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Evaluation of ExM

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  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    18/02/2011 08:58:00

    The Evaluation of Experiential

    Marketing Campaigns Graduation report

  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    Author: Wesley Westerveld Institution: Utrecht Business School University o Applied Sciences Utrecht !ate: Septe"#er 1$% 2010 &o"pany: 'ethod ()o Student I!:150*+*2


  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    Wesley Westerveld 1507972 Year 4 International Business and Management Studies Utrec t Business Sc ool University o! "##lied Sciences Utrec t Ms$ Marta %ara&&a Mr$ Maurice Bro'n

    Se#tem&er 2010

    Met od ('o Ms$ )aula Mc*uinness


  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    Not everything thatcounts can be counted, andnot everything that can becounted counts.

    -- Albert Einstein


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    (he )orld has several ,reat "etropolises that a lot o people visitor a short period o ti"e- I al)ays #elieved that to ,et the truee.perience% is to have lived there- (his is )hat "ade this internship theper ect opportunity or "e to "ove to ondon and e.perience )hat it isli e to live and )or in one o the ,reatest cities in the )orld-

    In "y search or an internship I ca"e in contact )ith 'ethod ()o)ho o ered "e the opportunity to do "y ,raduation internship in ondon%so"ethin, I a" very ,rate ul or-

    I )ould li e to ta e this opportunity to than aula 'cGuinness% "yco"pany supervisor% or all her support and ,ivin, "e the opportunity todo "y internship at 'ethod ()o- e.t to this I )ould li e to thaneveryone at 'ethod ()o and "2Sta or all their support% ,reat stories%I od 3ridays% and un or,etta#le )ine o4cloc s-

    Wesley Westerveld


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    Executive Summary


  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    o)adays custo"ers are livin, in a ti"e poor and cash richenviron"ent% )hich causes #arriers or traditional "ar etin,- 6.periential

    "ar etin, ,oes #eyond these #arriers and esta#lishes a relationship )ithcusto"ers that are potential advocates o the #rand-

    'ethod ()o is an e.periential "ar etin, a,ency that creates live#rand e.periences or co"panies- At the "o"ent there is no co""onlyaccepted "odel to "easure the e ectiveness o an e.periential ca"pai,n-3or this reason% 'ethod ()o )ants to no) ho) to evaluate or to i"provetheir evaluation o e.periential ca"pai,ns- In order to ,et a #etterunderstandin, o ho) the evaluation process )or s% a case study on theevaluation o e.periential "ar etin, )as used to create a #etterunderstandin, and ,ive advice on )hat they can do to evaluate ori"prove their current or" o evaluation-

    Several additions )ere ound or evaluatin, an e.perientialca"pai,n- 7r,ani in, o#9ectives pre ca"pai,n and "a in, esti"ates isone option- e.t to this it is advised to i"ple"ent custo"er relationship"ana,e"ent in the process to ,et a #etter understandin, o the custo"er

    and the ca"pai,n in the lon, run-

    In order to evaluate a ca"pai,n% clear o#9ectives need to #e setpre ca"pai,n- Usin, these o#9ectives% clear ,oals #et)een the client anda,ency can #e "ade% )hich in the end can #e used as a "easure"enttool- e.t to unctionin, as a "easure"ent tool% these o#9ectives can helpto create a deeper understandin, in the relationship #et)een the results-

    astly% these o#9ectives also help to ,au,e the ca"pai,n )hich allo)s

    actin, upon situations in order to #rin, the ca"pai,n to a success ulendin,-

    With e.periential "ar etin, #ein, custo"er oriented% the li eti"evalue o the" is e.tre"ely i"portant to the client and a,ency- &ollectin,custo"er relationship "ana,e"ent data allo)s the client and a,ency to,au,e the loyalty o the custo"ers- !oin, so% the client can #uild a lon,lastin, relationship )ith the custo"er and see the true results that the

    ca"pai,n had-


  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    Table of Contents 1 Introduction *

