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Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated

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  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    Evidence Indicates Michael

    Hastings Was Assassinated

    Michael Hastings researching Jill Kelley case before

    death - latimes

    No foul play suspected in Michael Hastings' death,

    LAPD says

    The Los Angeles County coroner on Thursday positively

    identified Hastings as the driver of a Mercedes that


    Was Journalist Michael Hastings Under Investigation

    Before Death? FBI: 'no comment'

    "We can neither confirm nor deny FBI investigativeactivity," Ari Dekofsky, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Los

    Angeles field office, told U.S. News.

    "Sometimes that can change, sometimes it can never


  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated


  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    Images of the vehicle appear to show more damage to

    the rear, around the area of the fuel tank, than the

    front, leading to speculation that a car bomb which

    ignited the fuel could have been responsible for the


    No matter how you slice this particular pie, a

    Mercedes is not just going to explode into flames

    without a little assistance, writes freelance journalist

    Jim Stone.

    Car fires in new cars happen for three main reasons

    running the engine out of oil, or running the engine

    out of coolant, or after an absolutely huge car

    mangling accident, having the hot side of the battery

    short out against the frame before it reaches the fuse


    And for all 3 of those normal reasons, which account

    for virtually all car fires in modern cars, the fire would

    have started in the engine compartment, progressed

    slowly, and scorched the hell out of the paint before

    ever reaching the gas tank.

    That clean paint is the be all tell all, Michael Hastings

    was murdered, and the rest is detail.

    Stone also questions why a white sheet has been

    draped over the vehicle in the image below.

    The questions surrounding the precise nature of the

    accident that killed Hastings are given more weight

    by the fact that the journalist had made enemies

    within both the FBI and the CIA.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    Michael Hastings contacted WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer

    Robinson just a few hours before he died, saying that

    the FBI was investigating him, the official Wikileaks

    Twitter account announced yesterday.

    Hastings had the Central Intelligence Agency in hissights and was set to release an article exposing the

    agency, according to L.A. Weekly.

    The Obama administration and the Justice Department

    have openly claimed the authority to assassinate

    American citizens anywhere in the world if they are

    deemed a national security threat.

    A number of American citizens have already beenkilled as a result of this policy.

    Is it really that crazy to suggest that Michael Hastings

    was merely the latest victim of this doctrine?

    The New York Daily News highlights the fact that

    Hastings had received multiple death threats before

    his demise.

    Following his role in bringing down Gen. Stanley A.

    McChrystal, Hastings was told by a McChrystal staffer,

    Well hunt you down and kill you if we dont like what

    you write.

    Whenever Id been reporting around groups of dudes

    whose job it was to kill people, one of them would

    usually mention that they were going to kill me, saidHastings.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    Hastings was renowned for being only interested in

    writing stories someone didnt want him to write

    often his subjects, according to Buzzflash editor Ben

    Smith, adding, He knew that there are certain truths

    that nobody has an interest in speaking, ones that will

    make you both your subjects and their enemiesuncomfortable.

    Theyre stories that dont get told because nobody in

    power has much of an interest in telling them.

    The fact that Hastings had made a plethora of enemies

    as a result of his hard-hitting investigative journalism

    has prompted a deluge of online comment

    speculating that the writers car crash was no


    Hastings wreck might make sense on the freeway,

    but I doubt hed be dumb enough to go 100 mph on


    Hes not some dumb college kid, said one commenter

    on a local news site.

    A warning to other journalists to not dig too deep,

    another Reddit user wrote. Stick with the party line if

    you want a long, happy life.

    If this was an isolated incident then there wouldnt be

    so many questions swirling about Hastings death.

    However, hes certainly not the first individual to goup against the military-industrial complex and wind up

    in a coffin.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    Other journalists who have proven to be a thorn in the

    side of the establishment have met the same fate,

    from Andrew Breitbart who was about to release

    damaging pre-election information about Barack

    Obama before he collapsed and died in strange

    circumstances, to Gary Webb, the Pullitzer prize-winning author who exposed the CIAs involvement in

    the drug trade and subsequently committed suicide

    after apparently shooting himself in the head twice.

