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Excelling in 2011 - JCI UK

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JCI UK national flagship magazine 2011 for members and partners featuring local chambers, projects, JCI Nothing But Nets, JCI UK Action, Greetings from National Board, National President Allison Cowell, JCI European Conference 2011, JCI World Congress 2011 and national JCI UK events
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www.jciuk.org.uk ● 2011 ● JCI United Kingdom ● 1 JCI Mission: To provide development opportunities that allow young people to create positive change 2011 T M United Kingdom Excelling Excelling in 2011 in 2011 Junior Chamber International (JCI) United Kingdom National Flagship Magazine for members and partners Published September 2011 www.jciuk.org.uk
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JCI Mission: To provide development opportunities that allow young people to create positive change


United Kingdom

ExcellingExcelling in 2011 in 2011

Junior Chamber International (JCI) United KingdomNational Flagship Magazine for members and partnersPublished September 2011 www.jciuk.org.uk

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JCI Vision: To be the leading global network of young active citizens

JCI UK National Board’s Highlights of the Year


2. JCI UK National Board’s highlights of the year

3. Greeting from National President Allison Cowell

4. Greeting from British Senate Chairman David Butcher

5. Greeting from IPP Lesley Young

Local Chambers:

6. JCI Barnsley JCI Belfast7. JCI Boston JCI Bradford8. JCI Cambridge JCI Doncaster9. JCI Leeds JCI London10. JCI Manchester JCI Portsmouth11. JCI Reading JCI Sheffield12. JCI Southampton JCI Ignite London (new)13. JCI Birmingham (new)

JCI UK Programmes:

13. TOYP

14. JCI Nothing But Nets

14. JCI UK Action

15. Active Citizen Experience (ACE)

16. Personal Development

JCI Events:

17. National Convention

18. European Conference

19. World Congress

20. Inspiration Day

20. Presidents’ & Deputies’ Day

21. European Academy

21. Marketing Academy

JCI UK updates:

22. Make it happen in 2012

23. New members in 2011

Allison Cowell, National President“'One of my personal highlights this year is my 'Back to Basics Tour' I have now visited allexcept 3 local Chambers within the UK to date. Everywhere I have been I have received a

warm welcome, and have been amazed and inspired by the projects being run, and theenthusiastic and fantastic people I have met.”

[email protected]

Lesley Young, Immediate Past President“Making great progress on re-launching JCI in Birmingham as well asbeing co-host at the European Conference Awards Ceremony inTarragona - JCI UK winning 2 awards made it all the sweeter!”[email protected]

Solveig Malvik, Deputy National President & Marketing Director“My best experiences this year have been to organise the Marketing Academy in April and

to go to JCI Academy in Japan in July. At both I got to know and work with enthusiastic andbrilliant people and that’s what I love about JCI. I also love planning 2012, getting peoples’

ideas, putting them into action. Just love it!”[email protected]

Carrie Green, International Director“What has made my year was seeing everyone having a fabtime in Tarragona, enjoying all aspects of a JCI EuropeanConference.”[email protected]

Debbie Tills, Admin Director“The highlight of my year has been the Awards Ceremony at the European Conference inTarragona. It was great to see the culmination of all the hard work from UK Chambers insubmitting award entries. It was an honour to be part of the international judging panel andthe icing on the cake was JCI Leeds winning two awards, it was just incredible!”[email protected]

Gemma Fletcher, Community Director"The best feeling in the world is being able to make a

difference, and I got to experience this feeling when we madeour first donation of $10,000 to the Nothing But Nets

Campaign!"[email protected]

Dan Lally, Personal Development Director“There have been many highlights including topping the European League Tables at the

beginning of the year for graduates from Presenter and Trainer through to seeing JCI UKagain having amazing people graduate from the European Academy. On a personal note it

was amazing to be announced as the 2012 Head Coach of the European Academy.”[email protected]

Julia Goodfellow-Smith, Membership Administrator“Being the National Membership Admin has been surprisingly satisfying: knowing that thedatabase is up to date; promptly dealing with queries; improving communication withmembers; starting new initiatives such as birthday cards to members. All of these thingshelp to improve the experience for members and teams, and it’s good to be a part of that”[email protected]

Anne Craven, Regional Group Chair - South“The best JCI thing for me this year has been to facilitate the 're-launch regional meeting'for the Southern Region in May. Our region is very versatile, with loads of strengths thatcan all be used in JCI work, and that became very clear at that meeting. Since the meeting,I am aware that our Chambers are now communicating and collaborating with each other “[email protected]

Sofie Sandell, Website Manager“This year has been very intense as JCI UK Website Manager. The new JCI UK site was

launched in October 2010 and we have put a lot of effort into getting it working. It’s a greatfeeling that JCI UK has a website that we all can be proud of. And that we have something

that looks fantastic to show our potential members, speakers and partners.”[email protected]

Catherine Berry, Regional Group Chair - Yorkshire“Working with the Yorkshire presidents, watching them growthroughout the year and seeing all their hard work result inmembership growth in the region.”[email protected]

Ryan Murray, Regional Group Chair - Northern Ireland“When the World President visited Belfast, to see him and the current JCI Belfast

President, members, Senators and the Northern Ireland Minister for Trade and Enterpriseall at dinner and able to discuss various topics. It made it very apparent that any issues are

not only local but global and that there’s a network of great people out there in JCI.”[email protected]

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JCI Mission: To provide development opportunities that allow young people to create positive change

Excelling in 2011Dear JCI Members, Senators and Friends,

It is a true honour to be the National President of JCI UK this year. Not just because I have had the amazingopportunity to lead an organisation that I feel so passionately about, but also because I have had the chanceto meet and work with some truly inspiring people.

This year JCI UK has gone ‘Back to Basics’, and it seems to be paying dividends, as we have seen asignificant increase in membership, and member engagement is evident.

The year so far has been fantastic, it has been fast paced, it has been productive, and I hope you agreeit has been fun.

One of my personal highlights happened in January, when I was awarded a Senatorship, I was for oncein my life speechless, and I really can’t thank my home Chamber, JCI Boston, and everyone who wasinvolved in organising it, enough. Being a Senator means that I am a life-long member of JCI, and it isconsidered to be the highest level of recognition within our organisation.

This year we have seen new relationships developed, and existing ones strengthened. We have made animpact in our local communities, and from the fundraising we have done for the JCI Nothing But Netscampaign, working towards eradicating malaria, we have made an impact in the world. There have beenso many great things that have happened this year that it would be impossible to mention them all, buthere are some of my highlights;

National PresidentAllison Cowell

Senator # 70323

Outside JCI Alli is aChartered

Accountant withDuncan & Toplis andlives in Boston which

is also her localchamber. Alli is

absolutelypassionate about

both spreadsheetsand JCI, two

passions she hasexcelled incombining.

I hope you enjoy this 2011 edition of the National,and I look forward to seeing you soon.



JCI UK National President [email protected]

Senator#70323 JCI UK


Back toBasic tour &


2 visitsfrom Ismail,






NOM2NOMweekend (andwinning in pool

against theother NPs)

I heartJCI UKbags

Presidents& Deputies


EC2011, JCIUK - The best

delegation thereand 2 awards -

Yay!$17K+for JCI

Nothing ButNets

33.52%Increase in




MarketingAcademyEPM &


Speakingin House of



6 Localwebsiteslaunched


JCIPresenter &JCI Trainer


JCI UK beingon track for

international 100%efficiency



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JCI Vision: To be the leading global network of young active citizens

The Senate Year (so far)I’m writing this in my hotel room in Halmstad, Swedenhaving enjoyed the experience of my first everCrayfish Conference. Sweden brings the number ofcountries visited so far this year to seven, and onereally good thing about being Senate Chairman is thatit does take you to places you would probably notnormally visit.

Back home, we’ve enjoyed a well supported andvaried programme of weekends – from a Beatlesthemed weekend in Liverpool to the very differentculture of Shakespeare at Stratford upon Avon andthen another change in culture to the opera weekendin Buxton. We even left the country for one “British”weekend, visiting Umbria in Italy for a weekendorganised by one of our Senators who has a placeout there.

In the pipeline between now and the end of the yearare weekends in both Devon and North Wales.

Athene and I had a very pleasant evening at the JCILondon dinner in the House of Lords and JCI Scotlanddid us proud with a brilliant Senate programme at theirNational Convention in Aberdeen.

I am sure a number of Senators will be joining JCI UKat the National Convention later this year, as indeedwe did last year in London.

A question that often arises is this – just what is thepoint of the Senate? Is it just a drinking club or doesit have a serious mission? On my visits to Europeand to the USA this year, I’ve come across one verycommon theme, namely that more than ever, Senatemust be here to support and to help JCI – as much inthe UK as in every other country.

It’s blatantly obvious that unless there is a thriving JCIthen long term there is no Senate.

More than that though, Senators understand that theyhave benefited in life from their own JCI membershipand do genuinely want to, as the American Senateputs it “return the favour”.

subsequent weeks. The year seems to have goneby very quickly and its now only five months until myown “Drumming Out” in Northampton.

I hope that I’ve upheld the traditions of the Senate in2011, but more than that, I hope that we havegenuinely made a difference to JCI UK. The fun andfellowship we all enjoy as Senators are a vital part ofthe mix, but ultimately we do have to exist for areason, and that has to be the continued developmentand success of JCI UK.

I am delighted that here in the UK the relationshipbetween JCI and the Senate is stronger than ever.In many ways we are one organisation – we have thesame values and the same beliefs.

I know that a lot of good work is being done aroundthe country by Senators working alongside JCI and Iam always pleased to hear of other ways in which wecan help. There is a huge fund of goodwill for JCIamongst Senators – please do make use of it.

