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Every . WAYNE HERALD 14newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · great...

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.'1 Every . Reaoon for Loyalty to Arne!,j· , ca - Little Evidence of OlIl.Tlme AriotoFracy..,- - S!>urce of Preoent lief - Late.t Gallup Poll. There are no hy;phenCj.ted Amer- ican citizeQs in this country re- gardless of their origin, A natur- alized citizen is just as much an American as the one WllO wa.::; born here. Though natives of oth- er lands, their allegiance is to. this country. not to the ones they len. * * * There are doubtless agents ot foreign isms sent here to stir up trouble. There are douhtless others who haven't sense enough to see the difference between a government that enslaves its peo- ple and one grants fivery pos- sib\e means of freedom and se- curity, Few are 50 dumb they can- not understand that totalitarian- ism would .rob them of what they came here to gain. " Near):,. 100 Per Cent !COverage of the County Field Dwight Griswold Will Be Winside Picnic Speaker : ! ,\ WAYNE HERALD 14 PAGES SectIon One Pages 1 to B LATE RAINS GIVE CROPS HEREABOUTS MUCH ROSIER HUE state in crop condition!-;, accord- , ' I - Service Station At Wakefield Is ., Robbed at Night NUMBER -FOURTEEN IMusic Directo.r Is Chosen Here F==========::::'" Prolg.raAmrroanf prospect appears. Ernest Peter- !r o : e d ' aCyhi:rge a Boyd and Knox Appeal to PREMIUM UST FOR 1 K. E. Haruon of Albert City son who has been traveling a IVJ State Supreme CO\.lrt COUNTY FAIR NOW I Accept. POlition for Next Thursday. great deal lately in the interest Justice Court. In State Increase - READY FOR PUBLIC Coming Year. Dwight Griswold of Gordon, Don Vornes, 26, of Stanton and landed in a dltrhr after Skld- Act.ion. of .the board of THE COUNTY f,air's annual Wayne Clty and school band:; publican candidate for governor r ty, will be drraigned before Police ding on the slippery Ilighway Just equalIzatIOn U1 raIsmg land valu- I' I "'11l thIS YCdr be under dir ...... will be the main speaker at th{; south section5 [) the state seems Judge Wm. KClY In justice (:"Ourl at west of Wayne cemeterY. ations makes it ne-cessary tn have C,"cuPlrae,ffillonu.mFo",t IS a of K E. Hanson of Albert ]"a" irreparably damHged. But he -Wakefield Monday, August 12, at The two were able to he taken figures reVised b f 0 t L>. "'... h b0ileves there wIlJ generally be 2 p. m. on charge of breaking'lnto tn the!r home at L<>urcl after re- mIssioners past the 115t wa.s publtshed in 1 dres!) l5 scheduled for 12:30. Nor- plenty of feed for livestock. the Bahde berVlce station at the celvmg medical care to Wayne. levy tabloid fonn by the local nev.rs- I 1 ted T sd f More mOisture hrlf; fallen north north edge of W.akefield, the place The Bose car was badly dam- county assessments cut 20! papers, but the management i se ec 1m ue ay rom among of here, and benefits to growing havmg been robbcrl the night of i-lged about the top, though no per cent from land values thl<; figured from f'xpenence that a i corn have been corre;-,pondmgly the dClY on whIch Ed. Echtenkamp, gla.'-,>es were broken. The machlDe year Th tat bo d f I I Ixxlk would be handler and , ... ....... nlng. gre< ter Rains in thIS county the tlon I eaSlf'f to preserve, and so a sa.u::u.., is to be $1,800, th£:, city and w" lowed mlo Wayne ;;nn I6 u 4 ost nn Improved lnndq "nd i I e:ricans of different national ori- games at 9:30; Winside bClnd con- that ofrered llttle cncollrage- N I C II . per ('f>nt nn unlmprnVM' thf' faIr wlll be held the first I recommended. has had nIne yean " * * gins severed home ties and moved cert, 10 to 10:25; parade includmg ment, hrtve re\"I\"£:o, elno late The mtruder gained entrance to orma 0 e2'e Ilands Thl<; rpsultf'rt In flpprnXI-' Wff'k In September, the book is I oLpubllc school mUSIC expenence. to tbe United States./Tt1ey came four classlcHl diviSIOns for pri7.es, CDrn now appe;lrs good for a the statIOn Thursday night, proo- - mately the i'lver1lge statp Vet!llatlOn marle available none too early has directed mUDIcipal bands to get away from bitter rivalries, 10:30; Wayne band concert, 11:30 nonnai YlC'ld. Ev('n early corn ably between 9 <JOn 12, by break- R ° I H Id cut of 85 ppr c('nt. I to") surt the con';enl€nce of f"X- I n Newell, Rembrandt and 5!Oux shackled strangled to 12:15; Wright aerial acrobats, th<lt threatened to 1)(' mg a glass m a SICle: of the statiOn eUDIOD S e I W::Jyne crHmty·,; 193:} \';,hl.1tlnn I, hlbltor'> unusually' liberties and lack of opportunities. 1 to 1:15: Four Dancing Mcgrues, cut duwn ,1 ff'w weeks ,lgO, may a ___ of $10.842.815 wa.<., cut thIS yNr' numerpus and excellent entnc,,,, "- Here they found m·erit, springing four brothers, 1:15 to 1:45; Win- o;cor{"' a h,df crop Tbreshlng hot water he ... tr>r <lnd defroster fan Officerll Are Reelected at' tn $16.221.225. The "t<ltp b0arrll the program of rntpr';llnmcnt L"' ,n.a VIsta c()\,nty all-star annn .trom the lowliest ranks, reoogniz- ;.;ide-Hoskins baseball gHme, 2·30 gl·am ))i-lS becn gOIng for- are missing. Th(' loss Wi1S dISCOV- Annual Gathering Here S<:ild to be of an exrppwmally ed and properly rewarded. PeoJ}le Wayne bi-lnrl. conccl·t, 2:30 to 4, ward With c,ome lntenuptlun.<., ercd ('arly Friday morning by Bur- A St Sch I hIgh order The faIr i'I \I,-·ayne , migrated to this country to take minor 1>[)o'·1", 4; wElter fight, 5 due to wet weather. The ilvcr- delle F,.edl'ickson who IS employed tate 00 Thlq will dday the county board·s: county tnstlt>JtlOn, ilnrl It rlf"- I srrve In the same capaCity thu advantage of its greater inde- Winside band concert, 5:30 to 6, age YlCld of barlcy 111 the actIon on the tax levy untIl Au-i unlted »lipport In TYJpu- I )"<:'<lr pendence and security, and usual- two· free (Jcts, <lcr-ob(Jts find dam:- nClghborhood uf Waync IS gust 20, I lrlf mter("St and <Jtt{'nd;lnc(> Ynr yt:;:Ir-:, :\!r ly they havc been satisfied and crs from 6 to 6:45·, Wayne band [lbout 40 bU."(H'h to the "w)"e Two northeast i'if'blaska rnun-I ' h<lri rhdl gP rd ml]qc ],n Albert Clt'{ grateful. One said in part: ".My concert after the fr(,e act.'!: Pierce dieating a eul hand, helped Mar- Wayne State Tei-lchers college, <it tIes, Boyd and Knox h,Hf' ClPDC'al- --- ----- "ls("hn01 A IT"of'mber or the tiuccess here has depended in large Gesundheit band, 7:45 tl) 8.15, slwl H. H. CrUlck:-.h,mk of Wake- thf'Jr 14th annWlI reunIOn Sunday ed to the stnte 5tJpremf' C()1Jrt from F. . h. C I b()<'lrri dlrE"CW the C'lty banrl f clel 'nd She ,'ff J II p,le ,'n s, at the college campu.'I, r£'f'If'ctcct Ih t I f part upon the unlimited possibili- dance In audltol"lum at 9, with R R d I, d , r .. - f' state board of equallz ltl',n <; I IDIS log oa nr :::n year-g so has ties that America offers a young Royal Swmgstcrs fUrnishmg the ains eceive rest or Vornes. officers as follow,,: .Dr. Glen ['et- action 10 r.llslng 1;md \alll('J; fl\Pf ,U11;: though Mr. Han6l)rl man who is willing to work." An- musIc. Preliminary heanng was set for Ithplr recf)mmendatlOno:: I WI·II B PI di ha-; r1ayp.r! In thE" city band therE'. other concludes a grateful <lC- In th(' mmol· "ports tlw f'v£'nts A f B Monday. Boyd county board flx('(i lis \.,:l!- i e ace I Ir.tr;--"'r!,l:<; · ... ·1::-: :\lb€rt City buS1- knowledgment wit h this: "I wllJ lw fOlll' b<JY< races, [Iwr gll.ls re 0 ene It :'\11":;. Ella Haimes, Norfolk, "'eCTe- uatlOn at $4.580,280 thiS YP-;:jr, ru1- : ' nf's.s mf'n the fact that 'found freedom. It gave one the 1"'CC e ,', ladll'S' balloon I)lowing COll- AllgUt-it Marriage tar),; Ralph Cr(){·kett, WHyn£'. trea- tmg It from la.<,t flgUrf' cor i --. . I :\1r Hilns"r, IS ,·cry re5pei:t- I ,-", suref; and Mrs. S B. Whltmor(', $.'>.632.66/}. The "tatp b0<1rri ral."pri: Wayne-Laurel Highway WIllI ed CIS a miln for hIS ability as test, fat race bicycle Moisture Again Brie-htens Plan"" Announced Wayne, histOrian. UW aml)llnt to S4.9S6.7()0 Be Opened to Traffic 'rt ,,"';Sl(" teaChl:f dnrt band dlrE"C"ter. veloped a deep and abiding alf- , ___ .___ Prospech for Corn in The gClth{'flng o'lt thp .<:.Chool Knox county's \"aluatlon thl; In Day.. T:'1!' pliln of the {'Ity "lnd school f r f th A c i f N th t A ('ilJrtcria was att€'nded bv ,"bout yf'H"r was <;('t ilt $13.2R7.4flfi Li1"t ooanl tn ha\·e th(> music pro- f::1 l'lanncd or eaJ5 rea. Mis!! Peace Kingllton to Be 60. MisCi EII7.abf>th of Chl- year the total wat; $16.257.000. Thf' Thf' fin".! Qli COCltlnj:! fOf h,.gh- I'{ram nqUlnlz(>d a prngTesslv'" American institutions." R M I B J Nortl-wil ... t Nebraska thl<. p;".t Bride Here Soon of CHJ:::!), ("Clmc the fi-lrth6t ril<;tanc('. state bOClrd ralM'd thp tlmount frnm Ai-ly 1'i Of't""t'f'n Waynp. Clnd La 1- unit \qth qp....ady ::IdVancerofmt * * * y asset ant S wcpk Clgaln receIved Wilking rams, Ivan Fitch. Mrr- Holmp<:, seCTC'l<lry. th(> cut to $14.306,164. , rpl h rxpe-cted tq lx laId b!i\tne thr n llJ;th the "ch()(li The aim· IS ..\ That any p(,l:son capable of gJ"f'atly In(·'CHslng Pl1i:--;ppch (Of ;1 prj tllf' f'Clrllest clas.'- pre.'-f'nt, that State Tax Comml's5IonC'r \1;' H 'f'nd (,f thiS WPf'k Gravf'l 511-pIP\'f> srh'-,ol band. Mr .. jian.son thinking ut ('ompari<;ons could good ('om crop. Th!s We!." th(' lhlrd Ml ;lIld Ml"s. H .. J Hn,.. of 1892. Ml .... S .Joh,mnCl AndN<;on, Smith s:-wi that if the !JnJ'! "" ill cnl:N thp 'nl ;.Jlld tnf' \, ill ;,.lsn ,Upt'r·'-l_e Initnac- wish to over ou;· s;stem of Many Northeast N e bra 8 ka time good I (lItiS c,lme tf) part. .... ()r f][lllilcr' the f'ng,lgmcnt Clnd dP- Oman"d hil Mf,O,,', n.<uf CI,nhd e <lu'ldf' i t!CJr, In I hI: "'Ch....-,I He .j government according t!l alien Musicians Participate T1'II thc<-Jst 111 (h(' \J!"(Jachmg m,lITlagc of their 0;:"<1 ., LJ<)o h" , "'"... thf' (,]\., hanrl which 1$ open' to pattel1l!", is inconceivable Undl'l the I At Ponca Park. I Plgh! day:,. daughtl..'1", Mj"s PCClCf', to Mr. Ivan Harry SlaughtPr of Yanktnn. were I likely h<i\T to mN"'t ag;:lln anrl, thf' nil. thl'" giVing Ule fm;q., who tn play Pn\·ate leuons light of conunon sense. WilYfJC' and !lcar vICl!llly ITCPIV- Fitch, ."IJ1l pf Mr. ,mel MI s. Don h('re for flr.<.,t tImC'". Amnng oth- raise th". levy abovp 2Sj' 'i First coatJ!1i for the hl,o;t,WClY WIll be giVf'n tn city band mem- * * * A InCls,spd. be!l1rl m;Ht(' up Dr ,I:);) cd .98 (If an Inch July :W . .fj of ,1O Fitch, buth of Wilyne. The wed- en; attendIng from Cl cUs1anc(' were I mills bN"aLL<;(, statp would t-w <1<; rnmp!€'tN1 1::I<;t week. One ."Ide and weekly rebearsals ar- Happy Contrast. nlUSlC]an." lr()m 10 band" wll! 1)(' inch ,July :-11, .04 of an Hich dmg date I." sd [01" August 31 and Mr. and Anthony Cnrkle of reduced, necessItating a hIgher i nf H mdp about four mlles nnrth r"ngM fflr the group. The munl- The suggestion has been v('n- fe<:lture(\ at the J]()rthci'lst N('br<:ls- 2 and .f) of .111 Inch Augu ... t "'-), mak- tlle wlll l,\·e In onc of MI."s AnnlC de G, root of tax. IOf tn, wn had to be la, ken up and, clpal u.:Jnd members w!ll probably tured that fewer persons are stuc.:k ka ,It til(' Ponca stair' ing a tolal of 2.22 Inches of ram Seymour ;lp<ll"tmellb on Pearl Cniendge, Mr. and Mrf; .. Inhn Ff'd- felaln tn !'-ausfy test.s reheane in R:rnups 'Salur- up over material riches than used park, II, falling: In tile pa::.t week, Clc"nrrl- :,tr(>d Frf'rt I-fold Instparl o( five sharp tums In days and the entire band ev('- to be evident. In the old days a b,lnds Will be Em- ing to) the St<Jte N<Jtl{lnal beud\. MI;'.o., Klng'itll!l \\'a.') gl"etduated of LI.nc In, , . , d Mr.. Fred llhe old ruad, the h.lghway now has ning a w€i"k sort of aristocracy-pamful to be- erson Wisner dlIet:ted by HCl:- gaugc. fl"om W,lync high ;,chool <ind at- Wf'lgand of C.le<lrwater. At WaYlle Chllrch I only one long curve. The dIstance The cIty "nd ;;ch'Y11 will hold':-was built up on possession mi:ln EIckhoff, Ponca and dl- Norfolk received 1.26 Jllclle" tenci('d W(JYIlC collcge. She alro Dr. and Mrs. J. T. AndeI;;on, IS shortened by a mile, now being equally in the r1lrector·S salary, of more property ,tha.r tqe aver- reeted D. Gulhver, Other ramfall aVC1. thiS s('c- went to bu;.mess coll('gc to Omaha were guests and the formPf ex- -- 16 mlles from Laurel to Wayne also in purchB--<:.(" ryf Instruments . A fIll k d l,I t South SIOUX CIty dIrected by Geo Cl/ld Chlcago. She plans to continoe tf'J1dert a wf'icome to th, e N. N. c. Number of Delegatea Are 1 G d d surf· to _ and musIc TI-,e city'::; mill levy for A. Carlson, directed by her wOl"k HI the Frlster-Campbe KtOOents, each nf whom Expected Next Week and band raises about Sl,500. A1t.er \he than the rank and file. He'did root I Arthur GullIver, Thurston and Clnd Creighton .5. Nlo- nifIC('. ;:;L For Services. hlgh ..... -ays: 15 and 20 are progress- Instrumentation and music have ,- necessarily know much beyond Waltihill directed b?," Theodore AlI- brara I",; Laurel SlantnTl I. Ml Fl1dl IS ;1 gr;ldl1;lte or the' tones which have been ,>nnled and mg "eadd, These serlo" ace 10 how to make money Hnd how to baugJl, Pennel· dm:'cled by Meadow Grove 1; Ti!(jpn Nt'- Wi-lvnp tnJlllng He Abuut 200 are expected at Ourlb g led hang to what he rna.de. His opin- Stanley Da\'.ls, ,andlWest ;'o]nt d]- ligh 1. ()"Nelll .:1, N('wman Gru\"(' hI" "fi-lt!I('].' In tilC'gju('"(';·y huslne:-s ur l·eady for dl",tribul!(,n Red· Luth h h h e rave . d b,)3rd ('xp('("t to sa , ions were sought on mvolvled pub- rected by Hdney Wall. I aul Pd- r. n." I I r. H<.t t _ In W<-Jynf' The cnllege coffef'. tf'il S 20 1 $1,()OO tL1!!C\hcr <1nnuaUJ;j' ,. , lie problems not becaus'e he knew erson, of the .Beemcr band, .H I, _ _ ___ __ ;md lemonade for the c()vpred dl"h nual of th(' Luthe; 1 p '·'iiM: the ansv.ers) but beea.use he had M. C('cll .. thel ('o()!('r wP;Jtl1C'r tll(' Wayne Man Leases rf'tJl1l0n w]ll lw ett LeClg- .... le of the Synod of tlw Mld-ltrActrd on oth('J" h,ghwA)'-" thrnu"h superior financial ratlOg. Condi- b.-mrl, thIll, B('J l"i-lIIlY 1){'I"i()d I Wakefl"eld ,C'tat,'OII II II I th f S W('St. Rp\". W. F. Most pastor i l Waynr county 11ian (')f nne year and lake further tions seem to have changed fOl" the cn.,-, dJtcctOl of the DI)-,IJIl ({jUllt) ',J 1(' ('0 f'gP le]"f' e If'>t .-unci<lY or the loral church. Nf'br;.;<kH ::Jnrl - ,better m' that ,-e"pcet, Due 10 im- runli school band, W]lI ,Ippeitl Jll Allg\J"t :lctlon cdter the plan 1S Mr. o J h S I ,r,d. r',chtc'nl.:.:amp has lra;,prl thl' part III comprls{' th(' FI P d I H h th gb: t ptoved me-ans of travel and com- condul'tors. 0 n amue son i 1);1\.1' d]ld r:rnest H;Jllri!' '·'l;ll!(w.·pd Be TllY IS the: oat ara e s bP( rou 0U munication, people have enlal·ged H!ghllghtlng tlH' I..'\('nllll-': PI"- 11"11111 W,lkdle!d and tpok ('h<lrgf' Tenant Purchase ,.flll\·cnti nn tht'rnc .. AI\"Jn H.I, ';lr" To;. thel 'r Aireles. of acqlHilntance as gram wdl bC' the milssl'd df'mol1- S f N 'k e d ' P . W 1 TIl!' fanl1l.v ,c 18o.:ulger (I ('w lOr", pr Sl-I To B F tu I "cr. r .()!. took hIS under well as heightened thoi>' poinh of ,tralion' by 27 Iwnlc,'" 0 "810< I,· asses In ayne d I f Ih L Ih ,. fAme ea re pl,IlI" 1" rT)()\·p 1!) I,ltpl I ('n 0 e _ u er L.-<:ag\Je n -, i \'.Ilr:':: at Buena Vist.a coiLe"""'. vle,v, BI'oadeneel lll1dcr'tanei,'ng Out" balon tWJrling df'mIJlI.<.,ll"ntlllll PI IE· dR" ed W f F I I i':J.::1l1l J{,d.-tIUp h'.Hl m;ln,lgrrl Ol" an S xp alne erica, ev: r r. legmnl1 1) __ Storm Lake, and had twn surn- has brought less and by drum majors from P('nli(,l· ;llld !>11"'Hl'''" .,>l!)(·l' f.IIW ... t n .. hrk ,,jl mont, Re\. Richard Jobman :.l(lp .. d P A \ mer, r,: .gr;,.duate m mu;.Jc snobbery, products oE mental Wlsnp]" [ls!n/; llght{'d hat(,n.,>, ;lnri a Funeral ServiceJ5 Are to Be W,lkt,tll'ld, lWI-':<lT1 [(Jr thl'l ____ Creston, Re\·. Paul Kuehner ofl atrlotum an, eace re at Den,-"r unlverslty nal·towness. If one hu,<; hliPpened SWISS f'xh]b]\lon by C d d R d I hiP d d Re M t 5 t d Th f I to accumulate a little mOre th;:Lfl 01 ttl(' Pendl'!" b;\t!d. (Jon ucte at an 0 P SIO\lX City .)!lurn,d L. A, White Gives Addresll hen er, v . o!'.- are amung I u&"&"ell e ernea or :'o1r. H,;n<,on IS mRrned and h,H he does not 115U,Uy fcc! CnOpCl"lltmg III m;litln.e; Lillely Saturday. ----.------. -- I And Shows Pictures at t Se f Sc b' Di.play tWI) chdril.'n !'.frf. Han!,(l!1 I':' t .. l- superior, nor is he 50 regal'ded by menb fl))· the f(o..:;tival are the p1uk J) S I fl'J r A uto Is Damaged Public Program. ... e t n ( (\ . fl 1 w t! hill f'nlrG In m\JsIC" t.hose who are less fortunate m offlciah;, the city of Pnnca, thr-, U 11\ ,1IllU(' SOli, '. () 1I(';!] 1M" h N b' 1::> pres! en 0 ..eagu{". r. 1 Clyne "oun y ruffl 5(:" ()(' Ii> WI \V::tTnp bo.lrfl n{ Niur'lt]r'n, pel 1 IJ U p Shojps. p;Ic",>ed away Tu('s(1;J_V ;dt- n lS ap ear y I F<lrm rehabllltatlOn thmugh the Meyer of Hooper, is \"I{·C pre:-'ldent, partl(,]p, Htc In a float parade whIch \f"ndH'" (>\"("Illn,li( !lI("1f''C"tt'>"t worldJy * ern{Jon ,It the hom(' of C. W ,T;\1 McMurphy was only bnllb-i tenant purchase progrClm <lnd Arlene Utemark of \\!akefleld, s('c- wlli IX' fE'atured at Wayn(' county (our HISCOX III Wayne 'Whpre Jl(> had I d h k Sat d h h I tI t I tl retary; and Levon Sm!th o( Hoop- fair Fnd<lY aftt>rnnon. Se-pt@m\)('r Thp nn;:mi InterVl(,wf'd SOT1lf> Sun- In primitive settlements, indl- and the Punca muniCIpal bt'cn a me(\ic,ll patIent for tl1'1 past ('r, treasurer. fi Patnottsm and ArE.' themf'!'t da .... anri <Ill SIX m€'T1li:l€'rs w('nt to viduals. reputed as tops in cash The program .It wef-t shelter 10 days MI'. S<imuelson had becn of Wayne ;lnd turned over mto 1I by L. A. WhIte, state f'SA dll"{>c- I announced by Supt. F. B. lJe.I:-ker T\J('"nay for fUrUH",. tntPT4 or its equivalent, were leadel's in house follows: 2, marchlDg exhl- making hIS home With hIS ."nn, Thc> car WtlS damaged. tnr, who addr('ssect a public I'{ath- TOO S h I but othPf!'t may be chosen aDd all civfc affairs. They were consulted b!tIOD, Ponca band; 2:20, coneNt, H::IITY, near fot" tIl(' I") __ , I f'flng l.Jt W,lyne ;llldl\OrlUm Thl' raiDing C 00 ,wlil receive equal conSIderation. Thf' f:ngll-h anri n{'"b",le on how to run the schools even If year.". thf' sec- I A/{pnt Che1. Walters 1:-; C'Ontmu- ,t'on thp one lelt , th h Ponca band; 2:50, marching exhi- D. F . d pI·O/V"Clm fe;lture<i a school of 10- lH " J they knew little more an enoug bitinn. Thu\ . .ston bClnrl., 3:10, con- ond strrokl' 10 tll£' tunC' Ill' W(-lS In les on rl ay t h Id h F d d 0 ° D S tllD!! arrangt'mf"nt for ('xhlblL<;. and It .. f.ll In W<lynp city ::;choo1 to sign their names, Educators in- Waynp. will hi' . :--;. ructIOn p ('rp rI i-lY <In penlog ay e I rll<;plays promlS(' to) be nul"tand vited and accepted their ,opinions ccrt, Pender band; :3:40, m;lrchmg S,lturday or Sund<IY Ht Randolph Saturday fnr FSA SUpel"\'lbllrS ,lnd .." - Ffeln" Sullivan. Ecigar, who i:;; because they were influential. In exhibition, Pender band; 4, con- MY". Samuei.'>on leav{';, 1111"('(' ... um I C·t H °t I committCf'men. . -- . Ilnimpro\.("me-nl" at Uw lU"Ounds Ib':,rll'I"cl,','.o"clh,", ''-'" 'hnp,',t;UC:;:d f:t,i the church they were hailed as cert, Wl.<;ner band; 4:30 marching: and two dalightcfS. Th('y ,IJ (' H<ll _ n I y OSpl a Ani and Senior '1 Hft' nearing completion. at Thorpe begm thiS Wf"<:"< pillars because they gave ry of Sholf''>, Fred of !'ontl,\C, season, referring to thll' nr the Science Are Offered ,thr grand.s18nd "",ll finished fnr the work shop In the though usually not more propor- marchmg exhibition, W('st Point M]Ch., Milton of Cal, Rites Are Conducted for slate as Nebraska "Garden ul For Firat Time. 190on. 'Clty !'Chnol band. Paul H. Danofsky in Eden" W II t i g h I premi:r . th f h' I 'I I ProgrHm "I fcn'y lonriing will Chap I Mo d MotIOn piclures depicted In ,ayne co ege ra nm '" 00 will be ,slnbu t e aslo e Stringing of JVires includ(': 2, eonl'f'rt, South Sioux WHlt('l"S. (If (;Prlng'. I', II!'I"f' [('r the e n ay. made by 5'011 efosion and wdl open for the commg ye-ar Mon- we-ek. Anyone who does not re- :::- ;::'t weight. * * * Ore., was a daughter of pltsl aftcI- bemg ill about 10 days fertility and moisture day, Dean be mailed on request. P lunch to < 'III b<'lnd membel's, fur- Mrs. Samuelson died 31 YCHrs ago. with throat mfection. M, Wh'te explal'ned the tenant .. t The change is a happy one. :eo- A I b h f Ii . ] The expansion ot commercIal d erg1Zlng will {oBow sho. UJ· l"UJVU . hed b th 'I f p 6 WID rot cr 0 any dlcd In t.'uocral ,',tc' wel'e eondllcted pu h h' h bl A I I ° pi.e have been so leveled up and DlS y e Cl y 0 onca; ,re- 1918 1 ... -" rc as(> program W Ie ena es courses started last year will be r' m s nJure 1)0 ml\f'::' (,f poles for thIS worK; dOWlI in their feelings, and hflve hearsal for massed band; S, massed . Monday afternoon at a chapel farmers tn buy land and which continued thi.5 year. BeSides book- hane' lx-t'n set become so conversant with .the band concert. Mornmgsidc with Rev. W. R helps the fann family become re- keeping and accounting, both typ- I C A 0d -------- world that they have no inclin-a- l\felnorial Archbold In charge. BUrli-l1 was in through rf'lrf'fui man- ing and shorUu:llld Will be offered. n ar CCI ent N Foster spramro. he-r tion either to brag or. look! up WaY_fie Parsonage rt SlOlUX CIty c-emetery. ilgem('nt. StudenL<; In tYPlDi will work a full If"ft ankle Tuesday last w('oek when a'bashed. In recent years, ti1ose· , EreClt:.d hI Wayn,c Paul H. Danofsky was bom Dc- Agent Chet Wait('rs told of hour daily Hnd receive an hour's she slipped III the ba.s.P"""'I'\t t<t her who have, worked hard and man- Scene of Se.9 vice ('ember I, 1910, In Crookston, Neb. WClyne county's soil conS£-"rvfltion redit each semester, the same as Otto Tieteen It Hurt When home. Mrs. E.mma Baker Is Donor He had resided in Creighton and e flny other subject. Truck Strikes Auto on - ,--------- of respect. Unavoidable hardships Aileen Alfnew Becomes Of Crucifix Dedicated to the group. ed Dakota Highway. have ¥"trust some persons down, Bride of Robert Jones On Her Birthday. Miss Hazel Llverihghouse in Sioux' Instruction in the FSA plan W scIence to students in the 12th Otto Tictg4!n of dear Herrick, S. p and their pluck lifts them in popu- Here on Sunday. City in April, 1935. The couple had I glven representatiYPl'i from eig grade and the oU)er In industrial D., youngest brother or Chris Tiet- p:ge Locals.· lar esteem par with the high- Mrs. Emma Baker is donor of n there since, Mr. Danofsky counties. W. M. J:Iav.: k1ns and ":I a art..'> to boys in grades 11 and 12. gen oC Wayne, had his left arm Lo Valley. est successes,- Thus, despite devil- Miss Aileen Agnew, daughter of memorial cross to the deceased bemg employed in a packing plant. ter Pool were district su.pervlso Prof. R. A. Schreiner will instnlct badly July 27 in a truck Page tlr-Editoria.ls_ tsh wars abroad, economic Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Agnew of members of St. Mary's parish crcc- Mr. Danoisky is survived by his in charge. Ray L. IS Wayne in woodwork and mechanical and car aCCident on the highway Page e--Societ.y. bances at home and a Titanic Geyserville, Cal., became the bride ted at the west line of Greenwood wife, two brother.s, James of Sioux eounty FSA supervisor. drawing and Prof. Raymond Cher- between Bonesteel and Herrick. Page Six-Wakefield. North- .. ' s4'uggle for the sw·vival of democ- of Robert 0, Jones, son of Mr. and cemetery, overlooking the entIre City and ,Clinton of Omaha, and ry will have charge of the work The young man is in a Sioux: Falls we-;t Wakefield. Soullieast we have become mo're demo .. Mrs. Roscoe Jones of Wayne, Sun- cemetery. Rev. Wm. Kearns will hiS mother, MI·s. M. A. Beers or Approve Contracts in general metals and electricity. hospital where doctors are making II Wakefield. Southwest WAke- 'cratic than ever. day afternoon at 2:30 at the Meth- bless and the crucifix Sioux City. His father died in For Connell Hall Girls in the above grades will be an effort to save arm. - field. * * 'ft oaist parsonage. Rev. Carl !G. Saturday the occasion being 1910, offered home economics. The 8th Tietgen. accompanied by five Page Seven-Want Column. Old-Tb:nri Whlsbrs. Bader performed the single ring .the 85U\ birthday of Mrs. Baker. Deceased belonged to the Sev- State Normal board building graders will ha¥e the usual course others, was ,driving his car when Page Eight-Hoskins. Another over old ceremony. Her family will be among those ('nth Day Adventist <i1 urch . committee met at Wayne in general shop the fIrst semester the machih'e was accidentally I s..u.m b'I> tUneS comparl\-1l;i.ve absence ,of i The bride wore a navy blue attend,;ng the ceremony. Among those who went to the Monday to approve contracts for and the 7th the second semester. struck by a tnlck. TietgeD's ann'l Page One--Early Residents Die. "whiskers. Rep, .roduc, tiO, n of early .. length dress with white ac- The plans for the base of the CIty Monday for the rites were Mr I the fUrnIshings and eqUIpment for Instrumental music in the whole which he was resting on the car War Helps China. Fatal Ju:.- day' photographs reminds one-to dessories. Mr. Jones wore the con- memOll'ial were drawn. by E. J. and Mrs C E Llvermghouse, Mr Connell ball. school will be in charge of Prof. door. was broken in fonr places I cident. feel relieved over out of venfion.al dark business suit. Mr. Huntemer. The base is composed and Mrs Tom Livermghouse, Os- John R. Keith while Prof. Russel and the flesh badly torn If the I Page Two-Early Days. Plccic the whisker habit: con .. ,and Mrs .. "Bus" Strahan attended ,of 20 of material. The cross car Snyder, Robett .Jeffrey. Mr DOLLAR DAYS. I'" Ander:son'Will teach vocallJlusic in ann is saved a plate- will have to I in West.' Southeast Wa,yne. Oneicannot the '" 'and figure 1,800 pounds, the and Mrs. Ed. Skeehan, Mrs. Tom It will be noticed by today's the high .school and Prof. H. lL replace part of the 'battered bone. I Page Tb.ree-Rural &boots. tell 8' face '!buri.ep. a ·Mrs. Jones was graduated from cross being of! oak 10 to 12 inches Dunn and Mrs. Wm. Weber. Mr. He ld that Wayne bUSIDess Hanscom In the grades, Mr. Tietgen WRl5 not hurt other- Sholes. SLxty Years Ago. hlrs'1te jtlllgle is ,smUing or snarl, Meadow Grove. high school and in thickness and standing 15 feet and Mrs. Waldon Brugger of Win. nn: pe atUlll in spe- No tuition is charged for either wise and no others in the oar were Altona. LeWe, 'Ini(i>r dOing ," attended State Teachel'1' over the pedest".!. The cross is side, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard cial r bargains this high school or grades. injured. Mr. Tietgen will be in the Page Four.....carroll SouthW1!S1 '.1-:.' ' .. J , , ._'ii!' ,*, * i ',," college: MI'. J,ones was graduated Completely covered with copper Nelson of Pierce, ·were also there. k d P h been hospltal about two months. Wayne. Northeast Wayne. k , : from Wayne school ,and also and it alone. weighs 1,150 pounds. ;:ee .. d The Clyde Hockom family of Mr. and Mrs. Tletgen 1 Page Five--Wlnside_ Northwest The taWS.t. .. publish- 'attended Wayne coUe!te. The figure q:t ChrIst on the cross Mr. and. Mrs. W. S. '8D.d 0 rlant savings .North Platte. to 619 Main' spent Sunday in Sioux Falls with 'I .. The art): at ho,ne ·in ,the weighs 700 and is made Mrs. Will Baker s!>ent Wednt:;Jday street. Mr. Hockom is employed J tQe brother. wife and \ Page Six-UnusuaL Concord.. Iii; of composition ston C " at the Burwell "to may,. I Ibe Wayne Body. shop. daughter. " ,,'i "i';

.'1 Every . Reaoon for Loyalty to Arne!,j· , ca - Little Evidence of

OlIl.Tlme AriotoFracy..,­- S!>urce of Preoent ~r· lief - Late.t Gallup Poll.

There are no hy;phenCj.ted Amer-ican citizeQs in this country re­gardless of their origin, A natur­alized citizen is just as much an American as the one WllO wa.::; born here. Though natives of oth­er lands, their allegiance is to. this country. not to the ones they len.

* * * There are doubtless h.ire~1 agents ot foreign isms sent here to stir up trouble. There are douhtless others who haven't sense enough to see the difference between a government that enslaves its peo­ple and one tha~ grants fivery pos­sib\e means of freedom and se­curity, Few are 50 dumb they can­not understand that totalitarian­ism would .rob them of what they came here to gain.


Near):,. 100 Per Cent

!COverage of the County Field

~. :;iN:b~hSt' lflst,~oc.

Dwight Griswold Will Be Winside

Picnic Speaker

: ! ,\

T~HE WAYNE HERALD 14PAGES SectIon One Pages 1 to B



NO~!~~~n~~ebr;:,~ta ~; ~~: state in crop condition!-;, accord-

, ' I

- Service Station

At Wakefield Is ., Robbed at Night


IMusic Directo.r Is Chosen Here

~o~t~O ~~~ a~~~~,n~~eT~:t:~;t~~~ F==========::::'" Prolg.raAmrroanf ~endtefrotraiDnmayent prospect appears. Ernest Peter- DonOfVEO~t:r8intgO !r



d' aCyhi:rge an~~!r ~a~~~~ ~<;~S:tal~~5 a ~~~': Boyd and Knox Appeal to PREMIUM UST FOR 1 K. E. Haruon of Albert City

• son who has been traveling a IVJ State Supreme CO\.lrt COUNTY FAIR NOW I Accept. POlition for Next Thursday. great deal lately in the interest Justice Court. ~~ t~~1~;m:;'h~~r~~~ ~~:rd~~i~~ In State Increase - READY FOR PUBLIC Coming Year.

Dwight Griswold of Gordon, n~- ~~p~~~ri1Iec~::;5 ~~~~j~S so~~ Don Vornes, 26, of Stanton coun~ and landed in a dltrhr after Skld- Act.ion. of .the s~te board of THE COUNTY f,air's annual Wayne Clty and school band:; publican candidate for governor r ty, will be drraigned before Police ding on the slippery Ilighway Just equalIzatIOn U1 raIsmg land valu- I' I "'11l thIS YCdr be under dir ...... tl~ will be the main speaker at th{; south section5 [) the state seems Judge Wm. KClY In justice (:"Ourl at west of Wayne cemeterY. ations makes it ne-cessary tn have C,"cuPlrae,ffillonu.mFo",t IS

a 1~~yyefaO,rs of K E. Hanson of Albert CII'Y~ ]"a"

irreparably damHged. But he -Wakefield Monday, August 12, at The two were able to he taken figures reVised b f 0 t L>. "'... h :i~~u~~~~d~;~t~~~u~ic~;~ ~i~~~= b0ileves there wIlJ generally be 2 p. m. on charge of breaking'lnto tn the!r home at L<>urcl after re- mIssioners ~an f~xo~~ec a~~a~Otr;:~ past the 115t wa.s publtshed in 1 ~'o~ ~;~~ea)~~~~p~ !~~~~ dres!) l5 scheduled for 12:30. Nor- plenty of feed for livestock. the Bahde berVlce station at the celvmg medical care to Wayne. levy tabloid fonn by the local nev.rs- I 1 ted h· T sd f

More mOisture hrlf; fallen north north edge of W.akefield, the place The Bose car was badly dam- W~yne county assessments cut 20! papers, but the management i se ec 1m ue ay rom among ;~!.~sd~~o~ ~~~ t~U7~~C5 ~~rt:;~ ~7,~= of here, and benefits to growing havmg been robbcrl the night of i-lged about the top, though no per cent from land values thl<; figured from f'xpenence that a i ~~U: ~n~~~~~~e:~ I~~na<~nn~

corn have been corre;-,pondmgly the dClY on whIch Ed. Echtenkamp, gla.'-,>es were broken. The machlDe year Th tat bo d f I I Ixxlk would be handler and , 1",~. ... ....... ~-' ~ nlng. gre< ter Rains in thIS county the tlon ~es~f;d 1~.275a~'roce~1ur;af It~l: I eaSlf'f to preserve, and so a I· sa.u::u.., is to be $1,800, th£:, city and

Sy~p~~~~;t o7a;ea:~~~s P~~I~ShZn~ fO~~~~·" ~~;~~l~U~~: U~o~~:~~: :do~~~. ~;;> ~aa~~r~L~I~~g~e\~~ WfnUe~:~:~~~a~,~d$i~; ~o~"~n~~ic~o~~ w" lowed mlo Wayne ;;nnI6

u4ost nn Improved lnndq "nd i ~r;:Cl~~j~ ~~a~~l~!~O:!~~ ~ Sd~~.l ~~~n;~n:h~~~~~~lY

I e:ricans of different national ori- games at 9:30; Winside bClnd con- that ofrered llttle cncollrage- N I C II . per ('f>nt nn unlmprnVM' thf' faIr wlll be held the first I recommended. has had nIne yean

" * *

gins severed home ties and moved cert, 10 to 10:25; parade includmg ment, hrtve re\"I\"£:o, elno late The mtruder gained entrance to orma 0 e2'e Ilands Thl<; rpsultf'rt In flpprnXI-' Wff'k In September, the book is I oLpubllc school mUSIC expenence. to tbe United States./Tt1ey came four classlcHl diviSIOns for pri7.es, CDrn now appe;lrs good for a the statIOn Thursday night, proo- - mately the i'lver1lge statp Vet!llatlOn marle available none too early ~; has directed mUDIcipal bands to get away from bitter rivalries, 10:30; Wayne band concert, 11:30 nonnai YlC'ld. Ev('n early corn ably between 9 <JOn 12, by break- R ° I H Id cut of 85 ppr c('nt. I to") surt the con';enl€nce of f"X- I n Newell, Rembrandt and 5!Oux

shackled indi\'idualism~ strangled to 12:15; Wright aerial acrobats, th<lt threatened to 1)(' .~erJ(Jw.,jy mg a glass m a SICle: of the statiOn eUDIOD S e I W::Jyne crHmty·,; 193:} \';,hl.1tlnn I, hlbltor'> ~Ides unusually' a:l!,Sg·a~~"l:nPd"'dtlr~Wct0edyeaarsBU~~ liberties and lack of opportunities. 1 to 1:15: Four Dancing Mcgrues, cut duwn ,1 ff'w weeks ,lgO, may ~~;ar~~~~~~I~,th~~~~t a :~~~~n:: ___ of $10.842.815 wa.<., cut thIS yNr' numerpus and excellent entnc,,,, "-Here they found m·erit, springing four brothers, 1:15 to 1:45; Win- o;cor{"' a h,df crop Tbreshlng hot water he ... tr>r <lnd defroster fan Officerll Are Reelected at' tn $16.221.225. The "t<ltp b0arrll the program of rntpr';llnmcnt L"' ,n.a VIsta c()\,nty all-star annn

.trom the lowliest ranks, reoogniz- ;.;ide-Hoskins baseball gHme, 2·30 ~rn<-Ill gl·am ))i-lS becn gOIng for- are missing. Th(' loss Wi1S dISCOV- Annual Gathering Here ra~:1u~~:~;~::et~o")$~'~~;I·~;en. ~ S<:ild to be of an exrppwmally ~ :a~;c~n~a~ep~aa:~e:~ ~~~ff~~~n~~ ed and properly rewarded. PeoJ}le Wayne bi-lnrl. conccl·t, 2:30 to 4, ward With c,ome lntenuptlun.<., ercd ('arly Friday morning by Bur- A St Sch I hIgh order The faIr i.~ i'I \I,-·ayne , migrated to this country to take minor 1>[)o'·1", 4; wElter fight, 5 due to wet weather. The ilvcr- delle F,.edl'ickson who IS employed tate 00 • Thlq will dday the county board·s: county tnstlt>JtlOn, ilnrl It rlf"- I srrve In the same capaCity thu advantage of its greater inde- Winside band concert, 5:30 to 6, age YlCld of barlcy 111 the actIon on the tax levy untIl Au-i ~('r\"f"S unlted »lipport In TYJpu- I )"<:'<lr pendence and security, and usual- two· free (Jcts, <lcr-ob(Jts find dam:- nClghborhood uf Waync IS ats\~~n:t~~~~~brnkenwlndow,in_ N~~~·:~rr;~~I~~~~<;O:nt~~~:~~a.~~)~ gust 20, I lrlf mter("St and <Jtt{'nd;lnc(> Ynr ~,X yt:;:Ir-:, :\!r Ha~l:()n h~1 ly they havc been satisfied and crs from 6 to 6:45·, Wayne band [lbout 40 bU."(H'h to the "w)"e Two northeast i'if'blaska rnun-I ' h<lri rhdl gP rd ml]qc ],n Albert Clt'{ grateful. One said in part: ".My concert after the fr(,e act.'!: Pierce dieating a eul hand, helped Mar- Wayne State Tei-lchers college, <it tIes, Boyd and Knox h,Hf' ClPDC'al- --- ----- "ls("hn01 A IT"of'mber or the 8Ch~1 tiuccess here has depended in large Gesundheit band, 7:45 tl) 8.15, slwl H. H. CrUlck:-.h,mk of Wake- thf'Jr 14th annWlI reunIOn Sunday ed to the stnte 5tJpremf' C()1Jrt from F. . h. C I b()<'lrri h;j~ dlrE"CW the C'lty banrl

f clel 'nd She ,'ff J II p,le ,'n s, at the college campu.'I, r£'f'If'ctcct Ih t I f part upon the unlimited possibili- dance In audltol"lum at 9, with R R d I, d , r .. - f' state board of equallz ltl',n <; I IDIS log oa nr ~(lr;tf' :::n year-g so has reta~ri ties that America offers a young Royal Swmgstcrs fUrnishmg the ains eceive rest or Vornes. officers as follow,,: .Dr. Glen ['et- action 10 r.llslng 1;md \alll('J; fl\Pf ,U11;: P"-"I~I·'n though Mr. Han6l)rl man who is willing to work." An- musIc. Preliminary heanng was set for ~.s'Be~~r~~lt~'u:~~s~~~;t~r~~~~~,: Ithplr recf)mmendatlOno:: I WI·II B PI di ha-; r1ayp.r! In thE" city band therE'. other concludes a grateful <lC- In th(' mmol· "ports tlw f'v£'nts A f B f· Monday. Boyd county board flx('(i lis \.,:l!- i e ace I Ir.tr;--"'r!,l:<; · ... ·1::-: :\lb€rt City buS1-

knowledgment wit h this: "I wllJ lw fOlll' b<JY< races, [Iwr gll.ls re 0 ene It :'\11":;. Ella Haimes, Norfolk, "'eCTe- uatlOn at $4.580,280 thiS YP-;:jr, ru1- : ' nf's.s mf'n e~t.ablt:,hed the fact that 'found freedom. It gave one the 1"'CCe,', ladll'S' balloon I)lowing COll- AllgUt-it Marriage tar),; Ralph Cr(){·kett, WHyn£'. trea- tmg It from la.<,t year·~ flgUrf' cor i --. . I :\1r Hilns"r, IS ,·cry hl.~h1y re5pei:t-

I ,-", suref; and Mrs. S B. Whltmor(', $.'>.632.66/}. The "tatp b0<1rri ral."pri: Wayne-Laurel Highway WIllI ed CIS a miln ;)~d for hIS ability as

~:g7n~fvi~~c~ltn:~i~prI~e~ti~~ a~~~ test, fat mpn·~ race ~md bicycle Moisture Again Brie-htens Plan"" Announced Wayne, histOrian. UW aml)llnt to S4.9S6.7()0 Be Opened to Traffic 'rt ,,"';Sl(" teaChl:f dnrt band dlrE"C"ter. veloped a deep and abiding alf- , ~~ ___ .___ Prospech for Corn in The gClth{'flng o'lt thp .<:.Chool Knox county's \"aluatlon thl; In F~w Day.. T:'1!' pliln of the {'Ity "lnd school f r f th A c i f N th t A ('ilJrtcria was att€'nded bv ,"bout yf'H"r was <;('t ilt $13.2R7.4flfi Li1"t ooanl J~ tn ha\·e th(> music pro-li~e,lO~ndora p:ofo~nd c:~:p;:tY f::1 (~oneert l'lanncd or eaJ5 rea. Mis!! Peace Kingllton to Be 60. MisCi EII7.abf>th WllIiam~ of Chl- year the total wat; $16.257.000. Thf' Thf' fin".! Qli COCltlnj:! fOf h,.gh- I'{ram nqUlnlz(>d il~ a prngTesslv'" American institutions." R M I B J Nortl-wil ... t Nebraska thl<. p;".t Bride Here Soon of CHJ:::!), ("Clmc the fi-lrth6t ril<;tanc('. state bOClrd ralM'd thp tlmount frnm Ai-ly 1'i Of't""t'f'n Waynp. Clnd La 1- unit \qth qp....ady ::IdVancerofmt

* * * y asset ant S wcpk Clgaln receIved Wilking rams, Ivan Fitch. Mrr- Holmp<:, seCTC'l<lry. rppn'~pnt- th(> cut to $14.306,164. , rpl h rxpe-cted tq lx laId b!i\tne thr n llJ;th the "ch()(li The aim· IS ..\

That any p(,l:son capable of gJ"f'atly In(·'CHslng Pl1i:--;ppch (Of ;1 prj tllf' f'Clrllest clas.'- pre.'-f'nt, that State Tax Comml's5IonC'r \1;' H 'f'nd (,f thiS WPf'k Gravf'l ~pnnk- 511-pIP\'f> srh'-,ol band. Mr .. jian.son thinking ut ('ompari<;ons could good ('om crop. Th!s We!." th(' lhlrd Ml ;lIld Ml"s. H .. J KJJHt~tr)f1 Hn,.. of 1892. Ml .... S .Joh,mnCl AndN<;on, Smith s:-wi that if the (-nntpnt!nn~' !JnJ'! "" ill cnl:N thp 'nl ;.Jlld tnf' \, ill ;,.lsn ,Upt'r·'-l_e vo~ee' Initnac-wish to ~8ke over ou;· s;stem of Many Northeast N e bra 8 ka time good I (lItiS c,lme tf) part. .... ()r f][lllilcr' the f'ng,lgmcnt Clnd dP- ~~ly(' yiOc~t,',,'U, c~(~rd I~r. Oman"dhil Mf,O,,', n.<uf <lllaO"ny~.J CI,nhd

e ~IOaOICx ,-~~,0rlnti~.~ <lu'ldf' i ~~)i-l~.et~~~IIW~~n,):;:~ !~~n:~~::~lt~Hn~': t!CJr, In I hI: "'Ch....-,I He wilt'~ .j

government according t!l alien Musicians Participate T1'II thc<-Jst N('bnl,~kfl 111 (h(' P;:l~t \J!"(Jachmg m,lITlagc of their .~., 0;:"<1 ., LJ<)o h" , "'"... thf' (,]\., hanrl which 1$ open' to ~ pattel1l!", is inconceivable Undl'l the I At Ponca Park. I Plgh! day:,. daughtl..'1", Mj"s PCClCf', to Mr. Ivan Harry SlaughtPr of Yanktnn. were I likely h<i\T to mN"'t ag;:lln anrl, thf' nil. thl'" giVing Ule fm;q., who wl.'>l~ tn play Pn\·ate leuons light of conunon sense. WilYfJC' and !lcar vICl!llly ITCPIV- Fitch, ."IJ1l pf Mr. ,mel MI s. Don h('re for t~e flr.<.,t tImC'". Amnng oth- raise th". .~tale levy abovp 2Sj' 'i First coatJ!1i for the hl,o;t,WClY WIll be giVf'n tn city band mem-

