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EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In...

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Page 1: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that
Page 2: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

hank you for worshiping with us this morning. We extend a

special welcome to our guests and ask that you complete a blue

or yellow visitor’s card and place it in the offering plate.

or Children: We have trained nursery staff (paid nursery attendant as well as adult volunteers)

for children ages 0-3. The nursery is located on the first floor outside of the Community

Room. (Accessible by the stairs from the Church Street Entrance or via the elevator). Children

age 4 through 2nd grades are welcome to participate in Children’s Church which follows a special

Thought for the Day. Children’s Church is located in the Alcove area below the Sanctuary.

Children are also welcome to remain in the sanctuary with their parents. Children’s programs,

books, crayons and colored pencils are available in the rear of the sanctuary near the welcome


n the pew racks are folders with information about the various aspects of the service. If you

are visiting, please feel free to reach out to someone sitting near you and ask them questions

about the service. Many of our visitors ask us about the time of offering. This is a time in our

service when we respond to God’s gifts of love by offering the gifts of our lives. For many of us,

this is when we make a financial gift towards the ministries and programs of our church. We also

use this time to ask God how we might use the gifts of our hands and hearts in sharing God’s

love. If you are visiting, there is no obligation to give a financial gift. We are just glad you are

worshiping with us.

ll are invited to join us for refreshments and conversation following the service in the

Community Room located on the first floor and accessible via the stairs or the elevator.

e ask that you please silence your cell phones during our worship service. We also ask that

you refrain from applause after our choirs sing or the bell choirs play and allow the music

to resonate in the quiet of the sanctuary and in your hearts. Our musicians are playing and singing

for the glory of God. They know you appreciate their efforts and their gift.

Rest rooms (equipped with changing stations) are located on the first floor of the church building

and outside the Community Room and the Nursery.

here is much information about the church in this bulletin and our website: www.erucc.org .

Donate online by scanning this code:

or you may use our new texting donation system. Send a donation amount to

301-804-2933 . You will receive a text back within minutes with a link. Click

the secure link and provide your method of payment and a receipt will be sent

to you! Or, download the GivePlus Church application and make your donation

via the app.

Thank you.






Page 3: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that


United Church of Christ

- An Open and Affirming Congregation –

January 27, 2019 Third Sunday after Epiphany 10:30 a.m.

*All who are able may stand.

Health and Human Service Sunday, United Church Of Christ

Chimes Concert at 10:00 a.m. from Trinity Chapel’s steeple

Greetings and Announcements

Prelude Morning Hymn - arr. M. Helman

Cambridge Handbell Choir

*Call to Worship When we love God by serving others,

we fulfill the greatest of the commandments.

When we share bread with the hungry,

then light shall break forth like the morning. When we offer care and healing to those who need it,

then righteousness shall go before us.

When we proclaim release to captives,

then the good news is revealed. When we work to help the oppressed go free,

then God’s word is fulfilled in our midst.

When we offer mercy,

then the year of God’s favor is announced.

God is the source of your life, in Christ Jesus.

Let us rejoice and be glad!

*Opening Prayer

God, who heals, and asks us to heal in your name: In Christ, you showed

us a more excellent way, asking us to follow in the way of justice, kindness

and humility. We believe the kin-dom of heaven belongs to all who work

your will. On this Health and Human Service Sunday, shape us in the

image of Christ, the optimist, the healer, the risk-taker, who preached

possibility, who lived compassion, who taught mercy. Make pure our

Page 4: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

hearts, that we might serve others and, thus, see God. Teach us again

what is truly pure and noble in your sight. Amen.

*Opening Hymn We All Are One in Mission - tune AURELIA

1 We all are one in mission,

We all are one in call,

Our varied gifts united

By Christ, the Lord of all.

A single, great commission

Compels us from above

To plan and work together

That all may know Christ's love.

2 We all are called for service

To witness in God's name;

Our ministries are different,

Our purpose is the same:

To touch the lives of others

With God's surprising grace

So ev'ry folk and nation

May feel God's warm embrace.

3 Now let us be united

And let our song be heard.

Now let us be a vessel

For God's redeeming word.

We all are one in mission,

We all are one in call,

Our varied gifts united

By Christ, the Lord of all.

