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Evaluation for magazine joe

Date post: 24-Dec-2014
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Page 2: Evaluation for magazine joe

How research into Television Drama helped me.

When I was looking into TV drama, it helped me a lot with the layout and structure of my final piece. I looked at magazine reviews, episodes, and conventions of different TV dramas such as Shameless and Waterloo Road. I got the layout through looking at other magazine reviews from TV times and Radio Times. Its a simple layout, easy to read and very organised, its not all over the page. Its easier to read because its in columns and all neatly together.

My research into the actual conventions of TV dramas like Shameless and Waterloo Road helped me also, with the kind of pictures, using different shots such as close shots and long shots to show what effect it has on the readers to show what kind of programme it is. For example in Shameless, Frank, is the main character and usually smoking drugs and drinking in the picture, as well as wearing dirty clothes with long shaggy clothes. When the audience see this they expect the programme to be filled with drugs and alcoholic use and aimed at working class people.

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How my research into audience helped me. My research into audience helped me a lot, as a I

asked teenagers and that's who my TV drama was aimed at. I asked questions suitable to my drama, such things like “What would you like to see in a new TV drama?” I gathered all the information and put them into my text on my final piece. In the interview with the character I used a storyline based on the answers I got from the questionnaire for example I asked what kind of things would you like to see in a new TV drama?

And from the results I used their ideas to make a good storyline. Also the language I used was informal to get the teenagers attention because if you speak/write like them they tend to take more interest, such as the title. Teenagers use the term ‘epic’ to describe something that is amazing, so it describes the programme in a way they can understand.

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Who's my audience and how do I think they will react to my text.

• My audience is aimed at teenagers, and I think they will respond to my text well, as I'm speaking as like a teenager, because if you speak in their slang terms and language they will understand you more and it appeals to them more. Also the title draws them in because ‘Proper Epic’ is a terms frequently used to describe something that is memorable and amazing. That's how I got it in the first place, I thought of words that most young teenagers use, some terms like “Cults” “Banter” and “Graft” didn't work at first but then this fitted well. But plainly it wasn't as good so I put it an adjective in front of it Proper Epic. So thinking about what teenagers wanted I created a title for them, by them really. So overall I think they will respond well to the text because its a slang term used by them to describe something amazing so they can use it more and also understand it.

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How I used technology to best effect.

I used a few bits of technology to make my magazine review. Firstly I used a digital camera to get close up shots of the cast to show their expressions and long shots to show what kind of scenery the series is set in. Then using Adobe Photoshop I put them onto my piece. I used different effects on some of them so they looked like they’re in a magazine, for example I used a drop shadow on most of them so the pictures looked 3D.

Also I used the magic wand tool, to cut out the background on some pictures so that the character were on their own. I also used the ruler tool to make sure that all my text in the interview was align and fitted well with other pieces of text.

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How my magazine is promoted and how i hope to get attention to it.

My drama is promoted through all the layout of the magazine. Firstly the characters and storyline promote it well because it fits into teenage life and they feel involved in the programme, so they then watch it which results in the drama and magazine being promoted. Another thing that promotes the drama is the name of it as its called Proper Epic. Its made by teenagers because of the language used and its for teenagers. Another thing its not text heavy and is more image heavy so its easier to read and more exciting to read, especially for a teenager. All this from the magazine creates attention to the drama series.

Also the set up of the whole magazine is simple and easy to read, and the colours used again are simple but at the time eye-catching as they go well together. The look of the characters are very important that's why I used a variety of different characters so that teenagers could relate themselves to them. If I wanted to promote my TV drama even more, I could put it on the internet. Most teenagers these days use the internet to socialise and find things out more than any other piece of technology. So if I put a page of my drama onto facebook, it would get popular quicker than in a magazine because its for teenagers and that's where they spend most of their time.
