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Evening KEEN BUYW8 K Bulletin - University of...

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V : Is ' i i ) ) i I ',! ' s J 1 n i t Y r !'." 1 J"",lfHi"'""H' KEEN BUYW8 WM O K N'OW Bft K'GKIWS , EXPERIENCE ONE VOJE f OR Is the the lesson best learned teacher thereby and Evening Bulletin k 7a; by thousands of mer- chants wmj&ffirM Is that the Even- ing Bulletin brings best '1 hiV Alimt t'ofinln results from advertising. ;$S50LULiT llilllllltllll IIiihu Hull KEEP WATCH OP BULLETIN ADS. IMnj or, I I I i I Vol. XI. No. 195S. W.U1DIS FID an Of Violating a Certain Regulation of Board of Health. ' IMPORTANT CASE IN DISTRICT COURT TODAY Attorney Lswis Points Out a Statute Which Be Claims Board of Health Has Overridden. W .1. L'nglntul or i:nglund & Co., plumbers, arrested thu other day m the ehaigo of violating certain of tin plumbing tegiilntlnns hy falling tu so-r- e n permit from tliu Hoaul rf Health allowing lilm to do certain plumbing la tlio house of one Smith, Jon King street, appealed for trlnl t lithe Police Comt this forenoon. Ilu was upicicnteil by A. Lewis. Jr. Dco-ut- Slierllf Chlllltigworth nppeared Tor the Government. The defendant pleaded not nitty. The principal witncsR for the prosecution was V.. Q. Keen, the plumbing Inspect-o- r under thu Hoard or Health, who, when questioned by the prosecuting nllleer. Mated that the defendant ha I gone to wmk on the plumbing In tin house mentioned without Hint having seemed the permit necessary heroin un thing of the Mud Is dune. According to the warrant Isgu.-.-l against Mi. England this wax all tlio piosecuttou was leipiiicil to prove, h It Attoinej Lewis had a trump mill uu his sleeve whlrh he pHed foi all 't wan woith He Rot Mr. Keen to ij mlt that Mr. Cngland's Jobs In ih( ...) had alaa been of n sanltniy la line Then he came to the paitknlir ease In hand and the witness would not admit tbnt the job wan Insnnitaiy; neither would he say It wan sanitary, pleading an IiIh renson for this a Tallin to Inspect closely the worK that hal been done by Mi. Cuglnml without a pel mlt Mr. Keen Bald tho derendnnt hail uit Weed tne "extra heavy" nine -- enulrrd by the Hoard or Health regulations, but had put In what is Known VH standard pipe. Attorney lj.wls then a'lei.the witness If the rules had no' been changed -- so, that "extra heavy" pipe In 'easy stirh as the one upoi wnlch thcinpprnhcnslon of the dcleiel-nn- t hailbeenAbistd was done anav with and "standard' pipe ultowed. An answer Inithc ulllrniatlvi) wns reeei.'-ed- . Thujjhnvlng estabHHhed' fii'lv that Mi. England's wink had been sat- isfactory een to tho plans submlttel to the plumbing Inspector. Attorney Lewis dismissed tho witness. The deputy sheriff liming dosed his ease with the testimony ot Mr. Keen, Attorney Lewis mocd for tho ell ihnige or the defendant. whliJi was granted by Judge Dlcko) without com ment. In his argument, Attorney Lew's dwelt paitkularl on the followo.g hectlon of the l'emil Laws: "The Hoard or Health may maicj such regulations respecting nuisance:, eouices of fllth and causes of sIcKnesc vvltnln the rcgpectlvo dlstilctB of thi Kepublle, and on boaid of any vessel us It shall judge ncecssuiy for thu pub-li- health nnd safety." He said that tho regulations of tie llouid or Health, ir they weio In con lllet with this section, fell to tlm ground. The Ilonid could not over ildc eM'ijihlnjj and It could not over- ride this section, which provides .'or the making of regulations In the case or nuisances and Insnnltni) eon II tlons. These regulations did not apply to Mr. England's Job on King streer, since there wns absolutely no evidence to tho effect that It was insanitary. The prosecution contended that II vas not necessaiy to show that tho dn leudant had done n sanitary or nnv other Kind or a Job. It had beer, piove.t that he had not secured the iiitulslte license, and that was all lies i H, C. Barrow Leaving, Jildgo II. C. Harrow, vice piesldent iiuil manager or the Pacific Union OH Company, who has beon stopping! the Moana Hotel ror several vveuKs past will return to San Kinnclsco In the Mariposa this ntteinoon, to attend to some business In connection wl'n tho cornpiny which he roriosents. 'In will return to Honolulu In a fev weeks FOR RENT The Only Vacant House IN MANOA VALLEY Has two bedrooms and all modern lit provements; $40 a month. Also large residence on the Walklki Beach neaif the Annex; $60 a month for seven months. f 4,vv IHE FEMMUOUm JURY Jiulge Kitea this morning proiftnl gated the follow lug nniendment to nili ion of the United Stntes District Court' "The adverse pnity or parties shall each advance the sum or ten elollnii, at least, on entering their first appear ance, or tiling Tor tne tlrst time any an swer or other paper." Motility District Attorney .1. I. Dunne wns instructed to drntt n nil' for presentation tomorrow regarding the drawing of additional jttiors when necessaiy. Judge IJsteo reared that the drawing or the giand and tiluj Junes for the coming term might haw depleted tho names. In case or a defl ciency or Jurors, he ucemed It better to draw new ones fiom n prepared IV t rather than drafting them tioin Ik hvstnndcrs. There wns a tiust cnri to be tried by Jury, nnd probably sev rrai othei cases, and the court desire 1 that there should be n list or sufltclem uames to diavv upon. The attorney would consult with the clerK an to th- - number or names left In the box bi fore drawing up the tule ordered TWO Ml IE HFF (IH The Oermnn ship SIrciic after a slow passage from Hremen arrived this morning with a full cargo or general merchandise for 11, HacKfebi & Co. Attei leaving Bremen the SI rone had very fair weather until the Horn was reached. For two months she battled with gales, head winds and theioughestofseas. The big ucw were rjcarlj despairing or ever getting out Into the facile but at last the bad weather subsided niiil the vessel doubled tho Cape. Krom he time she got Into the Pacllle ocean l ii.it unusual y line weather pie- - ailed unci except for tho two ,ontlu spent off tape Horn the entire voyage was unevontfuL The SI, cue was formerly the H.ltlsh ship Oenone or (llasgow nnd her name be hrm.ii. nag Her last trip was rem I urcipe to Japan then to Tacomi fHrABIer,-.Hner.,,r1- " rliaiglng here l ,i"'"iMuiiii uiinimeii anil lime given He- - tie Sound to i oad Mr Antwerp to answe. until I .in p. m. Jl. vs. lllian. Pnr.i, wns For groceries ring up Illuo 911. LAST losltlvely the last performance of "The Helle or New Yoik will ho given tonight. "The Oalety cllrl" will be Staged on Saturday afternoon and evening. This tins been one of the most successful puces of the company--- . repertoire. Doors will be open for tno matinee at l:3n. Performance to stnrt at 1! sharp. Children will be admitted lo all parts or the theater at hair price, Plumblniv InstiectopV Report. IJ. (J Keen, Inspector of plumbing and house seweis. repot ts foi Septem- ber 1'lans nied, 132 Permits Issued, 132. inspee tlons of plumbing and house seweis. 3)3. Final certlllcates Issued. 10U. Sewer connections made, en. time fee on gratify ..v , ....,,,- - The dty I iwjcis ihlnk the.v can piove that the executive pow- - con.pcccnt to act in the matter. iTTTT The . Uulletln. 75 cents ner - mODtn. tt Cincinnati. 13. The Cummer cial Tribune, prints tho following fiuui Its Huffnlo corresaondent. I must confrH'tluil the most pn foundly Inteiestlng notu In this gteT sceno has been the tlu, PrcBident'fl religious It has been a surpilsu to nm Those have not been Intimately associated him have been Inclln-e- d to reganl his apparent us a more or less lint In that flist teiriblo when h believed that he was about to die n.. turned his heavenward and boro like a gentle- man. When he was lifted on tlio oporntlni? table Slann said: President, wo to tut Into ou once. Wo allowed ProM dent die, but we uon t tn lose )oti.' "I nm in tour bands," murmured ttici President Sir. SIcKlnley wns lifted on the op- erating ror the ordeal. The doctors wero ready to administer ether. Tlio opeej. cd his c)cs and saw that he was about to enter a sloop from mlgn: never He his gient ha il en sonovv fully upon the little group. Then he closed the lips, I If white was suddenly lit by a ten dor Ills soul came Into bis rountc'nanee. Tho wnn llns moved. A singular and almost supernatuinl lie.vi ty possessed him, mild, childlike nnd serene. Tho surgeons paused to IUt- - mi. "Thy kingdom come. Thv will bo done." The voice wns soft aud clca HONOLULU. TERRITORY OF THURSDAY. :., 1001. MIT, T BUSINESS awHn.rrji.lant ShelslvlngiitHrower'swharr. S.m.KI PERFORMANCE. HAWAII. OOTOIltill Final Accounting J' A. Magoon in re Love Trust. CONDITION OF ESTATE OF JAMES IWTCIIINGS Cases Dropped for Want of Prosecu- tion Silliman Estate Account -C- aptain Bergstrom's Es- tate Administration. Judge (ic.ir lesuincil the hulling ().' Hie Hagey Cine case this morning. At noon he held a chimbers session, ills pdsliig of two matters. The (irand Jury came In with h report as men- tioned elsewhere. The lepoit or A (I on the account or V O. Smith guardian or the llnmnkun minors, was ,i,.,.i . i,i,. ,,. ncv. V. II. Kltent was appointed I guardian without bond of i.ie person BniI loert) I)f MriI. ,llIr) t.,Anll ft0BflI ,,. ,.,, ,, , KC tIlt, p ,,, , ,.-,- , ,,1,,,,,-- r , ,.ls ,lt Jll(,KP ,.,. ,.,, ,msy ,,, . , At , , ,, ft thcr ,,,.,, ,,, , f ,, ,ni.u.lmM1, C)1. 1) lnn K, How land nniC otheis. the beai lug c,r Ull(ll , 1(lec . cu. )nK on lU.llIllir,lf ,)lUg for llaltf uml , ,,,, for (lefpn,,ant hp lIo. mmnr U,,s ",l8",lnl1 '"' n'"1"'' i.,... ......... ....... lfifliil tin i ....,.,.. II. .. is.hi M wis ii mi iii ii iij l IIll' HIT HI" . of RiimmonH I)ala nml !) IJolt worn again the contending The motion wns granted, after which Mr. I Davis for plaintiff was allowed wlthdiaw from the files or the court the leroid In the case, V J. Hiigland's suit M C Amana for J118 debt Is illscontln'ucil foi want of piosecutlon. I The a nl of Clinm? Mm-- i ...in.t In favor SI. Phillips ft Co for $31.31 In Honolulu Dlsfl.t remit Is for w nt cl urosa- - cutlon in me inacirr or e or Jani Love, a spendthrift, tho .lull account nml receipt of J. A. Magoon. guardian-hav- e been tiled The receipt Is a Thomas Pitch for $1818.18 In full or the account, "It being that In case It contnlnn n or oveich.nges the same Hiall be adjusted." in the account ltli his guardian, Love Is with an oveicharge or 2.10 Interest. i lie final oc count of L Wli Iflitn oiltiitrilot... I..u . ii. . . roci'lpts of ix f tl n.n Ad leaving a balance due file estate of $S3 l Tho net value or the gioccry business forming estate. Including "111 1"1,nn(,, ' nilmlnlstrntors hands U i,a..inu ... .. 1.1.1. .. .. - T , n llllll UI.TI' . Iw.u.,i,i.i f..,. ...i . .... .."... tu.i.ii.iit- - ituiii'ii ae ttitv ttf The IllllS lolled ilnun I1- - ,.,. lace The raised his ebon uii.i signtu tils lips moved oiu- -. more. Thy will be done" Di Mann paused with the keen knife In his hand. was u lump n bis throat. "For Thine Is the kingdom nnd tin power and the glory," The eve lids llutteiecl fnlntl), beniU of cold sweat stood on the bloodless brow thorn was Then scl ence silrceeded prajer. If thore is a nobler sceno In the history or Chi Is tlan statesmen nnd rulers than this, I havo not heard or II. The Inference or iIlvlne.tnterveiitl.Mi Is almost Irrpalutllitn u l.u.i n,.. slders that the first surgeon who hud b ciuiuce to on tliu President waited until I)r, Sfann arrived, lie ivas n ninn rt ..r,nl nlalliv I.... ... was once forced to retire to a sanlU Hum of u mental ellstuibar.ee' That was .veais ago. Who can siy CllQt tllOUirlltH ffllllrtlloit III.,, u Ua Hlnod beside tho wounded Piesldent i no gteatest oppoitunity or n stir geon's liro was befoio him. he -- h niembernl. Illu m..u. I. m, n ..a n ..i... arose nnd rouciuured him and nm uiiiiiiiiuu no waiieu tin il" Mann came He had made the grrnt est fill, rlllprt 1. i.l.v utr Int. r.n.l.l ..inl.. lor tin. sake eif the nation l no time lias not come when the Inner story or this histoilc kicnn . ..... inn ..... In l.ila ... ri .itlil e.. ... Hu v i, .111111 ,1111 II, IF many choids nml cause too much pain Hut tint events or that tlrst drendli la will do much to exalt the laun nnd itatm or surger Marseilles, whl.h has been tnl.ig for'n n"L V. """".. '.."". "",! some to bo inade a port Z "..ec.ii .eierieil to .1 T. o, an act of the leglslatuie, now hopes to master's report It show get President Lo.lbet to its .le.;$3.ii.3 and payments evening Z SUPREME MOMENTS OF LATE PRESIDENT'S LIFE Sept. unveiling or benutiiiil splru. distinct who with piety conscious postuie. hour thoughts hlmseir Chiibtlun Dr. "Sir. Intend at one to Intend table, stripped dreadcil President which hu walco. turned it) fnco smile. of master's Knulii-Ico- u nlll(,rlri, ,.,. mvtliiii uttoinevs. to against Judgment of dismissed ine set- tlement omissions credited Frederick the Piesldent Theie silence. opernio because but slclan jet bedsld American '4- -' - 4 ' - . . ii - 1 JtjjUit insist ; .. 1 -- .: Ww .'-j&Umrk- LimyiifiESE (ub Thcie were 99 deaths In Honolulu In the month of September. Thu monthly death rnte per thousand wa X r,2. Marriages reported for the month hcie 52. nnd births .11. D nationality the deaths were 31 Hawaiian, 27 Chinese, 11 Portuguese, U Japanese, 1 Hittlsh, ii United State! and fl others, t'n.lcr one jenr or age theie died 2fi persons, from one to live is, five to ten 4, ten to twenty IS, twenty to thirty 12. thirty to forty 13. fort) to fifty 0, fifty to sixty fi, slxtv to seventy 5, over sev-r- 1 Two deaths wero.of Of post mortem examinations there tvere B, deaths Investigated 6, still bliths B, Coroner's liupiosts t Causes of .loath are thus summarize- d- febrile 10, diarrheal , dietetic 3, constitutional (Including 1.1 of tuber- culosis) 20, developmental 7 nervous 111. cli dilatory 1, respiratory 13. diges- tive 13, urinary 2 osseous and Inte- gumentary 1, accident and violent e J homicide 1, suicide , FIRn INQUEST. High Sheriff Drown vl!l this after noon select Juror'for a lire Inquest In the case of the recent blare In the Hall-e- y Cjelerj cm King street near Ala-ke- n. The Jur) will meet, choose a foreman and then n.lfniirii to n Liter date. The railing of the Jury comes about at the reouest of the fiianram. companies Intenstnt In the properly uestroe.i. i;ver since the night of tne (lie there have been hints of Incendiar- ism and there Is a iiosslbilltv tli.it something more than hints will come out lit the coming deliberations of the Hi Jur Htock HxchanjVc CummlttecH. 'Hie following standing committees feu the Honolulu Stock Hxe haiige have been appointed to serve during the g jc.ii Membership II Annltage, 1'. SI. Lewis. V V, lliown Investigation J II I'Mirr. I" litis-tar- W si. (lirfard Kxcentlve It V Shingle, It. Aiuil-tape- . V. A. Love I limner W SI nlfTaid i:. C Star-It- . furlime. A o LovoMn Arhltintlon- -' Hustuce, J Halt. A J Campbell Stock Llst-- W p. UttIl . Unas H V Shingle CAPTAIN McCLURIPH llll Cai.tnlll Ml f 'inn. ., rnr,.i.... ..r .... - iuiiiiii; ii. .j bark lolanl, which wns run Into an I sunk off the Cnlllornla coast about two vearH mm Im. iimm nii . .. ,. ,, . -- v.. hi.i-i- i .uilllllilllCI i iiiu uig ship Port tli'orge vice Captain Storse, retired Captain MoClure Is well known .it this port and Is einu of the oldest sklu-per- In the employ or Blower t Co. I rom the CobbI thu Port Oeorge will take a eaigo or luiubei to Port Plrbi and load coul at N'l.uc.iaiin r.n. n.t. poit. tr she gets here In time It Ii probable that she will take- - n load o. sugar around the Horn rrom heio or itiio London hns fill .Hrf.,r..,.. ...... "- - over ' "" tHItltHHHtmtfH ROBERTSON ". In to thu coupons to be cut from the first pago of the Hulletln, now stib&rrlbeis are to be given re- ceipts coupons entitling them to votes as tolloiva: One month 40 votes Three months 150 votes Six months 350 votes One year 750 votes Edition, year.. 100 votes thorn coupons are and be torn the subscription re- ceipts and depnaltcd In tho ballot box the same ns tho llrst pago coupons. It Ill ho seen that for ?S, the pilco of the Hvcnlng Hulletln for ouo )car, 750 votes aie allowed to new subscriber, whereas the same minimi of would buy only ipo APPEAR HT They Average Scarcely One Hundred Dollars. COMMISSION PLEASED WITH SHIPSHAPE FORM Exception Taken to Sweeping Reflec tions of Dishonesty Upon Fire Claims in General by tie Star. Chinese claims were again befoio the Fire Claims Commission this morn- - Inc. This series Is eif hiillil.lii.il claimants for personal propel t) In the plague flics. The CoinmlUloncrs express them- selves ns IllllhW nleimed with ll.n nr. .derty shape In which all Chinese claims 'have been picseiitid. With regard to these small personal claims now being heind thi're Is a prima facie aspect of good faith about them Those heard thls rooming will nveiagc m nicely J 100 each and Chairman P. U' Mfirrnrlniin 'miIiI at noon that he doubted If the list a whole would average more than $75. "In nnswei to our ,iieHtlons." said Sir Slacrurl.ine, "It that the claimants hud lived In the Islands fur P'rloils langlng from live jeais to thllt-ll- s JfllW- - It la Irvmnn. able to believe, knowing as we do tho tin Iff. of the Chinese, that he must up an exceptional specimen of the rac who bus not accumulated at least Id worth of piopertj In the nveragn of such peilo.ls of residence." Commissioner I (1 Pratt tn. sing to a reporter, took exception to the Invl-.lio- comments of the Star upon tho ilalms In general, "It treats the clilimints tu sweeping terms as If dishonest) were the rule 'with them" said Mr Pratt "As matter of fact the palpably exorbitant -- lalms nre exceptional, forming really but a small percentage, of the whole" , - ,. fOllli Mllltlh lltia lilinli nrt-n.i- ..1 ... ,thc charr- - of stealing chalk pencils and tho like Irom the night sihool ack oi miwnialiao Church The 'M lowing bo)H we-r- also nnested today and are being held us vritnossos 'n Martin's ease!' Jlmmle Hlnnche John .Martin No 2. and Willie Andrn.le . I) iv Id l)ii) ton bus been appointed administrator of the estate of ni.if Jllergstiom, deceased under bond ol -- ( I lie estate Is valued at $.'S0O, beljig nil realty. The heirs arc thei wl.lnn and three children. ..... ....,. .... .... .!-- . ...n, uiiii ins piiiie is neing tt.1.1... liv A I !.. I iriiniiiii e (AGAIN LEADS Vote. .9.N6 .8,7jo 5,046 A 6W. .I.6..9 .1,483 951 355 391 57 35(1 355 in 203 167 . 132 151 ' 66 s5 53 52 17 12 36 29 20 19 13 15 129 will eighty votes If spent for eighty single copies of the Hullellu with the newsbo)s or ut the business office. This amount of money, If ex- changed for n receipt for n six months' mibscilptloii to the Hulletln, will 350 votes. One dollar for one year's subset Iptlon to the weekly edi- tion entitles the subserluer to 100 votes. Tho prlzo otiorcd by tho Hulletln Is on exhibition In tho window of II. !'. Wlchmnu, 617 Tort street, nnd wll, bo piesenteil to tho pla,ver receiving tho gieatest ntimocr of votes .it thu closo of tho contest Oct. 15. Votes doposlted nt this ollleo will bo Included nmoiic tho scattering until tho contestntit linl received n total of ?:TX,X!,' tU:' 7"; '"' "' -- "" -e"! n little 7oi iininiini.i ,i,.,.. j .. .. . . '" Players ROHKRTSON OORMAN ..',' TiionpsoN '.'.'.'. MERRICK CHILLINOWORTH QLEASON '; LESLIE .".'. MOSSMAN MAHUKA ". JACKSON JOY , BABBITT .'.'.'.'..' WILLIAMS DAYTON BROWN KAAI ... BOWERS OAY FREITAS ! SHELDON WRIGHT LOUIS BULLOCK 8IMERSON ., MOORE I' ?. LUCAS " MARCALLINO WELSH RICHARDSON ' "' SCATTERING nddittnn with nttiidied, Weekly 1 detachable, must rrom subscrip- tion a money a appeared a buy """ " ",r "'' copies oi prm iuo;iu that time tho names will 'jo Hulletln on the street. The sum of il published. ' w sra mm Ananias Dlas an old Porto Itlcan, vcrj much emaciated and with every appearance of being In extreme!) bid health appejred before Judge Dhkoy this morning on the charge of 1,1 gralie) He was arrested )esterila) Afternoon b) Olllcer Apana. for beg- ging nlms along on King street and when searched nt the police station, he sum of $S.J1" wns found Attorn?) Kaulukou who appeared for the defendant, tried his best to get fudge Dleke) to put the case over un- til tomorrow nnd this was about to 1. done when the defendant asked to have his ease go right on then and there. Ananias had nbsolutel) no ease It was found that he had been on the streets of Honolulu for a month 01 two past He asked the Judge to be ens) with him and promised to Icivi the countr) nt the very first opportun- ity All the pleading of the defendant and tlie citations of Attorne) ixniilukoj from the lire of Christ did not avail eitiil Ananias was sent to Jail for two weeks II IKY THIRTEEN U IMli) The (ir.unl Jury b) Its foreman, II. Knwaiinnako.i, this morning reported to the Circuit Court before Judge dear that, after roll Investigation, the bills or Indiitment bad been Ignored In tlm following cases: , 1 Kaulwalu, charged with ma)hem. 2. Ah Cluing, lurceuy second de- gree. 3. rom Aukal. alias Komollllll, lar-cei- i) sciond degree. t. Ah Slug. Inrceii) second degree o Apua, nm bein. fi Kalioohiill, ninyhem. 7 William Peir) .Ir malicious In jury i S T.innka malicious Injury D Hnnale Kiillko. malicious Injur) ) Id Knlani and Ke.ni, malicious In jur) 11 lino ninth Ions Injury. 12 l.ono Knlnlkl, ombelomcnt. 13 John Wulin malicious Injur) Thus the Rraml Jirry nis discovered what the .world has been vnlnl) seek- ing for centuries, the lucky thirteen POLICU COURT NOTLS. The follonliig cases were illspo"! or In tho Police Court this rorenoon. Lewis Lnngredd, larceny In the second degree-- , nolle prosil.; Heue-det- aud J. I' Klguoredo. selling liquor witn cut n license $(Ml and costs each, both elefendaiits pleading guilty; Pncheco. vagrancy tbegglm alms on the streets or Honolulu), tw ) weeks Imprisonment nt hard labor. SI V nscotleetl.iii fiMufii.lt n.i. I I......... on A. Slnrmon, two weeks' linprlsu'i. u.'uc iii iiurii lauor. In the Cnso llf 'ilnr.nn..ill,.a II.a .Ir. iendnnt said that he did not knov.- - .......... ii.iti... i... i.i ..i . ... I hi- - n.M.ii, ,neiiii gum) i,, would tlrst have to see the ninn I o wns nlleged to have assaulted H wns given the opportunity and was sin imlnrlv silent nriiipuiie.l.i ee.in tenia) 'r tight sentence! uml toda) rt ui line iiaiure, v nscoiii ellos will have n nionth to do A Porto Itlcan was arrested tbU morning by Olflcer Palcnapa on tin "hurgo of irunUenness His stutci wa Slllb that Hie fieri, mil,, nm I.,,.... l.i . name On the. man's person were iwiiu.i mi. union nig nrtlc'cs A pun.' with some small change, a brass las-rio- Oahti plantation, No. 1174; package or tobacco, nnd. Inst but nut least, a eako or soap that boro deuces or having been used. M.P.D. The Merchants' Parcel'Delivery COMPANY. Delivers packages tnvany part or the city ror luc up- ward)). Try them. Phone Blue 621. Packages shipped to all parts or the Ualted States and I'.urope. Ollleo, 11)17 Hethcl St., opposite Honolulu SInrket. I05T Fort PitiOK 5 Okkts. mm II apron His Appeal Abandoned By San Francisco CounseJ. TERM OF SIX MOM IIS TOR CRUELTY TO SAILOR Judge Estee Declines to Accept tie Surrender of Defendant Until Receipt of Oicial Advices. Captain Y 0 Kodergren master of the bark llesner wanted 1.1 Hiirr.. dcr himself to the United Sin.pa II- I- trlct Court this morning, so as to b to Oihu prison lo serve his sen- tence, but Judge Kstec could not e cept his poison at that time. W A. Kliine) appeared with Ci' tain Sodergren ns his counsel not slated the preparedness o. the bond men to surrender the bailee and le eclve their own discharge. The- - pr Hug was ventured on tlio suggei Hon that Captain Sodergren's appeal had been discontinued In the Circuit Court or Appeals ror the is'lnth JuiP elnl Circuit ot thu L'nlted States it San Pinnclsco. There wns no otllel il notlllcntlon t band however Hint the appeal hal been dismissed Judge Kmpi. then-- . fere stnted that be could not nee out Captain Sodergren vnluntnr) su- re nder If tho bondsmen chose to give hint up the Court could only or- der the commitment of the defendant to Jail to await official advices regard lug the status of his appeal Onlv when a remittitur arrived from Hi., npp. Hate court would It be advlsabll to roclvo the derendnnt nnd commit him to prison ror serving tho term it bis sentence. Caplnln Sodergren and First Jla ' Stewart were convicted bv n fun In the lVdernl court here or assaulting 1 sailor upon the high sens. It holm: on the vo)age or the bark Ileal, r fiuui Newcastle X S W. to this port. The testlmon) was that the sailor had been beaten with nsts. root and a be In) lug pin Til.) were sentenced tn Impilsonmeut at hard labor, the inns ter tor six months and the luato ror eight months. In Oahti prison. Hot 1 U'fenilants noted nn appeal, but that ol Slownrt was not perre-cted- . and Im Is now sen lug out his sentence. It was found expedient to ctnplnv local couiifel nt San Francisco M prosecute captain Sodergren a appeal Sir. Frank wns engaged. Unofuclnl .wont nirhod b) the Mariposa that bad dismissed the appeal, whlc.l Mind confirmation enough all but legnl I) In the arrival by the. same steamer of the appellant to surrender himself Deputy District Attorney Dunne ha I intended going to Snn Francisco tn light the appeal both on technlcit points and the merits of the cnso Hy the .Mariposa's mall no received n prlvato letter from the District Attor- ney or San Francisco, stating that tho appeal had been dismissed. The ret- urn given for Sir Frank's abandon- ment of the easo Is that tne expenm or pi luting the tianscrlpt or ucorl Would bo too great It Is expected that .no remittitur fiom the appellate Court will be 1 ,. celved within twelve di)s at the out-fid- Sir. Kinney said In court tlmr. under the circumstances, he preferrt I that the defendant remain out on ball lii'the nn aniline, ns his surrender noev Invoheil bis confinement in Jnll f)r aji unknown period before beginning tu serve his senteucu. PETTY TltltVEB. The agents of tho American Hawaii an steamships have been greatly ate no)od of lato by the tliott or many smnll article's which have been tnkon from broken boxej and crates among the cargo put uut by the big steamers nt the railroad wharf. Among th goods taken wire claret, beet nnJ soap. A stilct watch Is hereafter to bo kept and special policemen wilt bu em plc.)od to look utter people on tha whaif who have no business there. That is What We Always Give Yon Every Shoe In our store Is selected with a view toubUln the very best Street. HONEST WEAR FOR THE MONEY 18 WHAT UVI1RY IIUYER WANTS AND KXPIJCT8. So it Makes No Difference What prlceJ shoe vou buy from us you can dejenJ on having your MONHY'S - WORTH. Pleasing Styles, Pleasing Wear at Pie nine Prices Is Wnat Pleases Our Trade. : : : . : Manufacturers Shoe Co., Uitkut i tw ta s'SfA y. i n





ii i



',! '

sJ 1







J"",lfHi"'""H' KEEN BUYW8 WM O K N'OW Bft K'GKIWS ,





and Evening Bulletin k 7a;by thousands of mer-


Is that the Even-ing Bulletin brings best '1 hiV Alimt t'ofinlnresults from advertising. ;$S50LULiT llilllllltllll IIiihu HullKEEP WATCH OP BULLETIN ADS. IMnj or, I I I i I

Vol. XI. No. 195S.


