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Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills

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  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills


    RMSU Euromed Heritage 4 Programmerue dEgmont, 15 B-1000 Brusselst. +32 (0)2 609 55 50 - f. +32 (0)2 511 63 [email protected]://www.euromedheritage.net

    FOOD FOR THOUGHTWhen dry-stone walling gives youa chance to start overbY JulIE ScOTT



    The old is adin away, the new is not yet

    in siht.

    Apprenceship as a tradional pracce is

    increasinly permean ocaonal

    trainin. Whereas it used to e an

    estalished system o trainin-

    employment-producon ased on an

    oen tacit contractual areement, it

    ecame increasinly ormalised and

    reulated y rules commanded y

    oernment authories. It has also lost

    the tradional ond that lined an

    apprence to his or her master.

    Today, apprenceship is tauht intechnical schools and trainin centres in

    modules that complement theory and

    pracce, somemes reerred to as

    internship, and qualificaon comes in the

    orm o a cerficate instead o a

    masterpiece. And now that

    industrialisaon has come ull circle,

    theories on how est to o aout it

    aound, interan to it learnin and

    conie science theories.

    Where do our Mediterranean Partner

    countries stand is--is this reamped

    orm o learnin? Im araid to say thatthe eneral picture is rather loomy! The

    old system o apprenceship is adin

    away rapidly and is not ein supplanted

    y new orms o learnin. Aempts to

    presere tradional sills are ew and ar

    etween and there are just a handul o

    effece examples to showcase. Just lie

    other orms o cultural heritae,

    apprenceship should ecome a major

    area o study and its deelopment should

    e seriously considered, i only or the

    economic implicaons it could hae

    within a community.

    Chrisane Dadou Nasser

    Team Leader, Reional Monitorin

    and Support Unit (RMSU)




    A TALK WITH... 5




    Safegarding heritage reqires tehnia skis and knowedge of materias and proesses, whih

    tradionay have een aqired over ong years of appreneship to a master, earning y prae,

    y experiene, and y imitaon, rather than from textooks or in a assroom. The 21st entry

    presents major haenges to this me-honored way of skis transmission, as ra knowedge and

    praes whether of the master arpenter or the master pppeteer strgge to ompete in a

    mass market, high-teh oriented goa eonomy. There are aso, however, ases where the

    reintrodon of appreneship shemes has provided a reave way of addressing proems oth

    of oa nempoyment, and of the heritage indstrys skis shortages.

    One sh sheme was pioneered in the north-east of Engand, where tradiona dry stone was

    are a featre of the moorand andsape. Dry stone waing is a dying art, and, as the nmer of

    skied professionas onnes to deine, the strtres themseves fa into disrepair and

    dereion. The Northmria Dry Stone Waing assoiaon entered into a partnership with

    Deerot Yong Offenders Instte, where many of the yong mae offenders not ony had never

    had a jo themseves, t aso ame from ommnies where nempoyment was the norm.

    Working with a professiona stone waer, they were offered the opportnity to have taster

    workshop sessions in dry stone waing, with the hane for a sma nmer to progress onto an

    appreneship sheme and otain forma qaifiaons. The sheme proded mpe enefits:

    improved ehavior amongst the inmates; the reviva of an important ski for safegarding the

    tradiona andsape; and the hane of a new start for some yong men who had een et down

    y mainstream edaon and the onvenona aor marketI

    To find ot more aot this and other Engish Heritage ommnity appreneship projets, visithttp://www.english-heritage.org.uk/discover/people-and-places/community-projects/case-studies/north-east-dry-stone-walling-project/

  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills




    Do not replace the wooden doors!

    TANGIER - Why shodnt we repae the

    wooden doors? An ative programme ofawareness of the protetion of the tra

    heritage of the Medina is on going in Tangier

    within the projet Siwa & Tangier, fnded

    y the Eropean union as part of the

    Euromed Heritage 4 programme. This

    Jorney into traditiona arhitetre, whih

    is addressed to 120 stdents in 6th grade in 5

    pi eementary shoos in the medina,

    started in Marh and is asting nti the end of

    Jne. The orse of a dration of

    approximatey 20 hors for eah shoo is

    designed as a way to improve awareness of

    the heritage emodied y traditiona

    arhitetre and knowedge of the risksreated to the oss of oa heritage identity.

    The orse aows hidren to nderstand

    different types of oa Moroan arhitetre

    throgh gided tors and expanatory sessions,

    in order to fos on a very important fnona

    arhitetra eement in Moroo: the wooden

    doors. The orse emphasises the danger

    roght y the tendeny, widespread in Tangier,

    to repae the tradiona wooden doors with

    modern doors oen made ot of iron. besides

    the stdy of different types of wooden doors,

    stdents wi e aompanied to interview

    residents of the medina and to deveop

    awareness messages for the proteon of the

    od doors. The messages wi e sed to

    prode ommniaon toos for the projetIhttp://www.cospe.it/cospe/old/index.php

    Rediscovering the memory of water in the


    MARSEIllE - In oth rra and ran areas

    water heritage is nder threat ease of

    hanging ifestyes. Sine 2009, seven partners

    in Ageria, Frane, Greee, Moroo, Tnisia and

    Trkey have worked throgh the REMEE project

    to safegard this heritage. They have moiised

    yong peope, ivi soiety, oa athories and

    aowed the reaisaon of restoraon sites,

    rotes of disovery, inventory, video ... In this

    ontext, on Jne 16th and 17th, 2011, the

    Assoiaon for Regiona Paripaon and

    Aon (APARE) is organising the Ero-

    Mediterranean onferene Redisovering the

    memories of water in the Mediterranean.

