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Ethicas Thoughts

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  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


    John Rawls' principles of justice.John Rawls' principles of justice.

    Offers a model of a fair choice situationOffers a model of a fair choice situation

    Method for evaluation ofMethod for evaluation ofsocialsocial &&politicalpolitical institutionsinstitutions

    RawlRawls Ethicss Ethics

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    The Original PositionThe Original Position

    Decides principles of justice from behind aDecides principles of justice from behind aVEIL OF IGNORANCEVEIL OF IGNORANCE

    VEILVEIL One that essentially blinds people to all facts aboutOne that essentially blinds people to all facts about


    FactsFacts cloud what notion of justicecloud what notion of justice

    No Knowledge of:No Knowledge of:

    Place in society, class position/social status, assets &Place in society, class position/social status, assets &abilities, intelligence, strengthabilities, intelligence, strength

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    Rawls PrinciplesRawls Principles

    Govern the assignment of rights & dutiesGovern the assignment of rights & duties

    Regulate the distribution of social &Regulate the distribution of social &economic advantages of the societyeconomic advantages of the society

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    1) Principle of Equal Liberty: Each person1) Principle of Equal Liberty: Each personhas an equal right to the most extensivehas an equal right to the most extensive

    liberties compatible with similar libertiesliberties compatible with similar libertiesfor all. (Egalitarian.)for all. (Egalitarian.)

  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


    John Rawls' principles of justiceJohn Rawls' principles of justice-- cont.cont.

    2)Difference Principle: society may2)Difference Principle: society mayundertake projects that require givingundertake projects that require giving

    some persons more power, income, status,some persons more power, income, status,etc. than others, e.g., paying accountantsetc. than others, e.g., paying accountantsand upperand upper--level managers more thanlevel managers more thanassemblyassembly--line operatives, provided thatline operatives, provided that

    the following conditions are met:the following conditions are met:

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    (a)(a) the project will make life better off forthe project will make life better off forthe people who are now worst offthe people who are now worst off

    (b)(b) access to the privileged positions is notaccess to the privileged positions is notblocked by discrimination according toblocked by discrimination according toirrelevant criteria.irrelevant criteria.

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    Social and economic inequalities should beSocial and economic inequalities should be

    arranged so that they are both:arranged so that they are both:

    (a) to the greatest benefit of the least(a) to the greatest benefit of the leastadvantaged persons;advantaged persons;

    (b) attached to offices and positions(b) attached to offices and positionsopen to all under conditions ofopen to all under conditions ofequality of opportunity.equality of opportunity.

  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


    Four types ofDuties according toFour types ofDuties according to

    Rawls:Rawls:1.1. Fairness in dealing with others;Fairness in dealing with others;

    2.2. Fidelity;Fidelity;

    3.3. Respect for Persons;Respect for Persons;4.4. Beneficence;Beneficence;

  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


    Natural Duty according toNatural Duty according to

    Rawls:Rawls:1.1. Duty of justice;Duty of justice;

    2.2. Duty of helping those in jeopardy;Duty of helping those in jeopardy;

    3.3. Duty not to harm or injure others;Duty not to harm or injure others;4.4. Duty to keep our promises;Duty to keep our promises;

  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


    Application ofRawls Ethics in theApplication ofRawls Ethics in the

    Medical Context:Medical C


    1.1. The legitimacy of paternalism in casesThe legitimacy of paternalism in caseswhere patients are unable to makewhere patients are unable to make

    decisions themselves.decisions themselves.2.2. Justification for the allocation ofJustification for the allocation of

    resources for the training of medicalresources for the training of medicalpersonnel by the benefits that it will yieldpersonnel by the benefits that it will yield

    for society in general.for society in general.

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    3. The order priority in the distribution of3. The order priority in the distribution ofhealth care resources.health care resources.

    4. Consent for individuals participating in4. Consent for individuals participating inresearch as research subjects.research as research subjects.

  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


    St. Thomas AquinasSt. Thomas Aquinas

    There exists a natural law which isThere exists a natural law which is

    manifested by the natural light humanmanifested by the natural light humanreason, demanding the natural order andreason, demanding the natural order andforbidding its violation.forbidding its violation.

