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Excel4apps Wands (Oracle) 5. 5 Installation...

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Excel4apps Wands (Oracle) 5.5 Installation Guide © 2013 Excel4apps Inc.

Excel4apps Wands (Oracle) 5.5

Installation Guide

© 2013 Excel4apps Inc.

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4

2 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 4

2.1 Server Requirements .............................................................................................. 4

2.2 Client Requirements ............................................................................................... 4

2.3 Known Issues ......................................................................................................... 4

2.3.1 Citrix compatibility ............................................................................................ 4

2.3.2 When “My Documents” are deployed on a remote file server ........................... 4

2.3.3 Excel bug remembering last calculated value .................................................. 5

2.3.4 Excel bug when function parameter is > 255 characters long........................... 5

3 Installation on the Server ............................................................................................... 5

3.1 FTP the Files .......................................................................................................... 5

3.2 Servlet configuration for Oracle 11i ......................................................................... 6

3.3 Servlet configuration for Oracle R12 ....................................................................... 7

3.4 Load Excel4apps OAF pages ................................................................................. 9

3.5 Load Application Components .............................................................................. 11

3.6 Log on for the first time ......................................................................................... 15

4 Installation on the Client ............................................................................................... 16

4.1 Java Runtime Environment ................................................................................... 16

5 Upgrading .................................................................................................................... 16

5.1 Upgrading from Version 4 ..................................................................................... 16

5.2 Upgrading from a version 5 pre-release (5.0 – 5.3) ............................................... 17

5.3 Upgrading from 5.4.x ............................................................................................ 17

5.3.1 FTP the Files ................................................................................................. 17

5.3.2 Load Excel4apps OAF pages ........................................................................ 17

5.3.3 Restart Technology Components ................................................................... 17

6 Unlocking the System Administrator Functionality ........................................................ 17

7 Customizing the Launch Configuration - Optional ........................................................ 17

7.1 Memory ................................................................................................................. 17

7.1.1 Java Runtime Environment 6 update 10 or higher ......................................... 18

7.1.2 Older Java Runtime Environment releases .................................................... 19

7.2 Multiple Client Versions ........................................................................................ 19

8 Downgrading ................................................................................................................ 20

8.1 Server Downgrade ................................................................................................ 20

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8.2 Client Downgrade ................................................................................................. 21

8.2.1 To restore the previous version proceed as follows:....................................... 21

9 Removing GL Wand 4 .................................................................................................. 21

9.1 Server ................................................................................................................... 21

9.1.1 Database Package ........................................................................................ 21

9.1.2 Java Servlet ................................................................................................... 21

9.1.3 Profile Options ............................................................................................... 22

9.2 Client .................................................................................................................... 22

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1 Introduction The Excel4apps Wands for Oracle comprises a suite of products including GL Wand, Budget

Wand, Reports Distribution Manager (RDM) and Reports Wand. The installation process set

out below will install all the products although only those that are licensed will be active.

This guide sets out the installation process for the Excel4apps Wands, which is executed

entirely on the Oracle server. The application is accessed via the normal Oracle logon URL,

but from a new Responsibility that is created during the installation process. No Excel4apps

software is required to be installed on the client machine.

If you need assistance during the installation process, please contact our support team at

[email protected].

2 Prerequisites In order to run this version of the Excel4apps Wands, the following prerequisites must be


2.1 Server Requirements

E-Business Suite Release E-Business Suite Version

Database Version

Java Runtime

Oracle E-Business Suite 11i 11.5.10 or higher 9i or higher 1.4.2 or higher

Oracle E-Business Suite R12 All versions up to and including 12.1.3

9i or higher 1.4.2 or higher

2.2 Client Requirements

Windows Version

Microsoft .NET Framework

Excel Version Java Runtime Environment

Windows XP or higher

Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2

Excel 2003 or higher including 64bit versions where applicable Excel 2010 requires SP1 or higher*

Version 6 update 10 or higher** Only 32 bit JVMs are supported at present.

* We recommend the latest updates for all Excel versions.

