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“Everything You Needed to Know About the End Times…In 30 ...

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“Everything You Needed to Know About the End Times…In 30 Minutes or Less” For Neighborhood Groups meeting after Pastor Thompson’s message on September 25, 2011 Warm-Up Question: Justin Bieber is the current teenage heartthrob. He has six million Twitter followers, with 24,000 new followers a day. Last year, he made $53 million. Who was the big idol when you were a teen? Application Questions: Facilitators: We’ve restructured your questions to give more variety and follow-up ideas. Feel free to choose the ones you would most like to discuss. 1. We all seem to have a fascination with knowing the future. Why do you think that is? 2. Read Matthew 24:26. a. According to Jesus, when will the end come? b. The only date we have is a “BLIND DATE” with God. Has anyone ever been on a blind date? How did you prepare for it? How did you feel prior to meeting this person? c. How does God want us to prepare for our “blind date” with Him? 3. May 21 st 2011—does anyone remember what was supposed to happen on this date? (Answer: Harold Camping predicted the rapture would take place) a. Mr. Camping ended up being wrong, but did you notice how everyone was talking about Christianity? b. Perhaps a neighbor may have asked you what you thought was going to happen. How did you respond? 4. October 31 st 2011—does anyone know what Harold Camping has predicted on this day? (Answer: The end of the world) a. Back in May, Camping predicted the Rapture, yet the majority of people thought that meant the end of the world. What is the rapture? (Facilitators: See 1 Cor. 15: 50-57; 1 Thess. 4:13-18 if group is having difficulty) b. How is the rapture different from the end of the world? 5. Your WIN/SEND Events should be finalized on paper. What loose ends need to be tied up? 6. Homework: In addition to your WIN/SEND events, challenge your group to write down the names of their immediate neighbors to the right and to the left. Talk about how you can pray for opportunities to interact and build friendships with them as you create a new sense of community in your neighborhood.

“Everything You Needed to Know About the End Times…In 30 Minutes or Less”

For Neighborhood Groups meeting after Pastor Thompson’s message on September 25, 2011

Warm-Up Question:

Justin Bieber is the current teenage heartthrob. He has six million Twitter followers, with 24,000

new followers a day. Last year, he made $53 million. Who was the big idol when you were a teen?

Application Questions:

Facilitators: We’ve restructured your questions to give more variety and follow-up ideas. Feel free to choose the ones you

would most like to discuss.

1. We all seem to have a fascination with knowing the future. Why do you think that is?

2. Read Matthew 24:26. a. According to Jesus, when will the end come?

b. The only date we have is a “BLIND DATE” with God. Has anyone ever been on a blind date? How did you

prepare for it? How did you feel prior to meeting this person?

c. How does God want us to prepare for our “blind date” with Him?

3. May 21st 2011—does anyone remember what was supposed to happen on this date?

(Answer: Harold Camping predicted the rapture would take place) a. Mr. Camping ended up being wrong, but did you notice how everyone was talking about Christianity? b. Perhaps a neighbor may have asked you what you thought was going to happen. How did you respond?

4. October 31st 2011—does anyone know what Harold Camping has predicted on this day? (Answer: The end of the world)

a. Back in May, Camping predicted the Rapture, yet the majority of people thought that meant the end of

the world. What is the rapture? (Facilitators: See 1 Cor. 15: 50-57; 1 Thess. 4:13-18 if group is having


b. How is the rapture different from the end of the world?

5. Your WIN/SEND Events should be finalized on paper. What loose ends need to be tied up?

6. Homework: In addition to your WIN/SEND events, challenge your group to write down the

names of their immediate neighbors to the right and to the left. Talk about how you can pray

for opportunities to interact and build friendships with them as you create a new sense of

community in your neighborhood.

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE END TIMES....IN 30 MINUTES OR LESSPastor Larry ThompsonMatthew 24:36 • September 25, 2011

We know what the Mayans and other prognosticators say about the end of time. But what does the Bible say? After all, that’s how it ends!

1. Everybody wants a _______________________.

2. The flyover of God’s timeline.

First Baptist Fort Lauderdale • 301 East Broward • Fort Lauderdale 33301 • 954-527-6800 • www.FBCWorshipGuide.com Access a tablet-ready PDF version of these Message Notes on Facebook or by signing up for the FBC Insider e-newsletter

2 0 1 2We were warned.

• Our primary focus over the next five weeks is our Neighborhood Groups season. This week’s topic about the Bible and the end times will be especially talk-worthy, so why not try one this week? We have Neighborhood Groups almost every night of the week in locations across South Florida. Go by the Neighborhoods Bar in the main lobby to find a location.

