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Exam 4 Questions

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  • 8/12/2019 Exam 4 Questions


    What is a stressor?

    Anything that throws body out of allostatic


    What is allostasis?

    Allostasisis the process of achieving stability, orhomeostasis,through physiological or

    behavioral change

    What are the 3 stages of a stress response?

    1. Alarm: SNS activation

    2. Resistance: decreased SNS activity; increased HPAactivity cortisol& other hormones for maintaining

    prolonged alertness & increased immune function (to

    fight infections & to heal wounds)

    3. Exhaustion: NS and Immune system are spentperson

    is tired, inactive, and vulnerable to illness

    What is the role of the sympathetic NS in the stress response?

    sympathetic nervous system(SNS) is one of the three parts of theautonomic nervous

    system,along with theentericandparasympatheticsystems. Its general action is to

    mobilize the body's nervous systemfight-or-flight response.It is, however, constantly

    active at a basal level to maintainhomeostasis.[1]

    What is the HPA and what is its rolein the stress response?

    Hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal cortex Hypothalamus makes CRH Pituitary makes ACTH

    adrenal secretes cortisol increase in blood sugar &


    Activated w/ prolonged stressors

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    Beneficial in the short-term; detrimental in the long-


    Negative consequences of stress (like effects on

    learning and memory) can be induces by stressitself, or by an injection of cortisol!

    Why do you feel terrible during finals week?

    Acute activation boosts the immune system,

    even improves memory Useful for escaping a predator

    *but*Powerful, inescapable, temporary stress body

    reacts like illness, w/ increased immune activity Like exam week!

    body increases production of natural killer cells (a type of

    white blood cell for fighting infections) and cytokines.

    Cytokines help fight infections, but they are also the bodys

    way of telling the brain you are sick, so you have sickness

    syndrome (fever, exhaustion, decreased appetite)

    What are some factors that affect the stress response?

    Individuals perception of their own ability to cope

    with stress

    Intensity of the stressor (novel environment vs. life-

    threatening situation)

    Individuals control over the stressor Duration of stressor

    Personality traits (individuals with high anxiety) are

    more likely to show impaired memory after stressor)

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    Gender (males more affected than (young)

    femalessome measures improvein females!)

    Age (older more vulnerable to deleterious effects

    of stress than younger; early stress might notshow cognitive effect until later in life)

    What are some effects of long-term stress?

    Hippocampal damage (b/c increased cortisol makes

    hippo. neurons more vulnerable) Chronic infant stress leads to deceased hippo

    plasticity & impaired spatial memory in adulthood


    Explicit memories (consolidated by hippocampus)

    are esp. vulnerable to stress; implicit memories are

    not (sometimes opposite effect!)interesting b/c

    amygdala increases branches and other brain

    regions that do implicit learning (like cerebellum)

    are not as affected by stress. Reproductive effects:

    Decreased libido in women

    Can inhibit menstrual cycle, ovulation in women

    Decreased sexual performance in men

    Decreased immune function, Prolonged sickness

    syndrome?? Prolonged increase in cortisol decreases protein

    synthesis, including proteins for the immune

    systemso lots of eitherfeelingsick or beingsick.

    Increased blood sugar (b/c stress (cortisol?) causes

    pancreas to release glucagon)is this bad if happens

    for too long??

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  • 8/12/2019 Exam 4 Questions


    Maybe people w/ low cortisol are ill-equipped

    to handle extreme stress

    Vietnam vets w/ brain damage & PTSD: those w/

    damage to amygdala NEVER had PTSD!

    What is an engram, and what were Lashleys critical mistakes in looking for the


    A physical representation of a memory

    Lashley: trained rats, then cut* or lesioned^ certain areas of

    cortex *no significant effect on performance; the bigger the

    lesion, the greater the impairment (location didnt matter) 2 false assumptions:

    (1) memory is in cortex

    (2) all memories are physiologically the same

    What are implicit memory and explicit memory? What brain regions are important for


  • 8/12/2019 Exam 4 Questions


    What are some differences b/t short-term memory (working memory) and long-term

    memory? What brain region is important for working memory?