** This should already be installed for use with Oracle forms, as Oracle’s support for

JInitiator ended some time ago.

2.3 Known Issues

2.3.1 Citrix compatibility

The Excel4apps Wands for Oracle Version 5 is supported on a Citrix Desktop. However,

deploying Excel via Citrix Application Streaming, as a standalone application, is not

supported. Our recommendation though, seeing as there is no longer a client installation, is

to run our product from the PC rather than from Citrix.

2.3.2 When “My Documents” are deployed on a remote file server

If the user’s personal files (My Documents etc.) are deployed on a remote file server, you will

receive an error during the logon. We are investigating a solution to this issue.

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2.3.3 Excel bug remembering last calculated value

An Excel bug is affecting the functionality which remembers the last calculated value

between closing and re-opening a workbook. If a workbook is saved as an .xlsx file, the

values revert to zero when certain actions are performed inside the workbook, e.g. deleting a

column. The current workaround is to save the file as an .xls (Excel 2003) file. This bug also

affects the GL Wand Drill Only product in the same way. We are working with Microsoft to

find a solution for this.

2.3.4 Excel bug when function parameter is > 255 characters long

Currently there is an Excel bug that results in an error being displayed if one of the function

parameters contains more than 255 characters. This is a known limitation of Excel 2003 but

should not be a limit in Excel 2007 and higher. However in Excel 2007 and up, this limit is

being imposed. We are working with Microsoft to find a solution for this.

3 Installation on the Server Below are the steps to perform a new installation. If you are upgrading from a previous

release please refer to section 5 Upgrading.

3.1 FTP the Files


The file downloaded from our website is a zip file containing the installation files for both

Oracle 11i and R12. This step in the installation involves extracting the correct files and

loading them onto the server in the correct location.

How do you do it?

1. If you have not done so already, unzip the file download from our website.

2. You now have two zip files: one for Oracle 11i and one for R12. Unzip the

appropriate file for your Oracle release.

3. You will now have two more zip files: a java_top file and an appl_top file. FTP the

zipped files as the Applications User as follows:

o the java_top file to the $JAVA_TOP location on your server

o the appl_top file to the $APPL_TOP location on your server

4. Navigate to the $APPL_TOP folder on the server and unzip the appl_top file. If

prompted, choose to overwrite all files.

5. Navigate to the $JAVA_TOP folder on the server and unzip the java_top file. If

prompted, choose to overwrite all files.

6. Delete the original zipped files from the server, as they are no longer needed.

How do you know it worked?

1. Navigate to $APPL_TOP and confirm the existence of a folder called “xxe4a”, as well

as a number of sub-folders and files.

2. Navigate to $JAVA_TOP. Within the pre-existing folder called “com”, you should

have a new “excel4apps” folder. Within that you should see folders for:

o applet

o install

o oracle

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o servlet

3.2 Servlet configuration for Oracle 11i


This step is only applicable if you are running an Oracle 11i release.

The Excel4apps Wands communicate with Oracle via a Java servlet. The servlet needs to

be configured using Oracle’s standards as documented in note “270519.1 - Customizing an

AutoConfig Environment” on Oracle’s support website.

The process involves creating a copy of the applicable template file, adding the Excel4apps

Wands entries to the file, running AutoConfig and bouncing the Applications tier.

How do you do it?

1. Navigate to the $FND_TOP/admin/template folder as the Applications User.

2. Confirm the existence of a subfolder called “custom” containing a copy of the

template file called zone_ias1022.properties. The existence of this file indicates the

presence of another customization or the previous version of GL Wand.

3. If the custom folder does not exist, create a new subfolder under

$FND_TOP/admin/template called “custom”.

4. If the custom folder did not already contain a copy of the template file, copy

zone_ias1022.properties from $FND_TOP/admin/template into


5. Edit zone_ias1022.properties in the $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom folder by:

o Navigating right to the end of the file.

o Add the Excel4apps entries by copying these lines into the file.

o Make sure that no formatting or other characters are copied into the file.

o The file should look similar to the following screenshot once it has been


#------- Excel4apps Wands 5 Alias --------------------------------



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6. Run AutoConfig.