• The Student Ministry will host a Blitz Event on Sept. 28 at 6:30 p.m. in Velocity Center. The Champions for Christ karate team will perform a unique drama incorporating amazing karate skills, special effects, rockin’ music and lots of action. Wax on, wax off!

• The next FX Family Experience is next Saturday, Oct. 1, at our FirstWest location. If you live west of the Florida Turnpike, this part of our Neighborhoods strategy brings the FX event closer to you so you can invite families in your own neighborhood for an FBC experience. We’ll also have FX on our main campus for east siders and everyone else on Oct. 2, at 10:15 a.m. between the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. service. FX is designed for elementary kids and parents to experience God together, with fun games, fast dances, great music and a Biblical lesson.

• With Neighborhood Groups, Pageant rehearsals and everything else, the autumn is getting busy. But if you need a midweek refresher on Wednesdays, Pastor Thompson has a few more weeks for his Politics and the Bible course before our November break. Wednesdays at 6:30 (and Fuel for students and childcare for children.)

• Last Sunday, we received $75,471 toward our weekly budget of $69,645. We were $5,826 over. We’re still recovering from a difficult summer, so thank you for your faithfulness. We’ve recalibrated the overall 2011-12 budget to reflect current economic realities.

Explore today’s message in a casual, friendly Neighborhood Group near your home.Sign up at www.FBCNeighborhoods.com, or go by the Neighborhood Bar in the lobby.



MMAATTTT..  2244::3366  ‐‐  ©©DDRR..  LLAARRRRYY  LL..  TTHHOOMMPPSSOONN  ((22001111))    

Introduction: In my first message in this series I explained why 2012 is a date that many in our world think we are facing either the end of times as we know it on earth or some galactic catastrophic event as a result of an ancient Mayan calendar that shows that time on earth as we know it ends December 21, 2012 at 11:11 a.m. The second message we looked at the Islamic eschatology as it relates to a Biblical  view  and  realized  that  everything  God  has  promised,  Satan counterfeits.  Over the past month I have had many emails and letters asking for a chronological biblical overview of  the end times. Today’s  I will provide what I call a “flyover” and highlight the major biblical events in the end times.  II.. EEVVEERRYYBBOODDYY  WWAANNTTSS  AA  DDAATTEE  

  Predicting the end of the world and the events that our faith say will occur is a game  that  has  been  played  by  theologians,  scholars,  educators  and certified nuts through the ages. Just so you know, the 2012 prediction for the end times is just one of hundreds that have been forecast through the years.  The  latest  “dater”  was  Harold  Camping,  89  year  old  author  and radio personality and one of the nuts. Camping said that the rapture of the church will definitely take place on May 21st of  this year with the end of the world  following  on  October  21st.  Of  course,  this  was  after  Camping  had 

previously  predicting,  incorrectly,  the rapture  was  going  to  take  place  in  May  of 1994.  He  quickly  recalculated  after  the  ’94 date passed and came up with May 21, 2011. He  solicited  over  $100 million  and  spent just  $13  million  on  billboards  and  other advertising. 

 When  I  pastored  in  Merritt  Island  there  was  a  NASA  scientist,  Edgar Whisenant,  that  wrote  a  book  based  on  his  computer  calculations,  “88 Reasons Why Jesus will return on September 11, 1988.”  It was a best seller until September 12, 1988…then they had to give away his books. He revised his calculations to 1998. He is now retired from NASA and predictions.  


In  a  study  of  the  “daters”  we  realize  that  there  have  been  over  200 recorded predictions that captured world‐wide attention. 

The earliest  recorded prediction was 2800 B.C. –  An Assyrian  clay tablet  which  stated,  “Our  earth  is  degenerate  in  these  latter  days. There are signs this world is speedily coming to an end.” 

The  first  Christian  “dater”  was  Montanus  in  A.D.  155.  This  man began preaching that Christ’ return was imminent and encouraged all people to come to Anatolia in central Turkey to wait for His return. 

In 1284 we had  the  first Pope  that predicted  the return of Christ. Pope  Innocent  III based his prediction on  the birth of  the Muslim faith and then added 666 years to that. 

February  1,  1524  a  group  of  London  astrologers  predicted  the world would  once  again  be  destroyed  by  flood  and  Christ  would return.  20,000  people  abandoned  their  homes  and  their  property and moved to high ground to escape the water. 

In  1648  a  Turkish  Rabbi  Sabbatai  Zevi  predicted  the  Messiah would  make  a  miraculous  appearance.  He  also  said  the  Messiah’s name would be Sabbatai Zevi…somewhat self‐serving. 