    Short Term Memory

    Small capacity CYZUAUF

    Fades quickly unless rehearsed

    Once forgotten, it is gone Working memory is alternate way of thinking of

    STM: lasts hours to days w/o rehearsal: where car

    is parked, when/where lunch date is

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    Time needed for consolidation varies,

    especially depending on familiarity of topic &

    emotional content

    Long Term Memory Infinite capacity

    Lasts indefinitely

    Could be forgotten and then later remembered w/

    appropriate cues. Phone # vs. names of grade school teachers

    Working memoryDelayed response task

    Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

    What were some of HMs impairments; what could he still do?

    HM: anterograde amnesia Lost declarative (explicit)

    memory & spatial memory

    Intact procedural memory

    (a type of implicit) and

    working memory

    With regard to memory, what are some functions of the hippocampus?

    Active during formation of memories & during


    Consolidation (STM LTM)

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    Declarative/explicit memory

    Spatial memory Increased activity in hippocampus

    when doing spatial task (ex:imagining best route; fMRI)

    Damage impairment of spatial


    London taxi drivers: hippo active

    during spatial tasks; larger posterior hippo

    & positive correlation to time being a taxi

    driver Birds that live at high altitude and bury seeds

    = larger hippocampus

    Place neurons

    What other brain regions are important in learning and memory, and what type of

    learning do they subserve?

    Cerebellum: for learning a conditioned response Also for motor learning (skills) & cognitive

    stuff too.

    Parietal lobe: if damage, dont spontaneously

    elaborate on memories

    Temporal lobe (ant./inf.): damage causes

    semantic dementia SD: loss of factual knowledge

    Probably b/c this region is a hub for retrieving

    info; not the location of storage.

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    Prefrontal cortex: learning reward and

    punishment Also working memory of course

    What is a Hebbian synapse?

    Hebbian synapse: a synapse that

    increases in effectiveness b/c of

    simulataneous activity in pre- and

    postsynaptic neurons What is LTP? What receptors are necessary?

    Long Term Potentiation: a burst of stimulation

    from axons, e.g., 100 excitations per second for

    1-4 seconds onto dendrites, results in

    potentiated (strengthened) synapses for minutes,days or weeks

    Necessitates glutamate receptors: AMPA and

    NMDA receptors

    What are some presynaptic changes that occur in LTP? What are some postsynaptic

    changes that happen in LTP?

    Presynapticchanges during LTP

    Retrograde transmitter from dendrite to

    axon terminal, usually nitric oxide (NO)

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    Decreased threshold for producing APs

    Increased release of neurotransmitter

    Expansion of axon (seen in prev. slide along

    w/ increase in spine number Release of NT from more sites along axon

    What is evidence that there is a functional connection between LTP and actual


    Neurons change early in training, a

    preliminary step before behavioral change

    Research with mice abnormal NMDA receptors impair learning

    drugs that block LTP block retention of

    learned material

    drugs that facilitate LTP facilitate learning

    LTP increases certain proteins, & blocking

    those proteins weakens memories

    LTP increases GAP-43& over

    production of GAP-43 enhances

    learning and problem solving

    following training, LTP seen in hippocampus

    quickly and in cerebral cortex 90-180 minutes

    later (this might have been in rats)

    What are some cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms of dementia? What are the 4

    As of demenita?

    The diseases of aging

    Different causes; similar presentations

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    Impairment in memory & cognition, accompanied by

    decreased ability to relate/function at home/work/social


    Noncognitive symptoms: delusions, suspicions,hallucinations, agitation, depression

    Up to 2/3 of AD patients develop delusions & hallucinations

    Depression & dementia are often comorbidhave to distinguish b/t

    the two

    Also have to distinguish b/t dementia and psychosis

    Amnesia Loss of memory (working memory goes first)

    Agnosia Loss of ability to recognize objects

    ApraxiaLoss of knowledge about how to do


    AphasiaLoss of speech

    What are some symptoms of Alzheimers Disease (AD)?

