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Evansville daily journal. (Evansville, Ind.) 1863-10-17 [p...

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COMMERCIAL. DRY GOODS, STOVES, &c. tElie 5 ailt ioatmaJL KAILB01D REGISTER E. & C. R. It. REGULAR PACKETS. Evansville and Cairo Packet Co. FENS, SOAP, &c, &c. Sand and Emery S'aper. GOON AfttORTMKNT OF SAXD AND A Emery Paper just received at SOULAEPfER'S Drag Store. BOOTS & SHOES. T SJL 3E3 BIG B00I t- H O 9 i . m w o w P o o c d 0 " V) H A H -- ! O p O H 0 3 O Q -- I m r O to o o t o CD CO 1 w o 3 a o O H? (ft o a o 1H p fl tr o o 0 -- t O o B Q ts4 O e-- h o o B o m Ui DRUGGISTS FAMILY II STORE WM. E. HALLOCK, Druggist and Apothecary, NO. 10, FIRST STREET, NEAR POST OFFICE, Has just reeeived another large and splendid as- sortment of Pure DrugB, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Pomades, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Articles, ps, Flavoring Extri.ats, &c.,-&- c Brandies and Wines, for Medical Purposes. AH the Approved Patent Medicines kept con tantly on hand and for sale at North American trices. la.Partlcular attention paid to the compounding f prescriptions at all hours. WM. E. HALLOCK, No. lOSo'ith First Street, uear Post Office, uov27 KtsjmvIUs, lud. BROIJGIITON k WOOD. CKESCKNT CITY DKl'U STOKK. Drugs, Chemicals', Paints, Oils, Varnish, Window Glass, Sand Paper, Perfumery, Soaps, Coal Oil, Lamps, Fruit Jars, Sealing Wax, Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs. Sole Agents for Whit field's Pile Cure. NOTICE. To the Ladies of Evansville and Vicinity. MRS. ROWLAND 18 PREPARED TO DO the bitest styles of Embroi.lerv ml rtnl.1 Stamping at her residence, on Second betweeu Jlulbeiy anil Gum Streots. " sep27-3- INSOLUBLE CEMENT. Discovery. Gbeat USEFUL and VALUABLE DISCOVERY ! HILTON'S a..,,.... , JINSOLTJBLE CEMENT! the nseful arte. Jj of more general practical utility ...n.i .uj iuvuuuD now Deiore the public. It has been thoroughly tested dnring the last two years by practical men, and pronounced to be I SUPERIOR. Tn ivv Adhesive Preparation known. A new thing. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is a new thing, and the resnlt of years of study; its combination is on Its Combina- tion. Scientific Principles. cnn5 no ci"um3t"ys or tomperatnre. will it be- - come corrupt or etni t any offensive smell. Boot & Shoo HOOT fe SHOE Manufacturers Manufacturers, using Machines, will find it the best article known for Cementing the Channels, as it works w it hunt delay, is not aflect-e- d by any change of temperature. Jewelers. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for ineir use, as nas been proved It is es.peelally adapted to Families. neaincr, And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches am' Linings to Boots and Shoes at- iciently strong without stitching. IT IS TIIE ONLY It Is a Liquid. LiaUID CEMENT Extant, that is a snr thing for menumg FURSITURE, CROCKERY, TOYS, BONK, IVORY', And articles of housohold nsa. Benaembsr. REMEMBER Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is iii a liquid form and as easily applied as paste. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is insoluble in water or oil. Hiilon s Insoluble Cement Adheres oily snbstances. Supplied in Familyor Manufactur ers Packages from 2 ounces to 100 fts. Finis. IIILT0, BROS. & CO., Pbopbietobs, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Cincinnati Markets. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. FLOUR Unchanged. WHEAT Dull and nominal ; 5,000 hush, of prime red sold at SI 18, to be delivered between 10th imd 20th of next mouth. CORN Virmer and higher at 90c. OATS In demand at uSiUOc.iandlut few offer- ed ; purchases cannot be bjuvrht below 7c. RYB SI 1G. WHISKY Unsettled ; 53c offered : 56a asked. BARLEY Wanted at Sll 10. MESS PORK Good demand for new : 775 bbls. sold at S13. LARD 10. GROCERIES Buoyant. GOLD declined to $1 53. Silver unchanged. uiuj vjf at vio per cent. Ifew York Money Market. New York, October 16. Gold decidedly lower ; opening at 55 and advanc- ing to 55; closing dull at HlJtWtiXL Govern- ment Stocks firmer. United States S'xes of SI coupons, SI 09. 7 Notes, SI O0?. COMMISSION HOUSE. kBAMS EXPRESS COMPANY New Arrangement. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY RK SPECTFULLY announce to their friends and patrons, the public of Kvansville and vicinity that, with increased facilities for the transportation of Freight, Packages, Money and Valuables, They solicit a continuance of former favors. Es- pecial care taken in the collection of Bills, Draft Notes, and the transportation or small and value Me packages. AH person wishing to avail themselves of tit facilities of the Express, can obtain ai.y desired in formation in reference to the rontes and details o :he business, at their office on First street, betweev Main and Locust. Jyg CHAS. WENTZ, Agent. L. A. CEASE. WM. BttOWS. R. K. DUNKEESt. CRANE, BROWN & CO., Forwarding and Comimssior IVIeroIi&jftts, AND Special Railroad Agents Give tbrongh receipts and make liberal cash ad ances on shipments oC Produce and Tobacco t Scv York. CRANE, BROWN A CO. Evansville, Nov. 20th, 1S61. H. B. CLIFFORD, Commission Merchant EXCLUSIVELY. InATE DISPOSED OF MY STOCK OF Produce, Ac, as I And that I cannot, nor can any one else, do justice to themselves and their shippers when they buy, for it is natural that they will sell their own goods first. As I have many shippers, I will hereafter confine niv-se- lf strictly to the COMMISSION BUSINESS, And hope that I will find, a continuance of the many favors shown me during the past eight years. I shall give personal attention to all con- signments, and will make liberal cash advances on produce In t ire. My motto is, Quick Sales ani Prompt Returns. Dealers in Cotton cannot do better than to leave their orders with nv. Mr, F. M. COPELAND, late of t'opeland, Edmonds Co., will give the Cotton business his personal attention. He is one among the best judges in the State. Orders solicited. H. B. CLIFFORD, sepi5 No. 7 Front Row, Memphis, Tenn. so. Foster. A. H. Foster. Wm. a. Gvrrs. GEO. FOSTER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Provision Merchants, CORKER- OP L0CTST STREET AND THE CANAL, aug9 EVANSVILLE, IND. W. 8. M CLVEE. B. E. BALLARB. C. M'CLTRE. W. S. McCLURE & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, "FOR THE SALE OF Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Dried Fruits, Flour and Provisions, 250 Fulton 8t , Op. Washington Market, NEW YORK. REFERENCES. Ge. W. White, Cash. Mechanic s Bank, Brook- lyn, New Yolk. Hon. Horatio Ballard, Sec. State of New York. Wm. Crips, Pres. Standard Ins. Co. New York. A. H. Ballard, Y'psilanti, Michigan. ;1?f,,,i.1,.IWM?M Wisconsin. K. H. Huntington, Adam's Irir c. n t J. H. Reed, Utica, New York. Hon. Henry J. Raymond, " New York Times-- C. H. Wheeler, St. Albans Vt. D. Ward, Lancaster Grant Co. Wisconsin. jelOdly SCHNEIDER & ZUBERBIER, (Successors to Schneider 4 Wise.) Commission Merchants For ibe sale of all kinds of TVesterxi Produce, FLOUR, BACON, PORK, LARD, Hay, Corn, Oats, Butter, Kggs, Ac. Corner Lafayette, New Levee and Fulton Streets, NEW ORLEANS, LA. aug25-6- ' atts, Given Co., 1 f Crane Brown, Paducah, Ky., f Evansville, IBd HARniNo, Given A Co.. St. Louis, Mo. WATTS, CRANE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 4v Broad Street, NEW YORK CITY. We have opened a House in the city of New York for the sale of Tobacco and Western Produce, Under the name of WATTS, CRANE & CO. Mr. D. Watts, of the firm of Wntts, Given Oo. if Paducah, long familiar with Tobacco, will takt charge of that department of our business, and Mr. .Crane, of Crane and Brown, Evansville, will ake charge of the Produce bnsiness. ma2i WATTS, CRANE A CO. T. Coe. F. M. Humphrey. COX & HUMPHREY. Forwarding & Corninissioii Merchants, Steamboat Agents, WHARF - BOAT PROPRIETORS, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. We have taken the Grey Eagle Wharf Boat, and ask of our friends a continuance of their patronage. One of us will be found aboard both day and night to attend to the wants of shippers. sepl MEDICIAL A Valuable Medicine FOR EVERY FAMILY. BUGGISTS IN ALL sections of tberitv and country ieep on hand buy, sell and re- commend as a tonic, stimulantand appetizer, jiooacK s stomach Bit- ters. APOTHECARIES IN all sections of the city and country keep in stock, sell and dispense as a tonic Roback's Stomach Bitters. PHYSICIANS in all section of the city and .country approve and re- commend as a tonic Stomach Bitters. GROCERS in all sec- tions of the city and country keep constantly supplied with aud deal in Roback's Stomach Bittem. HOTELS in nil ac tions of the city aud 'country are supplied with and ' cannot keep u H..I. " ..ill,..,., - . , .1. , . . c?.nHnu it;,,... ...... ' 11 i.'iu.kk B OlUHMV.ll If. HOSPITALS throughout the army of the North have found an indispensable tonic, and are using, for tha soldiers Boback's Stomach Bitten. SUTLERS in every regiment ought to have and many have introduced, and highly recom-- : mTn?r!Vi!!'8ck ' Stomach Bitters. rZlX . ' rld and JunK- - fr Billiousness, Liver j- - ' o "w.iirBK aim general j- - recomm'l to " Roback's Stomach Bitters EVERYBODY who desires a goo tonic lor giving tone to the spirits, a healthy appetite and strengin to tne system generally, should not fail to uny a oottie 01 KooacR s Moniach Hitters DR. C. W. BOBACK, Proprietor, Cincinnati. Office and Manufactory Nos. 56, 68, 60 and 62 East Third Street. USfFor sale by all Druggists everywhere. aug25 GROCERIES. RAISINS V whole, half aud quarter boxes B. and Layer just received by 8. E. GILBERT A CO. SARDINES 20 cases halves and quarters for 8. E. GILBERT & CO. T H it) NEW HY till HOUSE INTENSE EXCITE M E N T A T Nos. 14 A 16 A3 L WITHOUT DELAY, TO COOLIDGE S Where you will find them opening the largest aaaortmeut of Ever offered in this market in Rich Silk and Dress Goods, Tliey Have no Competitors this side of Xew York City. TECBY 33L 33 313 IP Embroidered Edging and Inser- ting, Real Laces. Dress Trimmings, Ladies' Cloth and Beaver Cloaks, Point Lace Collars and Sets, fcc, &c. Chandler's Block, No's. 14 & 16 First Street, Two doors West of Pott Office,) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. tnyl8 J. T. & S. A. COOLIDGE. & KTo. 10 Wholesale and Retail DRV GOODS. In addition to all in our former lines, we now have the BEST STOCK of the fol- lowing Goods ever brought to this City, viz: CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, "Window Hollands, Curtain Damasks, LACE CURTAINS, Curtain Fixtures, CURTAIN CORNICES; And almost everything in the HOUSE FURNISHING LINE, my20-l- v JAQUESS &. FRENCH, No. 1U First Street, Evansville. SEWING MACHINES. X? 51. BELLMAN HAVING FITTED DP . AN ........ olfire. . . .. ,r..i Nn ......... MA m.iii ., Sim -- i win . i eep, . h- - nere .v.v.i, bwuu wwiiuicui ui tt neeier & Wileon'i ana singers sewing machines and Needles, Silk i nreau aim on, ana everytning that is connected wnu in" uu.iuctb, wiu win repair an Kind of Sew ing Machines and pnt on new improvements jy24 F. W. BELLMAN, Ag't. SATURL'A OCTOBER 17 THE FUNNY CORNER the How Arte nits Ward Advertises. Our friend, Charles F. Browne, ('' Ar-tjm- Ward,") advertises himself to lcc. ture in Newark, New York City (second 9 lecture), New Haven, Providence, Nor-wal- k. Conn., and Philadelphia, previous to leaving for California. After this announcement he prints the following: REFERENCES. ARTEMUS WARD la permitted to refer to the following persons : James B iakas Wheatland, Penn. Wendell Phillips ; Boston. C. L Valiand: ihoi Canada. Til. Lloyd Gabxisos Massachusetts. Me. Czab, of Russia Russia. Ma. Lvct Stone New England. Mas. Shoes-I- Napoleon France. Stxtascb Cobb, Jb Maine. The BEDaviN Ababs Ireland. Me. Smith Wisconsin. Tocnq Albebt Wales and Wife England. (certificates. ) Artemcs Ward: Dear Sir I have never heard any of your lectures, but from what I can learn I should say that for people who like the kind of lectures you deliver, they are just the kind of lectures such people like. Yours, respectfully, O. Abe. Aetkmcs Ward: Respected Sir My wife was afflicted with the pipsywipsy in the head for near- ly eight years. The doctors, all gave her up. But in a fortunate moment she went to one of your lectures, and com- menced recovering very rapidly. She is now in perfect health. We like your lectures very much. Please send me a box of them. Tbey are purely vegeta- ble. Send me another five dollar bill and I'll write you another certificate twice as long as this. Yours, Ac, Amos Pilkixs. (And 1,000 others.) A Popular Danish Story. In the village of Ebberup, in Fnnen, there lived a very wealthy farmer, who had to go one day to Assens with a load of barley; so one of his neighbors, a cottager, asked leave to go along with him for the sake of fetching home some goods in the emp- ty cart The farmer had no objection, so the cotter followed the cart on foot, and as it was a very hot day, he pulled off his Worsted stnWinrrs and vrnnrlon shoes, and stuffed them under the barley in the back of the cart. It happened to be Sunday, and they had to pass close by a church on the roadside. The man had got a little way behind the cart, so he could hear that the minister was in the pulpit .It struck him that as the farmer was driving very slow, he might as well turn in and hear a bit of the sermon; he could soon make up to the cart again. He did not like to go so far into the church that the minister could see him, so he stood inside the door. The Gospel for that day was about the rich man and the beggar. Just as the traveler entered the church, the minis- ter shouted out: " But what became of the rich man?" The Ebberup man thought the minis- ter was speaking to him, so he stepped forward and said : " He drove on to Assens with a load of barley." "No!" thundered the minister, "he went to hell." "Mercy on on us!" cried the other, running out of the church, " then I must look after my shoes and stockings! " Diddler invited two or three to take a drink and was telling big stories of him-M- K " Come," said one of the party, " you have told us what you can do now tell us what you cannot do." " Weil, that's easily done," replied Diddler; "I can't pay for the drinks you have just had! " Two distinguished philosophers took shelter under one tree during a heavy shower. After some time, one of them complained that he felt the rain. "Never mind," replied the other, ' there are plenty of trees, when this one is wet through we will go to another.'' "Talk of raining bricks," said Dr. Spooner, in a late shower, as he made the fifth ineffectual attempt to attract a driver, " 'tis nothing to hailing omni- buses." Life is a constant struggle for riches, which we must soon leave behind. They seem given to us as a nurse gives play- things to a thing, to amuse us until it falls asleep. A"wiie man of Gotham " made a servant sleep in a chamber adjoining his own. He cried out to him on one occa- sion, " George, am I asleep ?" "Yea, sir," replied the conscientious George. "Ah, good." Mrs. Partington is of opinion that Mount Vesuvius should take sarsaparilla to cure itself of eruption?. The old lady thinks it has been vomiting so long noth- ing else would stay on its stomach " Sam, why don't you talk to massa, and tell him to lay up treasures in heaven? "What for? What de use of laying up treasures dere, where he never see em again?" WATCHES & JEWELRY. WATCHES JEWELRY, AT Wholesale and Retail. GEO. A. BITTR0LFF Has just opened at the old stand IV o. 48 Oue of ths largest and best selected stocks of WATCHES, CLOCKS J IE2 W JE T. Diamond Rings and Pins, Silver Ware, Silver Cups, Soup Ladles, Table and Tea Spoons, Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, Childrens' Setts, &c. &c. Plated Ware, Full Tea Sets, Castors, Pitchers, Cups, Butter Dishes, Salt-Cellar- s, Goblets, Jewelry, A full assortment of ail kinds of Spectacles, Watch Materials, Watch Glasses, &c, &c. Having bought my stock for Cash, I can sell at tha lowest figures for Cash fall and examine my stock before purchasinglewhere. CE'J. A. BITTROLFF, P5 jfo. 48 Main Street. FOR SALE. FRESH WINTER AHPLE TIBER FOB by PHILIP SCHRIMEB, ocl-l- w Cor. Sixth and Division Streets. DEPARTS: Way, Freight and Accomm.idation 2:43 a. . Mjiil 9:2ft a. M. ARRIVES: Accnnimodatiou ft: 24 p. m. Mail i 5:54 p. x. T. H. fc R. R. R. DEPARTS FROM T. H. Day Express .3:l." p. n. Accommodation 7:05 a m. Night Kxprojs i;5o a. u. ARRIVE AT T. H. Day Express 10: 46 p. m. Accommodation 5:35 a. m. Night Express 11:15 a. sl These two roads make good connection at Terre Hante. glr? . River News. ARRIVALS. Chambers, Henderson. It B. Campbell, Heuderson. Pioneer, Cairo. J. T. McCombs, Louisville. DEPARTURES. Steamer- -- Chambers, Henderson D. B. Campbell, Henderson. Huntsman, Cairo. Pioneer, Louisville. .1. T. McCombs, Louisville. To the great joy of boatmen, the river is rising, having swelled some five or six inches in the 24 hours up to five o'clock last evening. All the streams hunce to Louisville are running out copiously, and the Wabash is also rising, so that we may safely expect an improved state of navigation soon. There were, at last reports, 3J feet on Portland Bar and 30 inches hence to Cairo. The J. T. McCombs arrived from Lou- isville early yesterday morning, having come through without touching bottom. She was detained all of Wednesday night by fog. She looks extremely handsome and natural, and Captain Ballard, her popular commander, is roseate with health, and looks bright as the first gild- ing of the rising orient. Travelers and shippers have cause to congratulate themselves on the return of Capt Bal- lard with the "John Thomas" to the trade. The courteous and affable Gwath-ne- y rules the office. The Huntsman went out at 1 o'clock yesterday with a magnificent trip, in- cluding more passengers than she could room. Capt Dexter and Fred. Huston, her insuperable chief officers, draw like the lyre of Orpheus. Our readers will bear in mind that the D. B. Campbell, a first-clas- s low water boat, leaves every evening for Hender- son, and returning early in the morn- ing, connects with the Railroad. There is a vast accumulation of freight at this point waiting shipment, and a great want of tonnage to carry it off. J. H. Hall s wharfboat is stored full of Nashville freight, and an early rise in. the Cumberland would give a paying trip to some laeky boat that called first Our friends Cox & Humphrey, are al- so doinjr a fine business in connection with the Louisville and Cairo Packets. Captain Sweeney, of Wheeling has sold the Ben Franklin to parties in New Orleans for $27,500. Captain Sedam, sold the Belfast on Wednesday, for $11,000 cash, to parties from New York. The Belfast has just been thoroughly repaired. A Memphis dispatch of the 6th to the Cincinnati Commercial says ; The Norman, Captain F. Y. Batchelor, in company with the Emma No. 3, Po- land, Westmoreland, Madison, Sir Wm. Wallace, Eclipse, and Glasgow, arrived safely at this point last night at mid- night, having on board two brigades and battery belonging to the loth Army Corps, General W. T. Sherman. But little of interest occured on thi3 more than tedious trip only one week out from Vicksburg. An incident did occur, however, that I wish all steam-boatme- n to be advised of, viz: General William Sewell Smith, com- manding this division of the 15th Army Corps, took passage, together with his