “shall”.

4.1 Design Appropriate for Site Conditions & Local Laws

The ESD shall be designed for continuous normal operation within the expected

environmental conditions of the Site provided in Section 2.4.4.

Any buildings, including containerised solutions, shall meet the requirements of the Building

Code of Australia and all applicable local Laws, Ordinances, Regulations, and Standards of

the City of Port Lincoln, in addition to the requirements of this RFI Specification.

The Energy Storage Medium shall not present a safety or environmental risk to the Site or its

immediate surrounds. Any potential harmful components shall be contained and/or the risk

treated, and evidence of that treatment shall be provided by the Contractor.

4.2 Compliance with Codes, Standards and Australian Norms

4.2.1 Units All plant shall be designed and rated according to the SI (metric) unit system, as described in

Section 7.2.

4.2.2 General Applicable Standards The ESD shall comply with all relevant Australian and International Standards that may

apply, including those listed in Section 7, others noted throughout this RFI Specification and

others that may apply to the final tendered solution. The Contractor shall ultimately provide

evidence of such compliance during a formal tender process.

4.2.3 Australian Energy Rules & Transmission Technical Compliance The ESD connection to the transmission network is subject to the requirements of Chapter 5

of the National Electricity Rules (NER), and more specifically as outlined in NER Schedule

5.2 “Conditions for Connection of Generators”. Performance standards will need to be

established in accordance with NER Schedule 5.2.5 “Technical requirements” with the

detailed requirements for each clause to be negotiated and agreed between the proponent,

ElectraNet and AEMO.

It is expected that the main technical requirements will relate to:

S5.2.5.1 Reactive Power capability

S5.2.5.2 Quality of electricity generated

S5.2.5.5. Generating system response to disturbances following contingency events

S5.2.5.11 Frequency control

S5.2.5.12 Impact on network capability

Page 19

S5.2.5.13 Voltage and reactive power control

An extract of the abovementioned sections of the NER is provided in Appendix D.

In Responding to this RFI, Respondents are asked to indicate for each of the above

technical requirements whether the automatic access could be achieved, and if not, whether

the minimum access standard could at least be achieved.

4.3 Electrical Plant

4.3.1 Energy storage device This Energy Storage System shall meet the requirements of any Australian Standard for

Energy Storage facilities (of relevance to the energy storage medium supplied) and shall

meet all applicable state and local electrical Codes and Standards. Some of these

Standarda and Codes are indicated in Section 7.

Electrical power delivered by the ESD to the PCC shall at 33kV and 50 Hertz alternating

current (AC).

All wiring, fusing, protection, color coding, arrangements, housing and rating of electrical

equipment shall conform to AS3000 and any other relevant Australian Standard or

international equivalent. All General Purpose Outlets (GPOs) shall be of Australian design,

rating and voltage.

Power developed by a chemical storage technology (battery) shall be at a direct current (DC)

voltage ranging from 600 to 875 DC Volts. The DC power will then be converted to AC

voltage by a Power Conversion System (“PCS”) nominally rated in kW to match the basic

“building block” battery module size, and will be stepped-up to the grid voltage by medium

voltage step-up transformers located at the Power Conversion Units. Together, the Power

Conversion Units, transformers, and the SCADA make up the conversion equipment of

multiple supplier defined building blocks. The PCS shall deliver AC power within a voltage

range of 300-440 volts to a step-up transformer rated to the full capacity of the PCS.

4.3.2 Power Conversion Systems Any PCS shall be bi-directional and rated for the basic ESD building block described in

Section 4.3.1 in increments ranging from 100kw to 500 kW rated at >0.99 power factor. The

PCS’s SCADA shall aggregate SCADA I/O from the PCS, transformers, for transmission to

Central Processor.

PCSs shall be certified to UL1741 “Standard for Inverters, Converters, Controllers and

Interconnection System Equipment for Use with Distributed Energy Resources” and comply

with the following standards (or recognised equivalent), as a minimum:

IEC 62477 – Safety Requirements for Power Electronic Converter Systems and


UL 9540 Ed. 1 (2014) - Energy Storage Systems And Equipment

IEEE 1547 - Interconnecting Distributed Resources With Electric Power Systems

NEC CODE and Security Standards set out in UL9540, UL1741, FCC Part 15, IEEE

C37.90.1 and IEEE C37.90.2

Page 20

In addition, the PCS shall have a <3% total harmonic distortion (THD) at rated power output,

be temporarily capable of 110 percent of rated output or better across the temperature

conditions expected at the Reference Site, be matched in rating to the DC power source

(building block) and be equipped with all hardware for data collection and communication to

the ESD Central Processor, BMS or SCADA system, whichever is relevant.

4.3.3 DC/DC Inverters For battery solutions, DC/DC inverters may be required to match battery voltage output of

each battery string to the input voltage of the Power Conversion Units and meet the full

requirements of the UL and Codes and Standards applicable.

4.3.4 Step-up Transformers Main ESD step-up transformer(s) shall be rated for expected maximum inputs and outputs

(including, if a battery system, the PCS 110% requirement of Section 4.3.2) across the

relevant power factor range, and shall have BIL ratings for HV and LV Voltages as defined

by good utility practice and relevant Australian Standards. The configuration of the

transformers shall be appropriate for the design transformation requirements, rated for air

cooling only, have an insulation rating for a 65 deg C rise over highest site ambient

temperature at the Site, guarantee an efficiency of no less than 98%, and be dry or wet type

(non-flammable insulating medium). The transformer will be fitted with all utility required


4.3.5 Network connection Plant Switchgear

All switchgear shall be appropriate for the application of the ESD and shall meet the

requirements of the applicable standards for medium and high voltage switchgear applied to

the ElectraNet System (generally the IEC/AS 62271 series of standards, examples of which

are listed in section 7.3). Switchgear monitoring hardware shall be included to meet the

requirements of AGL/ELECTRANET. Grounding / Earthing

A grounding electrode system comprising a buried ring consisting of bare cable will be

installed at each unit comprising the Energy Storage Device.

The earthing system must be designed in accordance with the latest version of the following

standards and guidelines. In the event of a discrepancy between the referenced standard,

the Contractor shall get direction from the Consortium on which standard shall take


IEEE Standard 80 , Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding;

IEEE 837/2002, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Permanent Connections Used in

Substation Grounding;

ENA EG1-2006 Substation Earthing Guide;

ENA EG-0 Power System Earthing Guide;

AS/NZS 3000, Wiring Rules;

Page 21

IEEE 81: IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity , Ground Impedance and Earth

Surface Potentials of Ground System;

AS 1746: Conductors – Bare overhead – Hard-drawn copper;

AS 1125: Conductors in insulated electric cables and flexible cords;

AS 2067: Switchgear assemblies and ancillary equipment for alternating voltages

above 1 kV;

IEC 60479-1 Effects of current on human beings and livestock Part 1 General


IEC 60479-5 Effects of current on human beings and livestock Part 5 Touch

Voltages threshold values for physiological effects;

AS 4853 Electrical Hazards on Metallic Pipelines; and

AS/NZS 3835.1 Earth Potential Rise - Protection of telecommunications network

users, personnel and plant.