    The good must be done, and evil ,The good must be done, and evil ,avoided.avoided.

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    Mans threeMans three--fold natural inclination:fold natural inclination:

    1.1. SelfSelf--preservation;preservation;

    2.2. Just dealings with others;Just dealings with others;

    3.3. Propagation of the species;Propagation of the species;

  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


    Three determinants ofmoral action:Three determinants ofmoral action:

    For an act to be considered morally good, allFor an act to be considered morally good, all3 determinants must also be good. Any3 determinants must also be good. Anydeficiency will make the act morallydeficiency will make the act morallywrong.wrong.

    The Object;The Object;

    The Circumstance;The Circumstance;

    The End or Purpose;The End or Purpose;

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    1. The object1. The object

    That which the will intends directly orThat which the will intends directly orindirectly is the object of the moral act, itindirectly is the object of the moral act, itmay be a thing or an action.may be a thing or an action.

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    . The Circumstance2. The Circumstance

    Conditions which, when added to theConditions which, when added to thenature of the act affects its morality.nature of the act affects its morality.

    Seven circumstances cited:Seven circumstances cited:1. Who1. Who-- status of the person involvedstatus of the person involved

    inin the actthe act

    2. What

    2. What-- refers to the quantity andrefers to the quantity andquality of the moralquality of the moral


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    3. Where3. Where-- denoted location of the actdenoted location of the act

    4. By what means4. By what means-- means used inmeans used in

    carrying outcarrying outthe actthe act

    5. Why5. Why-- the end purpose of the actthe end purpose of the act

    6. How6. How-- manner in carrying out the actmanner in carrying out the act7. When7. When-- time element upon thetime element upon the

    commission of the actcommission of the act

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    3. The End or Purpose3. The End or Purpose

    Here we take end in the sense or purposeHere we take end in the sense or purposeof the doer or agent.of the doer or agent.

  • 8/8/2019 Ethicas Thoughts


    William David RossWilliam David Ross

    Scottish philosopherScottish philosopher

    moral realist, a nonmoral realist, a non--naturalist, and annaturalist, and an

    intuitionistintuitionist Formulated sevenFormulated seven prima facie dutiesprima facie duties

    **a duty that is binding (obligatory)a duty that is binding (obligatory)

    other things equal, that is, unless it isother things equal, that is, unless it isoverridden or trumped by another duty oroverridden or trumped by another duty orduties.duties.

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    88Prima Facie DutiesPrima Facie Duties

    1.1. FidelityFidelity-- duties to keep ones promisesduties to keep ones promisesand contracts and not to engage inand contracts and not to engage indeception.deception.

    2.2. ReparationReparation-- duty to make up for theduty to make up for theinjuries one has done to others.injuries one has done to others.

    3.3. GratitudeGratitude-- The duty of gratitude is a dutyThe duty of gratitude is a dutyto be grateful for benefactions done toto be grateful for benefactions done tooneself and if possible to show it byoneself and if possible to show it bybenefactions in return.benefactions in return.

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    4. Non4. Non--injuryinjury-- ((also known as nonalso known as non--maleficence) is the duty not to harm othersmaleficence) is the duty not to harm others

    physically or psychologically: to avoidphysically or psychologically: to avoidharming their health, security, intelligence,harming their health, security, intelligence,character, or happiness.character, or happiness.

    5. Harm5. Harm--PreventionPrevention-- prevent harm to othersprevent harm to othersfrom causes other than himfrom causes other than him-- or herself.or herself.

    6. Beneficence6. Beneficence-- duty to do good to others: toduty to do good to others: to

    foster their health, security, wisdom, moralfoster their health, security, wisdom, moralgoodness, or happiness.goodness, or happiness.

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    7. Self7. Self--ImprovementImprovement-- The duty of selfThe duty of self--

    improvement is to act so as to promoteimprovement is to act so as to promoteones own good, i.e., ones own health,ones own good, i.e., ones own health,security, wisdom, moral goodness, andsecurity, wisdom, moral goodness, andhappiness.happiness.

    8. Justice8. Justice-- requires that one act in such a wayrequires that one act in such a waythat one distributes benefits and burdensthat one distributes benefits and burdensfairly.fairly.