Of Violating a Certain

Regulation of Board

of Health.



Attorney Lswis Points Out a Statute

Which Be Claims Board

of Health Has


W .1. L'nglntul or i:nglund & Co.,plumbers, arrested thu other day mthe ehaigo of violating certain of tinplumbing tegiilntlnns hy falling tu so-r- e

n permit from tliu Hoaul rfHealth allowing lilm to do certainplumbing la tlio house of one Smith,

Jon King street, appealed for trlnl tlithe Police Comt this forenoon. Ilu

was upicicnteil by A. Lewis. Jr. Dco-ut-

Slierllf Chlllltigworth nppeared Torthe Government.

The defendant pleaded not nitty. Theprincipal witncsR for the prosecutionwas V.. Q. Keen, the plumbing Inspect-o- r

under thu Hoard or Health, who,when questioned by the prosecutingnllleer. Mated that the defendant ha I

gone to wmk on the plumbing In tinhouse mentioned without Hint havingseemed the permit necessary heroinun thing of the Mud Is dune.

According to the warrant Isgu.-.-l

against Mi. England this wax all tliopiosecuttou was leipiiicil to prove, h ItAttoinej Lewis had a trump mill uuhis sleeve whlrh he pHed foi all 'twan woith He Rot Mr. Keen to ijmlt that Mr. Cngland's Jobs In ih(

...) had alaa been of n sanltniy laline Then he came to the paitknlirease In hand and the witness wouldnot admit tbnt the job wan Insnnitaiy;neither would he say It wan sanitary,pleading an IiIh renson for this a Tallinto Inspect closely the worK that halbeen done by Mi. Cuglnml without apel mlt

Mr. Keen Bald tho derendnnt hail uitWeed tne "extra heavy" nine --enulrrdby the Hoard or Health regulations,but had put In what is Known VH

standard pipe. Attorney lj.wls thena'lei.the witness If the rules had no'been changed --so, that "extra heavy"pipe In 'easy stirh as the one upoiwnlch thcinpprnhcnslon of the dcleiel-nn- t

hailbeenAbistd was done anavwith and "standard' pipe ultowed. Ananswer Inithc ulllrniatlvi) wns reeei.'-ed- .

Thujjhnvlng estabHHhed' fii'lvthat Mi. England's wink had been sat-isfactory een to tho plans submlttelto the plumbing Inspector. AttorneyLewis dismissed tho witness.

The deputy sheriff liming dosed hisease with the testimony ot Mr. Keen,Attorney Lewis mocd for tho ellihnige or the defendant. whliJi wasgranted by Judge Dlcko) without comment.

In his argument, Attorney Lew'sdwelt paitkularl on the followo.ghectlon of the l'emil Laws:

"The Hoard or Health may maicjsuch regulations respecting nuisance:,eouices of fllth and causes of sIcKnescvvltnln the rcgpectlvo dlstilctB of thiKepublle, and on boaid of any vesselus It shall judge ncecssuiy for thu pub-li-

health nnd safety."He said that tho regulations of tie

llouid or Health, ir they weio In conlllet with this section, fell to tlmground. The Ilonid could not overildc eM'ijihlnjj and It could not over-ride this section, which provides .'orthe making of regulations In the caseor nuisances and Insnnltni) eon IItlons. These regulations did not applyto Mr. England's Job on King streer,since there wns absolutely no evidenceto tho effect that It was insanitary.

The prosecution contended that IIvas not necessaiy to show that tho dn

leudant had done n sanitary or nnvother Kind or a Job. It had beer,piove.t that he had not secured theiiitulslte license, and that was all lies


H, C. Barrow Leaving,Jildgo II. C. Harrow, vice piesldent

iiuil manager or the Pacific Union OHCompany, who has beon stopping!the Moana Hotel ror several vveuKspast will return to San Kinnclsco Inthe Mariposa this ntteinoon, to attendto some business In connection wl'ntho cornpiny which he roriosents. 'Inwill return to Honolulu In a fevweeks

FOR RENTThe Only Vacant House


Has two bedrooms and all modern lit

provements; $40 a month.

Also large residence on the WalklkiBeach neaif the Annex; $60 a

month for seven months.




Jiulge Kitea this morning proiftnlgated the follow lug nniendment to niliion of the United Stntes DistrictCourt'

"The adverse pnity or parties shalleach advance the sum or ten elollnii,at least, on entering their first appearance, or tiling Tor tne tlrst time any answer or other paper."

Motility District Attorney .1. I.Dunne wns instructed to drntt n nil'for presentation tomorrow regardingthe drawing of additional jttiors whennecessaiy. Judge IJsteo reared thatthe drawing or the giand and tilujJunes for the coming term might hawdepleted tho names. In case or a deflciency or Jurors, he ucemed It betterto draw new ones fiom n prepared IV trather than drafting them tioin Ikhvstnndcrs. There wns a tiust cnrito be tried by Jury, nnd probably sevrrai othei cases, and the court desire 1

that there should be n list or sufltclemuames to diavv upon. The attorneywould consult with the clerK an to th- -

number or names left In the box bifore drawing up the tule ordered


The Oermnn ship SIrciic after aslow passage from Hremen

arrived this morning with a full cargoor general merchandise for 11, HacKfebi& Co. Attei leaving Bremen the SIrone had very fair weather until theHorn was reached. For two monthsshe battled with gales, head winds andtheioughestofseas.

The big ucw were rjcarlj despairingor ever getting out Into the facilebut at last the bad weather subsidedniiil the vessel doubled tho Cape. Kromhe time she got Into the Pacllle ocean

l ii.it unusual y line weather pie- -ailed unci except for tho two ,ontlu

spent off tape Horn the entire voyagewas unevontfuL

The SI, cue was formerly the H.ltlshship Oenone or (llasgow nnd her name

be hrm.ii. nag Her last trip wasrem I urcipe to Japan then to Tacomi

fHrABIer,-.Hner.,,r1- "

rliaiglng herel ,i"'"iMuiiii uiinimeii anil lime given He- -tie Sound to i oad Mr Antwerp to answe. until I .in p. m.

Jl. vs. lllian. Pnr.i, wns

For groceries ring up Illuo 911.


losltlvely the last performance of"The Helle or New Yoik will ho giventonight. "The Oalety cllrl" will beStaged on Saturday afternoon andevening. This tins been one of the mostsuccessful puces of the company--- .

repertoire. Doors will be open for tnomatinee at l:3n. Performance to stnrtat 1! sharp. Children will be admittedlo all parts or the theater at hair price,

Plumblniv InstiectopV Report.IJ. (J Keen, Inspector of plumbing

and house seweis. repot ts foi Septem-ber

1'lans nied, 132Permits Issued, 132.inspee tlons of plumbing and house

seweis. 3)3.Final certlllcates Issued. 10U.Sewer connections made, en.

time fee on

gratify..v , ....,,,- - The dty I iwjcis ihlnkthe.v can piove that the executive pow- -

con.pcccnt to act in the matter.iTTTTThe

. Uulletln. 75 cents ner-mODtn.


Cincinnati. 13. The Cummercial Tribune, prints tho following fiuuiIts Huffnlo corresaondent.

I must confrH'tluil the most pnfoundly Inteiestlng notu In this gteTsceno has been the tlu,PrcBident'fl religiousIt has been a surpilsu to nmThose have not been Intimatelyassociated him have been Inclln-e- d

to reganl his apparent us amore or less lintIn that flist teiriblo when hbelieved that he was about to die n..turned his heavenward andboro like a gentle-man.

When he was lifted on tlio oporntlni?table Slann said:

President, wo to tut Intoou once. Wo allowed ProM

dent die, but we uon t tnlose )oti.'

"I nm in tour bands," murmured tticiPresident

Sir. SIcKlnley wns lifted on the op-erating ror theordeal. The doctors wero ready toadminister ether. Tlio opeej.cd his c)cs and saw that he was aboutto enter a sloop from mlgn:never He his gient hail en sonovv fully upon the littlegroup. Then he closed the lips, I Ifwhite was suddenly lit by a tendor Ills soul came Into bisrountc'nanee. Tho wnn llns moved. Asingular and almost supernatuinl lie.vity possessed him, mild, childlike nndserene. Tho surgeons paused to IUt- -

mi."Thy kingdom come. Thv will bo

done." The voice wns soft aud clca




awHn.rrji.lantShelslvlngiitHrower'swharr. S.m.KI



Final Accounting J'A. Magoon in re

Love Trust.



Cases Dropped for Want of Prosecu-

tion Silliman Estate Account

-C- aptain Bergstrom's Es-

tate Administration.

Judge (ic.ir lesuincil the hulling ().'

Hie Hagey Cine case this morning. Atnoon he held a chimbers session, illspdsliig of two matters. The (irandJury came In with h report as men-

tioned elsewhere.The lepoit or A (I

on the account or V O. Smithguardian or the llnmnkun minors, was,i,.,.i . i,i,. ,,.

ncv. V. II. Kltent was appointedI guardian without bond of i.ie person

BniI loert) I)f MriI. ,llIr) t.,Anllft0BflI ,,. ,.,, ,,, KC tIlt, p ,,, , ,.-,- , ,,1,,,,,-- r

, ,.ls ,ltJll(,KP ,.,. ,.,, ,msy ,,,

., At , , ,, ftthcr ,,,.,, ,,, , f,, ,ni.u.lmM1, C)1. 1) lnn K,How land nniC otheis. the beai lug c,r

Ull(ll , 1(lec . cu.)nK

on lU.llIllir,lf ,)lUg for llaltfuml , ,,,, for (lefpn,,ant hp lIo.mmnr U,,s ",l8",lnl1 '"' n'"1"''i.,... ......... .......

lfifliil tin i ....,.,.. II. ..is.hi M wis ii mi iii ii iij l IIll' HIT HI". of RiimmonH I)ala nml !) IJolt wornagain the contending Themotion wns granted, after which Mr.

I Davis for plaintiff was allowedwlthdiaw from the files or the courtthe leroid In the case,

V J. Hiigland's suit M CAmana for J118 debt Is illscontln'ucilfoi want of piosecutlon.

I The a nl of Clinm? Mm-- i ...in.tIn favor SI. Phillips ft

Co for $31.31 In Honolulu Dlsfl.tremit Is for w nt cl urosa- -cutlon

in me inacirr or e or JaniLove, a spendthrift, tho .lull accountnml receipt of J. A. Magoon. guardian-hav- e

been tiled The receipt Is aThomas Pitch for $1818.18 In full

or the account, "It beingthat In case It contnlnn n

or oveich.nges the sameHiall be adjusted." in the account

ltli his guardian, Love Iswith an oveicharge or 2.10 Interest.

i lie final oc count of LWli Iflitn oiltiitrilot... I..u . ii. . .

roci'lpts ofix f tl n.n Ad

leaving a balance due file estate of$S3 l Tho net value or the gioccrybusiness forming estate. Including"111 1"1,nn(,, ' nilmlnlstrntors handsU i,a..inu... .. 1.1.1. .. ..- T , n llllll UI.TI' .Iw.u.,i,i.i f..,. ...i . ......"... tu.i.ii.iit- - ituiii'ii ae ttitv


The IllllS lolled ilnun I1- - ,.,.lace The raised his ebonuii.i signtu tils lips moved oiu- -.

more.Thy will be done"

Di Mann paused with the keen knifeIn his hand. was u lump nbis throat.

"For Thine Is the kingdom nnd tinpower and the glory,"

The eve lids llutteiecl fnlntl), beniUof cold sweat stood on the bloodlessbrow thorn was Then sclence silrceeded prajer. If thore isa nobler sceno In the history or Chi Istlan statesmen nnd rulers than this, Ihavo not heard or II.

The Inference or iIlvlne.tnterveiitl.MiIs almost Irrpalutllitn u l.u.i n,..slders that the first surgeon who hudb ciuiuce to on tliu Presidentwaited until I)r, Sfann arrived, lieivas n ninn rt ..r,nl nlalliv I.... ...was once forced to retire to a sanlUHum of u mental ellstuibar.ee'That was .veais ago. Who can siyCllQt tllOUirlltH ffllllrtlloit III.,, u UaHlnod beside tho wounded Piesldent

i no gteatest oppoitunity or n stirgeon's liro was befoio him. he -- hniembernl. Illu m..u. I. m, n ..a n ..i...

arose nnd rouciuured him andnm uiiiiiiiiuu no waiieu tin il"Mann came He had made the grrntest fill, rlllprt 1. i.l.v utr Int. r.n.l.l ..inl..lor tin. sake eif the nation

l no time lias not come whenthe Inner story or this histoilckicnn. ..... inn..... In l.ila... ri .itlil e.. ...

Hu v i, .111111 ,1111 II, IF

many choids nml cause too much painHut tint events or that tlrst drendlila will do much to exalt the laun

nnd itatm or surger

Marseilles, whl.h has been tnl.ig for'n n"L V. """".. '.."". "",!some to bo inade a port Z"..ec.ii .eierieil to .1 T. o,an act of the leglslatuie, now hopes to master's report It showget President Lo.lbet to its .le.;$3.ii.3 and payments

evening Z




unveiling orbenutiiiil splru.



conscious postuie.hour

thoughtshlmseir Chiibtlun

Dr."Sir. Intend

at oneto Intend

table, stripped dreadcil


which huwalco. turned




master's Knulii-Ico- u







Judgment of

















'4- -' - 4 ' - . . ii- 1 JtjjUit insist ; ..

1 -- .: Ww .'-j&Umrk-

LimyiifiESE (ubThcie were 99 deaths In Honolulu

In the month of September. Thumonthly death rnte per thousand waX r,2.

Marriages reported for the monthhcie 52. nnd births .11.

D nationality the deaths were 31Hawaiian, 27 Chinese, 11 Portuguese,U Japanese, 1 Hittlsh, ii United State!and fl others,

t'n.lcr one jenr or age theie died 2fipersons, from one to live is, five to ten4, ten to twenty IS, twenty to thirty 12.thirty to forty 13. fort) to fifty 0, fiftyto sixty fi, slxtv to seventy 5, over sev-r-


Two deaths wero.ofOf post mortem examinations there

tvere B, deaths Investigated 6, stillbliths B, Coroner's liupiosts t

Causes of .loath are thus summarize-d- febrile 10, diarrheal , dietetic 3,constitutional (Including 1.1 of tuber-culosis) 20, developmental 7 nervous111. cli dilatory 1, respiratory 13. diges-tive 13, urinary 2 osseous and Inte-gumentary 1, accident and violent e Jhomicide 1, suicide ,


High Sheriff Drown vl!l this afternoon select Juror'for a lire Inquest Inthe case of the recent blare In the Hall-e- y

Cjelerj cm King street near Ala-ke- n.

The Jur) will meet, choose aforeman and then n.lfniirii to n Literdate. The railing of the Jury comesabout at the reouest of the fiianram.companies Intenstnt In the properlyuestroe.i. i;ver since the night of tne(lie there have been hints of Incendiar-ism and there Is a iiosslbilltv tli.itsomething more than hints will comeout lit the coming deliberations of theHi Jur

Htock HxchanjVc CummlttecH.'Hie following standing committees

feu the Honolulu Stock Hxe haiige havebeen appointed to serve during the g

jc.iiMembership II Annltage, 1'. SI.

Lewis. V V, lliownInvestigation J II I'Mirr. I" litis-tar-

W si. (lirfardKxcentlve It V Shingle, It. Aiuil-tape- .

V. A. LoveI limner W SI nlfTaid i:. C Star-It- .

furlime. A o LovoMnArhltintlon- -' Hustuce, J Halt.

A J CampbellStock Llst-- W p. UttIl . Unas

H V Shingle

CAPTAIN McCLURIPH llllCai.tnlll Ml f 'inn.., rnr,.i.... ..r ....- iuiiiiii; ii. .jbark lolanl, which wns run Into an I

sunk off the Cnlllornla coast about twovearH mm Im. iimm nii . ..,. ,, . -- v.. hi.i-i- i .uilllllilllCI i

iiiu uig ship Port tli'orgevice Captain Storse, retired

Captain MoClure Is well known .itthis port and Is einu of the oldest sklu-per-

In the employ or Blower t Co.I rom the CobbI thu Port Oeorge willtake a eaigo or luiubei to Port Plrbi

and load coul at N'l.uc.iaiin r.n. n.t.poit. tr she gets here In time It Iiprobable that she will take- - n load o.sugar around the Horn rrom heio oritiio

London hns fill .Hrf.,r..,.. ......"--over '""



In to thu coupons to be cutfrom the first pago of the Hulletln,now stib&rrlbeis are to be given re-

ceipts coupons entitlingthem to votes as tolloiva:

One month 40 votesThree months 150 votesSix months 350 votesOne year 750 votes

Edition, year.. 100 votesthorn coupons are and

be torn the subscription re-

ceipts and depnaltcd In tho ballot boxthe same ns tho llrst pago coupons. It

Ill ho seen that for ?S, thepilco of the Hvcnlng Hulletln for

ouo )car, 750 votes aie allowed tonew subscriber, whereas the sameminimi of would buy only ipo

APPEAR HTThey Average Scarcely

One Hundred




Exception Taken to Sweeping Reflec

tions of Dishonesty Upon Fire

Claims in General by

tie Star.

Chinese claims were again befoio theFire Claims Commission this morn- -

Inc. This series Is eif hiillil.lii.ilclaimants for personal propel t)

In the plague flics.The CoinmlUloncrs express them-

selves ns IllllhW nleimed with ll.n nr..derty shape In which all Chinese claims'have been picseiitid. With regard tothese small personal claims now beingheind thi're Is a prima facie aspect ofgood faith about them Those heardthls rooming will nveiagc m nicely J 100each and Chairman P. U' Mfirrnrlniin

'miIiI at noon that he doubted If the lista whole would average more than


"In nnswei to our ,iieHtlons." saidSir Slacrurl.ine, "It that theclaimants hud lived In the Islands furP'rloils langlng from live jeais tothllt-ll- s JfllW-- It la Irvmnn.able to believe, knowing as we do thotin Iff. of the Chinese, that he must upan exceptional specimen of the racwho bus not accumulated at leastId worth of piopertj In the nveragnof such peilo.ls of residence."

Commissioner I (1 Pratt tn. sing toa reporter, took exception to the Invl-.lio-

comments of the Star upon thoilalms In general,

"It treats the clilimints tu sweepingterms as If dishonest) were the rule

'with them" said Mr Pratt "Asmatter of fact the palpably exorbitant-- lalms nre exceptional, forming reallybut a small percentage, of the whole"

, - ,.fOllli Mllltlh lltia lilinli nrt-n.i- ..1 ...

,thc charr- - of stealing chalk pencilsand tho like Irom the night sihool

ack oi miwnialiao Church The 'Mlowing bo)H we-r- also nnested todayand are being held us vritnossos 'nMartin's ease!' Jlmmle Hlnnche John.Martin No 2. and Willie Andrn.le


I) iv Id l)ii) ton bus been appointedadministrator of the estate of ni.if

Jllergstiom, deceased under bond ol-- ( I lie estate Is valued at $.'S0O,

beljig nil realty. The heirs arc theiwl.lnn and three children.

..... ....,. .........!-- . ...n, uiiii ins piiiie is neingtt.1.1... liv A I !..I iriiniiiii






A 6W..I.6..9.1,483





. 132151

' 66s5535217





will eighty votes If spent foreighty single copies of the Hullelluwith the newsbo)s or ut the businessoffice. This amount of money, If ex-changed for n receipt for n six months'mibscilptloii to the Hulletln, will

350 votes. One dollar for oneyear's subset Iptlon to the weekly edi-tion entitles the subserluer to 100votes.

Tho prlzo otiorcd by tho Hulletln Ison exhibition In tho window of II. !'.Wlchmnu, 617 Tort street, nnd wll, bopiesenteil to tho pla,ver receiving thogieatest ntimocr of votes .it thu closoof tho contest Oct. 15.

Votes doposlted nt this ollleo willbo Included nmoiic tho scattering untiltho contestntit linl received n total of

?:TX,X!,' tU:' 7"; '"' "' -- ""-e"!n little 7oi iininiini.i ,i,.,.. j .. . . . . '"






with nttiidied,

Weekly 1

detachable,must rrom








""" " ",r "'' copies oi prmiuo;iu that time tho names will 'joHulletln on the street. The sum of il published.

' w sra mmAnanias Dlas an old Porto Itlcan,

vcrj much emaciated and with everyappearance of being In extreme!) bidhealth appejred before Judge Dhkoythis morning on the charge of 1,1

gralie) He was arrested )esterila)Afternoon b) Olllcer Apana. for beg-

ging nlms along on King street andwhen searched nt the police station,he sum of $S.J1" wns found

Attorn?) Kaulukou who appeared forthe defendant, tried his best to getfudge Dleke) to put the case over un-

til tomorrow nnd this was about to 1.done when the defendant asked to havehis ease go right on then and there.

Ananias had nbsolutel) no ease Itwas found that he had been onthe streets of Honolulu for a month01 two past He asked the Judge to beens) with him and promised to Icivithe countr) nt the very first opportun-ity All the pleading of the defendantand tlie citations of Attorne) ixniilukojfrom the lire of Christ did not availeitiil Ananias was sent to Jail for twoweeks


U IMli)The (ir.unl Jury b) Its foreman, II.

Knwaiinnako.i, this morning reportedto the Circuit Court before Judge dearthat, after roll Investigation, the billsor Indiitment bad been Ignored In tlmfollowing cases: ,

1 Kaulwalu, charged with ma)hem.2. Ah Cluing, lurceuy second de-

gree.3. rom Aukal. alias Komollllll, lar-cei- i)

sciond degree.t. Ah Slug. Inrceii) second degreeo Apua, nm bein.fi Kalioohiill, ninyhem.7 William Peir) .Ir malicious In

juryi S T.innka malicious Injury

D Hnnale Kiillko. malicious Injur)) Id Knlani and Ke.ni, malicious Injur)

11 lino ninth Ions Injury.12 l.ono Knlnlkl, ombelomcnt.13 John Wulin malicious Injur)Thus the Rraml Jirry nis discovered

what the .world has been vnlnl) seek-ing for centuries, the lucky thirteen


The follonliig cases were illspo"!or In tho Police Court this rorenoon.Lewis Lnngredd, larceny In the seconddegree-- , nolle prosil.; Heue-det- audJ. I' Klguoredo. selling liquor witncut n license $(Ml and costs each,both elefendaiits pleading guilty;

Pncheco. vagrancy tbegglmalms on the streets or Honolulu), tw )weeks Imprisonment nt hard labor.SI V nscotleetl.iii fiMufii.lt n.i. I I.........on A. Slnrmon, two weeks' linprlsu'i.u.'uc iii iiurii lauor.

In the Cnso llf 'ilnr.nn..ill,.a II.a .Ir.iendnnt said that he did not knov.- -

..........ii.iti... i... i.i ..i . ...I hi- - n.M.ii, ,neiiii gum) i,,would tlrst have to see the ninn I o

wns nlleged to have assaulted Hwns given the opportunity and was sinimlnrlv silent nriiipuiie.l.i ee.intenia) 'r tight sentence! uml toda) rt

ui line iiaiure, v nscoiii elloswill have n nionth to do

A Porto Itlcan was arrested tbUmorning by Olflcer Palcnapa on tin"hurgo of irunUenness His stutci waSlllb that Hie fieri, mil,, nm I.,,.... l.i .

name On the. man's person wereiwiiu.i mi. union nig nrtlc'cs A pun.'with some small change, a brass las-rio-

Oahti plantation, No. 1174;package or tobacco, nnd. Inst but nutleast, a eako or soap that borodeuces or having been used.

M.P.D.The Merchants' Parcel'Delivery

COMPANY.Delivers packages tnvanypart or the city ror luc up-ward)).Try them. Phone Blue 621.

Packages shipped toall parts or the UaltedStates and I'.urope.

Ollleo, 11)17 Hethcl St.,opposite Honolulu SInrket.

I05T Fort

PitiOK 5 Okkts.

mm IIapron

His Appeal AbandonedBy San Francisco




Judge Estee Declines to Accept tieSurrender of Defendant Until

Receipt of OicialAdvices.

Captain Y 0 Kodergren master ofthe bark llesner wanted 1.1 Hiirr..dcr himself to the United Sin.pa II- I-trlct Court this morning, so as to b

to Oihu prison lo serve his sen-tence, but Judge Kstec could not ecept his poison at that time.

W A. Kliine) appeared with Ci'tain Sodergren ns his counsel notslated the preparedness o. the bondmen to surrender the bailee and leeclve their own discharge. The- - pr

Hug was ventured on tlio suggeiHon that Captain Sodergren's appealhad been discontinued In the CircuitCourt or Appeals ror the is'lnth JuiPelnl Circuit ot thu L'nlted States itSan Pinnclsco.

There wns no otllel il notlllcntlon tband however Hint the appeal halbeen dismissed Judge Kmpi. then-- .

fere stnted that be could not nee outCaptain Sodergren vnluntnr) su-re nder If tho bondsmen chose togive hint up the Court could only or-der the commitment of the defendantto Jail to await official advices regardlug the status of his appeal Onlvwhen a remittitur arrived from Hi.,npp. Hate court would It be advlsabllto roclvo the derendnnt nnd commithim to prison ror serving tho term itbis sentence.