* * * A InCls,spd. be!l1rl m;Ht(' up Dr ,I:);) cd .98 (If an Inch July :W . .fj of ,1O Fitch, buth of Wilyne. The wed- en; attendIng from Cl cUs1anc(' were I mills bN"aLL<;(, statp totRL~ would t-w \~ <1<; rnmp!€'tN1 1::I<;t week. One ."Ide bt>r~ and weekly rebearsals ar-Happy Contrast. nlUSlC]an." lr()m 10 band" wll! 1)(' inch ,July :-11, .04 of an Hich Augu.~t dmg date I." sd [01" August 31 and Mr. and Mr~, Anthony Cnrkle of reduced, necessItating a hIgher i nf H mdp about four mlles nnrth r"ngM fflr the group. The munl-

The suggestion has been v('n- fe<:lture(\ at the J]()rthci'lst N('br<:ls- 2 and .f) of .111 Inch Augu ... t "'-), mak- tlle CI,~uPle wlll l,\·e In onc of th~ Om,a~<1' MI."s AnnlC de G, root of tax. IOf tn, wn had to be la, ken up and, clpal u.:Jnd members w!ll probably tured that fewer persons are stuc.:k ka ban~ fe~tlvHI ,It til(' Ponca stair' ing a tolal of 2.22 Inches of ram Seymour ;lp<ll"tmellb on Pearl Cniendge, Mr. and Mrf; .. Inhn Ff'd- felaln tn !'-ausfy test.s reheane in ~mRIl R:rnups 'Salur-up over material riches than used park, Sund.a~, ~Ugtlst. II, Th~ falling: In tile pa::.t week, Clc"nrrl- :,tr(>d der<;~n ,~)f Ne';;;~01:1t~ Frf'rt .~(1rshall I-fold (~()t}"~ntion Instparl o( five sharp tums In days and the entire band f)n~ ev('-to be evident. In the old days a b,lnds partl~IPatlD~ Will be Em- ing to) the St<Jte N<Jtl{lnal beud\. MI;'.o., Klng'itll!l \\'a.') gl"etduated of LI.nc In, , . , d Mr.. Fred llhe old ruad, the h.lghway now has ning a w€i"k sort of aristocracy-pamful to be- erson ~nd Wisner dlIet:ted by HCl:- gaugc. fl"om W,lync high ;,chool <ind at- Wf'lgand of C.le<lrwater. At WaYlle Chllrch I only one long curve. The dIstance The cIty "nd ;;ch'Y11 will $h~r'" hold':-was built up on possession mi:ln EIckhoff, Ponca and AI1e~ dl- Norfolk received 1.26 Jllclle" tenci('d W(JYIlC collcge. She alro Dr. and Mrs. J. T. AndeI;;on, IS shortened by a mile, now being equally in the r1lrector·S salary, of more property ,tha.r tqe aver- reeted ~y ~bel·t, D. Gulhver, Other ramfall figure~ aVC1. thiS s('c- went to bu;.mess coll('gc to Omaha were guests and the formPf ex- -- 16 mlles from Laurel to Wayne also in purchB--<:.(" ryf Instruments

. A fIll k d l,I t South SIOUX CIty dIrected by Geo Cl/ld Chlcago. She plans to continoe tf'J1dert a wf'icome to th, e N. N. c. Number of Delegatea Are 1 G d d surf· to _ and musIc TI-,e city'::; mill levy for ~~:',gl:ou~:~h~a~e o~a~ b~fte;) ~~ A. Carlson, Co~cord directed by ~~:~ntfl.~~cA~~~~~l .~~~IU~~;"l'(,W;~~ her wOl"k HI the Frlster-Campbe KtOOents, each nf whom ~pok(' Expected Next Week nectra~~~o~ and a~on ~~~ band raises about Sl,500. A1t.er \he than the rank and file. He'did root I Arthur V\:~. GullIver, Thurston and PlaJnvl~w Clnd Creighton .5. Nlo- nifIC('. ~~I~(:~·tt ~~l~ o~J~~t:~eN~~. ;:;L For Services. hlgh ..... -ays: 15 and 20 are progress- Instrumentation and music have ,-

~ necessarily know much beyond Waltihill directed b?," Theodore AlI- brara I",; Laurel .7~: SlantnTl I. Ml Fl1dl IS ;1 gr;ldl1;lte or the' tones which have been ,>nnled and mg "eadd, These serlo" ace 10 ~::;::c~'11 ri;c:;'>Stl~:P~;-a, w~ ·':",~f,:,i how to make money Hnd how to baugJl, Pennel· dm:'cled by ~ Meadow Grove 1; Ti!(jpn .~...-). Nt'- Wi-lvnp tnJlllng ~chf)(ll He help~ Abuut 200 are expected at Ourlb g led ~ hang to what he rna.de. His opin- Stanley Da\'.ls, ,andlWest ;'o]nt d]- ligh 1. ()"Nelll .:1, N('wman Gru\"(' hI" "fi-lt!I('].' In tilC'gju('"(';·y huslne:-s ur l·eady for dl",tribul!(,n Red· Luth h h h e rave . d ~hool b,)3rd ('xp('("t to sa , ions were sought on mvolvled pub- rected by Hdney Wall. I aul Pd- r. n." I I ~ r. H<.t t _ In W<-Jynf' The cnllege fuml~lwd coffef'. tf'il Aug~~<;~~~ S 20 an~~~ ~f)ru~~lh :~e! 1 ~ra1lD~ ~ 1i!~;\"('h~R: t~ co~o- $1,()OO tL1!!C\hcr <1nnuaUJ;j' ,. , lie problems not becaus'e he knew erson, direct(J~ of the .Beemcr band, G~~nda/~~;~:l~ ~2 ~ ~~d ,;)ilh.';f~("I':~ .H I, _ _ ___ __ ;md lemonade for the c()vpred dl"h nual ~onv~nt10n of th(' Luthe; 1 p ~~c~o~redf'~~(>j!~~~.elln~ iso('"nn~ ('"o~L'I '·'iiM:

the ansv.ers) but beea.use he had H~rbe~t, M. C('cll .. dJl'('c~()r ~)f thel ('o()!('r wP;Jtl1C'r frlll<l\~f'd tll(' Wayne Man Leases dl~:{';t y('ar.~ rf'tJl1l0n w]ll lw ett LeClg- .... le of the Synod of tlw Mld-ltrActrd on oth('J" h,ghwA)'-" thrnu"h \"n;:t:~')~~.c~~;~~int~~:~~~ superior financial ratlOg. Condi- WdkcJI~J~ b.-mrl, d~d A~ thIll, B('J ~ l"i-lIIlY 1){'I"i()d I Wakefl"eld ,C'tat,'OII II II I th f S W('St. Rp\". W. F. Most I~ pastor i

l Waynr county 11ian (')f nne year and lake further

tions seem to have changed fOl" the cn.,-, dJtcctOl of the DI)-,IJIl ({jUllt) ',J 1(' ('0 f'gP le]"f' e If'>t .-unci<lY or the loral church. Nf'br;.;<kH ::Jnrl -,better m' that ,-e"pcet, Due 10 im- runli school band, W]lI "I.~{j ,Ippeitl Jll Allg\J"t :lctlon cdter the plan 1S t~. Mr.

o J h S I ,r,d. r',chtc'nl.:.:amp has lra;,prl thl' part III Kiln$a.~ comprls{' th(' .~)nnd. FI P d I H h th gb: t ptoved me-ans of travel and com- a~ g~est condul'tors. 0 n amue son i 1);1\.1' d]ld r:rnest H;Jllri!' Sf'!"\"H'(~.<;t;l- ---~---r"- '·'l;ll!(w.·pd Be TllY ~an1P IS the: oat ara e s than~n W\:~ bP( thep~. rou 0U munication, people have enlal·ged H!ghllghtlng tlH' I..'\('nllll-': PI"- 11"11111 W,lkdle!d and tpok ('h<lrgf' Tenant Purchase ,.flll\·cnti nn tht'rnc .. AI\"Jn H.I, ';lr" ~~~:~~ °flO!:r,~~a~~lta, To;. thel'r Aireles. of acqlHilntance as gram wdl bC' the milssl'd df'mol1- S I~" f N 'k e d ' P . W AlI~\l~t 1 TIl!' fanl1l.v ,c 18o.:ulger (I ('w lOr", pr Sl-I To B F tu I h!g~l "cr. r .()!. took hIS under ~atj-well as heightened thoi>' poinh of ,tralion' by 27 Iwnlc,'" 0 "810< I,· asses In ayne d I f Ih L Ih ,. fAme ea re ~ pl,IlI" 1" rT)()\·p 1!) I,ltpl I ('n 0 e _ u er L.-<:ag\Je n -, i ua-~e \'.Ilr:':: at Buena Vist.a coiLe"""'. vle,v, BI'oadeneel lll1dcr'tanei,'ng Out" balon tWJrling df'mIJlI.<.,ll"ntlllll PI IE· dR" ed W f F I I ~

i':J.::1l1l J{,d.-tIUp h'.Hl m;ln,lgrrl Ol" an S xp alne erica, ev: r r. legmnl1 1) r~- __ Storm Lake, and had twn surn-has brought less uppishn~sCi and by drum majors from P('nli(,l· ;llld !>11"'Hl'''" .,>l!)(·l' f.IIW ... t n .. hrk ,,jl mont, Re\. Richard Jobman :.l(lp .. d P A \ mer, r,: .gr;,.duate ~tlldy m mu;.Jc l~lis snobbery, products oE mental Wlsnp]" [ls!n/; llght{'d hat(,n.,>, ;lnri a Funeral ServiceJ5 Are to Be W,lkt,tll'ld, lWI-':<lT1 \~"lk [(Jr thl'l ____ Creston, Re\·. Paul Kuehner ofl atrlotum an, eace re at Den,-"r unlverslty nal·towness. If one hu,<; hliPpened SWISS f!;l1{-."wjn~inp: f'xh]b]\lon by C d d R d I hiP d d Re M t 5 t d Th f I to accumulate a little mOre th;:Lfl nH'ml){'l"~ 01 ttl(' Pendl'!" b;\t!d. (Jon ucte at an 0 P SIO\lX City .)!lurn,d L. A, White Gives Addresll hen er, ~n v . • o!'.- are amung I u&"&"ell e ernea or :'o1r. H,;n<,on IS mRrned and h,H

~lnother, he does not 115U,Uy fcc! CnOpCl"lltmg III m;litln.e; arr;'Hl~C- Lillely Saturday. ----.------. -- I And Shows Pictures at t ~sra e~s. Se f Sc b' Di.play H~re. tWI) chdril.'n !'.frf. Han!,(l!1 I':' t .. l-superior, nor is he 50 regal'ded by menb fl))· the f(o..:;tival are the p1uk J) S I fl'J r A uto Is Damaged Public Program. ... e Vl~ tn

( ~gerll (\ . fl ~r, 1 w t! hill f'nlrG In m\JsIC" t.hose who are less fortunate m offlciah;, the city of Pnnca, thr-, U 11\ • ,1IllU(' SOli, '. () 1I(';!] 1M" h N b' 1::> pres! en 0 e· ..eagu{". r.


Clyne "oun y ruffl 5(:" ()(' Ii> WI \V::tTnp bo.lrfl n{ Niur'lt]r'n, pel 1 IJ U p Shojps. p;Ic",>ed away Tu('s(1;J_V ;dt- n lS ap ear y I F<lrm rehabllltatlOn thmugh the Meyer of Hooper, is \"I{·C pre:-'ldent, partl(,]p, Htc In a float parade whIch m(>("'tl~1: \f"ndH'" (>\"("Illn,li( !lI("1f''C"tt'>"t

worldJy goods~ .» * fi~~~~aep~:~:ee~t~h: ~~~d :ot~~l~~~ ern{Jon ,It the hom(' of Mr~ C. W ,T;\1 McMurphy was only bnllb-i tenant purchase progrClm <lnd Arlene Utemark of \\!akefleld, s('c- wlli IX' fE'atured at Wayn(' county (our pp"~'hlf' ~U"IC tn·5t~uC"t"n. HISCOX III Wayne 'Whpre Jl(> had I d h k Sat d h h I tI t I tl retary; and Levon Sm!th o( Hoop- fair Fnd<lY aftt>rnnon. Se-pt@m\)('r Thp nn;:mi InterVl(,wf'd SOT1lf> Sun-

In primitive settlements, indl- ~~un~. and the Punca muniCIpal bt'cn a me(\ic,ll patIent for tl1'1 past ~~/:.e~\ ~Jf:~he dl~,~:~ :o~~ea~~ ll~~~u~./a~<"(~\res~~~b;:~·i~a;ne\.~~~~~ ('r, treasurer. fi Patnottsm and peRC~ ArE.' themf'!'t da .... anri <Ill SIX m€'T1li:l€'rs w('nt to viduals. reputed as tops in cash The program .It wef-t shelter 10 days MI'. S<imuelson had becn of Wayne ;lnd turned over mto 1I by L. A. WhIte, state f'SA dll"{>c- I announced by Supt. F. B. lJe.I:-ker In~~;>, T\J('"nay for fUrUH",. tntPT4

or its equivalent, were leadel's in house follows: 2, marchlDg exhl- making hIS home With hIS ."nn, Thc> car WtlS damaged. tnr, who addr('ssect a public I'{ath- TOO S h I but othPf!'t may be chosen aDd all \"ICW.~ civfc affairs. They were consulted b!tIOD, Ponca band; 2:20, coneNt, H::IITY, near Sh()k~ fot" tIl(' p,,~t I") _~ __ , I f'flng l.Jt W,lyne ;llldl\OrlUm Thl' raiDing C 00 ,wlil receive equal conSIderation. Thf' f:ngll-h anri n{'"b",le p(l~l-on how to run the schools even If year.". Dc<:~ased ~uffel·ed thf' sec- I A/{pnt Che1. Walters 1:-; C'Ontmu- ,t'on ,-"m~'ned ,~ thp onl~ one lelt

, th h Ponca band; 2:50, marching exhi- D. F . d pI·O/V"Clm fe;lture<i a school of 10- lH " J

they knew little more an enoug bitinn. Thu\ . .ston bClnrl., 3:10, con- ond strrokl' 10 tll£' tunC' Ill' W(-lS In les on rl ay t h Id h F d d 0 ° D S tllD!! arrangt'mf"nt for ('xhlblL<;. and It .. f.ll In W<lynp city ::;choo1 to sign their names, Educators in- Waynp. FIJI)(~r(l1 S~'ITllT''' will hi' . :--;. ructIOn p ~ ('rp rI i-lY <In penlog ay e I rll<;plays promlS(' to) be nul"tand vited and accepted their ,opinions ccrt, Pender band; :3:40, m;lrchmg S,lturday or Sund<IY Ht Randolph Saturday fnr FSA SUpel"\'lbllrS ,lnd .." - Ffeln" Sullivan. Ecigar, who i:;;

because they were influential. In exhibition, Pender band; 4, con- MY". Samuei.'>on leav{';, 1111"('(' ... um I C·t H °t I committCf'men. . -- . Ilnimpro\.("me-nl" at Uw lU"Ounds Ib':,rll'I"cl,','.o"clh,", ''-'" 'hnp,',t;UC:;:d an~4! f:t,i the church they were hailed as cert, Wl.<;ner band; 4:30 marching: and two dalightcfS. Th('y ,IJ (' H<ll _ n I y OSpl a co~~·ty~~t~l~O;~phmp~~!:!.~oli~ll: Indus~rl111 Ani and Senior '1 Hft' nearing completion. R.eJ:~{u.rs at S~Pt ~"F Thorpe begm thiS Wf"<:"<

pillars because they gave mor~ ~~~~~~~i.O~cs~i~~~~t b~:~~: ~:;~: ry of Sholf''>, Fred of !'ontl,\C, season, referring to thll' ;~~ nr the Science Are Offered ,thr grand.s18nd "",ll ~ finished aITa~g1D~ fnr the work shop In the though usually not more propor- marchmg exhibition, W('st Point M]Ch., Milton of Pn~arlplla, Cal, Rites Are Conducted for slate as Nebraska "Garden ul For Firat Time. 190on. 'Clty !'Chnol

~~~::li;-t~~~nint;eex:;;~;!~,c:~ band. ~)~~eotM~I~~,~}:;~:kill~t~:~\~~', ~II~~- Paul H. Danofsky in Eden" W II t i g h I premi:r ~on~r~re~dy ~~ . th f h' I 'I I ProgrHm "I fcn'y lonriing will Chap I Mo d MotIOn piclures depicted In ,ayne co ege ra nm '" 00 will be ,slnbu t e aslo e Stringing of JVires qU~~~i~~ ~t~~~~I~s~h~;'~~l~· ~~t includ(': 2, eonl'f'rt, South Sioux WHlt('l"S. (If (;Prlng'. I', II!'I"f' [('r the e n ay. rO~ds made by 5'011 efosion and wdl open for the commg ye-ar Mon- we-ek. Anyone who does not re-

~~~~~t:; "';r:~~r;'~'ww.,a~ /~j ~,it~~;~!~;, '~~~:!~;O:~~~~ b;~~: aw~~';n C~~:~b~;:,ffl';:S,~~~~;d~~:;~~ ;;;J'X:;;:'~~~~:I~,~~~x:~:~na~~~ ::,,,;~~e Ih~e~~e~~~iltl~e:f :::- :~LI~r~~S:~:~:~~t:0~~::"~' ;::'t :;;:~;'::;e:~~:]: wrr~t~:'nt:n["~;:!~;:~ weight. * * * ~~ft~~\'1 ~~l~~; ~')<~~g.; f;.'e:o;i~~7~ Ore., was a daughter of dec('a~ed. pltsl aftcI- bemg ill about 10 days ~;~~;s.SOil fertility and moisture ~.o~~a~ t~n~~r:~ day, Dean be mailed on request. ::~:~lJ c;t~~?n:~~~!:;-~:::=

P lunch to <'III b<'lnd membel's, fur- Mrs. Samuelson died 31 YCHrs ago. with throat mfection. M, Wh'te explal'ned the tenant ~,,, • c~ .. t The change is a happy one. :eo- A I b h f Ii . ] The expansion ot commercIal d erg1Zlng will {oBow sho. UJ· l"UJVU . hed b th 'I f p 6 WID rot cr 0 any dlcd In t.'uocral ,',tc' wel'e eondllcted pu h h' h bl A I I ° pi.e have been so leveled up and DlS y e Cl y 0 onca; ,re- 1918 1 ... -" rc as(> program W Ie ena es courses started last year will be r' m s nJure 1)0 ml\f'::' (,f poles for thIS worK;

dOWlI in their feelings, and hflve hearsal for massed band; S, massed . Monday afternoon at a chapel farmers tn buy land and which continued thi.5 year. BeSides book- hane' lx-t'n set become so conversant with .the band concert. Mornmgsidc with Rev. W. R helps the fann family become re- keeping and accounting, both typ- I C A 0d --------world that they have no inclin-a- l\felnorial Cros~ I~ Archbold In charge. BUrli-l1 was in establl~hf'"d through rf'lrf'fui man- ing and shorUu:llld Will be offered. n ar CCI ent Mr~:\1. N Foster spramro. he-r tion either to brag or. look! up WaY_fie Parsonage rt SlOlUX CIty c-emetery. ilgem('nt. StudenL<; In tYPlDi will work a full If"ft ankle Tuesday last w('oek when a'bashed. In recent years, ti1ose· , EreClt:.d hI Wayn,c Paul H. Danofsky was bom Dc- Agent Chet Wait('rs told of hour daily Hnd receive an hour's she slipped III the ba.s.P"""'I'\t t<t her who have, worked hard and man- Scene of Se.9 vice ('ember I, 1910, In Crookston, Neb. WClyne county's soil conS£-"rvfltion redit each semester, the same as Otto Tieteen It Hurt When home.

;ra~a~eei~y u!~ l~~s~f~::~~~~~ Mrs. E.mma Baker Is Donor He had resided in Creighton and ~~~~·~X:;:deds~:~t~:~ WV:I~ e flny other subject. Truck Strikes Auto on - ,---------

of respect. Unavoidable hardships M~S8 Aileen Alfnew Becomes Of Crucifix Dedicated ~~~hai~~ l~~~~re Dr:~~·~~!t t7n~i~ to the group. ed ~:~~e~g~o~=l~~~~ ~ ~~~~; Dakota Highway. B=~~~ have ¥"trust some persons down, Bride of Robert Jones On Her Birthday. Miss Hazel Llverihghouse in Sioux' Instruction in the FSA plan W scIence to students in the 12th Otto Tictg4!n of dear Herrick, S. p ~O--Loc81S and their pluck lifts them in popu- Here on Sunday. City in April, 1935. The couple had I glven representatiYPl'i from eig grade and the oU)er In industrial D., youngest brother or Chris Tiet- p:ge ~ree-.wilbur, Locals.· lar esteem ~"""B par with the high- Mrs. Emma Baker is donor of n re~ided there since, Mr. Danofsky counties. W. M. J:Iav.:k1ns and ":Ia art..'> to boys in grades 11 and 12. gen oC Wayne, had his left arm Lo Valley. est successes,- Thus, despite devil- Miss Aileen Agnew, daughter of memorial cross to the deceased bemg employed in a packing plant. ter Pool were district su.pervlso Prof. R. A. Schreiner will instnlct badly inj~ July 27 in a truck Page tlr-Editoria.ls_ tsh wars abroad, economic distur~ Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Agnew of members of St. Mary's parish crcc- Mr. Danoisky is survived by his in charge. Ray L. ~erzal IS Wayne in woodwork and mechanical and car aCCident on the highway Page e--Societ.y. bances at home and a Titanic Geyserville, Cal., became the bride ted at the west line of Greenwood wife, two brother.s, James of Sioux eounty FSA supervisor. drawing and Prof. Raymond Cher- between Bonesteel and Herrick. Page Six-Wakefield. North-

.. ' s4'uggle for the sw·vival of democ- of Robert 0, Jones, son of Mr. and cemetery, overlooking the entIre City and ,Clinton of Omaha, and ry will have charge of the work The young man is in a Sioux: Falls we-;t Wakefield. Soullieast ~acy, we have become mo're demo .. Mrs. Roscoe Jones of Wayne, Sun- cemetery. Rev. Wm. Kearns will hiS mother, MI·s. M. A. Beers or Approve Contracts in general metals and electricity. hospital where doctors are making II Wakefield. Southwest WAke-

'cratic than ever. day afternoon at 2:30 at the Meth- bless and ~e4icate the crucifix Sioux City. His father died in For Connell Hall Girls in the above grades will be an effort to save th~ arm. - field. * * 'ft oaist parsonage. Rev. Carl !G. Saturday a~,4., the occasion being 1910, offered home economics. The 8th Tietgen. accompanied by five Page Seven-Want Column. Old-Tb:nri Whlsbrs. Bader performed the single ring .the 85U\ birthday of Mrs. Baker. Deceased belonged to the Sev- State Normal board building graders will ha¥e the usual course others, was ,driving his car when Page Eight-Hoskins.

Another !mpr~vetnent over old ceremony. Her family will be among those ('nth Day Adventist <i1 urch. committee met at Wayne cam~ in general shop the fIrst semester the machih'e was accidentally I s..u.m b'I> tUneS j~ comparl\-1l;i.ve absence ,of i The bride wore a navy blue attend,;ng the ceremony. Among those who went to the Monday to approve contracts for and the 7th the second semester. struck by a tnlck. TietgeD's ann'l Page One--Early Residents Die. "whiskers. Rep, .roduc, tiO, n of early .. Jt~eet length dress with white ac- The plans for the base of the CIty Monday for the rites were Mr I the fUrnIshings and eqUIpment for Instrumental music in the whole which he was resting on the car War Helps China. Fatal Ju:.-day' photographs reminds one-to dessories. Mr. Jones wore the con- memOll'ial were drawn. by E. J. and Mrs C E Llvermghouse, Mr Connell ball. school will be in charge of Prof. door. was broken in fonr places I cident. feel relieved over 'I:rr~~ess out of venfion.al dark business suit. Mr. Huntemer. The base is composed and Mrs Tom Livermghouse, Os- John R. Keith while Prof. Russel and the flesh badly torn If the I Page Two-Early Days. Plccic the whisker habit: ~i5kers con .. ,and Mrs .. "Bus" Strahan attended ,of 20 to~ of material. The cross car Snyder, Robett .Jeffrey. Mr DOLLAR DAYS. I'" Ander:son'Will teach vocallJlusic in ann is saved a plate- will have to I in West.' Southeast Wa,yne. -c~al fac.i~rexpr~jqn~ Oneicannot the c~uPle. '" 'and figure w~igh 1,800 pounds, the and Mrs. Ed. Skeehan, Mrs. Tom It will be noticed by today's the high .school and Prof. H. lL replace part of the 'battered bone. I Page Tb.ree-Rural &boots. tell whe:the~ 8' face '!buri.ep. j~ a ·Mrs. Jones was graduated from cross being of! oak 10 to 12 inches Dunn and Mrs. Wm. Weber. Mr. He ld that Wayne bUSIDess Hanscom In the grades, Mr. Tietgen WRl5 not hurt other- Sholes. SLxty Years Ago. hlrs'1te jtlllgle is ,smUing or snarl, Meadow Grove. high school and in thickness and standing 15 feet and Mrs. Waldon Brugger of Win. nn: pe atUlll in spe- No tuition is charged for either wise and no others in the oar were Altona. LeWe, 'Ini(i>r dOing nelth~" ," attended W~yne State Teachel'1' over the pedest".!. The cross is side, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard cial d;~';.,.=y r bargains this high school or grades. injured. Mr. Tietgen will be in the Page Four.....carroll SouthW1!S1

'.1-:.' ' .. J , , ._'ii!' ,*, * i ,~,:,.' ',," college: MI'. J,ones was graduated Completely covered with copper Nelson of Pierce, ·were also there. k d P h been hospltal about two months. Wayne. Northeast Wayne. k , WI~'lil :~. : from Wayne h~gb school ,and also and it alone. weighs 1,150 pounds. ;:ee .. ~ d fesIOw:s~eleveIs, The Clyde Hockom family of Mr. and Mrs. ~ Tletgen 1 Page Five--Wlnside_ Northwest

The taWS.t. G~Uup<~oll .. publish- 'attended Wayne coUe!te. The figure q:t ChrIst on the cross Mr. and. Mrs. W. S. Mill~ '8D.d ~mm o~ 0 rlant savings .North Platte. mo~ to 619 Main' spent Sunday in Sioux Falls with 'I Wayne~ :_~', S~~a!,. t?U~~_ .. -:~~tiv~ The coupl~t art): at ho,ne ·in ,the weighs 700 PO~ds and is made Mrs. Will Baker s!>ent Wednt:;Jday ~~ec= street. Mr. Hockom is employed ~ J tQe f~'s brother. wife and \ Page Six-UnusuaL Concord..

~~t:~1~;I~~;~~:;~~;~'i!~;-;~iiiil:i,~;g!~(:~11~:\;R;8n)!a~~.~j' Iii; of composition stonC" at the Burwell "to may,. I Ibe Wayne Body. shop. ~ ~~e daughter. " ~ ,,'i "i'; ~;~':':~


.. Alw, y~ Cool and ( Comfortable -

i'inursday August 8

"ROSE MARIE::, .;Nelson Eddy - .Jeanette McDonald

Friday ~ Sat\lrday Augustl9 - 10


A11lA8D£i IDRDI. ,"~WlIJ.






John Uhlich, found guilty in Wllice coulrt Monday on' two charges, was f,ined $5 and costs for intoxication and was sentenced to 15 days fOJ: contempt of an offi­cer. He is s~rving the time.

Tr~ Progr~8S Is ¥a)Je By 'Class

The 15 ~tlldi' t pilots in Wayne's airplane qlass have all done solo flying. Wirth t 0 planes and two instructors th training is pro­gressing nli-cely I and the class will finish the course in early Septem­ber. Each ·student pilot must from 35 to 50 hours of flying, a re­quired amount being solo work.


Wm. Hunter, found guilty be­fore Police Judge'-G, A. Lamber­son Monday on charge of fighting and disturbing the peace, was fin­ed $10 and costs. The action grew out of an encounter Saturday be­tween Hunter and ('has. Thomp­son. Hunter is serving time t~ clear up the fine. "

., ~ -I 'I

AUGUST 8, 1940

Decisionls Given 1n District Court

Hart'idgton, Neb., August 5-The N ebra~ s~preme court has de-


Carsten Petersen paid a fine of $10 and costs Tuesday after being found guilty on charge of intoxica­tion before Police Judge G. A Lamberson.

o cutred null and void a $2,500 morl-300 at Annap()hs gage whit::h Mr. ani Mrs; P. C. naval ac.;adEjrny 'at an av~rage cost Nelson Of Randolph'l ave to their of 760 a day per person IS a prob- ion, Allroli Nelson, of Rand<j!ph Program of Work lern,that lS:'Y~rk:ed out to I onOproperf,y there, ThedecisioniJre- 'I Oull· d H mahcal pn*lSlQo. Leland ver:ses a Cedar county district i 8 lIle ,ere and Je~n Hpntemer of , court jU(lgment issued here. , The program of work foc Wayne cadets ill th~ academy The validity of the mortgage was county's soil conservation district mer sends tinfonnation before the court when Mar- . was outlined last evening when A. AnnaIwlis ~od situation. tn§!: Peeks sued the Nelsons to col- R Marquardt, area soil technol-

In order that 169 co?ks and ~OO leet r,pprOXimately $3,350 she agist, met with supervisors here. mess boys tnay provIde qualIty claime due on promissory notes. Statistics regarding soil erosion, food, prepared in immaculate She c ntended the rdortgage was moisture, etc., were studied for a kitchens an? served piping hot at issued on the Randolph property period of years and these will an aDowange of· 18c for breakf~st, to prevent her coll~tlng, on her guide procedure. ~ 17c for lun~heon and 41c for dtn-I n t€ ' ner, suppli~s must be bought in a s. I

:~~r:~~~!t~n~!iet~eC:o~~e~f~~~ - ¥e See~ing DfvorJ.~~ gust and placed in six storerooms. Fern Fork filed pet,jtion .in dis-

Invited to Speak In Atlantic City

Fresh frui~ and vejretables are trict court Augu.~:t 3 seeking di-PeliPY S-ewers Mreet. bought in nearby cities three times vorce from KermIt Fork. Margaret

Peppy Sewers 4-H club had its a week on bids and placed in 12 Cross Is seeking divor~e from Fred room.s. The academy owns its own I Cross, filing petition "i~ district

Undergoes OpemUon. ~:fe~:r h~~:tj:ft~nve:~: a~~:s~~ dairy which produces 640 gallons court August 6. Dr. "Ben Wells, son-ill-laW of the ess. The next meeting will be held of milk a datY. Butter is ibought by . l --------

Dr. J. T. Anderson, president of Wayne rollege, has been asked to speak at the national convention of the American Association of Teachers colleges which meets 10

February at Atlantic City, N. J.

Placements Mad". S, B. Whjtmor~s, underwent an op- in the Het'bert Peters home with the carload,' and a lO-day supp'ly To Fa.rmly Re1lnion. eration last Thursday in a Denver Delores <"::IS hostess. At this meet- of potatoes amounts to 35,000 Mr ~ and Mrs. Adolph Clauss~n Wayne college students placed hospital and has been critically ing roll caU will be answered with pounds. and r~m1[y, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. in new positions the past week are: ill. favorite color schemes. Meats too :are bought in quanti- Oiaussen, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heit- Eldora WhIte. (our-year, home ~_iiiiiiiiiiii._iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ties for mid3hlpmen. Each day 3.- hold and family. Mr. and Mrs. E'conomics and Engi.Jsh at Urbana, I 600 pounds dlf meat are used, each Conrad Weiersheuser and daugh-. la.; Lueille LIneweaver. four-year,

cadet being allowed one and a half ter attended a Suhr family reun- fIrst at Mapleton, 10;1.; AVIS Taylor, THE KNOT·HOLE


Mr. and Mrs. G1=o. -Anderson of Wisner boosters visited Wayne Chicago, fonrterly of Way~, sail

Tuesday mdrning advertising their from New York in a few days for junior livestock show and rodeo a three-week cruise o( the Carib­August 15 and 16. The WiSner 60· bean sea. They \\-'ill go to Be~ud::J, piece band in uniforms marched Venezuela and take a m(Jtor tnp and played under the direction through the Andes mounbins uf Hennan Eickhoff, formerly of &mtt. Am€'t1C'a. The Anderson., Wayne. will leave their son with Mr An­

Relative of Wayne Lady Is in Ripley's

derson's mother at Hawarden; Is , and their daughter with Mrs. An­derson's mother. Mrs. Cloud. In

Sioux CIty. Mr. Anderson IS man-Mrs .. Clannee Wright's great lager ?f the ~lc::JgO Tribune ad­

uncle \va.',. pictured In Ripley's vertismg sernce. "Bel1eve It or Not" Tuesday. He _______ _ i., Dr. James McLean of Enid" GIRL PASSES A WAY Okla., who rode a b'cycle daily at AT NORFOLK HOME ~~t at~: ~ic;~r:eaa~~. f~:ts'i' :r~~~ Mrs. Hattie McNutt w(-nt t,)

ley about fin~ years ago. ~~:~~~ ~:tu~~y ntl:.{'~tte~~UJ~;'I';

M issiQn Festival Schaff~r. 2)'J, who dIed Thur:,day. The chJld leaves her par('nts~_Clnd

Arranged Sunday I :::te~~O~~~:~ds~:~~~~~ l;(,\);~~f-~~; Grace Lutheran congregatIOn,! arm Wednesday I;j~t \l.E't'k )'1r5

~~J:.h r:;:~~ \~~~l~:n~~~c~~~::~~ ~!:= I ~k~\lt~ retur~,.d h(Jm:.~~~3Y tl\'aX ut thf' f::llr grounds Sunday' To Satio~1 ConferenC'f". R.e-\. Hellmann elf Beemer, s~aks I M i "s :or a m I f' :'VTcCm klnd .. de at 1030, and P.R\·. Wehrmann of leavE'S thl" Sl:ndav for &·,r·<.1. Kv , Senbner. at 230 ! to VlSlt Mj~~ E,.,ther Fredn(k,,~n

Will Give Address For Dixon Picnic

Both \l/J1l at:,·nd the n3tlutl:...1 erV1S()r,,' Caroima.

pounds. Eac11 month 36,021 dozf'!) ion at Lyons Sunday. About 50 two-year, upper grades at Mas-fresh eggs S\..lpply foods for meals relatives were present. kell; Hilda Langmack, two-year. Rev. C. L. Ead;; of Wayne. \1.:J!J and 3,495 pbunds of frozen egg'i primary at Sioux City; Peggy givf' (Jne of the addre£~es at the v __ OI_._7---.-___ W--.:,a ynf'. NC'b., Thllr., Aug. 8, 1940. ____ ri_'0_._3_9

Mr. and Mr" Aleth;:!. B"'lilah

.J K

The champion fast III." one of those need- I And then there talker of the land is ing new shmgles, I was t1w m<Jn who a Los Angcles youth: llOW is lh(' tlnw tl) \vn!l·;ec! into ;1 bdor who spol,e 613 words I do thE' wurk, and I sllop WIth a ~uit of in 57 seconds. It is thJS JS the place to I clnHli.:'s on llis ~Jrln. SliPpoSE'd the 0 I d. get the Iwst -- No. I i "Sh .. !ll I pre:-,s lP" man weakened <lnd I Rr>c/ C'ed,Il·',. . the .. taIlor a'iked. 'ThE" let him h&\~C' the CQr. 0 man saId, "No, JWit

,~ "" . shllle the cant to " . ;m ~i;(~~~'I~,Obu?t~~? 1." match the pants '"

Why go through I "Nothin' do In'

~.ftl~(;U~ \l~'e \~~),~1}~r~, ~i;.I~~'/;l )~;I\'~ltaJJ~~lc,!~ ~~;:~l~~[y 11l~~/eJ~ . ~ I Slllg Sing ., Will-Burt s t 0 k e r i

can be had ;--t :' I !vTany ,lll old hf)llSP

pri~E' that means a i th:ll I~ ('n eyC'-~,()rp

;~~I;g Jl~~~S~~~ ~~I~~ I ~~l"~~~s~~~t{JC~~lc!y~:~ bill? But, he ~1ll"C' pleasmg horne With it's a Will - Burt. thp appli('CltJon (If a There IS n differ- lit tIe p 3 lilt We ence. don't lnt'Lln any old

]J3Int. llowf'ver. We do mea)), though,

Teacher: "Do you cI I j d d E' n P8int lt1 k no \\ .J () h n n y f'uj()1"S 'l]J]JI'~v~'d for where ~hmgles wcn' tl;(' tYPE'. of ,huuse

first u<;ed.?:: , I UH'Y~~~i~~t~~np;'~'Of~~!~ Johnny. I d rath- i ::ilOnal color sl'h-c1.ur

er not telL" I yo.u havl' be~'n mls:-,~ ing soml'thing. It wJlI settle the coloI'


We don't know 1 qupstion for you, in· w~H're shingles were a hurry. I We never did 1:ear first used. but we I __ .. I how the MeXican

~~rko~°;fa~!s aa;o~~d II Carhart I ~;j[~d~do~1;le~S O?~l~~= , ~h~~ld w~~reus~l en~ Lumber Co. ~~~~'e ~~t is w~v~:e; once. If your pI~ce PhoDe 147 Wayne I iif1een-mintlte start.

for less

are used in baking. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conger Boetger, two-year, primary at, annual DIxon county old SRttiers' To figure a cotnmon egg amI \risited in Creighton Sunday. Royal. . I PIC"l'11C a! Allen thIS Thursday.

I Ilj,:l and Ru ..... -.ell s[)f'nt Th.J-d ,v , ._ nlng at A E. ChJld~' ;11 Ik ' '!''l1 lettuce sa lad for the boys, the cook::;

]<now that t(l serve 1.000 requires 60 heads of lettuff, 208 dozen eggs. 49 qlwrts of salad oil, two pounds of snIt, hila and a half pounds of egr{ yolks. two ounces of must:nd, I

a half ounce of cayenne pepper, I seven tins of pimentos, six bundles I of parsley, four and a half ounces of mustard seed, 18 oun('es of V'/or­cestershire sauce and six pints of vinegar. For th(, 2.300 they flgun' two and threp-tcnths this amount.

An average ~re;jkfast at tlw academy requirf's 2,221 oranges, 159 pounds df cereal WIth thrp(' and a half l)Ounds of 5;:>11, IO.OO() griddle eal{f'"S. 236 pounds of hnm. 30 gallons of syrup. 45 pOl,ll")d.s (If

coffee, 30 gallrms of cream, 1f10 pounds of sugar, 35 pounds .of co­coa with 100 gallons of milk, 831 pounps of butter, 240 gallons of milk to drink.

Huge mixing machines, larg~ ovens and warmers enable the cooks to prepare and serve 2,000 loaves of bread, 450 pies, 4,200 cookies and other similar quanti­ties of foods.

The Wayne youths are apprecia­tive of the quality of food and service at the academy. '

BIRTH RECORD. An 81/2 -pound son was born to

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Splittgerber of Wayne, August 4 at n local hos~ pital. HIS name is Gary Lee.

A son weJghing 8t~ pounds was born to Mr. aJnd Mrs. Donald son of W.ayne, Sunday, August 4. The other two chlldren are daugh-ters, I

A daughter. Barbara 'Florence, v,ras born to Mr. and Mrs. R. W.

Salad Dressing

Salad Dressing

G Red rapes Malaga

Pea"hes Hale Vari~Iy, .. Ideal to Shee


2·lb_ Bskt.

*OranOes Size 288, Sun. 8 kid, Valenciaa Doz.

Grapes Thompson, Seedles •.. _. Lb.

6c 15c 15c

6c Pe he Elberta, ac S Freestone .. ~~~b'83c

Quart Duchess ........... jar

Miracle Whip

Quart Jar

8-oz Pierre' •... Bottle


1 :~iii=~~!~~~~iiii::~~~i:i:~~iiii.i~:=1 Hannah of FrUIta, Colo., July 12. Mrs. Hannah is the former Cath-erine Bacon of Randolph. She at­tended Wayne college-.

French French


Dressing r!~t 19c ~t 27c i.;!~- 23c ~~~' 29c i.;!~. 24c

8~oz Kraft. _ Bottle

2Sc 32c 10c 13c

-C~.oi<'e uality, GPnnine Bo bon Santos

~!. 2c ~~~. 35c A daughter, Evelyn Glerfdora,

was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Frie-berg of Beresford, S. D., June 17. Mrs. Frieberg is the former Bessie Bacon who attended Wayne college and lived at Randolph. The two other chlldren are sons.

A daughter weighing 7 pounds and 13 ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs. ValeriUS Damme of Wayne, August L at a local hospital. She has been named Loreta Jean. The other child in the family is also a daughter.

Oa~ of Thank"; I wish to expr'ess sincere appre­

cioHon to ~ll who sent cards or callt'd on me during my recent ill­ness.-Ma~n Grunke.

DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS Beau Brummel and ToWnley

Shirts :j;1°O Pajamas

FuU Cut :j;lo0

Ties Hand Made

i Btoodclolh "

$hirtsf1Sltorts . 4 for '100

HOse " Regular or\.Slacks I

''''5 '1°°\ for "

Mayonnaise Piedmont

Mayonnais~ Kraft ..

Crackers ~~ Baker

Crackers Grahams

N.B.C, .PI'"f:minm Pirates' Gold. Crat'kers

Dollar Features P· . I Libby's meapp e Crusi • .:.t J5~~~~ 1.00

4~!°1.00 ::-':n~Y 20~~~ 1.00 =~:n~ty 12~~;';j1.00

*Prunes ~:ct~r-Pork & Beans Pork & Beans Toilet Soap Camay 20Bars 1.00 Silk Tissue 30 Rolls 1.00 Pears Juice

------~rlIouse. Choice. Halves


P Sugar Belle.

eas Sweet va~rlt-S · 'hEme d pma,c Ba, .

*Prunes ~~I~O, -~~d *Beans ~!:::!,N r~~:r~

*Flour ::::;-! .Flour ~~en Vinegar Cider ____________ _

C BaU, • Jar . aps MasolL __ _

Jars ~IL. __ :_ Q;;rts 69c P ff d Wb t 2 pk ... 15c, o e .. ea IPkl<,k_ ..

No.2 Can 9c

2~;.,; 25c 2~~;J 2Sc ~' 13c

ISc 3·Ib, Bag

~b'98c ::';b·1.17

Gal. 19c Do .. 17c

Salad Oil l\lay Day ... hlgbest QuaUty

Pint ]9 Can C


-Ble:ndf'd for FI:n.'or. fnr

Body and fOT Aroma:

Pork-Beans T CantcrbllTy ea Orntllrl'-PekO<' _ ~k~b25c Van Camp's ... In Tomato Sauce

Borax I-lb_ 1Sc I-Ib, 6 20-?tlute Team Pkg_

Can C Cherub Milk 3 Tall 19c Cans

Toilet Soap *Eggs R~ant.ed 1><>z_ 13c . * B tt Parch mont 27c WhIte King ... Daintily Perfumed U er W",p!)ed_ Lb,

4 Cake, 19c Corn Starch 1-lb_ 7c Argo Pkg.

*Picnics SMOKED, Lb.14c: Willon', Certified, Cello-Wrapped

*Pork Boast ~~ Cut. Lb. tOe Beef Boas-t Best Chuck19c Other ChUCk171'

Cuts, UL_. Cuts, LB______ ..

Ground Meat ~:to_~ _______________ 2 Lbs. 27c: L h L Piclde-Pimenio. une oaves Ma<-t.rOnl-C-.e. Baked V ... L _______ _

·st- ' 'I B 'Wilsco, -Lb

Lb. 17c 17e 6c

lee aeon Tender, Sweet_______ • • I i _

·Pure Lard ~*:.!_~ ___________ ,---------- Lb:


lake, couple of .

Marilyn Swett fs' spending this week at girl scout ~arnp near Si~ux "City. and 1s$!'i1la Swett. is visit­ing friends j Sioux City.

Mr. and 1's. Will Page of Pil­g.er, and Mr~. Lemon of California, were Tuesday guests of Miss Edith nnd Miss Maxine- Barrett.

Prof. and iMrs. K. N. Parke and (By Mrs. Jewell Killion.)

fatnilYL and Miss Cynthia Fraser Frankie Holm of Beverly, Neb., leave ~und# for a few days' va- is spending a few days in the Reu-cation at La e Ge(!)rge, Minn. bE'n Holm home.

Mrs. J. T, Bressler, Miss Doro- Loretta Shultz of Lyons, is thy Bressler and Mrs. Allis Pol- spending this week in the Vel mer lard were 1ruestlay evening din-I Anden;on home. riet guests of Mrs. A. M. JacoQs. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rogers wen:;

Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Lpmb and I Sunday dlnnel' guests in the Har­fC!.mily of "W'ilson, Okla., arrived ry Kinder home near Carroll. Saturday to' visJt a few daYs in the Mrs. Chas. Levine, Bernard ano S~titf J. HI. P)1e home. The wom- I Leroy Wf"re Tuesday evening visi­en are Sister~1 'tors in the George Jensen home.

t.yl~""'1Sey ur returncd homf' Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Johnson MondaJ.! f!'om months' stay at and .Joa~ were Tuesday afternoon

~ha:ew~:~~:~'d ~~~h ~e~\~i~ s~:~~ ~~~~.I·S In the Reuben Anderson

mour at DsJ·'Moines. ,I MI·. and Mrs. Hnrry Johnson in t~e G A Lflm!per~on hou,:e. Mrs. F. '9· D(lle and Robert i(:o.k I and ("~.jl?rc.n .were Sunday after-

C. E, Nlcholawen and Prof K N. the fOlmer s mother, ~rs. em riC noon \ ISltOl s In thp Joel Dahlgren Parke attended the Pender Legionj 'Yrigley, to her flO";.:- 1Il Li~~oln I home. post meeting ·Monday evening,· 1 Saturday after she had vIsited I Mr. and Mrs. Reube.n Holm a.nd

Miss Bernice August returned here .. The Dales returnNi'Sunday. C,hlldn'.tl WI'I"C T~e~da.y eV(>~lng Sunday after visiting a WeE'k in Mrs. ~o Whalen of Norfolk, 1..1...,ltors In the Vllmel Ande!son

:Woodbine, la" with her sister. ~::y ~~r~:tt~: ~h:n~n~ t~~e~;J:~! ho~::: ~lnd Mrs, P('te Oberg and

H;;~~· F~~·:t~~C6%n;ZO~itY~~.~ netis were Wednesd<l-¥ evening I family \vere SundclY dinner guests Tuesday io visit in the Art Brune dinner guests in the Eve1'ett Rnb- i in the Andr('w Nplson home in

erts home. 'ioaklaml. borne. U Miss Beulah Scntt went to FrE'- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnl'on and I

Prof. and Mrs. Albert G. Carl- . Saturday, Miss Lettie and Dwaine HaHstrom WE'rf' Wedne-s-son· and sons went to Waverly Miss MittiE'( Scott taking h£'r as f<ll" I day evening viSItors in the Em!! SwUe'nedk",Y. to I visit two or three as West Point. Miss Mittie Scott Anderson homE'.

went there Tuesday, Miss Lettie Henry Carlson and Glenn Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Rir:h anp accompanyIng her. Miss Beulah ('hael of Omaha. [lnd Harold Holm

daughter, who had v:isited at,S. B. and Miss ·Mittie, who had visitf'd were Sunday dinner gllE'St.s in the WtJitmol'e's, went to Yankton their sisteJ> ht're, plnn to go to i RE'uben Holm home.

D911ar Day

S~ecial Friday and Saturday


2 Gallons! Standard


Spray $100

Only Only

. ("Bring your own contll,iner)

This ~s our regulM"

69c Fly Spray


Gladet' national park. Miss Lettie I Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Johnson Scott w111 visit a week in ~la.rksbn. and Jo.an left Thursday for thei,r

Dr. and Mrs. H. D. GrIffin left I home In Omaha, after a w(,ek s

:~d~~~~~r~o~Oi~:~n ~~~ i~I:~! Vi~~I~~!~ereJ~~~~i~~ arcompanipd state. They wilt see Dr. Griffin's i friends from Wayne to Omah;] mother and sister ahd also plan to I Sunrlay and was a dmne-r' guest in visit Miss Mary Currier in Nf'w I the Ilw Smith home. York City. Before returning thpy I Mr. ~lOci Mrs. Wm. Ri('harnson will be in State Co\lcF("P, ) Pil"lor. Cpd'l.r F,i1ls, la., Mr. ~nd .M.rs. where Dr. Griffin will aHeml thr Paul Killion w(>rp Monday e\'C'­convention of the Amf'riC';ln nlOg \'i~d()l"s in th(' J('w('11 Killion Psychological a~sociation at Penn- I hornf',

sylvania sta.te college. I Mr.. and Mrs. H. erman Brock.­stedt of Al"cadl8, Cal., Mrs. John

Northwest Wayne Larson of Hartlngtnn, v.:ere Fn-'" day dinner gue>'ts In the Leonard

. (By Staff Correspondent.) I Olson home.

H b t Auker called at. lbrold I MI-s. EmIl Rogers and Marga:d S~r:ns:~'s Friday evening w('re f:rida y lunc:heon guests \\'lth

Mr. and Mrs. J" H. Spahr and M~s. EmJl Anderson. and Ruth Ernest caIled Sunday evening at I Fnduy and latel· called In the Mar-Roy Spahr'~. I tin Holmberg home.

Mr. and I Mrs. R. L. Spahr of I Amanda Lundah.l. .Eleanor Gus­Randolph. l.:"rere Mond.a y evening tafso~, I?a.r lE'E'ne K.JllJ~m, Rose Ma­S11 er guekts last week at J. H'I ne Chn!'>tenson flO!>'hed summer Sp~~r's. sehoul FrIday. _ and returned to

Mr. and :Mrs. Clark B~nister their respect.lve home..; for a and daughters, Shirley and M.ar- month·s.vscatlOn. jorie. were Sunday callNs at Har- Tlw Cl~rcncc Hnlm, Roy Holm. old Sorensen's. ~erman Stollp. Bertll Larson fam-

Among those who ha\'(, c(1l1cd !lIes, MarVin Stulle, Mrs. Larson on Robert Stambaugh since his and Nnrm;m, H,II'old Holm \vere return from the hospital an' O. "\V. ~uesb 1lI the Reuben Holm home Fortner, .P. C. Crockett, W. A. 111 honor of Ml". Holm'..; birthday Crossland, tIarold SorcnHE'n, Clark Thursday ('\'('nmg.


Leo &l?s~n. called Monday eve- family Jpent MGnday evening last I;' .' ning at G~oIfge Qtte's. week inlthe Virgl; Moseman home the ! home.

