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Running Head: PROGRAM EVALUATION 1 San Joaquin County Office of Education’s Special Education Teacher Mentoring Program Evaluation Jennifer Clare
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San Joaquin County Office of Education’s

Special Education Teacher Mentoring Program Evaluation

Jennifer Clare

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I. Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………….. 2

II. Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………. 3

III. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

IV. Evaluation Framework………………………………………………………………………..4

V. Evaluation Findings…………………………………………………………………………..6

VI. Recommendations…………………………………………………………………………….7

VII. Resources.……………………………………………………………………………………9

VIII. Acronym list………….…………………………………………………………………….11

IX. Appendices

A. Evaluation Timeline……………………………………………………………………..12

B. Mentor Program Logic Model…………………………………………………………..14

C. Interview Data from Stakeholders……………………………………………………….15

D. First Year Teacher Survey Data Analysis……………………………………………….18

E. Second and Third Year Teacher Survey Data Analysis…………………………………25

F. Mentor Logged Hours…………………………………………………………………..27

G. First Year Teacher Survey Raw Data…………………………………………………….28

H. Second and Third Year Teacher Survey Raw Data………………………………………38

I. Possible Post Session Survey…………………………………………………………….46

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Executive Summary

The purpose of this evaluation is to determine if a mentoring program is needed to

support new teachers and their feeling of self-efficacy. The goal of the evaluation is to determine

if the existing program is effective in offering current levels of support to newly hired teachers.

The evaluation was implemented over a three month period. The evaluation impacts include

feelings of self-efficacy amongst new teachers and success of existing mentor program. The

conclusions show the program is effective in feelings of support, and it is recommended the

program continue with some modifications.


The SJCOE Special Education program has 77 teachers, working with students with mild

to severe disabilities at locations in Linden, Lincoln, Manteca, Ripon, Escalon, Tracy, Jefferson,

Banta, and Lammersville Districts. A peer mentor program was started around 2003, and has

been implemented with varying levels of intensity since it began. The goal of the program is to

provide support for first, second, and third year teachers in order to help them succeed. The

program also attempts to support new teachers in procedure, professionalism, and work/life

balance. Implementation data was pulled from the 2014-2015 school year from August to March.

The program is currently in implementation and serves twenty-three first through third year

teachers. The program began the school year with five mentors, and is currently at four mentor

teachers as of December, 2014.

Project participants include first, second, and third year teachers, mentoring teachers, and

the administrator in charge of the mentoring program. Based on feedback from interviews with

major stakeholders (supervising administrator and mentor teachers) and from surveys given to

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first through third year teachers, the program is effective in improving levels of self-efficacy and

should continue, with some modifications. Data analysis and recommendations will be presented

to major stakeholders and to the special education division director. It is recommended that the

program continue with modifications recommended by stakeholders and participating teachers.

The audience shall include all participants, in addition to the division director of special

education programs and the rest of the administration team. Please also refer to Appendix B,

Mentor Program Logic Model, which shows the resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and

impact of the current program.

Evaluation Framework

The purpose of the evaluation is to determine if the mentoring program effectively

supports new teachers by looking at feelings of support and self-efficacy in the special education

teacher role. The following evaluating questions were identified by the mentor teachers and

supervising administrator:

Is what we are doing with the new teachers effective? What is the flow of chain of

command, point of contact? (i.e., new teacher to mentor to admin?) What it is that

the teachers felt most supported in, and what did mentors feel most effective in?

What ways did you feel you wanted to be more effective, but couldn’t? Moving

forward with new teachers, what is the next level of support needed?

The evaluator’s questions include: How can we best support new teachers and mentor teachers?

Does this program effectively support new teachers? Does the cost (stipend) for this program

need to be raised? What are the expectations of this program? Are mentor teachers being used

primarily for mentoring, or do other tasks take away from this (leading trainings, covering IEPs

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for other teachers, etc)? Do new teachers feel supported/qualified in their role? Are questions

being answered, needs being met? Does administration feel they are fielding questions from new

teachers that could be addressed by veteran teachers?

The evaluation team consists of one of the mentor teachers within the program acting as a

participant observer. This evaluator’s mentor hours are included within the data collected.

