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Even more java script best practices

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Even more JavaScript best practices @GregWeng NCU 2015/10/23
Page 1: Even more java script best practices

Even more JavaScriptbest practices


NCU 2015/10/23

Page 2: Even more java script best practices

Today's lesson

Page 3: Even more java script best practices

Comment in JSDoc Style


Event queuing & Abortable Promise

ES6/7/8 & Babel

Homework review

Page 5: Even more java script best practices

Generate (pretty) API documents for human

Page 6: Even more java script best practices

If you follow its comment format

Page 7: Even more java script best practices

Demo site of Gaia System app


Page 8: Even more java script best practices

Good first bugs for adding JSDoc comment


It is a good way to learn contribution

Page 9: Even more java script best practices

Racing & Abortable Promise

Page 10: Even more java script best practices




Screen LockShows up

reading Lock withPasscode

return value

Booting Logo

Screen LockInitializing

~ 3 seconds

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Screen LockShows up

reading Lock withPasscode

return value

Screen LockInitializing

~ 3 seconds


SystemBooting Booting Logo


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Whenever there is a "guessing" about some async operations...

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A racing is held

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And the solution is not trivial...

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Bug 1173284100+ comments & 1 month

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Screen LockShows up

reading Lock withPasscode

return value

Screen LockInitializing

~ 3 seconds


SystemBooting Booting Logo

Freeze the slider

Page 17: Even more java script best practices

Event queueing & Abortable Promise

Page 18: Even more java script best practices

Public interfaces of JavaScript program components

JavaScript components usually use handlers as public interfaces among the user, server and other components

like to draw or to fire new events

private helper methods...

event handlers

server gateway

local data keeper

component usernative events


componentscustom events

Page 19: Even more java script best practices

Or racing may occur when two events and their async operations are performing

handler bar

handler foo



Async event handlers need a queue

async helper

sync helper

handling foo

waiting to handle bar

waiting to handle foo

waiting to handle foo

waiting to handle bar

event comes when thereis one being handled

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Promise as the queue

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Every handler will be queued by concating them with the 'then' method

handler bar

handler foo



Promise as the queue

async helper

sync helper

event comes when thereis one being handled

this.mainPromise = this.mainPromise.then( this.handlerBar.bind(this));

handling foo

waiting to handle bar

waiting to handle foo

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Promise is not enoughwhen events are prioritized

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Must not be queued: handle it immediately and clear all queued steps

handler bar

handler foo



Prioritized events

async helper

sync helper

handling bar

waiting to handle bar

waiting to handle foo

waiting to handle bar

waiting to handle bar

Page 24: Even more java script best practices

How to clear the queued steps?

handler bar

handler foo



Prioritized events

async helper

sync helper

waiting to handle bar

handling foo

waiting to handle bar

waiting to handle bar

waiting to handle bar

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Promise/A+ spec doesn't provide any method to abort it...

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Need to create a "Process" to wrap the original Promise

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Throw an "Interrupt" customized error when prioritized event comes, and capture it later to silent the error console

handler bar

handler foo



Prioritized events with "Process"

async helper

sync helper

waiting to handle bar

handling foo

waiting to handle bar

waiting to handle bar

waiting to handle bar

Error: Interrupt

Page 28: Even more java script best practices

ES6/7/8 & Babel

Page 29: Even more java script best practices

import Utils from 'js/utils'

export default class {

constructor(id) {

this.id = id

this.queue = Promise.resolve()


handleEvent(event) {

this.queue = this.queue.then(() => {

return this.onEvent[event.type].bind(this)

}).catch((err) => {





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EcmaScript transpilerBabel

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In the current front-end worldES6+ is becoming the mainstream

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Homework review

Page 34: Even more java script best practices

Please do not test expression only:

About the test

it('will test some pure functions', function() { assert(2 === (1 + 1)); });

it('will test some pure functions', function() { var manager = new Manager() assert(2 === manager.pureAdd(1, 1)); });


Manager.prototype.pureAdd = function(a, b) { return a + b; };

Page 35: Even more java script best practices

It is not necessary to bind then call it immediately

About the 'bind'

handleEvent(event) { .... case 'foo': this.onEventFoo.bind(this)() }

window.addEventListener('foo', this); // Bind `this` to the handleEvent //.... handleEvent(event) { .... case 'foo': this.onEventFoo() // `this` of 'handleEvent' is already bound }

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The `then` method will pass the argument, and bound function can still be called as normal function, so:

About the Promise + 'bind'

.then(function(data) { this.foo(data); }.bind(this));


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Please give it a clear naming convention to distinguish constructor and instance

Naming convention is important

var foo = function() {};var f = new foo();//....

var Foo = function() {};var foo = new Foo();//....

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You are in trouble if your PR show some red lines like this and you can't explain that

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And please comment on PR or using commits to indicate what issue you're addressing

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Update: people who already commented on PRs

Quiz#1rockwyc992 : 吳易璋CaeserNieh : 聶順成rockwyc992 : 吳易璋Quiz#2jason1122g : 邱義傑bdsword : 蔣彥亭c910335 : 陳達仁Davisanity : 林唐正amm040341 : 蘇聖雅rueian : 黃瑞安w181496 : 黃詩凱Peter654q :莊侑穎bdsword : 蔣彥亭Quiz#3rueian : 黃瑞安c910335 : 陳達仁CrashedBboy : 吳承霖Sharknevercries : 李政遠jason1122g : 邱義傑
