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European Space Agency Programme Book

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Content Page Welcome 2 General Information 3 Location Map 5 Session Overview 6 Oral Programme - Monday 7 Oral Programme - Tuesday 12 Oral Programme - Wednesday 17 Oral Programme - Thursday 23 Oral Programme - Friday 29 Poster Programme 32 Team Index 43 Author Index 53 1
Page 1: European Space Agency Programme Book


Content Page

Welcome 2

General Information 3

Location Map 5

Session Overview 6

Oral Programme - Monday 7

Oral Programme - Tuesday 12

Oral Programme - Wednesday 17

Oral Programme - Thursday 23

Oral Programme - Friday 29

Poster Programme 32Team Index 43

Author Index 53


Page 2: European Space Agency Programme Book


Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the First European Plane-tary Congress. It takes place under theauspices of EuroPlaNet and the Euro-pean Geosciences Union. There are manymeetings in the calendar, but not a plan-etary conference with a European focus.Given the booming state of planetary sci-ence in Europe, due in no small part to thecurrent European Space Agency program,we felt it was time to try one. We are hop-ing to do something a bit different, andmore interactive - a forum for discussion,with many workshop and panel sessions,and prominent posters.

When we started on this enterprise, wewere uncertain how it would work. Weinitially thought of a conference centrewhich would hold around 250 delegates.Currently we have nearly 700 abstracts, in40 sessions.

So clearly you see a need for the meeting!This prompts some questions. Would youlike to see this meeting happen every year?Every two years? Would you like to see a

proceedings? If so in what format? Pleasefeed back your opinions, either at the Eu-roplanet General Assembly, or to one ofthe organisers.

EuroPlaNet, with its vision of a strongand interlinked European planetary sci-ence community has provided the oppor-tunity to try this experiment. And it isan experiment. We are doing our best,but with a huge meeting and a brand newformat, we will clearly get some thingswrong. Some of the workshop and panelsessions will find a style that works bet-ter than others. We want to learn for nexttime, so we welcome constructive feed-back!

Berlin is an attractive city in September.Please spend some time visiting the manyattractions the city has to offer. And pleasecontinue to support what we hope will bea great meeting. We wish you a successfulweek, and look forward to seeing you nexttime.

Michel Blanc, Ralf Srama,and Manuel Grande


Page 3: European Space Agency Programme Book


Location and Conference AddressThe European Planetary Science Congress 2006 is held at theEstrel Convention Center Berlin in Berlin, Germany, from18–22 September 2006. The congress is open to the scientistsof all nations.

Congress Centre

Estrel Convention CenterSonnenallee 22512057 BerlinTel.: +49-(0)30/6831-0Fax: +49-(0)30/6831-2345

The Estrel Convention Center is located at the suburban trainstation “Sonnenallee" of the lines S41 and S42.

The entire congress centre is fully accessible for wheel-chairstogether with their registration.

Tourist Information Center

Europa-CenterEntrance Budapester StraßeMonday–Saturady, 08:30–20:30Sunday, 10:00–18:30

Brandenburg GatePariser Platz South Wingdaily, 09:30–18:00

Information points

Tegel AirportTavel Center in Main Halldaily, 05:00–22:30

KaDeWe Travel Center, EGTauentzienstr. 21–24Monday–Friday, 09:30–20:00Saturday, 09:00–16:00

Rules of Conduct- Smoking is prohibited in the entire congress centre exceptin the areas designated for smokers.- It is prohibited to copy any presentation from the desktopsin the lecture rooms.- It is prohibited to take photos of any scientific material atthe conference.

Official LanguageThe official language of the European Planetary ScienceCongress 2006 is English. Simultaneous interpretation isnot provided. It is therefore expected that authors are ableto present their research more or less fluently in the Englishlanguage.

InsurancesThe organizers cannot accept liability for personal acci-dent, loss or damage to private property, which may beincurred as a result of the participation in the EuropeanPlanetary Science Congress 2006. Participants are, there-fore, advised to arrange appropriate insurance cover. Thisshould extend not only to travel but also to cancellation costs.


WLAN is available in the Passage Estrelsaal, Foyer Estrel-saal, Estelsaal, ECC4, ECC5, and in the Council Room.Power Sockets are available in the following rooms: Estrel-saal, ECC4, ECC5 and Paris.

Message Board

A message board is located close to the registration & infor-mation desk.


A photocopy machine is available at the registration &information desk.

Registration & Information DeskThe registration & information desk is located in the PassageEstrelsaal.

Opening Hours

Sunday, 17 September 200614:00–20:00

Monday–Thursday, 18–21 September 200608:00–18:00

Friday, 22 September 200608:00–12:00

Scientific CommitteeCo-Chairs

M. GrandeM. Blanc


R. SramaN. ThomasE. KallioA. M. HarriJ. ToporskiM. CoradiniO. Witasse


Page 4: European Space Agency Programme Book

E. ChassefièreH. LammerK. SzegoJ. P. LebretonA. CoustenisF. TaylorH. O. RuckerP. FalknerO. Dutuit

Local Organizing CommitteeChairs

R. SramaM. Grande


Copernicus GmbHM. BlancO. WitasseH. O. RuckerF. SpahnT. SpohnC. GuidiceN. KruppF. TaylorM. CoradiniI. Müller-Wodarg

Oral SessionsMonday–Thursday, 18–21 September 2006Timeblock 1 08:30–10:30Break 1 10:30–11:00Timeblock 2 11:00–13:00Lunch 13:00–14:30Timeblock 3 14:30–16:30Break 2 16:30–17:00Timeblock 4 17:00–19:00Timeblock 5 19:00–20:30

Friday, 22 September 2006Timeblock 1 08:30–10:30Break 1 10:30–11:00Timeblock 2 11:00–13:00Lunch 13:00–14:30Timeblock 3 14:30–16:30

Poster Display TimesMonday, 18 September 2006, 08:00 –Friday, 22 September 2006, 13:00

Author in Attendance

Tuesday, 19 September 2006, 19:00–20:30Thursday, 21 September 2006, 19:00–20:30

Posters are located in the Foyer Estrelsaal. Sticky tape isavailable at the registration & information desk.

Breaks & LunchCoffee Breaks10:30–11:00 and 16:30–17:00

Free coffee/tea will be served during the Coffee Breaks. Thecoffee station is close to the poster area in the Foyer Estrel-saal.


There are several restaurants located in the Estrel ConventionCenter which serve lunch.

Registration & Abstract ManagementCopernicus GmbHMax-Planck-Str. 1337191 Katlenburg-LindauGermanyTel: +49-5556-91099Fax: [email protected]

Copernicus Meetings

Copernicus Statement on Congress Organizing

Copernicus Meetings aims to organize scientific meetings, conferences and workshops as well as corresponding exhibitions in an efficient & innovative way for the benefit of any scientific union, society or organization. Combine our different service packages to fulfill your requirements on



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Missions and Techniques

MT1 Future Planetary Missions to be proposed in thecosmic vision framework including exploration missions

Convener: Chassefiere, E.Co-Convener(s): Vago, J., Muller, C., Coradini, M.Lecture Room: EstrelsaalChairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00076Vago, J. L.; Gardini, B.; Baglioni, P.; Kminek, G.; Gian-figlio, G.; ExoMars Project TeamScience objectives of ESA’s ExoMars mission (solicited)

11:30–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00158Falkner, P.Current Highlights on ESA’s Planetary Technology Refer-ence Studies (solicited)

12:00–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00592Spohn, T; Lognonne, P; Dehant, V; Giardini, D; Friis-Christensen, E; Calcutt, S; the GEP teamGEP, A Geophysical and Environemental integrated payloadfor ExoMars

12:15–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00432Harri, A.-M ; Pellinen, R.; Uspensky, M.; Linkin, V.;Lipatov, A.; Vorontsov, V.; Polyakov, A.; Savijarvi, H.METNET for Mars - network of observation posts foratmospheric science

12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00033Chassefière, E.; Langlais, B.;Leblanc, F.; Sotin, C.;Barabash, S.; Dehant, V.; Dougherty, M.; Lammer, H.;Mandea, M.; Vennerstrom, S.MEMO: Mars Escape and Magnetic Orbiter

12:45–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00279Barabash, S.; André, M.; Blomberg, L. G.; Lundin, R.;Marklund, G. T.; Rathsman, P.; von Schéele, F.; Wahlund, J.-E.Mars Orbiting Plasma Surveyor (MOPS)


Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00630Lognonné, P; Spohn, T; Dehant, V; Giardini, D; Pengo teamEuropean Network of Geophysical Planetary Observatories(solicited)

15:00–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00029Muller, C.From the APOLLO legacy to Mars, what can the manned ex-ploration programme bring to planetary science? (solicited)

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00651Foing, B.H.; ILEWG teamRationale and Roadmap for Moon Exploration

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00038Chassefière, E.; Aplin, K.; Ferencz, C.; Lopez-Moreno, J.;Leitner, J.; Marty, B.; Roos-Serote, M.; Titov, D.; Wil-son, C.; Witasse, O.; THE VEP TEAMPost-Venus Express exploration of Venus : an in-situ missionto characterize Venus climate evolution

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00524Korablev, O.; Zasova, L.; Perminov, V.; Ekonomov, A.;Basilevsky, A.; Gerasimov, M.; Linkin, V.; Rodin, A.;Skalsky, A.Venera-D: Russian mission for complex investigation ofVenus

16:15–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00346Gurvits, L.I. ; Pogrebenko, S.V.; Avruch, I.M.VLBI as a tool for planetary science missions


Chairperson: N.N.

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00684Blanc, M.; Coradini, A.; Drossart, P.; Fouchet, T.;Leblanc, F.; Ori, G.; Prieur, D.; Roos-Serote, M.;Thomas, N.; Westall, F.; Jupiter-EuropaA mission to Europa and the Jupiter System for the CosmicVision Programme

17:15–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00535Bolton, S; Juno Science TeamThe Juno New Frontiers Jupiter polar orbiter mission

17:30–17:45;EPSC2006-A-00283Cooper, J. F.; Sittler Jr., E. C.; Sturner, S. J.;Pitman, J. T.Exploring our outer solar system – The Giant Planet SystemObservers

17:45–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00521Schneider, J.; Riaud, P.; Tinetti, G.; SEE-COAST teamThe Super-Earth Explorer

18:00–18:15;EPSC2006-A-00220Barucci, M.A.; NEO-SR teamNEO Sample Return mission

18:15–18:30;EPSC2006-A-00292Grün, E.; Srama, R.; The Cosmic DUNE TeamThe Cosmic DUNE dust astronomy mission

18:30–18:45;EPSC2006-A-00480Altobelli, N. ; Lera, S.; Srama, R.; Vo, X.; De Kam, J.;Gruen, E.DuneXpress: dust astronomy with Dune and ConeXpress

18:45–19:00;EPSC2006-A-00458Heather, D; Zender, J; Arviset, CDistribution of scientific data from ESA’s planetary missionsvia the Planetary Science Archive (PSA)



Page 8: European Space Agency Programme Book

Geology of Terrestrial Planets

GT1 Terrestrial planets from cores to surfaces

Convener: Caprarelli, G.Co-Convener(s): Pondrelli, M.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00331Grasset, O.; Mocquet, A.; Sotin, C.Curve mass/radius for extrasolar Earth-like planets andocean planets

17:15–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00062Koch, C.; Christensen, U. R.; Hilchenbach, M.Determining Mercury’s tidal Love number and libration withlaser altimetry

17:30–17:45;EPSC2006-A-00019Gudkova, T.V.; Zharkov, V.N.Martian Interior Structure Models

17:45–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00410Khan, A.; Connolly, J.The Composition and Thermal State of Mars

18:00–18:15;EPSC2006-A-00338Forni, O.; Breuer, D.; Spohn, T.The Spinel-Perovskite phase transition and the magneticfield of Mars

18:15–18:30;EPSC2006-A-00087van den Berg, A.; van Thienen, P.Impact of melting and compositional differentiation onsecular cooling of planet Mars

18:30–18:45;EPSC2006-A-00315Walzer, U.; Hendel, R.; Burghardt, T.Preliminary dynamical models of thermal and chemicalevolution of the mantles of Mars and Earth

18:45–19:00;EPSC2006-A-00050Schumacher, S.; Breuer, D.An alternative explanation for recent volcanism on Mars

Chairperson: N.N.

19:00–19:15;EPSC2006-A-00390Werner, S. C.; Kronberg, P.; Hauber, E.; Grott, M.; Stein-berger, B.; Torsvik, T. H.; Neukum, G.Ancient Tectonic and Volcanic Activity in the Tharsis Region

19:15–19:30;EPSC2006-A-00109Grott, M. ; Kronberg, P.; Hauber, E.; Cailleau, B.;Werner, S.C.The style of rifting at the Coracis Fossae, Mars, and impli-cations for the structure of the early martian lithosphere

19:30–19:45;EPSC2006-A-00070Di Achille, G.Matching shorelines and fan-delta fronts indicate young(Early Amazonian) lacustrine activity in Shalbatana Vallis,Mars

19:45–20:00;EPSC2006-A-00095Zinzi, A. ; Palomba, E.; D’Amore, M.Monitoring albedo variations on Syrtis Major region of Marsfrom 1999 to 2004

20:00–20:15;EPSC2006-A-00074Purucker, M ; Mandea, MRemanent magnetization, or self-generation (Terra Cimme-ria, Mars)

20:15–20:30;EPSC2006-A-00241Falenty, A.; Kuhs, W.F.If not water then what? – The possible role of CO2 hydratesin terraforming processes on Mars

20:30–20:45;EPSC2006-A-00006Sharkov, E.Lunar maria – result of mantle plume activity?

20:45–21:00;EPSC2006-A-00452Salge, T.Chicxulub ejecta plume: Influence of sedimentary targetrock, volatiles and atmosphere


GT7 Venus’ geology from Magellan and other missions

Convener: Aittola, M.Co-Convener(s): Kostama, V., López Ruiz-Labranderas, I.Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00089López, I.; Martín-Gonzalez, F.; Márquez, A.; dePablo, M.A.; Carreño, F.Volcano-rift interaction on Venus: initial results from theBeta-Atla-Themis region

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00463Törmänen, T.; Aittola, M.; Kostama, P.; Raitala, J.Topographic characteristics of the multiple coronae onVenus: Preliminary results from measurements

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00218Romeo, I.; Capote, R.; Anguita, F.Structural analysis of Niobe Planitia, Venus: Evidence oflateral lithospheric displacement

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00142Leitner, J. J.; Aittola, M.; Firneis, M. G.; Törmänen, T.The Influence of Multiple Coronae, Arachnoids and Novaeon the Heat Loss due to Mantle Upwelling on Venus

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00313Aittola, M. ; Raitala, J.Classifications of Venusian Novae (astra)

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00359Kostama, V.-P.; Törmänen, T.Venusian arachnoids revisited


Planet Atmospheres and Oceans

PA4 Comparative exospheres: From the upper atmo-spheres of Solar System gas giants to extra-solar HotJupiters

Convener: Lammer, H.Co-Convener(s): Rauer, H.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:20;EPSC2006-A-00658Encrenaz, T.A comparative study of the atmospheres of the giant planets(solicited)


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11:20–11:40;EPSC2006-A-00300Ferlet, R.; Tinetti, G.; Désert, J.-M.; Hébrard, G.; Lecavelierdes Etangs, A.; Vidal-Madjar, A.Evaporation of hot Jupiters: observations and models(solicited)

11:40–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00669Yelle, R.Aeronomy of Extra-solar Giant Planets (solicited)

12:00–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00215Barthélemy, M.; Lilensten, J.Radiative transfer of overlapping lines. Application in thecases of the upper atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn and inthe case of extrasolar giant planets.

12:15–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00032Neuhaeuser, R.; Seifahrt, A.; Guenther, E.W.; Mu-grauer, M.; Hauschildt, P.Infrared spectra of exoplanet candidate GQ Lup b

12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00478Ekenback, A.; Holmstrom, M.; Lammer, H.; Selsis, F.;Lichtenegger, H.The Hydrogen Energetic Neutral Atom Environment of HotJupiters

12:45–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00639Patzer, A.B.C.; Gebauer, S.Comparison of nucleation processes in different extrasolarplanetary environments


PA6 Special session on Venus Express

Convener: Svedhem, H.Co-Convener(s): Titov, D., Aittola, M.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: AITOLLA, M.

17:00–17:20;EPSC2006-A-00742Svedhem, H.; Titov, D.; McCoy, D.; Rodriguez-Canabal, J.;Fabrega, J.The Venus Express Mission (solicited)

17:20–17:40;EPSC2006-A-00632Titov, D.V.; Svedhem, H.; Taylor, F.W.; THE VENUSEXPRESS TEAMScience background, goals, and highlights of the VenusExpress mission (solicited)

17:40–18:10;EPSC2006-A-00143Drossart, P.; Piccioni, G.; The VIRTIS/Venus ExpressTEAMFirst observations of VIRTIS at Venus (solicited)

18:10–18:20;EPSC2006-A-00273Tsang, C.C.C;Taylor, F.W.; Irwin, P.G.J; Drossart, P.;Piccioni, G.; Wilson, C.F.; VIRTIS/Venus ExpressPreliminary observations by Venus Express/VIRTIS of thedistribution of carbon monoxide in the lower atmosphere ofVenus

18:20–18:25;EPSC2006-A-00627Bézard, B.;Marcq, E.; The VIRTIS teamVariability of minor species beneath Venusian clouds:preliminary results from the VIRTIS instrument

18:25–18:30;EPSC2006-A-00183Helbert, J.; Marinangeli, L.; Piccioni, G.; Drossart, P.;Müller, N.; The VIRTIS on Venus Express TeamFirst surface observation of Venus with VIRTIS on VenusExpress

18:30–18:50;EPSC2006-A-00157Markiewicz, W.J.; The VMC TeamFirst results from Venus Monitoring Camera on VenusExpress (solicited)

18:50–18:55;EPSC2006-A-00634Moissl, R.; Markiewicz, W.J.; Titov, D.V.; Russo, P.;Keller, H.U.; Ignatiev, N.I.; Limaye, S.S.Observations of the global dynamics in the Venus uppercloud deck by the Venus Monitoring Camera onboard VenusExpress

18:55–19:15;EPSC2006-A-00574Bertaux, J.L.; Korablev, O.; Villard, E.; Fedorova, A.;Nevejans, D.; Neefs, E.; Montmessin, F.; Quémerais, E.;Vandaele, A.C.; Muller, C.First observations of SPICAV on board Venus Express.(solicited)

Chairperson: SVEDHEM, H.

19:15–19:35;EPSC2006-A-00100Nevejans, D.; Neefs, E.; Vandaele, A. C.;Muller, C. ;Fussen, D.; Berkenbosch, S.; Clairquin, R.; Korablev, O.;Federova, A.; Bertaux, J. L.First operations of the SOIR occultation infrared spectrome-ter in Venus orbit (solicited)

19:35–19:55;EPSC2006-A-00166Barabash, S.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Fedorov, A.; ASPERA-4The first results from the ASPERA-4 instrument of VenusExpress (solicited)

19:55–20:15;EPSC2006-A-00254Zhang, T. L.; THE MAG TEAMSolar wind interaction with Venus: Venus Express magneticfield experiment initial results (solicited)

20:15–20:20;EPSC2006-A-00061Martinecz, C.; Fraenz, M.; Woch, J.; Krupp, N.; Du-binin, E.; Roussos, E.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.Plasma boundaries around Venus

20:20–20:30;EPSC2006-A-00082Russell, C. T.; Zhang, T. L.; Wei, H. Y.; Delva, M.The Venus electromagnetic wave environment as observedby Venus Express



MA3 Neutral-Plasma Interactions for Planets, Moons,Asteroids and Comets

Convener: Mazelle, C.Co-Convener(s): Bertucci, C.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00057Russell, C. T.Solar wind interaction with Venusian atmosphere/exosphere:Lessons from the Pioneer Venus Mission (solicited)

11:30–11:45;EPSC2006-A-00280Barabash, S.; Fedorov, A.; Lundin, R.; Sauvaud, J.-A.Mars Express measurements of the Martian atmosphericerosion rates induced by the solar wind interaction

11:45–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00221Dubinin, E.; Fraenz, M.; Woch, J.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.;Yamauchi, M.Hydrogen exosphere at Mars. Pickup protons and theirinteraction at the bow shock


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12:00–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00289Boesswetter, A.; Simon, S.; Fraenz, M.; Krupp, N.;Woch, J.; Roussos, E.; Bagdonat, T.; Motschmann, U.The Martian Plasma Environment: Comparison of Mars-Express ASPERA-3 measurements with 3d hybrid simula-tions

12:15–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00443Neubauer, F.; Bertucci, C.; Dougherty, M.; Russell, C.Magnetotails and plasma wakes of induced magnetospheresinside the magnetospheres of Saturn and Jupiter (solicited)

12:45–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00382Jones, G. H.; Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Woch, J.;the Cassini MIMI teamThe interaction of Rhea with Saturn’s magnetosphere

13:00–13:30;EPSC2006-A-00304Sittler Jr., E. C. ; the CASSINI Magnetosphere TeamIon and neutral sources and sinks within Saturn’s innermagnetosphere: Cassini results (solicited)


Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00603Smith, H.T.; Johnson, R. E; Sittler, E.C.; Shappirio, M.;Reisenfeld, D.; Crary, F.J.; McComas, D.J.; Eviatar, A.;Young, D.T.Sources of Nitrogen in Saturn’s Inner Magnetosphere

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00233Saur, J.; Neubauer, F.M.; Strobel, D.F.; Dougherty, M.K.;Russell, C.T.Enceladus´ plasma interaction with Saturn’s magnetosphere

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00250Burger, M.H. ; Johnson, R.E.; Smith, H.T.; Sittler, E.C.;Shematovich, V.I.; Tucker, O.J.Saturn’s magnetospheric plasma and the formation of theEnceladus water tori

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00217Simon, S.; Boesswetter, A.; Bagdonat, T.; Motschmann, U.3D multispecies hybrid simulations of Titan’s highly vari-able plasma environment

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00638Moncuquet, M.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Lecacheux, A.In situ diagnostic of dusty plasmas at Saturn using theelectric antennas of Cassini/RPWS: deduced constraints ondust and plasma around the E ring and Enceladus.

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00135Bouhram, M.; Berthelier, J.-J.; Johnson, R.E.; Tokar, R.L.;Illiano, J.-M.; Coates, A.J.; André, N.; Crary, F.J.;Young, D.T.A model of the neutral and plasma tori around Saturn’s Aand B rings

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00563Sauer, K.; Fussmann, G.Plasma Wakes in Space and Laboratory


MA4 Space Weather and its Planetary Connection(Workshop)

Convener: Crosby, N.Co-Convener(s): Bothmer, V.Lecture Room: StraßburgChairperson: CROSBY, N.

14:30–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00666Panasyuk, M.Solar energetic particles: the current status of their originand space weather effects (solicited)

15:00–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00267Facius, R.; Reitz, G.Radiation Protection for Manned Interplanetary Missions –Radiation Sources, Risks, Remedies (solicited)

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00688Romanova, N.; Pilipenko, V.; Crosby, N.; Chizenkov, V.The Relationship of Satellite Anomalies and Launch Failuresto the Space Weather

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00661Kiehas, S.A.; Divin, A.; Penz, T.; Kubyshkin, I.V.; Se-menov, V.S.; Biernat, H.K.Reconnected flux during NFTE’s: Comparison betweennumerical simulation and analytical model

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00640Wiedenbeck, M.E.; Binns, W.R.; Cummings, A.C.;Davis, A.J.; de Nolfo, G.; Israel, M.H.; Leske, R.A.;Mewaldt, R.A.; Stone, E.C.; von Rosenvinge, T.T.Galactic cosmic ray composition, spectra, and time varia-tions

16:15–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00190Withers, P.; Mendillo, M.; Hinson, D.Space weather effects on the Mars ionosphere due to solarflares and meteors


Chairperson: CROSBY, N.




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Small Bodies

SB1 Advances in Meteor Research - Orbital and Spec-troscopic Studies

Convener: Trigo-Rodríguez, J.Co-Convener(s): Oberst, J.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: TRIGO-RODRIGUEZ, J.M.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00339Mc Auliffe, J.Modelling meteor phenomena in the atmospheres of theTerrestrial planets

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00507Christou, AThe present and future of comparative meteoroid-planetinteraction studies

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00517Oberst, J.; Flohrer, J.; Michaelis, H.; Schroedter, R.A Proposal for Meteor Detectors in Venus and/or Mars Orbit

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00016Trigo-Rodríguez, J.M.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Gural, P.S.;Jelínek, M.; Vítek, S.; Llorca, J.; Fabregat, J.; Troughton, B.;Gálvez, F.Determination of meteoroid fluxes by using a high-resall-sky camera

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00028V.P.Stulov, V.P.S; M.I.Gritsevich, M.I.G.Preatmospheric masses of large fireballs from the Canadiannetwork

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00486Abe, S.; Borovicka, J.; Spurny, P.; Koten, P.; Ceplecha, Z.;Tamagawa, T.; Meteor Network Team in JapanEarth-grazing fireball on March 29, 2006

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00341Trigo-Rodriguez, J.M.; Ortiz, J.L.; Llorca, J.; Santos-Sanz, P.Sporadic impact flashes on the Moon and their implications

16:15–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00546Tost, W.; Oberst, J.; Flohrer, J.; Laufer, R.Lunar Impact Flashes: History of observations and recom-mendations for future campaigns



Page 12: European Space Agency Programme Book



Missions and Techniques

MT1 Future Planetary Missions to be proposed in thecosmic vision framework including exploration missions

Convener: Chassefiere, E.Co-Convener(s): Vago, J., Muller, C., Coradini, M.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

8:30–8:45;EPSC2006-A-00188Dehant, V.; Van Hoolst, T.; Le Maistre, S.; Karatekin, O.;Beuthe, M.; Rosenblatt, P.; Yseboodt, M.; Duron, J.; Bar-riot, J.P.Radio science opportunities on Mars with an orbiter andlander(s)

8:45–9:00;EPSC2006-A-00414Hartogh, P.; de Maagt, P.Submm Wave Instrument (SWI) on a potential ExoMarsorbiter

9:00–9:15;EPSC2006-A-00363Vaisberg, O.; Berthelier, J.-J.; Torkar, K.; Leblanc, F.;Woch, J.; Avanov, L.; Skalski, A.; Delcourt, D.; Smirnov, V.;Koinash, G.Panoramic imaging mass-spectrometer for planetary studies

9:15–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00607Stam, D.M.; Laan, E.; Selig, A.; Hoogeveen, R.;Hasekamp, O.Polarimetry as a tool for studying planets and their atmo-spheres

9:30–9:45;EPSC2006-A-00297Popp, J.; Frosch, T.; Tarcea, N.; Schmitt, M.; Thiele, H.;Hofer, S.; Stuffler, T.; Hochleitner, R.; Langenhorrst, F.;Thomas, N.Miras 2 - Comaparative Raman Studies With DifferentExitation Wavelengths Performed on Mars Meteorites

9:45–10:00;EPSC2006-A-00105Ferencz, Cs.; Lichtenberger, J.; Ferencz, O.E.; Steinbach, P.Opportunity and benefits of monitoring of the electromag-netic environment of a planet

10:00–10:15;EPSC2006-A-00449Mitrofanov, I.Instrumentation for Neutron Activation Analysis of Subsur-face Composition of Mars and Moon

10:15–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00605Owen, T.; Encrenaz, Th.; Bolton, S.; Lebreton, J-P;Atreya, S.; Gautier, D.; Fulchignoni, M.; Niemann, H.;Coradini, A.; Ip, W.-H.Saturn Express: A Microwave Sounder Plus Probe


MT2/N7 Virtual observatories and databases: Sciencecases for IDIS

Convener: Chanteur, G.Co-Convener(s): Krupp, N., Harri, A., Flamini, E.Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:15;EPSC2006-A-00395Krupp, N.Planetary aurorae and their electrodynamic drivers: solarwind vs. internal processes (solicited)

11:15–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00306Leblanc, F.IDIS Science Case: Titan Ion-Neutral chemistry: under-standing observations and constraining models (solicited)

11:30–11:45;EPSC2006-A-00393Grieger, B.; Leblanc, F.; Fränz, M.; Lammer, H.; Siili, T.;Tokano, T.A science case on atmospheric circulation (solicited)

11:45–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00422Coustenis, A.; EUROPLANET WG3&5Catalogue of IR and Raman spectra of gas CH4 and othermolecules’ coefficients, organics, minerals and ices (so-licited)

12:00–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00321Grasset, O.Exchange processes from the deep interior to the surface oficy moons (solicited)

12:15–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00417Coustenis, A.; EUROPLANET WG3&5Dating planetary surfaces from cratering processes: forma-tion of the solar system (solicited)

12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00405Lammer, H.; Selsis, F.; Eiroa, C.; Fridlund, M.Planets under Extreme Stellar Conditions (solicited)

12:45–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00416Coustenis, A.; EUROPLANET WG3&5Definition and archiving of ground-based observations insupport of space missions (solicited)


Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00616Zender, J.; Crichton, D.; Interoperability Working TeamPlanetary Science Archives Interoperability, A Prototype be-tween NASA’s Planetary Data System and ESA’s PlanetaryScience Archive (solicited)

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00623Zender, J.; Castro, M.; The Interoperability Working GroupPlanetary Science Archives Interoperability: A PrototypeApplication (solicited)


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15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00583Michael, G.; van Gasselt, S.; Walter, S.; Neukum, G.;Jaumann, R.HRSCview-web: a web-based exploration system for MarsExpress HRSC images (solicited)

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00508Walter, S.H.G; Gasselt, S. v.; Michael, G.; Neukum, G.Footprint Representation of Planetary Remote Sensing Data(solicited)

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00714Jacquey, C.; Bocchialini, K.; Aboudarham, J.; Meunier, N.;André, N.; Génot, V.; Harvey, C.; Budnik, E.; Hitier, R.;Gangloff, M.; Bouchemit, M.Toward a Virtual Observatory for Solar System Plasmas: anexceptional scientific opportunity (solicited)

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00715Sarkissian, A.Planetology in VO: Workflow for fast and simple analysis ofElodie Spectra (solicited)

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00618Thuillot, W. ; Berthier, J.; Vaubaillon, J.; Vachier, F.;Iiglesias, J.; Lainey, V.VO study for the improvement of orbits of Near-EarthObjects (solicited)

16:15–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00624Garmier, A.;Lainey, V.; Lounis, S.; Dehant, V.; Thuillot, W.Astrometric reduction of spacecraft observations of thenatural satellites (solicited)


Lecture Room: StraßburgChairperson: N.N.



Geology of Terrestrial Planets

GT2 Mercury’s place among the terrestrial planets

Convener: Benkhoff, J.Co-Convener(s): Schulz, R.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00682Sprague, A. L.Observables to be established to distinguish between Forma-tion Models of Mercury (solicited)

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00577Warell, J.Mercury’s place among the terrestrial planets: Summary onwhat can be measured from ground (solicited)

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00081Langevin, YA comparison of the science capabilities of BepiColomboand Messenger for planetary science (solicited)

15:30–16:30 Each participant is welcome to prepare aone-minute presentation (1 slide) related to the main topic ofthe session



MA1 Comparative Magnetospheres (Panel Discussion)

Convener: Grande, M.Co-Convener(s): Kallio, E.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:40;EPSC2006-A-00294Grande, MComparative Magnetospheres

14:40–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00584Russell, C. T.Comparative magnetospheres: Common processes in un-common settings

15:00–15:20;EPSC2006-A-00740Opgenoorth, H.Comparative Substorms

15:20–15:40;EPSC2006-A-00008Delcourt, D.; Leblanc, F.; Seki, K.; Terada, N.The magnetospheres of Mercury and Earth

15:40–15:55;EPSC2006-A-00499Aplin, K.L.Electrical processes in planetary lower atmospheres

15:55–16:10;EPSC2006-A-00391Krupp, N.Jupiter’s magnetosphere after Galileo, Saturn’s magneto-sphere after 2 years of Cassini in orbit: Highlights and openquestions?



Chairperson: GRANDE M

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00122Hospodarsky, G. B.; Menietti, J. D.; Averkamp, T. F.;Kurth, W. S.; Gurnett, D. A.; Dougherty, M. K.Comparison of chorus at Saturn, Jupiter and the Earth

17:15–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00483Kronberg, E. A.; Woch, J.; Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Glass-meier, K.-H.Comparison periodic substorms at Jupiter and Earth

17:30–17:45;EPSC2006-A-00495André, N.; THE CASSINI MAPS TRANSPORT TEAMInterchange Signatures in Giant Planet Magnetospheres

17:45–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00455Schippers, P.; the CAPS/MIMI/RPWS teamsAnalysis of inter - calibrated electron observations inSaturn’s inner magnetosphere

18:00–18:15;EPSC2006-A-00540Ip, W.-H.On ionospheric control of the radial spoke formation in theSaturnian rings

18:15–18:30;EPSC2006-A-00461Bespalov, P.A.Excitation of whistler waves in three spectral bands in theradiation belts of Jupiter and Saturn

18:30–18:45;EPSC2006-A-00549Achilleos, N.; Arridge, C. S.; Dougherty, M. K.; Jackman, C.M.; McAndrew, H. J.; Coates, A. J.The effects of solar wind variability on Saturn’s magne-topause


Page 14: European Space Agency Programme Book

18:45–19:00;EPSC2006-A-00035Wurz, P.; Galli, A.; Barabash, S.; Grigoriev, A.; Gunell, H.;Lundin, R.; Holmström, M.; Fedorov, A.Energetic hydrogen and oxygen atoms at the nightside ofMars


MA9 Planetary Magnetism

Convener: Cowley, S.Co-Convener(s): Breuer, D., Nichols, J.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: N.N.

8:30–8:45;EPSC2006-A-00385Verigin, M.I. ; Slavin, J.A.Mission MARS 3, January 1972: The first observation ofMartian crustal magnetization?

8:45–9:05;EPSC2006-A-00154Connerney, J; Acuna, M; Ness, NMars crustal magnetism, plate tectonics, and more (solicited)

9:05–9:20;EPSC2006-A-00099Quesnel, Y.; Langlais, B.; Mandea, M.; Sotin, C.Inversion of adjacent martian lithospheric magnetic anoma-lies to investigate early Mars’ geological processes

9:20–9:40;EPSC2006-A-00400Balogh, A.Mercury’s planetary magnetic field: origin and determina-tion (solicited)

9:40–9:55;EPSC2006-A-00386Krupp, N. ; Jones, G.H.; Roussos, E.; Lagg, A.;Mitchell, D.G.; Krimigis, S.M.; Arridge, C.; McAn-drews, H.; Dougherty, M.K.; Kurth, W.The Saturnian magnetosphere after two years of Cassini insitu results

9:55–10:15;EPSC2006-A-00403Dougherty, M. K.Recent results from the Cassini magnetometer at Saturn(solicited)

10:15–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00617Arridge, C.S.; Russell, C.T.; Khurana, K.K.;Dougherty, M.K.Saturn’s Magnetodisc Current Sheet: Observations, Theoryand Modelling


Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:15;EPSC2006-A-00450Jackman, C.M.Relationship between interplanetary magnetic field structure,magnetospheric dynamics, and SKR emissions during thedeclining phase of the solar cycle

11:15–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00124Badman, S.V.; Cowley, S.W.H; Gérard, J.-C.; Grodent, D.;Wild, J.A.A statistical analysis of the location and width of Saturn’saurora, and implications for magnetospheric dynamics

11:30–11:45;EPSC2006-A-00545Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Jones, G.H.; Paranicas, C.;Lagg, A.; Woch, J.; Mitchell, D.G.; Krimigis, S.M.;Dougherty, M.K.Icy moon absorption signatures reveal non-axisymmetricdrift shells in the Saturnian radiation belts: implications fora magnetospheric electric field?

11:45–12:05;EPSC2006-A-00243Southwood, D.Periodicity and repeatability in data (solicited)

12:05–12:20;EPSC2006-A-00175Grodent, D.; Gérard, J.-C.; Gustin, J.; Clarke, J.T.; Conner-ney, J.E.Current thinking about Jupiter’s magnetic anomaly

12:20–12:35;EPSC2006-A-00170Bonfond, B.; Grodent, D.; Gérard, J.-C.Dynamics of the Io UV footprints: short timescale brightnessvariations

12:35–12:50;EPSC2006-A-00379Jacobsen, S.; Neubauer, F.M.; Saur, J.; Schilling, N.3D-Simulations of Ios nonlinear MHD wave field in theheterogeneous Jovian magnetosphere

12:50–13:05;EPSC2006-A-00150Vasyliunas, V.Physical origin of pickup currents


Planetary Moons

PM4/PA2 Nitrogen in the Solar System and chemicalcomposition of Titan

Convener: Dutuit, O.Co-Convener(s): Gazeau, M., Coustenis, A., Chassefiere, E.,Atreya, S.Lecture Room: EstrelsaalChairperson: COUSTENIS, A.

8:30–9:00;EPSC2006-A-00049Marty, B. ; Burnard, P.; Chaussidon, M.; Hashizume, K.;Wieler, R.; Zimmermann, L.On the nitrogen isotope composition of the solar nebula(solicited)

9:00–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00051Owen, T.; Niemann, H.; Mahaffy, P.; Atreya, S.The Origin of Planetary Nitrogen (solicited)

9:30–10:00;EPSC2006-A-00647Chassefière, E.Nitrogen on terrestrial planets (solicited)

10:00–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00086Atreya, S.K; Niemann, H.B.; Mahaffy, P.R.; Owen, T.C.Origin and evolution of nitrogen on Titan, Enceladus, Triton,and Pluto (solicited)



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Chairperson: ATREYA, S.

11:00–11:20;EPSC2006-A-00513Leblanc, F.; Chaufray, J.Y.; Bertaux, J.L.Observation by SPICAM UV Spectrograph of the Nitrogenin the Martian upper atmosphere (solicited)

11:20–11:40;EPSC2006-A-00628Young, E; Olkin, C; Grundy, W; Young, L.; Schmitt, B;Tokunaga, A; Owen, T; Roush, T; Terada, HCharacterization of nitrogen ice on Pluto’s surface from 1-4micron spectroscopy (solicited)

11:40–12:10;EPSC2006-A-00274Bézard, B.Titan’s Stratospheric Chemistry from Cassini-HuygensInfrared Measurements (solicited)

12:10–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00426Coustenis, A.; The CIRS Investigation TeamNitrogen compounds in Titan’s stratosphere (solicited)

12:30–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00130Vuitton, V.; Yelle, R.; Somogyi, A.; Smith, M.; Anicich, V.Formation of complex molecules in Titan’s upper atmo-sphere (solicited)


Chairperson: DUTUIT, O.

14:30–14:50;EPSC2006-A-00104Carrasco, N.;Pernot, P.Uncertainty analysis for complex chemical systems (so-licited)

14:50–15:10;EPSC2006-A-00673Bénilan, Y.Infrared and Ultraviolet spectroscopic current knowledgeand needs to characterize Titan atmospheric compositionfrom Cassini (solicited)

15:10–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00665Franceschi, P.Laboratory reactivity measurements (solicited)

15:30–15:50;EPSC2006-A-00663Szopa, C.; Cernogora, G.; Bernard, J.; Coll, P.; Raulin, F.Implications of the organic aerosols in the chemical carboncycle on Titan (solicited)

15:50–16:10;EPSC2006-A-00532Schmitt, B.Composition and physico-chemical cycles of Titan’s surface(solicited)

16:10–16:30General Discussion (common to PA2 and PM4sessions)


Chairperson: GAZEAU, M.-C.

