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EWBERN PROGRESS. Oiua - Library of...

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Jim ", j OUOKUS. NO. 107 0 TftTii af. Dep . ; - , , . bvECIAL yv a!a O.T.ce, be regular army will, a a enteral S 0.ceT ilvc f ahk-n-- e to accej t the rank J;!Tf volaer rc-nts- , but Tint. Iiiwt-- r -- l.inmiisned s and privates jLtf ,e'nfnijlisiT'a will not be administered ,TlL,Thc Tithis WIwi;ij it must in all . P?f0 n hia parUJTor will any 'M CODor b'3 receive. 1. But T?d paroles given, to avoid arrest, --mottl"'? tat"' flonWnt. or expulsion, are voluu-!io- n '"" cannot be reardd as c?m-rf'- S ?ty Pf violatinjr suchttaths ZJ'?JLZi the United States and the gen. 7jj, Tbe"'v -- nthuris. in certaia cass, the J lsf Version of priyate property for the wes i me 3Wf j KSsfwtinished from pillage ; U-WS- J iropirty forpttiftYr purpose, is 4 tha iaklD fL t5 conversion to private uses. different uken from the enemyor den IB pr yrty 'a ' enemy' country, at "SSerty. and must be used and the Lbeaomet Pt" PT-52- d Article of Wat Qtited for f" 1t 0f death for pillage or plan ,nihoriaes the pen' authorize severe pntissli-darSae,B- d otlierarti l(lier wh0 gfeall sell, errt- - macts laBy, military stores,. r who go baite,B'PP''' a t. Bnisapplicatioa of apy audi ihaHparm't The penalty ia the eanie whether or ia " :,ra lV- - L?mieP must be inventoried and duly ac-titt- ni property taketf be fclaimed as n- -t ba elven to each claimant. ae-- ot bUVfor b? P r by theif orU end it mlaW returnei for, the ame as XlnTnV uther stores, the commanding t)facer if K oartr will be held accountable for ther ecnSact it hi" Teommand, and will makd trae; report of U fYL N officer" soldier iriU, withont.aatboritY I , bia colors r ranks, to take priyat propertyi .' nrivtis houae for that immose All 'eh acta are punishable with death.'ana an officer : "ho permit them is equally as jrnilty aa the actual r ii Wmmanrf nnfiiMri 'flf iinnie and cotdi will be blft aoT theexecution of tneae d!ssa;tbeir reep-tiv- e Mmmapds.r lit cuaunanu ot ainjo jrnrai muer, ... sJ - Gtncral-in-Chicf- vf the Army t 1 .c-u-- V""":' t Er-i- TOWNSEND; ji' t ;'Autant Adjutant UtHeraii i-- v if rj vu Ifead-Qaarters- i j! d ya icpariui- - ill. ui uim Carolina, V I i j vy xl is-- w ueroe ot, v2&,18(2 is.): ffPEf!TATjiflRDEIi Sft. 103. Jim Meana i hereby ,Tipointed Super- - ...nt f nil the Blacks in this Depart ment.; The cbif of tha different Departments having blacks BDfler their coarse win lejwri jlu mm ; im m ui jj0 obeyed ftna rept-Jte- iu. an inaucxo vvuucvicu i. with the negroeffinwnnq. -.,, Br ecmmanu oi m&i. uou. u-- . rtnim, .f a;Assktant Adiutant General I t r to accordance wilh the above Order;..all those who employ uiacHwiiwyooin' iervres m niw Departmenrwill report to memonthly, their namea. emBloyment.iiainber pf dayrwock;:witli dates, and Office MetCAtfstreee. corner of New street. JAMES MEANS, uperintende t it Jilacltg; DlPARTMBXT O NOHTH ?A POMXAj ) Newberne, Dec. 10, 18b2. $ i An'export duty of five per cent, on all cotton .and hides, aod on all naval stores; and oti all wood and lumber, shipped from any port: la. this- - Department will be charged from this date. : ? f .:i s Musters of vessels carrying; any :of the articles above named, must exhibit their, freight list to the several Chief Quarter-Mate'.- a, at these ports, be- fore they can obtain a clearance. : '; Th amounts due for the duty:, will bo paid to said Oaarter-Master- or in their absence. to the Provost Juarahal, ueUI further orders. ", '.;-- '. Li".. f Ah orders heretofore issued in re; ilatiou. to export dutit; are annulled; by order of Maj Gen. Foster .Bt order of (i over nor Stanly v Z)ANIEL MESSING ER, On and after this date all persona are forbid bring. icg to thu city for sale, any. Tar; Pitch.. Ko in, Tur. pvDtine.'Cotton. Shintrles or Wood, without a writ ten oermit Irom the owners thereof! which permit must be countersigned by the' Provost Marshal, who Will ascertain before countersigning whether .the ownera of said articles are loyal. 'And all traders are hereby enioined not to Durehaso or sell any ot th ft hnva RHi.la in violnt inn of thia Order, .! By command of G"v, Edward. Stanly frr 4, ... DANIEL MESSINGER, i-- - i- - ProVost Marshal. Department of North 41 t.t e ,in After the I5th dy of September only 2 clerks in eaoh of the Denailment1 Offices will be allowed to rnmmnt thalr fdtumi at 75 "cents per day.' All nth detailed men will, after that date, either draw their rations or commute theirr at, the cost of the ration at this post. Each mess of 6 detailed menwill be allowed one cont raband as cook, whose pay will be eight dol- lars per month, '?;! r. 'r.-i.-l- ''.'J. , Dv comtaand of Mai. Gen. J. G. Foster t ; -- - SOUTHARD HOFFMAN Assistant Adj uUnt jGeneral. r- -- t'f--- He v :: Department of North Carolina, r i;u ewBerne November 21 1862. GENERAL ORDERS. No.- - 57. Hereafter no negroes will be allowed to cut Wood within the limits of "this Department., 'without: ft written nermiasion .from Hia Excellency. Edward Wanly Military Governor, or from the owners of the land iin whifth snch wood is cut; except such negroes are employed by the Quarter Masters De- partment to cat wood for the yuo of tbo Troops in this Command., ... wS p- - By couiuiand of Mai. Gen. J. G. Foster. 4 5 SOUTHARD t HOFFMAN, oil t'.-;.ii.--- ; AbbI. Adjt. GeneraL; r! f,.ja 'I- - .' Hkad Quartirs, i y- - .J f,T- - OHPARTlttK'r or NORTH Carousa, ft;. 'New Berne,, November 28, 1862. r, SPECIAL NOTICE. Special notice dated Nov: 18thTretieving" Captain Daniel Messinger; from, duty, as Inspector of titles! to Tar. Turpentine, voixou, anauiiier aierouauwo, hereby Veveked-'-'Captai- a Messinger, will Continue to perform the datiea connected with that office as 'Byxjouimandof Md Gen. J.CFofter, .i4. .. soHTHARD '. HOFFMAN, v; Aiaistant Adjutant General. :..i L.t:.u-ic.ur- . ;l (i "ri:i ILii hu-- , X3sr astw bst' of North Carolina, .V ..... r. Nrwttorne. Nov. 17. 1862.. v PhUVp PiVkin.-- this townj is hereby ... appointed ,.' 1 :.. 1... lnarptfr nt 'i'rnnrt "urnflnuiie. ttiiu ia w umwutu- - dks such. V'- v VI He is authorized to charge ten -- cents per barrel All person"are forbiddento sell any Tar or; Tur- - pentiae, haA ing each, bairel, inspected tby liiinV, V??;-..-'- V 21m.Xi i -- ". i-- ?f EDWSTANIii, ;Mililary Gorereor of Nerth Carolina. v DSP ABTMEHT OF ifKT H 0 A ROT.I IfA, v I :Jtw Uerne, Sept. 23d, 1862. special orders;: NO 53. ,! Cpt: Daniel Mesinger, Ai Q. M.; is hereby ap-- pomtU v W investigate titles o property to be iWinned from this port, and will be osejcuau re- - .P.ct.d ff0i Maj.GenosTVR; :: vain t-- kouthard HorrMAif,' Assti Adj. Gen. :' 1 1E A D O LA H T E RS. V Military Governor of N. Carolina 7 .A ew lseroe. J ane a. joo. D J. G. Ti will from the date of th w order aa-su- charge of all vacant and abandoned build-ingi- n Newbern; with power to assign, to lease, and rent the same. By command of-- " GOV, STASLT. JLVhax VakBcres, Military Secretary. 't IlFAPQBAnTIHS, 1 1 5 iartmei.t North Carolina, V -- w t lierne, Oct. I, ISGi, 1 All person, prisoner of war tothe United Mates, ,.i,. !,;,. r'tf.nnrtiiipiit.. dcSiroUS Ot ltfV- - inir Mm' i;nAa r th;' ir. N- - forces will report their names nt these ilesdmartoVs immediately. By cocimand of MV (i-n- . J. G. FosTfit, - SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, Aiiistsct Adjutict Geacral' ; f, ;. ... . a ( r i . ; . i J ' . r : ' ' ; ' ..- - J ' , , - . , . , ' :- - - w . a ' ., ' ' . t . ; . ; - ' i , , , . - . ' ' ' : , . . . ' ' . . ; i . i . ' ' ; . - ' - - ' ' : .. . I 1 ' ; - ' ' ! ' . s w , j . . 1 " . . . - ; ' ' - . - .o - J T r ' . :. volume 5: " i . 5 Department 2Torth Carolina, ; i i , , ,k fewbern, Oct. 15 ,4? J All oflicera. men and citizens- - are strictlv forbil. to go on board of aay f the eteamera arriving this port by, means of. boats r.otbenrbe, until vessel i properly secured to the wharfJf l lie i'royost J larsfcal will; ae, that this order, "I implicitly obe ed and that no one excent txsreona connected with these Ueadquartera and with the omce ot .uoptr- - isiagnt. A.-t.,al- .. wjll be allowea to , on board under aor pretext whatever. lij comtaacd or-Alai- . Uen.Fo , - ' SOUTHARD HOiTSIATT; i . ' , Assistant Adjutant General. ' ' Circular, Ordes. t ,'' j , - . 'Headquarters. J, ' . ' Department North Carolin f ! r t ewberne. i. O.i bett J,18G2. The pre at and unnecessary waste of gas in the quarters occnpied.by the officers and men of thit TThe-expens-e of m&kiig (ras, 'is, of course, large; and paid, mainly, by tha Government. - , .Soldkr m .quarters, are 'subject tof,he same rules as to lights, as if in camp, and Company Com-- ; manders'wilt see that they.are strictly carried but. Olboxs are ecioineo to see that an uttle waste as poasiblo takes place, in their respective juartera.w .By- - order of Msj, Gen. J; G." Foster.- -' I f4 fiOTJTIIARD "U OFFMAN, AssL Ad j. Gen, V, t ; Department of North C .rolina, r .New Bern ; Sept. 24, 186)4. SPECIAL ORDERS, 350. 54. Oatitain DanieF Messinireri A. Q. SI .. is hereby Ordered to investigate and . examine into the ship. menta froin this point of cotton, Ate, since; the oc .Cupoiionor jXew lierne oy our forces. ; i . iU.& will endeavor to discoveT who have shipped, and li6w,.cotUm seized by the U. S. tarovernment, and sent away without proper authority. !frrT .HT All officers of the army will afiord CapC Me8sin- - ger any iaciuiy in iub uiHcuorge ui hub uuiy. 4 j - : By command of MaVGen. J. G: Fifer, K'j C . JOHN F. ANDERSON. I 1c JUeut, and Acting" Asa't Adj t General. ..1 Hit AD QUABTIES." I artmenfc of North Carolina WoarRai-- n Sunt :!(!' ', ORDERS No. 3?. ' I'rna nnnff oi cannon or inu.ss.etry oi wu iui i pracuc ZfY'Tl oruv. iw "o.mv.... u , - j i i j 11 nnmmjtnrl f u; . jcn H'natMrt , l SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, " 4 '; , r iS'HEADQ KRS, - Department of North uarouna, ?, , Aug yuru f ; & ' f " nf.W.T? At. fiRDEES No. 8 ; Ati Vuinie fnrhldden to teave any port in this Department and take any persou of color who did nnt. rriv inn the vessel, or. who haa not a pasa from the Generator other officer commanding, or .from 1 All vessels or every aesenpuon-viuian- u iw vi- -; der will be liable to confiscation ana ner m&sier wm ;No vessel ehall nave any port in mis vewmwi'i. until the master alnill take an, oath that be has not any such person on board and will not allow any 8U,h perso to com or remain on board '; ' - .It hV the 4nty:4t the Harbor master or other per An (hnntn nnointed to read a eopy of this order to every master of a v ssel after she ehall be ready J i ii-- l ,. been: taken; rr; r t T r r y p rr rp:,T? j All persona are forbid firing guna, pistols. 01? can-- It shall be tha-dut- y of the masterbf every4 vessel jnon.