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Evaluation of music magazine

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My evaluation for my AS media project - creating a music magazine.
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In what ways does your media use, develop and In what ways does your media use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media challenge forms and conventions of real media products? [Front cover] products? [Front cover] The challenge in creating magazine is making the product looking The challenge in creating magazine is making the product looking authentic. In order to do this I need to represent the conventions authentic. In order to do this I need to represent the conventions that existed for a music magazine layout. However, as I was aiming that existed for a music magazine layout. However, as I was aiming at an audience that had not been addressed in the mainstream at an audience that had not been addressed in the mainstream before, I attempted to pull away slightly in order to give myself before, I attempted to pull away slightly in order to give myself room in making the magazine look unique, yet realistic. room in making the magazine look unique, yet realistic. The colours I used are ones that are very common in published The colours I used are ones that are very common in published products, these were red and white. I also used a saturation effect products, these were red and white. I also used a saturation effect that allowed me to darken the images I used, this is because, as seen that allowed me to darken the images I used, this is because, as seen in the bottom left image, music magazines often saturate colours in in the bottom left image, music magazines often saturate colours in order to bring out the models into the foreground. order to bring out the models into the foreground. I challenge the typical convention of filling the page with headings as I I challenge the typical convention of filling the page with headings as I did not include many. This is because I personal felt that the did not include many. This is because I personal felt that the inclusion of these made the layout too congested. I decided it was inclusion of these made the layout too congested. I decided it was better without the headings as the layout was cleaner. My models better without the headings as the layout was cleaner. My models also comply with the standard layout of a music magazine. I had the also comply with the standard layout of a music magazine. I had the front man of the fictional band ‘Riot Legion’ in the foreground, as front man of the fictional band ‘Riot Legion’ in the foreground, as he would be most recognisable to the consumer, and the other he would be most recognisable to the consumer, and the other members in the background as they are less popular. members in the background as they are less popular. Above – my finished front cover. Below – A Typical music magazine front page.
Page 1: Evaluation of music magazine

In what ways does your media use, develop and In what ways does your media use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media challenge forms and conventions of real media

products? [Front cover]products? [Front cover]

The challenge in creating magazine is making the product looking The challenge in creating magazine is making the product looking authentic. In order to do this I need to represent the conventions authentic. In order to do this I need to represent the conventions that existed for a music magazine layout. However, as I was aiming that existed for a music magazine layout. However, as I was aiming at an audience that had not been addressed in the mainstream at an audience that had not been addressed in the mainstream before, I attempted to pull away slightly in order to give myself before, I attempted to pull away slightly in order to give myself room in making the magazine look unique, yet realistic. room in making the magazine look unique, yet realistic.

The colours I used are ones that are very common in published The colours I used are ones that are very common in published products, these were red and white. I also used a saturation effect products, these were red and white. I also used a saturation effect that allowed me to darken the images I used, this is because, as seen that allowed me to darken the images I used, this is because, as seen in the bottom left image, music magazines often saturate colours in in the bottom left image, music magazines often saturate colours in order to bring out the models into the foreground. order to bring out the models into the foreground.

I challenge the typical convention of filling the page with headings as I I challenge the typical convention of filling the page with headings as I did not include many. This is because I personal felt that the did not include many. This is because I personal felt that the inclusion of these made the layout too congested. I decided it was inclusion of these made the layout too congested. I decided it was better without the headings as the layout was cleaner. My models better without the headings as the layout was cleaner. My models also comply with the standard layout of a music magazine. I had the also comply with the standard layout of a music magazine. I had the front man of the fictional band ‘Riot Legion’ in the foreground, as front man of the fictional band ‘Riot Legion’ in the foreground, as he would be most recognisable to the consumer, and the other he would be most recognisable to the consumer, and the other members in the background as they are less popular.members in the background as they are less popular.

Above – my finished front cover.

Below – A Typical music magazine front page.

