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executive assistant practitioner course brochure 2019 · obtain The Executive Assistant...

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THE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT PRACTITIONER COURSE BROCHURE 3-day advanced-level EA training A comprehensive programme of high-level professional Executive Assistant training Personal-Assistant-Tips
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3-day advanced-level EA training A comprehensive programme of high-level professional

Executive Assistant training

P ersona l-A ss i s t an t-Tip s

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When Executive Assistants work at an optimal level they help executives focus their energies on tasks that generate income.

Effective EAs deliver high level strategic management support and business assistance. They free up the executive’s time by taking care of clerical tasks, while helping the executive to prioritise and achieve their strategic objectives.

Summary of This Course This course is a comprehensive 3-day advanced-level training programme that incorporates two highly rated courses - PA Duties: Mastering The Essentials course and The Advanced Executive PA Masterclass. Both courses are consistently rated as “excellent” by Assistants. The basic structure of this practitioner course is as follows.

Module 1: PA Duties (1 day) Module 2: Working With Executives (1 day) Module 3: Communicating Your Brand (1 day)

Aims & Outcomes of This Course The aims of this course is to holistically develop and upskill Assistants. This course approaches EA training from a 360-degree perspective, developing every aspect of the role. It updates core EA skills, broadens and develops soft skills, and shows Assistants how to create a notable personal brand.

By the end of this course Assistants will have the necessary skills and knowledge to make a step-change in the way they manage their strategic partnerships. They will know how to amplify the benefits of their assistance to the executive, and how to facilitate best outcomes for the executive team.

Training Methods & Materials Our expert EA trainer creates an interactive environment of accelerated learning using stories, case studies, group work, and role-play.

The Executive Assistant Practitioner Course “Increasing EA know-how”

Learning Outcomes MODULE 1: PA DUTIES - (1 day)

Module 1 develops the Assistant’s core technical skills. This module gives Assistants a better understanding of their day-to-day objectives and shows them how to build rapport with difficult people. It shows Assistants how to increase their executives’ productivity, how to write more concisely, and how to observe email etiquette. This course also shows Assistants how to comprehensively plan important meetings and plan complex travel itineraries. It also teaches how to deal with PA stress and how to grow in the role. This module teaches Assistants how to think beyond the obvious. MODULE 2: WORKING WITH EXECUTIVES - (1 day)

Module 2 teaches Assistants how to develop a highly effective strategic partnership with their executive, and how to stay ahead of the executive’s shifting priorities. Assistants will learn about management styles and the desired working standards of the EA. They will learn how to blend in with the executive team by thinking like an owner, and how to apply emotional intelligence when dealing with the team. Assistants will also learn highly useful event management techniques. Module 2 teaches Assistants how to be significantly more proactive in every aspect of the EA role. MODULE 3: COMMUNICATING YOUR BRAND - (1 day)  

Module 3 develops verbal communication skills, body language and persuasiveness. Assistants will learn how to use an influencing formula for impactful communication with the executive team. They will practice delivering an informative presentation, and learn how to get what they need from others using win-win negotiation. Assistants will learn how to recognize and develop the substance element of their personal brand and communicate their brand in a way that enhances their strategic partnership. Module 4 teaches Assistants the type of skills that will allow them to step-up in challenging situations.


“I am glad to have had such an excellent

opportunity to attend such a high-level

training. I am going back to my office with my 2-page Action Plan and eager to practice

what I have learnt."

Isabelle, PA to CEO, Mauritius

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Day 1 - Agenda INCREASING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF YOUR WORKING PARTNERSHIP • Understanding the objectives of the

modern PA • Productive conversations that build rapport

with your manager • Managing & organising your manager • Impacting your manager’s productivity


techniques • Email etiquette • Planning & delivering effective meetings • Minute taking & action logs

BETTER USE OF TIME, INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, & COMPLEX EXECUTIVE TRAVEL • Understanding how you use your time • Taking control of your time • Improving information flow • Going the extra mile when planning

executive travel

GROWING IN YOUR ROLE • Creating an internal PA network • Goal setting: visualizing your goals • Recognising and dealing with PA stress • Understanding job descriptions