7. Bounce the Applications tier.

How do you know it worked?

Running AutoConfig will take the new custom template file created above and transfer the

Excel4apps entries into the Apache Jserv configuration file and thereby enable the

Excel4apps Wands servlet. Confirm that this has worked as follows:

1. Navigate to the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc folder as the Applications


2. View the file called zone.properties.

3. Navigate to the end of the file.

4. Ensure that the Excel4apps entries created above exist in this file in the correct


5. Load the Excel4apps Wands Server test page:

o Open a browser.

o Enter the URL for your Oracle system followed by /servlets/excel4apps e.g.


o The test page should display similar to the image below.

3.3 Servlet configuration for Oracle R12


This step is only applicable if you are running an Oracle R12 release.

The Excel4apps Wands communicate with Oracle via a Java servlet. The servlet needs to

be configured using Oracle’s standards as documented in note “387859.1 - Using

Page 8 of 22

AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle Applications Release 12” on

Oracle’s support website.

The process involves creating a copy of the applicable template file, adding the Excel4apps

Wands entries to the file, running AutoConfig and bouncing the Applications tier.

How do you do it?

1. Navigate to the $FND_TOP/admin/template folder as the Applications User.

2. Confirm the existence of a subfolder called “custom” containing a copy of the

template file called orion_web_xml_1013.tmp. The existence of this file indicates the

presence of another customization or the previous version of GL Wand.

3. If the custom folder does not exist then create a new subfolder under

$FND_TOP/admin/template called “custom”.

4. If the custom folder did not already contain a copy of the template file then copy

orion_web_xml_1013.tmp from $FND_TOP/admin/template into


5. Edit orion_web_xml_1013.tmp in the $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom folder by:

o Navigating right to the end of the file and find the “</web-app>” entry. The

Excel4apps entries must be added just before this line.

o Add the Excel4apps entries by copying these lines into the file.

o Make sure that no formatting or other characters are copied into the file.

o The file should look similar to the following screenshot once it has been


<!-- Excel4apps Wands 5 Alias -->









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6. Run AutoConfig.

7. Bounce the Applications tier.

How do you know it worked?

Running AutoConfig will take the new custom template file created above and transfer the

Excel4apps entries into the OACore OC4J configuration file and thereby enable the

Excel4apps Wands servlet. Confirm that this has worked as follows:

1. Navigate to the $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/application-

deployments/oacore/html folder as the Applications User.

2. View the file called orion-web.xml.

3. Navigate to the end of the file.

4. Ensure that the Excel4apps entries created above exist in this file in the correct


5. Load the Excel4apps Wands Server test page:

o Open a browser.

o Enter the URL for your Oracle system followed by /OA_HTML/excel4apps

e.g. http://server.domain.com:8000/OA_HTML/excel4apps.

o The test page should display similar to the image below.

3.4 Load Excel4apps OAF pages


The Excel4apps Wands application is launched from inside the Oracle E-Business Suite and

we therefore needed to create a home page to launch the application from. These pages are

created using the Oracle Application Framework (OAF) and are deployed using the standard

tool that Oracle provides.

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How do you do it?

You have two options to load these OAF pages:

Option A - Run the sample Linux bash shell script that we have provided.

Option B - Execute the steps manually if you prefer or if your operating system does

not support execution of our sample scripts.

Execute all of the steps for one of the two available options below.

Option A - Running the script:

1. Navigate to the $JAVA_TOP/com/excel4apps/install folder.

2. The folder contains a file called load_oafpages_rXX.sh where XX represents the

Oracle version.

3. Set the permissions on this file to allow execution as it will most likely not have the

execute attribute set when it was unzipped.

4. Execute the script. Please note this is a bash shell script.

o It will prompt for database connection information.

o Before the script runs it will display the information that you captured and ask

if you wish to continue. You can cancel at this point if required.