I was delighted to see Senators and JCI UK membersenjoying each others’ company at the EuropeanConference in Tarragona, and I am sure this will bereplicated in Brussels at World Congress.Interestingly, the same joint approach was workingwell when we attended the US JCI Senate Conventionin Illinois, where the national JCI Convention and theSenate Convention were held at the same hotel in

British SenateChairman 2011David Butchersenator #46828

Away from JCI andthe Senate, Davidworks for the leadingfirm of criminaldefence lawyers inNorthampton. Hespends many hoursin police station cellsand uninvitinginterview roomsadvising clients as totheir rights and theirpossible defences.Skills picked up inmany a JCI debatehave helped himconsiderably in hisnegotiations withpolice custodysergeants!

The British SenateThe British Senate is the national Senateorganisation linked to JCI United Kingdom (JCI UK).

A Senatorship is the highest honour that can bebestowed on a member of the Junior ChamberOrganisation.

It is a unique way to pay tribute to an individual forhis or her dedication and outstanding service on aeither a local, national or international level.

It confers "lifetime membership" of Junior ChamberInternational (JCI) upon the recipient. It is a highlyrespected and prestigious honour.

Read more about how you can propose someonefor a Senatorship onwww.jciuk.org.uk/join-us/the-jci-uk-senate/


Who can beawarded a


A Senatorship maybe awarded to a

current or pastmember for his or her

outstandingcommitment and

contributions at anyand all levels of the


To qualify, anindividual must have

been a JuniorChamber member for

at least three years.

Recent JCI UK membersawarded Senatorship:

Lesley Young, London #69906

Adam Woodhall, Leeds #69981

Sofie Sandell, London #70055

Lisa Fairley, Belfast #70056

Chris Lowry, Belfast #70237

Allison Cowell, Boston #70323

Marco van den Heuvel, London#70324

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JCI Mission: To provide development opportunities that allow young people to create positive change


About JCI United Kingdom

It’s been great to see JCI UK go from strength to strength in 2011 and to work closely with Allison to supporther in the role of National President. There is a real energy across the organisation with such a wide rangeof projects and events that are all contributing to the renewed growth and strengthening of JCI UK.

I’ve been concentrating on the relaunch of JCI in Birmingham. An initial meeting has been held with stronginterest from a number of young people wanting to get involved. Many positive messages of support fromSenators have also been received.

Did you know that JCI European Conference was hosted by JCI Birmingham in 2003 and 1976 and WorldCongress was held there in 1989! We know Birmingham is a city that has a lot to offer and are hopefulthat JCI can have a strong presence there once again!

I’m also International Vice President in 2011. I am assigned to a number of countries in Europe as a mentorand support to their National Organisation. My role is to promote the JCI Plan of Action and key goals forthe year. I also communicate successes and challenges from National Organisations to the JCI Board ofDirectors so that they can be taken into account in strategic planning and agenda setting for GeneralAssemblies.

I’ve attended a number of international events this years including the January Board Meeting at JCI HQin St Louis, European Conference and the JCI/UN Global Partnership Summit. In JCI UK I’ve also attendedthe Senate Drumming Out weekend in Belfast, Inspiration Day in Reading, President and Deputies Day inCambridge and National Board Meetings.

Whilst there are lots of duties and support roles to carry out a favourite moment of mine this year was toco-host the awards ceremony at the European Conference – it was made all the sweeter when JCI UKpicked up 2 awards!!

LesleyLesley YoungJCI Vice PresidentImmediate Past President JCI [email protected]

Immediate PastPresident JCI UK

andInternational Vice

PresidentLesley Young

Senator #69906

Outside JCI Lesley isa former healthcare

professional and NHSDirector. Membership

in JCI has made herrealise what else she

can do and she isnow exploring other

opportunities amongthem property

investment whiletravelling the world

with JCI.

Junior ChamberInternational (JCI) UK isaffiliated to JuniorChamber International(JCI) www.jci.cc.

Check out our blog, eventsand resources on the JCIUK website:www.jciuk.org.uk.

Email National Board at:[email protected]

JCI UK Head OfficePO Box 6638GranthamNG31 9BX

Telephone: 01476 404005Fax: 01476 404006

Contact: Lorna [email protected]

Front page picture credits:Brian Turnbull, JCIScotland

Editor: Solveig [email protected]

Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a global network for youngactive professionals in their 20s and 30s.

We are present in more than 100 countries, with 5,000 local chambers and have almost200,000 members across the world. Meeting on a regular basis for fun and friendship,we run many inspiring events and projects with our members.

As a member you can go to events, network, travel,get involved in community projects and learn newskills.

JCI is an opportunity to further yourself while makinga real difference. As thousands of JCI alumni withsuccessful and fulfilling careers testify, the best wayto invest in yourself and your future is to get involvedand contribute as best you can.

Membership of JCI will give you a lot in return. Andwhen you are getting involved you'll see the bigpicture of the network.

Membership in JCI UK is open to anyone betweenthe ages of 18 and 40.

Membership is £96 per year or £8 per month onmonthly or quarterly standing order.

Find more information on www.jciuk.org.uk/join-us

Check out where you can find chambers in the UKon the map to the right.

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JCI Vision: To be the leading global network of young active citizens

In July we were honoured to welcome JCI WorldPresident Kentaro Harada to Belfast. We hosted adinner for President Harada where JCI Belfast boardmembers, senators and members of the NationalBoard were joined by special guest, Arlene Foster,Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment todiscuss how JCI Belfast could actively engage inplans to make Belfast a entrepreneurial city focusedon creating business and leadership opportunitiesfor young professionals.

During President Harada’s visit we also organised around table discussion with Invest Northern Irelandto investigate opportunities for JCI Belfast to becomemore closely aligned with the organisation in orderto grow JCI Belfast’s membership base and providepersonal development and networking opportunitiesthat feed into Invest NI’s business programmes.

President Harada’s visit to Belfast was a greatsuccess and helped to motivate and focus the boardand membership base on the opportunities that existfor JCI Belfast to positively impact Belfast’s businesscommunity now and in the future.

healthy membership and prides itself in adapting tothe needs of its members year after year.

Through our monthly member’s evening and specialevents, we aim to provide our members with suchopportunities. Over the last year we have had anumber of high calibre speakers present on topicsincluding pension planning, the Northern IrelandAssembly, angel investors and business image, aswell as training events focused on leadership &communication.

The Belfast Chamber of Junior ChamberInternational (JCI) has over 20 active members anda network of over 100 active past members, senatorsand ‘friends’. JCI Belfast was founded in 1949 andthe organisation has established and maintained a

President JacintaParkhill

- Best experience sofar this year?

“The JCI Belfastpub quiz was a

huge success thisyear, raising a

phenomenal£1,400 for our

chosen charity,Barnardo’s NI.”

JCI Belfast

Although JCI Barnsley is one of the smallerChambers in the Yorkshire region it prides itself onbringing together its members for social and charityevents and lending its support to all the Chambersin the region. There is never a JCI Yorkshire eventwithout a strong Barnsley presence; none more sothan the highly contested Wharfdale Quiz, with thetrophy going back to Barnsley in 2010 much to thedisappointment of JCI Leeds!

As 2010 Wharfedale winners, Barnsley hosted the2011 competition; combining this with our AnnualTrain Pub Crawl, a fun afternoon out with anunashamedly social focus. This event attracts pastmembers and Senators and has been part of theBarnsley calendar for over ten years. Barnsley hasalso hosted the 2011 Yorkshire Regional ExtemporeCompetition, a great event that never ceases toinspire with the quality of our local talent.Congratulations to JCI Leeds’ Tim Metcalfe, the 2011Champion and proud winner of JCI’s most weightyTrophy!

In April 2007 JCI Barnsley and JCI Aberdeen joinedforces and officially became “twinned” at the ScottishNational Conference in Glasgow. Since thenmembers of both Chambers have attended eachother’s events main events, meeting up for AnnualDinners, National and European Conferences. Thisyear alone Gemma Fletcher, IPP and InternationalDirector has attended no less than 3 Aberdeenevents!

In 2011JCI Barnsley focused their personaldevelopment around the issues that are reallyaffecting their members, and this has resulted in avery successful LinkedIn training session. Thesession was hosted by a local businessman from asocial media marketing company and was attended

by not only JCI Barnsley members, but non-members and members from JCI Bradford. Thesession focused on how to get to that all important100% complete profile, recommendations, creatingjob searches, joining groups and marketing yourbusiness. The feedback after the event was hugelypositive and all that attended are now working awayat updating their profiles!

President VickySavage

- Best experience sofar this year?

“Winning the bidto host NationalConvention, talkabout the t shirts.Planning theNationalConventionblurb…”

JCI Barnsley

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JCI Mission: To provide development opportunities that allow young people to create positive change

the day from JCI Barnsley and local businesseswhich donated the Easter Eggs as prizes. The stallattracted people of all ages and we felt like a realmarket trader for the day.

The Air Cadets of 141 (Boston) squadron alsocontributed by collecting pennies and clothes. Thesefundraising efforts have seen us feature in both thelocal papers, Boston Target and Boston Standard.We are still collecting clothes our next collection isthe end of September and our pennies jars still needfilling!

Social is what JCI Boston does best; the events thisyear have included attending the fake festival, andan evening of burlesque. In July we invited the JCImembership to come and visit our market town andsee some of its attractions. Our Boston day startedwith a climb up 200 steps in the tower of the Stump,giving views of the whole town. Then we went ontothe Maud Foster windmill and saw it in action turningwheat into flour. The day ended with a quiz aroundthe town.

We are the home chapter of this year’s UK’s NationalPresident. In February we were the 2nd Chapter tolaunch the new style website www.jciboston.org.uk,this has also allowed us to maintain a monthlynewsletter to our members and friends.