Day 2 - Agenda


EXECUTIVE • The EA’s role as a strategic business partner • Discovering your executive’s daily priorities

without being told • Applying forward thinking in your strategic

partnership • Self-leadership: an attitude for partnership

success BLENDING IN WITH THE EXECUTIVE TEAM • The skill-set of the world-class “Chief

Executive Assistant” • Blending in by improving your leverage in the

organization • Understanding managerial work styles • Dealing assertively with executives without

causing offence • Managing multiple executives: prioritising


TEAM • Managing your executive’s time: a case

study • Time-saving email management strategies • Diary management: techniques for creating

more time • Applying emotional intelligence when

resolving issues with the team UNDERSTANDING PROJECT MANAGEMENT

PROCESSES • The project management process • Using a work breakdown schedule • Creating a timeline event plan • Effective event management & party

planning tips


Day 3 - Agenda

COMMUNICATION SKILLS - GETTING WHAT YOU WANT FROM OTHERS • Improving your written communication skills

and body language • A formula for a successful business case • Verbally presenting your ideas to

management • Dealing assertively with managers without

causing offence WIN-WIN NEGOTIATION & PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGIES • The rules of win-win negotiation • Talking in terms of the other party’s interests • Practicing win-win negotiation • Problem solving techniques INCREASING YOUR MANAGERIAL POTENTIAL • You and your personal brand • How to impress a new executive • How to identify tasks that add value to your

role • Strategies for maximising your performance

review scores MOVING FORWARD IN YOUR CAREER • Maintaining continuous professional

development • Exploring the Virtual Assistant role • Understanding internet tools • Using LinkedIn to develop your personal


FREE Follow-up support with 9 months of EA mentoring on a monthly “ask-

your-questions” basis

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About The Course Structure

Module 1 is taken from the 1-day “PA Duties: Mastering The Essentials” course. Modules 2 and 3 are taken from the 2-day “The Advanced Executive PA Masterclass”. Trainees must complete all modules to be awarded The Executive Assistant Practitioner Course certificate.

MODULE 1: PA DUTIES (PA Duties: Mastering The Essentials course) - (1 day)

MODULE 2: WORKING WITH EXECUTIVES (Advanced Exec PA Masterclass) - (1 day)

MODULE 3: COMMUNICATING YOUR BRAND (Advanced Exec PA Masterclass) - (1 day)

Have You Already Completed a Module(s)?

If you completed the “PA Duties: Mastering The Essentials course” (module 1) or “The Advanced Executive PA Masterclass” (modules 2 & 3) and would like to complete the remaining module(s) to obtain The Executive Assistant Practitioner Course certificate, please contact us at [email protected] or call +44 845 862 2687.

The Course Certificate

The Executive Assistant Practitioner Course certificate is a Certificate of Achievement that is awarded upon completion of the required modules. There is no examination or individual assessment. Trainees participate in a number of case study reviews, practical exercises, problem solving discussions, and role-play as part of the course.


“Thank you very much for a great 3

days of interesting topics and discussions.”

PA  to  CSOI  Executive  President,  Idorsia,  Switzerland    

" A great, informative course which can help guide you through the

transition from PA to CEA.” Jessica,  PA  &  Office  Mgr,  Pamoja  Education,  England  

 “The course was exceptionally run by the trainer. Would recommend it to

any EA.” PA,  Oxford,  England

" Huge thanks for a very informative and carefully structured course!"

PA to the Provost, Worcester College, Oxford, England

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Course Dates (modules 1,2 & 3) 13-15 February 2019

3-5 July 2019

20-22 November 2019

Prices Early bird price: **£1,250.00 (incl.) Standard price: £1,350.00 (incl.) Charities price: £1,125.00 (incl.)

Group price each (2+): £1,125.00 (incl.)

**Register at least 27 days before the course start date for our early bird price.

Included In Price The taught course, workbooks, Certificate of Achievement, 9 months of EA mentoring, refreshments, lunch, and applicable taxes. Prices do not include flights, hotel accommodation or transfers. Terms and conditions apply.

