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Estimation of Thermodynamic and Interfacial Parameters of ...

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Estimation of Thermodynamic and Interfacial Parameters of Metallic Materials by Molecular Dynamics Simulations Yasushi Shibuta + Department of Materials Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan The range of application of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations is rapidly expanding owing to the recent advance in high-performance computing. Since only the coordinate and velocity of atoms in the system are directly obtained from MD simulations, it is important to correctly understand how the coordinate and velocity of atoms are converted into thermodynamic and interfacial properties. Here, MD-based techniques for estimating the thermodynamic and interfacial properties of metallic materials are assessed by considering practical examples of the melting point of a pure metal, the solidus and liquidus compositions of a binary alloy, the grain boundary energy, the solid-liquid energy, and the kinetic coecient. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.ME201712] (Received May 28, 2018; Accepted December 6, 2018; Published January 11, 2019) Keywords: molecular dynamics simulation, melting, solidication, microstructure, solid-liquid interface, grain boundary, kinetic coecient 1. Introduction Owing to the recent advance in high-performance computing, the range of application of atomistic simulations is rapidly expanding. 1,2) The motion of all atoms in a submicrometer-scale cube can now be directly handled in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations 3) and large-scale MD simulations with up to a billion atoms have been applied in the manufacturing process of structural materials. 3-6) On the other hand, another critical problem has emerged as the number of atoms in MD simulations has increased. That is, a high computational cost is required not only for the main MD simulation but also for the postanalysis processing of the simulation data. 3) In principle, only the coordinate and velocity of atoms are directly obtained from MD simulations, which are translated into macroscopic physical quantities. Some basic intensive variables such as temperature and pressure can be derived exactly from the coordinate and velocity of atoms since their relationships are clearly dened in thermodynamics in conjunction with statistical mechanics. Moreover, some mechanical properties of perfect crystalline materials are clearly dened and reproduced well in MD simulations since these properties strongly correlate with the shape and depth of the well of interatomic potential. Therefore, MD simulations have been widely employed to examine mechanical properties 7) such as dislocation, 8) fracture, 9) plastic deformation, 10,11) and stacking fault tetrahedra. 12) On the other hand, it is not straightforward to deterministi- cally dene the entropy of a system from the coordinate and velocity of atoms since the number of states cannot be dened in principle for a system governed by the classical equation of motion. 13) Therefore, it is essential to employ an alternative technique that reproduces the desired ensemble. 13) For example, a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, in which the chemical potential is specied, is often used to reproduce the desired ensemble. Thermodynamic integration is also useful, in which the free energy is converted from quantities correlated with the partition function. However, many simulations must be performed to obtain the statistical average. In addition to conventional MD and MC simulations, recent progress in collaboration with techniques from data science including computational screening, 14,15) neural net- work computation, 16) machine learning 17) and data assimilation 18,19) is opening a new window of atomistic simulations. As techniques based on the data science permeate computational metallurgy, it becomes increasingly important to ensure the feasibility of simulation results from a metallurgical viewpoint. To this end, techniques for parameter estimation from MD simulations are comprehen- sively assessed in this paper. In particular, the thermodynamic and interfacial properties of metallic materials are focused on since these properties directly aect the manufacturing process of structural materials. 2. Molecular Dynamics Simulation 2.1 Brief summary of simulation methodology An MD simulation is a deterministic method of atomistic simulation, in which a full set of the coordinate and velocity of all atoms in a target material is determined by numerically solving the Newtons equation of motion. Once the initial conguration and the denition of the interatomic force are given, the coordinate and velocity of all atoms at every time step are determined explicitly, from which macroscopic physical properties are derived. Since a numerical technique for the integration of Newtons equation of motion has already been established, 20) the following two points are key issues: (i) how to dene the interatomic force and (ii) how to estimate physical properties only from the coordinate and velocity of atoms. In principle, the interatomic force is dened from the electronic states of the atomistic conguration. An MD simulation using the interatomic force derived directly from a quantum-based calculation is called an ab initio MD simulation or a rst-principles MD simulation. 21) Although an ab initio MD simulation can treat the interatomic force precisely without any empirical parameters, it requires a high computational cost. Therefore, the interatomic force is often + Corresponding author, E-mail: shibuta@material.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp Materials Transactions, Vol. 60, No. 2 (2019) pp. 180 to 188 Special Issue on Development of Materials Integration in Structural Materials for Innovation © 2019 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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Estimation of Thermodynamic and Interfacial Parameters of Metallic Materialsby Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Yasushi Shibuta+