staff, on the steamer Madison, Captain D. W. Maratta A short time after com- ing on board, he approached Captain M. with a revolver in each hand, and in a polite, mild, conciliatory and gentle- manly way informed bim that, should the boat be burned on the trip, he would instantly shoot him. The same game was tried on Captain Beltshoover, of the Luminary. Before leaving Vicksburg, Gen. Com'g issuing orders to the effect that, should the boat be lost on the" trip, the officers would be executed on the spot Captain Belts-hoove- r, seconded unanimously by his crew, at once determined to abandon the boat unless the order was rescinded, which was done. Steamboat officers can draw their inferences concerning these matters. By the way, the Madison was the only boat that met with an accident onup-trip- . At Island 64 she picked up a snag on her forward quarter, starboard side, it passing upward through the boiler-dec- k, precipitating several mules and horses into the river. Some lives were lost, but I am unable to state how many. We clip the following from the Louis, ville Journal of yesterday: The Conway, in charge of Capt. Pink v amie, leit lor ianneiton yesterday to bring up a tow of coal for this city. -- rr The Tarascon will be launched L from Howard's shipyard at Jefferson ville at 2 P. M. to-da- y. She is to be a magnificent steamer. Twenty-fiv- e stern-whe- el and four side-whe- el steamers are now building at Pittsburg. Of the latter, one is as large as the great Cincinnati. Capt Carroll's St. Louis and New Or- leans steamer will be launched at Can- - nelton next week. t On her last trip up from Memphis, aeverai attempts were made to tire the Bteamer Commercial. The boat had two Ohio regiments aboard, and it is thought some new recruits from Dixie and others of the regiment were guilty of the at- tempted incendiarism. " Before the steamer Belle Memphis left St Louis on her last trip to Memphis the captain received several annony-mou- s letters, informing him that the boat would be burned before she left the former. In consequence of this threat, a strong guard was established, and no signs of fire cr attempts at incediarism were discovered until after the steamer had left Memphis, on her return trip to St Louis, when six spherical case shot were found in the coal box, where they had been deposited by some person or persons, in the hope that, being undis- covered, the shell would be thrown into the furnaces and explode the boilers. The gallant Colossus, Capt. Cox, with Messrs. Banksmith and Dick Cox, is due here but will more probably leave here about noon Look out for the elegant Colossus. The Cumberland has risen 15 inches at Nashville. FAST MAIL PACKET LINE. Low Water Arrangement -T- O- IrfEZ'fS Paducah & Cairo. Dnring the continuance of low water Boats will run as follows : THK FINE MAIl. PACKET " A "ST IUK..E, G. DCSOUCHKT, Master W. DUNN, Clerk. Leaves Monday's and Thursday's at 2 o'clock, for Cairo and all Way Points. Leaves Cairo Tuesday's and Friday's at p. ni. THE tIGHT DRAUGHT PACKET HUNTSM KT, E. WHISTLER, Master F. R. HUSTON, Cl'k. Leaves Wednesday's and Saturday's at 2 p. m. for Cairo and. all Way Points. Leaves Cairo on Thursday's Sunday's at 5 p. m., Making connections at Cairo with the Illinois Central Railroad, and at Evansville with the Evansville and Crawfordsville Railroad. For freight or passage apply on board or to Cox & Humphrey, Lower Wharf Boat, or to P. D. Veits, Agents. sepl.l-dt- f Low Water Arrangement. EVANSVILLE AND CAIRO PACKET H U TV T K S , ROBERTS. Master SHIELDS, Clerk. YXTILL PLY AS A REGULAR PACKET BE v V tween Evansville, Paducah aud Cairo dur- ing the low water. She is very light and roomy. She leaves on MONDAY, September 14, at 10 a. rn. For freight or passage applv to sep!2 tf JNO. B HALL. Agent Cincinnati and Memphis PACKET COMPANY. For Evansville, Henderson, Mount Vernon, Shawneetown, Smithland, .. .! i.j. II. l... and Mempnis, and all way-poin- on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, comprising the following new light-draug- passenger packets : NORMAN, JEWESS, Capt. Batchelor. I Captain Frazier PRINCESS W. C. MANN, Captan Maratta. Captain Shnnk. One of the above Boats will pasB Evans tille Weekly for Cairo, Columbns, Hickman, and Mem--phi- Also, weekly for Cincinnati. For freight or passage enquire of COX ic HUMPHREY, epwltf Agents. Regular Evansville and Cairo PACKET, DURING LOW WATER. THE STEAMER O O LO NNA, TOM. BOLUS, Captain. H. HYDE, Clerk. WILL RTTV RTCfiTTT. k TiT.-- TV TT7I- - labove trade dnring low water. t TT. r f i I. f n .. . Ejjg sep9 TT. S. Mail Boat for Louisville. DURING TTTF T.OW WiTTfP season the Louisville and Evansville TT S Moil .-i- .1.11.. . w.'uaj o . jii.-'- ngui nraugnt steam- ers, leaving from Cox & Humphrey's Wharf Bo:it. For further information applv to Cox & Hum- phrey. JO. II. BUNCE, Superintendent. June 25-t- f Regular Evansville and Bowling Green Packet. THE SPLENDID PASSENGER STEAMER R. E. DUNKERS0N, A. DRINK WATER, Master, WILL LEAVE EVANSVILLE JfejiXCJ&evory Monday and Thursday at 4 sisiTiIT iiaTl ii'ijlmli p. m. Leaves Bowling Green every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 a. m., making sure connections with the Armada for the Lower Ohio, and Grey Eagle for Louisvillo. my2t LOUISVILLE AND HENDERSON A I LY LTNK, (SUNDAY'S Xt V.VT . The Evansville & Louisville V. S rLineCo's. Splendid Passenger , T ivy -- in pi m "BIG" GREY EAGLE, hM BUNCE J. A. LUSK, Clerk. " STAR" GREY E AG LE, Oajpt. nUTSINPILLER W. G. VORIS, Clerk J. T. McCOMBS, Capt. BALLARD J. GWATHNEY. Clark Compose the Line, and will leave Evansville for Louisville as follows : Slondy's, STAR GREY EAGLE, at 12 o'clock a Tuesday's, J. T. SIcCOMBS, at 6 o'clock p a. Wednesday's, " BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock p M. Thursday's, "STAR" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock p. ML Friday's, J T. McC0MB8, at 5 o'clock p. a Satnrday-'s- , " BIG " GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock p. M RETURNING: J. T. McCOMBS, leaves Louisville Monday's and Thursday's. BIG" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Tues- day's and Friday's, STAR" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Wed aud Saturday's. Punctually at t o'clock p. a. For comfort and the above steamers are unsurpassed. COX Jt HUMPHREY. dec!2 GROCERIES .! FRUITS, FRUITS 2 lli cans Fresh Peaches, 20 " " " Tomatoes, 20 ' " " Blackberries. Just received and for sale at ' ELLIOTT'S FAMILY CROCEBY. PINE APPLES doz 2 lb cans Fresh Pine Apple, 10 " 2 Quart Bottles " For sale at ELLIOTT S FAMILY GROCERY. JELLIES JELLIES assorted kinds ch dee Jellies, At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. CHAMPAIGNE CIDER Bottles Champaigne Cider. For aale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. R AISENS AND CITRON 20 boxes RaiseDS, 100 Bis Genoa Citron. For sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. CONCENTRATED MILK Concentrated Milk, Just received and for sale At ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. PRUNES Turkish Prunes, 2 dozen Jars French Prunes. For sale at ELLIOTT'8 FAMILY GROCERY PRIME PICKLED PORK choice, for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. SOMETHING NEW Patent Ventilator for Coal Oil Lamps. Witn this burner no chimney is needed Call and see them At ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. 10FFEE 20 sacks choice Rio Coffee, for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. B RUSHES 10 dozen assorted sizes F"atber Brushes, 6 " " " Counter " 20 " . assorted kinds Scrub Brushes, 10 ' " Shoe Brushes, 2 " Flour Brushes. Just received and for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. FRENCH MUSTARD Genuine French Mustard, for sale At ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. LOUR 00 barrels Double Extra White Whe it Flour, 200 Sacks " ." " " .'nut received at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. s UGAR Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugars 50 bbls. just received and for sale bv S. E. GILBERT Je CO. RICE 6 tierces just received ; for sale FRESH S. E. GILBERT & CO. SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J. SMITH'S SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No.8 Second St, (in bbay's block.) SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER FROM and a fit warranted. A stock o ready. made Shirts and Collars always on hand, aud at prices that will suit the purchaser. Tuckiug oauTs, etiching Bosoms, Ac, done with neatness and despatch Thankful for past favors, the subscriber respect fully solicits a contuance of the patronage so liberallv bestowed thr thn r,..t a .mn OCtM . GUtTn j k'l.ii i n 1 AND SHOE HOUSE. - r. B ! Mora, no & i MAIN STREET, Are again in Market with the largest Stock of GOOD GOODS, (We say GOOD, for we sell that kind of Stock), to be found in any House of our acquaintance East or West. They were bought W Cash by one of tue tirm who spends the greater part of his time East for that express purpose. With many years experience in the business, we flatter ourselves that we understand it well, and with facilities at our command, we Oaxx jaxici Will Sell Goods as cheap as any Jobbing House in the coun- try, we care not where that House may be located ; if in the East we will add trans- portation. We would re- spectfully call the attention of the trade to an examina- tion of our Goods. We like to sell good Goods ; they speak for us whereever they MORGAN, READ & CC HATHOUSE It is not a mooted question that MORGAN, READ & CO., No. 68 Tvf! ain Street, Have the Largest and Hand- somest stock of HATS To be found in any one House in the West. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hats of every Fashionable style in vague either East or West. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Dress Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool French Hats. Men's Black and Celored Fur and Wool Planter and Planter Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Burnside, Monitor, Cochran, &c, Hats. Men's Plain and Colored Leghorn and Straw Hats. Men's Panama & Palm Leaf Hats. Boy's Fur and Wool Hats, (great variety.) Boy's Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. Children's Fur, Wool, Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. The above Stock has just been purchased directly of the Manu- facturers of New England for CASH, at low figures, and we will sell as low as any jobber East, transportation added. Call and examiue our Goods before buying. No trouble to show goods. MORGAN, READ & C4 i laaiilli; March 8. COLLECTOR'S SALE. Collector's Sale of Real Estate for the payment and expenses of Sidewalk Improve- ments. VJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY Ll virtue of a precept issued by the Mayor of the City of Evansville and to me directed, I will sell at pnblic auction, at the door of the Court House in said City, Friday, Octobers, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following Lots or parcels of Real Estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount charged and assessed against said Lots re- spectively for the costs and expenses of mating sidewalk improvements upon said Lots, toge her with the costs of sale, and that the said sale will be continued on the next day thereafter, vix : Satur- day, the luth of October, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the same place for the purpose of selling such prop- erty as may have been sold on the day above mas- oned and not paid for: FOI-RT- ENLARGEMENT. L ot No. 1, block No. 8; Frank Chambers hen owners, $16 66. STOCKWELL'S RNLAROMINT. Lot 9, block 1, C. L. Neamasten's heirs, 82 3S. N. W. i lot 10. block 1 W. 8. B PPLE, Collector. Evansville, Sept. 34, 1868. Cooking Extracts. LARGE STOrK AJfD GOOD ASSORT- MENT of rooking Extracts just received at SCHLAE ITER'S Drug Store. Essence of Coffee. ; f8araci of coffee jpst received at 9CL4KPFK'fl Dm, Stere. Mustard. THE VERT BEST QTJALITT OF MUSTARD sale at 9CHLA XPFER'S Drag Store. Soap. A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SOAPS lust received aad for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store. Steel Pens. A LARGE ASORTMENT OF STEEL PENS and Lead Pencils, of the best brands, for sals at SCHL AEPFER'S Drag Store. PAEY'S CA UGH CURE FOR SALE AT - SCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC BALSAM FOR Coughs and Colds: Inst received and for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Commissioner's Sale of Valuable Real Estate. 'pHE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONER AP-- pointed by the Vanderburgh Circuit Court in a suit in partition wherein Sophia D. Gridlev and others are defendants, to make sale of the Real Estate belonging to the parties to said suit to-w- it : To the heirs or Horace Dunham deceased will, la pursuance of the decree of said Court, on the 28th day of October, 1863, between 10 o'clock a. at. and 6 o'clock p. m., at the Court House door, in the City of Evansville, Indiaua, proceed to sell at Public Auction, the following described Real Es- tate t. - wit : All those tracts or parcels of land and town lots lying and being in the County of and State of Indiana, known and describ- ed as follows : The north-ea- st quarter of section thirty-tw- o (32) the south-we- quarter of sec- tion thirty-tw- o the west half of the west half of the south-ea- st quarter of section thirty-tw- o (32), and the south half of fractional section thirty-on- e (31), all in township six (6), south of range ten (10) west, in the Vincennes Land District. Also, all those parts of fractional sections five and six (5) and (0), in township seven (7), south of range ten (10) west, contained within the following boundary : that is to say, commencing at the cor- ner of fractional section thirty-on- e (31), in town- ship six (6), wnlch corner is situate on the bayou bank neariy opposite the Green River Island, and running thence east twenty-fiv- e (25) chains and forty-eig- (48) links to the north-we- st corner of fractional section five (6), township seven (7). thence running east on the township line fifty (SO) chains, thence south nine (9) chains and fifty.six (6G) links, thence west seventy-thre- e (731 chains and forty-fou- r (44) links to the top of the above mentioned bayou bank, thence along said bayou bank to the place of beginning, containing 71 18-1- acres. Also, the north- west quarter of the south-we- quarter of sec- tion sixten (IS), in township ssrven 7) south, of range eleven (11) west. Also, lots one hundred and eighty -- six, the inside half of lot one hundred an 1 ninety-seve- n, being the half oi said lot adjoin- ing lot 198, said lot 197 being divided by a line running from front to rear, through the center thereof, lots one hundred and ninety-eigh- t, two hundred and thirty-fou- r, two hundred and thirty-fiv- e, and two hundred and thirty- - ix, (1863 of 1X7. 198, 234, 235, and 236,) all in the Donation Enlargement of the City of Evansville. Also, lot eight (8) and the adjoining half of lot nine (9), Union Place, Evansville, said lot 186 being subject to lease for the term of five (5) years from the 1st day of September, 1850. at a yearly rent of three hundred dollars, and 5o feet of the sewth-ea- st end of said lot ZHj is snbject to a lease from the 1st day of January, 1859, for a term of eleven years, at aground rent of eighty dollars per year. The above described lands comprise over 550 acres in a body adjoinging this city, which are platted into garden lots, and will be sold in small parcels to suit purchasers, of which maps can be seea at the office of Asa Igieheart. TERMS. One-four- cash, the remainder in three equal annual installments, to be secured by n.tes with approved surety waiving relief laws and bearing interest. HIRAM NELSON, Asa Iot.r.HEAKT. Commissioner. attorney. septet f INSURANCE AGENCY. HOllE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. Office 112 and 114 Broadway With a Cash Capital all paid in of ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ASSETS JULY 1st, 1860 .f 1,600,000 The Home Insurance Company Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire on Dwellings and their contents, for a term of from 1 to 5 years on the most favorable terms. Stores, Warehouses, Stocks of Merchandize, Produce, Mannfccteries, Machine ai all insurable property, at fair and equitable rates, and on INLAND NAVIGATION And Transportation, Shipments upon ths Rivers, Lakes, Canals and Railroads, as low as the nature of the risks will bear, with fairness to the assured and the Company. Adjusting all losses fairly, and pr Aptly Baying them. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Prea't. A. F. WILMARTH, Vice Pres't. J. miLTOs Smith,- - Secretary. John McGbb, Ass't Sec y. Applications made to and policies issued by A. C. HALLECK a SON, Ag'ts, First Street, near Post Office. Insurance Agency. ALLEN cThALLECK, UNDERWRITER AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, ADJfSrER Or AVESAUES AJTO aOTABT Ft EI I. He continues to issue Policies from sev ral First Class and most re Liable A Vf!V mVDlVTrd In the Country, on Inland and Fin Butt. He will also receive applications for LIFE INSURANCE. He will attend te the Adjustment of Losses of very description under policies from other agen- cies, and attend to the settlement of all matters connected with INSURANCE, for parties interest- ed. His long experience as an Issuea.vci Asckt, has made him familiar with all subjects connected with Insurance. Office, on First Street, near the Post Office. INCORPORATED 1847. CITY Fire Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capita , 250,000 . G. WAITE, Sec'y. C. B. BOWERS, Pres't. S. A. PRICE, General Agent, Residing at Chicago, Ills. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLU8 $327,640. This Company insures against loss and by fire on Dwellings snd their Contents, Bfosss. Warehouses, Stocks of Merchandize, and all insur- able property at as reasonable rates of premium as any other solvent and reliable Company, AdjuwUmg Louet fairly and paving thenprompOf. Applications made to and Policies issued by A. C. HALLXCK A SON.. First Street, near Post Office, augil-ly- d Evajbvilli, Ian. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE C031PA1VY, Hartford, Connecticut. INCORPORATED 181 charter"perpettjal With a Successful Business Experience e FIFTY YEARS. CASH CAPITAL $50U,X3.'0 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 890,986.81 Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Dwellings, Furniture, Stores, Warehouses, Mer- chandize, Mill, Manufactories, aad other kinds oi property, can be effected in this Company upon as favorable terms a." the nature of the risks and secu- rity to Policy will admit. PARTICULAR ATTENTION given to insuring Farm nronertv. consisting of Dwellings, Barns, and outbuildings connected, and Furniture, Live Stock, Hay, Grain, Fanning Utensils, Ac., Ac, contained therein, for a term of years at LOW rates of premium. OFFICERS: T. C. Allyn, Sec'y. H. Huntington, Pres't. C. C. Lymsi, Ass't Sec'y. W. N. Bowers, Actuary D. Alexander, General Agent for the Western aad South Western States, Columbns, Ohio. J. Graham, Ass't General Agent for the Western snd South Western States, Columbus, Ohio. Applications for Insurance may be mmia to ths undersigned, the duly authorized Agents of ths Csmpany. A. O. HALLECK a SON, Ag'ts. W Office on First street, near Post Office. aug23-4y- d a