    1-1 esearch state"ent 8 1-2 esearch o#9ectives 8 1-; 7utline o this report 8 2 (heoretical 3ra"e)or + 2-1 'easure"ent o e.periential "ar etin,- + 2-2 6.periential o#9ectives 6valuation o an e.periential ca"pai,n 1> 2-5 ?alues and #ene its o &usto"er elationship 'ana,e"ent 1* ; ro#le" !e inition 1+ ;-1 esearch @uestion 1+ > 'ethodolo,y 20 >-1 Sa"plin, 20 >-2 esearch desi,n 20 >-; !ata collection 21 >-> !ata analysis 2; >-5 i"itations 2; 5 6"pirical data 2> 5-1 &a"pai,n approach 2>


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    5-2 A ter ca"pai,n "easure"ent25 $ !ata analysis and discussion 28 $-1 &a"pai,n approach 28

    $-2 A ter ca"pai,n "easure"ent2+ * eco""endation ;; *-1 lannin, o ca"pai,ns ;; *-2 on, ter" #ene its ; Introduction

    o)adays custo"ers are livin, in a ti"e poor and cash richenviron"ent% )hich causes #arriers or traditional "ar etin,- 6.periential"ar etin, ,oes #eyond these #arriers and esta#lishes a relationship )ithcusto"ers that are potential advocates o the #rand- Sha

  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    Research objectives (his report is )ritten or 'ethod ()o and ocuses on the evaluationo e.periential "ar etin, ca"pai,ns- (he results o this report )ill #e that

    'ethod ()o ,ets a #etter understandin, o ho) e.periential ca"pai,nsshould #e evaluated% and )hat i"prove"ents they can "a e- Outline of this report (he ne.t t)o chapters o this ,raduation report start )ith ane.tensive literature revie) in order to create a #etter understandin, othe su#9ect and to or" su# research @uestions that )ill help ans)erin,the "ain research @uestion- A ter this the "ethodolo,y descri#es theapproach o the research and )hat tools )ill #e used- In chapter 5 thee"pirical indin,s )ill #e e.plained% )hich then )ill #e discussed inchapter $- (he inal chapter o this report )ill ,ive a reco""endation#ased on the indin,s and discussions o this report-


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    (heoretical 3ra"e)or This chapter will establish a theoretical outline of the availableliterature. The literature in chapter is focused on experiential marketing

    and the evaluation of it. Next to this, related literature and studies to themeasurement of experiential marketing are described. In order to answer the main research uestions, I will use the literature in this chapter toestablish sub-research uestions in order to come to a solution.

    easurement of e!periential mar"etin#$ 'arconi

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    (he perception o )hat should #e "easured durin, an e.perientialca"pai,n di ers- 'ar eters a,ree that e.periential "ar etin, is"easurea#le% #ut it ta es talent and creativity to "easure it- Sch"itt

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    Situation and background ,ives an idea o )hat has #een done inthe past and )hat part o this in or"ation can #e used or the ca"pai,nthat is #ein, developed- It ,ives you an overvie) o )hat the co"petition

    "i,ht have done and ho) this can #e used in this ca"pai,n- e.t to thisit )ill tell you )hat )ent ri,ht and )ron, and )hat o the o#9ectives"i,ht need "ore attention-

    Experiential objectives are chosen in this step o the S6('-!etail is ey )hen choosin, o#9ectives and it should descri#e )hat tar,etaudience% location% a,e ,roup% "essa,es )ill #e used- By "a in, use oe.periential o#9ectives% it can #e said that all the aspects o a ca"pai,nare in the ri,ht place and )ill add value to the #rand- When settin,e.periential o#9ects% it is i"portant these are "easura#le-

    Target audience is i"portant to the ca"pai,n since it )ill tell us)ho )e need to sell our product our service to- By selectin, the ri,httar,et audience it #eco"es possi#le to tailor the ca"pai,n to the"-(ar,et audience is i"portant #ecause reachin, as "uch people )ith theselected #rand "essa,e )ill "a e sure that they in luence others- Byin luencin, others% lar,er a"ounts o people )ill #e reached throu,h

    )ord o "outh-

    Messages )ill "a e sure that the tar,eted audience interprets thee.perience as "eant- I people hear or see the "essa,e that is co"in,across they )ill #e a#le to identi y )ith the #rand- Selectin, the ri,ht"essa,e )ill "a e sure participants can identi y )ith the #rand% #ut alsothat people )ho are reached throu,h )ord o "outh are a#le to identi y)ith it- By sho)in, that the #rand cares a#out the" )ill "a e sure that

    the selected "essa,e )ill #e stored deep inside their "e"ory- Appendi. ;)ill descri#e the co""unication process-