Department of Materials Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan

The range of application of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations is rapidly expanding owing to the recent advance in high-performancecomputing. Since only the coordinate and velocity of atoms in the system are directly obtained from MD simulations, it is important to correctlyunderstand how the coordinate and velocity of atoms are converted into thermodynamic and interfacial properties. Here, MD-based techniquesfor estimating the thermodynamic and interfacial properties of metallic materials are assessed by considering practical examples of the meltingpoint of a pure metal, the solidus and liquidus compositions of a binary alloy, the grain boundary energy, the solid-liquid energy, and the kineticcoefficient. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.ME201712]

(Received May 28, 2018; Accepted December 6, 2018; Published January 11, 2019)

Keywords: molecular dynamics simulation, melting, solidification, microstructure, solid-liquid interface, grain boundary, kinetic coefficient

1. Introduction

Owing to the recent advance in high-performancecomputing, the range of application of atomistic simulationsis rapidly expanding.1,2) The motion of all atoms in asubmicrometer-scale cube can now be directly handled inmolecular dynamics (MD) simulations3) and large-scale MDsimulations with up to a billion atoms have been applied inthe manufacturing process of structural materials.3­6) On theother hand, another critical problem has emerged as thenumber of atoms in MD simulations has increased. That is,a high computational cost is required not only for the mainMD simulation but also for the postanalysis processing ofthe simulation data.3) In principle, only the coordinate andvelocity of atoms are directly obtained from MD simulations,which are translated into macroscopic physical quantities.Some basic intensive variables such as temperature andpressure can be derived exactly from the coordinate andvelocity of atoms since their relationships are clearly definedin thermodynamics in conjunction with statistical mechanics.Moreover, some mechanical properties of perfect crystallinematerials are clearly defined and reproduced well in MDsimulations since these properties strongly correlate withthe shape and depth of the well of interatomic potential.Therefore, MD simulations have been widely employed toexamine mechanical properties7) such as dislocation,8)

fracture,9) plastic deformation,10,11) and stacking faulttetrahedra.12)

On the other hand, it is not straightforward to deterministi-cally define the entropy of a system from the coordinate andvelocity of atoms since the number of states cannot bedefined in principle for a system governed by the classicalequation of motion.13) Therefore, it is essential to employ analternative technique that reproduces the desired ensemble.13)

For example, a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, in which thechemical potential is specified, is often used to reproducethe desired ensemble. Thermodynamic integration is alsouseful, in which the free energy is converted from quantitiescorrelated with the partition function. However, many

simulations must be performed to obtain the statisticalaverage.

In addition to conventional MD and MC simulations,recent progress in collaboration with techniques from datascience including computational screening,14,15) neural net-work computation,16) machine learning17) and dataassimilation18,19) is opening a new window of atomisticsimulations. As techniques based on the data sciencepermeate computational metallurgy, it becomes increasinglyimportant to ensure the feasibility of simulation results froma metallurgical viewpoint. To this end, techniques forparameter estimation from MD simulations are comprehen-sively assessed in this paper. In particular, the thermodynamicand interfacial properties of metallic materials are focusedon since these properties directly affect the manufacturingprocess of structural materials.

2. Molecular Dynamics Simulation

2.1 Brief summary of simulation methodologyAn MD simulation is a deterministic method of atomistic

simulation, in which a full set of the coordinate and velocityof all atoms in a target material is determined by numericallysolving the Newton’s equation of motion. Once the initialconfiguration and the definition of the interatomic force aregiven, the coordinate and velocity of all atoms at every timestep are determined explicitly, from which macroscopicphysical properties are derived. Since a numerical techniquefor the integration of Newton’s equation of motion hasalready been established,20) the following two points are keyissues: (i) how to define the interatomic force and (ii) howto estimate physical properties only from the coordinate andvelocity of atoms.