Current mentor teachers and administration were interviewed (major stakeholders) in order to

facilitate their involvement with the evaluation process (see Appendix C for full interview

questions and responses). The interview responses include input solely from the mentor teachers

and supervising administrators to minimize bias.

Study Design

Mentor teachers were interviewed on March 3rd, 2015 in person during a mentor

planning meeting and the supervising administrator was interviewed on March 6th, 2015 via

phone. Notes were taken regarding their responses (see Appendix C for full questions and

responses). Mentor teachers also provided data from logs record August-March of the 2014-2015

school year indicating hours spent mentoring teachers and hours spent covering IEPs. Three out

of four mentor teachers provided hours spent mentoring and covering IEPs.

First year teachers were emailed a ten question survey with three attempts to solicit

responses. It was emphasized that the survey was voluntary, did not influence individual

evaluation, and was to be completed outside of work hours. Eleven out of sixteen first year

teachers responded to the survey (See Appendices D and G for full questions and responses).

Second and third year teachers received an eight question survey and three emailed attempts to

solicit responses with the same emphasis in instructions. Three out of seven second and third

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year teachers responded to the survey (See Appendices E and H for full survey questions and

responses). A summative approach was used, and data is analyzed using both quantitative and

qualitative methods. Survey and interview data was organized in narrative form. The number of

responses for each multiple choice question were recorded. Commonalities were identified for

open-ended questions. Data was recorded in tables and charts showing questions and responses

and a record of hours (see Appendices C, D, E, and F).

SurveyMonkey was used to administer surveys for first through third year teachers.

Questions include addressing areas covered well and not covered well, feelings of support and

self-efficacy, and effectiveness of the program (See Appendices D and E for full questions).

Surveys were open and available from March 24th through April 6th. Items unable to be

collected include surveys given out to attending teachers after three of the monthly sessions held

during the 2014-2015 school year. The evaluator is a participant observer, which may limit an

objective perspective in conducting this evaluation. The time frame for this evaluation was

February through April, 2015. More time would likely produce more information regarding the

effectiveness of the program.

Evaluation Findings


The mentor log data shows 65% of hours were spent mentoring teachers while 35% of

hours were spent covering IEPs for other teachers (see Appendix F). The interview with mentor

teachers showed a desire to spend less time covering IEPs and rather have peer or veteran

teachers take on this responsibility so that mentor teachers are able to focus on mentoring alone.

Stakeholders also identified a need to make monthly sessions mandatory by either moving them

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to early release days or offering compensation. Adding incentives was also discussed to

encourage optional attendance.

First Year Teachers

Based on their responses, first year teachers found the mentoring program necessary and

effective in improving their own practice. They stated feelings of support, and isolated areas in

which they felt needed higher concentration. Feedback included moving sessions to early release

days or compensated hours, which was also recognized as a need by mentor teachers. Also

included was a need for a set time to meet with mentor teachers, trainings with IAs, first year

teacher, and mentor teacher, having a SEIS training before the start of school, moving the data

tracking session earlier in the school year, and offering trainings in multiple locations for easier


Second and Third Year Teachers

The teachers who reported identified support outside of their mentor teacher, coming

from peer teachers or teachers working with a similar population of students. One of the three

respondents felt the program improved their own effectiveness, however two out of three felt

feedback from their mentor improved their practice. All three felt they could ask for help from

other teachers, which shows progress towards long-term goals (See Appendix B, Logic Model).

All respondents (first year through third year teachers, mentor teachers, and supervising

administrator) identified a need for a mentor handbook to structure the program.


It is recommended that the program continue with some modifications. It is

recommended that monthly sessions be held on a early release day so they can be mandatory and

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teachers are compensated for their time. Incentives for attending may also be beneficial. The

results of this evaluation will be shared with the mentor teachers and supervising administrator,

the remaining administration team, and the director of our special education program. Follow-up

interviews will take place with mentor teachers regarding what should be included in a mentor

handbook based on feedback provided by first through third year teachers. A majority of the

evaluation questions have been addressed, but the remaining questions shall also be addressed.

The following goal and objectives will be addressed in the 2015-2016 school year:

Goal: To provide peer support to new teachers by sharing knowledge and

experience in order to foster new teacher success.