    The iniave is spported y the Eropean

    union within the framework of the Euromed

    Heritage 4 programme and the Frenh region

    Provene-Apes-cote dAzr. The onferene -

    whih is taking pae in Marseie - addresses

    varios topis, from the history of water to the

    tehnia and ega means of safegarding this

    heritage, to the need to edate and to raise

    awareness of yong generaons. The water

    heritage fis indiret fnons ike iodiversity

    maintenane, interest in the and, fight against

    erosion and floods a this and mh more -

    is deated at the REMEE confereneIwww.remee.eu/

    Montada project, children making clay models

    of domes

    KAIROuAN - One of the ornerstones of the

    work of the Montada project is the ave

    invovement of hidren and the edaon

    setor on the stdy, knowedge and

    disseminaon of tradiona heritage. To earn

    to reognise and to vae the dome as the asis

    for tradiona Isami arhitetre, 20 hidren

    aged etween 7 and 13 have paripated on

    Satrday 16 and Snday 17 of Apri 2011 in a

    workshop of tradiona arhitetre in

    Kairoan, Tnisia. In order to hep peopedisover the most reognized skyine of the ity,

    the avity - ondted y the Montada projet

    nder the Eropean programme Euromed

    Heritage 4 has fosed on the onstron of

    10 domes, athogh severa other tehniqes

    were sed, from drawings to painngs. Dring

    the workshops the kids (oys and girs) have

    made ay ower raket/ase and have it

    and painted their domes Iwww.montada-forum.net/fr/montada/montada.htm

    People from Casablanca have rediscovered

    their city

    cASAblANcA - There were 130 heritage

    vonteers ready to show the most remarkae

    idings and the east known itys orners,

    whih for the oasion opened their doors

    The 3rd edion of casaana Heritage Days has

    taken take pae from the 15th to 17th of Apri,

    nder the aspies of uneso, with the

    paripaon of the Mutual Heritage Project.

    For three days, casaanans were invited to

    ook at their ity in a different way and to(re)disover their extraordinary arhitetra

    heritage of the 20th entry, throgh paes

    rarey aessie. 130 heritage vonteers

    and mediator gides, trained for the oasion

    nder the Mta Heritage projet (whih is

    part of the Euromed Heritage 4 programme),

    have heped to disover the arhitetra

    treasres, too oen nknown. Apri 15 was

    dediated to shoo stdents of Grand

    casaana, in an effort to raise awareness

    aot the rih modern t vnerae

    arhitetra heritage of casaana, and aot

    the need to omine efforts to save and protet

    it. Dring the event, the first arhitetragideook of casaana (Gide de

    arhitetre d 20me sie de casaana)

    was aso presented. This gideook traes the

    arhitetra history of the 20th entry in

    casaana - a veritae aoratory of modern

    arhitetre - and idenfies some of the most

    remarkae idingsIwww.mutualheritage.net

    The hammam opens its hidden doors

    FEZ - Not ony on the Sothern shores, t

    aross the Mediterranean, the hammam is a

    very speia pae, with its arhitetra

    featres, its soia importane, itsintergenerationa vaes, its high gender

    qaities that make it a heritage site whih

    deserves the attention of the Eropean as

    we as of the Isami pi. We an say that

    the hammam is part of the ommon identity

    of the Mediterranean ontries. Sine the

    times of the Roman ath-hoses, this disreet

    iding has aompanied the daiy ife of

    itizens aross the region

    An exhiit Hammam, hidden doors, liin

    treasures has given insight into the past,

    present and ftre of this very speia pae, with

    a fos on the present sitaon in Damass, Fez

    and cairo. The exhiion whih has taken pae

    in Fez, Moroo, etween Marh 22nd to Apri

    10th, 2011 was designed as a ontrion to

    the oeve memory in the Mediterranean

    region on one hand, and as a paripatory oa


  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills



    proess on the other. The ominaon of

    msem ojets, panorami photos, video

    instaaons, domentary fims, arhitetramodes and a paripatory projet - showing

    private hammam-reated ojets have

    seeded in arang even a yong adiene to

    the tangie and intangie qaies of the


    What do kids know about their cultural

    heritage ?

    AMMAN Traditiona dane and msi,

    pottery and mosais, pitres and videos:

    Jordanian traditions have opened their doors

    in Amman for the seond anna tra

    heritage festiva Te Me Aot My contry,organised at the Jordan Msem in Ras a-Ayn

    from Marh 29th to Apri 1st.

