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Page 1: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while
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EssentialWordsfortheTOEFLanswersthesequestionsandprovidesyouwithaprovenplanforimprovingyourEnglishvocabularywhilealsopreparingyoufortheTOEFL.ThewordsandpracticequestionsthatappearthroughoutthisbookwillhelpyoutomaximizeyourunderstandingofwordsthatwilllikelyappearineverysectionoftheTOEFL.Importantinformationabouthowtomaximizeyourscore on the TOEFL is given in addition to vocabulary building hints andexercises.Byfollowingtheprogramandmasteringthewordsinthisbook,youwillbereadytoearnahigherscoreontheTOEFL.This6theditionofEssentialWordsfortheTOEFLhasanextensive,revised

listof500wordswithimprovedexercisesandupdatedreadingselections.ThiseditionmakesEssentialWordsoneofthemostthoroughlyresearchedbooksofitskind.ItistheproductofextensivestudyofpreviousTOEFLsandacademicmaterials fromwhich thequestionson theTOEFLareproduced.The resultofthisresearchisthispowerfulbookofwordsthatwillleadyoutosuccessontheTOEFL.


This book is divided into six chapters. This introduction gives you basicinformationabouttheircontentsandhowtousethebook.Let’s lookat thesixchapters.


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Chapter1describesthecompleteiBTtestformatandcontainssamplequestionsfromeachpart.Thequestions are explained indetail and test-taking strategiesareintroduced.

UnderstandingtheInternet-BasedTOEFLChapter2describes the importanceofbuildingastrongvocabulary inorder toscorewell on the iBT.Youwill find sample readingpassages typical of thosefoundinSectionOneoftheiBTwithadetailedanalysisofthekindsofwordsand questions that are found on the TOEFL. In this chapter you will learnimportant strategies and hints to follow that will increase the probability ofmaximizingyourscoreontheTOEFL.

ImprovingYourTOEFLVocabularyChapter 3 gives you a plan for studying vocabulary. You should use the planwhenstudyingthewordsinthisbook.

BuildingYourTOEFLVocabularyChapter 4 provides powerful information that helps you build your TOEFLvocabulary. Youwill be introduced to “roots, prefixes, and suffixes”; parts ofwordsthatprovideoraddmeaning.Youwillalsobeintroducedtodictionaryandthesaurususe,bothprintandonlineresourcesthatcontributetoanystrategytobuildyourTOEFLvocabulary.

TheEssentialTOEFLVocabularyBarron’sTOEFLVocabularyBuildingProgram is explained inChapter5.ThecarefullyselectedwordsthatappearonthelistareimportantforallTOEFLtesttakers.Anexplanationoftheprogramisgiven,includinghowtostudythelist,howtounderstandthewords,andhowtofollowtheprogramfrombeginningtoend.Thirtycarefullydevelopedvocabularylessonsfollowtheexplanation.Eachlessonendswithpracticequestions like those that appearonboth the iBTandtheITP,thepaper-basedTOEFL.


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AFinalWordThe6theditionofEssentialWordsfortheTOEFLisaproductofmorethan20yearsofresearchandcontinuousupdating.AmongthethousandsofwordsthatTOEFL test makers can use, this edition of Essential Words for the TOEFLpresentsthosewordsthatarepredictablythemostlikelytoappearoftenontheiBT.Bymasteringthewordsandapplyingthestrategiespresentedinthisbook,youwillbewellonyourwaytoahigherscoreontheTOEFL.


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WHATISTHETOEFL?The TOEFL is a comprehensive English language examination that helpscolleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and other parts of theworldmakeadmissiondecisions.ItisalsousedbysomeorganizationstocertifyprofessionalstopracticetheirvocationsbothintheUnitedStatesandabroad.

ABOUTTHEiBT(INTERNET-BASEDTOEFL)For many years, the TOEFL was administered only in a paper-based format.Examinees marked their answers with a pencil on an answer sheet. The testprimarily assessed listening comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and readingskills.Then,beginning in1998, theEducationalTestingService (themakeroftheTOEFL)beganofferingacomputer-basedTOEFLknownastheiBT.Takingadvantageofadvancesintechnology,theiBTexpandedtherangeofskillstestedbyaddingspeakingandwritingsectionstothetestaswellasintegratingreading,grammar,andvocabularyskillstomimichowweuselanguageeveryday.

ABOUTTHEITPTOEFL(INSTITUTIONALTOEFLPROGRAM)Some educational institutions use a paper-based TOEFL, known as the ITPTOEFL. The Educational Testing Service makes this form of the TOEFLavailable to institutionswhooften use the test to generally assess individuals’English language skills for placement purposes. Institutions also use results toassesstheeffectivenessoftheirEnglishlanguageinstructionalprograms.TheseTOEFLsaretypicallypreviouslyadministeredpaper-basedTOEFLs.Generally,colleges and universities do not accept ITPTOEFL scores in place of an iBTscore.ThetwoversionsoftheTOEFLarequitedifferent.Adescriptionofbothformatsfollows.


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Section1 Reading 60–100minutes3–4Passages 12–14questionsperpassage

Section2 Listening 60–90minutes2–3Conversations 5questionsperconversation4–6Lectures 6questionsperlecture

Section3 Speaking 20minutes2IndependentTasks4IntegratedTasks

Section4 Writing 50minutes1IntegratedTask1IndependentTask


TheiBTreadingsectionispresentedintwoformats.TheshortformatiBTgivesyouthreepassagesofapproximately700words.Thelongformatcontainsfourpassages.Aftereachpassage,youwillanswer12–14 testquestions. IfyouaretakingthelongformatiBT,onlythreesetsofthetestquestionswillbeanswered.Theresponses to thequestionsfor theother twopassageswillbeevaluatedbyETSforuseonfutureiBTs.Youwillhave60minutestoreadallofthepassagesand respond to the questions (100 minutes for the long format). You will beallowed to take notes while you read. You will see some words or phraseshighlighted.Youmayseeanexplanationordefinitionofthewordorphrasebyclickingonit.Themajority of questions in this section are in themultiple-choice format.

MakeyouranswerchoiceforeachandproceedtothenextquestionbyclickingonNext.Toreturntothepreviousquestion,clickonBack.Atanytime,youcanclick on Review to see a list of the questions that you have and have notanswered.Youmayreturntoanyquestionwhileyouareworkingonthissection,butonceyouhaveleftthereadingsection,youmaynotreturntoit.AclockwillappearonthescreentohelpyoumanageyourtimeInthissection,youfirstreadthe passage completely. You do so by using the scroll bar to view the entirepassageon thescreen.Thecomputerwillnotgiveyou thequestionsuntilyouhavescrolledtheentirereadingselection.Atthatpoint,clickonNext.There are different response formats in the reading section. These involve

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clickingonaword,phrase,orsentence.Vocabularyitemsareusuallytestedbyaskingyoutoclickonanotherwordinthetext thatmeansthesamethingasaboldedword.Sometimesyouwill be asked to clickona sentenceorgroupofsentenceswhere the answer to a particular question canbe found.Sometimes,youmaybeaskedtoinsertasentenceintothetext.Oncohesionitems,youwillbeaskedtoclickonthewordorphraseintheboldedpartofthepassagethatthecohesionwordrefersto.Afteryouclickonthewordorphrase,itwilldarken.Finally,thenewesttypeoftestquestion(“readingtolearn”)willrequireyou

tocompleteasummaryorfillinachartbyselectingwhichprovidedtextoptionstoinclude.Thesummaryquestionsareworthuptotwopointseachandthechartquestions are worth three to four points, depending on whether five or sevenoptionsarepresented.

SECTION2:LISTENINGThelisteningsectionoftheiBTtestsyourabilitytounderstandspokenEnglishthat is typically found on the campuses of colleges and universities. Thelistening tasks are those that are typical of social and academic conversationsfoundinthesesettings.Therearetwoformatsforthelisteningsection.Intheshortlisteningsection,

you will hear two conversations and four lectures. The long format containsthreeconversationsandsixlectures.Eachconversationandlecturerequiresyouto respond to five or six questions, most of which are multiple choice. Theresponses to thequestionsof theextraconversationand lecturesdonotcount.ThequestionswillbeevaluatedbyETSforuseonfutureiBTs.Sinceyoudonotknowwhichpassageswillcount,itisimportantforyoutodoyourbestonallofthetestquestions.Youhave25minutesontheshortformatlisteningsectionand30onthelongformatsection.Aclockappearsonthescreentohelpyoumanageyourtime.Itdoesnotincludethetimewhileyouarelisteningtothelecturesandconversations.Youwill hear each lecture and conversation and each of the questions only

one time.Youare allowed to takenotes asyou listen anduse them to answerquestions.Onceaquestionisanswered,youarenotallowedtoreturntoit,sobesuretochooseyouranswerscarefully.On the iBT, stimuli will come to you through headphones, not through an

audioCDasisthecasewiththeITPTOEFL.OntheiBT,youwillbothseeandheareachquestion;on the ITPTOEFL,youonlyhear thequestion.Followingthequestion,theanswerchoicesappearonthescreen;thequestionstaysonthe

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screen until you have made your response. For multiple-choice items, eachoptionisprecededbyanoval[ ],insteadoftheletters(A),(B),(C),or(D).OntheiBT,youwillbetoldboththecontextandthetopicoftheconversation.

The extended conversations typically involve amain presenter who gives theinformation, and one or two other persons who ask questions of the mainpresenter. All speakers are pictured on the screen. Each stimulus is normallyfollowedbythreeorfourquestionsonwhatwassaid.The iBT lecturesalso includean introduction that tellsyouwho is speaking


who isusingvisuals.Theprofessorand thevisualsaredepictedon thescreen.Usingyourmouse,youanswereachquestion,afteritisasked.TheiBTusesagreatervarietyofresponsetypes.Forexample,theremaybe

morethanonecorrectanswerandyouwillbeaskedtoclickontheovalnexttoallcorrectanswers.Wheneverthereismorethanonecorrectanswer,youwillbetoldhowmanycorrectanswersyoushouldidentify.Toseeanexample,readtheminitalk about Chicago. Then answer the following question: What can beinferredabouttheweatherinChicago?(Clickon2answers)


In theaboveexample,youwouldclickontheoval to the leftofsecondandthirdstatement.Sometimes,aresponseformatisvisual.Inthatcase,youclickonthecorrect

visualwith yourmouse.Sometimes, a responsewill involvematching. In thatcase,youmustclassifyeachnewpieceofinformationyouaregivenintothreeorfour categories, according to classifications or distinctions you learned whenreadingthestimulus.Youdothiswithyourmouse.

SECTION3:SPEAKINGThe speaking section tests your ability to use spoken English in academic

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settings. This section contains six speaking tasks. Each task requires you torespond to a single question, a talk, conversation, or lecture. The tasks willrequireyoutolistentoalectureorconversationortoreadashortpassage.Youwill then respond toaquestion.Youmay takenotesanduse themtohelpyourespondtothequestions.Your speakingproficiency is evaluatedon thegeneral fluency and accuracy

withwhichyouusetheEnglishlanguage.The speaking section lasts 20 minutes. You are given 45 to 60 seconds to

respondtoeachquestion.Beforerespondingtoquestions,youwillbegiven15to 20 seconds to think about how you will respond to the question. A clockappearsonthescreentohelpyoumanageyourtime.

SECTION4:WRITINGThe writing section tests your ability to perform the writing tasks that aretypicallyrequiredincollegecourses.In the iBT,youwill respondto twowritingprompts.Thereare twotypesof

writingtasks,anintegratedessaytaskandanindependentwritingtask.The integratedessay taskcombines the languageskillsof reading, listening,


anessayinresponsetoaspecificsetofdirectionsfor theessay.Youmaytakenotesanduse them tohelpyouwriteyouressay.Youwillhave20minutes toplanandwriteyouressay.The independent writing task asks you to give your opinion on a familiar



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THEITP(THEPAPER-BASEDTOEFL)Thepaper-basedITPTOEFLisatimedtestthatconsistsofthreesections.Itisadministered in two forms: Level 1 (Intermediate to Advanced) and Level 2(HighBeginningtoIntermediate).Throughouttheyears,theEducationalTestingServicehasdeterminedwhichquestionsfrompreviouslyadministeredTOEFLsareappropriateforeachofthetwoTOEFLlevels.TheLevel1TOEFLislongerthantheLevel2test,buteachformofthetesthasthesametypesofquestions.SectionOnetestsListeningComprehension,SectionTwo,StructureandWrittenExpression,andSectionThree,ReadingComprehension.Here is theformatofeachsection:TOEFLITP—LEVEL1(IntermediatetoAdvanced)Section1 ListeningComprehension 50questions

35minutesPartA ShortConversations 30questionsPartB ExtendedConversations 7–8questionsPartC Minitalks 12–13questions

Section2 StructureandWrittenExpression


25minutesPartA Structure 15questionsPartB WrittenExpression 25questions

Section3 ReadingComprehension 50questions55minutes

TOTAL 115minutes

TOEFLITP—LEVEL1(IntermediatetoAdvanced)Section1 ListeningComprehension 30questions


Section2 StructureandWrittenExpression 25questions17minutes

Section3 ReadingComprehension 40questions31minutes

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TOTAL 70minutes

SECTION1:LISTENINGThis section of the TOEFL tests your ability to understand spoken AmericanEnglish.Afteryouheartapedconversationsyouwillanswerquestions.

ShortConversationsPartAcontainsshortdialogsbetweentwopeoplefollowedbyaquestionaboutwhatthepeoplesaidintheirconversation.Theymayhavedifferentpurposesforspeaking to each other. A speaker may give advice, apologize, or ask forinformation. Generally, key information is found in the second speaker’ssentence.Youwillneedtounderstandthemeaningoftheconversationandalsothecontext,suchasthetimeorplaceinwhichitcouldoccur.Thecorrectchoiceistheonethatdirectlyanswersthequestion.

YOUWILLHEAR:(Man) Didyougettogoshoppinglastnight?(Woman) They’dalreadylockedthedoorsbythetimeIgot

there.(Man) Whatdoesthewomanmean?


Thecorrectchoiceis(B).Sincethedoorswerelockedwhenshearrived,shecouldnothavegoneshopping.Notethattheotherchoicesusewordsheardintheconversation. Choices that contain suchwords are usually not correct. Part AcontainssamplesofinformalAmericanEnglish.Idiomaticexpressionsandtwo-wordverbsarecommoninthispart.

ExtendedConversationsInPartByouwillhearextendedconversationsbetweentwoormorepeople,astudent and either aprofessoror a campus serviceprovider.Usually, there aretwo conversations, and the language ismore formal.After each conversation,therearebetweenthreeandfourspokenquestionsaboutitscontent.Chooseyour

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MinitalksPartCcontainsshortpresentationsgivenbyasinglespeaker.Thereareusuallythree.TheEnglishinthissectionisgenerallymoreacademic,typicalofEnglishlectures that take place in a university or college setting. There are generallythree lectures followedby four to fivespokenquestionsabout itscontent.Youmay take noteswhile you listen and refer back to themwhen you answer thequestions.Chooseyouranswerfromamongthefourchoicesthatappearinyourtestbooklet.Lookattheexampleoftheminitalkbelow.

YOUWILLHEAR:Listentothistalkbyatouristguide.(Man) Goodmorningladiesandgentlemen.Welcometothistourofoneof


(Woman) WhatgaveChicagoanadvantageoverotherMidwesterncities?


According to theminitalk, (B)would be the correct choice.Remember thatyouwillnothaveawrittencopyof the speaker’spresentationor conversationandyouwillonlyhearitonce.Youmustconcentrateondetails,suchasnames,dates,andthemainideaoftheselectionthatyouhear.Donotreadthechoicesas

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SECTION2:STRUCTUREANDWRITTENEXPRESSIONThissectioncontainstwotypesofquestions,bothdesignedtotestyourabilitytorecognize correct style and grammar in written English. The sentences areacademic; ones that you typically find in college-level texts, journals, andencyclopedias.Thesentencetopicsincludethesocialsciences,physicalandlifesciences,andthehumanities.

StructureThestructurequestionstestyourabilitytorecognizecorrectstructureandwordorder.These questions consist of a sentencewith one ormorewordsmissing.Youmustmakethechoicethatbestcompletesthesentence.Hereisanexampleofthistypeofquestion.

YOUWILLSEE:________ashorttimeaftertheCivilWar,Atlantahasbecometheprincipal center of transportation, commerce, and finance in the southeasternUnitedStates.


Thecorrect choice is (C).Theother choicesmake the sentence incorrectorawkward.

WrittenExpressionThewrittenexpressionquestionstestyourabilitytorecognizeerrorsingrammaror expression. These questions consist of complete sentences with fourunderlined words or phrases. You must identify the underlined part of thesentence that needs to be changed in order to make the sentence correct. Anexamplefollows.

YOU WILL SEE: The Navajo Indians have displayed a marked ability to(A)(B)incorporateaspectsofotherculturesintoachanging,(C)flexibilitylifestyle.

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SECTION3:READINGCOMPREHENSIONGood reading skills and an ample vocabulary are keys to doing well on allsectionsoftheTOEFL.InthissectionoftheTOEFL,theseskillsarespecificallytested.ManyTOEFLtesttakerscomplainthattheydonothaveenoughtimetocarefullyanswerallquestionsinthissection.Itisveryimportantthatyoufollowthe instructions in this book, so that youwill use all the allotted time to youradvantage.



(5) thelenstothefocalplaneisknownasfocallength.Incameras,telescopes,andsimilardevices,thelensisturnedonascrew-threadmountingtoadjustthefocallength.Thisactionallowsfocusingofimagesofobjectsatvariousdistances.Inthehumaneye,focallengthis

(10) adjustedbymusclesthatalterthelenscurvature.Lightraysofdifferentcolorsarebentbyvaryingdegreesastheypassthroughacurvedsurface.Thiscausesadistortionoftheimage,knownaschromaticaberration.Incameras,sharpimagesareobtainedbyarrangingtwo

(15) ormorelensessothattheaberrationofonecancelsouttheaberrationofanother.Suchanarrangementoflensesiscalledanachromaticlens.

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YOUWILLSEE:Accordingtothepassage,whatisfocallength?(A)Acurvedsurfacethatrefractslight(B) The distance from the focal plane to the lens (C)Adjustment by the

muscles that alters lens curvature (D) The degree that light rays ofdifferent colors are bent by the lens This is a factual question. Theinformationneededtoanswerthisquestionisdirectlystatedinthetext.Choice(B)isthecorrectanswer.Somequestionswillaskyoutodrawconclusionsbasedonmaterialinthepassage;otherswillaskaboutthemainideaofaselection.Somemayevenaskwhatinformationdoesnotappearinthepassage.

VocabularyItemsThevocabularyquestionsinthissectiontestyourEnglishvocabulary.Therearebetween 12 and 17 questions focusing on specific words from the readingpassage.Eachwordistakenfromaspecificlineinthetext;thelineisreferredtoin the question. You must choose the word that has the same meaning fromamongthefourchoicesgiven.Here’sanexamplefromtheprevioustext.

YOU WILL SEE: The word “distortion” in line 12 is closest in meaning to (A)classification


The word that is the closest in meaning to the tested word, distortion, ischoice(B).AdditionalhintsforvocabularyquestionscanbefoundinChapter2.

CohesionItemsAnother type of question that is used to test reading comprehension is calledcohesion. Cohesion occurs when elements of a passage are linked to otherelements. Cohesion allows the author to refer to previously mentionedinformation,anditallowsthereadertokeeppreviouslymentionedinformationinmindwhilecontinuingtoreadthepassage.Tounderstandcohesionwhenitisused, one must understand the passage. Thus, TOEFL uses cohesion to testreadingcomprehension.Cohesionitemstypically testobjectpronouns(it, they,them)anddemonstrativepronouns(this, these, those).Hereisanexampleofaquestionthatinvolvescohesion.

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You can get most of the answers to your questions about the TOEFL atwww.ets.org/toefl.Informationontestingcenters,practicequestions,andgeneraldescriptionsof


arepenalizedfornotansweringquestions.Onmultiple-choicetestitems,ifyoumust guess, choose (B) or (C), since they are slightly more likely to be thecorrectresponsetothequestionthan(A)or(D).OntheiBT,somequestionswillhavemorethanoneanswer,particularlyifthe

questiondealswith factual informationpresented as a series in thepassageortext.Aboxunderaquestionmaytellyouto“Clickontwoanswers.”Youmayalsohavetomanipulatedatawiththemouse.Forexample,youmaybegivenaseriesofeventstoplaceinaspecificorder.Youwillclickonthesentencesanddragthemtotheappropriateslotsthatappearonthetestitemscreen.Because the iBT requires agreatervarietyof response formats, always read

thedirectionsforeachtestitemcarefully.Askyourself,“WhatdoIneedtodohere?”Manage your time wisely! Both the ITP TOEFL and iBT are timed. The

amountof timeavailable is stated at thebeginningof each section. If you aretaking the ITP TOEFL, be sure to wear a watch (deactivate any sounds yourwatchmaymakebeforeenteringthetestsession)andbeawareofthetimeyouhaveremaining.NowatchesareallowedintheroomfortheiBT.Whetheryouare taking the iBT or the ITP TOEFL, you should become familiar with thedirectionsandtheexamplesforeachsectionbeforeyoutakethetests.Remember, when time has expired on a section, you may not return to it.

Workquicklyandaccurately.If itseemsobvioustoyouthatyouwillnothave

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enoughtimetofinishasectionoftheTOEFL,GUESSanswers(B)or(C).In the reading section of the iBT, youmay skip questions, or go back and

change answers. However, do notwaste time doing this unless you are fairlycertain that you have made a mistake! You cannot return to questions in apreviouspartonceyouhaveclickedonContinueafterthelastquestioninthatpart.Changeyouransweronlyifyoufindabetteranswer.Prepareyourselfforthetest.Beingwellpreparedwillgiveyoutheconfidence

you need to achieve the very best result for you. In addition to this book,Barron’s TOEFL iBT (Internet Based Test) provides you with practical hintsdesigned tohelpyoumaximizeyourTOEFLscore, aCD-ROMthatsimulatesthe experience of taking the iBT, and academic skills hints, including tips onnotetaking,paraphrasing,summarizing,andsynthesizing.

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DevelopingagoodEnglishvocabularyisthemostimportantwaytoprepareforthevocabularyyouwill see andhear on theTOEFL. It is also a goodway toprepare for the test generally. In addition to developing a good Englishvocabulary,itisveryimportanttoknowthekindofvocabularyyouwillseeontheTOEFLandtounderstandhowitistested.ThereadingsectionoftheiBTcontainsapproximatelythreetofivepassages

with12–14questionsforeachpassage.IntheITP,therearefourtofivereadingpassagesandupto50questions.It is importantforyoutorememberthatyourgeneralvocabularyistestedinallsectionsoftheTOEFL.However,itisinthissection of the TOEFL where your knowledge of specific vocabulary items istested.Passagesfromwhichvocabularyquestionsaredrawnarewritteninaformal,

academic style, typical of most college-or university-level texts and journals.The topics of these passages are those a first-year college student in NorthAmericawouldbelikelytoencounter.ThetopicscomefromsuchareasastheNatural Sciences, Business, Liberal Arts, and the Social Sciences. SomepassagescontainreferencestoNorthAmericanplacesandpersonalities.Otherswill refer tohistoricaleventsandmay includedates. It is important foryou tounderstand that your knowledge of these North American places andpersonalitiesisnevertestedontheTOEFL.YoudonothavetobefamiliarwiththecontentofthepassagestobesuccessfulonthissectionoftheTOEFL.


The following passage and the questions that follow are used to illustrate anddiscuss the types of reading comprehension questions and tasks that you willfindontheTOEFL.First,asawarm-up,youwillreadasamplepassagefortheITP and work through the test questions. Then you will read a sample iBTpassageandworkthroughthosequestions.

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Throughasomewhatcontroversialprocess,Hawaiiwasthelastterritory tobecomea state. In1842, theUnitedStates recognizedtheKingdomofHawaiiasan independentcountry. Insubsequentyears,Americans and other foreign groupsmoved to the islands.They began to influence local politics. In 1887, Hawaiian KingKalakaua gave the United States exclusive rights to use PearlHarborasanavalbase inexchange forcertain tradingprivileges.[A ]AftertheKingdied,hissister,QueenLiliuokalani,followedhimtothethrone.In1894,abloodlessrevolutionledbyAmericanbusinessmen removed her from office. She was replaced byStanfordB.Dole.With the supportof theAmericans running thelocalgovernment,HawaiibecameaU.S.territoryin1900.[B ]In1959,theU.S.CongressapprovedlegislationpermittingHawaiitoconvert to statehood. [C ] Shortly afterward, Hawaiians votedalmost17to1infavorofstatehood.[D ]

1.Whatdoesthepassagemainlydiscuss?DemocracyinHawaiiThehistoryofHawaiianmonarchs The evolution of Hawaii’s political status AmericanmilitarycontrolinHawaiiOntheITPTOEFL,youwoulddarken theovalcontaining the letter (C) onyour answersheet.


This typeofvocabulary item is typicallyusedon the ITPTOEFL.Thecorrectresponseis(D).

3.Theword“They”inthepassagereferstotheUnitedStatesAmericansandotherforeigngroups insubsequentyearstheislands

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4.Lookatthephrase“inexchangefor”inthepassage.InsayingthattheUnitedStatesgotexclusiveaccesstoPearlHarbor“inexchangeforcertaintradingprivileges,”theauthormeanstheUnitedStates: tradedaccesstoitsmarketsforanavalbaseinHawaii.offeredtorentthelanditneededforabaseinHawaii.absorbedHawaiibygrantingitmembershipintheunion. was excluded by the Hawaiian king from Hawaiianmarkets.

Thisisawholephraseitem.It testswhetheryoucanseparatelyunderstandthewordsinagroupandthenassemblethemtoarriveatanunderstandingoftheirmeaning as a group. One clue to the meaning of this phrase is the wordexchange.Sinceyouarealreadyfamiliarwithexchangingmoneyorexchangingaddresses,youcanprobablyguessthatthishassomethingtodowithatwo-waytransfer—in this case, the right to use some land inHawaii for access toU.S.markets.Onceyouhavepiecedtogetherthelargercontext,itiseasiertoseethatthecorrect response is (A), tradedaccess to itsmarkets foranavalbase inHawaii.

5. According to the passage, which of the following is trueaboutKingKalakaua?HewasreplacedbyStanfordB.Dole.HemadeatradeagreementwiththeUnitedStates.Hewelcomedforeigngroupsintotheisland.Hesupportedbloodlessrevolution.

This is anexampleof a factquestion.The response to thequestion isdirectlystated in thepassage.Youwoulddarkencircle (B), sincehewas the leaderofHawaiiwhogave theUnitedStatesexclusivemilitary rights inexchange foratradeagreement.


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TheypromotedtradebetweenHawaiiandothercountries.TheyapprovedlegislationgivingHawaiiitsstatehood. They supportedQueenLiliuokalani’s plan to remain anindependentnation.

Thisitemrequiresyoutoidentifytheauthor’spurposeformentioningaspecificfact in thepassage.Youwoulddarkencircle (A), since theforeigngroups thatarrived in Hawaii did, indeed, exert great political power in local Hawaiianpolitics.

7. Find the phrase “in favor of” in the passage. In saying that“Hawaiiansvoted17 to1 in favorof statehood,” the authormeansthatthey: supportedindependence.votedagainststatehood.wantedtojointheunion.becameafavoriteresort.

Here,youwoulddarkencircle (C),wantedtojointheunion. In thepassage,theword favor is a good clue to the meaning of the whole phrase, as is theadjoiningphrasevotedalmost17to1.ThisphrasestronglysuggeststhatavotehasbeentakenandthattheHawaiianssupportedstatehoodbythemargingiven.Therefore, in favor of must indicate a positive vote, or formal support for aparticularpropositionorcandidate.Examinethetaskbelow.Inthistypeoftask,youmustinsertthesentencesinto

theappropriateplaceinthepassages.Yourchoicesaremarkedwithabox[ ].

8.Lookat the four squares [ ] that showwhere the followingsentence could be inserted into the passage In so doing, itbecamethefiftiethstate.


Thecorrectplacementforthissentenceis[D ].

9.Anintroductionforashortsummaryof thepassageappearsbelow. Complete the summary by choosing three of the sixchoices that best summarize the information in the passage.Somesentencesdonotbelong in thesummarybecause theyarenot includedin thepassageorareminorpointsfromthe

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Hawaii’sclimateplayedamajorroleinitsacceptanceofstatehood. Itsagriculturalproductsweresoughtbymanynationsaroundtheworld. After the death of Hawaiian King Kalakaua, and theousting of Queen Liliuokalani, foreign interests becameintenselyinvolvedinthepoliticalmattersoftheisland. Largely due toAmerican influence in local politics, theUnitedStatesrecognizedHawaiiasanindependentnationjustbeforeachievingstatehood. An American businessman seized the opportunity thatweak leadership presented and led a peacefulmovementtoremoveQueenLiliuokalanifromherpositionofpower.DuetothepoliticalpowerthattheAmericanshadinlocalgovernment, a very close relationship formed with theUnited States that permitted the suggestion of statehoodfortheislandnation. Because of the agreements that were made betweenHawaii and the United States, Pearl Harbor was able toplayanimportantroleinWorldWarII.

The best sentences to be added to the summary are (B), (D), and (E). Youwoulddarkenthosethreecircles.


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(5) nationalandworldwideconditions.First,thoughitmaynothavebeenadirectcauseoftheGreat


(10) Colorado,andKansas.Alongwiththedrought,farmershadnotrotatedcropsorusedcovercropstopreventerosion.Thus,whentheyplowedthetopsoil,thenaturalgrassesthatwouldnormallytrapmoistureandkeepthesoilinplaceweredisplaced.Asaresult,theregionexperiencedsevereduststormsandagriculturaldamage.

(15) [A ]Infact,theterm“DustBowl”isoftenusedtorefertothisperiodofsevereduststormswhenthesoildriedandblewawayindarkclouds.[B ]Withthelanduseless,manyfarmerscouldnotpaytheirtaxesanddebts.Theyhadlittlechoicebuttoselltheirfarmsandtraveltootherstatestofindwork,evenifitmeantmigrating

(20) fromfarmtofarmtopickfruitforlowwages.[C ]TheirplightwascapturedbytheAmericanwriterJohnSteinbeck,inbookssuchasTheGrapesofWrathandOfMiceandMen.[D ]Second,thestockmarketcrashof1929resultedinstockholders

losingmorethan$40billion.On“BlackTuesday,”October29,(25) 1929,sharepricesoftheNewYorkStockExchangeplummeted.As


(30) theirconfidenceinthemarket,theireffortscouldnotpreventthecrash.Whileitistruethatthestockmarketbegantorecoverinthedaysandweeksafterthecrash,itdidnotrecoverenoughtopreventAmericafromenteringtheGreatDepression.TheGreatCrashsparkedatwelve-yeareconomicslumpthataffectedWesternindustrialized

(35) countries.Third,over9,000banksfailedduringthe1930s.Unliketoday,


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Americansstoppedpurchasingitemsand,asaresult,production(40) fell.Inturn,becauseproductionwasreduced,employersreduced


(45) Fifthandfinally,theU.S.governmentpassedtheSmoot-HawleyTariffAct,ortheTariffActof1930.TheactwassponsoredbyU.S.SenatorReedSmoot,aRepublicanfromUtahandchairmanoftheSenateFinanceCommittee,andRepresentativeWillisC.Hawley,aRepublicanfromOregonandchairmanoftheHouseWaysand

(50) MeansCommittee.Theact,whichraisedU.S.tariffsonover20,000importedgoods,hadasitsmainpurposetheprotectionofAmericanjobsfromglobalcompetition.Theactwasnotwithoutitsopponents,however.Forexample,inMay1930,1,028economistssignedapetitionaskingPresidentHoovertovetothelegislation.HenryFord

(55) andJ.P.MorganchiefexecutiveThomasLamontalsometwiththepresidenttorequestthathevetotheact.PresidentHooveropposedthebillbutneverthelesssigneditintolaw.Foreigngovernmentsalsoopposedtheact.WhilethebillwasmovingthroughCongress,foreigngovernmentshadthreatenedretaliationbyraisingthetariff

(60) ratesonAmericangoodsimportedintotheircountries.Afterthebillwassignedintolaw,foreigngovernmentsliveduptotheirthreats.Forexample,Canada,theU.S.’slargesttradingpartner,retaliatedbyimposingnewtariffsonproductsthataccountedforapproximately30percentofU.S.exportstoCanada.



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2.Thewordplethorainline2isclosestinmeaningto fewshortagecomplexityoverabundance





This is anantecedentquestion.The item testswhetheryouunderstandwhatthepronounit refers to.Usingyourmouse,youwouldhighlight thephrasebyclickingonthestockmarketinthepassage.