Objective 1: We will provide guidelines to mentor and first year teachers so areas

of support may be outlined for both parties in the form of a mentor handbook by

May 2016.

Objective 2: Mentor teachers will record and submit monthly logs documenting

time spent mentoring new teachers in order to determine if a higher stipend is

needed to recruit established teachers willing to assist new teachers as evidenced

by monthly logs submitted from August to May, 2016.

Objective 3: We will provide monthly sessions (compensated or with incentives)

so that all new teachers will demonstrate an increased feeling of support as

evidenced by surveys given at the end of each session with an 80% or higher

approval rating by May, 2016.

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American Evaluation Association. 2015. The program evaluation standards. Retrieved from


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2013. Evaluation reporting: A guide to help ensure

use of evaluation findings. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/docs/


Community Sustainability Engagement Evaluation Toolbox. 2010. Presenting your evaluation

findings. Retrieved from http://evaluationtoolbox.net.au/index.php?


Southwest Comprehensive Center at WestEd. 2008. A guide for comprehensive needs

assessment. Retrieved from http://www.cde.state.co.us/sites/default/files/documents/


The University of Texas at Austin. 2011. Instructional assessment resources: Evaluate programs.

Retrieved from http://www.utexas.edu/academic/ctl/assessment/iar/programs/plan/steps/?


United Way of America. 1996. Measuring program outcomes: A practical approach. Retrieved

from http://www.nrpa.org/uploadedFiles/nrpa.org/Professional_Development/


U.S. Department of Education. 2015. Office of planning, evaluation, and policy development:

Evaluation reports. Retrieved from http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/opepd/ppss/


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W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 2004. W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook. Retrieved

from https://www.wkkf.org/resource-directory/resource/2010/w-k-kellogg-foundation-


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Acronym List

DIS- Designated Instructional Service providers

IAs- Instructional Assistants

IEP- Individualized Education Plan

SEIS- Special Education Information System

SJCOE- San Joaquin County Office of Education

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Appendix A

Mentor Program Evaluation Timeline Project Title: Mentor Teacher Program Overall Learning Goal: Does the Mentor Teacher Program effectively meet the needs of new teachers, and support mentor teachers?


Learning Objectives

(The learner will...)

Learning Activities

(e.g., reading, data analysis, construct

survey items and so forth) or strategies to meet the objectives

Date by which the

learning activity is to be


Evidence to know that learning has


Criteria (as measured by)

to which learner’s

performance will be compared

1 Study/identify the necessary steps for a program evaluation (standards?) and outline evaluation plan

Read CDC handout, Questions for Conducting an Evaluation, What is Evaluation, AEA standards

February 6th Outline evaluation plan with appropriate steps, answer questions

All steps are listed, questions answered best to ability

2 Speak with major stakeholders (admin. of Mentor Program, teachers) regarding interest in evaluating program

Identify areas with stakeholder I would like to focus on, where more information is needed

February 20th Notes on conversation, more evaluation questions answered

All areas outlined in steps and questions addressed with stakeholder

3 Collect specific information about program (history, data, etc.)

Data analysis, reading information

February 27th Legitimate foundation of data, survey with appropriate content

Survey is thorough, data collected is enough to give a clear picture of the program

4 Develop survey/questionnaire for focus group.

example questionnaires/surveys

March 13th Survey/questionnaire

Survey/questionnaire with appropriate questions pertaining to evaluation questions

5 Send out survey/questionnaire to teachers (new, older, mentors) and analyze responses; interviews?

Survey/questionnaire and data analysis

March 27th Survey/questionnaire responses, data analyzed/coded

Survey/questionnaire sent out to the appropriate participants, thoroughly analyzed responses

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6 Write up final results from evaluation

outline, reading, data analysis, survey analysis, interviews

April 20th Evaluation write-up highlighting outlined areas and data collected

All data included? Report written in a clear, concise way? All areas covered?

7 Share results with stakeholder(s)

ppt, visuals, bullet points, report

May Stakeholders accept and comment on plan, plan is presentable

Was the plan presented in a clear format? Were questions asked and answered?


Learning Objectives

(The learner will...)

