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Exiles 4-21

Date post: 28-Sep-2015
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Draft of the current status of this novel. Maybe will be a serial novel?It's silly. Has dinosaurs. Or things that look like dinosaurs.Otherwise ignore.
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1 “Now, in this far away land Strange, that the palms of my hands Should be met with expectancy…” —King Crimson Exiles Paul was seeing things. He told himself over and over again that it was a mirage; he had reviewed maps of this part of the ocean for over a year now, and he knew that there were no islands here. Part of his mind told him he’d lost his place because of the storm, and that he was probably miles off course. That part of his mind had been a lead representative of the “No One Is Going To Find Us” party. He had countered this argument with the use of a sextant he’d bought on a whim once, more novelty than navigational instrument. He’d followed the instructions packaged with it as best he could, but wasn’t exactly sure

Now, in this far away landStrange, that the palms of my hands Should be met with expectancy King Crimson


Paul was seeing things. He told himself over and over again that it was a mirage; he had reviewed maps of this part of the ocean for over a year now, and he knew that there were no islands here. Part of his mind told him hed lost his place because of the storm, and that he was probably miles off course. That part of his mind had been a lead representative of the No One Is Going To Find Us party. He had countered this argument with the use of a sextant hed bought on a whim once, more novelty than navigational instrument. Hed followed the instructions packaged with it as best he could, but wasnt exactly sure hed done it right. Its results merely backed up the notion that he was lost at sea.He had given a weak Land, ho the day before. He was now glad to see that his boat was moving toward it, but at the same time he kept reminding himself that it was a mirage, and that he was suffering from exposure. The heat, the salt, the endless waves, coupled with the loss of power to his boat after the storm had passed throughand now it looked like he was going to run out of water, except for the promise of sanctuary on the horizon which boggled his already heat-caked mind. Along with the loss of power came the loss of communication, as the battery of his cell phone died, and his radio ran off the boats battery, which was very much dead. He had scolded himself for being young, foolish, and under prepared. He wasnt about to start weeping yet, but as the first night had crept in after the storm passed, with the thumping splash of the ocean against the inert hull of his catatonic vessel, rocking him in restless darkness under the vastness of the starry night, he felt true lonely despair begin to sink in.The island appeared to be roughly mountainous, perhaps volcanic. Yesterday there had only been one; now there was another, to the north. This one looked much higher than the first, and surrounded by thick steamy clouds.He had begun his trip with a flare gun and three flares. His mind had been in a struggle the past two days over whether or not he should use them, or even just one. The No One Is Going To Find Us party and the Youre Seeing Things party were on the side against it, while the Seeing Is Believing party argued that someone had to see his flare. Of course this brought out the Nobodys Home party, which argued that if the islands dont appear on the map, which he would swear up and down they didnt, nobody lives there, and no one would see him anyways.Unless no one wanted anybody to know the islands were there.Once hed seen what appeared to be a massive bird circling over the first island. He realized that hed better sleep in the boats cabin that night; it was pretty clear he wouldnt make it to the island within the day.Unless he fired a flare. That may have been his only chanceBut hed make it to the island eventually. Then he could find out for himself who lived there.If his provisions didnt run out. He only had enough food for a day or two now, and water for maybe threeIf the current carried him that farIf the inhabitants, granted there were any, didnt turn out to be hostileIf* * *Alright, rolling the generators. Were hovering at forty percent capacity for now, John. Whenever the hardwares up and running let me know and Ill boot the shields. Sensors show all quiet on the east.Thanks Bob. Were getting it under control. Just tell us when things start stirring over there.You got it.John, powers still down here in the Towers. Jakes down here keeping us company, but we might as well be running around with our tails cut off. We could use someone that knows their way around all your machines.Im on it Rose. Sheila, can you get Tony and Kat down there? At least theyll get the domestic grid back up and running there.Sure thing, Sloop.Youre a doll, Sheila.Sloopy, man, I think the water pumps malfunctioned here at the pond. Also, can you pick me up some lunch from the Yeti? I could go for a double cheeseburger, maybe throw in one of those apple turnoversStuff it, Vick, said John, unable to hide the smile from his voice. I showed you how to fix it before, that one valve just always sticks. Use them muscles of yours, why dont you?Dont work yourself too hard, replied Vick with a laugh.This is Allan, John.Go ahead.Zach wants to know if the medical tent should face away or toward the cliff?Good thinking. Put it facing the shore. That should be just fine.John Sloopy Bowsiers hands worked furiously on the circuitry behind the panel of the first shield emitter, replacing all the necessary parts that had broken when the storm swept past. A laptop sat behind him, awaiting the command to activate his sector of the defense grids hardware. His his headset radio buzzed again and again with issues that had popped up on some part of the island or another, and his brain worked at hyperspeed, registering what hed have to do next, and after that. Once Ray finished working on his end of the defense grid then hed let Bobby know at control, and their shield system would be up and running again. Once their home base was covered, then the real fun would start. He was glad he remembered the secret code that Allan had given him, that they were going to start a reconnaissance mission on Golgotha. Hed told them to wait for the go-ahead from Jake, in likewise code. They discovered the bug in their telecommunications system a week ago, but with the storm coming through, Raymond, who was currently fixing the counterpart shield emitter which would bring them to 100% capacity, hadnt had time to clean the bug. Software was more his department anyway, but Jake had said they didnt want to take chances in case an attack came from Golgotha. They needed the shields up pronto, which meant that Sloopy had begrudgingly allowed Ray to work on the other shield emitter. Both men knew that itd be John who would dash over and put the final touches to Rays delicate handiwork and throw the switch which would activate the shields.Most of the island depended on Sloopy. He had overseen the construction for most of the facilities himself, so in a way he brought it on himself. He certainly didnt mind, though; this was what he was made for.Ah, Sloop? Its Sheila, code four, code four.Well great, its about time. Where is it?Unauthorized heat signature, from the west? That cant be good. Its tiny, but its pretty intense.Okay, how far out? Suddenly, a rubber hose inside the panel burst, spraying compressed air in Johns face. Crying crispy crap! He batted at the hose and grabbed it.About two miles. Youre sounding rather busy.Yeah, Ive got it under control. He did, tooalready he had pulled the hose out and was in the process of replacing it.Sloopy liked to work fast.Ill give it to Terri; she can fly out and see whats up.Gotcha. Spread the love around. The hose was fixed almost instantly, and John was replacing the panel which covered the machines insides.Not only did he like to work fast, but more often than not, he had to work fast. Luckily, that too was what he was made for.* * *The flare hit the water and fizzled away.Paul stood on the bow of his boat. His muscles were locked into a firing position, the gun trembling in his hand. He lowered it to his side, still staring at the spot where the flare had hit the water.His eyes averted to the island. Waiting. Waiting.It was over. Hed lost. He was going to die out here. There was no way he could swim to landhe was too weak. And what if the current started bringing him away from the islands, his little slice of paradise, his minds final fantasy?The gun dropped out of his hand and onto the deck. Paul felt his knees give out, and he dropped, staring hopelessly at the horizon.He decided that swimming was his only chance. But hed have to build strength; that meant eating the remainder of his food and a good night of rest. He would drown out there on the open ocean, he thought, but at least he wouldnt be sitting here like a coward.He had risen back to his feet and was about to duck back into the cabin when he saw something take off from the island. Paul moved to the bow and clutched the railing, his eyes scanning the rocky shore of the island. It wasnt the lethargic lurch of a helicopter that had spotted him; this was something quick and very much alive.It was the giant bird again. It rose into the air, steadily rising on convection currents, until it reached its peak, and down it came toward Pauls boat like a rocket.Paul scrambled backwards, tripping over the fishing seat and sprawling on the floor. The cabin door stood open behind the fishing seat, down a couple steps. Paul rose to his hands and knees and launched himself down the little corridor. His knees hit the bottom step, and then Paul found he had a face full of carpet. He rose to his feet, now dazed from his spill, and turned around to slam the door closed. There was no lock on it, but he was pretty sure that the humongous creature wouldnt know how to open doors.But at that size, it could break them down.Paul pushed the meager amount of furniture in the cabin to the door, which included his mattress, a wooden desk and a chair, a small television, and a dresser upon which the TV had sat. Then, he ducked into his bathroom, a cramped closet which included both a toilet and a shower, and waited.After a few minutes, Paul felt a large thump upon the stern of his boat. The vessel leaned that way for a moment, but then tilted violently back the opposite way as the creature took off once more, causing the boat to rock back and forth. Finally there was a soft whooshing sound and another thump as whatever it was alighted again, this time on the roof of his cabin. Pauls fishing gear was stored underneath his bed frame. There were a couple knives in his tackle box that were used to fillet and scale fish, but nothing really substantial to fight a monster with. His mind reeled to decide what to call the beast and found itself trapped in a loop of mythic anthropology terms. Thunderbird. Quetzalcoatl. Minokawa. Dragon. Dragon Dragon.He peeked his head out of the bathroom, listening