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Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...

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DSpace Institution DSpace Repository http://dspace.org Hydraulic engineering Thesis 2020-01 Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated Conservation Agriculture under Vegetable Production. Kerie, Melkamu http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/11036 Downloaded from DSpace Repository, DSpace Institution's institutional repository
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DSpace Institution

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Hydraulic engineering Thesis


Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on

Irrigated Conservation Agriculture under

Vegetable Production.

Kerie, Melkamu


Downloaded from DSpace Repository, DSpace Institution's institutional repository

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MSc. Thesis


Melkamu Kerie

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

January, 2020

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Submitted to the school of Research and Graduate Studies of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology,

BDU in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the

engineering hydrology in the faculty of civil and water resource engineering.

Supervised by Dr Seifu.A Tilahun

Co-Advisor Sisay Asres (PhD Candidate)

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

January, 2020

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© 2020

Melkamu Kerie Tefera


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First of all, I must thank the Almighty God and his mother St. Marry helped me to bring this

work to the end.

I feel deeply indebted to express my special gratitude to my instructor and advisor Dr Seifu. A

Tilahun and my co-Advisor Sisay Asres, their own invaluable advice and professional guidance

from the start of proposal writing to the completion of my research.

This research was funded by the American people through support by the United States Agency

for International Development (USAID) Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative

Research on Sustainable Intensification (Cooperative Agreement No. AID-OAA-L-14-00006,

Kansas State University) through Texas A&M University‟s Sustainably Intensified Production

Systems and Nutritional Outcomes, and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign‟s Appropriate

Scale Mechanization Consortium (ASMIC) projects.

Gratefully I would like to say thanks for Ethiopian road authority (ERA) for securing a full

sponsorship for the opportunity given to Carry out Master‟s Degree in Engineering Hydrology

and for the long mission of capacity building on master of science for numerous disciplines.

Acknowledgment is also expressed to all my families and research supporting friends; Tegegne

Debas, Enguday Bekele, Nigus Fentahun and data collectors in the duration.

Also I am especially grateful, to my beloved one Atsedemariam Girma, who has given me her

computer and moral support, strength and encouragement in completing my thesis.

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This research was conducted to evaluate water saving, yield performance and water productivity

of onion and pepper by using Wetting Front Detector (WFD) under irrigated conservation

agriculture in Dangeshita watershed experimental plots in Dangla, woreda during 2018/2019

irrigation season. The data collected included irrigation water applied, moisture content, plant

height and yields. This was done from four water management groups that were irrigation with

guidance of Wetting Front Detector with climate based irrigation scheduling (WFD-FAO), WFD

with farmer‟s irrigation practice (WFD-FIP), crop water requirement (CWR) and farmer

irrigation practice (FIP).

WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP treatments were found to be good for irrigation water management.

The overall findings of these experiments were that WFD-FAO irrigation water management

system can save water (32.6 % for onion field, 22.3 % for pepper field) and increased yield (29

% for onion, 50 % for pepper) as compared with farmer irrigation practice. Similarly, WFD-FIP

treatment irrigation water management system can save water (27.8 % for onion field, 32.4 % for

pepper field) and increased yield (32 % for onion, 39.3 % for pepper) with respect to farmer

irrigation practice. Water used by WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP treatments in onion field were

however reduced by 15.26 % and 8.5 % respectively and yield were also decreased by 15.6 %

and 12 % as compared to CWR treatment respectively. However, when WFD combined with

farmers‟ practices, it performed very well. WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP treatments water

productivity increased by 51 % and 50 % for onion production season and 60 % and 58 % for

pepper production season compared to FIP treatment respectively. Although many indicators

confirm that WFD-FAO and CWR treatments practicality at farmer‟s level is questioning as it is

more computers based. Thus, the use of WFD-FIP treatment appears to be an alternative for

water saving without negligible trade-off in yield.

Key words: Wetting Front Detector, Crop water requirement, crop and water productivity,

Conservation agriculture.

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Table of Contents

DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................ vii

LIST OF ABBREVATIONS ....................................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................... xiv

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem statement ............................................................................................................................... 3

1.3. Objectives .......................................................................................................................................... 4

1.3.1 General objective ......................................................................................................................... 4

1.3.2 The specific objective of the study .............................................................................................. 4

1.4 Research questions .............................................................................................................................. 4

1.5. Significance of the study .................................................................................................................... 5

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Irrigation water management .............................................................................................................. 6

2.2. Conservation agriculture (CA) ........................................................................................................... 6

2.2.1 Permanent or semi-permanent organic soil cover ........................................................................ 8

2.2.2 Minimal soil disturbance .............................................................................................................. 9

2.2.3 Rotations .................................................................................................................................... 10

2.3. Irrigation scheduling ........................................................................................................................ 10

2.3.1 Soil water balance ...................................................................................................................... 10

2.4. Practical Irrigation Scheduling Methods.......................................................................................... 12

2.4.1 Soil-based approaches ................................................................................................................ 12

2.4.2 Plant-based approaches .............................................................................................................. 13

2.4.3 Atmospheric-based approaches.................................................................................................. 14

2.5. Crop water requirement ................................................................................................................... 15

2.6. Monitoring soil water in irrigation scheduling ................................................................................ 16

2.6.1. The Wetting Front Detector (WFD) .......................................................................................... 16

2.7. Application depth ............................................................................................................................. 17

2.8 Computing water productivity and irrigation water use efficiency .................................................. 18

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2.9 Agronomy of crops ........................................................................................................................... 19

2.9.1. Onion (Allium cepa L.) ............................................................................................................. 19

2.9.2. Pepper (Capsicum annuum) ...................................................................................................... 20

3. MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................................................ 21

3.1 Description of the study area ............................................................................................................ 21

3.2. Experimental Design and Treatment ................................................................................................ 22

3.3 Installation of wetting front detector (WFD) .................................................................................... 24

3.4 Determining irrigation water amount and application interval ......................................................... 25

3.4.1 Crop water requirement (climate) based irrigation scheduling .................................................. 25

3.4.2. Irrigation interval ...................................................................................................................... 27

3.5 Data Collection ................................................................................................................................. 28

3.5.1. Soil physico-chemical properties .............................................................................................. 28

3.5.2 Metrological data ....................................................................................................................... 28

3.5.3 Soil moisture .............................................................................................................................. 29

3.5.4. Crop data ................................................................................................................................... 30

3.5.5. Amount of irrigation water applied ........................................................................................... 31

3.6. Water productivity and irrigation water use efficiency.................................................................... 31

3.7. Data analysis .................................................................................................................................... 32

4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................... 33

4.1. Irrigation Water Applied .................................................................................................................. 33

4.1.1. Onion Irrigation Water Applied per onion growth stages ......................................................... 33

4.1. 2 Total irrigation water applied to onion ..................................................................................... 35

4.1. 3. Pepper Irrigation Water Applied per pepper growth stages ................................................... 37

4.1. 4. Total irrigation water applied to Pepper.................................................................................. 40

4.2 Agronomic Performance of onion and pepper .................................................................................. 41

4.2.1. Plant height for onion ................................................................................................................ 41

4.2.2 Plant height for Pepper ............................................................................................................... 42

4.2.3 Yield of onion ............................................................................................................................ 43

4.3 Water productivity (WP) ................................................................................................................... 45

4.4 Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) ............................................................................................ 47

5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................................... 49

5.1. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 49

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5.2. Recommendations ............................................................................................................................ 50

6. REFERENCE .......................................................................................................................................... 51

APPENDIXES ............................................................................................................................................ 55

Appendix A Irrigation data collection sheet for WFD.FAO, WFD.FIP, CWR and FIP ............................. 56

Appendix-B: ANOVA single factor for onion irrigation volume for each stages (m3/ha) between

treatments .................................................................................................................................................... 57

Appendix-C: ANOVA single factor for onion irrigation volume (m3/ha) between treatments ................. 58

Appendix-D: ANOVA single factor for Pepper irrigation volume (m3/ha) between treatments ............... 59

Appendix-E: ANOVA single factor for Onion plant height (cm) between treatments ............................... 60

Appendix-F: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Pepper plant height (cm) between treatments ............... 61

Appendix-G: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Onion yield (kg/ha) ...................................................... 62

Appendix-H: ANOVA single factor Analysis for pepper yield (kg/ha) ..................................................... 63

Appendix-I: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Onion water productivity (kg/m3) ................................. 64

Appendix-J: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Pepper water productivity (kg/m3) ................................ 65

Appendix-K: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Onion Irrigation Water use efficiency (kg*ha-1*mm-1)

.................................................................................................................................................................... 66

Appendix-L: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Pepper Water use efficiency (kg*ha-1*mm-1) ............. 67

Appendix-M: Normal Q-Q plot and frequency distribution curve for onion .............................................. 68

WFD-FAO onion irrigation (m3/ha) ........................................................................................................... 68

Appendix-N: Normal Q-Q plot and frequency distribution curve for pepper............................................. 79

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AD Available Deficit

AMD Available Moisture Deficit

ANOVA Analysis of variance

ASMIC Appropriate scale mechanization consortium

AW Available Water

BEC Bulk Electrical Conductivity

CA Conservation agriculture

CV Coefficient of Variance

CWD Crop water demand

CWR Crop Water Requirements

CWUE Crop water use efficiency

DAP Di Ammonia Phosphate

DAT Day after transplanting

ET Crop Evapotranspiration

ETc Crop evapotranspiration

ETo Reference evapotranspiration

FAO Food and Agricultural Organization

FC Field capacity

FIP Farmers irrigation practice

FSWD Full Stop Wetting Detector

GPS Geographic Information System

Ha hectare

IWUE Irrigation Water use efficiency

IP Irrigation productivity

IR Irrigation requirements

IWMI International Water Management Institution

IWR Irrigation Water Requirements

ILRI International Livestock Research Institute

Kc Crop coefficient

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LSD List Significant Difference

MAD Maximum allowable depletion

m.a.s.l. Meter above Sea Level

MoA Ministry of Agriculture

MWR Ministry of Water Resource

NMM Neutron Moisture Meter

NT No-tillage

PH Power of hydrogen

PET Potential evapotranspiration

PVC polyvinylchloride

PWP Permanent wilting point

RCBD Randomized Complete Block Design

SMC Soil moisture content

SSI Small scale-irrigation

SOM Soil organic matter

TAW Total Available Moisture

TDR Time domain reflectometry

TT Traditional tillage

USAID United States Agency for International Development

WFD Wetting front detector

WFD-FAO Wetting front detector with Food and Agricultural Organization

WFD-FIP Wetting front detector with Farmers irrigation practice

WHC Water holding Capacity

WP Water productivity

Y Yield

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Fig-1 Site description of the study area ...................................................................................................... 21

Fig- 2 Flow chart for the overall treatments and ways for the experiment design ...................................... 24

Fig- 3 wetting front detector use training and installation ......................................................................... 25

Fig-4 TDR calibration gragh ...................................................................................................................... 30

Fig- 5 Statistical quartile description of irrigation water applied for each crop stage ................................ 35

Fig- 6 Statistical quartile description of Total irrigation water applied to onion ........................................ 37

Fig- 7 Statistical quartile description of irrigation water applied for each crop stages ............................... 39

Fig- 8 onion tuber heights at each observation day (Day After Transplanting) ......................................... 42

Fig- 9 Statistical quartile description of Yield of onion and pepper for each water management .............. 45

Fig-10 Statistical quartile description of Onion and pepper water productivity (Kg/m3) ........................... 46

Fig- 11 Statistical quartile description of Onion and pepper irrigation water use efficiency (kg/m3) ....... 48

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Table 1: Experimental plots historical and current information of Cropping pattern and rotations of CA. 22

Table 2 Calibrated reading for all plots .................................................................................................... 34

Table 3 onion Applied water (mm) to each growth stages of onion variations .......................................... 36

Table 4 Total irrigation water applied to onion .......................................................................................... 38

Table 5 Applied water (mm) to each growth stages of pepper variations ................................................. 40

Table 6 Total Water applied (mm) to Pepper fields .................................................................................... 41

Table 7 Descriptive statistical values of water applied to onion and pepper .............................................. 41

Table 8 summary of average plant height (cm) of onion for each treatment .............................................. 43

Table 9 pepper height for each treatment of onion and pepper for each water management ..................... 44

Table 10 Onion and pepper production season water productivity (Kg/m3) ............................................... 46

Table 11 IWUE of treatment under onion and Pepper irrigation production............................................. 47

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1.1 Background

Traditional intensive soil tillage systems, will generally lead to soil degradation and loss of crop

productivity, Thierfelder et al. (2013). For sustainable agriculture is to be achieved, the

paradigms of agricultural production and management must be changed and new farming

practices such as conservation agriculture must be implemented. Conservation Agriculture (CA)

is widely recognized as a viable concept for practicing sustainable agriculture. Its principles are

already widely adopted and there are opportunities for further collaboration, synergy and

complementarily(Le et al., 2017). Conservation agriculture (CA) refers to the simultaneous use

of three main principles namely; less disturbance of the soil i.e. reduced tillage zero-tillage and

direct seeding; soil cover i.e. crop residue, cover crops, relay crops or intercrops to mitigate soil

erosion and to improve soil fertility ; crop rotation to control weeds, pests and diseases (Gautam

et al., 2006, Busari et al., 2015). No-tillage experiencing a persistent and steady growth in the

world. Information in some parts of the world is very scarce or nonexistent, and in most

countries statistics on CA technologies are based on estimates. It is estimated that no-tillage is

practiced on about 95 million hectare around the world. Approximately 47% of the technology is

practiced in Latin America, 39% is practiced in the United States and Canada, 9% in Australia

and about 3.9% in the rest of the world, including Europe, Africa and Asia. Despite good quality

and lengthy research in these three continents, no-tillage has had only small rates of

adoption(Kassam et al., 2015).

