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??&, ?v t tvw - VJ jXu'sYte IV ' ffJK'r tsi8ar . r rw rMS THE DAILY BULLETIN Vol. II. No. 423. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1883. 50 0ENT8 SUDGOniPTION PER MONTH. I3. Si wv J1 t r 1 r S& r$ p fit 'If ' ' - - THE DAILY BULLETIN WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning nnd clrcu. latcd throughout the town by curriers, nnd forwarded to tho other Islnuds by every opportunity. Subscription, 50 conts por Month. G. Cahbon KeKvok, Editor. All business communications to be nd. dressed, Manager Daily Bulletin, Post Office Box No. 14. Telephone 250. Office, .... queen StVeet, Opposite West's Csrrtngo Factory. T. O. Ct.KVioit, Manager B. M. CXItTKlt. 8. V. UltAHASC. S.MvOAKTEft&OOi H Klnjf Street, Honolulu, II. I. RLTAiii Dealers in Fire Wood, Coal and Feed. WE would notify tho public, nnd House-keeper- s iu particular, that wo keep on hand and for bale in quan- tities to suit purchasers and nt LOWEST KATES, fuel, as follows : Hnrd and Soft Woods, Cut any lengths; Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals, Scotch Coals, nnd the Celebrated Wellington Mine Departure Bay Coals ; Also, Blacksmith's Coal. Thcabovo can be ordered bj telephone or otherwise, and immediate delivery guaranteed. GIVE TJS A. CAJLX, Xl Telephone, No. 187. 'WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK Hay and.-Oat- s, California and Now Zealand; Barley, Whole and Ground ; Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ; ' Bran, Middlings, and other Feed. the above through Telephone No. 187, and we warrant quick delivery, and full weight. Orders from the other Islands solicited. FREE DELIYEBY to all paits of the city. 82 King: street, ggfl gfAnd Telephone No. 187. NEW! NEW! NEW! 3ist Received, an Invoice of Onfy'.MENTAL & Useful t IBOlARE Comprising Handsome Parlor Safes, ' Smoking Tables, complete; Ink Stands, modem audi ancient Letter Weights, Card Receivers, Statuary, Crucifixes, &c, &c. FOR SALE BY 398 lm E. H0FE3CHLAEGER & Co. HdTEL ST. MARKET. undersigned having gTferm THE the Hotel St. JEW1 Market, takes pleasure in an " nouncing that ho will jive the buslncs-lii- s personal attention, and hopes to sup jply the wants of the public of Honolulu in a satisfactory manner. Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, And other kinds of meat for tiie table always on hand. Prompt Delivery Hade. OrAern taken by Telephone. By tho return of tho Suez I will be in receipt of one of the best nnd newest pntentcd UUMUf0 JIUClllUCH, and will then bo prcpaicd to furnUh tho BEST HOMEMADE SAUSAGES. HfN.B. No Chinese pork used. D. K. FYFE,, Proprietor Telephone No. 230. 337 ly WHI. McCANDIiKSS, No. 6 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Ueeff Teal, Mutton, flali, c, Ac. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Livo stock furnished to vessels at short notico, and Vegetables of all kiuds wpplled to order. 810 ly LUCAS, Contractor and Builder,' ''Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Winds, Sasijem Doom, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Sciollund Bund Sawlug. All kinds o'f Sawing aud Plan-lu- g, Morticing and Tenanting'. Orders promptly attended to and wolk guaranteed. Orders from the other Is-- a nds solicited Job l'riiitiiiK EVERY DESCRIPTION execut- es OF .vlth neatness and dispatch at Tuts Dah.y Bulletin Office, Queen tt. B. F. EHLERS & Go., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, 11 the latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Heceivedfy every steamer FORT STREET STRIKE THE IRON WHILE IT'S HOT -A- ND- SECURE YOUR BARGAINS Which will be given at my Establishment DOu-ving- - tlie Next 4 Weeks, Provlous to the arrival of n large invoice of New Goods from tho Eastern and Emopcin Markets for tho Honolulu Clothing Emporium A.M. Mellis 104 Fort street, Mrs. Mollis' Dre33 Making LAWRENCE Sz FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering & Surveying Office, cor. Ilaickauwlla and Kilauea sts, nct door to Widcmann's brick warehouse. 800 P. O. Bo, 101. ly G. H. ROBERTSON, L Drayman best teams in town. Telephone N. 05. 15 HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, ISteam en nines, sugar mills, boil ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. ,Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 BREAKING HORSES IN GENUINE STYLE. WALLACE JACKSON the thorough experienc- ed cJR korsc breaker,wishcs the public to know that he is f ullv prepared to take charge of stock, nnd guarantees to break them thoroughly on his Ranch, and attend carefully to feeding nnd doctoring horses. Ho has now In his charge such celebrated steeds as Black Thorn nnd other thoroujhbreds, and has the exclusive charge of all of s Campbell's stock. Orders left at the Pantheon Stable, or at the mommoth, stables on Mr. James Cornrjbcll'i property at Kapiolani Park, will meet with promptness. mo ay Just Received, those Desirable HELMET HATS The most suitable huts for this climate. For sale by 275 A. S. Cleghoru & Co, ' A. KRAFT, JEWELER, $& OPTICIAN, Dealer iu Hawaiian Curiosities. Stoic in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4 Ing, opposite the Bank. Chas. D. Gemsch, Praotical Watchmaker. t& Hotel Street, opposite the 12J 3in International Hotel, -- a , JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, Houso Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o. rJMe Huwuiiuu Temperance Year Book, For 1888, will bo published lioro In January, J883, u year book, au iu. tercsting and useful volume witli tho above title. A handy book of ref urouco as well usa valuable book foi Ihu house, hold. It will bo especially devoted to tho temperance cause, and will bo of much use all tho year around. You will bo solicited to subscribe to this book, and can obtain further itifoimutloii by calling upon D M, CROWLEY, 280 HnnnJ ilu, H. I. A. S. CLEGHOKN & Co. Have received a large assortment of Boots & Shoes to suit oil clabses of purchasers, 181 Honolulu. Department up Btairs. J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEY. LYONS St LEVEY, Auctioneers nnd General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen st , - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and Gcneial Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 H. S. TREQLOAN, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. HMEAD, & JOBBER, No. 12 King St., near the Bridge. All kinds of small jobs, such as gate nnd fence mending, &.C., attended to nnd at moderntc chatges. 305 ly Robert Lowers, (!. 11. Cooke, L ewers at Cooke, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers iu Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDER St CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt aud Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort aud Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 St PHILLIPS, Practical PlumbeiB, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. B39" Houso nnd Ship Job Woik promptly executed. 17 CHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.Vr Importer nnd Dealer m Gent's. Ladies' and ChlldicH's hoots, allocs nnd sllppars. Wilson Brothers, iiiilliLr- - GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Horso Shoeing a specialty A firbt-cln- ss man being specially engaged for that work. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.204 A. Now JLot ot Colonial Candies Just Received at 245 'A. 8. Cleghorn &. Co'h. Salmon! Salmon! E. C. McCANDLESS OFFERS FOR SALE Bbls C. R. Salmon, extra, Bbls Skeena River Salmon, BblB Frazer Riyer Salmon, Hlf bbls Salmon, choice, Bbls & hlf bbls Plant, Salmon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Stalls, Nos, 2 and 3 FISH MARKET, liOO lui HONOLULU. Correct TranitlatiuuH, FROM English into Hawaiian, done J. SHELDON. Ltavo orders ut tho ofllco of thU puper. 401 8w Commission Merchants. BREWER Si COMPANY, C . (Limited) GENEllAL MEKCANriLE AMI Commission Auems. LIST OK OKKICKltS: P. C Jonks, Jr. .. .President & Manngcr J. O. Caiituii Treasurer & Secretary umucTons: Hon. O. R. Bishop. Hon. 11. A. P. Caiitku !M3 1y Geo. W. Mncfarlanc 11. R. Mncfarlanc. 0. W. MAOFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS and Sugar Factors, Flre-Proo- f Building, - 52 Queen street, Honolulu. H. 1. amknts for The Wiiik.ipu Sugar l'i.uitatlo'n, Maui, Tho Spencer Sugdi Planutlon, Hawaii, Tho Heei i Sug.u Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Slicup Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway "Works, Leeds, Mirrlces, Watson & Co't, Sugar Mnckia eiy, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 18c. Clans SprccI.U. VVm. G. Irwin. TI7" G. IRWIN & COMPANY, VV Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHAOKFELD & COMPANY, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 OLEQHORN & CO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono- lulu. 78 DIAS & GONSALES, 'No. 57 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu, Impoitcrs nnd Dealers in Diy and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embioidery, 289 &c, &c, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOU8E, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBATJM St CO , Importers of General Mer-- chandise and Com mission Merchnnts, Ili.nolulu. i MS. GRINBATJM St CO , Commission Merchants, 124 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. BROWN St CO , Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 14 Merchant St., Honolulu. 030 FT. LENEHAN & CO , Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuunuu St., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Costle. J. b. Athcrton. CASTLE St COOKE, Shipping nnd Commission Merchants. Importeis and Dealers in Gcneial Merchandise, No. 80 King, at., Honolulu. i TyiNG WO CHAN & CO, TT Importers and Gcneial Dealers In English. Amcilcanaud Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea nnd General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, all qualities and prices. BSf No. 22 Nuuauu Strcot, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 DR. RODGER8 REMOVED hi Omceand Best, denco'ctao . Kit. of ItlrharriH and ncretnnla Ht, Office Hours 8 to 10 a.m.; 1 to 3 351 pni. fl:8Qto7a0p.m 8ro A. G. ELLIS, STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell Stock, Bonds, and Other Markctnblo Securities, Attheir market value for cash. 215 Oitlco with E. P. Adams. Auct'r. JR1TSON, ACCOUNTANT. at G. II. Robertson's olllce, Queen street. 334 G WEST, Carriage gig Builder. Buggies, Curi'iages, Express Wagons and every kind of vehicles manufactured, BlacksmUhing, horse-shoein- g, and all kinds of repairing done. PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectionei, Pastry Cook and liaker. No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. Professionals. QARAH b. peirce, m. d , O Ladies' and Children's Physician. Olllce and residence, No. 5 School strcot, (between Port nnd Emma). Ofllcu hours 10:30 to 11:30a. nt. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 210 Tidephonc, No. 201. DR. THAOHER. DENTIST, 104J Port street (up stalls.) Charges lower than nny other dentist in Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or othcrw inc. Satisfaction guaranteed. 305 TR. Emerson, Resldcnco ami nnnmiltntlnn mnm. ntNo. 2 Kukul St., corner of Fort. Telephone No. 140. 89 2m A Rosa, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. And Notary Public, Odlce with tho Attorney General, Aliio-hui- l Hale, Honolulu. 812 ly W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instruments. Kaahumanu st , Honolulu. 200 SB. DOLE, Lawjer and Notary Public, No. 15 Kaahumanu st. FRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney nt Law, - 15 Kaahumanu st , RICHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of j?reo. holds. Olllce, No. 34 Merchant st. 1 . CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law, Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st., Honolulu. x JM. MONSARRAT, ,'t ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in nny part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotitv. ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gaettc Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands JOB G O. BERQER, XAAHUJIANU STREET. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Comonnv. "The City of London Fire In. Co(limitd Macncalo & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Spiinglicld Gas Machine Gus Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 2!i8 QHARLes t. GTJLICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to tukc Acknowledgments Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllce, inMnkee's Block, comer Queen and Kaahumanu struts, Honolulu. 21 J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, - . Honolulu Portrait and Landscape DPliot0g-railier- t lbO ly WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Komi, Island of Oahu, at the office of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu-ai- street. 18!, .( WILLIAM WOND, to take Acknowledg- ments to Contracts for Labor. Olllce Station House. 351 ly JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agcut to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Dfflcc. Honolulu. WO. AKANA, and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of tho above languages mado with accuracy and dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 FIREWOOD! FOR SALE, JU: Mixirket Xylites piJ'; to S. M. CARTER, 137 P. M. 8. a Wharf. Notice, TTAVING been appointed Guardian JUL of M. Muhuka, minor.Minof tho lute M. MahuKa, deceased, nnd iiftoruev in fact for Luukia (w,) widow of snl'd M. Mahuka, deceased: all persons nro hereby requeued to scttjo nil matters pertaining to tho ustntu of cuid M. Mil liuka, deceased, with tho umleruigncd, and thoynro heieby notillul that Mi. Simon K. Knnlhus no authority what-eve- r In tho matter. A. ROSA, Guardian of M. Mnhukn, minor, and attorney iu fuct for Luukia (w,) widow of tho fato M. Muhuka, deceased. Honolulu, May 15, 1883, 402 3u
Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · tvw??&, ?v -t IVVJ jXu'sYte tsi8ar' ffJK'r r rw . rMS THE DAILY BULLETIN Vol. II. No. 423. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1883. 50 0ENT8 SUDGOniPTION

??&, ?v ttvw -

VJ jXu'sYteIV ' ffJK'rtsi8ar .r rw














fit 'If

' '

- -


WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning nnd clrcu.latcd throughout the town by curriers,nnd forwarded to tho other Islnuds byevery opportunity.Subscription, 50 conts por Month.

G. Cahbon KeKvok, Editor.All business communications to be nd.

dressed, Manager Daily Bulletin, PostOffice Box No. 14. Telephone 250.

Office, .... queen StVeet,Opposite West's Csrrtngo Factory.

T. O. Ct.KVioit, Manager

B. M. CXItTKlt. 8. V. UltAHASC.

S.MvOAKTEft&OOiH Klnjf Street, Honolulu, II. I.

RLTAiii Dealers in

Fire Wood,Coal and Feed.

WE would notify tho public, nndHouse-keeper- s iu particular, that

wo keep on hand and for bale in quan-tities to suit purchasers and nt LOWESTKATES, fuel, as follows :

Hnrd and Soft Woods,Cut any lengths;

Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals,Scotch Coals, nnd the

Celebrated Wellington MineDeparture Bay Coals ;

Also, Blacksmith's Coal.Thcabovo can be ordered bj telephone

or otherwise, and immediate deliveryguaranteed.


Telephone, No. 187.


Hay and.-Oat- s,

California and Now Zealand;Barley, Whole and Ground ;

Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ;

' Bran, Middlings, and other Feed.

the above through

Telephone No. 187,and we warrant quick delivery, and full

weight. Orders from the otherIslands solicited.

FREE DELIYEBYto all paits of the city.

82 King: street,ggfl gfAnd Telephone No. 187.

NEW! NEW! NEW!3ist Received, an Invoice of

Onfy'.MENTAL & Useful t


Handsome Parlor Safes,' Smoking Tables, complete;

Ink Stands, modem audi ancient

Letter Weights, Card Receivers,

Statuary, Crucifixes, &c, &c.


HdTEL ST. MARKET.undersigned having gTfermTHE the Hotel St. JEW1

Market, takes pleasure in an "nouncing that ho will jive the buslncs-lii- s

personal attention, and hopes to supjply the wants of the public of Honoluluin a satisfactory manner.

Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,And other kinds of meat for tiie table

always on hand.Prompt Delivery Hade.

OrAern taken by Telephone.By tho return of tho Suez I will be in

receipt of one of the best nnd newestpntentcd

UUMUf0 JIUClllUCH,and will then bo prcpaicd to furnUh tho


HfN.B. No Chinese pork used.D. K. FYFE,, Proprietor

Telephone No. 230. 337 ly

WHI. McCANDIiKSS,No. 6 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestUeeff Teal, Mutton, flali, c, Ac.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Livo stock furnished tovessels at short notico, and Vegetablesof all kiuds wpplled to order. 810 ly


and Builder,'''Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Winds,Sasijem Doom, and all kinds of Wood-

work finish. Turning, Sciollund BundSawlug. All kinds o'f Sawing aud Plan-lu- g,

Morticing and Tenanting'.Orders promptly attended to and wolk

guaranteed. Orders from the other Is-- a

nds solicited

Job l'riiitiiiKEVERY DESCRIPTION execut-esOF .vlth neatness and dispatch at

Tuts Dah.y Bulletin Office, Queen tt.

B. F. EHLERS & Go.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,11 the latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Heceivedfy every steamer FORT STREET


SECURE YOUR BARGAINSWhich will be given at my Establishment

DOu-ving-- tlie Next 4 Weeks,

Provlous to the arrival of n large invoice of New Goods from tho Eastern andEmopcin Markets for tho

Honolulu Clothing Emporium A.M. Mellis104 Fort street,

Mrs. Mollis' Dre33 Making


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Office, cor. Ilaickauwlla andKilauea sts, nct door to Widcmann'sbrick warehouse.800 P. O. Bo, 101. ly

G. H. ROBERTSON,L Drayman best teams

in town. Telephone N. 05. 15

HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,ISteam en nines, sugar mills, boil

ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. ,Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


WALLACE JACKSONthe thorough experienc-edcJR korsc breaker,wishcsthe public to know thathe is fullv prepared to

take charge of stock, nnd guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Ranch,and attend carefully to feeding nnddoctoring horses. Ho has now In hischarge such celebrated steeds as BlackThorn nnd other thoroujhbreds, and hasthe exclusive charge of all of s

Campbell's stock.Orders left at the Pantheon Stable,

or at the mommoth, stables on Mr. JamesCornrjbcll'i property at Kapiolani Park,will meet with promptness. mo ay

Just Received, those Desirable

HELMET HATSThe most suitable huts for this

climate. For sale by

275 A. S. Cleghoru & Co,



Dealer iu Hawaiian Curiosities.Stoic in the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4

Ing, opposite the Bank.

Chas. D. Gemsch,Praotical Watchmaker.

t& Hotel Street, opposite the12J 3in International Hotel, -- a


Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

Houso Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.

rJMe HuwuiiuuTemperance Year Book,

For 1888,will bo published lioro In

January, J883, u year book, au iu.tercsting and useful volume witli thoabove title. A handy book of refuroucoas well usa valuable book foi Ihu house,hold. It will bo especially devoted totho temperance cause, and will bo ofmuch use all tho year around. You willbo solicited to subscribe to this book,and can obtain further itifoimutloii bycalling upon D M, CROWLEY,

280 HnnnJ ilu, H. I.

A. S. CLEGHOKN & Co.Have received a large assortment of

Boots & Shoesto suit oil clabses of purchasers, 181


Department up Btairs.


LYONS St LEVEY,Auctioneers nnd General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen st , - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand Gcneial Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Solo Agents for American and Euro-

pean merchandise. 318


201 FORT ST.

HMEAD, & JOBBER,No. 12 King St., near the Bridge.

All kinds of small jobs, such as gate nndfence mending, &.C., attended to nnd atmoderntc chatges. 305 ly

Robert Lowers, (!. 11. Cooke,

Lewers at Cooke,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers iu Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER St CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt aud Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort aud Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

St PHILLIPS,Practical PlumbeiB, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. B39" Houso nnd Ship JobWoik promptly executed. 17

CHR. GERTZ,No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.Vr

Importer nnd Dealer m Gent's. Ladies'and ChlldicH's hoots, allocs nnd sllppars.

Wilson Brothers,

iiiilliLr- -

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horso Shoeing a specialty

A firbt-cln- ss man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.204

A. Now JLot otColonial Candies

Just Received at

245 'A. 8. Cleghorn &. Co'h.

Salmon! Salmon!



Bbls C. R. Salmon, extra,

Bbls Skeena River Salmon,

BblB Frazer Riyer Salmon,

Hlf bbls Salmon, choice,

Bbls & hlf bbls Plant, Salmon,

Kits Salmon Bellies,

Stalls, Nos, 2 and 3FISH MARKET,


Correct TranitlatiuuH,FROM English into Hawaiian, done

J. SHELDON. Ltavo ordersut tho ofllco of thU puper. 401 8w

Commission Merchants.BREWER Si COMPANY,C . (Limited)


Commission Auems.

LIST OK OKKICKltS:P. C Jonks, Jr. . . .President & ManngcrJ. O. Caiituii Treasurer & Secretary

umucTons:Hon. O. R. Bishop. Hon. 11. A. P. Caiitku

!M3 1y

Geo. W. Mncfarlanc 11. R. Mncfarlanc.0. W. MAOFARLANE & Co.


Sugar Factors,Flre-Proo- f Building, - 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. H. 1.

amknts forThe Wiiik.ipu Sugar l'i.uitatlo'n, Maui,Tho Spencer Sugdi Planutlon, Hawaii,Tho Heei i Sug.u Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Slicup Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway "Works, Leeds,Mirrlces, Watson & Co't, Sugar Mnckia

eiy, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Clans SprccI.U. VVm. G. Irwin.TI7" G. IRWIN & COMPANY,

V V Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

HHAOKFELD & COMPANY,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

OLEQHORN & CO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

DIAS & GONSALES,'No. 57 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu,

Impoitcrs nnd Dealers in Diy and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embioidery,

289 &c, &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOU8E,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1


Importers of General Mer--chandise and Com mission Merchnnts,Ili.nolulu. i

MS. GRINBATJM St CO ,Commission Merchants,

124 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.


Wholesale Wine and SpiritMerchants, No. 14 Merchant St.,

Honolulu. 030


Importers and CommissionMerchants, Nuunuu St., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Costle. J. b. Athcrton.

CASTLE St COOKE,Shipping nnd Commission

Merchants. Importeis and Dealers inGcneial Merchandise, No. 80 King, at.,Honolulu. iTyiNG WO CHAN & CO,

TT Importers and Gcneial DealersIn English. Amcilcanaud Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea nnd GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all qualities and prices.

BSf No. 22 Nuuauu Strcot, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

DR. RODGER8REMOVED hi Omceand Best,

denco'ctao .Kit. of ItlrharriH and ncretnnla Ht,

Office Hours 8 to 10 a.m.; 1 to 3351 pni. fl:8Qto7a0p.m 8ro

A. G. ELLIS,STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell

Stock, Bonds, andOther Markctnblo Securities,

Attheir market value for cash.215 Oitlco with E. P. Adams. Auct'r.

JR1TSON, ACCOUNTANT.at G. II. Robertson's

olllce, Queen street. 334

G WEST,Carriage gig Builder.

Buggies, Curi'iages, Express Wagons

and every kind of vehicles

manufactured,BlacksmUhing, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of repairing done.



F. HORN, Practical Confectionei,Pastry Cook and liaker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.

Professionals.QARAH b. peirce, m. d ,

O Ladies' and Children's Physician.Olllce and residence, No. 5 School strcot,

(between Port nnd Emma).Ofllcu hours 10:30 to 11:30a. nt.

1:30 to 3:30 p.m.210 Tidephonc, No. 201.


104J Port street (up stalls.)Charges lower than nny other dentist

in Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor othcrw inc. Satisfaction guaranteed.


TR. Emerson,Resldcnco ami nnnmiltntlnn mnm.

ntNo. 2 Kukul St., corner of Fort.Telephone No. 140. 89 2m

A Rosa,. ATTORNEY AT LAW.And Notary Public,

Odlce with tho Attorney General, Aliio-hui- lHale, Honolulu. 812 ly

W AUSTIN WHITING,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Kaahumanu st , Honolulu. 200

SB. DOLE,Lawjer and Notary Public,

No. 15 Kaahumanu st.

FRANCIS M. HATCH,Attorney nt Law,

- 15 Kaahumanu st ,

RICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of j?reo.holds. Olllce, No. 34 Merchant st. 1 .

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law,

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac-knowledgments of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st.,Honolulu. x


,'t ATTORNEY AT LAWand Notary Public. Real Estate in nnypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans negotitv.ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gaettc Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands JOB



The N. Y. Life Insurance Comonnv."The City of London Fire In. Co(limitdMacncalo & Urban Safes,The Celebrated Spiinglicld Gas MachineGus Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.



NOTARY PUBLIC,Agent to tukc Acknowledgments


Olllce, inMnkee's Block, comer Queenand Kaahumanu struts, Honolulu. 21

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, - . Honolulu

Portrait and LandscapeDPliot0g-railier- t

lbO ly

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Komi, Island of Oahu, at the office ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu-ai-

street. 18!, .(

WILLIAM WOND,to take Acknowledg-

ments to Contracts for Labor.Olllce Station House. 351 ly

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agcut to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Dfflcc.Honolulu.

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of tho abovelanguages mado with accuracy and dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 209


JU: Mixirket XylitespiJ'; to

S. M. CARTER,137 P. M. 8. a Wharf.

Notice,TTAVING been appointed GuardianJUL of M. Muhuka, minor.Minof tholute M. MahuKa, deceased, nnd iiftoruevin fact for Luukia (w,) widow of snl'dM. Mahuka, deceased: all persons nrohereby requeued to scttjo nil matterspertaining to tho ustntu of cuid M. Milliuka, deceased, with tho umleruigncd,and thoynro heieby notillul that Mi.Simon K. Knnlhus no authority what-eve- r

In tho matter. A. ROSA,Guardian of M. Mnhukn, minor, and

attorney iu fuct for Luukia (w,) widowof tho fato M. Muhuka, deceased.

Honolulu, May 15, 1883, 402 3u

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · tvw??&, ?v -t IVVJ jXu'sYte tsi8ar' ffJK'r r rw . rMS THE DAILY BULLETIN Vol. II. No. 423. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1883. 50 0ENT8 SUDGOniPTION






BY AUTHORITY.COUHT will go into Full

Mourning for Her late Royal High-ness thu Piincess Huth KullUolnnifrom tho date of this notice, until thediiy utter the funeral; nnil will winrhalf mourning from that time until theexpiration of two week from the tiny ofthe funcrul.

C. II. ,1UI)I),II. M. Chnmbcilnin.

Chnmucilnln's Ofllce, Iolnni l'alncc,JInv lllst, IfcSiJ. . il

r ' 1

$( ailtj "ullefin,

SATURDAY, JUNK !), 1883.


Gymnasium Kxcrcisls for Ladiesand Children from I) to 11.

Anmutl Kxnminition of SundaySchools, sit Kaiunnknpill Churcti, nt10 o'clock.

EVENING.Music Hall, Maccabc, nt 7:30.Hawaiian Hotel, meeting for 1th

July Celebration at 8 o'clock.Annual Meeting, Mission Child- -

rens' Society l.M.C.A., at 7:30.Gospel Temperance Meeting at

Bethel, at 7:30.

llcthel Sunday School, at 0:15.Port St. Church S. S. at 0 :!.St. Andrew's Cathedral S. S. 10.Bethel, Hcv. Dr. Damon, at 11

Fort St. Church, Uev. J. A. Cru-za- n,

morning and evening.St. Andrews' Cathedral, Itt. Uev.

Bishop "Willis, morning, and Rev. G.Wallace in evening.

Bible Class at Fort St. ChurchVestry, at 3:1."5

Our Police.The Police of any and every

country, where liberty of speech isallowed, arc usually freely handled

by tongues and pens, and arcfrequently made the butt of abuse

and censure. People complain

either that they arc too zealons andforward in the enforcement of law,overstepping the bounds of theirauthority, or that they are slack inthe performance of their duty andwink at the infringement of law.The former charge is generally made

by law-b;eak- and the latter bylaw-keepe- Our Honolulu policearc no more entitled to exemptionfrom criticism and censure than thopolice of any other country. In fact,borne people think, less so. Butthey cannot be truthfully accusedof habitually exceeding their legallimits and impropeily meddling inmatters. There is probably betterground for dissatisfaction on thescore of their inertness and lack ofdiligent fulfilment of their legitimatefunctions. In our opinion, there isone point in which theyarc especiallyopen to attack: it is this theymingle and converse too freely withpeople in the streets, while on duty.No policeman should be allowed toexchange words with any civilian,during the time of duty, unlessunder circumstances whore dutyrequires it. This undue familiaritytends to breed contempt for theofficers of the law, and greatlydiminishes their terror in the eyes ofevil-doer-

Polios Court.CltlMINAI. CALUNOAH.

Wednesday, June C Drunks ; T.Murphy, J. Mnry, J. Hughes, for-

feited 80 bail each. Anna, desertingher husband, ordered to return,costs S3. Opeka, violating ExpressRegulation 3, found not gulty, anddischarged. S. Kapaonc, violatingExpress Regulation 25, fined 85 and$3.20 costs. J. Hoppa, Makanui,Keawieula, affray, fined 8G and 81costs each. Samucla, and Kapu,affray, Samucla, forfeited 810 bail.Kapu, finod SC and 81 costs.Sullivan, and Ladd, remanded from5th, remanded to 7th. Knpcla, Na-Bol- c,

Kamawae, Kimokeo, and Iwn-ha.iua- u,

remanded from 5th, Naeolc,and Kimokeo, fined 85 and 82.10costs, Kapela, 8G and 2.75 costs,Knmawue, C days imprisonment, ami82.75 costs, Jwahaaiinu, (an oldoffender) 10 d.ays imprisonment,and 82.75 costs. S. Gourhiy, G.1'aterson, T. Walker, and J. Watson,remanded fiom 1st, nol. pros. T.Walker, and S. Gourlny, assault andbattcrly, T. Walker, found notguilty, and discharged, S. Gourlay,lined 825 and 82 costs.

Thursday, June 7 Drunk; Pain,forfeited 8G bail. J; Sullivan, andH. Ladd, remanded from 9th, foundnot guilty, and discharged. BilaUoinai, house-breakin- g, remandedto 9th.

Friday, June 8 Drunks ; F.McBiydo, A. List, forfeited $0bail each. li. Edwards, lined 85

WtSfff o,i...Tv,rsrrsTSi 'WOm! Zfrmfnipi, r"m w ww.' v v

and SI costs, Napoliona, Mnikau,and J. H. Burns, disturbing quiteof night, first two fined 85 "and 83costs each, the latter, remanded to9th. Kong Long Sec, and Kun Sai,remanded lrom 1th, Kong Long Sec,(old offcidcr) lined S100 and $1.15iTisla. nncl snlitnnr'ntl tn '' month'sinipribonment at hard labour, KunSai, fined SoO and 81.15 costs, and1 month. D. McGilllvray, an insaneperson, committed to Insane Asy-lum.

SHIPFINQ Notes.The Steamer Siw-7- . was advertised to

lenvo San Francisco, fo: Honolulu, onJune Uril.

The ship Al cram in sailed from SanFinnolsco, for Cork, on May 18th.

The barkentino "Malay" which putinto Wellington N. 'A. on April 2 J forrcpnlis, spuing n leak on March 18lhdining a heavy gale, and lost her secondmate undone mm over! oirdon the samedatu during the gale.

Schr Waimalu b o ight l,iM0 bag ofsugar.

Schr Malolo b o ight 1,500 bags of su-

gar.The bk. la is discharging at

Wildcr's wlmrf.Ills many friends hero will be pleased

to lenrn that Captain Cousins of theChins Sprockets has wilt en to us Hint

he nrriud in Co(;ulm'io on March 9lh,G!) days fiom Hone lulu, nil well onhoaid. He was to bail o.i tho 22nd Marchfor Cnlutns lJuciia, a small place nearIqulqtio to load nitrates for S. Francisco.

The bk. Hci'mr.n has her s up,and is now taking in ballast.

The hktne W. II. Dimond is at the O.

S. S. wharf.Schr Waiulm brought 824 bags of su-

gar.Schr Gen Scigel liroighl 1,050 bags of

paddv and 700 wntci-m.'oi- s.

Bk C.iibarien Capi. L. H. Hubbard 10

days from S. F. arrived June 8 with afull load of mdsc. She is consigned toCastle & Croko.

Schr Wniob Drought 850 bags sugar.Schr lltilcik.la brought 1000 bags of

sugar.Stmr Lei ua bio ij h' 1315 lags sugar,

99 sheep, 1 or e, 10 h)s.

Local & genh:kal items.Tin:, Race programme has been finally

llxcd. Read it.

At 11 o'clock this morning a mail f( rSan Franchco, per Lady Lampson, willclose nt the Tost Ofllce.

Tin: footwalks of Emma street havebeen at last rid of those piles of rubbishovergrown with weeds which have soannoyed pedestrians at night for soIons:.

Tnnnx will be no music this afternoonat Emma Square. The Hartford andHawaiian Bands will give another Com-

bined Concert on Monday evening, June11, nt the Hiwnllnn Hotel.

To-xio- in tho Y. M. C. A. buildingthe Mission Children's Society will holdits Annual Meeting. Reports will be readand a picas ti t time is promised. Thepublic arc cordially invited to attend.

. .

Mkesiis J. Williams & Co have takena splendid view of the historic U. S. war-

ship HartforJ. Everybody will like tohave one as a memento of an objectwhich links the daik past to the brightpresent.

,Tun telephone post at the corner of

Fort and Merchant streets, Is beingmoved bnck partly to get it out thoroad of vehicles, and partly to allow ofa handsome sign being put up by thoOne Price Merohanlcs' Bazaar.

"Christ the Corner-Stonc- " will boMr. Crtizan's theme Sunday morning.In the evening therd will bj a Unionservice, and, by appointment of thoEvangelical Association, Mr. Cruzanwill preach the" Annual Home Mis-

sionary Sermon.

Ox Thursday afternoon the Captain oftho Moravian had just bid farewell toone of tho discharged seamen of thatvessel on board having paid him off. Hothen went on shore, and had not beenon shore over 5 minutes when word wasbrought to him that the man had justdied on board.

YnsTEitnAY by tho Calbaricn Mr. T.Lucas received a small screw steam,yacht. Sho is 21J feet long by 5 feetbeam nnd 2 feet depth. Her draughtis 18 Inches. Her cylinder is 4x0 andher boiler U0x22. She is built of teak.Sho is called the Lydla. At 3:30 p.m. showas lunched.

Tin: Annual Examination of thowhole of the .Sunday School of theIvlancl of Oahu will take place nt Kau- -

inakaplll church this morning at 10

o'clock. Tho Schools will assemblo ntKawalahao church yard at 0 o'clock,and march in procession to KaumaUapl- -

11. All their friends arc invited toattend.

The Guild of St. Andrew's held itsSemi-Auuua- l Social on Thursday even-In- g

at thu residence) of liov. Mr. AlexMackintosh by his cordial Invitation.The Bishop ami clergy of tho Parish

were nuungtt those present. Tnc occ.tslon was n foclal welcome to ThosMay Esq. who had lately icturned (afteran absence of over a year) fiom Eng.land. Music nnd recitation Wfrc givenby frcvcr.il ladles and gentlemen. TheEvening was very enjoyable. At 10 p.m.after the fringing of "Till the cloud.) rollby" by Mr. II. von Holt, refreshmentswere served, and at a quarter to It theparty separated.

Tun Hawaiian Boll Telephone Co.arc awaiting the result of experimentsIn Europe and Atiiciici before decidingon hiving their wires underground, asit has not yet been procd that this canbe done successfully with telephonewires. Should, however, such be thecase they will undoubtedly carry outthe system here. ..

To-u.v- y Mr. James Dodd Intends toopen hi? saloon in the new buildingwhich lie has just had put up and hand.somely and decorated In the best and la- -

test style. Mr. Dodd informs us that hewill be happy V) sec all his friends callon him There will be a littlelunch and the usual liquid refreshers.

If the , Titer would keep from vulgarpersonalities against unoffending privatecitizens, it would, perhaps, be entitled toconsi.lciation at the hand? of its oppo-nent-

Bui, beyond un expression of dis.gust at its me in way of sjeklng to causeannoyance nnd raie strife, no noticecan be taken of its ungeiitlcmanly con-


Latest Foreign News.The Steamer Granite State was

burned on the Connecticut River,May 18th and 5 lives lost.

St. lliaizo won the Derby in 2.48.2.The Prince nnd Princess of Waleswere present. The Dictator of Ec-

uador plundered the Bank of Ecua-

dor of 8320,000, and threatens tosack Guayaquil.- - The U. S. steamerEssex left Callao on May 5th withKerr, the absconder, recently arrest-i- n

Lima, on board for Honolulu,where he will be transferred to theP. M. S. S. boat. This gets overthe difficulty of having no extradi-tion treat3r with Columbia, for whichreason lie could not be sent acrosstho Isthmus. iThe tornados inWisconsin, Illinois, nnd Missouri,have made fearful devastations.Tho King and Queen of Portugalare visiting Madiid. They havebeen well received. Cetcwayo againdefeated with great slaughter. WinChambers, the celebrated publisher,is dead. The Czar and Czarina ar-

rived at Moscow on May 20th, anddrove in an open carriage throughthe streets to the Palace. 200,000people lined the streets. Unarmedcitizons kept perfect-order- . Tynan,No. 1, is in New York, living underhis own name.



MB. FREDERIC MACCABEThe famous mimic, ventriloquist, and

vocal illusionist, will present hisMusical and humorous


Begone Dull Care !

In which he will display his marvelouspower of changing tho voice, flguie,

ard face, with rapid nud picturcsquo changes of cos-

tume, andnppropriaie music, scenery nnd appoint,

in en Is.

Prices of admission:gl.OO, VS and SO cento.

Box plan at Robertson & Co's.423

Royal Hawaiian Agricultu-ral Society.

Notice to Exhibitors.NO entries of Horses, Cattle, or other

exhibits, except Plants, nnd Flow-ers can ho rcceivo.l after 4 p. m. on Sat-urday, Juno 0th.

Entries for tho Horticultural Showmay bo made up to noon on Monday,June 11th.

Notices of entry should bo sent to thoofllce of tho undersigned, 00 ForUt.,Honolulu. Tills notice doo3 not applyto entries posted on the oihor islands.

Admission 25 cents. Tickets to be oh.tnined nt Oat & Co's., T. G. Thrum's,and J. W, Robertson & Co's.422 5t J. S. WEBB, Secretary.

Fourth of July.1776, 1883,


will bo held at the Ha-waiian

On Saturday, Juno 9th,at 8 o'clock p.- - m., for thu purpose ofmaking arrangements for celebrating

The coming 4th of July.All Americans resident and sojourningIn Honolulu aro requested to attend.

II y. LAINE,Com. G. W, Do Long Po-,- t No. 43,

43? St Dept. of Cal, G. A. R.


bulleTIN OF


Just Received

NEW 6000

Suitable for Stock Ranches where water Is lequlrcd to bo raised from gulchesto pasture binds for watering stock. Full particulars and estimates furnished.

Refrigerators, Brooms of superior quality,

Magneso-Calcit- e Firo Proof Safes & BoxesAbsolutely

Lubricating Oils ol ovory description at lowest market rates.

Rice Cloth, Patent Bag Holders just the thing for Rico and Sugar Mills; '

Differential Pulley Blocks, Carriage Lamps.'"

New Goods constantly arriving;. ;c

Full lines of Plows and Agricultural Instruments,

Full assoitnicnt of




The following gentlemen will com.prise the Committee of Arrangements:

Dn. J. S. McGm:w, W. G. Iitwj.v,H. A. WlDEMAXN, A. S. Ct.KOItOUX,

Cecil Bkown, Fiiaxk Biiown,H. R. Macpaklane, Jamls Dodd,

J. E. Wiskmax, Secretary.

Jcdgus: C. E. Williams, Wm. Wilder,W. II. Buchanan.

TiME-KtEiT.n- s: F. L. Clark andW. Wcnncr.

Starteu : Cnpt. A. B. Haylcy.Ci.eukop Couiisu: Charles Wilson.

Saddling-- Paddock: Jas. Dodd.

Programiue:The Races will commence at 10 A.M.

sharp.1st PARK PLATE, Purss$7S,

Hurdle Race; one milo dash; 4 burdies; free to all; catch weights.

2nd LEAHI CUP, Purse $25,Mule Race; one mle dash; free forall; catch weights.

EN'S CUP, Purse $150,Running Race; one mile heats; bestsiqo; iieu ior an.

4th -- KING'S CUP, Purse $150,Trotting Race; mile heats; best 3 in5 to Jiarnes'?; free for all.

5th- --- KAMEHAMEHA PLATE, Purso$100,Running Race ;t one mile dab; forHawaiian bred horses not having abetter record than 1 :57.

PLATE, Purse $1 25Trotting Race; one milo heats; best

,2 in 3; free to all Hawaiian bredhorses'.

7th PRINCESS .CUP, Purso $100,Pony Race; ono miloda-h- ; open totill ponies bred in the Kingdom notover 14 hands high; catch weights.

8th RECIPROCITY CUP, Purso $175,Running Race; one mile heats; best2 in 0; free to all Hawaiian bredhorses.

PLATE, Purse $125,Running Race; ?4 miledash; free toall Hawuiiau bred horses two years'old.

'tlOth-AMA- CUP, Purso $50,

Trotting Race; milo hc.its; best 2 In3 to harness; owners to drive.

Ilth-LUNA- LILO PLATE, Purso $75,Running Race; milo dash; open tonil hor.-c-s bred in the Kingdom thathave never run at Kaplolanl Park.

12th -E- XPRESS CUP, Purso $50,Trotting Race; one milo; free to allhorses tliut hnvo never trotted In anypublic race.

J 3th FOOT RACE, 200yds. Purse $30,lbt. man 20 2nd. man $10.

141h BICYCLE RACE, 1 MILE DASH Purso$25,

15th GREASE POLE, Purso $20,

Xotlce.All horses entered for tho above races

will he under tho control of the Judircs,and their decision will bo final.

AH Running Racoi will ho under thorules of tho Pacilic Blood Horse A?b5c.ntlon, excepting as to weights.

All horses to carry a rider.AH Trottine; Races will ho under tho

rules of tho National Trotting Associa-lio- n

All games of chance or pool soilingpositively prohibited,,All horses that aro sold in Pools will

bo ruled out.Permits to train horses at tho Park'Track can bo obtained from tho Score'tnry.In order to secure and maintain oidcr,no ono will be allowed on tho trackwithout the Association badge, whichmay bo obtained from tho Secretary uttho Park grounds. Badges $fj,All entries must bo pinijo under sealnt the secretary's ollleo before 0 o'clock'

jMii. Juno 14. They Will then bo openedin presence of the Committee.

Entrance feo 10 per cent oir purclmsomoney.

Jockeys' colors must accompany en.tranco fees.There must bo three entries Jn all racesand two to start. J ' J',.At tho call of the UelJ from Jho Judgo


Hydraulic Earns


A'gatc Iron Ware, -

Illustrated Catalogues on application.

stand all Jockeys will promptly bringtheir Hon.cs out according to' t'ho RaceI'rogi amine.

In nil Races where weights arc to bocarried. Riders and Drivers aro requiredto provide their own weights.

A few moro booths to Rent, 20 foot so.Section $10 No 0110 allowed to sell refie.dinicnts nt the Park unless by pur-chasing sections which may bo had ofthe secretary at his office.

All Refreshment teams after payingfirst gate money will be allowed to ts

the bridge free.All Rules will bo strictly enforced.The official Programme of the Racescan be obtained from the secretary onJuno 8th. nt his office 27 Merchant St.Admission to park, 25 cts; children

under 10 years ot ago, free; horses, COcents each; ndmlssion to grand stand.$1; badges, $5 each.

J. E. Wiseman, Secretary.


Opposite Pantheon Stables.S. I. Shaw, proprietor.- -

FULLY ESTABLISHED; tho bestmnnllnnlna in 41.n in

tdom, under tho isuperindendanco of Mr"V, ""jib. Dpecini attention piid todiseased hoofs and crippled korsos. Thonew improved and beneficial foot tuhsapplied in doctoring horses the onlyshop in the city using them. All workguaranteed and done promptly on ren-sona-

terms. 413 iySoOBEWAltD . .

WILL BE PAID to any person orwho will give such in-

formation as will'load' to the convictionof the person or persons who obstructed?,r,c,'Juc.d t0 bu obstructed' tho road toWaikiki, beyond Sunny South, by plnc-ni- g

an ox-ca- across said road on thonight of tho 24th of May instaut.D. DAYTON, Deputy Marshal.

Honolulu, May 20, 1883. 411



AT the camc3t solicitation of horsoowners, wo sent to the Coast of ar

First-Clas- s Horse Shoer,and Floorman. Thanks to our agents, adrst-clas- s mechanic has arrived, andcomes well recommended from

Leading Shops In the Unltod States.

Wo have, therefore, no hesitation in? thl,t "ll ll0r6U8 8ent to our shop

will, in future,, bo shod in the mostscientific manner known in moderntimes.

Stock that has been crippled by clum.sy workmen can now bo made to travel,(tar away from Soaking Stalls and FootTubs.)

WHITMAN & WRIGHT,417 King street, Honolulu.

A Largo AssortmentOF

WHITE VESTS,At .81.75.

(former price $2.50.)3

W To bp hud at

A. 31. MELLIS,413 Honolulu Clothing Emporium.


Turning EstablishmentFrom 110 Fort street,

opposite tho Bethel, next door toDniglo's machine bhop mid Bruu's Furuituro lactory, where ho will continueto supply his customers with all kinds ofWood and Ivory Turning.Thankful for past favors, he hope's fora continuance of tho same. aiM) d

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · tvw??&, ?v -t IVVJ jXu'sYte tsi8ar' ffJK'r r rw . rMS THE DAILY BULLETIN Vol. II. No. 423. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1883. 50 0ENT8 SUDGOniPTION

TELEPHONIC.Dimnnd Head, Juno 8. OsEO a.m.

Light NoithK. wind.Is'othing in sight.

ARRIVALS. ,. JtlucBBk Caiharian from San Francisco.Schr Mnlolo from IlnkahutSchr Wnhnitlii ftom HonomuSolir Wnicliu from MulilcoSchr Gen Seirol from EwnSchr Wnloli from PnnuhnuSchr Ilatcnkaln from IliloStmr Lchua from Molokui and MauiSchr Marion from Kiikuihaclo

May it

Stmr Kllaucn Hon from Krliulut


Schr Liholiho for NawiliwiliBk C O Whitmoro for Pugct SoundBk Moravian for Pugct SoundStmr .Ins Mnkco for KauaiScht Kckauluohi for Ilunalci


Bk Lady Lampson for S F

PASSENQhKS.From San Francisco per Caibaricn,

Juno 8. F L Winters, Miss J Mur-ry- ,

Capt. E R Underwood.FrumMolokai andMnui pcrLelnia

May 8 Miss Austin, C H Turton &wife, T Lnutcr, Dr Fitch, II IIMeyer and wife, A M Spionl, MrsNcill and child. N L Wood, 20 deck

For Kauai per Jas Mnkee, May 8Capt llobcins, W Cating, T II

Gatho, Chang Fook, 35 deck.From Knhului per Kilauea IIou,

May 9 J 'Wagner, C II Alexander,J Corwin, A II Smith, J J Kelly, EII Tripp, Major Wicks, J L King, JIlichardsop, A Fernandez, N C Ross,Mrs Kuihehalani, H T Taylor, 11

Chinese, 175 deck.

IiOBt,DRAFT, on or about the 27th April,A No. 853, for $81.74, in favor ot G.

W. Norton, and drawn by E. Hoffman,of East Maul, on 0. Browor & Co. Pay-ment stopped. A reward will be givenon returning the same to Ciiako Huso,No. 40 Nuuanu Btreet. 418 lm

NOTICE.YOUR HORSE IS SICK or LAME,IF or any way out of order, call on A.

T. BAKER, at Capt.-- J. C. Cluney's sta-

bles, corner of Queen & Punchbowl sts.jggrBreaking horses to saddle or car-riag- e

a specialty. Satisfaction guaran-tcea'o- r

no charge 480 ly


. . Xh Now in ITtill BlaHt I"

4o serve Lunches, Dinners, and Meals atall hours, cooked to order

From 25 to SO cents.Board, per week, upstairs $0 00 ;

invariably in advance.

ICE CREAM, SODAS,Smokers' luxuries, &c, on hand.

A. few reasons why you should Lunchor Board at Tho'Delmonico:

lstr-Bcc- ause it is tho first and onlybon-to- n Establishment in the city.

2nd Because tho proprietor is an epi-

cure of renown. ,8rd Becauscj the cusino is managed

by the only caterer 111 the Kingdom.4th Because tho food served is nour-

ishing, health producing, and fit for theGods ! 421

Wanted,rpwo BLACKSMITH'S HELPERSJL at G. West's Carriage Factory,

Queen street 420


jt. a single gentleman, in a privatefamily preferred. Reference exchanged.Address, with terms, H., this office.

420 8t

AHHlffnees' Notice.undersigned hereby give noticeTHE they have been duly chosen

Assignees in Bankruptcy ol the Estateof Lee Chat.

All persons indebted to said Estate arorequested to make immediate paymentat the oillco of F. T. Lenehan & Co.,Nuuanu street.

F. T. Lknehak, )

Loo Nqawk, j;ABS'Snoes.Honolulu, Juno 5, 1883. 420 4t

To My CustoinerHtho public in general. I beg to

inform you that I have'rented myhorse-shoein- g shop to John McLain, whohas been in my employ over four years.Thanking you for your favors hereto.fore, i none you will continue your puvronage, lours very iruiy,418 2w G. WEST.

WATER NOTICE.All Water Itateu Now Duoand owing, must bo paid at the offlco of

tho Honolulu Water Works,foot of Nuuanu fit,

On or before June 30th, 1883,

Otherwise tho privilege will liewithout further notice.CHAS. B. WILSON.

Sup't Water Works.Approved: J. E. Bush,

Minister of Interior,Honolulu, Juno l, IBH !,



ship Company.FOll SAN FRANCISCO,

Tho Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydney,

Dearborn - Coiiiummtcr,Will lenvo Honolulu for San Fianclsco

on or about July '!.

FOll SYDNEY via AUCKLANDTho Splendid Steamship

City of New York,Bcnrl, Commander,

On or about Juno 10.For freight or passago apply to tho

uhdcrslgiicd agents,

We aro now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,the Bound Trip.

II. IIackixu) & Co.

&. FOll SAN FRANCISCO.4gg The A 1 bark

EMnorc,Teaks, . . - - MnMcr,

Will nave quick dispatch for the abovoport. For frolsht or passage apply to

F. A. SciiAKFim & Co. Agents.


The fnvorito barkForest Queen,

J. H.Windii.g, . Master,Will have quick dispatch for above port.For freight or passage apply to

II. IIackfum) & Co., Agents.

r FOR SAN FRANCISCO'M3&XaB2s$ Tho clipper bark

Lily Grace,S. K. Hughes, - - Master,

Will have quick dispatch for the abovoport. For freight or panose apply to

Castlk &. Coqki:, Agents.


The favorite barkLady Lampson,

Rust, : : : Master.Will have quick dispatch fortho abovepoit. For freight or passage apply to

C. Brewek & Co., Agents.


The clipper bark

Kalakaua,Miller, - . - - - master,

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

F. A. Schaefek fc Co., Agents.


The clipper bktneW. H. Dimond,

- Master,Houdlctt, - -

Will have quick dispatch for the abovepoit. Eor freight or passage apply to

Wm. G- - Ik" ix & Co., Agents.


Schooner Ehukaiwill run regularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or to181 A. F. Cooke, Agent.

A. PRANK C00KE,Office, corner Nuuanu and Queen streets,

Honolulu, H. I.,Agent for the following Packets:Wailelc, tX. Waioli,Waiehu, SiMf Waimalu.Malolo, . jffflffj Kaluna,Mana, Soffit Julia,

Ka Moi, and Ehukai.Bed Flag, with White Ball.


Where do yon Bay your


we simply desire you to o.amineclosely three main points:1st, quallty-OIatcria- l.

gad, Btylc-- Flt and Work.8nl. I'rlcc Hlro of Bill.

And when you aro satisfied with conclusions, pay us a visit, anil we guaranteeQuality of Material,

Htylo of mt. ana Wox-l- c


Saving of 20 per centIn your order. If these are sufllcicntconsiderations please call at the

Great American Clothing House17 Nnnann Street,

893 ly Corner of Marine.

TO MET.THE HOUSE, furnished orunfurnished, and LO r, cornerof Lunulilo and Keeaunioku

streets, faciiis the Parado Oiouud. Ap.ply on tho premises to II. BEHGER, orJ. E. Wiseman. 413 lm

To Kent or' Iee,COTTAGE, on King strpot, con.ONE 8 rooms, with, stabling and

evciy convcniwBcp, about 1 mlje fromtown. Artesian water lil1 or Wtntmoderate. Apply to

ABU. FHHXANIHJ,410 lm At 13. Q. Hull t UnnV.

"' "

Wmitctl,A K KRUAMH "- -

.. fni-- Tlrir n.imloI TT- - Ol0rc' E"rlllrc at tho ollico of

this p.ipcfr. 410 lw

T " ""ft

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y,THE A 1


t$M!M!l Iron Steamer Suez,DODU, - - COMMA.NDUK

Will leave Honolulu


For freight or passage, having superioraccomodations, apply tol'J 1 Wm. G. Ikw in &Co., Agents.

,Qcoanic StcamBhip CoUSBE&mB; l'ov HoiiRUonit, China.

Tho British Steamer " Suez,"

Will leave for tho nbovo port on or aboutJUNE JCtb. Fi eight or p isugo imy besecurccTln advance by nppllcnlioii to

Wm. G. luwix & Co., Agents.

IXTJHKISI'jA.XUSteam Navigation Company's


The Iwalani, .

batks, .... Commander,Runs regularly to Kona and, Kuu, as

per following timetable:Liiaves Honolulu at 4 p.m. on

Tuesday, April !J Tuesday, May IS

Frid iv, " i:i Frid iv, 11 on

Tue-iln- Tuesday, June fi

Friday, May "! Frid iv, ' 15Tuesday, Juno '.20,

AitmvKS at Honolulu:Wednesday, Ap 11 Wednesday, My 23Saturday, , "21 Saturday, Jo 2Wednesday. My 2 Wednesday, " 13Satuiduy, " 12 Saturday, " 2!)

Tho O. B. Bishop,camehok, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu cvory Mondayat 5 p.m., for Nawiliwili, Koloa, Elcclc,and W.iimci, Kauai. Returning, leavesNawiliwili every Friday evening.

Tho James Makee,mcdonali), - - Commander.

Leaves Honoluluevery Thursday, at C p.m. for Iynpaa andKil.mca. Returning leaves Kapaaevery Tuesday evening.

Ssjgfc Steamer Likelike,SSSi Kintr, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., tDUching at Lahalhn, Mna-lne- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukona,Laupaliochoe and Hilo.

Returning, will touch at all thealovp ports, arriving at Honolulu.each Sunday a.m. 1

For Sale or CharterHawaiian coasting sehrs

Moi Keiki and Kaluna.Apply tn

A. K- - Cooke, Agent.

NewZealandPotatoesE. " City of New Youk,"


Miy 11, '83. (:)93) BOLLES & Co.


INSTRUCTIONS in Gymnastics willand Children

Every Sivtui'tluy IHoimiiig'From 9 to 11 o'clock, in addition to theEvening Clashes. S. IJ. DOLE,380 President Athletic Association

V. ""Q h.

a O 5

I a i

a gl PO & a

Wm I

A flood ,v

.iunce.ANYONE that has usefora OOOSE-NEU-

D1LVY can Ketone cheapby applying to

0, II. IIOBEUTSON,381 lm Queen street


o Ho eg'ctoC3


Ladies' nnd Gcut's

Gold nnd Silver 'Watches

Just to hand.

Every Watch warranted asrepresented.

VW'tmiBToaimrfiiHiSSfflnpaSSiCBf.i- - B.J.U-t-

branuiSerllaiSUTcrsmorafiDBXLVT.MJNT ASSAY. Sf

Fac-sinul- e ol silver Cases.



Actual weight.,of Gold:

Gross Wgt




JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,Real Estate Broker, Employment Agent and General

Business Agent,Office, 27 Jlcichant street, Hawaiian Gazette Block.

The only recognized Real Estate Broker in the Kingdom.Land nnd property for sale in all parts of Honolulu and the various Islands.Housci to lease anil rent in Honolulu and suburbs.Rooms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu.Books and Accounts kept. Bills collected. Lcg.U papers of every description

drawn. Agent for Vickcry's Monthly Fireside Magazine and Visitor, with18 Cluomos; subscription 1.25 per year. Agent for the Best Life

Insurance Company in tho World.always moderate. ISTTclcphonc No. 172.

BATHING SUITS!For the ! ,000,000,


A. W. EICHARDS01T & Co's,,To. & JPuvf Street.





several sijvcr watches bear-ing name Waltliara


Waltham Avatches.

odtTradcnmtccclVIB ETATtS ASSAlrXX




tho scarcity w.dcr, thowill


anduntil further

Works.J.o. E.Iluan, Interior.'

Oth, 1883,

25 per cent



iT2 !- -i

of &Iltwo many 'ow Goodn,

and articles sold by them new price?.

&old installment plan, and rented very reasonable rate, Jillowinir

paid, applied purchase money. make

rooms completely, any style timt may desired. manufactureFrames, nnd stock

Over Ono Styles otwinnow uoor cornices.' Thoy brass poloi and rings, walnut and ohony finished poles

iuuiiiuiin llintt (linpcryliiuir r.uiey uuuui you oan mur I'Uliitiii"-- ! Sti-n- l

Artntypoi, beautiful Water Cfthys, Vahcs, Albuim, Jupinoso Goodsre hois, sciceiiB, 3A-. t IIIII'IUJ, calls,M.,1nll.. m-..- .. i....',, 1 ,lu ,.;b..t 'IUU)VV L4 JVl.Vi

--A. IlllOTo L.kUoh

-j-U,at or tho Last.

Oouural - ..rangements with the.K'ent tho I'aclllo Coast of

ii.tr o.llithonl. Mr.T. U.MoKav. I am enabled to t;rant splondld

iu the way of tickets and bag-

gage Any desired inforin.ilimiiibnut routes, stopping places, hotels,places of intereit, charges and fares,

obtained application toAMLLIAMs,

Fort street.






31clncriiy,for this Kingdom

N. of imita-ion- s,

as discovered

tlit of "Watclics," of SwissManufacture, are sold asgenuine

iiNCBtntnjpctLnUIi mark 71 put


Fac-simil- u of Gold Case3


onslsttrtf ntctu.. 1VR. Kl,w r ll.n ..... ..,.",- -' " " "'" 'l

Toys.Water Notice.

to ofOWING for irilgatlon bo

lilmitctl to 4 per dayfrom fl to m. from to 0 p.m.

notice.CHAS. II. WILSON,

Approved s Sup't WaterMiuUtcr of

May DM





ai IT, TRY


The ITew Firm Lycan Johnson

all aro at

Pianos, Organs, Furniture, Sewing Machineson tho at thomuuoy as rent, to bo as They a

Specialty of Furnishing Housesor in bo Thoy Pleiiim

havo In

Thousiiii(UlifI'orcat Mouldingiiji U1UI1U1 iinu or

havomm iiitwiuiiiumm u uii'l to plca!0 111!ii irunuia till V.

c(,,tjtl- MWUL M4

;5siSioitieittuud QontloiP"- -



cmho on


IMrftUUUi ttvM




8 a. 4


5c J'

"i-- f


, t




, . - It!V

f V


mlk t&


a. .



Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · tvw??&, ?v -t IVVJ jXu'sYte tsi8ar' ffJK'r r rw . rMS THE DAILY BULLETIN Vol. II. No. 423. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1883. 50 0ENT8 SUDGOniPTION

f r






ft- k.

Just Received,ExBiig" Hesperian,"



Union oi Hay.BOLLES & CO.



Portland CementFOU SALE 1IY

April 13. (204) BOLLES & CO

Just Opened !


Grocery and House-Furnishin-

STORK,114 Nuuanu street, (above Berctania st.)



KcroscncOil ii specialty.

t3TSec the Family Keioenc'tOil Can,with lock faucet.

N.B Goods delivered free of charge,and witisfaction guaranteed, or goodsreturned. 1C4 1 v


Helvetia Laces,Tuck racking,

Sugar Cooler1-- ,

Clarifies,Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber,

Babbit Motnl,Barbed Fence Wire,

Mining Steels,,Hoes, Pickaxes,

Cane Knives, with or without hooks.,Hand and Smith Hummers,

Shovels-- , Axes,Juckscrews, Vices,

Steam-pip- e Brushes,

Patent Steam-plp- e Covering,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Rails:,Sugar and Coal Bags,

Tw ine, &c, &c.

For bale by

H. hackfp:ld & Co.Oct. 10th

bO Jupiter Try the Weed."ISul-i- cr Lytton.


Chewing Tobaccos.Only the very choicest brands are kept.

For Fragrance, Flavour and Fineness,


in this city A trial will convince themost sceptical.

H.J NOLTE, Proprietor.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

IIaht Bitos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up in flrst-clu- ss style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, &u. Also,

Iced Zrinks!75

lloyal Hawaiian Agricul-tural Society.

EXHIBITORS arc re.INTENDING to the Board of Man-agement, as early as possible, notli o ofthu character and number of their ex-

hibits, in order that proper accommoda-tion may bo provided. It will greatlyassist the Board In their arrangementsif such Information lie tent in at oncoor at the latest by 4th June next. Itwill also bo to the advantage of exhibi-tors that tlmo should be given to allowof proper accommodation being provid-ed for their exhibits.

Blanks for Applications for Space canbe had of tho undersigned, or from theTreasurer, Mr. A. Jaeger. Applicationsmay also bo made by letter.

By order of tho Board,J. S. WEBB, Secretary.

Honolulu, May S3, 1883. 4U7 Uv

Bull Programme !

DESIGNS, just received fromNEW Fraacisw, at The Daily Box-utT-


- ex. awfe,Bgy&ggj3CMnfi&fH'r3?&- - ji.

". y - aV"7' fr? Wrfi



ROPE MARKET!Yes, and wc sell

Ah JLicrw us Llio Lowest !

and don't anybody forget it.

Wc sell Now Bedford Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.

Wo also have the inol arlcd assort- -


kept by any house this side of thu RockyMountains, such as

Hewn and Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artci!m Well Boring Hopes,Manila Hawsers, Wire Rope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Puro Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nail", 14 to !8 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & AVonsln's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, nil kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

Perry Davit' Pain Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which Iwe will sell at the

Lowest Bates.300 ly A. W. Fcirco & o.



CabinetmakerAnil Upholsterer,

No. 03 Hotel street,Opposite International Hotel,

Between Nuuanu and Fort streets.

rpiIE public will please take noticeJL that I have just opened in tho above

premises, and as I am a thorough piac-ticn- l

mechanic in my line of businesshaving done some of tho finest work atthe Palace and other residences in Hono-lulu lcccKtly would therefore most re-

spectfully solicit a call horn the com.munity.

Fine upholstered w oik in cvciy vniietyDinpcry and Lambrcquines of every

description made to older.Carved and polished window cornices

neatly made and ai ranged.Repairing and polishing Pianos, Mu-sic-

Boxes, etc- -

The finest French and varnished pol-

ishing done in thu Kingdom.Carpets, Oil-clot- h and matting cut and

laid at short notice.All woik guaranteed and done on the

most reasonable terms. 304 ly


A Large Assortment01' THK


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!jubtMeeeived, and for sale by

WILDER cVCO.Bgk, Call and examine. 147




Ceiling Decoration


United States FaotoriesjJUST RECEIVED




FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from G to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, bolts, etc, nil In good"ordcrj can bo run by steam or horsepower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed,, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

59 LAINE Co., 04 Fort st.

Water Notice.Office Sup't Water AVorks,

Honolulu, July 8. 1883.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified that their Water Rates

uro payable In advance,ut the office of the Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon the 1st day of January and July ofeach year. CHAS. B. WILSON,

Sup't Water Works.8. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 804

Terrible Commotion

IX 11tK



Wo will not be Undersold I


We arc prepared to sell the

The BchI Article oi"

31uiilltt. Cox-clner- e

At prices much below the previous rates

or, in other words,


and, perhaps, a little less,

which can bo found out by calling on

4 Bolles & Co.Honolulu, May2, 1882.

MANILA CIGARSEx steamer " Coptic."

An invoice of a

Very Superior Quality.

JSTCall and see for yoiuselves.

Bolles & Co.

Honolulu, May 2, 1883.

" Varietu the Spice ofLife"SPERM OIL !

Wc have on hand

Put up in 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.EACH, OK

Clear and Pure Sperm OilTaken by the " Orca," "Louisa," and

" Maiy & Helen," which will be


Castle & Cooke.358

SPERM OIL!A MONSTER SPERM WhaleFROM 140 barrels, caught by the

Bark " Louisa,"



and Nicely Strained.

Polar and Whale OilConstantly on hand, and for sale by

345 3m A. W. PEIHCE A. Co.



WILL bo conducted entirely by myJACOB FISHER, in future.

as I bavo turned my attention to agri- -

culture. All ordcis should be addressedto Jacob Fisher, P. O. Box No. 180, orNo. 13 Liliha street, This change datesfrom January 1st, 1883.

I take litis opportunity to thank thepublic for their patronage hitherto be-

stowed on mo, and solicit a continuanceof the same to my son Jacob.U72 ISRAEL FISHER.


JUST RECEIVEDPer bktuo Discovery

A Splendid Stockof New

114 Fort Street,201 ly '.Opposite Fantbuon Btables


THE STOCK OF THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSEMust bo sold within tho next 80 days,

To Make Room for the Immense New Stockto arrlvo with Mr. Chas. J. Flshcl, on the Mall Steamer, duo on tho 13th Instant

At Cost ! At Cost ! Below Cost ! Below Cost !

ths Below CostPopli ns II

Ginghams , uCottons ,',,, iiEmbroideries, Edgings, and Inscrsions ....'. At CostSilks and Batins.T..?.. itRibbons, all widths mid shadesButtons, all kinds nud stvlcs .Fancy Fringes . "CretonnesCheviot Shirtings ','.!! 'All wool Bhawls Reduced toOO 75 former price $1 COCashmeres 00 40 " 100Cashmeres 00 87 ' 0 75Colored Alpacas 00 60 ' o 75White Flannel 00 25 " 0 50

Sweeping; Itcduetlona InG-ent'- Ladies' and Children's Shoes.

Immense Reduction in Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Caps, Underwear

White Shirts Reduced to CostFancy Shirls"StiawHats i

Soft and Stiff Felt Hats !!..!'.!!.'Helmet Cork Hats

Great reduction In other nitlclcs too numerous to mentionCSTThis is a Genuine Clearing Sale. Call early and without fail

At tho Leading Millinery House of Chas. J. Fisliel.

.AJLW.A.Y --A.Ii:EIA.I !The Largest, Finest and 3Iost Select Gentlemen's Fur-nishi- ng


Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets,Wo respectfully ask a call from tho community to prove to them how far wc exeel some dealers in our lines of Gent's Furnishing Goods. Not alone in Superior-Qualit- y

and styles, but in pi ices. Now invoices are constantly being received,and for choice selections and varieties in all our largo assortment we can safclvsay no one will be disappointed who buys from us.Read the following : What are your reasons for purchasing at tho Mechanics Ba-

zar? Because they sell 25 per cent cheaper than any other store In the city.How do they do it? Because they impoit direct from tho manufacturers in theEastern and California Markets, and buy for cash; thus wo demand cash in returnand allow 3 cents discount on all sales over $5; keep no book-keeper-s or books...... 'J ...i.w.n .a ...... .v. uunru tu mu

and thus money Is saved by curtail inaside.


The Ono Price Mechanice' Bazar, tho mosi reliable and cheapest store in Honolulu.Stox-- o

"open from O a.m., to 8 Saturday ovoulngs tin lO

S. W. LEDERER, Manager. (253) 1. L. ROSENBERG

ENTEKPRISE FEED CO.Corner of Queen and

. H J.

CUStOlTICrineso expenses, and unnecessary talk Is set

Edinburgh Streets.

No.S80AG-N- B W

BEGS to Inform his friends and the public generally that he has OPENEDat tho above stand, and has made complete arrangements for a con

tinuous supply of

Fresh Goods of the very best qualitywhich he w ill offer for sale

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.He hopes, by giving his best attention to please the public, to merit a part of theipatronage. A large stock of ,

Wheat and Oat Hay, Whole and Ground Barley,California and Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c,

now on hand. Orders bOliclted and satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay asked.H. J. AGNEW,

UNION FEED OGMPANYIm CouHtuntly XCoccivIttfr

Fresh Supplies of Hay, Barley,Oats, Bran, Wheat, Corh,S&c,

Which it offers, Wholesale or TtetaiL



IUiNo. 175.All attended to.

370 am

J. M. OAT.



Jr.. & CO.

orders promptly

Have just received ex Sue,A new lot of Blank Books, Blotting Tablets

Letter uud Nolo Pnpci'M,-- ' IiiliM, Itfiieilag-o- , Gold Pcuh, &,g.


Plaques for IIoiiNe Decorating.Red Rubber Stamp Agency.





tlTAll orders filled promptly .jgjGazette Block. No. 25 Merchant Street,


Subscription DepartmentWE aro prepared to rccehe fuithor orders for any Paper or Magazine publish

ed In California, the Eastern States, Canada, und Europe.tuo. present time wo receive by every mall over one hundred and fifty'

different Papers und Magazines, published in the English, French, German, andScandinavian Languages.As our subscription list is large, wo aro enabled to furnish the Papers andMagazines at a low rate of Subscription. 182