5. According to the passage, which of the following is true about PresidentHoover?HerefusedtomeetwithHenryFord.HefollowedtheadviceofThomasLamont.HesupportedtheSmoot-HawleyTariffAct.HesignedtheSmoot-HawleyTariffActintolaw.


6. Why does the author mention economists in the last paragraph of thepassage?

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7.Thewordsparkedinline34isclosestinmeaningto startedhastenedhamperedanticipated


8.Thewordsponsoredinline46isclosestinmeaningto backedpaidforattackedsubsidized


9.Thewordvetoinline54isclosestinmeaningto barrejectreviseconsider


10. Find theword they in line 12. Using yourmouse, click on the word orphraseinthepassagethattheyrefersto.

This is anantecedentquestion.The item testswhetheryouunderstandwhatthepronountheyrefersto.Usingyourmouse,youwouldhighlightthewordbyclickingonfarmersinthepassage.

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11.Lookatthefoursquares[ ]thatshowwherethefollowingsentencewouldbeinsertedintothepassage:Thedustcloudssometimestraveledhundredsofmiles.


*ForINTERNET-BASEDTOEFL,clickona[ ]toinsertthesentenceintothepassage.

You would click on the square of your choice in the passage to place thesentenceinthepassage.Thecorrectplacementforthissentenceis[B ].

12.Withwhich of the following statementswould the author of the readingmostprobablyagree?TheGreatDepressionhadmanycauses.Stockmarketcrashesshouldbeprevented.Economistsdonotalwaysknowwhatisbest.Hightariffsshouldbeusedtoprotectfarmers.


13. An introduction for a short summary of the passage appears below.Complete the summary by choosing three of the six choices that bestsummarizetheinformationinthepassage.Somesentencesdonotbelonginthe summary because they are not included in the passage or are minorpointsfromthepassage.



••• Thedrought that resulted in theDustBowlmeant thatmany farmerscould no longer pay their debts. As a result, they had to leave their

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farms.Thefarmershadnotrotatedtheircropsorusedspecialcropstopreventerosion. On Black Tuesday, stockholders sold their shares of stocks and lostmorethan$40billion,sparkingalong-termeconomicdownturn.TheRockefellerfamilyboughtlargequantitiesofstock. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act led to trade retaliation, hurting U.S.exports.TheSmoot-HawleyTariffActwassponsoredbytwoRepublicanswhowereleadersintheSenateandtheHouseofRepresentatives.

The best sentences to be added to the passage are (A), (C), and (E). Usingyourmouse,youwouldclickoneachofthethreeanswerchoices,andthendragandplaceeachnexttooneofthethreedotsabovetheoption.

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STRATEGYFORTHEiBTANDITPTOEFLEachTOEFLvocabulary item refersyou to aword (orphrase, such as a two-word verb) in a specific line of the passage.You are then asked to identify asynonymfor thatword.Thesechoicesaremarkedby the letters: (A), (B), (C),and(D).Youmustidentifythewordamongthechoicesthatisclosestinmeaningtothewordinquotationmarks.Wordsthatareverycloseoridenticalinmeaningarecalledsynonyms.Nowgobackandexaminequestion2.ThisquestionistypicalofvocabularyitemsontheITPTOEFL.Thetopicis

fromU.S.history and thequestion contains a singleword inquotationmarks.The correct answer is (D), debatable. Debatable is a synonym forcontroversial. As in this example, the word you select is the one that bestmatches themeaningof theword inquotationmarks.Note thatall fourof thechoicesmakesenseinthesentenceandthattheymakeuseofotherinformationgiveninthepassage.Manyvocabularyquestionsarewrittensothatthecontextofthesentenceorthepassageseldomhelpsyoutodeterminethemeaningoftheword.Therefore,youmustknowthewordinordertomakethecorrectchoice.Because the context may not help you, you should simply look at the

underlined word and choose its synonym from among the four choices, thenchecktoseeifthesynonymmakessenseinthesentenceinwhichitappears.Itisbestforyoutousethisstrategybecauseitwillpreventfrustrationandsavetime.Youwillneedthistimeforthereadingcomprehensionquestions.Remember,ontheTOEFL,(B)and(C)answerstendtobeusedslightlymorethan(A)and(D).Sochoose (B)or (C)whenguessing.Also remember that answer choices thatcontainthesameprefixorsuffix,orarepronouncedliketheunderlinedwordareseldomthecorrectanswers.Note that choice (A), adversarial, sounds and has letters similar to

controversial. Suchwords are not usually the correct choice. Suchwords areoftenusedtodistractyou.Unlessyouaresureoftheanswer,donotchoosethesewords.Let’sseehowtouseourstrategywithasampleitem.Lookatquestion2again,noting theword in quotationmarks. Do not reread the line referred to or theparagraphthatcontainsit.Instead,readthefourchoicesandmakeyourselectionofthebestsynonym.

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Youshouldpayattentiononlytothewordinquotationmarksandthechoicesthat follow. Ifyouknowthemeaningof thewordandrecognize thesynonym,thereisnoneedtoreadthecontextinwhichitisused.Ifyoudonotknowthemeaningoftheword,youmustmakeaneducatedguessaboutitssynonym.Thecontext will not usually help you to determine the correct choice. All of thechoicesfromtheexampleabovefitintotheoriginalcontext.





These sentences show that the context does not help you to determine themeaningof thewordbeing tested. Ifyousimplycannotdecideon theanswer,you can refer to the sentence in which it is used. In the case of the phrasalexamplesabove,theremaybesomecluesinthecontextthatcanhelpyouteaseout the meaning of the phrase, as shown above. It may also help you torememberanypreviousexperienceyouhavehadwiththeword.However,youareoftenbetteroffignoringthecontextifyouknowtheanswer,andyoushouldnotwaste a lot of time analyzing contextual information. If you cannotmakesense of any of the clues available in the context, or recall the phrase fromanothercontext,simplymakeaguessandmoveon.

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EssentialWordsfortheTOEFLgivesyouadditionalpractice in ignoringthecontextofvocabularyitemsontheTOEFLthroughthematchingexercisesthatarefoundineachlesson.Intheseexercises,youaregivenawordfollowedbyfourpossiblesynonyms.Yourtaskistomarktheletterofthecorrectsynonym.Thefollowingmatchingexerciseusestheexamplepreviouslyintroduced.








• Analyzewords quickly. Spending toomuch time studyingword roots,prefixes,andsuffixescancauseyoutomisusevaluabletime.



•Alwaysanswereveryquestion.Ifyoumustguess,choose(B)or(C)asyouranswer.YourscoreonSection3 isbasedsolelyon thenumberofcorrectanswers.

Timingandcheckingyourwork.DependingontheformatoftheTOEFLyouaretaking,youwillhavebetween31and55minutesontheITPand60minutesonthestandardiBTtocompletethissection.IfyoutakethelongiBT,youwillhave100minutestocompletethissection.Sometesttakersreportthattheydonot have enough time to complete the reading questions, so you shouldworkquickly.Ifyoufollowthestrategiesinthisbook,youwillhaveadequatetimetocompletethereadingsectionoftheTOEFL.Manageyourtimewisely!Ifyoufinishearly,usetheReviewicontogoback

totestitemsandcheckyouranswers.Checkingyourresponseswillallowyoutoidentify and correct any errors.Also, becausevocabulary itemsdonot require

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you to reread and comprehend the entire passage, they can be checked morerapidly than reading comprehension items. After you have checked yourresponsestothevocabularyitems,ifyoustillhavetime,beginningwiththefirstpassage,checkyouranswerstothereadingcomprehensiontestitems.

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One of the best ways to build your vocabulary is to read authentic Englishlanguagematerial.Youshould readmaterial thatacollegestudentwould read.Examples of such material are newspapers, college textbooks, encyclopediaarticles, magazines, and academic books. Any material that has an academicthemewillhelpyou togetused to thekindsofwordsand thestyleofwritingyouwillfindontheTOEFL.Readingarticlesonavarietyoftopicsofinteresttoyouwill helpyou todevelopyourvocabulary.Payattention tonewgroupsofwords,expressions,andphrasesyouencounterinyourreading.Takeadvantageofresources—teachers,nativespeakersofEnglish—tolearntheirmeanings.


Asyouare reading,youwill findnewwords thatyouwillwant to learn.Onegoodwaytolearnwordsistomakeflashcards.Usesmallcardsmadeofthickpaper.Thecardsshouldbesmallenoughtofitinyourpocket.Ononesidewritethenewwordorgroupofwords,thenonthebackwriteasynonym,awordorwords that have the same meaning. For example, expressions such as “run arisk”and“takeachance”aresimilarinmeaning:theyaresynonyms.Youmayalsowanttonotethedefinitionofthewordsyouputonyourflashcards.Reviewthesecardsasoftenasyoucan,perhapswithafriendwhoisalsopreparingfortheTOEFL.Youwillbeable tobuilda large“sightvocabulary”byusing thismethod.Donotbe concerned ifyouareunable to actuallyuse thesewords inconversationsyouhave inEnglish.With time, theywillbecomeapartofyouractive vocabulary. The ability to use new words is not as important as yourabilitytorecognizenewwordsandtheirmeanings.


Anothergoodwaytolearnnewwordsistomakewordlists.Manystudentsuseasmall notebook for this purpose.Whenyoudiscover a newword, or groupof

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words,add it toa listofwords tobe learned.Ononesideof thepage, list thenewwords.Totherightofthislist,writesynonymsforthenewwords.Studythewords by covering the synonyms, looking at the newword, and recalling thesynonyms. It isalsouseful to reverse theprocessso thatyoupracticeboth thenewwordsandtheirsynonyms.


LearnwordsthathavebeentestedonpreviousTOEFLs.TheunderlinedwordsonpreviousTOEFLtestsaresometimestestedagain,buttheyfrequentlyappearamong the four choices presented as synonyms for newwords that are tested.YoucanfindwordstoputonyourflashcardsorwordlistsonanyTOEFLteststhat you have. TOEFL tests can be found online and in the TOEFL test kitsavailablefromtheEducationalTestingService.


Includeallofthewordslistedinthisbookonyourcardsandlists.Thesewordshave been carefully researched and selected, and many will appear on theTOEFL.You should learn prefixes, suffixes, andword roots. For a list of them, see

Chapter 4. Suggestions for studyingword roots, suffixes, and prefixes can befoundinthatchapter.


Becomefamiliarwithathesaurus.Athesaurusisawordlistofsynonyms.Whenyou find a word that you don’t know, look it up in the thesaurus. Note asynonymforthewordonacardorawordlist.Ifyoufindasynonym,butstilldon’t know the meaning of the word, look it up in a print or online Englishlanguagedictionary. If you can’t find theword in the thesaurus, it will not betestedontheTOEFL.TheTOEFLtestsonlythosewordsthathaveavarietyofsynonyms.Formoreinformationabouttheuseofathesaurus,seeChapter4.


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Whenreadersfindanunfamiliarwordinasentence,theyaresometimesabletodetermine its meaning by reading the other words in the sentence. The otherwordsgive the“context” that allows readers tomakeaneducatedguess aboutthemeaningofanunfamiliarword.Wordsfitintocontextsintwoways.Oneispurelygrammatical:Theformof

thewordisgrammaticallycorrectforitspositioninthesentence.Forexample,youknowthatthespacebetween“the”and“student”belongstoanadjective,soyouknowthat“brilliant”fitsintothatspacecorrectly,while“brilliance,”whichisanoun,doesnot.However, we already know that on TOEFL vocabulary questions all of the

possible answers fit the grammatical context of the sentence. Therefore, thedegree of success you will have on this part of the TOEFL depends uponwhether you understand a word’smeaning as well as its form. That in turndependsuponhowwellyoucanunderstanditspartsandhowwellyoucanreadits context for clues to its meaning. In this chapter, you will learn how todeterminethemeaningofawordbystudyingitsparts.Many English words consist of more than one part. Let’s examine three



Manywords inEnglishcontainLatinandGreekroots.Theserootsconvey thebasicmeaningof thewordand theyoccur repeatedly throughout the language.Knowing these roots will help you to determine the meaning of words withwhich you are not familiar. Coming up is a list of common roots and theirgeneralmeanings.Learningtheserootswillhelpyoutorecognizethebasicmeaningofhundreds

of English words. Let’s look at the word manufacture. Manufacture is acombinationoftworootwords,manuandfact.Usingthesamelist,wecansee

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thatmanu means “hand” and fact means “make” or “do.” Therefore, we caninferthemeaning“makebyhand.”Let’slookatanotherexample,biography.Again,usingthesamelist,wesee

that biomeans “life” and graph “write.” Therefore, we can conclude that theword’smeaningrelatestothe“writingofalife,”thewrittenstoryofaperson’slife.

HowtoStudyWordRootsThereareseveralwaystostudywordroots.Oneeffectivewayistomakeaflashcardforeachone.Oneachcardwritetherootandawordcontainingtheroot.Also,writethemeaningoftherootandasynonymfortheexamplewordonthebackofthecard.Asyoupracticewiththecards,firstidentifythemeaningoftheroot,thenthewordcontainingtheroot.Next,giveasynonymforthatword.Asyoustudytheroots,setasidethoseyouhavelearnedandconcentrateonlyonthoserootsandsynonymsthatyouhavenotlearned.Saveallofthecardsforreview.Makeword lists.Whenyou readEnglishmaterial,make lists ofwords that

contain theroots thatyouhavestudiedin thissectionof thebook.Identify therootand lookup theword ina thesaurus.Write themeaningof the rootandasynonym of the word. This method will help you to identify root words andsynonymsontheTOEFL.

Root Meaning Examplebelli war rebellionbiblio book bibliographybio life biologycosm order microcosmcycl circle cyclonedic two dichotomydict word dictateduc carry,lead conduciveduct carry,lead conductfac do,make facsimilefact do,make manufacturefect do,make perfectform shape uniformfort strong fortify

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geo earth geographygram write telegramgraph write autographhomo same homophonelog speech,studyof dialoglogy speech,studyof analogyman hand managemanu hand manualmater mother,home maternitymatri mother,home matriarchmedi middle mediocremiss send dismissmit send submitmulti many multiplynom name nominatenym name synonympater father paternalpathy feeling,suffering sympathypatri father patriarchped foot pedalport carry transportscend climb ascendscrib write scribblescript writtenlanguage postscriptsecut follow consecutivesent feel consentsequ follow subsequentlytact touch contacttempor time contemporarytract pull,drawout attractivevene come,go convenevent come,go adventvers turn reversevert turn convertvoc voice,call vocalvok voice,call revoke

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volu turn,roll convolutedvolve turn,roll involve


Prefixesarethesecondimportantpartofwords.Aprefixisapartofawordthatisattached to thebeginningofawordroot.Aprefixaddsmeaning to thebaseword.Thus,ifyouknowthemeaningoftheprefix,youwillbebetterpreparedtodetermine themeaningof theword.Knowingbothprefixes andword rootswillunlockthemeaningofthousandsofEnglishwords.TherearemanyprefixesinEnglish.Thelistbelowcontainssomeofthemost


Prefix Meaning Exampleante before anterioranti against,notinfavor anticipateauto self autonomousbi two biasedcircum circle,around circumventco with,together coherentcol with,together collectcom with,together complexcon with,together condensede down,reverse declinedis no,not disregarde out,from emitex out,from ejectim no,not improperin in inactiveinter between,among interactir no,not irrelevantmicro small,tiny microscopicmis wrong,bad,not mistakemono one monotonenon not nonsensepost after postpone

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pre before preconceptionprim first primarypro for,infavorof promotere again recoversub under submitsup under suppositiontrans across,over transmittri three tripleultra excessive ultrasonicun no,not undeniableuni one unique

Let’s examine thewordcontact.We candetermine from the list of prefixesthatconmeans“with.”Uponfurtherexaminationoftheword,weseethewordroot tactmeans “touch.”Withoutknowing the exactmeaningof theword,wecanguessthatthewordisrelatedto“touch”and“with.”Indeed,contactconveysthemeaningofcommunicationwithanotherperson.Referringtotherootwordsand prefixes in this chapter we can ascertain that autobiographymeans “self,life,andwrite,”orthestoryofaperson’slifewrittenbythatsameperson.Youcanapproachyourstudyofprefixeswiththesamemethodyouareusing

to learnword roots.Make a flash card for each of the prefixes.On each cardwrite the prefix and a word containing the prefix. Write the meaning of theprefix and a synonym for the exampleword on the back of the card.As youpracticewith the cards, first identify themeaningof the prefix, then thewordcontainingtheroot.Next,giveasynonymforthatword.Saveallofthecardsforreview.Makeword lists.Whenyou readEnglishmaterial,make lists ofwords that

containtheprefixesyourecognize.Identifytheprefixandlookupthewordinathesaurus.Write themeaning of the prefix and a synonym for theword. Thismethod will help you to identify words with prefixes and synonyms on theTOEFL.


Thefinalwordpartisthesuffix.Asuffixisaddedtotheendofaword.Similarto a prefix, a suffix addsmeaning to the rootword.However, themeaning isoften grammatical, telling us the tense or the function of the word. Suffixes

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seldom change the actual meaning of the word in the way that prefixes do.Suffixes are attached to verbs, nouns, and adjectives. There are not manyquestions that test suffixes on this part of the TOEFL, and you may alreadyknowmanyofthemfromyourgrammarstudy.Nevertheless,youshouldbecomefamiliarwithalltheEnglishsuffixesinthelists.


Suffix Meaning Exampleable capableof affordableant tendencyto dominantative tendencyto innovativeent tendencyto persistentetic relatingto sympatheticful fullof harmfulible capable discernibleical relatingto identicalless without harmlessous fullof famousness aqualityofbeing kindnessry occupation ministryship conditionorstate citizenshipsome tendencyto bothersomey aqualityofbeing arbitrary


Suffix Meaning Exampleary place libraryation process populationcule small minusculedom stateofbeing wisdomer onewhodoes teacherery occupation dentistryhood stateofbeing manhoodist onewhodoes geologist

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less without carelessly like,similarto manlyment stateofbeing contentmentness stateofbeing happinessous fullof enormousship stateofbeing citizenship


Suffix Meaning Examplely theway predictablyways theway sidewayswise theway otherwise


Suffix Meaning Exampleade processof persuadeate tomake accentuateen tomake broadener processof shelterize tomake emphasize


TheDictionaryFor students of English as a Second Language, a good English dictionary isessential. It is a source of valuable information and if it is used correctly, thedictionarywill serve as a useful tool to helpyou towardyour goal ofEnglishfluency.There aremany types of dictionaries that a studentmay consider, including


addition to the standard word entries, collegiate dictionaries often containseparatesectionsthatcontainabbreviations,foreignexpressionsusedinEnglish,

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andbiographicallistings.Somemayalsocontaingeographicallistings.Highly recommended are learner’s dictionaries. This type of dictionary is

specificallywrittenforstudentsofEnglishasaforeignlanguage.Definitionsarewritten inclear,easy tounderstandEnglish.Thesedictionariesoftenanticipatelearner’squestionswith special explanatory sections.Theyalsousea standardphoneticalphabettoindicatethepronunciationoftheentries.Unabridged dictionaries are the most comprehensive, but not practical for

secondlanguagelearnersbecauseoftheirsizeanddetail.Thesedictionariesareoften found in the reference sections of libraries on special tables toaccommodate their size and weight. An unabridged dictionary is an excellentsource for determining the historical development of words, examples ofsentencesthatdemonstrateproperusage,antonyms,andsynonyms.AbilingualdictionarythatcontainswordsinyournativelanguageandEnglish

shouldbeavoided.Often thesedictionariesare incompleteandgiveonlybasicnative language equivalent words. These words are frequently out of date orinappropriate for the context of the sentence in which you want to use theunknownwords.Therefore, entries inbilingualdictionariescanbemisleading.In fact, they can actually cause you to make mistakes. It is worthwhile forEnglishlanguagestudentstoswitchtoalearner’sdictionaryassoonaspossible,or to use it in conjunctionwith a bilingual dictionary.Youwill find that yourvocabularywillincreasefasterbyusinganEnglishlanguagedictionary.


Adictionarygivesyoutheinformationrequiredtochoosethebestwordforyourneeds. A typical dictionary entry contains the correct spelling of a word,followedbythewordwritteninaphoneticalphabet.Thewordisseparatedbysyllables.Thishelpsyoutodeterminewheretoseparateitat theendofa line.Followingthephoneticspellingoftheword,itspartofspeechisindicated.Themeaningsofthewordaregiveninanumericalorder,sometimesfollowedbyasentencethatshowstheproperuseoftheword.Whilemanymoderndictionarieslist themeaningsofwords fromthemostcommonandcurrentmeaning to theoldestmeaning,somelisttheirdefinitionsfromtheearliestmeaningtothelatestmeaning. Therefore, before you choose a definition, you should read all themeanings of the entry, then choose the one that meets your needs. Somedictionaries provide synonyms, orwordswith the same generalmeaning, andantonyms, words that have the opposite meaning. Some dictionaries give thederivation, a historical development of the word that follows a word back

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is, in an A to Z order. Two guide words appear at the top of each page in adictionary.Thewordontheleftisthefirstentryofthetwopages;thewordontherightindicatesthelastentryonthetwopages.Youcanusetheseguidewordstodetermineifthewordyouarelookingupiscontainedamongthoseentriesonthetwopages.

max • i •mum (măk′s -m m) n. pl. -mums or -ma (-m ). Abbr.max.1.a.Thegreatestpossiblequantityordegree.b.Thegreatestquantity or degree reached or recorded; the upper limit ofvariation.c.Thetimeorperiodduringwhichthehighestpointordegree is attained.2. An upper limit permitted by law or otherauthority.3.Astronomy.a. Themomentwhen a variable star ismostbrilliant.b.Themagnitudeofthestaratsuchamoment.4.Mathematics.a.Thegreatestvalueassumedbyafunctionoveragiveninterval.b.The largestnumber inaset.—maximumadj.Abbr.max.1.Havingorbeingthegreatestquantityorthehighestdegreethathasbeenorcanbeattained:maximumtemperature.2.Of,relatingto,ormakingupamaximum:amaximumnumberinaseries.[Latin,fromneuterofmaximus,greatest.]

Aswesee,thewordentryisforthewordmaximum.Byexaminingthewordentry, we can determine that it contains three syllables; each syllable beingseparated by the mark •, max•i•mum. The word is followed by a phoneticspellingof thewordinsideparentheses,(măk′s -m m).Atthebottomofeverypageofthedictionary,youwillfindapronunciationkeythatwillgiveyouthespeechsoundsofthesymbols.Followingthepronunciation,youwillfindapartofspeechlabel.Herearethetraditionalspeechlabelsfoundinmostdictionaries.

WORDLABELSabbr. abbreviation ph.v. phrasalverbadj. adjective pl. pluraladv. adverb prep. prepositionant. antonym pron. pronounconj. conjunction sing. singular

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interj. interjection syn. synonymintr. intransitive tr. transitiven. noun v. verb

Followingthepronunciationentryforthewordmaximum,ann.andthepluralforms(identifiedbytheabbreviationpl.)pl.-mums,or-maappear.Accordingtothelabels,theseabbreviationsmeanthatthewordisanounanditspluralcanbeformedtwoways,byreplacingthelastsyllablemumwithmums(maximums)orma (maxima).The plural forms are followedby the abbreviation of theword,identifiedbyAbbr.max.Eachdefinitionofthewordismarkedbyanumber.Inmanydictionaries,theorderofthedefinitionsreflectsthefrequencyofuse

of each meaning of the word. The definitions that follow the first definitionreflectmorespecializeduses.Yourdictionarywillexplaintheorderinwhichthemeanings are presented. When the numbered definition has closely relatedmeanings, they aremarkedwith 1.a., b., and c. as in the examplemaximum.Also note that words with specialized definitions in academic disciplines areidentified. In the sample entry, there are two specialized uses of the wordmaximum,oneinAstronomy,3.aandb.,andanotherinMathematics,4.a.andb.After allmeanings of the noun form are defined, the entry continueswith thedefinitionoftheadjectiveform.Thelastitemoftheentrygivesthederivation,orwordorigin,insidebrackets[].Pleasenotethatseveralstylesofusagearenormallyindicatedinadictionary

entry.Thesestylesaretypicallyidentifiedinthefollowingways:Nonstandard — WordsthatdonotbelongtoanystandardeducatedspeechInformal — WordsthatareoftenusedinconversationandseldominformalwritingSlang — Usuallyahighlyinformalwordthatisoftenfigurativeinuse.Itsmeaningis

usuallyshort-livedVulgar — AwordthatistabooornotsociallyacceptableinmostcircumstancesObsolete — AwordthatisnolongerincommonusageArchaic — Awordthatwasincommonusage,butnowrarelyusedRare — WordsthathaveneverbeencommoninthelanguageBritish — WordsthatareincommonusageinBritishEnglishRegional — Wordsthatareusedinalimitedgeographicalarea


Athesaurusisacollectionofwordswithsimilarmeanings,usuallypresentedinalphabeticalorder.Thesewordsarecalledsynonyms.Athesaurusisusefulwhenyou must change a word to another word with a similar meaning. Many

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thesauruses list whole phrases in addition to single words. For example, onewell-known thesaurus containsmore than 330,000words and phrases in over1,000categories.Thus,itprovidesusefulinformationabouthowwordsgrouporcombineinthelanguageaswellascluestotheirmeaningsandsynonyms.Theentriesinathesaurustypicallycontainthesynonymsinmostfrequentto

leastfrequentoccurrence.Inamodernthesaurus,guidewordsalsoappearatthetops of pages. Their function is the same as that of the guide words indictionaries, indicating the first and lastwords of the pages.Allwords on thepageappearinalphabeticalorder.Notallwordshavesynonyms,yetalmostallwordsontheTOEFLarewordswithmanysynonyms.Therefore,regularuseofathesauruswillbuildyourvocabularyandhelpyoutopreparefortheTOEFL.Mostofthesamewordlabelsusedindictionariesappearinathesaurus.Many

entries do not specify the difference between adjective and adverb, since thesameformscanoftenappearbothasanadjectiveandadverb.Theabbreviationmod. is used to mark such a word. Let’s examine an entry for the wordmaximum.

maximum,mod.–Syn.supreme,highest,greatest:seebest1.maximum, n. – Syn. supremacy, height, pinnacle, preeminence,culmination,matchlessness, preponderance, apex, peak, greatestnumber,highestdegree,summit,nonpareil;seealsoclimax.–Ant.minimum*,foot,bottom.

Thereare twoentries for thisword.Theabbreviationmod. in the first entryindicates that thewordcouldbeusedas amodifierofotherwords.Followingthis,syn. indicatesthatsynonymsforthewordfollow.Attheendofthelistingappearsthesuggestionseebest1.Thissuggestionrefersustothefirstentryforthewordbestifwewishtoseemorewordswithmeaningsrelatedtomaximum.Thesecondentrygivesthesynonymsforthenounformoftheword.Then.

indicates that the word is used as a noun, and syn. indicates that synonymsfollow.Thisentryalsorefersthereadertothewordclimaxforadditionalwordsrelated tomaximum.At the endof the entry, antonyms,markedwith the labelant.,arelisted.Thedictionaryandthesaurusaretwopowerfullearningtoolsthatyoushould

haveforreference.Theyareessentialforagoodvocabularybuildingprogram.Inaddition,manypublishersofferidiomdictionariesandphrasebooksthatcanbeuseful in learningwordcombinationscommonlyused inacademic settings.

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Instructional material focusing on idioms and phrases is available online atnumerous websites catering to ESL and EFL students.When you study suchmaterial, be sure to focus on academic vocabulary, not slang. Slang does notappearontheTOEFL.Often,slangwillbeindicatedassuchinadictionaryorthesaurus.Someacademicwordshavephrasalequivalents.Afewexamplesarelistedbelow:SingleWord PhrasalSynonymadjust straightenoutendanger putinjeopardyclandestine indisguisesettle takerootvague ill-defined

Asageneralrule,singlewordsarepreferable tophrases informalacademicstyle when both options are available. However, the use of phrases is stillcorrect. Sometimes the words in phrases are so closely associated with eachother that theyarewrittenwithahyphen,as in ill-definedabove.Hyphensarealsousedtolinkwordsequencesthatmightotherwiseappearungrammatical.

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This chapter contains 30 lessons. Each lesson presents a set of key TOEFLwords.Followingtheentries,thereare10matchingexercises.Attheendofeachlesson, thereare10TOEFL-likevocabularyquestions thatcontainmostof thewordspresented ineach lesson.Allof theseTOEFL-likequestionsprovideanexcellentvocabularyreviewaswellassolidpreparationfornotonlythereadingsectionoftheTOEFL,butalsoforallsectionsoftheTOEFL.Youshouldstudythelessonsinorder.Forexample,afterstudyinglesson1,go


intricateadv. intricatelyn. intricateadj. havingmanyparts;finelydetailedsyn. complex

Theintricatedesignofthevasemadeitavaluablepieceforhercollection.I cannot begin to understand all of the intricacies of modern automobilemotors.

Theentryfeaturesthewordintricate.Directlyunder theword,youwill findotherformsofthesameword.Thesewordshavethesamegeneralmeaning;theyrepresent thedifferent parts of speechof theword.For eachof the forms, thepartofspeechisgiven.Thefollowingabbreviationsforpartsofspeechareusedinthewordentries:adj. adjectiveadv. adverb

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conj. conjunctionv. verbn. nounph.v. phrasalverbprep.ph. prepositionalphrase

Inthecaseofintricate,theadjectiveform,adj.,ispresentedasthekeyword.Other forms of the entry, intricately, and intricacy are listed below the mainentry.The key word is then defined in clear, easy to understand English. In this


isawordthathasthesameorasimilarmeaninganditismarkedwiththeletterssyn. In the example on the previous page, the synonym given for intricate iscomplex.Below the synonym, there are two sentences that show the usage of two

differentformsoftheword.Thesentencesarerichincontext;thatis,thewordssurrounding the keyword tend to support and clarify themeaning of the keyword.Let’slookatthetwosentencesintheexample.

The intricate design of the vase made it a valuable piece for hercollection.

I cannot begin to understand all of the intricacies of modernautomobilemotors.

Thekeywordwillusuallyappearinthefirstsentence.Thekeywordsentenceisfollowedbyasecondsentenceillustratingtheuseofoneoftherelatedwords,butwith a different formof theword. If no relatedwords are given, then thesecondsentenceservesasanotherillustrationofthemeaningofthekeyword.Somewordformsarenotincludedintheentries.Thesearewordsthatarenot




To learn vocabulary efficiently, you must have a study plan and follow it

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ReadFirst, read the 15 entries of the lesson carefully, including the definition,different forms, synonym, and example sentences. It is important for you toassociatethekeywordwithitsmeaningandsynonym.Thesearethethreemostimportantpartsofthewordentry.

RereadNext,readeachwordentryagain.Lookupunfamiliarwordsthatappearintheexample sentences. This time when you study the entry we suggest that youcoverthekeyword,thenlookatthemeaninganditssynonym.Thenidentifythekeyword.Whenyouareable to identify thekeyword, reverse theprocessbyidentifyingthecoveredsynonym.Finally,covereverything in theentry,exceptthemeaning,andidentifythekeywordanditssynonym.

FindtheSynonymsYouarenowready for thematchingexerciseat theendof theword list.Let’slookatatypicalmatchingquestion.


