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©2013 Ken Miller Mighty Men – a ministry of Christ Chapel Bible Church 5 WEEK 1: The Essence of the Gospel September 5, 2013 The Greek word evangelion, frequently translated “gospel,” means “glad tidings,” or “good news,” and in Pauline usage it refers to the message of God’s saving work in Jesus Christ. Of the seventysix instances of “gospel” in the NT, sixty are found in the Pauline corpus. Dictionary of Paul and His Letters Paul talked a lot about the gospel. It was a topic that permeated each of his letters, except the one he wrote to Titus. It was a regular part of his vocabulary and central to his theology. For Paul, the gospel was the heart and soul of his message. His life had been transformed by the gospel. He was called by God to preach the gospel. He was a relentless defender of the gospel. The message Paul preached and the letters he wrote are testaments to his unwavering belief that the gospel concerning Jesus Christ really was “good news.” This was not a case of semantics or wishful thinking. He understood that the gospel was the result of God’s grace and in spite of man’s sinfulness. It was the hope for the world and man’s only means of being restored to a right relationship with God. A few passages from Paul on the gospel Romans 1:1 Colossians 1:6 1 Corinthians 9:16, 2223 1 Thessalonians 2:23 2 Corinthians 3:4 2 Thessalonians 1:79 Galatians 1:112 1 Timothy 1:810 Ephesians 1:3 2 Timothy 2:810 Philippians 1:1516 Philemon 1:1013 The Lecture: As you listen, write down what jumps out at you. Make special note of any new insights you may gain from the lecture. Be ready to share them with the men at your table during the discussion time. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


©2013  Ken  Miller                                                                                                                                                                                            Mighty  Men  –  a  ministry  of  Christ  Chapel  Bible  Church    


                     WEEK  1:    The  Essence  of  the  Gospel                                                                                                                                                September  5,  2013    

The  Greek  word  evangelion,  frequently  translated  “gospel,”  means  “glad  tidings,”  or  “good  news,”  and  in  Pauline  usage  it  refers  to  the  message  of  God’s  saving  work  in  Jesus  Christ.  Of  the  seventy-­‐six  instances  of  “gospel”  in  the  NT,  sixty  are  found  in  the  Pauline  corpus.  –  Dictionary  of  Paul  and  His  Letters  

 Paul  talked  a  lot  about  the  gospel.  It  was  a  topic  that  permeated  each  of  his  letters,  except  the  one  he  wrote  to  Titus.  It  was  a  regular  part  of  his  vocabulary  and  central  to  his  theology.  For  Paul,  the  gospel  was  the  heart  and  soul  of  his  message.  His  life  had  been  transformed  by  the  gospel.  He  was  called  by  God  to  preach  the  gospel.  He  was  a  relentless  defender  of  the  gospel.  The  message  Paul  preached  and  the  letters  he  wrote  are  testaments  to  his  unwavering  belief  that  the  gospel  concerning  Jesus  Christ  really  was  “good  news.”  This  was  not  a  case  of  semantics  or  wishful  thinking.  He  understood  that  the  gospel  was  the  result  of  God’s  grace  and  in  spite  of  man’s  sinfulness.  It  was  the  hope  for  the  world  and  man’s  only  means  of  being  restored  to  a  right  relationship  with  God.      •   A  few  passages  from  Paul  on  the  gospel     -­‐   Romans  1:1   -­‐   Colossians  1:6     -­‐   1  Corinthians  9:16,  22-­‐23   -­‐   1  Thessalonians  2:2-­‐3     -­‐   2  Corinthians  3:4   -­‐   2  Thessalonians  1:7-­‐9     -­‐   Galatians  1:1-­‐12     -­‐   1  Timothy  1:8-­‐10     -­‐   Ephesians  1:3   -­‐   2  Timothy  2:8-­‐10     -­‐   Philippians  1:15-­‐16   -­‐   Philemon  1:10-­‐13    •   The  Lecture:    

As  you  listen,  write  down  what  jumps  out  at  you.  Make  special  note  of  any  new  insights  you  may  gain  from  the  lecture.  Be  ready  to  share  them  with  the  men  at  your  table  during  the  discussion  time.    _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________        


©2013  Ken  Miller                                                                                                                                                                                            Mighty  Men  –  a  ministry  of  Christ  Chapel  Bible  Church    


 _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________        

 •   Table  Discussion:  

During  your  discussion  time,  listen  to  what  the  other  men  around  your  table  share  that  is  worth  remembering.  God  has  a  way  of  speaking  through  others,  as  they  provide  insights  or  different  applications  from  the  lessons.    _______________________________________________________________________________                  _______________________________________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________              _______________________________________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________              _______________________________________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________            _______________________________________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________        

 •   Prayer  Time:  

On  the  Topic:  The  gospel  really  is  good  news.  But  too  often  we  take  it  for  granted,  failing  to  thank  God  for  the  incredible  gift  He  has  given  us  through  His  Son.  Today,  why  not  spend  a  few  minutes  of  your  prayer  time  taking  time  to  thank  God  for  the  good  news  of  salvation?    