Caplnln Sodergren and First Jla 'Stewart were convicted bv n fun Inthe lVdernl court here or assaulting1 sailor upon the high sens. It holm:on the vo)age or the bark Ileal, rfiuui Newcastle X S W. to this port.The testlmon) was that the sailor hadbeen beaten with nsts. root and a beIn) lug pin Til.) were sentenced tnImpilsonmeut at hard labor, the innster tor six months and the luato roreight months. In Oahti prison. Hot 1

U'fenilants noted nn appeal, but thatol Slownrt was not perre-cted- . and ImIs now sen lug out his sentence.

It was found expedient to ctnplnvlocal couiifel nt San Francisco Mprosecute captain Sodergren a appealSir. Frank wns engaged. Unofuclnl

.wont nirhod b) the Mariposa thatbad dismissed the appeal, whlc.l

Mind confirmation enough all but legnlI) In the arrival by the. same steamerof the appellant to surrender himself

Deputy District Attorney Dunne ha I

intended going to Snn Francisco tnlight the appeal both on technlcitpoints and the merits of the cnsoHy the .Mariposa's mall no received nprlvato letter from the District Attor-ney or San Francisco, stating that thoappeal had been dismissed. The ret-urn given for Sir Frank's abandon-ment of the easo Is that tne expenmor pi luting the tianscrlpt or ucorlWould bo too great

It Is expected that .no remittiturfiom the appellate Court will be 1 ,.celved within twelve di)s at the out-fid-

Sir. Kinney said In court tlmr.under the circumstances, he preferrt Ithat the defendant remain out on balllii'the nn aniline, ns his surrender noevInvoheil bis confinement in Jnll f)raji unknown period before beginningtu serve his senteucu.

PETTY TltltVEB.The agents of tho American Hawaii

an steamships have been greatly ateno)od of lato by the tliott or manysmnll article's which have been tnkonfrom broken boxej and crates amongthe cargo put uut by the big steamersnt the railroad wharf. Among thgoods taken wire claret, beet nnJsoap.

A stilct watch Is hereafter to bokept and special policemen wilt bu emplc.)od to look utter people on thawhaif who have no business there.

That is What We

Always Give Yon

Every Shoe In our storeIs selected with a view

toubUln the very best



So it Makes No DifferenceWhat prlceJ shoe vou buy from us

you can dejenJ on having your

MONHY'S - WORTH.Pleasing Styles, Pleasing Wear atPie nine Prices Is Wnat Pleases OurTrade. : : : . :

Manufacturers Shoe Co.,

Uitkut i tw ta s'SfA




Ifc- -


sTOs "

mfrrmfrrmmmmmTrrmmmM. E. KILLEAN CO., LTD.

are JmIkiwi anJ Maker

of 1'icper St vies of Millinery

and LaJle)' I)reses, IikIuJ

Inc WeJJIns rrome.iut,Tailor AlaJe (Jownt.l healre

Goun, Etc. follow tintpretty dres, you will finj

We Made It.

AitctttK fill till I. ThitmiiuiIocm Ctciinctl at




Sanitary Steam LaundryeO.MIAY, T t.

Great Reduction in Prices

having made luge additions to our machinery, we arenow able to launder

spreads, sheets, pillowslips,

table cloths, table napkins,

and towels

at the rate of 25 cents per dozen, cash, satis-

factory work and prompt delivery guaranteed, no fear ofbeing lost from strikes, we invite inspection of our

laundry and methods at any time during business hours.

Ring Up Main 73and our wagons will call for your work.



.MdDAVLe Progress Regular.

TWJSDAVHawaiian Third Degree.

WI3D.ISiUAYPacific Third Degree.

1HW.SDAVRose Croix.

I'HIDAVHawaiian Third Degree.

HATLMDAYEastern Star Degree Work.

All vlsltlnt; iiiembtTB of. the or-

der arc cordhill Invited, to attendmeetings of lot a) lodges.

naiernai Directory.

HARMONY LODGE, NO. 3, I. 0. O. F.Mt-i--

t ecry Monday owning at 7. jO111 llnimony Hall, King btiett

C UHAKLOCK. N. (!.i:. It. lli:XI)UY, heai-tary- .

All Waiting biotlit'ia eiy couliallyInWted.

MYSTIC LODGE NO. 2, K. of P.Meets eery Tuesday ecnlng at 7:30

o'clock In Harmony Hall. Kins street.Vishnu; biotheis cordially Invited toattend.

II. J. GALLAGIIKIt, C. C.A. K. MUlu'HY, K. K. S.


Meets oery third ilmrsday eveningat Masonic Temple. All (siting com-panions cordially InWted .

A. K. UILI'ILLAN, K. C.J. D. TUCKEIl, Secietnry.


K. T.Meets In Masonic Temple on tbe sec-

ond Thursday evening of each month.All visiting Sir Knights courteuuslyIncited.

A. K. GILK1LLAN, K. C.J 1). TUCKi:it. Itecorder.

OAHU LODGE, NO. 1, K. ot P.Meets eery I'riday eeuliiK at

Hall, King stieet, ut 7 30. Mem-bers of Mystic Lodge, No. --', and vUli-in- t

brothers cordially United.(! EltlCSON, C. C.ALi UKI) AHKNDT


NO. 1, A. & A. S. fl.Meets the llrst Thursday In each

month at Musonle Temple. Sojotu li-

ng and visiting tTithers cordially in-

vited to attend all meetings,M.W. M ALH13IIT VAN CWEK OHAIlALLAN I). SCIU.MUi:OUIt, Societal y,


No. 124, A. & A. S. Rite.Stated meet I n kb on last Monday of

each mouth In its hall, Masonic Tem-ple.

L. de L. WAIH). W. M.13. I) FltlUL. Setiotary.


Stated meetings first Monday eachmonth. Special meetings, when called(will bo noted In this Bpaco).

Members Lodge Lo Piogies, PacificLodge nnd nil sojourning hiethien cor-dially invited.

WM.1I. WMOHT, W. M.K. It. O, Wai-LACI- :. Secretary.

Sul.vriln.i-- tn tlin niTIIKTIXnot rtvpiviiij; tlicir papers promptlywill confer n fnvor liy notifying; tho13ueiness Oflico; Telephone 250.

New 5(ock i if

Anil the IiiIchI noclttcH.


Clrntitii( mill l).c U'nttLu.10 cciiIh ii putt.


For SaleDelightful lliiilillnii Lc.tHon Tantalus. Delightfullocution for n nioiintiilnhouse.

For SaleOn hIoiich ot PunchbowlLarge hoiiKc, $800.

For RentPiiuon Roml, eljjht roomholme. KI10 per loontli.

Castle & LansdaleReal Estate and Investments.

Agents for the Lion Fire Insurance Co.,Limited.

Telephone Main 70.506 and 507 Stangenwald Bldg.

Do You WantA

pianoif so, why no', net one that hasparsed through all the experimentalstages ? Showlr.g strength andsweetness of tone. Vou will findthese merits only In the : :


Well known by all musicians andconstructed especially to stand thedeteriorating effects of thlt climate.

iioffschlaeger Co.LIVUTI.D.

King St., near Bethel


Best Insurance in the World.

Hawaiian Iron Fence andMonumental Co., Ltd.


I8J" yoppw -

i;vi.sixo inn.i.irriN. Honolulu, ii t. tiiiiiihimy. k;t. a. imi.


( II llrrrr)siil!lir, M CampbellA notice In public Hcrmintntit up

licnrn Uliclcr Xrw Today.. i

irniu iv ice nine pewltil n licit Ice ullilenul ti, (cuiolKiiif nt this port ,

The linrtirlnlriRlM made ti micro-- 1

Hioidnil examinations In Septrmbcr.Uuinvi & .MrTlchc. nucceincirii to ("n.

mnrn & Co. Iliimr denlcn. .' King tt.Slop nt Mrs llniinn's new inlllliiery

toro mi street mar Chaplainlone

lllnnk books of nil sorts ledgers, etc.manufactured b) the llullctln Publish-ing Co.


Vou call get n full slied cool tlaisof llnlnler bier nt the Pantheon. Same, Tl,c legulnr niinunl meeting or thoold price. .Mnllf lllnm Club wns held Inst ee:i- -

The --My rdU. of the tuning Tl ZZJfTnlZ, n,"llulletln gles a complete summary of, toe meeting turned out to be a vvthe nens cr Hie day. jenlbuslastlc one. The ulectlon of offl.

The best plate. In Honolulu to linvo " In cro iIiiHiik the ensuing jenrnims and plates ,1m eloped Is nt the Ho- -, k" ''lleo nfMZn "' Dl

' President. Jtinhilii Photo Siini.- i- t'o fi nelscr; rtordlng seerctnrj 8 A. CrooK; flnn-i- .Choice Clan I tiu c.iSt, Port. Mulelrn, clnl seerelnry. Oeorge Lucos; trens

Zlnfandil. 73 tents a gallon nt Hoff-"r,- ;r - r Wright; property mn:t,Mdilaeger Co.'s. King near Hethcl. P ,,V,rt x,rf"rrllon: trustees. 8 V.

Mr nnd Mr, W. C. Irsln are .,. hlherisoi''-- '"rank ""petting to leae for the Coast In Ilia Th tlgolng omcers were as 'obSonoma Tuesday to be gone seeraljlos President. 11. 1J. King- - lcomonths CI F Wright; recording

Notice or icgulnr in. .ling of tho ?r,?,ry,V ,))'l;Kl't: "nanclal seeicboard of dllec.ors of th. Free Kln-lR- j'. wpJZUn""?dergnrlrn nt Y M. C A. hall Is pub- - Clarke.Ilslie.1 ioda Ar ulll boj seen. .Mr. King, on icAt a melting of the Hoard of Health f0""1 r ,.iIb nctlvlty In nfllce and liltheld October 2.1 nmeiiclm.nts i ri '',"7, "rli lr! ' Intorestn or tlMmade to plumbing regulations as per ,,"Snjlwlton" n?1TW i'"'notice published in this Issue. lor ,, 3. VLIi.. ."..5? L"1"1

The Honolulu city physician Waited12 ii..ilf, I.. .tt I'.lllCillB in September, treated sont his eifllce and

" ' " " '" "' ""1"""- -

The sanitary Inspectors of Honolulu!mndc 7492 Inspections, reported 32.1Snuisances, bad 21.81 nuisances nbatcij

nd tiled S complaints last month..1.. wet begins to

wrinkle our shoes out of shape, oulll see the necessity of getting n shoe

tiee. See .Mclnerny'K shoe store nd.

1 ncatlon liln In tho .Mnrlnosa todnvHi will beaieompanled by Mrs. Ilrnwn,

There wns something more wron;with the power of the Hawaiian Elfu ic uomimny last night, and tho eon'euuence was that tin. rt u ,.iplunged hi darkness. the pioprletor guarantees to spend

Kootb.,,1lis not ., brisk. The Ho-- 1 JTit Jnde"nohilu Athletics seem to be the only the room In .onjunctlon wkh th,.?people doing any work. Thi) bad organizations, 'i is would materiallytwelve men out Sntuiilay and tome uVerense the amount or tbe rent,fjood prnrtlte wns Indulged In. Tlu' '"Howlng standing committed

Those wishing reliable horses, ex- - 'loirse'commft' 1lhl.' ??perlenced drhers. new rigs, fair irU rcoultlt'and courteous treatment should call at l.nance Conimlttie C! K Wilghtthe Territory Stables. Tbelr telephone)'' V IMehordson. Paul Jurrett.nunilier Is Main 3... Thiy deliver and' Auditing Committee S r Chilling-cal- l

for rigs fite of ihaige. S"t'1, Jr" ,''ranl( Howland, Archl.iAre ou Interested In photography? 'spoUHCommlttee-

-J. .1 rtelser 1)If so have the Honolulu Photo Supply il.. C'onkllng. Cieoigc LuincCo. Miow jou the canura, (Jcoige Luc as was appointed sport Itakes In c.crj thing In sight In a radius manager.of ninety degrees, the gieatest stride.) Tlp "il,,lp r ''" organization nov

el made In the development of hand f'"l " llio Alalle lliina Athletic Clubcameras 'n;1'! or the imlle Illma Club.

I'reiedlng the closing of the meet..Manager t.mtley of the Hawaiian log. the president or the club lecom-Electil- e

Co. Icn.es 111 the Mariposa to mended to the new men In office thatnay for the pin pose of seeing aboutsome very much new maeliln.cry He will also attend to tbe shinment of the new engine that has beencoming for so many moons.

The .IntmileHC Mornlinnta' Auu.in'...tlon of Hawaii will send forth In tl..Mariposa today memoitnls of condo-lence to Mrs. MeKlnlcv ni fnntn,. nnnd Secretary or Ktntn Inim iim-- ' ,!WiiHhliigton. I). C. Mr Ono. seeretnnor the association, has had the ilnruments very handsomely engrossed

Attorney A Lewis, Jr, lenves In thoMariposa tocla, to piesm, the appealIn the schooner Uobert I.ewers cake tnthe Cnnrl of Annnnla Iii Gn .p.,..lD.It Is possible that he will go on toWashington to get a place on the Supreme Court calendar for the Intom.itax nppealg

W. H. Hilts, founer sunprv Ism- - nfill awing at the Normal School hem,has been appointed division superin-tendent of education of the piovlnoeaof Carnal Ines, Ablay, Sorsogcm andCataniluanes, comprising tbe south-eastern portion of tbe Island of LuzonPiof. Hilts has fifty-tw- o teachers Inhis chaige and will have headquartersat Ncuwi, in the province of Cnmarlneg.

. Ho Hon. a Chinaman, wns ai restedIn Ills place on McCullv Mreet . ester.day afternoon by Dcnutv Sheriff rrhili.ingwortn. The fellow was rauchtthe ait of distilling okolehao In n ...".

apparatus. When Chllllngwo.tlibill St In the door, the Chinaman slcnv.cd the major pait of his apparatusInto n deep hole filled with dirty waterbut the officer was too nulck for himnnd seemed enough of It for evidencein court.

Among the chniltles aided In MrW (I Irwin dm Inn the n.ist fen ilmwurn the following: Associated Charities, $00; American Heller Society.$500; !' Damon's Chinese School,$500; lliltlsh Ilenewilent Society, $500.(iernian llenewdent Society, $500,'Strnngei's Friend Society, $500;

Ilcnecllent Socletv- - JKnn.Catholic- - Benevolent Society, $500; Hawaiian Kollef Assoc at on. S'lfifl? TVaKindergartens, $50: I'enlel Mlaalnn$100; Mil Ions other minor charities$150.

Ment nnd Finn Innpcctlon.Animals examined nt the clm,..i,i..,--

house In September nuniheied 1415,lUer fluke being found In 121 cnscB,llieio were 237.9C8 fish examlne.lwheieof 3291 were condemned.

t t r

nouN.KIJIKI In this city. October 3, 1901,

10 inn wiro of William Kclkl, n son.

CHAS. D. WALKER.Designer and Builder of HIgb-Grad- e


O. Boi 633. Telephone, 3121



Committees Also Selected King Is

Again Made Resident Urges

Men to Study Up Rules

and Get to Work.

r'1 I"1 night. Those Intending to makenilllllr ntlnn for membership should re- -

A Mil or J39 rrom Ih. lIo,.ll....Hledile Company was ordered tnble.l.the charge being considered exorbitantI,'"."' Il wnR 80nt ' 'of the uce of two,'Bll,H ''' the club's headquarters, usedn ' n month for three months. Dur- -ng tho Inst two months tnc-- club hashad the use or only one light. Tlurompany' ill be asked to cut"" lls 'rp. nml the boys will use oil.

S. CrOOk W'nR nillinlnfn.l n n.in.ml.tee to leport on pioposed new s

In the Llnroln building. Thoroom Is 5x25 reel nnd the rent want-ed Is J.lci a month, with a lease or n.

Vn. "' least. If the lease Is taken.

,J Mll,,' "'' ue nilos thoroughly In?.r,,,T ".'.'"' "I,.,u ,0 K0 a,,out their dunes in ine ngnt way.

i no memuersnip or the club nowuiimlieis In the neighborhood or ;ibundled. Quite n number of the boynhave not paid their clues. These willbe notified by the secietary. and. lucase they are not willing to do tintproper thing, they will be dioppedfiom the membership roll. The clu'ihas a clause In Its constitution p.--.

U'lltlng expelled members of otherclubs fiom Joining Its ranks. It Is tbciIntention of the bos to appmach tinnuiiciiiiiii Atuieiic uiub "' u",".V ,W.. '!

"IM!,. n,..ir ,.,nu.i....i..


Ileiuy Wnterhoiise & Co. puichasedn total or I10U.U0U of the new bondsof tlio Illlo Itallroad Company at paron tho Stock Exchange yesterday

The illlo division or the Illlo Itall-road Company was bonded for II Go000 nnd the Olaa division for $150,00.1.a total ot $cuo,0o. A new nrraniri.ment wns made whereuy bonds up 'to$1,000,000 mny b Issued. These cn.ry 6 per cent Interest and are knownas "ten twenties." since, although tliovl tin for twenty they may be token up any time after ten years. It Isthe present Intention to Issuo $830,000In icsi'ive for any emergency thatmight iiilhe. With the new Issue theP.1?. HU,.or$c;oo.nO(,wlllhe taken....linxing $J50.(imi to be sold. The ptuciiiim- - in wiiieriinuso & Lei. Ieni.$15(1,1100. which will bu placed by II.1'. Dillingham in San Kianilso.

. m


Hcv. 1'irther Iloarman, ono of ih,itwo Jesuit prleBts who arrived TioiuSt. Louis In tho Mariposa, gives thwfollowing outline or the work piolei-i-"-

eluilng his stay In Honolulu;"LIIo'b Aim.""Lire's I'ulliue""Confession Ordained by Roil."'The True Church.""Confession hi Practice.""The llleiised Sacrament.""The Delclde.""DeotIon to Heaven's Queen.""The Poitnl or Ktornlty.""The Seaiehllght or Ood.""Uteinnl Punishment."'The Happiness of Heaven."The older of cxeiclses will bo a

follows:ti a. in., Mass and short sermon,'.) a. 111., Mass und sermon.3 p. m Stations oi tho cross.7:30 p. 111, Lectin c and benediction.The scats nie all free, and the pub-

lic. Inespectlvo of cieed, is Invited toall of tlin sci vices.

Those who appreciate theclass of photographic worklone byVtISS CAROLINE HASKINSire cordially invited to inspectspecimens of her skill in herreceplion room at the rear ofKING BROS."

Art Store andPhoto Studjo.

120 Hotel St

Baby BrandCondensedMilk

The Very HcnI Milkfor ItnhlcH. tillI'rcimrcil cnpcclullyfor Itiihlcjt. I i i i

In a, word, the "Baby Brand" Conden.seJ Milk Is "Best for Bablts" because!

It Is a rtrfect fooJ, making chlldreJ stoutnd strong.

It Is put up In sterlflzed glass Jirs. hermetlcally seiled.

It Is also the most economical Infants'food In the world.

lls purity and richness Is unexcelled.

The WashingtonMercantileCo., - Ltd.



A Few Bcanliful Lotswith unexcelled viewover College Hills tract,Waikiki and the Ocean.With good access : : : :

Lowest Priceson Bent Terms

Good Bnildiig Lots inNarjaaa Valley

near the Brickyard,of varied sizes. : : : :

$225 UPon easy installments.

During my absence from theIslands my son, F. Schnack,will receive and receipt for allmoney due me. Office hoursfrom 3:30 to 5 p. m. : : ; ;


White Rock


Healthy, Refreshing,

The Ideal Mineral Water

Bottled at WaukesraSprings, Wisconsin.Put up In Pints andQuarts. : :




Kahikiniii MeatFROM MAUI

fresh every day.For Sule nt the 1 1 1

FISH MARKET, Stalls 19 and 26AMI JIT

Butcher Shop, Cor. Ber. & Ulakea


ForSale.FirebrickFireclayMammoth Rockera

APPir TO....C. BREWER & CO., Ltd.


New Map of Oahu.Compi'eJ from Gove mmnt Surveys inj Charts,Mos eil Su. ar Plantillons, Railways, and OilierMeilabl Sourres. tub map is i9 inches.with arlls'lc colcrlnes an J neat mountlnirs. maleIne very useful as well as ornamental will napTim pmcE op Ties map is Jto ao. Copies canbe obtained from

JAS- - T- - TAVtOR.P. O. Po too A JuJl RulUlnj, Hrnnlulut T. II













1178-11- 84 Union St.

P. O. Box izt. Tel. 62 Main



' tz88888M888tl88888a888

Motor, Carriage and Machine Co.

Gnnsmithing, Locksmitbing,

Typewriter Repairingone! nil klncln of Intrlciite Alnchlne Work.

We Want Your Work.

NIIARPhone Box

A natunl miiK-r.t- l water andthe purest in the world.

If are right, drinkSauerbrunnen and keep

If are not feeling right,drink Sauerbrunnen aud right.

H. Hackf eldSOLE


and is no element of ..h,



i i t

Sure Get Off t

per day;Rateti

Month. I t i I : t i iFor :






itIn Kilnts, Oils, Varnishes, a

Stains, Putty and Glass,mental and plain

t:nr iwan - PaperIn shades and at prices to suit.Window Curtain Poles

Fixtures. Houe Lining, RoomMouldings, Llnerusta WaltonLVfcRYTHI.SGDLCORATIONS. : : ; Try

Diamond Head Paintto dry hard anJ

and will not peel or chalk.

MIXED PAINTSbest on market. SenJ

for sample card. : : : : ; .


& Co., Ltd.



Blue Till. P.O. 112.

Sauerbrunnenyou feeling




cannot be taken good drinkingthat is free from all germs and impurities.

UR HEALTH depends upon it.



v '"""' vuu aic Udiuu it. We arealways pleased to to you of its merits at oliice at 315 Fort St.A. R. HANCOCK & Co

Sole AtjcntH



SHREVE & CO., San Francisco,."To facilitate with the Hawaiian Islands, will deliver all goodspurchased or ordered of them, free of all charges for transportation toHonolulu, or returning same to San Francisco. Goods will be sent onselection to those known to the firm, or 'uj will furnish satisfactoryreferences In San Francisco.

Jewelers, Gold and Silverware Manufacturers,Market ft Post 8t 6.

Illustrated CATALOGUE and prices furnished upon receipt of request hav.

Waialua Beach HotelCHAS. DAVID, Miiniijjer

Now Open KimlncKH.of Accomnioilntlon.

IMncHt of Hiithlnil.Be to' titlilt Wultiluii StationRATES-$2.- 50Special by Week or

further Information address

P. O.






H. THONE, Proprietor.



orna- -::;::: 5


allSha-ies- ,




FloorGuaranteed gloy


are the the




"ii.iitalk our




known all over th

..,.,.,, ". '" l" E."e

lliiwulliin lMliincln.

When You Want a RigItlNO UI THE

C-L-U- -B


: : : : : 618 fort streetStnhlu Vhone, 109 Main.Hnc4t Stand, 'I'honeH 319 and 72.



Drays for Freightand Lumber........

Our representative meets all Incom-ing steamers from tlm rn,( j ....check baggage on all outgoing steam--ore.

White and Black Sand For SaleOffice with Evcnlns Bulletin,

street, Tel. 80.

W. LARSEH, tyr.

ittiu v i ., uJiMd W '.. &.Vtokiikk hi i. i. i








,t.u i:vt.NrN(t titit.t.i:TtN. iionom:i.i 11 t TiirifiiAY oct iw. X'.Murnliy'n Authoplnlton. vumttuunttnttnmtutuimtwmtinttttit aKmmniniiimmiiuiimi:m:iiiuiiiiiiimiiiiunti:it:;:iwiiiii:ii)::uiKt:i:ii:mtt::ati:ini:umiiii:iia:uKim:uuitianu mttTnttnnrnttttttTttttnntTttM

I'rniii-- h Murphy h. by rrnuiil( glv--

till-- following nillhorlintlnii In Ibu Five FOR SALE EVERYWHERE! FiveI'm Ik l Murphy CluliTo the Officer iiml Member uf I'rnn-fl- u

.My DearMurphy

DruthersClub Nn.

iiml1:Hlstcrs It fan La Insular of America Centgive mo pleasure tit nulhnrlre the uso

uf my tintnr In gopol tempcrnnto nn

tondtirted h) our association (hidbless jiiii nil

PIIANCIS MI'IU'IIY WlficlP i Trade Mark Registered unci owned by DAVID LAWRENCE & COMPANY. CigarThe Bulletin, 75 cent rr month. .. niiiinmimmiminiMiiiimuunmi ianimuiiiuimmimmiiiiiimmiiiiffliiffl:raitmifflrotian3nmiimit3BtHti;i:iBiremmmmniraiti t

Small PricesAre Winning

An enviable reputation for tbo

Sachs Dry floods Company. Hon-

est goods play n large pnrt In our. 13very week something

new crops np to nttrnrt ynn. Ionlc

nt tills week's offerings:

Portiere Prices Reduced$12.50 Bagdad Portlerei. ...$10.00

8.50 Bagdad Portlerei.... 6.50

6.50 Bagdad Portieres.... 5.50

5 75 Bagdad Portlerei . . 4.75

Striped FlannelettesThirty Inches wide ami of excel-len- t

finality; In fact, or a much

better quality than Jon would ex-

pect to Kit for twice the price.15 Yards for $1.00.

Cotton Covert Cloth

Is all "the. rage now for laidles'Skirts. Wo nre showing It In allcolors. Onr's are sure to plcaso


Cheviots for Men's

ShirtsWe have Just iccelved a shipmentof Htilpeil anil checked cheviotswhich nie eiy suitable for

shlits. The price Is verynmnll. Only 15c per yard.

Sachs' Dry Goods Co., Ltd,




Agents for Sterling

Lubricating Oils-A- ngle

Lamp Co.

Alsen C c m e n tOlant Powder Co.

and Roche Harbor

Lime. : :

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Ltd.ttxx ittim

KIMONASJUST RECEIVEDA beautiful and dainty assortment.

Hee the




Dress Suit Cases




Sit.hoIiI of cost.


KIMONA MATERIALSWe like to have you call andinspect this stock. : : : : :

SEKOMOTO,14 Motel Street, nctir Nuunnu.

S. SHIMAMOTOMerchandise, Dry


& . O-- Box 886

GOO KIM,1116 Nuuanu St.

Come unci PpIcch.


Cash Registers

Fairbanks' Scales

Buckets and

Agate and Tinware

Lamps and Hardware

Trunks and



aISLiri. 2!fi



Beginning Hnturclny, Sept.GoocIh



General Goods, Groceries.Japanese Provisions,


P, o. Bos ws. Tit. il.



aoaaivEXSBioiisr MEROH-eVisrrs- .

Pttltri la Flo Sllki i Grtii Ltneni, ChlntM tod JipnM Goods of All Kloltit-t-it Nuuinu itfl

The Bulletin, 75cts. per montho


Willi MM ill


Pond at Makiki Condemned Dr. No Action Yet on New Place of Meet-Sta- rr

Passes Examination to ing Austin Sends Letter

Fumigation of Mails at to Secretary

San Francisco.

The rain ilhl not pievent the holdingof the weekly meeting of the llo.inl ofHealth yesterday afternoon. Therewcie present: Dr. II. C Sloggett.preside nt; 13. A. Mott-Smlt- Dr. V M

Moore and Dr. C. II. Cooper. OfficersIn nttenilnnco were I3xecutlve OfficerI)r J. S. II. Pratt. Secrctniy Charlockand Stenographer 111m Mae Weir

The first matter presented was theeiucstlon of the plumbing regulationinscilblng extra heavy piping forstanding pipes In all houses more thanone story high.

