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Ethics in Writing-selesai1

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  • 8/13/2019 Ethics in Writing-selesai1




    Teguh Wahju Sardjono

  • 8/13/2019 Ethics in Writing-selesai1


    General Objectives Understanding the integrity of researcher

    Understanding the rules of writing and publishing

    scientific reports

    Specific objectives What plagiarism is and how to avoid plagiarizing

    What the conflict of interest is Publishing scientific report and data owner

    Basic and common rules in publication

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    * SINCERE( Franc is L . Macri na, 1995 ; ICMJE, 1997 )

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    END OF RESEARCH PROCESS- Reporting Research Result

    - Publishing Result of the Research

    . Seminar

    . Conference

    . Congress

    *Scientific Journals

    ( Francis L. Macrina, 1995; ICMJE, 1994, 1997)

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    PlagiarismThe most frequent ethical violence in writing scientific paper


    Does not understand what plagiarism is unconsciousplagiarisms

    Moraltrue ethical violence

    Individualtaking the easiest way Un-respect to others


    Junior researchers Senior researchers

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    Ilmuwan Indonesia Lakukan Plagiarisme

    (Kompas, Rabu, 18 Desember 2002)

    dalam dua tahun terakhir Universitas Indonesia (UI) telah

    menindak tiga orang pengajar tetapnya karena kasus plagiat.

    di Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta. Pernah

    ditemukan tesis master jiplakan. Tesis itu dinyatakan lulus

    dengan sangat memuaskan dari skripsi mahasiswa yang hanya

    memperoleh nilai C.

    Rapat Senat UGM pernah memutuskan untuk membatalkan gelar

    "doktor" Drs SS MS karena kasus plagiat, Februari 2000.

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    What is Plagiarism? PLAGIARIUS (Greek)

    stealing paperan idea in scientific writing

    Deliberate or reckless representation of anothers

    words, thoughts, or ideas as ones own withoutattribution in connection with submission of

    academic work, whether graded or otherwise

    (Instrument of Student Judicial Governance, Section II.B.1)

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    What is plagiarism

    Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work, or borrowingsomeone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and"borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense:

    According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize"

    means:1) to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own

    2) to use (another's production) without crediting the source

    3) to commit literary theft

    4) to present as new and original an idea or product derived from anexisting source.

    In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealingsomeone else's work and lying about it afterward

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    What are included Plagiarisms?

    Taking idea or data from another without mentioning the source

    Data, picture, table : a part or whole Idea : (a part or whole sentence)

    research proposal using another persons idea

    duplication of research that has been already done

    Re-publication of paper without un-valuable changes


    - changing or making report with non real data- repeat doing research until getting the wanted data or result

    (Francis L. Macrina, 1995 ; leonardo de Castro, 2001 )

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    Conflict of interest

    Some interests that may influence research process

    Financial support/sponsor






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    Data owner

    Intelectual property

    Problems :

    Who is the Principal Investigator? Who has the idea? Funding/financial support

    Related Institution

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    Author = Principal Investigator

    Person who has substantial contribution in planning,conducting the research and reporting the result

    Sequencing of authors

    Author/Principal Investigator : who has substantialcontribution from the beginning until the interpretation of

    data and writing the draft of paper

    Co-authors (second, third etc) : depend on their contribution Do not list other persons name without his/her permission

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    To whom that gave substantial support in the research

    Experts or consultants who gave valuable advice in doing the

    research or even writing the result

    Sponsor or financial supporter Do not be overacting!!

    .. this research is impossible to be finished without his veryimportant role and advice, .

  • 8/13/2019 Ethics in Writing-selesai1


    Basic and common rules in



    Main idea Conclusion is made from several others idea or his own

    Citation Source should be mentioned Follow instruction to authors of the journal Not mentioning the source of citation un-ethical

    (Aryatmo Tjokronegoro, 1996, Atmadja S Djaja, 2000)

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    Kasus 1

    Dr X, seorang dokter praktek umum di sebuah kota kecil, didatangi

    oleh suatu lembaga penelitian dan meminta keikut sertaannya

    dalam sebuah penelitian tentang penggunaan obat AINS pada

    kasus-kasus osteoporosis. Lembaga tersebut menjajikan sejumlahuang untuk setiap pasien yang ikut serta dalam penelitian tersebut.

    Mereka juga telah meyakinkan kepada dokter tersebut bahwa

    semua persyaratan penelitian sudah dipenuhi, ethical clearance dari

    Komisi Etik Penelitian. Dokter tersebut belum pernah melakukan

    atau terlibat dalam suatu penelitian sama sekali, dan ia mersasenang atas kesempatan ini, terutama sejumlah uang yang akan dia

    peroleh. Akhirnya ia menerima tawaran tersebut.