Evansville and Cairo Packet Co.

FENS, SOAP, &c, &c.

Sand and Emery S'aper.GOON AfttORTMKNT OF SAXD ANDA Emery Paper just received at

SOULAEPfER'S Drag Store.



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WM. E. HALLOCK,Druggist and Apothecary,


Has just reeeived another large and splendid as-

sortment of

Pure DrugB, Medicines,Chemicals, Fancy Articles,Perfumeries, Pomades,Brushes, Combs,Toilet Articles, ps,

Flavoring Extri.ats, &c.,-&- c

Brandies and Wines, for MedicalPurposes.

AH the Approved Patent Medicines kept contantly on hand and for sale at North American

trices.la.Partlcular attention paid to the compounding

f prescriptions at all hours.WM. E. HALLOCK,

No. lOSo'ith First Street, uear Post Office,uov27 KtsjmvIUs, lud.



Drugs, Chemicals',

Paints, Oils, Varnish,

Window Glass,

Sand Paper,

Perfumery, Soaps,

Coal Oil, Lamps,

Fruit Jars, Sealing Wax,

Patent Medicines,

Dye Stuffs.

Sole Agents for Whitfield's Pile Cure.

NOTICE.To the Ladies of Evansville and


the bitest styles of Embroi.lerv ml rtnl.1Stamping at her residence, on Second betweeuJlulbeiy anil Gum Streots. "





the nseful arte. Jj of more general practical utility...n.i .uj iuvuuuD now Deiore thepublic. It has been thoroughlytested dnring the last two years bypractical men, and pronounced tobe

I SUPERIOR. Tn ivvAdhesive Preparation known.

A new thing. Hilton's Insoluble CementIs a new thing, and the resnlt ofyears of study; its combinationis on

Its Combina-tion.

Scientific Principles.cnn5 no ci"um3t"ys or

tomperatnre. will it be- -come corrupt or etni t any offensivesmell.

Boot & Shoo HOOT fe SHOEManufacturers Manufacturers, using Machines,will find it the best article knownfor Cementing the Channels, as itworks w it hunt delay, is not aflect-e- d

by any change of temperature.

Jewelers. JEWELERSWill find it sufficiently adhesive forineir use, as nas been proved

It is es.peelally adapted toFamilies. neaincr,

And we claim as an especial merit,that it sticks Patches am' Liningsto Boots and Shoes at- icientlystrong without stitching.


Extant, that is a snr thing formenumg



IVORY',And articles of housohold nsa.

Benaembsr. REMEMBERHilton's Insoluble CementIs iii a liquid form and as easily

applied as paste.Hilton's Insoluble Cement

Is insoluble in water or oil.Hiilon s Insoluble Cement

Adheres oily snbstances.

Supplied in Familyor Manufacturers Packages from 2 ounces

to 100 fts.Finis. IIILT0, BROS. & CO.,

Pbopbietobs,PROVIDENCE, R. I.

Cincinnati Markets.Cincinnati, Oct. 16.

FLOUR Unchanged.WHEAT Dull and nominal ; 5,000 hush, of

prime red sold at SI 18, to be delivered between10th imd 20th of next mouth.

CORN Virmer and higher at 90c.OATS In demand at uSiUOc.iandlut few offer-

ed ; purchases cannot be bjuvrht below 7c.RYB SI 1G.

WHISKY Unsettled ; 53c offered : 56a asked.BARLEY Wanted at Sll 10.MESS PORK Good demand for new : 775 bbls.

sold at S13.LARD 10.GROCERIES Buoyant.GOLD declined to $1 53. Silver unchanged.

uiuj vjf at vio per cent.

Ifew York Money Market.New York, October 16.

Gold decidedly lower ; opening at 55 and advanc-ing to 55; closing dull at HlJtWtiXL Govern-ment Stocks firmer. United States S'xes of SIcoupons, SI 09. 7 Notes, SI O0?.



SPECTFULLY announce to their friends andpatrons, the public of Kvansville and vicinity that,with increased facilities for the transportation of

Freight, Packages,Money and Valuables,

They solicit a continuance of former favors. Es-pecial care taken in the collection of Bills, DraftNotes, and the transportation or small and valueMe packages.

AH person wishing to avail themselves of titfacilities of the Express, can obtain ai.y desired information in reference to the rontes and details o:he business, at their office on First street, betweevMain and Locust.



Forwarding and ComimssiorIVIeroIi&jftts,


Special Railroad AgentsGive tbrongh receipts and make liberal cash ad

ances on shipments oC Produce and Tobacco tScv York. CRANE, BROWN A CO.

Evansville, Nov. 20th, 1S61.

H. B. CLIFFORD,Commission Merchant


InATE DISPOSED OF MY STOCK OFProduce, Ac, as I And that I cannot,

nor can any one else, do justice to themselves andtheir shippers when they buy, for it is naturalthat they will sell their own goods first. As Ihave many shippers, I will hereafter confine niv-se- lf

strictly to the

COMMISSION BUSINESS,And hope that I will find, a continuance of themany favors shown me during the past eightyears. I shall give personal attention to all con-signments, and will make liberal cash advanceson produce In t ire. My motto is,

Quick Sales ani Prompt Returns.Dealers in Cotton cannot do better than to leavetheir orders with nv. Mr, F. M. COPELAND,late of t'opeland, Edmonds Co., will give theCotton business his personal attention. He is oneamong the best judges in the State. Orderssolicited. H. B. CLIFFORD,

sepi5 No. 7 Front Row, Memphis, Tenn.so. Foster. A. H. Foster. Wm. a. Gvrrs.

GEO. FOSTER & CO.,Wholesale Grocers,

Produce and Provision Merchants,CORKER- OP L0CTST STREET AND THE CANAL,




Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Beans,Peas, Dried Fruits, Flour

and Provisions,

250 Fulton 8t ,Op. Washington Market, NEW YORK.

REFERENCES.Ge. W. White, Cash. Mechanic s Bank, Brook-

lyn, New Yolk.Hon. Horatio Ballard, Sec. State of New York.Wm. Crips, Pres. Standard Ins. Co. New York.A. H. Ballard, Y'psilanti, Michigan.

;1?f,,,i.1,.IWM?M Wisconsin.K. H. Huntington, Adam's Irir c. n tJ. H. Reed, Utica, New York.Hon. Henry J. Raymond, " New York Times--C. H. Wheeler, St. Albans Vt.D. Ward, Lancaster Grant Co. Wisconsin.jelOdly

SCHNEIDER & ZUBERBIER,(Successors to Schneider 4 Wise.)

Commission MerchantsFor ibe sale of all kinds of

TVesterxi Produce,FLOUR, BACON, PORK, LARD,Hay, Corn, Oats, Butter, Kggs, Ac.Corner Lafayette, New Levee and

Fulton Streets,NEW ORLEANS, LA.


' atts, Given Co., 1 f Crane Brown,Paducah, Ky., f Evansville, IBd

HARniNo, Given A Co..St. Louis, Mo.


No. 4v Broad Street,NEW YORK CITY.

We have opened a House in the city of New Yorkfor the sale of

Tobacco and Western Produce,Under the name of

WATTS, CRANE & CO.Mr. D. Watts, of the firm of Wntts, Given Oo.if Paducah, long familiar with Tobacco, will taktcharge of that department of our business, and Mr.

.Crane, of Crane and Brown, Evansville, willake charge of the Produce bnsiness.ma2i WATTS, CRANE A CO.

T. Coe. F. M. Humphrey.COX & HUMPHREY.

Forwarding & CorninissioiiMerchants,

Steamboat Agents,


We have taken the Grey Eagle Wharf Boat, andask of our friends a continuance of their patronage.One of us will be found aboard both day and nightto attend to the wants of shippers. sepl

MEDICIALA Valuable Medicine


and country ieep onhand buy, sell and re-commend as a tonic,stimulantand appetizer,jiooacK s stomach Bit-ters.

APOTHECARIES INall sections of the cityand country keep instock, sell and dispenseas a tonic Roback'sStomach Bitters.

PHYSICIANS in allsection of the city and.country approve and re-commend as a tonic

Stomach Bitters.GROCERS in all sec-

tions of the city andcountry keep constantlysupplied with aud dealin Roback's StomachBittem.

HOTELS in nil actions of the city aud'country are suppliedwith and ' cannot keepu H..I. " ..ill,..,., -

. , .1. , . . c?.nHnu it;,,.........' 1 1 i.'iu.kk B OlUHMV.ll If.HOSPITALS throughout the army of the North

have found an indispensable tonic, and are using,for tha soldiers Boback's Stomach Bitten.