President Sloggett stntid the iae,expressing the belief Hint the require-ment was more exacting than ncics-sur- .

Inspector Keen was called In andRave his views. An amendment to theregulations was submitted, whlihi banged tlu rule for using ixtra heavypipe to i)iille',ngs of more I linn foursmiles In height.

Dr. Cooper mocd, Mr. Mott-Smlt- h

seconded and. after general discussion,It was rcsoUed that the amendment btadopted.

Superintendent Reynolds wrotefrom Knlnupapa Informing the Hoardthat the taro planters had Jumped thepilce of pnlal from SO lents to 7."i centsn bundle.

It was voted, on motion of Mr Mott-Smlt-

to advertise for tcmlcrs forpnlal and award the contract undertbo supervision of Superintendent Ilry.Holds.

A woman nt the settlement sent ilong letter of complaint about the man-ner of carting meat from the slaughterhouse to the Dlshop Home. also nliouthe management of that InstitutionIt was referred to Superintendent

I)r Piatt rcpoitcd the resignationof Dr. Winston as goernment phsl-clo- u

at Kiihukii, Oihu, An applica-tion for the position was received fromDr. W. II. Dcas. Dr. Pratt suggestedthat the doctor's headn,uarteis shouldbe nearer the middle of the districtthan Knhiiku,

It was voted that Dr. Dcas In ap-

pointed gov eminent physician for thedistrict of Kooliiupoko.

Dr. Fred, It. Starr, on the report ofthe board of medical examiners, worecommenlded for a license to prnctlrimedicine. '

A letter to Postmaster Oat from thJRailway Mall Sen ho agent at SailFrancisco was reported, whlih com-plained of dctajlng of malln by fumiga-tion. The Postmaster wrote to Presi-

dent Sloggett, asking him to write to.Dr. Cofer. U. S. Marine. Hospital Ser-vice, und request thn hut named towrllo to Washington for nuthorltj todiscontinue the fumigation of malls forHonolulu as being no longer necessaryThn picsldent compiled with the post-

master's request, and his action w.iinow approved.

The Pacific Transfer Co' petitioned tohn allow ed to deposit stable manure onthn old garbage dump at Kakaako.Nothing but a refusal was possible, asthe Hoard had abandoned the dump ntthe lequest of the Hlshop I3state, ownerof the land.

A deleterious pond near the Maklkl(Ire station was condemned upon it

resolution moed by Mr. Mott-Smlt-

seconded by Dr. Cooper. The owneror owners will receive the usual noticeto abate the nutsame,

Dr Pratt reported on the sanitaryconditions of Wnlalua district, whichlie found good on a peisomil lalt. Hopralstc! the exertions of Dr HerbertWood for a decided lmpioement ef-ffcted since last ear.



A meeting of dlrtctors of KranrUMurpfi) Club No 1 was held hist nightfor the purpose of discussing tUi.inc-j.i- l

nutters. The question of leasing tliulull was brought up for discission. Itwas learned that A V. dear had hernseen ubuiit the lease ami had statin!that the hall bud been leased to Frank-ll- u

Austin and W. I). Ilaniiofl In theirown names for one year, with an op-

tion of four icars more.Under such circumstances hn could

not cousldcr nny proposition for thlease of the hall by the club or anyoneelse unless the lessors should takosomo action looking toward ilio can-

cellation of the present lense The following letter from Frankllu Austin,explains the present situationMr Noes. Sei'y frauds Murph) Clult

No. 1.Dear Sir: Pursuant to Instruction!

from the board of trustees of the I'. M

T C. A., I beg to Inform jou that wohave notified A. V. Clear nnd the Ha-

waiian I31cctrlc Lighting Co: that tinassociation will no longer lie responsi-ble for the rent and lights for I'rancUMurphy ball nftcr October 1st. Thtrades peopl.i who have been In tillhabit of furnishing the hall hue alsobeen notified that pursuant to resolu-

tion passed nt the request of jourboard of directors, on the Tth Inst., giv-

ing your rlnb complete autonomy thatthe association will not be responsible!for an bills contracted by Club N'aI since September 1.

I am also Instructed to transmit toyou u copy of a resolution passed ntivcn date, together wltn an Inventoryof nil the portable property at theFrancis Murphy hall, owned by the as-

sociation, whlih gives Club No 1 tinundisputed rlgh to use the same untilcalled for for other purposes. Allother propel ty In the hall Is owned byA. V Clear and jou are nt liberty tomake any, arrangements with him forIts use that you may seo (It.

The action taken today by the trus-tees clears the way for Club No. 1 tomnko a permanent lease In Its ownright with A. V. flear for the hall forfour ears, and upon your request Inwriting the trustees will doubtless paa.1a resolution appropriating to Club No.I the amount expended In permanentfixtures, such as plumbing,wiring nnd fixtures, staging, etc.

On behalf of the association anil my-self I beg to convey, through nu toChili No, 1 our sincere congratulationsupon Its decision to assume the respon-sibilities of full autonomy and I feelcertain that many friends will bo rais-ed up to assist the dub, nnd further, I

beg to nssure the club of my person ilInterest In Its welfare nnd m willing-ness to assist It to tbo extent of myublllty consistent with my duty laother i tubs organized under our char-ter, I am, dear sir,

Most respectfully jours,ritANKI.IN II. AUSTIN,

President F. M '1 C AKept. 21. 1901

(COPY.)ttcsolved, That the furniture and

other property owned by the I'ranchMurphy Temperance Cluh Associationnnd now In Francis Murphy hull, In theWuvcrloy block. Honolulu, an Inven-tory of wblcli Is hereby appended, bltendeied to Francis Murphy Club No. 1

for their use until such time as It berequired by the assoc latlon for otheipurpose!,

W D. DANCHOFT.Secretary F M. T C .

No action was taken townid procuring the hall which, at the present time

'U being used by courtesy of I'innklliiAiihtln und W. D Ilaucinft



Takes the Life out of a Man.

Have You Got It?Newly otery man has Vuilrncpf"

moio or less Tim eWdcnen of It In

u swelling of the elns, a druggingsensation when standing, a pain In thehack, extreme nirousuesu, nnd u genernl exhnustloii of thn tiro and vitalitywhich Is the portion of outh Themnro thousnnds of "half-men,- niailo soby Varicocele.

Dr. McLaughlin's Electric BeltCures Vnrlcoeele, The ")i, Mcl.aiisliHn mi thod " used in treating this in.ilaily, allows no chance of failure Itcannot fnll lii tliousnnd say It eured them. So will jou Act today, useach day this disease Is snpplni, thexery blood out of )our body

I guniaiiten a euro If I t.u I nilcine I don't nsk r.tij onu to take(lmnc.es on my Invention It doom tcost ou nnthlng If I lull

If you nro tlrul of treatments that tall, I wiiut jou to study invplan, nnd when Sou tci how- - icuslhlo It Is, iiimii and ti It Call andseo thu new McLaughlin Ilel', and let mu explain how 1 cuie It oucan, or, if not, vvrlto for thu free book, telling about Varicocele

Dr. M. G. McLaughlin, SK:i:

jfc Bottle

Skfm of


B "The


Kvstflr nfntlilntrHtyvv ful afltr

f ft. AlVA . null tii?

SsssBsV l'r

DottleJatthe FmWlSHrcw cry. IT B7


MHwibkM.nii. Q(l


Hoffschlaeger Co., Ltd.

King Street, near Bethel.


Washington Sept 2 SccretarvWilton of the Agricultural Depa't-incu- t

Is eei ncthe In promoting tlviwelfaie of the American fanner. Th i

(lepiitment is now- - pawner partieulirattention to experiments to prodiuocotton of the quality of the Ktoptlanarticle by hybridizing It seems thatthe Cnlted States, while It expor'squantities of cotton each car, has l'lpurehaso about foity million pnuiicUof Kgptlan cotton The I3g)ptinn cot-to- n

ts necessary for some kinds ofcotton cloth, nnd consequently It coststhe I'nited States six millions ntdollars a ear to get It becretar'Wilson feels confident that expel- -

incuts which are being made by I)- -.

Webei under the ilhectlnn of Driflalloway of the Iluieau of Plant Inclustl) wilt be successful

I Tim Agricultural Dcpartim nt Is uls-- i

making a close study of soil coiidl,tlons and plant growth In almost nilol tne States The depaitnient Hmapping the most Important soils S'lns to teach the people what each soilwill most profitably produce. I3xplor-i- s

emplo)ed by the department ur.iIntroducing from all parts of the globe

egetuhles glasses, trees and uowuiswhich nre to be distributed in locali-ties which most resemble the conditionof the plficeti from which these expel

and Hint agriculture can immade far more profitable

1'nder the piesent Secretnry theIs making to he practical and thu

Information obtained Is of the great-est possible aluc to the fanners. Itteaches them scientific farming, nndns the farmers come more ami moreto understand the character and Importaneu of the Information made public hy the department, their conditionswill ImprcvH'. and farming will become-- ,

Il Is hoped, less hard, with the resultsmore eeitniii ami satlsfactoiy


Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets.Ml diugglsts refund the money if ittails to cure I. W. Orme's signatureis on each box, "5 cents.


HAWAIIAN TOBACCO-CO.- , Ltd.,Corner .Merchant find Nuunnu StM

iilwo HOTHL tT., opposite Bethel.

Grand OpeningCAMAR1NOS'

Gambrinus SaloonALAKBA ST., NBAR KING.

Everything Very Touching.Bciutlful garden scene containinc

and pineapples, Insi.le. hve-vboc- lv iiuited.

Evening Bulletin, 75c per month

From Coast Cold


Also and

FOR AT 1 he Booth,Central

It ill

allcoffee trees In full bearing, bananas


Metropolitan Meat Co.,LIMITRD.

Fresh Meats and Fishby Every Steamer

the that has Storage.

Poultry, Salmon



Choice Beef, Veal. Mutton,Lamb and Pork always


Metropolitan Market, King St., Tel. 45.Fishmarket, Telephone 379.

Market, Nuuanu St.. Telephone 104.



ASSETS, $27.I78i5-JO- .

Paid to Policy Holders since ihfio for Death Claims, Jn, 373, 4(9.6$For .MaturrJ Policies 7,507,638.27DivlJcnJs and Surrenders 13,699,134.37

Total 545,577,212.29

B M ETT M A Y,Manager for Hawaiian Island;. JUDD BUILDING.


CAPITAL STOCK $500tOOO.OO.The only Insurance company In the woild Issuing policies in both th

ENGLISH nnd CHINKSIC languages.Policies contain alt modern nchantnges of the endowment and otbor

forms issued hy the lending Amcrlca-- i companies.Coverned by the safest insurance) s J stems. The pioneer Chlneso-Amer- t

can company.TEL. MAIN 75.

HOME OFFICE. 301-30- Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, T. H.

Weekly Bulletin, $1.00 per year

TS.tfA7,:vJ;J;wi);i JSilfe 4L&the best in c f '

I seventy years 51(1 Kfff

i Cyrus MfSimi Noble llv"W

W. C. PEACOCK & CO., LTO.t Sole Agents

4-- ,1 il. iitl nan liTli dtaA.T"T



; frV

I 1?

f '




?; .:

I v.T


'WW9'Evening Bulletin

Published Every Day Except Sunday,at 210 King Street, Honolulu,

T. H.. by tho



Entered at the Pot Omce at Hono-Jul- u

as second-clas- s matter.



rB """'. i""" '" ; " "lunllck or the 'soyear, anywhere In S.... iallr(, n),8omiry ,,ar,j- - Rlnsl,

..13.00fKT J ear, pusiiuiu, iu cit,uPayable Invariably In advance.

Telephone .. .,Post OOlce 71S

Till ItSDAY nCTe'illEH .1 1901.

jliursinus menu in simmer jecto uiwne an ot us puiicirriiim so .

to tin run report or AUornewrucriKnox on the Humplues affair

So far as the public Is InformedUlsliop thaiclinrnrtir of Mr Ulsliop He.

onl) ordained pastor of It) le.ulvto ndmlt there can lie ant meritIn the Dole administrations protectionof sl,itr and legalized prostitutionn found In the Iwllil stockide

'-lte S Ulsliop sieks to

the nilsilnnnn workus ofHawaii In the lategor) the so- -

cjllid inlsslonan polltluil f.iitlon.This Judge llumphres was paitleiilnnot to do thus showing lie lllshopto be nsortlng to forms of --

Mutation which ntttnipts to slioul- -

dir off llumphiejs

Krnnils Muriihj leaes todaj withthe wlshis of nil among whom lit--

has libored Die Ilullitln In .ees tinMr. Murph has taken In Prank- -

lin Austin's mlstakis was unnecisiaiy

oflie of

I.Ik am hislo-- inker


Sereno thin

missionaries, Hcv,


llumphres Ce-

rent Re.lllrnm

Farker withPer 8.00



put' rialsnme




Kamennmeha.-anil- s


nits, their hoiiist



wlntfrom peach scion

bush sohed oppo- -






doing goodoften This

tuov- -

astra poimiaiorgnn

Murph work good llev. Sereno

nnd should solclj off,'r

errors thanAustin.










.nit- -

The Scnno ,l,a' "llu"K high names andIn The Krlni-I- . "u"Mt',t Tllls lontlnuntlon nnd hnochargis Judse with "mall, nn Judge llumphrejs senes and good clothea good

li.un.lon Attorne Oen- -

"Oh. thai there '" Judge Then will, rule lelbeen niablebetw.cn these with arms, both social

has. ''""J1 p,!,r- - rlih""""" ,l,e ,'1

hem unit upon La no boast of.

brltf withspeill ordeal down befoie those whom they

Ilosh ..'T!,'1'. I"''"'- - lannot enough

oigan of slando. make of e- l- that only And we often suihforms of 'i"."1 lin.ed of

"''" "as men. while In toth Icen-- i thcn?m,t "U rf""sll''tl- - great beiome stock of ll.elr

ultj and '"'x'' thfmthink thei could haw ilnni nlo know of of

better than paid repri scutumIlink was glM das 1"

to dissect n lungeH true tnut

f.o.llu Thill iltseinila.lt ofand leadtr the

was In when JudgiHmuplirija tiled lirlu nut

I'liur.ston was In

immuulrutluu Willi II;. u- -

Iimi suillilHiit n.oiiec uivtolls f and cause of Hint no nnd then

such answei might lit mndi- - of fnlso t,P"' Kie.it nbout com-I- n

llunket utter I'leted much

self ihlefUlshou know full

.!. .rf T.rrl.onntntilp iiniinrtuiiiti was ulento lodge brief

whole In detail liuj also knowHip muttilnl with wnlih they

could replj as bised...., I..I. Uolnn. lium.n.ln.


ritrtliernnci-o- f

praitlilng Illnglnm,




falsehoods comme.ilnl

the.thim.''ft competent



adupiat" enterprises,

Washington bungling,conspirator'



riomunjthini; nmlfuels liumilty,

hlne i.ilili- - r.iinithirty-iete- n

ami thel. ,nlH tniUtold hn.. with

Info. Attorplus ultui The p.esent

clnih thcuithin territory

nnd inthushstluilh tlie..ihuslniss mid Astcia-heln- e

mny seem, thissent whcreliv

could lln.lescape from told

die heen cast ditallheie nil that

was OnerulKnox rend nnd Inn that

is Imt


mull befoie vwia

hls",r- -

finds "mallrepieseiitatlon" part

follovvliiK exurptfioni

.ii.isupposed, thatfnitlon moinl fones loni

from the faitcontrolled by descen-

dants (nodthose with

who hy leasonuccupatlon Islands,gie.it and consccjucnt

element none themHiigngcd evangelicalbusiness Anton- -

Siem,the one

tbtnbllshcd, protectn andprotection

pio'stltutlon Islands, Intitulingpiostltutlon,

nttneks upon iiuidothis element,"

this gospel truth.efforl the

made Iliimplircjs

E, lllshop, makesstatement

are now Iniinedlalcl

sons Mivus.Illngham, lllshop, Emerson

nnd Parker" presumedIllshnp mention! il

IU 8 E Ill-h- hlniclf.nor one

S hasthe mimes Illngham,

1" V Damon, I"


Ing control Star ocr the nameand IndnlfcliiR In hitter

factlonnllsni These mm proudtlieli claim

the tirm nillon,ii) the tinethe elolU

good, not Iiiih meddlerstmllltri itpftnrxp nnd rpepllli

tl, fllU f respect due

for Ulsliop. If some one- sort a product '

result a on awill hne thnijou that

Uecrend S D D Is

E I) D


sa ItE

n lllshop son missionarynnd u dul Ap- -

not sttlsfled thon inlsionni's life nnd has

out liht way take p.ut hitterfnctlonil controersles usinghis pen and mind dedicatedfor ilnnd libels b the"so-inll- mlsslonarj faction"

inon llulliKti.uh nun fvar Ooil and good

does not hold the.able esticm .

bellcM--s Is WaI'1"'"' n noticeable hid turn out good.,lml n the cuts figure nil the"' mlsslonarlis with whom ns-- ) financier; goes by rule,

nnd ns far his text ns It Is""'" lonirou-rs- .

lioislble Nevutheless Mr. Neither shnder"nr ""' insertions Es as a whole Is a

one not Judged '' " "- - " sdnllllaIn moie formtr


ngalnst Mr,HH

Mr. thethe



the though

" " - ' ,. i.uum iii.il in im- nub

Heuiind E lllshon D wol,l,''1 "'"' "- -, bring a big

his Journal "1""",'l letter Introductionilumphros ittnck nine and

" 'trengthen theslander" The oigan Uie

slandtr lsh had the ) ns a leuthe Mainland and '''"-- ' hln to iclterate words open In nnd

the might " ' ' 1P 'hl ' c circles Mnnj theto his

' ' f.llls ",0,,t,on Iinlng nniestrj Incrushing for " the the through fall

"and Imgnasli Ill-h- and the '.., "' forthe l. J.

n not men' ,l"" " "''Ich wouldthought among oer the heads, ,lls rem"al- - l"" 'whlmnerlng so lacking ability as

ith thei

whom lllshop the Slander- - ..""1177

ti sntak' RE KlhllOP, D .TALKf. We some the Id,;

Hit e,

j n flu- -

whlth anil plj tollumphiejs bilcf Is not

A ktou tin!

inNslon.irks moe-mel- it

Sin Kruuilsiohis Is It

title this mmttlegrnphli i

k. nml to



the whole In tl.u whenas put lelmttal tnomi stat wo.ks were

the moiitli oi l.lm- - ments .M. Humph. seen

asand the Slanderer

.ll. this kuothnt to

ply aso.

Hint imlion








n.,v. . - .. -- . mpjKw,.,!, n,u ijHiimlon in tit niei)thliiK imnpe- - luitlon the nioinl forccH ..f tne coutint missionaries reslill.m

Why this i u when. the Islands, Imt the nut that tinnemheis of the It ir As. fnitlon Id controllid b the desccul

ilul accepted of the missionariesKan .mind h Thuiston the pen. !'"""' Intuinairleil

.nation supplied the ,e ri,a, tttuh al(, ,,)IIWIIL,nt i,,,!,',,,,,,(ieneiul us the .1 of somlKI

iiKUlnit JmlKf lliinipi.iejs Tim nilcsloiiar) element u.e none ofpeople were told ciiKased In ewiugi lie n I work, hut Idpe.itidl) political

nothliiit mlssliii: In the d IshluK It socalledmints Washingtonll.impl.iejR a loo)hole for

ieinonl. We weiethe had In in cryright In Honolulu nnd

foi Attorneyto he on il,

lluinplirt.ts a I ituhull sI.iiikIi.

.u uim iiuinu uir i !




this andn us nevi i

reeoid the -

Ileverend Hiieni. I)-

ilous the of

fliimpluo)R In thethu lu.lKe's

not derive Its numji.the

of the of the -

the but thothe

of the oilgTunl

them) have, ofof tho aiqiilreii

inllucuce,the of themlsslonaty of

In butpolltlial

ns lUUV

mlsslnniii)' In whichupholds the

InfamousIn the


Isnn refute

by tho


In In Honolulu

It Isthe refers to

nnjE. Ulsliop,

ofO. Emerson. 0. H


-- ad


the political

"f goaie or

In 1 hpimras,P

rt christianAs di-- 1

he enn directly

Is the nordiilnid

parentU he

of to Inpolitical


polltli.il sit on

in andto do

position Inhe

at old fogllu' he he

to of

he V

of of

f. '"ot er78

'" of


,' am

use s.e




,I',IKhe to was


.,,..1..hhut ot

or olfoi

soclntlon or oilglnul'"'

lie iiiuniherB too

of re- -



'"emirs or nev wm. ivimaiull0 n to enter

"l,,ro '" 8"',KP l""llc IIIJudge lluniphiexs or eonlnco Attnr-- Iney (lenernl Knox that has beenlioodwlukid They inn not nroduiethe eIderce. Pol- - If thnt thnv

the heading "Mlssiouaili V... .CM I ISon aiiiiiii. rent nutu ,or Tin- - I rlei.i s E d.d.dltoi hns tut- - lollowlug

Wo lme- - not regnnl d It as coni'iii;Into tho piovlnci- - or The I'.lcnd eipun- - and denouncu tin- - numiious mil

rj ndrolt nilsstatciueuU with wlilcnJudgi Milan, fl llu.npliri'js hei--piiici-ssfu- l deluding Attornc) C.eu- -

rui imiox. Jt a m laloi- -

in.,.. i iii ... . l ... ...

BIH fUhtlue foi his niliilnl life, n.nlT.v. ' " l.J'"'" 'm.,uo '".";'

" i""'. "'5 ..."".S'."" -- ?: "

u ,. ,... .. .....ni ,. '

foi h a slnudeious nilsieprestlilH- -

tlon as tho following, tu wlilc I. wo no ionllno uttentlou

"'"' mlhsliiniir li nieuf ',l.,u .. .. t .!..""'" l' ' umiiu, US II1IKIH III

mlsHlonar)' Is the one whimistulillslieil. protects upholdslurnmous IlluKal pioteitlon fpiohtltutlon n the Islands, Incliidlu,;child piostitutlou, and the most hlttiriittni been madethis element."

lltitililc) 'the sii ailed missionary element" ns coi.posu! of desi of original mis

mid those who Into.''....,,. ,...). ,.,, i ., ...

eniploM'il to a raro and exeop

la. Wico ft01" 'Kiiiinl outlay nl the Hawaiian llontd itjilssious, iiiuountlni; t lO.Ouu.eonu tt.oni tho pockits these men. Their

Klfts ll causes euni.otli sa llouiiuu.

'1'l;-'"- ' I" I'lobalilv illlTeieiiiii"'iitlment aniotiK these .ellgloui. milhinevoleut men wo.nin as to ilui!,., ,,., t Ml Humphrey as .

r pnlltlclun. Upon thu lull. I

lqumiion, until, has adopted as .iuonvenlent stalUli.g hoise. there U'runout; the in K.eat dlfferenco of oplu- -

Ion li lOiiselentloiihiiesH.portion of tin m with n g.eatbody tuiipornnio piople that

toluiatlonri"l'i'iiliv in diii, niu.ii'ii oi biothels. In n .;.

with toiinl conscleuthiiiBiios'?nun some ol ti.e best mid purestthese people, tl.n

legulatlon and niedlinl Inspettlonexisting here foi forty yems Is Indi.pinsnbhl tho widespreadmid destrlitlvH Infeitlou all

,U,.a nml rnrnlimoru l,vaim painful

it r without that tho LiferIs tho opinion of tho g.eatmass of tho lommunity noteonirolleil hy lellglous hintl.nii"There ale few persons heronot dctldo tho Idea that Mrpluoys Is In his tothat system of legiilatlnu I

tlon is o very dlllltuU oije for perso i.iicllglous and moral tultuie. We

hie and Inability replj llu- - pioplei-.lon- them lire eiiKaKed In ea-j- -

to believe that this nulliloua 'koIIciiI work, but in business mid jicroHd Is malicious, only .i lomhl. Iltlial affalis."nation of drlvilllni! or 'llieie me now Ininii dlately eiiKnK'U

They have been hi aten. ' ' evaiiK.dl.nl wink Honolulu slknoclcei, and du..d out on their i!irB,1l.0o7lS:.n.,:V l

accepted Kronnil The bcui ,Jl1(K ,.lllKl.r ih.UK.igiven, thej have had eve.) opportun-- 1 0f nilbsloiiarlis lire also employ.It to establish their claims .mil havd u In suih work.

falhd Not only The wealth mid Inllueiiio of i.ii.uy'thev luive been inUslonarles' sons In husi

lebukePhiceii on nation.,,

h. Ulsliop D.

his aftei-il.i- p chime ofon

bllefThe 'inlfcHlonntj

doesfiom Inclusion In

inunlty. of missionaries residing InIslauds. that

faction Isnilssloiiailes

who have Intcrmnriiedthnlr

wealthpresent members

mowuik, In

mid affairsihhillK It tills


and Illegal ilf

ihtld nnd most blttetinn Juno bien

Hvcry wind ofIn to chargo



"Tlure engag-

ed cMitiKcllcalof








termini of





lllshop envlpublic

less he'"'ll0









iimi in.lti- Ulsliop,


wo iiinstiler

.' '"lint rnii



and tiland

ks upon me have hi


ulomtrlcH have


or'nnniial sue .ivi'iiiko than




wit eenitil

of ill





who a.o

who i'iiHun

oppositionho eptes


lie-- in


have umtu



$. vwt. TOr''I" r J


hme olroait) illsciiKscd k In ourfor New York Independent, printednbo"

Tnc oi)Jtor has no special resoit-men- t

llutiiphrejR for repleacntlng him as n "lay preacher,well nddiess is "llu. S Klllsnop, 1). D." The scornful denomlnation of him as a "newnpripei eornispondent" may he answered 1y saylng that unnic fifty of nls nrtlcles hiv'he en pulillshi'd the last lightjoins In Tho Independent of NewYork.

I tlshop una legulnr t

for old Press.

for the isl- -


'" !t Ir faitlslderedno to

1) w,lho,lt

monthl nssur";


Hawaii,made defensh '"re.


lad hughlng




ttlegrnphli on Justice,

uf after



of nfTalis.






or'iIiib refuses

Undelnn- -











Knioi,s wlrk,.,lninthc.s

bellovo H)steii

tool clansi'S


















nml now writes for the Washington


Edltoi KwnlnR Uultctln 1 notlcejour rununcnts upon mj second letter.

and I beg to saj that 1 do not see how

site to the first llowccr, there mighthue bein some bitterness, unwitting-l- y

expressed In the first, ,as the writerhas had some unpleasent experiences,nnd knows what It Is to he rebuttedhj the ikh and to be si nt nnny emptyh iniled. when the collateral he heldwas as he had supposed, eipinl to anyof their own securities Hut peihnpi

on uiiw that In flnaiithil mattersthin - arc lertaln laws which gmcrnand grade all Minrltles, and b thesolaws some an- - considered good, amiothers bad.

