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Established 1914 Volume XIX, Number 182 8 th Waning of Thadingyut 1373 ME Thursday, 20 October, 2011 True patriotism * It is very important for every one of the nation regardless of the place he lives to have strong Union Spirit. * Only Union Spirit is the true patriotism all the nationalities will have to safeguard. Practical and theoretical courses to be conducted for coaches, referees and managers to be well- versed in tactical management of international standard, internationally practised rules and regulations of football from A to Z Vice- President Dr Sai Mauk Kham delivers concluding remarks at national level workshop on improvement of Myanmar's football ability. MNA NAY PYI TAW, 19 Oct—National level workshop on improvement of Myanmar’s football ability continued for the second day at Myanmar International Convention Centre, here, this morning, with an address by Vice- President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Dr Sai Mauk Kham. Secretary of Myanmar National Sports Committee Deputy Minister for Sports U Aye Myint Kyu chaired the workshop at which Dr Mya Lay Sein (Assistant Director) submitted the paper on football and medical treatment, Police Col Htay Aung on spectators and security role, U Win Thu Moe (Retd Assistant Director) on right selection of players and role of coach, and Director U Tun Hla Aung of Referee Committee of Myanmar Football Federation on more knowledge about and adherence to rules and regulations of football sport. Next, Union Minister U Tint Hsan, Deputy Minister U Aye Myint Kyu, Director-General U Thaung Htaik and MFF President U Zaw Zaw replied to queries raised by those present. The chairman of the workshop read out the main points of the papers and the MFF President elaborated on future plans based on ideas suggested at the workshop. Union Minister U Tint Hsan then suggested measures calling for cooperation concerning the reports. Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham, in his concluding remarks, said that during the two-day workshop aimed at improving the football ability of the country, 16 papers were submitted; it could be assumed that the root-causes of the decline in Myanmar football ability had been made clear after the discussions at the workshop; and guidelines could be set after solutions were found for those major and minor problems through brainstorming. As the attitudes towards football sport had changed and thus it had become necessary to differentiate between amateur and pro in football; if Myanmar’s football sport continued to be going on like this as amateur sport, it would be lagged behind international countries; and only with complete transformation of football sport into pro nationwide, can Myanmar football sport move towards international stage. With the aim of rejuvenating Myanmar football standard, the MFF turned the previous amateur level football league into pro level Myanmar National League in 2009 and now, the league had seen fierce rivalry among 12 football clubs for the championship. However, football clubs still needed to walk the long way to reach Asian football standard and international one; and football infrastructures were much in need of developing to arouse the interests of people from all strata of life in football clubs, increase the number of younger generation of footballers and turn out talented footballers. It was urgently needed to take increased measures for infrastructural (See page 6) The State would provide most possible financial assistance, which is the most important in revitalization of Myanmar football, based on its conditions; efforts were to be exerted to achieve the best possible result with financial assistance of the State and sponsorship of businessmen. P1(20).pmd 10/20/2011, 7:42 AM 1

Established 1914

Volume XIX, Number 182 8th Waning of Thadingyut 1373 ME Thursday, 20 October, 2011

True patriotism * It is very important for every one of

the nation regardless of the place helives to have strong Union Spirit.

* Only Union Spirit is the truepatriotism all the nationalities willhave to safeguard.

Practical and theoretical courses to be conductedPracticalandtheoreticalcoursestobeconductedfor coaches, referees and managers to be well-versed in tactical management of internationalstandard, internationally practised rules and

regulations of football from A to Z


Dr Sai MaukKham

deliversconcludingremarks at

national levelworkshop onimprovementof Myanmar's



NAY PYI TAW, 19 Oct—Nationallevel workshop on improvement ofMyanmar’s football ability continuedfor the second day at MyanmarInternational Convention Centre, here,this morning, with an address by Vice-President of the Republic of the Unionof Myanmar Dr Sai Mauk Kham.

Secretary of Myanmar NationalSports Committee Deputy Minister forSports U Aye Myint Kyu chaired theworkshop at which Dr Mya Lay Sein(Assistant Director) submitted thepaper on football and medicaltreatment, Police Col Htay Aung onspectators and security role, U WinThu Moe (Retd Assistant Director) onright selection of players and role of

coach, and Director U Tun Hla Aungof Referee Committee of MyanmarFootball Federation on moreknowledge about and adherence torules and regulations of football sport.

Next, Union Minister U Tint Hsan,Deputy Minister U Aye Myint Kyu,Director-General U Thaung Htaik andMFF President U Zaw Zaw replied toqueries raised by those present.

The chairman of the workshopread out the main points of the papersand the MFF President elaborated onfuture plans based on ideas suggestedat the workshop. Union Minister UTint Hsan then suggested measurescalling for cooperation concerningthe reports.

Vice-President Dr Sai MaukKham, in his concluding remarks, saidthat during the two-day workshopaimed at improving the football abilityof the country, 16 papers weresubmitted; it could be assumed thatthe root-causes of the decline inMyanmar football ability had beenmade clear after the discussions at theworkshop; and guidelines could beset after solutions were found for thosemajor and minor problems throughbrainstorming.

As the attitudes towards footballsport had changed and thus it hadbecome necessary to differentiatebetween amateur and pro in football;if Myanmar’s football sport continued

to be going on like this as amateursport, it would be lagged behindinternational countries; and only withcomplete transformation of footballsport into pro nationwide, can

Myanmar football sport move towardsinternational stage.

With the aim of rejuvenatingMyanmar football standard, the MFFturned the previous amateur levelfootball league into pro level MyanmarNational League in 2009 and now,the league had seen fierce rivalryamong 12 football clubs for thechampionship.

However, football clubs stillneeded to walk the long way to reachAsian football standard andinternational one; and footballinfrastructures were much in need ofdeveloping to arouse the interests ofpeople from all strata of life in footballclubs, increase the number of younger

generation of footballers and turn outtalented footballers.

It was urgently needed to takeincreased measures for infrastructural (See page 6)

The State would provide most possiblefinancial assistance, which is the mostimportant in revitalization of Myanmarfootball, based on its conditions; efforts wereto be exerted to achieve the best possible resultwith financial assistance of the State andsponsorship of businessmen.

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011

PERSPECTIVESThursday, 20 October, 2011

Strive to revitalize Myanmarfootball ability

Football today is no longer considered asa sport for physical exercise and entertainmentbut as a professional career and business. Ithas become a kind of investment which callsfor long-sighted calculation.

Myanmar needs to move with the globaltrends to step on the path to success andwithout sweeping reforms like global countries,its dream of winning championships will bedifficult to come true.

The other day, National Level Workshopon Improvement of Myanmar Football Abilitywas kicked off at Myanmar InternationalConvention Centre with an address by Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham.

The workshop was aimed at rejuvenatingMyanmar football, national sport of Myanmar,through multifaceted discussions andsuggestions from various points of view.

To restore the former standard, it needsto upgrade current sports grounds across thenation, build sports grounds in wards andvillages and basic education schools the lengthand breadth of the nation, to dissuade footballfanatics from unruly behaviors, which areuncivilized manners and educate them tosupport their favourite teams in politeness.Moreover, basic education schools anduniversities need to add physical training intheir curriculums and organize systematictraining for the emergence of youngergenerations of athletes.

Moreover, it is needed to turn out a vastnumber of qualified coaches and referees todisseminate ever developing football tacticsand techniques, and internationally-practisedrules and regulations of football, establishFootball Academies, equip athletes with neversay die attitude, ensure continuous generationsof footballers, and systematically set up footballteams according to age limits.

The workshop will focus on practicablesolutions for promotion of Myanmar footballstandard from various aspects and because ofthis we believe Myanmar will be able toresuscitate its glorious football history.

NAY PYI TAW, 19Oct—A ceremony toopen Pyaesone self-reliant library was heldin NamthwamkhuVillage of PutaoTownship, PutaoDistrict, on 17 October

Pyaesone self-reliant library opened in Putao Tsp

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Oct—Speaker of the PyithuHluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann received a goodwilldelegation led by former chairman of Japan-MyanmarParliamentarian League and senior speaker of JapaneseHouse of Counsellors Mr Watanabe Hideo at thePyithu Hluttaw Hall of Hluttaw Building, here, at 2 pmtoday.

Also present at the call were chairmen andsecretaries of Pyithu Hluttaw Committees.

The Japanese guests were accompanied by

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker receives former chairmanof Japan-Myanmar Parliamentarian League senior

speaker of Japanese House of Counsellors

Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Takashi Saito.They focused on promotion of friendly relations

between Myanmar and Japanese Hluttaws and furthercementing relationship and friendship betweenMyanmar and Japan. After the call, Speaker of PyithuHluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann, the chairmen andsecretaries of Pyithu Hluttaw Committees, the formerchairman of Japan-Myanmar Parliamentarian Leagueand senior speaker of Japanese House of Counsellorsand party posed for documentary photo.—MNA

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Thura U Shwe Mann receives former chairman of Japan-MyanmarParliamentarian League and senior speaker of Japanese House of Counsellors Mr Watanabe

Hideo and party.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Oct—Mon State’s troupecompeted in “Power of Youths” drama contest of the18th Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing ArtsCompetitions at Convocation Hall of University ofAgriculture in Yezin Universities’ Campus, Nay PyiTaw Zeyathiri Township this evening.

Mon State’s troupe participates in“Power of Youths” drama contest

Member of UCSB U Soe Ooenjoys performance of Mon State

troupe in “Power of Youths”drama contest.— MNA

Member of Union Civil Service Board U Soe Oo,members of work committees for organizing thecompetitions, members of central panel of judges,delegations from regions and states on a study visit in NayPyi Taw and Myanma performing arts fanatics enjoyedthe performance of the Mon State’s troupe.—MNA

morning.Staff Officer of

Putao DistrictInformation and PublicRelations Department UAung Kyaw Tun, Headof Township IPRD UPhon Zee Dee and

Village Administrator UJ Sar formally opened thelibrary.

IPRD donated100 books, U Aung ZawMoe (Mamaenaing TeaShop) one colour TV andEVD worth K 150,000,

w e l l w i s h e r s229 books worth K230,000 and villagers K100,000.

The library wasbuilt at a cost ofK 1.8 million by localpeople.


NAY PYI TAW, 19 Oct—According to theobservations at 15:30 hrs MST today, the Depressionover North Bay is centred at about 35 miles West ofMaungtaw (Rakhine State).It is likely to intensify andmove East-Northeast wards and likely to crossbetween Northern Rakhine Coast (Maungtaw) and(Bangladesh) Coast (Chittakaung) next 12 hourscommencing this evening. Depression is now redemergency stage and it is forecast to move betweenNorthern Rakhine Coast and Bangladesh Coast.Under the influence of Depression, Occasional squallswith rough seas will be experienced off and alongRakhine Coast. Surface wind speed in squalls mayreach 60-70 mph and Storm surge may rise (6) to (8)feet. People from Coastal areas of those regions areadvised to move safety in advance, announced by theMeteorology and Hydrology Department.—MNA

Strom Warning

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011 3

Members of the nuclear rapid-response team take part in a nuclearemergencies drill at the Cruas nuclear power station in Ardeche, southern

France, on 18 Oct, 2011. The rapid-response force was proposed sincethe 11 March Fukushima accident.—XINHUA

PARIS, 19 Oct—A first group of 200 French soldierswas due to leave Afghanistan on Wednesday as partof an early troop withdrawal announced in July byPresident Nicolas Sarkozy.

A further 200 French soldiers are due to returnhome before Christmas, with another 600 leaving in2012, ahead of a full drawdown of NATO’s combatmission scheduled in 2014.

France has some 4,000 troops deployed inAfghanistan, mostly in the District of Surobi and in theneighbouring Province of Kapisa, part of the NATO-led force of 130,000 foreign troops, two-thirds of whomare Americans.

The departures are in line with a transition processthat began in seven areas in July, meant to handresponsibility for security across the country to Afghansecurity forces by the end of 2014.

The United States, Britain and Belgium have also

NEW DELHI, 19 Oct— In its effort to bolster Maldives’ anti-piracy patrols andmaritime surveillance, India has deployed another naval Dornier aircraft inthe Indian Ocean island nation, local media reported Wednesday.