1666 was a HUGE year for predictions based on the “666” mark of the beast. People thought the great fire that destroyed London  that year was the start of the end times. 

1792 the Shakers predicted the end of the world.  1914 the Jehovah’s Witnesses predicted the end of the world. They have revised their prediction 8 times since there. 

1844 a Baptist preacher, William Miller that predicted Jesus would return to New York on Oct. 22, 1844. This became known as “The Great Disappointment.” 

March‐May 1997 – The Hale‐Bopp comet was another opportunity to announce the end of times. As the comet would come so close to earth that people would be magnetically pulled off the planet. 

 So  what  does  the  Bible  say  about  the  exact  time  when  Christ  shall return?  Every  time  we  ever  teach  about  prophecy  I  always  get  the question, “WHEN?” First listen to the words of Jesus… “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not  even  the  angels  in  heaven  or  the  Son  himself.  Only  the  Father knows.”  Matthew 24:36 (NLT) When tempted to try to pick a date just remember… WWEE  AARREE  LLIIVVIINNGG  IINN  TTHHEE  ““LLAASSTT  DDAAYYSS!!””  


Peter  reminded  us  around  A.D.  60  that  “the  end  of  all  things  is  near.” (1Pet. 4:7) The Old Testament age had ended and the Messiah had come to earth,  lived,  died on  the  cross  for  our  sin, was  resurrected  and  ascended  to heaven and now people were  ready  for His  return. TTHHEE   FFIIRRSSTT   CCOOMMIINNGG   OOFF  CCHHRRIISSTT   SSTTAARRTTEEDD   TTHHEE   CCOOUUNNTTDDOOWWNN   TTOOWWAARRDD   TTHHEE   SSEECCOONNDD   CCOOMMIINNGG. The period of  time between  the  first  and  second  coming  is  considered “the  Last  Days.”  RREEMMEEMMBBEERR,,   NNOO   PPRROOPPHHEETTIICC   EEVVEENNTT   NNEEEEDDSS   TTOO   BBEE  FFUULLFFIILLLLEEDD  BBEEFFOORREE  HHIISS  RREETTUURRNN  CCOOUULLDD  TTAAKKEE  PPLLAACCEE.. As  we  watch  our  world  changing  every  moment  we  cannot  help  but believe that His return is imminent. Our responsibility is to be ready. Dr. Ed Hindson, eschatology scholar and instructor says: 

“God’s clock is ticking away. It never speeds up and never slows down…it just keeps on ticking, moving closer and closer to the end of the age. How close we are will only be revealed in time. Don’t gamble with your eternal destiny. Time may very well be running out today.” Ed Hindson  

Many people use Matt. 24:32‐34 in reference to end time theology… “Now  learn  a  lesson  from  the  fig  tree.  When  its  branches  bud  and  its leaves  begin  to  sprout,  you  know  that  summer  is  near.  33  In  the  same way, when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door. 34 I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place.” Matthew 24:32‐34 (NLT)  

Several  scholars  tie  this  verse  to  the  birth  of  Israel  as  a  nation  while making a prediction for the coming of Christ. I personally don’t believe this scripture is connected with the rebirth of the Jewish nation. I believe it was a simple picture to help people everywhere understand the days in which we live.  Just as you can tell  the seasons by  looking at  the trees so you will know if you are living during the Tribulation and you are close to the second coming of Christ when you see the signs predicted in Matt. 24:4‐21 begin to take place.  Remember, when it comes to eschatology, the end times…THE only date we have  is a  “BLIND DATE” with God. The Bible NEVER gives a  specific date  for  any  future  event.  God  wants  us  to  prepare  for  that  BLIND DATE….it could be today.   IIII.. TTHHEE  FFLLYYOOVVEERR  OOFF  GGOODD’’SS  TTIIMMEELLIINNEE   Dr. Adrian Rogers: “if you want to know what happened yesterday, read a newspaper; if you want to know what happened today, watch the news; if 


you  want  to  know what  happens  tomorrow,  read  your  Bible.”  The  bible won’t  give  us  exact  dates  but  it  does  provide  us  with  a  timeline  to understand the sequence of the end times. I’ll provide a flyover to give you a general view of a prophetic map or time‐line.  