for more sounds. After a moment, he stumbled toward his bed where the knives were. It was all he had, unless he wanted to try catching a bird by hook and line. He opened the tackle box and hurriedly began to rummage through it, looking for the knives. As he did, the boat shifted once more toward the stern as the creature moved that direction. Soon it was at his door.Paul finally pulled out the fillet knife. He stood up and approached the door. He said aloud to himself, Bring it on, dragon, come and get it.Likewise, whoever you are, replied a sardonic female voice on the other side of the door.Paul froze. Someone was out there. Had it ridden the giant bird?Just where had he drifted to?There was a cracking noise as something rammed the door with considerable force.Who are you? Paul called out, fear leaping into his voice. It was scratchy and hysteric. How did you get here?Hey, Im pretty sure Im the one thats got you in a rat hole. Perhaps youd like to come out so we can discuss how youre going to go about bringing it on. The distaste in the things voice was unmistakable. If he wasnt so harried, Paul would have picked up on the dim amusement hidden there as well. It rammed into the door once again, cracking the simple wooden frame and sending splinters onto the mattress.What are you going to do to me? asked Paul meekly, his will and resolve fading.Well lets start out with who sent you, shall we? My moneys on government this time, since if you were from Golgotha youd have guns blazing already like an idiot. Stealth isnt really the way of the skull, ya know?I dont know what youre talking about!Hm, maybe thats true. I mean, why fire the flare gun? Worried we wouldnt get out here in your precious mission timeframe?Look, I dont even know where I am anymoreThere was a pause. Okay, okay, lemme take a step back and examine the situation, alright? Youre on a boat out in the middle of the ocean; clearly youve lost power, correct?Yes please youre not going to kill me, are you?Ha, ha well see, I guess. Youre drifting towards the islands, and you fire a flare gun to get some help. But how would you even know there is help to be had, hmmm?II was getting desperate. I still have three no, two more. I couldnt even find these islands on the map the storm knocked me around.Of course, the storm! A perfect disguise. Okay, so you go into your little mouse hole after you shoot the flareI saw a gigantic bird, or something, coming from the island what was that?In good time. This is kinda fun so youre not sure what you saw coming from the island which means that youre either lying, telling the truth, or youre another government person. Which also means youre lying, actually.Im not lying, I swear!Another pause. Yeah, probably not. Youve got yourself blockaded in there pretty well, so you must be scared out of your socks. Otherwise Id have blown right through the door. So unless they sent some idiot that didnt know what to expect, which they wouldnt after what happened last time, youre telling the truth. There was another brief silence. Which means youre tired, hungry, and terrified. Which also means that I probably look like the biggest jerk everYoure trying to keep the islands secret? What are you hiding?She seemed to think for a moment. Well, us, I guess.Who is us? The bird you rode here on?Uuummm kinda. I guess you might as well come on out, unless you want me to tow you in as is?Well Alright. Let me move some stuff.Paul moved his furniture back to the rear of the cabin with a hesitant sense of unreality. Had he just been rescued, or had he landed himself in even more trouble?Just as a warning, though, the voice behind the door said, try not to freak out and run right back in your room there, okay?Paul nodded, steeling himself as he reached for the demolished door handle. Whatever was out there was probably out of this world. He would have to brave it; what choice did he have, anyway?* * *He pulled on the handle, letting in a blinding canvas of afternoon sunshine, his eyes being adjusted to the dimness of his cabin. All he could tell was that there was something big in front of him, perched on the stern of his boat. The voice must have been coming from in front of it, he thought.Wow, so how long have you been stranded out here? asked the voice. But he noticed it came from above, from the head of whatever the creature was. Was she riding on its head? OrOh God Paul could only stammer as his blood turned cold and his vision cleared to see that the voice didnt come from anything human at all, but the creature itself.It was a giant, leathery bat, was his first thought. It was a dark purple color, almost brown towards the head, which was elongated forward and back, and peered down at him with eerily intelligent, human eyes. Its feet were adorned with sharp talons which gripped the rear of his boat, and in the middle of its wings were small bat-like fingers which held on tightly to the railing on either side of his boat, which was a fair expanse of seven feet. Its wingspan had to be at least sixteen feet, as the ends of its wings folded up along its arms. A glint of metal gleaned off its head, and Paul saw that there was some kind of antenna around a headband strapped around its crest.You gonna faint? it, she, asked. Her voice was actually a throaty kind of sound, similar to a parrots speech. Her beak was mostly completely solid, except for the back near her throat where it gave way to skin which made simple facial expressions.I yourePaul had seen The Land Before Time when he was a kid. He had seen Jurassic Park as well, even though pterodactyls hadnt been featured in the movie. But in the book, he remembered reading about them, terrorizing Alan Grant and the others. He had even had a little toy of a pteranodon, one which looked rather similar to the one which stood before him, except that it was forever posed with its wings splayed out flying.This one was alive. And it was talking to him. Had he finally lost it?Youre a dinosaur, he finally finished. He felt he was going to faint, and soon.Well see, I like to think so too. But Ozzy always reminds me otherwise, that Im just a flying reptile. But someday Ill show him!Paul stood staring at the creature for a moment more, his jaw hanging down in pure disbelief. He was in Wonderland.But enough about me, the pteranodon said. Im here for you: I guess you were hoping for rescue, right?Paul nodded his head, barely realizing he was doing it.Okaaaay, so I guess youre all alone out here? Dont have a radio, cell phone, anything?All all dead his mouth was dry, he realized. His very words made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.Hmm, thats what I thought. A lot of our communication equipment was down for awhile, too. Seemed pretty strange, right?Paul stood stock still, staring.Right? Okay, I know, its pretty weird to see something like me. But Im starting to think youre fried in the head, here.I just I dont understand.Well, neither do I, to be completely honest. Im just, yknow, rolling with it. Yknow?But how?I dont think Id be best to explain it. Probably youll want to talk to Jake. Hes sort of the head honcho around here, since Ty and Cairan are over on Cloud.Okay, Jake. And is he a giant bat, as well?Um, excuse me? The creature took on a very human indignant tone and stretched out one wing. The boat listed to one side.. I am a flying reptile, thanks. And Jakes a well, hes an ass a lot of the time, but hell tell you that its because of me. The fleshy part of its beak became a wry, creepy smile.So youre the islands dinosaur.Keep up with me for five minutes dude. Not a dinosaur, those are all gone. Least thats what they want you to think. What we are is a bunch of oddities. Um, like She raised her long bill up and scratched her chin with the claws on her wings. Not dinosaurs, but obviously not human anymore all the time. Shapechangers, I guess. We can turn into big scaley monsters as you can see before you, though we tend toward looking like dinosaurs. I guess the dragons looked sort of like dinosaurs? Havent been able to find one of those just yet though. Yeah, dont say it--Im not very good at explaining this. Maybe Cairan can do it better.Paul felt his voice rise to a shrill incredulity, but no words would come out. He stared numbly up at the creature for a long moment, salt stinging his sun baked face. I get it.The pteranodons face brightened at him. You do?Yeah, oh yeah I get it, this is some sort of a joke, right? A big damned joke, Im on TV cameras arent I? That guy that rented me the boat, he, he was in on it. I get it!The flying reptiles head tilted as her mouth curled in wonder. Joke TV. UhPaul darted into the cabin, careening against the dresser by the door. Aha! Yeah, the boat was set to turn off, right! Just waited on that storm to blow by, and bam! Turn it off, let me go crazy, yeah! Let Guatemalan audiences watch and laugh at the gringo that goes nuts from dehydration, and then then send a robot dragon to fill him full of bullshit! Where are those cameras? He turned over his mattress again, then went to the shower, grabbing the head and yanking it. It didnt budge. Paul ran back out of the cabin into the sun, staring up at the sky, then at the monster on his stern. He turned to run back inside again, but slipped and crashed on the deck, laying still.The pteranodon looked down on him pitifully. Maybe you should drink some water. Paul didnt reply, but rolled onto his back, arms and legs outstretched. I want to go home now.Well hey, Im no doctor but you might have like, heatstroke or something. Maybe I should take you ashore? Let you, um, cool off?Are you real? Is this real? Youre aIm not a robot, nope. Im not a dinosaur, Im not even a pterodactyl, really. Her shoulders shifted in a shrug. One wing tip dipped into the water. I guess when you make me look at the facts of what my life has become, I see how it just looks crazy.Has has become?Well, yeah! What, did you think youd found the Lost World, and weve all been surviving like this for millions of years? If Id have to be living for millions of years with my brother at the helm of things, Id have flown off a long time ago!So who are you? And how can you speak English?Well, originally, Im human. And prior to coming here, I was home-of-the-brave American, as Im guessing you were too, bucko.Then whats going on here? Paul had put his hands on his face, his fingers digging into his scalp.The creature sighed. Its a long and crazy story, and Im not about to tell you it here. But, I guess I can go ahead and tell you that along with being able to turn into almost-dinosaursand flying reptiles, tooweve also got a bunch of cool powers and stuff. She leaned forward as if to entice him to attentiveness.Powers and stuff? So you can turn back into human at will?Yes, and yeah. Just wouldnt be logistically efficient to keep everyone in dino-mode, right? Especially the bigger ones.But what do you mean by powers?Well, the creature said, shifting its weight to one side of the boat and then the other, Vick likes to say that were kind of a mix between Power Rangers and the X-Men. And thats a pretty accurate illustration, even if it is a little bit copyright infringement and a lotta