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Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)

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  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    Ethnic Confict, Mass Killings,Genocide and International Security

    Mohammad Atique Rahman

    Assistant Professor

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    What is Ethnic Conict? Why Mass killings and Genocide Haened? Glo!al "rend of Mass #illing and Genocide

    $macts on $nternational %ecurity $nternational Resonse"he future trends

    The Road Map:

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    "oday& ethnic conict is one of the internationally

    recogni'ed ma(or social conicts) After *+,- till *+.. there /ere *** ethnic conicts in /hich

    01 /ere internal matters and 10 /ere /ar of stateformation i)e) autonomy)

    "ill no/ *22 ethnic /ars ha3e !een reorted /hich caused

    *0)- million eole ha3e died in internal conicts&comared /ith 1)1 million in interstate /ars)

    Results5 Human loss& /idesread refugee dislocations andeconomic de3astation)

    6ragging countries to engage into a regional /arfare) Pose signi7cant threats to international eace and security)

    Setting the Context

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    An ethnic conict or ethnic /ar is an armed conict !et/een ethnic grous) $tcontrasts /ith ci3il /ar on one hand 8/here a single nation or ethnic grou is

    7ghting among itself9 and regular /arfare on the other& /here t/o or moreso3ereign states 8/hich may or may not !e nation states9 are in conict)

    Priordialist accounts: Proonents of rimordialist accounts of ethnicconict argue that :;e);*

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    A) Methods for eliminating dierences5

    Genocide @orced massoulation transfers Partition andBor secession 8selfdetermination9 $ntegration andBor assimilation

    ) Methods for managing dierences5 Hegemonic control Ar!itration 8thirdarty inter3ention9 Cantonisation andBor federalisation Consociationalism or o/ersharing

    Mani#estations Ethnic Confict

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    :Genocide&> a term used to descri!e 3iolence againstmem!ers of a national& ethnical& racial or religious grou/ith the intent to destroy the entire grou)

    $n *+,.& the Dnited ations declared genocide to !e aninternational crimeF the term /ould later !e alied to thehorri7c acts of 3iolence committed during conicts in theformer ugosla3ia and in the African country of R/anda inthe *++s)

    "hat is Genocide

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    $n *++2& the go3ernment of osniaHer'ego3ina declared its

    indeendence from ugosla3ia& and osnian %er! leaders targeted!oth osniak 8osnian Muslim9 and Croatian ci3ilians for atrociouscrimes resulting in the deaths of some *& eole !y *++-)

    Ethnic Confict in $osnia

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    @rom Aril to midIuly *++,& mem!ers of the Hutu ma(ority

    in R/anda murdered some .& eole& mostly of the"utsi minority& /ith horrifying !rutality and seed)

    Ethnic Confict in R%anda

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    .& men& /omen& and children "utsis /ere killed in one/eek in *++, 8from 0*, Aril9 in R/anda) 2&& Hutu /erethe eretrators

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    Glo&al Trend o# Mass Killing and Genocide

    Increasing rate o# huan deaths'

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    "inning the &attles and losing the%ars

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    Humanitarian Crisis5 A"J inter3ened in #oso3o in *++.++to end %er!Ks atrocities against Al!anian Muslims)

    Child %oldiers5 2-& in3ol3ed in Ethnic Conict Conict Economy5 lood 6iamond An Agenda for Peace !y outros Ghali *++. formation of $nternational Criminal Court$CC

    Iplications to Glo&al Peace and Security

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    International Response: (i!ided )pinion: Polari*ation

  • 8/10/2019 Ethnic Conflict, Mass Killings, Genocide and (1)


    %luggish resonse5 #urdistan& %yria& Egyt and Li!ya) D Ro!ust Peacekeeing5 "hird Generation P)#)

    Peace!uilding to re3ent recurrence of 3iolence Regional P)#5 JAD& A"J Humanitarian $nter3ention

    +uture Trends:
