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Media Advertising Evaluation Charlotte Fischer A2
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Media Advertising Evaluation

Charlotte Fischer A2

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How did you use new media technologies in the construction

and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Research and Planning: Due to completing a similar initial step I used my previous knowledge of planning and research from my AS coursework to aid me at going about this stage. During my AS course, as a group we decided to watch past media of a similar genre to begin to understand the codes and conventions and to get an idea as to what type of media we were going to create. Therefore I went about researching for the A2 course the same way. I had chosen to partake in the ‘Advertising’ section of the course and therefore used YouTube to watch past adverts. I started off by watching general adverts, ones that were well known and catchy for example Ikea, Wonga Loans and Compare the Market to get an initial understanding of advertising codes and conventions. After completing research on those types of adverts I analysed them and recorded what I learnt on my blog. After I had decided what type of product I wanted to advertise, I chose a mascara product, I then started to focus my advertising research on mascara adverts and other make-up related adverts to get an understanding of how this type of advertising use code and conventions specifically.

Throughout the research and planning stages I of course used Blogger a lot to access and post things I found useful and that I had learnt from onto my blog. I found using my blog really helpful as it meant all the information I would need when I came around to the planning stage was all in one place and I was able to easily extract information I needed, Posting everything to my blog was a lot easier than writing information down on paper or even trying to remember things, also the posts I made are editable therefore when I find more information I wanted I could write it in the post without having to repost or make anything look untidy. Blogger was an excellent aid at saving information and then recalling information when it came to the planning stage.

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Construction of media: During the creation stage of the project I used a variety of technology to aid me in making the best pieces of work I was able to. I had used all the equipment before in the AS course which meant I was familiar with everything and didn't’t have to waste anytime relearning things.

Camera: I was given a camera and tripod by the school. The tripod aided me in being able to use particularly heighted shots and angles, the tripod also allowed me to use shots like pan and tilt up/down. The camera had features like zoom which mean I was able to shoot successful zoom in and zoom out shots which looked effective and engaging to the audience.

Editing and Adobe Premier Pro: I decided to use Adobe Premier Pro for the editing part of my project as I was familiar with the program from last years course and I felt it would be effective and successful at creating what I wanted, having used it last year and been happy with the outcome. I used functions like the crop clip tool and the tool to edit how loud the sound or music was. I also particularly enjoyed using Premier Pro because it meant I was able to use transitions like cross dissolve for example, seen in my sponsorship sequence. I used Photoshop to create my logo as this was the program most suited and most effective for what I wanted to create. I also used Photoshop to create the black background clips at the end of my sponsorships with the ‘Sponsors of TOWIE’ as I was shown how I could effectively create a professional looking title for the ending which added a little extra to the overall sequence.

Sound Recording: I started off by recording the voice I needed for my radio advert and voice overs for sponsorship and main adverts on a voice recorder from school. After I had uploaded the recordings into Premier Pro I found that they were really crackly and didn't’t sound professional at all. I then decided to try recording the voices on ‘Voice Memos’ on the iPhone and after having uploaded these I found that the quality was so much better and very clear so I decided to continue recording the voices I needed on this device rather than the voice recorders supplied.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Evaluation: I used new media technologies right up to the evaluation stage of the advertising project. When I had completely finished editing my adverts and sponsorship sequences I had to export the media from Premiere Pro in order to upload them on the Internet. I used Vimeo to upload my adverts onto the Internet and I had used it before and I knew It was quick and remembered how easy it is to share the embed code to my blog. I used Google Docs to create my audience survey as I had also used this before when making last years survey and decided to stick with what I already knew to save time. I decided to use social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to share my audience feedback survey to get as many people as possible to answer it and this would mean more accurate feedback.

I found that Google Docs was particularly helpful when it came to creating my audience survey as it gives you so many options of how you want the question/ answer boxes to look that you can easily and time efficiently create a survey that looks professional and is able to provide you with the results you require. Google Docs also has a feature which allows you to put results of the questionnaire into charts and graphs and I found that using the pie chart option was perfect for my evaluation and was easy to interpret the answers to each question rather than simply listing them.