bit plain goofy. But like I said, roll with it. Someone might be able to move super fast, someone else might fly without wings, or be able to control objects far away. Oh, thats called telekinesis, right? Right.Paul brought himself to his feet as she spoke feeling the nauseous sway of the boat under him. Okay. I think Ive heard enough. Can you tow me in now, so I can get my boat fixed? Assuming a bunch of lizards can even fix a boat.Hey now, grumpy! We have some of the most advanced tech on the planet. Even a bunch of super cool powers arent enough to protect us against most of our enemies, and not everyone has them anyway.Enemies, huh? So you fight crime, too? Who is it, Magneto and Zoltron?Well, I dont know about that, but I think Zoltron might have been a good guy.Whatever. Just, let me go find a rope and you can pull me in, okay?If thats how youd rather me do it. I could do it a cooler way, like making a big wave and surfing you there. Youd certainly arrive in style, I can assure you.Okay, okay. Paul crossed his arms over his chest and averted his eyes tiredly to the deck. Do whatever you want. He shook his head and muttered to himself, This is insane.Whatever I want, huh? Well if I get in trouble, Im blaming you. Uh, by the way, whats your name?Its Paul.Paul what?Reiter, Paul Reiter.Hmm, okay Paul. Im Terri.Youre kidding. A pterodactyl named Terri?Yeah, the ironys not lost on me. Im not sure if its all just a big joke, or someones just really uncreative.Paul sighed again and buried his head in his hands. The gods must be crazy, he muttered.Well even so, theres no reason to be all glum about it, Paul. And by the way, doesnt this boat have a name?No, I dont think soWell, theres your trouble! Its bad luck to have a boat with no namedidnt you ever watch Forrest Gump?Oh, for the love its called the Voyager, alright?Shes called the Voyager, you mean. And dude, can you be any more generic? A boat named the Voyager, sheesh.Whatever, Terri the pteranodon. Just tow me in.You mean?Whatever, do your thingAlrighty, but I should warn you that youd better be strapped in, or at least hang on to something, and hang on tight. Terri straightened up and stretched her wings out, and then hopped into the air with surprising agility. She took hold of the warmth of the day beneath her wings and lifted into the sky, flapping effortlessly to gain more altitude.* * *Paul decided that he had best do as told. He moved to the stern of the boat and sat in the swiveling fishermans seat and found the buckles hanging down on either side of his seat. As he strapped himself in, he was reminded grimly of Jaws, as the old fisherman prepared to attempt to haul in the giant shark.For a moment he sat there, waiting. Then he looked up to where Terri had flown, watching her ascent. She was soaring at least a hundred feet in the air, circling like a vulture and still climbing. Her silhouette drifted to the west, to the bow of the boat. At first Paul thought she would keep going, leaving him here to float like a forgotten bathtub duck.Suddenly, her form snapped downward, and her wings went to her side as she dived down on him like a bomb. The fishing chair swiveled around as Paul watched, mesmerized by the display. In the span of the two seconds it took Terri to descend to his boat, Paul realized that whatever she was about to do could be very dangerous, and that Terri may have a bit of a reckless streak in her. That was all he had time for.Terri ascended to about three hundred feet, and then moved behind the boatopposite the direction she wanted it to go, anywayand plummeted straight down to achieve maximum velocity. The air around her began to bake, and she felt it: the strange tingle as her scales began to harden and change. Three quarters of the way down she tilted herself with deft precision so that she was going at an angle toward Pauls boat. At that point her skin was now a metallic sheen which then began to freeze up into a silver color. She kept tilting and tilting, making minute, practiced adjustments to her wings, crest, and feet so that at three meters above the oceans surface and ten feet away from the bow of the boat, her wings, now a splendid reflective chrome, unfurled, and she became the Silver Bullet. She banked to the left, allowing wind to catch under her right wing. A nanosecond before she would crash into the boat, Terri flung the ball of energized air under its rear, sending herself soaring overhead Paul.The reaction was instant: the wind hit the bottom of the boat where it floated on the water, and shoved it with tremendous force towards the island. Pauls head snapped back, and the chair swiveled to face port. At first he thought that that was as far as he was going, and that Terri would have to make another few passes; his boat had only moved about twelve feet. He wasnt sure how many more times he could stand the push without becoming sick.Paul then saw that Terri had kept flying toward the island, and that her silver form was fading towards the horizon. He was about to call out, when he felt his seat lean forward with the boat, and he was starting to move again. He looked over the side and saw that a wave had formed underneath the bow and was beginning to carry him forward.After a moment he saw that it was growing in size and speed rather rapidly. Paul clutched the bottom of his seat in fright as he rose into the air and his boat began to surf towards the island. Terri had circled back around, her scales fading back to the dark purple-brown color. She flew alongside the wave she had created, a strange smile on her beak. The wave continued to intensify, both in height and speed, until Paul was flying along at twenty feet in the air and thirty miles per hour. Water droplets sprayed his ashen face, and his knuckles turned white as his fingers bore into the cushion of his seat, vying for purchase in case his seat belt were to malfunction, which he was suddenly certain it would. Paul had never been a fan of roller coasters, but a small part of his mind, a brand new grassroots campaign party of his brain, told him that he had better start getting used to them, because his life may have very well just become one.As the boat neared the island, Paul became aware that he wasnt slowing down. He glanced anxiously over to Terri, who was flying alongside the wave rather merrily, her eyes closed in apparent bliss and the odd smile on her face. Her wings lolled right and left as she powered along, seeming almost to propel herself supernaturally.Cant you slow this thing down? he called out to her. She didnt notice, with the roar of the water rolling all around them.Paul looked forward again, now feeling panic caressing his rigid spine. He saw that he was heading toward a narrow stretch of beach, with a small dock poking out of it. But on either side were sharp, jagged rocks which would turn his boat into curdled milk, and his adventure would be quite over. Cliff faces rose on either side of the beach, appearing to circle around and grow higher as they neared the opposite end of the island. The middle, though, seemed to be more or less flat lands, with some trees scattered around. He thought his eyes may have been playing tricks on him, but for a moment he thought he saw the rising neck of an Apatosaurus. After a second thought, he realized that his eyes probably were telling the truth, that he was about to land on Jurassic Parks loony bin. It was truly a spectacular sight, but as small pieces of rock started to zoom by him in the water, he realized that he may never behold it up close.Again he glanced over to Terri, vying for her attention. This time she was talking, her beak working rapidly and her eyes focused. The metal headset she wore was probably some kind of radio, a link to whoever was on the island. Paul couldnt make out what she was saying, but he knew that it was more than likely about him.Terri! he shouted.She barely turned her eyes to him, still speaking to the invisible sentinel that no doubt awaited them. Her brother perhaps, who she said was at the helm of things. He faced back to the island, rushing much too fast at him.* * *The storm had not been natural, that much was certain. The storm had affected all four of the islands, that much was also certain. There were four men at the computer monitors which spanned the control chamber, waiting anxiously for a fifth man to get the generator up and running. Two pairs of serpentine eyes watched the four frightened men with the impatience of a hungry and dangerously intelligent predator. The eyes were all mounted on the same head of a creature which no living womb could produce. One eye for each man were arranged in pairs above a wide, toothy mouth which opened and closed restlessly, a whip of a tongue twitching in and out and around, testing the air, tasting fear. It was like smog which endlessly hung in the atmosphere of Golgotha, but it comforted Elirek. This place was his homethat much was also certain!What wasnt certain was just how and why the electrical storm had blown through and veritably cut off all power for the islands, even temporarily. The generator was a precaution; the power would return within the hour, but if the fools of Fang were planning on some sort of strike, theyd need their primary power on and running.Elirek had his abnormally long arms crossed before his emaciated tube of a torso, looking as menacing to the chicken-hearted humans which operated the control room as he could manage. His body led down to four crocodilian legs which barely supported a distended belly which would drag upon the ground when he walked. His normal role on Golgotha was to monitor the various facilities on the island and to synthesize the data collected by the humans, which largely centered around the whereabouts and activities of their wretched neighbors. Besides this, he attended to the Master of the House, whatever need his master bestowed upon him to fill. Often that amounted to operating the more sophisticated computers which were found deep within the secret caves underneath the island, which really ran things. The machines up here had been made by IBM, and were merely menial tools to track the progress of the Colmillioans. The ones underneath the island, in the dark and foreboding den cut into the crags and caves there, had been made by no brand or label, but had long since been twisted to the sinister plans of Golgotha.The machines were blinking, growling things that had been there long before Elirek; a certain few of them, in fact, had spawned him, operated by an evil and likely otherworldly being who passed the reignsmost of them, at leastto Elirek. Whether or not they had been built by The Arduous and Unapproachable Cat, Elirek didnt know. It wasnt his duty to know, and not his design to speculate.And now he was guarding these cowardly fools, mostly to keep them on edge. Although with some quick modification and cunning workarounds, the computers underneath the island could do the job of these up here easily. Whats more, the storms EMPfor that was what it was, the sensors wouldnt lie, you can bet on thathad barely disrupted those machines. The ancient geothermal power system kept everything running smooth, and