    More recently, Ibragim Todashev, friend of accused

    Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnev, was shot in the

    head six times by the FBI, who initially claimed

    Todashev was armed but later had to admit this was alie.

    Speculation has raged that Todashev was assassinated

    because he had knowledge about the Boston

    bombings which the feds didnt want to see the light

    of public scrutiny.

    Despite his actions, the murder of Christopher Dorner,

    who was burned to death by LAPD officers whilehiding inside a cabin, shows that authorities will not

    hesitate to resort to such methods.

    Its virtually inevitable that the true cause of Michael

    Hastings death will never be known and that the

    mainstream media will demonize anyone who

    questions the official narrative as a conspiracy


    Meanwhile, journalists and others who pose a threat to

    the military-industrial complex will continue to die in

    bizarre accidents that stink of foul play.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    Hastings likely murdered for

    what he knew and wrote about

    In an violent explosion more conducive to a fire-prone

    75 Ford Pinto, rather than a newer model Mercedes,investigative reporter Michael Hastings, 33, is being

    mourned following his mysterious death in a fiery

    crash in Los Angeles, California, which we noted here


    But people are beginning to ask a lot of questions

    about the circumstances leading up to Hastings

    untimely death.

    After all, he brought down Gen. Stanley McChrystal viahis crack reporting skills.

    Hastings was warned by McChrystal staffers that any

    bad information reported about the general would be

    met with his death.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    All in jest, right?

    Hastings, just a couple of weeks ago, was reporting on

    the Democrats love of spying on Americans.

    And then we learn, via The Telegraph, out of Britain,

    that Hastings contacted WikiLeaks right before his


    Yeah, about that death.

    We learn that there were no skid marks leading up to

    the tree Hastings allegedly ran into.

    The engine is down the road.

    And the blazing fire that followed the impact of the

    tree was so hot and intense that the body of the

    driver was utterly incinerated, according to the Los

    Angeles Coroners office.

    And that tree?

    If he hit it as hard and as fast as they claim, that treewould likely not be still standing.

    We suspect that it was a car bomb, not unlike the

    spook-orchestrated, 1976 car bombing of Chilean

    diplomat and economist Orlando Letelier on a

    Washington D.C. street.

    The message here is that reporters need to keep their

    heads down and do as they are told.

    Hastings mistake, they would say, was that he didnt

    go along with the program.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    You dont just take down a US general a key figure in

    the battle against the War on Terror and not face

    some consequences.

    Hastings knew government spooks were following

    him. He got death threats fairly regularly.

    Yet he soldiered on, refusing to give in to the thugs.

    He had some serious dirt, we are told, and was

    looking to expose it.

    Will Hastings notes make their way to Buzzfeed or

    Rolling Stone?

    Or will they disappear as they tend to in the wake of

    assassinations such as this?

    We know Hastings fearlessly wrote blistering articles

    against the powerful, including President Obama and

    his drone policy.

    Was Michael Hastings murdered for what he reported

    and what he knew?

    The signs, as the old Magic 8-Ball might say, point to


    Michael Hastings OBVIOUSLY murdered by

    bomb on gas tank

    For all 3 of those normal reasons, which account for

    virtually all car fires in modern cars, the fire would

    have started in the engine compartment, progressed

    slowly, and scorched the hell out of the paint before

    ever reaching the gas tank.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    That clean paint is the be all tell all, Michael Hastings

    was murdered, and the rest is detail.

    UPDATE: It seems to me that Hastings may have been

    dead, his car parked there, and then blown up with

    him in it.

    This is because the flames are way too fresh for the car

    to have been there long, there is no impact damage

    where the car struck the tree to cause a gas tank

    explosion, and there are no flames on the road behind

    the car to indicate it was blown up while it was


    This appears to be a classic mafia hit, where you arekilled and then burned in a car to hide the evidence.

