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Ex-Ante Impact Assessment of Coconut Water Industry in the Philippines

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Nature’s Energy Drink: How Ecological is Coconut Water? (Ex-Ante Socio-Cultural and Environmental Impact Assessment of Coconut Water Industry In the Philippines)
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Nature’s Energy Drink: How Ecological is Coconut Water?

(Ex-Ante Socio-Cultural and Environmental Impact Assessment of Coconut Water Industry In the Philippines)

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I. Abstract As a move towards a more ecological living

and in accordance to poor coconut production of the Philippines, the promotion of coconut water as nature’s energy drink is proposed. The benefits of cocowater to human and environment were described as well as its benefits over commercial energy drinks. Then the possible socio-cultural and environmental impacts of cocowater industry were assessed. Analysis showed that cocowater is indeed beneficial to human health and environmentally sound, whichgives it huge potential to alleviate the Philippine coconut industry and promote ecological agriculture.

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I. Introduction

People are now turning to healthier means to hydrate themselves after working out or

just quench everyday thirst from normal activities. Hence, the sudden popularity of coconut

water particularly in the USA. But in the Philippines coconut water as an energy drink is not yet

popular. The awareness in the health and environmental benefits of cocowater is lacking in the

country. Moreover, the preference in carbonated drinks and commercial sports drink is

prevailing. Cocowater, the nature’s energy drink could be the answer to their lack of

consciousness in their own health and environment.

A. Problem Addressed Coconut is dubbed as the “tree of life” yet it is also considered as the “orphan child of

Philippine agriculture”. The government policies are biased against coconut production and

more focused on irrigated rice. Thus,the potential of coconut industry for growth through

product diversification and value adding is not optimized. At the sudden shot of cocowater to

popularity, the country now has an opportunity to improve its coconut industry.

However, focusing solely on increasing productivity is un-ecological as it fails to put into

consideration its possible impact on humans and the environment. In the case of coconut

water, what socio-cultural and environmental impacts are projected from this industry? How

ecological is coconut water?

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B. Significance of the Study

This study will serve as a campaign for consciousness and awareness of what we drink,

in relation to the popularity of carbonated drinks and commercial energy drinks. Coconut water

will not only cultivate health and well-being of human but it will also celebrate life—celebrate

the richness of our natural resources. People must become more aware of nature’s gifts to us

and that there are many ways to achieve a living that is in compliance with nature.

Aside from its ecological preferment, this study is also significant as it poses a potential

for the growth of the country’s coconut industry. The coconut industry is significant to the

country since coconut farms are present in 69 out of its 79 provinces, coconut farms cover

some 3.3 million hectares (ha), nearly 30% of farmlands, coconut regions host among the

largest number of rural poor, and coconut products contribute nearly half of agriculture exports

(Dy, R. & Reyes, S). The improvement in Philippine coconut industry is not only ecological but it

will also alleviate the country’s poverty.

C. Objectives

This study aims to:

Describe the health and environmental benefits from coconut water

Describe the benefits of coconut water over commercial sports drink

Assess the possible impacts of coconut water industry to human

Assess the possible impacts of coconut water industry on the environment

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II. Methodology

A background research was conducted regarding coconut water as a commodity – why

it is suddenly popular, what are the benefits that the consumers derive from it, how it

competes with commercial energy drinks – and coconut water as an industry – how it could

affect Philippine coconut production.

After the above information was obtained an ex-ante impact assessment was done. Ex-

ante impact assessment is used to assess the potential of future projects or programs. It is done

before the implementation of the project or intervention. In this case, the assessment aims to

determine how ecological cocowater is.

The assessment was focused on socio-cultural impacts – or how Filipinos will be affected

by the industry particularly regarding their health and ecological awareness– and

environmental impacts - or how a coconut water industry will affect our environment bio-

physically and ecologically.

III. Results and Discussion

A. Facts about Coconut Water

The following are facts about cocowater that are particularly attractive and interesting

to consumers.

Coconut water is more nutritious than whole milk: Unlike whole milk, coconut water is 99% fat

free and has no cholesterol.

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Coconut water is healthier than orange juice: Coconut water has less calories and sugar than

orange juice. But, like orange juice, coconut water can boost your immune system and help you

fight common ailments such as the flu.

Coconut water is better than processed baby milk: Coconut water is naturally sterile,

possesses growth promoting properties, and contains lauric acid, which is also naturally present

in human milk. It is especially beneficial to give babies suffering from diarrhea coconut water as

this fluid can help calm their digestive tract, prevent dehydration and malnutrition.

Coconut water is identical to human plasma: Amongst medical professionals coconut water is

referred to as the "universal donor" because it is so similar to human plasma that it can be

administered intravenously to all humans, regardless of their blood types.