Thepurposeofthequestionistotestyourknowledgeofsynonyms,akeyskillfortheTOEFL.Youwillseefourchoices.Inthisexample,youmustchoosethesynonymforthewordintricate.Thecorrectansweris(B),complex.Nearlyallthewords thatappearasanswerchoicesarekeywords introduced in thesameandpreviouslessons.CheckyouranswersbyreferringtotheAnswerKeyfoundatthebackofthisbook.You are now ready to test your skill on actual TOEFL-like questions. Let’s


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The intricate design of the building’s facade is typical ofbuildingsofthenineteenthcentury.(A)functional(B)accurate(C)standard(D)complex

ThistestquestionistypicalofthequestionsonthevocabularysectionoftheTOEFL.Youmustchoosethewordthathasthesameorsimilarmeaningastheunderlinedwordinthesentence.MostTOEFLquestionsdonotusethewordincontext-richsentences.Therefore,aswelearnedinChapter2,youwillprobablynot be able to determine the meaning of the word by reading the sentence.Therefore, look directly to the underlinedword and do not read the sentence.Look for its synonym among the four choices. The correct answer is (D),complex.Mostof the answer choices for the testquestions at the endof eachlessonarekeywordsintroducedinthatlesson.Afteryouhavestudiedthe15wordsandtheirsynonyms,andcompletedthe

practiceexercises,makeflashcards.Ononesideofthecard,writethekeywordanditsrelatedforms.Ontheothersideofthecard,writeitssynonym.Reviewthesecards several timesduring theweeksbeforeyourTOEFL test session. IfyouarepreparingforaspecificTOEFLtestdate,makeastudyschedulebasedonhowmuch timeyouhavebefore theTOEFL.Forexample, ifyouhavesixweeksbeforeyour testdate,plan tostudyfive lessonseachweekBesure thatyou organize your cards. It is suggested that you organize your cards inalphabeticalorderbysynonymsorbythelessonnumber.Keeptwogroupsofcards; one group for thewords you have learned, the second group for thosewords you need to learn. Review the second group more often than the firstgroupofwordsthatyoualreadyknow.Asyourvocabularygrows,return to theexercisesandtestquestions ineach




One phrase-type question is provided in each of this book’s 30 lessons. Eachquestioncontainsashortpassagethatillustratestheuseofavocabularyitemin

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combinationwithotherwordsthatitisoftengroupedwith.Forexample,denselyis aword that appears as a single item in one of these lessons, but it is oftencombined with the word populated to form the phrase densely populated.Therefore,denselypopulated is treatedasawholephrase inoneof thephrasalquestionsinthebook.Itisalwaysusefultolearnthemeaningsofsinglewords,but it isalso important to learnhow thesewordscombinewithotherwords incommonwordpairsorwordgroups.Inansweringthesequestions,itishelpfultousewhatyoualreadyknowabout

thewords in isolation and to keep a few simple strategies inmind.Let’s lookmorecloselyatthedenselypopulatedexample.First,youshouldreadthepassagecarefully.Alotofwhatyouneedtoknow

aboutthewordincombinationandthemeaningofthewholephraseisalreadyavailable in the passage itself. In this case, you know that the phrase hassomethingtodowiththedistributionofpeopleinaparticularcountry:Someliveclosetogetherincities,whileotherslivefarapartinthecountryside.Therefore,you have a sense of what the words mean in combination because youunderstandthegeneralmeaningofthepassagethatillustratesanddefinesthem.Understanding the general meaning and the phrase’s context is probably



Withoutgoingmuchfurther,youcanprobablyguessthatthebestanswerhereis(C)sinceitcomestheclosesttosayingthatthecountryasawholecontainsalot of people without saying that it contains more than any other country inEurope.However,thereareotherstepsyoucantakejusttobesure.Youcanalsotakealookattheentryforthetargetword,inthiscasedensely.

Notice that the word is an adverb. This means that it limits or modifies anadjective and a verb; in this instance, it tells you how heavily populated aparticular European country is—how many people it contains per squarekilometer. Other word combinations or phrases fall into other categories. Forexample, some contain verbs followed by prepositions (conforms to), somecontainnounsprecededbyprepositions (on impulse), and some contain nounspreceded by adjectives (crushing blow). In other words, try to use as much

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informationaboutaword’sformorpartofspeechasyoucaninarrivingat itsmeaning,andspecificallyatanunderstandingof its relationshipwith theotherwordsaroundit.Finally, recall any other instance of the phrase you have heard or seen. For

example,youmaydiscoverthatyouhavealreadyencounteredthephraseinyourreading—indevelopingyourawarenessofvocabularythroughextensivereading—andyoumayhaverecordeditononeofyourflashcards.Thesephraseshavebeenchosenbecausetheyarecommonlyusedinthelanguage.Forthatreason,youarelikelytocomeacrosstheminavarietyofcontexts.Theirfrequentuseisalso the reasonwhyunderstanding thesewords incombinationcangiveyouadeeperandmoregeneralunderstandingofthelanguageasawhole.


The table beginning below includes the word combinations and phraseshighlightedinthebook’s30vocabularylessons.In the first column on the left, you can see grammatical information about



general strategies for learning new words in combination wherever you findthem.


VERBS Exampledisapproveof 1 Manycommunitiesnowdisapproveofcellor

carphoneuse.(seean)advantagein 2 Manypeoplecanseeanadvantageinmovingto

bigcities.conformto 3 Achameleonchangescolortoconformtoits

surroundings.(be)determinedto 4 Manyresidentsaredeterminedtorestrictthe


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(be)reportedto 12 Theywerereportedtohavepowersthatprotectedthemfromattack.

comeacross 18 Johncameacrosssomeoldcoinswhilecleaningoutthebasement.

taketheinitiative 20 Thecenterforwardtakestheinitiativeandmovestheballforward.

reactto 21 Thecolorantreactstothepresenceofacidbyturningred.

accountfor 22 Scientistsseektoaccountforpatternedcirclesingrainfields.

bringabout 22 Advancesintechnologyhavebroughtaboutadigitalage.

(be)renownedfor 23 Theorchestraisespeciallyrenownedforitsviolinplayers.

(be)peculiarto 24 Waterstorageispeculiartoaclassofanimalscalledruminants.

stemfrom 24 Hisgoodgradesstemfromhisdedicationtostudying.

(be)opentointerpretation 26 Historicalfactsaboutthepyramidsareopentointerpretation.

factorin 26 Shehadtofactorinthecostofshippingwhenshoppingonline.

takeon 28 Astudentcantakeonthechallengeoflearninganewlanguage.

ADJECTIVES+NOUNSintriguingquestion 5 Wherehumanlifefirstaroseisstillanintriguing

question.crushingblow 8 Theairplane’sinventionwasacrushingblow

forballooning.face-to-faceencounters 13 Lackofeyecontactisasignofdisrespectin

face-to-faceencounters.heightenedawareness 16 Heightenedawarenesshasledtoworryabout

greenhousegases.gradualdecrease 17 Agradualdecreasewillnotstimulatespending

oremployment.balancedview 18 TVnewsrarelygivesabalancedviewofpeople,

products,andevents.curativepowers 28 Asubstancewithcurativepowerswould

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ADVERBS+ADJECTIVESwell-suited 5 Themanageriswell-suitedforthejob.comparativelyeasy 6 Itiscomparativelyeasytoswitchoffsome

Internetsites.denselypopulated 9 TheNetherlandsisthemostdenselypopulated

countryinEurope.exceptionallytalented 10 Relativelyfewchildrenareexceptionally

talentedmusically.fundamentallysound 14 NASAisconfidentthatspacecraftsare

fundamentallysound.perilouslyclose 15 Theworldcameperilouslyclosetolosingthe

pandainthe1980s.aptlynamed 27 TheshipwasaptlynamedaftertheTitans,who

ruledtheuniverse.prominentlydisplayed 29 Theelectronicbarcodeisnotprominently

displayedonaproduct.severelypunished 30 Insomecountries,high-speeddrivingis


PREPOSITIONS+NOUNStoitscore 7 Patientsviewthemedicalprofessionasselfish

toitscore.onimpulse 25 Psychologyhasexploredwhypurchasesare


COMPARATIVEADJECTIVEmoreprevalentthan 11 Sportsutilityvehiclesaremoreprevalentthan


PHRASALPREPOSITIONinconjunctionwith 5 Goodroaddesigninconjunctionwitheffective

drivereducationmakesroadssafer.inoppositionto 19 Thereisgrowingsentimentinoppositiontosea


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abroadadv. toorinanothercountrysyn. overseas;internationally


abruptadv. abruptlyn. abruptnessadj. quick;withoutwarningsyn. sudden


acceptablev. acceptadv. acceptablyn. acceptabilityadj. acceptingadj. allowableorsatisfactory

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syn. permissible


acclaimadj. acclaimedn. acclamationn. enthusiasticapproval;applausesyn. praise


actuallyadj. actualadv. beinginexistence,realorfactualsyn. truly


adverseadv. adverselyn. adversityn. adversaryadj. displeasing,objectionable,orbadsyn. unfavorable


advicev. adviseadj. advisablen. advisabilityn. arecommendationgivenbysomeonenotassociatedwiththe

problemorsituationsyn. suggestion

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attractivev. attractn. attractionn. attractivenessadv. attractivelyadj. callingattentionto;pleasing;creatinginterest;prettysyn. appealing


autonomousadv. autonomouslyadj. byitself;withnoassociationsyn. independent

Mexicobecameanautonomousstatein1817.Although working closely with the government, all businesses functionautonomously.

chronicadv. chronicallyadj. alwayspresent;continualsyn. constant


disapprovalv. disapproveadv. disapprovinglyn. theactofdisagreeing;notgivingapprovalsyn. objection


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disruptivev. disruptn. disruptionadv. disruptivelyadj. causingconfusionandinterruptionsyn. disturbing


haphazardlyadj. haphazardn. haphazardnessadv. havingnoorderorpattern;bychancesyn. arbitrarily;carelessly


persistentv. persistn. persistenceadv. persistentlyadj. continuous;refusingtogiveup;firminactionordecisionsyn. constant


postponeadj. postponablen. postponementv. tochangetoalatertime;todelaysyn. reschedule


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validn. validityadv. validlyadj. producingadesiredresultbasedontruthsorfactssyn. convincing


withdrawn. withdrawalv. toremove,takeout,ortakebacksyn. extract


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Thewordautonomousinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto massiveacclaimed prosperous independent2.The search to hide natural bodyodors led to the discovery and use of musk. Musk is a scent used inperfumes.Itisobtainedfromthesexglandsofthemalemuskdeer,asmalldeer native to the mountainous regions of the Himalayas. The odor ofmusk,penetratingandpersistent, is believed to act as an aphrodisiac. Inanimals, musk serves the functions of defining territory, providingrecognition,andattractingmates.

Thewordpersistentinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto attractivedisruptive constant pleasant 3. Until the late ninteenth century allrubberwasextractedhaphazardlyfromtreesfoundinthejunglesofSouthAmerica.Itwasexpensiveandthesupplywasuncertain.However,duringthe 1860s the idea of transporting rubber trees to the British colonies inAsiawasconceived.Thisledtothelarger-scalecultivationofrubbertreesonorganizedplantations.

Thewordhaphazardlyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto carelesslysecretly constantly dangerously 4. Some animals’ coloration uses

bold, disruptive markings to scare predators. Other animals have colorpatterns that blend with their surroundings. Such coloration serves forprotection, to attract mates, or to distract enemies. Called crypticcoloration, ituses theanimals’ livingplace,habits,andmeansofdefense.Crypticcolorationmayblendananimalsowellwithitsenvironmentthatitisvirtuallyinvisible.

Theworddisruptiveinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto disturbingdistinctive brilliant unfavorable 5. Cognitive approaches to therapy

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assume that emotional disorders are the result of irrational beliefs orperceptions.Themindmayinterpretaneventasscaryorcalming,happyorsad. The emotionally disordered person may perceive adverse events aspersonalfailures.Cognitivepsychotherapiesseektomakethepatientawareof the irrationality of this perception and to substitute more rationalevaluationsofsuchevents.

Thewordadverseinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto monotonousthreatening inoffensive unfavorable 6. Increasingly, authorities areuneasy about teenagers who drive while talking on the telephone. Formany, phone use and driving are perfectly compatible; others are moreeasilydistracted,especiallywhilelisteningtomusic.Thegrowingnumberof accidents associated with phone use also supports this claim. Manycommunities now disapprove of these phones so much that they haveforbiddenanyoneofanyagetousethemwhiledriving.

In stating that many communities now disapprove of these phones, theauthormeansthatthey fullyendorsetheirpopularity.



Thewordactuallyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto legitimatelyfactually truly essentially 8. Tornadoes strike in many areas of theworld,butnowherearetheyasfrequentorasdevastatingasintheUnitedStates.Avast“tornadobelt”embraceslargeportionsoftheGreatPlainsoftheUnited States and the southeastern portion of the country. Tornadoesposethegreatest threats to theseareas,whichareespeciallyvulnerabletoabruptchangesinweatherconditions.

Thewordabruptinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto sudden vividsharp direct9.Forwomeninthe1920s,freedomindressreflectedtheir


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such opportunities, but the revolutionary change affected the types ofclothesworn bymostwomen. For example, trousers becameacceptableattireforalmostallactivities.Thismilestoneinthefashionworldfavoredmore stylish and comfortable clothing instead of more formal modes ofdress.

Thewordacceptable in the passage is closest inmeaning to usableendurable believable permissible 10. The National Film Board ofCanadawasestablishedin1939toproducefilmsthatreflectCanadianlifeand thought, and to distribute them both domestically and abroad. Bywinning awards from film festivals around the world, it has earnedinternationalacclaimfortheartisticandtechnicalexcellenceofitswork.

Thewordacclaim inthepassageisclosest inmeaningto fascinationpraise acceptance attraction

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advantageadv. advantageouslyadj. advantageousn. somethingthatmayhelponetobesuccessfulortogain

somethingsyn. benefit


adventn. thecomingorappearanceofsomethingsyn. arrival


agileadv. agilelyn. agilenessn. agilityadj. abletomoveinaquickandeasyway

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syn. nimble


albeitconj. inspiteofthefacts,regardlessofthefactsyn. although


appealingv. appealn. appealadv. appealinglyadj. attractiveorinterestingsyn. alluring


celebratedadj. acclaimed;well-knownandpopularsyn. renowned


circumventn. circumventionv. togoaround;avoidsyn. evade


colliden. collision

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v. tohitoneobjectagainstanotherwithviolentforce;tobeinopposition

syn. crash


contemporaryn. contemporaryadj. modern,up-to-date,or(n.)apersonlivingatthesametimeas

anotherpersonsyn. current


distributen. distributionv. todivideamongpeopleortogiveoutsyn. dispense


encouragen. encouragementn. encourageradv. encouraginglyadv. encouragingv. topromote,help,orsupportsyn. stimulate


energeticn. energyadv. energetically

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adj. fulloflife,action,orpowersyn. vigorous


frailn. frailtyadj. weakinhealthorinbodysyn. fragile


heydayn. ahighpointofsuccessorabundancesyn. pinnacle

Manysettlersbecamerichduringtheheydayof theCaliforniagoldrushof the1800s.Wearelivingintheheydayofdigitalcommunications.

mythadj. mythologicaln. mythologyn. aninventedstoryorideasyn. legend


refinen. refinementadj. refinedv. tomakepure;toimprovesyn. perfect(verb)


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worthwhileadj. valueindoingsomethingsyn. rewarding


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Thewordcelebrated in the passage is closest inmeaning to elusiveambiguous renowned indistinct 2. Exercises that demand total bodyinvolvementimproveandmaintainfitness.Themosteffectivewaytofeelmorementallyalertandenergetic is toengage inaerobicactivityat leastthree times a week for 30minutes. Such activitiesmay include jogging,running,swimming,dancing,andfastwalking.

Thewordenergetic in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to vigorousfrail agile appealing3.Mostpeopledonotappreciatetheimportanceofpackaging.Packagesmaintainthepurityandfreshnessoftheircontentsandprotectthemfromelementsoutside.Ifthecontentsareharmful,corrosive,or poisonous, the package must also protect the outside environment. Apackage must identify its contents, which facilitates distribution of theproduct.

Theworddistribution in thepassage is closest inmeaning to usagedisruption dispensing advertising 4. A contemporary issue amongpsychologists is the activation or cause of emotion, its structure orcomponents,anditsfunctionsandconsequences.Eachoftheseaspectscanbeconsideredfromabiosocialview.Generally,biosocialtheoryfocusesontheneurophysiologicalaspectsofemotionsandtheirrolesasorganizersofcognitionandmotivatorsofaction.

Thewordcontemporaryinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto currentacclaimed contemptuous favored 5. The early artists of theHudson

River school were Thomas Doughty, Asher Durand, and Thomas Cole.

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Thewordappealinginthepassageisclosestinmeaningto annoyingongoing spectacular alluring6.Recentpollssuggest that fewerpeopleseeanadvantageinmovingtothecitythantheyusedto.Therewasatimewhen cities attracted country dwellers like powerful magnets: cities hadmorejobs,betterschools,moreservices.Today,peopleoftenseepollution,crime,stress,andunemploymentwheretheyoncesawopportunity.Insteadof advantages, they see disadvantages in uprooting their families for theuncertaintyofurbanlife.

In stating that fewer people see anadvantage inmoving to the city, theauthormeansthatfewerpeople considercitiesapooroption.



Thewordadvent in thepassage isclosest inmeaningto dependenceallowance explosion arrival 8. Passerines form the dominant aviangrouponEarthtoday.Theyareregardedasthemosthighlyevolvedofallbirds and occur in abundance.Humans have long enjoyed passerines fortheir songs and their almost infinite variety of colors, patterns, andbehavioraltraits.Manypasserinesareconsideredtobequiteagile.Amongthemostenergeticofthemistheswallow,whosesmallbodyisdesignedforeffortlessmaneuvering.

Thewordagileinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto nimble detectiblebroad fast9. Inpartbecause seafood tends to spoil rapidly, in certain

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areas of the United States, shrimping is allowed only during specificpredeterminedseasons.Forexample,inMississippitidalwaters,shrimpingis allowed only betweenOctober andMay. In the past, this short seasonmadeitdifficulttofindshrimpoutofseason.However,thedevelopmentoffreezing techniques in the 1940s encouraged the shrimping industry toexpand,makingitaglobalindustry.TheUnitedStatesnowimportsshrimpfromoversixtycountriesandshrimpcanbeboughtatanytimeoftheyear.

Thewordencouragedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto advancedaccepted stimulated wanted 10. Scientific disciplines, such as geneticengineering, are exploding with possibilities. As a result of newtechnologiesandprocedures to treathealthconditions,newtreatmentsformany diseases have been developed. Although the development ofadvancedmethods will continue to change the face of healthcare, moralbeliefs often collide with scientific advancements, slowing down theprogressofsomehealthcaretreatments.

The phrase collidewith in the passage is closest inmeaning to are inoppositionto areabsentfrom areassociatedwith areconcernedabout

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alterv. alteredn. alterationadj. alterableadv. alterablyv. tochangeormakedifferentsyn. modify


analyzev. analyzedn. analysisv. tostudysomethingcarefully;toseparateintopartsforstudysyn. examine


ancientadj. somethingfromalongtimeago;veryold

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syn. old


annoyingn. annoyancev. annoyadv. annoyinglyadj. aslightbother;disturbingtoapersonsyn. bothersome


anticipateadj. anticipatoryn. anticipationv. tothinkaboutorprepareforsomethingaheadoftimesyn. predict


ascertainadj. ascertainableadv. ascertainablyn. ascertainmentv. todiscover;findoutsyn. determine


conformn. conformityn. conformistv. tofollowestablishedrulesorpatternsofbehaviorsyn. adapt

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enrichn. enrichmentadj. enrichingv. tomakerich;tomakesomethingofgreatervaluesyn. enhance


intensifyn. intensityadj. intenseadj. intensiveadv. intenselyadv. intensivelyv. tomakestrongerinfeelingorqualitysyn. heighten

The importance of the test will sometimes intensify the nervousness of thestudents.Thechessmatchwasplayedwithgreatintensity.

intolerablen. intoleranceadv. intolerablyadv. intolerantlyadj. intolerantadj. difficultorpainfultoexperience;notabletoacceptdifferent

waysofthoughtorbehaviorsyn. unbearable



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adj. continuingsyn. current


potentialadj. potentialadv. potentiallyn. anability,happening,oropportunitythathasnotoccurredor

beendevelopedsyn. possibility


proposen. proposaln. propositionadj. proposedv. tosuggestorplantodosomethingsyn. suggest


restoren. restorationadj. restoredv. togivebackorbringbacksomething;toreturntotheoriginal

conditionsyn. revitalize


staplen. afundamentalelementorprincipalpartofsomethingsyn. essential(n.)

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turbulentn. turbulenceadv. turbulentlyadj. tobeinadisordered,disturbedorunstableconditionsyn. chaotic


vitaln. vitalityadv. vitallyadj. ofgreatimportance;fulloflifesyn. indispensable


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Theword intolerable in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to elusivealtered intensified unbearable 2. Nutritional additives are utilized torestorenutrientslostduringproduction,toenrichcertainfoodsinordertocorrect dietary deficiencies, or to add nutrients to food substitutes.Nowadays, vitamins are commonly added to many foods in order toincreasetheirnutritionalvalue.Forexample,vitaminsAandDareaddedtodairy and cereal products, and several of the B vitamins are added tocereals.

Thewordenrichinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto alter

enhance produce restore3.Inmodernmanufacturingproductionfacilitiesthatproduceequipmentsensitivetoenvironmentalcontamination,adust-freeworkingareawithstricttemperatureandhumiditycontrolsisofvitalimportance.Seamlessplasticwallsandceilings,externallighting,acontinuousflowofdust-freeair,anddailycleaningarefeaturesofthis“cleanroom.”Workerswearspecialclothing,includingheadcoverings.Whenenteringthisroom,theypassthrougha“shower”toremovecontaminants.

Thewordvital in thepassage is closest inmeaning to indispensablelively

extreme dubious4.Humanpopulationsareclassifiedin

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The word ongoing in the passage is closest in meaning to currentthorough proposed temporary 5. In the 1890s, a rising generation ofyoungantiorganization leaders cameon thepolitical scene.These leaderstransformed the art and practice of politics in the United States, byexercising strong leadership and by bringing about institutional changesthat helped revitalize political democracy. Most important was theirachievement of economic and social objectives, such as legislation toprevent child labor, and accident insurance systems to providecompensationtoinjuredworkers.

Thewordrevitalize in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to intensifyestablish reform


In stating that the chameleon’s color conforms to its surroundings, theauthormeansthatit differsfromthecolorofitssetting.



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Thewordanalysisinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto intensificationexamination dispersion production8.Workingenvironmentsinwhich

loudnoiseisfrequentcanbeharmfultotheemployee.Asidefromsimplybeingannoying, themostmeasurablephysicaleffectofnoisepollution isdamage to hearing.Thismay be either temporary or permanent andmaycause disruption of normal activities. In work areas where noise is aproblem,careshouldbetakentoprotecttheearswithearplugs.

Thewordannoying in the passage is closest inmeaning to difficultongoing bothersome refined 9. The construction of shelter, foundamongthefirststablehumansocietiesabout5,000yearsago,isconsideredto be among the most important of all ancient human activities. Thesystematicplacementof groupsof housingmarked amomentous culturaltransition toward the formation of towns. It generated new needs andresourcesandwasaccompaniedbya significant increase in technologicalinnovation.

Thewordancientinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto old

actualdistinct dated


Thewordanticipatedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto encouragedanalyzed modified predicted

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ambiguousadv. ambiguouslyn. ambiguityadj. ofunclearmeaning;somethingthatcanbeunderstoodin

morethanonewaysyn. vague


arbitraryadv. arbitrarilyn. arbitrarinessadj. anactionordecisionmadewithlittlethought,order,or

reasonsyn. haphazard


assertadv. assertively

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n. assertivenessn. assertionadj. assertivev. toexpressordefendoneselfstrongly;tostatepositivelysyn. declare


astoundingv. astoundadv. astoundinglyadj. verysurprisingsyn. astonishing


astuteadj. astutelyn. astutenessadj. veryintelligent,smart,cleversyn. perceptive


concurn. concurrencev. tohavethesameopinionordrawthesameconclusionsyn. agree


deceptivelyadj. deceptivev. deceiven. deception

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adv. makingsomethingappeartrueorgoodwhenitisfalseorbadsyn. misleadingly


designaten. designationn. designatorv. tospecify,name,orselecttodoatask;toindicatesyn. assign


determinedn. determinationv. determineadj. stronginone’sopinion,firminconviction,tofindoutsyn. resolute


elicitn. elicitationv. togetthefactsordrawoutthetruthsyn. extract


embodyn. embodimentv. tobeagoodexampleofaconceptorideasyn. exemplify


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instigaten. instigatoradj. instigativeadv. instigativelyv. tocauseaconflictorargumentsyn. initiate


mundaneadv. mundanelyn. mundanenessn. mundanityadj. commonorroutinesyn. ordinary


petitionn. petitionv. tomakearequestsyn. appeal


relinquishn. relinquishmentv. togiveupcontrolsyn. abdicate

Thetroubledexecutiverelinquishedhercontrolofthecompany.The relinquishment of his claim to the building will allow the building to besold.

resilientadv. resiliently

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n. resilienceadj. strongenoughtorecoverfromdifficultyordiseasesyn. tenacious


temptadv. temptinglyn. temptationadj. temptingv. tomakeitattractivetodosomething,usuallysomethingnot

goodsyn. entice


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Theworddeceptive in the passage is closest inmeaning to elusivemisleading altered ambiguous2.TheSenecaFallsConvention,heldin1848, started the woman’s suffrage movement in the United States. A“DeclarationofSentiments,”whichcalleduponwomentoorganizeandtopetitionfortheirrights,waspassed.However,onecontroversialresolution,callingfortherightofwomentovote,narrowlypassed.Theridiculeofthatprovision of the Declaration caused many backers of women’s rights towithdrawtheirsupportlateron.

Thewordpetitioninthepassageisclosestinmeaningto vote

demand appeal persist3.Spacelawisconcernedwiththeproperusesofouterspace.Themostimportanttreatyofspacelawswasthe1967OuterSpaceTreaty.Theparticipantswhocraftedthetreatyconcludedthatthemoonandallothercelestialbodiesweretobefreeforexplorationandusebyallnations.Theyalsoconcurredthattheuseofweaponsofmassdestructionwastobeforbiddeninspace.

Thewordconcurredinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto assumedagreed anticipated observed4. It is a commonmisconception that theU.S.Congresshastheconstitutionalpowertolegislatenearlyanythingforthegeneralwelfare.TheConstitutiongivesCongressmanypowers,but itdoesnotgiveCongressthepowertolegislatefreelyforthegeneralwelfare.Inmanyinstances,theCongresscannotforcethestatestoabide,althoughithasthepowertotemptstatesbytheofferofmoney.Congressmaytryto

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Thewordtemptinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto coerce enticesolicit persuade5.Due to theastounding progress of integrated-circuittechnology,anenormousnumberoftransistorscanbeplacedontoasingleintegrated-circuit chip. The first commercially successful microprocessorchip had only 4,800 transistors, but the newest high-end chips now haveover700,000,000transistors.

Thewordastoundinginthepassageisclosestinmeaningto astonishingrapid


In stating that many people are determined to eliminate the deer, theauthormeansthatthey wanttodecidewhattodo.



Thewordasserted in thepassage is closest inmeaning to enhancedempowered permitted declared 8. Social anthropologists attempt to

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illustrate the social emergence and evolution of the human race and todeterminedifferencesbetweenhumansocialorganizationandthatofotherprimates. Despite the fact that all classifications of human societies andcultures are arbitrary, they also attempt to note differences betweenvarioushumansocieties.Inspiteofthesedifficulties,anthropologistshavemade great advances in the identification and grouping of humancivilizations.

Thewordarbitraryinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto vague

haphazard disputed elusive9.TheMonroeDoctrineallowedtheUnitedStatestointerveneintheaffairsofLatinAmericancountriesincaseofforeigninvasion.OncetheUnitedStateswasdesignatedtoactonbehalfofitsneighborstothesouth,episodesofforeigninterferencedecreaseduntilthe1960s,whenCubawantedthesupportandeconomicaidoftheformerUnionofSovietSocialistRepublics.

Theworddesignatedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto authorizedaccustomed determined tempted10. J.EdgarHooverwas anastute

professionalwhoservedasDirectoroftheFBIfor48years.Aresilientanddeterminedgovernmentofficial,Hoover’s tenurespannedoneof themostimportant eras of modern U.S. history. His policies helped to shape andcreate what has now become a highly respected modern investigativeorganization.

The word astute in the passage is closest in meaning to acclaimedcelebrated perceptive eminent

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baffleadj. bafflingn. bafflementv. toconfusetoapointatwhichnoprogresscanbemadesyn. puzzle


bearadv. bearablyadj. bearablev. toproduce,tocarry;toshow;toenduresyn. yield


bluradj. blurredn. blurv. tomakesomethingdifficulttosee

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syn. cloud


brilliantadv. brilliantlyn. brillianceadj. intenselybrightorcolorful;intelligentsyn. radiant


cautionadj. cautiousadj. cautionaryadv. cautiouslyn. cautionv. toalertsomeoneofdanger,warnsomeonetotakecareorpay

attentiontosomethingsyn. warn


delicateadv. delicatelyadj. needingcarefultreatment;sensitive,easilybrokensyn. fragile


enhancen. enhancementadj. enhancedv. toincreaseinapositiveway,suchasinvalue,power,or

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beautysyn. strengthen


facilitateadv. facilitativev. tomakeeasier;toeasetheprogressofsyn. assist


incessantadv. incessantlyadj. nonstop,continual,ornever-endingsyn. constant


inconjunctionwithprep.ph. inadditionto,alongsidesyn. alongwith


intrigueadj. intriguingadv. intriguinglyn. intriguev. tointerestgreatlysyn. fascinate


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obstructn. obstructionadj. obstructiveadv. obstructivelyv. topreventmovement,progress,orsuccesssyn. block


persuadeadv. persuasivelyadj. persuasiven. persuasionv. tochangeabelieforbehaviorbyargumentorreasonsyn. convince


recompenseadv. recompensablev. recompensen. arepaymentorrewardforadeedsyn. compensation


shedv. tothrowoffnaturally;togiveoutsyn. discard


uniqueadv. uniquely

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n. uniquenessadj. tobetheonlyoneofakind;specialsyn. rare


well-suitedadj. tobecomplementaryorappropriate;agoodmatchsyn. compatible

Thedesignofthehouseiswell-suitedtoitssurroundings.The experienced principal was well-suited for the job of superintendent ofschools.

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The word shed in the passage is closest in meaning to guardedpreserved discarded enhanced 2. Imitation gems are usually made ofglassorplastics.Inrecentyears,anenormousarrayofplasticshasbecomeavailable for imitations, but these materials are soft and lack the claritypresent in real gemstones. Therefore, they are less satisfactory for thepurpose than glass. Flint glasses, containing lead oxide, have higherrefractive indicesand thereforepossessabrilliancenot found inplastics.Thismakesflintglassesmoresuitablethanplasticforimitationgems.

Thewordbrilliance in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to radiancelightness enhancement appeal 3. During a shower,meteors appear tospreadfromapointinthesky,calledtheradiant.Theseradiantpointsgiveeachshoweritsname.Forexample,thePerseidsshowerappearstoradiatefrom the constellation Perseus. During the heaviest showers, 30 to 70meteorsmaybeseeneveryhour,butonuniqueoccasionsinaspectaculardisplay,thatnumbermaybevisibleeverysecond.

Thewordunique in the passage is closest inmeaning to intriguingamazing celebrated rare


Thewordpersuade in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to convince

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dissuade solicit encourage 5. In themid-1800s, gold and silver werecommon components of dentures.As a result, theywere very expensive.However,in1851,aprocesstohardenthejuicesofcertaintropicalplantsintorubberwasdiscovered.Thisnewproductcouldbemoldedtoamodelofapatient’smouthandartificial teethcouldbemade.Asa result,whenusedinconjunctionwithnewmanufacturingmethods,thesemoldscausedthecostofdenturestofalldramatically.

Thephraseinconjunctionwithinthepassageisclosestinmeaningtoalongwith under

throughout withinlimits6.Theissueofwherehumanlifefirstarosehasalwaysbeenanintriguingquestionforscience.Manyguesses,orhypotheses,havebeenadvanced,rangingfromAsiatoEurope.However,theoldestknownhumanbones,orfossils,werediscoveredinEastAfricain1972.Theyarenearly2millionyearsold.Theiragewasdeterminedbymeasuringtheageoftherockssurroundingthemandcomparingthemtootherfossils.

Instatingthattheoriginofhumanlifeisanintriguingquestion,theauthormeansthatit interestsalotofscientists.



Thewordcautioned in the passage is closest inmeaning to warneddiscarded advised convinced8.Clothing andadornmentsused amongthesouthwestNativeAmericanpopulationsoftenreflectthesocialstatusofan individual. Body painting and tattooing are commonmethods used to

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distinguishsocialstatus.Othermethodsincludetheuseoflip,ear,andnoserings in addition to bracelets, arm bands, necklaces, and head ornamentsmade of delicate, colorful feathers. In addition to their use as statusmarkers,adornmentsarealsousedtoenhancebeauty.

The word delicate in the passage is closest in meaning to resilientbrilliant rare


Thewordbearsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto produces elicitsattracts inspires 10. In ancient times, the labyrinth was a structure

composedofacomplexseriesofpassagewaysandchambers,probablyatfirstdesignedtobaffleenemies.Alabyrintheitherhadbranchedpathswithmisleading ends, or it contained one longmeandering path that led to acentralend.

Thewordbaffleinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto obstruct puzzlediscard astound

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chieflyadj. chiefadv. themostimportantormostcommonsyn. mostly


coarseadv. coarselyn. coarsenessadj. notfineorsmooth;notdelicatesyn. rough


commonplaceadj. ordinarysyn. frequent

In some parts of the world, text messaging is more commonplace than voice

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comparativelyadj. comparativev. comparen. comparisonadv. beingmeasuredorjudgedbycomparisonsyn. relatively

It was comparatively easy for him to learn baseball because he had been acricketplayer.If you compare algebra and trigonometry, you’ll discover that algebra is lesscomplex.

complexn. complexityadj. difficulttounderstandorexplain;havingmanypartssyn. complicated


conventionaladv. conventionallyn. conventionadj. followingacceptedrulesorstandardssyn. traditional

ProfessorCanfieldagreedwith theconventional theoryabout theoriginof theBasquelanguage.To become integrated into a society, you must learn the conventions of thatsociety.

curiousadv. curiouslyn. curiosityadj. oddorstrange;eagertolearn

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syn. peculiar


emitn. emissionn. emitterv. tosendout;giveoffsyn. release


exceedinglyv. exceedn. excessadj. excessiveadv. excessivelyadv. very;toanunusualdegreesyn. extremely


exclusivelyadj. exclusiven. exclusionv. excludeadv. nooneelse;nothingelse;notsharedwithotherssyn. restrictively


extinguishadj. extinguishablen. extinguishmentv. tobringabouttheendofsomething

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syn. terminate


immenseadv. immenselyn. immensityadj. extremelylargesyn. massive


rigidadv. rigidlyadj. noteasytobend;firm;inflexiblesyn. stiff


routinelyadj. routinen. routineadv. regularly;usuallydonesyn. ordinarily


staminan. lastingphysicalormentalstrengthsyn. endurance



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n. sufficiencyadj. sufficientv. sufficeadv. enough;inasatisfyingmannersyn. adequately


visiblyadj. visiblen. vision*v. viewadj. visionary*adv. canbeseen


syn. noticeably


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Theword immense in the passage is closest inmeaning to massivesuccessful prominent significant 2. By the end of the 20th century,computers had greatly influenced the way in which we produced andprinteddocuments.Lettersandreportscouldbeeasilypreparedonpersonalcomputers,becausetheusercouldseeonthemonitorwhatthetextwouldlooklikewhenprinted.Thetaskofwritingwasmadeeveneasierwiththeadventofmoreadvancedwordprocessingprogramsthatcheckedspellingandgrammarbeforeprinting.Awiderangeoffontsbecameavailabletothepublic,andtheirnumberwasfargreaterthanthatofconventionalprintingprocesses. Thanks to progress in laser printing technology, the quality oftext printed by laser printer soon surpassed that of commercially typesetmaterial.

Thewordconventionalinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto restrictedavailable traditional competing3.Contourmappingistheprocessby

which a map is formed by constructing lines of equal values of thatproperty from available data points. For example, a topographic mapreveals the relief of an area by means of contour lines that representelevation. In addition to topography, there are examples of geophysical,geochemical, meteorological, sociological, and other variables that areroutinelymappedby themethod.Theavailabilityofplottingdeviceshaspermittedmappingbycomputer,whichreducestheeffectofhumanbiasonthefinalproduct.

Thewordroutinelyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto ordinarily

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effectively sluggishly efficiently 4. Motion-picture technology is acuriousblendoftheoldandthenew.Inmuchoftheequipment,state-of-the-art digital electronics may be working with a mechanical systeminventedin1895.Moreover,thetechnologyofmotionpicturesisbasednotonly on the invention of still photography but also on a combination ofseveral more or less independent technologies: camera and projectordesign, film manufacture and processing, sound recording andreproduction,andlightingandlightmeasurement.

Thewordcurious in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to productivepeculiar coveted appealing5.Thedurablesurfacingofaroad,airstrip,orsimilarareaisknownasapavement.Itsprimaryfunctionistotransmitloads to the sub-base and underlying soil. Modern flexible pavementscontain sand and gravel or crushed stone. These are compacted with abinder of bituminous material, such as asphalt or tar. Such a pavementdemonstrates enough plasticity to absorb shocks. Rigid pavements aremade of concrete, composed of coarse and fine aggregate and portlandcement,andusuallyreinforcedwithsteelrodormesh.

Thewordrigid in thepassage is closest inmeaning to strong stiffpliable complex 6. Research indicates that Internet use may cause aperson’sattentionspantoshorten.Someexpertsestimatethatthehabitualuser’sspancandroptoaslittleasthatofagoldfish,roughlynineseconds.Of course, attention depends as much on content as delivery. It iscomparativelyeasytoswitchoffsomeimages,butcomparativelyhardtoabandon others. For example, computer games usually hold a user’sattentionlongerthanadvertising.

In stating that it is comparatively easy to switch off some images, theauthormeansthat allimagesorgamesareequallyengaging.



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The word complex in the passage is closest in meaning to renownpeculiar nimble intricate 8. Over several decades, scientists andengineers have confronted the issue of pollutants emitted by motorvehicles. Some of the waste products of the combustion process includecarbondioxide, nitrogengas, andwater vapor.Though these by-productsare not really harmful, many scientists theorize that carbon dioxidemaycontribute to the problem of global warming. However, the combustionprocess also produces carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, andhydrocarbons, all of which are known threats to human health. Due togovernment regulations that set emission standards, motor vehiclecompanieshavesignificantlyreducedtheamountofharmfulgasesthataredischargedbyinstallingcatalyticconvertersinvehicles.

The word emitted in the passage is closest in meaning to releasedcreated converted maintained 9. The cotton gin, invented by EliWhitney,wascommonplaceonmanynineteenth-centuryfarms.Althoughpatentedin1794,theingeniousdesignwasimitatedsomuchbyothersthatWhitneygainedonlyamodestfinancialrewardfromhissimpleinvention.ThecottonginsoonrevolutionizedfarminginmanypartsoftheSouth.

The word commonplace in the passage is closest in meaning tonoticeable standard celebrated refined10.Thedelicate lookandfeelof silk are deceptive. It is a strong, natural fiber, ranked in strengthwithsyntheticnylon.To thenakedeye, it appears tobesmooth,butunder themicroscope, cultivated silk fiber looks coarse. It is the coolest of hot-weatherfabrics,anditcanabsorbupto30percentofitsweightinmoisturewithoutfeelingwet.

Thewordcoarseinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto stiff strongrough refined

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attributev. attributeadj. attributablen. Somethingthatisthoughttobelongtoapersonorthing;a

qualitybywhichsomethingisidentifiedsyn. characteristic

Hisabilitytoworkonateamisoneofhismanyoutstandingattributes.The forest fire was attributed to careless campers who abandoned a livecampfire.

brashadv. brashlyn. brashnessadj. confidentoraggressive;lackingregardforconsequencessyn. reckless


clarifyn. clarification

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v. tomakemoreeasilyunderstood;tomakeclearsyn. explain


concealn. concealmentv. topreventfrombeingseenordiscoveredsyn. hide


confirmadj. confirmedn. confirmationv. tomakecertain;givesupportsyn. prove

Thedirectorconfirmedthatthemeetingwouldbeonthetenth.We have just received confirmation of your reservation on the flight to LosAngeles.

convenientadv. convenientlyn. convenienceadj. easytoreach;near;suitabletoone’sneedssyn. practical

The investigator suspected that the disappearance of the evidence was tooconvenienttobeaccidental.For the convenience of the student body, the library is located in a centrallocation.

coren. coreadj. thecentralormostimportantpartsyn. chief

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criticalv. critiquen. criticismn. criticadv. criticallyadj. veryseriousorunsafe;findingfaultsyn. dangerous


discrepancyn. adifferencebetweenthingsthatshouldbesimilarorequalsyn. inconsistency

Thediscrepancy inherexperimentdata ledher tobelieve thatshehadmadeamistake.Thereisusuallyadiscrepancybetweenhowcoffeesmellsandhowittastes.

distortadj. distortedn. distortionv. tochangefromtheoriginalshapeorcondition,usuallyinan

unnaturalwaysyn. deform


diverseadv. diverselyn. diversityv. diversifyadj. various;distinctfromothers

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syn. different

Freudhadmanydiverseinterestsinpsychology.Thediversity of life forms on the earthmakes zoology an interesting area ofstudy.

eventuallyadv. tohappenatsometimeinthefuture,usuallygraduallysyn. finally


prosperousadv. prosperouslyv. prospern. prosperityadj. successful,wealthysyn. thriving


purposefullyadj. purposefuladv. purposelyn. purposeadv. doneforaspecialreasonsyn. deliberately


revealadv. revealinglyadj. revealingn. revelationv. touncover;toexposesyn. disclose

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scarcelyadj. scarcen. scarcityadv. almostnotsyn. hardly


theoreticallyadj. theoreticaln. theoryv. theorizeadv. accordingtoareasoned,butnotproven,pointofviewsyn. hypothetically


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The word reveals in the passage is closest in meaning to teachesdiscloses traces donates 2. Day-to-day weather constitutes a majorelement of the environment and an important factor in humanwell-beingand activity. Agriculture, animal husbandry, transportation, and publichealthandsafetyareallgreatlyinfluencedbyweather.It isnotsurprisingthat one of humanity’s oldest environment-related interests has been tomanagetheweatherpurposefully.

The word purposefully in the passage is closest in meaning toprosperously eventually exceedingly deliberately 3. Illuminationplaysagreatrole inourpsychologicalandphysicalwell-being.Lightcanmodel objects or flatten them, reveal colors or distort them, provide acheerfulenvironmentoragloomyone.Glareandreflectedglarecancausediscomfort and reducevisibility. In addition to calculating illumination, alightingengineermustdealwithalloftheseproblemsthroughthechoiceoflightsourcesandfixtures.

Theworddistortinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto hide

accentuate deform highlight4.Thedifferentappearanceofanimalsischieflysuperficial;thediversevarietyofknownformscanbeassortedamongonlyahalf-dozenbasicbodyplans.Theseplansareestablishedduringtheembryonicstagesofdevelopmentandlimitthesizeandcomplexityoftheanimals.Symmetry,number,anddevelopmentoftissue,presence,andnatureofbodycavities,andseveralaspectsofearlydevelopmentdefine

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Theworddiverse in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to recognizedacknowledged different critical 5. When the settlers of the westernUnitedStatesabandonedtheiroriginallogcabins,sodhouses,anddugouts,they built small, wood-framed dwellings of one or two roomswithout abasement.Roomswereusuallyaddedasprosperousfamiliesgrewlarger.Thisusuallyresultedinaseriesoflarge,openroomslaidendtoendsothateachwouldhaveanequalamountofsunlight.

Thewordprosperousinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto numerousthriving prominent courageous6.Themedicalprofessionissometimesaccusedofbeingmoreinterestedinitselfthanthequalityofcareitdelivers.Manypatientsfeeltheydon’tgettheattentiontheydeserve;manyseetheprofession as selfish to its core.Doctors rarely agree, as a recent surveycomparingtheirattitudesandthatofthepublicshows.Seventypercentofthepublicweredisappointedinthequalityofcare;only35percentofthedoctorsagreed.

Instatingthatthemedicalprofessionisselfishtoitscore,theauthormeansthatit isentirelyinterestedonlyinitself.



Thewordcoreinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto chief ancientimportant central8.Theearliestcompletecalendarswereprobablybasedonlunarobservations.Butlunaryearswerenotconvenientforagriculturalpurposes. Therefore, to keep in step with the Sun, lunar-solar calendarswereformedbyaddinganadditional“leap”monthwhentheobservationofcropsmade it seem necessary. Eventually theGregorian civil calendar, asolarcalendarthatiscalculatedwithoutreferencetotheMoon,becamethe

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Thewordconvenient in the passage is closest inmeaning to usefulideal proper practical 9.Mollusks have existed for some 500millionyears,andabout10,000extinctspeciesareknown.Thereare350ormorelivingspeciesofcephalopodsfromtheMolluskfamily.Oneoftheseisthecuttlefish.Fossilevidenceconfirms that theancientcuttlefishhasexistedinitspresentformformorethan20millionyears.Whenwecomparethemodern-daycuttlefishtotheancientfossils,weseeevidencethatthewell-developedhead,themanyarms,twogills,twokidneys,andthreeheartsofthecontemporarycuttlefishwerealsopresentinthecuttlefishoflongago.

Thewordconfirms in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to disclosesasserts proves challenges10.The first swimsuitsconcealed theshapeofthehumanbody.Overthedecades,attitudesrelaxedregardingthepublicdisplay of one’s body shape. Designers could move away fromconservative styles and promote those that revealed a body’s physicalattributes.

Thewordconcealedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto hid

distorted enhanced disrupted

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acceleraten. accelerationn. acceleratorv. togofastersyn. hasten


creepadj. creepingv. tomoveslowlyandquietlyclosetotheground;tobeginto

happensyn. crawl


crushadj. crushingn. crushv. topresstogethersoastocompletelydistorttheshapeor

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natureoftheobjectsyn. grind


cultivateadj. cultivatedn. cultivationv. toplantandraiseacrop;toencouragegrowthofa

relationshiporfriendshipsyn. grow

The professionals had common interests that allowed them to cultivate aworkingrelationshipwitheachother.Thecultivationofdiversecropsinpre-ColumbianAmericaiswelldocumented.

dictateadj. dictatorialn. dictatorv. tostatedemandswiththepowertoenforcesyn. impose


distinguishadj. distinguishableadj. distinguishedadj. distinguishingv. tohear,see,orrecognizedifferencessyn. discriminate


docileadv. docilelyn. docility

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adj. easytocontrolortrainsyn. manageable


engenderv. tocausesomethingnewtoexist;tocreatesyn. produce


engrossn. engrossmentadj. engrossingv. tobecomecompletelyoccupiedorinvolvedinanactivitysyn. engage


flawadj. flawedn. asmallsignofdamagethatmakesanitemimperfectsyn. defect


harvestadj. harvestedv. harvestn. theactofcollectingacrop;thecropsgatheredsyn. gather



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n. mammothadj. verylargesyn. enormous


mirrorn. mirrorv. toshow,asinamirrorsyn. reflect


obtainadj. obtainablev. togainorsecuresomethingsyn. gain


particlen. averysmallpieceofsomethingsyn. fragment


settleadj. settledn. settlementv. toestablishahome;toresolveadisagreementsyn. colonize


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transportadj. transportableadj. transportedn. transportationv. tomovefromoneplacetoanothersyn. carry


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Thewordflawsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto bends

defects cavities dents


The word reflect in the passage is closest in meaning to influencemirror

cultivate accelerate3.TheMayflowerCompactwasadocumentsignedby41ofthemalepassengersontheMayflowerbeforetheirlandingatPlymouth,Massachusetts.Thepassengers,concernedthatsomemembersofthecompanymightleavethegroupandsettleontheirown,createdthedocument.TheMayflowerCompactcreatedapoliticalbodywhosepurposewastoformagovernment.Thosewhosignedpledgedtoabidebyanyfuturelawsandregulations.

Thewordsettleinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto enlist


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Theworddistinguishinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto discriminatelisten

clarify conceal5.WhenDNAissubjectedtorestriction-enzymeactivity,fragmentsofvarioussizesareformed.Thisprocessrevealsauniquepatternofrestriction-enzymeDNA.ThisspecificDNApatternfoundineachhumangeneticlineageisunique,becauseeachperson,exceptforidenticaltwins,isformedfromdifferentcombinationsofthegeneticmaterialfromtwofamilylines.ThepatternofsizesoftheDNAfromanindividualisuniqueandcanserveasa“DNAfingerprint”ofthatperson.

Thewordfragments in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to growthsmodifications flaws


Instatingthattheairplane’sinventionwasacrushingblowforproponentsofballooning,theauthormeansthatit leddirectlytotheinventionoftheairplane.

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Thewordcultivatedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto grown

gathered developed extracted8.Theearliestgrainmillswerehand-powereddevices.Querns,whichhavebeenusedforcenturiestocrushgrains,areexamplesofsuchmillingdevices.Aquernhasanuppergrindingstonewithahandle.Thishandlerotatesinsideanotherstone,whichcontainsthegrain.

The word crush in the passage is closest in meaning to produceroughen grind



Thewordcreepinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto race



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Thewordengenderedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto acceleratedproduced persisted developed

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accurateadv. accuratelyn. accuracyadj. carefulandexactsyn. precise


acuteadv. acutelyn. acutenessadj. havingasuddenconsequenceorsevereeffectsyn. intense

The president was acutely aware of the fact that her decision would beunpopular.Hewassufferingfromanacuteheadache.

classifyadj. classifiedn. classification

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v. toplaceintogroupsaccordingtotypesyn. arrange


currencyn. monetaryunit;cashsyn. money


deepadv. deeplyn. depthv. deepenadj. farbelowthesurface;completeunderstandingsyn. thorough


denseadv. denselyn. densityadj. closelypackedorcrowded;difficulttoseethroughsyn. thick


dimadv. dimlyv. dimn. dimnessadj. notbrightorclearsyn. faint

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displayn. displayv. toshow;revealsyn. exhibit


exportsadj. exportedv. exportn. productssoldabroadsyn. foreignsales


giganticadv. giganticallyadj. verylargesyn. enormous


impressiveadv. impressivelyv. impressn. impressionadj. causingadmirationbecauseofanobject’simportance,size,or

qualitysyn. imposing


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installn. installationn. installerv. tosetuporcreateanoffice;toplaceinafixedpositionsyn. establish


jargonadj. jargonyn. languagespecifictoaprofessionoractivitysyn. terminology

Thelegaljargoninthecontractwasconfusing.Science fiction jargon used in television shows andmovies often comes fromrealscience.

lastingv. lastadj. forever;withoutendsyn. enduring

Kennedy left a lasting impression on the people who heard his inauguraladdress.Theintroductionofrobotswillhavealastingeffectonindustry.

straightforwardadv. straightforwardlyn. straightforwardnessadj. easytounderstand;simple;honestsyn. uncomplicated


uniformadv. uniformlyn. uniformity

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adj. everypartbeingthesamesyn. consistent


vibrantadv. vibrantlyn. vibranceadj. lively;powerful;fullofaction;brightsyn. brilliant


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The word vibrant in the passage is closest in meaning to criticalbrilliant intriguing gigantic 2. Despite its weaknesses and innerconflicts,thehumanisticmovementwasheroicinitsscopeandenergy,andexceptional in its aspirations. For human development in all fields, itcreatedacontextofseldom-equaledfertility.Itscharacteristicmodalitiesofthought, speech, and vision lent themselves to induce the genius ofhumankindandbecamethemediaforenduringachievement.

The word enduring in the passage is closest in meaning to trivialspectacular significant lasting3.Thegigantic,intricatelyformedchasmoftheGrandCanyoncontainsagreatmanyimpressivepeaks,canyons,andravines between its outer walls. The canyon includes a number of sidecanyons and surrounding plateaus. The deepest and most impressivelybeautiful section is within Grand Canyon National Park, whichencompassestheColoradoRiver’slengthfromLakePowelltoLakeMead.

The word gigantic in the passage is closest in meaning to deepturbulent enormous thrilling4.Theunifiedclassicalarchitecturalstyleofthe1893World’sColumbianExpositionbuildingsprovedtobethemostimpressive and influential style of its time. A committee of East CoastarchitectsandfirmsgatheredinDecember1890toplanthefairbuildings.The collective result was the construction of a group of 150 buildingsknown as the White City. Their design established white, columnararchitectureastheonlyacceptablepublicstyleintheUnitedStatesfor40yearsthereafter.

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Thewordimpressiveinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto imposinginfluential massive enduring 5. Maclean’s, a semimonthly newsmagazine published in Toronto, has earned a reputation for its depth ofcoverage of Canada’s national affairs and of North American and worldnewsfromaCanadianperspective.Thiscoverage,alongwithitsreputationfor outstanding photography, has made it Canada’s leading magazine.Foundedin1905,ithasconsistentlyfeaturedarticlesandfictionreflectingaconservativeviewofCanadianlifeandvalues.

The word depth in the passage is closest in meaning to breadthtechniques consistency thoroughness 6. England is the second-mostdenselypopulatedcountryinEurope,precededonlybyMalta.Ithas255inhabitantsper squarekilometer. In comparison, Italyhas200 inhabitantsandSpain87.ManyEuropean countrieshave agricultural economies andtheir populations areunevenlydistributed.For example,Paris has20,741people per square kilometer,whilemany parts of the rest of the countrycontainfewerthan30peoplepersquarekilometer.

InstatingthatEnglandisdenselypopulated, theauthormeans that itspopulationisthemostunevenlydistributed.



Theworddisplayinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto exhibit narratedeclare arrange 8. Canadian thistle is a bothersome North American

weedthatgrowsinclusters.However,somespeciessuchastheScotch,orcottonthistle,whichhavedenseheadsofsmallpinkorpurpleflowers,canmake attractive garden plants and are widely cultivated for ornamentalpurposesthroughouttheNortheast.

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Theworddenseinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto small manybeautiful thick9.TheSunis theonlystarknowntobeaccompaniedbyanextensiveplanetarysystem.However,afewnearbystarsarenowknownto be encircled by particles of undetermined size; this opens the strong,unproven, hypothesis that the universe is filledwithmany solar systems.Nodeep understanding of the Solar System can be achievedwithout anappreciationofthebasicpropertiesoftheSun.

Theworddeepinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto enduring properthorough adequate 10. An exchange rate is the rate at which one

country’scurrencymaybeexchangedfor thatofanother.Exchangerateshavebeengoverned in recentyearsprimarilyby the forcesofsupplyanddemand.Theexchangeratenormallychanges,dependinguponthestrengthofacountry’seconomyanditstradebalance.

Theword currency in the passage is closest in meaning to exportsgoods gains money

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distinctadv. distinctlyadj. distinctiven. distinctionadj. clearlynoticed;differentsyn. definite


dominantadv. dominantlyv. dominaten. dominationadj. primaryorprincipal;havingorexercisingcontrolover

somethingsyn. major



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n. dormitoryadj. notgrowingorproducing;asleepsyn. inactive

The volcano had beendormant for hundreds of years before the eruption lastmonth.Theseniorsliveinthenewdormitory.

drabadv. drablyn. drabnessadj. lackingcolor;uninteresting,boringsyn. colorless


dramaticadv. dramaticallyv. dramatizen. dramaadj. somethingthatcapturestheimagination;excitingsyn. emotional


eclecticadv. eclecticallyadj. toselectorrepresentsomethingchosenfrommanysourcesor

placessyn. diverse


elaborateadv. elaboratelyv. elaborate

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n. elaborationadj. somethingwithalargenumberofparts;fullofdetailssyn. complex


exceptionaladv. exceptionallyadj. unusualinapositivewaysyn. phenomenal


genuineadv. genuinelyn. genuinenessadj. honestortrue;realsyn. authentic


hazardousadv. hazardouslyn. hazardadj. veryrisky,unsafesyn. dangerous


minusculeadj. minuten. minutiaadj. oflittleconsequence;verysmallsyn. tiny

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primeadj. primedadj. prime*n. primev. tomakeready;

*firstinimportanceorintimesyn. prepare


rudimentaryn. rudimentadj. simple;notcomplexsyn. basic


skepticaladv. skepticallyn. skepticadj. toquestionthetruthfulnessofinformationpresentedasfact;

tonottrustsyn. unconvinced

Theprofessorwasskepticalaboutthetheoriesofclimatechange.To answer his skeptics, the scientist presented proof of his conclusions at theconference.

stoicadv. stoicallyn. stoicismadj. showingnoemotion;appearingdisinterestedsyn. indifferent

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superficialadv. superficiallyadj. simple;notdeep;nearthesurfacesyn. shallow


vigorousadv. vigorouslyn. vigoradj. powerful,fullofactionsyn. strong


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Thewordrudimentaryinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto elaboratehaphazard flawed basic 2. Language is a system of communication

specific to the human race. It is primarily oral-aural, since all naturallyevolved large-scale linguistic systems have orderly patterns of soundproduced by the human voice and perceived and processed by the ear.Despitethegreatvarietyoflanguagesspokenthroughouttheworldandthesuperficialdifferencesamongthem,mostlinguistsagreethatalllanguagesareessentiallysimilarinstructureandfunction.

Theword superficial in the passage is closest inmeaning to certainfrightening exceptional shallow 3. The layers of volatile gases andliquidsnear andabove the surfaceof theEarth areofprime importance,alongwithsolarenergy,tomaintaininglifeonEarth.Theyaredistributedand recycled throughout the relatively thin atmosphereof theEarth.Thisatmosphereisamixtureofgases,primarilynitrogenandoxygen.However,theatmospherealsocontainsmuchsmalleramountsofgasessuchasargon,carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor along with minute solid andliquidparticlesinsuspension.

Thewordprimeinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto chief dubioussuperficial dramatic4.Avoidanceisthemostcommonformofdefenseinreptiles.Atthefirstsignofdanger,mostsnakesandlizardsslitherordartawayundercover;turtlesandcrocodilesplungeoutofsightintowater.But,incaseswheredangerpresentsitselfabruptlyandflightmaybehazardous,

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The word hazardous in the passage is closest in meaning to futiledangerous arbitrary unacceptable 5. As the Industrial Revolutiondevelopedinthenineteenthcentury,theeraofwooden-hulledsailingshipsgavewayto thatofsteam-poweredironships.Phenomenalchangestookplaceinnearlyeveryfacetofshipdesignandoperation.Bythemid-1800s,these changes caused the end of the majestic wooden-hulled ship line.Despite its demise, another half centurywould elapse before itwas clearwhatformitsreplacementwouldtake.

Thewordphenomenalinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto vigorousdefinite exceptional debilitating 6. Research suggests that musicalability is genetic. Twins have the same genetic makeup. Therefore,researchers asked more than 500 children to sing along with recordedpopularsongsanddiscoveredthat80percentwereequallyableorunabletoduplicatethemelody.Theseresultssupporttheclaimthatmusicaltalentisinherited—many children have some talent, but few are exceptionallytalented,andonlytheyhaveanyhopeofbecomingconcertpianists.

In stating that fewchildren areexceptionally talented, the authormeansthat musicalabilityisevenlydistributed.



Theworddramaticinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto frighteningdistinctive emotional distorted8.Feathersserveasanadaptablecoverfor the body of a bird. They form a smooth surface that reduces frictionwith theair,and theyfurnishflexiblestrongwingsfor flightand tails forsteering.Feathersalsoactassuperb insulation toconservebodyheatandarerelativelywaterproof.Manysongbirdsintemperatezonesrevealadrab

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plumageduring thewinter, incontrast to theirbrilliant springtimematingplumage.

Theworddrabinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto ideal colorlessaltered basic9. Comic books began as collections of newspaper comicstrips and took on a life of their own in the 1930s. The favorite readingmatter of several generations of children, comic books often dealt withheroiccharacterswhofoughtcrimeorterror.Thenewspaperstripandthecomic book represent the dominant graphic mythology of the twentiethcentury.

The word dominant in the passage is closest in meaning to majorelaborate lasting critical 10. The vast majority of animals exhibit asymmetrical form, therefore making form a fundamental, representativecharacteristic for most animals. All animals with a bilateral symmetry,those thathaveadistinct rightand leftsideanda frontandrearend,areclassifiedtogetherasBilateria,adivisionofmulticellularanimals.Bilateriacontrast with multicellular animals, which have a radial symmetry. Anexampleisthejellyfish,whichhasnorightorleftsides.

Theworddistinct in the passage is closest inmeaning to dominantuniform definite conventional

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amenityn. somethingthatmakeslifeeasierormoreenjoyablesyn. convenience


disperseadj. dispersedv. tocausetomoveinmanydifferentdirectionssyn. circulate


dwellingn. dwellerv. dwelln. wherepeoplelivesyn. house


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elementadj. elementaln. element*n. apartofthewhole

*environmentsyn. component


elementaryadj. simpleinstructure,easytodosyn. primary


eliminateadj. eliminatedn. eliminationv. toremove,freeoneselfofsomethingsyn. delete


emergen. emergencev. tocomeintoview,orexistencesyn. appear


emphasizeadv. emphatically

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adj. emphaticn. emphasisv. toshowthatsomethingisespeciallyimportantorexceptionalsyn. highlight


encircleadj. encircledv. tomakeacirclearoundsyn. surround


erraticadv. erraticallyadj. noregularpatterninthinkingormovement;changeable

withoutreasonsyn. inconsistent

Theartist’spaintingshaveanerratic quality, somebeingexcellent, andothersmediocre.Theunstablechemicalreactederratically.

exaggerateadj. exaggeratedn. exaggerationv. tomakesomethingmorethanwhatitissyn. overstate


integraladv. integrallyn. integrallity

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adj. tobeanessentialorbasicpartofsomethingsyn. vital


justifyn. justificationadj. justifiablyv. toshowtoberightorreasonable;tosupportsyn. defend


mentionadj. mentionedn. mentionv. tosay;relateinwrittenformsyn. remark


mortifyn. mortificationv. toembarrasssyn. humiliate


prevalentn. prevalenceadj. existingwidelyorcommonlysyn. commonplace


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releasen. releasev. toallowtocomeout;togivefreedomsyn. free


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Theword encircles in the passage is closest inmeaning to releasescirculates surrounds disperses2.LewisandClark’sexpedition’scentralobjective, the discovery of the “water communication,”was not realized.However,ahugeblankspaceonthemapofNorthAmericahadbeenfilledasaresultoftheexpedition.TherumorandmythrelatedtotheAmericanWesthadbeeneliminated and newknowledge about theWildWestwasmadeknowntotheAmericanpeople.

Thewordeliminatedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto releasedcirculated deleted exaggerated 3. The most elementary type ofconvectioncanbeexplainedbythefactthatheatrises.Convectioncurrentspermit buildings to be heatedwithout the use of circulatory devices.Theheated airmoves solely by gravity. In the atmosphere, convection causesthewindtoblow.Mostsevereweatherconditions,suchastornadoes,resultfromparticularlysharpconvectioncurrents.

Thewordelementaryinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto dispersederratic prevalent primary4.Thekeyelementoftheairconditionerisafluorocarbon refrigerant that flows constantly through the conditioner’smechanisms.Itbecomesaliquidandgivesoffheatwhenitiscompressed,and becomes a gas and absorbs heatwhen the pressure is removed. Themechanisms that evaporate and compress the refrigerant are divided intotwoareas,oneontheinterior,whichincludesanairfilter,fan,andcoolingcoil,andoneontheexterior,whichincludesacompressor,condensercoil,andfan.

The word element in the passage is closest in meaning to amenity

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component purpose advantage 5. A common inhabitant of thesouthwestUnitedStates, theprairiedog lives ingroupscalledcoteries.Abreedingcoteriecontainsonemale,onetofourfemales,andtheyoungofthepasttwoyears.Severalcoteriesformlargegroupscalledwards,whicharedeterminedbythestructureoftheterrain.Thewardsinturnareunitedinto towns—complex dwellings of interconnecting burrows and manyentrances.Thetownsmaycoverasmanyas65to160acres,whichcontainthousandsofindividuals.

Theworddwellings in the passage is closest in meaning to abodessystems tunnels shifts6.Thesportutilityvehicle,orSUV, is themostpopulartypeofautomobileintheUnitedStatestoday.SUVsarespacious,powerful, and rugged; they have more room for passengers, equipment,groceries, and boxes than ordinary cars. Therefore, they are morecommonly found in the country than in the city, and in some suburbanneighborhoodstheyaremoreprevalentthancompactcarsorvans.Eventheirhighconsumptionofgashaslittleeffectontheirpopularity.

In stating that SUVs aremore prevalent than compact cars, the authormeansthatthey costmorethancompactcars.



The word erratic in the passage is closest in meaning to uniqueinconsistent arbitrary complex8. Partly because it has promotedU.S.interests, the Monroe Doctrine has had considerable effect and enjoyedstrongsupportintheUnitedStates.IthasbeenusedtojustifyinterventionintheinternalaffairsofotherAmericannations.However,U.S.diplomaticrelationsarestrainedduetogrowinganxietyovertheprevalent instabilityofLatinAmericanpoliticsandrecentcontroversialinterventions.

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Thewordprevalent in the passage is closest inmeaning to definitedetermined constant commonplace9.Acaricatureisapictureorotherrepresentation that exaggerates a particular physical, facial appearance,dress,orthemannersofanindividualtoproduceadistinctcomicaleffect.Itisusedtoridiculepolitical,social,orreligioussituationsandinstitutions,oractionsbyindividuals,groups,orclassesofasociety.Thelattertypesofcaricature are usually donewith satirical rather than humorous intent, inordertoencouragepoliticalorsocialchange.

Thewordexaggeratesinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto emphasizesastonishes embellishes fabricates 10. Geologic changes provide a

convincingexplanation for thepuzzlingway thatplant speciesarespreadaroundtheworld.TheconifersofthegenusAraucaria,forexample,havelarge seeds that do not float in seawater and are dispersed only shortdistances.However, they have been found either as fossils or as activelygrowing plants on all continents and on some islands that appear to befragmentsofcontinents.

