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MAY 2017 Volume 75, Issue 7 Eternal Sunday, May 7th 12 noon Stretch, but Not Too far! Youth Shabbat & Confirmation Friday, May 5th 7pm The Talmud recounts a famous story as a way of explaining the multitude of opinions allowed in interpreting Torah. Rabbi Eliezer is trying to convince his colleagues of his certitude in a matter of law regarding the kashrut of an oven, and when they don’t agree with him, he calls out to the heavens, “If the law is in accordance with me, let the carob tree prove it!” So a nearby carob tree suddenly becomes uprooted. The sages remain unconvinced. So he yells out again, “If the law is in accordance with me, let the House of Study prove it!” So the walls of the beit midrash begin to incline toward one another. Still, the sages are not convinced. Finally, after a few more miracle tries, a Heavenly Voice comes down and says, “Why don’t you follow Rabbi Eliezer, the law is in accordance with him!” Brazenly, the rabbis answer back, quoting the Torah itself, saying, “The Torah is not in heaven! The Torah has already been given on Mt. Sinai, we no longer listen to a heavenly voice.” In his book, Open Minded Torah: Of Irony, Fundamentalism and Love, Bar-Ilan professor William Kolbrener writes of this Talmudic story, “Not only does truth, after the giving of the Torah, ‘sprout from the earth,’ as the midrash affirms, but truth is also plural, a result of interpretation and disagreement.” As we approach Shavuot, I am thinking about how we see Torah and how we involve ourselves in interpreting it in the 21st century. Kolbrener makes a point of reminding us that the Talmud instructs us that at Mt. Sinai, the tradition says the Torah was given “in 70 voices, or with 70 faces,” which has come to mean that there are many different interpretations of how to understand the revelation. We all heard it as we needed to hear it, the old heard it in their way, the young in theirs, men and women, all of us receiving Torah, which we celebrate on Shavuot, in our own way. Yet, Kolbrener writes, “There are 70 faces to the Torah is both inclusive and exclusive. Seventy may be many, but it is not an infinite number.” It is not “everything goes,” even as we have evolved, developed, expanded, contracted, added and subtracted; some moves can go too far and will not hold. We can stretch the models of prayer, we can stretch the boundaries of kashrut, we can experiment with Mazel Tov To everyone graduating from high school and college this month!

MAY 2017

Volume 75, Issue 7


Sunday, May 7th

12 noon

Stretch, but Not Too far!

Youth Shabbat &


Friday, May 5th


The Talmud recounts a famous story as a way of

explaining the multitude of opinions allowed in

interpreting Torah. Rabbi Eliezer is trying to

convince his colleagues of his certitude in a

matter of law regarding the kashrut of an oven,

and when they don’t agree with him, he calls out

to the heavens, “If the law is in accordance with me, let the carob

tree prove it!” So a nearby carob tree suddenly becomes uprooted.

The sages remain unconvinced. So he yells out again, “If the law is

in accordance with me, let the House of Study prove it!” So the

walls of the beit midrash begin to incline toward one another. Still,

the sages are not convinced. Finally, after a few more miracle tries,

a Heavenly Voice comes down and says, “Why don’t you follow

Rabbi Eliezer, the law is in accordance with him!” Brazenly, the

rabbis answer back, quoting the Torah itself, saying, “The Torah is

not in heaven! The Torah has already been given on Mt. Sinai, we

no longer listen to a heavenly voice.”

In his book, Open Minded Torah: Of Irony, Fundamentalism and

Love, Bar-Ilan professor William Kolbrener writes of this Talmudic

story, “Not only does truth, after the giving of the Torah, ‘sprout from the earth,’ as the midrash affirms, but truth is also plural, a

result of interpretation and disagreement.” As we approach

Shavuot, I am thinking about how we see Torah and how we

involve ourselves in interpreting it in the 21st century.