TTHHEE  RRAAPPTTUURREE  The very next great event on God’s prophetic timeline is what those who study eschatology call, “The Rapture.” It is the sudden and instant removal of every Christian  from this earth.    Jesus promised this to the disciples  in John 14: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. 2 There is more than enough room in my Father’s home.  If  this were not so, would I have told you that  I am going to prepare a place  for you? 3 When  everything  is  ready,  I  will  come  and  get  you,  so  that  you  will always be with me where I am.” John 14:1‐3 (NLT)   The rapture is referred to several times in the NT but there are two main passages that describe this event in detail. (I Cor. 15:50‐57)   “What I am saying, dear brothers and sisters, is that our physical bodies cannot  inherit  the Kingdom of God.  These  dying  bodies  cannot  inherit what will last forever.  51 But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will  not  all  die,  but we will  all  be  transformed!    52  It will  happen  in  a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds,  those who have died will be raised to  live  forever. And we who are living will also be transformed.  53 For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies  that will never die; our mortal bodies must  be  transformed  into  immortal  bodies.    54  Then,  when  our  dying bodies  have  been  transformed  into  bodies  that  will  never  die,  this Scripture will be fulfilled:  “Death is swallowed up in victory.  55 O death, where  is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”     56 For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power.  57 But thank God!  He  gives  us  victory  over  sin  and  death  through  our  Lord  Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:50‐57 (NLT)  (I Thess. 4:13‐18) “And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen  to  the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope.  14 For since we believe that Jesus died  and  was  raised  to  life  again,  we  also  believe  that  when  Jesus 


returns, God will bring back with him the believers who have died.  15 We tell you this directly from the Lord: We who are still living when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those who have died.  16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice  of  the  archangel,  and  with  the  trumpet  call  of  God.  First,  the Christians who have died will  rise  from their graves.    17 Then,  together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up  in  the  clouds  to meet  the  Lord  in  the  air.  Then we will  be with  the Lord  forever.    18  So  encourage  each  other  with  these words.”  1  Thess. 4:13‐18 (NLT)  Christians will play the game, “now you see us…now you don’t.” It will be the single most life changing moment in the world’s history. The rapture will change  everything!  There  will  be  many  who  will  try  to  explain  away  the disappearance of the millions of followers of Christ but you must be honest if you are left behind and tell people you were warned. With all the Christians gone the churches will be left to those who are self‐serving opportunists.  Consider  the  difference  between  the  rapture  and  the  2012  prediction. One group of people wait  for the Person of Jesus Christ to take them into His presence in Heaven and the other group of people are waiting for the destruction of the world.  Jose’  Arguelles,  a  key  figure  in  the 2012 movement  is  also  expecting  a mass  disappearance.  He  believes  that  those  who  have  not  evolved enough  spiritually  will  disappear  from  the  earth  soon.  He  says  he  was warned  that many will  be  suddenly  taken  away  in  silver  ships.   People like this continue to add to the confusion that will pave the way for the TRIBULATION  and  the  world  accepting  the  Anti‐Christ  as  the  world leader.  Interestingly,  2012  eschatology  reminds  us  that  being  left  behind  is  a good thing; you have not only survived the cataclysmic devastation but you  are one of  the more  enlightened people  that  can help  rebuild  this world. BBYY  CCOONNTTRRAASSTT,,  SSCCRRIIPPTTUURREE  WWAARRNNSS  UUSS  TTHHAATT  BBEEIINNGG  LLEEFFTT  BBEEHHIINNDD  AATT  TTHHEE  TTIIMMEE  OOFF  TTHHEE  RRAAPPTTUURREE   IISS  DDEEVVAASSTTAATTIINNGG……MMEEAANNIINNGG  YYOOUU  OONNLLYY  HHAAVVEE  SSEEVVEENN  YYEEAARRSS  LLEEFFTT  OONN  TTHHIISS  EEAARRTTHH  BBEEFFOORREE  FFIINNAALL  JJUUDDGGMMEENNTT..   



The bible does mention the specific time of the tribulation in Dan. 9:24‐27.  The Tribulation is often called the “backbone of biblical prophecy.”   Background of Daniel 9: Daniel  is  in  Babylon  where  the  Jewish  people  have  been  in  exile  for almost  70  years. Daniel  is  aware  the  prophecy  will  only  last  70  years (Dan. 9:1‐2) Now he begins to intercede for Israel and while he is praying God sends His response through the angel Gabriel.(9:21)  “As I was praying, Gabriel, whom I had seen  in  the earlier vision, came swiftly to me at the time of the evening sacrifice.” Daniel 9:21 (NLT)  God reveals  to Daniel  that he  is not simply going to deliver  Israel  from the  captivity  but  shows  Daniel  the  future  all  the  way  to  the  great Tribulation of the earth and ultimate victory of the Messiah.  “A period of seventy sets of seven has been decreed for your people and your holy city to finish their rebellion, to put an end to their sin, to atone for  their  guilt,  to  bring  in  everlasting  righteousness,  to  confirm  the prophetic  vision,  and  to  anoint  the Most  Holy  Place.  25  Now  listen  and understand!  Seven  sets  of  seven  plus  sixty‐two  sets  of  seven will  pass from the time the command is given to rebuild Jerusalem until a ruler—the  Anointed  One—comes.  Jerusalem  will  be  rebuilt  with  streets  and strong defenses, despite the perilous times. 26 “After this period of sixty‐two  sets  of  seven,  the  Anointed  One  will  be  killed,  appearing  to  have accomplished nothing, and a ruler will arise whose armies will destroy the city and the Temple. The end will come with a flood, and war and its miseries  are  decreed  from  that  time  to  the  very  end.  27  The  ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object  that causes  desecration,  until  the  fate  decreed  for  this  defiler  is  finally poured out on him.” Daniel 9:24‐27 (NLT)   When  you  calculate  the  entire  period  involved  in  this  prophecy  you realize that the Divine Prophetic Clock started ticking on March 5, 444BC when King Artaxerxes allowed Nehemiah to return and rebuild the city of Jerusalem. In prophecy each week is a period of seven years. Here is what  is  amazing:  Using  the  Jewish  calendar  of  360  days  a  year  the 