“The Dornier will operate from Male and other places from Wednesday for atleast three weeks,” The Times of India newspaper quoted an official as saying.

Ever since Indian Defence Minister AK Antony visited Maldives in August2009, Indian warships and Dornier aircraft have been regularly assisting the1,190-island archipelago in maritime patrolling, the newspaper said.

India is also assisting Maldives in setting up a network of ground radars in allits 26 atolls and link them with the Indian military surveillance systems, the reportsaid.—Xinhua

KABUL, 19 Oct—Thespokesman for thegovernor of Herat Provincesays five Afghan armytroops were killed by aroadside mine. MohyaddinNoori said the four soldiersand one officer were ontheir way back to their basein the western AfghanistanProvince’s PashtunZarghun District at about10 am Wednesday, and themine blew up as their armypickup truck was passingby.

He said it was notimmediately clear if themine was detonated byremote or if they had drivenover it. The deaths comeas Afghan and internationalforces are stepping up theirfight against Taleban andal-Qaeda-linked militants inother parts of the country,with the focus along theeastern border area withPakistan.—Internet

First 200 French soldiers to leave Afghanistan

A man looks at a bus that was affected by thesuicide car bomb attack that targeted the

Somalia’s foreign ministry building inMogadishu, on 18 Oct, 2011.—XINHUA

India deploys naval aircraft in Maldives

announced partial withdrawals, with some US troopsalready heading home this summer as Western voterstire of more than a decade at war against a strongTaleban militancy.

A total of 194 soldiers, including 172 legionnairesfrom the 2nd Company of the 2nd Foreign AirborneRegiment, based in Calvi on the island of Corsicasoutheast of France, were due to take off in theafternoon from Kabul.

The legionnaires were deployed at Torah base inSurobi, about 50 kilometres (30 miles) east of Kabul.

The departure of the men “will not have an impacton operations at the (Torah) base and the pace ofoperations,” Colonel Lionel Jeand’heurs, whocommands the French contingent deployed in Surobi,told AFP recently.—Internet

Roadsidemine kills five


A burnt NATO supply container isseen in Dasht area near southwest

Pakistan’s Quetta on 19 Oct,2011. At least one driver was

injured as unknown men burnt aNATO supply container near


LONDON, 19 Oct—The 2007 extradition treaty between Britain andthe United States is fair, a legal panel said Tuesday after a yearlongreview.

The report by a team headed by Sir Scott Baker, a former appealcourt judge, recommended the home secretary no longer be able to getinvolved in extradition cases, The Guardian reported. Currently, thehome secretary can stop extraditions on human rights grounds.

Baker found the United States has requested 130 extraditionssince the treaty was adopted and Britain has requested 54. He said bothcountries require about the same level of proof.

US Attorney General Eric Holder welcomed the report.“The fundamental fairness of the treaty has been demonstrated by

its application during the years it has been in force,” he said. “The treatyhas enabled us to work closely with our partners in the United Kingdomto pursue the interests of justice in both our nations.”

One of the most controversial pending cases is that of GaryMcKinnon, who faces charges in the United States for allegedlyhacking into government computers. His supporters argued cases inwhich crimes were committed mostly in Britain should be tried there.


US-Britain extradition fairIn this image from

Egypt TV on 18 Oct,2011 Israeli soldierGilad Schalit is seen

at an undisclosedlocation in the

Gaza- Egypt borderarea accompanied

by Hamas guards ashe is moved in to

Egypt from captivityin Gaza beginning

an elaborateprisoner swap dealin which hundreds

of Palestinianinmates are to befreed in return forthe captured tank


NEW DELHI, 19 Oct—In a reinforcement ofnuclear safety in India,all the atomic powerplants have “passed” thestress tests ordered byPrime Minister Manmo-han Singh in theaftermath of theFukushima accident.

“Indian reactorshave passed the stresstests ordered afterFukushima,” AtomicEnergy Commission(AEC) Chairman Sri-

AEC says all nuclear plants in Indiapass stress tests

kumar Banerjee told agroup of reporters heretoday. The stress tests,which are a combinationof simulated quakeevents on the design of anuclear plant, wereordered by Singh toaddress issues of safetyof the country’s atomicplants in the aftermathof the Fukushimanuclear accident inMarch.

Seeking to allayapprehensions on theKudankulam nuclearpower project in TamilNadu, he said the Indo-Russian joint venture

was the safest unit of itstype built anywhere inthe world. “Kudankulamplant will be a showpiecefor Russian nuclearindustry themselves.There is not a singleVVER-type nuclearreactor which has suchan array of safetyfeatures,” Banerjee said.

However, headmitted that the nuclearestablishment did goofup in reaching out to thelocals at Kudankulamwhich was one of thefactors responsible forthe current agitation.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011

Hu Jintao, general secretary of the CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of China(CPC), addresses the sixth plenary session of the17th CPC Central Committee in Beijing, capital ofChina, on 18 Oct, 2011. The plenum was held inBeijing from 15 to 18 Oct.—XINHUA

CPC Central Committeeplenum ends with cultural

development guideline

BEIJING, 19 Oct—The 17th Central Committeeof the Communist Party of China (CPC) concludedits sixth plenary session in Beijing Tuesday,adopting a guideline to improve the nation’s culturalsoft power.

Hu Jintao, general secretary of the CPC CentralCommittee, delivered an important speech at thesession, which opened on Saturday.—Xinhua

US flight makes emergency landing dueto unruly passenger

HOUSTON, 19 Oct—ASouthwest Airlines flightmade an emergencylanding in a Texas townTuesday afternoon after amale passenger attemptedto break into the cockpit,authorities said.

Crew of Southwest’sFlight 3683 from LosAngeles to Kansas Cityasked for emergency

clearance to land inAmarillo, Texas, afterthe passenger confrontedthe crew, local aviationchief Patrick Rhodes toldreporters.

The man, Ali RezaShahsauri, a 29-year-oldUS citizen, was arrestedon a charge of interferen-ce with a flight crew andturned over to federal

authorities for question-ing. None of the 136passengers and five crewmembers aboard theflight was injured, saidBrad Hawkins, spokes-man for Dallas, Texas-based SouthwestAirlines.

The TransportationSecurity Administration(TSA) and the Federal

Bureau of Investigation(FBI) were involved inthe investigation, withTSA spokeswomanSarah Horowitz sayinginformation was stillbeing gathered on theincident. The FBI saidinitial probe found thatthe unruly passenger hadno terroristic intent.

The plane departedfor its scheduleddestination after securitysweep, officials said.


Japanese prime minister to returnancient Korean books

One of South Korea’sancient royal

documents is returnedby Japanese PM

Noda during his visitto Seoul.—INTERNET

SEOUL, 19 Oct—Japan’s new PrimeMinister Yoshihiko Nodawill return five volumesof ancient Koreandocuments to SouthKorea during his officialvisit that began Tuesday,Seoul’s presidentialoffice said.

Noda will return thebooks of “symbolic

significance” during thesummit talks with SouthKorean President LeeMyung-bak, slated forWednesday, a presiden-tial house release stated.

The five books arepart of the 1,205-volumecollection of Koreanarchives from the JoseonDynasty (1392-1910),including texts of royal

protocols known as“Uigwe,” looted during

Japan’s 1910-45 colonialoccupation of the Koreanpeninsula, Xinhuareported.

The partial retrievalcomes after Noda’spredecessor, Naoto Kan,pledged last year toreturn royal Koreanbooks in a friendlygesture marking the

100th anniversary of thecolonisation.

Ties between the twoAsian neighbours havebeen hit by recurringterritorial disputes anddiplomatic rows overwhat Seoul sees asTokyo’s attempts tobeautify its colonial past.


Himalayas may be the newSaudi Arabia of solar

energyWASHINGTON, 19 Oct—Some of the world’s

coldest landscapes — including the HimalayaMountains, the Andes, and even Antarctica —could become new Saudi Arabias of solar energy,a new study has suggested.

Kotaro Kawajiri and his colleagues, point outthat may cold regions at high elevations receive somuch sunlight their potential for producing powerfrom the sun is higher than some desert areas.

The researchers used one established techniqueto estimate global solar energy potential using thedata that are available. It takes into account theeffects of temperature on the output of solar cells.

They found, for instance, that the Himalayas,which include Mt Everest, could be an ideal localefor solar fields that generate electricity for the fast-expanding economy of the People’’s Republic ofChina.

The study has been published in the ACSjournal Environmental Science & Technology.


Guests attend the opening ceremony of the 13th China ShanghaiInternational Art Festival in east China’s Shanghai Municipality,on 19 Oct, 2011. The month-long festival will present peoplewith cultural activities from worldwide.—XINHUA

Teenage girls skippingmeals - to drink

LONDON, 19 Oct—Many teenagegirls are skipping meals to consumemore alcohol, scientists have warned.

Researchers have found that thephenomenon is effecting thousands ofyoung women, the Daily Mail reported.

A team from the University ofMissouri found that 16 percent ofstudents reported that they werereducing their calorie intake during theday to save the money for drinking.

Motivations included preventingweight gain, getting intoxicated fasterand saving money that would be spenton food to buy alcohol.—Internet

Man falls to death from EurostarEurostar railservices haveresumed after

being suspendedon Monday whena man fell to his

death from one ofthe high-speed


William Harvey Hospitalin Ashford, Kent.”

The train was takenout of service and theline reopened at 22:09following a policeinvestigation.

Conservative MEPRichard Ashworth wason board and said thatpassengers werestranded for around threehours before returningto Ashford station, fromwhere they boarded aconnecting service backto London.

“It was standingroom only, and wefinally got back toLondon at about 22:30,”he explained.—Internet

Albanian national whohad been refused entryto Britain and wasreturning voluntarily tothe European mainland.

The 22-year-old fellfrom the 17:04 (16:04GMT) London toBrussels service inCheriton, Kent, at around17:50, according toBritish Transport Police(BTP).

“The incident is nowbeing treated as non-suspicious and officersare working to establishthe full circumstancesleading up to his death,”a BTP spokesman said.

“The man’s bodyhas been recovered to

LONDON, 19 Oct—Eurostar rail serviceshave resumed after beingsuspended on Mondaywhen a man fell to hisdeath from one of thehigh-speed trains.

Police confirmedthat the man was an

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011 5

Activision jumps into kids’ game with ‘Skylanders’.—INTERNET

NEW YORK, 19 Oct— To impress kids these days, it’s not enough to makeanother video game. Mere action figures won’t do, either. So Activision ismerging the two.

With “Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure,” Activision is using some of its“Guitar Hero” technology in a new venture that’s part handheld toy, partdigital entertainment. Aimed at kids, “Skylanders” is among the latest andmost ambitious game in a growing genre that blends a child’s physical worldwith a video game and online media.

The new game marks Activision’s latest stab at a must-have holiday hit,less than a year after it killed off its iconic “Guitar Hero” franchise. AlthoughActivision Blizzard Inc. still has hit titles such as “Call of Duty,” people areincreasingly turning to free or cheaper games on mobile devices and socialnetworks and buying fewer expensive video game discs that account for alarge chunk of Activision’s business.

Using a plastic platform about six inches in diametre, the figures connectwirelessly to your video game system, the same way plastic instrumentsconnect to on-screen musicians in “Guitar Hero.”—Internet

Cichlid male nannies help out, especially ifthey’ve been sneaking

NEW YORK, 19 Oct—Subordinate male cichlidfish who help with thechildcare for thedominant breeding pairare occasionally actuallythe fathers of some ofthe offspring they help torear, according to newresearch from theUniversity of Bristolpublished in the onlinejournal PLoS ONE. Thissneaky paternityincreases the subordinatefish’s investment in theoffspring in their care.

The highly socialcichlid fish Neolam-prologus pulcher, endemicto Lake Tanganyika inAfrica, live in social

Neolamprologuspulcher displayingdefence behaviour.


Activision jumps into kids’ game with‘Skylanders’

A man holds up a mobile phone in centralLondon on 7 December, 2009.—INTERNET

groups consisting of adominant breeding pairand between 1 and 15subordinates of bothsexes that perform broodcare, territory defence andmaintenance. Subor-dinates are often distantlyrelated or unrelated to thedominants.

Cooperative breedingof this kind has puzzledevolutionary biologists fora long time as it is costlyand often does notgenerate obvious fitnessbenefits to subordinates.