Kolbrener makes a point of reminding us that the Talmud instructs us that at Mt. Sinai, the tradition says the Torah was given “in 70 voices, or with 70 faces,” which has come to mean that there are many different interpretations of how to understand the revelation. We all heard it as we needed to hear it, the old heard it in their way, the young in theirs, men and women, all of us receiving Torah, which we celebrate on Shavuot, in our own way. Yet, Kolbrener writes, “There are 70 faces to the Torah is both inclusive and exclusive. Seventy may be many, but it is not an infinite number.” It is not “everything goes,” even as we have evolved, developed, expanded, contracted, added and subtracted; some moves can go too far and will not hold. We can stretch the models of prayer, we can stretch the boundaries of kashrut, we can experiment with

Mazel Tov

To everyone

graduating from

high school and

college this month!

Join us at Shabbat Morning Minyan


Jews, Shmooze

& Booze!

Saturdays at 10 am in the Gary J. Weill Youth Room

Rabbi Jordan Goldson

Stretch, but Not Too far! (continued from page 1)

(and a bissel pickled herring)

Shabbat observance, we can create new ways of reading Torah; yet, we must also remember that

there are limits, that there are some basic groundings upon which we still stand, that we must

compromise and be willing to participate in the paths of our tradition, sometimes not getting exactly

what we want. Rules can bend, but if bent too far, they will break and we won’t have the container

anymore with which to work. It is this kind of Judaism, one that seeks inclusivity within limits, that

we continually embrace by discussing, debating and even disagreeing when we get together as


The holiday of Shavuot, when we celebrate the revelation of the Torah to our people at Sinai,

provides us with an opportunity to think about how we can be more creative in an effort to make

Judaism relevant, and at the same time to consider what the limits should be. This is a personal

and a communal task. I invite you to engage with us in this ongoing discussion at our board

meetings, in our classrooms and during our social gatherings. After all, we can’t leave it up to God

to decide what is the right way. It is up to us now.

Chag Sameach.

President’s Message

by Jay Jalenak

Scheduling some time to stop, take a breath and reflect.

Wow! April 2017 was a month to remember for Congregation B’nai Israel.

I know I will. We could not have packed the month with more noteworthy


We had both a bar mitzvah and a bat mitzvah. Mazel tov to Michael Davis

Alton, Emily Berg and their proud families. On both occasions, I sat in awe

watching these two young adults speak to a filled sanctuary without any

trepidation or hesitation. They were polished, well-prepared, and enjoying the moment. I look

forward to observing their continuing participation in the Congregation through confirmation

and youth group.

We also had the Congregational Second Night Seder. Thank you to Bill and Cookie

Dubois for cooking such a fabulous feast. Elijah the Profit does not know what a great meal

he missed. Maybe he will show up next year.

We hosted the community Yom HaShoah Memorial Service and Program. Thank you to

the Jewish Federation for educating the children of Baton Rouge on the unimaginable horrors

of the Holocaust. We must continue to keep alive the memory of those who perished.

We concluded another successful year of our popular and engaging Religious School.

Thank you to Jessica Yellen, Julie Tepper, our teachers, parents and students. Religious

School is out for the summer, but please join us on May 5 for our Youth Shabbat and to

celebrate the confirmations of Hannah Bienvenu, Roby Judge, Briana Mullenix, Maggie

Mullenix, Steven Spivak, Spencer Spivak and Sierra Sager.

Finally, we had the entertaining and successful Art & Soul fundraiser. Thank you to

Louann Bombet for chairing the event. But, Louann would also want to give credit to our

generous sponsors and her energetic and relentless committee—who planned and executed an

incredible event. As a Congregation, we came together and enjoyed the entertainment, the

victuals and libations, and the wonderful auction items. We celebrated together, but also raised

needed funds to maintain our strong educational programing. I cannot thank you all enough.

As I finally stop to take a break and reflect, I look back at April and I see all that we

accomplished as a Congregation. It was a thrilling month.