    In this case, they obviously used a bomb to blow the

    gas tank as evidenced by the fact that the rear

    passenger door is blown open and shredded with the

    rest of the car nicely intact, read the initial analysis


    And obviously, there was no high speed crash as

    reported by the lie factory.

    I will be working on this throughout the day.

    It was perfect to have this happen on a late late

    Tuesday night, the quietest night of the week, one so

    quiet that many restaurants will not open.

    This would have helped ensure a proper setup with

    few witnesses.

    The mainstream press is trying to front this as a high

    speed car crash, and IT WAS NOT.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    Take a look at the following screen capture of this

    crash and observe a few things:

    1. There is no impact damage to this car. The onlydamage there is is BLOWN OUT, not smashed in.

    2. This was a Mercedes, not a Pinto, which means it did

    not burst into flames on its own. One (seldom quoted)

    eyewitness said the car exploded. Interesting stuff.

    3. Here is where it starts to get REALLY damning LOOK


    yet the car is ablaze. This means that whoever

    photographed this was on scene right away, with a

    camera ready to film this in the wee hours of the

    morning, and nail it before the fire scorched the

    paint. HMMMMMM . . . . . .

    4. Unlike what the so called single eyewitness report

    says, the car did not impact a tree. The car did not

    impact ANYTHING. Look at where the car stopped. Seemuch damage there? The front only touched the tree

    as the car rolled to a stop

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    5. The car was not speeding, as was said in the

    eyewitness report. The levelof damage to that car is

    that of a 25 mile an hour impact AT MOST. On top of

    that, it does not appear to have impact damage, it is

    blown out and not crunched in. It sure looks like an

    explosion pushed that door out, and nothingcrunched it in.


    ALL -

    Here we have a car FULLY, and I mean FULLY in flames,

    from front to back, with NO SCORCHED PAINT because

    the flame is too new, which means the flame wentfrom the back of the car to the front of the car

    instantaneously, at the same time it breached the

    floor and engulfed the passenger compartment

    before it had a chance to scorch anything, which




    Even rapid car fires take time to progress through the

    car, and totally scorch the paint as they progress.

    Only a bomb could have blown gas through the floor

    to the inside of the passenger compartment and

    under the car all the way to the front of the engine

    compartment and lit the whole thing up at once.

    Thats the only explanation for the shiny paint while itsits completely engulfed in flames.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    That flame did not progress through that car, it was

    blown through it with force and the photographer

    was on the scene the moment it happened and

    bagged a perfect shot.

    Id like to know how that happened early morningwalk?

    Id like to also mention something here Sheriff Larry

    Dever was most likely killed by an ECM hack, because

    he was driving something big and needed a serious

    high speed accident.

    With me, when they tried, the incident was with a

    semi because I was driving a Geo Metro.

    And in the case of Michael Hastings, his car was such a

    safe one that you could not guarantee a death in an

    incident with a semi, and also could not guarantee a

    death in a high speed crash.

    Id bet Hastings wore his seat belt all the time, and

    Dever did not, and the murderers would know these

    details before doing it.

    So to have Hastings definitely dead, kill him first, put

    him in his car, and blow the gas tank.

    It may have been possible to remote control the car to

    where it is with the engine computer via an ECU hack

    with the oh so convenient Federally mandated always

    on 3g cell connection to the heart of the cars controlcomputer with Hastings dead the entire time, and just

    blow the bomb when the car was where they wanted


  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



    Mercedes are extremely advanced, and it is possible

    Hastings car was full drive by wire.

    No matter how you slice this particular pie, a Mercedes

    is not just going to explode into flames without a little


    Car fires in new cars happen for three main reasons

    running the engine out of oil, or running the engine

    out of coolant, or after an absolutely huge car

    mangling accident, having the hot side of the battery

    short out against the frame before it reaches the fuse


    And for all 3 of those normal reasons, which accountfor virtually all car fires in modern cars, the fire would

    have started in the engine compartment, progressed

    slowly, and scorched the hell out of the paint before

    ever reaching the gas tank.

    That clean paint is the be all tell all, Michael Hastings

    was murdered, and the rest is detail.

  • 7/28/2019 Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated



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