Learning Activities

(e.g., reading, data analysis, construct

survey items and so forth) or strategies to meet the objectives

Date by which the

learning activity is to be


Evidence to know that learning has


Criteria (as measured by)

to which learner’s

performance will be compared

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Appendix B SJCOE Special Education Mentor Teacher Program Logic Model

Planned Work —————————> Intended Results ———————————————>

Resources Activities Outputs Outcomes Impact

In order to accomplish our set of activities we will need the following:

In order to address our problem or asset we will accomplish the following activities:

We expect that once accomplished these activities will produce the following evidence or service delivery:

We expect that if accomplished these activities will lead to the following changes in 1–3 then 4–6 years:

We expect that if accomplished these activities will lead to the following changes in 7–10 years:

High number of new teachers (25).

Monthly sessions/trainings for new teachers given by mentor teachers.

New teachers feel supported by peers.

Increase in teacher retention and self-efficacy.

Increase in level of peer support amongst all teachers.

Existing successful teacher mentoring programs.

Logged email/phone/in person time spent with mentor and teacher.

Mentors able to support due to compensation.

Increase in teachers willing to mentor peers.

Veteran teachers willing to support new teachers (4-5).

Mentors assigned to new teachers based on workload/level of need.

New teachers remain in position and execute responsibilities of job.

Administration able to compensate mentor teachers.

Stipend for mentor teachers.

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Appendix C: Interview Data from Stakeholders

Interview with Major Stakeholders

Mentor Teachers 3/3/15

Supervising Administrator 3/6/15

What questions would you like this evaluation to answer?

Is what we are doing with the new teachers effective? What is the flow of chain of command, point of contact? (i.e., new teacher to mentor to admin?)

What it is that the teachers felt most supported in, and what did mentors feel most effective in? What ways did you feel you wanted to be more effective, but couldn’t? Moving forward with new teachers, what is next level of support needed?

What are the goals of the mentor program?

To provide support for first and second year teachers in order to help them succeed. To support new teachers in procedure, professionalism, work/life balance.

To develop a systematic (better record keeping, what is expected for implementation) way of support for new teachers. Expanding the role and being intentional. Not just new teacher needs. To share knowledge mentors have with new teachers, and establish medium to share this information.

To what extent does this program achieve its goals?

I am always available by email or phone to my mentees. It is much more difficult to spend the necessary time with them in their classrooms due to the necessity of running your own classroom and taking care of IEP responsibilities for full time teachers who are out on disability. Trainings are good to have all there to cover content/questions many teachers have.

Mixed. With limited number of mentors and sites spread out, moving towards meeting those goals. Progress. Need more mentors with different levels of experience. Overall program needs took priority. Information only. Need content and activities. Not enough.

Interview with Major Stakeholders

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How can the mentor program be improved?

Let the mentors just mentor. Hire retired teachers to just do IEPs or hire trained substitutes to handle all operations in the classroom they agreed to run. Also, have new teacher trainings during the school day so that it will be mandatory to attend. Staff timesheet for IEP coverage as an incentive. Meeting within group populations like ED (everyone). Needs more mentors. Beginning of the year, visiting classrooms, helping teachers, trainings. Mandatory trainings during day or timesheet. Not all new teachers attend, few consistently. Or PLCs on minimum days, go off site calendar. Or incentives for teachers who attend. Mentor budget! Prize for each one for attending, big prize at the end of the year for attending all. Increase stipend. Floater teacher to cover IEPs.

Need handbook. what is expected by mentors and mentees. Outlining role and responsibilities. Checklists to make sure what needs to be covered is being covered. More structure. Idea of a handbook, puts ideas all in one place. Structure to put things down. And expanding by having more mentors. And doing PAR.

Should the program continue?

I absolutely think it needs to continue. Although some new teachers can get the support they need from other county teachers on there campus, some do not have that luxury or need more support for the first couple of years. Yes. Very beneficial to new teachers.


Mentor Teachers 3/3/15

Supervising Administrator 3/6/15

Interview with Major Stakeholders

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What is the main thing you want to know from this evaluation?

What do other mentors think about the program. Since I never had a mentor, am I wrong about my expectations? Feedback from new teachers, identify what was most helpful and where need still is? How entire training looks to administration, because they are evaluating teachers? What’s missing? There’s no handbook to follow, just trying to help out what appears to be needed.