    An exhiion of tra projets reated y

    Jordanian yoth from six governorates was on

    dispay, inding videos, photography, and adio.

    The event has roght p demonstraons y

    arsans of their oa ras, sh as tradiona

    dane and msi, shrak and taon read

    prodon, mosais, sand oes, poery, and

    nmeros other handiras.

    This festiva was part of a arger projet,

    Foundations for a Strong Future: yoth inJordan and leanon promote ctra

    Heritage, that aims to insti pride in tra

    heritage in Jordanian yoth. With fnding

    from the Eropean union/Eromed Heritage

    Programme IV, the projet is impemented y

    Mery corps with its oa partners The Jordan

    Msem and Priness basma Yoth Resore

    center. The aim of the projet is to spport

    tra heritage as one aspet of pi

    weath that shod e oetivey eerated

    and proteted, even y yong peope. The

    projet wants to promote a message of

    ownership at the oa eve throgh a nmer

    of toos, among whih pi events. Nationa

    msems and heritage sites in Jordan (and

    leanon) are meant to eome hs for

    edation, eeration of tra heritage

    and knowedge dissemination Ihttp://www.asassat.com/

    The Old City of Tyre through the eyes of the


    bEIRuT Ten videos, a series of photos,istraons of the Od city . The stdents of

    Tyre have re-disovered their Od city. The

    exhiit took pae on Marh 21 st at the Palais

    UNESCO, dring the eeraons for 50 years

    of Frenh-speaking yoth in leanon. AlbA

    stdents from the neighorhood Zokak e

    bat joined the event with their works, and so

    did the Aademi uran Oservatory Maja

    with the presentaon of the heritage rote of

    the ity of Tyre. This iniave was deveoped

    throgh the projet Mare Nostrum, within

    the framework of Eromed Heritage 4.

    MARE NOSTRuM intends to ontrite to the

    deveopment and awareness of the heritage ofhistori port ies saered aong the

    Phoeniian roads in the Mediterranean. The

    main rest of the aon invoves the

    revitaizaon of targeted areas, whih are

    transformed into paes of ife for oa peope

    throgh the reinforement of synergies

    etween the past and the presentIwww.eh4-marenostrum.net

    The virtual Library of the Mediterranean has

    reached over 500,000 digital documents

    The hp://data.manmed.org dataase is a

    oeve irary whih aims at estaishing a

    orps of digita doments, free of opyright,resng from iraries, arhive, msems, and

    pi or private oeons reave to the

    Mediterranean ontries. Today, the irary -

    deveoped within the framework of MANuMED

    projet and finaned y the Eropean union

    (Euromed Heritage 4) - offers diret aess to

    more than 500,000 doments: mansripts,

    od ooks, arhives, photography, maps, et

    These doments rest from the o-operaon

    with more than 70 iraries, arhives and

    msems partners of Mediterranean area. The

    MANuMED II projet intends to ontrite to

    the preservaon of the diversity of the wrien

    heritage (and its oroary, angage) as an

    intangie heritage. A shared Virta lirary of

    the Mediterranean, m-inga, m-

    aphaea, wrien and aos, is

    impemented within this projet Iwww.data.manumed.org

    Montada, they do have fun ...

    . Ageria, operaon green casahhttp://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.198139806873389.45979.112851195402251

    . This pam groove is ors and we ean it p!http://www.montada-forum.net/montada-alg%C3%A9rie.htm-1

    . Downoad, print and send ards aot the

    tradiona arhitetre of the Maghrehttp://www.montada-forum.net/montada.htm-0

    Join our mailing-list and receive

    Euromed Heritage 4 Connecng



  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills



    Local silk produconin Syria isa family-businessbY RASHA AROuS, SPEcIAlIST IN uRbAN PlANNING

    Natra sik manfatring is rooted in

    Syrian tre and is an integra

    omponent of Syrian intangie heritage.Master rasmen handed down their

    skis to their desendants, and these are

    refleted in their famiy names, whih is

    very ommon inAl-Sham region - a

    Msaddi (the one who pts the warp

    threads in pae), a-Qazzi (reated to the

    sikworm- qa)) are jst two exampes.

    Yet these names are no onger onneted

    to the famiies rrent opaon, as the

    indstry, s thriving 90 years ago, is in

    need of reviva. It started to deine in the

    thires of the ast entry de to majort downs on the demand side of oter

    markets (lyon in Frane for exampe). The

    t downs are arited to the

    introdon of arfiia sik, ompeon

    of ow ost working fore of Far East

    natra sik, in addion to the finania

    rises and the onseqenes of the

    indstria revoon. The introdon of

    western stye othing whih repaed the

    tradiona one made p of natra sik

    has ontrited frther to the deine of

    oa sik prodon. Today, and ease

    of its qasi disappearane, sik

    manfatring is mosty onsidered as a

    tra asset rather than a remnerang

    eonomi avity.

    Sik prodon was widespread

    throghot Greater Syria for entries.