    Deficits in explicit and implicit memory Better procedural than declarative memory

    First symptoms can be mild anterograde amnesia

    Gradual progression to more serious memory loss and Language problems (loss of vocabulary)




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    Loss of appetite


    End stage is usually coma; death usually caused by an

    infectionVery early cognitive symptoms (difficulty committing new things to

    memory) can be noticed up to 8 yrs before symptoms progress enough

    to meet criteria for AD.

    In early stages of Alzheimer's disease, there is a steady decline.Symptoms include: loss of recent memory, language skills and motor

    skills. The person may become hostile and agitated due to the losses

    that are occurring. Visual-spatial skills are impaired. There is an inability

    to orient in an unfamiliar environment. Depression may also be present.

    What is the difference b/t early-onset and late-onset AD? Which one has a stronger

    genetic contribution?

    Early onset People

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    People w/ Downs Syndrome get AD if theysurvive to middle age. So looked on chromosome

    21found gene linked to many cases of early

    onset AD

    Late onset: Over 60 yr old

    5% of people b/t 65-74 yr old

    50% of people over 85 yr old

    Some genes that increase risk, but only account for small

    percentage of cases

    Half of patients have no known relative with A.D. Yoruba people (Nigeria): lots of A.D. genes; very little


    What do the neurons and the brain of an AD patient look like?

    Brain atrophy Loss of neurons

    Loss of spines & synapses Loss of connections between neurons

    Proteins fold abnormally, clump, and interfere w/

    neuronal activity

    Plaques and tangles: Where are they (inside or outside of cells) and what forms them?

    Amyloid precursor protein Normally important in neuron growth,

    survival and post-injury repair (?)

    cleaved to A40

    in AD, cleaved to A42

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    A42 accumulates (usually prior to behavioral symptoms)

    widespread atrophy of cortex, hippocampus, etc amyloid

    plaques (formed from degenerating axons & dendrites, in

    the places b/t neurons) Tau

    Normally part of intracellular support structure of neurons;

    involved in transporting things w/in the cell

    Abnormal form in AD (hyperphorphorylated; aggregates w/

    other strands of tau)

    Produces tangles, from degenerating structures w/in

    neuronal cell bodies

    What are some treatment options for Alzheimers Disease?

    Drugs to stimulate Acetylcholine receptors or prolong Ach release Ach system is first to go Aricept One area damaged (basal forebrain) is important in Ach system & for

    arousal NMDA receptor antagonists to block excitotoxicity Anti-inflammatory drugs (inflammation may be caused by plaques and lead to

    neuronal dysfunction) Drugs to stimulate cannabinoid receptors Limits overstimulation by glutamate Looks good in rat model of AD

    Antioxidants to block -amyloid Aged mice: curcumin (in yellow dye and tumeric) reduces amyloid and

    plaques Immunization

    to produce antibodies against -amyloid Researched in mice & humans (a few life-threatening side effect in

    humans though, so research stopped)

    Worth mentioning: Memory books, respite for caregivers

    Know causes, symptoms, and (when applicable) treatment options of Korsakoffs

    Syndrome, Parkinsons Disease, Huntingtons disease and CJD.

    Korsakoffs Syndrome

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    Aka. Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

    Brain damage caused by prolonged thiamine (vitamin B1)

    deficiency Usually in alcoholics: poor diet: lots of carbs; no vitamins

    Thiamine needed to metabolize glucose (fuel for the brain)