Page 2: Evaluation of music magazine

In what ways does your media use, develop and In what ways does your media use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media challenge forms and conventions of real media

products? [Contents]products? [Contents]

A conventional music magazine contents page includes an image A conventional music magazine contents page includes an image separate from that presented on the front page, but still a big separate from that presented on the front page, but still a big story featured within the magazine. Therefore I have chosen a story featured within the magazine. Therefore I have chosen a female model to pose for this section. This is for two reasons, female model to pose for this section. This is for two reasons, firstly she was not seen on the front cover and secondly firstly she was not seen on the front cover and secondly because with the main spread and front cover consisting of an because with the main spread and front cover consisting of an all male ensemble, I needed to reach out to all demographics. all male ensemble, I needed to reach out to all demographics. Another typical feature of a contents page is that headings Another typical feature of a contents page is that headings separate the sections of the magazine, ‘News’ and ‘Features’ separate the sections of the magazine, ‘News’ and ‘Features’ are popular items, and I have both on my page. are popular items, and I have both on my page.

The date and issue number is almost always place on the top of The date and issue number is almost always place on the top of these pages, again I have done the same. One thing I have not these pages, again I have done the same. One thing I have not done that is a convention is the competition or subscribers done that is a convention is the competition or subscribers box at the bottom of the page. I have avoided this as personal box at the bottom of the page. I have avoided this as personal when I see this is a magazine I think it makes it look cheap when I see this is a magazine I think it makes it look cheap and tacky, I wanted to avoid that impression so kept the and tacky, I wanted to avoid that impression so kept the layout more basic, instead of jamming too much in.layout more basic, instead of jamming too much in.

Above – My contents page.

Below – Traditional NME magazine contents page.

Page 3: Evaluation of music magazine

In what ways does your media use, develop and In what ways does your media use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media challenge forms and conventions of real media

products? [Main spread]products? [Main spread]

A main spread of a music magazine can make or break the A main spread of a music magazine can make or break the whole product. The content along with the layout is what the whole product. The content along with the layout is what the reader will be analysing the most. It was important for me to reader will be analysing the most. It was important for me to stick to as many conventions as possible in order to achieve a stick to as many conventions as possible in order to achieve a positive reaction from the consumer. In my preliminary task, I positive reaction from the consumer. In my preliminary task, I went too simple in my approach to the main article. I was went too simple in my approach to the main article. I was cautious however, to not over populate the pages with images cautious however, to not over populate the pages with images or text that wasn’t necessary. or text that wasn’t necessary.

The conventions I stuck to were the ones that I find attractive The conventions I stuck to were the ones that I find attractive when reading a real life magazine. These are: A central image of when reading a real life magazine. These are: A central image of the who the spread is about, a clean cut layout instead of fancy the who the spread is about, a clean cut layout instead of fancy approach that doesn’t work and a large heading that allows me approach that doesn’t work and a large heading that allows me to establish what I am reading. to establish what I am reading.

I did challenge a few conventions. I only used one large image, I did challenge a few conventions. I only used one large image, with the addition of two smaller images. A typical magazine with the addition of two smaller images. A typical magazine would have used two larger images (such as the magazine at the would have used two larger images (such as the magazine at the bottom left hand side of the screen). I also did not add too bottom left hand side of the screen). I also did not add too many effects to the images I used. With the brighter many effects to the images I used. With the brighter background smooth presentation, it would not look right with background smooth presentation, it would not look right with effects. This is something most articles to do however.effects. This is something most articles to do however.

Above – My main spread.

Below – Article from existing magazine.

Page 4: Evaluation of music magazine

How does your media product represent particular How does your media product represent particular social groups?social groups?

Indie is a specific social group that stand away from mainstream art, Indie is a specific social group that stand away from mainstream art, listening to more underground acts that may be unsigned and listening to more underground acts that may be unsigned and undiscovered. In order to represent this in my magazine, I used a undiscovered. In order to represent this in my magazine, I used a certain dress code that is associated with this social group. Also, certain dress code that is associated with this social group. Also, my models were of the age that I was aiming the magazine at, my models were of the age that I was aiming the magazine at, therefore representing what the magazine is all about.therefore representing what the magazine is all about.