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00116Vinatier, S.; Bézard, B.; CIRS Investigation Team, TheTemperature and abundance vertical profiles of Titan’sequator and north pole as retrieved from Cassini/CIRS limbspectra

17:15–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00145Casavecchia, P.; Balucani, N.; Leonori, F.; Segoloni, E.;Petrucci, R.; Bergeat, A.; Stranges, D.Possible chemical routes to CO formation in the atmosphereof Titan from laboratory studies

17:30–17:45;EPSC2006-A-00326Jolly, A.; Benilan, Y.; Fayt, A.Experimental and theoretical study of the HC3N and C4H2infrared spectra leading to the detection of hot bands on Titan

17:45–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00451Berteloite, C.; Le Picard, S.D.; Canosa, A.; Sims, I.R.;Bénilan, Y.; Gazeau, M-C.Rate constants for the reaction of C4H radical with varioushydrocarbons at very low temperatures (15 K – 300K)relevant to the atmospheric chemistry of Titan

18:00–18:15;EPSC2006-A-00530Thissen, R.; Dutuit, O.; Pernot, P.; Carrasco, N.; Lilen-sten, J.; Quirico, E.; Schmitt, B.New laboratory approach to study Titan ionospheric chem-istry

18:15–18:30;EPSC2006-A-00110Bernard, J.-M.; Quirico, E.; Montagnac, G.; Rouzaud, J.-N.; Szopa, C.; Cernogora, G.; Coll, P.; Nguyen, M.-J.;Raulin, F.; Reynard, B.; Schmitt B.Chemical structure and optical properties of Titan’s tholins.Implications for the analysis of spectral data of Cassini-Huygens mission

18:30–18:45;EPSC2006-A-00204Nguyen, M-J; Raulin, F; Coll, P; Derenne, S; Szopa, C;Cernogora, G; Israël, G; Bernard, J-MCarbon isotopic enrichment in Titan’s tholins? Implicationsfor Titan’s aerosols

18:45–19:00;EPSC2006-A-00312Sekine, Y.; Imanaka, H.; Lebonnois, S.; Khare, B.N.;Bakes, E.L.O; McKay, C.P.; Sugita, S.; Matsui, T.The role of organic haze in the hydrogen budget on Titan



ON1 Planetary formation and the origin of the SolarSystem

Convener: Morbidelli, A.Co-Convener(s): Ehrenfreund, P., Krot, A.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00735Halliday, A. N.The formation of terrestrial planets (solicited)

11:30–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00037Alibert, Y. ; Mordasini, C.; Benz, W.Formation of giant planets (solicited)




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Lecture Room: StraßburgChairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00120Guillot, T. ; Santos, N.; Pont, F.; Iro, N.; Melo, C.; Ribas, I.Planet formation: constraints from transiting extrasolarplanets

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00536Mousis, O.; Marboeuf, U.Volatile enrichments in Jupiter and Saturn: testing the theoryof clathration

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00551Fouchet, L; Gonzalez, J.-F.; Murray, J.; Maddison, S.Gap formation in the dust layer of a protoplanetary disk

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00636Lacny, A.; Szuszkiewicz, E.On the pairs of Earth-like planets evolving in a protoplane-tary disc


ON2 Celestial mechanics

Convener: Dvorak, R.Co-Convener(s): Pilat-Lohniger, E.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

12:00–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00575robutel, P.The dynamics of Trojans in our solar system. (solicited)

12:30–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00667Ferraz Mello, S.The stability of Extra Solar Planetary Systems (solicited)


Lecture Room: StraßburgChairperson: N.N.

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00102von Bloh, W; Bounama, C; Franck, SDynamic habitability for earth-like planets in 86 extrasolarplanetary systems

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00153Freistetter, F.; Krivov, A.Possible Planets in the beta Pictoris system

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00260Gusev, A.; Kitiashvili, I.Transition from a direct rotation to the reverse rotation ofexoplanets by action of the basic perturbations

16:15–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00368Schwarz, R; Dvorak, R; Pilat-Lohinger, E; Erdi, BTrojan planets in HD108874?



Page 17: European Space Agency Programme Book








Geology of Terrestrial Planets

GT4 Evolving Mars: recent results on climate andgeology

Convener: Jaumann, R.Co-Convener(s): Raitala, J.Lecture Room: EstrelsaalChairperson: N.N.

8:30–9:00;EPSC2006-A-00611Neukum, G.; Basilevsky, A.T.; van Gasselt, S.; Greeley, R.;Hauber, E.; Head, J.W.; Hoffmann, H.; Ivanov, B.A.;Jaumann, R.; McCord, T.B.The Geological Evolution of Mars as Seen through the MarsExpress High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) (solicited)

9:00–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00685Bibring, J.-P.Mars Mineralogical history derived from OMEGA MEXdata (solicited)

9:30–9:45;EPSC2006-A-00034Jaumann, R.; Reiss, D.; Sander, T.; Gwinner, K.;Roatsch, T.; Matz, K.-D.; Hauber, E.; Mertens, V.; Hoff-mann, H.; Neukum, G.; The HRSC Co-Investigator TeamSource regions and water release mechanisms of MartianValley Networks

9:45–10:00;EPSC2006-A-00060Kleinhans, M.; Postma, G.; van Dijk, M.Martian alluvial fans and fan deltas as climate archives usinganalogue laboratory experiments

10:00–10:15;EPSC2006-A-00078Langevin, Y.; Vincendon, M.; Doute, S.; Poulet, F.;Bibring, J.-P.; Gondet, B.; Forget, F.; Montmessin, F.;Schmitt, B.Evolution of the seasonal polar caps of Mars over more thanone martian year

10:15–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00212Rossi, A. P.; Helbert, J.; Pacifici, A.; Pondrelli, M.;Benkhoff, J.; Zegers, T.; Chicarro, A.; Foing, B.Recent ice-related landforms at high altitude on Mars(Thaumasia Highland)


Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:15;EPSC2006-A-00083Vincendon, M.; Langevin, Y.; Poulet, F.; Bibring, J.P.;Gondet, B.The role of atmospheric dust in near-IR remote sensingobservations of the south polar cap of Mars as seen byOMEGA/Mex

11:15–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00168Loizeau, D.; Mangold, N.; Poulet, F.; Bibring, J.-P.;Neukum, G.; THE OMEGA TEAMGeology of phyllosilicates rich outcrops in the MawrthVallis region, Mars, as seen by OMEGA and HRSC/MarsExpress

11:30–11:45;EPSC2006-A-00189Jouglet, D.; Poulet, F.; Bibring, J.P.; Langevin, Y.;Gondet, B.; Milliken, R.E.; Mustard, J.F.Analysis of Mars surface hydration through theMEx/OMEGA observation of the 3µm absorption band

11:45–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00264Palomba, E.; D’Amore, M.; Zinzi, A.; Maturilli, A.;Formisano, V.Martian Low albedo regions: views from PFS-MEX longwavelenght channel

12:00–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00399Dreibus, G.; Brückner, J.; Gellert, R.; Athena Science TeamChemical Composition of Rocks in the Columbia Hills atGusec Crater, Mars

12:15–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00421Morgenstern, A.; Hauber, E.; Reiss, D.; Van Gasselt, S.;Grosse, G.; Schirrmeister, L.Deposition and degradation of a volatile-rich layer in UtopiaPlanitia, Mars

12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00593Klingelhöfer, G.; Morris, R.V.; Rodionov, D.; Schröder, C.;Yen, A.; Ming, D.W.; Fleischer, I.Mineralogy on Mars at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planumas seen by the MER Mössbauer Spectrometers

12:45–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00597Le Deit, L.; Gendrin, A.; Le Mouélic, S.; Combe, J-Ph.;Bourgeois, O.; Mège, D.; Sotin, C.; Hauber, E.; Bibring, J.-P.Identification of ferric oxides in East Candor Chasma (VallesMarineris, Mars) with several methods of analysis ofOMEGA/Mars Express data – geomorphological context


Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00159Schmidt, F.; Doute, S.; Schmitt, B.Following the south polar cap recession as viewed byOMEGA/MEX using automatic detection of H2O and CO2ices

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00171Mouginot, J.; Kofman, W.; Herique, A.; Plaut, J.;Safaeinili, A.; Ivanov, A.; Picardi, G.Marsis penetrating radar measurement of the total electroncontent and of the south polar layered deposits

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00334Kreslavsky, M.; Head, J.Polar layered deposits on Mars: Inner structure and relationto the climate record

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00187McCord, T. B.; Combe, J-P.; Hayne, P. O.Mars Surface Compositional Units and Some GeologicalImplications from the Mars Express High Resolution StereoCamera (HRSC)


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15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00332Hauber, E.; Gwinner, K.; Gendrin, A.; Fueten, F.;Stesky, R.; Pelkey, S.; Zegers, T.; Bibring, J.P.; Jaumann, R.;Neukum, G.Geomorphological and mineralogical mapping of HebesChasma, Mars

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00394Basilevsky, A. T.; Werner, S. C.; van Gasselt, S.;Neukum, G.; Dumke, A.; Ivanov, B. A.; Gwinner, K.Geology of the western, eastern and northern flanks of theOlympus Mons volcano as seen in HRSC and MOC images

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00464Ivanov, B.Mars cratering chronology: new estimates

16:15–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00501Jagoutz, E.; Jotter, R.; Kubny, A.; Zartman, R.Pb Iisopote data of SNC meteorites and implications on theage of the Martian surface


Chairperson: N.N.

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00615Mangold, N.; Gendrin, A.; Quantin, C.; Bibring, J.-P.;Gondet, B.; Langevin, Y.; Ansan, V.; Masson, P.; NeukumHRSC and OMEGA teams, G.Geologic analysis of sulfate-rich outcrops of West CandorChasma, Mars, using OMEGA/MEx and HRSC/MEx data

17:15–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00561Pinet, P.; OMEGA TeamDetection and regional mapping of mafic minerals acrossSyrtis Major from OMEGA / Mars Express observationsin the visible-near infrared domain by means of MGMdeconvolution

17:30–17:45;EPSC2006-A-00191Bleacher, J.;Williams, D.; Greeley, R.; Neukum, G.Style of Amazonian effusive volcanism at Olympus Monsand the Tharsis Montes, Mars, inferred from lava flowmapping on HRSC images

17:45–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00213Baptista, A.; Mangold, N.; Ansan, V.; Lognonné, P.The unique volcanic type of Syria Planum, Mars: Geophysi-cal analysis using Mars Express - HRSC data

18:00–18:15;EPSC2006-A-00349Greeley, R.; Whelley, P.L.; Arvidson, R.E.; Cabrol, N.A.;Foley, D.J.; Franklin, B.J.; Geissler, P.G.; Golombek, M.P.;Kuzmin, R.O.; Landis, G.A.; .Active dust devils in Gusev crater, Mars: observations fromthe Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit

18:15–18:30;EPSC2006-A-00497Markiewicz, W.J ; Kossacki, K.J.; Portyankina, G.; Garcia-Comas, M.; Keller, H.U.; Neukum, G.Conditions for water ice accumulation within craters on Mars

18:30–18:45;EPSC2006-A-00249D’Amore, M. ; Palomba, E.; Grassi, D.; Maturilli, A.;Zinzi, A.; Formisano, V.Extracting the aerosol spectral features on Mars fromPFS-MEX data

18:45–19:00;EPSC2006-A-00420Lahtela, H.; Korteniemi, J.; Ori, G. G.; Baratoux, D.;Vaucher, J.Anomalious modifications of a Martian crater in Arabia Terra


GT5 Geochemistry of the terrestrial planets and aster-oids: from orbit to samples

Convener: Fernandes, V.Co-Convener(s): Tagle, R., Casanova, I.Lecture Room: StraßburgChairperson: FERNANDES, V. AND TAGLE, R.

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00131Fernandes, V.A.; Burgess, R.Importance of lunar meteorites in understanding the evolu-tion of the Moon

17:15–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00247Brunetto, R.; Vernazza, P.; Marchi, S.; Birlan, M.;Fulchignoni, M.; Orofino, V.; Strazzulla, G.A spectral model for irradiated silicates: application toasteroid 832 Karin

17:30–17:45;EPSC2006-A-00351Tagle, R.; Claeys, Ph.Meteorites and projectiles in terrestrial impact craters:implications for the composition of the asteroid belt

17:45–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00389Diez, B.; Maurice, S.; Feldman, W.; Gasnault, O.; Pretty-man, T.; d’Uston, C.Stratigraphy of hydrogen in the top meter of Mars



MA7 Planetary Radio Emissions (Panel Discussion)

Convener: Rucker, H.Co-Convener(s): Lecacheux, A.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:40;EPSC2006-A-00409Rucker, H. O.Non-thermal radio emission fundamentals: A database formethods, tools, references, and open problems

14:40–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00125Kurth, W.S. ; Lecacheux, A.; Zarka, P.; Gurnett, D.A.;Cecconi, B.Saturn’s variable radio period (solicited)

15:00–15:10;EPSC2006-A-00148Khodachenko, M. L.; Kislyakov, A. G.; Panchenko, M.;Rucker, H. O.Long-periodic modulations of SKR and the near Saturn solarwind plasma environment – Possible planetary and solareffects

15:10–15:20;EPSC2006-A-00216Taubenschuss, U.; Rucker, H. O.; Kurth, W. S.; Cecconi, B.;Zarka, P.; Dougherty, M. K.; Steinberg, J. T.Linear filtering of Saturn kilometric radiation and the solarwind

15:20–15:40;EPSC2006-A-00229Konovalenko, A.A.; Lecacheux, A.; Rucker, H.O.; Fis-cher, G.; Abranin, E.P.; Kalinichenko, N.N.; Falkovich, I.S.;Sidorchuk, K.M.Ground-based decameter wavelength observations of Saturnelectrostatic discharges (solicited)

15:40–15:50;EPSC2006-A-00064Akalin, F. ; Gurnett, D.A.; Averkamp, T.F.; Persoon, A.M.;Santolik, O.; Kurth, W.S.; Hospodarsky, G.B.The first whistler observed in the magnetosphere of Saturn


Page 19: European Space Agency Programme Book






15:50–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00498Rosc, J. B.; Macher, W.; Rucker, H. O.Rheometry measurements for LF antenna calibration foroperation in space

16:00–16:10;EPSC2006-A-00345Oswald, T.H.; Macher, W.; Rucker, H.O.On the calibration of spacecraft antennas

16:10–16:20;EPSC2006-A-00504Karlsson, R. L.; Macher, W.; Taubenschuss, U.; Rucker, H.O.; the Cassini/RPWS team, .In-flight calibration of the Cassini Radio and Plasma WaveScience (RPWS) antennas after the Huygens probe release

16:20–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00468Lecacheux, A.Fine Structures of Planetary Radio Emissions


Chairperson: N.N.

17:00–17:10;EPSC2006-A-00236Litvinenko, G.V. ; Rucker, H.O.; Lecacheux, A.; Kono-valenko, A.A.; Vinogradov, V.V.; Shaposhnikov, V.E.;Taubenschuss, U.New high sensitive investigation of the modulation effects inthe sporadic Jovian DAM emission

17:10–17:20;EPSC2006-A-00286Melnik, V.N. ; Rucker, H.O.; Konovalenko, A.A.;Lecacheux, A.; Falkovich, I.S.Study of Solar-Terrestrial Connections in the Highlightof Simultaneous Observations with STEREO and UTR-2,URAN, NDA Ground-Based Radio Telescopes

17:20–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00322Grießmeier, J.-M.; Zarka, P.; Spreeuw, H.Expected Characteristics for exoplanetary radio Emission

17:30–17:40;EPSC2006-A-00266Majid, W. ; Winterhalter, D.; Chandra, I.; Kuiper, T.;Lazio, J.; Naudet, C.; Zarka, P.Search for Radio Emission from Extrasolar Planets: Prelim-inary Analysis of GMRT Data



MA8 Atmospheric Electricity and Lightning in the SolarSystem

Convener: Aplin, K.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00176Hamelin, M.; PWA-HASI and ISSI TEAMTitan’s atmospheric electricity from the measurements ofthe PWA-HASI instrument on board the HUYGENS probe(solicited)

11:30–11:45;EPSC2006-A-00242Fischer, G.; Dyudina, U.; Kaiser, M. L.; Lecacheux, A.;Zarka, P.; Kurth, W. S.; Ingersoll, A. P.; Gurnett, D. A.Radio and imaging observations of the giant Saturn lightningstorm from early 2006

11:45–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00670Takahashi, Y.; Yoshida, J.; Ueda, S.; Ushio, T.; Tsut-sumi, M.Strategy of Venus lightning detection by orbiter

12:00–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00182Harrison, G.Fair weather terrestrial atmospheric electricity (solicited)

12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00377Yair, Y. ; Yaniv, R.Sprites in other planetary atmospheres

12:45–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00690Schwingenschuh, K.; TeamIn-situ observations of electric Field fluctuations and impul-sive events during the Descent of the HUYGENS Probe inthe atmosphere of Titan


Planetary Moons

PM1/PM3 Titan’s lower atmosphere and surface afterCassini-Huygens

Convener: Sotin, C.Co-Convener(s): Coustenis, A., Zarnecki, J., Harri, A.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:50;EPSC2006-A-00439Griffith, C.Atmospheric effects on Titan’s surface (solicited)

14:50–15:05;EPSC2006-A-00252Ferri, F. ; Fulchignoni, M.; Colombatti, G.; Coustenis, A.;Harri, A.M.; Zarnecki, J.C.; McKay, C.P.; Tokano, T.; andHASI, teamHuygens ASI measurements at Titan: an insight of Titan’satmosphere

15:05–15:20;EPSC2006-A-00031Tokano, T.; McKay, C. P.; Neubauer, F. M.; Atreya, S. K.;Ferri, F.; Fulchignoni, M.; Niemann, H. B.Methane drizzle on Titan

15:20–15:35;EPSC2006-A-00232Lavvas, P.; Coustenis, A.; Vardavas, I.M.Coupling photochemistry with haze formation inTitan’satmosphere

15:35–15:50;EPSC2006-A-00586Rodriguez, S.; Le Mouélic, S.; Hirtzig, M.; Tobie, G.;Sotin, C.; Rannou, P.; Griffith, C.A.; Brown, R.H.Mapping clouds of Titan with the VIMS imaging spectrom-eter onboard CASSINI

15:50–16:05;EPSC2006-A-00620Keller, H. U.; Rodin, A. V.; Skorov, Yu.V.; Grieger, B.;Tomasko, M. J.Microphysical transition of tholin aerosols below Titantropopause

16:05–16:25;EPSC2006-A-00058Soderblom, L.Titan’s surface properties: correlations among DISR,RADAR and VIMS (solicited)

16:25–16:40;EPSC2006-A-00491Le Mouélic, S.; Paillou, P.; Rodriguez, S.; Crapeau, M.;Sotin, C.; Hirtzig, M.; Brown, R.H.; Soderblom, L.;Clark, R.; Buratti, B.Comparison between VIMS and radar data on Sinlap crateron Titan



Page 20: European Space Agency Programme Book

Chairperson: N.N.

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00489Schröder, S.E.; Keller, H.U.The Reflectance Spectrum of Titan’s Surface as determinedby DISR

17:15–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00602Brown, R. H.; Griffith, C. A.; Lunine, J. I.; Barnes, J. W.Polar Caps on Titan?

17:30–17:45;EPSC2006-A-00404Nelson, R. M.; the VIMS TeamRegional Reflectance Change on Titan’s Surface: Implica-tions for Atmospheric and Volcanic Activity

17:45–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00548Hirtzig, M. ; Sotin, C.; Rodriguez, S.; le Mouélic, S.; Ne-grão, A.; Tobie, G.; Coustenis, A.; Rannou, P.; Brown, R.H.VIMS cartography of Titan: cleaning out the atmosphereand constraining the surface spectrum

18:00–18:15;EPSC2006-A-00554Negrao, A.; Coustenis, A.; Hirtzig, M.; Lellouch, E.;Maillard, J.-P.; Rannou, P.; Gendron, E.; Drossart, P.;Combes, M.; Schmitt, B.Titan’s ground-based observations in the near-infrared


Small Bodies

SB5 Planetary Rings: Formation and Structures

Convener: Spahn, F.Co-Convener(s): Schmidt, J.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: SPAHN, F.

8:30–8:50;EPSC2006-A-00196Esposito, L.Planetary rings: Structure and history (solicited)

8:50–9:00;EPSC2006-A-00186de Pater, I.; Showalter, M.; Hammel, H.; Gibbard, S.;Lissauer, J.Uranus’ Rings: Leading up to RPX

9:00–9:10;EPSC2006-A-00096Spilker, L. ; Pilorz, S.; Pearl, J.; Wallis, B.; Ferrari, C.;Brooks, S.; Edgington, S.; Altobelli, N.; Showalter, M.;Flasar, M.Cassini thermal observations of Saturn’s main rings: Impli-cations for particle rotation and vertical mixing

9:10–9:20;EPSC2006-A-00214Morishima, R.; Salo, H.; Ohtsuki, K.A multilayer model for thermal emission of Saturn’s rings

9:20–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00407Nelson, R. M.; the VIMS teamPhysical Properties of Saturn’s Ring Particles from CassiniVIMS

9:30–9:40;EPSC2006-A-00613Lithwick, Y. ; Chiang, E.Simulations of Collisional Particle Disks

9:40–9:50;EPSC2006-A-00425Salo, H.Numerical Survey of Self-gravity Wakes in Saturn’s Rings

9:50–10:00;EPSC2006-A-00073Seiß, S.; Spahn, S.; Schmidt, S.Wakes induced by small eccentric moons

10:00–10:10;EPSC2006-A-00298Spahn, F.; Salo, H.; Schmidt, J.; Seiss, M.; Sremcevic, M.”Propellers” in Saturns Rings? The missing Link?


Chairperson: SCHMIDT, J.

11:00–11:20;EPSC2006-A-00595Dones, L.Cassini views Saturn’s rings: More light and light it grows(solicited)

11:20–11:40;EPSC2006-A-00265Horanyi, M. ; Morfill, G.E.Dusty plasma effects in Saturn’s rings (solicited)

11:40–11:50;EPSC2006-A-00477Altobelli, N. ; Spilker, L.; Pilorz, S.; Brooks, S.; Edging-ton, S.; Wallis, B.; Flasar, F.M.Saturn’s rings fine structures in the thermal infrared

11:50–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00367Kempf, S.; Srama, R.; Beckmann, U.; Postberg, F.;Economou, T.; Spahn, F.; Grün, E.Saturn’s E ring as seen by Cassini

12:00–12:10;EPSC2006-A-00360Beckmann, U.; Kempf, S.; Srama, R.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; Helfert, S.; Grün, E.Dust in the vicinity of Enceladus’ orbit

12:10–12:20;EPSC2006-A-00246Postberg, F.; Kempf, S.; Srama, R.; Helfert, S.; Hillier, J.K.;Green, S.F.; McBride, N.; Grün, E.Eneceladus’ signatures in Saturn’s E-ring

12:20–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00637Howard, J.Plasma sputtering effects in planetary dust dynamics

12:30–12:40;EPSC2006-A-00024Griv, E.;Gedalin, M.Self-gravity density waves in Saturn’s rings



ON5 Astrobiology and the search for life on other planets

Convener: Muller, C.Co-Convener(s): Vago, J., Toporski, J.Lecture Room: StraßburgChairperson: MULLER, C.

11:00–11:15;EPSC2006-A-00209Raulin, F.; Coll, P.; Cabane, M.; Hébrard, E.; Israel, G.;Nguyen, M.-J.; Szopa, C.; the GPCOS TeamThe astrobiology of Titan (solicited)

11:15–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00080Cosmovici, C.B.; Montebugnoli, S.; Righini, S.; Salerno, E.;Zoni, L.; Flamini, E.The Search of Water in Exoplanets (solicited)

11:30–11:45;EPSC2006-A-00472Carlson, R. W.; Hand, K. P.Biomarkers on Europa: Unique signatures produced byradiolysis? (solicited)


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11:45–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00654Foing, B.H.; ILEWGInternational lunar missions: results and implications forastrobiologyInternational lunar missions: results and impli-cations for astrobiology (solicited)

12:00–12:10;EPSC2006-A-00402Gómez-Gómez, F.; Fernández-Remolar, D.; Gómez-Elvira, J.; Rodríguez, N.; Amils, R.; Prieto-Ballesteros, O.Halophilic habitats: earth analogs to study Mars and Eu-ropa´s habitability

12:10–12:20;EPSC2006-A-00467Ivanov, B.; Pierazzo, E.Starting conditions for hydrothermal systems underneathMartian impact craters

12:20–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00185Martins, Z.; Botta, O.; Fogel, M.; Sephton, M.; Glavin, D.;Watson, J.; Dworkin, J.; Schwartz, A.;Ehrenfreund, P.Extraterrestrial Nucleobases in Carbonaceous Chondrites

12:30–12:40;EPSC2006-A-00201Krumbein, W.E. ; von Bloh, W.; Franck, S.; Schellnhu-ber, H.-J.Bacteria rule the world - a survey of planetary tectonics andlife -



ON6 Life processes under planetary conditions: simula-tions, observations and analogs

Convener: Moehlmann, D.Co-Convener(s): Szathmary, E.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: MÖHLMANN, D.

8:30–8:50;EPSC2006-A-00117Rettberg, P.; Möller, R.; Pogoda de la Vega, U.; Rabbow, E.;Panitz, C.; Möhlmann, D.; Reitz, G.Laboratory simulations of Martian surface parameters andthe biological response of terrestrial model organisms to’extreme’ environments (solicited)

8:50–9:10;EPSC2006-A-00258Friedmann, E. I.Terrestrial analogs of possible Martian habitats (solicited)

9:10–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00525Szathmary, E.Adaptation and evolution (solicited)

9:30–9:50;EPSC2006-A-00659Wagner, D.Methanogenic Archaea as Potential Candidates for Life onMars (solicited)

9:50–10:10;EPSC2006-A-00660Bibring, J.-P.; OMEGA teamAqueous Mars History derived from OMEGA/Mars Expressmineralogical results (solicited)

10:10–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00662de Vera, J.-P.; Horneck, G.; Rettberg, P.; Ott, S.Lichens as a model-system for survival of eukaryotic symbi-otic associations to simulated space conditions (solicited)


Lecture Room: StraßburgChairperson: SZATHMARY, E.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00072Finster, K.; Hansen, A.; Liengaard, L.; Kristoffersen, T.;Mikkelsen, K.; Merrison, J.; Lomstein, B.The effect of as long-term Mars simulation on a microbialpermafrost soil community and macromolecules such asDNA, polypeptides and cell wall components

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00397Gómez-Gómez, F.; Amils, R.Life protecting habitats on Mars

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00112ten Kate, IL ; van Sluis, CA; Selch, F; Garry, JRC; Stan-Lotter, H; van Loosdrecht, M; Ehrenfreund, PUV resistance of a halophilic archaeon in simulated martianconditions

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00231Pavlov, A. K.; Shelegedin, V. N.;Tretyakov, A. V.; Vdov-ina, M. A.Active Growth of Microorganism’s Population under Ex-perimental Modeling of Martian and Cometary NucleusSubsurface Conditions

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00284Möhlmann, D.T.;Wernecke, R.; Schwanke, V.The Mars-Simulation-Facility at DLR-Berlin

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00589Meyer, C.; Stöffler, D.; Fritz, J.; Misgaiski, M.; Horneck, G.;Möller, R.; De Vera, J.-P.; Cockell, C.; Hornemann, U.Mars in upheaval: The impact induced transfer of life fromMars to Earth




OR1 Habitability and Space Exploration

Convener: Zarnecki, J.Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: N.N.

16:00–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00476Matson, D.; Lebreton, J.-P.; Spilker, L.Cassini-Huygens at Saturn – A Grand Exploration


Chairperson: N.N.




Page 22: European Space Agency Programme Book

OR2 Venus Express Education and Public Outreach (forteachers)

Convener: Pertzborn, R.Co-Convener(s): Limaye, S., Witasse, O.Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: N.N.

8:30–9:00 Introduction on the Science objectives of theVenus Express mission

9:00–9:30 Demonstration on how actual data from themission can be used to teach your students required physicalscience concepts

9:30–10:00 “The unsolved mysteries of Venus” learningmodules



OR3 Outreach techniques

Convener: Lebreton, J.Co-Convener(s): Naze, Y., Russo, P., Chatzichristou, E.,Lindberg Christensen, L., Miller, S.Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: MILLER, S.

11:00–11:20;EPSC2006-A-00699Heward, A.UK goes to the Planets (solicited)

11:20–11:40;EPSC2006-A-00700Naze, Y.An outreach experience (solicited)

11:40–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00701Klashed, S.; Emmart, C.Invited talk (solicited)

12:00–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00287Ferlet, R.Hands-on Universe – Europe

12:15–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00683Matsopoulos, N.;Zoulias, M.A quantative and qualitative analysis of science communica-tion in the greek mass media

12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00319Muller, C.Communicating about space science and exploration: a twoway street

12:45–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00702Brumfitt, A.Dedicated Space Science Education Centres Provide theModel for Effective Outreach

13:00–13:20;EPSC2006-A-00703Lorenzen, D.H.Mission to the Public: A Journalist’s Experiences withEuropean Astronomers and Space Agencies (solicited)



14:15–14:35;EPSC2006-A-00704Landau, J.The Huygens Experience (solicited)

14:35–14:55;EPSC2006-A-00705Wessen, A.;McConnell, S.Cassini-Huygens Outreach: It takes a village to reach theworld. (solicited)

14:55–15:10;EPSC2006-A-00299van Marcke de Lummen, J.; de Viron, O.;Dehant, V.;Defraigne, P.; Rosenblatt, P.; Karatekin, O.; Van Hoolst, T.3D animations explaining the rotation, libration, and tides ofplanets

15:10–15:25;EPSC2006-A-00706Pillinger, Pi.Mars in their eyes – a cartoon exhibition

15:25–15:40;EPSC2006-A-00707Society, P.Planetary Society - contribution

15:40–15:55;EPSC2006-A-00708Escape, C.Ciel & Escape - contribution



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Missions and Techniques

MT3 Planetary Robotics

Convener: Barnes, D.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: BARNES, D.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00155Biele, J.; Ulamec, S.; Funke, O.; Engelhardt, M.Melting probes as a means to access the subsurface of Mars’polar caps and Jupiter’s ice moons

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00200Spilker, T.; the TIPEX TeamDetailed exploration of Titan with a Montgolfiere aerobot

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00295Paar, G.; Griffiths, A.D.; Barnes, D.P.; Coates, A.J.; Jau-mann, R.; Oberst, J.; Gao, Y.; Ellery, A.; Li, R.Panoramic 3d Vision on the ExoMars Rover

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00567Shaw, A.; Barnes, D.; Pugh, S.Autonomous site selection and instrument positioning forsample acquisition (solicited)

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00343Richter, L. ; Ellery, A.; Gao, Y.; Michaud, S.; Schmitz, N.;Weiss, S.A predictive wheel-soil interaction model for planetaryrovers validated in testbeds and against MER Mars roverperformance data (solicited)

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00372Ellery, A.Conventional vs Biomimetic Approaches to the Explorationof Mars (solicited)

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00383Romstedt, J.; Schiele, A.; Boudin, N.; Coste, P.; Lindner, R.New Carriers and Sensors for Robotic Planetary Exploration

16:15–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00652Foing, B.; Hovland, S.; LES3 lander study teamRationale and robotics payload for a lunar polar lander


Geology of Terrestrial Planets

GT3 Lunar Geodesy, Geophysics, and Future Explo-ration

Convener: Oberst, J.Co-Convener(s): Laufer, R.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: OBERST, J.

14:30–14:50;EPSC2006-A-00291Neal, C. R.Why the next generation of Moon exploration needs a globalseismic network (solicited)

14:50–15:05;EPSC2006-A-00103Sonnemann, T.;Knapmeyer, M.; Oberst, J.Relocation of lunar deep Quakes

15:05–15:20;EPSC2006-A-00136Goossens, S.; Matsumoto, K.; Kikuchi, F.; Sasaki, S.;Ping, J.Incorporating SMART-1 Tracking Data into Lunar GravityField Determination

15:20–15:35;EPSC2006-A-00301Frohlich, C.;Nakamura, Y.Possible extra-solar-system cause for shallow moonquakes

15:35–15:50;EPSC2006-A-00336Khan, A.; Connolly, J.; Olsen, N.; Mosegaard, K.Constraining the composition and thermal state of the moonfrom an inversion of electromagnetic lunar day-side transferfunctions

15:50–16:05;EPSC2006-A-00387Lognonne, P.; Johnson, C.; Gagnepain-Beyneix, J.; Ch-enet, H.Moon Internal structure: recent highlight on the crust andcore and importance of future seismic experiments

16:05–16:20;EPSC2006-A-00448Wieczorek, M. A.; Huang, S.The heat flow of the Moon, revisited

16:20–16:40;EPSC2006-A-00635Hiesinger, H.; Robinson, M.S.; McEwen, A.S.; Turtle, E.P.;Eliason, E.M.; Jolliff, B.L.; Malin, M.C.; Thomas, P.C.Investigating at the Moon With new Eyes: The LunarReconnaissance Orbiter Mission Camera (LROC) (solicited)


Chairperson: LAUFER, R.

17:00–17:20;EPSC2006-A-00198Kato, M. ; Sasaki, S.; Fujimura, A.; Tanaka, S.; Iijima, Y.;Tanaka, K.; Okada, T.; Shiraishi, H.; Takizawa, Y.Present and Future of the Japanese Lunar Missions: Lunar-A, SELENE and SELENE-2 (solicited)

17:20–17:35;EPSC2006-A-00559Tanaka, S.; Shiraishi, H.; Fujimura, A.; Hayakawa, H.The Current Status of the Japanese Penetrator Mission:LUNAR-A

17:35–17:50;EPSC2006-A-00687Reissaus, P.; Hoffmann, P.; Schulte, W.; Stuffler, T.Results of the Munich Workshop ‘Lunar Science & Tech-nology Opportunities’

17:50–18:05;EPSC2006-A-00516Oberst, J.; Schreiber, U.; Müller, J.; Michaelis, H.; Spohn, T.A Proposed Lunar Ranging Experiment Using Laser Bea-cons

18:05–18:20;EPSC2006-A-00649Mall, U.; Nathues, A.; Keller, H.U.; Vilenius, E.; Kay-dash, V.; SIR collaborationThe near–infrared spectrometer SIR and SIR-2 on SMART-1and Chandrayaan-1


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18:20–18:35;EPSC2006-A-00357Grynko, Ye.; Shkuratov, Yu.; Mall, U.Computer modeling of bidirectional spectra: the role ofgeometry of illumination/observation


GT8 Planetary Geo-morphological Mapping

Convener: Zegers, T.Co-Convener(s): Pondrelli, M., Rossi, A., Bremmer, C.,Murray, J.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: N.N.

8:30–8:35Organizer’s Introduction

8:35–8:55;EPSC2006-A-00354Tanaka, K.The NASA/USGS Planetary Geologic Mapping Program(solicited)

8:55–9:10;EPSC2006-A-00314Raitala, J.; Aittola, M.; Kostama, V.-P.; Törmänen, T.Venusian Mapping (solicited)

9:10–9:25;EPSC2006-A-00594Wagner, R.; Roatsch, T.; Giese, B.; Wolf, U.; Neukum, G.Geologic mapping of the saturnian satellites based onCassini ISS images: objectives, methods, and results (so-licited)

9:25–9:40;EPSC2006-A-00353Hauber, E.; Gwinner, K.; Scholten, F.; Neukum, G.;Jaumann, R.; Hoffmann, H.; Van Gasselt, S.Geomorphologic mapping of Mars with the High ResolutionStereo Camera (HRSC) (solicited)

9:40–10:30Panel Discussion


Chicarro, A.F.Mars Express - Perspectives for mapping the red planet

Vago, J.ExoMars landing site selection procedure

Marinangeli, L.Planetary mapping, subsurface radar data SHARAD andMARSIS

Mangold, N.Planetary mapping, Mars Express HRSC and OMEGA data

Falvey, D.Planetary mapping, Brittish Geological Survey

Bremmer, C.Planetary mapping, dutch Geological Survey


GT9 Planetary and environmental protection - it issupposed to be a round table discussion (Workshop)

Convener: Knapmeyer, M.Co-Convener(s): Fernandes, V.Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: KNAPMEYER, M.; FERNANDES, V.

17:00–19:00Workshop GT9


Planet Atmospheres and Oceans

PA1 Atmospheric Structure, Dynamics and Composition

Convener: Encrenaz, T.Co-Convener(s): Taylor, F.Lecture Room: EstrelsaalChairperson: N.N.

