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Everyone Has a Right to Know These Truths

Date post: 07-Aug-2018
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Everyone Has a Right to Know These Truths The Fatima Crusader  recently asked these questions of Father Gruner to clarify certain issues about the Consecration of Russia. Q. Can you summarize why it is so important for you to publish about the obligation of the Pope and the bishops to solemnly and publicly consecrate Russi a to the Immaculate Heart of ary!  ". Since this matter is of crucial importance for the wellbeing of every man, woman and child on the face of the earth, it is clear that everyone has the right to know the truth about the request of Our Lady of Fatima to consecrate Russia. o u and everyone e!pect to be told the truth clear ly and unambiguously in this matter . "s the Fatima publisher who is heard and seen around the world each week by millions of souls you have a right to e!pect that # tell you and the whole world the truth about this matter . #f # did not $od and the whole world would hold me blameworthy for not clearly telling the world the truth upon which its eternal and temporal wellbeing depended. %hen the various nations are annihilated and the whole world falls into the Russian &ommunist slave labor camp, as it certainly will if the truth about the &onsecration of Russia is not known and obeyed soon, then at least # cannot be blamed for hiding the truth from you. 'ut you and the whole world would account me as guilty of grave in(ustice if # lied to you about this matter. ou would still hold me guilty if # did not lie but only dissimulated ) that is if while not actually stating a falsehood, # were to speak or write in such a way as to deliberately mislead you about this important matter. *here are some people, lay people and even priests and some bishops who out of a false sense of l oyalty or obedience are misleading the people and the world. *hese people are helping satan, the +$', the asons and other enemies of Our Lady of Fatima from reali-ing er triumph and bringing true peace to the world. Some ignorant people go so far as to say the consecration of Russia has been done and it is converting. *his is utter nonsense. Russia is not converting to $od, it is trying out an old tactic of trying to deceive the %est and the &hurch leadership. www.fatima.org
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Everyone Has a Right to Know These Truths

The Fatima Crusader  recently asked these questions of Father Gruner toclarify certain issues about the Consecration of Russia.

Q. Can you summarize why it is so important for you to publish aboutthe obligation of the Pope and the bishops to solemnly and publiclyconsecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of ary! 

 ". Since this matter is of crucial importance for the wellbeing of every man,woman and child on the face of the earth, it is clear that everyone has the rightto know the truth about the request of Our Lady of Fatima to consecrate Russia.

ou and everyone e!pect to be told the truth clearly and unambiguously in thismatter. "s the Fatima publisher who is heard and seen around the world eachweek by millions of souls you have a right to e!pect that # tell you and thewhole world the truth about this matter.

#f # did not $od and the whole world would hold me blameworthy for not clearly

telling the world the truth upon which its eternal and temporal wellbeingdepended.

%hen the various nations are annihilated and the whole world falls into theRussian &ommunist slave labor camp, as it certainly will if the truth about the

&onsecration of Russia is not known and obeyed soon, then at least # cannot beblamed for hiding the truth from you.

'ut you and the whole world would account me as guilty of grave in(ustice if #lied to you about this matter. ou would still hold me guilty if # did not lie butonly dissimulated ) that is if while not actually stating a falsehood, # were tospeak or write in such a way as to deliberately mislead you about this important


*here are some people, lay people and even priests and some bishops who outof a false sense of loyalty or obedience are misleading the people and the world.

*hese people are helping satan, the +$', the asons and other enemies of OurLady of Fatima from reali-ing er triumph and bringing true peace to the world.

Some ignorant people go so far as to say the consecration of Russia has beendone and it is converting. *his is utter nonsense. Russia is not converting to$od, it is trying out an old tactic of trying to deceive the %est and the &hurchleadership.


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See various news items throughout this issue which demonstrate they arepreparing for war and the Russian crackdown has begun. Rather we shouldseriously wonder if the /.S.". has not already begun to surrender since it isunilaterally disarming itself and is paying massive food tribute to the /.S.S.R.starting in 0123. 4See 5" ungry oscow 6emands Food *ribute from

"merica5 in this issue.7

Q. #hy does the Pope delay to obey $ur %ady of Fatima&s re'uest forthe solemn and public consecration of specifically Russia to the Immaculate Heart of ary together with all the bishops! Is it becausehe thin(s he has already done it! If not that reason) then why does he


 ". On arch 89, 012:, after ;ohn <aul ## had consecrated the world 4but notspecifically Russia7 to the #mmaculate eart of ary, the <ope publiclyacknowledged on two separate occasions that he had not fulfilled Our Lady of

Fatima=s request.

*his was reported in L'Osservatore Romano and in Avennire, both papers datedarch 83, 012:. So, the <ope knows and we know he knows, that theconsecration of Russia has not been done according to Our Lady of Fatima=srequest.