JCI Boston is a small chapter, we try to cover allaspects of JCI and like other chapters in the UK wehave seen our membership increase this year.

JCI Boston is very proud that we have raised £604for the JCI Nothing But Nets Campaign so far thisyear (this has been multiplied by Cordaid andconverted in dollars which is $1920.15), this equatesto 192 bednets!

Fundraising ideas have included recycling mobilephones and clothes, collecting pennies and havingan Easter themed Market Stall on the weekend ofGlobal Malaria Day in April. The stall included thedebut appearance of our hook-a-ducks and a guesshow many sweets in the tub game. We were verygrateful for the support we got from both fellow JCImembers, which included a couple that helped on

JCI Boston

President TracyAnderson

- Best experience sofar this year?

“I have experiencedmy first Europeanconference inTarragona. It isn'tuntil you experienceone to you realisehow international ourorganisation really is!”

JCI BradfordWe have our 52nd Annual Dinner coming up on 23rdSeptember 2011 where in a ‘I’m a celebrity get meout of here – style’ event our President, PhilipCavalier-Lumley will confront his fears and comeface-to-face with those most feared creatures toraise money for local charity.

And in the new year (April time) JCI Bradford will beexploring how they can help the endangeredspecies…BEES. JCI Bradford will be teaming upwith the local beekeepers association and seeingfirst hand how bees are kept and how important theyare to the environment.

JCI Bradford continues to spread the JuniorChamber message and has welcomed a few newmembers recently. We have so much more to doand we expect to see our organisation flourish asour new members get involved.

JCI Bradford has developed and trained youngpeople in Bradford for over fifty years. Some ofBradford’s and the UK’s industry leaders have gonethrough the ranks in Junior Chamber and theycontinue to maintain their support for theorganisation. A small Chamber but incredibly active,JCI Bradford organises some massive projects inhelping the community and is highly respected in thebusiness community.

We recently visited the biggest production anddistribution plant in the world operated by Coca-Colaand we attracted 6 non-members to the event whichwe hope to eventually convert to members.

President PhilipCavalier-Lumley

-Best experience sofar this year?

“Attended my firstJCI Presenter in

Sheffield and ithelped me

immediately atsome future

public speakingevents that I was


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JCI Vision: To be the leading global network of young active citizens

JCI Doncaster's Annual President's dinner was heldat one of Doncaster's most beautiful venues, theMansion House.  The dinner saw both members andnon members meeting and discussing JCIDoncaster with  great enthusiasm. Theevening gained great publicity in local media, beingprinted in 3 different publications.

The event assisted with re-buliding the relationshipwith Doncaster Chamber of Commerce, having theChamber's Chief Exectuive as a top table guest.  Italso created a new relationship with Doncaster LawSociety who have committed to working inpartnership with JCI.

As with all dinners there was a fundraising elementin the form of taking of wine in aid of JCI Nothing ButNets.

President KatieOgley

- Best experience sofar this year?

“The best memory forme this year was

writing the speech formy President’s

dinner.  It gave methe opportunity to

think back andremember all of the

great events I’vebeen to and the

fantastic friends I’vemade.  “

The Thorntons Chocolate tasting event was a laidback pre-Easter event enjoyed by both membersand non members.  Attendees were given a talk onthe history of Thorntons and given various samples,including a brand new chocolate waiting to belaunched!  We were then given the opportunity toice our own Easter eggs which was great fun.  Onthe evening money was raised for the NSPCC, whoare Thorntons nominated charity.

This event was not only of benefit to the attendees.The store's Manager said that he had never donean event like it before and had never done publicspeaking.  He said that he was really nervous to startwith but he relaxed into the public speaking andended up enjoying it!  Truly a JCI success story.

JCI Cambridge has had an amazing year so far!Having only been re-established for a year we havegone from strength to strength;  having newmembers join each month, a strong committee ofenthusiastic and very capable young professionals,a vibrant business and networking programme ofevents each month coupled with the opportunitiesof the wider JCI UK programme.

In our first training session of 2011 business guruPhilip Morley covered the commercial advantage ofclarity and how dangerous it is when clients,customers, colleagues and investors get the wrongend of the stick.

February saw the amazing Marcus Orlovsky give atalk on "Packed up...how to be in the right place, atthe right time" - a truly inspirational speaker! Wehave also covered topics such as "MassivelyImprove Your Results : The Secret of Success","Time Management", "Personality Profiling in theWorkplace", "Emotional Intelligence" and"Negotiation Skills".

We held our inaugural Business Skills day in Apriland were the hosts of the Presidents’ and Deputies’day. We had a great night out with both JCI UKmembers and visitors where we were able to

showcase our beautiful city. During this interactiveand informative day the 40 attendees were given theopportunity to attend two full two and a half hourworkshops on a variety of topics. The event attractedthe local newspapers to cover the event and a hugeamount of positive feedback. In August we held a

Wine Tasting in Conjunction with Cambridge Winewhich was very successful with over 30 peopleattending.

We have also obtained monthly coverage in the localnewspapers and, since the launch of our newwebsite, engage members by encouraging blogwriting after events. We also ask business speakersto contribute to the blog to strengthen our links withthe local business community.

President JenLittle

- Best experience sofar this year?

“I have thoroughlyenjoyed attendingboth the JCIPresenter andTrainer courses -a must for anyoneand being atrainer at the JCIUK MarketingAcademy wasgreat fun.”

JCI Doncaster

JCI Cambridge

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JCI Mission: To provide development opportunities that allow young people to create positive change

It’s been a fantastic year for JCI Leeds so far. Wehad a very successful launch event where we hada number of new members sign up on the night. Therelatively junior council team got together for a teambuilding training day which really helped us bond asa unit. We have had a series of training, social andbusiness events which have attracted members (oldand new) and non-members.

For example, this year we have moved the focus ofour business events from having a speaker followedby networking to having business tours of Yorkshirebusinesses.

We wanted to revitalise our business events and thisnew tact has engaged members. Our tour of DraxPower station attracted 20 attendees including anumber of non-members. Our success with Draxwas followed by a tour of the West Yorkshire

Playhouse which attracted another great attendanceof 15 people.

JCI Leeds have also hosted JCI Presenter whichattracted a number of new members from Leeds, amember from Sheffield and potential member for JCILondon.

The JCI Leeds Annual Business Lecture is one ofthe biggest events in our calendar and this year wasno exception. The theme was Challenge & Changeand focused on the challenge of the recession andwhat we could do to challenge it. The event attractedmembers and non-members and was complimentedfor its informal and relaxed style and got extremelypositive feedback from the attendees.

Our JCI Nothing But Nets Fashion show in Octoberhas already sold more than 50 tickets and isattracting a diverse audience who have not been toJCI Leeds events before.

Our other big event this year is our Annual Dinnerwhich is being held in association with The Chamber.We are re-kindling old relationships and alsoreturning to tradition holding the event at the formerpermanent home of our Dinner which is the LeedsCivic Hall. The Past Presidents of JCI Leeds are alsosupporting the event so we have a fantasticcollaboration between the current and pastmembership.

President AnilChampaneri

- Best experience sofar this year?

“Being on thestage to collecttwo awards onbehalf of JCILeeds atEuropeanConference.”

JCI Leeds

As well as continuing with successful events fromprevious years, such as our annual dinner in theHouse of Lords and flagship community event, GoFor It, teaching cv writing and interview skills to younglearners, in 2011 JCI London has also pioneered newstyles of event. One of the most popular was theWomen in Leadership Roundtable, where memberswere able to ask questions of three successfulleading business women, as they hosted informalsmall group discussions. The feedback from theevent was such that the roundtable format will berepeated later in the year with a different theme.

As ˝probably the most international chamber in theworld˝,  JCI  London  has  this  year  reinstigated  itsgrand tradition of Twinning Weekends. Jaycees fromour twin chambers will come to London to get to knoweach other, experience a different city and cultureand have fun!

In order to keep JCI in London growing and providemore leadership opportunities, we are starting a newchamber. JCI Ignite London will be based south ofthe river around Clapham and will focus on peopleand training with the aim of making a difference in alocal community.

JCI London is the largest chamber in the UK witharound 150 members. We are a very active chamberrunning on average more than 2 events per week.Each of the areas of opportunity has a team, whichencourages members to get involved with organisingevents and projects. This year there has been afocus on working together with cross-team eventsand themes, for example an international lecture ondoing business in America followed by a steakhousedinner. As well as local activity, JCI London alwayshas a national and international presence.

The chamber has been supporting the national JCINothing But Nets campaign with a penny jarcollection, penny poker sessions and pub quiz. Aclothes collection is also planned and members willbe running the Loch Ness Marathon in the autumn.

President SarahBeckwith

-Best experience sofar this year?

“My bestexperience is

working with theother members of

the JCI Londoncouncil - a fantasticbunch of dedicated,

passionatemembers, who

work hard to makethe chamber a


JCI London

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JCI Vision: To be the leading global network of young active citizens

President PaulThwaite

- Best experience sofar this year?

“I decided to go toEuropean

Conference and Ihave to say it was

one of the best thingsI have done. It took

me way out of mycomfort zone which Ithink I needed – I’m a

quiet guy and Ienvisaged meeting so

many people wouldbe a tad daunting, but

everyone was sofriendly and easy to

chat to!”

challenge for Jasmine and I to run these coursesand it'll be tremendous fun too!

One of the best things I have learned whilst being amember of JCI - if you don't ask, you don't get! Sowe did. We've always wanted to run a Businessevent on the economy. We heard of a Bank ofEngland office in the South and we asked if they'dpresent to us. They agreed and it was a brilliantevent! Many people from different areas of thePortsmouth business community attended and thefeedback received was marvellous. We certainly willbe running another similar event in the new year!