Theworddispersed in thepassage isclosest inmeaningto scattereddiscarded arranged released

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benefitadv. beneficiallyadj. beneficialn. benefitn. beneficiaryv. tobeusefulorhelpfulsyn. assist


blindadv. blindlyn. blindnessadj. unabletoseeorunderstand;toconceal;showingpoor

judgmentorunderstandingsyn. unaware



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adv. broadlyadj. broadn. breadthv. tomakelargerorgreatersyn. enlarge


burgeonadj. burgeoningv. growingatafastpacesyn. thrive

The burgeoning population of major cities is creating a demand for moreservices.Histalentasapianistburgeonedattheageof14.

conspicuouslyadj. conspicuousadv. attractingattentionsyn. noticeably


deficientadv. deficientlyn. deficiencyadj. nothavingenoughofsomethingsyn. lacking


eloquentadv. eloquentlyn. eloquenceadj. expressingclearly,effectively,andconvincingly

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syn. articulate(adj.)


endorsen. endorsementv. toexpressapprovalsyn. support


enormousadv. enormouslyn. enormityadj. verylargesyn. tremendous


entirelyadj. entiren. entiretyadv. completelysyn. thoroughly


eroden. erosionv. towearaway;disappearslowlysyn. deteriorate


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evaporaten. evaporationv. tovanishsyn. disappear


noteworthyn. noteworthinessadj. deservingpositiverecognitionorattentionsyn. remarkable


recoveradj. recoveredadj. recoverablen. recoveryv. togetback;tohavesomethingreturnedsyn. retrieve


reportedlyadj. reportedv. reportn. reportadv. toknowbyreport;unconfirmed;supposedlysyn. rumored


shiftadj. shifting

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v. shiftadj. shiftyn. achangeinpositionordirectionsyn. switch


susceptiblen. susceptiblenessadj. susceptiblyadj. tobesubjecttoinfluence;capableofbeingaffectedbya

personorthingsyn. vulnerable


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Thewordevaporatedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto burgeonedintensified broadened disappeared 2. Rolltop desks are named after

their sliding roll tops, or tambours, that cover theworking surfaceof theupperpartandcanbelocked.FirstintroducedintoEnglandfromFranceinthelateeighteenthcentury,therolltopdeskhadbecomeastandardpieceofoffice equipment by the end of the nineteenth century. It was mass-produced in largequantities.Shortlyafter thisperiodofmassproduction,itspopularityeroded.

Theword eroded in the passage is closest inmeaning to recoveredshifted intensified deteriorated3.TheAmericanarchitectFrankLloydWright designed furniture, but its distinctive appearance defiescategorization.Thefurnituredesignwasentirelydependentonthedesignof the building; the samemotifs appear in both.He consistently favoredbuilt-infurniturebecausethenthefurniturewaspartofthearchitecture.

The word entirely in the passage is closest in meaning to slowlyreportedly completely conspicuously4.While thepotentialbenefitofgeneticengineeringissubstantial,thepotentialdangersmaybeequivalent.Improperhandlingcouldposeahealthhazard to thepublic.Forexample,theintroductionofcancer-causinggenesintocommoninfectiousorganismsliketheinfluenzaviruscouldbeoneofthesedangers.

The word benefit in the passage is closest in meaning to dangerassistance endorsement recovery 5. Jogging has been endorsed bymanymedicalauthoritiesasvaluableexercisefortheheartandforgeneralphysical conditioning. It should be conducted every other day. Other

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medicalauthorities,however,warnthatfallenarchesandotherailmentscanresultfromjogging.Warm-upexercisesbeforejogging,properlydesignedshoes, proper jogging technique, loose clothing, and general good healtharevitalforsafeparticipationinthisactivity.

Thewordendorsed in the passage is closest inmeaning to reportedsupported criticized exaggerated 6. In 1900, when countries such asRussia,Italy,andJapanclaimedanexclusiverighttotradewithChina,thesecretsocietyof“Boxers”wasformedtoopposethisintrusionintoChineseaffairs.Membersofthegroupwerereportedtohavemagicalpowersthatprotected them in attacks from invading foreigners. Nevertheless, morethan 20,000 foreign troops eventually landed in China, successfullyattacked Beijing, established their right to remain, and disbanded theBoxers.

In stating that the Boxers were reported to have magical powers, theauthormeansthattheirmagicalpowers wereanestablishedfact.



Thewordburgeoninginthepassageisclosestinmeaningto enduringhastened ideal thriving 8.Normal schoolswere established chiefly totrainelementary-schoolteachers.Theywerecommonlystate-supportedandoffered a two-year course beyond high school. In the twentieth century,schools broadened their teacher-training requirements to at least fouryears. Therefore, after World War II, teacher-training institutionslengthenedtheirprograms.Bythe1960s,mostformernormalschoolshadbeen absorbed into colleges or universities as departments or schools ofeducation.

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Thewordbroadenedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto replacedshifted enlarged advanced 9. Experiments are underway to prove theusefulness of new oil discovery technology. They will enable vastaccumulationsofcrudeoiltoberecoveredalongboththeAthabascaRiverin northcentral Alberta, Canada, and along the Orinoco River in easternVenezuela.Iftheseexperimentsaresuccessfulandasignificantvolumeofcrude is found, theworld’spetroleumsupplymaybeextendedbyseveraldecades.

Thewordrecovered inthepassageisclosestinmeaningto retrievedexported reported extracted10.TheInternetisapowerfultoolavailabletostudentsaround theworld.Thanks to its rapidgrowth, researchinganytopicisnowaseasyasamouseclick.Itisnolongercommonplacetoseestudentsusing informationfrombooks ina librarybecause theInternet isfar more convenient. Students can carry an enormous amount ofinformation in their backpacks or briefcases just by having a laptopcomputerwithaccesstotheworldwideweb.Somepeopleclaimthatdigitalbookswill soon replace physical books.Others believe that librarieswillbecome obsolete and that scholarswill turn to online sources to conductresearch.

Thewordenormousinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto astoundingexceptional advantageous tremendous

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crucialadv. cruciallyadj. ofgreatimportance;extremelynecessarysyn. critical


dignitaryn. averyimportantorfamousperson,usuallyassociatedwitha

highpositioningovernmentsyn. celebrity


eludeadj. elusiven. elusivenessv. toescapeinatrickywaysyn. evade

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evidentadv. evidentlyn. evidenceadj. easytosee,usuallybecauseofsomeproofsyn. apparent


exhaustadv. exhaustivelyadj. exhaustiveadj. exhaustingadj. exhaustedn. exhaustionv. tousecompletely;toexpendallenergy;verythoroughsyn. deplete


extensiveadv. extensivelyv. extend*n. extension*adj. largeinareaornumber

*tooffer;tomakelongersyn. comprehensive


facev. tobeinthepresenceofandopposesyn. confront

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facetadj. facetedn. elementorcomponentsyn. aspect


idoln. idolatryadj. idolatrousn. apersonorimagethatisloyallyadmiredorrespectedsyn. hero

The Beatles, a famous singing group of the 1960s, were the idols of manyteenagegirls.Talentedathletesoftenbecomeidolsintheeyesoftheirfans.

inaccessiblen. inaccessibilityadv. inaccessiblyadj. somethingthatcannotbereachedorcommunicatedwithsyn. remote


obliviousn. obliviousnessadj. tobeunawareoforforgetfuladj. obliviouslysyn. ignorant

The students were oblivious to the fact that the test would cover the entirechapter.The coastal inhabitants were oblivious to the dangers of the approaching

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obviouslyadj. obviousadv. inaclear,easy-to-understandwaysyn. evidently


offensiven. offensivenessadv. offensivelyadj. causinganger;rude;beingunpleasantsyn. insulting


predictablyadj. predictablev. predictn. predictionadv. inawaythatforetellsfutureeventssyn. expectedly


suitableadv. suitablyv. suitadj. appropriate;correct;convenientsyn. appropriate



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adj. surpassablen. surpasserv. togobeyondsyn. exceed


upholdn. upholderv. tosupportormaintainsyn. sustain


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Thewordsuitableinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto appropriateextensive recoverable perfect 2. Experts believe that a child’s familyexperiencesarecrucial for personalitydevelopment.Theways that basicneedsaremetininfancy,alongwithlater techniquesofchildrearing,canleaveapermanentmarkonpersonality.Childrenlearnbehaviorappropriatetotheirsexbyidentifyingwiththeparentofthesamesex.Awarm,caringrelationshipwiththatparenthelpssuchlearning.

The word crucial in the passage is closest in meaning to evidentextensive critical obvious 3. The Everglades comprises one of thewildest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Its wildlife isplentifulandislargelyprotectedwithintheEvergladesNationalPark.TheonlyinhabitantsoftheEvergladesareseveralhundredSeminoleIndians.

Thewordinaccessibleinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto remoteindiscriminate inactive immense 4. Bank credit and debit cards, nowused worldwide, are examples of general purpose bank cards.Establishmentsofferingalmosteverykindofproductorservicenowhonorsuch cards. These cards are designed to give customers access to credit,savings, and checking accounts, eliminating the need to purchase itemswith cash. It ispredicted that, in the future, these cardswill completelyeliminatetheneedforcarryingcash.

Thewordpredictedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto inconceivableevident justified anticipated 5. In Western culture, until about the

middle of the seventeenth century, biographieswere generally tributes tofamous individuals. Their purpose was to enlighten and motivate. Theyoften dealt with the exemplary lives of people who became heroes andheroines to thepublic,butsometimesalsoglorifiedthelivesof infamous

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Thewordheroines in the passage is closest inmeaning to dignitaryidol

benefactor philanthropist6.Kinesicsisthenamegiventothestudyofnonverbalinteractionssuchasfacialexpressions,gestures,andeyecontact.Inmanycultures,directeyecontactisseenasasignofdisrespectinface-to-faceencounters.Students,forexample,areexpectedtolowertheireyeswhileaddressingateacher.Inothercultures,loweredeyesareconstruedasanindicationofshame,embarrassment,ordishonesty.Kinesicsfocusesonmanysuchculturaldifferences.

In discussing face-to-face encounters, the author is referring to socialinteractionsinwhichtwopeopleare sittingbacktoback.



The word evident in the passage is closest in meaning to rumoredapparent vibrant enhanced8.Mineraldeposits formbecause there isatransportingagentfortheoreminerals.Thetransportingagentremovestheminerals it carries from one area and deposits them in another.Groundwater and seawater are examples of transporting agents. Thetransporting agent process is involved in the creation of deposits of bothabundantandexhaustedmetals.

Thewordexhausted inthepassageisclosest inmeaningto depletederoded released restricted9.The independentAfricanstatesencounternumerous problems implementing an educational policy that willencourage economic and social development. The difficulties most

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governments face are basically political. There is also concern about thefinancial problems of the different states. The lack of communicationbetweeneducationalpolicymakersandeconomicandsocialplannersmayalsocreatehardships.

Thewordfaceinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto bear

resolve confront endorse10.Popartistsseektoportraymodernculture.Theirartemphasizesmodernsocialvalues,thesprawlofurbanlife,andtheflashy,frivolous,transitory,andoffensivefacetsofmodernlife.Thesevaluesaretheveryoppositesofthevaluescherishedbyartistsofthepast.

Thewordfacetsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto aspects idealsfacts particles

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ampleadv. amplyadj. morethanenoughsyn. sufficient

There isample evidence that the youngmanwas speedingwhen the accidentoccurred.Shewasamplypaidfortheworkshecompleted.

arduousadv. arduouslyn. arduousnessadj. verydifficultorchallenging;requiringhardworksyn. demanding


aridadj. beingoflittlerainorwatersyn. dry

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avertn. aversionadj. avertablev. tostopfromoccurring;toturnawayorasidesyn. prevent


defyadv. defyinglyadj. defyingv. toshowlittlefearorregardforrulesorestablishednorms;to

challengesyn. resist


diligentn. diligenceadv. diligentlyadj. donewithpersistenceandhardwork;withattentiontodetailssyn. conscientious


enactadj. enactedn. enactmentv. topassalawsyn. legislate


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feignadj. feignedv. topretend;makebelievesyn. simulate


fertilev. fertilizen. fertilityn. fertilizeradj. abletoproduceabundantlysyn. rich


freshlyadj. freshv. freshenn. freshnessadv. caughtorproducednotlongagosyn. recently


functionadv. functionallyadj. functionalv. functionn. thenormalpurposeofsomethingsyn. role


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fundamentaladv. fundamentallyadj. aprimaryorbasicelementsyn. essential

The student government promised fundamental changes in the registrationprocess.Heisfundamentallystronginhisareaofexpertise.

indiscriminateadv. indiscriminatelyadj. notchosencarefully;unplannedsyn. arbitrary


pinpointadj. pinpointv. tofindordescribesomethingwithprecisionsyn. locate

Theengineerswereimmediatelyabletopinpointtheproblemwiththebridge.The new, advanced thermometer measures the temperature with pinpointaccuracy.

selectiveadv. selectivelyadv. selectv. selectn. selectionn. selectivityadj. carefullychosensyn. discriminating


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spaciousadv. spaciouslyn. spacen. spaciousnessadj. havingalotofroomsyn. expansive


withstandv. tofightwithoutsurrender;topersistsyn. survive


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Theword ample in the passage is closest in meaning to infrequentabundant exemplary erratic2.Intheearlydaysofgliding,glidersweretowedbycars.Today,glidersaretowedintheskybyairplanestoaheightbetween600and900metersabovetheground.Flightdurationdependsonfindingupdraftsofairalongmountainslopes,nearcumulusclouds,oroveraridterrainwhererisingthermalcurrentsoccur.

Thewordaridinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto rocky hot dryhigh 3. The Conestoga Indians were a powerful people, defying theinvadingIroquois,until the Iroquoisdefeated theminabout1675.Partofthe tribe fled to the Roanoke River. Others subsequently settled atConestoga,nearwhatisnowLancaster,Pennsylvania.

Theworddefying in the passage is closest inmeaning to ridiculinghonoring resisting overthrowing 4. Fasting has been practiced forcenturies formany diverse purposes. Some fastswere to induce fertility.Otherswere intended toavert catastropheor to serveaspenance for sin.American Indians held tribal fasts to escape threatening disasters. TheAztecsofMexicoandtheIncasofPeruobservedpenitentialfaststopacifytheirgods.

Thewordavertinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto overcome assertconfirm prevent5.MonteAlbán,nearOaxaca,Mexico,wasthecenter

oftheZapotecculturethatflourishedaroundtheyear100A.D.Itsgiganticstone structureswere set arounda spacious plaza createdby leveling thetopofamountain.

Thewordspaciousinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto exhaustiveexpansive circular fertile 6. Space exploration has had its share ofproblemsthroughouttheyears.AflawintheChallenger’sdesignledtoa

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fatal accident in 1986, the Mir station was often in trouble, and theColumbia shuttle crashedon reentry in2003.Despite these tragedies, theprogramhasprofitedfromitsmistakes,andfromnewengineeringandnewmaterials. Today, NASA is confident that spacecraft are fundamentallysoundandperfectlysafe.

Insayingthatspacecraftarefundamentallysound, theauthormeansthattheyare basicallywelldesignedandbuilt.



Thewordfunctionsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto cores facetsresolutions roles 8. Harvested wood is dried and preserved as a

treatmentagainst insect infestationand rot.Theseprocessesensure that itwill last. Somewood products, such as posts and poles, are freshly cut.Most otherwood products aremade up of intermediatematerials, whichrequirefurtherprocessingbeforetheyaremanufacturedintofinalproducts.

Thewordfreshlyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto hardly recentlyroutinely scarcely9.Loess is topsoil leftbyglaciers.Vastdepositsof


Theword fertile in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to rich hardyvital adaptable10.Sinceopossumsare largelyarboreal, theirhomesareoften found inhollow treesorunder stumpsand roots.Feigningdeath isone of the opossum’s principal defense mechanisms. This confuses itspredators,protectingtheopossumfromdanger.

Theword feigning in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to imagining

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enacting pretending displaying

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adheren. adherencev. tosticktoorfollowpreciselysyn. comply


durablen. durabilityn. duration*adj. somethingthatlastsalongtime

*timeduringwhichsomethinglastssyn. sturdy


fosterv. topromotegrowthordevelopment

syn. stimulate

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gainadj. gainfuln. gainv. toobtainsomethingneededoruseful;toincreasetothe

amountofsomethingsyn. attain


haltadv. haltinglyadj. haltingn. haltv. tostopordiscontinuesyn. stop


handlen. handlingv. todealwithorcontrolsyn. manage


harborv. togiveprotection;tonotexpressadesireoropinion,usually

badsyn. shelter


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harmfuladv. harmfullyv. harmn. harmadj. somethingthatcausespainordamagesyn. unhealthy


insignificantadv. insignificantlyn. insignificanceadj. notimportant;oflittlevaluesyn. meaningless


mysteriousadv. mysteriouslyn. mysteryn. mysteriousnessadj. noteasilyunderstoodorfiguredoutsyn. baffling


perilousadv. perilouslyn. periladj. threateningorrisky;harmfulsyn. dangerous



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n. promotern. promotionv. toencourageoradvertise;toelevateinrankorgradesyn. boost


redundantn. redundancyadv. redundantlyadj. beingexcessive;showingunnecessaryrepetitionsyn. repetitious

Studentswho ask teachers to “repeat that again” are being redundant because“repeat”means“again.”Lush,redundantvegetationiscommonintropicalclimates.

rejectn. rejectionv. torefusesyn. refuse


substantialadv. substantiallyadj. substantiveadj. important;stronglymade;ofvaluesyn. significant


traitn. specificqualitiesthatdistinguishonefromanothersyn. characteristic

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Her senseof humor and cheerful personality are someof hermost impressivetraits.Alma’sblondehairisatraitinheritedfromherfather.

underscorev. tomakeevidentoremphasizesyn. highlight

Thehighqualityof the student’s science fairprojectunderscored her talent inbiology.Theconclusionofthereportshouldunderscoreitsmainideas.

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Thewordhaltinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto continue stop

expand intensify2.Theperceptionofdepthanddistancedependsoninformationtransmittedthroughvarioussenseorgans.Sensorycuesindicatethedistanceatwhichobjectsarelocatedfromtheindividualandfromeachother.Thesensesofsightandhearingtransmitdepthanddistancecuesthataresubstantiallyindependentofoneanother.

The word substantially in the passage is closest in meaning tosignificantly absurdly critically vigorously 3. Because the needs ofhumancommunicationaresovarious,thestudyofmeaningisprobablythemost difficult and mysterious aspect of serious language study.Traditionally,languagehasbeendefinedastheexpressionofthought.Butthisideaisfartoonarrowaninterpretationoflanguageandfartoobroadaviewofthoughttobeworthwhile.Theexpressionofthoughtisjustoneofthemanyrolesoflanguage.

Thewordmysteriousinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto substantialmeaningful promising baffling 4. The theory of environmental

determinism says that the physical surroundings of a people, includingnatural resources, climate, and geography, are the major determiningfactorsinthedevelopmentoftheirculture.Therefore,determinismrejectsthe idea thathistoryand tradition, social andeconomic factors, andotherelementsofcultureexplainsocialdevelopment.

Thewordrejectsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto refuses ignores

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promotes withstands 5. The greatest benefit of a regular exerciseprogramisanimprovementinoverallfitness.Appropriateexerciseboostsmuscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratoryendurance. The level of maximum oxygen intake or cardiorespiratoryenduranceisusuallynotofgreatimportancetomostindividuals.Themostimportantthingistoattaintheirmaximumlevelofperformance.

Thewordboostsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto harms managespromotes alters 6. The number of giant pandas in the world is

dwindling.Thechiefreasonis that theirnaturalhabitat inChinahasbeenreducedasbambooforestshavebeenclearedtoincreaseavailablelandforChina’svasthumanpopulation.Infact,theworldcameperilouslyclosetolosing the panda altogether in the 1980s as a result. Today, the panda’sfuture is brighter. The Chinese government now protects most of thepanda’snaturalhabitat.

In saying that the world came perilously close to losing the panda, theauthormeansthatthegiantpanda hasbeensetfreefromzoos.



Thewordperilous inthepassageisclosestinmeaningto substantialdangerous haphazard prosperous 8. In parts of the world that lackmodernsewagetreatmentplants,watercarryinghumanwastecanflowintodrinkingwater supplies.Disease-carrying bacteria in thewaste canmakethedrinkingwaterharmful.EvenincertainU.S.cities,suchcontaminantshavebeenfoundinurbanwatersupplies.

Thewordharmfulinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto frail adverseconspicuous unhealthy9.Commercialarbitrationhasbeenpracticedin

European countries for many years. In the United States, commercial

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arbitration to handle disputes is gaining in popularity. The AmericanArbitration Association hires panels of arbitrators who mediatedisagreements and propose solutions. The decisions of these panels havebeenenforcedbythecourtsofmanystates.

Thewordhandleinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto face

manage enact promote10.MartinLutherKingJr.hadamagnificentspeakingability.ThisqualityenabledhimtoeffectivelyexpressAfrican-Americans’needforsocialjustice.Hegainedthesupportofmillionsofpeople,bothblackandwhite,throughhiseloquentpleasfornonviolentsocialaction.Hereceivedinternationalacclaimwhenhewasawardedthe1964NobelPeacePrize,aftermanyyearsofstruggletoassurebasiccivilrightsforallcitizens.

The word gained in the passage is closest in meaning to observedcreated extended attained

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conscientiousadv. conscientiouslyadj. showingseriouspurpose;onewhoworkscarefullyandwith

enthusiasmsyn. meticulous


conveyv. tomakesomethingknowntoothers;tocommunicatesyn. communicate


encompassv. tosurroundcompletely;toenvelopsyn. include


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expansionadj. expandablev. expandn. expansionn. theactofmakinglargersyn. growth


heightenadj. heightenedn. heightv. tocausetobecomegreatersyn. intensify


highlightn. highlightv. toemphasizethepartofagreaterwholesyn. emphasize


inadvertentlyadj. inadvertentadv. byaccident;withoutpayingattention;unexpectedlysyn. carelessly

The reporters had inadvertently failed to include the name of one of thedignitaries.Hisinadvertentcalculationcausedhimtoderivethewronganswer.

inevitableadv. inevitablyfromhappeningn. inevitability

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adj. somethingthatcannotbepreventedsyn. unavoidable


infancyadj. infantilen. infantn. inthebeginningstagesofdevelopmentsyn. beginning


mimicn. mimickerv. tocopyanactionsyn. imitate


paramountadv. paramountlyn. paramountcyadj. tobeofhighestimportancesyn. foremost


proficientadv. proficientlyn. proficiencyadj. tobeskilledorexperiencedinsomethingsyn. competent

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retrieveadj. retrievedn. retrievalv. tofindandbringbacksyn. recover

WillDetroitretrieveitsstatusasthecarmanufacturingcenteroftheworld?This computerized information retrieval system is themost up-to-date systemavailable.

systematicallyadj. systematicn. systemadv. doneaccordingtoaplansyn. methodically


unlikelyadj. notprobablesyn. doubtful


unwarrantedadj. withoutgoodreasonorcause;inappropriatesyn. unjustified


zenithn. thehighestpointsyn. apex

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The word systematically in the passage is closest in meaning toinadvertently appropriately meticulously methodically 2. Municipalsolid waste must be collected and treated in order to reduce the totalvolume andweight of thematerial that requires final disposal.Treatmentchangestheformofthewasteandmakesiteasiertohandle.Itcanalsobeused torecover certainmaterials, aswellasheatenergy, for recyclingorreuse.

The word recover in the passage is closest in meaning to retrieveconvey deplete develop3.American biographer and historianSamuelEliot Morrison colorfully recreated notable stories of modern history.Combiningagiftforstorytellingwithmeticulousscholarship,hetookthereader back into history to relive the adventures of such characters asFerdinand Magellan, Christopher Columbus, and Sir Francis Drake. HealsorecordedtheaccomplishmentsoftheU.S.NavyduringWorldWarII.

Thewordmeticulousinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto unwarrantedinfantile valid conscientious4.Spacemedicineprotectshumanbeings

from the environment of space and studies their reactions to thatenvironment.Thefoundationsofspacemedicinecanbetracedtoaviationmedicine.Thetermaerospacemedicinehasevolvedtoencompasspracticeinbothareas.AerospacemedicinehasbeenacertifiedsubspecialtyoftheAmericanBoardofPreventiveMedicinesince1953.

Theword encompass in the passage is closest in meaning to favorpromote emphasize include5.Ifsomemotionispossibleaccordingtophysicallaws,thenamotioninwhicheventsappearinreverseorderisalso

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possible. For example, it would be unusual to observe a real process inwhichavasebrokenon the floor collects itself and fliesupwhole intoaperson’s hand. Nevertheless, according to known physical laws, such aprocessisnotimpossible,althoughitistoounlikelytoexpectittoactuallyhappen.

The word unlikely in the passage is closest in meaning to difficultdoubtful astonishing superficial 6. In 1896 a Swedish chemist firstassessedtheeffectsofgreenhousegases.Heshowedthatactivitiessuchasburning coal, destroying forests, and even raising cattle dangerouslyincrease atmospheric concentrations of such gases as carbon dioxide,methane, and nitrous oxide. Since then, heightened awareness of theeffectscarsandfactorieshaveontheenvironmenthasledtomoreconcernabout these gas concentrations. Recently they have been blamed for anapparentwarmingtrendinEarth’satmosphere.




The word infancy in the passage is closest in meaning to primebeginnings miracle ambiguity 8. Careful testing is one of apharmaceuticalcompany’smostimportantresponsibilities.PharmaceuticalcompaniesandtheFoodandDrugAdministrationconstantlyguardagainstthepossibilityofaharmfuldrugbeingsoldtothepublic.Buteventhemostcarefultestingcannotalwaysrevealthepossibilitythatadrugmayproduceaninadvertentharmfuleffect.

Theword inadvertent in the passage is closest inmeaning to acute

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unlikely agilely unexpected9.Basketballwas inventedbyaCanadianin 1891. Today, it is the world’s most popular indoor sport. Basketballemphasizes teamworkand theathleticqualitiesofendurance,agility,andskill.Tallplayershaveanadvantagebecause theycan reachcloser to thebasket or above other players to shoot and rebound the ball.But smallerplayersalsomakecontributionstotheirteamsasshootersandballhandlers.

The word emphasizes in the passage is closest in meaning toencompasses elaborates highlights enhances10.DanielWebsterwasawell-knownAmerican speaker, and one of themost capable lawyers andstatesmen of his time. He used his speaking ability to establish a strongnationalgovernment in theSenate.Healsoapplied thespeakingskillshehadmasteredasalawyertoheightenhisappealfortheendtoslavery.

Thewordheighten in the passage is closest inmeaning to intensifypersuade enhance convey

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agitaten. agitationn. agitatorv. toshakeormove;tocauseworrysyn. disturb


complyadj. compliantn. compliancev. toagreetofollowarequestorcommand;toadheretospecific

standardssyn. acquiesce

Awell-traineddogwillcomplywhentoldtosit.Students must maintain a B average to remain in compliance with thescholarship’srules.

confidentialv. confide

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adj. confidentialadv. confidentiallyn. confidantadj. tobesaidorwritteninsecretsyn. secret


delightedadj. delightfullyadj. delightfuln. delightadj. tobesatisfied;veryhappysyn. elated


discreetlyadj. discreetadv. inacareful,politemannersyn. cautiously


documentedadj. documentaryv. documentn. documentationadj. provenwithwrittenevidencesyn. proven


evokev. tocalluporproducememoriesorfeelings;tocauseto

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remembersyn. remind


graduallyadj. gradualadv. slowly,butsurelysyn. steadily


impartialn. impartialityadj. showingnofavoritism;beingfairorjustsyn. objective


inordinateadv. inordinatelyadj. alargeamountorquantity;morethanreasonablesyn. excessive


instantlyadj. instantaneousadj. instantn. instantadv. happeningimmediately;inashortperiodoftimesyn. immediately


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intentionallyadj. intentionaln. intentionn. intentadv. withdefinitepurposeandplanningsyn. deliberately


intrinsicadv. intrinsicallyadj. beingaprimarypartofsomethingsyn. inherent


inundaten. inundationv. tofloodsyn. overwhelm


mindsetn. anestablishedattitudeormoodsyn. mentality

A person is more likely to succeed if he or she approaches projects with apositivemindset.Thepoliticalmindsetisdifferentineveryregionofthecountry.

nominaladv. nominallyadj. verysmall;inform,butnotinsubstancesyn. moderate

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presumablyadj. presumablev. presumen. presumptionadv. reported,butnotconfirmedsyn. supposedly


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Thewordevokeinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto produce engrossemit



Theword inundated in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to agitatedoverwhelmed astonished delighted3.Theuseofcast-metalpiecesasamediumofexchange is anancient tradition. Itprobablydevelopedoutoftheuseincommerceofordinaryingotsofbronzeandothermetalsthathadanintrinsicvalue.UntilthedevelopmentofbillsofexchangeinmedievalEuropeandpapercurrency inmedievalChina,metal coinswere theonlymeansofexchangeforgoodsandservices.

Theword intrinsic in the passage is closest inmeaning to inherentnominal documented inordinate4.The stimuli in a projective test areintentionally ambiguous and open to diverse interpretations so that eachperson will project his unique reactions in his answers. Techniques forevaluatingsuchresponsesrangefromtheintuitiveimpressionsoftheraterto complex schemes for scoring and interpretation that require extensivecalculationsandinterpretation.

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The word intentionally in the passage is closest in meaning toconfidentially fundamentally arbitrarily deliberately 5.Anaximanderarguedthathumanbeingsaresohelplessatbirththattheywouldinstantlydie if left on their own. He also argued that known elements arecontinuouslyopposingandchanging intooneanotherand that asa resultsomethingdifferentfromtheseelementsmustunderlieandcausechanges.

Theword instantly in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to graduallypresumably immediately discreetly 6. Some economists resist thenotion that cutting taxes is beneficial. Theoretically, decreasing taxesreturns money to citizens, therefore increasing jobs and improvingconditionsforeveryone.Someeconomistssaythatwillhappenonlywithalarge, sudden tax reduction. A gradual decrease, they say, will notstimulatespendingorresultinmorejobsorastrongereconomy.Stillothersopposetaxreductionaltogether.

Inreferringtoagradualdecreaseintaxes,theauthormeansonethat isimposedallatonce.



Thewordagitated in the passage is closest inmeaning to disturbedinundated favored exhausted 8. Most Latin-American countriesachieved nominal independence in the ninteenth century. Yet theyremained politically, economically, and culturally dependent onU.S. andEuropean powers throughout the first half of the twentieth century. By1960,peoplebelievedthatthisdependencycouldbestbealleviatedthrougheducationalreform.

The word nominal in the passage is closest in meaning to scarcedurable gradual moderate9.Opinionpollshavebeendevelopedsince

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the 1930s. Polls are a scientific way of learning what large numbers ofpeoplethinkaboutvarioustopics.Theyareusedextensivelyinpoliticsandbusiness. In both fields many polling companies provide politicalcandidatesandbusinesseswithconfidentialinformationabouttheirpublicimage.

Thewordconfidentialinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto discreetmysterious secret classified 10. At a meeting to discuss the federalConstitution, JohnHancockwas persuaded to support ratification.To getHancock’s support, some people promised him a nomination for thepresidencyifGeorgeWashingtondeclined.Thoughappearingtobeamongthe leaders of the revolutionaries, he was not considered an independentfigure. Rather, he was a tool of Samuel Adams, who took advantage ofHancock’sambition,vanity,andinordinateloveofpopularity.

Thewordinordinateinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto excessiveunwarranted exhaustive overwhelming

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absurdadv. absurdlyn. absurdityadj. clearlyfalse;withoutreasonsyn. ridiculous


allocationadj. allocatedv. allocaten. ashare;apartsetasideforaspecialpurpose;anassignment

ofportionssyn. distribution


balancedv. balancen. balance

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adj. astatewhereeverythingisofthesamesizeorweight;anelementononesidethatcountersanequalelementontheother

syn. equalized

Hemadeabalancedpresentationofbothpointsofview.Themuseumcontains apleasantbalance ofpaintings from theeighteenthandnineteenthcenturies.

comeacrossv. tofindordiscover,usuallybychanceormistakesyn. encounter


culminaten. culminationadj. culminatingv. tofinish;toreachaclimaxorthehighestpointsyn. conclude


demeanorn. someone’soutwardappearanceorbehaviorsyn. conduct(n.)


exertn. exertionv. toputintouse;toputforthaneffortsyn. apply


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fallaciousadv. fallaciouslyn. fallacyadj. havingerrorssyn. incorrect


feasibleadv. feasiblyn. feasibilityadj. abletobedonesyn. possible


lackadj. lackingv. lackn. aneedfor;aninsufficientamountsyn. shortage


limberadj. tobestretched;easilyshapedsyn. flexible


meansn. wayssyn. methods

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narrowadv. narrowlyn. narrownessadj. smallfromonesidetotheother;limitedsyn. thin


preconceptionadj. preconceivedv. preconceiven. anopinionformedinadvancewithoutexperienceor

knowledgeofsomethingsyn. bias


robustadv. robustlyn. robustnessadj. showinggoodhealth;ingoodshapesyn. energetic


steadyadv. steadilyv. steadyn. steadinessadj. firm;inafixedposition;withoutchange;reliable;dependablesyn. constant


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swiftadv. swiftlyn. swiftnessadj. quicksyn. fast


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The word narrow in the passage is closest in meaning to steadybalanced thin


Thewordmeans in the passage is closest inmeaning to descriptionmethod theory benefit3.TheFirstContinentalCongresswasformedtoprotest theBritish Parliament’s intrusion into certain colony affairs. Thiscongressurgedthecoloniestoarmthemselvesfordefenseoftheirrights.Itbelieved that it would be absurd not to give a forceful response toEngland’s closing of the port of Boston. By the time the SecondContinentalCongressconvened,theAmericanRevolutionhadbegun.

