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Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and...

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f ColIegeBoard AP AP® Summer Institute Exam Materials 2011 AP English Language and Composition These materials are for training purposes and are intended for use only at an AP Summer Institute. The materials are in draft form and have not been copyedited. © 2011 The College Board. Visit the College Boardon the Web: www.collegeboard.org.
Page 1: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

f ColIegeBoard AP

AP® Summer Institute

Exam Materials

2011 AP English Language andComposition

These materials are for training purposes and are intendedfor use only at an AP Summer Institute. The materials are

in draft form and have not been copyedited.

© 2011 The College Board.Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.

Page 2: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Question 3

(Suggested time—40 minutes. This question counts for one-third of the total essay section score.)The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer Thomas Paine in 1791. Born inEngland Patnewas an inteUectual, arevolutionary, and asupporter of American independence from England. ReadfteWagecarellly. Then write an essay that examines the extent to which Paine's characterization of Americaholds true today. Use appropriate evidence to support your argument.

If there is acountry in the world, where concord, according to common calculation, would beleast expected, it is America. Made up, as it is, of people from different nations, accustomed todifferent forms and habits of government, speaking different languages, and more different mtheir modes of worship, it would appear that the union of such apeopie was u^practtcable; butby the simple operation of constructing government on the principles of society and the rightsof man every difficulty retires, and all the parts are brought into cordial unison. There, thepoor are not oppressed, the rich are not privileged.... Their taxes are few, because therrgovemment is just; and as there is nothing to render them wretched, there is nothing toengender riots andtumults.

Page 3: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer


Question 3

mechanics higher than a 2.

9Papers earning ascore of9meet the criteria for 8papers and, in addition, are especially sophisticated in their argument,thorough in their development, or particularly impressive in their control of language.

8Effective AfwHv(>,v PXamme the extent to which Paine's characterization of America holds true today. The evidence andXrnsTe^coSteraoility to coXl awide range of the elements ofeffective writing but» not necessanly flawless.

7Papers earning ascore of7fit the description of6papers but provide amore complete explanation, more thoroughdevelopment, oramore mature prose style.

6Adequate PVaminP the extent to which Paine's characterization ofAmerica holds true today. The evidence

lapses in diction or syntax, but generally the prose is clear.

writer's ideas.

*i m^t t^ criteria for ascore of4but demonstrate less success in examining the extent to which

lack ofdevelopment or organization, or alack ofcoherence and control.1Papers earning ascore of1meet the criteria for ascore of2buf are undeveloped, especially simplistic in their explanation andJ&ZZT»JL in their control of language, or especially lacking in coherence and development.

0 Indicates an on-topic response that receives no credit, such as one that merely repeats the prompt.- Indicates a blank response orone that iscompletely offtopic.


Page 4: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

-} Write in the box the number of the question you are answering^7 I | pja this page as it is designated in the exam.

TU^WsvC Awe*/ U-w -***««• h***- ^^ ::|A^ 0^>^>jr„ -frU *v^~P + HSU -^Ve. ^f^K- -ft** ^ ~®^ t^t

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Page 5: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write in the box the number of the question you are answeringj j Q>on this page as itis designated in the exam. L"'L" L- r- 2—


k^iiW$ flv^c f\o Z&rflw ig/^w*e^/.

CeyiVws frwyjjZA^s n«-KjHr ocj^^ur. T^ ew»*+*\z> £u^ow*(/Ua i^l^b^Ug-

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Page 6: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write mthe box the number of the question you are answering t-\ _ -<on this page as it is designated in the exam. v—^ I e» x

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Page 7: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

~T^5.# Write in the box the number of the question you are answering>N* -^ onthis page as it isdesignated in the exam.

op #\Cl q[ij -WoJHvqtfriDjfj 0>uW he can \\uqM

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Page 8: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write inthe box the number ofthe question you are answering C~on this page as itisdesignated inthe exam. 3 &> 3

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Page 9: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

*Z^ -W\\ W x Write in the box the number ofthe question you^? I 1 V W \ I ^j? ^- __ _ -, - A- ,nA • „, _»r ct3onthis page as it is designated in the exam.

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Page 10: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write in the box the number of the question you are answering * 1 \Aon this page as it is designated in the exam. V*\* »*] ^-^

•pr^c^o-^. ,fv^v) <^g-i^Yi juntos?;i bXi, -h* o^rai^jeAf€^T*JU/^ >JVju^ -W*4- o^L- Ut^ -for- rJi^ l£^<X^

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Page 11: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

4~2 •\ A\\'\ Writem^box^numberofme(luestiony°uareansw^11?O \\)\\\^K fff 9P this PaSe as i,: is designated in the exam.

Page 12: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write in the box the number of the question you are answeringon this page as it is designated in the exam.


61^^ #^

nt>-£ £)<pfd fro*- jbcl^^ b^C^iQ:^.. ,, /K./kt~^r&tr >H?*rr- /Q^A. ^^^.

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Page 13: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Ki8ii#Ke5#a^fli^^v;- ^{^g^i-i^^

/) 2&\ \r Write in the box ^ number of the question y°u are answeringu/c/(lS^v^. &-> Kn on this page as it is designated in the exam.

Chtldoa#K fa fni*/*- Schools &r~ jfrftfar- p^bfyz. ScA<tfls.