*Call to Confession

*Prayer of Confession

In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.

Holy One, help us recognize that the body does not consist of one member

but many.

Forgive us when we tell others that we have no need of them because they

are not like us.

Give us courage when we do not feel that we have anything to offer

because we are different from others, or try to exempt ourselves from

responding to a neighbor in need because we do not feel equipped for the


Remind us that when one suffers, we all suffer. And when one is honored,

we can all rejoice together.

Show us how to work together as one body to support ministries of health

and human service in response to need. Guide us in using the gifts that

each of us has to help create a just, caring and compassionate world.

As the body of Christ, we offer this prayer and commit ourselves anew to

caring for one another and for the needs of the world. Amen.

Page 5: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

*Assurance of Pardon

You are the body of Christ and individually members of it. In the name of

Christ, you are forgiven and freed to begin anew.

We all drink of one Spirit, who refreshes and sustains us.

Thanks be to God.

Thought For the Day

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

*Hymn Many Are the Lightbeams - No. 163

The Scripture

1 Corinthians 12:12-31a NT page 174

Luke 4:14-21 NT page 61

Reader: The Word of God for the people of God.

All: Thanks be to God.


Prayers of the People and Healing Prayers (This morning any who wish are invited to come forward for healing prayers and anointing

with oil. All in the congregation are invited to use this quiet time for your own prayers and

reflections and pray for each seeking God’s healing.)


Let us pray together:

In love, God calls us to health and wholeness in our own lives:

For all who care for us emotionally, physically and spiritually;

For all who hold us, encourage us and challenge us, who stir us emotionally to

make healthy responses to the ebb and flow of living;

Page 6: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

For all who provide guidance and support for our mental health,

We give you thanks.

In love, God calls us to mission among those in need:

For all who offer food or shelter or a listening heart; For all who gently hold a

troubled hand or sit silently in simple accompaniment;

For all who offer therapy or surgery, who bring intervention or enable

rehabilitation with a full measure of hope,

We give you thanks.

In love, God calls us to care for the least among the children of God:

For all who honor and care for those who are aging, who rock babies and

children in need of comfort in an unkind and terrifying world; For all who offer

care in community clinics and at health fairs, who diligently work to end

epidemics, who value the disabled among us; For all who see each person's worth

and actively oppose discrimination,

We give you thanks.

In love, God calls us to open our hearts to the meaning of discipleship:

Grant that we may have the wisdom and will, O God, to embrace the healing and

service ministry of Jesus Christ and make it truly our own.

Inspire us, Holy One, to trust that your healing love will use our humble

efforts to bring health and wholeness to us and to the whole human family.

*Prayer Response Hear Our Prayer, O God - No. 769

Hear our prayer, O God, hear our prayer, O God;

incline your ear to us, and grant us your peace. Amen.

Reception of New Members and Baptism - page 44

Offering of Tithes, Gifts and Lives to Christ’s Service

Offertory A Celtic Blessing - D. E. Wagner

Senior Choir

*Presentation of Gifts

God, use these gifts to do wondrous acts of justice and compassion in your

name. Where people are aging in isolation, growing up in violence, or

suffering in silence, may our United Church of Christ have the courage to

be a witness to a more excellent way. Through these gifts, enable us to be

your justice, kindness and humility in the world — where your realm is

made known in love. Amen.

Page 7: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

*Offertory Response Take My Gifts - No. 562, stanza 1

Take my gifts and let me love you,

God who first of all loved me,

gave me light and food and shelter,

gave me life and set me free,

now because your love has touched me,

I have love to give away;

now the bread of love is rising,

loaves of love to multiply!

*Prayer of Dedication

Accept these gifts, we humbly pray O God.

Let them give you honor and glory as we serve the needs of your people.