So, if you're unsure about asking, just do it! What'sthe worse that could happen? They say no. And ifthey do, you look for someone else!

At JCI Portsmouth we have been working to build aseries of Public Speaking training events aimed athelping its members improve their public speakingskills. Rather than use external trainers, we decidedto run the training events ourselves. That way, we'relearning at the same time as participants but from adifferent perspective. Paul Thwaite, a graduate fromJCI Trainer is building up his JCI Training hours andJasmine Blofield, a graduate from JCI Presenter, isloving the opportunity to build on the skills shelearned during that course.

We have a 3 part course which we plan to schedulein Autumn 2011. Each training session has a realemphasis on practicing and audience interaction.The feedback we've received from running the firstpart earlier on in the year has been amazing!

If you're in or around Portsmouth and want to getinvolved, let us know! It's going to be a rewarding

JCI Portsmouth

President DebbieRainford

- Best experience sofar this year?

“My best experiencethis year has to behosting the JCI WorldPresident, KentaroHarada. It was agreat honour that hechose to visit us inManchester. Wewere able toshowcase ourchamber and our citynot only to Mr Haradabut also to JCIMembers fromaround the Country”

We submitted 2 nominations for the TOYP Awardsand we are now busy preparing for the ManchesterYoung Talent Awards on 8th September 2011. Thisevent serves to recognise 8 outstanding individualsfrom Manchester who have excelled in their particularfield. We are all very excited about the black tie &glamorous ceremony which will be held at the 5*Radisson Edwardian Hotel in Manchester torecognising the 5* calibre of our nominees and all ourmembers.

Manchester members climb the highest mountainsin England, Scotland and Wales all in 24 hours. Thiswas by far the most difficult challenge that most ofour members had ever completed and we areincredibly proud to have raised almost £7000 fromthis challenge alone!!!!

Well what a year it has been for JCI Manchester!Already we have smashed our target to doublemembership numbers and we continue to grow; nextyear we will have to raise the bar even further. It allbegan with our new member’s evening back in March.In true JCI Manchester style the event was a greatsuccess. We had almost 100 people attend (somewere already members) and 20 new sign ups as aresult. In our unique style the event was relaxed andinformal and people had fun.

We followed this up with a packed calendar oftraining, business, social and charity events offeringsomething for everyone. Our training events haveincluded assertiveness and behavioural styles, mediatraining and improving productivity through nutritionand natural health. Socials such as our lovely bubblyevening, lets get quizzical and the 3 Peaks after partyenabled members to come together and relax. Wehave hosted keynote business events which havebeen attended by many of Manchester’s leadingprofessionals and entrepreneurs. We were luckyenough that our National President Alli was able tomake it along to our Panel Discussion on NewBusiness Start-Ups.

JCI Manchester is committed to supporting our localcommunity. Our nominated charity for this year is theRoyal Manchester Children’s hospital. Our mainevent was the 3 peaks challenge. This saw 20 JCI

JCI Manchester

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JCI Reading

PresidentStephen Wells

- Best experience sofar this year?

“Being able toassist Alli Cowell,(nationalpresident) andSandra Pilarczyk(JCI UKrepresentative forpublic speakingcompetition) atthe EuropeanConference”

engage everyone by talking about real JCIexperiences. Therefore along with 2 externalspeakers we also included a section 'What JCIMeans to Me' where we heard from past, presentand future members about how JCI has inspiredthem. There are videos of some of these on the JCIReading YouTube Channel:


Ismail, JCI International Vice President, was aspecial guest at the event and he joined in with allthe activities on offer. He gave us an overview ofPresident Kentaro Harada's plan of action for 2011.

After an informative talk from Graham Jones,Internet Psychologist we ran a fun, action packed,competitive team game called 'Roam aroundReading' - this got everyone out and about inReading, this was an opportunity for people to learna little more about Reading and more importantlytheir fellow team mates from around the country.

At the beginning of the year JCI Reading had thehonour of hosting the 2011 JCI UK Inspiration Day.

Inspiration Day  is the first national event in the JCIUK calendar being an ideal way to meet newmembers from both the local and national boardsand is designed to get everyone back in the swingof things after the holidays.

The event started at 11am (slightly later than astandard JCI event as this enabled those comingfrom London who had attended the JCI Londonannual dinner the night before a chance to arrive).

Following many discussions with members wefound that the main reason we all joined JCI wasbecause of the people already involved in theorganisation. This fitted nicely with the 2011National President's, Allison Cowell, Back to Basic’stheme for the year as it gave us the opportunity to

President KateSenter

-Best experience sofar this year?

“Seeing that we hadincreased our

membership numbersby 150% by thehalfway mark of

2011! A huge roundof applause must goto crazy, innovative,

creative, passionate,inspired, motivatedand all round lovely

people that make upthe JCI Sheffield

Council team ”

formidable speakers including Darren Bristow - theman behind Katy Perry’s perfume microsite, RickArmstrong – former leader of Saatchi and Saatchiand John Philips, former Chairman of Business LinkSouth Yorkshire… I think it’s fair to say that we arecertainly keeping our members busy! In addition,we’ve challenged both our members and localbusinesses to do their bit for charity, be it donating450 Easter eggs to the Children’s Hospital orencouraging non-runners to complete a range ofcharity runs!

The remainder of the year looks equally full and JCISheffield is especially proud to be supporting MADE:The Entrepreneur Festival in September. Withspeakers including Vince Cable and Peter Jonesamongst others, JCI Sheffield is excited to host anofficial event during the week as well as exhibitingat the festival! For more details visit:www.madefestival.com

Something else we’re proud of is being part of theJCI Yorkshire region! We work closely with ourcolleagues in other chambers across the region aswe all believe that this network is so important to ourmembers. In fact, so strong is our link that we haveall come together this year to host the JCI UKNational Convention. We are all extremely excitedto welcome members from around the country to thesteel city, officially the most sporting city, thegreenest city, and the leading digital and creativecity… welcome to Sheffield!

JCI Sheffield is one of the oldest Chambers in theUK, and as members, we think is one of the mostactive too! Since the beginning of the year we haveseen a huge increase in our membership and withan ambitious growth plan.

JCI Sheffield is also one of the largest chambers inthe country, representing a broad cross section ofsectors within our city – something we’re really proudof! Over the year we have worked closely withSheffield Chamber of Commerce, coming togetherto represent Team Sheffield! This relationship issomething that we really value in Sheffield and wehave some very exciting plans afoot with ourcolleagues at the Chamber – stay tuned!

This year we have delivered a calendar of over 50events and hosted official JCI courses such as JCIPresenter and JCI Trainer. We’ve played host to

JCI Sheffield

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Learn how you can start a new Chamber in your local community.Make the most of the leadership opportunities in JCI.

Find your nearest Local Chamber onwww.jciuk.org.uk/local-chambers/

Learn how you can start a new chamber onwww.jciuk.org.uk/get-involved/How-to-start-your-own-JCI-chamber/

JCI SouthamptonNow in its 52nd year, JCI Southampton has had yetanother full programme of activities so far this year.

Mixing networking drinks, training dinners, businessvisits, community fundraising, charity quiz nights andfun social events the 2011 programme has providedJCI Southampton members and guests with an idealplatform to gain new business contacts, developthemselves both professionally and personally andindulge in some great social occasions mixed withtours of local organisations.

A New Members Evening at the end of March saw40+ attendees enjoy a relaxed evening of networkingover drinks and food at Yuzu Bar whilst finding outmore about the JCI organisation. The JCISouthampton Council team were joined by NationalPresident Allison Cowell and Senator (and formerJCI Southampton President) Tim Richardson whoshared their experiences of the organisation andwhat they have gained from it.

One of this year’s truly memorable events was acombined business and social trip to the ItchenValley Brewery in late June. Taking advantage oftravelling by coach, 21 members and friendsexperienced a unique insight into the workings of asmall local brewery. The JCI Southampton groupwere treated to a fun and interactive tour withunlimited refills during the tasting being a particularhighlight of the evening.

With two more training dinners scheduled this year(October’s ‘Break The Rules & Win More Business’and November’s ‘Essential Employment Law – ABasic Toolkit For The Workplace’), a couple ofcharity quiz nights, a Christmas social dinner and

drinks event plus our monthly Turbo Thursdaynetworking drinks, JCI Southampton members andguests can look forward to a full end to the year. Ofcourse, we can’t possibly forget the big event of theyear – JCI Southampton’s Annual Gala Dinner.From Hollywood last year to Bollywood this year thedinner will be held on 12th November at P.O.S.H.restaurant and will offer the best in Indian cuisinewith some great entertainment from a live band, DJand one or two more surprises thrown in. An eventnot to be missed!

President DrewCharman

- Best experience sofar this year?

“…attending the2011 JCIEuropeanConference inTarragona, Spainat the beginningof June.”

JCI Ignite London (new)

CandidatePresident Nadene


With the growing success of JCI London over thelast couple of years, it was decided that Londonwould be large enough to accommodate at least 2chambers and this way spreading the world of JCI.

Starting this new chamber with the focus on SouthLondon’s Local Communities and PersonalDevelopment , is a wonderful experience for all thosewanting to be involved as it allows us to be ascreative and as involved as we wish. This will givemembers the opportunity to grown and develop withthe new chamber and show people that we canmake an impact locally, nationally and globally.

With JCI London as our supporting chamber, weare looking forward to combining our skills,knowledge and resource to make people aware ofwhat JCI has to offer them and their communities.

- Best experience sofar this year?

“Going toEuropean

Academy inSweden with 85other young and

passionate JCIleaders from

around Europe!”

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Learn how you can start a new chamber on

TOYP Award 2011

JCI Birmingham (new)Great progress has been made on the plan torelaunch of JCI in Birmingham.