It does not matter a straw that sonicof tlioe that aie consldeicd good oftenturn out bid And thoe that are con- -

the henins fall, nnd tho earth turnsiinnKrupt. nut we win pass tins, nndnjk If we are In other matters Ihltwup to the golden rule, and If c aredoing right hy our fellow man

Not so long ns north and meritstand dlsiegarded. nut while neitherworth in merit Is much regarded here.I' Is nn Ideal place, a crltable paradisefor the and sometlmi-- s fnrt.. . .ni. Tt,ni i. it n.. i.n. i....

onus in iionn.uiu wno seem in ininKI1ip linP Mtp utsdnm r.f Ihi. inula 1ml- r. -

so linking In thnt useful in tide, as tohe fooled .Ixht along hj some of theirfnwirlteH We kio men In high posltlons, scemlngh. for no nthe- - leasonthan that they mo friends or lelatltcto the power that he, becnuie thejaieSeotih. Irish oi Dutch o. foi somesuih reason We have feen agrliulmini. sis piaieii in einrge nr great in- -

nieihaiile put In ihnrge. .Just at thetime the ngrlcultuilst was niededT"p'- - a be wisdom In this, but wei.hi in see u

MIHIoiib of dollars lime hem wasted'" tills mnnnei b the Iniompeteiuyand Iguoiame of men who lime beenil.iml In positions of trust and respon

slhlllt) elmpl) bemuse the hud thepull

Now let n man mine hue no matterwhat hln ablllt mil be. If he Inn uuneif these IiIk minifn m litters, and withfew eveptlons he will niivei be d

and mlKht be hue twuiti i.usO" n life time befoie aniline wouldtliluk of iiilvaniliiK lilni.

In fait, lie would he link) If he watint i e huffed, am turned down If heshould nttemnt to iuIsh hliusilf abovehis NU.ioiiiullnKs Anil as to icielvInKK(m In I uttentlou lie might in wellthink of fljIiiK. bo long as lie has towork fo. his llvltm: even though heweie a vi'iltable Chesterfield In ninn-ne- is

mid knowledge. And there aremen that have been Item f i am thirtyto foitj jeais ngalnst whom nothinginn be said, that hnvii with one or twosingle eyiptlons. never b Invitation .

entered the hojiin of mivone . lib oran) one of mi) staudlug uud who havereceived the slightest coiirtes) oi fuvoifiom a ii) one of the residents of Hono- -'

lulu And now I would like to ask IfIt's aiiv wonihi that ilruuka.ils a.e so1

often wm on our stieets? that shIooimtirosper'' and that i.l.ne Is on the In- -'

ease? mid that the fund of the timetpoints downward'' i

I .cmalu, ) on ii, tiuly,WOUKMAN

llllo llnwnil, Sipt in. ,

The Altlbt I suppose, now, Shnkis-pim- e

would be grieved If he couldsee how we) have cut his play

The filth I think, Ml, llnmni, thatbe would, on the contrary, fiel grleved that )ou bad uot cut out the wholeof It. Huston Tiimslt

"No. we iiiiildn't have ou. usual rid"on Simdii) and we were so disap-pointed "

"What was the t.oublo?""Why, on. home got loose In the

night nnd ate up Ills best bnnnct."-Clevela- ud

Plain Denier.

For Sale at a SacrificeT V T"

LOT 59x150 planted with

fruit trees, 300 feet from

Wilder Avenue. : : : : :

Apply to


J. -- I .




LAMPSI'or Hiile b the


Thce Roods were orJered from advancesheets of the catalogue of the aboe manu-facturers, and are the latest In design andmechanism. : : s : :

Call early and make your selections.

Garden HoseIn addition to 'he toooo feet of Girden"How lately received, the ' Emily F. Whittie) " brought us to.coo ft, mere, malilnK

TWENTY THOUSAND FEBT.We hae all and our prices arelower tljan ever quoted In this market.

Pacific Hardware Co.,LIMITED.


Shipment of Good Young

MULESBroken to barneys, just riveiveJ i.i the

'OL MPIC," for sale at the low est figures.

G. SCHUMAN, LTD,Merchant Ktrcct, between Port nnd Alnken.

Pnul It. Incnberji,I'RcblDLNT.


C. Is.


an Jwhich cannot forthe Come k at goods If cannot

both in shall not to buy.


Itcpctiinln nestPhone 358.

River Street.

Derrick,MANAG1-R- .

We are showing verycarefully selected line of

ehiclts harness.HARNESS

we are selling at prices that be discounted anywheresame quality. and lor these we suit

you price and quality, we expect you








Is the Individual who tiles tofind gienter iiaiMlns In 'a,lI'uper than wo mo orfeilng ntthe piese.it time.

Oil. entile lino oi 1'iul goudsIs nrfered at tU !.! per lent'mdue tlon nml must be sold Inm...-dlati- ly

to mnkf loom fo. thoilegatit lino of liinj goods nowou the wit).

Our Art .Motive an nnd SI'.,Tnpistry effects foi the new seison will astonish the good peoiu tol tins lit).

tu corner of Liiiiiin.p. o. Box Bii.


Bet. Iteretunlii unci Pnuuhl.



Fine Carriages, Wagons and Trucks.Repair Work a Specialty.All orders promptly attended to.Only competent help employed.

Rubber Tires put on in Satisfactory Manner.Tel. Ulue S4I. P. O. llox 078.

Deer and Wine Deafen.

Ohaiyo SaloonKukul St., Near Nuuanu.


Gonsalves & Co.,' LIMITfcD.


22? Queen St., Honolulu. H. I.

The New

DEPOT SALOONopponltc the li. R. depot.


Ryan & DementAlso pronrletois of the popularENCORE SALOON.


MANUFACTURESGinger Beer, Birch Beer, Hire's RcotBeer, Cream Soda, Wild Cherry, Or-ange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Sarsana- -

Ilia, Vanilla Cream, Lemon, GingerAie, App.e fciaer, Pineapple, peaelChampagne, Orange Champagne, Kol .Champagne, Pear Champagne, Ciderand Soda Cocktails.

Mineral Waters Carlsbad, Cor.gress, Llthia, German Mineral Water,Seltzer, Vichy and Pure Distilled Wa-ter from the Barnstead Sill, Boston,fcr family and medical use a specialty.

Brews and Aerated Water, 50c perdoz. Distilled Water In dem-ijohns, 10c per gallon and 50c chargeon demijohn until returned.

KOMELIs steadily gro favor amongpioplo who uppi... u good things,and Is rnpldly becoming thu favoritefamily drink.



Soda Water Works Co., Ltd.Sole Agts for the Territory of Hawaii

Olllce nml Worki, Ml Poit nnd Al-len st loots.

Telephone No. 71 Main.Soda Wnter. ete.. delivered free to

nil pirts of the tit). Island orders sollclteii.

Opening Announcement!


WholesaleLiquor Dealers


All OrelcfH Promptly Filled.Telephone SII.


Members Stock mill llonclEcliunVe.


Particular attention given to pur-chase and tale ot Hawaiian SugarStock.

Loans Negotiated.Eastern anil Foreign Stocks and


403 Culltornla St... Sun FrnnclHCo, Cul.

W. C. ACHI & CO.

Brokers & Dealers

REAL ESTATEWe will Duy or Sell Real Estate in

all parts of the group.We will Sell Properties on Reason-

able Commissions.

3FFICE. 10 West Kino Streii

To Let op LeaseA Fine House and Lot

on the makal side of Beretanla streetbetween Pllkol and Keaumoku StThe house has several rooms and allmodern Improvements.







Architects, Contractors and Builders.

Edward R. Swain,ARCHITECT







Eitlmttts FumttlieJ P. O Do ito

Geo. V. Page. Tel. 229

P. W. Ucardslce. P 0. Box 778

BEARDSL.EE & PAGEArchitect! nnd Builders.

OOlce, Rooms Arlington Annex,Honolulu, T, II.

Sketches nnd Correct Estimates fur-nished on Short Notice.


Dealers in Lumber and Coal.

Allen Sr Robinson,Queen Street, Honolulu.


Jobbing promptly attended to.


To rear of old stand. Entrance onKing street. Orders left at either shopor office) at John Kott's store, Kingstreet, will receive prompt attention.


constantly arriving keeps ourestablishment always In thelead.


Your neighbor has told )o.inhout iib nnfl If )cfti haven't tlleady begun to trado with us)oii n.i- - wishing joii were.

We will not adveitlse sugar,iiinntd goods or cookies thisweik hceauso wo keep evet)- -

tlilng In tho grocery line, lintthe Inducements we offer arj



Lew is& COMPANY,

Leading Grocers.


tv. &

VERV HOTBut nioit people are not

worrying about It.

They just buy on of ourelesk up celling fnnsandkeep cool. That's wlnt youshould do. The cost Is very littleIn comparison to the amount ofcomfort you v. Ill Ret from them.THY ONL.

Prlcct- - DfcSKFANb, SIO.OOCblLIISG " 40.00

HawaiianElectric Co.,

Alnken Street,Telephone Aliiln UOO.

John R. Bergstrom,PIANO ANDORGAN TUNtili

Bergstrom Music Company' Telephone 321.


Has tho Rest Assortment of1'ACiriO ISLAND CURIOSIn the City.




'Johannis'The King of Natural Table Waters

A Nnturnl HpnrkltngWntcr hottlcel nt thetlOIIANNIS SPRINGS,ZoltluiUH, Germany.

The Favorite of New Yorkand London Society.

WUH selected hJUIIdlirilb the standardfrom nmonii the mlncrnlvwitcrH of the world by "TheLu.ldon Ltincct.' The hlgliCHtmctliciil nuthortty.

W. C. Peacock & Co.


Sole AgcntH.

Razors Honed and Set(it the

Hawaiian Hotel Barber Shop.FOR an CUNTS.


Coolness Comfort inFiercest of - Summer.

"arable"Is a mineral powder mixed waterIt being successfully all Islands.Estimates given for any iron roofs,

a small shed. Satisfactionfurther come in


2fPicturesFramedAt HomeWall, Nichols Co.,


GroceriesAT MAY'S


BECAU8B YOU GETthe n nil moHtwIioIchoiuc klndH thatt Ib possible to buy !

the klnilH tluit ensuregood health unii lonjjlife. It you lovelittle ones, show yourdevotion by purcluis-Inj- J

your groceries ut


H. May & Co., Ltd.,


Telephones 2, 24,

l. O. Bo USD




Hiipld Transit Co. on Hotel street, nearthe Y. M. C. A. a few days ugo, wan

In Police Court today. Attorneys Coirea and Crelghton appear-

ed for the defendant and Attorney V

It. Castle for tho Itapld Transit Co.

defendant was found guilty nnd

Ecntrnrcd to pay tine of 5 and icists.defeiiFo claimed the de-

fendant has as niuili light on the pun-H-e

streets as the Rapid Transitthe prosecution with tho

ritoit Ihnt the franchise granted tin(unipniiy gave them an oxclutdie lightto tho tracks.

testimony showeda little too far and bi

blocked the track of tho Itapld TransitCo. when thero wns no of ,hokind. He purposely stood In tlmof the linconilng electric car notwUuhtandMK tho the mntoiniunclanged the bell and did everything touttiatt the defendant's attention.


employs two of the most skillful andexperienced white baker In the cityto superintend their cake and breaddepartment. Everything clean, wholesome and sanitary. Only the verymaterial and flour for makingGluten, Rye, French, Home-mad- e andall other styles of Bread.Thirty Loaves of Bread for One Dollar.

Doughnuts, Snails,out at

Buns, etc.,a.m.

Cup Cakes and Lady Fingersout at a.m.

Jelly Rolls and Layers, FruitCake, out ai 8 a.m.

Custard, Squash and Pumpkinout at . . 9 a.m..r.

Lemon, Mince, Cranberry andFruit Pies out at 10 a.m.

Chocolate Eclairs and CreamPuffs out at 11 a.m.

Cookies and Macaroons out at 12 a.m.

Artistic Wedding Cakes any Price.

J. Oswald Lutted,AlANAGbR.

and theHeat -

dry with only.is ud over the

from a sugarmill to guaranteed.For particulars, and see the








There- - nrc lots of people ilci nut1'iiow how it Ib to preserve and

nine for hnmu attornment, the ninnynitlHtlc pUtuitu one comes nruiKKthose iluK. In Kline of lliu miiituzllieitone rcoh reproductions nf inc world'masterpieces, which mutinied andframed with kIufh nml binding um InrcocI tnste. fit ornament for nny urunIn house.

It Is easily done.

V bate ovcrythliiK neceiiwiry Inour Stationery Department. CompleteI'lisse-I'iiitou- t OutfltH of In-





That's all. .Mnybu joii'vo had It anthoilKht otl welt! Rett ItIK old. ASTAR PORUS PLASTER lliu moxtcurathe plaster matin will fix It alllight. Leave' It on a row days. A

iilltcli for lame back. for L'.'ie.


Hud colds nro plcutlltil. lleio's a

cuie, lint take It In PUTNAM'SCHERRY COUGH COMFORTrlfiht or a coiikIi seems to noHtiulKlit to the seat 'of trouble. On'i

kImh roller. Pleasant to tal"I'lc ami tide bottles.


'I'lieoe but days uro prodiietlu ollicudiiches. Tbero any leatio-- i

why yon should suffer when yon canget a speedy and euro In taUlin;one or the famous HEAD-EAS-

elcis. ThU'lu tho popular iuiih-tl-

In thou Ihlllliils; Sie box of twelveLines.

ilUls.roar i

6 AVC7.

M. Phillips & Co.Wholesale Importers and Jabbers.

.lir'obucung i.o t or" the European and American Goods



The that

andcame back

The that Dunwcllthat


fact that






with hook










Fort and Queen Sts.


General Commission Agents.

Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu,




neueinl IleportliiK anil Typewrltlus.Tel. Illuo Kill. Seronil lloor Kllte

liullillng.U a. m., BM5 p. in., or later by en-


ft yu;v" 'v1 y uj'wwEVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, H. T., THURSDAY, OCT. 3. 1901



Attempts Made in Former Times Op-

posed by Large City Popu-

lation Will be No

Opposition Now.

ChlcnRO. Sept. 20. A special tillpatch from Washington to llio Chron-icle follows!

The ConBrens will notonly tnl,o up the question of enartlima law to prohibit Immigration of

who ore suspected of beingaffiliated with nnaichUtie orsanlrri-lions- ,

lint will undoubtedly give con-sideration to the recommendation olthe department or Justice lor the en-

actment of n law; that will constltutin deadly nsfault upon- - tliu person ithe President of the I'nlteU States nticnson. Treason Is punishnble. bydeath.

The Immigration litin.au of th"Treasury Depnitmcnt has favoreddrastic regulations to prevent the ndmission or nuarchlsts. crlmlntiU andill other undesirable Immigrants froriI;unipe cer slnic Commissioner l'otv- -

ncrly was InMalle-- ns ltn chief. .Mrl'owderl'H recomtnendatloni to Con-gress on tills subject have been clearand unei)tilvoenl and had the Indorse


ment or the scrictnry or the Treasuryand the President.

Thu Congress mado antinsiKcessrul attempt to pa n bill In-

troduced by (lovcitior Stone ofthen a mvmbir r, the House

ot Itcpicbcntntlvi.'s, which was design.oil to piaco lertaln restriction upo.iImmigration. It was especially altuednt linmlgrnntH known to lw In cunllb-t- ,

not alone with the laws, litil the boltmoral sentiment of their nulve coun-tries. It also comprehended undesir-able characters of every station, ng:tators, radical socialists find men andwomen who hail not been tuuicht I 'Jread and write in their njit'vn longn .

This bill wns warmly advocated iwC'oinmlssloner Powdeily and tnoTreasury Department. It was chaniploned In the Senate by Loigaof .Massachusetts.

The bill railed of pascag becameof the opposition or the membersthe House representing elt distrlits.Ucpivsentntlie llartholdl or gt l.ouhwas the leader of the opposition.

Public opposition or the ','11 car.iealmost exclusively from tb" ' cltle..New oik, Chicago, Phllndeiiihla, St.I.ouls und other cienl ceuters of po:villation, which have a largu foreign

In their citizenship, wero tremendously proline In hnowerlng iielbtlons of protest upon Congress. TheiropiHisltfon was successful In forcingthe members of tlm House who represented city districts to follow the le'iof llartholdl and the bill was overwhelmingly defeated.

A similar measitie. or olio even ininvdrastic. Is certain to meet with anotherkind of reception by the, Fifty-sevent-h

Congress net winter. Tho tn.;edy ut Hurrah), precipitated by a nunwho mows lilniseb to ne n member oftho class of nt which thlegislation will bo aimed, has create 1

an overwhelming public sentiment InInior of the passage of a law that willxtliigulsb nnaichlstic organizations

mil sene as a protection for Presi-dents against the pistols and kulvi,of assnsklus.

Commissioner Powderlj will preparea special lepoit to Cougiess urging thenecessity ot immediate action on tillssubjeit. Tho Department of Justice,through Attorney Ccnernl Knox, willurge the passage of n law that willmake tilt urn assaults upon l'ieIdentstlenson, piuiishalile liy death. Opinions,n Washington ns to the necessity forlaws of this character Is prnctlca'lyunanimous. It Is belli-w.1- , moreov rthat. In tho light of the attempt t

murder the President by an tinnrchl-- tno nt ot Uepresentatlves or Senatorswill dare brave public sentiment livopposing the enactment of such lavs.

Ihe suggestion of the Tn asury De-partment, voiced by Assistant Seer"-tur-

Alles. that the secret eervlco beemaiged and empoweied to maintainespionage en or all peisons known lbo niiuriblsts Is meeting with cencraltaior.

iliv Department of Jiistico malu-tain- s

that the only sure way of stampIng out aniirciiy is by the enuctnieulof n statute by Congress which willSlio the courts unci execu-tive depnituivms nil necessary power to bring persons known to entertain anarchistic: lews to speedy Ju.t-tic-

In this connection the depart-ment nud Mr. rowderly agree that allpel sons not actual citizens of tho Unit-ed Stntes, who ale lound to bo alllll.it-i-

with iiniiichlsts, shall be taken Inhand and promptly deported, regardless or the length ol time they hawbeen In the country.

Senator of Maryland andSenator Scott or West Virginia havalready Indicated their purpose or

bills which will cover tiltKXlgencles created by this last ileiti- -

nnstiiitlon of iinaichlBtu. They wlMhaie nbiiiidaiiiii ol silppoit and )

npenillou tiom a large element In thollotfse. Their bills will be ready lorIntioduc Hon holme Congietu In dti?lime.

Hnlloraii has worked Ids way upfiom the ranks. Tho Immigrant with-out n penny to his name had heconiHat last u local politician of far renchlug pull, bad been advanced In theicu'iiclls, hdd dabbled successfully InWall street, had died of apoplexy andhad left a generous fortune to variousehailtles. Wherefore his tellow

elected to his memory n fountain,wh'ich. being In the classical style, wasdecorated with ninny tlgurru drcss.cdfi.r their perpetual ham minus thebathing suits. "An' Very fitting It Is,fjo," was the remark of one of thecity fathers, who like Hnlloraii hadcome from the Fmerald Isle. "Don'tyez kei that ut rlprlslnts tit tollmcwhen brave Tom had uury a shirt tohis luck." Philadelphia I'ium.

Kimriuli people tonmimo each fourinns ot coal a year: Ileli;lans Just .intier tlueo tons nnd (lerinaim only I ltons,


NVcnlc iVlunCUBCI) BV

Dr. Pierce's IZlectrltltoily llntttr)Awty w Ih D'UCK1 Intettlua'e. S.nJ lor "Booklet ln " Aitrrn

I'll.kCU l.l.CTk'IC CO.,020 ,M"kel it., S. P.


Notice to agents to grant marriagelicenses appears under New Today.

Nicely furnished rooms, PopularHouse, 1219 Fort St., $1.50 per week up.

Dr. J, Atcherlcy can be found at 313King street, next door to Opera House.See ad.

Oeo. Haffncr, the Jeweler, will remove on October 1 to 1113 MasonicTeniplc.

The postponed "nt home" of theKllohiina Art I.cigtie will be held onSaturday afternoon.

Harmony Lodge. I. O, O. P., silverannlveisary will be celebrated nt Mo-an- a

hotel on Saturday evening afternext, the 12th Inst.

The trustees of the Honolulu Athletic Club will hold a meeting tonlgntfor the election of new members nmli..e transaction of other Impoitant hol-iness.

Tho schooner Henry Wilson arrived yesterday from drays Harbor witha very large cargo of lumber. The tinsel Iclt hero about seven weeks agonnd made a quick trip.

Honolulu Photo Supply Co. has twogrades of Platlnotype photographic pa-

per, one grade being not much inoiocostly than velox and giving effectslike old etchings.

.1. M. Dowsett, executor under thewill of II. M. Stlllmnn. tenders his an- -

nual account showing icielpts of $i,IO.SI and p.iyments of $I.M.C, whichleave ,i balance of $189.16.

If the weather continues good th;alternoon. tho llnals In tho PaclhcTennis Club tournament will be fluIshed nnd the lleretnnla Tennis Clubtournament In singles started.

Don't foiget Camnrlno of the Cali-

fornia Fruit Market when uu wantfruit nnd vegetables, He always hason hand a fresh supply of both Cntlfoi-nh- i

and Island fruits. Telephone Main378.

Seven tenders were opened for con-

struction of the extension of the ItapldTransit Co.'s lines today. The llguieicould not be glien out and It was notceitaln If the contract would be award- -

ed this afternoon.The tegular monthly meeting of the

Catholic Ladles' Aid Society will leheld at the residence ur Mrs. John F.Howler. King stieel, totuoiiow after-noon. A social will follow the me-- "

Ing. to whleii all Catholic ladies ar-- -

cordially linltvd. Those not membi'lbate asked to tome, so ns to meet Hikehutch members.

Iw Hoffman, one of the bookkcepenof the city, was arrested this morningby Olllcer Muleltner. a complaint hav-

ing been made that the man wns in-

sane. Later on. Hoffman was examin-ed and found Insane. Thereupon, ho

was sent to the Insane Asylum h)Judge Dickey.

The meeting between Agncw and Fo;for a sparring match for points onThursday next will come utT without adoubt. The match Is to take place Inthe club rooms cm King street, oppn-fil- e

the O. It. & L. depot, llotli menlimp been doing a lot of outdoor aswell as Indoor work. Agncw does hisrunning up the Punchbowl road whileFox does his out on I.lllha street.Neither man will have any excuses tooffer ns far as condition Is concerned,when (hey meet on October 10.


The O.ihu Association of Ministersheld their annual meeting In Knwala-ha- u

chinch jesterday. S. K Kaai.iwas chosen moderator and Po.il. scribe.The"repoits of Hie churches represent-ed were read. As a whole, they wciv

eiy favorable. A committee wns ap-

pointed to bring in it solutions and re-

pent later on the death of Itev Mr,Walamau. Liter on, the committee re

ported back lesolutloiis which wi-i-

idoptcd.A committee consisting of the fid

towing was appointed to picp.ire a litcrary program for the next nieetln;of the association to be held In thnspring. O. P, Fmeison. O. II. titillckund Po.il. The addresses to be madxal that time will consist largely In

Instruction In vat lous topics.There was a discussion of the theo-

logical school In the city and candidates for admission. At l o'clock, theassociation adjourned to meet again at2 o'clock today, jit wnl:li time thesubject of ct angelical work In theInlands will he taken up. .

Dr. Hartley addiessed Ihe assochilion on the work of the Anti-Saloo- n



Joe (irltlci. a laborer working on tlmdemolition of the Hall building ruins,fell from the sidewalk on the Kingsticet side Into the basement at ISo'clock today. He cut his head some-what ami sprained his ankle. Whilebeing renioveil In the polite pntiol wa-

gon lo the (linen's Hospital he screamed with pain, and nystnudcis comment-ed on what lluy deemed his louglihandling. Wonl from tho hospital Isthat (Irlllo's Injuries are not serious.


M. I'.ilmnarry, k fur the uso11.' lliu I.'.', tun iitfi sumo Burl ufbir.ull limit th.it could lie Htincil uwuyon liiiiinl In sui'h it manner as tn octupy but llnlf bimi'p, cciiicclvrcl tinIrteii uf finploylnK fur tlir tinrposp oneof the nJr matri'bae'H used for lylnnupon, nml, after a numlier of experlme'iits. stiiTC-riiri- l In iIpvIsIiik a Ri'nulnboat capalilp of easily currylnt; twomen anil rlKsliiB. The mattirs. afterlielni; inllateil. forma the liottom nf aant lio.it nf strntiK canvas. The hoat ItmancMiirri'il throiiKh a paclille, tho cen-ter of which Ih rotmeil of a tube Inwhich enitaite the two hl.itli's. thinpeunlttliiK tlie whole tn be iirraniteil Irn tuii.ill space. This hunt iniittrers majbe imed In a senernl way upon trani- -Atlantic or upon other ships, where IImay lie employed as an ordinary mattren for slceplnit purpose and bopluct'il all mounted upon beds tn lieunt Hpi'lne mattrcspes In Htatfronnta. Inthin way, the passeiiKerH will liae Itat their disposal In ciifo of daiiKer amimay use It as a lifeboat. It mUlit HKe.wise ho iiK-i- by explorers as an onllmiry mi t tress for sleeplni; upoa. .

Scicntlftc American.

You Have a Family free

sssssssssssssssssssssstw8hoc Tree

expect toluiveIn sluipc.

The ''Roster" Tree Is the best, easy to

insert or withdraw, saves the feet fromcorns or bunions, saves the shoes.

$1.00A PAIR,




Ladies' Colored Shirt WaistsAt One Half Their Value

We are overstocked with Wnists,tnJ must dNpose of our pre.sent stockin to make room for our immenseamount ot just received by theMariposa. We promise yen extraord-inary values in this stle and assure youthat you will not be disappointed

to see us. : : : :

nedTjctions AS IOI.LOWS :

l:i'cnch Zephyr In Pink, IJlue nnd Itlnck unciWhite Stripes, from $2.it5 to $I.CiO.

Chumhry In niirruw stripes, VJ.00 nnd I.'IHto I.OO.

All our Lnvvn Wnists, I. SO nnd I. '." to 75c.Chnmhry embroidered front. U.00 re-

duced toChnmhry In solid colors, Pink nnd Itltic. tucked

front nnd buck, from to I.OO.

One lot of Striped Lnvvn to II Oc.

Bed SpreadsOne ense IttO lied Sprencls, rejjiilnr I.1I5 utility on snle

this week ut 1.00 ench.

You Saved Money Last Time You

Came to One of Our Sales ;

You Can Do It Again Now.

Pacific Import Co., Ltd.PROGRESS BLOCK, FORT ST.





SsL-.b4s-r '.''"'"''If

M(opiNe I v.


Unit would be 11 (trace1 to any lieiiis,JtiHt opi'iii-- by us, nml um vvultln);tor to 1011)11 to Hi'i' tlieiii. If youliaveii t 11 nice itri'Hwr i' went insee thusi). beciuiHii ou cun't help lill)iiik one when you Know how conve.ulent tliey inc.

ih wood lormid wei have

that will sliluii uboiu nny In town andnt low pricea.

'i would lll.e to cull (Jour

This brnneli Ih a wry onoto you unci to us.We make anything older and

ficiui any Mattressesof hair mid wo sell them lor hair-- -no cheap niUtillc. I'lllows stuned,loiicheH made, etc.





J. &The Dcnlcrn.

Kini; .uul Bethel Streets,


Fine Ice Cream and Water Ices.and

Mil n 'h LunchThe best In the city: 3p.u1,

Itut If you htivc'nt (i

you ennnever

i out shoes







reducedWnists with


Wnistsreduced it.OO

Wnists reduced













HOPP CO.,Lcmllnii PuiMiltiii'c



Chocolates Conftttlon.








Wc Will HC

Crepe Tissue Papers10 II 10 Cl'.NTK Hlnivlcpoll, up $1 fop 11 elocurolls. Alliciiloi'H theHume price, t 1 t 1

All the l.atcKtItuoliH In Mock

Golden RuleBAZAAR

,'lill Poet Street.

Blank books of all sorts, ledgers, etc.manufactured by the llullctiu Publish-ing Co.

J. H. FISHER& Company,

Stock and Bond Brokers.