8:30–8:45;EPSC2006-A-00462Savina, O.N.; Bespalov, P.A.Some properties of acoustic gravity waves in planetaryatmospheres with the realistic profile of the temperature

8:45–9:15;EPSC2006-A-00052Owen, T.; Encrenaz, Th.Atmospheric Composition as a Clue to Giant Planet Forma-tion (solicited)

9:15–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00195Orton, G.; Parrish, P.; Yanamandra-Fisher, P.; Baines, K.;Mousis, O.; Pantin, E.; Fujiyoshi, T.; Fuse, T.; Simon-Miller, A.Multi-spectral remote sensing of the vortex formerly knownas White Oval BA: Temperature structure and cloud proper-ties

9:30–9:45;EPSC2006-A-00205Baines, K.; Momary, T.; Brown, R.; the Cassini /VIMS_TeamClouds and winds at depth in Saturn: New 5-micron imagesof discrete meteorological systems near the 3-bar levelobserved by Cassini/VIMS

9:45–10:00;EPSC2006-A-00340Burgdorf, M. ; Orton, G.Detection of hydrocarbons in Uranus’ atmosphere byinfrared spectroscopy

10:00–10:15;EPSC2006-A-00010Tokano, T.; Ferri, F.; Colombatti, G.; Mäkinen, T.;Fulchignoni, M.Titan’s planetary boundary layer structure at the Huygenslanding site

10:15–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00590Moreno, R.; Marten, A.Measurements of zonal winds on Titan with mm Interferom-etry: From IRAM PdB to ALMA


Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:15;EPSC2006-A-00296Lilensten, J.; Witasse, O.; Simon, C.; Gronoff, G.;Thissen, R.; Dutuit, O.; Alcaraz, C.; Soldi-Lose, H.; Franch-eschi, P.; Zabka, J.; Dication teamDications in the planetary ionospheres

11:15–11:45;EPSC2006-A-00085Atreya, S.; Kuhn, W.Cloud structure of the giant planets: condensation andprecipitation (solicited)

11:45–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00485Zasova, L.V.Atmospheric structure and cloud properties on Venus(solicited)

12:15–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00167Lebonnois, S.; Crespin, A.; Hourdin, F.; Eymet, V.;Fournier, R.; Dufresne, J.-L.Super-rotation simulated with the new LMD Venus GeneralCirculation Model


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12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00642Widemann, T.; Lellouch, E.; Campargue, A.Direct wind measurements in Venus’ lower mesosphere

12:45–13:15;EPSC2006-A-00646Chassefière, E.Dynamical escape in the terrestrial planets (solicited)


Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00676Forget, F.; Montmessin, F.; Levrard, B.; Haberle, R.Climatic Evolution of Mars (solicited)

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00251Hoekzema, N. M.; Gwinner, K.; Markiewicz, W. J.;Grieger, B.; Portyankina, G.; Keller, H. U.; Hoffmann, H.;Meima, J. A.; Neukum, G.The dust scale height of the Martian atmosphere aroundPavonis Mons from HRSC stereo images

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00522Portyankina, G.; Markiewicz, W.J.; Inada, A.; Gwinner, K.;Keller, H.U.; Neukum, G.Altitudes of lee wave clouds as estimated from HRSC stereoimages

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00237Maltagliati, L. ; Titov, D.; Encrenaz, Th.; Melchiorri, R.;Bibring, J.-P.; Keller, H.U.; Garcìa-Comas, M.Atmospheric water in the vicinity of Tharsis volcanoes fromOMEGA/Mars Express observations

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00569Altieri, F. ; Zasova, L.; Grassi, D.; Bellucci, G.; Bibring, J-P.; Formisano, V.; Ignatiev, N.; Drossart, P.; Encrenaz, T.;Fouchet, T.; the OMEGA TeamApparent abundance and vertical profiles of ozone fromOMEGA measurements

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00149Tschimmel, M.; Ignatiev, N.I.; Titov, D.V.; Lellouch, E.;Fouchet, T.; Maltagliati, L.; Formisano, V.; Giuranna, M.;Maturilli, A.; the PFS TeamThe latest on atmospheric water vapour from the PFSshortwavelength observations

16:15–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00257Piccialli, A.; Palomba, E.; Lopez Valverde, M. A.; Gilli, G.;Grassi, D.; D’Amore, M.; Formisano, V.PFS-MEX nadir observations at 4.3 um in the Mars atmo-sphere with account for non-LTE emissions


Chairperson: N.N.

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00442Gasnault, O.; d’Uston, C.; Forni, O.; Maurice, S.Monitoring of Martian atmosphere with gamma-ray spec-trometry

17:15–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00566Chaufray, J.Y.; Quémerais, E.; Bertaux, J.L.; Leblanc, F.Sounding of the Martian upper atmosphere with Spicam onMars Express

17:30–17:45;EPSC2006-A-00644Keating, G.; Bougher, S.; Theriot, M.; Zurek, R.; Blan-chard, R.; Tolson, R.; Murphy, J.Atmospheric structure from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiteraccelerometer measurements

17:45–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00505Zasova, L.V.; Formisano, V.; Grassi, D.; Giuranna, M.;Ignatiev, N.I.; Maturilli, A.Seasonal variation of the temperature structure and dust andwater ice clouds in the Martian atmosphere from PFS MEXmeasurements

18:00–18:15;EPSC2006-A-00164Spiga, A.; Forget, F.; Dolla, B.; Vinatier, S.; Melchiorri, R.;Drossart, P.; Gendrin, A.; Gondet, B.; Langevin, Y.; Bib-ring, J.P.Surface pressure retrieval and meteorology on Mars usingMars Express / OMEGA instrument

18:15–18:30;EPSC2006-A-00317Medvedev, A.S.; Kuroda, T.; Hartogh, P.Seasonal changes in baroclinic wave activity simulated witha general circulation model of the Martian atmosphere

18:30–18:45;EPSC2006-A-00342Sonnabend, G.; Sornig, M.; Krötz, P.; Fast, K.; Schieder, R.High spatial Resolution mapping of Mars mesospheric zonalWinds by infrared heterodyne Spectroscopy of CO2



MA6 Comparative Auroras (Workshop)

Convener: Galand, M.Co-Convener(s): Prangé, R.Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: GALAND, M.

8:30–9:00;EPSC2006-A-00262Gladstone, R.Planetary x-ray auroras

9:00–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00288Stallard, TInfrared aurora in the Solar System

9:30–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00269Brain, D.Aurora at planets lacking global magnetic fields


Chairperson: PRANGE, R.

11:00–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00219Freeman, M. P.Auroral complexity



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Planetary Moons

PM5 Titan: Aeronomy, Plasma and Magnetic Environ-ment

Convener: Müller-Wodarg, I.Co-Convener(s): Galand, M., Yelle, R.Lecture Room: StraßburgChairperson: MUELLER-WODARG, I.

14:30–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00046Strobel, D. F.The structure of Titan’s neutral upper atmosphere

15:30–16:30;EPSC2006-A-00053Cravens, T.The structure of Titan’s ionosphere


Chairperson: YELLE, R.

17:00–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00502Coates, A.J.; Crary, F.J.; Young, D.T.; Szego, K.; Bebesi, Z.;Sittler, E.; Hartle, R.; the CAPS TeamInteraction of Titan with Saturn’s magnetosphere

18:00–19:00;EPSC2006-A-00098Johnson, R.E.; Michael, M.; Tucker, O.J.; Shema-tovich, V.I.; Luhmann, J.H.; Ledvina, S.A.Plasma-ion-induced sputtering and heating of Titan’s atmo-sphere


Small Bodies

SB2 Physical Properties Of Minor Bodies: Density,Porosity And Tensile Strength (Workshop)

Convener: Llorca, J.Co-Convener(s): Trigo-Rodríguez, J., Blum, J.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00493Abe, S.; Mukai, T.; Barnouin-Jha, O.; Cheng, A.; Hirata, N.;Nakamura, R.; Gaskell, R.; Scheeres, D.; Makoto, Y.;Hayabusa teamDensity, porosity and internal structure of asteroid Itokawaby the Hayabusa mission (solicited)

17:15–17:30;EPSC2006-A-00436Davidsson, B.J.RThermophysical modeling of cometary nuclei (solicited)

17:30–17:45;EPSC2006-A-00587Levasseur-Regourd, A.C.; Hadamcik, E.; Lasue, J.; Re-nard, J.B.Investigating surface and subsurface physical propertiesof small bodies from light scattering observations andsimulations

17:45–18:00;EPSC2006-A-00039Michel, P.; Nakamura, A.Weibull distribution of incipient flaws in basalt materialused in high-velocity impact experiments and applicationsin numerical simulations of small body disruptions

18:00–18:15;EPSC2006-A-00040Kochemasov, G.On enigmatic properties of the main belt asteroids

18:15–18:30;EPSC2006-A-00415Tanga, P.; Consigli, J.F.; Hestroffer, D.; Richardson, D.C.Asteroid shapes and satellites: investigating the details ofgravitational re-accumulation

18:30–18:45;EPSC2006-A-00259Ferri, F.; Giacomuzzo, C.; Pavarin, D.; Francesconi, A.;Bettella, A.; Flamini, E.; Angrilli, F.Impact cratering and catastrophic disruption of poroustargets through hypervelocity impact experiments

18:45–19:00;EPSC2006-A-00328Trigo-Rodríguez, J.M.; Llorca, J.; Blum, J.Tensile strengths and porosities of solar system primitivebodies


SB3 Small bodies and dust: Observations, Methods andResults

Convener: Srama, R.Co-Convener(s): Kempf, S.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

8:30–8:45;EPSC2006-A-00177Delbo, M.; Dell’Oro, A.; Harris, A.W.; Mottola, S.;Mueller, M.Thermal inertia of near-Earth asteroids and magnitude of theYarkovsky effect

8:45–9:00;EPSC2006-A-00210Sasaki, S.; Ishiguro, M.; Hirata, N.; Hiroi, T.; Miyamoto, H.;Nimura, T.; Saito, J.; Yamamoto, A.Brightness/color heterogeneity on small asteroids: Spaceweathering and movement of surface materials of Itokawaas observed by Hayabusa

9:00–9:15;EPSC2006-A-00542Dell’Oro, A. ; Cellino, A.; Tanga, P.; Hestroffer, D.Physical studies of asteroids with GAIA

9:15–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00222Barucci, M.A.; Merlin, F.; de Bergh, C.; Doressoundi-ram, A.TNO surface properties

9:30–10:00;EPSC2006-A-00475Altobelli, N. ; Kempf, S.; Dikarev, V.; Srama, R.; Helfert, S.;Moragas-Klostermeier, G.; Roy, M.; Gruen, E.Cassini CDA dust measurements between Jupiter and Saturn(solicited)

10:00–10:15;EPSC2006-A-00174Krüger, H. ; Altobelli, N.; Grün, E.; Kempf, S.; Land-graf, M.; Srama, R.; Helfert, S.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.In-situ Monitoring of Interstellar Dust in the Solar System

10:15–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00144Shumilov, O.; Kasatkina, E.; Krapiec, M.Interstellar dust as a possible cause of the 22-year climaticvariation



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Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:15;EPSC2006-A-00091Popel, S.I.Shock phenomena in dusty plasmas of the Solar System

11:15–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00245Makuch, M. ; Brilliantov, N. V.; Sremcevic, M.; Spahn, F.;Krivov, A. V.Stochastic circumplanetary Dynamics of rotating non-spherical Dust Particles

11:30–11:45;EPSC2006-A-00533Spahn, F.; Schmidt, J.; Albers, N.; Kempf, S.; Krivov, A. V.;Sremcevic, M.Dust Sources of Saturn’s E Ring (solicited)

11:45–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00606Schmidt, J.; Brilliantov, N.; Spahn, F.; Kempf, S.Dust Emission from Enceladus’ South Pole: Cassini CDAMeasurements and Modeling

12:00–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00441Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; Beck-mann, U.; Postberg, F.; Economou, T.; Helfert, S.; Spahn, F.;Altobelli, N.; Gruen, E.Saturn’s dust environment: Experience from a two yearsurvey with CDA

12:15–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00362Beckmann, U.; Kempf, S.; Srama, R.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; Helfert, S.; Grün, E.Origin of Saturnian dust streams

12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00123Postberg, F.; Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Hillier, J.K.; Green, S.F.;McBride, N.Cassini at Jupiter: Composition of Jovian dust streams andthe implications for the volcanism on Io

12:45–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00648Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; Srama, R.; Kempf, S.;Helfert, S.; Roy, M.; Altobelli, N.; Burton, M.; Beck-mann, U.; Krueger, H.; Gruen, E.Dust impact charge measurements and calibration aspectsby Cassini’s Dust Instrument, CDA



ON3 The evolving Sun/stars and the influence to plane-tary environments

Convener: Ribas, I.Co-Convener(s): Hanslmeier, A.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00184Guedel, M.High-energy radiation from young stars (solicited)

11:30–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00132Wood, B.Stellar wind evolution and its influence on planetary atmo-spheres (solicited)



Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00226Leitzinger, M. ; Odert, P.; Hanslmeier, A.; Ribas, I.; Kono-valenko, A.A.; Vanko, M.; Lammer, H.; Khodachenko, M.L.;Rucker, H.O.Highly energetic activity phenomena of main-sequence stars

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00612Cecchi-Pestellini, CCP; Ciaravella, AC; Micela, GMStellar X-ray Heating of Planet Atmospheres

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00392Lammer, H.; Lichtenegger, H.I.M; Kulikov, Yu.N.; Kho-dachenko, M.L.; Grießmeier, J.-M.; Terada, N.; Ribas, I.On atmospheric erosion of Earth-like exoplanets induced bystellar radiation and plasma in close-in habitable zones


ON4 Early life

Convener: Westall, F.Co-Convener(s): Orberger, B.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: N.N.

12:00–12:20;EPSC2006-A-00276Nijman, WEarly Archaean collapse basins, a habitat for early bacteriallife (solicited)

12:20–12:35;EPSC2006-A-00101Bounama, C.; Franck, S.; von Bloh, W.The Archaean carbon cycle modified by geodynamics

Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: N.N.

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00398Grenfell, J. L.; Stracke, B.; Patzer, B.; Titz, R.; Rauer, H.Potential of Ozone Formation by the Smog Mechanism toshield the surface of the Early Earth from UV radiation?

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00309Orberger, B.; Pinti, D.L.; Cloquet, C.; Hashizume, K.;Soyama, H.; Jayananda, M.; Wirth, R.; Gallien, J.P.; Mas-sault, M.; Rouchon, V.Biomarkers in Archaean banded iron formations: examplesfrom Pilbara and Dhawar Craton


ON7 Biomarkers on Extrasolar Earth-like planets andthe Early Atmosphere of Earth

Convener: Kaltenegger, L.Co-Convener(s): Lammer, H.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: N.N.

12:30–12:50;EPSC2006-A-00329Raulin, F.; the GPCOS TeamFrom Titan to the primitive Earth

12:50–13:10;EPSC2006-A-00641Kaltenegger, L.; Traub, W.; Jucks, K.Evolving Earth: Evolution of Biomarkers and their de-tectable spectrum



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Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: N.N.

16:00–16:15;EPSC2006-A-00727Fridlund, M.Comparative Planetology

16:15–16:25;EPSC2006-A-00514Tinetti, G. ; Liang, M.C.; Schneider, J.; Rashby, S.; Ehrenre-ich, D.; Riaud, P.; Yung, Y. L.Atmospheric and Surface Biosignatures in the reflected,emitted and transmitted Spectra of Terrestrial Exoplanets

16:25–16:35;EPSC2006-A-00573Montañes Rodriguez, P.Earth observed as a distant planet



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Missions and Techniques

MT4 SMART-1 science highlights and coordinatedobservations

Convener: Foing, B.Co-Convener(s): Ehrenfreund, P., Khodachenko, M.Lecture Room: ParisChairperson: N.N.

8:30–9:00;EPSC2006-A-00653Foing, B.H.; SMART-1 Science and Technology WorkingTeam & SMARTHighlights of SMART-1 Lunar Science results (solicited)

9:00–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00718Josset, J.L.; et al.SMART-1 AMIE lunar results (solicited)

9:30–10:00;EPSC2006-A-00719Grande, M.; Kellett, B.; D-CIXS teamSMART-1 DCIXS lunar results (solicited)

10:00–10:15;EPSC2006-A-00720Khodachenko, M.N3 support activities for SMART-1

10:15–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00721Foing, B.Other STWT contributions TBD


Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–12:00Workshop on SMART - 1 results and coordi-nated measurements

12:00–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00655Foing, B.H.; Ehrenfreund, P.; Koschny, D.; Frew, D.;SMART-1 impact campaign teamSMART-1 Moon impact on 3 Sept 2006: predictions andobservation campaign

12:15–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00600Ferri, F. ; Giacomuzzo, C.; Koschny, D.; Pavarin, D.;Francesconi, A.; Bettella, A.; Tasinato, L.; Flamini, E.;Angrilli, F.Hypervelocity experiments to estimate the light flash emittedby Smart 1 impact on the Moon

12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00585Palle, E.; Montanes-Rodriguez, P.Studying the variability of the surface brightness of theEarthshine

12:45–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00347Ortiz, J. L. ; Llorca, J.; Foing, B. H.; Koschny, D.; Trigo-Rodriguez, J. M.; Lopez-Moreno, J. J.; Aceituno, F. J.;Santos-Sanz, P.; Morales, N.; Moreno, F.Analysis of the SMART-1 impact flash as seen from severalobservatories in Spain


Chairperson: N.N.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00454Gurvits, L.I. ; Smart-1 radio tracking teamRadio tracking of Smart-1 with European radio telescopes

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00722Wooden, D.IRTF observations

15:00–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00723Koschny, D.; et al.Amateur observations

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00724Foing, B.Other campaign contributions TBD

15:30–16:30Workshop on coordinated SMART - 1 impactmeasurements



MA2 Interaction of the Solar Wind with Surfaces andwith Atmospheres

Convener: Leblanc, F.Co-Convener(s): Holmström, M., Kallio, E.Lecture Room: EstrelsaalChairperson: HOLMSTROM, M.

8:30–8:55;EPSC2006-A-00194Smyth, W.Atmospheres of Mercury and the Moon: theoreticaloverview and simulations

8:55–9:10;EPSC2006-A-00140Travnicek, P.; Hellinger, P.Structure of the Hermean magnetosphere: hybrid simulations

9:10–9:25;EPSC2006-A-00001Killen, R ; Sarantos, MThe solar wind-magnetosphere interaction on Mercury

9:25–9:40;EPSC2006-A-00335Paral, J;Rankin, R; Travnicek, P; Kabin, KHybrid kinetic simulations of heavy ions in Mercury’sExosphere

9:40–10:05;EPSC2006-A-00097Johnson, R.E.; Cassidy, T.A.; leBlanc, F.Plasma-induced sputtering and chemical alteration of solarsystem surfaces

10:05–10:20;EPSC2006-A-00248Vernazza, P.;Brunetto, R.; Strazzulla, G.; Fulchignoni, M.;Rochette, P.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Zouganelis, I.Space weathering experiments indicate the presence of aVesta’s magnetosphere

10:20–10:45;EPSC2006-A-00604Mazelle, C.Comparative interactions between fast-flowing magnetizedplasmas and comets, Mars, Venus and Titan



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Chairperson: KALLIO, E.

11:00–11:15;EPSC2006-A-00224Fedorov, A.; Barabash, S.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Lundin, R.;ASPERAVenus and Mars plasma environments. A comparative anal-ysis of IMA (ASPERA-4, ASPERA-4) mass spectrometerdata onboard Venus Express and Mars Express

11:15–11:40;EPSC2006-A-00169Barabash, S.ENA diagnostics of the solar wind interaction with planetarybodies

11:40–11:55;EPSC2006-A-00531Fränz, M.; Dubinin, E.; Krupp, N.; Martinecz, C.; Rous-sos, E; Woch, J.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.; ASPERA3-TeamIon moments and pressure balance in Mars magnetosphere

11:55–12:10;EPSC2006-A-00534Roussos, E.; Fraenz, M.; Dubinin, E.; Woch, J.; Mar-tinecz, C.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.; ASPERA-3 TeamAsymmetries in the Mars-solar wind interaction: MarsExpress ASPERA-3 obsevations

12:10–12:35;EPSC2006-A-00047Nagy, A.; Ma, Y.MHD modeling of the interaction of fast moving plasmaswith non-magnetic solar system bodies

12:35–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00009Withers, P.Determination of upper atmospheric properties on Mars andother bodies using satellite drag/aerobraking measurements


Chairperson: LEBLANC, F.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00364Vaisberg, O.; Zelenyi, L.; Smirnov, V.; Avanov, L.;Skalski, A.Early observations of mass-loading and induced magneto-spheres at Venus and Mars

14:45–15:00;EPSC2006-A-00562Chaufray, J.Y.; Modolo, R.; Leblanc, F.; Chanteur, G.M.Non thermal effects on the oxygen escape at Mars at lowand high solar activities

15:00–15:25;EPSC2006-A-00193Shematovich, V. I.; Johnson, R.E.Hot oxygen coronas at terrestrial planets

15:25–15:40;EPSC2006-A-00358Cipriani, F. ; Leblanc, F.; Berthelier, J.J.A modelling study of the hot heavy species in the martiancorona

15:40–16:05;EPSC2006-A-00054Cravens, T.; Robertson, I.Solar wind interaction with comets, Venus, Earth, and Mars:soft x-ray emission from charge exchange

16:05–16:20;EPSC2006-A-00474Mordovskaya, V.The mirage of Mars magnetosphere


Planetary Moons

PM2/PA5 Planetary bodies with past or present oceans:formation, evolution, and internal structure

Convener: Grasset, O.Co-Convener(s): Sohl, F., Grieger, B.Lecture Room: ECC5Chairperson: SOHL, F.

8:30–8:45;EPSC2006-A-00470Ward, W. R.; Canup, R. M.Formation/Evolution of Giant Planet Accretion Disks

8:45–9:05;EPSC2006-A-00465Canup, R. M.; Ward, W. R.Accretion of large satellites of gas planets (solicited)

9:05–9:20;EPSC2006-A-00022Griv, E.Formation of the regular satellite systems of Jupiter, Saturn,and Uranus

9:20–9:40;EPSC2006-A-00021Roatsch, Th.; Waehlisch, M.; Hoffmeister, A.; Scholten, F.;Neukum, G.; Helfenstein, P.; Porco, C.Mapping of the Icy Saturnian satellites (solicited)

9:40–9:55;EPSC2006-A-00610Neukum, G.; Wagner, R.; Wolf, U.; Denk, T.The Cratering Record and Cratering Chronologies of theSaturnian Satellites and the Origin of Impac-tors: Resultsfrom Cassini ISS Data

9:55–10:10;EPSC2006-A-00030Jaumann, R.; Stephan, K.; Wagner, R.; Hansen, G.B.;Brown, R.H.; Cassini VIMS Science TeamDistribution of icy particles across Enceladus’ surface

10:10–10:25;EPSC2006-A-00571Denk, T.; Neukum, G.; Roatsch, Th.; Giese, B.; Wagner, R.;Helfenstein, P.; Burns, J.A.; Turtle, E.P.; Johnson, T.V.;Porco, C.C.Iapetus: Two Years of Observations by the Cassini ISSCamera

10:25–10:40;EPSC2006-A-00119Giese, B.; Roatsch, T.; Wagner, R.; Denk, T.; Neukum, G.Topographic models of the icy Saturn satellites


Chairperson: GRASSET, O.

11:00–11:15;EPSC2006-A-00225Tobie, G.;Cadek, O.Heat generation by tidal friction within Enceladus’ hetero-geneous interior

11:15–11:30;EPSC2006-A-00366Sohl, F.; Hussmann, H.; Grott, M.Tidal friction in small icy satellites: The Mimas-Enceladusdichotomy revisited

11:30–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00608Pappalardo, R.T.Europa: Processes and Habitability (solicited)

12:00–12:15;EPSC2006-A-00544Pauer, M.; Breuer, D.Detectability of large subsurface structures in the gravityfield of Europa

12:15–12:30;EPSC2006-A-00543Breuer, D.; Spohn, T.The magnetic dichotomy of the Galilean satellites Europaand Ganymede


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12:30–12:45;EPSC2006-A-00020Zharkov, V.N.The second approximation theory of equilibrium figure andgravitational field for the giant planets’ satellites

12:45–13:05;EPSC2006-A-00656Grasset, O.; Leger, A.; Selsis, F.; Sotin, C.Oceans on exoplanets: what can be expected? (solicited)


Chairperson: GRIEGER, B.

14:30–14:45;EPSC2006-A-00370Graps, A.L.; Lunine, J.I.; Coradini, A.; Morbidelli, A.;O’Brien, D.Watering the Earth

14:45–15:15;EPSC2006-A-00324Segschneider, J.Ocean modelling on Planet Earth: A brief history, state ofthe art, and potential for other planets (solicited)

15:15–15:30;EPSC2006-A-00036Grieger, B.Modelling the circulation of Europa’s ocean

15:30–15:45;EPSC2006-A-00230Schilling, N.; Neubauer, F.M.; Saur, J.New Constraints on the Conductivity of Europa’s subsurfaceOcean

15:45–16:00;EPSC2006-A-00278Prieto-Ballesteros, O.; Fernandez-Remolar, D.C.;Fernandez-Sampedro, M.; Martín-Redondo, M.P.;Gómez, F.; Kargel, J.S.On the neutral to acidic character of the dark terrains mineralassemblage of Europa’s surface, and its implication forthe ocean composition: Geochemistry, Spectroscopy andTerrestrial analogs

16:00–16:30COFFEE BREAK

16:30–16:45;EPSC2006-A-00094Matson, D.; Castillo, J.; Lunine, J.; Johnson, T.Hydrothermal Production of N2 and Other Compounds inEnceladus

16:45–17:00;EPSC2006-A-00092Castillo, J.; Matson, D.;Johnson, T.; Lunine, J.; Sotin, C.Recent Results, New Approaches, Hypotheses, Riddles and”Way to go?” in the Geophysics of Outer Planet Satellites

17:00–17:15;EPSC2006-A-00643Johnson, T; Clark, K; Cutts, J; Lunine, J; Pappalardo, R;Reh, KOceans in the Outer Solar System: Future Exploration ofEuropa, Titan, and Enceladus



Small Bodies

SB4 Comets

Convener: Tozzi, G.Co-Convener(s): Capria, M.Lecture Room: ECC4Chairperson: N.N.

8:30–9:10;EPSC2006-A-00726Lara, L.M.; Boehnhardt, H.; Gutiérrez, P.J.; Rodrigo, R.;Vidal-Nuñez, M-J.The long global monitoring of 9P/Tempel 1, the DeepImpact target

9:10–9:30;EPSC2006-A-00108Morbidelli, A. ; Levison, H.F.The primordial sculpting of the Kuiper belt

9:30–9:50;EPSC2006-A-00065Agarwal, J.; Mueller, M.; Boehnhardt, H.; Gruen, E.The dust trail of comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko nearaphelion

9:50–10:10;EPSC2006-A-00069Tubiana, C.; Boehnhardt, H.; Barrera, L.; Ortiz, J.L.;Schwehm, G.; Schulz, R.; Stuewe, J.Characterization of physical parameters of the ROSETTAtarget comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

10:10–10:30;EPSC2006-A-00173Ulamec, S.; Biele, J.; Böhnhardt, H.; Espinasse, S.;Gaudon, P.; Goesmann, F.; Knollenberg, J.; Kührt, E.;Richter, L.; Roll, R.Lessons learnt from Comets Tempel and Wild: Implicationsfor the Rosetta Lander


Chairperson: N.N.

11:00–11:40;EPSC2006-A-00113Mazzotta Epifani, E.; Palumbo, P.; Capria, M.T.; Cre-monese, G.; Fulle, M.; Colangeli, L.Distant activity of Short Period Comets

11:40–12:00;EPSC2006-A-00017Trigo-Rodríguez, J.M.; García Melendo, E.; SánchezCaso, A.; Rodríguez, D.2002-2006 Continuous monitoring of comet29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1

12:00–12:20;EPSC2006-A-00178Kasatkina, E.; Shumilov, O.; Lukina, N.A new proxy of comet impacts?

12:20–12:40;EPSC2006-A-00578Levasseur-Regourd, A.C.; Hadamcik, E.; Lasue, J.; Re-nard, J.B.Physical properties of cometary dust, as derived from lightscattering observations and simulations

12:40–13:00;EPSC2006-A-00619Skorov, Yu.V.; Keller, H. U.; Markelov, G. N.Kinetic model of dusty atmosphere around cometary nucleuswith topography



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Display Time: Monday, 08:00–Friday, 13:00Authors in Attendance: Tuesday, 19:00–20:30 and Thursday, 19:00–20:30

Poster Area: Foyer Estrelsaal

Missions and Techniques

MT1 Future Planetary Missions to be proposed in thecosmic vision framework including exploration missions

Convener: Chassefiere, E.Co-Convener(s): Vago, J., Muller, C., Coradini, M.Chairperson: N.N.

P0001;EPSC2006-A-00088Zakharov, A; Ozorovich, Yu; Linkin, V; Lukomsky, A;Skalsky, A; Klimov, S; Manukin, A; Khavroshkin, O;Smirnov, VProject “Phobos-Soil”: A complex sounding of the Phobosmoon

P0002;EPSC2006-A-00208Sasaki, SAlbedo/color variation on Mercury due to space weathering

P0003;EPSC2006-A-00378Hartogh, PSubmm wave sounding of the Venusian atmosphere

P0004;EPSC2006-A-00408Stocky, J. F; Stevens, C. M.;Nelson, R. M.Nasa’s New Millennium ST-9 Mission

P0005;EPSC2006-A-00411Abakians, H.; Botwell, M.; Chmielski, A. B.;Nelson, R.M.; Stevens, C. M.; Ku, J.; McEachen, M. E.; White, S.;Samson, J. R.; Zsoldos, J.NASA’s New Millennium ST8 Project

P0006;EPSC2006-A-00413Srama, R.; Auer, S.; Helfert, S.; Kempf, S.; Krueger, H.;Landgraf, M.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; Sternovsky, Z.;Svedhem, H.; Gruen, E.Characteristics of a Dust Telescope

P0007;EPSC2006-A-00435Gasnault, 0.; Ball, A.; Biele, J.; d’Uston, C.; Forni, O.;Klingelhöfer, G.; Maurice, S.; Ulamec, S.To measure the chemical composition of a Near Earth Object

P0008;EPSC2006-A-00481Arlot, J.E.The dynamics of the planetary satellites

P0009;EPSC2006-A-00555Helbert, J.; Müller, N.; Michaelis, H.; Breuer, D.SurVenTIS - Surface of Venus Thermal Imaging System

P0010;EPSC2006-A-00581Koop, R; Smit, M.; Zegers, T.; Bouman, J.; Selig, A.;Flokstra, J.; Cuperus, R.; Vermeersen, B.; Visser, P.; van denBerg, A.Prospects for a Gradiometry Mission for High-ResolutionMapping of the Martian Gravity Field

MT3 Planetary Robotics

Convener: Barnes, D.Chairperson: N.N.

P0011;EPSC2006-A-00026Griffiths, A. ; Coates, A.; Jaumann, R.; Michaelis, H.;Paar, G.; Barnes, D.; Josset, J.The Panoramic Camera (PanCam) Instrument for the ESAExoMars Rover

P0012;EPSC2006-A-00645Bouloubasis, A.; McKee, G.; Active Robotics LabA Modular Re-configurable Rover System

P0013;EPSC2006-A-00290Clark, B.Surface Expression Models for Aqueous Oceanic Activityon Titan

MT4 SMART-1 science highlights and coordinatedobservations

Convener: Foing, B.Co-Convener(s): Ehrenfreund, P., Khodachenko, M.Chairperson: N.N.

P0014;EPSC2006-A-00240Moissl, R.; Markiewicz, W.; Titov, D.; Russo, P.; Keller, H.-U.Observations of global dynamics in the Venus upper clouddeck by the Venus Monitoring Camera

Geology of Terrestrial Planets

GT1 Terrestrial planets from cores to surfaces

Convener: Caprarelli, G.Co-Convener(s): Pondrelli, M.Chairperson: N.N.

P0015;EPSC2006-A-00433Ruiz, J.Heat flows during the formation of ribbon terrains on Venus

P0016;EPSC2006-A-00059de Pablo, M.A.; Lopez, I.; Martín, F.; Márquez, A.Volcanic evolution of Hecates Tholus, Mars: a multipleworking hypothesis approach

P0017;EPSC2006-A-00272Martín-González, F.; López, I.; de Pablo, M.A.; Márquez, A.Graben formations hypothesis on Mars, some topographicconstrains

P0018;EPSC2006-A-00447de Pablo, M.A.; Pacifici, A.Lakes, delta and volcanism at the Martian dichotomy. Thecase of Nepenthes Mensae


Page 33: European Space Agency Programme Book

P0019;EPSC2006-A-00244Thebault, E; Mandea, M; Purucker, MA statistical study of the Martian craters from magnetism

P0020;EPSC2006-A-00015Pompilio, L.; Roush, T.; Pedrazzi, G.; Sgavetti, M.VNIR spectral modeling of Mars analogue rocks: first results

P0021;EPSC2006-A-00018Kochemasov, G.Planetary plains: subsidence and warping

P0022;EPSC2006-A-00090Popel, S.I.; Adushkin, V.V.; Andreev, S.N.Cavitation mechanism of mineral nano- and microspheruleformation in the Earth’s interior

P0023;EPSC2006-A-00506Borraccini, F.; Di Achille, G.Structural survey and faults kinematics analysis of theeastern Thaumasia Region, Mars

GT2 Mercury’s place among the terrestrial planets

Convener: Benkhoff, J.Co-Convener(s): Schulz, R.Chairperson: N.N.

P0024;EPSC2006-A-00138Schulz , R.; Benkhoff, J.; Hazell, A.; Koschny, D.;Laakso, H.; Stankov, A.; Wielders, A.; Zender, J.BepiColombo – The Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO)

P0025;EPSC2006-A-00668Erard, S.; Despan, D.; Doressoundiram, A.; Vernazza, P.;Cappacioni, F.; Forni, O.Resolved NIR spectra of Mercury

P0026;EPSC2006-A-00127Helbert, J.; Jessberger, E.K.; the MERTIS TeamMERTIS - The thermal infrared imaging spectrometer forBepiColombo

P0027;EPSC2006-A-00434Kozyrev, A.; Mitrofanov, I.; Litvak, M.; Sanin, A.;Tretyakov, V.; Mokrousov, M.; Malachov, A.; Vostruchin, A.;Rogozhin, A.; Gurvits, L.Studying Mercury subsurface structure composition byRussian Mercury Gamma-ray and Neutron Spectrometer(MGNS) onboard BepiColombo mission

P0028;EPSC2006-A-00275Maturilli, A. ; Helbert, J.; Moroz, L.Emissivity measurements of Mercury analogue materialsfrom the Berlin Emissivity Database (BED)

P0029;EPSC2006-A-00556Moroz, L. ; Maturilli, A.; Helbert, J.Reflectance spectra of Mercury analogue materials between0.5 and 17 microns

P0030;EPSC2006-A-00650Iess, L.; Asmar, S.W.; Milani, A.; Tortora, P.; Iafolla, V.The determination of Mercury’s gravity field and rotationalstate with the mission BepiColombo

P0031;EPSC2006-A-00568Pfyffer, G; Rambaux, N; Rivoldini, A; Van Hoolst, T;Dehant, VDetermination of libration amplitudes from orbit

P0032;EPSC2006-A-00492Rambaux, N.; Van Hoolst, T.; Dehant, V.; Bois, E.Signature of core-mantle coupling on the librations ofMercury

P0033;EPSC2006-A-00550Pauer, M.; Breuer, D.; Spohn, T.Future Mercury gravity data: Would it give us a clue aboutthe core-mantle boundary shape?

P0034;EPSC2006-A-00207Verhoeven, O.; Rivoldini, A.; Van Hoolst, T.; Vacher, P.;Mocquet, A.; Menvielle, M.; Choblet, G.; Dehant, V.Mercury’s Interior Structure

P0035;EPSC2006-A-00206Cremonese, G.; Martellato, E.; Marzari, F.; Massironi, M.;Capria, M.T.Analysis of impact craters of Mercury

P0036;EPSC2006-A-00396Lichtenegger, H.I.M;Lammer, H.; Kallio, E.; Mura, A.;Wurz, P.; Millilo, A.; Torka, K.; Livi, S.; Barabash, S.;Orsini, S.The role of CMEs in the refilling of Mercury’s exosphere

P0037;EPSC2006-A-00042Kochemasov, G.”Dry” Mercury and ”wet” Mars: comparison of two terres-trial planets with strongly differing orbital frequencies

GT3 Lunar Geodesy, Geophysics, and Future Explo-ration

Convener: Oberst, J.Co-Convener(s): Laufer, R.Chairperson: OBERST, J.

P0038;EPSC2006-A-00281Nakamura, Y.; Frohlich, C.A renewed look at deep moonquakes in the Apollo seismicdata

P0039;EPSC2006-A-00268Hanada, H; Iwata, T; Namiki, N;Sasaki, S; Kawano, N;VRAD TeamVRAD (differential VLBI RADio Source) Used forGravimetry in SELENE

P0040;EPSC2006-A-00137Kochemasov, G.Lunar gravity pattern: two modes of granulation

P0041;EPSC2006-A-00253Gusev, A.; Petrova, N.Spin-orbital evolution, geophysics and selenodesy of theMoon

P0042;EPSC2006-A-00609Rosiek, M.R.; Kirk, R.L. ; Archinal, B.A.; Gaddis, L.;Becker, T.L.; Weller, L.; Redding, B.; Howington-Kraus, E.;Galuszka, D.Accuracy Assessment of Digitized Apollo and Lunar OrbiterImagery for Lunar Mapping

P0043;EPSC2006-A-00626Archinal, B. ; Rosiek, M.; Kirk, R.; Redding, B.A report on the Unified Lunar Control Network 2005 andlunar topographic model

P0044;EPSC2006-A-00199Araki, H.; Tazawa, S.;Sasaki, S.; Noda, H.; Tsubokawa, T.;Asari, K.; Kawano, N.Lunar Global Topography by Laser Altimeter (LALT) onboard SELENE

P0045;EPSC2006-A-00139Vilenius, E.; Mall, U.; Kaydash, V.In-flight calibration of SIR near infrared spectrometeronboard SMART-1


Page 34: European Space Agency Programme Book

P0046;EPSC2006-A-00558Kaydash, V.; Mall, U.; Vilenius, E.; Collaboration, SIR.Estimating the spectral slope of the lunar Reiner Gammaswirl feature using measurements made by the SMART-1near–infrared spectrometer SIR

P0047;EPSC2006-A-00488Laufer, R.; Roeser, H.-P.LUNAR MISSION BW1 – A Small Lunar Exploration andTechnology Demonstration Satellite

P0048;EPSC2006-A-00671Klinkner, S. ; Lee, C.G.-; Laufer, R.Destination Moon for the Microrover Nanokhod

GT4 Evolving Mars: recent results on climate andgeology

Convener: Jaumann, R.Co-Convener(s): Raitala, J.Chairperson: N.N.

P0049;EPSC2006-A-00107Kereszturi, A.Paleoenvironment reconstruction from channel and valleymorphometry on Mars

P0050;EPSC2006-A-00161Gregoire-Mazzocco, H.; Mangold, N.; Costard, F.;Ansan, V.; Masson, P.; Neukum, G.Estimate of discharge rates in Nanedi Vallis, Mars. Implica-tions for flow duration

P0051;EPSC2006-A-00381Kostama, V.-P.; Ivanov, M.A.; Polit, A.T.; Törmänen, T.;Grosfils, E.; Raitala, J.Reull Vallis fluvial system - Hypothesis for evolution

P0052;EPSC2006-A-00418Sowe, M.; Hauber, E.; Jaumann, R.; Gwinner, K.; Fueten, F.;Stesky, R.; Neukum, G.Geological analysis of Interior Layered Deposits occurringin chaotic terrains from Ganges Chasma to Iani Chaos onMars

P0053;EPSC2006-A-00419Korteniemi, J; Aittola, M; Lahtela, H; Öhman, T; Raitala, JFloor-fractured craters on Mars – distribution and formationscenarios

P0054;EPSC2006-A-00427Nussbaumer, J.Possible sea sediments due to glaciofluvial activity inElysium Planitia, Mars

P0055;EPSC2006-A-00519Kraal, E. ; Kleinhans, M.; Zegers, T.; Oosthoek, J.; Rossi, A.Studying the connection between Aram Chaos and AresVallis

P0056;EPSC2006-A-00041Kochemasov, G.Martian alkaline basites chemically resemble basic rocks ofthe Lovozero alkaline massif, Kola peninsula

P0057;EPSC2006-A-00133Pommerol, A.; Schmitt, B.Effects of surface texture and measurement geometry onthe near infrared water-of-hydration absorption bands.Implications for the Martian regolith water content

P0058;EPSC2006-A-00307Fernández-Remolar, D. C.; the Río Tinto working groupPhyllosilicate production and sedimentation under theacidic conditions of the Río Tinto: some constraints forclay-hosting environments of early Mars

P0059;EPSC2006-A-00494Le Mouélic, S.; Combe, J-Ph.; Sotin, C.; Le Deit, L.; Gen-drin, A.; Mustard, J.; Bibring, J-P.; Langevin, Y.; Gondet, B.;Pinet, P.Analysis of OMEGA/Mars Express hyperspectral imageswith a linear unmixing model

P0060;EPSC2006-A-00564Schröder, C.; Klingelhöfer, G.; Morris, R.V.; Rodi-onov, D.S.Correlations between primary and secondary Fe-bearingminerals identified in rocks in Gusev Crater by the MERMössbauer spectrometer

P0061;EPSC2006-A-00629van Gasselt, S.; Reiss, D.; Neukum, G.Thermal Contraction Polygons in the South Polar Region ofMars

P0062;EPSC2006-A-00484Fels, M.; Pätzold, M.; Häusler, B.Study of the Martian lithosphere by applying spectralfrequency analysis methods on Mars Express gravity data

P0063;EPSC2006-A-00520Bräucker, A.; Hauber, E.; Gwinner, K.; Gendrin, A.;Reiss, D.; Bibring, J.P.; Jaumann, R.; Neukum, G.Geology and mineralogy of Tithonium Chasma, Mars

P0064;EPSC2006-A-00523Richter, L. ; Schmitz, N.; Weiss, S.; MER Athena ScienceTeamInferences of Strength of Soil Deposits along MER RoverTraverses

P0065;EPSC2006-A-00529Reiss, D.; Hauber, E.; Gwinner, K.; Scholten, F.; Jau-mann, R.; di Achille, G.; Marinangeli, L.; Ori, G. G.;Neukum, G.Geologic evolution of the Galle crater, Mars

P0066;EPSC2006-A-00596Werner, S. C.; Ivanov, B. A.; Neukum, G.Who can date Mars?