Page 4 Iyar-Sivan

To send a Mazel Tov, email [email protected]. If you have a picture, attach

it to the email and we’ll include it if space allows. All entries will be

reviewed by Rabbi Jordan and must be received by the 20th of the month.

Mazel Tov to everyone who celebrates birthdays and anniversaries this month!

Mazel Tov to Lisa and Dore Binder fon the birth of their grandson,

Leon Isaac Marks

Mazel Tov to Edie and Ralph Bender on the birth of their grandsons,

Kaplan Lee and Gideon Brookner Anderson

Mazel Tov to

Savannah Newman

on her graduation from Lee High.

She will attend Baton Rouge Community College in the fall!

Mazel Tov to

Ian Sager

on his graduation from La. School for Math, Science & the Arts (LSMSA).

He will attend LSU Honors College in the fall!

Mazel Tov to

Nina Jalenak

on her graduation from Episcopal High.

She will attend LSU in the fall!

Mazel Tov to

Henry Kantrow

on his graduation from University Laboratory School

He will attend LSU Honors College in the fall!

Page 5 Iyar-Sivan

Come Celebrate Friday, May 5, 2017 at 7pm

ONEG TO FOLLOW (hosted by the Confirmation parents)

Confirmation Class Of 2017/5777

Hannah Bienvenu Daughter of Debra & Louis Bienvenu

Roby Judge Son of Joy Lewis

Briana Mullenix Daughter of Shelly & Matt Mullenix

Maggie Mullenix Daughter of Shelly & Matt Mullenix

Sierra Sager Daughter of Ana & Warren Sager

Spencer Spivak Son of David Spivak

Steven Spivak Son of David Spivak

Page 6



Page 7


May 5

Youth Shabbat Service &

Confirmation 7pm

May 6

Shabbat Minyan, 10am

May 7



May 9

Board Meeting 6pm

May 12

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Gates of Prayer

May 13

Shabbat Minyan, 10am

May 19

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Union Prayer Book

May 20

Shabbat Minyan, 10am

May 26

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Gates of Prayer

May 27

Shabbat Minyan, 10am

May 29


Office Closed

May 31

Sha- vuot

Israeli Folk Dancing at CBI Dancers, experienced or novice, singles, couples or families, young or

young- at-heart, are invited to attend free of charge. Or, if you prefer to, just

come and listen to the lovely music of Israel. Contact David Kirshner at 756-

5291 for more information. May 14 (future schedule pending)

June June 2

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Gates of Prayer

June 3

Shabbat Minyan, 10am

June 9

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Union Prayer Book

June 10

Shabbat Minyan, 10am

June 13

Board Meeting 6pm

June 16

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Gates of Prayer

June 17

Shabbat Minyan, 10am

June 23

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Union Prayer Book

June 24

Shabbat Minyan, 10am

June 30

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Gates of Prayer






l Page 8 Iyar-Sivan

2017-2018 RELIGIOUS




and be entered into a drawing to win $50 off tuition!

(member must be in good standing)


Religious School ended the same way as it began…with lots of rain! We

were ready for a fun and meaningful last day of Religious School with

Yom Ha’atzma’ut and a Faculty Appreciation celebration when

inclement weather struck. The room is set for the festivities,

however, and we look forward to seeing everyone for the annual Youth

Shabbat and Confirmation Service THIS Friday, May 5 at 7:00 p.m.

Page 9 Iyar-Sivan

Youth Shabbat & Confirmation Friday, may 5


Thank you to our sponsors!

Starring Role Sponsors

Playbill Sponsor

Show Stopper Sponsors

Raffle Sponsor Media Sponsor

Photography Sponsor Printing Sponsor

Art & Soul 2017 was a success

thanks to our sponsors and volunteers!

Thank you to our Starring Role Sponsors ($2,500), and Show Stopper Sponsors ($1,000)

We want to thank the following sponsors and volunteers as well!