    Midde pains and oasta montains

    offered natra ondions that had

    aowed sik vaon. It s srvives in

    some viages in the west of Syria,

    leanon and Anoh as a oage

    indstry. Despite the deterioraon ofoa vaon of natra sik, Syria is

    renowned for sik texe prodon:

    seventy-three different tradiona

    othing items (mosty dependent on the

    imported natra sik) were reported in

    Syria in addion to other non-othing

    items. Evidenty, two hains of proding

    natra sik fari are avaiae: the ones

    sing imported natra sik, and the

    oay proded ones whih are made

    with the fiaments of the oay

    vated ooons and whih are the

    fos of this piee of wring.

    The tradions and skis of the different

    stages of the oay proded natra sikare passed down to sons, daghters and

    to interested peope throgh a non-

    forma and on-the-jo form of

    appreneship. However, the speiaised

    skis are eoming hard to find among

    the yonger generaons and most

    praoners do not want to give their

    knowedge ot for many reasons. Were it

    not for the reent introdon of

    ssidies to ooon vators from the

    Syrian oni of Ministries, there wod

    have een an even esser nmer.Nonetheess, Appreneship shod e

    part of an integrated soon ofthe

    fixinof the roen industry: ooking

    at the maadies rather than presriing

    temporary remedies. by that, it wi

    reate the driving fore for peope to

    seek eing apprenes y reang a

    demand side. It shod omprise a

    rrent and deveopment-reated skis,

    sh as reeding and proding sik eggs,

    whih is a very deiate tehniqe that

    reqires knowedge, prae and

    paene; seritre knowedge: reaon

    of aimazed spaes, eqipment, et.;

    reeing and finishing of yarns; and finay

    weaving. Addiona skis shod aso e

    inded sh as: oom-iding and too-

    making for men; designing and

    remodeing the fina faris throgh

    reave taioring and finishing; dyeing

    and proding marketae sampes;

    tradiona ooon pitres making for


    besides the agritra and indstria

    avies reated to sik manfatring,there is another sort of division of aor

    y gender in the different stages of the

    prodon, whih are a aor

    intensive. A reent stdy of the sitaon

    (2009) showed that mothers were 41%

    invoved in the vaon; fathers

    ontrited 35%, hidren 23% and

    grandparents 2%. This is very different

    from indstries in ran and modern

    eonomies where there is a poarisaon

    of men and womens work roes. A famiy

    of proders and a ommnity-ased

    indstry invoving many peope from

    different akgronds in an integrated

    way, have a ght ink to soio-eonomi

    deveopment of the viagers andontrite to the reonstron of the

    soiety. Frthermore, its stages form a

    vita part of the ives of the peope who

    graefy dea with the soulsand are

    so aahed to them I

    Rasha Arous is a specialist in uran

    plannin in deelopin countries; she

    studies the socio-economic condion o

    people liin in walled cies and

    possiilies o parcipatory rehailitaon

    schemes with [email protected]


    . Atrash, Reem (1996), Sik in Syria, Aexandrea

    and leanon. Damass: Ministry of ctre.

    . AKate, Maya (2010), Syrian Sik: Portrait of a

    iving ctra Heritage. Damass: Danish

    Instte in Damass, Seond Edion





  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills



    Could you give us a glimpse of the arts and cras industry in


    The arts and ras indstry has payed a major roe throghot

    the years in Paesne, and different areas are tradionayspeiaised in different ras. For exampe Nas is speiaised in

    natra oive oi soap prodon, Heron in gass prodon and

    bethehem whih is or area of interest is speiaised in oive wood

    arvings, emroidery and mother of pear prodon.

    How was the transmission of tradional skills secured

    throughout the generaons?

    The tradiona skis have een roght into the ontry dring

    different me periods and sitaons, and these skis have een

    earnt y different peope and it has stayed within their famiies

    for generaons, however reenty these transmissions are

    deining de to the ak of interest of the yonger famiymemers to onne in their anestors footsteps, and who prefer

    to foow a different orse.

    The reason for this ak of interest is that it has eome more

    diffit to make a iving y it, moreover mahines have een

    repaing the handmade prodts and the heap imports are

    destroying the reptaon of the trade.

    In other words, there is a desperate need for rehaiitation inthis area. Peope shod e frther edated on the importane

    of oa rafts and training entres shod e estaished in

    order to aow for the yoth to partiipate in the ontinaity of

    this indstry.

    Apprenceship is one of the most significant trends in vocaonal

    educaon: do you sll have master crasmen and do they have

    a formal role in the transmission?