    Experiential strategy descri#es the strate,y that )ill #e used toachieve the set o#9ectives- (he selected strate,ies should #rin, theselected o#9ectives alive and trans er an e"otional connection )ith theparticipants- By selectin, a strate,y it is i"portant that at least one othe" )ill drive )ord o "outh to your tar,eted audience-


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    Selected location % dependin, on the ca"pai,n% selectin, the ri,htlocation lets you tar,et the ri,ht de"o,raphic% the nu"#er o people you)ant to reach or custo"ers )ith the ri,ht "ind set- (he location should

    #e "atched to the #rand "essa,e you )ant to ,et across- In so"elocations people do not have the ti"e to sit do)n and ans)er to yoursurvey @uestions-

    Systems and mechanisms for measurement )ill #e used toselect )hat is ,oin, to #e "easured- (he selected ey point indicators )illallo) you to see ho) e ective the ca"pai,n is and possi#ly steer it in theri,ht direction-

    auging is planned )hen so"ethin, durin, the ca"pai,n does not,o as planned- 'a in, use o ,au,in, )ill "a e sure that everythin, )illrun s"oothly and opti"i ed results are achieved-

    A ter the selection o the previous discussed o#9ectives it isessential to "a e esti"ates- All o these esti"ates should #e realistic and#ased on )here the ca"pai,n ta es place- With the use o a score card it#eco"es possi#le to sho) i tar,ets )ere "et and )ill ,ive you a #roader

    idea o )hat happened durin, the ca"pai,n

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    ualitative data can also #e collected #y #rand a"#assadors andinteractin, )ith participants- (his data helps you ans)erin, )hy you ,otthe ans)ers you did- It is i"portant to collect a co"#ination o #oth

    @uantitative and @ualitative data and see ho) they correlate )ith eachother

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    (he "ain o#9ective o the et ro"oter Score is to create "orepro"oters and e)er detractors or your #rand- 7n a 0 10 scale%custo"ers are as ed one si"ple @uestion: !"ow likel# is it that #ou would

    recommend this compan# to a friend or colleague$% Based on theoutco"es% consu"ers are divided in three di erent cate,ories:

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    !rand awareness"recall is i"portant to co"panies to see i thecusto"er no)s )hat the product is% )here it is availa#le and )hat it can"ean to the"- A ,ood e.a"ple is i they still no) the e.act product

    instead o the #rand itsel -

    #ttitudes are i"portant to a co"pany #ecause it sho)s i theca"pai,n )as a#le to in luence the"- It "ust #e said that chan,es inattitude ta e a lon, ti"e% )hich is )hy the "easure"ent o this needs tohappen in a later stadiu"-

    $ropensity to recommend is one o the "ost i"portanto#9ectives or a co"pany- By lettin, the custo"er e.perience so"ethin,at irst hand and "a in, this e.perience positive% the chance o positive)ord o "outh increases tre"endously- (his positive )ord o "outh )illeventually result into ne) custo"ers or the co"pany-

    !ehaviour is i"portant to co"panies #ecause it sho)s i chan,eshappened in the purchasin, #ehaviour o custo"ers durin, and a ter theca"pai,n- With this co"panies ,et "ore insi,ht in )hy the custo"erchan,ed their #ehaviour and i they )ill eep doin, this-

    %oyal custo"ers are i"portant to co"panies #ecause in ,eneralthey spent "ore on your products or services and desire less attention-

    e.t to this it is also cheaper to "aintain a custo"er than o#tainin, ane) one-

    (he a#ove discussed o#9ectives should #e evaluated a ter eachca"pai,n and co"pared to past ca"pai,ns- &o"parin, these results

    deter"ines )hat uture action needs to #e ta en in other "ar etin,ca"pai,ns- Applyin, this process )ill ,ive the opportunity to learn%develop% i"prove and 9usti y #ud,ets or uture ca"pai,ns

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    !"ow well are the target audiences being reached and involved$ +hat message are consumers receiving about the brand$

    +hat are consumers doing$ +hat would the# prefer to do$ +h# would the# prefer to do that$ +hat is hindering or helping them$%

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    (a#le 2-1: &ate,ori in, custo"er