    Shrinkage of neurons, esp. in mammillary bodies & dorsomedial

    nucleus of thalamus, which sends axons to prefrontal cortex

    Damage of axons & myelin

    Can also involve other brain areas

    Symptoms of Korsakoffs


    Like damage to prefrontal ctx



    Retrograde & anterograde amnesia

    Better implicit than explicit memory

    Difficulty reasoning thru memories (ex. what event happened

    first?) Confabulation: person takes a guess to fill in blanks of memory

    Learning becomes difficult b/c confabulate answers and then

    remember the confabulation instead of the correct answer

    Eye abnormalities (nystagmus, oculomotor paralysis, paralysis of

    conjugate gaze)

    Ataxiaof stance and gait

    Parkinsons Disease

    Loss of dopaminergic cells in

    substantia nigra that project to

    striatum less excitation of cortex

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    Rigidity, muscle tremors, slow

    movement, difficulty initiating movement (or cognitive


    Dementia can be similar to AD, but movement problems are

    first and predominant sign in PD Depression

    Deficits in memory and reason

    Mix of causes Genetics? Yes for early-onset

    Toxins? MPTP MPP, which is toxic to SN neurons

    Exposure to MPTP or similar chemical in

    pesticides and herbicides

    Drugs: cigarettes & coffee decrease vulnerability;marijuana increases vulnerability

    Virus? PD symptomS

    Huntingtons Disease

    Loss of cells in caudate & putamen

    Arm jerks & facial twitches, later tremors and

    writhing Cognitive changes and psychiatric symptoms, which often

    develop prior to movement disorders Depression & anxiety

    sleep disorders

    memory impairment

    Hallucinations & delusions

    Poor judgement

    Alcoholism & drug abuse Sexual disorders

    Genetic (autosomal dominant) 95% penetrance

    Chromosome 4

    Trinucleotide repeate (C-A-G)

    Normal gene makes protein huntingtin

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    More repeats get it earlier

    Earlier it begins quicker it progresses

    Abnormal huntingtin harms neurons by:increasing NT release,

    decrease BDNF release, impairs mitochondria

    Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Familial (Inherited) or sporadic (spontaneous)

    New variant CJD (nvCJD): these are known as transmissible

    spongiform encephalopathies BSE or Mad cow disease

    nvCJD resulting from contaminated instruments or transplants

    For PD, HD and Korsakoffs, what brain regions are involved?

    What are prions? Prions (protein-based infectious agent);

    Misfolded proteins that promote refolding of native

    proteins into diseased states There is a normal prion protein which is a membrane-

    bound protein that is implicated in LTP and long-term

    memory. This is what becomes abnormal and affects

    other prion proteins.

    Infectious (acquired), spontaneous (sporadic) orinherited (familial)

    Pruisner won Nobel Prize in 1997

    Symptoms: rapidly progressing dementia, confusion, blurred vision,

    hallucinations, incoordination, changes in gait, muscle twitching and

    stiffness, seizures, personality changes, nervousness, speech

    impairment, sleepiness

    What kind of language do other species have? What do we learn from studying how

    other species communicate or from their potential for language?

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    Chimps: attempted to teach chimps ASL or other visualsystems.

    Chimps didnt use symbols in new original combinations

    Used symbols to request, not describe Produced requests more then they understood

    Bonobos: very human-like; what Kanzi learned: 250 human words; language of 2-2 yr old

    Understand more than they can produce

    Use symbols to name/describe

    Request items they dont see

    Use symbols to describe past

    events Original, creative requests

    Why so much better than chimps? More language potential?

    Started younger?

    Method of training (observation/


    Elephants imitate the sounds they hear,

    including vocalizations of other elephants

    Dolphins learn to respond to

    gestures and sounds

    Alex, the African gray parrot Learned to give spoken answers to

    spoken questions (What color is

    the key? What object is gray? Howmany blue keys are there?)

    What do we learn from this? How to teach language to people

    who do not easily learn it

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    Our concept of language is


    What are the hypothesis on how humans evolved language?

    How did humans evolve language?

    Hypothesis 1: a by-product of overall brain


    But some people w/ normal sized brain dont have normal

    language; language requires specialization, not justexpansion

    Family w/ normal intelligence and normal activity in

    language centers but poor language skills (dominant gene)

    Another problem: Williams syndrome: Deletion of many genes on chromosome 7; decreased gray


    mental retardation, but skillful use of language

    How did humans evolve language?