-i- n any of the streets, r lanes, alleys, or, lots otttit above meuuoneu uo i m.irA m. written reptjrt dunne every voyage 01 board soid vessel du-- 1 :. '.o-- ..TMn. anliAra in service, and to I rannrt till called forby the Provost I r i.i i, Affir Autlioriid to receive it.v 'I i TTnanf Af Oeneral J G. Foster .rfl (jlXiiXixU xiui riuai', I ' J' , ., Ass't Adj't Gem J . '" '; ( - j-- , j Heado.uab.teb,' TlATifLrtment OI u:s. t- - M - . . r,,-- . I .... . . . f r- - ,f new uhiius. uuc tI r'y "trti i.'i.i..lv unnninted CitvInsDCC- - tor of New Berne' with power to assess . and collect rents ana gas ed accortlmg! Mir '' J. LYMAN VAN BUREN, Military Secretarj; I : - Dhpartmkst byNoRTH CaroUXA, ; Ui ' 1 , A QcAKTERMASTItRS DeP-ARTMEK- ' ' " Newbern. Sept. 26. 1862, ! KTntore tn CotnnaHies 6uarter$ xn town,? 1 vi, n iru mnst be turned off from all burners in t. t.h r.roner hour for tne ex tinguishnient of lights,- - and but one-ligh- t will be turned usea in tne nan aunng tuo uaa-- "- O fnmmm nffif.r.1 Will 860 inat IUIS UIUCI in camedout and that all diligence U used in econo- - m,,t ffJ . f v 3" Officers ouarterea iq town wiu uu. ubo u more burners nor continue iigu o. iute necessary, in their own quarters. ,r ily ttoinmana oi awi .v.vro., - JAS. C. SLAGHT, Capt. and A. Q. M i Impertaal Order- - HkADOUARTKBS.'Li fr- - . h Department of Nortli Carolina, New Berne, April i GENERAL ORDERS, NO.28. . . . ::. - !iv iaCTmKtrnfcbTO w hfc this Department is under Martial t- - h. 1 :niel wunerniuie.ii - - .. ..- - a Army n tenioU Jiivftriifir'Ui this withia DOunun aiajoF jreuii bichmond, C",;V: Asa't Marshal's Offics.? Newbern, Jank 186i.. citizen will purchase permit Irom Pro- - twittlkal'-fc'-- ? -"s- ---H Nuthin? snipper articles may, r.ewt" 00?, irive ander, his. license aell. Any trader refusing accept payment States Not hinff filth kind Hpnnait jaiu( oarrei u"'u- - ...V.,ie.i ioceupanrs tiw held rOnditioo.. ACVSklksl front their, buildings, and mODllll which must kept free, ulation waterm sweets. riw-- ,f Has been foot street lanHi'rxr kinds that bronght into this City sale acd ord-- pre- - vent monopoly, perwu stall any prodnee provisions. l.very .n..r(l ftlian? and reasonable price, under supervision efAd-ministratio- Corps boats Will place sale provisions.-- ' Any order will boat benefit Hospital. This older effect Monday next, day June. DANIEL IIESSINGEr.. fresh atEcrtBsett DIB sv I7 IV. V" S C.,' U8G3. Om.).".!i responsible good;except countersigned commanding-office- r Any.soldier countersigned responsible Commissioned,' communication totheirrespective MESSINGER, Department Jan.21.18G3. i Regulations, Headquarters, froia,Boldieraor HOFFMAN, Newport..-..'.-.- .. nnrtilinaCitv..-...- . m.,,,--obtain- ed expressed impUedwiU Z?Z'-JLut- . f:;r4.i: Adj'tGeteraL, spiriffis MARKET? esUbliabed liOClttiUV PAPER' Newbern", sentinels, inmred.no authority, regiment; arrested, Sergeant conducted disorderly Sergeant disorderly sentinel, uniform, authority regiment properly ponfincd spirituous severity Liquors Express deposit instructed arriving themselves Marshal; strangers hitobitfg oermitof apparel.' prejudice discipline uniforms, Messinger. DivQr. violating, Regiments, DANIEL Carolina, Jjewliertie, GENERAL ORDERS, GENERAL prohibited otherwise, charged enforcement Havelock... .....10J25 .....10.33 Carolina .....11.15 Newport -- Havelock. Newbern stiAuui, legitimate execution order.' p;wis PnovosT allowed without comfort United Treasury reportaa rubbish, Owners strictly mnst.Wao Gutters, prevent Provost Marshal Pollock Produce CouneU d'Armee. CHV.Ior produce violation subject contenta fixation thirtieth provost Marshal. c BUI'S- - .H-EPEOPIj- KEWBERTvN. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY ,4, PkovostIIarshal's Jaa. loG3 Tlie duties addition the1 duties laid down Army Beeulations. will preserve order withia limits their beats. that property houses entered without proper citizen abused salted that noldier passe post without pasa from Colonel that passes post without pass from captain ship, and that, alter dark, neither soldier sailor allowed pass. xsvery soldier sailor found streets arier daik, the! jpuard called: and offender handed him, Guard House.4 sons any time, will arretted and banded over Guards any riotous persons re- fusing obey orders senti- nel shall arms, offender cannot se- cured any'other way. refift assault sen-tine- l. gravest military offences, and subject offender severe punishment. CoTOm'wBjoTiedOCicers require apasa.feut' ofiicer. without shoulder straps, which indicate rank. Gold lace sleevo naval officer evidence rank officer.' ;No officer the Guard Sentinel baa release from arrest any Prisoner thoProvosv Guard... The noa-co- missioned Ofiicer Bentinel charge Prisoners twill lield any escapes pasa soldier aai!or vesseL sailor without pass will arrested and the Guard 'House. person allowed liquors soldiers, sailors negroes, upon, pretext what- ever attempt evade this order treat- ed with the, same; opea violation Any person selling- - Commissioned Officer, upon order purporting come from him, will bt.ld genuineness .the order- - Sutlers prohibited from soiling glass ed ofii(r Trivat; anldien i.i!fir citizen. violation this order will subject party offend' ing heavy fine well forfeiture privi lese keen Store city Newbera.v'-- j parcel sent by. except hjy special pennu rovoai jo.a.rauui. person shall water horse mule within fifty feet purap.1? person shall wash pump,-o- r clean, fish, filth ,any kind, pump citizens auowea pass repass After nine o'clock: pass good eieept special frmlh Prnvnitt Mftntha from Uead Onar The Provost Marshal, allow from without lines land this city; unless tney come-her- e trade such persons must made land some civen point, and where else.. truard several mnet placed there, and those oeoole allowed with cittzena Newbern except presence the guard -- and they must allowed about city, tney want traae. stores, party them time, under charge guard.,; These orders, must strictly carried out. "1.""' ;'."-"""- ". persons tms eity trade Imme- diately- report office Pro vost and boats allowed land wharf dock, except those- - lock street. found city, who have reported above ordered will arrested dealt with summarily. nC persons forbid Horsea anylof Trees Cllv. and Sentitels acted seize animals that found, violation oraen: within this city. firework burnt, fired unless special the Provost Mar Whereas roffieers hnd nrivatea who noon detached vice, clerks. tnisters orderlies, the habit leaving proper unuoiuis acaiiiij officers undress, citizen's very much good order and herebv ORDIKEO. That sucu persona, appear proper they, wetted and P""; negroes forbidden wear button Army mcers nereoy enjoneu that their servant comply with reguhtt ion, flArpftftpr fences, narfs fences., this town, shall removed without written order Capt. Daniel Master. iast driving omcers meo) liihited within limits city. SeKtriea will arrest this order. nArAft(r lead horses must taken Keg iment, Battery. which they belong, least mile from town buried grave less than aeep. Uattenes, &C. nu.tra norseB lodged commands, present hying abutted. will prompt carrying order. vrCTT?TJ order Com. 18th Army Corps iTovoat Alarsuai. suu3 .'t HXAnQTTARTERS. North fjtS &ept. louz. NO vehicles whatever will allowed pass Headquarters. theProyorsba, '.CS'lriZZ'&tw Berne, ORDERSNO, v.n.r.nn nnunt nffif.ars and Army Navy United States being entitled, wear uniform buttons either service, hereby per-son,utl- er wear any portion unitorm branch the United States service this Department, except special permit, from these '.'." person allowed buy iforms, parts unitornnvblankeUot equipments g.uws. l.i.luBP' enlist Navy, except aaaerejoin- - order 'severely q't The Provost Marshal with the strict order. command llaiGen. foster, Asst." Ad.it. Gen. Ttlll-IXAU- ir ILUO AO. 3 and aJtir Deo. trains will leave, follows 'Ml. imi Leave Newbern....-- . ,i-.fc-- 9 Newport liarracKS City? Arrive Morehead.... GOISG WORTH. Leave 3Ioreh ead.. ..1.(30 .1.15 Barracks....-..--1.4- 0 ........... 2.151 Croatan. .2.5 3.15 Bi.T-nn- passes this Road will void after Sej'teraber '.''. Montily Passes will Issued af.er that date, persons euuneu tion. only this Gee, and pr.master Moreueaa. itks".i will allowed travel Road itht ticket. This wncny JAM vi't tl. this and dti-in- t the i?- 12, the the the will dej tle wui any ilieir and for the J-h- IMtpiLCU the 11' the Tor fair the iunl this this the and the will into the 12, the the the the his the will tha the over the All per the the case the the the bej To will not his and the bis the for by the hia No seH any .An will the All by the any AnV the his the No irom nar anq and men the the not will tha toot All the and the the the aitnu meir the the once will All the end this bwiou the the the once the nut tet win once tase Ktnnn tiurv oetva and AicAA.ii rif;.--- ;.: 44.- - lueee the the by the any the any by No 'wui thia By i:v's in 17., 1st ........ AH 1st.- - the the pas rule vA nrk. aviti.4-n.s-t- a3W ajqi ua n.. of ,110 f-- - 1 po be to a u can 00 vm iu.. to of. pe offs of to ; to be to aii Mr,M or of f-.- -j i... at tnrA the same US w wu, --- r- in a or doa m t"5 -- j ... ct i;Tt oi "'J be art? of (hat nA rtirL Of M uc u. my be to uui ine v.. vr" X A rl f at of of Rll of lb in to no wtu m of su-- or tn ij, a of the of thi No i... -- m.. a fit her in th of of con. for the of go ou of ; .' a at in in to to co is no no no to or to to to if in or of to no an oh an an in or la to or to as an to an to or' as of in or ot a,' "ii or at do no is is in to ttT at no A no in to at at no to at at in in to oil to at to i. to at at to at .." Rnn wit ia -- fo or to in to oe is of J. w. ..t aa E A BL on on to to at O to on i.e t;. K 10 aj. !ti. . . - , , , - , : . - ,i ' . ' 1 x. v ' . I aa , in , es . . i - , -- . - - 01 in as.a cc ot - , v e ; e . t. riv of or to . , - - . - i t 4 . . , 5" " J - of to be of see or In. ; bis a of his eau lor a of his ' ' nor be - m tne be of to be at be to of '' " , In of or of the use his a is one th of the - ; I do one will as of a Is of as of or to ' of or, of be ' ' ; '' " '1 ' ,N for a it be 1 of or or a be in l ' -' ' ' 1 iJ I is to - be of it, ' a be for of ;; i are to ' " or of to a as to a of ? : can be . a ine x : No a - No at a . of or a wui to .in me . t t r onft . l Am - - ,.- - f to no one our to all be . of be be of of one of ; b to go the if at ine a of can go. a of a be All in to the of are anv or tne ot f oi . in not as be ,t .. AH are to all are 8ti all are in ot uii r - . No will be or bv a . j f . t .... u ; - ; : man v : are- - . sei and are ... in of iu or of i of rrif n itia ; : "c . . ;! '"'T - . ..-- ! all iu iuvu or be are tno 01 ail ara w see no or of in be the of ' 14 oy or m , piw of all r ? be by one and be six 1 s ;v, t-.