Contact has been made with anyone who hadpreviously expressed an interest in becominginvolved. Many positive messages of support fromSenators have also been received. Did you knowthat JCI European Conference was hosted by JCIBirmingham in 2003 and 1976 and World Congresswas held there in 1989!

A meeting was held on 18th August with youngpeople who had expressed an interest in joining JCI.

It was great a group of young energetic peoplewanting to create positive change in the city!! Theevent was also supported by David Butcher, SenateChair, and previous Birmingham Local PresidentKate Canty.

The next meeting will take place on 15th Septemberand will focus on next steps and potential projectsto get a new Chamber kickstarted.

If you know of anyone who would be interested inhelping to support a relaunch or in becoming amember in Birmingham please let me know.

We know Birmingham is a city that has a lot to offerand are hopeful that JCI can have a strongpresence there once again!

IPP Lesley Young ishelping JCI

Birmingham geton its feet.

Lesley can bereached on

[email protected].

JCI TOYP serves to formally recognise young peoplewho excel in their chosen fields and create positivechange.

By recognising these young people, JCI raises thestatus of socially responsible leaders in this world.The honorees motivate their peers to seekexcellence and serve others. Their stories ofdiscovery, determination and ingenuity inspire youngpeople to be better leaders and create bettersocieties.

Last year JCI UK nominees Emily Cummins andSabirul Islam were both named as one of the TenOutstanding Young People in the World for 2010 atthe JCI World Congress in Osaka.

Carly Ward, JCI UKnominee to TOYP,shortlisted among 30global nominees tothe top 10 award.

“It’s my passion tohelp other youngpeople succeed,believe and achieveand I really hope Imake it to the final10 as it will give mea bigger platform toreally be able toscale up the work weare doing and extendit to more youngpeople, creatingmore entrepreneurs.”

JCI United Kingdom is proud to announce that oneof the three nominees from JCI UK to The TenOutstanding Young Person Award 2011 has beenshortlisted to the top 30 nominees in the world. IfCarly is honoured as one of the top 10, she willreceive her award at the World Congress inBrussels in November.

Carly Ward strives to provide inspiration for youngpeople to start their own businesses. In searchingfor inspirational entrepreneurs Carly has succeededin building a high profile network that is supportiveof her work and desire to help as many youngpeople as possible with her online and classroomdelivered ’12 Steps to Success’ programme andYES Network.

Carly has been recognised as Inspirational Womenin Business Award winner in March 2011 andWinner of the Haines Watts Young Entrepreneur ofthe Year Special Achievement Award, Nov 2010.

In addition to Carly JCI UK nominated two otheroutstanding young persons that we would like totake the opportunity to celebrate:

Ruth Ibegbuna, leader of RECLAIM; anaward-winning preventative youth crimeproject founded by her in 2007.RECLAIM targets young people acrossGreater Manchester from areas of socialinstability.

Kai Graf von Pahlen. An exceptionalyoung Lawyer from Manchester with atrue passion for offering transformingthought leadership propositions onvarious topics where law stifles justice forthe people.

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JCI UKs Outrageous AmbitionThis year JCI UK has an ambition to raise anoutrageous amount of funds for the JCI Nothing ButNets campaign! Many of you may ask ‘what is JCINothing But Nets?’ Or ‘why are we raising moneyfor them?’ Below is some information about thecampaign and why we are supporting JCI NothingBut Nets.

JCIs Link to the Nothing But Nets CampaignMalaria is the leading killer of children in Africa, butthis deadly disease can be prevented with the useof insecticide-treated bed nets. Through JCI NothingBut Nets, a campaign in partnership with the UNFoundation’s JCI Nothing But Nets initiative, JCImembers work to purchase and distribute bed netsand educate families on their proper use.

What is ?A grassroots movement involved in malaria preven-tion through advocacy, procurement and distribu-tion of free bed nets.

Nothing But Nets

JCI UK CommunityDirector GemmaFletcher

Gemma can bereached [email protected]

What have Chambers been up to?� JCI Boston hooked ducks on Global Ma-

laria Day

� JCI Barnsley placed their bets for NothingBut Nets

� JCI London have started a Penny PokerTournament!

� JCI Leeds are hosting Fashion BitesBack, a fashion show in aid of the charity,

� JCI Southampton will be hosting a Noth-ing But Nets quiz

� JCI UK Penny War is in full swing!

Many more events are happening across thecountry, for more information checkout theJCI UK website!

JCI UK Action - 11:11 11th Dec ‘11

JCI and the UN hasworked in partnership

since 1954.

Both organisations usethe same map of the

world in their logos, JCIis the only non-UN

organisation to do so.This reflects that the

two organisations seethe world from the same

point of view.

In July 2011 JCIreceived General

Consultative Status withthe UN Economic &Social Council, the

highest levelcooperative status an

organisation can havein the UN.


"Looking ahead to 2015 and beyond, there is no question that we can achieve the overarchinggoal: we can put an end to poverty ... But it requires an unswerving, collective, long-term effort."-United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The 2011 JCI Global Partnership Summit took placein New York from the 20 to 23 June. The Summitwas attended by 380 delegates, including membersand partners from 59 countries. JCI hosted 25speakers and nine special guests from 24 partnerorganisations, including three Permanent Missionsto the United Nations, the Office of the Secretary-General and six UN agencies.

The focus was about how to take action to applythese powerful ideas to our countries, ourcommunities, our backyards.

One of the greatest needs across the UK in regardto the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is toraise overall awareness of what they are.

It is estimated that less than 2% of the populationknow what the MDGs are. JCI UK will therefore runa Facebook campaign at 11.11am on the 11December 2011.

We will be in touch with Local Chambers to agreethe message content but we‘re asking for allmembers support in spreading the word of what theMDGs are and how important it is to work towardstheir achievement by 2015.

ResolutionThe resolution agreed and since endorsed byNational Presidents is as follows:� That every JCI National Organisation will take

action to identify a need in its country withinthe framework of the UN MDGs by the 2011JCI World Congress in Brussels, Belgium.

� That every National Organisation shallcommit to at least one project by 2011 JCIWorld Congress, but may embark onadditional projects as new needs areidentified before 2015.

� To proceed to launch the implementation ofsuch a project simultaneously around theworld on JCI Active Citizen Day, December11, 2011.

� To commit to report annually on the progressof the implementation of such a project at theJCI Global Partnership Summit.

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Active Citizen Experience (ACE)Are you ACE?One of the core values of JCI is to make a local impact, be ACTIVE CITIZENS and what better way to dothis than to volunteer in your local community?

Here in JCI UK we want to reward those members who go that little bit further and get actively involved intheir local community. ACE is our new awards programme that recognises members for their level ofcommunity involvement through the community hours project.

What do I have to do?It is very simple. All you have to do is volunteer in your local community and record your hours.� Keep a record of the number of hours you volunteer and log them on our JCI UK Community Form.� Keep your local community director or Chamber up to date with your progress.� Send your volunteering stories and photos to [email protected]� Wait to be recognised!

Members are recognised for achieving 10, 20 and 30 hours of volunteering! Members will be recognised atnational events by the National President and National Community Director.

Members can get involved in any kind of volunteering from helping out the neighbours to running the localfootball team, no volunteering is too small for ACE!

Read how JCI London member Mehnaz Siddiqui has been gettinginvolved in her local community!What community projects are you currently involved in outside of JCIand work?I am a volunteer teacher for an educational charity which helps children fromdeprived communities between the ages of 5 and 14 with their school work. Iam also a local authority appointed school governor and this role focuses onmaking managerial and financial decisions which affect schools and ultimatelythe quality of education.

How did you get involved?I have always been interested in education and particularly teaching and I was thrilled to find a charity thatallowed me to become involved in this type of volunteer work. I was appointed to the school governorposition by my local authority earlier this year.

What new skills have you developed through volunteering?Lots of patience! I've also developed an understanding of financial budgets and personnel issues.

What advice would you give to other JCI members wanting to get involved in their local community?It is incredibly rewarding to spend your spare time doing something you enjoy which also benefits someoneelse. When you have helped a child understand a concept or problem which they were previously unableto grasp and you see how much this boosts their confidence, it is very satisfying. It is also a great way tomeet people from different backgrounds and cultures.

What isACE?

Originating in JCIDoncaster, theproject allowsmembers to

decide how theywant to get

involved in theirlocal area and stillbe recognised for

theirachievementsthrough JCI.

ACE levels

10 hours

20 hours

30 hours

Registeryour ACE



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JCI Personal Developmenttraining tools and other techniques you need tounderstand to deliver training for adult audiences.

This is for those who wish develop their confidencein presenting complex information in anunderstandable and interesting way, and increaseyour ability to motivate others.

So far this year JCI UK have ran this course inLondon and in Sheffield and have graduated 19members - the fifth highest number of graduationsin Europe. James Alcock joined JCI at thebeginning of 2011 and has already graduated fromJCI Presenter and JCI Trainer and said of thetraining, “It's courses like that that make you reallythink about what JCI is and how far it can reach andwhat, individually and collectively, we can achieve!”

Once you have graduated from JCI Trainer you arethen able to start approaching JCI Chambers aboutgiving your own mini training sessions and can logtraining hours via the JCI website. The is the startof the route to being a JCI Trainer. The JCI UKPersonal Development team are planning toorganise a trainers weekend for new trainers toteach them some courses that they may be able todeliver and to develop other courses. If this issomething that you would be interested in thenplease contact Emma.

JCI UK are yet to run a JCI Achieve coursealthough Deputy National President Solveig Malvikrecently graduated from this course and said thatit is a brilliant course to learn about JCI, theopportunities within JCI and how to live the JCIspirit. JCI UK is hoping to run a JCI Achieve shortly.

► Follow JCI UK’s newsettter and online events calendar for information on when the next JCI Presenter and Trainer courses will be run in the UK.

