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Evaluation acitivity 7

Date post: 14-May-2017
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Evaluation activity 7 Whilst filming the preliminary task I learnt many different techniques and technical things such as the 180 degree rule. We broke the rule during the task which meant the viewers will get confused as the 180 degree rule enforces continuity of the film. We had to film more than once because we made mistakes and also the shots we used weren't suitable for the point we wanted to get across to the viewers. Before filming the final opening sequence, we researched as a group on different camera shots and angles. This was to make sure that when it came to the actual filming day, we were prepared and that our knowledge was up to a high standard; to make sure the opening sequence comes out professionally and interesting. We learned about the different camera shots and what they portray, for example: the close up shows the facial expressions of the character and two shots show the conversation between two different people. When we were filming our preliminary task we realised that the shots we used were repetitive which makes the filming look dull. We used close up a lot of times therefore, for the final opening sequence we made sure we had a variety of shots to make it look more appealing. We added shots, such as establishing shot, to show the location the opening sequence is taking place in and we also used point of view shot to let the viewers be in the character shoes and see everything from their perspective. As well as the camera shots we also used different camera angles and camera movements. These include zooming in to bring the viewers focus onto the object that was filmed. We zoomed in onto Silver's hair when she realised it was cut, to show the viewer what Silver is focusing on. High angle was also used during the opening sequence which shows the subject from above and was also used to film Silver brushing her teeth. We didn't use panning or tilting when we were filming the preliminary task as we felt it wasn't We broke the 180 degree rule here because we filmed the over the shoulder shot on the wrong side.
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Evaluation activity 7Whilst filming the preliminary task I learnt many different techniques and technical things such as the 180 degree rule. We broke the rule during the task which meant the viewers will get confused as the 180 degree rule enforces continuity of the film. We had to film more than once because we made mistakes and also the shots we used weren't suitable for the point we wanted to get across to the viewers. Before filming the final opening sequence, we researched as a group on different camera shots and angles. This was to make sure that when it came to the actual filming day, we were prepared and that our knowledge was up to a high standard; to make sure the opening sequence comes out professionally and interesting. We learned about the different camera shots and what they portray, for example: the close up shows the facial expressions of the character and two shots show the conversation between two different people.

When we were filming our preliminary task we realised that the shots we used were repetitive which makes the filming look dull. We used close up a lot of times therefore, for the final opening sequence we made sure we had a variety of shots to make it look more appealing. We added shots, such as establishing shot, to show the location the opening sequence is taking place in and we also used point of view shot to let the viewers be in the character shoes and see everything from their perspective. As well as the camera shots we also used different camera angles and camera movements. These include zooming in to bring the viewers focus onto the object that was filmed. We zoomed in onto Silver's hair when she realised it was cut, to show the viewer what Silver is focusing on. High angle was also used during the opening sequence which shows the subject from above and was also used to film Silver brushing her teeth. We didn't use panning or tilting when we were filming the preliminary task as we felt it wasn't necessary however we used it for our final opening sequence.

We broke the 180 degree rule here because we filmed the over the shoulder shot on the wrong side.

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When filming the shots in the preliminary tasks I repeated a lot of shots such as two shot and over the shoulder shots.

However for the final video we made we used different shots.

When we edited the footage we took for our preliminary task, we used match-on-action and shot reverse shot. The editing for our preliminary

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task wasn't as good as we thought it would be. It was too simple therefore when it came to editing the final opening sequence we made sure we added different effects and sound. We used non-diegetic sound such as background music which we found on the internet for the shed scene. The music is a scary, creepy music to set the scene and it also indicates that the film fits under the thriller genre. In some of the footage the lighting didn’t suit the atmosphere therefore the mise-en-scene will be weak. To fix this problem for the final production we added darker colours to the scenes to create a daunting atmosphere. Also, the preliminary task was rushed and we completed the filming and editing in one day that’s why it didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to turn out therefore for the final opening sequence we filmed our opening sequence six times to make sure we had a range of footages to choose from when we edited.

 Preliminary task Final Production