*Closing Hymn Sent Forth by God’s Blessing - No. 76


Friends, you have heard what is good, and you know it in your heart. So let us

go from this place, believing in the power of one to do great things in the

world. And let us believe when that amazing grace is multiplied in

community, all things are possible. Go into the world, to be a blessing! And

may the blessing of our Creator, Redeemer and Comforter be always with

you. Amen

*Sevenfold Amen - No. 814

*Postlude Psalm XIX - B. Marcello

Please join us in welcoming the following new members:

Owen and Tyler York Darryl Glick and Mark Ulrich Mary Boswell

237 South Market Street 8831 Lew Wallace Road 750 Carroll Parkway #9A

Frederick MD 21701 Frederick, MD 21704 Frederick, MD 21701

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

Liturgical Elements & Prayers for Health and Human Service Sunday 2019 was written by the Rev. Dr. J. Bennett Guess, former

CHHSM Vice President, and the Rev. George R. Graham, CHHSM Vice President. The litany was composed by the Rev.

William R. Johnson, former CHHSM Vice President for Member Relations, in 2008.

Page 8: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

The flowers on the altar this morning are in loving memory of Michael Patrick Sexton, Sr.,

by Mike and Kim Sexton.

The yellow rose bud on the stand is in honor of those who have served or are currently serving

in the military and is sponsored by Sandra and Michael Trout.

If you are interested in sponsoring the yellow rose, please contact the church office.

Attendance Last Sunday: 8:30 – 7; 10:30 – 87

Every Sunday at 10:30 https://sundaystreams.com/go/ERUCC

Want to listen to the sermon again? Visit our Youtube channel:


You can get to the link on our homepage at www.erucc.org

February 3 Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

This week’s gospel, Luke 4: 21-30, continues directly from the one read last week. Jesus visits

his hometown synagogue where he takes leadership in reading and discussion of the meaning of

the message from the prophet, Isaiah. Jesus was met with open arms until his commentary

challenged the status quo. His statement that the prophecies had been fulfilled, today, and in

their hearing challenged their traditional beliefs. It takes multiple visions to see life’s paths, to

understand its wisdom and to recognize our own calls. In Jeremiah 1:4–10, the prophet is called

to ministry with the comforting recognition that he was always known by the Creator.

This morning communion will be served to you as you are seated in the pews. The Senior

Choir will be leading us in singing.

Anticipating a stay in the hospital? Please call the Church Office at 301-662-2762. If you

are admitted unexpectedly, please have a family member or friend notify the office.

Hospital and Prayer List – Your pastor wants to be available when members of ERUCC are in

the hospital. Please let us know so that we can visit with you and your family and provide

support. We always ask permission before adding a name to be included in the prayer list or in

the verbal announcements on a Sunday morning. There are many for whom we pray and visit

whose names are not listed in the bulletin by their request.

Prayer List - Please remember the following people in your prayers this week: Family of Sarah

Mims Pannell (cousin of Peter Brehm), Sue Pinner, Carolyn Turner (mother of Stefan Mach), Mary

Ellen Rhoderick, Stephen Pomeroy (brother of Matt Pomeroy), Faith Kline (friend of the Scheaberle

family), Susan Matesa (friend of Dan Smith & Austin Byrd), Jennifer Barr, Kelly Hueting, Ed

Crutchley (Milt’s brother), Jerry Castellucci, Peg Stahler, Vida Penn, Sherry Murray, Starr

Schaeberle, Wells Condo, Larry Maples, Andrea Metza (Pastor Daniel's cousin), Beth Riley and

Dawn Simmons (friends of Scott Smiley), Mabel Ellam, Yvette Young-DeCosta (friend of

Michelle Beadle), Linda Stacy Gross (sister of Brian Stacey), Susan Slade (mother of Arthur Slade),

Dustin Chapman (friend of Catie, Alex & Sean), Jane Doll, Betsy Fisher, Emily Perlet, Susan

Page 9: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

McCauley (niece of Jack Stush), Bob and Carolyn Lambie, Heleen (sister of Karin Mens), Kathy Blue

Shores (friend of Jean Fish and Barb Biser), Kirstin Homborg (friend of Katherine Penick), Christopher

Furry (friend of Cindy Smith, Jenna & Cindy Duranko),Terry Smiley (uncle of Scott Smiley), Joe Jahoda

(Kim Jahoda’s dad), Gretchen Manuel (niece of Audrey Rayfield), Marcia Eisenstein (friend of Sue

Kreh), and Ann and Cal Theiss (parents of Katharine Alley), Fred Martin (friend of Sandra Trout)

Mary Ellen Baker Peggy Githerman Carolyn Turner Mary Ellen Rhoderick

634 Schley Avenue 208 Center Street 115 Redhaven Ct 215 E. Third Street

Frederick, MD 21702 Frederick, MD 21701 Thurmont,MD 21788 Frederick, MD 21701

We ask you to remember all of those currently serving in the Armed Forces. Your prayers and

cards are welcomed and appreciated by those on our prayer list.