What’s needed, specifics about what worked and things that as a group of mentors how we collectively feel about effectiveness.

Mentor Teachers 3/3/15

Supervising Administrator 3/6/15

Interview with Major Stakeholders

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Appendix D

First Year Teacher Survey Analysis

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First Year Teacher Survey: Open Ended Questions


Are there any other comments, concerns, thoughts, ideas, and/or feedback you have to improve the effectiveness of the mentoring program? Please be specific.

Make trainings during work hours (3/11) Mentor teacher has been awesome (2/11) Not having mentor (1/11) Clearly defined mentor role (1/11) Set time to meet with mentor (1/11) Program was effective (1/11) Have SEIS IEP training before start of school (1/11) Data tracking earlier in school year (1/11) Two locations for trainings for easier access (1/11)

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Appendix E: Second and Third Year Teacher Survey Data Analysis

2nd/3rd Year Teacher Survey: Multiple Choice Questions

Do you feel the mentor program improved your own effectiveness as a teacher?

Yes: 33.33% (1/3) No: 66.67% (2/3)

Do you feel like you can ask fellow teachers for help?

Yes: 100% (3/3) No: 0% (0/3)

Please respond to this statement: Expectations regarding my responsibilities and what was expected of me in my teacher role were made clear.

Strongly Agree: 0% (0/3) Agree: 33.33% (1/3) Disagree: 66.67% (2/3) Strongly Disagree: 0% (0/3)

Please respond to this statement: The feedback from mentors helped me improve my practice as a new teacher.

Strongly Agree: 66.67% (2/3) Agree: 33.33% (1/3) Disagree: 0% (0/3) Strongly Disagree: 0% (0/3)

What level of support do you feel you need from this point on (such as visits from mentor, more sessions/trainings (please specify in what), collaborative time with other teachers, etc.)?

Respondent 1 (R1): I feel more collaborative time within the ED program would be beneficial to ensure our programming looks similar and transitions between classes are more smooth. Respondent 2 (R2): Collaboration time with fellow ED teachers for our program would be great. Time to discuss what works or what doesn't, time to talk about specific kids and what to do or even someone to empathize with what's going on in your classroom so you don't feel alone Respondent 3 (R3): intermittent visits/ check- ins from mentor, collaborative time with other pre- ASD teachers

Are there any other comments, concerns, thoughts, ideas, and/or feedback you have to improve the effectiveness of the mentoring program? Please be specific.

R1: Not applicable R2: Overall I think it's a good program and I think it could use some tweaking but I don't really have any specific ideas R3: I highly encourage new teachers to utilize their mentor teachers; the program helped me immensely!

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2nd/3rd Year Teacher Survey: Open Ended Questions


In what ways do you feel the mentor program supported you in your first year/s of teaching?

R1: Although I had a mentor teacher I could go to for advice, I found more guidance and learned more from my co-teacher. They were more accessible and were in the same program I teach in, so they were able to provide relevant information. R2: Having a mentor gave me the tools to write goals for my students, use seis more effectively and have someone who I could automatically go to with questions R3: My mentor was on-site, so any question I had I could ask easily in person.

How could the program have been more supportive? Please be specific.

R1: More specific information on how to access my mentor teacher as well as basic information on structures/resources within county. I think the new teacher meetings and informational seminars are a great start, but some sort of formalized packet or program would be helpful. New teachers have questions like, "How do I get curriculmum?" and "What kind of curriculum should I be using? "How should I structure lessons?" "What are admin's specific academic and programming expectations of me?" R2: We had differing schedules and I felt as though I was a bit of a burden. We all have so many things to do and it could have been written down in a how to "cheat sheet" R3: Have a mentor that is more knowledgeable about DTT for new ASD teachers.

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Appendix F: Mentor Logged Hours

Mentor Logs


Covering other classes 51

Mentoring new teachers 96

Hours Spent






Covering other classes Mentoring new teachers




Covering other classesMentoring new teachers

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Appendix G: First Year Teacher Survey Raw Data

Q1 In what ways have you felt supported

during your first year of teaching? (Please

be specific.)

Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

# Responses Date

1 offered mentor support 4/5/2015 8:23 AM

2 I feel that my practicum supervisor along with some of the mentor teachers have been great when I have had last

min questions

4/1/2015 7:54 AM

3 none. I started off with a Mentor teacher moved in position 3/31/2015 8:17 PM

4 I felt supported in all aspects of teaching. From paperwork procedures to classroom set ups or schedules. 3/30/2015 1:22 PM

5 I have a great mentor teacher. My admin has been very supportive and quick to respond to my many questions. 3/30/2015 11:34 AM

6 questions I had were answered, and available help. 3/30/2015 8:14 AM

7 I have felt that I have easy access to my mentor teacher, admin, speech, and BIS. 3/25/2015 12:46 PM

8 Day or night my teacher mentor made herself available to answer any questions I had regarding my classroom

management, staff management, writing goals, conducting assessments and much more.

3/25/2015 10:58 AM

9 Being assigned a mentor is helpful. I like having a designated person to run questions through and to ask for


3/25/2015 9:03 AM

10 I have help from my mentor teacher as well as the help and support of other teachers on my campus. My

administrator is also very helpful.

3/25/2015 8:41 AM

11 Support in IEP process and clarification with questions and positive feed back 3/24/2015 7:22 PM

1 / 1

Mentoring Program Evaluation SurveyMonkey

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63.64% 7

36.36% 4

Q2 Do you feel you need to receive more

support than was given so far this year?

Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 11



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses



1 / 1

Mentoring Program Evaluation SurveyMonkey

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Q3 In what areas do you feel you need more

support (such as writing IEPs, managing

staff, collaborating with DIS,

communicating with administration,

working with parents, writing lesson plans,

following procedural routines, community

outings, assessments, etc.)?

Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

# Responses Date

1 Staff training, assessments 4/5/2015 8:23 AM

2 I think having discussion and collaboration on classroom and staff management at the beginning of the year

would be good. Maybe also having photos of some different super organized classrooms to get some ideas

4/1/2015 7:54 AM

3 managing staff, communicating with administration, working with difficult parents, assessments, SEIS, new

testing assessment tools basic county protocol/procedures.

3/31/2015 8:17 PM

4 all the examples above. Especially IEP's and quite frankly we need to communicate more as a team that we are. 3/30/2015 1:22 PM

5 Assessments and goal writing 3/30/2015 11:34 AM

6 writing IEPs, writing lesson plans, following proceddural routines, assessments 3/30/2015 8:14 AM

7 n/a 3/25/2015 12:46 PM

8 I think a training specifically on how to score and write up assessments before the school year started would have

helped me to be more successful.

3/25/2015 10:58 AM

9 Transition plans, assessments, communicating with administration, curriculum, county policies and procedures 3/25/2015 9:03 AM

10 I feel that I need more support in community outings for lack of staffing. 3/25/2015 8:41 AM

11 I would like to have more support on assessments and SEIS 3/24/2015 7:22 PM

1 / 1

Mentoring Program Evaluation SurveyMonkey

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Q4 In what areas do you feel you receive

plenty of support (such as in writing IEPs,

managing staff, collaborating with DIS,

communicating with administration,

working with parents, writing lesson plans,

following procedural routines, community

outings, assessments, etc.)?

Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

# Responses Date

1 writing IEP's, working with parents, collaborating with DIS/admin 4/5/2015 8:23 AM

2 I feel that I got a lot of support when it came to IEPs 4/1/2015 7:54 AM

3 NA 3/31/2015 8:17 PM

4 Honestly I feel that there was not enough support or communication. I felt that I was finding out stuff or on my

own or by making mistakes and then I was told about it, but I felt it was too late the error was made already. I felt

my hand was slapped for not knowing in the beginning because no one informed me about it. I guess they are

rookie errors.

3/30/2015 1:22 PM

5 collaborating with DIS and communicating with admin 3/30/2015 11:34 AM

6 collaborating with DIS, working with parents, managing staff 3/30/2015 8:14 AM

7 I feel like I have tons of support writing goals, reports and navigating SEIS. 3/25/2015 12:46 PM

8 My teacher mentors provided me with plenty of resources for curriculum, managing staff, classroom organization,

Dara collection and much more.

3/25/2015 10:58 AM

9 It is helpful being on a site with so many other county teachers and support staff. It is helpful to be able to ask DIS

questions and receive feedback right away.