In the case of Npulcher, the main benefitfor subordinates to stay ina territory of dominantbreeders seems to be the

protect ion gainedagainst predatorsprovided by the largegroup members.

The team, led by DrRick Bruintjes, testedthis theory by studyinggroups of cichlids at

Kasakalawe Point ,Zambia and found thatwhile dominant femaleswere the mothers of 99.7percent of all offspring,the dominant males onlysired 88.8 percent.




‘First photographed UFO’ couldbe massive comet that nearly hit

earth in 1883LONDON, 19 Oct—A photograph taken in 1883 was

heralded as the first photographic evidence of UFOs.But now scientists believe it could be a massive

comet that came close to hitting the earth with thesame force as that which killed the dinosaurs, theDaily Mail reported.

Mexican astronomer Jose Banilla took the image,which appears to show something passing in frontof the moon, on 12 August 1883.

When it was released publicly in 1885 in themagazine L’Astronomie it was dubbed the firstphoto of a UFO. Now, a new study by the UniveridadNacional Autonoma de Mexico suggested that itwas a comet in the process of breaking up.

Scientists believe that the ‘fuzzy’ object with adark trail looks like a comet, according to UniverseToday. Using the time that it took the object to crossthe Sun, which was a third to a full second accordingto Bonilla, experts have calculated that the objectwould be at most 8,000km away.


Biological computers come closer to realityLONDON, 19 Oct—Scientists have claimed that

they can build some of the basic components fordigital devices out of bacteria and DNA, suggestinga new generation of biological computing devices.

The researchers, from Imperial College London,have demonstrated that they can build logic gates,which are used for processing information in devicessuch as computers and microprocessors, out ofharmless gut bacteria and DNA. These are the mostadvanced biological logic gates ever created byscientists.

“Logic gates are the fundamental buildingblocks in silicon circuitry that our entire digital ageis based on,” said professor Richard Kitney, co-author of study from the Centre for Synthetic Biologyand Innovation and the Department ofBioengineering at Imperial College London.“Without them, we could not process digitalinformation. Now that we have demonstrated thatwe can replicate these parts using bacteria andDNA, we hope that our work could lead to a newgeneration of biological processors, whoseapplications in information processing could be asimportant as their electronic equivalents,” he added.

Although still a long way off, the team suggestthat these biological logic gates could one day form

the building blocks in microscopic biologicalcomputers. The scientists constructed a type oflogic gate called an “AND Gate” from bacteriacalled Escherichia coli (E Coli), which is normallyfound in the lower intestine.

The team altered the E Coli with modified DNA,which reprogrammed it to perform the sameswitching on and off process as its electronicequivalent when stimulated by chemicals. Theresearchers were also able to demonstrate that thebiological logic gates could be connected togetherto form more complex components in a similar waythat electronic components are made.—Internet

Motorola launches world’s‘thinnest’ smartphone

WASHINGTON, 19 Oct—Motorola has launched whatit called an “impossibly thin” Droid RAZR phone witha stainless-steel core, a Gorilla Glass screen and ananotechnology Splash-guard that protects even theelectrical boards inside.

Motorola Mobility’s Indian-American presidentSanjay Jha declared the 7.1mm-thick mobile devicethe world’s thinnest smartphone. Not only is it thinnerthan other 3G phones, it will run on Verizon Wireless’s4G LTE network in the US. In other countries, thephone will be called the Motorola RAZR. The detailson international carriers and network compatibilitywill come soon.

With a 4.3-inch screen with qHD resolution, it willhave higher contrast and richer colour than iPhone 4S,said Jha. Not only will it have an incredibly high-resscreen and a powerful 1.2GHz dual-core processor,but it will be the “first device to download HD moviesfrom Netflix”. On the software front, it runs Android2.3.5, aka Gingerbread. It will not launch with IceCream Sandwich, the next version of the Android OS.

The Droid RAZR supports the webtop interface,like the Droid Bionic, Atrix, Photon and others, so onecan dock it to one of Motorola’s lapdocks, in order torun full Firefox browser.—Internet

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011

Practical and theoreticalcourses… (from page 1)development such as buildingaffordable sports grounds and gymsin schools across the nation, holdinginter-school football tournament, andfootball tournaments at ward/village/township/district/region and statelevel, opening sports equipment shopsin every town, promoting books,magazines and advertisements aboutfootball knowledge.

It is needed to establish a largenumber of Myanmar FootballAcademy Training Schools whereathletes, coaches and referees directlyconnected with football can receivetheoretical and practical skills.

Theoretically, success could beensured with harmoniouscombination of tactics, techniques,stamina, mental strength, perceptivedecisions and intiative; practically,success called for high performance atfixed position, ability to play at differentpositions, accurate penalty shoots, plusall-round intensive trainings.

Practical and theoretical courseswere to be opened in order thatcoaches, referees and managers wouldbe well-versed in tactical managementof international standard,internationally practiced rules andregulations of football from A to Z.

The State would provide mostpossible financial assistance, which is

Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham together with Union Ministers, MFF president and officials and resourcepersons poses for documentary photo.—MNA

MFF President U Zaw Zaw repliesto queries.—MNA

Assistant Director (Retd) U WinThu Moe reads paper.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 19Oct— Vice-Presidents ofthe Republic of theUnion MyanmarFederation of Chambersof Commerce andIndustry U Zaw Min Winand U Aung Lwin, CECmembers U Nyein

RUMFCCI members leave for ChinaAung, U Paul Hein andU Maung Maung Sweleft here by air for Chinaon 18 October morningto attend the 8th China-ASEAN Business andInvestment Summit andthe 8th CAEXPO 2011 tobe held in Nanning of

PRC from 21 to 26October.

They were seen offat Yangon InternationalAirport by President UWin Aung andresponsible persons ofthe federation.


NAY PYI TAW, 19Oct— Union Minister forMines U Thein Htaikreceived a delegation ledby Deputy Director Mr.Lu Yu Fu of YunnanNonferrous MetalsGeological Bureau of the

Myanmar, PRC agree to explore naturalresources, mineral deposits

People’s Republic ofChina at his office hereat 10:30 today.

They had a cordialdiscussion onexploration of naturalrecourses and mineraldeposits.

Also present at thecall were directors-general and managingdirectors of thedepartments andenterprises under theministry and officials.


Stunt performers ride cars on the walls of the“Well of Death”, one of the attractions atRamlila fair, in the old quarters of Delhi

recently. The performers earn their livelihoodby performing daredevil stunts such as drivingtheir bikes and cars on the walls of the “Well

of Death” attraction, which draws a largenumber of spectators.


New protein behind aging, cancer identifiedWASHINGTON, 19

Oct— Scientists havefound a new aging-associated protein knownto be involved in cancer.

The new study byinvestigators atVanderbilt-Ingram Can-cer Centre and theNational Institutes ofHealth (NIH) identifiesthe protein SIRT2 as atumour suppressorlinked to gender-specifictumour development inmice.

Previous studiesindicated that two othermembers of the sirtuinfamily – SIRT1 andSIRT3 – have tumoursuppressor functions.

These findings suggestthat a third member ofthis protein family acts asa tumour suppressor.

“The single mostimportant prognosticfactor in cancer isincreasing age,” saidGius, a professor ofRadiation Oncology andassociate professor ofCancer Biology atVanderbilt-Ingram.

“It seems logical thatthe genes that play a rolein aging – or perhapsbetter stated, anti-aging– would be connected tocancer,” he stated.

In the new study,Gius’ lab – working withsenior author Chu-Xia

Deng, PhD, andcolleagues at the NIH’sNational Institute ofDiabetes and Digestiveand Kidney Diseases –investigated thephysiological functionsof SIRT2 by eliminatingthe protein in culturedcells and in mice.

They found thatSIRT2-deficient micedeveloped tumours inmultiple tissues – and,strangely, male mice andfemale mice developedtumours in differenttissues.

Lack of SIRT2 infemale mice led tomammary (breast)tumours, while male mice

lacking SIRT2 developeda range of gastrointestinaltumours (in the liver,pancreas, colon andstomach).

“It’s kind of a startlingobservation, that you’dknock a protein out, andyou’d get gender-specifictumours, suggesting aphysiological connectionbetween gender and thefunction of sirtuinproteins,” Gius said.

While the mechanismunderlying the gender-specific tumours was notdetermined, theresearchers did findevidence that SIRT2 actedas a tumour suppressor incultured cells.


the most important in revitalization ofMyanmar football, based on itsconditions; efforts were to be exertedto achieve the best possible resultwith financial assistance of the Stateand sponsorships of businessmen.

In conclusion, the Vice-Presidenturged to make joint efforts to draw upeffective guidelines on promotion offootball standard based on discussions,suggestions and queries and repliesof the two-day workshop and to movetowards international stage of football,maintaining the latest success of U-21while striving for continuoussuccesses. The workshop then cameto an end.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011 7

NAY PYI TAW, 19Oct—Speaker ofPyidaungsu Hluttaw UKhin Aung Myintattended the second daysession of the seminar onbudgeting process at theThabin Hall of HluttawBuilding, here, at 1.30 pmtoday.

Also present at theseminar were DeputySpeaker of PyithuHluttaw U Nanda KyawSwa, Pyithu Hluttaw andAmyotha Hluttawrepresentatives.

P r o f e s s o r / D e a n(Retd) Daw NyuntNyunt Swe of Yangon

Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw U Khin Aung Myintattends seminar on budgeting process

Institute of Economicsdiscussed PublicBudgeting: PolicyProcess and Politics,Professor/Dean (Retd)

Daw Hsin Theingi ofYangon Inst i tute ofEconomics Budgeting onCongress: Reflection onHow the Budget Process

Function by the USCongress, Rector in-charge of YangonInstitute of EconomicsDr Khin San Yi Public

Budgeting: A GlobalPerspective.

They replied toqueries raised by PyithuHluttaw and Amyotha

Hluttaw representatives.The second day sessionof the seminar ended inthe evening.


NAY PYI TAW, 19 Oct — The 18th MyanmarTraditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitionscontinued for the fifth day at the designated places inYezin Universities’ Campus in Zeyathiri Townshiptoday.

Among the enthusiasts were Union Minister forReligious Affairs Thura U Myint Maung, Union Ministerfor Mines U Thein Htaik, Member of the LeadingCommittee for Organizing the Competitions UnionMinister for Education Dr Mya Aye, Secretary of thecommittee Deputy Minister for Culture Daw Sandar

Performing Arts Competitions continues for 5th day

A total of five contestants participated in thebasic education level (5-10 aged) boys’ Maha Gitacontest and six in the amateur level (first class) women’sMaha Gita contest.

A total 16 contestants participated in the amateurlevel (second class) men old/modern song contest and13 in the high education level women’s old/modernsong contest.

A total of 16 contestants participated in the basiceducation level (10-15 aged) women’s dancing contestand 14 in the basic education level (15-20 aged) boys’dancing contest.

A total of four troupes participated in the amateurlevel (second class) religious story narration (Kwetseik),eight contestants participated in the amateur level (firstclass) men’s/women’s song composing contest, six inthe basic education level (5-10 aged) girls’ solo orchestracontest, six in the basic education level (10-15 aged)girls’ solo orchestra contest and four in the amateur

Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw

U Khin Aung Myint attends seminar

on budgeting process.—MNA

Maung Aung Aung of Ayeyawady Regiontaking part in basic education level

(10-15 aged) boys’ harp contest.—MNA

Ma Khaing Zar Win of Taninthayi Regioncompeting in basic education level (15-20

aged) women’s dancing contest.—MNA

Maung Thet Naing Soe of Sagaing Regionparticipates in basic education level (5-10aged) boys’ Maha Gita song contest.—MNA

Khin, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Dr MaungMaung Htay, Deputy Minister for Rail TransportationU Thant Shin, Deputy Minister for Health Dr WinMyint, Deputy Minister for Immigration and PopulationU Kyaw Kyaw Win, members of the work committeeand subcommittees, members of the panel of judges atcentral level and region and state level, team managersand contestants, departmental personnel and nationalrace excursion group members.

level (women’s) solo orchestra contest.A total of two contestants participated in the

basic education level (5-10 aged) girls’ piano contestand eight contestants participated in the amateur level(second class) men’s piano contest.