Weekly Education Opportunities SUNDAY: FOR THE CHILDREN & YOUTH Christian Education classes are located in Trinity


Let’ s Talk 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. Meets in the North Room of the Parish House

January 6 – March 3

Exploring the Concept of Gratitude through Diana Butler Bass’s book, Grateful: The

Transformative Power of Giving Thanks. Led by Rev. Richard Leslie. This class is also being

presented on Tuesday evenings.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study with Pastor Daniel; 11:00 – Noon. Flora Room, ERUCC

Parish House; January 15 – March 5 The Be@itudes

This nine part series digs deep into a revolutionary exploration of some of Jesus’ most often

quoted – and misunderstood – teachings.

Tuesday Evening Study January 8 – February 26 7 p.m. North Meeting Room

Exploring the Concept of Gratitude through Diana Butler Bass’s book, Grateful: The

Transformative Power of Giving Thanks. Led by Rev. Richard Leslie. This class is also being

presented on Sunday morning.


Join the conversation as we watch a TED Talk. Light refreshments provided

February 13 (Please note this is a Wednesday. Just for this month)

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance: Leaving a high-flying job in consulting,

Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public

school. She quickly realized that IQ wasn't the only thing separating the successful students

from those who struggled. Here, she explains her theory of "grit" as a predictor of success.

Page 10: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

Wednesday Evening Bible Study with Esther Ziegler 7-8:30 p.m. West Classroom of

Trinity Chapel

The Greatest Prayer: The Wednesday Evening Bible study group is studying John Dominic

Crossan’s book on the Lord’s Prayer.

Upcoming Events 2018 Giving Statements: End of year statements will be distributed this week. They will be

sent to the email address you have on file with the church office. If you have updated your

email or would like a paper copy, please contact Amy in the office at 301-662-2762.

Monday Mess Hall resumes on January 28th with a pie pot luck.


Tiny Tots will meet Jan 28th from 11 to 5 in the Preschool room. We will talk about penguins.

Bring a bag lunch and book for bingo. Note this is a date change from the schedule.


Conversations: Living Nonviolence - at Unity in Frederick, 5112 Pegasus Ct., Suite E,

Tuesdays at 7:00-8:30 p.m., January 29 - March 26. Bring your favorite snacks and join in

the discussion on ways to live nonviolence. The group will talk about personal, interpersonal

and community ways to bring about nonviolence in the world. Everyone is welcome!

God's Kids Club - Tubing at Liberty Mountain – February 8 – 7-9 p.m.

This is for those 5 years and up. The cost is $25.00 a person. Please RSVP with payment by

February 3rd to Kim Sexton. Each person will need a release form filled out:


Tubing.pdf For questions, contact Kim at [email protected].

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Order your submarine sandwiches by Feb. 4th!

ERUCC youth will be making delicious submarine sandwiches again this year! For only $7.00

you can get a submarine sandwich of your choice of turkey, ham or Italian cold cut with your

favorite toppings. This is a major fundraiser for the youth as they work to raise money for their

trip to the National Youth Event in Wisconsin and their trip to Germany to continue our

partnership with our friends there. The youth are thankful for the continued support of the

congregation that enables them to pursue these wonderful experiences.

You may complete the order form electronically and email it to [email protected] ; fax it

to 301-695-2578; or turn it in to one of the youth or the church office. All orders are due by

February 4th. The sandwiches will be available for pick up on Saturday, February 9th

beginning at 5:30 pm or on Sunday, February 10th. Thanks again for your support! Forms are

available in the back of the Sanctuary, in the Community Room, or on the website.

TBD is getting tired of hosting the Fellowship after church. She is looking for someone

else to take a turn. You don’t need to bring anything. All you have to do is put out snacks

and drinks. Won’t you please give her a break? Please sign up on the sheet in the kitchen

or contact the church office.