3/25/2015 9:03 AM

10 I feel I receive plenty of support in writing IEPs, managing staff, collaborating with DIS, 3/25/2015 8:41 AM

11 I feel that I received a lot of support on classroom management and working with parents. 3/24/2015 7:22 PM

1 / 1

Mentoring Program Evaluation SurveyMonkey

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27.27% 3

63.64% 7

9.09% 1

0.00% 0

Q5 Please respond to the following

statement: The optional sessions/trainings

this year were helpful to me as a new


Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 11

Strongly Agree





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

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Mentoring Program Evaluation SurveyMonkey

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90.91% 10

9.09% 1

Q6 Do you feel you can easily ask for

assistance from fellow teachers?

Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 11



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses



1 / 1

Mentoring Program Evaluation SurveyMonkey

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Q7 What level of support do you feel you

need from this point on (such as visits from

mentor, more sessions/trainings (please

specify in what), collaborative time with

other teachers, etc.)?

Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

# Responses Date

1 none 4/5/2015 8:23 AM

2 Better class organization ideas. I have several that I have come up with and tried and then they don't always

work. Sometimes getting ideas, from others, that you haven't thought about is helpful

4/1/2015 7:54 AM

3 visits from a mentor, collaboration time with other teachers 3/31/2015 8:17 PM

4 I feel that I can come or call staff within my site for help/assistance when needed. I would love to have emails

reminding me about due dates such as progress reports or even better IEP's that are coming up that way no one

would be rushing to get them done or to assess students. If there was just one person whose job is emailing to

remind teachers of IEP's, that would be soooo appreciated. I feel that we should keep the mentoring program

open for teachers for two years not just the first year.

3/30/2015 1:22 PM

5 More training on assessments, how to choose which assessment to use. 3/30/2015 11:34 AM

6 sessions/trainings 3/30/2015 8:14 AM

7 little 3/25/2015 12:46 PM

8 I think a few more mentor teacher visits would be great. I also think monthly training with all staff and mentor

teachers would be nice to have.

3/25/2015 10:58 AM

9 Training on statewide testing and how to administer, support with scheduling, staff management 3/25/2015 9:03 AM

10 collaboration with fellow teacher in order to get a perspective and new ideas on lesson plans, assessment, etc. 3/25/2015 8:41 AM

11 more session on assessment training and writing iep 3/24/2015 7:22 PM

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27.27% 3

54.55% 6

18.18% 2

0.00% 0

Q8 Please respond to this statement:

Expectations regarding my responsibilities

and what is expected of me in my role as a

teacher are made clear.

Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 11

Strongly Agree





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

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27.27% 3

63.64% 7

0.00% 0

9.09% 1

Q9 Please respond to this statement: The

feedback from mentors helps me improve

my practice as a new teacher.

Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 11

Strongly Agree





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

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Q10 Are there any other comments,

concerns, thoughts, ideas, and/or feedback

you have to improve the effectiveness of

the mentoring program? Please be specific.

Answered: 11 Skipped: 0

# Responses Date

1 making trainings during work hours will be far more motivating for teacher's to attend. 4/5/2015 8:23 AM

2 ... 4/1/2015 7:54 AM

3 My only concern was not having a mentor. 3/31/2015 8:17 PM

4 I want to know what exactly are mentors capable of guiding me through/ their role as a mentor. What can they

help me on and what needs to remain private. Can I talk to them freely about anything that is happening in my

classroom? I don't want anyone to get in trouble.

3/30/2015 1:22 PM

5 Maybe have a set time every month to have to meet with your mentor. 3/30/2015 11:34 AM

6 the program was effective 3/30/2015 8:14 AM

7 n/a 3/25/2015 12:46 PM

8 My mentor teacher has been awesome to me! 3/25/2015 10:58 AM

9 I shared with Nancy at the last meeting that I thought it would be helpful to offer the trainings on county minimum

days to increase attendance. Also, I would have liked to have the SEIS IEP training before the start of the school

year to make sure that I was following protocols correctly. I wish that the data tracking had been earlier in the

school year scheduling wise. I think that it was a great way to get more support, and appreciate the mentor

teachers being available but I thought that the trainings that weren't structured and we were just instructed to talk

at our tables were not helpful/ an effective use of time. Maybe the attendance would increase if there were two

locations so that teachers didn't have to drive to Stockton each time?