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    roblem +efinition The aim of this chapter is to outline the research uestion. asedon the theoretical framework, sub-research uestions will be created in

    order to enable the collection of data that will be used in the dataanal#sis. Research .uestion

    (he "ain research @uestion o this thesis is: !"ow can ethod Twodemonstrate the effectiveness of experiential marketing campaigns$% Based on this @uestion% a reco""endation )ill #e ,iven on )hat'ethod ()o can do to sho) or i"prove the e ectiveness o e.perientialca"pai,ns-

    In order to ans)er the "ain research @uestions% three su#@uestions have #een dra)n up- (hese @uestions )ill #e used in order toco"e to a reco""endation-

    Sub'(uestions )* +hat tasks or activities should be used inorder to make a campaign measureable,

    Sub'(uestions -* +hat needs to be measured in order toevaluate the effectiveness of an experiential campaign,

    Sub'(uestion .* /ow are long'term aspects of a campaignmeasured,


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    etho,olo# The previous chapter described the literature of experientialmarketing. In this chapter I will explain the approach for the research and

    how I will compare the theories with a real life case stud#. *amplin# When selectin, your tar,et population you are "ost li elycon ronted )ith the lar,e si e o it- In "ost cases that tar,et population istoo lar,e and you "ost li ely do not have the ti"e and resources toconduct a survey% @uestionnaire or intervie) ro" all o the"

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    !escriptive research is used to sho) not the cause o the pro#le"%#ut rather to sho) a description o the situation- Hust li e e.ploratory

    research% descriptive research is o ten used )hen the researcher is tryin,to ,ain "ore insi,hts into the current pro#le"-

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    Secondary data can #e collected throu,h the use o su""aries% ra)data% pu#lished "aterial% data #ases and "ore- (o ensure the @uality andvalidity o this data% a syste"atic syste" has #een used- 3irstly% the ori,in

    o the used data )as chec ed- Secondly the acceptance o the author has#een researched- 3or this research the ollo)in, resources )ere used to,ather secondary data: #oo s% acade"ic research% data #ases and )hitepapers- rimar ,ata Besides secondary data% also pri"ary data )as collected durin, thisresearch- (o o#tain pri"ary data% intervie)s and surveys )ith e.perts)ere conducted- ase stu, I the pheno"enon that is #ein, investi,ated is co"ple. or deeplye"#edded in the co"pany% a case study can #e chosen as a suita#lestrate,y

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    0ame Company 1- Bernd Sch"itt

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    %mpirical ,ata In this chapter I will present the empirical data that was collectedfrom a case stud# interview with (arah c anus &( '. This chapter will

    show the most important data that is relevant to the evaluation ofexperiential marketing. ampai#n approach (he )hole process o a ca"pai,n starts )ith the client #rie in,- S'says that )or in, to)ards a ca"pai,n proposal is a lon, process thatneeds a lot o research and attention to detail- It is not 9ust i"portant toco"e up )ith the ri,ht o#9ectives% #ut also #ein, a#le to 9usti y the"-

    3i,ure 5-1: roposal process

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    1bjectives* Selectin, o#9ectives is derived ro" the research thatis done #ased on the client #rie in,- In this sta,e an in depth research isdone on the o#9ectives ,iven #y the client- In this research they loo at

    the history% "ar et o the product% tar,et audience% possi#le locations andother o#9ectives that are relevant to the product or service- It has to #enoted that this process di ers ro" ca"pai,n- (he co"pany also useso#9ectives as a tool o "easure"ent-

    S' discusses the i"portance o certain o#9ectives- She says thata)areness is i"portant #ecause the consu"er )ill lin this to the productor service% and this is )hat they )ill re"e"#er- (ar,etin, is i"portant#ecause it is useless to sa"ple or #rin, an e.perience so"e)here )herethe tar,et audience cannot #e ound- Word o "outh on the other hand isso"ethin, di erent% althou,h they also use this in the process o"easure"ent% she #elieves that these nu"#ers are 9ust rou,h esti"ates#ecause "easurin, and provin, the" is really hard- #enc scorecar, &pre'campai#n( I the developed ca"pai,n proposal is approved #y the client% ana,ency co""unication process is setup that )ill serve as a contract thathi,hli,hts the o#9ectives and the e.pected results- S' says that the