-hiVL. fj^^iir/y -fe> cUr^L. ffhs OV b^, /\/Z*~-~^^» % Ay>ur/~&t &-*-* pen*- ^<re~ /Pfr^rksr a*~A s>^£f-

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Page 14: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write in the box the number of the question you are answering •\? #> <-j~^ &->on this page as it is designated in the exam. ^~} -T "^ • ^

1}l<fyr#S fy/V^'s c/^^/y,'^^ of- &~*^'Z3< do^S r*a-/-hp/d 7h/^ T^dsiy Todtii fU_^ feor— <w- ,t^*&&L

/Wjr r-jL*r*ohri'2**^&r\ &&** /?«*/• ^ 1^<- ^v.

Page 15: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write in the box the number of the question you are answeringon this page as it is designated in the exam. \ T> i cC3~


I \\ju\kX why Rffrw /yy Km bc*A a jfV*f Ai w ^V\i\ A^drifUAhA otr A^aH \r1 iwW iAinlj fof^j \[r\ ftWo<

~T ' ^ " » i \ . v& \\ . \ v //la./.


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ii$W- UiGUwa. WirhM ^ft^V «hxjhy. Q^ ife.^>- <W ft*n

Ur^sol a*jirr\pJ: 7k*P\\\*: '̂ A^fry A rrcA gfr A,yt/y

hXku»/\X .m. ^y/ ^ ^- P7^ ^ ^* J* ^Arf^ to

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Page 16: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

~~^) : I Write in the box the number of the question you are answering|J j-^j on this page as itis designated in the exam.

1W? u/^e UA .'*h B* ^xh IS- h^ cUim J-h^h *,<>*-

CjOrff't 7V7 JWj iMh*/. Ut*rtw/ \l~V\\) k by Hh"-tsail Mu fy\ll*M lh ^cm)\'-2x,ho/i,



Page 17: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

O f\ Write in the box the number of the question you are answeringO J / *j of £- on this page as it is designated in the exam.

ftftoncdm m^l \t\ :YY\t, t\mr, fotmmoi-yw, &cmoWaVyomtvf \floiT wnrri unpcx -tw

M X\d\W(\ \M(Tii fnv^vxdfcd- on Vnztt,Wopf.nvu, (7\Y\d n\ c7\nvf)Y^TArmV VW/fr NptOX\di^mna^ixj fry aQi rAt\?^. Tod^. vn rtfrpomi-o

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fa fflftrlimon, Vhn rtoh (AWl feer m?mtK\cn\ mrr, v\v)Y .ctrytrxflrAYxc) «w» by

Page 18: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write in the box the number of the question you are answering j\| L Qon this page as it is designated in the exam. /> L. e .

riw_ w.ground/a ,Uufw| i"j. \\ v* LMl—MJ4)—"v ' • v"i w^—^-f—• • • ••

\Aiy\\r. mt/Ti^ art hoV^ tw

Page 19: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write in the box the number of the question you are answeringon this page as it is designatedin the exam.

\ of &

\Uh\- IS mart, ^sw^rt Qw^ w\c^ SajccWrfrtull ^frtt (fob

T^ /W^nrq k'^. ^tef*^ InM* 0 wuMfr,

cp^u. ^ {W^Cq fU*^ /^d)aY^ ViSU U>ly 4Wf (V*,4o liter*. \v\ ^uch G -pine*. UW/^ ^Wr^ (W.. .<M^1W^

ivi \\r*. U*^/&U it-» lUtor 3«\$ C^rtr Wilt—Ol \^o

nP mow> -*>

Page 20: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

3Write in the box the number of the question you are answeringon this page as it is designated in the exam.

7- d «3- .. .

Page 21: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

Write in the box the number of the question you are answering '\ Kon this page as it is designated in the exam. ^KX x »f* 5


tfr (Vknv\pa QJ^ nnt- •Wuyo) <; v^^ gf-^ ^w

fad/J imfSnn u(Pr,,nAf\, ttw.rln W-P 0. nUwrtfrljn£ opnpi., tot1!*& injfvi w"\^ nlWiMn^ witti—_

Niton n? AnwrtMAmnc \.V Thf, \af ft MU -fr ^VWitit>i4| F.NMiruimji.u^qii/ig. Oo mow ilforor \/auf\n VttM pV ^ \|lm'fty<. pur. AW :na*y<i< -Vtrrmnmf

Page 22: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

.\ s(<f Write in the box the number of the question you are answering\\\ -^ on this page as it is designated in the exam.

'X- of CK

V^xrU\^JV^inm,W^frrUm. \W-f,\tN niw oj fi^fa*-or

fXMA> QlJqII -\\1 VY\ftJb, °r\/VM\f bum.Wo, ^juljQ TVmM- "Onw.uyw. y\n major problem

4k tavriirV\m- m -ftmmffc -foil ^tyti \titct akii to liw,

Page 23: Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and - … · Exam Materials 2011 AP EnglishLanguage and Composition ... The following passage is from Rights ofMan, abook written by the pamphleteer

1bO Write in the box the number of the question you are answering' °* * on this page as itis designated in the exam. >t .

^7l/yi7^J> (Q/. CX^^ rs**/&&~ al*nJr iM^

Pitted* stnCM-M9J JS */i* ,Jiu> ttOr/^k^ Ptqh fc^**^.

r^eJitor^sS Aua^ t^^^riJi 'Sh'll rw^iSh full

fi issfioJef -fej?r$>r<d* /fry/ /lu^ ^/sJ^/Ckr/^ Ql

/tqAJfm AVAriS bk+sA*. fimxlca, LUtH Qiu fry s

aA^ fkGbkjL^- rt/±y UanoLS Sh/v