Mr. an~1 Mrs. Fred Heier, jr" at Emer~on. ~ visitors at and, famh~ called Sunday after- Mr. a*d Mrs. Wm. Hansen and Anders home noon at L .. Oramberg's. family, Leona and Herbie Hansen Carl Mrs.-M~ss RUby Davis of .Carrol1, were in I Sioux City Tuesday last Altea and LOrraine Novak.

spent from Thursday to Saturday week fori I the circus. evening visitors- were Mr. with :(VIis$" Lois Pierson,. Mary i\nn Evans spent Thurs- Mrs. Walter Grose and LeVernt

at I' X~ls EkbE"rg' ~. and· Mrs. Oairl> An€l:ersoll and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson, Mr. and Mrs .•

'I Melvin Andetsoh, Mrs. John B,.er­gesOfi and Jimmie. Vida Ander­bery and Donald Wilmot of Sioux City.

(By Staffl: Cartrespondent.)

Mr. alld .Mts. Rudolp/1 Hammer day and Friday with Beverly Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hennmg-and Delores wetc SUntlay cUnner Anderson. Dickie Evans spent the sen and daughter and Mrs. Nels 'guest.s at H,erb.ert Thun's. time at Guy Pippitt's. Henmngspn were Sunday di~er

Mrs .. LlO.5cd Dunklau and son, Miss :rt8ye and Miss Dorothy guests at the Fred Brockmuller s~ent last Wectnesrlay afternoon Lutt sperit Friday afternoon in the 1 home. at Laurel. They visited 'the WIth Mts. Jam'es McIntosh. Lloyd Dunklau home. Miss Faye Marvm Linder hume Thursday

Mr. and Mrs. Verni€' ·Larsen and remained, until Sunday. i evenmg. daughter called Monday E'vening Mr. and Mrs. Oland Thorson, Mr. I Monday afternoon visitors and

Mary ~horhPSQn caned Thurs- la:--t week at Lloyd Dunklau's. and Mrs. ·Melvin Diltz of Volin, S. I coffee guests of Mrs. Harold An-day morm~g, at Emil Bak~r.'s: Mr. and Mrll. Fred Heiu-. jl'., and D., were Monday d!nner guests I derson were Mrs. Anton An~eT-

The LeVI 1/t0 mp.<;on family spent I faml]y wE're la.st Wf'dne-sday evc- last week at Wm. HeIer's. bery, Mrs. Claire Anderson, 'Mr. Thursday af~ern@on m La.ur.el. 1 nlng caJrters at John Uunklau's. Mrs. JuiJa Perdue and Al~n ~nd Mrs. Melvin Anderson, Hild-Pat~y and LBarbara Grier are Mr. and -Mrs. Ben Meyer and called Saturday evening on Will mg and Vida Anderbery and Don· 1

sp~d/,ng thfs week at James Lot'r<line w('te_ SundBY Supper Perdu~ .in a local hospita1. They aJd WIlmot. Gner s. ~ II guests. in the Allan Perdue home. also VISIted Mrs. Harry Perdue. Mr. and Mrs. C1aire Anderson

Mrs. otto utt Bnd Delores, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Watson entertamed for Tue-sdav evening: Willard ~~e ,ke Rpent Fnday atj da~~~'te~'~~~n~~rJouhen ~~;~'RT~e;:- and famIly, Mr. and Mrs. W.rn.! supper ~r. and Mrs. Jos~ph E:nck-: Don Lutt s. '. . . .. Watson and Mr~. Chas. WhIte I <;(m and cblldren ;vIr. and Mrs. I

The George OUe family visited \\ III Roe \'lslted Thufflday after- Sunday dinner guests at, (-1 a. I ~'1d Merlyn 'and I in the FOl'e!'t Gdbel·t hnme at Til- T1fJon. H. M. Attker·s. i M:.r:c; M;s.m

John J"Jhnson and I

den Sunday,. l\1r arid Mrs. Gpne Payne nnd Mr. and !\i1:rs. C1ar(>nce .Hamm I Joan n! Omaha. I Mr. an~ M.~~: Shirley ~pr<lgue filmily ()f Douglas, Wyo., were and family of Hoskins, Mr. and I Mr and Mrs. }~nder::: Jnrgf'tl~en

a~d EdWin \I~'t('d '!'hursd.lY e\"e- Sclturclay e\'cning guest.s ~t Hobert Mrs. W. S. Young of Laurel, were and NE'Y8 spent Monday vI:-fting I nmg at Roy Pierson s. . Auker'g. Sunclay dinner and supper guests ;\1rs Bruce Wil.<ion <'1t a Norfolk II

Mrs. August Kruse and Marmn, Mr. and Mr . ..; \J",'ill Lutt and at Arthur Young's. hospltal..' Mrs. WiLcoon wilt b~ re-

Mr. and Mrs. August Dorman membered here as Alice Herfel. A I and family and Mr. and Mrs. hon was bom to the Wilsons Thurs-

~i~~2~lr C;t~UI¥u~~~da:a;:~~ ::ee;~ ~~ ~~~~e~~ has been named Douglas 1

THE St11oOlER.romp m milk ~ ductlon bi DOt~ a natural plw­~ Cowt that ~ e~ ~bymardcm.'t~mllcb time to ~ smd chew thek ~ and. make rtUtk. Fly timo .. milk_ uUJhp time.

Protect your ~ &om fly tor· tute ..nth Dr. Hess Fly Sphy. 'rIiliI ptdc!uct is both • tty Ail/er aDd • BY repeller. ·It lciJla ftl~ in the Itlblr, 1lI1d it /Jrotecta COWS !rom ftih m. tR t*ItU=.

• Dr. Seq Fly Spray hat becI1 tesm1as1l fly ~ Im4 a fly ",pd. 1M,CQet.,l:ittJem~.lt.e~. Cu! olftlilk. JSer tHt, lit each milking. pay1, ror the Spray. ~

Wayne Drug Co. R. E. Chittick. Jr.


for friday and Saturday

sp(> the summer circus. Sunday dinner guests at Anton I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dunklau Anderbery's were Mr. and Mrs.

I <1~~sL;SO~t ;~e Lu~~,:.da~f~m~~ ifl~~~~~~~~~iii~~i~~~~~~ll !~rs Eric Nelson and Roy of Til-: rlen. were afternOQn gues;ts. j M!'. and MTS. Fred Beckman

I ':~~e d;~~~~r~'In~:~e gu:~t~ I~o;hn~ liCit ,J,lmC's McI~tosh home. Faye and Joan remained until Sund,lY


Several ~t:rl~s of Reg. $1.00 Curtains


2 Yd •. $1.00 6 Yd •. $1.00

10 Yd •. $1.00 15c quality - 10 nif'!e pa U£'rns


Enough for tw~ gowns, Wliite or eolors

MUSLIN, Yard wide ............. 12 Yds. $1.00 Bleach£'d or brown

SA TEEN SLIPS, Sizes to 48 2 for $1.00 Buitt-UIJ shoulder - Full ('ut - Tea-rose ('-0101

CANNON SA TH TowELS 4 for $1.00 Pretty plards - Large size

MUNS(NG KNIT SLIP~ Each $1.00 ~hadow pan£'I - Sort sag - Puff'd fitting

Long wearing

NEW FALL WASH FROCKS Each $1.00 Youthful styles for schoo) - 14 to 20

MUNSrNG Economy SILK HOSE 2 Pro $1.00

CHILDREN'S SLACKS. S('rvi('e or ('hiffon - All silk - ~t"St rolors

2 Pro $1.00 llrown, navy and bright ('!olors - 6 to 14

LADIES' RAYON DRESSES Each $1.0'0 $3.00 qoalitl· - 14 to 20 - Just 20 left

"!VIr. and Mrs. (;1:'0. Fostpr of Hartington. w!'re Sunday aftpr­noon guests in the Levi Thomp­son home The women were school-mate!' at NE'braska Nnrmal college.

Mrs Cliff Penn and Bobble re­turned hom(' Friday evening from

where th!'y had "pent ten ~

Mrs. Penn's sister and! Dr. ann ;"i[rs. C. A.

Mrs. John Finn and Mrs. Henry Bush and

Meyer called Thursday a(t­at Allan Pprdue·s. Mrs. Au­

gu~t Dorman <lnd daughtf'ro: WPTe

Friday afternoon callf'~. Mr. vnd Mrs Otto Lutt. Lest('r

Clnd Delores. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lutt. Mr. and Mrs. 'Vlilard Blecke h:ld <1 picnic dinner Sunday at WlOslde. Thf'Y attended the Win­sidE'- \Vayne bn~wb[J'll game in the afternoon.

Mrs Mary Pippitt. Guy Pippitt, Mrs. Roy Granfield and Delwin, Mr. and Mr~. H. L. Evans went to L€"Mars. la, Thursday to visit Ralph Pippitt of the U. S. national guard <It \Vlchita. He was on his

I W:~04~;:~;:;~:~I;;;et Tuee-day with Lois Finn.

Home from, Hospital. Mrs. L. Grnmberg rf'tum('rl

homE' Fridny oft('rnf'1on from :1 To­(';]1 hospital.

Wilbur Proje(!t Club.



"Superb" Faney Pack

Fruit Cocktail b~~z. 13c .0\ balanced a.~ortment of choicest fruits. rn~ in a hea,,'Y syrup. Ready to ~rve for coe.k1.a.ils or to add to Robb·Ros.."1 ge-laUn df'SSert.


Gelatin Dessert 3 ~~:ts IOc ~uPfi'b ('.oontry GrnUeman

Cream Style Corn ~:i" 2 'When you fill YOU]' order with Superb "crea.Dl gtyie·' corn. you ar{' f:"etting l.he most tender a.nd finest navored corn {'vet plaeed in a caI1_


Malted Milk Its rich chocoial.e disposes of Mother's ))rOblems. Children are eag'et to drink mllk. ltli.xed wfth Kraft's chfx:>()la.t.e malted milk.

1 t~s .27c 2-:;:i< ... ... 45c 3 l-z Gal. Delicious Thin' Qoencher per BoUle

Zephyr 2 BOTTLES ... 15e f.lavors art' S1rawbel"TY. WUd Clu~rry. Lemon-Lime •. '; '" r.r:lpf' and Ra~pbNTY. ,.

Kellogg's Rice Krispies, pkg.1 Cocoanut Bonbons POn-n 15c Lemon Cookies ~O\;,,-n lOc Clapp's PreparM Banister, Jens Anderson, Andrew ML and Mrs. C,Hl ,Johnson,

Your Rexa,lI Store Parker, Earl Goddard, ,Joe Haber- Dwamf" Halhtrolll, Mr. and Mr:;. Ah' L ,0' II ~~:~~iiiiiii~~iii~~eli··iiw~·iAi·.jst~e~w~u~,.ti'-i-'='ii-·uI--~?~ii·~.I1~."~I~le,:~ ~~~:~I-~II~'~:~!"I(~il~l~~)~ ~~I~st~hil~dl~;~~ ern S (By ~~:~arre!an:!t.) .., RE'ubpn John~on homp 10 Sioux Elsie Muller is spendmg a few

Wilbur Projf'ct club mE'(>l" Au­gust 14 with Mr!'>. Fred Be-ckman. Mrs. Henry MolU, Sl".. will assist.

B b F d 2 Cans ChoWed. 19c. a y 00 • CA.>;S STRAINED 27c "R""I G<>ld"

Orange Concentrate m 13c FRITTS' FOOD


STAPLE VALU.S Fruit Cocktail ..... .

.••. ,otted 'reat._ .... . C k"e..!· Oven Fresh, 00. I li 11 Varieties .. : ...

E:~.J30 Large Can ... 50 ~:~d ... __ .1 Oe

_190 ... 70 .100

~1~~. ~1~)71~<~~ni,~ ~71~~I~~~S MI~~ri~~ days· \'lsitmg telatlves at Scribner.'

~~~::'~~~~::=~~~~~~~~E~~~~~=~::~~~~;:~~~~~I Marjone Pearson is staymg a .... _. -.--------- - few days at the 1--Ierbert Johnson

Special Fall Opening OF THE FAMOUS

Betty· Rose Coats Fo,. Next 10 Days.

Special Showing of


BETTY ROSE COATS " 125 Choice Models

<1> Newest Fashion MateHals

o Styles for Every Taste

o Famous Smartneds and Tariloring

o No T,vo Coat11ISold Ali"e

,.0 Prices MOde~t-$14.15 to $29.75

" ","asy Pay~ent Lay~away Plan i II i

i _ speeial showing gives you a remar\<:able

coat event of the season. are tready for it. Betty Rose Coats in the mod-erately priced field ...

Rose style eollecpon to select from,

home. Reuben Olson and Darold were

Monday afternoon nsitors at

fh~:~e ~~~er;~~~·s. Anderson are

stnYll1g with their aunt, Mrs. Vic­tor Johnson, thiS \veel ....

Mr. and ::\lrs. Claire AndcT$on accompanied !\Ilr. rind Mrs. Law­rence Carlson to _SIOUX CIty Wed­nesday.

Elmer Holm and children of Bf'verly, Neb., were Sunday after .. noon nnd overnIght guests at Will Borg's.

Mr. an~ Mrs. Bernard Park and children and Wmsomc Park were Sunday dinner guests at Russell Park's.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Ekberg and Mp. and Mrs. Emu Ekberg and faMily attended the LundahL re­union Sunday.

Sunday supper guests at Arthur Veseens were Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ard Walter, Mrs. Nels Hanson and Tedqy Ohlq!,lst.

Anna Grose accompanied young folks to Omaha S"n~'.v I. where they attended a Luther League convention. '

Donnie and Joyce Park visited, from Wednesday until '><l,cun,a,' I •• \v"ith their grandparents, Mr . Mrs. Carl Fransen. Thursd~y evening \isitors at

Clarence Baker's were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Muller and Marcella and Mr. and Mrs. Anders Jorgensen and Neva.

Miss Anderson and Mrs. Tuleen and son, Ra1ph, of Kansas City, Mo.~ are visiti~g this week with the ladies' sister, Mrs. ~il Ekberg and.familY·

Pauline, Patricia and FranJ\ Holm of :Beverly, Neb., are spend ... ing. several days at the Clarence

~~ ~~~a~~~!~d~C:i!~' their couSins.

Mr. and Mrs." John Dahl Norma Jean were _ .. ,"'."H_ visitors at Henry Bernard Park and }';!tta

:Park visited afternoon.

Con("entrat('(] jnice of one dO'U"tl fr('fllt oran-Ktm. Simply add water and 9t'fve. ThE' S-M. ca:l1 afford..o; H, quarts of delicious orange beverare at a 'timlll[ cosl.


N A Pound Loaf, ':c. aney nn l'~-LB. WAF IOe Sliced. double nTaP'JM!'d and "daled."

Council Oak Coffee This delicitmS bleJ1d gTOnnd Il'€Sh to order. E,.· change empty bags f-ol" 22 cal'3t told pattern lUshes.

POUND .. 23e 3 LBS. ....._67c

Morning Light Cherries should be boa&"ht. now in the solid pa.ck No. 1,0 cans at the s~t lirice. later, «1let1 :&be wea· ther is (",()()ter, yott can repack in gla.!is ii&rs to ttse as needed. e-

RED PITTED. S3'e ROYAL ANN. 4ge NO. 10 CAN .. _ 1''-0. 10 {:A.'1 .. _ ...

Northland F1a.in or Kosber

Dill Pickles QUART JAR .15c Northland

Sweet Pickles QUART JAR.. .. •. ,29c Spry 1-~t~ .. _17c 3-~;; .. __ 45c

The popular. pUre ".gotable shol'l<!Dl1Jr. For """"" and other ~qq. Preferred by tll3.IlJ" for-d~ fry- ! ing. Buy the 3-lb .. can for ~omJ. .L

Lever Bros. Products SpecIAl for This Sale

and"~~lLi~~~~:::';i[~' ~~.I·' ~~~li~;~~)J:";~li~(,~:

,,' , PubUshed Every 'l'hursday E 't d t the. post otlJce at Wayne, 'Nebr~81ta. 8.S

lJec~Jil3 ~r:ss \raB Matter In :1$86 und.:r act o~~~arr~k!: 1811.' Klnown office of pub}Jcat1on. ayne.


W ·llk· WENDELL L. WILLKlf:, re­. l le publican presidential candl-I" Sincere date, will give his acceptance

speech at Elwood, Ind., August 17, >lnd he', is' expected at that time to set forth his' ideas of what troubles the Umted States and what may be' done to restore olll-time security. The more one 1,I1lderstanlis hiS qualities of mind, the more. one IS drawn

. to him as a leader of sterlmg principles. He impr.esses one as meaning what h~ says, and not one who is likely to meet himself coming back. .

M·r. Willi: has been in the mldrlle west studyin agriculture, and hIS earne,sL­neSS in app oaching the problem with determinatio to build - not destroy - .m­sRires helpfu 'confidence. He notes with evidetit wisd m that industry must recover hi' order to c eate buying po:wer and help the r~covery of agricultur.e. Touchtng the subject he sa d at Des Momes:

. "1 shall -ex'ert myself to the utmost ,as presi­dent ,to create new jobs in :the cities and theI'~­

, by produce more purchasing power for Ameri­can farm products.

"If elected president, I wilt not take away any of the benefits gained by agricultur~ in the

. past few years. 1" do not favor changing t~e present farm program urfless a better one IS grad~allY evolved." .

· OIlle thing of importance to the middle west-is Mr. Willkie's plan to decentralize industry tq ~romote b?th nati?n~l defense and national prosperIty. Brmgmg more 'industries into the middle west woul~ help tId. area as W&1l as safeguard Atlantic and Pacific states.

--------~-----. Lines FOR A LONG TIME the repub-

lican and democratic parti<!!l Brawn were so nearly in agre~ment that there were no sharply defined Issues over which to contest. The tariff held the spotlight for many years. Then the. money question 'j'as a source of contentIOn for a'few years. But compar~tively little harm eQuid be done through mIstaken. Judgment.

I But since the new deal came mto power I and undertook to remake our system of . g:,Dvernment, strewing the way with costly

I . b!unders t .issues ,have .become clear-cut, . hivolving the mDst serIOus. '10nsequences.

Plainly divergent philosophle~ of life ~re in conflict, democrats of the IJeffersoma!, type joining the repubhcans, al}d republi­cans of left-wing ten1encies still J:leldmg to the new deal lure. Those whose .Imagll\­ations still cling to new deal fallaCies, still nDPing for an easy millennium with every­thing free are likely to stick to the Roose­vlllt ban~er, despite' evident wreckage

~:: :caused by .text-book theories. Democrats .,'" 'and independents wh9, have followed the

tfail .of liotous spendIng and IngenIOusly devised national follie.f and. blasted hopes, will join republicans in swm!tIng the gov-ernment into a safe .:;[ddle c~rse. '.

· The Dies committe~ has a list of aliens employed in key defense industries, and is on the alert to avoid s'i'botage. Nearly 200 communists have been found in the"e~p!oy of shipbuilding plants. Others belonging to, so!!ieties rooted in totalitarian countnes are s'aid to be engaged in :work lool.dng to American defense. The Dies committee IS

Dn the right track. Ainy symptoms of dis­lOyalty should and dbubtless will receive prompt attention. Th~ fltth column IS a sly,

. skulking menace' that seems to develop m large centers where there are many em­p'loyees and much activity. It cannot be tolerated. It 'is one t/ling that helped the oNerthrow of France.

~-----What a newspaper shall publish for

public information or not PU~IiSh in behalf o:lJlthe public weliare not u to the deter-. nHnation of pets0ns pe k from cover and whose selfish ar only partial-ly concealed. ,

Senator Burke's d,entil'l term .to six Cltlm!nt meligible soun public policy

',step break down · " ---.,..-4-------:..-

role is eS1JaO'llsne,u. IMayor M. L.

new setup will save riro 0'''"'''''' DUti adequate revenues wh~ther a m bel' of will be privile eel to mopey derive from would not stre h far the recent agl eement benefit of a b nd for all ' The mayor sa surprise h ed that such combination effected befor . .

Walter S. Millier. veteran /nember of the city coun '1, saYH the idea is to pool funds to carry'the load. He mentions that Red Oak. Iowa, found itself ill a similar boat, and by combining resour~es. produc­ed Hatisfactory resultH. He H.Y~ the Red Oak band 'vas a pnze Wl11ner rhls year.

Secretary W. H. Swett of the Chamber of Commerce, ~~ays the band Irnrnittee of which he i:-; a member, was, ppointed as an Hdvisorv committee to assi 1he school board in d~\'f!loping and utijizi' g the band in the most effective way posHi Ie. As to a band fot" tilt' fair, Secretary S ett Hays no of unusual and arrangement has thus far bee I made, but advertising value. that one will be provided and on hand at has been the nuc!c'us the upening of the Lig show. many of the CltY·~

III view of fillClm:iai conditions, Herman ng and promotlOnal <Jf ...

Lundberg, memher of the city council, ex- been ~a~:h~:~~ ~~~!;c~~Yat~~: presses the helief that t.he ciit.y and high fair.

school b~tnJ:-l should be combined under "And outside of its ~dvertlsing one leader. Under the. pres~lI1t arrange- value the band has provided valu­ment not enough m(~lle.y l~ available for t~e I able mUSical tralDlDg which has purpo~p.. "At OIlP tlm€ the school ahd city, enabled many Wayne young peo­bands" wen' under one le~der, .Prof. Ree~, ple to secure employment. and success wa!-i Khown m prizes won m "To sacnflce many of these ad­state contests," Hays Mr. Lundberg. "I see vantages for the city and Its no reason why \Vayne should have thre.e young people Without any cash bands. Personally, r think Ptof. Reed IS saving for at least three years one of the hest hand leaders in the state." seems too much of a loss.

J. ,J. Ahern, pioneer merchant, makes the following contribution to the discus-sion: I

""Va,yne city taxI>ayer~ pay ::t. levy. of one mill to ~upport· a hand. ThiS raIses $1300. The band leader receives a salary of $1500. There is some other expense to be defrayed - st.udio rent, etc., amountmg to about $300. Hence a ~Ieficit of around $500 yearly. When property valuations were higher the one mill levy hrought In $1800 to $2000 and there 'vas no deficit.

liThe council, who are much concerned about cutting expenses. have proposed to the school board that they receive the $1300 1I0W being levied, add it to the $1400 which the\, ha\'c been paring a mUHical director, al1d in return provide th.c city of Wayne with a banrl. Of course It cannot be expected of the school hoard to prOVide the citv of Wayne' with a hand to compare with ('IlIl' prpsen1 hand unde~ any st,lch arrangement. If it w\rf' po~~nble ~o filld a leader capable of dOing two men s work for one man's Ralar.v our city councils an? school boards would have done so long agQ'.

"It alHo appears that for three years at least no money saving is to be made for the taxpayers. IN addition to a. consid~rab.Ie increase in salary for a new dIrector, It WIll be necesHary to spelld several hundred dol­lars for band mUHici. The city band has al­ways been provided with music free by the present director who hag an extenSIve library or his own. Considerable other money must be spent for the larger band instrument;:; which band members a!-l a rule do not care to buy for them:-ielvc~. Su.ch instruments lIOW bping w,ed iJy the city hand are the property of the band mem­berR, .who purchased then1 out of eamings made bv the band \vhen playmg oUbnde engagements. .

"New uniforms \\'ill 4all for ano~er ouUa\,. ,

"it will require a new jeader so~e t me to. build a band capable (f accepting ut­Side paid engagements aL he has a v ry small number of experienced musician to ~rtw~. t

"It appeal'" to me that we are go ng to lose - for several years anyway - he advertising value of a firHt class city band, and we are not. going to Rave any tax money. The tity council, the Chamber of Commerce, the school board and the new band diredor are going to be HubJected to constallt criticiHm for their failure. to p:ro­vide a good city band, and a conSIderable group of young people are goit."lg to, l?se the benefit of the advanced mUSIC tramlng which they have been receiving under the present sy·stem. .

"If the city council finds it impossible to provide the $500 needed to supplement the present levy in order to keep up an outstanding band, it seems to me that the Chamber of Commerce could well afford to provide this amount out of !he $6000 which the business and p~ofesslOnal men of Wayne are now contributing toward a fund to advertise and prom~te the bUSIness interests of Wayne. .

"Wayne has' had the benefit of thiS advertising for years land the tax money has not begun to pay for vfhat it has cost nor what it is worth. '_

"Parents of several h'mldred of the city barid have, in years, spent, thoilsands ' porting this banid " ments which haie ' advertising. Th y ands of dollars or illsrn,liments. of the balld . for the' ihs1~rutnen,ts

"The extra $500 needed at the present lime IS available and no doubt the Chamber of Commerce would be glad to prOVide 1t out of the $6,000 now being contnbuted for advertJsmg, promoting the welfare of the cIty

"It IS a matter uf great satlsLIC­tlOn to know that JH 14 years. of playing outsIde engagements no crItiCIsm of the personal conduct oC any band member hDs cv.,;r been made. They have always bet.'n closely superVised from both a SOCial and health standpomt when on theIr tours. They have bE'€n d

sOUrce of pride and satisfactIOn to everyone who hDs ever accompa­nied them and thousands of Wayne citizens have done ~O.

"The band has wttained Clnd heIdi a position of mUSIcal <J.tt<.lln­ment and glamour whIch has at­tracted new members and the per­sonal and finanCIal support of par­e*ts. "'It is no small matter to secure

Htis membership and support and keep up the personnel necessary to a* outstanding band.

,"1 still think a band such as we have had is worth all it costs as an adlverilsmg and promotional Im­plement for the city and I am more than willing to pay my tax share to ):ceep an outstanding town band."

To Fremont Camp. Jo(' Walden will take boy ~couts

to Frem t Sunday fol' a week's outing. omer Scace, Herbert Welch, Denkinger, Robert Hughes, MI fly GillespIe, James Korff, John hipps, Harold John­son, Buddy cNatt, Bud Harder, Billie Allen, Fred Ellis, Jimmie Straha,n~..'g~o_. _________ _

Frosts Usually Late. Cool nights this week have sug­

gested the approach of frost. Long­time records show that frosts in thiS section are not usual until late September or early October.

Oard of Thanks. I wish to than.k all my friends

who sent cards, letters and gifts during my stay in the hospltal.­Mrs. Birdie Mitchell.

TO ruS·MOTHER. A letter written by an Eng­

lish pildt in a bomber squadron, directed to his1mother and to be deliver~d to f1er"in the event of his d'eath, was recently pub­lished in London and Atnerica.

In UIging his mother~ keep up her courage, and e ressing high satisfaction over . sacri­fice for Christianity an civili­zation, he concluded by saying: "You must not grieve for me, for if you believe in religion and all that it entails that would be hypocrisy. I have no fear of death; only a queer ela­tion. I would have it no other

:a:k ~:e:!V~~~ i~es~if:a~; one man can only be justified by the measure of his sacrifice. We are sent to this world to ac­quire a personality and a char­acter to take with us that can never be taken from us. ., • • I ~otint myself fortunate in that t have seen the whole country and known men of every call...: ing. But with the final test of

,1 consider my character developed. Thus at an

, my earthly mission is and I am pre-

just one re-0<".': ,u.u, u.~ one--that I could

to making more hap-

you; but peac.~ and have

',' r AUGUST 1940

Take Trip to Iowa. I bve order which blanketed many Howard M. James, daughter, thousands of emergency worken

Philli d Into CIVll service through non-1¥1ari ~lle, and so~ a ~~' ~~~~ bei'ore competitive' exammatlOns, kf'pt

Every (Continued on Page Two)

o,:er mto Iowa S d y fami! scnptlOn ~ many of the competitive eliglbl{., ~trength of presidential candidates! w1th the A. ~~:!:~ma:dOptedY the _ _ from appomtments, even thou~h ~howed Willkie slightly in the lead Neola. The T d . d.t Bel1eve It or not JObs are hunt they may have had hlgh relatn" 1'he solid south is still solid,- James baby, June ~ alrih an h ~ mg workers m gov~rnment service standings on the el1glble lL<;ts Th" though swinging somewhat away had been five weeks slllce . e~ ~ at thIS hme Workers hunting Jobs census bureau, which by law r HI from the Roosevelt column. It is seen her. June is doing mce y l~ are more numerous,lbut the CIVIl apPOlnt only workers With Cl tI\ d $urprising U1at with many new her new home. She has un service commlsslOn is trying to I serVice status, has exhau;.;ted .cr')I,' problems and objee~ives to engage ?er the ~are of a b~bY bring the two together. Among the of the commlsslOn's llsts 10 m<lklll~ a)tention, southern states cannot In .Councll';Sluffs an thousands of applicahts for work, up ItS new force The gO)lCrhrnrl,' ~brget the Civil war which evi-, weIght a~d IS the difficulty is to find those. fit- has nearly one milllon C)\'J! :-;('1,_ ~ntly still influences many of the 2 years Old the next B lie ted for particular jobs. There is I ice employees now. RetJrf'm(,lll. ta'nk and file. There are plenty of ~other .passe? a;:~~t the Th~m- no trouble getting applkations. reSlgnatlOns, etc, cause ;\ I ;,llIr: Uve i!;sues to consider without go- IS spendmg thiS ~ d Th They are here by the hundreds of large turn-over 10 th(' ~('r\ i' ,. ing back 75 years to di.g up ev~ts as hom'~l an~n thl~e;U~n~YJun;~~ thousands. The need, however. !s About 35,000 leavf' It (,"<Jch ,}TClI involved i.n the conflict between ~s :; orb~r~ James and Phil- for. workers WIth speCIal qualifl- _ the north and south. Some south- Ii ynwill drive down to get her. catIOns .. The romml.ssiOn has put I The natIOnal dcfCf}...,p c'nit1( il ern ~tates showed such narrow ~iUrning to Wayne-~Sunday Mr. on specIal and temporary em- worned o\€r ""-hat the Ilatl'>!, ,I margIns, for ~oseve!t tha.t they James and Phillipp were caught ployees to aid m classIfymg applI- defense program \\; Ii I rl!l tu 11 f'

may eaSIly swmg against him be- . d th . l"d 'n cations. Notices of exammatiOns farmers. It IS agreed th<lt tlip 1" ,,_ ~ore the campaign ends. Likewise ~~et~~tcS~o;:o at~mes ~~t ~~. ~~m~ are issu~ tWIce a week. by t~e gram will hit the fCl) ml'l, 11," 10 the north where the .states we~e was able to get out without help, commiSSIOn and they cover cx- harde::t. i1nd they hCl\ (' bf'I'll f.lt mostly for the rep~bllcan candl- The corn in Iowa looks better than ammations for almo!'t all classes pretty hard at \ arIOU~ t,r]lr<, . ,II' date, the advantage IS too small to . h t b t fanners of skilled workers. The greatest the World .... dC It wrmirl II'" feei overly confident. When the it does III t IS sta ~ 1 u d ·th demand IS for mechamcs and engl- hard tf) J(>::sen thc bl,,\~ tll c(lmpaign gets under a full ~ead there ~aved :70n rai~Sa~~d ;;:~Ill ne€rs~ Professional e~ployC1.'s WIth culture If the fo) mlng 'f' tl' , of steam, results may qUlckly t~res~Illg u _ particular qualiflcatlOns arc ub- were tf) be 'J[j th" change one way or the other. npenmg late. ________ tamable from the regular elIgible plane: With :1, \~ Ji t [',

lists. But the expansion of the nR- Rnd In p(,Rce time " .... \I f II tlOnal defense program rrt.ay re- food ~upply "f (jill )1,,11 1 ,)]

~- '~CDN!i!~Ss~,~}' - ~AS SEEN BY f...a J

KARL'STEFAN -=' - Wa.':.hington, D. c'l mterested 10 South Amenca IS to

July 29, 1940 t b-rush up on theIr Spanish, as It M'any deaths have occurred in I may come In mighty handy to

this- town from the terrifiC heat; sO.qle of them, should th.~.Y be also, many prostrations. Thousands lu$cy enough to secure Jobs In

of people sleep In the parks. Be- th6e countrtes. Belie~e It .or not, lleve It or not, 110 degree tem- the languageJeachers In thIS town perature In Nebraska is not as hot are urgmg theIr student..,; to also as 95 in Washmgton. It's a dlf- learn German along WIth Spallish. ferent k10d of heat:. Even people from the Phllippine Islands say that It IS hotter 10 Washington than in the islands.

Hot winds and corn damage in Nebraska 'bnng great sadness to the Nebraska delegatiOn In Wash­mgton. These Nebraska repre:" sentatlves gather around thc wea­the.r map m the house lobby and cuss and dISCUSS the weather.

Thousands of government em­ployees are excused afternoons durlOg the heat here. Even the weather rnJ1J. takes the afternoon off. Offices are so hot as to be be­yond human endurance.

The compulsory selectlve mIli­tary tram 109 legislatIOn; some ad­dltlOnal T.V.A. measures; suffrage for the Dlslrlct of Columbia; some 'new tax leglslatwn and natIOnal defense may keep congress here until late In September, accordmg to the latest guess. Some sort of compulsory military t.raimng bill is predIcted to pass congress WIth­In a week or so.

Congressman Carl Curtis of Ne­braska is one of a special con­greSSIOnal committee selected to Investigate the Interstate mIgra­tion of destitute CitIzens. The com­mittee IS now .studYing migrants In

~t~h~o~~~~t~W l~eI~SeY~~t~~~ force of 40 mvestigators, many of them borrowed from federal i1gencles concerned w1th the mI­gtatory worker problem.

Every day, new faces from for­eIgn lands appear III the diploma­tiC sectIOns of Washington. People WIth all kinds of titles are making the front pages of Washington newspapers where they tell stories of why they were forced to leave the old country and how happy they are that they were allowed to come to the Ullited States where they feel they will be safe from persecution. Many of these people wi1h tItles are being taken in by some of the rich families here In

the east. Some oC them are look-109 Cor jobs.

Rear Admiral Ross T. McIntire, the president's phYSICian. bas of­fiCially announced that the presI­dent IS in as good condItIOn as any man of 58 years of age could pos­sibly expect to be. Along With hiS weekly yachtlOg cruises and a tnp to Hyde Park, the president never misses hIS exerCISes. Three tlmes a week he swims Jl1 the White House swunming pool and each day he gets a massage and some other exerCIses to keep h1s nenre and muscular systems In good shape. He tnes to keep hiS weIght between 184 and 188. He is scud to weigh about 187 pounds now.

Railroad workers will be IOter­ested to know that Congressman Robert Crosser of OhiO, who was Injured in an automobJle accident

:tp~~:~aa:~ ~:~o~t:Ue~C~I:t~s 1: rtsult of that aCCident. Mr. Crosser IS the author of a large amount of legislatIOn favored by raIlroad em­ployees. '\

In spite of the ternflc heat.. this town is contmually filled with vis­itors, Many of them represent chambers of commerce, industries and businesses of all kmds, mter­ested. in some of the natIOnal de­fense money The hotels. wh1ch arc w;oally uncrowded at thiS tIme of the year, are now overcrowded.

In ~Ize, Washington has risen to 11th place In the natIOn and has a populatlOn of 630,000. Metro­polltan Washington. that is, District of Columbia and . mediately adjacent Maryland Vitginia suburban areas, embraces a populatIOn of approxln1ately a ffillhon. The Chamber of Com­merce officials here say that never in their recollection have they seen such bUSiness. The defense expaoslOn agenCIes of the United States are forcro to rent a lot of new offl(~e space In several addi­tIOnal pnvately owned buildings to meet the demands of the in­creased federal acllvilles. t>uring depresslOns, Washington ~m.s, and durmg war scares, It grows like a mushroom. Any attempt on the part of any member of ~on­gress to inove some of the fedet"al agencies out oC Washington brings an army of opponents of the al­tempt fr om We vanous business organizations in thiS town. Wa~.­ington lobbylSts have now ~ it practically certain that.-t:i'1fs con ... gress will vote on a bill to give the people here suffrage ~nd possible representation in con~.

qUire many and frequent exam- c<' I, ;lli' !nations In the near future. It ,.~ ".'.lIil"II\ estImated that Cibout 70,000 \' .. ·orl-:.­ers WIll be engaged In the next few months by the war and navy departments.

Members returrung from their distriCts In the New England

of IriP 8 .i,,_

"[ n"l-lar~ IS c:.r,ugh nlJt t" ))<Illlit that progrc.m tl) \\"01 k tr) tJ1L' cit me-nt cd uur farmer".

states, report that unemployment R('('('tlt \ 1c,lt(Jr~ tu th" '1'1'11 <I ("!l­

In some of their towns has ::ud- grf'5...<;lon;] I offlc(' IIlCilld, :'>11 S

denly disappeared. Pa~r mLiLs Marg,lrd lngnld!<.by ,,( (}m.lild 11,_

which were Idle are now workmg mond Th,)mp .... nn nf IkJrien. \\h" I ovcrtlme and shoe factOries \'.hlch now W{)Cklllg" hf're HI \l,:d"hlrJ~t(lti. reported 30 to 40 thousand unem- :\tac Balclngr- of Om;.;hd, :'ITt ,Inri ployed shoemakers are s.clld to be :'o1r" C Y Dllrmcln who 1:\ (' nil\'! workmg full force With blanket or-I at P('kill. Iii. and \\hn f(!l'mp,;.v ders fDr shoes for our army. III\cd In :--;()rfolk, R,,]f E Tllln"j

- , "( Albion \"";dtpr Klehell of TI _ During June, the na\")'" dc p cli1.-: cumseh: C. \I,r :\YuttC'r. thc ..... (-(.11-

ment put on more than 5.000 new tan. of t!'H' cr,iJ.mber (If cnmm('1 ,,,, employees. The na\y yard::. at -Fremunt. and r-.LJrr ;\1rr";.lfflll getting most of them. The war de- uf. Omdh~1 partment Will be hiring about 31),- ________ __

000 III all, mdependent of the in­

crease in the regular army, which recn.lltcd 20,000 In Junt". The field, Rc\ and \rrs W F 1)11 ho,"";-

w?rk In these two departmen~s i are ~~ndlng :"'ugLl~t Ifl fI": ti"


~~~trsOWa~~PldS';'~~a~hef~~:~ t~~! M~l~.~a~i,mlu' McC1>1 J.;,nd,llr i f

Washington will expand accord-I Wakt'flcld. ,I-.It'd .It Ii S S, I' t .'

Ingly. Fnday and S,ltlJrd.<lY

There are no\; 129.000 g0\ern-! D~~/~ ~~d.c;:~~th .~II:'~I~~~·1:\;~'IH'~:·': ment workers In WashIngton. I Sund;lY cal:t"r~ in thc 1\11-,> Edltn nearly all under the claSSIfied civil; Barrett h'lfllC'

ser\"lce. Housmg the n€'\\f em-I Mr. and !Olr~ Fntz Dah!).!IE.'fJ ,l1'i p!oyees IS a gigantic problem The I family of Oakland. \~ (.) I' fi "( i"1 " censUs bureau has been puttll1g on dinner gU0--t3 SclturddY ('\t'nlrl~ It

7,000 temporary workers for the Myron CIJI~"n s 1940 census and this has InCreased! Tom Ca\dnaugh drl 1\ ('1"j I""."

the demand for rooms and apart- j Munday from Burns and P"lt!;,'· 1.

ments. The force at the Washmg-l Ore where he had -"pent ;",.,~ navy yard has about doubled:f weeks With Harold Prcston

In a few months. I Dr. and Mrs. J T. GdkspH' <l nd

- I son':i returned home SundilY P\ ('-

Applicants f.or ne",: government nmg from Farm Island lak(' ''"\It!) work file theIr ,applicatIOns With I of Duluth. ?-.Imn , wher(' OW} n 1 I the clnl Service commISSion, spent a week. which gives the jnfonnatlOn as to Mr.; G L Rogel..., ]r;J.\.(' .... 1'11';'­the classes of workers dl'5lreci. Frlday fnr Potter, Npb. to \ I'i: ;j

Selections are made from the CIVtl \ ... ·cek In the C E. Roger:; honw Hlol

Service registers of eligIbles re- for Hemmgfnrd. Neb .. tl) "'1"'1111 I sulhng from the e>carnmatlOn.'i. As week In ttK' Bruce HOlg-em' yet. the department<; have been home. :'.lrs Rogers I~ Cl("(n~ p " able to obtam sufficient !>kiIled lng Mr. and Mrs. H J. \"t~t workers from the commisslOn's Ogallala.

lists, but the haste With WhIch ~~~~~~~~~~~~ these examinatIOns are bemg held ; indica tes fears of a short9ge as the forces are mcreasing. It lS not so easy for people without some kind Q."f training or skill to get jobs. The state and federal employment agencies also take the regIstrations I of unemployed mechaniCS and otJ1-er skilled workers and artIsans. Insofar as poSSIble, these people will be brought into contact WIth prospective employme-nt In the na~ tional defense program in non­governmental jobs. .-

ThiS expansion oC gO\'ernment service IS commg right after the president expected a decline of such employment under the re­organizatIOn program.. This IS due entIrely to the defense program . .

The natIOnal defense council re­ports that within the past six "Weeks, it has entered mto con­tracts amounting to over a billion and a half dollars, with more con­tracts for shll larger amounts be­ing processed, Not since the World war has the moved so fast in a pro-

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It is not uncommon in Wash­lI1gton to see flags at half-mast m front of some of the foreIgn em­bassies and legatiOns. This usual­ty mdlcates that that particular LOuntry has been invaded. Con­tributions from native patriots are keeping diplomats of a t least nine countrIes functioning in our na­tiOn's capital. Although theIr home countries have collapsed, the Pol­LSh, Belgian and French embassies and the legations of Czechoslo­\"akia, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Latvia and Llthu­,mla are functioning as usual. How long they can continue depends on the future. Our state department, however, is not recognizing terri­torial conquests. Some of our representatives in these fOJ"eign

. gram The contracts, in the main, Other than the pre~ldent, there will ~o to the big industries here

are on.ly two peoPlfh who an; in the east, but smaller orders will authOrized to Sign p e name Q go to many citie$ throughout the Franklin Delano RO,~velt, B.nd country with the result that rcprc-­one of them. is a 23 ;year old gu-l. sentatives of various industries She .wor~ m th.e...-;department 01 and cha..rrwcrs of commerce, in­the mterlOr and SIgns the na~e I din some fron\:· Nebraska, are of the presi9-ent to land offIce cu. g patents. - now In town.

countries are being summoned Peace-time conscription on home, and this is taken to indicate which congress will vote shortly, tha t they will not again return to is already stirring up and

:~!~~~ I:~'ru?~ ~: ~= ~~~h~ h~uese fl~;S h~:t!e debates baniap.-have folded. up m the ~t that have gripped. congress in two years. The Czechoslovakian years. The opponents of this mea-

din ntri. sure fet:;! that conscription may legation is depen g on CP, - - wmecesprry and that the butions from loyal Czechoslov~ army could be increased throughout the world. ~e ~- five months by voluntary enlist-

i:~~ :=~ ~~~ :d~o;::: ments. Army spokesmen. however, This minister says that he has disagree. They claim that they very little to do and th.e legation cannot get enough voluntary en­

buildilig is too big for ~, but he ~x!~~ b~ f~~~ is in no position to Selllt. O~Y the defense and to get enough men to future will disclose w~t. will ibe- man the modern fighting machines come of theStf ~e buildings and which are now being constructed. these foreign diplomats 'rho feel 'The real purpose of the Burke-that tlley are people Without a mIli"_.

Wadsworth ~mp~ _, counlrf· .training bill is not sO much to ere-

of:activil~es hi Uncl.. ate a large standing arm;r, as it . d South Amer. to provide an !'dequate ru;t .• d tiained men, if need

The building of new war indus­tries which ¥nll be distributed throughout the middle west and far west has not yet started. One Powder plant is being built in in­diana, costing 25. m.illipp dollars. but more than ten tilDes that much will be used for such hew ~stablishments. S.uch ~dustries lIUlf be as Wsappomtj.ng m nature as those similarly launched during the World war and ,,{bile their 10-

" and constniction . are a p~blem. the~ cities which

them may have to look ahead even greater prob1Efms when the

gets back to a l sane. peace­basis, which w~ eventually unless it is destroyed by war,

in the meantime. ,,1.

qver 509,000 , I'eople examinatioh5

Oil SaI·dilles

. 3 Can." 13c Pork & Bealls

2 No.2V. C~n$ 19c

Tomatoes Extra SLandard rack

2 ~;: ............ 15c Soap Fliikes

The Hard Waler Kind

~on ............. 29c \ 'WheatPuffs

2. ~~e BagL._15c '

'of young l:Per;t,an Sli uld arise. 11 ',;",;w:..,;w,=,,,,,,: hereTha:.l~~~ = m,o",Slll'!'clsUm

hwnew~'~aybe andt;f~11:t3:~~~~liG~)t;~h!~:~~.r,,~J~~~i;~(~~trt~;~K;i~·1ti~~;'l"i~I;:~::c~Qii:~~I~~~:;"'~~i~


1 Rcbck<l;hs meet Friday eve-I

nti:o,F. cl~b meets FI'ida~ cve~

~ng witr Mrs. Lc¢ ea,l:ll,lW~. lVI,.B,e. meets uext Mfnday ith Mrs. LawrcIfcc Fau~eJ. LP~eClsl1nt Valley .. club plqns it~

icnie the last Sunday ot Au­gust at Wayne parle

, ~i~r~;.c~;~~~ p~~~{$d~Pil~~~~SL',~ r ciial this Thursday levening at I :30 in her residence Istudio.

Baptist, Aid an? IMissionarY ociety plan a JOint meeting pril 15 at the parl" World

'fVide Guild has the le~son. Pic>­Jric .supper is pl~nn('d.

t Missionary Aid of Our Re ...

,eemel.'·s chu~'c~h meets .August 6 at 8 p. m. In ·the. church par­ors wIth Mrs. Ludolf Kunz and

f\'Irs. Harvey Meyer hoste:;ses.

~ PrcsbytE'I'Jan Mlsl:Iionary so­

iety meets W ednesdflY. August 11 for H 1 o'clock covered dl.sh unchc(,n .at the church. Mus

IEvelyn Noakf's will be m charge br the program.

~ LaPorte Cummunity c lu b

lans its annual picniltf next unday at Pender park. Supper

iis arranged for 6'30. Members ~ho (Ire mal<mg teu' lowels arc lasi{ed to turn these in at the

ISeptcmber meeting.

king's fJaughters meet this ThursdC'lY with Mrs. Alma Buck in her apartment at the college Istudent-union budding. Mrs. G. 113. Dunnlllg '.l'-:sists. The lesson will be a revI('w of the Psalms.

I A bridal shower wll~ be giV('fl

KAGY'S A Illlo!tnci.llg


Pall flrrivals in

"Georgiana Giana"

CREPES Cirorglillld reflects fit \vith <1 :,17.(, for ('\'pry fIgure ;:mel

yuuth I~ ,I Georgimw l,.'l"N.'d.

Dollar (jay Specials

Fall Sweatcj·s Super V,ducs


Medalia Hosiery Full LL~hil)ll~d 3-thread

Hlllglcss All Sizes

2 I'airs $100

I SOCIETY ROYat, Neighbors.'

Ro al Neighbors lodge lwd a r~gi.l 1.11' mectin,g ,Tuesday cve­nmg

oX- * * CIUb~' Has !Picnic.

R. R. members enjoyed a pic­nic t the park last Thursday. Mrs. John Kay entertains in two \V~eJFs.

Wit~ Mrs. ~o::~. ~~'s_ u. R. Bowen entertained

at t,vo tables oT bndgc Tuesday al~l:'r 1 o'clock lunc~e()n_ In brJ~gp Mrs. C. H. l"lsher won

the (prize. -x- * * i Cel~brate Birthday.

~r. and Mrs. Adolph Dorman, Mr'l and MnL Henry .~Oh.al1son and d11ughtel's, MI'.s. MIke DLJ­

ghu, anrl children WCI'C Sunday gudts in thc M<lrvin Johanson homc for Mr. Johanson's birth­day:. The Dan Heithold family :-'Pe11t tlie evening there.

JolI!. Cooks *Ct':.: JbllY Clloks 4-H club met Fri­

daJ':j with Mrs. A. M. Da~Jel" Wit 1 six members present. Aftel' thel bU~ll1ess mf'ctmg rnuffll1s md~c by .... orne of the member ....

~~{,~({ u~~e~o~~{~~s~~:~I~~:s7~ .. ~ ami Mary Alice Daniels. Th(' club meet::i again this Thursday.

* * * Have Dinner Guests. Ij>1"_ and .MI's. Harold D_ Grif­

fin entel'tamed at dinner at thl' Str:Htton hotel last Thursd<lY evttning in ho~or of VoltaIre H. Zil1kll of Cleveland. OhIO, editor of the mClgaziO(' "Sokolsky Vest­mit" Other guests were Mrs. Mdne Kalal and Miss Vern Kal­allof Wayne-, and E'nmklm Dl'ab of Cleveland.

·x· * * Ch~erio Club Meets.

~he('nu club met Fl'lday 1'\ ('­

ning with Mrs. Texley Slmml"r­m,~n. MIS;; EvC'lyn Wood:>. Mrc: Herbert Pl'rry and Mrs. E,'cJ'('tt Rdberts \V('rl2" guests. A p:11"ly honoring Mrs. C. E. Hernmmg­SOIl followed the I"<'gulilr .... e .... ~i()ll Rc~frpshmE'nts WC'rl' s('I"\('(1. Mrs R21Y Philbin entcrt<llll.,> Augu:"t 101 in th(' l'vcnillg.

':<- * * K*d Klub Meets.

K8rd Klub members, also l\1r~ Luster Budenstcdt, Ml...,. Lec CauuwI: and Mrs. W. P. Th{Jmas were guests uf Mrs. "Vm. Fran­zen Thursday evemng. PrlzC's In

cW'ds went to Mr:-.. Evcrett Hob­ert", MI'::'. Paul Rogge and Mrc.. W. P. Thoma~. The hostess sen-­cd. Miss Beulah Bornhoft tertaioo. 1n two weeks.

I Girls' Club8*M*ee~. Happy-Go-Lucky ,lIld Ta:,.t.y

MixC'n; 4-H clubs md July 31 ,It the Paul Spiittgerber home. PII­lqw cases were eXamined anrl plain muffIns were demom,tr<cl­t('d by all members_ Roll e~~11

was answered With bu·thday dates. Plans were mane for a party Augul-it Ii In t.he Ben Nis­sen hOlnf'. Luncheon was scrverl. The next rcgular club meeting

City rocery' Home of Quality Groceries --PHONE 355--

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NECTAR 2 ~~~~ES 15¢

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tABLE SALT Io-Ln. BAG ... 19¢


Arm & lIammer

B'AKING SODA ......... 7¢

i' SUC'i'-, tORN ...... 15¢

I' , " _.Cudahy·~ I '

PUBIEL~RD Pj}UN'DS." ........ ' " ... .' 15¢ i


eommjttee Harry Jacobs, C." Nicholaisen and Paul Roggt'j, All firemen aSSIst­ed.