- - ' ac rue to sue n us ue- - u , ; ' 1- - a . see to thA in out of tbi f r , r , . n , t a. ... . IS y ot in a j . . v. .. : : ... . v - -- ; .. . . J ! - of 4 ; 1? j - ' No : be to i ti. ir it linn rA no nt a naai i;uin 1 - - - ' , .. - .. .t . t t 30, men of and of the to or of it of of of ' v is to or of ?. . j: . . . . ; - . t. .it-,- . ;t r i- : ; :.v-.- -- : r of V- - - ; - . S. "si-- r'if iff 8. R i i w .n ifca-- jl On j ,? T; I M ;; tT; E. A. M. ; . H ,f 3 1 ' ; 11 i f 'f, : ,. ' .. p. M. r . r i; " . , i -- .4-. Sinn tn 5 fre be " t be and Ml v he of at iso be a win or t liS w or meet : Fk Kttn7 ntfishment.' 5 I ... -- .18th Army Corps . wh;ut verv faeihtv wil be afforded to persons 1 ed men of ths and eB2.liecd business ia city,4 at-- I ing. Any violation of this ..L.i O R LIXTLE BY UTILE. ' One' step, and then another. And this longest walk is ended c -r Odo stitch, and then auother, . ... " . And the the largest rent is mended. One brick npon another,' - of "if, And the highest wall is mads ; ' ' One fiake npon another, , -- .1; And the'deepest snow is laid. it , . - So tha little coral-workers- ,' " '.' .Si" .cllave bnilt those prettj islands - tt , In the distant, dark bine ocean 1 '5;And the.nobleat undertakings I' ' . H? ' Man' wisdom ihatli concciredj ' ' " - ' I j By ofV repeated efforts ' . of j V.; Have been patiently achieved. . . .f'v-v.5- I c." ' ' " j L tThen do not look .disheartened U ' ! - O'er the wotM you have to do, t ' ' ' ia i And say that "such a mighty task J ! " ': ' ! : ' You never can get throngh ; :. 5 ia I '.' Bat just endeavor day by day, i-- .... J, And, soon the monritai'n "which you feared , Will prove to be a plain. '' ? . . 'Eonie was.not build ed in a day, t ! The ancient proverb teaches? j . "1 u And nature by her trees and flowers, if The same sweet sermon preaches. - H Think not i oriar off duties,'' . t Bai of duties which are near ; J I hf Awd having, once .Kegua the work, ;r 1 l "Rt-Bol- to nersavere. .: . . i - a . . r T . ,. !. ... 3i i nK IV1URDER AT JjiAST OASUII icti. . iixi, aia,u Ti Wright of Eaist Sandwich,' was shot dead by ' ' w . , ... ; m . .1 . eoriie unknown person on paturuav eveuuig last,' while oh hi3 way norae from the residence of his brother, where' he had; spent the even- ing, , A few moments after he left hia brother's house, a report OI a pistol or, gun was uearvi, by the inmates, 'who immediately went ; put to ascertain" the cause, but.-i- being quite darki discovered nothing;, and returned to the house. A few moments after. the wite Ot tne murqerea man called at the house, and Inquired alter. tDe whereaboutsVof her husband, aying she had hpard the renort of a gun i upon which, getting somewhat aiarmea, a searca was maue, wuicu resulted in the finding of Mr. Y right mortally wounded, within a few rod3 ot his.own aoor. On coming up 'to him; he i exclaimed,! My God!" and also made some other exclamation which was not understood.' The ball entered the lower rartion of the body and passed up ward, grazing the' heart, and must have been fired bv aorne one reclining on the ground. The whole affair is shrouded in' mystery, and no clue has as yet been discovered as to the perpetrator of ahfr deed; The murder was not committed for money as Mr. Wright's pocket X hook and cold Watch was Undisturbed. Coro ner Chapman held an' inquest on the body iiun.; day. but riothipg. new was eiicitea. ine ae - ceased Was about 45: years of age, and is said to have been a' very quiet inoffensive " rnar. The excitement inEast banuwica ana neigo boriner ' viUasres on Sunday was most intense, and was scarcely ever .'paraUeleiJSir7wfaJZ? ralrxOW, 'f.-:- .K?'-.rjnkv- s;?J jFouR TjXvs Without Food. Eli Ps Sheets, confined in the Beaver jail. Pa.", under sentence of death, for the murder of John Ansley, ceased eating on Saturday, the 20th, at noon and up to noon on Christmas day he had tasted nothing. The jailor became apprehensive that Sheet's ob- ject was to starve himself to death,' but this he denied, alleging that he could not eat o A variety of food was set before- - him. but he persistently refused everything excepting' a mere taate of roast apple . , He, was; falling very; rapid lyo and; on Cbrietmas morning a physician: was called in to see him. The doctor gave it as his opiwion that death would efasUe in forty eight hours, u ne continued to reftisA nnnrishment. ' About noon on Christmas he was prevailed noon to take a little pruel. the physicians pro hibitihg' him from' taking anything but Very weak diet; and that in the smallest quantity at a time., If f : be continues to eat he will soon regain his health, but if he should take another notion anA nhatairt fnr . a favm .Invu Ion cer. he ' will-- ' not receive the offices of an executioner. . His death warrant had not been received, but it was signed bv tha several days since. He appears very despondent and gloomy, and spends mnch of his time inTeadin? bis Bible.: 'He denies that he murdered Ansley. but has intimated that he knew who committed the-dee- XH refases tri tll whA thn cniltT ipartvs is. andf hence bis rfoniel nf irn'lf. maliM little or no impre66ion.i: Hia execution is fixed for the JPtb, of April next. : ncki 17ftificntioM at Port IlBda. A' Baton Kouge Correspondent - of th0 Boston Traveller aay'a f "V ( v ..it,;,..rvirs.r irf .,, - Information has beon received, that the farmers in this vicinity", at Clinton and ther places be-..o- n am. Pnrt TTndson; are building fortifi cations of all kinds around their plantations and nnca the roads, and many or tnenf nave loop tn, in ihAir himuw and barns ta aid Ir uvi -- KlHnr anv Attemnt r to advance neon . Fort UUd . . vtiinb ; twrrntv. turn miles from here.' .Ane rebel force at ine latter place is yarwuoij 01 from fiitrht tn fiftftn- - thousand, find SOVRO Ot fihtJno- - tnaterUl i concentrated there. The earthworks erected by the planters and their slaves are suppuea ua ugu " : is leportcd that for two miles around Port Hud' -- nn tha Marts M ntlliranel HliU DUWU buu tnrno, . Tii a nhflli helieve this place.Gke a! i - i,... ntn'nrl to . be impregnable, either from river or land attack, ana luey .piace great reliance on It strength' irf preventing our S flt morlnv on Vickaburff. Tbey have one immense gun mounted on one oi mew oiMsrim. i which has never been urea, ana toi ifire least 'iti should ki plode. J --This monster they prefer to keep; muzzled till our .fleet: ap- proaches. r.t';4 - .W't'iA ' WY-'t- J The secessionist who fied from Baton oog opon the news of our approach, are s work .with the inhabitants of Clinton and Jackson, building earthworks. - On tha river the rebels have batter ies five miles long, to defend Port Hudson. All accounts seem t wairant the general belief that a desperate battle will be fongbt at this point. The hilly situation ottb country around Port Hudson gives to it unrivalled advantage in the shape of natural fortifications.: Notwithstanding all this, though ! dislike to prognosticate upon such uncertain events, yet I feel convinced, from the nature and extent of the preparation Jtbat are cow being made, that a Union defeat hero is impossible. It may be dear bought victory, but it cannot, under the guidance of such tried and4 skilful leaders, result ia anything at victory. - ' ' - - ' . , . I Man and wife are like pair of scissors, so long as tbey ft together, but they'become dag- gers 3 soou as they are disunited. - Facts from History. We are indebted to Bto ; KUiIBER97. Blercaatile Cavilnres ia the xjaltd 8taUr. uoiaunc i laiiures ior toe year past, cub tshed by th llercactlla Ajrency cf Measi-a- . II. iV Dun' & Co Kew York, ero received.: iThe num ber of failures in .llsssachusetta. exdnsive tt Boston, wa III ; liabilities $I,C42,800. " In Bos ton, 120i liabilities 2,013,000. i Whole number failures in 1862. exclusive- - f British North American. Proyineeay 1G32; liabilities $23,049,30 j wcole number, in British i'roviaces 2S8. with labilities of$3983.-- T U r; It; 'I -r 'i? Tbe.Corcular presents the number- - of failures. with amount of liabilities in each year including 1857 to present date, t It appears that the liabili ties of failed concerns in JBoston for years 1858, Itio'J ana ioou ranged in amount from 4,373,yyo "58 to 4.l6,76t in last named year, bnt m 857 in consequence of the monetary, crisis Jthey j were $41,010,000, ' And again in 1851. increased by the rebellion, they rose to 18,317.161, and have fallen during the past vear under influence low rate ol interest.' nd rising market for merchandize to $2,013,000. v . ; .:.;;vl ! Perhaps the most interesting fact exhibited bv these tables at the present lime is that the failures the lritish iTrovinces - correspond in relative amount ot uarjiiinea very pearly. to those, of. our country in each year being upwards 3,000,000 1857, a little over 4,000,000 only, in ' each of the three following years; but in 1861 8o00.000 (about) and the past year a little more Uhain $3,000,000. No better iUuatratiou could be afford--e- d of the intimate business relations ot her Majesty's neighboring coloniealwith thi United Sutes. Boston Daily A4crtiser y Astronomical DiscovrEiEs 4nr 186IL Five planets and four comets , have' been 'discovered during the 'past year.,' MK Safford,:of ,Cam, bridge, Mass.j first ' recognized aa ' planet croniAthougli ;rt.had been 5 seen! in 1860. April 8thr-Mr.'.Tnttl- Cambridge 'discoyered Clytie,, The third planet, not yet named, was discovered c-r-i the 22d of September bv Dr. eters of' Hamilton College Obsertatory. On or the 25th," Mrj Parker of ;New York discovered the fourth, which is not, yet- - named. ., On the 22cL'of October Dr.. D'Arrest of Copenhagen discovered Freya. 1, Four of the five, were dis: covered in this country.' : - ' "' The i nrst comet . was 'discovered A by M- - Schmidt, of Athens .Greece, on. the 2d of July, The second, comet. was discovered July 18tb, 1 Dy Mr. AUtue. ur. uruhns.oLLeipsic discov ered one comet bns the last" day ;of November and another- -' oni the5?flrst,c'day of Deceniberl air, x utile i lia?, maue . eleven; aicoTenes, greater number than, has -- been made by any living observer or sby any man except Messier,, the French astrehemer. Mr. Tuttie is. now serving in the ; of a Massachusetts regi ? ment in North Carolina. ": He is said to be as expert : with a rifle as with a telescope.il We gather the "t above facts from a communication ia the. Bostoa'. Courier , . . ' ..i . yf : i Irs ; I. . t j Martial Law, in Mobile. From .the way. the Mobile TJan, talks of the operations of Gen? Bragg's martial Maw in that city, it docs not appear tbat it is deeply in love with Ihenv a ' '' - ' J'""-- . Tr Rnva J - ; luo. sanctity ,or a private ..room, we are told, is not secure from invasion, so that the order of the "Treat Bragg shall be rigidly , en- - " . -r i 1 - .L :r t.