In principle, the interatomic force is defined from theelectronic states of the atomistic configuration. An MDsimulation using the interatomic force derived directly froma quantum-based calculation is called an ab initio MDsimulation or a first-principles MD simulation.21) Althoughan ab initio MD simulation can treat the interatomic forceprecisely without any empirical parameters, it requires a highcomputational cost. Therefore, the interatomic force is often+Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected]

Materials Transactions, Vol. 60, No. 2 (2019) pp. 180 to 188Special Issue on Development of Materials Integration in Structural Materials for Innovation©2019 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

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derived from an empirical function called the interatomicpotential (or the force field). An MD simulation using theinteratomic potential is called a classical MD simulation.Note that “MD simulation” without the therm ab initio orfirst-principles conventionally refers to a classical MDsimulation. It is essential to employ an ab initio MDsimulation for quantitative discussion of the elementary stepsof chemical reactions including the charge transfer.22­27) Onthe other hand, it is at present reasonable to employ aclassical MD simulation for most metallurgical processes inwhich the cooperative motion of many atoms is dominant,such as phase transformation, nucleation, and grain growth.In summary, it is important to employ an appropriatemethodology depending on the purpose of the study.

2.2 Interatomic potential and forceIn general, interatomic potentials are classified into two

types: the pairwise potential and the many-body potential. Inthe pairwise potential, the total potential energy of a system,U, is described by the interatomic distance rij between atomsi and j as

U ¼ 1




UijðrijÞ: ð1Þ

Representative pairwise potentials are the Lennard­Jonespotential,28) which is widely used in simplified models, andthe Morse potential29) for covalent and metal bonds. Forexample, parameter sets of the Morse potential have beenproposed for many metallic bonds.30) However, the pairwisepotential cannot correctly reproduce the anisotropy inmechanical properties.31)

Therefore, interatomic potentials including many-bodyeffects have been widely proposed. The most popular onefor metals and alloys is the embedded atom method (EAM)potential.32) The EAM potential is generally described by acombination of the pair term Vij between atoms i and j and theembedded function F as

U ¼ 1




VijðrijÞ þXi

FðµiÞ; ð2Þ

µi ¼Xj 6¼i

¤ijðrijÞ; ð3Þ

where µi is the electron density around atom i, which is thesum of the electron densities from the neighboring atoms j ofatom i, ¤(rij). Since Daw and Baskes32) proposed the originalform of the EAM functions, many modified versions havebeen proposed such as the generalized EAM (GEAM)33) formulticomponent alloys and the modified EAM (MEAM)34)

including angular terms. On the other hand, the Stillinger­Weber potential35) has often been used for materials with thediamond structure such as silicon and germanium. Thispotential consists of a combination of pairwise and angularterms (three-body term) as

U ¼ 1




VijðrijÞ þXi<j<k

º3ðri; rj; rkÞ; ð4Þ

where ri, rj, and rk are the positions of atoms i, j, and k,respectively. Bond-order type potentials36,37) are alsocommonly used for covalent systems including silicon andcarbon. Moreover, interatomic potentials including those for

the chemical reactions and charge transfer, as typified by theReaxFF38) and COMB39) potentials, have recently beendeveloped.

The force acting on atom i, Fi, is defined as the gradient ofthe interatomic potential,

Fi ¼ � @UðriÞ@ri

: ð5Þ

The analytical solution of the interatomic force is easilyderived for the pairwise potential, whereas it is notstraightforward to derive it from a complicated many-bodypotential. Recently, a large amount of numerical data oninteratomic potentials has been made available in databases(for example, the Interatomic Potentials Repository Pro-ject40)). The utilization of these databases in combinationwith open-source software such as the LAMMPS moleculardynamics simulator41) can greatly reduce the time and cost ofMD simulations. In this study, LAMMPS41) and the databasefrom Interatomic Potential Repository Project40) are utilizedfor the simulations in Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3, whereas ourown code is employed for the simulations in Sections 3.4,3.5, and 3.6.

2.3 Temperature and pressure in atomistic systemIn an MD simulation, the law of equipartition of energy

holds for the motion of atoms since the dynamics of atoms isgoverned by Newton’s law of motion. According to the lawof equipartition of energy, the average kinetic energy is kBT/2(kB, Boltzmann constant; T, temperature) per degree offreedom in thermal equilibrium. This gives the followingrelation: Xn