►  Official  JCI  courses  such as  JCI Admin and JCI Achieve are also organised at the large conferences so that’s yet another reason to go!

There are many great opportunities within JCI andPersonal Development is one of the most rewarding.Whether it be one off training sessions organised bylocal Chambers to appeal to the needs of theirmembers or official JCI courses organised by JCIUK, there are a wealth of new skills that you canlearn from attending.

Make sure that you look out to see what your localchamber has booked into the diary and if you haveideas for topics that you may be interested in thenmake sure that you mention them to your councilteam as it is likely that what is of interest to you willalso be of interest to other members.

JCI also offers official courses which are organisedand run in countries all over the world. These aredesigned by JCI head office and are delivered byofficial JCI trainers in the same way globally. Thecourses include:

JCI Presenter, the JCI Effective PresentationCourse is a full day course that focuses on theconcepts of creating and delivering an effectivepresentation utilising visual aids and strong deliverymethods with a mind towards understanding theaudience. Participants practice presentations duringthe entire course. JCI Presenter is aimed at allmembers who want to expand their presentationskills to give more effective presentations and moreconfident interaction in meetings both in JCI and intheir professional life.

So far this year JCI UK have ran this course inReading, Leeds and Sheffield and 27 membersgraduated. After graduating from this course PhilCavalier-Lumley President of JCI Bradford gave thefollowing feedback after his first chance to practicewhat he had learnt

“I used your training and tips. I rehearsed,recorded myself, timed myself, tweaked andtweaked until I was completely happy that myspeech was motivational but accurate and Istrolled up to the podium with a new kind ofconfidence and let loose.

I was approached by people afterwards I didn'tknow who congratulated me on such ainspirational speech. I may sound big headedto say I was ON FIRE but I have never felt thatgood doing it or having the brilliant feedback.”

After graduating from JCI Presenter you are qualifiedto enrol for JCI Trainer, if you wish. This is a courseon planning and delivering adult training coursesand is a two day course that covers adult learningstyles, the best training methods to teach adults, the

JCI UK TrainersAdam Woodhall andEmma Eastwood

Article by EmmaEastwood

Emma can be [email protected]

Phil Cavalier-Lumley graduating from JCI Presenter

JCI UK PersonalDevelopment DirectorDan [email protected]

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The annual Convention is the flagship nationalevent for JCI UK. The event runs from 25-27November 2011 in Sheffield. It is being organisedin a unique collaboration between the JCIchambers in Yorkshire and promises to be anevent not to be missed.

The only way is Yorkshire for…

… Keynote speakerPrepare to be inspired, motivated and challengedby a keynote speaker with a real story to tell! Wedare you to leave this session without a renewedsense of purpose and direction!    ‘

…Speed TrainingIf you want to expand your skill set, fast, then this isthe one training event you cannot afford to miss. OurSpeed Training Session draws together some of theregion's leading trainers to offer you a personaldevelopment event with a difference.

…NetworkingThe National Convention is the flagship nationalevent for the UK and offers a mix of formal andinformal training and a spectacular socialprogramme; this structure forms an unrivalledopportunity to network with likeminded people fromacross the UK.

…Public Speaking Public speaking is so much more than just givingpresentations: Public speaking training gives you theconfidence to present yourself to other people in theway you want them to perceive you. That could bein an interview, meeting potential customers or evenspeaking to your future husband or wife! The beautyof public speaking is that these are life skills whichcan be mastered by everybody through continuouspractise.

…Debating In the true spirit of learning by doing, the nationalconvention offers you the chance to be part of theNational Debating final.  A debate involves adiscussion of the pros and cons of an issue.Debating successfully is all about using argumentand persuasion to convince other people that yourviews are right.

…Gala Dinner Treat yourself to a spectacular night of Yorkshirehospitality, celebration and friendship at the JCI UK2011 Gala Dinner. Step back in time and join JCIYorkshire and JCI UK’s National President Allison

Cowell at the show-stopping Kelham Island Museumfor a night we guarantee you will never forget.

…After Party Not just any old after party, but a YORKSHIRE afterparty which will leave you feeling tingly all over. Missing this will be one of those times when youfeel you really lost out on the chance to experiencesomething historically great.

…YorkshireRhubarb and real ale, vibrant cities and culture,golden sand and sea, stunning walks and waterfalls.This is Yorkshire. Yorkshire has it all.

…SponsorsIt’ll come as no great surprise to hear that there isa buzz about the cities business community, inanticipation of Sheffield hosting the 2011 JCI UKNational Convention in November.. So with theirbacking, we will be putting on an amazing 3 dayexperience right from the moment you arrive inYorkshire, from the 5 star hospitality at the HolidayInn to the exquisite Gala Dinner at Kelham IslandMuseum, you will leave Sheffield with a Sponsorsgoody bag full to bursting with memories andmementos from your time in Sheffield.

…Value for money We love value for money in Yorkshire and the costfor attending National Conference? Just £99*! Sowhat does that buy you? Training sessions onFriday, Saturday and Sunday; a social event onFriday; the Gala Dinner and after party on Saturdayand the opportunity to meet old friends and makenew ones from like minded souls. An absolutebargain of a weekend! To make things even better,discounted hotel rates are available for thosewanting to stay over in Sheffield.*Early bird member rate.

We hope to see you there! For more information orto book your place please visit our websitehttp://www.eventelephant.com/thejciuknationalconvention2011

-The ConferenceOrganising Committee


Dates:25-27 November



Until 30th Sept£99

After 30th Sept£120


Until 30th Sept£120

After 30th Sept:£145

Accommodation:Holiday Inn RoyalVictoria £75/night

double or twin incl.breakfast

Holiday InnExpress £55/nightdouble or twin incl.


*Special offer”Book two nights at

the Holiday InnExpress

double or twin incl.breakfast for only

£99 for both nights

To book, go to:www.haveagreatstay.co.uk/bookings/

with code:JCI NC2011 The

only way isYorkshire

Ten reasonswhy you

should attendthe JCI UKNational


JCI UK National Convention

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JCI Leeds takes home 2 European AwardsJCI United Kingdom took home two prestigiousawards from the JCI European Conference, bothfrom JCI Leeds.

JCI Leeds President 2010 Claire Dempster wonMost Outstanding President (50-100 members) andthe JCI Nothing But Net Calendar won JCI Leedsthe Most Outstanding Millennium DevelopmentGoal Project Award.

JCI awards go fromlocal, regional and

national levels toEuropean and World

levels and aim torecognise outstanding

projects in local andnational organisations.

We are crossing our fingers and wishing JCI Leeds best of luckat the World Awards in Belgium!

JCI UK made an impact at the 2011 JCI EuropeanConference in Tarragona earlier this year. More than40 UK delegates experienced brilliant Cataloniansunshine, culture and food during almost 5 days ofparties, training sessions, key note speakers andmeetings.

"JCI European Conference, for me is about meetinginteresting, dynamic and fun people from acrossEurope. With nearly 2000 people that wasn't difficultto do! From start to finish there were training events,historical and cultural tours, debates and of coursethe superb evening parties. As I said to a friend atthe gala dinner, ‘where else can you get all this?'.The answer is JCI!" Tim Metcalfe, JCI Leeds

"…going to EC is definitely the highlight of my JCIcareer to date and I can’t emphasise enough to myfellow Jaycees to take the opportunity to attendinternational events. International events providesyou with the opportunity to attend great trainingsessions, exchange ideas, make new friends…."Soraya Bowen, JCI London


1-4 June 2011

JCI EuropeanConference isorganised in a

European countryevery year around

the beginningof June.

European Conferenceis one of 4 JCI area

conferences organisedeach summer.

All members canparticipate at theseconferences whereyou can experiencetraining, parties, keynote speakers, local

culture and more.

The next EuropeanConference will be in


13-17 June 2012

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The British Senate supports 6 members of JCI UK who wants to attend their firstinternational event with up to £100 towards participation at events with both a trainingand social aspect.

Applicants must be paid up members of JCI UK at all stages of the bursary process andmust have been a member, in candidate or in full, for 12 months or less. Applications maycome from the new member, but will require endorsement by their local President, and/ortheir Regional Group Chairman. Applications can be made on the new member’s behalf bytheir local President. Although the application must be made within 12 months of joining, theevent itself can take place up to 12 months after the bursary is made.

Contact National President Allison Cowell for more information!

Join the JCI UK delegation to World Congress for twice the fun!Having a congress as close as Brussels, only a train ride away, is a great opportunity to experience aJCI World Congress without travelling half way across the world. As a delegation we get a fun pack withlots of goodies and Union Jack stuff to use at the conference and we have three parties among them achampagne reception before the gala dinner and a dinner the night before the Congress begins.

How can I be a part of the JCI UK delegation?

1. Register for the World Congress on the Congress website: www.jciwc2011.be

2. Let Carrie Green, JCI UK International Director know that you are going so that she can include youin all communication and you can order a good bag. Carrie can be reached [email protected]

A number of JCI UK members will be taking the Eurostar from London:Outbound: Monday 31st October leaving 12.57 London St. Pancreas arriving at Brussels Midi at 16.05Return: Sunday 6th November leaving 14:59 Brussels Midi arriving at London St. Pancreas at 15:56

A number of JCI UK members have booked hotel at Hotel Le Dome, a 3 minute walk from HQ hotel. LeDome has rooms that can accommodate up to 3 people. JCI UK delegates can book this hotel atwww.resotel.be/jciuk/ with preferential rates until 1st September, from 1st September best available rate.

Expand your boundaries, broaden your horizon and be there with the rest of theJCI UK delegation at the 2011 JCI World Congress in Brussels!�

Expand your BUSINESS boundariesThe JCI World Congress will give members and partners the opportunity to actively network with each other. Thisprovides opportunities to all parties to enter into new businesses, to develop their existing business in othergeographical areas, to take on new career opportunities, and much, much more.

