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ESSC Seminar on ESS Vision 2020 - circabc.europa.eu Seminar on ESS Vision 2020 11 February 2015 ......

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ESS Vision Implementation Group ESSC Seminar on ESS Vision 2020 11 February 2015 Luxembourg Prioritisation of the ESS Vision 2020 implementation portfolio Annex 1 Summary information by project
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ESS Vision Implementation Group

ESSC Seminar on ESS Vision 2020

11 February 2015 Luxembourg

Prioritisation of the ESS Vision 2020 implementation portfolio

Annex 1 Summary information by project

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Table of contents

How to read the summary information ................................................................................................................................ 3

Summary by project .............................................................................................................................................................. 6

ESBRs ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

SIMSTAT ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

REDESIGN ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11

VALIDATION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13

ADMIN ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

DARA ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

ESDEN ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19

SERV .................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

DW ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

IMS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

BIGD .................................................................................................................................................................................... 27

DIGICOM ............................................................................................................................................................................. 29

QUAL ................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

UA/IPROD ........................................................................................................................................................................... 33

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How to read the summary information

This section provides explanations on how to read the summary tables associated to the projects that currently constitute

the ESS Vision 2020 Portfolio.

The summary information is composed by 2 pages for each project:

The first page provides the information on the project in a structured form

The second page provides a visual "overview" of the project and of the related estimated investment costs for Eurostat

and Member States.

How investments costs are calculated

Eurostat total investment costs

Eurostat total investment costs have been compiled on the basis of the information provided in the ESS.VIP business

cases. They include both the project's budget (i.e. expenses for grants, consultancy, administrative arrangements,

development contracts etc.) and staff costs.

All figures are expressed in euros. Staff costs have been converted into monetary values average personnel costs as

provided by DG BUDG.

Estimated costs for the EU budget are given without prejudice of the decisions to be taken by the Commission on future

Financing Decisions and on resources allocations for statistical activities (budget and human resources).

Member States total investment costs

The estimates provided cover the expected costs to Member States related to their involvement in the initiation and

development of a project. They do not include the costs of national deployment of project's deliverables. The costs

therefore include:

The total costs incurred by Member States to participate in ESSnets/Centres of Excellence (co-financing for Member


The total costs incurred by Member States to participate in collaboration fora such as Expert Groups, Steering Groups or

Task Forces over the lifetime of a project.

All figures are expressed in euros. Staff costs have been converted into monetary values using average personnel costs

for Member States as derived from historical data on past Eurostat grants.

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PROJECT ACRONYM Project name type of project: business/cross cutting/framework

Purpose of the project

Description of the purpose of the project

Overall Status

Current status of the project

Green on target

Amber emerging difficulties

Red serious difficulties

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Current phase of the project

Time scale

Project Start Date:

Project End Date:

Decision points

Milestones from a decisional point of view

(ESSC decisions, seminars, etc.)

Normal = decision points already happened

Italic = forthcoming decision points

What is in the scope

Scope of the project

Governance ESS

Governance of the project

Concerned bodies in the ESS governance

Director Group: reference Director Group

Working Group: reference WG (if any)

Steering Group: Yes/No

Expert Group: Yes/No

ESSnet: Yes /No

Centre of Excellence: Yes/No Main deliverables

Deliverables of the project

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Director in charge of the project Project Manager: Administrator in charge of the


Steering Group: Yes/No

Expected outcomes

Expected outcomes

main consequences deriving from the successful achievement of the project targets

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Relevance of the participation of Member States in

the deployment phase

opt-in / opt-out



Expected benefits

Expected benefits

How the project deliverables and outcomes will contribute to create the framework for modernisation of the ESS according to the ESS Vision 2020

Consequences for MS after development

Consequences for MS if the development phase is

successful and the ESS decides to proceed to the

deployment phase

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PROJECT ACRONYM Project name overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction

x X x x X X

-Pre-initiation-- ------------------------------------------------------------------Execution------------------------------------------------------------ ----------Planning----------- ---Closing--- ---Initiation--


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Project life span


Expert Group



2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Duration and phases of

the project

Decision/check points

and milestones

Possible ESSnets and CoE

associated to the project and

their duration

Estimated investment costs for MS

and relative size with respect to MS investments

0 < Low < 250 k€ < Medium < 500 k € < High

For circles: area proportional to costs

Estimated development cost for Eurostat

and relative size with respect Eurostat investments

0 < Low < 5 m€ < Medium <10 m€ < High

For circles: area proportional to cost

Estimated development costs: comparative size

Eurostat vs. Member States

Areas of the ESS Vision 2020 served by the project and key benefits

X = main contribution x = other contributions

ESSC decision on

business case

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Summary by project

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ESBRs European system of interoperable statistical business registers business project

Purpose of the project

The overall purpose of the project is to upgrade the national statistical business registers (SBRs) and the EuroGroups Register (EGR) to a level that enables the ESS to produce a quality of European business statistics that is not possible today. The level of upgrade is variable depending on the Member State needs as expressed by them. By upgrade it is meant:

• to optimise their potential for data linking.

• to reinforce SBRs’ backbone roles in particular with regard to globalization statistics.

• to develop the organizational and technical pre-requisites to allow the integration of the information from profiling, collected by Member States practicing it, with the EGR information.

• to align across the ESS selected practices in terms of SBR methodology to improve cross-country comparability and the accuracy of European estimates (reduce double counting, inconsistencies, asymmetries).

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Start Date: 01.01.2013

Project End Date: 31.12.2017

Decision points

Nov 2012 ESSC approval of the project

Nov 2014 ESSC review (revised business case)

May 2016 ESSC approval of the ESBRs (Business Architecture and Interoperability


What is in the scope

The scope of the ESBRS project is:

• on the basis of a Business Architecture model to propose a realistic and feasible set of rules (concepts, data structures, business register processes, exchange arrangements, organisational and institutional frameworks, etc.) that will constitute the ESBRs Interoperability Framework to be agreed at ESS level. For Member States this implies that – once agreed – these common rules will gradually need to be implemented.

• implementation of the Interoperability Framework (and consequent strengthening of EGR and national SBRs) will start in the second phase of the project. Depending on the national situation, the implementation for the SBRs may well go beyond the scope and timeframe of this project.

• to consolidate the EGR and profiling developments.