Coconut Water has the Following Nutrient Content:

Coconut water (Cocusnucifera), Fresh, Nutrition Value per 100 g (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Principle Nutrient Value

Percentage of RDA

Energy 19 Kcal 1%

Carbohydrates 3.71 g 3%

Protein 0.72 g 1.5%

Total Fat 0.20 g 1%

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Dietary Fiber 1.1 g 3%


Folates 3 µg 0.75%

Niacin 0.080 mg


Pantothenic acid 0.043 <1%

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Sources: http://www.nutrition-and-you.com/cocnut-water.html http://www.theundergroundbootcamp.com/nutrition/coconut-water-natures-energy-drink/

These facts are not commonly known if not unknown to Filipinos. We have constantly

drink cocowater for the purpose of refreshment not knowing that there is so much more to our


Pyridoxine 0.032 mg


Riboflavin 0.057 mg


Thiamin 0.030 mg


Vitamin C 2.4 mg 4%

Vitamin A 0 IU 0%

Vitamin E 0 mg 0%

Vitamin K 0 mcg 0%


Sodium 105 mg 7%

Potassium 250 mg 5%


Calcium 24 mg 2.4%

Copper 40 mcg 4.5%

Iron 0.29 mg 3.5%

Magnesium 25 mg 6%

Manganese 0.142 mg


Zinc 0.10 mg 1%


Auxin (Gibberlin) Present --

Carotene, beta 0 µg --

Cytokines Present --

Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg --

Leucoanthocyanin Present --

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local ‘buko juice’. If we patronize cocowater solely for quenching our thirst, how much more

for its health benefits?

B. Health Benefits From Coconut Water

The following are the natural health benefits from coconut water:

1. Naturally hydrate our body after exercise

Coconut water has a natural balance of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium,

which make it a healthy electrolyte drink. This well-balanced fluid composition with much

needed calories would be an ideal drink than any other brand of soft drink beverages in

dehydration conditions.

Its water is also a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin,

thiamin, pyridoxine, and folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires

them from external sources to replenish.

The potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B contents of cocowater aids in strengthening

the muscles, delaying fatigue and maintaining normal heart function.

2. Calm and cleanse our digestive tract

Drinking coconut water is especially beneficial to the digestive tract when recovering

from an illness. This amazing fluid can help repair any damage antibiotics may have caused to

the digestive tract by relieving stomach pain and normalizing our intestinal functions.

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Coconut water is composed of many naturally occurring bioactive enzymes such as acid

phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA polymerases etc. Altogether,

these enzymes aid in digestion and metabolism.

Coconut water has been generally offered to patients with diarrhea in many tropic

regions to replace fluid loss from the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the need for intravenous


3. Coconut water has age and disease defying properties

Research studies suggest that cytokinins (e.g., kinetin and trans-zeatin) in coconut water

showed significant anti-ageing, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic effects.In addition, fresh

coconut water has small amount of vitamin-C (ascorbic acid); provides about 2.4 mcg or 4% of

RDA. Vitamin C is a water-soluble anti-oxidant. Those who drink coconut water on a regular

basis usually have a smooth and lovely complexion. Drinking pure coconut water on a regular

basis will help to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin, giving strength and elasticity to the skin.

The high potassium and low sodium content of coconut water alsomhas a nutrient

profile shown to help lower high blood pressure.

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Other ailment fighting properties of coconut water:

helps promote weight loss boost your immune system fight viruses boost poor circulation boost thyroid health keep body at proper temperature carry nutrients and oxygen to cells help break up kidney stones great for liver problems such as

hepatitis reduce urinary problems helps eliminate swelling in hands and

feet good for burns

C. Coconut Water and the Commercial Energy Drinks

According to the Philippine Coconut Authority(PCA) Administrator Euclides Forbes,

coconut water had become a popular energy drink abroad because of its natural qualities and

lack of chemical preservatives compared to other commercial energy drink. Aside from this,

cocowater contains more nutrients like potassium. A typical serving of cocowater offers 569 mg

of potassium, which is almost twice the amount in a banana. This mineral helps regulate blood

pressure by counteracting the stimulating effects of sodium, of which it contains only 160 mg,

and this in turn helps to prevent related issues like stroke, heart attack and hangovers.

Comparing this to 14 fl. oz. of Gatorade, which contains 'only' 52.5 mg of potassium and 192.5

mg of sodium, cocowater proves to be healthier.

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Coconut water is a multi-purpose beverage. Aside from competing with sports drink

cocowater can also be served for daily refreshment and regular hydration, dining

accompaniment and indulgent relaxation. While soda and other energy drinks has artificial

packaging, God created only one natural drink in natural packaging, a perfect natural drink that

is as delicious and refreshing as it is healthy and nutritious (Arcilla, 2011).