 Around  the  Table:  Be  sure  and  leave  a  few  minutes  for  the  sharing  of  prayer  requests.  Remember,  keep  your  requests  short  and  sweet.  Don’t  let  the  details  bog  you  down.  We  don’t  have  to  understand  all  that  is  going  on  to  pray  effectively.        _______________________________________________________________________________                _______________________________________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________              _______________________________________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________            _______________________________________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________              _______________________________________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________      _______________________________________________________________________________    



©2013  Ken  Miller                                                                                                                                                                                            Mighty  Men  –  a  ministry  of  Christ  Chapel  Bible  Church    


•   Week  2  Homework:  The  good  news  didn’t  always  elicit  a  good  reaction.  Paul  discovered  that  sharing  the  gospel  sometimes  resulted  in  apathy  or  even  outright  hostility.  The  gospel  was  plagued  by  counterfeits  and  hostile  opposition.  The  world  stood  against  it.  Satan  sought  to  destroy  it.  Take  some  time  this  week  to  read  the  following  passages  and  answer  the  questions.  Consider  how  the  gospel  faces  opposition  in  your  life  each  day.    -­‐ Read  2  Corinthians  11:1-­‐4  

Why  do  you  think  Paul  was  jealous  for  the  believers  in  Corinth?    ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________    Describe  the  danger  Paul  was  warning  them  about.    ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________    Why  would  this  have  been  dangerous  for  the  Corinthians  if  they  were  already  believers?    ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________    

-­‐ Now  skip  down  and  read  2  Corinthians  11:12-­‐15.  How  does  Paul  describe  the  people  in  these  verses?  Put  it  in  your  own  words.    ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________    Why  would  these  kinds  of  people  be  a  threat  to  the  gospel?    ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________    

-­‐ Read  1  Corinthians  15:12-­‐19  What  does  Paul  warn  about  in  these  verses  that  would  stand  in  opposition  to  the  gospel?    ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________    Why  would  this  conclusion  or  mindset  stand  at  odds  to  the  very  nature  of  the  gospel?    ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________    

-­‐ Read  2  Timothy  3:1-­‐5.  Why  would  the  kind  of  people  Paul  describes  to  Timothy  be  a  danger  to  the  gospel?        ____________________________________________________________________________        ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________    What  is  it  about  these  kinds  of  people  that  makes  them  refuse  or  reject  the  good  news  offered  to  them  through  Jesus  Christ’s  death  on  the  cross?    ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________      ____________________________________________________________________________    



                     WEEK  1:    The  Essence  of  the  Gospel                                                                                                                                                September  5,  2013    •   The  Apostle  Paul  

-­‐   Who  Was  He?  (Acts  22:3-­‐4;  26:4-­‐5,  9-­‐11)  -­‐ Faithful  Jew  -­‐ Pharisee  -­‐ Scholar  -­‐ Religious  zealot  -­‐ Defender  of  Judaism  -­‐ Persecutor  of  The  Way  (Acts  9:3-­‐6)  

-­‐   His  call  (Acts  9:3-­‐6;  22:14-­‐16;  1  Timothy  1:12-­‐16)      

•   Paul’s  Audience:       -­‐   Paul’s  primary  message  was  addressed  to  the  Church  

 (1  Corinthians  1:2;  2  Corinthians  1:1;  Galatians  1:2;  Ephesians  1:1;  Philippians  1:1;  Colossians  1:2;  1  Thessalonians  1:1;  2  Thessalonians  1:1;  Romans  1:7)    

•   Paul’s  Message:       -­‐   The  Gospel  was  at  the  heart  of  Paul’s  message  to  the  Church  