5. If you choose to continue, the script will first delete any existing Excel4apps OAF

pages. This will display an error if there are no pages to delete. This error is normal

and it can be ignored if received.

6. The script will then load the Excel4apps OAF pages using the XMLImporter utility.

7. The import steps should complete successfully and a message should be displayed

indicating that the pages were imported.

Option B - Running the commands manually:

1. Navigate to the $JAVA_TOP/com/excel4apps/install folder.

2. The folder contains a file called load_oafpages_rXX.sh where XX represents the

Oracle version.

3. Open the script to view the contents.

4. Locate the “Delete pages” and “Import pages” commands.

5. Update the variables on each command with your Oracle E-Business Suite database


o $apps_password

o $oracle_sid

o $hostname

o $port_number

6. Copy and paste each command to execute them on the server.

7. The delete command will delete any existing Excel4apps OAF pages or display an

error if there are no pages to delete. This error is normal and it can be ignored if


8. The import steps should complete successfully and a message should be displayed

indicating that the pages were imported.

How do you know it worked?

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Oracle provides a utility that will display the details of the loaded OAF pages. You can use

this utility to confirm that the pages are loaded.

1. Launch a database tool like Toad.

2. Make sure you set Server Output on so that you see the results that the command

will print.

3. Execute the following scripts:

4. The first command should display the list of loaded Excel4apps OAF pages and the

remaining commands should display the page definition of each page.

3.5 Load Application Components


In order to launch the Excel4apps Wands application from inside Oracle, we need certain

Oracle configuration to be created, e.g. application, functions, menu, responsibility etc.

Some of these components must be created via the Oracle forms, while the rest can be

loaded using the FNDLOAD utility together with the required .ldt files we provided for this.

Alternatively you can create the entire configuration manually via the Oracle forms.

How do you do it?

1. Log on to the Oracle system and select a responsibility like System Administrator that

has permission to register an application.

2. Navigate to the following menu: Application > Register.

3. Create a new application as follows:

Application Excel4apps

Short Name XXE4A

Basepath XXE4A_TOP










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4. Navigate to the following menu: Concurrent > Program > Executable.

5. Create a new executable as follows:

Executable XXE4A

Short Name XXE4A

Application Excel4apps

Execution Method PL/SQL Stored Procedure

Execution File Name XXE4A

You now have two options to load the remaining configuration:

Option A - Load the components using the FNDLOAD utility and the provided .ldt


Option B - Create the remaining application configuration using the Oracle forms.

Execute all of the steps for one of the two available options below.

Option A - Using the FNDLOAD utility:

1. Navigate to the $JAVA_TOP/com/excel4apps/install folder.

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2. Execute the following two commands replacing the $apps_password variable with

your APPS password.

3. Copy and paste each command to execute them on the server.

4. FNDLOAD should complete successfully.

Option B - Creating the configuration manually:

1. Log on to the Oracle system and select a responsibility like System Administrator that

has permission to create functions and menus.

2. Navigate to the following menu: Application > Function.

3. Create the HomePage function as follows:


User Function Name Excel4apps Wands Home Page

Type SSWA jsp function

HTML Call OA.jsp?page=/com/excel4apps/oracle/apps/xxe4a/wands/webui/WandHomePG

4. Create the AppletPage function as follows:


User Function Name Excel4apps Wands Applet Page

Type SSWA jsp function

HTML Call OA.jsp?page=/com/excel4apps/oracle/apps/xxe4a/wands/webui/WandAppletPG

5. Navigate to the following menu: Application > Menu.

6. Create the Menu as follows:

$FND_TOP/bin/FNDLOAD apps/"$apps_password" O Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct


$FND_TOP/bin/FNDLOAD apps/"$apps_password" O Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct


Page 14 of 22


User Menu Name Excel4apps Wands

Menu Type Standard

Seq 5

Prompt Excel4apps Wands

Submenu [blank]

Function Excel4apps Wands Home Page

Seq 10

Prompt [blank]

Submenu [blank]

Function Excel4apps Wands Applet Page

7. Navigate to the following menu: Security > Responsibility > Define.

8. Create the Responsibility as follows:

Responsibility Name Excel4apps Wands

Application Excel4apps

Responsibility Key XXE4A_WANDS

Description [blank]

Available From Oracle Applications

Data Group Name Standard

Data Group Application Application Object Library

Menu Excel4apps Wands

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How do you know it worked?