* +¼ 3

2nkBhT i; ð6Þ

where mi and vi are the mass and velocity of atom i,respectively, and n is the total number of atoms in the system.The brackets © ª represent the ensemble average. Therefore,the temperature of the system is defined using the velocity ofatoms as

hT i ¼ 1




* +: ð7Þ

In the same manner, the instantaneous temperature of atom ican be defined as

Ti ¼miv


3kB: ð8Þ

In reality, the instantaneous temperature has a distributioneven when the average temperature in the system is ©Tª. Forexample, the Maxwell­Boltzmann distribution holds for thedistribution of the instantaneous temperature of atoms in theequilibrium gas state. Moreover, the pressure in the system isdefined from the virial theorem as

hPi ¼ nkBhT iV

þ 1



ri � Fi

* +; ð9Þ

where V is the volume of the system. By substituting eqs. (5)and (7) into eq. (9), the pressure of the system can be definedusing the coordinate and velocity of the atoms in the systemas

Estimation of Thermodynamic and Interfacial Parameters of Metallic Materials by Molecular Dynamics Simulations 181

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hPi ¼ 1




* +�


ri �@UðriÞ@ri

* + !: ð10Þ

In general, the fluctuation in pressure is larger than that intemperature in practical simulations.

3. Estimation of Thermodynamic and Interfacial Pa-rameters

3.1 Melting point of pure metalIn this section, practical examples of the estimation of

some thermodynamic and interfacial properties related tometallurgy are introduced. The melting point of pure metalis usually estimated from the equilibrium temperature, atwhich the planar solid-liquid interface does not move in asolid-liquid biphasic system.42­44) Figure 1(a) shows thesolid-liquid biphasic Ni system (96,000 atoms in a cell of70.4 © 70.4 © 311.2¡) expressed by the EAM potential ofPurja Pun and Mishin.45) The prepared system is first relaxedwith the isobaric­isothermal ensemble (called the number,pressure and temperature (NPT)-constant ensemble) for50 ps at 1650, 1675, and 1700K. Then, the system is relaxedwith the isenthalpic­isobaric ensemble (called the number,pressure and enthalpy (NPH)-constant ensemble) for 450 ps.The pressure is maintained at 0 Pa in all the processes. Thetime step for the integration of Newton’s equation of motionis set to 1 fs throughout this paper. Figure 1(b) shows the timedependence of the temperature of the system. When theinitial temperature is lower than the melting point, solid-ification occurs at the solid-liquid interface. Since thesolidification releases latent heat, the temperature of thesystem increases until it reaches the melting point. On theother hand, melting occurs when the initial temperature ishigher than the melting point. The temperature of the system

decreases during the melting owing to the absorption of latentheat. Therefore, the temperature to which the systemconverges is regarded as its melting point. As shown inFig. 1(b), the system temperatures converge to approximately1685 « 10K, which is regarded as the melting point of Niexpressed by this EAM potential. Note that the melting pointin an MD simulation tends to deviate from the experimentalvalue to. This is mainly due to the difficulty of directlyreading the melting point from the interatomic potential curveitself. Therefore, the temperature normalized by the meltingpoint of the interatomic potential is often used for discussionof the temperature effect.

3.2 Thermodynamic melting and mechanical meltingUsually, the melting starts from an inhomogeneous region

in the crystal such as a surface or a grain boundary. Themelting induced by an inhomogeneous region is calledthermodynamic melting, which occurs at the melting point.On the other hand, another type of melting is sometimesobserved in MD simulations. That is, an infinite perfectcrystal in a supercell retains its structure even at the meltingpoint and collapses spontaneously at a temperature above themelting point. This type of melting is called mechanicalmelting.46) Figure 2 shows snapshots of thermodynamicmelting and mechanical melting. Perfect Ni crystals(187,500 atoms, 88.0 © 88.0 © 264.0¡) are prepared undertwo periodic boundary conditions: (i) in all directions (i.e., aninfinite perfect crystal) and (ii) in only the y and z directions(i.e., a crystal with surfaces in the x direction). Then, thesecrystals are relaxed for 50 ps at high temperatures near themelting point defined in Fig. 1(b). Figure 2 shows thesecrystals after the relaxation at various temperatures. When thecrystal with surfaces is relaxed at a higher temperature thanthe melting point (1685K), the crystal starts melting at thesurface and the solid-liquid interface propagates into thecrystal. The solid-liquid interface propagates more rapidly asthe temperature increases. This type of melting is thermody-namic melting.