P0067;EPSC2006-A-00355Greeley, R.; Bleacher, J.E.; Cave, S.R.; Williams, D.A.;Werner, S.C.; Neukum, G.Fields of small shield volcanoes in the Tharsis region: MarsExpress HRSC results

P0068;EPSC2006-A-00066Merrison, J.P.; Gunnlaugsson, H. P.; Jensen, A. E.; Nørn-berg, P.; Rasmussen, K.R.Aeolian Transport on Mars

P0069;EPSC2006-A-00621Neukum, G.; van Gasselt, S.Volcanic Fields at the Martian North Pole - Indications forRecent Activity

P0070;EPSC2006-A-00406Tirsch, D.; Jaumann, R.; Helbert, J.; Reiss, D.; Forget, F.;Poulet, F.; Neukum, G.Recent and fossil deposits of dark material in Martian Craters

P0071;EPSC2006-A-00553Balme, M.; Berman, D.; Bourke, M.Transverse aeolian ridges (TARs) on Mars

P0072;EPSC2006-A-00698Lucas, A.; Mangeney, A.The influence of the topography on landslide’s mobility inValles Marineris (Mars), by a numerical & remote sensingapproach


Page 35: European Space Agency Programme Book

GT7 Venus’ geology from Magellan and other missions

Convener: Aittola, M.Co-Convener(s): Kostama, V., López Ruiz-Labranderas, I.Chairperson: N.N.

P0073;EPSC2006-A-00490Howington-Kraus, E.; Kirk, R.L. ; Galuszka, D.; Red-ding, B.USGS Magellan stereomapping of Venus

P0074;EPSC2006-A-00430Aittola, M.; Öhman, T.Polygonal Impact Craters on Venus

P0075;EPSC2006-A-00460Törmänen, T.; Kostama, P.; Hyvärinen, M.; Raitala, J.Coronae are more abundant than previously recognized:Results of a new survey of coronae and arachnoids on Venus

GT8 Planetary Geo-morphological Mapping

Convener: Zegers, T.Co-Convener(s): Pondrelli, M., Rossi, A., Bremmer, C.,Murray, J.Chairperson: N.N.

P0076;EPSC2006-A-00067Mazzotta Epifani, E.; Colangeli, L.; Palumbo, P.; Marra, G.;Flamini, E.; Debei, S.; SIMBIO-SYS Int. Consortium, andThe HRIC of the SIMBIO-SYS suite for BepiColombo:an instrument for high resolution multicolour mapping ofMercury surface

P0077;EPSC2006-A-00084Williams, D.; Keszthelyi, L.; Crown, D.; Geissler, P.;Rathbun, J.; Jaeger, W.Global geologic mapping of Jupiter’s moon Io: First steps

P0078;EPSC2006-A-00228Gehrke, S.; Lehmann, H.; Wählisch, M.; Albertz, J.New Large-Scale Topographic Maps of Planet Mars

P0079;EPSC2006-A-00271Pondrelli, M. ; Rossi, A.P.; Marinangeli, L.Geological and morphofacies maps of the Holden crater area

P0080;EPSC2006-A-00282Massironi, M; Giacomini, L; Cremonese, G; Forlani, G.;Capria, M.T.; Pasquaré, G.; Da Deppo, V.; Naletto, G.;Flamini, E.3D Simulation of terrestrial morphological analogues ofhermean surface to evaluate SIMBIO-SYS STereo Camerarendering capacity for geological purpose

P0081;EPSC2006-A-00440Pacifici, A.; Ori, G. G.; Komatsu, G.; Pondrelli, M.A geomorphological analysis of Ares Vallis, Mars, usingHRSC data: new constrains about catastrophic floods andice-related morphologies

P0082;EPSC2006-A-00487Kirk, R.L. ; Howington-Kraus, E.; Galuszka, D.; Red-ding, B.; Hare, T.M.Topomapping of Mars with HRSC images, ISIS, and acommercial stereo workstation

P0083;EPSC2006-A-00560Oosthoek, J.H.P; Zegers, T.E.; Rossi, A.P.; Martin, P.;Foing, B.; Neukum, G.Regional mapping and structural analysis of Aram Chaosarea

P0084;EPSC2006-A-00625Paul, R.L.; Muller, J-P; Murray, J.B.An assessment of crater erosional histories on the Earth andMars using digital terrain models

Planet Atmospheres and Oceans

PA1 Atmospheric Structure, Dynamics and Composition

Convener: Encrenaz, T.Co-Convener(s): Taylor, F.Chairperson: N.N.

P0085;EPSC2006-A-00007Kostogryz, N.Determination of the optical parameters of the nonisothermalUranus atmosphere via Raman scattering

P0086;EPSC2006-A-00043Kochemasov, G.Outgassing of planets in relation to their obital frequencies

P0087;EPSC2006-A-00071Makinen, T.; Harri, A.M.; Tokano, T.; Savijarvi, H.;Siili, T.; Ferri, F.Vertical flow in the atmosphere of Titan

P0088;EPSC2006-A-00179Casavecchia, P.; Balucani, N.; Leonori, F.; Segoloni, E.;Petrucci, R.Laboratory studies on the dynamics of neutral-neutralgas-phase reactions of O, N, C, atoms and OH, CN and C2radicals with inorganic and organic molecules of relevancein planetary atmospheres

P0089;EPSC2006-A-00327Shalygina, O.; Korokhin, V.; Starukhina, L.; Shalygin, E.;Marchenko, G.; Velikodsky, Yu.; Akimov, L.; Starodubt-seva, O.Causes of observed long-periodic variations of the polariza-tion at polar regions of Jupiter

P0090;EPSC2006-A-00444Sornig, M.; Sonnabend, G.; Krötz, P.; Stupar, D.;Schieder, R.; Fast, K.E.; Livengood, T.A.; Hewagama, T.;Kostiuk, T.Study of Planetary Atmospheres by High Resolution Mid-Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy

P0091;EPSC2006-A-00473Simpson, A.; Bailey, J.; Chamberlain, S.; Crisp, D.; Wal-ter, M.Derivation of Martian Meteorological Parameters UsingGround-Based Telescopes and Forward-Modelling

P0092;EPSC2006-A-00591Gebauer, S.; Patzer, A.B.CNucleation of Ammonia Species under the AtmosphericConditions of Giant Planets

P0093;EPSC2006-A-00048Slanger, T.G.Prediction of Mars and Venus visible dayglow

P0094;EPSC2006-A-00068Encrenaz, T.; Fouchet, T.; Melchiorri, R.; Bézard, B.;Drossart, P.; Gondet, B.; Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.-P.;Greathouse, T.; Richter, M.; the OMEGA TeamA study of the Martian atmosphere using OMEGA/MarsExpress and IR ground-based measurements

P0095;EPSC2006-A-00285Grassi, D.; Smith, M.D.; Wolff, M.J.; Arvidson, R.E.;Formisano, V.; Ignatiev, N.I.Simultaneous observations of Martian atmosphere by PFS-MeX and MiniTES-MER


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P0096;EPSC2006-A-00318Stanzel, C.; Pätzold, M.; Neukum, G.; the HRSC Co-Investigator TeamThe derivation of the forward velocity of Martian dustdevils and its comparison with wind profiles from a generalcirculation model

P0097;EPSC2006-A-00320Tellmann, S.; Pätzold, M.; Häusler, B.; Hinson, D. P.;Tyler, G. L.Observations of the Martian neutral atmosphere with theRadio Science Experiment MaRS on Mars Express

P0098;EPSC2006-A-00423Sonnemann, G.R.; Hartogh, P.; Grygalashvyly, M.;Medvedev, A.S.; Berger, U.A new coupled 3D-model of the dynamics and chemistry ofthe Martian atmosphere

P0099;EPSC2006-A-00456Lewis, S. R.; Montabone, L.; Read, P. L.; Smith, M. D.Data assimilation for Mars Global Surveyor/Thermal Emis-sion Spectrometer

P0100;EPSC2006-A-00503Nicholson, W.; Aylward, A.MarTIM: Studies of the Martian Upper Atmosphere

P0101;EPSC2006-A-00552Rinaldi, G.; Formisano, V.; Grassi, G.; Ignatiev, N.Study of the Martian aerosol with the 2.7 micron band

P0102;EPSC2006-A-00572Cottini, V. ; Ignatiev, N.I.; Formisano, V.; Grassi, D.Monitoring CO in Martian atmosphere with PFS-MEX data

P0103;EPSC2006-A-00547Avakyan, S.V.; Afanas’ev, I.M.; Voronin, N.A.;Savushkin, A.V.Space patrol of the solar ionizing radiation and the iono-spheric problems

P0104;EPSC2006-A-00482Rogberg, P.; Read, P.L.; Lewis, S.R.; Montabone, L.;Newman, C.E.Assessing Martian atmospheric predictability using a generalcirculation model

PA4 Comparative exospheres: From the upper atmo-spheres of Solar System gas giants to extra-solar HotJupiters

Convener: Lammer, H.Co-Convener(s): Rauer, H.Chairperson: N.N.

P0105;EPSC2006-A-00172Koskinen, T; Aylward, A; Miller, SA thermospheric circulation model for extrasolar giantplanets

P0106;EPSC2006-A-00388Lammer, H.; Khodachenko, M.L.; Lichtenegger, H.I.M;Grießmeier, J.-M.; Biernat, H.K.; Rucker, H.O.Atmospheric erosion of weakly magnetized Hot Jupiter’s

P0107;EPSC2006-A-00570Penz, T.; Ciaravella, A.; Erkaev, N. V.; Langmayr, D.;Cecchi-Pestellini, C.; Kulikov, Y. N.; Lammer, H.;Micela, G.; Biernat, H. K.Stellar radiation induced mass loss from short-periodic gasgiants: Modelling of long-time thermal evaporation

PA6 Special session on Venus Express

Convener: Svedhem, H.Co-Convener(s): Titov, D., Aittola, M.Chairperson: TITOV,D.

P0108;EPSC2006-A-00333Müller, N. ; Helbert, J.; Hashimoto, G. L.; Marinangeli, L.;Drossart, P.; Piccioni, G.Algorithm for retrieval of surface information from VenusIR multispectral images

P0109;EPSC2006-A-00424Lebonnois, S; Luz, D.;Wilson, C.; Hueso, R.; Drossart, P.;Piccioni, G.; Titov, D.; Baines, K.; Sanchez-Lavega, A.;Taylor, F.; the VIRTIS/Venus Express TeamVenus atmospheric dynamics from VIRTIS on Venus Ex-press - preliminary results

P0110;EPSC2006-A-00457Lewis, S. R.; Lee, C.; Read, P. L.A Venus atmospheric general circulation model for VenusExpress

P0111;EPSC2006-A-00614Marcq, E.; Encrenaz, T.; Bézard, B.; Birlan, M.Latitudinal variations of minor species in the atmosphere ofVenus from ground-based observations

P0112;EPSC2006-A-00428Russo, P.; Titov, D.V.; Markiewicz, W.J.; Moissl, R.;Ignatiev, N.; Keller, H.U.; Crisp, D.; Basilevsky, A.T.Imaging of the Venus night side with the Venus MonitoringCamera onboard Venus Express

P0113;EPSC2006-A-00234Gérard, J.-C.; Shematovich, V.I.; Bisikalo, D.V.; Hu-bert, B.; Gladstone, G.R.Venus’ ultraviolet airglow and aurora: Monte Carlo simula-tions and comparison with observations


MA2 Interaction of the Solar Wind with Surfaces andwith Atmospheres

Convener: Leblanc, F.Co-Convener(s): Holmström, M., Kallio, E.Chairperson: LEBLANC, F.

P0114;EPSC2006-A-00075Jarvinen, R.; Barabash, S.; Zhang, T. L.; Sillanpää, I.;Kallio, E. ; Janhunen, P.Hybrid modelling of the plasma interaction between Venusand the solar wind

P0115;EPSC2006-A-00121Haggerty, D. K.; Roelof, E. C.STROFIO: A forward model for exospheric trajectories

P0116;EPSC2006-A-00192Ho, G.C.; Livi, S.A.; Haggerty, D.K.Strofio: Exospheric Sampling of Mercury’s Surface Compo-sition

P0117;EPSC2006-A-00239Massetti, S.; Orsini, S.; Mura, A:; Milillo, A.The dayside magnetosphere of Mercury

P0118;EPSC2006-A-00412Lichtenegger, H.I.M;Lammer, H.; Kallio, E.; Mura, A.;Wurz, P.; Millio, A.; Torka, K.; Livi, S.; Barabash, S.;Orsini, S.The role of CMEs in the refilling of Mercury’s exosphere


Page 37: European Space Agency Programme Book

P0119;EPSC2006-A-00356Cassidy, T. A.; Johnson, R. E.Europa’s near-surface O2 atmosphere

P0120;EPSC2006-A-00270Amerstorfer, U.V.; Erkaev, N.V.; Lichtenegger, H.I.M;Biernat, H.K.Solar Wind Flow around Venus - Implications for theKelvin-Helmholtz Instability

P0121;EPSC2006-A-00352Dialynas, K; Babasides, D; Sergis, N;Moussas, XElectron Impact Ionization In The Martian Ionosphere

P0122;EPSC2006-A-00466Holmström, M. ; Gunell, H.; Ekenbäck, A.The effects of Mars’ exosphere on ENA observations

MA3 Neutral-Plasma Interactions for Planets, Moons,Asteroids and Comets

Convener: Mazelle, C.Co-Convener(s): Bertucci, C.Chairperson: N.N.

P0123;EPSC2006-A-00011Witasse, O.; Blelly, P.-L.; Lilensten, J.; Leblanc, F.TRANSMARS, a kinetic-fluid model of the Martian iono-sphere

P0124;EPSC2006-A-00134Berthelier, J.-J.; Bouhram, M.; Illiano, J.-M.; Smith, H.T.;Johnson, R.E.; Goldstein, R.; Sittler, E.C.; Young, D.T.Ion composition measurements on field lines connected tothe Enceladus torus

MA6 Comparative Auroras (Workshop)

Convener: Galand, M.Co-Convener(s): Prangé, R.Chairperson: GALAND, M.

P0125;EPSC2006-A-00160Stobbart, P.; Aylward, A.A monte carlo particle transport framework model

P0126;EPSC2006-A-00027Witasse, O.; Leblanc, F.; Winningham, J.; Frahm, R.;Brain, D.; Lilensten, J.; Blelly, P.-L.; Bertaux, J.-L.;Halekas, J.Martian aurora

P0127;EPSC2006-A-00445Lystrup, M. ; Miller, S.; Stallard, T.; Smith, C.Variability of Jovian auroral ion winds

P0128;EPSC2006-A-00303Sittler Jr., E. C. ; Blanc, M. F.; Richardson, J. D.; Rymer, A.;Thomsen, M.; Cooper, J. F.; Simpson, D. G; Khurana, K. K.;Dougherty, M.Centrifugal instability model of Saturn’s aurora and itsrelation to Cassini observations: Preliminary results

P0129;EPSC2006-A-00657Miller, S. ; Melin, H.; Trafton, L.; Stallard, T.; Lystrup, M.Auroral emissions from Uranus

MA7 Planetary Radio Emissions (Panel Discussion)

Convener: Rucker, H.Co-Convener(s): Lecacheux, A.Chairperson: N.N.

P0130;EPSC2006-A-00162Zaitsev, V. V.;Shaposhnikov, V. E.; Rucker, H. O.Factors controlling the occurrence of the Jovian decametricradio emission

P0131;EPSC2006-A-00180Panchenko, M.; Khodachenko, M. L.; Kislyakov, A. G.;Rucker, H.O.Analysis of long-periodic modulations of SKR and solarwind parameters

P0132;EPSC2006-A-00255Galopeau, P.H.M; Boudjada, M.Y.; Lecacheux, A.High and low frequency limit of SKR from Cassini/RPWS

MA8 Atmospheric Electricity and Lightning in the SolarSystem

Convener: Aplin, K.Chairperson: N.N.

P0133;EPSC2006-A-00126Serozhkin, Yu.Lightning in gas-dusty atmosphere of water-containingbodies of Solar system

P0134;EPSC2006-A-00114Mather, T. A.; Harrison, R. G.Electrification of volcanic plumes

P0135;EPSC2006-A-00446Karashtin, A. N.; Gurevich, A. V.Electromagnetic emission from terrestrial lightning in the0.1–30 MHz frequency range

P0136;EPSC2006-A-00156Owen, N.R.;Aplin, K.L. ; Stevens, P.A.Determining ion mobility spectra of Titan’s lower atmo-sphere

P0137;EPSC2006-A-00528Hamelin, M.; Szegö, K.; Godefroy, M.; Berthelier, J.-J.;Simões, F.; the ARES teamARES: an atmospheric electricity instrument proposedfor EXOMARS. Results of balloon tests in the terrestrialatmosphere

MA9 Planetary Magnetism

Convener: Cowley, S.Co-Convener(s): Breuer, D., Nichols, J.Chairperson: N.N.

P0138;EPSC2006-A-00152Vennerstrom, S.; Primdahl, F.Magnetic Fields generated in the Solar Wind Interactionwith Mars


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Planetary Moons

PM1/PM3 Titan’s lower atmosphere and surface afterCassini-Huygens

Convener: Sotin, C.Co-Convener(s): Coustenis, A., Zarnecki, J., Harri, A.Chairperson: N.N.

P0139;EPSC2006-A-00045Kochemasov, G.Titan’s radar images: cross-cutting ripples are dunes orwarping surface waves?

P0140;EPSC2006-A-00077Pintassilgo, C.D.; Loureiro, J.Kinetic modelling of a N2-CH4 microwave discharge for awide range of pressures for simulation of Titan´s atmosphere

P0141;EPSC2006-A-00203Nguyen, M-J; Raulin, F; Coll, P; Derenne, S; Szopa, C;Cernogora, G; Israël, G; Bernard, J-MCarbon isotopic enrichment in Titan’s tholins? Implicationsfor Titan’s aerosols

P0142;EPSC2006-A-00302Parrish, P.D.; Sadino, J.; Burl, M.C.; Orton, G.S.;Davies, A.G.; Irwin, P.G.J; Teanby, N.A.; Flasar, F.M.; theCassini/CIRS investigation TeamTitan’s thermal emission: analysis of near-surface tempera-tures via mid-infrared measurements

P0143;EPSC2006-A-00371Israel, G.; Szopa, C.; Cabane, M.; Brun, J.F.; Coll, P.;Nguyen, M.J.; Coscia, D.; Raulin, F.; the ACP teamTitan’s aerosols properties determined with the AerosolCollector and Pyrolyzer experiment of the Huygens probe

P0144;EPSC2006-A-00579Crapeau, M.;Rodriguez, S.; Le Mouélic, S.; Paillou, Ph.;Sotin, C.; Wall, S.CASSINI/altimeter and VIMS complementarity: exampleusing observations over the same area from Ta and T13Titan’s flybys

P0145;EPSC2006-A-00576Sotin, C.; Rodriguez, S.; Le Mouélic, S.; Hirtzig, M.;Tobie, G.; Brown, R.H.Geology of Titan investigated by the VIMS imaging spec-trometer onboard CASSINI

P0146;EPSC2006-A-00044Kochemasov, G.Titan and Triton: two large satellites with fine tectonicgranulation

P0147;EPSC2006-A-00471Kostiuk, T. ; Livengood, T. A.; Hewagama, T.; Fast, K. E.;Sonnabend, G.Stratospheric winds and ethane abundance on Titan duringthe Huygens epoch: an update

PM2/PA5 Planetary bodies with past or present oceans:formation, evolution, and internal structure

Convener: Grasset, O.Co-Convener(s): Sohl, F., Grieger, B.Chairperson: SOHL, F.

P0148;EPSC2006-A-00538Mousis, O.; Alibert, Y.Constraints on the formation of Titan in Saturn’s subnebulafrom Huygens measurements

P0149;EPSC2006-A-00093Castillo, J.;Matson, D.; Johnson, T.; Lunine, J.Hot Recipes for Baking Enceladus

P0150;EPSC2006-A-00337Ziethe, R.; Sohl, F.; Hussmann, H.Conditions for the internal differentiation of Enceladus:Almost complete or still work in progress?

P0151;EPSC2006-A-00429Grott, M. ; Sohl, F.; Multhaup, K.; Spohn, T.Enceladus’ thermal evolution and the prerequisites fordifferentiation

P0152;EPSC2006-A-00588Hurford, T.A. ; Greenberg, R.; Bills, B.; Sarid, A.R.The Influence of Obliquity on Europan Cycloid Formation

P0153;EPSC2006-A-00316Andert, T. ; Pätzold, M.; Häusler, B.Simulation of Radio Science Observations during closeflybys

P0154;EPSC2006-A-00511Willner, K. ; Bendig, J.; Oberst, J.; Wählisch, M.;Matz, K.D.; Roatsch, T.Position measurements of Phobos shadows in HRSC andMOC images and implications for the Phobos orbit

P0155;EPSC2006-A-00622Lainey, V.; Arlot, J.E.; Karatekin, O.; Dehant, V.Io’s internal dissipation from its tidal orbital acceleration

P0156;EPSC2006-A-00582Rosenblatt, P.; Lainey, V.; Le Maistre, S.; Marty, J.C.;Dehant, V.; Paetzold, M.; Haeusler, B.; Van Hoolst, T.Accurate Mars Express Orbit Determination to improveMartian Moons Ephemerides

P0157;EPSC2006-A-00344Treffer, M. ; Kömle, N.I.; Kargl, G.; Kaufmann, E.Thermal probes for investigating planetary ice sheets

P0158;EPSC2006-A-00565Bentley, M.; Kraft, S.; Steiger, R.; Varlet, F.; Voigt, D.;Falkner, P.; Peacock, A.A highly integrated payload suite for Europa

P0159;EPSC2006-A-00541Mousis, O.; Alibert, Y.; Horner, J.; Petit, J.-M.A future spacecraft mission towards the Jovian system –providing key observational tests to constrain formationscenarios

P0160;EPSC2006-A-00163Volwerk, M. ; Kivelson, M.G.; Khurana, K.K.; Paranicas, C.The Influence of Europa’s Ocean on its Magnetic Interactionwith Jupiter

P0161;EPSC2006-A-00056Toubeau, J.; Deleersnijder, E.; de Viron, O.; Karatekin, Ö.;Remacle, J.-F.; Dehant, V.Dynamics of an internal ocean of Europa

PM4/PA2 Nitrogen in the Solar System and chemicalcomposition of Titan

Convener: Dutuit, O.Co-Convener(s): Gazeau, M., Coustenis, A., Chassefiere, E.,Atreya, S.Chairperson: GAZEAU, M.-C.

P0162;EPSC2006-A-00079Balucani, N.; Casavecchia, P.Laboratory studies on N(2D) reactions of relevance to thechemistry of planetary atmospheres


Page 39: European Space Agency Programme Book

P0163;EPSC2006-A-00115Vinatier, S.; Bézard, B.; the CIRS Investigation TeamThe HCN vertical profile in Titan’s atmosphere and the14N/15N and 12C/13C isotopic ratios as retrieved fromCassini/CIRS

P0164;EPSC2006-A-00308Romanzin, C.; Joll, A.; Bénilan, Y.;Gazeau, M.-C.;Berteloite, C.; Le Picard, S.D.; Canosa, A.; Sims, I.R.Laboratory experiments as support to the built up of Titan’stheoretical models: new results from specific studies andsimulations

P0165;EPSC2006-A-00348Benilan, Y.; Ferradaz, T.; Fray, N.; Jolly, A.; Schwell, M.;Guillemin, J.-C.HC3N and C4H2 low temperature VUV photoabsorptioncross sections: application to their observation in Titan’satmosphere by UVIS

P0166;EPSC2006-A-00375Thissen, R.;Alcaraz, C.; Dutuit, O.; Nicolas, C.; Soldi-Lose, H.; Zabka, J.; Franceschi, P.Laboratory experiments for Titan’s ionosphere: the chem-istry of N2+, N+, and N2++ nitrogen ions

P0167;EPSC2006-A-00431Alcaraz, C.; Fischer, I.; Schussler, T.; Deyerl, H.-J.;Roth, W.; Elhanine, M.; Gerber, T.Laboratory experiments for Titan’s ionosphere: the pho-toionisation of hydrocarbon radicals CxHy

P0168;EPSC2006-A-00500Franceschi, P.; Ascenzi, D.; Guella, G.; Scarduelli, G.;Tosi, P.Laboratory investigation of chemical reactions relevant inTitan atmosphere

P0169;EPSC2006-A-00146Szopa, C.; Cernogora, G.; Pintassilgo, C.D.; Cavarroc, M.;Boufendi, L.; Loureiro, J.Study and modelling of a RF plasma producing analogues ofTitan’s aerosols

P0170;EPSC2006-A-00664Schmitt, B.; Quirico, E.; Douté, S.; Lellouch, E.;Schröder, S.; Bernard, J.; Bézard, B.; Tomasko, M.Titan’s Surface Composition at the Huygens Landing Sitefrom DISR Spectra

P0171;EPSC2006-A-00106Carrasco, N.; Hébrard, E.; Dobrijevic, M.; Pernot, P.Comparison of two major sources of uncertainty in Titanionospheric chemistry: neutral densities and ion-moleculereactions

P0172;EPSC2006-A-00376Thissen, R.; Alcaraz, C.; Dutuit, O.; Nicolas, C.; Soldi-Lose, H.; Zabka, J.; Franceschi, P.Laboratory experiments for Titan’s ionosphere: the chem-istry of N2+, N+, and N2++ nitrogen ions

PM5 Titan: Aeronomy, Plasma and Magnetic Environ-ment

Convener: Müller-Wodarg, I.Co-Convener(s): Galand, M., Yelle, R.Chairperson: GALAND, M.

P0173Poster Contributions (5 min. each)

P0174;EPSC2006-A-00238Sillanpää, I.; Kallio, E.; Jarvinen, R.; Janhunen, P.;Bertucci, C.; Dougherty, M.K.; Neubauer, F.M.Hybrid Simulation Results for Titan compared withCassini/MAG data from T9 flyby

P0175;EPSC2006-A-00261Motschmann, U.; Simon, S.; Boesswetter, A.; Bagdonat, T.Plasma environment of Titan: A 3D hybrid simulation study

P0176;EPSC2006-A-00305Hartle, R. E.; The CASSINI Titan TeamSaturn’s magnetosphere plasma interaction with Titan’sexosphere and ionosphere: Structure and composition

P0177;EPSC2006-A-00527Garnier, P.;Dandouras, I.; Toublanc, D.; Mitchell, D.G;Roelof, E.C; Brandt, P.C; Krimigis, S.M; Krupp, N.; Hamil-ton, D.C; Waite, J.HThe interaction between the Titan exosphere and the kronianmagnetosphere: MIMI observations and modelling

P0178;EPSC2006-A-00311Szego, K.; the CAPS teamIndirect evidence for a neutral hydrogen cloud near Titan

P0179;EPSC2006-A-00310Szego, K.; the CAPS TeamThe global plasma environment of Titan as observed by theCassini Plasma Spectrometer and the Cassini Magnetometerduring the close encounters

P0180;EPSC2006-A-00330Galand, M.; Yelle, R.V.; Coates, A.J.; Wahlund, J.-E.;Backes, H.Electron temperature at Titan

P0181;EPSC2006-A-00674Yelle, R. V.; Niemann, H.; Kasprzak, W.; Mueller-Wodarg, I.Vertical Mixing and Escape of Titan’s Atmosphere

P0182;EPSC2006-A-00675Mueller-Wodarg, I. ; Yelle, R. V.; Borggren, N.; Waite, J. H.Horizontal Structures, Waves and Dynamics in Titan’sThermosphere

Small Bodies

SB1 Advances in Meteor Research - Orbital and Spec-troscopic Studies

Convener: Trigo-Rodríguez, J.Co-Convener(s): Oberst, J.Chairperson: OBERST, J.

P0183;EPSC2006-A-00518Flohrer, J.; Oberst, J.; Heinlein, D.; Grau, T.; Spurny, P.The European Fireball Network - Current Status of theAll-Sky Cameras in Germany

P0184;EPSC2006-A-00496Oberst, J.; Flohrer, J.; Elgner, S.;Maue, T.; Schroedter, R.;Michaelis, H.Meteor Observations with SPOSH - Results from recentCampaigns

SB2 Physical Properties Of Minor Bodies: Density,Porosity And Tensile Strength (Workshop)

Convener: Llorca, J.Co-Convener(s): Trigo-Rodríguez, J., Blum, J.Chairperson: N.N.

P0185;EPSC2006-A-00235Campo Bagatin, A.An updated review on the interiors of small Solar Systembodies


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SB3 Small bodies and dust: Observations, Methods andResults

Convener: Srama, R.Co-Convener(s): Kempf, S.Chairperson: N.N.

P0186;EPSC2006-A-00197Ipatov, S.I.; Mather, J.C.Migration of Interplanetary Dust and Comets

P0187;EPSC2006-A-00147Delbo, M.; Tanga, P.The future of asteroid occultations: the post-GAIA era

P0188;EPSC2006-A-00165Delbo, M.; Ligori, S.First VLTI observations of asteroids

P0189;EPSC2006-A-00537Cellino, A.;Delbo, M.; Tedesco, E.F.Albedo and size determination of (99942) Apophis frompolarimetric observations*

P0190;EPSC2006-A-00580Bidstrup, P. R.; Grillmayer, G.; Andersen, A. C.; Haack, H.;Jørgensen, J. L.Automated Detection of Small Bodies by Space BasedObservation

P0191;EPSC2006-A-00459Petrov, D.V.; Shkuratov, Yu.Lightscattering studies of comets and meteorites witht-matrix method

P0192;EPSC2006-A-00293Brilliantov, N.V. ; Schmidt, J.; Spahn, F.Quantitative model for the Enceladus plume

P0193;EPSC2006-A-00211Köhler, M. ; Morlok, A.; Mann, I.Comparison of olivine and pyroxene spectra from primitivemeteorites to astronomical observations

P0194;EPSC2006-A-00453Hillier, J. K. ; Green, S. F.; McBride, N.; Schwanethal, J. P.;Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Postberg, F.; Altobelli, N.; Gruen, E.;McDonnell, J.Interplanetary dust detected by Cassini’s cosmic dust anal-yser

P0195;EPSC2006-A-00361Beckmann, U.; Kempf, S.; Srama, R.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; Helfert, S.; Grün, E.Stream particles inside Saturn’s magnetosphere: models forsources

P0196;EPSC2006-A-00365Kempf, S.Interpretation of high rate measurements with the CosmicDust Analyser on Cassini

P0197;EPSC2006-A-00325Senger, R.; Igenbergs, E.Results of dust impact measurements between Earth andMars by Nozomi/MDC

P0198;EPSC2006-A-00380Nogami, K; the Mercury Dust TeamDevelopment of Mercury dust monitor (MDM) using piezo-electric sensor on boad BepiColombo spacecraft

P0199;EPSC2006-A-00401Ohashi, H.; Iwasa, K.; Shibata, H.;Sasaki, S.Study of impact ionization characteristics with a simpledetector IID

P0200;EPSC2006-A-00631Srama, R.;Helfert, S.; Srowig, A.; Auer, S.; Kempf, S.;Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; Grün, E.A trajectory sensor for sub-micron sized dust

SB4 Comets

Convener: Tozzi, G.Co-Convener(s): Capria, M.Chairperson: N.N.

P0201;EPSC2006-A-00151Barber, R.; Miller, S.; Stallard, T.; Tennyson, J.BT2 reveals new ’distributed source’ water lines in comet9P, not observed in 73P

P0202;EPSC2006-A-00223Mann, I.; Minato, T.Dust Evolution in Cometary Comae

P0203;EPSC2006-A-00384Filonenko, V.; Churyumov, K.Light curve of comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3

P0204;EPSC2006-A-00725Tozzi, G.P.; Bagnulo, S.; Boehnhardt, H.; Hainaut, O.;Jehin, E.; Kaeufl, U.; Kerber, F.; Kolokolova, L.; Lara, L.M.;Tubiana, C.Observations of Comet 73P/SW3 close to its closest ap-proach to the Earth

P0205;EPSC2006-A-00739Wooden, D. H.; Harker, D. E.; Woodward, C. E.; Ehrenfre-und, P.; Geers, V. C.; Waters, L. B.; Cox, N.Is the tail of 73P-B/Schwassman-Wachman 1 chasing itsremnant nucleus?

P0206;EPSC2006-A-00438Davidsson, B.J.R; Gutierrez, P.J.; Rickman, H.Mass and Bulk Density of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 from Non-Gravitational Force Modeling

SB5 Planetary Rings: Formation and Structures

Convener: Spahn, F.Co-Convener(s): Schmidt, J.Chairperson: N.N.

P0207;EPSC2006-A-00599Latter, H ; Ogilvie, GInstabilities in kinetic models of dense planetary rings


ON1 Planetary formation and the origin of the SolarSystem

Convener: Morbidelli, A.Co-Convener(s): Ehrenfreund, P., Krot, A.Chairperson: N.N.

P0208;EPSC2006-A-00672Mordasini, C.; Alibert, Y.; Benz, W.; Naef, D.Monte Carlo simulations of the formation of extrasolar giantplanets

P0209;EPSC2006-A-00141Brucato, J.R.; Strazzulla, G.; Baratta, G.A.; Saladino, R.;Di Mauro, E.Role of Cosmic Dust Analogues in prebiotic chemistry


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P0210;EPSC2006-A-00510Mousis, O.; Pauzat, F.; Ellinger, Y.H3+ as a sequestrator of noble gases in the outer solar nebula

P0211;EPSC2006-A-00023Griv, E.Gravitationally unstable protoplanetary disks

P0212;EPSC2006-A-00002Sharkov, E.Heterogeneous accretion of the Earth and the Moon: Evi-dence from data on their tectonomagmatic evolution

P0213;EPSC2006-A-00012Minervina, H. ; Krot, A.The analysis of hydrodynamic flows in protocloud near arotating protoplanetary disk

P0214;EPSC2006-A-00013Tkachova, P.; Krot, A.The investigations of conditions leading to origin of self-rotation of protoplanet

P0215;EPSC2006-A-00014Krot, A.The statistical model of origin and evolution planets of Solarsystem and planetary satellities

P0216;EPSC2006-A-00111Morbidelli, A. ; O’brien, D.The formation of terrestrial planets

P0217;EPSC2006-A-00633Podlewska, E.; Szuszkiewicz, E.On the effects of viscosity in the migration of a Jovian massplanet

ON2 Celestial mechanics

Convener: Dvorak, R.Co-Convener(s): Pilat-Lohniger, E.Chairperson: N.N.

P0218;EPSC2006-A-00256Kitiashvili, I. ; Gusev, A.Qualitative and bifurcation analysis of gravi-magnetic inter-actions for the spin-orbit evolution of extra-solar systems

P0219;EPSC2006-A-00716Dvorak, R.; Schneider, J.; Schwarz, R.; Lhotka, C.; Sán-dor, Z.The Detection Of Planets In The 1:1 Resonance

P0220;EPSC2006-A-00717Pilat-Lohinger, E.; Suli, A.; Freistetter, F.; Dvorak, R.;Schwarz, R.; Funk, B.Influence of Giant Planets near the 5:2 Resonance in theHabitable Zone of Sun-Like Stars

P0220a;EPSC2006-A-00753Krivov, A. V.; Queck, M.; Löhne, T.; Sremcevic, M.Clumps in debris risks with embedded planets resonances vs.collisions

ON3 The evolving Sun/stars and the influence to plane-tary environments

Convener: Ribas, I.Co-Convener(s): Hanslmeier, A.Chairperson: N.N.

P0221;EPSC2006-A-00227Odert, P.; Leitzinger, M.; Hanslmeier, A.; Lammer, H.;Khodachenko, M. L.; Ribas, I.; Vanko, M.; Konovalenko, A.A.; Rucker, H. O.Activity of M-type stars - effects on planetary habitability

P0222;EPSC2006-A-00323Grießmeier, J.-M.; Stadelmann, A.; Lammer, H.; Gren-fell, L.; Patzer, B.; von Paris, P.; Motschmann, U.The Impact of galactic cosmic Rays on extrasolar Earth-likePlanets in close-in habitable Zones

ON4 Early life

Convener: Westall, F.Co-Convener(s): Orberger, B.Chairperson: N.N.

P0223;EPSC2006-A-00277Gontareva, N.; Kuzicheva, E.Role of space energy impacts in prebiotic synthesis ofpolypeptides in presence of extraterrestrial mineral matrix

P0224;EPSC2006-A-00063Westall, F.; Southam, G.The diversity of early Life on Earth: implications for life onMars

ON6 Life processes under planetary conditions: simula-tions, observations and analogs

Convener: Moehlmann, D.Co-Convener(s): Szathmary, E.Chairperson: N.N.

P0225;EPSC2006-A-00112ten Kate, IL ; van Sluis, CA; Selch, F; Garry, JRC; Stan-Lotter, H; van Loosdrecht, M; Ehrenfreund, PUV resistance of a halophilic archaeon in simulated martianconditions

P0226;EPSC2006-A-00231Pavlov, A. K.; Shelegedin, V. N.;Tretyakov, A. V.; Vdov-ina, M. A.Active Growth of Microorganism’s Population under Ex-perimental Modeling of Martian and Cometary NucleusSubsurface Conditions

P0227;EPSC2006-A-00284Möhlmann, D.T.;Wernecke, R.; Schwanke, V.The Mars-Simulation-Facility at DLR-Berlin

P0228;EPSC2006-A-00589Meyer, C.; Stöffler, D.; Fritz, J.; Misgaiski, M.; Horneck, G.;Möller, R.; De Vera, J.-P.; Cockell, C.; Hornemann, U.Mars in upheaval: The impact induced transfer of life fromMars to Earth


Page 42: European Space Agency Programme Book

ON7 Biomarkers on Extrasolar Earth-like planets andthe Early Atmosphere of Earth

Convener: Kaltenegger, L.Co-Convener(s): Lammer, H.Chairperson: N.N.