    There are varios individas who are onsidered experts in

    speifi fieds, t they are eoming fewer and fewer; these

    experts an e movated to paripate in extended earning

    programmes to teah those interested.

    un now they have no forma roe in the transmission as they are

    afraid to teah others and ose their own share of the indstry,

    however with the appropriate inenves, they might e

    interested. The proem is that these inenves are mosty of a

    A TALK WITHDr Samir Hazboun,Director of the Bethlehem chamber of

    commerce and industry de Bethlem

    Lack of movaon and unfair compeon threaten the handicras industry

    Historiay, Paesnian arts and ras prodon was very mh integrated to forms ofprodon of the eastern Mediterranean region t with a speifiity of its own: the fat that

    Paesne is the Hoy land has given oa prodts an added vae. Dr. Samir Hazon, Diretor

    of the bethehem chamer of commere and Indstry, is an eonomist and a researher and he

    gives s a gimpse of how the oa siness of handiras is managed and what are its opons

    for the ftre.


  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills


    peniary natre, and herein ays the proem. They might e

    made to fee pride in mastering these skis, whih is very

    important, t it is not enogh; it wi take mh more to get them

    to want to share their knowedge and engage in training orses.

    Do vocaonal/training schools secure apprenceship in

    tradional arts and cras? Is it formally recognised by the

    authories? If not, are there efforts to secure this recognion?

    We have one ras training entre, whih is the Saesian Tehnia

    Shoo, and whih gradates stdents in oive wood and mother-

    of-pear arving, t it is hardy enogh. There is s a high need

    for improving the rrim and improving the qaity of the

    training. And this is where the masters od pay a roe.

    Aso, this type of forma training is not propery vaidated or

    vaorised: there is no differene etween those who aqire a

    erfiate and those who do not, as the skis taght in the shooan e aqired throgh on-the-jo training. And if we onsider

    reognion of the erfiates this reqires a detaied stdy in the

    aws and regaons and speia inenves are needed to e

    offered y the ministry of torism/ ministry of aor to enorage

    the handiras entre and raise awareness aot the vae of

    handiras as part of or heritage.

    How important is tradional producon within the local


    The tradiona prodon is very important as 80% of the oa

    prodon is sod to pigrims vising the hoy and and 20% is

    exported to foreign ontries. However the oa prodon iseoming threatened y heap imports from other ontries,

    mainy china t aso other Soth Asian ones. We have no rea

    figres onerning emroidery, whih is mainy rn as a oage

    indstry or managed y haritae soiety. It is another area of

    prodon whih is typia to bethehem and it is prased and

    managed y women. Therefore the deveopment of emroidery

    od e a very important nihe for empoying women and

    empowering them.

    We need to promote the fat that oa handiras are not jst

    prodts t they are a form of oa art whih is typia of or

    area, and in this sense, not any other simiar prodt an ompete

    with it. The senmenta/reigios/tra vae of this prodt

    shod e pt forward amongst the proders, t aso amongst

    the yers. So some proper markeng is reqired.

    What are the main problems facing the arts and cras industry


    I eieve I have menoned the proems in my answers aove

    however I wi sm them p in a few points:

    . The ak of movaon for engaging in this form of prodon.

    . The ak of training entres.

    . The ak of movaon for experts in order to onvine them to

    provide their experse.

    . The nfair ompeon from ontries sh as china.

    . The need to edate oas and foreigners of the signifiant

    importane of oay proded handiras and to onsider

    them an art and not jst another prodt I

    Interiewed y: Chrisane Dadou Nasser



  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills


    A TALK WITHDebora Angeli,Project Coordinator, COSPE.

    What are the arts and cras parcular to the oasis of Siwa (Egypt)

    and the port city of Tangier (Morocco)?

    The oasis of Siwa has a ong tradion in handira with parar

    referene to emroidery, siver, pam eaves prodts, erami.

    Emroidery and siver are very typia. The ity of Tangier is known

    for the handira onneted with texe and mosai in erami. bt

    it is parary in Siwa that the projet is experimenng with a work

    proess whih tries to ink the empowerment of women with the

    improvement of handira prodon. Tradionay most handira

    prodon in Siwa invoves mosty women, and nowadays mae-

    dominated tradiona prodons, sh as siver, are kept aive y

    women. In the oasis men are more invoved in torism and

    agritra avies and handira is more and more onsidered a

    ow eve eonomi avity and therefore e to women. We od

    speak of a seond eve eonomy, whie at the same me it

    represents for women the ony means to have an atonomos

    inome. The projet took in onsideraon this aspet as a departre

    step to impement an empowerment proess for women in Siwa.

    What is the situaon of their producon at the moment? In your

    project, you are focusing on empowering women and improving

    their economic situaon; how are you doing that? (...in terms

    relave to apprenceship of course...).

    Throgh the projet, we have fond that a anient knowedge,

    parary pertaining to women, is at risk ease of a growing

    massive torism and of the introdon of so aed goaised and

    fast prodts, whih are more arave to the yong generaon.

    For exampe, the prodon of emroidery in the past was

    onneted with the eeraon of marriages and girs earnt the

    tehniqes of emroidery from the od women of the famiy to

    prode their own wedding dresses. Nowadays ess and ess girs

    want to work years to make their wedding dresses and the ire of

    transmission of the knowedge is therefore at risk. At the same me

    massive torism reated a ig demand for heap emroidered

    prodts and the rest is poor in design and qaity. The emroidery

    prodts of Siwa, whih an e onsidered an important aspet of

    its tradion and tre and onstte an important ommeria

    potena are sowy trning into sovenirs sod ony within the oa

    market for torists. This trend is impang on women proders

    who, in order to sere a qik inome, repiate the same modes

    that are emped of their origina niqe meaning. Instead of giving

    a posive thrst to the prodon of the tradiona emroidery in

    risis, the inflx of torists has damaged it.

