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Excerpt - Come Away My Beloved. . .And Rest by Frances J. Roberts

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Here’s your invitation to take a moment and rest in deeper intimacy with the heavenly Father—with Frances J. Roberts’s Come Away My Beloved. . .and Rest. Featuring peace-themed writings from the million-selling Come Away My Beloved plus scripture selections from the New King James Version of the Bible, this powerful book offers encouragement, hope, comfort, and conviction for your daily life.
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Come Away My Beloved... And Rest FRANCES J . ROBERTS
  • Come Away MyBeloved...And Rest


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  • 2015 by Frances J. Roberts

    Print ISBN 978-1-63409-076-6

    eBook Editions: Adobe Digital Edition (.epub) 978-1-63409-537-2Kindle and MobiPocket Edition (.prc) 978-1-63409-538-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmit-ted for commercial purposes, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without written permission of the publisher.

    Churches and other noncommercial interests may reproduce portions of this book without the express written permission of Barbour Publishing, provided that the text does not exceed 500 words and that the text is not material quoted from another publisher. When reproducing text from this book, include the following credit line: From Come Away My Beloved. . .and Rest, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used by permission.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.Scripture quotations marked kjv are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Published by Barbour Books, an imprint of Barbour Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 719, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683, www.barbourbooks.com

    Our mission is to publish and distribute inspirational products offering exceptional value and biblical encouragement to the masses.

    Printed in China.

    Publishers Association

    Member of theEvangelical Christian

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  • Come Away MyBeloved...And Rest


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  • 5The Call of LoveO My beloved, abide under the shelter of the latticefor I have betrothed you to Myself, and though you are sometimes indifferent toward Me, My love for you is at all times as a flame of fire. My ardor never cools. My longing for your love and affection is deep and constant.

    Tarry not for an opportunity to have more time to be alone with Me. Take it, though you leave the tasks at hand. Nothing will suffer. Things are of less importance than you think. Our time together is like a garden full of flowers, whereas the time you give to things is as a field full of stubble.

    I love you, and if you can always, as it were, feel My pulse beat, you will receive insight that will give you sustaining strength. I bore your sins, and I wish to carry your burdens. You may take the gift of a light and merry heart, for My love dispels all fear and is a cure for every ill. Lay your head upon My breast and lose yourself in Me. You will experience resurrection life and peace; the joy of the Lord will become your strength; and wells of salvation will be opened within you (see Song of Solomon 2:913).

    Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, and the strength of salvation.

    Isaiah 33:6

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  • 6My Energizing SpiritO My child, I will help thee, and that speedily. I am nearer to thee than breathing. I am more real than all thy desires or thy fears. Yea, My Spirit is a quickening, life-giving Spirit. The letter killeththe law condemns, but I say unto thee, I come to forgive, I come to restore, I come to bless and to heal.

    I come to be thy Light.In My presence there is no darkness. Have ye not read that

    in the Eternal City there is no need of candle, nor of the sun or moon, because the Lamb is the Light of it? Surely if I can brighten all of Eternity, I have ample supply to flood thy heart and mind and thy body with My mighty power, My light, and My loveMy deep joy and My energizing Spirit. Have ye not read (see Romans 8:11) that the self-same Spirit that raised the body of Jesus up from the dead dwelleth in You to energize your mortal body through His indwelling Spirit? Ye need not depend upon thine own limited strength and endurance.

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  • 7My arm is not shortened that it cannot save. I stand ready to support thee. Yea, to thee I say, underneath are My everlasting arms. They are not only powerful arms, but they are arms of love and tenderness.

    When ye think of Me, disassociate thy thoughts from all that ye know of people, for I am Infinite. Think of it! In all My characteristics, I am not only far beyond all that ye could ever appropriate or need, but beyond all ye can even fancy.

    Not in wildest imagination can ye guess the depths of My love. By no mental gymnastics can ye compute My power. Never mind! Just give Me thy hand and I will give thee Myself. Give Me every doubt, every fear, every heartache. I am here to help. I am here to carry thy load and minister to thy need. I will not fail thee nor forsake thee. I am thy God; be not afraid.

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  • 8GuidanceM y child, hear My voice, and give no heed to the voice of the stranger. My paths are straight, and they are narrow, but you shall have no difficulty in finding them if you watch Me. I am guiding you. You need not look to people for direction. You may learn much by fellowship with the saints, but never allow any to take the role that is rightfully Mineto direct your steps. As it is written, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23)not by the preacher, not by some Christian worker, but by the Lord.

    Trust Me to do it, and give Me the time and the opportunity to do it. Be not hasty, and lean not upon your own intelligence.

    Rest in Me. I shall bring to pass My perfect will in your life as you believe and live in faith.