Expand your PERSONAL boundariesJCI as an organisation is all about developing people, encouraging them to develop their entrepreneurialcapabilities. JCI is about being daring, moving beyond the comfort zone. JCI stimulates its members to take upresponsibilities. "Learning by doing" is not an empty slogan in JCI! Not everything can be learned in books. Today'ssociety needs young people that have entrepreneurial skills. JCI offers just that!

Expand your INTERNATIONAL boundariesThe JCI World Congress is also the place to meet people from all over the world, each with their own culture that, atfirst glance, sometimes seem strange to us. JCI offers the opportunity to go beyond national thinking, to get to knowpeople from all over the world, and to discover that we have a lot to gain when we open our mind and "expand ourboundaries".

Expand your EUROPEAN boundariesFinally, Brussels is the Capital of the European Union, a union that is gradually and peacefully expanding itscultural, geographical and business boundaries. The way in which Europe has overcome its historical differences ofthe past centuries, and bonded nations together through democratic principles, has made it a role model for the restof the world.

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JCI UK Inspiration Day 2011

Presidents & Deputies Day

JCI UK has 3 officialevents on its yearlycalendar.

The year starts withInspiration Day inJanuary. Allmembers, LocalPresidents andNational Boardcomes together toget inspired, learnand discuss the yearahead. In 2011Inspiration Day tookplace in Reading.

The second event isPresidents andDeputies Day inApril/May. At this dayPresidents andDeputies cometogether, discusshow things are goingand learn usefulthings for runningtheir chambers. In2011 P&D Day tookplace in Cambridge.

The third event is theJCI UK NationalConvention withNational Awards,training sessions,speakers and moreand is the highlightof the JCI UKcalendar. In 2011 theNational Conventionwill take place inSheffield theweekend of the 25-27 of November. Wenormally getinternational guestsand great speakersat the NationalConvention. It is alsoa great kick justmeeting othermembers fromacross the UK, traintogether, partytogether, have funand learn. Don’t missit!

In addition to theevents aboveChambers organiseAnnual Dinners, JCITraining courses andflagship events thatalso go onto thenational calendar.

Check outwww.jciuk.org.uk/events/ for the latestupdates!

Our first National event of the year, Inspiration Day,hosted by JCI Reading, was a great success, anddefinitely very motivating and inspiring. With over 60JCI members attending from all over the UK, therewas a great excitement in the room.

The day started with Alli's hour, whereby she wentBack to Basics, and was officially sworn into office.All Local Presidents were recognised and thankedfor the role they are undertaking this year, andwished luck for the year ahead. Then the momentcame when the new JCI Members UK pins wererevealed, and a 'mass pinning' was carried out, sothat everyone in the room could wear their pin withpride.

The Presidents from JCI Yorkshire showed theirintention to bid for National Convention from 25th to27th November 2011, in a way that only theycould........ Their t-shirts said it all!

Ismail Haznedar, JCI UK’s International VicePresident came to the event, and took time to reallyget to know the members, which was fantastic. Hegave a very inspiring speech about what it means tohim to be a part of JCI. Other members also spokeof their experiences of JCI, in a well thought outsession entitled Past, Present and Future.

There were two speakers, Graham Jones, anInternet Psychologist who delivered an engrossingsession on The Social Web, highlighting the benefitsof Social Media for businesses. And Jamie Dunn,whose determination to succeed means he is aimingto be a millionaire by the time he is 20.

JCI Reading really surprised us all with their outdooractivity, which had a social media theme to it, andmeant that we all got to see the beautiful city ofReading, and really got to know each other a lotbetter.

JCI UK Presidents & Deputies Day this year tookplace in Cambridge on the back of JCI Cambridge’sfirst Annual Business Skills Day.

The day started with an Omoiyari training by VP tothe UK Ismail Haznedar (Turkey). This was the firsttime an Omoiyari training was run in the UK, and theparticipants were doing their best to come to termswith the Japanese concept. Omoiyari is a trainingprogram introduced to JCI by JCI Japan that aimsat building understanding, accept and respect for theother. The training goes through what the conceptof “Omoiyari” means, understanding why we needthis concept, and how it can be put into life throughactive citizenship.

After the training JCI UK held its first NationalCouncil of the year and if National Board thoughtthey were going to get off easy, they were wrong asthere were many things that were discussed and

debated during the meeting resulting in the meetinglasting quite a bit longer than expected.

Among the things that were discussed were the newtraining proposal from National Board, the NationalConvention bid from JCI Yorkshire and SolveigMalvik’s candidacy to 2011 Deputy NationalPresident. In the end all of the aforementioned werevoted through.

The day ended with an Awards Surgery led byDebbie Tills, JCI UK Admin Director and responsiblefor JCI Awards. The surgery discussed not only howto write better awards but how to write winningawards. Everyone found the surgery very useful.

All in all it was a very interesting and eventful daywith lots of engagement on all levels. We lookforward to D&P Day 2012!

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JCI Mission: To provide development opportunities that allow young people to create positive change

JCI European Academy

JCI UK Marketing Academy

JCI UK MarketingDirector SolveigMalvik

Solveig can bereached [email protected]

The first JCI UK Marketing Academy took placethe first weekend of April at Ardsley House inBarnsley. 11 participants representing 8 chambers- more than half of the chambers in the UK -participated in a weekend packed with trainingsand workshops delivered by JCI UK's own trainers.

The weekend started with a session on JCI's brandand understanding its message. The participantswent through JCI's vision and mission andredefined its content based on local actions on theground.

After having worked on what the message is, theparticipants learned various ways of delivering themessage, from writing to blogs, the driving forcesof social media, to an interactive workshop onWord of Mouth Marketing with JCI UK TrainingTeam's Emma Eastwood.

On Saturday night the participants made Barnsleydangerous celebrating the birthday of JCI Barnsley'sPresident Vicky Savage until the early hours.

Sunday morning the academy started at 9am with aconcentration game to get the night owls back ontrack. We then looked at the echo effects of what wedo online and search enging optimisation deliveredby JCI UK Web Manager Sofie Sandell. This wasaccompanied by impressions of what google SEOweb spiders would look like by participants (not to bementioned by name).

We ended the academy with a working sessionmoderated by Emma. Three groups worked on topicschoosen by the groups - membership week inSeptember, membership engagement and companypromotions. The final presentations were brilliant andwill lead to lots of actions both on local and nationallevel in the months to come.

Nadene Jones wasone of 3 JCI UK

delegates to the 2011JCI European

Academy togetherwith Sandra

Pilarczyk from JCISheffield and LisaGunn Thomspon

from JCI Cambrdige.

Europan Academy isa 4 days leadershipacademy for futurelocal leaders in JCIEurope. Its a hands

on experience wheredelegates learn about

leadership and builda European network

of local futureleaders.

The 15th JCI European Academy took place duringthe last weekend of July 2011 in the lovely Goteborg,Sweden. The event was attended by over 85 futurelocal chapter presidents and delegates, who werehand picked to go from all over Europe. JCIEuropean Academy aims to increase understandingand co-operation between future leaders fromdifferent countries. The aim was to establish a forumof representatives from all over Europe to facilitatean exchange of experiences, knowledge, culture andvalues.

For me, the idea of going to another country andspending 5 days with a lot of people that I’ve nevermet before was a little scary as you can probablyimagine. I was sitting in the waiting lounge at 6am inthe airport thinking I must be crazy to be doing thisbecause I won’t know anyone! I arrived in Goteborgand was warmly greeted by a mini bus of very

friendly JCI people from Tallinn, Germany andNetherlands who were all in the same situation.Needless to say it didn’t take much to strike upconversations as everyone had much in common,and most of all, they are so willing to share theirpassion for JCI.

The whole Academy was very well organised andthought out. The activities done, each had their ownpurposes and it truly was an amazing experience –from going there knowing no one to coming back toLondon having made some wonderful new friendsand armed with new skills and knowledge to helpme out with, not only the new chamber, but also mywork and personal life. The European Academy hasgiven me new inspiration to go out and make adifference in my local community and make animpact on the world! Fair to say “I’ve had the timeof my life.”

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in your Chamber, In the UK and in the world. Join aproject team, join your local board, or join us at theNational level. Or if you want to - join us in creatinga new Chamber somewhere near you.

I hope you will join us at National Convention inSheffield in November and at international events toreally get the benefit of the fabulous network JCI is.

I can’t wait to get started! Will you join me in makingthings happen in 2012?


Solveig MalvikDeputy National PresidentMarketing Director JCI UKCertified National Trainer (CNT)[email protected]

JCI UK DeputyNational PresidentSolveig Malvik

Outside of JCISolveig is Head ofMarketing forFirst4Skills, a nationaltraining provider andruns her owncompany where shetrains and coachespeople in personalpresence, charismaand personalleadership. Solveigblames both jobs onJCI as she neverthinks she wouldhave done eitherwithout herexperience from JCI.Solveig also blamesher boyfriend on JCIas they met at JCIAcademy in Japan.Søren is DeputyNational President forJCI Denmark.Solveig has made herhome in Londonsince 2008 and is apast President of JCILondon.

Make it happen in 2012!What does JCI UK do?JCI UK is the national level in our organisation.We help the local Chambers in their projects andactivities, create national programs and trainingcourses and make sure local Chambers haveaccess to the resources they need.

We also represent JCI UK internationally, wevote in the JCI General Assembly on behalf ofJCI UK and we help develop the globalorganisation.

Roles on National BoardTaking on a role on National level is a great wayof building national and international networks,challenge yourself and learn new skills.