~.{- :J(- .J(.

Major Grdup Meets. Major group of the DuplicClte

Contract club met Monday. for a no-host luncheon at Hotel Strat­ton. Afterward the group went to the <C. W. Campbell home for bridge. Mrs. Willard Wiltse had high score and Mrs, E. O. Strat­ton and Mr$. L. F. Perry tied for ~econd. Th4 group meets in two weeks with Mrs. E_ O. Stratton. The Minor, group meets next Monday with Mrs. F. B. Decker,

* -1(. -1(.

F or Robert Morse. Mrs. Ralph Morse entertained

Thursday, August 1, in hon(Jr of the 5th birthday of her son, Rob­erL Invited guests were MItzi Heme, Tanlce Tegt, Paul Dean and Yvonne Koplin, Gloria Ann Ahlvers, Joann Wert, Mrs. Har­uld Gilders~eeve, Dons Jean and Shirley. Mrs. Henry Frevert, Mrs. Lillian Morse, Mes. Magnus Westlund. Ice cream and cake were served tJ. t thc close of the afternoon.

I * * * Picnic at Wakefield~

Ladlt',,' AId of Our R~deemer's ('hurch went to Wakcfleld park Thursrl<lY for it Mrs. Ber-nUl'd M.,t·yer Ml·S.

1 Walter Le,rlH'J" were named on the pro­gram committee. Thd' flower group fur August includes Mrs. John Dunklau, Mrs. Ed: Damme, Mrs. Ed. Cranqulst and Mrs. Ann? Hatb,g. The Septe~ber

meetmg will be in the chlUrch paJ"/ors. HostessC's will be Mrs. W F Most, Mrs. Howard Kah­!Pr. MI ..... Ed H,lhe and ::vrrs. L. Lutt

.oj .* 'l'

Girls' Club Meeting. S('w-n-~I) 4-H club met Fnday

!Jl the Levul Johnsun home. Dm·oth.Y AhlvCl'S (Inel BonniE' Kabl~ch wer(' chosen a team try dl·mnns.trCltc the mClkmg of patehwonk for demon-,tration day Saturday. BOll-

nl(' K;lbl:-.C'h ,md Bonntc 'Kugler reviewed the pamphkt, "Know NebJ"ask;I." Betty Mc]"tcl' was ,( guest. Rcfreshmenb W(·I"1..' :,.en­ed by thc ho.ste"s The next ml'etJng will be held Frid"dY. August 9, at 2 in the Henry Kugler home.

* * * Shower for Bride.

MISS J(',ln Jones <mel MI'" Morn ... Jl'nkrn", the I;lst named of Emer"on, wen' hosks"es at a ml:-.n'llaneoll:-' i>Jl~vdl' Fl'iday ('\,pnmg m the Roscoe ,Jones home- ll1 honor of MISS Aileen Agncw who WH'> mal"l"l('d Sun­clay to Robert O. Jones The bnde's colol's of blue and whIte wen' carned out in decoraUons. Bndge WclS th(' dIV('I':-.lon of the pv(!ntng. pri:M:s gOing 10 MISS Virginia S;mdnhl and Mls~ PaUl-1I1e MC'Y{,L The honoree rC'ceivl'd many lovely gIfts. Gue"b were Miss Faye <lnd MI:-'s VIrginia Sandahl, Mr". '·Bus" Slrahan, MISS Peac(' Kingston, MJSS Ma­VIS Baker, Miss Gertrude Lynch, Mrs. E C. Maas, Miss Pauline Meyer-, Mrs. HamId West, Mrs. Glen Jonnson Bnd Miss Mildred Steele.

* * * Has Political Party.

Political p,H"ties were the cen­tral theme for a dessert-lunch­eon at which Mrs. L. F. Perry entertained 36 guests Thursday afternoon, Patriotic colors were used. After luncheon 'sel'ved at tables attractive with cut flow­ers and tally-place-cards, bearing party c-mblems, bridge was di­versJOn. Half of the group play­ed for each political party. re­publicans keeping scores on lal­lies bearing pictures of elephanLc; and democrats on tallies on which were likenesses of don­keys. )VIrs. J. T. Bressler, who played on the republican side, had high score for the afternoon and won an electrlc fan. The to­tal score made by democrats was above that made by republicans. Prizes of pork from the political "pork barrel" went to 'MrS. H. E. t.ey, Mrs. O. p. Birdsell, Mrs. Howard Furlong, Mrs. A. M. Daniels and Mrs. Ralph Beck­enhauer who played on the dem­ocratic side. Traveling prizes, ivy dishes in the likenesses of the party' emblems were award­ed, for the republicans to Mrs. F. A. Mildner and for democrats to Mrs. C. H. Fisher. Other guests were Mrs. W. H. Swett, Mrs. L. F. Good, Mrs. F. B. Decker, Mrs. Ralph, Carr-art, Mrs. Willis Noakes, ~Mrs. Il>. S, Wightman, Mrs, E, O. Str~tton, ·Mrs. W. A. WoUenhaupt, IMiss Lenore Ramsey, Mrs. Burri Da­vis, Mrs. W. A. Emery, E. Brittain, -Mrs. S;ChreiI!er, Mi~s Ruth J~ .. C. Carhart, Mm. kind, Mrs. T. H .. Fritts, K .. Kirkman, Mrs. Willard se, Mrs. T. C. FouSt, 1'4rs. dell Fklber, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. C. C. J.'M. Strahan, Mrs. J. soh, Mrs.' P. L.i March •

........... _11 w.. Campbell, Ml'S. F. I!I . »erg.

rr' I deliver the sermons. I cordia.lly invited to atte~d. A lo'ud

mon at 2:30 p. m.,. ,speakmg system will be installed

~il~b~b:~~he . , I I ~1yWh~~r~~1:~~~a~:rb:~e~~:ta~~ Tuesda!, SUnday. SChOO. 1 teac~- chairs will'be provided EO that all

ers' meetmg at 8 o·clock. ' : may be accommodated. "1,.\.'ednesclay, Ladles' Aid at 2:30 Sunday scnool at 10 a. m.

p, m. Hostesses: Miss Clara' Wise~- ChOir rehearsal Tuesday at 7:30 hof and Mrs. Georges Berres, ji". p. m,

Our Redbmer's Luth. t'hUrchJ at L~lt~~r t~a~~~;~e~.,a;i'~~~U~j~~ (Rev. W. F. Most. pastor.) . Ema Meyer, Dorothy Liedtke and

"~Mission :festlval services Sun~ Norma Fuesler hostesses. The day, August 11. Miss Helen Hat+ study of fam.ous hymns ~lll be re­der, our rrusslonary from Japan. I humed. Manon Vath WIll be de­will speak at II iI. m. Rev. H, d. votJOt1al.leade.r. The Luther League Knaub of Wmslde, Will also speak I conv('ntlon Will be held August 19, In the mormng. Rev. G. Glescben 12 0 and 21 here. Any who can pro­of Stl Paul church, will be the Vide lodgmg for t~"o nights are pnnclpal ijpeaker In th(' afternoon a:,ked to notIfy Ma:lOn Vath, Mar-. at 2.30. E~eryone I:> asked to bnng IOn Kruse or Sophie Darrune. picnIC dinnErs and dinner Fen'ice Teachers <lnd \'.:orken of the and to eat together on the ('hureh Sunday school went to Ta-ha­lawn at noon. Ladies' Aid WIU zouka park, Norfolk, Sunday for

: an:e;~lIr~fn~o~=~i:: ~~!'sm:r;:b!~:~ ~i:: se,=vc- ~~:~. E\"er~~~~ IS most PI:'~C ~ppe~ _______ _

that structure is saturated with gasoline and ignited it becomes a'fiery furnace which tests the nerves : •••••••••••••••••••••••• , ....................... : of a stunt man. This stunt will be just one of more than a dozen equally hazardous exhIbitions by • :

Jimmie Lynch that will be a feat::,~,. o:o:::::yn. ~,,~:::ty f~:~ :eed,l:~:::eac::::~:~:~:y~~:~,~· :~:. be i i Wa t ch i n gaP lay ~ ~l CA· L~ Chnstlan &:rencc textbook, "SCI- feaSIble to have any other sen·lcC's· . IJcing cnarted nil lhe ~tagp,

...... 1 en("e and Health with Key to the for thiS day_ : you can he moved iJac'k 1), 10 or SCfJptures" by Mary Baker Ed- -_ . :

Mr. and Mrs. P. L. March were dy. "SPirit, LIfe, Truth, Love, Immanuel Ev. Loth. Church. • 1;) yean..;. The cOetumes tell you l'fJmbme as one,.......:afd are the I (Rev. F C. Dodur, t"Jastor ) : the period of time.

in ~~.ar;:d~~~ayKieper returned ~cJ"1.Ptural names. fo God. All Service in the English languiige : Sunday from Omaha where she .sub"tanc(', Intel!Jgenc~, WIsdom, next Sunday at 10 <.1. m. - The ~ame \\"ith facialtoi. The texture of your skin

bE-lOg, lmmOl'tality. cause, and ef-I The Walther Lcil'-'UC or Ban- I I ~~:,n~~;OB;ye:~sK~~~~l~~~ daugh- f('ct bE'long to God. ,These are HIS croft iml~s our W:lther League "datetj,·' ;\"OU. Facials IJani:-lh lint'S ann forc:::;tal the

Miss E..''ltelle Morrison of KanSilS d.ttl·lbutes, the ~ter¢al.manifestil- for a soclDl get-together next Sun- appearance uf olher:-\, They make 'you look and feel City, visited from SaturdClY until tlOns of the InfinIte dl'vme pnn_


dLlY at 5 p. ffi. .\·ears younger. -Kno\\' .again that exhilarating youth-ciple, Love. !VO Wisdom IS wise but -- h k' I . h 't I't T 't

j.u~~;)Io~::e:~I~h ~~~.si;;e~·~·::rs: hIS \..-isdorn: no truth is true, no Church of Christ. full'e:-;.s W en your !i III g U\oV.'i WIt \"l a I y. ry I rington. lo\"(' IS lo\·('ly, no life is Life but (G. B. Dunning, mlnl!>ter) TODA Y! ~

Mrs. George Huey ;:lOd Miss the dl:'me; no gO(~ IS, ... but the II Klng's D<lughtels meet T. hUls:"

Frances of Sheboygan, W>s., ">si- good God bestuws·'p. 2,5). I day 01 th" week w,th ;VI" Alm" french Beauty Parlor t.ed Tuesday afternoon Itl the Har- . Blick. ry Hu\V,lrth home. Tht·y wl::'nt on ~ .A grllLlp {If Y(Jllng IH..'fll']C frllm

~~r:~~~.l!ct.u ~·.j~io~'~·:: Huey's Sl~- ~~~/:~t ~~~~knedf~'~'\r1 ~~:;ld;;I~:~)~~I~ FLORE-'iCE KELLEBERG. ~1~r MI's. Hallie BIJevernicht !'Pf'nt a Norfolk wa.~ Lllso l('prc-:,ented and M.\RJORIE HL'FF ESTHER FRESE

few days last weel< In the J. T. First Methodi~ Church. sC\'cl"al young peuple frum V/O! - i 122 :'Iain Saunders, Ben MIchael and Lloyd (Re\". C<lrl Bader. pastor.) thlngton. Mmn., «ttended. •

Phone 527 Hanson homes at DIxon and Wa- }; () pre,lchlflg serV l(:e'i. The mltllstcr wa" c.-dIed tf) 'I terbu1'Y- The l<ldleS al'(' :-'15kro.-Jn- C]c,l!'water W('dlll'~day fIJI <.1 fu- I •• !.~~_~~~~_~IIIiI.iI •• II •••• ~.!II ............ ~.~ •• III: ••• ~'!'!~ law of Mrs_ BlievE'rnlcht. 'I p. m., hIgh :,.chool Epworth nrrell. p; __ ~~ ____ ,;.....;,...;, ___ ...;,_....;,;.....;,...;, __ ~

MI'~. Minnie Stnckland left S,lt- u.'agllt·. Ah-m Gws,:, Will "!i)Jply the pul- I

urday to spend a coupjp (If wPI·ks Fir~t Baptist Church, Pit both morning amI ('V{'- . on the wC'st l"II,l. ... t. Slw will \'I~lt I nlng. The Ch',JiTh (,f Chrl~t : her 1I\lnt, Mr..... y.,'illl;tms. III ' I H.l'\·. C. L. E'ld ... , p(ISt()]' ) 11<': riCrilCiltlrl).; Ib ch;q){·j Sllnnay!

Los Angeles, and 1)(' With :vtl-~. (hilich ~cIHl{)1 ,It 10 a. 111. I "nrl G B fhlnnlTlg WI!! gl\C the I VI\'lan Klopping 1n Sakrn. Ore. '1'))1'1 (. will be no pn';'H . .'hlng dedlcatury add!"!'."" I

Dr. and Mrs. C. T ingh,.!m were ~:~~;;~~ as the pastlJr IS on hl~ \d­

in Colendge Sunday for the- wed­ding reccptirm of :\llo.;s Doris M<.l­ric Pellot, daughtf'r or !\1r. and Mrs. F. E. Pellot. who \\·:I~ mar­ried <It nooo tu ,:\11". DWight M Tresidder.

Mrs. E .. J. Hunt()fnCl- :lt1d Mi~s

Marcella were tit Hclmphrey \Ved­nesday afternoon when M1S.-; 1\1<11'­

cella was guest of hono]" at a .shower in the P TCI nus home. MiS\S Mnrcella WIll be marrlPCi Au':' gust 21 to MaUl"lce H. Tern\l:-..

Mt6s Lela Boc, \\ ho h,ld bc('o

SOUTHEAST WAYNE MI's. Emil Utecht spent Satur­

day at Elmel' HalTh;on's helping cook ,for threshers.

Harold Walden. Wayne college gr<lduatc- who has been cC"lchmg at Kimb;:tll, Neb., has accepted a sim­Ilar position in Simi. Cal. HI5 wife and daughtel- will accompany him_

eh.'U$tlan ScitltJ!e Sll.tWa~

"Spirit" is the s:ubject of the lesson-sermon-which will be read in Churches of Christ, Scientist, throughout the world, on Sunday, August II.

The Golden Text is: "Teach

st. Paul's Evan. Luth. Church. I He\". G. Glescffi>n, pastoJ".)

Church sch()ol at 10 a. ni. \\'01'-

:"1'1'\I('e ~It II :.J m rchl'ci]"",J thursday (lhl~)

e\,pnlllg at '1.30

Gra.c·e Lutheran ('hun-h. (Rc·\·. Waitl'l" Br;lckcI1Sllk. pa~t"r

Thursd,lY (thl~ I ('\"('nlng ;11 il o·clock. Y!'.S. Bible hf)ul" cHlrj buslne ...... meeting

Sunday. l~ll~q(ln fe<;li\";11 ,It thr W<lytlf' c"llnty f;nr ~rou]1ds Gf'r­man-English ~l'l \ ICP CIt 1030 ;1

SpeCIal ml.'ctlng of the Luther m. Rf'\·. Hellmann of Beemer. \\"111

;.~).~~I~~'I;:~~I: .. s~~~n(gtJ~~~~:c~:·~gll~~ ~ __ oii-III··I1-.·.-iiiii_-B-.-... __ ,.. \'Ited til attend thIS a::i well as all othcr meetmgs of the Luther Lf'ague.

The Safe Cosmetic

for Sensitive Skins ...


Cosmetics •

Men's Bargains (Broken Sizes)

ESSLEY SHIRTS, Values to $2.00 Zephyr Strands and FrIgid Wca HS



GLOVER PAJAMAS, Reg. $1.95. Sheers



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fiNAL CLEARANCf! "" .'

Summer Merchandise DTastically Reduced

While You Need It

Clearance Better

DRESSES PrinL", Sheers. ~1 f'f hes, (repe!i, Pastel", and Darkf'. ;'\[any ()f th(''>(' dre:;Bes ar£' 5uIL:1ble for fall wear

25 Blouses ('1"('))(' ... - ShPf'l":-I

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1/1 HilUSI"' ('oats .••. 'UV"fI

) () SWIm Suits .. I (I Play Suits ... $1.00

White and r£stel

Bags 69¢

Some Dark Colors Included

Sheer Batiste Gowns Regular :$l.00 Value.,

2 for $1.29

Just 15 Silk & Spun Dresses Values to $6.50

$1.98 R£'ni Baq::ams for Thosc Who Can Be Fitted

15 Summer Girdles and Corselette.

Values to $5.00

$1.98 $2.98

A LlmitNJ Number of Sulls, Ensembles and 3-Piece

Travel SuiLe; at RidiculoUS Priccs_ Marvelous Ba.rplns

For Those Who Can B(! Fitted.

to do thy will; ror thou art my j God; thy spirit 15 good; lead me: into ti;le land of uprightness", (Psalms 143:10). I

Amottg the oitations which com­prise the lesson-sermon is tho e fOl-

1 lowing, fl'om the Bible: "God is a L:.._..,.;..,.;..,.;;;;;..,.;..,.; ___ "-I Spirit: and they that worshIp him I must worship him in spirit and in


The lesson-sermon also ineludes


So~iatHappenings ot I . S.~dlOr~: 0------------4-----

Southeast jSouthwest and Merle and Mornsl Sandahl were there that day al~o and the

(By Mrs. Ellis (By Mrs. . ' Rollie Longes went on 11uesday,

Mrs. Anna Anderson spent I Marian Sandahl IS the -:vIiss Virginia and ~Hss Faye day with the Carl Anderson fam- J. C. Bressler home fb'r-a few days. Sandahl attended a shofer In the ily. 'I Genie Karnes was a dumer Ross ~ones home Frida evening

Mrs. Gertrude Arrasmith \ri"i- I gue::t in the Emil Lun~'lOmE? Fri- for MISS Aileen Agnew Who was ted Mrs. Ellis Johns-on Tuesday I day. man'ied to Bob Jones op Sunday. afternoon. i The \I.,'m. Victors visited in the Jack Davenport of ~ Winside,

'. ; +- .: Bridge dub rrtembers will en..' '

"I Mi~8 EI,,~o~ Mae 'Jbhn8on \ectaln their husbands ~t a ilicnic

Mr. and Mrs Myron Borg were! Aldn Rastede home Sunday aft- spent Wednesday aftertjpan in the Tuesday evening \·i::;i.tors in the I emoon. Ed. Sandahl home and 'Yas a sup­Bernard Kinney home. I The Rudolf Kay family visited per guest. Betty Strahan of SiQUX

. Miss Marjorie Leonard spent 8. I last Wednesd8Y e\'emng in the City, called there Sunday afif'r-Miss '~~8tance McQui&tan couple of days last v,'eek ·-.':ith her; )..1ch·Jn Lunge home. noon.

Bec~~es Bride.rof ~~C~~yt:~r~ursday ~venin~ at

, , Joh .. C. Z(,ur. i W,C.T,U, will meet Fliday aft-

Bride of D. D. ~~sen grandmother, ~-lrs. Ida Bressl('r. I ::'vlrs .. On'ille Erickson ~pen't ~ll Mr. and Mrs. C. K Leece of Wakefield received .84 of.. an At Service Here. Miss Bevprly Pederso:>n of SlrlllX, d;JY Flld,q ClOning apples With Clarks, Neb.) were Tues«ay after-

t ernoon at the Salem Lutheran

Miss Eleanor ·Mae Jop son 01; church. Officers will be elect~.

::~ti~~'J::'J:::s~te: ~a~:2' Covered dish luncheon will Ie field, and Mr. John Garrt,tt Zour se=~ican Legion AUXilia~ of :Baltimore, Ij.1:d., oon .of Mrs. meets next Monday evening at t e Garrett Zour of SCheneC~dY' N. hall. Plans for attending the No _ Y" were married. 'Saturd y, Au.. folk convention will be made. A 1

. gust 3, at Annapolis, Md. r. and members are urged to attend.

inch of rainfall Sunday according City, visited "f/l'~h i"llis." Dorothy i ::\Iro;. Ll\\ rpnt"(' Rmg. noon and supper guests in the W. to th, e go-lrernment $auge at Long's. Mig s Constance McQuistan, Christtan Church. Sundell from thursd<lY untll ::'vl(Jn_1 ::\1r. :lnd :"I.1rs- Dick Sandphl and C. Ring home. !lilr. Leece' is district The amount receiv~d Monday was daughter of J. R.. McQuistan, and (Rev. G. B, bunnink, pastor.) day. / '1 <.,r,n \'i~lted l!l the F A. Sub't"r manager for thf' PioTI('er SePd Corn .08 of ap inch. AI ~an windoWj. Mr. Darrel Dale Larsen l son of Mr. King's Daughters wi[l meet this Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Chlll"ch. Eu- h( mr- S Inc1c!\ afWrno( n company. was broken at the post office by and Mrs. H. C. Larsen, both of Thursday afternoon 'at the church g~ne a~d. Karen \\"rr.t.;,' FrIday e\·p-I :"I.lr<;: RollJ(> Lnnge- and thE' boy!' :vIr. aod Mrs. ::,.lanon Rmg and

Ja!~:ry ~Oi~U~Jg~:~e~v~~iS ~~: ~~r,i~lanc~~~ll j~erf:~:~i~~d~ Sunday: Sunday school at 10 a. Mrs. Roy Sundpll and :Y1rs. Cl:. Fr:r!ay. , ~~;~p t~~~n;;dgl~;t: a;;~~~Sf'ntR~~~ Mts. Zoor were to arri e this Membership dues are to be paid Wednesday or Thursday f r a two before the convention. A com­weeks' visit at 3ak-e John on's. , mittee will serve.

Mrs. Zour has ·been employed in Baltimore ·the pagt.·four Y.,~rs, She was graduated from the r Wayne high school and attended Grand Island business college. Mr. Zour hEl.~ also been employed at Balti,. more. The couple will live. at Bal .. tlmore and Mrs. Zour will continue her work.

the strong wind Sunday evening. Pender, were married Monday aft- 1 'th MEA 1 nmg vl31tors In the Rov H,m:;.on and ~o!·m:.t Zicht aS~l'"tf'(J With the- boys were supper gl.)ests <1t C No other damage Was done. ernoon,. at 3 o'clock at the Pres- ~~:t~:. WI rs, rna g er as I home. ~ - I I cannIng <It Albp~·t KJ!!:,JO's :Jll day A. B<1rd's ~onday e\'eni"!l1g. Tues-

is nearly twice thelaniount receiv- double ring ceremony in the pres- m. Communion and preaching at ~~~er~onAwe~f~~r7~'h(~~n n< t~i At~~I~t ~;:!~ons \ l"ltcd 'at' day With the Lawrenc-e B-mgs. ed last t"ear. f tll' ed' t f T 11 a. tn. Christian Endeavor at I d 'W'd "d " nl'lt; ~tnrj Month of July 1939 1940 en~iS~ V~~aI~%~ao~ ~~~('I~::ld, 7:30 p. m. a~r. ~n~E'~~~· R(.ulx'n Colrllx'I': T""i'"ddY f'\'f'nmg. ("a~t~' ~tl~~~~.~~~~ ~~~g~tl~~~~ ~~:~ :7~/;:~::: ~~:~~ :~:~~ ~~~Si~~Q~~s{~~, or:i~~~r:1~~ia~~J~ Cownant Mimion Church. ~~e~e s~~:pne~a~tI~:~.:·~;~)rm'h/I~~.'/.'~·: hi ::j:~ht ~1;~+:l~~\,t1~;e~nm;t~:;.~ ~;,~d~~~ ~1ar:tf'r~\~:7\·'10 lYI~ng~r~~

From Wakefie~ Mr. a~d Mrs. Zour will go to Minneap~lis and phen to Schenectady, N. Y. They are ,on a month's vacat1on~

To Discuss PlanS For Fall F~fJtival

dfl~i~n:e~~~~. ~~e ~:~~ 7ebt~~~e:~ Wakefield September 10 will be discussed,

Meeting Is Held ,In Local Church

Tri·coun!y Christian .. Endeavor meeting was held Sunday evening at the Chti"stian church in Wake­field with about 50 attending from Norfolk and Wayn~. Magnet was unable to attend. The program was givet:J, on the lesson, "How God Speaks to Us," Aft$r the meeting the group went to t&e basement of the church for games and lunch-

::~. ~~e;::~~; ~ill !feet at Mag-

lunio.r Principal Of School Chosen

J el~!: ~a:~i~:l o~f t~~:kef~r~ junior high school at a meeting Qf the school board Monday evening. MI.". Marcoe will take Richard Johnson's placg 'on the fa-culty. Mr. Johnson goes to Holdrege to teach.

Mr. Marcoe is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. He has b~ teaching at Mullen, Neb., the. past two years-. Mr .. and Mrs. MarJ COe will move here soon.

The fall term of the Wa~{efield high school opens September 2.

Otits Fln_ In Wrm".,r. Mrs. Josephine Gus1tafson caught

:~ :n=n!~e~~~:; ri~!:~:' Seven stitches were required to close the wound.

To Teach in ·Iowa. Miss Margaret Kohlmeiel' will

teach speed) and EngUsh at Sum­ner, la" this fall.

Gels Mr. and

(ill Grundy urday and the Mrs. The Iowa Il"f"t m~tier' vtirSity sammer. de)l1'ee

Social. 0, E. S. Has Mooting.

Mean 83.70 71;1.78 the brine, sang "0 Promise Me" (Rev. C. A. Turnquist, pastor.) Bjorklund homf'. I'\'('nll~e: HI' han bren helping baby W"f're thf're Thur~ay after-Maximum 112 113 and Donna McQuistan, niece of the Mid-week service this Thursd8Y Mr. and ?vIr" O'('"r .T(llln.",""!! 1':(' t t '.\·t:1 hay haullng-. I nf)()n and Lit",)" called at Rudulf 0, E. S. chapter had a regl:llar

meeting Tuesday -evening at the hal!.

With Ml"S- Krull. Mrs. Katherine Krull will en­

tertain a group at dinner this Fri­d&,J' evening.

Minimum 60 43 bnde, sang "I Love YOu Truly." evening. drove to SWP;1 City. 1<1. S;ltl.! rl;1\" B:r! \jr );dlt spent Saturday Precipitation 1.77 3.06 The bride who was given m Sunday: Sunday schoo~ at 10 a. and \'lsited With )"('];111\ E' .... t,nl'l l~lght With F...<il\ Lar.<oon 3nd ac-Greatest ih 24 hr'/3, .67 1.02 marriage by her father, wore a full m. Services at;l1 a. m. and 8 p. m. MondClY p\·pnlng. (",'npanl"o the [.,md~· tn the OLI No. of days .01 or rfIore 5 8 outfit. Ht:>r dress was spice green Ladies' Aid mee-ts Wednesday, Ed. Gll"t"f."nn "ltd Ellnl(·('. \II" ~'f'l'''n hfllT''' frlr Sllnday dinnpr Total Jan. 1 to Aug. I 10.70 20.43 of El Paco material and 8Cces."lOnf's August 14, <.It 2:30 wIth Mrs. Carl Jo,;pphinf' r;usbr...:nn \\(,11' SunrLI.v H:ld S;Jncl:lhl left Frid3Y f(J! Clear days ' 20 19 of brown. Her corsfJge was yellllw Helgren, Mts. Aaron Swanson and 8ftprnnan Vl.'ltilr~ ;1]1(1 surn"'; '\\'y' '.~ "',el"e hE' \'·:111 work In Partly cloudy 9 11 Americlln rose buds. Mrs. Harry Wendel a.'l hostesses. guC'"ts in th-e C L Ruci hom ... · Thi.~ b the third

K;:IY·o;. \'1r", r.dgdr L<1r!<on, :M'a-s Henry

~('ls();l. \\, B<;b N-el~on. ;vlr~. C. F. Sandal:l and -:'lr.~. Ed. Sandahl \\ lth th.:lr daughter-o slX"nt Mon­day <lfterTlonn wltlL :\H!'. Lloyd HUg"plman cplehratlrlg he-r bll th­day (Jf S.Jturday.

For Mrs. Iteydon. A group of neighbor ladies spent

Monday afternoon with M·rs. By­ron Heydon in honor of her birth­day.

Cloudy 5t' 2 1 The bride's si~ter, Miss Fay,:" Young people . will give a pro- Mr. and :'.11""'. C"rl ,\ndr',,·,n ;:.nrl bPer; employcd on

Wakefiel Local. Shp wore a fall dress of dubonnd thIS Fnday C've'I1mg. home :vJonday p\pnlng f'lr :'>.1:' T",. \"'1":"1 \'wt,nr f<lrnJiy \\'PfP In nl;t~<~mlJ::-~ut~1:h:~~~~~fl~·;.JI~"II!~~r;~~ McQuis~an, was maid of hone-Jr. gr:lm a~ thE' Sale~ Oakl~nd church I f<Jmily wcre- In thp n. 1\ :\"r:T":rr.rt

