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EUOGA - European Commission UH meeting 23 feb... · European Unconventional Oil and Gas Assessment...

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40 Years Listening to the Beat of the Earth 1st Annual Conference of the European Science and Technology Network on UH Extraction EUOGA First result from the EU shale gas assessment project By Peter Britze GEUS

40 Years Listening to the Beat of the Earth

1st Annual Conference of the European Science and Technology Network on UH Extraction


First result from the EU shale gas

assessment project


Peter Britze GEUS

European Unconventional Oil and Gas Assessment (EUOGA,

pronounced YOGA) is an inventory of existing published

knowledge on shale oil and gas resources in Europe.



Shale gas recoverable resources of the onshore and offshore Ordovician –

Silurian Baltic – Podlasie – Lublin Basin

Basin is estimated for maximum: 1920 Bcm (1.92 Tcm). Taking into account

constraints on key parameters of the calculations, the higher probability range of

recoverable shale gas resources are: 346 - 768 Bcm



LUBLIN BASIN IN POLAND. First Report by P. Poprawa, 2011 www.pgi.gov.pl

Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Why Euoga? Example unconventional gas resources in Poland?

Need for coordinated Pan-European assessment


Pan-European Assessment

• There is no reliable assessment on the European shale gas resources.

• EU is interested in a reliable assessment of Europe's unconventional oil and gas resources.

• Many geological surveys have made their own domestic assessments, but they are not comparable between countries.

• The overall goal with a pan-European assessment study is to get an independent, scientific based, coherent assessment of the shale gas resources.


Pan-European Assessment cont.

• Pan-European assessment on a basin by basin approach

• The European geological surveys has the data and knowledge on the specific shale stratigraphy, sedimentology, petrography etc.

• By combining the knowledge from each survey into a basin wide synthesis, knowledge is shared and the end product improved.


B.2.9.: Energy Policy support on unconventional gas and oil

Support by JRC-IET in the area of unconventional gas and oil, especially by:

• Assessing Europe's resources in cooperation with geological surveys, especially by analysing results from current assessments conducted by Member States and from ongoing exploration projects.

European Unconventional Oil and Gas Assessment (EUOGA,

pronounced YOGA) is an inventory of existing published

knowledge on shale oil and gas resources in Europe.

The project will:

Compile data from European countries

Define a common resource assessment methodology

Make results available in an interactive GIS system

Duration: September 1st 2015 to March 31st 2017

EUOGA objectives

The project is divided into :

Task 1: Project management

Task 2: Common EU methodology

Task 3: Introductory overview of the current status and development of shale gas

and oil in Europe

Task 4: Geological resource analysis of shale gas and oil in Europe

Task 5: Compilation of geological maps and web-portal

Task 6: Overview of relevant shale layer characteristics

Task 7: Resource estimation

Task 8: Review of results, knowledge gaps and recommendations for future work

EUOGA 8 tasks

01-05-2015 Tender from JRC

18-05-2015 Deadline for proposal – joint proposal by GEUS and TNO

25-05-2015 JRC sends contract to GEUS

26-06-2015 GEUS send invitation letter, LoI template and questionary to NGS’

01-09-2015 Contract signed by JRC

04-09-2015 Meeting JRC, GEUS and TNO

14-10-2015 Final workplan T1 approved

23-10-2015 Subcontracts send out to NGS

07-12-2015 Kick-off meeting with NGS

15-01-2016 T3a submitted

19-02-2016 T2a submitted

Project development

EUOGA areal coverage

Project organisation

National Geological Surveys GIS database

Group (GEUS)

Assessment Group (TNO)

Project Management (GEUS)

GIS database (GEUS)

Assessment (TNO)

Shale A

Shale B

Shale D

Shale B

Shale C

Shale A

Shale D

Basin 1 Basin 2 Basin 3



Project progress plan Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

T2a: Selected assessment method

The selected method in EUOGA needs to fulfil several prerequisites: • The focus of the study is on gas/oil initially in place

(GIIP/OIIP) calculation; the selected method therefore needs to be able to calculate these parameters.

• It should address and visualize uncertainty on different scales.

• The method needs to be able to deal with a wide range of data availability and detail, both between the different basins but also within one basin.

• It should have the possibility to rescale the calculated GIIP/OIIP values to total recoverable resource (TRR) estimates

To account for these prerequisites the proposed method for the assessment consists of four different steps.

The 4 assessment steps

1. General uncertainties of the presence of shale gas/oil • Distribution of the shale in a basin • Presence of organic matter

2. Ranking of shales per country/basin

Area (km2)

Depth (m)

Thick-ness (m)


Maturity %Ro

Poro- sity Vol%

Structural setting

Depositional complexity

Large >100000


> 100 > 5 1.4-3.5 >10 Simple Simple

Medium 10000-100000

>5000 30-100 1.5-5 1.1-1.4 5-10 Moderate Moderate

Small <10000

<1000 < 30 < 1.5 0.7-1.1 < 5 Complex Complex

The 4 assessment steps 3. Subdivision into assessment units

• Depth • Thickness • Maturity (Immature/oil/gas transition) • Mineralogy including Porosity and Permeability • Biogenic versus Thermogenic gas systems • Source rock quality (OM type and TOC content)

4. GIIP/OIIP calculation GIIP = GIIPfree + GIIPadsorbed GIIPfree = V * ϕ * sat * Bg GIIPadsorbed = V * ρ * G V : Volume, m3, ϕ : Porosity, %, sat : Gas saturation, %, Bg : Gas formation volume factor, Rm3/Sm3, ρ : Rock density, g/cm3, G : Langmuir factor

T3a EUOGA questionaries'

Questionary on

data availability

created by GEUS

and TNO

Send to NGS

June 26th

Part 1: General status Part 2: Data availability per basin

Status for returned questionnaires

Unconventional hydrocarbon resource assessment

Activities related to unconventional hydrocarbon exploration

Low level of activity:

Permits have been issued

or exploration wells have

been drilled in the past.

Medium level of activity:

Permits have been granted

and wells drilled. Future

activates are expected

High level of activity:

Permits have been granted

and wells drilled. Future

activities will occur.

Political acceptability towards unconventional hydrocarbon exploration



