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Evaluating the Features of SharePoint 2010.doc

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  • 8/21/2019 Evaluating the Features of SharePoint 2010.doc


    Confguring and Administering Microsot® SharePoint® 2010

    Module Overview

    Microsot® SharePoint® 2010—the collection o products and technologies that includesSharePoint Server 2010 and SharePoint Foundation 2010—oers a !road range o unctionalit"that addresses a vast num!er o !usiness colla!oration scenarios# $he SharePoint platorm sitson% and depends on% a num!er o other Microsot products and technologies#

    &n this module% "ou e'plore the role o SharePoint 2010 in delivering !usiness colla!orationsolutions in the enterprise and on the &nternet# (ou then learn )hat it ta*es to get SharePointup and running—rom preparing "our inrastructure% to confguring related technologies andproducts% to deplo"ing SharePoint servers and arms using !oth out o !o' installation )i+ardsand scripts#

    ,esson 1Evaluating the Features of SharePoint 2010

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    SharePoint 2010 is the !usiness colla!oration platorm or the enterprise and the &nternet#-ehind this simple value proposition is a comple' and po)erul platorm that delivers richunctionalit" to address a vast range o !usiness needs# &n this lesson% "ou learn .ust ho) muchtechnolog" is )rapped up !" those 1/ )ords% and "ou dissect the technical capa!ilities andeatures that are driving enterprises around the )orld to adopt SharePoint 2010#

    Ater completing this lesson% "ou )ill !e a!le to

    escri!e the value proposition o SharePoint 2010# escri!e the SharePoint 2010 platorm# escri!e the *e" SharePoint products and technologies# escri!e the *e" SharePoint capa!ilities% such as sites% communities% content% search%insights% and composites#

    The Value Proposition of SharePoint 2010

     $he value proposition or SharePoint is% 3SharePoint is the !usiness colla!oration platorm orthe enterprise and the &nternet#4 Microsot invested heavil" in the development o SharePointServer 2010 to deliver eatures that ena!le an enterprise to do the ollo)ing

    Deliver the best produtivit! e"periene# $he end5user e'perience o SharePoint Server2010 !uilds on amiliar user interaces and tools#

    $ut osts with a uni%ed infrastruture# SharePoint 2010 perorms roles that have !een%in man" enterprises% provided !" other disparate s"stems# 6o) those roles can !econsolidated on to SharePoint 2010#

    &apidl! respond to business needs# SharePoint 2010 provides a diverse eature setaddressing man" !usiness colla!oration scenarios% )ith out o !o' unctionalit"% a richcollection o communit"5generated solutions% and e'tensi!ilit" to support custom solutions#&ntroducing SharePoint 2010

    Microsot descri!es SharePoint 2010 as a series o !enefts and eatures that support those!enefts# Features are grouped into categories called capa!ilities that deliver solutions torelated !usiness scenarios#

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    The SharePoint Platfor'

    SharePoint is a platorm that itsel e'tends and depends on man" components o the !roaderMicrosot technologies suite#

     $his visuali+ation o the platorm sho)s the dependencies—!oth re7uired and availa!le—!et)een components o the technolog" stac*# 8ach component o the platorm contri!utesspecifc eatures and unctionalit"#

    9indo)s Server® 200: or 9indo)s Server 200: ;2 provides the core operating s"stemunctionalit"% including the securit" su!s"stem#

    $he Microsot #68$ Frame)or* provides the rame)or* or SharePoint% )hich is a #68$application running )ithin &nternet &normation Services ?ce client applications% and corecolla!orative eatures such as lists and li!raries#

    SharePoint Server 2010 !uilds on SharePoint Foundation% adding social net)or*ing%enterprise search% !usiness intelligence% and other eatures#

     $he eatures provided !" SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server2010 are detailed later in this module#

    SharePoint uses identit" services that can include the Active irector"® director" service or

    other Claims5!ased authentication providers# Some o these identit" services% such as orms5!ased authentication% rel" on the #68$ Frame)or*#

    SharePoint content is stored in Microsot S@, Server®#

    SharePoint is a highl" e'tensi!le platorm# &ndependent sot)are vendors

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    SharePoint Produts and Tehnologies