    The projet deided to invest in three setors: emroidery, erami

    and siver. Women grops have een invoved in a first phase of

    training with the ojeve to improve their tehniqes and to

    reate new designs and higher qaity prodts, ased on new


    Project Siwa-Tanger: cultural heritage for a beer life

    The project aims to preserve and enhance the local cultural heritage in Morocco and Egypt withina sustainable development framework through parcipaon, local ownership and knowledge

    disseminaon. One of the main acvies of the project is the empowerment of women through

    training in local arts and cras.


  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills


    and od tehniqes. The trainers are a women arsans and arsts

    iving in Siwa. Ony the training on siver is paray impemented

    in cairo. The training has in fat the ojeve to smate women

    to reate new modes and new designs withot osing the od

    knowedge. The next step invoves the management of the enre

    ire of the prodon and its markeng, whih is the most

    diffit aspet. The women in Siwa have imited moiity and

    hardy meet peope otside their own immediate srrondings; a

    married woman annot even enter in a pi spae. It is for this

    reason that yong siwi women have een invoved from the

    eginning in the organizaon of this avity with the idea to reate

    oa femae ompetenies in prodon, organizaon and

    network. The projet promotes yong women t aso promotes

    the onneon etween yong and od women who are

    onsidered an athority in siwi soiety. The projet does not want

    to reate gender onflit t intends to work on new desires and

    the wiingness of yong women to work and to paripate in theeonomi ife and gain their independene, whih is an important

    step reognized aso y od women. Yong siwi women pereive

    their ftre whie maintaining a deep onneon to the past, the

    heritage, the memory.

    What is their response to these efforts?

    Aot 50 women proders are partiipating in the training

    sessions with mh interest and motivation. Eah grop of

    women eeted a spokeswoman who wi aso e trained in

    networking and marketing and at the moment there is a sma

    grop of women who are ndergoing this training and therefore

    fee inreasingy onfident to take the next and more diffitstep, whih is to negotiate with men for the management of the

    entire ire of prodtion (to find raw materias for exampe)

    and marketing.

    Do you think that these efforts will bear economic fruits?

    We are working in this direon, of orse, even if we are

    onsios that the sitaon of gender disriminaon does not

    hep. It is for this very reason that we impemented trainings with

    the doe ojeve to inrease the qaity of the prodts and

    to reinfore at the same me women to eome more

    independent in the management of prodon. The projet

    onsidered aso the rests of the market stdy we impemented

    at the eginning of the projet. This stdy indiated that torists

    do not appreiate what is nowadays in the oa shops. Many

    torists wod ike to find some good qaity prodts and wod

    prefer to pay more for a good qaity prodt than to have simpy

    a sovenir. For this reason the projet is trying to reate new and

    good qaity prodts and to introde them in the oa market.

    In the next months, we wi organise training and awareness-

    raising avies with oa shopkeepers on this isse. We want to

    revitaise the handira prodon from an eonomi perspeve

    t aso from a tra one so that the roe of women in the

    proteon and promoon of intangie heritage is reognised and

    gender disriminaon reversed.

    What measures are you taking in order to ensure the

    sustainability of your acons?

    The sstainaiity of the aon is assred at different eves. First

    of a, the projet invested in spporng the grops of women as

    soia grops who reognise the vae of oeve as a shared

    spae of atonomy. Seondy, this proess permied to reate a

    sma network of women iving in Siwa who an spport these

    grops; the trainers are part of this network. Thirdy, the higher

    qaity of their prodts rings its ditates to the torism market

    whih asks for eer qaity prodts. There remains the ig

    qeson of markeng and the apaity of women to eome

    more independent in order to manage the market otside Siwa.

    At the moment this is not possie, t we are working with oa

    assoiaons to give more atonomy at east to the women who

    an eer defend the interests of women proders. bt it is ear

    that the key word for this work proess is responsiiity:

    responsiiity of women proders to ask for more independene

    and start new proesses of hange in the ommnity; the projet

    for sre gave them the possiiity to give more vae to their

    knowedge, to e ae to manage the enre ye of prodon

    and to nderstand the importane of reavity and the need for

    responsiiity and atonomy to ahieve it I

    Interiewed y: Chrisane Dadou Nasser


    FEZ, MOROCCO - 2010

  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills



    Learning to reclaimtheir own heritage:the experience of thePRODECOM project

    The onstron of a projet on the

    promoon of Mediterranean tradiona ras

    has aowed rasmen from the PRODEcOM

    network to reaim their heritage and regain

    their pride in their work. The traveing

    exhiion Prints and oors of the

    Mediterranean has aowed them to

    redisover their reavity and to see how

    their tehniqes and skis an e appeaing.

    Today, they no onger have the same ook on

    their own prodons.

    Professions in ras and art, in their ars or

    itarian fnon, represent a vaae formof tra expression as important to the

    North as to the Soth. The arfats are

    affordae tra properes. They are

    eegant, maeae, sef, transferae and

    eonomiay affordae. They represent the

    popar faet of the genis of iviizaon and

    an represent a meeng vehie etween

    peope. Handiras reflet trade and tra

    interminging that haraterize hman

    soiees, parary in the Mediterranean.

    Yet, despite their ndeniae ontrion to

    the tra vitaity of the region, the

    Mediterranean rasmen are faing severeproems reated to trade goaizaon,

    ompeon and oen to the devaaon of

    their skis. Mediterranean handiras are

    oen reded to their market vae and to

    meet the needs of mass torism and the

    market of sovenirs. This context has resulted

    in the devaluaon of cra pracces including

    by the producers themselves who, being in a

    survival dynamic, oen forget the value of

    their experse.

    The PRODEcOM projet (Prodts,

    Deveopment and commniaon), deveoped

    y the Mediterranean chamer of Fine Arts

    and its partners, and fnded nder the

    Eromed Heritage Programme II for the period

    2002-2005, was designed on the prinipe that

    cra must be recognized as not only a pillar of

    the living heritage but also as an economically

    viable and socially construcve identy

    marker for human communies.

    PRODEcOM was ased on the oservaon

    that the know-how reated to handiras is

    oen rare and fragie and mst e deveoped

    and spported. The transmission of

    knowedge and the need to preserve and

    promote the diversity of tra expressionsare indeed important haenges in these

    mes of tehnoogia deveopment and

    goaizaon. They an ony e ahieved y

    spporng reaon, innovaon and

    exeene, parary throgh edaon,

    forma and informa professiona, gidane

    and mehanisms of spport.

    Dring the idenfiaon phase and projet

    formaon, we idenfied a signifiant nmer

    of rerrent proems faed y arsans,

    parary in terms of the preservaon of the

    know-how and tehniqes. Among them, the

    ak of adeqate training of some arsans totake a market that has eome internaona,

    resng in a ak of renewa of the ra

    prodon, the isoaon of many arsans from

    their stomers and their expetaons and

    disinterest of the yonger generaon to the

    profession of rasman, opy a prominent

    pae. PRODEcOM deided to try to sove these

    proems throgh a da approah:

    . Raising awareness, informaon and

    edaon among the pi on the heritage

    vaes of the ra professions in the

    Mediterranean, and in parar of the

    exhiion Prints and coors of the

    Mediterranean;. Organizing seminars and training orses for

    the enefiiaries of the projet on the

    estaishment of a ae for handiras aed

    ctre Deveopment Prodts .

    This ae is the first regiona instrment of

    proteon that effevey integrates the

    tra dimension to eonomi and soia

    dimensions of the ra. It aims to effevey

    protet the rights of the proders, to promote

    the finished prodt and garantee the

    athenity of this prodt among onsmers.

    Its onept is ased on the tra vae of

    handiras, soia responsiiity of their

    manfatrer, ompiane with internaona

    onvenons, the tehnia qaity and

    athenity of ojets.

    The ae ctre Deveopment Prodts

    has offered to PRODEcOM the opportnity to

    design a oherent strategy for the training of

    arsans of the network: six sessions of regiona

    seminars and tehnia training, organized in

    trn in Jordan, Trkey , Greee, Ageria, Frane

    and Moroo, have aowed arsans to earn

    first how to vae their own reaons, to

    address isses of governane and pae their

    work within the framework of internaona awon proteon of intangie tra heritage.

    The tehnia training has raised awareness of

    the ontrion of the ommon tra

    memory to the onstant renewa of reave

    rasmanship and qaity prodts.

    The PRODEcOM training foowed a

    paripatory pedagogy that had as its main

    goa to ase an emaon and smate the

    movaon and the reavity of the arsans.

    The projet seeded in ringing together

    reators who own simiar and ompementary

    tra idenes and yet didnt know eah

    others. At east 379 rasmen and arsans inthe 7 ontries invoved in the projet have

    een direty assoiated with ae isses and

    have therefore paripated in the formaon

    of its award riteria. This nmer has

    inreased throgh oa iniaves, meengs

    inspired y or aons in the wake of



    Lila Sareli , European Cultural Networ or

    Deelopment Cooperaon

    [email protected]



  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills



    These pitres are an array of the est images oeted within the Eromed Heritage programme to show the rihness of the Mediterranean tra

    heritage. The RMSu and RehaiMed Assoiaon have anhed on 3 May 2010 a Photography Award ontring to awareness-raising of tra

    heritage in the region. The awarded photos are pished on the EH4 wesite Photo Gaery: http://www.euromedheritage.net/intern.cfm?menuID=88

    Edion 2011 is pending...





  • 8/6/2019 Euromed Heritage Newsletter: Developing apprenticeship to save traditional skills


    Our selected quotaon

    The construcon of the Mediterranean requires paence; opposite the countless myths of division,sll dominant everywhere, one must paently construct different myths []and find from the past the

    symbols, the men, the ideas, the places, the acts, and the eras that unite. Amin Maaof

    Whats on

    A response pan for Msem The (Amman, Jordan Jne 12-13)

    The iiit and stoen anqies trade is onsidered today as one of the argest iega sinesses in the

    word. In 1994 aone, the esmate y Sotand Yard in sh stoen tra property was 3 iion brish

    ponds wordwide. One a ooted ojet has een removed nawfy from the ontry of origin, poie

    have great diffies in traking sh ojets.

    bt professiona thieves are not the ony proem: in ight with

    the reent ivi nrest in the Ara States, is today more

    important then ever to spport msem athories in theirtask to protet oeons, e it from aidents or iega

    avies, armed onflits or natra disasters.

    This is the sjet deated on Jne 12-13 in Amman, Jordan,

    at the Department of Anqies, where msem diretors and

    msem serity experts - espeiay from Ara ontries - are

    invited to paripate in a two-day workshop dediated to a

    Msem The Response Pan. This workshop is organized

    nder the framework of the ctre Programme fnded y the

    Eropean commission: Witness the Past: Edaon Programs for the Pi and ctre Heritage

    Professionas on Iiit Traffiking of Anqies. Internaona experts on msem serity are going to

    present their approah to risk management and the response pans, in order to foster o-ordinated

    aons to prevent the, to deveop adeqate response, and to promote effeve reovery aons. On

    the agenda of the workshop are strategi pans to protet oeons against varios kinds of risks in the

    ase of fire, aidents, iega avies, armed onflits et, sh as the ICOM Handbook on Emergency

    Procedures or the Msem Emergeny Pan (MEP) .

    To find ot more: http://www.witnessthepast.gr/

    Readers corner

    Thinking Throgh Torism, Jie So, Tom Sewyn, 2011

    The stdy of torism has made key ontrions to the stdy of anthropoogy. This vome defines the

    rrent state of the anthropoogy of torism, examining poia, eonomi,

    ideoogia and symoi themes.

    A oeon of ase stdies istrate topis as diverse as hospitaity, sex and

    torism, enhantment, oonia and neo-oonia onsmpon, and the reaon

    etween torism and gender and ethni ondaries, as we as qesons of goa,

    eonomi and tra systems, modernism and naonaism.The ook aso overs praa and poiy isses reang to ran, rra and oasta

    panning and deveopment.

    Thinking Throgh Torism assesses the enormos potena ontrion that

    anayses of torism an offer to the mainstream of anthropoogia thinking. The

    vome opens p new avenes for enqiry and is an essena resore for stdents

    and shoars of anthropoogy, geography, torism, soioogy and reated disipines.

    Our Agenda

    RMSU events

    G28-30 Jne 2011 beirt, leanon

    Eromed Heritage 4 workshop on


    Internaonal events

    G27 May-19 Jne 2011 - Sanary sr Mer, Frane

    First fesva of Mediterranean Photographyhttp://www.festivalphotomed.com/index.php/fr

    G16-17 Jne 2011 - Marseie, Frane

    REMEE conferene Redisovering thememories of water in the Mediterranean


    G19-21 Jy 2011 Heron, Paesne

    Internaona conferene on the

    Deveopment of historia ity entreshttp://www.hebronrc.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=271&Itemid=124&lang=en

    G5-10 Septemer 2011 Rimini, Itay

    Internaona Smmer Shoo in Geography

    of Torismhttp://www.economiarimini.unibo.it/Economia+Rimini/Didattica/Summer+e+winter+school/Summer+School+2011/International_Summer_School_in_Geography_of_Tourism_2011.htm

    G23rd Septemer 2011 - cartage, Tnis2nd conferene of Mare Nostrm -

    Phoeniian Rotes in the Mediterranean Seawww.eh4-marenostrum.net/

    G Septemer 2011 Zakyntos, Greee

    Piot internaona workshop in arhitetra


    G27 Novemer 2nd Deemer Paris, Frane

    17th IcOMOS Genera Assemy and

    Sienfi Symposimwww.icomos.org

    G8-11 Deemer 2011 Tnis, Tnisiaconferene on Modern Arhitetre in the


    RMSU Euromed Heritage 4 Programmerue dEgmont, 15 B-1000 Brusselst. +32 (0)2 609 55 50 - f. +32 (0)2 511 63 11



    Euromed Heritage 4 Connecting - a quarterly publication of the RMSU for the Euromed Heritage 4 programmeThe RMSU Team: Christiane Dabdoub Nasser, Team Leader - Christophe Graz, Project Manager - George Zouain, Project Manager - Jean-Louis Luxen, Senior Legal Expert

    Daniela Cavini, Communication Expert - Giulia Bertelletti, Event Manager - Dario Berardi, IT ExpertJoin our mailing-list to receive Euromed Heritage 4 Connecting at http://www.euromedheritage.net