precise number of days is 173,880 days. That began on March 5, 444B.C. and  goes  to  March  30  A.D.  33  the  day  that  Jesus  rode  into  the  city  of Jerusalem  on  a  borrowed  donkey  to  proclaim  the  fact  that  He  is  the Messiah.  MANY  SCHOLARS  BELIEVE  THAT  THIS  IS  THE  GREATEST PROPHECY  IN  THE  BIBLE  AND  GOD  REVEALED  IT  EXACTLY  TO  BE 173,880 DAYS TO THE EXACT DAY.  Following  Daniel’s  prophecy  this  leaves  on  one  week;  one  seven  year period  left  in God’s prophetic  clock  for our  future.  The prophecy  clock stopped at week 69 and are now living in what we know as “the church age.” The church age ends at the time of the Rapture and God’s prophetic clock, the final seven years begins on the day of the rapture. It is at this point  that  the Anti‐Christ makes  a peace  treaty with  Israel. This  is  the seventieth week of Daniel.  In the middle of this final week or seven years, the anti‐Christ will break the treaty with the Jews and desecrate the rebuilt temple  in  Jerusalem. This  prophecy  was  shared  by  Daniel  and  by  Jesus  (Matt.  24:15)  Anti‐Christ  will  desecrate  the  temple  and  declare  himself  to  be  God  and people will worship his  image (Rev. 13:14‐18) and at  the conclusion of the  seven  year period Christ will  return  and destroy  the Anti‐Christ  at what we call “the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”  Overview of the 70 Week Prophecy Daniel 9:24  The entire 70 weeks (490 years) Daniel 9:25  The first 69 weeks (483 years) Daniel 9:26  The time between week 69 and week 70 (church age) Daniel 9:27  Rapture  takes  place which  results  in  the  beginning  of the  final  seven  years  or  “Week  70”  which  is  referred  to  as  the “TRIBULATION.”  At  the  end  of  this  tribulation  period  we  will  see  the Second Coming of Christ.   How does this all relate to the 2012 doomsday prophecy?  It  is  the best evidence  that  the  “end  of  the  world”  as  we  know  it  will  not  happen because  according  to  Daniel  the  second  coming  of  Christ  will  occur AFTER THE SEVEN YEARS OF TRIBULTION.  What may be relevant is the predicted  2012  chaos  could  be  related  to  the  chaos  that  would  be created at the time of the RAPTURE, if every Christian in this world were suddenly taken away. 


 TTHHEE  CCHHAAOOSS  OOFF  TTHHEE  TTRRIIBBUULLAATTIIOONN  It  will  appear  as  if  the  world  is  coming  apart  at  the  seams.  Disasters worse  than  any  expert  could  possibly  predict.  Jesus  discussed  the Tribulation  Period  with  His  disciples  before  His  crucifixion.  In  his explanation to the disciples from the Mt. of Olives overlooking Jerusalem Jesus lets His followers know how truly horrific the Tribulation time will be for those who are left on earth. “For  there  will  be  greater  anguish  than  at  any  time  since  the  world began. And it will never be so great again.” Matthew 24:21 (NLT)  