Additionally the fact the survey was online meant that I wouldn't’t have to waste time printing out copies, handing them out and then manually entering the results onto a graph generator. Google Docs simply allowed me to embed the code so that people were able to quickly and easily complete the questionnaire and I was able to reach the mass audience putting the link onto my social networking accounts.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real

media product?

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

In creating my media product I used, developed and challenged forms of real media products, this means that while my media product is still original in aspects it does provide some familiarity for the audience.

Camera: One of the adverts that inspired me was the Yves Saint Laurent Babydoll mascara featuring Cara Delevingne. The advert uses medium shots and close ups. Below you can see the similarity between the Babydoll mascara advert and my own, I used a side profile medium shot showing the protagonist looking in the mirror and holding the mascara about to use it. Additionally while at the same time as using some conventions from this advert, although I did decide to have the protagonist sitting at a dressing table rather than standing at a mirror in what looks like a living room as this gives more of the impression of her getting ready for something.

Again below you can see another example of how I used conventions of this mascara advert by shooting a close up of the protagonists eyes, although again I have also decided to develop the idea by having a close up of both of the eyes rather than just one as seen in the Babydoll advert. Furthermore in my advert the protagonist is looking at the camera, I chose to have this shot like this as it provides a connection with the audience and I believe it shows off the eyes more and you can see the affect of them on the face as a whole rather than from the side.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

Although I have used the stereotypical female by the protagonist wearing a dress, I have actually challenged the conventions of cosmetic adverts as you can see below very often females are presented as more masculine to give the idea of them being strong and independent. I feel that by dressing my female in a long black dress is actually individual in the cosmetic advertising world and it has come to my attention that too many adverts are trying to be different by using more masculine clothing. I decided to do this as I feel that in a product that is used by females, they should be presented in a feminist way to reveal how the product makes them feel fabulous as a woman and not trying to be something that they are not.

Mise-en Scene: I chose to have my protagonist wearing a dress to conform to the conventions of women being feminine, a theme that is prominent in a lot of advertising. For example in the Boohoo Christmas advert the females are all shot wearing dresses and heels therefore I decide this should be an outfit choice that my female protagonist also has.

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Editing: Editing was an aspect that I decided to take elements from the Babydoll advert in the sense that the editing starts off slower and then gets faster, this makes the audience more engaged as it is as if its building up to some sort of climax. I generally used straight cuts throughout all of my advertising, although I used cross fades from the last shot the the writing appearing on screen and the voice over. One of my main challenges I faced on the editing side of my project was cutting the shots in time with the beat of the music I was using, although this may seem like a very conventional aspect of editing it was actually difficult to find other mascara adverts that did this and it came across as quite a complex feature.

Actress Used: The actress I used for my entire media advertising project was Melissa. I decided to use Melissa as she has long blonde hair and blue eyes which would contrast with the black mascara and make the mascara look even more effective. Melissa was a conventional actress to use for a beauty product advert and the clothes I dressed her in somewhat made her even more conventional as she was elegant and stylish which many make-up adverts portray the protagonist as.

Sound: When completing the research stage of the project I discovered that the majority of cosmetic adverts used slower and more sophisticated music for example the YSL Babydoll and Manga eyes adverts. Adverts use this slower music to portray elegance and beauty, I decided to challenge these conventions and decided to use an upbeat piece of music which has a beat which meant I can edit the clips and cut when the beat sounds. I wanted to use faster music because I feel that it made my advert more entertaining and engaging for the audience. Radio Advert: I recorded my radio advert on a sound recorder and edited it in Adobe Premier Pro. I added the music I had used throughout my sponsorship and two main adverts to ensure brand recognition as the song is catchy and memorable. I repeated the brand name in the radio advert to again reinforce brand recognition, here I used the codes and conventions of radio advertising as this is an aspect that all radio adverts do, for example Maybelline and I wanted my radio advert to stand out just as much as other radio adverts for other products and similar products. The radio advert ends with ‘Shine bright like a diamond’ which is my slogan, during my research I learnt that many radio adverts end on their slogan so that the audience is more likely to remember your brand and slogan.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

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How effective is the combination of your main and

ancillary texts?

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How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts? I feel that I managed to keep a theme running throughout my main and ancillary texts meaning that brand recognition played a big part and I tried to keep many features the same. I knew that synergy is vital in advertising and this is why I decided to keep my actress, music, slogan and close off at the end of each advert the same.