P0229;EPSC2006-A-00437Stracke, B.; Grenfell, J. L.; Patzer, B.; Titz, R.;Rauer, H.Habitable Zones for Planets with Pre-Industrial EarthlikeBiospheres orbiting Main Sequence Stars


OR1 Habitability and Space Exploration

Convener: Zarnecki, J.Chairperson: N.N.

P0230;EPSC2006-A-00526Boldoghy, B.; Kummert, J.; Szilágyi, I.; Varga, T.; Bér-czi, Sz.Studies on Lunar Base construction: architectural envi-ronment, thermal balance, economic technologies, localmaterials, on site assembly

OR3 Outreach techniques

Convener: Lebreton, J.Co-Convener(s): Naze, Y., Russo, P., Chatzichristou, E.,Lindberg Christensen, L., Miller, S.Chairperson: RUSSO, P.

P0231;EPSC2006-A-00369Stavinschi, MCommunicating Solar System as experienced on March 29TSE

P0232;EPSC2006-A-00374Sandrelli, S.The Lord of Rings – the mysterious case of the stolen rings:a critical analysis

P0233;EPSC2006-A-00479Pearson, V. K.; Greenwood, R. C.; Bridges, J.; Watson, J.;Brooks, V.The Rocks From Space outreach initiative and The SpaceSafari: the development of virtual learning environments forplanetary science outreach in the UK

P0234;EPSC2006-A-00025Krasotkin, S.A.; Mjagkova, I.N.; Panasyuk, M.I.; Rad-chenko, V.V.; Ryazantseva, M.O.Space research scientific and educational project of MoscowState University

P0235;EPSC2006-A-00350Moussas, X; Dialynas, K; Babasides, G; Fasoulopoulos, G;Dimitropoulou, V; Prassopoulos, D; Kouphos, S; Spanda-gos, E; Strikis, JOutreach of Astronomy with emphasis to the Solar Systemby the Space group in Greece

P0236;EPSC2006-A-00689Pedrosa, A.; Barrosa, M.; Calçada, L.; Russo, P.Camping with Stars - A FullDome show for a youngaudience

P0237;EPSC2006-A-00509Bérczi, Sz.; Hargitai, H.; Horváth, A.; Illés, E.; Keresz-turi, Á.; Mörtl, M.; Sik, A.; Weidinger, T.; Hegyi, S.;Hudoba, Gy.Solar System atlas series on the Eötvös University, Bu-dapest, Hungary: textbooks for space and planetary scienceeducation

P0238;EPSC2006-A-00512Bérczi, Sz.; Hegyi, S.; Hudoba, Gy.; Hargitai, H.;Kókány, A.; Drommer, B.; Bíró, T.; Gucsik, A.; Pin-tér, A.; Kovács, Zs.Educational space probe model system of lander (Hunveyor),rover (Husar) and test-terrain for planetary science educationand analog studies in universities and colleges of Hungary

P0239;EPSC2006-A-00709Thompson, ?; et al.A Prototype for Education Programs using Planetari andSpace Centres as Key Tools

P0240;EPSC2006-A-00710Brumfitt, A.; Thompson, L.Art and Science the Inseparable Tools of Effective Outreach

P0241;EPSC2006-A-00515Hargitai, H.; Bérczi, Sz.Multilingual Maps of the Terrestrial Planets and theirMoons: the East and Central European Edition

P0242;EPSC2006-A-00711Brumfitt, A.; Thompson, L.Scout and Guides, Key Users of Astronomy & PlanetarySciences Outreach that Support Education

P0243;EPSC2006-A-00712Czart, ?Astronomia.pl - contribution

P0244;EPSC2006-A-00713Czart, ?Las cumbres observatory


Page 43: European Space Agency Programme Book


EPSC2006-A-00645; p. 32

Active Robotics Lab

Dr G.T.McKee ARLMr A.K.Bouloubasis ARLMr A.Gatward ARLMr R.McElliot ARLMr S.J.Edwards ARL

EPSC2006-A-00371; p. 38

ACP team


EPSC2006-A-00528; p. 37

ARES team

K.L. Aplin (1)J.J. Berthelier (5)G.T. Delory (2)F. Ferri (3)F. Forget (4)F. Formes (5)M. Godefroy (5)S. Lebonnois (4)F. Lefèvre (6)J.-P. Lebreton (7)F. Montmessin (6)J.J. López-Moreno (8)G.J. Molina-Cuberos (9)M. Parrot (10)K. Schwingenschuh (11)F. Simões (5)S. Szalai (12)K. Szegö (12)J.C. Zarnecki (13)(1) Rutherford Appelton Laboratory, UK; (2) University ofBerkeley, USA; (3) CSIAS-Padova, Italy; (4) LMD/IPSL,France; (5) CETP/IPSL, France; (6) SA/IPSL, France;(7) ESA/RSSD-ESTEC, The Netherlands; (8) IAA/CSIC,Spain; (9) University of Murcia, Spain; (10) LPCE/CNRS,France; (11)IWF/OAW, Austria; (12)KFKI-RFKI, Hungary;(13) Open University, UK

EPSC2006-A-00224; p. 30


H. Andersson, M. Holmström, A. Grigoriev, O. Norberg(a),M. YamauchiSwedish Institute of Space Physics, Box 812, S-98 128,Kiruna, SwedenK. AsamuraInstitute of Space and Astronautical Science, 3-1-1 Yoshin-odai, Sagamichara, JapanA.J. Coates, D.R. Linder, D.O. KatariaMullard Space Science Laboratory, University CollegeLondon, Surrey RH5 6NT, UKC.C. Curtis, K.C. Hsieh, B.R. SandelUniversity of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USAJ.-J. ThocavenCentre d’Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, BP-4346,F-31028 Toulouse, France

M. Grande, M. Carter, D.H. ReadingRutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxford-shire OX11 0QX, UKH. Koskinen, E. Kallio, P. Riihela, W. Schmidt,T.S�esFinnish Meteorological Institute, Box 503 FIN-00101Helsinki, FinlandJ. KozyraSpace Physics Research Laboratory, University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143, USAN. Krupp, S. Livi(b), J. WochMax-Planck-Institut fr Aeronomie, D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, GermanyJ. LuhmannSpace Science Laboratory, University of California inBerkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-7450, USAS. McKenna-LawlorSpace Technology Ltd., National University of Ireland,Maynooth, Co. Kildare, IrelandS. Orsini, R. Cerulli-Irelli, M. Maggi, A. Mura, A.MililloInstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetari, I-00133 Rome,ItalyE. Roelof, D. WilliamsApplied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University,Laurel, MD, 20723-6099, USAD. Winningham, R. Frahm, J. Scherrer, J. SharberSouthwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX 7228-0510,USAP. Wurz, P. BochslerUniversity of Bern, Physikalisches Institut, CH-3012 BernSwitzerlandanow at ESRANGE, Swedish Space Corporation, Kiruna,Swedenbnow at Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins Univer-sity, Laurel,MD 20723, USA

EPSC2006-A-00166; p. 9


Klas Brinkfeldt, Alexander Grigoriev, HerbertGunell, Mats Holmström, Rickard Lundin (IRF,Sweden) Kazushi Asamura (JAXA/ISAS, Japan) AndrewCoates, Dhiren Kataria , Dave Linder (MMSL, UK)Charles Curtis, K. C. Hsieh, Bill R. Sandel (UA,Tucson) Andrei Fedorov, Christian Mazelle(CESR/CNSR, France) Manuel Grande, (U. of Wales,UK) Esa Kallio, Walter Schmidt(FMI, Finland) Joachim Woch(MPS, Germany) Anna Milillo, Alessandro Mura,Stefano Orsini (IFSI,Italy) Karoly Szego(KFKI,Hungary) Rudy Frahm, Jim Sharber, DavidWinningham (SwRI, San Antonio) Peter Wurz (UBe,Switzerland) Tielong Zhang (SRI, Austria) PontusBrandt, Edmond Roelof (APL/JHU, Laurel) JanetLuhmann (SSL/UC, Berkeley) Susan McKenna-Lawlor(STIL, Ireland)


Page 44: European Space Agency Programme Book

EPSC2006-A-00399; p. 17

Athena Science Team

Mars Exploration Rovers Science Team

EPSC2006-A-00030; p. 30

Cassini VIMS Science Team

K.H. BainesG. BelucciJ.-P. BibringB.J. BurattiF. CappaccioniP. CerroniR.N. ClarkM. CombesA. CoradiniD. P. CruikshankP. DrossartG. FilacchioneV. FormisanoC.A. HibbittsY. LangevinD.L. MatsonT.B. McCordV. MenellaR.M. NelsonP.D. NicholsonB. SicardyC. Sotin

EPSC2006-A-00403; p. 14

Cassini Magnetometer Team

EPSC2006-A-00310; p. 39


Z. Bebesi (1), C. Bertucci (2), J. J. Berthelier (3), A. J.Coates (4), F. Crary (5), G. Erdos (1), L. Foldy (1), R. E.Hartle (6), H. McAndrews (4), F. M. Neubauer (7), E. C.Sittler (6), M. Thomsen (8), D. T. Young (5)(1) KFKI Res. Inst. for Particle and Nuclear Physics,Budapest, Hungary(2) Imperial College, London, UK(3) Centre d’étude des Environnements Terrestre et Plane-taires, St. Maur-des-Fosses(4) Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK(5) Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX(6) Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD(7) Univ. of Koeln, Germany(8) Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM

EPSC2006-A-00311; p. 39


K. Szego (1), Zs. Bebesi (1), G. Erdos (1), L. Foldy (1), F.Crary (2), D.T. Young (2), A.J. Coates (3), H. McAndrews(3), R.E. Hartle (4), E.C. Sittler (4), J.-J. Berthelier (5), M.Bouhram (5), M.F. Thomsen (6)(1) KFKI Res. Inst. for Particle and Nuclear Physics,Budapest, Hungary, (2) Southwest Research Institute, SanAntonio, TX, (3) Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK,(4) Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, (5) Cen-tre d’étude des Environnements Terrestre et Planetaires, St.Maur-des-Fosses, (6) Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los

Alamos, NM

EPSC2006-A-00455; p. 13


P. Schippers1 , M. Blanc1 , N. André3, S.Livi2 , I. Dan-douras1, E.C. Sittler4 L.K. Gilbert , A.J. Coates3, G.R.Lewis3, A.Persoon7, D.Gurnett7, N. Krupp5 , S. Maurice1,A.M. Rymer2, , B.H. Mauk2, F.J. Crary6, D.T. Young6 ,S.M. Krimigis2 , D.Santos Costa6 , S.Bolton6Centre d’Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse,France.2Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University,11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723-6099, U.S.A.3 Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University CollegeLondon, Surrey, England.4 Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, U.S.A.5 Max-Planck Institut für Aeronomie, D-37191, Katlenburg- Lindau, Germany.6 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.7University of Iowa, Iowa city, Iowa,USA

EPSC2006-A-00304; p. 10


N. Andre (2), M. F. Blanc (3), M. H. Burger (1), R. E. John-son (4), A. Coates (5), A. Rymer (6), D. Reisenfeld (7), M.F. Thomsen (8), A. Persoon (9), M. Dougherty (10), H. T.Smith (4), R. A. Baragiola (4), R. E. Hartle (1), D. Chornay(1), M. D. Shappirio (1), D. G. Simpson (1), D. J. McComas(11) and D. T. Young (11)

EPSC2006-A-00495; p. 13


E. C. Sittler (3),M. F. Thomsen (4),A. M. Rymer (5),M. Blanc (6),J. L. Burch (7),A. J. Coates (2),F. J. Crary (7),J. Goldstein (7),K. K. Khurana (8),N. Krupp (9),W. S. Kurth (10),J. S. Leisner (8),P. Louarn (6),B. H. Mauk (5),A. M. Persoon (10),C. T. Russell (8),M. K. Dougherty (11),D. A. Gurnett (10),S. M. Krimigis (5),D. G. Mitchell (5),D. T. Young (7)(2) University College London, Mullard Space ScienceLaboratory, Dorking, Surrey, UK.(3) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,Maryland, USA.(4) Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NewMexico, USA.(5) Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Labora-tory, Laurel, Maryland, USA.(6) Centre d’Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Obser-


Page 45: European Space Agency Programme Book

vatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France.(7) Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas,USA.(8) University College of Los Angeles, Los Angeles,California, USA(9) Max-Planck Institut fur Sonnensystemforschung,Lindau, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany.(10) University of Iowa, Department of Physics andAstronomy, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.(11) The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Lon-don, UK.

EPSC2006-A-00305; p. 39


E. C. Sittler Jr. (1), F. M. Neubauer (2), C. Bertucci (3), R.E. Johnson (4), M. Blanc (5), K. Szego (6), A. Rymer (7), N.Andre (8), A. J. Coates (9), D. Reisenfeld (1), J. J. Berthelier(11), M. Thomsen (12), H. T. Smith (4), D. G. Simpson (1),S. Bolton (13), F. Crary (13), D. J. McComas (13) and D. T.Young (13)

EPSC2006-A-00302; p. 38

Cassini/CIRS investigation Team

R.K. Achterberg (SSAI), G.L. Bjoraker (NASA/Goddard), J.Brasunas (NASA/Goddard), R.C. Carlson (NASA/Goddard),D.E. Jennings (NASA/Goddard), V.G. Kunde(NASA/Goddard), A. Mamoutkine (NASA/Goddard), C.A.Nixon (Univ. Maryland), J.C. Pearl (NASA/Goddard), P.N.Romani (NASA/Goddard), P.J. Schinder (NASA/Goddard),M.E. Segura (NASA/Goddard), A.A. Simon-Miller(NASA/Goddard), J.S. Tingley (NASA/Goddard)

EPSC2006-A-00426; p. 15

CIRS Investigation Team

Athena Coustenis1, Richard K. Achterberg2, Barney J. Con-rath3, Donald E. Jennings4,André Marten1, Daniel Gautier1, Conor A. Nixon5, F.Michael Flasar4, Nick A. Teanby6,Bruno Bézard1, Robert E. Samuelson4,5, Ronald C. Carl-son9, Emmanuel Lellouch1,Gordon L. Bjoraker4, Paul N. Romani4, Fred W. Taylor6,Patrick G. J. Irwin6, Thierry Fouchet1, Glenn S. Orton7, Vir-gil G. Kunde4, Sandrine Vinatier1, Jacqueline Mondellini1,Mian M. Abbas8, Regis Courtin11 Laboratoire d’Etudes Spatiales et d’Instrumentation en As-trophysique (LESIA),Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, 5, place Jules Janssen, 92195Meudon Cedex, France2 SSAI, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA3 CRSR, Cornell University, USA4 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693, Greenbelt,MD 20771, USA5 Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, Col-lege Park, MD 20742, USA6 AOPP, Department of Physics, Univ. of Oxford, ClarendonLab., Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK7 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Califor-nia 91109, USA8 NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, SD50 NSSTC,Huntsville, AL 35812, USA9Institute for Astrophysics & Computational Sciences,Catholic University of America,NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA

EPSC2006-A-00292; p. 7

Cosmic DUNE Team

S. Helfert, S. Kempf, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, MPI-K,Heidelberg, GermanyS. Auer, A&M Assoc., Basye, USAM. Horanyi , Z. Sternovsky, LASP, Boulder, USAM. Landgraf, ESOC, Darmstadt, GermanyN. Altobelli, JPL, Pasadena, USA

EPSC2006-A-00719; p. 29

D-CIXS team

EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24

Dication team

J. Lilensten (1), O. Witasse (2), C. Simon (1), G. Gronoff (1),R. Thissen (3), O. Dutuit (3), C. Alcaraz (3), H. Soldi-Lose(4,), P. Francheschi (5), J. Zabka (6), and S. V. Avakian (7)(1) Laboratoire de Planétologie de Grenoble, Grenoble,France, (2) Research and Scientific Support Departmentof ESA, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (3) LCP,Orsay, France, (4) Institut für Chemie der TechnischenUniversität, Berlin, Germany, (5) Laboratorio di FisicaAtomica e Molecolare, Povo, Italy, (6) J. Heyrovský In-stitute of Physical Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic,(7) All-Russia Scientific center, St Petersburg, Russia([email protected])

EPSC2006-A-00416; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00417; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00422; p. 12


A. Coustenis (1), M. Toplis (2), O. Grasset, C. Sotin (3), M.L. Khodachenko (4), K. Kossacki (5), J. Leliwa-Kopystynski(5), M. Küppers (6), M. Massironi (7), W. Schmidt (8), T.Siili (8)(1) LESIA, Paris-Meudon Obs., 5, place Jules Janssen,92195 Meudon Cedex, France, (2) CESR, Toulouse, (3)LPGN, Nantes, France, (4) IWF, Graz, Austria, (5) Univ.Warsaw, Poland, (6) MPG-MPS, Germany (7) CISAS,Padova, Italy (8) FMI, Finland

EPSC2006-A-00209; p. 20


F. RaulinY. BénilanP. CollD. CosciaH. CottinMC GazeauA. JollyF. MettetalR. SternbergE. HébrardC. RomanzinLISA, CNRS & Universités Paris 7 & Paris12, 61 AvenueGénéral de Gaulle, F-94000 Créteil, France


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EPSC2006-A-00329; p. 27


F. RaulinY. BénilanP. CollD. CosciaH. CottinMC GazeauA. JollyF. MettetalR. SternbergE. HébrardM.-J. NguyenC. RomanzinLISA, CNRS & Universités Paris 7 & Paris12, France

EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Hayabusa team

H. Demura (University of Aizu), T. Hashimoto, T. Kubota, T.Mizuno (ISAS/JAXA), M. Matsuoka (NEC Aerospace Sys-tems Co. Ltd.)

EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17

HRSC Co-Investigator Team

J. Albertz(1), A. T. Basilevsky(2), G. Bellucci(3), J.-P.Bibring(4), M. Buchroithner(5), M. H. Carr(6), E. Dor-rer(7), T. C. Duxbury(8), H. Ebner(9), B. H. Foing(10),R. Greeley(11), E. Hauber(12), J. W. Head III(13), C.Heipke(14), H. Hoffmann(12), A. Inada(15), W.-H. Ip(16),B. A. Ivanov(17), R. Jaumann(12), H. U. Keller(18), R.Kirk(19), K. Kraus(20), P. Kronberg(21), R. Kuzmin(2), Y.Langevin(4), K. Lumme(22), W. Markiewicz(18), P. Mas-son(23), H. Mayer(7), T. B. McCord(24), J.-P. Muller(25), J.B.Murray(26), F. M. Neubauer(27), G. Neukum (PI)(28), J.Oberst(12), G.G. Ori(29), M. Paetzold(27), P. Pinet(30), R.Pischel(12), F. Poulet(4), J. Raitala(31), G. Schwarz(32), T.Spohn(12), S. W. Squyres(33)(1)TU Berlin, Germany, (2)Vernadsky Institute-RAS,Moscow, Russia, (3)IFSI/CNR, Rome, Italy, (4)IAS, OrsayCampus, France, (5)TU Dresden, Germany, (6)U.S.G.S.,Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, (7)Universitaet der Bun-deswehr Muenchen, Germany, (8)JPLPasadena, CA 91109USA, (9)TU Muenchen, Germany, (10)ESTEC/SCI-SR,Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (11)Arizona State University,Tempe, AZ 85287-1404, USA, (12)DLR, Berlin, Ger-many, (13)Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA,(14)Universitaet Hannover, Germany, (15)Kobe University,Japan, (16)National Central University (NCU) Taiwan,(17)IDG-RAS, Moscow, Russia, (18)MPAE, Lindau, Ger-many, (19)U.S.G.S, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA, (20)TUWien, Austria, (21)TU Clausthal, Germany, (22)Universityof Helsinki, Finland, (23)OrsayTerre, Orsay Campus,France, (24)PSI-Nw, Winthrop, WA 98862, USA, (25)Uni-versity College London, UK, (26)The Open University,Buckinghamshire, UK, (27)Universitaet Koeln, Germany,(28)FU Berlin, Germany, (29)IRSPS, Pescara, Italy, (30)Ob-servatoire de Midi-Pyrenees, 31400 Toulouse, France,(31)University of Oulu, Finland, (32)DLR, Wessling, Ger-many, (33)Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 15853-1301, USA.

EPSC2006-A-00654; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00651; p. 7


EPSC2006-A-00616; p. 12

Interoperability Working Team

S. Hughes( 2), S. Kelly (2), E. Guinness (4), S. Slaveny (4),P. Osuna (3), J. Salgado (3), C. Arviset (3), D. Heather (1)(1) European Space Agency, ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands, [email protected](2) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA 91016(3) European Space Agency, ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo,28080 Madrid, Spain(4) McDonnell Center fot the Space Sciences, WashingtonUniversity, 1 Brookings Drive, St. Louis, Missouri, 63130

EPSC2006-A-00623; p. 12

Interoperability Working Group

S. Hughes (2), D. Crichton (2), S. Kelly (2) ,E. Guinness (4),S. Slaveny (4), P. Osuna (3), C. Arviset (3), I. Ortiz (3), J.Dowson (3), , J. Salgado (3), D. Heather (1)(1) European Space Agency, ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2201AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands, [email protected](2) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA 91016(3) European Space Agency, ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo,28080 Madrid, Spain(4) McDonnell Center fot the Space Sciences, WashingtonUniversity, 1 Brookings Drive, St. Louis, Missouri, 63130

EPSC2006-A-00535; p. 7

Juno Science Team

S. J. Bolton (JPL/Caltech), M. Acuna (NASA-GSFC), M.Allison (NASA-GISS), J. Anderson (JPL/Caltech), S. Asmar(JPL), S. Atreya (U. Michigan), F. Bagenal (U.Colorado), M.Blanc (CESR), J. Bloxham (Harvard), J. Connerney (NASA-GSFC), A. Coradini (IAS-CNR), S. Cowley (U. Leices-ter), F. Crary (SwRI), E. deJong (JPL/Caltech), D. Gautier(Paris Observatory-Meudon), G. R. Gladstone (SwRI), S.Gulkis (JPL/Caltech), T. Guillot (Observatory Cote D’Azur),C. Hansen (JPL), W. Hubbard (U. Arizona), A. Ingersoll(Caltech), M. Janssen (JPL/Caltech), W. Kurth (U. Iowa),S. Levin (JPL/Caltech), S. Livi (APL), J. Lunine (U. Ari-zona), B. Mauk (APL), D. McComas (SwRI), N. Murphy(JPL/Caltech), G. Orton (JPL), T. Owen (U. Hawaii), C. Ruf(U. Michigan), E. Smith (JPL), D. Slater (SwRI), P. Steffes(Georgia State U.), D. Stevenson (Caltech), E. Stone (Cal-tech), R. Thorne (UCLA), P. Zarka (Paris Obs.)

EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7


EPSC2006-A-00652; p. 23

LES3 lander study team


Page 47: European Space Agency Programme Book

EPSC2006-A-00254; p. 9


T. L. Zhang (1), M. Delva (1), W. Baumjohann (1), H.-U.Auster (2), C. Carr (3), C. T. Russell (4), S. Barabash (5), M.Balikhin (6), K. Kudela (7), G. Berghofer (1), H. K. Biernat(1), H. Lammer (1), H. Lichtenegger (1), W. Magnes (1),R. Nakamura (1), K. Schwingenschuh (1), Z. Vörös (1), W.Zambelli (1), K.-H. Glassmeier (2), K.-H. Fornacon (2), I.Richter (2), A. Balogh (3), J. K. Shi (8), H. Zhao (8), U.Motschmann (9), J. G. Luhmann (10), and J.-P. Lebreton (11)(1) Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences,8042 Graz, Austria, (2) Institut für Geophysik und Extrater-restrische Physik„ TU Braunschweig, Germany, (3) ImperialCollege, London, UK, (4) IGPP, University of California,Los Angels, USA, (5) Swedish Institute of Space Physics,Kiruna, Sweden, (6) University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK,(7) Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovakia Academy ofSciences, Kosice, Slovakia, (8) Key Laboratory for SpaceWeather, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, (9) Institutfür Theoretische Physik, TU Braunschweig, Germany,(10) SSL, University of California, Berkeley, USA , (11)RSSD-ESTEC, Netherlands

EPSC2006-A-00380; p. 40


K.Nogami(1), S.Sasaki(2), T.Miyachi(3), H.Ohashi(4),M.Fujii(5), H.shibata(6), T.Iwai(7), A.Fujiwara(8),H.Yano(8), S.Minami(9), S.Takechi(9), T.Ohnishi(9),R.Srama(10), E.Gr??E(10)(1)Dokkyo Medical Univ. Japan, (2)National Astro. Obs.Japan, (3)Waseda Univ. Japan, (4)Tokyo Univ. Marine Sci.and Tech. Japan (5)FAM Co. Japan, (6) Kyoto Univ. Japan,(7)Univ. of Tokyo Japan, (8)ISAS, JAXA Japan, (9)OsakaCity Univ. Japan, (10)Max Planck Inst. Germany

EPSC2006-A-00127; p. 33


G Arnold, DLR / University of MünsterM.Banaszkiewicz, Polish Academy of ScienceJ. Benkhoff, ESA-RSSD / DLRA. Bischoff, University of MünsterM. Blecka, Polish Academy of ScienceS. Calcutt, Oxford UniversityL. Colangeli, INAF-OACA. Coradini, IASF, CNR, RomeS. Erard, IAS-ParisS. Fonti, Univ. LecceH. Hirsch , DLRR. Killen, Univ. MarylandJ. Knollenberg, DLRE. Kührt, DLRI. Mann, University of MünsterU. Mall, MPS LindauL. Moroz, University of Münster / DLRG. Peter, DLRM. Rataj, Polish Academy of ScienceM. Robinson, Northwestern UniversityW. Skrbek , DLRT. Spohn, DLRA. Sprague, University of ArizonaD. Stöffler, Natural History Museum - HU BerlinF. Taylor, Oxford UniversityH. Venus, DLR

J. Warrell, University of UpsallaI. Walter, DLRA. Witzke, DLR

EPSC2006-A-00486; p. 11

Meteor Network Team in Japan

SonotaCo Network Japan, http://sonotaco.com/

EPSC2006-A-00220; p. 7

NEO-SR team

A. Ball (Opean Univ., UK), J. Biele (DLR, De), J.R. Bru-cato & L. Colangeli (IANF, Naple, I), A. Coradini (IASF,I), E. Dotto (INAF, OAR, I), C. Engrand (CSNSM, F), M.Fulchignoni (Paris univ. Fr), O. Gasnault (CERS, Toulouse,Fr), S. Green & I. Franchi (Open Univ. UK), W. Kofman(LPG, Fr.), P. Michel & A. MOrbidelli (Nice Obs. Fr), E.Perozzi (Telespazio, I) A. Nathues (MPI, Lindau, De), S.Ulamec (DLR, DE), G. Valsecchi (IASF, I) and many oth-ers.........

EPSC2006-A-00561; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00660; p. 21


Pinet1, P., Clenet1, H., Heuripeau1, F., Daydou1, Y.,Baratoux1, D., Chevrel1, S., Rosemberg1, C., Poulet2, F.,LeMouélic3, S., Mustard4, J., Kanner4, L., Gendrin3,4, A.,Bibring2, J.-P., Bellucci5, G., Langevin2, Y., Gondet2, B.,Altieri5, F and the OMEGA team.1DTP/ UMR5562, CNRS and UPS, Toulouse, 31400,France; 2 IAS, UPS, Bat. 121, 91405 Orsay, France;3Laboratoire de Planetologie et Geodynamique, UMR6112,Nantes, France; 4Brown University, USA; 5IFSI-INAF,Rome, Italy.

EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35


M. Berthé (IAS)J.-P. Bibring (IAS)S. Erard (LESIA)O. Forni (CESR)B. Gondet (IAS)F. Poulet (IAS)A. Soufflot (IAS)M. Combes (LESIA)P. Drossart (LESIA)T. Encrenaz (LESIA)T. Fouchet (LESIA)R. Melchiorri (LESIA)G. Belluci (IFSI)F. Altieri (IFSI)V. Formisano (IFSI)G. Bonello (IAS-INAF)F. Capaccioni (IAS-INAF)P. Cerroni (IAS-INAF)A. Coradini (IAS-INAF)S. Fonti (U. lecce)V. Kottsov (IKI)N. Ignatiev (IKI)V. Moroz (IKI)D. Titov (MPI-Lindau)L. Zasova (IKI)


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N. Mangold (Orsay-Terre)P. Pinet (OMP)S. Douté (LPG)B. Schmitt (LPG)C. Sotin (U. Nantes)E. Hauber (DLR)H. Hoffmann (DLR)R. Jaumann (DLR)U. Keller (MPI Lindau)R. Arvidson (Washington U., St. Louis)J. Mustard(Wasington U., St. Louis)T. Duxbury (JPL)F. Forget (LMD)

EPSC2006-A-00168; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25


Michel Berthé, Jean-Pierre Bibring, Aline Gendrin, CecileGomez, Brigitte Gondet, Denis Jouglet, Francois Poulet,Alain Soufflot, Mathieu Vincendon, Michel Combes, PierreDrossart, Therese Encrenaz, Thierry Fouchet, Riccardo Mer-chiorri, GianCarlo Belluci, Francesca Altieri, VittorioFormisano, Fabricio Capaccioni, Pricilla Cerroni, AngiolettaCoradini, Sergio Fonti, Oleg Korablev, Volodia Kottsov,Nikolai Ignatiev, Vassili Moroz, Dimitri Titov, LudmillaZasova, Damien Loizeau, Nicolas Mangold, Patrick Pinet,Sylvain Doute, Bernard Schmitt, Christophe Sotin, ErnstHauber, Harald Hoffmann, Ralf Jaumann, Uwe Keller,Ray Arvidson, John F. Mustard, Tom Duxbury, FrancoisForget, G. Neukum.

EPSC2006-A-00630; p. 7

Pengo team

F. Primdahl (DTU, Denmark), U.Christensen (MPAe, Ger-many), M. Wieczoreck E.Heggy (IPGP, France), R.Garcia(OMP, France), C. Sotin, B. Langlais, A. Mocquet (Univ.Nantes, France) , J.J.Berthelier , M.Menvielle (CETP,France).

EPSC2006-A-00176; p. 19


M. Hamelin, M. (1,2),Béghin, C. (2),V.J.G. Brown, V.J.G (3),Falkner, P. (4),Grard, R. (4),Jernej, I. (5),López-Moreno, J.J. (3),Schwingenschuh, K. (5),Simões, F. (1),Trautner, R. (4),Molina-Cuberos, G.J. (3,6),Berthelier, J.-J. (1),Chabassière, M. (2),Ferri, F. (7),Fulchignoni, M. (8),Hofe, R. (5),Jeronimo, J.J.M. (3),Lara, L.M. (3),Rodrigo, R. (3),Svedhem, H. (4),Tokano, T. (9)1) CETP- 4, Avenue de Neptune, 94107 Saint Maur,France.

2) LPCE-CNRS, 3A, Avenue de la Recherche Scientifique,45071 Orléans cedex 2, France.3) Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia IAA-CSIC, CaminoBajo de Huetor, 50, 18008 Granada, Spain.4) ESA-ESTEC, European Space Agency, Keplerlaan 1,2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands.5) Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences(IWF), Schmiedlstrasse 6, 8042 Graz, Austria.6) Applied Electromagnetic Group, Department of Physics,University of Murcia. Murcia 30100, Spain.7) CISAS “G. Colombo”, Università di Padova, Via Venezia15, 35131 Padova, Italy.8) LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, 5 Place Janssen, 92195Meudon, France.9) Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Universität zuKöln, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Köln, Germany.

EPSC2006-A-00521; p. 7


A. Boccaletti ([email protected]), B. Lopez([email protected]),D. Stam ([email protected]), F. Vakili ([email protected]),H. Serge ([email protected]), J.L. Beuzit ([email protected]),J.M. Defise ([email protected]), J. Surdej ([email protected]),D. Mawet ([email protected]), O. Grasset([email protected]),P. Baudoz ([email protected]), R. Dvorak ([email protected]),H.-M. Schmid ([email protected]), S. Roose([email protected]),T. Fusco ([email protected]), S.Udry([email protected])

EPSC2006-A-00655; p. 29

SMART-1 impact campaign team

EPSC2006-A-00454; p. 29

Smart-1 radio tracking team

L.I. Gurvits (1), S.V. Pogrebenko (1), I.M. Avruch (1),R.M. Campbell (1), R. Oerlemans (1), A. Szomoru (1), A.Mujunen (2), J. Ritakari (2), J. Wagner (2), G. Maccaferri(3), S. Montebugnoli (3), A.R. Foley (4), B. Foing (5), O.Camino (5), T. Morley (6), L. Petrov (7)(1) Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe, Dwingeloo,The Netherlands([email protected])(2) Helsinki University of Technology, Finland(3) Istituto di Radioastronomia, Bologna, Italy(4) ASTRON, Netherlands Foundation for Research inAstronomy, The Netherlands(5) ESA, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands(6) ESA, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany(7) NASA GSFC, Green Belt, MD, USA


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EPSC2006-A-00653; p. 29

SMART-1 Science and Technology Working Team&SMART

EPSC2006-A-00690; p. 19


R. Hofe, T. Tokano, J.J. Lopez-Moreno, R. Grard, P. Falkner,R. Trautner, M. Hamelin, F. Simoes, I. Jernej, G. Jaffer, G.J.olina-Cuberos, M. Fulchignoni, F. Ferri

EPSC2006-A-00307; p. 34

Río Tinto working group

O. Prieto-Ballesteros (1), S. M. Chemtob (2), L. Friedlander(2), M. Fernández-Sampedro (1), R. V. Morris (3), D. Ming(3), A. K. Knoll (4), L. Hutchison (5), J. F. Mustard (5), R.Amils (1) and R. Arvidson (2)(1) Centro de Astrobiológica (INTA-CSIC), Ctra Ajalvirkm 4, 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain, (2) Dept. of Earthand Planetary Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis,MO 63130, (3) Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058,(4) Organismic and Evolutionary Department, Universityof Harvard, (5) Dept. of Geological Sciences, BrownUniversity, Providence, RI 02912

EPSC2006-A-00200; p. 23


J. Lunine, Univ. of ArizonaR. Lorenz, Univ. of ArizonaM. Allen, Calif. Inst. of Tech.J. Beauchamp, Calif. Inst. of Tech.P. Beauchamp, JPLJ. Elliott, JPLJ. Hall, JPLJ. Hilland, JPLJ. Jones, JPLR. Jordan, JPLK. Klaasen, JPLR. Lock, JPLS. Madsen, JPLR. Nakagawa, JPLC. Newman, Calif. Inst. of Tech.M. Pauken, JPLT. Spilker, JPLW. Zimmerman, JPL

EPSC2006-A-00632; p. 9


D.V. Titov (1), H. Svedhem(2), F.W. Taylor (3), S. Barabash(4), J.-L. Bertaux (5), P. Drossart (6), V. Formisano(7), B.Häusler (8), W. Markiewicz (1), M. Paetzold (9), G. Piccioni(10), T. Zhang (11), O. Witasse (2)

(1) MPS, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, (2) ESA/ESTEC,Noordwijk, The Netherlands,(3) Oxford, (4) IRF, Kiruna,Sweden, (5) CNRS, Verrieres le Buisson, France, (6) Ob-servatoire de Paris, Meudon, France, (7) IFSI-INAF, Rome,Italy, (8) University of Bundeswehr, München, Germany, (9)University zu Köln, Germany, (10) IASF-INAF, Rome, Italy,

(11) IWF, Graz, Austria.

EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7



EPSC2006-A-00404; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00407; p. 20


R. M. Nelson(1), L. Kamp(1), D. L. Matson(1), P. G. J.Irwin(2) , K. H. Baines(1), M. D. Boryta(3), F. E. Leader(1), R. Jauman(4), W. D. Smythe(1), C. Sotin(5), R. N.Clark(6), D. P. Cruikshank(7), P. Drossart(8), J. C. Pearl(9),B. W. Hapke(10) , J.Lunine(11) , M. Combes (12),G. Bellucci1(3), J.-P. Bibring(14) F. Capaccioni(13), P.Cerroni(13), A. Coradini (13) V. Formisano(13), G Fi-lacchione(13) R. Y. Langevin(14), T. B. McCord (15), V.Mennella(16), P. D. Nicholson (17), B. Sicardy(8)(1)JPL/NASA, Pasadena, CA [email protected], (2)Atmospheric, Oceanicand Planetary Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road,Oxford, UK, (3)Mount San Antonio College, Walnut,CA USA, (4)Institute for Planetary Exploration, DLR,Berlin, Germany, (5)University of Nantes, Nantes, France,(6)USGS, Denver, CO, USA , (7)NASA AMES, Moun-tain View, CA (8)Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France,(9)Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD, (10)U ofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, USA, (11)U of Arizona, Tucson,AZ,USA, (12)Observatoire de Paris-Paris, France, (13)Is-tituto di Astrofisica Spaziale, Rome, Italy, (14)Universitede Paris Sud-Orsay, France, (15) University of Washington,(16)Oservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Italy, (17)Cornell University, Ithaca NY

EPSC2006-A-00183; p. 9

VIRTIS on Venus Express Team

A. Adriani (5), F. Angrilli (8), G. Arnold (21,1), K. H. Baines(7), G. Bellucci (5), J. Benkhoff (23,1), B. Bezard (4), J. P.Bibring (6), A. Blanco (8), M.I. Blecka (9), R. Carlson (7),A. Coradini (5), A. Di Lellis (3), T. Encrenaz (4), S. Erard(4), S. Fonti (8), V. Formisano (5), T. Fouchet (4), R. Garcia(10), R. Haus (1), N.I. Ignatiev (11),P. Irwin (14), Y. Langevin (6), S. Lebonnois (13), M.A.Lopez Valverde (14), D. Luz (2), V. Orofino (8), A.V. Rodin(11), M.C. Roos-Serote (15), B. Saggin (16), A. Sanchez-Lavega (17), D.M. Stam (18), F.W. Taylor (12), D. Titov (19),G. Visconti (20), M. Zambelli (3)(1) Institute of Planetary Research, DLR, GERMANY, (2)IRSPS, Italy, (3) INAF-IASF, Italy, (4) LESIA, France,(5)INAF-IFSI, Italy, (6) Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale,France, (7) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA, (8) Univer-sità degli Studi di Lecce, Italy, (9) Space Research Centreof Polish Academy of Science, Poland, (10) IPG, France,(11) Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sci-ences (IKI), Russia, (12) University of Oxford, United King-dom, (13) Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique Jussieu,France, (14) Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC),Spain (15) Observatorio Astronomico de Lisboa Centro deAstronomia e Astrofisica da Universidade de Lisboa, Portu-gal, (16) Politecnico di Milano, Italy, (17) Dpto. Física Apli-cada I Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Universidad delPais, Spain (18) Astronomical Institute ”Anton Pannekoek”University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (19) Max-


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Planck-Institute for Solar System Research, Germany, (20)Department of Physics University of L’Aquila, Italy, (21)University of Münster, Germany

EPSC2006-A-00627; p. 9


Drossart P.,(LESIA,Obs. Paris)Piccioni, G. (INAF-IASF, Rome)Adriani A., (CNR-IFSI, Rome)Angrilli F., (CISAS, Padova)Arnold G., (DLR, Berlin)Baines K., (JPl, Pasadena)Bellucci G., (CNR-IFSI, Rome)Benkhoff J., (DLR, Berlin)Bézard B., (LESIA, Obs. Paris)Bibring J.-P., (IAS, Orsay)Blanco A., (Univ. Lecce)Blecka M. I., (SRC, Warsaw)Carlson R., (JPL, Pasadena)Coradini A., (INAF-IASF, Rome)Di Lellis A., (INAF-IASF,Rome)Encrenaz T., (LESIA, Obs. Paris)Erard S., (LESIA, Obs. Paris)Fonti S., (Univ. Lecce)Formisano V., (CNR-IFSI, Rome)Fouchet T., (LESIA, Obs. Paris)Garcia R., (IPG, Paris)Haus R., (DLR, Berlin)Helbert J., (DLR, Berlin)Ignatiev N. I., (IKI, Moscow)Irwin P., (Univ. Oxford)Langevin Y., (IAS, Orsay)Lebonnois S., (LMD, Paris)Lopez Valverde M. A., (IAA, Grenade)Luz D., (LESIA, Obs. Paris)Marinangeli L., (Univ. d’Annunzio, Pescara)Orofino V., (Univ. Lecce)Rodin A. V., (IKI, Moscow)Roos-Serote M. C., (Univ. Lisbon)Saggin B., (Politecnico di Milano)Sanchez-Lavega A.,(Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao)Stam D. M., (Univ. Amsterdam)Taylor F., (Univ. Oxford)Titov D., (MPI, Lindau)Visconti G., (Univ. l’Aquila)Zambelli M. (INAF-IASF, Rome

EPSC2006-A-00143; p. 9

VIRTIS/Venus Express TEAM

Prinicpal investigators:Drossart, P. (1),Piccioni G.(2)Technical team :Cosi M.(3),Pasqui C.(3),Sémery A.(1),Henry F.(1),Dami M.(3),Hello Y.(1),Peter G.(6),Pompei C.(3),Réess J. M.(1),the VIRTIS Co-I team :Adriani A.(4),Angrilli F.(8),Arnold G.(6),Baines K.(9),

Bellucci G.(4),Benkhoff J.(6),Bezard B.(1),Bibring J.P.(7),Blanco A.(10),Blecka M. I.(11),Carlson R.(9),Coradini A.(4),Di Lellis A.(2),Encrenaz T.(1),Erard S.(1),Fonti S.(10),Formisano V.(4),Fouchet T.(1),Garcia R.(12),Haus R.(6),Helbert J.(6),Ignatiev N. I.(13),Irwin P.(14),Langevin Y.(7),Lebonnois S.(15),Lopez Valverde M. A.(16),Luz D.(1),Marinangeli L.(17),Orofino V.(10),Rodin A. V.(13),Roos-Serote M. C.(18),Saggin B.(19),Sanchez-Lavega A.(20),Stam D. M.(21),Taylor F.(14),Titov D.(22),Visconti G.(23),Zambelli M.(2)1 LESIA (Laboratoire d’Etudes Spatiales etd’Instrumentation en Astrophysique)Observatoire de Paris/Meudon 5, Place Jules Janssen 92195MEUDON CEDEX (France)[email protected] INAF-IASF (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e FisicaCosmica)via del fosso del cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome (Italy)[email protected] Galileo Avionicavia A. Einstein 35, 50013 Campi Bisenzio (FI) (Italy)4 CNR-IFSI (Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario)via del fosso del cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome (Italy)5 Kayser-Threde GmbHWolfratshauser Strasse 48, 81379 Munich (Germany)6 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of PlanetaryExploration Planetary PhysicsBerlin-Adlershof Rudower Chaussee 5, Geb. 16.16-D-12489Berlin (Germany)7 Institut d’Astrophysique SpatialeBâtiment 120 Université Paris-Sud, 91405 ORSAY cedex(France)8 CISAS Università di Padovavia Venezia 1, 35131 Padova (Italy)9 Jet Propulsion LaboratoryMS 183-601 Pasadena CA 91011 (United States)10 Università degli Studi di Lecce Dipartimento di FisicaVia Arnesano, 73100 Lecce (Italy)11 Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of ScienceBartycka 18A, 00-716 Warszawa, (Poland)12 Département des Études Spatiales Institut de Physique duGlobe de Paris 4Avenue de Neptune F-94107 Saint Maur des Fossés cedex(France)13 Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences(IKI)Profsojuznaja 84/32 , 117997 Moscow, (Russia)14 University of Oxford * Department of Physics Atmo-spheric, Oceanic and Planetary PhysicsClarendon Laboratory * Parks Road * Oxford OX1 3PU


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(United Kingdom)15 Laboratoire de Meteorologie DynamiqueJussieu, Box 99 75252 PARIS cedex 05 (France)16 Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC)Camino Bajo de Huétor, 24 Apartado 3004, 18080 Granada(Spain)17 International Research School of Planetary SciencesDipartimento di Scienze Universita’ d’AnnunzioViale Pindaro 42, 65127 Pescara (Italy)18 Observatorio Astronomico de Lisboa Centro de Astrono-mia e Astrofisica da Universidade de LisboaTapada da Ajuda 1349-018, Lisboa (Portugal)19 Politecnico di Milano, Polo di LeccoVia Marco D’Oggiono 18/A, 23900 Lecco (Italy)20 Dpto. Física Aplicada I Escuela Superior de IngenierosUniversidad del Pais VascoAlda. Urquijo s/n 48013, BILBAO (Spain)21 Astronomical Institute ”Anton Pannekoek” University ofAmsterdamKruislaan 403 1098 SJ, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)22 Max-Planck-Institute for AeronomyMax Planck Str. 2, 37191 Katlenburg-Lindau (Germany)23 Department of Physics University of L’Aquilavia Vetoio Loc. Coppito, 67010 Coppito, L’Aquila (Italy)

EPSC2006-A-00273; p. 9

VIRTIS/Venus Express

A. Adriani (5), F. Angrilli (10), G. Arnold (12), K. H. Baines(7), G. Bellucci (5), J. Benkhoff (12), B. Bezard (4), J. P.Bibring (6), A. Blanco (8), M.I. Blecka (9), R. Carlson (7),A. Coradini (5), A. Di Lellis (3), T. Encrenaz (4), S. Erard(6), S. Fonti (8), V. Formisano (5), T. Fouchet (4), R. Garcia(10), R. Haus (12), J. Helbert (12), N.I. Ignatiev (11), Y.Langevin (6), S. Lebonnois (13), M.A. Lopez Valverde(14), D. Luz (2), L. Marinangeli (2),V. Orofino (8), A.V.Rodin (11), M.C. Roos-Serote (15), B. Saggin (16), A.Sanchez-Lavega (17), D.M. Stam (18), D. Titov (19), G.Visconti(20), M. Zambelli (3)(1) Atmospheric Oceanic and Planetary Physics, De-partment of Physics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom,(2) IRSPS, Italy, (3) INAF-IASF, Italy, (4) LESIA, France,(5) CNR-IFSI, Italy, (6) Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale,France, (7) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA, (8) Universitàdegli Studi di Lecce, Italy, (9) Space Research Centre ofPolish Academy of Science, Poland, (10) IPG, France, (11)Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences(IKI), Russia, (12) Institute of Planetary Research, DLR,GERMANY, (13) Laboratoire de Meteorologie DynamiqueJussieu, France, (14) Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía(CSIC), Spain (15) Observatorio Astronomico de LisboaCentro de Astronomia e Astrofisica da Universidade deLisboa, Portugal, (16) Politecnico di Milano, Italy, (17)Dpto. Física Aplicada I Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Uni-versidad del Pais, Spain (18) Astronomical Institute ”AntonPannekoek” University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands,(19) Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Research, Ger-many, (20) Department of Physics University of L’Aquila,Italy

EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36


Piccioni G.(1), Drossart P.(2), Suetta E.(3), Cosi M.(3), Am-mannito E.(4), Barbis A.(3), Berlin R.(6), Boccaccini A.(1),Bonello G.(1), Bouyé M.(2), Capaccioni F.(1), CherubiniG.(3), Dami M.(3), Dupuis O.(2), Fave A.(2), FilacchioneG.(1), Hello Y.(2), Henry F.(2), Hofer S.(5), Huntzinger

G.(2), Melchiorri R.(2), Parisot J.(2), Pasqui C.(3), PeterG.(6), Pompei C.(3), Réess J. M.(2), Sémery A.(2), SoufflotA.(7) and the VIRTIS Co-I team : Adriani A.(4), AngrilliF.(8), Arnold G.(6), Baines K.(9), Bellucci G.(4), BenkhoffJ.(6), Bezard B.(2), Bibring J.P.(7), Blanco A.(10), BleckaM. I.(11), Carlson R.(9), Coradini A.(4), Di Lellis A.(1),Encrenaz T.(2), Erard S.(7), Fonti S.(10), Formisano V.(4),Fouchet T.(2), Garcia R.(12), Haus R.(6), Helbert J.(6),Ignatiev N. I.(13), Irwin P.(14), Langevin Y.(7), LebonnoisS.(15), Lopez Valverde M. A.(16), Luz D.(2), MarinangeliL.(17), Orofino V.(10), Rodin A. V.(13), Roos-SeroteM. C.(18), Saggin B.(19), Sanchez-Lavega A.(20), StamD. M.(21), Taylor F.(14), Titov D.(22), Visconti G.(23),Zambelli M.(1)1 INAF-IASF (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e FisicaCosmica)via del fosso del cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome (Italy)[email protected] LESIA (Laboratoire d’Etudes Spatiales etd’Instrumentation en Astrophysique)Observatoire de Paris/Meudon 5, Place Jules Janssen 92195MEUDON CEDEX (France)3 Galileo Avionicavia A. Einstein 35, 50013 Campi Bisenzio (FI) (Italy)4 CNR-IFSI (Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario)via del fosso del cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome (Italy)5 Kayser-Threde GmbHWolfratshauser Strasse 48, 81379 Munich (Germany)6 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of PlanetaryExploration Planetary PhysicsBerlin-Adlershof Rudower Chaussee 5, Geb. 16.16-D-12489Berlin (Germany)7 Institut d’Astrophysique SpatialeBâtiment 120 Université Paris-Sud, 91405 ORSAY cedex(France)8 CISAS Università di Padovavia Venezia 1, 35131 Padova (Italy)9 Jet Propulsion LaboratoryMS 183-601 Pasadena CA 91011 (United States)10 Università degli Studi di Lecce Dipartimento di FisicaVia Arnesano, 73100 Lecce (Italy)11 Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of ScienceBartycka 18A, 00-716 Warszawa, (Poland)12 Département des Études Spatiales Institut de Physique duGlobe de Paris 4Avenue de Neptune F-94107 Saint Maur des Fossés cedex(France)13 Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences(IKI)Profsojuznaja 84/32 , 117997 Moscow, (Russia)14 University of Oxford * Department of Physics Atmo-spheric, Oceanic and Planetary PhysicsClarendon Laboratory * Parks Road * Oxford OX1 3PU(United Kingdom)15 Laboratoire de Meteorologie DynamiqueJussieu, Box 99 75252 PARIS cedex 05 (France)16 Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC)Camino Bajo de Huétor, 24 Apartado 3004, 18080 Granada(Spain)17 International Research School of Planetary SciencesDipartimento di Scienze Universita’ d’AnnunzioViale Pindaro 42, 65127 Pescara (Italy)18 Observatorio Astronomico de Lisboa Centro de Astrono-mia e Astrofisica da Universidade de LisboaTapada da Ajuda 1349-018, Lisboa (Portugal)19 Politecnico di Milano, Polo di LeccoVia Marco D’Oggiono 18/A, 23900 Lecco (Italy)20 Dpto. Física Aplicada I Escuela Superior de IngenierosUniversidad del Pais VascoAlda. Urquijo s/n 48013, BILBAO (Spain)21 Astronomical Institute ”Anton Pannekoek” University ofAmsterdamKruislaan 403 1098 SJ, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)22 Max-Planck-Institute for Aeronomy


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Max Planck Str. 2, 37191 Katlenburg-Lindau (Germany)23 Department of Physics University of L’Aquilavia Vetoio Loc. Coppito, 67010 Coppito, L’Aquila (Italy)

EPSC2006-A-00157; p. 9

VMC Team

D.V. Titov, H.U. Keller, R. Moissl, S. Hviid, P. Russo, MPS,Katlenburg-Lindau, GermanyN. Ignatiev, IKI, Moscow, RussiaD. Crisp, JPL, Pasadena, CA, USAL. Esposito, LASP, Boulder, CO, USAR. Jaumann, DLR, Berlin, GermanyS.S. Limaye, U. of Wisconsin, Medison, WI, USAH. Michalik, IDA, Braunschweig, GermanyN. Thomas, U. Bern, SwitzerlandS. Watanabe, Hokkaido U., Sapporo, JapanHokkaido U., Sapporo, Japan

EPSC2006-A-00268; p. 33


Asari, T. Ishikawa, F. Kikuchi, Q. Liu, K. Matsumoto, H.Noda, S. Tsuruta, S. Goossens, K. Iwadate, O. Kameya, Y.Tamura (National Astronomical Observatory),X. Hong, J. Ping (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory),Y. Aili, (Urumqi Astronomical Observatory),S. Ellingsen (University of Tasmania),W. Schlueter (Bundesamt fur Kartographie und Geodasie)


Page 53: European Space Agency Programme Book


Abakians, H.EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

Abe, S.EPSC2006-A-00486; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Aboudarham, J.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Abranin, E.P.EPSC2006-A-00229; p. 18

Aceituno, F. J.EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29

Achilleos, N.EPSC2006-A-00549; p. 13

Acuna, M.EPSC2006-A-00154; p. 14

Adushkin, V.V.EPSC2006-A-00090; p. 33

Afanas’ev, I.M.EPSC2006-A-00547; p. 36

Agarwal, J.EPSC2006-A-00065; p. 31

Aittola, M.EPSC2006-A-00142; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00313; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00314; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00419; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00430; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00463; p. 8

Akalin, F.EPSC2006-A-00064; p. 18

Akimov, L.EPSC2006-A-00327; p. 35

Albers, N.EPSC2006-A-00533; p. 27

Albertz, J.EPSC2006-A-00228; p. 35

Alcaraz, C.EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00375; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00376; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00431; p. 39

Alibert, Y.EPSC2006-A-00037; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00538; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00541; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00672; p. 40

Altieri, F.EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25

Altobelli, N.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00174; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00475; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00477; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00480; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Amerstorfer, U.V.EPSC2006-A-00270; p. 37

Amils, R.EPSC2006-A-00397; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00402; p. 21

Andersen, A. C.EPSC2006-A-00580; p. 40

Andert, T.EPSC2006-A-00316; p. 38

André, M.EPSC2006-A-00279; p. 7

André, N.EPSC2006-A-00135; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00495; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Andreev, S.N.EPSC2006-A-00090; p. 33

Angrilli, F.EPSC2006-A-00259; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00600; p. 29

Anguita, F.EPSC2006-A-00218; p. 8

Anicich, V.EPSC2006-A-00130; p. 15

Ansan, V.EPSC2006-A-00161; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00213; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00615; p. 18

Aplin, K.EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7

Aplin, K.L.EPSC2006-A-00156; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00499; p. 13

Araki, H.EPSC2006-A-00199; p. 33

Archinal, B.A.EPSC2006-A-00626; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00609; p. 33

Arlot, J.E.EPSC2006-A-00481; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00622; p. 38

Arridge, C.EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14

Arridge, C.S.EPSC2006-A-00549; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00617; p. 14

Arvidson, R.E.EPSC2006-A-00285; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18

Arviset, C.EPSC2006-A-00458; p. 7

Asari, K.EPSC2006-A-00199; p. 33

Ascenzi, D.EPSC2006-A-00500; p. 39

Asmar, S.W.EPSC2006-A-00650; p. 33

Atreya, S.EPSC2006-A-00051; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00085; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12

Atreya, S.K.EPSC2006-A-00031; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00086; p. 14

Auer, S.EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00631; p. 40

Avakyan, S.V.EPSC2006-A-00547; p. 36

Avanov, L.EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00364; p. 30

Averkamp, T.F.EPSC2006-A-00064; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00122; p. 13

Avruch, I.M.EPSC2006-A-00346; p. 7

Aylward, A.EPSC2006-A-00160; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00172; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00503; p. 36

Babasides, D.EPSC2006-A-00352; p. 37

Babasides, G.EPSC2006-A-00350; p. 42

Backes, H.EPSC2006-A-00330; p. 39

Badman, S.V.EPSC2006-A-00124; p. 14

Bagdonat, T.EPSC2006-A-00217; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00261; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00289; p. 9

Baglioni, P.EPSC2006-A-00076; p. 7

Bagnulo, S.EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40

Bailey, J.EPSC2006-A-00473; p. 35

Baines, K.EPSC2006-A-00195; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00205; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36

Bakes, E.L.O.EPSC2006-A-00312; p. 15

Ball, A.EPSC2006-A-00435; p. 32

Balme, M.EPSC2006-A-00553; p. 34

Balogh, A.EPSC2006-A-00400; p. 14

Balucani, N.EPSC2006-A-00079; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00145; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00179; p. 35

Baptista, A.EPSC2006-A-00213; p. 18

Barabash, S.EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00035; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00061; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00075; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00166; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00169; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00221; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00224; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00279; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00280; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00531; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00534; p. 30

Baratoux, D.EPSC2006-A-00420; p. 18

Baratta, G.A.EPSC2006-A-00141; p. 40

Barber, R.EPSC2006-A-00151; p. 40

Barnes, D.EPSC2006-A-00026; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00567; p. 23

Barnes, D.P.EPSC2006-A-00295; p. 23

Barnes, J.W.EPSC2006-A-00602; p. 20

Barnouin-Jha, O.EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Barrera, L.EPSC2006-A-00069; p. 31

Barriot, J.P.EPSC2006-A-00188; p. 12

Barrosa, M.EPSC2006-A-00689; p. 42

Barthélemy, M.EPSC2006-A-00215; p. 9

Barucci, M.A.EPSC2006-A-00220; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00222; p. 26

Basilevsky, A.T.EPSC2006-A-00394; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00428; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00524; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17

Bebesi, Z.EPSC2006-A-00502; p. 26

Becker, T.L.EPSC2006-A-00609; p. 33

Beckmann, U.EPSC2006-A-00360; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00361; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00362; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00367; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Bellucci, G.EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25

Bendig, J.EPSC2006-A-00511; p. 38

Benilan, Y.EPSC2006-A-00308; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00326; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00348; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00451; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00673; p. 15

Benkhoff, J.EPSC2006-A-00212; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00138; p. 33

Bentley, M.EPSC2006-A-00565; p. 38

Benz, W.EPSC2006-A-00037; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00672; p. 40

Bérczi, Sz.EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00515; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00526; p. 42

Bergeat, A.EPSC2006-A-00145; p. 15

Berger, U.EPSC2006-A-00423; p. 36

Berkenbosch, S.EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9

Berman, D.EPSC2006-A-00553; p. 34

Bernard, J.EPSC2006-A-00663; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00664; p. 39

Bernard, J.-M.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00203; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00204; p. 15

Bertaux, J.-L.EPSC2006-A-00027; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00513; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00566; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9

Berteloite, C.EPSC2006-A-00308; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00451; p. 15

Berthelier, J.-J.EPSC2006-A-00134; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00135; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00358; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00528; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00618; p. 13

Bertucci, C.EPSC2006-A-00238; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00443; p. 10

Bespalov, P.A.EPSC2006-A-00461; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00462; p. 24

Bettella, A.EPSC2006-A-00259; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00600; p. 29

Beuthe, M.EPSC2006-A-00188; p. 12

Bézard, B.EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00115; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00116; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00274; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00614; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00627; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00664; p. 39

Bibring, J.-P.EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00078; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00083; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00168; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00189; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00237; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00520; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00597; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00615; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00660; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00685; p. 17

Bidstrup, P. R.EPSC2006-A-00580; p. 40

Biele, J.EPSC2006-A-00155; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00435; p. 32

Biernat, H.K.EPSC2006-A-00270; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00388; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00570; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00661; p. 10

Bills, B.EPSC2006-A-00588; p. 38

Binns, W.R.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

Birlan, M.EPSC2006-A-00247; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00614; p. 36

Bíró, T.EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42

Bisikalo, D.V.EPSC2006-A-00234; p. 36

Blanc, M.EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Blanc, M. F.EPSC2006-A-00303; p. 37

Blanchard, R.EPSC2006-A-00644; p. 25

Bleacher, J.EPSC2006-A-00191; p. 18

Bleacher, J.E.EPSC2006-A-00355; p. 34

Blelly, P.-L.EPSC2006-A-00011; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00027; p. 37

Blomberg, L. G.EPSC2006-A-00279; p. 7

Blum, J.EPSC2006-A-00328; p. 26


Page 54: European Space Agency Programme Book

Bocchialini, K.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Boehnhardt, H.EPSC2006-A-00065; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00069; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00726; p. 31

Boesswetter, A.EPSC2006-A-00217; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00261; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00289; p. 9

Böhnhardt, H.EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31

Bois, E.EPSC2006-A-00492; p. 33

Boldoghy, B.EPSC2006-A-00526; p. 42

Bolton, S.EPSC2006-A-00535; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12

Bonfond, B.EPSC2006-A-00170; p. 14

Borggren, N.EPSC2006-A-00675; p. 39

Borovicka, J.EPSC2006-A-00486; p. 11

Borraccini, F.EPSC2006-A-00506; p. 33

Botta, O.EPSC2006-A-00185; p. 21

Botwell, M.EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

Bouchemit, M.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Boudin, N.EPSC2006-A-00383; p. 23

Boudjada, M.Y.EPSC2006-A-00255; p. 37

Boufendi, L.EPSC2006-A-00146; p. 39

Bougher, S.EPSC2006-A-00644; p. 25

Bouhram, M.EPSC2006-A-00134; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00135; p. 10

Bouloubasis, A.EPSC2006-A-00645; p. 32

Bouman, J.EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32

Bounama, C.EPSC2006-A-00101; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00102; p. 16

Bourgeois, O.EPSC2006-A-00597; p. 17

Bourke, M.EPSC2006-A-00553; p. 34

Brain, D.EPSC2006-A-00027; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00269; p. 25

Brandt, P.C.EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39

Bräucker, A.EPSC2006-A-00520; p. 34

Breuer, D.EPSC2006-A-00050; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00338; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00543; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00544; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00550; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00555; p. 32

Bridges, J.EPSC2006-A-00479; p. 42

Brilliantov, N. V.EPSC2006-A-00245; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00293; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00606; p. 27

Brooks, S.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00477; p. 20

Brooks, V.EPSC2006-A-00479; p. 42

Brown, R.EPSC2006-A-00205; p. 24

Brown, R.H.EPSC2006-A-00030; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00548; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00576; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00586; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00602; p. 20

Brucato, J.R.EPSC2006-A-00141; p. 40

Brückner, J.EPSC2006-A-00399; p. 17

Brumfitt, A.EPSC2006-A-00702; p. 22EPSC2006-A-00710; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00711; p. 42

Brun, J.F.EPSC2006-A-00371; p. 38

Brunetto, R.EPSC2006-A-00247; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00248; p. 29

Budnik, E.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Buratti, B.EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19

Burgdorf, M.EPSC2006-A-00340; p. 24

Burger, M.H.EPSC2006-A-00250; p. 10

Burgess, R.EPSC2006-A-00131; p. 18

Burghardt, T.EPSC2006-A-00315; p. 8

Burl, M.C.EPSC2006-A-00302; p. 38

Burnard, P.EPSC2006-A-00049; p. 14

Burns, J.A.EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30

Burton, M.EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Cabane, M.EPSC2006-A-00209; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00371; p. 38

Cabrol, N.A.EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18

Cadek, O.EPSC2006-A-00225; p. 30

Cailleau, B.EPSC2006-A-00109; p. 8

Calçada, L.EPSC2006-A-00689; p. 42

Calcutt, S.EPSC2006-A-00592; p. 7

Campargue, A.EPSC2006-A-00642; p. 24

Campo Bagatin, A.EPSC2006-A-00235; p. 39

Canosa, A.EPSC2006-A-00308; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00451; p. 15

Canup, R. M.EPSC2006-A-00465; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00470; p. 30

Capote, R.EPSC2006-A-00218; p. 8

Cappacioni, F.EPSC2006-A-00668; p. 33

Capria, M.T.EPSC2006-A-00113; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00206; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00282; p. 35

Carlson, R. W.EPSC2006-A-00472; p. 20

Carrasco, N.EPSC2006-A-00104; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00106; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00530; p. 15

Carreño, F.EPSC2006-A-00089; p. 8

Casavecchia, P.EPSC2006-A-00079; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00145; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00179; p. 35

Cassidy, T. A.EPSC2006-A-00097; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00356; p. 36

Castillo, J.EPSC2006-A-00092; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00093; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00094; p. 31

Castro, M.EPSC2006-A-00623; p. 12

Castro-Tirado, A.J.EPSC2006-A-00016; p. 11

Cavarroc, M.EPSC2006-A-00146; p. 39

Cave, S.R.EPSC2006-A-00355; p. 34

Cecchi-Pestellini, C.EPSC2006-A-00570; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00612; p. 27

Cecconi, B.EPSC2006-A-00125; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00216; p. 18

Cellino, A.EPSC2006-A-00537; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00542; p. 26

Ceplecha, Z.EPSC2006-A-00486; p. 11

Cernogora, G.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00146; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00203; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00204; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00663; p. 15

Chamberlain, S.EPSC2006-A-00473; p. 35

Chandra, I.EPSC2006-A-00266; p. 19

Chanteur, G.M.EPSC2006-A-00562; p. 30

Chassefière, E.EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00646; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00647; p. 14

Chaufray, J.Y.EPSC2006-A-00513; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00562; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00566; p. 25

Chaussidon, M.EPSC2006-A-00049; p. 14

Chenet, H.EPSC2006-A-00387; p. 23

Cheng, A.EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Chiang, E.EPSC2006-A-00613; p. 20

Chicarro, A.EPSC2006-A-00212; p. 17

Chizenkov, V.EPSC2006-A-00688; p. 10

Chmielski, A. B.EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

Choblet, G.EPSC2006-A-00207; p. 33

Christensen, U. R.EPSC2006-A-00062; p. 8

Christou, A.EPSC2006-A-00507; p. 11

Churyumov, K.EPSC2006-A-00384; p. 40

Ciaravella, A.EPSC2006-A-00570; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00612; p. 27

Cipriani, F.EPSC2006-A-00358; p. 30

Claeys, Ph.EPSC2006-A-00351; p. 18

Clairquin, R.EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9

Clark, B.EPSC2006-A-00290; p. 32

Clark, K.EPSC2006-A-00643; p. 31

Clark, R.EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19

Clarke, J.T.EPSC2006-A-00175; p. 14

Cloquet, C.EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Coates, A. J.EPSC2006-A-00026; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00135; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00295; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00330; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00502; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00549; p. 13

Cockell, C.EPSC2006-A-00589; p. 41

Colangeli, L.EPSC2006-A-00067; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00113; p. 31

Coll, P.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00203; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00204; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00209; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00371; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00663; p. 15

Colombatti, G.EPSC2006-A-00010; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00252; p. 19

Combe, J-Ph.EPSC2006-A-00187; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00597; p. 17

Combes, M.EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20

Connerney, J.EPSC2006-A-00154; p. 14

Connerney, J.E.EPSC2006-A-00175; p. 14

Connolly, J.EPSC2006-A-00336; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00410; p. 8

Consigli, J.F.EPSC2006-A-00415; p. 26

Cooper, J. F.EPSC2006-A-00283; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00303; p. 37

Coradini, A.EPSC2006-A-00370; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Coscia, D.EPSC2006-A-00371; p. 38

Cosmovici, C.B.EPSC2006-A-00080; p. 20

Costard, F.EPSC2006-A-00161; p. 34

Coste, P.EPSC2006-A-00383; p. 23

Cottini, V.EPSC2006-A-00572; p. 36

Coustenis, A.EPSC2006-A-00232; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00252; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00416; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00417; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00422; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00426; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00548; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20

Cowley, S.W.H.EPSC2006-A-00124; p. 14

Cox, N.EPSC2006-A-00739; p. 40

Crapeau, M.EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00579; p. 38

Crary, F.J.EPSC2006-A-00135; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00502; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00603; p. 10

Cravens, T.EPSC2006-A-00053; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00054; p. 30

Cremonese, G.EPSC2006-A-00113; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00206; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00282; p. 35

Crespin, A.EPSC2006-A-00167; p. 24

Crichton, D.EPSC2006-A-00616; p. 12

Crisp, D.EPSC2006-A-00428; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00473; p. 35

Crosby, N.EPSC2006-A-00688; p. 10

Crown, D.EPSC2006-A-00084; p. 35

Cummings, A.C.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

Cuperus, R.EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32

Cutts, J.EPSC2006-A-00643; p. 31

Czart, ?.EPSC2006-A-00712; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00713; p. 42

D’Amore, M.EPSC2006-A-00095; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00249; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00257; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00264; p. 17

d’Uston, C.EPSC2006-A-00389; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00435; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00442; p. 25

Da Deppo, V.EPSC2006-A-00282; p. 35

Dandouras, I.EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39

Davidsson, B.J.R.EPSC2006-A-00436; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00438; p. 40

Davies, A.G.EPSC2006-A-00302; p. 38

Davis, A.J.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

de Bergh, C.EPSC2006-A-00222; p. 26

De Kam, J.EPSC2006-A-00480; p. 7

de Maagt, P.EPSC2006-A-00414; p. 12

de Nolfo, G.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

de Pablo, M.A.EPSC2006-A-00059; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00089; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00272; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00447; p. 32


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de Pater, ImkeEPSC2006-A-00186; p. 20

De Vera, J.-P.EPSC2006-A-00589; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00662; p. 21

de Viron, O.EPSC2006-A-00056; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00299; p. 22

Debei, S.EPSC2006-A-00067; p. 35

Defraigne, P.EPSC2006-A-00299; p. 22

Dehant, V.EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00056; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00188; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00207; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00299; p. 22EPSC2006-A-00492; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00568; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00582; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00592; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00622; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00624; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00630; p. 7

Delbo, M.EPSC2006-A-00147; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00165; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00177; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00537; p. 40

Delcourt, D.EPSC2006-A-00008; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12

Deleersnijder, E.EPSC2006-A-00056; p. 38

Dell’Oro, A.EPSC2006-A-00177; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00542; p. 26

Delva, M.EPSC2006-A-00082; p. 9

Denk, T.EPSC2006-A-00119; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00610; p. 30

Derenne, S.EPSC2006-A-00203; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00204; p. 15

Désert, J.-M.EPSC2006-A-00300; p. 9

Despan, D.EPSC2006-A-00668; p. 33

Deyerl, H.-J.EPSC2006-A-00431; p. 39

Di Achille, G.EPSC2006-A-00070; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00506; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00529; p. 34

Di Mauro, E.EPSC2006-A-00141; p. 40

Dialynas, K.EPSC2006-A-00350; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00352; p. 37

Diez, B.EPSC2006-A-00389; p. 18

Dikarev, V.EPSC2006-A-00475; p. 26

Dimitropoulou, V.EPSC2006-A-00350; p. 42

Divin, A.EPSC2006-A-00661; p. 10

Dobrijevic, M.EPSC2006-A-00106; p. 39

Dolla, B.EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25

Dones, L.EPSC2006-A-00595; p. 20

Doressoundiram, A.EPSC2006-A-00222; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00668; p. 33

Dougherty, M. K.EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00122; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00216; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00233; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00238; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00303; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00403; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00443; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00545; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00549; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00617; p. 14

Douté, S.EPSC2006-A-00078; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00159; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00664; p. 39

Dreibus, G.EPSC2006-A-00399; p. 17

Drommer, B.EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42

Drossart, P.EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00143; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00183; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00273; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00333; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Dubinin, E.EPSC2006-A-00061; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00221; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00531; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00534; p. 30

Dufresne, J.-L.EPSC2006-A-00167; p. 24

Dumke, A.EPSC2006-A-00394; p. 18

Duron, J.EPSC2006-A-00188; p. 12

Dutuit, O.EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00375; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00376; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00530; p. 15

Dvorak, R.EPSC2006-A-00368; p. 16EPSC2006-A-00716; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00717; p. 41

Dworkin, J.EPSC2006-A-00185; p. 21

Dyudina, U.EPSC2006-A-00242; p. 19

Economou, T.EPSC2006-A-00367; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27

Edgington, S.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00477; p. 20

Ehrenfreund, P.EPSC2006-A-00112; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00185; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00655; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00739; p. 40

Ehrenreich, D.EPSC2006-A-00514; p. 28

Eiroa, C.EPSC2006-A-00405; p. 12

Ekenback, A.EPSC2006-A-00478; p. 9

Ekenbäck, A.EPSC2006-A-00466; p. 37

Ekonomov, A.EPSC2006-A-00524; p. 7

Elgner, S.EPSC2006-A-00496; p. 39

Elhanine, M.EPSC2006-A-00431; p. 39

Eliason, E.M.EPSC2006-A-00635; p. 23

Ellery, A.EPSC2006-A-00295; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00343; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00372; p. 23

Ellinger, Y.EPSC2006-A-00510; p. 41

Emmart, C.EPSC2006-A-00701; p. 22

Encrenaz, Th.EPSC2006-A-00052; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00237; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00614; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00658; p. 8

Engelhardt, M.EPSC2006-A-00155; p. 23

Erard, S.EPSC2006-A-00668; p. 33

Erdi, B.EPSC2006-A-00368; p. 16

Erkaev, N.V.EPSC2006-A-00270; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00570; p. 36

Escape, C.EPSC2006-A-00708; p. 22

Espinasse, S.EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31

Esposito, L.EPSC2006-A-00196; p. 20

et al.EPSC2006-A-00709; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00718; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00723; p. 29

Eviatar, A.EPSC2006-A-00603; p. 10

Eymet, V.EPSC2006-A-00167; p. 24

Fabregat, J.EPSC2006-A-00016; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00742; p. 9

Facius, R.EPSC2006-A-00267; p. 10

Falenty, A.EPSC2006-A-00241; p. 8

Falkner, P.EPSC2006-A-00158; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00565; p. 38

Falkovich, I.S.EPSC2006-A-00229; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00286; p. 19

Fasoulopoulos, G.EPSC2006-A-00350; p. 42

Fast, K.E.EPSC2006-A-00342; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00444; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00471; p. 38

Fayt, A.EPSC2006-A-00326; p. 15

Federova, A.EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9

Fedorov, A.EPSC2006-A-00035; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00166; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00224; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00280; p. 9

Fedorova, A.EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9

Feldman, W.EPSC2006-A-00389; p. 18

Fels, M.EPSC2006-A-00484; p. 34

Ferencz, C.EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00105; p. 12

Ferencz, O.E.EPSC2006-A-00105; p. 12

Ferlet, R.EPSC2006-A-00287; p. 22EPSC2006-A-00300; p. 9

Fernandes, V.A.EPSC2006-A-00131; p. 18

Fernández-Remolar, D. C.EPSC2006-A-00278; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00307; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00402; p. 21

Fernandez-Sampedro, M.EPSC2006-A-00278; p. 31

Ferradaz, T.EPSC2006-A-00348; p. 39

Ferrari, C.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20

Ferraz Mello, S.EPSC2006-A-00667; p. 16

Ferri, F.EPSC2006-A-00010; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00031; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00071; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00252; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00259; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00600; p. 29

Filonenko, V.EPSC2006-A-00384; p. 40

Finster, K.EPSC2006-A-00072; p. 21

Firneis, M. G.EPSC2006-A-00142; p. 8

Fischer, G.EPSC2006-A-00229; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00242; p. 19

Fischer, I.EPSC2006-A-00431; p. 39

Flamini, E.EPSC2006-A-00067; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00080; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00259; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00282; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00600; p. 29

Flasar, F.M.EPSC2006-A-00302; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00477; p. 20

Flasar, M.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20

Fleischer, I.EPSC2006-A-00593; p. 17

Flohrer, J.EPSC2006-A-00496; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00517; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00518; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00546; p. 11

Flokstra, J.EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32

Fogel, M.EPSC2006-A-00185; p. 21

Foing, B.H.EPSC2006-A-00212; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00560; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00651; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00652; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00653; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00654; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00655; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00721; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00724; p. 29

Foley, D.J.EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18

Forget, F.EPSC2006-A-00078; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00406; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00676; p. 25

Forlani, G.EPSC2006-A-00282; p. 35

Formisano, V.EPSC2006-A-00149; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00249; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00257; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00264; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00285; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00505; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00552; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00572; p. 36

Forni, O.EPSC2006-A-00338; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00435; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00442; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00668; p. 33

Fouchet, L.EPSC2006-A-00551; p. 16

Fouchet, T.EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00149; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Fournier, R.EPSC2006-A-00167; p. 24

Fraenz, M.EPSC2006-A-00061; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00221; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00289; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00534; p. 30

Frahm, R.EPSC2006-A-00027; p. 37

Franceschi, P.EPSC2006-A-00376; p. 39

Franceschi, P.EPSC2006-A-00375; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00500; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00665; p. 15

Francesconi, A.EPSC2006-A-00259; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00600; p. 29

Francheschi, P.EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24

Franck, S.EPSC2006-A-00101; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00102; p. 16EPSC2006-A-00201; p. 21

Franklin, B.J.EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18

Fränz, M.EPSC2006-A-00531; p. 30

Fray, N.EPSC2006-A-00348; p. 39

Freeman, M. P.EPSC2006-A-00219; p. 25

Freistetter, F.EPSC2006-A-00153; p. 16EPSC2006-A-00717; p. 41

Frew, D.EPSC2006-A-00655; p. 29

Fridlund, M.EPSC2006-A-00405; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00727; p. 28

Friedmann, E. I.EPSC2006-A-00258; p. 21

Friis-Christensen, E.EPSC2006-A-00592; p. 7

Fritz, J.EPSC2006-A-00589; p. 41

Frohlich, C.EPSC2006-A-00281; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00301; p. 23

Frosch, T.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12

Fränz, M.EPSC2006-A-00393; p. 12

Fueten, F.EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00418; p. 34

Fujimura, A.EPSC2006-A-00198; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00559; p. 23


Page 56: European Space Agency Programme Book

Fujiyoshi, T.EPSC2006-A-00195; p. 24

Fulchignoni, M.EPSC2006-A-00010; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00031; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00247; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00248; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00252; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12