Commercial home gardens under conservation agriculture (CA) combined with efficient water

application technology have potential to contribute towards a sustainable agriculture

development in sub-Sharan Africa (SSA) (Tewodros T, 2017). Conservation agriculture is a

model of sustainable agriculture as it leads to profitable food production, while protecting and

even restoring natural resources (Nigatu Dabi, 2017). Conservation agriculture benefits farmers

because it reduces production costs and increases yields, but it also has positive impacts on the

whole society: enhancement of food security to a better soil fertility, improvement of water

quality, reduction of erosion and mitigation of climate change by increasing carbon sequestration

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are mentioned among others. Conservation agriculture systems are also less sensitive to extreme

climatic events and therefore contribute to the adaptation to climate change and the resilience of

agricultural systems. Hence, conservation agriculture becomes a fundamental element of

sustainable production intensification, combining high production with the provision of

environmental services(Berger et al., 2010).

Efforts to ensure food self-sufficiency at house hold level require efficient use of irrigation water

and appropriate water application techniques. The farmers‟ irrigation method is aiming at

supplying sufficient water to crops to avoid water stress during the whole growing stage, and

achieve maximum yield (Megersa and Abdulahi, 2015). Effective use of irrigation water is a key

issue for agricultural development in regions where water is limiting factor for crop production.

The amount of water and land available for agriculture is limited in many developing countries.

Although efforts to increase crop production have been focused on the field of irrigation, the

world is continually challenged to increase production using an ever decreasing amount of water.

Therefore, the world wide decline in water resources requires further development of water-

saving irrigation strategies in order to improve irrigation water and water use efficiency. Thus,

increasing water use efficiency has been an urgent issue in a region where water demand has

been an increasing concern. One of the possible approaches is to increase the efficiency and

productivity of the existing irrigation systems to optimize water use i.e. less volume of applied

water with greater production (Mohammed-Salih and Quraishi, 2013).

There are many techniques through which optimization of irrigation water input to the crop can

be evaluated. Techniques like wetting front detector and crop water requirement under

conservation agriculture are very useful and popular these days. These techniques are required to

be evaluated for their efficiency as compared to farmer‟s practice on the basis of observation of

crop condition. The wetting front detector (WFD) was conceived and developed against the

background of poor adoption of commonly available technologies. Essentially the WFD

reframed the age-old irrigation scheduling question from „when to turn the water on‟ to „when to

turn it off‟( Fessehazion et al., 2011; Stirzaker et al., 2017).Scientists and extension workers

make irrigation scheduling sound easy. The soil holds water like a bucket. An irrigator should

not add too much water and overfill the bucket that would be a waste. The irrigator must also not

let the bucket get too empty that would stress the crop. There are excellent tools on the market

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for monitoring the soil water status, but the Full Stop Wetting Front Detector might be the

simplest of them all.

Irrigation scheduling is planning when and how much water to apply in order to maintain healthy

plant growth during the growing season. Proper irrigation scheduling is a means for optimizing

agricultural production and conserving water. The goal of irrigation scheduling is to control the

water status of the crop to achieve a targeted level of agronomic performance. The performance

level can vary from optimizing irrigation input to optimizing the output where crop yield is

maximized. The efficient use of water is also dependent upon the relationship of both

deficiencies and excesses of water to plant growth (Boutraa, 2010). Efficient water usage must

be based upon a thorough understanding of climatic, soil, crop and management factors. Climate

is uncontrolled but it is possible to modify its effects through good irrigation and crop

management. The practical questions are therefore: to answer what are the effects of over-

watering? How much water should be used? and what is the proper rate of watering?” (Wheater

and Evans, 2009). Excess irrigation can lead to permanent loss of land resources and leaching

out of nutrients through lateral flow and deep percolation. Water as well as nutrients, are lost

within the system leading to severe on-site (e.g. decreasing soil fertility, soil compaction) and

off-site effects.

Finally a well-designed technology such as wetting front detector and crop water requirement

under conservation agriculture allows sustainable management of the system, because it aids in

the suppression of weed and pest problems. Different crop species with different root systems

explore different soil horizons and hence increase the efficiency of the use of soil nutrients. A

permanent organic soil cover (from a crop, a cover crop or a vegetative mulch) ensures the

protection of the soil surface from wind, rain, sun and from drying out, and provides a regular

supply of organic matter, which is a key feature for soil fertility. Only the combination of these

techniques with their synergistic effects can lead to sustainable, resource-saving agriculture, and

at the same time be productive and profitable.

1.2 Problem statement

In common irrigation practices the irrigation water is applied over the irrigable area without

considering the amount needed and time of the requirement by plant. Within Ethiopia, irrigation

of farmland is often practiced through a flood system resulting in high water losses through

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runoff and leaching and therefore the removal of available plant nutrients. Improper input and

irrigation water application does not only lead to loss of those resources but also leads to

unsustainable production capacity of the land and water resources.

Sustainable development in irrigated agriculture can be achieved by a wise use and proper

utilization of scarce resources. Many parts of the region suffer from the lack of knowledge in

using adequate water application and poor irrigation scheduling. Most farmers think that the

more water used to irrigate a crop, the higher the crop productivity. In addition to more water

losses, over-irrigation washes away necessary plant nutrients and leads to deep percolation

beyond the root zone, resulting in soil fertility loss and productivity decreases. Therefore

irrigation water utilization is a serious problem in the study area.

1.3. Objectives

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of this research was to test the combination of WFD with conservation

agriculture can improve crop and water productivity.

1.3.2 The specific objective of the study

To evaluate the effect of WFD under conservation agriculture on crop yield and water


To evaluate the effect of WFD with farmer scheduling practice under conservation

agriculture on crop yield and water productivity.

To investigate the role of Crop water requirement scheduling for farm plots under

conservation agriculture.

To quantify the amount of water saving by using water management methods compared

to farmers irrigation practice.

1.4 Research questions

Does the use of wetting front detectors with crop water requirement scheduling under

conservation agriculture have a significant impact on crop yield and water productivity?

Does the use of wetting front detectors with farmer scheduling practice under

conservation agriculture have a significant impact on crop yield and water productivity?

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Does the use of crop water requirement scheduling under conservation agriculture have a

significant impact on crop yield and water productivity?

Which method of irrigation water management was best to save water and increase water


1.5. Significance of the study

The availability of water use and crop management information on small scale irrigation in

farmer fields is not common. From this i observed that the data that required for properly

utilization of water and crop management information will be necessary. Because of

Traditionally irrigation water is applied in the field without considering the daily crop water

requirement as per the prevailing climatic conditions and the crop development as well as the

existing soil moisture content. As such, improper application of irrigation water on the field,

there is loss of scares resource like, water and land. Based on this the study would try to do the

proper irrigation system to the farmer, in order to save our scares resource and increase yield

productivity. To applied irrigation in one country it requires proper design and management of

water, and to design and manage proper water it use different data like crop coefficient, irrigation

productivity and water use efficiency. So this study was introduce wetting front detector under

conservation agriculture to advert the efficient irrigation system to the farmer, to evaluate the

effect of crop and water productivity value by conservation agriculture, as a result all can reduce

a problem like water lodging, runoff, salinity build-up, then it save our scares resource.

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2.1 Irrigation water management

The dependence of Ethiopian agriculture on rainfall makes the country vulnerable to drought and

famine caused by climatic variability. The increment in food demand can be met in one or a

combination of three ways: increasing agricultural yield per unit area, increasing the area of

arable land, and increasing cropping intensity (number of crops per year). So, increasing yield in

both rain-fed and irrigated agriculture and cropping intensity in irrigated areas through various

methods and technologies are the most viable options for achieving food security in the country

However the major limitation for surface irrigation in the Ethiopian highland is the availability

and suitability of water and land respectively (Worqlul et al., 2015).

Irrigation water management plays a great role in both water and crop productivity (Bjornlund et

al., 2017) and can be improved by irrigation scheduling techniques (Yazar). Irrigation scheduling

is the use of water management strategies to prevent over and under application of water while

minimizing yield loss due to water shortage or nutrient losses resulting in obtaining optimum

yield (Woldewahid et al., 2011). Irrigation scheduling helps to manage the water for maximum

yield production by creating the conducive environment for the nutrient movement within the

soil and good nutrient up take of the plant (Etissa et al., 2014).The quantity of water pumped can

often be reduced without reducing yield. Soil moisture and climatic data are crucial factors for

irrigation scheduling to calculate the appropriate water volume to be applied to the field

(Chakrabarti et al., 2014).

2.2. Conservation agriculture (CA)

The name CA has been used over the last seven years to distinguish this more sustainable

agriculture from the narrowly-defined „conservation tillage‟ (Wall, 2006). Conservation tillage is

a widely used terminology to characterize the development of new crop production technologies

that are normally associated with some degree of tillage reduction, for both pre-plant as well as

in-season mechanical weed control operations that may result in some level of crop residue

retention on the soil surface. The definition of conservation tillage does not specify any

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particular, optimum level of tillage, but it does stipulate that the residue coverage on the soil

surface should be at least 30 % (Jarecki and Lal, 2003). CA, however, removes the emphasis

from the tillage component and addresses a more enhanced concept of the complete agricultural

system. CA is based on three principles: minimal soil disturbance, soil cover with crop residues,

and crop rotation. However, there is a considerable misunderstanding as to what actually

constitutes CA. There are those who advocate that “true CA” involves only the use of continuous

zero-till seeding in a narrow slit into untilled soils combined with permanent coverage of the soil

surface with crop residues. CA practiced in this manner has been implemented successfully,

particularly for rain-fed production systems.(Derpsch, 2005) estimated that in 2005, there was

over 96 million ha of zero-till CA worldwide with over 90 % of this area used primarily in rain-

fed production systems in five countries (USA, Brazil, Argentina, Canada and Australia). Thus,

less than 10 % of the zero-till CA area occurs in the rest of the world. Information in other parts

of the world is very scarce or nonexistent, and in most countries statistics on CA technologies are

based on estimates. It is estimated that no-tillage is practiced on about 95 million ha around the

world. Approximately 47 % of the technology is practiced in Latin America, 39 % is practiced in

the United States and Canada, 9 % in Australia and about 3.9 % in the rest of the world,

including Europe, Africa and Asia. Despite good quality and lengthy research in these three

continents, no-tillage has had only small rates of adoption (Kassam et al., 2015).

It is, therefore, very apparent that there are many crop production systems in the world at large

where the application of CA-based only on zero-till seeding with permanent soil residue cover is

not currently being used and may never be. However, there is a consensus developing that asserts

the best application or use of CA is defined by a set of principles(Kassam, 2009).Which can be

applied essentially to all crop production systems and that these CA-based principles can provide

the foundation to support most crop management/ improvement activities (Araya et al., 2012;

Corbeels et al., 2014). These CA principles are applicable to a wide range of crop production

systems from low yielding, dry, rain-fed conditions to high-yielding, irrigated conditions.

However, techniques to apply the principles of CA will be very different in different situations,

and will vary with biophysical and system management conditions and farmer circumstances.

Specific and compatible management components (pest and weed control tactics, nutrient

management strategies, rotation crops, appropriately-scaled implements) will need to be

identified through adaptive research with active farmer involvement (Corbeels et al., 2014)

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Conservation agriculture is based on the healthy functioning of the whole agro-ecosystem with a

maximum attention and focuses on the soil. The soil is the entry point and it has to be considered

not only as a simple physical support for roots and plants, but as a living entity with its physical,

chemical and biological characteristics. The focus of CA embraces not only the nutrient contents

of the soil but also its structural and biological status, which are determinants of sustained

productivity. The paradigm of CA is that an undisturbed soil has the opportunity to develop and

produce healthier plants. Indeed, not disturbing the soil has a lot of positive outcomes: soil life

can develop in a stable habitat in quantity and quality better than on tilled soils; the structural

integrity of the soil is maintained, so continuous vertical macro-pores are not destroyed and

remain as drainage channels for rainwater into the soil; the weed seed bank in the soil does not

receive the stimulation for germination. Seeding under conditions of minimum soil disturbance is

achieved by direct seeding through the mulch cover without tillage. Zero-tillage is necessary, but

it is not sufficient to achieve a sustainable CA system. It has to be combined with at least two

complementary practices which are soil cover and diversified crop rotations (Berger et al., 2010).