However, the infinite perfect crystal does not melt evenat higher temperatures (1800 and 1900K) than the meltingpoint (1685K). It is considered that superheating occurs inthe infinite perfect crystal owing to the lack of onset ofmelting. The infinite perfect crystal suddenly homogeneouslymelts at 2100K and mechanically breaks owing to theinstability limit of the interatomic bonds. This is regarded asmechanical melting. Since inhomogeneous regions such asthe surface and grain boundaries usually exist in practicalcrystals, thermodynamic melting should occur in reality. Notethat mechanical melting occurs virtually in computersimulations when an infinite perfect crystal is employed ina small supercell. On the other hand, solidification usuallyoccurs in an undercooled liquid via nucleation since there isan energy barrier for nucleation due to the effect of solid-liquid interfacial energy. Therefore, nucleation is regardedas a thermally activated (i.e., kinetic) process. Thermallyactivated nucleation from an undercooled melt has beenconfirmed in an MD simulation,4) in which the graph of thenucleation rate with respect to temperature has a nose shapedue to the two competing temperature effects. This isreasonable from both thermodynamic and kinetic viewpoints.

Fig. 1 (a) Snapshot of the solid-liquid biphasic Ni system for estimatingthe melting point for the interatomic potential employed in the MDsimulation. The periodic boundary condition is employed in all directions.(b) Time dependence of the temperature of the system.

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3.3 Solidus and liquidus compositions of binary alloysFor alloy systems, solidus and liquidus temperatures are

defined instead of the melting point. In accordance with thethermodynamics of materials,47) the solidus and liquiduscompositions with respect to temperature are defined fromthe contact points of the common tangent line with the Gibbsfree energies of mixing for the solid and liquid phases. Sinceit is not straightforward to directly estimate the Gibbs freeenergy of mixing from an MD simulation, the semigrandcanonical Monte Carlo (SGCMC) method48­51) is oftenemployed, in which the equilibrium concentration is obtainedfor the given chemical potential difference ¦®. Here, thepractical procedure is explained by considering the exampleof an Fe­Cr alloy using the EAM potential defined by Bonnyet al.52) SGCMC simulations with various values of ¦® areperformed for both solid and liquid systems at 2500K. Thecorresponding equilibrium concentrations are obtained fromthe calculations. Figure 3(a) shows the relationship between¦® and the equilibrium concentration XFe at 2500K for bothsolid and liquid alloys obtained by the SGCMC simulations.Note that the melting points of pure Fe and Cr for thispotential are 1770 « 20 and 2670 « 20K, respectively. Thatis, the set temperature, 2500K, lies between the meltingpoints of Fe and Cr. Then, the plots obtained from thesimulation are fitted to the following equation49) to obtain thefitting parameters Ai (i = 0, 1,+, n).

�®ðXFeÞ ¼ kBT lnXFe


� �þXni¼0

AiXiFe ð11Þ

A quintic polynomial is employed for the fitting term (i.e.,n = 5) in eq. (11). Once the fitting parameters are obtained,the Gibbs free energy of mixing, ¦Gmix, is described as

�GmixðXFeÞ ¼ kBT ½XFe lnðXFeÞ þ ð1�XFeÞ lnð1�XFeÞ�



ðiþ 1Þ : ð12Þ

Figure 3(b) shows the Gibbs free energy of mixing for solidand liquid phases of the Fe­Cr alloy at 2500K. The

difference in the Gibbs free energy between the solid andliquid phases at XFe = 0 is separately estimated by integrationof the Gibbs­Helmholtz relation50) as

�GSL ¼ T


HLðT 0Þ �HSðT 0ÞT 02 dT 0: ð13Þ

Since the enthalpy, H, is directly calculated from the MDsimulation, ¦GSL can be derived straightforwardly. Finally,

Fig. 3 (a) Relationship between the difference in chemical potential and theFe composition for solid and liquid phases of Fe­Cr alloy at 2500Kcalculated by the semigrand canonical Monte Carlo (SGCMC) simulation.(b) Gibbs free energy of mixing for solid and liquid phases of the Fe­Cralloy at 2500K obtained by thermal integration of the fitted lines in (a).

Fig. 2 Snapshots of thermodynamic melting and mechanical melting for Ni crystals after relaxation for 50 ps at high temperatures.