-- 1i lorcea.: ; ue, aeiermines . wnai me ciuxsh suau drink; when . be shall drink, , and . who shall give him driuk.' HV 'should go further and say what he shall eat, where heshall eat, and WOO snail sell II tu Willi. nil un.) aiuu ui iuiug makes martial law' a humbug and a nuisance. ' All ibrough this war we have been parsed with.' petty tyranny. Odioiis customs have been thrustiiDon us. and their non-observan- ce made criminal or penal," thus making ,'us, feel still tnorb the realities ' and hardships of war. ! We are weary of -- these- little tyrannies "at Is full time that tbey should have an end, and we trust that tne ena is not, wr4 on. .aiuuary despotism extended to the mere citizen" is the most odious ot, despotisms, and some ot tne despots should; remember that there are men who will follow them lor years witq tne uererx mination and vengeance , of a .Nemesis, lor WaniOu encroacuuivuka uu juaiicuauis hquia 'A Wlow arrived at St. John, N. B.. a few days ago. in a vessel on wbicfThe had sought passage trom xjosiou miuig j When the vessel had proceeded some distance to -- .'oaiaA'fiimMlf as 'a deserter from the Federal army: He said that he first enlisted in Portland, (where his lamuy resiaes, atw v; Knnntv. socceeded in having Jus name placed on the hospital list, add afterwards escsp- - ed to tioston. wnere ue a bounty of $235, and-vanu- bed. He imme- diately hired on board an English steamer ;and England and returned, when be a trip to Eft the vessel- - and i tried his fortune at another enlistment, received another bounty, and made his. exit by this vessel, bound to St. John.., r " The' craft was obliged to enter. Portland, when he left bei to visit his wife and thildren; but rej A nrinr to her departure And f arrived at St. John; He said that his family, - - .1 . 4A1l..t'MI. week1 tid and were receiving from the State during tas abseffce. and in case of the snspension-- B I' T . , , nd reside in bis.new-ioun- a i Tt. mir were so interested mbuex- - : wtrn jintprin? Britbsti waters, he was Tlrr-A- k with and iron: booni aU of whieb be boTO with admirable. ng frtnd, and seemed not ill pleased with the ceremonies which welcomed his transition rrom iuo waaujru. so basely deserted and robbedp w ' ". J.-- .j , - - . - ' 1 A Winchester Vs, eorrespondeiit cf the rhils-J- f iMkviHr writes t !k-- ' - Winaiester is bott used Pj!i5U.e'7 j5' ,: .! -- tr.,nr to eat in this . I, V graveyard which deserve, s. rw5l- - -- !J? Tt i. boiit-ix- ty or seven'.y ?T"Au.r;rr Th. rave are in row.,aboAi frrr.Tr't'.nart. extending the whole euzh. There are some twelve or fifteen with litUe board at tbe-bea- d bearing the name of him who sleeps heneath.--- A trench, two feet wiae and about four feet long l rrrined-r- c his blanket is bis'own length, and raisea cpt u -- v leveroflheground.ss graves -- re. ,W??V". laid with his bead at the feet of the on till th treneh is filled and filled , iu Uke :TtSJitySit these tienebes-- Each one SSaoarf tbe or thirty n'hajri.g ... t ldir w, i'Z7?i baltle.and now sleep their last sleep, , f r - - t! T v - D TELLtfiEST CoiffTRABASO "- -A L' .i, T- -t with Gen. Backs' army a the oZ'aslon of the rfroccapation of Baton Kooje, .ncountcred a group of darkies in the suburb; He says he nbked oca-o- f tLeco if there were any aboliiionjsts in Baton liotsg.' ' No miis'r, de rebels touks uem .1 eH. i "Indeed I what do they do with the nil" ' ; n. .Uni m . stun. niasr.' i '. Yoa know what aa abolition- - . S o i sat nose- - ijiti, don't youT- ,m "Yes roaa'r,- - what de sojers cad catnJses. JLa; suillecdi - " ' . - 43 A 1 c.i. a ur:.:i, Uic.i c- -. r; lonlar 1i6i;J4 tici-- ( ; : From a copy cf tha Richrron l (Va.,) T Uili December 13th, it appears tLit . . . . . .wtiiiuverrj ess i;crr p:r-- cr ijr ro; j that journal nd the Rileih tUt C.) Standird, another rcW-j'iur- r. u. The Enru'.r.r( copies an editorial hich aVptarc! in tbe t; .fri !- - , ard. of the 12th, - which contain? accusaitors f gainst the Jcfll 5 lavU .vmaly, srd nr i , confessions in regard. to the Veil Coven. " ment,; 'meaning j the Federal Union, wJi:;h a every honest' Secessionist' should rr.nor ta seriously. The Standard pufeUshed ftt the) capital of North-Carolin- a, declares that th CJuion was .brokefi. up by tha Jc Davis f.-.- 3 . liob, r before good cause was given, because they ; saw "that 4b ey vers- - about ' to lce tha spoils of oJSce.'vjhich they ,bkdli.cr joyed av "yycars- - .i liere is the. article j rcjd.srii preserve, it .;7'S!ir - a 3lr!nA. 'TDB. IClhfOXB.jitTxitEn. - , , I The Hidimond Eilrer Vbas recently t!cvo- -, tei , two Jong article? Ito us, in) which it -- ha done us, great injusUceujV,Wre. do riot, propose-- . to-da-y to reply At any length to the. Enquirer.,, 1 '4ur.sPa?e. occupied by subjects-which- , require more immediate attention. v . ,x The Enquirer Jabors through 'two cblum: in ply ttt our articla oq the 2Sth November, but it b 'no. means nieeU. the points we made in that article;4 It"aamitsl.botbly ita silenca . in regard to our statements on the subject, and its unoWdeHar'g:that-';th.e'nserTati- of this State aref solely Influenced by the love of office, the fact that the administration of llr. " Davis; is strictly: partisan' in itaf character'and thit be is' wielding for ;ji factibrj a great govern-- ? roenr wbicn 'ought ta be admihistercu", py,ana ,Z forthe 'people.; Tne beef Patrick Henry5;1 incident' which,ilhe; Eitthtiret1 introduces for." . . . . V. - r i. : i. .v. i the people forth-Carolin- "are influenced by their regard for the. spoils', is, alike stale 'aiTJ ioappropriatei' but it amounts to the admi sion that the Enquirer" and" its faction, are In possession of the 'beef, which hey intend to retain cat all h'aiards.;irtAr labored to break down the old Government beeaust they saw they viefe aoovt fo loss the berft" and theyvouil tDrech:the new onetjhej'ore tkey voutd partieithmt the cmreoM upon , tr hick the pylturea futte Mm t tied: 'Their motto was, diideand 4e$trvy ,vj and their - mollo now is, onsolide,te, and rule ruin. Hence they are JJeitructives, and those" who opposo' them, and who; would gaya the n'eW'Gbvemment, the old, ix9 Conservatives, ,, ,;77V We tell the' Enquirer-tha- t 'we still walk the ... soil and breathe. the air. of freedom ; and thai we are not to be' influenced 'iptbur course tp thq sligktestlexte'nt by the blaadements hi tho fro?nsofpow!rH., 3 va nno We bear a great leal on thia subject abouf, thd importance of avoiding a conflict 'With tho-- r Confederate Government. ff Tbis comes for tho-- I most part from gentlemen who 'were not at all , scrupulous about;J bringing about ' i:; conflict Sit with the. old Goyerrfuientjf and tearing it govt bejort goo&causes were given fordqing $o. , . Ane ivicumenu jcmquirer rnaa.es a uouduef Ing but most, unsuccessful effyrt, to refute theses m facts. The testimony is overwhelming .that,, fa the Southern leaders rebelled not because the people Iwere jicroriged,7but; because; they had-- 1 been defeated in jtair., constitutional, election,- - and they could "hot brook the thought " that ', cotton : aristocrats Should obey v tne ; great -- ue i mbcracy of the United States. Mr. Cobb saitl -- fc that Southern gentlemen would not lite under . 'Frmdejip who had come vf 'from the ranis, oj tiUecyUa Abe-Lincol- n, had done." 0U nb ; they would soonei plunge the nation-i- n k horrible war, nd slaughter-t-he white citizens of thef) South byTthftUsandSKlhat. they migfcr ; organize another Government.,. Will the veopUt of the South be led any longer by these heart. . less-Aspiran- ts for bffica and ower,' when a lead ing rebel journal tells thens tha rtheseaspiranti incited a rebellion without good reason ? Arb they ro' blindlydevoted to JefJU Davis'andt Gov Harris .that they will,8acriflce:i life .Wu liberty," and enslave thsir children, to . gtv'o corrupt demagogues fat bfJScfest Suppose" the Southern Confederacy: could be4 established ri aa it r never icanwhat Jthert tHow slong' b wbuid it bajbeforeiSome defeatcd candiiata. foruK' the Presidency would gather an array and. raisoj another rebellion, and another civil war T 1 Will the people be made .mere puppets, forever, and, allow themselves io be used as the 'playthings of Judah Benjamin arid John C. Breckinridge ? Are we to have a rebellion, at every elcctionvw as they do in' Mexico?, Must one hundred thousand industrious rs . leave their homes, sleep on the cold ground, half-- elad all 1 winter j live on scanty food, and bana slaughtered like .sheep because aome Don on: ui acouon planUtion, who owns two or tbrco: ; huudred negroes, has.beeribealen for tho , PresidencyrUnless the South returns to the-Unio- there is" ' nothing iti iho future for hcr ? but secession,' rebellion and civil war. "-- : Fori Sumter Bstl to 'be Iron-riatct- l. The New York SundayJ Hercury: rjabliihca I a letter, purporting een wnttcn vj an 'officerot. the revenue cutter- - F.ibbf givirtx an account oi a secret reconnoittripg, expedi- - . tiOrt in unarieston uaroor,, .ucu iuuvm UieW&efy that -- the febels Lave pUUd Ucr ' oiitside of Fort Sumter wit !s heavy bars of - railroad iron. The storywhetner true or noi, ti riotis.,.Tfce writer savs: n.M . - v i o1 now ran the boat right under ins s..a ijt u of the fort,' peeping juit .far cnou- - l away to. avoid ''beirisek dashed against It. 1 now cou.d " u Viv nccastonal . Cashes cf the lacterntLat,-- ' a as 1 bad at first, tho wlc'a fjrt ir.uf . encased in a suit of iron arocr. Purahel tars , !iM.i' irhn traversed thia iron Ciaim, LWonirtt'naAy from the UaSO to the uppwr Iine." fTbe port-hole- s were proteaeJ by ucaa- - " siTt projections of the same nuKw. p.i. u. , t ing acute angles atevcryfi Tnia armor. would offer a very serious rei:iance. to ,t.id 90.pbondefiC even' when." tb a uiany- - u. gics -- presented did not ciase tUalto .vu-- s, f r" send them spinning ofl in enothtr direction ) ciurr .rJ. The-cle- ver ,.t lika, so many peas., bevidtly notb.cn iJre a ttf tVfi-nr.rf- : and it ii to hsax tu- - 'C0. .. a v ; a.:2Cit- - thU 'forinidablia' arranei in ci led l.2irai.x are io reat extent and depth, tspfcciaHy one 't t;.ci i.,fr.K c-i- .vt - rsa rnnSiihotnatldi' hit. MS' 11.. - . , .t -- a r,l mi'-- M rr r n it II caim'riueii ins "( ' - -- : v - stormy. It is, therefore, .prouA.e t.t t.ey ' have a subterranean coinju.iic-to- a Rit.i ocean; and this seems to t confirmed by t- -o ncea of slilr J they throw i ? tc--- : 40 miles from .the sea. vTUrs u pr z c: ordinary lake in that country, 7! ; ; , 1 c. "OJI Rtorm is said to rsako a fn : .i..i r-- -.. r.,-i- f m.tv be lizard a!dL. j ts a uwiso , , . , 1 miles. And we are aUo touit; a i c- - .1 tain called Ftrvar.caiJ aDo tr-cniy-- ; j.:r ... from Comby, that Ebsarbs r.oi w' 1. L:t tha li"htest bydTcs thrown hits if, r:'-- i r.i lV, Wi.-- , r bottoui ana are ievcr- - seen i- -- u 1 . j we may add a rctaarkabla- iprir--s I which Jetr'uie3 wood, or rati.cr with a ctiseof stone; but t'.n t ' t Lib!e circumstance is, that in f u.r.v.wr 1 up watercnough to turn sgvcsJ 1.1. V. wbivr is pcrJccUy dry.