    Hypothesis 2: an extra brain module, aka, a

    new specialization

    Language acquisition device Built-in mechanism (instinct) for acquiring language

    that is uniquely human Can be explained by evolution

    Steven Pinkers The Language Instinct (also Noam


    Ease w/ which children learn language

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    Even if no one teaches them, they invent their own

    Applies to deaf and hearing children

    Certain brain areas necessary for language, but

    language isnt their only job Probably not a totally separate brain module

    Is there a critical period for learning language? If so, when is it? Is there a critical

    period for learning a second language?

    The younger the betterprobably a critical

    period but no sharp cut-off age No exposure to any language in infancy and

    young childhood never develop much skill at

    any language

    Learn foreign language before puberty to speak

    w/o an accent

    Where is language? Generally (L hemisphere, with a role for the right as well) and

    specifically? Are a persons first and second languages inthe same location?

    Left hemisphere 95% of strongly right handed people have

    language on L side

    60% of left-handed and ambidextrous

    have language on L

    Child w/ L hemispherectomy before puberty can acquire

    language on R

    R hemisphere is important for some aspects of language,

    like prosody.

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    If acquire 2nd

    language later, 2 separate areas,

    1 for each

    If acquire early, more overlap w/ aphasia, can lose 1 language and preserve


    Emotionality can make 2nd

    language tougher

    What is aphasia? What causes it and who does it affect?

    Impairment of language Due to brain injury

    Can be very mild to very severe

    Can affect any symbol system (language, music, math)

    Around 1 million people in US

    Can happen to anyone

    Can be transient

    What are Brocas aphasia and Wernikes aphasia? What are the symptoms of each

    and what brain regions are involved?


    Non-fluent aphasia

    Caused by damage to Brocas area & surrounding area Part of frontal lobe of L cortex near motor cortex

    Difficulty with motor production of words speak slowly and inarticulately

    Omit prepositions and conjunctions, and have difficulty

    understanding them Trouble saying no ifs ands or buts

    Trouble reading to be or not to be but can read two bee oar

    knot two bee

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    So problem w/ language, not just vocal muscles

    Trouble with writing and gestures

    Comprehension deficits w/ complicated sentence structure


    Fluent aphasia Impaired ability to remember names of objects Impaired language comprehension Articulate speech (speak smoothly) but

    nonsense Difficulty finding the right word Are Brocas area and Wernikes area the only brain areas important for


    Need connection b/t Wernikes area and motor

    cortex/Brocas area for understanding and forming

    words. Lose connection b/t WA and BA conduction aphasia: speak

    like WA but good comprehension

    Get activation of motor cortex w/ any action word

    (kick activates foot part of motor cortex)

    Alexia w/o agraphia: damage to particular part of

    parietal lobe

    What are mood disorders?

    Affective disorders

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    Illnesses that effect the emotional

    coloring with which we see the world

    What are some common myths about suicide? What should you do if you fear

    someone you know is contemplating suicide?

    Thoughts of suicide are considered a medical


    Myths: people who talk about it never do it

    you can precipitate someone into doing it by askingthem about it.

    If you think someone might be depressed and

    considering suicide: Discuss your concern with simple straightforward


    Encourage person to seek medical treatment

    Keep weapons away from depressed person

    All attempts should be taken seriously, even if theyappear to be an obvious cry for help

    especially worrisome in adolescents who might

    not understand how easy it is to actually

    complete the task

    Risk is especially high for people who have expressed

    suicidal thoughts or have attempted suicide in the past

    Be able to recognize the symptoms of major depression, atypical depression,

    dysthymia and bipolar disorder. Be able to recognize the symptoms of mania.