Page 11: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

Souper Bowl of Caring – Sunday, February 3

Join us as we help tackle hunger. Before the big game bring an extra $1 to church on February

3 to place in the soup pots that our children and youth will be holding at the doors as you

leave. All donations will go to the Frederick Food Bank.


Saturday, February 9 Sub Preparation and Sale 3:30 – 6 pm This will be one of our major fundraisers for summer trips and activities. Trish Coffey is

coordinating this fund raiser.

Sunday, February 10 Kline’s planning a Fun Activity

Snow date is February 24

Sunday, February 24 Youth Group – 6-7:30 pm



Monday, February 11 from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Nursery. Our theme for the day will be

Valentine’s Day. We will exchange Valentine’s, sing songs, read a book, and make a

craft. Tiny Tots is for children from birth through age five, and a caregiver. Questions, contact

Kim Sexton at [email protected].


Boy Scout Sunday will be Sunday, February 10. If you are a current scout and would like to

take part in the service, please contact Kim Sexton at [email protected].

If you are an Eagle Scout or an adult active in scouting, please e-mail your name to Kim Sexton

at the above e-mail so we can list your name in the bulletin.

Chimes Learning and Service Group – 10:00 a.m., Thursday, February 14

The Chimes Learning and Service Group will meet at 10:00 am on Thursday, February 14th in

the Downtown Community Room at ERUCC. Our speaker will be our own Pastor Barbara,

who will give us a recap of the past year's happenings at ERUCC and an update on the new

space...plus anything else she thinks of!! For information or questions, please contact Mary

Meyer at [email protected] or 443-293-7042. EVERYONE IS WELCOME.


Saturday, February 9th - 6-9 p.m. ERUCC Community Room.

Pot luck supper – bring a dish to share. (Beverages and popcorn will be

provided by the church.) Let’s start at the very beginning. This is your

chance to sing-a-long to the most successful movie musical of all time.

We’ll watch the movie on the “big” screens in the Community Room and

sing along with cast. This is a fellowship event for the whole family. Invite

your family and friends to join us.

(P.S. Thanks to new member Rob McGuire for this idea)

Page 12: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

EVERYBODY’S BIRTHDAY PARTY - Saturday, February 23rd - 5-7 p.m.

ERUCC Community Room.

Everybody has a birthday so this party is for you!

The Community Room will be decked out for a birthday party complete with party hats and

birthday cake. We will have 12 separate party tables, (one for each birth month), each

decorated in its own unique party theme. You’ll be invited to sit at the table of your birthday


Please bring a main dish, side dish or salad to share. After supper we will play some

games. The evening will end as we sing Happy Birthday to one another and then cut into the

birthday cake! We hope to see you there!

If you are interested in decorating a table for your birthday month, please contact Starr

Schaeberle or Pastor Daniel.


(The book group meets once a month at various members’ homes. Depending on the time of year

and the book read, this group usually includes 8-14 people.) Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.

Every Note Played by Lisa Genova – 7:00 p.m. February 26

John Clapp Conference Room (Parish House) - Hosted by Kathie Gourlie

An accomplished concert pianist, Richard received standing ovations from audiences all over

the world in awe of his rare combination of emotional resonance and flawless technique. Every

finger of his hands was a finely calibrated instrument, dancing across the keys and striking each

note with exacting precision. That was eight months ago.

Richard now has ALS, and his entire right arm is paralyzed. His fingers are impotent, still,

devoid of possibility. The loss of his hand feels like a death, a loss of true love, a divorce—his

divorce. When Richard becomes increasingly paralyzed and is no longer able to live on his own,

his wife Karina becomes his reluctant caretaker. As Richard’s muscles, voice, and breath fade,

both he and Karina try to reconcile their past before it’s too late.

