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Establishing Rapport

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Simone Becker 17/11/2013 Rapport
Page 1: Establishing Rapport

Simone Becker17/11/2013


Page 2: Establishing Rapport

Is the relationship built on trust and respect between teachers and students.

Rapport is the capacity to enter someone’s world and to make him feel that you understand him and that you have a strong connection in common.

It is one of the fundamental factors leading to students’ feeling capable, competent and creative so that they can reach to their potential in studying english.


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To increase student’s enjoyment of the teacher and subject matter.

To motivate them to come to class more often and pay more attention in class.

When people are communicating in rapport they find it easy to be understood and believe their concerns are highly regarded by the other person.

What For?

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1- The extent to which students accept the goals the teacher has spelled out to the class.

2- The student and teacher “connecting” emotionally and students’ motivation to participate actively in their education.

3- The teacher’s ability to care genuinely for students and to nurture their learning.

Rapport Increases

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Good working behaviors



Create a Good Rapport with

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• Explain your course policies – what they are and why they are.

• Smile- show the students you are happy to be there and to see them.

• Learn to call your students by name.• Show interest on them. Learn something

about your students’ interests, hobbies, and aspirations.

• Share personal insights and experiences with class.

Tips for rapport building

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• Use e-mail to increase accessibility to your students.

• Reward student comments and questions with verbal praise.

• Crack a joke now and then.• Be humble. • Be respectful.• Be enthusiastic about teaching and

passionate about your subject matter.

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• Instead of giving immediate feedback, teachers should double check the information, and they can admit that “You learn from me, and I learn from you sometimes”

• Laugh at your own mistakes. This shows that students can do the same; this then allows for further amusing situations to happen later on, that students don’t feel so self conscious that no fun can be had.

• Move around the classroom- as students get used to your presence, they will feel less intimidated by you.

• Gestures- using lively and animated gestures demonstrates friendliness and that the teacher is involved in the material. It also helps keep the students alert.

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Mirroring is physically 'copying' the behavior of another person, as if reflecting their movements back to them.  This is done with respect. At an unconscious level the person with whom you are communicating in this way feels acknowledged and appreciates your interest in them. 


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• Body Posture• Hand Gestures• Facial Expressions• Breathing• Movement of Feet• Eye Movements

Behaviors you can duplicate

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CROSS-OVER MATCHING is choosing to match one of your behaviors to a corresponding, but different movement of another. For example, if a person is blinking rapidly, you may cross-over match by discreetly tapping your finger at the same rate as they are blinking; or pace the rhythm of someone's speaking with slight nods of your head or your breathing.

You might also:

Use your hand movement to pace another persons breathing. 

Move your foot to pace another person's head movements. 

 Lift a finger as the other person lifts an eye-brow.


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MISMATCHING is also a useful skill to master. Have you ever had someone go on and on and on when having a conversation with them...when you wonder if they will ever stop talking? 

You can break eye contact, turn your body at an angle to them, breathe faster or slower in contrast to their breathing...in short, do anything to break rapport by mismatching. You will be surprised how quickly and easily the conversation will draw to a close.

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Try mirroring just one aspect of another person's behavior while talking to them--perhaps their posture. When this is easy, gently include another piece, like their hand gestures.

The more you practice, the more you will become aware of the different rhythms, gestures, breathing patterns that you and others have.

You might be surprised to discover that your 'intuition' will be enhanced as you become aware of behaviors and actions of which you were previously unaware. 

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"You don't want customers...you want

RAVING FANS!" Anthony Robbins

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How to establish rapport in the classroom?Submitted by Khanh Nguyen on 11 May, 2011 - 11:28http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/blogs/khanh-nguyen/how-establish-rapport-classroom

RAPPORT - The Magic Ingredient" Penny Tompkins e James Lawley www.cleanlanguage.co.uk

Creating Positive Emotional Contexts for Enhancing Teaching and Learning William Buskist and Bryan K. Saville Auburn Universityhttp://www.socialpsychology.org/rapport.htmBuilding Student Rapport - http://www.educ.ualberta.ca/staff/olenka.bilash/best%20of%20bilash/buildingstudentrapport.html