    Atypical depression

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    Responds to positive and negative experiences, but

    especially sensitive to negative experiences

    Often have many partners, frequent break-ups

    Weight gain, hypersomnia, increased appetite

    Respond best to SSRIs with psychotherapy

    Dysthymia Mild and persistant (chronically miserable)

    Tend toward the emotional and cognitive


    Sometimes worsen into major depression double depression

    Can be brought on by specific life events

    Bipolar Disorder

    Used to be called manic-depressive disorder

    Can cycle over different periods of time Rapid cycler b/t extremes in days or hours

    Symptoms of mania

    Restless activity (goal-directed or psychomotor


    Decreased need for sleepenormous surge of


    Excitement (elevated, expansive or irritable


    Laughter Self-confidence (inflated self-esteem or


    Rambling speech

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    Flight of ideas or subjective experience that

    thoughts are racing

    Loss of inhibitions (excessive

    involvement in pleasurable activities

    that have high potential for painful



    Impairments in verbal memory Is there a role for hormones in depression? What is the evidence?

    Stress can elevate cortisol weak immune system,

    impairment of sleep stage set for depression

    Females vs. males Equal in boys and girls

    More common in women than men (in all cultures,

    not due to who seeks treatment)

    Sex hormones: Emotional distress after giving birth

    Baby blues

    Postpartum depression

    Drug-induced drop in estrogen and progesterone

    cause depression in women who already sufferedfrom PPD

    Estrogen relieves depression during menopause

    Prolonged cortisol: weakens immune system, impairs sleep, therefore

    sets stage for depression

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    Females vs males: equally uncommon in boys and girls, more common

    in girls/women then boys/men after puberty (for all cultures for which

    data exist and not due to women being more likely to seek treatment)

    What is the difference b/t bipolar I and bipolar II?

    Bipolar I: full manic episodes Lifetime prevalence ~2%

    Equally common in men & women, found

    in all cultures

    Bipolar II: mild manic episodes, mostlyw/ agitation or anxiety

    What do adoption studies and twin studies tell us about the heritability of mood


    Identical twins: 50% chance

    Fraternal twins, siblings, children: 5-10%chance of developing it

    Adoptive children w/ bipolar disorder likely

    to have biological relative with mood


    Several genes more common in people w/

    bipolar, but these only increase risk. Having a relative with a mood

    disorder increases your likelihood of

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    developing a mood disorder (but not

    necessarily the same one)

    Identical twins: 65% chance Fraternal twins: 14% chance Most genes that may be involved are

    related to dopamine or serotonin

    transmission (particularly, their


    What neurotransmitter systems are most genes involved in mood disorders related to?

    Most genes that may be involved are

    related to dopamine or serotonin

    transmission (particularly, their


    Understand the graph on slide 6 (really you should always understand all of the graphs

    and figures from lectures!).

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    What are treatment options for depression? Compare/contrast SSRIs, MAOIs, atypicalantidepressants.

    Psychotherapy produces metabolic changes similar to drugs

    and person is less likely to relapse after treatment

    67% improve with drugs or psychotherapy or both, 33%

    improve with no treatment

    Sleep deprivation works for certain patients

    depressed people enter REM sleep early, have

    trouble staying asleep and awaken early

    one night of total sleep deprivation or rescheduling

    sleep pattern relieves depression

    like drugs, reduces REM

    Tricyclics block the reuptake of dopamine,

    norepinephrine, or serotonin. SSRIs specifically

    block the reuptake of serotonin. MAOIs block

    the enzyme MAO, which converts dopamine,

    norepinephrine, or serotonin into inactive

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    chemicals. Atypical antidepressants have

    varying effects.

    Be able to recognize the symptoms of schizophrenia. Understand what those

    symptoms are.

    Split or fragmented mind

    A disorder characterized by deteriorating

    ability to function in everyday life and bysome combination of hallucinations,

    delusions, thought disorder, movement

    disorder, and inappropriate emotional

    expressions Symptoms vary between people (H and D for

    some; TDs predominate for others)

    Some have brain damage, others dont

    Acute: quick onset, high likelihood of


    Chronic: gradual onset, long-term course

    What does it mean that some symptoms are positive symptoms and others are

    negative symptoms?