Chorus Line Sponsors ($500)

Baton Rouge Physical Therapy-Lake Rabbi Jordan and Beth Goldson

Paula Hoffman Kean Miller LLP

Donna and Jak Kunstler Levy Family Dentistry, Dr. Robin Levy

The Nachman, Ritchey and Thigpen Families Cary Saurage

Saurage Rotenberg Commercial Real Estate LLC Lyn and Carl Schmulen

Star Service Inc. Josef Sternberg Memorial Fund


Louann Bombet, Chairman Lisa Binder Barry Blumberg J’on Blumberg Leah Calleo Stacy Dampf Linda Dubois Cathy Duplechin Ann Edelman Adrian E. Hirsch Jay Jalenak Maia Jalenak Dany Kaplan Elise Kaufmann Donna Kunstler Bette Levine Joy Lewis Jessica Marks Diane Mayer Meghann Morin Jill Roby Pike Becky Roby Ratcliff Robbie Rubin Deborah Sternberg Lynn Weill


Patty Abraham Oliva Bennet Janet Black Allyson Bombet Lee Caplan Lois Elisar Nicole Buggs Hazey Jack Isaacs Sherry Mayer Carol Newman Ana Sager Warren Sager

Page 12 Iyar-Sivan

Art & Soul 2017

Cemetery Security at The Jewish Cemetery A Police Officer

is on site at the cemetery every

2nd Sunday of the month:

10:00am - 2:00pm.


You may donate to the Temple in

many ways. The designated Temple

funds are listed below with a brief

description of each. When making

your donations, please designate

your fund of choice.

Ellen & Chunky Folks Building Fund: for maintenance, repairs & improvements to the


Camp Scholarship Fund: for need-based

scholarships to a Jewish camp.

Carolyn & Bernard Schmulen Cemetery

Beautification Fund: To plant appropr iate shrubbery and trees, particularly in the new

part of the cemetery, to create a more beauti-

ful and peaceful setting.

Cemetery Maintenance Fund: Cemetery maintenance

Endowment Fund: to establish a perma-nent base of financial support for Congrega-

tion B’nai Israel.

Gary Weill Youth Room Fund: for

maintenance, upkeep and improvements of the Youth Room.

General Fund: for suppor t of general

operating expenses of the Temple.

Alvin & Janice Rubin Ner Tamid Break

Fast Fund: to provide continued suppor t

for the Annual Yom Kippur Break Fast.

Prayer Book Fund: to purchase new prayer books.

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: used to sup-port worthy charitable organizations and to

assist members in need.

Sandy Sager Beautification and Garden

Fund: for outdoor Temple beautification.

Sylvia Steiner Religious School Fund: to

purchase needed items and provide scholar-ship assistance for Religious School.

Torah Repair Fund: for repair s to Torahs.

The following memorials or dedications

are also available:

Tree of Life Leaf: $250

Yahrzeit Memorial Plaque: $250

Tree of Life Stone: $1000

Sanctuary Pew (1/2 side): $1500

Page 13

DONATE ONLINE at www.bnaibr.org/donate

Pay by credit card online with an easy form

that allows you to choose a designated fund

or the general donation fund and the purpose of your gift.

Donations may also be mailed to

3354 Kleinert Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70806


General Fund

David Safer: in memory of Jerome Safer

Zevi Moses Gutfreund & Rosalyn Won

Jack Isaacs

Edie & Ralph Bender: in memory of Doris Kanter

Edie & Ralph Bender: in honor of Laurie Aronson’s 50th


Sylvia Steiner Religious School Scholarship Fund

Jo Ann & Marvin Bender: in honor of the 2nd grade class as

thanks for the beautiful handmade Passover card

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Mary Ann Sternberg: in honor the marriage of Jordan & Beth