A total of eight contestants participated in thebasic education level (5-10 aged) girls’ xylophonecontest and seven contestants participated in theamateur level (first class) men’s xylophone contest.

A total of six contestants participated in the basiceducation level (10-15 aged) boys’ harp contest, sixcontestants participated in the basic education level(10-15 aged) girls’ harp contest, one contestantparticipated in the basic education level (15-20 aged)girls’ harp contest and five participated in the amateurlevel (second class) men’s harp contest.

A total of 10 contestants participated in theamateur level (second class) men’s oboe contest andthree contestants participated in the higher educationlevel (first class).—MNA

Ma Wut Hmon Tun participates in high levelwomen's song singing contest.—MNA

Police steps up hunt for criminalsthrough online lists

BEIJING, 19 Oct— Police departments around Chinawill make strengthened efforts from now to the end ofthis year to nab criminals at large by using online wantedlists, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) said Monday.

Liu Jinguo, vice minister of the MPS, said in avideophone meeting concerning the “hunting convictsonline initiative” on Monday, that the police will wage a“decisive battle” against criminals at large, in a bid tofinish the initiative half a year ahead of schedule. TheMPS initiated the one-year initiative in May.—Xinhua

P7(20).pmd 10/20/2011, 7:42 AM7

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011

(from page 16)ready to clear heaps of sand caused bylandslides occurred yearly at the placebetween mile post Nos 41/0 and 46/0 onHsenwi-Kunlong road section. Plans areunderway to repair the road section withthe help of experts by the company. The27 miles and four furlongs long detourwas build to be used in time of emergencyat the place between mile post Nos 31/0

Second regular session offirst Pyithu Hluttaw...

and 46/0.Maintenance for Hsenwi-Kunlong-

Chinshwehaw road section is being carriedout by Asia World Company under theBOT system. The company is upgradingthe road section from Hsenwi toChinshwehaw to be a better one.

Regarding the question raised by UHtay Lwin (a) U Di Lone of NamhsanConstituency who asked about measuresto be taken in supervising companiesand entrepreneurs who are responsiblefor collecting tolls but failed to carry outrepair works for damaged roads in sometownships in Shan State, the UnionMinister answered that constructionworks are to be completed meeting setstandards within the period of three yearsunder BOT system. Work progress ofroads and bridges construction workswhich are being undertaken by companiesof national entrepreneurs in Regions andState under BOT system is under closesupervision of 19 road/bridge inspectiongroups of the ministry.

Toll gates have been opened on theroad section which are under BOT systemand they are allowed to collect tolls inaccord with the prescribed rates for use ofroad and bridge. If tolls are collected morethan the prescribed rates, complaints canbe lodged to Region/State governments. Ifthey are found guilty of collecting tollsmore than usual, they will temporarily losetheir licences to collect toll for one month.If they continue to break the rules, theirlicenses will be revoked.

Regarding the road sections underBOT system, the Ministry of Constructionis encouraging and supervising the tasksof companies of national entrepreneurs.

Regarding the questions raised by UThaung of Mawlaik Constituency whoasked whether there is a plan to upgradethe road linking Mawlaik and Kalewaas all weather tarred one and upgradethe four-mile road including ring roadand Kannar road in Mawlaik as a tarredor concrete one, the Union ministerreplied that Kalewa-Mawlaik road is 36miles long and it links Mawlaik to Kalewain Sagaing Region. It was built in the

2002-2003 fiscal year and it wastransferred to the ministry in February2010. There are 157 bridges includingfrom culverts to 180-foot and above bridgeon the road as it is situated near Chindwinriver.

As it is a hilly road, expansion of roadis required at the places where landslidesoccurred in rainy season and leveling ofroad is also needed at the places where theroad sections are steep. Moreover, it isrequired to upgrade the existing woodenbridges as the facilities suitable for 13-ton

vehicles. The ministry has no plan toupgrade the road into a tarred one.Depending on the funds for the 2012-13fiscal year, works will be carried out to bean all weather one. Mawlaik DistrictSenior Engineer Office was opened on 11July 2011 for better maintenance of roadsand bridges in Mawlaik.

In responding to the second question,the Union minister said that 5734 feet longMawlaik ring road is a hard road. The1060 feet long Pyinnya road, a road sectionof the ring road, is also a hard road.Kannar road in downtown Mawlaikcomprises 7030 feet long tarred road and3600 feet long earth road. The total lengthof the ring road and Kannar road is towmiles and five furlongs.

The ring road and Kannar road wasbuilt by Mawlaik Township DevelopmentAffairs Committee. So the ministry has noplan to upgrade the road as a tarred orconcrete one.

Regarding the question raised by UYe Htut Oo of Nattalin Constituency whoasked whether there is a plan to repaireight mile and six furlongs and half longNatalin-Tarpun gravel road, the Unionminister replied that the Natalin-Tarpunroad section situated on Natalin-Mayinnge-Moenyo-Htainkaw-Tawlatharoad linking Natalin of Bago Region(West) and Tarpun village is 10 mileslong. The Ministry of Construction builteight miles and six furlongs and half longsroad section from mile post Nos 1/1.5 to10/0. Up to 31 May 2011, eight miles andsix furlongs and half long road section ishard road. Starting from 25 July 2008, theroad is under maintenance of NatalinTownship engineering group of theministry.

Depending on funds for 2012-13fiscal year, normal maintenance andupgrading of five-mile road section andthree bridges are being carried out byNatalin Township engineering group ledby Senior Engineer of Thayawady District.Depending on normal maintenance fundsfor2012-13 fiscal year, repair works forNatalin-Tarpun road section will be carriedout.

U Win Myint of Pyay Constituencyasked if there is demand and supplyplanning for the products to bemanufactured by National IndustryComplexes; whether the trend ofdecreasing number of State-ownedfactories will be conformity with theabove-mentioned strategy; and whatis the plan for requirements ofcertification for aircraft/helicopter.Union Minister for Myanma IndustrialDevelopment Lt-Gen Thein Htay repliedthat the main theme of National Industry

Complexes is capacity building. Thesecomplexes are formed for developmentof private and public owned industrieswith monetary and machinery assistanceby the State. It is aimed at fulfilling therequirements of technology, investment,energy and raw materials that are obstaclesin building the industrialized nation.Furthermore, implementation of the aimis leading to national industrial productionand industrialization of the nation andthen emergence of market-orientedeconomic system.

Moreover, a wider range of jobopportunities is to be created at home forengineers, technicians, economists,managers, skilled workers and labourerswho sacrificed their social life due to lackof job opportunities in the past, andchances are continuously to be createdfor them to work at home, to work for themother land, to explore the naturalresources without reliance on foreigncountries, and to improve social life of theState and the entire national people.

In this regard, it is not equal toconsidering the market trend becauseproduction is not based on CommodityGoods Production. Private sector andindividual entrepreneurs are to considerthe market situation and sales of goods.Today, the State-owned factories beingreduced on a basis of market economy areconsumer goods industries. The capitalgoods industry has not emerged at thefactories of the State-owned sector yet.

Capital goods industries are a maindrive in the industrialized countries. It iscontrolled by State-owned or multi-nationalcorporation (MNC). At present, thefactories concerning the nature of capitalgoods industry among the State-ownedfactories should not be privatized.According to the experience of industrialtechnology and investment, it is too far toemerge Multi National Corporation(MNC), and it is a condition for the Stateto take responsibility of the industries.Thus, nature of MNC does not differfrom practising the strategy in ideology ofmarket oriented economic system.

A plan is underway to systematically

apply technology for manufacturing thetraining aircrafts meeting set standards tobe technology maturity and airworthinessstep by step. After that, new generationsof graduates from Myanmar AerospaceEngineering University are to be nurturedfor emergence of aeronautical techniciansand aviation engineers to be provided withpractical and theoretical trainings bydeveloping human resources in line withthe aspiration of the State.

As the ministry has received theaircraft (type) certificate for productionof initial aircrafts, it has exemption of thecertificate of airworthiness. Therefore,these aircrafts are granted to fly in theaviation territory of Myanmar. From nowon, the long-term plan has been adoptedfor manufacturing various types ofaircrafts and helicopters.

U Aung Sein of Manaung Constituencyasked whether there is a plan to grantexemption for two types of taxes onmarine products of Rakhine State. UnionMinister for Finance and Revenue U HlaTun replied that according to No. 57 ofappendix table No. 1 of the CommercialTax Law, tax shall be levied on those whoare engaged in producing and selling freshfish and prawn. However, No. 3 of appendixtable No. 7 of the law is prescribed that fiveper cent of commercial tax shall be paid forthe proceeds of the trading the commodities.Therefore, fishery entrepreneurs fromRakhine State who catch fresh fish andprawn to be sent to companies and factoriesin Yangon through aviation and landtransport are to pay tax at the TownshipInternal Revenue Department under thelaw.

Enjoying the benefits from trading ofmarine product industry, the entrepreneursare responsible for paying income taxunder the law. Paying commercial tax andincome tax is prescribed not only in RakhineState but also in the entire nation in linewith the provisions of the CommercialTax Law and the Income Tax Law. TheUnion government grants exemption ofcommercial tax on proceeds of the eightkinds of export items including freshwater and seawater products of theexporters.

Daw Zar Ta Lem of ThantlangConstituency asked whether there is a

(See page 9)


sentativeU Htay

Lwin (a)U Di Lone





sentativeU Ye Htut

Oo ofNattalin



Union Minister for Finance andRevenue U Hla Tun replies to



sentativeU AungSein of




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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011 9

Second regular session offirst Pyithu Hluttaw...

(from page 8)plan to undertake necessary tasks forThantlang Township of Chin State bydesignating it as border trade town.Union Minister for Commerce U WinMyint replied that in opening bordertrade camps at border shared withneighbouring countries, Tamu bordertrade camp was opened in Tamu inSagaing Region at Myanmar-India borderon 12-4-1995, and Reed border tradecamp in Reedchorda of Chin State on 10-12-2003.

To designate Thantlang Township asa border trade town at the border of

Myanmar and India, it is necessary toconsider Lonle border area, 35 miles andfour furlongs long east of Thantlang andSarsichauk border area, 44 miles fromThantlang. With regard to basic needs ofopening a border trade camp, the areamust be secure and better transport forsmooth trade. Moreover, the bothcountries have agreed to open the bordertrade camp through the bilateral relations.On completion of the agreement, theborder trade camp is to be facilitated withbuildings for trade, customs, bankingservice and immigration staffs. The tradingat the camp must have trade balance ofexport and import goods between the twocountries to some extent, not at ordinarytrade level. Moreover, the camp must becapable to trade with other regions and

states at home.Despite being peaceful and security,

the position of Thantlang Township ofChin State does not meet with othersignificant points for opening the bordertrade camp. Indeed, the camps are to beopened at the important areas along theborder lines between the two countries.Therefore, when Thantlang Townshiphas been facilitated with basicrequirements to open the border tradecamp, the Union ministries will form acoordination team to make field trips tothe township for studying regionalsecurity and betterment of roads andbridges for carrying out border trade,and findings in the studies will besubmitted to the Union government.

As the Amyotha Hluttaw sent back

the Myanmar Microfinance IndustryBill with the amendment on 5 October,Pyithu Hluttaw representatives did notsubmit any amendment within the limitedperiod. Therefore, the Hluttaw approvedthe bill in line with amendment of theAmyotha Hluttaw, and it will be undertakenin accord with the Pyithu Hluttaw Rule-163.

The bill was discussed at PyithuHluttaw as of 29 August and it wassubmitted to Amyotha Hluttaw on 30August. In accord with the amendmentand approval, the bill comprises 15chapters and 67 paragraphs.

The 37th day of the second regularsession ended at 11.35 am and the 38th daysession continues at 10 am tomorrow.


Second regular session offirst Amyotha Hluttaw…

(from page 16)also to pay K 500 a month and K 6000annual fee. There is no free for the use ofID caller system for mobile phone users.