Jim ", jOUOKUS. NO. 107


TftTii af.Dep

. ; - ,, .


yv a!a O.T.ce,

be regular army will, a a enteralS 0.ceT ilvc f ahk-n-- e to accej t the rankJ;!Tf volaer rc-nts-

, but Tint. Iiiwt-- r

-- l.inmiisned s and privates

jLtf ,e'nfnijlisiT'a will not be administered,TlL,Thc Tithis WIwi;ij it must in all

. P?f0 n hia parUJTor will any'M CODor b'3 receive. 1. ButT?d paroles given, to avoid arrest,--mottl"'?

tat"' flonWnt. or expulsion, are voluu-!io- n

'"" cannot be reardd as c?m-rf'- S

?ty Pf violatinjr suchttaths

ZJ'?JLZi the United States and the gen.7jj, Tbe"'v -- nthuris. in certaia cass, the

J lsf Version of priyate property for thewes i me3Wf j KSsfwtinished from pillage ;

U-WS-J iropirty forpttiftYr purpose, is

4 thaiaklD fL t5 conversion to private uses.different uken from the enemyor den

IB pr yrty 'a ' enemy' country, at"SSerty. and must be used and the

Lbeaomet Pt" PT-52- d Article of WatQtited for f" 1t 0f death for pillage or plan

,nihoriaes the pen' authorize severe pntissli-darSae,B- dotlierarti l(lier wh0 gfeall sell, errt--

macts laBy, military stores,. r who gobaite,B'PP'''a t. Bnisapplicatioa of apy audiihaHparm't The penalty ia the eanie whether

or ia ":,ralV-- L?mieP must be inventoried and duly ac-titt- ni

property taketf be fclaimed asn- -t ba elven to each claimant.

ae--ot bUVfor b? P r by theif

orU end it mlaW returnei for, the ame as

XlnTnV uther stores, the commanding t)facer ifK oartr will be held accountable for ther ecnSact

it hi"Teommand, and will makd trae; report of U

fYL N officer" soldier iriU, withont.aatboritY I

, bia colors r ranks, to take priyat propertyi.' nrivtis houae for that immose All

'eh acta are punishable with death.'ana an officer :

"ho permit them is equally as jrnilty aa the actual

r ii Wmmanrf nnfiiMri 'flf iinnie and cotdiwill be blft aoT theexecution of tneae

d!ssa;tbeir reep-tiv-e Mmmapds.r

lit cuaunanu ot ainjo jrnrai muer, ... sJ- Gtncral-in-Chicf- vf the Army t 1

.c-u-- V""":' t Er-i- TOWNSEND; ji'

t ;'Autant Adjutant UtHeraiii-- v

if rj vu Ifead-Qaarters- i

j! d y a icpariui- - ill. ui uim Carolina, V

I i j vy xl is-- w ueroe ot,v2&,18(2 is.):ffPEf!TATjiflRDEIi Sft. 103.

Jim Meana i hereby ,Tipointed Super- -

...nt f nil the Blacks in this Depart ment.; Thecbif of tha different Departments having blacksBDfler their coarse win lejwri jlu mm ; im m uijj0 obeyed ftna rept-Jte- iu. an inaucxo vvuucvicu i.with the negroeffinwnnq. -.,,

Br ecmmanu oi m&i. uou. u--. rtnim,.f a;Assktant Adiutant General I

t r

to accordance wilh the above Order;..all thosewho employ uiacHwiiwyooin' iervres m niwDepartmenrwill report to memonthly, their namea.emBloyment.iiainber pf dayrwock;:witli dates, and

Office MetCAtfstreee. corner of New street.JAMES MEANS, uperintende t it Jilacltg;

DlPARTMBXT O NOHTH ?A POMXAj) Newberne, Dec. 10, 18b2. $ i

An'export duty of five per cent, on all cotton .andhides, aod on all naval stores; and oti all wood andlumber, shipped from any port: la. this- - Departmentwill be charged from this date. : ? f .:i s

Musters of vessels carrying; any :of the articlesabove named, must exhibit their, freight list to theseveral Chief Quarter-Mate'.- a, at these ports, be-

fore they can obtain a clearance. : ';

Th amounts due for the duty:, will bo paid to saidOaarter-Master- or in their absence. to the ProvostJuarahal, ueUI further orders. ", '.;-- '. Li".. f

Ah orders heretofore issued in re;ilatiou. to exportdutit; are annulled; by order of Maj Gen. Foster

.Bt order of (i over nor Stanlyv Z)ANIEL MESSING ER,

On and after this date all persona are forbid bring.icg to thu city for sale, any. Tar; Pitch.. Ko in, Tur.pvDtine.'Cotton. Shintrles or Wood, without a written oermit Irom the owners thereof! which permitmust be countersigned by the' Provost Marshal, whoWill ascertain before countersigning whether .theownera of said articles are loyal. 'And all tradersare hereby enioined not to Durehaso or sell any otth ft hnva RHi.la in violnt inn of thia Order, .!

By command of G"v, Edward. Stanly frr 4,... DANIEL MESSINGER,i-- - i- - ProVost Marshal.

Department of North 41t.t e ,inAfter the I5th dy of September only 2 clerks in

eaoh of the Denailment1 Offices will be allowed tornmmnt thalr fdtumi at 75 "cents per day.'

All nth detailed men will, after that date, eitherdraw their rations or commute theirr at, the cost ofthe ration at this post.

Each mess of 6 detailed menwill be allowed onecont raband as cook, whose pay will be eight dol-lars per month, '?;! r. 'r.-i.-l- ''.'J., Dv comtaand of Mai. Gen. J. G. Foster t ; --

- SOUTHARD HOFFMANAssistant Adj uUntjGeneral.

r- -- t'f--- He v

:: Department of North Carolina,r i;u ewBerne November 21 1862.GENERAL ORDERS. No.- - 57.

Hereafter no negroes will be allowed to cut Woodwithin the limits of "this Department., 'without: ftwritten nermiasion .from Hia Excellency. EdwardWanly Military Governor, or from the owners ofthe land iin whifth snch wood is cut; except suchnegroes are employed by the Quarter Masters De-partment to cat wood for the yuo of tbo Troops inthis Command., ... wS p- -

By couiuiand of Mai. Gen. J. G. Foster.4 5 SOUTHARD t HOFFMAN,

oil t'.-;.ii.--- ; AbbI. Adjt. GeneraL;

r! f,.ja 'I- - .' Hkad Quartirs, i y- -

.J f,T- - OHPARTlttK'r or NORTH Carousa,ft;. 'New Berne,, November 28, 1862. r,SPECIAL NOTICE.Special notice dated Nov: 18thTretieving" Captain

Daniel Messinger; from, duty, as Inspector of titles!to Tar. Turpentine, voixou, anauiiier aierouauwo,hereby Veveked-'-'Captai- a Messinger, will Continueto perform the datiea connected with that office as

'Byxjouimandof Md Gen. J.CFofter, .i4. ..

soHTHARD '. HOFFMAN,v; Aiaistant Adjutant General.

:..i L.t:.u-ic.ur-. ;l (i "ri:iILii hu--, X3sr astw bst' of North Carolina, .V

..... r. Nrwttorne. Nov. 17. 1862.. vPhUVp PiVkin.-- this townj is hereby... appointed,.' 1 :.. 1...lnarptfr nt 'i'rnnrt "urnflnuiie. ttiiu ia w umwutu- -

dks such. V'- v VIHe is authorized to charge ten --cents per barrel

All person"are forbiddento sell any Tar or; Tur--

pentiae, haA ing each, bairel, inspected tbyliiinV, V??;-..-'- V 21m.Xi

i -- ". i-- ?f EDWSTANIii,;Mililary Gorereor of Nerth Carolina.



:Jtw Uerne, Sept. 23d, 1862.special orders;: NO 53. ,!

Cpt: Daniel Mesinger, Ai Q. M.; is hereby ap--pomtU v W investigate titles o property to beiWinned from this port, and will be osejcuau re--

.P.ct.d ff0i Maj.GenosTVR; ::vain t-- kouthard HorrMAif,' Assti Adj. Gen.

:' 1 1 E A D O LA H T E RS. V

Military Governor of N. Carolina7 .A ew lseroe. J ane a. joo.

D J. G. Ti will from the date of th w order aa-su-

charge of all vacant and abandoned build-ingi- n

Newbern; with power to assign, to lease, andrent the same.

By command of-- "GOV, STASLT.

JLVhax VakBcres, Military Secretary.'t


iartmei.t North Carolina, V --

wt lierne, Oct. I, ISGi, 1

All person, prisoner of war tothe United Mates,,.i,. !,;,. r'tf.nnrtiiipiit.. dcSiroUS Ot ltfV- -

inir Mm' i;nAa r th;' ir. N- - forces will report theirnames nt these ilesdmartoVs immediately.

By cocimand of MV (i-n- . J. G. FosTfit,- SOUTHARD HOFFMAN,Aiiistsct Adjutict Geacral'





. a








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. . .-



'- .

- .o - JT r


:. volume 5:

" i . 5 Department 2Torth Carolina, ;

i i , , ,k fewbern, Oct. 15 ,4? J

All oflicera. men and citizens- - are strictlv forbil.to go on board of aay f the eteamera arriving

this port by, means of. boats r.otbenrbe, untilvessel i properly secured to the wharfJf

l lie i'royost J larsfcal will; ae, that this order, "Iimplicitly obe ed and that no one excent txsreonaconnected with these Ueadquartera and with theomce ot .uoptr- - isiagnt. A.-t.,al- .. wjll be allowea to ,

on board under aor pretext whatever.lij comtaacd or-Alai- . Uen.Fo , -

' SOUTHARD HOiTSIATT;i . ' , Assistant Adjutant General. '

' Circular, Ordes.t ,'' j , - . 'Headquarters.

J, ' . ' Department North Carolin f ! r

t ewberne. i. O.i bett J,18G2.The preat and unnecessary waste of gas in the

quarters occnpied.by the officers and men of thit

TThe-expens-e of m&kiig (ras, 'is, of course, large;and paid, mainly, by tha Government. -

, .Soldkr m .quarters, are 'subject tof,he samerules as to lights, as if in camp, and Company Com-- ;

manders'wilt see that they.are strictly carried but.Olboxs are ecioineo to see that an uttle waste as

poasiblo takes place, in their respective juartera.w.By- - order of Msj, Gen. J; G." Foster.- -' I

f 4 fiOTJTIIARD "U OFFMAN, AssL Ad j. Gen, V,

t ; Department of North C .rolina,r .New Bern ; Sept. 24, 186)4.

SPECIAL ORDERS, 350. 54.Oatitain DanieF Messinireri A. Q. SI.. is hereby

Ordered to investigate and . examine into the ship.menta froin this point of cotton, Ate, since; the oc.Cupoiionor jXew lierne oy our forces. ; i .

iU.& will endeavor to discoveT who have shipped,and li6w,.cotUm seized by the U. S. tarovernment,and sent away without proper authority. !frrT .HT

All officers of the army will afiord CapC Me8sin- -

ger any iaciuiy in iub uiHcuorge ui hub uuiy. 4

j -: By command of MaVGen. J. G: Fifer, K'j C. JOHN F. ANDERSON. I

1c JUeut, and Acting" Asa't Adj t General. ..1


artmenfc of North CarolinaWoarRai-- n Sunt :!(!' ',

ORDERS No. 3?. 'I'rna nnnff oi cannon or inu.ss.etry oi wu iui i

pracuc ZfY'Tloruv. iw "o.mv.... u , - j i i j11 nnmmjtnrl f u; . jcn H'natMrt , l



Department of North uarouna, ?,, Aug yuru f

;& ' f " nf.W.T? At. fiRDEES No. 8 ;

Ati Vuinie fnrhldden to teave any port in thisDepartment and take any persou of color who didnnt. rriv inn the vessel, or. who haa not a pasa fromthe Generator other officer commanding, or .from

1 All vessels or every aesenpuon-viuian- u iw vi- -;

der will be liable to confiscation ana ner m&sier wm

;No vessel ehall nave any port in mis vewmwi'i.until the master alnill take an, oath that be has notany such person on board and will not allow any8U,h perso to com or remain on board '; ' -

.It hV the 4nty:4t the Harbor master or other perAn (hnntn nnointed to read a eopy of this order

to every master of a v ssel after she ehall be ready J

i ii-- l


been: taken; rr; r t T r r y p rr rp:,T? j All persona are forbid firing guna, pistols. 01? can-- It

shall be tha-dut- y of the masterbf every4 vessel jnon.-i- n any of the streets, r lanes, alleys, or, lots

otttit above meuuoneu uo i

m.irA m. written reptjrt dunne every voyage 01board soid vessel du--1

:. '.o-- ..TMn. anliAra in service, and to I

rannrt till called forby the Provost I

r i.i i, Affir Autlioriid to receive it.v 'Ii TTnanf Af Oeneral J G. Foster .rfl

(jlXiiXixU xiui riuai', I' J' , ., Ass't Adj't Gem J

. '" ';(

- j-- , j

Heado.uab.teb,' TlATifLrtment OI u:s. t- -M - . . r,,-- . I.... . . .f r- - ,f new uhiius. uuctI r'y "trti i.'i.i..lv unnninted CitvInsDCC- -

tor of New Berne' with power to assess . and collectrents ana gased accortlmg!

Mir'' J. LYMAN VAN BUREN, Military Secretarj;

I : - Dhpartmkst byNoRTH CaroUXA,; Ui '

1 , A QcAKTERMASTItRS DeP-ARTMEK- '' " Newbern. Sept. 26. 1862,! KTntore tn CotnnaHies 6uarter$ xn town,?1 vi, n iru mnst be turned off from all burners in

t. t.h r.roner hour for tne extinguishnient of lights,- - and but one-ligh- t will be

turnedusea in tne nan aunng tuo uaa-- "-

O fnmmm nffif.r.1 Will 860 inat IUIS UIUCI in

camedout and that all diligence U used in econo- -

m,,t ffJ .f v

3" Officers ouarterea iq town wiu uu. ubo umore burners nor continue iigu o.iute necessary, in their own quarters. ,r

ily ttoinmana oi awi .v.vro., -

JAS. C. SLAGHT, Capt. and A. Q. M i

Impertaal Order- -HkADOUARTKBS.'Li fr-- . h

Department of Nortli Carolina,New Berne, April

i GENERAL ORDERS, NO.28.. . . ::. - !iv


w hfc this Department is under Martial

t- -

h. 1 :niel wunerniuie.ii - - .. ..- - aArmy


Jiivftriifir'Uithis withia

DOunun aiajoF jreuiibichmond,C",;V: Asa't

Marshal's Offics.?Newbern, Jank 186i..

citizen will purchasepermit Irom Pro--

twittlkal'-fc'-- ? -"s----H

Nuthin? snipper

articles may, r.ewt"00?, irive ander, his. license

aell. Any trader refusing accept paymentStates Not

hinff filth kindHpnnaitjaiu(

oarreiu"'u- - ...V.,ie.iioceupanrs tiwheld rOnditioo..

ACVSklksl front their, buildings, andmODllll

which must kept free,ulation waterm sweets.

riw-- ,fHas been foot street

lanHi'rxr kinds thatbronght into this City sale acd ord-- pre--vent monopoly, perwustall any prodnee provisions. l.very

.n..r(l ftlian? and reasonableprice, under supervision efAd-ministratio-

Corps boats Willplace

sale provisions.-- ' Anyorder will boat

benefit Hospital. This oldereffect Monday next, day


fresh atEcrtBsett DIB


I7 IV. V" S

C.,' U8G3.



good;exceptcountersigned commanding-office- r











Newport..-..'.-.- ..

nnrtilinaCitv..-...- .

m.,,,--obtain- ed

expressed impUedwiUZ?Z'-JLut- .

f:;r4.i: Adj'tGeteraL,








arrested, Sergeant

conducted disorderly

















apparel.'prejudice discipline


Messinger. DivQr.












-- Havelock.




execution order.'





United Treasury reportaa




Gutters, prevent

Provost Marshal



CHV.Iorproduce violation

subject contentafixation thirtieth

provost Marshal.

c BUI'S- -



PkovostIIarshal'sJaa. loG3

Tlie duties addition the1duties laid down Army Beeulations. will

preserve order withia limits their beats.that property houses entered

without proper citizen abusedsalted that noldier passe post withoutpasa from Colonel that

passes post without pass from captainship, and that, alter dark, neither soldier

sailor allowed pass.xsvery soldier sailor found streets arier

daik, the! jpuardcalled: and offender handed him,

Guard House.4sons any time, will arretted and banded over

Guardsany riotous persons re-

fusing obey orders senti-nel shall arms, offender cannot se-cured any'other way. refift assault sen-tine- l.

gravest military offences, andsubject offender severe punishment.

CoTOm'wBjoTiedOCicers require apasa.feut'ofiicer. without

shoulder straps, which indicaterank. Gold lace sleevo naval officer

evidence rank officer.';No officer the Guard Sentinel baa

release from arrest any Prisoner thoProvosvGuard... The noa-co- missioned Ofiicer Bentinel

charge Prisoners twill lieldany escapes

pasa soldier aai!or

vesseL sailor withoutpass will arrested and

the Guard 'House.person allowed liquors

soldiers, sailors negroes, upon, pretext what-ever attempt evade this order treat-ed with the, same; opea violation

Any person selling- - Commissioned Officer,upon order purporting come from him, willbt.ld genuineness .the order- -

Sutlers prohibited from soilingglass ed

ofii(r Trivat; anldien i.i!fir citizen.violation this order will subject party offend'ing heavy fine well forfeiture privilese keen Store city Newbera.v'--j

parcel sent by. except hjyspecial pennu rovoai jo.a.rauui.

person shall water horse mule withinfifty feet purap.1?

person shall wash pump,-o- r clean, fish,filth ,any kind, pump

citizens auowea pass repass

After nine o'clock: pass good eieept specialfrmlh Prnvnitt Mftntha from Uead Onar

The Provost Marshal, allowfrom without lines land this city; unless

tney come-her- e trade such persons mustmade land some civen point, and where

else.. truard several mnet placed there,and those oeoole allowed with

cittzena Newbern except presencethe guard --and they must allowed

about city, tney want traae.stores, party them time, undercharge guard.,; These orders, must strictlycarried out. "1.""' ;'."-"""- ".

persons tms eity trade Imme-diately- report office Provost and boats allowed land

wharf dock, except those- -

lock street. found city, whohave reported above ordered will arrested

dealt with summarily. nCpersons forbid Horsea anylof

Trees Cllv. and Sentitelsacted seize animals that found,

violation oraen:

within this city. firework burnt,fired unless special the Provost Mar

Whereas roffieers hndnrivatea who noon detached vice, clerks.tnisters orderlies, the habitleaving proper unuoiuis acaiiiijofficers undress, citizen's very much

good order andherebv ORDIKEO.

That sucu persona, appearproper they, wetted and P"";

negroes forbidden wear buttonArmy mcers nereoy enjoneuthat their servant comply with reguhtt ion,

flArpftftpr fences, narfs fences., thistown, shall removed without written orderCapt. Daniel Master.

iast driving omcers meo)liihited within limits city. SeKtriea willarrest this order.

nArAft(r lead horses must taken Kegiment, Battery. which they belong, least

mile from town buried graveless than aeep.

Uattenes, &C.nu.tra norseBlodged commands, present

hying abutted.will

prompt carrying order.vrCTT?TJorder

Com. 18th Army Corps

iTovoat Alarsuai. suu3 .'tHXAnQTTARTERS.

NorthfjtS &ept. louz.

NOvehicles whatever will allowed pass

Headquarters. theProyorsba,

'.CS'lriZZ'&tw Berne,ORDERSNO,

v.n.r.nn nnunt nffif.ars and ArmyNavy United States being entitled,

wear uniform buttonseither service, hereby per-son,utl- er

wear any portionunitorm branch the United States service

this Department, except special permit, fromthese '.'."

person allowed buy iforms, partsunitornnvblankeUot equipmentsg.uws. l.i.luBP' enlist

Navy, except aaaerejoin- -order 'severely


The Provost Marshal with the strictorder.

command llaiGen. foster,Asst." Ad.it. Gen.

Ttlll-IXAU- ir ILUO AO.

3and aJtir Deo. trains will leave, follows

'Ml. imiLeave Newbern....-- . ,i-.fc-- 9

Newport liarracKSCity?

Arrive Morehead....GOISG WORTH.

Leave 3Ioreh ead.. ..1.(30.1.15

Barracks....-..--1.4- 0

........... 2.151Croatan. .2.5


passes this Road will void afterSej'teraber '.''.Montily Passes will Issued af.er thatdate, persons euuneution. only this Gee, and

pr.master Moreueaa. itks".iwill allowed travel Road itht

ticket. This wncnyJAM vi't


this and

dti-in- t the




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or meet : Fk Kttn7ntfishment.' 5 I ... --.18th Army Corps

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LIXTLE BY UTILE.' One' step, and then another.

And this longest walk is ended c -r

Odo stitch, and then auother, .


. And the the largest rent is mended.One brick npon another,' - of

"if, And the highest wall is mads ; '

' One fiake npon another, ,

-- .1; And the'deepest snow is laid. it ,

. - So tha little coral-workers- ,'" '.'


.cllave bnilt those prettj islands - tt ,

In the distant, dark bine ocean 1

'5;And the.nobleat undertakings I' ' .

H? ' Man' wisdom ihatli concciredj ' ' " - '

I j By ofVrepeated efforts ' . ofj V.; Have been patiently achieved. . .

.f'v-v.5- I c." ' ' "j L tThen do not look .disheartened U

'! - O'er the wotM you have to do, t ' ' ' iai And say that "such a mighty task J ! " ': '

!: ' You never can get throngh ; :.


iaI '.' Bat just endeavor day by day, i-- ....

J, And, soon the monritai'n "which you feared ,

Will prove to be a plain. ' ' ? . .

'Eonie was.not build ed in a day, t! The ancient proverb teaches? j . "1 u

And nature by her trees and flowers, if

The same sweet sermon preaches. -

H Think not ioriar off duties,'' .

t Bai of duties which are near ; J

I hf Awd having, once .Kegua the work, ;r1 l "Rt-Bol- to nersavere.

.: . . i - a . . r T . ,. !. ...3i i nK IV1URDER AT JjiAST OASUII icti. . iixi, aia,uTi Wright of Eaist Sandwich,' was shot dead by

' ' w . , ... ; m . .1 .eoriie unknown person on paturuav eveuuiglast,' while oh hi3 way norae from the residenceof his brother, where' he had; spent the even-

ing, , A few moments after he left hia brother'shouse, a report OI a pistol or, gun was uearvi,by the inmates, 'who immediately went ; put toascertain" the cause, but.-i- being quite darkidiscovered nothing;, and returned to the house.A few moments after. the wite Ot tne murqereaman called at the house, and Inquired alter. tDewhereaboutsVof her husband, aying she hadhpard the renort of a gun i upon which, gettingsomewhat aiarmea, a searca was maue, wuicuresulted in the finding of Mr. Y right mortallywounded, within a few rod3 ot his.own aoor.On coming up 'to him; he i exclaimed,! MyGod!" and also made some other exclamationwhich was not understood.' The ball enteredthe lower rartion of the body and passed upward, grazing the' heart, and must have beenfired bv aorne one reclining on the ground.The whole affair is shrouded in' mystery, andno clue has as yet been discovered as to theperpetrator of ahfr deed; The murder was notcommitted for money as Mr. Wright's pocket X

hook and cold Watch was Undisturbed. Coroner Chapman held an' inquest on the body iiun.;day. but riothipg. new was eiicitea. ine ae -ceased Was about 45: years of age, and is saidto have been a' very quiet inoffensive " rnar.The excitement inEast banuwica ana neigoboriner ' viUasres on Sunday was most intense,and was scarcely ever .'paraUeleiJSir7wfaJZ?ralrxOW, 'f.-:- .K?'-.rjnkv- s;?J

jFouR TjXvs Without Food. Eli Ps Sheets,confined in the Beaver jail. Pa.", under sentenceof death, for the murder of John Ansley, ceasedeating on Saturday, the 20th, at noon and up tonoon on Christmas day he had tasted nothing.The jailor became apprehensive that Sheet's ob-

ject was to starve himself to death,' but this hedenied, alleging that he could not eat o A varietyof food was set before- - him. but he persistentlyrefused everything excepting' a mere taate of roastapple . , He, was; falling very; rapid lyo and; onCbrietmas morning a physician: was called in tosee him. The doctor gave it as his opiwion thatdeath would efasUe in forty eight hours, u necontinued to reftisA nnnrishment. '

About noon on Christmas he was prevailednoon to take a little pruel. the physicians prohibitihg' him from' taking anything but Veryweak diet; and that in the smallest quantity at atime., If f : be continues to eat he will soon regainhis health, but if he should take another notionanA nhatairt fnr . a favm .Invu Ion cer. he ' will-- ' notreceive the offices of an executioner. . His deathwarrant had not been received, but it was signedbv tha several days since. Heappears very despondent and gloomy, and spendsmnch of his time inTeadin? bis Bible.: 'He deniesthat he murdered Ansley. but has intimated thathe knew who committed the-dee- XH refasestri tll whA thn cniltT ipartvs is. andf hence bisrfoniel nf irn'lf. maliM little or no impre66ion.i: Hiaexecution is fixed for the JPtb, of April next.

: ncki 17ftificntioM at Port IlBda.A' Baton Kouge Correspondent - of th0 Boston

Traveller aay'a f "V(v ..it,;,..rvirs.r irf .,, -

Information has beon received, that the farmersin this vicinity", at Clinton and ther places be-..o- n

am. Pnrt TTndson; are building fortifications of all kinds around their plantations andnnca the roads, and many or tnenf nave loop

tn, in ihAir himuw and barns ta aid Iruvi --

KlHnr anv Attemntr to advance neon. Fort UUd. .

vtiinb ; twrrntv. turn miles from here.' .Anerebel force at ine latter place is yarwuoij01 from fiitrht tn fiftftn- - thousand, find SOVRO Ot

fihtJno-- tnaterUl i concentrated there.The earthworks erected by the planters and theirslaves are suppuea ua ugu " :is leportcd that for two miles around Port Hud'--nn tha Marts M ntlliranel HliU DUWU buutnrno, . Tii a nhflli helieve this place.Gke a!

i - i,... ntn'nrl to . be impregnable,either from river or land attack, ana luey .piacegreat reliance on It strength' irf preventing ourS flt morlnv on Vickaburff. Tbey have oneimmense gun mounted on one oi mew oiMsrim. iwhich has never been urea, anatoi ifire least 'iti should ki plode. J --This monsterthey prefer to keep; muzzled till our .fleet: ap-

proaches. r.t';4 - .W't'iA ' WY-'t- JThe secessionist who fied from Baton oog

opon the news of our approach, are s work .withthe inhabitants of Clinton and Jackson, buildingearthworks. - On tha river the rebels have batteries five miles long, to defend Port Hudson. Allaccounts seem t wairant the general belief thata desperate battle will be fongbt at this point.The hilly situation ottb country around PortHudson gives to it unrivalled advantage in theshape of natural fortifications.: Notwithstandingall this, though ! dislike to prognosticate uponsuch uncertain events, yet I feel convinced, fromthe nature and extent of the preparation Jtbatare cow being made, that a Union defeat hero isimpossible. It may be dear bought victory,but it cannot, under the guidance of such triedand4 skilful leaders, result ia anything atvictory. - ' ' - - ' . , .


Man and wife are like pair of scissors, so

long as tbey ft together, but they'become dag-

gers 3 soou as they are disunited. -

Facts from History. We are indebted to Bto

; KUiIBER97.

Blercaatile Cavilnres ia the xjaltd 8taUr.uoiaunc i laiiures ior toe year past, cub

tshed by th llercactlla Ajrency cf Measi-a- . II. iVDun' & Co Kew York, ero received.: iThe number of failures in .llsssachusetta. exdnsive ttBoston, wa III ; liabilities $I,C42,800. " In Boston, 120i liabilities 2,013,000. i Whole number

failures in 1862. exclusive-- f British NorthAmerican. Proyineeay 1G32; liabilities $23,049,30 jwcole number, in British i'roviaces 2S8. withlabilities of$3983.-- T U r; It; 'I -r 'i?

Tbe.Corcular presents the number- - of failures.with amount of liabilities in each year including1857 to present date, t It appears that the liabilities of failed concerns in JBoston for years 1858,Itio'J ana ioou ranged in amount from 4,373,yyo

"58 to 4.l6,76t in last named year, bnt m857 in consequence of the monetary, crisis Jthey j

were $41,010,000, ' And again in 1851. increasedby the rebellion, they rose to 18,317.161, andhave fallen during the past vear under influence

low rate ol interest.' nd rising market formerchandize to $2,013,000. v . ; .:.;;vl

! Perhaps the most interesting fact exhibited bvthese tables at the present lime is that the failures

the lritish iTrovinces - correspond in relativeamount ot uarjiiinea very pearly. to those, of. ourcountry in each year being upwards 3,000,000

1857, a little over 4,000,000 only, in ' each ofthe three following years; but in 1861 8o00.000(about) and the past year a little more Uhain$3,000,000. No better iUuatratiou could be afford--e- d

of the intimate business relations ot herMajesty's neighboring coloniealwith thi UnitedSutes. Boston Daily A4crtiser y

Astronomical DiscovrEiEs 4nr 186IL Fiveplanets and four comets , have' been 'discoveredduring the 'past year.,' MK Safford,:of ,Cam,bridge, Mass.j first ' recognized aa ' planet

croniAthougli ;rt.had been 5 seen! in 1860.April 8thr-Mr.'.Tnttl- Cambridge 'discoyeredClytie,, The third planet, not yet named, wasdiscovered c-r-i the 22d of September bv Dr.

eters of' Hamilton College Obsertatory. On orthe 25th," Mrj Parker of ;New York discoveredthe fourth, which is not, yet- - named. ., On the22cL'of October Dr.. D'Arrest of Copenhagendiscovered Freya. 1, Four of the five, were dis:covered in this country.' : - ' "'

The i nrst comet . was 'discovered A by M- -

Schmidt, of Athens .Greece, on. the 2d of July,The second, comet. was discovered July 18tb, 1

Dy Mr. AUtue. ur. uruhns.oLLeipsic discovered one comet bns the last" day ;of Novemberand another- -' oni the5?flrst,c'day of Deceniberlair, x utile i lia?, maue . eleven; aicoTenes,greater number than, has -- been made by anyliving observer or sby any man except Messier,,the French astrehemer. Mr. Tuttie is. nowserving in the ; of a Massachusetts regi ?

ment in North Carolina. ": He is said to be asexpert : with a rifle as with a telescope.il Wegather the "t above facts from a communicationia the. Bostoa'. Courier , . . ' ..i .

yf : i Irs ; I. .t

j Martial Law, in Mobile. From .the way.the Mobile TJan, talks of the operations ofGen? Bragg's martial Maw in that city, it docsnot appear tbat it is deeply in love with Ihenv a

' ' ' - ' J'""-- .

Tr Rnva J - ;

luo. sanctity ,or a private ..room, we aretold, is not secure from invasion, so that theorder of the "Treat Bragg shall be rigidly , en--

" .-r i 1 - .L :r t.-- 1i

lorcea.: ; ue, aeiermines . wnai me ciuxsh suaudrink; when . be shall drink, , and . who shallgive him driuk.' HV 'should go further andsay what he shall eat, where heshall eat, andWOO snail sell II tu Willi. nil un.) aiuu ui iuiugmakes martial law' a humbug and a nuisance.' All ibrough this war we have been parsed

with.' petty tyranny. Odioiis customs havebeen thrustiiDon us. and their non-observan- ce

made criminal or penal," thus making ,'us, feelstill tnorb the realities ' and hardships of war.

! We are weary of --these- little tyrannies "atIs full time that tbey should have an end, andwe trust that tne ena is not, wr4 on. .aiuuarydespotism extended to the mere citizen" is themost odious ot,despotisms, and some ot tnedespots should; remember that there are menwho will follow them lor years witq tne uererxmination and vengeance , of a .Nemesis, lorWaniOu encroacuuivuka uu juaiicuauis hquia

'A Wlow arrived at St. John, N. B.. a few daysago. in a vessel on wbicfThe had sought passagetrom xjosiou miuig jWhen the vessel had proceeded some distance to

-- .'oaiaA'fiimMlf as 'a deserter from theFederal army: He said that he first enlisted inPortland, (where his lamuy resiaes, atw

v; Knnntv. socceeded in having Jus nameplaced on the hospital list, add afterwards escsp- -

ed to tioston. wnere uea bounty of $235, and-vanu- bed. He imme-diately hired on board an English steamer ;and

England and returned, when bea trip toEft the vessel- - and i tried his fortune at anotherenlistment, received another bounty, and made

his. exit by this vessel, bound to St. John.., r

" The' craft was obliged to enter.Portland, when

he left bei to visit his wife and thildren; but rejA nrinr to her departure And f arrived

at St. John; He said that his family,- - .1 . 4A1l..t'MI. week1tid and were receiving

from the State during tas abseffce. and in case of

the snspension-- B I' T . , ,nd reside in bis.new-ioun- a

i Tt. mir were so interested mbuex- -

: wtrn jintprin? Britbsti waters, he wasTlrr-A- k with and iron: booni aU ofwhieb be boTO with admirable. ng frtnd, andseemed not ill pleased with the ceremonies whichwelcomed his transition rrom iuo waaujru.so basely deserted and robbedp w

' ".J.--.j , - -.- '

1A Winchester Vs, eorrespondeiit cf the rhils-J- f

iMkviHr writes t !k-- '

- Winaiester is bott used Pj!i5U.e'7 j5',: .! -- tr.,nr to eat in this. I, V graveyard which deserve, s.

rw5l- - --!J? Tt i. boiit-ix- ty or seven'.y?T"Au.r;rr Th. rave are in row.,aboAifrrr.Tr't'.nart. extending the whole

euzh. There are some twelve or fifteenwith litUe board at tbe-bea- d

bearing the name of him who sleeps heneath.--- A

trench, two feet wiae and about four feetlong l rrrined-r- c his blanket is

bis'own length, and raisea cpt u --vleveroflheground.ss graves --re. ,W??V".laid with his bead at the feet of theon till th treneh is filledand filled , iu Uke :TtSJitySitthese tienebes-- Each one SSaoarf tbeor thirty n'hajri.g

...t ldir w, i'Z7?ibaltle.and now sleep their last sleep,

, f r - -

t! T v - D TELLtfiEST CoiffTRABASO "--AL' .i, T- -t with Gen. Backs' army a theoZ'aslon of the rfroccapation of Baton Kooje,.ncountcred a group of darkies in the suburb;

He says he nbked oca-o- f tLeco if there were anyaboliiionjsts in Baton liotsg.' '

No miis'r, de rebels touks uem .1 eH.i "Indeed I what do they do with thenil" ' ;

n. .Uni m . stun. niasr.' i '.

Yoa know what aa abolition- -. S o i sat nose- -

ijiti, don't youT- ,m

"Yes roaa'r,-- what de sojers cad catnJses.JLa; suillecdi - " '

. -

43 A1c.i. a

ur:.:i, Uic.i c- -. r;lonlar 1i6i;J4 tici--(

; : From a copy cf tha Richrron l (Va.,) TUili December 13th, it appears tLit. . . . .

.wtiiiuverrj ess i;crr p:r-- cr ijr ro; jthat journal nd the Rileih tUt C.)

Standird, another rcW-j'iur-r. u. The Enru'.r.r(

copies an editorial hich aVptarc! in tbe t; .fri !- - ,ard. of the 12th, - which contain? accusaitors fgainst the Jcfll

5 lavU .vmaly, srd nr i ,confessions in regard. to the Veil Coven. "

ment,; 'meaning j the Federal Union, wJi:;h aevery honest' Secessionist' should rr.nor taseriously. The Standard pufeUshed ftt the)capital of North-Carolin- a, declares that thCJuion was .brokefi. up by tha Jc Davis f.-.-3


liob, r before good cause was given, becausethey ; saw "that 4b ey vers-- about ' to lce thaspoils of oJSce.'vjhich they ,bkdli.cr joyed av

"yycars- - .i liere is the. article j rcjd.sriipreserve, it .;7'S!ir - a 3lr!nA.

'TDB. IClhfOXB.jitTxitEn. - , ,I The Hidimond Eilrer Vbas recently t!cvo- -,

tei , two Jong article? Ito us, in) which it -- hadone us, great injusUceujV,Wre. do riot, propose--.to-da-y to reply At any length to the. Enquirer.,,

1 '4ur.sPa?e. occupied by subjects-which- ,

require more immediate attention. v . ,xThe Enquirer Jabors through 'two cblum:

in ply ttt our articla oq the 2Sth November,but it b 'no. means nieeU. the points we madein that article;4 It"aamitsl.botbly ita silenca .

in regard to our statements on the subject, andits unoWdeHar'g:that-';th.e'nserTati- ofthis State aref solely Influenced by the love ofoffice, the fact that the administration of llr. "

Davis; is strictly: partisan' in itaf character'andthit be is' wielding for ;ji factibrj a great govern-- ?roenr wbicn 'ought ta be admihistercu", py,ana ,Z

forthe 'people.; Tne beef Patrick Henry5;1incident' which,ilhe; Eitthtiret1 introduces for."

. . . .V. - r i. : i. .v. i

the people forth-Carolin- "are influenced bytheir regard for the. spoils', is, alike stale 'aiTJioappropriatei' but it amounts to the admision that the Enquirer" and" its faction, are Inpossession of the 'beef, which hey intend toretain cat all h'aiards.;irtAr labored to breakdown the old Government beeaust they saw theyviefe aoovt fo loss the berft" and theyvouiltDrech:the new onetjhej'ore tkey voutd partieithmtthe cmreoM upon , trhick the pylturea futte Mm ttied: 'Their motto was, diideand 4e$trvy ,vjand their - mollo now is, onsolide,te, and rule

ruin. Hence they are JJeitructives, andthose" who opposo' them, and who; would gayathe n'eW'Gbvemment,the old, ix9 Conservatives, ,, ,;77V

We tell the' Enquirer-tha- t 'we still walk the ...

soil and breathe. the air. of freedom ; and thaiwe are not to be' influenced 'iptbur course tpthq sligktestlexte'nt by the blaadements hi thofro?nsofpow!rH., 3

va nnoWe bear a great leal on thia subject abouf,

thd importance of avoiding a conflict 'With tho-- r

Confederate Government. ff Tbis comes for tho-- I

most part from gentlemen who 'were not at all ,

scrupulous about;J bringing about ' i:; conflict Sit

with the. old Goyerrfuientjf and tearing it govtbejort goo&causes were givenfordqing $o. , .

Ane ivicumenu jcmquirer rnaa.es a uouduefIng but most, unsuccessful effyrt, to refute theses mfacts. The testimony is overwhelming .that,, fathe Southern leaders rebelled not because thepeople Iwere jicroriged,7but; because; they had-- 1

been defeated in jtair.,constitutional, election,- -

and they could "hot brook the thought " that ',cotton : aristocrats Should obey v tne ; great --ue imbcracy of the United States. Mr. Cobb saitl --


that Southern gentlemen would not lite under .

'Frmdejip who had come vf'from the ranis,oj tiUecyUa Abe-Lincol- n, had done." 0Unb ; they would soonei plunge the nation-i- n khorrible war, nd slaughter-t-he white citizensof thef) South byTthftUsandSKlhat. they migfcr ;

organize another Government.,. Will the veopUtof the South be led any longer by these heart. .

less-Aspiran-ts for bffica and ower,' when a lead

ing rebel journal tells thens tha rtheseaspirantiincited a rebellion without good reason ? Arbthey ro' blindlydevoted to JefJU Davis'andtGov Harris .that they will,8acriflce:i life .Wuliberty," and enslave thsir children, to . gtv'o

corrupt demagogues fat bfJScfest Suppose"the Southern Confederacy: could be4 established ri

aa it r never icanwhat Jthert tHow slong' bwbuid it bajbeforeiSome defeatcd candiiata. foruK'the Presidency would gather an array and. raisojanother rebellion, and another civil war T

1 Willthe people be made .mere puppets, forever, and,allow themselves io be used as the 'playthingsof Judah Benjamin arid John C. Breckinridge ?Are we to have a rebellion, at every elcctionvwas they do in' Mexico?, Must one hundredthousand industrious rs . leavetheir homes, sleep on the cold ground, half--

elad all 1 winter j live on scanty food, and banaslaughtered like .sheep because aome Don on: uiacouon planUtion, who owns two or tbrco: ;huudred negroes, has.beeribealen for tho ,

PresidencyrUnless the South returns to the-Unio-

there is" ' nothing iti iho future for hcr ?

but secession,' rebellion and civil war. "-- :

Fori Sumter Bstl to 'be Iron-riatct- l.

The New York SundayJ Hercury: rjabliihca Ia letter, purporting een wnttcn vjan 'officerot. the revenue cutter- - F.ibbf givirtxan account oi a secret reconnoittripg, expedi- -

.tiOrt in unarieston uaroor,, .ucu iuuvmUieW&efy that --the febels Lave pUUd Ucr 'oiitside of Fort Sumter wit !s heavy bars of -

railroad iron. The storywhetner true or noi,ti riotis.,.Tfce writer savs: n.M.- v io 1 now ran the boat right under ins s..a ijt uof the fort,' peeping juit .far cnou- - l away to.avoid ''beirisek dashed against It. 1 now cou.d "

u Viv nccastonal . Cashes cf the lacterntLat,-- ' aas 1 bad at first, tho wlc'a fjrt ir.uf .

encased in a suit of iron arocr. Purahel tars ,!iM.i' irhn traversed thia iron Ciaim,

LWonirtt'naAy from the UaSO to the uppwr

Iine." fTbe port-hole- s were proteaeJ by ucaa-- "siTt projections of the same nuKw. p.i. u. , ting acute angles atevcryfi Tnia armor.would offer a very serious rei:iance. to ,t.id

90.pbondefiC even' when." tb a uiany- - u. gics --

presented did not ciase tUalto .vu-- s, f r"send them spinning ofl in enothtr direction

) ciurr .rJ.The-cle- ver ,.tlika, so many peas.,bevidtly notb.cn iJre attf tVfi-nr.rf- : and it ii to hsax tu-- 'C0.

.. av ;

a.:2Cit- -

thU 'forinidablia' arranei

inci led l.2irai.x are io

reat extent and depth, tspfcciaHy one 't t;.cii.,fr.K c-i- .vt - rsa rnnSiihotnatldi' hit.

MS' 11.. -. , .t -- a r,l mi'-- M rr r n it IIcaim'riueii ins "( ' - -- : v -

stormy. It is, therefore, .prouA.e t.t t.ey'

have a subterranean coinju.iic-to- a Rit.iocean; and this seems to t confirmed by t- -o

ncea of slilr J they throw i ? tc--- :40 miles from .the sea. vTUrs u pr z c:

ordinary lake in that country, 7! ; ; , 1 c. "OJI

Rtorm is said to rsako a fn : .i..i r-- -..

r.,-i- f m.tv be lizard a!dL. j ts auwiso , , . , 1

miles. And we are aUo touit; a i c- - .1tain called Ftrvar.caiJ aDo tr-cniy--

; j.:r ...from Comby, that Ebsarbs r.oi w' 1. L:ttha li"htest bydTcs thrown hits if, r:'--i r.ilV, Wi.-- , r

bottoui ana are ievcr- - seen i- -- u 1 . jwe may add a rctaarkabla- iprir--s Iwhich Jetr'uie3 wood, or rati.crwith a ctiseof stone; but t'.n t ' t

Lib!e circumstance is, that in f u.r.v.wr 1

up watercnough to turn sgvcsJ 1.1. V.

wbivr is pcrJccUy dry.