     $here is a )ide arra" o products and technologies that ma*e up SharePoint#

    SharePoint products and technologies include the ollo)ing

    SharePoint Foundation 2010#

    SharePoint Server 2010 or &ntranet Scenarios% )hich is licensed )ith Standard or 8nterpriseeatures# $he eatures provided !" SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010are detailed later in this module#

    SharePoint Server 2010 or &nternet Sites% )hich is licensed or access !" large num!ers ousers and !" nonauthenticated users#

    >?ce 9e! Apps% )hich are discussed in Module 11% 3&mplementing >?ce 9e! Apps#4

    FAS$ Search or SharePoint 2010#

    FAS$ Search or SharePoint 2010 or &nternet Sites% )hich is licensed or access !" large

    num!ers o users and !" nonauthenticated users#

    Search Server 2010 and Search Server 8'press 2010% )hich provide the search unctionalit"o SharePoint Server#

    Additionall"% a vast selection o communit"5generated solutions and applications !" &Sse'tends the capa!ilities and eature set o SharePoint 2010#

    &t is important that "ou understand "our !usiness re7uirements so that "ou can choose the!est mi' o products and technologies#

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     $he sites capa!ilit" includes unctionalit" that delivers and personali+es content to users%provides managea!ilit" and scala!ilit" to administrators% ena!les developers to customi+e ande'tend SharePoint% and allo)s an enterprise to implement SharePoint along )ith other

    solutions or to consolidate the unctionalit" provided !" disparate colla!oration solutions intoSharePoint#

    $ontent Deliver!

     $he sites capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to delivercontent to users

    Core content structures

    9e! applications% site collections% sites% lists% li!raries

    Services to render content

    Multiple !ro)sers

    Mo!ile !ro)sers

    Accessi!ilit" standards

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    &nteraces or rich and oDine client e'periences

    >?ce client applications

    SharePoint 9or*space

    >?ce 9e! Applications

    Follo)ing are some important points related to content deliver"

    SharePoint Foundation 2010 delivers the core unctionalit" o SharePoint and provides mosto the eatures in the sites capa!ilit"#

    Content structures such as 9e! applications% site collections% and sites% are discussed inModule 2% 3Creating a SharePoint 2010 &ntranet#4

    SharePoint 2010 eatures signifcantl" e'pand !ro)ser support% )hich are detailed in ,esson2 o this module# Additionall"% "ou can access content can using mo!ile !ro)sers#

    SharePoint is compliant )ith 9CAB 2#0 accessi!ilit" standards out o the !o'#

    A num!er o components% services% eatures% and interaces o SharePoint are designed todeliver a unifed% e?cient% and amiliar e'perience to end users#

    SharePoint 2010 oers a variet" o modalities through )hich users can interact )ith content%including >?ce client integration% SharePoint 9or*space and other applications that provideoDine access to SharePoint% and >?ce 9e! Apps% )hich ena!le !ro)ser5!ased vie)ing%editing% and coauthoring o documents#

    (uestion) 9hat important !usiness o!.ectives do the content deliver" capa!ilities in the sitescapa!ilit"—its components% eatures% and the man" )a"s it gives "ou to interact )ith content—supportE

    $ontent Personali*ation

     $he sites capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to supportpersonali+ing the deliver" o content

    Features that personalize the user’s experience with content 

    M" Sites ser tagging Content targeting Multilingual support

    Follo)ing are some important points related to content personali+ation

    >ne user ma" not need% )ant% or !e allo)ed to see the same content that another user sees# $he SharePoint sites capa!ilit" delivers unctionalit" to individuali+e—to personali+e—the usere'perience#

    M" Site is a users individual 9e! page% e'posing that users profle% shared inormation anddocuments% e'pertise% organi+ational relationships% and social activities to other users#Additionall"% a users M" Site can provide a personali+ed navigation and vie) o enterpriseresources#

    ser tagging is an important ne) unctionalit" o SharePoint 2010#

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    ocuments% lists% li!raries% sites% and users can !e tagged# $hese tags can then !e used toassociate a user )ith content that is o interest to that person#

    Content targeting is the a!ilit" o an administrator to 3push4 content to one or more users!ased on those users shared characteristics% including their group mem!ership#

    SharePoint provides multilingual support# SharePoint can support content% services% and tags

    in a )ide range o languages# A site can !e rendered in a particular language to a user in thatusers language and can !e s)itched to another language on the G"#

    Manageabilit! and Salabilit!

