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ESTABLISHQ^^ WAY, ^m - Prince William County,...

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^•rr-irr-' | Wi^jB—|il|.LJ|||l i :%i,^. - - ^ I ^ * ^ ^ ESTABLISHQ^^ WAY, ie^B ,>- w VOL.J^XIII. No. 26 MANASSA-v O y EMBER 16. 1917, __»- - - ^ ^m A Y ear ID A''"" IlVnrP rj?Dlf Altf CHURCHK MAKE PLANS UilUEll liMlnAii ; TO AID B« WAR WORK riKCl IN t K A N l ( MlBifiters Vote to Hold . ^ llc«l8iC in tkt InteresI it Boy Destaibw Life. T. M. C. A CaaMHUCB. MiinaiiHHs Boy Desoibw Nmr the TrcncheB Bey -i _ "~ ^ w A ^ W-n C ^ I <*•'- H- Q '^""' Secretary.) Are w e u y ^ g . _] jie |lim«teri»l AanocUtJon of r«„..^ n &^»»„ •~^. <«».»,. 4-iL'>o<< November 13. Jke ^Mldmt, prayec, The fMMt ^ tlM mectmg I was tQ^^ the i l H t *i>d ^MB fw the I hotdiac of • UBieai maaf «MtmK, said i iiiwidHi tg-b«-th» ftitt <ff • «n4es of ^nllalr m w d a ^ « Bi Held in Prince -reACHERSWILL SEES IMPORTANCE ["^t^ATofN^J^.Two HFT WEDNESDAY. OFNEWfflGHWAY Cowty AModatioB WOl HtJi^Dr ^ M m l lMditiil«...4»iibUe i. ImrHed to Attend. 1 WecttiBC««tl» Good Raadfl Map. End Coau* Aft«r Brief Ufaicw at HOB* of Her Danj^rter, Mra. Edward Tyler. PRINCE WILUAM DRAFT STATISTICS (-Chftries R. MCDOMM, Divwioii 8«^ perinlendeiit.) ' (C. & C. Johnson.) u> his parents, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Adaaison, 'who UTC in Ifjmnssii. Young AdsintKm|^,who_was. then driv- ing an ammanition track in the "^T^^ ^ !n!^' ^ " T ^ i Willi-- ««.ty to ratoe the eounty. enlist«d m til* avUtion c^rp* of ttej ^. _ , ^ n i i * „ »w. » _ _ _ . _ j United his letter follow r "Yesterday we saw about thirty shots ftred on a German air man, bat none caune Mar him. Yesterday aftor- nooo and 8(ain today we MW Ott CSCT- mans ftxe on the Fnneh aliphusa, bat tiiey dent nond tbmm; titey are too far iq> | 'This is the Foarth of July. We! mawhed throoch tlw town to where a number <rf earUer field service men are. After a creat deal of talk anJ^ •Miiiiii»eiliiC, I9rmed a tetbr* «ag wnima Bttivat aX Oil >tavy work -4M>der tiw ausitices vt the Y. M. C. A. AfTaaapatgirH 1B pngNM^^ at «ke prcseat «iiM Uusi^lwt ifae Unitsd States, the parpoae ot which The fojlowinc; notioD was passed: "Ttitm ssesilsHrM endereaa titt ca^i- paifM for the w^mvg of $2,000, Ae qwlMi for PifaMk IFiUiam Connty fer the Army and ^vy wotk under the «Tery The Eighth Annual Teachers' Insti- necessity of ilne highways 'becomes tute of Prince William County will more apparent. Times of t r a ^ con- held in the Beanett building, Man.* gestion, such as we are saffering from assas, on Wednesday, Thursday and right nowf emphasize this blet in s Friday, November 21j, X2 and 23. The -way that gets ^deee t» all of us. Urs. Amanda H. Woodyard 4ie<l Wednesday afternoon at the home of h«r daughtw; ifiK-Bdwsrd Tytar, sr.,^ near Manassas, in the ninety-second - »ea> of her age. She had been in M-^ pubHe aad^alt intsrseted are eordiaUy' What is S e Hswsssss district going invited to attoid. It is deab«d that. «• do about it? this anfoal maetingef Priaee Wmiaai^ ' We have lost out en several things. States Army. ExtraeU trcm v—^fLiTt-^ ^ ~; ^ r ™ ; . *7_ I r< r>'i tsaiihiiit fsim slisll birmntf-TmrTi iu the army oEntonraent and the «ml pohlic. We, tharefsKe extend t«Listereat la fstabliahing these things yoB a cofdial wekome to aU sesaionsyTat Msnssssi on the part of the if the Bennett boSding shaeld not bejSoBtham BaiTroad. What recourse large tnougfa to kccommedate aH 'what have we"? Jnst i&e boQ^hg of a fine 'Wish to attaad, we '«fll eew aee'k.lutlrarey ttutrngk herecermertfaig ns larger quarters. So eome and give nare^ irith Wsshington on the north, Cul- yiqnr aacsinyement. tP*'^ '"' ^'^ aooth and Oeeeq^pn cin The laeiitMte oAcers are: Mw cast ao^ioes of the T. M: C. A^ and that hM at TrW 2, tke aeoe- President, Mr. idd. Ckaries K. McDeo- p. m. Sunday, captain, tivee French solAsn deeorted with tte CTMX di CT"*. after iridch the captin mads a siKt addMsa. IB tte eftemeen ti«e|i b a n MoMcee aad Tnnis ^yed «• 111 iiiBi. SotM and Itcriin a sort eft bead—ewl daaeed. Sooie ef tiie b ^ ^. ^ayed beO, and seyerel oif the eO- A eeee amused themsetree withsfaneing. /* g ^nts quite a i^a^ te'eee ^ t ^ ' fsKMCit traoye in tbe^ mnfones. Twe itmrr 'te seente a eoitatte f&BE'l^The i adviwWiity of haUiac such a meei-i liiielsitjweitiiilr keen brao^to <lb>- j Viee^ ^bourfir preeideet. Miss K. H. Oe- It seems that there.is an i^pOfta 3tfTathand fjw us to if**«-, " * "f*^. y Jfcretary. Ml Telltfs, Miss Hettie B. ,^|||ieeMabdALeBg. l;XW»Ei.^lfe Jolm T, H. E. Fleauntng. Ptefaai. 1 some of OsK native stepe. . "Mrrfaeie. baOoena and tiie boom tt. gBM are so e«Bm<m tliat the boye pay no attnttoB 1» tlMas. SkngoA Last Bigbt -eed^ watdMd the sCur ilieai w»di goTip ifft a. eertaia dirtaaee iWt bars witli •-jwiute light. Gaea te j^ tfcttim Lrie D. Mets. Miea WilHette Music will be eRaage^ biF Mn. Diftvaeit and teste Ctvw Ffarf IM i ^ t Satfln in Cora ahack. >" ^cKT IBlieai JL-»ea.fci»ag the nfaa^M WUHam B. l i « n a eras b e o n ^ te Msnseees teedisr » « » « { » «Bad«y, together^ with 188 po^ bet- High-SdieoL Het'*'^ wl>>ekey-viM^ he wee Aidte te the biggest tiling in the way of a y t&it has been undertaken in Ikia eeentry, vix.. the Bsnkheed Higl^wey freM Los Angles threap and Atlai^ toi •MU i|p fla'Teetvta laid eat and peitif toed te aiaa thia ckeaee te beeotee e 'Hnk in ^w biggeet Uiiag in the coon- eaght. rii ef ee, to get buey de- vkdeg ways-raa~nM«M te baQd oar ilpert of this roadl&««^ T^inMrWir Hadk. oocoi^ -Slwre are three thet ft mt^ eaete tfci'iiietfh hen-ltoa Tic. J» way ft Gigeiiiefch to Chefywl Spctaga end way ef^^MneiV Pemt ~ teJto-Ued MiMord. er by way ef » Hiiey aehtim aad MiMwA-Jusrelueifeiir QwU ef its Scicetad fnua 745 S^fertmta—«78 Faraeera on.tlte Liat. The local board for Prince ITOiieas - ... . . . . . county has Jqet rftnipl«<.eH ita tat mJUkably good health until several ^^^ eeocemfag the drafting of day. before h«r d«ith, and had made f„ j^, Natfaoal Army, the report i pluis to come to Manassas next week j^^ bee, foawarded to Richmond yee- te speed the wmter months with an- t^day ' ^ t W iUughter, Mte. W. C .Wegener^ H^ ^Funeral 'services wIQ be held et tin^c o'clock this sftemoon at the Tyler home and interment will and forty-nv« aets dtuane, beiweeu the ages of tesa<i|- oae and tWrty-one years, registeted T^-Br-&r Clart, pwUHT « the Mao- draft 382 inen w«««aied. only M asaa. B ^ Chnrch. wUT^ffldate. 1 ^ ^^wm failed to appear. Of ^^ ^unty in ^^- ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ cally fit to serve In Uacie~ Sees'. t6 Mr. Newton Woodyant, - « ^ * e d . „ d 73 wees vejpeted. ux years ago, she was a Miss Cannsn. - . . . , . . ,. One bundced and forty-six BMB fled Survivmg m e m ^ of ^ fas^ exemption claims; lOB were aOeiMd are a sso and tteee daugirters. Mr. , ^ i6 denied. Twenty were Ib- fJohn U Woodyard. of C W ^ , and ^h«g«l by the district board on i i - Mrs. W. C. Wegener, Mrs. Georgie __! FirtwsH Tyler, of * ^ ' Minsssss; three grandchUdren, Mr. ^-]_ BWT khU called rsfeiied Tfch weefc ie well-efrt- Jieetsviae; Mrs. Leoiea <Muo; Mrs. C. H. Wme and Mr. Bay- j,^ |„,„ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ oatire m«»d M. Fleeance, of Manassas, end . _ ^ t„,^jn^ ^ C a M Lee. " three sisters. Mra. Sallie Goedwin._er Wleren ef the Prince Williem Mm^DEATBIN I Ftve aliens and' ' ('With first papers ef Aaterieea R. CkBdrcn Swfive. NedMrieadB, Nerwsy, Kifcdin^'''^ Am^ 'jLnere weve 142 celoced 82 were cabled md W .ecceyted. fear. Inndred jad je wmlj .f'tlij. m*et of tlHJbagt end«ei^ l o * M^ fc^^ wi^due.'to the hes' aaytUng te VA. ^"^ *ff^ JMbi» William Caw, Lindwy Pawpwi l a r ^ ' t t * CfacTBTIBran, I Fnaee. ^^ *>•— "•—*^ T**-fOu winen dtetrie^ wee eat 'P*!^''**^ *^ ^ ^ ^ tastiBgw^besewa stcaadedFoid go ea a trip jps ace ginn (teeee, al^^ ^^ ^^^ j^t,^m.rin*jmtmi»igiK^ BBsan piece of dMeeIate,bned,eaiBed y^^,^^ IM^' «{ DoBifiriee eeer ead eoflte.^ -We have tee or eef- have eggs ftr bnek&st. tiered w y weO. We are Buist be he sweet are aadly laddng and aodi^lugber then in the xaUted Stglee: Oheeelete brt s ^ at sbDot twice. pcfee adaed in liw Unitod Statee. or more.', •rrowards dark we neered tihe Imes fiwt in the distance ceold see the gtmr afadls shoot into the aiTrjtot^a_red stMek and then it bedoB Neebeeo b r i d ^ Shj^arriear Deiweea nade i9ert~-t» M«gietnte Qow, Jo^in, euq^ecting that forbidden re- frfehmnit esigiit be feaad aeetfefc. Mr. &0W Imesediatdy goi in -toaefc <.:£faMe I^fi'ad~_nAw:v H. ScbooL 8. yoeaaMlitite eisd <)ppec<^|Bitise tiheSnalSdw^ Mies IGaeie Swart, teacher MiOfiBkeeheoL ' Aifairs te My Pwtriet.- Gosarel! presidcat 4if trastee^ witii Special PtoBei Officer ffinton. of 1'iU« ««•««*• ^•™*^*««**^«^»^ (^laidieo. and 'with l^.^Cawaea they ' ~ "" *atej Icjgae* l^t tte-ioiWiee had iseglit a'car tteoid «ar yeifcing|fln, edkii^ $K .* lift to reedi a mSOBtiStftci ««^ iag •n>e trio began a search in a nwgfa- Tharsday 10. Shanld Each Dieariet Have a. School Fairt Ftef. John T; Dawiia^ ^ n e ^ a l B^fhd. Higfa S^toiL {tat-ffnTaorfece. As we beeoiM 11. PrgeiriTsKen of State Teediers' ilsenristinn and ciectiaB.af to tae eafHiai it Aenkt eppisj to everyone ^w a d n ^ Ksraald in-* tlw ciiawly it weald be to baild a ^eee at road' te eooieet witli each « highway (if we had one), tiiea te try lfl» a 1—d wnd» oar pceeaatt methed. ef boBding- a lit- that siBNply drep y«a «ff Ibe end tato with waiplerie to^-ga. s This Bankb«ed Highway is to be Iwilt the eettjpe jSeteaee •withoat toll ead ie to he«e a '^;^4 7; <fafc «leeB mid etaoe «». land.'iirxe^ejij wlUt lUe toe eaaJI "'^•"''•»' ^ fUttiW am^nm-ii' fW,u,^ m ,,r.,.^ri~ Ji> tfc. ,L*^ fto^ indartriea. 8; irpg si>d eteel h- *eetneey S; agncidtttrri and itm*;; 35 inditary natioB the govertHMtat 'wV need Jost sndi highways jA Ifeia for «( m pcoyerty. tke eccidsnt ee- •*^*'**5^. corrai at a a t e p torn in tihe reed, «*«»««*-»e»fleiee, whUk weaad Jaeoad a UlUde. Mr. r^f^T^ ^' LeeiAmea'ti' bediLT"»e cmahsd hy the j^^^^^ _j_^*_i» , weit^t of tihe front part oif the car "j'V™'. 'jrTr*^'' ' anhisrhrst pnatiag nida^nee, 1; lieWlatOhar- "'eiwfcihiiiiig iiiJae<iinii 26; aod raiTreai Umr Funeral" lotteevOle Moadar ia the <ieth6dist > > * ^ Qiar^ Pr, ntttOthr, telegreph and HVeeteti First Baptist Clnreh at hmOibifrg, ^>^ «atrf«ti*g aerviw __-_ M^ Leedunaa wae the yoimgeet •^•*'*'"' P<^»e««»». e*c, 14; prefca- and' metchandia^- S8; . federal «r local ^ .rf t h . T.f» «T»1 T T l^lnn..>, «f sional Service (actwe^Mtiete, Friwe Williaai coioir. Be was in f*°' '"^ officials, c&anty v baa^see^Xir .•aaw'tiaa -MWi the *»*» j<eimalists,.deatiata, phyniriana, anr C JEL Wetter^ at Beetartewn, aadT* « . t M e h « ^ pwxfcseors sad etodeaii^, 28; deaieBtic and maanal seraee.fli back was there a piaee "~V»ri^ net tring. Sar aheto jtwielaea in every toectJea. It wM^a^doo^y Tb. i L o i e ••••i .eiainltnrnnh'-^^ Maonncem^of ^^V'W^^. ^ ^ y ^ e h . . * * g r e - ^ r - d ^ r f . ^ ^ A ^ ^ S T ' ^ ^ ^ 1 weat up sad exploded; e-i dosens 6f,ity Bpmeopal O t m * . -tjama Ctbte seak singly t>J^ Imiaertistflr an "i*^T* battWT opened fire. A iitUe farther «a tery opened. TT»e c leerhnil sna inside o f U i e a a ndaatee all Tas normal again "The-CKoae of rrench m th« morning had taken a Gennxn trench an dthe Genaan I»M»- rrv Wis tr^.r.e to regain it. The ar- Uulery was lonii:n£ a coftaTn fire for : ^prr. ^A charge through. I hardly ' n I ; . Tia.-t* it. Dannj? the entire •,--.t> vr =:ff noi •-.••'Jir the wiatj. at a tBsa tothe feaadia Mr. fcrics a ii^^irhom I eaoU impUdtty Hea.-e-* dected to «r Delecatea, by flsy re- pestsiate, I have,faimaeifia OM '"" .Ta»sadeftwo Mr. C. A. SacJalr, deeMcratic Be-JBtJMH^y of a caiaaity. His geaial, bat none; Aamagthe the Wes earnest and devoted spjrit, Joseph H. Dodge, dteiraaa ef the wffl iaswte him as wana a pleee iaiPriaee WiBiem^ eseaty iipakHrie to Whoai he; committee, Hea. Thomas H. Lfaa,! aad ef tteelebere: Mr. J. Icgfii kttentey,' -Mr: Mr.X T. Fiery, NeheeviDe, vwe prsetdsat, aad Mr. W. K. Hooker, ef MefcesviHi, aecfOtary aad treasorsr. Tlw execu- tive eeasauttee is to be tuaipasiJ ef the oAeete aad Messrs. S. C Harley ef arM r. L. Dmith. tt .^bet I iavelved dM duty. Our <iailv. REV. T. D. D. CLARK, [ai!Sinv~BBp*iat-€h«rch. sub>«-rr.ik>o list trro'^'iTtc Everi'body weicomf aad Mahioa held , OOntBMXnPHutB « all of MMMU^a. aad Msasta. E. E. Hale H. W. Herriag. W. F. Hale I 3 of Nokesville. aad S. H. Flory, all of NekeeriOe. | A preliminarsr meeting Til fusil • win ~~.-^.»^«g ^ ii^.Tn—risT sftrmf>oc at the Piedmont creem and cake, were eerved. Garage in Nokesvilie. Mr. Conner, ' who is also preaident of the Dairy- Do yon g « Th» Jonmal * j men's AssoctxtiaR. presxied. vBle, WeiBagtsa, end perinps o^sse. The eOeiil coot gave Mr. a SMtJerity of two v^ea. ^ laefUng at Maa- Are to be aiB|onnced later. Otter meBabcn of the eeeerty ceM- ausaioD-eT« Mr. W. F. Hale, ef NolMe- fp|le;_Mr. A. B. Snet, of Haymartnt. and Mr. l^rian Janacy. «t Occeqaan. -viee BtiiHieti.eaAMr. H. Devise, ef The matter wiH eeaM befen Ike j^^^ ^ ^j^^ tieachea in Y ~. state* legislature which oeavaaaa at deeping in French soil, ho-io-^ Richmoad eerty in January. American army and the r-- army of Frarx-e T^t ^. Miss Mary Iju-kin. editor of The caakets were lowerf^i - '^^•.- c jjoar^ji!. leaves this evening ta spend a k«itr»<>r ^..• • -^: ^ »s-.rwK, wrth i«latn«es near Culpeper. a' -nf- :- :' "'••• •••* AH . •' -sppeii e-r«ve as rwittene*