SUTLERS in every regiment ought to haveand many have introduced, and highly recom-- :mTn?r!Vi!!'8ck ' Stomach Bitters.rZlX . ' rld and JunK- - fr Billiousness, Liver

j-- ' o "w.iirBK aim general j- -

recomm'l to " Roback's StomachBittersEVERYBODY who desires a goo tonic lorgiving tone to the spirits, a healthy appetite andstrengin to tne system generally, should not fail

to uny a oottie 01 KooacR s Moniach HittersDR. C. W. BOBACK,

Proprietor, Cincinnati.Office and Manufactory Nos. 56, 68, 60 and 62

East Third Street.USfFor sale by all Druggists everywhere.aug25

GROCERIES.RAISINS V whole, half aud quarter boxes

B. and Layer just received by8. E. GILBERT A CO.

SARDINES 20 cases halves and quarters for8. E. GILBERT & CO.

T H it) NEW




Nos. 14 A 16

A3 L



COOLIDGE SWhere you will find them opening the largest

aaaortmeut of

Ever offered in this market in

Rich Silk and Dress Goods,

Tliey Have no Competitors this sideof Xew York City.

TECBY 33L 33 313 IPEmbroidered Edging and Inser-ting, Real Laces. Dress Trimmings,Ladies' Cloth and Beaver Cloaks,Point Lace Collars and Sets, fcc, &c.

Chandler's Block,No's. 14 & 16 First Street,

Two doors West of Pott Office,)



KTo. 10

Wholesale and Retail


In addition to all in ourformer lines, we now havethe BEST STOCK of the fol-

lowing Goods ever broughtto this City, viz:





"Window Hollands,

Curtain Damasks,


Curtain Fixtures,


And almost everything in the


my20-l- v JAQUESS &. FRENCH,No. 1U First Street, Evansville.



olfire.. . . . ,r..i

Nn .........MA m.iii .,Sim -- i win

.i eep,. h- - nere

.v.v.i, bwuu wwiiuicui ui tt neeier & Wileon'iana singers sewing machines and Needles, Silki nreau aim on, ana everytning that is connectedwnu in" uu.iuctb, wiu win repair an Kind of Sewing Machines and pnt on new improvements

jy24 F. W. BELLMAN, Ag't.



How Arte nits Ward Advertises.Our friend, Charles F. Browne, ('' Ar-tjm-

Ward,") advertises himself to lcc.ture in Newark, New York City (second 9lecture), New Haven, Providence, Nor-wal- k.

Conn., and Philadelphia, previousto leaving for California. After thisannouncement he prints the following:


ARTEMUS WARD la permitted to refer to thefollowing persons :

James B iakas Wheatland, Penn.Wendell Phillips ; Boston.C. L Valiand: ihoi Canada.Til. Lloyd Gabxisos Massachusetts.Me. Czab, of Russia Russia.Ma. Lvct Stone New England.Mas. Shoes-I- Napoleon France.Stxtascb Cobb, Jb Maine.The BEDaviN Ababs Ireland.Me. Smith Wisconsin.Tocnq Albebt Wales and Wife England.

(certificates. )Artemcs Ward:

Dear Sir I have never heard any ofyour lectures, but from what I can learnI should say that for people who like thekind of lectures you deliver, they arejust the kind of lectures such peoplelike. Yours, respectfully,

O. Abe.Aetkmcs Ward:

Respected Sir My wife was afflictedwith the pipsywipsy in the head for near-ly eight years. The doctors, all gaveher up. But in a fortunate moment shewent to one of your lectures, and com-menced recovering very rapidly. She isnow in perfect health. We like yourlectures very much. Please send me abox of them. Tbey are purely vegeta-ble. Send me another five dollar billand I'll write you another certificatetwice as long as this.

Yours, Ac, Amos Pilkixs.(And 1,000 others.)

A Popular Danish Story. In thevillage of Ebberup, in Fnnen, there liveda very wealthy farmer, who had to goone day to Assens with a load of barley;so one of his neighbors, a cottager, askedleave to go along with him for the sakeof fetching home some goods in the emp-ty cart The farmer had no objection,so the cotter followed the cart on foot,and as it was a very hot day, he pulledoff his Worsted stnWinrrs and vrnnrlonshoes, and stuffed them under the barleyin the back of the cart. It happened tobe Sunday, and they had to pass closeby a church on the roadside. The manhad got a little way behind the cart, sohe could hear that the minister was inthe pulpit .It struck him that as thefarmer was driving very slow, he mightas well turn in and hear a bit of thesermon; he could soon make up to thecart again. He did not like to go so farinto the church that the minister couldsee him, so he stood inside the door.The Gospel for that day was about therich man and the beggar. Just as thetraveler entered the church, the minis-ter shouted out:

" But what became of the rich man?"The Ebberup man thought the minis-

ter was speaking to him, so he steppedforward and said :

" He drove on to Assens with a load ofbarley."

"No!" thundered the minister, "hewent to hell."

"Mercy on on us!" cried the other,running out of the church, " then I mustlook after my shoes and stockings! "

Diddler invited two or three to take adrink and was telling big stories of him-M- K

" Come," said one of the party, " youhave told us what you can do now tellus what you cannot do."

" Weil, that's easily done," repliedDiddler; "I can't pay for the drinks youhave just had! "

Two distinguished philosophers tookshelter under one tree during a heavyshower. After some time, one of themcomplained that he felt the rain. "Nevermind," replied the other, ' there areplenty of trees, when this one is wetthrough we will go to another.''

"Talk of raining bricks," said Dr.Spooner, in a late shower, as he madethe fifth ineffectual attempt to attract adriver, " 'tis nothing to hailing omni-buses."

Life is a constant struggle for riches,which we must soon leave behind. Theyseem given to us as a nurse gives play-things to a thing, to amuse us until itfalls asleep.

A"wiie man of Gotham " made aservant sleep in a chamber adjoining hisown. He cried out to him on one occa-sion, " George, am I asleep ?"

"Yea, sir," replied the conscientiousGeorge.

"Ah, good."

Mrs. Partington is of opinion thatMount Vesuvius should take sarsaparillato cure itself of eruption?. The old ladythinks it has been vomiting so long noth-ing else would stay on its stomach

" Sam, why don't you talk to massa,and tell him to lay up treasures inheaven?

"What for? What de use of layingup treasures dere, where he never seeem again?"




Wholesale and Retail.

GEO. A. BITTR0LFFHas just opened at the old stand

IVo. 48Oue of ths largest and best selected stocks of


J IE2 W JE T.Diamond Rings and Pins,Silver Ware,Silver Cups, Soup Ladles,Table and Tea Spoons,Napkin Rings, Butter Knives,Childrens' Setts, &c. &c.Plated Ware, Full Tea Sets,Castors, Pitchers, Cups,Butter Dishes, Salt-Cellar- s,

Goblets, Jewelry,A full assortment of ail kinds of

Spectacles,Watch Materials,Watch Glasses, &c, &c.

Having bought my stock for Cash, I can sell attha lowest figures for Cash fall and examine mystock before purchasinglewhere.

CE'J. A. BITTROLFF,P5 jfo. 48 Main Street.


by PHILIP SCHRIMEB,ocl-l- w Cor. Sixth and Division Streets.

DEPARTS:Way, Freight and Accomm.idation 2:43 a. .Mjiil 9:2ft a. M.

ARRIVES:Accnnimodatiou ft: 24 p. m.Mail i 5:54 p. x.


Day Express .3:l." p. n.Accommodation 7:05 a m.Night Kxprojs i;5o a. u.

ARRIVE AT T. H.Day Express 10: 46 p. m.Accommodation 5:35 a. m.Night Express 11:15 a. sl

These two roads make good connection at TerreHante.

glr? .

River News.ARRIVALS.

Chambers, Henderson.It B. Campbell, Heuderson.Pioneer, Cairo.J. T. McCombs, Louisville.

DEPARTURES.Steamer- -- Chambers, Henderson

D. B. Campbell, Henderson.Huntsman, Cairo.Pioneer, Louisville..1. T. McCombs, Louisville.

To the great joy of boatmen, the riveris rising, having swelled some five or sixinches in the 24 hours up to five o'clocklast evening. All the streams hunce toLouisville are running out copiously,and the Wabash is also rising, so thatwe may safely expect an improved stateof navigation soon. There were, at lastreports, 3J feet on Portland Bar and 30inches hence to Cairo.

The J. T. McCombs arrived from Lou-

isville early yesterday morning, havingcome through without touching bottom.She was detained all of Wednesday nightby fog. She looks extremely handsomeand natural, and Captain Ballard, herpopular commander, is roseate withhealth, and looks bright as the first gild-

ing of the rising orient. Travelers andshippers have cause to congratulatethemselves on the return of Capt Bal-

lard with the "John Thomas" to thetrade. The courteous and affable Gwath-ne- y

rules the office.

The Huntsman went out at 1 o'clockyesterday with a magnificent trip, in-

cluding more passengers than she couldroom. Capt Dexter and Fred. Huston,her insuperable chief officers, draw likethe lyre of Orpheus.

Our readers will bear in mind that theD. B. Campbell, a first-clas- s low waterboat, leaves every evening for Hender-son, and returning early in the morn-ing, connects with the Railroad.

There is a vast accumulation of freightat this point waiting shipment, and agreat want of tonnage to carry it off.

J. H. Hall s wharfboat is stored full ofNashville freight, and an early rise in.the Cumberland would give a payingtrip to some laeky boat that called first

Our friends Cox & Humphrey, are al-

so doinjr a fine business in connectionwith the Louisville and Cairo Packets.