Mr. und Mrs. A. L. Nucrnbergf'r and El Paco material with black - Anderson's r)))':hd;,v 8nnn'cr'O'i!"V City Tbur~dflY :-Jnn .... ('r(' Sunday <.tnd :'.londi-l.\ l-"<oI\or:,blt,

~~~ B~~~t ~~~l~at; !spe:?~~~Yd!~~ and blue asters, (Rev, Allan McColl, pastor.) :\1r. :tnd \Tn; R A :\I~l"nd ;,!vl I emaLT1ed lint II SlIn- ~;:~;h::o~~:~I/~g f~~E' r;~~;\~~';~'\:lt~~ ~rt . aceessoEies. Her cors..1ge waf, whIte Pr~byt.erian Ohurch. lor thp 10th. - . ~n thE' F....rl L',nge

or two weeks. The bridegroom and his brothf'r, No serviC'es Sundky as Rev. and family rirrl';(' 10 {)m:lh:1 Stmd;l"\: l1"r ~ht('r. \':Im h \1,';:1" thl<'atf'nen r-:vpryont:> I';

FO~r~. ~~:~~S:-;ger's birth- anr:rfa;i~y,M;:;. R~.?~\;::ig:;;,:; ~f~~ :;;~:S~~t:~~~e::;1 su,ls w,th ~;d ~~~es~~~o;~ ~i:~tt i;;. ~~d: ~~~e"~;~: ;~,:h,',,::, ~n (','::~" 1,;','''r"I,~'ii,.' ;,I'~~n,~~;"r.'~bP;' "g~,;P p~~:~t~~;g~ay famdv and

day was obsetved Thursday when Swensen and famll were In SIOUX Wi~efe~~~r~~dA~t:rms~~~.s~~~~k~)~ ~:~~ ~8~~t~~i.el1~I;Ja~d~::;~11r ~~.~IM~r~IT~:~~;:.(i;~· Hr.]mlJl']"g \l--i1('ri in 1!.,1·1:),·r·1:; "nd \Ir. ;lnd \ll-s Bob \l;:n-vlO Rrudlgam tonk :\1155 E\t'­

~h:~~~:r1n~o~~i t:~er~~~: g~~s~! City to see the cir u.s Saturday. asters, lilies and white gladlo\a who 'has been atte'nding Hasting'S I thp Mnr\"ln :'vI'H tr'n~"n h"!Tl'p :'.I"r> :\(·1", '711 h;'I'rIH;~ 1~'~~~~("S~I!n:~~,pr\"t{.,... Iyn \\'n(jrl~ Whfl I.'" employed at nlC

served lunch n. M!1:'in~n~r~~~d' \~rs~te~h:~~~ were u~ed. college this summt-r, will accom-ln<lY "ftf'l"nnon ,Hid \1;t:d'11r \l'.r· Thp RnlllP Lnng:e famlly ;:)0':1 ~e'('~I,~~~h:~·tHha:~~dlf'"~,\~':~~LI~·: A re\'Tr. twn and luncheon wuo; pany ,them. homC'. AlJan p.lans tu I t.ens.on Rnd E]()H' ~'I'I,:"r ;'f'c<'n'~, ::\"')]'n1<1 Z:cht ]'llned the Jnhn day f',r ,J '.;:eek·s VISIt. They ('j,_

In honor f Mard¢lle Lehman's ' home or, he bride's father. The I LadlE'S .A!d \"'111 have thclr SlJm-! "tDY. d:.y .I ftc: nlliln wherE' they went "\1r. <Inri \he' 1_lwrE'oC"'E' RJllg. 'For MardeIl Lehma... I ~~:~~~=n~osh~~~r('a;'s.e\'ening at held af1:~ the weddmg at the I return t~ H.astlngs this fall. p,iOled hf'"r hnmr fill ,1 f"',~' r!;11'~ Zl{"hU (If \\'I"n1'r. at PendE'r S'1n- l',yed ;J ptcnlC dmn('r

9th birthday Satur41ay, evenil),g R~\', and Mrs. Cl<1- rcn.c (> Hall and table wa~ lighted with candles ~md. mher PhiconlC thid·S dThhulrsdahY nt. t~lell G I\.Trs. Roy sH;lndq,n. I ('.1:'(,1 ;,nd ~xlmming ;\n<1 h~d plcnLe sup/X'r Lorry and Gf'n.' ~pE'nt SUnd.IY ,.tl-guests in the- ed I\.ehman home faml~y returned hpmE' Thur~day centeretill with a three-tier wed-I C UI,T. o\'ere IS IInc con WI, I. <try Wf're , lin ;,y (Innf'!' gllr"t·

.wkaemrep,MMr. rasn. dMMa,r'tiS'·nH,eEnerYhtEenekhatemnp- 1 eWvheenr'engthefyCOhffiad bHeqnnnl.~agc' ot,Mon',nnn

g.,. ding cake. Pink, blue and white be served. The exeC'utl\'(' commlt- I In thE' Fred P],ltC'lllw1'g ~l()r.W f',r "\ I~~:\ Jl;d;~~,ah~\b~~~ns~hne h~~; ~'~:'I~~Jnng ~~:,t~h~lrL£>~~~" \~~;'\,t,I,':':~lP

~f. ' <.I astel-s were us('d. Guests wcre J.I tCf' IS in eh<lr~(>. I K~IY€"s and 1\!I· .... H;lll~()n' n;lt<ll and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein and R. McQuistan ~md fHmi1y, Mr. ;Illd SlIndny. August 18: Regular I d;lY'-' whlC'h ()I CUI ]"f·d rill: Ing th(' nl .11' Alkn ,,[v! ,J("("OmpilnIM thE'm Ring. \lprnll ~nd HogN \'. )p,

__ . Douglas of BattlE' Creek, and MISS Mrs. H. C. Larsen, Mr. and !\1rs. ~(,I-\,ll'('S. I w(,f'k. t,) Sl<JlIX City fr)r the circus \'I<'Pd-1 rin'"\l that .noon from. P€,ortH. 1.1 Wakefield Local. Verna ~olt('rs of Norfolk, vlsited Duncan McQUlsian, 'Mr .• md Mrs. . :,\1r. anri "\11'S Cdbl'l .. t ('<lrls, n f,r Of~ddY'I:\I:' ar.d :VIr:=:;. W. C. Rmg for;J WE'1:'k s \ l~lt \\Jth rel<lll\ ,.~

Monday m the Vim. Wolters home. Donald McQuiston ,!Od famIly. Sakml Luthpran Church. , ()m:lhrL \lr<: Alp", (.l'·I~nn. "\Ir ;:" .... II!!!!!I!!!!iIom!i!!!!! .. l!!!ibfl._IlI!I .. __ lIIIII _____ .. ____ ~ Roy S. Wiggains is Ion a vaC'ation . (R CI P H 1l st ) I 1:'\1 I C I I :!IIi

f. h Mr. and Mr.I;. Chps. Winter and Leighton Ennght <lnd daughter, ev. aJ'en(,e . a, pa. or. anr: rs. ,;l\nf'nr(' ,3.' "'10 anc

rom hIS position in t e bank. Miss Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. Munchow Rita Mae, the last of lAS An- The Ladies' Aid rneets this L:.Jrry, Mr. nnri 1\1r" \ ('1 n C;lri";l>n , Marilyn Harrison has a Friday I d D' It' I t

A of Omaha, wE-I'e Sunday dinner geles, Cal., Rev. and Mrs. McColl Thursday nftemoon in church. an E'nnl.~ wr'n' ('n ('r rlinN <J I

dinner guest at C. . Kinney's. and afternoon guests at Wm. Wol- of WakefiE'ld and Leslie Walden. Swedish seT-.mon by the pastor, Sunday d:oner ;lnl1 ~tlpp('r ltl th£') Mr. and Mrs. Paul jUtemark and AWe I h . tel's'. After a week's wedding trip to The confIrmation clas>; meets I . . <1r son nm('. . I

Arlene were in SiouPc City Mon- Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Busby and Lake Okoboji the couple will be ,]t Friday. 9'30 n. m. A. L. !<.'[orten .... on ;llld F.nnn. 11r.

daihe Byron HeYdoni family were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schulz, the home <It Pender where Mr. LarsC'n I Welcom(· to our Sunday serv-I ;;Ind Mrs ::\Ian In :-'Tr'rkn-nn. ~'Ta~- i

in Sioux City Thursday for the last of Lyons, left Saturday for is employed in the Clover Farm ices. ]0 a. m., Sunday school a~d I dpll(' and K..,']rf'n. "\'!I:~ :VJc1rj()nr cir-cus. Lake Bemidji, Minn., to fish for a stQre. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen are Bible classes. 11 a. m., 'worshIp RoberL<; and EI()~."f'. ;\f'\s()n drr:\"(>

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dolph visi- week. ~~~~or;~~~.te~ao:s!~e :a:n~e:e~lga~ I ~:~~i~~. s~;~~.?n: "That w(' may I ~~er~~~a~~~~)~~rl~~f'~1~~ i~\'~~ep d.~~~ : ted Monday evenirig at Dan an~rfa~~yM;~d~a~~~nc:n~Oh~~; home sincE' her graduation. Our people are urged to nttenrl! \";n NE'lsnn hornf'. ;\1Iss. C:-Jrnlyn: Do:~:s'Mae Young of Wayne, F10yd Clough and Bobbie were in -- I the sessions of the district Luther' !\;('\qm :~tllrnPf1 hcrr' With them'

, Village Council Meets. " League com'cntion a.t Concordia and is vI"lting I~ th" \\-p]rion !\lor- j spent Sunday evening at L. C. Nu- Punca Sunday cvening for a picnIC I church Concord that opens Fri- tenson home thl<; wef'k. 1

ernbel'ger's, supper. Vil.lage council ha.~ . a regular day nl~ht, ('ontin~es Saturdny \vith ;\lrs. Fred tl;nri::oon ;-,nd :;;oITTla'

fitch's Specials NORCO 32% $270 MASH MAKER

STOCK DIP, Per Gallon



40¢ 70C

Get Our Poultry Prices Before You Sell

fitch feed & Produce Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lenzen and Mrs. Det]ef Kny and Miss Anna meeting Tuesday e\Emng. I h . d R d 'th Jean Mr'" Walter C'arisr)O and family were in Sioux City Thurs- returned home Tuesday last week --- ~l~~~gs:;~~~~~~ ~; 2:45 ua~:~ ;~'m. Tedd'y, l\i;s Mt:'h'i~ Henry drm'(' I,

day evening. from Shelby. la., where they had Has Operation. ! Rp\' A. Ch('ll of Buffnlo, Minn .. to South SIOUX City FI :day :lnci, ~-II_iIII-II_II_IIII!~III_II_IIIII_II __ I!I_IIIi!IIIII_II_ ....... ~~~~~~II_III1I1I1I1I1~II_· .. IIIII.II b~~~i,~~r;I~~S nt;r~~~do:r "?i~~=: ~:~7:y~::~;n~rsth:n:m c


n:::: we~~n~~d (~P~~~t~~nO~,~Il:~~~~;i~:: i ~';~~~c~:rlhe guest teacher and ~~~:~~ndr~~art~~e~N'n~~':n,e~~~;':: S .... u ...... * ............... ~ .................... :

day morning. tiS Mondny at the Coe hospIL:!l. I Next Sunday the district jllnior herE' and wa. __ :l Fnr!ay o\·rrnu.:>_h,t 'I· Doll a r 0 a y Spea-a Is! · M r and Mrs Guy Groy ond Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hypse and . IdS I d I 'I I' m • • • <I U I mi~slon band !"ally will be h£'ld ~tt rlO • Cl UI' ay \·t,,: 111" 1t1 I(' "1.11 - 'ii (jI

Helen, Marvin Rehbein were in Hurold. Miss Hnnnah Johnson Baseba.1l Game Sunday. W<lusa. Plan to attend this ('n-. !"Imn hom!' ~llf' \ 1"11cri. In Ihr P,lr- I. : O~i~: J~~aheroth is on a two ~:r~i;c:;ioux City Thursday 1'01" Wakefield baseball team lost to thusiastic gathering Of ('hildren. ent;11 ~V;lltrr (',lr1 ... r,n h,'mr Ill(' : _

byons 6 to 3 in a game here Sun- ---,..- r",t of the ,,'I'd, '. Friday and Saturday, Aug. 9 and 10 : weeks' vacation from her work in lV1J-s. M. L. Baker nnd chltdren day. Wakefield wIll pluy at Em- At MJssion Festival. Tho:"E' who WC'1 (' ill Sioux City : •

th~;~I:~~O~rs~f~:~k Clough of ~~S~ui~b~~~t,~;.' ~~~ ~U~:Xt~~ erson next Sunday. A large crowd attt:'nded thf' mis- during thp wf'{'k to <1ttpnn the (,~l"- :: on Nationally.Known =, All II'" S d ft .. home. Dr. ,"n,1 MO" .. Henl,'n met ,1On festival Sunday nt thp Eng- CllS were: E. E. Lponal"d. :md MISS ;- --= '

en, ea o::u un aya ernoon 10 " .. , Injured By stump. llsh St. John's Lutheran ChurCh'IG01~a, Mrs ENt Harnso~ and I: lb .... P It P t" II the FJoyd Cloueh home. them part WHY· Mrs. Osear BloomqulslJ kicked a Rev. E. H. Boelling of Pierce. was !\I[arllyn. Mr ann "\1. '~', A. V. Carl- _. Dr. Sa ~ ury 8 ou ry repara lons : ed T~ee J:rn!E';;r~~c~;i~ a~~~~~ to M~'~)r~~~k ~:~~~~1~' ~~~i~;o~~ stump Saturday and took the skin the 'morning speaker and Rev. G. son. ~r. and i\lrs. \ em Carlson. _ • City Tues9ay last week. meet thei)" daughter, Mrs. Adella off her left leg. The bone was also Zoch of Wisner. spoke in the aft- ~r. nndI Mrs ~u~elJ Han;PI11 Mr:"j: A 0 T A (Jock treatment In powder fonn :

Mr. and IMrs. A. L. Pospisil and Becker of Gronts Pass, Ore., 'Who injured. Several stitches were re- pmoon at the oity park. , J~~~ M~~~:~ ~T1."I. ~7)'hn ~~in:<ln~ll: VI- one' • to 511mulate appeUtp and to reJno\,t' •. ~arnHy weIte in Sioux City Thurs- arrived to visit a short time. quired to close the wound. Wakefield Local. of Allen. "11'. and !\Jr<; Ro:v Han- !: • round WOmt.'i 6 voand~ '01' 52.00

day evenin,k for the summer circus. Mrs. Carl Helgren returned M'"~t T Play son. Gary and enrol. Mr nnd Mrs. ',.. R·ola-(aps. Coat('d tabl('t..~. hh~'hly t'rtccUve In

tw~r~~f~~;~:~e;:o~~n~~~p~ ~~~ ~7~ew~l;:;~a:.,ee~:~nbge:~0:it~i~~~ Wakefi:~~ mid:'; bas'eb:;l team fa~~;;: ~~~ ~;S~d%gAth<;:r::!kana~ Frpd Harn~on :lnd 7'lnrma .Jpan, • l~~l~~~~f"~ ~~';' worms In po~r;~ Lloyd Dqlph home north of Laurel sister, Mrs. Herman Kay, for tfive will play Wayne next Tuesday in Lake Okoboji. ;:!~;'n~~l~;.;' ~~Yl,~~~ K~~r~"~YC:~'~ ': An eronomical litter spras to M.:.t~land' M' rs Lawr-ce Joh son' days. Mr.O. Ka'y had undergone' an a game here. The local team lost to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Otte and f Sir d "j '. MOl le 0 (,'de n

and ~~'milY Iwe;e in Si~~X City nFri_ operatio~~ Walthill last Friday 2 to 1. The I Sandy were Sunday dinner and ~~:;I~e 'S~~~tl :!~(~\l.;a~l~\~··~~np~~:·~: : - - • ~O:p~~~t~rin (he ock. S1.00

;:~; a~ttE!:~:~:~e~?~ :~:t:~i~f~~~~~i:~f~:~ ~~~e:vere pt Pender Tuesday for a ~;rrSg~::ts ~:sth~CHA. =~:::: ~l£~;~~~;:i, ~~~PP~:,~;:~~~:I::'j 'i ALL THREE, $4.35 V AWE, $385 parish picnic at Emerson Sunday. ited a few days in the Paul St~on- Plan for Kay Reunlrrt.. and Barbara are in Wakefield now Alicf' MaE' BIC'rlnan, l\1r:'i C L.: Special for Dollar Days _.

w!:,r:p~n~~e:U~~:~~;:n~tg:d ~:~~ ~~~:~ ~:~. will return to th~o~:/~adm~;b~~f~~o~~]~~~i~\~~ ~~~;h:~n~~~~ ~t t~~~~~e~n ~~: Bard and Mrs .• Jn~{'phllle Gustaf- •

Sunday in the L, C, Nuernberger Mrs. Louis Hinton and son ~eft union at West Point Sunda;y, Au- Madden fmd Barbara were at :~~' ;::;~ a;:..d It.I~~ll~~OJ:~ ~~:;~~~~ : hoMmre., and >,-s. Fr' ank Hensehke Friday evening for their homq at gust 11. La~t ye:tr 425 members of 'I Falls City and Pawnee City . ~1rs. Frf'd Oltman :-ll1n Rathe,mC' :

tilvU" Douglas, Wyo" after spending two the family attended the gathering Supt. Madden was in sehool at and G('I-hardt Cordt's of WIsner, I. guests in the George Eickhoff ton's mother, Mrs. Evoline Wig- -- Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Quade of delle and Janet, MI'. and 111-s.'.

Special Prices on WAYNE EEEDS for Dollar Days

and Eldor were Friday dinner and a half weeks with Mrs. Rin- in West Point. I Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. HarvC'y Lnrs('n, Mar-I: : T-Ietg' en Hat'chery home. gains, and her brother, Roy S. Mr. and MrS. C. A. Kinney and .omaha, spent from Saturday eve- Ernest Frevert. Medin and Glf'n- ,:

Ed. Carlson and Rev. and Mrs, Carl Hedlind of Wiggains. In honor of Mrs. Itin- Phyllis and Jacqueline Anderson, ning to Monday morning in the . 1 M d M G B' • of Hartington. 'Ilhe· Patterson, Cal" Mrs. Sophie. t~n and son Mrs, Eveline Wigg~ins, go to Long Pine this Thursday to I Wm. Hugelman home. The Quades ~;~:. an~' ~nr. an~~' M;<j~rg~er~~ i: Phone 332 Wayne, Nel.. We.st .3rd St. make arrangements Thompson, Mr. and: Mrs. John the Roy Wiggains family and! H. visit until Sunday in the Ed. Kqn- I Just arrived home Thursday from Barelman and Marcele were Sun- i-

are Mrs. Monie Thompson ap.d three'children were J. Nuernberger had a pi-cnH~ sup- ney home. Mrs. Ed. Kinney and: a month's vacati.on in th.e east ?t da! visito~~.___ I ~.D .. __ •••.•.••. _ .. _._II._ .. ~.!~ .... - ••••••••••• Emil Ekberg and Sunday dinner and :s1:l.pper guests per Friday evening at Nuetnl)er- I two sons will accompany them I Buffalo, DetrOIt,. IndIanapolis, -:'~~~~_~='= '==~~==~~~~~~~¥~~~~~~~~========~

in the Rev. C. A. Turnquist horne. ger's. home for a visit. I Cleveland and Chlcago. -"

were Sunday afternoon and su()per guests at Mrs. Minnie Miller'sf

Mrs. Hjalmer Lund and datlgh­ters, Mrs. Paul Dahlgren and Elsie Faye spent Friday afte~oon with Mrs. Oscar Bloomquist.

Mr; a.nd Ml'S. Jess -Bro\'JTlelI and JiinJnie of Sioux City, spent Sat­urday ai'ternoon and Sunday with her mother, Ml1s. Lindberg, ~nd

EdRe", and Mrs, W, A, Gerdes ~nd family, Mr. and Mrs. El!)il MiUer. Marian anclt Elton left' Monday forenoon ~or a few days' outing Lake Okoboji.

A, D~ Collins

the fir~t part of the week with ~1-1 t~e Methodist hospital in , . ton Mtller. City.

Mr. and Mrs. Harr-y Johnson and Mr. apd Mrs. Ernest Packer DC-

children were Sunday afternoon companJed Mr. and Mrs. Wallace guests at Joel Dahlgren's. Mr. and. Ring and Merle and Morris San­Mrs Reuel Swenson and three I dahl to Sioux City W-ednesday to son~ were Tuesday evening visitors I' ClUend summer circus a,t b.all park at the same .home. in afternoon and Star ~rlgade .at

Mr. and Mrs. ~cha!"d,H~llm~n :~~ ~~~~r ~:;~;;,:n~~itonM1SS ~~:.~.t ~~~~~~ ~~I~~~eE~~!= tendeti on Wednesday, also.

~r and Lambert and Mrs. Lizzie CAL Burmester of ~yons, were Sunday LO supper guests at :Emil Miller's.

Mr. and' Mrs. Bernard hickson and Myron spent Sunday after­rtoon at the Lewis AndersOJl home

DIxon. In the afternoon Myron Virgil and Cli!fford

I to the Belden sWimming

FOR BARGAIN DAY We Offer Special Buys in

QUALITY. HARDWARf See Us for Bar:gains on




ELECTIC, FLOOR and ,TABLE LAMPS ........ ,.,..." ... .., OF ALL KINDS


Meet Here SJr\day in ".~v-,-"< .. ,,v Series to D~cide

ship Final,s.

'.'1 ~ . ,LAUREL AI'tID RA'NDOLP. " ' IVIEtT IN "QTHE" SERIES. ,.. : .

. It's Wayne vs, Wi~slde ill th~ WJDSlde R_mps nig Six semi-final pl*yoff 'series I:' O' W:. '9' The ,ir,t ,game of the th<~e-gam. ver ayne

. ;fI~e~:~~!~g~~~~Yi~°tza~:c~~~ __

Two-b:::lse hits: Jensen, Misfeldt, Meisenbach. Strike outs: JUderson 5, Gardiner 11. Bases on b.lls: Off Alderson 2, Gardiner 1. Double plays: Jensen to Bornhort. Left on bases: Wayne 4, Winside 5,


Beckenhauers Hold ~~:~'fi~:l ~kin~~~t~~t Reunion ,on Sunday houl'S before! PlItting In

A reunion of the Beckenhauer cold.


rapner---j~-th-e -department. i. And tl1e.rc ire plenty of just su<;J-t'men. ,


Exchanges family at West Point ~unday was If more than 1 quart is matIe 'iJ.t attended by 60 relatives, among the same time the finishedi jam Mrs. Ida Balster, 65, of Wisner, them Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Becken- may be piaL-eG in an open shiIllow died Saturday, • bauer and Mr. and Mrs. Eph Beck- pan to stand the 24 hours bU~ only Laurel telephone system is i.n enhauer -of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. cook 1 quart of berries at a! time I charge of the Randolph manager, Ezra Beckenhauer and daughter in 1 pan. One quart of berri~ will Glen Starkey. of Wakefield, Dr. and Mrs. N. J. make about 3 half pints of: jam. I Miss Irene Ost of Seward, be-Pickett of NorfOlk. Officers 1'12- ' came the bride of Martin Kirch of elected are:, Otto Beckenhauer, T-ugwelI for Secretary. I Wisner, July 24. Norfolk, president; Dr. Emma Ack- (Omaha Joumal-Stockma~.) Ce1:"il ·Cox. 39, of Omaha. was erman, Sioux City, vice president; Announcement that Secretary of I fatally injured when hls car lut Elmer Reppert, Fremont, second Agriculture WaJlaCt' planned ,to re·1 a pole at Norfolk. July 31. vice president; Mrs. Otto Becken- sign i)js position in the cabihet of I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fleldhaclt:er

Wayne's Big Six team last Sunday finished its regular season hauer, Norfolk, corresponding SC"C- President Roosevelt m order that I h:::lve three grandchlldren born on in a :tie with Winside for league leader'-.hip. Members' of the team retary; and Charles Beckenhauer, he might devote all his at~ntion I the same day. Two are twins.

are:fStanding, Bornhoft, 2b;. Heyne, .~s; Sweeney, Summers. p; ~~~r~e~~:~in!.:ms,;;e~~. a~~~~ ~~~:;~:~gn~~;t~~r :;: ~~C:i~~~ ;,at.elt~;~e~~~~d~;~;;,e~,t~o~a:~ Je-nstm, ~b; Powers, rf; Whitey, c~ Beckman, utility; seated, Peter- same place-the tirst Sunday in Au- correspondents to lO(jk around fOJ" Mr. and !\1rs. Clarence Anderson, sen, maTfager; Stull, 3b; Alderson, p; Zimmerman, c; Cross, If; gust. a SUCC'E'Ssor to Wallace in $e de- Hartington, from serious mjury . Morgan, . .cf; Granquist, bat boy; Granquist, umpire. partment of :::lgrlC1..i.lture. Among The lad fell out of <1 car onto

I S~day at ~:30 And What a gam~ Game Is Reversal pf Previous it· should be! Each clob has once Sunday; Erro)"ls Costly def~ated the other, ~o 'S~nday's In 9 to 3 Defeat. affalr should be an attractlOn nq baseball fan w~ll want tp miss.

City Kiwanians Teed presided and H. E. Siman Appear in Recital Frank Emley, 61, was found £?r. Rexford Tugw.I?H The suggcs- hU\'e broken the fall' enough to -------+-----.-~-------- I . - ------- Found Dead Tuesday. I the names brought up was \hat of pavement The hat j,.; belIeved to

•• presided as toastmaster. A plaque I dead in tkd at'his horne- near Wis- bon w.as not r("(""el\~ Wlt~ mu~.h prevent a skuH fracture.

W· M h IJI WdS pr.esented the visitors in At Carroll Church ner Tuesd~y ~Y hiS wife. E~ley!~~~~u;:~.~ t~~dl.~~:u~~tlonB SlL<ii-

da~ t~~;~:F~:~ ~;~:~~~nn~~~ ;i~~~ 10 ate nere recognitIOn of their achi('vements. MISS Ina A. Heeren presented t~nd been in 111 health for some I "Four mll}Il)n dollars of·fe-de-ml I wish t~p::~ti~~;pndS and Directors Ama.nge Seri·es. Sydney L. Taylor responded. :wr'l piano pupil" in a recital Tuesday lIne. money and ;m unp"stlmat('d num-

Directors of the Big.Six baseball ~~8Yn:n~p.,~e~e:t:d ~ ~e 3 ~~i;~~~ W PI 0 Sh • S:vett presented nn nppropnate eVf'nil1g .at Carroll-- Methodist b "f rfl II ~ f ds M neighbors for thplr act." of klnd-league and managers of the sev- ayne ayers 0 "rare In gIft to Tom Cnwlpy, ::md the latter church. The program included: Locking to Oom.petenCY. I (>r o. I,!(O'" 0 wo~ 1 W T nf>Ss. also for cards and flowers-era! teams met.in Wayne Monday again to put these'two teams into Providing Thrills :for also responded. I Soldlf'rc; on Par;lde, J. MIlton Ow- (Norfolk bally News.) i ~:~:\~n;l~r~~~~ist(~\,:~,O';, J ~~~ d~ring my re'cent stay I~ the hos-evening to ma1)e arrangements for ~~~e ~rn~~ge ~~~~e~!~~a~:1~~~i~ Monday Game.: • I en~ HIPPlty H('PPlty Hop-TODd. ThE" Nebraska City _News-Pr('~" I th~lt grilrlen ;II!(' In which Th...c.:tor pltrd -Mr:=:. L Gramber . .

~!i~; ~~~~/ofn:~~e~~~ ~~t~~~· ter brand of baseball than they Sioux City and W~yne Kiw:::lnis ReUFIUOHn H.keld HFere'l

I :~ll~f y~~~~ ~:;:~I I-~;;;esa ~~~~ ~Ir;:~~~roatb;~;~": :uost~!~W~r:r~~~ i ~~:~~;,~ j;~nd rf~~~lt~~~~'la~e~'IP:a~, Appreciation. 1 did a week ago when they suffer- Idttenball teams met at Wayne Or el es aml Y I Lakt \Valtz, Ch<llil ne J Reth- mg shIpped by the gOVl'n1ment tf) ,I ~()".' .. It h,jo, gun .. under tlw ham-: In behalf ()f the- \1.·i\'(·" of \Vayne °ihos~ presen't at the meAling ~de as~!:o~a~~;:at~:~~he hands of college Monday ('venlJIIg for Mempcls of the Hukcs famlly v. IS( h Thl Anw Ius, Eleanor Ann NC'urClskd at a time wh~n man\: mpr. S;,h ,g" prattlc,')ly nil ,-\1- I fll"'emen we Wish t,) thank the me-n

.'~ agreed· to match,thetwD top ranI{i.. Alderson seemed far less effec- ~i~~'I!//:n~(>tom~t~~, ll~r~nte~~~{~~ th/..'JI Dnnual reumon !:311ndd} Hdn~(n The SplDV W,iltz BerlllC(,"I producers In thiS state :::lre refus- m(J"t m, Llttf'n~I()n fJ;1\d tl) It:- fm- far:l I()\"p\y £on'nm); and f'xcellent

~ ing teams, W'ayne and Winside, in d I contest. at East p<.Jrk In W,JY1H', rl'l;]tl\e~ !VIdE lI:::lmptoll, Reguldr Waltz mg to dig theIr spuds for the 60 i I..;h. ]'\llt (>':(n Dr Tugwell Sf"f1t I lunch Tup<.,day.~Mr~. M. L. Rmg-

a' "best two out of three game"n 1~:l,.~neeot~~~nt~U,~efGi~~d~"n~~~~l~wl~'I,DnS~s1~e;, g<.J~;r:,;;~8,;nf~~;di~tgarll~~L~~at;;~~ ~~i~~i~~h~i(;I~~u~in:e~rean~a~~S~~'l'l ~;.::.r;1111(;Y~i~·r("~~o8~~;;)th~h~n~a~~)tnh·: ~~n~a~~~e\~de t~e; ~o~~~'rmla/~~~: i flr)I~,,~~sJ'~,t pU'~ljlc' th;Jt .then' hn.~: ::~ ~~t,:",,;,,~~~"f ~I'n~' ~!~~ll~~~~~Lwl\.es the' sec nd ame at Winside Au ajlowed six hits and whiffed 11. of R. K. Kil"kmHn 'to R. L. Larson. kf's 8nQl. two sons, Mr, :md M!", .. ing \\""Jltz. I'.bl"y Joyce Morris: :::'~Pyt'\:Xrea~a~ki:gO~7:...HJtt.he l;:g partm(-nt I'f ;'l!rJII,II'ln. <J.nd th,lt ______ _ ~:;ie~eT:e~fi·i·~t../f;~~~e~fAt~~~~r~e:, U "" Heikes,: Mr. :lIld MI·s. HalTY Hpl- Wls(·h. F.1C'anor Ann fLm"en: &,3t- new de;;. I IS competent to con- l)('f.n cJ If'tllm tI, )(';,-"n m Ihi' dr.- . pft' .'

.gust 18~an the third, if nece~sar;' ~~;~ta~d~i~;n~;C~latan~or Lu~in~il~~ ~~reo('ne()L~~2i~. t;.is T~~(:P:i.~~:g~~~ Clnudc !Heikes, Mr. and Mrs. !.;e(,.· SIuml)('r Song. Lucile :vtae Rich- thp f.lrmf': s f,j tfw lldtll'n W()uJrl ~OTJCE on ,a neutra diamond at some later tVJI h't h C f W s['vcr;ll nl("(~ nies. Hitting .iwas led HeIkes ~nd son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray I ,Irch: Da"hing TrooJX'r~, Ov;en I. ' nut \\"pk"'Tlr> Ill' T,,~\\"('11 .1:" T;,p annU,1\ mf'f'ling nf the lot da~. The n xt two. rahking teams, c~~nec~:d e;:~. ·two r~::e °bl(Jw~!.y4;1e by Henry E, L('y who ha~ ;;. per- Heikes,ttdl of Dalwt<t Clty,:vIr. and. H<lydcn Owr:n.s; Spalkllng Sun- Mr. and Mr:-: 1-. S. Stevenson of l~ad;or 1\,. (I, ' ,i' It m,ly. wn€'r~ (,f 'fw Gr{'('n\~'l)orl Cemp-La el and Randolph, will alw Wayne started things ~ff by fect J"C.'<:ord ('vcry tIme he wns at Mrs. :&1 rl H('ike~, Yrr. ;md !\Ir>.: be:lm~ Waltz, Durothy Ann Reth- Lj\'ing~ton, Mont., arrived W<:d-, fOlln1)"y 'n nn mr)<>d In gil blltk I kry as-,,()Cl<ltltm wdl UIO' hplrl Tl!PS-m t in a similar"series. bat. On one occnsion Ley made We5Iey~Schl"nm and tWI) d<:lllgI1- WL"('h, DIXI("S L;llld. Mary J()yC"(' ;:;~day to V!'ilt the f()Jmer:-. SIS~"I. tn 1i1l' \\",lrl (',.pl"lJlll"nl"f In ,,0(1;11. ddY. AUg\J"t 20.1940, ;,t 11) v'dock

he winne,rs of theJ;ie .two series scoring one run on two hits in the second b;ls!' on a ~tomacih slide. 'ters an~ Mrs. Raymond BI<.Jtchford M'Jl"lI", Stanley :¥lrJl"l"[", H;ilh'Y's rs. M. N. Foster, and family. (If !/,I.'(I farming tr,;.t wprc ,nigh ilght- d. m .. at th(' Statl"' ~,.t]l)nnl [kll1k, will then clash in a final serips to first half of the initial fmme. W. H. Sv,Clj ;llld Kirknian got of Obt'rt, Mrs. W. (). Hannan, ;vj"r". C(Jmr·t Wuilz, In Gn'l"'n Pnstures- LI\-mgstons ar(> cnrIJ1Jtl"' t() Ad;Ill), pd iT1 Wa-hl'lgt',n a ff'\"~ y(';If~ iJgo : Wayn('. )ff'"bra,;k3. determine the real champion. ~lh~~eP~eU~~~d b~~t f;~~ ~~r~e~~~~ three hits out of four. p, U. March C. W. I...ung, Mr. and Mr:-;. George RdlgJ!,sIJ. Ruth A. T('xl('y: Day to seC' Mr. Ste\'('mnn's mflthpr. \Vr\:lt I- N" t\. r\ JU' \ .It preq'nt I_ HE);"RIETL\ lIl"RSTAD.

Regular Seaso. n Closes. . Another t'lly ca ...... e in the 3rd on is also credited with soine nice Aistrope, Mr. ;wd Mrs. Dan Lam!). Dn ,lm, of YtJuth. J(':Wl'ttf' C. Jen- R----.--~ I an ('rluC'<Jkd dnd J:,<l;d hf'aded a8tI SN.·rf'tary.

The first season of . regularly I an error and a hit, and the last playing. 1 <..v ,~ \., Map William,,: Twilight Shadol\"s.

ibn eballieague eameito a close last error and a hit. Strollp(' ~t8n'pd Jll the battery and Wendorff. son and daughter (If Te- i Rt( 11.lI·d \\' Link: In tll(' Spnng __

" .. , tMhrys'wVe·a','a'"rOoJSrO\~'aaJn<::f'~Jct",'~D<o,:,',',','ct- "'" Tho R,,,"-F,,y Cap""e, Id, ee l pes'l~ nnlD~------' R 51 se~dUled games in the Big Six ~un was scored in the Bth on 811 For til€' visitors McIlrqth and Hach of Butte, Mr. and. Mr~ Urb:ln Ruth Y Ow{'n~: j'vlpl11()rJf''i ()f Lo\"('. I ~\ - - All 16 Sll. day afternoon a~ Wayne lost The home boys .put the game on Bolsinger W<lS outstandmg: as hit- cumseh, Mr. and Mrs. CI<lir Stone: S\ln~hJlH', C'h'o ,\1 ill' Dd\ 1 __ : The Apple Jell). to insidE' 9 to 3, an? Laurel Wall ice in the last half of the 1st, ter. The city men got most'of their and son of FCJlrbury, Mrs. ~rllt()n! E\(>Tlol\~ PI·;])"('!". l\1aJ"lh'n ()\\"('TlS; 5 cups jUH"C fro. Randolph 5 to 12. The ot~ler scoring four runs witryout a single runs on ('I"rors. Flack and daughtf'r of Lln("oln,- -:\11". I F'l<l\':(':' "r I '().\ ('. Ch-" ;.!.Jf' ]);I\·ls.13 I.~ CLIpS ~lJg,lr • t;l.V te.am,s, .. osmond an{i Hosloll.:, hit, the. counters coming as the Wayne line!lp includedj \V. H. and Mrs. Jtle Mun:-.mg('r. tw!) 11th [\T,lI' Wlill;lm..;; ;"11\('1 NYrrlph- U~!' ;:lppll"" \\Jlh Cl good f],l\1 . __ -\ _ _ ha e prevlOusly completed thelr result of a bnse on balls, three Swett, catchf"']"; F'red Dalfj, pitch- daughtel'sand son, MIs. Ill<:! Gt"dl-i Md/llll,,!, 1'1.JII"IP fl()..,('. \latwi J. r.ut in qU<.il"tCl·S dnd COIT' Ido nnt

l '_',_;:<_

Ech. dule, s6 were idle. errors and a fielder's choice .They ('r, relJ('v('rl by .T. M. Stryh;ln; R. hart nnd Mrs. M. MUTlsmg£']" (If'. Frf"'rim·k'-.(ln; :\1<.lrt"ll(' Op. 183 No pare). Cook in e-nough W:lter II) numb€T of Holstem and Gifel,i~;;, ~Final standings show a three- scored two more in the 5th on 1.. L:ll'~()n, 1st btlsf'; Armahd His- Mdh'em, la., MI'. and Mrs. G{'o.' BOTlIlI(' LOll ()\\cns. ;o..1unlyn cover them, when soft !>1.r<.lln i FOR SAn-a FPY calves from .some or the~~i!.'

.way tie for first place,. with W~ne, three elTors and a double, to/0 cox, 2nd ba:=:lc~ R. K. Kirkrilan, 3rd Heil{es, jr, of Knn<';3s City, Kan., Huth Y (}v,'('ns: ('any Me through a cbtton bag Cu()k \~ IIIl i herds Jll 'VIS. and Mmn. CaJvesit, I Winside and ~urel all holding a more in the 6th on three hits, und base; P. L. March, shol·t~stup; J. Mrs. Ruth Eber uf Akron, Ind., B<lck t() Old Virgmny. Cleo Mae sugar untJi it Jells, 10 to 12 mill.: FOR sALE'- Eh,ctl Ie fam and range m age from 2 w('£'ks and

~~s;~t~~~.;~;soe~~'~~~ t:~~ !~~~ one in the 7th on two hits ~;~r~i~~r:~~<\~g~~o~:~~e~i,e~~~i~V~h~~ !~;I~ll M~l;~~~~~' th~;~ ~~~s ~~;l~ ~;~!~~\('~;lii~::~~~~a~~\.~l~.ciJs~~rl: utes. I ~N~~11~"h~\;:~:~~'r~. A b:lrga!l1~8~1 ~~~er'Jnr::~~~e:ea~l~ab~~.~;;; er, apparently hit its winning The box score: H. E. Ley; N. F. Thorpe; center two daughters, W. C. Heikes, Ull:::l Anna E. Frcdr·icbon. TRona 1IJ\- Boston Cookies 1- - ______ __ Adolph Zlcht. \Visner, Neb. st:r~de a· few weeks "too late and Wayne AB R II PO A E fipJder, relievpd by Chf:'t Walters; and Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Chao., IN, L. Clal!' Texl~y :'\rorg:::ln Hli- I ClIp butter I FoR SALE ·,8-hu-:JH:I 5Plf-fet""tl- j25t3 finished jn fifth position. Armentrout. 3b, e 4 3 1) 0 (';11'1 Wright, left fieldC'r, relleved Heikes, lona and R'tyoma of kr and Donald Hr,rn s('n'C'd as }1'1 cups brown ."ugnr i £'r.!8 lids C',lr 1 Lf\n;on, 3 mill'S ______ -_-_-_--_-__ -__

su~cr:s~\~Ue::~r~~~~e~:rr:~a~ ~~~~s~o:i' 2b ~ ~ g ~ 2 ~~ ~~(':. ~t~(~~~U~yay~(~u~t/l·s~;~l~~ Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erick- 21~ cups flour n<!lth of fLIl\dulpr: __ -.:~~ I WANTED 1'1{E'el1, but ·always of a frlendly Alderson, p .4 0 1 1 Bill 'ficc' were umpII·es. son of CWmSide, C~ft(~~ Pt.lu~, I B G W'll 3 eggs od FOR SALF: -Tw(, u.~{'rl rdngr.rfJ-I~::__-=====_::=== vein, and inter~st grew greatly as, Stull, If, 3b 4 0 0 :! 0 I Tom Cowley, chuirmun of the Sioux Ity. Mr. an rs. ,Ir rome xras.~ l 1 teaspoon B a t01-S In ~()ud C1m(lltl'Hl A b:.Jr- \\'A~TED -House or --"ffl~(, work

the season progr~ssed and favorite' Jensen, Ib 4 110 Sioux City club interrelations SuI~d:~;:fd~~~:~ie~~. h;lV(' next Be Used This Fall Il~ ~~~~~sl~I;\"es g<lJn. H. H Ha:h~('I(,~_~ I ()!" clerk,rfg. Betty Jane Langan,

teams turned in winning ga.mes. Heyne, ss 4 1 1 committee, E. N. McIlrath, manag- ye~r's gathermg the first SunchlY nrC'('nt ch:mgC' in weather con- % teaspoon nutmeg FOR SALE'-----G-alldd Farrel. suit- I _?~_~n_~~~-~_' ____ ~ __ a_~ :Advance mOve'S are al~eady un- Morgan, cf ..... 4 0 0 f U 't ~om 11 tea rind I 'dPd b bl f I h !l ! t d ts

• ~j.W:11 ;~,::~~t g~~~n~a~~e ~~~~!~~':'r::n;:n, C .•.•. ~ 8 ~ 0 ~:~~~~;~;~;,~"k~:;: ;~~:'~~lrC:f ~,,~: ;~eJ~~~'~~t~:eI~C;;I~'~ ~,~,~~ie, M'f ;1,:~.;~,~: ~~' t';'~~t;;,h;J~;:;;e~f i~J~ ~r~u: ;~~~~~~snfUJS In pan and ~\g~~ I :::;,::;:~~L!,O;;d~~;~,~: stittted €arlier next year, thus pre- --~ - ~ ~ itlno- delegation. Other visitors W. O. H<:Irmon, Mrs. ;\lJiton Fl'IC· "('('fling gr;J-..ses Clnd legumes. bake ln moderate o\·en. I' 8 1

"E • F. and Mrs. Clair StonC'. ;\I:1ny f"rmC')"s h~lve dpcided to seed C:1rrol . a t venting the f~nal series from ex- 33 3 62412 6 Wf're H;Il'Jey Goslin, CDrl Gustaf- This year's committN' inC'luu('d l,ro~e thi:; fall. The large Corn Oysters FOn SALE --JU36 Ford d('luxc

CaU or Write .. ,\,.>,;~ RALPH CR,OCKETr.,.,.,W(' ~i~i~f

Estimates FUmls"etI\~i:'i,


tending t~ such a late date. Wjnside AB R H PO A E son, Wm. Fookes, Ben Schulein, Mrs R"ay Heikes Mrs G B Ai . h I 3 eggs Final Stahding of Teams. Whitney, S8 ." 5 1 1 1 1 1 Leo Stroupe-, Ralph Keaton, Lester str~~e and Mrs C'has 'lieikes 'Mrs- 'lIPP]Y home grown b~lg qU~ - 8 (';n' swe-et corn \\"lth r3(il(1 <Inri IW<Jler III \ cry

.W L Pet. Misfeldt, c"f 4 2 1 0 0 Burger, .J<J.ck Jamgotch, ErjL Peca- Geo H.eike~ asi<ed g;acf' an~l Mrs' 11y ~e"(·d ;lnu the favOTa (' we"clt er 2 cup: milk good COnciJtll1fl \-lilY 1)(> S('{'J)

Wayne. . .............. _ .. 6 4 .600 D. Weible-, Ib 3 2 110 0 chek, C. C. Bolsinger, N"ormiln Aistrope p;e:;ided . ,. ('llnd'I!lons nrc. f'~c~)ur~g!~g. ac- Pe~per snlt :inc! flour S:lturdny ()r sunpn:o, l';lul Lf'"~"-

Phofie SHU Wa.YDe.. Neb. ' a4t4

Winside 4 2 2 12 1 0 Woodworth, George I\'ersen :;md .' ,,,)"(im~ to Ag('nt ' c't V;l tprs. ' .• L I mnn f'hun(' 4-F 14 j a8tl Pheasant and waterfowl sea-Laurel , 66 44 ',660°°0 FM,e'W'seeBI'bb\aee,ha, be, 4 2 I ° I 0 .Joe G<lylor. S,unpl('" of :--OUf1lf' of tllr- seed Grate tht:> corn, add th(' mil (, sons rna)' be lengthened thiS year.

lw JJ1~p('('kd <:It the f'xl('I\Slon f'"gg.s, salt, pf'pIX'r ;lnd pnnugh fluur Raosmndoonldph· ... 5 5 .500, Lutt, 2b .. . 3 0 2 3 2 0 The SIOUX City men hod dmn€'r ()ther Lumprs h<l\"ing seed to mal,(' a b<ltter. Put a tabl('SI)()f1n RADIO SERVICE The 79th annual Winnebago

4 6 ,400. E. Weible, rf .' 3 0 0 0 0 0 with Wayne Kiwanians Monday ,oil' lflntpci to unng n ~amplt' in or buttetf into a frymg !Xln and Hd:;;kins .. 3 7 ,300 Evans, 1 0 0 0 0 1 e\'l'lllng at Hotf'l Stratton. A. V. deeds fJlf'n in WaYllC' I"l" dl"pl.1y. drop the ~ixtllre into the hut but- !7;~:n~8;a~~~ ~~~!: I f:~;~'ow will be held August 22.

i~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I\,ount\cVtl;e pa.st WPt'k inclucif' the .'-)1'\·(')";iI :!u;V-anta.ge<: f~l\'or tho ter, a spoonful III a place. Brnwn C. E. HEMMINGSON I fo!iowJng: hom('- grown s('Cd. There i:; no °r

n tboth

sides. ~dee'vdehhotffo'db,:nenaek .. - 18 "'a,'oe, ~.'eb. Oscar Feelhavpr, 68. Spanlsh h G Ah t ~J Ah .I"ubt "I,out Ih"" ped b{'mg as or as a Sl IS or '. 3 tf ...

Snrn .' ern 0 \. nrn ('rn, <.. ::=:==::=:=:=:=:==:=:=:: I war veteran, 'hed at \Vynot la.st

Dollar Day Values.! ,Listed a,.e only a few of the many special buys in quality

, . I

mercharidlse in ou,. stock. Sit op now and save! ! ! RUBONDUST MOP THERMOS JUGS
























L. W. McNatt Hardware

.Tul.Y 31 for $1. lots 5 and 6, block hromC' grass and not dO\.,JlY week. 13, originnl Wayne. \\hich is sometimes present Pbc:tia~=yo~~es.straw_

Clara Ahern to Martina Fowler, ported seed. The risk of REAL ESTATE I Allen :1nd P~('fl uand<; gave Johanna Smith. Mary Ahern, leie 'r';Jbl e-d seeds is berries in a colander and pOLlr 3 i Arthur W. Ahern, John F. Ahern ~:~ed '''~~'hene ~~ buyer knows quart..'> of boilIng water oyer th('m, - ~ ....0- JOInt ('1.)f1N'rb nt Allen nnd Ponca

P t b les. in good Sized ("Doking FOR SALF. -Good (holce \\'I<;c()n- \ la~t \\f'ek ;~,d l::~e:n~' 6~hb~~~k Jl~~YO;i~i~~~ ~;e;ve~hi~s~:i;:~h~h~ie~;:d p~n, ae;~ 2 cups su~r and toss Slll ;Jnd i\Imnesbta Holstem and _ Wayne. the seed was actuallY grown. about untIl sugar is moistened. GUt rn'i('Y hrlft'!" C"ahes a h d The \\N'd burner has bN'n over'

DoTll3J1d P. Miller and wi~e. to Brame gr;)s:;, the same as any Put over fire, boil 2 minutes aft- ~~Ipl~~e~<.; canH fl \ (> ('0an~~~t1~: ~:tC"N;~!k:l & 0 Ime ul north-Elsie Warnock, August 1 f0-r:: $~,- other plant, becomes adapted to er it star"L<; to boil. add 2 cups

000, 1'{lh of lot 8 and 'all of ~ot 9, tllf' climnte in thf' aren awhere it .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ block '7, C'rawfol'd & Brown addi- l.~ grown. II Hon to Wayne. ., Many Wayn(' county farmers

LOCAL NEWS plan to sl'pd bromf"' grass and ;llfaHa together. TIl(> rate of se('d­lllg \';lri('s from th.ree to five

Mr; and Mrs. Andrew Parker poupd:-; for a"Ifalfa nnd fTom 10 to spent' Sunday eve-ning at' Jack ]:i pounds for brome. The mixture DawSiOn's. makes n very desirable pasture

Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Lewis and m!xture becflllf;e the danger of famllY took Miss Joyce Olson to bloat rrom the alfalfa is practieal­her iJome at Soldier, la., Sunday. Iy eliminated by the presence of

MI". and Mrs. H. C. Edwards, the brome. Care must be taken Bobb~e and Billie or Los Angeles, ;lnd livestock should not be turned Mr. and Mrs. H. A. We}\ington of on nlfCllfa at times when the ~lfalfa Coledidge, were Wednesday guests I:" ahead of the brome. A seed bed at R. R. Larson's.. I fnr brome grass should be packed

Mr:. and Mrs. Tom McElwain of flrntIy-nearly hard and free from Sloan, fa., came Tuesday to take \\·eetls. A land owner who has had Janic!'e and Barbara Larson and c()nsiderablc experience with Beverly Ruoff, the last of Sioux brome gras..c; said he had about City~ home after they spent a decided not to buy brome seed for

Dollar Day Values! -- Frirfuy and S'rJ,turday Only --



OIL CHANGE (Opaline Oil) 5 Qta.



Eve,.yday Values in all Sinclair and GoodJ'ich Products

Stirtz Oil Co.' wee-It in the R. R. Larson home. u te.hant who did not hav~ a rOH-II\~iiiiiiiiiiii=ii=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii= Mt. nnd Mrs, Ben Jones and N, .111(' reason being that the, sons; D<bnald and Lyle, Me and tV'ound was seldom firrfl enough I Mrs., Bud Murdy of Moravia, la., wlthaut being rolled. Late August I spent Monday in the R. H. 'Ban- or etlrly September seeding ordin­ister and A. M. Hoskinson homes. arily has the best chance of re­Mrs. Jones is a niece to Mrs. Hos- sulting in a satisfactory st.and.


kinson. The Iowa folles were on ~I ___ -::-:--:---::-their way to Cheyenne, Wyo. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Larsen

Nunemaker and children of Wake-field, Mr. and Mrs. Frank

Good Buys In Property ",!,'~~~i!i~~i;;;if~~~;~i;iii~~~~~~ii~~i~i~~~~CitY, were Monday evening Larsen spent Sunday in the Ev-! : here too. erett Larsen home at Morningside.

• 160 ACRES ••. Well improved. 4 ii miles from town. $6000 Per Acre ....... ,

• 80 ACRES ... Fair improYements.

;i~~;m~: ~~.~V:ill~"",,!65°O • 160 ACRES ... Well improved. '8

• 120 ACRES ... Well improv~d, 2 Vt ! ~iJ'lS from ~ayne. 1. mile off miles from Winside. $QO°°' l' h,ghway. 1 mlle to ~70°° No bad weeds. Per Acre ...,., i school. Per Acre""" ... ,:",_

-- There Are No Bad Weeds on Any of These Farms --• 5-Room BUNG.Al.OW ... Ali mod- : I · 5~Romk BUNGALOW ••. Not mOd-

'I ern except heat. New garage.. ern except for lights. 1 block west , Facing college cam- $16·50! of co/lege campus" Lot, '950

pus in Wayne .. """""" I ' : ,50. Woodel! J\lU"agei ." . .J. I I

-G. A.

':j','Mrs.'1 Jocltens visited Iter mother,' Brodhagen, at Nor\.. toIk Mqnd~y. , . Mr~. An~a 'Kiesaw of [No~folk.

, • $p. ~nt t~c as~ week in the O~jv;.er l{iesaw,ho e.

:1 Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ed. Kollath a~d daughter vilsited in the HEmry As- '

muJhor;ne Sundny~ t' . -Mr. and WI's. Earl Mille of Wa­

tertjury, wqrc visitors in tI e Frank :Miller home"",,unday.

'Mr. ahct Mrs. Floyd TempJin and family of Belden, visited in the Robert ,Templin home Sunday.

5'6~i~~:~o~e;id~~tz~~n ~f !Te~:~ visit in the Walter Gutzman home., , : Mrs. Ben Bird of Wiley, Colo'" calrb.e Monday for a visit with h~r sistbr, Mrs., Aug. Behmer, who IS

lll.: Mrs. 'Grol'ge T. Porter of Carroll,

Carroll, the latter's daughter, Mrs. Carl Leaura Jacobsen, of Wayne, comprise four

. a~fd .A~~rF4t~, ~:r:h ::~i~ Porter family. Mes. Gcorge T. Porter is an ea,rly . in WClyne in the'Fred Pul.~ home SlIn- county and IS the wldO\\' of onc of the county s ShCll .

and Mrs. Henry JV1derson 1;,,:-~~n:-~;':;~t~r~-~ar~~I;i:r~:t~~~:~!~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Glen! 150m <lnd Mr. and Mr.". Walter I were guests In the! Henry Voss

. ~~';;;'ii~i;"i";''''IiiIii~liiiiiil;li.i "iili'i""ii~ii--ii-''''':'Iii-'i-'i-ii-j'-Ii-i1i~; I ~:E.L :~~:~~;o~~HI~b%~~{:l:e~~ IIOoUar Dijys Special !I~i~:~l~~~m the Art fehmer home I : Mr. and MIS. Will Hoffman and A 19U1ar ':i!'9~ $200 : ,on of Mdwaukee., Wh.. were

PE MANE T for : ~~::t~a~~ the Frank Miller 1:1Ome

!ThiS offer i good on y Friday ;nd Saturdaj, :' MIS!' Dorothy Miller of Norfolk, Augus ~ and 10 • and Mi~s LUCIlle Bernhardt were

ISTfElf BEAUTY SHOP i ~:~~l~':~d~~~ HafTY Schwede ~ Mr <Ind Mrs. Reuben Pub ,mel

Phone 331 If famJiy,

1!iiI1',1U1I •• IiIBllmB.lI.liiUj[II.~ I hl'nry

27e 11e 12e 12c 19c 3ge 211: 21c


21,B8. 15e 2 LBS. 25e

.......... 21¢

Try Our (;1I0(;OLATE eRE,,",1

COFFEE The b('St and biggest 5("11-

jng Coffee in the East.

TABLE SALT lO-~~G 21('

Jacl( Sprat

PORK & BEANS 2 ~2~~~. CASS


PEAS 2 ~~N;


3 IOO-lb. ~lO(J Bags"

Good only for Special Dollar Day




flOUR 48-~~'G 1.15

Hand Padted

TOMATOES 2 ~~~; 17f _=,w __ a._

[.cota I

CORN 2 ~~N; 17¢


Marshm&lIows PER POUND





m;Cid~= Drip or Reg-uiar







17e lie

4ge 1ge 25c 250

f f.!~KAGE 1 Dc 4 BARS


.2 ~~~·s.~


VINEGAR 'PER GALLON ......... 18¢


The New Breakfast

lUX . . -.~ ....



13 DO!!;;~==~

a week's vac~tion with Denver. '

Mrs. Sam Nelson of spent the we€k~en([ in the

PuIs home. Mrs, Nel~on re­mained for a longer visit.

Mts. Ben Bird, of Wiley, Colo., and Mrs. Walter Ohlund were visi­tors in the Mrs. C., J. Fuhrman home at Norfolk Monday.

Mts. Louis Mittelstadt and chil­dren' 'Of Pender, are visiting this week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Drevsen.

Mrs. Horace Wright of Norfolk, Sunday to spend a w'eek in

Asmus home. Janet spent the past week there.

Mr. and Mrs. Eel. Schellenberg and family and Mrs. Minnie Schel­lenberg were guests in the Leon­ard Norling home at Winside Fri­day evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ly~e Marotz and family and Mr. and' Mrs. Ed. Ma­rotz and daughter, Angeline, of Norfolk, were guests in the 011 vcr Kiesaw home Sunday evening.

MI'. and Mrs. Harry Behmer and son and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schwanke and son of Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. Eel. Behmer and ~on were visitors in the Aug. Behmer Irome Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Opfer ,1I1d son wet·c guests in the J aek Wheatley home at Belden Fnday evening. Dorothy Mae and J<lC- :.;;

queline Wheatley who spent the

Larson's Starts Thu!rsday Morning

Our Regular 5.00 Shoes, A lJ'eady red reed to $2.98. Second Pair




governors. Though not now in. business Mr. Piper maintains an active interest in public affairs.

5c 5c 5c 5c 5c I:Il ...

Here we go again! (,11 ..,


SALE! ()ur Regular 3:; &. S-l Shoes,s Already red u(:l'd to Sl.~J:-:, . C Sccond Pair i . . '








"" I:Il

"" '-'1 ...

'" .., :,;,

"" '-', "l

:,;, ,., :;, "l

:..-, ... ~1 "l

:';1 "l

::,;, "l

::,;, "l

5c 5c 5c 5c ;)c 5c .')c .')c ;)c 5c 5c paol week nere returned with '5c 5c 5c 5c 5c Sc 5c 5c

them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ohlund ;md daughter, Mrs. Chas. Ohlund, Mrs. Martin Schermer and John Bruse motored to Fremont· Saturd-ClY where they met Phyllis Ohlund who spent the past two week~ in the Wm. Westphalen home at Marysville, Kan. Floreen Wcs!­phalen returned with hct' fnl- a two wec~s' vlsit in the John Bru~e



Family Reunion. Members of the Koepi<c family I

held thclr <lt1nuCiI reunIOn at Td­ha-zouka p<.l!·k at Norfolk Sunday WIth a large cl'Owd present.

Ladies' Aid Meets. Thc Ladics' Aid of the Trmity

Lutheran church mct at the paro­chial school basement Thursd8Y afternoon with Mrs. Herman NeitZke and Mrs, Frank Mill£'r <lS

hostesses. Guests were Mrs. G. P. Bauman and Ann and Barbara Rohrke.

Birthday Party. The following guests gath(>red at

the Herman Pub; home Saturday ('"v('rung in .honor oC Mrs. Pul's birthday <mniver~ary: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wichman and ~n, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wichman and son, Mr. and Mrs. Thea. Wichman and family, Mrs. Emma Wichman, Miss Hulda Pettet and Mr. and Mrs, G, P. BCluman,

Annual Conclave Held in Hoskinsl

Twelfth ;:lnnuClI convention uf i NC'bt;'aska Y. uung Peoples' L .. eagU'(' I' Hnd Sunday School Workers was held July 30, 31 and Augut't 1 at the Peace Reform church \\nth 60 delegates attending. Rev, Paul Pt-css of Wlchitai, Kan., Rev, Nolte I

~e~.~7g~!S~~bst~~laGro~~.d :a~: i were speakers. Rev. Cha~. Riedesel I was pastor-host. Meetmgs were 'I

~~~ ~~e~~~g~O~~g~~d~:~~O~~! congregation served the dinners.

LOCAL NEWS Mrs, George Bressler and Mrs.

Ray Surber spent Tuesday after­noon at John Go~horn's.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bressler of Colerid/ge, were Sunday evening callers at George Bressler's.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haller of Winside, visited Sunday afternoon at G. G. Haller's. R. W. Haller; wa!; there again Monday.

Mr. and ~rs. Hennan Sund, Miss Freda and Donald Sund and Miss Mildred MitChell spent Sunday afternoon in the A. B. Helms home at Randolph.

Dr. and Mrs. J, R. Johnson took Janice to Alton, la., Monday to visit in the E. S, Kiern~n home. Dr, and 1\\r5. Johnson went on to Chicago for a week.

MJ·. and Mrs. Frank Strahan, Barblara Strahan and Catherine Cavanaugh went to Cherokee, la., Tuesday evening to visit in the B. F. Strahan home a couple of days.

Miss LaVern and Junior Larson who have been at Los Angeles this sum~er. will arrive here Sunday, Mr. I and Mrs. R. R. Larson will mee~ them at Columbus. The fam­ily ';"'ill attend the Larson reunion at Homewood park at Wynot the same day.



Dress Shirts' Slightly counter tossed, taken from our regular 51.00 shirts.

2 SUIRTS $1.00 (Downstairs Store)


Wash Pants Light prints, every one san­forized. A real Dollar Day value. Regular Sl.69.

2 PAIR $1.00

25 Ladies~ Hats The last mile 'for these regu~ lar 51.95 hats. Take' them awa.y at only -


One Group 0' Ladies~ Pm'ses

Whlt~. blacks. navy ... Regu­lar $l.29 values. Dollar Day ,

, speclals.

Miss Elaine


$1.95 VALUE

Heavy Satin A Larson Dollar Day value yoU'U never forget.






32 to 44

Our Rcgular S1.95


,,1 Onc !Jay Sale!

STARTS AT 8:00 A. M.

FI'ida~' ;H()nJill~



Towel Sale Big 34xl9



Cqlor.-;. :

BltH' - Red - ~raiJ;{'

All on'!' white

12 BIG





Km'f' hiJ::-h. pure "ilk, full (a...,hion('d. ringless chiffon.

4 PAIRS $1.00 Knmfort KornN


Sl('('1 arch "upIJ(Jrt, soft hlark kid Irutht'r,

.'1 lo 10 \A to D $1.88


8-02. sanforized. \Vrite your own guarantee. Blue or Ub-

;Z~triP(>. 98c


Ladies' mercerized ("otton. nf'W lighter c.olor.>, strete.hy

:::~~R 23c


Siz("S 811 to 2. Tough wearing Compo soles.. Ideal ror school

Including bis::­sizes, Pair $1.19



HOSE • ~cw la~ summer and early

Call colors.

• uweJy 3-thread shcerne..c;,s:.

• :\lade originally to sell at 690

A Larson D1>llar Da.y Trhunpb!

2 Pairs


2 FOR....,,$1.00 CHlLDREN'S DRESSES .-\ IImlted Qll3I1t1tY of good looking school prints..


Tailored by Red Cap. Sand or blue covert. .m sizes,. 28

to 42. $100 Shirts to,matclt, 98c '.

WINDOW SHADEs Wood'~ CompJele Willi rollers'and bangers. 3S-in. by G ft. Wa$able fInI5b.

4 FOR _ .. ___ ._ .. _~$1.00


. )

SP. (~AL! 'llriday-and f'aturd,ay , Aiuuust 9 and 10

1111 ,- I

5-qt~ Oil 'ha~ge $l.25fo~~LUE$1 , Moler Vi alize $L5~0~ ~LUE $1

Our GRACO M~TOR ~ITALl21ER - thEl only one in northeaet Ne· raslta -- performs a worthwhile service in bri.ng" g you greater motoring pleasure and economy. It,s a qui<:k, easy motor tonic. Let us show you ho~ it ~o .. ks •..

,', , In the glass Visigauge you can actual­ly sec the dirt comiJ(lg out of your, molor -visual pmofj' thal harmful substances arc being removied.

, , _ Th'c Pdrtormallce MeIer measures im­provement ih motOlI' .perfo~mallcc ~ an in-9.t~cation of iincrea::;Etd ef[icr~l1ey.

... After t,he Vit~tlizingl' you WIll enfoy fef:'ling how l:-;mo6ttl~Y your motof funs, how Illiickly it responds,to the throttle and how much eaRier it is to drive. I

Real Used Car Buys We have 0, hand ~sed, you thou3a\ld. of miles Here is you I can

service ... save dollars.

Coryen I A~to CO. Phone 152 Wayne, Neb.


John C. McQonald Is Buried With: Masonic Rites at

Wa)rne' Cemetery. -, Funeral rites were conducte~

Friday in Winner, S. n, and in Wayne for John C. McDonald, 8t ra~i~;s~~ !~:J' ar~~~:~er'h:~~ July 31. Services were in Winner


Chinese United By War As Never , ,In Past History

at 9 a. m. and Wayne Mason~c Mr. and Mrs. J., H. Rehder of lodge had charge of committal hene Wayne,' were honored on their

that afternoon, Rev. Leach of Win- ~:~~e~7w~~~oti~vhe!:~:!

"The ~ar in which the Chinese people are now engaged has prov­-ed to be a very good thing, for now for the first time China is united and the differences between the races of people have been erased " '~iss Helen Lee, Chinese girl, who IS now studying in the Baptist Missionary Training school in Chi­cago, expressed this opinion on the governmental affairs of her home country, Miss Lee, who spoke at the Wayne Baptist church Sunday, went' on to say that "dur­ing the first Yt'ar of the war Ja­pan made a rapid advance along the Chinese coast, but during the last few years she has made few territorial gains. The common peo­ple are inclined to be bitter agamst the Japanese Ipecause of the war situation, but the Chinese govern­ment is doing everything possIble to erase this feeling.

ner Methodist qhurch, officiated.: the home ~ their -daughter, Mrs. Mr. McDonald lived in WayJe Charles Ild,ferer, in Creighton,

couI?ty a numb:er of years'. He w~s Sunday last week. sectIOn foreman on the raiIroaP., ----'------~--­working from· Wayne east. Later he moved to the farm northeast of Wayne, to the 'place now occupied by Otis .stringer. Mr. McDomHd bought a farm near Sholes abdut 36 years ago. ,Mr. McDonald had lived at Winn~r since 1917.

John C. M<IDonald, who was born on Prince Edward island, Canada, June ~9, 1859, died July 31. He came to this country whh his parents as a boy and located first at Schuyler, Neb., where he grew to manhQ'ad.

Mr. MCDol)3ld man-ied Nellie Bruce May 9j '1884, and the latter dIed October ll, 1915 in Wayne county. To this union were born six chilpren, three sons and three daughters. Deceased married Flora

at Grand Island after mov­ing to South Dakota.

Mr. McDonald was a lifelong member of the Presbyte'rian church. He also belonged to the Modern Woodmen of America and ScottIsh Rite order of the Masonir~ lodge.

Surviving Mr. McDonald are his wife, Florel, and child,!en, Alex, Jnmes and John, Mrs .• r. W. Jen­kms of Norfolk, Mrs. C. H. Webb of Witten, S. D., and Mrs. J. L. Weasmel' of Omaha. There lJJ'e four stepC"hildren, Mrs. Ed. Koh­ler of Schuyler, Mrs. Wi!] Marxen of Roger!'>, Neb., George Bowie of Grand Island, and Bert Bowie of Chicago. -~----

In Avpreci:ation. To all friends and neighbors

whose many kind deeds and florul pieces afforded so much consola­tion Ht the time of the passing of rlllT brotl'rel', 'Fred H. Riese·, wj::;h to express our deep sympa­thy.~The Riese family.

Mrs. F. E. Gamble and Frank plan to ell'rive home thIS weel{ from California where they spent several w(,eks with relatives. They like California ~umm€'r weathet· for a cool breeze always blows though the slln is .ho:. ________ _

Early 'Resident Of Wayne Dies

Mrs. August Piepenatock Pa5ses at Ocean Park

Monday, July 15,

"China," said Miss Lee, "is now gOIng through a transitlOn period, many people giving up the old Chmese tradltlOns and aptitudes, accepting in their place modern progressIve ways. In rural com-

Mrs. August Piepenstock, early munities the popUlation is still resident of Wayne, passed away at dominantly conservative, with her home in Ocean Park, CaL, generation after generation of fam­Monday, July 15, on her 82nd illes living together in one house, birthday. Rosary was recited in the under the authority of the eldest Memorial chapel of Todd and Les- parent, but in the Im'ger clties th¢ llC m Santa Monica, Cal., Wednes- people are rapidly changing to day evening. ReqUlem mass was .modern ways of abode." saId at St. Clement Catholic The government in China has church Thursday morning. lnter- built a number of modern Chi­ment was m Woodlawn cemetery nesc schools, but therll IS a scarcIty in Santa Monica. of efficient teachers to Jnstruct

Mrs. Piepenstock, whose maiden the masse.':> of children clamoring name was Paula Vogct, wus born for enlIghtenment. "No compul­in Hat'de, Wcstfah~n, Germany. sory sehoul attendance laws are She and her husband, with one neces.'>8ry, the children belllg so small daughter, Puuhne, came to ,·an:{]out. 'to attend that ther~ is a Wayne in the spnng of 1885. They long waiting list for e\,pry govern~ operated the fir.'>t bakery III ment schaul. The same subjects are Wayne, later selling th'.It and man- 'taught in China as j-n the UnIted agIng Ci general merchandIse store State~; howe\'er, there IS a bIgger in the north part of what is m;rw demand for the Engl,sh language," the Ahern buddlllg. Mr. Piepen- the Chinese missionary reports. stock passed away in Wayne III Miss Lee's brother, who is min-1902. The followlllg year IVIrs. ister in a Chinese church III Chi­Piepenstock and her five children cago, was last year married to a mfJved to Ocean Park, Cal., where Chmese nurse who helped care for decea~l'd 're~ided untll her death. Fred Snite, jr., infantile paralYsis

:vII's. Plcpenstock is sur\'lved by victim who has spent the last sev~ two daughkrs and two sons, .M!·s. eral years of his hfe in an iron Ella MIller of Long Beach, Mrs. lung. The couple went to Chma Helen Slane, Ocean Park, August for a visit and were married there. pJ(~penstock of Shillmg, Cal., and Fred Snite, jr., is now able to be Herbert PIC'pe-nstock of South out of the iron lung a few houts {}Clteo, 'C3L -One daughter;-Paulitle,' ea'ch day. preceded Mrs. Plcpenstack in Miss Lee was in Shanghai for a death III 1905. Other survivors arc month during the war. She served her brother, Otto Voget, of Cali- in the wounded soldiers' hospital fornia, sl~tcr-in-IJ.w, Mrs. Wm. and refugee camp. Several air

of Wayne, brother- raids occurred while she was RIchard Plepenstock of there, but because she was in the

Oce;lll Park, thr'('e nIeces, Mrs. foreign setpement, which is 10-Martin Rmgel' and Mrs. Lesler cated in the center of the CIty, she V,lth of WaynC', Mrs. Pauline Mal- escaped personal injury. teur of New York, Clnd two neph- In comparmg the United State!> cw~, Ottf) VDget of Norfolk, and WIth ChIna III regard tn ~{,dlth of Llne~t Vog{ t of Wnyne I the people MISS Lee IS InclIned to

thml{ heu country vel y poor She

HER Highway System

Being E~panded Projects in Northeast Part

Of Nebraska Included In Improvemenh.

Nebraska's highway system~ will have an additional 527 miles of pa ving and other hard surfacing completed when the season closes this falL Among the 26 projects making up this improvement is oil mat on 13.9 miles b.ctween Wayne and Laurel.

Other northeast Nebraska road work mcluded m the program fol­lows: 18 miles of highway 81 from four miles north of Nor­folk to No. 20 west of Randolph, this to be finished about Septem­ber 15; 29.2 miles from No, 20 west of Brunswick to NIObrara, this to be complete August 15; and 10.9 mlles from Bassett to Ains­worth, tf) be completed Septem­ber 15.

Bids are asked August 22 for guard rail on highway 15 between Wayne and Laurel.