1. If you ran the process using the FNDLOAD utility, you should check the log file to

make sure that there were no errors.

2. Check that the configuration components exist:

o Log on to the Oracle system and select a Responsibility like System

Administrator that has permission to configure application components.

o Query the configuration components mentioned above and ensure that they

all exist and are configured correctly.

3. Assign the Excel4apps Wands Responsibility to an Oracle user.

4. Log on to Oracle using a browser with that Oracle user.

5. Launch the application by clicking on the Excel4apps Wands Responsibility.

3.6 Log on for the first time

1. Log on to Oracle from a browser using the user that you assigned the Excel4apps

Wands Responsibility to.

2. Launch the Excel4apps Wands application. This will launch a Java Applet and load

the Excel4apps Wands toolbar into Microsoft Excel.

3. Request or enter a license key.

o You may be prompted to request a license key or enter one received


o Additional details on requesting and entering license keys can be found in the

Administrator section of the online user guide under the “System

Administrator Options” section.

4. Configure system administrator options.

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o Required settings: The first time you log on you must flag one (or more)

Oracle user as an Excel4apps Wands system administrator(s). Once the

license key is entered and saved, only this user(s) will have permissions to

administer the installation, change options and set permissions for other


o Optional settings: Optionally configure additional system administer options to

meet specific environment needs as described in the Administrator section of

the online user guide under the “System Administrator Options” section.

4 Installation on the Client There is no Excel4apps software required to be installed on the client. The client only needs

a browser, Microsoft Excel and a version of the Java Runtime Environment which meets the

prerequisites specified in this document.

4.1 Java Runtime Environment

The client PC would most likely already be running a compatible version of the Java Runtime

Environment, as this would most likely be required to access Oracle forms. If there are

clients that do not have the Java Runtime Environment installed, it is possible to have this

installation run the first time the user launches the Excel4apps Wands. However please

note that the user would need administrator rights on the client PC in order to install the

Java Runtime Environment.

To have the Java Runtime Environment install automatically the first time a user launches

the Excel4apps Wands proceed as follows:

1. Determine which version of the Java Runtime Environment should be installed,

ensuring that it meets the prerequisites specified in this document. Download this

version from Oracle’s web site.

2. Rename the downloaded file e4awand_oracle_jre.exe.

3. FTP this file to the $JAVA_TOP/com/excel4apps/applet folder.

This install will be executed automatically when a user launches the Excel4apps Wands if

there is no compatible Java Runtime Environment on the client PC.

5 Upgrading

5.1 Upgrading from Version 4

There is no upgrade process from version 4 as the new architecture is completely different

from the previous version. Version 5 can be installed independently of version 4 and both

can co-exist on an Oracle server during the transition to version 5.

Workbooks created in version 4 will automatically be upgraded by GL Wand when they are

first opened in version 5. Users will be prompted by the upgrade wizard when opening them

for the first time.

This guide also includes instructions on how to completely remove all the components of

version 4, should you wish to do so.

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5.2 Upgrading from a version 5 pre-release (5.0 – 5.3)

There is no upgrade option available from a pre-release version. The pre-release must be

removed and the official release installed. If you were running a pre-release, you would have

received separate instructions on how to remove the pre-release in preparation for installing

the official release.

5.3 Upgrading from 5.4.x

Most of the steps to perform the upgrade are identical to the initial installation and you will

therefore be referred to the applicable section of the installation process. To perform the

upgrade, execute only the steps indicated below.

5.3.1 FTP the Files

This step involves copying the required files to your Oracle server. The instructions are

identical to an initial installation. Follow the instructions under section 3.1 FTP the Files.

5.3.2 Load Excel4apps OAF pages

The normal upgrade process will only involve copying the new files to your Oracle server.