^•rr-irr-' | Wi^jB—|il|.LJ|||l i

: % i , ^ . - - ^ I ^ * ^ ^

ESTABLISHQ^^ WAY, ie^B ,>- w

VOL.J^XIII. No. 26 MANASSA-v O y EMBER 16. 1917 , __»- - - ^ ^m A Y ear I D A''""


riKCl IN t K A N l ( MlBifiters Vote to Hold . ^ llc«l8iC in tkt InteresI it Boy Destaibw Life. T. M. C. A CaaMHUCB. MiinaiiHHs Boy Desoibw

Nmr the TrcncheB B e y - i _ „ " ~ „ ^ w A ^ W - n C ^ I <*•'- H- Q '^""' Secretary.)

A r e w e u y ^ g . _ ] j i e | l im«teri»l AanocUtJon of

r « „ . . ^ n & ^ » » „ • ~ ^ . <«».»,. 4-iL'>o<< November 13. J k e ^ M l d m t ,

prayec, The fMMt ^ tlM mectmg I was t Q ^ ^ the i l H t *i>d ^MB f w the I hotdiac of • UBieai maaf «MtmK, said i iiiwidHi tg-b«-th» ftitt <ff • «n4es of

^nllalr m w d a ^ « Bi Held in Prince


Cowty AModatioB WOl HtJi^Dr ^ M m l lMditiil«...4»iibUe i.

ImrHed to Attend. 1 WecttiBC««tl»

Good Raadfl Map.

End Coau* Aft«r Brief Ufaicw at HOB* of Her Danj^rter,

Mra. Edward Tyler.


(-Chftries R. M C D O M M , Divwioii 8«^ perinlendeiit.) '

(C. & C. Johnson.)

u> his parents, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Adaaison, 'who UTC in Ifjmnssii. Young AdsintKm|^,who_was. then driv­ing an ammanition track in the

" ^ T ^ ^ ^ ! n ! ^ ' ^ " T ^ i Willi-- ««.ty to ratoe the eounty. enlist«d m til* avUtion c^rp* of t t e j ^. _ , ^ n i i * „ »w. » _ _ _ . _ j United his letter follow r

"Yesterday we saw about thirty shots ftred on a German air man, bat none caune Mar him. Yesterday aftor-nooo and 8(ain today we M W Ott CSCT-mans ftxe on the F n n e h al iphusa, bat tiiey dent nond tbmm; titey are too far iq> |

'Th i s is the Foarth of July. We! mawhed throoch tlw town to where a number <rf earUer field service men are. After a creat deal of talk anJ^ •Miiiiii»eiliiC, w« I9rmed a tetbr*

«ag wnima Bttivat aX Oil

>tavy work -4M>der tiw ausitices vt the Y. M. C. A. AfTaaapatgirH 1B pngNM^^ at «ke prcseat «iiM Uusi^lwt ifae Unitsd States, the parpoae ot which

The fojlowinc; notioD was passed: "Ttitm ssesilsHrM endereaa titt ca^i-paifM for the w^mvg of $2,000, Ae qwlMi for PifaMk IFiUiam Connty fer the Army and ^ v y wotk under the

«Tery The Eighth Annual Teachers' Insti- necessity of ilne highways 'becomes

tute of Prince William County will b« more apparent. Times of t r a ^ con-held in the Beanett building, Man.* gestion, such as we are saffering from assas, on Wednesday, Thursday and right nowf emphasize this blet in s Friday, November 21j, X2 and 23. The -way that gets ^deee t» all of us.

Urs. Amanda H. Woodyard 4ie<l Wednesday afternoon at the home of h«r daughtw; if iK-Bdwsrd Tytar, sr.,^ near Manassas, in the ninety-second

- »ea> of her age. She had been in M-^

pubHe aad^alt intsrseted are eordiaUy' What is S e Hswsssss district going invited to attoid. It is deab«d that. «• do about it? this anfoal maet ingef Priaee Wmiaai^ ' We have lost out en several things.

States Army. ExtraeU trcm v — ^ f L i T t - ^ ^ ~ ; ^ r ™ ; . * 7 _ I r< r>'i tsaiihiiit f s i m slisll birmntf-TmrTi iu the army oEntonraent and the

«ml pohlic. We, tharefsKe extend t«Listereat la fstabliahing these things yoB a cofdial wekome to aU sesaionsyTat Msnsss s i on the part of the i f the Bennett boSding shaeld not bejSoBtham BaiTroad. What recourse large tnougfa to kccommedate aH 'what have we"? Jnst i&e boQ^hg of a fine 'Wish to attaad, we '«fll eew aee'k.lutlrarey ttutrngk herecermertfaig ns larger quarters. So eome and give nare^ irith Wsshington on the north, Cul-yiqnr aacsinyement. tP*'^ '"' ' aooth and Oeeeq^pn cin

The laeiitMte oAcers are: Mw cast ao^ioes of the T. M: C. A^ and that

hM at TrW 2, tke aeoe-

President, Mr. idd.

Ckaries K. McDeo-

p. m. Sunday,

captain, tivee French solAsn deeorted with tte CTMX di CT"*. after iridch the captin mads a siKt addMsa. IB tte eftemeen ti«e|i b a n MoMcee aad Tnnis ^ y e d «• 111 iiiBi. SotM and Itcriin a sort eft bead—ewl daaeed. Sooie ef tiie b ^ ^. ^ayed beO, and seyerel oif the eO- A eeee amused themsetree withsfaneing. / * g ^nts quite a i^a^ te'eee ^ t ^ ' fsKMCit traoye in tbe^ mnfones. Twe

itmrr 'te seente a eoitatte f&BE'l^The i adviwWiity of haUiac such a meei-i liiielsitjweitiiilr keen brao^to <lb>-

j • Viee^ ^bourfir

preeideet. Miss K. H. Oe-

It seems that there.is an i^pOfta 3 t f T a t h a n d fjw us to if**«-, " * "f* .

y Jfcretary. Ml

Telltfs, Miss Hettie B. ,^ | | | i e eMabdALeBg .

l;XW»Ei.^lfe Jolm T, H. E. Fleauntng.


1 some of OsK native stepe. . "Mrrfaeie. baOoena and tiie boom

tt. gBM are so e«Bm<m tliat the boye pay no attnttoB 1» tlMas. SkngoA

Last Bigbt -eed

watdMd the sCur ilieai w»di goTip ifft a. eertaia dirtaaee iWt bars witli •-jwiute light. Gaea te j ^


Lrie D. Mets. Miea WilHette

Music will be eRaage^ biF Mn.

Diftvaeit and teste Ctvw Ffarf IM i ^ t

Satfln in Cora ahack. >"

^ c K T


JL-»ea.fci»ag the nfaa^M WUHam B. l i « n a eras beon^ te Msnseees teedisr »«»«{» «Bad«y, together^ with 188 po^ bet- High-SdieoL Het'*'^ wl>>ekey-viM^ he wee Aidte

te the biggest tiling in the way of a y t&it has been undertaken in

Ikia eeentry, vix.. the Bsnkheed Higl wey freM Los Angles threap

and Atlai^ toi

•MU i | p fla'Teetvta laid eat and peitif

toed te aiaa thia ckeaee te beeotee e 'Hnk in ^w biggeet Uiiag in the coon-

eaght. rii ef ee, to get buey de-vkdeg ways-raa~nM«M te baQd oar ilpert of this roadl&««^ T inMrWir Hadk. oocoi^ -Slwre are three thet ft mt^ eaete tfci'iiietfh hen-ltoa

Tic. J» way ft Gigeiiiefch to Chefywl Spctaga end way ef^^MneiV Pemt ~

teJto-Ued MiMord. er by way ef » Hiiey aehtim aad MiMwA-Jusrelueifeiir

QwU ef i t s Scicetad fnua 745 S^fertmta—«78 Faraeera

on.tlte Liat.

The local board for Prince ITOiieas - . . . . . . . . county has Jqet rftnipl«<.eH ita tat

mJUkably good health until several ^^^ eeocemfag the drafting of day. before h«r d«ith, and had made f„ j ^ , Natfaoal Army, the report i pluis to come to Manassas next week j ^ ^ b e e , foawarded to Richmond yee-te speed the wmter months with an- t ^ d a y ' ^ t W iUughter, Mte. W. C .Wegener^ H^

^Funeral 'services wIQ be held e t tin^c o'clock this sftemoon at the Tyler home and interment will

and forty-nv« a e t s d tuane , beiweeu the ages of tesa<i|-oae and tWrty-one years, registeted

T^-Br-&r Clart, pwUHT « the Mao- draf t 382 inen w « « « a i e d . only M asaa. B ^ Chnrch. wUT^ffldate. 1 ^ ^^wm failed to appear. Of ^^

^ u n t y in ^^- ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ cally fit to serve In Uacie~ Sees' . t6 Mr. Newton Woodyant, - « ^ * e d . „ d 73 wees vejpeted. u x years ago, she was a Miss Cannsn. - . . . , . . ,. One bundced and forty-six BMB fled

Survivmg m e m ^ of ^ f a s ^ exemption claims; lOB were aOeiMd are a sso and tteee daugirters. Mr. , ^ i 6 denied. Twenty were I b -

fJohn U Woodyard. of C W ^ , and ^ h « g « l by the district board on i i -Mrs. W. C. Wegener, Mrs. Georgie _ _ !

FirtwsH Tyler, of * ^ ' Minsssss ; three grandchUdren, Mr. ^ - ] _

B W T khU called rs fe i ied

Tfch weefc ie w e l l - e f r t - J i e e t s v i a e ; Mrs. Leoiea

<Muo; Mrs. C. H. Wme and Mr. Bay- j , ^ | „ , „ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ oatire m«»d M. Fleeance, of Manassas, end . _ ^ t „ , ^ j n ^ ^ C a M Lee. " three sisters. Mra. Sallie Goedwin._er Wleren e f the Prince Williem

Mm^DEATBIN I Ftve aliens and' ' ('With first papers ef Aaterieea


CkBdrcn Swfive.

NedMrieadB, Nerwsy,

K i f c d i n ^ ' ' ' ^ Am^

'jLnere weve 142 celoced 82 were cabled md W .ecceyted.

fear. Inndred jad je wmlj .f'tlij.

m*et of tlHJbagt end«ei^ lo* M^ fc^^ wi^due.'to the hes' aaytUng te VA.

^"^ *ff^ JMbi» William Caw, Lindwy Pawpwi lar^'tt* CfacTBTIBran,

I Fnaee. ^^ *>•— "•—* T**-fOu winen dtetrie^ wee eat 'P*!^''**^ *^ ^ ^ ^ tastiBgw^besewa stcaadedFoid

go ea a trip jps ace ginn (teeee, a l^^ ^^ ^^^ j^t,^m.rin*jmtmi»igiK^ BBsan piece of dMeeIate,bned,eaiBed y^^,^^ IM^' «{ DoBifiriee eeer

ead eoflte. -We have tee or eef-

have eggs ftr bnek&st. tiered w y weO.

We are Buist be

he sweet are aadly laddng and aodi^lugber then in the

xaUted Stglee: Oheeelete brt s ^ at sbDot twice. &» pcfee adaed in liw Unitod Statee. or more.', •rrowards dark we neered tihe Imes

fiwt in the distance ceold see the gtmr afadls shoot into the aiTrjtot^a_red stMek and then it bedoB

Neebeeo brid^ Shj arriear Deiweea nade i9ert~-t» M«gietnte Qow, Jo^in, euq^ecting that forbidden re-frfehmnit esigiit be feaad aeetfefc. Mr. &0W Imesediatdy goi in -toaefc

<.:£faMe I^fi'ad~_nAw:v

H. ScbooL

8. yoeaaMlitite eisd <)ppec< |Bitise tiheSnalSdw^ Mies IGaeie Swart, teacher MiOfiBkeeheoL '

Aifairs te My Pwtriet.- Gosarel!

presidcat 4if trastee^

witii Special PtoBei Officer ffinton. of 1'iU« ««•««*• ^•™*^*««**^«^»^ (^laidieo. and 'with l^.^Cawaea they

' ~ "" *atej Icjgae* l ^ t tte-ioiWiee had i seg l i t a ' c a r tteoid «ar yeifcing|fln, edkii^ $K .* lift to reedi a mSOBtiStftci « « ^ iag

•n>e trio began a search in a nwgfa-

Tharsday 10. Shanld Each Dieariet Have a.