Contractor shall submit to the Consortium for approval grounding and lightning calculation

for assurance of safe step and touch potentials on the project site in accordance with

Consortium approved standards. Electrical Protection

The electrical protection system’s design and performance shall conform to the technical

requirements for a transmission network service provider as defined in the National

Electricity Rules. The protection systems installed at the connection point between the

transmission Network User and ElectraNet shall provide protection of all high voltage assets

owned by the transmission Network User, from the nominated asset interface boundary.

The protection system technical requirements must satisfy the following:

All protection systems installed by the transmission Network User which have the

potential to reduce power system security shall be approved by ElectraNet

All Network User owned assets are to be protected by duplicate or complementary

protection systems

Each protection system is to be independently capable of effectively and safely

disconnecting and isolating their equipment at the connection point automatically,

following a system abnormal condition

Each protection system shall be industry standard high speed protection systems

that operate within the time period set out by ElectraNet for voltages below 100 kV;


Backup protection systems for each connection point primary protection system

shall be provided if ElectraNet’s and the Network User’s circuit breaker fail to

operate within the given fault clearance times.

4.4 Mechanical Plant

Mechanical Plant used within the ESD shall be designed for continuous, safe, trouble free

operation within the environmental conditions of the Site and the expected operational

demands on the asset.

Areas of particular focus by the Consortium will be;

Page 22

Rotating equipment, where focus will be given to plant safety, the potential for

vibrations and noise, and the complexity and lifecycle costs associated with plant


Mechanical (rotational or potential) energy storage, including a focus on the

conversion to and reconversion of electrical energy, the quantum of storage and

application within the functional requirements of Section 2.4.9, the efficiency of and

limitations of that process, and the lifetime of the process

Any pressurised systems or accumulators, where the potential for pressure related

incident is high and compliance with pressure related standards is mandatory

4.5 Civil

All civil work shall be undertaken in accordance with all relevant Australian Standards,

Codes and Local Ordinances applicable to the Reference Site and be based on a site

specific Geotechnical Report. For the purposes of fulfilling the costing requirements sought

in the RFI Invitation, Respondents are to assume that the site is flat, cleared of vegetation

and has the basic geotechnical parameters specified in Table 2.

Page 23


This Section is to inform Respondents of particular issues that are likely to be important in

any formal Tender that may occur for the Project. This should be used by Respondents in

forming their response to the RFI in line with the Contractors Scope of Works defined in

Section 3.1. As per the commentary in Section 1, the intention here is not to be overly

prescriptive, to allow the best solution to emerge from Respondents, although certain

aspects of this Section are considered mandatory, denoted by the term “shall”.

5.1 ESD Algorithm & Modelling

The ESD will be required to operate in a certain manner for the business case metrics to be

achieved and the operational algorithm employed on the device will be a critical component

of this. The Consortium will likely specify this algorithm as a series of performance

requirements, within the known limitations of the ESD, but it shall be the responsibility of the

Contractor to confirm this capability, if required put forward and justify changes to those

requirements, and design the necessary control into the device.

At this stage, the functions given in Section 2.4.9 form the basis of the Consortium thinking

in regards to maximising value of the ESD within the South Australian markets.

It is likely that the consortium will model the commercial outcomes that result from any

formal tender process, although the expectation is that from a functional perspective the

Contractor will have the ability to model the physical response of the ESD to functional

commands. It is likely that the consortium will seek details of such modelling or model run

results for incorporation into the commercial model.

5.2 Project Schedule

A formal Schedule will be sought from Contractors with a time period as defined in the

commercial documents associated with the Tender. The Project Schedule shall be a

composite of the Engineering Schedule, the Procurement and Delivery Schedule, and the

Training Schedule (whichever applies). The Engineering Schedule shall be broken down

into major phases as required adequately describing, scheduling, and controlling the design

process for the Project. The Procurement Schedule shall cover all equipment and materials

to be furnished by the Contractor and accepted by the Owner. This schedule shall indicate

times for approval of manufacturer's drawings, fabrication, delivery, testing, and other

significant project milestones.

5.3 Mathematical Model of ESD

It is a mandatory requirement that the Contractor shall provide a mathematical model of the

device which will enable AEMO to assess the behaviour of the device under system

transient conditions. The model should be supplied to enable inclusion in the PSS/E

software program which is currently used to model transmission system behaviour by

AEMO. This model shall cover all expected functionality of the device.

Page 24

5.4 Performance Guarantees

5.4.1 Performance The Contractor shall provide performance estimates of the ESD output in MWhrs as a curve for discharge periods of 2, 4, 10, and 20 hours as a function of the State of Charge of the complete ESD in their Tender. The Contractor shall provide a description of the modelling software to be used (GE PSLF or equivalent). The Contractor shall provide performance for two (2) evaluation cases nominated in the Tender which would illustrate the expected and guaranteed performance of the ESD over the nominated discharge periods at the capacity specified. Base Case Round Trip Efficiency shall be stated for each of the discharge periods nominated.

5.4.2 System Capacity Maintenance The Contractor shall specify the degradation associated with the equipment proposed for the first year and each subsequent year up to 20 years for the charge/discharge period specified. The Contractor shall provide a planned program for adding additional capacity or providing a complete repowering of the system(s) (if applicable) in order to maintain the guaranteed original output at the end of the Project life.

5.5 Warranties

The Consortium will expect a Warranty over both the total ESD, through a defects liability period which shall be a minimum of 2 years, and the energy storage medium which shall be a minimum of 5 years. The basis of any such warranties will see the replacement of defective plant at the Contractors cost. Respondents should outline their approach to warranties in general. The Consortium would look very favourably on energy storage technology that could provide a warranty of a greater time period that indicated above.

5.6 Performance Testing Protocol - Commissioning

The following outlines the basic performance tests that shall be undertaken for the ESD program during commissioning. The Contractor shall develop a detailed test procedure applicable to their proposed ESD technology generally in accordance with all applicable standards for an electric generation facility connected to the ElectraNet Grid. All testing shall be undertaken with instrumentation fitted to the ESD facility, calibrated and working, including any additional instrumentation required to meet the specific requirements of the applicable International Codes and Standards for the technology inclusive of internationally recognized Power Test Codes. Performance Tests will be undertaken for a range of state of charge conditions and periods. As a minimum, the performance tests shall be developed to ensure that the representations and guarantees by the ESD provider can be achieved for representative periods of dispatch, States of Charge ranging from minimum to maximum, response times, Unity Power Factor of Output delivered at the Point of Interconnection, and other relevant tests as developed by the parties, including:

Page 25

Maximum Power/Full Duty Cycle Efficiency/Daily Efficiency/Power Quality (X full


Stored Energy Capacity

Site Specific Required Duty Cycle (consecutive days)

Partial Duty Cycle ( consecutive days)

Response Time Test

Standby Self-Discharge

Standby Energy Consumption

Power Factor (Real and Reactive Power)

