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AL-TR-1992-0010 AD-A260 233 EVALUATION OF NUCLEAR RESEARCH CORPORATION'S A ADM-300 RADIATION DETECTION, INDICATION, AND R COMPUTATION (RADIAC) INSTRUMENT M S T Dennis R. Armstrong, Major, USAF, BSC R William V. Hoak, Captain, USAF, BSC Jocelyn Nixon, Master Sergeant, USAF David G. Martin, Staff Sergeant, USAF N G OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL L HEALTH DIRECTORATE A Brooks Air Force Bass , TX 78235-5000 B 0 R October 1992 A Final Technical Report for Period July - September 1991 T 0 R DApproved for public release; distribution Is unlimited. V 93-02653 AIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMAND BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS 78235-5000

AL-TR-1992-0010 AD-A260 233


Jocelyn Nixon, Master Sergeant, USAFDavid G. Martin, Staff Sergeant, USAF




A Brooks Air Force Bass , TX 78235-5000

B0R October 1992

A Final Technical Report for Period July - September 1991

T0R DApproved for public release; distribution Is unlimited.





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October 1992 Final July - September 19914. TITLE AND SUBTITLE S. FUNDING NUMBERS

Evaluation of Nuclear Research Corporation's ADM-300 RadiationDetection, Indication, and Computation (RADIAC) Instrument

6. AUTHOR(S)Dennis R. Armstrong Jocelyn NixonWiliam V. Hoak David G. Martin


Armstrong LaboratoryOccupational and Environmental Health DirectorateBrooks Air Force Base, TX 78235-5000 AL-TR-1992-0010




Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

13. ABI•TRACT (MaJ~imum 2•/(wvqrds)An evauatkin Nuclear Research Corporation's ADM-300 RADIAC survey meter was requested by HO

USAF/XOOTM as a possible replacement for the AN/PDR-27 and AN/PDR-43 survey meters. This evaluation wasperformed in accordance with criteria specified in ANSI N42.17A-1989 and MIL-STD-810D (1983). Twoconfigurations of the ADM-300 were tested: (1) ADM-300 with beta/gamma detectors along the side, and (2)ADM-300 with beta/gamma detectors along the bottom. The ADM-300 passed most ANSI N42.17A criteria. It hasa flat energy response from 252 keV to 1,250 keV, deviates from the true delivered exposure by less than 5%from 1 pR/hr to 2,000 R/hr, and passes all environmental test conditions when the ANSI N42.17A general criteriaof ±15% is applied. The angular dependence of the ADM-300 with the beta/gamma detectors along the bottom isless severe than the ADM-300 with the beta/gamma detectors along the side. External probes are available for theADM-300, and these should be subjected to similar testing prior to procurement.

A d M11 TeR) vular dependence Gaussian distribution Radiation environmental 66AN/PDR-27 ANSI N42.17A MIL-STD-810D Statistical analysis 16. PRICE CODEAN/PDR-43 Energy dependence RADIAC


NSN 7540-1-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)Prescribed bV ANSI Std, Z39-18290-102



LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. iv

LIST OF TABLES ............................................ v

INTRODUCTION ............................................. 1Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 1

METHODS, ASSUMPTIONS, AND PROCEDURES .................................................... 1Protocols and Standards for Testing ....................................................................... 1Testing Equipment and Radiation Sources .......................................................... 3Instrument Specifications .......................................................................................... 3Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 8

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................... 9General ............................................................................................................................. 9General Characteristics ............................................................................................. 9Electronic and Mechanical ......................................................................................... 15Coefficient of Variation ............................................................................................ 18Radiation Response ............................................................................................... 18Interfering Responses ............................................................................................ 29Environmental Testing ............................................................................................. 29

CO NCLUSIO NS ................................................................................................................... 40

RECOM M ENDATIONS .................................................................................................... 41

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 42


A RADIAC Radiation Testing Protocol ........................................................ 43

B RADIAC Environmental Testing Protocol .............................................. 47

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 56

ByV QUALITY P 3 Distf ibution I

Availability CodesDist Avail and/or




1 ADM-300 with the GM tubes and beta window located along theside of the unit ................................................................................................ 6

2 ADM-300 with GM tubes and beta window located along the bottom

of the unit ....................................................................................................... 7

3 ADM-300 orientation for ANSI N42.17A geotropism test .................... 17

4 Accuracy test results of ADM-300 ............................................................. 20

5 Photon Energy Response of ADM-300 .................................................. 22

6 Beta energy response using check sources in contactwith the beta window ................................................................................... 24

7 Angular response of side window ADM-300 rotated aroundthe z-axis ....................................................................................................... 26

8 Angular response of side window ADM-300 rotated aroundthe x-axis ....................................................................................................... 27

9 Angular response of side window ADM-300 rotated aroundthe y-axis ....................................................................................................... 28

10 Angular response of end window ADM-300 rotated aroundthe z-axis ........................................................................................................... 30

11 Angular response of end window ADM-300 rotated aroundthe x-axis ....................................................................................................... 31

12 Angular response of end window ADM-300 rotated aroundthe y-axis ....................................................................................................... 32




1 Reference Data for the AN/PDR-27 and AN/PDR-43 ............................. 2

2 Check Sources Used for Radiation Testing ............................................. 4

3 NRC Instruments Tested .............................................................................. 8

4 Results of Radiation Testing Compared to ANSI N42.17A .................. 10

5 Results of Radiation Testing Compared to Reference Datafor the AN/PDR-27 and AN/PDR-43 ....................................................... 12

6 Battery Power Test ....................................................................................... 14

7 Alarm Activation Delay ............................................................................... 15

8 Stability Test Results ................................................................................. 16

9 Geotropism Results .................................................................................... 16

10 Coefficient of Variation ............................................................................... 19

11 Accuracy of ADM-300 ................................................................................. 19

12 Photon Energy Dependence .................................................................... 21

13 Photon Energy Response Using Check Sources .................................. 22

14 Beta Energy Dependence .......................................................................... 23

15 Angular Dependence of ADM-300 ......................................................... 25

16 Results of Environmental Testing ............................................................ 33

17 Results of Environmental Testing Compared to ReferenceData for the AN/PDR-27 and AN/PDR-43 ............................................... 34





The Air Force RADIAC Working Group (AFRWG) convened in Mar 91 andrecognized the need for a quality instrument that could serve the needs of the AirForce until the Defense Nuclear Agency's Multifunction RADIAC instrument could bedeveloped and procured. AFRWG looked for an off-the-shelf instrument that couldreplace the AN/PDR-27 and the AN/PDR-43 and provide an additional expansioncapability if desired by the user. The only off-the-shelf instrument available at that timethat looked capable of meeting these diverse requirements was Nuclear ResearchCorporation's (NRC) ADM-300. The AFRWG decided testing of the NRC ADM-300should be performed to determine whether it is a suitable replacement for theseinstruments. HO USAF/CEOR (formerly HO USAF/XOOTM) tasked ArmstrongLaboratory with performing this testing.

Armstrong Laboratory's Radiation Dosimetry Function (AL/OEBSD) evaluatedNRC's ADM-300 RADIAC instrument during Jul-Sep 91. This report outlines theresults of radiation and environmental testing in accordance with a selected protocol tosimulate field environmental conditions and various uses of the instrument. The reportalso outlines the response of the ADM-300 to nationally established standards forportable RADIAC instruments.


Protocols and Standards for Testing

Since there is no military radiation testing protocol for RADIAC instruments,Armstrong Laboratory's Instrumentation and Calibration Facility selected radiationperformance protocol and criteria from the American National Standard Institute(ANSI) Standard N42.17A-1989, Performance Specifications for Health PhysicsInstrumentation - Portable Instrumentation for Use in Normal EnvironmentalConditions (1) (hereafter referred to as ANSI N42.17A), and tested the ADM-300against these selected criteria.

To ensure adequate testing of the instrument under simulated field conditions,selected protocols from MIL-STD-810D, Environmental Test Methods and EngineeringGuidelines (2) (hereafter referred to as MIL-STD-810D), and augmented, wherenecessary, with protocols from ANSI N42.17A. Since MIL-STD-810D does not providecriteria or acceptance limits or instrument evaluations, the general ANSI N42.17A


criteria, a ± 15% change in the instrument response for the particular test beingconducted, was applied to all environmental test results.

To determine whether the ADM-300 is a suitable substitute for the AN/PDR-27and AN/PDR-43, the test results were evaluated against the reterence data (Table 1)for these two RADIAC instruments as found in Technical Order (T.O.) 111H4-7-3-201,RADIAC Set AN/PDR-27T - Operation, Maintenance and Overhaul with Parts Break-down (3) (hereafter referred to as T.O. 11 H4-7-3-201), and T.O. 11 H4-7-3-181, RADIACset AN/PDR-43E (4) (hereafter referred to as T.O. 11 H4-7-3-181).

Both test protocols were coordinated with HO HSD/YAMC, the USAF RADIACInstrumentation Program Office, and informational copies were provided to Mr BillAllen, SA-ALC/LDIL, the USAF Item Manager for RADIAC instrumentation. Theseprotocols are provided in Appendix A and Appendix B.


T.O. 11 H4-7-3-201 T.O. 111H4-7-3-181Item AN/PDR-27T (3) AN/PDR-43E (4)


Temperature -40 0C - +60 0C -40 0C - +50 0C

Range 0 - 500 mR/hr 0 - 500 R/hr

Scales Four Three

OperatingAltitude Any altitude up to 50,000 feet

Power Battery power for up to 50 hours ofcontinuous operation

Accuracy ± 20% from 10% full scale on each range throughoutentire operating temperature range

Energy Range Measures gamma from 80 keV to 2 MeVaDetects beta radiation

Battery Check Meter indication of battery condition

aThe energy response of the RADIAC (fiat within ±20% 80 keV to 2 MeV) is such that adip in response occurs at 662 keV, the characteristic radiation from Cs-137 (3, 4).


Testing Equipment and Radiation Sources

Environmental Testing

AL/OEBSD coordinated the environmental testing with the Technical ServicesDivision of Armstrong Laboratory's Operations and Support Directorate (AUDOJE),performed general health physics testing, and evaluated all test data. AL/DOJEprovided the environmental testing chamber (Standard Environmental Systems,Model # TAH/1 5, Serial # 80066) and their support for this effort.

Radiation Testing

Radiation testing was conducted in AUOEBSD's Instrumentation andCalibration Facility (ICF) with various radiation sources being used in this effort. Theyinclude a 130 millicurie (mCi) and a 130 Curie (Ci) Cesium 137 (Cs-137) source usedin the ICPs J. L. Shepherd and Associates irradiator (Model 6810), a 9340 Ci Cobalt-60 (Co-60) source (serial number S-3999) used in the Atomic Energy of CanadaUmited Teletherapy Unit (Model E-78) belonging to Armstrong Laboratory's DirectedEnergy Division (AI/OED), and various check sources as listed in Table 2. All sourcesare traceable to the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST). To confirmthe exposure to the ADM-300, an EXRADIN Ion Chamber (Model A2, Serial # 159)was used in all instances where an irradiator was used.

Instrument Specifications

Manufacturer's Information

The Operators Manual, ADM-300 Multifunction Survey Meter (3), states that theADM-300 is a portable compact, microprocessor-based survey meter with two built-inwide range gamma radiation detectors. It weighs less than 3 pounds (1,200 grams),can be carried in a special pouch with a belt clip and strap for hands-free operation,and has the maximum dimensions of 20 cm X 11 cm X 6 cm. The ADM-300 basic unitis a Geiger-Mueller (GM) instrument capable of being used in radiation fields varyingbetween 60 keV to 3 MeV. The readings are displayed on the unit by a two-line, 16-character dot matrix liquid crystal display (LCD) at one end of the unit. At the cppositeend of the Instrument is a water-tight, quick-disconnect serial RS-232 communicationsoutput port and an interface port to connect external smart probes to the instrumentpackage, making it capable of multifunctional monitoring for all forms of radiation. Theunit is powered by six AA batteries or can be adapted for several types of batteryconfigurations and provides at least 100 hours of continuous operations under normalfield conditions.



Nominal DecayedSource Set Nuclide Source No. Activity (liCi) Activity (ICi)a

Amersham#2087 Am-241 20154 11.97 11.89

Ba-133 2R057 10.52 6.97Cs-137 2S376 11.28 10.17Co-60 2U338 12.14 6.75Na-22 2X16: 11.39 3.49

Amersham Am-241 2Q156 12.45 12.37#2089 Ba- 133 2R059 10.18 6.74

Cs-137 2S380 11.50 10.37Co-60 2U340 11.95 6.64Na-22 2X169 11.22 3.44

DecayedBeta ActivityNuclide Source No. (nCi)b

C-14 815 103.4Tc-99 816 9.66CI-36 817 9.24Pb-210 818 10.93Pm-147 819 4.27Sr-90 820 9.41

DecayedAlpha ActivityNuclide Source No. (DPM)c

Pu-239 845 6415.3

"aMicrocuries as of 17 Sep 91bNanocuries as of 1 Oct 91cDisintegration per minute as of 1 Oct 91


The ADM-300 microprocessor executes a self-diagnostic routine and reportsany failures when the instrument is first turned on. Any detector failure is displayedautomatically. The unit provides an automatic low battery indication and can stilloperate under normal conditions for approximately 5 hours after the indicator hasbeen illuminated. The ADM-300 provides audible and visual alarms for the exposurerate and the accumulated dose if set by the user. The memory circuitry is nonvolatilefor massive storage of data. The unit can be connected to a computer for fulldiagnostic troubleshooting or downloading of the collected data.

The basic electronics unit contains two halogen quenched GM tubes to coverthe range of 10 microroentgen/hour (p.R/hr) to 10,000 roentgen/hour (R/hr). One GMtube operates from 10 g±R/hr to 5 R/hr, and the other one operates from 5 R/hr to 10,000Rfhr. The accumulated dose is measured throughout the range of 0-10,000 rads. Thebuilt-in low range GM tube has a 3-4 mg/cm 2 beta sensitive end window for betamonitoring in the range of 10 IgR/hr - 5 R/hr for beta energies greater than 200 keV.The ADM-300 uses a "TIME-TO-COUNT" principle in operating the GM tubes allowingthe instrument to auto range over the 9 decades of radiation intensity without theproblems of such things as nonlinearity, coincidence loss, and tube saturation asfound in conventional systems.

According to the advertised specifications (9), the ADM-300 is linear throughoutits range to within ± 5% of the true dose rate, has an accuracy of ± 15%, and two ormore ADM-300s will have their readings within ± 15% when placed in the sameexposure environment. The instrument is designed to operate from a -35 0C to 60 0Cat any altitude up to 50,000 feet.

Armstrong Laboratory's Radiation Consultation Function (AL/OEBSC), whichhad received three NRC ADM-300 instruments as an upgrade to their neutronmeasurement capability, offered to use their instruments for the radiation testingportion of this test. These instruments have the beta/gamma detectors mounted alongthe side of the unit (Fig. 1). However, since these instruments were intended for fieldsupport, and environmental testing can damage instruments, another NRC ADM-300was obtained from the manufacturer. This instrument has a pistol-type grip with thebeta/gamma detectors along the bottom of the instrument instead of along the side aswith the AL/OEBSC instruments (Fig. 2). The pistol grip unit is designed so that thebeta window will be pointed towards the source being measured. The differencesbetween these two styles were considered to have minimal impact on most test results.In those instances where an effect could be possible, the pistol grip unit was tested aswell as the side window instrument. The pistol grip unit provided by the manufacturerhad the high range GM tube positioned wrong and new calibration points had to beobtained for this instrument. Table 3 provides information on the instruments tested.Testing of NRC's ADM-300 started in Jul 91 and was concluded in Sep 91.


---- lo 3 7. 1 1 3 .7



1 7.5 .[, LOWRANGE



Figure 1. ADM-300 with the GM tubes an,.- beta window located along the side of the

unit. Lower figure illustrates the calibration points for the instrument.


Figure 2. ADM-300 with GM tubes and beta window located along the bottom of the

unit. Calibration points for this instrument are also illustrated.



NRC Model Serial Position ofNumber Number Beta Window

ADM-300 SM-094404 SideADM-300 SM-094405 SideADM-300 E-001 Bottom


Radiation Testing

Radiation testing of the ADM-300 was conducted at AL/OEBSD's ICF usingcesium (Cs-137), x-ray, californium (Cf-252), and various check sources. For higherexposure rates than capable with the Cs-i137 sources, a Co-60 irradiator was used.Generally, the ADM-300 was set up on the test stand so that the calibration point asspecified in the ADM-300 Operators Manual was aligned towards the source. Instru-ment test results were observed on a video camera and recorded on standard forms.In all instances except when using check sources, the exposure rate was confirmedusing an off-axis ion chamber calibrated at NIST against a primary standard.

When check sources were used, they were placed into contact with the surfaceof either the metal cover of the GM tube or on the screen covering the GM tube on theADM-300. Each check source used is traceable to NIST and its activity was decay-corrected before use.

Two instruments provided by AL/OEBSC were used for this testing. At least fourreadings were taken for each test, and the average result was provided. The standarddeviation was not always provided by the ICF with these data, however.

Environmental Testing

To provide a standard geometry for the pistol grip unit, a check source wassecured to the ADM-300 by removing the screws holding its base plate and attachinga wire mesh over the bottom of the instrument. Since the pistol grip unit uses a slidingbeta shield, the shield was slid up against the source to wedge it against the bottomportion of the base plate. This held the source close to the opening of the window.

The pistol grip ADM-300 was the only instrument submitted to environmentaltesting. At least four readings were taken for each test, and the average result wasprovided. The standard deviation was also determined for each test cycle.




ANSI N42.17A covers the entire response of an instrument with proceduresestablished by consensus agreement. Table 4 provides a summary of the radiationtest results in accordance with the ANSI standard and Table 5 provides a summary ofthe radiation test results in accordance with the reference data from the technicalorders for the AN/PDR-27 (3) and the AN/PDR-43 (4). It should be noted that justbecause the instrument failed an ANSI standard test does not mean the instrumentdoesn't perform better than the AN/PDR-27 or the AN/PDR-43. In some instances thisfailure could be due to the limitations of the standard itself.

General Characteristics

Units of Readout

The AMD-300 has the capability of providing a number of reading on its 2 X 16LCD. For the exposure rate, the units are in roentgen per unit time (i.e., IR/hr, giR/min,mR/hr, mR/min, R/hr, R/min) to cover the 9 decades of unit operation. However, insteadof providing units of dose (i.e., rads or grays), the dose function of the ADM-300provides units of exposure over a preset time period (i.e., gR, mR, R). ANSI N42.17A,paragraph 4.1.1, states that readings of photon exposure and exposure rateinstruments may be expressed in terms of exposure or exposure rate (e.g., mR, mR/hr,etc.). When using the ADM-300's "dose" function, the ADM-300 reported readings inunits of "roentgen - dose." Since by definition the roentgen is only applicable to x-rayand gamma exposures in air, it was unclear as to what actually is being reported whenmeasuring beta radiation. The alarm function for both the exposure rate and dose is aseparate mode on the ADM-300. Their set points are also given in terms of exposureunits on the display (e.g., mR/hr, mR, etc.). Units of dose equivalent are not used foreither function.

Scaling Factors

The digital display shows the numeric value in three digits, the units ofexposure, the mode the instrument is being used in, and an indication whether thealarm/audio has been activated. Below this display is a quasi-logarithmic analogscale covering the entire 9 decades of range (i.e., 10 j±R to 10,000 R). The ADM-300also has a scaler mode that one can set for a specified period of time. During the timeinterval, the display will indicate the total accumulated exposure on the top scale andthe exposure rate on the lower scale. At the end of that time interval, an audible alarmwill sound, and the total accumulate exposure will be displayed. The instrumentstested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 4.2.1.



ANSI N42.17ADescription Criteria Result Comment

General CharacteristiMs

Units of Readouts 4.1 Pass Dose function expressedin terms of exposure

Scaling Factors 4.2 Pass

Ease of Decontamination 4.3 Pass

Moisture Protection 4.4 No Test

Alarm Threshold 4.5 Pass

Markings 4.6 Fail Location of effectivecenters not marked

Battery Status Indicator 4.7 Pass Low battery Indication

provided only

Protection of Switches 4.8 Pass

Zero Set 4.9 Pass

AC Power 4.10 No Test

Battery Power 4.11 Pass Max 3.1% decrease

Battery Power Indicator 4.12 Pass Max3.8% decrease

Electronic and Mechani-,l

Alarm Reset Pass

Alarm Activation Delay Fall Exposure from delayexceeds 10 mrem forfields > 1.3 R/hr

Alarm Threshold Drift No Test

Stability 5.3 Pass Max 3.4% decrease

Geotropism 5.4 Pass Max 1.6% Increase(See Table 9)

Response Time 5.5 Pass

Coefficient of Variation 5.6 Pass Individual Instrumentmax 4.0%; between twoInstruments max 16%



ANSI N42.17ADescription Criteria Result Comment

Radiation Reponse

Accuracy 6.1 Fail 1 pR/hr - 2000 R/hr < 5%@ 8000 R/hr > +27%(See Table 11 and Fig. 4)

Probe Surface Sensitivity 6.2 No Test

Photon Energy Response 6.3 Fail Over response @ 120 keVUnder response @ 140 keV(See Table 12 and Fig. 5)

Beta Energy Response 6.4 No Test ISO 6980-1981, Series 1source set not availableDetected beta > 224 keV(See Table 14 and Fig. 6)

Neutron Energy Dependence 6.5 No Test

Photon Radiation Overload 6.6 No Test

Angular Dependence 6.7 Fail Pistol grip unitperformed better (SeeTable 15)

Interferlg Respgnses

Extracameral Response 7.1 No Test

Radio Frequency Fields 7.2 No Test

Microwave Fields 7.3 No Test

Electric Fields 7.4 No Test

Magnetic Fields 7.5 No Test

Interfering IonizingRadiations 7.6 Pass Both alpha and neutron




Item Critera Result Remarns

Range 0 - 500 R/hr Pass Observed range0 - 8,000 R/hr

Scales Four/Three NA Autoranging

Power 50 hours of Pass >216 hours ofcontinuous operation continuous ops

Accuracy ± 20% from 10% full Pass 1 iR/hr - 2,000 R/hrscale on each range less than 5%0-500 R/hr

Gamma Energy ± 20% from 80 keV Fal Overresponse atRange to 2 MeV 120 keV;

Underresponse at140 keV

Beta Radiation Detects beta Pass Detected betaradiation > 224 keV

Battery Check Meter indication o1 Pass Low batterybattery condition indication only

Ease of Decontamination

According to the manufacturer, the instrument is constructed to facilitate decon-tamination. The key pad surface uses membrane switches, and a smooth nonporous,external surface is provided for the instrument. Penetrations into the case are limitedto the battery encasement and the ports for the external probe interface and the RS-232 cable. Both the battery case and the connectors for the external probe interfaceand the RS-232 cable are sealed to prevent ingress into the case. The coverings overthe connector ports are rough and are close together making them difficult to remove,especially if the individual is in anticontamination gloves. Although the rough surfacesaid in gripping the covering caps, they could be difficult to decontaminate. The seamsaround the key pad membrane, the display section, the beta window, and the batteryencasement may also cause problems in decontamination. The instruments testedpass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 4.3.1.

Moisture Protection

The manufacturer's documentation states that the instrument is designed forimmersion in water without leaking water into the unit. This was not tested under thisprotocol.


Alarm Threshold

The ADM-300 has two alarm features related to either the exposure rate (i.e.,rate mode) or the total dose (i.e., dose mode) and are expressed in terms of exposure.The alarms can be set by the user and changed by the user, if so desired. Thepressure key pads prevent inadvertent movement of the alarm threshold. Theinstruments tested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 4.5.1.


The manufacturer's name, model number, and serial number, as well as thefunctional designation for the key pad membrane, are clearly marked and fixed to theunit. Through the testing process, the paint used on these markings rubbed off theinstrument. The readout is digital and is readable from the normal operation position.The location of the effective centers of the GM detectors are not indicated on theinstrument. The depth and location of these detectors are specified in the ADM-300Operators Manual. Since the effective centers of the GM tubes are not marked on theinstrument, the instruments tested fail the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section4.6.1.

Battery Status Indication

The ADM-300 does not have a battery status indication but uses a test circuit tomonitor the battery condition and display a low battery condition. The accumulateddose is stored in a nonvolatile memory. Additional accumulated dose will not betransferred to the memory once the low battery indication has been illuminated. Themanufacturers literature indicates that the unit has approximately 5 hours of batterylife left after the low battery Indicator has been illuminated. Our tests show a batterylife of approximately 45 hours after the indicator was illuminated (Table 6). Theinstruments tested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 4.7.1.

Protection of Switches

All switches are located under a key pad membrane. To activate a switch, onemust press the switch until it clicks and keep pressing the switch before the switch willactivate or deactivate. This should prevent inadvertent deactivation of a switch. Theuser must be aware of this feature, because one may assume after depressing theon/off switch that the instrument is turned off when it is still operational. Theinstruments tested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 4.8.1.

Zero Set

All scales are automatically reset to zero and displayed on the readout once thecycle Is started. The only function requiring zero setting is the dose mode. The usermust depress two key pad switches to reset this function. At the end of this resetsequence, the dose is reset to zero and a clear dose message appears. TheInstruments tested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 4.9.1.


The units tested did not utilize any external AC power.

A Cs-137 check source was taped to the beta window of the two unitsundergoing radiation testing. The battery lifetime for both units operated in excess of216.5 hours (Table 6). The final reading decreased from the first reading taken at t=O(i.e., the reference reading) by less than 3.1%. The instruments tested passed therequirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 4.11.1, and exceed the reference data for theAN/PDR-27, the AN/PDR-43, and the Radiation Testing Protocol (Appendix A).

Battery Power Indicator

The low battery indication illuminated after 142.5 hours and before 166.5 hoursinto the battery power test (Table 6). The change from the reference reading is lessthan 4%. The instruments tested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section4.12.1.


Elasped Time Mean Instrument Readings (mR/hr)(hours) # 094404 # 094405

0 9 0 .1a 93,8a1 91.2 92.22 89.1 93.0

24 89.6 92.054 91.0 91.972.5 90.0 92.5

142.5 90.6 92.0166.5 90.5b 90.2b191 90.0 91.1216.5 89.1 90.9238 Dead Dead

Average 90.1 92.0Std Dev 0.7 1.0CV (%) 0.8 1.1

Percent Change from Reference:

040 094405Low Battery +0.4% -3.8%

@ 216.5 hours -1.1% -3.1%

"Reference ReadingbILow Battery indication


Electronic and Mechanical

AlarmBt st

The rate meter alarm mode on the ADM-300 was set at 30 R/hr and theinstrument was exposed to a 38 R/hr field. The alarm activated properly and stayedactivated for 5 minutes. There was no mechanism found to deactivate the audiblealarm without interrupting the visual alarm. Once the exposure was terminated theinstrument went back to background levels. The alarm had to be manually reset toterminate the alarm condition. The instruments tested pass the requirements of ANSIN42.17A, section

Alarm Activation Delay

The time required before the alarm activated following exposure averaged 2.8:±0.17 seconds (Table 7). The audio alarm seemed to activate before the instrumenthad the opportunity to provide the visual display. This delay is due to a built-in time lagto update the display every 2 seconds. Assuming the alarm activation delay is fixedbetween each successive delivered radiation exposure, an exposure rate greater than1.3 R/hr will result in an exposure to the individual in excess of the 10 mrem. Becauseof this, the instruments tested did not pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section5.2.2.2 and the Radiation Testing Protocol (Appendix A).


Delivered Alarm Activation Time Exposure DueExposure (Sec) to Delay(mR/hr) Average SD CV(%) (mR)

58.4 3.10 0.04 1.35 0.055,840 2.38 0.10 4.22 3.869,110 2.74 0.09 3.28 6.93

37,800 2.91 0.16 5.54 30.6a

&The delivered exposure to exceed the 10 mR/hr exposureANSI criterion due to activation delay is 13,490 mR/hr.


A Cs-137 check source providing approximately 90 mR/hr was taped to the betawindow of the two units undergoing radiation testing. The data collected over the 3-hour period show a maximum drift of -3.4% from the reference reading (Table 8). TheInstruments tested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 5.3.1 and theRadiation Testing Protocol (Appendix A).



Time Mean Instrument Readings % from(min) (mR/lhr) Iniial

SN 0944050 92.5 0

30 91.9 -0.660 90.3 -2.490 89.4 -3.4

120 90.3 -2.4150 90.5 -2.2180 90.5 -2.2

SN 0944040 86.7 0

30 86.4 -0.360 85.2 -1.790 88.0 +1.5

120 86.6 -0.1150 84.0 -3.1180 86.0 -0.8

The pistol grip and side beta window units were both tested for geotropism. Theinstruments had a Cs-137 source taped to the unit as they were rotated through thevarious orientations specified in ANSI N42.17A (Fig. 3). The maximum change fromthe reference orientation (i.e., unit lying flat with the beta window pointing towards thesource) is an increase of 1.6% for the pistol grip unit when it is pointed up towards thesource and an increase of 0.9% for the side window unit when it is pointed downtowards the source (Table 9). The instruments tested pass the requirements of ANSIN42.17A, section 5.4.1.


Orientation Average ADM-300 Reading % Change from Ref(Degrees) Pistol Side Window Pistol Side Window

0a 270.8 112.0 NA NA90 274.3 112.0 +1.29 0.0

180 273.0 111.3 +0.83 -0.67270 272.5 111.5 +0.65 -0.45

Down 269.5 111.0 -0.46 +0.89Up 275.0 111.3 +1.57 -0.67

"Reference orientation



0 0 0.

0 0



00 Qou

00 OC--t

M F:T Ml

* Source (Cs-137)

Figure 3. ADM-300 orientation for ANSI N42.17A geotropism test.


Response Time

Since the instrument is a digital instrument, the response time should beinstantaneous. The manufacturers literature indicates the response time is 2 secondsin a field above 1 R/hr and below 5 seconds in a field less than 1 R/hr. The ADM-300updates the display approximately every 2 seconds, regardless of the radiation fieldthat is being measured. Using a 5 R/hr radiation field, the unit's response was withinthe first update of the display (i.e., within 2 seconds). The instrument in the ratemetermode appeared to overrespond slightly to the radiation field, but stabilized within twodisplay updates (another 4 seconds). When the radiation source was removed, theunit went back to background within 2 seconds or one display update. Using a 50mR/hr radiation field, the unit's response was within 4 seconds or two screen updates.Again the unit appeared to overrespond slightly but was stable within another 4seconds or two display updates. When the radiation source was removed, the unitwent back to background within 4 seconds or two display updates. The instrumentstested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 5.5.1, and the RadiationTesting Protocol (Appendix A).

Coefficient of Variation

Individual Instruments

The ADM-300 instruments were exposed to various radiation fields from 760gR/hr to 38 R/hr (Table 10). Twenty independent readings, as required by ANSIN42.17A, were taken only when the instrument was exposed to the 760 j±R/hr radiationfield. The coefficient of variation (CV) varied from 0.2% to slightly more than 4%. Todetermine the CV over a long period of time, the data from the battery power test wereused. For these data, the CV over the entire life of the batteries is less than 1.2%. Theinstruments tested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 5.6.1, and theRadiation Testing Protocol (Appendix A).

Radiation Response

Over the range of 1 gR/hr to 2,000 R/hr, tests showed the accuracy of thedelivered units was less than 5% (Table 11 and Fig. 4) and well within the require-ments of ANSI N42.17A, section 6.1.1; the reference data for the AN/PDR-27 and theAN/PDR-43 (Table 1); and the Radiation Testing Protocol (Appendix A). A Cs-137source was used between 1 .tR/hr to 38 R/hr for the two instruments tested. A Co-60source was used for 2,000 R/hr and 8,000 R/hr exposures, but only one instrumentwas tested at these high exposure rates. At 8,000 R/hr, the ADM-300 unit that wastested had an overresponse of 26.8%, and the low range GM tube burned out. Thereason for the failure of this tube was not investigated. This overresponse at 8,000R/hr exceeds the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 6.1.1, and the RadiationTesting Protocol (Appendix A).


The manufacturer's literature states, "The ADM-300 can be self-calibrated usinga license free source (less than 10 pCi Cs-137)." However, the Operator's Manualrecommends that the low and high range GM tubes be calibrated at 100 mR/hr and400 R/hr for good statistical accuracy. To perform the accuracy test for the highradiation fields, the initial calibration of the unit provided a gross underresponse, andthe unit had to be recalibrated with a 400 R/hr source to get reliable data.


Reading FR/hr mR/hr R/hr R/hrNumber 404 405 404 405 404 405 404 405

1 754 759 49.5 56.8 10.1 6.49 40.9 26.82 751 760 48.8 56.3 9.68 6.68 40.7 27.23 758 755 49.7 57.5 9.42 6.57 40.8 28.34 759 753 49.2 57.0 10.3 6.53 40.9 28.15 764 751 - - - - - -

6 761 756 - - - - - -

7 762 753 - - - - - -

8 761 762 - - - - - -

9 756 761 - - - - -

10 755 759 - - - - - -

11 754 752 - - - - - -

12 750 756 - - - - - -

13 747 757 - - - - - -

14 757 761 - - - - - -

15 759 755 - - - - - -

16 756 754 - - - - - -

17 757 757 - - - - - -

18 762 756 - - - - - -

19 755 753 - - -.

20 753 756 - - -.

Avg 756.6 756.3 49.3 56.9 9.88 6.57 40.8 27.6SD 4.38 3.20 0.39 0.50 0.40 0.08 0.10 0.72

CV(%) 0.58 0.42 0.79 0.87 4.03 1.25 0.23 2.60


Exposure Average RatioDelivered Response Cal Point

852 piR/hr 868 gR/hr 1.01958A. mR/hr 56.9 mR/hr 0.974220 mR/hr 215.0 mR/hr 0.977920 mR/hr 909.5 mR/hr 0.9895,840 mR/hr 6,373 mR/hr 1.0919,110 mRlhr 9,880 mR/hr 1.08437.8 R/hr 40.8 R/hr 1.0801,980 R/hra 2,065 R/hr 1.043

7,980 R/hra 10,120 R/hr 1.268

Ilrradiated with Co-60 instead of Cs-137


D 1.3L

WA Data Values 0 RANSI Criteria0axu 1.2-_0a)L


2 A,-o

a)N 1.0

az 0 .9W


Q080 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000

Delivered Exposure Rate (mR/hr)

Figure 4. Accuracy test results of ADM-300.

Photon Energy Resoonse

The response of the ADM-300 to various radiation fields is shown in Table 12and graphically presented in Figure 5. In each situation, the ADM-300 was irradiatedthrough the calibration point as indicated in the Operators Manual and at a rate wherethere was no rate effect present (i.e., between 800 igR/hr and 1,980 R/hr). Theresponse is within ± 11 percent for the energies of 80 keV, 252 keV, 662 keV, and1,250 keV. However, using NIST x-ray method H-150 for 120 keV exposure asspecified in Table 6 of ANSI N42.17A, the change in response from the Cs-137reference value increased to 138%. This fluctuation is outside the requirements ofANSI N42.17A, section 6.3.1; the reference data for the AN/PDR-27 and AN/PDR-43(Table 1); and the Radiation Testing Protocol. Since the ICF was limited in the numberof H-series filters, the performance at 40 keV (NIST beam code H50) as specified inthe Radiation Testing Protocol could not be done. However, the NIST beam codeswith the M-series filters was substituted allowing testing at effective energies of 51 keV,70 keV and 140 keV. Using the NIST beam code M-250, the energy response from theCs-1 37 reference value dipped 73%. Below 80 keV with the beta window closed, theinstrument response fell off drastically and does not comply with the "should"requirement of this section to have an effective energy range as low as 20 keV, butdoes comply with the "shall" requirement of the standard to have an effective energyrange as low as 80 keV. With the beta window open, the ADM-300 could "see" the 60


keV x-ray from an Americium 241 check source and the low energy emissions from aCs-137 check source. Dr. Sudhakar Pandey, Vice President of Engineering for NRC,(telephone interview, 24 Feb 92), indicated that this type of response is typical formodels built for the European Community. For those instruments, all readings werereported in terms of dose equivalent employing the quality factor for photons asdefined by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (6). Because thisquality factor rises above one for low energy photons, the shielding for the detectortubes was slit to enhance its response at low energies.

NRC provided AL/OEBS with a copy of a preproduction test report for the ADM-300 as being purchased by the Swedish Defence Martiel Administration.' In thisreport, several energy dependence tests were performed over a "low* exposure and a"high" exposure range. The average response of the instruments tested, using thecombined data from these exposure ranges, exceeds the criteria of ANSI N42.17A at178, 222, and 1,250 keV. Because of this, additional testing of the photon energyresponse of the ADM-300 is warranted.


Source Effective Delivered ADM-300 Reading %or NIST Energy Exposure (mR) (mR) fromProcedure (keV) Avg SD Avg SD Ratio Ref

M-100 51 3,860 8.1 1,349 9.0 0.349 -65M-150 70 5,438 10.9 1,385 2.6 0.255 -74H-100 80 2,780 37.8 3,000 a 1.079 +9H-150 120 1,315 39.2 3,138 16.9 2.358 +138M-250 140 2,776 44.4 736 0.5 0.265 -73H-300 252 18.4 a 21 1.3 1.141 +16Cs-137 662 920 a 910 2.1 0.989 0Co-60 1,250 1,980b a 2,065b 7.0 1.043 +6

"Even though several instrument readings were taken, only the average result wasreported by the calibration facility.

bThese readings are in R not mR. This result may be a rate effect instead of an energyeffect. Using a higher flux, the ratio using Co-60 is 1.268, and the change fromreference (Cs-137) is +28%.

'Test Report ADM-300 - Pre-production Test Report, Nuclear Research Corporation, Warrlngton PA(16 Apr 90).


o 2.4

au 2. 0Q)p• 1.8

0)yJ 1.4

0 0.6

o 0.4 •



0 .0-

40 I 1000 2o00

Photon Energy (keV)

Figure 5. Photon Energy Response of ADM-300.


Exposure ADM-300 Reading (u.R/min)Serial Energy Rate W.indw QJx Window Closed

Source Number (keV) gIR/min Avg Ratio Avg Ratio

Am-241 20154 60 174.8 90.1 0.515 0.0 ---Ba-133 2R154 356 187.3 149.8 0.800 29.2 0.156Cs-137 2S376 662 375.7 1,487.5 3.959 75.5 0.201Mn-54 2V294 835 11.1 5.0 0.450 3.2 0.288Co-60 2U338 1,250 997.0 336.8 0.338 254.9 0.256Na-22 2X167 1,274 469.5 209.5 0.446 103.3 0.220

aSource placed into direct contact with the beta window or the window covering.

Beta Eneray Response

Since the ISO 6980-1984, Series 1, source set was not available for this testing,the protocol established in ANSI N42.17A, Section 6.4, could not be followed. Dr.


Sudhakar Pandey, Vice President of Engineering for NRC, (telephone interview,27 Feb 92) stated that, because of geometry constraints in measuring beta, the ADM-300 was designed to detect beta only, and the units on the display for the ADM-300were only "relative units" at best. To determine this relative response, the absorbeddose in air for several beta check sources was compared to the response on the unit(Table 14 and Fig. 6). The unit could easily detect beta energies greater than Pm-1 47(225 keV). The instruments tested pass the requirements of the reference data for theAN/PDR-27 and the AN/PDR-43 (Table 1) and the Radiation Testing Protocol butappears to fail the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 6.4.1. This test should berepeated when the ISO 6980-1984, Series 1 source set becomes available.


Max Delivered Averagea RatioEnergy Dose (air) Relative Reading/

Source (keV) (pgrad/hr) Reading Delivered

C-14 156.5 1,094.3 8.3 0.0076Pm-147 224.7 4.1 6.1 1.50Tc-99 293.6 104.2 127.7 1.23CI-36 709.6 358.8 702.3 1.96Pb-210 1,161.4b 209.3 1,063.0 5.08Sr-90 2,283.9c 268.9 1,653.0 6.15

a The displayed units on the ADM-300 are considered "relative units." (Dr. SudhakarPandey, telephone interview, 26 Feb 92)

b Pb-210 has two betas with max energies of 16.5 keV and 63.0 keV. This decays intoBi-21 0 with one beta at 1,161.4 keV as listed.

c Sr-90 has one beta at 546.0 keV and decays into Y-90 with one beta at 2,283.9 keVas listed.

Photon Radiation Overload

This test was not performed for the instruments. There was no source readily

available capable of producing a rate of 100 times the highest decade (10,000 R/hr).

Angular Dependence

Since the two types of AMD-300 instruments tested had different configurations,an angular dependence test was performed on each type of instrument. Tests forangular dependence were only performed using a Cs-137 source. The notation "z-axis" represents a rotation about the z-axis of the unit or turn around on a flat surface,


the notation "x-axis" represents a rotation around the x-axis or an end-to-end rotation,and the notation "y-axis" represents a rotation around the y-axis or a side-to-side rota-tion. Table 15 shows the angular dependence of these two types of units and the rela-tive position of the unit at zero degrees. Neither type of unit passes the angular de-pendence requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 6.7.1, for all axes of consideration.


r, 6L.o, "

M0 5(I)

0'0 4a)




0o•oa)0 .......

.... . .......0 ... A .......

200 1000 3000MIx Beta Energy (keV)

Figure 6. Beta energy response using check sourct, ;n contact with the beta window.

Side Window Unit

This type of unit only passed the ANSI N42.17A requirement at 450 frommaximum in the z-axis rotation. For rotations in the x-axis and y-axis, the overalldeviation from the maximum value was slightly below the requirement (i.e., 20.7% and20.8% versus 20%). This unit passed the ANSI N42.17A requirement at 900 of rotationin the z-axis and y-axis. In the x-axis, the deviation at 900 from the maximum valuewas 71.6%, well above the requirement of ±50%. The maximum deviation (i.e.,maximum value to minimum value) is 58.3% in the z-axis rotation, 71.6% in the x-axisrotation,, and 47.7% in the y-axis rotation. As shown in Figures 7 through 9, theangular dependence pattern is a typical butterfly type of pattern. In all instances, themaximum deviation was found whenever the radiation had to pass through themajority of the electronics package to reach the detector.



% DiffNormalized to Delivered Exposure frm Max0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 @450 @900

Z-AxisSide Window Units

Average 0.990 0.959 0.981 0.931 0.413 0.692 0.700 0.871 12.0 29.3CV(%) 4.11 3.05 1.46 5.93 3.49 3.40 3.90 3.86

Pistol Grip UnitAverage 0.596 0.985 1.055 0.996 1.022 0.981 0.705 0.443 6.6 43.5

CV(%) 2.89 1.98 1.40 2.71 1.38 1.44 3.72 2.22

X-AxisSide Window Units

Average 1.172 1.093 0.333 0.981 1.103 1.034 0.955 0.929 20.7 71.6CV(%) 9.53 0.00 4.48 0.00 15.6 12.6 6.83 16.0

Pistol Grip UnitAverage 1.134 1.084 0.691 1.070 1.044 0.899 0.814 1.021 10.0 39.1

CV (%) 2.61 3.52 1.88 3.44 3.24 2.52 3.51 0.77

Y-AxisSide Window Units

Average 1.006 0.936 0.536 0.901 1.024 0.792 1.023 0.969 20.8 47.7; /(%) 0.69 1.33 6.96 0.43 0.00 1.17 2.51 4.96

Pistol Grip UnitAverage 1.106 1.048 0.455 0.992 1.158 1.074 1.054 1.069 14.3 60.7

CV(%) 3.98 6.90 4.18 2.27 2.15 2.84 3.14 3.58

Bold numbers represent the maximum readings and were used as the references.


210' 20V 19V 7V 16V 1W13r 16V 17ir 1W I'vir 2W j1r

22qr14Cr 22v*

1WN"i 2W

240*120, N 240'

2W IV110, 2W

260, IorIOV 3W

Goa faa ts

27V 4- WW 27V

2W so.

2900 7VIV 2W

3W WGr 3W

3100 WSW JIV

32(r JIV4V 320'

33V 35r 0 jo, jr.... Sm

Figure 7. Angular response of side window ADM-300 rotated around the z-axis.


21V 2W0 100. 7W. so.131 sr 10 180 POO aoo. 21

13 230'


21T 2w* I?01 60. so.15r 16W 70 1W 9 201 '0

1W 230'

24W 0 20 I

Fý 28

Pistol Grip Unit

This type of unit passed the ANSI N42.17A requirement at 450 from themaximum for all axes of rotation. The maximum deviation for this requirement was14.3% in an y-axis rotation. This unit passed the ANSI N42.17A requirement at 900from the maximum for rotation z-axis and x-axis. In y-axis, the deviation at 900 from themaximum value was 60.7%, well above the requirement of ±50%. The maximumdeviation (i.e., maximum value to minimum value) is 58.0% for the z-axis rotation,39.1% for the x-axis rotation, and 60.7% for an y-axis rotation. As shown in Figures 10through 12, the angular dependence pattern for this unit is more rounded than thetypical butterfly pattern. Only in an y-axis rotation is the butterfly pattern apparent. Themaximum deviation was found whenever the radiation was attenuated by theelectronics of the instrument or the battery pack.

Interferng Responses

The units were not tested for interfering responses from radiofrequency,magnetic, or electrostatic fields.

Neutron Interferences

A plutonium beryllium source producing 15 mrem/hour of fast neutrons and aCf-252 source producing 8 mrem/hour did not produce a response in the unit abovethat normally expected with the gamma component being present. The photonexposure rate from the Cf-252 source was determined using a neutron insensitivedetector and was subtracted from the exposure rate noted on the ADM-300. Theinstruments tested pass the requirements of ANSI N42.17A, section 7.6.1.

Alpha Interferences

The ADM-300 was exposed to a plutonium-239 source that produced 6,415.3disintegrations per minute (DPM) ± 7.0%. The unit showed no response to alpharadiation even with the beta window open. The instruments tested pass the require-ments of ANSI N42.17A, section 7.6.1.

Environmental Testing


All the environmental tests pass the general requirements of ANSI N42.17A,sections 8.1-8.7 (i.e., being within ± 15% of the true reading). Table 16 summarizesthese results, and Table 17 provides a comparison of the test results with the referencedata for the AN/PDR-27 and the AN/PDR-43. The following sections provide specificInformation on the test results.


21V 2w* 19V ;7w 1w 150.

16tr Vol '04v 21tr


14V ---


23V 13(rOw 23V

24V 122V12v 4v

110"2w zw11W

for2w 2wfor


-72w 2ww

29V 290"


310' 3 WI&

W32V 520,W

isr 0 2r jr


Figure 10. Angular response of end vAndow ADM-300 rotated around the z-axis.


Sirt@ 19V IYV '0V1W 1W 0rlo 190, 20M' 210'

2W 230'


210* 2WV 190, *70, 160 o

24V 120,ViS



(All results are in mRthr)Ref Value 1So ANSI Criteria TstValue

Environmental Test Avg Std Dev Max Min Avg Std Dev Results

Low Pressure(Storage) 233.8 2.8 268.8 198.7 233.0 1.8 Pass

Low Pressure(Operational) 232.4 2.9 267.2 197.7 2 3 0 .5- 24 1.0 b Pass

Low Pressure (RapidDecompression) 233.3 4.0 268.2 198.3 231.5 1.3 Pass

High Temperature(Static) 237.1 3.4 272.7 201.6 235.4 1.7 Pass

High Temperature(DkimaC - - - - - -.

High Temperature(Storage) 254.0 1.8 292.1 215.9 270.5 2.1 Pass

Low Temperature(Storage) 235.3 2.2 270.5 200.0 236.5 2.5 Pass

Low Temperature(Diurnal) 228.6 4.8 262.9 194.3 2 2 3 .2-2 28 .3 b Pass

Low Temperature(Static) 226.0 4.2 260.0 192.1 223.4 3.4 Pass

Temperature Shock(High Temp) 220.0 1.4 260.0 187.0 229.5 2.4 Pass(@ Shock) 220.0 1.4 260.0 187.0 230.3 4.6 Pass

Temperature Shock(Low Temp) 232.0 0.8 266.8 197.2 222.0 1.8 Pass(@ Shock) 232.0 0.8 266.8 197.2 223.5 4.7 Pass

Humidly Test #2(Diurnal) 231.6 2.8 266.4 196.9 2 29 .3-2 3 4 .8 b Pass

Humidily Test(Static) 230.0 1.8 264.5 195.5 227.9 3.4 Pass

Vibration Sinusodial(x-axls) 233.5 2.7 268.5 196.5 233.4 2.2 Pass(Y-01s) 226.5 2.5 260.5 192.5 225.5 6.9 Pass(z-ax*s) 222.5 1.3 255.9 189.1 226.0 2.5 Pass

Vibration Random(x-ax*s) 219.3 1.7 252.1 186.4 230.3 1.7 Pass(y-axls) 219.8 1.5 252.7 186.7 217.8 3.0 Pass(z-axls) 225.8 3.5 259.6 191.9 226.8 2.5 Pass



(All results are in mR/hr)Ref Value 15% ANSI Criteria Tes Vaues

Environmental Test Avg Std Dev Max Min Avg Std Dev Results

Shock Test (TransitDrop)C - - - - - -

Shock Test (Bench)(Face one, Edge one) 227.5 1.3 261.6 193.4 230.3 1.0 Pass(Face one, Edge two) 229.0 2.0 263.4 194.6 229.0 1.6 Pass(Face two, Edge one) 227.8 1.0 261.9 193.6 234.3 1.5 Pass(Face two, Edge two) 232.3 1.0 267.1 197.4 232.3 2.1 Pass(Face three, Edge one) 231.8 2.2 266.5 197.0 230.3 1.5 Pass(Face three, Edge two) 231.5 1.3 266.2 196.8 231.5 1.9 Pass(Face four, Edge one) 236.5 1.9 272.0 201.0 237.8 1.5 Pass(Face four, Edge two) 233.0 1.4 268.0 198.1 236.5 3.0 Pass

"aAfthough ANSI N42.17A does not cover protocols selected for this test, the criterion for most of the

environmental ANSI tests is ± 15% of a reference value. This criterion is used as the evaluation tool forthis table.

bThese data show the range in data for the various environmental conditions.

CNo data available.



Item Criteria Result Remarks

OperatingTemperature -40 0C - +60 0C NA Pass test temperature

range -31 °C - +50 °COperatingAltitude Any altitude up NA Pass altitude test only

to 50,000 feet up to 40,000 feet

NOTE: The Environmental Test Protocol (Appendix B) was developedprior to locating the reference data for the AN/PDR-27 or AN/PDR-43.


Altitude Testing

Low Pressure (Storage)

The pistol grip ADM-300 was subjected to an altitude of 40,000 feet for 1 hourand returned to nominal altitude (512 feet) to simulate the instrument being airtransported to a location. The data collected after the storage period elapsed werecompared to the data collected before the period began. The test data pass thegeneral 15% ANSI N42.17A requirement. ANSI N42.17A does not have a specificprotocol for low pressure storage.

Low Pressure (Operational)

The ADM-300 was subjected to operational conditions at altitudes of 512;1,000; 5,000; 10,000; 15,000; 20,000; 30,000; and 40,000 feet to determine if therewas any altitude dependence of the unit. Four readings were taken at nominal altitude(512 feet) before and after the test and at each altitude. Although ANSI N42.17A,section 8.6, does deal with an instrument's response at various pressures, the ADM-300 was subjected to the test protocol of MIL-STD-810D rather than ANSI N42.17A.The student's t-test applied to the data collected before and after the test does notindicate any difference in their means. A statistically significant difference in the datawas noted, but it is less than the general ± 15% requirement of ANSI N42.17A.

Low Pressure (Rapid Decompression)

The ADM-300 was subjected to an altitude of 40,000 feet and was allowed toundergo a rapid decompression to 512 feet within 35 seconds. Since ANSI N42.17Adoes not have a protocol for rapid decompression, a protocol from MIL-STD-81 OD wasused for this test. Data collected before the test were compared to the data collectedimmediately after decompression. The test data pass the general 15% ANSI N42.17Arequirement.

Temperature Testing

High Temperature (Operational - Static)

The ADM-300 was subjected to a steady high temperature (49.9 1C) for 2 hoursand 15 minutes to simulate working in a desert. Since ANSI N42.17A, section 8.1.1,does not deal with an instrument's response at a constant temperature, the ADM-300was subjected to the test protocol of MIL-STD-810D rather than ANSI N42.17A.Although the test protocol required a 14% relative humidity level, the environmentaltest chamber could not hold the humidity at this level. The humidity level stabilized at44% and the test was conducted. Because the environmental chamber had reached34.4 °C when the first data point was taken, this data point was rejected from the dataset. The student's t-test applied to the data collected before and after the test does notindicate any difference in their means. The test data pass the general ±15% ANSIN42.17A requirement.


High Temperature (Operational - Diurnal)

This test was not accomplished due to a failure of the environmental chamber tomaintain the humidity levels required by the testing protocol.

High Temperature (Storage)

The ADM-300 was subjected to a temperature of 76.6 °C for a period of 4 hoursto simulate storing the instrument in an enclosure in heat and direct sunlight of similarintensity as found in the desert. Since ANSI N42.17A, section 8.1.1, does not dealwith an instrument's response in storage at a constant temperature, the ADM-300 wassubjected to the test protocol of MIL-STD-810D rather than ANSI N42.17A. Datacollected before the test were compared to the data collected immediately after the testcycle was completed. The average reading after the test is within the general 15%requirement of ANSI N42.17A. The average reading after the test shows an increaseof 6.5% over the average reference reading.

Low Temoerature (Storage)

The ADM-300 was subjected to a temperature of -31 0C (-24 OF) for a period of 4hours to simulate storing the instrument in an enclosure in the cold and wind similar tothat found in arctic regions. Since ANSI N42.17A, section 8.1.1, does not deal with aninstrument's response at a constant temperature, the ADM-300 was subjected to thetest protocol of MIL-STD-81 OD rather than ANSI N42.17A. The data collected after thestorage period elapsed were compared to the data collected before the period began.The test data pass the general 15% requirement of ANSI N42.17A.

Low Temperature (Operational - Diurnal)

The ADM-300 was subjected to operational conditions at low temperatures tosimulate a day's work out in a cold climate. Since ANSI N42.17A, section 8.1.1, doesnot deal with an instrument's response under diurnal conditions, the ADM-300 wassubjected to the test protocol of MIL-STD-810D rather than ANSI N42.17A. MIL-STD-810D provided a diurnal temperature cycle 12 0C, 0 0C, -11 °C, -20 0C, -31 0C, -20 0C,and -11 0C for the 7-hour test. The data sets collected before and after the test werecombined and used as the reference for comparison with the average result at eachtemperature setting. The test data pass the general 15% ANSI N42.17A requirement.The lowest reading was recorded at -31 0C and was a decrease of only 2.3% from thereference value.

Although fresh batteries had been placed into the ADM-300 prior to the testcycle, a low battery indicator was first noticed at 1.25 hours into the test and the crystalscreen turned dark (but still readable) at 2.5 hours into the test. Both conditionscontinued throughout the test cycle until the instrument was allowed to warm toambient temperatures. This could have had an effect on the test results, especially thedata collected after the test cycle had been completed. Since a battery failure couldhave been a limitation rather than the instrument, this test should be reaccomplished


by removing the batteries from the ADM-300 unit and supplying the instrument with a

power source external to the environmental chamber.

Low Temperature (Operational - Static)

The ADM-300 was subjected to a steady temperature of -31 °C (-24 OF) for 2hours and 15 minutes to simulate working in an arctic climate with little temperaturechange. Since ANSI N42.17A, section 8.1.1, does not deal with an instrument'sresponse under constant temperature conditions, the ADM-300 was subjected to thetest protocol of MIL-STD-810D rather than ANSI N42.17A. The data sets collectedbefore and after the test were combined and used as the reference for comparisonwith the average result of the test data. A statistically significant difference in the datawas noted, but it is less than the general ± 15% requirement of ANSI N42.17A.

Although fresh batteries had been placed into the ADM-300 prior to the testcycle, a low battery indicator was first noticed at 45 minutes into the test, and thecrystal screen turned dark and very hard to read at 2 hours into the test. Bothconditions continued throughout the test cycle until the instrument was allowed towarm to ambient temperatures. A flashing "E" was seen on the display after a 20-minute warm-up period, but was not seen during the testing. This low battery conditioncould have had an effect on the test results. Since a battery failure could have been alimitation rather than the instrument, this test should be reaccomplished by removingthe batteries from the ADM-300 unit and supplying the instrument with a power sourceexternal to the environmental chamber.

Temperature Shock (High Temperature)

The ADM-300 was moved from an ambient temperature level to a temperatureof +50 °C (+122 0F) to simulate taking the instrument from a normal environment intoan environment as can be found in the desert. The instrument was allowed to remainin this hot environment for at least 1 hour before it was removed and placed into theambient environment.

The data collected after the test period elapsed were compared to the datacollected before the period began. They are within the general 15% requirement ofANSI N42.17A. The average reading after the test shows an increase of 4.3% over theaverage reference reading.

The data collected at the shock temperature were compared to the datacollected before the test began. They are within the general 15% requirement of ANSIN42.17A. The average reading after the test shows an increase of 4.7% over theaverage reference reading.

The data collected for this test could be a product of its environment. This testwas initiated within 25 minutes of the cold temperature shock test, and the internalcomponents of the instrument may not have been warmed to ambient temperaturesbefore the test was initiated. Another factor that could affect the test results is in the


way the readings at the high temperature were taken. These readings were spreadout over the time the instrument was in the hot environment instead of being takenimmediately when the instrument was placed into the chamber. This test should berepeated to remove these potential problems.

TemnDerature Shock (Low Temperature)

The ADM-300 was moved from an ambient temperature level to a temperatureof -31 0C (-24 OF) to simulate taking the instrument from a normal environment to beused in an environment as can be found in the arctic (e.g., taking the instrument out ofa warm vehicle to the cold environment). It was allowed to remain in this environmentfor at least 1 hour before it was removed and placed into the ambient environment.

The data collected after the test period elapsed were compared to the datacollected before the test began. They are within the general 15% requirement of ANSIN42.17A. The average reading after the test shows a decrease of 4.3% over theaverage reference reading.

The data collected at the shock temperature were compared to the datacollected before the test began. They are within the general 15% requirement of ANSIN42.17A. The average reading after the test shows a decrease of 3.7% over theaverage reference reading.

The readings collected at the test temperature were also spread out over thetime the instrument was in the cold environment (i.e., over the 1-hour time period)instead of being taken immediately when the instrument was placed into the chamber.This test should be repeated to remove this potential problem.

Humidity Testing

Humidity Test (Ooerational - Diurnal Induced)

The requirements for this test were to simulate a hot, humid environment suchas one would find along the coastal areas of the United States. Since ANSI N42.17A,section 8.3.1, does not deal with an instrument's response under diurnal humidityconditions, the ADM-300 was subjected to the test protocol of MIL-STD-810D ratherthan ANSI N42.17A. This called for temperatures and humidity levels to fluctuatethroughout the test period. However, the environmental chamber experienced aproblem in controlling its humidity levels below 80%. Because of this, one test cyclefor the high temperature diurnal test that called for relative humidity levels down to14% and temperatures as high as 43.3 0C could not be accomplished. Instead, thehigh temperature diurnal test was accomplished with an average humidity level of97% and temperatures as high as 43.3 0C. Since the humidity levels were so high,this data set was considered to be another data set for the Humidity Test (Operational -Diurnal Induced).


No data were collected at the end of the first data set; therefore, a before vs.after comparison of the data could not be made for this data set. The data setscollected before and after the second test were combined and used as the referencefor comparison with the average result at each temperature setting. The test data passthe general 15% ANSI N42.17A requirement. The lowest reading was recorded at -310C and was only a decrease of 2.3% from the reference value.

Humidity Test (Ooerational - Static)

The ADM-300 was subjected to a steady temperature of 30 0C (86 'F) andrelative humidity (90% or greater) for 2 hours and 15 minutes to simulate workingalong the coastal plains of the United States, as specified in MIL-STD-81 OD. The datasets collected before and after the test were combined and used as the reference forcomparison with the average result of the test data. The test data pass the ± 15%ANSI N42.17A requirement.

Vibration Testing

Sinusodial Vibration

The ADM-300 was subjected to a logarithmic sine wave along the x-, y-, and z-axis of the instrument over the frequency range of 5-500 Hertz. Although ANSIN42.17A, section 8.5, does deal with an instrument's response while being vibrated,the ADM-300 was subjected to the test protocol of MIL-STD-810D rather than ANSIN42.17A. The data collected after the test were compared to the data collected beforethe test began. The test data for all axes pass the general 15% ANSI N42.17Arequirement.

ANSI N42.17A states that the physical condition of the instruments shall not beaffected by this vibration. During the vibration testing, a couple of capacitors brokeloose inside the instrument case and caused the instrument to fail. These looseconnections were resoldered. The technician performing this task noted that many ofthe electronic components were not closely secured to the unit. In agreement with themanufacturer, RTV adhesive was placed around all the electronic connections toprovide cushioning of these components to prevent additional instrument failures.

Random Vibration

The ADM-300 was subjected to a random 2 G force applied along the x-, y- andz-axis over the range of 11-2,000 Hertz. Although ANSI N42.17A, section 8.5, doesdeal with an instrument's response while being vibrated, the ADM-300 was subjectedto the test protocol of MIL-STD-81 OD rather than ANSI N42.17A. The data collectedafter test completion were compared to the data collected before the test began. Thetest data are within the general 15% ANSI N42.17A requirement for all axes.


Transit M~This test requires the instrument to be dropped from a height of 40 inches onto

the floor surface. This test was not accomplished.

Bench Handling

The ADM-300 was subjected to a drop onto a wood surface to simulate roughhandling during shop tests. Although ANSI N42.17A, section 8.4, does deal with aninstrument's response during mechanical shock, the ADM-300 was subjected to thetest protocol of MIL-STD-810D rather than ANSI N42.17A. One edge of each side ofthe unit was maintained in contact with the bench top and the other edge was raised toa maximum height of four inches before it was released. Two tests per side for a totalof eight tests were run. The data collected after test completion were compared to thedata collected before the test began. All test data pass the general 15% ANSIN42.17A requirement. In all instances, there was no damage to the physical conditionof the instrument.


The NRC's ADM-300 RADIAC instrument surpasses most of the reference datafor the AN/PDR-27 listed in T.O. 11 H4-7-3-201 and the AN/PDR-43 listed in T.O. 11 H4-7-3-181. The photon energy response was outside the ± 20% requirement listed inthe reference data at effective energies of 120 keV and 140 keV. Two environmentalconditions were not fully tested in accordance with the reference data for theseRADIAC instruments:

(1) The altitude test did not go to 50,000 feet. The instrument did pass the ANSIN42.17A requirements at all altitudes up to 40,000 feet.

(2) The temperature test was not as extreme as specified in the reference data.The instrument did pass the 15% general ANSI N42.17A requirements for thetemperature range between -31 0C to +50 0C.

Testing the ADM-300 survey meter against ANSI N42.17A indicates it meets themajority of the requirements of that standard. The user should be made aware of theminor shortfalls of the ADM-300 instrument such as not changing to units of dose whenthe instrument is being used in the "dose mode," not having the calibration pointsclearly marked on the instrument case, and only having a low battery indicator insteadof a battery status indication. Due to an alarm activation delay, the user could beexposed to greater than 10 mrem of radiation in photon fields greater than 1.3 R/hr.

In general, the deviation from the true delivered exposure is less than 5%

between 1 iLR/hr to 2,000 R/hr. However, when approaching its maximum range, one


instrument overresponded by approximately 27% (Table 9 and Fig. 4). Relying on theone point calibration system, as stated by the manufacturers literature, provided anextremely low response to this high radiation field. In accordance with the ADM-300Operator's Manual, the user should use radiation sources capable of producing a fieldof 100 mR/hr to calibrate the low range tube and a field of 400 R/hr to calibrate the highrange tube. Once recalibrated with these fields, the instrument provided the abovestated results.

The ADM-300 appears to have a flat energy response from 252 keV through1,250 keV. However, it overresponded by 138% at an effective energy of 120 keV andunderresponded by 73% at an effective energy of 140 keV (Table 12 and Fig. 5).Using photon check sources, the ADM-300 could detect the 60 keV peak from Am-241but only with the beta window open. The instrument could easily detect the low energyemissions from a Cs-137 check source with the beta window open (Table 13), and ithad no problem detecting the presence of beta particles from check sources withenergies greater than Pm-1 47 (Table 14 and Fig. 6).

The angular dependence of the ADM-300 is dependent upon the electronicspackage through which the radiation must travel to get to the detector. Because thedetector is mounted in the unit, neither type of instrument configurations passed therequirements of ANSI N42.17A for all axes of rotation. The ADM-300 unit with the betawindow on the bottom has less angular dependence than the unit with the betawindow along the side (Table 15 and Figures 7-12).

The instrument did not fail any of the environmental tests when the generalrequirement of ± 15% as used by ANSI N42.17A was applied. The maximumcoefficient of variation for the environmental tests was only 3.1%, thus the range of thestatistical test results was well within the requirements of the ANSI N42.17A.Technically, the ADM-300 failed the vibration test because two capacitors were brokenloose during the testing. Once repaired and all other connection cushioned with RTVadhesive, the instrument continued to perform well. The only other problem noted wasthat the low battery indicator was illuminated under "cold" test conditions and thedisplay became dark or hard to read. Once the instrument was allowed to warm up,both these conditions returned to normal. This could be a direct result of batterylimitations rather than an instrument limitation.

Even though the instrument could have an energy dependence, it clearlysurpasses the performance of the AN/PDR-27 and the AN/PDR-43 and should beconsidered as a replacement item for these instruments.


If one Is considering procurement of the ADM-300, the style of the unit with thebeta window along the end of the unit should be considered over the style of unit withthe beta window along the side of the unit. The manufacturer should be required tocorrect some, of the shortfalls of the instrument (e.g., making the "dose mode" read out


in the proper units, marking the calibration points on the instrument, cushioning of theelectronic components, etc.). The ADM-300 without a "slit" in the detector tubeshielding should be tested for photon energy dependence. Although the ADM-300passed the general 15% requirement of ANSI N42.17A for environmental testing,additional testing under "cold" conditions should be repeated with an external powersource to determine the instrument's environmental limitations separate from thepossible battery limitations. If external probes for the ADM-300 are considered,Armstrong Laboratory should be tasked to perform a similar evaluation of theinstrument's response with the external probe.


1. American National Standard Institute (ANSI), American National Standard Perform-ance Specifications for Health Physics Instrumentation - Portable Instrumentation forUse in Normal Environmental Conditions. Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers, Inc., ANSI N42.17A-1989.

2. MIL-STD-810D, Environmental Test Methods and Engineering Guidelines (19 Jul83).

3. Technical Order 11 H4-7-3-201, RADIAC Set AN/PDR-27T - Operation, Maintenance

& Overhaul with Parts Breakdown (1 Oct 82).

4. Technical Order 11 H4-7-3-1 61, RADIAC Set AN/PDR-43E (20 Jan 74).

5. Operator's Manual, ADM-300 Multifunction Survey Meter, Nuclear ResearchCorporation, (21 Nov 90).

6. International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 60, 1990Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, Annualof the ICRP, Vol 21, Numbers 1-3, New York: Pergamon Press Inc., (1991).







Radiation testing of the ADM-300 is to determine whether the unit is a suitablereplacement for the AN/PDR-27 and AN/PDR-43. Because there is not a MIL-STD thatoutlines a protocol for testing RADIACs, most of this test protocol follows the AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard N42.17A, Performance Specificationsfor Health Physics Instrumentation - Portable Instrumentation for Use in NormalEnvironmental Conditions. Some of the tests are required to determine the ADM-300's performance against the reference data for the AN/PDR-27 and AN/PDR-43instruments as found in Technical Order (T.O.) 11 H4-7-3-201 and T.O. 11 H4-7-3-181respectively. These tests are marked with an asterisk.


Standard Test Conditions

Test conditions for all radiation performance testing shall fall within the limits setby the ANSI N42.17A, Table 1.

Battery Power Test*

ANSI N42.17A procedure 4.11.2 shall be used. The instruments shall operatefor a minimum of 40 hours with the reading varying no more than 10% over thatinterval. The test will be terminated after 100 hours or until the unit fails, whichevermay come first.


ANSI N42.17A procedures and shall be used. Alarm set pointsin each range shall be tested. The alarm set points for each range shall be 50% of thefull scale reading. The delay in the alarm activation should be such that the exposurethat results from the delay does not exceed 10 milliroentgens (mR).

ANSI N42.17A procedure 5.3.2 shall be used. Drift should not exceed 6% fromthe mean of a set of reference readings over a period of 3 hours under constanttemperature and pressure conditions.

Geotrogjism Test

ANSI N42.17A procedure 5.4.2 shall be used. Results of this test shall be

documented but no pass/fail criteria will be applied.


Response Time Test

ANSI N42.17A procedure 5.5.2 shall be used. The maximum time for theinstrument to reach 90% of the conventionally true value on any range shall notexceed 10 seconds.

Coefficient of Variation Test

ANSI N42.17A procedure 5.6.2 shall be used. The coefficient of variationshould not exceed 10%.

ANSI N42.17A procedure shall be used. Three points on each scale(20, 50, and 80% of full scale) shall be tested. Cs-1 37 shall be used for all ranges withthe exception of the 10,000 R/hr range. Co-60 shall be used for this range. Accuracyshall be evaluated in both rate meter and scaler mode. In the scaler mode a 1 -minutecount time shall be used. Accuracy in both modes shall be within +/-20% ofconventionally true values.

Photon Energy DeDendence Test*

ANSI N42.17A procedure 6.3.2 shall be used. Performance at 80 keV (NationalInstitutes of Standards and Technology Beam Code H100) shall be within 20% of theConventionally True Value. Performance at 40 keV (National Institutes of Standardsand Technology Beam Code H50) shall be documented, but no pass/fail criteria will beapplied at this energy.

Beta Energy Dependence Test*

ANSI N42.17A procedure 6.4.2 shall be used. International StandardsOrganization (ISO) 6980, Series I sources shall be used. Only detection of theradiation will be documented. Performance below maximum beta energy of 130 keVshall not be performed.

Angular Dependence Test

ANSI N42.17A procedure 6.7.2 shall be used. No pass/fall criteria shall beapplied to this test.

Neutron Sensitivity Test

ANSI N42.17A procedure 7.6.2 using a PuBe source producing a 15 mrem/hrfast (>0.1 MeV) and Cf-252 source producing an 8 mrem/hr (fission spectrum) doseequivalent rate neutron field shall be used. Response shall be documented but nopus/fall criteria will be applied. The photon exposure rate from the Cf-252 sourceshall be subtracted from the response of the Instrument under test.







The instrument shall be installed into the test chamber in accordance with MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Section 4.5.2. The test item shall be operated according to theADM-300 Operator's Manual and directions of the Instrumentation and CalibrationFacility (ICF) personnel. The instrument shall be turned on and allowed to stabilizebefore any readings are taken. All data collected during the testing cycle shall berecorded on forms provided by the ICF. Anytime the ADM-300 fails to perform or anerror code is illuminated on the ADM-300, the test shall be terminated. At the end ofeach test cycle, the instrument shall be inspected for any damage.


Low Pressure (Storage)

Environmental Requirements

MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Method 500.2, Procedure I shall be used. The testprocedure shall include a 40,000-foot altitude exposure for not less than 1 hour.Altitude rate changes should not exceed 2,000 feet per minute. If the instrument has ascalar mode, 1-minute counts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specified performanceand shall withstand air transportation at altitudes up to 40,000 feet above sea level.Four readings shall be taken prior to and after the end of the altitude testing forstorage. This test should not last longer than 2 hours.

Low Pressure (Operational)

Environmental Requirements

MIL-STD 81 OD (Jul 83), Method 500.2, Procedure II shall be used. The test pro-cedure shall include operational test at 1,000 feet; 5,000 feet; 10,000 feet; 15,000 feet;20,000 feet; 30,000 feet; and 40,000 feet. Altitude changes should not exceed 2,000feet per minute. If the instrument has a scalar mode, 1-minute counts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specified performanceand shall be operational at altitudes up to 40,000 feet above sea level. Four readings


shall be taken prior to and after the end of the altitude testing for operatinn, and ateach altitude increment listed above. The test should last approx•;mateiy 1 hour induration.

Low Pressure (Rapid Decompression)

Environmental Requirements

MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Method 500.2, Procedure III shall be used. The testprocedure shall include an altitude equivalent to 40,000 feet. If the instrument has ascalar mode, 1-minute counts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specified performance.Four readings shall be taken prior to and after the end of the altitude testing for rapiddecompression. The test should last approximately 30 minutes in duration.