School Fa ir t Ftef. John T; Dawiia^ ^ n e ^ a l B^fhd. Higfa S^toiL { t a t - f f n T a o r f e c e . As we beeoiM

11. PrgeiriTsKen of State Teediers' ilsenristinn and ciectiaB.af to t a e eafHiai

it A e n k t eppisj to everyone ^w a d n ^

Ksraald in-* t lw ciiawly

i t weald be to baild a ^ e e e at road' te eooieet witli each « highway (if we had one), t i iea t e try

lfl» a 1—d w n d » oar pceeaatt methed. e f boBding- a lit-

that siBNply drep y«a «ff Ibe end tato with waiplerie to^-ga. s

This Bankb«ed Highway is t o be Iwilt the eettjpe jSeteaee •withoat toll

e a d ie to he«e a

' ^ ; ^ 4 7; <fafc «leeB mid etaoe «». land.'iirxe^ejij wlUt lUe toe eaaJI "'^•"''•»' ^ fUttiW am^nm-ii' fW,u,^ m , , r . , . ^ r i ~ Ji> tfc. ,L*^ fto^ indartriea. 8; irpg si>d eteel h-

*eetneey S; agncidtttrri and itm*;;


inditary natioB the govertHMtat 'wV need Jost sndi highways jA Ifeia for

«( m pcoyerty. tke eccidsnt ee- • * ^ * ' * * 5 ^ . corrai at a atep torn in tihe reed, «*«»««*-»e»fleiee, whUk weaad Jaeoad a UlUde. Mr. r ^ f ^ T ^ ^' LeeiAmea'ti' bediLT"»e cmahsd hy the j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _j_^*_i» , weit^t of tihe front part oif the car "j'V™'. 'jrTr*^'' ' anhisrhrst pnatiag nida^nee, 1;

lieWlatOhar- "'eiwfcihiiiiig iiiJae<iinii 26;

aod raiTreai


Funeral" lotteevOle Moadar ia the <ieth6dist > > * ^ Qiar^ Pr, ntttOthr,

telegreph and HVeetet i

First Baptist Clnreh a t hmOibifrg, ^ > ^ «atrf«ti*g aerviw _ _ - _

M ^ Leedunaa wae the • yoimgeet •^•*'*'"' P<^»e««»». e*c, 14; prefca-

and' metchandia^- S8; . federal «r local

^ .rf t h . T.f» «T»1 T T l ^ l n n . . > , «f sional Service (actwe^Mtiete, Fr iwe Williaai c o i o i r . B e was in f * ° ' '"^ officials, c&anty v baa^see^Xir . •aaw' t iaa -MWi the *»*» j<eimalists,.deatiata, phyniriana, a n r C JEL Wetter^ at Beetartewn, a a d T * « . t M e h « ^ pwxfcseors sad etodeaii^,

28; deaieBtic and maanal s e r a e e . f l i

back was there a piaee " ~ V » r i ^ net tr ing. S a r aheto jtwielaea

in every toectJea. It wM^a^doo^y

T b . iLo ie ••••i . e i a i n l t n r n n h ' - ^ ^ M a o n n c e m ^ o f ^ ^ V ' W ^ ^ .

^ ^ y ^ e h . . * * g r e - ^ r - d ^ r f . ^ ^ A ^ ^ S T ' ^ ^ ^ 1 weat up sad exploded; e - i dosens 6 f , i t y Bpmeopal O t m * .

-tjama Ctbte seak singly t > J ^ Imiaertistflr an "i*^T* battWT

opened fire. A iitUe farther «a

tery opened. TT»e c leerhnil sna inside o f U i e a a ndaatee all Tas normal again

"The-CKoae of rrench m th« morning had taken a Gennxn trench an dthe Genaan I » M » -rrv Wis tr^.r.e to regain it. The ar-Uulery was lonii:n£ a coftaTn fire for : ^prr. A charge through. I hardly ' n I ; . Tia.-t* it. Dannj? the entire •,--.t> vr =:ff noi •-.••'Jir the wiatj. at a

tBsa tothe feaadia Mr. fcrics a ii irhom I eaoU impUdtty

Hea.-e-* dected to

«r Delecatea, by flsy re-

pestsiate, I have, faimaeif ia OM ' " " .Ta»sadeftwo

Mr. C. A. SacJalr, deeMcratic B e - J B t J M H ^ y

of a caiaaity . His geaial, bat none; A a m a g t h e the Wes earnest and devoted spjrit, Joseph H. Dodge, d t e i r a a a ef the wffl iaswte him as wana a pleee i a i P r i a e e WiBiem^ eseaty iipakHrie

to Whoai he; committee, Hea. Thomas H. Lfaa,! aad

e f tteelebere: Mr. J . Icgfii

kttentey,' -Mr:

Mr.X T. Fiery, NeheeviDe, vwe prsetdsat, aad Mr. W. K. Hooker, ef MefcesviHi, aecfOtary aad treasorsr. Tlw execu­tive eeasauttee is to be tuaipasiJ ef the oAeete aad Messrs. S. C Harley

ef arM r. L. Dmith. tt

.^bet I iavelved dM


Our <iailv.

REV. T. D. D. CLARK, [ai!Sinv~BBp*iat-€h«rch.

sub>«-rr.ik>o list i« trro' 'iTtc Everi'body weicomf

aad Mahioa


, OOntBMXnPHutB « all of MMMU^a. aad Msasta. E. E. Hale

H. W. Herriag. W. F . Hale I 3 of Nokesville. aad S. H. Flory, all of NekeeriOe. | A preliminarsr meeting

Til fusil • win ~~.-^.»^«g ^ ii^.Tn—risT sftrmf>oc at the Piedmont creem and cake, were eerved. Garage in Nokesvilie. Mr. Conner,

' who is also preaident of the Dairy-Do yon g « Th» Jonmal * j men's AssoctxtiaR. presxied.

vBle, WeiBagtsa, end perinps o^sse .

The eOeii l c o o t gave Mr. a SMtJerity of two v^ea. ^

laefUng a t Maa-Are to be aiB|onnced later.

Otter meBabcn of the eeeerty ceM-ausaioD-eT« Mr. W. F. Hale, ef NolMe-fp|le;_Mr. A. B. Snet, of Haymartnt. and Mr. l^rian Janacy. «t Occeqaan. -viee BtiiHieti.eaAMr. H. Devise, ef

The matter wiH eeaM befen Ike j ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ tieachea in Y ~. state* legislature which oeavaaaa a t deeping in French soil, ho-io-^ Richmoad eerty in January. American army and the r--

army of Frarx-e T t ^. Miss Mary Iju-kin. editor of The caakets were lowerf^i - '^^•.- c

jjoar^ji!. leaves this evening ta spend a k«itr»<>r ..• • -^: ^ »s-.rwK, wrth i«latn«es near Culpeper. a' -nf- :- :' "'••• •••*

AH . •' -sppeii e-r«ve as rwittene*

mrw m^ p * :tiiTiriL, TSK MANASSAS JOUBfiUM^

- - ^5"*^ . . . » •


::i^ssa?«£^&i-': ^ V-:-.---^ -^^mff- '• S'SftlJ^^ i

Jtlaving decided to4li8continuedairyiiig^and having {"ented my Jarm^about one mile east of MANASSAS, VA., on the CenterviUe road, I will.

^ . .. .. . r -zz ^ al the abov^ farni, a t puhlic aucrioRjon_^ - -^-

a, m,.the foMbwing personal pgopCTtyi

12 head of very high grade HcJst^s, afl young, to be fresh soc«i; 9 higfe grade Jerseys^ all yomig, to be fresh in the near tuturerig^ Ji^td of g i ^ ^ cows of vanov» ln^edvi>^^>^j^^^^^^^ ov^ 7 ^ ears d. ^ ^ ^ 1 aJTB^Tio^ted Bind are aflfai:^^ ••V -'• w

IS hftifor«, li«»ing ulnmKt Mifirftly High grade Holgtein* and .I«»r«Ay«/^nff fyf^ re [i8t«ar Hi^rin Frierian wffi^ oi^ 4 yeaw tdJ, tfae Q

draft teMa»Baare and laxte, iadc l>ay% w ^ naatched, w«^hlr poimds, andJ-pag of itiule!< apd 1 y«uJmg mulcicc^



fflye perwm TREE numhfer^ With €Ach pgrrWa*^ marl ^ ^f flw> fulf ^ [ Tyjflgiy^ fa f^^

ar and after the sale the peracMi hnldii g the be entitled to the heifer. — chancejcur mmBiber::drawn

IHtMB^-SmaM;^.$10,00 and imder, cash; oyer that amount a credit of nine Hi the tmrchaser executing int^ ifeiifiniTiigj nftgoHaM**

t ^



T h e Manassas Journal ^MUCATOOTSONS

Ct^fac - ? * * - - ~ ~ --- 4 • * I aend you forth—bat I too o l d the

Entered at tbe feat Uffic« at Manauas Virginia, as Soeond Clasa Mail Matter

$1.00 A Tev • Kkmt

Friday, NoToabw 1$, 1917.

JiiliaPE AiOO WAjt Statiatica carefully eompUad for a

U^ insonuKe pnblieati<!l( riiow that the noaiber of ankldaa within the paat year, far from having bean Increaaed by the fact of war, have setnaUy un­dergone a decided decreue, aa oom-pared to the normal annnfcl de*th »«te rewdtlag feom this cause. —

Ebqdaaatioas are naturally fori&-oming which Jittribnte tUs record- to various—material causes: Out liiwi

m »-


bean ^ t the prevaUing. condition of prav«ity tfarragh the U i ^ wage n ta pTCdoeed by the war has operated fsT-ondily. Aaether attributes a m«*i9re of'cleaeasa to the advance' care of the govwrfiment in selecting^for wttr pmpoaaa only-thoae whe 3»orilj_bg»» few or aod^iendents, behind^

ITheM and other eomMenitieBs dwumeae played titeir part in a f l i ^ iB« the te«ali«y of th« recced. Bat reaaoas outside rf t l » panaiyjpwtjdM realm inlgS^Be brongbt to bear w l ^

-eqtMd weIgM \9Mi tkfrM^eet^^s^ J3t lifaUhood tte decrease H l a r g ^ at-tribotehle to tiie fiwt Oat.no retoty is to pariloas u the sttaktiMft wUcE can be eobjored up by * vifia

water! your comrade where the

shrapnel rains! ahty with you—to save tl>e worid

^ughtrtT; ~ I bieSi with yo«—lest

rM*t heart draiaal I know what issues wait

legions— I know tliat heaven and

Joined in France! I must maeh with yea when in those

dread regions '^fht Sreams of God wrt bm^agjom



upon your


"1 rather, yon •end yon for^"-

~That -i~should lait yuu land mvovsr^

I heard your Voices plead through my delaying.

Your clear young eyes saw first my destiny!

Yon led me to yuui mountain-top of vision!

_JYQU fried tn m» tii make the tai*. fice!

Yop spurred my wakened soul to its decition.' • L_. . 1

And then you gaye yoorseif to pay the price!

and tKerebjr appeal to the good peo­ple of oar county to read tlie appoided letter and" gtve ,to tin 'ioca^ conuuit-teaa herein appointed aa liberally they can, without material sacrifice, or

-pwj««tfa« to theauelvat.

Your road is mine, wherever Uea your goal!

'Sail on, brave aeamen! War's tide cannot aevw


MJKi^^^^„ __^_._.„ To think the^ogr itiwae fstor'1 had

van io ptwidly plaimwl

LkHi Apitointa Conunttt— JUeeiT* Cbfitnwu3M|P^'^

for ReercfttiM FwU.

To the Editors of the County Papers: The letter appended hereto explains

itself; and as it makes an appeal in behalf of o«r boys who have gone to ttie front, I feel that it wiU not fall 190a deaf eats in the effort to raise F^nnee WUliais'i portifia AiLtbe "WarlJ Ciunp Community Beeresti(m Fund,' which is 1600.

You7 as pulslishers of'your~respect^ ive papers, are in closer touch w i S our county than any other /toucces, and recognizing your generosity in a worthy cause.J appeal to TOO to.give tliis call a prominent poaitioB in the next issue of jwjrjaapee^yt papar«,

We have: something over 100 beys in training and in servicK-of ^UM ration.

Press forward, aokHers, on your t^h\7^ 'flJl^^T »'^A*I^J^ ~ —J—™. » ' ^^ 1h8v« McrUlcM thrir all, and ^ k te


little as we can do for their protec­tion and material advantoge to give to this cause, thereby -helinng thoae who are so near and dear to us. In

ttns It maali JBOt^tmrgst «f place to say that the apportionment

—Your sptrita from the grapple of

,Wi^i^U I .haU ««r on eagle ^ Z T ^ I t ^ ^ i ^ : ^ ^ ^

T» highest heaven, that we may not part!

Go fortliv my aons, where Death has : ~ his domlnioB*-—^

YMI. cannot fare beyoAd yoor tionlsheait!

-oBaaiel H- Haoderaoiw ef the Vigi-

has given his Mfsi as it wen nati<m's cause; so lef s do Mr best and as early as. imctieaUe, for~:tiioae we bold so dear and who have, if need be, sacrificed their Uvea to apkold the prfaeiploa f«r whiehwe centand add the l»w»w of oar natfon: - la «ider to iiatffitoto tiie raialag of nuifa f tui 1 ifffiiT tmv^ the liberty.

I've got aJetter, pfcreeib, frwa my eon Away o«t Weet,

An-mrirt heart is heav» u aft »ftvll[,^ ^ Wholig^Seraapowrtirwit.

without havings the ot^Kwimi^ to confer iritll all; by aotbority « i the appeoSad lettR', to appoint coaudtr t e * in tb* aeveral vidntties «f o«r 'eeantr. and wgnld regaeet that any

B»Mlld wander frma the path e' right " ~ ar^ «eBi» to deh aa eadi

•iMiiw vL 'tMtX^a^ the eeaaeA IT trid Mm wlwn hftkft^ Pn^L&sm.

;4itiCbato te tUs worthy tf>elr respectiye- aafcoonto to designated-as eoeunittee

tka law has been fdtswer t y i h e sukMe of a few «t the drafted «ian, a ftoaiber ef wivM and eved aa eeaa-sijiaa4^uddea asnt IMBB^ a^reagtlieDS t t e argiHaent—Jdt o f tlieae -sae> candied^ tiie fear of the nonexistent raUwr Uuin to an actnal preeent perili

-yk.v««iMf i» JMM w i i ewreied the dtoation in Ibe afriihiqay of the mel­ancholy Dane. To be or not to be tortmea the mind imoeeapiea with the real active eUmento «t being. It te when the reaohitiOb lacks vigoroos employment that Ito native hue be cornea "sicklied o'er with the pale cast ef thfloght.'' Nev«r was the r«a«» for bfiing msra patrnt t***" •*"»! •'«^

otherwiae weald have eon-aidend ahnffl^ig off have Bean eanght C9 in the healthy enrrmto of aetiML Tliey are too busy for soicide. If aa-other aspect be aeed«d to nwiu! w t the argnment tfaatactoalperil is not withOBt baaltktal prenqptinga, it may be fo<md in Swiffs mdandwly pie-|His

'u£ the DtiiiHliiniili. wttli aiiinili

riwet-.jsiflca '<Mca" H(M find hbMN^lT^M^' a mighty

,; creeited TOW— Ba'd miss Us Aether's oooneds, aa'

Jiis mothet^s-^nyBr,; to«i Bat he said the farm was faaiefol, aa'

he aneysed he'd have to <o.

I knew ttar'a l ip temptatieii for a yoangsto' i s tiie Waat,

Bat I bdieved oar BQ^ had the eeor-age to.resist.

An' when he Uft I waiaed the ever-^ndtm'

him' o'

TSti Be like hidden sarpfau in Utk's -—^ pathway aWarywherea. Bat Bin he pimniaed fsitUol -to be

l ^ i l ^ t ^ MllT ^1lilJ|ieJ "' ..^-^

He'd boild a re^ntatioa that'd make -Qs atighty ^rood.