U Thaw Zin of Magway RegionConstituency No. 9 asked whether thereis a plan to change tax collection systemof Myanma Posts andTelecommunications for broadcastreceiver license, TV license and videolicense or to change current paymentamount. In response, the Union Ministersaid that domestic broadcast receiverlicense fee for three years amounts for K

amplifier license and 1000 kyats in finefor overdue payment for first monthfailure and additional 100 kyats for eachnext month; 2400 kyats a year for radioand amplifier maintenance license and1000 kyats in fine for overdue paymentfor first month failure and additional 100kyats for each next month; and 3600kyats a year for radio, amplifier, TV andvideo license and 2000 kyats in fine foroverdue payment for first month failureand additional 200 kyats for each nextmonth.

In collecting satellite receiverlicense fee and extension fee startingfrom 1994, 12000 kyats is collected forannual fee for a satellite receiver—dish

18 plus K 30 in fine for overdue payment.Ministry of Communications,

Posts and Telegraphs collects K 120 perTV set for license fee and K 60 per videoset for license fee. Fine for overduepayment for TV and video license fees isK 100 for the first month, and additionalK 10 for each next month.

As the current fee paymentsystem is no longer agreeable to presentsituation, arrangements are being made todraw communication law. It will take along time to have opinion of the Attorney-General’s Office and approval of theHluttaw.

It will be appropriate to collect180 kyats a year for a domestic broadcastreceiver license and 500 kyats a year fora public broadcast receiver license plus300 kyats in fine for overdue payment;1200 kyats a year for a TV license and1000 kyats in fine for overdue paymentfor first month failure and additional 100kyats for each next month; 600 kyats ayear for a video license and 1000 kyats infine for overdue payment for first monthfailure and additional 100 kyats for eachnext month; 1200 kyats a year for an

antenna, feed horn, LNB-low noise blockdown converter, receiver— and 100 kyatsin fine for overdue payment for firstmonth failure and additional 10 kyats foreach next month.

The ministry has collected K12,000equivalent to 100 % of the license fee forusing one more each satellite receiverand collected K1200 equivalent to 10 %of the license fee for each televisionconnected with a satellite receiver.

For foreign agencies and organizationsrun by foreign investment, the ministryhas collected 60 USD/FEC for one satellitereceiver and 6USD/FEC for eachtelevision.

The licence can be extended on expirywithin 30 days and it would costs K3000for extension of the licence after 30 daysof expiry and the licence would be invalidafter 90 days. For loose or damage of alicence, the ministry collects K3000 forduplication of a licence.

Regarding the yearly fee for thesatellite receiver licence extension, asfrom January, 2002, the ministry hasdecreased from K12,000 to K6,000 for asatellite receiver and from 12,000 to

K6,000 for more each of satellite receiversand from K1200 to K600 for eachtelevision.

As from 15, July, 2005, the ministryhas not issued a new satellite receiverlicence and has extended the old licences,and has suspended the extension of thelicence under some reasons.

Today, while the joint-venturesatellite TV channels of Ministry ofInformation and private sectors hasemerged, the people who enjoyed satelliteprogrammes should observe the rulesand regulations set by the State so thatthe State can collect tax that should bepaid by the subscribers. Therefore, it isreasonable to collect K 30,000/100 USD

for a satellite receiver (Dish Antenna,Feed Horn, LNB-Low Noise Block DownConverter), K12,000/60USD for asatellite receiver for a year, K12,000/60USD for one more each satellite receiverfor a year, K1,200/6 USD for eachtelevision and K3000/15USD for a licenceduplication, K3000/15USD for expiryfee.

Tax for radio, television, videoand satellite receivers can be paid at thetownship post offices and tax for amplifiersand repairing amplifiers and radios atDirectorate of Telecommunications andarrangements will be made for on-line taxcollection system, he said.

Afterwards, two representativesraised questions and Union Minister forEducation Dr Mya Aye answered thequestions.

U Khin Maung Yi of AyeyawadyRegion Constituency (6) asked whetherthere is plan to require the client topay for banking charge in issuingdelayed school transfer form by basiceducation students. The Union Ministeranswered that if a student registered at abasic education school fails to continue

the school at the start of or during thesucceeding academic year aftercompleting an academic year and asksfor school dropout certificate, the guardianis required to submit the letter stating thereason of dropout; if the headmaster/headmistress satisfies the letter, he/shereports the Township Education Officeroffice to allow depositing 1 Kyat to bankas a fine for delay; the Township EducationOfficer lets the client to deposit intoMyanma Economic Bank by himself/herself; if the bank asks him/her the feefor deposit form, the client has to pay forit; if the letters and forms are complete,the headmaster/headmistress will issuethe dropout certificate; the schools/officesissued the delayed dropout certificatessystematically since 1975; the bankingfee then was collected, depending on theamount of annual circulation of money,under no separate title; the fine for thedelayed drop certificate is intended fordisciplinary purpose; the rate should bemodified to be suited with the current age;as the compulsory education system isbeing translated into reality, those whorequest for delayed dropout certificatefor primary school students are not finedand respective school scrutinizesthe request and issue the dropoutcertificate; the fine for middle andhigh school students will be increasedto K 200 to be in conformity withbanking regulations in 2012-2013.

(See page 10)



U PaulLyan

Lwin ofChin State

constituencyNo. 9 raises

question. MNA


Represen-tative DrTin Shweof Yangon


No. 6raises




U Boe Yaeof Kayah


No. 3 indiscussion.


Union Minister for Agricultureand Irrigation U Myint Hlaing

submits a bill.—MNA

P9(20).pmd 10/20/2011, 7:42 AM9

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011

Second regular session offirst Amyotha Hluttaw…

(from page 9) Dr Tin Shwe of Yangon Region

Constituency (6) asked whether there isplan to recognize schools establishedby contractors in Yangon Region andthere is situation that these schoolsturn to housings. The Union Ministeranswered that nine basic education schoolsearmarked as danger building by YangonCity Development Committee wereassigned to construction companies torebuild with the benefit ratio betweenthe ministry and the company of 20:80 inthe 2003-2004 academic year with thepermission of City Housing SupervisoryCommittee; basic education school andhousing were constructed separately; asthe State defined the benefit ratio between

the ministry and the company as 40:60, theministry obtained apartments which werethen handed over to State-owned propertyhandling committee; there is no housingapartment owned by the ministry; already-built schools are open; there is no furtherproject apart from nine basic educationschools.

As the Ministry of Education willimplement the matters stated in the questionof U Khin Maung Yi of Ayeyawady RegionConstituency (6) “whether there is plan toask the client to pay for banking charge inissuing delayed school transfer form bybasic education students”, the Hluttawapproved the question as the proposal “theUnion government is urged to increasedfine for delayed school transfer from K 1to K 200.”

On behalf of the Union government, UnionMinister for Agriculture and Irrigation U MyintHlaing submitted the Vacant Lands, Fallow

Lands and Virgin Lands ManagementBill.

The Hluttaw approved to discussthe bill.

Regarding the proposal submittedby U Khin Maung Yi of AyeyawadyRegion Constituency (6) that “theUnion government is urged to amendthe organizational setup withsuitable types of staff allowed bythe department as allowedorganizational setup of townshipeducation offices under BasicEducation Department of theMinistry of Education across thenation are inadequate for operatingtheir tasks,” U Bo Yal of Kayah StateConstituency (3), U Nu of YangonRegion Constituency (10) and U TunMyint of Sagaing Region Constituency(6) seconded the proposal, sayingtownship education offices are dealing

with financial matters including salariesof basic education school staff, qualityimprovement of schools and teachingworks at the same time supervising theschools closely; they are overloaded; nowthe offices recruit the staff from basiceducation schools as joint staff tothoroughly operate its tasks; there is noadequate staff there; and the new andextended organization will be a hugecontribution.

The Hluttaw approved the proposal.The 36th day second regular session

of first Amyotha Hluttaw concluded at11.30 am and the session will continue for37th day on 20 October.

At today’s session, six questions wereanswered; one question was changed tothe proposal and approved; one bill wassubmitted; and one proposal wasapproved.


Drama Contest “Birth of Buddha” continuesNA Y PYI TA W, 19

Oct—The Drama Contestent i t led “Birth ofBuddha” in the 18 th

Myanmar Tradit ionalCultural Performing ArtsCompetitions continuedat the convocation of theUniversity of VeterinaryScience in the YezinUniversities’ Campus,here, at 7 pm today.

Among theenthusiasts were UnionMinister for Religious

Affairs Thura U MyintMaung and wife, UnionMinister for Commerce U

Win Myint , DeputyMinister for Education UAye Kyu, members of the

work committee andsubcommittees fororganizing the

competitions.A drama troupe

represent ing Yangon

Region participated in thedrama contest.


NAY PYI TAW, 19 Oct— Union Minister forCooperatives U Ohn Myintreceived MalaysianAmbassador to MyanmarDr. Ahmad Faisal BinMuhamad and party at hisoffice here yesterdaymorning.

Union Cooperatives Minister meetsMalaysian Ambassador

They held com-prehensive discussions onmutual cooperation in theareas of investing incooperative sector, trade andtechnological assistance andcapacity building for staff.

Also present at the callwere the director-general

of Cooperative Depart-ment, the acting director-general of Small ScaleIndustries Depart-ment, themanaging director ofCooperative Export ImportEnterprise anddepartmental officials.


Parents urged to shun buggies for kids’ healthLONDON, 19 Oct— British parents

are being advised to make theirchildren walk for better health insteadof letting them enjoy buggy rides.

To handle the growiang obesityepidemic - which also costs theNational Health Service (NHS) 4.2billion pounds a year - politicians areurging parents to take responsibilityfor their youngsters’ weight andfitness, the Daily Mail reported. Onefourth of adults in Britain are nowclassed as clinically obese and almostone in five 10 to 11-year-olds areoverweight.

Politicians are urging parents that

the three-year-olds should be made towalk on short trips to curb the problem.

Anne Milton, the public healthminister, said: “Encouraging childrento walk is one way of getting the wholefamily to take more exercise.” NickieAiken, Westminster council’s cabinetmember for children, has advisedparents to stop using strollers, whichhave become increasingly fashionable.

She said by taking steps such asencouraging their children to walk toschool, to eat healthily or stop usingbuggies on short trips at the age ofthree, they can help ensure their childrenlead an active life.—Internet

Hong Kong cross-harbour swim returnsafter 33 years

HONG KONG, 19 Oct—Hong Kong’s iconicc r o s s - h a r b o u rswimming race made itsreturn Sunday after a 33-year suspension forcedby pollution and heavytraffic on the famouswaterway.

The annual race, atradition dating back to1906 which in its heydayattracted hundreds ofswimmers to the city’sfamed Victoria Harbour,was halted in 1978 aswater quality deteri-orated. The event wasrevived this year due topopular demand, with

organisers insisting thewater had improved.

A total of 1,000swimmers took part inthe 1.8 kilometre (1.1mile) race amid acarnival atmosphere.

They dashedbetween Hong Kongisland and the Kowloonpeninsula on a brightautumn day, with thewinning time for thecourse 20 minutes and34 seconds.

“It’s a meaningfulevent. It brings back alot of memories for oldHong Kong people,”said Ronnie Wong from

the Hong Kong AmateurSwimming Association,a three-time championof the race between 1967and 1969.


Swimmers take part ina race across Victoria

Harbour in HongKong. Hong Kong’siconic cross-harbourswimming race madeits return after a 33-

year suspensionforced by pollution

and heavy traffic onthe famous waterway.


Union Minister for Religious Affairs ThuraU Myint Maung and wife enjoy performance

of Yangon Region’s troupe.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011 11

Visitors look at a model ofMiami Beach, constructed

out of lego bricks,displayed at Legoland

Florida during its grandopening celebration in

Winter Haven, Florida on14 October, 2011.


Residents watch “Spiderman” AlainRobert, a French urban climber,

scale the 77-meter high HotelIntercontinental with free hands inBucharest, capital of Romania, on

14 Oct, 2011. The HotelIntercontinental is the 2nd highest

building in Bucharest.—XINHUA

A three-month-oldBengal Tiger plays

with a three-month-old lioncub at a zoo in

Puerto Vallarta on13 October, 2011.The keepers at thezoo educate visitorsand raise awaren-ess on endangeredanimals aroundthe world. The

park’s own tigerbreeding progra-mme has enjoyedsuccess with more

than 20 tigers bornsince 2010 includ-

ing a rare whiteBengal tiger,

according to zoovet Martin Mar-


A shepherd herds sheepon a snow-clad meadowat the northern foothills

of the YinshanMountains in Inner

Mongolia AutonomousRegion, north China, on14 Oct, 2011. Snow hitthe northern foothills ofthe Yinshan Mountains

early this week.—XINHUA

Toddlers learn better from play, not TV screensWASHINGTON, 19 Oct—The

temptation to rely on a surfeit of TVprogrammes for ‘educating’ babies andtoddlers seems to have become a trendamong parents. But playing mayactually be a far better way to makethem learn than passive TV watching.