Frequency Regulation

Automatic, semi-automatic and manual operational modes

Remote control and data capture

Islanding tests (as required)

5.7 Operation and Maintenance (O&M)

The Contractor shall prepare and provide a recommended Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan related to the ESD in order to maintain the plant Performance Guarantee. The Contractor shall prepare and provide a training program and schedule that is designed with sufficient detail to effectively train Operating personnel in the operation of the completed ESD system. The Contractor shall prepare and provide a complete set of O&M documentation, including but not limited to;

Complete as-built engineering drawings and layouts

A complete list of spare parts, noting type, manufacturer, specifications and original

supplier details

A complete Operations manual, describing the ESD functions, performance, faults,

component operational bounds, alarms and responses

A complete Maintenance manual, describing the scheduled maintenance program,

spare part inventory, unscheduled maintenance response

The Contractor shall also provide a methodology by which operational algorithms can be updated describing the formulation, testing and approved application process to comply with both Performance Guarantees and Warranties. This is expected to be a very important aspect of the Tender, as significant change to operational algorithms are likely as the relevant electricity markets evolve and the ESD service value shifts.

Page 26


6.1 Document Control

A formal document management system will be employed to manage the delivery of the project. This will manage the interaction between the Contractor and the Consortium, and include;

A Web based portal for document exchange

A formal register and revision process

A formal transmittal recording process

Document archiving

Contractors will be required to use this document management process as a condition of


It is expected that the presentation and approval by the Consortium of certain documents at

certain times within the Project Schedule will be a requirement of Contract.

6.2 Factory Acceptance Tests/Quality Control

Depending on ESD solution, it is likely that the Consortium will require certain equipment to

be tested within the manufacturing factory to prove compliance with relevant standards or

performance prior to transport to Site – such tests are known as Factory Acceptance Tests,

and Contractors will have to allow for these hold points in their delivery.

A quality assurance plan detailing the application of the supplier’s quality system to the

Contractor’s Scope of Work shall be submitted for the Consortium's approval, prior to

commencement of any work. The plan must specifically detail how each element of the

quality standard is applied and must contain:

An outline of the Supplier’s Quality Management System, including details on

certification to international (ISO) standards

The supplier’s organisation chart for the Work

Roles and responsibilities of QA/QC staff

The list of the procedures that will be used for the Work

The list of the inspection and test plans for the Work

A schedule identifying internal and external audit

6.3 Commissioning

Contractors will be required to prepare and provide an extensive Project Commissioning

Plan, in draft with their Tender and which will be formulated in consultation with, and

approved by, the Consortium prior to Commissioning beginning. This will be a staged,

logical Plan taking into account the operational environment of the Site and any relevant

stakeholders identified by the Consortium.

Page 27

6.4 Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

The Contractor will have primacy of the Site. This means that they will be responsible for and manage all safety and environmental issues on the Site until the Project reaches Practical Completion. The Contractor shall prepare and provide an extensive Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management Plan, in draft with their Tender and to be approved by the Consortium prior to Works commencing and which will cover the detailed design, construction and commissioning periods. As a minimum, this HSE Plan will include;

A formal Project structure including clear responsibilities and expectations for HSE


A risk based assessment and treatment approach to HSE issues which is included

in the Project Risk Register, and which includes interaction with relevant Project


HAZID and HAZOP processes to inform both the design process and construction,

undertaken and updated at regular intervals

A means of tracking and responding to HSE incidents

A formal permit process for construction activities considered of higher risk

Regular safety briefings and updates to Project staff and sub-contractors

6.5 Risk Management

A risk based approach to the Project will be expected from the Contractor, which shall include as a minimum;

A Risk Management Governance framework consistent with Australian Standards

A Project Risk Register, compiled for the Project and updated regularly through input

from Project Stakeholders

A formal process of assessing and treating risks in alignment with the “As Low As

Reasonably Possible” (ALARP) principal

A means of allocating and tracking actions in regards to risk treatments

6.6 Delivery Project Management & Client Consortiums Engineer

It is expected that the Contractor shall report to a Consortium Project Management Team which will include a formal Project Manager, who will provide Governance over the Contract, and an Owner’s Engineer Team, who will provide review of all engineering deliverables in terms of meeting the final Specification.

6.7 DATA Submission and Engineering Deliverables

A range of Deliverables will be expected from the Contractor during the Project. The Contractor shall, as a minimum, submit the following data for ALL electrical and mechanical components, as part of the bid package:

Equipment/component specifications

Accelerated life testing results and data

Page 28

Standard Technical drawings

General Plant Layout

The Contractor shall develop a comprehensive Engineering Design Package consisting of drawings generated in AutoCAD, latest version. Drawing format shall be acceptable to the Consortium. Drawings and specifications shall be prepared to eliminate field engineering design and any possible construction delays. The Engineering Design Package shall be complete covering all work and shall include, but not limited to, the following information and drawings:

Cover sheet

Dimensions Site plan

Symbols, abbreviations and notes

Structural plans, details and elevations

Plant and Equipment Electrical single line , three line , and control schematic


Battery, Power Conversion Units, and Plant Switchgear installation plans

Grounding plans

Power and control wiring plans, including AC and DC systems

SCADA system design and details

Lightning protection (if required)

As-built drawings and documentation

Equipment operation and maintenance manuals

Engineering Calculation

Others as required

Page 29


7.1 General

The Energy Storage Device will comply with all relevant legislation and standards. This

includes those of South Australia, or of Australia, or International Standards, depending on

coverage and issue.

Where an Australian Standard does not exist for an element of the Device, a suitable

International Standard will be sourced and agreed between the consortium members.

7.2 Units of measurement

The following provide the basic units of measurement to be used for the Energy Storage

Device, which is based on the International Metric System of SI Units.

Unit Explanation

ºC Degree Celsius

dB Decibel

dB(A) Decibel (on ‘A’ scale)

Hz Hertz (cycles per second)

kg kilogram

kg/h kilograms per hour

kg/L kilograms per litre

kg/m3 kilograms per cubic metre

kg/s kilogram per second

kJ/h kilojoules per hour

kJ/kWh kilojoules per kilowatt hour

kPa Kilopascal (defined as absolute)

kPa (a) kilopascals absolute

kPa (g) kilopascal gauge

kV kilovolt

kW kilowatts

kW/m2 kilowatts per square metre

kW/m3 kilowatts per cubic metre

m metre

m2 square metre

m3 cubic metre

m3/s cubic metres per second

mA milliampere

mg milligram

mg/L milligrams per litre

Page 30

Unit Explanation

ML Megalitre

mm millimetre

MPa Megapascal (defined as absolute)

m/s Meters per second

MVA Megavolt amperes

MVAr Megavolt amperes reactive

MW Megawatts

Nm3 Normal cubic metres

Pa Pascal

ppb Parts per billion

ppm Parts per million

rpm Revolutions per minute

V Volts

7.3 Particular Australian Standards

The following Australian Standards are expected to apply to the Energy Storage Device,

depending on final energy storage medium – this list should not be considered to cover all of

the applicable standards or relevance, but is supplied for indicative purposes only.