The st~te board will also rc­.eive bIds August 22 on grading, culverts and bndges on 8.6 miles of highway 15 between Laurel and Coleridge. Right-of-way for thi,<; new routing has been bought. The plan is to do grading and budd culverts and bndges this fall and winter so ~s to have the grade ready for hard surfacing in the spnng. This improvement Will be extended on north to Yankton wlthm a fe\,.,' years.

Another project on whIch action is to 'be taken August 22 is three miles of bituminous mat In Thurs­ton county between Rosalie and highway 77.

In Double Tragedy A t Resort on Lake

Tragedy s t I' U c k Llk-u~wanta beach on Cry:stal lak!" near Sioux CIty, Frid<lY afternOOn when Bill MeSSIck, about 60, shot and kllled Wmifred Sommeremeyr, 13, and then took hIS own life. The shoot-109 occurred in a tavern at the beach operated by John Voss. The two people had corne out to the beach from their homes in Sioux City, intending to swim. The girl's parenls. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Winifred Sommermeyer, 13, and unable to shed any light on the double killing. Messick was a friend of the family and had known Winifred SJl1Ce her birth.

To Omaha Funen;.1. J. T. Bressler, jr., was m Oma­

ha last Thur!'iday to attend nt('s for a college friend, A. L. Rushton. 46. vice pre~ident of Fairmont creamery, who olect the prc'\!lOus Tuesday. Deceased leaves hiS WIfe and two sons.

-'I I I

Section Two' Pages 1 to 6

1'1 1 t,

of Wayne Passes Away Thurow, 68, of Lu­

mother of Mrs. Ben a way suddenly ~ uly

Lass family went to Mr. Lass returned

Fatally Injured By Train in City

I-"'~_,~"",, and the others will be Sunday_

Severtly Injured On Cycle Friday

Mrs, Martha Wichert Die. ill Norfolk Friday Nisht

After Accident,

Mrs. Martha Wichert, 60, sister of HerIl]an Podoll, 'wlllsille, died FridaY'" evening as a r~ult of in­junes sustained when she was

Willard: Christiansen, Bancroft, aCCIdentally struck by the tender was severy:-ly injured Friday when on a Northwestern railway swi,lch he was ~ccidentally struck by a I engll1e in Norfolk early FndaY.

:l~ ~~:i~~~fsn!~~ about, five ~~n~~:~ez~~r:~r~~~~h~u~~:: Christiansen and companion, folk, wlth Rev. M, Braunsreuther

Gordon Gatzmeyer, were ndmg pastor. motorcycl~ and had stopped on Mrs. Wichert, who was hard of the highway when a truck ddven heanng, Was walkmg on a foot by a Neligh man struck them. path that goes over the ralh .... ay

Christlansen was taken to West tracks v. hoen the aCCIdent occurred. Pomt hoSpital where he under- Her left leg was badly mutIlated went an emergency operation. amp her right foot crushed. AI­Gatzmeyer had minor inJunes. though Lars J. Larsen sounded the

i whistle in an attempt to warn Mrs. To Baptist Asse-mbly. I Wichert she apparently didn't hear

Miss Ma:rgarC't Wade. Mis.'> B0n-i it and walked in the path of the nie Jo Martin, MISS Jo~phlne engtne tender. An ambuh:'lnce wa;. Penn and MISS Manan .Johnson called and Mrs. Wichert wa~ taken went to Hastmgs Monday to spend to cr hospItal where a part of her 12 days at BaptISt assembly. They nght foot was amputated. accompartied MISS Helen Lee Who 11rs. WIchert is survived by a had been h('re Sunday to speak at son. Gdbert. of Norfolk; broth('rs. the Baptist church. Miss Lee I~ f-h'rm~n Podoll. WinSide, and WIl­one of the Imtructors at assembly. lJam Podoll. Bushnell; sisters, Mrs,

• Thomas Evans, :-:rorfolk, Mrs. Chns The Herman Baehr family we-nt Anderson. Pierce, Mrs. Charles

to Wisn('r Saturday to spend a Hoffman. York. and Mrs. Herman couple of weeks with relath·es. ! NC'ltzkC'. Hoskins.

Hospital p'3tienrs sometimes fail to realize that an Interne is actually Q

Doctor, who has passed his Medical ,

~~t~08~~e:rr; ~f~~~e~:~':t~~~~2 • to 4 years IS the average Internship.

1~,:rg~~~,1t ~ ..

i '-'l'\\ .{ ..... ,::-/, ,l :~~SlJ ~~

Durlni Internship 'he

~of~t:~ ~:ll~'of~~~:~~~ Ina Phyalclan. act. In emergenclt., keep. patl:eats comfonabte and assl.5ts in operation-s or wherever a let~nd PhysJclan1i nffiJeIl. but dOH nothm, on his own fnlei.tlve.

Keep Up,~our Car's Value .. .. .. nl dnd Mrs J A Moole and people, e\eryone bemg on much Mrs. Myrtle Wolback. Laurel. LOCAL I S<l)S • ChIna has '\ery few rIch

This coupon is I

worth $1 to you!

Bring it with you. It

:~~I j:: o';o~ or$~v:~1


IDents removed from fenders and car body will make it like new. eI

1I3roken glasses replaced.

• Cars washed and polished will keep the ~inish new, ..

Wayne Body Shop Frank Gilbert Robert Rinehart

MdlY Kay left Sunday for In- the same le\f'l economIcally, and has been awarded $1,925 by Cedar dl lfldI)(>l1s to \ lSlt Dr Moore S that le'\.'el does not mclude very county district court for personal parpnts. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. H.I much actual income." service for John Lorang, Laurel. Moon'. for three weeks. I Miss Lee has been a student in before hiS death. Lorang's 'Wl1l

George W. Kyl who has been II the United States for three yea:s. made no proVLsion for paying the

studymg Il1 Madison, Wis., iSI S~e plans to ~o .. to the ~apt~tc _iiilaiiiiffiili

: iIi~~Iiii,.';iliililiiiiliiliili:;'.iIi: •• iliiliiliiliiliili-iiii"~~~-" __ ~~ ____ ~_' spending a few weeks in the John MlsslOnary Trarnmg school In Chl- ! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kyl home beio!'e going to Bloom- cago, ~or one m.~re ye~r, and then fwld la. where he will teach in she Will return to Chma and en­the J'unio'r college. ~age in .mission~ry wo:-k. Miss Lee

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ellis and IS the Sixth Chmese .glrl to attend daughter, Betty, ·E. M. Btoodhart the Baptist school in Chicago. and who returned last Thursday from is the only one enrolled at present. a VISIt in Mmneapolis, and Etsie Fcllmann of Stanton, Wayne col- LOCAL NEWS l("ge student, left Saturday for H Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Stuart were vllcatlOn. Miss Fellmann went to in Sioux City last Monday. They Casper to viSit a brother. The plan to visit in Davenport, la., others spent [( day in Sc6ftpbluff later. with the Cooper Ellis famit!y and The J. F, Ahern family left Fri~ then went to Camp Chief Ouray, day morning for~ northern Min~

DOLLAR DAy SPECIALS while they last Friday, August 9


(In your own container)

Cut yo-ur E!:g l\la.sh and Growing 1\1a..";h cost approximately $1.(10 per hundred by using our 40% concentrate and your 0\\""0 gra.ins.

-Independent Buyers--


90 mJi('s from Denver, where WU- nesota where they plan to spend mer EllIS h; spending the summer. two weeks' outing.

lhe Elliaes and Mr. Bl{)<>?-hart will County Supt. and Mrs. F. Eo Phone 206 Quali!y .. Service .. Satisfaction Wayne, Neb'.

return next Sunday. W~hner will Decker and daughters went to PJ.I;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i~iii~iiiiii~~ii~*ii1il~i\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiii1i~~~~~~~~r~e~m~a!in!t~h~e~re~t~h~e~r~est~O=f~th~e~m~on~t,hl·llington Friday to spend several days with relatives. Miss Hattie Fischer of Chicago,

I V I ,~ and Rev. Wm. Fischer were Thurs .. 'D y e day dinner guests in the Hugo r a S a U Fischer horne at Winside. , _," • Miss Irene Carpenter who teach~

...!"""_ ............. _ ;~~~~:;Ut~eeS~i~~~:y h~~ fr~~ OFFER GOOD ONLY

F~IDAy', and SATURDAY, AUG, 9-10 ,


Regular $219_95

EASY WASHER Refular $74.95

I ~~r~ __ ~±~.",$22095

home of her sister, Mrs. L. B. Mc­Clure. She had ,been in the WaynE; Carpenter home in Bloomfieldt

. Carpenter went from here td Brookings, S. D., to visit an uncle and aunt before going back to Milwaukee.

~-~ A beauty bath! We give yOUI;' car that good old' showroom complexion with one expert wa~hing and polishing_

Mobilga. - Mobiloil

We've Hit the Bottom • • • on All Kinds of Used Cars

As Low As Possible to Go , These Closeoulir! .' IpRICES DOWN on

I' i



1940 Ford Standard Tudor 1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor 1939 Mercury Sedan

1939 Ford Deluxe Tudor 1937,Ford Tudor

1936 Ford C,?upe' 1934 Ford Tudor 1939 Chevrolet Deluxe Tudor 1929 Chevrolet Tudor: 19~7 Pontiac Tudor'

1935 Ford Sedan 1935 Pontiac Sedan:

~1936 Dodlre Sedah.

'I I


Weber took her to her home and NOTICE TO went on 10 Doland, S. D., to visit l;Vlnl"~,C'J['QliS. . said county, on the 16th ;day uf relatives for a week. th;e:~ebi~ :~l August, 1940, and on the 16th d;,';

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gamble and Roads and of November, 1940 at Hi O'cl~Ki: spen't Sunday evening last House at a. TIl. each day to receive and (':,-

in the Mrs E G . t amine all claims against sCl,d home. .. ranquls August 22, 1940, o'clock estate, with a vie'l:' b their ud-

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest SpUttger- a. m., and at that publicly justrnent, and allowance. The tim'" .ber and family were last Wednes- opened and read for Guard Rail limited for the presentation ,," day evening guests at Emmett and incidental work on the claIms agamst saul estate IS tn .

78, of Bel~en, Baird's. ~ayne-Laurel Feder.l Aid Project months !com the 16th doy ',f ,\ !VIrs. ~James Eddie of Mrs. Emil Barelman and Mylet, . ;. 4 (4) Federal Aid Road. gust. 1940. and the time 1,mit .. <I :

died Ju y 29, 1924. Mrs. Henry Bruse visited.' Mrs. he qpproximate quanhties are: payment of debts is one ycar 1: n of Mr. and 8ARBA~A JeAN George Fox Tuesday afternoon ~3,56GO Lin. Ft. Guard Rail saId 26th day of July, l.94CJ.

last week. uard Posts. Witness my hand and thp q

of ,~~~ta~':i ~~m~f!~ M~.rsH!"~ lJ:.r:::er w:r:

d F:i~~~ ~ ~}~~::d~~o~:~ i:r ~~~li::~ ~: ~1~,~~7~y court, this ~Gth "

d:7~Y 27,~~~~ged 82~t Pen- W:M~~LLAn::~A :~t:;';'~;'sguests last week at Au- ~i::i:bl:~~LN": p;~~~de~9~~ ~~~) JC~f~,,~;~~,;f, oun~e- a~d in . 24c. Charlotte Leij;. 3, of Wjsner, ~~G':s~~·~~: II Md rE·land Mrs. John Brudigam The attention of bidders is di- SHERIFF'S S."· ".

Hills betwee. 'I iW~l'ficld and swallowed a pir/-. an eanor Mae were Sunday I ted t th S ~ Allen are being cut d wn to pre- Mrs. John %inandt, 58, died dinner guests last week at Hen rec.. 0 e pecial Provisions By virtue of an Order ,,1 Sol" iP~I'e anunpro';¥ gra e tor grav- at Randolph J.ulJ! 22, 1924. Brinkman·s. ry i~~~e~~~~ra~~blettmg or ass>gning me directed. i"ued by 11,,. ,,: eutng. Surfacing 'is 'being placed Fr-ank KahnftYl was badly burn- Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lutt, Ardyce I The minimum wDge·d of the District COUI t (Jf W;I\" be ween Ponca and Martinsburg. ed at his ~arm' near Randolph E~IC MASTERSON Lutt and Evelyn Te,t were Thurs- -killed lobor empl . ~a, to all County. Nebraska, up"n a d,·,~·

A daughter wa. born to Mr. and when a solution he had used to of 'AIIGtEY,5<a'w.O, day dinner gue,ts m the Raymond Iconteact shall be fJt~'-f on /5t:.'s rendered the,pon at the '.l. Mrs. Nels Youngquist of Wake- kill rats exploded in a barn pit. LOST #500,000 AT NI~OIS home, cents per hour. ." e J 1 1940. tcem thel'coL in "n ",'

, Ifieldj

July 29, 1924. Jake Synovec pf Pi(lrce suffered ~~~~ ~:,Rf9~~ r. and Mrs. Arthur Hageman, The mmimum wage puid to;,ll pec nding in ."'aid court wlwrpin . Miss para Lyman of Wakefield head injuries in.a car oollision. ANO Mr. and Mrs. Otto Test and Jun- intermed,ate bbm' em 10 ed ~n ,ty '~f Wayne ;\'eb'a"'"

ond Chl"'les Fry of Burlington: Dr. F. C. Genung, 58, died at wo!f:t"S;:= lor were Monday, guesls I.,t weck tho' cont,act shall be Pfo;t -fIve pJamtoff and 1.ucdl. \\,1,),· Kan., will be married August 20 Wausa m July, 1924. THE I/EXT DAY I at Arthur Longe ,. . ,45, cents per hour Y Jamoeson, et al. we,e dd, 'ld.,· 1924. ' Fire damaged property on the .j Mr. a~d Mrs. Henry Bnnkman The m,nimum w;.e p 'd t 11 I w,l1. on the 12th day ',f ,\"'

Mrs. Nels Youngquist of near La.nuners & Mqrten farm near and Elame spent last Wednesday unsk.llcd labnr empiove~' O/t~iS' 1940. at 10 ,,'dock , .. m '."' .. !Wakefield, was, severely bUl'/led liartmg\on to the exteht of $1,500. en SIOUX CIty WIth Mrs. Wm. co"t"" ,h"l1 he t';iriy-f,,"" (35) I donr of the off'", of t'w (I", when a can of kerosene ¢xploded An add.tlOn. includlng a large Thomsen en a hospItal. renls per hour. I S3,ld Court, In the ("L.:rt L'III~( and threw 'burnillg liquid over her. gymnaSIUlll, IS bemg bUIlt at Cole- Mr. and Mrs. Sterlong Eckhardt Plans and specificatioos for the \\ "yne, en <.,d ,,11 t" . Mr. Youngquist was able to ex- rIdge school. kft Fnday for New Underwood. w"rk may be seeo and information I ru~h"t b,ddc, fur t·,,, . tinguish the flames. C. C. Charms, formerly o[ S. D., afters_dmg seve"l wee,ks secuced at the office nf the County I IOAmg de,,.Ctood ,,-1 ,

Three ~alns that visited this vi- Wayne, bought the Pilger on the Lew:s Sak" home. Cle:k "t '{ob"ska at th~ I ",L cinlt~ in a week were accompanied Hartington is to have a new Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lutt and, C',unly at Ponca. N~brasb.: Lots Fe,"r ":. F,'e , by Wind and hall that did consid- brock hOSPItal. famIly and Me. and M" W,llaed at the office of the County Clerk S,x 16) and uS mwb "f' erabledamage. ~. F. Perdue observed the 20th Blecke were In SlOUX. CIty la."t1Iat 1L.>llmgt.'m. :\"ebra:::ka. 8t the.! dedicated ;:111ey Lf't·.l:r;f'~ !)

Injuries sufl""ed in a car acd- aDillversaryof lIis service {or the Wednesday to attend the CUTU,. office ,,; tee D •. 'lnct F:ngineer of' 3 and 4 a, ,oou,n, 11 , c

dent resulted in Ithe death of Mrs. telephone co~any. He helped the A ~Iass In marlne Ille is conducted at "he University of Miami, and' all pursuance of Ihe work Is con- Mr. and Mrs. Em.l Bacelman' tee Department of Roads and; therMn ",Ii> P" J. M. Starner" 3at ot"Hartington. in company dunng a slee~ .storm in dllu.cl,te.dnuhnodu"rr. the sea. The students don belm~ts, go down with their instructor, scare the fish, stay about and famIly and Mrs. Henry Bruse i Irrjg~,tlon at :\"!Jrfnlk. N(-'br;,~k8 I tl;1/:'refrom t" "<j,d Lnt -t July, 1924. 1Mrs.' Stamer was the 1903 and soon had a posltoon in the wer; Sund"y dmner gupsts ,l",t ",. :,t ,h, off,,·, ',f tlw Department I Ble~k Ten ("" On","." 1

former Melissa jill1 'and lived in repair service. I I~osle,"on. according to his own story, had never gambled ln his HIe before March 1927 He starled earl weeK en the Dr L. B. Young hom .. o( R"ad, "nd I"'g,,t,on at L>o""l... "f W.~yne L.·t ,.f ti," l' i



fi' some years. Frank Perrin is remodeling his ~ e .r.;~ntl~i.waged.1"(,d small amounts, finally plunged on March 16, lost, and has ~ever' bet on anytbin~ Mr. and Mrs. John Mey{'r and, :.Jd.r:l~k,) :Vf. \\8ync C,· Inty. ~,.,: I I

. Miss Nelle S Ie of Wayne, and home in Winside. sInce. e .moll· he found was 'aid to h. one of Ibe mosl heautifully fonned in the world. son of Nor(olk. Me. and Mrs . .John' The sweod"l hinder will he' to sat,,(y lhe "r"''''".d '''' P. M. Barger of ha, were mar- lV,trs. Carl Nelson of Winside, Kay and son were Sunday aitN-! req""ed In f"rn"h bond in an' amount due tbe",'" l .. ried July 31, 19 4. underwent an operation in Wayne. ner, Do~ley and Miller. The south U. P noon guests Jac.t w(>ck at Augu~t' ;!m'.unt pq!!:ll to 100', or Ili~ COI1- 884.6.5 wtth !rt' re·,t .. :1,j (

. ~ra Hoshaw s ffered a broken Mrs. Lester Sillbaugh, 21. for- team oncluded! Frsher, Rmger. nlque rogram feet of the <urfacp and then drops Kay's. le'"'' . accrumg c,,'t,. shoulder when ~e was thrown lI1£rly Natalie Needham of Win- Paul Harnngton. TUmer. Rundell, I s Featured at off to 3,000 feet. A test well drill- , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartels and I A, a" c·.'idenco nf good faith 'n' Dated at W"vne. ,{,"" , b

, the track east 0 Wayne. He rtngton. N. (l., where she had un- Henry Gaertner. Nebraska Picnic shows that fre,h water underlies family were- la.,t Wecneeday He-: woek. the mu,t fde. "~';h' 14-5014 J.\\ISS II ['11.:' from a gas e~e which side, died July 29. 1924, in Car- Hecht, Albert Beny. Peatt and ed near the Mueller prope?'ty Mr.. and Mcs. F:rvm Bartel, "nd I ,,,bm,tt,,,g a (nr 'C'" 8th day uf J,dy. ,"H,

other men were oing repair dergone an operation. Her husband Speculate About Land. A ruddy-faced: Sonia Cl",,- the strudure at BOO feet. nong guests on the Fred Vec,or h" prn",,'a1. 0 ceot,fied check Ill'" ".' I

.for the railroad. and two daughters survive. From Ponca Journal for August l~ke man, who comes from pr~c- -------- I home. 'I made te) the ~partment' 1III1!!--__ z.B!lZ_e __ ""''''''~ Wayne county's reputation 1<>1' It Happened in 1904. 12. 1886: Johnson & Garretson tlcally an cities in Nebeaska and Organize Library Mr. and M,.,;. Eric Carl",n and. qf acd lmgation and in an' JU1lior Lil'e,~to('k

SHOW and Iw])n) stoCk reeding Iwas maintained From Wayne Herald for S€'])- have bought several tracts of land who. now plays in Hollywn,,{) family of Crofton. spent Sunday' omon"t not le" th'm t·",o hundred when 61 cars oflstock were sl:tip- !ember I, 1904: A. G. Powers to ?pernte en "onJunehon with move",. entertainod Nebra,kan.' ot Board for Period la,t week in ,he Peter lIaben'r: 12001 doll'r>. I ped from this wint in one week. bought the F:e<I Volpp residence therr stock farm ... Mr. QUIck the.ir annual slimmer peen,e July Wayne liUl""'y bqacd was reor- home. Shirley Carlsnn remained I The ngl.t " ,o_m cd to wa>ye

E. M. Lau.€fhIlin reports ... E._ R. Gibson has been em- whos~ ~arm IS across the ·river and 27 l~ Bixby p~rk, Lc:ng Beij('h, C,d.1 ganlz(:d ;It )ts regulnr meE'ting longer. i ,11 technic dit.r~o :lT1d ,f'JPct ;lnv

yielding 72 bushels to the acre ployed. to teach at Hoskins ... OPPOSIte the place where tlH' On d buttered old (,ddle whi"h he Joly 29. M,·,. O. R !k:wen was Mr and Mrs. otto Test and Jun- i or ,,11 b,d- . , lJis :fann near Wayne. Tom Savidge contracted malari8 rumored bridge is to be built, was to?k fr~m all ~qu<..dly baitf'J"f'd ("3SC! rt'plect('d presldpnt and Mrs. F. A. iar. Mr:i. LIzzie Longe and. Edwin I nEP.\nnrr.:';-T (IF' nnADS

The P. L. Miller building at fever while in Missouri.. Rev. offered $12,000 for his land. "Thi, th" UOlq'H' MIChael C,'u"e Str'lIOl- i ~lildlH" "ee-pI'es,dpnt. M.,. E. S. and Elaine T"t were last Wed- A"n IRRIGATH '" co~er of 3rd an4 Main street 'F. G. Schaller and family of AI- w0t.t1d be an enormous p.nc.e for med sUl:h tunps <IS "St()nC'w •. lll i Blair was rl'<Jppninted secrewry- nesd<.JY afternoon guP~t<; at F.d·1 A C Tilley .. SLlie Engmpf'r

August 1.5~16

PARADF: ,\T 10:QO TJll·RSD.\ \. be occupied by aJ cafe. tona, went to ~t. Louis to the ex- agncwtural purposes but .t "nut Jackson," "Brilliancy" and "The: t.·eaouow [or lhe coming year. Frevert',. , J. B 'brt:n. D"tmt Engmeer

A daughter was born to Mr. and position .... Who. Simmerman has too hi!lh for bridge purposes" ... Butterfly" foc the home . Commltte<" appointed for the year Mes. Amelia Vogel and Mes. L \\. ;\'cedham. Cn>oHv nerk Mrs. James Mac€t August 6 1924 a position In the elevator with E. Old. time boatmen say the Mis- grou~. . arc: Book, Mrs. Claude Wright Hazel Brewer of Pligpr, Mrs. or-] \\';Iyn(' County . , a son to Mr. an4 il\IIrs. L. i. Hig~ J. yeal at Carroll ... S. B. Curtis souro " lower than in 28 years ur ThIS pIcturesque character, with and Mrs. F. A. Mddner: finance, ville Vogel of Pullman. Wash. Dnn ~!askell. County Clerk. JnilOR l.I\E>TOI'K '"0\\

gins August 6, 11\24, and a daugh. and family moved here from Red smce 1858 when tradltoonsays tWinkling blue eyes and long, gray Ralph Carhal·t and Dr. I\. W. Cas- spent Tuesday afternoon lasl week Dixon County tel' to Mr. and iMlfs. P. C. Pedersen Oak ... E. W. Cullen of Winside, rover was forded at a pomt near curjy hai, and beard, was pleased per: and hou", and grounds. Dr. at C. R. Vogel's. J. E. Dwyer. County Clerk.


July 29,19:14. IS mentioned as democratrc ean- BIgley ravme. '!We would not ad- to \ell that he is "]U,t the ",me R. W. Caspet and Rolph Carhart. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weber. ~!, alt4 Cedar Count,.. Daniel didate for representative, .. Don vise anyone trying that now, at age as Chicago." He added that he The total adult book circulation and Mrs. Harold Killion, the lao-t ---~.------

from Cunningham and John Neeley least not unless he willed h>s al- was "born in 1871, the 1ame ye." for the month Of .July was 1.136 of Wakefield, Mr. and ~I", Me- :-iOTICE TO CREDITORS

:! Show." D3.ily

ited \he wJlI attend Anles college ... Carl lowanceof earthly good. before that Mrs. O'Leary'.> eow kicked with 816 of this being fictio~ Daniels of Scotl,bluff. had a D,,,me The ,t"to of Nebraska. Wayne I There, are 11 Wolff bought ithe Geo, Colibert startmg." ov.er the lantern ~Ind ~et Chic:Jgo books, ];13 non-fictIon [.Ind 297 last Wednesday ('\·PTlll1g at thf' county, ss. " and most of property in Winside ... W. B. Storms Do Damage. afire." periudicals. The juvenile bonk cir- W<iyne park. I In the matter of the estate of

Dodge vs. Pender \\"bmt'T \ ...... Rod;; CrN'k

vesting Hornby & Co: are having brick The Lutheran church near Da- Cr"i,e explained that his home! "ula(,on totaled 587. : John Jones, deceased. i 2 RIG DA Y"-2 BIG :-iICH'f': Wayne veneer placed. on their\stpre build- kota City was struck by lightning is in Tucson, Aril., but 11(' spend!:>] Nev,,' junior international mind E h I CredItors (If ~j(i e!'Llte are her€'-

Supt.. ing ... Walter Yaryan of Carroll and burned to the ground. ,At much timo in Hollywood. Among ,<Ieove b,x,k, recently received are XC anges I by n"t:f.ed, that I ",II "t at the One or 1940's Bi~ En·nt;

.lis Pollard, accepted a position in an eleva to; Norfolk several. spans of hoeses the fIlms :n wh,eh he has hud Blackfellow Bund,," written by Leonard DeVore. 73. died Mon-I cnunty '""U:' ro<,m :n \\'ayne. :n: Phillip in lowa. i were s>iandmg In a long stable. parts are "ArizonQ," ",!,hc> West-I LeiJa ~nd. Kilroy HarriS and tell- day last week at Ponca. II rich, Miss Modernize City 1 walks. When lightning struck, one span ('mer" and "Freedom Ring:' of a httle Australian boy Mrs. J. W. Stuck~L 82, died at Nelle The city council is allOWing only at the end of the bam were kJlh:d . Geo:ge Hunter, nbo of the mo-! his lost tribp. "It Happened Randolph last week. I

~9~lie stone, cement and brick walks to and a mare and l:olt at the extrpme bon plcture-c;, enlivC'ned the picnic' In. England." by M<.Jrian King and Roy Ross reportpd Ll YlI"'ld of fln I

son~ Miss be placed, , . Gus Schwede of Hos- farther end were knocked down p:-ogram with numbers un an: lilu~tratcd by Hildegard Wood- bushels of oats at Laurel. I

J Marguerite kins, reports a yield of 18 bushels . The most startimg storm of eight-string banjo. Larry Ames, ~ ward, provid('s tiw render with the Stanton county \vill haw' fr('(> I K.o~ter. ~iss ~ wheat, 55 of oats and 41 of rye the s~ason visited .this section. 12, ?f Auburn, fr('quent~y in the: l,)vply ench?ntmcnt and simplicity gate and free parktn!;{ at its faIr: iNel,lie Joh'nson ... Rev. Geo. Bray of Ponca left ShootlOg bc111s of fIre filled tlw mOVies, amI Dr. H. R. Wddman of' of the EnglIsh l:mdsc<lp(, and pco- this season. agan, iMrs. Lul~ for England to look after a fortune heavens inccs:;:mtly, followed uy li'ul1('l"ton, snng. I pIC' About $.500 worth of merch<ln- II Potras and Miss whicb recently befell his wife, .. deafening nashes or thunder .. , Tl~;)ditions of Nebrn:-,k:l and C<.Jli-1 "Chang CheC'," by Melicent Hu- dise was taken from the John For-'

Steel 'Mrs. S. B. Seace and Mrs. James A land agent states that ·nqt mon' fornJa we're told the' picniC group I mason 1.Re and Jung Ho, tells the rester cafe in Niobrara. I tra~ Lucky were called to Sioux City th.an one m 10 aeres o( nand ill by Harlan V. BOYe'r (If Long Beach, ~tory of <l little Chinese boy who E. o. Waite of LaureL son of I

college is by the death of their sister, [VI •. s. D,xon county is yet unde, eulb- formedy of York. Neb. Mr. Boye:' '''w th~ world wilh the eyes of Mrs. Lulu Waite. and Miss Edel- i Paving is Wm. Wright, in August, 1904 ... vatlOn ... D. T. He-dges:ot SIOUX also urged assistance in efforts to an artls~. "At Midsummer Time" trude Coais of Omaha, were mDr-

:main street. E. A. Littell, John Sauntry, iMiss City, has bought all the ,land and ~rllsh. out subversive movemenL'i wIth Emma L. Brock author, is the ried Saturday in Omaha. Mr Rev. H. M. Palmer and Mrs. Wolff comprise town lots owned by the Nebraska In thIS countb. Mrs. Boyer is the '-tory of a group of Swedish ehil- Waite is in the insurance and rcal :

!H. A. at~pert the Winsi~ school staff .. , I. o. ~om~ny which indicate~ a boom fanner [)Qr.olhY Ellis of Wayne. dren who help .make up the gay estate business in Lau·reL ; chosen St. Paill Brown .bought the opera house lot on thrs town due to railroad and Mr. Boyer IS an attorney and is' boliday crowds during the annual Vemon Perci,·al. 27, died of ,,,(- i to succeed. the at ,.~in~de and will move his old brIdge building. candidate for co?gress. I midsumm~r. time celebration, and focatlOn Sunday last week in hlS lFri-ck. stOfe ,building to it as soon as the Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. Pauline tells of their gay enchanting ex- room at the Art Heisf' farm nC'3r MA~},~~e house is taken away ... LINCOLN DAILY JOttRNAL Malteur, Sophia Gregerson, Mr.:perience-s. Pender, Smoke paUling from a "nde~~t an Holmes af Foster, and Miss DOLLAR ELECTION OF]FER and Mes. Wm. Bell and Bert I "Anything Can Happen on the smoldering matto·oss. eviclentlv I

~?lk~"'";;;:;,, of Carroli, were NOW '1'0 NOVEMBER 116 Brown were among those at River!" by Carol Byrie Brink. is ignited by a clgaret. caused th~ I

tk\J~~alJg4~ ~ 1904 .•. Fred The Lincoln Nebraska State picnic. Only about a dozen regis.- a travel story set on the romantic young man's death. 1\11". HeisE'" I

lMrs.' AMhW::. has wheat av- Journal is making a special offer t~red. A conflicting Nebraska pic- Seine. giving vivid pictures of a noticed smoke comIng from Pcrc;;- : field, ~Uly"l ' ... Fred through the November eIeCtiO~1 rue m Sycamore grove in Los An- part of France beloved by all val"s room Hnd opened the door. I

. from St. f~m now until NoveJ;l}"perl 16 of geles affected attendance. Mrs. travelers:. the mattress bursting into flames.,

Dollar Day Specials , .

Friday and Saturday, August 9 and 10

Barton Barton

Block Salt Crushed Rock Salt 2 SSe Bleck. 200 Pound.




SWANSON & LALLY . ;~~Ci.J. olj1e dClllljar ~Dr the daily, ~r one B~ll, the fanner Elsie Porter, and PerciV"dl was lifeles-'i. Heise push- , rdinance d6Uar and seventy-five cen!..c; for MISS Gregerson were st4dents of South a t W eel the burning mattress out a I Phone 339

and E. Todd the dally with Sunday mailed out- the Nebraska Norm::!l eoiJege in e s ayne window and the namt's wC"re ex-:

pitted against side olr Lincoln to Nebraska and Wayne. (By Staff Correspondent.) ~'r·n~g~U~iS~he:d~.~~~~~~~~· ~I~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ii~~~ii::~:::~ Wayne, Neb.

i ,_ I r

for a fOQt -:race 'which Kansas, Miss Laura E. Lyons, who writes Marilyn Gamble spent last week Todd won when Henderson fell People paying 25c per week from Long Beach, tells that she in the Clarence Beck home . ••• Joshua Bishop died near Car- spend $13 a year. Tim.s are hard had picnic dinner with the Paul Mrs. A. L. Ireland helped Mrs. For 100% Vallie Always . .. roll August 28, 1904, aged 82 ••• and money is scarce. Everyone ~~hwisch family and Mrs, Mar- John Benjamin cook for

1 i "Wher~ 1I):e GOod Bands Play"

Friday, "August 9. I-


I!l'd Hi. Orche.tra

Sch?ol officers of the county or- must save. The Lincoln Jllmrnal Jone Gramberg, the la'it of car-I Friday. I garuzed, electing O. W. Milliken will help you. The Bee-News , roll, July 14 at Anaheim. Lois Gamble was a bst Wed-Ju~son Garwood and C. H. Bright pension left but one other large' Miss Ethel Williams of Holly-! nesday overmght guest at Clifford officers ••• Mrs. J. M. Pile suf- mornimg daily in the state besides cousin of J\.liss Lyons, and I Johnson's. fered a sprained ankle when the JournaL The State. Journal Henry H. Clark of Los Angeles I Mr. and Mrs. George Pratt ot fell while getting out of a buggy has been serving the territory be- were married June 29 in Lon~ I Ti1den~ spent Sunday in the Mrs, ••• W. F. Richardson of Wayne tween Omaha atid Denver fpr the Beach a?d went to Catalina island I M. c;.. Lower home .

the Carroll school ••. F. W: past seventy-two (72) years. aStl for a trlp before residing atEI: MISS Marie Rethgeber of Chi-Schroeder and E. W. Closson j Monte. I cago, came Thursday to visit in Carroll, haye bought the Kneeland LOCAL The M.a~us Jensens,. who came' the L,ou ~utt home. store at Sholes. .. . from Wmslde to California 19 I Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ireland call-

North Wins Qver South. ,MIS$ Enene P~btts of Coltmbus, years ago on their honeymoon are I ed at John Benjamin's Sunday North and soutb. sides of town ~ast week In. the L. W~ Vath building a new home in North I afternoon last weele

eng?ged in.a ball to furnish Long Beach. Mrs. Jensen is the· Mr, and Mrs, Henry Wittler excItement, the side win- former Florence Parker. Mr. Jen-I! were last Wednesday evening call-ning. On~ the Becken- sen is a fireman. ers at Ed. Damme's.

< 'i;~ii~~i~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~c~u~n~-j As many Wayne county people Miss Erna Barelman spent Fri-Furch-, have visited Point Fermin, Miss day afternoon last week in the Ll'ons writes that they would be EmU Barelmnn home. ~nterested in kncrnQ.ng that approx- Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Thun lMately two acres of the six-acre spent last Wednesday afternoon in slide area is going toward the sea the Carl Frevert home. The crack separating it from th~ Mrs, Dora Davis of Lyons. was rest of the slide area widened 15 a Thursday dinner g1)est in the feet and dropped six feet in the Mrs. M. C. Lower home. past' month. Mrs. Grace Mueller Mr, and Mrs. Joon K;ay and son and ·son, who have continued to spent Monday· evening last week live in the area since ,the slide in the Alfred .Jugel home. started in 1929 have sold their Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mann and property which is behlg moved. family spent Monday evening last

YetlO1lo\ston.>I This is the last of 14 houses. ga_ week in. the Cur~ Foote home. rage and· service station which Mrs. Otto Lutt and Delores, originally ocCupied "$e site. The Mrs. Willard Blecke spent Friday a~ea moved decidedly! in 1929 at Don Luit's coqking for thre$h-then only Since until era.

. shOw th~t the Mr. and Mrs. John Benjamin Of more than ilIld daughter visited in the ' l>t thei<>eean BeUeke home Friday evening

,the point week.( . miles MisS Marian

" .... "u,""''''''y her = at

'tf4 a ,gRl'" JOdAR DAY

You Can Depend




Friday, Allg. 9 5 Quart Change of

Tagolene Motor Oil

~~1~5: .. _ ... $1.00 1 Can Bug Cleaner and 1 Can White Side-wall

Tire Cleaner

~Iar ~~~ .... _ .. _.90c 4.7Ss19 T~ •• $5.15

or' . 4.50x21 Tires •• $5.15 With Tube fpr , $1.00


f ~.,

'" "1"


.Jackie of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nichols- and Robert_

Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Rector of Co-Mr_ and Mrs. Alfred Test spent August Kai spent MondaYl of lwnbus, came Sunday to make

Thursday evening at R. H. Han- last week at· Henry Korth's. their home with their daughter, sen's. Fred Kubic from Iowa, vi~ited Mrs. Florencc Helleberg, and fam- -


SHOLES (By Mrs_ 'Grace Buskirk.), ('BY Staff Correspondent.)

by M~s_ GlenQ. ~U1'nham

Wayne semi-annual school funds 222.31, this revenue from money and $286 censes. One-iourLn, $1, divided equally ajmong 84 districts. The rest' $3,176.~9, is apportioned equal y among the 2,897 scho61 child en'i

re!r~;~x~~a~~ :0 l~~tt:s Di~~r~~ I, $27.75; 2. $50.7 ; 3, $49.49; 4, $37.41; 5, $60.39; 6. $67.61; 7, $59.16; 8,' $42.24; 9, Hoskins, $107.48; 10. $44.66; 11. $71.24" 12,

,$25.33; 13, $54.32; 14, $51.95; 15, $71.24; 16, $38. '2; Ii, W"lyne, $903.55; 18, $45.8; 19".$43.45; 20, $53.12.

District 21, $3~. 2; 22, $36.20; 23. $56.74; 24. $5312; 125. $37.41; 26, $45.8,7; 27, $3 .20; '28, north and south, $73.65 29, $54.:32;

, 31, $61.57; 32, $5191; 33, $60.36; 34, $70.03;'[35, $5916; 36, $42.24; 38, $37.41;,39, Wi side, $207.74; 40, $50.70.

Disttict 41, $44. 6; 42, $3U7; 43, $38.62; 44, $4345; 45, $$11.91; 46, $37.41; 47, $3741; 48: $43.45; 49, $41'.04; 50. $4345; 51, $50.70; 52, 'Carroll, $177. 4; 5?, $417.08; 54, $42 .. 24; 55, $4224; 56. $415.87; 57, $35.00; 158, $4~45; 59. S50.70; 60, $50.70; ,61, $4587; 62, $~43.45; 63, $31.37; 64. $3741; 65, $ 6.74; 66, $37.41; 6B, $4 24; 69, 6.74.

District 70, $3983; 71. $3,2.58; 72, $35.00; 73, $43.45; 74, $1!9.83; 75, $32.58; 76, Siles. $1~8.01; 77, $49.49; 78, $43.45; 79. $~3.~5; 80. $41.04. 81. $6520. 82, $M.,o; 83, $41.04; 84. $4828; 85, $36.20; 86, $32.58; 88, $63. 9.

Is Elcctedleacher. Miss Blanche Johnson has

been elected to t nch disteitt 35 next year.

MQst TeachC'k Elected.

co~~; ~(: ~:e~~~ns i:·it£~~n~ teacher, according to reports made to Supt. F. B. Deckle-r.

Like Father, Like Son.

Officials in jU\'l~ni1e court work take pl' ide 111 successful efforts just CIS ~1ulled \vol'kmen take pride III the rc:;ul b of thell' labors.

During the medieval und early mOdCl"n penod the conccpllion of natural causations of crIme was not understood. Even in 'l.'On­tagious dJsease natur<ll causes were only slightly recognized, and crime was generaIly re­garded as due to ihate depravity or the insilgation of Satan.

More recently those who have made an f2',-;haustive stud:y of criminology are thoroughly <:on­vinced that there ure few born criminals.

Ray, 16 years &ld, seemed to be one of those few born crim­inals. His father had deserted his mother and a large family of chiltlren when Ray was about 5 years old, The mother strug­gled desperately to rear her brood prop€rly, while the fath­er, although earning a . good wage, failed to support them" and appar'ently took a delight in their sufferings. When given the I opportunity of either contribut­ing to their support or gJoing to the penitentiary, he chose 1he latter. , "

Minor offenses had '~roug~t Ray before tre juvenile court two or three times, and on those occasions all of, our efforts on his behalf had "been in While his father was

Did You Knowr Nebraska's department of

roads and IrngatlUn is in ch<lrge of the btate cf/.ginecl- apPointed by the governor. The engineer' suJXl'rvises construction and maintt'nance of hi g h way s, bridges and other impl'ovements for which money is appropria ted by the !:>tate, also of all irriga­tion and dl·ainagc activltJes. Li­censing of muto)' vehl(:les now devolves upon Ithls depurtment. The legIslature' of 1937 sct up the hIghway ~al'etYiPutrul 10 the de­partment. •

The bureau <!If irrigatlUn, wa-

;:~)I<~C~~e~/~I~e d~~~:I~~en~o{~ road~ and JrngutlOn, was cn'at­ed in 1895. Its duties were to de­termine rights to and issue per­mit5 for 1.1.0,e of'public waters, to enfon:e laws regarding watel' right!, ~lighwats fmd dramage, to appomt water commissioners, to approve plans for dams and powcr plant:; and to approve plans for dl'amage dltcheo:. These powers ,IF' now discharged by the new bureau.

Thp dl\'j~lOn of highw,ly stlfc­ty patrol, instltuted m 1937, has as it!:> lJowers and duties the fol­lowing; To regulate operation of motor vehides on highways, to make alTe~ts for \'JOlations 10

operHtion of vcJJlelcs, to ,d1rt'd traffic in conformity With law, to see that car drivers have

~'(~~i~~:S~I(:~t~~;~~(ifi~nda:f~~~~: to cooperatf' with 'officers m l'n­furcing laws.

Cedar cuunty closed the first half of the year WI01 a b<.dam:e of $229,667.

in the county jall nwaiting trans­fer to the penitenti1:lI'Y, Ray \'/as fllTC't>ted for an attempted cnme of a sl'rious nature. Realizing (JUl' inability tu make it good citizen of him, we commItted him to the state industrial school, ilnd .~Il fur two weeks he and hiS fatller 1)('ClJPICd the sume cell 111 the .1.111.

The father was tr,-l!1sJ't'lTed to the penitpntiary Olle day, and Ray wcnt to the industrlul school the next. Afterward when the ~heriff lTwde an impectlOn of the jail quarters, ]1e found all the mattres"ies werc badly cut up, beyond" repair, and other damage was done to jail equip­ment. A prisoner sard that the father had destroyed part of the mattresses, and the son, the rest.

When the father had served his time in the penitentlary, he l'cturned to Madison county. Ray, shortly aiter hb releaso from industrial school, was con., vicled of a felony in anothet' state. Upon being conflncd to prison, he stabbed Iomd kllied a

! fellow priscmer, for which ctime he was sentenced to life impris­onment in a penal institution

I where only the most dangerous type of criminals is incarcerated.

Chronic crime and incurable disease are not unlike, and both shou~d be subjected to perma­nent <;are.

Calendar or: 'Events. August 31-Pre-opening day, September' 2-....8chools ppen.­September 4, to' 7 - WaYf,le

county faiT. , I

g~~:~!;ti:~:~~'~;rsst,it~~~ aminations,

;;1), ~.~ «9' ' :

v: . . W

Historical Events. August 8-Edison patented

mimeograph, 1876. August 9-Steamer Erie burn­

cd, 1841. August lO-Electric welding

patented, 1886, August 11 - World's first

!:.teamboat operated, 1807. August 12-First U. S. r<Jil­

road completed, 1830. August 13-Wotld's first taxi­

cab appearcd, 1907. August 14--Gold stearne!' Is­

lander Slink, 1901.

Indian Legends About C/:eation

Show Simil.arity Indl(jn stones of the creation

huve fUl'lw,hed such !:l V<lst Iield 101' the dreamer that :mllny tales huve arJ.::.€n cuncernlng Ihe be­ginning of thc earth.,&:ich tribe developed Its uwn explallatlOn. These dlffer greatly lO detail, yet 111 part bear a remarkable re:o,embhwcc to the theones ad­\·,meed by the forel"unners of rnodt'rn (,lviltz"tJun.

The Pawnee Indians tell a tale wl1lch hd!:> beeh handed down for gencr,ltions by th,lt tnbe. They bdlcvt' that after Tlra'W(J Cleated the ,.sun, tbe muon alld !ootar~, thc hC..Jven.s, the e;Jrth ,-lIld all Hllngs upon the l'arth, he created a Inall and v. oman. He then instt'uded thIS IllLln ,Iud \\ oman In the art of

had given him marvelous, , because it was necessary

some one on earth to earry oLlt his will, and told the people to: call him Moon. Moon came to be chief and led the people west­ward, telling them they must not look back the way they came, IC$t they should be stopped and have to remain in darkness, Finally Moon picked up some dirt and threw it in front of him, causing mountains to risC' up. Here the Caddos-------the few he had left for many had looked back and stopped thus causing daTkness--lived for a time.