Against the Consecration of Russia as Our Ladyof Fatima specified was necessary for world


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peace disinformation continues to pop up from

various !uarters" #$ee articles "MoreDisinformation Against the Message of

Our ady of Fatima" and "Father Fo!and The #anderer Guilty of

Disinformation Against Fatima" for moreinformation" #$ee "More DisinformationAgainst the Message of Our ady ofFatima" and "Father Fo! and The

#anderer Guilty of DisinformationAgainst Fatima" Even some well%meaningpeople out of a false sense of loyalty to the &opeare guilty of this" 'e photographically reproducehere again &ope (ohn &aul ))*s own words given+efore ,-.... people on /arch ,- and reportedin his own daily newspaper /arch ,0%,1 whichclearly indicate that the &ope 2nows that theConsecration of Russia has not +een done" Afterconsecrating the world several paragraphs+efore &ope (ohn &aul )) departed from hisprepared te3t to address the highlighted wordsto Our Lady of Fatima which read4 "Enlightenespecially the peoples of which You Yourself areawaiting our consecration andconfiding."  O+viously he 2nows he has not yetdone the Consecration of Russia that Our Ladyof Fatima had as2ed for"

%e must insist on this because it is a public statement made before 89>,>>>people. *here have been two bishops, one from aritime &anada and the otherfrom *e!as who have said that the <ope privately has claimed to have fulfilledthis consecration request. 'ut his public statements contradict that.

oreover, an internationally known figure 4who asked not to be identified at thistime7 has told us that the <ope, as recently as 0123, e!plicitly acknowledged in

a private audience that the consecration of Russia has not been done as OurLady of Fatima requested. *he oly Father told our source that he is waiting forcertain &ardinals to cooperate before he asks the &atholic bishops to (oin him inconsecrating specifically Russia as Our Lady of Fatima requested.

#t is unfortunate that the <ope thinks the cooperation of all the &ardinals is

necessary. #t is true that the bishops are asked by Our Lady to actively (oin withthe <ope in this solemn public act of Reparation and &onsecration. 'ut it is notnecessary for all the &ardinals or all the bishops to e!press a willingness tocooperate.


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?ven if some &ardinals and@or bishops were to positively oppose this solemnand public act of &onsecration by the <ope and bishops it should not delay ordeter <ope ;ohn <aul ## from acting and giving the order.

Since October, 0122, # have written two times to every &atholic bishop,

"rchbishop and &ardinal listed in the 0123 <ontifical 6irectory asking them tosupport Our Lady of Fatima=s consecration request.

# have had only one or two bishops show hostility towards this consecration ofRussia request. #n the same period of time, over :>> bishops have indicatedtheir positive and public support for this request.

#t is possible that A99 bishops have not yet received my letters since # used a0123 directory but still it shows that strong opposition is not there. ?ven if therewere strong opposition the <ope need not concern himself about that becauseSister Lucia and Our Lady make it clear that the <ope only has to give the order

to the bishops.

#n a letter dated ay 81, 01A>, Sister Lucia writes,

5... the good $od promises to end the persecutionin Russia if the oly Father deigns to make andorders that equally the bisho#s of theCatholic $orld make a solemn and #ublic act

of re#aration and consecration of Russia tothe ost Sacred earts of ;esus and ary, and if

the oly Father promises that upon the end of thispersecution he will approve and recommend thepractice of the reparatory devotion alreadydescribed 4the Five First Saturdays7.5

#t is clear that the <ope need not worry if thebishops obey, it is sufficient that he 5deign tomake and orders that equally the bishops of the&atholic world,5 etc. as indicated in the boldabove.

From her letter it is clear the <ope must do it himself. Obviously he must givethe order to the bishops, it needs to be a formal order, it cannot be (ust a

suggestion. 'ut he will not be held accountable if some bishops do not obey.

Bor does it seem will their lack of cooperation spoil it for the rest. ow is thispossible you askC


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*he solution of Father <ierre &aillon, a French <riest and a retired <rofessor of*heology, answers this question. *he <ope should give a formal order to thebishops to (oin with himself in a solemn public act on the same day as the <opein the act of consecration of Russia to the #mmaculate eart of ary. *his unionof action need only be a moral union, thus as long as the bishops do it on the

same day as the <ope, each in their own &athedral, it would be sufficient.

'ut Father &aillon points out the formal order to consecrate Russia could be (oined with the penalty of e!communication for not obeying. "ny bishop who didnot (oin would no longer be a &atholic bishop and thus there would be 0>>Dcooperation of all &atholic bishops.

#f # recall correctly Father "lonso, the official Fatima archivist from 01E9 to 0120stated that there need only be most of the bishops (oining the <ope. *hus ifsome due to sickness or imprisonment or threat of dire punishments by the&ommunist tyrants in certain lands ) still the ma(ority of bishops (oining in

would be sufficient.

#t is most likely why Sister Lucia said, 5the bishops of the &atholic world5 sincesome of them live in a world dominated by militant atheists ruled by Russia.

#n any case, it is clear from Sister Lucia=s letter of e!planation dated ay 81,

01A> that the <ope must 5deign to make and orders that equally thebishops of the &atholic world make a solemn and public act of reparation andconsecration of Russia...5

#t is sufficient that he himself do it and order the bishops. #t is not his concern if 

they do not obey.


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#n fact we know that very few will refuse to obey. *hose who might be temptedto do so will be seen to be disobedient and that will damage the image of thosewho pretend to be loyal to the <ope but who undermine his authority.

*here will be very few in the free world once the order is given who will notobey. *he <ope need not worry on this account despite what some of his aticanadvisors seem to be telling him.

%o$ is the time

"s one bishop who recently wrote the <ope said, 5Bow is the time to act5. #t is aprovidential moment because $od has allowed temporarily 5the &old %ar5 tothaw so that no one could seriously take offense at this act of consecration.

%e know that this thaw is (ust a temporary tactic for the Russian rulers but itdoes offer during this time a eavenGsent opportunity for the <ope to give thisorder before the thaw turns into another cold war or shooting war.

*his turn is bound to come sooner or later as we know from the Fatima essage

that Russia will enslave the whole world if the <ope does not consecrate Russiasoon.