the layers of rock between those caves and the surface also made an effective buffer. The conglomeration of humans, along with much of the castle-like fort dominating the island, was merely a decoy. At some point, the stalemate between the Fang and the Skull would end, and theyd infiltrate their island. And that would surely attract too much attention, as the ensuing battle would light the Pacific Ocean for miles. The Americans knew much, but most of their intelligence centered on Fang. They knew that some sphere of influence radiated out and touched on the rocky shores of Golgotha. But they focused on the denizens of Fang, and wasnt that just the funniest thing? An amusing situation, as Golgothas two largest remaining obstacles set each other back. The Arduous and Unapproachable Cat had laughed when he found out about the regular attempts at infiltration of that miserable island. And the downed helicopter, what a look of surprise the pilot had wore when Elirek slithered up to the roof of the castle where it had tried to land! Two of the armed men had already hopped out of the chopper, and were about to fill Elireks scaly hide with lead when the Master of the Housein some way or another Elireks fatherhad tore into them, laughing.The helicopter had tried to take off and gotten caught in the strange and potentially artificialit may have been sorcery or science, but it was certainly from the Mastergust of wind which took it toward Fang.The bug in the Fang communication system relayed the information that only one man had survived the crash. He was still there to this day, from what they on Golgotha understood. For some reason that had troubled Elireks master.There was then a loud whine coming from the bank of computer servers Elirek was standing in front of. The monitors blinked on, followed by the lights. The generator was on again; power had returned. The humansone of them was one of the men who had jumped out of the helicopter, much of his left arm replaced by roboticshastily typed into keyboards, entering codes, imputing data, getting things back online. Elirek slunk up to one of them, looking over his shoulder, tasting the influx of pheromones the man secreted which spoke of his fear. This particular human was in charge of the one thing that Elirek cared about right then.The man clicked on some icons on the interface which eventually appeared, and after a nerve-wracking moment where the man though for sure that something had gone wrong in the outage and the system had malfunctioned and the creature standing behind him would take off his head in anger (all this Elirek tasted as a putrid offal swirling around the man) the screen finally was dominated with a bold title at the top: PRIMARY DEFENSE. Following that were columns of options and commands. One in particular looked rather useful.One of the men looked away from his monitor. Were picking up transmission from Fang again, sir.Another was nodding slightly. Sensors indicate their shields are down, sir. Also, theres some development in the water to the far west, beyond the island. Theres something else, to the south, an atmospheric disturbance of some kind. Its not the storm, but itShut up, breathed Elirek. They did. He spoke into the ear of the shivering man before him. Their shields will be back up shortly. Theyre expecting an attack. Elireks smile broadened into a crevice of teeth. Theyll get their attack. We execute operation Blue Sun in twenty minutes.The man nodded madly, and began entering characters into the machine. Elirek turned and made his way out of the room, slinking toward the elevator that led to the roof, where the Master of the House was expecting him.* * *Paul had closed his eyes for the inevitable smash against the rocks to come, no doubt thrashing his body as well as his boat, perhaps throwing him out of his chairor maybe the chair would come with him, who knewand into the sweeping foam of the ocean. Part of his mind, no doubt the part that had hoped for rescue and more or less received one, was formulating a plan of action for when he hit the rocks. Hed have to get out of the fishing chair, if he wasnt already, and make his way to the other end of the boat, which would be tipping into the sky by that time as the hull filled with water. Hed get Terris attention then, and maybe if she wasnt trying to kill him and had thus failed so far, shed fly him to the island, where he could call for help or what passed for help in this place. But if he was tossed from his boat into the ocean well hed grab onto a rock, sure. No problem. Just send flowers and regards to his nearest kin, please.A whirlwind passed over him, and the wave which carried the boat lifted Paul higher into the air yet. Paul looked and saw it had been Terri, making another pass. And then, just before he crashed into the jagged heap of rocks which seemed to grab at him with cold warlocks fingers, the Voyager lifted high above them, surfing a titanic wave created by Terri, and was carried over the deadly rocks. Almost all the way.The boat jerked as the tallest of the sea rocks scraped at the bottom of the Voyagers hull. Paul cried out and opened his eyes, staring for a brief moment at open blue sky, and then a flash of leathery brown-purple as Terri landed on the ship again, grabbing onto the railings along the bow with her feet. She extended her wings, and Paul realized that she was steering the boat.Fasten your seatbelts just a bit tighter, folks! she called back over her wing. Things are about to get even crazier! She looked ahead, toward the islands beach, where she planned to moor the Voyager. Her primeval countenance narrowed just a bit further as she grinned, her eyes focused on the island with a lunatic determination. She was going to fly the capsizing boat, without the transformation to the Silver Bullet. Terri adjusted her wings to capture the maximum amount of salty air beneath them, and then began flapping, making broad, almost majestic sweeps to push herself upward. She may not transform, but she would need a vast amount of strength. Her grin pulled upwards even more; she was fairly certain she could do it, but to say that she had done it meant much more to her. And there was Paul to think of, as well. He may prove to be an interesting person, she figured, and Jake would likely want to talk to him. She was vaguely aware of his protesting shouts and decidedly wussy groans from behind her, but mostly she wanted to see Jakes or even Raymonds inexorably placid face broken into sheer confusion as she brought the boat in, Patricia smirking at her with her face buried in her hands. Vick might be there too, with his loopy kind of laugh and shaking his head with his lanky arms crossed over his chest. Hed have some witty remark to make before John came over and upstaged him.Wistful thinking over with, Terri flapped her wings ferociously, dragging the boat out of the water inch by inch. Paul suddenly realized her aim and clutched the cushion of his seat again, releasing a wavering moan as his view of the skyline and the island before him panned up and up, once more like a roller coaster, preparing to mount the final hill and take the death-defying plunge. And at that point, Paul finally heeded Terris admonition and pulled the strap of the belt on his chair, tightening himself in.Youre crazy! Youre crazy! Paul shouted amid Terris whirlwind. Put me back down, tow me in or anything else Im about to fall out into the water or the rocks youre going to get me killed youre insane aaaaAAAAHHHH!!Terri rolled her eyes, keeping her beak an arrow towards the sky. Some people just cant enjoy the ride, she muttered to herself.The boat was now completely out of the water, levitating above the crashing seawater and the rocks said seawater crashed against. The stern was catching a fair view of this, as the bow as pointed upwards. The weight of the rest of the boat would begin to take its toll on the railings onto which Terri held onto, Paul was certain. He thought he could see the wood splintering where the railings were attached. It would only be moments more, and he would drop back into the sea and the rocks, totally dead, man.Yet despite this certainty, he was rather taken with screaming at the top of his lungs; not words anymore, just pure terror and adrenaline. His sight was full of nothing but Terris broad wingspan and the beautiful peace-after-the-storm heavens. And then the fishermans seat, much like an office chair, spun to the left, affording Paul an even wider view, this of the island he was being taken to. His spin in the chair came to a swinging stop facing the bridge and the deck. He looked back to the island though, his screaming on pause to catch a view and a breath. He saw rocky crags which made up a sort of wall around a great portion of the islands perimeterin some areas these walls extended into plateaus, but most of the island was lowland dotted with squatty buildings. There was a beach on the south end of the island, and Paul felt that this was where Terri was taking him. Terri then confirmed this with a cheery lunatics laugh: Thats where were headed, Paul me fine buck-o! Ha-HA! Then she spoke to the operator on the other side of her headsets radio, Coming in hot for a landing, Sheila! Let the welcome wagon know, I wanna see Jakes face on that beach!No, no welcome wagon for me, please, thought Paul. I dont think Im quite in any condition for new faces, Jakes or Sheilas or anybodies. Paul wanted to shout some equivalent of this stream of thought up to Terri, but his stomach had finally caught on with the times and decided that its current contents ought to pull an about face up his esophagus. Paul tasted the bile, causing his eyes to water and a stunning clarity come about him. He kept his breakfast down for the momenthe hadnt yet gotten to his lunch, not enough time with the events of the day as they had beenand made a realization, which came on the heels of a memory.His roommate in college, Maurice, was a big fan of progressive rock and always seemed to have some obscure seventies band playing on his computer whenever Paul came in. Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, King Crimson, Genesis before Peter Gabriel dropped out of it. And Procol Harum. It was a lyric of one of their songs which came to him then as they approached the beach where whatever passed for the islands Welcome Wagon waited. He had first heard it writing some frustrated paper for his English class, and it had stuck to him then, but really resounded its truth now. Wallowing in a morass of self despair, made only more painful by the knowledge that all I am is of my own making.It was he that sent out that flare. Paul. This situation was, ultimately, of his own making. He stopped screaming and instead gritted his teeth, blinking down at the island as wind whipped him. He needed the help of these people, demons or dinosaurs or whatever they were; otherwise he wouldnt get back home.Those rocks look pretty sharp, though. And if you havent noticed, thats a fairly steep fall. If I live through this Im not staying any longer than I have to. Im getting out of here, heading back home, settling down, going back to college; Im done with traveling.About that, he was partially right.