After a time the peop-Ie be­came dissatJsfied and wanted l1ght. They talked to Moon about it und he told them if they kl~1ed a black and white deer they would have part light and' part darkness.. I

When the Sun flrt>t cao/lc out of the east and went down in the

~~~~~~~~~~~I Mrs_ Earl Bennett helped Mrs. recently at Ed. MeQuistibU's. . ily. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rector of

~:y~ustin cook for threshers H:;~~d :_~;~ ~tt~::~ ~~~s~~~ ~~~~~~;' t~r~u~~~~:~nh:r;iS~~ Charlie Landberg of Randolph, ~~~!. Sunday in thi Tom Smtth

Mrs. ,Ge0. Hausma~n and daughte~ MClrjorie, were Wayne busr~less visitqrs Tuesday.

M1SS Claire T"nnlin of Denver Colo., is spending this week With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P_ Timlin.

Mrs. Dora Davis of Lyons, visi- Friday. mg trip. ted Thursday afternoon at E. P. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Korth were Mr. and Mrs. Bern Cutler and Caauwe's. Sunday evening callers at Will LeRoy, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Rich_ •

Mr. and Mrs. Noah Bolton were Korth's. ards and Margaret Ann of Whit-'evening guests at E. W. -Marian Gustafson ~pent a few ing, la., spent Sunday in the T. S.

'so days With her cousins, the L.· J. Ho'ok home, They made plans to Mr. and Mrs. John Gottsch of Bresskr children_ hold a Hook family reunIOn next

Winside, spent Sunday at Albert Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Dolph were summer. The Rlchards famil;r re-Greenwald's. Sunday dinner Visitors at Hans malOed untll Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus Kranbeck Patricia Bennett of Omaha, Hanscn's in Wayne. In a group going to Lake Oko-and daughters of Springfield, Neb., spent the week-end in the Frank Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buskirk bOJi Sunday to spend a w~k are spent the past week at the Willis Pflueger home. spcnt Sunday afternoon \vith 11r. I\ll55 Ruth Lundberg. Miss Ooro-Burnham home. Mrs. Ernest Bahde of Wak~ileld, and Mrs. Henry Barelman. I tr.y Liedtke. ~lSS Evelyn Noakes,

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Madsen spent Monday a'nd Tuesday at ;"'lr_ and Mrs. Herbert Kai en- (MISS Roberta Baker, MlSS Betty and ,<,on, Claron, and Everett Rob- C. J. Erxleben's. joyed vlsitors at supper Friday 1 ChittIck, MI~s Margie MOI'gan and ins of Coleridge, attended the fun- Florence Pratt v"as a SaturdDY from New York and Wayne. !vIisS Jean Fuster of Wayne, Miss l'l'ul of Irvin Johnson at Oakland night and Sunday gue!oot la.!!!t week !\lr. and Mrs. Herman Thomsen I Ellene PoiltlS of Columbus. and 1<_1., Thursday. ' at R. H. Hansen's. and famlly of near Pender, spent 'I MISS Dorothy Hyde of BloomiJeld_

Mrs. Willis Burnham and chil- Mr. and Mrs, E. P. Caauwc-- and Friday e\'cning at Fred J<lhde·s. Herman Lundberg and Mr. and drefl returned-home Monday after family spent Sunday afternoon 1Ir. and ;"'1rs. Rlchard Moses of, Mrs. O;;cal- Lle-d.tkc took them and a month's visit with Mrs. Burn- last weck at J. H. Spahr's. Lmcoln. n.',!tf.'d at Wm, ;\1cQuls-1 returned the sa~e day. TWD cars ham's grandPjarents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Suter and tlon's over the week-end a week will go for the glfls next Sunday. T. P. Ward at Winner, S. <D. family of Sioux CIty, were Sun- elgo. MiSf Barbara Carpenter of Cham-

Mr. amd Mrs. Ed. Kinney and day guests at C. J. Erxleben·s. Mr. anrl :,\1rs Daniel Bressler ber<:. who Celme here Fnday to family of Carroll, spent Sunday The Carl H Fle\ert family and famtly of SIOUX Cit}, "lsltffi Lledtke's, accompanied ti1em as at Ihe L. T. Whalen home. About \~ere Monday ('\enmg gue~ts la::.t at Mrs IdCl Bressler s la!>t week- far as SIOUX City Sunday and re-­.')0 frl('n~ and relatIves had a pic- week at Herman Lunge S <It wLlke-1 rnd mamed there to \ i"lt MISS Bonnie 111(' dmner at the Whalen home field. Slmer Petersen of Omaha, was Clnd 2\I:ss Joyce :\lcKercher.

Mr. dnd Mrs. Damond Kenney Mr. and :vII's. R. H_ Han.<.,en and r a v;eek-end \'Gltor at the John I :;lE"sy·tg'qto~e~tt ~oJlo. fC~OSytuttOe,doMtohoen~s ;lfld children attended the Clrcu.s family were Sunday Olftc-rnoon ~I(,\ ~rs home, where hiS family 15

III SIOUX City Thu d R guest<; la'it week at Glenn Wal- \j'>ltlng. I halper, unnoLlnced thDt he was n(JI~'-; 1·~tur;10d hom;;; ~th t~!: lace's, 7:\1r and :\1r",. \\"Il: ~ .. jeyer. Mr gOIng to stop the SUn from g(]- ellt('I' spendmg a few weeks here. 1'.11'. and Mrs. Freeman Lubber- cJnd Mr». lbnsen and tami-109 ~() j'11St. He :::.tarted eastward :\Trs. Augusta Feddem and son, stc-dt and family were la"-t Vled- IH~- werE" C\'cnmg \'lsltors eudy 111 the morning and \\!Llited Milo, of Llmon-. Colo., Mrs. Glade nesdLlY evel1lng guests at at Will Kr,ri.h·, for the Sun to come up. When :\1cFadden and Mrs. Howard Saul's. :'\1any frum here attended thc thc Sun came up he found Coy- :\1<trsh were entertamed Thursday Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Frcntzel of ml::.;>ion fest elt Wakefield Sunday ate waiting for him. Coyote- told ;It the Lester Boden::.tedt home m Wisnel·. \ .... ere Tuesday evemng at the S1. Juhn Lutheran church, the Sun he wanted to talk to \\"(--Iyne. guesl<; lust week tJt Mrs. J. G. Hc\' W t\ Gerdf'3. pa:-.tor Idt in our him. The Sun said that he couh:i l\1rs Augusta Feddern and son, Bergi's. Ervin Clinkenbeard IS painting Th never alone.. •

not stop Dnd talk, but Coyote :\JlirJ. and two nephews of Llmon, Mr- and Mrs. Ed. Bysong. Grace the ~chool house ln district '/3. I, e toM him that he would go along C()ln. spent the past week with and Helen of West POInt. spent and he and :Vfr ... Clmkpnbeard arc I Beckenhauer Servl'ce with him. So the Coyote kept :\lrs. Feddem's sisters, Mrs. Glade Friday evening at :'vIrs. J. G. at the Chi'!:>teT llill~€n hnme 'I

talking <:lbout the thmgs that had 1 :\TcFaddcn, ;:lOd family, and Mrs. Bergt's. ;\1r and ;"lr:,:. Harry Bressler of ___________ _ lately happened ami wJ.lking Howard Marsh. Norma and Verneld;l Meyer and CnlprIdge. ~"1r. and :\.'Irs. George: ____ ~ ____ _ very slowly. When the Sun W8S !\Ir. .)Od Mrs. Harold Blatz, Mrs. I\.Trs. Albert Blch('] hclped :Vlrs. BrC'ssler of \"-;Iyne. were Sunday D H D l\f-ll nearing the \\-'cst CoYotc asked W;lyne Brady and son, Lennie, Rulph Amtl11 cook for threshers callers ,It :\lr.". Ida Bres!oolE'1 5 and i r... I er hlm to wait u moment and ;:lIld Geo. Gorman of Blue Earth Saturday. 8t the L. J. Bressler home. I Den,tal Surgeon scampered over. After a while l\Tlnn, were week-end guests i~ Mr. and :\lr<; Alfred Sydow and \1r. and \Ir~. Bernard Koch of i the Sun grew tJrC'd of \.\."Hting Ihr' L. T. Whalen home. MISS Ger- family and !\-1r. and ;\1r~ Ra~ph Concord, ?VIr and 1\lr:; Gus Laase. ' Phone 86 <lnd went on very !olowly, llllg£'r- ,ildlnc Wh,\len returned home Austin were m SIOUX City Monday !Iolr. Dnd )'1r~. Errul Gre\-e and lIt East 3rd Wa.yne, Neb. lng for the Coyotf' to come. but With them. last \veek. LmLlleb and Mr..;. Geo L..labe were I Coyote did not ~lppf'ar. And thiS \11'. <lnd Mrs. Charles Madsen Mr. and Mrs. H. A. u'lmcr and Sunday \·lslt0r:.. at John Greve's. _-_~_.-.:-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i.~ the 1"("a::.on the Sun still llllg('rs a1l(l "on. l~ow<Ird. and daughter, two children of Wichita, Kan., The Farmer,,' Cnlnn met at; ~Ind goes rlO\·l/n VPry "lowly. J'II1('I. of Fort Dodge. la" spent rri\'(~d Monday to vi~it III the Chester Hansen's ThLlr~ay e\'c-I

Moon showed the penple how til(' \veE"k-end :.It the home of hlS C. J. Erxleben home;, fling. The TH'xt mf'ctlng will be at to make bows ,Ind :.Irrows, how bl r'thn, Martin Madsen, and fam- LaVern FrE'\'ert spent lel<;t \Ved- Orval Pucl-;('tt" ... Tue~rI<ly ('veiling. to hunt and how to fight. but at dy. They were enroute to Los nesday afternoon elt /\Jfred Sy- Septrmo('r 3. Pl('d~e note c-h;-,nge i

DR. T. T. JONES Os1ei:lpathlc PhfSlclaD ,_

. ";1."1 Eyes Ex~ml11ed - Glasses Fitted";<:',7

la"t he became wickf'd and SIIl- Angeles. \vher(' Howard Madsen dow's. DonflbC'l FreV('I-t In time r,n aCcollllt of the \,,-ayne I I.)llil~.mg a lodge and fJrepla~~. ned and was banished to the \\ ill enter the Chicago aeronautics Thur<;day ,rfternoon guest. Lllr -dates. I

AItt'l they cumpleted the Iue- sky, \>"'here he still ll,es. tcchnlcal institute Mr. and lVII's. Gus Lofgren of 1\-11'. and Mrc Fred Jdhde and, D W' ht

Wayne, Neb. n30!r ~!'I~i~~

place he tuld them to make the -$----- --------- - -1l\Jl<;~ Chl'!'e Ti~lm of De Red Oak. 1a. \\'ere ThuMay sup- Darrell W('re \\'ednesday VISitors I' on 19 man ground eVl'Tl Itlt>lde thc lodge, 1 -, " ( nver, GENE il'a\'lllg only ont' ::.m811 mound LOCAL NEWS 'rind -"JI~ter. Mrs. Frank KU.hl, of per and onmlght gu('~ts .10 the ot Wm. ThQITL.:en' .... r-.1r;.. ThorrL-..en I RAL INSURANCE III thc wesl Iol' illl altar On thls . . ~;jurl', attended the \\~eddmg of Fre-eman Lubber~tedt homp IS 10 a SIOUX City hospital MISS r Insurance • Bond •• Loan. <dtar they wcre told to . lace the The JullUs Hurstad f~mJly of I their (,OUSlll. Eugene Tl.mlin, Lind Mr. and Mrs Theodore Schrein Darlene Baker I~ aSSlstmg MLSS m12tt

k 11 f b it I f· I T I Omaha, spent Sunday hcre With I MIs,,, Jf'an Kelley of SIOUX City, of Fremont. Mr. and Mr<:. F. G. Della With the house work.. Mrs.' -----~---~ ------~Wu{l \~U~ld lll\.~.(Oll\~ ~~~~ \n~~= Mrs. O. P. Hurstad~ I Mond;]y at the Im~aculate Con- Pannmg" Mr. and Mr~. Tf'd Pan- Bird Oll,'er helped a fcv." days, too' G. A. Lamberson :-.age to them WrlS that the and Mr. and l\1rs . .F. L. Biellr and : {'('p~iOn church m SIOUX City. F.ol- :~~gatO~1~~.f.e8.;e:reg~~day call- ,onMd r;larn.o.dO~Tlv"a·1 Lp'uJ':kBetrteSSa'nledr,!:trr~ " Real Estate and A~I Ki.nds of their dllldren should alwaYs re- Bette went to Lake OkobOji Mon-, lowmg the ceremony a weddmg " n, LFoo. 1 I L member thclt be TlruWd Y gave day to spend ~hls,v:·e~k. . bll'<l.kfast was held at the Mayfalr Mrs. Johanna Lutt and ~1rs. rell were m SIOUX City Tuesday nsurance Except ife.

thcm life, but tlH:y would ~ve~t- IU;;:I~~ ~~~nt~~ \~'-l;Ca~k~~~"~l S~~~ hotel. ~.~~. i~I~~I~I:I~r~ ~~~:~sa~ome. ~~e~~~n~~iIY~l~:~I~e~~:. .~~~ : \Vayn~ Nebr. tf ual~~ l"t.'tUlll tu theil' muthL'!', tne day to spend a few days. J LOC \'L NIr. and Mrs. Raymond Brei Dranselkd. Mr. and Mrs AJb-f'rt e~~:'Wldllta P<lwnp(' c)d\'e pre- Re\·. <ln~ Mrs. C G. Bddel', Carl, - 1 Stanton. were afternoon callers. Killion, Mr. and l\hs. Clare Bus- I

and Philip went to Lake Oko A. W. Ahern left Monday on his Mr. and M~. Wm. Stark, Mrs. kirk and :'I.fr and :"olr!' Art Longe :::.ervcu anutiler t<lie expl<llHlng l\londay tu ~p('nd a couple u~ sales territory which wul take AmeLa Schult~ and Marcella Stark were nmong the urcus nttendnn\1; tile c r l' a 1/ () 11. l\lan-j'..;l'vel'- weeks. him 01::> far a~ Den\·er. of St'anton, were Monday gue5ts at Sioux Clly,

~~~\\~~;j~I~~;~I:~:~I:':f :~~~ ]~~:elt O::I~ Mrs Cathel'JrH' Simmon and Walter Plotz of Denison, la., Bruno Splittgerbcr's. Marcella H'- --.~----tb;Jt cIT:.Ited all thlllg.'>. A1tcl the ~~l~~h~~·tu~~~~~' t~/ '~V~~::~tu, uK~~~~~, ~'t~~~1~~;~t~t~?~c\~s~;~bi~o~:'eek in ~.I;~~ h:~~c aftpr ~pendlng two LOCAL l11dn, Ha\·mg-Puwcr-to-C il I' r y- d)o 0 th f . t!VI \11'. und Mrs. Ellary ~Rlllehart Mr. and l\Il"!'. Earl Bf'nndt and :\1I;. and Mrs. Paul Zcplm and Light, and \>"uman, Bnght-Shlll- J;l ~ \~ 1 e d ()~mel' ~ ~~!:> cr, 1:-'. left SunddY fol' Colorado where famlly wer'e Cit Llk-u-wanta beach daught'er~ spent Sunday in the Ar­lIlg WOmi:lll. well' m<lde they . )\..1;.s. ~~ilsa;ol(al~~~ whL:le:l\~S b('t,tl they pl.ln to spend a weck. Sunday of last week and had a thur Lilldell home at West POint. dreamed that tluflgs WelL' madc spend g th t k th M F S. !llmg,m came from his pICnic dinner With the Robert :-'llss Clara Madsen returned fur them, ;1I1d when thl:Y wuke A. M It~J{Jco~t>:;:;;~<:lJ~~l'~o ~~l\'l' tl~~ l\11l1J1f'SOla territory Friday to Happel family of Dakota CIty, and Sunday to Plerre_> S. D .. after \'IS-

INSURANCE AGE~,'·· ,J:'­-All Kind~ of Instlian'e~

Dr. E. H. Dotson Eyesight Specialist

Wayne, Nebr.

L. C. Gildersleeve tt,",',:'y' ,11~,ac'.I",;,",cl·. rThl:nU~~t'll""[Y' ,.".~ .. j,~,,,,,j~ ThlJl·:-.d'IY for Dt·11 TI'lplds. S. B spend a couple of weeks at home. the Ferns B~nnctt famtly uf Pen- ItlOg 5e\'eral days \\Ith relatl\'cs

L , , -> '"'-:vI d I\11~s Betty Fc!ter went to Ljn- del'. herE'. --All Kinds of Insurance-cd en'ryUllllg they needed, As ;'a~;'; Itr:(;~~:ll~\'lt\~I;~('~.(lt~~:(J(~~';~J,I1~!~~: culn Sunday to '\'islt fnends. She Mr. and MrS. Freeman Lubber- Log;m Irvin and Earl RnberL<;on Agent tor the

~~l/ll~wn_~~~\~~l1~;~ f~~ll;l-c~C\'~l\: nal d and Newell. will also go to Adums to see her stedt and famJiy. :;"1r. and :\orr::;. of Omaha. "'pent la.::.t week and Travelers ot Hartford MoJUple plomlse to Ibvll1g-Powl'r-to- I\'lr and Mrs. LorenL Rel::.big ar- grandmother and will return in ~sc: :~O~"~ ~7d f~mllY'1:~glast: ~art of thiS 111 the V"T. F. Robinson Linn _____ _

Carry-LIght that thel'e should be :~;~ ~~:te i~un~~rif~~~:. a ~~.~; tW~'Il~~~~ty Albr~ht of Kearney, ~f Re~ ~:~, !'/, ~~'iS ~~~~r{>d M~ef~ I o~;~ Wm. KlllgstClil of Chicago. Marlin L. Ringer more pt.'OVk and \'lliages on the stopped ('nroute out at Salt Lake came here from Cozad last wect-I fet of Lynch, and MISS Emma arr;ved Saturduy to ~pend a C("w ...." earth. City and Reno. After Vlsiting the nesday to be bookkeeper at the Heckens of Emerson. w('re SU,nday days With her fathel". 11. B. Craven, ~~~ ~~;~~nd or~!a~e~ th~f:::'~'n t~~~e t~~ein~'~~aa~p:~~~ Golden Gate expOSItion they re- Coryell auto company. She is tak- guests last week 10 the ErWin and other relatl\TS, cept life. Speciai attention to