Bat it seean-aa how my eoQnapl sort - 0' itdti flPCMi VF "" Tift

iMBd in. tiie OM

ef tiieir netefaboriwod, widch wHl r e c ^ ^ therefor, keep a nf the aiHiiiini nf—tyiv-.^

I aoeaniEt and 4ha

aamaaOBi ttcae conUP"»"'fg, yntt tfi certified to tiie Ontral Committee, who. win have the iHsbu(iem|>[l «f tUa fintd asd have in diarge the " ~

11 ['BSJ w XE ;E E


' Firik ui Waj% First in Peace,

FIRST And First ia the , Hearts of I^irCoun-trjrnieir "



nesT First in Strength,

upp^ Y Wants and First for

_ — — _ — y

First to Supply Yoor

the Interests of Its Patrons

-If-yw*- - Aeaoaat witli




The National Bank of Manassas I m] 1% ZM ss

H^itfei four agMttand caPiPaiB»a^Ji»^w>u^i»oukl yoqr Banker, Lawyer or Doctor, aince jcnt financial

d ^ a n d on tiaa and tibe heA coata no


y -aad welfare -ef oar boya ariw. ha|b dotM so maeh, Mid need to be sor-

withfci aar puwv. the are nuned aa toOann:

G. Raymond Bateiiffe, I.. , Frank Pattie, K. Hooker, NofccarfDa; Free, NokeavQlc; Tyaea


w! w, ». Janaey,

i^sn, uecoqnan; C . . wna: C. HammairWoodbddge; IE. P. DMa, Hoadhiy t C E. Ctoke, Miuuie»ine,-T€t: Qaaatico; IHlliam Oraw» Jo^in; Tylar W. I^nn, Kopp; C M. Hertea, Or'

X ; L. R. Ksgrn. Tekaa; T. M. Oaaova; D. K.-KiBehaiee, BaA-

H. t>avis, ftStowT "


Himie ie .a your New Ymrk sh tperse i t wffl pay you to talk it bifer aiwi ge^ rates a >

ef the Ha

the trie. ,

Our American habit of iag hi them, aaoBrhed maj greater, rislm thaa we have

-of^ - ^ A definite knowledge j ^ the eoiatr.

enee of-aHen eoaaiea aai th*r Cheats, with a regular ^ to f^detal aatheciUas, of iacalenlahle beaait to the I

Who is the moat Manassas, and whyT

Who is the most nsafal dttaan Manassas, and why?

TfTho is the most eharitaUe cMsea of Man&uaa, and why 1

How Ho you, yourself, line mp

My Httie boy sito on my knee. And asks what I did in the gnat war,

Aad his wise eyee pear 9 at aaa, I wffi have to leek back Into

eyes That at me so trustingly

And tell hiiB that I w u n t drafted— I w»» onlv • Volant*«T

— PhilsdeJphia Evening BuBetln.

aMB fawide tiM camp*. v « 7 Bttie yetbeaa cootrftatod to safsgoard »—^•"g camps

OB October 23si, a natioaal eoo«ar of people interested la

providing for the protoctioa aad aa-tartainnient of the men while ea f lN leagfa cdavened fn WasKinrtoa. ea eaU of the SeercUry of ' >.- There

(Contmoed on page :aevexu)


. a t .'tfrvv.'

n n i O r i I A T * i f WriTf lTO —The Woman'» AuxiliAry of Trini-yJ l iUJI , M W . A I . | l irm>T ty Epucopal.ChwA h«14_A wc«tia«

iU f o r , , « a e t i i M ^ i , able l o H.^>Bt ^ " ^ ' , i ! ! * . ^ ! ! ^ ^ ' J " ^ " ^^-jumiti —-»-. T . -— - nninb«r of mCMiMM in Attendance. Tfw

—Mr. WrJ-. Ashby, who h«a bean interesting account of the annual •^ii i I - fcaflflp*^ to hia h « v ^ ,..,'^aHa|MH9 meeting .of thA-.tJtf " • sIMMciwttich

, iajahte tfitite^out 8ii ain7

—Mr. and Mr». John W. Harpirfe, Mayor and Mrs. W. C. Wag«ner of Nokevville, have nwrved to, j ^ j apt.at the week-end with r ^ t i v e * in yiuperty of Mr». Be«iie*'lSP'BWHF,'^pij"^i*(«*tnJi8fcii." -3ft(jror ^^aganer retum-poaite the Methodtat cbBrcb. Ur.\t&'»aAKjL 'At- M w r - W n t w r T>» Harp ine^employed in the ManawMs turned the following.day. ^ '

•• —The Mao|k{is&H American Roo tjA^^«>J.<^^Hii ^H^ paat week has shipped 172 Christmas pack-

The ninety-fourth annual meeting —Rev. Robert Lee Lewis, of Rupert, I ets for our soldiers and sailors, here.

j was hdjd recently, at Charlottesville.

. -MesffS. 7 . A. Httt8H*1t:"R. Haysa, ^ e , o f Manassas, and Miss i l epe HilL of

Baltfanevcf wno'iiaTe vv ;• > "• geanj F. E. HtM, GpvtmoT^ island, N. Y., haye returned to their homes.

of the Baptist General Assdbiation of Idaho, has filed_application to enter Virginia will convene at Roanoke Mon- the army service as a Y. M. C. A.

in France and on the sea, and three barrels of jellies, jams and preserves

day. worker «mong the boys who are to I for medicinal use in the convalescent -^. M,ni^ y j « • j - ^ v i _ ^*^* ' • ' America in the world War.

# ~ J ^ ^ ^ m T ' * * * * * ^ R«^. Mr. U w i s , an EpiacaflMl clergy-of Mr. E. Wood Weir. ha . accept«i ^ „ j , y,e son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. a q u a t i o n ip the Washington Navy j , ^ „ p ^.^^.^^^ ^, Manassas. He

' has on* brotiter alrvady in France and ~~iirr mdhifas;^iCari#y-Aaat>n have anoOwr wild li OftlQIff {avpumttMlTUr Untt a compJet* lirt tt contributwa will l e t trHl i sr i ." S . R. T<ow« and CUffonf

m o w d ^ T O T « _ t t e i r ^ ^ M T O n ^ r t o w a * ° -to U M Austin property pn Zebede* StTMt

—^The Manassas Good Housekeep­ers' Clnb was entertained Wednesday afteomoon by M^s. R. 8. Hynson, at htr tsaiikime on East street

' —Rev: J. F. Burks will hold services Sonday morning at St. 'Anne's He-g>«rial Chai!>*l, NOlCMVlU* Md SHflday evmiing at

—At a meeting of the Warrenton Horse Show Association held Friday last in WarreptoB a majoi^ty of the stockholders in person and by prox^ voted to disband the association and sell the property. The ^^soctation is >nJIaLsk!»:9ssiitio8 flawcially jnnf its stock is above par, bat believing that interest would decline sooner or later, the majority thought it best to disband.—Ex

have been living on the Moss place, near Sodley, are planning to move December 1 to Aldie, Loudoun county.

.—The Guild of Trinity Episcopal Church met Tuesday afternoon.. The Isdies decided not to hold th(B usual bttsaar on the first Monday in De-T****- ——

"^^^eut. Brown Bt6tca?e,~EhgWMr Corps, U. S. A., who has been in a training camp in Massachusetts, is preparing to leave with the American thtops for France. Lieot Metcalfe i s a nepibew of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hay-don, «t Manassas, and a former reai-dent of the Gainesville neighborhood. His yoang wifa U living in Waahiag-I m a ynang wna <s nving in waaaaig-

- ^ t o i y w h e r e h^-3«aa- employed wiflutha"

hospitals of France. The Red Cross rooms on packing days presented a scene of great activity, packages and contributions pouring in from e w r y section of the county. It is expeetwl

Mrs. Chariea Fort Diuwer, jr., Te-tumed Saturday to her home at Nor­folk, after a short visit to relatives bera. She was aeeempapied by her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Wilkin*, of Sudley.

Rev. George W. Crabtree, of Cat-

i!St oi fHE D;;

be available fttr publication.

—Attdmey-General Gregory has stopped the) employment of drastic methods for the enforcement of the Reed "bone-dry" a c t Orders have been issued prohibiting-Federal agents Arom searching .baggage and poelwte

Rss^igers 00 niilrowi tntSoM l^E-ning from a wet state into a dry state without a warrant. The order

Lowe, of Canova, and Mr. Henry Ji. Lynn, of Maryland, w w e guests o f Mr. Lynn's uncle, Mr. W. J. Ashby, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Meriwether, of Balti­more, passed Uirough here Saturday en roMf^ tO Ai ignata

Ga., and Jaekson^Ue, Fla. M n . Meri­wether is a sister of ifessrs. R. S. and George H. Smith, of Manassas. _

Issued as the result of wholesale r u 3 s by Federal agenU upon passenger FA.CJTRRTM rCHJ.KaV. M n T R S tzaioa ' mnning from Waahington, when wet, liito Vlrgiiua, ami juwrf t h e — T h e past week TMS been one" of'" Bay Line passenger boats rumdMr strong work in many different fields, from BaltimOT* to Norf^k. - — | On Frtday Hlgfct there was « Joint

- T h e r e is one Prince WUliam boy " • ^ « < r » ' -«»• > i t « * ^ societies at in the ^latienal Army who is envied "''»'='' « « « • ' »«»*»*«»«* " d ™ t n i -amoog. his lea* fortunate camp mate*. * '*"' ' ' numbers were gnren. At the says a news letter to The Journal &om conclusion a lively debate en the sub-Camp Lee. A caU for volunteers to jf^. ° ' . G " ^ " ^ * " * Ownership of

R«UrwwlB~WT prartifal



is that a man shall be jadged by his efficiency, by

what he aceovplishcs, and not by what he clainu

'lie oui dor Not ahrftyB but OBnatly his aUtttr-to accoiapBah la Jadgwl by the care he usea in con-serving his income, hia aecelnulation. This bank cordially welcomes aecoonts of earnest men, men who realize they eooU aeeomplish more if t h ^ oidy had a siarl^ ~ ~T • - •' ^.

Tbe Peoples Natioiiai Bank^ OF MANASSAS. VA.

OurSlogani "It is a pleasure to serve you."

*' ?,

—^The name of Miss Virginia Nel- geodetic survey « p 4fr«id«a, th* little daughter of

• Mv>i v&u Mrs; Albert Speideu^^was HI*" iJserteatly omitted froitt 1 ^

—Misf Martha M. fitn^Mt. ©f Markhaia, and Mr. John M. Doni^as*,

Toa of the ManasMU g n u M achocl "**!<"«• " W " J | l « « « l IH WUhlnjian iMt wMfc. ^ : ! • * « * * » y - The hrid* is a fonn«r

~ - — ' ~ — .—^tnilont e i ManMMs iMti^ite andhas —Ij lTt tdte l <tf the Manrtaaa BtjBi lIBWl 1 'HiWllMW V l i i t » of the H i S w

tiat Otunh are nakfaig gMs^ prepMS Davis, of Bristow, and- Mrs. J. B. B. at ieM for th«Mr annuri itoawf j » d - b * - -P»gis,-ef-Mana»M>* I f e Doaglaaa i* tear atrrtuaOmUMltg day. ^ e ^- a junior member of the firm of J. E . l aar will b e / ^ d ^ j t s u a l in Coo- Dongla** A Son and a gradoiiteof the a i r t ^ W L " ^ ' - <- . - «aigiHeMring d^Mrtment of ^ashitag-

tbn .«Bdt«e Uafvandty.'

lotted to g o ^ Farewells were said and .h« teft Caaip Lee the f<4^wrlng ^ y

—Mils Katie N. WillcoxoB, who ha* bees teaching fwr several y e a n in t l u Mantwia* graded school, left taiis week to accept a positioB fat the TJnttad aiaa's StatM^Dcpartment of Agrlciupne aC Waahington. - :„:,^,^^,_:^,:,::::::^^,,: fltjf Wi M. U wiMlH>g»t Daawlle;^

^MM^ f. T. I^NIi lASppM this

—Mrs. Westwood Hutchison, of Buperinten4fnt «f the Wo-

ICssionary u i i o n . PotMaaie. baposs^ Association, U etteading the

—Uioi Hilda ^ t t e l . veangaat daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bw Hottel. fact this W«dc f«r Waddlw-t«a t* enter i lbaBi i ieaa«gi*g«>. She

Mrs. William Wyakooj^

uiotuiug 41 cumtoft liaga to Prtneg : V n i i a m hoys at Camp Lee. I I M haga were etmlributed ' by . indtndnals

-'f* VjHffl'T'* Chapt«r, Aawr-of th^^^^iea'

go to Frvasi immediately to serve as fast wae field stenographers was made Novenp', . . . . _

ber 5, and from among the number «( - f ^ * L * * * t ' ^ " ^*^J* f * ^ Tohmteers. Private Arthur W. Li(th, g^*'*" ^ ^ doB>e*tic saieafee d w * Company t'. 318th Infantry, wa* a^J Saturday,



m i l mat p<»tiQi9. based ori«* for' each

•wTwl In "eahifle' on one hundred cat incUvidual article

TMs wsal was simad by th* ynBagi

Mrs. LeWi ia tite.«nt^ Mr. W to** « « « V a S E B i n j ^ i S f e i e t w n

G. W. Leith, of M a n a s s i S ^ "•* * « * '"^ ^^ *^^ *• figure how


Mrs. Peari Hnteliisap, int tedley, was ta tow& J^B**day;

l i ra . B. B. Xarkia and Mia* Miiriel Tuesday in Haymark«t.

Mrs, J. B. Bartkfeofd vist tw durinir the w a d e

ladies of the domestic scidnee depari-ofjtnent dressed in the cluurming co*-

ttoie ut the ogganlMrBnir——— guest w a s able' to figure hoW" •*• »«««»•)««' «* the fhcolty. vvSesd'his

many calories his meal contafated. appreciation and that o*' the other Grwit care was «Kerd*ed that each S«>e«ts with the f o lkwl i ir i94»te«>oas

pt^g T*^ ^ - - V f f t «'4fli' «) WPl**^'"'**'? °* ^ - . g g * * ' y ddhreted at aBee' '^t ioa. ' '

1%* eight-eouree taeakfast pro­duced the essential imtrithw feed 'yal-oee, vis., protein, tet. aidi,. earbohy-dratea, mineral matter'- and water. ^Ws—i:liiasinra>ion 'o f—fuojatug*-

k i s s ' Agne* BacadoB, of C a t t e ^ spoDt tfe* w*d» ekd 1 ^ Kite t a b Ashby. _:,:;• / i Z -'^.^' •:- •

v « y neeaasary to Ute, in a*<der t o " • I T ' T *"*"riTi *•»"<*'' »Mwly fcntMiwj auterial

T «wwwy,. ial i&d

j ^ PqMi ^roam jtyw beep —^An entet to inme^ ^ w a a ^ V B i t " g P i * ? * ^

Conner^s" (^penTHoose last niglst for _ i i , * tiw benefit of the Bed Cross^ The pro^ Marvin Simpson, who is em-

hylfafcTl« E . BaachlCT. is t h e

stead." given by Capt Tony M i l l y . victim of the latest theft rqiorted in MawaaiMS Th« •..uiniif ^.......^i i .^

Folk Miltar^-nsi. j ; , ^ ^ , ^ ^ th^ ««p«« —Rev. J. F. Burks, reetw of THn- n e w the eoal Mn and Ifr. ffimpaon

ity Episcopal CMbefa. ratorMd laat Itet abant | 2 6 , v w i r t e h vafaiad at | 8 0 night from Roaadce, tihtin he was '*^ ft beoMh of keys^ One of the called Satuzday by the s a ^ n i i l l i m * k ^ ^ happ«Md to- be his key to Beach^ of 1iiMiiMiTii"ii. fiM^^ VT'I' • ^ i i ^ a n i l Vfril' mnrniiig Mr for appendicitis. His toother's condi^ B e a e h ^ ioreetalled tion is critical.

Jjtish V a a u e Cotmat retteqed ICte-

tct regulate tbe body

The entijw coat ef e a e h ^ m r was uiity"'tiiity*ftair' cente ^ o f ' t h a - f B g JiMSBSEUL eigiit - .&_-*£_ _ ..j^u. iaJk-li. _ i . : i_ • At . *»gnt eonreea- inaa was iaiB.a ^«mr

Mrs. Sadie Wan), «i S n d l v . visited retetivea _ ^ ftirtie, T.wiliiiiii (iiiniTTf

"war bJD" for economy.,

tite c l ^ of the iif&Er:

Laifies o f the Domestic Science daas . To each of you indivUnaUy, attd in

Ywn ntMJtft )MV« n iy donbt Of f'—'-, • is the beat h m d c f u t we've had

io'year*. , • - /

On Saturday afternoon the Latin-AmerieaB Qnb had its first meeting, ing, at wlueh the differiat jBMOEbete

n i l s waa i v h . a "ynx ^ nce ipetehea - t e l t e Bii|^U!rI«uii|mce M th* stftjeetjpf lEfieateB. tile Btete 'firam v^ieh moaV of th*^ UM^bte*

its wma a^""»^ —^ Wifery one had a delightful time^Ttils ehib bids fair to become a Ughljrfan-•iwilaul orgauixalioH: '

Eastern boys centime to ahow t te ir pluck. Last Saturday night, Mr. Les­ter Henry, Mr. John B. Hefter a ^ Mr, W. J. BoMnson, jr., iietermliMd ^ ^ t o waUr to Washingtoh iMra test of their powers of «id«ranee and physi­cal ability. The party left the college a t 7:S0 p. m. and walked all aight, anjying ia Washington lit 8:tO. ttfr---^-next nwminy,—Thns RastwTi tnn-. ^

' J * .

t inwf to show prowes* along athlatie a* w d l a s acadamk lines.