AS/NZS 3000 Electrical Wiring Rules

AS 1852 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary

AS 2650 Common Specifications for High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear


AS 62271.100 High Voltage AC Switchgear and Controlgear – Part 100: High-voltage

Alternating Current Circuit Breakers

IEC 62271-100 High Voltage AC Switchgear and Controlgear – Part 100: High-voltage

Alternating Current Circuit Breakers

AS 62271.102 High Voltage AC Switchgear and Controlgear - AC Disconnectors and earth


AS 1307.2 Surge arresters - Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems

Page 31

AS 62271.301 Dimensional Standardisation of Terminals

AS 60044.1 Instrument Transformers – Part1: Current Transformers

AS 60044.2 to

AS 60044.5 Instrument Transformers – Voltage Transformers

AS 4436 Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions

AS 1170.2 Structural design actions - Wind actions

IEC 60376 Specification and acceptance of new SF6

AS 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment

AS 2067 Substations and high voltage installations exceeding 1kV a.c.

AS 4398.1 Insulators - Ceramic and Glass-Station Posts for indoor and outdoor use-

voltages greater than 1000V AC – Characteristics

AS 4398.2 Insulators - Ceramic and Glass-Station Posts for indoor and outdoor use-

voltages greater than 1000V AC 2 – Tests

IEC60437 Insulators – Ceramic Type Testing Radio Interference

AS 2374 Power Transformers

AS1768 Lightning Protection

AS/NZS 1170.2 Wind Loads


61558.2.4:2001 Safety of power transformers, power supply units

AS2067 Substations and high voltage installations exceeding 1kV a.c.

AS3010 Electrical installations - Generating

Page 32

AS4044 Battery chargers for stationary batteries

AS4777 Grid Connections of Energy Systems via Inverters

AS2676 Installation and maintenance of batteries in buildings

AS3011 Electrical installations - Secondary batteries

AS/NZS 3197 portable electrical control or conditioning devices

AS/NZS 60950 Information technology equipment

AS4086 Secondary Batteries for use with stand-alone power systems

AS4509 Stand-alone power systems

C-Tick EMC, EME and radio communications compliance

Code of Practice Australian Battery Industry Association Code of Practice

AS IEC 62040.3 Uninterruptible power systems

Page 33


[1] The Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)

[2] The Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA) and supporting Codes of Practice.


Appendix A. South Australian Transmission System & the

Preferred ESD Sites

Figure A1 – Map of the South Australian Transmission Network, indicating the three preferred Sites

for the ESD. Source: ElectraNet

Location 1

Location 2

Location 3


Appendix B. Details of the Reference Site

Port Lincoln Terminal Substation

The Reference Site is located at the Port Lincoln Terminal Substation which is on Pound

Lane, approximately 7 km north-west of the City of Port Lincoln on Eyre Peninsula, South

Australia. Port Lincoln is approximately 645 km from Adelaide by road. An aerial photograph

is provided of the Site in Figure B1, a location with reference to the existing Eyre Peninsula

transmission system in Figure B2, and a location map in Figure B3.

The coordinates of the Substation are at approximately: 34º 41’ 59.66”S, 135º 48’ 17.06”E

Port Lincoln Terminal Substation site has both ElectraNet (132 kV) and SA Power Networks

(33 kV) infrastructure and includes existing backup generation used for network support

services. ElectraNet owns the land where it has HV assets and also a substantial parcel of

land adjacent to the north and east of the substation (10 Ha plus), potentially where the ESD

could be installed. A single line diagram of the Substation is shown in Figures B4a-c which

indicates the assumed connection point for the ESD (in Figure B4c).

Port Lincoln Terminal Substation site is connected to the greater ElectraNet

Telecommunications Network via a 155Mbps Radio. Both circuit switched and packet

switched circuits terminate at the substation, and can be extended to the Energy Storage

Site as required over multimode fibre cable.

Figure B1. Aerial photograph of Port Lincoln Terminal Substation looking West.


Figure B2. Location relative to existing Transmission assets.

Figure B3. Location map.

Port Lincoln



Port Lincoln



This figure is licensed by Google Earth for WorleyParsons use only. WorleyParsons is not permitted to grant a licence to use this figure. This figure

is not to be copied or distributed without the appropriate licence from Google Earth. Contours & Cadastre © Dept Lands, 2009.


Figure B4a. Port Lincoln Terminal Substation Single Line Diagram (1 of 3)


Figure B4b. Port Lincoln Terminal Substation Single Line Diagram (2 of 3)


Figure B4c – Port Lincoln Terminal Substation Single Line Diagram (3 of 3), showing the

potential connection point for the ESD.


Appendix C. ESD Specific Nomenclature

The following nomenclature is used throughout this RFI Specification in regards to the ESD.

Power rating (P)

This parameter determines the constitution and size of the motor-generator or inverter used

in the stored energy conversion chain and is used to represent maximum (nameplate) power

of charge and discharge. Within this RFI it is stated in MW. Power ratings can be both into

and out of the ESD (designated Pin and Pout respectively), and are often different.

Energy rating (storage capacity) (Q)

This is the quantity of available energy in the storage system after charging. Energy ratings

in this RFI are in MWh which allows a direct conversion between the maximum nameplate

rating of the device and the hours of storage it has available.

Depth of discharge (DoD)

DoD represents the limit of discharge depth (i.e. if a battery is 100 % fully charged, it means

the DoD of the battery is 0 %, while a fully discharged battery has a DoD of 100%).

Discharge time (DT)

This is the maximum power discharge duration. It depends on the DoD, the storage capacity,

the MWpk and the response time the system.

Round trip efficiency or cycle efficiency (Eff)

This is the ratio of whole system electricity output to the electricity input over a charge and

discharge cycle. It provides a measure of the losses in an energy storage device, which

usually is released as heat to the atmosphere.

Response time (RT)

This is the time required for an energy storage device to be capable of charging or

discharging energy. The speed of response may be important in frequency control ancillary

services and/or network services.

Self-discharge (SD)

This is the portion of energy that was initially stored and which has dissipated over a given

amount of non-use time (i.e. air leakage loses in CAES, electrochemical losses BES etc.).

Only certain potential energy storage systems (such as raising a solid mass to a certain

height) could be considered to have zero self-discharge.

Durability (lifetime and cycling time or cycling capacity) (D)

Durability is typically expressed as lifetime in years or cycling capacity in number of cycling

times (1 cycle corresponds to one charge and one discharge) [3].


Appendix D. Extract of National Electricity Rules Requirements

The ESD connection to the transmission network is subject to the requirements of Chapter 5

of the National Electricity Rules (NER), and more specifically as outlined in NER Schedule

5.2 “Conditions for Connection of Generators”. The NER can be found at:


Following below is an extract of the NER covering the technical requirements deemed most

relevant to the ESD.