High Temperature (Operational)

Environmental Reguirements

MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Method 501.2 Procedure II shall be used. This testshall include operational testing during a conceived diurnal cycle temperatures for twoconditions: (1) Induced Conditions (Hot), Table 501.2-1; and (2) Ambient AirConditions (Basic Hot), Table 501.2-11. In addition, static temperature test shall beconducted at an ambient temperature of +50 OC and a relative humidity of 14% for noless than a 2-hour period. The rate of temperature change shall not exceed 10 °C perminute. If the instrument has a scalar mode, 1-minute counts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

Diurnal C"

The equipment shall be operable without degradation during conceived diurnalcycles. The conceived diurnal cycle used for this test will use the temperatures andrelative humidities listed in Table 501.2-1 for Induced Conditions (Hot) and Table501.2-11 for Ambient Air Conditions (Basic Hot) using the times of 0600, 0900, 1200,1500, 1800, 2100, and 2400. The temperature will be raised to the specifiedtemperature and maintained for 1 hour. Instrument readings will be taken at 15-minuteintervals. The diurnal tests should not exceed 8 hours a day and will be repeated forthree cycles for the Ambient Air Condition (Basic Hot), but only one cycle will be run forthe Induced Conditions (Hot).


Static Temperature

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specified performanceat ambient temperatures of +50 0C and relative humidity of 14% for a period longenough to collect at least 10 readings taken at 15-minute intervals. The statictemperature test should not exceed 3 hours.

Reliabily Tests

The thermal stress shall be applied in an operating range of 30-71 0C (86-160OF) and a hot soak temperature of +50 0 C (122 OF).

High Temperature (Storage)

Environmental Reauirements

MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Method 501.2 Procedure I shall be used. Theinstrument will be exposed to an ambient air temperature of +75 0C for 4 hours. Therate of temperature change shall not exceed 10 °C per minute. If the instrument has ascalar mode, 1-minute counts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

The equipment shall withstand exposure to ambient air temperature up to +750C and be maintained for at least 4 hours. Four readings will be taken prior to thestorage test and at the end of the storage test. The tests should not exceed 5 hours in1 day.

Reliability Tests

The thermal stress shall be applied as a hot soak of +75 °C.

Low Temperature (Storaae)

Environmental Requirements

MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Method 502.2, Procedure I shall be used. Thespecified temperature shall be maintained for a storage period of 4 hours. If theinstrument has a scalar mode, 1-minute counts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

The equipment shall withstand exposure to ambient air temperature down to-65 0C for a period of 4 hours without degradation in specified performance. Newbatteries shall be placed In the instrument prior to beginning this test. Four readingsshall be recorded prior to and at the end of the testing cycle.


Reliability Tests

The thermal stress shall be applied in a cold soak temperature of -65 0C (-79OF).

Low Temperature (Operational)

Environmental Requirements

MIL-STD 81 OD (Jul 83), Method 502.2, Procedure II shall be used. Two testsshall be used for this testing: (1) Operation during a conceived diurnal cycle withoutcold storage prior to the test (i.e., ambient storage), and (2) Operation during a staticcold temperature of -31 0C for 4 hours. The rate of temperature change shall notexceed 10 0C per minute. If the instrument has a scalar mode, 1-minute counts shallbe used.

Environmental Service Conditions

The equipment shall be operable without degradation during conceived diurnalcycles. The conceived diurnal cycle used for this test will use the followingtemperatures: 12 0C, 0 0C, -11 0C, -20 0C, -31 0C, -20 0C, and 11 0C. The temperaturewill be lowered to the specified temperature and maintained for 1 hour. Instrumentreadings will be taken at 15-minute intervals. (NOTE: LCD crystals may freeze atthese temperatures. If this occurs, record the temperature and terminate this testcycle.) The diurnal tests should not exceed 8 hours in 1 day. This test will beconducted with the instrument starting from a normal (ambient) storage position.

Static Temoe rature

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specified performanceat ambient temperatures of -31 0C for a period long enough to collect at least 10readings taken at 15-minute intervals. The static temperature test should not exceed 3hours. (NOTE: LCD crystals may freeze at these temperatures. If this occurs, recordthe temperature and terminate this cycle of test.)

Reliabifly Tests

The thermal stress shall be applied in an operating range of 12 to -31 0C (54 to-24 OF).


Temperature Shock

Environmental Requirements

MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Method 503.2, Procedure I shall be used. The shockhot-temperature test shall be from ambient temperature to +50 °C (122 OF) andreturned to ambient temperature. The shock cold-temperature test shall be fromambient temperature to -31 °C and returned to ambient temperature. If the instrumenthas a scalar mode, 1-minute counts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specified performance.The equipment shall be unprotected and readings shall be taken every 15 minutesafter the instrument has been introduced into the environment for 1 hour (i.e., there willbe four readings for each temperature extreme). The equipment shall be introducedinto the shock environment in less than 5 minutes (i.e., the time to move the instrumentfrom ambient to the hot environment shall be less than 5 minutes and the time to movethe instrument from the hot environment to ambient shall be less than 5 minutes. Thesame applies for the cold-temperature test).

Reliability Tests

The thermal stress shall be applied in a hot soak temperature of +50 °C (122 OF)and a cold soak temperature of -31 °C (-24 OF).


Hot Humid Conditions

Environmental Requirements

MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Method 507.2, Procedure I shall be used. This testshall include operational testing during a conceived diurnal cycle temperatures condi-tions found in Table 507.2-1 under Natural High Humidity Cyclic (Cycle 3). In addition,static temperature test shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of +30 °C and arelative humidity of 95% or better. The rate of temperature change shall not exceed 10=C per minute. If the instrument has a scalar mode, 1-minute counts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

Diural Cycle

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specific performanceduring conceived diurnal cycles. The conceived diurnal cycle used for this test will usethe temperatures and relative humidities listed in Table 507.2-1 for Cycle 3 using the


times of 0600, 0900, 1200, 1800, 2000, and 2300. Since the temperature andhumidity for 1500 is similar to 1200, the temperature will be raised to 38 *C (100 *F)and the relative humidity at 69%. The temperature will be raised to the specifiedtemperature and maintained for 1 hour. Instrument readings will be taken at 1 5-minuteintervals. The diurnal tests should not exceed 8 hours in 1 day.

Static Temperature

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specified performanceat ambient temperatures of +30 °C and relative humidity of 95% or better for a periodlong enough to collect at least 10 readings taken at 15-minute intervals. The statictemperature test should not exceed 3 hours.

Reliability Tests

Moisture levels sufficient to cause visible condensation and frosting shall beused. Humidity need not be held constant during the test cycle, and high levels maybe accomplished by moisture injection at appropriate times in the test cycle.



Environmental Requirements

MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Method 514.3, Procedure I shall be used. This testshall be performed after all other environmental testing has been accomplished,except the shock test. The instrument will not be in an instrument carrying case but willsimulate transport to the field as secured cargo. The test will last a minimum of 1 hourper axis of vibration. The vibration shall be sinusodial. In addition, a random vibrationtest shall be performed. If an instrument carrying case is available, these tests will berepeated with the instrument in the case. If the instrument has a scalar mode, 1-minutecounts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

Sinusodial Test

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specific performanceduring sinusodial testing. The swept sine wave vibration shall be applied over afrequency range of 5 to 500 Hertz (Hz) and follow the vibration levels found in Figure514.3-35 with the following exceptions: (1) The displacement from 5-14 Hz shall havea double amplitude of 0.2 Inch, and (2) a 2 G force shall be applied from 14-500 Hz.These test logarithmic sweeps shall be applied five consecutive times during thetesting cycle. Four readings shall be recorded prior to and upon termination of the test


for each axis of testing. It is desirable to have readings taken during the testing cycle,

but this is not a test requirement.


The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specific performanceduring the random vibration test. Frequencies of vibration shall vary between 11 Hz to2,000 Hz. The test will last for 30 minutes per axis of vibration. A minimum of 4 read-ings shall be recorded prior to and upon termination of the test cycle. It is desirable tohave readings taken during the testing cycle, but this is not a test requirement.

Reliability Tests

The logarithmic swept sine wave shall be over a frequency range of 5 to 500 Hzas follows: 0.2 inch double amplitude for 5-14 Hz and 2 G from 14-500 Hz. Thevibration shall be applied for 15 minutes per hour of operation.

Trnit LQrj

Environmental Requirement

MIL-STD 81OD (Jul 83), Method 516.3, Procedure IV shall be used. If a carryingcase is available, the instrument shall be dropped on each face from a height of 40inches onto the floor surface. If no instrument case is available, the instrument shall bedropped onto its bottom surface from a height of 40 inches onto a floor surface onlyonce. If the instrument has a scalar mode, 1-minute counts shall be used.

Environmental Service Conditions

The equipment shall be operable without degradation in specific performanceafter being dropped on each face of the instrument. The instrument and case shall bedropped from a height of 40 inches. If the instrument or instrument case topples afterthe drop, it should not be restrained, provided it does not leave the required surface.Four readings shall be recorded before and after each drop test are complete.

Bench Handling

Environmental Requirement

MIL-STD 810D (Jul 83), Method 516.3, Procedure VI shall be used. Aninstrument case shall not be used for this test. Four drop tests on a wooden bench topsurface shall be conducted for each test condition. If the instrument has a scalarmode, 1 -minute counts shall be used.


Environmental Service Conditions

The equipment shall be operable without degradaion in specific performanceafter being dropped on each face of the instrument. The test item shall not beoperating during the drop test. With one edge of the instrument remaining on thebench surface, the opposite edge of the instrument shall be raised to a height of 4inches and dropped back onto the horizontal surface of a wooden bench top. This willbe repeated 4 times for each of the two edges that define the length of the instrumentsurface. Four readings shall be recorded before and after the drop test on eachsurface. A total of 24 readings shall be recorded per instrument.


1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Manual on Presentation ofData and Control Chart Analysis. ASTM Manual Series MNL 7, Philadelphia PA(1991).

2. Attix, Frank Herbert, Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry,pp 50-52, 438-442. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (1986).

3. Knoll, Glenn F., Radiation Detection and Measurement, pp 218-236. New York:John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (1979).

4. Kocher, David C., Radioactive Decay Data Tables, A Handbook of Decay Data forApplication to Radiation Dosimetry and Radiological Assessments. Technical Informa-tion Center, Department of Energy, DOE/TIC-11026 (1983).

5. Montgomery, Douglas C., Design and Analysis of Experiments, pp 19-42. NewYork: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (1984).


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