* * *John scanned the ocean with his binoculars, watching expressionlessly as the boat was taken higher by Terri. Good God, shes lost her mind.You act like she ever had one, man, said Vick with a laugh.Seriously. You think everything that girl does is just hilarious.Yeah? Whats your deal? Vick took the binoculars out of Sloopys hand, still grinning. You dont think thats hilarious? Or youre jealous youve never caught anything that big fishing?Har har. There, your obligatory laugh. And you missed your chance on a fly fishing joke, you know.They were standing on the roof of the outbuilding that contained the bulk of the machinery for the western shield generator. Patricia was waiting by the ladder on the edge of the building, her legs hanging over the side as she plucked distractedly on a guitar. Ray was in the building, working, listening to them. Vick said, Well great, now the joke is over.John continued, My deal is that theres someone on that boat. Whoever they are, they probably are in some serious trouble. Or well, they were. Now theyre knee-deep in a whole new bucket of crap. And what does your glorious emissary do? Starts flying them into the air, like an eagle trying to crack a turtles shell. Brilliant. And gimmie those back!Vick let Sloopy take the binoculars back. Well, its not like they can go back home and whine to whatever government they came from. They might as well get used to their new home, sweet chaotic home. Right?Sloopy shrugged. The boat was coming closer to the beach where Terri would plop it down, probably breaking the persons neckHe spotted him. It was a young guy, strapped into a fishing chair on the boats deck. He appeared to be screaming.Dont tell me youre afraid of them, said Vick.Why shouldnt I be? said Sloopy, though now that he could see the terrified expression of the man, he felt foolish for saying so. It could be a trap. That freak storm was probably some sort of diversion.Vick shook his head. Nah, I dont buy that. That storm was way too intense to be anything but its own thing. If our new friend had plans to use it to his advantage, hes going about it all the wrong way. Thats just a guy whos just had the worst luck of his life while he was out fishing. You cant be suspicious of everyone that washes up here.Statistically, weve had very bad luck with people that have washed up here. Carter Bobbyokay, he turned out to be alright that guy that was actually with the CIA the woman that was actually with the CIA the guy and the girl that were actually with the CIAWhat about me? said Patricia.Or Manuela? said Vick. Or our resident mechanic?Okay, thats three.Amy.All right! John lowered his binoculars and put the strap over his neck. I get it! All Im saying is that we need to be careful after what happened with those ones I mentioned and all the others, like the traps that Golgotha has sent.Their comlinks chirped. You guys should get down to the beach, said Sheila. According to Terri, she wants to see your faces.Sloopy stared significantly at Vick. Right, she does. Were on our way.Jakes voice came through. Keep your eyes open, people. But try to stay friendly. Vick, Pat, you guys stay with the newcomer. Ozzy, Allan, and Harry if youre still on the line, were going to visit the clinic once weve checked out the newbie.No can do, said Harry. Still fixing the pipe work up here at the cafeteria. After that I gotta see about whats keeping Tom up at Alpha.Do what you gotta do, replied Jake.Allan buzzed in, You still got me. Everythings ready here, just waiting on you guys.Thanks, Doc. Okay people, theyre almost here. Lets break out the welcome wagon.Allow me to rehearse my welcome song, grumbled Sloopy. He made his way to the ladder, where Patricia was already climbing down, her guitar slung across her back.Vick followed him. You have a welcome song?Yeah, but its only two words.And theyre not Happy Birthday, huh? Lighten up, Sloopy. I mean, dinosaurs can be scary, but a talking dinosaur is supposed to be friendly, right? He laughed as they descended the ladder. Raymond had emerged from the building. The sunlight shone upon his dappled green and white scales as he looked up at the others. Not this one, he called to Vick.Ha-ha! Well, Ozzy, considering how little you talk, its no wonder.Its the quiet ones you have to watch out for, eh? remarked Sloopy. I expect you have the highest chance of really frightening our mysterious guest. Terri doesnt have sharp teeth in her winged form. He leaned in close to Patricia, pretending to relay a whisper. Its his breath, really. He never brushes!Raymond bobbed his head, choosing to ignore Sloopys antics. Speaking of quiet ones, Golgotha has been far too silent for my liking. They were all making their way down the rocky path that led to the beach.Maybe they got hit hard, too? said Vick. Or maybe theyre giving us a break? I know I could use one.Ozzy glanced to the east. From his vantage he could see the craggy atoll that was Golgotha. Dont count on that for a second. I think were merely in the eye of a storm.You think theyre going to attack us? said Patricia.Ozzy shook his head, the bony crests above his eyes catching the light. He said no more as they approached the beach.* * *Pauls throat was now very sore. After he had realized the futility of trying to keep screaming, a weight had fallen over him and he became very sleepy. He was also very thirsty, but he decided that could wait until he finished his ten hour nap. Then he would see about getting his boat working again and getting back home. Finally, he would forget this ever happened.Intruding on his mental itinerarythough he desperately wanted to ignore the matterwas the terrible idea that he wouldnt be allowed to leave. Was he going to be a prisoner? Would they kill him? Maybe it was a mad scientist that ran the island and transformed people into dinosaurs. Boy did he need a nap.Terri was closing in on the beach. The bottom of the boat was facing towards the island, and Pauls chair was still facing the cabin door. To his left was peaceful ocean, but coming into view now on his right was another island to the north. It was big and rocky, its peak covered in fluffy clouds.How ya doing, Paul? called Terri jovially.Awful, Paul muttered. With the roar of the wind Terri didnt hear his answer. Youre not falling asleep on me, are you? Thatd be kinda embarrassing. I mean, youre going to be meeting some important people here in a minute. Well, maybe not to your standards. What is it you did again? Youre not a politician, are you?Paul tried to tell her to shut up, and perhaps offer some even less polite suggestions, when he noticed something else. He was looking back at the sea to the south. For just a second, something flickered in the sky. It had a shape like a zeppelin, but glinted in the sun like metal. The airship was moving quickly north, slicing through the air. It had appeared without warning out of thin air, and before Paul could get a good look it disappeared again. He thought of cloaking devices and space shuttles. He also thought of a big, juicy cheeseburger and a stein of beer. Maybe hed have lunch, and then take a twelve hour nap.Mission control, were coming upon the beach. Im gonna start coming down hey, come on, where is everybody? Yeah, yeah, I see you, Jake. Ah, oh, I see now. Hi, Vick!The boat tilted as Terri banked and began her descent. Paul closed his eyes and felt his heart fly into his throat again as they dropped. Finally he lurched as if in a broken elevator and the Voyager made landfall with a soft thump on the sand.* * *You killed him, Terri. John had ran up to the boat and climbed aboard.Oh, be quiet. Hes just fallen asleep on me. Guess hes used to more exciting things, arent you Paul?Cut it out, said Jake. He was right behind John, who turned to help him up. Vick, Ray, and Patricia hung back. A handful of other residents of the island had stopped to watch, but soon went back to their tasks.Terri had hopped onto the sand. Vick approached her. Youve got beef with John, now, he said.Feh! He can stick his little head in the sand. She swept up some sand with her wing to emphasize. I bust my butt to try to make sure this guys clean, and he throws a hissy fit.I wouldnt say he threw a fit of any kind, but he wasnt pleased.He wouldnt be unless he did it himself. TwerpVick laughed. You know him. Hes just nervous.Right, sure. She brushed at the sand again. Jake went up to the cringing young man strapped into the fishing chair. Pauls eyes were still closed, and his fingers still dug into the cushion of the seat.Im dead, said Paul.Not quite. Who are you?Paul Reiter.Okay Paul, just relax. Keep talking, tell me who you are, please.Paul opened his eyes. The man standing in front of him was stocky, shorter than Paul, with dark hair and blue eyes. He was leaning on the Voyagers railings. Paul heard rummaging from behind him as someone went through his cabin, but didnt dare turn away from the mans cool stare.Paul Samuel Reiter, from United States of America, Wisconsin, twenty-two years old, social security number three, ah, three-fiveThatll do, man. What are you doing out here?I was fishing. I left from Guatemala three days ago. Rented the boat from a guy, uh, Omar something. Ramirez maybe. Came to Guatemala from Wisconsin by plane.Speak Spanish?Only a little. I had a translation book somewhere.Story checks out, said the voice from behind him. The man looked up, and Paul ventured to twist in his chair. Hes got rods and tackle. Found a backpack with an American passport in it. But youre an awful far distance from Guatemala. Another man, gangly and wearing a faded t-shirt with the Nintendo controller and a caption Old School imprinted on it and a pair of binoculars around his neck, rose out of the cabin. And it looks like your engines dead, yeah?I was caught in a storm.Join the club. It blew you all the way here?You dont believe me.Not yet, no.The first man interrupted, Lets just take for granted youre telling the truth for now.Fine, said Paul.Silence, broken by the waves beating on the shore.Well?Well, introductions I guess. Im Jake Teture. Jake held out his hand. Paul didnt shake it. Paul Reiter, he said.Alright Paul. And behind you is John Bowsier. Hes our jack-of-all-trades maintenance man.John sidled up to Jake. Yep, call me Repair Man-man-man-man-man!Paul stared at him. Once again he wanted to ask if he was dreamingor deadbut realized that doing so was becoming redundant. He turned to Jake and said, And youre the leader, right?Jake blinked. I try to keep order.With an iron claw! cried Terri, who had hopped over to the side of the boat and was listening in.Ignore whatever nonsense this one has fed you, said John, tilting his head at Terri.Ah, said Paul. So you dont all turn into dinosaurs, or something.Another silence. A third man climbed on board, dark and fluid in his motions. He regarded Paul with bright eyes and, Paul was pretty sure, the first genuine smile hed received all day.Afraid that part was true, said Jake.Hey, what am I now, a liar? said Terri. She leaped into the air and landed gracefully on the bow of the Voyager. Paul, dont listen to these guys. Everything I said was totally ninety-nine percent true.John said, Yes, and you can tell by his incredulous stare that he believes you completely.What is this place? said Paul. What do you want with me?Its not a matter of what we want, Paul, said Jake. Youre here for your own safety, trust me. If we hadnt picked you up, someone else would have, and you would have regretted it. We have plenty of enemies.Thats what Ive heard.Yeah. Be glad we got you and not... someone else.Paul sighed and unbuckled himself from the seat. His throat felt hoarse and scratchy and he coughed as he stood on shaky legs. Well I guess I owe you thanks for that, then. But where am I? These islands dont appear on any map. Some sort of government thing?Dont worry, youll get the tour.Welcome to Jurassic Park! said John.The third man laughed at this. Paul, right? Call me Vick. He held out his hand. Paul tentatively shook it. This place was originally designed as a confidential research base. Not quite Area Fifty-One, but not something that pulled out a lot of advertising space in Readers Digest, you know? To give you the jist of things, we ran into something unexpected, and now we need to keep it contained.Jake was climbing off the boat, followed by John. Vick followed after them, waving Paul along. Paul looked back at the cabin of his boat once more, and then joined them.Standing on the beach was a young heavyset woman with a guitar, and a large bipedal lizard with two crests on its head. A plume of dust was rising from within the island. Paul watched as a small vehicle drove toward them on a road leading into the jungle interior.And you turn into dinosaurs, said Paul.Or just boring old flying reptiles, put in Terri.Some might say that were dinosaurs that turn into humans, said John. But really, you can use the term dinosaurs in as a placeholder, but what its really some manner of saurian phenological augmentation.Vick said, Fact of the matter is, yeah, we can turn into things that kinda resemble dinosaurs. Its a bit more technical than that, but Ozzy here will fill you in on it later. If he doesnt put you to sleep while telling youThe dinosaur with the crests on its head gave a gaunt grin, baring small, sharp teeth. Vicks a real killer, he is. It spoke in a sibilant, yet almost musical chirping voice, bobbing its head slightly.Got that right! Knock em dead, man, thats what its all about.I once heard that the Hokey Pokey was what it was all about, said Terri. I guess I have been deceivedWhat do you research here? said Paul, interrupting another flow of nonsense. Biology? Biologic weapons, maybe?Why do you want to know? asked John.Okay, forget it. Im sorry, Im just a little shaken because Im in the middle of nowhere and theres a triceratops standing just over there looking at me and its just a little tiny bit unnerving!Oh, hey Harry, said Jake to the bulky beast advancing upon them. Its head held three sharp horns and a broad frill behind its eyes. Behind it a small car, which looked liked an overgrown golf cart to Paul, had pulled up and was idling just where the road ended on the beach. A grisly looking man in green fatigues and a bright orange cap waited at the wheel. Jake started towards them. Paul noticed Jake walked with a slight limp in his right leg, which gave his gait across the sand an awkward lilt. Go easy, Sloop, said Terri. Im telling you, hes completely fine. Cool your jets for once, alright?John shook his head. Nevermind, nevermind. If youre an enemy to us, then youre pretty much S-O-L, because, well, what could you possibly do that hasnt been done before by your predecessors? And where are you gonna go to, anyway? No one leaves the island.They were slowly proceeding to Harry and the idling cart, which hummed patiently. Paul stopped, his shoes planted in the sand. For a moment, he lost sensation in his entire body. Excuse me? he croaked.Hey, Im just assuming that you might be CIA, or whatever subsidiary company theyre running underNo, you said you said no one leaves here?No one alive, or dead if we can help it. He turned around to grin at Paul.Paul looked like he was about to throw up. His hands trembled at his sides, and his jaw hung open slack.The others turned to look at Paul. Patricia glanced at Jake, who looked over to Harry anxiously.Terri said, Paul, itsPaul turned and sprinted back toward the sea.* * *The islanders stared after Paul, including the ones that had gathered to see the spectacle of his arrival. Everyone was thunderstruck.Someone go get him, please? said Jake.Terri called after him, Paul, wait! She started to follow after him, but Vick held her back. Leave him to me. Hes not getting anywhere, anyway.Their radios crackled. Jake, this is Bob. Weve got a major problem incomingGreat. Problems are running cheap today.Same as it ever was. Looks like a heat signature, missile class but moving way too slow to be a rocket or a bomb or something.A sensor, maybe? asked Ozzy. Maybe something to counter what weve done for the shields so far?I cant tell. I want to call it a satellite, but its just hovering around Golgotha. Wait somethings happening Paul had made it back to his boat. He ran past it, and promptly splashed into the sea. A new party had formed in his mind, making an executive decision to swim to Hawaii.Vick looked at Jake. Grab him?Jake waved him on, focusing on his headset. Vick tore after Paul, and began to change.Bob cried over the radio, God its an artillery barrage! Its masking the other signature!On the beach, they looked at the sky to the east, and saw a mass of pinprick lights screaming toward them. Each one carried a small rocket that could deal nominal damage to the islands infrastructure on its own, but en masse could and would cause a serious problem. But as theyd heard over the radio, the rockets merely served as a distraction.Bob, said Jake, Give me a countdown.Find cover impact in one minute! The wail of a siren stirred into life somewhere.In three strides across the sand, Vicks skin became scaled and leathery, and as always there was a brief itching sensation. His clothes melted. His face elongated into a pointed snout and filled with dozens of sharp teeth. At seven strides, his feet and hands sprung into claws. One of his toes curled and stretched up into a scythe-like razor. He kept it retracted in case hed have to pounce on Paul to stop him, or save him from one of Golgothas missiles. His spine stretched like pulled taffy as a broad tail sprouted behind him, balancing him into a hunched, predatory position. At twelve strides, the last of his bones formed into place, and sparse feathers grew on his neck and tail. He was fully Raptor.Jake was hobbling towards the man in the electric car. Howard, find some cover! Get the garage locked down! Trish, Ozzy, Terri, get ready for evasive action. John, the shieldsNot quite ready yet. And no, I wouldnt be able to get them on in time, its a software problem, you can say.Nevermind that, then. I need you to get everyone to safety thats not hunkered down already.Dont need to ask me twice. Sloopy grinned, and in a flash he was gone.Whats the plan, Jake? Patricia asked. She had laid her guitar near a bush growing against the beach.Bob, give me a countdown.About thirty seconds.Jake nodded. Okay, Trish, try to disrupt them. Terri, try to fly up and throw them off-course. Ozzy, I need you to get the defense systems back up and running.And what are you going to be doing, El Capitan? said Terri.Damage control, if I have to. Anything you miss. Now go, go!Jake, are you sure? said Patricia. Terri gave her and her brother a brief grimace, and then swept her wings against the ground and laboriously flapped her way into the air. Ill be fine. He shrugged. The training has to come into play sometime, right? He turned from her and walked slowly across the sand, looking out across the water. Patricia watched him for a moment, but finally headed to the east side of the island, transforming as she ran.* * *Paul tasted seawater as he did a floundering backstroke against the waves. He ignored it. A big wave bowled him over and he tumbled in the surf. He chanced a look back at the beach, and saw a reddish-brown dinosaur with dark gray stripes splash into the ocean.Paul! it called. Things are about to get real here, we need to get to safety! It was hopping over the waves, splashing its way toward him; Paul saw talons on its feet catch sunlight.Youll have to kill me, said Paul. Another wave caught him and he lost his balance. He came up spluttering, the raptor now looming over him. Im not staying on an island full of freaks!A sound like fabric ripping was coming toward them. Paul looked up to the east, wading in the chest-deep water. Vick looked up as well. As with Terri, the musculature in his face allowed for unsettling, yet recognizable human expression. Right now the expression was fear. If you dont do as I say, he said, you might just get what you want.A dozen orange dots were coming for them, tearing across the sky and growing as they came closer. Missiles.Paul looked to Vick. Okay, fine, I take it back! Like I said, ImA little frustrated, yeah. I feel you. Just hold on, alright?Hold on to what?Vick spun, wrapping his forearms around Pauls torso. Paul cried out, and then felt them both take off from the water in an incredible leap. For a few frenzied seconds, they were flying, and Paul felt himself flipping through the air. Please, no more roller coasters today Ive had enough They landed on the beach in the heap next to the Voyager.The comlink around Vicks head buzzed. Hostile artillery is spreading out, searching for priority damage targets, I guess. Impact in seven six fivePaul scrambled to unsteady feet in time to see one of the missiles blow up in midair, the silver streak of Terris wings slicing it in half.There was then a noise like an electric guitar on full volume being dropped from a two story building. A handful of other explosions filled the air.Vick had let go of Paul and was examining the fireworks, bobbing his serpentine head. Never really get used to that sound. But, its just the right frequency to make some of those rockets to go off. Golgotha cant seem to figure out a way around it.But what is it?He turned his long tapered head to Paul. Its Patricia. We might have things under Oh. He stared out past Paul.Paul turned, following his sight. Another, much larger point of orange fire was rushing toward them, seeming to hover over the ocean. As he watched, it split into three, then five, then seven smaller missiles.Paul. Vick was walking toward the shoreline. Paul thought he looked like a huge, featherless pigeon in his stride, his long tail waving slightly back and forth as he walked. A pigeon with teeth, and claws. And large talons. I want you to run up the road. On your left is going to be a smaller trail, and itll end in a pond. Jump in the pond. To himself he added, A Phalanx Saber, you sly old catThe clutch of missiles was almost to the beach. Vick crouched, eyes sharp on the center rocket. Coils of pent-up muscle power in his legs released, launching him over a hundred yards across the water at it.Paul turned and ran. He passed Jake, who was standing like a statue facing the water. He decided to just do as he was told and followed the dirt road, running through the jungle looming on either side. Somewhere on the island he heard an explosion; the earth underneath him trembled. One of the missiles had gotten through.Vicks pounce threw him at the center warhead of the Phalanx. Alighting on it, his talons sank into the metal covering, and an arc of electricity shot through the missile from his claw, disabling it. He leaped to the missile on the right of the center one, sending the first into the water, and repeated.Jake stood next to Patricias guitar, trying to keep weight off of his right leg. Vick took out the last two missiles on the right side of the Phalanx line and fell into the water. Terri flew overhead and banked down to pick him up. Even one of those remaining three could create an acre-wide crater on the island if they hit. Only one had ever found its mark on Fangit had created the pond into which Paul was then diving into.Jake took a careful step further towards the water, feeling the twinge of pain shoot up his leg. He savored it for a moment, leaning on that leg, staring out at those last three missiles. He stood very still, concentrating. Power surged within him, pulsing inside his veins. His muscles tightened, and the pain in his leg began to fade. Jake gritted his teeth and focused on the pain to bring it back into focus. His nerves were turning to stone, but he held onto that pain, kneading it, twisting it, goading it. The air around him crackled as he pulled the energy hed created within himself out of his body and shaped it in front of him, fixing his gaze on it.Patricia gave another ghostly cry, detonating the last of the volley missiles. From atop the plateau, she spied the fireball on the oceans surface. She followed its trajectory onto where it would land on the island, and saw Jake surrounded by a sphere of gray static. Her bellow cut into a squeak, and she bounded down toward the beach.Jake thrust out one palm, and the charged ball of energy before him rose into the air, stretching out into a needle. Jake thrust out his other palm, and the needle shot forth, blasting toward the Phalanx missile in a spray of sand and water. As he did he toppled to the side, landing hard on his shoulder in a low groan. He looked up to see Terri bank low toward the island with Vick on her back, and then there was a burst of fire on the water. Jake shielded his eyes.The radios crackled. Shields are back up, whenever youre ready at control, Bob, said Ozzy.Hey, just in time! said Terri as she dropped Vick to the sand and landed, looking out at the smoke billowing across the waters surface. A high wave rolled toward the island, crashing amongst the sharp rocks rising off the shore.Is Jake alright? said Patricia. She was bounding down the road, the ground shaking with each step. She soon was at the beach, and rushed to Jakes side.Im more worried about his radio, Sloopy replied, But Im sure were not concerned about Johnnys qualms, here. He breaks one of those at least every week; its bad enough I get to repair everything and the coffee maker, but those radios are expensive!Hey, youre right Sloppy, said Terri. Were not worried about your concerns in the slightest.Lots of love right back at you, bat-girl. Bob, shield time maybe?Island defenses initializing. Four, three, two, oneEarth below us, drifting falling? asked Terri.Floating weightless, calling home, answered Ozzy over their radios.There was a mechanical buzzing drone in the air for a moment, and then a resounding clang as the first generator activated. The sound died for a moment, and then started back up, louder, before a second clang sounded. Charged static coursed through the air on the island, producing goosebumps and shivers before the humid climate returned the atmosphere to normal.* * *Jake rolled over onto his back, looking up into Patricias big scaley face hovering over him. Damage assessment, he coughed.Item number one! It was John, marching toward him and presently lifting Jakes smoldering headset off of Jakes head. I do say that its a technological marvel of mine that were able to shift forms while wearing these things, from those of us that are diminutive to those well endowed. But its simple physics, that when you do your crazy electric lightshow, anything electronic on you is going to fry! He dangled the device in front of Jakes face between his thumb and index finger like a dead fish.Well endowed? said Patricia.Sloopy continued, I appreciate not being blown to bits, but could you please just yank the headset off and toss it in a bush next time?Ill try to remember. Now can you give me a hand? Jake extended his own, still laying on his back.John did so, with Patricia leaning down for Jake to lean on her broad shoulder. Sure youre okay? she said. I never got an answer.Sorry, yeah Im fine. Im sure Ill catch hell from Cairan later though. Terri, can you do a sweep over the island? I couldve sworn we got hit.Yeah, Im on it. Ill have to take the blame for that one too, it was on my side, ugh. She flapped her wings and lifted off as Ozzy approached their group. Vick was transforming back to human, his clothing and effects morphing back into place.Other than a couple minor hits, said Ozzy, I think that attack was meant to keep us on our toes, not to really damage us. Though, Im inclined to ask, where did our newest arrival end up? He swiveled his beastial head to Vick. The others also turned to him.Vick grimaced and rubbed the side of his face. He was still wet from his dunk in the ocean, though his clothes were dry having just returned. Well, I could see he was having a bit of a, ah a meltdown. I figured that taking a dip in freshwater would set his mind back to normal, right? A nice long drink.That sounds like you gave him cement shoes, remarked John.I told him to go jump in the pond. I figured, if one of the missiles did get through, being in the water would keep him safe.Ozzy smiled and nodded, reaching up with a clawed hand to adjust his headset. Should we fish him out then?Ill do it, said Patricia. She lifted herself up on all fours and moved toward the road, making Jake lose his footing for a moment. They stared at her as she left, her broad, thick tail drooping in the sand.She seems upset, said Ozzy when shed left.Set out a bowl, said Vick to Jake, Because youre in the doghouse tonight, my man.Jake etched a long sigh, and then made his way after her. Scrap the recon mission, John, he called over his back. Everyone go fix something.* * *Paul sat next to a gravel path leading up to a small noisy box of a building. He guessed that was what passed for the islands water treatment plant. The path and the building sat alongside a large, clear pond. The water was shallow, and the bottom of it was mostly rock. Paul had dived into it no, had leaped into it like he was exiting a burning building and scraped his hands up nicely. The water was also much cooler than the ocean water hed been immersed in previously, as the tall palms surrounding the pond shaded it for much of the day. After jumping into the pond, Paul had thrown himself out of it, flopping onto the bank and heaving long gulps of air, clutching his hands to his chest. He curled up into a fetal position, and passed out for some time. The explosion coming from the beach snapped him into sitting up, but his throat was too sore to scream anymore. Hed taken a long drink of the water in the pond and then sat still, his body shaking, his clothes soaked.The island returned to what he though must have been normal after a rush of static passed over him and faded. Part of him hoped that this meant that the dream was over and thered be no more talking lizards, but was disappointed when he saw Harry the Triceratops meandering by the pond with a tall olive-skinned woman. They glanced at Paul, but didnt stop or say anything. Paul pressed his face between his knees, cradling his hands against his chest.Some time passed before he heard heavy footsteps crunching up the gravel path. Paul didnt look up until theyd stopped, very close to him. They carried something fairly large, shifting its weight from one foot to the other, undoubtedly staring him down. Finally whatever or whoever it was sat down on the path nearby.Paul remembered more of that pretentious song. A morass of self despair made only more painful by the knowledge that all I am is of my own making. He finally lifted his head up to look at the presence near him.It was another of the almost-dinosaurs. This one was much larger than Terri or Vick, even bigger than Harry. Its skin was a mottled forest green with a lighter underside, with powerful hind legs curled up against its body. The front of its body tapered off to a relatively slender neck and head. The creature carried a long blunt crest on the back of its head balanced by its elongated muzzle ending in a bill. Their longer arms were folded in front of it, giving its overall poise a cat-like appearance. They were trying very hard not to look at Paul.Parasaurolophus, said Paul.It swung its head and looked down at Paul with large green eyes that were, again, startlingly human. You can call me Patricia.Ahh. Yeah, hi. Im Paul. He sat quietly for a moment, waiting.The big dinosaur lowered her bill to the water and gave it a nudge, watching the ripples spread across the surface. She raised her head again and looked at the trees, every motion carrying its own sort of carefully practiced grace. They sat in silence for a time more, and Paul felt his eyes starting to close. Then, Patricia tilted her head up and opened her mouth. Paul watched as the creature began to sing. It was no words that humans knew, but his ears recognized a song nonetheless. It was soft, and carried tones in broad lilts that joined together for a harmony before going off on their own, gliding from one to another. It was much like a whales song, but without the dissonance of ocean depths pressing in.Patricia stopped and looked at the water again. Paul realized that he was no longer as tired as hed been. On the heels of that was the throb of the cuts on his hands. He shifted uncomfortably on the gravel, feeling like he should say something.I dont know if one of the others have said it or not, said Patricia, But Im sorry that youre in this mess. I know from experience that its not pleasant, but your initiation has been more brutal than mine was. More than most people, really.Youre not like the others here, are you?The scaled creature looked at him, blinking. No ones really like anyone else, are they? Some people just do a better job of making a bleak situation light. And then you have people that just provoke sparks from their different personalities.Yeah, alright. Im still standing by what I said. Like, Im not filled with an impending sense of dread by looking at you, the way I was with the dragon girl.Patricia smiled. Paul found that he wasnt quite as perturbed as hed been by Terris countenance. I love Terri to death, but she can be abrasive sometimes. Everyone handles being on the edge of everything here in different ways, but its something you learn to deal with.Paul scoffed. Yeah, like what she said, just roll with it.Please dont think too harshly of us, Paul. I know that youre going