Technical requirements

S5.2.5.1 Reactive power capability

Automatic access standard

(a) The automatic access standard is a generating system operating at:

(1) any level of active power output; and

(2) any voltage at the connection point within the limits established under

clause S5.1a.4 without a contingency event,

must be capable of supplying and absorbing continuously at its connection

point an amount of reactive power of at least the amount equal to the

product of the rated active power of the generating system and 0.395.

Minimum access standard

(b) The minimum access standard is no capability is required to supply or

absorb reactive power at the connection point.

Negotiated access standard

(c) When negotiating a negotiated access standard, the Generator and the

Network Service Provider:

(1) must subject to any agreement under paragraph (d)(4), ensure that the

reactive power capability of the generating system is sufficient to

ensure that all relevant system standards are met before and after

credible contingency events under normal and planned outage

operating conditions of the power system, taking into account at least

existing projects and considered projects;

(2) may negotiate either a range of reactive power absorption and supply,

or a range of power factor, at the connection point, within which the

plant must be operated; and

(3) may negotiate a limit that describes how the reactive power capability

varies as a function of active power output due to a design

characteristic of the plant.

(d) If the generating system is not capable of the level of performance

established under paragraph (c)(1) the Generator, depending on what is

reasonable in the circumstances, must:


(1) pay compensation to the Network Service Provider for the provision

of the deficit of reactive power (supply and absorption) from within

the network;

(2) install additional equipment connecting at the generating system’s

connection point or another location, to provide the deficit of reactive

power (supply and absorption), and such equipment is deemed to be

part of the generating system;

(3) reach a commercial arrangement with a Registered Participant to

provide the deficit of reactive power (supply and absorption); or

(4) if the inability to meet the performance level only occurs for

particular operating conditions, agree to and document as part of the

proposed negotiated access standard, operational arrangements by

which the plant can achieve an agreed level of performance for those

operating conditions.

(e) The Generator may select one or more options referred to in paragraph (d).

General requirements

(f) An access standard must record the agreed value for rated active power

and where relevant the method of determining the value.

(g) An access standard for consumption of energy by a generating system

when not supplying or absorbing reactive power under an ancillary services

agreement is to be established under clause S5.3.5 as if the Generator were

a Market Customer.

S5.2.5.2 Quality of electricity generated

(a) For the purpose of this clause S5.2.5.2 in respect of a synchronous

generating unit, AS 1359.101 and IEC 60034-1 are plant standards for

harmonic voltage distortion.

Automatic access standard

(b) The automatic access standard is a generating system when generating and

when not generating must not produce at any of its connection points for


(1) voltage fluctuation greater than the limits allocated by the Network

Service Provider under clause S5.1.5(a);

(2) harmonic voltage distortion greater than the emission limits specified

by a plant standard under paragraph (a) or allocated by the Network

Service Provider under clause S5.1.6(a); and

(3) voltage unbalance greater than the limits allocated by the Network

Service Provider in accordance with clause S5.1.7(c).

Minimum access standard

(c) The minimum access standard is a generating system when generating and

when not generating must not produce at any of its connection points for



(1) voltage fluctuations greater than limits determined under clause


(2) harmonic voltage distortion more than the lesser of the emission

limits determined by the relevant Network Service Provider under

clause S5.1.6(b) and specified by a plant standard under paragraph

(a); and

(3) voltage unbalance more than limits determined under clause


Negotiated access standard

(d) A negotiated access standard negotiated under this clause S5.2.5.2 must not

prevent the Network Service Provider meeting the system standards or

contractual obligations to existing Network Users.

S5.2.5.5 Generating system response to disturbances following contingency events

(a) In this clause S5.2.5.5 a fault includes:

(1) a fault of the relevant type having a metallic conducting path; and

(2) a fault of the relevant type resulting from reclosure onto a fault by the

operation of automatic reclose equipment.

Automatic access standard

(b) The automatic access standard is:

(1) a generating system and each of its generating units must remain in

continuous uninterrupted operation for a disturbance caused by an

event that is:

(i) a credible contingency event other than a fault referred to in

subparagraph (iv);

(ii) a three phase fault in a transmission system cleared by all

relevant primary protection systems;

(iii) a two phase to ground, phase to phase or phase to ground fault

in a transmission system cleared in:

(A) the longest time expected to be taken for a relevant

breaker fail protection system to clear the fault; or

(B) if a protection system referred to in subparagraph (A) is

not installed, the greater of the time specified in column 4

of Table S5.1a.2 (or if none is specified, 430

milliseconds) and the longest time expected to be taken

for all relevant primary protection systems to clear the

fault; and

(iv) a three phase, two phase to ground, phase to phase or phase to

ground fault in a distribution network cleared in:

(A) the longest time expected to be taken for the breaker fail

protection system to clear the fault; or


(B) if a protection system referred to in subparagraph (A) is

not installed, the greater of 430 milliseconds and the

longest time expected to be taken for all relevant primary

protection systems to clear the fault,

provided that the event is not one that would disconnect the

generating unit from the power system by removing network elements

from service; and

(2) subject to any changed power system conditions or energy source

availability beyond the Generator’s reasonable control, a generating

system and each of its generating units, in respect of the types of fault

described in subparagraphs (1)(ii) to (iv), must supply to or absorb

from the network:

(i) to assist the maintenance of power system voltages during the

application of the fault, capacitive reactive current of at least the

greater of its pre-disturbance reactive current and 4% of the

maximum continuous current of the generating system

including all operating generating units (in the absence of a

disturbance) for each 1% reduction (from its pre-fault level) of

connection point voltage during the fault;

(ii) after disconnection of the faulted element, reactive power

sufficient to ensure that the connection point voltage is within

the range for continuous uninterrupted operation under clause

S5.2.5.4; and

(iii) from 100 milliseconds after disconnection of the faulted

element, active power of at least 95% of the level existing just

prior to the fault.

Minimum access standard

(c) The minimum access standard is:

(1) a generating system and each of its generating units must remain in

continuous uninterrupted operation for the disturbance caused by an

event that is:

(i) a credible contingency event other than a fault referred to in

subparagraph (iii);

(ii) a single phase to ground, phase to phase or two phase to ground

fault in a transmission system cleared in the longest time

expected to be taken for all relevant primary protection systems

to clear the fault unless AEMO and the Network Service

Provider agree that:

(A) the total reduction of generation in the power system due

to that fault would not exceed 100 MW;

(B) there is unlikely to be an adverse impact on quality of

supply to other Network Users; and

(C) there is unlikely to be a material adverse impact on power

system security; and


(iii) a single phase to ground, phase to phase or two phase to ground

fault in a distribution network, cleared in the longest time

expected to be taken for all relevant primary protection systems

to clear the fault, unless AEMO and the Network Service

Provider agree that:

(A) the total reduction of generation in the power system due

to that fault would not exceed 100 MW;

(B) there is unlikely to be a material adverse impact on quality

of supply to other Network Users; and

(C) there is unlikely to be a material adverse impact on power

system security,

provided that the event is not one that would disconnect the

generating unit from the power system by removing network elements

from service; and

(2) subject to any changed power system conditions or energy source

availability beyond the Generator’s reasonable control after

disconnection of the faulted element, each generating system must, in

respect of the types of fault described in subparagraphs (1)(ii) and

(iii), deliver to the network, active power and supply or absorb

leading or lagging reactive power, sufficient to ensure that the

connection point voltage is within the range for continuous

uninterrupted operation agreed under clause S5.2.5.4.

Negotiated access standard

(d) In carrying out assessments of proposed negotiated access standards under

this clause S5.2.5.5, the Network Service Provider and AEMO must take

into account, without limitation:

(1) the expected performance of:

(i) existing networks and considered projects;

(ii) existing generating plant and other relevant projects; and

(iii) control systems and protection systems, including auxiliary

systems and automatic reclose equipment; and

(2) the expected range of power system operating conditions.

(e) A proposed negotiated access standard may be accepted if the connection

of the plant at the proposed access level would not cause other generating

plant or loads to trip as a result of an event, when they would otherwise not

have tripped for the same event.

(f) AEMO must advise on matters relating to negotiated access standards

under this clause S5.2.5.5.

General requirement

(g) The access standard must include any operational arrangements to ensure

the generating system including all operating generating units will meet its

agreed performance levels under abnormal network or generating system



S5.2.5.11 Frequency control

(a) For the purpose of this clause S5.2.5.11:

maximum operating level means in relation to:

(1) a non-scheduled generating unit, the maximum sent out generation

consistent with its nameplate rating;

(2) a scheduled generating unit or semi-scheduled generating unit, the

maximum sent out generation;

(3) a non-scheduled generating system, the combined maximum sent out

generation consistent with the nameplate ratings of its in-service

generating units; and

(4) a scheduled generating system or semi-scheduled generating system,

the combined maximum sent out generation of its in-service

generating units.

minimum operating level means in relation to:

(1) a non-scheduled generating unit, its minimum sent out generation for

continuous stable operation;

(2) a scheduled generating unit or semi-scheduled generating unit, its

minimum sent out generation for continuous stable operation

consistent with its registered bid and offer data;

(3) a non-scheduled generating system, the combined minimum operating

level of its in-service generating units; and

(4) a scheduled generating system or semi-scheduled generating system,

the combined minimum sent out generation of its in-service

generating units, consistent with its registered bid and offer data.

pre-disturbance level means in relation to a generating unit and a

frequency disturbance, the generating unit's level of output just before the

system frequency first exceeds the upper or lower limit of the normal

operating frequency band during the frequency disturbance.

system frequency means the frequency of the transmission system or

distribution system to which the generating unit or generating system is


Automatic access standard

(b) The automatic access standard is:

(1) a generating system’s active power transfer to the power system must


(i) increase in response to a rise in system frequency; or

(ii) decrease in response to a fall in system frequency;

(2) a generating system must be capable of automatically reducing its

active power transfer to the power system:

(i) whenever the system frequency exceeds the upper limit of the

normal operating frequency band;


(ii) by an amount that equals or exceeds the least of:

(A) 20% of its maximum operating level times the frequency

difference between system frequency and the upper limit

of the normal operating frequency band;

(B) 10% of its maximum operating level; and

(C) the difference between the generating unit's pre-

disturbance level and minimum operating level, but zero

if the difference is negative; and

(iii) sufficiently rapidly for the Generator to be in a position to offer

measurable amounts of lower services to the spot market for

market ancillary services; and

(3) a generating system must be capable of automatically increasing its

active power transfer to the power system:

(i) whenever the system frequency falls below the lower limit of

the normal operating frequency band;

(ii) by the amount that equals or exceeds the least of:

(A) 20% of its maximum operating level times the percentage

frequency difference between the lower limit of the

normal operating frequency band and system frequency;

(B) 5% of its maximum operating level; and

(C) one third of the difference between the generating unit's

maximum operating level and pre-disturbance level, but

zero if the difference is negative; and

(iii) sufficiently rapidly for the Generator to be in a position to offer

measurable amounts of raise services to the spot market for

market ancillary services.

Minimum access standard

(c) The minimum access standard is a generating system under relatively stable

input energy, active power transfer to the power system must not:

(1) increase in response to a rise in system frequency; and

(2) decrease more than 2% per Hz in response to a fall in system


Negotiated access standard

(d) A Generator proposing a negotiated access standard in respect of

paragraph (c)(2) must demonstrate to AEMO that the proposed increase and

decrease in active power transfer to the power system are as close as

practicable to the automatic access standard for that plant.

(e) The negotiated access standard must record the agreed values for

maximum operating level and minimum operating level, and where relevant

the method of determining the values and the values for a generating system

must take into account its in-service generating units.


(f) AEMO must advise on matters relating to negotiated access standards

under this clause S5.2.5.11.

General requirements

(g) Each control system used to satisfy this clause S5.2.5.11 must be

adequately damped.

(h) The amount of a relevant market ancillary service for which the plant may

be registered must not exceed the amount that would be consistent with the

performance standard registered in respect of this requirement.

S5.2.5.12 Impact on network capability

Automatic access standard

(a) The automatic access standard is a generating system must have plant

capabilities and control systems that are sufficient so that when connected it

does not reduce any inter-regional or intra-regional power transfer

capability below the level that would apply if the generating system were

not connected.

Minimum access standard

(b) The minimum access standard is a generating system must have plant

capabilities, control systems and operational arrangements sufficient to

ensure there is no reduction in:

(1) the ability to supply Customer load as a result of a reduction in power

transfer capability; and

(2) power transfer capabilities into a region by more than the combined

sent out generation of its generating units.

Negotiated access standard

(c) In carrying out assessments of proposed negotiated access standards under

this clause S5.2.5.12, the Network Service Provider and AEMO must take

into account:

(1) the expected performance of:

(i) existing networks and considered projects;

(ii) existing generating plant and other relevant projects; and

(iii) control systems and protection systems, including automatic

reclose equipment; and

(2) the expected range of power system operating conditions.

(d) The negotiated access standard must include:

(1) control systems to minimise any reduction in power transfer

capabilities; and

(2) operational arrangements, including curtailment of the generating

system’s output if necessary to ensure that the generating plant is

operated in a way that meets at least the minimum access standard


under abnormal network and generating system conditions, so that

power system security can be maintained.

(e) A negotiated access standard under this clause S5.2.5.12 must detail the

plant capabilities, control systems and operational arrangements that will be

maintained by the Generator, notwithstanding that change to the power

system, but not changes to the generating system, may reduce the efficacy

of the plant capabilities, control systems and operational arrangements over


(f) AEMO must advise on matters relating to negotiated access standards

under this clause S5.2.5.12.