RREEVV..  66‐‐1199  IISS  TTHHEE  FFOOCCUUSS  OOFF  TTHHEE  TTRRIIBBUULLAATTIIOONN  and gives an overview of the TTHHRREEEE  SSEETTSS  OOFF  SSEEVVEENN  JJUUDDGGMMEENNTTSS  OONN  TTHHEE  EEAARRTTHH.  SSEEVVEENN  SSEEAALL  JJUUDDGGMMEENNTTSS  ––  FFIIRRSSTT  HHAALLFF  OOFF  TTRRIIBBUULLAATTIIOONN  SSEEVVEENN  TTRRUUMMPPEETT  JJUUDDGGMMEENNTTSS  ––  SSEECCOONNDD  HHAALLFF  OOFF  TTRRIIBBUULLAATTIIOONN  SSEEVVEENN   BBOOWWLL   JJUUDDGGMMEENNTTSS   ––   IINN   TTHHEE   LLAASSTT   DDAAYYSS   OOFF   TTHHEE   TTRRIIBBUULLAATTIIOONN  BBEEFFOORREE  CCHHRRIISSTT  returns. Jesus said these judgments will be like birth pains which get increasingly more  intense  and  ultimately  resulting  in  great  pain.  Look  online  for  a more exhaustive description in my sermon notes…  NOTE  TO  TRANSLATORS  AND  MEDIA  TEAM:  I  will  not  cover  in  the sermon the details that are in the blue highlight.  The Judgments:  Seven Seals: First seal: (Rev. 6:1‐2)   white horse: The Anti‐Christ Second seal (Rev. 6:3‐4)  red horse: War Third Seal (Rev. 6:5‐6)  black horse: Famine 


Fourth Seal (Rev. 6:7‐8)  pale horse: Death and Hell Fifth Seal (Rev. 6:9‐11)  Martyers in Heaven Sixth Seal (Rev. 6:12‐17)  Universal upheaval and devastation Seventh Seal (Rev. 8:1‐2)  Seven Trumpets  Seven Trumpets:  First Trumpet (Rev.8:7)  Bloody hail and fire – one third of vegetation destroyed. Second  Trumpet  (Rev.  8:8‐9)  Fire  from  Heaven  –  one  third  of  oceans polluted Third  Trumpet  (Rev.  8:10‐11)  Falling  star:  one  third  of  fresh  water polluted Fourth Trumpet (Rev. 8:12) Darkness: One third of sun, moon and stars are darkened Fifth Trumpet (Rev. 9:1‐12) Demonic invasion and torment Sixth  Trumpet  (Rev.9:13‐21)  Demonic  army  –  one  third  of  population killed Seventh Trumpet (Rev. 11:15‐19) The announcement of Christ’s reign  Seven Bowls First Bowl (Rev. 16:2) – sores and worshippers of Anti‐Christ Second Bowl (Rev. 16:3) ‐ seas turn to blood Third Bowl (Rev. 16:4‐7) – fresh water turns to blood Fourth Bowl (Rev. 16:8‐9) – intense scorching heat Fifth Bowl (Rev. 16:10‐11) – Darkness & Pain on Anti‐Christ kingdom Sixth Bowl (Rev. 16:12‐16) ‐ ARMAGEDDON Seventh Bowl (Rev. 16:17‐20) Earthquakes and hail  One  half  of  the  world’s  population  is  destroyed  in  just  2  of  the judgments. Can you imagine  living on the earth at  this  time we call  the Tribulation?  TTHHEE   NNEEWW   WWOORRLLDD   CCOOMMIINNGG   ––   TTHHEE   BBAATTTTLLEE   OOFF   AARRMMEEGGGGEEDDOONN   AANNDD   TTHHEE  MMIILLLLEENNNNIIUUMM  RREEIIGGNN  OOFF  CCHHRRIISSTT   Like 2012, the Bible also predicts there is a new world coming. But the new world will not come because of some 2012 predictions but because of the second coming of Jesus Christ which will ultimately lead to a 1,000 




Peace – Wars will cease  Joy – Joy to all the World will be more than a Christmas carol. It will be the song of our society.  

Holiness – The word “holy” means set apart for god’s purposes.   Glory – The radiant glory of Christ is fully realized.  Full knowledge –   Absence of illness or deformity – The King of Kings is both a ruler and healer. 

Universal Worship of the Lord –   Economic Prosperity –   The presence of God  

 Conclusion: SO what does this time line mean for us today?  One of my favorite times of  the  pageant  is  prior  to  the  curtain  rising  you  can  hear  the  props getting  set  in  place  you  hear  the  actors  walk  onto  the  stage  and  take their places, you can hear the orchestra start the overture. You see the lights start to dim before they get brilliant when the stage curtain rises. THERE IS GREAT ANTICIPATION OF WHAT WE ARE GOING TO SEE!  We have heard all the signs and recognized the biblical prophecies and realize the curtain is about to rise on a great performance. We are at that place today. It  is  your  opportunity  to  be  prepared. Your  ticket  for  this  final  event has already been purchased. All you need to do is accept it.  One  fact  about  our  Christmas  pageant  that  always  surprises me  is  the amazing  job  Deanna  Wielhouwer  does  in  getting  tickets  out  to  the individuals and organizations for our benevolent performance and then II  AAMM  EEQQUUAALLLLYY  AAMMAAZZEEDD  AATT  TTHHEE  NNUUMMBBEERR  OOFF  PPEEOOPPLLEE  TTHHAATT  DDOO  NNOOTT  SSHHOOWW  UUPP..  They have  disregarded  an  expensive  gift,  a  free  gift.  Some  do  the  same with the gift of eternal life….a gift that cost Jesus His life. Pray! 