How To Pay Payment can be made online via our website or by bank transfer. Contact us to request a registration form.

Who Should Attend Executive Assistants, Executive PAs, Personal Assistants, Personal Secretaries, Administrators, Office Managers, Diary Managers, Team Secretaries.

Value For Money This course is proven value for money with a pre-course assessment of each Trainee’s development needs, comprehensive workbooks packed with checklists and resources, 9 months of free monthly “ask-your-questions” EA mentoring, free monthly PA advice newsletter, all-day refreshments, lunch, 20% discount off future courses for each Trainee, course facilitation by an expert international EA Trainer.

Course Venue & Timing This course is held in central London. Please check our website for details of the course venue. Course timing is 9:00am-4:30pm each day.

We Can Deliver This Course In-house This course can be taught in-house at your offices to groups of up to 8 Assistants at a very competitive price. We can also deliver this course over 3 non-consecutive days. Visit our website and download an in-house training brochure.

We Have Trained The Best You are in good company. We have trained Assistants from the best companies around the world, including PwC, NHS, Marks & Spencer, BP, UNESCO, European Training Foundation, E-On, Symantec, Provident, Roche, The Cabinet Office, Capital One, Alstom Energy, European Patent Office, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Moody’s Investors, BNP Paribas, and Legal & General, to name a few.

About Personal-Assistant-Tips

Personal-Assistant-Tips was founded in 2009 by Marguerita King, its Managing Director. It evolved out of the popular PA resource website “personal-assistant-tips.com” to fill a need for insightful and progressive Assistant development, and as such it takes a different approach to the usual EA trainings. Its mission is to show Assistants how to raise their game and add value in their organisation. We provide high-level world-class training to assistants from around the world, and offer intensive career mentoring programmes that help Assistants discover their unique career roadmap. Our EA Consultancy service is designed to help organisations understand how to leverage the know-how of their Assistants and identify best practices for use within the support team. Personal-Assistant-Tips provides valuable advice through its website resource and its free monthly newsletter. It also provides helpful PA advice to LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter followers.

About Our Trainer Our expert EA Trainer is Marguerita King BSc DipPA, founder of Personal-Assistant-Tips, EA Consultant, mentor and speaker. With over 25 years’ PA experience, Marguerita understands the unique challenges faced by today’s PAs. Marguerita has been described as “a PA guru” and “The Wikipedia of the PA profession”. She has developed some of the best Assistant courses in the world, and has delivered training in major cities around the world, She has written hundreds of articles for publications, newsletters, and for personal-assistant-tips.com.

Personal-Assistant-Tips Services - Open & in-house EA training - EA career mentoring - EA consultancy services - EA resource website