Fulle, M.EPSC2006-A-00113; p. 31

Funk, B.EPSC2006-A-00717; p. 41

Funke, O.EPSC2006-A-00155; p. 23

Fuse, T.EPSC2006-A-00195; p. 24

Fussen, D.EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9

Fussmann, G.EPSC2006-A-00563; p. 10

Gaddis, L.EPSC2006-A-00609; p. 33

Gagnepain-Beyneix, J.EPSC2006-A-00387; p. 23

Galand, M.EPSC2006-A-00330; p. 39

Galli, A.EPSC2006-A-00035; p. 13

Gallien, J.P.EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Galopeau, P.H.M.EPSC2006-A-00255; p. 37

Galuszka, D.EPSC2006-A-00487; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00490; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00609; p. 33

Gálvez, F.EPSC2006-A-00016; p. 11

Gangloff, M.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Gao, Y.EPSC2006-A-00295; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00343; p. 23

García Melendo, E.EPSC2006-A-00017; p. 31

Garcìa-Comas, M.EPSC2006-A-00237; p. 25

Garcia-Comas, M.EPSC2006-A-00497; p. 18

Gardini, B.EPSC2006-A-00076; p. 7

Garmier, A.EPSC2006-A-00624; p. 13

Garnier, P.EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39

Garry, J.R.C.EPSC2006-A-00112; p. 41

Gaskell, R.EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Gasnault, 0.EPSC2006-A-00435; p. 32

Gasnault, O.EPSC2006-A-00389; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00442; p. 25

Gasselt, S. V.EPSC2006-A-00508; p. 13

Gaudon, P.EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31

Gautier, D.EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12

Gazeau, M-C.EPSC2006-A-00308; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00451; p. 15

Gebauer, S.EPSC2006-A-00591; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00639; p. 9

Gedalin, M.EPSC2006-A-00024; p. 20

Geers, V. C.EPSC2006-A-00739; p. 40

Gehrke, S.EPSC2006-A-00228; p. 35

Geissler, P.EPSC2006-A-00084; p. 35

Geissler, P.G.EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18

Gellert, R.EPSC2006-A-00399; p. 17

Gendrin, A.EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00520; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00597; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00615; p. 18

Gendron, E.EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20

Génot, V.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Gérard, J.-C.EPSC2006-A-00124; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00170; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00175; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00234; p. 36

Gerasimov, M.EPSC2006-A-00524; p. 7

Gerber, T.EPSC2006-A-00431; p. 39

Giacomini, L.EPSC2006-A-00282; p. 35

Giacomuzzo, C.EPSC2006-A-00259; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00600; p. 29

Gianfiglio, G.EPSC2006-A-00076; p. 7

Giardini, D.EPSC2006-A-00592; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00630; p. 7

Gibbard, S.EPSC2006-A-00186; p. 20

Giese, B.EPSC2006-A-00119; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00594; p. 24

Gilli, G.EPSC2006-A-00257; p. 25

Giuranna, M.EPSC2006-A-00149; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00505; p. 25

Gladstone, G.R.EPSC2006-A-00234; p. 36

Gladstone, R.EPSC2006-A-00262; p. 25

Glassmeier, K.-H.EPSC2006-A-00483; p. 13

Glavin, D.EPSC2006-A-00185; p. 21

Godefroy, M.EPSC2006-A-00528; p. 37

Goesmann, F.EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31

Goldstein, R.EPSC2006-A-00134; p. 37

Golombek, M.P.EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18

Gómez, F.EPSC2006-A-00278; p. 31

Gómez-Elvira, J.EPSC2006-A-00402; p. 21

Gómez-Gómez, F.EPSC2006-A-00397; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00402; p. 21

Gondet, B.EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00078; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00083; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00189; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00615; p. 18

Gontareva, N.EPSC2006-A-00277; p. 41

Gonzalez, J.-F.EPSC2006-A-00551; p. 16

Goossens, S.EPSC2006-A-00136; p. 23

Grande, M.EPSC2006-A-00294; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00719; p. 29

Graps, A.L.EPSC2006-A-00370; p. 31

Grasset, O.EPSC2006-A-00321; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00331; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00656; p. 31

Grassi, D.EPSC2006-A-00249; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00257; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00285; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00505; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00572; p. 36

Grassi, G.EPSC2006-A-00552; p. 36

Grau, T.EPSC2006-A-00518; p. 39

Greathouse, T.EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35

Greeley, R.EPSC2006-A-00191; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00355; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17

Green, S.F.EPSC2006-A-00123; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00246; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40

Greenberg, R.EPSC2006-A-00588; p. 38

Greenwood, R. C.EPSC2006-A-00479; p. 42

Gregoire-Mazzocco, H.EPSC2006-A-00161; p. 34

Grenfell, J. L.EPSC2006-A-00398; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00437; p. 42

Grenfell, L.EPSC2006-A-00323; p. 41

Grieger, B.EPSC2006-A-00036; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00251; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00393; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00620; p. 19

Grießmeier, J.-M.EPSC2006-A-00322; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00323; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00388; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00392; p. 27

Griffith, C.A.EPSC2006-A-00439; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00586; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00602; p. 20

Griffiths, A.EPSC2006-A-00026; p. 32

Griffiths, A.D.EPSC2006-A-00295; p. 23

Grigoriev, A.EPSC2006-A-00035; p. 13

Grillmayer, G.EPSC2006-A-00580; p. 40

Gritsevich, M.I.EPSC2006-A-00028; p. 11

Griv, E.EPSC2006-A-00022; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00023; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00024; p. 20

Grodent, D.EPSC2006-A-00124; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00170; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00175; p. 14

Gronoff, G.EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24

Grosfils, E.EPSC2006-A-00381; p. 34

Grosse, G.EPSC2006-A-00421; p. 17

Grott, M.EPSC2006-A-00109; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00366; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00390; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00429; p. 38

Grün, E.EPSC2006-A-00065; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00174; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00246; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00292; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00360; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00361; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00362; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00367; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00475; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00480; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00631; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Grundy, W.EPSC2006-A-00628; p. 15

Grygalashvyly, M.EPSC2006-A-00423; p. 36

Grynko, Ye.EPSC2006-A-00357; p. 23

Gucsik, A.EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42

Gudkova, T.V.EPSC2006-A-00019; p. 8

Guedel, M.EPSC2006-A-00184; p. 27

Guella, G.EPSC2006-A-00500; p. 39

Guenther, E.W.EPSC2006-A-00032; p. 9

Guillemin, J.-C.EPSC2006-A-00348; p. 39

Guillot, T.EPSC2006-A-00120; p. 16

Gunell, H.EPSC2006-A-00035; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00466; p. 37

Gunnlaugsson, H. P.EPSC2006-A-00066; p. 34

Gural, P.S.EPSC2006-A-00016; p. 11

Gurevich, A. V.EPSC2006-A-00446; p. 37

Gurnett, D. A.EPSC2006-A-00122; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00242; p. 19

Gurnett, D.A.EPSC2006-A-00064; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00125; p. 18

Gurvits, L.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33

Gurvits, L.I.EPSC2006-A-00346; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00454; p. 29

Gusev, A.EPSC2006-A-00253; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00256; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00260; p. 16

Gustin, J.EPSC2006-A-00175; p. 14

Gutierrez, P.J.EPSC2006-A-00438; p. 40

Gutiérrez, P.J.EPSC2006-A-00726; p. 31

Gwinner, K.EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00251; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00353; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00394; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00418; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00520; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00522; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00529; p. 34

Haack, H.EPSC2006-A-00580; p. 40

Haberle, R.EPSC2006-A-00676; p. 25

Hadamcik, E.EPSC2006-A-00578; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00587; p. 26

Haeusler, B.EPSC2006-A-00582; p. 38

Haggerty, D.K.EPSC2006-A-00121; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00192; p. 36

Hainaut, O.EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40

Halekas, J.EPSC2006-A-00027; p. 37

Halliday, A. N.EPSC2006-A-00735; p. 15

Hamelin, M.EPSC2006-A-00176; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00528; p. 37

Hamilton, D.C.EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39

Hammel, H.EPSC2006-A-00186; p. 20

Hanada, H.EPSC2006-A-00268; p. 33

Hand, K. P.EPSC2006-A-00472; p. 20

Hansen, A.EPSC2006-A-00072; p. 21

Hansen, G.B.EPSC2006-A-00030; p. 30

Hanslmeier, A.EPSC2006-A-00226; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00227; p. 41

Hare, T.M.EPSC2006-A-00487; p. 35

Hargitai, H.EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00515; p. 42

Harker, D. E.EPSC2006-A-00739; p. 40

Harri, A.M.EPSC2006-A-00071; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00252; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00432; p. 7

Harris, A.W.EPSC2006-A-00177; p. 26

Harrison, G.EPSC2006-A-00182; p. 19

Harrison, R. G.EPSC2006-A-00114; p. 37

Hartle, R.EPSC2006-A-00502; p. 26

Hartle, R. E.EPSC2006-A-00305; p. 39

Hartogh, P.EPSC2006-A-00317; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00378; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00414; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00423; p. 36


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Harvey, C.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Hasekamp, O.EPSC2006-A-00607; p. 12

Hashimoto, G. L.EPSC2006-A-00333; p. 36

Hashizume, K.EPSC2006-A-00049; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Hauber, E.EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00109; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00353; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00390; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00418; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00421; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00520; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00529; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00597; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17

Hauschildt, P.EPSC2006-A-00032; p. 9

Häusler, B.EPSC2006-A-00316; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00320; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00484; p. 34

Hayakawa, H.EPSC2006-A-00559; p. 23

Hayne, P. O.EPSC2006-A-00187; p. 17

Hazell, A.EPSC2006-A-00138; p. 33

Head, J.EPSC2006-A-00334; p. 17

Head, J.W.EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17

Heather, D.EPSC2006-A-00458; p. 7

Hébrard, E.EPSC2006-A-00106; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00209; p. 20

Hébrard, G.EPSC2006-A-00300; p. 9

Hegyi, S.EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42

Heinlein, D.EPSC2006-A-00518; p. 39

Helbert, J.EPSC2006-A-00127; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00183; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00212; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00275; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00333; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00406; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00555; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00556; p. 33

Helfenstein, P.EPSC2006-A-00021; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30

Helfert, S.EPSC2006-A-00174; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00246; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00360; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00361; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00362; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00475; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00631; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Hellinger, P.EPSC2006-A-00140; p. 29

Hendel, R.EPSC2006-A-00315; p. 8

Herique, A.EPSC2006-A-00171; p. 17

Hestroffer, D.EPSC2006-A-00415; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00542; p. 26

Hewagama, T.EPSC2006-A-00444; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00471; p. 38

Heward, A.EPSC2006-A-00699; p. 22

Hiesinger, H.EPSC2006-A-00635; p. 23

Hilchenbach, M.EPSC2006-A-00062; p. 8

Hillier, J. K.EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40

Hillier, J.K.EPSC2006-A-00123; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00246; p. 20

Hinson, D.EPSC2006-A-00190; p. 10

Hinson, D. P.EPSC2006-A-00320; p. 36

Hirata, N.EPSC2006-A-00210; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Hiroi, T.EPSC2006-A-00210; p. 26

Hirtzig, M.EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00548; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00576; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00586; p. 19

Hitier, R.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Ho, G.C.EPSC2006-A-00192; p. 36

Hochleitner, R.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12

Hoekzema, N. M.EPSC2006-A-00251; p. 25

Hofer, S.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12

Hoffmann, H.EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00251; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00353; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17

Hoffmann, P.EPSC2006-A-00687; p. 23

Hoffmeister, A.EPSC2006-A-00021; p. 30

Holmström, M.EPSC2006-A-00035; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00466; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00478; p. 9

Hoogeveen, R.EPSC2006-A-00607; p. 12

Horanyi, M.EPSC2006-A-00265; p. 20

Horneck, G.EPSC2006-A-00589; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00662; p. 21

Hornemann, U.EPSC2006-A-00589; p. 41

Horner, J.EPSC2006-A-00541; p. 38

Horváth, A.EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42

Hospodarsky, G.B.EPSC2006-A-00064; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00122; p. 13

Hourdin, F.EPSC2006-A-00167; p. 24

Hovland, S.EPSC2006-A-00652; p. 23

Howard, J.EPSC2006-A-00637; p. 20

Howington-Kraus, E.EPSC2006-A-00487; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00490; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00609; p. 33

Huang, S.EPSC2006-A-00448; p. 23

Hubert, B.EPSC2006-A-00234; p. 36

Hudoba, Gy.EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42

Hueso, R.EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36

Hurford, T.A.EPSC2006-A-00588; p. 38

Hussmann, H.EPSC2006-A-00337; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00366; p. 30

Hyvärinen, M.EPSC2006-A-00460; p. 35

Iafolla, V.EPSC2006-A-00650; p. 33

Iess, L.EPSC2006-A-00650; p. 33

Igenbergs, E.EPSC2006-A-00325; p. 40

Iglesias, J.EPSC2006-A-00618; p. 13

Ignatiev, N.EPSC2006-A-00428; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00552; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25

Ignatiev, N.I.EPSC2006-A-00149; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00285; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00505; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00572; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00634; p. 9

Iijima, Y.EPSC2006-A-00198; p. 23

Illés, E.EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42

Illiano, J.-M.EPSC2006-A-00134; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00135; p. 10

Imanaka, H.EPSC2006-A-00312; p. 15

Inada, A.EPSC2006-A-00522; p. 25

Ingersoll, A. P.EPSC2006-A-00242; p. 19

Ip, W.-H.EPSC2006-A-00540; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12

Ipatov, S.I.EPSC2006-A-00197; p. 40

Iro, N.EPSC2006-A-00120; p. 16

Irwin, P.G.J.EPSC2006-A-00273; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00302; p. 38

Ishiguro, M.EPSC2006-A-00210; p. 26

Israel, G.EPSC2006-A-00203; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00204; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00209; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00371; p. 38

Israel, M.H.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

Ivanov, A.EPSC2006-A-00171; p. 17

Ivanov, B.EPSC2006-A-00464; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00467; p. 21

Ivanov, B. A.EPSC2006-A-00394; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00596; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17

Ivanov, M.A.EPSC2006-A-00381; p. 34

Iwasa, K.EPSC2006-A-00401; p. 40

Iwata, T.EPSC2006-A-00268; p. 33

Jackman, C M.EPSC2006-A-00450; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00549; p. 13

Jacobsen, S.EPSC2006-A-00379; p. 14

Jacquey, C.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Jaeger, W.EPSC2006-A-00084; p. 35

Jagoutz, E.EPSC2006-A-00501; p. 18

Janhunen, P.EPSC2006-A-00075; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00238; p. 39

Jarvinen, R.EPSC2006-A-00075; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00238; p. 39

Jaumann, R.EPSC2006-A-00026; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00030; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00295; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00353; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00406; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00418; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00520; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00529; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00583; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17

Jayananda, M.EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Jehin, E.EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40

Jelínek, M.EPSC2006-A-00016; p. 11

Jensen, A. E.EPSC2006-A-00066; p. 34

Jessberger, E.K.EPSC2006-A-00127; p. 33

Johnson, C.EPSC2006-A-00387; p. 23

Johnson, R.E.EPSC2006-A-00097; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00098; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00134; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00135; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00193; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00250; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00356; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00603; p. 10

Johnson, T.EPSC2006-A-00092; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00093; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00094; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00643; p. 31

Johnson, T.V.EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30

Joll, A.EPSC2006-A-00308; p. 39

Jolliff, B.L.EPSC2006-A-00635; p. 23

Jolly, A.EPSC2006-A-00348; p. 39

Jolly, A.EPSC2006-A-00326; p. 15

Jones, G.H.EPSC2006-A-00382; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00545; p. 14

Jørgensen, J. L.EPSC2006-A-00580; p. 40

Josset, J.EPSC2006-A-00026; p. 32

Josset, J.L.EPSC2006-A-00718; p. 29

Jotter, R.EPSC2006-A-00501; p. 18

Jouglet, D.EPSC2006-A-00189; p. 17

Jucks, K.EPSC2006-A-00641; p. 27

Kabin, K.EPSC2006-A-00335; p. 29

Kaeufl, U.EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40

Kaiser, M. L.EPSC2006-A-00242; p. 19

Kalinichenko, N.N.EPSC2006-A-00229; p. 18

Kallio, E.EPSC2006-A-00075; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00238; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36

Kaltenegger, L.EPSC2006-A-00641; p. 27

Karashtin, A. N.EPSC2006-A-00446; p. 37

Karatekin, O.EPSC2006-A-00188; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00299; p. 22EPSC2006-A-00622; p. 38

Karatekin, Ö.EPSC2006-A-00056; p. 38

Kargel, J.S.EPSC2006-A-00278; p. 31

Kargl, G.EPSC2006-A-00344; p. 38

Karlsson, R. L.EPSC2006-A-00504; p. 19

Kasatkina, E.EPSC2006-A-00144; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00178; p. 31

Kasprzak, W.EPSC2006-A-00674; p. 39

Kato, M.EPSC2006-A-00198; p. 23

Kaufmann, E.EPSC2006-A-00344; p. 38

Kawano, N.EPSC2006-A-00199; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00268; p. 33

Kaydash, V.EPSC2006-A-00139; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00558; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00649; p. 23

Keating, G.EPSC2006-A-00644; p. 25

Keller, H.U.EPSC2006-A-00237; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00240; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00251; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00428; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00489; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00497; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00522; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00619; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00620; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00634; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00649; p. 23

Kellett, B.EPSC2006-A-00719; p. 29


Page 58: European Space Agency Programme Book

Kempf, S.EPSC2006-A-00123; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00174; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00246; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00360; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00361; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00362; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00365; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00367; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00475; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00533; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00606; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00631; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Kerber, F.EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40

Kereszturi, A.EPSC2006-A-00107; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42

Keszthelyi, L.EPSC2006-A-00084; p. 35

Khan, A.EPSC2006-A-00336; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00410; p. 8

Khare, B.N.EPSC2006-A-00312; p. 15

Khavroshkin, O.EPSC2006-A-00088; p. 32

Khodachenko, M.L.EPSC2006-A-00148; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00180; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00226; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00227; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00388; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00392; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00720; p. 29

Khurana, K.K.EPSC2006-A-00163; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00303; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00617; p. 14

Kiehas, S.A.EPSC2006-A-00661; p. 10

Kikuchi, F.EPSC2006-A-00136; p. 23

Killen, R.EPSC2006-A-00001; p. 29

Kirk, R.L.EPSC2006-A-00487; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00490; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00609; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00626; p. 33

Kislyakov, A. G.EPSC2006-A-00148; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00180; p. 37

Kitiashvili, I.EPSC2006-A-00256; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00260; p. 16

Kivelson, M.G.EPSC2006-A-00163; p. 38

Klashed, S.EPSC2006-A-00701; p. 22

Kleinhans, M.EPSC2006-A-00060; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00519; p. 34

Klimov, S.EPSC2006-A-00088; p. 32

Klingelhöfer, G.EPSC2006-A-00435; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00564; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00593; p. 17

Klinkner, S.EPSC2006-A-00671; p. 34

Kminek, G.EPSC2006-A-00076; p. 7

Knapmeyer, M.EPSC2006-A-00103; p. 23

Knollenberg, J.EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31

Koch, C.EPSC2006-A-00062; p. 8

Kochemasov, G.EPSC2006-A-00018; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00040; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00041; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00042; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00043; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00044; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00045; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00137; p. 33

Kofman, W.EPSC2006-A-00171; p. 17

Köhler, M.EPSC2006-A-00211; p. 40

Koinash, G.EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12

Kókány, A.EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42

Kolokolova, L.EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40

Komatsu, G.EPSC2006-A-00440; p. 35

Kömle, N.I.EPSC2006-A-00344; p. 38

Konovalenko, A.A.EPSC2006-A-00226; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00227; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00229; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00236; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00286; p. 19

Koop, R.EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32

Korablev, O.EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00524; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9

Korokhin, V.EPSC2006-A-00327; p. 35

Korteniemi, J.EPSC2006-A-00419; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00420; p. 18

Koschny, D.EPSC2006-A-00138; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00600; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00655; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00723; p. 29

Koskinen, T.EPSC2006-A-00172; p. 36

Kossacki, K.J.EPSC2006-A-00497; p. 18

Kostama, P.EPSC2006-A-00460; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00463; p. 8

Kostama, V.-P.EPSC2006-A-00314; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00359; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00381; p. 34

Kostiuk, T.EPSC2006-A-00444; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00471; p. 38

Kostogryz, N.EPSC2006-A-00007; p. 35

Koten, P.EPSC2006-A-00486; p. 11

Kouphos, S.EPSC2006-A-00350; p. 42

Kovács, Zs.EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42

Kozyrev, A.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33

Kraal, E.EPSC2006-A-00519; p. 34

Kraft, S.EPSC2006-A-00565; p. 38

Krapiec, M.EPSC2006-A-00144; p. 26

Krasotkin, S.A.EPSC2006-A-00025; p. 42

Kreslavsky, M.EPSC2006-A-00334; p. 17

Krimigis, S.M.EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00545; p. 14

Kristoffersen, T.EPSC2006-A-00072; p. 21

Krivov, A. V.EPSC2006-A-00153; p. 16EPSC2006-A-00245; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00533; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00753; p. 41

Kronberg, E. A.EPSC2006-A-00483; p. 13

Kronberg, P.EPSC2006-A-00109; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00390; p. 8

Krot, A.EPSC2006-A-00012; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00013; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00014; p. 41

Krötz, P.EPSC2006-A-00342; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00444; p. 35

Krüger, H.EPSC2006-A-00174; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Krumbein, W.E.EPSC2006-A-00201; p. 21

Krupp, N.EPSC2006-A-00061; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00289; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00382; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00391; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00395; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00483; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00531; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00545; p. 14

Ku, J.EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

Kubny, A.EPSC2006-A-00501; p. 18

Kubyshkin, I.V.EPSC2006-A-00661; p. 10

Kuhn, W.EPSC2006-A-00085; p. 24

Kührt, E.EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31

Kuhs, W.F.EPSC2006-A-00241; p. 8

Kuiper, T.EPSC2006-A-00266; p. 19

Kulikov, Y. N.EPSC2006-A-00570; p. 36

Kulikov, Yu.N.EPSC2006-A-00392; p. 27

Kummert, J.EPSC2006-A-00526; p. 42

Kuroda, T.EPSC2006-A-00317; p. 25

Kurth, W. S.EPSC2006-A-00064; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00122; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00125; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00216; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00242; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14

Kuzicheva, E.EPSC2006-A-00277; p. 41

Kuzmin, R.O.EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18

Laakso, H.EPSC2006-A-00138; p. 33

Laan, E.EPSC2006-A-00607; p. 12

Lacny, A.EPSC2006-A-00636; p. 16

Lagg, A.EPSC2006-A-00382; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00483; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00545; p. 14

Lahtela, H.EPSC2006-A-00419; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00420; p. 18

Lainey, V.EPSC2006-A-00582; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00618; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00622; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00624; p. 13

Lammer, H.EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00226; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00227; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00323; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00388; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00392; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00393; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00405; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00478; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00570; p. 36

Landau, J.EPSC2006-A-00704; p. 22

Landgraf, M.EPSC2006-A-00174; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32

Landis, G.A.EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18

Langenhorrst, F.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12

Langevin, Y.EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00078; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00081; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00083; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00189; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00615; p. 18

Langlais, B.EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00099; p. 14

Langmayr, D.EPSC2006-A-00570; p. 36

Lara, L.M.EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00726; p. 31

Lasue, J.EPSC2006-A-00578; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00587; p. 26

Latter, H.EPSC2006-A-00599; p. 40

Laufer, R.EPSC2006-A-00488; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00546; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00671; p. 34

Lavvas, P.EPSC2006-A-00232; p. 19

Lazio, J.EPSC2006-A-00266; p. 19

Le Deit, L.EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00597; p. 17

Le Maistre, S.EPSC2006-A-00188; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00582; p. 38

Le Mouélic, S.EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00548; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00576; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00579; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00586; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00597; p. 17

Le Picard, S.D.EPSC2006-A-00308; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00451; p. 15

Leblanc, F.EPSC2006-A-00008; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00011; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00027; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7

Leblanc, F.EPSC2006-A-00097; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00306; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00358; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00393; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00513; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00562; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00566; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Lebonnois, S.EPSC2006-A-00167; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00312; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36

Lebreton, J.-P.EPSC2006-A-00476; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12

Lecacheux, A.EPSC2006-A-00125; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00229; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00236; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00242; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00255; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00286; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00468; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00638; p. 10

Lecavelier des Etangs, A.EPSC2006-A-00300; p. 9

Ledvina, S.A.EPSC2006-A-00098; p. 26

Lee, C.EPSC2006-A-00457; p. 36

Lee, C.G.-.EPSC2006-A-00671; p. 34

Leger, A.EPSC2006-A-00656; p. 31

Lehmann, H.EPSC2006-A-00228; p. 35

Leitner, J.EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7

Leitner, J. J.EPSC2006-A-00142; p. 8

Leitzinger, M.EPSC2006-A-00226; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00227; p. 41

Lellouch, E.EPSC2006-A-00149; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00642; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00664; p. 39

Leonori, F.EPSC2006-A-00145; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00179; p. 35

Lera, S.EPSC2006-A-00480; p. 7

Leske, R.A.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

Levasseur-Regourd, A.C.EPSC2006-A-00578; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00587; p. 26

Levison, H.F.EPSC2006-A-00108; p. 31


Page 59: European Space Agency Programme Book

Levrard, B.EPSC2006-A-00676; p. 25

Lewis, S. R.EPSC2006-A-00456; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00457; p. 36

Lewis, S.R.EPSC2006-A-00482; p. 36

Lhotka, C.EPSC2006-A-00716; p. 41

Li, R.EPSC2006-A-00295; p. 23

Liang, M.C.EPSC2006-A-00514; p. 28

Lichtenberger, J.EPSC2006-A-00105; p. 12

Lichtenegger, H.EPSC2006-A-00478; p. 9

Lichtenegger, H.I.M.EPSC2006-A-00270; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00388; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00392; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36

Liengaard, L.EPSC2006-A-00072; p. 21

Ligori, S.EPSC2006-A-00165; p. 40

Lilensten, J.EPSC2006-A-00011; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00027; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00215; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00530; p. 15

Limaye, S.S.EPSC2006-A-00634; p. 9

Lindner, R.EPSC2006-A-00383; p. 23

Linkin, V.EPSC2006-A-00088; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00432; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00524; p. 7

Lipatov, A.EPSC2006-A-00432; p. 7

Lissauer, J.EPSC2006-A-00186; p. 20

Lithwick, Y.EPSC2006-A-00613; p. 20

Litvak, M.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33

Litvinenko, G.V.EPSC2006-A-00236; p. 19

Livengood, T. A.EPSC2006-A-00471; p. 38

Livengood, T.A.EPSC2006-A-00444; p. 35

Livi, S.EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36

Livi, S.A.EPSC2006-A-00192; p. 36

Llorca, J.EPSC2006-A-00016; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00328; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00341; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29

Löhne, T.EPSC2006-A-00753; p. 41

Lognonne, P.EPSC2006-A-00213; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00387; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00592; p. 7

Lognonné, P.EPSC2006-A-00630; p. 7

Loizeau, D.EPSC2006-A-00168; p. 17

Lomstein, B.EPSC2006-A-00072; p. 21

Lopez Valverde, M. A.EPSC2006-A-00257; p. 25

Lopez, I.EPSC2006-A-00059; p. 32

López, I.EPSC2006-A-00089; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00272; p. 32

Lopez-Moreno, J. J.EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29

Lorenzen, D.H.EPSC2006-A-00703; p. 22

Lounis, S.EPSC2006-A-00624; p. 13

Loureiro, J.EPSC2006-A-00077; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00146; p. 39

Lucas, A.EPSC2006-A-00698; p. 34

Luhmann, J.H.EPSC2006-A-00098; p. 26

Lukina, N.EPSC2006-A-00178; p. 31

Lukomsky, A.EPSC2006-A-00088; p. 32

Lundin, R.EPSC2006-A-00035; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00061; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00221; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00224; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00279; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00280; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00531; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00534; p. 30

Lunine, J.EPSC2006-A-00092; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00093; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00094; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00643; p. 31

Lunine, J.I.EPSC2006-A-00370; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00602; p. 20

Luz, D.EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36

Lystrup, M.EPSC2006-A-00445; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00657; p. 37

Ma, Y.EPSC2006-A-00047; p. 30

Macher, W.EPSC2006-A-00345; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00498; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00504; p. 19

Maddison, S.EPSC2006-A-00551; p. 16

Mahaffy, P.EPSC2006-A-00051; p. 14

Mahaffy, P.R.EPSC2006-A-00086; p. 14

Maillard, J.-P.EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20

Majid, W.EPSC2006-A-00266; p. 19

Makinen, T.EPSC2006-A-00071; p. 35

Mäkinen, T.EPSC2006-A-00010; p. 24

Makoto, Y.EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Makuch, M.EPSC2006-A-00245; p. 27

Malachov, A.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33

Malin, M.C.EPSC2006-A-00635; p. 23

Mall, U.EPSC2006-A-00139; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00357; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00558; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00649; p. 23

Maltagliati, L.EPSC2006-A-00149; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00237; p. 25

Mandea, M.EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00074; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00099; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00244; p. 33

Mangeney, A.EPSC2006-A-00698; p. 34

Mangold, N.EPSC2006-A-00161; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00168; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00213; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00615; p. 18

Mann, I.EPSC2006-A-00211; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00223; p. 40

Manukin, A.EPSC2006-A-00088; p. 32

Marboeuf, U.EPSC2006-A-00536; p. 16

Marchenko, G.EPSC2006-A-00327; p. 35

Marchi, S.EPSC2006-A-00247; p. 18

Marcq, E.EPSC2006-A-00614; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00627; p. 9

Marinangeli, L.EPSC2006-A-00183; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00271; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00333; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00529; p. 34

Markelov, G. N.EPSC2006-A-00619; p. 31

Markiewicz, W.J.EPSC2006-A-00157; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00240; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00251; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00428; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00497; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00522; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00634; p. 9

Marklund, G. T.EPSC2006-A-00279; p. 7

Márquez, A.EPSC2006-A-00059; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00089; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00272; p. 32

Marra, G.EPSC2006-A-00067; p. 35

Martellato, E.EPSC2006-A-00206; p. 33

Marten, A.EPSC2006-A-00590; p. 24

Martín, F.EPSC2006-A-00059; p. 32

Martin, P.EPSC2006-A-00560; p. 35

Martín-González, F.EPSC2006-A-00089; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00272; p. 32

Martín-Redondo, M.P.EPSC2006-A-00278; p. 31

Martinecz, C.EPSC2006-A-00061; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00531; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00534; p. 30

Martins, Z.EPSC2006-A-00185; p. 21

Marty, B.EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00049; p. 14

Marty, J.C.EPSC2006-A-00582; p. 38

Marzari, F.EPSC2006-A-00206; p. 33

Massault, M.EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Massetti, S.EPSC2006-A-00239; p. 36

Massironi, M.EPSC2006-A-00206; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00282; p. 35

Masson, P.EPSC2006-A-00161; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00615; p. 18

Mather, J.C.EPSC2006-A-00197; p. 40

Mather, T. A.EPSC2006-A-00114; p. 37

Matson, D.EPSC2006-A-00092; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00093; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00094; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00476; p. 21

Matsopoulos, N.EPSC2006-A-00683; p. 22

Matsui, T.EPSC2006-A-00312; p. 15

Matsumoto, K.EPSC2006-A-00136; p. 23

Maturilli, A.EPSC2006-A-00149; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00249; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00264; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00275; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00505; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00556; p. 33

Matz, K.D.EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00511; p. 38

Maue, T.EPSC2006-A-00496; p. 39

Maurice, S.EPSC2006-A-00389; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00435; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00442; p. 25

Mazelle, C.EPSC2006-A-00604; p. 29

Mazzotta Epifani, E.EPSC2006-A-00067; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00113; p. 31

Mc Auliffe, J.EPSC2006-A-00339; p. 11

McAndrew, H. J.EPSC2006-A-00549; p. 13

McAndrews, H.EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14

McBride, N.EPSC2006-A-00123; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00246; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40

McComas, D.J.EPSC2006-A-00603; p. 10

McConnell, S.EPSC2006-A-00705; p. 22

McCord, T.B.EPSC2006-A-00187; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17

McCoy, D.EPSC2006-A-00742; p. 9

McDonnell, J.EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40

McEachen, M. E.EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

McEwen, A.S.EPSC2006-A-00635; p. 23

McKay, C.P.EPSC2006-A-00031; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00252; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00312; p. 15

McKee, G.EPSC2006-A-00645; p. 32

Medvedev, A.S.EPSC2006-A-00317; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00423; p. 36

Mège, D.EPSC2006-A-00597; p. 17

Meima, J. A.EPSC2006-A-00251; p. 25

Melchiorri, R.EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00237; p. 25

Melin, H.EPSC2006-A-00657; p. 37

Melnik, V.N.EPSC2006-A-00286; p. 19

Melo, C.EPSC2006-A-00120; p. 16

Mendillo, M.EPSC2006-A-00190; p. 10

Menietti, J. D.EPSC2006-A-00122; p. 13

Menvielle, M.EPSC2006-A-00207; p. 33

Merlin, F.EPSC2006-A-00222; p. 26

Merrison, J.EPSC2006-A-00072; p. 21

Merrison, J.P.EPSC2006-A-00066; p. 34

Mertens, V.EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17

Meunier, N.EPSC2006-A-00714; p. 13

Mewaldt, R.A.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

Meyer, C.EPSC2006-A-00589; p. 41

Meyer-Vernet, N.EPSC2006-A-00248; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00638; p. 10

Micela, G.EPSC2006-A-00570; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00612; p. 27

Michael, G.EPSC2006-A-00508; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00583; p. 13

Michael, M.EPSC2006-A-00098; p. 26

Michaelis, H.EPSC2006-A-00026; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00496; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00516; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00517; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00555; p. 32

Michaud, S.EPSC2006-A-00343; p. 23

Michel, P.EPSC2006-A-00039; p. 26

Mikkelsen, K.EPSC2006-A-00072; p. 21

Milani, A.EPSC2006-A-00650; p. 33

Milillo, A.EPSC2006-A-00239; p. 36

Miller, S.EPSC2006-A-00151; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00172; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00445; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00657; p. 37

Milliken, R.E.EPSC2006-A-00189; p. 17

Millilo, A.EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33

Millio, A.EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36


Page 60: European Space Agency Programme Book

Minato, T.EPSC2006-A-00223; p. 40

Minervina, H.EPSC2006-A-00012; p. 41

Ming, D.W.EPSC2006-A-00593; p. 17

Misgaiski, M.EPSC2006-A-00589; p. 41

Mitchell, D.G.EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00545; p. 14

Mitrofanov, I.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00449; p. 12

Miyamoto, H.EPSC2006-A-00210; p. 26

Mjagkova, I.N.EPSC2006-A-00025; p. 42

Mocquet, A.EPSC2006-A-00207; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00331; p. 8

Modolo, R.EPSC2006-A-00562; p. 30

Möhlmann, D.EPSC2006-A-00117; p. 21

Möhlmann, D.T.EPSC2006-A-00284; p. 41

Moissl, R.EPSC2006-A-00240; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00428; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00634; p. 9

Mokrousov, M.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33

Möller, R.EPSC2006-A-00117; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00589; p. 41

Momary, T.EPSC2006-A-00205; p. 24

Moncuquet, M.EPSC2006-A-00638; p. 10

Montabone, L.EPSC2006-A-00456; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00482; p. 36

Montagnac, G.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15

Montañes Rodriguez, P.EPSC2006-A-00573; p. 28EPSC2006-A-00585; p. 29

Montebugnoli, S.EPSC2006-A-00080; p. 20

Montmessin, F.EPSC2006-A-00078; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00676; p. 25

Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.EPSC2006-A-00174; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00360; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00361; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00362; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00475; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00631; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Morales, N.EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29

Morbidelli, A.EPSC2006-A-00108; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00111; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00370; p. 31

Mordasini, C.EPSC2006-A-00037; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00672; p. 40

Mordovskaya, V.EPSC2006-A-00474; p. 30

Moreno, F.EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29

Moreno, R.EPSC2006-A-00590; p. 24

Morfill, G.E.EPSC2006-A-00265; p. 20

Morgenstern, A.EPSC2006-A-00421; p. 17

Morishima, R.EPSC2006-A-00214; p. 20

Morlok, A.EPSC2006-A-00211; p. 40

Moroz, L.EPSC2006-A-00275; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00556; p. 33

Morris, R.V.EPSC2006-A-00564; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00593; p. 17

Mörtl, M.EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42

Mosegaard, K.EPSC2006-A-00336; p. 23

Motschmann, U.EPSC2006-A-00217; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00261; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00289; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00323; p. 41

Mottola, S.EPSC2006-A-00177; p. 26

Mouginot, J.EPSC2006-A-00171; p. 17

Mousis, O.EPSC2006-A-00195; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00510; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00536; p. 16EPSC2006-A-00538; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00541; p. 38

Moussas, X.EPSC2006-A-00350; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00352; p. 37

Mueller, M.EPSC2006-A-00065; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00177; p. 26

Mueller-Wodarg, I.EPSC2006-A-00674; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00675; p. 39

Mugrauer, M.EPSC2006-A-00032; p. 9

Mukai, T.EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Muller, C.EPSC2006-A-00029; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00319; p. 22EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9

Muller, J-P.EPSC2006-A-00625; p. 35

Müller, J.EPSC2006-A-00516; p. 23

Müller, N.EPSC2006-A-00183; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00333; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00555; p. 32

Multhaup, K.EPSC2006-A-00429; p. 38

Mura, A.EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36

Mura, A:.EPSC2006-A-00239; p. 36

Murphy, J.EPSC2006-A-00644; p. 25

Murray, J.EPSC2006-A-00551; p. 16

Murray, J.B.EPSC2006-A-00625; p. 35

Mustard, J.EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34

Mustard, J.F.EPSC2006-A-00189; p. 17

Naef, D.EPSC2006-A-00672; p. 40

Nagy, A.EPSC2006-A-00047; p. 30

Nakamura, A.EPSC2006-A-00039; p. 26

Nakamura, R.EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Nakamura, Y.EPSC2006-A-00281; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00301; p. 23

Naletto, G.EPSC2006-A-00282; p. 35

Namiki, N.EPSC2006-A-00268; p. 33

Nathues, A.EPSC2006-A-00649; p. 23

Naudet, C.EPSC2006-A-00266; p. 19

Naze, Y.EPSC2006-A-00700; p. 22

Neal, C. R.EPSC2006-A-00291; p. 23

Neefs, E.EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9

Negrão, A.EPSC2006-A-00548; p. 20

Negrao, A.EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20

Nelson, R. M.EPSC2006-A-00404; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00407; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00408; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

Ness, N.EPSC2006-A-00154; p. 14

Neubauer, F.M.EPSC2006-A-00031; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00230; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00233; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00238; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00379; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00443; p. 10