301 East Broward Boulevard Pastor Thompson’s messages & more available at www.FirstFortLauderdale.com Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 E-mail us through the Internet site or call the church at 954-527-6800


Thanks for being with us today. We’re glad that you’re part of our spiritual community.

If you’re new or want to tell us about prayer requests,complete a Communication Card and place it in the offering. You can also post prayer requests at www.FBCPrayer.com.

Our Sunday morning Worship Celebrations beginat 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. We also offer LifeApp Sunday classes with master teachers and topics at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. and complete programs for students and children.Other LifeApps and Neighborhood Groups are availablethroughout the week. To connect with a Neighborhood Group, access www.FBCNeighborhoods.com.

On Sundays, our Treasure Cove center is open for children under 5. (Elementary have their own worship experience called Club 252.) Our sound-proof Family Lounge has a full view of the Sanctuary. Our Next Generation Learning Center (NextGenCenter.com) offers weekday childcare.

We have two bookstore locations: Journeys near the Global Grille open Sunday through Friday, 7:30 until 2 p.m. (and until 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays) and Family Books & Music near the Broward Atrium open Sundays only.

The Global Grille is open Sunday-Friday, 7:30 until 2 p.m., and until 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. The Grille features casual dining, free wi-fi, flat screens, and a comfortable place to relax or meet with friends or coworkers. Jo2Go coffee (from East Africa) is conveniently available in two lobby locations on our campus, as well as in the Global Grille.

WIN • TRAIN • SEND As a global community of believers, our mission is to win people to Jesus Christ, to train believers to become His followers, and to send His followers to influence the world.

STARTING POINT The best way to become involvedIf you’re interested in becoming more involvedin our church and would like to know how to connect, our special Starting Point orientationis the best next step. The next one is Sept. 25.

Senior Pastor Larry Thompson leads this time of introduction. You’ll find out more about our church, our heritage, and our strategy for making an impact in our neighborhoods and the world.

This interactive, fun time lasts from 12:15 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. We provide lunch for you in the Global Events Center and childcare and lunch for your kids.

Sign up here...and place this form in the offering plate or bring it by the Neighborhoods Bar.

Name: _______________________________

Address: _____________________________

City, Zip: _____________________________

E-mail Address: ________________________

Phone: ______________________________

How many will attend? ___________________

Do you need childcare? o Yes o No

2 0 1 2

We were warned




Our Internet site is designed as a daily destination:www.FirstFortLauderdale.com has a complete calendar, key events, online giving, video streaming, specialized ministries and more. Sunday Worship Celebrations are translated into several languagesand may be accessed in our sanctuary through transceivers or online at www.FBCLiveWorship.com.

You can access Pastor Thompson’s messages in several formats, including series, printed notes,compact discs, DVDs, podcasts on

iTunes, and past videos at www.FBCMediaPlayer.com.

General Admission and Artist’s Circle tickets are available at our church bookstores. Artist’s Circle seats include pre-show reception with Michael.

One of the ways we keep you informed is through our weekly e-newsletter called the FBCInsider. Many of our ministries utilize e-mail as a primary method of communication and, starting this month, Stewardship Pastor Chris Lloyd is e-mailing informative financial reports. To make sure you’re getting the latest, e-mail [email protected] and we’ll add your name and e-mail address to our list.

To make your Sunday-morning experiencethe best possible, try parking in the free

City Parking Deck. It’s only about100 yards from our main entrance.























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START WITH STARTING POINT: If you’re new to First Fort Lauderdale and you’d like information about becoming part of our faith community, we encourage you to attend STARTING POINT on Sept. 25. Starting Point is an all-in-one interactive two-hour orientation workshop led by Senior Pastor Larry Thompson. You can participate in Starting Point by signing up at the Neighborhoods Bar, in Guest Services at the Palm Parlor, or online at www.SignUpForStartingPoint.com.