You do not have had to be Local President inorder to take on a role on National Board, but itis preferred to have Local board experiencebefore taking on a National role. Nothing canreplace Local Chamber experience which isreally the best experience you can get in JCI.

Roles up for election for JCI UK National Board2012:� Deputy National President� Admin & Membership Director� Treasurer� Project Director� Personal Development Director� International Director� Communicaitons Director� Website Manager� Regional Group Chairs

In addition there are two roles that are not elected:� President� Immediate Past President

Other roles:� Project managers� Responsible for partnerships� Coaches & mentors

Eyad, a member of my home chamber London, saidsomething I really liked earlier this year: “wow!” – not“what?” What does that mean? Eyad meant thatwhen someone hears that you are a member of JCI,the response should be “wow!”, not “what?”.

If a vision is what you want to achieve, and a missionis how you’re going to achieve it, my vision andmission for next year are that I want the world to say“Wow!” and I want JCI UK to achieve that by “makeit happen”.

The numbers to make things happenIn JCI we always talk about needing new members,more members, growing. Growing is simple. Moremembers means more like-minded people in ournetwork. It means more impact. It means making alarger difference locally. And it’s great to see somany local organisations in the UK growing this year(the proof is on the next page, if you don’t believeme). The more we are, the more we can makehappen, the more will go “wow”.

Ambition to make things happenTo make things happen in our local communities inthe UK we need to be ambitious. The only way wecan grow is on the back of real action and realresults. Real ambitions to make things happen.

With JCI I see a lot of opportunities to make thingshappen in the UK. We’ve been through a lot thissummer – the financial crisis is still not over (somepeople are saying it’s even getting worse with thesituation in Europe), we’ve had riots in cities allacross the country, but we also saw young peopletaking the brooms and brushes and go out on thestreet to clean up.

The tools to make things happenI’m very happy that JCI this year is set to introducea tool for us called the “Active Citizen Framework”.The framework isn’t really anything new, but it’sputting what we already do into a system. A systemthat works. The framework helps us analyse localneeds, work out solutions with partners, act - thenanalyse the results. The framework will help us notonly see what we do ourselves but also explain toothers what JCI actually does. Tools to make thingshappen and proof to show we did.

In addition we will continue developing the area oftraining in JCI UK. Training gives us the tools todevelop ourselves as individuals and ourorganisation, our community and our companies.

The network to make things happenWhat makes us strong as local organisations is thatwe are locally active and globally connected. We canget resources, learn from and be inspired by othersin our network of 5,000 local organisations.

As an organisation we learn together, we makethings happen together, and the Active CitizenFramework is a tool that has grown out of the needsof all 5,000 local organisations.

Make things happen in your lifeJCI has made things happen in my life I never wouldhave dreamt could happen. Now I invite you to makethings happen in your life, in your local community,

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JCI Mission: To provide development opportunities that allow young people to create positive change

JCI UK welcomes new members

These are the members who joined JCI United Kingdom from 31st of August 2010 to 31th August 2011 of which the editors of this magazine have been made aware. Ifyour name is not on the list and you registered as a member more than a month ago, please get in touch with your local President or Membership Director. If youregistered less than a month ago, please allow at least a month for the royal mail and our head quarters to get up to speed with changes. If your name is misspelled orthere are other mistakes in this listing, please get in touch with your local President, Membership Director or JCI UK Head quarters to get your data rectified in oursystem

JCI BarnsleyRebecca AllottSamuel AllenZaaheda Dadhiwala

JCI BelfastAngela DonaldsonDavid McShaneEimear O'FlynGeraldine McEvoyGreig JardineJennifer NeillKatherine JacksonMay HolmesPatrick DewarPeter DavisRoisin Chambers

JCI BirminghamAdedayo TandohDharminder RupraSantoma Joel Ibeneche

JCI BostonIwona LebiedowiczJennifer Curtis

JCI BradfordJohn Steel

JCI CambridgeAja WebsterAlbena MadejAlex GrahamAlexander LewisAlice Townley SmithAndy SteelBen GoddardCatherine ScandrettChristopher ToynbeeDean PorterDiana WatererDouglas James StantonDouglas SelmesFaye ToomeyGavin HarperHarriet BastianiJoell Garden

John CollinsJonathan BurnipKate GarradKatherine LynasKatie HolmesLaura SingletonLeigh FrostLisa ThomsenLuca SenatoreLynsey JonesMarek PatykowskiMatthew FaggMegan WoolgarNatalie FinniganNicholas CulleyOlivia ToulsonPatrick James McCraeRoss HickfordRumnique GillSarah Butler-FordSarah HarbourSarah JacksonSarah KoetsSimon MaloneStuart YoungThelma KristjansdottirTom Higgins

JCI DoncasterKerry Maddisonlaura FawcettNicola TaylorVictoria Lillford

JCI LeedsAdam CarruthersAdam LittleAidan BoothAndrew Paul KirkAngus Hunter SmartCatherine BullockElizabeth PearsonHelen WrayJan DuckyJanita KajeseJennie FisherJennifer CavalloJennifer Evans

Joanna SandersonKathryn Jennifer SmithLouise EdwardsLucy WrightNini Ume-EzeokeOswin JacksonPeter BarnesRebecca WardRichard MarsonRobert SowerbyRussell BissetSarah BoothSean DaltonSylvie NunnTim Wrigley

JCI LondonAbdul AljandaliAdam MarisAlekhya MukherjiAlexandra SpencerAnke BrandtsBrenda Rocio Urrea GomezCallum WaddellCherise HowsonChristopher LynasCindy BambaDaniel KeelingDanielle ShadboltDavid MotherwayDexter DashDharni PathmakanthanEduardo Rado de PaeoEilidh GlynnEleanor ClarkeElena AgeevaEndre LundeEugenie OldenburgFlorentine NanaFrene AngeliHannah DareHelena LaskowskaHelene AndruchowitzHumairaa AhmedIan JohnsonIsmail El GharadJames SkeelsJaruwan BumroungruksaJason SenderJohan - Paul HionKarl O'MahonyKunbi LawoyinLamia SensousiLeandro SilvaLeanne LappinLee WestleyLina DerkeshliLucy JakubowskaMagalie BelmoMare RaidmaMarketa RybackovaMehnaz SiddiquiMouna AliMyles ReillyNohora Adriana AlbarracinPinedaObiocha IkezogwoPaelo SaddlerPatrick LuongPaul WestonPenny WilliamsPromise Campbell

Radovan HanzlRebecca AndersonRebecca GibsonRichard AitchisonRicky KothariRochelle SampyCarlos Felipe Rojas BoteroRose-Anna LidiardSamantha PayneSandor KovacsSherene DavySimon GraySimran VirdeeSolvene RenoultSoraya BowenTosin LawoyinTrevor WithaneVamsi Krishna MajetyVassilios DagiakidisVeroniek MeijerVictoria SammagardVincent EspitalierWalton Paul

JCI LondonderryCathy Malcolm

JCI ManchesterAnthony BarlowCarlos OliveiraCarly AshtonCaroline Louise ShepherdCaroline McCarrCharlotte IsherwoodClaire SmithDavid IsherwoodEmma BallEmma Jane RichardsEmma RobertsGeoff BainesHelen ThomassonJennifer SmithJessica EvansJim RainfordKim HoldenLaura BirtwistleLeena SavjaniLeon DaviesLinda WilsonLucy ClarkeLynsey RobinsonMatthew WormanNatalie PellingNeil JonesPaul WidgerRalph KestevenSally TomlinsonSam HallSarah WildeSian PeakSusan DonagheyTasnim KhalidTrevor BailesVerity Houlker

JCI PortsmouthIan BaldwinIan TomkinsonPhil Wright

JCI ReadingAndrew McCormack

Clare FranklinHicham MohsineNahas Abdul JaleelNathan ToveySteve Jones

JCI SheffieldAimee RogersAli AlskeifAlice Elizabeth NisbetAnnika ValeBejul LakhaniBen LuongClare FroggattDavid James ListerDeborah ConstableEve LakeFiona MorganGlyn JonesHannah BaileyHeather AnsonHeather CaddyHelen HutchinsonJames AlcockJames HardyJessica FlinnKatie BealKevin GuthrieKonrad FrankowskiKym HallLaura GreenLaura LashmarLibby PhillipsLucy HarperLucy WoodMaddie FletcherMadhur MalhotraMark BoothMelanie ParkerNatalie LarderNathan GrayNick HuttonNicola AthertonNikki DaviesRebecca JonesRichard BatesRobert BlackburnRussell BrettRuth AmosSamantha SimpsonSara EllisonSharon SimcoxSian JonesSimon ColtonSimon LeechTom FrippTracey Vaughan

JCI SouthamptonBill SmithCatherine Elizabeth DayChris ReesClaire MerritEmma Louise FosterJane OrmeLaurence WillisMatthew FreemanMichael SteelRupert WalmsleySarah Jones

OtherBryony Walker


We hope you will make the mostof your membership.

Grab and create opportunities tomake yourself, our organisation,our local communities, ourcountry and our world better.

Travel abroad, meet amazingpeople all across the world, learnnew skills, challenge yourselfand have fun!

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Junior ChamberInternational (JCI) UK is

affiliated to JuniorChamber International

(JCI) www.jci.cc.

JCI UK Head OfficePO Box 6638

GranthamNG31 9BX

Telephone: 01476 404005Fax: 01476 404006

[email protected]

Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a global network foryoung active professionals in their 20s and 30s.

We are present in more than 100 countries, with 5,000 local chambers and havealmost 200,000 members across the world. Meeting on a regular basis for funand friendship, we run many inspiring events and projects with our members.

Membership in JCI UK is open to anyone between the ages of 18 and 40.

Membership is £96 per year or £8 per month on monthly or quarterly standing order.

Find more information on www.jciuk.org.uk/join-us