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the solidus and liquidus compositions are derived from thecontact points of the common tangent line. This technique isstraightforward provided the particular value of ¦® isuniquely assigned to one composition as in an isomorphousalloy (i.e., all proportional solid solution). However, thistechnique is not applicable without modification when therelationship between ¦® and the composition is notmonotonic, which causes a miscibility gap in the phasediagram.47) A higher-order technique has been developed forcases including a miscibility gap.53)

Although the SGCMC simulation is a promising techniquefor estimating the solidus and liquidus compositions of abinary alloy, an MC simulation does not include thedynamics of the system in principle. Therefore, we employa simple technique based on the MD simulation to estimatethe solidus and liquidus compositions, in which the solutepartition at the solid-liquid interface is monitored.54)

Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show snapshots of the relaxationprocess of the biphasic systems Cr­10 at%Fe at 2500K andCr­15 at%Fe at 2400K, respectively. The relaxation isperformed for 15000 ps under the NPT-constant condition.In both systems, solidification occurs in the initial stage andthe solid-liquid interface stops moving after approximately12000 ps. Figures 4(c) and 4(d) show the distribution of theFe composition in each biphasic system during the relaxation.As the solidification proceeds, a solute (Fe) partitiondevelops at the solid-liquid interface, which reduces the Fecomposition in the newly solidified region and increases theFe composition in the liquid phase near the interface. Afterapproximately 12000 ps, the solid-liquid interface stopsmoving and the distribution of the Fe composition becomesconstant. Therefore, this distribution is considered as the

equilibrium composition of the solid and liquid phases (i.e.,solidus and liquidus compositions) at the calculated temper-ature. Figure 5 shows the partial phase diagram of the Cr-richarea of Fe­Cr alloy estimated by MD simulation of therelaxation of an Fe­Cr biphasic system. In the phase diagram,the temperature normalized by the melting point of Cr forthis EAM potential is employed. By connecting these plots,solidus and liquidus lines are obtained.

3.4 Grain boundary energy and grain boundary mo-bility

Since most practical metals and alloys have a polycrystal-line microstructure, it is essential to understand the properties

Fig. 4 (a)(b) Snapshots of relaxation of biphasic systems (a) Cr­10 at%Fe at 2500K and (b) Cr­15 at%Fe at 2400K. (c)(d) Distribution ofFe composition in the biphasic systems (c) Cr­10 at%Fe (2500K) and (d) Cr­15 at%Fe (2400K).54)

Fig. 5 Partial phase diagram of Cr-rich area of Fe­Cr alloy estimated byMD simulation of relaxation of Fe­Cr biphasic system. The temperature isnormalized by the melting point of Cr for the EAM potential52) employedin the simulation.

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of grain boundaries. Usually, the grain boundary energy ·GBis estimated44,55­57) from the difference between the energyof a bicrystal with a particular grain boundary (EGB) and thetotal energy of the constituent crystals (E1 + E2) as

·GB ¼ EGB � ðE1 þ E2Þ2A

; ð14Þ

where A is the area of the grain boundary. Figure 6(a) showsa schematic image of the calculation procedure of the grainboundary energy. The energy difference is usually dividedby 2A owing to the three-dimensional periodic boundarycondition. Figure 6(b) shows the grain boundary energy ofthe symmetric tilt grain boundary in bcc Fe at a finitetemperature calculated using the Finnis­Sinclair (FS)potential.58) The figure is reconstructed from data in ourprevious study.44) In the figure, the temperature is normalizedby the melting point of bcc Fe by the FS potential (TM =2400K). In general, the grain boundary energy increases withincreasing temperature owing to the structural fluctuationcaused by thermal vibration.44) A large energy cusp appearsat the (112)©110ª­3 boundary, whereas no energy cuspsappear at the (111)©111ª­3 boundary. Detailed information isgiven in our previous report.44) The grain boundary energiesof alloy systems can be estimated in the same manner. Forexample, the grain boundary energy of the symmetric tiltboundary in Fe­Cr alloy57) has been systematicallycalculated: the grain boundary energy basically decreaseswith increasing Cr composition. Recently, a virtual screeningtechnique based on machine learning14) has been utilized topredict the optimum structure of a grain boundary among

various possible structures, which is a promising techniquefor efficiently finding of the optimum structures of materialsin the future.