Captain Sweeney, of Wheeling hassold the Ben Franklin to parties in NewOrleans for $27,500.

Captain Sedam, sold the Belfast onWednesday, for $11,000 cash, to partiesfrom New York. The Belfast has justbeen thoroughly repaired.

A Memphis dispatch of the 6th to theCincinnati Commercial says ;

The Norman, Captain F. Y. Batchelor,in company with the Emma No. 3, Po-land, Westmoreland, Madison, Sir Wm.Wallace, Eclipse, and Glasgow, arrivedsafely at this point last night at mid-night, having on board two brigades andbattery belonging to the loth ArmyCorps, General W. T. Sherman.

But little of interest occured on thi3more than tedious trip only one weekout from Vicksburg. An incident didoccur, however, that I wish all steam-boatme- n

to be advised of, viz:General William Sewell Smith, com-

manding this division of the 15th ArmyCorps, took passage, together with hisstaff, on the steamer Madison, CaptainD. W. Maratta A short time after com-ing on board, he approached Captain M.with a revolver in each hand, and in apolite, mild, conciliatory and gentle-manly way informed bim that, shouldthe boat be burned on the trip, he wouldinstantly shoot him.

The same game was tried on CaptainBeltshoover, of the Luminary. Beforeleaving Vicksburg, Gen. Com'g issuingorders to the effect that, should the boatbe lost on the" trip, the officers would beexecuted on the spot Captain Belts-hoove- r,

seconded unanimously by hiscrew, at once determined to abandon theboat unless the order was rescinded,which was done. Steamboat officers candraw their inferences concerning thesematters.

By the way, the Madison was the onlyboat that met with an accident onup-trip- .At Island 64 she picked up a snag onher forward quarter, starboard side, itpassing upward through the boiler-dec- k,

precipitating several mules and horsesinto the river. Some lives were lost,but I am unable to state how many.

We clip the following from the Louis,ville Journal of yesterday:

The Conway, in charge of Capt. Pinkv amie, leit lor ianneiton yesterday tobring up a tow of coal for this city.

--rr The Tarascon will be launchedLfrom

Howard's shipyard at Jeffersonville at 2P. M. to-da- y.

She is to be a magnificent steamer.Twenty-fiv- e stern-whe- el and four side-whe-el

steamers are now building atPittsburg. Of the latter, one is as largeas the great Cincinnati.

Capt Carroll's St. Louis and New Or-leans steamer will be launched at Can--nelton next week.t On her last trip up from Memphis,aeverai attempts were made to tire theBteamer Commercial. The boat had twoOhio regiments aboard, and it is thoughtsome new recruits from Dixie and othersof the regiment were guilty of the at-tempted incendiarism." Before the steamer Belle Memphisleft St Louis on her last trip to Memphisthe captain received several annony-mou- s

letters, informing him that the boatwould be burned before she left theformer. In consequence of this threat,a strong guard was established, and nosigns of fire cr attempts at incediarismwere discovered until after the steamerhad left Memphis, on her return trip toSt Louis, when six spherical case shotwere found in the coal box, where theyhad been deposited by some person orpersons, in the hope that, being undis-covered, the shell would be thrown intothe furnaces and explode the boilers.

The gallant Colossus, Capt. Cox, withMessrs. Banksmith and Dick Cox, is duehere but will more probablyleave here about noon Lookout for the elegant Colossus.

The Cumberland has risen 15 inchesat Nashville.


Low Water Arrangement-T- O- IrfEZ'fS

Paducah & Cairo.Dnring the continuance of low water Boats will

run as follows :

THK FINE MAIl. PACKET" A "ST IUK..E,G. DCSOUCHKT, Master W. DUNN, Clerk.Leaves Monday's and Thursday's at 2 o'clock, for

Cairo and all Way Points.Leaves Cairo Tuesday's and Friday's at p. ni.


HUNTSM KT,E. WHISTLER, Master F. R. HUSTON, Cl'k.Leaves Wednesday's and Saturday's at 2 p. m. for

Cairo and. all Way Points.Leaves Cairo on Thursday's Sunday's at 5 p. m.,Making connections at Cairo with the IllinoisCentral Railroad, and at Evansville with theEvansville and Crawfordsville Railroad.

For freight or passage apply on board or to Cox& Humphrey, Lower Wharf Boat, or to P. D.Veits, Agents. sepl.l-dt- f


H U TV T K S ,ROBERTS. Master SHIELDS, Clerk.YXTILL PLY AS A REGULAR PACKET BEv V tween Evansville, Paducah aud Cairo dur-

ing the low water. She is very light and roomy.She leaves on MONDAY, September 14, at 10 a. rn.

For freight or passage applv tosep!2 tf JNO. B HALL. Agent

Cincinnati and Memphis


For Evansville, Henderson, MountVernon, Shawneetown, Smithland,

...! i.j. II. l...and Mempnis, and all way-poin- on the Ohioand Mississippi Rivers, comprising the followingnew light-draug- passenger packets :

NORMAN, JEWESS,Capt. Batchelor. I Captain Frazier

PRINCESS W. C. MANN,Captan Maratta. Captain Shnnk.

One of the above Boats will pasB Evans tilleWeekly for Cairo, Columbns, Hickman, and Mem--phi-

Also, weekly for Cincinnati.For freight or passage enquire of

COX ic HUMPHREY,epwltf Agents.

Regular Evansville and Cairo



O O LO NNA,TOM. BOLUS, Captain.H. HYDE, Clerk.


labove trade dnring low water.t TT. r f i I. f n .. .

Ejjg sep9

TT. S. Mail Boat for Louisville.DURING TTTF T.OW WiTTfP

season the Louisville and EvansvilleTT S Moil .-i- .1.11..

. w.'uaj o . jii.-'- ngui nraugnt steam-ers, leaving from Cox & Humphrey's WharfBo:it.

For further information applv to Cox & Hum-phrey. JO. II. BUNCE, Superintendent.

June 25-t- f

Regular Evansville and BowlingGreen Packet.



WILL LEAVE EVANSVILLEJfejiXCJ&evory Monday and Thursday at 4

sisiTiIT iiaTl ii'ijlmli p. m.Leaves Bowling Green every Wednesday and

Saturday at 8 a. m., making sure connections withthe Armada for the Lower Ohio, and Grey Eaglefor Louisvillo. my2t


The Evansville & Louisville V. S

rLineCo's. SplendidPassenger ,

T ivy --in pi m"BIG" GREY EAGLE,

hM BUNCE J. A. LUSK, Clerk.


J. T. McCOMBS,Capt. BALLARD J. GWATHNEY. ClarkCompose the Line, and will leave Evansville for

Louisville as follows :

Slondy's, STAR GREY EAGLE, at 12 o'clock aTuesday's, J. T. SIcCOMBS, at 6 o'clock p a.Wednesday's, " BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock

p M.

Thursday's, "STAR" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clockp. ML

Friday's, J T. McC0MB8, at 5 o'clock p. aSatnrday-'s- , " BIG " GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock

p. M

RETURNING:J. T. McCOMBS, leaves Louisville Monday's and

Thursday's.BIG" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Tues-day's and Friday's,STAR" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Wed

aud Saturday's. Punctually at to'clock p. a.For comfort and the above steamers are

unsurpassed. COX Jt HUMPHREY.dec!2


FRUITS, FRUITS2 lli cans Fresh Peaches,

20 " " " Tomatoes,20 ' " " Blackberries.

Just received and for sale at' ELLIOTT'S FAMILY CROCEBY.

PINE APPLESdoz 2 lb cans Fresh Pine Apple,

10 " 2 Quart Bottles "For sale at


JELLIES JELLIESassorted kinds ch dee Jellies,

At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery.

CHAMPAIGNE CIDERBottles Champaigne Cider.



100 Bis Genoa Citron.For sale at



Just received and for saleAt ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY.

PRUNES Turkish Prunes,2 dozen Jars French Prunes.


PRIME PICKLED PORKchoice, for sale at


SOMETHING NEWPatent Ventilator for Coal Oil

Lamps. Witn this burner no chimney is neededCall and see them


20 sacks choice Rio Coffee, for sale atELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY.

B RUSHES10 dozen assorted sizes F"atber Brushes,6 " " " Counter "

20 " . assorted kinds Scrub Brushes,10 ' " Shoe Brushes,

2 " Flour Brushes.Just received and for sale at


FRENCH MUSTARDGenuine French Mustard, for sale


LOUR00 barrels Double Extra White Whe it Flour,200 Sacks " ." " "

.'nut received atELLIOTT'S Family Grocery.

s UGAR Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugars50 bbls. just received and for sale bv


RICE 6 tierces just received ; for saleFRESH S. E. GILBERT & CO.


SHIRT MANUFACTORY,No.8 Second St,(in bbay's block.)

SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER FROMand a fit warranted. A stock o

ready. made Shirts and Collars always on hand, audat prices that will suit the purchaser. TuckiugoauTs, etiching Bosoms, Ac, done with neatnessand despatch

Thankful for past favors, the subscriber respectfully solicits a contuance of the patronage soliberallv bestowed thr thn r,..t a .mn

OCtM. GUtTnj k'l.ii i n




Mora, no & iMAIN STREET,Are again in Market with the

largest Stock of

GOOD GOODS,(We say GOOD, for we sell

that kind of Stock), to be

found in any House of our

acquaintance East or West.