—Th* ladifls of th* Dnmfria* B i ^ tiat Chareh will hold an eyator sup­per at..tlM e h n r ^ Saturday evaniag,

j f o T i i l T 11.. KvwyhfliiyJfc to attend. 7^^

J o n a a l a ^ 1nii)^xe*Blts.

last we«3c.

fosther treoM* hy .phming a new lock on the door.-^

—I;Wjnt. Pwrry R: TT^yAwi -wtm t««y The ftSSt in»tM>ee M wltlUI a WO-been atatfoned for several months a t Fort Leavenworth, Eans., Jias b e m ordered to iate Ms regiment a W M e m . bus, N. M., November U L I t e o t HaTitnti im m mum itftir »ttA-H. H a y d ^ ti Msass iSj ,

man has served en a jory in Virgiaia occurred in the cireait court of AIsX'

wtea Misa Cora DnSey was ae-tyepmaerte the-aag-ef tana

"BiwSft nnma-Jl. A. Madd. MSe I Dnffey, who v deputy ejMk <rf A k x -

-There will be ay ^nttrtoinmCTt at sndria ronn^. is weU kaown in Man-

iiO. Th* will include neeitotioBB, dialogue* and

and the proeeeda wOl' b«'v**A fbc tiv benefit of the *ch><J.

_ verdict in favor of the ]dal«tar, allowing her 4 a

Hiss Ida.:|te|«Kkai i i ' v i s t t m g her ^tiatsr, Mn^i t t i i iwi l Bwira U h k r , fai AkoQHideia.' -- ,

Mw. P. D Iipeeomh of Briatow, A aboppiac-ttigi. vto.

Mrs. G. B. Jl c onald

vinttorf M/;a<iAiy

Lacy Hm^ardner, of NokM-y i l H Irft iMt wedc te ^ * t e l tt ' t er to Se te teC i W ^

Mn. May-GaPdier «»ii MtW *^ltift Brawnw, of .Hjcfcery Gxan, Manassas vaitors F n a i ^


leaves today te q^end"

Try it"^you iwH wAnt mote

church nearir tWMity-eigfat ysatar

—Lieut. C<d. R. H. Doalap, Major' H. L. Booaevelt. Maior P. H. Toeiw..

N*ia«« aad Liaot. C. D.


Iwrguyui SnMTen, United have been ap^otated for the rkM^-ti Prince Wilfiaa eoimty heiud of "J

—Mia* ir*«ri* K^JA day at The Plaiaa,

of the new Grace Ept*t opal Xhareh, with Masonic c w e a w k * . H M t r e w l used was the same George Waddag-ten held at th* layiag d! dM cecMr: stine of the CapMsir '

—Henry Beer Button, aoa of Prof. aod Mrs. H. F. Batten, af PanaiBg-dale. Long Island, sa l i t ed ia th* Ite-val Re**rve when war was daelar*i last spring, and is Conner on U. S. tlEJUpOCIi tatt was graduated froas Hig i School t w » y « a v » g n :

—TSe regular meeting of the Maa-&s*a* (Chapter of the American Red Cross will be held at the Town Hall Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mem-h e n and otiiers who desire to join a-" - ' - 1 to attend. Th< Town t ,: - o.unt#er*d to have the roMne - «. -> i-nd comfortable for the occasion.

, ^ , ^ t t e g a s * t * ( - her aiotlMr, M n . U*. Itebri K^ley at the Mana*. i . _ _

_ ^ i _ _ - 1 IS-, and Mrs. L . F . a o o g h and

«*~iSLr'iJi.«S'l!!5LEf"S!!!!? •••«***• ^*«* ""-"y '**^ or A i t a r y vBlted BrethreB taaaA He««Vh afetar K s . T a a

- ^ aftwraoea ^ r ^ gVtmlk. Bevr B r . - i t ^ — ^!^. ! a HamaMtA, «f Daytoa, s^tertetend^ i**^ Bv«nte4i ; Me*; g . B.A^ wfce

^ wit-i«?!:r»".*t.***^ ^*«-' j t Beekhall, Ehtiuday ^^

i*v«afar « t TtM; M M 1 B I I 4 t i i s i l l j at_»e*t te New T*rk n a . « . : A d * a . S « . ^ « t « p . . . , « d Mr. g n i ^ Baa*tell. w t e b a r

at 7:80 p. - -"^ ^ ^ - ^ " " " b*

ttock of the foilowiiig ma(


Mr. B»t-

«*ir Th*

«f th* p M i e i* esvdiallr iavMrsd to a t t m l .

—Dr. a R. C. JetaMoa, of th* Town Conadl, has r*e«iv*d a I « e r ~ S i 5 1 E :

P. P«rgBH«. eC th* Bivwtoa why

F n ^ Het^akar , of Oeeeivna,

« th* streets. "Refvr iag recent O R I B for

writes Mr. Ferguson, **wo find that ac­cording to a recaot ruling, th* gov­ernment prohibita the nae of open cars for certain purpose*, including the construction, maintenance or re­pair of public and private highways, roarfways. streets or sidewalks. We rrut/r.t ex.ia;:' t-.^s' '• <> -rrier in o q ^ D..,>...r\ »nV, u.... ,-.r«.i.i»i-.; i» from ex-

thai we are in a potitibn to xrffer you at a gopd pnee:

Corn King Manure Spreaders^iioosier Compianters, Hoyier Drills and Lime Sowov, Weber Wagons,

jii 1^M3CS«I JTitaa EMines^(l^p^ 1^ _ —AT 4 Case^ PJoi»v Urtematiottal Pl»c^

Whed Cultivaton, Peering Rakes, Mowers and ES»jers

leg Separat(»«

Rev. Harwood P. Myers, of Onaa-cock, visited hii parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Myers, during the week, leav­ing Tuesday for the Methodist eon-^ fer«nc« at LjTlChlmrjf. He wHI T*-* : ^~ t.~ MAnAssao next week Mrs. .M.&r. .>.'... tneir two iiil.e aons ar« I

Manassas Feed, Supply and Implement Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE: FARM I




Meeting of Athletic Association »KrBiB,

News Notes,

1 Edited by Misa El»ie Roaenbargnr.) The assembly We4n««<t«y "^nxng

was held by th« Junior Auxjuary of the American Red Cross. "Kie meet­ing opened with the Scripture reading by Miss Catherine Larkin, after which Kev. T. D. D. Clark led the school in prayer. The president, Hiss Sallie


Members of Poultry, Com and

-i— Part in Eventa.

The county «gei>ts, assisted by tiie farmers and the girls and boys of the canning, com, pig and poultry clujw, are making big preparations for Coon- i t y Exhibit Day, Friday, NoTemb«r 23.J Agricultural moving pictures will be' a feature of the day.

A long list of prises, including a si! vfirjaipi aa4 suggMtions on

MANrffioimEr jirrFH iHEUMAnsBr


tion of core, were given in a recent ia-lue of The JonnuU In a tpeclal irtlele by Mr. C A. Montgomery, eoonty farm demonstration agent. M r . j ^ o p a n d w h a t yOQ b e c o m e a c -Montgomery has been working! up I qiUUnted w i t h OUT e x c d l e n t lilM entlinsiasm for some time, and it i s ' o f g r o e w k d y M w U l phdlM yoVT

Mr. Clark introduced the speaker of the morning, Mrs. C. R. C. Johnson, who chose as her subject, "Why America Needs the Red Cross and Why the Bed Cross Needs You." i f a . , .- , Johnson also chose a text, "For man P"^«ted that this corn show wUl be, o r d e r in. canndt l i v e l y br^d alone:" — - j o n e ef the finest oi the year. Keen

A readingT^Thp Spirit of the Bed " Cross," was given by Miss Elsie , , , • . ." ^ ' I rf~« W^ R o M H b e r g e r — ^ * » - ^ » a » - f o U o w e i l h y ^ ^ ^ P > ^ J ^ ; ^ ^ ^ * * * ^ ^ . " : j C R ,

We thinli that the question that the Sphinx couldn't answer was, "What shall we hare for dlaatr^" You'll h* able to-an* awer this qncstimi at any tWe to

cumplBte satlafaction - t f pay a visit to this food

y o u r youll


iron) is plain, everyday modici-i TIMMXM.MJM. I I I J J iron, highly concentrated. It Always the best for the relief of

One Man Says For Three Months He Was Confined to Room

Ji^ith Awful Pains in Back and Umbe.

lay than ever. natftaJJ>5(hJte

er the is possible

Ask for PINE COM-


"I suffered from for two years, an« months was so l>ad fin«»d t/i m y r,

rivalry for/huiiuis is expected. ' I Breeders of poultry and others who ^

have pure bred fowls are urged to ex-''ThiBir Msnyprizes-have beea offered; a selection from the Red Cross Maga I . ,. . , „ , , i P • . ,r A . , c^ •

zlno l i y MIM j;mlly Hound. Miss *'''° '" ^^^ ««»"""»• ""^ t^ul^^J ^^"l"- i^hAdt Old Stui • " ' " Cariin wiH give a prize,


Dorothy Johnson gave a reading, "The i '"" "' ^-—-r . _ Spirit of Joan of Arc." \ol %5 m each department, and other "

Mlaa Mary Larkin, secretary of tiie <'°''^**^ ^ ^ o " «> *»>« canning club. Manassas Chapter of the Red Cross J ' ^ ' ^ include a canning machine of-{ another speaker on the program, w a s ^ « ' * 1 ^^ ^^t^^^.r^^*^"^^ ^ ^ introduced by Mr. Sanders, agricul- Oo«P*Py and lOO No. 8 cans and200 tural director of the high school. | ^o- 2 cans offered by the Virginia

The Khool sang "Carry M« Back ^^*™^* ^"P*"'^- i. a * , ^i to Old Vlr^nla." L t h . T , i ^ . . » , . ' M i " ^11"*^ V. GUber*. co«nty home OUT w o r j t a i i d g e t o o r q a o t a t i o M

{ "That's a fine Job," says t in satisfied customer, whose i^rint-

I ing order has been filled by the I JoumaTs job d^Mutmoit. See

j j ^ I aemonsteatiea agent, la in '«fcarge W

A business meeting rftlieatWetic*^ association w a . called immedia te ly^^*<?°»gf ' \Manassas folk who are after attembly. November i - * — T K - «utetea*BR the w»rk wilfli p n i e otr aueaibly, November 14. T5e . « «T ^ ^ n hminm br»)nffht rmwn, f\^. mymmt ^ ! " J ^ ^^rJ'^I^^i:^.

on cards, letter mentis edrdopci^lHSA tOa, p £ joama, mtalngw,' etc.—r-Bi|^

f ^

of the Liberty bond which had -been pnrehaaad by-the association anally aceMed that - e w » •bDokt pay S cents a

Tbomas U. Laon, commonwealtb's at-It was' **>"'*y ^"^ PrJHce William eooaty, and ^

m*mbM Mr. n . J. Arrington. elerit of the Maa-

Knicj i^l^aLMonewJ^gLfiok 01^. SatitfiatAtt gMrimtted


fearful and r t r i N ^ e r y t h i n g I and my *friends « u n ^ e t but it looked like I wi^donewith bus­iness for the tuiance of my. life. It gripped memone in the small part of my btfck and in my left

iesT, and at my age of 63 didn't believe anything could do me much good, but I bought a Dottle x" AciQ iron Miiit i'al aud' i h e change that come ever

is gold by most druggists in eith-^ oooirhs, l>etter er six or twelyeoirfcebott les Good. oM reljIaM; und6rthet^a«^i(MpK'fl^Fer< pfn^ '»»» rodine Chemi^^l^loFp. which « j "T guarantees itsV^trehgth and °°*** **"*" quality. _ - > ^ > v for us to r

It has a tendency to assist the OUR WH, appetite, digestion, and kidneys POUND. too. Whole families use it this time of year with excellent re- „AVMAi«ru«r p n i n M A r v suits to the blood. A few drops HAYMAJRKET PHARMACY in a glass of water makes a dose. I G. M- Coleman, Pnqkrietor.

rieumatism Directions with each bottle. ) Haymarfcet, Va. for three ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ _ „ ^ [ was coD^ -

fi pain waa

was wonderful," declared A. WiUiams, of Petersburg, Va.

"BefOTe I had finished the first bottle I was getting: better and the iron seem'ed to drive the pain right out of me. The second bot­tle of A-I-M helped me still more and now..since taking three bot­tles I am as Well aa I ever was and—have boon completely , r«»

eumatism is en-1 gladly recom^



Heved. The tireiygcme mend Acid Tmn Minoral to every body," continued Mr. Williams. whq tike aunareds of oth»r-4)eo~ pie,in this section, find damp weather and uric acid ih the


Pertilizers are High. Save the liquid manure with

A Concrete Manure Pit War eeadttlgas ha^e Mess tha« 4s Mills* the u t e e

most fertilizers. A eonciete msnyre pit by saving all the liquid manure.

will practically double Its tertltizing value. Concrete manure pits tre Tsry easily made. *Ywir farm

hands can do the work.. Band and pebbles can probably be obtained on your own farm while SECtTBITT Port­land Cement can be made from the dealer nwned. WMte for free Ulustrated Uteratore

• Conerste Jwr Pwrmiamne*—SECURITY. tk0 ptrwummU Portland Ctmtnt

gacpmrrr oaisajrr a m r a co^ B A O I

»eH »T poirvwKiii* svrrtx oofc.

weeknntn- tK^ " ^ ' ^ ' ^ f ^ * « ^ The gjris and boys are busy malone bond was paid for. 'OM q o e r t i o f t ^ ™ *""" ~r^Z ^ZITJLI

school y e n . and c h e m was. ateo ^ f » '=«^* p t o a « 1 w t a * m ^ i bronght vf. Vtr. Saadwa t ' *»~ »« «»" <>»> aaaodatim to sdeei. some n Q a . Mr. Bagehril Leachman . . . _ . ^. nnammoosly chown ,che«- leader.P"^" cockerel-and IKdlet or pea. ^ Aft«r »ev«ral other q^Mtions wwe^ ^ ^ '^W'^^^TJ^ class. 1 > < s«ttl«d the prerident dismisaed tlrt ' '^ 'T. ; , *• r '"**^ ^ _ , *^ Pa/etits. teachers and fnenda

Mr. S u t d w s orgiri fte ^ ^^ *"» ***!"*«* ^ " ? * * "*?'*? ' rataUa' "8*"* Panltry breeders and oineM

^ ^ ! with pore bred f o w b are asked to «x-

InvltisJ to come and aee what the g ir la | asd boya are dflinft lCeitriM>» of tha agricnltatid' dnba, mcIacOBg m u n b e n '

The asaemUy-heid V^ednes<]ay, No­vember 7. eoB^sted of an impMs^tn program on the 400th anniversary ofi ^ , . • , ^ , , ... _» . , , . -S^Koformatton. The «eetta#':*rto f* • ^ ^ ' T ^ y J ^ ^ ^ j ^ * * ^ presided over by Mr. B n A e ^ l e . ^ t * " * " " « « f • * « P-Pa- w ^ l t m i e h

Several aomga and rwdings were riven. be«-ing on the Befamatlon. A WHan rf a»e-«e-rf LiBitS* l i i n f f the Reformation ^ i « given. The f a o c k - ^ o W kSNTlSKTAIN^ meeting dbaed w i ^ f t h e ^aiginjf'ef America by t i « s c h o ^ ' " ~ * ~ ^ ~ i \

The H; H. S. b<)ys will meet the Wayrepton baaketbiJl team at War-

teachsxs from tibe theatre.

school pilpila grotonds

fTw»eal XTOieuU^PT e g . .^I^y wffl

F= ^

iMve on the six o'dMk traiA & 1M w t a i n g . The girls are trying, to ar-nuig« a game for the iuune nig^t, bi^ have not yet heax^ from the manager of the Warrenton t«am.~ All who can are urged to attend these games. The boy* havft several other gaiuei. scheduled for the next few m<mtlia.