In contrast to the grain boundary energy, it is notstraightforward to explicitly estimate the grain boundarymobility by MD simulation since the planar grain boundarydoes not move unless a driving force acts on it. Therefore,a driving force is given in MD simulations such ascurvature,59,60) a triple junction,61,62) shear stress,63­65) or anadditional interatomic potential.66,67) The mobility of aspecific grain boundary has been widely estimated usingthese techniques. However, it is not straightforward toevaluate the grain boundary mobility in a polycrystallinemicrostructure, in which many grain boundaries exist in acomplicated manner. Moreover, it is considered thatboundary migration is strongly affected by the roughness ofthe grain boundary.68) Therefore, further studies are requiredto establish a technique for estimating the grain boundarymobility in a polycrystalline microstructure from theatomistic viewpoint.

3.5 Solid-liquid interfacial energyThe solid-liquid interfacial energy is one of the key factors

determining the solidification microstructure, which isdefined as the excess Gibbs free energy at the solid-liquidinterface.69) Although considerable effort has been made tomeasure the solid-liquid interfacial energy of metals andalloys over many years,69­71) it is not yet straightforward tomeasure it with a high degree of accuracy. Therefore, theestimation of the solid-liquid interfacial energy by atomisticsimulation is strongly desired. Several techniques have beenproposed for estimating the solid-liquid interfacial energyby MD simulations. One of the popular techniques is thecapillary fluctuation method.72,73) In this technique, theinterfacial stiffness is extracted from the capillary fluctuationspectrum of the roughness of the solid-liquid interface usingthe following relation:72,73)

hjAðkÞ2ji ¼ kBTMbWð£ þ £ 00Þk2 ; ð15Þ

where £ is the solid-liquid interfacial energy, A(k) is theamplitude of the fluctuation of the solid-liquid interface withwavenumber k, and W and b are the length and thicknessof the solid-liquid interface, respectively. The value ~£ ¼£ þ £ 00 is called the interfacial stiffness. The anisotropicinterfacial energy can be expressed by a low-order expansionconsistent with cubic symmetry74) in the case of weakanisotropy72) as

£ ¼ £0

"1þ ¾1


n4i �3



þ ¾2 3Xi

n4i þ n21n22n

23 �



!#; ð16Þ

where ni represent the orientation indices of the solid-liquidinterface (n1, n2, n3), and ¾1 and ¾2 are the anisotropyparameters. Using eq. (16), the anisotropy in the solid-liquidinterface can be extracted using the information on the solid-liquid interface with the three different orientations. This isthe merit of capillary fluctuation method. Moreover, a

Fig. 6 (a) Schematic image of calculation of grain boundary energy in anMD simulation. (b) Grain boundary energy of the symmetric tilt boundaryin bcc iron for various tilt axes.44)

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cleaving technique has been developed for estimating thesolid-liquid interface, in which thermodynamic integration isperformed along a reversible path defined by the externalcleaving potential.75,76)

Although the capillary fluctuation method is very usefulfor estimating the solid-liquid interfacial energy including theanisotropy, the result strongly depends on the definition of thesolid-liquid interface in the atomistic configuration.77) There-fore, we have estimated the solid-liquid interfacial energyusing the Gibbs­Thomson effect in small solid particles in anundercooled melt,78­80) in which the information on the solid-liquid interface is not used explicitly. Figure 7(a) showssnapshots of the MD simulation79) for the shrinkage or theexpansion of a spherical particle of bcc Fe placed in anundercooled iron melt (¦T = 110K) using the FS poten-tial.58) The particle with a radius of 33.7¡ shrinks in theundercooled iron melt of ¦T = 110K, whereas that with aradius of 39.4¡ expands in the iron melt of the sametemperature. According to classical nucleation theory,81) thereis a critical radius of a spherical solid in an undercooled meltdividing the shrinkage and growth of the solid as illustratedin Fig. 7(b). Therefore, the critical radius is expected to bebetween 33.7 and 39.4¡ for the iron melt of ¦T = 110K.Practically, the critical radius for a target temperature isderived by changing the particle radius incrementally inrepeated calculations. Then, the dependence of the temper-ature on the critical radius is also derived by changing thetemperature systematically.