Conservation agriculture (CA) aims to conserve, improve and make more efficient use of natural

resources through integrated management of available soil, water and biological resources

combined with external inputs. It contributes to environmental conservation as well as to

enhanced and sustained agricultural production. It can also be referred to as resource-efficient or

resource effective agriculture (Hobbs, 2007)

2.2.1 Permanent or semi-permanent organic soil cover

Surface mulch helps reduce water losses from the soil by evaporation and also helps moderate

soil temperature. This promotes biological activity and enhances nitrogen mineralization,

especially in the surface layers. We investigated the eff ect of conservation agriculture (grass

mulch cover and no-tillage) on water-saving on smallholder farms in the Ethiopian highlands

(Sisay A.2019). This is a very important factor in tropical and sub-tropical environments but has

been shown to be a hindrance in temperate climates due to delays in soil warming in the spring

and delayed germination showed that zero-till had lower soil temperatures in the spring in

Argentina, but traditional tillage (TT) had higher maximum temperatures in the summer, and that

average temperatures during the season were similar. A cover crop and the resulting mulch or

previous crop residue help reduce weed infestation through competition and not allowing weed

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seeds the light often needed for germination. There is also evidence of allelopathic properties of

cereal residues in respect to inhibiting surface weed seed germination Weeds will be controlled

when the cover crop is cut, rolled flat or killed (Hossain, 2013). A farming practice that

maintains soil micro-organisms and microbial activity can also lead to weed suppression by the

biological agents(Chee-Sanford et al., 2006).Interactions between root systems and rhizo bacteria

affect crop health, yield and soil quality. Release of exudates by plants activate and sustain

specific rhizo bacterial communities that enhance nutrient cycling, nitrogen-fixing, bio control of

plant pathogens, plant disease resistance and plant growth stimulation. (Peters et al., 2003) gave

a review of this topic. The ground cover would be expected to increase biological diversity and

increase these beneficial effects.

2.2.2 Minimal soil disturbance

Tillage and current agricultural practices result in the decline of soil organic matter due to

increased oxidation over time, leading to soil degradation, loss of soil biological fertility and

resilience (Araya et al. (2012). Although this soil organic matter (SOM) mineralization liberates

nitrogen and can lead to improved yields over the short term, there is always some mineralization

of nutrients and loss by leaching into deeper soil layers. This is particularly significant in the

tropics where organic matter reduction is processed more quickly, with low soil carbon levels

resulting only after one or two decades of intensive soil tillage. Zero-tillage, on the other hand,

combined with permanent soil cover, has been shown to result in a build-up of organic carbon in

the surface layers (Thierfelder et al. (2015). Zero-tillage minimizes SOM losses and is a

promising strategy to maintain or even increase soil C and N stocks (Majanen and Scherr (2011).

Tillage takes valuable time that could be used for other useful farming activities or employment.

Zero-tillage minimizes time for establishing a crop. The time required for tillage can also delay

timely planting of crops, with subsequent reductions in yield potential (Hobbs & Gupta

2003).reducing turn-around time to a minimum, zero-tillage can get crops planted on time, and

thus increase yields without greater input cost. Turn-around time in this rice-wheat system from

rice to wheat varies from 2 to 45 days, since 2–12 passes of a plough are used by farmers to get a

good seedbed (Hobbs & Gupta 2003). With zero-till wheat this time is reduced to just 1 day.

Tractors consume large quantities of fossil fuels that add to costs while also emitting greenhouse

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gases (mostly CO2) and contributing to global warming when used for ploughing(Dyer and

Desjardins, 2003). Animal-based tillage systems are also expensive since farmers have to

maintain and feed a pair of animals for a year for this purpose. Animals also emit methane, a

greenhouse gas 21 times more potent for global warming than carbon dioxide (Jungkunst and

Fiedler, 2007). Zero-tillage reduces these costs and emissions. Farmer surveys in Pakistan and

India show that zero-till of wheat after rice reduces costs of production by US$60 per hectare

mostly due to less fuel (60–80 L ha−1

) and labor (Hobbs and Gupta, 2004).

2.2.3 Rotations

Crop rotation is an agricultural management tool with ancient origins.(Peters et al., 2003)

reviewed the cultural control of plant diseases from a historical view and included examples of

disease control through rotation. The rotation of different crops with different rooting patterns

combined with minimal soil disturbance in zero-till systems promotes a more extensive network

of root channels and macro pores in the soil. This helps in water infiltration to deeper depths.

Because rotations increase microbial diversity, the risk of pests and disease outbreaks from

pathogenic organisms is reduced, since the biological diversity helps keep pathogenic organisms

in check (Hossain, 2013). Integrated pest management (IPM) should also be added to the CA set

of recommendations, since if one of the requirements is to promote soil biological activity,

minimal use of toxic pesticides and use of alternative pest control methods that do not affect

these critical soil organisms are needed.

2.3. Irrigation scheduling

2.3.1 Soil water balance

Food and Agricultural Organization explained that when surface irrigation methods are used, it is

not very practical to vary the irrigation depth and frequency too much. In surface irrigation,

variations in irrigation depth are only possible within limits. It is also very confusing for the

farmers to change the schedule all the time. Therefore, it is often important to estimate the

irrigation schedule and to fix the most suitable depth and interval to keep the irrigation depth and

the interval constant over the growing season (FAO, 1989).

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Irrigation scheduling is about knowing when to apply water and how much, for there are well

developed scientific tools needed to schedule irrigation. Implementation of irrigation scheduling

technologies could play a big role in improving water use efficiency and reducing production

costs (Aladenola and Madramootoo, 2014). Accurate irrigation scheduling requires that water be

applied not on the day the soil simply appears to be dry or on the day that happens to be most

convenient, but that the correct amount is applied when the crop requires it (Bonachela et al.,

2006).The correct amount should be applied at the correct time, based on the understanding of

each individual crop‟s requirement, soil type and the practicalities of application Thus, irrigation

scheduling aims at applying water before the soil becomes dry enough to affect the crop, and

thereby providing an environment to maximize plant growth. This purpose, quite often, is

constrained by the need to use a limited amount of water to stretch water supplies, and to reduce

drainage and minimize pollution. To accomplish this it is necessary to quantitatively consider the

soil water balance, as it is impossible to do so by visual examination of the crop or soil (Pereira

et al., 2007).

Numerous irrigation scheduling aids have been developed in the past. Every method follows the

basic question of when and how much water to apply, and focuses on the understanding of the

soil water balance. It is evident that the goal of scientific irrigation scheduling is achievable, but

there is a need for simple basic approaches that can be adaptable to practical situations at farm

level. The understanding of the soil water balance in irrigation planning is fundamental. All

aspects of irrigation management require an understanding of the soil water balance, which

necessitates simulation or measurement of the amount of water in the root zone at any given time

(Maeko, 2003).

I + P = Es + T + R + Dr+ ∆S (2 .1)

Where:- I = irrigation P = precipitation Es=soil evaporation T = transpiration

R =run-off Dr= drainage below root zone ∆S = change in soil water storage

Climatic conditions indicate the timing and amount of precipitation, and it has a direct influence

on potential evapotranspiration (PET), and hence actual evapotranspiration (ETa), through

evaporative demand. The rate of ETa increases with an increase in net radiation and a decrease in

relative humidity provided the soil water status can provide for water lost due to E and T, and if

precipitation occurs in quantities greater than the soil water holding capacity, drainage will

occur. Some of the water will be lost as run-off if the rate of water Infiltration into the soil is low.

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Surface runoff, R, is also difficult to estimate in many instances. There are few measurements

made of R in irrigation, it is difficult to estimate R, so additional uncertainty is introduced.

However, there are many conditions where R is zero and can be predicted as such. Technologies

know-how exist for determining soil water depletion. Such tools involve the use of devices like

the neutron probe for measuring soil water status at the beginning and end of a certain time

period (Greacen, 1981).

2.4. Practical Irrigation Scheduling Methods

There are three main approaches to scheduling soil-based plant-based and atmospheric driven.

Each has strong and weak points, and there is a history associated with each. For example,

atmospheric based methods were the most common (because with Epan it was reasonably easy to

measure evaporation from a pan) but then the advent of the neutron probe and tensiometer made

soil-based measurements more popular(Greacen, 1981). while, (mostly in the 70‟s and 80‟s),

plant-based methods looked promising scientifically, but never took off in the marketplace

(Seyfried and Murdock, 2001).

Among the methods used for determining when and how much to irrigate to the field are wetting

front detector (WFD), tensiometer, FAO and TDR are some irrigation scheduling techniques

Frequently a minimum of 10 years climatic data is used representing the average conditions on-

site. The method is easier and less costly compared to the soil moisture based TDR as it does not

require equipment and frequent measurements, however depending on the climatic variability the

method might over or underestimate the irrigation requirement. In some cases a combination of

both methods is used to correct for climatic variations or real-time climatic data is used.

2.4.1 Soil-based approaches

Soil water content and soil water potential relate to the state (amount/availability) of water in the

soil, and soil water conductivity relates to the movement of water in the soil. Water content is

generally described in terms of the mass of water per unit mass of soil, or on a volume basis.

This measurement describes the amount of water stored in the soil. Direct measurement of water

content is possible by sampling the soil and weighing, drying, and reweighing the samples

gravimetric water content (gram of water per gram of soil). However, most literature cites water

content on a volumetric basis because irrigation amount is commonly expressed as a depth of

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water. Soil water potential is the amount of work that must be done per unit quantity of pure

water in order to transport reversibly and isothermally an infinitesimal quantity of water from a

pool of pure water at a specified elevation at atmospheric pressure to the soil water at a specified

point (energy per unit quantity of soil water relative to that of pure free water at atmospheric

pressure), and is useful for describing the availability of water to plants and the driving forces

that cause water to move in soil (Lampurlanés et al., 2001).

Soil-based scheduling methods rely on sensors that monitor the moisture level in the soil at

appropriate locations and depths. As a plant uses water, the root zone soil moisture reservoir is

depleted. The wetting front detector is used to detect the soil moisture. When sensors indicate

that the remaining soil moisture level reaches a critically low value, irrigation is applied. Sandy

soils have a low water storage capacity and a high infiltration rate. They therefore, need frequent

but small irrigation applications. None of the surface irrigation methods can be used if the

infiltration rate is more than 30 mm/hour (Brouwer et al., 1985).

2.4.2 Plant-based approaches

Visual examination of plant responses to soil and environmental conditions can serve as a logical

indicator for irrigation scheduling (Hsiao and Bradford, 1983). These methods are based on the

delicate balance between crop water uptake from the soil and water loss (Hsiao and Bradford,

1983) through ET. Water stress occurs when atmospheric demand exceeds water supply from the

soil. Plants draw quantities of water in excess of their essential metabolic needs; this water is

transmitted to an unquenchably thirsty atmosphere through the stomata as transpiration (T)

(Hillel, 1998).

There are numerous methods, destructive and non-destructive, for determining plant water status,

like thermocouple psychrometry, which measures leaf water potential(Lampurlanés and Cantero-

Martinez, 2003).These methods are labor intensive and require many samples. Measurements

must be normalized with well-irrigated fields for accurate estimations (Maeko, 2003). Plants can

also be used to schedule irrigation through visual observation. However, visual indicators of

plant stress are often an after the fact method of scheduling, and thus considerable dry matter

loss may occur before being noticed. Plants can indicate when to irrigate, but we still need to

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know how much irrigation water to apply. Most of the techniques mentioned above are not

practical as they are too difficult for use in the field on a routine basis.

2.4.3 Atmospheric-based approaches

The effect of climate on crop water use has long been recognized. As such, the atmospheric-

based approach follows a meteorological imposed evapotranspiration demand that varies over

time. The irrigation requirements are determined by the rate of evapotranspiration (ET) (Wanjura

et al., 1990). Thelevel of ET is related to the evaporative demand of the atmosphere and the

supply rate of water from the soil/root system.ET is directly inferred from the residual of the soil

water balance after all other components have been measured in equation 2.1 and are given as:

ET =I + P – R –Dr - ∆S (2.2)

Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is defined as the rate at which readily available soil water is

vaporized from specified vegetated surfaces without restrictions other than the atmospheric

demand (Gwate et al., 2018). The concept of the reference evapotranspiration was introduced to

study the evaporative demand of the atmosphere independently of crop type, crop development

and management practices. As water is abundantly available at the reference evapotranspiring

surface, soil factors do not affect ET, the only factors affecting ETo are climate parameters

(Meshram et al., 2011). Crop ETo is commonly estimated from climatic data using

meteorological equations that relate a reference ETo value with a crop coefficient (Kc).The

reference ETo is based on the Evaporation and Transpiration losses from a uniform, well-

watered, actively growing, and well covered vegetative surface, either a cool season grass (ETo)

or alfalfa (Skaggs and Irmak, 2011).

ETo represents the rate of evapotranspiration of an extended surface of an 8 to 15cm tall green

grass cover, actively growing, completely shading the ground and not deficient of water.

Methods to calculate the reference evapotranspiration include the Penman-Monteith grass cover

equation, and the Pan evaporation of water is also used as a reference method of

estimating(Hargreaves and Merkley, 1998).ETa is related to maximum crop evaporation (ETm)

by an empirically determined crop coefficient (Kc) when water supply fully meets the water

requirements of the crop.

ETm= Kc.Eta (2 .3)

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The value of Kc varies with crop, development stage of the crop, to some extent with wind-speed

and humidity, and management (irrigation frequency). For most crops, the Kc value increases

from a low value at the time of crop emergence to a maximum value during the period when it

reaches full development, and declines as the crop matures. Kc values of different crops have

been developed (Lazzara and Rana, 2010).