David & Allan Spivak: in honor of Rabbi Jordan & Beth

Goldson—congratulations and mazel tov to Rabbi Jordan &

Beth on the occasion of your marriage

Camp Scholarship Fund

Kristina & Alfred Shapiro: in memory of David Bruce Shapiro




Iyar-Sivan Page 14

MAY 5 Helen Leibovici Aunt of Dave Safer Carolyn Hirsch Sister-in-law of Rachelle Hirsch Doris Dreyfus Mother of Sidney Dreyfus Leon Siegel Uncle of Maureen Corcoran David Bruce Shapiro Son of Al and Kristina Shapiro Mabel Steiner Grandmother of Maureen Corcoran Caroline Bloomenstiel Schill Sister-in-law of Lillian Bloomenstiel

MAY 12 Peggy Levy Blumberg Wife of Robert Blumberg

Mother of Barry Blumberg Grandmother of Andy Blumberg

Michael Marvin Son of Shirley Marvin Anne Turchen Mother of Judy Fishbein William Michalove Grandfather of Ellen Folks

Great-grandfather of Heather Folks, Lauren Adams and Shawn Folks

Hyman Dudley Kapell Father of Mitzi Aronson Jerry Engelberg Father of Adrian Hirsch Celina Maas Mother of Charles B. Maas

Grandmother of Marilyn Mills and Janet Meyer

Alfred Kaufman Grandfather of Bette Levine Miriam Hirsch Posner Mother of Isabel Posner

Grandmother of Lisa Binder

MAY 19

Samuel Kaufman Father of Charles Kaufman Julia Benedict Cohn Marks Mother of Paul Marks Shelley Nadler Mother of Leah Calleo Leonard Pinkovitz Father of Doris Chesler David Berkowitz Grandfather of Holly Clegg Chaia Bardin-Shleyn Grandfather of Ilya Vekhter Earl “Buddy” Suffrin Husband of RoseAnne Suffrin

MAY 26 Byrde Berenson Haspel Mother of Susan Lipsey

Grandmother of Laurie Aronson & Wendy Lipsey

Ronnie Louis Chenevert Father of Debbie Brown Emilie Fraenkel Aunt of Albert Fraenkel Oscar Rosen Great uncle of Edie Bender Arthur Kaufman Uncle of Charles Kaufman Joseph Haspel Father of Susan Lipsey

Grandfather of Laurie Aronson and Wendy Lipsey

Dora Frank Freedman Grandmother of Jerry Freedman Frank Greuel Father of Rachel Greuel Sandra Schudmak Great-aunt Ann Keogh Karen Selene Coen Sister of Linda Weinstein Terry Berg Sister of Lee Berg Harvey Dennis Grandfather of Steve Beck JoAnne Rosner Clark Cousin of Lee Berg Aaron Stockner Father of James Stockner Willie P. Mabry Grandfather of Esther Sachse

Iyar-Sivan Page 15

You may add your yahrzeit dates online at www.bnaibr.org. Click on contact us

and Yahrzeit Reminder Form or call the office at 225-343-0111.


Condolences to

Al, Edward and Steven Rotenberg Families on the recent death of their brother-in-law and uncle

Joe Kessler

Healing Mi Shebeirach, the prayer for physical and emotional healing, is recited at the Friday evening Shab-bat service. If you are ill and would like a Mi Shebeirach recited on your behalf, please call the Temple office at 343-0111 before noon on Thursdays, so the congregation may offer its prayers for you. If you know another person who needs the same, please ask the individual for permis-sion to read his/her name before calling the office.

Visiting Those Who Are Ill Congregation B’nai Israel wants to make sure we care for our members and their families. If you have a family member or know of someone in our congregation who is in the hospital, has been in an accident, or is ill and recuperating at home, please call the Temple office at 343-0111 so Rabbi Jordan can contact them and arrange for a visit.

Yarzheits Yarzheits are traditionally read during the Friday night service prior to the anniversary of a loved ones death unless other arrangements are made through the temple office.

REMINDERS: We will now send out reminders by email unless requested mailed.

By email, you will receive a reminder 30 days, 15 days & Monday prior to the Friday

before the Yahrzeit. If you do not receive a reminder, please contact the office by

email ([email protected]) or call 225-343-0111.