3/25/2015 9:03 AM

10 I think that the new teacher trainings have been helpful, however, if they were held on minimum days, it may be

asker for more new teachers to attend.

3/25/2015 8:41 AM

11 I really enjoyed the support from my mentor teacher. 3/24/2015 7:22 PM

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Appendix H: Second and Third Year Teacher Survey Raw Data

33.33% 1

66.67% 2

Q1 Do you feel the mentor program

improved your own effectiveness as a


Answered: 3 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 3



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses



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Q2 In what ways do you feel the mentor

program supported you in your first year/s

of teaching? (Please be specific.)

Answered: 3 Skipped: 0

# Responses Date

1 Although I had a mentor teacher I could go to for advice, I found more guidance and learned more from my co-

teacher. They were more accessible and were in the same program I teach in, so they were able to provide

relevant information.

3/24/2015 10:37 PM

2 Having a mentor gave me the tools to write goals for my students, use seis more effectively and have someone

who I could automatically go to with questions

3/24/2015 8:38 PM

3 My mentor was on-site, so any question I had I could ask easily in person. 3/24/2015 7:30 PM

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Q3 How could the program have been more


Answered: 3 Skipped: 0

# Responses Date

1 More specific information on how to access my mentor teacher as well as basic information on

structures/resources within county. I think the new teacher meetings and informational seminars are a great start,

but some sort of formalized packet or program would be helpful. New teachers have questions like, "How do I get

curriculmum?" and "What kind of curriculum should I be using? "How should I structure lessons?" "What are

admin's specific academic and programming expectations of me?"

3/24/2015 10:37 PM

2 We had differing schedules and I felt as though I was a bit of a burden. We all have so many things to do and it

could have been written down in a how to "cheat sheet"

3/24/2015 8:38 PM

3 Have a mentor that is more knowledgeable about DTT for new ASD teachers. 3/24/2015 7:30 PM

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100.00% 3

0.00% 0

Q4 Do you feel like you can ask fellow

teachers for help?

Answered: 3 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 3



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Q5 What level of support do you feel you

need from this point on (such as visits from

mentor, more sessions/trainings (please

specify in what), collaborative time with

other teachers, etc.)?

Answered: 3 Skipped: 0

# Responses Date

1 I feel more collaborative time within the ED program would be beneficial to ensure our programming looks similar

and transitions between classes are more smooth.

3/24/2015 10:37 PM

2 Collaboration time with fellow ED teachers for our program would be great. Time to discuss what works or what

doesn't, time to talk about specific kids and what to do or even someone to empathize with what's going on in

your classroom so you don't feel alone

3/24/2015 8:38 PM

3 intermittent visits/ check- ins from mentor, collaborative time with other pre- ASD teachers 3/24/2015 7:30 PM

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0.00% 0

33.33% 1

66.67% 2

0.00% 0

Q6 Please respond to this statement:

Expectations regarding my responsibilities

and what was expected of me in my teacher

role were made clear.

Answered: 3 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 3

Strongly Agree





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

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66.67% 2

33.33% 1

0.00% 0

0.00% 0

Q7 Please respond to this statement: The

feedback from mentors helped me improve

my practice as a new teacher.

Answered: 3 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 3

Strongly Agree





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

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Q8 Are there any other comments,

concerns, thoughts, ideas, and/or feedback

you have to improve the effectiveness of

the mentoring program? Please be specific.

Answered: 3 Skipped: 0

# Responses Date

1 Not applicable 3/24/2015 10:37 PM

2 Overall I think it's a good program and I think it could use some tweaking but I don't really have any specific ideas 3/24/2015 8:38 PM

3 I highly encourage new teachers to utilize their mentor teachers; the program helped me immensely! 3/24/2015 7:30 PM

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Appendix I

Possible Post Session Survey

1. Prior to this session, my knowledge in this area was 1 2 3 4 5

2. After this session, my knowledge in this area is 1 2 3 4 5

3. Do you need more training in this area?

4. Respond to this statement: This session has helped to improve my practice as a new teacher.

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree
