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' r rBua mfss" ..ns ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". t 0, Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii. I.iullne April I'll From Vancouver Mnhurii April 21 For Vancouver! "cnlanilhi April !i ESTABLISHED 1882. No. MRS. I of lands Charles II llcinciiwny Ik slated to Ik- - the next Commissioner of Public Ijtnds, according to it plan Unit lias brt'ii Informally considered by tho Senate lenders nml flovortinr Front. Governor I'rear has declared stiongly for II10 fixing of the nnbiry of Hip Cotniiilsslnnor of 1'ulillr it Jinn a month, that It would be Impossible to secure a first I bins man for tho llguro of $3tin, tho ttiiiii placed In thn appropriation bill b Hip limine of Roproscnliitlvos. TIip legislature baa let tho know that It "ill bo Bind In consider nil incroaso In tho Hillary If II knows who his nppnliitci will !' ami It It understood that thn (Jmt-rmi- bad responded with the intimation that lloiiionwuy will be tho man. Ilciuthiv.-i- ) was Attorney (Ipneral lipforn Mex.imler Lindsay, Jr, and Is now a member of Hie law I Inn of Smith, Wan en & Ilcnicmvuy JAIL TERMS FOR OF HEALTH LAW limit hlltc-- i of bill tho In ugtccd fereuce the .H! to two the tho the Is houses Hut Ilbtilcl 11 f"r '!: stronR Two niein-m- k.ivc evidence of heliiR ' ic absent In House lined the Imp moinluK and a ot the health of tho city or "(,-rc- e to tcpoi' fall-till- s In tho course of cimy by one p.ir-hl- s fioin " I ench in a matter which Involved a Chlnci-- tlhli dealer who wus cliarRed mid round Rtilltj of scllltiR fUh unlit human cuiiMiiupHon. "ir I could bellovo that senlencliiR this man to one ear's It would lmvo a halu-toi- v pffcit vvllh other Ohlneiie ilonl-ei- s In the city niarkets, I would Rlud-l.- v do so," declined .ludRO l.nier a dlsphis of cnnJldeialile heat. In his leinarks to ouo Hoy Yuen, lepreseiited at bar bj Attoincy Chailes ChlllliiRWorth TJio' Clilnese did escape with tho tine ,lc lim,rr, mm for sewers n however to of 'nr- - 'inriung mill in iiiiuru un sucu cases . bluuKlit IiIh court would bo denll with moro severely than In tlie piesent instance. "The health of this community Is or tho most vital Importance, ' was one of I.ynicr. 'I will heie.ifter linposo u term or (Continued on 3) FREAR VETOES I'ioiii Hilt nfteiiiimn sent to the llnip.0 Ills veto or mi Itilu III II 11 I in, which nppmprlati'S nionev to pa a number or claims Among Is claim nfi L'uuu bv Jim (Julnu for Wish an nutoiuoblle, and it Is W in vvhhli Hie floveruoi lakes excepttun tZ ' ilal wharf at night being no ' HihiRei on llio whiilf to wain mm. ot ilangei Tho nl bise.i on the cioilud tll.lt this li not valid lie appinves the nlliii lieius ill bill, which had been up- - piovcd bv both IIouso and , Senate Anion on the vuto vvub de- - tfiiu-- until later In tho iirtornoon - . ?T!)? IOR SALE Palolo Hill ") Ocean View Kaimuki ( Properties Nuuanu Kallhl JOSE J. Bishop St., below King St. LIST OF BULLETIN Phone 34J8 4911. I I tax rate 'of one and pr rent hae the House- - of to tho most rnnlllii nl Hie - slon or of vears, vvph one day moro In go. IIm loan appro- - Id liolli WILL 3:30 PAGES. HONOLULU, SLATE limit nkkw VIOLATORS JUINN'S CLAIMS ,,u:;:dd,h,,hy,,,:uM,Rl,!,,:.rf,: CONTEST ORGANIZATION NOMINATIONS PUBLISHED TOMORROW Evening Bulletin EDITION LOBBYISTS I CIA Lllllll L.UULJT rn tfk nan l.obblhtH favoring brought prlnllon nranclips or ttie legisiaiuio Involved wllli tho conference icpoil on t lie tax In fight mid acrlinnn,v Injected The Semite to tho con-ecr- y ropoit, anil now wholo I ho saiuo that foieed roenn- - Klderntlon of Senate Mill No and an amendment In the House pro-- , lile a I'd por rent tux limit today ngnln the members Into op- - posing camps. The coin- - mlttcCH named by Homo and Sen-- , ate after I louse hud amended Mil made tiielr reports this morning Tho part of report that tho t.ickluK on the one and per cent limit he stilckcn out. In oilier winds, llio conference committee to both that the tax bill pats without the the lobby of business men that I has watched Hie lenlslatlvo corridors, Magistrate William I.v- - was too much Im- -' tho this wltli supremo ntanco motion that the limine Honolulu, the conference mornliiR whllo f'l vote I'liiinpt teniarks tho " mm for rlKhtfully h with pajmi-n- l or u or ilnllaiai tkr( thmisaml del UrA the of took occn- - hoiitnl n nolo nolulii, I.T..000 for the Honolulu beroio rnr ennlenllon .ludRO J Page (ioveiiioi these a the r there (lovcinoi's volo claim the thioimhoill Kapaoulu DIAS 11 the lilll lobbv split the limit. lirtoeii uegie i.iurary, aim maw mr a vviiun in Kiineobo uru thu principal additions that the tlniinco committee of thu House had made to the loan bill as It ,.,,, fri,m til0 H(.,,,,u. Tll .,,,, ,,... mine rrom the Scnato carrying a total of $'!U5 .2(0, and tho nmlHO niiuinltteo has added to tills something like $200,000 watershed. Turltor It .Miiul mid IK 10 for I MgiuoH tnav be ihaiiReil. unit that tbosi of Maul leglslatlvo scrap having Res- - Act iteleiod lor Hawaii wan biouglit up ,,fnro ,,0 ,,,, B. when (, j,,,)).-- r ccmiinllleo iipurti-- on TnttU,.H n,,,,,,, joint No Congiess to pass an abllnw nit us a rnr j pi ix tellings In re. loinnilt-- , tee homloil by I'h.ilriiiau Al Castle. n- - plovis tin ii i mii-i- instend a nintion concuirent lennlutlnn was wltli report. Tovvse moved uduptlnii uf Hie report, and It went HuoukIi Tho resolution la as follows. -- Whcreus, Tho citizen-- of Hawaii 12 action wived Hie rpimit . but Its lliiiil fate Ii,iiik In Hie balance. Threats nro freely made Hint Hie loan bill, which should be leported this will be killed If tho House refuses In agree falule of Is hung thn netlnn of tho House It was the samo old line-u-p almnst without change this morning on Hie side of the lobby, which Is llghtlir; for the tux limit . When the report of Hie was lead, u motion that the Hoiibn ag.'oe to Urn report drought the follow tin; report To .iiKiee Alfonso, Conev, Correa, Hale, lluddy, l.niiK Hlco. Klc-kar- Wntklus, r Ilul-slcl- Total IS. In Hits It will he noted Hint Wnt klus chniiKCd it irt iiuiiiuii, 11 v waa In favor of tho limit out mil! out , I ARiilnst Archer, Castle, Cnckrtt, Cooke. Knnel.oa Million, Tava res, Tovvse on Page 2) Tho ll'i.ovn fur the Canu'Rle Library Is to enable the llbnirv eonimltten let tho contract for tin1 work ro ahead with the bulldliiR CurneKle Kft H !UUanoo whereas the lowest bid for tho Is lin.oon, mid to this must bo added Hie cost of furnlsh- - ng It Is estimated that nil ot tho j;5i0oo will bo needed, In addition to the Items named nbovc, uiuhr tho head of countv (oiiie tBOOO ench for hosnltals nt North nml South Knn.i ami Nnith Knhnlu, purtant cuts In Hip Senate bill. Tor ivliicatlnn, u total of JIM.WIO Is pro- - vldid. all Tor new Hclinul- - houses The Senate's llgures undir this bead are pn vloiis to annexation of the Islands bv the rutted Stales bad ami inullitulne for inure Iban lirty an national govern ment, and tlurthv tbelr capailtv for self gov eriiuieiit under and equal to the of a sovereign State, and Whereas. by one or the gi uf the vvoild was Inev-Itali- c owing to tho inuo weakness of such a State, and Its Inability to support aimed defense on laud and sen: mid Wheieas, Inimedlati ly follow lug tho or Hawaii by United States, Congress passed an Organic law giving Hawaii the status or a Terri- tory that has been Hie traditional step- ping stone to State hood; mid "Whereas, I'nder this form tho on Page 3) llonds are to lie Issued to provide mu J7500 for enabling llllo to ncqulro funils fur this, unit the m.ijorltv will h Hawaii inutity will re- lic leliirneil to the bv the piiy tii(, Terrltorj for these itles The loan bill intludis r,0,- - tlt.HM lino for Hawaii bi loads, DJCO.noo for The house committee made no Im- - Kiiunl The hung si .llfc Resolution cn- - Stute- - blind The Stliti-linoi- l bleu Ulld SIIRgest-,.,- 1 lent id Joint The Hiilimltteil the upon this to mid The ye.us numerical small thn Advertising OF 25, 12 FORCING FIGHT LEWIS ANSWERS HEMENWAYTov in now House Splits Over Report ItsjDn TDfl AR Conference Committee L UM U And War Is On RoprcseiilullvcH otiilungcioil, discussion. conference Important amendment lecomnicniled HtralKhtforw.itd Imprihomiieut, Of LOAN BILL TO CARRY FUNDS FOR HONOLULU SEWERS AND CARNEGIE LIBRARY; CUTS a,!hidKorl.Mne"' '"'l.rovliiB unmistakable inlscll.iieou-- . impropriation Improbable Statehood For Be Asked of House Passes Concurrent olution Asking Enabling Speedily. i,iiesilng preliminary unanimously BE Ki wwi NO llamcntary Icmporarlli npptopilntioii iifleriioou, legislation nftcruoon. eonferenie committee Kanmnoum Kawcwehl, Motinaiill, Sheldon, formcily nRrcelni; Kaw.inko.i, Makcknu, Mnrcalllno. Wataholo, Williamson. liniirovements piactlcally iiui'liangeil Hawaii Will Congress Soon established Annexiitlon annexation approprla- - Will APRIL 1911. L M rernandez. liulldliiR independent demonstrated DiiUmi 1 UUIII5 ! IT I I LOST i elovcrnor Cream veto to tho J 100 owi belt-lou- d bill wan sustained in tho Senate tills mnrnliiR by n ote of eight to six. It requiring ten votes to carry a measure over tho executive's veto The veto was sustiilncd on the votes of HAKi:il, II i:VITT, JCDD, and l'AI.t. those voting for the overriding "f the Veto being Cecil lirown, John ltrown, Chilllngvvorth, Knlrclill.1. Kiilelop,., Quliin. Itoblnsnii and I. llllllUllll A few inlnutcH ufter sustaining tlio belt-ron- d veto, the Senate turned about ami went over tho veto of the bill up- - for Hie, f lief of .Inlui A (umiiilus The vote vviim ten to three, Hewitt, Juilit uml K.ilaitui votliiR iiKiilnst the passaire of Hie bill, the (lovrrnor's veto The tioveinnr'H veto to the limine hill nppioprlatliu; $20,000 for the refund- - "IB "' 'noney ...lleeted under nn un- - conMltiitlnn.il lliense tux, was deferred. mvtiltlitR aclKin ny tne iinuse, tuc usual form of IrKlslatlve courtesy. (Continued on Page 2) BASEBALL IN BIG LEAGUES 'Kpolal lilll let to Cable ) SAN FRANCISCO, Cab, Apr. 25 Results today in tho big leagues were as follows! AMERICAN LEAGUE. Boston Boston 5, New York 3. Chicago Chicago 5, Cleveland 2. Philadelphia Philadelphia 11, Wash- ington 2. Detroit Detroit 11, St. Louis 9. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Nev York New York 3, Boston 1. Brooklyn Brooklyn 4, Philadelphia 3. Cincinnati Cincinnati 4, Chicago 5, St. Louis St. Louis 4, Pittsburg 9. s PART OF DEMOCRATIC (Special till I Intlll C ibli ) WASHINGTON, D. C. Apr. 25 Representative James M Cox of Ohio proposes to mako neutralization of the Philippines part of the Democratic pro- gram. Ho is expectod to introduce a resolution to this effect during the present session of Congress. SUGAR" SAN ntANciScn Apr .". Itcets: KK mialvsls, 10s 7 Jd purist, Sic 1'rev luus quotation. 10s Ml $20 ALLOWANCE FOR LEPERS TURNED DOWN .1 I' Hale's lesolutloii asking tor an llulo spoko resolu - Hon. but volco luvor. Expand Any Business TERRITORY HAWAII, TUESDAY, pmirlatlnir$r,C(n(i PHILIPPINES PROGRAM SCANDAL CHINESE PIRATE HORDES LOOT S.S.ASIA (Associated Tress Cable SHANGHAI, China, Apr. 25. Chi- nese pirates have gathered In hordes around the wreck the Paclfio Mail liner Asia, which sunk here Sunday, and are tooting the hull, Warships possibly be called upon to pursue the pirates. Captain standing by in a tug. It Is impossible save the vessel. IBAIL FOR "KIDNAPERS" OF ALLEGED DYNAMITERS (Associated Prrs Cable.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Apr. 25 The attorneys and chauffeur arrested here yesterday, charged with kidnaping the unicn men who are charged with the Los Angeles Times dynamiting, were released on bail today. A similar war- - is out for Detective William J. Burns, but has not been served. (Ansoclntrd "ress Cable.) At ntiournoiiF. n. m.. Ann. ?; John j, McNam.ra, ,.er,tary of the International Structural Ironworkers, snd th olhers accuted o( th Timel dynamuna, passed through here today or i , Anneles. SOCIALIST MEMBER WANTS INVESTIGATION ( Associated Prese Cable) WASHINGTON, D. C, Apr. 25 Victor Berger, the Socialist member of ,he Hou( tod.v ntrodueed . resolu tion Uemandiria an immediate Investi gation of the arrests of the union men at Indianapolis. DIAZ INFORMS A. P. PEACE COMING SOON (AMoelalcil prrns Cablo ) NEW YORK, Apr. 25. President Diaz today sent a message to the socUted Press stating that he is con' vinced peace will be speed. i - PLAGUE TAKES TOLL (Ahixk-IiiIc- Ircs Cslile ) LONDON, Apr. 25 Deaths from the plague India during the month of March numbered 95,864. It is rlKht for you to blow vour own hoi ii, hut It would sound beltu If ynu'd Klvo an occasional toot your scliululu or apportionment Is submit-O- n repoit of the health roiniultteo, ted and nigcil for tho next ten years, the House, this morning tallied Hep it wus this ies.nluton that caused Onhii and Maul vvcie so well lined n the re oi tliuiui. lit light tills' morning that the combination, inado up of (.oventccii tueinhirs, ikfeated thn Ilawall-K.iu- combination without a struggle, and a oncuircnt resolution was iiiloptiil culling iiion Congress for an iinienduiinl to the Organic AlL Tho iininndnient aslis that leglsliitlvo ap- portionment Im li.ised on voting In- stead or Utlii-- population, und a the Ioiik tlllbiister In the IIouso last , to cmno up this inoiiiliig, thu Oalut- - Maul cninblnatlon derided to postpone I'lt und act on Senato lesolutloii to Inerenho or tho ration allowance of Saturday, tho result being a postpone-th- o lepeif, at Molokal fimn Jin to $'J0 ment of llnal action, the thirteen out- lier ).oji and an additional seventy witting the seventeen and deferring tho tents per week foi gioeerles Halo lno liable defeat th it lalno this morn-lefute- d to concur In Hi'- llndlngs ur lug tho inmmllteo which lepoiteil limit Two sits or resolutions wire con-th- o IncreiihO asked Im Is rnr In ex- - sldtrid, nno In the House and one In ccsa of that asked bv llio lepcis lliom- - tho Senate, and tho Senate measure selves. vv us passed Tin House resolution was In favor or his his was tin- - mill In lis of may is to rant As in fur on but tho PAGES. Reply To Compton Mrs. Lewis Says lis False Mrs. Lewis was called to Hie stand after tho cross-cxamln- Hon of Mrs Compton this nfter- - noon. Under questioning she denied nbsoluloly Hint slio over hnd immoral relations with Rich mond: that she had never Been him drunk or that sho had ever been In bis bedroom or that be bad ever been In hers. She branded tho statements as titter- - ly false Miss Sandry denied on tho Btnnd sho had over seen Illcli- - r mond Intoxicated and that she 1. had over helped film home as-- .. slstcrt by Miss Atkinson, when In that condition. Miss Allen said v sho had never seen Richmond Intoxicated although she bad neon lilm Jtuko u glass of beer wltli his lunch. Richmond, In answering tho charges against him, denied ub- - solutely that he was ever Intox- - lented In his life, that ho bad ever had Immoral relations with nny of tho persons mentioned and denied absolutely tho state- - iiicnt made In the allldavlt of the three girls presented to tho Hoard. At this afternoon's session of the board or education, Mrs. Compton, having railed to secure an attorney, for which a recess was taken this morning, submitted to by Principal Richmond. Rich- mond's questions relnted to thn testi- mony sho hud already given and did not shako tho points alio hnd made. Regarding her statement that on a trip to Rainbow Kails ho had made Indecent proposals to her, sho was asked If ho bad attempted violence or to lay hands on her. Mrs. Comp- ton did not Insist Hint he did, but re- iterated that ho had inado tho propos- als to her One of tho developments of this morning's session of the board of Williamson of tiihn and Kelllnol of Maul made the motions today that sent tbelr plan through However, the minority takes hopu rrom tho riict that the loncumnt res- olution will go to Congress with tho local Legislature divided, the first tlnio such ii thing has happened, and also tron. tlio fact that It Is reported that Delegate Kuhln will nut Introduce tho resolution nor support It Ah tho resolution stands, Congress Is asked to nuke the following apportion- ment for the next ten years: In the Senate. In tho I'lrst Senatorial Distric- t- Three Senators In the Second Senatorial District Thrco Siliatnrs In the Third Senatorial District I'lght Senators In tlui l'ourtli Senatorial District-O- ne Senator - In trie House. In tho I'lrst Repiesentatlve District Pout Representatives III tho Sec niul Representative DIs trlct Three Representative OAHU-MA- UI COMBINATION GETS REAPPORTIONMENT PLAN PAST HOUSE; NUMBERS CARRY DAY ii i save time Tills was done, und tho In thn Third Representative District Cntonol Roosevelt while on Ills ro- - Senate koliitlon went tin ougli Hinooth- -' rive Representatives cent toui ur tho vvosi, paid n visit to ly. thn combinations being oxnttly as In tho Pourth Representative d Point, Ihu sccno of his cow Ii ly they were ail duilng llio light last Sat- - trlct night Representatives, days. It had been tvve o ycuis unlay Hawaii and Kauai stood to-- 1 In tho I'lfth Representative District since ho was thorn ni d those who gelher. and Maul nnd O.iliu. with Wat- - Right Representatives know him In thu yoais gave lilm uholo of Oaliu voting vvllh tho Hawaii- - In tho Sixth Representative District a touslug inception, Kauai bunch. I Two Rcprcsentatlvc'i. LU Li ' ?So( M, Modern merchandising It summed up in theie two tentenceil "By their good, you shall know them." "By their advertising you shall know their goods." PRICE 5 CENTS. TALK commissioners of education w.ib tho refusal of Mrs Compton, who brought grave charges against Prin- cipal Richmond to answer tho ques- tions put to her on by Richmond Had o .VsvMnncc. Mrs. Compton took tho stand that Richmond had been coached by un attorney, W II Smith, and that bIic hnd bad no legal ndvlco bIiico the In- vestigation started. She was not to bo cross-examin- by a lawyer with- out legnl counsel herself. The Honrd agreed that bIio should lmvo legal ndvlco aud gavo her until 1 o'clock to get an attorney and pre- pare for the fray. Refused l.a-,- Mglit. Last evening at 10 o'clock, when It camo Richmond h turn to cross-exami- Mrs. Compton lie refused tn do so, pleading bad eyesight, and Smith stated that he hail taken the notes for him. This morning the two men arrived on tho scene all primed to put Mrs Compton out of commission. rhclr Questions wero written on Young Hotel stntlonery nnd many of them were typewritten, showing much work after tho meeting ad- journed at 11 Inst night. These oiiestlons Richmond had In his hand and started to rend tho first when Mrs Compton objected to an swering. SciiMitliiunl (barges. Although but little of moment was brought out yesterday afternoon In tho testimony of Mrs. Lewis and Miss Sundry, the session of tho oveulug which held for three hours commenc ing nt S o'clock, wns full of lurid cliurRos It wns with the commencing of the evening meeting that Mrs. Compton was called upon to mako her charges against Richmond and sho did so with startling directness. Sho charged tho uso of Intoxicating liquor, almost habitual, told of Miss Sandry and another teacher bringing him homo when ho could not get there himself; told of questionable relations with Mrs icwls, evidences of which sho had seen, of tils levv'dness anil at- tempt on Margaret, tho servant at Mrs Lewis's boarding houso; of his conduct with n pupil at tho school, Mnchlvo Araknwa; of his attempt up- on the Hawaiian second girl nt tho, I,owIb houso, nnd of his Indecent posuls to herself nt Rainbow Kails. Jullu Nathalto, tho second girl, tes- tified nt length of what his actions hnd been toward bor and her testi- mony was clonr nnd to tho point. Commissioner Stanley conducted Hie examination of Mrs. Compton and ho hounded her from start to finish, pin- ning her down to tho most direct statements of what sho had herself seen, and not onco In tho moto than sixty minutes on tho stand did sho rnlter beforo the rnpld llro of the legal mind. Sho was absolutely alone last even- ing, whllo Richmond bat with Smith, his nttorney In tho corner, the lawyer taking copious notes of the proceed- ings. Mrs Compton had taken hor own notes nnd asked her own questions during tho examination, and sho was ulono us far as any friendly ndvlco vvcnl, yet sho held her own from sturt to finish. Al'Ti:il.N()0. There was not much doing nt tho afternoon session of tho Investigation of llllo High School matters, Mrs. being first culled and giving (Continued on Page 4) A number of emphatic objections to the form of tho Houso Concurrent Resolution No. 13. mcmorallzlng Con- giess on tho subject of tho proioscd national patk tit Kllauea, wcro made In thu Senate this morning by Senator Juilit. Senator Judd stated libit ho wished to object lo Iho form of tho resolu- tion as a representative of tho "vested IntctestB," mentioning the fact Hint he Is u trustee of the lllshup I.stnlo whoso lauds would be affected by tho proposed lines of tho nntlonal park ;&& I
Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.


r rBua mfss" ..ns ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "".t 0,Mo,,..




From Sun FranclscoiMlini Mum ... . . May 2

For Sun FranclscoiWllliilniliiii. I.iullne April I'll

From VancouverMnhurii April 21

For Vancouver!"cnlanilhi April !i



of lands

Charles II llcinciiwny Ik slated toIk- - the next Commissioner of PublicIjtnds, according to it plan Unit liasbrt'ii Informally considered by thoSenate lenders nml flovortinr Front.

Governor I'rear has declaredstiongly for II10 fixing of the nnbiryof Hip Cotniiilsslnnor of 1'ulillrit Jinn a month, that Itwould be Impossible to secure a firstI bins man for tho llguro of $3tin, thottiiiii placed In thn appropriation billb Hip limine of Roproscnliitlvos.

TIip legislature baa let thoknow that It "ill bo Bind In

consider nil incroaso In tho Hillary IfII knows who his nppnliitci will !'ami It It understood that thn (Jmt-rmi-

bad responded with the intimationthat lloiiionwuy will be tho man.

Ilciuthiv.-i- ) was Attorney (Ipnerallipforn Mex.imler Lindsay, Jr, and Isnow a member of Hie law I Inn ofSmith, Wan en & Ilcnicmvuy





hlltc-- i


tho In ugtccdfereuce the




the tho

the Is



Ilbtilcl 11 f"r '!: stronR Two niein-m-

k.ivc evidence of heliiR ' ic absent In Houselined the Imp moinluK and aot the health of tho city or "(,-rc-e to tcpoi' fall-till- s

In tho course of cimy by one p.ir-hl- s

fioin "I ench in a matter which Involved aChlnci-- tlhli dealer who wus cliarRedmid round Rtilltj of scllltiR fUh unlit

human cuiiMiiupHon."ir I could bellovo that

senlencliiR this man to one ear'sIt would lmvo a halu-toi- v

pffcit vvllh other Ohlneiie ilonl-ei- s

In the city niarkets, I would Rlud-l.- v

do so," declined .ludRO l.niera dlsphis of cnnJldeialile heat. In

his leinarks to ouo Hoy Yuen,lepreseiited at bar bj AttoincyChailes ChlllliiRWorth

TJio' Clilnese did escape with thotine ,lc lim,rr, mm

for sewers n

howeverto of 'nr- -

'inriung mill in iiiiuru un sucu cases. bluuKlit IiIh court would bo

denll with moro severely than Intlie piesent instance.

"The health of this community Isor tho most vital Importance, ' wasone of I.ynicr.

'I will heie.ifter linposo u term or(Continued on 3)


I'ioiii Hilt nfteiiiimn sentto the llnip.0 Ills veto or mi Itilu III

II 11 I in, which nppmprlati'S nionevto pa a number orclaims Among Is claim nfi

L'uuu bv Jim (Julnu for Wish

an nutoiuoblle, and it Is W in vvhhliHie floveruoi lakes excepttun

tZ' ilal wharf at night being no '

HihiRei on llio whiilf to wain mm.ot ilangei Tho nlbise.i on the cioilud tll.lt thisli not valid lie appinves the nlliiilieius ill bill, which had been up- -

piovcd bv both IIouso and, Senate Anion on the vuto vvub de- -

tfiiu-- until later In tho iirtornoon- . ?T!)?

IOR SALE Palolo Hill ")

Ocean ViewKaimuki (



JOSE J.Bishop St., below King St.


Phone 34J8



tax rate'of one and p r rent hae

the House- - ofto tho most rnnlllii nl Hie -

slon or of vears, vvph one day moroIn go. IIm loan appro- -

Id liolli



SLATE limit nkkw





Evening BulletinEDITION


I CIA Lllllll L.UULJTrn tfknan

l.obblhtH favoring


prlnllonnranclips or ttie legisiaiuio Involved wllli tho conference icpoil on t lie taxIn fight mid acrlinnn,v Injected The Semite to tho con-ecr- y

ropoit, anil now wholoI ho saiuo that foieed roenn- -

Klderntlon of Senate Mill No andan amendment In the House pro-- ,

lile a I'd por rent tux limit todayngnln the members Into op- -

posing camps. The coin- -mlttcCH named by Homo and Sen-- ,ate after I louse hud amendedMil made tiielr reports this morningTho part of reportthat tho t.ickluK on theone and per cent limit hestilckcn out. In oilier winds, llioconference committeeto both that the tax bill patswithout the

the lobby of business men that I

has watched Hie lenlslatlvo corridors,Magistrate William I.v- - was too

much Im- -' tho thiswltli supremo ntanco motion that the limine

Honolulu, the conferencemornliiR whllo f'l vote I'liiinpt

teniarks tho " mm




pajmi-n- l or u or ilnllaiai tkr( thmisaml delUrA the oftook occn- -

hoiitnl n nolo nolulii, I.T..000 for the Honolulu


ennlenllon .ludRO JPage


these athe r


(lovcinoi's voloclaim












uegie i.iurary, aim maw mr a vviiun inKiineobo uru thu principal additionsthat the tlniinco committee of thuHouse had made to the loan bill as It,.,,, fri,m til0 H(.,,,,u. Tll .,,,, ,,...

mine rrom the Scnato carrying a totalof $'!U5 .2(0, and tho

nmlHO niiuinltteo has added to tillssomething like $200,000


It.Miiul mid IK 10 for

I MgiuoH tnav be ihaiiReil. unitthat tbosi of Maul

leglslatlvo scrap having

Res- -


iteleiod lor Hawaii wan biouglit up,,fnro ,,0 ,,,, B. when

(, j,,,)).-- r ccmiinllleo iipurti-- onTnttU,.H n,,,,,,, joint No

Congiess to pass anabllnw nit us a rnr

j pi ix tellings In re. loinnilt-- ,tee homloil by I'h.ilriiiau Al Castle. n- -

plovis tinii i mii-i- instend a

nintion concuirent lennlutlnn waswltli report.

Tovvse moved uduptlnii uf Hie report,and It went HuoukIi Thoresolution la as follows.

-- Whcreus, Tho citizen-- of Hawaii


action wived Hie rpimit. but Its lliiiil fate Ii,iiik

In Hie balance.Threats nro freely made Hint Hie

loan bill, which shouldbe leported this will bekilled If tho House refuses In agree

falule of Is hung thnnetlnn of tho House

It was the samo old line-u-p almnstwithout change this morning on Hieside of the lobby, which Is llghtlir;for the tux limit . When the report ofHie was lead,u motion that the Hoiibn ag.'oe to Urnreport drought the follow tin; report

To .iiKiee Alfonso, Conev, Correa,Hale, lluddy,l.niiK Hlco. Klc-kar-

Wntklus, r Ilul-slcl-

Total IS.In Hits It will he noted Hint Wnt

klus chniiKCd it irt iiuiiiuii, 11 v waaIn favor of tho limit out mil!

out, I

ARiilnst Archer, Castle,Cnckrtt, Cooke. Knnel.oaMillion, Tavares, Tovvse

on Page 2)

Tho ll'i.ovn fur the Canu'Rle LibraryIs to enable the llbnirv eonimlttenlet tho contract for tin1 work roahead with the bulldliiR CurneKleKft H !UUanoo whereas the lowestbid for tho Is lin.oon, mid tothis must bo added Hie cost of furnlsh- -ng It Is estimated that nil ot tho

j;5i0oo will bo needed,In addition to the Items named nbovc,

uiuhr tho head of countv(oiiie tBOOO ench for hosnltals nt Northnml South Knn.i ami Nnith Knhnlu,

purtant cuts In Hip Senate bill. Torivliicatlnn, u total of JIM.WIO Is pro- -vldid. all Tor new Hclinul- -

houses The Senate's llgures undirthis bead are

pn vloiis to annexation of the Islandsbv the rutted Stales badami inullitulne for inure Iban lirty

an national government, and tlurthv tbelrcapailtv for self gov eriiuieiit underand equal to the of asovereign State, and

Whereas. by one or thegi uf the vvoild was Inev-Itali- c

owing to tho inuoweakness of such a State, andIts Inability to support aimed defenseon laud and sen: mid

Wheieas, Inimedlati ly follow lug thoor Hawaii by United

States, Congress passed an Organic lawgiving Hawaii the status or a Terri-tory that has been Hie traditional step-ping stone to State hood; mid

"Whereas, I'nder this form thoon Page 3)

llonds are to lie Issued to provide mu J7500 for enabling llllo to ncqulrofunils fur this, unit the m.ijorltv will h Hawaii inutity will re-lic leliirneil to the bv the piiy tii(, Terrltorj for these

itles The loan bill intludis r,0,- - tlt.HMlino for Hawaii bi loads, DJCO.noo for The house committee made no Im- -

Kiiunl The



Resolutioncn- -

Stute- -

blind The

Stliti-linoi- l bleu Ulld SIIRgest-,.,- 1

lent id JointThe

Hiilimltteil the








OF 25, 12



in nowHouse Splits Over Report ItsjDn TDfl AR

Conference Committee L U M U

And War Is On













a,!hidKorl.Mne"' '"'l.rovliiBunmistakable

inlscll.iieou-- .



Statehood ForBe Asked of

House Passes Concurrentolution Asking Enabling





Ki wwi





eonferenie committee

KanmnoumKawcwehl, Motinaiill,




Makcknu, Mnrcalllno.Wataholo, Williamson.




Hawaii WillCongress Soon




approprla- -


APRIL 1911.





DiiUmi1 UUIII5

! IT




elovcrnor Cream veto to tho J 100

owi belt-lou- d bill wan sustained in thoSenate tills mnrnliiR by n ote of eightto six. It requiring ten votes to carrya measure over tho executive's veto

The veto was sustiilncd on the votesof HAKi:il, II i:VITT, JCDD,

and l'AI.t. those voting for theoverriding "f the Veto being Cecillirown, John ltrown, Chilllngvvorth,Knlrclill.1. Kiilelop,., Quliin. Itoblnsniiand I. llllllUllll

A few inlnutcH ufter sustaining tliobelt-ron- d veto, the Senate turned aboutami went over tho veto of the bill up- -

for Hie, f lief of .InluiA (umiiilus The vote vviim ten tothree, Hewitt, Juilit uml K.ilaitui votliiRiiKiilnst the passaire of Hie bill,

the (lovrrnor's vetoThe tioveinnr'H veto to the limine hill

nppioprlatliu; $20,000 for the refund- -

"IB "' 'noney ...lleeted under nn un- -conMltiitlnn.il lliense tux, was deferred.mvtiltlitR aclKin ny tne iinuse, tuc usualform of IrKlslatlve courtesy.

(Continued on Page 2)



'Kpolal lilll let to Cable )

SAN FRANCISCO, Cab, Apr. 25Results today in tho big leagues wereas follows!

AMERICAN LEAGUE.Boston Boston 5, New York 3.Chicago Chicago 5, Cleveland 2.Philadelphia Philadelphia 11, Wash-

ington 2.Detroit Detroit 11, St. Louis 9.

NATIONAL LEAGUE.Nev York New York 3, Boston 1.Brooklyn Brooklyn 4, Philadelphia 3.Cincinnati Cincinnati 4, Chicago 5,St. Louis St. Louis 4, Pittsburg 9.



(Special till I Intlll C ibli )WASHINGTON, D. C. Apr. 25

Representative James M Cox of Ohioproposes to mako neutralization of thePhilippines part of the Democratic pro-

gram. Ho is expectod to introduce aresolution to this effect during thepresent session of Congress.


SAN ntANciScn Apr .". Itcets:KK mialvsls, 10s 7 Jd purist, Sic1'rev luus quotation. 10s Ml


.1 I' Hale's lesolutloii asking tor an

llulo spoko resolu -

Hon. but volcoluvor.

Expand Any Business







(Associated Tress CableSHANGHAI, China, Apr. 25. Chi-

nese pirates have gathered In hordesaround the wreckthe Paclfio Mail liner Asia, which sunkhere Sunday, and are tooting the hull,Warships possibly be called uponto pursue the pirates. Captain

standing by in a tug. It Isimpossible save the vessel.


(Associated Prrs Cable.)INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Apr. 25 The

attorneys and chauffeur arrested hereyesterday, charged with kidnaping theunicn men who are charged with theLos Angeles Times dynamiting, werereleased on bail today. A similar war- -

is out for Detective William J.Burns, but has not been served.

(Ansoclntrd "ress Cable.)At ntiournoiiF. n. m.. Ann. ?;

John j, McNam.ra, ,.er,tary of theInternational Structural Ironworkers,snd th olhers accuted o( th Timeldynamuna, passed through here todayor i , Anneles.


( Associated Prese Cable)WASHINGTON, D. C, Apr. 25

Victor Berger, the Socialist member of,he Hou( tod.v ntrodueed . resolution Uemandiria an immediate Investigation of the arrests of the union menat Indianapolis.


(AMoelalcil prrns Cablo )NEW YORK, Apr. 25. President

Diaz today sent a message to thesocUted Press stating that he is con'vinced peace will be speed.i -


(Ahixk-IiiIc- Ircs Cslile )LONDON, Apr. 25 Deaths from the

plague India during the month ofMarch numbered 95,864.

It is rlKht for you to blow vour ownhoi ii, hut It would sound beltu If ynu'dKlvo an occasional toot your

scliululu or apportionment Is submit-O- n

repoit of the health roiniultteo, ted and nigcil for tho next ten years,the House, this morning tallied Hep it wus this ies.nluton that caused

Onhii and Maul vvcie so well linedn the re oi tliuiui. lit light tills'

morning that the combination, inado up

of (.oventccii tueinhirs, ikfeated thnIlawall-K.iu- combination without astruggle, and a oncuircnt resolutionwas iiiloptiil culling iiion Congress foran iinienduiinl to the Organic AlL Thoiininndnient aslis that leglsliitlvo ap-

portionment Im li.ised on voting In-

stead or Utlii-- population, und a

the Ioiik tlllbiister In the IIouso last

, to cmno up this inoiiiliig, thu Oalut- -

Maul cninblnatlon derided to postponeI'lt und act on Senato lesolutloii to

Inerenho or tho ration allowance of Saturday, tho result being a postpone-th- o

lepeif, at Molokal fimn Jin to $'J0 ment of llnal action, the thirteen out-

lier ).oji and an additional seventy witting the seventeen and deferring thotents per week foi gioeerles Halo lno liable defeat th it lalno this morn-lefute- d

to concur In Hi'- llndlngs ur lugtho inmmllteo which lepoiteil limit Two sits or resolutions wire con-th- o

IncreiihO asked Im Is rnr In ex- - sldtrid, nno In the House and one Inccsa of that asked bv llio lepcis lliom- - tho Senate, and tho Senate measureselves. vv us passed Tin House resolution was

In favor or hishis was tin- - mill In













Reply To Compton

Mrs. Lewis Says

lis False

Mrs. Lewis was called to Hiestand after tho cross-cxamln-

Hon of Mrs Compton this nfter- -noon. Under questioning shedenied nbsoluloly Hint slio overhnd immoral relations with Richmond: that she had never Beenhim drunk or that sho had everbeen In bis bedroom or that bebad ever been In hers. Shebranded tho statements as titter- -ly false

Miss Sandry denied on thoBtnnd sho had over seen Illcli- -

r mond Intoxicated and that she

1.had over helped film home as--..slstcrt by Miss Atkinson, when Inthat condition. Miss Allen said

v sho had never seen RichmondIntoxicated although she badneon lilm Jtuko u glass of beerwltli his lunch.

Richmond, In answering thocharges against him, denied ub- -solutely that he was ever Intox- -

lented In his life, that ho badever had Immoral relations withnny of tho persons mentionedand denied absolutely tho state- -

iiicnt made In the allldavlt of thethree girls presented to thoHoard.

At this afternoon's session of theboard or education, Mrs. Compton,having railed to secure an attorney,for which a recess was taken thismorning, submitted to

by Principal Richmond. Rich-mond's questions relnted to thn testi-mony sho hud already given and didnot shako tho points alio hnd made.Regarding her statement that on atrip to Rainbow Kails ho had madeIndecent proposals to her, sho wasasked If ho bad attempted violenceor to lay hands on her. Mrs. Comp-ton did not Insist Hint he did, but re-

iterated that ho had inado tho propos-als to her

One of tho developments of thismorning's session of the board of

Williamson of tiihn and Kelllnol ofMaul made the motions today that senttbelr plan through

However, the minority takes hopurrom tho riict that the loncumnt res-

olution will go to Congress with tholocal Legislature divided, the first tlniosuch ii thing has happened, and alsotron. tlio fact that It Is reported thatDelegate Kuhln will nut Introduce thoresolution nor support It

Ah tho resolution stands, Congress Is

asked to nuke the following apportion-ment for the next ten years:In the Senate.

In tho I'lrst Senatorial Distric- t-Three Senators

In the Second Senatorial DistrictThrco Siliatnrs

In the Third Senatorial DistrictI'lght Senators

In tlui l'ourtli Senatorial District-O- ne

Senator -In trie House.

In tho I'lrst Repiesentatlve DistrictPout Representatives

III tho Sec niul Representative DIstrlct Three Representative




ii i save time Tills was done, und tho In thn Third Representative DistrictCntonol Roosevelt while on Ills ro- - Senate koliitlon went tin ougli Hinooth- -' rive Representatives

cent toui ur tho vvosi, paid n visit to ly. thn combinations being oxnttly as In tho Pourth Representative d

Point, Ihu sccno of his cow Ii ly they were ail duilng llio light last Sat- - trlct night Representatives,days. It had been tvve o ycuis unlay Hawaii and Kauai stood to-- 1 In tho I'lfth Representative Districtsince ho was thorn ni d those who gelher. and Maul nnd O.iliu. with Wat- - Right Representativesknow him In thu yoais gave lilm uholo of Oaliu voting vvllh tho Hawaii- - In tho Sixth Representative Districta touslug inception, Kauai bunch. I Two Rcprcsentatlvc'i.




Modern merchandising It summed upin theie two tentenceil

"By their good, you shall knowthem."

"By their advertising you shall knowtheir goods."



commissioners of education w.ib thorefusal of Mrs Compton, whobrought grave charges against Prin-cipal Richmond to answer tho ques-

tions put to her onby Richmond

Had o .VsvMnncc.Mrs. Compton took tho stand that

Richmond had been coached by unattorney, W II Smith, and that bIichnd bad no legal ndvlco bIiico the In-

vestigation started. She was not tobo cross-examin- by a lawyer with-out legnl counsel herself.

The Honrd agreed that bIio shouldlmvo legal ndvlco aud gavo her until1 o'clock to get an attorney and pre-pare for the fray.Refused l.a-,- Mglit.

Last evening at 10 o'clock, when Itcamo Richmond h turn to cross-exami-

Mrs. Compton lie refused tn doso, pleading bad eyesight, and Smithstated that he hail taken the notes forhim.

This morning the two men arrivedon tho scene all primed to put MrsCompton out of commission.

rhclr Questions wero written onYoung Hotel stntlonery nnd many ofthem were typewritten, showingmuch work after tho meeting ad-

journed at 11 Inst night.These oiiestlons Richmond had In

his hand and started to rend tho firstwhen Mrs Compton objected to answering.SciiMitliiunl (barges.

Although but little of moment wasbrought out yesterday afternoon Intho testimony of Mrs. Lewis and MissSundry, the session of tho oveulugwhich held for three hours commencing nt S o'clock, wns full of luridcliurRos

It wns with the commencing of theevening meeting that Mrs. Comptonwas called upon to mako her chargesagainst Richmond and sho did so withstartling directness.

Sho charged tho uso of Intoxicatingliquor, almost habitual, told of MissSandry and another teacher bringinghim homo when ho could not get therehimself; told of questionable relationswith Mrs icwls, evidences of whichsho had seen, of tils levv'dness anil at-

tempt on Margaret, tho servant atMrs Lewis's boarding houso; of hisconduct with n pupil at tho school,Mnchlvo Araknwa; of his attempt up-on the Hawaiian second girl nt tho,I,owIb houso, nnd of his Indecentposuls to herself nt Rainbow Kails.

Jullu Nathalto, tho second girl, tes-tified nt length of what his actionshnd been toward bor and her testi-mony was clonr nnd to tho point.

Commissioner Stanley conducted Hieexamination of Mrs. Compton and hohounded her from start to finish, pin-ning her down to tho most directstatements of what sho had herselfseen, and not onco In tho moto thansixty minutes on tho stand did shornlter beforo the rnpld llro of the legalmind.

Sho was absolutely alone last even-ing, whllo Richmond bat with Smith,his nttorney In tho corner, the lawyertaking copious notes of the proceed-ings.

Mrs Compton had taken hor ownnotes nnd asked her own questionsduring tho examination, and sho wasulono us far as any friendly ndvlcovvcnl, yet sho held her own from sturtto finish.

Al'Ti:il.N()0.There was not much doing nt tho

afternoon session of tho Investigationof llllo High School matters, Mrs.

being first culled and giving(Continued on Page 4)

A number of emphatic objections tothe form of tho Houso ConcurrentResolution No. 13. mcmorallzlng Con-giess on tho subject of tho proioscdnational patk tit Kllauea, wcro madeIn thu Senate this morning by SenatorJuilit.

Senator Judd stated libit ho wishedto object lo Iho form of tho resolu-tion as a representative of tho "vestedIntctestB," mentioning the fact Hinthe Is u trustee of the lllshup I.stnlowhoso lauds would be affected by thoproposed lines of tho nntlonal park

;&& I

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.

fpl p Wjrw, vryjV"r


Masonic Temple

AWeeKly Calendar

MONDAY,:Ol entile Milill.

TUESDAY:lliilliiliilu I'll llicili',

WEDNE3DAY:,lliiivull.111 -- 'llilnl Diem.




All rleltln members of t.yrder tire cordially Invited tosttp'irt "lPitl'itn of local ledge

Meet on the2nd and 4th j

Mondays oftnch monthat K V Hall7 30 P. M

marine EMitair fZLZBENEFICIAL WVWTIOIl ciatiom cor-iisl- lj


TAWAIIAN T1UBI, Ho. 1, 1 0 R. M.

Men every Brut and third Thurs- -ot eadi moDth at Knights ot

Pithlas Hall Viiiltlng brothers y

Invited 'o attend11. FOSTER, Sichcin.K TODD, C. ot n.


Meets on the 2nd and 4th WED-

NESDAY evnnlngs or each month it1:30 o'clock lu K of I Hill, cornerReretanla and fort streets.

Visiting Eagles r.ro InTltod to

III i) a n wis v PM I Mel l'i Sec


Honolulu Lodge No 616, B. P. 0.Bltts, meets In their hall, on King6treet, near Tort, every Friday eve-aln- j;.

Visiting Ilrotheru aro cordiallynvlted to attend.


"VM HcKINLEY I0DGE. H0. 8,K. ot P.

Meca every 2nd nnd 4th Saturdayreulng at 7 30 o'clock In IC of P.

Hall, cor Port and Herclanla. Visit-ing brother cordially Invited to at-

tend.V I' KH.I1EY, C. CK A .IAC01ISO.V, K It. S.

v?J v r r ;i'iliwlShur-on-J MS$iy in iIjk Qim. llic lire

OUR FOLICYi i II 1,11 liilni;

n Is I kin MHII, III it the i ll

u v tl ( s in U ofit ntis w u t int ii In

i tl it ur I i t isI ' ll i il ill I'f t 111 I I


Boston Building Fort StreetU r Muy & Co


On D splay TuesdayMILTON i PARSONS

Hotel St opp Young Tel. 3033


When Building a ?

HomePut in your lion ,e the mo t ionvenicnt and economical arrciinomont for HLATINC. THE BTH fSun Heat Costa Nothing, Tor information and pr ces of "Bnltimore SUN HEATERS," writo toWARREN B, CRAW, P O. Box669, Honolulu, or Trent Trust Co.


Capitol CafeEverything New Service Excellent


Masonic Iliillillin,', (iirnir Hold nnilMaKia.

Tho heat 1. uses in Innn lo lit iirjej e.



? -A- t-Mrl',8WrVoWI?Ft,'B'8 '

Fort Street


The Bulletin telephone number!have not been changed with the loca- -

tioi. of the papor. They remain the I

ame as printed in tho telephone direc- -

tory Business office, 2256 J editorialrooms, 2IS5.


Autos, H per hour, lowls StablesIt goes without S'oIiir tlint every-

thing In Dcat at Tlio Kncore.Ni Himk of IiIr nliklo tablets oi

ill it tho II ti I U l I n nuliolliiifp who ill Ink tit tho Author

Saloon nro Immune from ihnlcrnflni's ii ml loo Kiilnii.i s a( miinhiloin In' found .il tho Ami Llvtr)

Phono l.lSBNew shipment of men's nnil bovs

strnvv mill frit huts K.iiii Chong I'o ,II irrlsnn Itloek

If ion want a Rood Job done on vnauto or cnrrlngp take It to HawaiianCnrrlnr.0 MTg Co, 427 Queen SL

I W A ItPilhouii', wutclim.ikor ntulJeweler ban ipsumpil business In thoMisonli I emplc, Alnkcn street ITistihis w.itihwoik u 8nilnlly

The Bulletin illustrated specliledition will be of much Interest tofriends, ns it describes and pictures theland you live in or are visiting.

(let jour clothes made to jour ownnieusttro nt prices bj(ien A Mat tin, Knplolanl IIIiIb Suits$.'0 mid up

iiintliiii to Ktrlko out certain poi-iin-

nf tin imsvvur made by H M

it ton an uttniuci for Trunk Iti't ilg was lili'd In Hip Supreme Courtthis tnnmlng .mil was argued beforeHip (hue Justices this .ifternoon


II T HAltCLAV has returned toII luali utter spending mime tlmo Intin Ml) on .1 business mission

IllSlinP II II RHSTAKICK andvim wen p.isxcngcis foi Ililo b the

ti itm i M.iun i Kin, sailing for thoHiK Maud till morning

I'l ITU I l'i: the Ola.i planter andnnil niiiiii'i was n returning pas-- s

tii.' i tu the 111k Inland In thoti hup! Manna Kia thin illuming

l Hit! S and I .1 SULLIVAN,intels of loimiierie, have, gono tothe Dig Island on u business tourI'liej lift by the Maunn Ken thistbis morning

(Continued from Page 1)il I' 'Ino inilnhuis Killlllol anilIII K Mill ahsf 1)1

tn:ioilt oie of the House mhIxuui iipecm'.in tti eirr the mo-

tion Itleo of Knu.il b.ii'ked up t

mini others itiiulp n qtilik tacticalchange mid s.ncl the teport like

hanged his nta fiuin pb to no midwas InllOHOil bv Affoiitii fonri, IIiiIp,lliiddv Kiincuchl and hheldou Thenhe hiiiwd that lutlon on Ihe icpoithe lotihldi'icd, and Ibis carried ni Itnipilpd wtlv a tn.iJorllN of those g

Ip fnllnupii Ibis with a nnitlirito defer action until this afternoon,wlili Ii silro carried

Of the two mi nibers absent Kelll-iin- lIs ndnilltedli In f.nor of the la

ilinlt whlli Yates' position Is tint pi- -t

tin Kelllnol IIiIh nuirnlng tookYates out of Hie Houso and the, diduoi impisur when the lepoit c.unoup 1'i'on Yales' nle when be re-

turns lo Hie llnuse this uflernontiIi hif. Hip lepnrl. ptoildlug the olh-- 1

st mil i,i I

Tin te no a lol of things lulled upin Hits flghl hill II ill MmiuciH downt uhi'tliir or tioi the lobby In f,iornf iln m limit shall preall The nc-- i

hi of the Suiale t liln morning In'lpbolillng Ihe (loverunr's eto of theO'llm bell mads bill helped to stir upilu House

The loan bill tarries with It morethan fliionnil for sehoolhouspB, bolt

ids for .Maul Kauai mid Hawaii midother measure ul the flist Import-ane-


Solium i llrothiis haf niitde abouth' iiu i si hit lu lot nl MiudevllU elr- -I' ilu il II' I III till! Illjou lllHl Illicitn I i In- - ti plated tonight ami foi

Hi ii i of the wcik bring one of IheHiking examples of athletic il

Ii imienl Tlte aro il

liiilinii'is and tho ease with whiiliMm Inllei of the two handles tininiumri man into lie comparoil In thollli king of tho ash fiom n clgiu Thei illt r Is a splendid spccliupn of liurd)young manhood Their act Is won- -

dctlul nnd Hiould not ho missed. Tholintel Slsteis, nllh tho oldor In Oroel in i irises woio good

)ii it the Kniplro Lovel and King,i ii xiistnillaii skoteli team, mmlo listiist anppariinro loPll, In typical

istiiillnu stotkmaii altlro, bus nin isnlflccnt singing olco bisMing of tho AtiMrnllnn bush life wl'hn rultatlvo, which was thilllluglnoiulit down tho houso Ho Is ciiunl- -

K us fine n singer as any of tho fainoiih Dm it trio

llilili fiiilo and tho Anker Slsteispn ' iiiert mi enllrelv new list of songsnl I'm iia ov, w hero also Ii it spleul"l I'atlii' lllin iniucsoiitliiR Phai.iohma lifr lu anilonl Ilgypt The R.ivo

bus an ixtpllenl piogiani IhrougbniiAi tin P.nk Itono the wire walkti

In an ontlrnl) new uthleile act thoV Isimi sis'erK In songs and dancesand l.ltlh Male the suubiotto show-i- d

tl in il h.i. a pi ogi am of strongilriwlii- - piwei md will bine liiiR'B!ianVStf .1 iaV ..'.


)V e u k 1 j 1) u 1 1 o 1 1 u $1 per year.




Japanese Steamer Hongkong Maru Coming From Centraland South American Ports Must Fumigate IslandSteamers Carry Many Portuguese Plantations Fer-

tilizer Ship In Port Sampan Stolen.

The l'nlle, Stales iiu.irnntlno ser-vl- ie

has inieted the lists nnd It wag-ing n xlgorotis emupalgn towmds thocxlermlintlon of niostpiltoes on boardanv xcssol tint lnnj arrive nt Hono-lulu fiom nn Inferled jorl

The possbllll of Ihe ptesenee ofn little winged nipssengei, bearing thoile,ull germs of jrllow feet oilliu.uil ii llsltlug steamer or snlllngship has sliupli caused the l'ederaltmdlcnl olllcers of this port lo excitstill grcnlor cine In the leceptlon ofsuch xessels upon arrival heie

The Toio Klsen Knlsha liner Hong-kong Main from Central and SouthAmerican ports with n qunutltv ofgoneral cargo and nitrates iirrlied offthe harlsir this morning The steam-er bus not been permitted to come In-

side until the IVdeinl health authori-ties lime conducted n thorough fumi-gation ol Iho lesscl from slein Inuerii

There Is alw ijs n pnsslhllltj of anoutbienk of n How .lack nt tho Ceu-- 1

til mid South Amcilcau portslu the case of tho Hongkong Mnru,

Pr Itnmus nnd his olllcers immedlate-I- v

decided upon n fumigation of tholosscl before being allowed In comewllliln the harbor limits nnd go to onoof tho whan cs

The Hongkong Mnru Is understoodIn need of some coal In order to continue tho voi age to Input nnd China

The steamer little or no cargoto be dlsthargcd here

aMars May Arrive by Manchuria.

According to stoilcs from oftlcersIn the Pacific Mail sleamci Clihn1 C tllud) Mars the ail.ilor mni boa pasiiengir In the sle.imei Mam bu-

lla that Is due to anile fiom thoOrient nn I'lldni

A leltei received from ' Hud ' HanIhe during Mmiig ail.ilor, who gneIho first neropbtne lllgbts over wit-

nessed In the Orient nt the retcnlPhilippine Cainlinl, stales (bat Cap-tain Tom llnldwln, his pirlncr soollnfler llteli nirlial In Kobe, Japanwas cabled by Ihe war ilopnilinonlulflc litis ul Washluglnii ipipiestlug hisseniles lis u dirigible balloon midaeroplane expert In work In lonnee- -

llon ullli the s of the Uliilidstates Hoops along the Mexican bolder Cnptnlii llablwln lelt at onie forIho stales and .Mr Alurs Is booked tosail foi San Krantlsco on April lr onthe same en ami

Aflei leaving MiiiiII.i Mars went loKobe and gaie mi oxhihlliou and uoxtg.ne two exblbllloiis in Osaka, whomenormous crowds inme out lo watchthe blriliuiin A decoration was bes-towed oh Mais Ii) tho Mikado s

a lupaiiise pi Into m iKlugthe nwiml aflei seolug lliu spiiituu-la- i

air Mights of lliu young Amerl-- ian

Over Hundred Booked by Williclmlna.One hundred mid Ien p.istengcrs

lime llius fur boen bnokul foi SinI'ranclsin b) Ihe Mnthoii N.iilgitlonslenmer Wllhelmltin lliat is hihediili ,rtn depart foi San Kianelsio nl ieno'clock tomorrow mouilng The vi.s-s-

may lake less linn Itn In Hi"steerage The Wlllulmlti.i will leavetho islands with oier 111 o Ilu iisan.lIons sugai a portion being lunli.ltihoard at Hlln

faCaptain Macphall a Buiy Man,

Caplulii Aicbibalil Muiph.ill, il

In ch irge of Hie slowing ofHie thirteen bundled ton hiigu millnow going lulu Iho .lupinese fielghtil Kuan Mam iiudei Hie auspliPH nfMiCabp II million and Ileum Iiu ilsteiedores is a bus) uisli these d.i)sis Ibo work draws tn n i lose

Ono of Ihe in litest Jobs of loadingof he.ti i mitchlner) done at Ibis p'niin miiiiv a da) Is ncirlug (onipleilonns tho mill which has beiu suppllnlh) the Honolulu Iron Works Is snlelistowed undor tho batches of ihe iesscl Tbcro nro hundreds of plects ofmachinery of eior) conetlvnble sizeBhapo and iiilgln Much of this hasliorctofmo glien (oiiRldiirablo troubbIn the placing llo'iuo Iho v. ml. w, ,tindci taken a conn ktt set of plans i

loullng the mill bad been drawn tinand It Is this rt'iomo designed undeIhe direction of Captain MicphullHint has been followed Tin KoinMnru Is expected will gut nuav tot

PHONE 1281




roiinosit In Hit It I ol the weik T beiesel lies at HMip wharf

rnHeavy Weather Delays Zealandla.

Ileuvv weathei lo Hip siiulhwiiid Is

renorled as lesp mslble foi tho deliylIII nrrli.il or Hip Can ll hisleniusblp Xeiihmilla now inioule fiomAustralian pints il.i Sin i lor Hono-lulu nnd Victoria

A wireless terelii'd nt Hip ngi'iievof T II Hubs and Coinpmi till!'morning stuhs thai Hip vessel willarrlio off the srl on in abiiiit seveno'llock this livening The Tcdi'ialiltiainntlne anil Inimlgrailnn authori-ties will board the lersel upon iirrl-v-

at am time before nine o'clockThe deliv In making pint will result.In the Zealanill.is being fouu illspiteli- -

ed for lit 11 It'll Columbia irls and thi'vessel will now ptobiblv sail for Vli-- tlini. i tomorrow noon A small taiK'i'will be leH nl Ibis purl

Did a Marathon on the CrookWilli Ihe u cent dopartuie of the

Unl'ed Stales nrtni transpori Cusikfrom Ilnuoliilu Connlo" Haves oucoii well known atlikle sprlnler midmarnlbon runner Is said lo have tak-en Icaie of Iheso blessed Islands foru liioi-- congenial field ot operation onthe coasl The claim Is made HintHaes was known on board Iho Ciookas "1 link silling under that nnmowith a posslblllii of avoiding detecHon According to report Huies orPunk was to huie been wedded to :t

Hairnllan lidv thice dii)s followingthe sailing of the transport His absence fioui the ell) nocessarll) isist-pone- d

the ci reinonv Ten slo,vawa)sire said lohine gitlned a pissage toSun Crnnclico li the aciommodatlnrfIroopshlp

mStructural Steel In Alaskan.

In the largo quantity of cargo thatnrrlied nl (he port lodav bv the Ame

n freighter Alaskan wassix hundred tons of structural sleol tobo used In tho building of the Illlollnilvvav extension Tho Alaskanbrought other conslgnmcnls ot ftclgh'a iKirtlon bnilng been transhippedacross tho Isthmus of TehuanteiiePmi loaded Into tho Alaskan at .i

Cni7 II Is expected that ihoicssel will lemnin at tlio Railwaywhiif mil II 1'ildav befnie depaitliufor island ports of I'all lo githei Ihousual iillolment of sugar

Nitrates from South America.II Is tho lutetiHon lo give Ihe Ame-- i

lean stboouii Hldoiadn with a ship-ii- n

ul or llfleen huudieil tons nllralesrrom Cinlial nnd Sotillt America upiompt ilisiinlrli Tin vessel anlvedoff Hip noil I isl night bill owing InHip Iiiipwm. of Hie hour was milluoitglit hisidp Ibp baihoi Tho vrs- -

spl mnl eaigu i onip lonslgued to IheHaw iii.in l'erllllir Coinpait) TheI llotadn was loilv live da)i lu lll.lk-ii-

Ibo pnss.tgera

Lurline Off for the Coait this EveningAI live o'clock the Malson Naviga

tion Bleainer l.uillne will be illspnlcli- -ul foi San binuelsco. sailing fiomHie old Huckft'ld vvlimf Tho l.uillnefins retell iil a full shipment of dug--

a lint lion being gulheicd at Islandpints About foil)-llv- o enbln passengers have been booked at the olllcoof Castle and Cooke The I.urllnewill e.tir) no hleeingo p.isstugcrs onthis tripi H


Illx arrived Se.iHIe Apr 111

Logan fiotn Manila foi llonoltil i,

ipt II 'Sin lid in mrlvtd at Sail ITauelhCO,

Api ItSheiuiiti. rrom lloiiolulii foi Mimili

A pi 11Ciook, arilied at S.m I'l.tniiseo, Apr

12Iiuford.Miriiiod Shanghai, Mar. 31.


'rtii'silai, prll '.Ti.

s I'ltANCISCO-Arrl- vid April 2 1

S S Sleiru, S a in, hence Apill l'i

Ilu lie tin phone numbers arc!Huslncss Oillce 2.'().IMIIurlnl Ilooms SIS.I.

WXPeacocR&Co.,Ltd.Tel. 1704 Wines and Liquors Tel. 1704

Family Trade a Specialty.

( Mont Rouge WinesSole Agents Mumm's Champagne

( Schlitz Beer


Per stmr Maunn I.on, for Kona andKnu ports, April 2!"i C II McUryde,Miss Aahford, C W. Ashford

Per P M S S Korea for .tapnupoits and Hongkong Mrs Tsuru Mnl

mshlta II i: Walker, Mi's A N

Poller Miss A N Poller T II Pot-ter Mrs 1. I, norland, W A SHeals, Sum A Walker, Win Woon,W II llaugh



Malls nro duo from tlio followlnipoints ns follows:San li iinclsro -- Nippon Maru Ma) 21 oliolMina l.ini Inula Apr 2!)

Colonies-- Per pnlniull.i, Apr 25.

Vlilnili Per Makur.t. Apr 2S

Mulls will depart for tho followingpoints ns follow n.Sm l"i and' co- - Jan line April !li"i oKnlinm i Nippon Mntu Mai 2

Vnnc niiei l'i r Zealamlia Apr 2"S)ilnci Mitkiiru Apr 28.



e' 1 lllie Hpprcsi ntallvi fromKiimil. bus iiiiniel to Hip llo.i'p pllh-l- li

IiiiiIh loiiinilttpp that the I ili'lnl.lInn n I'lnti in 1 nil ll sets i ' hie IheiPViliinn rinn divPloped pu'dl lall'Nfor Hip l in 111 of sclioiils. sinitatlutlmnl tin Colli gp of Hawaii, Iip ntnriiileilns nl.itiK In xanltntloit t'ndcr theorigin il iisiilnthin r,0 per cent of therpvi mips tire to go for schools, 1,0 pi re put, fot sanitation nnd health pur-

ports mnl la per tint for tin Colli goof Hawaii

Ulep preposi s that the 3d per cent,be set apart ns n fund to old hoino-steaih-

bv ilevilopbig mils nt jires-- int uudeviloptd nnd opining Hum to

cnliv piping water to the unlrrlgatedlands nbove the cane llelds, In inlngtunnel to homesteaders for getting set-tled nnd situll ir purposes Up IicIIpvisHi it this will answer tin mgitinint HintIf Hip deviloppil binds nrp sit aside nsin ivltinllv proposed the T'errltori'shomcstenil policy ivlll be swept asliloand botin ste ailing tepudlnted Theiimimlttee Is still eonshlirlng the reso-lution Rice believes that henlHi nnttirs are alreatl) uell provided for


The Picific Mnll Inlermedlathlennier Asia vvhieh lrcoidlug lo enhies bus foiinilciPil with total loss nlfITnger Hoik In the Chilli sea Isthought Hi bale carilnl a caign ofconsldiiable value

H.iv silk Is leported n hi ing shipped In geneiotis iptantlllis at this sei-pii- ii

of the vear The Pacific Mallsteamer China which passed throughHonolulu mi lust lrlda) Is known Inhalo can led silk to the laluo of ovcione million dollais In iiddlllon, IheChina had othei cugo which lueiughlthe total lo ti much blgbir figure

In the absence of dtfinllo ndilcos,the Asia Is bolleied to halo been arlchlv laden slilp

The ellmlnallon or Iho Asia fromIhe Par IIU Mnll fleet will netcssarllv(a a mi n th.inge tu be made In thoexisting Joint tians-1'aclfl- c hlonmshlpbchedtile now In opeiallon b) the Pa-

il lie Mali and tlio Tom Klsen Knlshaline is This is u matter howeverwhich will have in be niianged be-

tween the heul nfllie of Iho PaciniMall nt Salt i'l.'iui'lbi o nnd hcailiiuar-lei- s

of tho T K K ul Tokvnluipilrv made Ihls miuulng failed

lo disclose Iho umoiiiil of Insurant!if ail) thai was cat lied upon Ihosleainer Asia Her value nl Ibo tluu1of ellhatter him lieen esiiinaled at o

freitn mio tn five bundled Humsand dollars

Tho Ash has litin lu service feu

tweul.v-elg- .mm is She was a Ililllsh1tiilt lessel, from the wit)s of H.u-la-

nnd Wolff nnd was launched un-d- tr

the naino of Oenle lu Maich 1S8!Kor )ears bIio was operated under thoauspices of thfa White Situ Line Thevessel has seen cnusldeinble sorilioon the Atlantic sldo beforo beingtrnnslerled tn the tinns-Paclfl- c tradennd In tho Oceldenlnl and Orientalline Tho Asia w is to have departedfiom Honolulu cm Muv IJIb Hie samedale as Hint lehedubd for Ihe hail-ing of Hie Mat son Navigation slctim-c- i



(Continued from Paoo 1)

Tile veto to Hie hilt road iniiisuieu House bill- - was oveirblen by thoReptespntatlvcs unanimously on thodns reuli id imd It was expelled thatthe fipllug that platform pledges badlo be respected would be of sullltlentweight to swing ten .Senators Into linoand i hush them to register their oppo-sition to the llovvs of the ("lovernnrThe veto has been deferred from tlmoto time

When the belt-roa- d uln miner up onthe order of tho elnj this morning, Sen-ator Miikekiiu the Senate apnstlo ofih lav moved ti defer nitlnn until

and v as seconded ly Chllllng-wort- h

The motion was voleil, downbouivir unit Hie vole then tnkt u thatteoiltiil lu the sustaining nf tin vein.

The overriding of tho veto to thnC iiinmliis bill was expiited A slmllir bill was passed nt tlio session of1001 but was pocket ieto6d The Hov-

el not pinttlcnll) declared In bis mes-sage Hint even If the bill pissed overhis veto tilt IP would he I irge legal

In foi e Cummins teieived the$'101111

Weekly Ilu Mc tin 11 per year,



Ariir Ilu iipvs had flllernl to thoHouse iieros- Hip hall of Hip CitpllolHint (ion rinir I'rpitt s vi to of Hip Oaliilbelt roads bill hail Ik en siistiilueil hvlb" uppu liodv. vvhtipiis ll bad Iippiioven IiMpii hv Hip lowpr. Hip llousp gotbus) nnd ovprrodp niiotber It to.. Thiswas Hip veto to Hip Hoiip hill vvhkliappropriated fjo.iino to refund

for luiith.mdlsc llccnsps wrong-ful- l)

lolleelpilfile fi nate followpil Hip precedent

pstiihllsliiil b the House this luinnliKon the bill providing for the rcfiipitln Jof Utilises colliilpd on nn iricun ullnHi mil merihandlse llienslng tax, iiiit.nvinoilp the ntif of the (loirriuirThis in ikes Iho ilrst nrtual ovirrlillngof nn ixeiutlvp vito during Hip ses-sion limine mnl Si nale'lmvlng split onIhe belt rend irto It Is cotihlereilprui lb nil) icrtnln however that tinlloitse will follow Ihe had of the Sen- -ate mnl. timrlile the Hovernnrs Woto the ('intimitis bill


The bill proi Idlng for the appolnt- -I

lllllll HI ll IllirilOl llllllllllXHIOIl VVIOI,

taken from the tnblo In the Sin lie thismorning nnd passed on third readingwith a dee Islve lole of tin to four

esten1a) House Hill No. IMi, pro-- iIdlng for Hip ttppnlntuienl of n wntir

and sewer loinmlsston, failed to pass,the argument against it being led b)(Veil llrovvn, who et.iliuiil that It wasinnlt.iii to tho ptovlslons of the ii

Ai tWin ii I'hlllliigwortb made Ills motion

this mnrnlng to take the harbor ti

bill from the table. Senatorllrovvn was on his feet at once

I will not sn) what I Intended tohiv." sulci the Senator from Onlm'However It will he plain to tho peo-

ple and the inetnhirs of tho Scn.ituvvlint It means should this bill bo pass-ed now House Hill 18b, imbodi Ing theler) same principles, was voted downjesterila) "

heintor llrovvn moved for the Indif-Inlt- e

postpone incut, and riilrchlld thenrii"i to l. that since the Republi-can members of the Senate hud Justilnlntiil a sole inn pledge of their plat-form h sustaining the (lovernnr's letohis Ideas- on tiiatti rs of poilij had illsdiik'oue a hnngp and be vvns nml) tovoli fin Hit bill

The vol s iiMiIns-- the pa of tinbill wen i list bv Raker eell Ilrovin,Cblllliigwoith unil RohliiHiiu

Thiee hundred and fifty PortugueseIniinlgianls vvliu arrived here lu Ilullrlllsh steamship Orleile nl Ihe Inst. i nee of the Territorial Hoard of Im- -mlgiatloti have been given eiupluvment on the several Island plant ttl insand bv Ibo ilose of the day thev willhave started foi fields of futuio Inho'

The lulet-lslmi- d Mi .unci MannaKei railing at ten o'clock Mils nin (

Ing cart led III persons Including menwomen and children all deslluiil fmHawaii planlnllous

Oni huudieil mid twi ulv l,otlugiii"'ev.Itu liave beiu assigned lu Hip v.nloils sugar eslalis, nn tin island ofMaui, left b) Ilu slpnuifi Maun i I.onsailing al noon loda)

The steamer Klniiu, is leaving fotKauai polls this evening mid Is ex-

pelled will hike neat I) one hundredadditional Piutiiguuo Tho HawaiianSugar Planters Association has alsoariangetl fot the Milpmonl of someeighty Filipinos by Iho stoimers

for Island ports this eveningKour bundled Spanish liuiulgiiiiits ul-- e

miliaU b) the Ortcrle mi expos-

ed Will bo t pleased fiom quarantinenl the order nf the Tprilloilal Hoardof Health lommiow mninliig


A Ihliti Iiiiim' power samp in llmpinpell) nt Hi Mllaniuia and namedIhe Kcngcl Mnru was stolen from Hieuuehtunge uuiii the Chmiuul vvbatf ''iiiiu ii c'i"i iv lion iiioiiiiiiK, 'inn n, i"Ihe noon lioui today, lothlng hasbleu lie.nil eonceinllig tho Ivlieiu- -

abouts of Iho llshlug vesselTho pnllco havo been .notified that

the sunipan was safely niooied atmltlnlght An nttempt wus inndo thismorning In get u lino of tho movo- -

ments of soveral fishing vessols thatappealed off Iho threo mile limit. In- -

qulrv thus fnr has elicited nothingtaiig'lblo that will lead lo Hie rccov- -or) of tho boat

USInter-Islan- d nnd 0. n. etl Shipping

books for sale at the Hullo tinnfllco. Tiflo each



Bro. Benjamin Indorsed By

Prominent Woman WhoSays He Made Her Well.

A strong sliileiiienl in favor f Ihellro Ilciijamln leinidles vvns undoipstprtl.i) nt the Honolulu Ding Co,1021 Port street. Odd Tellows build-

ing, by Mrs Samuel Wallace, fonneil)Mrs .ludd of 2111 l.tllha slieit Sheileclaied she hud been entlieli niri'tlof stomaih troublp of sevetal vears"standing by the treatment of llroIlenjiniln, who hnl stirred mi muchcommeiit In Iho Islands slnee lie hisbeen meeting the people here IteuJ.i-inin- 's

must latllciij theori Is that '''per cent of nil ihrotili Illness la duotn nothing but stomach tumble MrsWiillncp's statement ceitnltily tendto heal nut his stall incuts Sbo silil

"Seiernl )enrs ngo I began to sufferseven ly from sloinach trouble I U

for It, but It seemed to me toslindlly grow norso 1 lost flesh, wastired nnd anemic all of (he time, nndthe pains I suffered ufter entlnrf finnl-I- )

giew so bad that I thought I Isidcancer Taking food Into my stomathbecame tnlturo Has would form Iwould become nauseated nnd feelfaint, with 11177) spells Then palpl-tntlo- n

of tho heart, which follovvid,ni.ulo ma fear mid almost wish I waigoing to die I was cold all over

, r, .,, , , , i ,,I'liil nil linn iij mi iiO iiiiiiii iivi - - i'tpains In the batk and lu Hip head' bonervous nt times Hint I thought Iwould lose my reason

I have Hied In Honolulu longenough for mv fi lends to know thatI would not say Ihls for nuyore unless It vvero true, but this llro 'h

rrinedv has ceilalnly curedmo uf any double, mid when 1 earnoIII tod i), I, was glad lo be able to tellhim so llpfuip I took lili treatmentof Ibo Dm llcnj.iinln Compo'ii d ller- -balo I lost mini) pounds through myillness, but now I mn rnpidl) regain-ing in) formal weignt '

Urn Ileiijaniln nppeared to he oneof the busiest men in Honolulu whenInterviewed, but, although be cut hisstatement short, vvlint bo said waschatncterlstliull) novel The "Mom- -nch mnll" said

"Catarrh of Hie stuma'di nnd chron-ic lonstlpatlon are at the root of nilthis sickness and half sickness thatjot! see In tbpse Islands Thousandsof people have come to see mo herewho lime been suffering for jeaiafrom what the) thought was ever)Imaginable kind of disease In nlnoeases out of ten I found the fault waniiitised b.v stomal h trouble Penploeat what the) want to fur n ?LV.rittniuuhpr of .icitiH nnd then when i heirdigestive s)sletu gels out of oiclci" anddisease ovoi Hikes them, the) wonderwh) Tho stomal h becomes coatedwith a catarrhal substance mnl foodcan not digest ( oiiHciucntly It lit-erally rots mid foims gas Thispumps poison into the blood, upsetstho livci mnl the kitlncv unil i logstho bowels so the) call not woik Ho-

mme tho iimse the stoniaeh troubleand nil the other diseases disappear

Willi it Tills Is what mv remedy,lliu Heiijamlii s Compound I lei halo,does, and Hint Is wh) Mis Wallacehas Just told )ou what she has, andwh) thousands of otheis in Honoluluanil Hie Islands, whuse names I cmgive )iiu, will tell )ou (he suiuething


T Ik ham Iniehill tennis- vier, viitorli us in bolh Ihilr gaun s viMili'kyiilleriioon. The sc nlm It un nun ,

etisj game from tho lull hthuol h)Ihe si ore of 10 to I

Pour of the runs wire nade lu HieIlrst, Inning b tho Kiiins Lung Kpoand P Ynp wrro lu tin box for thelllslis while 1)1 Knliil pltilnd a stead)garni lot the Kama

Tin High School Icaiii was weik InlltldliiK and Ibis vvns n sponsible lorsome of the Kmiiibmneha runs ( blugHitig and l.lltlejohii plitvid n hradvgiinii Tin Ihe IlisliH, whih Noah heldthe humus for tin Knni learn Thesuite was as followsKams a o j l 010Highs n n 0 il .' 0 1 0 0-- 5

I'mplres J I lancet mil A V llllims.


Thn llnuolutii Hrowlug & MaltingCo placed on sulu today Us annualbrow of Hock Ileer When ou no lothe bur, give tho a winkunci say "Piliuo Hock" Then bellhand you u glnsB of tho rich, brownbuvciugo and inu'll bo happj PrlinoHock, like Prlino pale, Is "brewed toMilt tho cllinnte" It will Milt )ou' " T

1 1

II Mot In IdllorJ.il Jtoom l'linnc2185. Hull el In Ilusliuss OlllcuI'hone 225G--

Coney Garage AutomobilesMeet"All Inter-Islan- d Steamers


Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.

"wA.l wmmqKmMmtt


First Display of Spring and

Summer Styles in Women'sR.eady-To-We- ar Garments

NEW SPniNQ COATS In While Serge, niltnble for untontiil traveling wear; finely tailored; $15.

EVENING CAPES and WRAPS- - llenutirul ipuillty of llrn.id-rlol- li

III white nncl soft evonluit simile, i nt (m the now Mint-iliul- ii

Ount llnoi, nil hiiiiilumely biuliled iui.1 trlmitu-i- l ; $20 mill$22.50.

DROWN LINEN TAILORED SUITS These miinieiits tiroII specially made t(i nur order, the iniiilllv final toxtum nf the

itiiittrlnl twd living run-Cull- selnled. Tin-c-- li mrii-i-t- .

WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS -- All m-- nml IninuUrl.-il- i mill finish; navy miO ll.ul m ri;es, navy with hnlrdrlpe, , Iiiiih timl mlxtmcM Huuihmno While Ser.o Hult-- i

with bluett (iiIIiii-- unci eiiiTs from $22.50 to $30.

Sachs' Dry Goods Co.,Corner Tort and Beretonla Streets

The Senate passed a direct pi linnrv1,111 tliln inornlnr in second rcmllm;

Iltlll It tclnilillH to VVhllt Millhappen tn tlit measure liunurrow whenIt IOlllC-- lll llll (lllUl p.lKHIIKU

To several Honnlors the favorable re-

pel mi tlm 1'nvvru primary hill by tin-

seled Oalni committee nppenrs In theIlKlit of uiiciiiiscliiim humor. Tin- - ti-- t

of tin- - report was iih follows:"Tho ..(.ht-- t committee composed oC

the Senators rcptcseutini; the Thlnlttcnntnrlnl Dlstilct to which wax

House Hill No 521, otherwiseknown ns Tiivvkc'h I'rl-nia-

Hill, lepcirt that It has huit sameiinder consideration.

"The hill Is not iih etjhorute nor asfull In Hh pinvlsious i the one llrstIntindiircd In the House oC Kepiesen-tntlve- s

uuil ihiKKi-- hy that hoily nailkllhil hi the K. n.it,- -

"Ah one oC the plunks of the ltcpiih-llea- n

partv contained ami piiimiscil thepaMwaKe of pihnaiv hill, anil as

Towso Iuih louilileiiee thatthe hill miller consideration will ful-ll- ll

the pleilKe In icspcct to n primaryhill nail claims It will pi event all hn- -m.iijr anil clarify iih It

wen- - actloiiH lirri tnfore hail ami donelit pi ov Ions primaries that were not anproper IIH they Kholihl have been, nllil.If loislhlc, keep the came oC pollth--ahoe boanl ami free from scandal;

"We thircfore recommenil that tlmBinate take up i onxlilcratlon of thematlir ami puss the act "

llllll LOCALS

(KHHlal Ilu I let III rYrrospnnilcnv )

lleput) Tioastuor C II. I.yiiiiiu lastWednesday in.ulo u trip finiu fllon-wn-

In llllo. tinvolliii; lmrseh.ick milenlhetlin; license feesiiluiiK the vvav Mount IriRotlior nil nita Iiiiih i ell dollars, hriiiKliiK the Inlitlof biicIi collections up In over $2.'ut.

NPKotlutloim mo tnlkcil nC betweenfinvernor llaker ami the Toirlloryvvheieby Iho runner purchases Iho.Mason lot mi I In- - corner of W'nluiiiie-iiiii- )

anil School streets f i oiii Mr Ma-w-

wlm Is now IUIiik ni tho Coast,:iml Hells It In tliu In homod for Iho enliirKoniont "f the lllliiUplon school, Ihu Teriilorv at thos'tyio Unto ciiiic)Iiik to Mr. llakorllu'i title? to ccitiilii I.iiiiIh nt IMIImntM,

Opposite Fire Station

Included In llio linr-- t now uinler loa.veIn that gentleman, whom ho wishestn.hullil homo

A vei foiIcuis camp verynear hnppoiiliii; last week on thobrldeo nrross the Wailukii Itlver, nearIho Ihjlit worku, when a loamhclmiKliiK In tho Volcano SI allies waftliaulliiK a hoa inller iiciiish II, Hov-

el al pl.iukH of the HiHiriiiK i;ao way,but tho loam nml Iho luml Kot uoiuhhh a narrow hipioal;. The ImIiIko wanchiseil for soxuial ihiVH wlillo u newHi mi In k wiih hihl. Itnail SupcrlHi)i'Ko.iloha Htatos that Iho slnicliiio IsIn a piotly roiullthin, amithat II will take about a Ihiiiisau.ldollars In place II In i;oo,



(fVrl.il Hnlli tin )

WAII.HKI', April 21 Tim ChrlstiatiCudeavor societies of Maul and Molo-ka- l,

holli seniors and Juuiois, are atpiexenl takliiK gtiiup phutograps tobo published In pamphlet form to he

t as a report ftom these societiesto the (leiieral Convention of C. 13

societies to be held 111 Atlantic Citynext June. Tho book will be sent Inthe place of a delegate to the con-vent Ion us in Conner years, and acommittee consisting of Messrs. I'. X.Kahukuoliitm, J. W. Kalua ami It. .1.K. Nawahlno are haul ut work edit-ing the reports from tho various so-cieties. Tlm hook will ho publishedIn Honolulu, and bids fur thu sameare being negotiated by thoso Incharge of tho work. Tills method oCmlvei Using and piomoting chinchwork on Maul was adopted by the lustconvention held at Kahtilul lastmonth.



l II lie tin fVm xiKiiijl'-m- )

WAIMJKtT, April 21 A meeting oC

the Illlilu students oC tho native I'lot-ostn-

churches oC central Muni washeld at Pala yesterday morning, andamong tho luiole pastors present wereHcvh. It. II. Dodge. II I1. .ludd andIluruham of Uihalna. ltev. Mr Dodgegave mi extended account of his it- -'cent tilp to Iloston and tho three him- - '

died or morn slides of scenes on '

Maul, including chinches and schools.which he guvo lirtlio form or lectutes,appearing no than futtv ninesbefore Immensn audleiires wlm wenieager to learn oC Christian woik InHawaii both past and present




(Continued from Page 1)Imprltuumuiit In future hellup Hinta Jail Kciitwice ftom ilino to nineiniiiillis wmilil have a cry wliol-s(in-

Tho cum t nnjeroil that hisleiiKiikg ho freely liiinslaleil fur llietienolll of tliu C'lilnoso ilefemlanl.

"When .miii leave tliln court mom,make It your business to circulate theadvice that I have given u, anionsnil i.nr fileinls In the IIkIi business."uiliuoiilsheil the police magistrate Inhis henit to heal I talk with the

Aicuidlni; to l.yiner, there lias beenentirely Inn much dlKroi;nid shownthe Tonlloilal ami city ordlliaiiceu hveinleiH of foods. The Bale of Hisilledand diseased meats mid fish has notto slop and an far as this court Isconcerned, It will bo used to illscoiu-at;- e

fuitlier violations of the remila-lloii- s

toKardliiK tho sale of foods.The health of between llfty iin--

sixty thoiisaml people Is ilnllv nietinc-e- d

hy Just such Infraction of exist 1m;laws as has been shown In this rase.

"Iminrance Is no excuse mid will notho ccnsldcicil In a plea for leniency"concluded the District Magistrate

The court was of tho opinion thatIC a number of Chlneso offenders serv-ed a term of liiipilsoinneiil, the prac-tice now pievallliiK In nlteinptlui; todispose of i.Iale or spoilt tlsh amiinoaln would lecetve a black o)o

The Instance In which Hoy Yuenfound himself In the lolls was in thor.alo oC Homo flsh to parlies eonuertndwith the I'.ilama Ketilemeut. Theftt.li woie purchiiHed at the stall overwhich the Chlnco preshted Thevweio taken home, placed on ho milwhen hioiwht forward for consump-tion thu follow Iiib tnoinliiK were foundto be Hlmply Kitten. Food ('ommls- -

' Hloner Ilium haul was pieseut and as- -

Kislod III Iho evidence llled againsttho dealer

(Continued from Page 1)ens of Hawaii have conducted their

govermmiit hi n conservative, patri-otic and able manner, pinvliig liber-ally in (ill manner for the developmentof the highest standards of Americancitleusblp iiinoug nil classes of theiiHiuopolltan population; and

"Whereas, Hawaii, the Ktate, Is asceitalnly the natural and ultimate den-

tin) of these Islands iih was the unuex-utlo- ii

hy and admission an nil Integralpart of the United Ktates of America;and

"Whereas, Tho record of our peopleoC the t day, the evhleiicen oC

their thrift in tie figures oC per cap-ita, the pioofn of their Intelligence andumhlllon us shown by the sinnll per-- t

milage of Illiteracy among them. IsHiich iih to command Cor thun a re-

spect nml conllileiico equaling that ac-

corded tho cltli-n- s of any Ktate in tbet'uloii: then fine, he It

"llesolved hy the House of Hepresen-tatlve- s.

Session of 11)11, and the Senateconcurring. That the Congress of theCulled States Is herehv andicHpectfullv petitioned io pass an en-

abling ut authoriliig the cltlens ofthe Terrltorv of Hawaii to, mid nam-ing the dale when the) shall elect del-egates to constitutional conventionfor the iutMiM' nf fiamlug u constitu-tion for the goverumint of the StateoC Hawaii, the same to be in Cull Corcemid ilTict when appioved hv Congressmid the President in the manner nndforu usual to the admission of States.

He It further ltesolved, That n copyof this revolution be forwarded to tliuPresident of the Culled Stnten, thoPrchlcnt oC the l'nltnl States Semitemid the Speaker oC the House of

ut Washington"




Th' big tcene In Prof. Tontey's newmetier drammer Is where th' hutbandsacrifices th' old home on Chestnuttreet fer a tet o' new tlrei an' th' wife

i left penniless in th' streets, save, o'course, fer small annunity settledupon her by great aunt. Heads ertalis th' fur dealer wins.

Death in the Teeth

Tl lias i sf'ttli'd liv Fcietili-l- s

a ilonlit that Ujihm(fi-i-- imiis anil genus which

)i'iiilih-i- - iliilillirrin mill vniioii-- i

thi'ual mnl sliiiiniL-l-i ti'iiiililes,

mini! in many Iiistmiet-- v I'lotn

ilti'iivi-i- l niul from

that mi1 nut. hntslit-i- l mnl ki-- l

t'lt'im. What ii hspK'ss slalc of

tilTiilr-t- l v

Here N a ltcnicilr ilcslgni-i- l

to prevent Unit vcr) thing j

IHiH.IlltHA delicious liquid dentifrice

A powerful germicide(lei-in- s hh' mi nciil nwulh.

SOZOHONT puis llii! mouth inmi nlhtlini' raniHlioii, Ihrufurciiiiih Hi ijvrins have no nsv fur il.

.Inst tn II ami see (In- - illucreiiicIn tin- - lime of jimr iiuitilli amithe u( )mr

sozodont jira,I'sed with the lliiild makes

pearl) while ami beautiful.

SOZODONT ?S.Ma) In- - a cil In ilai-- of the I'lindcrh) tliiisc wlm prefer the iasle.

Sold at every Toilet Counter!


(Ss l.ll II 11 I 1 t I Cerrt sHiiuh lice )

WAII.UKtT, April 21 Tho servicesat the Church ut the (loud Shepherd,Wnllukii, hut recently completed, werewell attended on Kaster Sunday. Thellrst soivico wan at 7 o'clock. HolyCommtiiihin. ltev. 1'. A Salor of

College, Honolulu, wan celebrant,assisted by ltev. Canon W K Short,rector. There were about thlrty-llv- u

liresent at this hervlce The mainservice was at II o'clock when MatliiHand Holy Communion weie both midThe capacity of the new Inilhllug wastested for the llrst time and it Isclaimed that a little over two hun-dred and lilty vveje piesoiit i


Dignified Clothes

"( t553& TOTSwKiEi( k

dSJrfK Ul ai fit - I

- f",



In and on everyBar and Cafe

viiw ', ?- --










e 11 j

U n


is ourTHIS and

our successm pleasing theYoung menwhoclothes thathave characteris due to ourunlimited as-

sortment of ex-

clusive SpringStyles and Fab-rics. We onlyask you tocome in andlook through,then make


Prices rangefrom $20.00 to$32.50

1 43 Cases ofNew Spring Styles in Shoes


These arc what we have heen waiting lor They .should have been heretwo months ago, but owing to labor strikes in New York these shipmentshave been dehnetl.

We will not attempt to illustrate at this time .any of the many style.-- re-

ceived. We will be pleased to have you call at the store and look themover.

Manufacturers' Shoe Co., Ltd.


Primo Bock BeerBottles Draught at

in Honolulu



It's the best BOCK BEER ever offered in Honolulu.TRY IT.


Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.


m E V ENTNG- - BU LLETINDAILY and WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN PUBLISHINGCO.. LTD., at Kerr Building, Alakea St., Territory of Hawaii.

Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly Tuesday,





t'Vl-,xirv- i iuu.I U I willtKI.V DUI.I.I1IINi M'mtlt atiwtirt In U S ..J .7n Pet Sll Montos. ... , ( ,,u .no

it tjuiirltr, anywlirrr In U S J.imj Prr Vcir inywtielt lu U 8 . . I.ooanvudieie In U 8 H.uu ftr Yt tnywlitfr n Csnirii l.Ko

"et foreign 1300 Pel Year 1ntiaM (AttlfcD . 3,fw

a i hiciltorkil Rooms,--'" J LiuslneHM Office,


Deal bo plainly with man and woman as to coiibtiain theutmost sincrnty. and ilesttoy all hope of trifling with you,II ib the t compliment you can pay, Emerson,


Defeat by. Republican votes in the Senate of the four hun-

dred thousand dollar appropriation for the construction ofisland belt roads is as deliberate a violation of partizan faithas has been perpetrated in this Territory for many a day.

It was on the pledge of this fund for roads that the im-

migration feature of the last Republican campaign was car-ried through. And not a single word was raised against ituntil the voters acting in good faith had elected the menwho promised in their platform and personally on the stumpto vote the money.

If it be claimed that the legislators could not foresee thepresent condition of Territorial finance, what shall be saidof the appropriation of $115,000 one-four- th the amountnecessary to keep faith from current funds for the repair ofthe Judiciary Building. If there was ever an item that mightwell and better he a charge against the loan funds it is thisone that will assure the completion of work that will standfor fifty years or more.

Liberal appropriation for belt roads from the loan fundmay save the day. should it be possible to obtain a guaran-tee that the appropriation will not be blocked in the execu-

tive offices of the Territory.But there is nothing pleasant in prospect for the man who

expects to go before the people again, and him arecord of having promised one thing and deliberately votedthe other way.

r. II III llllll Hill) I'Ml lllillks

'I'iiiMiniii s U.ilklki swmiip rod. una- -

lion iliiii Ik IIh' ntii' th.it will Iliinll)III' adopted I

lltiudrnl thousand Honolulu rannever In- - realized with dlM'ami-brccd-lll- g

BWUIIipS allowed tii 'tst Wltlllllthe t'lt limits

Some of the Jockeys who au bund-

ling Impendent bills In tlio l.eglslu-tui- i'

an1 rid 11 14 foi a fall, unless timeIh kiiiiii' llvuly straightening out .it the.

hiHt moment

When there me mi many impnitiilitmeasure's hanging In the li.ilaui ti althe hut moment. It Ih well tn suspendJllllglllCtit IIH til till- - SIICll'SSI'S in fail-

ures of the legislature

.Maul Ciiuntv made n hli! for tin'success of tin- - Dcmnriutlf party In

tllU lll't f allipillgll, wllt'll till! Mlllil

Hepiiblliun delegation In tin) Senatevoted li' violate Ihi' four Iiiiml ri'iltliiuiKunil dollar bi'lt road promise

Now that the Hoard of Health liasantlim lt . It should make known tliowaste pl.ues that net il reclamationninl Htmt th" wink of making Iloun- -

lulu a ity of whlih its inhabitantscan boast without one single ipiullfyIng hog hole

Why should anyone loinplaln at thepostponement of a land sale? Isn'tUnit the habit of the publii land

ami me we not straininglo the last scream of energy to putliiiliii'steaileis on the land? Anilhaven't we waited ami united amiwalliil foi the hniiiosteadeis whowould take the land anil stay on It?low iniilil an)0lie expect the linnie-Pton- il

"policy" of the depaitluent tolinage In a twinkling ami lake oil

I he vigor of sliaip, Htialghtfoi ward,piompl and Intelligent business

.illoti ' 'lliu clitics must bo

unkind ami unfair

If ore llilng has been mole evidentthan ni'otliei during tlio hesslous ofthe pin ill l.eglshiluit', it Is that thetill WIS III the 'lellilmv have littleor iii itii'llileiu'K In the Siipeiluten-den- t

or I'ulilli Woilc The numberof vot s of want of (iinlldeiue thathave hii bi'Sloui'il upon til it otlltedull 11; tills session leave Hie Im limb-cu- t

with iiiilv (lie hope nf savingenoii.'h of the salary of the positionIn inase It look respectable WhatII10 'liirlioiy iicedu In .1 tlnnouglily

ilminilii irt m nil s

issued on i





feuterrd it the rmtottce at Honolulum matter

APRIL 25, 1911

trained mill educated engineer whodelivers ri'MUlts ami doesn't hm'IhI allHit' i .'iii- I.iIKIiik uliout what la- - hasllllllt! in wants (o ilo

11 passing thi' llarhor Commissionhill anil allowing Ilia Water anil Sew-i- 'r

Commission hill tn lemalu on thetable, tlio Semite lias put Itself on lec-o- nl

an striving tu linpiovu tilt' t't

of a liiirt'iut In which the largoIntel I'htii of Hie Territory ato lit

vnlved, hut allnwH the lontlnuatlon(if the pleseiit system uf water

In which the small piopeliyholdout of the tit) of Honolulu moInteii'steil anil must leiiiain the

If filitliet siluinos of miningwater lutes in i' tn he sprung afterthe l.eglslutuic adjourns U't uh hopethat the "Kauai Inllueni'n" will nuttu I n from a love of the people tnliariinlal lordship, as the llnal lioursof the session appioacji

Adopt the Administration tax. billNothing is more evident than thenecessity of plucing full lesponslbil-It- y

for taxation with the Counties. Ifthey abuse It, they hue before themthe example of the prompt manner inwhich action was taken on healthmatteis when the local Honolulu

began to he fuddle them andendanger the whole community, amiIncidentally this should bo u lessonalways III the liilm nf every oter amicitizen In this Tonltury Tlio Feder-al government can take away aniltransfer authority Just as quickly asthe Territorial government can ilealWilli the Counties It rests with thepeople of Haw all whether they willletnin control of their own affairs ornot


No other city of the United Statesfollows the system that has pievalledlu Honolulu hIiiio tlio governmentwas llrst Instituted, of making allpublic stieet loustiuclloii 11 chargeupon the general lev on lies of the (Ityand Ten Holy

Hawaii's system of street construc-tion lias been especially kind amipaternal, and that's one of the lea-soi-

vvhv home of the people havesonic iiiuse to complain of taxes

'I lie II 11 I 1. 1 II believes tlt.it apen Hon of the tost of new stieitsshould be assessed against Hie abut-

ting pinperty that Is binellledII the bill to piovide for Improve-

ment bonds ami utieet loustiiictioii,that lias ciiletly slipped Ihloilgli thel.egliilatuie, ban a Joker ill It which



On An.ipunt street is a modern ftvnroom bungalow

For SaleProperty it in best condition, It at

tractive and artlitlc. Grounds nroplanted with tropical plants, trees andshrubs.

PRICE $5000

Trent Trust Co., Ltd.(Honlty Auction '. t.U)


During Your


From the


we nro prepared to manage ymiri mate anil look nttir 5 our Inter-cuts litre. You will lint) It great-1- )

tu our udvaiitugu to plainthe management of Jour affairswith 11 iiipnlila ami responsiblecoin trn.

Come ninl nee 111 111 lo tcrmi.

Bishop Trust Co., Ltd.




If you with to tend your mainlandfriend, n CHOICE PINE-

APPLES or a bunch of DANANAS,just leave an order with

ISLAND FRUIT CO.72 S. King Street

(With Wells, Fargo HxpreiH Co)

nia'tes the way enKll) upon forginft, the Joker should of ionise

lie eliminatedAt the same time the iinderlving

piliiclple of the hill Is light amishoul he adopted for the lt of Ho-

nolulu and possllily llllu


(Spfclil Hill let lit CirriMpoinli'iice.)

WAlMIKl'i April 21 iti purls fiomCamp !l, l'uunene, of the leappeaianreof varioloid, sunn brought SheriffClow ell and l)r Osmeis on 11 hurrycall In the M P I) automobile lastevening, and 111 theli anxietv to leaclithe camp the unto was driven at apretty good rate .lust as they weieHearing the Junction of Muikct anilMain stieets lust evening, a mule was

I --in T l Juonege rosieis emuMottoes at


mWe have a new line of Imported


Clockson display.

Excellent timekeeper, andespecially for the pleating

tones of the striking.

The prices are moderate.

H. F. Wichman

& Co.. Ltd..Leading Jewelers

walking leisurely up tlio road Tliomule made an attempt to cross InOmit of the machine, but CliiiuffeiirVoeller with great presence of mindtinned to his right Just at the momentthe mule made 11 dash for that sideof the road also but was frustratedIn Us mud attempt Just In time to pre-vent mi accident

The two cases of varioloid, who nroa Filipino man and his wife, who a I-

'll Veil riom Honolulu but ten days ago,are now placed In the Detention Campon the sand hills near Wailukti Dr.Osiners Is coiilldent that tbese patients will soon recover, und that thedread malady will not spread


The IU Newell Dnlght Hills, pas- -

loi of l'lv mouth churi b, llrnokljli, wnsiii.il li) iMward Hodgson, n VlitorluII ' mining mglnnr. for JMi.OOii

win Ih of stock In the Western SteelCorporation The suit incluiks n claimfin tlOUO wages

Waterhouse Trust

Real Estate for Rent


rniir bedi 00111H, K'lnau SI JKeo

Tlllee hiilriinlllH, Kalliillkl' CO OU

Two biiliooms, K'alhila IIS 00

Two In )lc coins, I'.ilohi iiOOO


Time lit ih oiiiiis, l'ahilo .'10 Oil


An alliatllve inutility in theI'lllinl ihtli. t OU

IIiiiikiIovv ninl half aue nf landIn Manoi ill, ih Mlralilelocation ftOOOIIII




(Continued from Page 1)

her testimony In 11 positive am! om-

phalic milliner while being iiiestlonedby the members of the Hoard,

When she wan tukeii up by Mrs.Compton for liermemory wns considerably at fniilt onntiy IncliU'iits that were In inor ofthe (uestluner and her answers tothese (iiestluiis gue the Hoard no In-

formation, being generally. "I don'tremember," or "I didn't bear Hint."

Miss Samlry was called and shehud her notes all prepared of happenings which had taken place whereMrs Compton had "tried to runthings" or was alleged to hac actedlu an overbearing manner.

This witness was deliberate In Herremarks and talked In 11 low VoiceIn answering the iiestlotis of tlioHoard and making her own ntiite-men- u

When taken In hand by Mrs Compton for Miss San-dr- y

never once looked at her ques-

tioner but glided In blue-e)c- d wonderout of the window while, she slowlyHindi! her utiBwers.

"How those three women do loveeach other," wnB remarked by onecommissioner nfter Miss Handry badfinished ber testimony

At 3 30 a recess was taken for nfew moments ntid lit tlio

of the Hoard, Superintendent lopesuld that the statements which ho andJudge Stanley bad had mudu to themat 1 Ilo would be read.

He warned those present that thornwould be some things broug it upwhich wcro delicate subjects mil suggested that If iinyono present ill J notwunt to be shocked they had betterleave

No one moved.Soon after the start was lnuilo In

the allldnvlt of Mr. VltkerB of Iillo.who BtnrteU In by saying he knewnothing about tlio mutter, It was pro-posed to drop these pieces of hearsayevidence and get down to business.

This vmib agreed to und adjourn-ment was taken until 8 In the even-Ini- r.

when the charges of Mrs Compton against Hlchinond for drunkenness and Immorality wcro to be considered


When the meeting of the commis-sioners vvus called at 8 o'clock lastevening tb matter of Immoralitycharges came up, mill Inspector (lib-so- n

stated that Mrs. Compton toldhim that ltlcbmond vvus a drunkard:that Miss Allen and Miss Sundryhad picked him up drunk In thestreet and taken him home; that shoherself had taken liquor away fromhim und played cards with III 111 nightafter night to keep liliu rrom urniK-In-

Hint Hlchinond had traveledacross tlio continent with Miss San-dr-

that Immoral relutluiiB existedbetween him und Mrs. U'vvls; and thatMiss Sandry had been caught In acriminal position with Hlchinond In

tlio school laboratoryWhen Mrs Compton was question-

ed on these points by Judge Stan-ley, she said:

"1 bellavo that Mr Itlclimond's In-

decisive policy In school work wasdue to dt Ink

"1 havu pluycil crlbbugo with lilinmany afternoons and evenings tokeep lilin ut home, for If he went outon tlio street he would disgrace him-

self and the school"I took 11 Jug of wine uvvay from

him at one time"I believe lie takes what Is called

11 'still drunk '

"I make the charge of Immoral re-

lations between Mrs and MrKlchmolid "

lu regard to the charge ugalnstMiss Saudi y and .Hlchinond, this washearsay, as the matter happened utthe lust commencement and was toldher by one of the pupils

Asked for proof of the charges ofdrunkennehs, .Mrs Compton suld thatfrequently at the tuble ut Mrs.Hlchinond hud been under the Influ-ence of liquor, extremely talkutlvc,etc

"1 saw him drink half u dozen timesone afternoon while I was playingcrlbbugo with him, and ut that timeI persuaded him to give mu the Jugof 'Wine."

Questioned us to how she knowHlchinond was taken home by the twoteachers, she snld that Hlchinond him-self hud told her of It.

Asked further, Mrs. Compton snldthat Mis Lewis told the maid In thehome that sho thought she (Mrs.Compton) vvus drinking upstairs withHlchinond and Conness, the latter orwhom hud brought home beer on oneoccasion, and lie und Hlchinond hadill link It.

Stanley From your knowledge ofIlilo, do you think It would be possible fur 11 man In Richmond's position to be 11 drinker?

Mrs Comptoii Yes; there are inauythings lu Hlto which are not generally known.

then the matter of immorality be-tween Hlchinond und Ml 8. Lewis vvustaken up

Mrs Compton In the llrst jilnco, Ivvus sitting iipstaiis and the maidwas cleaning my 100m while I satat Mr HIibmoud'H desk. It Is pos-sible to see 0 0111 the desk Into Mrs.Lewis' sleeping room Mr Hlchinondwas suillllng with Mrs. Lewis.Alter the suillle, tlio hoIbo

aroused them and Mr Hlcli-nion- d

went f 10m Mis Iivvls' roomto the batlirooili TIiIb happened ntabout 4 30 Fruiii Mr Hlclimond'stlesk be lould look Into Mrs. I.cvvls'loom and lu 11 mliror lould see herdressing, for she left the door open.I saw this myself onie, when 1 wentlo Mr Hlilimiind's desk while he wassitting there"

Mis Lewis was always braggingabout bei tin in, accoidlng to MrsComptoii, mid told of how the dress-luake- is

would not believe It was leuluntil they hud seen her stripped, orpi lie tic ally so

lleie 11 laugh was caused by JudgeStanley, who hud Just usked if theother ludlctj hud uu chuueo tu talk

about their forms becauso Mrs Lew latalked bo much.

"Well, 1 haven't nny to talk about,"said Mrs. Compton

"Permit me to differ with you," paidthe Judge gallantly.The Margaret Kpliode.

Mrs. Compton One evening therewere callers present Ueforo Hinttime I hud been playing turds, Ienme while the callers werestill talking outside, Margaret hadtoken her bath mid returned beforeI went downstairs (Irst. When I cameup the curtains were nil down luMargaret's room, und Mr Hlchinondwas mining down the hall, from Mar-garet's room, dripping with perspira-tion Mr Hlchinond did not deny hisattempt when I told him lie shouldbe ashamed of trying to take ndvnn-tag- e

of 11 girl like Margaret. Hegrunted nnd suld, 'Well, what are yougoing to do about It?' After that I

told Mr Richmond that If 1 saw any-thing more of the kind I should report him to the board. At that timehe suld Margaret was all right und hohud not succeeded. Afterwurds hotold me, when I was living nt Mrs.Andrews', that I need not worryabout Murgaret uny more, for sho wnsall right,lliilaliciw Fulls Incident.

"For lliianclnl reasons It wns nec-essary for me to stny ut 11 Ilo, nnd I

wanted tu fix things up to make Itpleiisunt, bo I could stay the year out.He proposed a walk to Rainbow Fullsus soon as he got some cigars down-town While he was nway Connesscame In und we sat there reading,and when Hlchinond came back hewas extremely angry. He went down-stai-

and I excused myself, tellingConness that 1 had an engagement togo to Hnlnbow Falls with Mr Hlch-inond 1 went downstairs mid lie saidhe never wanted to flee me lu his of-

fice again. I told lilui that we hadbetter go out for 11 walk und talkthings over

When It came to this point MrsCompton did not wish to proceed, butCommissioner Aiken said that If It hudanything to do with the moral char-acter It should ho told.

"Well, ho made Indecent proposalsto me; I think that explains the sit-uation without going into details."

Stnnlcy You know, then, thatHlch-mo- d

was morally vicious? Why didyou not tell It to thu board then?

Mrs Compton llecnuse I was ustranger In a strunge land.

In response to u question Mrs.Compton Bald she knew nothing fur-ther except what she had been told.

The three girls who had told Mrs.Compton were Hvelyn Vuunuttu, JuliaNathaniel and Muchlyo Aruknwu, twoof whom were present yesterday aswitnesses.

These girls all cume to Mrs. Comp-ton recently and told her that llleli-mui- id

was a bad man, for 'ie hadBald had things to them.

Julia came to Mrs. Compton uftershe was suspended, mid told herabout these things, und when MisAndrews was called lu Julia told thesame things and then made uu

to them.Another thing that Mrs. Compton

spoke of wus the fact of Mrs.coming Into.tho room und standing suclose to him that their limbs touched,und there was reason why the chil-dren could not see the position.

She hud never seen anything of thekind between Hlchinond and uny oth-er of the female teachers.

Hlchinond did not want to questionMrs. Compton until morning. It ap-

parently being put up to him by WII. Smith, Hie two having their hejdstogether, at the conclusion of whichHlchinond begged on on account orpoor light mid eyesight.

.Mrs. Lewis then took llie Hour.Only two questions were usked by

Mrs. Icwln. nnd these were ubout thecurtains In tho hall during the "i''ar- -garet episode "Wanted to (In On.

Commissioner Molr wanted "be ex-

amination to go on with Richmondand Attorney Smith said It the boardwould allow him to ushe had taken the notes tor Richmond,It would bn all right

It wus decided, however, to examineHie girls who mude thu umduvlts ofHlclimond's proposals tu them.The lllrls Slurlcs.

Julia Nathalie was llrst called sheworked us second girl In Mrs. LbwIb'house.

When going up to make bed Kick-inun- d

wds In olllce, usked tier to Biton his knees und curesscd her.

"I went Into tlio room und Mr. Hlck-inou- d

made me sit on the bed. HeBut down beside me und fondled 111c.

Then ho made a proposul tome und I ran uwuy from him und wentdown Btulrs."

Julia then told of Hlclimond's try-ing to kiss Margaret und of his drink-ing. Also that u man should notdrink who taught school.

M0KXI.M1 SKSMOX.Muchljo Arukuvva was Hist called

before the commissioners of educa-

tion this morningThis girl Is u Japanese and 18

years old, She suld that one duy lastSeptember during thu sixth period,when she had a study period, Hlch-

inond usked her to go to the labor-atory und Beo un experiment.

Arrived there he showed her the ex-

periment und then usked her tu Bit

down.lie took one of her hands, put his

arm around her und trying to kissher usked if she loved him

Shu got uwuy from him nnd toldhim Bhu respected him us u teacher,that wus till,

Richmond used to come close toher, touch her with his hmids un thehips when In class work ut the lab-oratory, and push his limbs againsther's.

Richmond took tho witness tn handbut could nut shake her testimony,and she wus excused

Mis Comptuii mudu 11 short state-ment in regard to the malicious workdone lu Hllo by Mrs. W 11 Smith,wife of Attorney Smith, and protest-ed against Smith's udviug Hlchinondfor questions.Refuses tn Answer.

Mrs. Compion refused to uusworRichmond's questions

Aiken took the stand that Mrs.Couiptou should have tho buuio






The fact that Hostetter'aStomach Bitters hai helpedthousands of sickly peopleback to health during thepast 57 years should con-

vince you that it is the med-

icine you need for Indiges-tion, Stomach Ilia, Malaria,Fever and Ague.

For aalo by Benson, Bmlth ft Co.,Ltd.; Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.;Chambers drug Co., Ltd.; Hllo DrugCo.; and at all Wholesal. LiquorDealera.

chance for counsel us Hlchinond; Hlceconcurred and by vote of the HoardMrs Compton vvus given until ,1o'clock tu get counsel

Jullu Natbiillo was then d

by Richmond1 1

tin tii 1 hut t

m IAA I.I Ml I


Adopt Conference Report On

New General TaxMeasure.

A dfclslvc victory for the opponentsof a llxeil maximum tax rate In Sen-

ate Hill No 3fl vvus icintnlned In theuinferVnre niminlttee ripnrt on the billwhich wns submitted to the Legisla-

ture tills morning The conferencecommittee ri minim nileillli.it the Hnuierecede ficiiii Its umendment providing0110 nnd li per tent as themaximum rate nil 1 that the Senate as-

sent to the House amendments tn bringthe tax bill Into confiii mil) with theprovisions of the new school law

The Senate ndoptcd the report withthree illHsiutlng votes, those of Sena-tors Kahuna, Maktkau mid l'all

The conference lominlttee report onHouse Hill No S." -t- he Immigration taxininsiire was adopted, wlureby theSiliate leceded from lit ameniIini(tSfour dissenting votes being cast bySenators Juild, ICalanin, Mnkekau andl'all

The Senate voted nut to concur In

the niiieinlmi lits made by the Utilise toSenate Hill No I'.'A, providing fur theacquirement of I'.ilolo water rights, andpresident Knudsen appointed n confer-ence committee consisting of 'SenatorsDrown, ralrchllil nnd Chllllugwortli

The llout, mnendments to SenateDill No 1J7, making a number ofchanges of a comparatively minor na-

ture In the tnx laws, was accepted uponthe adoption of the lonferenct' commit.tee's report

House HII! No lf)8, extending n tele-

phone franchise In the l'unii district,passed with a full vote, and House HillNo ".0.7, lelatlug to the deposit ofmiinty funds In local banks, was

until the clt) and count) treasurer could be heard fiom

House Hill SO'J. appropriating 2r,0,- -000 for land draining mid Improvementof gent rul benlth londltlons, passedsecond reading with a full vote.

Advices received by C, I. Morso,tlio general freight agent for the American-

-Hawaiian line la to the effectthat the steamship Columbian sailedfrom Hllo yesterday with destlnatbin.ub Sulinn Cruz. Tlio vessel left twodays ahead of her advertised schedule.Tho Columbian Is reported as havingcarried 12,135 tons sugar for trans-shipment at the Isthmus of Tehuante-pec- .


Japanese Off for the Orient.With the Bulling of the I'nclflc Mall

steamer Koiea for tho Fnr ISust atflve-thlr- Inst evening, nt least seve-

nty-five Asiatic look their departurofrom tho Islands, Tho greater num-ber of pussengeiB being Japanese whoare returning to their nutlvo landcabin passengers left for Japan andChina polls from Honolulu.


The next American- - Hawaiiansteamer from the coast will be theVirginian which occordlng to tho sche-dule will sail ftoni Puget Sound forHonolulu on May 'Jth ami should

hero on or about May 18th.e

The Interment exeiclses over theashes qf the lute Mrs. Sophia Halellojd I'rutt will be held ut the familyplot In Nuiiunu cemeteiy ut 3 o'clocktomoriuw afternoon Friends and ac-

quaintances me toullally invited tube present.

The llbrur) of Congiess Is the largestcollection of volumes hi the westirnhemisphere and the Ihlld lu the world


HERBALOCures Constipation.Makes New, KlcliUlood.Stomach and LiverRegulator.Cureb the Kidneys.


i a



Page 5: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.

, - -- -Tryyjpttiyppyiffy ?..,

rs - iui tMfcfT--Tj- pi


.:! fjr I



Wwf&M Tit Ki



Is a rcaf shoe, maile for reaAll material U bought by strict

which must be met. Uvensilk anJ thread are tcstcJ for strcnKcal value shows in every seenthe shoe, and we stand behindpart, seen or unseen.

for street or onicc.business pleasure, there sa rackaru onoc just suncuto your

Mclnerny Shoe Store

A Bargain

Real EstateOne of the finest pieces of Land in

the Punahou District. Fenced, Grass-ed, planted with choice Fruit and Fo-

liage Trees, an abundance of ArtesianWater, two street frontages, and allready for ono large, two medium orfour ordinarysized houses.

Term payments if desired by pur-chaser.



$6000Will buy a BEACH I0T near

Diamond Head.Excellent Sea Front P.etidrnce

ites. Fruit trees and gross pow-t- jon lots.


COLLECTIONSCor. Merchant and Alakca Sti.


A tow IiiiIIiIIiik lut i lit PiiiiiiuI, nearl.llllii in in . .Mix 100 iat.li; he.illliycllm.ile. tur.o cull

ron rentA r mom rnltMKc ill M.iiio.i, ticautl-full- j

siluali'il. latirKK Brmiliil'i, xtnlilc,er.iiils' liiiiiw. Cheap to u icsiiuusl-M- o


p. e. n,Walty Dullding





8TRAUCH74 S. King Street

Stop Paying RentSee

D0NDERO & LANSINGPhone 25S3 83 Merchant St.

$500 to $15,000


Real Kstatc AgencyCAMPBELL BLOCK

Room No. 20.

Corner Fort and Merchant Streets,

C. L. HOPKINSSystemalizer, Notary Public, AKentto Grant Mrtrnapo Licenses, Hawat

Ian Interpreter nnd TranslatorOFFICE Judiciarv Bldtr. HOURS

0 a, m. to 4 d. m.




INTERPRETER. NOTARY PUBLICOfllcc Comer Hotel and Sm'th

Streets P 0. Box 040. Phone 2380.


A, GUNST & CO. Acenti

O AfSMSHOEmen. xSfc

spccifi- - zZ&Zlthe (wpr A

partot IW ttevery JV



Are assured to t losewho save

Sn Int; Is nunlc i ih l lri ItiK ftSAN IMI AiViU'NT

(),, Doil.jr i nil tlittt in (.nary to open an Aim mini, ami

w 111 In- ptild on at tliorutn nf four and (Hic-lut- T

rnit lMT annum, compounded.

Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.Capital unit Kurplux. ji.ijihmmh)

Rent a



and enjoy a feelingof security


Trust Co., Ltd.,823 F011T STREET


Paperof an; description

PSione 1410





Fort and Queen Streets

GEO. Q. GUILD llinut"

, P. H. BURNETTECom-'r- . of Deeds for California and

Kevi York: NOTARY PUBLIC;Grant Marriage Liceniet: Drawi '

Uoripges, Deeds, BilU of Bale,'Lenses, Wills, Etc. Attorney for tttDistrict Courts. 7 MKK0HAHI tlHONOLULU. PHONE 1310.

Alfred D. CoolerHawaiian Stocks anil Bonds

Douylit and Sold307 JUDD BUILDING

Telephone 2489 P. 0. Box ?07

.Williamson & Buttolph

Stock and Bond Brokers83 MERCHANT STREET

Phone 1482

Honolulu Stock Exchange

TiicimI.ix pi II 2'.


MnnCANTlLK.C. Bi pwer & Co

StTOAJlEwa Plantation CoHawaiian AkHc. CoHaw Corn & feus Co ...Hawaiian Sucnr CoHonomtl HtiKiu CoHonnkaa Sural Co

I Haiku SimrCdfIlutrlilnwin KiiKar I'lnnl.Knhuku I'tnulnllon Co. . .

Kekiilin Sucnr CoKoloa Sugar CoMcDryilo Sticar CoOuim Sugar CoOnome, SitRir CoOlan Suipir Co. LtdOlowalu Corn.itihnti SiiR.ir Plant. Co.Pacific titiKiir MillI'al.i Plantation CoPepcckoo HiiRar CoPioneer Mill CoWnlalua Atrlc. CoWnlluku Sugar CoWalinatialo Sugar Co. . . .

Wulmoa QiiKar Mill Co. . .MISCKL-l.ANKOfS- .

Inter-lslam- l Sleam N. CoHiiwnllan RiectrlcCo. ...Hon. H. T. & I. Co . PtefHon. It. T. & ! Co. Com.Mutual Tolophouo Co. . . .Onhu IL & U CoIlllo It. It. Co. I'MIlllo IL It Co, Com....llon.Il.&M. CuHawaiian PlueapploCo .Tunjoiic Olok It C prt up

do (Iouhh tioA pd. .

Pahani? Hub Co I I'd)..l'almiiB " (Abs 40 I'd)

BO.N'OS.Hnw.Ter.4 (KlrrCI.) .

Haw.Tcr.4Uaw.Tcr.lHHaw. Tcr. 4',4SHaw.Tr.3HCal. Beet Bus. & Itcf. Co.Hiunnkua DlUh Co.,

Upper Hitch fiaHaw. Irrgln. Cr.. 0sHaw. Com. tz. au?. Co. ty.Illlo It. It Co.. Ihh.io PJU1

Hllo Ii. U. Co . Con. CX ...llonckiiaKiicar Co.. 6 ..Hon. ILT. ftUCo, OX ...Kiuml Ily. Co. (IsKohala Ditch Co. Cs

McUryilo Hugar Co Gs . . .Mutual Tel. CsOaliu II. & I. Co B

Onhu Sugar Co rOlaa Sugr.r Co. GX

l'ac. Siik. MIIICo.Ck....,PloncrMIIICo.CVnlnluaA.:rlc Co G ...


P. 0. Box 528



III '.J1












15 15'

Ji 'i





21 H17It



llelwien Ho.ir.l., : r,u OaliuSill 75: H WaliiliM. IllS.riii; 10 W.ila- -

iiui. ?ir.'.:.i'. ii nun a it. mm.!S; in Walniea, $l2.'i.",n, in i:a,

$3 1. Ml.

Session Sales llio tints. $la7Vj;l"i Walahia $11'.' ".ii : r Onhu. JS'i.T.":.'. II (' A: S. Co. $'l'.ii.'.. Oalius:i i.u'-- j . :' ii p. .'. M ('. 'J."

Latest sugar$78.0 ton.




quotation, 3.02c,

Sugar, 3.92cts

Beets, 10s, 7 lid


Members Honolulu Stock and BondExcliansre



Trent Trust Co.,Limited


HarryArmitageStock and Bond Broker

Member of Honolulu Stoclc andUoin Kxchange

Campbell Block, Merchant Street


Members Honolulu Stock and BondExchr.ce

Stangenwald Bldg., 102 Merchant St.

Distilled Water IceI r !. I)) tlllod Viti-- amif ( Storage, imii.ult tho

Oah'i Ice & Electric Co.,ox 600










Phone 1123

n. i a in m win. maiilos InI. Miltlr. Ill- - IcIHUM' in i nlliviit- -

iiiu tin in iitaiiiliiU( n nr a iliunioI U U

IV o o v I j II u 1 1 e 1 1 ii II pit jiur. I


I The Dulletln telephone numbertI hnvo not been changed with the location of the paper. They remain thetame as printed In the telephone directory-

-Business office, 2256 editorialrooms, 2185.

Try a caso of 1'lncctar. liu

Phono 1557.

The Owl I lie hcsl Ihr-rp-

ninili' Ask your dealer fm tinSuhseillio lor Ihu Cnll. Cln

or Kx.imliii'r $1.0(1 por inonili

It Is ro

H ii .iiOwl

WiiNIc hull Co.. AKPiits.

Don't throw join; ohl lintx n i

HiiM' them elrntieil hy the Hm ii II nClealierx, lli.1 Port htteet

Older some mutton chop ai t

Metropolitnti Meat Maiket this ..kmill kpI a ilcllcnoy. Th'pli"iii i

John II. I!crK.Urnm, Piano ami Or- -

can Tiinlnc anil KonalrliiKTemple. Telophono 20C7. P O Dux

40.The three Kport wrllcra of Hi

iii"'r me ilolliK the Ccmiil"iiiiiuiil linetlcntl"ii thew il.nrlnlil In tliclr line.

The busy luislnehs manH. Hrlin filing nHleni'

iiiMilualile llnnnllali Xoi t'nAlex. Yoiiiir hlllhllnR.

Kor distilled water, illro's

.1 ilUi: ii

in Hi.-.- i

lii'li. I t.i .


llcer and all other popular ilrlnknKhiB up Pnono 2171. ConsolidatedSoda Works.

The Yimiiir Hotel Uimulr.v .ill r,,iami ilellverw laundry to nil i.ithe ell) Pholiea 1SCI mid IH ' ..Hi..Territorial MesnonRer Ben he

Pay cash, una asK for Kreen stampsThey're free. Call at the rIiow roomsanil sco what you get deo forstumps.

Take a run to Halelwa ami njnvthe flesh air mid excellent me.ils H

Is one nf the inost dellRlitrul pi ne inthe Islands for u day or u w.'.K

Kor a diiruhle, Kaiiltar ami I., .milfill wall coverliiR use Dekouuo 1teadfor Instant uso when inked with millwater Letters & Cooko, Ltd , 177 SoKIiir street.

iiKnt.M defeated the San rrnn-i-i.-

.liilMiiexc III the first Riitne pli..l miHie ninlnliiiiil hy a nenre ..i l I., n

That uaM koIuK Mime for tin I. mi limitthe Par Hunt.

Ladles uhn are partlciilur almuttheir correspondence statloi.i ry willbe pleared with Highland Swiss diir-fo- n

sale at II. ArlelRh .'i Co. Ltd.Hotel near Port.

I'uture comforts nre asmied tnthose who liuvo saved. Stmt kiuIiiktoday by opening a S.iWiikh Aiioiuitnt the Haul; of Hawaii, Ltd. 1011 andMerchant streets.

The Wireless affords easv tnmimin- -

Icntlou with the other Islands andwith ships nt nen The officii Is openon Sunday mornings from s to In andrrotn 7 a m. to "..no 11. 111 on otherdays. I


I'ihIit i riini nrrt'iit rcMOlntlon Intro.In... I In tin- lliniMi- - tills inornliiK "Wntklni of Oaliu, anil iiilopl' il, Hi'

Su.i rlm.'iiilciil or Pal. Ilr WitrliM it-

to Ret Iiiih with tlu preparationnr lli.ipi ll ml ilatu tor npntrilrllull nlHiailK, Ml'llOlllllllllWK, JalK lllliplllllM,iti-

Tlio rci.ollilli.il In n rollown." luri'iiM. I'liilu-ti- i'nIxIIiik "tMi-ii- i

nl ri iml Kovrrnini nt tin? tiiMiiilynllll nl tin- - plllilli lo.nlH. wlionl- -

Io.iim.4 JiIIh ami lai'pltalH Ik with Hi"son nil loiintliv, IikIikIIiik tin1 I'lty ainlioiit.t of Honolulu; anil

Win n'.iH, In onli'i to ptopirly nrfont, tlii-- iliilh'- - It Ih iitTf'rtwtlv thaim.ip. pl.niH nntl ' IIIi'iiIIoik or him hpill III' propflllrs 'll.illl.l III' riltlllxllKlthe tioinlK ol Hii.i-- Isoi'm or tho h' -

r.il ooiintli-'- . In. IiiiIIiik mill) t'lly amioinilv . thorotori', hi- It

l.j tin- - IIoiko nr '.

or tin' Turltory or lluw.ill,tin- Soiinti- - com iiriliiis. That tho Snpcr-liitomli'-

ol Piilillr WorliH ho ami hoIh ln'ri'h liiftnnl.il to furnlxli. pi lorto July 1. lull, to Mil. I rcspocthoboat ilx or siipi r l"n . .alii mapi. plaiK,

atlons, toBitlur nlth mii'h olh- -

cr materialhohhIoii "


ilatu as iiu lie III 111 pos- -


Tin lock honk of the Plo r Mill

lo l.til . will In i to IraiixlirUoin April .'ii to .i I, Kill, hoth(I. iti hi. IiimUc

(.Si V PI'iiril.NHAUI'.lt.Ticaiiiicr. Plimiir Mill Co, I. til.

4!ill-l- t

Clltl'PIT t'lll'ltT. I'lltST IMItCl'lT.Teu-ltoi- i.r lliiwiill At I'liainhem III

Prohatc. In the iiiattir r tho ltnteor Julia Ailelahle Ma ih-- i ciibimI. No-

tice to Notice In hcrehyKl I II h the llllllinnlKIKMl " " I'ookcami A I.i wIm Jr iiiicillur) inlinlulitra-to-

with the will nnneNeil or tint Hh- -

titi or Julia Ailelnlile JIll.to the crcilltiir or un.l to nil pcrmniH

MlllMliu illillllH llKlllnt the Willi estateI to pi i.i nt thell ilnly uutlieii-- !

tl, K.I with the proper Minclier. wltli- -

In Mx nioiithH nf the Strut puhllcntlonol Ihli notlio (Mllil nollie helllK pllh-- ,

IIhIiciI lor the lll- -t lime on Aplll 'J.'.,

I'll 1. iii the kiiIiI nmllhiiy iiilnilnlBlraI tors with the will iiiincxoil at the otlliclot Tin IIim' or Hawaii l.hnlti;il 'in

jltn Jinhl liiillillnv ii.iii.rol Mriili.ini'Mil. I Purl Ntllfln. ' in mwl I'onnly orllonoliihi. ! lliiwiill theKiime helllK the plio ii tor ini) iruiinii-ll- on

of InixIneHK ol K.I I1 eclllte III Willi

Tetllloiw D.ltnl pill .''. PHIII iiiiiK'H. A 1.1 IS . in. llhin ail- -

liillilill ilon with tl" will nl otthe INI.it.- or .lllli il. I.l.le IL). Ue(inxnl

P.ill Apr SS. M.O --' 1, --'!


4aV'MS W) '



d made byI Knox

J $3.50


nr nJL? :awsmYawman&Erbe's

Filing Systemsnre tho busy business man's bestassistants




pi.xNNixn to i.i:.w r Tim citv,OUNMIt Wll.l. St:l.l. I'HHAI' ANDus-- i:sv ti:i:ms a pki:ttv ho.mi;IS MATMll'li A HM'l:

rritvi.siiioii . . tn'iot'NI'l'l!MSHi:i 'OO

I'or pmth ul.tr- - hoc

Island Co.,Limited

Mi ml., r ot Hiw.illan SI... U l'.- -

ih.nik'. I! n in'. Si.iiik. nw.ilil IiiiIM- -

lim T' I. phone IM-I- . I'ototlUc liox,.,ni. r.ihl. .ol.lii s i Itiilhloi; '


Hi .inllfol Iiimik iliiixl.'Ji on Kliiaunt el Si i

rim lot in K Ininilii p.ul. traitl.ot In Nun ion tliot near tin low

Niiiiaini Park nl up Hlccirli carh r h e

( ;..... I linn-- , li. .ir Kallhi chapelJJU'ii

FOR RENT Splnnllil iww colliiKeat Sto AIko ii in-- cottnKe at Pal. una,h Ma) tr,. at J J"

J. H.137 Merchunt Street


A Minim, r hoine on tin hiaih ntnliii r Wul .1 . i Omit ill- -

linn Iriuu tin Paul I" lilnlK IliiMIIlk

l'i.i.irl Ii - ilwi IIiiik Ii r till4ii.i i iiii-- l i.inliKi hou--- i SilnlvIn in h llshliu; .mil I..1II1I11K The.pinp.ilv has u"l I" " 'Olil HI. I aliioM" rl.inlli lint -- I1I0111 pn ol ll

i Is kIvcii In Iho-i- . who wuil aheat Ii Inline

Appl toI" 1' PPTHItKON

Ka ihiimanll Ktieel nppo-lt- e Moirni'slAuction llooinx VKiil It


Two attraitlve lli loom tottnp. sin ver oct upleil 'ith Am IvihouUiuloi s.ui .tin linn Hue hluck ir.noimi- line 49ii tr

I w


lit hw h p llv. il. .ii I ro.i.Nter in,Ki.oil ronilitmn i'isIi Ji- - liooiheil.iw II.. I. ph, is .nt. hi pin t


.StlilM.Im How

Timll I IVl

in. tol.ui'lPill '.

I w



. 111 11 I


Id a Ht -- iiinl

lllunk books of all sorts,etc, manufiK turcil by the llulletluPubllttlilug Couipauy.


Immunity fromSpring Hat


Five Dnll.irs buys a Knox MM nntllliprcff re buys immunity from SpringH.it troubles. Wo Ray Immunity ..

lang be'oio the crocus springtip there .1 wiiy contra out n variednrtay of "new creations" freaksthat men often buy and like lessevery timo they put them on. KNOXpresents a splendid array of 1911styles without the freaks. not oneof them makcL a slip in shape orr.hidc, yot every one is decidedlynew.

KNOX Hats, soft stiff,


Silva's Toggery, Ltd.,King Street, near Hotel







i -


PHONE 1697




riinPN thk i'sr. op a i:i i.imp.p- i an-- this hi'mmuki:atiii:ii.






Stiff, $8.00Silk, $10.00

If It's PaintSharp SignS




i'..-- l n Illllp to

n a i ..iitliiuoUKly thatsou will linnlly no-t- l.

tin- niliUtiun to

11.. Ilk lit bill.

The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd.

Packing and ShippingHousehold Goods

We will pack your Iiou-jc- old good;, und .iltcniJ to tlio

and Custom Motive Pipcit.

Union-Pacifi- c Transfer Co.,


Notions! Notions!

A Special Week ofLITTLE THINGS


WE have devoted one of our large windowsweek to a showing of NOTIONS.

You can find almost anything you may want,here in NOTIONS, and the prices marked onevery line displayed shows this certainly is

The Store for Values

r A sU" .i'PL y


Page 6: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.

' ,flu-- 4

Bt,- -

mn " " ffc3Y,j7 pfev n JP- -






This Woman Had to InsistStrongly, but it Paid

f I litnlm Til llT BIllTllfmil tn A A.innli' wiakiu-s- s nnd. fttoninrli tiotihlo.

and 1 Went to thoVyfp&t More to Bet ft bottlo ,

of l.ilh K. Hiilv.Irani i'bo! nmoI umiHiuml, but thoilerk illd nut M.mtto lit till ll.HO Itlip h. hi It was no

dualltl'l' tnorlioda1 pcimctliliiKirtjf ( but knowing

till about it I 111-

!'( and lln.illyc t It nml I am so

chil I illil, for it h.is i un il inc."I know of so many cnies hero w

cured l I.jilla V.. link.liani'H Vi'RPtablo Conijiounil that I ranmy to eu'ry suffering woman If tli.itineiUiliio lines not hi'lti her. them linothing that will." .Mrs. Jam.tki,21HU An h.St., Chicago, 111.

'I his Is tho njjo of substitution, andvoniLii who want a cure should insistupon I,jill.i i: VcrelabloCompound lust ns this w oman did, anilnot accept smut thingelseon which thodruggist can make a little, more nrotlt.

Women w ho are passing through thterritlcal period or who are sufferingfrom any of those distressing Ills

to their sex should not lose sightif tho fact that for thirty jean I,dii

Yj. llnkh.im's Vegetable Compound,which Is niado from roots and herbs,has been the standard remidy for te-rn lie Ills. In almost eery communityjnu will ilml women who hato lieeurestorrd to ho ilth bv I lilli i; link,liam s igetablo Comjound.

SA & CO.

Good Old

GucKenheimer PureRye

Bottled in BondJUIFS PERCHARD3 A. FIL3'

CALIFORNIA SPARKLING WINESWc Deliver to Any Part of the City

PHONE 3131

ROSA & CO.,Alakea and Queen Streeti



Rainier Beer

70S IALE AT ALL BAJUTelephone 2131

OrderCream Pure Rye


You'll find they're nil good idlowi here.

"It's the Fashion"Hotel nr Tort 0. II. Daviti, Prop


Will Do It

A lelief fmiil for the benefit of theWillow of lletirj lllxsen was ileclileilupon ill a mooting of the Y XI 0 Ailllreetors lestenlo afternoon nml thesubscription lists liavo nlrend) boonopened IIIskcii wan the man whofoil from the roof of the new Y M

C A liiilldinK last Saturday and wnsalmost liiKtnnlU killed He leios i

wife nml seeinl chllilicn, the oung-e- st

onl n few weeks oldllefore the dlreclois got through,

tlie hud suhscrlheil moio than JIOOamong theniHclNes It II Trent, I (Athorton nnd l'nul Hupci hair beennamed ns the sttbHcriptloii coinmlttic

It Ix planned to place the fundwith olio' oi tho trust companies nnduse the proceeds as a monthlj Ini oini for the w Idow Illsson h.ul manyfriends nnd the crisis that has facedhis widow has aroused widespreadsjmpatli for her and hor children


Wi lined the mnnc delicti Chiefof piii'ctixes Mclbillh as ho roundedup lits law rnnllimrni of Chineselipinose and I lllplnoi at police sintion this moinlng pitrcilliiK the hoi'lug before Dlxtrid Mngixtrntc Ljiiip"

The coffers of the Clt nnd Countwere conshlernbli enriched as a resultof ilnee siucessfitl raids made b the'

ll detectlo deimrtnienl aexlstcd b '

a nunibei of police ollloorsThlm Cliliicxc names wcie enllol

b Clerk Pied Weed Ihis nioiulimrifioeii responded to Hio roll lif-tee- n

CelOEtlnlx eldentl thoimht illn--

el Inn the hel'er i irl of alor andat am rate were conspicuous hi theirabsence As tin hud e,n li i0hmIIpiIleu doll irs In gisnl coin of Hie lealniWilli the Klntlou l(i ohliii; cleiks

their .incsl this Mini was llieie-loi- e

ilcil.iicd foifelted h JikIkc n

rWiorno Andrews nppo.ired for the

'Ifliin who d.iied face the piesemer the iiiiirt A genei.il plea of kiiIII.,

was entered nnd after a winding outa lepe.ilers' ami old offenders lines

i uiuIiik from the to twelu dollarsweie assorted

Willi a polite how and I hank "U'u iniich,' eleven Japanese weie'

next arraigned upon u charge of be-

ing present at a place where gam-hllii-

was being lonilueleil All pled'Millt and weie assessed Hues tunn-ing from IKc to leu dollars wHh thecosts of ipron'cittlon added i

The Inst on McDuffie's llltlo list'were eight niiplnos who lind iliilllellwith the fnscliialliii; Ranio of motile,unwisclj hut too well

These alfo receded atleiitlon at the'hands of the court after a lino of tes- -timoii) had been offered

Port) nine Orientals rendered smallhut needful financial assistance to Hiemunicipal government this moriiliiK asa result of the raids made upon IllicitKnmhlliiK h the police

i mm m


Coast imperii ariUIng jesterdaybiotiRlit the news that n number ofKoreans who went to Yucatan, Mexico, to llo several jears iiro havehail enough and would like to tr Ha-

waii Uxal Koreans nrc said to haoheard the same thing II is reportedthat tho Mexican colony numbersabout 1000

The Koreans ato free to coinn herebut Interpioters of the I'edoial lawsa that no assistance inn bo Klventhem either by the kiik.ii plantnis orthe Tcrrltoilal Hoard of Immigration,mull Inducements being foilihldiii

(iniin'M(''ii(i.To the Kdltor On completing my

oars as president of the Woman s(liilld of St Clement's Church wishto thank the Bulletin for its kind-iip-

and accuiac) In printing thouotiies foi tho I.entcn nnd monthlymeeting of tho (liilld Your courtesyIn this matter has been much appre-ciated by tho hulies and mvsclf


Honolulu, April J3, 1911e fc

A man hehlom tells another howninth money ho makes Ho eitherlathes or loweiH the actual llgures



with the Ara-Not- ch inplace of the bothersomebuttonhole 15c each 2 for 25c.

Ctuttt, rcahody tc Co , Mikerj i

ARROW CUrrS, 25c. a rain I

imiim'i.mmm iiii:vii:ii.There continue to be three changes

eer week at the Independent the-lit- er

on Hotel street near Ntiimnti, nndtlietc to he full houses atocry performamo The reason ofthe latter Is that pictures are care-fu- ll

chosen, are alwins of an uiter-tnlnln- g

arlety nnd without at thingto which ol'jcdlon can Ik nude, andare slim n ro stnoothli nud with suc.tbrilliance that It Is a pleasure to thoeye and a Jo to the mind to beholdthem The Independent Is the ilicnp-es-t

hotiso In the city and nt the samotime glos an eeellint pioKr.im, sothe spectntor gets as much as howould at an other theiiter

The uiito contest, for the $S."0 I'ordrunabout, Is treating n stir and con-testants arc dally Intrensing whilethe otcs pile up iiccordlngl)

Tho Honolulu Construction andDrawing Company has been awardedtho contract for supplying the crushedroik and sand used In the erection ofthe quarters at Tort linger Thostone furnished by the lonipany Is ofn IiIrIi stand ird


Independent TheaterHotel Street, Near Nuuanu


'I Mm Tlieitir Is IlidopPlidi lit of nilothu ImUUoh


Gel your voles for $850 Ford AUTO-MOBILE Conteit now onl


School ShoesAT Till." -

Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,LIMITED



Regal Shoe Store,Phono 3123


! SHOESOeretanla Street, Near Nuuanu




Agents875 South, Near King Street

Phone 216G


A natural method of recovery frombodily disorders ladles and gentlemen.

Phone 2467 or call at 176 S. King St(upstairs).





777 Branches



Van Camp'sUnequaled

Pork and BeansA food of fine and rich

nutrimentYoux' Grocer Has Them

Mrs. Kate Voorhics Henry MayNot Go to Coronation,

Says tho Call.

Mrs Kale Voorhics Hours, of S.inPianclsco who vlslled here a fe.months ago nud was a conspicuoussociety figure. Is Hie theme of thefollowing article In a teccnt SnuPrnnolsco Cull

Will Mis Knle Voorhics lienrvfoiruo the nlcasure ntiil prlvllogo ofa sent or honor nt King (1 urge's cor-

onation In the conipinv of her filciultho Princess David K.iwananakoa mwill Rhe nccent the hunt! or n wenknown Kamll cliilim in whoso business Interests would limit "icir wi-

ne moon to this state'Conflicting Emotions.

This Is a question Unit the charm-ing leader of tho old southern set hanot vet answered The princess

from Honolulu next Thursdayto leave next dav for London Sheexpects Mrs Hour to share honorsawaiting her The voniiK clubman I"

engaged In projects Hint need hisconstant euro nt Ibis time, so thathe Is n slavo of duiv as well as of

rnninntlc emotions With one ec on

business and Hie othu on l upui, nocovcIh both Mrs ileniv Is torn nisob) conflicting emotions for lovers nrobv no means so scirce as ine coion- -

atlon of kings And nllhoiigli sue n.isBlppcd with him ninnv a cup oi tea m

tho Pnlnco and P.ilrniont 'tea rooms,while busy gossips wove nun nice, sbohns confessed to friends that flic cannot ct make her choice Mcintlmctho princess Is ttnrtlng on her wato LondonFormer Marital Esperlerce.

Mrs llenr fornieil) Mil's KateVcKirhlcs, Is the ihntcliter or Mrs A-

lfred Hunter Voothlos anil the litDoclnl Voothles She Is connectedwith the nrni hot through her broth-

er In law. Major II P Young Tinhandsome Vonhles Initio In Califor-nia Btiect was uid bj tho Arm anNavy club ror some time Her for-

mer marllal operlcnie rosiilledfour iars ago when those

who heard the evidence In court re-

mained decldcdls In sviupith withher.

Tho Princess Kiiw.iiMiiakoa Is oneof tho most beautiful women In thoHawaiian Islands ami was a gicjtPUorlto or foreign dlplomnls In thedas of tho kingdom This helped toptvo the way for Hie social lecogni-llo- n

she will ncelve during the cm.onatlnn ccieinonlos Only icccullysho was vislled nt Honolulu hi Mrsllcnty The dcllcito eontrai-- In thoblonde of the one and the brunucttcHut of tho other Is much admired.Man Is Eligible.

Tho ninn In the case Is ono of themost cllglblo bachelors In town Hobus long boon under" the cos of am-

bitious mammas, only to fall beforo(ho charms of Mis Hcnrv Sho re-

fused cstoidn) to divulge his name

At the Young.

Joseph Predurlck and wife Mrs CI'obivt Sail Pianclsco, Kmcst Moses,llilo I Wall Olaa, Mts C Wollers,Miss P II Hubboll and child II M

Ilowkeis and wife, l.os Angeles, A OPoslei and wire, lltlca, N Y , P JI ia ami wife. Counsll llliilfs V KThoiupon, Cal; i:. I Nil hols, Hlln,i: T Paisous, I A. Itcid H P, ItnySki lion anil wife, I.os Angiles; WinAuloiil (! K. I.ackawii ail I vvlfo, SP Miss Oialco List. Okla

m am p


Philip II Dodge, who has recentlyreturned Irom a trip to the Orient,will deliver a lectitro this nrternoonon "Japanese Towels" bcroro tho

Ait I,aguo Tho Iecturo be-

gins at II UO o'clock.Mr Dodgo Is an Interesting speak-

er and thoroughly familiar with hissubjicl and an unusually nttraitlvaeiitoitalnnient Is. expected





Tor the Heavyweight Supremacy ofthe World

Will he exhibited b HIHMKfor a few iiIkIiIh, at tho


! inAdmission . . SOc, 75c, $1

A Holhl two hourx' kIiou xhowiiiKwi ib tall of tin' IlKht ami the tinln-Iii- k

lamps, iiIku IntioiliiLliiK Klelirltli'Hof the rliiK nml xnneH III nml nbnutHt no

Get your tickets early and avoid therush.


New Engagement!

2 World's Strong Men 2

Younger Brothersllaiid-to-llaii- d Itlliuitrs

Toss Huh Other I.Ike Peathci Dustcis

Russell SistersKlcctrlcal Dancers

JESSIEWill Present Hroclali Poses, with

Pliclrical Kdicts

NELLIEClover Hall Holler


Amateurs Friday


wnnitr: tiiij pii.ms aiiij catchycooi, opi:.'-.ir- t tih:aii:ii

another fine program


Anker SistersCharming Team of Dinccrs and

Singers, Ilendcr"I Trust My Husband Anywhere"

And Othir Popular Songs


Hilda CarleIn Stunning Costumes Slugs the

Songs With tho Long Titles

ALL NEW FILMSPopular Prices


Monday, Wednesday and Triday

New Artists From Far East CircuitThis Week

King and LovellComedy Sketch Artists

Catili Act- - Plrst Appiaranco

Champion Foot Tappers

Foley and EarleHecuitrlc Clog Darners In New Ait

MORE NEW FILMSPopular Prices



BenoOn the Sliver Wire Tho nun who Isto walk the sllvir wire ovir the Crutcr

of Hiiliiuaiimau Next Pall

Little MazieSoubrette

Nelson SistersSingers and Dancers


Prices . . 5c, 10c, 15c


Ninety-Seco- nd


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1911At 7l30 P. M.

An Entertainment, Dance

and lardsAn IihiiI or llthiK Odd Pillow or

Hi hi kali who Iihh not reieiiul nn Invi-

tation Ih leuuextcd to liao niiine andaddrexH nt tlie Hall or mall It to P OIlux OS, TODAY

Ailinlttauc-- will lo Btiktl) li Iniltatlun

The New Spring

Tailor-Mad- e


White Serge ahd Fancy Weaves

Are here. Just one of each, someof which you can see in our window,altho we have more to show in ournew department.

A HandsomeStock of

Silks and

VelvetsDirect from Paris. Only here canyou get such goods.

J. A. GILMAN,Shipping and Commission

Agent forArthur Sewa.ll & Co., Bath, Mo.

Parrott & Co., San FranciscoBadger's Fire Extinguisher Co.

General Fire Extinguisher Co.,'aniHNELL AUTOMATIC SPBINXLER)

Neuman Clock Co.(WATCHMAN 3 CLOCK)

Royal Standard TypewriterAachen & Munich Fire Ins. Oo.



Young Hotel LaundryOur wagons pass your twice daily, or phone up 1861

and 1862.

What You Have BeenLooking For

An Oxford that will Fit SnuglyAround the Ankle without Chafing

We have them In the trustworthy WALK-OVE- and S0R0SI3makes; several different leathers, in dull and patent.

You must have now shoes occasionally, but why cast tho painfulbunion of moulding the soles on your feot when you can buy WALKOVER shoes right hero in town? WALK OVER inner soles aro mouldoil in tho factory under 500 pound j pressure while tho shoo is "nrccn"and In Its most pliablo state. They aro comfortablo tho first day youput them on.

Let your head save your feet-woa-

Prices, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00




Page 7: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.





Nomination List For the Preference Premium Prizes Will BePublished Tomorrow and the Vote Issue Will Start

The organization nominations rec-

eived up until 10 a. m. tomorrow willbe published In tomorrow',! paper. Anumber have already been receivedand several more are expected tocome In today. Do not wait. Sendyours In at once If you have not doneso. Vote Issue of the piano prefer,ence premium votes begins on Thurs.day morning. There will be no blankballots, Every one desiring votesmust give the name of the trip candl.date and the organization candidatebefore the ballots are allowed to leavethe contest department. An equalamount will be Issued for both In ac.eordance with the vote schedule pub.Ilshed. There will not be anothercount until early next week.

Pn not bo derelict In tliity In jnur-hc- lf

Ibis Is not Hie llnio to piocrastlu-nt- e

hi any manner.The 1'nlirornla trips will be nwnnl-ei- l

liv Hie II ii 1 1 ii befoic iui RetthoioiiKlil.v started If ini don't hurryup iinl gel soiuo organization Intei-I'stc- il

in the plnno to bo given uwuyat he close of tbo contest

(Jn right out mnl seo all tho or-ganisation people. oit know and con-vim- o

them of the possibility of earn-ing iliis $ino Starr pluno liv slmpljhelping im secure travel votes liv-en time n travel voto Is Issued formiii nnother will he Issued for theorg.inlr.itloii named

All Hint the nig.iniiratlon peoplehnvi to ilo Is to Ret tbo siipisirl ofborne nrlhr (tip iisplinnt

No t in", despite whatever their votetotal m,i. be, has leallj got a start inthis (.onlest until thov have somo in- -

giinlz.illon working for lliem. . It Is aconlcHt of combination tho combin-ing of Individual and organization contestantsName an Organization,

As ,i candidate In tho Uvouing11 nil I e l I n' expansion Yeartc on hIioiiM iihiuu your fnvorltorgiul7utlon. Duplicate voles of allour votes Issued on or after Tliurs-iln- j

April 27lh, will be credited to thenrg.iiilrnlloii ou name, thus insuring

u i f its enthusiastic support.Am vou n lodge niomhci? A club

menibei ? College nlumul membei ?Member of anv church, union, mili-tia eonip.in ' Student or teacher Inam pilvnte or public school'

The right kind of u bustler repre-senting mi) kind of an organizationwi'h I lie right kind of support fiomtli.it oiKiiulz.itlon can scoio a doublesuccess In this expansion joar con-test one for himself and one for tboorganization And this docs not uic.inlliere Is to lij any imposition upo,ioiKniilrnllnu ineiubeis They will beicpnld Tor their Interest In nu mil'their orRnnlzmioti. All that Is

Is some enthusiasm unions

members, n concentration of effortsmnl rare (lint nil members of the

oto for Its representa-tive In this contest Instead of scat-tering their ballots.I'rlcc of Kvcnliig llulletln.

1 Month's Subscription . ...$ .753 Months' " t 2.00C Months' " S 4.001 Year's " $ 8.002 Years' " $10 003 Ycard " $24 005 Years' " $10 00

I'rlro of Weekly llullrllii.1 Year's Subscription $ 1005 Years' " $ fi 00

VOTES ISSHKO (IXSubscriptions (u tuning llullrllii.

Old NewVotes Votes

Ono month 2M 3f;oTli roo moutliB 4".0 0ti0Six months 1,000 1,200Ono year 2,400 3,000Two years C.000 7,000Tlireo years 9,200 11,000Klvo years 21,000 30,000

.Siiliscrlplloin to Wcrkl) Iliillclln.Old New

Votes VotesOno jcar r.O 350Klvo jears 1.G00 2,000

2000Bonus Votes

are issued for every clubof three old or three new dailyyearly subscriptions. As manybonus vote coupons will be is-

sued as subscription clubs aresecured. The three old orthree new daily yearly subscriptions must be turned induring some single contestweek.

Second Contest WeekFROM 8 A. M. TUESDAY,

APRIL 19th to 5 p. m.MONDAY, APRIL 24th.

This is a standing continuous club otter that will be re-

newed from week to week,during the contest.





Fill In name and addrejs of your favorite candidateand send to the Dullotin Contest Department.

(Not good after Wednesday, May 10)


Good for 5000 Votes

I hereby nominate as a candidate In the CVENIiJQ BUL.LETIN'O Ten-Tri- Travel Contest

M '.



Organisation ,

Addrc&s ;

Nominated by

Only tho first Nomination Coupon received will count for5000 votoi.

5000 VOTES

Kaimuki Institution Is GrantedCharter, to Or-


A chiiiycr of Incorporation, for aboys' hoarding sihnol at Kalinukl hasbarn secured by I. (3 Itlnckmnli, A.Lewis Jr., C 11 Cooke, Ha n ford 11 l)noand Antonio 1'crry, tbo imiiio of thonew institution tn bo tho HonoluluSchool for Hojs.

1'ourtceu lures of land have beensecured for tile campus In the Occ.uiView district of Knlmukl, and n be-

ginning has nlrcudy been mado illbuilding operations.

Vr lllackmnn will bo prlnclp.ii ofIho School and chalrinaii ofthe hoard of trustees, tho follow lugcommittees having Iipoii appointed:Iliilldlng C M Cooke and JudgoJ'erry. nuance A Lewis and JohnWatei house IMiicntlon JiiiIro S IIHole and I)r JuiM

The school will lio pliinned to ac-

commodate sixty bos, mid provisionswill be inudo for expansion In tho fitture.


After j long ilel.iy, the mutngenicnlof the Ml Klriio'ss h.is iniidnpublic the Miiiincist side of the eiiriil- -, . I ttlil. 1. I. ml l. lit. .. .in I. It ,. U...II .......I ...., ....i.i .... . . ... j ...rriiiiiH iiiiiiiiiuirii u ti.uu ..;. win) ii winlie turned over to the I'jiliiiu.i Settle-ment (iros receipts wire J7S0.1 titand expenditures $2910 21

The stitcnicnt IncludesHecelpts (J.ite receipts, Jtsol 10;

llOt. till; lliiwuil.iii booth.JSU' r,.'., MMi booth, 1140 II: Itunslinbooth, J.'MUBO: Hungarian booth,

2I..1 .".0; Ice ireiini booth, 1117 40;Scotch booth, $:iv,fi1; HMiilh liootli,$C21.h.'i. Anglo-India- n bootll. $U0 f.O;

Norwegian booth. $136 GO; Japinesobootli, 1078 10, l'rcmli bootll, jr,0 10;Portuguese liootli, SI 18 30; Colonialbootli, JIM SO. Chinese booth, J70.10;stock certllk'HtD, Kit shouting g.illirj,l.tS'JO; sale of luinhcr, i:fi78. specialllHcount on lumber, 90 f!5; inlwellu-neou- s.

J1.30 Totnl, 17(105.41Kxpcniliturcs Advertising, I21C SO;

I'lllllpplne booth. I.M HO, Itllsniau booth,jr., Colonial Ilooth, (40, SpauMi booth,144 10, rroiit.il liootli, $171, be creambooth, snsno; Japanese booth, tll.193;Irish liootli. $1E.7.1; 1'ortiiKiKie bootli,H 40, AiiRlo-Indla- bootli JJ, Scotdiliootli, $2 10, NorweKlin bootli, $2 20;Hawaiian bootll, $4,". llubtliiK and

$392 78; domes stiiKe, etc,$61 7fi general expense of l.ilior, car-penters iiuivlni; liulldliiKs, liimtim; midplumhliii; $tnjj r.7, tuiiiber, $904 40.Total, $J'i30 21.

Liverpool, I:iik, bus Impounded ariver and built ,t 7.", mile miuoiliiit toImprove the miiulcip.it watir supplv.



.Warmer does the rest

I .ymiThe Welkom Warmer

Slzo 3V&xG,& Inches, weight Vtounces.

Tho only modern, safo, effective midsensible, substitute, for tho antl(uatcdlint Wutor line.

No water to heat no rubber to rot.Will last for years.Tho Warmer is niudc. of motal heat-

ed within ono mluuto by tho lightingnnd Insertion of a puper tubo con-taining a Marries. smokeIcs andodorless fuel generating a uniformheat which lusts over two hours nt ucost oMcsh than ono lent. It Is curvedto lit any portion of the body and holdin plncn by means of a bag and haltallowing tho wciiror to niovo about atwill. -

AS A I'AIX KILLKKTho Welkom Wannor has no equal

It can ha put Into constant action andIs Indlspcnsablo In cases of rheuma-tism, lumbago, neur.ilglu, sciatica,cramps, otc.

Hy placing tho Warmer on tho af-fected part tho heat being dry, notmoist, biikcs out thn rotd. I'liyslclanssay that tho moist heat of tho hot wat-er bag will not euro hut aggravate thouiliiicntH ubnvn mentioned.

Many have buou sold not a c'nglocomplaint.

Comploto outllt Including Warmer,bag bolt, coll and 10 tubes of fuol sentprepaid to any part of tho U 8. up,receipt of $1.00.

If you wish to know moro about thiswonderful dovlco wrlto today for freodescriptive, booklet.

WELKOM WARMER" MFG. CO.10S 1'nllon SI., Xew York.


Churches, Schools, Lodges,Clubs, and all other

l Organizations :


$700 Ini

at the close of IheE v o n I n g D u e 1 n's TripTravel Contest,

school ctub, lodge, church, militia company, or any ether kind of anorganization that receives tho



Organizations Ton



will be given first choice of the prizes. The organization with the nexthighest total secures choice of premiums. The organization In

third place at the contest close wl," have the final preference premiumchoice.

By preference votes, are meant votes that are a duplicate lue of thosemade out for trip contestants.

For every vote Issued for a trip contestant, an equal amount will be Is.sued for the organization preferred by the person making the subscriptionpayment.

Preference or organization duplicate vote Issue starts Thursday, April27th. No organlzat'cn votes will be Issued on subscription payments madeprevious to that date.

Organizations! Get a live contestant to work for you.

Trip candidates! Get organization members to work for you.

There are votes for both and prizes and trips for both.

Organization Members: Be a contest worker for your organization; it Is

enjoyable, easy and more dignified, than an.out.an.out donation solicitationfor a special fund for your order.

Nominate your organization now.

3TYLE "A." Height, 4 feet 6 InchesWidth, G feet 6 InchesDepth, 2 feet 3 Inches

In the Tuscan model we pres-- nt a design of remarkable beauty and cleg,ance. An exceedingly popular type by reason of Its rich beiuty.

Seven and one.third cctave, trl.chord scale with overstrung bass; fullcomposite metal stringing plate, bron-e- d complete and handsomely decor,ated; patent anti.frlctlon metal peda action, with three graduating mouse,proof pedals; patent Improved soft stop attachment; convex sound board,with suspension bridges; tuning pin ptank built up from selected rock mapleveneers; bushel tuning pin holes; patent repeating action, with metal bush,ed damper blocks; continuous brass hammer butt flanges, tnd capstan re.gulatlng screws; handtome design of case, double veneered Inside and out;full duet swinging music desk, with single pinel, carved and polished;carved pilasters; grand fall board; lv0ry keys and solid ebony sharps.

Piano is on display at Thayer Plano co.'s, Hotel street store.

The Amberola Is the newest memberof the Edison Phonograph family. ItIs a work of art both In appearanceand In performance.

The Amberola Is a greatly Irnprov.ed Phonograph. Its horn and mech.anlsm are enclosed In a handsomecabinet, which also Includes drawersfor holding 100 records.

It can be had In several finishes ofoak and mahogany, to match anyroom or woodwork. It is a most at.tractive piece of furniture and a creditto any drawlng.room or music. room.

It has a number of special featuresfeatures not found in other Edison

Phonographs. These Include a larger,new style reproducer, giving a repro.duction of unusual volume and rich.ness of tone.

Another new feature Is that the rec.ord, In addition to revolving, also ad.vances to meet the reproducer, which

remains stationary. This feature nrikesIt possible to have a rigid horn. In

other Edison Phonographs the repro.ducer moves across the face of the re.volvlng Record and to get the bestresults a swinging horn Is necessary.






Prizes Are Be Awarded

Largest Number

Preference Votes





EdisonAmberola Phonograph

PRICE $200

fk--M I


Special Extra Premium for Organizations


From THAYER PIANO CO.'S STOCK. On displayin their Store on Hotel Street

Third Preference Premium

$100 Furniture Order OnJ. Hopp & Co. -

Something of face value to every organization.The organization receiving the third highest number of vctes will receive

an order reading.

J. Hopp A. Co.:

Please deliver to (name of winning organization) One Hun.

dred Dollars (J10O0O) worth of furniture, articles as selected by

holder of this order, and charge to the account of the


This order Is good for any furniture carried in stock by this large furnl.ture store. The order may be transferred for cash to some purchaser andthe fund used for a music, building or library fund, If the organization M.curln git has no no d for the furniture.







Page 8: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.




. W ' VWJ'Jf!' l 1TI "W.'iMSHarW'VT' (- yf,vTT r" , ,yT.isr'y'T4ftl' i,.w TWW '.' j j i wwi",'vywi,f Pinni' i iy.


Oceanic Steamship CompanyLeave 6. F. Arrive HonApril 29 May 5May 20 ..May 26

$65 first class, slnQle, 8. F. $110 first


Pacific Mail Steamship Co.,

Steamers of the nbnvo company willon or about tho ilaU'M mentioned bdow.

FOR THE ORIENT.Korea April 21 S.Siberia May 9

China May 16 S.Manchuria May 22 S.


For general Information to

H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., agents


riteumers of tlio nliovo Company willpiout tho dolus mentioned below:


S. S. Nippon Mam May 2

S. S. Chlyo Maru May SO

S. S. America Maru Juns20S. S. Tonyo Maru June 27






But you theind theind


AprilMay 10


S. S. Nippon Maru July 18 S. S. Chiyo Maru July 21

S. S. Chiyo Maru August 1S S. S. America Maru August 11

CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED,Agents, Honolulu.


FROM 3AN FRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO.S. S. Lurllne April 16 S. S. Lurline April 26

S. S. Wilhelmina April 18 8- - 8. Wilnelmina April 26

S. S. Honolulan May 3

S.'S. Wilhelmina May 16

8. S. HYADES of this lino sailsabout APRIL

further particulars, apply to


Canadian-Australia- n Royal Mail




further information apply H.Honolulu.

C. P.

Phone ReachesHustace-Pec- k Co.Xtd.


The B. Dillingham Co.LIMITED

Utnsral Agent

Atlas Company ofMew Underwriters' Agency.

Washington InsurancoSTANUENWALD BLDQ.

LIFE INSURANCEIs a Luxury; It Is a

Must have DEBTtint Is provided jy famousmost equitable Laws cf

'husetti, In

England MutualLife Insurance Co.


If you would bo fully aboutlaws, address




Leave Hon.19

Arrive 8. F.April 25

. . May 16

class, round trip, San Francisco.

& CO., LTD., General Agents.

call ut Honolulu nml loaxo tills port

FOR 6AN FRANCISCO.S. Manchuria April 29

Asia May 12

S. Mongolia May 20S. Pnrsla June 9S. Korea June 17

cull at nml lcao Honolulu on or


S S. 'Chiyo Maru..r ..!...... .May 5

S. S. Maru May 26

S. S. Maru June 2

S. S. Nippon Maru June 23

S. 8. Honolulan May 12S. S. Wilhelmina MayZ4

from Seattle for Honolulu direct on or

General Agents," Honolulu


. . MAY 21


HACKFELD & CO, LTD, agents,

MCRSE. Central freight Agent.

Oahu Railway Time Table


For Wnlanae, Wa'.alua, Kahuku andWay Stations "S.IG a. m 3:20 p. ni

l'or I'oarl Dwa Mill and WayStntloDs 17 80 a in., 'JilG K m..

M:30 a in.. 2 15 p m , 3.20 p. ,

5 15 p in., J9.30 p ra., miB p. ni.For Wnhlawa and Lellehua 10:20

a. m., 5.15 o. J9:30 p. m., tU;UP ru.

Inward.Honolulu from Kahuku, Wat-aulu-

and Wnlanao '8:36 a. m..5'31 p m.Arrhe Honolulu froa Rwa Mill and

Pearl Clty-t7- :45 a m., '8:36 a, m,11:021 a. m., M.40 p. h., s:2 p. m.,6:31 p. m., 7:30 p m.Arrho Honolulu from Wohlawa and

Lellehua 9:15 a. m tlMP p- m., '5: 31p. m , J10: 10 p nj.

Tho Ilnlelwa Limited, atrain (only first class honored),lenes Honolulu oary Sunday nt 3:36a in ; roturnlng, In Honolulunt 10 10 p in Tho Limited slops onlyat I'carl city wnlnnao outwardanil WiiIuimu, Walpahu and Pesil tltjIn ward

Rally. tSunday Rxceptel ISuDrtnyOnly.G P DBNIHON. F C SMITH

' Rupailiftenilmt. a. 1.

It ii 1 1 ! I 'n'pbnno kiuiHhori nrei '

Hti.Inrss Oflice 2.'.I'tlllerlal .Soomi 2184,


FOR FIJI AND AU8TRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER.Makura . .. April 28 Zcalandia April 25

Zcalandia .... May2ti Mararna . .. . May23


Prom New York to Honolulu, via Tehunntepee, every sixth day.Freight received at all times at the Company's wharf, 41st Street, South












Assurances London"nork

Providence Co,

fth FLOOR,

not Ntcestlty.










two-tiou- r






Established in 1858

Bishop & Co.BANKERS

Commercial and Travelers'letters of Credit issued on

the Bank of California andThe London Joint Stock Bank

Ltd., London.

Correspondents for theAmerican Express Company

and Thoj, Cook & Son.

Interest allowed on Term

and Savings Bank Depoiitt.


PAID CAPITAL, 1000,000

Successors toCLAUS SPWECKELS & CO.

Invites your Account andoffers satisfactory service.

Loans at market rates.

Exchange and Cable trans-fers.

Travelers' Credit andChecks available everywhere.

The Yokohama Specie

Bank, Limited


Capital (Paid Up)..Yrn 24,000.000itesone l'uud Yon 1C.COO.000

Oonpnil banking bustnosstiaiiHuctod. Savings accoupta for(1 nnd upwards

Fire and burglar-proo- f vaults,with Safe Deposit lloxes for rentut t'i per year and upwards.

Trunks and cases to lie kept oncustody at moderate rates.

Particulars to be applied for.

Y'J AKAI, .ManiiKtT.

Honolulu OdUe, Iletliel andStreets, 'lulcpliouo 2421

aud 1C9L P. O. Ilox 1CS.

Oahu Machine Shop301 QUEEN AND RICHARDS ITS.

Teleubone 514Automobiles, Motor Cycles, Qai Sta-

tionary and Marine Engines, BiceMill Machinery, Etc.

Honolulu ElectricCo.

Engineering aru ContractingHouse-Wirin- g Repairing Supplies1187 AIAKEA ST. Near Beretania

PLANISHED STEELA full assortment, sizes 24"xB"

to 48"xl20", and gauges No. 18 toN-- IB just to hand.

We do sheet metal work of allkinds, and guarantee satisfaction,Your patronage is solicited.PROMPT ATTENTION TO JOBBING

EMMELUTH A CO.. LTD.Phone 1511 145 King Street



Aims a zomasoK.Inrsa Btrtt ftnnnlils

3185 oJIIorI.il K s - 225Gbusiness nfllcc Tin - arc the tele- -

phone iiiniihiTK of Hie II u 1 1 lit 1 u.

Alexander & Baldwin,LIMITED

OTFlCERS AND OIRECTORBII V ll.ililnln Ii "lift ill

M Ali'vinilir, . 11

J l ConKe . .2ndJ It Unit.. . Sril nt

John (lullil A.lliiR Treasurer) IS I'nM"" . Secretary

f) Smith ' DirectorV II fiiili nil color

O N WlUo ... Director

Sugar Factors.Commission Merchants,and Insurance Agents

Anents forIfnnailiiti Ciiii " " 'I . Sugar Co.

llnikti Hugnr i iiininii)I'nln, Plantation i

Maul Agrl. nil hi il 'mp myllnwnllnn Sown ConipinKnhiiku riinil iii'm i unp.itixMi'llr)do Suk it ""1MHKiilmliil I! illt.. nl .mipiiiivKnnnl lliillw iv inpi'iiIliinnliia ltnni'h.ll.ilkii Pi nil ind 1'nl.liiB Coinp.iliy.K.ni.il 11 nil ml I "i'l '"mpiiny

Castle & Cooke. LtdHonolulu, T. H.




Kwa Plantation Co

Walalua AKTlciiltiirul l!o., Ltd.Kobala SuRir CoWalmea Htiar Mill Co.Apokna Sugar Co. Ltd,

Pillion lion Wnrkti ot 8L Louis.Babcock & Wilson I'umps.Orccn'a Fuel Economizers.Mntson NaiK:tlon Co.

C. Brewer & Co., Ltd,


Officers and Directors:

II. F. Bishop Prealdont0o. II. Itoucrtson

....Vlce-Proslden-t and ManagerW. W North TreasurerRichard Ivors SecretaryJ. It. Oait AuditorGeo. It. Carter DlroctorC. H. Cooke Directorn A. Cooke directorA. Gartloy Director

C. Brewer & Co., Ltd.



Roynl Insurance Co. of Liverpool.London AMturanco Corporation.Commercial Union Ansurance Co.

of London.

Scottish Union ft National Ins.Co. of Edinburgh.

Caledonian Insurance Co. otEdinburgh.

American & Foreign Marine Ins.Co.

Teiritoria! Board o

ImmigrationOfflce 403 Stnnxrvali llif.




Chemical Engines andWatchman's Clocks

Tor Sale byI. A. OILMAN

Fort Street


Consulting, Designing and Con-

structing Engineer.Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Struc-

tures, Steel Structures. Sanitary Sys-

tems, Reports and Estimates on Pro.jeets. Phone 1045.

mter-Islan- i. and O. R. & L. ShlpplnKbocks for snle at the Bulletinolflce. EOc each.

THE GOVERNMENTDy its system of contract work has become a close and particu-lar buyer in all markets. The Army has contracted with us tosupply the stone and sand used In the concrete buildings for thequarters to be erected at Fort Ruger. Looks as though our Nos.2, 3 and I CRUSHED ROCK met lequirements.

Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd.,ROBINSON OUILDING - - QUEEN 8TRECT


IN THK niSTllICT CODIIT (IF THEumtkii stati:h in and routhi: Ti:ititri(nv of and dis- -


Plaintiff and Potltloncr,. vs.V. KNUDSDN EIUO A.


tue of tho laws of tho Territory ofIlawnlli Till! TEIHUTOltY OFHAWAII; 1IISIIOP TIUIST COM-

PANY, a corporation organized andexisting under and by vlrtuo of tholaws of tho Territory of Hawaii;and SAMUEL ALOAUOHA, JANE

MARY MANGO and JOHNUANYAN, unknown owners nndclaimants, Defendants and Re-

spondents.You aro hereby directed to appear,

and unsner tho Petition In an actionentitled as aboo, brought against jouIn tho District Court ot the UnitedStales, In and for tho Territory oftlnwall, within twenty days from nndnftcr bcnlco upon you of a certifiedcopy of Plaintlrf's Petition herein, to-

gether with n ccrtllied copy of thisSummons.

And )ott arc hereby nottlled that unless you uppenr and answer as uboverequired, the said Plaintiff wllPtnkojudgment of condemnation of tholauds depcrllii'd In tho Petition heroinand for any other relict demanded Intho Petition.


A. G. M. ROBERTSON,Judges of sntd District Court, tblsTitbday of January, In tho year of ourLord ono thousand nlno hundred andeleven nnd ot tho Independence of thoUnited States tho ono hundred nndtblrty-llft- b.

(Sgd.) A. E. MURPHY,(Senl) Clerk.



District of Hawaii ss.I, A. E. MURPHY, Clerk of tho Dis-

trict Couit of tho United States otAmerica, In and for tho Territory andDistrict of Hawaii, do horeby certifytho foregoing to bo a full, truo andcorrect copy of the original SummonsIn the caso of THE UNITED STATESOF AMERICA vs. AUOUSTUS F.KNUDSEN, ot nl., as tho samo remainsof record and on flla in the office oftho Clerk of said Court

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havohereunto sot my band and affixed thoseal ot said District Court this 17thday of January, A. D. 1911.(Seal) A. II MURPIIT,Clork of tho United States District

Court. Territory of Hawaii.Dy F. L. DAVIS, Deputy Clork.



Old dltiKV miiIIh nml iillhiKSam inaile lulBlil nml fresh by tileapplication of thN superior twillim Tiiin. Itc.ulv fur luntmit unowhen mlMil with tnhl watir,





Lowers & Cooke,LIMITED


Have Your Own LibraryThe Best Books on Easy Payments


Alex. Young Building

Highland Swiss ChiffonFinest Quality



For GENERAL OFFICE STATIONERY and FILING' SYSTEMS, call orwrite to us and we will fill your wants.

Office Supply Co., Ltd.,931 FORT 8TRCET

Clias. R. FrnzierCompany

tODK AjDVElillHiaPhone 1371 122 King St.




THU UNITKt) STATKS OP AMER-ICA, Plaintiff, vs. Ci:ClIi HROWN,Thlsleos, et 'at.. Defendants. Aeitlon brought In snld DistrictCourt, 'ntld tin) Petition filed Intho olllco ot tba Clerk of saidDistrict Court, In Honolulu.

Tin: pri:sidi:nt ov tiu: unitedSTATKS, ORniTTINU;

CIXII, I1ROWN, 11UNRY M. VON110I.T nnd AMlIMtT N. CAMPliniJ.., Trustees under tho lastWill nnd Tcslnmcnt nf JAMCdCAMPIinU,, deceased; AH1C1AII,W. KAWANANAKOA; KAI.AKA-U- A









ousting nnd doing businessunder and by virtue; of thd lawsof tho Territory of Hawaii; ROII-DRT W. ATKINSON and WAITDR P. PRKAR, Trustees; HA-


n corporation oxlsting anddoing business undor nnd by vir-tue of tho laws of tho Territoryof Hawaii; DWA PLANTATIONCOMPANY, n corporation existingnnd doing business under and byvlrtuo of tho laws of tho Territoryof Hawaii; and JOHN BROWN,JAMKS WH1TD, HDNRY SMITH,DAVID JON12S, MARY (IRKKN,JAND 11LACK, MARTHA WIL-LIAMS, and ALICD DAVIS, un-

known owners nnd claimants'.You aro horeby directed to appear

and answer tho Petition In an actionentitled as above, brought against youIn tho United States District Court,for tho Territory of Hnwall, withintwenty das from nnd after serviceupon you of 11 certified copy of Plain-tiff's Petition herein, together with accrtllied copy of this Summons.

And ou aro hereby notified thatunless j 011 appear and answer asaboo irciulrcd, tho said Plaintiff willtalto judgment of condemnation of thelandu den ribed In tho Petition hereinai.d for nny other relief demanded Intho Petition.


CHARLDS P. CLKMONS,Judges of Biild District Court, tblB.2.1 nl day of March, In tho year of ourLord ono thousand nlno hundred andeleven nnd of tho Independence of thoUnited States tho ono hundred andthirty-Iirt- h

(Seal)(Signed) A D MURPHY,


COURT, for tho Territory of Ha-wo- ll



Teiiltiuy of ll.itt.ill,Cil of Honolulu, wj

I, A D. MURPHY, Clerk of theUnited States District Court for theTuirltory and Dlstilct ot Hawaii, dphereby certify tho foregoing to bo afull, truo and correct copy of theorlgiiiHl Summons In th enso of' THEUNITED STATES OP AMERICA vb.CECIL HROWN, Trustee, et nl as thosumo remains of record nnd on fllo Intho otllco of tho Clerk of said Court.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I havohereunto set 'ny li.uid and alllxod thoseal of h.ild District Comt this 30thday of Maicli, A I) 1!M1

(Seal) A E MURPHY,Clerk nf United States District Court,

Torrlloiy of HawaiiHy F L DAVIS,

Deputy Clork,4sn-ni- n

Balfour, Guthrie Line

Antwerp to Honolulu.

Stuilmr will rinlif freight duringJiiiii and will iiirlu Honolulu aboutHiitunbu 1

Loading ports will possibly Includol.Vltll

Good opportunity for shipment ofniiiKi ly gnoiis

For frilght rates and Information,uppl) to

FRED L. WALDRON, Agent.IU07 7t

Summer Days and

Paii Ka Hana000D THINGS




VE88ELf TO ARRIVE 1Tuesday, Apr. 25.

Australian ports via Suva Zcalan-dia, C.-- S. S.

Wednesday, Apr. 26.Hawaii ln Maul ports Claudlno,

stmr.Kauai ports W. O. Hall, stmr.

Friday, Apr. 28.Hongkong via Japan ports Man-

churia, P. M. S. 8.Victoria and Vnncoincr Mnkura.

C.-- S. S.Saturday, Apr. 29.

HHo via way jiorts Manna Ken,stmr.

Sunday, Apr. 30.Molokal, Maul and Lanal portB

Mlkahala, stmr.Knual ports Klnau, stmr.

Tuesday, May 2.San Frnnclsco Nippon Maru

Wednesday, May 3.San Francisco Honolulan, M. N. 8.

S.Friday, May S.

Hongkong la Japan pnrtB ChljoMaru, T. K. K. 8. 8.

San Francisco Sierra, O. 8, S.. Tuetdya, May 9.

San Frnnclsco Siberia, P. M. S. 3.Friday, May 12.

Hongkong via Japan ports Asia, P.M. S. S.

Tuesday, May 16.Sun Francisco- - China, P. M. S. S.San Francisco Wilhelmina, M. N.

8. 8.Saturday, May 20.

Hongkong a Japan porta Mongo-lia. P. M. S. S.O 4


Tuesday, Apr. 25.San Francisco Lurllno, M. N. 8. B.

,' p. ni,Mnul, Molokal and Lanal ports M-

lkahala, stmr., 5 p. in.Kauat ports Klnau, stmr., S p. Rin

Wednesday, Apr. 26.Victoria nnd Vancouver Zcalandia

C.-- 8. S.San Frnnclsco Wllliolmlna, M. N.

S. S,Thursday, Apr. 27.

Knual iiorlB W. O. Hall, stmr., 5p. ni.

Friday, Apr. 28.Maul and Hnwall port5f Claudlno,

stmr., C p. m.Australian ports via Fonlng IslandMakura, C.-- S. S.

Saturday, Apr. 29.San Francisco Manchuria, P. M.

8. 8.Tuesday, May 2.

Hongkong ln Japan ports NlpjxuMaru, T. K. K. S. S.

Friday, May 5.San Francisco Chlyo Maru, T. K.

K. S. S.Tuesday, May 9.

Hongklng via Japan ports Siberia,P. M. S. S.

Wednesday, May 10.San Francisco Slcrra.0. 8. 8.

Friday, May 12.San Francisco HIiioIuIjii, M. N. 8.

S,San Frnnclhco Asia, P. M 8. 8.

Tuesday, May 16.Hongkong la Japan ports China,

P. M. S. 8Saturday, May 20.

San Francisco Mongolia, P. M. 8.S.i


Per Mlkahala for Molokal and Maulports, April 25. Mrs. E niiintnln, O.Kcklpl, Mrs. Fcrdner, Mrs. B. O.Clark

Per stmr. Klnau for Kuual ports,April 25. Mr. and Mrs. K. Ho.iiulahl.Mis. N II. Joe. Miss E C Horner.Mrs. and Miss Whlttlngton, p r.

Mrs O. (J Scott Mrs II. A. Jao-Kc- i,

Mr and Mrs It L. Wilcox, Dr.Nesh

Per M N H. S. Luillne, for SanFrancisco, Apill 25. J. E Jacohson,wlfo mid two children, Mrs. II. L.Iluhhell and child, A, J. Oram, MrsA. J Oram, H. Stercubcck, Mrs. II.Strcubork, Miss Strrubcck, Dr. Olnl-sy- o.

Mrs. Olalsyo and two children,Mis. L. Cox nnd Infant, J. Mandcl,Mr. Hosslo, Miss A, C. Hmcnncr, C.C. Smith. Mrs. C. C. Smith and

W J Flowers. II. II. Haglund.Hov. A L Hall, Miss Morcy Jacob-so-

Mrs. J. R, Cunningham, MissElma Jacohson, Mrs. T. Hrnndt, J.Hoglo, Mis J. Roglo and four children,Mrs. A. Hartman and Infant, S D

Hampton, Ch.is. T Flnkhoner. Mri.Chns. T Flnkboncr, Mrs. L K. Hush-llol- d

unit child, Mis. J. Allison andInfant, A L (ioidoii, Mm A. L. Gor-

don and Infant.Per O S. 8 Sierra, for San Fran-clbr- o,

May 10 Mr and Mrs. Born-stco- n,

Mr. nnd Mrs. W II. Ilalrd, Mr.and Mrs. O. W. C. Dcorlng, Mr. andMrs. A. K. noodm.indson, Miss Truel-soi- i,

Mr. and Mrs. J S. Spltzer. Mr.nnd Mrs. Q S. Ahors, Mrs. B. Holt,Mrs C. S. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.Jackson, Mrs A. C. Mohr, Mrs. E BHoot, Mr and Mrs Titus, Mrs Mobr,Mrs. A. L Butters, Mr. und Mrs.Fredericks, Mr. und Mrs. J. Thomas,P. K Holt, Mrs. Clorfayb, Mrs Shay,Miss I. "Thomas, Mrs Thompson, J.T McCroRson, T. N. Terry, Carl Berg-(lol- d,

a.'S. .Carpenter, Mrs; MnretonCampbell, Mrs. 8. Gomez, T II. Ben-ton, Prlnco Kalanlnnaolo, Mrs. 8, o,

Mrs. I M Cox, Miss M D.Clarke, D J. Reeco, A. E Lorhnor,Mr and Mrs. O. C Swain, Alex Hoff-man, F Mnhn, Miss (1 Davis. Miss I.Hnmnan. Dr B. Marshall, Miss ESherman, Miss I Sullivan, MissFiirnsuorth, C A Ilruns, J. J. Sulli-van, J. II Reiser, Miss B Wubke,Miss A. Wolbko, Mrs. L C Hansen,Miss M E. Tompkins, Mrs M FTompkins

sThi1 Mnrih xtatciiirnt of tlie penny

luiiUx 01 tin' Dltawa. Ontario, publicHiliuoU h)uw totul (It poults of $12,2.14,an liiLicaHo of J (nil ocr tho previousmouth.


Page 9: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.

" t"5,r ! !" l.fi If



Houe couslstlni: of three bedrooms(closet off (if emll), pirlor, illnllu,'-rooi- n,

ii.'inlry, kitchen iitul bulb-lyo-

elictrlc light Mini riis, mod-ern iiliinilJlhK, In Rood utlKlihorhood,within thru- - minutes' walk of tlnoomr lines Kent S10 per month W.U Kuton, lllillilln ntllce, between

1 cery flay, cxctiit Sunday490U-t- f

1 he property known tin tlio Wilderbulldlntf, corner of Fort and Queenstreets Dimensions 4 lxGS. The build-ing will bo remudtled to suit teliunt,Apply to C. ilrewer & Co, Ltd.


( ottiiKi' with bath mid board for con-pi- e.

A suite of rooniH with boardnnd hot mid cold wutir bath Kliudy I

Nook, 104 'l lUretiinl.i Ht Telephone1.133 4810-t- I

Nicely-furnishe- d rooms with board.Apply 13CG King Ht.


No 7J Ikretonla Ht. Electric lightsand runnliiK wutir In euth room,I'rlcB reasunablo. J. II. Townseiid,proprietor. 4870-t- f

Clean furnished rooms for workingmen; 1 60 per week. 1281 Fort Ht.

4S91 tin

NUe, lomfortable rooms The Delmon-loo- ,

Ilerttanla Ht . near Fort46C4-t- f



Cressatj's furnlihed cottages, WalklklHeach; Tel 2808. . 4889-t- f

Furnished cottage at Cottage droveIniiklre Nn 8 489C-t- t


The Trauao envelope a lltne-il- n

Invention. No addreiulog necury In (ending out bills r :

celpu. llulletln PublUblng O.ole AgenU for patentee. I.

Hecond-hau- d Ford tar 111 perfrtt order.(loud loi, four new lamps, two extraInner tubes Cull be ftten ut 11G7

Union Ht , opptmllo Telephone company Price $220 4(U-t- f

House, good location; 8 rooms, 3 bed-rooms; Willi large closets, electrlolight, gas; ull conveniences. On curHue. Address "House," llulletln of-

fice. 4831-- tt

Beautiful home, In I'alolo Valley, closeto curiiue, cneap; auraiine termsSee Walter II. Uradley, care Kal-

inukl U.i id Co , Ltd ; Tel. IMS.' 48C9-- tf

Cormr lot, Kalinukl, IMxlHO; best locution In district; good neighbors;unsurpassed view. Address 1 O

Box C12. 4878-t- f

Hi'iond-hoii- d Ford niitoinoblli, In good(iidir I'rliu liiiiiilrn of II L.

White, cormr of ()uetn and .Mllllanl410-t- f

One upright Kroeger piano, good con-

dition; prleo JIM. Inquire of (leoi: Smithies, 1 ; 4 C Molilkl Ht.

4892-t- f

MK.N'8 clothing on credit; 11 porweek; suits given at unto F IvyOiitllttlng Co . Haclm Uldg . Fort St.

Three-bedroo- bouse and lot onHt., uboe Wyllle St. Price

J1D00 Phone 3448. 483-- tf

Selected Caravonlca wool cottouseed. A. V. Gear, 1214 Tort BtP. U. Dpi 404. 4683-t- l

Child's en inul trlb Inqiilro PllkolHI, opposite Luualilo Home.


Pool table, complete; cheap, Q Co,Uni'lueers, l'ort Ue Hussy.

4879-t- f

Inter- - Island and Oaliu Itallroad ship-

ping hooks, at Bulletin olllce, tf

New Blnger sewing machine; reason-able Call up Phono 1103. 4S97-t- f

Choice cut (lowers Phone 3029


A largo house on lliretanla ntentie..Main house lias six bulrooms, largoparlor, dlnlngioom, kitclun, pantry,ilc Two cottages, two bedrooms:inch, w llh bathi iioms Modi rn jdunili-lu-

all partly furnished For par-

ticulars apply to I.. It Kerr. AlakeaKt 90J-t- f


Fine upright plarrfor'". cheap, at 102

Hotel Ht Janus Hlurldan4895-t- f

Victor Talking Machines

i And



Thayer Piano Co.


100 Hotel Street Phone 23UTUNINO ClUAKANinKD


A second band ship or inarlno dockwith b II, .Must In! In guml inndltlunHtnlii pilot, and win re inn bo scinAddress .MnrliiM," Ilillhtln olllce

4 urn tr

You to know Nlepcr'8 Hxprcss phonenunibir li 191C l'lirnlturo and pianosmoved to nny part of city.

Hxpirleiupd drlttr of brind woKonN'oiiu nthir hi id apply. ViennaHaktr, 1129 Tort Ht 4901-t- f

Young mnm cxpirlmied stenoKrnpherand t pint, wishes u feu pupils I'

) llox .'4 490-l-

Would UK, to nut thrt houseIn Kalinukl Address 1' U. Ilox 2114,

4108-3- 1

Job compositor. Apply at once toForeman, Bulletin Publishing Co.

Anything of valuo bought for cash.Carlo. 1117 Fort Ht. 47C3-t- f

Amateurs for OIJou Theater. Applybetween 12 and 1 dally.

Work as jard boy Phono 2'28490S-4- t


On tredlt, )1 a wiek; no securityW'tar while pj lug J t'ailo, FuitHt. 49IU tt


Hllvir sattlul cnntalnluK IT, undibetk Finder return to II Hackftld& Co and reward



I'rltate Instruction glten In shorthand1 expirkiicid teathir P. I) Dux 81.


On credit, no sictirlt, wear whilepalug J Carlo, Fort Ht

4!io-t- r


Clothes cleaned, dy d and pressed onshort notice Calltd for und delivered Phone 3029. H llara.la, 1 ICO

Fort St. 484C-- tt


Phone 3022 for tlio best soda watermado In Honolulu Hnnnlutu HodaWatir Co, Idatsuinoto lane, near cor-ner of Beretunla and Nuuanu.

47.11-- tf


im credit; 41 a week; no security Usewhile pa) lug J Carlo, Fort Ht

4910-t- f


For hire, seven-ueate- d Packard;phone 2ftll. Youug Hotel Stand;Chas. Jleynolds. 4640-1- 1


First-clas- s livery turnout! at rea-

sonable rates. Territory LiverStable, 348 King; phone 253G.


Call on J Carlo for Jewlr, watihesand diamonds on ciedlt, tt a wiek;no stcurlt) W'eni whlh i.ilng

4910-l- f


Ull 11I11CH Olllce, C4 Alex YoungUldg Phone 3108


T Islillmshl, Klnau Kinplojinent e,

phone. 1879 489C If


tltorgo Yauiada, general tontraclor.Hstlmates fiiiulslitd 210 McCandlcssUldg Phono 1US


Tee Sing Kee Plumber and tinsmith.Bmlth St., bet. Hotel and Pauahl.


51 n week: no sccurlt) Wiur wlilloiilng Full line, low prlcis, good

gouds J ('alio, Fort Ht4910-t- f




Agents For


We fleliver to any part of the


Phone 2026. P. 0. Box 488

Weekly Bulletin HI per year.



A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever



llttitimt Ttn, lltntiltN"as. MrUIti, ilvtl, I'.UI..

lUib, knit Ml. Prhtttiilf rrr? b rn 11FS3 M ' li twill) ttlll II,I!, llrttlll.il If

Mltiiud Hit It,!i f II rrftrn, kin!I, to ttrnilr,!

111 A "j


iroltrlr inaltAcit(ttlOCtUDlfItlt fcf tltiauii tint Pr. l A

ttlil to ftbit (it ILt li.ntt li I. pMitltif'At J"ou ItJ tl

will u.t thtlLi.1 IttulDllitbd

'(Jour,, nil's tt Ut Irt,t Ltrufiil (f nil HitIklD prrt.trtilun.' r r "tit by til drurxiMt kml ItotfUoudt p. ttltia in tbt UblirJ httttt, est tot ti d htrbi'tURO. T. HOPKINS, Prep . 37 Gtul Jcnei Slieil, Kew ToiL




All nffictlons of the resplrutory or-

gans nro spudlly hilped by the use ofthis old FAMILY MKDICINII

Prepared only by


San Franciico

pihci: so chntsFor Bale by all Druggists


TheBrownie Family

Wv li.iui JiiKt rniiil a n lot ofthe noihIh. ful

Brownie Cameras


Photo Supply Co."Everything Photographic"

Arts & Crafts Shop

AUxander Young Building



Silks andDrawnWorKHAWAII &


Young Bldg.

FurnitureRugs & DraperiesJ. iiopp & Co., Ltd.

For IRON BEDS go to

Coyne Furniture Co.


OAHU FURNITURE CO.King Street, opposite Young HotelP O llox 840 Phono 3093






GASOLINE ENGINE, 16 H. P.1494 EMMA QTRFF.T T.l.phon. 24J5


Cable News



(Assorlited Press Cable)INDIANAPOLIS, Apr 21 Walter

Drew, counsel for the bridge manu-facturers' association, Assistant Dis-

trict Attorney Ford of Iaih Angeles,nnd Frank Fox, n clinuffeur, were ar-rested today on warrants bargingthem with kidnapping John .1

serrctnry of the Internation-al Structural Iron Workers, nnd withhaving conspired to tuko hlui unlaw-fully outside thu Statei:iiihliit- - I'nlon Hooks.

The uiurt today Issued an tinierthat only the prosecuting ollUir be-

fore the grand Jury should be allowedaccess to the books of the internation-al olllcers of the Ironworkeis union,seized when thu union seeritar) wasarrested on Saturday.


III- - PASO, Tex , Apr 21 -- The plansfor the meeting of tb peace conmils-sloner- s

are progressing inpldl) andthe pi i diction Is mude that the lastbuttle III the Insurrection has hteufought


Twenty-thift- ! miners were killed heroloda) as the result of uu explosion Inone of the coal mines


If You Hint' a Friend Udl.lnl HIIIiKrzi'iiui, Tell the llrugglsl

About It.

If )ou have a friend suffering fromeczema, tell us about It the next timeyou lire III the store

.Many pcrciiut sufferers h ie tried mimany useless remedies and spent somuch money with doctors that theypractically despair If the) onl)knew of the Hlmplest home tore foreczema' It Is nothing more than oilof ulntcrgrecii compound (as mixedIn D D I) Prescription)

ITied with glycerine, thviuot andother healing Ingredients In liquidform, this simple remedy pi uclijtesthe pores of the skin, killing the

genus while toning up (bohealthy putt of thu skin

If you v.111 suggest to jour friendatlllcted with eczema to call, v.e shallbe glad to explain to any suffererabout D D 1) Prescription

Honolulu Drug Coe e


The following resolutions bate beenpassu! by Hit) local blanch of tlio Sail-ors' Union of the l'aclllc

Wheicus, Our toiiirude, Luigl Don-g-

litis pasped from our midst IntoIlls eternal lest, til d

Whereas, He was also a Mason, andbis brother Masons of this tity paidthe lust tributes to and tlttlugly In-

terred the remains of Comrade Doiigo,then fore bo It

Resolved, lly the Honolulu Ilriinchof thu .Sailors' Union of the Paclllt,In tegular meeting assembled, thatwo herewith extend our thanks, andexpress our iippictiatlon of the

seniles rendered our departedcomrade b his brother .Masons, fur-ther

Itesohed, That a topy of these res-olutions bo sent to the local lodge ofMasons with the liidlWdii.il and il-licitae regurds of this organisation

Adopted uuuhlluousl)LOUIS CAODOF,



Entered for Record April 22, 1911.From 10i30 a. m. to 4i30 p. m.

Territoi) of Hawaii b Hupt ofP V to l.jd li Lilian. . .Consult

J D Nfiihti ami uf In Clara (Illrjaut . . M

OiorKe A Din Is, Ir, to I.Sil liI. ui as . . Pai Hit

John Lucas it al to HonoluluPlaning Mill Ltd II SEntered for Record April 24, 1911.

From S30 a. m. to 10t30 e. m.(liorge Kaiiul and wf to C II Hof- -

gaard ., Co Ltd ... MIII uce McV .Mm kail to llobtrt W

.Shingle .. . II H

Klnl ) Lliitolu and hsb to UnionMill Co . M

Kueiilu Aluoa 1 al to Klnl Ohu- -

umklnl ConsentM M Chliiullo to minima Hugar

Cn . I.

lllMf COM'KltT.

Tlio llawalhu hand will render thefollowing progium at Thomas Hiiu.irothis evening at 7 30

March The Itegimeiit .... Hallflturtiirt) Kr.i DI.imiIo , . AtlherIntermezzo 1 lie Colonel HullSelection Musical Helew ItUleroVocal llawalluii Songs Ar by UergeiSelection Tim Huso of Slilrus

i:ileiihergMan li The Volunteer Hullrinalit The Post Tolianl

Thu Star Spangled llanner


Tnke Laxative Dromo QuinineTablets All druggists refundthe money if it fails to cure.E. W. Grove's signature is oneach boxPARIb MCLHUNE CO, tt. Louli, U 3. A.

HealthRestores color to Gray

or Faded hair RemovesDandrulT and invigoratesthe Scalp Promotes aluxuriant, healthy hairgrowth Stops its fallingout. Keeps hair soft undglossy. Is not a dye

tt 00 mil SOe tl l)ru Slant or direct opoerectlpl l it lee n J Jttlrrt otiot. NroJ 10c lorttmplf bullle I'hilu lltr Speeltlnet CaNt-t- rl. N. . USA.

Hl'i'USli ALL SUUSriTUlliS

The LEADER II CLOTHIERSFort Street Near Beretanla

Received by S. S. WilhelmlnaWHITE SERGE AND NAVY BLUE


Mrs. S. F. Zeave,8 Young Building

Latest Spring MillineryAt


Botton Building Fort Qtr.et

LEADING-- HAT CLEAIJIBI.All Kindt of Hati Cleaned tni

Blocked.Ho Acldi Hied Work Guarantee

FELIX TURfiO, Soerialiit,llfll Fort Street. Opp Contest

Honolulu. T. H

K. UYEDALatett Style, of



A. BLOM,Importer Fort St



Yee Chan & Co.



CO.,King Street, Ewa Fishmnrket


78 Beretanla StreetHi tw, en Maiiuikia mid Hmlth fit nets





Corner Fort and Beretanla Streets


Dealen in Furniture. Mattreiiei,etc., etc. All kindi of KOA and MII-SI0-

FURNITURE made to order.


Wing Wo Tai & Co.041 Nuuanu. near King Street

l'HONi: 1020

FINEST FITAnd Cloth of Al Quality Can We

Purchased from


P. 0. Box 001 Telephone 1731

Meat Market and Imaortirt.

C. Q. Yee Hop & Co.

Fine Line of

Carpenter ToolsAt the New Hardware Stora


King and Nuuanu Streets

We have just received a newttock ol nlver plated

table ware inthe

'1835 R. Wallace'GOODS

In the litett patterns. They arevery pleating, durable

and Inexpensive


von ilamm - Young

Co., Ltd.

Pioneeri and Leaders inthe Automobile Builnesi

Agents for eucb n careis Puckurd, 8tevens-Durye-

Cadillac, 1 hoiiias I'lyer,lltilck, Overland, Maker Hluctrlc, ami



Supplies & RepairingAssociated Garage


Tor the UKST RENT CARS in th.city, ring up



RENAULT, No. 404




Oahu Auto

StandJ K" Mll.LDIt, Prop

Packard., Kltiel, and the only 19118even-8eate- d Locomobile

CAitDruL ciiAurrnuitaKing and Bithop Phone 3448


M.rchint 8trt

Live Stock Orders

CHAS II lim.LINA has left forSin riaiulhco tlrders phiinl with uswill 1. fomnrdid to him

Tel. 1109


Y. Yoshikawa,Che BICYCLE DEALER and RE-

PAIRER, hat moved to

180 KING STREETNew location Red front, near

Young Building. Telephone 2518.


Emma Street, above BeretanlaNew BICYCLES arrived for racinf

tnd general ute. Prices, $25 up to35, without brakes. Repairing and

done neatly.

Honolulu MonumentWorks, Ltd.

Successor, to Shaw S. SevilleKING 8TREET, NEAR ALAKEA

Phone 3085 P. O. Box 491



93-9- King Street, near Mauuakea

Phone 2291 Daily Delivery

tv ,'"rppPP(W' "

HOTELSTEWARTSAN FRANCISCOGeary Street, ebore Union Squue

Juit eppsut. II onl St, FrincuEuroDf.n Plan SI. GO a day upAmerican Plan 13 00 a day up

Steel and brick structure, furnish-ings cost UW.J High classhotel at moderate latos Omrnliuimeets nil trains ami (teamenHotel Stewart now recognued usHawaiian Islam! headquartersCable address, "Trawcts A U CCode Reservations made throughTrent Trust Co, Port htuet,Honolulu

Hotel St. FrancisUnion Square, San Franciico

Under the Management of

.iuii.s noons

I he liuiutJfiil parkFAII.Mi In art of Hie ill,

ulildi Is the ofHie prlmlpiil eu ills of

Hie famous fislltnls of SaullriiuilMo, Ihls linti I, In enilroiiiiii'iit nnd ntiiiosplieri-- ,

most ptiiis.iull) thetoniforlulile spirit of old Cal-

ifornia.'I lie rojull) und uobllll; si

Hie Old Uorld and Ike I'srFust nnd Hie men of lilguiiilileiiuieiil In Amerlia nlioasMinlile lure contribute to thernMiioiolltiiii atiiiospliire of anIiisIIIiiIIiiii iihlili ripn-sen-

the liiispltnlll) und ludhldualII) of Sun Irani lio lo I heIraiiler.

'Hie liullilliiK, Mhlrli marks(lie furthest iidtiiure of scienceIn mm lei, lias hum Hie largestrnparlly of any Imlel strut lureIn (he 11 est, ami upon loiuple-Ho- n

of Hie I'ihI strttl nnnei ,

ii III lie Hie largist inratiiuserjIn the niirld.Hllll.t 'I UK SrilVICK IS II.N.IIMiAl, 'I llh I'ltlt'LS A UKMi r.

European Plan from Z 00 Up

JUST ONE PLACEThe ideal tpot on litis Uland for a

vacation of a day or a week it

HaleiwaThe management pays ttnet atten-

tion to the need, of tlio uootls, andthe lervice i excellent.


Can b, hud at the

WA1K1K1 INNW lll.ltUIS Prop

Vienna Bakeryli.is tile best I loinc-Mud- e

Bi cail, Gcrinmi 1'rclxcls amiCofJ'ec Cake. He sure andring up 2t 24.



Butternut BreadDelivered to Any Part of the City



Individual Meat andPie Pots


Fort Street


May's Old Kona Coffee

B.tt in the Market

HENRY MAY & CO.Phone 1271

With UAJF. E. DAVIS & CO.,


Merchant and Nuuanu Strww

IV Btiji



Page 10: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.

V, 10



for Infants and Children.ave the Babies.

INiT 1IOKTAI.1TY H something frh-lilf- We can hardly realizeull tlio children born til n il.itl ouutnes, twentj-lw- per cent., or

marly die before they rca, li one enr; thirty-seve- n per cent, ormore than one-thir- before they aro five, ami one-ha- before they urn fifteen I

We ilo not hcsitato to say that a timely use of Cnstoria would save a majiritjof these precious live.. Neither do wo, hesitate to say that many of these infantiledeaths ui u occasioned hy the utio of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures andsoothing sjrups sold for ihililreu's complaints contain morn or less opium, ormorphine. They are, In considerable quantities, deadly poisoni. In any ipiantily,they stupefy, retard circulation ami h ad to congestions, sickness, death. Canto! laoeratra exactly the reverse. It i antes the bluod to circulate properly, opeus thepored of the skin and allays few i.

The r Z'' ' B"Hrnlei' cnulnoj ftlKimliiro of UfcV5f vt CimlorlnPhysicians Recommend Castoria.

I Live uwd jour Cftitorl In ruri of re He IncMMrtU Mid La? found it lite twt liicdtrlDe of H

kind ou tti mtrkti " J h Simmon, M I),ChtciKu, III

A mrJIflnc in vnltifcblt tnl twntflrU) for rliildru k your c'MlurU it diverwi the Mtitbt irlI flbd It lu ub rjw litre."

J S" AutHMLltH, ! I),,oiui.1i j. Nib

"IUtc oeil yonr f'aaturla on muIou octlonlb tutluble ram Mid !. f in 1 It a ( almUiiUi andttiaUut laiatlve iu lj iu ttc riiut dlieaiv

t'ui Kbwihv (UhltlfLll M.I).Urookijn, N.T.

Ch ildren Cry forIn Use For




Fy a& (aSk

A Xlsluh,ComorLiHe


U vjoott for ctilldrtn and I frequentlyI r.ii rita it, mud alttaya obtain the dralrcj remit!.'

Y Uiiuui Olattnih, M I),Boffalo, N. Y.

1 baT Cnntorlt to fanlllet for teTeralyar It la all rlliU Mnlbna like It, for c hi Id re uwill takv H without any

C. A. Wilhoi , M. P.,BULoalf.Mo.

M Yrmr Cm tor! a la a rplendld remedy forluonit the world over. 1 nao It la my rtitlti Mid)mvrnaliMiUticy In It for the

of liifktita Mid cMldrvu.'J. A. BoihMiK, M. D.,

Ktciu City, Mo.

Fletcher's Castoria.Over 3 O Years.






Wliolesalo by





Miulf from wliolt linn n tin n

rmectar .,:;,r.it;; ""- - irrn

Al nil Sutlii INiiiiitiilitM unci Slonm

Arctic Soda Water WorKsllnlioliilii jltMlililori

IMnui-li- if N nip '"i i' '" Iml i Wi wanii-- .

'h A ih tu'in i tluiorinj.' T innii'lii- and

A t All tlrouurM


W!' '.'." V1 ' fjiMPFP "w- -t






Kawniloa Defeated KaluikuIn Closely Played

Game, 6-- 4.

Tin re were tunny untiles nf bnsebnllplnM-i- l on O.ihu last Sundny, the dayon the other xlite of the Island beluKiiltiiiixt perfect fur the sport, as tliernwas neither sun nor rain

Anionic the (fames which ere jilayedva one between the UHsers of

mid Kaluiku, In which the for-mer won by n score of nfter nhutl contesteil nine InniiiKS of effort.

In three IniiluKs only did the win-ni- ls

si ore, ami the loifrs maile theirtallies in the llftli and elKhtli, KettliiKtwo men ocr In emh of thee periods

The seme and lineup are as fcillows'Kawalloa 0 0 0 10 0 0 3 2 C

Kiihiiliu 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 tKuwa'llo.i Henry I'lenier, c; "Dick,"

p . Simon, lb ; A Atamtda, 2b.; M.I'lKi Ira, .111 ; A. Alameda, ss ; I'.ixlo,rf I'alcao. If : P ritttielni, ef.

Kiihiiliu- - MlKUtl, ss j Moes, p; M.

Slla. c. Jiienhsnn, lb: Oann, If.:Jules. 2h ; M HndrlKiies, .lb J P Zerbe,

r . Jim Marin, rf



Plans now nie belli); uinilo for ti

temporal) oi conization called TheCniup Kite (llrls of America whichlimy deelnp Into a national societyIn the Tall If such a slop Justl-tle- d

The aim of the organization sto piovldo for cirls outdoor activi-ties etiricspDiidlhK to those furnish- -

'I Imivh hy the Hoy Scout ni(iunietttIt seekH to enciinraRC a Kiealcr In- -

Iciest atnoiip; Kills 111 exercises Inthe open with the threefold aim ofdeveloping their bodies, niitulB andiliatacters. It Is recognized, howeverthat the activities puiUdcil for tliogirls must be ftiuilninenlally differcut fiutu those of Hie boys and thatspecial uttcntlon must he paid to thehome Keen Interest In tlio organiza-tion for gills has been aroused because of the groat Influence, alreadyexcited by the boy scout activities.

Hnm-worsh- has been the keynnta1o the success of the boy scout work.The iiiowiuent lias spread rapidlybecause the le.uleis haw lecogulzedthat fact ami have enabled the hoyto see In the scout wink In tlio woodsand within doois that they luno anoppoilunll) to do the things that tliohurotM of their faorlto story booksluiM- - done While thus being trainedphysically and mentally under thesupervision of a I tallied scoulmnslur,thev ato lulluetired to be nioio eoui- -

The Best Of All "Outdoor"Shoes For Women



Only in expensive custom-bui- lt footwear will you iccure equal style, quality, fit and comfort.

nmew mrAAi in Women's Renal Oxfords accurately reproduce the smartest custom Oxford

shapes for this season. In Regal quarter-size- s you secure the same pertect ht

and comfort as in shoes. 1 he high quality and expert work-

manship in Regals insure long, satisfactory service. You will find that our Women's

Regal Oxfords fit snugly at ihe heel and smoothly around the ankle because

they are made on special Oxford lasts. Ordinary low-cu- ts chafe your heel and

sag at the ankle because they are made on high-sho- e lasts. Allow us to show

you these Women s Regal Oxfords at your convenience.


Regal Shoe Store,King and Bethel




WW- - i ,. .I.... ..

a u u n u u u u n n u t: ttU 8PORT CALENDARa

Friday. April 28.tt Iinakclbnll--Kalll- il vs. V. M. Ctt A. nt Knllhl.tt Saturday, April 29. SS

It Uasebali St. Louis vs. Highs. SS

tt Hawaii Ynrht Ulttb Ctulse to SS

SS Pearl Harbor Chowder SS

H Sunday, April 30. Ittt Oalm league Season Ojicni Two Utt names: Portugueio vs. Nntlvo SS

SS Sons; New Team vs. Japanese, ttti n.'iReball, Sugar League, Wnlpa-- SS

SS hit vs, Alea at Waipabu, Ewn SS

SS vs. Walnnae at Kwa. SS

SS Opening Hawaii Yacht Club Sea- - SS

SS son llaces at Pearl Harbor. SS

tt ' 8aturday, May 6.tX DaBCball St. Louis vs. Hlgln.SS Monday, May 8.tt Baseball, Kams vs. St, Louis.SS Monday, May 15.SS llasobatl Hlglia vs. Kama.tt Saturday, May 13.

(loir at Country Club Presl- - tt,dent's Cup Play. SS Huns

tt Sunday, May 14

n (lolf nt Countrydent's Cup Play






lie or





Teams Played Great Ball

Promise For

Hy victory Iolanlthe Kams won two

strnlKlit both beingon the school grounds.

The game resulted ill nscore of 1 111 of Kams,

jj an, Saturday that team trimmedI'lins in lune oij--

Until teams did good hitting 111 thev.tMt..r,1nv. mill

some brilliant Holding game. Siore ami

KAMS...0130(103 IB

SS Unse bits 0 2 3 0(210 3- -K,

Club Presl- - SS,

tt Huns 0 1 2 0 0 d 2 0 011SS Haso hits 1 2 10 10 2 1 0- -lt

SS Territory Tennis Championship SS Ilrrors Knins 4, Iolnnls 10.

SS Tournament The Llneupi.nunnnntsntSSSntJaSSnanSS T''0 lineups of the teams were:

Iolnnls N'nkamurn, lf ; Cum- -

Icons and are taught to understand: mlngs, .; Snwnl, .j Non Henthe value of service and the trtto (captain), lb.; KnneSli.; Chang, rf ;

things of life. (Hhlmliu, ef.; v.; Hen, p.

The aim of the Camp Flro dirts ofKnms-Cor-rea. rf.; Kama, cf Kanl.

America Is to develop womanly qual- -' IV1 ' sl; """"' M1,fi,.e,':.:"':Lindsay, lb.-p- .; Kekuevvn,in,... i i, .1, ... ...

B 'procinieu .. .. Mnknnonl. .. .ii..i tiuii.iiies ilium provided nn

cntholy different character from those


(captain),M'mplros Chang You,

Onhu College nnd Kninelmmeli.iarranged for the bojs, but It is hop- - baseball tenms crossed bats on theed that the aim of character-buildin- g school grounds Inst Saturday ufter-wl- ll

bo atttalned. Tlio leaders In the no," before n largo crowd of studentsgirl work hope to many girls from ,,n,h "chools and townspeople. At

tcrested In camps and outdoor llfo this1 V'0'",'In favor"J'.JX' "Am!

Kiinnicr. h view of testing tlio i

tonlrt, ,,, mnnv ,. ,llr0,IK,1(,u,lirlnclples they hnvo worked out. tno Bnn., nn,i ,.ou,io of i,0me runs

niecliiigs of pioinltient men, were made by each side The rainand women have been held In, tlio responsible pnrtly for the way tbo scoreI'orace Mann School, llroadway and went During the tlrst four Innings the120th street. York and teni. rnln came down bard nt times, nnd it. , . ..... . ...... ...pornry organization has boon

The chairman of the committeelOOKt'tl ns Knino lOUIU IH

Ptoppci, n uhiK theA i.A ..... .. rni, !

Is Mrs. Mnry Sclienck Woolman of, ,,,,, wnr ,,rt nt iii n,i hadMrs. Charlotte J. things their wny with Hosea for a

Parnswurth, wife of Professor Charles,1 while. This was Horn's tlrst experl- -II. Rirnsworth, Is secretary. Other, enco In the box for the Kiwis, nnd Itlicrsons Inteiosted In tlio work are therefore took him some time to set-Ifr- s.

Udgerton L. Wluthrop, Jr.; Mrs.l,, iUm,t- TI,o I'uns mado four runs In

t,'r... ti,, if .., ,i, the first Inning through heavy batting.n-- , ...., , .,. .' . ..'.... ... . rln the second another run wns added to... "" '"'"""' 57"' '- -

tbel. score. The Kams did startMiss Llnn Heard, sister of Dan-- ,

, ,lo till the foiirlb Inning.ici u. uuuru: mis. Jiisius a. mi,vli(1, the Kiuu, rooters Itnn HltcliNew Hrltnlii Conn.; Luther H(lullck, Mrs. (lullck, Dr. Anna Ilrovvu,of the Y. W. C. A.; Mrs. Anna If,







llie n.-- ii




wl the


IttOUKIl lliocnptnlni





cock, who In for Ptinn- -hou, rattled, nnd he n few.while sent out for good

Hohoir. or Hie Hudson (lulld; Howard ''Its. In tills Inning Aran made na ti.,...i.... ..,!.. ,1,., in,. v.l home sending two men In with..!...., - '

i. .I.... . ..i... xiI him When the Inning elided the Kams

"""' """- '""'""" "" had piled up runs. The boys onLee K llnmnier of Iho National Conn- - ,,, ,.,,, ,n ,..,, ,, ..,.,,ell of the Hoy Scouts; Miss draco Il.',i mado Hltclicoclt grow wild for nUodgo, Mis. Charles Israels, Miss time In tlio beginning of fifthKllza lluller, V. C. I'iugdou. Miss C.llil' sent one to Nonli, wlio fiunbleilSeining, Miss Elizabeth Hurclienal,! "i then llan came to and knockedMlos l.Mlili Hrmvnell Mrs C II W.it- - out n r, sending uinn nnme

.. iioniin Mnrliin!" llrnvvn was struck out nnd 1111 De- -sha vns out on a fly. Next camePrat, Mrs Nell MacCoull. Miss Ma- - nm, ,, ,o flnit )n n

rla IJuwd. nnd James H. West. cxe-iwll- l0, Hitchcock sailed to third.

cutlvo secielary of the Uoy Scouts of Aml. Mooro then the ,all to thirdAmetlra. bnstman, who muffled It, Run Hltch- -

At the meetings hold It has cock getting borne on the Williepointed out that attempts havo. Hitchcock mode a safe hit and Noahmado In vnrlous paits of tlio' tlirow wild to Dodge romping

Willie Hitchcock was struck out.world to establish nn organlza- -this making tlio score 8 to 0 In favorIon. 'The Olrl (Ittldcs has been' .,, ,in) Th Knm,

formed in Kiiglnnd and Canada. In nml hvgan to Bft to worki HcmUntfNew Zealand there Is a society called( Hitchcock's ball nil over the field. He"Peace Scouting for Girls," while theWas raftlcd by the rooters, and"(llil Aids" nre In Australia. Work, the home te.un managed to pile up nlnoiilonir this line is bolne done by the! runs In Inst half of the llfth.Health and Honor lnguo under thoj Hon was iclleved In the. sixth and,auspices or the Y. C. A. There Is "" "- - "'""" " """"

ii,lo"e run the rest of t whilesmall called "Tlio Campa group ,,mialloll m0 , , Blxl'h,nm,uiris, in Jiieuorii, vi. n. oiiuiij u V8 tho ,ucky ,.v,.ntli r Hiiecuied nt tno iiiccuiibs uiai uneullilugs were necessary: First, to es- -inl.lUh :i ml committee to which








vvus the





" "W.the me,


werenil Inteiestcd come 8- Clillllngvvorth wereInformation and sugesgtlons; throughout game did

nvallnble for distribution "formation concernlnB already 1un 'has and finally, toino

testing tho baseballvarious the

can be accomplished.Speaking about movement

Mrs Karnsworth. secretary"Kiom all parts conn.

coiues'tho question those InScout movement, there












n gamewhile S. played well behind

The A.

nersons might for' busysecond

to makewhat

been dono, defer KumB

sioro as1 3 1 H 0 00 0 G 8 1 0

nciuui ui ura ui"n, -- ,

zatlon until tho study und of Knlal oftho plans that been will be In today, after agested

tho uewsaid:

ulrls of ofto

Hoy 'What Isgirls

readythese demands, being

mayi"1 vwtiui,i,it.wlnto national organization

gills, In rail, plans whichto be tried various groups,

hummer, seem to Justify suchktep.

"The men women interested

Scouts potent in-

fluence bojs,giving Impetus to acti-


neer heroes, so foundersfor girls should

of which



terdayof baseball,







Teachers College.



already playbeenbeen first.

such 1'nn"



pitched good Kams,Hussey

umpires Sumner nndIleitis kept

and their

follows:-- 11


loriuaiiouCaptain Kam

havo sug-.tea- m


week's rest In tho hospital

It has been announced at schoolthat military an mil-c-

of the War Department will takeplace Wednesdaynt 9 o'clock The cadets nre to- -

for that corresponds to tho day polishing up their iirms nnd eipilp-llo- v

scout organization?' consld-jnie- nt for the Theer oigaul-unrte- are also put In the best... nt .... .11. I.....ii mi li.iu rnniicii which

forthe If are



conserver homo,symbolic homo, whether

hearth dwelling. TheIons home

activities girls should Activities arouse what

ho fimdauienlally from thoso most womanly ghl con-f-

linvs that founders ter uiound camp

recognizedhero worship has upon

by theirthiough liultullon of the

healthrul hy

oiganlzallon considertho womanly qualities provide

foi ins expression do not slm- -

the team












miuu Ml.




for thethe



was..3 0 0..0 0



thethe Inspection by

morning, beginningbusy

theTo Inspection

a tcntatlvoi.nn.i

ss ss ss ss ss is ss ss tt ss ss n st n ss u aIho of the llio

as the theflto is u catnpilre or tho

Hie of the lineof the Is the lire and Us

feel that the for guardian to Is

different In the uio to

as Iho of tho the tlio and Iliathe


ledIho or an


hearth fltu nnd apieal to the girl'sInstinct to please, as tho buy's Im-

pulse lo compete is made tlio basis ofIlls activities.

"This Instinct to pleasu will he util-ized In the tluee ways In which Itexpresses Itself, unuioly, through thopersonal appearance, tluougli makingbeautiful objects, and b doing kindly

ply couy thoso of tlio boys, but which deeds Under these heads the wmk to

inlni' out tlio fundamental fact that be tiled and the uctlvltles lo bo fob

through all Ihe nfjes woman Is tho lowed this summer will bo grouped,"



PRETTY WAISTSModerately Priced

Our ntlthentlc showing of exnulsllewulhts for Spring 1911 einhrnces thochoicest products of the world's bestmakers, ittigmcntcd by those of ourmanufacture.

The Mngnln prices nre very moderate;In fart, we know our values ran notbe "mulled elsewlivre

One of tlie most popular styles thisHtnsiui are the sailor collar waists, ofwhich we linve n large iiiinntlty ofstjles, ns fellows:

Lingerie 13.S0, $5.00, 16.50 upVoile $5.00, $5.75, $6.50 upLinen $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 upWash Silk, $G.50 Pongee, $8.50.

All Packages to tlie "Islands" will besent free of charge


When thermometer Says "It's Hot,"Thermos Answers " Certainly Not,"

My contents are Icy Gold.

And when Thermometer goes below,Says Thermos Bottle " 'Tis Not So"

Tor "All Is Hot I Hold."And they aro both right. The latest thing In Thermo. Dottles It here

we have them! the pint bottle that we tell you for $2 each.

Everybody can u.e a THERMOS now the price bring, them within

anybody', reach for everyday ute. Call and look at the new bottle.

E. 0. Hall & SonLimited




REAL COMFORTwhen Shaving If you ute tho genuine


and when followed by the


There will be no tmarting, even if your razor it dull. We gtv.a free .ample of tho shaving cream on request.

Benson, Smith. & Co.,Limited,


We can recommend to our patrons the


we are offering this week as being tender,fat and well flavored. The other meatsare as good. Your order will have

Metropolitan Meat MarketHEILBRON &. LOUIS, Proprietor.




Page 11: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.

t'-- i, iJW-f- ,,, --7P- "H'.sqpMaliijer- -



Ettate of Julia d'Ollvera.

tatter Testamentary on the estate,mill umtrr the will of Julia d'OllveraImvliiK Upon Issued to tho timlornlKned!) lion. V. J. Itnlilnson, Third JudROor the Circuit Court of tlie I'lrst Ju-dicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, onApr'! 17, 1U11 ;

Not Ire Is hereby Riven to till credit-ors of Kit Id Julia d'Ollvera, deceased, topresent tlielr elulinX, duly niithentlen-te- d,

mid with proper vouchers. If anyexist, even If the claim In secured lymertirnRp on real cKtnte, to the jinder-slKiir- d

nt lil- onTco In the Htntnrcnwnldliulhllnc. In Honolulu, or nt the olllce ofC'mtln St Wltltlwrtnn, nllorneys for tlinexecutor, nt their onTre, No. I7 Mer-chant street. In Honolulu, within sixtnontlm from tho first puMlcntlon ofthis notice, or they wilt ho foreverImrrcd.

All persons Indented to wild Juliad'Ollvern are requested to mhke Imme-diate payment to the unilerslnned nthis nlllce nforesnhl, or nt the office ofCastle & WlthlnKton, nttorneys for thoexecutor. No. 37 Merchant street. InHonolulu

Dated, Honolulu, Onliu, April 17,


Kxeenlor I'mler the Will nnd of tholistnte of Julia d Ollvern.

Castle & WlthlnKton, nttorneys forexecutor.

'4905 Apr, 18, S3; May 2, 9, IS.

in Tin: cmcurr eouivr or tubKlrst Judicial Circuit, Territory of ll.

At Chambers. In l'rolmte. Inthe mutter of tho Kstuto of AntonioThome Telles, Deceased. Notice toCreditors. Notice la hereby Riven thatthe last Will nnd Testnment of An-

tonio Thome. Telles, Into of tho Cityand County of Honolulu, Territory ofHawaii, deceased, has been admitted toprobate by tho nbovo Court and Let'ters Testamentary painted to tho underslcned, Barbara Telles, the I'xcctitrlx named In the snld Will. All creditors of tho deceased or of his estntonre hereby notified to present theirclaims, duly authorized nnd with thoproper vouchers, If nny exist, oventhough tho said claims may bo securedby inortcnKo Upon real estate, toMessrs. Holmes, Stanley & Olson, nttorneys for said Ilnrbara Telles, Executrlx, at their olllces, No. S63 Ka- -

nhumnnii street, Honolulu, within six(6) months from tho data hereof(which Is tho date of tho first publication of this notice); otherwise, such

If uny, shnll be forever barredAfid all persons Indebted to tho snldestnto arc hereby notified to make, payment to the said Holmes, Htanlcy fcOlson. Dated at Honolulu, T. II., March28, 1911. DAnnAItA TELLHS, Hxocu- -trlx.

4887 Mar. 28; Apr. 4. 11, 18, 2S.

. in Tim cmcuiT coiJiit or TimPlrst Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. At Chambers. In Probate. No.4289. In tho matter of tho Estate ofWllhclm Kuhlmann, deceased. On readIiir and fllliiK the petition of IllshopTrust Company, Limited, nn Hawaiiantorporutlon having Its principal ofltcoIn the City nnd County of Honolulu,Territory of 1 lawn 1. Administrator ofthe Kstato of Wllhclm Kullimnnn, lateof Honolulu aforesaid, deceased, whereIn It asks to bo allowed (2.18.83 andcharges Itself with $467.61, nnd nsksthat the same may bo examined andapproved, nnd that n final order maybu made of distribution of tho propertyremaining In Its hands to thn personsthereto entitled, nnd discharging It andIts sureties from all further and ftituroliability nnd responsibility under trustns such administrator; It Is Ordered,that Monday, tho 22nd day of May,1911, ut 10 o'clock n. in, beforo thoJudge of snld Court nt tho courtroomof tho snld Court nt Honolulu aforesnld, bo and the tamo hereby Is upminted ns tho tlmn nnd place forbear

lug said petition nnd accounts, nnd thatnil persons Interested may then nndthere nppear nnd show eiuise. If nnythey have, why the name should notbo grunted, and tnuy present evidencehs to who nre entitled to thn saidproperty. Daled nt Honolulu, this lltliday of April, 1911. Dy the Court: JA. THOMPSON, Clerk. Holmes, fitnn-Ic-

& Olson, nttorneys for petitioner.4899 Apr. 11, 18. 25; Mny 2.


office 6r Tim hoahd ofHKALTII.

Honolulu, llnwull. April 24, 1911.TENDERS Fort I'l'RKIHIIINa AND

EQUIPMENT. KAI'IOLANI OIHI.S'HOME, KA1.IIII, HONOLULU.Healed tenders, In duplicate, en-

dorsed "Tenders for Furnishing nndEnulnmont, Kaplolanl dlrU' Home, Katill I. Honolulu," for furnishing nndiclulpplliK the Kaplolanl (JlrU Home,nt IC.illhl, Honolulu, will bo received attho ollico of tho Hoard of Health until12 n'clotk noon, Monday, May 8, 1811

Hpoclllcntlons and a list uf articlesrequired, and other Information, mnybe hud upon application nt tho ollicoof tho IJo.ird of Health.

Tenders must bo iiccompnnled by arertllled check equal in amount to Zf,

of the tender.All bids mllst bo inado on formH

furnished by tho Board of Health andmust be submitted In" accordance with!and be subject to, the provisions unarequirements of Act 82, Besslon I.uw1909.

Tho Hoard of Health does not bindItself to 'accept thn lowest or any hidor tender.



49IOApr 24. 25, 2(1, 27, 28, 29; May 1

2. 3. 4

Telephone 1003

a. p. Mcdonald,Contractor and Builder

Estimated Klleli oil till kinds oflidding.

Concrete Work a SpecialtyAUAH STREET, NEAR NUUANU

V --7wtpi- ""9S"!rmpp -- P" ' "t Br- - y




To JIuiulati: tiik Importation and Sai.k or Skkd Into andWithin tiik Tkiiiiitoiiv or Hawaii.

lie il Unacted by the Lcff Mature of the Territory of Hawaii:

Suction 1. That tin importation for seeding purposes intotho Territory of Hawaii of seeds "f alfalfa, barley, Caniuliuublue grass, Kentucky blue grass, bitune grass (awnles), buck-

wheat, alsiko clover, crimson clover, red clover, white clover,field com, Kafir corn, meadow fescue, flux, millet, outs, orchardgrass, riijio, red top, rye, sorghum, timothy, Vetch, nnd wheatwhich arc adulterated or unfit for seeding purpose within themeaning of this Act' is hereby prohibited, and tho Hoard ofCommissioner: of Agriculture nnd Forestry is hereby author-ized nnd empowered to miike Mich rules and regulations., sub-

ject to the upprovul of the Governor of tho Territory, ns willprovide for the exclusion of such weds from Uiu Territory ofHawaii.

Suction 2. That seed shall be considered adulterated withintbo meaning of this Act: First, when seed of red clover con-

tains more than three per centum of seed of yellow trefoil or unyother seed of similar appearance to and of lower market valuethan seed of red clover; second, when seed of alfalfa containsinoro than three per centum of seed of yellow trefoil, burr clover,or sweet clover, singly or combined ; third, when any kind orvariety of the seed named in Section 1 of this Act containover five per centum of need of another kind or variety of lowermarket valuo nnd of siiuilur apcurancc. Provided, that thoprovisions of this paragraph shall not apply to mixtures ofwhite and alsikc clover, red. and alsike clover, alsiko clover andtimothy.

Suction !1. That seed shall lie considered unfit for seedingpurpose within the meaning of thi Act: First, when nnykind or variety of clover or alfalfa seed contains more than oneseed of dodder to five grains of clover or alfalfa; second, whennny kind or variety of tho seed. named in Section 1 of this Actcontains more than three per centum, by weight, of seeds ofweeds.

Suction I. That each and every package or lot of agri-

cultural seeds of the kinds named in Section 1, containing oliopound or more, whether in package or bulk, which is sold, of-

fered or exposed for sale by any person, firm or corporation inthe Territory of Hawaii shall be plainly, legibly and indeliblylabeled in Knglish upon the exterior of the container, with awritten or printed label. Such laliel shall show:

First: Tho commonly accepted iiamo of tho kind und vari-

ety of seed ;

Second: The full name nnd address of the person, firm orcorporation selling, offering or exposing the seed for sale.

Suction 5. That in case of sale, ottering or exposure forsale of mixed seeds, the package or containers shall be plainlylabeled upon tho exterior of tho container with correct commonname of the kinds or varieties of seed composing the mixture.

Sr.cnoN 0. That no per.-o- n, firm or corporation shall sell,ofTcr or expose for sale in the Territory any agricultural orgarden seeds, excepting only garden seeds in a packet or apackage of ono pound or less, which contain in greater nuin-Ikt- s

than out to tvo thousand of the seed under examinationtho seeds of tho following named noxious weed:

Canada thistle (Uanluus arrcu.ii), Itusian thistle (Saholalingua), couch, quack or quitch grass (Agropyron rcpcn.i),clover dodder (C'uscuta epithymum), field dodder (C'uxcutaarrcnuin), sow thistle (Sonchun areeu.iis) ; and the sale of agri-

cultural or gardi'ii seeds containing more than a reasonable traceof the seeds of wild out (Avena fauta), hur-grus- s (Ccnchruntrilndoidcs), witch grass (I'anicum capillare), porcupine grass(Stipa sfMirlca), knot-gras- s (Polygonum aviculare), sorrel(llumex Acctom), Mexican tea (Vhcuopodium ambrosioides),charlock (Iirasica arreums), hedge mustard (Synimbrium of-

ficinale), black mustard (lliassira nigra). Shepherd's purse(Cap.iclla iunapasloris), wild pepper-gras-s (Lepidium Virgin-icum- )

.liuiMiii weeds (Datura Hlramonium if D. Talula), rils-gra- s

(I'lantago lanceolata), ragweed (Ambrosia artemittiifo-)- ,

may-wee- d (Authemis Valuta), burdock (Arctium- Laixi),ox-ey- e daisy (Chrysanthemum f.cueanlhemum), chicory(Chichorium lutybus), bull-thistl- e (Cunluus tanceolatus),black-eye- d Susan (lludbcrhia hirla), broad cocklebur (A'flii-rViiH- ui

.strumarium), or tho seeds of any other plants which may,from time to time, bo specified in rules and regulations to lx;

ifMied by the Hoard of Commissioners of Agriculture and For-

estry as noxious weeds, is unlawful.

Si:cthn 7. That it shnll l' unlawful for any person, eitherfor himself or while acting as agent or servant of any otherperson, firm or corporation, to sell, olfer or expo-- e for sale, orto deliver within the Territory of Hawaii any seeds that tirouiisbraiidcd within the meaning of this Act. Seed, or seedshall bo deemed to bo misbrauded if the contents of any snekor lot of seeds, whether in package or in bulk containers, is notlabeled in accordance with the requirements of Sections 4, ft

iitid !l of this Act, or if such seed or seeds is'fulsely labeled inany respect.

Six'tion H. Whoever sells, offer or exMises for sale in tboTerritory of Hawaii any seed without complying with tho re-

quirements of Sections 4 and !i of this Act, or in violation ofSections (i and !l of this Act, shall lie deemed guilty of a mis-

demeanor, and on conviction shalMio fined not less than TenDollars ($10.U0) and tho costs, nor more than Ono HundredDollars ($100.(10) and the costs of the prosecution for the firstoffense, and not less than One Hundred Hollars ($100.00) andcosts, nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($.ri00.00) andcosts of piosccutiou for the second and sitb-eqie- nt offenses,

Si.i tion II. The provisions of this Act shall not apply toany person, firm or corporation growing or selling or exposingfor sale cereal or other seeds for manufacturing purposes, forfood or forage. Provided, thai the provisions of this Act shallniil apply to the sale or o.NMiro for ae of uncleaned seed,provided each package, lot or bulk of such uncleaned seed sold,exposed or offered for balo bu plainly labeled with tho wordb

"Uncleaned Seed," and provided, further, that in case of largoquantities of such unclean seed stored in nn elevator, granaryor warehouse, they shall be bilpeled, the bin or subdivisioiH,"Uncleaned Seeds,4' and no such uncleaned seed shall lie soldor delivered within the Territory for sowing purposes withoutthe consent of the purchaser. This Act shall not nppl to eedor grains in transit.

Sr.cTioN 10. Tho Hoard of Commissioners of Agricultureand Forestry mny inspect, examine and make analysis of, ortest seed sold, offered or expo(sl for Nile in the Territory atsuch times and places nnd. to such extent as it may determine.The said Hoard is hereby nuthorircd and empowered to appointn Territorial seed inspector and such other ngents ns it maydeem necessary to carry out the provision of thi Act, and saidinspector or agents shall have free acce at all reasonable hoursupon and into any premises or structure (o make examinationof any seeds, whether such seeds are upon the premises of thoowner of such seeds or on other premises; and may take fromany person, firm or corporation any sample or samples of suchseeds.

Skction 1 1. This Act shall take effect from and after the(Into of its approval.

Approved this 20th day of April, A. 1). Ill 1 1.

W'AI.TKK F. FKKAK,Governor of tbo Territory of Hawaii.

4ACT 108.


To Amend Skction 'Jllll ok tiik Ukviskd Lawk or Hawaii,HKI.ATI.NO TO XoTICKK OK FllthCI.OsU!(K OK MoHIOAOLM

Undki: Powi.r or Sai.k.

Be it Unacted by the legislature of the. Territory of Hnuxtii:

Suction 1. Section 21(11 of the Hevised liws of Hawaii i

hereby atnended by striking out in the sixth line of said sectiontho word "the Hawaiian and," nnd by substituting for thoword "language," in the same line the word "language."

Skction --'. This Act shall take effect uoii its approval.

Approved this :!0lh day of April, A. 1). 1U11.

WALTKH F. FllKAlt,(Jovcrnor of the Territory of Hawaii.

ACT 109.


JIakino Aitkupmation to. Compknsatf. Yi:r. Tapion Tin! Damaoks Sufi'kiikd nv Him hv Hkason or thi:Dki-kctiv- Titi.k or Land Convkykd to Him nv Land1'aTknt (Grant) Numiikk (11, Depautmknt or PuiimoWoukk.

lie it Unacted by the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii:

Skction. 1. There shall be, and hereby is, appropriated thesum of Twelve Hundred and Fourteen Hollars ($1214.00) tobo paid out. of any moneys in the Treasury received from tbogeneral revenue of the Territory, as compensation to Yeo Yapfor the damages suffered by him, by reason of the defectivotitle of land attempted to be conveyed to him by Land Patent(Grant) Number 01, Department of Public Works.

Skction 2. Thi Act shall take effect from und after thodate of its upproval.

Approved this 20th day of April, A. D. 1!1 1.

WALTKH F. FRKAR,Governor of the Territory of Hawaii.

ACT 110.


To Piioviiu: a Ci.osb Skason ion tiik Piioikciion op tubFish Known as Amaama.

lie il Unacted by the IicgisMure of the Territory of Hawaii:

Si.cnoN 1. That it shall ls unlawful for any person " l'"hfor or take, or lie engaged in the fishing for or taking fromany of tho waters within said Territory, except a hereinafterprovided, Amaaimi, (luring any time from Decenilier lt to

March 1st inclusive in any' year. Antl it shall Ik' likewise un-

lawful for any person to e.po-- c or offer for sale, to to have inpossession for tho purpose of expo-in- g or offering for sale anyAmaama, (luring or within any of the times staled ui this sec-tim- i;

provided, however, that the prohibition of this section

against the fishiug for or taking of Amaania, shall not extendor ! applicable to tho owners or lessees of enclosed fish pond

privately owned.

The word Amaama us used in this Act shall lie construed to

iiicludo Anae and all other terms used, to designate the varioussues of fish of which Amaama is the common name.

Sm thin 2. Any perron offending against any of the pro-

visions of this Act shall, for the first offense, lx punished by a

fine of not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One HundredDollars, or by imprisonment not less than ten days nor morethan twenty-fiv- e days, in the discretion of the court, or by Isith ;

and upon it subsequent conviction of such offense, at any timouilhi ic year after a former convict ion thereof, the person so

convicted such suliscqucnt time shall be punished by a fine ofnot less than Fifty Hollars, nor more than Five Hundred Dol-

lars, or by imprisonment not less than fifty days nor more thanone hundred, days, in the discretion of the court, or by Isith.

Sm thin '!. Any mid all Amaauia which shall be espoed orollercd for sale or held in possession with the intent of exposingor offering tho sumo for sale, coutrury to tho provisions of this

Act, shall le seized by any oflicer of tho Hoard of Health or anypolice oflicer. nnd shall lie by him forthwith sold, (if fit forfood), and the proceed of such sale shnll lie reported to thoDistrict Court having jurisdiction of such offence, nnd if saidcourt shall find, that such seizure nnd sale was justified underthi Act, such said proceeds shall Ik- - ndjiidgnd forfeited to thocounty in which such court is located, and shall Ik- - paid overto the County Treasurer thereof, in like manner us fines andcosts realized in such District Court nre now authorized to lw

paid; but if such court shall find such seizure und sale to havolieen unjustified under thi Act, such proceeds shnll lx- - paid overto any claimant thereof who shall establish his right theretoliefore such District Court.

I"Si.itio.n I. Apcal from the decisions and judgment of

aid District Courts, under the provision of this Act, may lietaken to the Supremo Court or to the appropriate Circuit Court,in like manner as appeals from such District Courts are nowpiovidcd to bo taken.

Skction ". This Act shall take effect upon and fiom thodate of ils approval, and shall continue in force for and duringa period of six ".cars.

. 14Approved this 20th dav of April, A. I). 101 1.

WALTKH F. FHKAH,Governor of the Territory of Hawaii.

ACT 111.


I Jl.I.A Ml To An.m.Mh.vr oi Xn..( hs, Amkmm.vi Sk:tioN8'.KM, O'.l.'l, !ll" AND 1000 ill Till. Hkviskii Lvws. Apiuno aXkw Skction Tiikiikto to jik Known as Skction li'.ifiA,

and Hnrr.Ai.iNO Skction !)(!, 1001 and 1002 TiiKitr.or.

lie il Enacted by the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii:

Si.ction I. Section !MU of the Hevised Laws is herebyamended to read as follows:

"Section 004. Tho Hoard of Health and its agents shall ex-

amine into all nuisances, foul or noxious odors, g.iscs or vapor,water in which mosquito larvae breed, sources of filth and allcauses of sickness or disease, on shore, and in uny ves-e- l, whichmay bo known to them or brought to their attention, which intheir opinion are dangerous or injurious to health, und shallcause tho same to Ik? abated, destroyed, removed, or prevented."

Sr.rriox 2. Section JIII5 of the Hevised Laws is herebyamended to read as follows:

"Section ll'.i.l. Whenever any such nuisance, foul or nox-

ious odors, gases or vapors, water in which mosquito ilurvaubreed, source of filth, or cause of sicklies or disease, shall lofound on private property, the said Hoard shall cau-- c noticeto be given to tho owner or owners to remove and abate thosame, at his or their own expense within such reasonable timoas the Hoard may deem proper; a duplicate of the notice sogiven shall bo left with ono or more of tho tenants or occupantsof the premises; if tho owner resides out of the Territory orcannot, lie reached with notice speedily, notice left at the houoor posted on the premises shall bo 'deemed sufficient, and. if tboowner or owners thus notified shall not comply with such noti-

fication or order of tho Hoard of Health, or its agent, within thetimo specified, the Hoard, or its agent, shall proceed to aba tosuch nuisance and remove, destroy or prevent tho cause of suchfoul or noxious odors, gases or vapors, water in which mosquitolarvae breed, source of filth, or cause of sickness or disease, orother thing detrimental to public health, and said Hoard shallhave a right to recover by action the expenses incurred by it insuch abatement, removal, destruction or prevention, from anyperson or persons who shall have caused or allowed such nui-

sance, source of foul or noxious odors, gases or vapors, water inwhich mosquito larvae breed, source of filth or cause of sick-ii(y- .s

or disea', or other thing detrimental to the public health,and from any owner, tenant or occupant of the premise, who,after notice as aforesaid, shall have failed to abate, remove,destroy or prevent such nuisance, source of foul or noxious(lors, gases or vajHirs, water in which mosquito larvae breed,source of filth, or cause of sickness or disease, or other thingdetrimental to the public health within tho timo specified insuch notice."

Skction !!. A new section is hereby added to the HevisedLaws, to Ik- - known as Section 1)!)."A.

- - T nX T --em I el"Section OflfiA. Whenever any such nuisance, foul of nox-

ious odors, gases or vapors, water in which mosquito larvaobreed, source of filth, eau-- e of sickness or dWeiise, shall bo

found on public property or on a public highway, street, lane,alley, or other public place, notice shall be given by said Hoard,or il agent, to tho person or persons ollieialh in charge there-

of, and such perm or person shall be notified to abate, de-

stroy, remove or prevent the same; und in case of failure tocomply with such notice, the iikkIo of procedure 'shall l thosame as hereinbefore provided in ease of private persons in Sec-

tion 'Jiin."

Sictton 4. Section fill" of the Hevised Laws itf herebyamended to read as follows: f

"Section HO". Whenever any member of the Hoard, ofHealth, or its agent, shall deem it necessary for tho preservationof tho lives or health of the public to enter nny laud, buildingor vessel for the purpose of examining into, ubatiui:, destroying,removing or preventing any nuisance, source of foul or noxiousodors, guse or vapors, water in which mosquito larvae breed,source of filth, or cause of sickness or disease, or other thingdetrimental to public health, and shall lie refused such entry,spcli incmU'r may make complaint to the district magistral!) inwhose district such nuisance, source, place, or cause is, andsuch district magistrate may thereupon issue a warrant, directedlo any sheriff', deputy sheriff or police olliccr of said district,coimuauiling him to take suflicii-u- t aid, and, being accompaniedby such niemlsT of said Hoard or ngent, lictwcen the hours ofsunrise and snnn-i- , to repair lo the place dcwrilied in said com-

plaint, ami to abate, destroy, remne or prcenl, under the di-

rections of such memlicr or agent, such nuisance, source orcause."


Page 12: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...' r rBua mfss" ..ns t ..II m'ltqmuft i ipi.f Ill,wt "". 0,Mo,,.. I' i it From Sun Franclscoi Mlini Mum ... . . May 2 For Sun Franclscoi Wllliilniliiii.

J-- ' - --- -I 12





Siction f. Section 1000 of the RovIm-i-I Laws in herebyamended to read iih follows:


"Section 1000. Any prison who shall violate liny of tlioprovisions of thU ( haptcr, or who shall violate mix order iiiadoby said Hoaid. in pursuance of tin-- provisions of this Chapter,shall, upon conviction, lio lined not more than One HundredHollars ($100.00), mid tlio court may, in its discretion, ordertlio defendant, under tlio supervision of slid Ho.it d or its agent,to carry out at his own ONpeiiK- - the provision or order violated,unit no appeal shall suspend or affect Mich order pending thuappeal."

i I

Siotiov fi. Sections 'I'.ui, 1001 and 1002 of the RevisedLaws are heieby tepealed.

Sfction 7. This Act shall tako etfiet upon it nppiovitl. .

iI .!

. Approved this 20th day of Apiil, A. P. 11M 1.

WALTKR I'. FRKAR.Governor of the Territory of Hawaii.

ACT 112.


To A.Mb.Mi ClMI'llIt .l Ol Till. RtVISH) I.VWs 01" H.VW'AII,

Hh.aii.mi ro lNsvti.vitv Lm, iiv Ami miimi Si crio.NH102.1. 1020, 1027. io.n, 1020. 10:10, io:n, 10:12 a.mI0:t:l, AM) .V1))I0 A Xl SlCllOV TO ill K.NOVVN AS


lie it l'iMilul by the Lujhlatuic of the Territory of Hawaii:

StcTio. 1. Section 102.". of the Hovi-e- d Laws of Hawaii isherehy amended hy ti ikittf; theiefroin the vvoids "District ofJlonolulu, island of O.ilm'' and inserting in lien thereof thowords "Territory of Hawaii."

Siciio.n 2. Section 1020 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii isherehy amended to read as follows;

"Section 1021!. Xotice to owneis to improve. It shall 1h)

the duty of the Superintendent of l'uhlie Works, upon tlio pt

of --uch notice, to rjiti-- e a oop of the same to 1k crwdin tlio manner proscribed in Section 1027 upon the owner oroccupant of such land. Said Superintendent shall at tho suinotime and in tho sime manner seive notice that, in ease of failureto hojlin work upon such improvements within twenty days, orsuch fuithor time in special cases as to said Superintendent maystff'ii reasonable, and to complete Mich work within a reasonabletiinn in Mich notice designated, Mich woik or so lunch thereof asmay remain undone will ho done by tho Territory at tho cotof tho lands licncfitcd thoieby."

Siction Ik Section 1027 of tho Itevised. Laws of Hawaii ishereby amended to road as follows:

"Section 1027. Service of notice. Service of such notice.Upon an owner in person, if within the Territory, or upon hisiijjjviit if without tho Toriitorv, or upon tho occupant of suchland if tho owner is unknown, or upon the guardian if thoowner is a minor or person under guardianship, or hy mail orpergonal deliverly to the owner if without tho Territory, shallIn deemed good and sutlieient service. If such hindis unoccupied and the owner or his place of residenceis unknown, or if ho is without tho Territoiy and his addressis unknown and he has no known' agent within thoTerritory, or if he is under ago or incompetent, having noguardian in tho Teriitory, such notice shall ho published forlive consecutive dus in onie newspaper of general circulationpublished in tho county or city and county wheio tho hind issituated. Tho notice in all cass nitty lo general in terms andaddressed to ull persons whom it may concern."

Stciio.N 1. Section 102s of tho ltcviM.il Laws of Huwaii ishereby amended to read as follows:

"Section 1028. Appeal. During the period of tvventv days,or Mich further time in upccial cum1 as is spieilied in the noticegiven pursuant to the provirions of Section 1020, any owneror occupant of the land sought to lie improved, his attorney oragent, may file an appeal from tho decision of the board ofhealth condemning the land as deleterious to the public health,or from its decision as to the nature and extent of the improve-ments to bo made, with the Superintendent of Public Woiks,'whereupon tho Superintendent shall transmit tho jippcal to thoCircuit Court of tlio Circuit wherein tho land is situated."

Siction .1. Section I02JI of tho ItevUcd Laws of Hawaii isheiehy amended to lead as follows:

"Section 1020. Healing, Decision. Said eouit shall thcre-iio- u

appoint thiee disinterested persons, who shall sit as ahoiinl to hoar and determine whether or not the land is deleter-ious to tho public health and whethei improvements of the na-ttu- o

designated in Mich notice ate icipiired, and if such im-

provements aro not loquiied, what, if any, improvements tirorequired in order to render such laud sanitary. Tho decisionof a majority of the lioard as to tho necessity and nature andextent of the improvements hlmll lx- - final and conclusive uponnil pat tie.--! in interest. Tho 1mm nl shall apixdut a time andplace for hearing, first giving teasouahlo notice theieof to thei'rcnidciit of the Hoard of Health, the Superintendent of l'uhlieWorks, and to tho owner or occupant of tho land in question.Service of such notice shall be as piovided in Section 1027.Ah compensation for their setvices each picmhcr of tho I km idshall lw entitled to receive five dollars for each day of actualservice."

, fvcrrio.v 0. A new bootion is heieby added to tho RevisedLaws of Hawaii, to bo known as Section 10JOA, as follows:

Section 1020A. Phiiis. etc. Tho Superintendent of l'uhlieWorks bhu.ll transmit to tho ImjukI with such appeal a plan oftho lauds to Imj improved, showing, so far as practicable, thonames of tho owners and occupants theieof, together with it

htatemeut showing the extent and nature of tho contemplatedimprovements, and an estimate of tho cost theieof.

Si.otio.v 7. Section 10.10 of tho Itevised Laws of Hawaii isheieby amended to read as follows:

' m i ji mi'fmffi' T '3 TTrwiro' yi. - 7ji ( W"W v


"Section 10:10. Siiorintciident to make itnprovenients,when. The Uiard shall trausiuit it copy of its decision to thoSuperintend! lit of Public Works and to the other poisons

thereby, m far us practicable, mid in case tho owner orowners of the laud shall not within ten days after the iceoiptof such decision woik upon such improvements, or in easothe work shall not lx completed within such additional time asshall have !oeii specified as provided in Section 1020, tho.Superintend! lit may procoul to iiuiko or Complete such

according to the decision of tho board. In ciim noappeal shall lie token fiom the decision of tho Hoard of Healthus provided, or work shall not lie begun nnil completed withinthe times preserilsil us ufoiesuid, tho Superintendent of PublicWorks may proceed to make or complete tho improvements."

Sh'TIo.n 8. Sii'tion lOIll of tho Itevised Lnws of Hawaiiis hereby amended to read as follows:

"Section lOitl. Lien. Tho cost of tho improvements madeor contemplated by tho Superintendent of Public Woiks shallconstitute a lien upon said hind, which lien shall have priorityover ull other liens.'

SrcTiox 0. Section 10!12 of the ltcvited Laws of Hawaiiis hereby amended to read, as follows:

"Section 10:12. Xotice and Itecording of Lien. Wheneverwork or improvement is done or contemplated by the Superin-tendent of Public Work, ho shnll record in the Oflieo of thoItogistrnr of Couveyuncos it notice of tho cost of tho work sodone or contemplated and n brief description of tho land onwhich tho sumo is u chaige, together with tho iianio of the lastknown owner or owners, anil shall also servo it copy of suchnotice upon such owner or owneis in the manner provided in Sec-

tion 1027."

Siction 10. Section lO.'t.'J of tho Itoviscil Laws of Huw.iiiis hereby amended to ic.nl as follows:

"Section 10:i:i. Fouclosiiro. Suid lien may bo foieelo-c- sl

at any tinio after si mouths and within two yours from thedate of tho recording required by the preceding Section, by suitin equity or without suit by public1 side by such Superintendentin tho name of the Teriitory. Koioolosuro by public sale shall1h preceded hy tho publication of a notice, setting forth the timeiiml jiluco of such sulo, the amount of such lion, and u brief de-

scription of such hind, for ut leust three times, in u weekly pa-

lter published in tho county or city and county where the landis situated. Said land shall lie offered for sale ut public unctionut an upsot prieo equul to the umoiint of suid lien, and the costof all advertising and other com's incurred, and if no higherpiico is bid, shall he knocked down to tho Territory of Ha-

waii, which in such case shall Ihj deemed to bo tho putohasor attho upsot price. Such sale MiaU bo effectual to convey the titleto tho purchaser, mid a convoy mice of tho lnuil to tho purchasermay be executed in tho name of tho Territory by said Superin-tendent. Only the balance of the purchase pi ice after deduct-ing tho amount of such lien and costs, or, in cio-- o there is noh.ihmco or an insufficient balance, only jut amount equal to thovuluo of tho land as lust picviously ussesscd for tuvitiou, shall1ki subject to claims uguitist tho Territory. In ci'e the Terri-tory shall lie tho purchaser us aforesaid, tho amount of suchussessed vuluo shall lw payable out of the fund provided forin Section lO.'llA, anil the hind may le sold ut uuv time there-after ut public auction after duo notico ut an upset prico equulto tho vuluo of the land as determined by throe disintoicstodappraisers iippointed by said Superintendent, ami tho proceedsot such sale turned into tlio nincl provided fur in nihI SectionlO.'HA. In case of uncertuinty us to tho poison or poisons towhom such balance or assessed vuluo should be paid or its ap-

portionment iimong; two or more persons, it niiiy 1h depositedin tho circuit court for the lieuefit of whom it niuy concern."

Surnojc 11. This Act shull tako effect upon its approval.

Approved this 20th day of April, A. D. I'.lll.

WALTMIt V. FIIKAR,Coventor of the Territory of Hawaii.

ACT 113.


To PltOVlDK toil 1111. ('All I. AM) l I.IUCA1, Till- A I Mt.NT Ol" Pl.lt- -

ho.su Airi.ici'Mi wiru Li.euosv.

He il linmlcd by (lie Lry'tilnluic of the Tcriiloiy of llauwi:

Si.i'iio.v 1. The Homd of Health shall have full authoritywhen in its opinion it shall deem such course advi.iblo to per-mit or diiect any person detained at the Kalihi Hospital or utthe settlement at .Molokui to go therefiom to such other placeor places and for such time or times us tho Imard niuy desig-nate, but no such diiectioit or permission shall lo construed usit discharge of suid person under tho provisions of Act 81 oftho Session Laws of 1U01I. All such persons shall have all thorights and piivileges, mid bo subject to ull tho obligations of saidAct 81 except only us otherwise oxpiessly provided lieiciu.

Si.c'iiox 2. This Act shull be in effect from tho duto of itsapproval.

Approved this 20th day of Apiil, A. I). I'.ll 1.

WAI.TKK V. FUKAK,Governor of tho Teriitory of Huwaii.

ACT 114.


lio it liimctid by the Lcijishdmo of the Teriitory of Hawaii:

To Airiiimii. 'nit. Hi inn iu. oi Capita i. ami of Caoiiai,Stock or Couooka'iio.nh.

Si.ciTto.v 1. Any coipoiation, including joint stock com-

panies (bqt evepting hanking, Must and insuianeo companies),upon complying with tho icquiicmcnts of this Act, may, hyvote of not less than thiee-fouith- s of all of the shines of stock, .

or if two or mole classes of stock have Itoen issued, of thiee-fourth- s

of each class of stock outstanding and entitled to vote,at any meeting hcretofoie or hereafter duly culled and hold for

tho purM)se, effect n leditction of its capital and or capital slockby letiring or leilucing any class or number of shares of stock,or by reducing tho pur value of its shares of stock; and maythereupon withdraw, and distribute among its stockholders whomay be entitled to participate therein, any nssets in excess of anamount which in the opinion of the Tieasuior of the Teriitoryshall equal in value tho total pur ulue of all shares of tho

capital stock.

If teiliiction is made by tho siineiider and retirement ofu (Million of the outstanding slock, unless the lesolution pio-vidin- g

therefor shall with the consent of all of tho stockholderor tho subsequent approval of tho Treasurer specify tlio par-ticular shnres to lie ictireil, ouch stockholder slmll lie entitled toparticipate pro tutu in the surrender of certificates of stock forcuncelhition and rctiteineiit. If any stockholder shnll fnil toexercise his option so to do within thirty days after writtennotice mailed to him by the treasurer of the corporation, thocorporation niuy accept any other shines in lieu theieof amiretire tho Fame.


A sworn certificate shall bo signed by tho piesiding ofliccrand secretary of the meeting und presented to tho Treasurer ofthe Territory setting forth therein the action taken, und certi-fying that at tho time such vote was taken tho corporation wasnot anil has not since becoino indebted in any manner over andiiIdvo half of the amount of its remaining capital stock. ThoTiousnror shull l coord thereon the dato of its receipt in his of-

fice and shall publish n notice of tho saino in some suitablenewspaper in Honolulu at least onco a week for four succes-sive weeks, the first publication to bo not moio than ten daysafter tho receipt of said certificate.

i "Upon tho expiration of thirty days after tho first publication

of said notice, if no protest or objection to the proposed re-

duction of capital stock shull have liecn filed with tho Ticasurorby any person claiming to bo n stockholder or cicditor of suchcorporation, tho Treasurer shall enter such decreaso of capitalstock of record, upon payment of tho feo required by law, andthe same shall thereupon stand effected as of tho date of thooriginal filing of said certificate. Otherwise the Treasurer shallproceed to consider any objection made, und if ho shull thoie-upo- n

lw satisfied that the vote certified has Wen truly taken,and thut the corporation was not at the time of filing said cer-tificate indebted lieyoud tho limit aforesaid, he shall enter suchreduction of capital stock of record in manner aforesaid.

In ease any distiibution of assets in excess of tho remainingcapital stock is intended, if no obju-tio- thereto has lieen inailohy any stockholder or cieilitor, the Treasurer shall approvesuch distribution; but if any objection is made thereto ho shallalso satisfy himself that such distribution is for tho best in-

terests of tho corporation.

Si ctio.n 2. All laws anil parts of laws inconsistent heiewithare heieby lepcaled.

Si i'tiox II. This Act shall tako ellect upon the date of itsapproval.

Approved this 20th day of Apiil, A. 1). 1011.

WALTElt F. FRKAR,Governor of the Tenitorv of Hawaii.

ACT 115.


To Amkmj Siuiio.ns 2100 ami 210b or Tin: Iti'.visi.n Lvwhor Hawaii, Hki.ati.mi to A itini ration. ,

Ik il Kmuted by the Ijcghlaluic of the Territory of Hawaii:

Sic-iio- n 1. Section 2100 of the Revised Laws ofvHavvuii isheieby amended so as to read a follows:

"Section 2100, Award enteied as judgment, when. Upontho coming in of tho iivvmd, either parly may, after four days'notice to the other party, mow the distiict magistiato or anyjudge of tho court of ucoid, as the c.iso may he, to cause theaw mil to bo enteied up us u judgment of court; und unlessthe other party shall satisfy tho judge that tho award has notWon made in accoi ilanco with the terms of the submission, orthat it has i inailo by collusion or fund, ho shull citiiso thosame to ho enteied up as a judgmi ut of court ; but if the oppos-ing party sustains his objections to the satisfaction of the judge,ho shall decline the aw aid null anil void, or niuy leeominit thoaward, and, in case provision to that elfect has lieen made intho agncinent of submission, may icsoive matteis of law aiis-in- g

in tho uvv.nd for tho eoiisidciation of the Supienio Courtin tho same manner us is provided in ciimi of a trial or otherproceeding in Section 1S02 and Section ISO!)."

Sm-iio- 2. Siction 2I0S of tin Revised Luws of Huwaii isheieby u mended so as to lead as follows:

"Siction 210S. ApiK-al- . Any party deeming himself ag- -

giieved, by the decision of tho judge whom motion ismade for judgment upon tho avvaul, or by the iiwuid of thoarbitrators in easo tho parties in their submission havo agieed.1..,. It... i .. .1 . r. , . ,mill. im.-i- liny IKJ illl ulirill IO mo i?upiomo c ouit tioiu HIKlaward, may tako an appeal to the Supienio Court, umui filingwiitten notice of his intention so to appeal, within five ditysafter tho iciiditiou of such dicisioii.

Stonox :. This Act shull tuke effirt upon its approval

i .1 l.,,.1 r r . -- su8iilipmvcii tins oiu nay ot Apiil, A. ). 1011.

WALTKR V. FUKAK,Governor of tho Tenitprv of Hawaii.


$1 a Year


I.AUKimV, firm, nml roitACli: forU H Mnrlno Corps (Junrli minster'sDcpitrtmcnt, WimliliiRton, l I'. April17, latl Kralrit proposals, In ilnpll-cnti- -,

will lie reiPlvcil l tlioMnrlno Olllcrr, Mnrlno ltir-r.ick- s,

Honolulu, until 11 n in, Mio 2,1511, nnit llicn lio luililiU) opened, forfurnishing Iniimlry, fuel nml fornKOduring tlio llscnt jeiir beginning July1. 1911, nt Honolulu, T 11. 1'roposnllilunkn nnil other Information rnn lionhtnlneil upon iippllrntlnn to tills

tlio Depot (Junrtennnstcr. 1S2Heeonil Hlreet, Snn !rnnclro, Cnl , nmlthe Cmnmnnitlng Olllcer or Post

Mnrlno llnrmcks, nt tho sta-tion named Thin ofllco reserves thoright to reject nny or nil lililn or partsthereof, nnd to wnlvo Infornnlltlestherein Mils from regular dealersonly wilt ho considered, C. I

I.Icut -- Col Asst. Qnnrter-nmste- r,

In Chnrgc ot Depnrtment.4D0S Apr 18, 25

BITISSIHTKN't'i: STonn.t for U H

Murine Corp. QunrteriniiHter's Deport-ment. Washington, 1) f. April 17. 1911.Healed proponls, In duplicate, will horeceived by the Commnndlng MnrlnoOlllcer, Mnrlno llirrncks Honolulu,until 11 n. in, May 2, 1911, and then hopublicly opened, for furnishing

stores during the llscnt enrbeginning July 1, 1111, at Honolulu, T11 I'ropoinl blanks nnd other Infor-mation can be obtained upon nppllcn-tlo- n

to this ollUe, tho Depot Qunrter-mnste- r,

182 Second Street, San l'rnn-clsc-

Cut, and the Commnncllng Of-

ficer or Tort Quartermaster, MarinoItnrracks. at tho station nnmed Thisortlco reserved tlio right to reject nnyor all bids or parts thereof, nnd tounU'n Inrnrtmilltlnu (lierf In Itldfl fromregular deulers only will be consider-- ied C I, McCAWMJY. I.Icut Col ,M

Asst Qiinrterninsler, In Charge of Dopnrtnicnt.

(105 Apr 18, 25

ADvnrtTisnMnNT ron rnorosAi. IHonolulu, Hawaii. April in. 1111 1

Sealed proposals will tie received nt Q

thlR building until 2 o'clock p m .

April .10, 1911. for furnishing fuel,lights, vwitcr, Ice, mlscellnneoiiH sup-plies, wnshlng towels, hauling nunc,nnd sprinkling streets for this build-ing during the fiscal ear endingJuno .10, 1912, or such portion of tho ,

eir ns mny lie deemed nilvNnble J

Tho right to reject nny nnd nil bids!i reserved by tho Treasury Depirt- - I

ment Joseph (1 Pratt, Custodian,Poslolllce llulldlng ,i

(901 Apr 3 II

SUAI.HD PnOPOSAI.S. Indorse.lProposals for nn Air Compressor nnd

Accessories," will bo received nt thonurenu of Yards nnd Docks, Navy Department, Wnshlngtnn, until 11 o'clockn m, April 29, 1911, nnd then andthere publicly opened, for ono 3000- -cublc-fo- nlr compressor with Inter-eoolc- r,

nftercooler nnd nlr receiver, fortho cenlrnl power plnnt. United StntesNnval Stntlon, Pearl Harbor. Hawaii.Plans nnd Kpeclflcntloni enn bo obtain-ed on application to the nurenu or totho commnndnnt of the nnvnl stitlonnnmed II C IIOI.WDAY, Chief ofnurenu. Mnrch 27, 1911. (899-2-



Nutko Is hereby given tli.it tho p.irt-mrsh- lp

heretofore existing betweenCHAIU.r.H I.UCAS, JOHN l.UCASuiidI.VDIA I.UCAS TllUSTin:, under thofirm nnma of I.UCAS HHOTHHUS, do-

ing business nn tho HONOLULUPI.AN1NO M1I.I., Is dissolved uh ofthis date, Clmrlen Luc.ih retiring fromwild pnrtnershlp

Churles I.uchh, the retiring partner,will pay all accounts existing ngulnstsuid partnership at the (lute hereof nndwill (olleit and recclvo all accounts duosaid partnership

Dated lit Honolulu, April 19, 1911CIIAIII.KS I.UCAS,JOHN I.UCAS,I.UDIA l.I'CAS TUUSTKB

(907-l- w


To Subscribers Mutual Telophona Co.,Ltd.

ncglnulug Mny 1, 1911, n switchingchnrgo of 10 icntH per swltcti will bomade for overy messngo completed be-

tween tho Main Kxch.ingn In Honolulunnd nil telephones connected with theW'nlpalui llmnch Ilxchnnge, such chnrgoIn bo collectublo from tho subscriberfrom whoso telephone tho call Is made

mutuaj. ti:i.i:piioni: CO, LTDHy J. It OAI.T. Trensurer.

4903 Apr 0 Inc


Notice Is hereby given til it a newDlnctory of Hulwribcrs of the MutualTelephone Co, Ltd. Is now being com-piled and will shortly be published

All Intending snlw rlbers, nnd nilsubscribers desiring nny chiuige ofname or nddress, nre earnestly request-ed to leavo Instructions In writing nttho ofllco of tho company on Adamslane, not later tbnn APHIL .10, 1911,

after which dato positively no (biiugeswill bo made for tho new Directory


(903 -- Apr 0 Inc.



SI:AIiI:D THNDWIS will bo receivednt the olllco of tho Superintendent ntPublic Works until 12 in or Wednes-day. April M, 1911, for constructing a

y finmo building for n libraryto bo ereded nt tho Knllhl HecclvlngStntlon, Honolulu

Plans, specifications nnd proposalblnnks nro on tlio In tho Public WorldDepartment, Honolulu

Tho Superintendent of Public Worldreserves the right to reject nny or ullbids

MAP.8TON CAMPDUI.f..Superintendent of Public Works,


W o i I j I) u 1 1 e 1 1 n f 1 per year.