    purpose o such a contract is that it #eco"es or #oth 'ethod ()o and theclient possi#le to set certain tar,ets that )ill later #e used as tools o"easure"ent- (he ,oal o the ca"pai,n di ers per client% #ut esti"atesare "ade #ased on locations and tar,et audience% sa"ples and other seto#9ectives-

    e.t to the "easure"ent o the o#9ectives that are set #y theclient% 'ethod ()o also "easures o)n separate e ects to ,et a #etter

    understandin, o the pro,ress and sho) relations in the results- (heserelations )ill ,ive the" a #etter understandin, and sho) the" )hyparticipants reacted in such a )ay- fter campai#n measurement (he "easure"ent o an e.periential ca"pai,n is a very co"ple.process- 6ven thou,h the "easure"ent is done #y 'ethod ()o% it is notunco""on to co""ission an e.ternal a,ency to ensure relia#ility o theresults and to ,ive an o#9ective vie) on the ca"pai,n4s per or"ance-


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    'ethod ()o "easures the e ectiveness o a ca"pai,n in severaldi erent )ays to ,ain a co"prehensive understandin, o its per or"ance-(o sho) the e ects o a ca"pai,n% custo"ers )ho too part in the

    e.periential ca"pai,n are contacted throu,h a ollo) up conversation #yphone to ,et a #etter understandin, o their #ehaviour and actions a terthe ca"pai,n-

    S' says that )ith the "easure"ent o a ca"pai,n it is veryi"portant that it de"onstrates the e ectiveness and the return oninvest"ent or a client- Eo)ever% it can #e di icult to sho) direct e ectsdependin, on the products you pro"ote- (his ca"pai,n is #ased on ast"ovin, consu"er product and )ill sho) results in a short period o ti"e)hile the e ects o other products "ay ta e lon,er to sho) results- #enc scorecar, &post'campai#n( !urin, and a ter the ca"pai,n results are reported to the client-(hese results )ill then #e co"pared )ith the set tar,ets- Based on theper or"ance% i the results are "et% they are rated on a ive point scale

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    What is "easured durin, the intervie) depends on e.perientialca"pai,n- It "ay #e the #rand recall% i the sa"ple )as used% )hat youdid )ith the sa"ple% the )illin,ness to repurchase% opinion on the

    product% )ord o "outh reach% ho) their opinion on the #rand chan,ed%location and de"o,raphical data- Results in sales S' e.plains that that "easurin, the a"ount o products sold durin,and a ter the e.periential activity period )ill ,ive an indication o theper or"ance- (he a"ount o sold products in the tar,eted super"ar etsand areas are "easured every )ee at the sa"e day durin, the ca"pai,nperiod- (he irst #ar in 3i,ure 5-2 sho)s the )ee #e ore the initialca"pai,n and their sales% these are the sales #e ore the ca"pai,n- (hesecond #ar sho)s the activity day% the day that the ca"pai,n starts- S'descri#es this as the short ter" e ects #ecause an i""ediate rise insales can #e seen% #ut she points out that this )ill decline as ti"e passesa ter the ca"pai,n- (he last t)o #ars sho) a all in sales% )hat "ostli ely happens #ecause o people used their coupon or are not )illin, torepurchase the product- A ter t)o )ee s it #eco"es visi#le )hat the lon,ter" e ects are% #ased on initial sales and the nu"#er o sales durin, the)ee s a ter the period- Eere )e can see the loyalty and the )illin,ness to

    repurchase% )hich are the lon, ter" e ects o the ca"pai,n-














    Same day week - 1 Activity day Same day week + 1 Same day week + 2

    NESTLE C EE!"#S C!$NC E!S375%&

    3i,ure 5-2: u"#er o sales durin, and a ter the activity period

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    Data analysis and discussion In the previous chapter the empirical data for this thesis was

    presented. This chapter will make use of a pattern matching techni ue in

    order to compare the data found in the empirical findings with thefindings of the theoretical framework. All sub- uestions will be anal#sedand conclusions will be drawn from it.

    ampai#n approach Accordin, to S"ilans y

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    Theory Method Two Complimentstheory

    Situation and#ac ,round areresearched to ,et#etter insi,ht on thesituation-

    'ethod ()o does an indepth research on #othco"pany and industry to ,et a#etter understandin,-