ADDITIONAL NEXT STEPS:FOUNDATIONS You’ve attended Starting Point, so what’s next? This two-session class provides the coordinates to navigate your experience at our church. We’ll meet on the last two Sundays in Septemberat 9 a.m. in the Global Events Center. We’ll equip you with strategic waypoints for your faith. For details or to preregister for the next Foundations course, e-mail [email protected], go by the Neighborhoods Bar or call 954.831.1151.

NEIGHBORHOODSOur NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS are meeting throughout September and October. In a Neighborhood Group, you’ll meet new people, connect with some you already know, serve the community, and discuss the previous Sunday’s message. Groups meet various days of the week, across South Florida. Sign up at the Neighborhoods Bar or at www.FBCNeighborhoods.com.

VOLUNTEERINGThe fourth of four steps in our Next Steps process is VOLUNTEERING. One of the best waysfor you to become involved in our community of faith is to serve in one of several roles.Contact the Connections Office at [email protected] or 954.831.1102.


VOLUNTEERINGYou play an essentialpart during our twonew worship options!With our expanded worship options on Sundaymornings! With twice as much activity on our campus,we need to double our volunteer corps. If you’d like tolet us know you’d be willing to serve in one of these ministries,mark the box.

Not sure where and how to serve?Sign up for our Spiritual Gifts Workshop in this first box:

o Network Spiritual Gifts Workshop

Already know? Choose from below: FIRST IMPRESSIONS o Parking o Welcome Team/Greeter o Guest Services o Usher/Worship Host

NEW MEMBERS o Decision Counseling o Baptism

PROGRAMMING o Choir o Vocal Team o Band o Media o Stage Squad o Translations (Language: ______________)

FX Family Experienceon a stage near you

FAMILY MINISTRIES Please mark both an age group and a position

Choose an area: o Preschool (under 5) o Elementary o Middle School o High School Choose a position: o Small Group Leader o Stage Production/Acting/Singing o Media/Technical Support o Greeter/Host o Childcare

Your Name ______________________________________

Address ________________________________________

City ___________________________ Zip ____________

Home Phone _____________ Cell Phone ________________

Email _________________________________________

Which time do you plan to attend for worship? o 9 am o11 am

Neighborhood Group: _______________________________


The tabloids and talk shows have a lot to say about what will happen when philosophical worlds converge in 2012. As the new year approaches, we’ll hear about Mayan calendars, Nostradamus and the Age of Aquarius. But God’s Word offers accurate and insightful answers to these questions. Be ready for the rumors with an answer straight from the Bible.

Our Neighborhood Groups will also be discussing this topic each week, and it’s not too late for you to get involved. Go by our Neighborhoods Bar in the main lobby and we’ll connect you with a group near your home.


• Register now for the Oct. 2 Connections Brunch. For only $5, you’ll enjoy a grand buffet valued at more than $20, with carving stations, dessert and more. Access www.ConnectionsBrunch.org.

• Students grades 6-12 meet Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. for Fuel, a high-energy worship service and a midweek tank-up. See You at the Pole is Sept. 28. Access www.VSM924.com for more details.

• Our FirstWest experience is open most Saturdays, with free childcare for parents so they can enjoy a date night as a couple or with friends. Call 954-831-1110 for childcare reservations.

• Ready for a balanced perspective on politics and the Bible? Pastor Thompson is leading an engaging study on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Global Events Center.

• Getting married? Be part of our Premarital Workshop on Wednesdays. Call 954-831-1152.

• We’ll focus on our city’s homeless and our partnership with Hope South Florida on Sept. 25. If you’d like to know more about our Faith in Action ministries, connect with director Tisha Hyter.

• Be part of God’s global mission! Next year, we’re planning experiences in Russia, Nicaragua, East Africa and the Middle East. The 2012 schedule is now available at www.GlobalMissions.com.

• With the expansion of our Sunday Morning Worship Celebrations, you have more options than ever. Choose from two different times: 9 a.m. or 11 a.m. We also have programs for preschoolers,

2 0 1 2We were warned. FXOur FX Family Experience for kids and their parents is

providing a new way for you to experience energetic worship and family-friendly Biblical teaching. FX is presented once a month in two locations: Sunday mornings between services on our maincampus and Saturday nights at FirstWest (formerlythe West Pod) at Flamingo and Griffin Roads. Every edition of FX features an entertaining castof characters and a free Cue Box so families can continue the experience at home. Access www.FBCFX.com for upcoming times.

As an extension of our 2012 message series, we’ll host anOct. 22 simulcast called “The Gathering Storm,” featuring New York Times best-selling author Joel Rosenberg. Use a QR code reader on your smartphone to access Pastor Thompson’s additional research on the 2012 phenomenon and find out more about the free simulcast.