-­‐   He  had  been  set  apart  for  the  Gospel  –  Romans  1:1  -­‐   He  was  not  ashamed  of  the  Gospel  –  Romans  1:16  -­‐   He  couldn’t  help  but  preach  the  Gospel  –  1  Corinthians  9:16  -­‐   The  Gospel  he  preached  wasn’t  man-­‐made  –  Galatians  1:11  -­‐   He  was  a  servant  of  the  Gospel  –  Ephesians  3:7  -­‐   He  was  a  defender  of  the  Gospel  –  Philippians  1:17  -­‐   He  was  willing  to  suffer  for  the  Gospel  –  Philippians  1:12    Gospel  –  evangelion  –  gospel,  glad  tidings,  good  news  (1  Corinthians  15:1-­‐2)    I  passed  on  to  you  what  was  most  important  and  what  had  also  been  passed  on  to  me.  Christ  died  for  our  sins,  just  as  the  Scriptures  said.  He  was  buried,  and  he  was  raised  from  the  dead  on  the  third  day,  just  as  the  Scriptures  said.  –  1  Corinthians  15:3-­‐4  NLT    

-­‐   The  sin  of  mankind  required  the  Good  News  of  Jesus  Christ  (Romans  1:18;  3:10-­‐12,  23)    -­‐   You’ll  never  appreciate  the  GOOD  NEWS  

    until  you  comprehend  the  BAD  NEWS         The  Bad  News       (Romans  3:25-­‐26;  6:23;  1  Corinthians  6:9-­‐11;  Ephesians  2:1-­‐3;  Colossians  1:22-­‐23)  


©2013  Ken  Miller                                                                                                                                                                                            Mighty  Men  –  a  ministry  of  Christ  Chapel  Bible  Church    


    -­‐   All  have  sinned  -­‐ The  wages  of  sin  is  death  -­‐ The  unrighteous  will  not  inherit  the  Kingdom  -­‐ All  dead  in  their  sins  -­‐ Everyone  lives  in  sin  -­‐ Everybody  obeys  the  enemy  -­‐ All  men  follow  their  sinful  nature  -­‐ They’s  all  subject  to  God’s  wrath  -­‐ Everyone  is  far  away  and  separated  from  God  -­‐ All  are  enemies  of  God  

    The  Good  News  -­‐ God  has  provided  a  solution  -­‐ He  makes  it  possible  for  men  to  be  washed,  sanctified  and  justified  -­‐ God  shows  mercy  and  gives  new  life  through  Jesus  Christ  -­‐ He  reconciles  men  to  Himself  -­‐ He  brings  men  into  His  presence  -­‐ He  makes  men  holy,  blameless  and  with  fault  -­‐ He  provided  Jesus  as  a  sacrifice  for  the  sins  of  men  -­‐ He  declares  all  those  who  believe  as  right  in  His  sight  

 •   Man’s  Problem:       -­‐   We  are  prone  to  pursue  a  relationship  with  God  in  one  of  two  ways:       1.     Religion/Spirituality       2.   The  Gospel       Religion  says  the  world  is  full  of  good  people  and  bad  people       The  Gospel  says  the  world  is  full  of  bad  people  who  are  either  repentant  or  unrepentant      

    Religion  says  you  should  trust  in  your  own  moral  goodness       The  Gospel  says  you  should  trust  in  the  sinless  life  of  Jesus  Christ  

    Religion  is  about  what  we  DO       The  Gospel  says  nothing  you  do  will  ever  be  enough  

    Religion  produces  pride  (I’m  better  than  others)  and  despair  (I  can’t  measure  up)  The  Gospel  produces  humility  and  confident  joy  (because  of  the  power  of  Jesus  at  work  for  me,  in  me,  through  me,  and  sometimes  in  spite  of  me)    

•   God’s  Solution:  -­‐   Belief  in  Christ  (Acts  13:38-­‐30;  16:31;  Romans  10:9-­‐10;  1  Timothy  1:15-­‐16)     -­‐   Are  you  aware  of  your  own  sinfulness?     -­‐   Have  you  given  up  trying  to  earn  your  way  into  God’s  good  favor?     -­‐   Do  you  understand  your  need  for  a  Savior?     -­‐   Are  you  convinced  that  Jesus  Christ  is  that  Savior?     -­‐   Do  you  believe  that  Jesus  died,  was  buried,  and  rose  again  three  days  later?     -­‐   Is  the  Good  News  great  news  to  you?    “Only  a  fraction  of  the  present  body  of  professing  Christians  are  solidly  appropriating  the  justifying  work  of  Christ  in  their  lives.    Many  have  so  light  an  apprehension  of  God’s  holiness  and  of  the  extent  and  guilt  of  their  sin  that  consciously  they  see  little  need  for  justification,  although  below  the  surface  of  their  lives  they  are  deeply  guilt-­‐ridden  and  insecure.”  –  Richard  Lovelace,  The  Dynamics  of  Spiritual  Life  