Neuhaeuser, R.EPSC2006-A-00032; p. 9

Neukum, G.EPSC2006-A-00021; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00119; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00161; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00168; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00191; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00251; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00318; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00353; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00355; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00390; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00394; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00406; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00418; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00497; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00508; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00520; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00522; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00529; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00560; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00583; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00594; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00596; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00610; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00615; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00621; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00629; p. 34

Nevejans, D.EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9

Newman, C.E.EPSC2006-A-00482; p. 36

Nguyen, M.-J.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00203; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00204; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00209; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00371; p. 38

Nicholson, W.EPSC2006-A-00503; p. 36

Nicolas, C.EPSC2006-A-00375; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00376; p. 39

Niemann, H.EPSC2006-A-00051; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00674; p. 39

Niemann, H.B.EPSC2006-A-00031; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00086; p. 14

Nijman, W.EPSC2006-A-00276; p. 27

Nimura, T.EPSC2006-A-00210; p. 26

Noda, H.EPSC2006-A-00199; p. 33

Nogami, K.EPSC2006-A-00380; p. 40

Nørnberg, P.EPSC2006-A-00066; p. 34

Nussbaumer, J.EPSC2006-A-00427; p. 34

O’Brien, D.EPSC2006-A-00111; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00370; p. 31

Oberst, J.EPSC2006-A-00103; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00295; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00496; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00511; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00516; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00517; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00518; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00546; p. 11

Odert, P.EPSC2006-A-00226; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00227; p. 41

Ogilvie, G.EPSC2006-A-00599; p. 40

Ohashi, H.EPSC2006-A-00401; p. 40

Öhman, T.EPSC2006-A-00419; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00430; p. 35

Ohtsuki, K.EPSC2006-A-00214; p. 20

Okada, T.EPSC2006-A-00198; p. 23

Olkin, C.EPSC2006-A-00628; p. 15

Olsen, N.EPSC2006-A-00336; p. 23

Oosthoek, J.EPSC2006-A-00519; p. 34

Oosthoek, J.H.P.EPSC2006-A-00560; p. 35

Opgenoorth, H.EPSC2006-A-00740; p. 13

Orberger, B.EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Ori, G. G.EPSC2006-A-00420; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00440; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00529; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Orofino, V.EPSC2006-A-00247; p. 18

Orsini, S.EPSC2006-A-00239; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36

Ortiz, J.L.EPSC2006-A-00069; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00341; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29

Orton, G.EPSC2006-A-00195; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00340; p. 24

Orton, G.S.EPSC2006-A-00302; p. 38

Oswald, T.H.EPSC2006-A-00345; p. 19

Ott, S.EPSC2006-A-00662; p. 21

Owen, N.R.EPSC2006-A-00156; p. 37

Owen, T.EPSC2006-A-00051; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00052; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00086; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00605; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00628; p. 15

Ozorovich, YuEPSC2006-A-00088; p. 32

Paar, G.EPSC2006-A-00026; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00295; p. 23

Pacifici, A.EPSC2006-A-00212; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00440; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00447; p. 32

Paetzold, M.EPSC2006-A-00582; p. 38

Paillou, P.EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19

Paillou, Ph.EPSC2006-A-00579; p. 38

Palle, E.EPSC2006-A-00585; p. 29

Palomba, E.EPSC2006-A-00095; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00249; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00257; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00264; p. 17

Palumbo, P.EPSC2006-A-00067; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00113; p. 31

Panasyuk, M.EPSC2006-A-00666; p. 10

Panasyuk, M.I.EPSC2006-A-00025; p. 42

Panchenko, M.EPSC2006-A-00148; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00180; p. 37

Panitz, C.EPSC2006-A-00117; p. 21

Pantin, E.EPSC2006-A-00195; p. 24

Pappalardo, R.EPSC2006-A-00643; p. 31

Pappalardo, R.T.EPSC2006-A-00608; p. 30

Paral, J.EPSC2006-A-00335; p. 29

Paranicas, C.EPSC2006-A-00163; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00545; p. 14

Parrish, P.EPSC2006-A-00195; p. 24

Parrish, P.D.EPSC2006-A-00302; p. 38

Pasquaré, G.EPSC2006-A-00282; p. 35

Patzer, A.B.C.EPSC2006-A-00591; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00639; p. 9


Page 61: European Space Agency Programme Book

Patzer, B.EPSC2006-A-00323; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00398; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00437; p. 42

Pätzold, M.EPSC2006-A-00316; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00318; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00320; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00484; p. 34

Pauer, M.EPSC2006-A-00544; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00550; p. 33

Paul, R.L.EPSC2006-A-00625; p. 35

Pauzat, F.EPSC2006-A-00510; p. 41

Pavarin, D.EPSC2006-A-00259; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00600; p. 29

Pavlov, A. K.EPSC2006-A-00231; p. 41

Peacock, A.EPSC2006-A-00565; p. 38

Pearl, J.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20

Pearson, V. K.EPSC2006-A-00479; p. 42

Pedrazzi, G.EPSC2006-A-00015; p. 33

Pedrosa, A.EPSC2006-A-00689; p. 42

Pelkey, S.EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17

Pellinen, R.EPSC2006-A-00432; p. 7

Penz, T.EPSC2006-A-00570; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00661; p. 10

Perminov, V.EPSC2006-A-00524; p. 7

Pernot, P.EPSC2006-A-00104; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00106; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00530; p. 15

Persoon, A.M.EPSC2006-A-00064; p. 18

Petit, J.-M.EPSC2006-A-00541; p. 38

Petrov, D.V.EPSC2006-A-00459; p. 40

Petrova, N.EPSC2006-A-00253; p. 33

Petrucci, R.EPSC2006-A-00145; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00179; p. 35

Pfyffer, G.EPSC2006-A-00568; p. 33

Picardi, G.EPSC2006-A-00171; p. 17

Piccialli, A.EPSC2006-A-00257; p. 25

Piccioni, G.EPSC2006-A-00143; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00183; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00273; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00333; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36

Pierazzo, E.EPSC2006-A-00467; p. 21

Pilat-Lohinger, E.EPSC2006-A-00368; p. 16EPSC2006-A-00717; p. 41

Pilipenko, V.EPSC2006-A-00688; p. 10

Pillinger, Pi.EPSC2006-A-00706; p. 22

Pilorz, S.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00477; p. 20

Pinet, P.EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00561; p. 18

Ping, J.EPSC2006-A-00136; p. 23

Pintassilgo, C.D.EPSC2006-A-00077; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00146; p. 39

Pintér, A.EPSC2006-A-00512; p. 42

Pinti, D.L.EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Pitman, J. T.EPSC2006-A-00283; p. 7

Plaut, J.EPSC2006-A-00171; p. 17

Podlewska, E.EPSC2006-A-00633; p. 41

Pogoda de la Vega, U.EPSC2006-A-00117; p. 21

Pogrebenko, S.V.EPSC2006-A-00346; p. 7

Polit, A.T.EPSC2006-A-00381; p. 34

Polyakov, A.EPSC2006-A-00432; p. 7

Pommerol, A.EPSC2006-A-00133; p. 34

Pompilio, L.EPSC2006-A-00015; p. 33

Pondrelli, M.EPSC2006-A-00212; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00271; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00440; p. 35

Pont, F.EPSC2006-A-00120; p. 16

Popel, S.I.EPSC2006-A-00090; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00091; p. 27

Popp, J.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12

Porco, C.EPSC2006-A-00021; p. 30

Porco, C.C.EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30

Portyankina, G.EPSC2006-A-00251; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00497; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00522; p. 25

Postberg, F.EPSC2006-A-00123; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00246; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00367; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40

Postma, G.EPSC2006-A-00060; p. 17

Poulet, F.EPSC2006-A-00078; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00083; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00168; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00189; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00406; p. 34

Prassopoulos, D.EPSC2006-A-00350; p. 42

Prettyman, T.EPSC2006-A-00389; p. 18

Prieto-Ballesteros, O.EPSC2006-A-00278; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00402; p. 21

Prieur, D.EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Primdahl, F.EPSC2006-A-00152; p. 37

Pugh, S.EPSC2006-A-00567; p. 23

Purucker, M.EPSC2006-A-00074; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00244; p. 33

Quantin, C.EPSC2006-A-00615; p. 18

Queck, M.EPSC2006-A-00753; p. 41

Quémerais, E.EPSC2006-A-00566; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9

Quesnel, Y.EPSC2006-A-00099; p. 14

Quirico, E.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00530; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00664; p. 39

Rabbow, E.EPSC2006-A-00117; p. 21

Radchenko, V.V.EPSC2006-A-00025; p. 42

Raitala, J.EPSC2006-A-00313; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00314; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00381; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00419; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00460; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00463; p. 8

Rambaux, N.EPSC2006-A-00492; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00568; p. 33

Rankin, R.EPSC2006-A-00335; p. 29

Rannou, P.EPSC2006-A-00548; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00586; p. 19

Rashby, S.EPSC2006-A-00514; p. 28

Rasmussen, K.R.EPSC2006-A-00066; p. 34

Rathbun, J.EPSC2006-A-00084; p. 35

Rathsman, P.EPSC2006-A-00279; p. 7

Rauer, H.EPSC2006-A-00398; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00437; p. 42

Raulin, F.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00203; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00204; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00209; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00329; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00371; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00663; p. 15

Read, P. L.EPSC2006-A-00456; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00457; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00482; p. 36

Redding, B.EPSC2006-A-00487; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00490; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00609; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00626; p. 33

Reh, K.EPSC2006-A-00643; p. 31

Reisenfeld, D.EPSC2006-A-00603; p. 10

Reiss, D.EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00406; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00421; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00520; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00529; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00629; p. 34

Reissaus, P.EPSC2006-A-00687; p. 23

Reitz, G.EPSC2006-A-00117; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00267; p. 10

Remacle, J.-F.EPSC2006-A-00056; p. 38

Renard, J.B.EPSC2006-A-00578; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00587; p. 26

Rettberg, P.EPSC2006-A-00117; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00662; p. 21

Reynard, B.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15

Riaud, P.EPSC2006-A-00514; p. 28EPSC2006-A-00521; p. 7

Ribas, I.EPSC2006-A-00120; p. 16EPSC2006-A-00226; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00227; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00392; p. 27

Richardson, D.C.EPSC2006-A-00415; p. 26

Richardson, J. D.EPSC2006-A-00303; p. 37

Richter, L.EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00343; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00523; p. 34

Richter, M.EPSC2006-A-00068; p. 35

Rickman, H.EPSC2006-A-00438; p. 40

Righini, S.EPSC2006-A-00080; p. 20

Rinaldi, G.EPSC2006-A-00552; p. 36

Rivoldini, A.EPSC2006-A-00207; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00568; p. 33

Roatsch, T.EPSC2006-A-00021; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00119; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00511; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00594; p. 24

Robertson, I.EPSC2006-A-00054; p. 30

Robinson, M.S.EPSC2006-A-00635; p. 23

Robutel, P.EPSC2006-A-00575; p. 16

Rochette, P.EPSC2006-A-00248; p. 29

Rodin, A.EPSC2006-A-00524; p. 7

Rodin, A. V.EPSC2006-A-00620; p. 19

Rodionov, D.EPSC2006-A-00593; p. 17

Rodionov, D.S.EPSC2006-A-00564; p. 34

Rodrigo, R.EPSC2006-A-00726; p. 31

Rodríguez, D.EPSC2006-A-00017; p. 31

Rodríguez, N.EPSC2006-A-00402; p. 21

Rodriguez, S.EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00548; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00576; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00579; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00586; p. 19

Rodriguez-Canabal, J.EPSC2006-A-00742; p. 9

Roelof, E.C.EPSC2006-A-00121; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39

Roeser, H.-P.EPSC2006-A-00488; p. 34

Rogberg, P.EPSC2006-A-00482; p. 36

Rogozhin, A.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33

Roll, R.EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31

Romanova, N.EPSC2006-A-00688; p. 10

Romanzin, C.EPSC2006-A-00308; p. 39

Romeo, I.EPSC2006-A-00218; p. 8

Romstedt, J.EPSC2006-A-00383; p. 23

Roos-Serote, M.EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Rosc, J. B.EPSC2006-A-00498; p. 18

Rosenblatt, P.EPSC2006-A-00188; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00299; p. 22EPSC2006-A-00582; p. 38

Rosiek, M.EPSC2006-A-00626; p. 33

Rosiek, M.R.EPSC2006-A-00609; p. 33

Rossi, A.EPSC2006-A-00519; p. 34

Rossi, A.P.EPSC2006-A-00212; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00271; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00560; p. 35

Roth, W.EPSC2006-A-00431; p. 39

Rouchon, V.EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Roush, T.EPSC2006-A-00015; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00628; p. 15

Roussos, E.EPSC2006-A-00061; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00289; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00382; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00386; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00531; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00534; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00545; p. 14

Rouzaud, J.-N.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15

Roy, M.EPSC2006-A-00475; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Rucker, H. O.EPSC2006-A-00148; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00162; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00180; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00216; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00226; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00227; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00229; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00236; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00286; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00345; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00388; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00409; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00498; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00504; p. 19

Ruiz, J.EPSC2006-A-00433; p. 32

Russell, C.EPSC2006-A-00443; p. 10

Russell, C. T.EPSC2006-A-00057; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00082; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00233; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00584; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00617; p. 14


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Russo, P.EPSC2006-A-00240; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00428; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00634; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00689; p. 42

Ryazantseva, M.O.EPSC2006-A-00025; p. 42

Rymer, A.EPSC2006-A-00303; p. 37

Sadino, J.EPSC2006-A-00302; p. 38

Safaeinili, A.EPSC2006-A-00171; p. 17

Saito, J.EPSC2006-A-00210; p. 26

Saladino, R.EPSC2006-A-00141; p. 40

Salerno, E.EPSC2006-A-00080; p. 20

Salge, T.EPSC2006-A-00452; p. 8

Salo, H.EPSC2006-A-00214; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00298; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00425; p. 20

Samson, J. R.EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

Sánchez Caso, A.EPSC2006-A-00017; p. 31

Sanchez-Lavega, A.EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36

Sander, T.EPSC2006-A-00034; p. 17

Sándor, Z.EPSC2006-A-00716; p. 41

Sandrelli, S.EPSC2006-A-00374; p. 42

Sanin, A.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33

Santolik, O.EPSC2006-A-00064; p. 18

Santos, N.EPSC2006-A-00120; p. 16

Santos-Sanz, P.EPSC2006-A-00341; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29

Sarantos, M.EPSC2006-A-00001; p. 29

Sarid, A.R.EPSC2006-A-00588; p. 38

Sarkissian, A.EPSC2006-A-00715; p. 13

Sasaki, S.EPSC2006-A-00136; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00198; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00199; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00208; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00210; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00268; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00401; p. 40

Sauer, K.EPSC2006-A-00563; p. 10

Saur, J.EPSC2006-A-00230; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00233; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00379; p. 14

Sauvaud, J.-A.EPSC2006-A-00166; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00224; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00280; p. 9

Savijarvi, H.EPSC2006-A-00071; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00432; p. 7

Savina, O.N.EPSC2006-A-00462; p. 24

Savushkin, A.V.EPSC2006-A-00547; p. 36

Scarduelli, G.EPSC2006-A-00500; p. 39

Scheeres, D.EPSC2006-A-00493; p. 26

Schellnhuber, H.-J.EPSC2006-A-00201; p. 21

Schieder, R.EPSC2006-A-00342; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00444; p. 35

Schiele, A.EPSC2006-A-00383; p. 23

Schilling, N.EPSC2006-A-00230; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00379; p. 14

Schippers, P.EPSC2006-A-00455; p. 13

Schirrmeister, L.EPSC2006-A-00421; p. 17

Schmidt, F.EPSC2006-A-00159; p. 17

Schmidt, J.EPSC2006-A-00293; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00298; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00533; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00606; p. 27

Schmidt, S.EPSC2006-A-00073; p. 20

Schmitt B.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15

Schmitt, B.EPSC2006-A-00078; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00133; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00159; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00530; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00532; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00554; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00628; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00664; p. 39

Schmitt, M.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12

Schmitz, N.EPSC2006-A-00343; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00523; p. 34

Schneider, J.EPSC2006-A-00514; p. 28EPSC2006-A-00521; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00716; p. 41

Scholten, F.EPSC2006-A-00021; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00353; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00529; p. 34

Schreiber, U.EPSC2006-A-00516; p. 23

Schröder, C.EPSC2006-A-00564; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00593; p. 17

Schröder, S.EPSC2006-A-00664; p. 39

Schröder, S.E.EPSC2006-A-00489; p. 20

Schroedter, R.EPSC2006-A-00496; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00517; p. 11

Schulte, W.EPSC2006-A-00687; p. 23

Schulz, R.EPSC2006-A-00069; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00138; p. 33

Schumacher, S.EPSC2006-A-00050; p. 8

Schussler, T.EPSC2006-A-00431; p. 39

Schwanethal, J. P.EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40

Schwanke, V.EPSC2006-A-00284; p. 41

Schwartz, A.EPSC2006-A-00185; p. 21

Schwarz, R.EPSC2006-A-00368; p. 16EPSC2006-A-00716; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00717; p. 41

Schwehm, G.EPSC2006-A-00069; p. 31

Schwell, M.EPSC2006-A-00348; p. 39

Schwingenschuh, K.EPSC2006-A-00690; p. 19

Segoloni, E.EPSC2006-A-00145; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00179; p. 35

Segschneider, J.EPSC2006-A-00324; p. 31

Seifahrt, A.EPSC2006-A-00032; p. 9

Seiss, M.EPSC2006-A-00298; p. 20

Seiß, S.EPSC2006-A-00073; p. 20

Seki, K.EPSC2006-A-00008; p. 13

Sekine, Y.EPSC2006-A-00312; p. 15

Selch, F.EPSC2006-A-00112; p. 41

Selig, A.EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00607; p. 12

Selsis, F.EPSC2006-A-00405; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00478; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00656; p. 31

Semenov, V.S.EPSC2006-A-00661; p. 10

Senger, R.EPSC2006-A-00325; p. 40

Sephton, M.EPSC2006-A-00185; p. 21

Sergis, N.EPSC2006-A-00352; p. 37

Serozhkin, Yu.EPSC2006-A-00126; p. 37

Sgavetti, M.EPSC2006-A-00015; p. 33

Shalygin, E.EPSC2006-A-00327; p. 35

Shalygina, O.EPSC2006-A-00327; p. 35

Shaposhnikov, V.E.EPSC2006-A-00162; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00236; p. 19

Shappirio, M.EPSC2006-A-00603; p. 10

Sharkov, E.EPSC2006-A-00002; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00006; p. 8

Shaw, A.EPSC2006-A-00567; p. 23

Shelegedin, V. N.EPSC2006-A-00231; p. 41

Shematovich, V.I.EPSC2006-A-00098; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00193; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00234; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00250; p. 10

Shibata, H.EPSC2006-A-00401; p. 40

Shiraishi, H.EPSC2006-A-00198; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00559; p. 23

Shkuratov, Yu.EPSC2006-A-00357; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00459; p. 40

Showalter, M.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00186; p. 20

Shumilov, O.EPSC2006-A-00144; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00178; p. 31

Sidorchuk, K.M.EPSC2006-A-00229; p. 18

Siili, T.EPSC2006-A-00071; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00393; p. 12

Sik, A.EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42

Sillanpää, I.EPSC2006-A-00075; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00238; p. 39

Simões, F.EPSC2006-A-00528; p. 37

Simon, C.EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24

Simon, S.EPSC2006-A-00217; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00261; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00289; p. 9

Simon-Miller, A.EPSC2006-A-00195; p. 24

Simpson, A.EPSC2006-A-00473; p. 35

Simpson, D. G.EPSC2006-A-00303; p. 37

Sims, I.R.EPSC2006-A-00308; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00451; p. 15

Sittler Jr., E. C.EPSC2006-A-00283; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00303; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00304; p. 10

Sittler, E.C.EPSC2006-A-00134; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00250; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00502; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00603; p. 10

Skalski, A.EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00364; p. 30

Skalsky, A.EPSC2006-A-00088; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00524; p. 7

Skorov, Yu.V.EPSC2006-A-00619; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00620; p. 19

Slanger, T.G.EPSC2006-A-00048; p. 35

Slavin, J.A.EPSC2006-A-00385; p. 14

Smirnov, V.EPSC2006-A-00088; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00364; p. 30

Smit, M.EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32

Smith, C.EPSC2006-A-00445; p. 37

Smith, H.T.EPSC2006-A-00134; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00250; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00603; p. 10

Smith, M.EPSC2006-A-00130; p. 15

Smith, M.D.EPSC2006-A-00285; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00456; p. 36

Smyth, W.EPSC2006-A-00194; p. 29

Society, P.EPSC2006-A-00707; p. 22

Soderblom, L.EPSC2006-A-00058; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19

Sohl, F.EPSC2006-A-00337; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00366; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00429; p. 38

Soldi-Lose, H.EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00375; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00376; p. 39

Somogyi, A.EPSC2006-A-00130; p. 15

Sonnabend, G.EPSC2006-A-00342; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00444; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00471; p. 38

Sonnemann, G.R.EPSC2006-A-00423; p. 36

Sonnemann, T.EPSC2006-A-00103; p. 23

Sornig, M.EPSC2006-A-00342; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00444; p. 35

Sotin, C.EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00092; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00099; p. 14EPSC2006-A-00331; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00491; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00494; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00548; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00576; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00579; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00586; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00597; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00656; p. 31

Southam, G.EPSC2006-A-00063; p. 41

Southwood, D.EPSC2006-A-00243; p. 14

Sowe, M.EPSC2006-A-00418; p. 34

Soyama, H.EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Spahn, F.EPSC2006-A-00245; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00293; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00298; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00367; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00533; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00606; p. 27

Spahn, S.EPSC2006-A-00073; p. 20

Spandagos, E.EPSC2006-A-00350; p. 42

Spiga, A.EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25

Spilker, L.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00476; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00477; p. 20

Spilker, T.EPSC2006-A-00200; p. 23

Spohn, T.EPSC2006-A-00338; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00429; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00516; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00543; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00550; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00592; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00630; p. 7

Sprague, A. L.EPSC2006-A-00682; p. 13

Spreeuw, H.EPSC2006-A-00322; p. 19

Spurny, P.EPSC2006-A-00486; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00518; p. 39


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Srama, R.EPSC2006-A-00123; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00174; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00246; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00292; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00360; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00361; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00362; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00367; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00441; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00453; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00475; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00480; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00631; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00648; p. 27

Sremcevic, M.EPSC2006-A-00245; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00298; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00533; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00753; p. 41

Srowig, A.EPSC2006-A-00631; p. 40

Stadelmann, A.EPSC2006-A-00323; p. 41

Stallard, T.EPSC2006-A-00151; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00288; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00445; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00657; p. 37

Stam, D.M.EPSC2006-A-00607; p. 12

Stan-Lotter, H.EPSC2006-A-00112; p. 41

Stankov, A.EPSC2006-A-00138; p. 33

Stanzel, C.EPSC2006-A-00318; p. 35

Starodubtseva, O.EPSC2006-A-00327; p. 35

Starukhina, L.EPSC2006-A-00327; p. 35

Stavinschi, M.EPSC2006-A-00369; p. 42

Steiger, R.EPSC2006-A-00565; p. 38

Steinbach, P.EPSC2006-A-00105; p. 12

Steinberg, J. T.EPSC2006-A-00216; p. 18

Steinberger, B.EPSC2006-A-00390; p. 8

Stephan, K.EPSC2006-A-00030; p. 30

Sternovsky, Z.EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32

Stesky, R.EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00418; p. 34

Stevens, C. M.EPSC2006-A-00408; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

Stevens, P.A.EPSC2006-A-00156; p. 37

Stobbart, P.EPSC2006-A-00160; p. 37

Stocky, J. F.EPSC2006-A-00408; p. 32

Stöffler, D.EPSC2006-A-00589; p. 41

Stone, E.C.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

Stracke, B.EPSC2006-A-00398; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00437; p. 42

Stranges, D.EPSC2006-A-00145; p. 15

Strazzulla, G.EPSC2006-A-00141; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00247; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00248; p. 29

Strikis, J.EPSC2006-A-00350; p. 42

Strobel, D.F.EPSC2006-A-00046; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00233; p. 10

Stuewe, J.EPSC2006-A-00069; p. 31

Stulov, V.P.EPSC2006-A-00028; p. 11

Stuffler, T.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00687; p. 23

Stupar, D.EPSC2006-A-00444; p. 35

Sturner, S. J.EPSC2006-A-00283; p. 7

Sugita, S.EPSC2006-A-00312; p. 15

Suli, A.EPSC2006-A-00717; p. 41

Svedhem, H.EPSC2006-A-00413; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00632; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00742; p. 9

Szathmary, E.EPSC2006-A-00525; p. 21

Szego, K.EPSC2006-A-00310; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00311; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00502; p. 26

Szegö, K.EPSC2006-A-00528; p. 37

Szilágyi, I.EPSC2006-A-00526; p. 42

Szopa, C.EPSC2006-A-00110; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00146; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00203; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00204; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00209; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00371; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00663; p. 15

Szuszkiewicz, E.EPSC2006-A-00633; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00636; p. 16

Tagle, R.EPSC2006-A-00351; p. 18

Takahashi, Y.EPSC2006-A-00670; p. 19

Takizawa, Y.EPSC2006-A-00198; p. 23

Tamagawa, T.EPSC2006-A-00486; p. 11

Tanaka, K.EPSC2006-A-00198; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00354; p. 24

Tanaka, S.EPSC2006-A-00198; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00559; p. 23

Tanga, P.EPSC2006-A-00147; p. 40EPSC2006-A-00415; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00542; p. 26

Tarcea, N.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12

Tasinato, L.EPSC2006-A-00600; p. 29

Taubenschuss, U.EPSC2006-A-00216; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00236; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00504; p. 19

Taylor, F.EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36

Taylor, F.W.EPSC2006-A-00273; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00632; p. 9

Tazawa, S.EPSC2006-A-00199; p. 33

Teanby, N.A.EPSC2006-A-00302; p. 38

Tedesco, E.F.EPSC2006-A-00537; p. 40

Tellmann, S.EPSC2006-A-00320; p. 36

ten Kate, IL.EPSC2006-A-00112; p. 41

Tennyson, J.EPSC2006-A-00151; p. 40

Terada, H.EPSC2006-A-00628; p. 15

Terada, N.EPSC2006-A-00008; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00392; p. 27

Thebault, E.EPSC2006-A-00244; p. 33

Theriot, M.EPSC2006-A-00644; p. 25

Thiele, H.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12

Thissen, R.EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00375; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00376; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00530; p. 15

Thomas, N.EPSC2006-A-00297; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Thomas, P.C.EPSC2006-A-00635; p. 23

Thompson, L.EPSC2006-A-00709; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00710; p. 42EPSC2006-A-00711; p. 42

Thomsen, M.EPSC2006-A-00303; p. 37

Thuillot, W.EPSC2006-A-00618; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00624; p. 13

Tinetti, G.EPSC2006-A-00300; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00514; p. 28EPSC2006-A-00521; p. 7

Tirsch, D.EPSC2006-A-00406; p. 34

Titov, D.EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00237; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00240; p. 32EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00742; p. 9

Titov, D.V.EPSC2006-A-00149; p. 25EPSC2006-A-00428; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00632; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00634; p. 9

Titz, R.EPSC2006-A-00398; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00437; p. 42

Tkachova, P.EPSC2006-A-00013; p. 41

Tobie, G.EPSC2006-A-00225; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00548; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00576; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00586; p. 19

Tokano, T.EPSC2006-A-00010; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00031; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00071; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00252; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00393; p. 12

Tokar, R.L.EPSC2006-A-00135; p. 10

Tokunaga, A.EPSC2006-A-00628; p. 15

Tolson, R.EPSC2006-A-00644; p. 25

Tomasko, M.EPSC2006-A-00664; p. 39

Tomasko, M. J.EPSC2006-A-00620; p. 19

Torka, K.EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36

Torkar, K.EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12

Törmänen, T.EPSC2006-A-00142; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00314; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00359; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00381; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00460; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00463; p. 8

Torsvik, T. H.EPSC2006-A-00390; p. 8

Tortora, P.EPSC2006-A-00650; p. 33

Tosi, P.EPSC2006-A-00500; p. 39

Tost, W.EPSC2006-A-00546; p. 11

Toubeau, J.EPSC2006-A-00056; p. 38

Toublanc, D.EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39

Tozzi, G.P.EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40

Trafton, L.EPSC2006-A-00657; p. 37

Traub, W.EPSC2006-A-00641; p. 27

Travnicek, P.EPSC2006-A-00140; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00335; p. 29

Treffer, M.EPSC2006-A-00344; p. 38

Tretyakov, A. V.EPSC2006-A-00231; p. 41

Tretyakov, V.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33

Trigo-Rodriguez, J. M.EPSC2006-A-00016; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00017; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00328; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00341; p. 11EPSC2006-A-00347; p. 29

Troughton, B.EPSC2006-A-00016; p. 11

Tsang, C.C.C.EPSC2006-A-00273; p. 9

Tschimmel, M.EPSC2006-A-00149; p. 25

Tsubokawa, T.EPSC2006-A-00199; p. 33

Tsutsumi, M.EPSC2006-A-00670; p. 19

Tubiana, C.EPSC2006-A-00069; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00725; p. 40

Tucker, O.J.EPSC2006-A-00098; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00250; p. 10

Turtle, E.P.EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00635; p. 23

Tyler, G. L.EPSC2006-A-00320; p. 36

Ueda, S.EPSC2006-A-00670; p. 19

Ulamec, S.EPSC2006-A-00155; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00173; p. 31EPSC2006-A-00435; p. 32

Ushio, T.EPSC2006-A-00670; p. 19

Uspensky, M.EPSC2006-A-00432; p. 7

Vacher, P.EPSC2006-A-00207; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00618; p. 13

Vago, J. L.EPSC2006-A-00076; p. 7

Vaisberg, O.EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00364; p. 30

van den Berg, A.EPSC2006-A-00087; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32

van Dijk, M.EPSC2006-A-00060; p. 17

van Gasselt, S.EPSC2006-A-00353; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00394; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00421; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00583; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00611; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00621; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00629; p. 34

Van Hoolst, T.EPSC2006-A-00188; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00207; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00299; p. 22EPSC2006-A-00492; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00568; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00582; p. 38

van Loosdrecht, M.EPSC2006-A-00112; p. 41

van Marcke de Lummen, J.EPSC2006-A-00299; p. 22

van Sluis, CA.EPSC2006-A-00112; p. 41

van Thienen, P.EPSC2006-A-00087; p. 8

Vandaele, A.C.EPSC2006-A-00100; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9

Vanko, M.EPSC2006-A-00226; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00227; p. 41

Vardavas, I.M.EPSC2006-A-00232; p. 19

Varga, T.EPSC2006-A-00526; p. 42

Varlet, F.EPSC2006-A-00565; p. 38

Vasyliuunas, V.EPSC2006-A-00150; p. 14

Vaubaillon, J.EPSC2006-A-00618; p. 13

Vaucher, J.EPSC2006-A-00420; p. 18

Vdovina, M. A.EPSC2006-A-00231; p. 41

Velikodsky, Yu.EPSC2006-A-00327; p. 35

Vennerstrom, S.EPSC2006-A-00033; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00152; p. 37

Verhoeven, O.EPSC2006-A-00207; p. 33

Verigin, M.I.EPSC2006-A-00385; p. 14

Vermeersen, B.EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32

Vernazza, P.EPSC2006-A-00247; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00248; p. 29EPSC2006-A-00668; p. 33

Vidal-Madjar, A.EPSC2006-A-00300; p. 9

Vidal-Nuñez, M-J.EPSC2006-A-00726; p. 31


Page 64: European Space Agency Programme Book

Vilenius, E.EPSC2006-A-00139; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00558; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00649; p. 23

Villard, E.EPSC2006-A-00574; p. 9

Vinatier, S.EPSC2006-A-00115; p. 38EPSC2006-A-00116; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00164; p. 25

Vincendon, M.EPSC2006-A-00078; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00083; p. 17

Vinogradov, V.V.EPSC2006-A-00236; p. 19

Visser, P.EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32

Vítek, S.EPSC2006-A-00016; p. 11

Vo, X.EPSC2006-A-00480; p. 7

Voigt, D.EPSC2006-A-00565; p. 38

Volwerk, M.EPSC2006-A-00163; p. 38

von Bloh, W.EPSC2006-A-00101; p. 27EPSC2006-A-00102; p. 16EPSC2006-A-00201; p. 21

von Paris, P.EPSC2006-A-00323; p. 41

von Rosenvinge, T.T.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

von Schéele, F.EPSC2006-A-00279; p. 7

Voronin, N.A.EPSC2006-A-00547; p. 36

Vorontsov, V.EPSC2006-A-00432; p. 7

Vostruchin, A.EPSC2006-A-00434; p. 33

Vuitton, V.EPSC2006-A-00130; p. 15

Waehlisch, M.EPSC2006-A-00021; p. 30

Wagner, D.EPSC2006-A-00659; p. 21

Wagner, R.EPSC2006-A-00030; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00119; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00571; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00594; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00610; p. 30

Wählisch, M.EPSC2006-A-00228; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00511; p. 38

Wahlund, J.-E.EPSC2006-A-00279; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00330; p. 39

Waite, J. H.EPSC2006-A-00675; p. 39

Waite, J.H.EPSC2006-A-00527; p. 39

Wall, S.EPSC2006-A-00579; p. 38

Wallis, B.EPSC2006-A-00096; p. 20EPSC2006-A-00477; p. 20

Walter, M.EPSC2006-A-00473; p. 35

Walter, S.EPSC2006-A-00583; p. 13

Walter, S.H.G.EPSC2006-A-00508; p. 13

Walzer, U.EPSC2006-A-00315; p. 8

Ward, W. R.EPSC2006-A-00465; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00470; p. 30

Warell, J.EPSC2006-A-00577; p. 13

Waters, L. B.EPSC2006-A-00739; p. 40

Watson, J.EPSC2006-A-00185; p. 21EPSC2006-A-00479; p. 42

Wei, H. Y.EPSC2006-A-00082; p. 9

Weidinger, T.EPSC2006-A-00509; p. 42

Weiss, S.EPSC2006-A-00343; p. 23EPSC2006-A-00523; p. 34

Weller, L.EPSC2006-A-00609; p. 33

Wernecke, R.EPSC2006-A-00284; p. 41

Werner, S. C.EPSC2006-A-00109; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00355; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00390; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00394; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00596; p. 34

Wessen, A.EPSC2006-A-00705; p. 22

Westall, F.EPSC2006-A-00063; p. 41EPSC2006-A-00684; p. 7

Whelley, P.L.EPSC2006-A-00349; p. 18

White, S.EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

Widemann, T.EPSC2006-A-00642; p. 24

Wieczorek, M. A.EPSC2006-A-00448; p. 23

Wiedenbeck, M.E.EPSC2006-A-00640; p. 10

Wielders, A.EPSC2006-A-00138; p. 33

Wieler, R.EPSC2006-A-00049; p. 14

Wild, J.A.EPSC2006-A-00124; p. 14

Williams, D.EPSC2006-A-00084; p. 35EPSC2006-A-00191; p. 18

Williams, D.A.EPSC2006-A-00355; p. 34

Willner, K.EPSC2006-A-00511; p. 38

Wilson, C.EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00424; p. 36

Wilson, C.F.EPSC2006-A-00273; p. 9

Winningham, J.EPSC2006-A-00027; p. 37

Winterhalter, D.EPSC2006-A-00266; p. 19

Wirth, R.EPSC2006-A-00309; p. 27

Witasse, O.EPSC2006-A-00011; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00027; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00038; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24

Withers, P.EPSC2006-A-00009; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00190; p. 10

Woch, J.EPSC2006-A-00061; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00221; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00289; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00363; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00382; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00483; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00531; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00534; p. 30EPSC2006-A-00545; p. 14

Wolf, U.EPSC2006-A-00594; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00610; p. 30

Wolff, M.J.EPSC2006-A-00285; p. 35

Wood, B.EPSC2006-A-00132; p. 27

Wooden, D.EPSC2006-A-00722; p. 29

Wooden, D. H.EPSC2006-A-00739; p. 40

Woodward, C. E.EPSC2006-A-00739; p. 40

Wurz, P.EPSC2006-A-00035; p. 13EPSC2006-A-00396; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00412; p. 36

Yair, Y.EPSC2006-A-00377; p. 19

Yamamoto, A.EPSC2006-A-00210; p. 26

Yamauchi, M.EPSC2006-A-00221; p. 9

Yanamandra-Fisher, P.EPSC2006-A-00195; p. 24

Yaniv, R.EPSC2006-A-00377; p. 19

Yelle, R. V.EPSC2006-A-00130; p. 15EPSC2006-A-00330; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00669; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00674; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00675; p. 39

Yen, A.EPSC2006-A-00593; p. 17

Yoshida, J.EPSC2006-A-00670; p. 19

Young, D.T.EPSC2006-A-00134; p. 37EPSC2006-A-00135; p. 10EPSC2006-A-00502; p. 26EPSC2006-A-00603; p. 10

Young, E.EPSC2006-A-00628; p. 15

Young, L.EPSC2006-A-00628; p. 15

Yseboodt, M.EPSC2006-A-00188; p. 12

Yung, Y. L.EPSC2006-A-00514; p. 28

Zabka, J.EPSC2006-A-00296; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00375; p. 39EPSC2006-A-00376; p. 39

Zaitsev, V. V.EPSC2006-A-00162; p. 37

Zakharov, A.EPSC2006-A-00088; p. 32

Zarka, P.EPSC2006-A-00125; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00216; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00242; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00266; p. 19EPSC2006-A-00322; p. 19

Zarnecki, J.C.EPSC2006-A-00252; p. 19

Zartman, R.EPSC2006-A-00501; p. 18

Zasova, L.EPSC2006-A-00524; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00569; p. 25

Zasova, L.V.EPSC2006-A-00485; p. 24EPSC2006-A-00505; p. 25

Zegers, T.EPSC2006-A-00212; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00332; p. 17EPSC2006-A-00519; p. 34EPSC2006-A-00581; p. 32

Zegers, T.E.EPSC2006-A-00560; p. 35

Zelenyi, L.EPSC2006-A-00364; p. 30

Zender, J.EPSC2006-A-00138; p. 33EPSC2006-A-00458; p. 7EPSC2006-A-00616; p. 12EPSC2006-A-00623; p. 12

Zhang, T. L.EPSC2006-A-00075; p. 36EPSC2006-A-00082; p. 9EPSC2006-A-00254; p. 9

Zharkov, V.N.EPSC2006-A-00019; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00020; p. 30

Ziethe, R.EPSC2006-A-00337; p. 38

Zimmermann, L.EPSC2006-A-00049; p. 14

Zinzi, A.EPSC2006-A-00095; p. 8EPSC2006-A-00249; p. 18EPSC2006-A-00264; p. 17

Zoni, L.EPSC2006-A-00080; p. 20

Zouganelis, I.EPSC2006-A-00248; p. 29

Zoulias, M.EPSC2006-A-00683; p. 22

Zsoldos, J.EPSC2006-A-00411; p. 32

Zurek, R.EPSC2006-A-00644; p. 25