As this social group is associated with students, it was important for As this social group is associated with students, it was important for me to get that image across. This allowed me to represent the me to get that image across. This allowed me to represent the ‘Indie kids’ in such a way that they could see the magazine and ‘Indie kids’ in such a way that they could see the magazine and relate to it. As a typical association with students is rebellion, I relate to it. As a typical association with students is rebellion, I have represented this in the heading ‘Riot Legion’, as it have represented this in the heading ‘Riot Legion’, as it symbolises an unconventional society. The American backdrop symbolises an unconventional society. The American backdrop also represents ambition. The social target I am aiming for is also represents ambition. The social target I am aiming for is arguable the one that is filled with most ambition, as the arguable the one that is filled with most ambition, as the stereotypes for ‘Indies’ suggests they want to achieve the stereotypes for ‘Indies’ suggests they want to achieve the unachievable.unachievable.

Page 5: Evaluation of music magazine

What kind of media institution might distribute your What kind of media institution might distribute your production and why?production and why?

I believe that the best way to distribute my magazine would be to include it as part of a package deal with a film magazine, possibly Empire. This style of convergence is used often with music magazines, but typically with a ‘lad’s mag’. I feel that if we were to sell the music and film products together, it would interest the buyer as they reach the same audience.

The types of places that would sell my media product would be shops such as WHSmith and larger supermarket chains like Tesco or Morrison’s. I feel it would not work if it was sold in smaller news agents as the cost for distribution in comparison to how much profit is made would be too small. The most ideal place on the shelf for this to be stood would be by the film and gaming magazines.

Online distribution could also work. The audience age that I aim targeting is also the Online distribution could also work. The audience age that I aim targeting is also the largest consumer of the world wide web. Therefore, it would make sense to attempt to largest consumer of the world wide web. Therefore, it would make sense to attempt to sell the product online, as well as have an online form on the magazine. sell the product online, as well as have an online form on the magazine.

A company named MMPA (Music magazine publishers association) is a distributor for A company named MMPA (Music magazine publishers association) is a distributor for music magazines. They would be ideal die to the level of experience and work load they music magazines. They would be ideal die to the level of experience and work load they can manage.can manage.

Page 6: Evaluation of music magazine

What would be the audience for your media product?What would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product is 15 – 25 year The audience for my media product is 15 – 25 year olds. This is because, with it being an ‘Indie’ music olds. This is because, with it being an ‘Indie’ music magazine, this is the typical age range from this social magazine, this is the typical age range from this social group. Therefore, my audience is largely the older group. Therefore, my audience is largely the older student market, from GCSE to university level. Both student market, from GCSE to university level. Both genders could be interested in my magazine as the genders could be interested in my magazine as the genre of music attracts both males and females. genre of music attracts both males and females.

The audience would be largely British. My research The audience would be largely British. My research showed that this style is largely more popular in showed that this style is largely more popular in Britain and America, as supposed to over Europe. Britain and America, as supposed to over Europe. Therefore my audience would largely be here In the Therefore my audience would largely be here In the UK. UK.

With this said, I believe the audience would be similar With this said, I believe the audience would be similar to that of ‘NME’ magazine, and also to the film to that of ‘NME’ magazine, and also to the film magazine ‘Empire’. They all reach out to the same magazine ‘Empire’. They all reach out to the same demographics, these being older teens and younger demographics, these being older teens and younger adults. adults.

Page 7: Evaluation of music magazine

How did you attract/address your audience?How did you attract/address your audience?

Like most magazines, in order to attract and address my audience, it was Like most magazines, in order to attract and address my audience, it was important for me to first establish two things: My Audience and how existing important for me to first establish two things: My Audience and how existing magazine attract attention. As I knew my audience would primarily be 15 – 25 magazine attract attention. As I knew my audience would primarily be 15 – 25 year olds and my genre was Indie, I had to dress my models in such a way year olds and my genre was Indie, I had to dress my models in such a way that the reader to know exactly what the magazine was about. that the reader to know exactly what the magazine was about.

I used bright colours at the top of the front cover to attract passes by and also I used bright colours at the top of the front cover to attract passes by and also a slight glow around the edge of the title so the name ‘Music Madness’ stick a slight glow around the edge of the title so the name ‘Music Madness’ stick out on the page. Also, having three young adults in waistcoats with an open out on the page. Also, having three young adults in waistcoats with an open collar is unusual to see on the front of this particular media product. collar is unusual to see on the front of this particular media product.

The images used of the three models are very dominant on the page, no other The images used of the three models are very dominant on the page, no other images are used. This draws focus to what the magazine is about as it isnt images are used. This draws focus to what the magazine is about as it isnt over busy, therefore intriguing the reader.over busy, therefore intriguing the reader.

Page 8: Evaluation of music magazine

What have you learnt about technologies from the process What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this production?of constructing this production?

When I first started with the preliminary task, I was When I first started with the preliminary task, I was completely alien to using the editing software Photoshop. I completely alien to using the editing software Photoshop. I did not have any experience or knowledge of the software, did not have any experience or knowledge of the software, therefore I really was learning from scratch. I also had no therefore I really was learning from scratch. I also had no experience with photography before hand; however I am a experience with photography before hand; however I am a very keen film maker and thought that I could implement very keen film maker and thought that I could implement these skills into my product. I decided to use a green screen these skills into my product. I decided to use a green screen for my background as, due to my previous filming work, I for my background as, due to my previous filming work, I know that it is easy to cut out and use the foreground know that it is easy to cut out and use the foreground image. Using layers was new to me. When editing a film image. Using layers was new to me. When editing a film you simply cut away the clip you don’t need, where as on you simply cut away the clip you don’t need, where as on an image I was required to create layers for every piece of an image I was required to create layers for every piece of text or image I had. This was time consuming, but when I text or image I had. This was time consuming, but when I got my head around it, I could perfect every aspect of my got my head around it, I could perfect every aspect of my work.work.

I have also learnt many things about using a blog. As my I have also learnt many things about using a blog. As my work needed to be presented online, I also leant how to work needed to be presented online, I also leant how to create a page which involved hyperlinks and slideshows. I create a page which involved hyperlinks and slideshows. I had never done this before but again allowed me to get had never done this before but again allowed me to get creative in my presentational work. creative in my presentational work.

Similarly, I posted all my progress onto a web site called Similarly, I posted all my progress onto a web site called ‘photobucket’ so people could see my stages of progress, ‘photobucket’ so people could see my stages of progress, this allowed other, as well as myself, to look at how I this allowed other, as well as myself, to look at how I improved.improved.

Page 9: Evaluation of music magazine

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression form to the full product?learnt in the progression form to the full product?

I have learnt many things since creating my preliminary I have learnt many things since creating my preliminary magazine. Most importantly I have learnt just how magazine. Most importantly I have learnt just how essential planning for a project is. The preliminary task essential planning for a project is. The preliminary task was overall a poor attempt in creating an artist product, was overall a poor attempt in creating an artist product, simply because I hadn’t planned out what I was going to simply because I hadn’t planned out what I was going to be doing. In my final product I feel it looks more be doing. In my final product I feel it looks more realistic, as my research allowed me pick out conventions realistic, as my research allowed me pick out conventions that I could stick to as a guideline. that I could stick to as a guideline.

Also, I have established just how creative you can be with the addition of editing Also, I have established just how creative you can be with the addition of editing software. In the original task I stuck to basic skills and didn’t really experiment with software. In the original task I stuck to basic skills and didn’t really experiment with what I had to use. In the final production I played around with the Photoshop and what I had to use. In the final production I played around with the Photoshop and wasn’t afraid to set myself a challenge that I wasn’t too sure that I knew how to wasn’t afraid to set myself a challenge that I wasn’t too sure that I knew how to complete. As a result, my magazine looks professional and u have learnt editing complete. As a result, my magazine looks professional and u have learnt editing techniques that could assist me in the future.techniques that could assist me in the future.

Another aspect I now have more knowledge on is how to successfully gain the image Another aspect I now have more knowledge on is how to successfully gain the image you desire. To start of with I simply took photo’s on my LG mobile phone or the you desire. To start of with I simply took photo’s on my LG mobile phone or the schools Toshiba Camileo H10 Camcorder as it was HD and had the function to schools Toshiba Camileo H10 Camcorder as it was HD and had the function to capture photos. For my coursework however, I used my own Samsung S85 as the capture photos. For my coursework however, I used my own Samsung S85 as the clarity was much higher and issues arise when importing images from my phone onto clarity was much higher and issues arise when importing images from my phone onto Photoshop.Photoshop.
