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Evanced Library Project Presentation

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Supporting libraries as their role in a community fundamentally changes. Pascal Lola & Jeff Wain
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Supporting libraries as their role in a community fundamentally changes.

Pascal Lola & Jeff Wain

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Technology and pedagogical shifts are redefining what a “library” is.

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Libraries are evolving.

Joshua Prince-Ramus. (Feb. 2006). TED talk on Seattle’s public libraryhttp://www.ted.com/talks/joshua_prince_ramus_on_seattle_s_library.html

Laskujärvi, M & Toivonen, L. (2008). Changing physical library space: Planning and design of new academic library.Tampere University Library, Tampere, Finland.

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Libraries are already public spaces.How can you take advantage of this?

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Top: Flickr user darapo. Untitled. Retrieved on 09.15.2011.http://www.flickr.com/photos/kirabelle9/2075482931/.

Left: Entressen kirjasto. Idea Store Bow. Retrieved on 09.15.2011.http://www.flickr.com/photos/entressenkirjasto/4493339202/ .

Idea storesUnited Kingdom

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Left: Flickr user unablefish. Vancouver Public Library <3 <3 <#. Retrieved on 09.15.2011.http://farm1.static.flickr.com/88/242578742_8e9f1a9998_z.jpg?zz=1

Top: Susan Gittins. Vancouver 2010 Olympiad Performance. Retrieved on 09.15.2011http://www.flickr.com/photos/susangittins/4006054480/

Vancouver PublicLibrary Vancouver, BC

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From 2010 to 2011, 70% of libraries reported a rise in internet use.

>75% reported insufficient resources to meet demand.

Library = Gateway to public internet access.

One example…

2010 to 2011 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study. (2011). American Library Association.http://www.ala.org/ala/research/initiatives/plftas/2010_2011/index.cfm#final%20report

“Data from the 2010-2011 Study present libraries grappling with a “new normal” of flat or decreased funding, paired with increased demand for public library technology resources. The result is a mix of the grim austerity, reflected in decreased operating hours and closed library outlets, in contrast with the robust delivery of technology resources that support workforce development, e-government services, and skills training for the competitive global marketplace.”

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Cater to people who need space to work and collaborate.

Draw inspiration from the space.

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Help libraries become a community hub.

Blyberg, J. (2010). The Third Place. Darien Library. Presentation. http://www.slideshare.net/jblyberg/the-third-place

Dreman, S. (Mar. 2009). The ‘library of the future’ begins to emerge. Palo Alto Online News.http://www.paloaltoonline.com/news/show_story.php?id=11573

Miller, R. (Aug. 2008). Future-Proof Your Library. Library Journal. http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6585850.html

Scheppke, J. (Aug. 2011). Public Libraries That are Future Ready. Oregon State Library. SLA. http://futureready365.sla.org/08/24/public-libraries-that-are-future-ready/

Sutter, J. (Sep. 2009). The future of libraries, with or without books. CNN.http://articles.cnn.com/2009-09-04/tech/future.library.technology_1_metropolitan-library-librarians-books?_s=PM:TECH

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Resource management.

Reimagining spaces.

Provide an improved customer


Event-focused, not just event listings.

Support people.

Encourage exploration.

Be the backbone of change.

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Event-focused, not just event listings.

Provide an improved customer experience.

Be the backbone of change.

Encourage exploration.

Support people.

Promotion of spaces and events should be highlighted.

Bringing in new groups.

Allowing easy use of space.

Availability and content become more important than the booking process.

Begin to offer and promote events and spaces, highlighting what libraries have to offer.

Provide an improved customer experience.

Rethink designs from the public’s perspective, not the library’s.

Draw insights from exemplars.

A great design can create an open invitation to try and create new things.

Draw on the success of others, don’t start by recreating the wheel.

Be the support network.

Libraries have become community hubs.

Community hubs connected within a single shared network.

Have lent a helping hand in this change.

Helped fundamentally change the way libraries are perceived. Allow libraries to reappropriate physical spaces based on want and need.

Activity-centric promotion.

What’s going on?What’s popular?What are others doing?What’s available?

Help people gain critical mass to hold events.

Expand network to community spaces outside the library network.

Incorporation of other spaces begins the move from “library” to community spaces.

Cater to curiosity, exploration, knowledge-sharing.

Building trust and reliance on what libraries have to offer.

Leverage librarian ability.

Vet all inquiry through librarians.

Leverage available spaces.

Acknowledge resources.

Begin to build a community network of resources: people, knowledge, spaces, and events.

Supporting events and working creatives is a stepping stone to helping libraries rethink their spaces.

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Success criteria for libraries.Increased number, frequency, and diversity of events.Increased use of public library space by non-referential public.Becoming a leader in providing event and meeting spaces.

Increased and more frequent use of our facilities.More interest in utilizing library space.Patrons want to use our systems.We love using Evanced.

Perceptions changed.Have become community hubs.All walks of life using the space.Reappropriate space to meet demand and need.People love coming here to work.

People specifically want to use our spaces.New people come here to work and play.Our spaces are easier to access and convenient.We now cater to a diverse range of needs and activities.

Spaces are fully utilized.Spaces have changed to fit patron needs.Librarians are in demand, not just space.Fundamental types of use are changing.

Success criteria for patrons.I like using this space.I can see the possibilities.Availability and content are first.I never realized all this was happening.

It is simple to use.I want to use this to book my event.View, not trial and error.I trust my library.I like using my library to meet and work.

It’s easy and enjoyable to find places to go.My community feels better connected.

What can I do?Why not go there?A lot of things I’m interested in are going on.I love working here.I can see new ideas.I’m able to garner interest in my ideas quickly.

I have support; I’m not alone in planning.This is significantly better than a conference center.I can’t believe how much this space has to offer.I never knew I could work there.

Success criteria for Evanced Solutions.Higher rate of adoption by libraries.Achieved delight, not just satisfaction.Venues want to use this solution.

Have transitioned into a support network.Have changed perceptions of how libraries can be and are used.This network supports a community, not just a library.

Robust network of information in place connecting all different types of locations.Exploration is supported.Additional venues begin to use our offerings.We connect communities.

Begin to provide a network of information.Reliance on Evanced to ensure spaces .People know they can rely on us to find available spaces through reliable recommendations.

New methods of use support changing use of library space.Desire to use Evanced to increase use of venues’ spaces.We now provide a great way of managing events.

Event-focused, not just event listings.

Provide an improved customer experience.

Be the backbone of change.

Encourage exploration.

Support people.

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Provide an improved customer experience.

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Dead simple booking.

Easy access to details.

Inviting communities.

Encourage exploration.

Customer engagement:People want to buy.


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Event-focused, not just event listings.

Move from a solution of calendar and resource booking to promoting spaces, places, and what’s happening.

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Transition to a network of events and spaces people can explore and within which they can find something new and interesting.

Focus:• Promoted events• Interest / Attendance• Librarian-promoted• What’s going on

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Support events and people.

Help libraries understand they can do the things their competition is doing.E-books aren’t their real competition.

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“The librarian isn't a clerk who happens to work at a

library. A librarian is a data hound, a guide, a sherpa and

a teacher. The librarian is the interface between reams of

data and the untrained but motivated user.” - Seth Godin

Seth Godin. (May 2011). The Future of the Library. http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2011/05/the-future-of-the-library.html

Leverage librarians.

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Encourage exploration!

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Be the backbone of change.

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Thanks. Any questions?