    The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.Psalm 37:23

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  • 9Cultivate LoveY our attention, My child, is important to

    Me. If you do not give Me a listening ear, I cannot speak to you. If I cannot communicate with you, we lose our rapport. It is on the basis of fellowship that love is nurtured, and to neglect to cultivate love is to ultimately destroy it, for it is not self-sustaining. It is like the dawning of the morning, and he who sleeps has missed it forever. There is no other avenue through which the spirit may be sustained in grace. Time spent in worship is imperative. The results are not to be gained in any other form of expression. He who spends much time in worship is ministered to in the Spirit in ways that are inscrutable.

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    The Art of CommittalO My child, lay your heart in My hand, and let Me heal it. Yes, let Me gather up your tears, for they are precious to Me (see Psalm 56:8). You have not been suffering alone, but I Myself have been near you all along the way. My heart has felt all that you have felt. You do not have a high priest who is not able to sympathize with your sufferings, but one who experienced every grief and human emotion common to all people. In the midst of these painful experiences, He did not sin. Therefore, He is one who is able to help you (see Hebrews 2:18).

    He is one, who having walked the same path Himself, is able to teach you how, in the midst of these human experiences of hurts, frustrations, loneliness, and heartache, you may rise above the natural tendencies to fall into the sins of self-pity, self-reproach, depression of spirit, resentment, and the like.

    It is not easy. Not only is it not easy, but in the natural, in the flesh, it is impossible. But the same grace I promised to the apostle Paul to help him bear his affliction, this same grace I will give to you (see 2 Corinthians 12:9).

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    You may bring the whole of your burden to Me. I will help you as the days go by, and as the trials come and go; and as the learning process continues, I will teach you the spiritual secrets of the art of committal.

    For in complete and repeated committal lies the key to victories that can be thus more easily won, less painfully achieved, and more quickly gained, so that the valleys become less deep and less dark, and more quickly passed through.

    Man is born, it is written, to trouble, as the sparks fly upward (Job 5:7). This is true as surely as rain falls and snow is cold. But it is equally true, and gloriously so, that I have promised to deliver you out of all your troubles.

    So will you now take the first step in this experience of committal and give Me your heart?

    Make it as tangible a transaction as possible, and visualize your own hand laying the physical organ of your heart in My hands. Say to Me, Take this, Loving Master and Wonderful Lord, and do with it as pleases You.

    He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

    Psalm 147:3

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    Relate to MeT here is a quiet place of communion in the center of My will. It is not given you to see all the actions that bear upon your life. Many influences affect your every thought. You need the quiet time with Me to lift you above the swirling winds of the voices of other people and give you the true direction of My Spirit. Man has not the wisdom to direct his own way, nor one man to lead another. My Spirit shall direct you, My hand shall guide you, and I will bring peace.

    Turmoil comes from reacting to people. Peace is born of response to My Spirit. There is harmony of soul for those who are in tune with Me. Listening to the false sounds of man will put you in tune with man. He who would be in tune with heaven must hear the tone of My voice. Man clamors for your attention: I wait until your own desire draws you aside. Man demands recognition: I wait for your love. Loving Me will

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    release you from the demands of your own and other mens egos. Loving Me will give you direction when those around you are losing their way. Relate to Me. As you relate first to Me, I will help you to rightly relate to others.

    Darkness is related to light. God made the evening and the morning and He called it a day. Your experience is a daily combination of evening and morningdarkness and light. Man brings you darkness; I bring you light. Man brings distraction; I bring unity. Man separates; I gather. Man destroys; I give life. I created the darkness as well as the light. You will learn in both. The day and the night are both alike to Me (see Psalm 139:12). This is because My light penetrates the darkness. This will become true in your own walk of faith as My understanding enlightens your own heart and ignorance gives way to the illumination of My Spirit.

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    Move in FaithI said that all things are possible to him who believes. Can you accept this? Can you move in faith, anticipating that the mountain truly shall be removed?

    Do we not labor together, and if I am with you, how can you fail? To doubt is to ignore My presence, and in failing to reckon on My power you are thrown upon your own resources; and when you are thrown upon your own resources, you are immediately conscious of limitations; and as soon as you feel your own limitations you fear failure; and when you fear failure you create an atmosphere that precludes the operation of omnipotence. You are wholly cast upon the arm of flesh and thus doomed to fail.

    Turn unto Me. Fasten your confidence in Me. Give Me time and liberty to workyou will never be disappointed, for he who trusts in Me shall be comforted. He shall be blessed above his fellows and rewarded beyond his expectation, for I look for faith and rejoice when I find it.

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    Nothing Shall Separate MeO God; Thy love is as a fire burning in my soul. When I think of Thee in the night seasons, Thou art as a refreshing shower. When I awaken in the morning, my first awareness is of Thy presence. My soul delights in Thy company, and Thy words are unto me as sustaining food.

    Never have I been comfortless since Thou hast come to me in the person of Thy Holy Spirit. Never have I thirsted since Thou gavest me this Living Water. Thy countenance has been my sunshine. Thy love has kept my heart tender. I am not left to grope in the dark, but Thou guidest me with Thine eye, and with Thine hand upon my shoulder Thou restrainest me.