Young children learn best fromand need interaction with humans, notscreens. Parents who watch TV orvideos with their child may add to thechild’s understanding, but childrenlearn more from live presentations thanfrom televised ones, says an AmericanAcademy of Paediatrics (AAP) report.

In a recent survey, 90 percent ofparents said their children under agetwo watch some form of TV. On anaverage, children this age watchtelevised programmes one to two hoursdaily, the journal Pediatrics reports.

By the age of three, almost a third

of children have a TV in their bedroom.Parents who believe that educationalTV is “very important for healthydevelopment” are twice as likely tokeep the TV on all or most of the time.

Ari Brown, member of the AAPCouncil on Communications andMedia, who co-authored the report,provided guidance on media use forchildren under age two in 1999,including a recommendation thatdiscouraged TV viewing for them.

“The concerns raised in the originalpolicy statement are even more relevantnow, which led us to develop a morecomprehensive piece of guidancearound this age group,” said Brown.

The key findings of the AAP reportare that while video programmes forinfants and toddlers are marketed as“educational,” there are not supportedby evidence.—Internet

Chinese brewery to open firstoverseas plant in Bangkok

BANGKOK, 19 Oct — China’s brewery giantTsingtao Beer announced Monday that it is settingup its first overseas plant in Bangkok, capital ofThailand.

The brewery exports beer to over 70 countriesaround the world. The overseas plant is expected toexpand its share in the southeast Asian and Europeanmarket, according to a statement from the company.

The plant will create hundreds of local jobs andproduce about 200,000 kiloliters of beer each year.It will be completed in 18 months and put intooperation in 2013, said Jin Zhiguo, chairman of thebrewery.

Economic and cultural exchanges betweenChina and Thailand has been growing rapidly,laying foundation for Chinese companies to investin Thailand, said Li Qun, mayor of Qingdao onChina’s east coast where the brewery is based.


Thailand donates 200,000 USD toflood-hit Cambodia, Vietnam

BANGKOK, 19 Oct — Thai government allocated three millionbaht (100,000 US dollars) to neighbouring Cambodia and Vietnameach for humanitarian aid for flood-stricken areas, local mediareported Wednesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul handed thecash donations together with letters of condolence from PrimeMinister Yingluck Shinawatra to Cambodian ambassador YouAye and Vietnamese ambassador Ngo Duc Thang on Tuesdayevening.

In the letters, the prime minister said the disaster was anunprecedented challenge that had caused immense damage. Onbehalf of Thai government and people, the premier vowed tostand side by side with the two countries in the battle against thecatastrophe and called for collective cooperation from ASEANnations and its alliances in solving the problem.

The disaster in Cambodia has so far claimed 247 lives andaffected 1.2 million others. In Vietnam, 43 people have beenkilled and over 70,000 houses submerged. Thailand’s worstfloods in over 50 years have already claimed 317 lives andaffected 2.4 million others.


Indian air force MiG 29 fightercrashes in N state

NEW DELHI, 19 Oct— An Indian Air Force MiG 29 fighter crashed in thenorthern Indian State Himachal Pradesh, Indo-Asian News Service reportedWednesday.

The report quoted police as saying rescue workers had begun to search forsurvivors in the mountain terrain where the fighter crashed at about 20:00 pmTuesday evening.

There is no official confirmation about the number of people on board theaircraft, said the report. The crash took place at Chokhan Village in HimachalPradesh’s Lahaul Valley, about 450 km from state capital Shimla.—Xinhua

Pyongyang holds 7th AutumnInternational Trade Fair

PYONGYANG, 19 Oct — The 7th Pyongyang AutumnInternational Trade Fair opened Monday at the Three-Revolution Exhibition.

Present at the opening ceremony were Kang Sok Ju,vice-premier of the cabinet, Foreign Trade Minister RiRyong Nam, Pak Pyong Jong and other trade officials andforeign delegations and envoys.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Kim Mun Jong,director of the Korean International ExhibitionCorporation, and Vice Foreign Trade Minister O RyongChol, said the fair played an important role in promotingeconomic and trade relations among countries andachieving common economic development.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)would conduct multifaceted cooperation with othercountries based on the principle of equality and mutualbenefit, they said. Companies from countries and regions,including the DPRK, China, Germany, Switzerland,Sweden, Austria, Italy, the Czech Republic and France areparticipating the exhibition.

The fair will last till Thursday.—Xinhua

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011

Announcement of notice to U Myaing Than Toe Oo and U Minn Thwin Nyunt

(The Directors and Share Holders of Premier Machinery Co., Ltd.)

and the General Public.

Under the instructions of my client, Daw Zin Mar Myint, 12/Tamana (Naing)091551, I hereby advise in this newspaper that,

U Myaing Than Toe Oo, U Minn Thwin Nyunt and my client Daw Zin MarMyint were invested in the business of machinery trading as the three parties in thePremier Machinery Co., Ltd. which is situated at No. 65(w) Thirimon Estate,Bayint Naung Road, Hlaing Township, Yangon Region, Myanmar.

In early days of 2011, my client desired to resign from the post of Director anda share holder of that company. After many discussions made among the parties,U Myaing Than Toe Oo and U Minn Thwin Nyunt agreed Daw Zin Mar Myint toresign from the company and agreed to completely pay the amount of 264,200,000Kyats (Total amount of Kyats Two Hundred and Sixty Four Million and TwoHundred Thousand only) to Daw Zin Mar Myint on 31-3-2011 as her investmentand the reasonable amount of profit from the said machinery trading business dueto the internal negotiation in discussion and calculation among the three parties.The three parties mutually considered the terms and conditions of their agreementand executed an Agreement on 18-2-2011. Based upon the said Agreement DawZin Mar Myint did not interfere or involve in the business of the Premier MachineryCo., Ltd. since on the day of 18-2-2011.

On the day of 31-3-2011, U Myaing Than Toe Oo and U Minn Thwin Nyuntrequested to postpone the payment amounting 264,200,000 Kyats (Total amountof Kyats Two Hundred and Sixty Four Million and Two Hundred Thousand only)to Daw Zin Mar Myint although the provision contained in the 18-2-2011 datedAgreement mentioned that the payment to Daw Zin Mar Myint shall be madecompletely on 31-3-2011. However, Daw Zin Mar Myint accepted the request, andthe three parties executed the further Agreement on 31-3-2011.

After the 31-3-2011 Agreement, the payment of 54,000,000 Kyats (Totalamount of Kyats Fifty Four Million only) was made by U Myaing Than Toe Oo andU Minn Thwin Nyunt on 18-5-2011 although the provision contained in the18-2-2011 Agreement mentioned that the said amount shall be paid in the monthof April, 2011. The total amount of Kyats 123,200,000 (Total amount of Kyats OneHundred and Twenty Three Million and Two Hundred Thousand) is still due to payDaw Zin Mar Myint up to this day by prolonging the payment in various ways ofU Myaing Than Toe Oo and U Minn Thwin Nyunt.

In these days, Daw Zin Mar Myint considered to support the smooth operationof Premier Machinery Co., Ltd. and sent the resignation letter from the post ofDirector and Share holder of the Company together with the relevant documents ofthe Share Transfer on 16-6-2011 to the company. Also the resignation letter of DawZin Mar Myint from the account holder name of Premier Machinery Co., Ltd. wassent to the Myanmar Investment and Commercial Bank on 9-9-2011. The abovesaid documents are already received by Premier Machinery Co., Ltd.

Therefore, this notice is demanded to U Myaing Than Toe Oo and U MinnThwin Nyunt to pay the remaining amount of Kyats 123,200,000 (Total amount ofKyats One Hundred and Twenty Three Million and Two Hundred Thousand) toDaw Zin Mar Myint within (14) days of this advertisement, and on default of thisdemand, you are left with no alternation other than to bring this matter up with therelevant authorities and the Court of justice of the Republic of the Union ofMyanmar.

Furthermore, General Public is hereby honestly given this notice by my clientthat any person or any entity who involved in the business of Premier MachineryCo., Ltd. in any way, then they who receivable any cash or any product or servicefrom Premier Machinery Co., Ltd. or U Myaing Than Toe Oo and U Minn ThwinNyunt are requested by my client not to contact her as she is not responsible to anyactivities of business relating to Premier Machinery Co.,Ltd, since she was resignedfrom that company.

By instruction,

U Myo Nyunt Win (LL.B, D.B.L, D.M.L)Advocate — Seri. No. 7119No.5/6, First Floor, Room 6,Maha Bandoola Garden Street,Kyauktada Township, Yangon.Ph— 09 50 26846, 09 730 48393

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV TAN BINH 32 VOY NO ( )Consignees of cargo carried on MV TAN BINH 32

VOY NO ( ) are hereby notified that the vessel will bearriving on 20.10.2011 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of M.I.T.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV CENA FAITH VOY NO (009)Consignees of cargo carried on MV CENA FAITH

VOY NO (009) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 20.10.2011 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of M.I.T.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S COSCO SHIPPING CO LTDPhone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTAMACHAN VOY NO (319) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 20.10.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Take Fire Preventive Measures

US study sayslow birthweight‘linked to autism’

LONDON, 19 Oct — Ba-bies born weighing lessthan 4lb (1.8kg) could bemore prone to developingautism than children bornat normal weight, a studysuggests. Writing inPediatrics journal, US re-searchers followed 862New Jersey children bornat a low birthweight frombirth to the age of 21. Some5% were diagnosed withautism, compared to 1%of the general population.But experts say more re-search is needed to con-firm and understand thelink.

Links between lowbirthweight and a range ofmotor and cognitive prob-lems have been well es-tablished by previous re-search. But the research-ers say this is the first studyto establish that these chil-dren may also have agreater risk of developingautism spectrum disor-ders. The babies in thestudy were born betweenSeptember 1984 and July1987 in three counties inNew Jersey.

They all weighed be-tween 0.5kg and 2kg or amaximum of about 4.4lb.At the age of 16, 623 chil-dren were screened for riskof an autism spectrum dis-order (ASD). —Internet

Babies born under-weight are known to be

prone to a variety ofcognitive problems.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011 13


Consignees of cargo carried on MV GENIUSSTAR 1 VOY NO (17) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 20.10.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of M.I.T.T where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: TOKO KAIUN KAISHA LTDPhone No: 256924/256914 Pilot’s mid-air horror after

discovering speedometer hadbeen sabotaged with glue

Bear knuckle boxing: Cubs compete to beking of the castle

The pairplayed forhours as



watched inHalo Bay,


Red ARV Super2

Guns stolenfrom SWAT

buildingLOS ANGELES, 19 Oct—

A cache of weapons, in-cluding 21 machine guns,has been stolen from aLos Angeles police SWATtraining site. The 30 weap-ons were altered to fireonly blanks, but officialstold the Los Angeles Timesthat they could be con-verted back to lethal use.

The Deputy Chief ofLAPD, Michael Downing,said the weapons weremoved on Wednesday toa building and stored in alocked box on the firstfloor. They were gonewhen a Swat unit arrivedthe following morning.


Enzyme ‘switch’ clue toinfertility and miscarriage

Doctors: Pap remains besttest for cervical cancer

TORONTO, 19 Oct—These adorable babybears look just like they'replaying King of the Castle— as they battle to knockeach other off a log. Theyspent hours at the game,wrestling on top of thetree trunk and pushing oneanother over like gladia-tors. The little grizzly bearsbopped each other overthe head and even tried tobite one another with theirtiny teeth as they prac-

tised their fighting skills.They shuffled backwardsand forwards, teetering onthe splintered wood asthey playfully tried toshow who was boss.

Eventually one of thebears managed to shovehis brother off the end ofthe log, leaving him cling-ing on comically.The cub,who was just a few monthsold, even tried to scram-ble up again but wasthwarted by his victorious

sibling. After hours of play,the baby bears worethemselves out and scamp-ered back to their patientmother for tea.