Figure 8 shows the relationship between the undercoolingtemperature and the inverse of the critical radius obtained byMD simulations of the melting of small solid bcc particlesin an undercooled melt for the Fe system using the FSpotential.58) The figure is reconstructed from data obtained inour previous study.79) From classical nucleation theory,81) thecritical radius of a spherical solid in an undercooled melt, r�,has the following inverse relation to the undercooling ¦T,

�T ¼ 2£TM�H


r�; ð17Þ

where ¦H is the latent heat. Therefore, the solid-liquidinterfacial energy can be estimated from the slope of therelation in eq. (17). From the slope of the fitted line in Fig. 8,the solid-liquid interfacial energy of bcc Fe is estimatedto be 1.7 Jm¹1 using TM = 2400K and ¦H = 0.22 eV/atom,which are values for pure Fe obtained using the FSpotential.79) A merit of this technique is that there is noneed to define the solid-liquid interface explicitly from theatomistic configuration. On the other hand, the anisotropy inthe solid-liquid interfacial energy cannot be defined using thistechnique and therefore only the average interfacial energy isestimated.

3.6 Kinetic coefficient of solid-liquid interfaceThe kinetic coefficient ® is defined as the proportional

constant between the velocity of a solid-liquid interface, v,and the undercooling temperature ¦T,

v ¼ ®�T : ð18ÞSince the anisotropy in the kinetic coefficient directly affectsthe morphology of the solidification microstructure,82,83) it isessential to estimate the kinetic coefficient including itsanisotropy. In an MD simulation, the kinetic coefficient isusually estimated from the temperature dependence of thepropagation velocity of the planar solid-liquid interface ina biphasic system.79,84­86) Figure 9(a) shows snapshots ofthe propagation of the solid-liquid interface with the (100)orientation in a solid-liquid biphasic system for bcc Fe at

Fig. 7 (a) Snapshots of shrinkage or expansion of a spherical particle ofbcc Fe placed in an undercooled iron melt (¦T = 110K).79) (b) Schematicimage of the change in free energy as a function of particle radiusaccording to classical nucleation theory.

Fig. 8 Relationship between the undercooling temperature and the inverseof the critical radius obtained from by MD simulation of the melting ofsmall solid particles in an undercooled melt for a pure Fe system.79)

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¦T = 100K using the FS potential.58) The propagationvelocity of the solid-liquid interface is directly estimatedfrom the atomistic configuration. Figure 9(b) shows thepropagation velocity of the solid-liquid interface as a functionof undercooling temperature. The figure is reconstructed fromdata using our previous study.79) From the slopes of the fittedlines, the kinetic coefficients for the (100) and (110)orientations are estimated as 0.305 and 0.257ms¹1K¹1,respectively. In general, the kinetic coefficient for the (100)orientation is higher than those for the (110) and (111)orientations, which causes variation in the morphology ofthe solidification microstructure. The kinetic coefficients forvarious metals and alloys estimated by MD simulations aresummarized in the literature.87)

4. Summary

In this paper, techniques for the estimation of thermody-namic and interfacial parameters from MD simulations areassessed by considering practical examples of the meltingpoint of a pure metal, the solidus and liquidus compositionsof a binary alloy, the grain boundary energy, the solid-liquidenergy, and the kinetic coefficient. It is important to correctlyunderstand how the coordinate and velocity of atomsobtained from an MD simulation are converted into

thermodynamic and interfacial properties from a metal-lurgical viewpoint. Finally, I would like to mention ourrecent work, where the gap between MD and phase-fieldsimulations is connected by direct mapping of the atomisticconfiguration of a polycrystalline microstructure obtainedfrom an MD simulation into the phase-field property.88) Thecross-scale connection between atomistic and continuumscales is mainly a result of recent advance in high-performance computing. This direct mapping technique isexpected to be applied to various numerical simulations ofstructural materials at the microstructure scale.89,90) Theprovision of thermodynamic and interfacial parameters byMD simulations is strongly desired for the smoothconnection between atomistic and continuum simulations.


This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for ScientificResearch (B) (No. 16H04490) from Japan Society for thePromotion of Science (JSPS), Japan. Parts of this work weresupported by the Council for Science, Technology andInnovation (CSTI), Cross-ministerial Strategic InnovationPromotion Program (SIP), “Structural Materials for Innova-tion” (funding agency: JST). The author thanks groupmember, Takuya Fujinaga and Kensho Ueno for the kindsupport in performing the simulations in Section 3.1 (T.F.),3.2 (T.F.) and 3.3 (K.U.). The author also appreciatesMunekazu Ohno and Hirono Minami of Hokkaido Universityfor the fruitful discussion on the SGCMC simulationtechnique.


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