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Date post: 30-Oct-2014
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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

To keep my DVD cover with existing conventions it includes a BBFC certificate rating, a barcode and the DVD logo. From my research I used the idea of making the whole cover one image. I think this works well as it keeps the design simple. Also the image I have used is a still from the pop promo.

When researching DVD covers they were all simple and carried through one colour. To apply this to my DVD cover I used only one bold colour and kept everything else the same. To make sure it kept well with the picture and didn’t look too harsh against it I grabbed a colour from the main image to use for my text.

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cont.To make my pop promo look professional I have used a range of shot types, switching between wide, mid and close shots. In my research I liked the tracking shots used. I used this in my own pop promo at the beginning and end. I also noticed that the pace of the video is affected by the pace of the song. I applied this to my pop promo by changing shots or location when the music changes.

To keep my magazine advertisement with current conventions I have included things such as the iTunes logo, testimonials from popular magazines within the industry and a release date. I noticed when researching that information is mainly at the bottom or top of the page and that the image is the main selling point of the page. Therefore using the same image as the DVD cover helps promote the product and allows audiences to easily recognise the product.

I wanted to keep my disc design simple but stand out. Using the colour I had chosen helped link it to the other section s of my digipack.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My pop promo is simple and doesn’t have a complex plot to it. The audience have to work out the motives for the actions they are seeing so do not develop a personal bond with the character. To follow this sense of mystery and unknown the image I have used for both my advertisement and DVD cover are of a side view not actually showing any real distinctions of the character.

Continuity is important in advertising media products. To make the pack recognisable to audiences I have carried over similar designs from my DVD cover to my magazine advertisement. I have used the same fonts, colours and images. This means that audiences can become more quickly and easily aware of the product. This same colour is which I then used for my disc.

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What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

In the process of designing my digipack I changed my whole idea and design for both my DVD cover and magazine advertisement.

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My two pieces didn’t link enough and it was thought that the audience would get confused that the advertisement wasn’t linked to the product it was meant to be presenting to the audience. When receiving audience feedback for my first design it was thought that the design wasn’t clear. I decided that the image I had taken the silhouette from for my DVD cover was the image I wanted to use for my advertisement. As I preferred the use of this image I decided to go back and put this into the design for my DVD cover.


From my final audience feedback I learnt that a simpler design is more effective and that including images makes the designs look more professional and appealing. My audience feedback also agreed with my use of colour that I had added as I felt it would stand out better against other designs.

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

In creating my pop promo I used the software Final Cut Pro. I filmed my footage on a HD digital camera and this was then uploaded to an Apple Mac. Ready to be edited in Final Cut Pro

This was my first introduction to Final Cut Pro or even filming any footage. I learnt from my theory that I needed to be able to shoot wide, mid and close shots so I can easily switch between them when sequencing my pop promo. I feel I have done this in my pop promo to make it look professional.

My blog was an easy way to record my progress. I had trouble with uploading some pictures and videos but overcame these problems.

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cont.Most of my development of my digipack was done on the Apple Mac.’s. in college. I also had access to Photoshop on other computers in college and on my own laptop.

I had briefly used Photoshop last year for my magazine coursework but this year I was able to learn a lot more about editing images and making the product look more professional. After remembering the basics I was able to carry out new skills such as changing the opacity of pictures and learning more how to use the layers more efficiently.

I found it easier to use Photoshop on the Macs. as they had bigger screens allowing me to see more detail. I found the problem in switching what device I used was that when I inserted the iTunes logo onto my advertisement it would not appear on the Mac. version. I also had trouble with the text on the back of my DVD cover as this changed position when I put it onto the Mac. To overcome this I just made two copies of my work so both would appear the same.