The enchanting scenewas caught on camera byphotographer ClaudeLecours, 49, who was vis-iting Halo Bay, Alaska.Claude, a project managerfrom Beaton, near To-ronto, Canada, said: 'It wasunbelievable. It was a greatthing to see. —Internet

NEW YORK, 19 Oct—There's more news oncancer screening tests —this time for women. Sci-entists advising the gov-ernment say a Pap test isa good way to screenyoung and middle-agedwomen for cervicalcancer, and it's onlyneeded once every threeyears. But they say thereis not enough evidenceyet to back testing forHPV, the virus that causesthe disease. That's at oddswith the American CancerSociety and other groups,which have long said thatusing both tests can be anoption for women over30.

Those groups and theUS Preventive ServicesTask Force separatelyplan to release proposednew guidelines forcervical cancer screeningon Wednesday and invitepublic comment. The task

force is the same groupthat recommendedagainst routine PSA teststo screen for prostatecancer, saying they weredoing more harm thangood for men at averagerisk. Cervical cancerscreening is a successstory. In the UnitedStates, cases and deathrates have been cut morethan in half since the1970s because of Papsmears — lab exams ofcells scraped from thecervix, the gateway to theuterus. The test can findearly signs of this slow-growing cancer and treatthem before a tumor has achance to develop.

So "the bar is set prettyhigh" for a test to replaceor supplement Paps, saidDr Evelyn Whitlock ofKaiser PermanenteNorthwest's Centre forHealth Research inPortland, Ore.—Internet

LONDON, 19 Oct—Sci-entists have identified a"fertility switch" proteinwhich appears to increaseinfertility if levels are toohigh and fuel miscarriageif too low. An ImperialCollege London team tooksamples from the womblining of more than 100women. Writing in NatureMedicine they saidwomen with unexplainedinfertility had high levelsof the enzyme SGK1,while those who miscar-ried had low levels. Onefertility expert said theresearch offered new av-enues for research.

About one in sixwomen have difficultygetting pregnant, and onein 100 women trying toconceive experience re-current miscarriages, de-

fined as the loss of three ormore consecutive preg-nancies. The Imperialteam also carried outmouse studies whichfound levels of SGK1 inthe womb lining declineduring the window of timeduring which they can fallpregnant. When extra cop-ies of the SGK1 gene wereimplanted into the womblining, these mice wereunable to get pregnant.

The researchers saythis suggests a fall inSGK1 levels is essentialfor making the uterus re-ceptive to embryos. How-ever, if low levels of SGK1persist into pregnancy, thisappears to cause differentproblems. —Internet

Photo taken on 15 Oct, 2011 shows a corner inLongxing, a very old town in southwest China’sChongqing Municipality. Longxing town has a

history of over 600 years, and has reserved manytraditional customs such as waist drum and

Sichuan Opera. —XINHUA

More false alarms withannual mammograms

NEW YORK, 19 Oct—A new study supportsgetting mammogramsevery other year insteadof annually. It finds thatmore than 60 percent ofwomen who get testedeach year for a decadewill be called back atleast once for extra teststhat turn out not to showbreast cancer.

Screening every otheryear, as a government taskforce recommends, dropsthis false alarm rate to 42

percent without a big riskof cancer being found ata late stage, the studysuggests. Having yourprevious mammogramavailable for comparisonto the new one cuts thechance of a false alarm inhalf.

The study appears inthe Annals of InternalMedicine. It does not getinto the debate overwhether mammogramsshould start at age 40or 50.—Internet

ANGLESEY, 19 Oct—A pilot averted disasterafter discovering in mid-air that his flightinstruments had beensabotaged with glue.

Doug Blair hadalready taken off inhis light aircraft,accompanied by his five-year-old son Daniel, whenhe realised that theairspeed indicator was notworking.North WalesPolice confirmed todaythat they are investigatingwhat the 56-year-old saidwas 'malicious interfer-ence' and have issued awarning to other pilotsafter the incident at Monaairstrip in Anglesey,

North Wales.Without an airspeed

indicator the pilot has noway of knowing how fasthe is going and faces thepossibility that the planewill stall and crash.Keeping a cool head,the father-of-two mana-ged to land the ARVSuper2 plane. It was thenthat he discovered gluehad been used to tamperwith the aircraft'sinstruments. Mr Blair, aScotsman who lives inConwy, told how he wasforced to speed up hisplane and land as his wifeand other son James, 4,watched from below.


Air Force plane crashes in southern PakistanISLAMABAD, 19 Oct—At least one officer was killed on Wednesday when

a trainer plane of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) crashed in the country’s southwesternProvince of Balochistan, local Urdu TV ARY News reported. According to thereport, the incident took place at about 12:30 pm (local time) when a traineraircraft of PAF crashed in Hub District of Balochistan during routine trainingsession. Pilot of the plane died on the spot. There is no official statement aboutthe incident so far and the reason of the crash is also not determined yet. Earlieron 15 Aug, one man was killed and a female pilot got injured in a trainer planecrash in eastern Pakistan.—Xinhua

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011

10-man Man United wins inChampions League

Wayne Rooney (L) of Manchester Unitedis congratulated by team mates MichaelCarrick (C) and Nani after scoringagainst Otelul Galati during the Cham-pions League Group C soccer match atthe National Arena in Bucharest on 18

Oct, 2011.—INTERNET

Sir Alex Ferguson will not be appealingNemanja Vidic’s ‘very harsh’ red card

Cynthia Valdez of Mexico shows hergold medal after winning the rhyth-

mic gymnastics individual finalcompetition during the Pan Ameri-can Games Guadalajara 2011, in

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, on 17Oct, 2011. — XINHUA

LONDON, 19 Oct — Wayne Rooneymade two penalty kicks Tuesday to lead10-man Manchester United a 2-0 roadvictory over the Romanian club OtelulGalati in the Champions League.

Rooney opened the scoring in the64th minute, but captain Nemanja Vidicwas sent off two minutes later. Rooney’sother penalty kick came during injurytime, giving United its first victory inGroup C.

Real Madrid routed Lyon 4-0 to main-tain its perfect record this season, get-ting goals from Karim Benzema, SamiKhedira, Mesut Oezil and Sergio Ramos.

Substitute Sergio Aguero had a latescore to lead Manchester City pastVillarreal 2-1, earning the PremierLeague leaders their first victory inGroup A. Bayern Munich dropped itsfirst points in the group, held to a 1-1draw at Napoli.

Inter Milan beat Lille 1-0 to move

to the top of Group B. GiampaoloPazzini scoring the only goal in the22nd minute.—Internet

Runners participate in the 33rd Eurasia Interna-tional Marathon in Istanbul on 16 Oct, 2011. VincentKiplagat of Kenya won the men's race with two hours,10 minutes and 58 seconds while Alemitu Abera fromEthiopia won the women's race with two hours, 27 minutes and 56 seconds. — XINHUA

Nemanja Vidic (2nd L) of ManchesterUnited is booked by the referee during

the Champions League Group Csoccer match against Otelul Galati.


LONDON, 19 Oct — ManchesterUnited manager Sir Alex Fergusonwon’t appeal against Nemanja Vidic’ssending off, but claimed the Serbian'sdismissal during the 2-0 ChampionsLeague victory over Otelul Galati was"very harsh".

After a sluggish first half, the OldTrafford side claimed all three points inGroup C with two penalties from WayneRooney, helping put his side onto fivepoints and into second place.

However, the victory was marred bya straight red for Vidic after United'sfirst goal for a lunge on Gabriel Giurgiu.

“He’s raised his foot and in the con-text of referee’s interpretation, espe-cially in Europe, I can see why he’sgiven the red card, but it’s very harsh Ithink," Ferguson told Sky Sports.

When asked whether the Old Traffordside would look to appeal the dismissal,the Scot added: “I don’t think you can

win these things.”Ferguson was delighted, though, with

the performance of Wayne Rooney, whohe restored to the starting lineup aftercoming off the bench during the 1-1draw with Liverpool.


Benzema opens scoring as Madrid wins 4-0 vs Lyon

Real Madrid's Angel Di Maria fromArgentina, left, vies for the ball withLyon's Michel Bastos from Brazil,

right, during their Group D Champi-ons League soccer match at SantiagoBernabeu stadium in Madrid, on 18

Oct, 2011.—INTERNET

MADRID, 19 Oct —Karim Benzemascored one goal and made two moreagainst his former club as Real Madridclaimed a third straight ChampionsLeague win with a 4-0 home victoryagainst Lyon on Tuesday.

Benzema tapped home the openinggoal after Cristiano Ronaldo flickedon a corner in the 19th minute andprovided assists for Sami Khedira inthe 47th and Mesut Oezil’s effort thatwent in via goalkeeper Hugo Lloris

in the 55th.Sergio Ramos volleyed the fourth

goal in the 81st. Benzema scored in bothlegs of Madrid’s win over Lyon in theknockout stage last season and justifiedhis selection ahead of in-form Argen-tine teammate Gonzalo Higuain, whohad scored two consecutive hat tricksfor Madrid in the Spanish league.


Defender Vermaelensigns new deal with

ArsenalLONDON, 19 Oct —

Arsenal defender ThomasVermaelen has signed anew long-term contractwith the Gunners, an-nounced the PremierLeague side on Tuesday.

Vermaelen, 25, hasmade 54 appearances forthe north London clubsince arriving at Emiratesin 2009 from Ajax. TheBelgium international hasnot played since August24 but is expected dueback in full training soon.

"I am really happy tohave signed a new con-tract with Arsenal. Ialways had the intentionto stay here," saidVermaelen, who spentnine years with Dutch gi-ants Ajax.—Xinhua

Fontas extends contract withBarcelona

MADRID, 19 Oct — FC Barcelona have extended thecontract of young central defender Andreu Fontas untilthe end of June 2015.

The 21-year-old, who was promoted into the Barce-lona first team squad from the B-team last January andwho went on to make six first team appearances, hasonly made one league appearance so far this season,but is a key part of coach Pep Guardiola's plans for thefuture.

Barcelona have agreed to extend his current deal bytwo years while raising Fontas' buyout clause to 70million euros.—Xinhua

American Bogomolov Jr winsdebut at Kremlin Cup

MOSCOW, 19 Oct —American Alex Bogomolov Jrrallied to defeat Serbian qualifier Dusan Lajovic 3-6,6-3, 6-4 Tuesday in his debut at the Kremlin Cup in thecity where he was born.

Watched by his father, a renowned tennis coach inthe former Soviet Union, he made a nervous start bydropping the first set and gave up a 4-1 lead in thedeciding set before winning the match.

“Four-four (in the third set) was serious, but I re-turned well a couple of times and then finished fine andthat’s the main thing,” Bogomolov Jr said.—Internet

McIlroy leads at PGAGrand Slam in

BermudaHAMILTON, 19 Oct —Rory McIlroy

made four birdies on the back nineTuesday to grab a share of the lead withKeegan Bradley at the PGA Grand Slam,featuring the winners of this year’smajors.

The pair finished the first round tiedat 4-under 67, well ahead of CharlSchwartzel, The Masters winner whoshot a 74, and British Open championDarren Clarke, who finished with a 77.

McIlroy, who won the US Open,missed a host of putts on the front nine.“Itwas getting frustrating,” he said.



Evans, Contador emerge as 2012 Tour deFrance favourites

PARIS, 19 Oct—Cadel Evans and Spanish nemesis AlbertoContador emerged as the big favourites for the 2012 Tour de Franceyellow jersey after the race route was unveiled on Tuesday.

Evans, a former two-time runner-up, ended Australia’s long waitfor victory on the world’s premier bike race when he won the 98thedition in July.

The BMC team leader’s success — during what was considereda largely clean race, with only one doping positive — has met with theapproval of organisers who, on Tuesday, were quick to pay tribute tothe Australian.

But despite nearly 100 km of time trials and fewer stages in thehigh mountains, Tour chief Christian Prudhomme stopped short ofsaying he had Evans in mind when the 99th edition was created.