to miss your family, going to miss your life. It sucks.Yeah. Damn understatement.The dinosaur bobbed her head. Your life is going to completely change from here. The people on this island, Ive found that theyre their own family. No one will let you down, and I mean, were all in this together, you know?Right. The whole, getting attacked by whoever it was, raining bombs on you. Itll build a soldierly bond between people real quick, I imagine.Soldiers I guess thats one way to look at it. Maybe thats just how it is it can certainly be hard to really build anything but a mutual sense of necessity out of an air of fear.Hey, I mean, I get that youre all friends, you know? But the fact that you all, or most of you even, you have this thing in common with turning into monsters and rallying against evil or whateverI understand all too well. Patricia looked toward the road where the gravel path began. Jake was limping toward them, his face resolute. But enough about that. Are you feeling any better?Hrm. Compared to three days ago? Still terrible. But to ten minutes ago, I think Im doing a lot better. Paul pushed himself to his feet with his fingertips, wincing.Jake finally came to stand next to them. His hair was tousled and he had dark pits under his eyes, but he put on a pleasant smile for all that. Mister Reiter, I understand these circumstances are difficult. I know that this entire situation must seem unreal, impossible even. So far youve shown yourself to have magnificent stamina, though, and thats why Im confident when I say youre going to be just fine here. Well do our very best to accommodate you and find an adequate place here on the island that will apply to your talents. Prior to that though, Id like to send you to our doctor to have you checked out and fixed up, and then youll be given a place to rest and revitalize yourself. You can take as much time as you need for that, but afterward Id like to debrief you so we can have a better profile of yourself, and then brief you on what goes on here on our island and what sorts of challenges we commonly face, that sort of thing.Paul forced a smile. You really are going to keep me here.Jake cocked his head to the side. His smile was gone, replaced by a thoughtful, calculating look. Patricia had lowered her bill to the waters surface again and was blowing ripples on it.Alright. So well let you leave. Youre free to go.Patricia yanked her head up and stared at Jake. What!Paul said, Youll fix my boat, though. Or give me a new one!Jake shrugged. If its possible. Then where will you go?Back home. What, do you think Id blab about this? No one would believe me!Youd be surprised. I think Terri mentioned CIA suits paying us visits before, if you dont remember? Paul withered. He could feel what was coming next. Theirs and a couple other governments are watching these islands very closely right now. That freak storm might have masked you washing up here, but theyd see you leave. And then theyd find you, and then youd be on a different kind of island. One thats much smaller, and not as great meal service. You wont have the same scenery, and your walls will be cement and steel instead of water. They might let you go, but, they might not, depending on who picked you up first. Like I said, people are very interested in what goes on here. Not just the government that you pay taxes to, but several others as well. Some that dont qualify as governments, but have a nice grip of power nonetheless, and dont have to answer to things like decency and humanity. So you see, letting you go might be bad for us, beings as we prefer that we kept our privacy. But itll be much more trying for you, mister Reiter.Paul looked at the big dinosaur, but she was looking towards the rumbling water treatment building. He looked to Jake again, shoulders sagging. Im screwed either way I guess. Wheres this doctor?Trish, can you call Vick over here?Right here! Vick emerged from the road and bounded over to them with a sheepish smile. Whats up?Can you take Paul here to Alan, have him patched up? Then find him an empty room at Towers, let him relax, eat some food.One care package, coming up. Follow me, Paul. Vick gave him a big smile and patted him on his shoulder, nearly dropping him as he led the newcomer away.* * *What do you think? Jake sat next to Patricia and wiped his brow with the back of his hand, watching the waters surface.I think hell be okay. What choice did you give him?Was Vick evesdropping?You lost your radio. He was reporting to the others. You missed some colorful commentary from your sister.He seems to think youre upset at me.Patricia felt a long gust of a sigh welling up inside of her. She stifled it into another ripple across the ponds surface.Im sorry, Jake said.What are you sorry for, Jake?Jake didnt hold in his own sigh. I know its no excuse, but people expect me to worry about them. Im expected to be accountable for every issue that comes up on the island, big or small. Today it was big. I have to be the boss, and I hate it. I hate that Im good at it.Patricia shifted back to human form, the scales dissolving into pale skin that was too easily sunburned, still looking at the water. Thats good, though, isnt it? No one eager for power should actually be in power.Jake looked at her. Shed been near to him in her beast form, but now she was farther away on the gravel. Her long brown hair draped around the green blouse she wore. She had on a long brown skirt with thick ruffles running down its length. She was curvy and heavily built, with deep green eyes. Shed been some sort of naturalist, Jake remembered, a girl whose heart beat with redwoods. She slipped the headset off of her ears and laid it aside.Its because I had to use the power, isnt it. You know as well as I that it was the best thing to do. If Im ever going to learn to control it, then Ill have to use it in situations that are the most dangerous like that. Adversity begets strength.Work will make you free, she replied.Not the fairest comparison.Paul might disagree.So its him, then.No, Jake, its you. She finally looked at him. Why did you feel I should get an apology? Why not your sister, or John, or Vick or Ray? Paul said something about how were just soldiers. If this ever ends, will we be able to care about anything else?You know why I came after you.My morale was low, yes.Youre sounding like my sister.Like thats so bad?Jake sighed again. Trish I dont have an answer for you. Not for this. I wish we could have more than a soldiers life, if thats what were living.More, or less? Sometimes it feels like living like this has too much in it. She climbed to her feet and folded her arms. Standing up, she was half a head taller than him.He watched her. With you, more, definitely.Theres just not enough room for that right now, isnt there.He looked at his feet, at the thin shape of his right leg, his bad leg, outlined against his pants. His lips pursed and he kept silent.No safe answers there, huh?You have me cornered. What can I say?I could care less about what you say, Jake, really. I dont like what Im saying either. But be mindful of what you do, and whos there to pick you up when you fall. She picked up her headset and walked down the path to the road, pulling the device over her ears. Jake watched her go, and then looked back at the water. Thank you for being there when I was an idiot, he said to his reflection. Terri could have gotten those last two missiles, but I didnt want to risk it. I should have trusted her, or you. I appreciate you helping me up. Seeing your eyes when I opened mineHe sat at the waters edge for a few more moments, taking deep breaths, scolding himself in his mind. He vaguely planned what else hed need to do for the day, which included reviewing the damage to the island, meeting with Bob, with Raymond, with Kathy, probably a dozen more visits from John, hopefully hed be able to muster facing Patricia again but caution warded him to wait until tomorrow, see if Paul was settling in, eventually write a report of the days events, which would be longer than normal, starting with that morning storm His mind became so busy so quickly that he did not sense the powerful presence materialize behind him until it spoke. Of all the things that Ive tried to teach you, your stance is the fundamental component of the power you wield like a child with a firearm, and yet you seem to have forgotten its simple particularities. Yes, and add apologize to Cairan for my shameful display of Telacy on the beach to that list of things you need to do today. Then scrap all the rest. There are things that I must discuss with you, Jake Teture. A new thread in this dark web begins to reveal itself to us. The rest can and will have to wait.

On the bare upland pasture there had spreadO'ernight 'twixt mullein stalks a wheel of threadAnd straining cables wet with silver dew.A sudden passing bullet shook it dry-Robert Frost

The steel door leading onto the rooftop of Golgothas stone fortress opened and Elirek emerged into the sunlight, the squint of his four serpentine eyes the only hesitation he dare show as he approached his master. Where once was the squall of ocean birds that nested among the pitted rock of the islands shore, only the hissing drone of water striking the waves floated up to them. It was as Elireks master had wished; the chatter of life made him irritable.Elirek himself was indifferent. Living things were a necessity for the matter of feeding and for his own cruel entertainment. The sustaining of such things were of none of his own concern, and The Cats wishes came first regardless. He drug himself to the shape of his master, standing facing toward isla del Colmillo. The harsh sun of the daytime burned Elireks skin and the stone under him was hot. His distended belly had grown callused from years of pulling it against the rough surfaces of Golgothas fortress, but it pained him to draw near to the Master all the same. And all the same, this too was his Masters intent.Blue Sun rises, my liege, he said to the back of his masters cloaked head. He made himself prone, splaying out his stubby legs and reaching his arms out, his chin hovering above the roofs surface. They destroyed the missiles in the air as you had planned. The agent will have landed upon their island by now, settled on its surface. Theyve scrambled their defenses for now, but theyll be watching us, not themselves. Elireks too-wide mouth curled into a crocodile grimace, unable to smile as the heat of the day beat upon his sinuous body.There was a boat, said his Master.Elirek blinked, lifting his head. What sort of boat? Their supply vessel is not due for some days now.A small boat, Elirek. A private boat, Elirek. An unknown. He turned, and cast a burning gaze down on the prostrate creature. You are my monitor of this facility, are you not? Do you not know all that occurs on these islands? Were you not planning on investigating this matter?Master! I rely upon the humans you have given me. If they had seen anything of consequence, they would have brought it to my--hrrnnk!His Master brought a boot down upon Elireks broad head and ground it into the rooftop, shutting his jaw. An unknown variable, Elirek. Somethi