However, due to urgent changes required to address some issues starting the application,

the launch page has been modified. It must therefore be re-imported into Oracle. Follow the

instructions under section 3.4 Load Excel4apps OAF pages.

5.3.3 Restart Technology Components

Some technology components must be restarted to activate the new launch page imported


If you are running an Oracle 11i system, just restart the Apache server.

If you are running an Oracle R12 system, restart the Apache server and the OACore


6 Unlocking the System Administrator Functionality The first user that logs on to the Excel4apps Wands will be given the opportunity to enter a

license key and then to activate users and set the system options. At least one user must be

flagged as a System Administrator although you may assign more than one.

From then on, only a user flagged as a System Administrator will be able to access the

menu option to administer the Excel4apps Wands system settings and to maintain the users.

If your System Administrator is not available or leaves the company you might need to

unlock access to the system administration functionality. If this becomes a requirement

please contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with the necessary

steps to assign another user as a System Administrator.

7 Customizing the Launch Configuration - Optional

7.1 Memory

The Excel4apps Wands application runs on the client inside the Java Runtime Environment.

By default, only a certain amount of the PC memory is allocated to the application. The exact

amount differs depending on which version of the Java Runtime Environment is installed.

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Most users should be able to run with the default settings without a problem. If a higher

amount of memory is required for some users, the following procedure, dependent on which

version of the Java Runtime Environment is running on the client PC, should be followed.

Memory usage on the client PC can be reduced by disabling the In-Memory database. This

can be done by a user in Excel under the GL Wand options (GL Wand > Options) or can be

set centrally for all users by the system administrator (Excel4apps > System Administrator

Options > User Options).

7.1.1 Java Runtime Environment 6 update 10 or higher

You are able to configure the amount of memory to assign to an application when it is

launched from version 6 update 10 of the Java Runtime Environment. We have provided a

mechanism to control this memory assignment which can be administered centrally. The

memory setting is linked to the responsibility that is used to launch the Excel4apps Wands.

This means you can have some users that are assigned the default memory limits and

perhaps some “Power Users” that are assigned a higher limit. To configure how much

memory should be assigned to a Responsibility, proceed as follows:

1. Create a new responsibility.

2. Set all the fields to the same values as the default responsibility “Excel4apps Wands”

that was created during the installation.

3. Name the responsibility in such a way that it identifies this as an Excel4apps Wands

responsibility with a custom memory setting e.g. “Excel4apps Wands – Power User”.

4. Set the description field on the responsibility to “Memory=1024” for example.

5. Make sure the description contains no other text, except for an optional custom

version, which is discussed in the next section. If you need both a custom version

and a memory assignment, separate the settings with a “|”, e.g.


6. Assign this responsibility to those users that need more memory when running the

Excel4apps Wands application.

7. When a user launches the Excel4apps Wands using this Responsibility, the Java

Runtime Environment will assign 1024 MB of memory to the application.

8. Please note: Currently the maximum memory that you can assign is approximately

1.5GB due to the fact that only 32bit JVMs are supported and also because of the

way Java allocates the memory. If you set a value higher than this, Java will ignore

the setting and use its default value.

9. By default the installation will assign 1024 MB of memory to the Excel4apps


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7.1.2 Older Java Runtime Environment releases

For older releases of the Java Runtime Environment, the memory allocation cannot be

configured centrally and needs to be configured on the client PC. The process for doing this

is well documented on the Internet and involves modifying the runtime parameters of the

Java Runtime Environment settings on the PC, which is accessed under the control panel.

As from Excel4apps Wands 5.5, older versions of the Java Runtime Environment are no

longer supported.

7.2 Multiple Client Versions

By default, only one version of the Excel4apps Wands application is deployed on an Oracle

instance. If multiple versions are needed, e.g. some users are still on the old release while

others are testing a new release, then the following process should be followed:

1. Create a new responsibility.

2. Set all the fields to the same values as the default responsibility “Excel4apps Wands”

that was created during the installation.