     $he sites capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to ensurescala!le% managea!le deplo"ment in an enterprise

    Central management

    Bovernance% securit"% and compliance at multiple levels o ever" eature

    >perations management

    eplo"% secure% confgure% !ac*up% monitor% audit% and update#

    Central Administration ut o the !o' solutions% templates% and 9e! Parts

    Custom solutions From no5code to Microsot isual Studio®

    9or*Go)% SharePoint esigner% &noPath Services% Microsot isio® Services% Microsot8'cel® Services% Microsot Access® Services

    Microsot #68$% Microsot Silverlight®

    -usiness Connectivit" Services &nteract )ith line5o5!usiness data

    SharePoint and client o!.ect models

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    9e! services% application programming interaces ne platorm or intranet% e'tranet% and &nternet

    SharePoint provides a unifed inrastructure that delivers a !road range o unctionalit" thatmight ta*e several tools rom other vendors to deliver% at )hich point "ou have to *no) ho) tointegrate them# $his inrastructure gives "ou a )a" to deplo"% secure% manage% maintain% !ac*up% and monitor operations#

    (uestion) 9hat are the !usiness outcomes supported !" interopera!ilit"E

    (uestion) 9hat are the !usiness outcomes supported !" platorm consolidationE

    ,dditional &eading 3Microsot SharePoint 2010 Sites4

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     $he communities capa!ilit" encompasses much o )hat people thin* o as !usinesscolla!oration#

    Enterprise $ollaboration

     $he communities capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% andunctionalit" to ena!le colla!oration !et)een users


    Fundamental construct in )hich content is stored

    >ut o !o' lists Calendar% contacts% tas*s% announcements% surve"s


    Fundamental construct in )hich documents are stored

    ersion control% chec* in% chec* out% document )or*Go)s

     Alerts and Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

    -usiness process automation 9or*Go)s

    >ut o !o' )or*Go)s

    ocument routing

    SharePoint esigner 2010

    SharePoint Foundation delivers much o the out o !o' enterprise colla!orationunctionalit" that ma*es up the communities capa!ilit"#

    +dentit! and Pro%le

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     $he communities capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% andunctionalit" to defne a user and the user profle

    M" Sites

    ser profles

    Active irector" and other sources

    Attri!utes -iograph"% .o! title% location% contact inormation% previous pro.ects%interests% s*ills

    Photos% presence% and contact card

    >rgani+ational relationships

    Manager% teams% colleagues

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    $hrough such mining activities% SharePoint can suggest *e")ords and colleagues tohelp users refne their profle#

    .ser/enerated $ontent and .ser Feedba- 

     $he communities capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and

    unctionalit" so that users can generate unstructured content and provide eed!ac*regarding content o an" t"pe

    ser5generated content

    -logs% )i*is

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    -" com!ining the po)er o colla!orative capa!ilities )ith social computing technologies%SharePoint ena!les an organi+ation to achieve the goals o !oth the customer

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     $he content capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to support atremendous range o content and a diverse set o modalities )ith )hich to interact )ithcontent#

    Support or a tremendous range o content



    9e! content

    ;ich media Audio% video

    &nteraction )ith content




    >utput rgani+er ocument routing

    ni7ue document &s and permalin*s

    ocument sets

    &n5place records management

    Cross5arm content polic" and rules

    Access% inormation rights

    ;etention% legal holds% disposition

    ,ocation5!ased polic"

    Automatic application o metadata

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    Follo)ing are some important points related to document and records management

    ocument and records management eatures are integrated into ever" site#

    (ou can speci" document routing rules that allo) documents to !e dropped into a li!rar"and then automaticall" moved to the appropriate li!rar" !ased on metadata and !usiness


    (ou can create document sets% )hich are collections o documents that can !e treated as aunit% )ith a collective version histor" and metadata that applies to the collection#

    (ou can speci" metadata% retention schedules% record declarations% and legal holds andappl" them consistentl"# SharePoint provides or multistage disposition o documents# Policiescan !e location5!ased#