Betiildiem Membeis and T l i ^ -JBttitonds Enjoy Hajlyy'tn,

C. E. L. Hodge. Secretanr, B. G. H. C !«!». A U WWtSjijr has

theaalmea in one'of tier sw«et powsa:

"When-flte spring winds blow y e r t f > e plsaa—t plaeea.

They will meet the W a n c n t m teste agaiii Beeeadier IT. in Cwmer's Hidt. Tliey have--two games aehedoled with the Sogthem tewn. one Janaary 6

, The same a x a o L i b i i i g s

Vyle t , I shall have thee

and the other Febmary z . . Bota games are to be in Manawas ^ ^ wary 16 thejr ^ playT&~ft*i»ing-ton toam.

So it ia with the months of tiie y o T .

i • - - . : - • • m • <iif -

• - . • • • • • W • s^lfi-. : m- — ^ •

' 1 ^ ' ? •1 1 H • 'S , ff •_ • j ^ i y

• - V •: ;^_

I • v'f K^ f ! r 1

- • • •

. ' - '- r

i ^ ^ '

' • ' " : _ r-2 .

tf they pass on in unehaaging snoeea-aiea. - B irh awmim hring* it« ^ « d a l phatacteris&s. So t ^ avtomn haaJta (heatnaiing par&es and ita HBDowABtr

The atUatie a s a o e i a t i o n ^ timted f„tiviti«a. « -r!M.m«>'« H ^ for the a a a a o i r w i h e U i | - ^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ fmH:m«. «f a » n w t -taama a n prafetidiw i a tha-halL A |^^^ ^f BtMahem ^€;ood-Hoqadwip-n a i a b B r ^ i w w l i y a h a i e cama —t.^ra* Olnb » ? " » & K i a i m y t o l f f far bartrthan. . Itiie goeata of Mrs. Snow oo Tfaoia-. Tho boys of the first and third j ^ ^ , , j j ^ t at one of the meet

..yeaxa-wlU start ttwir n a a n r i t n l a i t t H a H o w * ^ ^artiea wa have «v«r ».,y 'n.n^fAm^ tmAt* the •opeFviaioil ^^^ In tha sattoty <rf wttchea,-

i t lb. CanaMi.' ^ ~ ~ Tinn *tnl l i s li T^T —* 'HitrrH to gn»-rb* an i t ema which had imn or- ^^^ | ^ j ^ ^ gteats and a t b v a t e

dered for the boys arrived T i w d a y ,ati,ting objwta, as WeU aa witty aal-andww^'aMPO^M^eMvad^lhaJiog- , j ^ „,|^^ ^

^ . *** ^ f ' ^ . ^ T * ! . ^ bTWMTht « to a "can to the diatog room'^ to iriaeh we gepaired without j Tba w y e givsh oat Uat week.

lirst and seeood n a k fii flte w*w ai^amiwi. Fauna yatf. Mm Mattie Athey. Miss Catherine LAririn; Tw».m.i iMethm of fonrth yaar. Misa

fbr any "Taat caB.'

tistie table a la Snow. -pPeo^-SP to MX mc^. than

Marion B n ^ S T mill; tSird year. Warn S^BStf K o n a o , ' ^ , , ^ ^ di^Iay of Barke Staete; regular studsati of b a a - ^ ^ ^ tempting vianda. iaaMi aeetioD of tida yaar. I H M SaOie j^^ ^he doae «f the fea i t i ^ t o ^ Misa Parifaio (kii*m;memi j ^ p o a e d an . . year. Hka Lanisr H o t t t . W a ^ g p ^ ^ ]^ W sssWasTl.— -^J Cotaaaa; iirst yaar, Blea O I B M . I B M Q^ retommg to the reeeptaea hall

When yon roB*» y « i r snhafni«MB ^t^^/ttin. It waa A to The Joomal by mail, do not «xp«ct ^ J ^ Q , ^ , ^ I ^ •'Good N i ^ « , a receipt mafled ia return, hot watdi i x f iar the happy for the addresa sUp « • the next eepy ot yoar Joomal and aae that the dol­lar has beeo jvopariy crwQtad. If the date haa sot baaa adeaatad tka ftnt Friday thinri**^-, ^ *^ hm aiswiad •a when a>sre are f sw ehaagea the

If the third week c!egea,jad_thMe ia •tffl ae ehanga it ia t n e to kivaafi gate.

SyM," r^retMOy wa look kava a t oor driightfal hoatna, as plwsaarphfM to dry's walto.

P U B U C S A L B .

F(w Safe at PnbHc AnetioB e« S^t-niaayr No' ^mbef 24, at 1 o'aseit, ia

Mrs. William Kent, wife of a form­er congressman from California, Mrs.

Bald BoDdiBg. Mate street:. Cbifltanier, bookeaaa and desk;

p l a y ^ piano and stool, sewing ma­chine, sewing table, sofa and heating

Harvey Wiley, wife of the pure food sto^O; toblij,<ws beda .two lyringa. fiva expert, and thirty-eifrht other mem- swttreaaee, fonr iron eoU, large rug, bers of the National Woman's Party, | waahing machine, two waahstaada, march«^ frtim their headquarters to'three mirrors, dish dryer, oft stova, tho Wh->- Hiuse reopr.tly bearing ban-: carpet sweeper, two old <^1i boraana, - , , -: --.•<. j.^-e B—e8t*d ami car-'canned fmit and preaerve* n«e; -. r-~....-» -pji-i.TaArtar* in reiay* of W_D- GSEKN.

a beantifol and ar^

I m K^J g»:^.tr-«-»a^ -s y*?ff.y*-* l^'?.'-—^j'if'^r^:^



nuimiTTBH <kN

P r i j

Aizard ftaUay, paatec Biina«7 HeboU it lU t: &r SiibJ*M,

(jPrmywr A a N r e c « d > . - , . ^ ' « t U ft. m . »tDg^

HMJt, Soal, StrwKth aad Kind. Chriatian EndM^or »t 7 p. m. Sub-

j«ct. Oar Daiwminatiaiud Fordgn MiMion Boards: Thdr Hktonr Ud Acfaievementi.

Scrrk* at 7:30 p. m. Mi—iwiary •drlrrw by Dr. PrMton H. Edwmrda, vlce-prinripal Ewinj ChrlatUa Col­lege. Allahabad, India.

Wadaaadax—Union aerv$e« at t:«*tSynM« i>.i|. LaetoM on LatiMT wftd ^ It-JGnmi, formation, illustrated wHh alaroopti con l t t t ir~~ ^ ''

Topk .

CUfton PrMbytorian Church, _K«T. Alford Keltof, pastor.

Stmdajr School at 10 a. m stated above;

Serriee at 11 a. m. Missionary ad-dress by Dr. SdwatSi; ~

Thursday—Lecture on Luttiar and the BeformAtion, illastrated with atfu-eoptjcfin i l ides .

iSViday^Aid Sotlely « " 8 pTUT the home of Mr. P. W. Buckley.

Topic as

Greenwood PresVyterian Church, Rev. Alford K^ley, pysteTr

Sunday Schotrf at 2 p. m. stated above. ^

Preaching at 3 p. m. Subject, Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind.

Bethlrfwm School—ft^aday School at 2:30 p. m. Topte as a tatMMOvaT

- - L U T H M L ^ Detliel Lutheran Oharth, BerRBd-

g»T Z. Pjatee. nastar. Ctum praftiftii Wwlnnarlay iWWHng

at 7:30 p. m. ' Soaday adiool a t 10 a. a t r 1 UBCnnt|P M ' ftv^r^pv^lBa —^————

BAHRST ' • Manassas Baptiat CharCht^JR*^.

D. D. Clark, pMlar. Snndwy—Bmiday Sfhowl, 9 46 a, i

moraing aprrice, U o'dodc; B. T. U., 6:46; {Evening servka at I'Mi

WediMeda;-7:30 p. m.


WimuB Sapcrvison Rontim v-

M«et Again Nov. 27.

The Board of Supervisors of Prince William county held its regular meet­ing, at the eonnty courthouse cm Thursday, Novamber 8, the following members being present: J. L, Daw­son, chairman Occoquan district; J. T.

disti-ict; McDuT ftreateviUe district; O.

Hutchison, Gaines^iUe diatiiet; T. M. Enssen, Colos district, and J. J. CMt-ner, Manassas district. . - Orders.

Superintendent of poor granted in­crease of $8 per month per head for adult inmates and %XJ6a pev^head for

, u Ik 'Vii'Toanfl. Andereon Brooks, s&me flarAaQ Blackwcil, same O. A. Goeabm, same . . . .

- Biuiru Hk" iiooff; luiubei shed for road machine

irtaier Hixson, samr . . . . . : \4M Cj-VUl GriOa, saBM iAM

Oe^oqoaa District Bead Fnad.

tnfknts fsr the i»eriod of the prtswit Matter John. O.». B., same.. . 8.77 war. Ayes, Conner, Green, Bussell, Hutchison; noes, Dawson, Syncox.

Supervisor Syncox authorised to wfo et eeiinty tsaster

use of Dumfries district [ver; pftying^'for said' Dumfries road fnnd,~ government of the

grader for and furnish driver out of provided the United States shall famish necessary fori and repairs. (Appucacion of Ma*~ jor H. L. Booaevelt, Marine Corps camp at Quantico, for tracttfr to use for permanent road improvement be-

. Appropriation oi |M0 for county woasea's aad men's extanaien wock. I91g. AyesriJeHneri ^atchiaon^^a^a^ seU| noesi Grssn, Pawaon.

Next meetiHg set for f e t t h Taes' day in November; futore meetinga to be hdd on fMorth Tneadajr of each

€l«k- iaatracted to issue warrant for $400 on.special road tax fnad, pajraMe t a ^ . K- HooiBBr, to aopple-n^tit fimH of f 1,800 raiaad by citiasns of BrentsviQe distriet for permaaeot road imprwmiMnt.

Cpmniisiijoims ea revenue dii jnted to extract taxes IOT cooncy and dls^

- Ukt paipu— oil au i^'openyassssieJ by state cocpantioa eonunkmn, and' file copy m clerk's oOee; dark to

Rev. Bsmett GriMsl^TXKsialaift^ B ^ e Haven, first Soadar U 'a. m. \ Woodbine, first-aMl^MeandJBWidszf'e«:tit)r copy to CMnniiaaiaaers.

3 p. m. . I McDoff Green directed ts >qr htm-Haa:liei Memorial •econdjjgtidari bar far-|twftw% fwd UMge aad have

Lewis A Brown, repairing t o ^ and machinery (cancelled by order of ^oard) 20.76

J. H. Steele, work on roads . . 2.75 R. Conway, same 30.70 B. Lee Johnson 11S.M Geo. W. Hixson, beU for tractor l.£0 T. H. Athey, work en road 72.00 Rob. Doleman, same S1.78

Herbert Pare«ii, work, sup­plies, etc . . . . . . : . . . 27J»

J. L. Dawson, money paid out for work oa roads 122.60

Spedat Boitd Paad. . A. M. Yatas. lumber Uft bridge XfluQO

Jno. N. House, same 13.84 Palmer Smith, one day's serv­

ices to Occoquan district . . . 6.00

scoops and serapers .'. 8.31 Sd. K F% taaibar for bride*.. 11.00. O. W. Hedrisk, work en road O. W. Hadrick, 26 days aa siqtt.

of roads 60.00

ages 66.00 E. J. Davis 26;00 W. Marshall, same IBJW W "H Baid, same . , , . , . , John Mills, same George Poaey, same Mia. BJwaid lamle, same . .TT-I.«ri« h. Brown^ repairins; tyrfa



and mncWaarat- aft-w H. Baid, land < S. J. WetiwreD, aaaM A.-P.«avis;



Danid fiod, same . . . . . . . . . Z T ' t S M Dani*l .Bwa and Saamet B ^ '

sasM . 20.00 Emeraon Brantjngfaam Impte-

meat Co., note aad interest . . )61.76 C h a ^ i o n Bridge Co., l» id«s

<m Hunfs isrd tjMJOjQO Btat* airf C a n t y

11 a. m. and 7:80 j i . m . Oak Dale, third Sdaday 11 » . « . Awbmra. tM»d » m d » y TJO^jM

CATHOUC -All Saints' ^OttfaoPs-qtafBr^ M t e -

Msas^ Father WBliam GiB, pastor. Mass at 8 a T m ^ l B i •ml IWiil llaii

days. Second and fourth Sondaya at 10:30 a. m., followed by bsaadiotinii of the Bleseed

HETHOOIBT Grace Methodisir Elpiscopal Q m r ^

South, Manassas, lUv; H. Ql~Knrr pastor.

Sanday School at 9:46 a. Preaching at 11 a. m^ aaad 7 i i8

Rev. C. follow:

Sadley—First, second. Sundays, 11 a. m...

Fairvigw—.tWaiwt nrJA iFnnytlt

days, 3 p. m. ' Gainesville—^First Sunday. \ p

tTiifJ and fifth ijonday, 11 a. aiL

3 p. m. Woodlawn—Third

Jays, 8 p. m. '

xvpajrad, ztpociing coat to board. J. T. ttwieeac Greeted to pnrdiaae htm-

part of salary aj teadent of adiods f or #

_aBd four days < a t t l ^ nrer's aecaants

W. X Aakby, rcpaira, au|j>lha, e t c tat eoortiwnae M i »

T. M.

B C T I '

A» ~H, Iftiwn, <wpraeo <tt UNITED BSnHSBK.

Rev. L. C. Mesddc^ ajpoJatawnti follow: i board of review

Manassas—First aind i t o d laailsta.^Weatwoed^.. -Hi 7:30 p. m. Sefeond days, 11 a. m. J. L. Qawaoa,

Bggkhall—SwoBd aad faurth gim-_ -aitt

OF Y A m A B | . K -BSTATE. I

Under aad by virtue of a certain deed of trust executed on the 16th day of January, 1917, and lecwidea ta the <:leik's tdBue of Piiiiee Wmiaa-eoua^

U F. aad bene N k i i o ? t e aeena tiM payment of two certain aetaa thersta daacribed, in Uie paymaat of wfaldi

sigiked. trustee ther«n aawed, having

Prtsea nroc, Mitfbrd IBHs aad :

- • • ' • • insiit . ; 8VJe Priaee moiam Gottolgr 7na«r.

iinir; eJDwOiHiMt aa VtVt aata taTse ••• '. .V .97

Priaee WiBiam Covity Ttea*-Vleabaeo CrMjk autd

N. B.-SdMdslefinrea publiriwd only Hgf..H'T'«*iin. I » t w a » t « e i l .


Na. »—«:49 a. Bk, dailr; lead; WtddBctoa t» OmMtwwOla tad

"Alway^_the Best <rf Eveiy-tlung for tHeXeast Money'* —Otir siocmn for ac«r]y a quarter (rf • eoatarjr.

—AB«I stfll th* «aiy mw w« know.

— b face of ai9r«ced«Bt«4 eoaditimM tkat faic^e iMaff priew aad a aeaixo mariMt—w« - Uv« «p to tUs poky.

— Yon win find dean, fresh stocks of FALL 80 STORES UNDER OUR ROOF.