ETa is a dynamic process driven by the available energy, and can be limited by the ability of the

plant to conduct water from the soil to the leaf. To compute ETa one requires; minimum and

maximum temperature, solar radiation, minimum and maximum relative humidity, and average

wind speed.

2.5. Crop water requirement

In irrigated agriculture, Crop water requirement (CWR) is important scheduling tools to optimize

water applications during the growing season (Schütze, de Paly et al. 2012). Improvement in

water use efficiency can be achieved through accurate estimations of CWR and proper irrigation

scheduling practices. Different crops have different water requirement at different development

stage so that crop type and its development stage identification is critical to quantify the volume

and time of irrigation (Xiangxiang et al., 2013).

Standard information on crop coefficient, rooting depth, depletion level and yield response

factors, and length of individual growth stages are also needed. Crop water requirement is the

total amount of water required to sustain the normal plant growth. The water requirement of

crops is the amount of water that is needed to meet the evapotranspiration rate so that crops may

thrive. It is the quantity of water required by a crop in a given period of time for normal growth

under field conditions and includes evaporation and other unavoidable wastes. Crops need a

continuously and right amount of water from the time of sowing to maturity. However, the rate

of use of water varies with the kind of crop grown, time taken by the crop to mature, and the

weather conditions like: temperature, wind, solar radiation and relative humidity. Other

important factors need to be considered in the computation of the crop water requirement on

daily basis are rooting depth, growth stage as affected by soil moisture deficit, and the allowable

soil water depletion.

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2.6. Monitoring soil water in irrigation scheduling

2.6.1. The Wetting Front Detector (WFD)

The Wetting Front Detector (WFD) is a simple user friendly device designed to help farmer‟s

better management irrigation. It is a funnel shaped device that is buried open end up in the soil.

The WFD is buried in the root zone and gives a signal to farmers when water reaches a specific

depth in the soil. Farmers can use the detector to know whether they are applying too little or too

much (Jenny et al., 2008).

In response to low adoption of existing irrigation tools, a Wetting Front Detector (WFD) was

developed in an attempt to attain maximum simplicity (Stirzaker, 2005) for an irrigator,

especially those farmers who cannot read and write. The wetting front detectors are the

mechanical version having a float visible at the surface to provide the signal that a wetting front

had reached the prescribed depth. The WFD comprises a specially shaped funnel, a filter and a

mechanical float mechanism. The funnel is buried in the soil within the root zone of the crop.

When the soil is irrigated, water moves downwards through the root zone. The infiltrating water

converges inside the funnel and the soil at the base becomes so wet that water seeps out of it,

passes through a filter and is collected in a reservoir. This water activates a float, which in turn

operates an indicator flag above the tool.

Wetting front detectors are simple devices that are buried at points of interest and provide

information to growers as to when the water has reached that point in the soil profile. When soil

moisture increases above a set point the detector switches on, or is activated, indicating that

water has reached a given depth. When the soil moisture dries to below a set point the detector

switches off but practically it is not perfect. Wetting front detectors are often placed near the

bottom of the root zone so that they can be used to warn against over-irrigation. WFDs are based

around the tipping bucket analogy, where soil layers are viewed as a sequence of buckets that

store water. As the upper bucket is filled by irrigation, it tips and spills excess water into the

bucket below and so on down the profile. The WFD was designed to show when water moved

from one layer to the next. It is comprised of a specially shaped funnel, a filter, and a float plus

indicator mechanism. The funnel shape was designed so that the soil at its base reaches

saturation when matrices potential of the soil outside the funnel is around 2 k Pa to 3 k Pa which

corresponds to a relatively „strong‟ wetting front. Once saturation occurs at the base of the

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funnel, free water flows through a filter into a small reservoir and activates a float. The float trips

a magnetically latched indicator, visible to the irrigator. These detectors are often installed at

different depths and used in a similar way to that for tensiometre, namely a shallow detector

indicating water entering the root zone and a deeper detector possibly warning of over-irrigation

(Stirzaker and Hutchinson, 2006).There are two versions of the newly patented wetting front

detector; one is called a full stop, which derives its name from a logical combination of the

words „full‟‟ and „stop‟‟. A full stop can stop an irrigation event by breaking the circuit to a

solenoid valve when the soil is „full‟‟ of water to a required depth, hence the name „‟Full Stop‟‟.

Once saturation occurs at the base of the funnel, free water flows through a filter into a small

reservoir and activates the float. The float trips a magnetically latched indicator, visible to the

irrigator. These detectors are often installed at different depths and used in a similar way to that

for tensiometr, namely a shallow detector indicating water entering the root zone and a deeper

detector possibly warning of over-irrigation (Stirzaker and Hutchinson, 2006).

2.7. Application depth

Critical to any irrigation management approach is an accurate estimate of the amount of water

applied to a field. Too little water causes unnecessary water stress and can result in yield

reductions. Too much water can cause water logging, leaching, and may also result in loss of

yield. The efficiency of irrigation water is partially affected by the irrigation application method

i.e. how water is applied. There are different methods that have been attempted to conserve water

and use it efficiently. Common irrigation methods in vegetable production are overhead,

sprinkler, furrow irrigation or, micro (drip) irrigation. Overhead irrigation with its ability to

provide controlled and frequent water applications directly in the vicinity of the crop root zone

can be relatively efficiently compared to furrow irrigation, decreasing water losses. The depth of

water application usually is the amount of water in millimeters that needs to be supplied to the

soil in order to bring it back to field capacity. In another words, it is the amount of water diverted

to the irrigated land by the irrigator up to plant needs met, or the amount of water required to be

detected by the wetting front detector. Mathematically, it is calculated as follows (Quraishi et al.,


dnet= (FC-PWP)*Drz*P (2.4)

Where:-dnet= depth of water to apply (mm) FC = soil moisture at field capacity (%)

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PWP = soil moisture at permanent wilting point (%)

Drz= the depth of soil that the roots exploit water effectively (m)

ρ= the allowable portion of available moisture permitted for depletion by the crop

before the next irrigation

2.8 Computing water productivity and irrigation water use efficiency

“In its broadest sense, water productivity (WP) is the net return for a unit of water used”(Molden

et al., 2010), reported. Improvement of water productivity aims at producing more food, income,

better livelihoods and ecosystem services with less water. Water productivity, in its broader

sense, defines the ratio of the net benefits from crop, forestry, fishery, livestock and mixed

agricultural systems to the amount of water consumed to produce those benefits. There is a need

to find new ways to increase water productivity by improving biological, economic and

environmental output per unit of water used in both irrigated and rain fed agricultural systems.

An increase in agricultural water productivity is the key approach to mitigate water shortage and

to reduce environmental problems in arid and semiarid regions. In its broadest sense, water

productivity (WP) is the net return for a unit of water used. Improvement of water productivity

aims at producing more food and/or income with less water. Improving agricultural water

productivity is about increasing the production of irrigated crops per unit of water use. Precision

irrigation technique is among the practices used to achieve improved water productivity.

Application of irrigation water closing the right amount is the major limiting factor for crop

production. According to the report of Andreas and Karen (2002), managing the time and

amount of applied irrigation is critical to achieve optimum yield. Crop water productivity is

already quite high in highly productive regions. Consider complex biophysical and

socioeconomic factors (Hsiao et al., 2007).

The low water use efficiency in farmer‟s fields compared with well-managed experimental sites

indicates that more efforts are needed to transfer water saving technologies to the farmers. Under

such scenarios, water-saving agriculture and water saving irrigation technologies, including

deficit irrigation, low pressure irrigation, subsurface drips, drip irrigation under plastic covers,

furrow irrigation, rainfall harvesting and conservation agriculture shall be quite helpful. Water

saving agriculture includes farming practices that are able to take full advantage of the natural

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rainfall and irrigation facilities. Where water is more limiting than land, it is better to maximize

yield per unit of water and not yield per unit of land.

2.9 Agronomy of crops

2.9.1. Onion (Allium cepa L.)

Onion (Allumcepa) crop can be grown under a wide range of climates from temperate to tropical.

Onion is one of the most important vegetable crops produced in Ethiopia. Among different

varieties, Bombay Redis the most widely used as a cash crop by the farmers in the rift valley

areas (Desalegne and Aklilu, 2003). Onion is a cool-season biennial monocot with a prominent

bulb, hollow cylindrical leaves and a strong odor when bruised. The optimum temperature for

plant development varies between 130C and 24

0C, while, for raising seedlings, it requires up to

20-250C and generally require high temperatures for bulbing and curing (Shanmugasundaram

and Kalb, 2001). Onions grow on a variety of soils ranging from sand to clay loams. However,

they prefer loamy soil that is fertile, well-drained and high in organic matter, with a preferred pH

range of between 6.0 and 8.0 (Olani and Fikre, 2010). Onions do not thrive in soils below pH 6.0

because of trace element deficiency, or occasionally, aluminum or manganese toxicity. Onions

could be produced on slightly alkaline soils, but are sensitive to soil salinity.

The crop coefficient (Kc) relating reference evapotranspiration to water requirements for

different development stages after transplanting is, for the initial stage 0.4 to 0.6 (15 to 20 days),

development stage 0.7 to 0.8 (25 to 35 days), mid-season stage 0.95 to 1.1 (25 to 45 days) and

late- season stage 0.75 to 0.95 (35 to 45 days). Managing the time and amount of applied

irrigation is critical to achieving optimum yield and quality. Light and frequent irrigations are

required through irrigation systems throughout the growing season for several reasons: root

system is shallow; therefore, very little water is extracted from a soil depth deeper than 0.6 m,

and most are from the top 0.3 m. This indicates that upper soil areas must be kept moist to

stimulate root growth. Rates of transpiration, photosynthesis and growth are lowered by even

mild water stress (Balasubrahmanyam et al., 2004). Onions usually harvested from 100 to 140

days after transplanting when 80% of the bulbs become completely mature, which is evident by

the collapse of 20 to 50% of the neck tissue and falling of the tops.

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2.9.2. Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Pepper (Capsicumannum) is a seasonal plant of the family solanaceae (Tong and Bosland, 2003)

which is thought to originate from tropical America. Pepper thrives in climates with growing

season temperatures in the range of 180C to 27

0C during day and 15

0C to 18

0C during the night.

Temperature range of 4-60C will stop the plants thriving. Fruit set is also prevented by

temperature below 160C and above 32

0C. Higher yield results when daily air temperature ranges

from 180C to 32

0C, and below 18

0C provide neglible growth in pepper plants (Lownds et al.,

1994). The altitude range of pepper production is 1000 to 1800 m.a.s.l. Light-textured soils with

adequate water holding capacity and drainage are preferred. Optimum pH is 5.5 to 7 and acid

soils require liming. Water logging, even for short periods, causes leaf shedding. The crop is

moderately sensitive to soil salinity, except in seedling stage when it is more sensitive.

The spacing of 30 cm between plants and 80-100 cm between rows has been recommended. As

with most crops, the ideal soil for producing pepper is one described as deep, well-drained,

medium textured sandy loam or loam soil that holds moisture and has some organic matter.

Transplanting pepper in row at recommended space (80 x 30 cm for irrigation, to a depth of 9 cm

holes) increase productivity and has many advantages. It avoids plant competition for resources,

allows root growth and development, enhances plant growth and lateral branch production and

thereby increases flowering. Besides, it facilitates to carry out field operation: cultivation,

weeding, hoeing, fertilizer application, drain land and conduct crop protection activities (Carter,

1994). Total Water Requirements are 600 to 900 mm and up to 1250 mm for long growing

periods and several pickings. The crop coefficient (Kc) is 0.4 following transplanting, 0.95 to 1.1

during full cover and for fresh peppers 0.8 to 0.9 at time of harvest. When maximum

evapotranspiration is from 5 to 6 mm/day, the total available soil water depletion from 0.25

to0.40 can be allowed(Allen et al., 1996).

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3.1 Description of the study area

The study was conducted in the Dangishita Watershed which is situated adjacent to the town of

Dangla in the Dangla Woreda, Awi Zone in Amhara Regional State. The watershed is located

about 80 km south west from Bahir Dar,36.83° N and 11.25° E and an average 2000 m above sea

level. It has a sub-tropical (“Woina Dega”) climate with average annual rainfall of 1800mm, with

minimum temperature of 25oC and maximum temperature of 33

oC. Crop production mainly

includes cereals (mainly maize, teff, millet, barley); and high value irrigated crop production like

tomato, onion, potato, pepper and garlic. Groundwater experience in smallholder irrigation is

relatively high. Shallow groundwater is the main water sources used for irrigation. The area

suffers from a dry period, which begins in December and lasts until the end of May. From

June/July to September/October there is a rainy period. In the woreda, there are 27 rural Kebeles

among which one of them supported by ASMIC (Appropriate scale mechanization consortium)

project that selected for the study.