Thewordabsurd in the passage is closest inmeaning to ridiculousdifficult feasible fallacious 4. The modern sport of gymnastics wasessentiallytheresultoftheworkoftheGermanFriedrichJahn,intheearlynineteenth century. He invented many of the exercises and some of theapparatusof latergymnastics, suchas theparallelbars, the rings,and thehorizontal bar. Jahn’sworkwas aimedmainly at strengthening the body.Theresultofgymnasticstrainingisawell-toned,limberbody.

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The word limber in the passage is closest in meaning to flexibleslender tiny


Thewordlackinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto misuse abuseshortage distribution6.TheaimofTVadvertisingistomotivateviewersto spendmoney on products; the aim ofTV news is to give abalancedviewofpeople,products,andevents.Theseaimssometimesconflictwitheach other.While advertisers stress product features that contribute to afeeling of well-being or enhanced status, reporters have an obligation todescribe products more objectively. Reporters have a responsibility todescribebothpositiveandnegativeproductfeatures.

Inreferringtoabalancedview,theauthorisreferringto aclearlybiasedsummary.



Theword feasible in the passage is closest in meaning to balancedpossible enacted persuasive 8. The operating system of a computernetwork protects computers from access by illegal users. It also preventsdata corruption introduced by unintentional mistakes made by legitimate

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users.Arobustsecurityschemeisparticularlyimportantforcomputersthatare connected to a communications network, since it hasmany potentialusers.

Thewordrobustinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto steady intrinsicstrong complex9.Knowledgeofhowearlywheelswereconstructedis

derived from “chariot burials” found in the city-states of Kish and Ur.Wheels were formed from three planks of wood that were clamped bywooden struts and bound with leather tires that were held in place bycoppernails.Thesimplicityoftheirdesignallowedforswiftrepairs.

Thewordswiftinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto steady amplesuitable rapid10.Thelawoflargenumbers,popularlyknownas“thelawofaverages,”isoftenthoughttorequirethatfutureoutcomesbalancepastoutcomes. This is a fallacy. A three-digit lottery number has the sameprobability of being selected every day. The fact that it has not beenselectedforagivennumberofdaysdoesnotincreasethisprobability.

Thewordfallacyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto endorsementsufficiency misconception preconception

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antiquatedn. antiqueadj. toooldtobepresentlyuseful;outmodedsyn. old-fashioned


coherentadv. coherentlyv. coheren. coherenceadj. cohesive*n. cohesion*adj. wellreasoned;ideasthatareclearlypresented

*stickingtogetherasagroupsyn. logical



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n. evolutionv. togrow;togothroughaperiodofchangesyn. develop


fabricateadj. fabricatedn. fabricationv. tomakeup,usuallywithanintenttofoolortrick;toliesyn. invent


genericadv. genericallyadj. relatingtoawholegrouporcategoryofthingssyn. general

“Bird”isthegenerictermusedtodescribeanimalswithfeathers.Universities provide studentswith thegeneric skills needed to compete in theworkplace.

investigationadj. investigativev. investigaten. investigatorn. acarefulexaminationinordertodeterminefactssyn. probe


normallyadj. normalv. normalize

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n. normalizationn. normadv. commonly;usuallysyn. typically


notionn. anidea,belief,oropinionsyn. concept

Shehasthenotionthatshewantstobecomeanarchitect.Some outlandish notions about the origin of the solar system have beendisproved.

noveladj. somethingunusual,uncommon;newsyn. original


nurtureadj. nurturingn. nurturev. tosupportandencouragethedevelopmentofsomethingsyn. cultivate


oppositionadj. opposedv. opposen. thestateofactingagainst;notbeinginagreementsyn. resistance


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relateadj. relatedn. relationn. relationshipv. totell;toshowaconnectionbetweentwothingssyn. communicate


suspectadj. suspectedn. suspicionn. suspectv. tothinkthatsomethingistrue,buthavingnoproofsyn. speculate


transformn. transformationn. transformerv. tochangeinformorappearancesyn. alter

Theleader’spoliciestransformedthecountryinmanypositiveways.The student’s transformation from a “D” student to a “B” student wasremarkable.

triggeradj. triggeredv. toinitiate,causeorstartsyn. generate


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ofcoastalareas.The town hallmeeting triggered a lively debate about the need for increasedtaxes.

unbiasedadj. withnopreconceptionssyn. objective

Her unbiased analysis of the problem allowed her to find the solution morerapidly.Hereisunbiasedproofthatnitrogenexistsinthiscompound.

variedadv. variablyadj. variableadj. variousv. varyn. variantn. varietyn. variationn. variabilityadj. beingofmanydifferenttypessyn. diverse


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Thewordantiquatedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto outmodedold-fashioned illogical original 2. Throughout history, mosttechnologicalprogresshasbeenaresultofrelativelyminorimprovementsand refinements rather than throughmajor inventions.Organized researchiswell suited for this kind of development.However, organized researchmay discourage novel approaches and inhibit creativity, so seminaldiscoveries are still likely to be made by inventors in the classicindividualistictradition.

Thewordnovelinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto original variedcoherent unbiased3.EconomistAlfredMarshall received acclaim for

hiseconomic ideas that integratedmodernandclassicaleconomic theory.Classicists believed that price was determined by the cost of producinggoods, but the modern school believed that price was dependent on thenotionofmarginalutility,orusefulnessofthegoods.Marshall’stheorythatpriceisdeterminedbybothcostandutilitygainedwideacceptance.

Thewordnotioninthepassageisclosestinmeaningto investigationconcept effectiveness opposition 4. Tidal waves are triggered bytectonic displacements. Volcanoes, landslides, or earthquakes on the seafloor can cause a sudden displacement of the water above. Thisdisplacement forms a small group of water waves having a wavelengthequal to thewaterdepthat thepointoforigin. Indeepwater, tidalwavesaresolongandsoslightthatshipsseldomnoticetheirpresence.Butasthewaves reach shallow water, they increase in amplitude, making them

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Theword triggered in the passage is closest inmeaning to fosteredheightened inundated generated5.Throughouttheages,theroleoftheheartwaslongconsideredamystery.Somethoughtthatitwasthesourceofthesoul.Othersthoughtthatitwasthecenteroflove,courage,happiness,and sadness.Primitivehumanswerenodoubt awareof theheartbeat andprobablyrecognized that the tinyheart,normally about thesizeofa fist,wasanorganwhosemalfunctioncouldcausesuddendeath.

Thewordnormally in the passage is closest inmeaning to roughlyrarely scarcely typically6.Thereisagrowingsentimentinoppositiontoseabassfishing.MostseabassspawnbetweenMayandAugust,whichcoincides with the height of the fishing season. Fishing affects thereproductive capacity of the species disproportionately since it does notdistinguish between males and females. Instead, it captures bothindiscriminately. However, it takes six years longer for a female bass tobecomefertilethanamale.

In stating that there is a growing sentiment in opposition to sea bassfishing,theauthormeansthatpeople favorthefishingofseabass.



Thewordunbiased in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to objectivebalanced logical suitable 8. Sounding rockets are unmanned rocketsthat record atmospheric conditions at heights 50–100 miles beyond thereachofairplanesandballoons.Theserocketsusuallyfollowaverticalpathas they investigate upper atmospheric conditions with their scientificinstruments.

Theword investigate in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to recover

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observe probe


The word coherent in the passage is closest in meaning to logicalacceptable distributed vital


Thewordtransformedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto illustratedaltered written conveyed

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accentuateadj. accentuatedn. accentuationv. tohighlight;togivemoreimportancetosyn. emphasize

Thecolorfuldressaccentuatedthejoyoftheoccasion.Thesupervisoraccentuated her preference for hard-working employeesduringtheperformanceappraisal.

deviseadj. devisablev. tobrainstorm;tocomeupwithanideasyn. formulate


disguiseadj. disguisedn. disguisev. tohidetheusualappearanceofsomething

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syn. conceal


igniteadj. ignitablen. ignitionv. tosetonfire;togiveenergyorlifetosomethingsyn. kindle


indifferentn. indifferenceadj. beinguninterestedornotcaringaboutsomethingsyn. apathetic


initiateadj. initiatedn. initiationn. initiativev. tobegin;toestablish;totakedecisiveactionwithouthelpsyn. launch


innovativen. innovatorn. innovationadj. somethingnewlyintroduced;creativesyn. creative


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narrateadj. narrativen. narrativen. narrationn. narratorv. totellastory;relatesyn. relate


neverthelessconj. inspiteofthatsyn. nonetheless


obsoleten. obsolescenceadv. beingoldfashioned;nolongeringeneralusesyn. outdated

Some people believe that writing instruments, such as pencils and pens, willsoonbeobsolete.Someproductsaremanufacturedwithplannedobsolescence.

omitadj. omittedn. omissionv. toleaveout;notincludesyn. neglect



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adv. outlandishlyadj. strangeandunpleasant;beyondacceptednormssyn. bizarre


overcomev. todefeat;fightwithsuccess;totakecontrolofanindividualsyn. conquer


partiallyadv. partlyadj. partialadv. apartofthewhole;incompleten. partsyn. somewhat


passadj. passablen. passagev. toacceptformallybyvotesyn. approve


portrayn. portrayalv. torepresent;toactsyn. depict


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streamlineadj. streamlinedv. toupdate;tomakemoreefficientorconcisesyn. simplify

Theplanningprocessmustbestreamlinedinorderforittobemorereliable.Internet stores have streamlined the process of finding, buying, and sellingmerchandise.

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Thewordpassinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto approve allocatestreamline initiate2.Although the assertion is at leastpartially true,

the citizens of Kansas resent the suggestion that they live in a culturalvacuum. Most of the larger cities have amateur theater groups, whileTopekaandWichitasupportsymphonyorchestras.Thenumerouscollegesand universities in the state provide a concentration of art and music inmanysmallcommunitiesthatotherwisewouldhavenosimilaractivities.

Thewordpartially inthepassageisclosestinmeaningto somewhatundeniably nevertheless occasionally 3. Before becoming proficient,sword swallowersmust first overcome their fear of projecting the sharpsworddowntheirthroat.Onlyafterlonghoursofpracticeandexperiencecanoneswallowtheswordcomfortably.Beyondtheirentertainmentvalue,exhibits of sword swallowing have helped to further medicine. Bydemonstrating to physicians that the pharynx could be accustomed tocontact,experimentationandexplorationoftheinvolvedorgansispossible.

Thewordovercome in thepassage is closest inmeaning to disguiseconquer treat accentuate4.SunRawasanimportantAfrican-Americanjazzpianistandbandleaderofthe1930s.Havingaflareforbeingcreative,hedressedhisbandinpurpleblazers,whitegloves,andpropellerbeanies.The band developed into The Arkestra, and over time the costumes andshowmanshipgrewevermoreoutlandish.Themusicianship,however,wasuniformly excellent, and Sun Ra developed into a serious experimenter,fusingjazzwithAfricanmusic,dance,andacrobatics.

Thewordoutlandishinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto prosperousbizarre relaxing melodical 5. Modern descriptions of written

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languagesareinmostcasesexcellent,buttheystillomitanexplicitaccountofanativespeaker’scompetence inhis language,byvirtueofwhichonecallshimaspeakerofEnglish,Japanese,Arabic,orChinese.Recentstudiesof languagehave revealedhowmore research is needed in order to fullydescribelinguisticcompetence.

The word omit in the passage is closest in meaning to portraycontribute neglect relate 6. All team sports require reactive andproactiveplayers.Insoccer,forexample,fullbacks,stoppers,sweepers,andmidfieldershave the jobofpreventing theopposingteamfromadvancingvery far. Goalies are responsible for stopping the ball and keeping theiropponentsfromscoring.Bycomparison,thecenterforwardhastotaketheinitiative,seizetheball,moveitdownthefield,keepitgoing,andmoveitforwardintotheenemyendzone.

In stating that the center forward has to take the initiative, the authormeans that thecenter forward’s responsibility is to play in anoffensiveway.



Theworddisguiseinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto elusivenessconfidant omission concealment 8. The length, content, and form offolktales vary enormously. Both a short joke and an adventure-filledromance requiring several hours to narrate can be characterized asfolktales.Folktalesmaybesetinamythicalpast,inhistorictimes,orinthepresent. Storytelling is a basic human need. Therefore folktales, even intechnologicalcultures,remainstrong.

Thewordnarrateinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto relate dictateelaborate mention 9. Jan Swammerdam was a biologist who studied

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relatively few organisms, but in great detail. He employed highlyinnovativetechniquessuchasinjectingwaxintothecirculatorysystemtoholdthebloodvesselsfirm.Healsodissectedfragilestructuresunderwatertoavoiddestroyingthem.

Thewordinnovative inthepassageisclosestinmeaningto intricateabsurd conspicuous inventive 10. Contracts between employees andemployersstatethattheworkerwilldowhattheemployerasks.Inreturn,theemployerpaystheworkerafee,whichtheworkercanusetopurchasegoods and servicesmade by otherworkerswho have also entered into avoluntary relationship with another employer. A cooperative spirit and adesire for mutual benefit accentuate healthy employer-employeerelationships.

Thewordaccentuate in the passage is closest inmeaning to steadyinfluence emphasize substantial

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declinen. declinev. tomovefromgoodtobad,orfrommuchtolittle;torefusesyn. decrease


gathern. gatheringv. tocollectsyn. collect


motionv. motion*n. thestateofchangingone’sposition

*todirectbymovingsyn. movement


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outburstn. asuddenandintensereleaseofsomethingsyn. eruption


partisanadj. stronglysupportingagrouporpointofviewsyn. biased


patternadj. patternedv. patternn. aregular,repeatedarrangementoractionsyn. habit


phenomenaadv. phenomenallyadj. phenomenaln. phenomenonn. naturaleventsorfacts;strangeornotablehappeningssyn. events


philanthropicn. philanthropistn. philanthropy

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adj. afeelingofloveforpeople,usuallyresultinginfinancialaidtoworthycauses

syn. humanitarian


placidadv. placidlyadj. quiet;noteasilyupsetsyn. calm


plentifuladv. plentifullyn. plentyadj. morethansufficientsyn. abundant


reactionadv. reactivelyadj. reactivev. reactadj. reactionaryn. areply;achangethatoccurswhensubstancesaremixedsyn. response

Whenchlorine andammonia aremixed, the chemical reactioncauseschlorinegas.Theyreactedtothereportbymakingsomeswiftchangesinmanagement.

rhythmadv. rhythmicallyadj. rhythmic

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n. aregularpattern,usuallyinmusicsyn. pulse


scenicadv. scenicallyn. sceneryn. sceneadj. concerningpleasantnaturalsurroundingssyn. picturesque


shallowadv. shallowlyn. shallownessadj. notfarfromtoptobottomsyn. superficial


shelteredv. sheltern. shelteradj. protectedfromharmfulelements;isolatedfromrealitysyn. protected


vanishingv. vanishadj. goingoutofsightsyn. disappearing

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Thewordplentiful in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to vanishingabundant fascinating declining 2. The bee family Apidae, whichincludes honeybees, no longer uses honeypots that could be damaged byexposure to theelements. Instead,honeyandpollenare stored inverticalcombs with a layer of cells on each surface. Of the four species ofhoneybees in this family, only three are found inAsia. Their nests haveseveralcombsandareshelteredincrevicesofrocksorhollowsoftrees.

Thewordshelteredinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto recoveredabundant discovered protected3.AndrewCarnegieestablishedseveralindependent, philanthropic foundations. Among them are funds for therecognition of heroic acts. These include the Carnegie United KingdomTrust,theEndowmentforInternationalPeace,andtheCarnegieFoundationfor the Advancement of Teaching, which was established in 1905 toprovidepensionsforcollegeteachers.

Thewordphilanthropicinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto partisanservice humanitarian financial 4. The world of magic comprises a

widerangeofphenomena,fromtheintricateritualbeliefsandpracticesofreligious systems, to acts of conjuring and sleight of hand forentertainment. Magic is a social and cultural phenomenon found in allplacesandinallperiodsofhistory,withvaryingdegreesofimportance.

Thewordphenomenainthepassageisclosestinmeaningto motionspatterns expectations occurrences 5. A person’s need for food isdeterminedbyageandbyaverageheightsandweights.Individualactivitylevelsarealsousedtodeterminethelevelofidealcalorieconsumption.For

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example, a decrease in recommended daily calorie consumption withincreasing age is consistentwith the known reduction inmetabolism thatoccurswithagingandwithanormaldecreaseinphysicalactivity.

The word decrease in the passage is closest in meaning to declinebalance resistance development6.Liquidsvary in theamountof acidthey contain. For example, water contains relatively little acid, whilevinegarcontainsalargequantity.Acidiccontentisdeterminedbydippinglitmuspaperintoaliquid.Thispaperissaturatedwithacolorantobtainedfromplantscalledlichens.Thecolorantreacts to thepresenceofacidbyturning different shades of red—the brightness of the shade can bemeasuredonascalecalledapHscale.

Instatingthatthecolorantreactstothepresenceofacidintheliquid,theauthormeansthatit combineschemicallywiththeacid.



The word placid in the passage is closest in meaning to steadyprotected calm


Thewordreactions inthepassageisclosestinmeaningto responsesnarrations influences harvests9.Muchoftheworld’suniqueheritageis

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endangeredbypollution,theadvanceofhumansettlements,conflictsovertheuseoflandandresources,andotherproblems.Thus,manycountriesaresetting aside scenic natural areas as rapidly as possible. The tendency ofmanygovernmentshasbeentoestablishasmanyparksaspossiblebeforenaturalenvironmentsarealteredbyhumanactivities.

The word scenic in the passage is closest in meaning to cultivatedtraditional delightful picturesque10.A“mustcarry”ruleisdesignedtoensure that local TV stations do not vanish from cable TV offerings. Itrequirescablesystemstocarryalllocalbroadcastchannelswithinacertainareaoftheirtransmitters.Thelawwasstruckdownin1985,althoughmanyaspectsofthatcasearestillbeingargued.

Thewordvanishinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto graduate pass

disappear elude

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accountadj. accountablev. accountn. accountingn. accountantn. areportofanevent;moneykeptinabank;astatementof

somethingusedorreceived,usuallyafinancialreportsyn. story


archaicadj. veryold;old-fashioned;nolongerusedsyn. ancient


bringaboutph.v. tocausesomethingtohappensyn. generate

The invention of the cell phone brought about an end to the popularity of

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traditionaltelephones.The newly elected president of the club promised to bring about positivechanges.

enlightenn. enlightenmentadj. enlightenedv. togiveinformationorunderstandingtosomeonesyn. instruct


hastenadj. hastilyadj. hastyn. hastinessv. tocausetogofaster;moveforwardmorequicklysyn. accelerate

After notifying thedriver’s familyof the accident, theofficerhastened to addthattheirsonhadnotbeenhurt.Youshouldnotmakeimportantdecisionshastily.

huen. colorsyn. color


inactiven. inactionn. inactivityadj. notmoving;notinvolvedsyn. idle


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intricateadv. intricatelyn. intricacyadj. havingmanyparts;finelydetailedsyn. complex


magnitudeadv. magnificentlyadj. magnificentv. magnify*n. magnification*n. ofgreatsizeorimportance

*toincreasesyn. dimension

Themagnitude of shock waves determines the damage that occurs during anearthquake.Theinventionofthetelephonewasamagnificentachievementformankind.

obligeadv. obliginglyadj. obligingadj. obligatoryn. obligationv. tohavetodosomethingsyn. require


overlookadj. overlookedv. toignoreorneglectsyn. disregard


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polln. pollingn. pollstern. questionnaire;avoteofpublicopinionsyn. survey

Thepoll indicated that conservation of the environment was the number oneissuewithcollegestudents.Thepollsteraskedthequestionsinanonpartisanmanner.

practicaladv. practicallyadj. practicablen. practicalityadj. convenientoreffectivesyn. functional


predominantadv. predominantlyn. predominaten. predominanceadj. themostnoticeableorpowerfulelementsyn. principal


promptadv. promptlyn. promptnessv. tocausesomethingtohappen;doquickly;beontimesyn. induce


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provoken. provocationadj. provocativev. tocauseorproducenegativebehaviororresultsyn. trigger


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Thewordpredominantinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto principalinactive archaic overlooked 2. The experience of the American

frontier fostered raucous politics and rude manners. Conventions weredisregardedandcontemptforintellectualandculturalpursuitsflourished.Brazen waste and the exploitation of natural resources abounded. Thepredominantspiritwastotakewhilethetakingwasgood.Frontierhistoryincludesmany accounts ofmenwho created empires and acquired greatwealthwithinashorttime.

Theworddisregardedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto hasteneddefied overlooked induced 3. For religious reasons, the EgyptiansconsideredCanisMajorthemostimportantconstellationinthesky.ManyEgyptiantempleswerealignedsothatattherisingorsettingofSirius,thestarlight reached the interior altar. In the Egyptian calendar, the firstpracticalcalendarcreated,theadventofSiriusinthemorningskybeforesunrisemarkedthebeginningoftheannualfloodingoftheNile.

Thewordpracticalinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto functionalaccurate standard celestial 4. Airplanes have extensive agriculturalvalue. They are used to distribute fertilizer, to reseed forest land, and tocontrol forest fires.Many ricegrowersuseplanes to seed, fertilize, spraypesticides, and even tohasten crop ripening by spraying hormones fromtheair.

The word hasten in the passage is closest in meaning to heightenenable curtail accelerate 5. The CD is an improvement over theconventionalrecordandtaperecordingbecauseofitscompleteabsenceof

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backgroundnoiseandwiderdynamicrange.TheCDisalsomoredurablesincenothingmechanicaltouchesthesurfaceofthediscwhenitisplayed.In addition to its audio recording applications, recent computer trademagazinepolls confirm that thecompactdisc is thepreferredmediumofrecordingdata.

Thewordpollsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto surveys accountsarticles advertisements6.Scientistsarestillseekingtoaccountforthe

suddenappearanceofpreciselypatternedcirclesingrainfieldsinthenorthofEngland.Knownascropcircles, theyrange insize fromtwo toeightymetersindiameter.Theircirculargeometricpatternisnotexplainedbytheway the grain was planted; nor is their flattened appearance easilyexplained by weather conditions. The farmers whowork the land are asmystifiedaseveryoneelsebythesestrangephenomena.

Instatingthatscientistsareseekingtoaccountforcropcircles,theauthormeansthattheyaretryingto measuretheminmeters.



The word induces in the passage is closest in meaning to obligesprompts evolves creates 8. Some leaders of theHan period in Chinaexerted enormous pressure for the simplification and standardization ofwriting.Theresultwasanewcategoryofscriptcalledclericalscript.Thearchaicsealscriptwasoftenretainedforformaltitles.ItwasalsoadaptedtothesmallsealsthathavebeenusedassignaturesfromtheHanperiodtothe present. These small red stamps, often present on documents, letters,books,andpaintings,signifyeitherauthorshiporownership.

Thewordarchaic in thepassage is closest inmeaning to antiquateddurable ancient persistent 9. There are six general classes of map

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symbols:size, lightnessanddarkness,direction, texture,shape,andcolor.Themixtureofthese“visualvariables”createsthevarietythatisfoundonmaps. For example, hue is used on urban planning maps to showdifferences in land use. Different shades may be used to indicateinformationsuchaschangesinelevationorpopulationdensity.

Thewordhueinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto color dim

facet element10.Sleepisanintricateformoftherestingstate.Itisobservedinanimalsthathavehighlydevelopednervoussystems.Whentheysleep,theirnervoussystemsshiftintoinactivemodesthataredifferent,butnolessactivethanthosethattheydemonstratewhileawake.

Thewordinactiveinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto astute deep

dormant idle

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analogousn. analogyadj. alikeinsomewaysyn. similarto

Theactionoflightwavesisanalogoustotheactionofsoundwaves.Theanalogybetween thebehaviorof thebacteria in the laband in thehumanbodyisnotclear.

approximatelyadj. approximatev. approximaten. approximationadv. almostcorrect;notexactsyn. around


compeladv. compellinglyadj. compellingv. tomakesomethinghappenbynecessityorforce

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syn. obliged

The representativeswere compelled to vote in favor of the legislation despitetheirpersonaloppositiontoit.Thelawyer’spleawasmadeinacompellingmanner.

compilen. compilationv. tocollectsyn. assemble


formidableadv. formidablyadj. difficult;causingworryorfearsyn. overwhelming


intrusiveadv. intrusivelyv. intruden. intrusionn. intruderadj. thestateofbeinginsidewhennotdesiredtobethereby

otherssyn. annoying


periodicadj. periodicaladv. periodicallyadj. occurringatspecific,determinedperiodsoftime

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syn. regularly


proneadj. likelytodosomethingsyn. inclinedto


propheticadv. propheticallyv. prophesyn. prophecyn. prophetadj. correctlytellingaboutfutureeventssyn. predictive

Hispropheticpowerswereinvestigatedbyateamofpsychologists.The brilliant student fulfilled his teacher’s prophecy that he would be asuccessfuldoctor.

proportionsadv. proportionallyadj. proportionaladj. proportionateadv. proportionatelyn. therelationshipofsizeorimportancewhencomparedto

anotherobjectorpersonsyn. dimensions

The goal of establishing a space station will take a team effort of majorproportions.Thepilot’ssalaryisproportionaltothatofpilotsofotherairlines.

readilyadj. ready

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v. readyn. readinessadv. willingly;easilysyn. freely


reliablyadj. reliableadj. reliantv. relyn. reliabilityn. relianceadv. inatrustedwaysyn. dependably


reluctantlyadj. reluctantn. reluctanceadj. unwillinglysyn. hesitatingly

Although not completely satisfied with the contract, the officials reluctantlyagreedtosignit.Theelectricianwasreluctanttoestimatethecostoftherepairwork.

renownadj. renownedn. famesyn. prominence



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n. revivaladj. revivedv. torestoretolifeorbringbackintomemorysyn. renew

Thestudentsrevivedtheoldtraditionofhavingahomecomingdance.Old plays are sometimes revived by applying modern interpretations to theircontent.

triumphadv. triumphantlyadj. triumphantadj. triumphalv. triumphn. avictory;asuccesssyn. achievement


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Thewordreliablyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto periodicallydependably approximately ordinarily2.Lightshipsandbuoyshaveanimportant function in coastal waters. They mark channels and therebysafely guide passing ships around hazards or shallowwaters. Their greatadvantageismobility,makingthemreadilyredeployabletomeetchangingconditions.Forexample,submergedhazardssuchassandbarscanchangelocationrapidlyundertheinfluenceofthesea.Theuseofbuoysmakesitpossibletoefficientlymarksafechannelsatalltimes.

Thewordreadilyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto freely

reluctantly repeatedly occasionally3.TheconstructionoftheSaintLawrenceSeawaywasanundertakingofgreatproportions.ConstructingalinkbetweentheGreatLakesandtheAtlanticseaboardhadbeenproposedsince1535.Locksbuiltinthe1800sbyCanadabecameoperationalin1901ontheupperSaintLawrenceRiver.Butthisoriginalseawaywasnotdeeporwideenoughformodernships.CanadaandtheUnitedStatesconstructedthenewseaway,whichbecameoperationalin1959.

Thewordproportionsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto triumphsrenown

dimensions strength4.InEuropeanfolklore,mermaidsaremythicalbeingswho,likesprites,havemagicalandpropheticpowers.Theylovemusicandsong.Though

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Thewordpropheticinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto formidableintrusive predictive renowned5. InWesterncultures, theabsenceofaformaldefinitionofresponsibilitieshasproducedanambiguousandoftenconflictingsetofexpectationsforyoungpeople.At thesametime,youngpeoplearepronetoexperienceproblemsofpeerpressure.Theyaretoldtobehavematurely,whilebeingdeniedaccesstotherightsandprivilegesofadults.

The word prone in the passage is closest in meaning to obligedpositioned cautioned inclined 6. Among the great orchestras of theworld,thePhiladelphiaOrchestrastandsoutforseveralreasons.Oneistheoverallqualityofitsmusicians,althoughitisespeciallyrenownedfor itsviolinplayers.Anotheristheorchestra’sfamousrecordingsofnineteenth-centurymusic,includingtheninesymphoniesofLudwigvonBeethoven.Athird is the orchestra’s many international concert tours. For example, itwasthefirstU.S.orchestratovisitChina.

In saying that this orchestra is especiallyrenownedfor its violinists, theauthormeansthatit hasanunusualviolinsection.



Thewordanalogous inthepassageisclosestinmeaningto apparentconstant speculative similar 8. Most physicians participate incontinuing education to keep upwith themassive amount of informationbeing discovered each year in their fields. Many states require that

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physicians periodically prove that they have actively participated incontinuing medical education in order to maintain their certification topracticemedicine.

Thewordperiodicallyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto nominallypartially persistently regularly9. Peace pipes are the large, ornately

decorated tobacco pipes of the Indians of eastern North America. Theyfunctionedassymbolsoftruceandwereceremoniallysmokedforpurposesof binding or renewing alliances. Peace pipes attained somuch symbolicimportancethatitwasthoughtthatsmokingthepipewithotherscompelledeveryonepresenttobeunitedinfriendship.

Thewordcompelled in thepassage is closest inmeaning to obligedsheltered shifted dependable10.TheSpanishconquerorsattempted toreplace Aztec medicine with their own. When Aztec medical personnelresistedtheywerekilledandSpanishmedicineintrudedintoAztecculture.However, some elements of Spanish medicine were compatible with thefolkmedicalpracticesandbecamepartofanewfolksystem.Mexicanfolkmedicinethrived,yetthereweremanyregionaldifferences.

Theword intruded in the passage is closest in meaning to enactedimported emphasized imposed

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affordableadv. affordablyv. affordadj. abletobedone,usuallyreferringtosomethingyoucando

withoutdamageorlosssyn. economical


contaminatedv. contaminaten. contaminationadj. tomakesomethingimpurebyaddingsomethingdirtyora

poisonoussubstancesyn. pollute


discernibleadv. discerniblyv. discern

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n. discernmentadj. noticeable;easilyseensyn. detectable


flourishingv. flourishadj. activeandgrowing;healthysyn. thriving

Small flourishing companieswouldbeharmedbyan increase in theminimumwage.Ayoungmindwillflourishwiththeproperguidance.

maintainn. maintenancev. tosupport;tokeepingoodconditionsyn. preserve


mediocren. mediocrityadj. ofaveragequality;notgoodorbadsyn. average


negligibleadv. negligiblyadj. neglectedadj. neglectfuladj. negligentn. neglectn. negligence

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v. neglectadj. hardlynoticeable;scarcelydetectablev. toignore;togivelittleattentionsyn. insignificant


parallelv. paralleladj. beingalmostofthesametypeortime;comparablesyn. similar


peculiaradv. peculiarlyn. peculiarityadj. unusual;uncommonsyn. strange


potentadj. verystrongsyn. powerful


remarkableadv. remarkablyadj. worthyofmention;uncommonsyn. exceptional


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scatteredv. scatteradj. spreadoutorseparatedwidelysyn. dispersed


solidadv. solidlyv. solidifyn. solidificationadj. havinggoodquality;beingwellmade,firm;notagasor

liquidsyn. steady


somewhatadj. alittlesyn. slight


stemfromph.v. toemergeordevelopfromsomethingsyn. originate


tediousadv. tediouslyn. tediumadj. longandtiringsyn. monotonous

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Thewordsomewhat in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to potentlyuniquely slightly peculiarly 2. The countries of Scandinavia wereinfluenced by the spirit of improvement prevalent throughout Europeduring the eighteenth century, but showed less advanced agriculture thanothers. Danish farmers were somewhat slowed in using new methodsbecauseofpolitical restrictions. Itwasnotuntil theendof thenineteenthcenturythatsolidadvancesinfarmingtechniquesoccurred.

The word solid in the passage is closest in meaning to sluggishnegligible mediocre substantial3.Tourists throng toBaltimore’s InnerHarboryear-round.TheInnerHarborwasbuiltinanareathatwasonceacontaminated industrial port. This area underwent rapid development inthe1980s. It isnowawatersidearrayofhigh-fashion stores,newhotels,outdoorperformances,movingboats,dockedships,and locales foreatinganddrinking.

Thewordcontaminatedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto desertedpolluted dangerous flourishing 4. The Northwest Territories are

Canada’smostsparselysettledarea.Mostsettlementsconsistofonlyafewhundred people. About two-thirds of Canada’s Inuit Eskimos live there,scattered throughout the Arctic sector.Most Europeans who live in thisterritoryliveintheMackenzieValley.

Thewordscatteredinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto maintainedsheltered organized distributed5.Plasticsareavastgroupofsyntheticmaterialswhosestructuresarebasedonthechemistryofcarbon.Theyarealso called polymers because they aremade of extremely long chains of

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carbon atoms. An important characteristic of plastics is that they can bereadily molded into finished products by the application of heat. As afinished product, one of its well-known properties includes remarkableresistancetoheat.

Thewordremarkableinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto periodicproportional exceptional practical 6. Extensive water storage ispeculiar to a classof animals called ruminants.Theclass includes sheepandcattle,buttheclassmemberbestknownforstoringwateristhecamel.There are two types of camel, the single-humped dromedary and thedouble-humped Bactrian camel found in the dry steppes of central Asia.Theabilityoftheseanimalstostorewatermakesthemtheidealbeastsofburdenonlongtreksacrossthedesert.

Insayingthatextensivewaterstorageispeculiartoruminants,theauthormeansthat onlytheseanimalshavethiscapacity.



The word discern in the passage is closest in meaning to maintainaccount determine classify8.The late1970sand1980swereyearsofdelirious skyscraper construction. This was found in the cities thatexperiencedeconomicprogress,suchasDallas,Houston,andAtlantainthesouthern United States, and also Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Singapore.Although New Yorkers, in particular, had reason to complain that thebuilding of mediocre skyscrapers was choking Manhattan, fewdistinguishedprofileswereaddedtotheskylinesofmoderncities.

Thewordmediocre in the passage is closest inmeaning to averagerenowned functional contemporary 9. The deserts of the world aredistributedinapairofparallelbeltslyingapproximately25degreesnorth

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andsouthoftheequator.Ofthese,theworld’slargestdesertisfoundintheNorthernHemisphere.TheSaharaandsmallerdeserts,formingmuchofthearid portion of the Middle East, are located in high-pressure regionsdirectlyinfluencedbyglobalcirculationoftheatmosphere.

Thewordparallelinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto proportionalnoticeable broad


Thewordpeculiar in the passage is closest inmeaning to arbitrarydistinctive mysterious intricate

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brieflyadj. briefn. brevityadv. short,usuallyintimesyn. concisely


circulateadj. circulatoryn. circulationv. tocausetomovealongafixedpath;movefreelysyn. distribute


consistentlyadj. consistentv. consistn. consistency

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adv. withoutchanging;keepingthesameprinciples,ideas,orquality

syn. dependably


exhibitn. exhibitn. exhibitionn. exhibitorv. toshowordemonstratesyn. display


foundn. foundation*n. founderv. toestablish;startup;*aphilanthropicorganizationsyn. establish


improperlyadj. impropern. improprietyadv. notfollowingestablishedrules;notdesirablesyn. inappropriately


impulsivelyadj. impulsiven. impulsen. impulsiveness

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adv. actingwithoutthinkingsyn. capriciously


infrequentlyadj. infrequentn. infrequencyadj. almostneversyn. rarely


isolatedv. isolaten. isolationadj. tokeepseparatedfromotherssyn. secluded


overtlyadj. overtadv. inawayclearlyseen;notdonesecretlysyn. openly


profoundlyadj. profoundn. profundityadv. inadeepway;showingdeepknowledgeofasubjectsyn. significantly


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sharplyadj. sharpv. sharpenn. sharpnessadv. showingsensitivityorquickthinking;showingaquick

changeindirectionsyn. quickly


situatedn. situation*v. situateadj. beingfoundinacertainplace

*acurrentconditionsyn. located

The resort town of Cancun is situated in the northern part of the Yucatanpeninsula.Theyfoundthemselvesinaverydifficultsituation.

subsequentlyadj. subsequentadv. following;comingaftersomethingsyn. afterward


unmistakableadj. unmistakablyadj. clearlyabletobedeterminedsyn. indisputable

Themarkings of the insect provided for anunmistakable identification of the

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upstandingn. upstandingnessadj. markedbyintegrity;good,honestsyn. moral

Theschoolonlyacceptsupstandingyoungadults.The neighborhood has been kept clean and beautiful thanks to its upstandingresidents.

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Thewordsituatedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto visited

exhibited isolated located


The word profoundly in the passage is closest in meaning tosubsequently significantly unmistakably consistently 3. When alanguageisdevisedasameansofcommunicationbetweenpersonshavingnolanguage incommon, it iscalleda linguafranca.This linguafranca isnative to none of those using it.A lingua francawith a sharply reducedgrammar and vocabulary is called a pidgin. When a whole speechcommunitygivesupitsformerlanguageorlanguagesandtakesapidginasitsnativetongue,thepidginbecomesacreole.

The word sharply in the passage is closest in meaning to severelyovertly

impulsively improperly4.Cedarwoodisalight,soft,resinous,anddurablewood,evenwhenitmakescontactwithsoilormoisture.Itisanimportanttimberusedinconstructioninregionswhereitisfound,butisinfrequentlyusedelsewhere.ManyvarietiesoftheAtlas

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Thewordinfrequentlyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto rarely

brieflyselectively continually5.In1876theJohnsHopkinsUniversitywasfoundedinBaltimoreasthefirstU.S.institutiontoincorporatetheGermanidealofuniversityeducation.Sincethattime,graduateeducationhasbecomeanimportantaspectofmanyinstitutions.Olderuniversities,suchasHarvardandYale,andnewerones,suchasStanfordandChicago,haveembracedtheaimsofadvancedlearningconductedinaspiritoffreedomandautonomy.

Thewordfoundedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto erected

distinguished criticized established6.Recentstudiesinpsychologyhaveexploredthereasonswhysomepurchasesaremadeonimpulsewhileothersaregivenasignificantamountofforethought.Onefindingisthatshoppersaremorelikelytoimpulsivelybuyclothesthangardentools.Itsuggeststhatbuyingonimpulseisstronglyrelatedtoshoppers’attitudesaboutthemselvesandtotheir“self-images.”Usefulobjectssuchasgardentoolsengageshopperslesspersonallythanitemsthatenhancetheirappearance.

In discussing purchases made on impulse, the author is referring topurchasesthatshoppersmake afterweighingalltheplusesandminuses.



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Thewordimpulsiveinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto abundantbaffling capricious philanthropic8.BecauseofNewZealand’slocation,there was no higher animal life in the country when the Maori arrived.Thereweretwospeciesoflizard:thegecko,andthetuatara,areptilethatwasextincteverywhereelsefor100,000,000years.Therewerealsoafewprimitive species of frogs and two species of bats. These are all livingtoday,butareconfinedtooutlyingislandsandisolatedpartsofthecountry.

Theword isolated in the passage is closest in meaning to secludednegligible protected unlikely9.TheAmericanpainterFrankDuveneckwasanimportantinfluenceonotherAmericanartistsofhisgeneration.In1870,hewent toMunichtostudyat theRoyalAcademy,wherehehadabriefacquaintancewithWilliamMerrittChase.Duveneckwasanadmirerof the realismofGustaveCourbet,buthisMunichworkalso showshowwellhehadassimilatedthemasterfulbrushworkandtheskillincapturingexpressionsoftheDutchportraitistFransHals.

Thewordbriefinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto thriving fleetingsuperficial fertile


The word exhibits in the passage is closest in meaning to clarifiesexamines displays answers

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chaoticn. chaosadj. beingincompletedisorderandconfusionsyn. disorganized


controversialadv. controversiallyn. controversyadj. causingdisagreementorargumentsyn. divisive


exemplifyadj. exemplaryv. togiveanexamplesyn. symbolize

The recent downturn in the housing industry exemplifies the poor economic

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conditions.Herexemplaryacademicachievement is representativeofmoststudentsat thisinstitution.

factorinph.v. toaccountforsomethingwhilemakingadecisionoranalysissyn. consider

Thefamilyhadtofactorinthepriceofgasolineastheyplannedtheirroadtrip.The architect did not factor in the required distance from the sidewalk in hisdesign.

gratifyingadv. gratefullyadj. gratefulv. gratifyn. gratificationn. gratefulnessadj. givingpleasureorafeelingofaccomplishment;showing

thankssyn. satisfying


interpretn. interpretern. interpretationn. interpretingv. tounderstandthemeaningofsomethingsyn. clarify


launchn. launchn. launching

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v. tocausesomethingtobeginsyn. initiate

Thecompanylaunchedanewprogramtoattractmoreclients.Thelaunchingof thefirstSovietSputnikcreatedconcernamong theAmericanpublic.

legitimateadv. legitimatelyn. legitimacyadj. reasonable;lawfulsyn. authentic


lethargyadj. lethargicadv. lethargicallyn. alackofenergyorcommitment;lazy;indifferentsyn. sluggishness


particularadv. particularly*adj. acertainwayorthing;unusual;hardtoplease;

*especiallysyn. specific


radiantadv. radiantlyn. radiancen. radiationn. radiator

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adj. sendingoutinalldirections,especiallyheatorlightsyn. bright


ridgen. thetopofamountainrange;araisedpartofanysurfacesyn. crest


spann. spanv. thelengthoftimeordistancefromonelimittotheother;to

crosssyn. cover


spontaneousadv. spontaneouslyn. spontaneityadj. unplanned;uncontrolledsyn. instinctive


streamv. streamn. anaturalflowofsomething;apouringoutsyn. river



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adv. strikinglyadj. drawingspecialattentiontosyn. remarkable


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Thewordstreamsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto flows piecesfiles particles2.Astrikingexampleofasuccessfulmultiethniccountry

is Switzerland,where French,German, and Italian speakers fromdiversereligiousgroupsliveandworkinharmonyandprosperity.Ethnicdiversityin Switzerland appears to have stimulated rather than divided the Swisspopulation.StudiesofconditionsinSwitzerlanddemonstratethatharmonycancoexistwithdiversitywhencertaincharacteristicsareshared.

Thewordstrikinginthepassageisclosestinmeaningto spontaneouscharacteristic legitimate remarkable 3. In one of the most influentialbooks on education ever written, Émile Rousseau argued that societyshould protect children from the corrupt nature of civilization andcautiously nurture their natural, spontaneous impulses, which, inRousseau’smind,were always healthy.He furthermaintained that itwasimportant to avoid premature intellectualization of emotion so that thechild’sintellectcoulddevelopwithoutdistortion.

Thewordspontaneousinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto chaoticgratifying instinctive uninterrupted 4. The water available to fulfill aparticularneedisknownasthewatersupply.Whentheneedisdomestic,industrial, or agricultural, thewatermust fulfill bothquality andquantityrequirements. Water supplies can be acquired by several types of waterresourcesprojects,suchasdams,reservoirs,orwells.

Thewordparticular in the passage is closest inmeaning to criticalcommon gratifying specific5.JosephHaydnwasundoubtedlythemostprolificofallsymphonywriters;hisworksspannedwhathasbeencalled

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theClassicalEra.Heismostcelebratedfortakingtheestablishedformsofthe symphony and shaping them into the forceful media for musicalexpressionthroughinventionandexperimentation.Thesewererecognizedasinnovationsbycomposerswhofollowed.

Thewordspannedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto exemplifiedcovered launched interpreted6.Writingmorethan2,500yearsago,theGreekhistorianHerodotusclaimedthatittook100,000people20yearstobuild Khufu, one of the largest pyramids in Egypt. However, HerodotusvisitedEgyptalmost2,700yearsafterKhufuwasbuilt,andhistoricalfactsarealwaysopentointerpretationanyway.ModernEgyptologistsestimatethatittookasfewas5,000mentoquarrythestone,haulittothesite,andassemblethepyramid.

Instatingthathistoricalfactsarealwaysopentointerpretation,theauthormeansthatthey arechangedwiththepassageoftime.



Thewordlegitimateinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto normalizeauthentic robust secure 8. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, thetruckingindustrywasquitechaotic.Itwasdominatedbylargenumbersofitinerantowner-operators.Theindustrywasconsideredtobeunstableandin need of regulation. The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933brought together two organized groups of trucking officials to developstandards of fair competition. This action led to the formation of theAmericanTruckingAssociations.

Thewordchaoticinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto disorganizedinordinate formidable imposing9.Singaporeistheonlynationoutside

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of mainland China and Taiwan where the majority of the population isethnicChinese.ItscultureexemplifiesthisChineseheritage,coupledwithvarious diverse cultural influences. Its British colonial architecture andChinese,Hindu,andMuslimshrinesreflecttheculturaldiversityfoundinthisinternationalsetting.

Thewordexemplifiesinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto symbolizesradiates shelters cultivates 10. The field of opera once belonged

exclusively to the Europeans. Successful American opera seemed to beconfinedtoGershwin’sPorgyandBessandotherobscureoperaticworks.Morerecentlytheoperaworldhaswitnessedgrowthinsuccessfuloperaticworks byAmericans. In addition, new opera companies and small operagroups have been established. These developments are particularlygratifyingtothosewhofavorbringingamoreAmericanflavortotheoperastage.

Thewordgratifyinginthepassageisclosestinmeaningto propheticremarkable bizarre satisfying

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aptlyadj. aptn. aptnessadv. havingatendencytodosomething;likelysyn. appropriately


demonstrationadv. demonstrablyv. demonstrateadj. demonstrative*adj. demonstrablen. ashoworexhibit

*overtlyshowingemotionsyn. display


ingredientsn. thingscombinedtomakesomething;thecontentsof

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somethingsyn. elements

Theingredientsoftheproductarekeptsecret.Goodstyle,punctuation, andgrammarare the important ingredients of a goodessay.

involuntarilyadj. involuntaryadv. inanunthinkingmanner;notchosensyn. automatically


marveladv. marvelouslyadj. marvelousn. somethingthatsurprisesorimpressessyn. wonder


moderateadv. moderatelyv. moderate*n. moderationadj. nottoomuch,nottoolittle;*toreducesyn. medium


motivaten. motivationadj. motivatedv. toprovideareasonorpurposefordoingsomethingsyn. encourage

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oddadv. oddlyn. oddityadj. unusualsyn. strange


profusen. profusenessadv. profuselyadj. tobeverygenerous,ofteninexcesssyn. abundant


reflectionadj. reflectedv. reflectn. apictureorelementthrownbacksyn. image

Hisbrightsmilewasareflectionofhissatisfaction.Inorderforus toperceivesomethingvisually, lightmustbereflected fromtheobject’ssurface.

succinctadv. succinctlyadj. shortandtothepointsyn. concise


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supposedlyadj. supposedv. supposen. suppositionadv. accordingtoreportsorhearsay;widelybelievedoracceptedsyn. presumably


sustainedv. sustainadj. sustenanceadj. continuinginaconstantway;remainingstrongsyn. consistent


symbolsadv. symbolicallyadj. symbolicv. symbolizen. signsorobjectsthatrepresentsomethingorsomebodysyn. marks

The strange symbols found in Egyptian tombs have intrigued historians forcenturies.Thispaintingsymbolizestheuniversalthemesofhumanity.

synthesisadv. synthetically*adj. synthetic*v. synthesizen. themixingofseparatethingstoformawhole;

*notmadebynaturesyn. combination


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tangibleadv. tangiblyn. tangibilityadj. real;thatwhichcanbefeltsyn. concrete

The work of a teacher seldom produces tangible results until years after astudenthasgraduated.Thesolutiontothisproblemcanbetangiblydemonstrated.

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Thewordautomaticinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto temporaryincessant involuntary impartial2.IntheWesternworld,contemplationon art began with the philosophers of ancient Greece. Plato discussedproportion as the sourceof beauty, and imitation as theprimarymodeofart.Aristotle identifieddifferentkindsof imitation,andXenocrateswrotetechnical dissertations on painting and sculpture that examined the idealsynthesis of proportion and imitation in terms of the lives of classicalGreekartists.

The word synthesis in the passage is closest in meaning to imagesymbolism display combination 3.Anthropologistswho study humancommunicationtendtofocusonitscentralroleinthesurvivalofasociety.Communicationservestopreserveandtransmittheundefinedaspectsofaculture.Societycommunicatesculture throughsignificantsymbols.Theseare embodied in language and represent the concepts of honor, bravery,love,cooperation,andhonesty.

Thewordsymbolsinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto marvels signspatterns exaggerations 4. Based on the inscriptions called codices,

linguistsbelievethattheMayaspokealanguagecloselyrelatedtomodernNativeAmerican groups.During the classical period, theMaya also hadsustained contact with warriors and traders from Teotihuacan in centralMexico,thelargestandmostpowerfulstateoftheera.Thereisnoproofofa conquest, but the Maya embraced some foreign deities, symbols, andstylesofclothingofothergroups.

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Theword sustained in the passage is closest inmeaning to tangibleconsistent moderate measurable 5. The Oregon Trail followed theSweetwater River westward from the vicinity of Casper to South Pass.IndependenceRock,agranitemonolithonthenorthbankoftherivernearareservoir, was a significant trail landmark. The river was supposedlynamedbyGeneralWilliamAshleyin1823becauseitswatertastedsweettohistrappers.

Thewordsupposedlyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto presumablyoddly aptly predictably6.At46,000gross tons, theTitanicwas the

largestfloatingobjecteverbuilt.Itwas853feetlong,93feetwide,and61feethigh.Asmanypeoplesaid,itwasaptlynamedtheTitanic—inancientGreek mythology, the Titans ruled the universe until Zeus defeated andreplaced them. The mighty Titanic was also overthrown: while carryingover 2,200 passengers, it crashed into an iceberg off Newfoundland andsankonApril14,1912.

In stating that theTitanicwasaptly named, the authormeans that theship’scaptainwascriminallynegligent.



Thewordoddinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto strange ampleintriguing elusive8.A living cell is amarvel of detailed and complexstructure.When examinedwith amicroscope, it gives the appearance ofalmost chaotic activity.Onadeeper level, it isknown thatmolecules arebeing synthesized at a tremendous rate. Almost any enzyme causes thesynthesis ofmore than100othermolecules per second. In 10minutes, alargepercentageofthetotalmassofametabolizingbacterialcellhasbeen

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Thewordmarvel in the passage is closest in meaning to inventionwonder magnification swiftness 9. In the 1790s, a variety ofagriculturalmachinerywasdeveloped.At that time,anefficientseeddrillhad been designed but still required demonstrations in the 1830s toconvincefarmersofitsvalue.Afewthreshingmachineswereinusebefore1800, andgradually increased inpopularity.However, in the1830s, farmlaborersinEnglandrebelledbecausethemachinesdeprivedthemofwinteremployment.

The word demonstrations in the passage is closest in meaning toillustrations circulations displays preconceptions 10. The oxygensupply in the Earth’s atmosphere is a result of photosynthesis by greenplants. Plants require all the essential ingredients of photosynthesis tobuild the vital compounds and structures.Water is required, because cellenlargementisaresultofinternalwaterpressureextendingthewalls.Thisexplainswhyinperiodsofdrought,plantstendtohavesmallerleaves.

The word ingredients in the passage is closest in meaning tocharacteristics parts basics elements

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aggravatingn. aggravationv. aggravateadj. makingworse;annoyingsyn. irritating


amusementadv. amusinglyadj. amusingv. amusen. somethingthatholdsinterestandisenjoyablesyn. diversion


conceivablyadj. conceivablev. conceiveadv. feasibly;believably

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syn. possibly


convertadj. convertiblen. conversionv. tochangefromoneformorstatetoanothersyn. alter


curativen. cureadj. beingabletorestoretogoodconditionsyn. healing


debilitatingn. debilityv. debilitateadj. weakeningsyn. weakening


depleteadj. depletedn. depletionv. touseup;reducegreatlysyn. consume


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finiteadj. ofacertainamount;havinganend;notinfinitesyn. limited


perceiveadv. perceptiblyadj. perceivableadj. perceptiveadv. perceptivelyn. perceptionv. tosense;becomeawareofsyn. observe


securityadv. securelyadj. securev. securen. thefeelingoffreedomfromdanger,doubt,orworrysyn. safety


takeonph.v. toacceptatask;todealwithsomethingsyn. undertake

Certain programs take on the task of protecting a computer from harmfulInternetviruses.Theathleteenjoystakingonnewfitnesschallenges.

toxicn. toxicity

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adj. harmful;capableofbeingfatalsyn. poisonous


tranquilityadv. tranquillyadj. tranquilv. tranquilizen. calm;quietnesssyn. peacefulness


trapadj. trappedn. trapv. tocatchandholdonto,usuallybytrickery;deceivedsyn. retain

Iwastrappedintopayingforthemeal.The trapped animals were released after being tagged by the wildlifeconservationists.

undeniablyadj. undeniableadv. clearlytruesyn. absolutely


underestimatedv. underestimateadj. guessedlowerthantheactualquantitysyn. miscalculated

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The word underestimates in the passage is closest in meaning tounderstands assesses highlights miscalculates 2. Margaret Mead, awell-known cultural anthropologist, was associated with the AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistoryinNewYorkCityfrom1926untilherdeath.Inthe 1980s, herwork, in particular her famous study of Samoa, became asubjectofcontroversy.Hercriticsallegedthatherbeliefinthepredominateinfluenceofcultureinshapingpersonalityledhertomisreadevidenceandovergeneralize.Herdefendersendorsedherundeniablykeenobservations.

Thewordundeniablyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto absolutelyinconsistently presumably unexpectedly 3. Ice, a nearly pure solid,

containsfewforeignionsinitsstructure.Itcontainsparticlesofmatterandgases,which are trapped in bubbles in the ice. A change inmakeup ofthesematerialsover time is recorded in thesuccessive layersof ice.ThishasbeenusedtointerpretthehistoryoftheenvironmentofEarth’ssurfaceandtheinfluenceofhumanactivitiesonthisenvironment.

Thewordtrappedinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto found

reflected retained converted4.WangWeiwasaChinesepoet,painter,andscholaroftheTangdynasty.Heleftbehindbothasignificantbodyoflyricalpoetryanddelicatelydepictedlandscapepaintings.ThesepaintingsreflectedaloveofnatureandaninnertranquilityderivedfromBuddhismandmeditation.HeistraditionallycreditedwithfoundingtheSouthernschoolofChineselandscapepainting.

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Thewordtranquilityinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto peacefulnessamusement fulfillment security5.Theproblemofoceanpollutionhas

beenacknowledgedatnationalandinternationallevels.TheU.S.Congresspassed an act in 1988 that phased in a complete prohibition of oceandumpingby1991.Also in 1988, 65nations agreed to stopburning toxicwasteatseaby1994.Thelegalityofthelattermeasureremainsdebatableandmaybeprovenunenforceable,mirroringtheexperienceofa1977lawthatattemptedthesameprohibition.

The word toxic in the passage is closest in meaning to inordinatedebilitating poisonous dispersed6.BeforeAlexanderFlemingmadehisgreatdiscovery,hehadbeenstudyinglosozyme,anenzymefoundintearsthat prevents infection. However, he wanted to find a substance withcurative powers, something that would keep bacteria from growing andmultiplyingaltogether.Byaccident,henoticedamoldgrowing inoneofhislaboratorydishesthathadthiseffect.Itturnedouttobepenicillin,oneofthemostwidelyusedantibioticstoday.

Instating thatFlemingwanted to findasubstancewithcurativepowers,theauthormeansthathewaslookingforamedicinethatwould regulateapatient’sexposuretogerms.



Thewordcurative in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to correctivefertile healing ample


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Theworddebilitatinginthepassageisclosestinmeaningto weakeningdisruptive tangible persistent 9. Fireworms are marine worms that

inhabit warm tropical waters. They produce an aggravating stingingsensation if touched.Oneparticular species,H.carunculata, found in thecoral reefs of the Caribbean Sea, has a body covered with fine, white,brittlebristlesthatembedthemselvesinhumanskiniftouched.

Thewordaggravatinginthepassageisclosestinmeaningto disruptiveannoying irritating formidable10.Scientistshavetriedtofindaway

tomakehurricaneslessdangerousbyanalyzingtheircomponentpartsandneutralizing them. A hurricane contains huge quantities of supercooledwaterandsilver iodide.Seedingthehurricanecouldconceivablyproducesome changes in storm behavior. Aircraft seeding experiments haveobtained some minor, short-lived changes resulting in decreased windspeedsforafewhours.

Thewordconceivablyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto presumablyconsistently possibly noticeably

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acknowledgen. acknowledgmentadj. acknowledgedv. toknow,remember,andaccepttheexistenceofsomethingsyn. recognize


acquireadj. acquisitiven. acquisitionv. togainorcometopossesssyn. obtain


assimilaten. assimilationv. tobecomeapartofsyn. incorporate

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assortmentadj. assortedn. avarietysyn. selection


calibern. thestandardof;thedegreeofgoodnesssyn. quality


condensedv. condenseadj. madesmaller;shortened;mergesyn. summarize


contradictoryv. contradictn. contradictionadj. notagreeingwiththefactsorpreviousstatementsmadeon

thesubject;declaredwrongsyn. inconsistent

It iscontradictory tosay thatyouknowFrenchafterstudying it foronly threemonths.Theexpertcontradictedhimselfduringhispresentation.

disregardn. disregard

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v. topaynoattentionsyn. ignore


preciousadj. havingmuchmonetaryorsentimentalvalue;beautifulsyn. cherished


prominentadv. prominentlyn. prominenceadj. famous;havingahighpositionsyn. renowned

Their talent for locating oil deposits made them prominent geologists in thecorporation.Hegainedprominencethroughhistelevisionappearances.

requisitev. requiren. requirementv. requisition*n. requisition*adj. neededforaspecificpurpose;*aformalrequestsyn. demanded


stableadv. stablyn. stabilityadj. experiencingfewornochanges;notmovingsyn. steady

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unraveln. unravelingv. toorganize;makeclearsyn. separate


vagueadv. vaguelyn. vaguenessadj. notclear;ambiguoussyn. unclear


vastadv. vastlyadj. verymuch;verylargesyn. huge


volumeadv. voluminously*adj. voluminous*n. theamountofsomethingcontainedinaspace;

*holdingalotsyn. quantity


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Thewordacknowledge in thepassage isclosest inmeaning to denyremember concede cherish 2. Traditionally, the South PacificMelanesianscompleted therequisite destruction of their art objects oncetheir ceremonial purposes were achieved. Part of the artistic traditionincluded theneed todestroy and then recreate art objects as ritualisticorsocial needs arose. As a result of this behavior, the Melanesian artistictraditionexistedsolelyasanartisticconceptinthemindoftheartistwhooftenworkedwithoutmodelsofpreviousworks.

Thewordrequisite in the passage is closest inmeaning to requiredrenowned reluctant reliable3.Nuclearfamiliesof thepreindustrialerawere bound to a set of social obligations that made the nuclear familysubordinatetothewishesofthelargerfamily.ThisextendedfamilysystembegantounravelwiththeadventoftheIndustrialRevolution.Aspirationsforgreaterpersonalfreedomandchangingeconomicconditionsproducedaslowmovementtowardmoreindependentnuclearfamilies.

The word unravel in the passage is closest in meaning to formcondense assimilate separate 4. In 1941 President Franklin D.RooseveltdraftedTheFourFreedoms.Itwasalistofbasichumanrights:freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom fromwant, and freedom from fear. Later in the same year, these wereincorporatedintotheAtlanticCharter,aBritishandAmericanstatementofgoalsforapeacefulworld.SomeleaderscriticizedTheFourFreedomsforbeingtoovaguetoserveasaguideforprudentstatesmanship.

Thewordvagueinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto contradictory

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prominent specific unclear 5. The earliest-known handcrafted carpet,about2,500yearsold,wasdiscoverediniceinatombatPazyryk,Siberia.Rugswere alsomade in Persia approximately 200 years later during thereign of Cyrus, whose tomb was covered with precious carpets. By thesixteenth century, rugmakingwas ahighlydeveloped craft inPersia andTurkey.

The word precious in the passage is closest in meaning to finemarvelous intricate astounding6.Abarcodeisatinyclusterofverticallinesandhorizontalnumbersagainstawhitefieldfoundonmanyproductstoday. This electronic code is not prominently displayed; rather, it isusually tucked away somewhere on the backside of the packaging. Thedigits in the code indicate the name and price of the product; moreimportantly, theyhelpmerchantsmaintain their stockbysubtractingeachpurchasefromthestore’sinventory.

Insayingthatbarcodesarenotprominentlydisplayed, theauthormeansthatthey covermostofthepackaging.



The word volume in the passage is closest in meaning to quantityproportions magnitude depth 8. The dynamic growth ofcommunicationsnetworksafter1995,especiallyinthescholarlyworld,hasaccelerated the establishment of the “virtual library.” At the core of thisdevelopment is public-domain information. Residing in databasesdistributed worldwide, a growing portion of this vast resource is nowaccessiblealmostimmediatelythroughtheInternet.

Thewordvast in the passage is closest inmeaning to dense hugeextensive core9.Discountstoressellproductsatpriceslowerthanthosefoundinconventionalretailoutlets.Some,suchasdepartmentstores,offer

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wide assortments of goods. Other discount chains specialize, offeringspecial types of merchandise such as jewelry, electronic equipment, orelectrical appliances. Discount stores have become internationalphenomena. They have spread to Western Europe, Latin America,Australia,andJapan.

The word assortments in the passage is closest in meaning toamusements patterns proportions selections10.Themajorreasonsforestablishing a wildlife refuge are to acquire protection for a group ofanimals thathavebecomesignificantlyreducedinnumberandtosuitablyimprove the habitat so that animals will breed and flourish. Often,restrictions or prohibitions are placed on development, hunting, trapping,trespassing,orfishing.

The word acquire in the passage is closest in meaning to obtainendorse receive access

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charismaadj. charismaticn. aspecialqualitythatendearsotherpeopletothepersonwho

hasthisqualitysyn. appeal


cleveradv. cleverlyn. clevernessadj. intelligent;resourcefulsyn. astute


convinceadv. convincinglyadj. convincingv. tomakesomeoneseethingsyourwaysyn. persuade

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Theycouldnotconvincethegirlstogotothedancewiththem.The videomade a convincing argument for the recycling of paper and plasticmaterials.

endureadj. endurableadj. enduringn. endurancev. tolast;sufferpainsyn. persevere


forfeitn. forfeitv. togiveup;havesomethingtakenaway,usuallybyruleor

regulationsyn. relinquish


precariousadv. precariouslyadj. notsafe,firm,orsteadysyn. hazardous


severeadj. extreme;harmfuladv. severelyn. severitysyn. intense


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sporadicadv. sporadicallyadj. notconsistent;irregularsyn. erratic


superiorn. superiorityadj. excellentquality;abovealltherestsyn. exceptional


truncateadj. truncatedv. toshorten;toendsomethingsuddenlysyn. cut


wantonadv. wantonlyadj. donewithoutthoughtorconsideration;grosslynegligentsyn. senseless


weakadv. weaklyv. weakenn. weakness

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adj. notstrong;incapablesyn. ineffective


widespreadadj. foundeverywheresyn. extensive


wisdomadv. wiselyadj. wisen. knowledgeandunderstandingsyn. insight


witticismadv. wittilyadj. wittyn. witn. wittinessn. ajoke;afunnystorysyn. humor


woov. tomakeeffortstoattainorgainsomethingsyn. attract


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Thewordwoointhepassageisclosestinmeaningto forfeit attractconvince deceive 2. Intensity, intimacy, and omnipresence have beenidentifiedasthedistinctivecharacteristicsofthemotion-pictureimage.Itsintensity stems from its power to capture the complete attention of thetheatergoer. Outside the theater, a person’s attention is usually dividedamong the elementsof the limitless reality aroundhimorher, except forsporadic moments of concentration on what is selected for closerexamination.

Thewordsporadicinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto occasionalcharismatic recurrent splendid 3. Established in 1942, the Voice ofAmericaistheinternationalradionetworkoftheU.S.InformationAgency.Its charge is thewidespread decree of a favorable understanding of theUnitedStatesabroad.Itachievesthistaskwithawiderangeofprograms,includingnews,editorials,features,andmusic.TheVOAhasestablishedalong-term modernization plan to increase its number of broadcastinglanguagesfrom42to60.

Thewordwidespreadinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto unlimiteddiscernible extensive alluring 4. Jellyfish feed on organisms such asplankton, fish, and other jellyfish. They capture their prey by usingnematocysts, small stinging organs found on their tentacles. Theirmovement is produced through rhythmic contractions of the bell’sperimetersurface,whichdischargeswater.Thiscauseswater tomove theanimal forward by jet propulsion. Some varieties of jellyfish are able to

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The wordweak in the passage is closest in meaning to ineffectivechaotic harmful agile 5.During his administration, Thomas Jeffersonpursued a policy of expansion.He seized an opportunitywhenNapoleonBonaparte decided to forfeit French ambitions in North America byoffering the Louisiana Territory for sale. This remarkable acquisition,purchased for a few cents per acre, more than doubled the area of theUnited States. Jefferson had no constitutional right to complete thetransaction.Nevertheless,hemadeuptherulesashewentalong,broadlyinterpretingtheConstitution.