AND WINTER NEEDS in vrvey one of tke

—THE APPAREL STORES are ready with new Sirfta, Coats, Waists, Dropses, IMtoery,

IBsses'. Children's Fors, Sweaters, SUrts, etc, tat

-^'Om A C ^ ^ O g Y STORES with the new in ~GlDveii, HaadkarchiefB, BBVB, JcwaltTr^

,rtg. -€or- - -

^ t a S HOME FITtpf 6 STORES with CUaa^ SitTer. KK^IMI Oirflttiags, Glnswarti,

•Me:'-''-': R i m .DneerkMV Uam»,


fluptlliim, "ngmc 'Vktrsia^ NattoM,

^ALL ARE READY with new Mefchandtaa at

A MAif,Y«i>ieRsmvtC!R >—Ai«.fw ^ . f ^ «y fcajBiMJ Wpfai w iHi l jrov orien witk can sM l ivwtfiMBB.

< ~*


are advaaeue tibor ratea proportions BUT BnjFM-

FMignier Matnal Fire I—arauLaCuiHi not as yet

.before that

tsMo hive ^ S d n K B M it tium taaeed fiSi l l^jrfir^ We.wiU be glad to

for Comitnr Produce 1

been requested so to do by tlM heid of said notes, will offer tat sale pnUic soctioo to tiw high sat lMddar,.«a.

Saturday, Doeemksr 8, 1917, 12 o'clock Bi., in front of the eocrt-

houae. in the town of Mansssei , afore-Mid county, all thoee two esrtaia rrnrts or parcels of land, lying aad iic.ax situate near W r i t t ^ t e s , iB Maa^ Aiwaa District. ~{At^, &nd sdjoi^ttg oUier&. &cd baiag part «C J«mo« BlackweU estate.

All plat

r; ." •- ic-t^ and 14.75 the formr: .- r.g known aa the bome iot aad •»-'"'« .a. ' r a« the Wood lot, aad laers part2ciL.^'.y deacribed b; and bounds ID Lhe Geo. J aad stirnBy of record la (tMd lvx.k '•-_ -Agree 62-8-4-5

Terms Jmh. . . . HOBilTON L A\':£S,

. ruatee

jjttag with C A:^taeUbr,

ffiag adSi

K. A. RouDM, wont en Father John. O. S. B . , ^ M. A. Bdl, t i« MdMr

w<Hfc aad Material . .

i L. L. Ptayaa, same 0. W. Hedriek. same C S. Suthard. same O. W. Hedriek. lumber

MarshaU Coles Distriet Beat

H L Tubbs. '»•'>»* OB roads Jame» ',J.-k. wim* R R .-. B'-"« M l - '






No. 4 » - 8 : 5 6 a. m. daBy; HanieeabWK. Parlor car.

New n — 4 i 6 p. m. daily except

Bba «i eontetioiMrT

J;M.BELL I of Teeth.


i. C Baikitnf Mia Vaf R H KB;

•^a*hrn£t.:>r.. 1 H E .*•*.">-• • • • • ' ' .

' for .^ .^ tn aUrauc -two times.

Waists Hoiiery

Your hitpccrion Invited

CAMPER & JENKINS M&naMas, Va. The Ladie*' Store



Giean TeetB







• A » -

- V — — " - L H A K E S APPEAL FOR SOLKfiBSj

(Cootinned from page Three.) j !=.Ey2nKB^VM from 0 6 7 Btsk



PrescrirbMH? Tbt'* Ov


Uiii?efsity of VirgUa WmA «f PnUte School 9jMtxmr of ~ Vir«riid« , DEPABTMENTS BEPBESENTBD

College Gradoate, Law, M<ai-

Tb» way to taake two blades of grass grow where one does now: Buy the celebrated Mag nesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past _twenty.-fige years, out produced them aU, and the reason for it is because it con­tains Magnesium and Oxide of Iron in right ptopQiHon to Calr, cium Carbonate, and the United -States Agrieidtun^ Depertment

~ 1fi UM ITiiMm, wfio'rMdiaed tlie import­ance of this work to the exteiU of be-iug wipajftj come from thetrlwma^ *t their own expense^ many of t)>*m tr«.ini&^CJHjS!^M>iiM|iM thU conference,-it-was ><let«rmined to put on a nationwide .campaign to raise

in Year Book 1901, page 161, states that Magnesium is abso­lutely necessary to plant growth and nothing else will taJce its plac«. Send orders to Comwell Supply Co., Manassas, Va.; A. S. Bobertaon; Wellington, Va.; M. Rollins, Bristow, Va,, or direet4o us and same will have prompt at-

nity and to raise not less than $600. As to the need of this grtat work

there can be no question. It has been foiiad tb«l.fflan mea have besn. ior capacitated ior service by tb» dangers t» which they have been exposed while on furlough from camp than in battU. Unless wholesome recreation and con­ditions of normal life such as they were accustomed to in their hom^ are provided for the me^yon furlough, they yield to evil temptations, that sur-

' Tonnd them as strangers in the citiee to which they come. If the good peo-ple fail to afford them atfeac^ve. safe.

Leesbarg Lime Co., he. B. V.'WHfFE, Mauger

M. J. HOniE M A N A S S A S . VA.

$4,000,000 for the War Camp Com munity Recreation Fund. Of this amount, Virginia is expected to raise* $200,000. You are requested to act

nt t^VkUf HtnA 1») yniir rnmmn.

«!T ^^r^X PAN

Jhnmie Conine Teito Wtwl He WnMt Military Tr«liiliia~BiMN

for Bojo^


Poultry, Eggs,

and elevating envituiiment, the uwla WOfia Will bs tun tu lead them mtu an environment that is injurions and degrading. ~" " '

The War Camp Community Recrea-tiMi Fund will be nsed to .offor these young sojdiers, who have come from the bes^ homes fn the commonwealth, influences and surroundings which are safe and attractive as those from which-they havo-been taken by the

"Tery glad to see yoo, Mr, •aid Unde Dan wltit a SBUSL

"Aw,- aald BUUe, "Jaat et f him Jlssmte. T^t» the only uiaM %• knows. Ha't tho pltdMT «< o v baa*. MU nine, and he's eotao pltckar, too. J u t foal of his arm.: •' "WeU," said Uncle Dan. (oeUag, "That's a mighty good arml"

"Now, boys," said Onde Dan, "wkat to yon want to' talk about r*

"Wtfl," said Jlmmie, "I was down to Oalesbnrg a tew mont&a aco wbon the boys came home from the Mexican bofder. They looked fine. JBvecybody

iwiltw»twiee Iww HiaHliI •tond and how manly thev wara.


BriHg m your Eggs and Vowim for Casb and aaw express and dtayage, capinriwBfamt loos of wdglit and de­lays in getting returns.

When yon deal wtb na 4.he tnuuactien is ended. You deliver your goods and we hand /ou the cash.


9000CXXXKXX Jwys pron4 to Wear the sal-

I tiiil yon th«lr nuHdaa ««re M

miUtary neeeekKies of the tInlM. II wUj^ovidO them attrartlvi; entertain-

katd • • nalla. Ihaar« Banker HaakMt •ay that tbo training and dtodpltno the boys had had was exactly what '«r*«t7 boy In dte country onght to havo, and tkiat now-these boys ceold gat a better }ob at higher pay than tbay eonldvjtave had beforo. Do yon tklak thaf «o, Undo Danr


Jewelry, Sporting When you tiiink of purchasing a watch, a ring, a scarf

or brooch pin, or other jewelry, remember we can wants.—Most anything in the supply cine^ iSnKtB9ering~

I^AN FUNDS AYAILABLK to dea«rving stodents. |104X> all'eMts to Vbrglaia itadonti in the

iA.: foF entalogttg — — r ~ — * •


UnhMBity, Va.

ments, dob-rooms, athletic facilities; Will oproHio down of ChtisUan homes fa> thim- w i l l Iwanrii tflffii- >^it f f v i s -

<rt«nd who enqdoys hundreds of yoong mm. Ho «i—1~ gt»— !>«]>• KftTfrg had asUitary training the.prafereaco! t» Hy*. 11 9tS* to 1U •«. H« f*^ « ~ m n f a l * ^ m o f

sporting [txtdg- Unft wllIJMiound

ItwlJl sick In gimpg or hwpitali; and, _^ . if tSoy fall into trouble of any kind, -mtty oat ord«a; thiqr are qniciw to will aee that they arc pnteetnd as if ^^^^ *^<^ *«. *«< ttnn thooo wltboot at W amo.* « « . 1 * = « 4 ^ - ^ ^ I T S S v e f t ^ J ' . S ^ ' S ^ ^ - S : OB**' • ] «C tBtualTe mlUtaiy training-wo^U-

ToCmay, therefore, assuN the p»- ^^ ^^ y^^^ ao ptt centTto rente alKJ friends oi^iJie" boya ,^m| -^ '

i|y!liv;M«aitiitk waf AflncA iwii|ir •iliri, 6M. Marble, Craaite aad d fat i i^t i^ illMO.

mnkwmnt if \kt^mi 4^ Mumlkti. iahm im'l hue ' to la; a Kg pke for Mr fNri


finds tf CeiMtery

yoffi conunnnity^Hmt, if the. amoBnt noedeg^^ftf^niali«to8d7UwIr bow, will he anfe dttringthe 2Sper eont ti] th«dr tinio that ISH^ -m^ tfmA on, farfangfa -ftrom eunp. Tkm, tf yon

l4B*I84fa.B00TSS.c aEOnSTVUFIBU) Oi

M. B.HAlb8V t M . B . ] 1 TlM


:RGER ^ — . VIRjatWIA

mfflESKStSAEE Alwaya from IflO tn flOf) hflsd of borta nnd mulea <rf aB deacripdons for sate at my stables in York. Pa. 14.33*


Seed Wheat

FBtsr uvmL fsm

^iseeept this woric, yon wiH not Only; _ bo raising money that wiH be pot to'

tiM very best pewdble nao, but yoa-wiD

^fnesS and relatives of iMqrs man yonr eonninnity and wSl be contriba-:-Ung to-ftt than to bnqgJilMl war to a ^leedy doae: _ It ia al»»- the bei^ fai-


^ % ^ S VMSVnSSD SlflO.«M feMOtMO

^looodn^oa o t . t t e w w , aa waadv im bndyaad miad as /wheo th^r ^•'^.^'. torn hoBMSt at tbo ooBdosian of tiho

mjjMl- as

grfe i b. '''\vms&.~ grim they loftit. -. \

Yog T O Tocpieated to fwrm'Tonr

a.a»ne,jn. DODOiAfla s m a n ^ •

prompt attcstlaa stTCB lO'iOl » • • ! • • • , !• • •d i s s ertittl—Hill—s>e»>t»» VmhaSmbtt Smd Bant-ac •


4Bfy to iaise ai least iko wnevtt cited. Yon wiU b» instraeted later !«rliero to send, the nf^OFL. Tho t»-tion-wiiie eampaiga begfais today so Idadly get to mA at onoe. If yoo can not accept, please get wae'to"dO'no n yovr'^neoand no^^r na at once.


- n o i M a JMf ho enated «nd tiio

l i e See^ Wkeala v^iich we offer are trom the best and most pi'o-dnelava crops grown in tins State. In additi<m to pnr enre in seenring high tpaiitr Wbent, w» mmtaOf-r^enn aH the wheats whidi w« reeeivej so as to eliminnto hnpnri-

Having determined to devote oar /li hnW. tmu> to the Seal Estate and InsanyKe boainesB, we here­by sdidt aB inupeitj f(x^«de and reiiaeat thooe lumn« mtip-ffrty t^ lii* .&e same viui as promptly.

WT I—*—.*« *-»' *'*^ »«*fc »"

CowHwttof.fcir Virsinia.


mi w f f l^n* tiM

ex I ft CO. , Va.

Write for -WOOD'S CROr SfECUL** givi.!g faJl ssTar-matidl aboTit SSED WKBi'-T»

BARLKy aaJ - I — • -

In focmnlating war ^ana for the vremo drivo agniaat Gentany, tho

^^^ffiad_ea^era{oe__^ffl_jiM^Be tlMTtha eantznl posran can figM on

cSoody auffeiing -4POB» ItilJiiiai or eeOBomie pteasuie. The leoonrees of Mw aniM iirui b« mawaawd a^tag Psisisni's "po—ihln

r. mtmA'tt WM &t any yeeng

'mna^tt yon'wia f o n p ^ t o T loear M*-brlBg-^94aiaU '^-^'^g X wO let yen aeo tw* IphotagtivAr «< Ikt

khowlag what ealy.

rww'bTQn^ xmiam Dm. tm pietnrea, anid: "Wtf, arsL Ihcr tdL tbsir a m

your ^i^ni^ find lo<^ for fw^- _

i er atmouncenleiit lirthese-f^

^ ^ H S C ^ iiiin'iffni. wiiiiiiirt ?•

NewWaflPapor Onr new s t o ^ . b a a nr-

oi bat yni^a atocS t tfc« old pwce. %«<••• ewOf* k iaanaokL

Foote'sWaBPapgBiee ADMIWiaTgATOBrS N o n c K

Having qnaliflod of the aotate of tlM lata B. A. Skoo-matev i » W M * _ t>»<^«^

' and satde at OBce. AH crodMwa «ffl please mwwit their claims Mr • • -




Citj People Want Yoor


Send for eatalogoe and partic-Dlara. K^tal Carriov will la«t fur years—nu breafcagfe—N» wrappi ngor iabeUing i

12LB F St. and 1214rl8 G St.. 1 WA«MiNGTOW. D . C. -j

jnaiinant-_ P iw

troovs, aeeerdiag to genera! staff ^ wfB yobaMr *> e s m t e a . a y i ' »««>•«*

tat Mfls e( the wmM. Camweji^uf^fiif wT!ii\rfr%t

Keceiyea xrom during year .

Coonty fnnds dnrrng yvKt^*

District foada cm. haad M y 1 1916 1S4-01 -

Di^rkttmii'i^^'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.-IJIUMl » • • • "aa » flt« » * owa » 1 O^ertmwn D i s t r f c t f ^ ^ ^ . ** -<g Q - . ^ *?* \'^'_--*!!!**^ •* *??

£ K taiMs '.'.'.': T8J82

If you really want the NEWS f tne cour.ty The Journal will

, • . ; ; ('-ry week for R

^Manassas Transier Co., W. S. ATHEY, Proprietor.

BakTirate. Pnrmture and an kinds of r.'iorcnAmiuM or othsr c^m.-noditias-

ad'^'ance. . promptiy tranrfen^ or deiiTererf.

Total %AU.U lailiLlidnias

AsMon^ dae treasorer | 242.1* ..Amount doe literary fund .. ZJSTIM

-Amount wM alt eaner-nMOo*-^ .soo.oo

Total W A

J, ,414.19


AH H«ht air. . .wiv> .<'.- i-v'cv Hiuo>ii1, Mr.

n i'ii..,-,<ur Slocnai. and (St 4

My ii&e ei^r&ces ^laple.. . S and Fancy Groceries

Qqeai9«fare, Tin and Bnamelware



Gs&xrD. Bake Undertaker

AadLicMiaed Eaabnlmer LaBATB..niii Coorraecsa, tbsMxa. Vt

Praapt •u«otioo giMa aH niilen Pneea • • low u gond Mrrioc aad •ntorial (rill jan-tRr. ITBTAUC CASCITS CARKrED IN stocx.

Subscribe for Ihe Journal. a year in ai .» A -

SOB' •^S'"" """^J^^-^IX-:^ . Tmm*



XtM-Uvk \Mnyr Iwld i^ t^


meeting: FrkUy vrtming, NovenAtr E, the presi<ieiit. Hr. Brinrs, prwidia^. Tne a s v l |UU(IIB|''Q'~">

. ^ rtloM WM rMRlwred.

WiiMlaer and Mr. Cartton HUl •ppoiatwl to UT«n«« th* procraiiifor Uie next mM*iag, Friday evening, De­cember 7.

Mr. Gilbert Comatock has returned to Mt. Unkm, Pa., wbarc ha ia em-


The m^thly £\


of Civic

Mr. G. A. Gossom was a WaahinK . y^r Sftt**—t^w^lling hm>af> »tnt JJi^lted « i ® T = f i i ^ f c ^ ^ - _ . B S ^ : ten vi»itor on Tuesday ""~ ' store room combined, with one properties will be soid cheap ana

Mr. and ,Mm'Jt<-j^ q\fiTi»,^"^— ' ^" . - — » -

vo m.^ uiiBw, x»., " ^ ^ ^ — |,i^y of cooperation and introduced ployed, ifUr VUIUHK fmwla awl rrt- „ w. "Saadwa. acricnltaral di-ativea (MT*.

Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Keys and chil­dren, of St. Eteo, spent Fnday and n.t.iwjMM — **. **— KABS* failier. Mr. A. *. Kincheloe. They •were accom­panied IWHW" by ^Mffa. S^tBW t*OH ^ waUr «be exp«rta.tA.Ji«»Hi •«>>« t""* in St. Elmo. Mr. WiUie Kincheloa, of Dumfries, was aUo a week-end guest of his fathor.

The many friends of Lucile Luns-ford, who has been sick for two months, will be glad to know that she is improving

Miss Harriet Simpson was i ncy-Kinchfikw.


Misses Elsie Fairbanks' and Harriet Simmn asd Messrs. Soma Hayes and Bay Fairiwaka attandwl the Hal lowe'cn enteriammeei at T«M»i Hil last wedc

Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Colvin and daughter, Mias Adine, of Washington, were Saturday nigl|t visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lnnsford, en route to rianwfTT to attend the funeral of thfir aJatw-in-law. Tbcy ware K^mz. panied tfcm lb. lAuuford:* to Fan-qm*r yf-Mr* PjJlllll'a IIHIthlllf: E. LymL

..4:^^ Mr. Koma Hayes has returmiu home

after spending a few days tat York.

days in New

Mrs. E.J4, Miss Ethel'

Brigga and her jaster.

at Hayfield School. Tbt | held reeently. Every one .present «&-gi opened with the singing of'joyed the address of C:©!. Robert ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Ai^,i^^^^i^ tfaittoBowia-'ErislUe. Of Raveiis#artt,Artaa'wasTK)a J*^''^ and instructive,

ty* Said aveat the

>Ual Siurtey atijJ^jAoBle'Saleiba mo tored to Indian Head, Md., on Thurs­day of last week and spent several

. rWben Fath«r^HJ^ on tM Wall," by Mm

bel MeiyiU; inatmntsBtal mask, a song and a reading by Miss Myrtle MearilL

Mr. C A- Montgomery, county agent, made an address (m the neces-

Mr. H. W. Saodm, agricnltaral rector of Manasiss High Scho<d, and Mr. K. R- Webb, .official tester of the Prince WiUiai* County Cow Teetiag Assbci»&on.' Mr. Sanders and Ifr. Webb gave interesting talks on woric ing together and eAeieney along agrf-cultural linea, as well as ia other walks of life. i

Mr. Michael Oleyar spoke to the league members on their ^uty to the league and the community. Mr. Oleyar said that the eeoperation of erery league member could make this the

of progr^i along agricultural lines. ogrsM r thSf i saying tbSt, Ove years ago the fannn'

of this commnaity could not raise enough potatoes to eat without shi^

tiMuip in, i pH now in this imme-. tDt«d toOH»q!»n last Thnoday. diate neifhborhtfod three or four farm­ers eould sell 1,500 boahels. And the .same is tr«e>in otiitar lines.

Miss Myrtle Merrill, of JopUn, spent the week-end with her parents here

Messrs. J. A. HUl and E. R. Hayes rgcenUy mada » trip to N«w' Yurk ui •gme Mr. Hill's sou, SerKeaut F. Hffl,o^

pacts to leave soon for FiaaMT Mr. aad Mwi Fairhanlci, Mrs. lA»

Sand his son. fa^ viaitora on Sat-


of iand at Bristow, Va.; on ess» W^^ln^lEg-^g^jf^*' , houae in good candition. 8 xooma. over timber lafitl ToratetTaooni £ iNerly new 6-rooin house with 2 miles south of BrentsviHe, Va., large hails, 2 large porches, 2 on the county road leading from

-lainl, tocaled i^ mil*' BrentsviHe to Indwandeat iim. lassas C. H. on Manas-iSvitH**'^^'^^""' Manaasa-s, Va.

istow road. ^i^fci ?».-*••«£-- !» izt


Misa Virgigia Lee, who f o m n l y held a poaHaon in Earlysville, is now i teaching at Piney Branch SchooL '


with-Mrs. M i t A ^ Cook. Rev. J. R. \V>oke, pastor ot the

Presbyterian church, and his sister. Miss Sallie Cooke, spent the past wade | at Oieir old home, "Mount Ephraim." |. _. ^ ^ _ .„ _, . .

Mr. Irving Armstrong viaited' The Forest HiU Civic League fri«ds at St. StepKehs Sunday. , " ^ •* * • »rhoolhmise this

Mr. Lestar Carow, of Savaanah, Ga., ^ program of musk and recitati<«s is a guest at "The Lawn." i ^^^ ,^ '^"^ *^ addresses will;

Miss Muriel Arey, of Manaasas, iriio ^ "**'* *y **>•• ^ ^- Montgomery, ia teaching in Greaawich .High School. «>™*y »»«°t , recently viaited Miaa Mae Honae at «'"'• *«™nltural ™The .Bvergreena:"

Miss Carrie Lac who is teaching at Nokesville,- is spending the wedc-aad at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. T. Thornton.

Miss Helen Thomt<m has accepted the position formerly held by ) & s Virginia Lee, at Earlysville.

H jwuira, i J L »od_& H. ThprnJaiu' of Nokesville, spent several nlg^tta "tHi wiSt withMr. J. WT'fiofliday.

Mrs. J. T. Thornton, Mrs. 3. W..H0I-liday and Mr. Irving A rmstmng^ anH [

- Three -Caata-Sabaaaaedtv -

. York and Pearl sale; $1 per bu Corey Place, B:

apples for McDonald, e. 26-lt

" Theae is a aa^era epidwaie af - f i i ^ t o ,

A distJciet school board aieetinf waa

Hayes and Mrs Hill spent Simday at

Flarenta friends in WadihigtSB. j

Miss Minnie l0wa, of ladepentait HiU, was a viritnr hewt leiautly.

Mr. Bigdaw, of Maoaaaaa aeich-borhooi, *w«a a SmWiflaia • W > r

-Sunday.—^—— •— '' : T Mr. aad Mr*. Clcvdand BuaseU

and daughter, Jfaaat, «< Agaawrflle^ and Mr; and Mr*. Jahn fttaaall alal little son, Mia, jr^ «tf MmniaviUe,

the heme of Mrs. Hill Mrs. H«dmes, of Rkhmond, x^ceatly siteiMMF-lather .aad aiat«r< I t e fatiaei'S "are ntMng tlw most

of good waather aad good roaida. Mr. and MrkMorria Groff and thur

Utile giri day. -

end iir WJMhinften.


beldH>t8olai«a School Satanda^^ttlr-

Hattie Cole and Aaamk, of Ml*. T.

%-lt noon. _

Misaes XUI,I«B %>«>« • « • ^ - — , WooUanden w«i« fa*ats W. Lyms SatoraiS^ " ~ | i n s o r e yottr^-fTaiB in rtaek

Mrs. Jamea Lock ia iii>fTw!hig thu, » g " » ^ fire and liji^lbdng/ S e ^

3I1& jooi iaA& k^ to oa^Feur buildin»but the selection of ah effidentand ec6-nonucaTroolisaf firstimporlauioe. I fyquwil luss


bc|r faOer, Mr. week at the heme of ' 'Ntnuiff .yiwttmtei*-. - - --—

Mr. £ S. Qvnmf, who hasbaen

Avstin. Low cost.

For Saie- iTy

^^u Meaarfc Bta^T, Grovar aad P a ^ and MK. ahaw. uf WeatUnaterr

of Mr.

guesta a<^Itcaad Mza. Itussell Stmdiy. - - j

Mrs. Laaia Poaey h«a been qrtfr^Pa^ are ^(tObg at flie sick. Mm I^ IL Keys fi atin m^tttr'J. L. mntfiO. sick list. i l ir. J ^ t . a«rke left-la^ wepk

TET passed throagji l»re_M^day.

'BOBBCt t30ON."

crasBST BILL'-

Ptbae WiflJaa^men tor ::QaBp L>ee '' t Mr. Soger La Hay^e and Mr. Whid-

''~9e^,~ tit Waahii«|taii, viaited a t Wal-mevillc Saturday. IIMT were aeewa-

' pained bbaie Qr Mka C. K.43Bite,-who • ' ' .' tatiuued-TBeaday.

Mf. aad MH. WUlkai iiixoD. id W M lgri»n< Almeander aiH* • '•°--

• i

^m» inesatrip to WaddnfeCMa « a wiA.'

• i

Indian Old wkii tfai^^paratfs. Mr. aad j t e . ' Mr. S. T. AsUqraad Mr. A. S. J. E. Morgafi.' i Boatvrigfat, of Quaatieo, w a n r>«rtB

Mr. G. E. aautlar wwcaBad-farCal- at tlM hasaa a^^irraIld lira. C. K pepw laat Thatadiy to attsad tta fa- Oaifca gandaiy. • neral of his father, iHia died and-*'. Iba. Faaaie Brawaerdied Nerani-

' 4fnly - - ~—^ hM a •! Iim inima at InJfidMifc Mr. Oscar Bushey has aeeispfed a pa- HilL She waa abeot 76 yeara « ^

sition at the Naval Prarfaig-GreaiBl, Funeral aervices were h*H f* ^'""""H — Indian H a a a ^ t ^ - .'.wood jhiautaTe Bi^iat Chnrdi, Dr.

Messrs. Eatery Morgan and Eail Chiirlea H. Watcoa officatingv Brown came booia «a two daya' Jeava , The MinnievUle Civic Leajnaa will from Camp Lae last Saturday. Hie h«dd its awoftUy iiieatB« at tha boys are greatly mterested in the mil^ schoal houae oa Friday, Noyeadier St. itary instruction ^rfiieh they are re- Aa «gitartaiBiii|r tncram la ceiving,-.and from their aj^earanee | ^aged. Sefreshniento wiB be sold, the training i» doing tiiem uoeh goad. Mr. aad M a t W . Al Daaa ^ e n t

Mrs. ««,«*»>• w M tw ^TaAiajp. ton on businesa last Moaday.

Mr. J. G. O a n e . a M t last Thnffday and Friday ness.

m . . vnArmA a^mtll rr»"iM>1 liftiiii'

Ida) jaith a i l , nash gaials

fwrnwhoal i m TllBiaaay ts *i>*j>d.a ^ ^ farmfrs « -few days with hei parents, 'Mr Mrs. H. O. KttssdL -

Th^ patrona «f_the _ ^ K r z _ B a

criling in the Peateceat OimtA,

ia said to be improving. |ch.e^>. Addreflfl MrSi Mra.JtaynMNidWooIfeBdea,herBoe.'&«lMl, 1887 Califonila

Raymond, aad IfiM AimahWoolCsa'I Waril&Stoo, D. C. dcD, wen' aftcmoMi.

Um. Geoxxia

rendenee on

F. S. Street,


FBTB- InsQMKBca—B you: Nomaa aad herjafraid of l^utoal Aaseannaits,

daaghfais Mi^ Maral. *an ralhfa at'try-oar-old-Uaft fprnmirifW. If the hoaie of Mra. L. 0. DcHMhoe aad you don't bdce theuicreaans old lEirjrsraicSSaaMday afteraooB. Kne rates, tiy our Mutuii. Take

Mr>WaHcr Wo faadaa awt*ad ta your <l^iee.. We repreBMlt l w » Iqr I htodfc Attrtin CtfpoiaaaB RilUnHB* 6S

rdatives aad day,—-•;-:,

Wabar, af-HiU,'waa a K«vp visitar

Mr. Wiitec Maaditj.

fdcisls, retarainc 9 1 ^ For-Rent—On«s large ro«n

Ror-poel rooBKi aaiUhte im et-tillM or buaineiM «9dterpriBe. -A^ iiy to & &> CoBov.

i coBMsittae-ia diama is araaar-good VrUtfnua, aad'nnatgiqc

at SslaMii AfeeM mg a Ite the hOK party -Satorday ewauas. 1.

mmmF -V


u—I lUH See qg and get pricesj ILlTnclirftCo. _ 2^tf

The Journal—one year^-rand w o r t h i t .

d<dlar a


CERTAINVTEED Roofing is eoooomkal to boy* ine» pensive tt^iwf, and it costs practkaQy nothing to ihaia-'* *- • ^ -^ y t ^ ^ fire rrtardant, dean, aanfcary, and

^loefing service over & period of 7ear&. -TEED is guaranteed for 5, 10 or IS yeai^

ri.acr3ply). t^ ,^^» ^ — i l a s> t l l ^

froofiag for office bnildings, boceb, factories^ , g«r«eo«t fawn bwildingt, e t c Ifyoaarebuild^

• tCXSTAB^TEEIX:, 1 roofiocs, but only o a e C E ^ A I N - T E E O . i^o^ a C B R T A I N - T E E D Rool dun k;

- roof, kwSH pay i6e«* ^ ^J"'^ f^J"^ °'^--1.7 Y<» eiiri*rtrinftrflpMir nf twfl ro^^: 'brfee lmcof kiyooreolrnfeqr is ia die ;ERTAIN-TEED.

preferaUelype< •Cores,1 tagitwiMI There are 1

.' Jte-a €! iW aft 1 •dMitolaaraj


Sas good looiuBg, 1 leaidaat, aad m I

a tot rcsMcaoes, lla.j' * , _ anUlofffbDiAISorapBl. t ^ a s a

ifUBimtM oi^iatJStf

CBITAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPOliATKW - JtewypiterCMeaao. PhH»«l«*li«>*«i BtOAW. ; ' no.Ckraiaiid. Ptnatansh. Btlnril. taaatoTB^Wnaeitoo, MliaaDkee. '. NevOrteana. IxMAnselc HiKiaaaobs, FiiuM niT_fliaMI« Iw - Atlanta, Uemphii. Rictunowl,

'<iweBM*l«.Ws*Tni«. WaalaSSOIryi xa, Boaatoo, Polutb, I oadoo,

tUs of K^Molii hrJHg hrtd,

home from the ^rtlt^pal «*i , : ^ a Throat Heapital

weda with her afaat soa^ wha, opmstad oe.

accepted a poaitioa witt the ingtea TertlBi^rTtoaipaay:::

Mr.] his hoaw ftr'atfvenl daya.

Farmers ia busy husking

Privates Frank Davis and Wallace Randan, of Caav Lae. wpttA the end at their

Mr. aad Mia. Oiataa Akal a n viait-mg at the hoase ef Mr. K. & ihig wee. returning Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keadaft ta-t iraei Taiaiiay freat.a shset ^VM BaltinaTe, Md.

Mr. C. C. Dona speat the vith hi* mother. Mrs. Charlea Dunn.

ICrs. Kalph Praetoc.. of Dnmfrirs, v)Mt«d .Sunday at the honM «f Mr. 3. H TUndaa.

This community was sorry t» learn of the death of Miss Rosie Comwell.

S'- .- n.'i Wiiham"! Tt^prt\-r lost


Mr. W. B. McDonaU, of Happy Ctaek, aad his sister. Miss Claadia Md>onald, are the (oesta of their biyther and sister-ia-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McDonald, near fii«nUvii)e.

Dr. R. M. Ellison, of Washington, the recent jmest of his sister.'

Mrs. .1. M. Owens, near BrentsviHe. Mr. U ,i ;<-r ii tiowen wqc tAken to

« Way.:-:•:.-- - - ;-,:rj,: W ef:r.--<=--lsv He

OB r a n ^ va> larg* aad attentive

Fleca -Saiith is with her sister, Mn. X. JL Pick

ett.of Uadover. Md. Mr. Omar KJUar ^eat Sataiday,

with Kss NeDie Cssaan is at the

Eye and Throat Haspital in WasUag' ton, when she has reeeatty gone aa ope^tiaa on her throat

Mr. 3. W. Shiriay. Mr. and Mrs.f Ford Anderson, aad Misses Irvne Shir­ley and Frances Anderson^ •Warren-tor, were jroests at "Oalcs Si:-:-.av