    SharePoint can automaticall" appl" metadata !ased on a documents location and other!usiness logic#

    (uestion) 9hat are the !usiness outcomes supported !" SharePoints support or a variet" ocontent t"pes and modalities o interaction )ith the contentE

    De%nition of $ontent and Metadata

     $he content capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to defnecontent and metadata% and there!" to create and manage content

    Structured and unstructured content

    -logs% )i*is% discussion orums

    efned content t"pes )ith metadata% )or*Go)s% templates% and rightsmanagement

    Managed Metadata Service

    $ags $a'onom" ol*sonom"

    Multilingual metadata

    8nterprise content t"pes

    se o metadata

    $agging content Manual and automatic

    isi!ilit" o tags &tem% site% client

    Metadata5driven navigation

    Search refners

    Follo)ing are some important points related to defnition o content and metadata

    SharePoint supports content that is unstructured and ree5orm% such as !logs% )i*is% anddiscussion orums% as )ell as highl" structured content and ever"thing in !et)een#

    $he Managed Metadata Service

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    centrall" driven - storage#

    SharePoint is a platorm that "ou can e'tend in numerous )a"s% and it supports man"interopera!ilit" standards#

    (uestion) 9hat are the !usiness outcomes supported !" e'tensi!ilit" and interopera!ilit" inthe content capa!ilit"E

    ,dditional &eading 3Microsot SharePoint Server Content4

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    sers can !ro)se SharePoints content structures—sites% lists% and li!raries—or content% !ut o 

    course searching is oten a more eective means o locating content#

     $he search capa!ilit" is sel5e'planator" and is detailed in Module 11#

    People and E"pertise Searh

     $he search capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to search orpeople and e'pertise

    nloc* *no)ledge not ound in documents




    >rgani+ation chart !ro)ser


    6ic*name and phonetic matching

    ;ecentl" authored content

    People5 and e'pertise5specifc refnement

    ;esponsi!ilities% mem!erships% past pro.ects% interests

    Follo)ing are some important points related to people and e'pertise search

    (ou can connect )ith people and e'pertise !" using search s*ills% tools% and e'periences that"ou t"picall" appl" to searching or content#

    9ith people and e'pertise search% "ou can unloc* the *no)ledge that is not stored intraditional content and the value that is ound in people5to5people connections and social!ehavior#

    SharePoint 2010 eatures an organi+ation !ro)ser that e'poses a visual% naviga!le vie) oorgani+ational relationships#

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    &n addition to loo*ing or people and e'pertise% "ou can use people and e'pertise metadatato improve the relevance and refne the results o traditional content searches#

    $ontent Soures +nde"ing and (uer!

     $he search capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to ma*e

    content availa!le or eective and e?cient searching

    Content sources and inde'ing

    Support or O00 structured and unstructured content t"pes

    Advanced content processing )ith strong linguistics

    8ight"5fve languages

    A!ilit" to !uild and manage connections to e'ternal content repositories

    Common connector rame)or*


    Search scopes

    8nhanced 7uer" s"nta'

    $hesaurus and noise )ords

    Phonetic and nic*name people search

    @uer" suggestions

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    Social distance

    ;elated searches#

    Follo)ing are some important points related to results and relevance

    sers see onl" results or content to )hich the" have access#

    SharePoint search results are ederated% meaning that "ou see a unifed list o results rom all7uer" services#

    Search results are relevant% presented using algorithms that include clic*through !ehavior%usage% histor"% the users o)n profle% and social distance#

    SharePoint even lists related searches along )ith search results% there!" pointing "ou to)ardsearch 7ueries that ma" help "ou fnd the inormation "ou need#

    .ser Searh E"periene

     $he search capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to provideusers )ith a rich search e'perience


    Hit highlighting

    ;esults summaries

    isual search



    ie) in !ro)ser

    ;efnement panel and sorting driven !" metadata

    &ncludes social distance% other people% and e'pertise metadata

    8'act result counts )ith refners

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     $he search capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to ena!le anorgani+ation to manage and e'tend SharePoint