turned home by way of Mexlco. iOg Gerald Anderson's place. I Longe home. _._ Dale Alderson. Robert- Gibson FARM ,and AUTOMOBILE irom one \'Illage to the other - and Ru :"€ll Armstro g of Harl n I Insurance. showing the people how to use --- -- Progressive HomemakM'S. la .. spe~t the \ .... eck:nd 111 ~~ ----=----,--c:--:::--the thmgs they had. Having- S. Y A I Pl'ogresslve Homemakers club Ernest Alderson home. Drs. Lewis & Lewis Power-to-C<il'ry-Light traveled lxty ears go meets 1.his Thursday <l.fterll(lon Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Fischer and CHIROPRACTORS llke a SPirit, teaching the men • • With Mrs. R. H. Hansen. Mrs. Carl f;lmily of Winslrle, were Sunday (Established 1914) how to travcl from aile place to H. Frevert will as:::'lSt. dl11ner and s-upper guests in the Neurocalomeier Service another, how to hunt the animals em lng-ton, Columbus & Bl<lck~- ~ - ----- R('\·. \I,,'m, Fi!>{'her home. 112 East 4th St_ "Wayne. Neb. that CXISted for their use, and Hills railroad was to be sdld. An sell store at Ponca The walk was Home rrom HospitaL I\Ir. and Mrs. Vernon Klug of I Phone 49 huw to make the things they officer or the St. Paul company. a ~~~·~e~~~~ll\;m~~~"::~~~. ton- Aletha Pflueger returned home Shre\-eport. Mr. and :\irs. Robert

~~~~:~~'th~r~~~~~:l~~:~-~~~l~~ ~~c~I;~~:'~aiOp~hbeli~:~h=~';~~~~'a~~ sonal roonJ.s to the rooms west of Tucsday from a local hospllal Frahm and Elliott Frahm went tn

and1 hurvest corn and how Ao yeal'::; ago by Wm. Huse, selld hIS the post office and fixed up a eozy ~~~cl~ep~~~dul~~~;V;:!s~~;p~~a~:s~ ~I~~~i~.:;.~~~: Fnday to nsit Miss oIter up their sacnficE's. Late organization would b 'f th place. week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nicho\s en-

~~:,~~~:i{eo~~~c~u~et~::.=~~ ~~~~ c~~rpea:yea~z~aabcleIUaY"mTo~[e$6s2.t~ th~'tr: ~~::~:/~~~'~~:~ i~ tertain('Jj at Sunday E'¥'ening dm-

in the sky and she had become 500 against the line. Some of the b€autify any place. CO~&~io~~~::~lf~st8~_~~~on ;:5. f~~eM~%~~l~l~~~~' !:'; :~~

Benthack Hospital Phone 20

320 Lincoln St. wayne. Nebr.


1~~ ~~~. t~:rl~~~:n~::t :a~:~d grade of the narrow guage was lo:~. ~:d~~~~:t!,~~:o~~o~~~ceb~~ away the people saw a star III ~l~t~t.e~~e f;~e~t~~~n~f 8~t~~~t~~ conslderable swea.ring and clawing the heavens and it w~s the man, the mde. The company would ha\'e, resulted. These l~clde~ts do ,~ot who then became known as the to rebudd the line to make Jt I occur. \"('ry often 1l1. th~ town. First _ Star _ Seen _ ",,",-vu,,- sta:ndurd. I Chl~dren had a pICniC at the J.

••••• a ••••••••••••••••••••• B ••••••••••• m •••••••••••••••••• a •••••••••

ne~~:~~~:s~~ihe The St. Paul & Sioux Ci~y rail-· ~~'~~~aol~ ~~o~~~e~l~~c=o:n~r~li~ mad earned 7 per cent on ItS pre-I remarkably wf.'lL

Your Dollars Always Serve You Better Here! D-X Lubricating Motor Fuel and Diamond 760 Oil are best buys every day because they

Used T~actors Used Trucks ferred s~oek and had a balance of A grand celebration was p1an­$14,069 In a year. Operatrng costs I ned at Elk Point. Old soldiers of :ere $772,905 or 57 per .c~nt; net! DixoJfl and Dakota CQunties were guarantee. . . .

L '1>erfect, Motor Operation.

Gu4rant~e Low Cost Efficiency for Your Farm

arnmgs were $583,069, mterest i inVited. A sham battle was a fea­on bonds amounted to $247,000, all ture.:A parade, drill, oration by total of $336,069. T,he 7 per cent of Han. Geo. H. Hand and historical th3e

2$4,600,OOO. stock amo~nted ~o sketch by Gen. C. T. Campbell and

$. 2 ,000, leavmg $14,069 In addl-I Hon. C. B. Valentine were arrang-tIOn. ed_

2. Carefree Drivinlr. 3. Absolute Motor Protection.

4, Greatest Mileage. The sohltiop of successful fa)'m operation is answered with modern. scientific farm machinei·Y. ('Jur used tracto,rs and trucks will providie ,lots of ser-vice· for you at Ja minimum of cost: We guarantee that each [piece of equipment is 'a: real buy,

, . I I ~ I

CoiPle'tfj ~in~ o~ McCOJ'mick-D~eJ'ing Implements REPAlRS, F@R EVERy ¥AKE ~F MACHINE

> • I

the Pioneer Railroad company Llu.ie Burk and Clara Wilbur of the Black Hills was organized went to Norfolk to open a mil­with capital stock of $100,000_ A hnery store. nan-ow ga~ge line was to be built Judge Frazer of Dakota City. from DeadWood to the coal banks spent a week in'traveling up the 45 miles distant. Missouri river to a point 75 miles

The Homestake and DeSmet beyond Niobrara. mihes near Rapid City were re- .J. Hewitt made 100,000 brick of POl"1ed insignificant in comparison good quality.

. discoveries at Custer_ A correspondent at Springbank Gray, great fortune teller, wrote that hay stacking was about in Ponca. She claimed to done. small grain was slim and

stolen by a gypsy and health of the neighborhood was years during which time good_ Daniel Bennett bad the boss

to tell fortunes. Her potato llatch with a potato weigh­perished in the Chicago ing 2 pounds, q ounces. J. J, Gun-

. ther had a beet weighing 10 B. Barnes. was nomina!ed bY

I pounds' and lots of wild crab ap­

as candidat~ ffr dis- ~!!s~lyW;::;~i:;r~i~!~ ~::~el was.

',: ...... :: ... , .. :~~t:f .. ~e.3.:n~~~::~;;~~~~i~~~:.~~;~I,; I

Fil·e.s.tone Til'eS Satisfy Every De"-land


-, Dollar 'J;>ay S~ecial -, I Friday and Saturday, AUfnlSt 9 and 10 50% GREATER TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON

Firestone Chf'-mpion and High Speed Tires

FLY SPRA Y ~ in sealed cans .. ., ., Gal. $1,00 ,


I: 1

AUGUST 8, 1940

, Less- Fred. Ruser home for·Mrs. Ruser·s

ayn~Herald I ma.n a guest. birthday. (By Staff Cor~espondent.) Doris Loseke spent

BRENNA Edith Reeg sr.-ent last week at the week-end in Ray Robinson For Marlyn Holdorf.

Adam Reeg's. h?me With Jewell. Wedn~day Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Echten-

;sociaillapp~nings' . Social For;ecast. I August 15 in the Joy

1'~ekahS meet n~xt Tuesda~. BOI:a;nie Owens ~nd Melba . Auxiliary meets Ithis Thursday will be hostesses.

braveling of the new hfghway from Carroll north to NQ, 20 east of Belden has been completed. The last of the gravel was spread Sat­urday. Regraveling is to be done on the Wayne-Pierce-Carroll high":' way. Bad places on this road are being elevated before resurfacing. One of the worst is three miles south and one and a half east of Carro11.

IEHURCHESJ ( Baptist Church.

The Adam Reeg family spent Doris and Jewell went to Colum- kamp, Mr. and Mrs. James Hank, Monday evening last week at Her- bus for the rest of the week.. Linda and Elray, Mr. and Mrs. man Reeg's. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Lessman Fred Flege, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin

Mr. and ·Mrs. Raymond Florine and KennEth. Mr. and Mrs. Gen··1 Flege and daughter spent Monrl:Jy spent Thu.csday evening in the l\r- Roeber and family were Sunday! e\"('ning la"t v:eek in thp ~1:.;x U"j­thur Florine home at Wakefie-Id. I dmner guests last week at Ernest( dorf home for :\1arlyn·~ blrthd.,y.

Mr. 'ind Mrs. Raymond Florine Brammer·s. !VIarilyn Ruwe was an ! ~ were Sunday dinner and ~upper afternoon gU(><;t. LOC .. AL NE"'S

with 'Mrs. Evan Jones. l guest.s last week in the Roy Sun- :Mr. and Mrs. Dearl Meyer of - ~ dell nome at Wakefield. Emer!'on, were ThurSda,Y supper I T~e Bern~rd ~ey('r family wC'nt

Sunday school at 10.

n~,en" r'!m~ Golden 'Fleece sheep club meets R6IJIlion at $hoOles. AlUgust 19 at w. t. Biermann's The Ed. Kennys were among near Altona~' r~latives who spent Sunday in the

Willing Workers meet Friday' at L. T. Whalen home at Sholes in Carroll park. Members plan cov- honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold eted dish picnic. Blotz of Blue Earth, Minn., who

Royal Neighbors ·and juveniles, were there for the week-end, Cer-

Cong1"egationaJ Church. Services at 9:30. Sunday school

to follow. , Ladies' Aid met Wednesday this week.

j J

:V1r. and Mr5. Adam Reeg and guests m the ('...eorge )JJeyer home. to SIdney Sdturd"y to :-pend :'t'\r

family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mn:. Otto Hinnenchs, Miss 1 era} days. Reeg and family were Sunday Ruby HlO~erichS" and John Hom MISS. Dnrothea Relbold of Nnr-dinner guests last week in the were e\·enlng c<dlNs~ folk. spent thp \1, (,.Pk-end III the Fred Reeg home. RC'\·. O. \\" Swaback of Concord Geo. RE'I?old hortlf'

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Florine of anrl. Arthur C .. rbon w"re In Car~ :'\1ISS "\ 1011.'t Reil;"ld w('nt to tll" I ev~ry also their families plan a picnic at aldine Whalen ~eturned to [Blue :~~dfeet). are tlJ.e park for August 20. Earth with the visitors to visit for

Wakefield, Mrs. Kenneth roll ThtJr"day afternr)(JO tf) cail <..t WUh Habptman h()mp :,t ('"n(IJlri and Douglas of St. Charles. Ill., the Reuben CurL",(JO h',mt> F,h ,ra t() ~irenrl: a fe~~' Wf'::.' . ..

Presbyterian Church. Sunday school at 11. \, i

Mrs. E. G. Stephens and Mrs. D. a time. also. ~ J. Dav:is entertain Methodist Aid

Threshing is rogressing be- tiext Wednesday in the church Loyal Neighbors ,Meet. ,

Places Second in Shearing Contest

Christian Endeavor at 7. \t Preaching at 7:45. Ladies' Aid met Wednesday this

week with covered dish luncibeon.

were Tuesday afternoon callers C<.lrL"on was brought I:omp Tw....... . .. and 1\11_. AlofM ~la!1r... :\1-last week tit Raymond Florine·s day last \':eek from a S:OIl'( Cltv b!-'It "nd Alleo Smith "j St; ntull.

hrJspltal Sh I b€' II \'.lt1l :n-- c(jllect ;"'Iond<lY I;,s: we-ck ,'~ C;('"rZt' tween rai~s and ields are satts- ~arlors., Loyal Neighbors met Augpst 1 Oberlin Morri~ plBced second in ~actory. :A.,n exee tional yield oj ,Baptist Aid meets next Wednes- with Mrs. Harry Hansen andlMrs. the sheep .shea~mg cont~t con-·oats i? one; on: the :Bernard' Daltb'j day at the church parlors. Iva and C. F. Hansen at tbe former's Home. ducted Fnday In connection WIth St. Paul Lutheran Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baird and family were Sunday guest!' in thp R. F. Parks hnme Clt Orchard Delores Baird returned home \vith them after spf'ncilng a week

place. wh~e eight: acres made n Ina Pearson, June Whitney and Mrs. Viggo Hansen joined the:club.! t~e annual sheep ~le ~t the ag- (Rev. C. E. Fredricksen, pastor.) loa~s or a~.out 550lbushels, an av .. , Verla Eksman serve. It was decided to have ice dream ncultural colle~e m L:ncol.n. ~e Walther League meets this erage of ~~lY 7~ to tre a~+ and cake August 18 in the I!J.arry and C. H. Morrls. were In the cIty Thursday evening. Orchard.

Barley is ~ng 35 to 50 bushelst SociaL Hansen home. The next meeting ~hursday and Fnday. C. H. Mor- Sunday: Sunday school at 10; , '--:-;- • ' Knitting Club Meets. will be with Mrs. Emil Ottti and TiS took 28 head of sheep to the English service at 10:30. B. C. Club Picnic.

Carroll VlC'rn1ty Knitting club 'met Tuesday this Mrs. Gust Johnson 8t the· Otte sale. Ladies' Aid met Wedne~day this B. C. club m~mbprc, ;mrl

~~r.e8 in Rains. week with Miss~inifred Collins. home September 12. Carroll Local week. ~it~';\J~~·I\ll.h~t\·~h~ Carroll vic' it)tishared Sundo$lYj To F-amily Reuni1Jon. With :Mrs. N. A. Warth. Gus Monk-of Concord, spent tlw Methodi .. t Church. hom('.

night and. '. ond'y mo;ning ~J1 The Ed. Rethwisch family spent I Delta Dck membprs, also Mrs. week-end at Paul Broeker·s. (Rev. F...'lrl H. Ressel, p<lstnr.) . more b~eflcl~l ra, ns which were Sunday in Ewing attend 109 a f<Jrn- A. K. Ak('rlund of SL Charles, Ill., Mrs. Mane Staann ~lnd Mrs. Sunday school at 10. P('PP;" Pals C1ub. I

g~neral m thJs.,p~rt o~ the state. ily reunion, about 50 being pres- Mr:;. W. H. Wag-ner, Mrs.·T. P Pearl Kuhnhenn me exchangmg Service <It 11. Pf'Ppy Pals 4-H cluh mpt Tues-' ~he amount regIstered m tqwn w~s enL 'They report the Sunday eve- Roberts, Mrs. Walt{'\" Brederneyer houses. Fourth quarterly conferencE' was I d;:ty aftr-rnnnn l;l<.:t \\£:-('k '>':Ith

't .~bout.5 Sundal-! ~igh,t and abou~ ning rain extending from Ewing and 1\11'<;. Nohm Holekamp were John Finn, LOI~, J('~nettp :md conducted :\1ond8Y e\'enmg. Be- BaIrd in thp Ch;:t:·lps Rnrd r,[1mf'. j

,.. .1 M0'!1Q8Y mOryJ.ipg. At the Eli, here and they found no damage guests nf Mrs. N. A. Wnrth F'riday. Clollr were ,It HE'I'manThun·s FI·I- cause. of the ,lin(>5s of thf' dist0 ct R·ol1 Cedi W;I.:; EinCWf rpd WIth nn",: Rethwlsch place ~ear. Sh~les th~ enroute. PrizE'S in bridgf' wpnt to Mrs, Lau- day ev(>ning -,"upermtendent. nne of the mm- thlng rlonp wrong at 1hr> tablr'. i .amount was abou~ 1 mch" and a~ retta Gemm('ll, Mrs. Ed. Traut- Mi!'s M<lrgarf't Schemel of isters substituted for him. Plans \\'C're m;:lC!C' to <lttpnri rl"m-

'John Gettman's east of town th~ For Darlene Echtenkamp. \vein, Mrs. Elgin Tucker nnd Mrs. Wayne, vi<"ited Frid'ly in thp Ike onstratlnn r1"y In Waynp Saturrlav I rains registered .75 of an inch. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thun and W. H. Wagner. The hostess served. Collins home. Carroll Local Mari;lO Skn\·"pnr1f' ;Ind D<lr!pnf'1

DITCHINGJ' IS~ONE son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thun and Mrs. H. L. Bredemeyer cntert;:lins Mr. and :\III's. Geo. Wackpr ~lnrl Mrs. JelOe Edward:; wa:; (l. Vlil1ers a tr'<'llTI rlrmnn>,tr;l-

daughters, Mrs. August Thun, in twn wc('K:,:. M;trlclll wel·e (1t Bprnord Diilton·s Wayne visitor Friday. tion on <"f'itlrr:; CO\"E"P; nnri ALON·G, B :NCH LINE Louie, Oscar and Robert Thun Friday f'v{'nmg. The OscLlr Swansons were at spongf' C'akp'" '.',"r·p' Prob-!

A worl{ tra n has been ditching were in the Harry Echtenkamp Celebrate Birthday. Mr. <lnd Mrs. N. A. W<lrth ,llld Wm. Sw'lllson·s Sunday after- lpm ~\lr '\·;1<; !\lr<.: WIT' I ~~~~!e~~~ :e~:re;~l~ao~~e~~~~~: ~~~hed~:.nday for Darlen€"s 3rd W~r~~)~~;;J:'!~\~;i:~r~f b:t~:~ ~,(;~~~~~~n~'i;h ~~I~t';~:~ s~n~,;)~~ no~;. nnd Mrs. Will Shufelt ancii :~~~(> ~~~r~:r.~~~;.I;;f' ~~:;~.~(~u':;~~, I along the tracks to· avoid troub1e (If Augu.~t 3 SundAY with a picnic folk. . Virgil had, Sunciay dinner with the I next meeting I" thl~ Th\Jrsn;IY from flood water. Girls' Groups Meet. dinner at WCiyne paJ"k. 'Those in Marilyn Owens \'i~ited from John Ga~kilI!'. with ClPnn;1 R:-Ilrd

PUPILS PRES~N'TED , INi PIA 0 RECITAIj Miss Ina Heeren presented piano

putlils in a rl!cital at the Methodl... ist church T~esd8iY evening. The program consIsted of 28 numbers. Relatives ~nd, friehds of the stu­¢~.nts were:gu~sts.

lone 'Jones and Bonnie Rees en- the group WPl'C Mrs. Ella D,urant Thursday to Saturdtiy with Gv,;pn- Geraldine Whalpn r('tumf'd tn ~~~~-

~~i~~Ma~:~n~rub;t~~~~:~ay<l~~ ~~r~~~r~~d ~~~i~~dOfM~~~O~~i~~~~ ~~1~;a~~:~7~ ~~o~~!~~n·H;~e~~rnt :::~~s<ltc;~~~r~:~n;~.~r !'ppnding.a Northea~t Wayne the Gwilym Jones home. Jean Ma- Jam{'s Grier, Miss Marjorie Grier, Rev. and Mrs, C. E. Frcdl·icb,rn Mn;. Ivor Morris cnlled on Mrs (By Stnff Correspondent.) rie Rees gave a demonstration on Mrs. Be-rtha Pf'<1S{', Mr. and Mrs. w('r£' in W,lkdield Sunday to <It- C. E. Jom·s. ;vI:·s. Earl H. Ress(' 1 1 ~11';'; Ah·ln Rnf'ber and son "pr-nt accessories and Ruth Vernelle Emil Hogelen, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. tf'nd a miSSIOn (f'"ti\·al sponsnrpo :-md Mrs dJ · V. zlmClmfefr dFndpClY." Fnd<lY aftpm("(lOLlt Geo,ge \\,i~ch-Roberts on setting in sleE'ves. The Wagnf'!' and ('hildren, Mrs. M<lry I by Rev. W. A. Geroes' ('hurch, Mr. an. Mrs. - I or al'l';:(,]" I h f' girls will have dresses fimshed by i Lessmtin .me! family of L.'1urel, Mr. anci Mr~. L{'wis ,Jnhn:.:on :lnci and On'dle \~.{'rf' 8: Ed. ShufelY" °B;~i('(> E("ht('nK<Jmp ~ pen t their next meeting which wJ!l ·be I Mrs. Ed. Cricr and family. Leota \",ero Sunday gucsts in the Monday ('v('nlng I'l.~t \",eek for Ice Thursday ,Iftf'rnnnn \\"lth Marilyn ~~--~-----~.- J. () Conif'Y home at Wm<;ld('.:vIr. cre-am. Ruw{'.

LITTLE GIJtL IS HOME Carroll Local tUl"n{'d here with thf' latter to and :vIrs. O. S, Roberts or Waynp. Miss Ruth :"vianis returned Bonni(> L{'~sm:ll1 W;l" <l S<1tuni,ly _ IFROM <;:ITY HOSP.r.TAL Otto and W. H. Wagner went to spend <l few days 18!';t we-ek.' were also there. ;\TondilY la"t week from ;'linneapo- m·('rnlg"ht guest l:::!st \\"N""k ;If Otto . E)vira qarrson, 3, dau~er of Omaha Monday. The Dow€' Loves spent Sunday K Mr. tahndW~rs. Geo. GQ:.kill <lnr! li~ w~f'!~e she had been attendmg Heltholo·s

,Mr. and Mrs. e~ben Car , was Mrs. D. R. Thomas who has bet'n in Plainnew. Mrs. Nell George and J PhnneSh

Immhers w('reO

in the SCp~(~l tp~sd;~ls~:~~·me from Wal- Mr and ;vIr" Otto Sah" calkd brought ham Ttfesday las. weeki ill remains about the same. Peggy returned \Vlth them for a 0 n . annnn omf' at smnnd. SundeW afternoon from a Siou~ CittY hospital where The Paul Geary family had few days. I Sunday for dinner. The~ spe~t t.he nut 1<1 Sunday to get hiS WIfe Paul L.r.ssman <.: she received ca~e for infantils Sunday dinner at E. L. Pearson·s. The Geo. Shllfelt !.Jnel Herman I afternoon <lnd .evenll1g

In 0 Neill. <Jnd daughtprs who had been he!·p I Re\ 0 \V S\\ab:Jrk of C"nnC'onl

M Brockman famIlies were Sunda'-', Mr. a,nd ;\11::;. Harry How;lrth \Isltmg a fev. \\o('eks ,"~'tad 1".'( \\odn'<d"\ 'f(orn,>on ily.1 ! ! Sunday dinner at Clifford Park- dinn(>r gue:;b in the EmH Otte a~ Oris: 1". nn . rs T Mnr-I rg. 0 IS I lams. IS. rpr- at Albin C"<lrl.c:on·.c: pru:a1ysis. She is ilillproving ste.ad,,"I r. and Mrs. Alfred Jugel had .J d D M d ::vr Pd M H 11 W 11 M G ,~, , " "'" c

__ er's. tl()mt' nC,lr Waynr'. I flS. and d,ltlghter ;lOd MI> Skl!d, hard Wac-kcr and Mrs. B~rna!·d Elna Clnd Delta I\1f'yC'r nnd Nor-Lions Are Ito :Meet. . Iva Pearson was in the Owen Sunday dinner guests at Alfred ChIc-hester of V:a~n(', and Mr. and I Dalton hC'lpcd Mr!'. Ceo. \\u("kcr man Mever called Thur3day -aft-

o EddJe's WPH' Mrs. Lyle Jenkms I Ml·S. H~JTY Gl"lfflth were .Sunday, ("001.; f~Jl' thrcs~('rs Sa.tur~a'y: . ernoon a-t Fred Ruser·s. Lions club meets AuguJ:>t 13. wens hom"t~ Wednesday last and chlldrl'n ::\1' 1 lVI K _I callf'rs 111 the UI)('rill1 Mor1"l.<; homp·1 VvllllS Fredncksen IS \'lsltlOg m .... f d :\1-" f'.- nld' Fl""'"

In Regular S.ession. w;;~~ Ray Link family of Albion, neth Eddie ,:nd Ij:'I~~;Y' ;\;~·s. ~;~_ 1\1rs. T. M: \Vuod:;. ;.Jc("omp;mied ~linneapolis \v'ith his ~ncle and an~ ~a~l~ht;r l;;f'nt I~·ur~~ay p~.~~ spent Sunday in the L. E. Link Wi Schluns and Merle. thf' Fred BaIrd famlly of wayne'l Clunt. ~r. an.d :\1r,s. LoUIe ~asspk. nlOg at Hnns Holdnd·~.

Town board met Tuesday for home.' Mrs. Cath('rine .Jones of Glen-i to On·hard Sunday .tn thp R. F. \,·ho \',nli bring him later 10 Au- Mr~. ~lDn!e i\Iiller. Erna ann regular business. Mrs, Oberlin Morris and Gary dale, C;.J1., who had visited Mr!'. Park homp. The B;llrcts r('turned g-ust. . Arnold spent ;"londay f'HnlOg la~t

spent "Thursday all day in the J. W. E. Jones, left Saturday fOl": thp samp ~iay and. Mrs, Won~s I. M,r. and Mrs. C. H. Morns wrore tweek at Pnlll TRssman·!' New Floor Is Built. L, Davis home. Mc-Phprson, Ran, to "'I<;it bf"forc I stayed until tile mIddle nf thls In Norfolk Tuesday last w.€'"ek ,md Mr. and Mr~. J. K .Tnh!,son and

A new wooden floor has heen Miss Ruby Davis spent Thurs- returnIng to the we~t. 'I w(>pk.. Clttf'Tided. the :;he~p m~ctlO~ that I family C';1lk·ct TUf'"da;.· (''. rnlllg- 18s1 placed in the Linn produce station day and Friday With Mi.c,s Lois Mrs A. P. A!,('r!llnd of St. I\1!·s .. D. J D:'1\,:IS s:pent, thp wp(>k- 'I p\·enmg m the OtIS Str1n~er home I \\'(>('\.;: ',It Rny RpblO!,(ln'~ this week. Pierson at Wayne.' Charles, 111., who had vlc;ited her end With hpr SIStCI·. 2\lIrs. John np;lr Wayn£'. I Mrs H('r~iln GN'Wp· ilna l\oll:"

::,' Mrs. W. E. Jones and Miss Vir- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. &-rib- Jones. Mr. Dans <l~d family were' :'lrs. Hans Rdhwi.<;ch. vprona·


Fr~d ·!\PYCrm;1nn SPPllt Fflday in ginia were Sunday dinner guests ner, wc·nt to Frf'mont Monday to thf're for Sunday rlmllE'r, also Mr. ,T,IIOC, Iv;-]. Clnd Ina PPDrson illld tlw Frank Brudtf!am hnmf'.

V"i,:;~I'. in the Levi Roberts home. \·isit other." beton> rf'turning homf'_ nnrl 1\1rs. Ref'S ~Ichards nnd Lu- I·.!mn .J('nk.lOs went to Wn.ynp Sun- MI'. <lnd :'lr!' G(>{"lrgf' Wischhnf

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Johnson and Mr. and Mr!'. M. S. Linn return- ~~:t(;~.Mr. ;lnd MI <:. F ... d. JOllC'S ,mel ~l,~~. ~~I;~~~! ~~rte~~:;l~!'s :'I~E'~~~ I :lOd Donna G8Y \ Isiterl Th~I';;:dny son were in the Julius Knudsen e-d Sunri<1Y from .. Gmnri Isl<1nd Rf'\'. anri 1\11"<;. R. L. William.", [l";lptist church. afir~oo; at F,~\\';tr~ :~ye~S~nnie home ot Laurel, Sunday afternoon. ~l~C'I~n~WY~~~~d \.~:Ih'~ tw~~~~~:~, r-.:ary and Lcwi., John of SteeJe Mr. and MI.'S. Rollie F. Jones ann Hin~~~ic~~~:'~re ~u~day afternoon

la, ,~iwSseeVlcirlgr!onmia De:novnee: w~eet,~e'~,ede br~J~ht tl1('n~· anrl ~pp~t the day II Lit.:', N~~ ... "lIne. Mond~y to spend ri8ughter, Mrs. Forrest Smith, and guests last week at Paul LBsmcm';;:.

here t1~elr V.l( at10n v. Ith frwnds. Eon- :\lrs. Smith's son came from Hugo. Mr. and Mrs. Kennpth John."'on

Mr.\and Mrs. Marvin Victor and Mr. and Mrs. Lester B~lford and couple of weeks In St€'€le City re- with the J. L. Davis family and an. t t Ra R b . had attended school this summer. . I llle Loll Owens, who had spent a Colo .. Saturday to visit hvo weeks d Sharon Lee wpre Thursday

Varner of Wayne, spent Tuesday da~ghtrrs, ~rbarn clOd fUdlth of turned home with them. ' with other relatives and friend,~ e\'~~:n;n~u~;r~. ~arn~ G~I~~~~~n~ afternopn last week at Geo. Wack- tv lilow Spr.mgs, Mo., arnved 5at- Mr. and Mrs. Ted St.apleman of here and at Winside. ami Vcrlie ;\.l<1e wert:'" Thursday er's. I ii.~day to \·ISlt a ~ouple of weeks Belden, Mr. and :Wrs. Clyde Most Mrs. F. M. Stauffer and children. aftt:'"moon gLw.<;t., at AlblO Ca!"\-

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eddie, WIth Mr. Belfo~d s par('nts, Mr. pf Laurel, called III the Otto Wag- Kenneth and Marjorie Sut'. of son'" ' Mrs. Anna Schluns and Merle and Mrs. W. H. Belford. ner home Sunday afternoon. The Gladewater, Texas. and Miss Blod- Mr. <lnci Mrs c;.porgr Wischhof were in Sioux City Tuesday last Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thomas and Ifrank RefS famIly called in the wyn Owens of Wichita Falls, Tex- anrl Donna Gay werc Monday ('ve-,

w,~~: and Mrs. Ed. Morris, Dave Robert of Detroit, Mich." Mr. and 7~·~!~~atL~g~~:r.M~:,~. ~~'lft:: .:r~I~ ~~~r::;~i'~~r~~~!~~ J~~n,v~!o~.~~ ning gue!'ts 1<1."t w(>ck at L. H i and John were in the Lewis John- ~~s'u~~YL~i~Il~~eM~rs~O~~a~to<:~~~ leI' and Mrs. Lucy 'Surber ·of nnd Owen Owens, and families M~;;~:·jde Rll~rr <lnd Eln~1 l\leyf'r I

son home Monday evening last la., left Saturday ~fter spending Wayne, were at Wagner's Wednes- herE', also Robert Owens of Bloom- welL' Sunday dinn('J' and after-' week. severn I daYB with, the John R. day last week. field. noon,gU,ests·l<lst wt~rk at Ed \V8rrlI'

Miss Evelyn Andersen of Hol- Jon{'s famHy. The 'I visitors were<$>-·-·---- --- -.-~----~~- ,- -.-----,--... -~~-~~~ MC'ycr's.

drege, who, accompanied Miss Thursday dinn('"~· gu¢sts of Mr. and S th e' 8t W I day evening in the August Wittler Mr [lnd Mr~. KC'nnf'th BecJ;:man Winifred Stephens to Colorado, re- Mrs. John Gasl<Jil. on \" ayne i home. and K('lth of Be;;i\'('r City. called

(By Staff Correspondent.) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heikes of Da- Tuesday eVE'nmg last week at E.

Dollar Day Special



$1 Take advantage of t1li. spe­cial pri!,e at our statiolm Fri­day, August 9.

Jo.:"l.O Chich('st~r spent last we€'k II kota City, were S~nday evening F. Shields'. at Fred Wacker's. I gu:sts last week In the Charles Delmar nnd Harley Heithold and

Miss Marie Post spent Wednes-

l HeIkes home. Janice Junek spent last Wednes-

• day afternoon in the August Wit- Betty Lou Winterstein left Sun- day afternoon in the Otto Heit-: tler home. day last week f~r Scottsbluff to hold home. • Mrs. F. W. Vahlkamp and Miss I spend a ~onth WIth l.fr. and Mrs. Mr. a~d Mrs. Hans Holdorf and : Martha Heier spent Friday at Emili Lest~r Klinger.. daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Edward • Vahlkamp's, MlSS Ruth Hansen, mece to Mrs. Meye:r spent Friday evening at I : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker were I John ~oshom, went to her home Ernest Echtenkamp·s.

Sunday dinnE'r guests last week at i at LeXington Sunday after attend- Mr. and Mrs. August Haase I Otto Saul's, • ing summer school. were In Hartington Thursday to

Peter Reeg of Pierce, called I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. GeJ"leman. of ~e their niece, Mrs. Clemen Sunday afternoon last week at II New Haven, Mo., Mrs. ~tto Gel le- Wiecheland, who is ill. John Reeg's. man and Helen were Friday af,ter- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flege, Mr.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wittler i noon callers at Oscar Hoeman s. nnd Mrs. Franklin Fleg-e nnd ,. Wed d . I Mrs Ben Fallbeck of Dempster, daughter were Monday eveninR

:~nb~~~~,s. nes ay even,.mg at S. D.: and Mrs. Milo Alexander guests last week at Fred Ruser's. Mt'i and Mrs, O. B. Haas and of Long Beach, Cal.. were Monday Mr. and Mts. ByTon Ruth, Mrs.

Rob~t called Thursday evening at gues,ts last w~k at Oscar Hoe- LeRoy DeKat and children were Joliln ~OShorn's, man s. . Thursday dinner guests in the

Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin Fischer I Mr. and Mrs. Ha.r:vey Relbold bert Lambrecht home at .

and etty Fischer called Friday of Norfolk, and Er;~m Hagema~ so~~a~~ .~~\::a~rge evenidg in the Fr~d Brune home. jr .• W,e~t sun~=~a~ ,~~~O;t H~~-

Md. Harry SWlnney and chil- ovemIg gues ~~~Ol~~e;!~~ia~te~~o~ FIren spent Thursday evening in 17 -r1:it~:~'s,Mrs. E. W. Gerleman the C~as. Conn home at Bancroft. . d Mrs. Herbert Meyer

Mrs. ~ay Surber and sons spent ~~dN~~' ';;'~ven, Mo., were Friday Fr~d*:Y In the John Goshorn home . ht ts· the Otto Ml". Surber was also a dinne~ and ove:nug gues In

~est. Ge~;;':nh~~beck of D:empster. Mr. and ~rs. Harold Quinn, S D and Mrs, Milo Alexander of

Laura IJ!lne and Mary J~ne spent r...::,n~' Bea.ch, CaL, spent from Sun­m the H., W. Wmterstein day.to Tuesday last week in the

otto Gerleman home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Roe a and

Bonadel, Mr. and Mrs, Harold QuiIln and family and Mr. ID1;d MrS. H. W. Winterstein spent Mon­

last week in the Joh!,

fantllr ~dra~\"s1i~!' en I RPlblJ.ld·~. - Rt'\. and ::\1r~. G. GI('-<..( hf'n ;,~ d

For :\Irs. Ruser. childn n ldurnhi S,1I111 d.,.,. f: :.J thr('(' trip t{\ \\·I~'UI> I •.

Abcut 3:i rpl<J.tl\·es <md fnend" \\ herr> tfwy __ I:-jlt-d rr ldt:'. ,', Tr"tt::,sriay n·(J1lng

LEADll'IG the parade of 40th Annh'e[sary values is the Firestone Convoy - built with Firestone patet:tted construction featpres which provide extra protection against the dangers of blowouts and deliver lo~ger nOD-skid mileage. And more, it is backed by a written ·Lifetime Guarantee. Equip with a full set of Firestone Convoy Tires today.

,.i, II~,' i


("'.:t,I,.(inl"',·s."·I·I"','·~ D·' 'el 'p'a', 'rtm: "nft,', ,d~l_il'Wi ayn'e",H" er'ald M~::!~ra~~~:~erel N~~~~~~~st!ri~ ~~~~:~=~fjT~t~~:l£= "', ~ ~ III t In Sioux City Monday. , Mr, and Mrs, llia>/=nd ,Ellis gust Lubberstedt's last Wednesday, George /Foote called S~~ay aft- were in Ran~lph las1 We~sday Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ramsey, Mrs,

, ' BY MI S MIRIAM HUS ' I • .. , emoon at W, B, Werner s. with relati""'" ' K, R. lliamsey and Janet were in

Funeral Serv·ce ,IsHeld'Mo day

~ I ' Mr. and. Mrs. J, S. Clawson left Mr. and Mrs. Collik Boyce and Omaha Sunday of last week to pic-

SocSooiaja"liF<>recasHat,plnen0,inits of We, e • __ ro~ 'jlU, ,RC,R'q-C"II' I WII"lln BCh~, uMrclr~rr'Fierdiday ~::~o~ for Hartford, Kan, on a ~":~:e ~!~;!r~riday. evening at ~;c~~'~;:,;:;rg;,n~lI~r~rB~~d~;:' Y e/. lII,rl [;) Mr. and Mrs. Wallace BrubaJ:er I'I.1arie and John Post spent I Gera.ld Hasty ;and daughters of

"6f Norf.olk,....spent Saturday evenmg Tuesday evening last week at I Burlmgton, Ill.!, A.'I.f. and Mrs. Neighboring Circle club meets WI"hSi"de I~ H.lst . Methodist Ulurch, ,'_ .. in Winside. I Walfred C"artson's. ' Clyde Bantz of Ithaca, Mich., Mr.

this Thursday' with Miss Minnie ..., 'IjJ' M' Leo I K kl Mrs, Iler Hansen and family Mrs. Frank Longe- helped Mrs. ann Mrs. Herman Adams of Shen--- I Carsten. 'T (Rev. Gerald Rosenberger, pastor.) lIS na ec er Will Be spent Tt.\esday afternoon last ~eek I Fred Reeg cook fOr threshers. Fri- andoah, la. I\.1rs. 0, R. ~amsey and

Mrs. Lulu Gray Passes Away Contract club meets this 'l'hurs- 0 Firemen Ne t St1nday school at 10 a. m. Serv- Bride of W. D. Crabb in at Art Herscheid's. 'day and Saturday. Mrs. Burt Hasty are SiSters. At Missomi Ho e day afternoon with Mrs, Thorvald ices at 11 a. m. Sioux City Service. Miss Ruth Render went to· Sioux Mr. and Mrs. Lou ~Baler were

Last Friday I Jacobsen. F't D' II EI" d City ~UrsdaY, to visit her m,other , I Sunday afternoon guBt~ .1a!'t week Central Social Circle. • W.F.M.s. "';hich WB!S to have met n Z Imme s ~cte 0 Immanuel Refonn Church. The· marriage of Miss Leona Mrs. Milton 0 Hara. at George Reuter·s. Central Social Circle met Thurs-

Funeral services were he dlMon- i Friday was postponed until this District PresidenC1~ at ' (Rev. Chas. Ried.$el, pastor.) Keckler, daughter of Mrs. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Will Brudigam and :vTr. and' Mrs. Frank Longe vis- day \vTth Mrs, Blame Gettman. Be-day afternoon'at 2:30 for oM s. Lulu Thursday with Mrs. Henry UI- Howells Meeting. No services Sunday 'as the con- Roy Keckler of Sioux City and sons ,were Sund.ay dinner guests ited at Ed. Echtenkamp's la!:>t sides ~lght members guests were Gray, 59, at the Gaebler Neely rich. gregation is invited to attend the form.erly of Winside, and Wilfred at Herman Brudigam's. ~ Wednesday everung. :vflSS Luella Miss Mildred and f4l)erallparlots. Mrs. Gra passed Pegaway ~lub which was to Northeast Nebraska firemen Wfn mission festival £It the Peace Re- D. Crabb of Ames, son of Mr. and Mrs Lena Kieffer of Sioux City, I Mr and Mrs An ld Lund of .:".11"S MaTJone French and MIS::; away Friday;" August 2, a Jeffer- have met this TuesdflY with lVII's. h.old their 1941 con~entiorp. in Wi~- formed church <:It Hoskins. Mrs. A. S. Crabb of Salix, Ia., will returned to her home Friday after WakefIeld, v.ere Thursday evenmg D!1'ris Granquist. A quilt 'vus son· City, Mo. Rev. Geral Rosen- John Heseman has been postQon- slde, the group ;)ccepting'the local bke place Friday afternoon, Au- spendmg the week here guests at Frank Longe ~ worked on for Mrs. Gettman. Mrs. betger, Methodist pastor, I was in ed until this Friday. '; inVitation, last, Thu,rsdaY at unre St. Paul Lutheran Church. gust 9, at 2 o'clock at Grace Meth- Mr and Mrs Ed Lmdberg spent Mr and Mrs Ger€(m Alh In and Waldon Brugger entertains next

Winside cemetery., Social. Dimmel of this place, ils new y Sunday, August II: No English Earl A. Roadman, president of Larson home at Pender mng at Ernfnd AlI\ In s social leader. charge of rites. Burial iWas in meetihg held in HoweIas. Fri Z (Rev. H. M. Hilpert, pastor.) odi.."i church in Sioux City. Dr. ThUrsday and Fnday 10 the Sam I Gene Hansen spent Thursday e\e- tlme with ~r:; BlaIne G('ttman ClS

Deceased's parents, ~ and S '-1 CI I Cl b elected dIstrict presldentf' S d I Morningside college, will read the Mr and Mrs Oscar Swanson and M d" F k L t _______ _ Mrs. Jasper Jones, lived n ar Win- O::ial ~~r~le crub met this Wed- Wm. W'olsberger of Snyder, b ~~~~~~rmuann ~~r:~~~Oat aio:;~:2a~ service, assisted by Rev. Frank famIly spent Sunday afternoon In T~~:~ {':1:~tngranl ~~t on\~::~:t I "'1SSrDE BOARD. side. Lulu Jones was ho April nesday with Mrs. Oscur ,Ramsey. new vice pl'esident, and wernh m. R, ev. W. Petersen of p,ierce, wi,lI BnoCnonS' tPraa',tnorwO,fIIGr:, ,qnegCh~BrCehc'aVu:~~ the Wm Swanson home Gust-Test s at WakefIeld . 11, 18Bl, near Maryville, n The Fischel" of W;lkefield, ~ecretary- be In charge He H,lpert WIll ";otC Mrs Vernon CourtIer of .N, orth I M d MOB H d WlO, Side. Nebraska. Aug. 5, 194Q.

~ St P uJ T_'I 'Aid . v. I d "All f Y ,1,. r. an . rs. . . aas an I The \"lliage board of trustees ~f family moved to WinSid~end de- /,. a.....--...es. treasurer. : speak at a mission festIval at Or- an or au:" 11th MISS Faith Platte, came Saturday to VISIt her Robert WE're Thursday evening , ceased grew to womanho d here. St. Paul Ladies' Aid had a no- A resolution pnssed urged 1041 cHard in the morning. In the eve-' W{~odford or~amst.,and accompa_ mother, Mrs. C. C. Paulk, guests at ,John Go«horn's. the ~:llage of Wlllslde N:brask • Lulu Gray was married. t Harris host guest day meeting Wednes- fire departmenl,; to fight <1gain)";t ning Rev. Hilper~ will marry his nl.st. ~ receptiOn wdl follo",,: at the Mrs. Wm. Wade, Mr. <lnd. Mrs. :\1r. and Mr;=;. Wm. KrallTn.a[] and :-~~ d~re~~~~~ spe~::~t~:'i~lFc;w ; H. Gray December 25, 1901 at day at thE' church. espionage and sabotage. brother, Arnold Fiilpert, and Miss brIdes home. The couple. will then Lyle Wade cailed Tuesday p\Cnrng I Alvin spent Su.nda y afternooo last . . Winside. Mr. and Mrs. Gra moved Trinity Ladies' Aid. F. J. Dimmel, Gilbert Eckdt, Esther Wolff at Chadron, Neb. j(>ave for th(> Black Hills, Yel- last week at W. B. Werner's, WE'f?"k at George Berger'~. C E .. ~emhoof. chalrr~~n. ~. L. to Sioux City, la., and Ijj there Trinity Ladies' Aid met yester- Etsel WIlson, LOUIS Rehmus, Frarik Sunday, August 18: No services ]owstone and Denver. On their Norma Trampe. retu~('d ~or~e I ~. and ~r". Am~ Echtenkamp ~:~IYF. ~.:.ryFl~er~r·tru.Ls~;t~~~ until Mr. Gray's death fn August, day·afternoon at the church base- Fleer. Edwald WeIble dnd Fradk or Sunday :;chool. I ~(.t~trn /hey WIll be .at home the Saturday from. ~l?llX ~lty v.hele i and famJiy spent Thursday £·\'e- E. T. Warnemunde, ·,·dlage clerk.

Wl~~nLdM!" Gray was jb/Uried in ment with Mrs. Martin PfeIffer ~(~~I~iHnt~7~c~ed the ~onventJ( n I '1 - I~I!, w~er~e~~e~be~OiJ~g St;~~~~~ Sh~l~~da~,:~%~t~b!~~en:~~lltinn Ii nl~, .,'r,atan


",H~_Ra, GC~be'C~tauDmeanr'g~"rg The mInutes of the la!'t regular I S1 e. and Ml's. Carl Ritze as hostesses. I Trinl .v Lutht".ran Church. ,.. "".v ,y!, ~ l.i, L.K""

Mrs. Gray had spent t e past • (Rev. H. G. Knaub, pastor.)' ~~g:;y)r~!op~I~~e~Ot~~~l~~d SC~ioemcooll= and famIi~ spe-nt SUnday in the i were- Sunday dInner guests m the ~:~.tl~ga~;e:~e::r~:. ~:~()~~~ ten years with her son, orge H. M. E. League Meets. Good Rmns Fall SundClY: No services or Sund',IY j('ge, Ames. Charles MItchell home at Waus.a· r Walfrffi Car~f)-n horne last\veek. Gllay at ,Jefferson City, ~O. Be- M. Eo. League mpt Tuesday E'\"('- L. h I Th .. t Miss ~ose.mBry Neely left Sat- i :'.1r. and Mrs. Rov Spahr and The follOWing bJlls were rt'od. sides her son, Mrs. ~rpy leaves a ning at the church. Audr('y Fur- " In This V,icirlit, Y I ~ (~% ·our

e ~~~:;~~~~~on ~~t~~~~~ Ml"s Keckler will be given in urday for ~mneapohs to stay with I family \~·PrP Tllb~!ay f'\·enmg .wdlted and upon motIon nllowed daughter, Mrs. Robert S ruvp of ran and Betty Werner wcre in WmsJelc ilnd community rec'eIV- church for a mis:;ion ff'stival. ;J:~·l~~a~~ ~rc~:ood~o*~~, b~dej~ Mrs. MaUrIce Hoffman a wee-k orl gU~ts ];l.~t WN'k at F.rnffld A1I- ilnrl wilrrantl; nrdf'ff'd drawn:

;~~e~~;'g;.~dS~~e st<l~~,> a~g~~;r ~har~e to f ~he ~ia~d ~me band ed .63 oj an inch of ram Sunday Luther League meets this Thurs- gown will be of ivory satm fash" tw~. B. M. McIntyre and John I Vl~~ and !or1r!' VlrgJi rhRmh€'r!' rn~~~<;;~l<lio~'~~~/~~\~~b. $4035 vived by five ·si~ters ; d' 'tw~ unc eolnd er 1 \a d osen er- ('veni~g" a~d .1 of an inch Monday day f'venin):!;. . Honed with sweetheart necklme, plan.ned to lea.v~ Monday for Con,- 'I ~Ind dflllght(~ ;lnd Frank Kr1"1 A C Gablf'r. Mgr. BlIl~ paId ibrothers. ger was evo IO~ ea cr. 1 ~~~~~~~g ~j~~~~'{~~('~~(lt~(~~)~i~~~ at ~hoir rehf'arsa.l F,ridny eVf'ning tight bodice and full skirt extend- nectlcut to VISIt Dr. McIntyre;; I "'):X'nt Sunr:l3Y l:Jst we-ek at Ed. tor <lUdltOrlUm 863

Those here for the funeral were Loyal Neig.hbor"s Meet. being bl()wn off. A~gust 1R: Sun,d;lv school <:It 10 i,?to"11 tar"mt,atihnc, bTaic~kYosfatlhinc dbrUest·s two :;Isters. I Grubb·.~ A. (' Gilbler. Mgr. Water Mr, and Mrs, Jim Wilson of Pipe. . Loyal Nelghbo", club mel Thu,,~ -- a, m, Services a't I~ 0, m, I,om 'nerk to W""t, The long an~~i.'~;:rc~:~rd H:~ad:U';;:~;: 'Ie- "relv,n Longe and daugh- L b~1 f~' ~ud~or~~~"'lstadt, 16,56 stone, Mmn., Mrs, Roy C.!~ne, Mrs. day aiterno0n WIth Mrs. Harr) W· 'd Lo 1 Mission fpstl\·al SeptembC'r I te-r and "!\Tr<; Fnnk Longe ·were nans Christensen and ~\ls. Cora ~a~sen, with Mrs. C. F. Ha~s€'n .US- Fred Erx~::;n :r A~~nD, calle<] Re\'.' W. Chu;chill of' Bennmgton: ~~('~\~;hi~~f~~e ~ri~<;~~ wflio~~~e~~ ~u~i~dea~r?~~;er guests of MIs:;. Thur!'da): IU"~1 hp;'m gw.'sts JD the L. Ltm~r ~fjr ,:u~I\r~~~~:'dt, 24.81 Jones Q[ Gettysbu~g, S. D .• ,.Mr. and slstmg: Seven me:nbe:s wel.e ples- Sunday ot Rn H. M. Hilpert's. speaks at the morning services <It 1 p!))nts. Her double flounced fin- ~r. and I Mr~. Verne Troutman i Rurlolph Kay home LI6"ht pole" 588 M,rs, T. C. Goodall of~eff~rson enLAfterthebusm,e,ss,n"e,etm,gand R 11. Rpv. Kopnig of Wisner, will gr,'-tlp I"ngtl' ,'e,'1 of tulle t",'m. Mrs F B Kuns of Lusk W,'o 1669 C t M M d M H it h t d c\' 'lnd ;vIrs H M Hilpert c , ,of Broadford, Va., who are viSIting I .... '.., \I,,'ayne Herald. Pnntl!lg G~:~ a:ci' fa~i~yn of .t~~er e~~~ity: I ~~:~~' i~~ch~~~~se-s SCI \ (' a on<.>- c<:lll~d· o'n M;s.· ·Arnold "E·ckert and give th ... <:lfternoon address at 2:30. rnf'd with point lace will f3.11 from in the Clmt Troutman home, have came Sunday to help CClre f0T her Interstatf' Vi<lchmery & Sup-Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Struve SI, Paul Le'~'e, baby Saturday evening. ,~rin.,'de Local ;1 tIara o.f seed. pe<lrls and r~me- been ill WIth the flu. mother. ).[rs C. J Ellb. at. the ply Co. Waste Ii 44 of Sikestone, Mo. _... Rev and Mrs. H. M. HIlpert and ~t<lnL'S. ShC' wlIl c<Jrry an lvo.ry Mary Alice Prince of Sioux CIty, FLymrmd EllJ,.. hor:w. elt .... Market. Sale & soap 315

P~llbearersLwere C. E. BenshOOf, St. Paul League met Thursday Jnnice Ip;lVf' Sund;lY from Chadl- Mr. and Md. G. A. Mittelst.ldt "llk embroider·f'd handkerc-hlef returned home Saturday after :VIr. ;]t,d ~r'-. James Mabe-o and N '\\" Bell Tf'lp Co., Phone Herman Fleer, Fred Niemann, H. 'evening. Hennetta. and Edwin ron f()r the BI;H"k Hil!s nn ::1 \·ac:jl- Wf're in Pender Tupsdny. tb<lt hN mothE'r had at her wed- spending the summer WIth her fJmJly Wf'rf' Suncl.ny ;lftern('(Jll rf'nt;ll and foIl .'._, 4.25

G. Trautwein, Fre'd Bright and T. ~~~l:~~Par~'~t~o;~ ~:lrb~~ ~;~ ~~; tiO~·rs. Hf'lt,tl Erxl('be~ hn.s bC'~n ~P~~sSl~~~a:~ R:~7~ts ~::v;,~:ah;~ ~~~F·:~); .~~~~~'~as7;;~·e:os~.uquet gr~~:~~h~'r!'~~~·F~~~a::;~I~'nd I ~l~~~~dl~~;·~~:.~nct;e L{'(ln;lrd Fd~~II:~12k~ - ~!<)r!'(' Co., 1~ ,~.19 J. Pryor. 'entert .... dnment. The group was fC- quite ill. Rev. ;md Mrs H. M. Hia- Elnd Mi;:;s Bess. 'I \oIlS;:; Vlrgmin All!"'n of Sioux Da\·id of Emerson spent Satur-I Mr <lnd Mr<; Ceorgc StnnE> and D t "!'.Iu H u-e HQm ,<:

To League Meeting. of"gani~d. Julius Eckert IS preSl- pert calk(j on !wr Friday nno S:l~- Mr. <md Mrs. M;]rtin Pfeiffer CltV. ;lnd MIS,", WIlma Babcock of day .eveni~g w;th ·Mr. and Mr.,. 1 M:-S. ~T()or~ of C{)lend~. WNl' I;r;; ~ll<;~~C () ~ . .. ~K7.~:f: ~'~?4i NorriE: Weible and. C. B. Mis- dent; Werner Janke, VICe' prrsi- urday. ond fatnily WE'r(> Sund3Y guC'!'ts at, ;\II()\·llle. bridesmaids, will wear EdWin Ulnch and James Brackpn I Sundny :<:llppE'r <lnd ()v('rnl~ht A. C G,lblPr, Mgr, MISC. . .. \'q,:~,,;,

ide-nt; Henrietta Vahlkamp, Sf'CT"C- Dr·. ,(Od Mrs. L. P. Mittc]st<l{lt Non·is' Weiblp's. ' I fluor lC'ngth powder blue taffe1..""l ;\IIr. and Mrs. L.."luntz Han<;f'n 1 gUf'"Sts at Art C<lmpbf'll"~. bill!-. p;wi 1439., :~tag~~~n~:;ti~~e o~i~~t~~g ~~~ tary; Gilbert Eckert, treasurer. <lnd family of Pender, spent SUttl- Gordon Fisher spf'nt th(' wf'ek- @no (,<lrry colonial bouque-ts of and Mane and ~r. and Mrs. ('"hn... :\Tr<:. C<lr! E\ ]f'n :lnd Sheldon· Tf'xas Comp:lny. Oli 3651

d,1Y aftr'moon In the- G. A. 1-litt(..J- end \\:ith Ce-cil Harper in the £\·-1 pink and whlt(' dW,nrf asters. Miss Jensen and family spent Sunday We,'" ,n SIOUX rlt,v Tue<:day Jnd ~ James A. Bracken. Band League at Wayne Mondaylevening. I" I For Mt Jorgensen. stadt home erett Harper home. ConstancE> Gall, SIOUX CIty, will aft~rnoon last wf'ek at Peter Jen- Wedne,-rla:.· la!'"t wef'"k \·I!'lting- r('la- dlre<:tor 100 00

Daughter Is Bom~ Guests in the M. Jorgen.~en home Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Hilpert ca]J- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bronzynski I bp maId of honor and will wear sen~. . tlV~ ;Jnd <ltt('ndlOg thf' clr("U~ H F SlmCln. TelephlJnp ellis 460 Friday·evenlng for Mr. JorgenS(~n'3 eO. on Mr·.';. EVf'rett \\'itte ;md io- were Sunday e\'C'ning gu('st" in the r pInk shf'll taffeta s.imilar t.o the Mrs. Henry Carst.en and c-hll- :'.1rs Lnzetta StE'<.'kelberg ;Jnrl i G C FranCI~. Labur f!Jr July 6000

A daughter weighing 5. }Xlunds birth~Jy,were Mr. a~d Mrs. Roy fa~t daughter in :1 \V:I:vne h!lspit:il FrC'd WIttier home. oth('r.~. Her arm bouquet Wll\ be dren and Mrs. W~. Koepke .spent son uf Frpmunt. W(Tl' Sunday aft- lET Wam('munde. S;:lbry

:r~.4E~~~~~\~Vi~:eb~~I~~d:'· ~~~ i~~~~~:r~r p~~~~('~~m~~.' a~~· ~:~~ I Fr~a~, f'~;J~!~I:t~c11 ,1nd Mr~ Au- Ah·i~h;c~:~;l:l~r-~Ir~ ~r~Ol~~(' ~~.~: I ::llPtr~l:p:~~~~ ~;~\~~ h~~~~a~~n3~~P~~~ ~.~~a~;~:rn~~ l~~eenFe~~~~;~~! II :~~~nlOant~e ~~~~:t ~;~:rstl~~: H.a;~ ~~~~~;dl<:lry ~; 66 ,gust 1, at. a Wayne hospi,tal. She ,'MauriC~ Hansen and sons, Mr. Hnd I g;usta Schm()(k (,f. Norful.k, s.pent Schmodc home. '1 m:ll('hlng their bouquets. blrMth'~,SaYE'thel '-w,'s arr"v-~ home homE'. . .\A


, s",'mbaICnr,'s"'a'-I'aloryry 1:)2-~, ,°0°0 has -been nameci Mary Louise. This Mrs .. Charles Jorgensen and fam-. Thur!1d;lv In thf' C. A. ::\1Itte]<;!adt Jack Davenport returned hmllC' CE'{':1 Crabb. brother of tl1f' " Lot:' <;.'U .,

i!_the first Child. in the Ifamil~. li.Iy .. ,Mr. and Mrs: Chris Jorgensen I and Mr; Corn S('hmor1(' hnme<(. MO, nday from peter<',burg .wherc he I bndegroom, will !'l'n·C' as best Thursday eVE'ning from AUstm, T~e Adam Reeg and Henry Reeg! Cpnn motlon nh:\oe and C'arrifO'd. ,and!a ily,. Gilbert Sundahl, Miss ~iss Cnl"ri(' tLlll.Q'n flf N()rf()I~, had spent the week-pnd, In;)n. Texas, where she had spent six faml1ies were Sunday dmner and: Henry Fleer was lmtrtlcted to

Attend Fullera.l Services. Adelm and Robert Hoe-fencr. Emll Synm'pr of Plf'!"CC. 1\11". ::f!1d Mrs. Gf'orgf' CabIN, Mrs. Frpd M!"s. KC'ckler will wear street- weeks with Mr. and Mrs Harold luncheon gue,.ts l<l::.t week <.it Frpd . order PflC(' ilst for drum major MI'. and Mrs. Herman PodoU Mrs. MaurJce Han.<;en ;.Ind Larry WJttler, Mr:;. Hf'nry LoebsaC'k Clnd length blue cre-me trimmed in Thompson. Reeg·s. Glendora 'Yletlng- wns an'

anq family, atten'ded funeral serv- Picnic in Colorado. werf' in BRmer S:ltllnby evc'ning. Ann Noreen were In Wayn(> Fr 1-1 W]lltf' WIth n;Jvy und whIte acces- MISS Virginia Troutman leaves afternoon guest. ices at Norfolk Sunday fior Mr. A gnoup of former Wnyne coJ- Mr. ;-InrI J\.Tr~. C:n] TnllltnUln and d:1Y. . I S(jn('~ Thp bridegroom·s mother this Friday or Saturday for NeVi Rc\·. F C Doctor ;ind Robert Podoll's sister, Mrs. Martha Wich- lege students who <.Ire at Gredey, family W{'l"f' SllOrl:iy rlinnf'J' gu('sts M.r. and Mrs. Curtis ~()ntC' <ln~I·1 \I,"lil w(ar black embroidered silk York City and from there ...... ill sail Fr<lhm W('H' '-iohd<JY a!tM""n()Un ert. Mr. Podolts cousins who Colo., this summer, had ;1 picnIC in thf' He\·. H M. Hllpf'r·j home. famIly and Mrs. C;Jrl Rltz(' ca]j!'d jet~y WIth LlCCeSSOrles of black. for Porto Rico where she will {"~dl('r.; j:J<;t w('('k at AU.I!u,.l Lub- ('rly. were also here for the rites werE! Sunday, July 28, in the mOllntallls'l Ray Ebm("YfT of Laurr-l. 'Ind Miss Sunday afternoon at Fred Wltt~ I and \' hlte Each v..JlI hCi\£' a shoul- tea('h next year. bl'rst('(")t"~. Herman Stllf'be of: Wln- Cp()n motlOn made and carried, Mr, and Mrs. Chris Boseck of At- at Colq.rado for Mr and Mrs Rav Adelillf' FI Wf' (' 1 tIer s d Mrs. H. G. Trautwf'in acrompa- sl<k. \\",lS an (,\,~lni! guc:-t. the Board adjourned. I t' I M d M J E Hickml.m and BOb· of Lon~ont, I in the e\'e~~~·g, r [ll1nf'r guC's sider COl sage of gar enlas . d M d M Ed Bahe and Mr and Mr!'. Wm Going c1f I E. T. Warnemunde, ;~i~~ :f" A;~:,n Ia., r~rs~m~lPh 0 h h " Mrs Bert Hornby, MIs.." Mernil B<lo..kpts of \~ hltp gladIOli, palms nra,em"ly.I.'or'r aWnayn :, 'to' Br· ush, C()lo .. Pende', 'Ir, and ',Ies, B,I=r ',Iey.[· aSt! Village Clerk.

Colo. t ers in t e group ·were I Rev. Hnd Mrs. H. M. Hllper·t and Hornby ~d Lennie M~f' Bnnn~ I <ll1d cannf'labr(lS wJiI deLOI flte the .. ' , jV lot , &~

Banlett of Undcrwood, Ta. ~r·L~~~el~r~·r.C~I~~n,~t"~~C~,\~~~~~ ~~~'i~~~~~'~.f'l!~~l(,~~;:~ ('i~('~~nf'g ~~,-. ~;:~~ In :1yn(' Thllls ay ,lftN- (hurch ~~~~:~eit~ ~~%te.in the Aron~1 ----- IN EVERY EMERGENCY Mrs. Mattie Nurnberg is staying Buschqamp of Hartmgton, MI". and H. A. Hllpf'r1 home ;It Piel"cP Mr. MI and Mr sOH W:Jx of Imo- Mr. and Mrs. Enos Williams and

at the Rev. H. M. Hilpert home Mrs. Otis D('('ker (If Norlh Bend, ,inri Ml"<:. C\[:lS. Tlmm. Mrs. Hm- gPllE' Id, came' FllddY tn \ ISlt Ml Winside Local family and MISS Cora Jenkins Plumbing and Heating Experts - Every Job Guaranteed while I the Hilperts are 'On their IvtJ's. Id1a Malchow, M1SS C{'cli MC-llOW Timm and childrpn of Evnn- John Hamm and famdy. Thl' \-Tl nnr! Mr:-: Fred Enckson w('re spent Thursday evening in R b t PI nth· & H t· c vacation. If anyone wish~s to get C~lrter Mr. and Mrs, Neal Gl'ubb :;tnn, Ill., W(T£' als(l there. Mr nnd Indies (Ire si.~ters. ! in Norfolk Friday afternoon. Ben Lewjs home With Mrs. Dean 0 er S U Lng ea Lng o. in touch with Rev. Hilpert, M.rf'l. ot Wisher, Mi~s Helen W('hling of Mrs. Ch,Hlf's T,imm If'ft l<lst W{,rI- Miss Fl'(>da Wplble and MI ~.l Re\'. and Mrs. Gerald Rosenber- l Baird Qnd daughter. Phone HOW 1 O. S. ROBERTS Wayne, Neb. NUl'nberg will be able to give him UlliN, MI'. and Mrs. Floyd Ale-x- n('sdil:V for hom(' nnr! Ml''l Hnrlow Schoth of Lincoln. spent from SClt-1 ger called at G. A. Lewis' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lundak of the information, CInder bnd Billie of Herman. Tlmm <:lJn] {'hJJdl'l'n ]"('m'alned. urday (lve-ning to Sunday evening Miss Norma Frese is spending Sioux City, spent the wee-k-end in -------

Winsid Wel~Qmes Northeast· Nebraska to the Wayne County

etltlers' Picnic

i P*k'S PIw,J'ma~y Fo tain ~ervice - Druis

. C. C. Paulk, PropJ


penry Fleer , 'oes and Dry Goods


.dr" N" DUman

in the. Ed. Weible horne. this wf'"('k with Mrs. Louis \Vil- the Burt Lewis home. Mrs. Lewis Mrs. Henry Reuter of Syracuse, lers. returned home with them after

who is visiting in the L. G. Ko('h Burt Lewi" :md Lavern Lewis spending since Thursday there home, spent last Wednesday after- WE're at Neligh Monday on busi- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Witt and noon wJth Mrs. Fred Wittler. ness. son, John, of Southgate, Cal .. left

Mr. ~nd Mrs. F. J. Dimmel. Mr". Mrs. Fred Darome spent Satur- for their home Thurroay after yis-A. T . .chapin and Mrs. Mayme day evening with Mrs. Christina iting since Tuesday in the Fred Boyle. the last l')f Portland. Ore., SUf'hl. "ritt home. The men are brotHc~. were ito Dlxon Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erickson at- Clint Troutman. Miss Neville

Mr. and Mrs. Art Munson and t('nded the Heikes fnmily reun\on and Miss Virginia attended the s?m. Carol nnd Conrey .. of Wakc- at thE' Wilyn(' park Sunday. Virginia picnic at Norfolk Sun­fJeld, w("re ?unday evenmg lunch- Mrs. Burt lRwis, Mrs. Lavern day. Miss Virginia Troutman rC'­e:on guest...:; tIl the Dr. R. E. Gorm- Lewis and Mrs. Gerald Hick.s were mainro to visit friends until Man-ley home. in Norfolk last Wednesday.

Rev. and Mrs. H. M. 'Hilpert and Emil Synovec of Pierce, and Janice called Friday evening on Gurney Hansen were in Concord Art Brummond who is rpcovering Sunday afternoon on business. nicely from wounds received from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nurnbcrg a :-.hot gun. and family were Sunday evening

Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Jones, Mr~. callers in the Gustav Koll home. Forest Smith and son, Forest. of Miss Helen Stefen of Wayne. Hugo, Colo., arrived Saturday eve- spent last week and is spending ning to visit relatives and friends thi~ week in the Ferdinand Voss here two weeks.

Dr. and Mrs. N.· L. Ditman werp Friday evpning dinner guests in the George Vahle home at St.an­ton honoring Dr. and Mrs. Lowell Hold of Fresno, Cal.

ho~: .. and Mrs. Hugo Fischer and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Rev. Wm. Fischer home at Wayne.

day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hinzman of

Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Edwm Meierhenry and family and Mr. and ·Mrs. Reuben Puls and family of Hoskins, were Sunday guests at Jacob Miller·s.

Mr. and Mrs. Kent Jackson and family and Miss Hazel porter left Thursday for Danville, Va., to visit relatives. Mr. Jackson's par­enL<; are there and Miss Porter a sister and brothers.

Dollar Day Special Friday, August 9

5 Quart

Change of Motor


Regular S 1..25 value


• -Phone 110--

fisher's Garage Neb.

Mrs. Herman Fleer and Mi~s Adeline were in Norfolk Sund,l)' visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bleich, They also attended. the funeral of Mrs. Marth~"Wichert.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Cary and fam­ily attended. a Cary family reun­ion at Madison Sunday. Aoout 55 attended.

Rev. Wm. Fischer of Wayne, ond Miss Hattie Fisc-her or Chicago. were Thursday dinner guests in the "Hugo Fischer home.

Mr. and Mrs. Reese DeBord and Phyllis of Chattam--HiJl. Va., who had been at Pierce visiting. and

Mrs. Jennie Troutman of Plain-II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vIew, came Tuesday to the Clint Troutman home to visit a few

Mr. and Mrs. M. jorgensen. Jens Jorgensen, :Mrs. Jens Thompson, the last of Wayne, went to Oak­land, la., Thursday to attend the funeral at Irwin Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Warnemun­de and Bradley Lee left Tuesday for Truman, Minn., for a few days. David Dee Warnemunde stayed with' Mrs. l1dnmett Molgaard.

Dr. and Mrs. N. L. Ditman and son were at Stanton Sunday eve­niJ?g .tor a picnic supPer iIi the C. L.' Ditman home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave bitman and family of Oma­ha. were also there.

MisS Carr~e Hansen of Norfolk, Itbe ~eek-end in the H. C.

home. Emil Synovec of , , :wd Mrs, Maurice ~n-

50~S and Pete Hansen S*nday dinner gueSts,

, Will Hart, Mr. and r - .. ">' I'· yv.,. o~ Blair,

and an\! Mrs. !.any gUests

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Carsten and son, Warren, and Henry Siphley of Wisner, caned in the Fred Siph­ley home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. He-nnan Frese- and family,spent last Wednesday eve­ning iJi the .G. H. Albers home Wisner for Mrs. Albers' birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Suehl and family, Mrs. Carl Niemann, Mrs­Fred Siphley, Etta ahd Harold spent Sunday afternoon with MrS. Christina Suehl.

Mrs. J, C. Rosenbaum, Hovendick and Miss

spent Tu~day last J. Misfel4t home. Miss

arr'mg'~m"~~. to at-

days. Miss Bernice Hoffman of Bush­

nell, Miss Phyllis Ruhlow of Wau­sa, Miss lone Anderson of Pierce, came Wednesday 'to visit in· the Herman Podoll home un1il the last of this week. The girls are. ~ieces of Mr. PodolL

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Troutman and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Trout­man and Connee Sue, Mrs. Charles Misfeldt and Shirley. Rev. and Mrs, Gerald Rosenberger were Sunday afternoon callers in the Clint Troubnan bome.

Elkhorn Valley Finance Company


• Furniture Loans • Automobile Loans

• fa-Siliner Loans

her sister; m. supper luncheon. 8 p. m. for a few i Bible study.


I days. "i Sunday, August 11, at 10 a. m. Miss Arina: V. L*rson of Rock Sunday school in assembly. Talk

Island, JUriS visitihg at the Rev. by some pastor. 10:45 a. m. holy W. T. Che'Il borne. Miss, Larson is communion services. Address by sister of Mrs~ Chell~ She is prin- Rev. N. H. Pearson. Sermon, 8tu-

nic will be had. something in li~e pkkies, 'sauce, cake, .

The Woman's Missionary society has b€€n postponed until Satur:" day. August 17.

I Frankl !Mariani won a 'bet by eating two 'bowls of soup, three portio~s I of ,spaghetti and balls, eight roast beef dinners with; potato~ an~ vegetables and a roast chicken. He said he'd eat dessert .but sweets disagree with him.

An Illinois man sat down to look at war pictures in the week­ly illustrated paper he received from the postman. He saw war

e~;~r:s bi~ ~~h~~:tp!~~~,d d~~:~ April 5, 1917, had been more than 23 yeats arriving at its desination.

Governor R. L. Cochrah, guest speaker for the dedication of Wayne's airport' .July 2~, was greeted by Russell Bartels. chairman of the Chamber of Commerce aviation committee.

Mrs. Brownley, .aPt' of IOWf;l, ~uf­fered a second brok n arm Witpin a month. She broke one when ~he stumbled and the O~her when ~he fell from a chair. I •

• - I

A Brahma steer, tl~e variety that is native in. ASia, I~rrived at the Sioux City market last week from Atkinson where tnl' animal had

',been used in rodeos. The Brahmas resist feed shortage, extreme heat and insect infestatio . Their frame i;; smaller .than miqwestern cattle.

Louis Middel, 21, was relieved when he got a ticket for speeding at Denver. He told the judge ~e was taking $4;000 to a bank when an automobile began chasing him. His pur-s;u~rs tur;ned out to be

!. policemen.

Whooping Indians and jitter-I 'bugs took the place of a speaker

at an Oklahoma school commence­ment. School officials decided to replace the usual speech with an historical pageant, depicting the development of the dance.

A st. Louis policeman was kill­ed with his own gun. He stooped to pick up a nickel on -the street and his revolver fell from its holster and discharged.

Two hours after Francis Can­ton, 41, died of a heart attack while sitting in a chair, his tWin brother, Raymond, arrived to :make funeral arrangements and he too died of a heart attack be­side the same chair.

Kansas City poUce squad wai.ted at an intersection and wondered

/ why they d·idn't cateh any speed­~:/:, _,ers. A It\Otorist told them to go 'f~:~, p,orth a h'alf block. Offie~rs did and ~1~;:~~::F~OtInd there a sign, "Warning, 1 ,. :Speed Trap Ahead."

, Davfd Windle, 17, driving an

CONCORD Mrs. E. J. Hughes

old car to make rural paper de­liveries, met a wagon in I Harvey Spencer, 7, was being tak­en out,' of the hills aiter the lad had been shot in the lung. David rushed the boy 25 miles to a hos­pital in Spokane, Wash., gavell~~~~~~~~~~~~l!! blood for a transfusion and then dashed off to deliver hIS papers, He had told doctors he would fur­nish blood if he could recover in time to make his paper route. He did.

Probably the only occasion when snakes stopped a train IS re­corded in 1 western Nebraska. Snakes being shipped to this statc for carnival appearances were found to have gotten out of their box. The train halted while offi­cers searched for the snakes.

His name was Mudd in more ways than one. Officers stopped a man in a car and asked, "What's your ,name?" The man replied, "Mudd." "I should say it is," an­swered the officer. "That car you­'re in is stolen."

A 2-year-old New York girl wedged her head between the iron rails of her crib when her doll fell to the Hoor. It took a police emer­gency squad equipped with hack­saws to free hel', uninjured.

A daughter born in the John Ruckelshaus family in Indian­apolis was the first girl in the family for seven generatIOns.

D. L. Holbrook of Arizona, can testify that fish were really biting. A 22-inch troutr nipped him so se­verely that he rneeded fIrst Bld treatment for a wounded hand.

A 7-weelc-old bulldog fellBO fect from the municipal- bridge at Louisville, Ky., and was alive when rescued. Guardsmen said no other living thing had survived a drop from the span,

Ed. Allen left fOL' the race meet at Bedford, la., Monday.

Alma and Walter Vollers spent Sunday at George Vollers'.

SylVIa Pearson called in the Rudolph Swanson home July 27.

Mrs. Joe Carlson spent Thurs­day in the Laverne Peterson home.

Thos. Erwin. John C.arlson and Chas. Nelson were in Norfolk. Sat­urday.

Harvey Luth of Denver, spent the week-end III the Ernest Ech­tenka..-np home.

Mrs. Eric Nelson and children were guests in the Gust Kraemer home Saturday.

The James Hank family called in the Ernest Echtenkamp home Sunday afternoon.

Miss MIldred Swanson helped Erna Blohm cook for July 25, 26 and 27.

Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Nelson and Doris called in' the Em1l Swanson home Monday evening.

Mr. and Mr:;. C. L. Smith of Ponca, were Sunday ,dinner guests i.n the E. E, Fisher home.

Bonnie Erwlfl was a Wednesday overn1ght guest of Yvonne Erw-in in the W. A. Erwin home.

A. J. Coleson and Bernice of Wau!'a called III the G. O. John­son home Sunday afternoon.

The George Magnuson family visited in the CeCIl Warren home Monday afternoon last week.

Gu:;t Carlson and daughter, Hel­en, were Sunday afternoon vis1tors in the Axel Fredrickson home.

MisS Mildred Swanson was a caller in the rIenry Blohm and Jim Kingston homes July 30.

Mrs. Frank Carlson, Minnie and Opal helped Mrs. Arthur Ander­son cook for threshers Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Axel Fredrickson Clnd ClIfford VIsited in thc Reuben

Mi~ Glennie Bacon, who teach- Johnson home Tuesday cvening. es in the university at Laramie, John and Charles Swanson were Wyo., and who is spending the ,fallers in the Rudolph Swanson summer at her home in Randolph, home last week Sunday evening. was ih Wayne Friday to get Miss Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Peterson Mildred Bacon who was attending and son Were Sunday dinner college here. Miss Glennie will be gucsts 111 the Joe Carlwn home,

AI table mOJje than two miles at home until the middl~ of Sep- M~s. Thos. ErWIn and Waldo long was erected through the tember wh<-n she Ieavc;s for her Johnson helped Mrs. Glenn Mag-heart the dty at Ontario, Cal., teaching. nuson Gool< for threshers Friday.

;4ii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:. Bonnie Erwin wa~ a Sunday

As we are lea;ving the atate, will sell all of our home furnishing at the Wayne Sales Pavilion, on

Saturday, August 1 0 Sta.ting at 1 :30 o'clock

Circulatinll Heater .i3 Bed.

3 Dressers ,:

4 Linoleum Ruga, 9;'12, 9xl0V" 9x9, 9,.7 Aladdin Lamp, 3 lamps

1 Gas Iron, 3 Flat Irons I Scale 12 Shades 1 Ironing Board' 1 Uantern 1 Cob'Box 1 Bench 1 \VIeat ISaw , crobks, I 'J a.s : CBJned, GOods ~ , KetlleB ilDd Di~ e~ Duot M~p. , Tools I' , 1 Cabinet Sewlint Ma­


dinner guest in thc Ed. Carlson

I home, a guest of Marian Carlson.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morton of Hartington, were dinner guests in the Richard Johnson home Satur­day.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Doescher and farr.ily were guests in the Glen Rice home Tuesday evening last week.

M'l'. and Mrs. Rudolph Swanson and Mildred were visitors in the Gust Swanson home Sunday eve­ning.

Lorraine, Mabeljean and Ruth Peterson of CatToIl, were visitors in the D. A. Paul home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gunnar­son and Verlie Mae were callers in the Albin Carlson home Thurs­day afternoon.

Rev. and Mrs. O. W. Swaback and family were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gunnarson Friday evening.

Mrs. Reuber Goldberg's mother, Mrs. Henry Holmberg, of W~e­field, is spending two weeks in the Goldberg hO'1le.

The Gust and Herman Kraemer families atteI)ded a family picnic in the Wayne park Sunday. There were 27 present. ,

Mr. and Mrs. dscar Bjorklund and children i of Wakefield. were SUnday afternoon visitors in the Olaf'Neison Home.

MI'. and Mrs. James Hank and were ~ong tho~e who at­the ,~ssion festival at

Sulnday. Mrs. ROy . Johnson

Wy" Ander-

morning. Mildred returned with them to aid her sister, Mrs. J ely Mattes, with threshers. Mrs. Geo. Mattes also helped. , Mr. and Mrs. Leland J ohman and son and Milton Johnson Were supper guests in the Frank Carl­son home Sunday evening.

Mrs. Henry Anderson and daughters and Mrs. Robert An­derson visited in the Frank Carl­son homc Tuesday afternoon.

MarjOrie Paul went to Kingsley, la., Thursday to be a guest of Miss Jessie Sherwood until Sunday eve­ning when she returned home.

Rachel and Faith Ann Kingston were callers in the Rudolph SW8n­son home July 25. Rachel spent July 26 with Mildred Swanson.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Doescher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malmberg visited in the Fred Rc­WInkle home Sunday afternoon.

Miss Mildred Swanson was a c<lller in the Henry Blohm home Friday afternoon to hear her birthday dedicatlOns ovcr U1e ra­dio.

Mrs. Emil Thies and family and Mi~s Edna Swanson brought Gcr­thy Swanson home Saturday Lift­

er she !'pent three weeks WIth them.

Mr. and Mrs. Gereon Alivin <lnd Mr. and Mr:;: Albert Anderson and Beverly were luncheon guests in thp N. ID. Anderson home Sund<lY afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nelson and Arthur, ML and Mrs. Waldo John­son and Ward Peterson Wf'rc Sun­day dinner guests In the Thos. Er­win home.

Mane and E\·elyn Kunz of Scribner, visited from Thursday afternoon till Saturday ,afternoon in the home of their brother, Lu­dolph Kunz.

Mrs., Nettie Hart and son, Paul, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Borg and sons and Lois June Hart enjoyed a family picnic at the Ponca state park Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Wall and Roger, Gail Hughes and Paul Hart attended a lumberman's conven­tion and banquet In Sioux City last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Ncls¢ln and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Swanson and Twlla we're CoIfter­noon and supper guest:; in the Gco. Schl'oeder home.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Magnuson and Arlen were Sunday dinner guests in the C. J. Magnuson home. The Arthur Johnson family were afternoon \'isitors.

Ralph Smith and son, Gerald, of Omaha, called in the D. A. Paul "home Thursday morning. Mr. Smith was a former manager of the Fullerton Lumber Co., here.

Mrs. W. A. Erwin and Yvonne, Mrs. Floyd Reynolds and Dennis and Mrs. John Erwin and daugh­ters called. in the Marland Schroe­der home Wednesday afternoon.

Alden Johnson went to Omaha Wednesday to attend the state Lu:. ther League convention to which he was a delegate. He aL<;() visited relatives whlle there and returned Monday.

Miss Jean Anderson of Haward­en, Ia., is visiting ~r aunt, Mrs. D. A. Paul, and family. Her father, Gus Anderson, brought her to Paul's Thursday and was a dinner guest there.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson were Tuesday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Johnson and Alden were also guests there later in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haakinson of Sloan, Ia. Miss Arlene and Shirley H.aakinson returned wi th them for a week's vi'sit in their home here,

Mr. and Mrs. George Lippo1t and Lois Weseloh of Wayne, dinner guest~ in the Rudolph Swanson home last week Monday. Lois Weseloh stayed from Sunday to Thursday in Ule George Lip­polt home.

Mr. ,and Mrs. Herbert and family and Mr. and vey were Sunday

Ed., Allen home. Lar­returned. home With spending the week with


etc., for this 8 p. m. 55th aruli,"orsorv

ice. Sennon by Conference dent Rev. Philemon Smith. H1S-

All arl7 welcome to these festive days at Concordia.

of'tlle high scqool of Alden, dent Wymore Goldberg. 2:45 p. ref. tori(:31 sun·ey by Rev. P. Pearson. Paul Mihelich, 76, Stanton fann-Minn., and during th~ summer has inspi~ational convention address, AnnIversary Qffering TC"1::eived. 'cr, dIed Tuesday last we~k.

::t~~!~ C!~:. Univentity of ~;:'e 6!~i~rlous Life," by Rev. fu- Wi~;:k~o~~~;~~a th~~~~~;:c.~ ~:l~i~ I Pe~d('r firemen staged a dd!.~ Rev. Artl:;lur L. Chell and fam- From about 4 p. m. and on a, directed by MISS Huby Fredrick- i prngram of entertainment Tue::<rl.,y

of Buf{al0, Minn., will arrive general congregational supper pic- The choir me-ets Thursday [or I thlS week. week to visit Rev. Chell·sl~;';;';""'o.ii~ ___ ';';_;" _____ ;;-_-~-;.;-;;;-;;-__ ;;;;;;; ___ ~ ___ ~ ___ ~-

Rev. wni. T. ChelL Rev:. Arthur Chell will be the conven­tion speaker also. He has been dean of Luther League Bible camp work in Mitmesota.

Mr. and: 'Mrs. Myron Hoff and family ot' Mondamin, Ia., were Sunday visitors in the Fred Re­winkle home. Gene Hoff, who had spent a month in the Rewinklc home, went home with them and Miss Vera Rewinkle, who had been visiting the Hoffs. came home.

In honor of the coming of Violet and Harold Roberts of Savanna, 111., the following guests enjoyed a picnic dinner and lunch in the Rudolph Swanson home July 28: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Roberts of Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Mattes and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Lippalt.

Plan Services In Church Here

District Convention and Anniversary Are to

Be Observed.

Pastors, delegates and visitors WIll be 10 Concord Friday to Sun­day this week attending the dis­tnct Luther League con venti-on and also helping observe the 55th anniversarY of Concordia Luther­an church of which Rev. W. T. Chell is pastor.

Rev. Philemon Smlth of Wausa, conference president, Re\". P. Pf'ar­son of Wayne, pastor here for somc years. Rev. Arthur L. Chell of Buffalo, MlOn., Rev. N. H. Pear­son of Bnstow, Rev. C. p, Hall of Wakefield, and Student Wymore .poldberg uf Hamill, S. D., arc among the speakers. Miss Ruby Yredrickson dIrects ConcordIa cho.ir in special mUS1C for the oc-caSlOn.

Services start Friday evening and continue Saturday and Sun­day.

Dmner \v!1l be served in the church p<'.lrlors SaturdclY noon, and piclllC dinner is planned Sunday evemng.

Honored on Birtht:lay. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirchner

and family and Louie, Matllda and Cl rl Kirchner were guests in the Earl Orcutt home Saturday eve­ntng in honor of Mrs. Orcutt's bIrthday.

For Two Birthdays.

Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Peterson and son and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kardell and family were guesL'> ir'l til(' Joe Carlson home Tuc;sday f'\'enmg of last week to help Mil­ton and Melvin Carlson celebrate theIr birthday anniversaries.

Honor Mrs. Bloom. Edward Forsberg, Mrs. Ruth

Johnson and daughters, Mrs. Emil Carlson and daughter, Miss Marie Carlson, Mrs. Eric Linn and chil­dren were guests in the Adolph Bloom home Thursday afternoon 10 honor of Mrs. Bloom's bIrthday.

Oelebrat.e Birthday.

Those in the C. H. Doeschcr home Thursday evening to help Mrs. Doescher celebrate her birth­day were: Mr. and Mrs.. Everett Hank and Rodney, ML and Mrs. Leslie Doescher and Dolores, Mr. and Mrs. Art Doescher, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luetjc and daughters, Mr, and Mrs. Jim McCaw and fam­ily, Henry Stalling Dnd Regina, Anna Nelson, Mary Lou and Floyd Stingley.

St. Paul's Lutheran Church. (Rev. L. M. Doctor, pastor.) Sunday, August 11, English

services at 10 a. m. Walther League Thursday at

8:30 p. m.

Evangelical Free Churcll. (Rev. Oran W. Swaback, pastor.)

The young people are planning to attend the service at the Crystal lake Bible conference this Friday evening.

On Saturday night there :will be another open-air meeting qt Lau­rel. This service will be conducted by the Young People's society.

Services for the Lord's day as follows: Sunday school begins at 10 a. m.; morning worship, 11; eve­ning service at the band stand. For the past two Sunday nights band stand meetings have be postponed, because of storniS. If the weather is agree­able we shall continue the union services this Sunday. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Ooneordla Lutheran Church.

~~~~r~~~~ ~:icr:~~~~n-tion, August 9 to 11: Theine,' "To Know the Love of Christ."

Friday evening; August 9, at 8. Opening, service with Rev. C. P. HaIl 'I1reaching convention ser~ mon.:

Friday, August 9 It will be a gala event for your dollars on Dollar Day in Wayne, August 9 ..• They'll really enjoy themselves doing> double duty for you on that dAy Brown·McDonald's are ready with a host of "Dollar Saver" items.

Linen Toweling l\owlt, Shoes IS-inch width ~ot all sizes

5 YDS. $1.00 $1.00

Steven's I '-----:--

\\"omen'<; I '-

ee :\olen's :\h·n·s

FlOHr Sacks WOI'k Shirts "or·k ~ox Sanfol'Zied

2 for $1.00 20 PRS. $1.00 10 for $1.00

('hildrcn's Wash Ro)"~' BoY!"

Dresses 'Va"h Pallts Work Shi,'1>< '7 to 14

2 for $1.00 $1.00 3 for $1.00

Boys' Slip Sale :Hen'~

Owralls Ill-I'"'' Sox Values to 51.aS

:!5c Quality

2 for $1.00 $1.00 6 PRS. $1.00

Pillow emw" Pillm:2-~ubing I 8 YDS. $1.00


8 for $1.00

I\len's I\len's 80 Square

Dress Shirts Dr~ss Shirts Percales

10 YDS. $1.00 $1.49 Qua.lity

2 for $1.00 $1.00

BoYS', I\len's "'omcll's

Slack Suits Slack Sui!"

$1.00 $1:00

Men'!,> Men's & Boys'

Wash Pants Wash Pants Gradcs to Sl.98 Clean~up Group

$1.00 2 for $1:00

Rack of Dresses Grades to 53.98


l\len's l\Icn's Dress

Unions Straw Hats Short Sleeve, S1.98 'Grades Ankle L<ngth

$1.00 . 2 for $1.00

Wash Silks . Shirts-Shorts'

31 YDS. $1.00

Womrn's Sheer WASH

Dl'eSSeS Values to Sl.98


Silk Hose

2 PRS. $1.00

G."OUP Dresses Va.lut's to S7.95



Wash Goods 39c Quality

5 YDs.$1.00


Wash Goods 19<: quality

10 YDs. $1.00