    &hoosin,o#9ectives is used toassure that all stepsused in the ca"pai,nare #rand relevant-

    'ethod ()o planso#9ectives pre ca"pai,n% #utalso #rea s the" do)n into"ore detailed o#9ectives that#eco"e e.periential-


    (ar,etaudience tells us )ho)e need to sell theproduct to and tailorthe ca"pai,naround-

    'ethod t)o tar,et theaudience and does an in depthresearch on the" to ,et a#etter understandin,-


    'essa,es areused so your tar,etaudience can identi y)ith the #rand anduses )ord o "outhto reach a ,reateraudience-

    'ethod t)o sets a"essa,e to ensure the relation)ith the product- Eo)ever%)ord o "outh is not al)aysused as a tool o "easure"ent-


    ocations areselected to ensure

    the selected tar,etaudience can #e

    ound and custo"ers)ith the ri,ht "indset are tar,eted-

    'ethod t)o selectslocations to reach the ri,ht

    tar,et audience% and to ensurethat the ri,ht people ,et thee.perience-


    'easurin, theri,ht eyper or"ance

    indicators allo)s you

    'ethod ()o selects theI durin, the o#9ective sta,e

    and sets certain tar,ets or

    later "easure"ent-



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    to eep trac o theper or"ance o theca"pai,n-

    Gau,in, is to,uide the ca"pai,nin the ri,ht directionand to eep anovervie) i tar,etsare "et-

    'ethod ()o uses "ysteryshop intervie)s and )ee lyreports to eep trac o theca"pai,ns per or"ance-



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    (he data collected in the e"pirical indin,s co"pli"ents the theory

    o S"ilans y

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    Theory Method Two Complimentstheory

    Scorecards areused to set certainesti"ates or theo#9ectives that )eredecided preca"pai,n- (heseesti"ates are thenused to evaluate theca"pai,nper or"ance

    'ethod ()o sets incolla#oration )ith the clientcertain o#9ectives as a ,oal thatshould #e reached- All o this isnoted in a contract that )ill #eevaluated a ter the ca"pai,n-

    e.t to this% they also "easureadditional indin,s-


    3ollo) upintervie)s are usedto collect @ualitativeand @uantitative data

    ro" custo"ers to,et #etter insi,hts oni the set o#9ectives)ere "et-

    'ethod ()o uses ollo)up intervie)s a ter eachca"pai,n to collect data andsho) the e ects o theca"pai,n- !ata collected is#ased on the o#9ectives that)ere set pre ca"pai,n anddi er per ca"pai,n-


    &o"parin, thevaria#les o di erento#9ectives to eachother and dra)conclusions ro" it-

    'ethod ()o ta es the"easured o#9ectives and triesto create a #etterunderstandin, #et)een thevaria#les


    &o"pareca"pai,n data to

    that o previousca"pai,ns-

    At the "o"ent 'ethod()o does not co"pare any data

    to that o previous years-



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  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    3i,ure $-1: Short and on, ter" e ects

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    Recommen,ation The previous chapter presented a pattern matching techni ue toshow similarities to the theor# and the empirical data. In order to answer

    the research uestion/ "ow can ethod Two evaluate their experientialcampaigns, a recommendation will be given based on these findings andsurve#s0interviews. All sub-research uestions will be answeredseparatel# in this chapter.

    With e.periential "ar etin, )e sail into ne) and un no)n )aters%)hile there is no standard "easure"ent tool to sho) the e ectiveness oa ca"pai,n- At the "o"ent 'ethod ()o uses evaluation "ethods to sho)e ectiveness o their ca"pai,ns- (he current "ethods that 'ethod ()ouses )ere co"pared to the theory% and sho)s ,reat si"ilarities in"easure"ent- Eo)ever% #ased on the data analysis% it can #e said certainadditions can #e "ade-

    lannin# of campai#ns (he "ost i"portant "essa,es that ca"e across ro" co"parin, theliterature to the data o the case study intervie) )ith 'ethod ()o )erethe needs to set o#9ectives- 6ven thou,h the literature sho)s that usin,

    o#9ectives as ey per or"ance indicators% it )ill not al)ays "ean thatthese o#9ectives are e.periential- i e Sch"itt