Condolences to

Al, Edward and Steven Rotenberg Families on the recent death of their sister and aunt

Phyliss Kessler

Condolences to

Bertha Kern on the recent death of her husband

Nathan Kern





Page 16 Hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Passover

holiday. The story of our redemption from slavery

to freedom is filled with lessons for our life and for

the Hadassah experience. We are reminded each

year of our continued struggles and triumphs as a

people. Hadassah faces obstacles and continues to

lead and strive.

Locally, Hadassah Baton Rouge shared a delightful program at Brew-

Ha-Ha in Baton Rouge to celebrate our Woman of Year, Dr. Liz

Clubb. We had a lovely afternoon sipping tea and enjoying

sandwiches and cake balls. We got to honor a brilliant, artistic

woman who has done so much for our local unit. It was a joy for all

of us to pay tribute to Liz. I can also share the exciting news that Liz

will now be a Keeper of the Gate for our chapter joining Marla

Kameny, Susan Smolinsky, Ellen Bander, Karen Ceppos, Marilyn

Rosenstein, D’Anna Ernst, Judy Roheim and Marilyn Martell. Please

ask any of us to explain the joy of this form of giving.

Please mark your calendars with the following dates:

May 7, 2017- Book Review. We’re going to read “Miriam’s Kitchen”

by Elizabeth Ehrlich about a woman who reconnects with her Judaism

through her mother-in-law’s family stories and recipes. Everyone will

be asked to bring a special family favorite either from the book or

their own.

May 21, 2017- Annual Israel Independence Day Program. We’re

going to have a “camp experience” that should be fun and

educational. Please join us.

More details will follow for these events.

Thank you for all you do for Hadassah.

Ruth Katzen Co-President Hadassah Baton Rouge

Marilyn Martell Co-President Hadassah Baton Rouge


The newly renovated Social Hall and the Gary J. Weill Youth Room

are available for your next event at a reasonable cost.

For information, contact the office at 225-343-0111.

Page 17


Do you want to learn how to play Mah Jongg?

Lessons are now being taught in the Gary Weill Youth Room

Thursday nights beginning at 6pm (play is until)

Monday mornings beginning at 10am (play is until 2pm).

Bring snacks to share (temple food restrictions apply).

If you are interested, please call:

Thursday night play: Jill Roby (225-921-9529)

Monday morning play: Linda Levy or Cathy Labens

NOTE: Please contact Jill Roby to check Thursday Schedule

Monday, May 29th—NO MONDAY MAH JONGG


ALL PICTURE FRAMES ARE 50% OFF (These make great birthday, wedding, Bar and Bat Mitzvah gifts)

The gift shop is open

during temple office hours

Monday - Thursday: 9am -1pm

Friday: 9am -12pm)

or by appointment by calling

Cathy Labens - at 225.344.0581





ADVERTISE HERE Now accepting advertisers for 2017 for the

Eternal Light Newsletter

Call Cathy at the Temple office at 225-343-0111.

Address Service Requested

Congregation B’nai Israel 3354 Kleinert Avenue · Baton Rouge, LA 70806


Jay Jalenak, President Deborah Sternberg, Past President

Seth Kaplan, Vice President Warren Sager, Treasurer

Andy Blumberg, Secretary Ronnie Bombet Linda Dubois Shawn Folks Adrian Hirsch Mike Kantrow Donna Kunstler Robbie Rubin Norman Schwamberg Lynn Weill

Nathan Levy, Men’s Club President Paige Wormser, Women of CBI President

Ari Hoffman, BaRFTY President


Jordan E. Goldson Rabbi

[email protected]

Barry Weinstein Rabbi Emeritus

Cathy Duplechin Office Administrator

[email protected]

Jessica Yellen Religious School Co-Director

[email protected]

Julie Tepper Religious School Co-Director

[email protected]

James Hickman Custodian

B’nai Israel Golf Classic

May 7, 2017

Shotgun Start at 12:00 noon