Whilst being similar my two main adverts have different locations and also have the protagonist is very contrasting outfits, this was no mistake. I wanted to have very contrasting adverts in the sense of clothing and task she was partaking in, for example in my first main advert I have the protagonist sitting at a dressing table in casual clothing getting ready for something, and in the second advert I have her dressed very elegantly and mature, suggested at a party with champagne. I decided to do this as I feel that it portrays to the audience that my product is for any type of female and that you do not have to have a certain lifestyle to make use of the versatile product. During the research stage of the project I noticed that the majority of beauty product adverts had one main female, for example Kate Moss for Rimmel London, brands do this to increase their recognition and link to a certain celebrity, I then decided to do the same in my own advertisements. My protagonist, Melissa, has blonde hair and eyes which were complimented by the mascara and really stood out, I feel that by using this one actress who is memorable and has memorable features, for example the bright blonde hair, my brand becomes more recognizable and additionally linked to this female.

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How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts? Throughout all of my adverts, including ancillary texts, main adverts and radio advert I used the same music, I decided to do this as it again it reinforces my brand and as learnt in the research section of my project the music is very important to an advert, particularly an advert with no spoken narrative therefore having the same music in every advert will hopefully make them more memorable. The music I used is catchy and upbeat, I chose this music to engage the audience and due to it being exciting and having a memorable beat the audience may associate the song with the product. I think the piece of music was very suited to my product and the product I was advertising. The music is fast paced which can be considered unconventional for a mascara advert as the majority of them use slower and more elegant music to imply being higher class.

“The music was very catchy and I like the way the cuts match the beat of the music piece”

Above is a comment I got back on my audience feedback survey. I think that the music I used is very different to music you would usually associate with a mascara advert therefore I feel that I have slightly challenged conventions here and although there is a chance this could shock the audience somewhat, I feel that this would also be enjoyable as the beat and music is more lively and exciting and I wanted to keep my audience engaged. During the editing I decided to edit the cuts of the shots to the beat of the music as this brings the whole advert together as a whole. Additionally the music worked well in the sense of working with both my sponsorship sequences and both my main adverts as they have different types of shots and actions, therefore the music is very versatile.

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How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts? I made sure that the brand name of my mascara was overused and visible in all of my adverts, this is because I wanted to boost brand recognition as much as I could for my product. I wanted the name of the product to appear large, and I decided to use white engaging font on a black background which made the name really stand out. I had ‘Ultimate Lash’ written in the centre at the end of each of my adverts, I used a font which was slightly curled and looked fancy, this style suited my adverts and the product itself as I wanted it to appear elegant and desirable. I toyed around with the idea of placing my logo on the ending title of my adverts as well as the name and slogan but I feel that this made it look slightly tacky and unprofessional due to the logo being in a white box and the whole thing looked very unorganised. I also asked a few of my peers about what they thought looked better and after receiving advice to keep it simple and sleek I decided against using a logo and keeping the whole thing very low-key yet eye-catching and elegant. I also used the name of the product in my radio advert as the only way you are selling your product is through a voice and you need to be persuasive and make your product memorable. I branded my product specifically and used the techniques I had learnt in my research, one of which was be persuasive yet subtle, I learnt that this means that try and sell your product without shoving it in the audience’s face and put them off completely. I completed this by over using the brand name but on a dark plain background with little font on the title page with it meaning it was eye-catching for the audience and would be something they instantly notice. I used my own personal experience of judging adverts and how they make me feel when creating my own, I needed to create something that the audience would recognise and remember it in order to create a brand for it. On the right in my audience survey you can clearly see that my audience felt there was synergy throughout the five texts I created. I am pleased with theses results as synergy was something I really focused on when creating my media and I feel the results can show for this. While it can be argued that my two main adverts and also my two sponsorship sequence halves are in some ways very different I feel that by keeping some key features, for example the music and the ending titles the same they come together nicely as a collection of adverts. The adverts all have their own good and bad points but I feel that together they perform well as a strong advertisement campaign of a successful branded mascara, cosmetic product.

