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ESIP Federation: Community-Driven, Collaborative Governance - Carol Beaton Meyer - RDAP12

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ESIP Federation: Community-Driven, Collaborative Governance Carol Beaton Meyer Presentation at Research Data Access & Preservation Summit 22 March 2012
ESIP Federation: Community-Driven, Collaborative Governance Carol Beaton Meyer Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2012 March 22, 2012
Page 1: ESIP Federation: Community-Driven, Collaborative Governance - Carol Beaton Meyer - RDAP12

ESIP Federation: Community-Driven, Collaborative Governance

Carol Beaton MeyerResearch Data Access and Preservation Summit 2012

March 22, 2012

Page 2: ESIP Federation: Community-Driven, Collaborative Governance - Carol Beaton Meyer - RDAP12

About ESIP

Formed in 1998 by NASA

~140 Members (2012)Representing multi-agency, sector, science domains

Forum for Practitioners to Exchange Knowledge, Share Technologies and Collaborate on Research

ESIP EthosCommunity-Driven (self-forming groups)OpenCollaborativeParticipatory Innovative

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What Drives ESIP Community? Desire for Interoperability

Best Practices (from consensus)

Leverage Expertise and Resources of Others

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Community-Driven Data ManagementCase Study 1: Data Identifiers

Used Testbed to Evaluate Various Identifier Schemes DOI, LSID, OID, PURL, ARK, UUID, XRI, Handles, URI/URN/URL Evaluated each against set criteria http://bit.ly/wSJFCA

Governance: Community-defined problem Developed review criteria Each identifier reviewed against established criteria Community analysis of results Published Results in Journal of Earth Science Informatics,

Volume 4, Number 3, 139-160, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-011-0083-6

Implementation/Additional Testing Through California Digital Library

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Community-Driven Data ManagementCase Study 2: Data Citation Guidelines

Citation Guidelines for Data Providers

Governance Community-need identified Used existing best practices (IPY Citation work) as baseline Iterative process within Data Preservation & Stewardship Cluster Broader ESIP community review (input sought & provided) Guidelines (best practices) adopted by ESIP Assembly, January 2012

Core Elements Author(s) Release Date Title Version Archive and/or Distributor Locator/Identifier Access Date and Time

Full Guidelines: http://bit.ly/q0sz80

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Community-Driven Data ManagementCase Study 3: Discovery Conventions

Data centers using different discovery services OpenSearch, DataCasting, ServiceCasting Services Issues: interoperability, differing standards, distributed orgs

Goal: develop usable and simple solutions that leverage existing standards, conventions and technologies, that have a high likelihood of voluntary adoption

Governance – adopted by community (bottom up approach) Submit Review Revisions Vote Ratify/Reject Recommendations for Adoption

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ESIP Community Resources

ESIP Governance - wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Federation_Documents

Wiki Workspace – wiki.esipfed.org

ESIP Commons – coming Spring 2012

Next ESIP Meetings July 17-20, 2012 in Madison, Wisconsin January 9-11, 2013 in Washington, DC

Join the community discussionshttp://esipfed.org/collaboration-areas

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Extra Slides

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Community-Driven Data ManagementCase Study: Data Management Short Course

Two-year Volunteer Effort Phase 1 – aimed at scientists Phase 2 – aimed at data managers Drew expertise from ESIP community

Course Outline The case for data stewardship Data management plans Local data management Preservation strategies Responsible data use

Governance Community-identified need/opportunity Trial workshop at 2010 AGU Defined scope of content Volunteers drafted short modules Peer review and editorial review


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Community-Driven Data ManagementCase Study: Data Stewardship Principles

Preservation and Stewardship Cluster Considered:Existing member data policies (NASA, NOAA, etc.)Other organizations’ policies (CODATA, GEO, etc.)Data Creators, Data Intermediaries and Data Users

Consensus Document fHome institution policies supersedeRoom for commercializationAdopted in January 2012