    Scala!ilit" &mproved topolog"% algorithms% and perormance

    FAS$ integration


    $une inde' and 7uer" !ehavior ;elevance% !est !ets

    Monitor user search !ehavior


    ,everage the 7uer" o!.ect model and 9e! Parts

    Create search5driven applications to enrich platorm

    &ntegrate )ith and aggregate other s"stems and inormation

    Follo)ing are some important points related to managea!ilit" and e'tensi!ilit" o the searchcapa!ilit"

    SharePoint search is highl" scala!le#

    FAS$ enhances the out o !o' SharePoint search e'perience )ith numerous perormance5enhancing and value5added eatures#

    SharePoint provides a unifed administrative and management e'perience#

    SharePoint is e'tensi!le to support ederation% aggregation% integration% and custom searchapplications#

    ,dditional &eading 3SharePoint Search atasheet4

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     $he insights capa!ilit" encompasses unctionalit" that "ou can use to connect to data sourcesand present the data in meaningul )a"s that support decision ma*ing# &t is the capa!ilit" thatmost closel" aligns )ith )hat the industr" reers to as business intelligence#

    +nfor'ation Soures $he insights capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" to connect

    )ith inormation rom a !road range o data sources


    -usiness Connectivit" Services 8'ternal data and s"stems

    PerormancePoint Services &nteractive scorecards and dash!oards

    isio Services -ro)ser5!ased rendering o isio diagrams% including fltering% interaction )itho!.ects% and connections to data

    8'cel Services

    Secure% manage% and share 8'cel )or*!oo*s

    ;endered in the !ro)ser

    8m!ed )or*!oo*s in apps% des*top% !logs% and )i*is

    Programma!ilit" TavaScript o!.ect model and ;8S$ AP&

    Po)erPivot% S@, Anal"sis Services

    Follo)ing are some important points related to inormation sources

    9ith sel5service access to inormation% users can discover and manage their aspect o the!usiness )ith access to the right inormation#

    -usiness Connectivit" Services connects "ou )ith e'ternal data and s"stems#

    PerormancePoint Services provide interactive scorecards and dash!oards#

    isio Services provides !ro)ser5!ased rendering o isio diagrams and includes fltering%interaction )ith o!.ects% and connections to data sources#

    9ith 8'cel Services% "ou can secure% manage% and use 8'cel )or*!oo*s as interactive reportsrendered in the !ro)ser# (ou can em!ed )or*!oo*s in applications% !logs% and )i*is and on thedes*top# 6e) programma!ilit" eatures include TavaScript o!.ect model and ;8S$ AP

    Po)erPivot and S@, Anal"sis Services provide po)erul reporting and anal"sis o ver" largedata sets#

    Presentation and Visuali*ation of +nfor'ation

     $he insights capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" toaggregate inormation and present it in meaningul and productive )a"s

    Presentation o inormation



    Chart 9e! Part

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    Benerate charts rom 8'cel )or*!oo*s% -usiness Connectivit" Services% or SharePointlists

    Status &ndicator ,ists

    Ue" Perormance &ndicator

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     $he composites capa!ilit" oers the ollo)ing components% eatures% and unctionalit" toempo)er users to create no5code solutions that target specifc needs and to ena!le anenterprise to manage ad hoc solutions

    Access Services Pu!lish Access data!ases as 9e! apps

    -usiness Connectivit" Services

    ;ead5)rite access to !ac*5end data

    isconnected e'perience Microsot >?ce >utloo*®% Microsot >?ce9ord% SharePoint 9or*space

    Customi+ations -ro)ser% SharePoint esigner

    9or*Go)s >ut o !o'% SharePoint esigner% isio

    Forms Customi+ed 9e! orms or orms5!ased applications

    isio Pu!lish diagrams% interact )ith o!.ects and data


    Bovernance over all no5code solutions eatures

    Control over inrastructure% data% and applications

    Follo)ing are some important points related to the composites capa!ilit"

    SharePoint gives "ou a plethora o )a"s to create a custom application )ithout )riting a singleline o code# $he enterprise gains control over such custom applications and can appl"governance and securit" measures that are not possi!le )hen applications are ad hoc and notcentrall" managed#

    ,dditional &eading 3Microsot SharePoint Composites4

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