Poignant and powerful, Every Note Played is a masterful exploration of redemption and what it

means to find peace inside of forgiveness. (Amazon.com)

Frederick School of Religion – starting February 25

The 36th Frederick School of Religion will be offering nine classes in a broad range of topics: No

Fortune Cookies, Just Chinese Philosophy with Raymond Moreland; Building Your Own Ethics:

What’s Fair? Who Decides? Taught by Carl Gregg; Henri Nouwen: A Spirituality of Living with Ray

Glennon; Stressproofing Your Mind: Meditation with Beth O’Malley; Concepts of Jewish Theology,

Practice and History taught by Jordan Hersh; Warrior God and Prince of Peace? Taught by Larry

Eubanks; The Magnificat with Wayne L. Wold; Geography: A Lens for Interpreting Jesus’ Teachings

led by David Cooney; Islam? Your Questions with Sayed Haque and members of the Frederick Islamic


WHEN: Monday and Tuesday afternoons (1-3 PM) and evenings (7-9 PM), for six weeks starting

February 25, 2019.

WHERE: First Baptist Church, 7040 Bowers Rd., Frederick, MD 21702

For more information or registration forms, you may visit our website

www.frederickschoolofreligion.org or call 240-651-1865 or 203

Page 13: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

ERUCC Rentals

Happy 2019! This is the year that we will put ourselves on the map for being a premiere

rental space in Downtown Frederick.

Thus far in January, we have fielded 16 separate rental inquiries. These range in size

from 30 person groups to 150 person events with break out rooms. The good news is that

people are inquiring about DECEMBER 2019 rentals for large parties. Our radical hospitality

has brought a group back for December 31, 2019 booking!

We are progressing with our branding and website and hope to be up and operational by

the early party of February.

Do you know of any large groups in the area that need meeting space? Any

suggestions or connections you can help us make would be appreciated.

We have some big events coming in 2019. Please consider joining our volunteer crew.

These individuals will help greeting, directing, answering questions…showing the radical

hospitality that ERUCC is known for. Your name will be put on a list and we will send out

opportunities as they become available. Please consider helping with this valuable ministry.

To be added to this list, please call Amy at 301-662-2762 or [email protected].

Thank you! Looking forward to a prosperous 2019.

- Amy Aguilar

Today we Celebrate CHHSM on UCC Health and Human Service Sunday

In 1858, UCC forebear the Rev. Louis Edward Nollau appealed

to his congregation — today St. Peter's UCC in Ferguson, Mo.

— for money to build a home to support young children

orphaned by a cholera epidemic. Today, as Every Child's Hope,

that home still serves the changing needs of children. The call to

serve others in health and human services carries on today

through the UCC Council for Health and Human Service


The UCC's Health and Human Service Sunday lifts up the rich history of CHHSM ministries

across the country, as well as the many ways they answer their call to provide faith-based

servant leadership in their local communities. Often founded by local congregations, these

CHHSM members include more than 400 health care centers; affordable housing and retirement

communities; homeless shelters; service centers for children, youth and families; care agencies

for people with developmental disabilities; and acute care hospitals.

"I believe the interaction between CHHSM ministries and local churches is important because it

reminds church members that as the body of Christ, we have the responsibility of engaging in

the healing and caring ministry of Christ as reflected in his years on earth," says the Rev.

Laverne Joseph, CEO of Retirement Housing Foundation, one of the nation's largest nonprofit

providers of housing and services for older adults, low-income families and persons with

disabilities. "It also reminds CHHSM members that we do so not for our personal gain or glory,

Page 14: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that

but because we want to imitate Jesus and help persons experience abundant life. We are the


It's often easy to forget that CHHSM ministries are, first and foremost, faith-based agencies,"

says Kyle Zanker, chief development officer at Crossroad Child and Family Services in Fort

Wayne, Ind. So partnerships between local churches and CHHSM members are invaluable.

"Every time I speak at a church, something happens," Zanker says. "When you share your story

with a congregation, it becomes real to them."

"Health and Human Service Sunday is an opportunity for the church to create awareness about

health concerns, address issue of justice in health care, and share information about various

health and human service ministries," says Michael J. Readinger, CHHSM president and CEO.

"Not only do CHHSM ministries provide health care and human services; they also advocate for

the people they serve."

An example of that advocacy is a resolution CHHSM will bring to the UCC's biennial General

Synod this summer calling on UCC members to advocate for better access to treatment of

opioid addiction, and to call attention to how pharmaceutical companies have contributed to the


For the Rev. Kenneth Daniel, president and CEO of United Church Homes and its network of

retirement communities across the country, the relationship between local churches and United

Church Homes is essential.