Offices Stangenwatdchant street.

Bldg., Mar


Honolulu, October l, ?:r

NAMD OF STOCK JjfJ 2 Bti Aiktl


tt. Brewtr ft Cntrpany. Low.vx loo .,,, .tII S S.tM DO.Co.fi 6o,n too lcL II. Kerr t Co., UJ . too,o.o V-


Ewa Plantation Co... 5,000.000 o ts iHHamoa f'lantatlonCo . t1)jm loo ..,HawallanAcrlcutturalCc t.ooo.ooo! 100 . ...HawallanCom.&Su Co. i.ita.Tjo) loo.Hawaiian SuKar Co . . 1,000,000 ao rfH .....Honomu Sugar Co Yso.000 too: lrHonokaaSuear Co ltooo,ooo aolHa'kuSugarCo joo,oool loo1Katiuku Plantation Co soo.0001 to' a) v5

KlhtlPlantCo.ltJ, 11.050.000 50! ...Kllahulu Sujar Co . . 160.000J 10c . ... tioKoloaSucarCo yx,ono! toojKona Suear Co.. at Soc,ouoi looMeter) JeSu Co ,L4.a I litr.500 fa. . 1i

" " ' pittpl 1.650,0101 toNaMkuSusCo LtJail to)

fit,? ... ao'Oatiil Surar Co . l.(or,cno tool . . iUnomaa uearCo, ,,000,000 to.Ookala Sjear Plan Co ;oo,ono aoi .... ttOlaabu. Co.. LlJ .all lis.000 10 titOlaa SuCoLtJ, pi ur--f t 500,000 ao tahOlowalu Coirrany 150.0m tooPaaunau Su. plan. Co 5.000,000 yjPacific Suear Milt ... 500000 too. . tijPala Plantation Co T5o,ouu' too...... 145Prptckco Suear Co tso.ouo tooPioneer Mill Co ff.e50.00n 10,Pioneer Mill Co. Attet 500000 too . .

Walalui Aer. Co., 4,500.000 too 4,14Walluku Suear Co. Too,ouo. too . . . 553Walmanalo Sural Co 151,000 tooWllme a Mill Co .... It J.000 too

MISCFLLANEOUS.T der Steam.Mn Co 500,000! too' in,,""!,'"i ' 500,000 too otla.rallan fclev,c Co 150,00 too.....Hon. Rapll T.St tanlCol so,ono loo

Mutual Telernon Co . 1 1900 to I . ...Oanu Ry si lanl Co t.ooo.ooo, too . tooPeople'! let k R t'r Co' 150.000 too

BANKS.First National Bank ,,.Flr1tA.SU1nkM.ro I.... ... u.itBONDS.Hawallantiov percent t.... S1HlloH. R.Co.ormenl ,H1I0 R. R.Co, 6prcent laoIon. haplj Ttantll 0iEw Plantat n 6 per ctml ioiuOahu Rot lanl to. pre .,', ..Oahu Plantation 6 p eOlaa Plantation 6 pc.Walalua Aerlcul, t p c toiH


Halstead & Go;Stock andBond Brokers.

Money Advancedon Suga. Securities

407 Fort StreetMembers HonoluluStockand Bond Exchange.


Stock and Bond Broker

Member of Honolulu Stock Exchange

Orders lor the purchase or sale of stxkiana bonJjcarefullyanJ promptly execute.!.

Loans negotiated.


Ground Flour, JudJ BullJInr-I'ostoflic- e

Box 390. telephone Ifjg.HONOLULU.

Judd & CompanyLimited.




Ottlcr No, 307 StatiRenwnld butldlnr.Honolulu. T. II. T. O. box 7.'

Tel. T13 Main.

n-- .t ttvStv v- -


Valenciennes, Applique, Swiss.Nainsook and all over Embroid-

ery. Real Terchon all ovetl.iccin black and white, newestdesigns and finest quality. A

big choice at - - -

E. W. Jordan's10 POUT 8TIJEET.


- JK V. . "Mt ,t,fil6t-w- . 4taM t tiaiW










Plumbert, Etc.


75 and 70 King StreetTELEPHONE NO. 31.

NOW Is tho tline to get leaks andbreakages seen to, nntl jour

Roofs Put in Order.By competent workmen.

The Plumber's Strike

Is over, and I am again preparedto do Plumbing, Sewering andSheet Iron Work as heretofore.

, Estimates furnished... Work-

manship ana material guaran-teed.

m .

fJ8S IN Otto i.yStore, Bertanla Near Emma St.

1el White 3571.



Galvanized Iron Skylights and VentilatorMetal Rooflnc.

Conductor Pips and Gutter Work.fflrbari Strut, tft. Queen ini MfTChtnt sonolutu

Jobb it prenHly atifet.d Is.Tel. White 41 P. O. Box j7o.

Notice lo Property Owners.

1 have In mv employ FOUR FIRST-CLAS-

PLUMBbRS from the Coast. I amnow ready to figure on vour work at thelowest prices My men are Union Men.

Give me a tr al.C. II. BROWN,

rtrrltnrv Stables. King St.


Albert R. Cunha' ATTORNEY AT LAW.


308 Stanjjenwald BuildingTfcUPHONE-AU- IS 81.

W. Anstin Whiting,

W. J. Robinson,


Removed 'to Room 306, Judd Building


Office Bethel St., Near the Postofflce.

Telephone to All Parts of the Island.



Horses and CarriagesFor Excursions

To the Volcano or the Mountains.

An excellent chance Is offered fortourists to

SEB THE COUNTRY.Carriages neet the S. S. Mauna Loa

at Kallua and take passengers overlandto Hookena, where the steamer Is metagain.

ICEManufactured from PureDistilled Water

Delivered free to any part ofcity by enurteous drivers.

Oahfl Ice and Electric Co.KBWALOcL. BLUE 3151


Just Receiveda New Lot of . . .

Key West and

DomesticCigars 1

Beaver Lunch RoomsH. J. NOLTE.

F. W. Thrum,Surveyor


TEL. .MAIN 04.

Mrs. H. ti. WilliamsArt Embroidery and Stamping.Full line of Art Materials : : :

Art Embroidery Taught : : :

Love Building. Fort StreetTEL. MAIN 149.




ICP Housn GOODSRtctlvtd by Eiry Stcaatr,


Ji mi . 'I




WEAK DIGESTIONInJlRest.on anJ Dyrepsla....... ..

have vrec'tJII... II. I- .....t. ....4.i iiuny ne5 rruyie wnu ajc wmh

' m'seiable hoiilJ know that health wo I

rrlurn f the Jleestlon vv ere inaJe norma .Tl.t- - l.,.t !, lltl,, U..t..Storcnch Hitters brlnM about. It cureMnnuilitntlnH ItlHAIIuMauu.votmncHHi liver unci Idilney troulv

i les, and proJuces vjuni sleep. It willmake you well. See that our prlvntcrevenue Ktmnp covers the nek of thebottle.


Troubles. BITTERS

Surgeons, Physicians and Dentists.


Dr. Archibald N. Sinclair.OFFICES TEtEOHONESi

Rooms tci-t- OriiCF, Main. tit.Boston Bciinia kHIDtNCI,Font Smtt Wniie, ii.

HOURS ti A m tO I. P.M ito t P. l . 1 to p" O Box lot Mnv ,,., p m

Dr. F. J. Rayner,I


Crown and BridgeSpecialist.

HO"RS q TO i.' 3Q4 Boston Block.

Dr. Albert E. NicholsDliNTIST.

1154 Alakea Street.Office Hours D to 4

A. C. WALL, D.D.S.

G. E. WALL, D.D.S.


Love Building. Fort Street.Hour. 9 to t. Telephone. 434


llr. J. Ateherley lias removed kl nt.nil- - from 70S lint stieet to 343 Kins'Mivi'i. uexi 10 upeiu House.

Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. ni.Residence, Kallhl.

Tel. Blue 1231.Office Tel. White 1371.

Dr. W. H. JonesM.R.C.V.S., M.V. M.A., ondon.

Veterinary Surgeon.

OFFICE Hotel StablesatRESIDENCE "The California," Em-m- a

street 191C-3-

Dr. Wm. G. Rogers,

SURGLON AND SPECIALIST. ofEye, Ear, Nose and Throat Exclusively

REMOVED to new olllce, 114G Ala-Ke- a

Street, opp. nrwallan Hotel.Hours. 9 to 12, 3 to 5.3U, 7 to S; Sun-

days, 9 to 11. at




Ingrowing Nails


ARLINGTONHotel Street.

(ZSS on




Chinese and Japanese Firms.


Fine English and American Goods

TWO STORES05 Hotel street, andHotel near Nuuanu

i O Box;Hi. TEL-- xiti o;

CLEANING!LaJtci iklrt c!eanJ, Clottilngcltanti, 4J an4 repalrrJ.

Suits maie toedfr.Fit giuranteta Lontpke.

TIM WOFurl trtt, titit Kukul, andDtir Orititum rttlrr.

Hflcts Clranlog ont lull, 7jc,Dftlnt lull U 11


Peary Has

North S ilncy. C. H Sept. 13. TheArctic steamship Erik from Cape e,

Kllesmere l.nml, reached thispert today. K embody on board il

til . We lift Mr. Pinry at itcrschelHay Camp on August 29. He had suc-

ceeded In loundlng the nuithcrn limitof the Gieciiland archipelago, the mostnortheily known land In the world,piuuably the most noitherly land, lie.... . . ..... ..I...... .. Meiecis in gpenci me ftinier hi i. apnSabine nnd push north toward the pole

..... .....i.,..'" ,,,v THhMr. Peniy lenihed the Windward nt

Payer Harbor on which we, his family,had been for eight months ImprisonedIn the Ice. at dawn on May C. lie enmoJust ns lie did to the Kite, nine earsbefoicfrom his Inland Ice march. Foreight months Ignorant of each other'piesenre, we had been within 2o0 mileof each other. Mr. I'eary nt Koit Conger and at his meat caches fifty mileswest In the I.nkc Kenzen country amithe Windward and our patty at PaverHarbor, a mile or so south of Cape S.ibine, where we vvpre finally stoppedat the end of August. 11)00.

.Mr. 1'carj brought us first news ofhis great innrch of n year before whichtook him over the mot northerly landof the globe to the highest l.ttltiideever gained by nn American, nlong anunknown coast 1C0 miles beyond Lock-wood- 's

farthest north. Mr. I'earyfinally and accurately defined the nor-thern coast of (Jreenland, nil the waymind to Independence Hay, where ho

had planted his country's flag nineeurs before.Mr. Peary, with Matt and five Esqui-

maux, left ntnh on April in. 1D0O andon May S, having In the meantime,cent back In parties of two each, fourof the natives, opened I.ockwood's. fur-thest north l!3 deg. 30 mln. 25 sec.)calm of 1SS2 and substituting nintterof his own, pushed forward with Hen-so- n

and the other Ksn.ulninux, to S3deg. 39 mln., where ho found that thetoast tinned sharply to the eastward.Striking out due noith from this pointfor the pole, he was able to ndvancebut a short distance to S3 deg. lit) mln.,before he met the moving disintegratedpaik, a mass of broken lie nnd openwnter, which made fill titer progress Inthut direction Impossible.

Returning to the land he resumedhis eastern march nlong the coast nndcontinued It until nt about S3 deg. X.25 deg. V. he recognized the loftyheadland, vvhlib In IS02 he had seenfrom Nuvy Cliff at the head of

Hay. Theie he tested fortwo dajs. waiting .n vain for fog tolift nnd reveal further features of landand sen. but unfavorable conditionslontiniilng he laid his homewardcouise alonij the outward traik nndarrived n( Port Conger on June 15 withmen nnd dogs In good condition.

Mr. Peary Bends full and carefullydetailed charts of his newly dlxcoveiedcountry to the Peary Arctic Club withthP KMiniPat.M., that nnnin.n.lnt.,n ,

"" ""'",h,,,,v "mpuhlliatlon be deferred until romple- -Hon of his work and nturn home

The new mast shows marked i bangothe r.irthest north and the bold

headlands and deep ords ,e succeed- -

' --" -n;evidences a lontlnenfal term nnlcoast. The likeness of this fiieenlandiiust , that of arlnnell Innd vve.t

Cape lleila Is marked and pointstle.irly to slmllnr londltlons of land


and sen mid suggests that It Is me littoral of the true Arctic basin

Musk oxen, hear, lemming nnd hamvveie Killed and n wolf seen and filed

In the new country nnd Indications

llg of his conni mi Ills private signal and the

names of the Pcnry Arctic Club mem-l,- n

her, timlpr uline fltienbiA. !, .. .i. i .- . uuojiiia iiir iv Kwas prosecutid. Temperature of thoJourney ranged from 40 cleg, to 20 deg.above.

The remainder of 1900 nnd the (listof 1901 vveie spent Mr. Peary,

wnu oit Conger as base. In prepara-tion for his advance on the pole bywaj of Ilccln, the only temnlnliiiavailable route. Tne start from Con- -ficr. with the s.mic made

April 15. exactly year nnni theof the south Oreenland ex- -


Northern Greenlandpcdltlon. but ten das In the field

that mm and dogs vveic notIt) lit condition, and that It would beliii7Mi(loii8 If not hopelecs to pioceed.Mi. Peniy therefore decided to returnto Kort Conger and begin liiimidlatelywoik on nn expedition for the springof 1902, his first step being n tripsouthwntd to learn If possible; what hemight depend on. regarding the nnxll-In- ij

ships of Kmio mid Hull.l'our busy months followed. The

Windward bloke nut of the lie on July3 and nfter month's successful workIn Inglefleld Gulf among the walrus,of vvblrh 123 were killed and landednt llrumt Island, was Joined on Au-gust t by the Erik, the auxiliary olli'OI. The total walrus score of bothships In ISO, or about ninety tons offood for men nnd dogs, which, withmeat and skins of forty deer, are

available for next spring's woik.Mr. Peniy has established bis

for the winter nt Pa.ver har-bor, where the Windward was lie.bound. Heavy Ice fiom Kane riaslnpi evented the Erik from reaching thunew ,mf' "nil after four d.i.vs of vainand arduous effort. .Mr. Peary and bisparty. Including his faithful Ksqiilmoswith their lighter vveie dis-

embarked nt a temporary camp In Her-sih- el

Ray. ten miles south, on Aug. 29,whence he expects In n few weeks totransfer all to his permanent base notmore than ten miles distant.

The Windward, with Messrs. steinnnd Wormbath as passengers. Is following us. but neither shin had nemof the 1'iam.

Our winter on the Windward wasmonotonous, but comfortable, our told-os- l.

being but 40 degiees below. Oncohe had n close call by 'rafting' lie,threatening to dilvc the Windward onthe rocks, hut the ship righted heiselfon the next tide. So icrlous Illness,accident or mishap of any kind has be-fallen nny of the patties In the Heldor on ship, and my husband, ut ourpalling nt Herschel Hay Camp on Aug.29 vvns In the best of health and fullof confidence that he will succeed Inthe task wbli li be has sot for himselffor next spring. .My purpose now U torejoin him In the Wlnilw.ird at CapeSabine in August nAt and return withhim to tbu State?.

Josni'HiNi; ninuiTscii peart.Mr. Peniy's letter to H. I.. Rrldgnun.

President of the Peary Antic Club,Mrs. I'tary refers to. It, iu ps.-- ;

h follows:"Conger, April 4. 1901.

"My Dear IWdgman.-- - It clvis'mosi cat pleasur' to present to the dulllb,, results of the work of lonn- -

"1. The rounding of tne i.ortUrnlimit of the Cieenlnnd ar.'hlpi lug, . Himost northern known land In theworld, probably the most northeilyland.

2. The hlglict t latitude yet attainedin I lift Unelovn hnniltiiliiiHn El .1

l" " ... ' !C lil'tflfC'K,ou nortii),

..a. Thp l1otermnaton of lp or ,, IUe b0.tfled , ' ,

v"btP) ctc"rnnslderlnf. ti.ii i .Zy uZ

Ktali. I feel that this was doing tolrr- -

"1 If"' ILl.? "...

,,,,,,. soutliein'extremrty of t " epelngo, nnd from that time Norwe..."'gians. Dutch. Danes. Swedes, Kngllsli-me-

Scotchmen and Americans haveciepi gradually northward up Itssnoies. until, at last, through the

nnd liberality of the club,Its northern has

second In Imnortance nnlv in ii n.tnlnment iif the Pole Itself should fall

1P cl08,n(? j.enr of l,u y.do not rapture the Pole Itself In this

spring's campaign. I shall try It agalunext spilng.

"My gratitude nnd respects to all thomembers of the club.

"Alwnjs most sincerely. PEARY"Dr. De drlcht takes this letter south!

to be sent by natives to Cape York,tin nee by whaler to the British Consulnt nny civilized port." '

Mr. Peary also sends to tho club acomplete unci detailed chart of his

coast and other work.

f anlnu, life isolated p.obably of' the" ArV. ccape

1.1 7n Xcliftedy.

outIMi.theri, ltll..d.s. In'm,were abundant. finK tnat tllIs Cv4"

placed:::hi '"'- -" "V Sir Clement, MarkhanTas


month bya


fmce. vvusa








St, Paul J'lonttr Press.



General Obedience to Orders for Abat

ing of Nuisances Work

of District Inspectors

Last Month.

C, H. Tracy, clt,v sanitary ufllier,fm September; building nppll-lutlu-

n reived. .u, of which 35 vveiauppiovcd, Applli.itlons held by thisollke S. and bj the Survey depaitmeut,i. Applications of luontlunppioved 32,

Cesspools located during tho mouth,15.

liulldlngs altered or moved so as tolouform to the Euultniy lobulations of,the Hoard of Health, II.

Inspections bcfoie, during and nflelbuilding lr,s.

Inspections for sanitary reasons, 372.CtrtlHiutes for hattil, restaurant of

lodglug house llienses applied for, 29,of which 22 were Issued and 7 held forsanitary work to, be finished. Pom '

llienses were Issued on previous nppll-- 1

cations. Number of adults which canby law be lodged In thcbu buildings .

licensed, li;iSeveu formal coniplaluts have been'

(lied and live have leeu Investigatedami the nuisances abated. Of the othertwo jne Is being abated and theuthr was found to b groundless.

Ten notices have been serv-ed iiud all but one acionmlliberi theirpurpose. One has not yet expired.Three arrests have been made. TheHist two piefcued to do what was re-- 1

quired and vveic released. The third, anative caught dumping garbage In thestreet w,n leprlmanded and dlscharg-- icd.

Several notices to connect to thopublic ssteni have been served.Two builders wltltout permits hava '

been otdercd to get permlU.The city Sanitary officer calls atten-

tion to n pond near Wilder avenue andPllkol street, wnlch Is a menaie to thopublic health. Asilulnnt Superinten-dent of Public Works Campbell prom-ised to All the pond but had uot donsfo.

At yesterday's meeting of the Hoardof Health the pond was condemned nsa r.iilar.ie on Mr. Tracy s report.

Reports of sanltaiy Inspectors forSeptember show the fallowing totalresults, being hoiiso Improvements or-

dered and finished, together with num-ber of Inspections made In each dis-

trictJ.ia B. Oorman. district No 1. il

Ivi: finished, 431; Inspections,1085.

A O. Hltcluock, district No. 2. Or-dered "9; finished, 57; Inspections,43C

II. P Incobson, district No. 3. Or-dered, ;;?; finished, 50."; old ordersfinished, 12: Inspections, 1012.

VI vk haves, district No. I. Ordered.CO"; finished. 173; old ordeis finished,33; lnpectlons, 1201).

T. V. Carroll, district No. Ofdeied. 7o.': flnlslied. Old; old ordersfinished, 20: Insiiectlons. 1530.

J. W, Francis, district No. fi. Order-cd- .101; finished. 3CS; old orders finish-

ed, ICS, Inspections. 1C2J.

Kvery Day Affords New Proofs of thepecullai effects of PAIN-KII.I.K- Incases where a disordered condition of.ho stomach, liver and bowels Is com-bined with great debility, nervousweakness, and Intense melancholy, IUelfecth aro most beneficial and wonder-ful. It should be kept by every family.Avoid substitutes, theie la lint onePaln-Kllle- r. Peny Davis'. Price 25c audi50c.

"W-l- l. sub." lejolued the Colonel. "Ishall havo to ask jou to call It some-thing else. I have tiled It, sufi"Chicago Tilbune,

New York, Sept. 20. Tho Paris edi-

tion of tli..- - Heiald publishes mlilttloii.ildclalli lomernlug the latest Smash olthe nlrshlp of M. Santos Dumaiit TheHi raid ia:

M. Santos Dumoitt's balloon had 1niusli up M. Santos Dumont's des

tiny appeals to be success followed byn,,M.,r., 111... I"" ' ''4 .Jul l.i, August S, mid September , t

,,,a: 'i1! r,; - '

good, luckI In his'!


attempt the chancesseemed eutliely In his favor, therevns no wind and the steeinble balloon


the ho

the the"" f" ""c "l "'" i""u me

)"" niaiuiiB cue rraillO clAcle'station, he classed without

unci iiieiieuvereci inr nnwith over the at

Eveiythlng wellbo dcslied, M.

uiont devote dayhis aeronautic reserv-

ing horn to making n call In thoat a In Hols for

hrcitkf.itt.Hut he was stopped n wholly

cause. infiniteslifter observing that the

petroleum was working Ir-

regularly, he remained nearof raco couise In order to have aplace for coming to the In tho

of motof stopping.As friends gathered In a group

at one of race couise he direct-ed his course aid them ask them

When n rooiIlicer

for n unlii'iit it isSclililr. liciT. A

knows thu val-

ue of purity.Ask himliow germs

affect beer anil howill till you that fewstomachs can digestthem, lie will sayat once that impurebeer is

You will know thenuhv we brew

under such rigid precautions whveven filter the airlhaltouches it; why wefilter the beer, thensterilie every bottle.

If you knew whatwe know and what

knowsabout beer, you, too,would insist onSohlitz.

Mnctnrlune A Co . I.ttl .21 Kunhumnnu St.. Honolulu.Call tor the Moulin,:.


Ptitronlx HomeIndustry

An article which has tcoJ severetests, jn be furnishedas wanteJ, In good condition.

Sample can be seenat the store of



Hole Agent.



ArtistIn PuHtcIs

CrayonsWater Golorsnnd


SulM-ri- l fur thelM'J.LKTJX, oul.y per unuuiu.

to come nearer the center. At thismoment, wheeling roundgreat like nn automobile whentinning the coiner of a street, the bal-

loon was driven against biimo hightrees. Its lover brushed the branchesslightly, but enough to cause mischief.In nil Instant It was In ribbons nnd, An,,, tin. n. lu U'lO ....1.1m' ' '"l""" ' " " tuuirle"f "f hydrogen.Thn i,0.,rii,,r .i, ,.ii,, i ,i,.z-- u

Kr01""'' '"'' "'"""""1gtnn.llng In the cur uninjured. In thoml'Ut. of splluteis of wood and stilpv()f toln nd a ,,,,,, we)) f , ,

allll wireMuih vexed in lenllty at tho loss of

tho vast nmoiuit of damage torover, nn.l mnlii... un,,l.i l

several weeks to repair. Moreover, hisworkmen vveie greatly worn bytheir assiduous toll ever slncrr lastMay. and days are becoming sofew and far between that the completed success reasonably reckoned uponthis ear Is seilnusly

Nevertheless the aeronaut, whosepeiseverame Is object of admira-tion of nil who mo nblo to appieclateIt, forgetting the strain upon himself,will continue to puisuo his entcrpilseand will set patiently to work to

his directly thoVI Is repaired, provid-

ed conditions nreIn October, or In No

vember. When arrives he willperhaps seek under n milder climatethe conditions of temperature neces-sary for his experiment.



c'l'ti.tnor!" i,a"f",8t,"t"1"""

,!,,,'v iim in peuecc snnpe All the condl- - hl new balloon, constructed with sothing so long and patiently for much lare, but to all purposes

to combined. The aeio- - crt, Mi Santog I)llmont Bnook ,,,,mint passed tho night nt the pavilion ,,, his friends, who sunounded thep close to balloon car and told them regretted abovohouse to take advantage Qf the early au tho delay which this catustiophomorning hours and favorable ion-- , would Involvo In for


the Selnouimuiuijr injur

perfect success course'went as

ns iinild and Santos Du- -decided to the entire

to experiments,two

car restamunt the

fromInsignificant For some

motorthe tenter


event thohisend the

tow to

ihy-siein- n





your physician



and which

Lewers Cooke,





when ntsliced



dono the






the atmosphericeven








--rnAgents, Brokers and Jabbers,


OFFICERS!H. P. DAMJWIN PresidentJ. II. CASTI.D 1st Ylce PresidentW. M, ALEXANDER.... 2nd Vice PresJ. P. COOKD TreasurerW. O. SMITH SecretaryOEO. 11. CAIITEU Auditor

Sugar Factors and

-- Commission Agents


Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co.Haiku Sugar Company.Pala Plantation Company.N'ahlkti Sugar Company.Klhel Plantation Company.Hawaiian 'Sugar Company.Kahulul Itallroad Company.


Tie California and Oriental S. S. a.

W.G. Irwin &GaLimitod

AGENTS FORWestern Sugar Refinery Company of

8an Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Works of Phlla- -

dclphla, Pa., U. S. A.Newell Universal Mill Co. (National

Cano Shredder), New York, U. S. A.N. Ohlandt & Cos Chemical Fertll- -

Izer8.Alex. Cross & Sons' high-grad- e Fertil-

izers for Cano and Coffee.Reed's Steam Pipe Covering.

ALSO OFFER FOR SALE:Parafflne Paint Co.'s P. & B. Paints and

Papers; Lucol and Linseed Oil,raw and boiled,

Indurlne (a cold-wat- paint), la whitand colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andBricks.


HONOLULU.Commission Merchant;


The Ewa Plantation Co.The Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd.The Kohala Sugar Co,Tho Walamca Sugar Mill Co.The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis. MaTho Standard Oil Co.The Geo. F. Blake Steam Pumps.Weston's Centrifugals.The New England Life. Insurance Co.

of Boston.The Etna FIro Ins. Co. of Hartford,

Conn,The Alliance Assurance Co. of London.




New England Mutual Life In-surance Co. of Boston.

tna Fire Insurance Compartof Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED.)

Wm. G. Irwin. .President nnd ManagerClans Spreckels Vice PresidentW. M. Glffard.. Second lce PresidentII. M. Wnltney, Jr....Treas. and Sec.Geo. J. Ross '. .Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Comrnlsalon AgentsAGENTO OF THE

Oceanic Steamship Co.OF SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.

C. BREWER 100., LTD- -Queen Street, Honolulu, T. H.

ts iorHawaiian Agricultural Co., Ookala

Sugar Plant. Co., Onomca Sugar Co.,Honomu Sucar Co.. Walluku Sump r.nMnkee r.gar Co., Haleakala Ranch Co.,Tho Planters' Lino of San Francisco,Packet; Chas. Bervvcr & Co.'s Line ofBoston Packets.

LIST OF OFFICERS.C. M.' Cooke. President? Run.n

Robertson. Manairer: E. F. nishrmTreasurer and Secretary; Col. w. p

Allen, Auditor; P. C. Jones, H.and Geo. R, Carter, Director.

TlBToDHaiitt-yoDDCfl,Li- u

Importers andCommissionMerchants mH


The Lancashire Insurance Co.Tho Galolso Insurance Co.Union Gas Englno Co.Domestic Sewing Machine, Etc.

Bruce CartwrightGenernl Manager of


Of the United States for the Ha-waiian ffllnmla.