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    Kasus 2

    Seorang peneliti akan melakukan penelitian apakah sejenisvaksin influensa, dapat menurunkan angka kejadian penyakityang sejenis flu (flue like syndrome) di kalangan jamaah hajiIndonesia. Dia akan mengambil 1350 jamaah sebagai subyek,yang akan dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok. Subyek dari kelompok

    studi akan diberi satu dosis vaksin influensa dan kelompok lainakan menerima satu dosis vaksin tifoid. Di samping itu semuasebyek juga menerima satu dosis vaksin meningococcus, yangsudah merupakan vaksin standart yang harus diberikan kepadaseluruh jamaah haji. Variabel/outcome yang akan dinilai padapenelitian ini adalah adanya demam (>38C), nyeri tenggorok

    atau batuk. Dalam penelitian ini tidak dilakukan pemeriksaanlaboratorium, dan bila ada efek samping dari pemberian vaksin,subyek tidak mendapat ganti rugi, karena vaksin tersebutsudah diijinkan beredar di Indonesia.

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    Case 3

    Seorang dosen di sebuah perguruan tinggi melakukan penelitiantentang hubungan antara infeksi Toxoplasmosis dengankegagalan kehamilan. Dia menggunakan 100 ekor mencitsebagai hewan coba, yang setelah dikawinkan lalu diinfeksidengan parasit Toxoplasma gondii, dan setelah beberapa haridibedah dan diambil uterusnya untuk diteliti. Karena ia merasa

    tidak mampu melakukan perlakuan pada 100 mencit secarabersamaan, ia mengajak 5 orang mahasiswa untuk membantu.Dia juga mengijinkan ke lima mahasiswa tersebut untukmengambil organ-organ yang lain dari mencit yang dibedah, yaituotak, hati, limpa, jantung dan otot bergaris, untuk diteliti dandijadikan topik penelitian untuk skripsi mereka. Semua beaya

    penelitian ditanggung oleh dosen tersebut, termasuk hewan coba,bahan inokulan dan sekuruh kebutuhan laboratorium, kecualibeaya analisis data dan penulisan skripsi mahasiswa. Terangkanbagaimana cara mereka mempublikasi hasil penelitian ini

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    Case 1

    Dr X, a general practitioner in a small city, was approached by a

    committee of research and asked for his participation in a clinical

    trial of NSAID in osteoporosis cases. The research team or

    committee promised to give some money for each patient who arewilling to be the subject of this research. They trusted him that all of

    the requirements of the research had been approved, including

    ethical clearance from IRB. So far the doctor has no experience and

    never done or even contributed in any research. He felt happy to get

    this opportunity, especially about some money that he will receivefrom the committee. So that, then he accept this opportunity.

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    Case 2

    A researcher wants to know whether a kind of influenza vaccincan reduce the morbidity of influenza like syndrome inIndonesian pilgrims. He will recruit 1350 pilgrims, and they willbe divided into two groups. Subjects of study group will receive

    one dose of influenza vaccin and the other will receive onedose of typhoid vaccin. All subjects will also receive a dose ofmeningococcal vaccin, which is already a standard vaccin thatshould be given to all pilgrims. The variables that he wants toknow are the occurrence of fever (>38C), throat sore or cough.There is no laboratory examination in this study, and in case of

    adverse reaction during the study, the subjects will not receiveanything, as this vaccin was already approved and licensed tobe distributed in Indonesia.

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    Case 3

    A lecturer from an university did a research about therelationship between Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy failure.He used 100 mice to be his animal models, where were matedand then inoculated with Toxoplasma gondiiparasites, andsectioned to be examined their pregnancy results byexamining their uterus. He felt not able to handle all of the

    mice simultaneously, so that he ask for five students to helphim. He also give them some other organ such as brain, liver,spleen, heart and skeletal muscles to be examined, to be thetopics of the students thesis. All of the funding in this study,including animal models, agent for inoculation and laboratoryfacilities were supported by the researcher, except for data

    analysis and thesis manuscripts of each students.Define how they will publish the research!

  • 8/13/2019 Ethics in Writing-selesai1



    Arjatmo H. Tjokronegoro. Pengantar dasar-dasar penulisan

    makalah ilmiah. Disampaikan pada The second annual Jakarta

    international epidemiology course for clinicians, Jakarta,

    November 25 -December 6, 1996.

    Atmadja S. Djaja. Penulisan nama pengarang cara sitasi dan

    daftar pustaka. Disampaikan pada simposium dan pelatihan

    penulisan makalah ilmiah kedokteran, Jakarta, 2122 Maret,


    Francis L. Macrina, editor. Scientific integrity. Washington, D.C.

    ASM Press, 1995

    Agtini MD. 2005. Integritas peneliti. Modul Pelatihan Etik Penelitian

    Kesehatan. Depkes RI. 26-29 September 2005

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    International committee of medical journal editors. Uniformrequirments for manuscripts submitted to biomedical

    journals, and suplemental statements from the internationalcommittee medical journal editors. N Engl J Med 1994 : 1-21, 25-42

    International committee of medical journal editors. Uniform

    requirments for manuscripts submitted to biomedicaljournals. N Engl J Med 1997; 336(4): 309-15.

    Leonardo de Castro. Relationship between advisor/student.Authorship and publications. Research integrity. Plagiarism.Presented at the International course on research ethics,Bangkok, July 30August 3, 2001

    Wiradi G. Etika penulisan karya ilmiah: Beberapa prinsip dasar.

    Bandung: Yayasan Akatiga; 1996.