Governance ESS

Director Group: BSDG

Working Group: Statistical Units and

Business Registers

Steering Group: ESBRs SG

Expert Group: ---

ESSnet: Yes

Centre of Excellence: Planned in 2016

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Maria Helena Figueira

ESTAT dir. G (Global Business

Statistics) Project Manager: Amerigo Liotti

ESTAT G.1 (Business Statistics

- Coordination and Registers)

Steering Group: Yes

Main deliverables

• ESBRs Business Architecture, ESBRs Interoperability Framework.

• Implementation of EGR 2.0, Governance structure for the EGR, Multi-annual common quality program

• Analysis of statistical services for BR.

Expected outcomes

Steps towards a European system of interoperable statistical registers as a backbone for business statistics, including its quality management framework. The full implementation may well go beyond the scope and timeframe of this project.

Inclusion of specific services for SBRs in the ESS catalogue of Statistical Services.

Prerequisites for European Profiling in place.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Opt-in / opt-out is possible

Expected benefits

Improved consistency and quality in business statistics. Improved globalisation measurement. Improved interoperability of SBRs.

Use of a globalised approach to business statistics in describing cross-border phenomena and in particular when it comes to delineating the statistical units to be stored in the SBRs.

Efficiency gains in managing SBRS, through:

• better data handling procedures (avoiding duplication of work due to a lack of common approaches, tools, and remote access facilities)

• synergies and knowledge transfer • sharing of statistical services.

Consequences for MS after development

• Upgrade of the national SBRs, i.e.: optimise data linking; reinforce SBRs’ for globalisation statistics; develop organizational and technical pre-requisites to allow the integration of profiling and EGR information; align SBRs practices and standards.

• Make national SBRs and EGR “talk” to each other; sharing of statistical services (e.g. data validation, matching of units, automatic standardisation of identifying information and the compilation of ‘clusters of control’).

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ESBRs European system of interoperable statistical business registers overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction

x X X X X

Approval of the ESBRs Business

Architecture and Interoperability


---Execution--- -------Planning------- ---Closing--- --------Initiation---------


Project life span


Expert Group


Decision points

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

ESSC (2012)


ESSnet 1 ESSnet 2

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

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SIMSTAT Single market statistics business project

Purpose of the project

SIMSTAT is the Eurostat proposal for a new way to organise the production of Intra-

EU trade statistics in order to reduce drastically the burden imposed on businesses

and statistical authorities. The basic idea of SIMSTAT is the exchange of micro-data

on Intra-EU trade among Member States on the basis of the concept that data

collected once within the ESS need not to be collected a second time. Thus, each

transaction reported in one Member State will serve as a data source for two Member

States: first, for compiling the Intra-EU dispatches of the country of dispatch and,

second, for verifying and/or compiling the Intra-EU arrivals of the country of arrival.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Start Date: 01.06.2012

Project End Date: 15.05.2015

Decision points

May 2012 ESSC approval of the project

Jun 2012 Starting of the project

Nov 2014 ESSC review (progress report)

What is in the scope

The project concerns national authorities (National Statistical Institutes or other

responsible bodies) in the context of Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 and Eurostat.

The project will deal with IT developments and intrinsic statistical aspects of the micro-

data exchange, like data elements to be exchanged, quality of data, the setting up of

the IT infrastructure, the technological aspects (software…), the security issues and

logistical/procedural aspects (timing, guidelines, documentation).

Governance ESS

Director Group: BSDG

Working Group: SIMSTAT Task Force

Steering Group: SIMSTAT SC

Expert Group: ITGS-SG

ESSnet: Yes

Centre of Excellence: No

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Maria Helena Figueira

ESTAT dir. G (Global Business


Project Manager: Mushtaq Hussain

ESTAT G.5 (International Trade

in goods)

Steering Group: Yes

Main deliverables

Final deliverable: an information system through which Member States will provide

access to some of their micro-data and will receive relevant micro-data from the other

Member States. As a pilot, this system shall be successfully tested by around 20

Member States.

Other deliverables: feasibility study report, documentation, manuals, recommendations

/ requirements for other corporate-software functionality.

Expected outcomes

Pilot project: successful exchange of relevant micro-data among Member States.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Participation of all MSs is essential

Expected benefits

Main beneficiaries of the project are the EU business. Preliminary estimations show

that a possible reduction in response burden by, e.g. 50% will represent around 155

million € savings annually (the administrative cost of Intrastat requirements is 393,676

million €, the present administrative burden - 317,046 million €).

SIMSTAT will make available a new data source to all Member States for compiling

trade statistics. The possibility to analyse and compare the exchanged data will lead to

an improvement of the quality of data. Consequently, the reputation of European

statistics will be strengthened.

Consequences for MS after development

• exchange of all micro-data on intra-EU exports

• set up the local infrastructure to transmit the

data via secured network (ESDEN project)

• apply a common agreed set of validation rules

• respect the agreed timetable for data exchange

• use the agreed data structure and data elements

• respect the data confidentiality and data security

rules – as the data received from other Member

States are by definition confidential (identifiable


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SIMSTAT Single market statistics overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction


ESSC Seminar Seminar

--------Execution-------- -------Planning--------- ----Closing---- --------Initiation---------


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Project life span


Expert Group


Decision points

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020



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REDESIGN Re-design of Intrastat business project

Purpose of the project

The aim of the re-design of REDESIGN project is to respond to the November 2011 call of the Council1 upon the "European Statistical System (ESS) to take the necessary steps in the area of international trade statistics to address current and future user needs and to take effective measures ensuring a substantial reduction of the response burden by redeveloping Intrastat (not excluding the option of a "single flow system"), while maintaining a sound level of quality needed for, e.g., European System of Accounts purposes.”

While the SIMSTAT project designed in request of the 13th ESSC meeting of May 2012 “to test the feasibility of micro-data sharing as proposed in the background paper” will show to the ESSC, through the trial, the fitness of the micro-data on intra-EU exports as an additional data source to compile intra-EU trade statistics, the overall aim of REDESIGN is to provide the ESSC with an evidence base to assess comparatively the different alternatives for re-design of Intrastat.

