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Evaluation 4

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Evaluation: Question 4 How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation: Question 4How did you use new media technologies in the

construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

ResearchBefore we could construct our film, we had to research other short films to get inspiration. We did this through using the Internet as it has millions on web pages with creative ideas on them. Once we gathered ideas, we posted them on Blogger where we could use them when constructing our short film.

Other sources used: Youtube: This was mainly used when researching other students short films that have been produced. It alloud us to see what we could be capable of and inspired us for our own or similar ideas.www.youtube.co.uk

IMDB: This was used when researching for films with a similar genre. It aloud us to see the basic storyline and look at their film poster. We could use ideas from both of these when it came to our final film idea.www.IMDb.com

Jamendo: As our short film would require sound effects and music, we used this website as it had thousands of uncopywrited sounds and songs. www.jamendo.com

BBFC: To get an idea of what film certificate our film would be, we looked on this website. It aloud us to realise our short film would be a 12.

PlanningTo make our final film the best we possibly could, we used different media technologies to plan what we wanted the final film to turn out to be.Some of this includes:

Questionnaire: We created an questionnaire to get opinions about our film idea. Firstly, we created the questionnaire using Google Forms in which people could answer the questions. To do this, we filmed random students in our college using the Sony HDV-1000 video recorder. Then, the footage got transferred to the Apple Mac computer and was edited on Final Cut Pro. This video was exported and put onto Youtube so we could revisit it. To understand the results better, we made a graph of them using Microsoft Excel. All this made it easier to see what the public thought of our film idea.


Poster: We decided we wanted the poster to include a picture of the main character. To do this, we used the Canon 450D camera to take a picture as it is high quality.

Pre-recorded sound: We knew there would be voice over in our final film therefore used a Flash Zoom recorder to capture that piece of dialogue before we constructed it all together.

Communication: To send each other ideas or schedual when and where we were going to film, we used Facebook Messenger to keep in contact.

ConstructionWhilst constructing our final film, film poster and radio trailer the different types of media technologies used helped us to make it to a high standard.

Final film/radio trailer: A Sony HDV-1000 video camera was used to capture the shots we had previously planned out. The camera were high quality so aloud us to take shots in high definition. These shots were then uploaded to the Apple Mac computers and onto the editing system Final Cut Pro. This software aloud us to cut shots, contrast, edit the sound and add effects to different scenes. Link to short film - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77g6t5RaRO4

Poster/logo: Once our photo was uploaded onto the Apple Mac computer, we opened it up in the editing software Adobe Photoshop. This aloud us to add effects and text to make the poster look more realistic. The logo was also created on Photoshop through the use of tools provided. We could add lines, curves and shapes, changing the colour of them until we got the desired look.

EvaluationAfter our final film had been posted, we needed to evaluate it through feedback from people who had watched it. We did this through a number of different ways:

Youtube/Facebook: The final film was posted onto both these social media websites in order to get feedback from the public. These are some of the comments we recieved:

Questionnaire: We once again made a questionnaire using Google Forms. We gave this out to a group of teachers who answered questions of what they thought of the film. These results were then graphed into Excel so they were easier to understand.

Issues/problemsThroughout construction, we came across many problems that we may avoid if we were ever to do this again, due to lack of experience. Here are some of those:

Continuity issue: In the middle of filming, one of our main actors had a drastic colour change to their hair. This meant that if any of the previous filming didn't go as planned, we were unable to re film it. We discovered we had a few continuity issues but were unable to fix them due to the actor looking different. Therefore, we had to slightly change the script from the original plan.Camera focus: At one point of filming, the camera seemed to loose focus and we were unable to focus it without the help of a teacher. This could of been because we were not as experienced with using the equipment. In editing, we also found a scene that lacked focus and therefore had to go back to that scene and re film it over. Computer issue: Many times whilst editing, we had the problem of our Apple Macs crashing. This meant any unsaved work that was edited became lost. Therefore we had to repeatedly keep remembering to save our work after every little piece of editing we did.Photoshop: None of us had particularly used Photoshop before therefore found editing the poster very difficult. It took us a while to figure out how to use all the different tools provided but with the help from a teacher and other students, we produced a high standard poster.