They were bought W Cash

by one of tue tirm who

spends the greater part of his

time East for that express

purpose. With many years

experience in the business,

we flatter ourselves that we

understand it well, and with

facilities at our command, we

Oaxx jaxici WillSell Goods as cheap as any

Jobbing House in the coun-

try, we care not where that

House may be located ; if in

the East we will add trans-

portation. We would re-

spectfully call the attention

of the trade to an examina-

tion of our Goods. We like

to sell good Goods ; theyspeak for us whereever they


HATHOUSEIt is not a mooted question that


No. 68Tvf! ain Street,

Have the Largest and Hand-

somest stock of

HATSTo be found in any one

House in the West. Men's,

Boy's and Children's Hats of

every Fashionable style in

vague either East or West.

Men's Black and Colored Fur andWool Dress Hats.

Men's Black and Colored Fur andWool French Hats.

Men's Black and Celored Fur andWool Planter and Planter Hats.Men's Black and Colored Fur andWool Burnside, Monitor, Cochran,

&c, Hats.Men's Plain and Colored Leghorn

and Straw Hats.Men's Panama & Palm Leaf Hats.Boy's Fur and Wool Hats, (great

variety.)Boy's Leghorn, Straw and Palm

Leaf Hats.Children's Fur, Wool, Leghorn,

Straw and Palm Leaf Hats.

The above Stock has just been

purchased directly of the Manu-

facturers of New England for

CASH, at low figures, and we will

sell as low as any jobber East,

transportation added. Call and

examiue our Goods before buying.

No trouble to show goods.MORGAN, READ & C4

i laaiilli; March 8.

COLLECTOR'S SALE.Collector's Sale of Real Estate for the payment

and expenses of Sidewalk Improve-ments.VJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BYLl virtue of a precept issued by the Mayor of theCity of Evansville and to me directed, I will sellat pnblic auction, at the door of the Court Housein said City, Friday, Octobers, at 10 o'clocka. m., the following Lots or parcels of Real Estate,or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay theamount charged and assessed against said Lots re-spectively for the costs and expenses of matingsidewalk improvements upon said Lots, toge herwith the costs of sale, and that the said sale will becontinued on the next day thereafter, vix : Satur-day, the luth of October, at 10 o'clock a. m.. atthe same place for the purpose ofselling such prop-erty as may have been sold on the day above mas-oned and not paid for:

FOI-RT- ENLARGEMENT.L ot No. 1, block No. 8; Frank Chambers henowners, $16 66.

STOCKWELL'S RNLAROMINT.Lot 9, block 1, C. L. Neamasten's heirs, 82 3S.N. W. i lot 10. block 1

W. 8. B PPLE, Collector.Evansville, Sept. 34, 1868.

Cooking Extracts.LARGE STOrK AJfD GOOD ASSORT-MENT of rooking Extracts just received at


Essence of Coffee.; f8araci of coffee jpst received at

9CL4KPFK'fl Dm, Stere.


sale at9CHLA XPFER'S Drag Store.


lust received aad for sale atSCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store.


and Lead Pencils, of the best brands, for salsat SCHL AEPFER'S Drag Store.


HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC BALSAM FORCoughs and Colds: Inst received

and for sale atSCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store.

COMMISSIONER'S SALE.Commissioner's Sale of Valuable


pointed by the Vanderburgh Circuit Court ina suit in partition wherein Sophia D. Gridlev andothers are defendants, to make sale of the RealEstate belonging to the parties to said suit to-w- it :To the heirs or Horace Dunham deceased will, lapursuance of the decree of said Court, on the 28thday of October, 1863, between 10 o'clock a. at. and6 o'clock p. m., at the Court House door, in theCity of Evansville, Indiaua, proceed to sell atPublic Auction, the following described Real Es-tate t. - wit : All those tracts or parcels of land andtown lots lying and being in the County of

and State of Indiana, known and describ-ed as follows : The north-ea- st quarter of sectionthirty-tw- o (32) the south-we- quarter of sec-tion thirty-tw- o the west half of the westhalf of the south-ea- st quarter of section thirty-tw- o

(32), and the south half of fractional sectionthirty-on- e (31), all in township six (6), south ofrange ten (10) west, in the Vincennes Land District.Also, all those parts of fractional sections five andsix (5) and (0), in township seven (7), south ofrange ten (10) west, contained within the followingboundary : that is to say, commencing at the cor-ner of fractional section thirty-on- e (31), in town-ship six (6), wnlch corner is situate on the bayoubank neariy opposite the Green River Island, andrunning thence east twenty-fiv- e (25) chains andforty-eig- (48) links to the north-we- st corner offractional section five (6), township seven(7). thence running east on the township linefifty (SO) chains, thence south nine (9) chainsand fifty.six (6G) links, thence west seventy-thre- e

(731 chains and forty-fou- r (44) links to thetop of the above mentioned bayou bank, thencealong said bayou bank to the place of beginning,containing 71 18-1- acres. Also, the north-west quarter of the south-we- quarter of sec-tion sixten (IS), in township ssrven 7) south,of range eleven (11) west. Also, lots one hundredand eighty --six, the inside half of lot one hundredan 1 ninety-seve- n, being the half oi said lot adjoin-ing lot 198, said lot 197 being divided by a linerunning from front to rear, through the centerthereof, lots one hundred and ninety-eigh- t, twohundred and thirty-fou- r, two hundred and thirty-fiv- e,

and two hundred and thirty- - ix, (1863 of1X7. 198, 234, 235, and 236,) all in the DonationEnlargement of the City of Evansville. Also, loteight (8) and the adjoining half of lot nine (9),Union Place, Evansville, said lot 186 being subjectto lease for the term of five (5) years from the 1stday of September, 1850. at a yearly rent of threehundred dollars, and 5o feet of the sewth-ea- st endof said lot ZHj is snbject to a lease from the 1st dayof January, 1859, for a term of eleven years, ataground rent of eighty dollars per year.

The above described lands comprise over 550acres in a body adjoinging this city, which areplatted into garden lots, and will be sold in smallparcels to suit purchasers, of which maps can beseea at the office of Asa Igieheart.

TERMS. One-four- cash, the remainder inthree equal annual installments, to be secured byn.tes with approved surety waiving relief lawsand bearing interest. HIRAM NELSON,

Asa Iot.r.HEAKT. Commissioner.attorney. septet f



Of New York.Office 112 and 114 Broadway

With a Cash Capital all paid in ofONE MILLION DOLLARS.ASSETS JULY 1st, 1860 .f 1,600,000

The Home Insurance Company Insures againstLoss or Damage by Fire on Dwellings and theircontents, for a term of from 1 to 5 years on themost favorable terms. Stores, Warehouses, Stocksof Merchandize, Produce, Mannfccteries, Machineai all insurable property, at fair and equitablerates, and on

INLAND NAVIGATIONAnd Transportation, Shipments upon ths Rivers,Lakes, Canals and Railroads, as low as the natureof the risks will bear, with fairness to the assuredand the Company.

Adjusting all losses fairly, and pr Aptly Bayingthem. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Prea't.

A. F. WILMARTH, Vice Pres't.J. miLTOs Smith,- - Secretary.John McGbb, Ass't Sec y.Applications made to and policies issued by

A. C. HALLECK a SON, Ag'ts,First Street, near Post Office.

Insurance Agency.ALLEN cThALLECK,


ADJfSrER Or AVESAUES AJTO aOTABT Ft EI I.He continues to issue Policies from sev ral First

Class and most re LiableA Vf!V mVDlVTrd

In the Country, on Inland and Fin Butt. He willalso receive applications for

LIFE INSURANCE.He will attend te the Adjustment of Losses of

very description under policies from other agen-cies, and attend to the settlement of all mattersconnected with INSURANCE, for parties interest-ed. His long experience as an Issuea.vci Asckt,has made him familiar with all subjects connectedwith Insurance.

Office, on First Street, near the PostOffice.


CITYFire Insurance Company,OF


Capita , 250,000. G. WAITE, Sec'y. C. B. BOWERS, Pres't.

S. A. PRICE, General Agent,Residing at Chicago, Ills.


This Company insures against loss andby fire on Dwellings snd their Contents, Bfosss.Warehouses, Stocks of Merchandize, and all insur-able property at as reasonable rates of premium asany other solvent and reliable Company, AdjuwUmgLouet fairly and paving thenprompOf.

Applications made to and Policies issued byA. C. HALLXCK A SON..

First Street, near Post Office,augil-ly- d Evajbvilli, Ian.


C031PA1VY,Hartford, Connecticut.


charter"perpettjalWith a Successful Business Experience e


Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, onDwellings, Furniture, Stores, Warehouses, Mer-chandize, Mill, Manufactories, aad other kinds oiproperty, can be effected in this Company upon asfavorable terms a." the nature of the risks and secu-rity to Policy will admit.

PARTICULAR ATTENTION given to insuringFarm nronertv. consisting of Dwellings, Barns,and outbuildings connected, and Furniture, LiveStock, Hay, Grain, Fanning Utensils, Ac., Ac,contained therein, for a term of years at LOW ratesof premium.

OFFICERS:T. C. Allyn, Sec'y. H. Huntington, Pres't.C. C. Lymsi, Ass't Sec'y. W. N. Bowers, Actuary

D. Alexander, General Agent for the Westernaad South Western States, Columbns, Ohio.

J. Graham, Ass't General Agent for the Westernsnd South Western States, Columbus, Ohio.

Applications for Insurance may be mmia to thsundersigned, the duly authorized Agents of thsCsmpany. A. O. HALLECK a SON, Ag'ts.W Office on First street, near Post Office.

aug23-4y- d