More specifically, the project will assess the administrative burden reduction and cost-benefit of the options for re-design of Intrastat and elaborate key legal and methodological features of these options. The deliverables of both REDESIGN and SIMSTAT projects will be available for the May 2016 meeting of the ESSC to support the decision on the implementation of SIMSTAT.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Start Date: 01.12.2014

Project End Date: 01.04.2016

Decision points

Nov 2014 ESSC approval of the project

What is in the scope

This project addresses the ESS Vision 2020 challenge “The price of statistics” and the key strategic area “Efficient and robust statistical processes”. The scope is limited to intra-EU trade statistics and comprises:

• The options for re-designing Intrastat • Their administrative burden reduction and cost-benefit assessment • Their key legal and methodological issues.

It shall maintain synergy with the on-going work under FRIBS and SIMSTAT.

Governance ESS

Director Group: BSDG

Working Group: ITGS (International Trade

in Goods and Services)

Steering Group: No

Expert Group: No

ESSnet: No

Centre of Excellence: No Main deliverables

• Report describing in detail the possible options for re-design of Intrastat by March 2015

• Report assessing the cost-benefit, including risks, and the administrative burden reduction potential of these options by March 2016

• Report analysing key legal and methodological issues of the options for re-design of Intrastat by March 2016

• Reports to the May 2016 ESSC meeting by April 2016.

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Maria Helena Figueira

ESTAT Dir. G (Global Business


Project Manager: Karo Nuortila

ESTAT G.5 (International Trade

in goods)

Steering Group: No

Expected outcomes

To provide the ESSC with an evidence base to assess comparatively the different

alternatives for re-design of Intrastat.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Participation of all MSs is essential because the outcome of the project will determine the future orientation of the Intrastat system.

Expected benefits

Main beneficiaries of the project are the EU businesses whose overall administrative burden due to Intrastat is expected to be reduced. Other beneficiaries are:

• Data users and the ESS who would benefit from the modernisation outcome

• Policy makers who would be able to remove Intrastat from administrative burden reduction scrutiny.

Consequences for MS after development

Consequences will depend on the chosen approach.

1 3129th Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting, November 2011

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REDESIGN overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction



---------Execution--------- -------Closing------- --------Initiation---------

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Project life span


Expert Group


Decision points

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020



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VALIDATION Common data validation policy business project

Purpose of the project

The ESS.VIP VALIDATION project started in January 2013. The original proposal was

based on a stakeholder, feasibility and cost-benefit analysis; the project proposal was

presented to and endorsed by the ESSC in November 2012.

The ESS.VIP VALIDATION contributes to the implementation of the ESS Vision 2020


• Creating a more efficient production chain with clearly attributed responsibilities to

the different actors.

• Developing several standards for the description of the validation step, the

description of the validation language, the development of functional specifications

and the use of tools to be potentially shared within the ESS.

• Achieving these targets through collaboration with Member States and


• Providing a solution adapted to the principles of the ESS Enterprise Architecture.

• The ultimate aim is that data of the highest possible quality is available, with radical

gains in the resources and time needed for the processing and improvement of the

quality of the information disseminated.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Start Date: 01.01.2013

Project End Date: 01.12.2015

Decision points

Nov 2012 ESSC approval of the project

Jan 2013 Starting of the project

Nov 2014 ESSC green light revision BC

Jan 2015 Start ESSnet

Feb 2015 ESSC revised BC endorsement

What is in the scope

The scope of the project is the validation of European statistics. The project will focus

on common processes and procedures to be shared between different actors of the

statistical production chain in the field of data validation. The project will provide

guidelines and manuals to facilitate the design and agreement of the validation

process, errors and metrics to be applied to statistical domains. The project will also

develop tools for the sharing of validation rules between ESS partners. The use of

these tools will be on a voluntary basis as different stakeholders may opt to use their

own information systems for that purpose.

The scope of IT developments until end 2015 will be limited to develop a prototype to

demonstrate the feasibility of the management of validation rules in a rule registry

concerning datasets that comply with the SDMX information model and are equipped

with SDMX-DSD to describe their structural metadata. The scope of validation service

will be limited to structural validation.

Governance ESS

Director Group: DIME/ITDG

Working Group: ---

Steering Group: ---

Expert Group: TF ESS.VIP Validation

ESSnet: Yes

Centre of Excellence: No

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Marcel Jortay

ESTAT dir. E (Sectoral and

regional statistics)

Project Manager: Angel Simon Delgado

ESTAT E.3 (Transport)

Steering Group: Yes

Main deliverables

The main output are methodological guidelines agreed in the ESS, a standard

validation language for describing the validation rules, standard guidelines for

producing validation reports, a prototype of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for

editing the validation rules, the ESS validation registry containing the agreed validation

rules for exchanging data between ESS partners.

Expected outcomes

Higher harmonisation in statistical data validation procedures and processes, including

the use of standard definitions and concepts related to data validation as well as

sharing of rules used for validating the data exchanged between ESS partners.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Agreed common rules at domain level: compulsory

Tools: opt in / opt out is possible

Consequences for MS after development

• Document the domain specific validation

process in accordance to agreed methodology

• Domain Working Groups agree on the validation

rules and ensure their implementation

• IT solutions will be offered under subsidiarity

and MSs are free to implement them in their

production process

Expected benefits

The expected benefits at ESS level are a global reduction of costs, better quality of the

statistical data, quicker response to changes, less elapsed time for producing

statistical data.

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VALIDATION Common data validation policy overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction



---Execution--- -------Planning--------- -----------------------------------Follow-up----------------------------------- --------Initiation---------


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Project life span


Expert Group


Decision points

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020



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ADMIN Administrative data sources business project

Purpose of the project

The project has a dual purpose: to support the EU Member States to reap the benefits

(decrease costs and burden, increase of data availability) of using administrative data

sources for the production of official statistics, and to guarantee the quality of the

output produced using administrative sources, in particular the comparability of the

statistics required for European purposes. Consequently, the project would foster

common processes and common quality standards.

The project has several strands of work that aim to improve the access to

administrative sources, to improve methodological knowledge needed for integrating

administrative data in statistical production and to provide tools for assessing the

quality of outputs based on administrative sources, as well as to support Member

States in implementing these theoretical outcomes in concrete statistical areas. The

project also includes a pilot initiative in order to get access to administrative data

already collected by the Commission services. Eurostat could benefit a great deal of

this initiative, which could be exported to other domains.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Initiation Date: 01.06.2012

Project End Date: 01.12.2019

Decision points

Feb 2015 ESSC approval of business case

What is in the scope

The scope of the project covers all business processes of data collection and production in official statistics that could use administrative data sources, i.e. all processes of translating raw data from administrative sources into high quality and efficient statistical output. This includes both outputs produced using a combination of survey data and administrative sources and outputs based only on administrative data (single or multiple sources).The project will only focus on the integration of administrative data sources in statistical production and will not be extended to the broader issues related to Big Data.

The project combines a theoretical dimension (integration and dissemination of statistical methodology, quality indicators) and a practical dimension aiming to implement tangible results of the theoretical work through pilot studies and applications. The project aims to produce outcomes generally applicable or easily adaptable across Member States or groups of Member States. The project is a cross-domain initiative. It will work on generic approaches which in principle should be usable in various statistical domains.

Governance ESS

Director Group: DIME and DSS (other


Working Group: ADMIN Preparatory Group

Steering Group: Yes

Expert Group: Yes

ESSnet: Yes (2 ESSnet projects)

Centre of Excellence: Yes

Main deliverables

Work packages and main deliverables:

1. Access to and development of data sources (reports, best practices and recommendations, preparation of long-term EU actions on improving access)

2. Statistical methods (guidelines and best practices)

3. Quality measures for outputs using administrative data (quality indicators and framework for outputs using administrative sources)

4. Eurostat as a (in)direct user of administrative data sources held or designed by the European Commission (reports, replacement of some data flows)

5. Frames for social statistics (report, quality framework for assessing frames, preparation on long term EU actions to increase the quality of frames)

6. Pilot studies and applications (implementation of theoretical results of other WPs) 7. Centre of Excellence on Administrative Data (support and knowledge continuity)

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Gallo Gueye

ESTAT dir. F (Social statistics)

Project Manager: Sorina Vâju

ESTAT F.1 (Social statistics -

modernisation and


Steering Group: Yes

Expected outcomes

The project will provide harmonized approaches for dealing with the administrative data owners, for integrating the administrative data in statistical production and for assessing the quality of the statistical outputs that use administrative data sources.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Opt-in / opt-out is possible.

Expected benefits

Implementing the outputs of ADMIN is expected to bring the following longer term benefits: Improved access to administrative sources; better relationship with the administrative data owners; more standardised and harmonised production processes; better quality of statistics; lower costs for the NSIs and less burden to the respondents through an increased use of administrative sources.

Consequences for MS after development

• More intense use of administrative data

• Alignment to guidelines/best practices

• Use of established frameworks

• Provide information on working methods

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ADMIN Administrative data sources overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction

x X x X X X

SG = Steering Group

------------------------------------------------------------------Execution------------------------------------------------------------ -------Planning------- ---Closing--- --Initiation--


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Project life span


Expert Group



2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020



Preparatory expert group Steering Group

ESSnet CoE

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DARA Decentralized and remote access to EU confidential statistical data in the ESS cross-cutting

Purpose of the project

The purpose of the project is to involve safe centres in NSIs in the provision of access

to European confidential data. Safe centres in NSIs would become access facilities in

the meaning of Regulation (EU) 557/2013 on access to confidential data for scientific

purposes. Currently there is only one safe centre (in Eurostat in Luxembourg) where

researchers may have access to secure use files (CIS-Community Innovation Survey

and SES-Structure of Earnings Survey). The objectives of this project are:

• To accredit safe centres located in the Member States, • To ensure secure connections between them and a central secure IT environment

where secure use files will be stored and • To develop the secure IT environment in the Commission that will host the hardware

and software infrastructure needed for the researchers’ access including the management of the applicable access procedures and access rights.

The collaborative ESSnet DARA project involving partners from five countries has

already provided a good basis for the actual development of the remote access system

for safe centres.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Initiation Date: 01.09.2014

Project End Date: 01.06.2017

Decision points

Feb 2015 ESSC approval of business case

What is in the scope

The scope of the project is limited to:

• The safe centres in NSIs that will have been successfully accredited as access facilities

• EU secure use files prepared together with NSAs for research use, in particular CIS and SES data

Governance ESS

Director Group: DIME

Working Group: Confidentiality WG

Steering Group: No

Expert Group: ---

ESSnet: Yes

Centre of Excellence: No

Main deliverables

1. Detailed design of end to end workflow and working procedures that will enforce the necessary controls over sharing datasets based on researchers’ projects. Workflow will also include the steps and controls for output checking so that data is extracted only with appropriate authorization.

2. Development and setup of an operational process for an information system that will model the process and procedures, along with a workflow system that will enable researchers to access remotely a secure IT environment in which the confidential statistical data is stored, and in which analysis can be executed and results extracted thru an output control process.

3. Development and implementation of a remote access system that will allow authorized researchers to remotely access and use the above mentioned information system. Agreement on and implementation of the operational processes required to maintain this remote access system operational within the specified requirements outlined (see point 2 above).

4. Assessment of the potential to extend the access facilities to further microdata sets.

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Mariana Kotzeva

ESTAT dir. B (Methodology, Corporate statistical and IT


Project Manager: Aleksandra Bujnowska

ESTAT B.1 (Methodology and

Corporate Architecture)

Steering Group: Yes

Expected outcomes

The objective of this project is the implementation of the concept of access facilities via development of the network of the safe centres in NSIs. At the end of the project, a researcher interested in access to secure use files (non-anonymised confidential statistical data, in particular EU Community Innovation Survey and EU Structure of Earnings Survey) should be able to access remotely the secure-use files stored in a Eurostat secured IT environment from the national safe centres.

The successful implementation of the concept of decentralized safe centres will depend on the administrative procedures (accreditation) and IT developments (secure remote access to EU confidential statistical data).

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Opt-in / opt-out is possible

Expected benefits

• Bring the data closer to their users, the researchers;

• Increase the usage possibilities of EU confidential statistical data currently available only in Eurostat safe centre.

DARA will allow researchers to access the secured IT environment with secure use files from local NSIs without having to travel to Luxembourg.

Consequences for MS after development

1. Build a safe centre in NSI (if not existing) – equipped physical space; devote a Support Officer and Security Officer (IT side)

2. Accreditation of the safe centre - contract with Eurostat for providing access to EU microdata

3. Follow the contract rules when providing access to microdata – ensure space and HR is available

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DARA Decentralized and remote access to EU confidential statistical data in the ESS overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction

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Expert Group


Decision points

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Decision on accredited

safe centres


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ESDEN European statistical data exchange network cross-cutting

Purpose of the project

In the production of ESS statistics, large volumes of data are exchanged between the

ESS partners. Around 95% of this data exchange takes place via the Single Exchange

Point (SEP) of Eurostat. The implementation of several ESS.VIP projects will

significantly increase the volume of data exchanged.

The Eurostat IT platform for this data exchange (EDAMIS) is reaching its capacity limit

and will not be able to cope with the needs following the ESS.VIP.BUS projects such


What is more, different IT environments and security policies among the ESS

members call for an open infrastructure that allows for interconnection of the ESS

members using different physical networks and standard communication protocols to

foster the interoperability.

The purpose of ESDEN is the modernisation of the data exchange services across the

ESS. This should be achieved by upgrading the IT platform at Eurostat and by offering

to ESS Members standard communication protocols and alternatives for the physical

networks. ESS Members would set up the data exchange according to their security

policies and infrastructure environments.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Initiation Date: 01.06.2013

Project End Date: 31.12.2018

Decision points

Feb 2015 ESSC approval of business case

What is in the scope

The scope of ESDEN is the modernisation of the services offered to the ESS for data exchange in order to increase the capacity and improve the interoperability and security to cope with the increasing needs of the ESS.

This project will focus mainly on:

• the upgrade of the Eurostat IT platform for data exchange (EDAMIS).

• the implementation of standard secure protocols for the communication.

• the interconnection of the ESS partners using the most convenient physical network depending on the possibilities of the IT and security restrictions identified.

Depending on the options chosen during the execution of the project, the cost at Eurostat side may vary between low and high.

Governance ESS

Director Group: ITDG

Working Group: SISAI

Steering Group: ---

Expert Group: ---

ESSnet: 2016

Centre of Excellence: No

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Mariana Kotzeva

ESTAT dir. B (Methodology, Corporate statistical and IT


Project Manager: Alvaro Diez Soto

ESTAT B.3 (IT for statistical


Steering Group: ---

Main deliverables

• Configuration of the network CCN1/CSI (Commission network) in order to be available for SIMSTAT and in the future for other potential projects based on the exchange of data.

• Upgrade of the Eurostat IT platform (EDAMIS) integrating standard secure protocol for data exchange.

• Integration of different physical networks for the data exchange (Internet, CCN,

sTESTA) depending on the needs of the ESS.

Expected outcomes

The upgrade of the data exchange services in the ESS that will provide needed exchange capacity and scalability, and the technical measures to protect confidential data according to the existing legal framework.

The upgraded Eurostat IT platform (EDAMIS) will allow the connection using different physical networks and standard protocols for the data exchange according to the needs of the ESS.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Participation of all MSs is essential

Depending on the execution and options chosen by

the MS, the costs per MS may vary between very

low and low.

Expected benefits

The modernisation of the data exchange services will foster the interoperability within the ESS and will contribute to the implementation of the ESS Vision 2020 by enabling:

• secure exchange of data and metadata with high agility, high security and high reliability.

• facilitate the usage of new data sources in the production of statistics.

• high volume of data (big data or micro-data) exchange.

Consequences for MS after development

• Possibility to exchange more data and metadata

• Usage of standard communication protocols for the data exchange.

• Possibility to use different physical networks for the data exchange depending on IT and security requirements.

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ESDEN European statistical data exchange network overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction



--------------------Execution-------------------- ---Planning--- ----------Closing---------- ---Initiation---


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

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Expert Group


Decision points

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SERV Shared Services cross-cutting

Purpose of the project

The purpose of the project is to:

• Implement a governance structure to enable sharing of services (e.g. service certification procedures); to choose at ESS level how to make a service available, i.e. by replication in a national production process or by exposing a service on a central ESS/Eurostat service oriented architecture (SOA).

• Contribute to standardising the description of business needs by providing CSPA (Common Statistical Production Architecture) compliant guidelines for describing service definitions.

• Host and maintain a CSPA service catalogue at the Commission/Eurostat, containing also services identified at ESS level.

• Provide guidelines and recommendations for the ESS enabling national projects to realise technological solutions for industrialisation and integration of processes and for the rationalisation of information systems.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Initiation Date: 01.06.2013

Project End Date: 31.12.2019

Decision points

Feb 2015 ESSC approval of business case

What is in the scope

SERV aims at creating the conditions for sharing statistical services and supporting their integration in statistical production processes at national, ESS and Commission level.

Governance ESS

Director Group: ITDG

Working Group: SISAI

Steering Group: ---

Expert Group: Yes

ESSnet: 2015

Centre of Excellence: No

Main deliverables

• Guidelines allowing for sharing (by replication of services or by exposing them

centrally) of statistical services across processes and among partners in the ESS

and Eurostat (Commission).

• Recommendations for governance of statistical services; including the setup of an

(ESS) service certification committee and maintenance of an ESS service catalogue

as part of the CSPA service catalogue.

• Hosting and maintenance of the CSPA service catalogue by the


• An ESS/Eurostat SOA infrastructure that can be used by the ESS, Eurostat, other

Commission DGs to expose those statistical services for which no replication is


Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Mariana Kotzeva

ESTAT dir. B (Methodology, Corporate statistical and IT


Project Manager: Gergely Koevesd

ESTAT B.3 (IT for statistical


Steering Group: ---

Expected outcomes

• ESS governance put in place for sharing services; standards and framework for

interoperability, based on recommendations from CSPA and ESS Reference

Enterprise Architecture.

• CSPA compliant guidelines for describing statistical services available for the ESS

and a CSPA service catalogue (or a CSPA compliant version) available for

registering ESS statistical services, hosted and maintained by the European

Commission/Eurostat (a follow up action to the CSPA 2014 implementation project).

• A central ESS/Eurostat SOA infrastructure is available for sharing services for which

no replication into a national production process is needed.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Opt-in / opt-out is possible for the IT tools developed

Expected benefits

1. Easier access to information at ESS level about statistical services definition including the implementations realised (software components).

2. Facilitation of faster implementation of new production processes. 3. Cost reduction on development and maintenance of information systems. 4. Easier maintenance of information systems: sharing of services will reduce the

variety of components to be maintained in a particular organisation.

Consequences for MS after development

• Participation in the Service Certification Committee; following changes of contents of the Service Catalogue.

• Describe re-usable services according to the defined guidelines and templates; ensuring hosting if necessary.

• Integrate re-usable services to MS environment.

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SERV Shared Services overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction


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Project life span


Expert Group


Decision points

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DW ESS data warehouse cross-cutting

Purpose of the project

The purpose of the project is to implement an ESS data warehouse (DW) as a

common infrastructure for the purpose of integrating and disseminating data from

disparate sources for the benefit of the ESS. The idea is that all ESS members can

publish and consume data to a dedicated data integration environment from which

exploitation of data can start (data pool approach). This solution concerns only non-

confidential data (i.e. issues related to micro-data access are not at stake). The project

builds on the recommendations of the Centre of Excellence on DW (CoE DW). A set of

re-usable data integration services and dedicated storage space will specifically be

allocated to the ESS DW. Standard data and metadata management services should

be developed according to the Common Statistical Production Architecture (CSPA)

and provide a common language for describing Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) flows

feeding the ESS DW. These components are expected to be re-usable at national

level (as replicated or shared services). Services provided will allow integrating various

sources (i.e. not only SDMX sources) without requiring important costs on the side of

the data provider. The approach aims at complementing developments of the other

cross-cutting projects of the ESS Vision Implementation Portfolio (i.e. ESDEN, IMS,

SERV, VALIDATION) to setup an ESS DW platform.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Initiation Date: 01/02/2013

Project End Date: 31/12/2019

Decision points

May 2015 ESSC approval of business case

What is in the scope

The project covers the production of a detailed functional and technical design leading to the implementation of an ESS DW platform (for dissemination purposes). The project covers the planning of pilot data integrations, the setup of governance (for the platform and the content) and the deployment of an operational capability supporting post-project functioning of the system.

Governance ESS

Director Group: ITDG

Working Group: No

Steering Group: No

Expert Group: No

ESSnet: No

Centre of Excellence: Yes

Main deliverables

The project starts with a 1-year "panning & design" phase that will produce the following deliverables: • Business requirements for an ESS DW • ESS DW functional architecture and governance • Metadata designs • ESS DW processes • Methods for data linking • Consolidated ESS DW design document The initial phase ends with a consolidation of available material, consultation of external recognised experts to confirm the design and presentation to the approving authority. After having received the green light for implementation, activities will focus on the development of the ESS DW technological architecture and the setup of the platform including testing and piloting. Following activities will concern the implementation of the governance as well as the grouping, prioritisation and planning of data source integrations.

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Mariana Kotzeva

ESTAT dir. B (Methodology, Corporate statistical and IT


Project Manager: Denis Grofils

ESTAT B.1 (Methodology and

Corporate Architecture)

Steering Group: No

Expected outcomes

The ESS DW will be defining and implementing a reference platform and standard services allowing interoperability among different organizations involving the exchange/sharing of data and metadata between their respective information systems addressing specific issues of data warehousing including data storage, data integration and data exchange. This approach supports standardisation of methods and software, and enables sharing services and infrastructures for data and metadata management.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Opt-in / opt-out is possible

Expected benefits

This project supports business initiative in the "dissemination" and "user needs" priority areas of the ESS Vision 2020 and is part of the "efficient and robust statistical processes" priority area. It implements recommendations of the CoE DW for the establishment of a DW repository and services as an infrastructural building block supporting the EU Data Pool. Data will be easier to reuse (“collect once, use many times”) and more efficient governance and maintenance will be enabled. Over time a reduction of data integration costs of European data output in the broad sense of the term is expected. The project is also expected to provide a basis on which an extended concept of ESS DW could be developed in the future.

Consequences for MS after development

• Use of common dissemination standards

• Use of the reference platform and standard

services for dissemination of European


• Use of standard software and tools for sharing

infrastructures for data and metadata


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DW ESS data warehouse overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction

x X X X X


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Expert Group


Decision points

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IMS Information models & standards framework

Purpose of the project

The IMS project supports the priority area of "efficient and robust statistical processes"

in the ESS Vision 2020 as an enabler for intensified sharing of knowledge,

experiences and methodologies, software, data and metadata, services and


IMS provides a framework supporting business domains (and the various projects

implementing the ESS Vision 2020) in the area of information standards for:

• Implementing existing standards, such as SDMX and other related standards;

• Adopting and fine-tuning standards where gaps are identified, for instance as far as

micro-data from statistical surveys are concerned;

• Developing capacity to support domain-specific implementations of standards;

• Supporting the development of standards-based infrastructure components;

• Enabling data and metadata re-use between activities and organisations: this covers

the interoperability of infrastructure components as well as the support to machine-

readable exchange and dissemination of statistics.

IMS provides the standards for the key business ESS.VIPs such as SIMSTAT,


Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Initiation Date: 01.03.2013

Project End Date: 01.12.2017

Decision points

May 2015 ESSC approval of the project

What is in the scope

The Enterprise Architecture (EA) framework supporting the ESS Vision 2020 implementation advocates a strong separation of concern and strict decoupling between four considered architectural layers: business architecture, information architecture, solution architecture and technology architecture. The IMS project is dealing with business architecture and information architecture layers. Domain specific business architecture standards are not in the scope of this project but generic ones (e.g. GSBPM) and process information models (e.g. BPMN) are.

Governance ESS

Director Group: DIME/ITDG

Working Group: ---

Steering Group: ---

Expert Group: Yes

ESSnet: No

Centre of Excellence: No

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Mariana Kotzeva

ESTAT dir. B (Methodology, Corporate statistical and IT


Project Manager: Marco Pellegrino

ESTAT B.1 (Methodology and

Corporate Architecture)

Steering Group: ---

Main deliverables

• Guidelines on information standards in support of survey data, administrative data

and web data collection.

• Survey and report on the state of metadata-driven data collections in the ESS.

• Report quantifying the benefit of the metadata-driven approach, with

recommendations on how to implement it and migrate.

• Reference models for implementing GSBPM and GSIM.

• Functional specifications for the next-generation metadata registry supporting a

combined use of standards in end-to-end metadata-driven processes.

• Support actions to domain-specific implementation of information model and


Expected outcomes

The adoption of standards for statistical production improves comparability of statistical

outputs and ensures smooth communication between and within systems, making

process components interoperable. Furthermore, increasing the re-use of metadata

and software components allows reducing costs and improving quality by promoting

the use of widely accepted building blocks. Flexibility and responsiveness to new use

needs is also expected to be improved as processes are configured transparently with

the use of metadata parameters not embedded in local software.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

The agreement of all MSs is essential to define and pursue commonly agreed standards

Opt-in / opt-out is possible for the IT tools


Expected benefits

The main expected benefits are the following:

• Increased quality of end-products

• Reduced operating costs

• Reduced time-to market

• Harmonisation

Consequences for MS after development

• Adoption of agreed standards in the identified areas related to the production of European Statistics, notably in the area of data transmission

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IMS Information models & standards overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction

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Expert Group


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BIGD Big Data business project

Purpose of the project

As stated in the Scheveningen Memorandum, recent innovations in the information

and communication technologies have been leading to an increasing degree of

digitization of economies and societies. That offers new opportunities for the

compilation of statistics, while the use of Big Data for statistical purposes challenges

the European Statistical System to effectively address a variety of issues.

The overall objective of this project is to implement the ESS Big Data Action Plan 1.0

approved by the ESSC in September 2014 and any subsequent version thereof

adopted during the lifetime of the project. The overall purpose of the project is to

enable the ESS to gradually integrate big data sources into the production of European

and national statistics and, in this way, contribute to the broader aims of the ESS

Vision 2020.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Initiation Date: 01.10.2014

Project End Date: 31.05.2020

Decision points

May 2015 ESSC approval of business case

What is in the scope

The project contains actions related to horizontal areas as well as actions related to the execution of pilots. The purpose of the pilots is to gain experience in using big data in the context of official statistics. This would include identifying, analysing and solving issues in horizontal areas or topics as well as investigating and developing future business models for statistical data production related to specific data sources or statistical products. The project will not cover issues related to administrative data.

Governance ESS

Director Group: DIME/ITDG

Working Group: No

Steering Group: Yes: VIG

Expert Group: ESS – TF BD

ESSnet: Yes

Centre of Excellence: No Main deliverables

There will be a variety of deliverables including methodological manuals, ethical guidelines, classifications, frameworks, tools and development of dedicated collaborative communities in the following topics:

• Policy � Communication

• Big data sources � Applications / pilots

• Methods � Quality

• IT infrastructure � Skills

• Experience sharing � Legislation

• Governance The deliverables are included in section 5 of the Big Data Action Plan and Roadmap 1.0 (see link below). Those actions, which should be performed by an ESSnet, are currently being specified more in detail.

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Mariana Kotzeva, ESTAT DDG Project Manager: Michail Skaliotis


Big Data)

Steering Group: TBD (all ESTAT dir. represented)

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Opt-in / opt-out is possible

Expected outcomes

The expected outcome is to provide the ESS with the necessary elements to respond to the data revolution and integrate new data sources into official statistical production. A description of expected outputs by topic can be found at the main ESSC document: http://www.cros-portal.eu/sites/default/files//ESSC%20doc%2022_8_2014_EN_Final%20with%20ESSC%20opinion.pdf

Consequences for MS after development

In general, the portfolio of activities of a statistical office might change to:

• incorporate accreditation of third-party data sources and processes

• move from data collection to data management and data integration

• foster greater collaboration and integration within the ESS (many big data sources are not confined to national borders)

• foster greater interdisciplinary / multi-stakeholder collaboration at national and international levels

• Data sources are very heterogeneous, implications depend on how future production processes would be implemented (e.g. raw versus aggregate data; concentrated versus distributed production). Consequences relate to investing in IT infrastructure, skills development, implementation of dynamic systems to observe technological, market or behavioural changes that might affect quality of statistics, adaptation of national statistical legislation.

Expected benefits

Benefits of the project include a potential reduction in the costs of producing official statistics, the possibility of widening the range of statistical products, increases in the timeliness of official statistics and a reduction of the general public’s use of “non-compliant”, “alternative” statistics produced by other actors. The project presents a unique ESS collaborative platform towards implementing several strands of the ESS Vision 2020.

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BIGD Big Data overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction

x X x X X X

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Expert Group



2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


shop Work

shop Work






TF Big Data

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DIGICOM digital communication framework

Purpose of the project

The project aims at modernising communication and dissemination of European

statistics, statistical information and services by using the latest technical,

methodological advancements and state of the art.

The project will be split in dedicated subprojects. Among them the following have

already been identified (the remaining enabling projects will be initiated and planned in

2015, beginning 2016):

Data Visualisation and Infographics: just publishing numbers in a table or graph is not

very attractive for users, basic as well as professional ones, nor does it provide a

modern image of national statistical offices & statistics in general. Consequently,

additional ways to display data have to be explored and deployed.

Statistics Explained: electronic "wiki" articles on European Statistics – the work will

consist in identify suitable articles, i.e. topics of interest for a large public, based on .

structural source data, harmonised methodology and relying on European and national


Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Initiation Date: 15.11.2014

Project End Date: 31.05.2020

Decision points

What is in the scope

Communication and dissemination of European statistics, statistical information and services.

Data Visualisation and Infographics: statistics with the potential for modern visualisation

Statistics Explained: relevant articles on European and national statistics

Governance ESS

Director Group:

Working Group: Communication WG

Steering Group: ---

Expert Group: TF Statistics Explained

TF Data Visualisation and


ESSnet: ---

Centre of Excellence: ---

Main deliverables

To be specified at technical level for the sub-projects to be developed.

Data Visualisation and Infographics: modern visualisation products associated to European statistics; tools for visualisation.

Statistics Explained: enhanced availability of articles on European and national statistics Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Mariana Kotzeva

ESTAT Dir B (Methodology;

corporate statistical and IT

services) Project Manager: Philippe Bautier

ESTAT B4 (Dissemination)

Steering Group: ---

Expected outcomes

To improve the ease of users’ access to and use of European statistics by applying solutions based on data pooling, open data, modern visualisation tools, mobile communication technologies, use of social media etc.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Opt-in / opt-out is possible

Expected benefits

Dissemination of European and national statistics built up taking into account the societal trends in communication, the technological evolution and users' needs.

Consequences for MS after development

To be identified depending on the initiated sub-


Implementation of modern dissemination approaches

and tools.