General requirement

(g) If a Network Service Provider considers that power transfer capabilities of

its network would be increased through provision of additional control

system facilities to a generating system (such as a power system stabiliser),

the Network Service Provider and the Generator may negotiate for the

provision of such additional control system facilities as a commercial


S5.2.5.13 Voltage and reactive power control

(a) For the purpose of this clause S5.2.5.13:

rise time means in relation to a step response test or simulation of a control

system, the time taken for an output quantity to rise from 10% to 90% of the

maximum change induced in that quantity by a step change of an input


settling time means in relation to a step response test or simulation of a

control system, the time measured from initiation of a step change in an

input quantity to the time when the magnitude of error between the output

quantity and its final settling value remains less than 10% of:

(1) if the sustained change in the quantity is less than half of the

maximum change in that output quantity, the maximum change

induced in that output quantity; or

(2) the sustained change induced in that output quantity.

static excitation system means in relation to a synchronous generating

unit, an excitation control system that does not use rotating machinery to

produce the field current.

Automatic access standard

(b) The automatic access standard is:

(1) a generating system must have plant capabilities and control systems

sufficient to ensure that:

(i) power system oscillations, for the frequencies of oscillation of

the generating unit against any other generating unit, are

adequately damped;


(ii) operation of the generating system does not degrade the

damping of any critical mode of oscillation of the power system;


(iii) operation of the generating system does not cause instability

(including hunting of tap-changing transformer control

systems) that would adversely impact other Registered


(2) a control system must have:

(i) for the purposes of disturbance monitoring and testing,

permanently installed and operational, monitoring and recording

facilities for key variables including each input and output; and

(ii) facilities for testing the control system sufficient to establish its

dynamic operational characteristics;

(3) a synchronous generating system must have an excitation control

system that:

(i) regulates voltage at the connection point or another agreed

location in the power system (including within the generating

system) to within 0.5% of the setpoint;

(ii) is able to operate the stator continuously at 105% of nominal

voltage with rated active power output;

(iii) regulates voltage in a manner that helps to support network

voltages during faults and does not prevent the Network Service

Provider from achieving the requirements of clause S5.1a.3 and


(iv) allows the voltage setpoint to be continuously controllable in

the range of at least 95% to 105% of normal voltage at the

connection point or the agreed location, without reliance on a

tap-changing transformer;

(v) has limiting devices to ensure that a voltage disturbance does

not cause the generating unit to trip at the limits of its operating


(vi) has an excitation ceiling voltage of at least:

(A) for a static excitation system, 2.3 times; or

(B) for other excitation control systems, 1.5 times,

the excitation required to achieve generation at the nameplate

rating for rated power factor, rated speed and nominal voltage;

(vii) has settling times for a step change of voltage setpoint or

voltage at the location agreed under subparagraph (i) of:

(A) generated voltage less than 2.5 seconds for a 5% voltage

disturbance with the generating unit not synchronised;

(B) active power, reactive power and voltage less than 5.0

seconds for a 5% voltage disturbance with the generating

unit synchronised, from an operating point where the


voltage disturbance would not cause any limiting device

to operate; and

(C) in respect of each limiting device, active power, reactive

power and voltage less than 7.5 seconds for a 5% voltage

disturbance with the generating unit synchronised, when

operating into a limiting device from an operating point

where a voltage disturbance of 2.5% would just cause the

limiting device to operate;

(viii) is able to increase field voltage from rated field voltage to the

excitation ceiling voltage in less than:

(A) 0.05 second for a static excitation system; or

(B) 0.5 second for other excitation control systems;

(ix) has a power system stabiliser with sufficient flexibility to enable

damping performance to be maximised, with characteristics as

described in paragraph (c); and

(x) has reactive current compensation settable for boost or droop;


(4) a generating system, other than one comprised of synchronous

generating units, must have a voltage control system that:

(i) regulates voltage at the connection point or an agreed location

in the power system (including within the generating system) to

within 0.5% of its setpoint;

(ii) regulates voltage in a manner that helps to support network

voltages during faults and does not prevent the Network Service

Provider from achieving the requirements of clauses S5.1a.3

and S5.1a.4;

(iii) allows the voltage setpoint to be continuously controllable in

the range of at least 95% to 105% of normal voltage at the

connection point or agreed location in the power system,

without reliance on a tap changing transformer;

(iv) has limiting devices to ensure that a voltage disturbance does

not cause the generating unit to trip at the limits of its operating


(v) with the generating system connected to the power system, has

settling times for active power, reactive power and voltage due

to a step change of voltage setpoint or voltage at the location

agreed under clause subparagraph (i), of less than:

(A) 5.0 seconds for a 5% voltage disturbance with the

generating system connected to the power system, from an

operating point where the voltage disturbance would not

cause any limiting device to operate; and

(B) 7.5 seconds for a 5% voltage disturbance with the

generating system connected to the power system, when

operating into any limiting device from an operating point


where a voltage disturbance of 2.5% would just cause the

limiting device to operate;

(vi) has reactive power rise time, for a 5% step change in the

voltage setpoint, of less than 2 seconds;

(vii) has a power system stabiliser with sufficient flexibility to enable

damping performance to be maximised, with characteristics as

described in paragraph (c); and

(viii) has reactive current compensation.

(c) A power system stabiliser provided under paragraph (b) must have:

(1) for a synchronous generating unit, measurements of rotor speed and

active power output of the generating unit as inputs, and otherwise,

measurements of power system frequency and active power output of

the generating unit as inputs;

(2) two washout filters for each input, with ability to bypass one of them

if necessary;

(3) sufficient (and not less than two) lead-lag transfer function blocks (or

equivalent number of complex poles and zeros) with adjustable gain

and time-constants, to compensate fully for the phase lags due to the

generating plant;

(4) an output limiter, which for a synchronous generating unit is

continually adjustable over the range of –10% to +10% of stator


(5) monitoring and recording facilities for key variables including inputs,

output and the inputs to the lead-lag transfer function blocks; and

(6) facilities to permit testing of the power system stabiliser in isolation

from the power system by injection of test signals, sufficient to

establish the transfer function of the power system stabiliser.

Minimum access standard

(d) The minimum access standard is:

(1) a generating system must have plant capabilities and control systems,

including, if appropriate, a power system stabiliser, sufficient to

ensure that:

(i) power system oscillations, for the frequencies of oscillation of

the generating unit against any other generating unit, are

adequately damped;

(ii) operation of the generating unit does not degrade:

(A) any mode of oscillation that is within 0.3 nepers per

second of being unstable, by more than 0.01 nepers per

second; and

(B) any other mode of oscillation to within 0.29 nepers per

second of being unstable; and


(iii) operation of the generating unit does not cause instability

(including hunting of tap-changing transformer control

systems) that would adversely impact other Registered


(2) a generating system comprised of generating units with a combined

nameplate rating of 30 MW or more must have facilities for testing

its control systems sufficient to establish their dynamic operational


(3) a generating unit or generating system must have facilities:

(i) where the connection point nominal voltage is 100 kV or more,

to regulate voltage in a manner that does not prevent the

Network Service Provider from achieving the requirements of

clauses S5.1a.3 and S5.1a.4; or

(ii) where the connection point nominal voltage is less than 100 kV,

to regulate voltage or reactive power or power factor in a

manner that does not prevent the Network Service Provider

from achieving the requirements of clauses S5.1a.3 and S5.1a.4,

and sufficient to achieve the performance agreed in respect of clauses

S5.2.5.1, S5.2.5.2, S5.2.5.3, S5.2.5.4, S5.2.5.5, S5.2.5.6 and


(4) a synchronous generating unit, that is part of a generating system

comprised of generating units with a combined nameplate rating of

30 MW or more, must have an excitation control system that:

(i) regulates voltage, power factor or reactive power as agreed with

the Network Service Provider and AEMO;

(ii) has excitation ceiling voltage of at least 1.5 times the excitation

required to achieve generation at the nameplate rating for rated

power factor, rated speed and nominal voltage;

(iii) subject to co-ordination under paragraph (i), has a settling time

of less than 5.0 seconds for a 5% voltage disturbance with the

generating unit synchronised, from an operating point where

such a voltage disturbance would not cause any limiting device

to operate; and

(iv) has over and under excitation limiting devices sufficient to

ensure that a voltage disturbance does not cause the generating

unit to trip at the limits of its operating capability; and

(5) a generating system comprised of generating units with a combined

nameplate rating of 30 MW or more and which are asynchronous

generating units, must have a control system that:

(i) regulates voltage, power factor or reactive power as agreed with

the Network Service Provider and AEMO;

(ii) subject to co-ordination under subparagraph (i), has a settling

time less than 7.5 seconds for a 5% voltage disturbance with the

generating unit electrically connected to the power system from


an operating point where such a voltage disturbance would not

cause any limiting device to operate; and

(iii) has limiting devices to ensure that a voltage disturbance would

not cause the generating unit to trip at the limits of its operating


Negotiated access standard

(e) If a generating system cannot meet the automatic access standard, the

Generator must demonstrate to the Network Service Provider why that

standard could not be reasonably achieved and propose a negotiated access


(f) The negotiated access standard proposed by the Generator under paragraph

(e) must be the highest level that the generating system can reasonably

achieve, including by installation of additional dynamic reactive power

equipment, and through optimising its control systems.

(g) AEMO must advise on matters relating to negotiated access standards

under this clause S5.2.5.13.

General requirements

(h) A limiting device provided under paragraphs (b) and (c) must:

(1) not detract from the performance of any power system stabiliser; and

(2) be co-ordinated with all protection systems.

(i) The Network Service Provider may require that the design and operation of

the control systems of a generating unit or generating system be

coordinated with the existing voltage control systems of the Network

Service Provider and of other Network Users, in order to avoid or manage

interactions that would adversely impact on the Network Service Provider

and other Network Users.

(j) Any requirements imposed by the Network Service Provider under

paragraph (i) must be recorded in the access standard.

(k) The assessment of impact of the generating units on power system stability

and damping of power system oscillations shall be in accordance with the

guidelines for power system stability established under clause 4.3.4(h).


Appendix E. Envisaged Market Trading Mode Operation

The following provides a general description of the Market Trading function that the ESD

would be envisaged to have, using output from the ESD model that has been built by the

ESCRI Consortium. At this stage this thinking is preliminary and subject to change, but is

provided to give Respondents an indication of the type of duty cycle envisaged while the

device is in Market Trading Mode – that is, when the device is dispatched to maximise the

market value due to time shifting of electrical power.

In this mode it is envisaged it will switch according to the pool price that is defined by the

market for each 30 minute dispatch period. In the event that the device is dispatched to

support the network (Network Mode), this will override any pricing signals it receives and that

Mode will likely have priority – however, simulations indicate this is unlikely to greatly impact

on the frequency of dispatch of the device.

The electricity pool prices typically proceed in a pattern as shown in figure E1 below. A daily

signal can be discerned in most pool price trajectories whereby prices are high during peak

periods and low during off-peak periods. However, the pool price is controlled by market

conditions - accordingly price spikes and chaotic behaviour is not unusual.

Figure E1 Typical trajectory of SA pool prices over a period of 2 weeks (672 x 30 minute

market dispatch periods)

The envisaged device will be too small to impact on the market behaviour of the pool price,

but it can take advantage of the differences in pricing to generate revenue by time shifting


Figure E2 below shows a two week period whereby price thresholds are set up in order to

decide when the device should be dispatched as a generator and when it should be

dispatched as a load.

Figure E2 Typical two week trading interval showing typical threshold levels


It is envisaged that the storage device will be dispatched as a generator whenever the pool

price is above a pre-set threshold (for example $ 31 /MWh) and dispatched as a load

whenever the pool price is below another threshold (for example $ 29/MWh). Whenever the

pool price is between thresholds the device is switched off or in standby.

In order to maximise the possible revenue from this form of dispatch, it is envisaged that the

device will normally be either fully on or fully off whenever it receives an automated signal to

dispatch, although this algorithm may require further consideration to optimise.

The device will continue in this mode until the pool price falls back below (or above) the

relevant threshold, or if the device has fully charged (load dispatch case) or discharged

(generation dispatch case), in which case the device will be switched off or placed in


Figure E3 shows the simulated dispatch of a 5 hour rated storage device under these

conditions for an arbitrary trading interval.

Figure E3 In general the device will be dispatched whenever the pool price is above its

relevant threshold. However in the event that the device is fully charged or discharged it will

switch off or go into standby.

The Figures above indicate that in this case the storage device would be dispatched as a

generator 22 times over a 14 day period, and 22 times as a load. I.e. on average the device

is dispatched about 1.6 times per day as a generator or as a load. This coincides with the

fact that in general there are two system peaks in a day – except for weekends and public

holidays – in South Australia.

Increasing the amount of storage enables the device to be switched on for longer periods

before reaching its fully charged or fully discharged state, as shown in Figure E4.


Figure E4 The graphs above are generated by the same pool price trajectory and trading

interval as for Figure E3. However, in this case it is assumed the amount of storage available

is increased from 5 hours to 24 hours.

In Figure E4 the storage is increased from 5 hours to 25 hours, and the Figure indicates that

in this case the storage device would be dispatched as a generator 22 times over a 14 day

period, and 21 times as a load, which is almost the same as the case shown in Figure E3.

The main difference is in the period the device is on – not the number of times it is switched.

Once again, on average the device is about 1.6 times per day as a generator or as a load.

This seems to be typical behaviour for the device over various times of the year.

Larger storage times affect the duty expected of the storage medium. Larger amounts of

storage translate into a lesser percentage of duty and wear and tear on the battery as

indicated in the group of graphs of Figure E5 on the next page. ESCRI is seeking through

the RFI process information about battery story technology which will help optimise such

fundamental parameters to aid in business case determination.


Figure E5 The difference in expected MWh throughput for 5 and 24 hour storage cases. For

the 5 hour case (top) the MWh through put for two weeks use is simulated to be about 120

MWh. For the 24 hour case (bottom) the MWh throughput for two weeks use is simulated to

be about 260 MWh – i.e. only about double even though the capacity of the device has been

increased by a factor of nearly 5.