3. Name the responsibility in such a way that it identifies this as an Excel4apps Wands

responsibility running a specific version e.g. “Excel4apps Wands – UAT v5.4”.

4. Set the description field on the responsibility to “Version=XXXXX”, where XXXXX

represents the custom version e.g. “Version=UAT” for a version in the test phase or

“Version=5_2” to identify a specific release. The actual text “tag” can be anything you

choose, as long as it matches the folder name that the files are stored in as

described below.

5. Make sure the description contains no other text except for an optional memory

assignment, which is discussed in the previous section. If you need both a custom

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version and a memory assignment, separate the settings with a “|”, e.g.


6. Assign this responsibility to those users that need to run the custom version of the

Excel4apps Wands application.

7. On the server, navigate to the $JAVA_TOP/com/excel4apps/applet folder.

8. Create a new subfolder named exactly the same as the custom version tag that you

used on the responsibility, e.g. if you set the responsibility description to

“Version=UAT” then the subfolder must be called “UAT”, e.g.


9. Copy the e4awand_oracle.jar and e4awand_oracle_lib.jar from the applicable

Excel4apps Wands version into the new $JAVA_TOP/com/excel4apps/applet/UAT


10. When a user launches the Excel4apps Wands using this responsibility, the specific

version of the application that is stored in the identified folder will be launched.

8 Downgrading If GL Wand needs to be downgraded back to version 4, the following process should be


8.1 Server Downgrade

Installing version 5 does not overwrite or remove the version 4 server component. So unless

version 4 has specifically been removed, no steps should be required on the server. If any

issues are experienced, simply follow the installation instructions again for version 4.

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8.2 Client Downgrade

When you launch GL Wand 5, it will deactivate the GL Wand 4 Excel Add-Ins if they exist on

the PC. This is necessary, as the two versions cannot run concurrently on the PC in the

same Excel session.

Please note that GL Wand 4 would not actually have been uninstalled by virtue of installing

GL Wand 5. If it was previously installed on the PC, it will still be there. It must, however, be

activated in Excel again.

8.2.1 To restore the previous version proceed as follows:

1. Navigate to the screen in Excel where you enable and disable Add-Ins.

2. Remove the tick next to both of the Excel4apps (Oracle) Add-Ins.

3. Tick the “GL Wand” item.

4. Quit and restart Excel.

5. The old GL Wand toolbar should load.

9 Removing GL Wand 4

9.1 Server

There are two methods of installing the GL Wand 4 server side component and the process

to remove them differs.

9.1.1 Database Package

If the install was done using the database package method all that is required is to drop the

database package called GLWAND.

9.1.2 Java Servlet

To remove the Java Servlet proceed as follows:

1. Locate the template file under $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom. For an 11i

system the file is called zone_ias1022.properties and for R12 it is


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2. Edit the file and locate the GL Wand entries and remove them.

o Ensure that all the version 4 entries are removed. Refer to the original version

4 installation guide to identify the exact entries applicable for 11i and R12.

o Make sure that none of the version 5 entries are removed.

3. Run AutoConfig.

4. Bounce the Applications tier.

5. Navigate to $JAVA_TOP/com/excel4apps/servlet folder.

6. Delete all the .class files in that folder.

o Ensure that no sub folders are deleted, should they exist, as these are part of

the version 5 install.

9.1.3 Profile Options

GL Wand 4 includes a number of profile options. To delete them, navigate to the Application

Developer Responsibility in Oracle and select the Profile menu option. Find all the profile

options that begin with “GL_WAND%” and delete them.

9.2 Client

In order to completely remove the GL Wand version 4 client side application from a PC

proceed as follows:

1. Launch Excel.

2. Navigate to the screen in Excel where you enable and disable Add-Ins.

3. Remove the tick next to the GL Wand Add-In.

4. Quit Excel.

5. Open the Windows control panel and navigate to the “Programs and Features” option

where you can uninstall applications.

6. Locate GL Wand in the installed programs list.

7. Select the option to uninstall the application.

8. The windows installer should run and GL Wand will be removed.