    The sky shall be rolled up as a curtain. The stars shall be cast down as falling snow. The elements shall melt with fervent heat. Kingdoms shall be destroyed; but Thou, O my God, remainest forever, and I am held in Thy hand. Nothing shall separate me from the love of God!

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    Rest Thy Case in My HandsBehold, I am thy God, and I am with thee to help thee.

    In the darkness I will be to thee a light,and when thou walkest alone, I will be thy companion.

    Have I spoken, and will I not bring it to pass?Have I promised and will I not perform it?

    Yea, I will surely do all that I have said. For My hand shall be upon thee.

    When thou wakest and when thou sleepest, I shall be ever at thy right hand,

    and I shall give thee strength.For thou art My child, and thy needs are My constant care.

    Therefore I have asked thee to roll thy burdens and thine anxieties upon Me,

    for every circumstance which toucheth thee is My concern.

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    Yea, I am not only concerned,but I am able to deliver thee and I will deliver thee as surely as thou shalt rest thy case in My hands.

    Let not care lay its head upon thy heart, but lay thou thine head upon My shoulder,

    and I will bear thee up, and I will surely bring thee peace. For He that keepeth thee neither slumbers nor sleeps.

    Yea, the Lord thy God is thy strength, and in Him is no weariness. He tireth not at thy coming,

    and thy cry is welcome to His ears however frequent. Cast thyself upon His mercies,

    for His lovingkindness never faileth, and His grace and compassion are inexhaustible.

    His faithfulness is extended to all generations.

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    That He May HealO My child, hast thou ever sought Me in vain? Hast thou ever truly called that I gave not answer? Have ye ever knocked that I did not open? Surely I have invited thee and I have encouraged thee. Yea, I am as eager to share with thee as ye are in need of wisdom. I am as ready to extend to thee My help as ye are desirous to have Me do so.

    Knowest thou not that I am in thee and thou art in Me? Said I not that I am the Vine and ye are the branches? How could I more clearly have indicated our oneness in operation? I mean ye not to labor on in the heat of the day until lifes span be finished whilst I look down upon thee, watching from some distant point. Ye need not call as though ye sought for Me to send outside help from afar off. Nay! I am in thee. I am with thee. I am thy life. Not simply the life, but thy very life. Live in Me. Yield thyself to Me, and I will direct thy goings.

    My Word shall be thy strength. My Word is a quickening, powerful agency. Use it! Use it much. Use it often. Use it always. Use it upon thine own soul and spirit to distinguish what is of the Spirit and what is of thine own personality. Use it upon the thoughts and intents of thy heart to discover what is of divine wisdom and insight and what is of the vain

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    imagination of the old carnal nature. Yes, use it upon thyself; and as ye do so, ye shall be able to remove the beams from thine own eye and shall then see clearly to remove the motes from thy brothers eye.

    The more thou shalt wield the Sword of My Word upon thine own proud flesh, the more ye shall sharpen thy faculties to use it with deftness upon others. Never presume to reverse the order, for as a novice ye may kill rather than cure. My Word is Spirit and Life. I give it to quicken, not to destroy.

    But I would not have you ignorant of the devices of Satan. For he maketh himself to appear as an angel of light. He feareth not to use the Scripture; but he useth it as an instrument of death. He maketh the truth of God a lie. He useth it with evil intent to destroy.

    But My Spirit worketh in love. As it is written, He bruiseth that He may heal (see Isaiah 53:5). I discipline that ye may know My concern for you as a Father. And when I use the sword, I use it for thine edification and correction. No chastening is painless, but afterward it is profitable. Resist Me and thy life is in jeopardy. Live in Me as the branch in the vine, and let My life flow through thee, constantly flowing back and forth. . .My life to thee and thy life to Me, and there shall be less need for pruning.

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    You Cannot Weary My LoveL ift your eyes and look upon Me. For though you have forgotten Me, I have not forgotten you. While you have busied yourselves with your daily occupations, I have still been occupied with you. When your mind has been captured by the affairs of life, My thoughts have been of you.

    My little children, you cannot weary My love. You may grieve My heart, but My love is changeless, infinite. I long for you to turn to Me. My hands are full of blessings that I desire to give you. I long to hear your voice. You speak much with othersO speak to Me! I have so much to tell you.

    I am not a remote power. I am an intimate person, even as yourself. Have you forgotten that I made you in My own image and likeness? It is not that I am as you, but you are like Me. Do not let material and physical elements destroy your comprehension of Me as a person.

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    Touch Me and handle Me, I told Thomas (see John 20:27). To you I say: Cast yourself upon Me; pour your love out to Me. You will discover that I am as tangible to you as I was to Thomas. Reach forth your hand, and lay it upon My broken heart. Yes, take hold of My nail-pierced hand. Now, can you still doubt My love?

    He said to Thomas, Reach your finger here, and look at My hands;

    and reach your hand here, and put it into My side.

    Do not be unbelieving, but believing.John 20:27

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