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Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Representation Throughout of film opening we

wanted to bring across the rough side to the city of Chelmsford. To do so we made our characters seem of the lower class and to have gone down the ‘unacceptable road in life. They have bad backgrounds and live in run down areas to show to the audience how people of this class specification live. Antonio, plays a vulnerable, disengaged man in his twenties. He has no family or friends to help him out.

The other character played by ale, made his money rom doing drugs and selling them. We included this type of character to represent what the younger generations have to look up to. Which is really not what should be seen as normal in our society.

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In the shots we used we also tried to bring across the way we had represented the character. Therefore included the dark ally and used the cigarette as a prop. This shot is a low shot therefore shows the sky shining through the black musky trees and the shadows of his beard.

You can also see him passing over the drugs and this was a key part that needed to be in the shot to portray how hidden and out of sight they had to be when doing the transaction.

In this close up shot we tried to make sure we got the angle of Antonio stressing over the crime he was about to commit. We needed to include this to make sure the viewers were able to see the transition he went through, from cocky young boy to independent man wanting to get out of the situation he as put himself in.

Here is Antonio pulling out of his deal. The first step in bettering himself.

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The Drug Scene/ Sound

The dark lighting in these scenes have connotations that is isn’t something ‘Jonny’ should be doing. The icons used in the shots too add to the bad feeling of the image. If you were to walk in on this set up what would you think?


Close up of martini bottle and Antonio's body

The idea of having the drug packing scene was influenced by the midnight express. We incorporated these ideas to represent how extreme the drug transaction was and how much Antonio was attempting to smuggle. These scenes are in the middle of the film opening so therefore allow you to see his change of thought through the film opening.Also in this scene he says

the word “I cant do this”. We specifically chose these words as they act as a metaphor for how he really feels about the life that he is currently living. He wanted to make a change and the audience is now aware of that.


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Negative or positive?Some would say this is a negative image we were portraying on the young generation. Although, we wanted to enforce this image to make sure that more people were aware of the way we disregard the troubled children of today. Therefore with a positive intentions we produced this film to help the lower class people become more accepted. We hope it brings this idea to everyone who watches the film.

The representation of the two men in the film we hope shows the struggles that they go through and that people with similar problems shouldn't be judged on first glance.

Throughout the opening we used dark colours and icons with bad connotations for instance, the dark ally, cigarettes and drugs. These are all negative aspects which makes the film appear gloomy and dramatic. Which is also what we wanted to represent.

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Stereotypes A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

When researching about our film opening we made sure we chose the types of people we included very carefully as we knew stereotypes are easy to miss read. At the start of the film opening we put an influence on the stereotype that Antonio's character fitted into as we knew that the audience would generalise about him, this then makes the point of him becoming a better man a bigger aspect of the film.

Antonio had the perfect look about him where he could get away with being smart although in the correct attire, could look dodgy and perfect for the part we were looking for.

This lead us to the druggy stereotype we wanted him to appear as.

Admitting these images are of a different time, but these are the scruffy unwashed look we wanted Antonio to appear as. The stereotype for a scruffy dirty person is that they have no ambition in life and always take the easy way out. By representing Antonio to be this at the start the audience not have a fixed perception of him, therefore when he changes in the film in adds an underlining story within the film opening.

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Who were we creating?■ The intention of our film was to show to people that there's always a way out and

you do not have to resort to drugs, gangs and violence like many of the children think they have to in this era.

Antonio acts as a mentor for these children. This is due to all of the adult figures that they have in their life have either made wrong decisions in life or been born into the life of fame and haven’t been through the struggles that some children face.

This actresses name is Leighton Messter, well known for playing Blair Waldorf in Gossip Girl. Leighton’s mom, Connie, was arrested for helping to smuggle 1,200-pound shipments of marijuana out of Jamaica in 1983. She was involved in the smuggling ring with her then-boyfriend Doug (Leighton’s dad), her father, and her sister Judy. After they were arrested, her sister (Leighton’s aunt) broke out of prison and became the first woman in the United States to get on the U.S. Marshals 15 Most Wanted List. Leighton herself was born in a hospital, but Connie had to serve sixteen months in prison afterward.

Leighton is now a house hold name and every girl has dreams to be her. She has proved to society that you don’t need to be born with a silver spoon to succeed in life.

This is what we hope Antonio's character will also give off and people will fee they can make a change.

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Technical skills ■ Lighting ■ Clothing ■ Camera angles ■ Editing

By having dark lighting Antonio seemed more mysterious and made the audience intrigued as to what was such a struggle in his life. Where did it all go wrong?

Dodgy clothing and scruffy attire made him appear unwashed and represents a shady person.

Whilst editing all of our footage I exaggerated the colour contrast, this made his skin stand out and look slightly abused by drugs. For example the shadows of his face were made more clear and stood out, as if all he had in his system were drugs.

The variety of camera angles and views of Antonio act as different views into his life. They are each different insight into the angles of where he lives, what he is doing and the possessions that are most important to him.

The alcohol and drugs are the things placed closest to him in the shot. We did this to show that these are the things on his mind and the attachment he has to these items.

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Scruffy white creased top, to show he's not looked after/ doesn’t look after himself

Baggy boxers, doesn’t care what he looks like.

Unkempt Essex hair cut Big jacket for warmth, keeps him warm from the long cold nights where he's walking round selling the drugs.

Makes him look like he has authority and doesn’t have a care in the world due to the hard smoking can bring.

The blazer shows he has power, suggesting he is the one in charge

White shirt to show he is the innocent one and gets everyone else to do his dirty work.