  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    (he "ost i"portant "essa,es that ca"e across )ith the secondand third su# research @uestions )ere the necessity to "easure theli eti"e value o a custo"er and to create a connection )ith the"- At the

    "o"ent the evaluation "ethods ro" the literature sho)s a rese"#lance)ith the )ay 'ethod ()o evaluates their ca"pai,ns- Eo)ever% the theorysho)s that the )ay o "easurin, derived ro" the case study is shortter" ocused and does not include the lon, ter" aspects o e.periential"ar etin,-

    (he second reco""endation is to "easure the lon, ter" e ects oa ca"pai,n and the custo"er li eti"e value- Sch"itt

  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    Based on the a#ove it can #e said that i"ple"entin, custo"errelation "ana,e"ent ocused @uestions in the surveys that are ta endurin, the ca"pai,n )ill ,ive a #etter understandin, o the relationship

    )ith the custo"er and can #e o ,reat value to the client-

    uture research (his study researched ho) the evaluation o e.periential "ar etin,can #e done- 3ro" this research #ene its ro" inte,ratin, custo"errelationship "ana,e"ent in the "easure"ent o a ca"pai,n have #eenhi,hli,hted-

    Eo)ever% custo"er relationship "ana,e"ent is a lar,er topic thandescri#ed in this research- i e the "easure"ent o e.periential"ar etin,% custo"er relationship "ana,e"ent )ithin an e.perientialca"pai,n is a relative ne) area that needs urther research-

    &usto"er relationship topics that can #e studied: )he benefits for etho, ) o ne!t to the client ith the use of R &future use of

    collecte, ,ata( R an, social me,ia )he ,ifferent aims of R ithin e!periential mar"etin#$


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    Bry"an% A-% F Bell% 6-

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    Cin% -

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    ppen,i! 1: %!periential objectives for measurement


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    ppen,i! 2: %!periential objectives for measurement con;t,


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    ppen,i! 3: ) o a interaction < messa#e an, or,'of'mouth


  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    ppen,i! 4: *urve %'mail

    !ear M%

    'y na"e is Wesley Westerveld and I a" presently a student at the

    University o Applied Sciences in Utrecht < etherlands=- &urrently I a"

    co"pletin, "y Bachelors !e,ree in Business Ad"inistration and conductin,

    research or "y thesis on the "easure"ent/evaluation o e.periential

    "ar etin,-

    A ter stron, analysis% I have identi ied you as an e.pert in the ield o

    e.periential "ar etin,- (o ,ain "ore no)led,e on this topic I have decided to

    ,ather @ualitative data to help "e )ith "y research-

    By clic in, on the lin #elo)% you can ind a survey that )ill ta e 5 10

    "inutes to co"plete- I )ould li e to as you to ,ive so"e o your thou,hts to

    each @uestion and your point o vie) on this su#9ect- Cou "ay leave any ield

    e"pty i you do not have any opinions on that speci ic @uestion-

    Survey: http://)))-survey"on ey-co"/s/ B$W$'8

    I )ould really appreciate i you could ind the ti"e to co"plete this survey

    and help "e )ith "y thesis-

    I do not have "uch to o er% #ut or the people )ho leave their e "ail

    address% one person )ill receive a 2)3 4Tunes gift card5 #ecause in the end )e

    all love "usic-

    ind re,ards%

    Wesley Westerveld


  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


    ppen,i! 5: *urve -uestions

    http://)))-survey"on ey-co"/s/ B$W$'8

    a"e% (itle% 6 "ail Eo) )ould you de ine e.periential "ar etin,K What are your thou,hts on "easurin, and evaluatin, e.periential"ar etin, Is it al)ays possi#le to sho) a return on invest"ent ro" ane.periential ca"pai,nsK What are the "ost i"portant ey per or"ance indicators )hen"easurin, an e.periential ca"pai,n What do you thin that the ey #ene its o e.periential "ar etin,are co"pared to traditional "ar etin,K What do you consider i"portant )hen plannin, an e.periential"ar etin, ca"pai,nK !o you #elieve that e.periential "ar etin, can #e used across allsectorsK Eo) )ould you co"pare live #rand e.periences to other "ar etin,channelsK Any other co""ents on the "easure"ent o e.periential"ar etin,K


  • 8/11/2019 Evaluation of ExM


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