"Our church relationship is critical to our effectiveness in fulfilling our mission," Daniel says.

"The more our congregations understand about the scope of services and ministries that United

Church Homes provides, the more they can see their extended mission efforts in action."

Daniel sees the local church-CHHSM member relationship as just one part of the larger UCC

covenant of ministries. He uses United Church Homes as an example. "UCH was founded by

congregations. Through prayer, volunteers, financial contribution, and board involvement, our

churches continue to support UCH's mission and ministries," says Daniel. "And UCH is a

component of our denomination's national and global health and human service legacy

embodied by all our CHHSM members. As our pastors and churches understand these

relationships, the more our members can appreciate the scope and scale of how their shared

ministries have grown over time."

Readinger concurs. "CHHSM ministries are not an 'extension' of the church," he says. "We are

the church in action, and our bold witness is the bold witness of the whole church as — together

— we create a just, caring and compassionate world for all."

Page 15: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that


January 27 – February 3

SUNDAY – 1/27 8:30 a.m. Worship in Trinity Chapel

9:00 a.m. Cambridge Bell Rehearsal

9:30 a.m. Education for All Ages

10:00 a.m. Chimes Concert

10:30 a.m. Morning Worship

11:45 a.m. Fellowship

MONDAY -1/28

10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting

11:00 a.m. Tiny Tots

5:00 p.m. Monday Mess Hall

5:30 p.m. Children’s Music & Movement

6:00 p.m. Young Spirit

6:30 p.m. Cambridge Handbells (BCL)

7:00 p.m. Spiritual Council/ Girl Scouts

7:00 p.m. Consistory

TUESDAY – 1/29

11:00 a.m. Bible Study

12:00 noon Faithful Friends

7:00 p.m. Book Discussion (NC)


7:00 p.m. Bible Study

SUNDAY – 2/3

8:00 a.m. Men’s Group

8:30 a.m. Worship in Trinity Chapel

9:30 a.m. Education for All Ages

10:00 a.m. Chimes Concert

10:30 a.m. Morning Worship

11:45 a.m. Fellowship

NC- North Classroom (Parish House Basement)

CR- Community Room LCR- Liz Coffey Room

BCL- Bell Choir Loft TC – Trinity Chapel

Serving you on 1/27/2019

Deacons: Eric Weakly and Dan Zander

Greeters: Pat Hevner and Joe Heverley

Barbara Heverley

Elder : Ann McGreevy

Scripture Reader: Ann McGreevy

Acolyte: Jared Hueting

Sound System: Keith Stickley

Jeff Schaeberle

Nursery: Jen Powell and Thi Nguyen

Chimers: Suzanne Morris - Sat.

Tricia Coffey - Sun

Welcome Table: Patricia Condo and

Betsy Selby

Fellowship: Julie Clark

Serving you on 2/3/2019

Deacons: Tyler Schaeberle/Eric Weakley

Greeters: Jean Kallevang and Pat Hevner

JoyceAnn Schmid

Elder : Betsy Fisher

Scripture Reader: Brian Hernandez

Acolyte: Jared Hueting

Sound System: Amanda Spencer

Doug White

Nursery: Laura Baker

Chimers: Allen Flora - Sat.

Matt Hueting - Sun

Welcome Table: Charlotte Henderson

Barbara Prescott

Fellowship: TBD

Ministers - All the People of Evangelical Reformed Church

Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor ([email protected])

Rev. Fred Wenner, Pastor Emeritus ([email protected])

Joseph Michael, Pastoral Intern ([email protected])

Kim Sexton, Associate for Children’s Ministry ([email protected])

Alison E. Shafer, Music Director● Tricia Coffey, Head Chimer & Children & Youth Choir Director

Kelly Esslinger, Bell Choir Director ● Sherry Murray, Nursery● Mike McGreevy, Facilities Mgr.

Amy Aguilar, Office Administrator ([email protected])● Jenna Duranko, Social Media Coordinator 15 West Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701 (ph) 301-662-2762 www.erucc.org

Page 16: EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCHBy Christ, the Lord of all. *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Holy One, help us recognize that