Theword forfeit in the passage is closest in meaning to acceleraterestrain relinquish disrupt 6. In some countries, high-speed driving isseverely punished, while in others speed is ignored, tolerated, orencouraged.Forexample,Frenchpolicefinedriversasmuchas380eurosonthespotfordrivingmorethan110kilometersperhour,whilethefamousGermanexpresswayknownasthe“Autobahn”hasnospeedlimit,althoughsectionsofitmayhaverecommendedlimits.Thelackofaspeedlimitandlighterpolicesurveillanceturnmanydriversintoskillfulcompetitors.

Instating thathigh-speeddriving isseverelypunished, the authormeansthat offendersaresuretobearrestedatonce.



Thewordwittyinthepassageisclosestinmeaningto robust scatteredhumorous instinctive 8. The volcanic areas of southern Guatemala


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Thewordwanton in the passage is closest inmeaning to senselesssustained proportional outlandish 9. In all the Apache groups, thefamily structure was matrilocal. The women cared for the children,gathered plant food, and collected firewood and water. The men of thefamily hunted, fought, raided, andmadeweapons and shields. Themostpersuasive,tenacious,andsuccessfulfamilyheadsbecameApacheleaders.Those in authoritywere chosenbecause theyhadpersonalcharisma andsuccessinwarfare.

Thewordcharismainthepassageisclosestinmeaningto obligationsfallacies appeal capriciousness 10. Bishop Wright profoundlyinfluenced the lives of his children.Wilbur andOrville, like their father,wereindependentthinkers.Theyhaddeepconfidenceintheirowntalents,and an unwavering faith in the soundness of their judgment. They weretaught to endure difficulties and continue in the face of disappointment.Thosequalities,whencombinedwith theirunique talents,help toexplaintheaccomplishmentsoftheWrightbrothersasinventors.

The word endure in the passage is closest in meaning to disguiseendorse reject persevere

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GENERALDIRECTIONSEssentialWordsfortheTOEFLprovidesyouwitha39-itemTOEFLpracticetestfor the reading section of the iBT. This section tests reading comprehension,includingspecificvocabularyitemsandwholephrasesorwordsincombination.The ITPTOEFLcontains40–50 items in theReadingComprehension section,whiletheiBTcontains36to70itemsinthissection.ThistestcontainsthekindsofpassagesthatarelikelytobefoundontheiBT.Eachpassageisfollowedby12 questions. The iBT version contains the same kinds of items found on thepaper-basedversion,plus someadditional item formats.Thus, this testwill behelpfultoyouregardlessofwhichversionoftheTOEFLyouplantotake.Afteryouhavestudiedthevocabularylessonsinthisbook,takethetestina

singlesitting.Usingawatchoraclock,timeyourselfwhentakingthetest.Writedownonapieceofpaperyour start timeand the timeatwhichyouwill stop.Allowyourself60minutestotakethetest.Usethefull60minutes.Ifyoufinishearly,gobackandcheckyourwork,followingthehelpfulstrategiesandhintsfortesttakerscoveredinChapter1andChapter2ofthisbook.When taking the test, follow the directions for each question. Formultiple-

choice questions, circle the correct answer in your book. For other types ofquestions,doasindicated.Althoughthistestisnotadministeredonacomputer,everyefforthasbeenmadetomakeitliketheiBTversionoftheTOEFL.Afteryou take the test, score itusing theanswerkeyprovided in thisbook.

Foreachvocabularyitemyouanswerincorrectly,lookupthewordtestedinthisbook.Trytounderstandwhyyoumadethemistakesoyouwon’tmakeitagain.Ifnecessary, lookupthetestedwordor theoptions inyourEnglishdictionary.Thiswillprovideyouwithadditionalinformationonthemeaningofthewordindifferent contexts, and perhaps another example sentence demonstrating itsusage.For information on interpreting your performance and converting it to the

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InthissectionoftheiBTyouwillreadthreepassages.Eachpassageisfollowedby13questions.Youshouldanswerallquestionsonthebasisofwhatisstatedorimplied in thepassage.Youwillbeasked toperformavarietyof tasks in thissection.Read and follow the directions for each test question carefully beforeyou answer. After you have completed this test, you may refer to the ScoreConversion Table to determine your approximate iBT or ITP score for theReadingComprehensionsectionoftheTOEFL.



(5) technologicalprogress.Communicationandcommercearefacilitatedbythesmoothandrapidmovementofgoodsandpeoplefromoneplacetoanother.Suchmovementrequiresawell-developedinfrastructure.Theterm“infrastructure”isusedtodescribeallthefacilitiesthataneconomicsystemhasinplace,inclusiveofitsnetworkofroadways,railroads,

(10) andports,aswellasthevehiclesandvesselstousethem.Thesefacilitiesmustbeinplacebeforetradecanbehandledonaregularbasis.Transportationsystemsarenecessaryinorderforgoodstoreachmarketswheretheycanbesoldorexchangedforothermerchandiseorservices,andforconsumerstoreachthosegoods.

(15) Therearemanyestablishedbenefitsassociatedwithawell-developedinfrastructure.Infrastructureallowseachgeographicareatoproduceitsgoodsandthentotradeitsproductswithotherregions.[A ]Inadditiontodirect,orback-and-forthtrading,itisalsopossibletousetransportationtolinkanumberofdifferentstepsintheproductionprocess,

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(20) eachoccurringatadifferentgeographicsite.Forexample,carpartsmaybemanufacturedatvarioussites,andthenshippedtoandassembledinonespecific,strategicallylocatedsite,whichisdesignedtofacilitateassemblyanddistributionofthecars.Distancesareerasedbyspeedymeansoftransportation.[B ]For

(25) example,airtransportallowsperishablefoodstobedistributedtolargermarketareas.Inadditiontowell-developedsystemsofroadsthatallowworkerstoreachtheirjobsitesquicklyandefficiently,thusenhancingtheopportunitiesforimprovementstoworkerproductivity,awell-developedinfrastructurealsomakesitpossibleforaproducerto

(30) reachalargernumberofmarketsovergreatdistances.Thismeansthatthequantityofproductioncanbelargeenoughtopromoteproductioneconomiesofscaleascompaniescanincreasetheircustomerbaseoverawidegeographicalarea.Theconsumeralsobenefitsfromtheefficientuseasawell-developed

(35) infrastructure.Transportationnetworksmakemarketsmorecompetitive.[C ]Atransportationsystemimprovesthewaygoodsandservicesareusedbecauseitwidensthenumberofopportunitiesforsuppliersandbuyerstotradegoodsandservices.Thisphenomenonincreasesavailabilityandpromotespricingcompetitiontothebenefitoftheconsumer.

(40) Transportationprojectshaveprovedtobeafertilegroundforinvestors,inventors,innovators,andentrepreneurs.[D ]MuchofthevigorousgrowthintheeconomiesoftheUnitedStatesandothercountriesinthetwentiethcenturycanbedirectlyattributedtothedevelopmentoftransportation.Take,forexamplethedevelopmentoftheU.S.

(45) railandroadsystems.Duringthemid-nineteenthcentury,railwaysexpandedwestward,


(50) buslineswithinthecitiesattracteddevelopment.Theselinesweredeemedsovaluablethatcompaniesweresometimesbribedbylanddeveloperstohavenewlinesservetheirundevelopedland,thusincreasingitsvalue.Eventuallythedevelopmentofinfrastructuremadeitpossibleforcity

(55) dwellerstofleethecentralcity,givingbirthtomassiveresidentialsubdivisions

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(60) thefederalgovernment.However,thisnationalsystemofroadswasillequippedtohandleincreasingvolumesofautotrafficandcommerce.Consequently,themammothU.S.InterstateHighwaysystemwasdevelopedinresponsetostrongpublicpressuresinthe1950sforabetterroadsystem.TheClayCommittee,establishedbyPresidentDwight

(65) Eisenhower,studiedthefeasibilityofconstructinganewfederalhighwaysystem.Itrecommendedthataninterstatehighwaysystembeconstructedwithfederalfunding.Takingmorethan25yearstoconstruct,theinterstatehighwaysystemreachedatotallengthofmorethan45,000miles,connectingnearlyallofthemajorcitiesintheUnited

(70) Statesandcarryingmorethan20percentofthenation’strafficonslightlymorethan1percentofthetotalroadandstreetsystem.

1. Why does the author give the example of the car manufacturingprocessinparagraph2?To explain the importanceof a goodgeographical location for abusiness Todemonstratehowregionalmanufacturingstrengthscancontribute to themanufacturingprocess Topointout thebenefits of a strategic location for a business To define therelationshipbetweentheassemblyprocessanddistributionofthefinalproduct2.Lookatthefoursquares[ ]thatshowwherethefollowingsentencecouldbeinsertedintothepassage:Thankstowell-developed infrastructures,productssuchas freshfruitsandvegetablesfromaroundtheworldcanbefoundontheshelvesofmanymoderngrocerystores.


*For INTERNET-BASED TOEFL, click on a [ ] to insert thesentenceintothepassage.

3.Thewordspurredinline47isclosestinmeaningto stimulatedcontrolled

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4. The phrase This phenomenon in line 38 refers to the use oftransportationsystems. the improvement in the way merchandise and services aredelivered.


5. According to the passage, all of the following are mentioned asbenefitsofagoodsystemoftransportationEXCEPT: Merchandisearrivesfastertothemarketplace.Increasedpricecompetitionbenefitsconsumers.Agreaterselectionofgoodsisavailabletotheconsumer.Goodinfrastructuremayprovideemploymentopportunities.

6. According to the author, what caused the expansion of the UnitedStatestowardthewest?Theavailabilityofgoodsandservicesfromthelocalpopulationswholivedthere Thehighvalueoflandaroundcities


7.Thetermonaregularbasisinlines11and12isclosestinmeaningto dailyeffectivelywellproductively

8. Which of the following sentences best expresses the essentialinformation in the sentence below? Incorrect answer choices omitimportantinformationorchangethemeaningoftheoriginalsentenceinanimportantway.

Inadditiontowell-developedsystemsofroadsthatallowworkerstoreach their job sites quickly and efficiently, thus enhancing the

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opportunities for improvements to worker productivity, a well-developed infrastructure also makes it possible to reach a largernumberofmarketsovergreatdistances.Ahighlydevelopedsystemofroadsnotonlyallowsemployeestoreachtheir jobsitesmorequickly,butalsolimitsthenumberofmarketsaspecificindustrycanserve.

Alongwith the possibility of facilitating access to jobsites andenhancingworkerproductivity,ahighlydevelopedinfrastructuregives businesses greater access to develop distant markets fortheirproducts.

Worker productivity can be improved when employees haveaccess to good roads and public transportation,which can givebusinesses improved access to a larger pool of potentialemployees.

Improvements to worker productivity depend upon a singlesystemof transportationthatgives industrycompleteaccessnotonlytolocal,butalsotodistantmarkets.

9.Accordingto theauthor,whywasasystemof interstatehighwaysanecessity?Becausestreetcarandbuslineswereinadequate Becausefederalfundingwasavailableatthetime Becauseofanincreaseincarownership and interstate commerce Because the ClayCommitteerecommendeditsconstruction10.Thewordfertileinline40isclosestinmeaningto risky


11.Accordingtothedefinitionofinfrastructureinthepassage,allofthefollowingareexamplesofinfrastructureEXCEPT: restaurantsbridgesbicyclesjets


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To explain the importance of business competition TodemonstratehowsmallbusinessescangrowintolargecompaniesTopointouthowconsumerscanbenefitfrompricecompetitionTo highlight the need for infrastructure improvements and

maintenance 13. Directions: An introduction for a shortsummaryof thepassageappearsbelow.Complete the summaryby selecting THREE answer choices that mention the mostimportantpointsinthepassage.Somesentencesdonotbelonginthesummarybecausetheyexpressideasthatarenotincludedinthepassageorareminorpointsfromthepassage.



The infrastructuremustbewellorganized tosupportproductionandaccesstonewmarkets.

Rail transportation allows goods to be transported over longdistances.


Good roads allowed city dwellers to escape from the hecticlifestyleofthecity.

Roadprojects, suchas theU.S. interstatehighwaysystem,havefacilitated quick and efficient transportation across longdistances,thusenhancingeconomicactivity.

The consumer benefits from efficient transportation systemsbecausethecostofgoodsandservicesisreduced.



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(5) duringthenineteenthcentury.Atthattime,germswerediscoveredastheleadingcauseofdeath.Hencethe“germtheory”ofdiseasewasdevelopedandmethodsofpreventingandtreatinginfectiousdiseaseswerediscovered.Inaddition,anesthesiawasdiscovered.Sincethetimeoftheseadvancements,thesheervolumeofmedicalknowledgehas

(10) challengedhealthcareprofessionalstokeepabreastofthelatestdevelopmentsinthefieldofmedicine.Infact,medicalresearchhasproducedmoremedicalandhealthknowledgesincethe1950sthaninallpreviouscenturiescombined.Thisexpandingmassofnewinformationtobeappliedbyhealthservicesworkershaschallengedtheeducationalsystems

(15) forphysicians,nurses,andotherhealthcareprofessionals,andappliedpressureonthedeliverysystemofservicestoapublicthatisbetterinformedabouthealthcareissues.Thismedicalrenaissancecreatedanimmediateneedforcaregivers

whocouldbettermeettheeverydayneedsofthesickandwounded.This(20) needgavebirthtomodernnursing.Beforethisexplosionofinformation,


(25) However,duringthenineteenthcentury,therewasamovementtowardtheelevationofthestatusofnursingledbyFlorenceNightingale.Nightingalewasaformidablefigurewhohadastrongbackgroundinscience,mathematics,andpoliticaleconomics.Sheresearchednursingpracticesofseveralcountries,formulatedideasabouttheemergentrole

(30) ofnursing,andwroteextensivelyonthechangesthatnursinghadtoundergotomeetthehealthcarechallengesofhertime.HerworkattractedtheattentionofBritishgovernmentofficials.In


(35) services,andnursingledtodeathratesofmorethan50percentamongthesickandwounded.

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(40) programs.Asaresultofherwork,FlorenceNightingalereceivedseveralmonetarygiftswhichsheusedtoestablishschoolsofnursingatSt.Thomas’sHospitalinLondon.FlorenceNightingalebelievednursingtobeasuitableandworthy

careerforcapable,trainedwomen,andthatnursingserviceshadtobe(45) administeredbyprofessionalswithspecialpreparation.Sheinsisted

thattherewasasubstantialbodyofknowledgeandrangeofskillstobelearnedinnursingandthatskilledandknowledgeableprofessionalshadtobepreparedforhospitalnursingandcareofthesickathome,iftheyweretoteachgoodhealthpracticestopatientsandfamilies.[A ]

(50) Shestronglybelievedthatateamrelationshiphadtobepresentbetweenphysiciansandnursesinorderforpatientneedstobemet.Shemaintainedthatschoolsofnursingshouldbeestablishedbynursesandphysiciansaspartofthehospitalworkforce.LargelybecauseofNightingale’sefforts,bytheendofthenineteenth

(55) century,thestatusofthenursingprofessionhadbeenelevated.[B ]AndtheideathatanurseneededtobeeducatedandtrainedhadspreadtomostoftheWesternworld.[C ]Modernnursingeducationhashadtochangedramaticallytoprepare

nursesfortheirexpandedroles.[D ]Traditionalhospital-basednursing(60) schoolsdonotprovidecommunitynursingexperience,norcanthey


(65) solelytotrainingnurses.Indeed,insomecountries,thetrainingofnurseshasmovedexclusivelyintouniversities.

14. According to the passage, all of the following are true ofNightingale’sviewsonnursingEXCEPT: Therolesofnurseshadtobeexpanded.Theprofessionhadtoattracteducatedprofessionals.Nursinghadtobetaughtatuniversities.

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15.Thewordemergentinline29isclosestinmeaningto developingincreasingimportantvaried

16.Whydoestheauthormentionthe“GermTheory?” To explain how the theory helped to discover anesthesia Toillustrateanimportantstepinthetreatmentandidentificationofdiseases Toidentifytheoriginofgermsandwaystoeradicatethem Toexplainhowdiagnosesbecamemorereliable

17.Basedontheinformationinthepassage,whichofthefollowingcanbeinferredaboutnursingtrainingbeforethenineteenthcentury? Nurses were poorly trained, receiving little or no professionalpreparation.


18.Thewordsheerinline9isclosestinmeaningto totalpreviousuniquesurprising

19.Lookatthefoursquares[ ]thatshowwherethefollowingsentencecouldbeinsertedintothepassage:Infact,asaresultoftheadvancesin nursing, nurses have followed doctors into specialties, includingpediatrics, surgery, orthopedics, ophthalmology, psychiatry, andpublichealth.


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20. Which of the following sentences best expresses the essentialinformation in the sentence below? Incorrect answer choices omitimportantinformationorchangethemeaningoftheoriginalsentenceinanimportantway.

The expanding mass of new medical and health knowledge to beapplied by health services workers has compelled educationalsystemsforphysicians,nurses,andotherhealthcareproviderstostayup-to-date, and has applied pressure on the delivery system ofservicestoapublicthatiswellinformedabouthealthcareissues. Alongwith thegrowthof healthcare knowledge,manydoctors,nurses,andhealthcareeducationalinstitutionsfinditchallengingtokeepupwiththelatestadvancesinmedicine.

As the general public ages and becomes more informed abouthealthcare issues, medical professionals have felt considerablepressure to expand the capacity of healthcare clinics andhospitals and to provide for better education of healthcareworkers.

The demands placed on healthcare workers and educationalinstitutionsby themassofnewhealthcare information,has led,in addition to patients who are better informed, to increasedpressure on schools, clinics and hospitals to deliver qualityhealthcare.

The extreme volume of medical information available to thepublic has challenged medical institutions to maintain a highstandardofqualityhealthcaredeliveredbywell-trainedmedicalprofessionals.

21.Basedontheinformationinthepassage,whichofthefollowingcanbeinferredabouttheresultsofNightingale’sworkinothercountries? Nursing programs in needy countries were immediatelyestablished.



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23.Allofthefollowingstatementsapplytothefieldofmedicineintheeighteenth century EXCEPT: Doctors often had insufficientinformationtomakegooddiagnoses.Itwasdifficulttoidentifythecausesofillnesses.Medicaltreatmentswerenotreliable.Germswerediscoveredastheleadingcauseofdeath.

24. According to paragraph 8, which of the following is true aboutmodernnursingtraining?Traditionalnursingschoolsremainastheonlytraininggroundfornurses.

Traditional nursing schools are being replaced by colleges anduniversitiesinmanycountries.


Clinical settings are the most important settings for nursingeducationprograms.

25.ThephraseThisperception in line21refers to theviewthat theexplosionofhealthinformationwouldbenefitpatients.thenotionthatnursingwasnotanimportantprofession.theideathatnurseswerenotwelleducated.theimpressionthatonlywomenwouldchoosetobecomenurses.

26.Directions: An introduction for a short summary of the passageappearsbelow.Complete thesummarybyselectingTHREEanswerchoicesthatmentionthemostimportantpointsinthepassage.Somesentencesdonotbelonginthesummarybecausetheyexpress ideasthat are not included in the passage or are minor points from thepassage.

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Overtheyears,nursing’sstatusasaprofessionhasbeenelevatedinthe western world from one of a menial, female dominatedprofession, requiring little education, to a highly respected job,requiringspecificskillsandknowledge.

Despite the emerging importance of the nursing profession,modern programs designed to professionally prepare nurses forthe workplace are largely relegated to small, private, hospital-basednursingschools.

LongpromotedbyFlorenceNightingale,theideathatnursingnotonly involved considerable knowledge of a large body ofinformation,butalsospecificskillsinordertodeliverhealthcaretopatients,finallygainedacceptanceinthewesternworld.

The “germ theory” generated an explosion of the medicalknowledgebasewhich, inturn,createdtheneedforanincreaseinthenumberofdoctorsandskilledhealthcareproviders.

DuetotheeffortsofprofessionalssuchasFlorenceNightingale,the idea that nursing is a demanding profession, requiringspecific knowledge and training, has spread across the entireglobe.


Nursing education programs have now expanded from small,hospital-based nursing schools to universities and colleges,giving further recognition to the idea that nursing is a keycomponentofthehealthcaresystem.



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(5) architecture’smoststrikinginnovationfirsttookshape.Priortothe1870s,U.S.architectslookedtoEuropefortheirmodels

andinspiration.Fordecades,theirstylesderivedfromEuropeanhistory.[A ]Townhouses,churches,andbanksthatresembledEuropeantemples,cathedrals,andcastleswerethenorm.[B ]Meanwhile,advances

(10) inengineering,andparticularlyintheuseoftough,flexiblesteelstructurescalledskeletalframes,wereopeningaradicalalternative—namely,thepossibilityofputtingtheskeletonupfirstandhangingabuilding’sexteriorsheathontheframelikeacoatdrapedonahanger.[C ]Oncethatdesignbreakthroughhadbeenachieved,itwaspossibletoimagine

(15) structuresthatcouldgrowtallerbecausetheirweightwassuspendedanddistributedacrossaframework.Itmadeanentirelydifferentcityscapeimaginable.[D ]Chicagowasincorporatedasacityin1837,butitwastherailroad

thateventuallyjoinedtheEastandWestCoastsandputthecityonthe(20) mapeconomically.Therailroadmadeitpossibletotransportbeefcattle


(25) commercialbuildingsconstructedonarevolutionaryprinciple.EconomicconditionsandsocialattitudesinChicagofavoredthebirth


(30) robusteconomy.Thus,anyplantobuildtaller,morenarrowbuildingswasboundtoattractcapitalinvestment.Manyrefugeesfleeinghardtimes,unrest,andeconomicuncertaintyinEuropeandelsewherehadflockedtoChicagotofindwork,andbiggerbuildingsmeantmoreworkandademandformoreworkers.Tallerbuildingsalsoappealedto

(35) Chicago’senergeticbusinesscommunity.Thecityhadgrownupquickly,ithadrecoveredfromafire,ithadprovenitselftobeatoughsurvivor,andnowthetimehadcometodeclareitspreeminence.Itwas

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(40) in1873,butitreallytookoffasastructuralprincipleonceLouisSullivanarrivedinChicagoin1875.LouisHenriSullivanwasaBostonianwhohadstudiedarchitectureattheMassachusettsInstituteofTechnology(MIT)andinParis.Inthenext40years,hewoulddesigndozensofbuildings,primarilyintheMidwest—theAuditoriumBuilding

(45) (1889),theWainwrightBuilding(1891),theCarsonPirieScottDepartmentStore(1904),theNationalFarmers’Bank(1908).Thoughmanywereonlyafewstorieshigh,Sullivan’sdesignapproachclearlyshowedthattallerbuildingswerenowpossible.Bydistributingabuilding’sweightacrossitssteelunderpinning,hewasabletobuildamoresolid

(50) structurethatcouldsupportgreaterheights.Later,hisfamousaxiom—“formfollowsfunction”—wouldbeadoptedbymanyarchitects.Itmeansthatarchitectsshouldstartwiththefunctionofabuildinginmind,notitsdecorativepotential,andrepresentthatfunctionhonestlyinthebuilding’sdesign.Insteadofsmotheringbuildingsinalotofhistorical

(55) detail,architectsafterSullivanwouldproudlydesignbuildingsthatrevealedhowtheywereconstructedandwhatwasgoingoninside.Bythetimehediedin1924,hehadreplacedanineteenth-centurypreferencefordisguisedandhorizontalbuildingswiththebeliefthatbuildingheightismainlylimitedbyalackofimagination.TheSearsTower,

(60) erected100yearsaftertheWesternUnionTelegraphBuilding,andforatimetheworld’stallestbuilding,waspartofhislegacy.Today,skyscrapersarefoundallovertheworld.Bytheendofthe


(65) TowerinMalaysia.Buttheskyscraperhadstartedmoremodestlyalongtimebeforethatinatough,enterprisingcityonalake.Itsprangfromtheinsightthatbuildingsdidn’thavetoriseslowly,stonebystone,fromthebottomup.Instead,theycouldbehungonpowerfulsteelframesandtherebysoartounimaginedheights.


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innovation.TheskyscraperwasanoutgrowthofEuropeanarchitecturalstyles. Louis Sullivan was an important architect in the nineteenthcentury.

28.Whichfactorledtotheconstructionoftallerbuildings?therevivaloftraditionalconstructiontechniques anemphasisonthefunctionofthebuildingtobeconstructed aneedformorespaceincrowdedcities

thedevelopmentofskeletalframingconstructionmethods29.Thewordstrikinginline5isclosestinmeaningto interesting


30.Thewordpreeminenceinline37isclosestinmeaningto honorlegitimacypositionsupremacy

31.All of the following arementioned in the reading as factors in theemergence of the skyscraper as a building type in the nineteenthcentury EXCEPT: The railroad gave Chicago a big economicboost.Skeletalframingwasusedinbuildingcathedrals.Sullivantookadvantageofstructuralinnovations.Fundswereavailableforrealestateinvestment.

32. Why does the author state that Chicago proved to be a toughsurvivor? Because Chicago received many refugees looking for betteropportunities.


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33.Thewordcoreinline27isclosestinmeaningto architecturebusinesseconomycenter

34.Thewordexpansioninline29isclosestinmeaningto isolationdistributionmovementgrowth

35. In stating that form follows function in line 51, the authormeansthat the design of a building should hide or disguise its truepurpose.stresspurposeoverappearance.stressappearanceoverpurpose.revealthearchitect’spersonality.

36. With which of the following statements would the author of thereadingpassagemostprobablyagree?Innovationalwaysstemsfromasinglecause.Engineeringcansometimesinspirearchitects.Chanceistheprimarymotivationforchange.Architectsalwaysfollowpopularpreferences.

37.Lookatthefoursquares[ ]thatshowwherethefollowingsentencecould be inserted into the passage: These structureswere typicallymadeofstoneandbuiltfromthegroundup,likethepyramids,blockbyblock.


*For INTERNET-BASED TOEFL, click on a [ ] to insert thesentenceintothepassage.

38.What can be inferred from the passage about Chicago’s economicsuccess?Chicagowouldnothavedevelopedmuchwithoutthepresenceof

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therailroad.Chicagowasdestinedtobecomethehomeofthefirstskyscraper.Chicago’seconomicpowerwasaresultofinnovativearchitecture. Chicago’s modern architecture closely resembles that of oldEuropeanstyles.

39.Directions: An introduction for a short summary of the passageappearsbelow.Complete thesummarybyselectingTHREEanswerchoicesthatmentionthemostimportantpointsinthepassage.Somesentencesdonotbelonginthesummarybecausetheyexpress ideasthat are not included in the passage or are minor points from thepassage.


The development of the distinct architectural styles of skyscraperswas influenced by traditional preferences, and advances intechnologyandengineering.

Innovationsinengineeringpermittedbuildingstobeconstructedupon steel frames, which allowed for an even distribution ofweight,whichconsequentlymadeconstructionoftallerbuildingspossible.

Skeletal framingwas first used in Chicago, where theWesternUnion Telegraph Building was constructed in 1873 and theFarmer’sNationalBankin1908.

Modern social and economic attitudes have encouraged thedesigners of modern day skyscrapers to build even higheredifices.

A pivotal change of thought about building construction wasintroduced by Louis Sullivan, whose “form follows function”approach was adopted by many architects who desired toconstructfunctionalbuildings.

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In the early stages, architects were limited by antiquatedconstruction methods and traditional building styles found inEurope.


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Page 471: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 472: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 473: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 474: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 475: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 476: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 477: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 478: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 479: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 480: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 481: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 482: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 483: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 484: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 485: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 486: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 487: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 488: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 489: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 490: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 491: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 492: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 493: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 494: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 495: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 496: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 497: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 498: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 499: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 500: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 501: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 502: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 503: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 504: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 505: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 506: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 507: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 508: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 509: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 510: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 511: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 512: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 513: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 514: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 515: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 516: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 517: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 518: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 519: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 520: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 521: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 522: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 523: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 524: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 525: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 526: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 527: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 528: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 529: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 530: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 531: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 532: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 533: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 534: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 535: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 536: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 537: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 538: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 539: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 540: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 541: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 542: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 543: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 544: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 545: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 546: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 547: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 548: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 549: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 550: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 551: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 552: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 553: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 554: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 555: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 556: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 557: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 558: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 559: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 560: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 561: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 562: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 563: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 564: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 565: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 566: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 567: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 568: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 569: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 570: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 571: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 572: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 573: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 574: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 575: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 576: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 577: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 578: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 579: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 580: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 581: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 582: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 583: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 584: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 585: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 586: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 587: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 588: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 589: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 590: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 591: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 592: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 593: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 594: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 595: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 596: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 597: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 598: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 599: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 600: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 601: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 602: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 603: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 604: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 605: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 606: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 607: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 608: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 609: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 610: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 611: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 612: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 613: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 614: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 615: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 616: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 617: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 618: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 619: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 620: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 621: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 622: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 623: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 624: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 625: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 626: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 627: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 628: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 629: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 630: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 631: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 632: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 633: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 634: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 635: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 636: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 637: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 638: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 639: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 640: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 641: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 642: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 643: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 644: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 645: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 646: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 647: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 648: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 649: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 650: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 651: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 652: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 653: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 654: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 655: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 656: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 657: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 658: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 659: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 660: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 661: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 662: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 663: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 664: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 665: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 666: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 667: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 668: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 669: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 670: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 671: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 672: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 673: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 674: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 675: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 676: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 677: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 678: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 679: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 680: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 681: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 682: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 683: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 684: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 685: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 686: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 687: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 688: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 689: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 690: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 691: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 692: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 693: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 694: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 695: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 696: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 697: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 698: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 699: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 700: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 701: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 702: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 703: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 704: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 705: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 706: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 707: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 708: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 709: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 710: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 711: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 712: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 713: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 714: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 715: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 716: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 717: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 718: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 719: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 720: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 721: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 722: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 723: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 724: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 725: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 726: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 727: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 728: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 729: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 730: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 731: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 732: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 733: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 734: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 735: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 736: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 737: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 738: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 739: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 740: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 741: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 742: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 743: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 744: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 745: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 746: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 747: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 748: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 749: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 750: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 751: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 752: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 753: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 754: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 755: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 756: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 757: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 758: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 759: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 760: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 761: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 762: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 763: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 764: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 765: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 766: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 767: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 768: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 769: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 770: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 771: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 772: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 773: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 774: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 775: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 776: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 777: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 778: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 779: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 780: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 781: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 782: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 783: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 784: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 785: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 786: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 787: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 788: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 789: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 790: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 791: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 792: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 793: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 794: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 795: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 796: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 797: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 798: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 799: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 800: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 801: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 802: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 803: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 804: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 805: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 806: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 807: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 808: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 809: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 810: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 811: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 812: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 813: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 814: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 815: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 816: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 817: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 818: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 819: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 820: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 821: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 822: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 823: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 824: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 825: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 826: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 827: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 828: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 829: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 830: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 831: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 832: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 833: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 834: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 835: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 836: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 837: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 838: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 839: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 840: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 841: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 842: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 843: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 844: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 845: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 846: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 847: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 848: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 849: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 850: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 851: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 852: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 853: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 854: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 855: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 856: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 857: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 858: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 859: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 860: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 861: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 862: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 863: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 864: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 865: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 866: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 867: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 868: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 869: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 870: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 871: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 872: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 873: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 874: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 875: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 876: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 877: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 878: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 879: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 880: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 881: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 882: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 883: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 884: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 885: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 886: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 887: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 888: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 889: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 890: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 891: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 892: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 893: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 894: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 895: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 896: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 897: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 898: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 899: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 900: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 901: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 902: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 903: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 904: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 905: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 906: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 907: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 908: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 909: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 910: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 911: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 912: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 913: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 914: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 915: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 916: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 917: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 918: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 919: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 920: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 921: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 922: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 923: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 924: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 925: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 926: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 927: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 928: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 929: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 930: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 931: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 932: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 933: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 934: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 935: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 936: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 937: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 938: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 939: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 940: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 941: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 942: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 943: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 944: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 945: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 946: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 947: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 948: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 949: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 950: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 951: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 952: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 953: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 954: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 955: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 956: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 957: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 958: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 959: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 960: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 961: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 962: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 963: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 964: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 965: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while




Page 966: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 967: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 968: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 969: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 970: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 971: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 972: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 973: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 974: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 975: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 976: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 977: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 978: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 979: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 980: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 981: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 982: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 983: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 984: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 985: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while



Page 986: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 987: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 988: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 989: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 990: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 991: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 992: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 993: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 994: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 995: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 996: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 997: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 998: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 999: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1000: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1001: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1002: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1003: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1004: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1005: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1006: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1007: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1008: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1009: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1010: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1011: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1012: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1013: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1014: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1015: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1016: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1017: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1018: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1019: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1020: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1021: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1022: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while


Page 1023: Essential Words for the TOEFL - PDFDrive€¦ · Essential Words for the TOEFL answers these questions and provides you with a proven plan for improving your English vocabulary while