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What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

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What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

One of the main questions I wanted to ask my audience was whether or not the adverts worked well together as I personally thought that this was one of the main aspects my project should have met. In the diagram above you can see that 97% of people who answered my audience feedback which is a result I am very pleased with as synergy and continuity were things I was very focus on while creating my advertisements. After asking the initial question I then decided to ask the audience to explain in a few words why they thought this and again I was very pleased with the feedback I received. Some of the main aspects people thought that made the adverts link and go well together was the music which I decided to use in my two main adverts, sponsorship sequence and radio advert, and the fact I used the same actress in every advertisement and had no other characters. I decided to use the same actress in all of my adverts as this is something I found that many make up adverts do while completing my research, I discovered that adverts do this to create a ‘face of’ their brand and use celebrity endorsement for exaggerated advertising and to reinforced just how brilliant their product is if famous people are shown to like it. Someone who responded commented ‘because of the same actress and music it creates familiarity’ this comment reinforces exactly what I was trying to do when initially planning my adverts and wanted the audience to feel comfortable with the familiarity and recognize the brand because of certain aspects. I also found that from the audience feedback people thought my mise-en scene was accurate for example ‘I loved the clothing you used and the model was perfect for a mascara advert!’ I decided on the clothing I used very carefully for example in the main advert where the actress is wearing the black dress reveals a elegant side to the female whereas the other main advert reveals a more casual side to her, thus showing that the mascara is versatile and can be used as a day to day product rather than purely for special occasions. Overall I am very pleased with the responses to these two questions and I feel my hard work to keep continuity and create a brand synergy has really been shown in the feedback.

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What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

This question was one where I wasn’t as pleased with the results, although I understand where I went wrong and accept the feedback as I know how I could have improved. In my both my main adverts and sponsorships I decided not to use my logo as I wanted to keep it clean and classy, however I then found out this actually affected the memorability of my product. Although it was not the majority, 31% said that didn’t find the slogan/ product name memorable which means I had significantly not exaggerated my product enough. I tried to repeat the brand name in my radio advert but I found it was more my visual advertising which knocked this down. In my ‘other comments’ question the lack of memorability was again bought up and remained something that was a main let down for much of my audience. As seen below comments such as ‘The name should have been more overused’ and ‘The product name could have been used more or maybe a logo’ these two comments reinforced how a proportion of the people who answered my survey felt I had not exaggerated the product name enough and hadn’t used a logo, this could have meant that my product was not as memorable as I initially thought it would have been, additionally having not used shots of the mascara with the name showing boldly in the actual footage, I relied mainly on the font I added on screen on titles and clearly I had not have done this enough for the audience to be happy with.

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What have you learnt from your audience feedback? The Only Way of Essex is a program I chose to for my product to sponsor as the audience is teenagers and young adults who idolise the glamour and style of the program. 100% of my audience responses said that The Only Way of Essex was suited for my product to sponsor and this is a result I am pleased with yet expected. The fact my adverts used a young adult actress and the locations used were not like higher class make up adverts like Chanel or Dior who you may find sponsoring coverage of the Academy Awards, TOWIE was a very appropriate program for my sponsorship to appear on.

I decided to ask the question ‘What did you like most about my advertisement package?’ I gave the audience a checkbox option so that they could pick more that one of the 4 options and a ‘other’ option if there was something else that they thought was the best aspect. 18 people who answered by survey said that the music was the best aspect of my advertisement package, this is a result I am pleased with as I spent a long time finding a piece of music I thought would be catchy, engaging, memorable and modern. I feel that the music I chose for my adverts was almost perfect, although in comparison to other mascara adverts the music is controversial and upbeat. Although I tried to portray elegance in my adverts I feel that the music is versatile and still complements this aspect. 12 people liked the overall style of the adverts and 8 people thought the actress was the best part about the adverts which I agree with to an extent as I feel she was perfect for the role and the blonde hair and blue eyes were very eye catching especially in close ups when applying mascara. 6 people said that the camera work was the best part which I was surprised at as I personally though my camera work was basic although I feel that people may have liked the zoom in’s from the actresses face to her eyes revealing the effect of using the product and the continuously appearing close ups of the eyes followed by the glamour of the outfit etc.

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What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