Fig-1 Site description of the study area


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3.2. Experimental Design and Treatment

This research was conducted over on-farm research experimental plots which have been

selected in 2014 year using full participation of farmers. Among 50 plots, forty smallholder

farmers were selected who fulfilled the criteria of having hand dug wells and plots for

vegetable production at their home garden. Water availability in the wells was checked

throughout the season from the mid of November to end of May. Conservation Agriculture

Experimental practice have been started since 2016 and farmers have been experienced in

different water management challenges over cropping different vegetables in this

experimental area. All the Experimental plots were coded and the Codes explained that

irrigation water applied moisture content, plant height and crop data are collected by using

these codes. Conservation agriculture in this study includes a combination of little soil

disturbance, crop rotation and cover the soil (mulching). Average of 2 ton/ha local grass soil

mulch cover was used in each irrigation season and Cropping pattern and rotations in a

continuous wet and dry vegetable production of CA before this experiment and the current

experiment was in the order of Onion-Pepper-Garlic-pepper-onion-pepper-onion. This

research design includes only the fifth (onion in the dry period) and the sixth (pepper in

partial irrigation period).

Table 1: Experimental plots historical and current information of Cropping pattern and rotations

in a continuous wet and dry vegetable production of CA.

Irrigation season year Irrigation period Irrigated crop Soil cover per season

First irrigation season 2016 Selection of farmers and training the users about the project

Soil sampling and land preparation was conducted

Second irrigation season 2017 Dry irrigation period Onion 2 ton/ha

Third irrigation season 2017/2018 Wet rainy period Green Pepper 2 ton/ha

Forth irrigation season 2018 Dry irrigation period Garlic 2 ton/ha

Fifth irrigation season 2018/2019 Dry irrigation period Onion 2 ton/ha

Sixth irrigation season 2019 Wet rainy period Green pepper 2 ton/ha

Seventh irrigation season 2019/2020 Dry irrigation period Onion 2 ton/ha

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The experimental design was a one factor experiment arranged in Randomized Complete Block

Design (RCBD). The case covered two irrigation seasons, first onion experiment conducted in

the year of 2018/2019 and second pepper experiment conducted in the year of 2019 dry season

irrigation experiment with overhead irrigation application. Both onion and pepper experiment

were used to investigate the effect of different scheduling practices (WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP,

CWR and FIP) to changes in onion and pepper water productivity (WP). This experiment on-

farm set up was designed using size of farms plots 100 m2 and 20 cm spacing between rows and

30 cm spacing between plants for onion and spacing of 30 cm between plants and 80-100 cm

between rows has been recommended for pepper. Accordingly, 10 plots (replicates) were

selected for each treatment (WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR and FIP) under over head irrigation

application method (fig.2). All farmers grew the same variety of Adama Red Onion (Allium cepa

L.) and pepper (Capsicum annuum).

The Four treatments organized in to each plot were as follows.

WFD-FAO: Irrigation amount was determined by wetting front detector (WFD) and

irrigation interval determined by climate based scheduling (FAO).

WFD-FIP: Irrigation amount determined by wetting front detector and irrigation interval

managed by farmer‟s irrigation practice.

CWR: Both irrigation amount and interval managed by Crop water requirement


FIP: Both irrigation amount and interval managed by Farmers irrigation scheduling.

Page 39: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Fig-2 Flow chart for the overall treatments and ways for the experiment design

3.3 Installation of wetting front detector (WFD)

Wetting front detector (WFD) instrument was given to 20 farmers and data collectors were

trained to assist in data collection. During installation of WFD we selected places where

irrigation started first within the plot. Twenty WFDs were installed in pairs with the first at one

third root depths, and the second at two thirds depth. The depth for the shallow detector was 20

cm and for the deep detector was 40 cm (from the base). The shallow detector gives

information‟s to guide the irrigation amount and the time to stop irrigation while the deep

detector informs farmers over irrigation (Fig- 3).

The procedure for installing the WFDs was as follows:

Make a hole with the shovel and trowel that can accommodate the wide part of the

funnel. When the hole is deep enough, to make a hole for the bottom of the Full Stop

If the soil texture changes with depth, keep the different soil layers separate

Add the filter sand (supplied with the WFD) to the detector until it covers the locking


Place the detector in the hole and measure the distance to the rim of the funnel to check

that it reaches the required depth

Make sure the extension tubes are vertical

Page 40: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Fill the funnel with soil from the same layer, and lightly pat it down

Fig-3 wetting front detector use training and installation

3.4 Determining irrigation water amount and application interval

3.4.1 Crop water requirement (climate) based irrigation scheduling

The calculation of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was done by the determination of the potential

evapotranspiration(ETo) by the method of penman-monteith equation using excel spread sheet

and multiplying with the crop coefficient (Kc) for a specific crop stage. Afterward the gross

irrigation water requirement is calculated using the application efficiency whilst the irrigation

interval is calculated taking into account the maximum allowable moisture depletion. The

fraction which 25 % for onion and 30 % for pepper. Other important factors need to be

Page 41: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


considered in the computation of the crop water requirement on daily basis are rooting depth,

growth stage as affected by soil moisture deficit, and the allowable soil water depletion.

The amount of water needed to compensate the amount of water lost through

evapotranspiration (ETc) requires reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (Kc).

Periodic reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) for each day of climatic record is

calculated based on the modified FAO Penman-Monteith equation using water balance excel

spreadsheet. The FAO Penman-Monteith method uses standard climatic records of solar

radiation (sunshine), air temperature, humidity and wind speed for daily, weekly and monthly

calculations and calculates ETo as (Allen et al., 1998).

( )

( )

( ) ( )

Where: Rn= net radiation at the crop surface (MJ m2 day


G= soil heat flux density (MJ m-2 day-1),T= mean daily temperature at 2 m height (0 C),

U2= wind speed at 2 m height (ms-1),es = saturation vapour pressure(kpa),

ea = actual vapour pressure(kpa),(es-ea) = saturation vapour pressure deficit (kpa),

∆ = slop vapour pressure curve (kpa0C

-1), γ = pyschrometric constant (kpa


-1). Calculating the actual crop evapotranspiration

The monthly averaged daily ETC (mm day-1

) is calculated by multiplying the average monthly

potential evapotranspiration (ETo, mm day-1) with the crop coefficient at different development

stages. The crop coefficient (Kc) relating reference evapotranspiration (ETo) to water

requirements (ETc) for different development stages after transplanting to harvest (Báldi and

Faragó, 2007). Research conducted by (Bekele and Tilahun, 2007) showed that to obtain

maximum yield it is necessary to avoid water deficit, especially during the bulb development.

( )

The equation can be re-organized as follows:

( )

Page 42: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...




( )


) ( )

Where TAW is the total available water content of the soil in (mm) in the root zone, FC field

capacity (%), PWP permanent welting point (%) and D is effective root depth (m) which is taken

as 0.25 for onion and 0.3 for pepper, SMC is soil moisture content of the succeeding date (mm)

whereas SMCt-1 is the previous soil moisture content (mm), P is the effective rainfall (mm) and

I is the irrigation (mm) at time step. At the onset of the irrigation season SMCt-1 is the initial soil

moisture measured or estimated in the field to calculate the initial amount of water irrigated. Soil

water near the permanent welting point is not readily available resulting in crop stress. Hence,

TAW cannot be fully used by the plant and hence irrigation frequency cannot be determined

from TAW. The factor at which crop water stress occurs is multiplied with the TAW to derive

the manageable allowable depletion or sometimes called maximum allowable depletion

(MAD)(Chakrabarti et al., 2014). This is different for each crop. Hence irrigation is needed

before the SMC reaches the MAD level.

The calculated irrigation depth (mm) is finally converted to irrigation volume through

multiplication of irrigation depth by the area:

( )

Irr vol= irrigation volume (m³), Irr = the irrigation depth (mm) and A the plot area (m²)

3.4.2. Irrigation interval

It is the interval between successive irrigation applications in days which is guided by the

susceptibility of the crop to water shortage, and was conducted for WFD-FAO and CWR

treatments from CWR prediction result, as well as the for WFD-FIP and FIP treatments from

their own traditional knowledge of scheduling in this study. It was computed from the required

depth and crop water use rate as (Brouwer et al., 1989):

( )

Page 43: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Where: f = irrigation interval in days,

Zreq = required depth of water applied (mm) and

ETc = crop water requirement (mm/day)

3.5 Data Collection

3.5.1. Soil physico-chemical properties

The soil characteristics of the study area have been determined in the studies of 2019, (Sisay.et

al., 2019), so this data was collected from that document. The collected soil characteristics data

would tell us physical and chemical characteristics such as initial soil moisture content, total

moisture content, and bulk density, and CEC, EC, N and soil texture, field capacity, permanent

welting point. As determined in the previous study, the average soil physical and chemical data

are for onion experiment soil pH analysis result values within 20 cm depth was ranging for

WFD treatment‟s within 6.18 - 5.56 values. The pH of experimental site was approximately 6 for

both treatment groups, which is suitable for onion requirement in terms of PH. The soil texture of

all of the experimental plots was clay and clay loam and which is medium textured soil and

suitable for onion growing (FAOSTAT, 2001). In this study the value of EC within 20cm

ranging for WFD treatment‟s within 0.71 – 0.122 dS/m. Onion crop is sensitive to soil salinity

and yield decrease at varying levels of EC is: 0% at EC 1.2dS/m, 10% at EC 1.8dS/m, 25% at

EC 2.8dS/m, 50% at EC 4.3dS/m and 100% at EC 7.5dS/m. For this as the soil salinity values in

the study area was below 1.2dS/m it will not affect crop production.

3.5.2 Metrological data

Weather data was collected from Dangla Meteorological Agency. The collected data contained

maximum and minimum temperature (°C), wind speed (m s-1

), solar radiation (MJ m-2


) and

relative humidity (%). The daily rainfall during the cropping season was calculated by

summarizing the 10 minute recordings from the automatic rain gauge located in the watershed.

Gimenez et al., (1996) offered various starting points for irrigation scheduling and ETo

calculation, depending on the extent that a country may be developed. Climate and soil data sets

were identified as the first step in optimizing irrigation scheduling under the constraints of water


Page 44: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


The rainfall data used during the growing season of onion and pepper were taken from a manual

gauge which was installed in the study area. The effective rainfall is used based on FAO (1986a)

which is calculated by the following formulas.

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

Where Pe is effective rain fall and P is monthly rainfall in millimeter.

3.5.3 Soil moisture

The Time Domain Reflector meter was used at each crop stage to obtain moisture readings in

each plot. The TDR has 20 cm rods giving average soil moisture content in the first 20cm of the

soil profile. Soil moisture readings were taken six readings per plot in every crop stage for each

plot and the average was calculated. Based on the readings the calculation of irrigation quantity

to be applied in the field was calculated for each farmer. To know the total available water in the

root zone of onion information on field capacity, permanent wilting point and root depth is

required. The total available water is the water holding capacity of the root zone.

Table 2 Calibrated TDR reading for all plots



weight of


weight of




of dry


weight of





in %








ic water


in (%)

18.3 136 100 75.5 24.5 32.45 1 1.32 32.45

30 136 108 80.5 27.5 34.16 1.06 1.43 36.42

21.2 139.5 116 89 27 30.33 1.17 1.53 35.76

31.6 142.5 106 77.5 28.5 36.77 1.02 1.40 37.74

23.7 136.5 73.5 59 14.5 24.57 0.78 0.97 19.20

29.5 136 100.5 50.5 50 99.00 0.66 1.33 66.22

19.4 140 77 55 22 40 0.72 1.01 29.13

30 139.5 74 48.5 25.5 52.57 0.64 0.98 33.77

31.4 136.5 99 71 28 39.43 03 1.31 37.08

49.8 140 117 77.5 39.5 50.96 1.02 1.54 52.31

20 137.5 90.5 65 25.5 39.23 0.86 1.19 33.77

41 139.5 105 73 32 43.83 0.96 1.39 42.38

23.9 139.5 108 82 26 31.70 1.08 1.43 34.43

The TDR calibration result was described in the graph below.

Page 45: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Fig-4 TDR calibration result

3.5.4. Crop data

The crop is shallow rooted and sensitive to water stress which requires light and frequent

irrigation. For this reason, Overhead irrigation was selected for onion experiment in 2018/2019

production year. Red Bombay Onion (AlliumcepaL.) variety with recommended root depth was

transplanted on October 2018/2019 at a spacing of 20 cm between rows and 30 cm between

plants (Sara, 2015). The lengths of the four growth stages were 20 days for initial, 30 days for

development, 40 days for mid, and 30 days for the harvest stage without considering seedling

ages. The lengths for the four growth stages were adjusted according to previous records of

onion growth in the area.