“This route will inspire many different kinds of riders,”Prudhomme said after its unveiling in the presence of Evans, Contadorand a few dozen other top stars of the peloton.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 20 October, 2011 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

Thursday,20 October

View on today123456789012

Weather forecast for 18th October, 2011

7:00 am 1. Paritta By

Venerable MinGun Sayadaw

7:15 am 2. Dhamma Puja Song7:25 am 3. To Be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 4. Morning News7:40 am 5. Nice & Sweet



Programme Schedule(20-10-2011) (Thursday)

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MSTOverseas Transmission - (20-10-11 09:30 am ~ 21-10-11 09:30 am) MST

Local Transmission* Opening* News* History & Mystery Behind The Caves* News* Food Prices- From Crisis to Stability (16 October

2011)* News* Kaba Aye Ga Mone Pwint Super Market* Culture Stage* News

* “ Herbal medicines by Thurein”Shar Saung LetPat (Alone Vera Lin)

Overseas Transmission* Opening* News* History & Mystery Behind The Caves* News* Food Prices- From Crisis to Stability (16 October

2011)* News* Kaba Aye Ga Mone Pwint Super Market

* Culture Stage* News* “Herbal medicines by Thurein” Shar Saung Let

Pat (Alone Vera Lin)* News* Youth of the Future (Gravity)* News* Music Gallery* Casting A Glance at the Past* News* Wine Su’s Magic* A Cup of Milk for Nutrition* News* A Day in Bagan* 18th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts


7:50 am 6. Health Programme8:00 am 7. Dance Of National

Races8:10 am 8. Musical Programme8:20 am 9. Dance Variety8:25 am10. Teleplay (Forest)8:35 am11. International News8:40 am12. Myanmar Traditional

Cultural PerformingArts Competitions

8:45 am13. Metta Bhavana By

Mingun SayadawPhayagyi

4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. Cute Little Dancer4:20 pm 3. Musical Programme

4:30 pm 4. University of

Distance Education(TV Lectures)-Third Year (Law)

4:45 pm 5. Songs for

Upholding NationalSpirit

5:00 pm 6. Singing In Different

Versions5:10 pm 7. Myanmar

TraditionalCultural PerformingArts Competitions

5:15 pm 8. Joint Performance of

Orchestra andMyanma RadioModern MusicTroupe

5:45 pm 9. Science and

Environment6:00 pm10. Evening News

6:15 pm11. Weather Report6:20 pm12. Myanmar Series6:35 pm13. Approaching

Science DiscoveryWorld

7:00 pm14. TV Drama Series8:00 pm15. News16. International

News17. Weather Report18. 18th Myanmar

TraditionalCulturalPerforming ArtsCompetitions(2011) “LungeAhman” (SagaingRegion ArtTroupe)

19. 18th MyanmarTraditionalCulturalPerforming ArtsCompetitions(2011)

Weather forecast for 20th October, 2011

LONDON, 19 Oct—British airportoperator BAA said it would sellEdinburgh airport following a rulingearlier this year by the CompetitionCommission ordering it to sell off LondonStansted airport and either Glasgow orEdinburgh airport in Scotland.

“BAA is now commencingpreparations for a sale and expects toformally approach the market in theNew Year with a view to agreeing a sale(of Edinburgh airport) by Summer 2012,”BAA, owned by Spanish infrastructurefirm Ferrovial said in a statement onWednesday.

“Choosing which airport to sell hasbeen a difficult decision ... Glasgowairport has great opportunities for futuregrowth and development and we thinkBAA is well-placed to build on its recentsuccess.”

BAA owns London’s Heathrow —Europe’s busiest airport — as well asSouthampton and Stansted in Englandand Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeenairports in Scotland.

Earlier this month the CC told BAA

BAA to sell Edinburgh airport and keepGlasgow

People walk past a terminal in theBAA operated Glasgow airport in


that it must sell one of its Scottish airportsbefore it disposes of Stansted airport.

The CC’s decision followed a two-year battle between BAA and the CCafter the CC ruled in 2009 that BAAexerted a dominant hold on British airportsand told it to sell Gatwick and Stanstedairports and one of its Scottish airports.

BAA is seeking a judicial review ofthe competition watchdog’s rulingrequiring it to sell off Stansted.


Sr. No.

Regions/States Temperature (°C/°F) For Tomorrow

Maximum Minimum Forecast Percent

1 Kachin 25/77 22/72 Widespread rain or thundershowers with

likelihood of regionally heavyfalls 80%

2 Kayah 26/79 19/66 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80% 3 Kayin 35/95 22/72 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80%

4 Chin 18/64 12/54 Widespread rain or thundershowers with

likelihood of regionally heavyfalls 80%

5 Upper Sagaing 26/79 21/70 Widespread rain or thundershowers with

likelihood of regionally heavyfalls 80%

6 Lower Sagaing 27/81 23/73 Widespread rain or thundershowers with

likelihood of regionally heavyfalls 80%

7 Taninthayi 32/90 23/73 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80% 8 Bago 31/88 22/72 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

9 Magway 26/79 23/73 Widespread rain or thundershowers with

likelihood of regionally heavyfalls 80%

10 Mandalay 27/81 23/73 Widespread rain or thundershowers with

likelihood of regionally heavyfalls 80%

11 Mon 32/90 23/73 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80% 12 Yangon 32/90 23/73 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

13 Rakhine 25/77 20/68 Widespread rain or thundershowers with

likelihood of regionally heavyfalls 80%

14 Southern Shan 20/68 16/61 Widespread rain or thundershowers 80% 15 Northern Shan 27/81 18/64 Widespread rain or thundershowers 80% 16 Eastern Shan 22/72 19/66 Widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

17 Ayeyawady 32/90 24/75 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers

with likelihood of isolated heavyfalls 80%

18 Neighbouring Nay Pyi Taw

28/82 22/72 One or two rain or thundershowers 80%

19 Neighbouring Yangon 32/90 23/73 One or two rain or thundershowers 80%

20 Neighbouring Mandalay 27/81 23/73 One or two rain or thundershowers 80%

Summary of observations at

09:30 hr MST on today

During the past (24) hours, weather has been partly cloudy in Kayin State, rain or thundershowers have been isolated in Yangon Region and Mon State, scattered in Ayeyawady, Bago and Taninthayi Regions, fairly widespread in Kachin State and widespread in the remaining Regions and States with regionally heavy falls in Lower Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway Regions and Rakhine State. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw (Airport) (2.00) inches, Sittway (7.60) inches, Maungtaw (6.69) inches, Htilin (2.56) inches, Mawlaik (2.28) inches and PyinOoLwin (1.77) inches.

Bay Inference

According to the observations at (12:30) hrs MST today, the low pressure area over North Bay of Bengal has intensifled further into a Depression and it’s centre at about (160) miles West of Sittway likely to intensify and move East-Northeast wards and likely to cross between Northern Rakhine Coast (Maungtaw) and Bengladesh Coast (Chittakaung) next (36) hours commencing noon today. Weather is cloudy in North Bay and Central Bay and partly cloudy in the Andaman Sea and elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal.

State of the Sea Occasional squalls with rough seas are likely off and along Rakhine Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (50-60) mph, Seas will be moderate elsewhere in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for sub-sequent two days

Continuation of increase of rain in the Upper Myanmar areas.

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Thursday, 20 October, 20118th Waning of Thadingyut 1373 ME

Second regular session of first Pyithu Hluttaw continues for 37th day

Nine questions answered, one bill approvedNine questions answered, one bill approvedNine questions answered, one bill approvedNAY PYI TAW, 19 Oct — The second regular session

of the first Pyithu Hluttaw continued for 37th day at thehall of Pyithu Hluttaw of Hluttaw Building, here, at10.10 am today, attended by Speaker of the PyithuHluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann and 380 Hluttawrepresentatives.

At today’s session, nine questions were answeredand one bill was approved.

Union Minister for Construction U Khin MaungMyint answered six questions on matters relating toconstruction raised by five representatives.

Regarding the question raised by U Win Myint ofMyingyan Constituency who asked whether there isa plan to build an appropriate bridge at the place ofTaungtha creek crossing concrete culvert onMyingyan-Taungtha motorway, the Union ministerreplied that a 300-foot concrete culvert was builtacross the Taungtha creek at mile post No. 433/2 onMyingyan-Taungtha road section of Yangon-Pyay-Magway-Myingyan-Mandalay road in MyingyanDistrict of Mandalay Region in which water flowswhen the rain comes.

A 295-foot wooden bridge for pedestrian wasbuilt, 15 feet downstream from the culvert, under theregional development programme in 2006. As timewent by sandbanks were formed between the woodenbridge and the culvert, blocking the flow of water. Afterthe 600 feet long and 100 feet wide sandbanks havebeen removed, there was no longer outflow of creek

water. So there is no plan to build a bridge at the placeof Taungtha creek crossing concrete culvert onMyingyan-Taungtha motorway by the Ministry ofConstruction.

Regarding the question raised by U Kyin Wun ofHopan Constituency who asked that the Uniongovernment can upgrade itself the road section fromHsenwi to Chinshwehaw or can provide necessaryassistance in cooperation with Asia World Companywhich is the in-charge of the road, the Union Ministeranswered that construction of 66 mile long Hsenwi-Kunlong-Chinshwehaw tarred road section linking

Hsenwi in Shan State (North) and Chinshwehaw isbeing carried out by Asia World Company underBOT system starting from 9 July 1999. Two woodenbridges were upgraded to RC type facilities during2011-12 fiscal year by the company. New pier andapproach structure for two bailey bridges near Narteevillage were also constructed.

Road works were completed at the narrow sectionson Hsenwi-Kunlong-Chinshwehaw and the road worksfor the remaining sections are in progress. Upgradingand tarmacking of road are underway. An excavator is

(See page 8)

Second regular session of first Amyotha Hluttaw continues for 36th day

Six questions answered, one question changed to proposalSix questions answered, one question changed to proposalSix questions answered, one question changed to proposaland approved, one bill and one proposal approvedand approved, one bill and one proposal approvedand approved, one bill and one proposal approved

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Oct—The 36th day secondregular session of first Amyotha Hluttaw took placeat Amyotha Hluttaw Hall of Hluttaw Building hereat 10 am today, attended by Speaker of AmyothaHluttaw U Khin Aung Myint and 206 AmyothaHluttaw representatives.

U Sai Tin Aung of Kachin State ConstituencyNo. 5 asked about situation of stretching 66 KVpower grid in Mohnyin District of Kachin State. Inresponse, Union Minister for Electric Power No. 2 UKhin Maung Soe said that Galainggaung small-

scale hydropower plant with the generating capacityof 1260 kw is supplying electricity to Mohnyin ofKachin State. Based on progress of electricity innational power grid, Naba-Mohnyin and Mohnyin-Mogaung 66 KV power line are being installed tosupply electricity from national power grid to KachinState.

Stretching of Naba-Mohnyin 66 KV power line(41.77 miles) is completed by 82 per cent andMohnyin-Mogaung 66 KV power line (57.89 miles)by 80 per cent. The projects will completely conclude

in 2011-2012 fiscal year.Union Minister for Communications, Posts and

Telegraphs U Thein Tun answered the questionsraised by three Hluttaw representatives.

U Paul Lyan Lwin of Chin State ConstituencyNo. 9 asked whether there is a plan to upgrade V-sat satellite system into Micro Auto Station Towersystem in Matupi. In response, the Union Ministersaid that KY-1000 XM exchange installed with 500lines was opened in Matupi, Chin State on 22-3-2009. Until 30-9-3011, number of phones installednumbered 215. The 1E1 was installed through V-satsatellite system in Matupi exchange for trunk call.

Plan has been drawn to upgrade V-sat satellitesystem into microwave system and will be in motionin 2012-2013 fiscal year.

U Tun Myint of Sagaing Region ConstituencyNo. 6 in his question said that there are differentannual fees for ID caller system in line phone,asking whether there is a plan to allow suchsystem for free of charge like that in hand phone.In response, the Union Minister said thatarrangements are being made that auto telephone(line phone) users are to pay K 500 a monthif they want to install ID caller system and K 6000annual fee on equal grounds across the country,and that mobile phone (hand phone) users are

(See page 9)

Representatives at 36th day second regular session of first Amyotha Hluttaw.—MNA

Representatives at 37th day second regular session of first Pyithu Hluttaw.—MNA

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