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DIGICOM digital communication overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction


---Pre-Initiation-- ---Planning--- ---Initiation--

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Project life span


Expert Group



2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


TF Data Visualisation

TF Statistics Explained


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QUAL Quality of European statistics framework Purpose of the project

Quality is one of the ESS's key assets and comparative advantages in a world experiencing a growing trend of instant information which often lacks the necessary “proof of quality”. The ESS values quality not only for its core products and processes, but also for its institutions as a whole, for overall management, organisation, and governance. As indicated in the ESS Vision 2020, to retain its strengths, the ESS developments will be guided by quality in all areas and activities. This will be achieved by adhering to United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, the European Statistics Code of Practice as well as general quality management principles including leadership, partnership, staff satisfaction and continuous improvement. In accordance with the description of the ESS Vision 2020 Implementation Portfolio, the purpose of the ESS.VIP.QUAL are:

• to enhance quality management through defining and implementing fit-for-purpose quality assurance methods and tools;

• to monitor and improve the usability and quality of data sources (both existing and new ones); and

• to enhance the implementation of the general quality management principles.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Start Date: to be decided (2015)

Project End Date: to be decided (2020)

Decision points

What is in the scope

Following the December 2014 meeting of the WG on quality in statistics, the scope of the QUAL project could cover the following:

• Introduction of total quality management and broadening the scope of the ESS CoP: explore and enable the development of general quality management principles not fully addressed by the European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP) based on a generic model; mapping the QM System of the ESS as a whole as compared to such generic quality management model; recommendations and guidelines (quality management models and systems) and their implementation.

• Quality assurance of the ESS: enhancing the current framework; preparing the ground for differentiated / fit-for-purpose quality assurance; establishing the link to risk management (developing and operationalising the "fit-for-purpose" concept / labelling; exploring different business models for different products portfolios; relationship between quality and risk management)

• Quality reporting, communication on quality: enhancing implementation of the existing achievements - SIMS, quality indicators, reporting guidelines and Handbook on quality reporting; framework for managing quality and reporting for new data sources -multi-sources / mix mode statistical production; scorecards / scoreboards including relevant quality dimensions; improving international comparability.

• Cost of (non) quality: feasibility and case studies; recommendations; cost of quality / non-quality.

On-going and past quality initiatives will be duly taken into account. This project is of a nature to support all priority areas of the ESS Vision 2020.

Governance ESS

Director Group: DIME

Working Group: WG on Quality in statistics

Steering Group: to be considered

Expert Group: Task forces / other to be


ESSnet: To be considered

Centre of Excellence: To be considered

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Eduardo Barredo Capelot

ESTAT Dir D (Government

finance statistics and quality) Project Manager: Zsuzsanna Kovacs

ESTAT D.4 (GFS Risk and

quality management)

Steering Group: Yes

Main deliverables

Main deliverables will be identified during Q1/2015 with the support of the WG Quality in Statistics and a dedicated TF created to prepare the QUAL business case.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Yes, to be further considered

Expected outcomes

The main outcomes of the projects will be as follows:

• establishing the framework for an integrated / total quality management in the ESS allowing for proper coordination of quality related in initiatives in the ESS;

• preparing the ground for differentiated quality assurance in the ESS and labelling;

• improved communication of quality to users;

• first estimations on the cost of (non) quality.

Consequences for MS after development

Alignment to the quality principles and procedures

of the selected quality strands.

Expected benefits

The main benefits of the projects will be as follows:

• continued pubic trust in European statistics; continued users satisfaction

• sustainable high quality of European statistics; enhancements where needed

• streamlined and harmonized approach to quality clearly communicated to users

• support to the business model of producing official statistics, i.e. as public good

This fiche was prepared by Eurostat based on the current state of development of the project, in particular the discussions in the WG on Quality in Statistics of 2 December 2014. It will further benefit from input of the VIG and of from the WG on quality / related TF to be created.

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QUAL Quality of European statistics overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction


--------Planning------- ---Initiation--

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Project life span


Expert Group



2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020




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UA/IPROD Users analytics / Innovative products framework

Purpose of the project

Regular and timely analysis and prioritisation of user needs leading to the

development of relevant and modern products that will meet changing user needs and

improve users’ ‘statistical literacy’

The project will aim at

• performing an in-depth analysis of current and future user needs and the available


• taking into account different users' profiles;

• developing a tool to monitoring user needs and product relevance and use;

• developing criteria for prioritisation of user needs;

• developing labs for innovative statistical products;

• setting-up a training offer for users of statistical information.

Overall Status

. tbc .

Project progress

initiating planning execution closing

Time scale

Project Initiation Date: 15.11.2014

Project End Date: 31.05.2020

Decision points

Feb 2016 ESSC approval of the projects

What is in the scope

Assessment of users' needs in relation to (European) statistics.

Identification and development of innovative products and services for (European) statistics

Governance ESS

Director Group: DIME

Working Group: ---

Steering Group: ---

Expert Group: ---

ESSnet: ---

Centre of Excellence: ---

Main deliverables

• In-depth analysis of current and future user needs and the available products,

• Identification of differnt users' profiles;

• tool for monitoring user needs

• tool for monitoring product relevance and use;

• establishment of criteria for prioritisation of user needs;

• labs for innovative statistical products;

• training for users of statistical information

To be further specified at technical level for the sub-projects to be developed.

Governance Eurostat

Project Owner: Mariana Kotzeva

ESTAT Dir B (Methodology;

corporate statistical and IT

services) Project Manager: ---

Steering Group: ---

Expected outcomes

To improve the dialogue with users for a better matching with their requirements.

Systematic approach to users' requirements.

Process to ensure continuous innovation in products and services.

Participation of MSs to the deployment phase

Opt-in / opt-out is possible

Expected benefits

European statistics better fitted for purpose.

Consequences for MS after development

• To be identified depending on the initiated sub-


• Implementation of a user oriented approach to


Page 34: ESSC Seminar on ESS Vision 2020 - circabc.europa.eu Seminar on ESS Vision 2020 11 February 2015 ... registers (SBRs) and the EuroGroups Register (EGR) ... feasibility study report,


UA/IPROD Users analytics / Innovative products overview

ESS Vision 2020

key areas


Users Quality New Data



Production Communication






reduction Cost reduction


---Pre-Initiation-- ---Planning--- ---Initiation--

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Project life span


Expert Group



2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