The plant agronomic data like plant heights, number of plants, and number of leaves were

collected during the irrigation season every 10 days. Onion was harvested on the end of February

2019 and yield was collected from the total plot area. Similarly, Spacing of 30 cm between plants

and 80-100 cm between rows on the first week of January 2019 after onion harvest pepper was

transplanted. Transplanting pepper in row at recommended space (80 x 30 cm for irrigation, to a

depth of 9cm holes) increase productivity and has many advantages. It avoids plant competition

for resources, allows root growth and development, enhances plant growth and lateral branch

Production and thereby increases flowering. The plant agronomic data like plant heights, number

of plants, and number of leaves were collected during the irrigation season.

y = 0.6303x + 17.781 R² = 0.8136








0 20 40 60Aver



R s






g i

n %

Average volumetric content in %

TDR measurement

TDR measurement

Linear (TDRmeasurement)

Page 46: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


3.5.5. Amount of irrigation water applied

All actual water applied to crops‟ fields with respect to treatments was recorded during the

irrigation events. During the irrigation season, irrigation water was quantified based on different

treatments: In the case of WFD-FAO and CWR treatments Irrigation water was applied at

allowable constant soil moisture depletion (p=0.25) of the total available soil moisture

throughout onion growth stage (Enchalew et al., 2016). Similarly for pepper Irrigation water was

applied at allowable constant soil moisture depletion (p=0.3) of the total available soil moisture

throughout pepper growth stage. In the case of WFD-FAO treatment scheduling was fixed at a 1

to 2-days interval whereas the amount of water was determined by when the yellow flag popup

and was recorded in the field book. Thus the amount of irrigation applied on any day was

directly relates to the initial water content. This means when the initial soil is wet before

irrigation, the response of flag is quickly and requires small amount of water. When the soil is

dry before irrigation, then the response of flag is slowly and requires high amount of water. For

the case of WFD-FIP the amount of water applied is determined by the yellow flag popup and

the irrigation interval is applied by the farmer‟s traditional practice. For CWR treatment, it was

the crop water requirement to meet the evapotranspiration rate and includes evaporation and

other unavoidable wastes. In the WFD-FAO treatment and in the CWR treatment amount of

water applied and irrigation interval were determined and given to the farmers. Those values

were compared against the amount of water actually applied by the different farmer‟s irrigation

practice in the water management treatments. These technologies and other water managements

can be evaluated based on the basis of water saving and water use efficiency. Irrigation was

ceased 2 weeks before harvest for best yield of onion and to prevent rotting and sprouting.

3.6. Water productivity and irrigation water use efficiency

Water productivity is the measure of the physical or economic value generated from a given

quantity of water. Water productivity of a crop for a particular plot could be quantified by the

ratio expression of yield produced within that particular area to the total sum of irrigation water

applied and rainwater received by that area.

WP = ( )

( ) ( )

Where: WP = Water productivity (Kg/m3) and Yield is (Kg/ha).

I=irrigation water applied (m3/ha)

Page 47: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


( )

Where: IWUE = irrigation water use efficiency (kg/m3).

3.7. Data analysis

At the end of cropping season, onion and pepper yield and its parameters for all irrigation

treatments are determined. Firstly, the collected data such as irrigation amount, crop yield

and water use efficiency was checked by Q-Q plot normality test. Afterwards a to two-way

analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the Least Significant Differences (LSD) test at the 5%

probability level (P < 0.05) will performed. All statistical procedures involved in this study

were done using SPSS16.0 version software.

Page 48: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...



4.1. Irrigation Water Applied

4.1.1. Onion Irrigation Water Applied per onion growth stages

The irrigation amount in WFD-FAO treatment onion field was 40.8, 62.5, 67.9 and 46.8 mm, in

WFD-FIP treatment onion field was 48.5, 72.0, 80.7 and 54.9 mm, in CWR treatment was 50.3,

74.9, 87.8 and 43.4 mm and in FIP treatment onion field it was 66.4, 78.9, 62.9 and 78.5 mm for

early, development, mid and late stage respectively (Table 3). Under onion experiment, the

average irrigation water applied to each stage of onion was compared among each treatment. At

the initial stage of onion, the lowest (40.8mm) applied water was achieved in the WFD-FAO

treatment, and the highest (66.4 mm) applied water was attained in FIP treatment. In other

words, a 38.5 % irrigation water reduction was achieved under WFD-FAO treatment compared

to the FIP treatment (Table 3). Similarly, at development stage of onion, WFD-FAO treatment

used the lowest (62.5 mm) irrigation water while the FIP treatment used the highest (78.9mm)

water. This showed that a 20.7 % irrigation water reduction was attained under the WFD-FAO

treatment compared to the FIP treatment. At mid-season stage, the WFD-FAO received the

lowest (67.9mm) irrigation water, and the CWR treatment received the highest (87.8mm).

Similarly, a 22.5 % reduction in irrigation water was attained under WFD-FAO compared to the

CWR treatment (Table 3). At late season stage the lowest (43.4mm) applied water was achieved

in the CWR and the highest (78.5mm) water applied was achieved in the FIP showing a 44%

reduction in irrigation water under the CWR compared to FIP treatment (Fig-5).

However, statistically there was insignificant difference (P<0.05) among all the treatments for

each growing stage except the mid-stage as computed by using T-test with assuming equal

variance at α=0.05 significant level (Table 3). This study conservation agriculture with WFD-

FAO experimental onion irrigation season water applied with compared to previous studies

conservation agriculture without technology installation conducted by Sisay A. (2019), a 70, 71,

and 44 % reduction water was applied in initial, development, mid-season stage respectively

and 11.4 % higher water was applied in the late-season stage. The reason of the water applied

reduction is due to the WFD-FAO technology and the conservation year increment.

Page 49: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Table 3 Applied water (mm) to each growth stages of onion variations using analysis of variance

(α = 0.05) *


stage Treatments


Initial 40.8 48.5 50.3 66.4 0.067ns


Dev.t 62.5 72.2 74.9 78.9 0.75ns


Mid 67.9 80.7 87.8 62.9 0.014s 13.1

Late 46.8 54.9 43.4 78.5 0.053ns


*WFD-FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD-FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice, s = significance, ns = non significance.

As shown below in the box plot graph water attained at the mid-stage was relatively high in the

WFD-FIP and CWR compared to FIP (fig-5). Because of flowering stage of the crop

development, the crop needs more water and exhibits its peak physiological response (Fig 5).

This study compared to previous Experimental results found by Aynadis, (2018) showed that at

initial stage 26 % higher amount of water was applied but in development, mid-season stage and

late season stage water applied were reduced by 26 %, 57 %, 53 % in WFD-FAO treatment.

Similarly, this study conservation agriculture with WFD-FAO experimental onion irrigation

season water applied with compared to previous studies conducted by Bante et. (2015), 74, 52,

56 and 55 % reduction water was applied in initial, development, mid-season stage and late

season stage respectively. The reason of high water applied reduction is due to the conservation

agriculture and he explored that high irrigation water was attained at the initial crop stage though

in his work because, he did not use conservation agriculture practices like this study, CA water

was conserved and evaporation was minimized giving optimum soil moisture.

Detail irrigation water used by each plot with corresponding treatment groups and other

parameters showed in (Appendix B) for each stage of treatment. Similarly, statistical quartile

descriptions of irrigation amount for each growth stage were displayed by the following box plot.

Page 50: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Fig-5 Statistical quartile description of irrigation water applied for each crop stage

*WFD-FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD-FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice.

4.1. 2 Total irrigation water applied to onion

Total irrigation water applied to onion was 211, 228.2, 249.3 and 313.3 mm, respectively, for

WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR and FIP treatments. The lowest (211mm) irrigation water was

applied in the WFD-FAO treatment, and the highest (313 mm) irrigation water applied was in the

FIP treatment. The total volume of irrigation water saved by using the WFD-FAO was

Page 51: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


considerably higher which was about 32.6 % followed by the WFD-FIP (27.83 %) compared to

the farmer practice (FIP) (Table 3). These findings correspond with an earlier study conducted

with the same crop (Melaku.et.2015). The water applied to the onion field was reduced by 43 %

when using WFD-FAO under conservation agriculture compared to Melaku‟s (WFD with non-

conservation agriculture) experiment. Similarly, the water applied to the field was reduced by 41

% when using WFD-FAO under conservation agriculture compared to WFD with non-

conservation agriculture experiment (Talake‟s (2017). Corespondgly earlier conservation

agriculture without any technology with the same crop experimental results found by Sisay,

(2019) showed that total water applied were reduced by 59.5,56 and 52 % compared to WFD-

FAO,WFD-FIP and CWR treatments. This implies that the water saved by the WFD-FAO,

WFD-FIP and CWR treatment with conservation agriculture could irrigate more area compared

with WFD-FIP, WFD-FIP and CWR with non-conservation agriculture.

There was no significant difference among the irrigation treatments WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP and

CWR under onions for the amount of irrigation water applied but a significant difference

between WFD-FAO and FIP, between WFD-FIP and FIP and between CWR and FIP. The detail

of each treatment is shown in (Table-4).

Table 4 Total irrigation water applied to onion


% reduction of onion

applied water (m3/ha)



(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (%) (%)

1 235.8 220.3 271 382.9 38.4 42.46 29.23

2 215 229.6 284.1 344 37.51 33.25 17.4

3 2310 2325 2405.4 366 36.88 36.48 34.28

4 172 246.1 257.8 221.2 22.21 -11.27 16.56

5 201.8 218.2 251.7 296.4 31.9 26.39 15.09

6 217.1 224.1 244.3 291.2 25.43 23.06 16.11

7 203.5 227 196 291.2 30.1 22.01 32.7

Avg. 211 228.2 249.3 313 32.6 27.83 20.4

St.dev 213 93 280 552

Page 52: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice.

For onion cultivation under farmer‟s irrigation practice the FAO recommended average irrigation

amount is 350-550 mm (Allen, 1998a) whilst when irrigated using WFD-FAO only 210 mm

water was applied (Table 4). This shows that an average irrigation amount was reduced by 40 to

62 % under WFD-FAO with conservation agriculture compared to the FAO recommendation for

onion water requirement.

Detail irrigation water used by each plot with corresponding treatment groups and other

parameters showed in (Appendix Table-C) for WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR and FIP treatments

respectively. Similarly, other statistical quartile descriptions of irrigation amount for the total

values were displayed by the following box plot. From the graph below farmer‟s irrigation

practice was higher value than WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP and CWR by all maximum, minimum and

average value of total irrigation water applied (Fig-6).

Fig-6 Statistical quartile description of Total irrigation water applied to onion

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice.

4.1. 3. Pepper Irrigation Water Applied per pepper growth stages

The irrigation amount in the WFD-FAO treatment pepper field was 123.7; 116.4; 125.8 and 61

mm, in WFD-FIP treatment pepper field was, 103.9, 96.8, 108.3 and 61 mm, in the CWR

treatment pepper field was 112.6, 107.7, 124.4 and 61 mm and in the FIP treatment pepper field












l onio

n i





er a





Q1 Q2-Q1 Q3-Q2 Min Outlier Max Outlier

Page 53: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


it was 165.4; 159; 163 and 61 mm for early, development, mid and late-season stage respectively

(Table 4). Under pepper experiment, the average irrigation water applied to each stage of pepper

was compared among each treatment. At the initial stage of pepper field, the lowest (103.9 mm)

applied water was achieved in the WFD-FIP treatment, and the highest (165 mm) applied water

was attained in the FIP treatment. In other words, a 37 % irrigation water reduction was achieved

under WFD-FIP treatment compared to the FIP treatment and 8.5 % irrigation water reduction

was achieved compared to CWR treatment (Table 5). Similarly, at development stage of pepper,

WFD-FIP treatment used the lowest (96.8 mm) irrigation water while the FIP treatment used the

highest (159mm) water. This showed that a 38 % irrigation water reduction was attained under

the WFD-FIP treatment compared to the FIP treatment and 9.5 % irrigation water reduction was

received compared to CWR treatment. At mid-season stage, the WFD-FIP received the lowest

(108 mm) irrigation water, and the FIP treatment received the highest (163 mm). Similarly, a

33.7 % reduction in irrigation water was attained under WFD-FIP compared to the FIP treatment

(Table 5).

However, statistically there was significant difference (P<0.05) among all the treatments for

each growing stage computed by using T-test with assuming equal variance at α=0.05 significant

level (Table 5).

Table 5 Applied water (mm) to each growth stages of pepper variations using analysis of

variance (α = 0.05) *





Initial 123.7 103.9 112.6 165.4 0.55

ns 0.96

Dev.t 116.4 96.8 107.7 159.1 0.52

ns 1.35

Mid 125.8 108.3 124.0 163.2 0.32

ns 1.55

Late 61.0 61.0 61.0 61 - -

Total 426.8 370.0 405.3 548.6

Page 54: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


*WFD-FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD-FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice, s = significance, ns = non significance.

Detail irrigation water used by each plot with corresponding treatment groups and other

parameters, statistical quartile descriptions of irrigation amount for each growth stage were

displayed by the following box plot.

Fig-7 Statistical quartile description of irrigation water applied for crop stages and total pepper
















er a





Initial crop stage

Q1 Q2-Q1 Q3-Q2

Min Outlier Max Outlier


















er a





Development stage

Q1 Q2-Q1 Q3-Q2

Min Outlier Max Outlier















ion w



ed (



Mid-season stage

Q1 Q2-Q1

Q3-Q2 Min Outlier

Max Outlier













l ir



n w






Q1 Q2-Q1 Q3-Q2

Min Outlier Max Outlier

Page 55: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


4.1. 4. Total irrigation water applied to Pepper

Total irrigation water applied to pepper field was 426, 370, 404 and 548 mm in the WFD-FAO,

WFD-FIP, CWR and FIP treatments, respectively (Table 6). The lowest (370mm) irrigation

water was applied in the WFD-FIP treatment, and the highest (548mm) irrigation water applied

was in the FIP treatment. The mean volume of irrigation water saved by using the WFD-FAO

and WFD-FIP, was respectively, 22.3 % and 32.4 % compared to FIP treatment and WFD-FAO

treatment was 5.2 % increment and WFD-FIP treatment was 13.2 % reduction compared to

CWR treatment (Table 6).

For Pepper cultivation under farmer‟s irrigation practice the FAO recommended average

irrigation amount is 600-900 mm (Allen, 1998a) whilst when irrigated using WFD-FAO only

426 mm water was applied (Table 6). This shows that an average irrigation amount was reduced

by 29 to 52% under WFD-FAO with conservation agriculture compared to the FAO

recommendation for pepper water requirement.

There was no significant difference among the irrigation treatments WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP and

CWR under pepper. However, the amount of irrigation water applied was significantly different

between WFD-FAO and FIP, between WFD-FIP and FIP, and between CWR and FIP. The detail

of each treatment was shown in (Appendix Table-D).

Table 6 Total Water applied (mm) to Pepper fields


% Reduction of treatments










1 443 409 317 512 13.4 20.1 38.1

2 375 382 505 586 36.0 34.9 13.8

3 458 342 411 526 12.9 35.0 21.9

4 498 380 365 516 3.5 26.3 29.2

5 385 352 423 587 34.4 40.0 28.0

6 395 356 - 551 28.3 35.3 -

7 - - - 555 - - -

Avg. 426.0 370.6 404.5 548.0 22.3 32.4 26.2

Stdev 422 224 629 312

Page 56: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmers Irrigation Practice.

Table 7 Descriptive statistical values of water applied to onion and pepper

Onion Pepper

















average 211 228 249 313 426 370 404.5 548

max 249.39 324.1 285.3 366 595.4 356.9 505.7 802.5

min 172.15 218.22 218.2 221.25 380.35 244.4 317.2 516.1

St.dev 22.13 36.29 32.38 53.36 71.2 40.6 57.4 90.5

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice

4.2 Agronomic Performance of onion and pepper

4.2.1. Plant height for onion

Onion tuber height was higher (39.9 cm) in the WFD-FIP irrigation treatment, and lower (30.2

cm) in the farmer‟s treatment (FIP) (Table-8). However, there was no significant difference in

Plant height among experimental treatment at 5% level (Appendix E). The higher onion height in

the development stage which might result in larger biomass accumulation and potentially lead to

higher yields.

Table 8 summary of average plant height (cm) of onion for each treatment



20 17.68 20.11 15.19 14.22

40 30.38 32.76 27.58 24.84

60 41.88 39.76 38.89 30.08

80 68.55 67.09 64.83 51.78

Avg. 39.6 39.9 36.6 30.2

Page 57: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement.

As shown below in the graph even if statistically no difference was there in biomass between the groups,

there was observed difference in biomass. It shows that from development to maturity stage the maximum

biomass was found in WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP and CWR treatments (Fig-8). The higher tube height in the

development stage might result in larger biomass accumulation and potentially lead to higher yields.

Fig-8 onion tuber heights at each observation day (Day After Transplanting)

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation

schedule, CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice.

4.2.2 Plant height for Pepper

Similarly, pepper height was higher (38.25 cm) in the WFD-FAO irrigation treatment, and lower

(28.7cm) in the farmer‟s treatment (FIP).Generally WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP and CWR under

conservation agriculture was better growth parameters than FIP treatment by crop height.

However, there was no significant difference in plant height among experimental treatment at

5% level (Appendix F).










20 40 60 80








Day After Transplanting


WFD.FIP (cm)

CWR (cm)

FIP (cm)

Page 58: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Table 9 pepper height for each treatment





(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)

20 20.1 19.7 20.3 15.5

40 31.1 29.7 29.4 23.7

60 45.8 42.5 42.1 34.3

80 56 53.7 53.7 41.4

Arg. 38.2 36.4 36.3 28.7

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice.

4.2.3 Yield of onion

Average yield of onion was 10.8, 11.3, 12.8 and 7.6 ton/ha in the WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR

and FIP treatments, respectively, (Table 10). This showed that there was about 29.2 %, 32 %

yield reduction in the FIP compared to WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP treatments, respectively and

WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP treatments were reduced by 15.6 % and 11.7 % compared to CWR

treatment. The highest (18.7 ton/ha) onion yield was observed in the CWR treatment which was

higher compared to the WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP and FIP treatments and the lowest (13.7ton/ha)

onion yield was obtained in the FIP treatment. However, There was no significant difference in

onion yield among WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, and CWR but significant at 5% significance level

between WFD-FAO and FIP, WFD-FIP and FIP and CWR and FIP (Appendix-G). This might be

related to the differences in irrigation water management, time of irrigation & amount of water

applied as well as differences in labors experiences. The experimental onion yield with compared

to previous studies WFD technology without conservation agriculture conducted by Melaku

(2015), 63 % and 64.5% larger yield variation was obtained in the WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP

treatments respectively. Similarly, the experimental onion yield with compared to previous

studies WFD technology with conservation agriculture conducted by Aynadis (2018), 10 % and

Page 59: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


15 % larger yield variation was obtained in the WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP treatments

respectively. The increment in yield is due to the conservation year increment.

Average yield of pepper was 18.5, 15, 18 and 9.1 ton/ha for WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR and

(FIP) treatments, respectively (Table 10). The highest (18.5ton/ha) pepper yield was achieved in

the WFD-FAO treatment. The lowest (9.1ton/ha) yield was obtained in FIP treatment. There was

50.8 %, 39.3 %, yield reduction in the FIP compared to WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP treatments,

respectively. However, the average yield among WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP and the CWR treatment

did not differ significantly but significantly different compared to FIP treatment. Both the

standard deviation and the CV showed a medium variability within each of the WFD-FAO,

WFD-FIP and CWR treatment groups. This might be related to the differences in irrigation water

management, time of irrigation & amount of water applied as well as differences in labors

experiences. The detail is shown in the table below.

Table 10 Yield of onion and pepper for each water management



















1 9.3 4.6 17.5 12.5 45.5 21.7 22.5 13.7

2 15.9 14.2 9.5 6.9 14.3 5.0 19.2 15.2

3 12.0 14.0 4.5 13.7 19.6 10.3 18.7 6.2

4 8.0 14.7 14.6 4.3 10.3 16.3 19.5 10.0

5 14.2 7.2 18.7 6.2 11.5 13.7 10.0 7.1

6 7.6 13.7 11.4 5.4 9.6 23.1 - 6.4

7 8.5 10.3 13.4 4.3 - - - 5.0

Average 10.8 11.3 12.8 7.6 18.5 15.0 18.0 9.1

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice.

Detail onion and pepper yield in each plot with corresponding treatment groups and other

parameters showed in (Appendix Table-H) for WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR and FIP treatments

respectively. Similarly, other statistical quartile descriptions of the total yield values were

displayed by the following box plot. From the graph below CWR was higher value than WFD-

FAO, WFD-FIP and FIP by average value of total yield (Fig-9).

Page 60: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Fig-9 Statistical quartile description of Yield of onion and pepper for each water management

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice.

4.3 Water productivity (WP)

In onion production season water productivity were 4.12, 4.01, 4.28 and 2.02 kg/m3, respectively

for WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR and FIP treatments. This showed that 51 % and 49.6 % WP

lower in FIP compared to in the WFD-FAO, and WFD-FIP treatments. A maximum (4.28 kg/m3)

result of the average water productivity was observed in the CWR treatment. The least average

water productivity (2.02 kg/m3) was observed in the FIP treatment (Table 11). The difference

was also highly significant among the above variables compared to FIP treatment at 5 %

significance level (Appendix-J).

Similarly, pepper production season water productivity of the treatments were 4.3, 4.0, 4.4 and

1.7 kg/m3 was obtained in the WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR and FIP, respectively. A maximum

(4.4 kg/m3) result of the average water productivity was observed in the CWR treatment. The

least average water productivity (1.7 kg/m3) in pepper production season was observed in the FIP

treatment. This showed that 60.5%, 57.5% lower water productivity was attained in the FIP

compared to WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP treatments in pepper production (Table 11). The

difference was also highly significant among the above variables compared to FIP treatment at

5% significance level (Appendix-J).




















ld (



Q1 Q2-Q1Q3-Q2 Min OutlierMax Outlier




















ld (



Q1 Q2-Q1

Q3-Q2 Min Outlier

Max Outlier

Page 61: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Table 3 Onion and pepper production season water productivity (Kg/m3)

Onion Water productivity(kg/m3) Pepper water productivity(kg/m



1 3.2 1.7 5.4 2.9 10.3 5.3 6.6 2.7

2 6.0 5.1 2.9 1.8 3.8 1.3 3.8 2.6

3 4.3 4.9 1.6 3.3 4.3 3.0 4.3 1.2

4 3.6 4.9 4.7 1.6 2.1 4.3 5.0 1.9

5 5.6 2.7 6.2 1.8 3.0 3.9 2.2 1.2

6 2.8 5.0 3.9 1.6 2.5 6.5 - 1.2

7 3.4 3.7 5.4 1.3 - - - 0.9

Average 4.12 4.01 4.28 2.02 4.3 4.0 4.4 1.7

Max 5.97 5.07 6.17 3.29 10.3 6.5 6.6 2.7

Min 2.84 1.72 1.55 1.27 2.1 1.3 2.2 1.2

St.dev 1.21 1.34 1.63 0.75 2.8 1.6 1.4 0.7

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice.

Detail water productivity of each plot with corresponding treatment groups and other parameters

is shown in (Appendix; J).For WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR and FIP, the statistical quartile

description of values displayed in (fig- 10).

Fig-10 Statistical quartile description of Onion and pepper water productivity (Kg/m3)

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice.
















n s



n W





Pepper production season water productivity

Q1 Q2-Q1 Q3-Q2 Min Outlier Max Outlier














n pro


ion s


n W




Onion production season Water


Q1 Q2-Q1 Q3-Q2 Min Outlier Max Outlier

Page 62: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


4.4 Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE)

Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) for onion and pepper vegetables was increased in WFD-

FAO, WFD-FIP, and CWR treatments compared to FIP treatment. IWUE of onion were 5.1, 4.9,

5.19 and 2.3 kg/m3

respectively, in WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP, CWR and FIP treatments. This shows

that IWUE in WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP treatments was 54.3 %, and 52 % higher than FIP

treatment (Table 12). The maximum (5.19 kg/m3) irrigation efficiency was found in the CWR

followed by the WFD-FAO and the lowest (2.3 kg/m3) irrigation efficiency was in the FIP

treatment under onion production. However, there was no significant difference among the

treatments in WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP and CWR. Moreover, there exists a significant difference in

irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) between the treatment WFD-FAO and FIP, WFD-FIP

and FIP, and CWR and FIP treatments (Appendix Tables K).

Similarly, IWUE of pepper was 4.3, 4.0, 4.6 and 1.6 kg/m3), respectively, in WFD-FAO, WFD-

FIP, CWR and FIP treatments. It implies that IWUE in WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP treatment was

61.3 % and 58.5 % higher than FIP treatment. The maximum (4.6 kg/m3) irrigation efficiency

was found in the CWR and the lowest (1.6 kg/m3) irrigation efficiency was in the FIP treatment

(Table 12). However, there was no significant difference among the treatments in WFD-FAO,

WFD-FIP and CWR. Moreover, there exists a significant difference in irrigation water use

efficiency (IWUE) between the treatment WFD-FAO and FIP, WFD-FIP and FIP, and CWR and

FIP treatments (Appendix Tables L).

Table 4 IWUE of treatment under onion and Pepper irrigation production

Onion irrigation Water use efficiency


Pepper irrigation Water use efficiency



3.9 2.1 6.4 3.2 10.2 5.3 7.0 2.6

7.4 6.2 3.3 2.0 3.8 1.3 3.8 2.6

5.2 6.0 1.8 3.7 4.2 3.0 4.5 1.1

4.6 5.9 5.1 1.9 2.0 4.2 5.3 1.9

7.2 3.3 7.4 2.1 3.0 3.8 2.3 1.2

3.5 6.1 4.6 1.8 2.4 6.4 - 1.1

4.2 4.5 6.8 1.5 - - - 0.9

Avg. 5.1 4.9 5.1 2.3 4.3 4.0 4.6 1.6

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice

Page 63: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


Results in (Table-12) showed that the WFD-FAO treatment had less water input yet was still

able to generate onion and pepper yield comparable to those WFD-FIP and CWR treatments. In

case of onion, WFD-FAO and WFD-FIP produced higher yield than the FIP treatment but lower

than the CWR. In case of pepper, Yields of pepper under the WFD-FAO treatment higher but

statistically similar to those under the WFD-FIP and CWR treatments. The maximum efficiency

of irrigation water was shown by CWR followed by the WFD-FAO treatment than the FIP under

onion field, whereas all WFD-FAO, WFD-FIP and CWR treatments were statistically (P=0.05)

have no significant difference, showing desirable results than the FIP treatment under pepper

production. A significant difference also recognized among the treatments that the desirable

(maximum) result of the water productivity (Kg/m3) is observed under the CWR followed by the

WFD-FAO than the FIP particularly under onion. The WFD was equally important as CWR for

water productivity under pepper. The least water productivity 1.05 kg/m3 for onion and 0.15

kg/m3 for pepper were observed from the FP. The water productivity results of onion also were

consistent with the significant improvements in the water productivity that has been associated

with CWR (Doorenbos and Kassam, 1996) and the WFD is also within the range of the


Detail irrigation Water use efficiency of each plot with corresponding treatment groups and the

statistical quartile description of values displayed in (fig- 11).

Fig-11 Statistical quartile description of Onion and pepper irrigation water use efficiency (kg/m3)

* WFD.FAO=Wetting Front Detect with FAO, WFD.FIP= Wetting front detector with farmers irrigation schedule,

CWR= Crop water requirement, FIP = Farmer Irrigation Practice
















n w








Q1 Q2-Q1 Q3-Q2 Min Outlier Max Outlier
















er u

se e





Q1 Q2-Q1 Q3-Q2 Min Outlier Max Outlier

Page 64: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...



5.1. Conclusion

Using wetting front detector combined with conservation agriculture has reduced irrigation water

use, increased yield of onion and pepper, increased water productivity and irrigation water use

efficiency compared to any of the technologies so far used in this experiment. The results of this

study indicated that farmers scheduling practices has increased the total irrigation water use for

onion by about 33 % and 27 % compared to wetting front detector with FAO and wetting front

detector with farmers irrigation practices, respectively and also water applied in wetting front

detector with FAO and wetting front detector with farmers irrigation practices were reduced by

15.26 % and 8.5 % compared to onion field CWR treatment respectively. But statistically there

was no significance difference. Similarly, the results showed that farmers scheduling practices

has increased the total irrigation water use for pepper by about 22 % and 32 % compared to

wetting front detector with FAO and wetting front detector with farmers irrigation practices

scheduling, respectively.

On the other hand, the yield of onion in farmers scheduling practices was reduced by about 29 %

and 32 % compared to wetting front detector with FAO and wetting front detector with farmer‟s

irrigation practices, respectively. Correspondingly, the yield of pepper in farmers scheduling

practices was reduced by about 50 % and 39.3 % compared to wetting front detector with FAO

and wetting front detector with farmer‟s irrigation practices, respectively.

In similar way, water productivity in farmers scheduling practices during onion production

period was reduced by about 51 % and 50 % compared to wetting front detector with FAO and

wetting front detector with farmer‟s irrigation practices, respectively. Consistently, water

productivity in farmers scheduling practices during pepper production period was reduced by

about 60 % and 58 % compared to wetting front detector with FAO and wetting front detector

with farmer‟s irrigation practices, respectively.

Page 65: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...


In conclusion, wetting front detector with FAO, wetting front detector with farmers irrigation

practice and crop water requirement under conservation agriculture were save a substantial

amount of water without yield reduction. Although many indicators confirm that WFD-FAO and

CWR treatments practicality at farmer‟s level is questioning as it is more computers based. Thus

WFD-FIP treatment would be an important tool to be considered to improve the current on farm

water optimization by smallholder irrigators.

5.2. Recommendations

Especially recommended that the results of the experiment showed that scheduling tool

wetting front detector combining with conservation agriculture management system was

good technique to improve irrigation productivity and water use efficiency as found in

this study.

For developed countries which have skilled man farmers CWR treatment scheduling is


Integrated pest management (IPM) should also be added to the conservation agriculture

(CA) set of recommendations.

Irrigation water managers should follow the irrigation water optimization tools in order to

Improve the water use efficiency.

Page 66: Evaluation of Wetting Front Detector on Irrigated ...



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STIRZAKER, R.J., MAEKO, T.C., ANNANDALE, J.G., STEYN, J.M., ADHANOM, G.T. AND MPUISANG, T., 2017. Scheduling irrigation from wetting front depth. Agricultural Water Management, 179,


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Appendix Tables

Appendix A Irrigation data collection sheet sample for WFD.FAO, WFD.FIP,

CWR and FIP and Event based onion irrigation data analyzing process


date Irri.litre Irri. Mm


area in


volume in

lit/ha m3

initial 2/16/11


4.06 0.0064





4.06 0.0064





4.06 0.0064





4.06 0.0064





4.06 0.0064



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Appendix-B: ANOVA single factor for onion irrigation volume for each

stages (m3/ha) between treatments

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 4 2181.55 545.38 16317.2

WFD.FIP 4 2562.65 640.663 22238.2


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 18154 1 18154.1 0.94171 0.3693 5.9873

Within Groups 115666 6 19277.7

Total 133820 7

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 4 2562.65 640.663 22238.2

FIP 4 2565.69 641.423 43230.8


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 1.1552 1 1.1552 3.53E-05 0.9954 5.9873

Within Groups 196407 6 32734.5

Total 196408 7

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 4 2565.69 641.423 43230.84

FIP 4 3069.8 767.45 5076.73


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 31765 1 31765.5 1.315137 0.2951 5.9873

Within Groups 144922 6 24153.7

Total 176688 7

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Appendix-C: ANOVA single factor for onion irrigation volume (m3/ha)

between treatments

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 7 14763 2109 45371.33

WFD.FIP 7 15980.91 2282.987 8724.222


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 105950.3 1 105950.3 3.917155 0.071206 4.747225

Within Groups 324573.3 12 27047.78

Total 430523.7 13

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 7 15980.91 2282.987 8724.222

CWR 7 17456.68 2493.811 78474.57


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 155564.1 1 155564.1 3.568033 0.083304 4.747225

Within Groups 523192.8 12 43599.4

Total 678756.9 13

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 7 17456.68 2493.811 78474.57

FIP 7 21931.37 3133.053 304959.3


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 1430204 1 1430204 7.459975 0.018223 4.747225

Within Groups 2300603 12 191716.9

Total 3730807 13

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Appendix-D: ANOVA single factor for Pepper irrigation volume (m3/ha)

between treatments

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 5 21610 4322 265186.8

WFD.FIP 5 18667.55 3733.51 69933.39


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 865801.2 1 865801.2 5.167108 0.052633 5.317655

Within Groups 1340481 8 167560.1

Total 2206282 9

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 5 18667.55 3733.51 69933.39

CWR 5 20226.86 4045.372 494585.9


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 243144.8 1 243144.8 0.861422 0.380492 5.317655

Within Groups 2258077 8 282259.6

Total 2501222 9

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 5 20226.86 4045.372 494585.9

FIP 5 27292 5458.4 145370.8


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 4991620 1 4991620 15.59987 0.004238 5.317655

Within Groups 2559827 8 319978.3

Total 7551447 9

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Appendix-E: ANOVA single factor for Onion plant height (cm) between


Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 4 158.49 39.6225 469.5979

WFD.FIP 4 159.72 39.93 393.9786


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 0.189113 1 0.189113 0.000438 0.983982 5.987378

Within Groups 2590.729 6 431.7882

Total 2590.919 7

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 4 159.72 39.93 393.9786

CWR 4 146.49 36.6225 447.3078


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 21.87911 1 21.87911 0.052013 0.82717 5.987378

Within Groups 2523.859 6 420.6432

Total 2545.738 7

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 4 146.49 36.6225 447.3078

FIP 4 120.92 30.23 249.9324


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 81.72811 1 81.72811 0.234433 0.645422 5.987378

Within Groups 2091.721 6 348.6201

Total 2173.449 7

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Appendix-F: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Pepper plant height (cm)

between treatments

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 4 153 38.25 250.87

WFD.FIP 4 145.6 36.4 220.0933


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 6.845 1 6.845 0.029068 0.870226 5.987378

Within Groups 1412.89 6 235.4817

Total 1419.735 7

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 4 145.6 36.4 220.0933

CWR 4 145.5 36.375 213.3292


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 0.00125 1 0.00125 5.77E-06 0.998162 5.987378

Within Groups 1300.268 6 216.7113

Total 1300.269 7

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 4 145.5 36.375 213.3292

FIP 4 114.9 28.725 130.6292


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 117.045 1 117.045 0.680577 0.440946 5.987378

Within Groups 1031.875 6 171.9792

Total 1148.92 7

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Appendix-G: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Onion yield (kg/ha)

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 7 75822.8 10831.83 10712969

WFD.FIP 7 79200.6 11314.37 15943623


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 814966.6 1 814966.6 0.061146 0.808874 4.747225

Within Groups 1.6E+08 12 13328296

Total 1.61E+08 13

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 7 79200.6 11314.37 15943623

CWR 7 89869.8 12838.54 23593757


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 8130845 1 8130845 0.411299 0.533369 4.747225

Within Groups 2.37E+08 12 19768690

Total 2.45E+08 13

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 7 89869.8 12838.54 23593757

FIP 7 53634.4 7662.057 14913485


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 93786015 1 93786015 4.871084 0.047531 4.747225

Within Groups 2.31E+08 12 19253621

Total 3.25E+08 13

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Appendix-H: ANOVA single factor Analysis for pepper yield (kg/ha)

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 6 111109.9 18518.32 1.88E+08

WFD.FIP 6 90163.8 15027.3 47236248


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 36561592 1 36561592 0.310559 0.589592 4.964603

Within Groups 1.18E+09 10 1.18E+08

Total 1.21E+09 11

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 5 67060.4 13412.08 39478293

CWR 5 90003 18000.6 22161232


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 52636289 1 52636289 1.707875 0.227574 5.317655

Within Groups 2.47E+08 8 30819762

Total 2.99E+08 9

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 5 90003 18000.6 22161232

FIP 5 52361.1 10472.22 15729571


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 1.42E+08 1 1.42E+08 7.478926 0.025656 5.317655

Within Groups 1.52E+08 8 18945401

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Total 2.93E+08 9

Appendix-I: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Onion water productivity


Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 7 28.9 4.128571 1.522381

WFD.FIP 7 28 4 1.816667


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 0.057857 1 0.057857 0.034655 0.855431 4.747225

Within Groups 20.03429 12 1.669524

Total 20.09214 13

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 7 28 4 1.816667

CWR 7 30.1 4.3 2.6


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 0.315 1 0.315 0.142642 0.712264 4.747225

Within Groups 26.5 12 2.208333

Total 26.815 13

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 7 30.1 4.3 2.6

FIP 7 14.3 2.042857 0.562857


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 17.83143 1 17.83143 11.27552 0.005696 4.747225

Within Groups 18.97714 12 1.581429

Total 36.80857 13

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Appendix-J: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Pepper water productivity


Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 6 26 4.333333 9.202667

WFD.FIP 6 24.3 4.05 3.263


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 0.240833 1 0.240833 0.038639 0.848102 4.964603

Within Groups 62.32833 10 6.232833

Total 62.56917 11

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 5 17.8 3.56 2.278

CWR 5 21.9 4.38 2.602


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 1.681 1 1.681 0.688934 0.430598 5.317655

Within Groups 19.52 8 2.44

Total 21.201 9

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Column 1 5 21.9 4.38 2.602

Column 2 5 9.6 1.92 0.527


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit


Groups 15.129 1 15.129 9.670182 0.014452 5.317655

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Within Groups 12.516 8 1.5645

Total 27.645 9

Appendix-K: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Onion Irrigation Water use

efficiency (kg/m3)

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 7 361.9932 51.71331 241.7073

WFD.FIP 7 344.3205 49.18864 268.5401


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 22.30895 1 22.30895 0.087444 0.772507 4.747225

Within Groups 3061.484 12 255.1237

Total 3083.793 13

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 7 344.3205 49.18864 268.5401

CWR 7 358.9678 51.28111 398.8934


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 15.32452 1 15.32452 0.045921 0.833918 4.747225

Within Groups 4004.601 12 333.7168

Total 4019.926 13

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 7 358.9678 51.28111 398.8934

FIP 7 164.96 23.56571 67.81119


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 2688.501 1 2688.501 11.52121 0.005326 4.747225

Within Groups 2800.227 12 233.3523

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Total 5488.728 13

Appendix-L: ANOVA single factor Analysis for Pepper Water use efficiency


Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FAO 6 259.0033 43.16722 917.5718

WFD.FIP 6 242.8032 40.46721 322.7574


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 21.8703 1 21.8703 0.035265 0.854797 4.964603

Within Groups 6201.646 10 620.1646

Total 6223.516 11

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

WFD.FIP 6 242.8032 40.46721 322.7574

CWR 5 231.6144 46.32287 310.0103


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 93.51495 1 93.51495 0.294914 0.600278 5.117355

Within Groups 2853.828 9 317.092

Total 2947.343 10

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CWR 5 231.6144 46.32287 310.0103

FIP 7 116.8062 16.6866 54.37633


Source of

Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 2561.733 1 2561.733 16.35532 0.002345 4.964603

Within Groups 1566.299 10 156.6299

Total 4128.032 11

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Appendix-M: Normal Q-Q plot and frequency distribution curve for onion

WFD-CWR onion irrigation (m3/ha)

WFD-FIP onion irrigation (m3/ha)

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Crop water requirement onion irrigation (m3/ha)

Farmers irrigation practice (m3/ha)

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WFD-FAO onion yield (kg/ha)

WFD-FIP onion yield (kg/ha)

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CWR onion yield (kg/ha)

FIP onion yield (kg/ha)

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Water productivity of WFD-FAO treatment of onion (kg/m3)

Water productivity of WFD-FIP treatment of onion (kg/m3)

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Water productivity of CWR onion treatment (kg/m3)

Water productivity of FIP onion treatment (kg/m3)

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Appendix-N: Normal Q-Q plot and frequency distribution curve for pepper

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Photos during irrigation season

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Wetting front installation for each field

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Field Visiting and discussion

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