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FORCE MAJEURE : “Force Majeure” means an except iona l event o r c i rcumstance: (a) wh ich i s beyond Persona l -Ass i s tant-T ips ' cont ro l , (b) wh ich such par ty cou ld not reasonably have prov ided agains t be fo re rece iv ing book ing and payment fo r the course , (c) wh ich , hav ing ar i sen , such par ty cou ld not reasonably have avo ided or overcome, and (d) wh ich i s no t subs tant ia l ly a t t r ibu tab le to such par ty . Fo rce Majeure may inc lude, but i s no t l im i ted to , except iona l events o r c i rcumstances o f the k ind l i s ted hereaf te r , so long as condi t ions (a) to (d) above are sa t i sfied: i . war , hos t i l i t ies (whether war be declared or not ) , invas ion , act o f fo re ign enemies , i i . rebe l l ion, te r ro r i sm, revo lu t ion , insu r rect ion , mi l i ta ry o r usu rped power , o r c iv i l war , i i i . r io t , commot ion , d iso rder , iv . mun i t ions o f war , exp los ive mater ia l s , ion is ing rad ia t ion o r contaminat ion by rad io-act iv i ty , v . natu ra l catas t rophes such as ear thquakes , hur r icane, typhoon or vo lcan ic act iv i ty , v . except iona l ly bad weather . NO-SHOW: “No-show” means reg is te red de legates who are absent fo r a l l o r par t o f t ra in ing course . 1 . PAYMENT: Payment must be rece ived w i th in 30 ca lendar days f rom the date o f the invo ice. 2 . CANCELLAT ION & REFUNDS: Personal-Ass i s tant-T ips reserves the r igh t to cancel any t ra in ing course due to low reg is t ra t ion o r fo r any o ther reason, inc lud ing fo r Fo rce Majeure , w i thout p r io r not ice and w i thout f inanc ia l l iab i l i ty . In the event that a t ra in ing workshop or course i s cancel led, t ra inees may e i ther a t tend the course a t a la te r scheduled date , t rans fe r to an a l te rnat ive course , o r opt fo r a fu l l re fund. Personal-Ass i s tant-T ips w i l l endeavour to not i fy de legates o f any course cancel la t ions a t leas t f ive days p r io r to the course s ta r t date . Cancel la t ions made by de legates a re sub ject to the fo l lowing cancel la t ion te rms. a) Cancel la t ions rece ived more than 29 ca lendar days before the course s ta r t date - fu l l re fund o f pa id course fees . b) Cancel la t ions rece ived 15-28 ca lendar days before the course s ta r t date - 50% o f pa id course fee w i l l be re funded. c) Cancel la t ions rece ived 0-14 ca lendar days before the course s ta r t date - no re fund g iven but the de legate may a t tend a la te r scheduled course f ree o f charge. d) No-show - No re fund w i l l be g iven fo r no-shows. e) A l l cancel la t ions must be not i f ied v ia emai l and rece ived at contact@personal -ass i s tant- t ips .com. 3 . Personal-Ass i s tant-T ips reserves the r igh t to change the course venue at any t ime wi thout l iab i l i ty , and w i l l endeavour to g ive reasonable not ice o f any change o f venue. 4 . WARRANTY: Personal-Ass i s tant-T ips p rov ides t ra in ing courses and serv ices so le ly by re fe rence to the i r descr ip t ion and where permi t ted by law we exc lude a l l o ther war rant ies , express o r impl ied , s ta tu to ry o r o therw ise f rom these te rms and condi t ions . Personal-Ass i s tant-T ips ’ to ta l l iab i l i ty to any de legate fo r any losses , cos ts , expenses o r damages under these Te rms and Condi t ions , o ther than fo r death o r personal in ju ry caused by our neg l igence or fo r f raud or where such l im i ta t ion i s p roh ib i ted by law, sha l l be l im i ted to the course fees rece ived f rom the de legate . 5 . L IAB IL I TY : Each par ty sha l l be l iab le fo r and hereby re leases and indemni f ies the o ther par ty f rom and agains t , any o f i t s own ind i rect , inc identa l , spec ia l , consequent ia l losses o r damages o r pun i t ive damages (whether o r not fo reseeable) , inc lud ing w i thout l im i ta t ion , damages, losses , los t revenue, los t bus iness , bus iness in te r rupt ions , a r i s ing out o f o r re la ted to , the course , the venue, t rave l to o r f rom the course , hote l accommodat ion , and any adv ice g iven by Persona l-Ass i s tant-T ips o r i t s assoc ia ted ent i t ies , o r anyth ing e lse , whatsoever . 6 . OVERSEAS DELEGATES : Personal-Ass i s tant-T ips i s no t a co l lege and as such does not car ry a T ie r 4 L icense to enable s tudent v i s i to r v i sa ass i s tance. Consequent ly Personal-Ass i s tant-T ips cannot accept any respons ib i l i ty o r l iab i l i ty whatsoever fo r any de legate ’s fa i lu re to obta in a v i sa o r en t ry c learance in to the Un i ted K ingdom. 7 . GOVERNING LAW: The Laws o f Eng land


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Personal-Assistant-Tips 20-­‐22  Wenlock  Road,  London,  N1  7GU,  England  Tel:  +44  845  862  2687  Email:  contact@personal-­‐assistant-­‐tips.com  Website:  www.personal-­‐assistant-­‐tips.com  

[Web Address]