Office, : Merchant St. ; Honolulu.

'iPf v W'' rrr"'

Lines of

, j "; -H. T..

Oceanic Steamship CompanyTIME TABLE

The steamers of this line villi arrive and leave this port as hereunder:mOM SAN FltANCISCO.


Local iJoat.



In connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the agents are il

to Issue, to Intending passengers, coupon through tickets oy any rail-road from San Francisco to nil points in the United States, and from NewYork by any steamship line to all European ports.


Wm. 6. Irwin & Co., Ltd.GENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC S. S. CO.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha

Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu andleave this port on or about the dates below mentioned.






Canadian-Australia- n Royal MailSttiumMhlp Company.

Steamers of the above line, running In connection wit., the CANADI-AN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. between Vancouver. U. C. and Sydney. N.S.iW.and calling at Victoria, I). C, Honolulu and Drisbane, are DUE AT HONO-LULU on or about the dntes below stated, lz.:From Vancouver anu Victoria, B. C. rom Sydney and Brisbane.

(For Urlsbano and Sydney.) (For Victoria and Vnncouver, D. C.)AORANOl OCT. 2ii MOANA OCT. 23MOANA NOV. 2.1 MIOWERA NOV. 20MIOWERA DEC. 21 AOnANGI DEC. IK

MOANA JAN. 15Through Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada. United States nnd

Europe. For Freight nnd Pnssaga t'.iid all general Information, apply to

H.Davles&Co.,Ltd Gen'IA&ente.

American-Hawaiia- n S. S. Co.DIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN


6. S.AMERICAN, 6,000 tons, Sailed.6. S.HAWAIIAN, 6.000 tons, to sail to sail Oct. 15.

S. S. CALIFORNIA, 6,000 tons, sailed from NEW YORK June 16; willtsad at PUQET SOUND about SEPT. 1 for HAWAIIAN PORTS.

Freight received at Company')) wharf, 42nd Street, South Drooltljo, atall times. For further partlculais, apply to

C. P. MORSB,General Frelnht Agent. H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd.


Bisiaess Men

Can SaveMany Honrs


San Francisco-Portla- nd



Only THREE DAYS to Chicago.Only FOUR DAYS to New York.

Pullman Palace Sleepers. Buffet, Smok-ing and Library Curs, with BarberShop and Pleasant Rending nooma.

Dining Cars (MealsFree Reclining Chairs.Pullman Ordinary Sleepers.

J H. LOTH not', General Agent.135 Third street, Portland, Oregon.

D W. HITCHCOCK. General Agent.No. 1 Montgomery St., San FranclBco.

X L. LOMAX, O. P. & T. A.,1472 Omaha, Nebraska.

Honolulu Rapid Transit

and Land Company.

School Children's Tickets

Hnlffaic school chlldten's ticketsrray be purchased fiom tho conductingon the cais, or nt the company's olllceon Ala pal Btieet. These will bo goodfor tho tiausportntlon of school chil-dren up to 17 years of age In golnto and coming fiom school, betweenthe hours of "'30 and 9:20 a. 111., an--

1 ami 2:30 p. in. on regular schoolday s.

C. C. Ballcntyne.1938-- in J'Kr-H- - '' '' L'";

Wilder's Steamship Company




Tbe Evening Uulletln, 75 cents permonth.





Local Doat.







Is transmitting messages to all theIslands of the group except Kauai.MINIMUM RATE 18 $3.

Honolulu Office, 315 Fort St.

Below Mcrchunt.

TBL., MAIN 131.Messenger will call for v our message

If desired.

Hawaiian Tramway's Time


Cr It avt Wiikikl lor town at s 4), 6.ij. 6 4S A M.an4 every i) mlnjtct therctdtr tt I 1041, iiJm and11 49P m. from Waiklklgo tuihe Punihou Stibtct.

Cart leat R Ring or I'awaa whcti lor town at5 ha M. and every 15 minutes thirrafter till n ofcP.M

Cart leave fort and Kins Href t corner lor Pa am aat 6 10 am. and etery i) mlnutei after till 11 tjK.m.

Cars leave for Pa la ma only at 1 and j.jo a m.Lart leave Ha a ma tor Walkikl s 4j A m and every

15 mlnuttf till 9i)HH, then at to i) and 10 4 h.mThen 11 pm from Pat ma lor Punahou only goesto Walkikl on SaturJai.

Car leae Fort and Ki- n- ttrrett corner lot HltleRarge at 5 iu and 1 u A M

Cars leave tort and King streets corner for WalkiklatoojA M. and every ij minutei tlliioojP.M then at10 y "4 11.05c m. The ii.jjHM goi to Walkiklon Saturdays only,BERETAMA STREET AM) T'JUANU VALLFVCars leave Punihou Stab! I. Tuun Hi i nJ

lor Town and Valley at 3 40 3 jo o 90 6 40 t andf 13 A.M.

Cars leave Oahj College lor towi. id Valley at6 10 6 jo and t.io A M and ever) 10 mil. es till 10 10p.m. ecepi uie even nour anj iuii, nour cars menrun from tit Stable,

Carsleave Nuuanu Valley at 6 to 6 jo 6 50 A M andevery 10 minutes thereafter till 10 50 ( m

Cart leave Tort and Queen streets for PunahouI at 0 oj 0 j 0 45 A M ana every 10 minutes'after till 9 4) P.M After that tho cars run to the

Mabio up to 1. sop, M. which is the last tar frou Town,reaching the Stable at ii.jqpm.


1'iom and alter January 1, 1899.


(OulwarJ) .x. bun DAILY l Sun mm DAIIYA.M AM. A . .m I'M.

Honolulu T 10 0 'C no-lif'e.rl Clly 8 ) 918 40 ill llI Mill Ml 10 8 I. M

W.l.nx. . lo loW lllu. . H UK.hukk . .. If ItSTATIONS HAIIY

(Inw.rJ) ex Sun llllCt llIL DAinAM AM ai I'm

Kihuku " " ','8W.I.Iuj 6 loW.lan4 ... t loI;4 Mill T

J 'earl City 'ti 6 oi lO 4

tlunolu'u 8 !

F C. SMITH. C.en'l Pass. & Ticket Agt.G. V. U1.NISON, Superintendent

The Hawaiian Realty and

Maturity Co., Ltd.

General Agents for

The New Hampshire Fire Insurancer.n. of Manchester, N. H.

ASSETS $3,367,026 27

Dealers In Real Estate. Loan!, Mort-

gages nnd Etc.

Ofllce, 3! King St.,

Over Castle & Cooke's.

Phone, Main 141. P. O. Ilox. 2C2.


Claus Spreekels. Wm. G. Irwin

Claus Spreekels & Co.


San Francisco Agents The Ne-vada National Ilanl; of San Francisco.

San Francisco The Nevada Na-tional Dank of San Francisco.

London The Union Dank ol Lon-don. Ltd.

New York American Exchange Na-tional Rank.

Chicago Merchants' National Bank.Paris Credit Lyonnals.Berlin Dresdner Rank.Hongkong and Yokohama Hong

Ranking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Rank

of New Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Dank of

Drltlsh North America.Deposits received. Loans made in

approved security. Commercial andTravelers' Credits Issued. Rills of Ex-change bought and sold.Collections Promptly Accounted For.

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Travelers'Letter of Credit itted, nvnilablein all the principal cities of theworld.

Interest allowed after July 1,1S0S, on fixed deposits 7 daynotice 2 per cent. (thi form willnot hear intcu- -t unlc-- s it remainstimlUtitilicil for on month), .!

month I) per cent., 0 month: 3 2

per cent, 12 months 4 per cent.

Pioneer Building and Loan


A8SETS, JUNE 3j, 1901, C,04;.37.

Money loaned on approved security.A Saving Rank for monthly depositsHouses built on the monthly Install-

ment plan.Twentj-thlre- l Series of Stock la now

opened.OFFICERS .1. L. MrLian.

A. A. Wilder. Vice President:C. II. dray, Treasurer: A. V Gear,Secietary.

DIRECTORS J. L. Mcl. r.n A.A. Wilder, A. V. dear. C. U Gray,J. 1). Holt. A. W. Keerh. J. A Lyle.Jr.. J. M. Little, U. S Ito.vd.

A. V. GEAR.Secretary

Olllce Hours: 12.301 30 ji tii

bishop & co."

Savings BankS.ivlncH nennItr: will lie

received nnd Interest allowed by thoRank at four and one-ha- lf je--r centper annum.

Printed copies of the Rules and Reg-

ulations may be obtained on applica-tion.

Office at bank building on Mcr buntstreet.


The Yokohama Special BankLIMIThD.

Subscribed rnpltnl Ven H 000,000

I'ald I'p Capital Yen IMOO.OOO

Itcsered Kund Yen t.310.000Head Ofllce, Yokohama

The Hank bus and receives for collection Hills of Hxchnnge, lssuet Draftsnnd Letters of Credit, and traumctbn general banking business.iNTimnsT AM.ovn

On IU.J IVrnvIt lor it montti.. 4 r.r cirl aOn Kix.d l).(,ill lur 6 ' iHOn i Ixrl utu.lt for i ' i

llranch of the Yokohama Specie flank.New Republic Bid., Ill King Street



Instruments Filed for Record Oc'aber 2, 1901.

A, J I.opes Chang Hong Keo...L.M. P. Robinson ct al. Puna Sug

Co lK. Amara et al. Oaluf Ry. & L.

Co R.W.II. Gorman and wile First Am.

Saw & Tr. Co Mi..Illshop & Co. E Wan Sang RolHo Leong et al. Sing Wo & Co....

Co.PWong Kwal Hong Knl US. Parker t.iong Kail Chew I

Recorded September 23, 1901.Kaliulul Ralltoad Co. to Dan

Young, lease; portion lots 7, S and J.Kahulul lots, Kaliulul, Maul; fl )eatant $15(1. Rook 22S. pagu 133. UateJSeptember 17. 1901.

I'e Kaheletait to Walmanato Sugi."Company: lease; II. P. 935, Kul. S33.1.Wnlmanalo. KoolaupoKo, Oaliu; Uyears at IX Rook 224. page 13S. Dil-ti- l

September 2, 1901.J. Klmo tri Waliuanaln Sugar di.j

lease: II. P. 9B0 (or 853), Kul. 23 IT.R. P. 3i;:i. Kul. 2tl5, R. P. iju, Kul70S8, Walmanalo, KoolaupoKo, Oalm.in years nt $10. Hook 228, page 1.14.Dated September 2. i90l.

Gay & Robinson to A. II Kamii:.-hclw-

lease: It. P. MIT flnnh.i'Kalalau, Kauat, 5 years at $10. Rook

22S. page 135. Dated beptomher ,,law.

Gay & Robinson to Mol.o Mnkunul:lease, It. P. 2117, Opulua, Kalalait,Kauai; 5 years at sin. Rook 228, pas-- j

135. Dated September 7, 1901..1. Kalnl. trustee, to Mlnamlnn (w,

Jeaso; R. P. 2713. Kul. :S11.Lahalna. Maul; 11 years at $X

Rook 22S, pa go 133. Dated Augu.tH. 1901.

Godfrey Jlrown, trustee, et nl. toUnion Mill Company; lease; portionIt. P. 2741. Puehuehu. Kohala.

o years' at J90. Rook 228, pagMHO. Dated September Hi, 19W.

Recoroed September 26, 1901.I.ec III Knlp and wife to Carlos A

Long; deeu; R. I 4375. Kul. 99. Kuumakaptll. Honolulu. Oaliu: $2u amimortgage. $3500. Rook 22. page I7.J.Dated September 2U, 1901.

Nnhlkll.ua and husband et nl. to A-lbert Trask; deed: Ap. 3. R. P. 4 IT.portion Kul. S559. Knllhl. Ilonoliiii.Oaliu. $1. Rook 225, page 313. IMmJuno 15. 1901.

Alexandci Lazarus to Cecil llrowu.trusteo: mortgage; Grant 3517, Punchbowl slope, Honolulu, Oaliu: JM"i.Rook 227. page 131. Dated Seniumher 25, 19M

W. ('. . trustee, ami wife etnl. to Albeit It. Cunlia; deed; lots 57und 58, Keklo tract. Honolulu, Onliu.

850. Rook 223, pngo 4'i!. Dated Au-gust 21. 190i

V. I'lltchclf and vltc to Olaa Sitg-i- r

Company; deed. Grant IJirti. Oku,Piinn. Ilnwall, $IS5u. Ilcioli 223, pal4(1. Dated September 14. Hum.

Mis. .uiu In P SlnuiH to Joe Duart.';chattel mortgage; one hoiso and iUcattle; $150. Hook 227. pagu 133.liated August 30, 19U1.

Washington Kaimlola to MaryChang Kim et al.; deed; portion It. P..15'I9, Kul. 730. Knumnl.apllf. Honolulu.Oahu: $"jUU. Hook 225, page 310 Dat-ed September 23, 1901.

Sen Going Dredge.The suction drudgn foi

tho Southwest Pass of the .Mljnlh-.li- )

pi river, uhlrh was described bred)'in our issue of September 5, will bebuilt by Wm. It. Trigg A: Co.. of Rich-mond, Vn. The pumping nia"hlnuivfor this dredge will be rurnlilu-- bytho Rucyrus Co.. of South Mllnriiket,Wis., nnd will consist of two 20I111I1tingle suction centrifugal dredgiugpumps with direct compound condol-ing engines and the' necessary Inci-dental dredgiug outfit. This dredgewill be tho largest and most complei-- j

hin going dredge which has jet bu-- i

built for tint United States Govern-ment. It Is moreover the Mint scag)Ing hopper dieilge which the Governineut has puichasud with steel lui'lmid twin screw. The dimension otthis hull will be, over all 271 1 2 Sw .

molded beam 47 leet. molded iluii23 feet. She will have u hopper

of about 20U cubic- - vanls. Tiepropelling engines will bo compound(Club lining with 20 Inch 4

nnd lux:W-lnr- stioke. In otnei phjects the dredge will bo a rompMo

ship, with extensive cabinnuommodatloiis for olllcers and 1 rewund with complete eleitile light outl1.:.bho will steam nt the rate of not leithan ten Knots per hour. I;ngineenni;News.

A stniy has got Into tpe that Hon.Gamaliel llradtord, after promising theMassachusetts Democratic state commlttee a check for $13011 the day afterhe gets the Joful tidings of his nomi-

nation foi the genernorshlp, proceed-

ed to explain hy he didn't offer alniger coiilrlbiitlon. "The lest of thomoney," he Is quoted as s.ilng, "Iwant to spend mslf." The stoiy Is

rirdlble. He said a neck ago that hecould make u dollar go nun h furtherIn the campaign mid get mm li betterreturns from It than the committee.IH.i faith In Cniiiiillel Hiadfoid amiprli.tci'H Ink Is unbounded, bis faithIn onlliiaij o,i in pa Ik n methods Is

Mrietly limited We nwill oiiispIwh ofthe opiiortunlty to teliuke a flippant

chap "b" thinks It funny toenll this earnest patllot the "duns etplisldluiu" of the(nbby Cam.illel That's no u) to

(nk of a gentleman of Mr. Ili.nl-foul'- s

jeais ami dlstlni thins Hurtle id Courant,


7 ; e i.m. , - -- - J"i rji :. niiuw17iriMiiB'jit&'?srj -- c- v..vj ytm iT7'nriw.w " a ,? sm.''JiBMow Ynrk Trlhtlnt




Speeches By Dr. Hartley, Rev. W.

D. Westervelt and Theo. Richards

Temperance Leader

Wa3 Eulogized.

I'lanels Murphy was glen a heartyfareucll at Murphy Hall last eenltu.theie bring present a large number r.cthose Interested In temperance workIn the city. On the platform villiJlr. Murphy weie l)r. Hartley. Thej.Klc hards. Moses Nal.ulnn mid ltn. W.I). Vesterelt.

The meeting ns opened b Itev. VI) Vesterelt. ttho made a brief

In which he spotce of the ti tillenee for good that had come aboutthiougli the work or the tempcranrleader. In concluding, he express!ins regiet nl Mr Murptiy s

Mr. Itlchards followed with n rewnppioprlate lemniks. Dr. Ilartl-- yspoke at some length i elating 'llaexperlr-tice- s with Mr. Murphy on theirI trout trip to title. I)r. Hartley exprosseil the wish that the temperane.rleader would lslt the Inlands ngaln.

Mr. Murphy then spoke. In pan anfollows:

"I don't know- - what I shall say aftorthe eloquent eulogies that hae boonpionoiinced oer me. but they were allfull of kindnesses and I am fond ctkindness. I think It Is a great medi-cine. I am greatly Indebted to you rorsajiug goodbye to me as I am aboutlo take my departure from these Islanils In the beautiful Pacific. It hasbeen n gteat experience to mo. t didnot think I sltould stop licit, but ut'ermeeting Dr. Kincald he sugge-ste- th.'ta. series or temperance meetings hiarranged, and so they were. We didIbis In the hope that we would ul'imen lo soberni'ss. Win men. That'a great thing to do. You hae got tnwin them, oti hne got lo obtainthe man's consent, same as ntt do agirl's when oil want to marry hnr.Ko many pop the nuestlon to n mmto sign the pledge before he wants toYou hae got to persuade a man tnmake him lorsake a habit. There Is

ery little success. I think, withoutthis method of leaching men with'malice toward none and with charityfor all.' I have been trying In mvhumble way to get men to resin 'tthis and their families, and their conntty. and their (led It Is true. I hu4hud great success, but I have hadgieat help I bale done wry tittlemself, I am nstonlshed msclf litthe wondeirul Increase Hint Clod hitchen to me. When on eonie to planta kernel nt corn and get tluec earsfrom It, Jim know something nr tn.'generosity of noil. So men with smallgifts who ciuiseerntu' their Hies to cgreat purpose will bale great resul- to Ihemsehes most of all

"I waul to extend my giateful thanksto the ministers or this city, nnd Dthe public press, who haw been a unitill Hie support ot this incitement. I

owe my gratelul thanks to the publl"press nl Ameilcn. Hi ci) where It hasbeen n great help to me. You rannnldo without the public- - press. It Isgreat torce. If ou lin.e not the puti-ll- e

press with ou. J oil will do a pihor work and obtain small results; butwith the help of the press, ou willsucceed. I have received the mosthearty help from the press of Hon'i-lulu- ,

and am truly gratelul."We bine got an organization liuro-the- y

call It a Miiiphy organization,'i hat's a cieat name, ain't it? Tliat'4n gieat name to put onto It I hopiCod will bless It. I am tully persuadndthat gospel tempeiaui'e Is li successThe inin of this club hne asked uiutrie use or ill) name to go with It. midI hope It will not be stained by anymlsi undue t on their part, and I don'tludleu It will 1 hnw- - nothing but m;name- - I hue the distinguished lnmn'of being a poor man, alter many optoitunltlfs to he rli h. I would sooneidie than hn.c it stain on my name. I

ran get along without an thing I

bale got except my name. My wifeund children think a great deal of It.I. am sine that these gentlemuii whoare banded together understand nwcud know just wlinl my heart's desltiIs. and will be can-fil- l of my name nndtite It to belli them. When oil milka bad use or anything ou will get Intotrouble I want to say here that tinmost generous men I hao ever seenan.' In these Islands. I hae not se"itheir like anywhere- - else III the Unite 1

States. It Is tor you tn bo graturitl tothese genet oils men and women, ithink this soile-t- will get nal gener-ous support fiiini these Christians. Youmust gliu an account or the moneyj nil reeeit and what you do with Itir j on. don't, j on don't get nuy moremoney. Nobody. I hope. Is going tocollet t innne tor theli own usii thaiwon't do, We must lime an account-ing for eieiy penny for tills work, nul1 hope and Hust )im will keep youbooks (illicit, and uu tlmu uny ouuwants to see oiir books, )ou e"inshow them. That's whole ou are go

line to siKii-ed- . This Is n to, civ hall.but somewhat expensive. I'erhaps n'i1ought to get a cheaper placo. loumust bale money lor It. It's u ease nl

I'don't get man led until oit get arage.' Wo want to be honest uc I

Hue, efiy one of us.I liuicr taken paitleiilar pains 'i

associate myself with these men, em I

find them titio nnd correct In nil theirdealings, and hope they will succeeduud c .ti ry foiwuid this wink, and purhaps I will be bad; again I Inu.ilii-e- lnsplied by the beauty of thiscity. I hope Mr. Hartley will slice eed.1 thank Mr. Wostenelt for his aid.and I hope Professor lllehards will bopiesldcut of this association. You willbe n great blessing to thesu mull her.They haio had u haul time, limy wuntlluoiigh a stoim, but we will 'let tintdead past limy Its dead,' and ait iotho present only. The best of busi-ness men are all delighted with tinv.oil, The newspaper men hae be'Mlenthusiastic, I want to thank M.'.Nakiilna. You have been a glenMiend of ouis and with the Hawallaiu,nud 1 want to thank nil of theiu foi thework they lime done lor me.

"I um homesick and am going homtfind lie Willi ou until we meet againNow Hint we are to separate m heriIs sad because I sluill not see thetudear ll lends again. Hod bless on allus they liuie Messed me III this hoUwork '

' Old Helni.i iii.u ry a high mindedm. in. the way she always tuld sheshould""

"Yes, the managed to catch an 4S- -

l trouuim l." Philadelphia Uulletlu.

m r" '.I ill -- h4Bm' aBl s

v vV i. ', ttaf ft VTJPKTi!



Located In the Famous Coalinga OilFields of California.

Proven oil lands, completely sur-rounded by as rich oil pioducltig wellsas there arc In the State, leldlng fromJU to 23fi barrels per day.

Conttact prices lor oil at the Con.Inga wells, Tu cents per barrel.

With twenty-fil- e producing wells ofIt'ii banels each tier day, you canmake our own calculation as topiotlts.

The oil Industry of California Is inits Infancy, yet many tortunes havebeen made by Judicious and lucky In-

vestments In oil stock. Many morowill be made in the near future.

Tho aieiage advance nu oilgliialsales of oil stock In twenty leadingcompanies In California has beenfrom 1 to lies per share.

Oil lanih) have advanced from fl.Zoto $1,000 nnd U'.OOn per acre

When the Pacific Union Oil Company has a number of producing wellson Its property, its Btocic win navetbe same show ror even a greater ad-

vance, as some oil stock has advatiii'dfrom $1 to 1.5i0 per share.

The Pacllle Union Oil Company nasno salaried officers, and Is controllr--by well known gentlemen of Integrity,who wl 11 see tnnt the money derivedfrom the sale of stock will be legltl- -

mately applied to the development ofits nronertv.

lor further information appiy io i.II riSlimt & CO.. Stock nnd llondUrokers, and Hawaiian agents for thosale or n limited amount ot PactncITnliin Oil Company stock, htnngeii- -

wald building, Merchant street.19H: litno

Business Notices.


No person Is allowed to inter ortiespnss on the premises ot Hie nildersigneil, situate at Moalialua, Kon.i.Oahu nrter ! p in., without permlsslim All fiiuiul thereon nttei saidtime nightly will lie lireisc-- iiteti i

the full limit of the lawinn; n KvVO.no yick r.


Having secured a more deslrab!- -

business location, t have remove-- mystock to Ileietnnla sttc-el-. next tn thecorner of I'mmn. where I will he plea-e-

ed to meet old nnd new customers de-

siring to buy wnll paper, etc.i;i,,j a ejiiAS. iii;ai


All bills duo W. W. Wright's car-riage maniiractory will bo uvS. Decker or Win rernnndi's: any oth-

er iceelpts given by any one will notbo leeogulri'd by tue.

W W. WHIOIITlHU-Se- pt. 18 5H. 21. 21. 2fi. 28.,

Oct. I. 3. .'.


It W Cungdoii Is mi lunger connected with lowers iWcrclitiuts rairoiProm today Mr llowers will be thesole manager id the said liiislnc,whli h will continue us befoie N.iother person Is authorized to leeelplhills.

HOWKItS' .MERCHANTS' PATItOi..Per w. i.. nowniis.

Honolulu. Sept. 27. 1IHI1. IDS- It


The undersigned will receive bidsup to 12 n clock Saturday, uciouer v.for the purchase of the property andeffects of tho Honolulu Stock-vard- s

Company, either as a whole or In partsPioperty Includes tine coiner toi on

South and King stri-ets- .

Ileuses. Mules nud Carriages, OhVorurnltiirei. etc., etc.

Send bids to utile o of Ins. V Mor-gan. fi.1 (Jiie-e- street, wheie Invenliny can be seen.

JAS. V. MOItOAN,C. A. itici:.

195C-1I- I



Tho undersigned will .receive orfers to puiehase the sent of C ,1

I'alk, 1( . ns a member of tlie Holiolulu Stock and llond Cxehnuge.

Membership in tlio t:xihaiige entitles the holder to nil. Insurance oftJ.'iiiu

Sale subject to coullrinntloii ny Hienxehnuge

rurther particulars or Hie unde- -slgned, to whom offers to purehiiishould be nddiessed prior to Wednesday October I". MM.

JAK. 1'. .MOIltiA.N.Piesldeiit Honolulu Stock and llond

Hxihange. lDHCOt

The Honolulu Creamery, LtdKing Street near South,

lie prepaied tu furnish


III ipiantltles to suit deliveied tn all.'part of the city. Prices on applluiHon Ti'ims net cash.


Madame A. Schoellkopf,TROM PARIS,

WILL TEACH FRENCHl in classes or private lessons.

Residence Extension of Hotellopp. Adventlst Church.

At the entranceto the Famoustao ValleVt andeasy access toHalatcalea, thslargest extinctvolcano In thaWorlJ. - - - -





The advantage or reducing thevfldth of the pavement on residencefttcets In cities or moderate size w.nI touglit forward In n contribution nndi dltorlal dlsi us'lon In our Issue ofMav IU snys the Engineering .N'ews.In The Mlehlgin i.nglneer. Hie nnninlpublication or the- - Michigan Knglnee-In- g

Society we find the followingnotes upon tin snnie topic presentedb the president of the society MII P. Illggs, In discussing the sub-ject of (loads nnd Paving:

The width of paving is a matte-tha- t

the ordinary councilman and lhmdlnaiy citizen know little or noth-ing about In Wauseon. O Mainstreet Is ,2 feet In width betweencurb., with no stieet railway on It In,,w" a''' n pavement that be-ing more than ample for the needs of

ym jwofc

the village. Wauseon Is the coitnlvseat of I'lilton county, a very nice lit-tle village of :'..",00 or 3.000 Inhablt-tinl- s

The "Ifoot pavement, however.put In The eoimell wanted U tO

or Ki, their street Is 100 feet widewith 10 feet on entli side additional ovI mum of the buildings being setbr.ek. A light fall ot sr.ow shortly aft

the pavement v-- i InUlied showedvery nleely the width of pavementthey really ier,ulreil Three davs afterHint snow rail I took the council over

ithat street and all of tho traffic Huthad pnised over It could hnve been

,li.iii, ii ij nil till It ,1. inric(treet At the sides the snow was unbrokr-- excet.tlni wbein n tip,t.trl-,-or a dog had walked ae ross It. At Deltn. a small village of perhaps l.nniInhabitants IS miles west of Toledo,the main street Is .",0 wide. Theyhave wmetlilng like a mile of street

'paving under tnnti.-ie-t nnd the widthMilled upon Is 18 feet ror stieetswhich have little travel and no tenuishitched on them and H leet and :,0fret on the business street. Thus InrIt has been found Hint these widthsntc ample, am the pi v Ing has been

'put In it n very low cost to the propcity inner The- - mistake Is verf

'r.fti'ti made by property owners of.piYlng a street lor .".n. 10 or SO fertjwldth when n ! foot or .10 foot street

Would do Just ns well.

fLegal Notices.