D. Environmental Soundness of Coconut Water Industry

The industry of coconut water and coconut as a whole poses no harmful effects to

environment as we may very well know that coconut has no by-products, no wastes. Every part

of a coconut tree has a purpose, from the timber, to the husks.

Coconut farming also has minimal dependence on external inputslike fertilizers and

pesticidescompared other fruit trees and other crops. Coconut farming also promotes bio-

diversity since a lot of crops can be intercropped with coconut. It also mostly leaves the soil, the

grasses, the weeds, and insects to themselves. Most coconut farms can also be used for crop-

livestock integration.

Coconut farming also does not require a lot of inputs and resources particularly water.

Coconut is very compatible to our tropical weather, unaffected by the summer season unlike

most crops. Harvesting can be done all throughout the year, and there is no such thing as off-

seasoned coconut.

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Aside from coconut water being served in its natural container, its new packaging

technologypromotes the use of tetra packs made of hard paper instead of plastic bottles,

plastic cups and canned drinks that are less ecological.

E. Ex-Ante Socio-Cultural and Environmental Impact Assessment of Coconut Water Industry in the Philippines

Table 2 shows the perceived impact of coconut water industry to human and to the


Indicators Impacts



ecological awareness

improved health and well-being reduced incidence of carcinogenic, excretory, digestive,

and cardiovascular diseases reduced frequency of hospitalization higher efficiency in physical activities

reduced consumption of commercial energy drink, and

other carbonated drinks increased awareness of healthier means of drinking or

hydrating increased consciousness on type of food consumed increased significance placement on natural products increased awareness on the richness and importance of

natural resources

Environmental increased size of coconut farms decrease in barren lands increased biodiversity decreased carbon-dioxide in the air fresher air and colder climate increased land cover decreased soil erosion and surface run-off increased crop-livestock integration increased and improved agro-forestry less waste like plastic bottles, empty cans

Table 2. Ex-Ante Impact Assessment of Coconut Water Industry in the Philippines

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From the table we can see that aside from those evidentbenefits fromcoconut water,

there are still a lot of secondary benefits. There can be a snowball of underlying impacts

generated from coconut water industry, provided of course that there will be enough political,

technical, and financial support to the industry and good marketing strategy coupled with

positive response from consumers. We can see that these projected impacts pose a huge

potential for a more ecological Philippines.

IV. Summary and Conclusion

The Philippine coconut industry is not living up to its potential. With the arrival of

coconut water, the industry now has new opportunity for development. Not only will it increase

coconut production, it will also promote a more ecological living. Coconut water has a lot of

health and environmental benefits yet these benefits are just the tip of the iceberg. It is

projected that huge socio-cultural and environmental improvements can be achieved through

coconut water industry. Coconut water is indeed a good way to be ecological.

V. Recommendation

This paper focused on the ecological impacts of cocowater, a more holistic approach is

therefore recommended. There are still impacts like technological, political, istitutional and

economical that should be considered in order to assess the over-all compatibility of coconut

water industry in the Philippines.

It should also be noted that the impact assessment done above are only projections. To

achieve those impacts, much action is still needed, from the government, from farmers,

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producers, marketers, and consumers. At the time being, generation of awareness regarding

coconut water is recommended - actions like Information, Education Communication (IEC)

campaign can be done. (In view of this a sample IEC material is provided, its target audience are

consumers as well as people who would like to engage in cocowater business)

VI. References

Arcilla, W., Why not build a Philippine brand of coconut water, 2011, Phillippine Daily Inquirer, http://business.inquirer.net/23449/why-not-build-a-philippine-brand-of-coconut-water

Dy, R. and Reyes, S. The Philippine Coconut Industry: Performance, Issues and



Aragon, Corazon. 2000. Coconut Program AreaResearch Planning and Prioritization.

DiscussionPaper 2000-31. Philippine Institute forDevelopment Studies.Socio-Economic

ResearchPortal for the Philippines.

Agustin, Yvonne T.V. 2005. Global Competitiveness,Benchmarking and Best Practices for

theCoconut Industry. Lecture materials for the FoodSystems Management (FSM) on

Major Crops andProcessed Products. University of Asia and thePacific. March 31, 2005.

http://business.inquirer.net/25199/coconut-water-exports-jump-315. Accessed March 14, 2012

http://www.fao.org/ag/magazine/9810/spot3.htm. Accessed March 19, 2012

http://www.nutrition-and-you.com/cocnut-water.html. Accessed March 14, 2012


Accessed March 14, 2012


Accessed March 19, 2012

http://www.pca.da.gov.ph/magnitude.html. Accessed March 19, 2012