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    Positive Behavioral

    Symptoms Behaviors that are present that shouldnt be

    Psychotic: Delusions: unfounded beliefs

    Hallucinations: abnormal sensory experiences

    Increased activity in thalamus, hippocampus, cortex

    Disorganized: Inappropriate emotional displays

    Bizarre behavior

    Incoherent speech

    Thought disorder: difficulty understanding and using

    abstract concepts

    Negative Behavioral Symptoms

    Negative: behaviors that are absent that should be

    present, including weak: Social interactions

    Emotional expressions


    Working memory

    Stable and hard to treat

    What do twin studies and adoption studies tell us about the heritability of schizophrenia?

    Twin studies:

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    MZ > DZ> siblings

    MZ still have just 48% concordancewhy? Maybe a gene is activated in one and suppressed in another.

    Also, note DZ>siblings.

    Share same amt of DNAso whats going on? Maybe moresimilar prenatal/neonatal environment for DZ twins than


    Adoptions studies: More resemblance to biological parents than adoptive

    parents One study showed that home (adoptive) environment must be

    somehow dysfunctional for effect from biological parents to

    manifest Especially increased if bio mom is schizophreniccould

    represent poor prenatal environment

    What are some prenatal and neonatal risk factors for schizophrenia?

    Poor nutrition of mom during pregnancy

    Extreme stress early in pregnancyPremature birth

    Low birth weight

    Complications during delivery

    Head injuries in childhood (cause or


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    Season-of-birth effectmaybe due to


    Other infections in mom too: rubella,herpes, etc.

    Childhood infection w/ toxoplasmosis

    What are some mild brain abnormalities sometimes seen in schizophrenia?

    Small, variable

    Thinner cortex, but same cell number, so what

    is lacking? Fig summarizes 15 studies, 390 people

    Most of cortex, depending on study

    Left prefrontal and temporal

    Increased ventricle size

    Smaller thalamus Smaller cell bodies, esp. in hippo. & prefrontal

    Larger sulci

    What is cognitive dysmetria?

    Cognitive dysmetria: a disruptionof the fluid coordination of mental


    What is the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia? .

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    Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis: S is basedon abnormalities of the prenatal or neonatal nervous system developmentwhich can lead to abnormalities of brain anatomy & behavior

    What neurotransmitters are likely involved in schizophrenia, and how are they

    involved (is there too much transmission or too little)? What is the evidence for the

    dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia?

    Dopamine: too much! This is the dopamine

    hypothesis of schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs block dopamine receptor

    Repeated doses of drugs of abuse that increasedopamine induce substance-induced psychotic

    disorder (H&D)

    Glutamate: too little! This is called

    hypofrontility. Especially in prefrontal cortex

    PCP (phencyclidine; angel dust) inhibits NMDA

    receptors Positive & negative symptoms of

    schizophrenia at high doses (again, substance-

    induced psychotic disorder)

    Serotonin Atypical antipsychotic drugs block serotonin


    What drugs are used to treat schizophrenia?

    Older ones (Thorazine and more)

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    Only helped positive symptoms

    Extrapyramidal side effects

    (involuntary movements)

    D2 R antagonists

    Second-generation: atypical

    antipsychotics Clozapine, Risperidone, etc.

    Help positive & negative symptoms

    Fewer extrapyramidal side effects Side effects: increased appetite,

    weight gain, diabetes, effect on

    prolactin leading to breast formation,

    decreased immune function Also block D2 R, but maybe with

    shorter timecourse than 1stgen.


    Also block serotonin 2A receptors

    Efficacy and lack of side effects may

    be due to balance b/t action on

    dopamine and serotonin systems. One study showed that these drugs

    decrease positive & negative

  • 8/12/2019 Exam 4 Questions


    symptoms but do not improve quality

    of life.