The undersigned, M. A. Ooasalves,as administrator of the estate or A.0. Pestann, deceased, by virtue of anorder made and issued by the Hon-orable (leorge I) dear. Second Judgeor the Circuit Court or the.Klrst Cir-cuit. Territory or Hawaii, tn Probate,at Chambers, authorizing nnd licens-ing tbe said administrator to sell ailthe real estate belonging to the saidestate, hereby gives nolle o that nowill sell at public' auction, to the high-est bidder, nt the salesroom or JamesI'. Morgan, No. til Queen street, in Ho-

nolulu. Island or Oahu Territory ofHawaii, on Saturday, the 2!th day ofSeptember. A I). MM, nt 12 o'cloclcnoun, nil of that parcel of land withImiirovements thereon situate In Ho- -

'noliilu aforesaid, and popularly do- -

scribed nsThat certain lot or parcel of land

bounded mniika by homo of JohnWalkikl. by property of W.

II. Hongs makal. by Kims lane, nndKwn by Muklkl street, lying opposite

property ol w I.lstiman and It.I.lshmau, and particularly describedns follows, to wit:

All or that certain parcel of land situate on the east side of Maklkl streetIn Honolulu. Island or Oahu, fronting111 feet on said Maklkl street, with idepth of 170 feet, being a portion otItoyal Patent No. i.o.T... nnd containingan area or about 22,90 square feet.and being the same premises conveyedto A. C Pestann by tho followingdeeds, to wit:

Deed of Manuel Knos. dated Septem-ber Hull, 18SS, and recorded In llbsr112. page 211.

Deed of .1 S Mnttos, dated Septem-ber 10th. 188s, and recorded In lllur112. page 215.

A portion of the land described Inthe deed of J, S. Mnttos. dated July1Mb, IMC, and recorded In liber LIS,page 111.

All recorded In the ofTlre or theRegistrar or Conveyances tu Honolulunfoiesnld

Said sale being sillied to confirma-tion of Hie snld Court.

ensh In V. S fiolil Coin.Deed nt the expense of the

I or further Information apply to theundersigned nilmlnlstratnr, or at theolllce of said James Morgan.

Dated ut Honolulu. Sept. 11th. 190',M. A. OON8AI.VnS,

Administrator of the Cstate or A. C.Pestana, deceased.

I. M. I.ONC1. ;Attorn")' ror Administrator. J"5

. . - ,

Ily order of Honorable UVorgo n.dear, Second Judge of tho CircuitCourt or the rlrst Circuit, the nbovesale Is iiostponed to Satoulay, Octo-ber Mb, l!ii I. at 12 o'clock noon .itsnli'sinnm nf Jas. V. Moignn 05 Queer,street.

ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNERwill reielve a limited mimhci of pupilsfor

VOCAL INSTRUCTION.Term cniuiiienclng on nud after Sep-t- e

mber 25th"MIGNON,"

1021 lleietuula St.

Illx n I.rrWNI furelwt, flpHrm.iorrhiiT,r tunu Whlti-.- , tiDDktur.lor .nr inll.ninu-llu-

QlUHUrl U Irriuiign ur uKr'AUBUUItft iioq ct niiicuu.. .L jrtnM..lum wtuicuco. Mold br BranbU,.ClNCimiTU or ..nt In pl.la wr.pp.r.V,M,lt - inrtn. trrni.l. far

li ui, ur i Mti, ii n.CirvuUf tial ua rvvjutiu




--J- J



i '


Out of Not by n Jus full. Wo lme bought outtlio I'aclflc Cjcle Co. next door to Oilers', and liae Just re-ceived 150 and Itambler lllcclcg, besidesn full lino of shelf Things look HKo nbeehive down here, nnd wu want jott to come nromid to see us.


508, 509. 510

O. BOX S34.

All classes of Work Survejs and Re-ports made for any class of Steam and ElectricPlans and and and

In all branches of Work; solicited forElectric and Steam; Tunnels, Bridges,

Tiers, etc.Special attention given to

for purposes.

M. AM. Soc. C. H.,


nenr Fort.

SomethingEver, body likes good things to eat

We have Just opined a lino assortmenttome of the kinds.

BarsRalion CakeCreolesGraham WafersHoney CakeSpiced Nuts

C. DAYKlnjJ street,

PAINLESS ! ! ! !


We dont rlnlm to perform mlrnclos.but to our nblllt) In tlioinluless tooth pulling llnu wp will extisct teeth ntCC on Prldaj and

October 1th and 5thThce arc the only dental parlors In

Honolulu havingnnd to extract, fill

and apply gold crowns andcrow ns from natural teethand for ten cars,

THE LEAST PAIN. All workdone byfrom 12 to 20 j ears' andeach In charge of a

Ghe us a call, and ou findus to do exactly as we Wwill tell jou In adamc exactly whaljour work will cost by a FREE EX

Set Teeth SHOOGold Crowns 6(1.00Gold FllllnH $I.OOSilver 50c


Our name alone will be athat jour work will be of the best.

Parlors,Room 4, Elite Hotel Street



H t


STABLRSWe nrc now In the

iinil tire to turnflncnt livery In tovtn.

nnfc from fire, usthe It

US UP !n


FORSALE3 Lots In Tract.Lot In McCully Tract.House and Lot on Street3 Cottages and Lots on King Street


For and prices apply to

&1107 Stungemwild



E. 0. Hall &

Hall & Son! Why,!thought you were burnt out of







Engineering solicited; Examinations,Waterworks, Construction!

Specifications Estimates Prepared, Construction Superin-tended, Engineering Contracts Rail-roads, Buildings, Illghajs, Founda-tions, Wharves,

Examinations, Valuations,Fropertlcs Investment


Report o.

and It's our business to sell themof cookies nnd biscuits,

Ginger CakesCocoanut CakesSnow FlakesDainty ChipsOrange Cookies, Etc.

FREDERICK J. AMWEO,Engineer and Manager.

Secretary and Treasurer.





iloinonstinti- -



warranted WITH-OUT


department Specia-list will





New York DentalDulldlng,


AutomobileBuilding prcpnrcd


BonrdcrHbuilding FIRE-PROO- F.





Government Nursery.





"This Son."




and Construction Co.





Tel. 301




For Yon!


Tli'.' usual iliius ntteiulaut upon tin',dipnitiiie or the bark tookpian-- jistudaj luomlug. As usualthe skipper or tlu naik was the pintnpnl actor ami he plajid his part willThe Ftailiss hud hem oiden-- for Ino clock, nnd at thnt time- - was alongsidemo iiurH i'verythlng was In iiaulluss to cast off the Hums when CnptamWilier dlscoveic-- that his irew wuaKhott hcwrai men.

The clIsioM-r- tuusid Captain Witler much dlstiess. One or the snllonrvinnlnliiK aboaid ohitiUeiid to soashoic uud git some nun. The ct.etain gae him pel mission but the sal,'ui did not return no was snappedup l) his lompanlons who had leubefore him and togillur with thinwmt nbourd file bark Koohn Sui,uuitliiE to get nnaj foi IcIlaL

The shlpiilng masters wiro nnnpal.ed to b (fuptaln Wlllir and they bust,lid around to git men to fill tlio acnnrltrt. Thi (V Inn wntt tlma .1. In j.cd sueral liouri In waltlni; for hi.tirew to be liled

Piom here sho will go to thr northCoast to load liimbei lor Illlo and Lahalna. After disc barging at thy tattyplace she will come heru mid tnki, rsupplies and provisions and uiuko another tilp to I.ujkiin Island



The regular meeting of tlio llomdor Directors or the Trie Mndcrguitenwill be held Kihib) morning nt a.WIn the V. JI. C. A. nailnr. At inoelock In the V. M. C. A hall thannual met ting ror the election of oflltcis nnd reading of rtporls will beheld. All Inteiested In the woik nIng done for ihlldren aie Invited loattend. l&oi-l- t


for brick and wooden buildings, all.)hardwood iiulshti.

Office and residence, 312 Queen 3t,near Government bulldlrg.



In aciordnnee with the pioWslous ot"Act 31, Sustlon Laws H'I8. Pait 3,"relating to "Public AccountnntH an I

accounting foi the collection and paymint of public moncjH," public ac-

countants In Honolulu are directed lipa weekly Into the Tieasui all niou-e-

colletted or recehed by them onaccount of ieenue. nnd not later tint i

the tenth day alter the expliiltion oreach month to transmit to the Auditor

sworn'slutement of such lollectlont,the form of Sehidulo Ej Public At-- i

touiitants out of Honolulu to paymonthly to the Treasurj, and to sendtheli swoin statements to the Audlfiinot later than tho fourteenth day nfteitin expiration of ench nioiith.

Any faiiuio oi neglect to conform 'othese regulations will lendei tho

Public Accountant liable totho pinclty presctlbid by 'Sutlon JI,Pari I," of tho Act quoted uIiom--.

II C AUSTIN.Auditor.

W.M. H WHIGIIT,Treasurer of the Ttrrltor) of

Hawaii.Honolulu, T. H. Oct. .', 1901.

HH' iiriiiiM'lCi'iiiiiwtn.)9CtS,


ARRIVED.Wednesday, Oct. 2.

Ktmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, fromKoolnu pints.

Sthr. TvVlllght. from Illlo' 3:30 p ,uSchi. Ilemy Wilson, fiom Tactima.

Thin sday, Oct. .1

Ocr. sp. Sourmtilth, IB dajs fiomfiremen; general cargo for II. Ha.'efclil & Co.

Am. sehr. Spokane, Jamison, 28 dasfrom Ludlow.

DF.PAItTKD.Wcdtiesdaj, Oct. 2.

Stmr, Hawaii, Heig, for llnuoilports

Hlim. l.uhua Nnpali for MnloKolports.

Htmr. Noeau W.Miian, for Walmcliaud Kcknhn.

Sthr. Mllle Mori Is, for Koolnu porte.Silu. Wnlalua, foi Kaunl ports. I

Sehr. Ada. foi Kauai ports. I

Htmr Kululnnl. Dower, for lluwiil.SAII.INO TODAY.

tf. S. Mnrlpoiii, llcnnlo, for Ki'ijFinnclseo; . p. in,

Ilk. Colon, Wilier, for the Sound' '

a in.111! I'ooiir Sue) Wlllctt, may sail

for Chile.tjtmr. .Mnul, Itenuett, for Maul ports.

6 P inl)l'i: TODAY. ,

S H Nippon Mniil, Irani San Till1 mo, p. m.

Chinch 1 see 11 fortune of $2,000,000la now In the United Stntes Treasuryawaiting a jonng Pole named Dcmblt- -

sk, pioviucti ne tan irnre 111s rela-tionship to the mnii who left the mon-ey.

Ootlinin None of the North l'olelme. so far, been women. Now

we will hear of a fen females makinga dash for the pole. Yonkers States-man.

"Voting Smugglns was so troubledabout Ms debts that he Joined n don'l

'worrj ilub. '

"Vis. ,

"And he found Its membership madeon chlefl) nt the men he uncd." UrokVl)n I.lfo.

r n- -i



Notlc" Is hereby glxen thnt all Con.missions to Agents to Grant MnrrlngLicenses width weto Issued prior t'l

jJuni' 11. UMirt, will bo ieoked and be- -

i diup null nnd wild on and after No,mber IStli. mill.

Intending applicants will adiliesstheir applications lo the Supci Intendent of Publli' InstriKtloii.

W.M. II. WltlGIITTiPiisutii of the Tinltor) of

Hawaii.Tieasurpr's olllio, Honolulu Oi lo

her 1, Ititll l&JS'.t


Olllre of tin- - llonid of He.illh,Honolulu Oct 2. limi.

At n meeting of the Mould of lltallhihild Ottobi'i J I'.hiI SmIIouh 7. b nil 1

i9 of "Aincndniints to Plumbing Ilepi- -

latlous or the Ittmid or Health for Ho-

nolulu Dlstilcts," weie rfimndtd torind ns follows.

House Sewer.Section 7 The term house sewei Is

hue Usui to designate that pnrt of tintlialn Intuitu the hewei oi cesspoolnnd to within flr fpt t of any bulldln.P shall nut be less than foui lucht sor inoie than fl imlivH In illnmclpi-- ,

and ma be of cast lion plpo or snlt-glaz-

ltillltd sewei pipe, and shadbe laid to a Hue giadc Changts p111 et lion shall bo made bj "blanches nnd bends ir ltillltd pinIs UMd It shall linvi- - a lall of at Itnstonetpiarter of an inth to the font, tluJoints shall bo made of mortal coirposed of etpial parts of Portland Csirmt nnd cltansticfiicd sand, sailJoints to be fowled with iloth in tax-

ing, a disk mtliely ruling the ph,shall be kept In thu pipe uud tliawnforward as each Imgth Is laid, nnd Itshall haw a fall of not less than three-sKte- c

nths or nn hull to tho root. Theioshiill be no obstruction to the ficc Hotof all In the house sewei when d

with the public sewer.House Drains.

Section 8. i he teim house dialnusiil to designate Hint part of tho

chain under the (list Door ot tho hulhilug aim extending (He feit outside orthe walls of the building. The hous.)dialn shall be of lion plpo not Ums

tiian fotu Inihes In illnmctqr and shallhaw a fall of not less than or anInch to the foot. In buildings of Ourfont stoiles In height the glade of lastlion pipe commercially known ns EK '

1IIA HEAVY shall be used. It shiillbe seciuel) lioned to walls oi laid Intrendies of unlfoini gindo oi unspented to floor tlmbeis by stionc lionhwiReis ns tho Plumbing Inspectoima direct. The houso dialn must ..

continued unobstiuited am, .,.--

Ithetl In sue. to at lenst two leet above- -

tho hlghist lino of tho loof, mid theopm mil must bo nt least tin funfiom nn opening In the building 'ftrom any ntljolnlng building.

Soil Pipe.Settlon 9. The teim soil pipe i

heie used to deslgnato the witki.lpipe to which ono oi more water ilos-it-

and other flxtmes aio connected.It shall bo of lion pipe not less tli.mfour Inches In dlametei, nnd If of castlion, In buildings of over four stoili i

In height shall be or EXTitA HEAVYglades It shall be continued unubEliutted nnd undiminished In sl-.- 'i

thiough the roof, the samo asdialn. Hoiizontnl soil nil.1

waste pipes mn inohlhlted. A wlieguard shall bo put at the top of thesoil pipe. II. C. SLOGGEl'T,

--' President Hoard or HealthAttest: C. CHARLOCK.

Secutary Iloaid of Health.195S 3t '

Suited ilic for tlto WKfeKIA"

12ULLKT1.X, only !; jior niinuin.


Semi-annu- al

Sale of - -



Septem'r 30October : 5



Ads. In this column will be Insertedat 15 cents a line one Insertion; 23cents two Insertions; 30 cents oneweek; 10 cents two weeks, and 63cents one month. This Is the cheapestadvertising ever offered the people cfHonolulu.


lUnlng, Island Hotil, ocr OiiheuinMyJl-I-

IUST nirUed. giaduate J.clpslg ton-se- n

atory, gles piano lessons, (3month; special nttmtlon to ndult he.gluneis. Add. Music, this ofllce.


NOTICE TO HUNTERS Goat shoot-In- g

privileges for the Nannkull landtare ngaln offered to the public.Those wishing to senile permitswill bo furnished with tickets Uouapplication at the ofhee or The Dor-set- t

Company, Limited. V. V.

trensmer. l'.MG-l-

MISS C. KRUEGER Piano Instruc-tions; studio. .Metropole bldg, ll'yAlnkea St., Tel. Main 345.

HJ'lLGET OUR PRICES on billiard and pool

tables beforo bu Ing elsewhere: soldon asy paj ments. Our cushions at sgnamnteid for twenty jeais, ondlire inado by a new Milinnlzlng proc-ess. Old tnbles fitted with our tush-Ion- s

nre ns good us new ; satisfactionguaranteed or money refunded. Siooin ntheitlsuncnt of "ManagerWanted" foi law ml slot lnnihlne.Palmer Illlllaid Tnblo Works. Chicago. Ills. l37-2n- i

IF YOU HAVE n house for rent orwant to rent n house, see A. R.BINDT. Collections carefully

to nnd piomptly remitted.Ollke 115 Knahumanu street. U93tf

NOTICE TO BUILDERS The Unlo.iEpiess Co. hus WHITE oANI) FOIlSALE. 1313 tf

JVAIVTED.$15 00 TO $18.00 A WEEK SALAr,

ror an Intelligent man oi womanIn inch town, peimnnent posltloi.

o cents per hour foi spam tlni.Maiiulniturev box "S. Plilladelph'a


AN EXPERIENCED OPERATORontue S i. tpewrltei tleslies positionns coiiespondint and bill tleik withlespouslble house; tllctntlon tlliettto machine, lamlllnr w.i hanlvvni"business; best lefeientis; saluiy$75. Addiess Miss II. 5ul PowellSt.. San Finnelsco, Cnl. 1951 lv

WANTED Cleilcal position bv gen-tleman of some business ability;lookkeept-r- . tlmekeepei. lollector orHotil ilerk; best N.iefiienies. Atldriss M bos, 381, city. 1951-I-

WANTED An Ice t best nt onie;Addtess I. C. this

1952-- w

WANTED A furnished house, to rentby Ameiicnn fnmllv ; no chlldieli.Addiess G, this olllte. 1952-l.-

WANTED Position by a young latlyas stenographer: epeilenceil L.II . P. O. box 303. 1939 If

MANAGER WANTED 111 eveiy laigacounty to appoint npents tor the fa-mous "Game o" Skill" nltkil slotnine blue for ill Inks oi eig-iis- ; law-til- l

evirjwheio; takis pluco of nilfoi hidden slot machines. Hinted t,isold on easy paments. Stturo rj

quick Palmer Uilllard TalileWalks. Chltngo, IDs. 1937-J-

'WANTED To nil Diamond and OpalI"B8- - in the latest btles Walt lies

I''nce.5' "gdH-T.f.- " Knear Hotel. 1808 tf" -ROOM A.INP BOARD.HTTlETRbpo'LETlK.FAlakelTsunewly furnished rooms; eleitil"light; terms reasonable. 19DGl.ii

FURNISHED ROOM nnd hoaiil; pu-at-

bath and toilet, P. O. boxC52. 1951 lv.

TO LET.TO LET Five loom tottage, nt Cot-

tage Glove-- , King .jt. Enqulie F. EKing, No. 8. 1955 tl

HOUSE of H looms. Union St.. opp.Pacini- Club: i! mom cottage, Gnid nlane. M. L. Ilulletln. 1950


Street fiom J1.50 to J2.50 pervidw 1952 tf

TO LET Six mom cottage on CollegeSt. with stnblo and seivantB' quriters. Apply ifi Heie(anla St.

1951 tfNICELY furnished room, J5 month;

private family; also front loom, $lu.53 Vluejnrd St.. near Nuuanu.

1937-t- f

TO LET Two front rooms. No !iGarden lane. 1880 tf

Remnant Wwk jj-al-

It never occur:, but twice ,1 ye.ir litroNever make Remnant week till we're readthen we do it carefully forcefully make It anevent to be talked about and remembered.

For three v'.ecks we have been busv measuringuo every remnant and dress length Silks toCalicoes, Laces, Lawns, Batistes, Organdies,CambfivS, Uinj.lum!, Sheetings, Shirtings,Table Linens, Ribbons to LinlnRs nothing butwhat's carefully measured yards and price oneach In plain figures ; so that you can practic-ally w it on yourself.

There have been no dull times in this store. The lasthalf-year- 's business amounted to many thousands more thanin the corresponding period last year hence more remnants ;

and as to price well, these of you who attended our sale slvmonths ago, know what kind of prices we put on Remnants.Those who didn t w ill be well paid to come in during this week.

MARSH, Ltd., 1045 Fort Street.


TO LE" V 0 room houso nt Kupal.t-m-$12 Bo Inquire room S, Caiun

bell hlk Fort St.. 314. 1U57-2.-

FOR RENT room cottage; hotand toll wat"r; eletrle llghu,threw minutes from tar line. App,vP. O. box 3. 1957-- 1 v

TO LET Hoiiso at present oeruplcdby Mis. D Center. Young street ex-tension near Mi Cully tratt. ApplyE. V. Dlohop. C' Brewer & Co . QueenSt. 1932 If

FOR RENT Two 12) story Houses ntKekaullko pa, on Young St., containIng two bedrooms, parlor, dining-loo.i- i,

kitchen bath room and patentwater closet downstairs. KnplolanlEstate, Ltd 19,.1-t- r

TO LET Nowiy ,, furnished rooms,mosquito proof, terms reasonable.Thlid houso above German Ilakeiy.Port St. lUld tf

T RENT A mosquito proof room,five minutes' walk from trnmenr Incool district, board If required;

borvlct" Address "E," Ilill-leu-

19J8 ifFOR REN I Furnished rooms, slnglo

or en null--- , suitable for hoiisekiep-Ing- .Inquire on premises. No. 45 N

Vlnonrtl St 1 01.1-- w

TO RENT Six room cottage on Mat-toi- k

Ave.; eleitrlc lights; sanitaryplumbing, etc. Apptv (5. H P. O.box SCI. 19J9tf

F"OR RENT A new houso on Arte-sln- n

St., of six rooms with all mod-ern Improvements. Enquire of Chas.E. Frasher, Consolidated SodaWorks. 1922 if

TO RENT Itesltlynct) of Dr. J. S.SltOrow, lor. of Dcretanla nndIllchnid Sts, suitable for doctorsofllco or private resldcuce. Applyto Dr. 3. H McOrow. Lunalllo. cor.Hnckfeld, or J T. MiOrew, UlshopHank. 1937 If

IF ou liavo a house for rent, or wantlo rent a house, tall on A. II. HINDT,ottlco with Guldo Publishing Co .Cnmpbell block. Merchant St.. Tel-- 1

ephono Main 371. lSU-t- f

FOR SALE.SOME FURNITURE for sale, cheap.

Addrihs K nils olllte p51-l-

FOR 3ALE A tlioioiighbretl HoUteinbull. Atldress F F (his olllie.

1911-t- f

FOR SALE Stclnwny parlor grandpiano; perktt inuilltlou. Call onWill E Fisher 19.18 tf

FOR SALE Now ami secondhandSmith Premier typewriters for sail-or rent. All makes repaired. Wasn-Ingto-

Light Co 1933 lmFOR SALE Two phaetons In good

condition. One used only a short1 mo. Address '' X..' Ilulletln


"Talula." as sho now lies In tho hat-bo-

Sho Is a ninrly new boat, Inperfect working order, mid has beenor lato used In towing at Kahululharbor. W II. Pain.

1891 tfFRCSH STRAW The Union Express

Co. has a lot of fresh rle strawnui tf

ROR LEASE.FOR LEASE 1'iltnlslied house no.v

occupied by Mrs E. K. Pratt. No.1081 Puntlibowl kt, for two years.Will bo vacant middle of next week.Houso electric wired 1915 tf

FOR LEASE Premises on Union St.,with a trontago oft212 feet and Jdepth oi 70 feet. Long term givenwithout onerous conditions. Applyto J M. ..lONSAHHAT.Rooms 20 21, Cnmpbell block,

1925 tf



Clam Jjck proposed to me histnight unit .lsked me lo give m answerIn a letter.

Mnudo Shall jou do as lequested?Chua Well, not ex.u-i.j- . I shall put

my answer In the postsiilpt. ChlidgaNews.

"You say you need to thresh In Kan-ba-

but can get no employment therenow ? I should think this would be tliiur) time."

"Ytfu must mlsui.diu stand me, I nma school Uacuer." Ualtlmoie Ameiltu u.

Tho Evening Dullttln, 75 cenls jiermonth.


The ship Florence, which lately ar-rived at Ibis port .11 das out from Ta-citurn, begun to dl si barge her load oflumber estiMdn at the Wilder wharf.She Ion! an uneventful tilp with little".v lint. Ihtte dios out she was onlyoff Cape Flattery, so she really madetho trip from the Coast In 28 days.During the whole vojnge only tholightest of hreeiesc were encountered,nnd as thcto were often southeasterly,the Ploientp onl made slow progress.One of these winds blew- - up to quite agnlc so that the essel had to shortensails, but during the rest of the tripthe sen was us quiet as a milt pond.Advert Iscr. Oct. 2.

The ship Floiente, whlih Is uow lying nt the Itnllio nl wharf, had quite a

'long trip from Tncoma. During thefirst three ila.vs cut of poit a strongnorthern lire pro was encountered,which sent the vessel so well aheadthat at the end of three dajs she wadoh S.in Fr.mclseo. After Ibis, how-eve- i.

only light nnd vur.Ing ulniliwere encountered, so that It took tbevtsstl 29 dajs to make this port.

The Floiente tsiiow discharging coilnt the Ilultroud wharf. Her entlroshipment Is consigned to the O It. &L. Co Advertiser. Ott. 1.

All siilllng craft look alike to hesei-ilo- g doing shipping for the mom-lu- g

organ nnd it enrgo of ccnl out ofn ship Is so much like n lumber. cargonut of it lurkentlnc that It Is apparcnt-I- )

a matter of Indifferent c whether re- -ports nre correct or not.

She I thought thnt the llev. MrCiossro-id- s was expettlng a call to acity chiirih.

He So he vvus; but nfter the mem-bers of the clt church heard his trialsermon thejr came to the conclusionthat he had missed his calling. SmartSet.



To-nljj- ht, THURSDAY, OCT. .1,Positively the Last Pfrfntmance of


"The Belle of New York"Thcio will be no perrormnuce on

Filda-- . ev tnlng.NOTICE.

The management bt g lo announcethnt hen-afte- r the following prkes willbo chnigetl:Orchestra and Urets Circle.... $1 00Family Circle ..Gallery jq

Hoc 812.00. $10.00, S8.00.Tho llox Pln now mii.n nt Wnii

Nichols Co, whero seats can bo had'SATURDAY AFTCRNOON AND


Doors out ll lot mntltip.i nt l ,...-- .

foi inane - tieelns nt 1 uhnm riiii,i.,.,one-bni- r prim to all pnrts or tlmtheater

A. Harrison Mill Co., Ltd.


Tel. White 1221. H. O. Box 552

Sawing, Planlnc, Turning andMill Work in all Its branches.Lumber - Kiln - Dryinga specialty, and in Itr or smallquantities.

COTTON BROS. & CO.and : : :


Ptini nJ ettliiutes (urtiltiiei for all cla.wit.nrk

kgMLic''-.Ji9''TQ- ' . HONOLULU

Honolulu Iron Works.

Improved and modern StlflATi ma.CIIINHRY of every capacity and

made to onlor. llnllr nm.iand UIVKTUD PIPKS for Irrlgatlorpurposes a specialty. Particular nttecHon paid to JOU WORK, and rcralrsexecuted at shortest notice.



MORGANAuctioneerand Broker

65 Queen St.

Auction SaleOF

Lease of Waterfront



At my salcBioom, 05 Queen stieit, I

will sell nt Public Auction the lensoof pioperty on Queen street, near

of Mnuuakia stuntProperty hns n frontnge of 91 feet

on Queen street uud a depth of from111 to 141 feet with a rear boundaiyof 53 feet.

Lease luiR 2." years to rim fiom July1st. 1901, at a monthly rental of $75.

This pioperty inces tho new wharvessoon to be erected on tho of Queenstreet.

Further particulars at my oltlce.

Jas- - F. Morgan,AUCTIONEER.



MORGANAuctioneerand Broken

65 Queen . St.
